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post- magazine

Brown University l November 18, 2010 l Volume 12 l Issue 9

Katerina Dalavurak

Phil Lai

Shouting In The Library

brown students stand up for workers
2 upfront
03 upfront
Dear Reader,

I’m starting to get irritated with the real world. Not the ‘Real
TANKED TEXTING \\ sipón datdrank
04 feature
World’ like the reality show, but more like the Matchbox 20
song. A friend of mine keeps telling me that college is simple SHOUTING IN THE LIBRARY \\ sam knowles
Marshall Katheder
yin and yang, the best and worst of times. There’s casual sex and
cafeteria food, social stress and taught tension. But with release
05 arts & culture
Kate Doyle
and restless freedom. DON’T SLOW DOWN \\ gopika krishna
Sam Carter
SIGHTS SET ON SEDARIS\\ jennie young carr
So what of the world outside of ramen noodles and costumed
Managing Editor of Fea-
tures and Lifestyle lust? It keeps creeping up in unexpected places—bank state- 06 arts & culture
Matthew Klebanoff ments and résumé revision. The thing is, dear reader, that Brown NOT ONLY AN ACTRESS, BUT ALSO A MESSENGER
is so far from preparing me (or us) from reality. Jersey Shore is
Features Editors
closer to real than here. \\ ana rodriguez
Ana Alvarez
Amelia Stanton FINITE INCANTATEM \\ priyanka chatterjee
But soon, we’re out of the rabbit hole. I guess, if there’s a lesson
Music Editor
Katie Delaney
here, it’s to enjoy Wonderland. Bottoms up and down, down we 07 food & booze
go. LIFE OF PIE \\ rémy robert
Theatre Editor THE DYING OF THE PICNIC \\ jane brendlinger
Rachel Lamb Drink Me,
08 sex
Film Editor
Priyanka Chatterjee marshall ASSPERSION \\ mm
Literary Editor
CRAZY LIKE A FOX \\ lovecraft & dorian
Sakina Esufally

Creative Consultant
Ben Schreckinger
Hey there, stunner. Yeah—that’s right. You. Do you write?
New Guy
Sam Knowles Are you a baller at grammar? Well here’s the skinny, kid.
Staff Writers We want you. Bad. Like Uncle Sam. You dig?
Clayton Aldern
Max Godnick email us:
Alex Keegan
Gopika Krishna
Michelle Meyers
Fred Milgrim
Rémy Robert
Luisa Robledo
Anisha Sekar
Harrison Stark
Eric Sun

Copy Editors
Julia Kantor
Kristina Petersen
Chloe O’Connell
Emily Braun
Christina Sun

Layout Editors
Madelynn Johnston
Alexandra Linn
Clara Beyer
Jieran Cao

Graphics Editor
Katerina Dalavurak

Staff Illustrators
Katerina Dalavurak
Anish Gonchigar
“Presented by the best actors in the world,” (see above), “Either for tragedy, comedy, history, pastoral,
Phil Lai pastoral-comical, historical-pastoral, tragical-historical, tragical-comical-historical-pastoral, scene indi-
Kelly Winter vidable, or poem unlimited...” Presenting The Rude Mechanicals, a most lamentable tragical comical
Lauren Youngsmith
Shakespearean scenes festival. Pictured above, the mechanicals themselves—rude as they come, but
devastating when they tread those boards... Catch ‘em Friday, November 19 and Saturday, November
Post- Magazine is pub-
20 at 7 p.m. in the Underground. Later, chat them up with an air of mystery at The Masqued Ball, No-
lished every Thursday vember 20 at 10:30 p.m. in the Crystal Room. On an entirely unrelated note... these kids play a mean
in the Brown Daily game of pool. Nearly as well as they “speak the speech.” So stop by—they’ll steal the scene.
Herald. It covers books,

theater, music, film,
food, art, and University

1 2 3
be contacted at post. Ashamu The Underground
Rites & Reason

magazine@gmail. l Thur-Sat 8pm

l Fri-Sat 7pm
lFri-Sat 8pm
com. Letters are always Sun 2pm
welcome, and can be Sun 2pm
either e-mailed or sent
to Post- Magazine, 195

4 5


claim the right to edit
Alumni Hall Crystal Room
letters for style, clarity, Leeds Breezeway l Sat. 10:30 pm

and length. l Sat 7pm

Things We Are Thankful For Tanked
1 BroPo keeping away the ProPo.
6 Brown’s construction workers. For mak-
ing sure our ladies have high self-esteem Texting
Providence tap water is the second best in (whistle, whistle).
drjunk dayndgers
the U.S. So, you know, for when you need to
hydrate. 7 Katherine Bergeron’s wardrobe Czar. She
used to work for Darth Vader.

3 8
That SDS cares so much. Our ironic detach- The Brown Daily Herald. For letting the sipón DATDRANK
ment is way more charming when it’s set cool kids play in the attic. Editor-in-Hiding
against someone hollering at you about social

justice, waving neon poster boards. That the invisible hand of the free One of my favorite birthday presents

economy likes to roll ‘em up—keep I’ve ever received has to be a shirt that
Spiritus’s proximity. And being open on Sun- those prices low, Um-erican black (and details my worst habit while inebriated.
days. Because we don’t need to f*cking rest. sometimes mild) market.
It’s not smoking cigarettes, it’s not the

drunchies, it’s not even sex in weird places

(or, um, locations).
New Curriculum. C’s get degrees. That Andy Suzuki graduated. “Friends don’t let friends drink and
Of course, the drunk dial is a little
2000, when cell phones emerged as the
new status symbol for young people work-

International Man of Sloshity

ing in finance or consulting in New York,
calling each other for some late-night yup-
pie love from their minimalist Midtown
lofts. No, the new vice for all of us who
yes, frat boys exist outside movies received cell phones far before our older
siblings did (something my brother’s still
Caroline Washurn bitter about) is also the bane of everyone
you’ve ever exchanged numbers with and
found remotely attractive—the drunk
Being the recipient of drunk texts?
Hilarious. I recently had to deal with a
larry AU “youreb cute, ik/mkies uyou” sort of situ-
contributing writer ation from a former FishCo flame while
Coming from Hong Kong, a city with a legal drinking entirely sober. It was then time for the
age of 18 and New York-style nightlife, I found that oppor- game where I was definitely not in the
tunities to indulge and experiment with the use and abuse SciLi studying but just as inebriated as he
of alcohol were endless. “Going out” back home didn’t was. It required some finagling and mis-
mean wandering around Wriston looking (and listening) spelling that went against every bone in
for a party—it meant frequenting bars, nightclubs and on my English concentrator body, but it was
the rare occasion, strip clubs. Dressing up was necessary; pretty productive. It’s when I happen to
sweatpants and flip-flops simply wouldn’t cut it in the big be the sender that’s the problem.
city. This is why, for many internationals from cities such
The normal range of targets runs from
as Beijing, Seoul, and London, going to college and expe-
my best friend from high school who
riencing the nightlife here is such an underwhelming ex-
perience. Most students who hail from the far reaches of I’ve often promised to drunk dial at least
the globe experience some form of culture shock. once to an ex-boyfriend whose number
In a world where the majority of countries set 18 as the I’ve since deleted for fear of embarrass-
legal drinking age, America—or at least its legal system— national students. A Korean friend, Hye Rin Park ’14, said, “I ing gender-construct-defying marriage
seems to lag behind in its acceptance of what, for many was surprised how people could buy condoms off of people’s proposals. And there are a couple of ma-
cultures, is a common social activity. Of course, there are doors.” Interestingly, it is also perhaps the personal and intel- jor no-nos: someone you just hooked up
regions in the world where alcohol is banned outright, and lectual freedom, seemingly embedded in American academic with the night before for the first time,
many internationals at Brown choose not to drink, but, on culture, that attracts many internationals to study in the Unit- someone who rejected you in the last two
the whole, the fact that drinking is allowed at a younger ed States each year. weeks, someone you’ve never spoken to
age makes it less of a desirable forbidden fruit. In the Another tenet of the American college experience—the sober. No, these were not all the same
words of a fellow Hong Kong international, Victoria Kung overcrowded, sweaty frat party—often meets with mixed reac-
person; no, I did not ever text them asking
’14, “We’re champs because we start drinking earlier.” tions from new international students after the initial horror
what time we had class the next day, seven
Stereotypical American college culture, as portrayed wears off. As their American counterparts do, some interna-
in movies such as American Pie, Road Trip, and Animal tionals reject the frat party while others embrace it. A Singa- weeks into the semester. That would have
House, paints the image of the college experience as an porean friend, Hans Shia ’14, was astonished by “the kind of been a rookie mistake.
amalgamation of casual sexual encounters, (lots of) booze, alcohol that people settle for,” at these particular events, espe- As a tanked texter, I’m well versed in
and recreational drugs. The all-pervasive nature of Ameri- cially American beer such as Natty Light and Bud. According the classics. There’s the pregame what-
can media has exposed many internationals to the images to a Titanic Awards survey conducted in eighty countries with are-you-up-to, full of innuendo. There’s
of red beer-filled Solo cups and yellow ping-pong balls. As 2000 respondents, 29.4% of respondents voted the United the text when you’re at a party, dancing
my mentor Cindy Oh ‘13 said in a recent BDH article on States as number 1 producer of the world’s worst beer. When with some rando making the awkward
the International Mentorship Program, culture shock is internationals remember the access to alcohol that they enjoy come-from-behind kiss move. There’s my
the realization that “frat boys exist outside of movies.” back home, frat parties seem like a turn for the worst. I certain- favorite and most common—“COME TO
The aspect of American culture that shocks most in- ly miss the days when I could just walk into nightclubs without
JOOO’S.” But there’s also my crowning
ternationals is the extreme openness of American culture having to deal with fake IDs. I fondly recall the weekly ritual
glory, my holy grail of drunk text conver-
(especially at Brown) on issues related to sex. This can of going out with friends to our favorite shisha bars and the
sations, when all the elements of the uni-
be both negative and positive, depending on the vantage taste of Coronas and limes followed by a couple lychee mar-
point. Grinding, an activity readily engaged in at most col- tinis, which is one reason why I’m looking forward to winter verse beautifully and artfully collided at
lege parties, typifies the explicit sexual nature of Ameri- break—back home in Hong Kong, I’ll be eighteen and legal for once.
can dancing. At my first Brown party, I remember think- the first time. 2:37 AM:
ing that going up to a random girl and grinding her would It is this gap in experience—in drinking and in culture— (646): Ay wheyrew u at ?????
definitely be considered sexual assault in many other which many internationals find rather shocking when they (410): Bed, u ?
countries. Yet, at the same time, this openness also allows first arrive in the United States. Don’t get me wrong though: (646): ;)
for open, comfortable discussion of sexual health, sexual I’m no snob. I occasionally enjoy a Natty Light and sweaty frat (410): K, in ten
violence, and gay rights, notably lacking in so many parts party just as much as the next guy. Because in the end, it’s not (646): Niced, yayyhn
of the world. Even though sexual openness does facilitate where or how or what you drink, but whom you drink with that It’s all about the emoticon.
important dialogues, it is still shocking for many inter- matters—and here at Brown, I’m happy with that.
4 feature

Shouting In The Library

brown students stand up for workers

new guy

The Student Labor Alliance (SLA) dents knew about until mid-October.
doesn’t have a president. Or a vice- “We sent delegations to the BDH, say-
president, communications director, ing this was a campus issue that need-
or treasurer, for that matter. Other ed to be covered,” she said. “But they
than a discussion facilitator and a said because the University hadn’t
note-taker, which rotate each meet- commented, it wasn’t enough for an
ing, there are no formal positions. article,” she explained. On October 14,
And yet, for a group with only ten though, the BDH ran its first article,
or so core members and no organi- even without a University comment.
zational structure, the SLA has been SLA members said the article raised Phil Lai
among the most active—and influen- the campaign’s profile significantly.
tial—groups on campus this semes- The SLA then turned to their com-
ter. mon tactics during such negotiations:
As three different members told petitions, delegations, phone calls,
me on separate occasions, the SLA is a emails, and public demonstrations.
“non-hierarchical, consensus-based” The group coordinated their efforts Two weeks ago, the Brown Uni- per of “misleading,” “deceptive,” and
organization. This means the group closely with the union representatives versity Community Council (BUCC) “dishonest” claims regarding the li-
does not make any decision until ev- and library workers. “We kept in pret- adopted part of an SLA proposal, brary worker wage increases.
eryone agrees. “We don’t see leader- ty regular contact, in regards of what promising to honor a worker-called The SLA’s public demonstrations
ship as an inherently bad thing,” SLA they wanted and what was useful,” boycott of the Westin in Providence occasionally lean towards the theatri-
member Becca Rast ’13 said. “But we Rast said. by refusing to hold events there. The cal. The organization asked students
want everyone to have access to it. For instance, the union consid- SLA had called on the BUCC to adopt to attend the “Wedding of The Brown
Nobody will tell you what to do.” ered certain negotiating meetings to a categorical policy against holding Investment Office and HEI Hotels
The SLA meets on the third floor be more important than others. Aside events at any hotels where workers Corporate Greed” on the Main Green,
of the Faunce, in the eastern-most from the Director of Labor and Em- had called a boycott, which the Uni- the online invitations written in Ed-
wing—one of the few portions unaf- ployee Relations Joseph Sorno, who versity did not pass. wardian Script. Violinists played
fected by the renovation, to which its came to every meeting, other admin- Other campaigns focus on issues wedding hymns as two SLA members
poor lighting and peeling paint attest. istrators attended on a rotating basis. farther away from campus. Last se- proclaimed their ever-lasting love for
Last Sunday, the L-shaped room was When the University Librarian Harri- mester, the SLA petitioned Brown to one another. “Brown Investment Of-
filled to capacity, as members cut up ette Hemmasi came, union represen- end its apparel contracts with Nike, fice,” an SLA member asked through a
cardboard boxes into tomatoes for tatives asked the SLA to send a delega- after allegations that affiliated sweat- megaphone, “Do you take HEI corpo-
an upcoming rally outside the Stop tion reaffirming their support for the shops in Honduras did not provide its rate greed to have and to hold, to love
& Shop on West River Street. The library workers, according to Kossek. workers with legally mandated com- and to cherish, to value and prioritize
SLA is trying to pressure the super- On November 5, the SLA and about pensation. Following its stated poli- and all else?” Kossek responded, with
market chain to sign on to a national 200 supporters stormed University cies, the University parted ways with glee, “I do!”
“penny per pound” policy designed to Hall, chanting their support for library the company this past summer. To skeptics, the scene of Polo-
increase wages and improve working workers on megaphones as they made While hesitating to say Brown is clad, Ivy-League students staging a
conditions for Florida farm workers. their way to several administrative of- hostile to their agenda, the SLA takes morality play of sorts may suggest
“Fair Food Now,” one tomato read, in fices. The President’s receptionist said serious issue with the University’s that these campaigns are more about
lime-green font on a blood-red back- she was unavailable, but that the stu- approach to employment disputes— flash than substance. Yet even amidst
ground. dents’ messaged would be conveyed. in particular, its invocation of the such theatrics, even with the occa-
Their most visible campaign this “They were very, very supportive, recession in order to justify layoffs sional references to César Chávez and
semester has been on behalf of li- and in a good way,” McAninch said of and cutbacks. “The University will of- empowerment theory, SLA members
brary workers during their contract the SLA. “Not telling us how to run our ten try to frame cuts as the students’ come across as decidedly un-ideolog-
negotiations with the University. No- business—trying to be as supportive as welfare or the workers’ welfare—you ical in their approach.
vember 9 marked the end of a two- they could be to strike for what’s right. can’t have both,” SLA member Ian “The severity of our tactics is de-
month dispute over employee health- The members of the union think the Trupin ‘13 said. “It’s very important termined by the resistance of the Uni-
care contributions, which came after world of the SLA.” to us that the message is not simpli- versity,” Kossek said. “If we can get
three temporary contract extensions. In addition to supporting on-cam- fied like that.” what we want out of just sitting down
The SLA solicited signatures for peti- pus workers, the SLA seeks to improve And despite their efforts to work and talking, that’s great. It’s just not
tions, sent delegations to the offices working and living conditions for with administrators through ap- always the case.”
of relevant administrators, and held workers at all companies the Universi- proved channels, it seems fair to say It’s hard to say the work is glamor-
two rallies, the last of which drew ty invests in or purchases from. Since the SLA has an uneasy relationship ous. Members say they spend about 15
over 200 students. last year, the SLA has repeatedly asked with the University. It is not uncom- to 20 hours a week on SLA-related ac-
The dispute came as no surprise Brown to divest from HEI Hotels, due mon for SLA members to sit down to tivities: planning events, distributing
to SLA members, who had been plan- to reported incidents of worker intimi- meet with officials one week and stage flyers, working out strategy, coordi-
ning their campaign since last spring. dation and anti-unionizing efforts. an occupation of their office buildings nating with other progressive groups.
The union representative, Karen After a recommendation by the the next. There are fun moments—cutting out
McAninch ’74, told them there was no University’s Advisory Committee on “We’ll always ask for meetings be- cardboard tomatoes with friends on
use in rallying support until more de- Corporate Responsibility in Invest- cause we want to respect the process a Sunday night, for instance. But the
tails on the University’s position were ment Policies (ACCRIP), which the that Brown has in place,” Rast said. SLA takes its responsibility very seri-
available. But when the University fi- SLA lobbied, President Simmons wrote “But if they don’t respond, we take ously.
nally released its proposal, set to in- a letter of concern to HEI in February. matters into our own hands.” “The University constantly talks
crease employee healthcare contribu- Students and faculty from several oth- In this case, their rhetoric becomes about the importance of students,”
tions, the SLA began mobilizing. er invested universities applauded her sharper, their methods more aggres- SLA member Beth Caldwell ‘12 said.
Member Haley Kossek ‘13 said initiative. But Brown has yet to with- sive. In a recent blog post, Kossek ac- “It’s important for the students to let
their first task was to draw greater at- draw its investment, arguing that the cused the Vice President of Finance the University know that workers are
tention to the issues, which few stu- allegations are still “unverified.” and Administration Beppie Huideko- important to them.”
arts & culture
Don’t Slow Down
third wheelin’ it with matt & kim
gopika KRISHNA
staff writer
From Lennon and McCartney to Weezy and Drake, random texts and putting them together into some-
great partnerships are a tried and true staple of popu- thing cohesive and meaningful. The end result is a
lar music culture. When these partnerships turn pas- sound that feels accessible and relatable, reminis-
sionate, though, the results can be not only musically cent of a more fine-tuned high school garage band
inspiring but also tumultuous and dramatic. Many your friends were in, not the musical venture of two
musical couples, like Gwen Stefani and Tony Kanal almost thirty-year-olds.
in No Doubt, Sonny and Cher, and everyone in Fleet- A conversation about Matt & Kim would not be
wood Mac, usually end up with an unsavory mix of complete without mentioning their live shows. I
lyrics and lust that speak more to heartbreak than to had the pleasure of seeing them at The Met a few

Lauren Youngsmith
love and sunshine. Brooklyn-based duo Matt & Kim, weeks ago for the final show of their recent tour.
however, seem to be the gleaming exception to that When the show began, it was obvious that the two-
rule. The infectiously adorable pair is reminiscent of some was there to rock out and have as good a time
the disgustingly cool, rebellious teenage couple that (if not better) as their adoring fans. What surprised
would sneak off in their parents’ cars or use each oth- me was the sheer amount of noise and energy pro-
er’s photos as their Facebook defaults, but without duced by just these two people. The only things on
any of the annoying cuteness that follows. stage were a drumset, a keyboard, and a few awe- their friends just for the hell of it. By the end of the
The two native New Englanders first crossed somely trippy lights, but the two were somehow show, it was nearly impossible to not walk out smil-
paths while attending the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. able to fill the space with enough music that the ing and singing and feeling the same kind of exuber-
At the beginning of their musical career, neither key- show quickly turned into a two-hour rave extrava- ant, childish joy that Matt and Kim were so obviously
boardist/vocalist Matt Johnson nor drummer/vocal- ganza. Everyone, from the crowd-surfers up front feeling. With their amazingly energetic sound and
ist Kim Schifino knew how to play their respective to the people hanging out near the back to Kim’s equally powerful live shows, it is clear that the two
instruments. But by 2004, they were independently Rhode Islander family, was jumping around, danc- native New Englanders are quickly creating a balance
touring and quickly building a large and loyal follow- ing up a storm, and even showering neighbors with between fun pop and adolescent recklessness without
ing in their hometowns. This do-it-yourself relation- glitter. The only two people probably having more any of the annoyance. It takes a special breed of art-
ship to their music is largely reflected in the playful fun than the audience were Matt and Kim them- ist to be able to make a video walking naked through
melodies, dance-filled rhythms, and winning com- selves. At one point, Kim walked across the crowd, Times Square (as they did for “Lessons Learned”) and
bination of hard-hitting drums and almost childlike booty-dancing to Major Lazer while trying not to still maintain the respect of the music world’s biggest
keyboard sounds that make you want to simultane- hit her head on the ceiling. It was almost hard to critics. In a way, they’re sort of like a musical Bonnie
ously dance, mosh, and hug whoever is next to you. believe that the pair were “serious” grown musi- and Clyde. That is, if Bonnie and Clyde were two hot
The band’s songwriting also has this same carefree cians, and not two rambunctious teenagers who’d twenty-something punk hipsters who filled the world
feeling, usually beginning with the pair writing down decided to screw around on some instruments with with audio sunshine and joy.
Lauren Youngsmith

Sights Set on Sedaris

dress me in corduroy and denim, uncle david
contributing writer
Full disclosure: I have a crush on Da- the Christmas whore). David and his patterned leggings—even shared my
vid Sedaris. Not, I hasten to add, of the boyfriend Hugh rank among my favorite fantasy of becoming David’s adoptive
romantic variety—no lustful thoughts couples, though I have never met Hugh niece. Suddenly, this pleasant event had
taint the purity of my affection. I yearn and have spent a grand total of forty-five become a crisis of identity. How could I
to be his niece, to exchange wry glances seconds in conversation with David. This possibly distinguish myself amidst this
with him during the cacophony of a is Sedaris’s genius. With a few precise, sea of fans? I felt bland, uninteresting,
Sedaris Thanksgiving dinner. Then (as impeccably chosen words, he can make and depressingly certain that it was
the fantasy goes), while the others laze a character as vividly real as your next- an impossible task. After the reading,
about, glutted with turkey, David and door neighbor. That his work tends to I found a tucked-away vantage point
I will seclude ourselves in some out- be semi-autobiographical makes his from which to observe David Sedaris
of-the-way corner and he will tell me characters even more captivating; their while he signed books. Regarding my
stories. I imagine that these stories will lives are not confined to the pages of competitors jealously, I indulged in
be like the mordant tales from his lat- his books, and the reader can’t help but pointless acrimony: What did that tool
est book, Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk— form a tantalizingly voyeuristic relation- say to make David laugh? I strategized
modern-day Aesopian fables that cast a ship with them. In this respect, Sedaris— half-heartedly, but I couldn’t think of
keen yet sympathetic eye on the foibles often his own main character—is the a single remark that wasn’t a transpar- sign-off, and he was preparing to write it
of humanity. most tantalizing of all. Reading Sedaris’s ent attempt to ingratiate myself to him. in my book. I’m unexceptional! I wailed
I’ve idolized David Sedaris since age works inevitably leads to a sense of con- Person after person approached the to myself. Too thoroughly unremarkable
twelve, when I stumbled upon a reprint nection to him; after all, many anecdotes author’s table. Some were shy—“I’m to merit a unique comment!
of his essay “SantaLand Diaries” while are intensely personal, populated as they starstruck!” one middle-aged woman “I like to mix up my superlatives,” I
waiting in the dentist’s office. I had are by family members and a collection giggled, lifting her hands to her blush- said, watching with a sinking heart as he
been in hysterics all afternoon; my pre- of oddballs from Sedaris’s past, and the ing cheeks—others, confident. They all inscribed the standard phrase on the fly-
teen penchant for drama had turned author’s personality pervades every page shared a common desire: A moment leaf of my book. Turning to leave, I was
getting braces into an agonizing ordeal. of his books. The more you read, the in which the inherently one-sided rela- arrested with surprise as I heard David
“SantaLand Diaries” whisked me away more you learn about Sedaris’ life, and a tionship of fan to author was made re- Sedaris say, “Mix up your superlatives…
to the dirty underbelly of Macy’s at false intimacy begins to develop. Slowly, ciprocal. Notice me, they said with ges- that’s a nice way of putting it.”
Christmastime, a place of bitter, child- insidiously, a delusion takes root in the tures and bashful smiles. Like me. Let “Thanks!” I chirped. Exiting the store,
loathing elves and the vice-ridden San- reader’s mind: you begin to think you me bask in your attention. generically autographed book cradled
tas that they serve. Seen from Sedaris’s know David Sedaris. Finally, it was my turn to have my gently in my arms, I repressed an urge
caustic perspective, it was infinitely I am far from immune to this delu- book signed. I sidled up to the table and to skip. That comment, so casually ut-
more enchanting than any overly com- sion, a fact that became abundantly clear handed it to Sedaris meekly. “Hi,” he tered, had given me the chance to believe
mercialized Yuletide wonderland. when Sedaris came to Brown to do a said, bestowing the same wide, slightly that I was something more than number
In the six years that followed that reading and book signing. The bookstore gap-toothed smile on me that every oth- 144 in a line of faceless fans. Grim logic
fateful day, I have remained a devoted was crowded with fans, all clutching their er fan had received. sneered at this dream, but I, like any lover
fan, devouring each new Sedaris book copies of Squirrel Meets Chipmunk and “Do you say ‘awesome’?” he in- of novels, chose to embrace an appealing
upon publication. Tales of his hilari- chattering excitedly about the author’s quired. He had mentioned his cam- fiction. Already I was tinkering with the
ously dysfunctional family have the brilliance. Faced with 249 of the author’s paign to eradicate the word from the memory, finessing the setting—subtract
same cozy familiarity as stories from my other admirers, I had the sinking realiza- English lexicon during the reading, so I the 249 other people, add one overstuffed
own childhood, with the added benefit tion that I was far from unique. Perhaps knew where this was going. “Let’s never plaid couch, dim the lighting and it could
of more exotic characters (see Dinah, some other girl—maybe that one, in the say awesome together” was his generic almost be Thanksgiving evening.
6 arts & culture

Phil Lai
Not Only An Actress, But Also A Messenger
reflections on en las manos de la muerte
contributing writer

En Las Manos de La Muerte, written by Alexan- any form of rebellion against basic moral rules; she
dra Bernson ‘12 and directed by Professor Patricia detests Santa Muerte, the deity to whom the margin-
Ybarra, was performed at the Rites and Reason The- ated groups of society pray. The stakes were much higher for me as a person,
atre in order to provoke discussion about the narco How did you immerse yourself in María? seeing as there were many people who voiced their
culture on the US-Mexico border. Sophomore theater In order to lend my body to María, I had to under- discontent with the play’s viewpoints and even with
concentrator Alejandra Rivera gives us insight into stand the world that she lived in. Thus, the process the fact that Brown was putting it up. We had to center
her experience with En Las Manos de La Muerte and of researching Mexican narco culture was extremely ourselves, stand our ground, and give it everything we
how she dealt with the difficult subject matter of the helpful. Gang mentality tends to resemble the follow- had despite criticism. Thus, as opposed to other Brown
play. ing: “If she belongs to one of us, then she belongs to all plays, being part of En Las Manos de La Muerte re-
Why did you decide to audition for En Las of us.” In such a world, it would be socially acceptable quired a new kind of courage that extended from just
Manos de La Muerte? to kill, rape, and harm women at will as a form of ex- standing onstage to standing in front of an audience
I decided to audition because I wanted to be a part change between narcos. “They like to get back at each representing something that could “hit home” for many
of a play that would bring to light critical aspects of other by their women,” María mentions at a certain and not be well-received by others. I felt that I was not
Latin life and culture to the Brown community. Where point. As a result, comprehending the danger of being only an actress, but also a messenger.
do the drugs come from? At what cost? Who pays? María gave me a pathway to her deepest, most defin- How do you release yourself from the char-
How? I was eager to answer these questions through ing qualities and objectives. acter you have been playing for such a signifi-
performance, which worked to my advantage, seeing How do you acquire a new personality on cant amount of time, and how do you prepare
as the Rites and Reason Theatre holds what are re- stage without interfering with your own? yourself to embrace a new one for an upcoming
ferred to as “Rawditions.” Anybody who auditions ob- The answer is simple: you don’t. Lowry Marshall, play?
tains a role, seeing as they show interest in being part the professor for my acting class here, once men- The moment you just described is the one that brings
of the play. The purpose of the audition process is to tioned, “What good is an actor who doesn’t know who the most emotion out of me. I spent such a long time
place actor with character. he is?” While the roles you play will never (and prob- raising María that it was inevitable to be overtaken by
What role did you play? ably should never) be you completely, an actor is gen- nostalgia when I let her go. You could say that I enter a
I played María, the girlfriend of narco trafficker erally cast according to what he or she can offer to the period of mourning when I finish working with a char-
and not-so-smooth-talker Benicio, the protagonist, role. As opposed to casting it aside, I needed to use my acter, but it’s how much fun it was, how much I learned,
played by Joseph Rosales. She is a woman in her mid- personality, channeling it in particular ways, in order how much I loved playing that character that makes me
twenties who has dealt directly with the repercussions to bring her to life onstage. want to keep going, to keep seeing, to keep playing. It
of being in the narco world by experiencing the death What was it like to be involved in a Rites makes me excited to see who will be my new baby, my
of her brother, who was killed by a gang. While she and Reasons play, a work dealing with heavier new responsibility. I guess that’s how you overcome it
is in love with Benicio, she understands the dangers racial and ethnic matters, as opposed to other and open yourself up to something new – with grati-
of being involved with him and does not approve of Brown plays? tude and excitement.

Finite Incantatem
deathly hallows, portkey to my childhood
film editor
After a repeat viewing (and drinking class whom we all mercilessly made fun wanted it so: the extra shooting time movies has improved with time, and this is
game edition) of Harry Potter and the of because of his resemblance to the boy necessary for a second movie lengthened largely due to the streamlining of the plot
Half-Blood Prince last night, I began wizard. The day we went on the field trip production of the entire series to a cute 9 that requires cutting out what some fans
to get rather emotional at the thought to go see the film in theaters was not a ¾ years. Director David Yates describes think are essential scenes. In fact, a large
of the November 19 opening of Harry good day for him. Considering that the this first part, set to release at midnight, battle scene was cut out of the sixth movie,
Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part movies have made over $5 billion (that’s as an “edgy road movie,” following char- Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, in
1. After all, Harry Potter and the Sor- roughly equal to the GDP of Mongolia) acters Harry, Ron, and Hermione fleeing order to make the final Battle of Hogwarts
cerer’s Stone, the film, came out when I as they’ve been released over the course from the villainous Death Eaters. Some seem more grandiose and impressive. An-
was in the sixth grade. In fact, I’m going of almost a decade and have become one critics have even likened it to the Bourne other Battle of Hogwarts is the main plot
to take this time to apologize to Jeremy of the most popular literary-film adapta- trilogy, a series known for its shaky cam- point of Harry Potter and the Deathly
Goldman, a student in my sixth grade tions of this nascent century, there’s a fair era work and impressive action scenes. Hallows—Part 2, due to be released next
bit of weight surrounding this For me, the period before a Harry summer.
week’s premiere. Not to mention Potter film has always involved a vora- Of course, these eight months between
the expectations of millions of cious devouring of any and every video, the two movies may still not be enough for
fans around the world who, like image, quote, article, trailer, teaser trail- some to grapple with the end of the films.
me and many other Brown stu- er (which is exactly what it sounds like, a Harry and I were the same age when the
dents, have grown up with both tease), red-carpet blog featuring fashion books were released, making it one of the
the book and film series. commentary on the premiere—every- most essential pop culture events to mark
Of course, I then realized that thing. But for this movie, that insatiable my life. Maybe I can’t watch any of the
this was just the first part, and need has been markedly absent. Perhaps YouTube videos that show how the young
I have a whole eight months to it’s my own issue with confronting know- versions of the trio have aged into their
actually reconcile with the end ingly sad movies; I have to stop Titanic current selves because it reminds me too
of the film series. For those who after the iceberg hits and wouldn’t dare much of just how much I’ve grown up. If
have not discerned the tiny, tiny touch something like Terms of Endear- the golden age of Disney movies (I’m talk-
“Part 1” addendum to the movie ment. Deathly Hallows will be no pic- ing post-Little Mermaid) encapsulates this
posters, this film will only detail nic—the book alone was full of death, generation’s childhood, the Harry Potter
the first half of J.K. Rowling’s destruction, and even genocidal over- series epitomizes our adolescence. The way
last novel in the series. The book, tones. Usually, Rowling kept the number our parents talk about how many times they
arguably the darkest and most of deaths of beloved characters to about first saw Star Wars is the same way we will
plot-heavy of all of the Potter one a book—that is, until the seventh talk (and have talked) about these films
novels, covers so much ground one. To see their deaths depicted on- (though if they make three mediocre Harry
that screenwriter Steve Kloves screen will be harrowing to a new degree, Potter prequels thirty years from now, I
even joked about splitting the like Bambi’s mom’s death exponentially may Crucio myself). There’s a poignancy
film adaptation into three parts increased. As I’ve read and grown to love to the end of anything, like that ubiquitous
(which, no doubt, the studio these characters for almost a decade of Green Day song that shall not be named.
would have been happy to do). my life, it’s hard to imagine being more There’s a comfort in knowing our favorite
But it was clear that “to do the emotionally invested in a movie. characters end up all right, something we
book any justice, there was no Early reviews of the film, starring wish we could know for ourselves. Grow-
way to tell this story in one film,” Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and ing up with Harry means we’re watching
remarked producer David Hey- Emma Watson ‘13, have been largely the end—not only of his childhood, but also
Lauren Youngsmith man. And maybe the universe positive. On the whole, the quality of the the end of ours.
food & booze
Illustration by Lauren Youngsmith
Me Jane, You Food
the dying art of the picnic
and go have a f*cking picnic. Squash, Fennel, and Apple Soup, courtesy of The
Fall presents such a fantastic opportunity Voluptuous Vegan by Myra Kornfeld and George Binot:
for seasonal flavor as well as the chance to use
your thermos. The thermos is an absolute key Steps:
player: it keeps hot things hot, and cold things Ingredients: Toast the fennel seeds in a skillet until
cold (but how does it know?). On the nippier 1 teaspoon fennel seeds* fragrant. If you’re a baller, crush them
days, the picnic menu benefits immensely 1 tablespoon extra-virgin ol- with a mortar and pestle. I use the
jane BRENDLINGER ive oil back of a spoon.
from hot soup or a spiced apple cider, provid-
food columnist ing nourishment and warmth while simulta- 1 medium onion, chopped Warm the oil in a saucepan, then add
neously melting your cold, cold heart. Accom- 1 medium fennel bulb, the onions and the fennel and sauté
So we’re reaching the end of November, and
pany these items with a sandwich or a hearty chopped until soft, about 5-7 minutes. Add the
unless you happen to own a HappyLight Deluxe,
loaf, some delightfully moist pumpkin bread 1 granny smith apple, peeled garlic, apple, and ground fennel seed
seasonal affective disorder is probably begin-
for dessert, and you’ve got the makings of an and cubed and sauté another 5 minutes.
ning to take its toll. Providence becomes muddy,
autumnal feast, all the more enhanced by the 2 garlic cloves, minced Add the squash cubes, stock, and rice,
rainy sludge, and waking up at noon limits you
crisp air, the circling falcon eyeing your food, 1 pound butternut squash, and bring to a boil. Add 1 teaspoon of
to four hours of sunlight a day. Brothers and sis-
and the company. peeled and cubed salt, reduce heat and simmer for 10 to
ters, these are the dark days.
Taking advantage of this past weekend’s 4 cups vegetable stock** 15 minutes until squash is tender.
Despite the bleakness of the weather, there
veritable sixty degree “heat wave,” I whipped 2 tablespoons raw white rice Purée soup in batches in a blender
are days that can be, if not entirely warm, at least
up a batch of butternut squash soup for trans- A pinch of cayenne pepper (careful, though, while blending hot
endurable. With clear blue skies and russet foli-
port. This is my favorite squash soup because Salt and black pepper to taste liquids, they have a tendency to ex-
age, they can even be quite radiant. These are the
of its killer combination of apple and fennel. I plode. It’s best to wait for the soup to
days, dear reader, that you must seize before it
becomes cold as balls. Go for a picnic. imagine that eating fennel for the first time is Notes: cool, but I’m not a patient person—so
a bit like taking that first line of coke: it’s ex- * Okay, so not everyone just make sure to wear an oven mitt
The picnic is a dying art. Even in spring and
hilarating, and it just makes you want more. thought to bring fennel seeds and hold the lid down). Return soup
summer, the picnic is often dismissed due to
Thankfully, fennel is a more nutritious and from their parent’s spice cabi- to pot, reheat if necessary, and season
laziness and a lack of creativity. Sure, trekking
affordable habit, and one that I have no inten- net. I did. But I highly recom- with the cayenne, black pepper, and
somewhere to sit and eat a packed meal is a bit
tion of breaking. In this soup, the bright flavor mend adding these to your bag salt to taste.
inconvenient, but that’s kind of the point, isn’t it?
that hints ever so slightly at sweet licorice acts of tricks. They take everything So pour this into your thermos, get
If you don’t enjoy the “work” aspect, you might
as a perfect complement to the mellow, hearty a step above amateur hour. off your ass and grab a blanket. You
just not like picnics.
squash. A granny smith lends a perky tartness, don’t have to go far—the Main Green
Skeptics of the picnic often ask: What foods
and the pinch of cayenne pepper at the end ** If you’re in a pinch, water will do, or even that patch of concrete
could you possibly eat outside, anyway? The an-
gives a satisfying kick. You might want a fair works fine. Less flavorful, but outside of Grad Center, if you’re into
swer: pretty much anything. And, without fail,
amount of this, so make sure your thermos is honestly, I can hardly tell the concrete. Live on the edge and eat that
they’ll complain that it’s “too cold” to eat outside.
big enough. difference. soup outside.
To them, I say, cut the excuses, put on a coat,

Anish Gonchigar
Life of Pie
the secret of our strength as a nation
staff writer
“It is utterly insufficient [to eat pie only twice a Parisian sidewalks. If you, a pie purist, insist on omitting
week], as anyone who knows the secret of our strength the eggy filling, a noble alternative can be found in a tart of
as a nation and the foundation of our industrial su- roasted squash and Gorgonzola. Go wild.
premacy must admit. Pie is the American synonym of Dinner calls for something more substantial, and so the
prosperity, and its varying contents the calendar of stage is set for chicken pot pie. With its bubbling interior of
the changing seasons. Pie is the food of heroic. No pie- gravy beneath a halo of crust, it is the textbook example of
eating people can ever be permanently vanquished.” comfort food, a perfect antidote to these damp gray days AMAZING PECAN PIE
–New York Times (May 3, 1902) with their cruelly evanescent sunlight. Later in the night,
pizza is the only option, at least as pies go—as they say in It should speak volumes that I still get warm
What holiday could be more American than Thanks- Wedding Crashers, it’s good no matter what. fuzzies thinking about spending the holidays
giving? Rooted in colonialism, family, and God, it remains Dessert, though, is the arena in which pie can really with an ex-boyfriend, an abnormality I ac-
a quintessential part of our country’s identity, marked by shine at its Platonic ideal. During Thanksgiving, certain credit mostly to this pie, a brainchild of my
binge fests and football. Similarly, what dessert could be dishes start to seem repulsive as more of them are heaped ex-’s mom. It’s so beloved that she has to make
more American than apple pie? A cultural icon, it is the onto the table. I can tolerate two casseroles. I cannot toler- several every Thanksgiving in order to satisfy
emblem of patriotism and down-home comfort. ate seven of them. With pies, though, there is no diminish- the appetites of her throng of hungry sons. The
Indeed, America has appropriated pie as its most na- ing marginal value. Keep them coming, and everyone will secret is the dark corn syrup and brown sugar,
tionalistic dish of dishes, a symbol of heroism met with stay happy. which meld in a torrid, oven-bound affair to
humility, robustness with cozy delicacy. It’s ubiquitous I am a strong supporter of pecan pie; the pecans, gem- create just about the most celestial smell I could
during the holidays, but in the summer, you’ll find it in like, precipitate bursts of buttery expression amidst ooze ever dream up.
the form of strawberry rhubarb or key lime. And what of the molasses. Another contender is sweet potato pie,
would the Fourth of July be without good old cherry which is further glorified with a gingersnap-pecan crust. Ingredients:
pie? Gild the lily that is pumpkin pie by folding caramel into 1 cup dark corn syrup
There is something so viscerally, universally appeal- the filling. Chilled pies needn’t be ruled out; as a Southern- 1 cup brown sugar
ing about pie, as darling as a cake but nowhere near as er, I’m partial to the lemon icebox pie, a wonder of tangy 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
fussy. Pastry and filling were destined for each other like golden custard frozen atop coarse graham cracker crust. 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
Barbie and Ken: together, they are the image of domes- It tastes like wearing a sundress on a wrap-around porch. 3 eggs, lightly beaten
ticity, yet infinitely versatile. On any given minute of the While you may call that inappropriate for Thanksgiving, I 1 ½ cups chopped pecans (reserve ¼ cup)
day, there is some breed of pie out there begging to be call it timely. This is an under-publicized cure for Seasonal One pie crust, unbaked
consumed. Affective Disorder.
Breakfast. Bam. Start the day off right with a simple So the New York Times editorial, however hyperbolic, Preheat oven at 350°. Mix together all ingre-
tart filled with fresh fruit. Berries, pears, peaches, cit- makes a good point. Pie, in its manifold manifestations, dients until combined. Pour into pie crust,
rus—pick your poison. Best if you pile ‘em over pastry is a cornerstone of American culinary tradition. Rustic or sprinkle reserved pecans over the top, and
cream, if you can swing it. highbrow, sweet or savory, it always manages to satisfy— cover with aluminum foil. Bake for about forty
At lunchtime, quiche reigns supreme. What the what better cause exists for giving thanks? Should you need minutes, or until a knife inserted in the middle
French have done here is answer to the American pie to satisfy a pie fix wherever you find yourself next week, is not covered with raw pecan goop. Remove
in a trickier, more ethereal fashion. Still, a rose by any here’s my pick. I’ve heard it’ll earn you the eternal adula- the foil and bake for 5 more minutes. Let rest
other name… yadda yadda. Smoked ham and Brie or tion of whoever eats it, but you may want to just hoard it in an hour before serving.
mushrooms and leeks are redolent of eating al fresco on your room. Leave the apple pie to everyone else.
8 sex

tongue in (butt)cheek
Asspersion: n. the stigma that reduce the risks by wearing protection in a harness and thrust into a consent- perineum) dangerous and not for the
renders various forms of anal stim- and beat the bigots by turning the oth- ing party of any gender, and that a man faint of taint. My friend the anilingus
ulation less socially acceptable to er … cheek. can roll on a ’dom and do the same. It’s expert (Rimperator? Salad Caesar?
explore, discuss, and read about in Because my own posterior experi- incredibly easy for anal tissue to tear, Chief of Brown Police?) calls it “the
weekly periodicals. ence is decidedly limited, I turned to even without the butt-owner’s knowl- sexual equivalent of eating a blow-
my more anus-fain friends for advice edge, and that makes STI-transmission fish,” which I think refers more to the
By popular demand, this week’s and anecdotes to learn about all things exponentially more likely. So wear a medical risks than to the actual oral
Sexicon is going where—let’s face rectal. One female friend had anal be- rubber and drench that ass in water- logistics. Bacteria, viruses, and para-
it—innumerable men and women fore vaginal sex to preserve her vir- based lube, or things could hurt for a sites hang out in the anus and espe-
have gone before. Because there are ginity in the eighth grade, a decision really long time. cially around the genitals. Chances
considerable asspersions cast toward entirely reliant on her definition of My knowledge of the prostate or- are, if your partner’s sick and you put
the proverbial back door, anal play “sex,” and, accordingly, “virginity.” (By gasm is necessarily secondhand, but your mouth on their butthole, you’ll
can be a hard subject to broach with her standards, most of my gay friends I’ve heard rave reviews. An ex de- end up as sick or sicker. Using a den-
your heterosexual female partner would have to identify as virgins, which scribed it as an orgasm without an ori- tal dam might be awk, but it’s worth
or your homosexual male friend or I’m not super sure they’d be down gin, a sensation without a source that it if you don’t want hepatitis. Saran
your doctor or your mom. Anal sex, with.) It’s a myth that women don’t en- rocks the entire pelvic cavity. Fingering wrap or a cut-up condom can work,
in all its various forms, is historically joy anal, or that they only participate in one orifice is not so different from fin- too. Rim jobs aren’t necessarily just
frowned upon by biblical folks, of- it for reasons like the aforementioned; gering another. With a condom or latex for foreplay; according to my friends,
ten reviled by neighborhood homo- ass nerves are dense and sensitive, glove, use an index finger to massage a powerful tongue can produce an
phobes, and sometimes discouraged which can mean pleasurable stimu- the prostate gland in roughly the same orgasm before further penetration
by certain medical professionals for lation (even sphincteric orgasm) as manner as the G-spot. Again, lube it even happens. And apparently, rusty
its potential dangers. Rear entry is well as potential discomfort. Anal also up; it won’t wet itself. trombones—or simultaneous hand-
inherently about pleasure, not pro- frees up the penetrating party’s hands Another form of lube, as one anal and rim-jobs—can do great things
creation (though I had some serious (as does doggy-style), with which they enthusiast informed me, is good old- for penis-possessors near ’n far.
misconceptions about the mechan- might then visit the clit, dick, vagina, fashioned saliva. This is where the The point? Don’t knock it—or
ics of baby-making until about sixth or scrotum. butt-besmirchers get real pissed--noth- slander the sphincter, so to speak—
grade, which involved either storks One of the nice things about anal ing is more odious to a straight-laced unless you’ve tried it. And if you plan
or buttholes, or some combination is that (unlike so many other things gay-hater than sodomy of the lingual on trying it, do it through a layer of
thereof). It can be intensely intimate, in this world) it’s gender-neutral—ev- variety. Though it’s wrong to cast as- latex and with a consenting partner
raunchily risqué, and deeply satis- eryone’s equipped to receive it. That spersions, the cynics are right to con- who’s read up on the relative risks
fying—but only if the participants means a woman can strap on a dildo sider anilingus (oral sex of the anus or and pleasures of the rectal realm.

Crazy Like A Fox

furry fantasies

Dear L&D, fur, and bushy tail into your henhouse personal conversations and second-
My partner likes to dress up as a and enjoying it. Dear Lovecraft and Dorian, hand reports of noises emerging
fox when we have sex. He says that xoxo, Have the two of you ever made from his bedchamber suggest that it
it’s “just for fun,” but I’m pretty sure Lovecraft the ol’ beast with two backs? Had a would be well worth your while.
there’s more to it. I’m totally okay roll in the hay? Knocked boots? Put xoxo,
with his fantasy, but I can’t seem to Dear YIFF, some sour cream in the taco? Done Lovecraft
make it clear to him that it is a very I think, if we’re being honest here, the naughty? Batter-dipped the corn
sexual thing for him. Help? that you should be pretty happy about dog? Danced the horizontal mambo? Dear MAYBE,
Your Inquisitive Furry Friend the situation that you’re in. Your part- Bumped uglies? Played hide the sa- I hate to say it, but Lovecraft
ner is clearly happy and open enough lami? and I have been less intimate than
Darlink YIFF, with you to wear a costume to bed Much Advice Yields Boning Excite- your average frat pledges. While
If you are “totally okay” with his (which is a big deal since this is prob- ment a gorgeous woman, she remains a
foxy ways, then why does it matter? ably something that he agonized over woman (and one that is happily in a
If it really doesn’t bother you, you and worried that you would freak out Darlink MAYBE, relationship). While Lovecraft and I
shouldn’t be worrying about trying about). All you need to do is continue No, sorry, we haven’t. I know this have been able to talk about sex and
to convince him that you’re right to be the warm, accepting, and non- may be strange, but one of my major cuddling, it is only the latter that
on this matter. If it’s not a problem, aggressive partner with whom he felt requirements for bedmates is that we have engaged in. That said, both
then it’s not a problem. If it makes comfortable enough to share his vul- they have a sexual interest in the la- of us have made the beast with two
you uncomfortable, you need to ad- pine passion. Stay that way, and if dies. Unfortunately, Dorian sorely backs. Just not with one another.
mit that and tell him. There’s prob- there’s any more to his fetish, he’ll tell lacks this quality. I will, however, use Your Friendly Neighborhood
ably more to it, but if he’s uncom- you eventually. the scrapings of power given to me by Shag,
fortable telling you that, the best Your Friendly Neighborhood Post- to heartily endorse having sex Dorian
thing you can do is what you’ve been Bang, with Dorian (if you are a nice boy over
doing—inviting his ears, festive red Dorian the age of 18). Evidence collected from Questions? Ask anonymously at

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