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My Inventory Skill

Hi. I am Denartha Randhika, Majoring in Industrial Engineering 2019. Why I

choose Industrial Engineering as my major? Because in Industrial Engineering there
was many job opportunities from small scale until big scale. To achieve what I want, I
have some inventory skill that needed for realize it. Now I will explain my inventory

First of all, I have a good communication skill such as public speaking, I am very
comfortable when talk in front of people that I don’t know. And from my experience
other people always say “your explanation is very clear & good” its my pleasure for get
that. At another time I always receive advise from the others and sometimes I advise the
other too. Secondly, I will interpret my technical skill, in high school my friend
sometimes calls me “MacGyver” because of my technical skill such as my physical
condition before I move to here, I always be a visionary if there is craft designing. And
another technical skill that I have is repair, set up machine or equipment I got it from
my daddy, for me overhaul is an ordinary thing in my life since I was kid. And next is
about my management skill, for my management skill I always set my goals and makes
a priority scales to manage my time. I always make a plan to start a day, keeping a
cheerful attitude is a usual thing when I meet someone, motivating myself to do what
needs to get done and also the others to done their jobs, to build my confidant I always
presenting a neat and professional image. Fourth I will tell about my numerical skill. I
love mathematic, because mathematic improve my curiosity. And also, I always learn to
using a computer program such a spreadsheet for do a task or process my database, and
for the coding I still learn about it hopefully I can master it as soon as possible. After
that I have an artistic skill such as perceive intuitively, sense, show insight or have
foresight, photograph, decorate, paint or sculpt use creativity, visualize, imagine,
brainstorm to design, presenting artistic ideas with visualizing shape. Sixth, it is about
my social skill, there are Problem-solve, mediate or build networking with people,
knowing how to get along with different people/personalities, leading groups or
activities and many more. And the last is my investigate skill and business skill, as a
student entrepreneur I combine that two things different into one thing. Because before
we start a business, we must to investigate it first. It starts from Analyzing I improve my
analyzing skills from examine, problem solve, adapt, develop, hypothesize or discover,
evaluate, test, appraise, diagnose. And for my business skill, I always do anything with
computers, budgeting my debit or credit, organizing, filing, updating, categorizing or
arranging information well.

That’s all my inventory that I have listed. Hopefully I can develop my skill in my
university life. Thank You

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