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287 GiRCUMT Cowm STATE OF MAWAN FILED MNOCT IS PH 358 STATE OF HAWAIT ‘COMPLAINT FOR FAMILY COURT AUTOMATIC Rae amace FIRST CIRCUIT AND ere ANSWER COMPLAINT JAND EXHIBIT A. \THERINE PUANA KEALOHA (You Spowre's Fut Name) DEFENDANT | etaghone Rasa |, the Plaintiff, In support of this Complaint for Divorce, allege: cS Jurisdiction [x]. andlor my spouse, the Defendant, have lived or been pl present in the State of Herwalt for a continuous period of at least sx months, since. and | have lived andior been physically presant on the Island af O'ahu for a continuous period of at least three months immediately preceding this application, reset (1b. Ham residing on a military o federal base, installation, oF reservation within the Stato of Hawa! ‘of am in the State of Hawal'l under military orders, 1s ysm-n. 1c. My resident state does not recognize same sex marriage. ies sami 2 Marriage: Tho partion (Plsindif and Defendant) are lawfully married to each other. ‘The parties have no child(ren) together. The parties have — now ney) child(ren) under age 18 logether . The parties have 1 rows child(ren) age 18 or older together, bsinnnyamginriphsael essary rts have —_row rer child(ren) age 18 oF alder together me ‘nal dependent on them for support. ee eer eer tand amierrage ‘whom Defendant is not the biological parent. Cit Dadervient he — nari cabtpa or uring ta ain for ‘whom Plaintiffs not the blological parent ‘9. Plaintiff is pregnant { and Defendant not te logical parent tk Defendant is prognant | fone Cita oa te Deo cel pore STATE OF HaWart CAGE nOVEEN Family COURT COMPLAINT FOR DIVORCE FIRST CIRCUIT 4. Custody and Visitation: a custody af the miner chid(re") should be mwrarced 10; 1 1Me, Pisintt, | [Myspoure, Defendam. [Ban partes jairity. b cusody of the mivor ehid{ren) should bo awarded ta: { ]Mo, Plante. | TMy spouse, Defendam |) Bor parties jolly 6 ‘The parent not awarded physical custody shoud nave: TT Raascnabla visitation }Supervisod wsitwsan |_|. 4. (Chie Support should be awarded in accordance to the Gi! Support Guidelines 5 Division of Assets: Al aazets the Defendant and | own should be divided in jst and equitacta way 6 Division of Debts: Al debts Pe Dofandant and | ewe should be divided in a jvst and equitable wey 7. Spousal Support (Alimony): [ Ja. 1am eniifad to an order thet the Datendan pay spousal suppor (alimony) 10 Te Tb. Tie Deteert Tis [fs not entified! to an omer that | pay spousal support {alimony} Ko Grounds: Pursuant to HRS section 580-41, | eaeu usw jueves ny dunes for dorce are as follows: joc omcet [X]a. The mariage & ieatrievaby Deokan. Tb, The paetiog have lived saparate snd spat 1 of seperation from bed and board, eniefed by a court of competent jurisdiction, the tam of seperalion has expired, and no reconefiaton has boon etfected, tle The parties Pave lived separala and ‘part for a petod of two years or morn undar a decree of separate maimenanos entered by 8 2ourt of eompatant jursciction wn Ao reconclition hs boun affected, 1 la. The parties Fave byes separaie and apart for a contnuous pericd of tea yners of More Immediately precedig tha applicaion, thorn # no lisathood thal cahabtation wil be resumed, SAO In thy [dudes cecumatonoes of the sree, A wold not he harsh anc onnressive to the Defendant or contrary to public interest to grant & divorce on this ground of ihe Complaint of tha: Ik le requested of the Court that 1 dacrag be amered granting © divorce from the bends of matimory aed graning fe relel requested shove, ab as sleged ond as may be approgriate and in accordance wah the evidence and the law, and other raat ws the Court dooms proper in is casa. Idectare, under penalty of perjury, that the statnmants: mada hervin are ire and correct to the bast of my knowledge. information, and belief, Wonk aa laaceeeurae nth fe Arevicnns wh Osubates Ac, atamansua. ore other apptcasi alas aed Tecra hres. urns EE ee AeaiA Coasinain at he Fe Cucal Fan Coen cee Sy ebotore i femme ane ce tanen px ote tent arg Gye pect yur bet Pleo er the Family Curt Service Comer at 9S¢uA290 if yuu huve ary qwewtions abet fara er precseslures ts "Pr aecumrert is peapared by LJasorney tat DSPiawnet ‘STATE OF HAWATT FAMILY COURT AUTOMATIC RESTRAINING ORDER (Vous Pol Nowe) PLAINTIFF ‘THERINE PUANA KEALOHA (ou Boauses ul Nar DEFENDANT | Fete het Pursuant to Act 214 of the 2018 Legislative Session. eflective July 1, 2018, and section S71~ 59, Hawai Revised Statutes (HIS), ITS HEREBY ORDERED that (1) Each party to a Complaint for eminent, divorce, oF saparation, shall automatically be subject to a rastraining order Usl shall be affactive on the Plaintiff upon the filing of the Complaint and this Order, and shall be effective on the Defendart upon service ‘of the Summons and Complaint or amy other acceptance of service by the Defendant. (2) Neither party shall sof, wansfer, encumber, concwel, assign, ramowe, or in any way dizpose of any property, real or parscral, belonging to OF aoquiwd by either party, except a: {a} Required for resonate living expenses, (b} Occurring in the ordinary and usual course of business: {c) Required for payment of reasonable stiorney's ews and costs in connection with te action; (0) Occurring pursuant to 8 written agreement of both parties; or (2) required by order of the court; Neither party shall incur any further debts thet would burden the credit of the other party, including but not breited to further borrowing against any credit line secured by tha marital residence or unreasonably using credit cards or cash advances against cred or bank cards; provides that tis paragraph shat not apply to reasonable emounts of debe I necessary for ving and business expenses, including iid educational expenses and ce ee Rei ic SSSA ASR Dan ROE 3 OF & PAGES TTT TE (3) STATE OF MAWANT aa waaem Fanny COURT AUTOMATIC RESTRAINING ORDER is a i FAST CROAT remnoratie Migation tees and conte tor he pending aetion Nenites party shal direct ur niche mcty charge the beretoary of ary tte wmwrance pomey perekon os retirement phan co penmon of raTerneNt aventrant acne wecepl ath fe erinen comment of the cater pity oF try Order of thaw cx Nether party shal diecty 0 iirnemy caven the other party OF a minor clvid In Oe ‘removed trom coverage Unde! anemiting neurence policy nehcing radical imraat, im, automobile, and disabéty insurance The parties shall maintain at naurance coverage (0 ha force and etfoct, ond Nearer pany shall remove @ minor child of the parties trom the kart of that hie Current residence nor remove & mince Chad of the parties trom the schoot teat nuke is currently attending This Automate Restraining Order shall reman in effect dunng the pendency of the ‘action, uniess itis modified by agreement uf the partes, oF by further order of the court ‘The language of the Automatic Restraining Order shail be consistent with Act 21) of the 2018 Legislative Session; if not, the Complaint for Divorce, Automatic Restraining Order; and Summons to Answer Complaint document shail be reviewed. corrected, modified, oF replaced and signed by the Court betore being resubmitted for filing by the Clerk of the Court An Automatic Restraining Order that is inconsistent with Act 213 of the 2018 Legislative Session may result in sancbons | BONATORE GF THe Claw OF THe COURT ( See Pak 4 OF © PAGES TTT ae So accordance mn re Anears wa Daacttiny ALL ps wmeraed ad Aer apcAcatan Sate and edera ae 4 pour requee Scorers a 9 Saabs mane orcas = ADA Coors at Fe raat Famdy Cat fice by depron at em 88 AS ema at edareparnitecowts Parma gov at feast len (10) days gear to your Peanng oF Pesave call the Family Comet Service 6 1 uF VSEIIO fy have any quent aeat formes ut procetures STATE OF HAWS FAMILY COURT FIRST CIRCUIT LOUIS MAHINA KEALOHA Nene (You Fut Name} PUUNTIFE os ¥. [rvnnene \(THERINE PUANA KEALOHA, nn [ern ate oes $$$ $< _—__— (You Seowen'n Ful Name) DEFENDANT | (prs mu ‘TO THE DEFENDANT ‘You are hereby summoned and required to tle-and serve a written answer tothe attached Complat for Divoree; Automatic Rasiraining Order, 6nd Summons to Answer Complaint for Divorce within 20 days afier service of this Summans upon you, axcusive af the date of service, Your weittan answer must be Med with the Chief Olork of thie Circit at the following location or address: Ronald T.¥, Moon Kapolei Courthouse Ka'ahumang Hale 4875 Kapolei Parkway or 777 Punchbowl Street Kapolai, Hawall 96707 Honolukt, Harve) 9581.3 ’A copy of your anmwer shouk! #iso be served upcn the Plaintiff's anamay, or i the Plainb is not roprosented by an attomey, upon te Plaintiff at the address shown an the Campiaint for Diwarce. if you ta to file your weitten answor within the 20-day time limi, further action may O@ taken in this case, inducing judgment for the rolial demanded in the: Complaint for Divoros, without further notice te you. THIS SUMMONS SHALL NOT BE PERSONALLY DELIVERED BETWEEN 10:00 P.M. AND 6:00 A.M, ON PREMISES NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC UNLESS A JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT OR CIRCUIT COURTS PERMITS IN WRITING ON THE SUMMONS, PERSONAL DELIVERY DURING THOSE HOURS, FAILURE TO OBEY THE SUMMONS MAY RESULT IN AN ENTRY OF DEFAULT AND DEFAULT JUDGMENT AGAINST THE PERSON SUMMONED, Ce a | NomivarAl|: SEAL ra PAGE 5 OF § PAGES Ra TONER OEY ‘accordance white Aaricarn wih Disab Act. am avast, ant of ang sale a edwin ‘Stennett duty, ssa cate! ha an Gears ate ret Croan omy Cour ome by eos 964-8200, Sox gore, OF AR ermal at aaemecuersticourts newer gow et lowet ton (10) days prior to pour hearing OF lean cal the Fanny Cont Servive Center at DSEARPRO iF yu hive amy questions a! Rarmy ar press

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