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The Universal Perspective in Contraception and Premarital Sex

There is no such thing as universal perspective when it comes to contraception and

sex, because people’s thoughts or opinions are always been divided depending on
their beliefs. Some are in favor of pre-marital sex why others are not. Sometimes we
depend our belief system in our community and traditions, but there are some that
is opposing to the society. Sometimes, even our personal perspectives doesn’t go in
the same way with the society’s perspective. That’s why Universal concept or
perspective about this subject will never be possible. Every issues will always be
divided into two beliefs, the religion and the other one is the science, it also appears
here the separation of the liberals and the conservatives, and lastly, the countries
needed a control in their population growth.

Based on, one example of this is the churches are against

contraceptives and pre-marital sex. Because they based on the writings in the bible,
some realizes that the Catholic churches’ teachings on condemning contraception is
sinful. At its 1930 Lambeth Conference, the Angelican church moved by the growing
social growth, announced that contraception would be allowed in some
circumstances. Soon the Angelican church completely caved in, allowing
contraception across the board, since then, all other Protestant denominations have
followed suit.

Today, the Catholic Church alone proclaims the historic Christian position on
contraception. Evidence that contraception is in conflict with God’s laws comes from
a variety of sources. Contraception is wrong because it’s a deliberate violation of the
design God built into the human race, often referred to as “natural law.” The purpose
of sex is procreation. The pleasure that sexual intercourse provides is an additional
blessing from God, intended to offer the possibility of new life while strengthening
the bond of intimacy, respect, and love between husband and wife. The loving
environment bond that’s created is the perfect setting for nurturing children.

But sexual pleasure within marriage becomes unnatural, and even harmful to the
spouses, when it is used in a way that deliberately excludes the basic purpose of sex,
which is procreation. God’s gift of the sex act, along with its pleasure and intimacy,
must not be abused deliberately, frustrating its natural end. The biblical teaching that
birth control is wrong is found even more explicitly among the Church Fathers, who
recognized the biblical and natural law principles underlying the condemnation.

In the other hand, there are some that supports the idea of contraception. Some
examples of this are the communities that are concern with the rise of population in
the certain area. Some of them are the people who refuse to have a child, but wants
to have sex, the reason that the catholic churches are against contraception is that
there are people that overuse this for their sinful sexual desires, which could destroy
the bonds of family.

Humans however, are constantly interested in sex. This sex interest can seem like
a waste of energy, but an evolutionary perspective may explain why we function this
way. But sex was not an issue when it was done by a married couple, but there are
a lot in this generation that were engaged into premarital sex or sex before marriage.
Even teenagers nowadays were liberated as they say specially in countries like
United states, they were influenced enough by social media to commit adultery. But
in countries like U.A.E. it was very illegal to have premarital sex outside marriage.
Based on
sex-the-norm-in-america and

However, couples have the right to decide when to have a child or build a family
as many as they want. There are also countries that are concerned of their population
growth because it causes poverty to become rampant. Like in China, they have a 1
child policy because the growth of their population was uncontrollable. That’s why
concerned government agencies such as Rural Health Units in ever community came
up with a project of family planning for married couples. So that only married couples
could have birth control. The issue now is that everyone could avail contraceptives in
pharmacies and other convenient stores even without them getting married,

In some people, virginity was really an essence of a lady before she became a wife.
These people that believe in this were considered as conservatives. But there are
some that are liberals, millennials as what’s called in their generation. Or even the
youngest age group of teenagers commit to adultery because of there belief in a so
called true love, they don’t hesitate to switch their purity and innocence just to please
someone with their body. That’s why premarital sex was very rampant everywhere
and sometimes leads to teenage pregnancy. Contraception might really be a solution
to this issue, but this might affect our beliefs as Christians, specially that marriage
was really an important thing because it was a holy sacrament in God’s writings.

That’s why Universal perspective was really impossible in this issue. Or even in
other issues around the world, some people find the idea of sex entertaining and fun
without them knowing the consequences of their actions, sadly, most of men are
known with that image, and they always say that it was a nature of being a real man.
But I believe that a real man can love without sex, and they should respect women,
including their souls, not bodies. However, there are women nowadays that don’t
give importance to their body. They care more about pleasing others with it.

Actually, it’s possible for all of us to be in favor of contraception. Because it was

needed to control the growth of the population, specially in our country which is the
Philippines, where poverty is really an issue. But it was premarital sex that mainly
causes this to be impossible, it’s true that we don’t have the right to say something
to someone who committed it, specially when we don’t personally know them. But
we have the right to stand for our beliefs as Christians, because it was what we
believe a commandment of God. Some adulterers, or the people committing to
premarital sex was really supportive to contraception because they are afraid to get
judged by the community if they get pregnant. But they didn’t considered God’s love
for them, our body itself was a gift from God. Because he loves us that much, we
don’t need someone to love our body. Because if there’s someone who truly loves
you, he will love your soul, not your body.

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