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Exam 6 May 2017, questions and answers

Events Management (Leeds Beckett University)

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Events Marketing

Exam details and instructions to students:

UK Centre for Events Management

Module Title: Events Marketing Module I.D. 16245

Academic Year: 2016/2017 Level: 5 Semester: 2 PRACTICE

Course: BA(Hons) Event Management / BSc(Hons) Sports Events Management

Internal Examiners: Damion Sturm Examination Date:

Lucy Laville
Tim Yeardley May 2017

Examination Duration: 120 minutes

Start: 14:00
End: 16:00

60% of total module Reading Time: included


Notes to Candidates
1. Number of questions to be answered.

Answer all 50 questions in Section A on the Multiple Choice Answer Sheet

(50 marks)
Answer one question in Section B using the RED Book (25 marks)
Answer one question in Section C using the YELLOW Book (25 marks)

2. Nature of examination.

Section A has multiple-choice questions (approximately 60 minutes)

Sections B and C require longer written answers (approximately 30 minutes
per section).

Answer Sections B (Red Book) and C (Yellow Book) in their respective

books and clearly label the question number(s) on the front of each.

3. Special Requirements: None

4. Students are not permitted to bring any material into the examination.

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Events Marketing

Answer every question.

Choose one answer only for each question. Write the chosen answer letter clearly on the answer
sheet provided.

1. Which of the following is one of the 7P’s?

a Positioning

b Profile

c Productivity

d Profit

e Process

2. Segmenting audiences into groupings based on lifestyles and interests is an example


a Geographic segmentation

b Demographic segmentation

c Psychographic segmentation

d Behavioural segmentation

e Mnemonic peg system

3. The use of celebrity sponsorship, endorsements and advertisements for events

combines which of the following:

a Guaranteed interest in and publicity for the event

b Guaranteed success for the event

c Provides a proven, safe and stable option for events

d None of the above

e All of the above

4. Which of the following would be the prime focus for Niche Marketing?

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Events Marketing

a Mass consumers

b Smaller, discrete, alternative or underground consumers

c Proms audiences

d Teenagers

e Glastonbury festival attendees

5. Rival companies who use unofficial or ‘guerrilla’ tactics to infiltrate events or to

promote their brands in competition with official sponsors is a form of:

a Niche Marketing

b Destination Marketing

c Ambush Marketing

d Inbound Marketing

e Segmentation

6. Conducting a SWOT analysis allows a company to understand its:

a External environment

b Early Adopters

c Customers

d Situational analysis

e Branding

You must answer the following Question in the RED

Section B Marks
Answer Book
Question No

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Events Marketing

Events are complex experiences. 25

In relation to an event (or events) of
your choice, critically consider how
an understanding of consumer
behaviour (and therefore, an
understanding of why people buy) 25
helps with understanding the marks
marketing concept?
Students have a lot of options here and without a
strong essay plan there is ample opportunity for
answers to lack clarity and focus.

Perhaps start by framing the question. What are

events? Why are they complex? Happen in time.
Involve interaction. Intangible, Inseparable,
Perishable, Involve emotions

What is consumer behaviour? An analysis of how

people obtain products (up to purchase). An
analysis of how, where, when and under what
circumstances consumers use products. Better
students may have also read about how
consumers ‘dispose of products’, might consider
their symbolic value, hedonistic/utilitarian usage,

What is the marketing concept? Meeting the

needs and wants of the consumer. Therefore an
understanding of consumer behaviour helps
marketers to match a company’s capabilities with
a target audience’s needs and wants profitably.

Ensure examples are provided in relation to the

sections defined above via their case study or
other salient examples.

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Events Marketing

Answer any 1 Questions from 3 Separately in

Section C Marks
YELLOW Answer Books
Question No

C2 Critically evaluate the role and

impact of branding and the ‘rebel 25
sell’ to the events marketing mix.
Could this tactic be of use to your
workshop case study? Provide
examples to justify your argument.

Answer should address: 25

What is branding, what role does mark
branding play? s

What the ‘rebel sell’ actually is. What

does it seek to do?

Critique against case study. Almost

all case studies could incorporate
some aspect of this strategy, the
question is whether or not it is
congruent with all or part of the target
audience. In function of this any such
strategies need to be framed

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