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Inglés Técnico Prof. Ing. Gustavo R.

Di Rado
Prof. Ing. Abel Flores


a) Presente:

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

I Am ........ I Am not .......... Am I ......... ?
You Are You Are not Are You
He He He
She Is She Is not Is She
It It It
We We We
You are You Are not Are You
They They They

b) Pasado:

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

I Was ........ I Was not .......... Was I ......... ?
You Were You Were not Were You
He He He
She Was She Was not Was She
It It It
We We We
You were You Were not were You
They They They

c) Futuro:

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

I ........ I .......... I ......... ?
You You You
He Will He He
She be She Will not be Will She be
It It It
We We We
You You You
They They They

El verbo “to be” puede tener distintas traducciones:

a) SER
I am an engineer: Soy ingeniero

It is a lathe ……………..

Inglés Técnico Prof. Ing. Gustavo R. Di Rado
Prof. Ing. Abel Flores

She was Dr. Brown …………….


I was in Salta in 1.977: Estaba en Salta en 1.977 / Estuve en Salta en 1.977.

Is it in motion? .....................

This test-tube was not here ...........................................


The bridge is two miles long. El puente tiene dos millas de longitud.

They were cold and hungry. .........................................

The mine was two hundred years old. ...................................................


It was a million dollars.

Costó un millón de dólares. / Costaba un millón de dólares.

They are five pounds.

Cuestan cinco libras. / Son cinco libras.

We are late.
Llegamos tarde.

It is cold
Hace frío.

e) Be + (to + base ) = tener que / deber / ir a

They are to build new schools.

Van a construir escu elas nuevas. / Deben construir escuelas nuevas. / Tienen que
construir escuelas nuevas.

He was to oil the shafts.

Iba a lubricar los ejes. / Tenía que lubricar los ejes. / Debía lubricar los ejes.

f) Be + about + (to + base ) = estar por / estar a punto de / estar próximo a / ir a

Inglés Técnico Prof. Ing. Gustavo R. Di Rado
Prof. Ing. Abel Flores

It is about to boil
Está por hervir. / Está a punto de hervir. / Va a hervir. / Está próximo a hervir.

They were about to modify the plans of the house.

Estaban por modificar los p lanos de la casa. / Estuvieron a punto de modificar los
planos de la casa. / Iban a modificar los planos de la casa.

Is he about to change the diagram?

¿Está por cambiar el diagrama? / ¿Va a cambiar el diagrama? / ¿Cambiará el
diagrama? / ¿Está a punto de cambiar el diagrama?


Estas expresiones se usan para indicar la existencia de algo.

There + Be = Haber
“There” seguido por alguna construcción del verbo “be” se traduce por la forma impers onal
del verbo haber.
There is: sustantivos singulares incontables – There are: sustantivos plurals constables.

Presente Pasado Futuro

There is There was There will be

Hay hubo / había habrá
There are There were

Is there? Was there? Will there be

¿Hay? ¿Hubo? / ¿Había? Habrá?
Are there? Were there?

There is not There was not There Won't be

No hay no hubo / no había No habrá
There are not There were not

There is a famous tower at Pisa. Hay una torre famosa en Pisa.

Is there a great red spot in Jupiter?


Inglés Técnico Prof. Ing. Gustavo R. Di Rado
Prof. Ing. Abel Flores


Fill in the blanks and translate the following sentences:

1. The teacher ______ in the classroom now.

2. They ______ free today, but they ______ at work yesterday.

3. Today ______ Monday. Yesterday ______ Sunday.

4. We are not busy right now, but we ____________________________ after lunch.

5. Electromagnets ______ very largely used in electric motors.

Answer these questions. Translate.

Is Tom a pilot? Yes, he is. He´s a pilot.

1. Were you in the office last Month? Yes, __________ ___________________________

2. Is that man Mr. Clark? Yes, ____________ __________________________________

3. Will the boys be angry after the match? (hungry) No, ________________ __________

4. When will you be on vacation again? (july) ___________________________________

Make questions. Translate.

The Browns / at home Are the Browns at home?

1. The manager / in his office Tomorrow


2. Peter and John / in class yesterday


3. The computer / connected to Internet


4. The ratio / termed strain


Complete the sentences using THERE TO BE in the corresponding tense. Turn into
the interrogative and negative form. Translate.

1. _______________________ some books on the shelf last week.

Inglés Técnico Prof. Ing. Gustavo R. Di Rado
Prof. Ing. Abel Flores

2. _______________________ very little money left in the box next monday.

3. _______________________ only one student in the lab now.

4. _______________________ very few people at the conference yesterday.

5._______________________ no time left.

6. _______________________ many oilfields in Persia in the future.

7. _______________________ many kinds of machines in the warehouse last month.

8. _______________________ 30 days in February.

9. _______________________ a lot of noise in the room last night.

10. ______________________ a lot of work in the office next week.


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