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M A IN S E S S IO N 2 S E A N C E P L E N IE R E 2


Chairman/Président: N. A . T S Y T O V IC H (U. S. S. R.); General Reponer/Rapporteur Général: V. F. B. D E M E L L O (Brazil)

Members of the Panel/Membres du Groupe de Discussion:

H. O. G O L D E R (Canada)
A . K E Z D I (Hungary)
D. M O H A N (India)
G. P E R E Z G U E R R A (Venezuela)
Chairman N. A. T S Y T O V IC H (U.S.S.R.) also the settlement in preoompacted and over-
compaoted clays in time.
Before opening the Second Main Session, I wlah The investigation of a single pile and of groups
with your permission, to make the following re­ of piles foundations im another instance in which
narks. soil creep is of essential importance. The only
basis for estimating pile bearing capacity and
Engineers have been faced with the problem of ra­ settlement is a prediotion of the variation in the
tional foundation construction in clayey soIIb effective stresses in time in the clayey soils sui
for many years. This problem presents a number of rounding the piles. The struotural strength and
difficulties that are only being gradually over­ relaxation of the total stresses should also be
come by applying the latest data of soil mechan­ taken into consideration.
Á oorreot solution of the problems put before our
The method of designing foundations according to session will be of vital significance for founda­
limiting deformations (settlements) is to be con­ tion building praotice. I would like those taking
sidered the most advanoed prooedure at the pres­ part in the discussion to make oonorete proposals
ent time. This method calls for the development on this matter.
of sufficiently preoise techniques of predicting
both the magnitude of the settlements and their Now I wish to invite Dr. de Mello, the Gen­
rate in time. eral Reporter of our session, to give a
brief summary of hiB State-of-the-Art Report
On the basis of research oonduoted in recent
on Foundations of Buildings in Clay.
years, it is beooming evident that the theory of
filtration consolidation of clay, in its true form,
is applicable for the prediotion of foundation General Reporter V. F. B. D E M E L L O (Brazil)
settlement only for a restricted number of eases
of fully saturated weak clayey soils that do not
oontain gases and have practically no structural Prof. De Mello'a State-of-the-Art-Report
strength. appears on pp. 49 of the State-of-the-Art
In all other oases (for instance precompacted Chairman N. A . T S Y T O V IC H
d a y s ) , it is necessary in predicting settlement
to take into acoount, not only primary filtration
consolidation, but the secondary effeots as veil. Thank you very much Dr. De Mello for your
Hatural compaction should be estimated, not interesting summary of the State-of-the-Art
according to preconsolidation pressures, whioh paper concerning foundations on olay. Ladies
oannot be aoourately established, but by the mag­ and gentlemen, please let us hear all ques­
nitude of the primary pore pressure existing in tions to the 3eneral Reporter in the written
the olayey soil at the beginning of construction form. I wish to invite the delegates to take
and measured in the field. part in the panel discussion. The members of
our panel are: Dr. Holder from Canada, Dr.
Hot only their natural-historical state is of Kázdi from Hungary, Dr. Mohan from India, Mr.
importance, however, in estimating the compaction Pérez Guerra from Venezuela and Dr. Rosenblueth
of clayey soils, but also the skeleton oreep of from Méxioo. I wish to call upon Dr. Kázdi.
the soil and the quantitative relationships be­
tween the external pressure and the structural
Panelist A. K E Z D I (Hungary)
oompressive strength, between the aoting head
gradient and the initial gradient and also be­
tween the initial pore pressure and the maximal In o r d e r to determ in e the b e a rin g c a p a c ity o f
pore pressure developed upon loading the soil. c la y s , we u s u a lly make our f i r s t e s tim a te on the
b a s is o f th e f a i l u r e t h e o r ie s . F or t h is p u rpose,
A knowledge of these relationships makes it pos­ we may use more o r le s s s o p h is t ic a t e d form u lae
sible to quantitatively predict, not only the s t a r t i n g from T e r z a g h i's th e o ry through th at o f
settlement in weak saturated clays in time, but B a lia , M e y e rh o f, De B eer and o t h e r s . There i s one

oommon thing in these theoriesi they assume slid­
ing surfaces and total mobilization of the shear
strength on those. Even in laboratory model tests,
we can hardly experienoe this type of failure and,
in reality, it almost never occurs. A constant and
untolerable rate of settlement can well be regard­
ed as another type of failure, where no failure sur
faces occur, but the ultimate bearing capacity was
reached at. The conditions of this type of failure
have not yet been fixed, and I think that several
others can be added to this. A further step in
determining the ultlraat« bearing capacity oan only
be made if we study, olassify and mathematically
describe the types of failures In day, as it was
brilliantly made for sands by Sr. Vesii.

Using the above-mentioned theories which assume

sliding surfaces, we always have some difficulty
with the value of the safety factor to be used.
For this purpose, I suggested the diagram which was
first introduced for the analysis of slope stabiH
ty. In this case, we determine, for a given footing,
and for a given load and curve, pairs of values of
(c, 0), for which the safety factor is equal to
unity. The calculations are easyi we Belect differ
and 0
ent values, determine the bearing capacity factors
and we have a single equation for c. Now, we plot,
on the ssme diagram, the (c, 0) points obtained by
appropriate teets| we have a clear picture on the
scattering of the strength parameters and also on
the limiting values of the safety factor (j/). This
can be obtained by the usual way, by drawing the
line OP and calculating V “ OP/OA (Fig. 1). If we
wish to analyse the deviation of the values obtairi
ed by different theories, we may draw several
lines corresponding to the appropriate formulae.

A minor point in the problem of the bearing capac­

ity of shallow footings is the case of eccentric
and inolined loadings. We have again several for­
mulae, for instance, the general formula of Brinch
Hanseni however, the experimental proofs are - at
least in clay - still missing. Here I would like
to point out, in connection with the eccentric
loads, that the safety faotor, for a given value
of 0, is the same for the centric and eccentric
loading, if the eccentricity is due to the partial Fig. 2 Safety factor for oentric and eccentric
removal of the load (Fig. 2). This is the case, for loading.
example, of a silo, where only the one half of the
cells is filled.

Passing to the problem of consolidation, I would

like to show you the results of a theory, which
does not make use of the poor pressure conoept put
forward by Terzaghi. Inveetigations on the struc­
ture of clays made clear that many traits of the
behaviour of oohesive soils oould be explained by
the arrangement of the flat or needle-like parti­
cles. Compression and shearing stresses cause an
increase in the local order of the particlee -
these ohanges, however, require time. Figure 3
shows the usu’al assumption on the variations of
the local order. Making some fundamental assump­
tions regarding the degree of the local order
(x m T - c1^) with x as an equilibrium value and
T^"the volume change (void ratio), it is possible
to derive a differential equationi its solution is
given on Fig. 4. The total settlement (s) consists
of two parts, the first part 1b the initial eettl±
ment end the second the eonsolidation settlement.
There are three constants! K^, K 2 and t]_, and it
oan be seen that the oomponents of the settlements Fig. J Arrangement of clay partióles upon loading.

2 18
Chairman N. A. TSYTOVICH

Thank you Dr. Ktfsdl for your interesting leo-

ture specially on problems of the bearing ca­
pacity of plates. How I invite Mr. P4res
Guerra, the president of Ingeniería de Suelos
in Caraoas, Venezuela.

Pandlit G. PEREZ GUERRA (V m zm la )

The discussion by this pannelist of the

several subjects requested by the Gene­
ral Reporter, will be made from the
standpoint of the common foundation en­
gineer, who is always looking for prac­
tical and simple ways to discharge his
everyday duties.
While there is a variety of equipment
and tools for subsoil exploration, the
s - i °ts'- J p ¡ i ¿ k t + k , ( i ! j j [ h ei] ¡ wash boring seems to be still the most
current procedure. Hollow-'shaft mecha­
nical augers, with or without drilling
F ig . 4 D i f f e r e n t i a l e q u a tio n f o r t o t a l s e t t l e ­ mud, have been developed. They elimina­
ment. te the need for a casing and permit sam
pling through the shaft, but they have
limitations in regard to depth of ex -
ploration and obstacles encountered.
On this account, they work beautifully
some times, but in other cases they may
not work at all. Hash boring looks pri­
mitive and old, but it is flexible to
cope with varlying conditions and is
of moderate cost.

How the hole is advanced,however, is

of secondary Importance, provided that
the method permits a reasonable control
of the depth of exploration and that it
gives the operator some indications on
changes of strata.

Clays are routinely sampled for Identi­

fication purposes with the 2" split -
spoon, and here again we have an old
tool which proves satisfactory in the
majority of cases.

Classification alone usually gives a

good idea about the expected behavior
of the clay as a foundation, but the fin
F ig . 5 C o n s o lid a tio n cu rves f o r d i f f e r e n t v a lu e s al design decision would require a nume­
o f th e r a t i o K ^ / ^ . rical value of the strength. Three com­
mon tests are currently employed to mea­
sure It: the field vane, the unconfined
compression(UC) and the triaxial compre£
are not independent from each other (K^ and K2 are sion(UU or CU). The field vane is fast
to be found in both terms). Figure 5 shows some and economical; the other two tests re­
consolidation curves for different values of quire undisturbed sampling.
It may be mentioned that this method of calcula­ For soft to medium-stiff clays the open
tion has been applied to the problem of static end, thin tube, or the stationary piB -
soil compactioni for this purpose, a generaliza­ ton samplers are employed. Stiff to hard
tion of the loading scheme was neededi the passing clays will require the double-tube(Deni­
of a roller increase* first the pressures at a son type)sampler. The Sweedlsh foil sam­
cross section and after it, the pressures decrease. pler 1 b available In some countries for
The sudden change in the value of the constants sampling soft to stiff clays.
clearly Indicated the critical phase composition,
i.e. moisture contents, above which the static Most of the samplers mentioned recently
compaction is impossible. in the literature employ whether the

2 19
principle of the DeniBon double tube or use ting soft peats in the delta of the Orino­
foils to reduce friction. Plastic and fa­ co River
bric foils have been proposed but have rai£
ed objections on acoount of stretching. The vane is usually employed in soft to
(Kallstenius, 1961). One new type of sampler stiff clays with strength up to 30 tons
is a patented device which usee special mud per sq,m. but there is reported one ex-
to reduoe friction and a plug to close the tremelly strong 3 x 6 cm. vane which can
lower end till the sampling depth is reached, shear soils of up to 60 tons/sq.m.(32).
and which is then released and floats back
to the surface carried by the mud. (Begeman, The vane has been correlated mainly to
1961). the UC and the UU triaxial tests. With
so many variable factors affecting the
The talcing of really undisturbed samples correlation terms, it is not surprising
(the "perfect" sample) is a goal that will the wide variation of results reflected
presumably never be reached; even conceding by Fig. 6 of the State of the Art Report.
the absence of mechanical damage to the sam Side by side with rather good coinciden-
pie, there is still the disturbance by the ce(Andresen and Bjerrum,1958)(Flaate,
stress release caused by the extraction of 1965) (279), there are not so good compa­
the sample. The current approach to counter risons (Eden 1965) and some which are com
this disturbance is by laboratory methods pletely o f f (32)(Leussink and Wenz,1967).
employing refined techniques and by more r a The statistical treatment of the data
listic stress analysis. These circumstances gives a better idea of relative values
have fostered the trend to use in-situ teste and in general improves the results of
whenever possible. the comparison.(169)(Flaate,1965).In one
interesting case an apparent difference
Sligthly disturbed tube samples generally between vane and UC was found to be due
give acceptable results for practical pur - to end friction effect in the UC,which
poses. The reduction of strength due to the after being corrected proved to be equal
disturbance has been considered beneficial to 0.93 vane.(116).
to safety.(215)(*). This effeet,however,can
in extremes Invalidate the results, even The number of cases where the comparison
when using 6" samples.(Hall,1964). The lea& has been satisfactory deem to be much
disturbance with samplers is obtained with more frequent than otherwise, with prac­
the foil sampler, as attested by observa - tical differences not larger than 20%,
tions and results. In Table I of the State and usually less.
of the Art Report it is noticed that the
best comparisons are In cases where the The comparison of the vane test with
foil sampler was used. other field or laboratory tests(e.g. the
Sweediph cone), and among UC'and UU tests
FIELD VANE TEST themselves has shown variations of compa­
The vane test has been the subject of much rable magnitude. With good quality sam -
discussion and of innumerable comparisons pies the results are usually satisfacto­
with other current tests. The analytical ry from the practical point of view. In
evaluation of this test has been considered one case the F.of S. of a slide was 1.08
complex(Gibbs et al.,1960) and its practi­ with vane strength and 0.98 with the co­
cal results have been attributed to a for­ ne. (Broms and Bennermark,1967).In another
tuitous cancellation of errors.(Ladd,1967). UC-0.96 cone.(Flaate,1965).

The conflicting opinions about the vane In spite of all the differences and va -
test make its appraisal rather baffling for riations, the teBts oonsidered ean fur -
the practicing engineer. Theoretically, the nish good working design values (Lo and
mechanism of rupture would seem to be not Steraac, 1964)(Ertel, 1967), in aooordance
very well known, and the measured strength with the general oonsensus of experienoe,
not applicable to the system of stresses im provided that sound basio judgement is
posed by usual stability problems; the lat­ used to take into account the circumstan-
ter objection, however,would seem to be of cial factors that may affeot the results.
less importance for shallow footings. In Sampling, classification and some other
practice, on the other hand, the test is wi­ correlative Btrength test area required
dely used in routine investigations genera­ for each clay deposit to establish the
lly with good results, and 16 considered by necessary confidence (87).
many to represent the true strength of clay.
In general it is to be expected that the
It is recognized that,apart from theoreti - results of the vane test come out higher
pal considerations, the results of the vane than the UC and somewhat lower than the
can be affected by many factors, among them UU(Gibbs et al.,1960). As a consequence
layered soils(316),roots(Leussink and Wenz, some designers reduce sistematically the
1967), anisotropy(Di Blagio and Aas,1967),
fissures(324) and pebbles(87). On the other
hand,is specially Buccesful in sensitive
clays, difficult to sample(Brlnch-Hansen, (*) Figures in brackets are reference num­
1950), or clays so Boft as to make hand­ bers of the Bibliography of the State
ling Impractical, as was the case in tes - of the Art Report.

results of the vane in a fixed percenta­ evaluations of its possibilities in clays.
ge, to supposedly obtain strengths on the The point resistance of the cone is consi­
UC level. (Broms,1966). If it is conside­ dered as a model load test of a deep cir­
red that usually the vane strength em­ cular footing. The bearing capacity factor
ployed is an average of several tests, N figured back from the test has shown a
and taking into account the natural varia tendency to diminish with Increase of
bility of soils, the relative variations strength: from 30 for soft clays to 20 for
of the tests themselves and the uncertain a clay of c=10 tons/sq.m.(Wesley,1967), to
ties of the failure load, this sistematic 10 for a clay of average c-30 tons/sq.m.
reduction would not seem justified.The (de Beer,1967). N = 2 0 has been recom­
final answer should be, as mentioned by mended as an averSge(258).In London clay
the General Reporter,in the establishing an average value of 18 has been reported
of statistical confidence levels for each (311), with tendency to decrease for the
given locality. higher penetration resistances. In ano -
ther test in London an average value of
Stiff and hard clays are almost always fis 15.6 was found(324). In soft clays the
sured and this defect weakens the clay and* overburden load may have some influence
produce extremely erratic variations in cil on the correlation, mainly for medium to
types of strength tests.(Skempton and Pe- large depths. Some variations have been
tley,1967). It is known that the size of found to accompany differences in tech­
the sample is determinant on the measured niques and rates of penetration.
strength, larger samples showing less
strength.(Bishop and Little,1967). In fis­ The decrease of N for increased resis­
sured London Clay the true strength can be tance could be caSsed by the typical re­
as low as 50% of the results of conventio­ duction in cross section above the cone
nal tests in small samples. This fact aloie point, which would interfere with the ge­
has much to do with erratic results in the neral shear type of failure present in
comparison of the common tests(324). stiff clays. This reduction would no af­
fect the readings in soft clay, in' which
When dealing with fissured clays, which is a local shear failure would obtain(311).
very frequent,the lower values of vane,UC
and UU tests should govern the design, in Penetration resistances tend to decrease
accordance with general experience. with increase in cross section of the
cone (311), but no significant difference
Correlation of UC with the small laborato­ was found with various types of penetra­
ry vane called "Torvane" is most satisfac­ tion points, from the classical Dutch
tory for routine work. The same applies to point to a flat circular o n e (324).
the readings of the pocket penetrometer.
As the evaluation of N from the cone pe­
LOAD TESTS netrometer test depends on the determina­
With few exceptions(Di Biagio and Aas,1967J tion of the true strength of the clay,Nc
the term of comparison has been the strength values show variations from this source
determined in triaxial tests on block sam­ as well as from dispersion of the test
ples taken by hand, or in field load testa itself. Not much success has been had in
One interesting variety of the latter is relating the cone penetrometer to the
the piston load test performed at a cons­ vane and UC tests. In one case(32) the N
tant rate of penetration, the so-called was 15.5 when related to the vane and 30
CPR piston test(Butler,1964). These tests, when related to the CU triaxial. This si­
specially with pistons of 8" or more in tuation seems to be a reflection of the
diameter, have shown strengths appreciably differences experienced in the other types
lower than UU tests(Hooper and Butler,1966) of tests, as commented above.
and with much less dispersion. In fissured
clays it has been a common finding that In addition to the point resistance, the
piston or plate tests give strengths which static penetrometer permits the measure­
plot near the lower limit of the envelope ment of the adhesion resistance on a slid
of conventional UU tests(331). In cases lng sleeve, data which is usually shown as
where the UC has little dispersion, it has a curve of accumulated adhesion. In the
agreed-closely with plate load tests (Ertel, opinion of the writer this measurement
1967) . would seem to underestimate the true adhe­
sion value of the clay. For this reason it
PENETRATION TESTS would seem better to use for design an em
Penetration tests are widely used as a way pirical reduction of the shear strength
to determine the bearing capacity of soil^ as measured by the point resistance. The
primarily sands. The two most common types adhesion readings of the cone have been
are the static(Dutch) cone penetrometer and applied to purposes other than measure -
the split spoon dynamic penetration test. ment of strength(13). Generally speaking,
Some use is also made of several other pe­ both phases of the penetration test(point
netrometers, among them the dynamic 2-1/2" resistance and sleeve adhesion) are to be
cone, after Peck(1953). considered as field strength tests, which
require for a rational interpretation, bo
STATIC PENETROMETERS ring and sampling for identification of
In regard to the static penetrometer, there the soils involved.
have been reported several experiences and

22 1
In summarizing, the interpretation of pe­ as only indicative of strength, as stated
netration tests in clay looks difficult by many authors(89)(Means,I960)(309).
and confuse at the present time and more
investigation is needed to evaluate the A few investigators have sougth a relation
several factors that may influence it. An between SPT and compressibility(260)(Malcar
N value of 10 would be expected from - 1960) (112) , but the results do not seem as
theoretical considerations(de Beer,1967), yet to be useful for practical work.Proba­
while the 18 to 20 values recommended by bly the situation in this field is similar
others could be practical conservative va­ to the one related to strength.
lues. As with other field tests, it could
well be that correlation always remain to PRESSUREMETER
be only possible on a local basis. In the line of field tests both for com -
pressibility and for strength, it is be -
There are also a few references to the use lieved that the most promising is the pres
of the static penetrometer for the determi­ suremeter test developed by Menard. There
nation of compressibility parameters(258) are increasing publications of experience
(Bachellier and Parez,1965). The latter, with this apparatus, reporting results ra­
using the same penetrometer employed for ther satisfactory from a practical point
the IRABA tests in France, found an empi­ of view.
rical correlation factor which for the
clays tested varied within relatively na­ As an in-situ, stress-strain test, the
rrow limits. More extensive investigations pressuremeter yield data related to the
would undoubtedly be required for the me­ whole phenomenon of deformation under load,
thod to come into practical use. which permit the establishing of working
values for pre-consolidation,bearing capa­
As it has been more or less established city and compressibility.
that shape of the cone is not a major fac­
tor of variation, as against area of cross In regard to strength, comparisons have
section and rate of penetration, it would been made with vane and DU tests(Rochette
seem recommendable to relate future expe­ and Hurtubise,1964), and with plate and UU
riences to the Dutch penetrometer and tech­ tests(Greenland,1964).The pressuremeter
nique. This penetrometer has a tradition agreed with the vane; the UC and UU tests
in Europe and is the most frequently found had a wide variation, with an average be­
the world over. low the vane strength but exibiting a si­
milar trend in depth. The pressuremeter
DYNAMIC PENETROMETERS showed a reasonable agreement with the load
The performing of the spoon penetration tests, but with much more variation and
test while doing wash borings and distur­ with a tendency to indicate higher strengfa.
bed sampling has been considered as a free The type of soils tested may have had much
bonus of the proccess. Relative density of to do with both the scatter and the higher
sand has been related to the SPT, but for­ strength, as they were fissured clay, fis­
tunately this subject is out of order in sured weak siltstone and varved clay.
this session.
For pre-consolidation loads, the pressure­
Attempts have equally been made to relate meter seems to furnish good working values
the blows of the SPT to the shear strength in accordance with tests conducted in soil
of clays. Reported in the literature and of CL, CH and MH type(Mori and Tajlma,1964).
summarized in Fig. 27 of the State of the This is an aspect of great interest, as a
Art Report, are correlations of N/q ( in majority of clays to be loaded with build­
kgs./ ranging from 5 to 50, with ing foundations are pre-consolidated to so
the most frequent values from 5 to 8. Some me extent. At present, short of actual oe-
of the correlations are backed by extensiv dometer cr triaxial tests, the designer ,
testing and apply to a particular place looking for a preliminary value of pre-con
(225)(182). As noted by the General Repor­ solidation, has to resort to correlations
ter, the scatter of the correlation proba­ with the liquidity index.
bly is due more to the variations of the
clay than to tHe test itself. Activity of The evaluation of bearing capacity and set­
the clay seems to influence the results tlements with the pressuremeter, has been
(182)(510),as well as fissures and pre-con­ presented by its inventor(Menard et al.,62)
solidation. making use of a long list of experimental
parameters;a series of full-sized load -
In testing two extensive deposits of pre­ tests gave results which seem to substan­
consolidated clays in Venezuela, it was tiate the theory(Menard,1963).
noticed that in spite of scatter, the ran­
ges of blow counts corresponded to similar The measurement of soil properties and pre­
ranges of strength, and that the blow counts diction of behavior on basis of pressureme­
were rather consistent throughout each de­ ter tests are probably as relative and as
posit. subject to variations as most other proce­
dures of soil mechanics; yet, they are ne­
In general, it seems that unless a systema­ cessarily far more accurate than many co­
tic local correlation is developed, the re­ rrelations currently in use. The ability to
sults of the SPT in clays are to be taken run several tests in a site in a relative­

ly short time and to furnish data on seve­ to be restricted to the liquid limit, but
ral levels of the profile, may make of the could perhaps be extended to cover the
pressuremeter a useful tool of soil engi­ plastic limit too.
neering. The flow pressure and the limit
pressure defined by the pressuremeter re­ It would seem that soil mechanics need new
present physical limits of behavior, and methods for these determinations, which
the test is based on recognized rational would shorten the time required and which
theories. would eliminate as much as possible the
personal factor.
This is not to imply that the pressureme­
ter is to be considered a panacea-there REFERENCES
may be situations where its use may prove
impractical or its interpretation unclonlu- Andresen,A. and Bjerrum,L.,1958."Vane Tes­
sive- not that it would furnish the sole ting in Norway", Norwegian Geotech.
basis for establishing foundation criteria Inst.,Pub. N°28,Oslo.
Bachelier,M. and Parez,L.,"Contribution
Everything considered, it is a bit surpri­ a 1'Etude de la Compressibilite de
sing that the pressuremeter, at more than Sols a l'Aide du Penetrometre a Cone",
ten years of its invention, has not come 6th.Int.Conf.,Montreal,Vo1. II,pg.3.
into more general use. Efforts should be Begeman,H.,1961."A New Method for Taking
made toward increasing its availability Samples of Great Lengths",5th. Int.
and simplifying its interpretation. Conf.,Paris,Vol. I, pg. 437.
Bishop,A.W. and Little, A.L.,1967."The In
(0,c) SOILS fluence of the Size and Orientation 61
The vane and UC tests are strictly applica­ the Sample on the Apparent Strength of
ble only to 0 m 0 cases. The interpreta­ London Clay at Malden, Essex1', Geotech.
tion with (0,c) soils is very personal witti Conf. Oslo,Vol. I,pg.89.
the designer, as it will require a certain Brinch Hansen,J.,1950."Vane Tests on a
weighing of cohesive and frictional charac­ Norwegian Quick Clay",Geotechnique,
teristics. A measure of friction can be Vol. II, pg. 58.
had with the vane test by using vanes of Broms,B.B.,1956."Methods of Calculating
different numbers of blades(Farrent,1960), the Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Piles:
but this is not a current procedure. A Summary",Sols-Soils,N°18-19,pg. 21.
Broms,B.B. and Bennermark,H.,1967."Free
Static penetrometers, plate load tests and Discussion-Session 1",Geotech.Conf.
pressuremeter tests, can give a measure of Oslo, Vol. II, pg. 119.
bearing capacity, but the complete analysfe Butler,F.G.,1964."Piston Loading Tests in
of the components of strength will require London Clay",Symp. on the Econom. Use
triaxial compression tests. of Soil Test, in Site Invest..Birming­
ham, pg. 3-1.
ON CONSISTENCY LIMITS de Beer, E . ,1967."Shear Strength Characte
Taking up an ad-libitum subject, the writs: ristics of the'Boom Clay", Geotech.
would like to bring up a point that may be Conf. Oslo,Vol. I, pg. 83.
of some interest. DiBiagio, E. and Aas,G.,1967."The In-Situ
Shear Strength Measured on a Horizon­
It would be an inanity to mention the ex­ tal Failure Plane by Large Scale Di­
tensive use made of the consistency limits rect Shear Tests in Quick Clay*, Geo-
in soil mechanics. The determination of tech. Conf. Oslo, Vol. I, pg. 19.
these limits in routine work means hundred Eden, W.J . ,1965."An Evaluation of the
of tests made by laboratory technicians. Field Vane Test in Sensitive Clay"
Frequently they do nothing else for week^ ASTM, STP N°399, p g . 8
it being certainly a depressing perspecti­ Ertel,W.,1967."Determination of the Ini­
ve to face the plate-clapping and finger- tial Strength of Stiff Tertiary Clay",
rolling routine day in and day out. It is Geotech.Conf. Oslo, Vol. I, pg. 109.
known that personal errors may affect the Farrent,1960."The Interpretation of Vane
results, and while a laboratory can always Tests in Soil Having Friction", 3rd.
make periodic checks of the reproducibili­ Aust.&N.Zeal. Conf., pg. 81.
ty of results, it is difficult to take in­ Flaate,K.,1965."A Statistical Analysis of
to account the deterioration of technique Some Methods for Shear Strength Deter­
as the day advances and the hands get ti­ mination in Soil Mechanics",Norwegian
red and the minds dulled. Geotech. Inst., Pub. N°62,Oslo.
Gibbs, H.J. et a l .,1960."Shear Strength
Several years ago there appeared in Rus­ of Cohesive Soils",Shear Conf. Denver,
sia and in India some proposals for the pg. 33.
use of a cone as a substitute for the li­ Greenland,S.W.,1964."Economic Loading
quid limit machine; some experiences made Tests with the Menard Pressuremeter",
in the United States(Sowers et al.,1959) Symp. on the Econom. Use of Soil Test,
showed considerable promise, but lately no in Site Invest., Birmingham.
mention has been made of the subject in Hall,E.B.,1964."Shear Strength Determina­
the literature, giving the impression that tion of Soft,Clayey Soil by Field and
no more work is being done. Laboratory Methods",ASTM STP N°351,
pg. 53.
The use of the cone do not necessarily has Hooper, J.A. and Butler, F.G.,1965."Some

S E A N C E P L E N IE R E 2
Numerical Results Concerning the Shear in flu e n c e the b e h a v io u r o f a s in g le p ile a r e the
Strength of London Clay",Geotechnique, e la s t ic p r o p e r t ie s o f p ile m a t e r ia l; the e la s t ic
Vol. XVI, pg. 282. e la s t o - p la s t ic and p la s tic p r o p e r t ie s o f the s o il;
shape and s iz e o f p ile s ; m eth od o f in s ta lla tio n ;
2 " ,5th. Int. Conf.,Paris, Vol. Ill,
the ty p e o f s o il and its p h y s ic a l s ta te in clu d in g
pg. 165 its s t r e s s h is t o r y and tim e fa c t o r in v o lv e d in
Laad, C . ,1967."Discussion-Session 1”
Geoteen. Conf. Oslo, Vol. II, pg.114. d r iv in g and te s tin g the p ile s . I t i s , th e r e fo r e ,
Leussink, H. and wenz,K,P.,1967."Compa­ ob viou s that one cannot g e t a s im p le and p e r fe c t
rison of Field Vane and Laboratory e x p r e s s io n to p r e d ic t the lo a d b e a rin g c a p a c ity
Shear Strength of Soft Cohesive Soils", o f p ile w h ich ta k e s in to accou n t a ll the a b o v e
Geotech. Conf. Oslo,Vol. I, pg. 71. m en tio n e d p a r a m e te r s . T h e b e s t the one can
Lo,K.Y. andStermac,A.G.,1964."Some Pile g e t is a s o lu tio n w h ich , w ith p r o p e r m o d ific a tio n ,
Loading Tests in Stiff Clay", Can. Geo-
tech. Jour.,Vol. I, N°2 b a sed on ju d g e m e n t and e x p e r ie n c e o f the d e s ig n e r ,
Malcev,R.E . ,1964."Interpretation of Stand­ w i l l p r o v id e a s a fe s tr u c tu r e . T h e fa c t o r o f
ard Spoon Penetration Testing",Symp. s a fe t y in such a c a s e is thus a c o m b in a tio n o f the
on the Econom. Use of Soil Test, in f a c t o r o f ig n o r a n c e , fa c t o r o f e x p e r ie n c e and
Site Invest.,Birmingham,pg. 3-11 fa c to r f o r the r is k in v o lv e d .
Means,R.E., 1960."Soil Investigation for
Building Foundations ",Oklahoma Eng. In the lig h t o f a b o v e a rg u m e n ts , i t is c le a r that
Exp. Sta., Pub. N°94
a n y m eth od o ld o r n ew , w ill h a ve its own lim it a t io n s .
Menard,L. and Rousseau,J.,1962."L'tvalua-
tion des Tassements-Tendences Nouvel­ E v e n though th e old m eth od s w h ich a r e m o s t ly
les", Sols-Soils, N°l. b a sed on ru le o f thum b a r e g r a d u a lly b e in g r e p la c e d
Menard, L . ,1963."Calcul de la Force Por­ b y h ig h ly s o p h is tic a te d and c o m p u te ris e d m eth od s,
tante des Fondations sur la base des the le v e l o f c o n fid e n c e on the la t t e r h a ve not
Resultats des Essais Pressiometriques", a lt e r e d s ig n ific a n tly . T h e f ie ld e n g in e e r o r a
Sols-Soils, N°5 and 6.
d e s ig n e r has h is own doubts and r e s e r v a t io n s about
Mori,H. and Tajima, S.,1965."The Applica­
th e s e m eth o d s . W h at could p o s s ib ly h a ve b een
tion of Pressuremeter Method for the
Design of Deep Foundations",Soil and w ro n g w ith ou r r e s e a r c h e s in th is d ir e c t io n ? One
Foundation,Tokyo,Vol. IV, N ° 2 (Summary o f the re a s o n s that I can s e e is that w h ile w e h a ve
in Sols-Solls N°13). paid m uch a tte n tio n to p e r f e c t the c o m p u tatio n
Peck,R . ,1953."Foundation Exploration-Den- tech n iq u e, w e h a ve e ith e r o v e r lo o k e d o r not p aid
ver Colisseum",Proc. ASCE,Vol. 79, enough a tten tio n to the fu n d am en ta l p h y s ic a l p a r a ­
m e t e r s in v o lv e d in it. T a k e f o r e x a m p le , the
Rochette, P.A. and Hurtubise,J.E.,1961.
"Resultats et Methods d 'Essais au La­ m ethod s u g g e s te d b y P o u lo s and D a v is (1968) f o r
boratoire et au Chantier",5th. Int. p r e d ic tio n o f b e h a v io u r o f a s in g le v e r t ic a l p ile
Conf. Paris,Vol. I,pg. 309. s u b je c te d t o a x ia l lo a d s . T h e p ro b le m has no doubt
Skempton, A.W. and Petley,D.J.,1967."The b e en a tta c k e d in a r ig h t d ir e c t io n a n a ly t ic a lly . But
Strength along Structural Discontinui­ a p a r t fr o m the fa c t that the b a s ic a ssu m p tion s
ties in Stiff Clays",Geotech.Conf. Os­
in v o lv e d in th is a p p ro a c h w i l l a f f e c t the r e s u lt s ,
lo, Vol. II, pg. 29.
Sowers, G.F. et al.,1959."Penetration the r e lia b ilit y o f the r e s u lts w i l l be g o v e r n e d b y the
Test for Liquid Limit" ASTM STP N°254, d e g r e e o f c o r r e c t n e s s to w h ich the p h y s ic a l p a r a ­
pg. 216. m e t e r s E , E 1 and /*. a r e a s s e s s e d . T h e r e is
Wesley,L.D.,1967."The Use of the Dutch no s in g le r e lia b le m eth od to d e te r m in e th e s e p a r a ­
Penetrometer in Clays",5th. Aust.& N. m e t e r s and a lo t m o r e w o r k is n e c e s s a r y in th is
Zeal. Conf., pg. 34. d ir e c tio n .

Chairman N. A . T S Y T O V IC H A N A L Y T IC A L M ETH O D S

Thank you very muoh for your interesting re­ T h e m a in a d v a n ta ge s o f P o u lo a and D a v is

port Mr. P£rez. m eth od is that (1 ) i t g iv e s d is tr ib u tio n o f s t r e s s
alo n g the p ile - le n g t h ; (2 ) the m eth od can b e u sed
to a n a ly s e p ile o f any shape e. g. s in g le and m u ltip le
Non Dr. Mohan, please deliver your contribu­
u n d e r -r e a m e d p ile s e tc . , (3 ) the g ro u p e f fe c t can
be taken in to accou n t on a m o r e r a tio n a l b a s is ,
(4 ) the com p u tatio n s a r e q u ic k e r c o m p a re d to the
Panelist D. M O H A N (India)
m eth od o f S eed and R e e s e (1 9 5 7 ). U n fo rtu n a tely ,
t h e r e a r e no fia ld o r m o d a l t e s t d ata a v a ila b le to
E v e n though p ile s h a ve b een in u se f o r so m an y v e r i f y th e r e lia b ilit y o f chis m eth od . T h is i s
y e a r s now, the k n o w le d g e o f th e ir b e h a v io u r and m en tion ed b y the au th ors th e m s e lv e s " ......... an
c o r r e c t a s s e s s m e n t o f th e ir lo a d c a r r y in g c a p a c ity a s s e s s m e n t o f the a c c u r a c y o f such p r e d ic tio n s m ust
is fa r fr o m p e r fe c t. T h e r e a s o n is that the a w a it c o m p a r is io n w ith the r e s u lts o f c a r e f u lly
p ro b le m i s f a i r l y c o m p lic a te d f o r a s in g le p ile c o n tr o lle d m o d e l and f ie ld t e s t s " .
I t s e l f and is m uch m o r e d iffic u lt f o r a g ro u p o f
p ile s . Som e o f the im p o rta n t p a r a m e te r s that T h e m eth od o f S eed and R e e s e (1957) i s w e ll

su p p orted b y f i e l d and d t M e l te s ts . I t is m a in ly t ie s and the c o m p lic a te d s a il- p ile in te r a c tio n is
u sefu l in f r i c t i o n p ile s w ith a lo w p oin t r e s is ta n c e . taken in to a ccou n t a u to m a tic a lly . T h e lo a d te s ts
T h e r e l i a b i l i t y o f the m eth od depen ds on the c o r r e c t to o p o s e th e ir ow n d iffic u lt ie s - (a ) how to d e fin e
a s s u m p tio n o f the u tilis a tio n o f f r ic t io n f o r c e s alon g and d e te r m in e the u ltim a te lo a d fr o m the loa d
th e p ile sh aft. M uch w o rk is y et to be done to s e ttle m e n t c u r v e ; and (b ) what can be the b e st
s ta n d a rd is e a m eth od f o r a c o r r e c t a s s e s s m e n t o f p o s s ib le m eth od o f c a r r y in g out the te s t so that
th es e f r ic t io n a l f o r c e s U n lik e P o lo u s and D a v is i t is m o s t e c o n o m ic a l, le s s tim e -c o n s u m in g and
m ethod , i t is not p o s s ib le to exten d th is m eth od to s im u la te s th e actu a l loa d in g c o n d itio n s . It is
d e te r m in e th e g ro u p e ffe c t. e n c o u ra g in g to note that th e r e is a g ro w in g c o n s ­
c io u s n es s on the p a r t o f r e s e a r c h e r s to s ta n d a rd is e
P I L E D R IV IN G F O R M U L A E the lo a d te s t. H o w e v e r , a m o n g s t the w id e ly
v a r y in g p r a c t ic e s , th e r e is s t ill n eed to fin d one
N u m erou s d y n a m ic fo r m u la e h a ve b e en p ro p o s e d in m eth od w h ich fu lfils the ab o v e m en tio n e d c r it e r ia
the p ast. T h e ir b a s ic p r in c ip le is that the e n e r g y and is a c c e p te d u n iv e r s a lly . T h is is m o r e e s s e n ­
im p a r te d to the p ile b y th e d r iv in g h a m m e r is t ia l now in v ie w o f the fa c t that exch a n g e o f l i t e ­
equated to the r e s is ta n c e o ffe r e d b y the ground r a tu r e on an in te r n a tio n a l l e v e l is h e lp in g a lo t
th rou gh w h ich th e p ile is d r iv e n . T o th is b e lo n g in a d v a n c e m en t o f v a r io u s s c ie n c e s . A n i n t e r ­
the E n g in e e rin g N ew s R e c o r d , Dutch, R it t e r , n a tion a l g a th e r in g o f this typ e can p la y an im p o r ­
H ile y and s e v e r a l o th e r fo r m u la e . E v e n though the tant r o le in s ta n d a rd is in g such p r a c t ic e s .
u s e fu ln e s s and r e l i a b ilit y o f th es e fo r m u la e h a ve
b e en q u e s tio n e d s e v e r a l tim e s , th e y a r e s t ill w id e ly L A T E R A L L O A D R E S IS T A N C E
u sed and m o s t o f the p ilin g f ir m s e s tim a te th e ir
p ile c a p a c itie s w ith th e h e lp o f th e s e fo r m u la e . A s u r v e y o f lit e r a t u r e f o r a n a ly s is o f p ile s s u b je c te d
W hat can be the r e a s o n o f th is p a r a d o x ic a l to la t e r a l lo a d s show s th at th e sta te o f a f f a ir s is
s itu a tio n ? O ne o f the re a s o n s is that th e y a r e e q u a lly g lo o m y in th is c a s e a ls o . E v e n though th e r e
v e r y handy. T h e d e s ig n e r d o e s not g e t lo s t in a r e m a n y a n a ly tic a l and e m p ir ic a l m eth od s a v a ila ­
the m a th e m a tic a l com p u ta tio n s. I f you ask the b le in the lit e r a t u r e , each p re s e n ts it s own d i f f i ­
d e s ig n e r w h y he adopts th em w hen th e y a r e not c u ltie s . O ne o f the ra tio n a l p ro c e d u r e s is to tr e a t
r e lia b le , he w i l l p r o b a b ly r e p ly - " a f t e r a ll what the p ile as a b eam on e la s tic fou n d ation and u sing
i s r e lia b le in S o il M e c h a n ic s "? H o w e v e r , this W in k le r 's h y p o th e sis and con cep t o f m odulus o f
g iv e s a c lu e to the fa c t that m o s t o f our s o p h is ­ s u b gra d e r e a c tio n , a n a ly s e the p ro b le m . E v en
tic a te d a n a ly t ic a l m eth o d s , i f p re s e n te d in the though an e x c e lle n t p a p e r has b een p re s e n te d b y
fo r m o f r e a d y m a d e ta b le s , c h a r ts , and n o m o ­ T e r z a g h i (19 55 ) on m odulus o f s u b gra d e r e a c tio n ,
g ra m s w i l l lo o k m o r e a t t r a c t iv e and w ill be i t s t ill le a v e s m a n y q u e s tio n s u n tn w e re d . F o r
a c c e p ta b le to the f i e l d e n g in e e rs and d e s ig n e r s . e x a m p le , is i t c o r r e c t to a s su m e that the m odulus
o f s u b gra d e r e a c tio n is in d ep en d en t o f lo a d ? In
W A V E E Q U A T IO N o th e r w o r d s , how f a r a r e w e ju s t ifie d in a s s ig n in g
o n ly one s in g le v a lu e f o r the m odulus o f s u b gra d e
A n o th e r a n a ly t ic a l ap p ro a c h in th is d ir e c t io n is r e a c t io n o f a s o il at a p a r tic u la r d ep th ? S o f a r it s
the p r e d ic tio n o f u ltim a te b e a rin g c a p a c ity o f p ile v a r ia tio n w ith depth is c o n c e rn e d , i t has now b e en
b y w a v e equ ation . E v e n though th is m eth od was e s ta b lis h e d that i t v a r ie s lin e a r ly w ith depth f o r
p ro p o s e d in 1938 (G la n v ille et a l - 1938), i t has sands and n o r m a lly c o n s o lid a tio n c la y s and is
c o m e to p ro m in e n c e o n ly r e c e n t ly th rou gh the con stan t w ith depth f o r s t i f f and o v e r c o n s o lid a tio n
e ffo r t s o f S m ith (1 9 6 2 ). T h e study c a r r ie d out c la y s . I f a m o r e p r e c is e v a r ia tio n o f m odulus o f
b y F o re h a n d et a l (1964) has e s ta b lis h e d that the s u b gra d e r e a c t io n w ith lo a d s is a ls o e s ta b lis h e d ,
s u c c e s s fu l a p p lic a tio n o f th is m eth od r e q u ir e s a one can u se the m eth od o f R e e s e and M a tlo c k (i9 6 0 )
k n o w le d g e o f s ta tic and d y n a m ic p r o p e r t ie s o f s o il, o r s o m e s im ila r m ethod w ith s u ita b le m o d ific a tio n s .
d im e n s io n s o f p ile s and p r o p e r tie s o f the m a te r ia l T h e la t e r a l loa d te s t w ill h o w e v e r con tinue to p la y
fr o m w h ich i t is m a d e, and in fo r m a tio n o f p h y s ic a l an im p o rta n t r o le in y e a r s to c o m e and th e r e is an
p r o p e r tie s o f p ile d r i v e r and a s s o c ia te d equ ipm en t u rg e n t need f o r its s ta n d a rd is a tio n on lin e s s im ila r
used. H e r e a g a in , w e a r e fa c e d w ith the sam e to the v e r t ic a l lo a d te s t.
p ro b le m - how m uch r e lia b le o u r k n o w le d g e is
about th e s o il p r o p e r t ie s ? P IL E G R O U P E F F E C T

LO AD TESTS Next we com e to the question o f analysis o f p ile

g ro u p s . It has b e en known s in c e lon g that the lo a d
In s p ite o f m a n y s o p h is tic a te d c o m p u te ris e d c a r r y in g c a p a c ity o f a g ro u p o f p ile s f o r a p a rtic u la T
tech n iq u es, the lo a d te s ts s t ill con tinu e to be the s e ttle m e n t is not ju s t the n u m b er o f p ile s tim e s the
m o s t r e lia b le m eth od o f p r e d ic tio n o f u ltim a te load c a r r y in g c a p a c ity o f one s in g le p ile , y e t th e r e
lo a d b e a rin g c a p a c ity o f p ile s . T h e s ta tic con e is no r e lia b le m eth od to d e te r m in e q u a n tita tiv e ly the
p e n e tra tio n t e s t has a ls o b een u sed to a lim ite d actu a l loa d c a r r ie d out b y a p ile g ro u p . U n lik e s in g le
exten t. T h e ob viou s a d van tage o f th e s e m eth od s p ile s , the lo a d te s ts o f p ile g ro u p s in the f ie ld a r e
o v e r an y a n a ly tic a l m eth od is that th e y d o not not g e n e r a lly p o s s ib le and o n ly v e r y fe w te s ts h a ve
in v o lv e an y a s s u m p tio n r e g a r d in g the s o il p r o p e r ­ b een r e p o r te d in the lit e r a t u r e . M o s t o f the stu d ies


have b een con fin ed to m o d e l te s ts o n ly and b ased C O M B IN E D G R O U P O F V E R T I C A L A N D B A T T E R

on th e s e a fe w au th ors (W h ita k e r 1957, S a f f e r i - P IL E S
T a te 1961 and S o w e rs e t a l 1961) h a ve found out
e f fic ie n c y fa c t o r s w ith v a r io u s c o n fig u r a tio n and One g e ts c o m p le t e ly lo s t w h en h e has to d e s ig n a
p ile s p a c in g . T h e r e s u lts o f th es e in v e s tig a tio n s p ile g ro u p c o n s is tin g o f v e r t i c a l as w e ll as b a tte r
d i f f e r fr o m each o th e r so m uch th at nothing c o n ­ p ile s s u b je c te d to v e r t i c a l and h o r iz o n t a l f o r c e s
c lu s iv e is a v a ila b le . a lo n g w ith m o m e n ts . E v e n though th e r e a r e m a n y
a n a ly t ic a l m eth od s (H r e n m k o ff 1949) as w e ll as
g r a p h ic a l (c e n tr e o f r o ta tio n m eth o d ) none o f th em
ta k e s in to accou n t the e f fic ie n c y f a c t o r w h ich is so
s t r o n g ly a d v o c a te d in c a s e o f p lle - g r o u p s s u b je c te d
One o f the m a in d iffic u lt ie s w ith m o d e l te s ts in to v e r t i c a l lo a d s o n ly . T h e r e has b e en no s y s t e m a ­
S o il M e ch a n ic s is the c o n tro l on p h y s ic a l p r o p e r t ie s t ic stu d y e it h e r in th e f i e l d o r in th e la b o r a t o r y to
o f the s o il. M a n y r e s e a r c h w o r k e r s a r e now lo o s in g fin d th e e f fic ie n c y f a c t o r f o r p ile g ro u p s s u b je c te d
fa ith in the r e l i a b i l i t y o f m o d e l te s ts and g o in g in to la t e r a l lo a d s . T h e r e is t h e r e f o r e an u rg e n t need
e ith e r f o r v e r y la r g e m o d e l te s ts o r fu ll s c a le f ie ld f o r the d e v e lo p m e n t o f a g e n e r a l a n a ly t ic a l m eth od
te s ts . In one o f his le c tu r e s d e liv e r e d b y G. L e o ­ to d e te r m in e th e in flu e n c e f a c t o r f o r a p ile w ith
n ards a t R o o r k e e (In d ia ) v e r y r e c e n t ly , he s tated g e n e r a l c o n fig u r a tio n (c o n s is tin g o f v e r t i c a l and
that due to d iffic u lt y in s im u la tin g the p h y s ic a l b a tte r p ile s ) and s u b je c te d to g e n e r a l lo a d in g ( v e r ­
p r o p e r tie s o f s o il, i t is im p o s s ib le to g e t a n y r e ­ t ic a l and h o r iz o n ta l f o r c e s w ith m o m e n ts ). T h is is
p e titiv e and r e lia b le r e s u lt s in m o d e l te s ts on n eed ed b o th fo r tw o and t h r e e d im e n s io n a l p r o b le m s .
p ile s . T h e r e a r e , no doubt, m a n y d iffic u lt ie s in T h is stu d y should s u b s e q u e n tly b e c h e c k ed b y s y s ­
c o n tr o llin g the p h y s ic a l p r o p e r t ie s o f s o il but I te m a tic f ie ld and m o d e l te s ts .
a m not unduly p e s s im is t ic on th is is s u e . M uch m ore
r e s e a r c h is o b v io u s ly n e c e s s a r y to s ta n d a rd is e the S U M M A R Y A N D C O N C L U D IN G R E M A R K S
p ro c e d u r e f o r ob tain in g r e p e t it iv e s o il p r o p e r t ie s
lik e the d e n s ity o f s o il, m o is tu r e con ten t e tc . I w o u ld f in a lly lik e to s u m m a r is e th e p oin ts on
w h ich w e m ig h t fo c u s o u r a tten tion .
P o u lo s (1968) has put fo r w a r d an a n a ly tic a l a p p ­
ro a c h to fin d th e in flu e n c e o f one p ile o v e r the (1 ) A n in t e n s iv e r e s e a r c h is n e c e s s a r y to stu d y
oth e r in a g ro u p . T h e y h a ve u sed M in d lin 's s o lu ­ th e p h y s ic a l p a r a m e te r s in v o lv e d in th e p ile
tio n f o r the e f fe c t o f v e r t ic a l p oin t lo a d a c tin g i n ­ fou n d ation p r o b le m .
s id e the s e m i- in fin it e s p a c e on s o m e o th e r p oin t
in th e s a m e s p a c e . T h e m eth od a p p e a rs to b e (2 ) N ot to s c a r c e a d e s ig n e r w ith c o m p lic a te d
r a tio n a l but a g a in w e a r e fa c e d w ith the d iffic u lt ie s m a th e m a tic a l com p u ta tio n , a s y s te m a tic stu d y
o f a s c e r ta in in g the p h y s ic a l p a r a m e te r s , E , E ' and sh ou ld b e c a r r ie d out to p r e p a r e ta b le s , c h a rts
^ o f th e s o il and th e p ile . T h e au th or r ig h t ly o r n o m o g ra m s b a s e d e ith e r on th e a n a ly t ic a l
p oin ts out that " I n a p p lyin g th e t h e o r e t ic a l s o lu tio n a p p ro a c h o r f i e l d and m o d e l te s ts .
to the f i e l d p r o b le m s , i t m u st b e b o rn e in m ind
that the th e o r y a t p re s e n t tak es no a ccou n t o f (3 ) Th e v e r tic a l as w e ll as la t e r a l lo a d te s ts on
v a r io u s a s p e c ts w h ich m a y in flu e n c e the b e h a v io u r s in g le p ile s b e in g u n a v o id a b le a t th is s ta g e ,
o f a g ro u p such as the o r d e r o f d r iv in g o f th e p ile s , a s ta n d a rd is a tio n o f th e tech n iq u e o f c a r r y in g
la y e r in g o f th e s o il p r o f ile . A l s o the t h e o r y d oes out th e s e te s ts a s w e ll as o f in t e r p r e ta tio n o f
not ta k e in to a ccou n t an y r a ft a c tio n b e tw e e n th e the r e s u lts n eed an e x h a u s tiv e study.
p ile cap and th e s o i l " . T h e au th or s u g g e s ts that
b e c a u s e o f the d iffic u lt y in d e te r m in in g th e v a lu e s (4 ) T o m ak e the m o d e l t e s t r e s u lts m o r e u s e fu l
o f th e s o il p ile p a r a m e te r s , i t m a y b e m o r e s a t is ­ and r e lia b le , a s ta n d a rd is a tio n o f th e tech n iq u es
f a c t o r y to c a r r y out a f ie ld lo a d in g t e s t on a s in g le f o r c o n tr o l o f p h y s ic a l p r o p e r t ie s o f th e s o il
p ile and s u b s e q u e n tly to a p p ly th e th e o r e t ic a l v a lu e s is v e r y e s s e n tia l.
o f s e ttle m e n t r a tio s to th e r e s u lts o f th is te s t in
o r d e r to p r e d ic t the s e ttle m e n ts o f a g ro u p . In v ie w (5 ) A s y s te m a tic stu d y is u r g e n tly n e e d e d to fin d
o f the fa c t that th e s o il in th e f ie ld m a y not be th e e f fic ie n c y fa c t o r f o r p ile g ro u p s w h ich
h o m o ge n eo u s , the au thors cau tion - " I t m u st, h o w ­ c o n s is ts o f v e r t ic a l and b a tte r p ile s and a r e
e v e r , be b o rn e in m ind that such n o n -h o m o g e n e ity s u b je c te d to m o s t g e n e r a l ty p e o f lo a d in g .
m a y m o d ify th e in t e r a c tio n b e tw e e n p ile s as c o m ­
p a re d w ith the c a s e o f h o m o gen eo u s m a s s and thus REFERENCES
li m i t th e v a lid it y o f the t h e o r e t ic a l c u r v e s in th is
p a p e r. F u r t h e r study is n e c e s s a r y in th is d ir e c tio n ". (1 ) F o re h a n d , P . W . A N D R e e s e , J. L . , 1964,
W i l l a ll th e s e p re c a u tio n s and lim ita tio n s at p re s e n t " P r e d ic t io n o f p ile c a p a c ity b y th e w a v e
not s c a r c e a d e s ig n e n g in e e r and c o m p e l h im to e q u a tio n " J o u rn a l o f S. M . & F . DLv. A S C E . ,
ad op t the o ld c o n s e r v a tiv e e m p ir ic a l m eth od s lik e
S M 2 p. 1.
C o n v e r s e - L a b a r e e , S e ile r - K e e n e y o r F e ld
fo r m u la e ? (2 ) G la n v ille , W . H. et a l . , 1938, " A n in v e s tig a tio n

of the stresses in Reinforced concrete pile Skempton's paper on 'Kippen' - published
during driving", Dept. Sci. Ind. Research in 1942 (Skempton, 1942)
(B r i t . ). , B ld g ., Research Tech. paper 20. - this was ah unusually soft clay
shear strength below the crust was
(3) Hrerndkoff, A . , 1949, "Analysis of pile founda­
340 lb/sq.ft.
tions with batter p ile s", Proceedings ASCE. ,
Vol. 75, No. 2 p. 185.
The Transcona Grain Silo - occurred in 1913
(4) Matlock, H. and Reese, L . C . , 1962, "G ene­ (Peck & Bryant, Geotechnique Vol. Ill
ralised solutions for laterally loaded piles", (1953) White, L. S. ditto).
Transaction, A S C E ., Vol. 127, p. 1220. This was an unusually heavy building.

(5) Poulos, H. G . , 1968, "Analysis of the settle­ There may be others.

ment of pile groups", Geotechnlque Vol. 18,
p. 449. But today we should not get 'rupture'; cer­
tainly not for 'average' conditions.
(6) Pouloa, H. G. and Davis, E. H. 1968,
"The settlement behaviour of single ajdally Settlement IS the problem.
loaded incom pressible piles and p iers",
Geotechnlque Vol. 18, p. 351. How much?

(7) Safferi, M. and Tate, A , 1961, "M odel tests How quickly?
on pile groups in a clay soil with particular
reference to the behaviour of the group when Settlement of what? a building, or one foot­
it is loaded eccentrically1', 5th International ing in a building?
Conf. of S. M. & F . E . , P a ris Vol. 2, p. 279.
This immediately introduces the concept of
(8) Seed, H. B. Ii Reese, L . C. 1957, "The action 'deformation' - not at all the same thing as
of soft clay along friction p iles", Transaction settlement. If we know the stresses in the
A S C E , Vol. 122, p. 731. soil due to the building we can make a rea­
sonable stab at calculating the settlement.
(9) Smith, E. A . L . , 1962, "P ile driving analysis
by wave equation", Transaction, ASCE, We start with Boussinesq's (1885) solution
Part I, Vol. 127, p. 1146. for an ideal elastic material - and a point
load. We integrate this to get a loaded area
(10) Sowers, G. F . et al, 1961, "The bearing capa­ (or a line load) - in fact we use Newmark's
city of friction pile group in homogeneous clay (1947) very useful graphical solution. We
from model studies" Proc. 5th International can now say what the settlement will be at
Conf. on S. M. te F . E . , Vol. 2, p. 155. any point of a uniformly loaded rectangle.
But for the loading to remain uniform the
(11) Terzaghi, K. 1955, "Evaluation of coefficients building must be completely flexible - i.e.
of subgrade reaction". Geotechnique, Vol. 5, the loading is a collection of vertical rods.
p. 297. Such buildings do not come often, although
oil tanks approximate to this type of load­
(12) Whitaker, T . , 1957 "f&cperiments with model ing.
piles in groups" Geotechmque, Vol. 7, p. 247.
OR we can say this building is so stiff that
Chairman N. A . T S Y T O V IC H it will not deform, and using the work of E.
N. Fox (1948) we can say the settlement will
Thank you very much Dr. Mohan for your in­ be so much. Between these limits the founda­
teresting talk on pile behavior. Row I call tion engineer can say nothing! Between these
on Dr. Solder. limits the problem is a structural one and a
very complex one. Today it is probably pos­
Pan diR H. Q. G O L D E R (Canada) sible - for the first time - to analyse a
structural frame and by successive approxima­
In general terms settlement IS the problem. tions to arrive at reasonable values for the
final settlement of the individual footings.
For 'average' buildings and 'average' soils
we know enough now to be sure of avoiding But buildings do not consist of structural
rupture in shear of the clay supporting the frames. They consist of frames stiffened by
building. panels. I learned that by observing bomb-
damaged buildings in London during the Second
If we look for examples of shear failure of World War. And I think it probable (I do not
building foundations in clay, what do we know) that the biggest uncertainty in calcu­
find? lating the settlement of a partially flexible

structure iB not the soils data but the know­ questions.
ledge of the stiffness of the 1framed and
blocked1 structure. Who does the allowing? The Building Code,
the Architect, the Structural Engineer, the
I think that we soils engineers are doing not Foundation Engineer, the Client, the Owner,
too badly! or the User?

Now what about rate of settlement? Here we Must a building look safe? e.g. Tower of Pisa
are on much more shaky ground. I have very - do they really want it straightened? or
little confidence in our predictions of rate just stopped?
of settlement. We very seldom get the clas­
sical case of a thin layer of clay between Is settlement which can be seen by the layman
two layers of sand with uniform pressure dis­ always unallowable?
tribution through the clay (the conditions of
most of our laboratory tests). Instead we I remember a long single storey office buil­
have to decide, a) where are the drainage ding built in England on peat during the War.
layers?, b) is the foundation itself a drain?, It was over a quarter of a mile long and
c) can we cope mathematically with three-di­ theie was a corridor full length right down
mensional consolidation in this problem?, d) the middle. The settlement in the centre of
can we cope with anisotropy in the soil?, and the corridor was at least a foot more than
e) anyway, can we cope with the difference the ends. It could be clearly seen and
between a sample tested in the laboratory and looked very odd. But the building served its
the soil mass? In most cases the answer is purpose until the end of the war when it was
no: no longer needed.

But does this matter? I doubt that it does. Is settlement which can be seen by the
If I can tell a structural engineer that the trained eye allowable?
final total settlements of the footings of a
given building are not going to exceed cer­ At Westminster Cathedral in London (not West­
tain values, what does he do? He designs the minster Abbey) the lintel over the main door
building so that it can accept these values. has settled about 3" at the south end com­
He does not argue that the creep in the con­ pared to the north end. This has distorted
crete over a period of time will compensate the arch over the doorway. The cause is
for differential movements and keep the simple and obvious. The very high and heavy
stresses within tolerable limits. This may campanile is situated just to the south of
in fact occur and may account for the fact the doorway, ond the London clay below the
that many buildings stand up. But I have yet structure has consolidated under its weight.
to meet the structural engineer who will in­ Not many people notice it. It was first
clude this as part of his design, OR the pointed out in print b y Guthlac Wilson (1946).
Building Code which will let him! Only the trained eye would see it. It does
not affect the function of the structure. Is
So that I have yet to be convinced of the it allowable? If the architect had been told
necessity of predicting the rate of settle­ that it would happen would he have allowed it?
ment for a building on clay. Please note I How would the engineer have prevented it?
am not talking about fills, embankments,
roads or dams! If settlement cracks a vitreous panel is it
I realise that, in exceptional or unusual
circumstances, the differential settlement If the panel is changed to something less
between two footings may be greater at a cer­ rigid, is the same settlement allowable? If
tain time during consolidation than when the the usage of the building is unimpaired then
final values have been reached. But I would can settlements be considered allowable? How
have little confidence in a building which much settlement can the structure safely
depended on an exact prediction of the time stand?
rates o f 'settlement for its safety, and none
in its designer. I hope to get some answers in the discussion.

Allowable Settlements Floating Foundations

Professor de Mello has also asked me to talk Floating foundations (or partially floating
about ‘allowable settlements1. I am going foundations) are used for two different rea­
to be involved in this problem at the next sons. (Golder, 1965). The first is to reduce
Pan-American conference in 1971. I don't settlements, the second to reduce shear
know the answers but I have thought of a few stresses in the soil.

2 26
In the first case the soil may have consider­ experience of 'apparently' similar soil. But
able shear strength and an excavation can be the ordinary index properties may not be
made to the required depth and the foundation enough to describe the soil. I remember many
constructed therein. Settlement will be years ago seeing the clay at the site of the
limited to the reversal of bottom heave which Sasumua Dam in Kenya. Two things struck me
occurs during excavation, plus the settlement as unusual, its light weight and its soapy
caused by whatever pressure is applied to the feel. When we did simple laboratory tests
soil in excess of the overburden pressure if the weight per cubic foot, the water content
the foundation is not fully floating. and the liquid limit seemed all wrong, al­
though I cannot now remember the figures. I
In the second case the shear strength of the advised the contractor, for whom I was work­
soil is very low, the lower limit being zero ing at the time, to make special provision
in which case we have a foundation analogous for drying the clay before placing. Natural­
to a ship floating in water. With very low ly he did not get the job. Later, as you all
shear strengths the problems are almost en­ know, Terzaghi was called in and discovered
tirely construction problems. It is very that the unusual properties of the clay were
simple to design a fully floating foundation. due to an unusual mineral, Halloysite, in its
It is also very simple to design one which composition. He was draw on experi­
cannot be built. Once the foundation exists ence of similar clay in Indonesia to aid in
in the ground the settlement should be zero. solving the problem.
For a given shear strength there is a theo­ The stiff fissured London clay can be used
retical limit to the depth of an excavation as another example. When working with fis­
and this should be considered in design. sured clays, the fissure pattern is most
However this is not necessarily the limiting important. It affects greatly the strength
depth of the floating foundation if suitable values obtained from samples of a given size.
construction techniques are used. Index properties will not help on this prob­
lem, but of course visual field observations
The greatest objection to floating founda­ in a cut or a tunnel or a large hole will.
tions is that they are generally expensive.
The last thing I want to see is a "Code of
DeMello's Guide Lines for Discussion Practice for the Application of Local Prac­
tice and Experience to other Clays around the
a) levels of confidence of design decisions World” . This would be most dangerous.
b) local experience applied in other places
c) lines of research and collection of infor­ c) Lines of research and collection of
mation. information

a) Levels of confidence of design decisions Collection of information, viz. case histo­

ries, is most valuable. Short of a major
As regards prediction of total amount of set­ breakthrough by the structural engineers so
tlement on clays - quite good - but for rate that they can analyse the whole building and
of settlement very dubious except in the not just the frame, I see no alternative way
simplest cases. of dealing with 'allowable settlements'.

For design decisions affecting floating foun­ Following this breakthrough, if it occurs,
dations - high - but construction decisions and if then structural engineers are willing
are another matter. to vary their working stresses with time, then
further work on rate of settlement would be
As to allowable settlements we can probably justified. Failing that I would regard work
produce a design which avoids trouble; but on rate of settlement as academic - but not to
we may be wasting money in doing so. be neglected on that count. It would be good
to be ready when the structurals arrive.
b) Local experience applied in other places
I see carefully documented case histories,
We must be very careful about this. The best plus field tests and observations as the best
way to deal with a difficult problem in an lines to follow. This of course costs money.
area which is new to you is to find the best It is beyond the resources of most universi­
local man and ask him to work with you. You ties. But by collaboration much can be done.
don't have to believe all he says, indeed you I cite the recent work in Britain on large
should argue with him and make him prove hiB diameter bored piles with and without belled
points by reference to actual case histories.' bases, and several recent cases in Canada of
field testing programs costing well over
It may be that there is no local experience. $100,000 each, to decide points we don't know.
Then we will automatically be relying on our These tests, paid for by enlightened govern­

ment or semi-government bodies will pay off The present w ritin g a lM at su ggestin g a frame­
in design savings and will be published in due work to broaden the system with which deal foundation
course. This is the way X think we should go. engineers and th e ir colleagues from above and from
below the foandatlon, and to lntredace a system atic
a p p lica tio n o f decision theory in problems in v o lv in g
References b a ild ln g s on c la y . The form ulations proposed often
pose problems which are s t i l l not trac ta b le * sugges­
BOUSSINESQ, J. (1885) "Application des Poten- tio n s are made to help overcome these d i f f ic u lt ie s .
tiels a 1'Etude de l'Equilibre et du Mouve-
ment des Solides Elastiques", Paris, The nature o f th in gs and the purpose of engineering
Gauthier- Vi H a r d . dec 1 «io n i^

S o il m echanlclsts deal with wide d isp e rsio n s of

FOX, E.N. (1948) "The mean elastic settle­
s o i l pro p e rtie s. To them, the dictum "every quantity
ment of a uniformly loaded area at a depth which occupies the mind I s random” seems a truism .
below the ground surface". 2nd Int. Conf. However, I t s meaning is more profound than might be
S.M.F.E. Rotterdam, Vol. I, p.129. construed from the spread o f the mechanical proper­
t ie s of a m aterial Id e n tifie d as belonging to a s in ­
GOLDER, H.Q. (1965) "State-of-the-Art of g le stratum. The mind would s t i l l deal w ith random
Floating Foundations", Proc.A.S.C.E. Vol.91, q u a n titie s I f a l l the s o i l underlying a foundation
could be tested, e ith e r In s it u or la the laboratory,
No. SM2, March, 1965.
and I f the loads to be Imposed could be weighed be-
forehand. Randomness i s in e v ita b le due to Instrumen­
NEWMARK, N. M. (1947) "Influence charts for t a l and se n so ria l inaccuracies and to e rro rs in the
computation of vertical displacements in th e ore tic a l frameworks In to which the re s u lts o f mea.s
elastic foundations", Univ. of Illinois, nrements are Inserted. I t i s n lso In e v ita b le because
Bulletin No. 45. the engineer designs not fo r past but fo r future
The ro le o f c la s s i c a l s t a t i s t i c s I s a d escrip­
PECK, R.B. and BRYANT, F.G. (1953) "The
tio n o f some properties of random v a ria b le s . Bat de­
bearing-capacity of the Transcona Elevator" s c rip tio n I s not decision , and an en gln « e r's p r in c i­
G^otechnique, Vol. Ill, p.201. pal function I s to take d e c isio n s. P r o b a b ilit ie s and
bayeslan s t a t i s t i c s , aot c la s s ic a l s t a t i s t i c * permit
SKEMPTON, A.W. (1942) "An investigation of the engineer to move from h is purely d e sc rip tiv e
the bearing capacity of a soft clay soil", chores to the exercise of h is pro fe ssio n .
J.I.C.E., June, 1942. The so lu tio n o f real engineering problema con­
s i s t s In d isc e rn in g which among the several a lte rn a ­
tiv e courses i s the preferable, the optimum, course
WHITE, L.S. (1953) "Transcona Elevator Fail­
of action. 4 To resolve such problems there M a t
ure; Eye-Witness Account", Ggotechnique, e x ist a set o f design objective s, preferences, or a
Vol. Ill, p.209. sca le of valaea, and there Bust be a lte rn a tiv e cours­
es of aetlon, preference fo r one o f which I s not es­
WILSON, G. (1946) "Some applications of soil ta b lish e d a p r io r i (Ackoff, Gupta and Menas, 1965).
test results to the design of simple foun­ A system atic approach to the a n a ly sis o f a emb-
dations", I.C.E. London, Struct. & Build. J e c t 's d ecision problems requires la tro d u c tlo a o f a
Div., April, 1946. s c a la r which bears a one-to-one r e la tio n with pre fe r­
ence aad v a rie s m onotonlcally therewith. T his s c a la r
q aan tlty i s c a lle d u t i l i t y . Problems then consist la
Chairm an N. A . T S Y T O V IC H
fin d in g that a lte rn a tiv e which maximises u t i l i t y .
Often I t I s advantageoas to Introduce the eoa-
Thank you Dr. Colder for your very interest­ cept, borrowed from mathematical pro gressing, e f aa
ing information specially on problems of set­ objective fu n ctio n , which i s to be maximised or m ini­
tlement prediction of structures erected on mised. This i s a s c a la r that v a rie s m onotonlcally
clay. Now finally I wish to call upon Dr. with u t i l i t y w lth la the context o f a given problem.
Rosenblueth from Mexico. For example, fo r given fix e d q u a n titie s o f coacrate
and ste e l, one may wlah to ase aa o bjective function
Panelist E. R O S E N B LU E T H (M exico) In the design o f e foundation g ir d e r the s t if f n e s s e f
that g ird e r and seek to mnxlmlse I t . A lte rn a tiv e ly
In his. m asterful paper of the s ta te of the art one eoald minimise the to t a l cost of the g ird e r given
de H ello (1969) remarked that the era o f s t a t i s t i c a l a set o f r e s t r ic t io n s , and that cost woald be the aew
analjaea and confidence H a l t s mast Inescapably come objective function.
to s o i l Mechanics. S o li meohaalcs I s Indeed enter­ C la s s ic a l s t a t i s t i c s provides some la fo rn a tle a
in g th is stage . Tat I t would be d e sira b le that t h is
phase be sapersedad. U ltim ately, de cisio n s oast be * These paragraphs are p a rtly based on Eesen-
taken on the b a sis o f d ecision theory, bayeslan s t a ­ blueth (1969b).
t i s t i c s , and the s o ll-s t r u c t a r e system must no long­
er be viewed by s o i l m echanlclsts as almost only s o i l M e n the subject decides fo r him self, "p re fe r-
and by stn ie tn ra l engineer* as almost no s o i l , with eace" and "d e s ir e " are syaonymoas. Ihen an engineer
tim id g l i o s e s o f each o th e r's domain. decides fo r an In d iv id u a l, fo r a groap o r so c ie ty , he
Thera are soma papers, very few, that provide oast replace "d e s ir e " with "b e n e fit ". Ia what f o l ­
bases fo r hope that th is more d e sira b le sta te o f a f­ lows, the term "preference" w il l be used with beth
f a i r s may not be fa r away. meanings.

23 0
oa one step In the solution of engineering probleat, This calculation would aid hia ia deciding on the
bat this it of Halted value. Consider, for example, type of soil exploration to adopt.
the Batter of confidence intervals. When a statisti­ As a secoad example, suppose that the engineer
cian say* "the aean of a random variable lies between knows of eight very different theories for predicting
x\ and X2 (xj < X2 > at a confidence level of 95 per­ the bearing capacity of a circular deep foaadation
cent” he is not stating that the probability is 0.95 (see de Hello, 1969). If he is not versed in the
that the swan lies in that interval. Bather he is theory of plasticity his only basis for judgment will
saying that "if x had soae usually unstated probabil­ be the confidence that the various authors inspire ia
ity distribution (often a gaussian distribution) and hia and the dates at which the theories were pub­
if the expectation of x were either smaller than xj lished. Accordingly he would assign different proba­
or larger than xj. then the probability would be no bilities to the varioas theories. By looking at test
greater than 0.05 that the nuaber of observed values results and the behavior of existing foundations he
of x lying between xj and X2 would have been equal to would be able to compute the probability distribution
or greater than the nuober observed in this inter­ of the bearing capacity of the foundation whose de­
val. " The relation between this statement and deci­ sign he confronts.
sion taking in engineering is remote. Equation 1 has been generalized to deal with
Calculation of confidence intervals really continuous randoa variables (Saiffa and Schlaifer,
serves only to satisfy a convention. This entente is 1961). In that form it can be used for the computa­
so widespread that such statements give a feel for tion of the posterior probability distributees of
the statistics of a random variable, which in itself paraaeters which define soil properties.
is a useful thing. As well, the existence of such a Much of the opposition to the use of Bayes* the­
convention jastifies the pnblication of results la orem in this context stems froa the difficulties in­
this guise for the same reasoa that the pubiicatioa herent in specifying satisfactory prior distribu­
of soae essentially useless scientific papers is Jus­ tions. These should Incorporate all the prior infor­
tified — attaining recognition by the scientific mation available consistent with time restrictions
coaaunity. and, siace both this Information and the restrictions
Ia practical applications, classical statistics vary froa one individual to another, the results are
provide ao rational procedure for differentiating be­ based oa subjective considerations. There are basi­
tween the level of confidence required for soil prop­ cally two alternatives in this state of affairs. One
erties affecting craclal decisions (say, shear consists in Ignoring prior information utterly and
strength under a nuclear reactor) and those which are basing decisions on implicit, unconfessed prior dis­
related with irrelevant aatters (say, the compressi­ tributions, apparently taking statittical data at
bility of dense sand under a 6-ft fence). A further face value. This approach is the essence of conven­
UaitatiOB is the followings before an engineer ex­ tional statistics. The other consists ia applying
amines a set of test results he has ah idea of the engineering Judgment so as to incorporate prior lnfor
properties of the material from merely looking at it nation intuitively even if cryptically. It seeas
(so aach so that be iaaedietely detects gross errors preferable to deal with that prior knowledge openly,
ia the reported test result*) bat classical statis­ with all cards visible on one's table.
tics offers no swans for incorporating this prior There is a vast class of problems for which the
knowledge. tesk of establishlag the prior distrlbutioa can be
Ia bayesiaa decision theory prior knowledge is much simplified. When one can be sure thet a varia­
formally melded with statistical information in a ble has a certaia kind of distribution (normal, Pois-
Banner useful for decision taking, through applica- son, etc) because the conceptual model adopted •* die
tioa of Bayes' theorea. Before incorporation of sta­ tates, it is often possible to use prior distribu­
tistical data there are a nuaber of exhaustive, mutu­ tions for the paraaeters of the variable's distribu­
ally exclusive possible hypotheses, Hf, each having tion, whose functional fora will not change as statis
prier probability P(Hj) of being true. Statistical tieal information is Incorporated. Such distribu­
lnforaatioa (obtained ia an experiaent) constitute* tions are known a* con)agate or natural con.lagate dls
an event, say A, which is known to have taken place tributloas (Saiffa and Schlaifer, 1961). For exaar-
bat which had a prior probability K A Hj) of occur- pie, if the occurrence of a series of events i* ideal^
riag if the 1th hypotheses i* true. The (posterior) ixed as belonging to a Poisson process, the natural
probability that the ith hypothesis be true given conjugate distribution for their mean rate of occur­
that A occurred, P(H}|A), is furnished by rence is the gaauna-1 distribution. Incorporatioa ef
experiaental data yields a gamma-1 distribution. For
. P ( A | H f ) P ( H j) the expectation of a normal distribution of known var­
' m > «>> iance the conjugate distributees are noraal.
where P(A) » I P(a |Bj ) P(Hj ) is the probability of A Often the conjugate distributions are deflaed by
two parameters whose Interpretation Is intuitively a£
independently^ which hypothesis is true. peallngj one parameter corresponds to the prior estl-
As an exaaple suppose that a soils engineer mate of the expected values of the veriable and the
knows that at a given site he will Beet either soft other aeasures the uncertainty in this estimate. CaJ.
clay or an outcrop of a stiffer formation and he as­ culatiea of the posterior distribution is usunlly
signs these possibilities the respective probabili­ siaple under these conditions.
ties 0.01 and 0.99. Now he learns that there is a The true difficulties in the application ef
building standiag at the site and that it has had Bayes' theorea lies in the need for complicated aaa-
foandation problems. He reasons that this may have lytlcal derivations, arising froa the optlaizatlon
eoae aboat with a probability of 0.9 if the building process, ia practically all cases of Interest and for
had been standing on the soft oaterial and of 0.2 practically all cost functions. Huch would be gaiaed
otherwise. He competes the posterior probability of by setting up coaputer programs capable of solviag
there being soft clay a* several comawa types of problems for arbitrary proba­
bility distributions.
■SU9 * Q.Q1 0.043 At any rate, in principle one can take both the-
0.9 x 0.01 ♦ 0.2 x 0.99

oretlcal considerations and observed ptaenoaena into dittrlbutloB functions one must find, as functions of
account to arrive at the probability distributions of time, the probability distributions of resistance (or
the variable* pertinent ia design. This it a neces- stiffnesi) paraaeters and load parameters. Problems
tary ttep for the calculation of (expected) utilities concerning the detign of building foundation* on clay
and the choice of optimal design alternative. pretent tpecial and very lateretting aspect* In con­
In civil engineering detign it it utaally conven nection with the calculation of these probability dl£
lent to take at objective function the quantity trlbutions as well as matters concerning modes of
fallare and their consequences.
E X - B - C - D (2)
■here E denote* expectation, B is the benefit* de- The purpose of foundation engineering
rived from the existence of the work in question, —
which for the take of brevity will be called "the In exceptional iltuatlont, tuch at that of a
building," — C it itt Initial cott and D it the lot* foundation on point bearing concrete pllet, relative­
tet due to damage or failure. All thete quantities ly tmall deformations may cause fracture In the foun­
are expected pretent values. dation and thereby a variety of falluret in the build
If valaet are actualized (diicounted or tranilat lng (tee de Hello, 1969). Usually, though, large de­
ed Into pretent value*), uting a constant rate of con formations are not objectionable from the viewpoint
tinaoa* Interest, tay Y, and if all nodes of failure of what damage they may caute in the foundation it­
self but in the tuperttructure and in nonttructural
imply, among other things, that the bnildlng ceases elements.
to produce benefitt, oae may write The utual approach to the question of aettle-
oa mentt hat been to lilt a tet of "permltsible” total
B - bB e dt (3) settlement!, tlopes and angular distortions due to
differential settlement! (the subject reviewed by de
and a similar expression for C. Bere b it the expect^ Hello, 1969). There are teveral reatons why this way
ed net benefit per unit time (after tnbtracting the of focusing the problem is objectionable. For exam­
cott of maintenance) and K(t) is the reliability fuac ple, there is no indication in any of the lists of
tlon. that it, the probability that the building does "allowable'' values published of how serious the conse
not fail ap to time t. quence* of exceeding those values might be, of how
For 0 one may write mach shoald be spent on the foundation in order that
oo the values not be exceeded, nor of the spread in what
D * I JQ Oifj e^* dt (4) will actually happen given that one has computed some
differential tettlement* using conventional method*
where Dj is the expected lost in case the building of analysis.
shoald undergo the 1th mode of damage or failure and Evidently one should treat probabilistic quanti­
fl Is the corresponding fallare density function. In ties as such, at leaat when the tpread or uncertainty
other words, fi It the time derivative of the fallare in their valaet 1* a* great a* ia foundation engineer
distribution function, Fj, where Fj(t) it the proba­ lng. Alto, oae thoald specify lots functions, which
bility that the ttmctnre hat failed or been damaged vary with total tettlement, with tilt and with angu­
by time t in the i,th node, then only one fallare lar distortion, rather than setting absolute limiting
mode 1* considered, cay i • 1, I i* equal to 1 - Fj. values, at least when the relation between computed
Otherwise, B » 1 - I F^ If the modet are independent settleaeats aad the consequences thereof a n as un-
or, sure generally, B » 1 - F, where F it the proba­ sertaia as ia foaadatioa engineering.
bility that at lea*t one mode of failure take* place. The paper by Res&ndiz and Herrera (1969) deals
If fallare, or damage, doet not Impair the build with one problem concerning buildiug foundations ia
lag'* functions, or if the building 1* immediately clay essentially as proposed la the foregoiag para­
and «yttematicaily repaired or rebuilt, B mutt be re­ graph, even if the apperach used by the author* 1*
placed with one in eq 3 and the teeond member in eq 4 simpler than that to be proposed in this paper.
become* an infinite *erie* corretpondlng to succes- Definition of the system to consider in acalytis
sive failures and repairs. (More generally, in eq 3, is far from a trivial question. The system should la
B must be replaced with one minus the probability clade at least the building and the soil on which it
that the building ceases to function.) Th£ first rests bat in principle it could comprise the entire
term In the terlet it given by eq 4. If fj e_Yt economy of the nation, and more. Too wide a defini­
dt << 1 there it little error in dropping all higher tion becomes unmanageable, however. It seems advisa­
ble to include In the system, in detailed fashion,
the building and the soil under it* in somewhat va­
In many catet b depends little oa the detign par
guer form the surrounding and nearby structures and
ameters, and either }q B e"Yt dt » 1/Y or B shoald be utilities, and only vaguely the much wider items.
replaced with 1 la eq 3. The problem reduces then, For example, social benefit* derived from the
approximately, to minimizing C + D, and this turn may Job opportunitle* created by the conatruotion of tha
be taken at the new objective function. building in an area suffering from unemployment coaid
In son problems it is licit to attume that fan be recognized by adjusting the cost of construction,
ure either occurt upon dedication of the building or entering eq 2 with a reduced value of C.
not at all. The time variable may then be omitted Such considerations will be omitted in the rest
and eqs 3 and 4 written of this paper.
B - B0B (5) A rational approach to the matter of settlement*
D - I D^j (6)
The preceding dlseutslon suggests an approach to
to the matter of settlements of buildings on clay.
where Bq It the benefit derived from the existence of In general terms It consists of the following steps.
the building if It doet not fall.
Ia order to compute the reliability and fallare 1. Define the possible alternatives in design.

2. For each alternative compote the expected While estimation of direct initial costs Is usu­
benefit* to be derived from the existence of the ally a simple matter, it may sometisws be proper te
building, the expected ialtial cost and a *et of ex­ consider the benefits derived from creatlag Jeba for
pected los* function» of total cettleaent tilt and an the construction workers, as pointed above.
gular dlstortioas.
3. For each alternative compute the probability Loss function
distribution of these total and differential settle-
neats as fanctioas of tine. Consider first the matter of settlements. Ordi­
4. By combining the results of steps 2 and 3, narily the complete relationship between expected
find the present values of the expected losses due to loss and some type of settlement eannot be obtained,
settlement. due to a lack of reliable data. However, the expect­
5. Compute the objective function E X for each ed loss usually increases at an iacreeslag rate with
alternative, as given by eq 2 and select the alterna­ settlement. Accordingly, it is often adequate to as­
tive that maximizes E X. sume that it is proportional to the square of the se±
tlement* over a wide range of settlements, even if “
These steps will no« be examined in detail. For the idealization breaks down for extremely large set­
the sake of generality it «ill be assumed that the re tlements.
strlctions imposed by building codes are not applica­ Different loss functions must be postulated for
ble. total settlement, tilt and angular distortion, the
latter perhaps differing over each bay of the bulld-
Design alternatives lag. The following example may help elucidate the
task of estimating less functions.**
A formal process of optimization for the totaU The example concerns an apartment building, 60 m
ty of coaceivable alternatives would be a formidable tall, having reinforced concrete frames and whose hoi
task even with the aid of large-capacity computers. low-block partitions are tied to the frame. It meas­
Part of this is obviated by making use of the eagi- ures 20 x 20 s ia plan. It rests on a very compres­
aeer's judgment and experience, which drastically sible but Impervious clay, so that settlemente can be
narrow the range of cases worth examining. Further expected to take place at a very slow rate, say 90
slapliflcatioa may be obtained by, for example, percent of the total reached In a period of a few
choosing the optimal load factor or working stress ia months (for angular distortions and tilt) to a few
the steal, with some but probably not excessive de­ years (for average settlement). There are no nearby
parture from the optimum solution, rather than deal- structures. The building is surrounded by sidewalks
iag with the amount of reinforcement at each sectioa, and underground municipal utilities. For the sake of
top and bottom, of every foundation girder. brevity la presentation, only settlements das to grav
The questions of the number of alteraatlves to lty loads will be considered.
consider and of the degree of refinement Justified ia The average peripheric settlement is directly qt
analysis will be taken up later. lated with damage to the sidewalks and municipal util
lties. From past experience it is estimated that 40
Benefits derived from the existence of the balldlag cm of average settlement of the periphery would caase
damage to the sidewalks and atllities whose repair
The benefits to consider depeai on the prefer­ would cost about 4 k. The worth of the incoavea-
ences of the subject for whom the engineer wishes to lence to pedestrians is estimated on the basis of how
optimize. Among such subjects there is, of coarse, much they would probably be willing to pay to avoid
the owner, for whom the benefits may consist of the the nuisance caused by repair work. This gives about
rent produced by the building, its advertising value. 1 k. Then there is the expected loss to the city
Its role la production (as in the ease of a building while the utilities are being repaired. Followlag a
which hoases a plant for the generation of electrici­ practice that is common in the application of deci­
ty or for water treatment) or the shelter it provides sion theory to the desiga of electrical systems and
for the owner, his family and his household. Inas­ to their maintenance, it will be assusied that failare
much as engineering is a profession, there is always to give a service to which people are already aecas-
society, for whom the beaefits extend far beyond the tomed implies a loss of ten times the rate charged
lifetime of the owner* also there are the architect, for that service. On this basis the loss is estimat­
the builder and all other persons who participate la ed at 2 k. There is also a probable decrease la real
the coaception and construction of the building and ability of the entire building, which is takea as 1
whose repatatlon hinges on the building's permanence. k, and the harm done to the reputation of those asso­
The direct benefits to the engineer, as derived from ciated with the building, which may amount to 6 k,
the existence of the building, are implicit In the assuming that during one year they would suffer a
foregoing concepts, for he is paid by the owner (di­ small decrease in the expected number of their cli­
rectly or through the architect) and he owes alle­ ents.
giance to society and loyalty to his colleagues and
collaborators. The question of how much time, money
and effort he should spend on exploration, tests, ana * The suggestion is due to C A Cornell. It
lysis and design will be considered later. served as basis for the loss function assumed by Be-
It is usually easy to estimate the rent that a siodiz and Herrera (1969).
building will produce. The other kinds of benefits
mentioned can be estimated la the same manner as util, t * The example is abstracted from actual cases la
lty in general (Flshburn, 1967; Bosenblueth, 1969b). the files of DIBAC, Consulting Engineers, Mexico
A particularly useful guide In this task consists la City. When Judging the estimates to follow, oae
first answering the question "How much would the sub­ should keep la mlad that constructiea costs vary from
ject be willing to pay for such a benefit?," where one country to another and even within a single coan-
the subject may be the owner, society or those who try and that la some cities the Inhabitants are quite
participate la the conceptloa and erectioa of the ased to seeing cracked plaster and hage settlements.
baildlag. < k « kllodollars.

2 33
Siallar considerations of the probable need to in typical stories. Otherwise a different weight
■alee changes in the gronnd floor, combined with the should be ascribed to the variance depending on the
foregoing figures, suggest a total expected loss of concentration of nonstractoral elements.
10 k for the owner, 4 k to the city and 8 k to the For the example in question It is estimated that
architect and the builders. The engineer would give the expected loss is given by
a greater weight to the owner's losses than to those
D3 - 20 1(100 #x - 100 6X)2 + 20 1(100 By - 100 ly ) 2
of others since the owner oast pay to decrease all
the expected losses. Thus he may arrive at a weight­ where O3 , the expected loss, is in k, 8 X and 6 - are
ed total expected loss of 10 + 0.5(4 ♦ 8 ) » 16 k. the slopes, in radians, between consecutive_eolumn£
For average peripheric settlement it is reason­ In the x and y directions respectively and 8 X and
able to assume a loss function varying as the square are mean values of 6 X and 9,.
of the settlement. It could be argued that some of (In a more rigorous treatment, D2 a°d °3 would
the quantities considered would not change with set­ have included some loss of prestige. It wonld also
tlements increasing beyond 80 cm, say, but the range have been proper to recognize that an engineer looses
of greatest interest lies in smaller settlements, and prestige if his design is excessively conservative by
other losses such as in rentability would increase current standards.)
rapidly with settlement. Hence, the simple hypolha*- The total loss for a given design is the sum of
sls will be adopted, giving the present valaes of 0], O2 and O3 . Discounting may
Dj - 16(p/40)2 - (O.lp) 2 be performed assuming that Dj occurs the years after
completion of the building while D2 and D3 take place
where Di is the expected loss, in k, due to an aver­ one year after completion. A more accurate treatment
age peripheric settlement of p, in centimeters. of discount is unwarranted since the losses in ques­
_ To estimate 02, the expected loss as a function tion take place in no more than a few years, except
of 8 , the average tilt, one oast consider damage to for a minor contribution due to the decrease in lat-
sidewalks 8 nd municipal atllities once again. Fur­ eral-force capacity, as failure under lateral load
ther losses stem from a decrease in rentability due may occur many decades after completion of the build­
to sloping floors and unsightly inclination of the ing.
facade, difficulties in the operation of elevators, a A more refined treatment of expected losses due
decrease In the capacity to resist lateral loads and, to settlements would incorporate the fact that part
for very large tilts, the possibility of overturning. of the settlements take place during construction and
The first group of losses interacts with those cause less damage than has been assumed. However,
dne to average peripheric settlement, so that, rigor­ for buildings on clay, particularly on clay of the
ously, Oi ♦ D2_1s not the sod o f a function of p and type being considered in the example, moat of the sei
a function of 6 . However, 8 must be very large and p tlements take place once construction has been com­
very small for the interaction term to be signifi­ pleted. Moreover, great refinement Is not justified
cant. Hence it may be assumed that Dj depends only in this step of the calculations, since at optimum
on p while 0 2 Is a function of ? alone. the utility is stationary relative to the design par­
In general, losses related to sloping floors is ameters.
independent of the height of the building while those In some cases of very large settlements or of
related to unsightliness are certainly an Increasing shear failures there is need to consider "intangible"
function of height. losses as well as those dealt with in this example.
Costs arising from difficulties in the operation The most delicate one met in practice is the loss of
of the elevators depend essentially on the total run human life. Even if he dislikes admitting it openly,
of the elevators. Expected losses from a decrease In the engineer always associates a dollar value with
resistance to lateral loads and from the danger of human life whenever he takes a decision affecting
overturning can be computed in a relatively straight­ safety, for the probability of failure Is always fi­
forward fashion. nite over a finite period of time. Ignoring the is­
An idea of some of these losses can be had from sue does not resolve it and involves the danger of
case histories in which it is known how much the own­ assuming too high or too low 8 value for this concept.
ers have been either prepared or unwilling to pay for On the other hand the question "How much Is a
underpinning to straighten their buildings. human life worth" has no sensible answer. Instead
Taking these data Into account and proceeding as one should ask "How much is society willing to pay to
for Dj it is estimated that save a human life?" It has been found that, if the
D2 • 80(100 6 ) 2 life is anonymous, society usually behaves as though
It were willing to pay an amount equal to the present
where 0 2 Is in k and "8, in radians, is the combina­ value of the average Individual's expected contribu­
tion of the tilts in two orthogonal directions. tion to gross national product.*
Angular distortions produce, chiefly, cracking
of plaster, walls and partitions, structural damage Probability distributions of settleswnts
and difficulty In operating doors and windows. It is
worth noting that cracking of plaster often occurs It will first be assumed that soil properties
with no appreciable differential settlements and that are to be explored through sampling and laboratory
damage from angular distortions is greatest in the testing. A bayesian approach to the calculation of
lower stories. There is also a reduction In the ca­ the probability distributions of settlements Involves
pacity to resist lateral load. then the following steps.
The quantity most directly related to the ensu­
ing losses, among quantities at whose estimate it is
simple to arrive, in the sum of the variances of the
slope, swasured along the column centerlines of the
building in two orthogonal directions. This measure A R L Ackoff, personal conaranlcatlonf see alee
is adequate if the total length of walls and parti­ Rice (1966). The result can be Jastlfied rationally
tions is approximately equal to the total length of under the assumption that there is no emotional value
the lines through column centroids in each direction attached by society to the life of its individuals.


1. Establish prior distributions of the soil the foundation is a more frequent occurrence than
properties which govern settlements as functions of many inexperienced engineers like to believe. In the
time (instantaneous moduli, compressibilities, preco£ present paper these major discrepancies will not be
solldation pressures, permeabilities, boundary condi­ considered and attention will be centered on "ordina­
tions, etc). This can be done on the basis of site ry” differences between nominal and actual loads.
inspection, topographic features, geologic informa­ live loads of course tend to be shrouded in
tion, the behavior of existing structures and know­ greater uncertainties than dead loads, and the uncer­
ledge acquired from nearby borings. tainties ax* far greater in connection with forces
2. Convert laboratory test results to obtain due to earthquakes, wind and impact.
the distributions of the actual properties of the The task of establishing and computing the com­
samples. plete probability distributions of the random varia­
3. Convert the properties of the samples into bles mentioned previously would be formidable and
properties of the soil in situ. would serve no useful purpose. One need only compnte
4. Combine the results of steps 1 and 3 through those functionals or parameters of the distribution
use of Bayes* formula (eq 1) to obtain the posterior functions which are relevant in the calculation of
distributions of the relevant soil properties. the loss functions. If the latter are approximated
5. Establish the probability distributions of by quadratic functions of the settlements, only the
the "actions”* that may affect the soil, including expectation and variance of the distribution func­
the effects of excavation, pile driving, construc­ tions need be computed.
tion, dead and live loads, earthquake and wind, etc. This is precisely the simplification which makes
6 . If only one theory is deemed applicable for the problem studied by Res6 ndiz and Herrera (1969)
the prediction of settlements, establish the probabil tractable. It is true that the authors assume that
ity distribution of actual settlements given their the compressibilities of different soil elements are
computed values, under the assumption that these val­ uncorrelated. This leads to gausslan distributions
ues were known deterministically. If more than one for the settlements, and a gausslan distribution is
theory is thought to have significant probability of coopletely described by two parameters. Even if in
being applicable, this step should be carried out for an attempt for greater realism in the assumptions
each theory and each should be assigned a probability one were to recognize finite correlations between
that it hold approximately true. compressibilities it would still suffice to compute
7. Combine the results of steps 4-6 to obtain expected values and variances of the settlements.
the probability distributions of the settlements.
Calculation of present values
Adaption of this procedure is obvious to cases
In which other methods of soil exploration are used. Ordinarily present values are obtained as in an­
This sequence of steps can be incorporated into swer to the question "How much should I Invest now,
Terzaahi's gbtermlonfll method, described by Peek at a constant rate of continuous compound Interest,
(1969). Results of step 7 can then be modified in to cover exactly all the expected losses?" The mat­
the light of field observations and an additional ap­ ter of deciding on this rate of Interest is of prime
plication of Bayes* theorem. In fact, such an ap­ importance. Decisions to build, to repair or to opt
proach is used informally in much of the contemporary for a more conservative design have to compete with
practice of soil mechanics. the possibility of investing outside the system being
Ordinarily there is experience concerning the a£ designed. Hence, the most obvious answer is to take
plication of theories for settlement prediction using for actualization purposes the Interest rate at which
the results of laboratory tests rather than the ac­ Investments are normally conducted in the wider con­
tual soil properties and with nominal rather than text. This would imply, however, that future rent
with actual loads. It is proper, then, to take this and expenditures would be reckoned at future prices,
experience into consideration, through an additional which unnecessarily increases the numerical toll. If
application of Bayes' theorem. a constant Inflationary rate is expected to operate
In many practical problems computation of the for many years, one may ignore the phenomena by de­
probability distributions of angular distortions must ducting this rate from the rate of interest.
reflect the Interaction between building and soil. Uncertainty as to tha benefits expected from the
Hence, the building's stiffness must be characterized existence of a building may differ appreciably from
by probability distributions, as must the yield mo­ the uncertainty implicit in the risk associated with
ments la the foundation when plastic action is mobi­ "normal" investments. This difference can also be
lized to adjust to the differential settlements im­ conveniently Incorporated Into the analysis of utili­
posed by the soil deformations. ty by modifying the interest rate.
Often soil mechanicists live under the delusion In some situations the special need for capital
that loads are known with almost deterministic accuri at certain future time intervals can be predicted.
cy, although even dead loads involve large uncertain­ Actualization functions other than the exponential
ties. When construction nominally complies with the are In order for such problems.
construction drawings, actual dead loads commonly ex­
ceed their conventionally computed values by more The cost of engineering
than 20 percent (Freudenthal, 1962* Sosenblueth,
1970). The existence of buildings having one or two Sonetisies the engineer works under a rigid set
more stories than the number assumed when designing of restrictions fixed, on the one side, by the budget
and time limitations imposed by the owner and, on the
other, by building coda requirements. When there la
* Actions is used here in the sense of the freedom to choose the extent of studies in connection
French lollcltations or the Spanish solleltaciones to with a given project, he must decide In such a way as
ert>race imposed forces and Imposed deformations as to optimize the end result.
well as any other phenomenon that may appreciably af­ For the sake of simplicity it will be assumed
fect soil behavior. that the engineer is working on a cost-plas basis and

that he 1« getting paid by the owner. To take the tion) and nl (equivalent to the number of specimens
optimal decision aeans, then, to make a new objective la a fictitious prior sampling process). The prior
function, say T, a maximum, «here Y ii equal to X (eq variance of £ ci is sj2/*|. U single prime is used
2) nines the cost of engineering to the oaner. to refer to the prior distribution, no prime to the
The design alternatives to consider depend on sample results and double prime to the posterior dis­
the extant of the engineering studies. For this rea­ tribution.)
son It Is convenient to visualize the decision pro­ Stapling the 1th layer will produce say, aj spet
cess as shown schematically by the tree In fig 1. linens, with mean
The t e a "experiments” In the figure covers site In-
ipeotion, soil foundings, sampling, laboratory test­
ing, analysis and other engineering studies. "Re­
e • h ji! c*u (7)
salts" Identifies the possible outcomes of these stud where subscript J identifies the Jth specimen la the
les. "Actions” refers to the possible adoption of sample.
design alternatives. Finally 'states of nature” em­ The posterior distribution will be characterized
braces the actual loads on the foundation, the actual by parameters E TJJj * (n| E Cri V Bjf and nf “ n| ♦ nj
soli properties and the theories that truly apply In
and the posterior variance of 7ci will be s?/a?. Ho*
the case 1« question* that is, the behavior of the ever, before sampling, the test results are unknown,
System. but the probability distribution of E ?ci can be de­
White circles In the figure identify situations duced from the prior distribution and the size of the
la which the engineer takes a decision* black cir­ sample. The following relations (Ralffa and Schlalf­
cles, situations in which the subsequent course of er, 1961) concerning this distribution (which is con­
events escapes the engineer's control ("decisions taJt ditional, as it depends on the prior distribution)
en by nature"), branches beginning at the first type will be useful In developing the theory In question.
of node are Identified by different utilities, or vai They correspond to fixed aj and given E Ci« and var
ues of the objective function, so that rational beha­
vior calls for choosing the branch leading to the
highest utility. Nodes of the second type lead to E E - E Cij (8)
branches associated with probabilities of occurrence, mm O
which permit compounding the corresponding utilities var E Cjj « sjnj/nJ »)
to arrive at expected values. var t j j • s 2/ a j d e t e r m l n l s t l e a l l y ( 10)
At the terminals of the last branches one may
write the utilities associated to the corresponding Now let pi stand for the contribution of the 1th
alternatives. By proceeding from right to left one layer to the building's mean settlement, let jn *
defines the optimal decisions to be taken and the max E pj, ai2 " var pi ane let mj and v{ denote the prior
Imam utility associated with the process at this expectation and variance of p i respectively. Oader
stage (this utility is known as the value of process). the assumption of linear behavior, and admitting, as
Thus, this type of schematic presentation helps done by Restndlz and Herrera (1964), that the stress
clarify the process of decision taking. distribution in the clay is not awdifled by the space
A tree can be made to have any number of stages, distribution of compressibility, jti will be propor­
or groups of branches, so as to depict situations la tional to qCrl- Here q Is the net applied pressure,
which the information supplied by various stages of equal to the contact pressure q» minus OfYl If Df Is
exploration, testing or analysis is used to take new the depth of excavation and Yi is the unit weight of
decisions as to the extent of additional studies. the first layer, under the assumption that Df does
The process of optimization at each stage must take not exceed the thickness of this layer. Denote by at
lato consideration the cost of deciding the extent of the constant of proportionality. In the notation of
the studies, as well as the cost of the studies them­ Resendlz and Herrera, but using subscript l_to identi­
selves, and must be based on the information availa­ fy a layer rather than a sublayer, ai » fi/Crjr
ble at that stage. The first group of decisions of Similarly, oi* * Foj Is proportional to s?, and
this type usually does not Justify a formal process var 6f » Piffi where 8j is the 1th layer's contribu­
of optimization but may advantageously be replaced tion to the angle of tilt and Pi • (Fu + F2i)/lFoi.
with estimates at the intuitive level. Following Resindlz and Herrern, the objective
function will be taken as the initial cost of excava­
A problem of total and differential settlement under tion minus the cost that would be required by total
static load compensation and pins the present value of the expect­
ed loss due to average settlement and to tilt. It
As a first slaf>llfied illustrative situation eoa will be assumed that the latter losses are proportion­
sider a building having a rigid, partly compensated al, respectively to U p p * and to var X8j. Thus, the
foundation.and resting in a clay formation. The soil
consists of horizontal layers and lies on an incom­
pressible halfspace.* The building's base is symmet­
rical about two orthogonal axes. It exerts a known
mean gross pressure on the ground, say qg, which is
¿entered in the base. The compression ratio, CEi of * This Is the example analyzed by Resindiz and
the 1th layer is assigned a normal probability distil Herrera (1969) where, however, the parameters of the
button with unknown mean Crj, and known dispersion probability distributions of the clay compressibili­
(standard deviation) sj (sj* is known as the vari­ ties are assumed to be known.
ance). It will be assumed that CEi Is not correlated See Resftndiz and Herrera (1969) for a Justifi­
la space. It is desired to find the optimal sampling cation of the assumption that these distributions are
program* and the optimal depth of excavation. normal.
The natural conjugate prior distribution of Cri * Attention will be limited to programs of find
is normal (Ralffa and Schlalfer, 19611. The parame­ sample sise, as this problem does not particularly
ters of the prior distribution are E (its expectjt lend itself to sequential sampling.

expected valae of the to t a l lo ss*« , given the s o i l id «hen the o p tim a q i s not very c lo se to qg, re­
prop«rtlet, la m i t s froa expending l / y " in t e n s of (y " - y ') / y '
and c a lc u la tin g i t s expectation t e n by t e n in the
X - - C2 q A l * ( C 3 B (Ip * ) 2 ♦ C4 Zp1CT|2 J q2 (11) ensuing se rie s. (The procedure i s not fo r a a lly cor­
where C2 ( 3 , 4 a n c o a jtaat*, Cj l i reaerved for tha rect because the se rie s does not converge u n lf o n ly ,
l a l t l a l coat o f the b u lld la g excluding excavation. but i t can be shovn to provide the correct answer
Fro« eq 11, «hen a l l the aoaents of the d is t r ib u tio n of y " e x is t .
X - - Czn/Ti * [ C 3 « ^ i ) 2 ♦ K C 3 ♦ C4 Pi)ff| J q2 (1 2 ) T his is the case «hen the p rio r d is t r ib u tio n o f the
expected c o m p re ssib ility i s normal.) Preserving only
B a f o n sa a p lla g , the expected r a is e of X 1* the f i r s t t e n of the se rie s is s a tis fa c t o r y «hen a l l
E X* - - (fc q A i + 7 'q 2 (13) the n i are sm all or aoderate. Making use of the r e l i
tlo n E y " » y ' i t I s found that
■here y ' » C3 ( ( Im j ) 2 ♦ Iv jJ ♦ H C 3 + (14)
E l/ y " - l / y ' 5 var y " / y ' 3 (20)
aad v| ■ a^2* 2/» !
I t follow s fro a eqs 10 and 14 that
The o p t im a depth o f excavation la that which
var y " « C3 * va r (ImJ ) 2
a ln la ls e a E X ' . Denote by qi aid X^ the correspond­
in g values o f q and E X '. D iffe r e n t ia t in g eq 13, - 2 C3 2 (Iv J ) ( 2 ( I a | ) 2 ♦ I v j ] (21)
equation to zero aad s o lv in g , one fin d s

where 7jf I s var E a} (var C | j/var Cr j) var jt[ »

^ bat < q, (15) (nj/nJ)vJ, according to eq 9.
In practice the c o e ffic ie n ts of v a ria tio n o f the
XI m - <c2 / f o ) 2 bBt » (16) co^>resslon r a tio often vary over such a s n a il range
In euch layer that they aay be taken as d e term inistic
q u a n titie s. (For example, data reported by Besftndlu
■ h e n Xg I s the value o f E X’ associated with q » qg. and H e rre n , 1969, in dicate a c o e ffic ie n t o f v a r la -
Equation I S defines the best d ecisio n p o ssib le of the order of 0.5 fo r the c o e ffic ie n ts o f voluae
I f the s o i l I s not to be s a i l e d , w hile eq 16 Meas­ change, and hence fo r the compression r a tio s , o f Mexi
ures the economic conseqnences o f that d e cisio n . co C ity cla y as w ell as o f Chlcagg e la y .) These co­
A fte r s o i l te stin g , the s lta a t lo n I s descrlbad e ffic ie n t s o f v a ria tio n , c i * S f/C Ei , n t h e r than the
by rep lacin g prlaes «1th doable prlaes in eqs 14-16. variances, s t , are then to be taken as kaown.
In order to decide whether to aaaple and. I f so, how Under these conditions the conjugnte d is t r ib u ­
■any speelnens to te st, use w il l be Bade o f eqs 8 - 1 0 . tion is a ls o noraal. Equation 12 becoaes
Suppose f i r s t that the cost of s o i l exploration 1b-
c la d la g the t e s t in g of nj samples fro a the ¿.th layer X - - C24T1 + [ C 3 ( I ^ j ) 2 ♦ IA j ^ i 2 | q2 (22)
I s a ♦ Zbiat where a and bj a n constan ts. Then aq w hen * (C3 ♦ C4 f j ) k f and kj « </^0 i/^l * ai/^l ^
13 give s r is e to tha c o e ffic ie n t o f v a rla tlo a of p i. T h e n fo re , eq 14
E X " » - CaqAl ♦ i V * • ♦ » l M (17) becoaes ,
Proceeding as with eqs 14-16, y* - C3 « a l ) 2 ♦ K C 3 ♦ A j)v{ + IA ja J * (23)
2 9
Xj a - ♦ a ♦ Ib j a i bat A Xg ♦ a ♦ U ij i j ( 1 W w hen vj • C j a j / n j . F in a lly eq 21 becoaes
var y " • var ( c a d - f ) 2 ♦ i a , - ! 2]
The gain derived fro a s a i l i n g is
Although i t I s not d i f f i c u l t to c a lc u la te en e x p lic it
® * *0 * *•
expression fo r vnr y " the re su lt I s cuifcersoae. I t
* (C2 / 2 Y i ) 2 (E 1 /y" - l / y ') - a - Zbfai ( 1 9w) ill s u ffic e to note that
■ 1 th the r e s tr ic tio n that q not exceed q_. A2 I v j ♦ V * var y " « (1 ♦ A j / C ^ V (24)
I t i s worth sampling i f and only I f 6 i s p o si­
tiv e when Xbjni i s n p la c e d with i t s a ln la a a p o ssib le when V i s var y " when the a\ are kaom, that i s as
valae, a la i bj ■ bj, say, aad E l / y " «1th I t s corre­ given by eq 2 0 . _
sponding aagnltade (fo r «hlch, a l • 0 f o r 1 /-J aad There are a lso occasions when both Ccj and s^
b j » 1). The optinua sa n p lla g plan i s e ith e r no sam­ are unknown and there is no known re la tio n feetween
p lin g ( I f G * 0 uuder these ooaditlons) or that set the«. The Jo in t conjugate d is t r ib u tio n of Cs i and
of uj «hlch aaxlalzea G la eq 19. _l/»f I s nom al-gaanaj the marginal d is t r ib u tio n o f
Notlee that E y " » y*. (This can be proved C ti I s student, and that of 1 / s ? i s gasaa - 2 (K a lffa
a tra lg h ta m y by a s lo g eqs 8-10.) I t fo llow s as a cox and S c h le lfe r, 1961). The problem can be given a
o lla r y that I f sampling doe* oot e n ta il the p o s s l b l l l treataent s im ila r to those presented In the foregoing
ty o f chaogiog q, E JC" w i l l only d if f e r fro a E X* by paragraphs bat evaluation o f var y a requires numeri­
the co st of s a i l i n g . This conclusion I s co nsistent ca l In te gra tio n . Henee, i t I s not worth introducing
■ 1 th the assumption that sampling does not change the the approximation in eq 20. Nuaerleal in te gra tio n to
s o i l ' s properties appreciably. evaluate E l / y " m y be too tin e consuming, und a Mon­
Equation 19 aay be evaluated through numerical te Carlo approach seeas Indicated.
la te g ra tio n or using Monte C arlo a n a ly s is . Then the In most p ra c tic a l probleas there i s enough p rio r
o p t im a set of nj aay be found by t r i a l and e r n r . inform ation to estimate the expectations and c o e ff i­
An ap p n x la a te eva la atlo a of E l/ y " , ahlch Ignores cients of v a rla tlo a o f the coopressloa r a tio s , so
the r e s t r ic t io n at Xg, i s achieved through a change that the p rio r s t a t i s t i c s a£ and oj can be had with
o f v a ria b le , ■faleh producos an in te g ra l that can be ease. In order to e sta b lish nj on subjective bases
evaluated la teras o f the eoaplex e rro r function ■ I t m y be advisable to ask one self the question " I f I
(see Handbook o f a ath eaatlcal functions . . . , 1964), tested one sample of th is m aterial and obtained a re­
■hlch In t a n is tabulated and fo r «hlch an ap p lica­ s u lt a, how much would I change my e s t lm t e o f the ex
ble asymptotic e x p n ssio n i s a v a ila b le . pected value of the settlem ent?" Then use m y be
Aa even le s s accural« hut s l ^ l n s o la t ia * , v a l­ m de o f the fa c t that

This solves the question of the decision to take
■; • " M . : ■ » i f no sampling is conten^lated. Suppose now that a »
0.3 k and b< ~ 0.1 k per speclnen fo r a l l 1. From eq
to that, when nj * 1 ,
21, almost Independently o f n2 , var y* • 0.921 C 1 ♦
0.556 n j/n} * 0.2 )3 n i/ ( n i ♦ 0 .2 ). E vid en tly the op­
timum B2 i s zero. According to eqs 19 and 20, then,
A lte rn a tiv e ly , one nay ose table« o f the cumula­ G - 18.0 [ l ♦ 0.556 n ^ n j + 0.2) ] n i/ ( n i + 0.2) -
tiv e nom al d ist rib u tio n and d ir e c tly choose la - 0.3 - 0.1 ni
answer to the question, "How probable I s i t that
■ 1 1 1 exceed aj plu s so suny tin e * V ^ I 7" For e x » p l *
This I s a maximum, G » 26.0 k, fo r nj » 10. Conse­
quently, the optimum sampling progran comprises ten
the p ro b a b ility I s 2.3 percent that jij > mj ♦ specimens fro a the f i r s t layer and none fron the sec­
N i a e r l o l exaagle Had the engineer been more fa m ilia r w ith the
s o i l he might have chosen ni » n£ * 2. In th is case,
A b u lld la g 30 n t a l l «1th rectangular base meas­ y* » 0.504, q£ » 8.25 ton/«?, max G » 9.8 k, corre­
u rin g 10 z 20 ■ welgha 3400 ♦ 70 Of (in tonsj Dr in sponding to nj • 15, n2 ” 0. C u rio u sly, although nf
pe ters). I t is to be founded in a c la y layer I S n and n£ are ten tin e s la rg e r than In the foregoing
th ick that weighs 1 . 8 ton/m3 and has an expected nean case, the optimum s a i l i n g plan involves t e s t in g a
compression r a tio o f 0.20. A aecoad la y e r of cla y 10 la rg e r number of specimens. S t i l l , the expected b«n£
■ th ic k weighing 1.65 toa/sP and w ith expected nean f i t to be derived therefrom I s le ss than h a lf of that
compression r a t io o f 0.15 re sts on lncoBf>resslble na- in the f i r s t case.
t e r la l ( f ig 2 ). The I n i t i a l cost o f the b u ild in g is Both s it u a t io n s are disp layed in f i g 3.
C j + C20f, «here C j « 500 k and C2 / C 1 ■ 0.03 s ‘ s Now c i and e2 w i l l be assumed to be known, both
Farther, C j/C j « 1.14 n~l and C4 / C 1 ■ 1500. (These equal to 0.5. Then kj • 4.9 x 10~4 and k2 9 5.8 x
are the data assumed In the nunerical example by Re- 10~4. I t I s found that Ai and A2 are n e g lig ib le la
s 6 ndlz and Herrera, 1969, save fo r C i which did not comparison with C3 . Consequently, both bounds la eq
have to be defined there.) 24 a n p r a c t ic a lly equal to V and there i s no change
For the p rio r d ls t r ib o t lo a of the nean compres­ In the optimum exploration progran.
sion«, produced by a u nit set pressure applied at the
foundation, Res(ndiz and Herrera (1969) fin < ln £ “
2.663 x 1 0 " 2 aß/ton and m£ » 0.155 x 10”2 a^/ton. D iscu ssio n
The sane reference gives q u an tities which i t denotes
by v?, and which are equal to the area of speclsnas The weakest among the s l ^ l l f y l a g a s s o r t io n s o f
subjected to c o n so lid atio n te sts tin e s the squared the foregoing treatment l i e s In that the conpressloa
c o e ffic ie n ts o f v a ria tio n o f CEi . Assuming the sp e c l ra tio s are taken as uncorrelated In space. Aa a con­
nens In question to be c ir c u la r in cross section, sequence the s o lu tio n underestimates the variance o f
w ith a diameter of 1.5 in . > 3.76 cn, the squares of settlem ents and the variance o f the angle o f t i l t .
these c o e ffic ie n ts o f v a ria tio n are At the sane tin e I t gives no ln fo m a tlo n on the a d v li
2 « 9 x 10 ~ 2 a b i li t y o f d r i l l i n g more than one bo rin g at the a lt« ,
which would d is c lo s e p o ssib le system atic variatio n «
*1 ’ (ir/4) 3.762 x i 0-4
in c o ^ r e s s l b l l i t y . Undoubtedly I t would be o f great
• 81 , c j ■ 9.00 value to develop a theory that e x p lic it ly recognizes
S in lla r ly , c| ■ 18 , « 2 ■ 4.24 t h is space c o rre la tio n and gathering data to permit a
r e a li s t i c d e sc rip tio n of the c o rre la tio n .
Heaca, s j » 0.20 x 9.00 ■ 1.80 and »2 " 0*15 x 4.24 » Other shortcoailngs are note e a s ily overcone.
0.636. A lso, according to Resindlz and Herrera, For exarçle, the introduction o f appropriate ad d ition
ffl " Ä * 2.34 x 10-4 «3/ton, <¡2 " 02 ” 0.076 x a l randon v a ria b le s would take care o f random d if f e r ­
ences between measured and actu al In s it u properties
1 ( H n9/ton, Pj » 0.170 and 02 " 0.130. I t w il l be o f clay, o f randon differen ces between noalaal and
assumed that nj » n^ » 0 . 2 . actual inposed loads and o f randon influences o f éth­
The problem w i l l f i r s t be solved assuming that er phenoaena, such as the procedures of excavation
S j and *2 are known. Hence so are ffj and 9 2 * and constru ction, the e ffe c ts o f neighboring b u ild ­
ings and other nearby stru ctu res and the consequences
Since a i ■ 2.663 x 10"2/0.20 » 0.1332 aß/ton and o f changes la ground water and plezo n etrlc le v e ls .
02 - 0.0103 n3/ton, v{ - 0.13322 x 1.802/0.2 - 0.287 Approxlaate procedures have been developed fo r
ri^/ton2 and v j ' 0.002 ^ / t o u 2 . Then s u b s titu tin g in the a n a ly sis o f s o ll-s tr u c tu r e In te ra c tio n aader s a s -
eq 14, y ' ■ 165) fron eq 15, q£ » 0.025 t o n / r . This talned load ta k ia g in to account creep o f the stru c ­
stands in narked contrast with qg ■ 9.2 ton/n2 ob­ ture as w ell as s o i l c onsolidatio n, assunlng that
tained by Res6 ndiz and Herrera. The difference I s both phenonena obey lin e a r d iff e r e n t ia l equations
e n tire ly due to the uncertainty In the compression (H e ll, 1969). These theories assune that properties
r a tio s . I t I s such an lnportant d ifferen ce because o f both the s o i l and the stru ctu re are kaowa daterai^
c i and C2 are u n r e a lls t le a lly high. l s t l c a l l y . Tet on the b a s is of such procedures, dan-
A more reasonable situ a tio n ensues fron taking age caased by angular d isto rtio n s due to d iff e r e n t ia l
c i - c 2 ■* 0.5, say. Then <ri2 an<j ^ 2 beeone n e g lig i­ se ttle a e n ts eould be Incorporated by in creasin g the
ble co hered w ith the re st of the terns in eq 14. values o f C4 P 1 app ropriately.
Under the present assumption, s } » 0.1, 19 * 0.075, Uncertainty aboat the thickness of the deposits
v j ■ 8.89 x K T < ^ / t o n * and v£ » 0.01 x 10- 4 can be dealt with in much the sane nanner as uncer-
^ / t o a 2 . With these values eo 14 gives y ’ - 0.962 t a la t y aboat th e ir e o q > r e s s ib llltle s .
Ind eq 15 gives ■ 4.45 t o n / r , which I s sm aller The fo llo w in g te n ta tive conclusions of t h is
than q_ > 3400/10 x 20 « 17.0 ton /a?. Froa eq 16, study seen warranted, takin g in to accoaat the i s p m i
I £ - ‘■*18.2 k. nents suggested In the la s t few paragraphs.

1. Even stro n g fa m ilia r it y «1th s o i l condition*, In view of these considerations i t I s normally
as s ig n if ie d by at o f the order o f 2 0 , does not pre- J u s t if ie d to assume that shear fa ilu r e e ith e r takes
oiade the a d v is a b ilit y of sampling and te stin g , at place on the day the b u ild in g I s dedicated or not at
le a st fo r moderately heavy b n lld in g s on noderetely a ll.
coq>ressible clay. I f the fa ilu r e surface in cla y «ere independent
2. The o p t im a number o f specimens to be tested of the space d is t r ib u tio n of s o i l strengths and i f
from any one laye r i s a ra p id ly decreasing function these strengths «ere nncorrelated, the p ro b a b ility
o f the depth o f the laye r and increases with the la y ­ d ls tr ib u t lo a o f bearing capacity could be approximat­
e r 's expeeted com pressibility. ed as gau sslan . However, among the klnem etleally p o i
3. T estin g specimens from a s in g le boring at s ib le f a lla r e surfaces, that g iv ia g the sm allest v a l­
the s it e of a contemplated b u ild in g p r a c t ic a lly does ue governs the bearing capacity. Hence, the extreme
not guard a ga in st the p o s s i b i li t y of the b u ild in g 's type 2 d istrib u tio n could be expected to apply aa a
t i l t i n g as a consequence of d iff e r e n t ia l s o i l comprm. good approximation (Gumbel, 1956). Space c o rre latio n
s ib lllt y # several borings are required fo r t h is pur­ « 1 1 1 probably lead to d is t r lb u t lo u s intermediate be­
pose. The J u s t if ic a t io n fo r t h is statement is that tween extreme type 2 and normal.
nncorrelated d iff e r e n t ia l c o m p re ssib ilitie s have Onder the circumstances i t is premature to « t-
p r a o t lc a lly ao e ffe c t oa t i l t . Host o f the phenome- tempt the form uletlon o f a usable optim ization model.
aoa mast be a ttrib u te d to system atic v a ria tio n s of
e o ^ r e s s l b l l i t y in horizontal d ire c tio n s. Loisa« due to aceidentnl londs
4. The greater importance of upper, rather
than lover, d a y formations is more pronounced la With loads due to earthquake or «ind, uncertain­
connectloa « 1 th d iff e r e n t ia l settlement than « ith ty about the maximum disturbance that « 1 1 1 take place
average settlem eat. In any moderate period of time often exceeds by or­
ders of magnitude the uncertainty In s o i l p rop erties.
C le a rly the present s ta te o f the theory o f o p ti- I t I s perm issible, then, to take a l l v a ria b le s other
■an sampling does not a lio « a rapid, trustworthy c a l- than the disturbance as d eterm in istic and to replace
c a la tio n o f the best sampling plan. I t i s u seful, them « ith th e ir modes.
therefore, to keep in mind that the maxi oraa lo ss in ­ These same disturbences may often be ld e allae d
curred oat o f ex ce ssive ly extensive sampling plans Is as Poisson processes. The natural conjugate fo r the
al«ays sm aller, and u su a lly much sm aller, than the p rio r d istrib u tio n of the rate of occurrence (R a lffa
d ire c t cost o f the excess in exploration and te stin g . aad S c h la lfe r, 1961) i s then gamma-1. T his type of
problem has been dealt « ith In stru c tu ra l design to
Design a ga in st shear f a lla r e r e s is t earthquakes (Esteva, 1966) Esteva, Elorduy and
Sandoval, 1969) incorporating the consequences o f un­
The mala d ifferen ce between the treatment de­ c e rta in tie s la the c h a ra c te ristic s of the d lstn rb -
scribed fo r design a g a la st settlem ents and that aaces and in the strength parameters.
aga in st shear f a lla r e lie s in that the lo ss functions In «hat fo llo w s, and merely fo r I llu s t r a t i v e p m
fo r the la t t e r coatlngency can not reasonably be ap­ poses, i t « i l l be assumed that the amouat of s t a t is t . !
proximated as a quadratic function of a s o i l property cal Inform ation a v a ila b le i s s u f f ic ie n t ly la rg e so
having a smooth p ro b a b ility d is t r ib u tio n . Bather, that the paremeter la the Poisson process may be ta -
there i s a n e g lig ib le lo s s from t h is cause when the en as de te rm in istic. U ncertainties in resistan ce
strength l i e s above some lim it and a rapid Increase w ill be neglected. Then the p ro b a b ility that no
up to a very high le s s fo r intermediate valaes of the events occur in in te rva l 0 , t with In te n sity greater
stren gth. than that which would cause fa ilu r e (say, shear f a i l ­
For b u ild in g foundations oa c la y under s t a t le ure la c la y ) I s B (t) • exp(-X) where X is a fu n ctlo a
c o ad ltloa s the loading process may often be idealiaed of the resiste n ce . B (t) f u l f i l l s the d e fin itio n g i v ­
as the a p p lica tio n o f sastalned s t r e s s . I s other en e a r lie r fo r the r e l i a b i l i t y function o f the s y s ­
foundation problems the gradual a p p lic a tio n of load tem# la the present case the system comprises the
may prodaoe c o n solid atio n to the extent that the proji b u ild in g and the s o i l in which I t i s founded.
a b i li t y o f shear fa ilu r e becomes a decreasing fuuc- I t follow s from eq 4 that, i f the system ceases
tlo a of time. T h is i s often true la storage yards to function when fa ilu r e occurs, and co asld e rla g a
(Loasslak and lenz, 1969) and In some dams oa clay s in g le mode of fa ilu r e ,
(Weigh and Ham , 1969# Ste fan o ff and Zla tare v, 1969).
Mere i t not fo r co n so lld a tlo a one would expect
D - Di i 0 e " (T+X)t dt
that the p ro b e b lllty o f shear fa ilu r e would be an in ­
cre asin g function o f time fo r b u ild in gs on a «Ida
c le s s o f s o i ls , la o lu d la g most c la ys (see Singh and
M itc h e ll, 1969» Vyalov and Mesohyan, 1969). Tet, the
iacrease la strength « 1 th co n so lidation makes th is
phenomenon unimportant, at le a st in many p ra c tic a l where Y i s the disoqaat rate.
cases (Bishop aad Lovenbury, 1969# Vyalov and Meseh- I f the system i s re b u ilt sy ste m a tic a lly a fte r
yaa describe a general prooednre fo r ta k la g ia to »c- fa lla r e , with no change la i t s design, eq 25 mast be
couat changes in lends and la s e l l properties with replaced with a geometric se rie s whose sum I s X D J/Y .
time «hen studying the p o s s ib ilit y o f creep f a lla r e ) . The d lffereace between Dj and DJ is that the former
The Iacrease of sh earlag deformations with time Includes the be n e fits lo s t because of f a lla r e « h lle
should not rig o ro u sly be discarded. Aside from the the la t t e r iacludes only those lo s t during reconstra&.
time-dependent deformatloas d ir e c tly a ttrib u ta b le to tlo a or re p a ir. Changes la design fo r the stru ctare
shear there Is the Influence o f shear oa co a so lld a - to be re b u ilt tend lower the expected losse s and make
tle a (Hanrahan aad M itc h e ll, 1969). Tet, because of the se rie s converge to a value sm aller then XD J/Y ,
the crudeness of other sim p lify in g assumptloas I t Hence, la a l l cases one say w rite
seems proper to disregerd the time dependenee of XD, XD"
shearing deform atloas, at le a s t as a f i r s t approxima­ D < min (------ >— 1) (26)
tio n . Y ♦ X Y


■here DJ » Dj bat ■ « ■ a lly Dj * Dj. to i t * capacity to withstand earthquakes ia m u lti­

O f t n X « T aad « 0 eq 26 may M i l be replaoed p lie d by 2, *o 1* reduced 16 percent and T 1« reduced
w ith the almpler expressloa 29 percent.


F a lla re fro a earthquake effect« can a i a a l l j be I t seem* most dealrab le to *et the stage fo r the
a««oclated d ir e c t ly » 1 th maximum ground ecceleratioa ap p lica tio n o f decisio n theory to design uader a c c l-
or M lo c it y (Esteva, 1966). The«e are p r a c t ic a lly dental loada. To th is end i t «ould be «orth proces­
prop ortloaal to exp all, other thing« being equal, s in g the data a v a ila b le oa the capacity of model aad
■here a 1« a coastant aad M 1« the earthquake'« mag- prototype foundation« te«ted to f a lla r e . T h is «ould
altade (a i r e a G i i r e o f It« energy r e l e a a e ) . I f X (l) provide the s t a t i s t i c a l d is t r ib u tio n of the rn tlo of
•tand« fo r the rate o f occurrence of earthquake« h a v - actu al to computed bearing capacity. Thus one would
ln g a Magnitude greater t h a n M aad o r ig in a t in g la a have the b a sis fo r adapting a conceptual model of ran
given volaae of the earth'« crust, X 1 « approximately dom behavior in order to e sta b lish the p ro b a b ility
proportional to exp(-f)M) over a «ride range o f valaes d ls t r lb u t lo a o f the bearlag capacity.
o f M, «here p la a coastant fo r the v o ln e la ques- The la s t te rm la oq 29 may be irrltte a
t lo a and v arie s l i t t l e over «lde region* of the BDi/Y P ’a P ', «here a now stands fo r the expected v a l­
e m i t . Combining the effect« o f a l l volnaea of the ue of the re sista a ce and i s a random v a ria b le . Re­
earth where earthqaake* havlag an appreciable e ffe c t p la c in g the objective fu n ctlo a « ith C ♦ E D i t i s
oa the i t n c t u r e m a y o rig in a te . I t f o l i a r that the •een that t h is m odlflcatloa i s equlvaleat to m u lti­
deaiga value o f the maximum ground a cce le ra tlo a or p ly in g B by E 1/ P la eqa 29-31. But i f the proba­
v e loo lty, «ay a, 1 « exceedod with a rate given ap­ b i l i t y den sity function o f i s f i n it e la the neigh­
proximately by borhood o f sero, E 1/ P ' i s in f in it e . No design
X (z ) » B * T (26) would be s a tis f a c t o r y under these co n d itio n s. Hence,
■here p ' - pa. P ' v a rie s fro a one part o f the world the approximate treatment ou tlin ed above i s untenable
to another aad 1 « la rg e r fo r acce leratio n than fo r I f o o A in e d « 1 th a s im p lis t ic approach to the matter
v e lo o lty . Valae« of the order o f 2 to 3 are aot un- of the p ro b e b lllty d is t r ib u tio n o f the bearing capa­
c ity .
S u b stltu tla g oq 26 In eq 27 and a««unlng that T h is s it u a t io n a rise s p r in c ip a lly from ta k in g eq
the I n i t i a l e o it In the range of la t e r e t t 1 « glvea by 27 Instead o f eq 26 and out o f aasumlag that X O I) i s
C ■ Cj ♦ hsP p ro p ortlo aal to exp(-pH) fo r a l l magnitudes. The
la t t e r Is known not to be the ease (Bosenblueth,
■here C], k and p are eonataati, oae fin d s
1969a)« XO I) drops beloa the values predicted by t h is
re la tio n fo r both very large and very sm all magal-
C ♦ D - C j ♦ k«P ♦ BDx/raP’ (29)
todes. Heace X(M) mast be p re c ise ly deflaed, espe­
T h is may be taken a* the o bjective function Z to be c i a l l y la the range o f very amall M. The fa c t re­
minimised. D iffe re n tia tin g «1th re«pect to s aad mains that the p ro b a b ility d is t r ib u tio n o f the bear­
equation to sero oae find« the optimum re«i*tance, in g capacity must alao be c a r e fu lly deflaed, p a rticu ­
■ 0, to be provided la design. la r ly in the t a l l of e x ce p tion a lly sm all values.
»# ■ (B D jP '/rkp ) (30)
Concluding remark«
aad heace the eorrespoadlng recurrence period
Tke preaeat paper kas touehed ea problem« ty p i­
T - lA (« e >
c a l o f b a ild la g fouadatloas la c la y . C M atlo a a have
- a^B (31) been approached from the viewpoint o f d e c lslo a theory
and regardlag the combinatioa o f s o i l , foaadatloa aad
Numerical e x a ^ lo b u ild la g as a system. I t has been pointed oak that
neighboring and nearby stru ctu res and u t i l i t i e s
Tke foaadatloa o f a t a l l , slender b u ild in g found should often be considered as part o f the system a i ­
ed la c la y has already been designed fo r v e rtic a l der study, and that sone In d ire c t recognition abould
loads. Prelim inary o a lc a la tio a s ln dloate that the alae be awarded to amch va ste r systems which e^raee
foandatlon » i l l require redesign — a d d itio n a l p ile s , the oae under conslderatlo a.
greater deptk o f excavation, a bate «ldenlng — to re* Aa e x p lic it so lu tio n was found fo r a deaiga gov­
■ l i t eartkquake*. In t h l i example s *111 be taken to erned by settlem ent. I t was p o ssib le to deflae the
•tand fo r the bate shear c o e ffic ie n t and w il l be as­ optimum sampling program. However, the s o lu tlo a had
sumed to be proportional to the maximum ground v e lo c l to be based oa d r a s tic s lm p llfy la g assumptlous. A
ty . Other pertinent data are, Dj « 10,000 k, Y ■ more general and powerful Monte C arlo approach ahoald
0.05 y r " l, B • 5 x 10- » yr“l , P ' • 2.0, k - 1000 k, be developed to permit more r e a li s t i c id e a lis a t io n s .
p » 2. These valaes of h and p are iatended to la - The study o f b u ild in g s subjected to earthqaake
elude the change of the cost of the «tructure and lo ading lad lcate d the need fo r a c a re fu l d e f la lt lo a
foaadatloa to re«i«t the de«iga valae o f a. The aa- of the distarbancea, as a sto c h a stic process, aad of
merloal valuea choten are not aareeaonable fo r a ten- the bearing capacity, as a random v a ria b le .
sto ry b u ild in g c o stin g aboat 500 k, having a rather Despite preseat sh ortcoalags of the p ro b a b ilis ­
d a c tlle «tructure and founded oa medium clay la a uoi t i c approach to these questions, great be n e fits can
e rate ly iei«m ic region. be envisaged fro a an a t t lt u t e cons 1 * tent with a sys­
Sab a tltu tlo n o f the data la to eq 30 give« i 0 » tems approach and the a p p lica tio n o f decialo as theo-
0.10, « h lle eq 31 give« T - 200 yr. *y*
The pretent fo n m la tlo n permit* evaluation of
tke coaiequence« of a ohaaga la each o f the pertinent Acknowledgment
parameter«. For exaaiple, i f e ith e r the dlscoaat rate,
Y, or the le n c lt lv lt y , h, o f the coat of the b u ild in g The anther axpreaaaa kla gratitude to Carl J.

Tarkatra, Daniel Heaéedli, L a i* Eateva and Armando Loasflnk, H 6 S P kens, "Storage and yard foua-
O rttgt fo r th e ir t e r le * o f the meauacrlpt and fo r d atio a* oa »o ft cohealve * o i l * , " SarttnU lfltB tB lU B B -
th e ir aoat cob *tr a c tiv e suggestion«* a l Coaference nn S o il Mechanic* and Foaadatloa E n gi­
neering. Mexico, D F, 1969.
Peck, R B, "Advantage* and lln lt a t lo n * o f obser-
Beforoem v atlo n a l method In applied t o l l aecbanlca, Ninth ttan-
klae Leoture. Geotechnloue. 19. 2 (June 1969). 171-
Aokoff, I X S I Gapta 6 J S Mena*, " S c ie n t if ic 87. —
method (optim isatio n applied to re»earch d e c l*lo a» , " R a iffa , 8 6 8 S c h la lfe r, "Applied « t a t la t lc a l
John Wiley & S o u , lac i New Tork, 1965. d o c ia lo a . " 6 raduate School of B u iln e t* Adm lnictra-
B lihop, A ■ & H T Lovenbury, "Creep c h ir a c t e r li- tio a , Harvard U aive ralty, Boston, 1961.
t ie * of two aadlatarbed c la y * ,” Seventh Ia te ra a tlo a a l Reatadls, D <v I Herrera, "A p r o b a b ilis t ic fo r m
Conference oa S o i l Móchenle* end Foundation Enolaaer- la tio n o f aettle oe n t-con tro lled de«lon." Seventh In ­
la o . Desloo, D F, 1969. te rn a tio n al Conference on S o il Mechanic* on S o il Me-
de H ello , V F B, "Foundation* o f b u ild in g la chanlca gad Foaadatloa Engineering. Mexico, D F,
clay,» geaeral report, Seventh Ia te ra a tio n a l Confer­ 1969.
ence oa S o il Mechaelc* and Foundation Engineering. Rice, Dorothy P, " E iH a n t ln a the coat o f 111-
Ile ilc o , D F, 1969. n a n . " Part 3 i "Economic cost of m o r ta lit y ," U S
E it tv a , L, "Bases para la formulaclfia de de cl- Department of Health, Education and Welfere, Waahlng-
aloaea de d ls e io s ís m ic o ," Ia s t lt u t o de In o e a le rla . toa, D C, 947-6, May 1966.
Mexleo, 182 (Aag. 1968). Reaenblueth, K, "General report on « eitm iclty
Eateva, L, J Elorday & J Sandoval, " A n ílla la de and a lm u la tlo a ," Fourth Morld Conference on Earth-
la c o a fla b llld a d de la preaa Tepuxtepee ante la ac­ oaake Engineering. Sentlego, C h ile, 1969a.
e ita de tenfelorea." Ia a t lt a t o de In ae n le rla. México. Roaenblaeth, E, "C o a fla b llld a d y a t llid s d en ln -
194 (Jen. 1969). g e n le r la ," In a e n le rla . Mexico, IQ , l% 9 b .
Flahbura, P C "Method* of estim ating edditlve Rosenblueth, E, "S a fe ty and «truetural d e aiga ,"
u t i l i t y . " Management Science. 13. 7 (Mar. 1967), Chapter 19 of "Earthquake engineering. " edited by B
435-54. B r o ile r , to be publlfhed by McGrem-Hlll Book Co.,
Freudenthal, A M, "Safety, r e l ia b i li t y , and 1970.
a tra c ta ra l d e a ig a ," t ™ « astt . 127 (1962), 304-19. Slagh, A & J K M itc h e ll, "Creep p o te n tlo l and
Gaabel, E J, " S t e t H t lc « o f exttame«. " Columbia ereep rupture of a o lla , " Seventh In te rn e tlo a a l Con­
U n ive rsity Press, New Tork, 1958. ference on a o ll Mechanic« end Foundation Ennlneer-
"Handbook of methematleal function« « ith f o r » - la n . Mexico, D F 1969.
laa. graphs. and mathem atical ta b la a ." D S Depart «eat Stefen off, G & K U a ta re v , "A den on a th in s o ft
o f Cowerce, N ational Bateau o f Standard*, Applied laym r," Seventh In te rn a tio n a l Conference oa S o il Me-
Metheaatics Serlea 56, 1964. ehanlca and Foundation Engineering. Mexico, D F,
Haarahaa, E T & J A M itc h e ll, "The Importance 1969.
o f aheer la c o n s o lid a tio n ." Seventh la ta rn a tio a a l Vyalov, S S 6 S R Meachyan, "Creep aad lo n g - t e n
Conference on S o il Mechanic« «nd Foundation Engineer atreagth of s o i l * inbjected to v a ria b le lo a d ," S e r-
la o . Mexico, D F, 1969. enth In te rn atio n al Conference nn S o il Mechanic« aad
H e ll, H, "Stu dlea la the atru c tu ra l r i g i d i t y of Fouadatloa Engineering. Mexico, D F, 1969.
relaforoed coáctete b u ild in g fraaea oa c la y , " S o v Weigh, A C & E T Hama, "Grovehurat dock data,
eath In te rn a tio n a l Conference on S o il Meehanlea art founded oa receat allu v iu m ," Seventh In te rn a tio e a l
Foaadatloa EBolaoorlaa. M a le o , D F, 1969. Coeferenae on S o il Mechanic« end Foundation Engineer­
ing- Mexioo, D F, 1969.

R esults S to te of


SCH LAIFER , 1961)


v = 1.8 ton/m 3 Î
18 m

ECr = 0.20

y = 1. 6 5 ton/m 3
I _

E C r = 0 .1 5
y ///////////////////////////////////////////////////

^ ^ G a i n due to increase in information n\ = n'2 = 0.2

c z _ ___________ ____ _____________________
*5. £
o —°
2 -°
H_ V)

■° -°

£ °(
O 3
max G
so i
5l Cost of


Cnalrman N. A . T S Y T O V IC H
proposed by the General Reporter and is con­
Thank you very much Prof. Dr. Hosenblueth cerned with the ultimate point and skin re­
for your excellent and interesting informa­ sistances of piles and piers in stiff clay.
tion on the oombined performance of soil and
superstructures. For over two decades now it has been common
practice to attribute the skin resistance of
Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for 20 min­ all saturated clays to adhesion between clay
utes intermission. It is time to reoeive reg and pile material and to compare this "adhe­
istrations for oral participation selecting sion" to the undrained shear strength Cfcohe-
only 10 participants. sion") of the clay. Comparisons of this kind
showed invariably that the apparent adhesion
was approximately equal to the undrained
R ECESS shear strength of undisturbed soil as long as
the latter did not exceed about 0.5 to 0.7
ton/sq.ft (soft to firm clays). There was,
Ctm rmMi N. A. T S Y T O V IC H however, a considerable discrepancy betwean
measured skin resistances and undrained shear
Since we only have one hour left for discus­ strengths in the case of stiff and hard clays.
sions or comments of questions from the floor This well known fact is shown in Fig. 1, which
I suggest that we restrict each commentary to represents a summary of most of the known com­
not more than 5 minutes. Now I call Dr. Vesid. parisons of this kind. Different types of
piles to which test data refer are shown in
this figure by different symbols explained in
a . s. V E S IC (U. s. A.) the legend. The source of data is marked next
to each point by a letter,the explanation of
This discussion is related to topics a) and c) which can also be found in the legend.

Many investigators of this problem have made sured drained angle of shear resistance = 22"
attempts to interpret the observed trend of and c' = 0, and assuming that the friction
results,shown in the figure,by empirical for­ angle between the pile and the soil, 6 is
mulae stating that the adhesion ca is equal to equal to (t>',one finds for the coefficient of
a definite fraction of und rained shear lateral soil pressure on pile skin Ks = 2.47.
strength cu . Or,it was proposed generally This value appears to be quite realistic for
that Ca = 0cu , where B should be a number non-displacement type piles driven into a
between 0 and 1. Limiting values of 8 from preconsolidated clay. A similar value of Ks
observations on drilled piers in London clay = 2.44 is found by analyzing the results of
(Skempton, 1959) are marked in Fig. 1. tests with piles from the Bagnolet site in an
Oligocene stiff clay age with undrained shear
In our studies of this problem (Vesic, 1967) strength of about 1.0 ton/sq.ft (K^risel, 1964).
we have come to the conclusion that there is A clearly frictional behavior of this clay
no direct correlation between the shaft adhe­ is again evident from increase of both point
sion and undrained shear strength, at least and skin resistances with depth. The re­
fcr s^iff to hard clays. After presenting corded pile behavior indicates in this case
some arguments explaining why such comparisons 0' = 26°, while the drained triaxial tests
appear to be unreasonable, we suggested that on clay samples in the laboratory showed
the skin resistance fQ of deep foundations in <f>' = 22°.
stiff or hard clays should be compared with
the frictional component of their drained
shear strength and analyzed in terms of an In summary, it appears that it is not
equation fQ = Ksq tan 6, used for piles in justified to compare resistance of piles and
cohesionless soils such as sands. Since that piers in stiff or hard clays with undrained
time we have had opportunity to analyze sev­ shear strength of these soils. Comparisons
eral load test results indicating clearly this with fractional component of drained shear
$ 4 0 behavior of piles and piers in stiff strength make, generally, more sense, and
clay. give, in our experience, quite sensible re­
sults. New systematic research is, of
In a contribution to this Conference W. C. course, needed to examine the parameters
Sherman has reported results of load tests affecting skin resistance of frictional
with instrumented piles in a stiff, tertiary soils, particularly Ks .
clay, having an undrained shear strength of
1.6 ton/sq.ft. If we look carefully at his REFERENCES:
measured distributions of pile load along the
shaft, we find clear indications of friction­
al character of skin resistance. With mea­ Kerisel, J . , 1964: Deep Foundations, Basic

10 1.5

Fig. 1. Comparison of Pile Shaft Adhesion and Undrained Shear Strength of Adjacent Soil.

Experimental Facts; Proceedings, North The curves in Fig. 2 show the variation in the to­
American Conference on Deep Foundations tal, pore and effective radial pressures with time
(Congreso Sobre Cimientos Profundos), Mexi­ at the soil-pile contaot surface, expressed as a
co City, Vol. I, p. 5-44. fraction of the initial pressure (curves 1', 2' and
Skempton, A. W . , 1959: Cast-in-situ The effective stresses and pressures of the pore
Bored Piles in London Clay; Geotechnique water, as is evident from the curves, have extreme
IX, pp. 153-173. variations of signs, and the total stress is relax­
ed immediately after driving the pile to the stabi­
Vesi<5, A. S. 1967: A Study of Bearing lized value. This effect, apparently, can be ex­
Capacity of Deep Foundations, Final Report, plained by the simultaneous progress of the filtra­
Project B-189, Georgia Institute of Tech­ tion and relaxation processes. In the initial peri­
nology, Atlanta, Georgia, pp. xvi + 264. od of time the filtration processes have not had
enough time to cover the whole volume of soil being
tested and purely relaxational processes are pre­
dominant. This leads to an increase in pore pres­
General Reporter V. F . B. de M E L L O sure. Then, as the filtration processes continue to
spread, a stage develops in which the pore pressure
I call upon our Chairman Prof. Tsytovich to drops. This stage is predominant up to the *nd of
present ue his discussion using the same pre­ the process. The nature of the variation in effec­
rogative of limiting himself to 5 minutes. tive stresses compliee well with the known fact,
occurring in pile driving, that the bearing capac­
ity is lower during the initial period and gradual­
N .A . T S Y T O V IC H , Z .G . T E R —M A R T IR O S Y A N , N .M . D O R O S H K E V IC H ly increases with time.
and A . J U M A D IL O V A (U.S.S.R.) *

The analytical investigations given below are based

on physical prerequisites that follow from the ex­
fhe experimental investigations on normal stress periment. It is assumed that the olayey soil can
relaxation in clayey soils surrounding piles were be conceived as an elastic-creeping medium filled
conducted on a special rig (Fig. 1)• Total stress with a compressible liquid. The rheological equa­
gouges (6) and pore pressure gauges (7) were pmt tion of state of the soil is presented in the form
inside the testing tank which was filled with the of an hereditary creep equation (N. A. Tsytovich*
soil mass. The pile model was driven into the soil Z. C. Ter-itartirosyan, et al, 1967).
by meant of a jack, and the total stresses in the
soil and ths pressure of the pore liquid were ¿ (? :)-£ ( t )-a (t , r )e '(t ) f e '( r ) 3 a (t,?)d r..(i)
measured, both at the soil-pile contact surface 1+f J 1+| 37
and at various distances from the pile. where ¿(7i)and ¿.(Dare the initial and time-
varying void ratios, respectively) ©\t) ia the
The experiment was conducted under conditions of a time-varying sum of the principal stresses and £
plane stress state and plane deformation. For this is the coeffloient of lateral pressure J
purpose, the rubber cushion (bag) (5) was filled
with pompressed air or water, and was used to apply
the external pressure to the surface of the clay. a(t,T)"®m+ ^l-e’l<l"^J (2)

where a,,, and a^ are the coefficients of instanta­

neous and long-term compaction, and m is the coef­
ficient of creep damping. v

The pore fluid (water, air bubblea and dissolved

air) obeys the linear law of compression with a
coefficient of volume change a* equal to (Ter-
Itartirosyan and Tsytovitch, 1963)1

aT-(l-Jw)/Pa (3 )

where Jw is the coefficient of saturation and Pa

is the atmospheric pressure.
Let us consider the stress-strain state of an un­
bounded hollow soil cylinder with an inside diam­
eter 2rQ and outside diameter 2 , into which an
absolutely rigid watertight cylinder of a diameter
2 R, is forced. If it is assumed that there is free
filtration on the external surface of the soil
cylinder and conditions of rigid contact are com­
plied with on the internal surface, i.e. continui­
ty of diaplacement, we will have a complex flltra-
tion-relaxation problem. This will require the
50cm nimultaneouB solution (l) and the differential
equation of axiaymmetric soil consolidation (Tsyt£
Fig. 1 - Experimental rigi 1 - pllej 2 - testing vich, Ter-llartiroeyan, et al, 1967) •
tank| 3 - -thrust plate | 4 - filtering plateaj 5 -
rubber bag| 6 - total stress gaugesi 7 - pore pre.s
sure gauges.

talcing Into consideration the following filtration V0(Xi,r/Rz )-J0 (Xi( r/HjYoCXiJ-YoCXi.r/RjJoiXi,
and relaxation boundary oonditione
where X i are th e r o o t s o f c h a r a c t e r is t ic e q u a tio n
frwÇB.xtJL ■ o, » («1 .t)- »» ( 10).
J ^ X i . R . / R ^ Y o i X i J - Y , (X i , R , / R i ) J 0 (X 1 ) ( 10 )
Pw (Ha,t)-0| u(R 2 ,t)-0
where is the radius of the pile and R2 is the where C^, D^, L^,cX^ and^^ are constant values
radius of influence) depending upon the soil properties and the geomet­
rical parameters of the problem. They are deter­
and the equilibrium equation mined by complex expressions (Jumadilova, Ter-Mar-
tivosyan, 1969 in accordance with the following
©(t)-<9*(t)+ 3 Pw (t) ( 6) coefficients: the instantaneous (a,,,) and long-term
(a^) compaction, creep damping r^, water permeable
The following procedure was aocepted for solving lity k , initial porosity <£.(Z]), average porosi­
the foregoing system of integro-differential equa­ ty d. > radius of pile Rl and radius of influence
tions 1 first the axisymmetrical plane problem of Rj •
filtration consolidation waa solved (Tsytovich,
Zaretsky, et al, 19<»7) under the assumption that The d e r iv e d e x p re s s io n s were used to c a lc u la t e an
a time-oonetant load aots on the soil-pile contact example v i t h the f o llo w in g p aram eters:
surface. Then, on the basis of this solution, an
integral equation of the contact stresses was set 2 ?
up to establish the law of stress variation with am-0 t,004 cm /kg| ai-0.02 cm /kg|
time. This equation has to oomply with the condi­
tion of constant initial displacements at the soil- I'|»2xl0”^j^j k-2xl0~^ cm/min)
pile contact surface (relaxation condition).
8,-0.003 cm2/kgl|-0.56| <£(T,)-lo2|

£-1.0|R^ m 13 cm and R^ ■ 150 cm.

The results of these calculations are given in Fig.

2 (curves 1, 2 and 3 )° This confirms the similar
character of the experimemtal (l1, 2 ' and 3 1) and
theoretical (1 , 2 and 3 ) data.


Investigations on stress relaxation in clayey soils

surrounding driving piles were conducted by mem­
bers of the Department of Soil Mechanics, Bases
and Foundations of the Kuibyshev Civil Engineering
Institute in Moscow under the supervision of Prof.
N. A. Tsytovioh. The experimental work was carried
out bj postgraduate A. Jumadilova in conjunction
with Associate Professors N. M Doroshkevich and
Z. 0. Ter-Martiroeyani the mathematical analysis
Pig. 2. Experimental curves (1'. 2' and 3’) was carried out by Associate Professor Z. 0. Ter-
and theoretical curves (1, 2 and Hartirosyan and postgraduate A. Jumadilova.
3) showing the variation in time of
the total, effective and pore pres­ REFERENCES
sures around the pile.
1. BEZUKHOV, N. I. 1961 - Fundamentals of the The­
ory of Elasticity, Plasticity and Creep, Higher
In ita final fürm, the expression for determining Schools Publishing House, Moscow.
the time-varying total stress (pressure) is:
-S;t On the Problem of Stress Relaxation in Clayey
4 (t)-q ( t ) £ ( c l1 + +C,i e,' % C 4i r ’-1) (7)
<•1 Soils Surroundings Piles, Taking into Aocount the
where q (^) is the initial value of the total Structural Strength of the Soils. Proceedings of
stress, determined by the solution from the linear the Frunze Polytechnical Institute.
theory of oreep (Bezukhov, I96I) and the pore pres­
sure is 3. TER-MARTIROSYAN, Z. G. and TSYTOVICH, N. A.,
1965 - On the Seoondary Consolidation of Clay.
Journal Bases, Foundations and Soil Meohanios,Ns 5,
f » (‘ ) . A( 1-m) H? • a (Z) _______ j r . i , >
2B‘ ^ 1 - 2 1 ( 1 ^ + (l-^)fi*4i‘ivo(xl,r/H )

li “D2ieflit +D>ie l‘t +D^iê*1‘^+Dsle‘Sit) • In this last work, expressions are given for
(Ô) calculating the values CltD^, L^.cXi and 0 ,.
and It is a somewhat different formulation of the s u e
problem, taking into acoount the structural
where To is the Bessel functions: strength of the soils.

24 5

4. TER-MARTIROSY AH, Z. G. 1967 - On the Relaxation tion for the calculation of vertical s'presses
of Stresaes in Soila. Problème of Geomechanica, and displacements produced by a rigid circu­
H° 1. Academy of Sciencea of the Armenian S. S. R., lar foundation in an elastic isotropic layer
Yerivan. of limited thickness, underlain by a rigid
base. Solution is obtained by means of the
5. TSYTOVICH, N. A. and TER-MARTIROSYAN, Z. G. Bessel functions and second power Fredholm
1966 - On the Method of Determining Creep Param- integral equations and based on a no friction
eters. Journal! Baaes, Fourdationa and Soil Mechaii condition existing between the soil layer and
Icb, 5 ® 3, Moscot. the rigid base.

6. TSYTOVICH, H. A., ZARETSKY, Yu. K., MALYSHEV, In the practice the contact between the elas­
M. V., ABELEV, M. Yu., and TERMARTIROSYAH, Z. G., tic layer and rigid base is very often rough
1967 - Prediction of the Rate of Settlement of the and I should like to show some of the results
Baaas of Structurea (Consolidation and Creep of which I have obtained for no horizontal dis­
Multiple-Phaee Soils). Gosetroiizdat, Moecov. placements condition.

7. YASDMORI KOISÜMI and KOJIRO ITO, I967 - Field Fig.1 shows the influence coefficients for
T«et with Regard to the Pile Driving and the Bear­ the vertical displacement of the surface due
ing Capaoity of Piled Foundations. Soil and Foun­ to vertically loaded rigid circular foundat­
dation, vol. VII, Anguat N° 3° ion resting on the elastic layer of finite
thickness, underlain by a rough rigid base.
The results have been obtained by the finite
element method.
Chairman N. A . T S Y T O V IC H

As it has been expected, the influence values

Now I Call Mr. Milovié for the vertical displacements in the case of
rough rigid baBe are smaller than those shown
by Egorov and Simvulidi for the smooth base.
D. M IL O V IC (Canada)

I should like to refer to the paper of

K. F. Egorov and I. A. Simvulidi: "Calculat­ Chairm an N. A . T S Y T O V IC H
ion of Footings on Compressible Foundation
Beds", Vol. II, pp. 77-84. Please, Dr. Moretto read your contribution.

The authors have shown the theoretical solu­

0 . M O R E T T O (A rgentina)

0.0 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80

The use of bearing capacity formulas in engineer­
ing practice proves frequently a problem of judg­
ment that deaerves some attention. Whenever foun­
dations involve soils that undergo email defolia­
tions, so that settlement under the working load
will be within the limits that are known tolerable
for the structures, designs are made on the basis
of the failure load computed with a bearing capac­
ity formula affeoted by an adequate factor of
safety. By far, in number, the great majority of
foundations are preaently designed, either con­
sciously or unconsciously, on this basis.

In applying a bearing capacity formula, the prob­

lem arises as to which are the suitable values of
£ and £ to be used. For clay soile, the moat ready
aolution and generally the aafest , though not
always the most representative, ie obtained resort
ing to the undrained values c and 0 . However, in
unsaturated clays and some saturated soils, during
the construction period and even during the time
required to reach the maximun live load by occupan_
cy, a significant amount of conaolidation may take
place which, unless the soil is highly dilatant,
implies that the zone of the subsoil that is being
compressed by the load increase will react under
partially drained conditions.

_H_ FIG. < INFLUENCE VALUES FOR THE VERTICAL To obtain an idea of what this partial drainage may
2R DISPLACEMENT mean for the shear strength of the soil, triaxial



Pig. 1 Variation of the apparent

cohesion and angle of in­
ternal friction with par­
tial drainage for an unsa
turated soil.


Pig. 2 Variation of the apparent

cohesion and angle of in­
ternal friction with par­
tial drainage for a satu­
rated silty clay.



h- -i

Fig. 3 Simplified assumption for

determining bearing capa­
city of partially drained


t e s t s have been run in which samples 5 cm in diam­ C hairm an N. A . T S Y T O V IC H

e t e r and 12.5 cm h igh were s u b je c te d to th e f o l l o w
ln g r o u t in e i Thank you for your interesting remarks. Now
Mr. Burland, please.
1) No d ra in a g e a llo w e d (Q t e s t s )
J. B. B U R L A N O (England)

2) Under th e a l l around c o n s o lid a t io n p r e s s u r e , the

samples w ere p e rm itte d to d ra in u n id im e n s io n a lly I would like to present some observations of
a t top and bottom f o r p e r io d s o f 1/2, 1, 2 and 5 the consolidation settlement of model strip
m inutes and then th ey w ere sheared in c r e a s in g the footings on deep beds of homogeneous normally
d e v ia t o r s t r e s s under u n drain ed c o n d it io n s . consolidated clay and to compare these obser­
vations with theoretical predictions. The
apparatus used for the tests has been des­
3)Under the a l l around c o n s o lid a t io n p r e s s u r e , the
cribed in detail by Burlar.d and Roscoe (1169).
samples were a llo w e d to d ra in u n id im e n s io n a lly a t
top and bottom f o r p e r io d s o f 1/2, 1, 2 , and 5
m inutes and then th ey w ere sh eared in c r e a s in g the 4 B -2 -7 c m s
d e v ia t o r s t r e s s a t a r a t e p r o p o r t io n a l to the Footing j*"
e x p e c te d o r assumed v e l o c i t y o f lo a d in g in the '/A S u rc h a r g e -2 7 3psi
f ie ld . i i i i i i i i w m l l J I I I J i t fl 1 1 I 1 1

F or a c l a y s o i l w ith a d e g re e o f s a tu r a tio n v a r y ­ £
in g between 75“ A and 95^» F ig . 1 shows how both the u
a n g le o f i n t e r n a l f r i c t i o n and the coh esio n v a ry
\ «!>
when d ra in a g e i s a llo w e d o n ly under the a l l around * 1
c om p ressive s t r e s s f o r tim e p e r io d s up to 5 min­ I
u t e s . I t may be seen th a t w h ile the a n g le o f i n t e r Greased
n a l f r i c t i o n in c r e a s e s v e ry r a p id ly , th e apparen t ¡-Permeable
coh esio n d e c re a s e s a t a much s lo w e r r a t e . F i g . 2
3 0 -5 c m s
r e f e r s to t e s t s in w h ich , a f t e r p a r t i a l d ra in a g e
under the a l l around c om p ressive s t r e s s f o r tim e
p e r io d s up t o 5 m in u tes, the d e v ia t o r s t r e s s was
in c r e a s e d a t a r a t e o f 500 m icrons p e r m inute.The Fig. 1. Details of typical footing test.
s o i l te s t e d i s a s a tu r a te d s i l t y c la y .

The overall geometry of a typical test is

shown in Fig. 1. The tests were carried out
P a r t i a l d ra in a g e produces a s u b s ta n c ia l in c r e a s e in
s o i l r e s is t a n c e . Even i f i t i s t h e o r e t i c a l l y possj.
under plane strain conditions in a steel
b le th a t the p a r t i a l l y d ra in e d s tr e n g th o f d ila t a n t
framed, glass-sided box with all Its surfa­
c la y s may be s m a lle r than the u n drain ed on e, no
ces heavily greased. The displacement of a
case has been en cou n tered as y e t where such a de­
large number of points within the clay bed
c re a s e o f s t r e s s tak es p la c e w ith in the sequence
were observed by means of X-ray and lead shot
markers. The clay was placed in the appara­
o f d ra in a g e p e r io d s in d ic a t e d ab ove.
tus at t wice itB liquid l i m i t and then con­
C o n s o lid a tio n d ra in s o n ly th a t p o r t io n o f the s l i ^
solidated one-dimeneionally. The relevant
in g mass o f s o i l in v o lv e d in f a i l u r e th a t i s l o ­
properties of the clay (Spestone Kaolin)
c a te d w ith in the p re s s u re bulb d e ve lo p e d below the
are: Cc = 0.715; 0' = 23° and Cu / v ' = °*25
f o o t i n g . Assuming t h a t , f o r i s o l a t e d f o o t i n g s , th is
(from simple shear tests). The model footing
mass exten d s downward fa n n in g from the edge o f the
consisted of a rigis strip resting on the up
shape o f th e f a i l u r e s u rfa c e i s not changed and
per surface of the clay bed which was acted
rem ains eq u a l t o th a t d e v e lo p in g in a mass w ith upon by a uniform surcharge pressure applied
u n iform s tr e n g th , as a f i r s t a p p ro x im a tio n , i t may through a rubber membrane. The top and bot­
be assumed th a t th e u n it b e a rin g c a p a c ity t o be tom surfaces of the clay layer were free-
c o n s id e re d in d e s ig n may be taken as eq u a l t o i draining. The model fotting was loaded by
means of a hydraulic jack and loading was
carried out in three i n crements; the time
between each increment being sufficient to
1r “ ° ^ 0-a + t1 “ °( ) 1u allow full primary consolidation.

In Fig. 2 are plotted the observed relation­

in which i s c a lc u la te d b e a rin g c a p a c ity ships between net average footing pressure
o b ta in e d u sin g th e shear p aram eters o f th e p a r t i a l ­ and consolidation settlement (expressed as
l y d ra in ed s o i l s , qu is th e computed b e a rin g o ( a proportion of the breadth B of the foot­
c a p a c ity o f tL e undrained m a t e r ia l. The v a lu e o f ing) for two tests. It should be noted
has t o be e s tim a te d from an a n a ly s is o f th e r e l a t i v e that the pressure increments were small,
being approximately 1/3 and 1/6 of the un­
magnitude o f th e r e a c t io n th a t d e v e lo p s a lo n g the
drained bearing capacity for tests A and B
s u rfa c e o f s l i d i n g . For p r e lim in a r y purposes in respectively. For both tests the immediate
p r a c t ic o i t has been taken as = 0 .5 . settlements were too small to b*e detected.


The chain-dotted lines in Fig. 2 represent In Fig. 4 (a) are plotted the vertical dis­
predictions of consolidation settlement made placements at various depths beneath the
by means of the simple oedometer method using centre of the footing for test A. For

Net ovcoge footing pressure - p s i Net average footing pressure-psl

Q O 20 30 40 O IQ 20 30 0-4
z/ B - o ■'T

È/S” 63 04
j-f j 0 8
i -,
i/a-136 : K
Fig. 2 Observed and predicted relationships
between net footing pressure and con
solidation settlement for two model- o
footing tests. Z/B-207 04

Test details: • ■o Vert. dlsp. Cincrements 1,2 and 3 re ip .)

— a— H orlz. dlsp. a t end o f increment 3
Test A - Surcharge 27.3 psi ------------ One-dim ensional theory
B 2.7 cm
H 12.3 cm Fig. 3 Model footing test A. Observed
cumulative vertical and horizon­
Test B - Surcharge 28.3 pei tal displacement, expressed non-
B 5.08 cm
dimensionally, for various values
H 14.0 cm
of X/B and Z/B.

the value Cc quoted previously. The dotted Vert, d is p -c m s Horlz. d l s p - cm»

lines represent predictions made by means of
the g e n e r a l s t r e s B - B t r a i n theory for soft
clay which w a s outlined in my paper to Session
1 (Burland 1969) a n d given in detail by
Roscoe and Burland (1968). This latter the­
ory only requires a knowledge of Cc and 0'.
It can be seen from Fig. 2 that the simple
classical one-dimensional method and the more
rigorous analysis give very similar predic­
tions which are in good agreement with the

Fig. 3 shows the observed vertical displace­

ments (expressed aB a proportion of the
settlement of the footing) for test A be­
neath and outside the footing for various
values of Z/B. These observations are com­ Fig. 4 ReBults of model footing test A
pared with the predictions of the simple showing relationships between
one-dimensional theory making u b o of the depths and
vertical elastic stress distribution. The a) cumulative vertical displace­
theoretical curves (shown chain dotted) have ment beneath the centre, and
been fitted to the observed displacements at b) cumulative horizontal displace­
the centre line. The theoretical settlement ments beneath the edge of the foo^
profiles can be seen to be in good agreement ing.
with the observations.

The open triangles in Fig. 3 represent the clarity, comparison with the predictions of
observed cumulative horizontal displacements the two theories is confined to the third
at the end of the third increment of footing pressure increment. The horizontal displace­
pressure, i.e. at a pressure corresponding ments beneath the edge of the footing are
to the undrained bearing capacity. Even at plotted in Fig. 4(b) (note the large horizon­
such high pressures the lateral displacements tal scale) where they are compared with pre­
do not exceed 10 per cent of the Betlement dictions using the general stress-strain the­
of the footing. At lower footing pressures ory. (The simple oedometer method cannot, of
the ratio between maximum horizontal displa­ course be used to predict horizontal displace
cement and settlement is even smaller so that ments. ) In spite of the small magnitude of —
the drained deformations are nearly one-di­ the horizontal displacements the predictions
mensional. agree very well with the observations.

In summary the results of the model footing pends on the ratio of modulus to strength, E/c.
tests show that the drained deformations
beneath a footing on normally consolidated The University of Florida conducted a preliminary
clay are cloely one-dimensional. The accu­ experimental program to check this theory in clay.
racy of the classical oedometer method for Pressuremeter tests, similar in principle to
predicting consolidation settlements for H£nard's, but using equipment designed by GeoProbe
normally consolidated clays has been confirmed of Quebec, provided independent measurements of E
even when the clay layer is very thick. The and c. These tests were made after enlarging, by
more rigorous method proposed by Burland auger, a 1.4 in. diameter cone hole to about the
(1969) has been shown to give good agreement 2.7 in. initial diaaeter required for our pres­
not only with the measured vertical displace­ suremeter tests. The previous cone bearing values,
ments but also with the horizontal displace­ Rp, could then be compared with the pressuremeter
ments. The method is based on a general data to obtain NCp. Fig.l shows a clear trend
stress-strain theory for soft clay which only despite scatter — N increases significantly
requires a knowledge of Cc and 0 (Roscoe and with the ratio E/c. Tne cavity expansion theory
Burland 1968. ) also predicts such a trend. The pressuremeter
determined shear strength is noted next to each
point. Note also that the Ncp range in this fig­
REFERENCES ure, namely 8 to 2 5 , is about the same as noted
by Dr. de Hello and Ur. Plrez Guerra.
BURLAND, J. B . , 1969. Deformation of soft
clay beneath loaded areas. Proc. -----------------1----------------- 1----------i
7th Int. Conf. Soil Mech., México SftCNCTN. r» 0 l M C S S U IfB flfi
1, 55-63 " ».

BURLAND, J. B . , and ROSCOE, K.H. , 1969. Local

strains and pore pressures in a nor­ 2.3
mally consolidated clay layer during %
1 .4
one-dimensional consolidation.
1® .. 4 ® 37
Geotechnique, 19, 335-356.
0 1® t>
ROSCOE, K. H. and BURLAND, J. B . , 1968. On »
© 0.6
the generalized stress-strain behav­ 7.0

iour of 'wet'clay. Engineering Plas­

ticity, Cambridge Univ. Press, 535— o
609- 0 8

---------------- 1_________ i .. i. J _____ I -J_______i_____i___

C hairm an N. A . T S Y T O V IC H 10 100 1000


Now Mr. Schmertmann
What an engineer needs to determine NCp more accu­
J. H. S C H E R T M A N N (U .S.A.)
rately from only cone data is some way to sense
the two unknowns, E. and o. This, requires two
independent measurements of a clay's strength
This discussion pertains to only one small portion characteristics. The ordinary static cone provides
t>f Sr. de Hello's broad and excellent state-of-art only one, cone bearing. However, the recent devel­
treatment« Ur. Pérez Guerra also noted this prob­ opment of the friction-oone, with its ability to
lem. It is the problem of determining the constant measure also local adhesion along a small length
Ncp in the formula Bp - NcpC, which is the equa­ of rod just above the cone point, provides the two
tion relating static cone bearing and undrained independent measurements required — at least in
shear strength in purely cohesive goift principle. The ratio of local friction to end
bearing, called the friction ratio, can be shown
As Dr. de Uello notes on p.84 of Volume I, the co£ mathematically to relate to E/c for the case of
relation data are few and confusing, NCp appears insensitive clays. The practical result is that
to vary from approximately 8 to 30 . for insensitive clays the friction ratio provides
an index to the value "f the "constant'' NCp. Fig­
Consider a cone penetrating a clay. A cylindrical ure 2 presents our data on this point, plus some
hole remains after penetration. It would appear data extracted from Begemann (1965)« We have
that the elastic-plastic theory for the radial plenty of scatter but perhaps the trend is encour­
expansion of an infinite cylinder might be of some aging.
use. In this connection, there exists a remarkable
paper by Bishop, Hill and Hott (1945) in which Although our results are preliminary, both theore_t
these authors investigate the use of static cone ical and experimental investigations suggest that
punches to determine the strength characteristics at least some of the observed scatter in the Ncp
of ductile metals. They demonstrated in a convinc­ values can be explained by the previous failure to
ing way that cavity expansion theory oould explain consider the importance of a deformation character
the meaning of their cone-punch penetration tests istic, such as E, in this relationship.
in terms of the elastic-plastic prop%rti*s of the
ductile metals they tested. In soil mechanics
terminology, their important conclusion was that ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
the cone penetration resistance depends not only
on the undrained shear strength c, but it also de­ Hr. Zaid al Awqati (1969 ) contributed the above

approach to this problem while a graduate student its mobile part was stiffly fixed on the
at the University of Florida. Assistant Professor pile.
Ronald E. Saith chaired his supervisory committee.
Oscillograms of stresses and displacements,
which were obtained during driving the piles
6 m long and with cross-section 30 x 30 cm
into stiff clays, are 9hown on Fig. 1. The
curve 1 shows displacement of the pile, cur­
ves 2 and 5 show the stresses in the pile
near its point and its head respectively and
curves 3 and 4 show the stresses in the pile
near half and two-thirds of its length res­

■1 .d :*
W » HAT BE AH INDICATOR OF N ,B alter (»•;. ,i


Avqaty, Z. al. (19^9) "A Study of the Cone Pene­

tration Test in Insensitive Cohesive Soils" Mas­
ters thesis to the University of Florida,
Gainesville, Florida, USA, 104 PP*

Begeaann, Ir. H. K. S. P. (1965 ) "The Friction

Jaoket Cone as an Aid in Determining the Soil
Profile". Proceedings of the Sixth International
Conf. on Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering,
Vol. 1, p. 17

Bishop, R. F., Hill, R., and Mott, S. F. (1945)

"The Theory of Indentation and Hardness Tests"
The Proceedings of the Physical Sooiety, Vol. 57,
Part 3 , 1 May, pp. 147-159 Fig 1. - Oscillograms of stresses in a pile
and its displacements at the time of driving.

Chairm an N . A . T S Y T O V IC H
It can be seen from the given oscillograms,
that the character of pile displacement under
Now Ur. Bakholdin, will read hie discussion a blow is imperiodical, but not the oscilla­
tory one, as -it had been supposed earlier. We
think that this fact is caused by high skin
B. V . B A K H O L D IN (U.S.S.R.)
friction and by the influence of elastic pro­
perties of the pile itself and of the wooden
pad of pile cap. So, the results of field
The new method of dynamic tests of piles has tests show that the existing solutions based
been worked out at the Research Institute of on a theory of reduction of periodic oscilla­
Foundations and Underground Structures of the tions, are unsuitable for an estimation of
Gosstroy. This method was based on the pile driving parameters.
results of field tests. These tests were
made on clayey soils, which had the consis­ The oscillograms of stresses in a pile during
tency from liquid to semi-solid. driving have the peaks at the beginning of
driving, especially in sections near the pile
In order to obtain the values of stresses head. These peaks are caueed by the inertia
inside a pile and the displacements of the of the pile mass. Generally the recorded
pile during its driving, reinforced concrete Btresses in a pile are not the stresses cau­
test piles were equipped with strain gauges sed only by soil resistance. Actual soil
and displacement gauges. Wire strain gauges resistance may be found with a gauge install­
were glued on steel rods, that were attached ed near the pile lower end.
to the reinforcement inside a pile. The dis­
placement gauge was made as a rheostat and The variation of point resistance for one of
belonged to the potentiometer type. Its body the test piles during a blow, when a hammer
was installed on an immobile steel frame and was dropped from different heights, is shown

on Fig. 2. Teat pile 6 m long and with cross- gram, which was obtained from the strain
aection 30 x 30 cm with a strain gauge near gauge near the pile tip at the time of pile
its point passed the soft-plastic clays and load test, is shown on the same figure with
at a depth of 5,15 m pile point was embedded a touch-dotted line, Comparing these two
into the layer of stiff-plastic loam. To diagramB we see that they are similar, espe­
drive the pile, bar dieBel hammer having ram cially when the soil resistance iB ultimate.
weight of 1,8 tons was used. Oscillograms Because of good coincidence of load-displa-
of soil resistance (curves 1), of pile dis­ cement diagrams under static and dynamic
placements (curves 2) and the curves that show loads, there was suggested a new method of
relation between 9oil resistance and pile dis­ dynamic tests of piles with the use of strain
placements are denoted on Fig.2 with letters gauges.
a, b, c and d,respectively. These curves are
given for the cases, when the hammer dropped According to this method the bearing capacity
from the height of 0,8, 1,08, 1,4 and 1,89 m of piles can be determined from the results
correspondingly. of measured stresses on the contact surface
between hammer and pile under a blow. We
assume that to the bearing capacity of pile
£ Time sec Resistonce, tons corresponds an elastic limit of pile displa­
1 01 ox 5 10 10 cements. This value can be obtained from the
O a oscillograms of stresses and displacements
§ / —\ t a and corresponds to the contact stresses at
» i . L_J I the moment, when a speed of pile displacement
is equal to zero.

b: The relation between contact stresses and

elastic limit of pile displacement can be
B ( defined by the formula:
(1 *).
c Ii
a> il where: p - elastic limit of pile displace­
i 10
" 1“ ir H ment
p ^ - contact stress at the moment
« I? when the displacement of pile
f é
downwards changes into elastic
q - weight of pile
Q - weight of hammer and pile cap.
To measyre the contact stresses, we use a
strain gauge meter, which is installed into
Fig. ?. - Soil resistance during pile the cap of the hammer. At the same time the
driving. displacement of the pile is measured with
the potentiometer displacement gauge. Record­
ing of stresses and displacements is made on
As it is seen from the figures, the more is one photo-film by means of an oscillograph
the height of hammer drop, the higher is a or other rapid self-recorder.
maximum value of point resistance. By the way
the moment of getting up the highest point
resistance does not coincide with that, when For approximate designs the bearing capacity
the maximum displacement takes place. It can of the pile can be defined according to the
be explained by the well known fact that when given formula using the oscillograms of
the rate of displacement iB high, a viscous stresses and displacements for the period of
resistance of soil is considerable. one blow. If it is necessary to have the
exact data and to obtain the general charac­
To make clear the behaviour of soil under ter of load-settlement diagram, we do some
load, it is necessary to estimate the values dynamic tests of piles with the different
of soil resistance at the moment when the heights from which hammer is dropped. The
displacement of pile downwards changes into Btresses into the pile head and displacements
elastic upheave. At this moment the speed of a pile are recorded. From these oscillo­
of pile displacement is equal to zero and grams using the above-mentioned formula in
the resistance of the soil from a physical the cases of different displacements the elas­
point of view is c I o b h to the static one. tic limit of pile settlement can be estimated.
Also the stresB-displacement diagram may be
A b it is shown on Fig. 2 with dotted line, made that allows us to find out the bearing
the point resistance depends upon pile dis­ capacity of a pile without static load tests.
placements, when their rate is equal to zero.
It is possible to examine the mentioned dia­ Chairm an N. A . T S Y T O V IC H
gram as that of momentary settlements of soil
unde: imaginary static load (which does not Thank you Mr. Bakholding. Now please Prof.
cujse a viBcouB resistance). A similar dia- K£risel.

J. K E R IS E L (Franca) Thank you very much Prof. Ktfrisel for your
very Interesting remarks on pile foundations.
Now Mr. Van Wambeke.
Je voudrais présenter quelques renarquoc
sur le calcul de la pression limite à court
terme: il est admis que cel]'e-ci est égale V . E A . V A N W A M B E K E (Belaiqu«)
au procuit du coefficient Nc par cu> cohé­
sion non drainée, la seconde figure présen­
tée par le Prof, de Kello, montre une grande Mon Intervention m'est suggérée par les dis­
dispersion de eu suivant la méthode: scis- cussions de ce matin.
somètre, compression simple, UU ou CU
triaxial. Je crois que cette dispersion est Je désire vous faire part de l'expérience
encore plus grande pour les argiles molles personnelle acquise notamment au cours des
où j'ai certaines évidences de v*lr.i;rs de travaux de recherche actuellement en cours
eu scissometre doubles de celles don­ en Belgique.
nées par le triaxial.
Je parlerai de deux choses : l'estimation
Hais la question pour moi est de savoir si, et l'observation des taBsementB d'une part,
partant d'une valeur donnée cu dans une la comparaison des résultats d'essai in
argile homogène, Nc varie lorsqu'on fait situ d'autre part.
varier les dimensions de la fondation. La
réponse est oui, pour les argiles tout com­ Pour les tassements. il y a trois points à
me pour le sable. N c diminue lorsque la considérer : les formules théoriques, l'in­
dimension augmente et il est donc imprudent vestigation et le contrôle.
d'utiliser pour de larges fondations les Il me semble, en premier lieu,que l'ordre
résultats de pénétromètres. d'importance qu'il convient de leur accor­
der est inverse de celui dans lequel je
Ceci a été montré pour les fondations super­ les al énumérés et qui est habituellement
ficielles par le Prof, de Beer, par Tcheng adopté. Le contrôle et l'observation me
et d'autres, par le Prof. VesiiT, t;.Tcheng semblent prépondérants et une bonne inves­
et moi-même pour les fondations profondes tigation est plus importante que la recher­
dans le sable, et enfin par Adam et moi- che d'une formule théoriquement exacte.
même pour des fondations profondes d'argile LeB formules les plus simples seront tou­
de Bagnolet: Ne diminue de 2.5 à 1 lorsque jours les meilleures. Quant à l'investiga­
la dimension augmente de 10 cm à 100 cm, tion, elle doit être plue poussée qu'elle
bien entendu en se référant toujours au ne l'est habituellement : le nombre d'es­
même type d'essais pour eu; il s'agissait sais doit Stre plus élevé et les types de
d'une argile cu = 1.2 kg/cm^. Le labora­ méthode d'investigation - judicieusement
toire des Ponts et Chaussées fait actuelle­ choisis - doivent Stre multiples.
ment avec le même équipement des mesures
dans les argiles molles où il est probable Le contrdle, habituellement inexistant ou
que, tout comme dans les sables non serrés, trop sommaire, conduit à des observations
il n'y a pas d'effet d'échelle. insuffisantes ou insuffisamment communi­
Ceci serait de nature à nous faire penser
La double nécessité d'une investigation et
que pour de larges fondations construites
d'un contrôle valables doit conduire à con­
sur des argiles molles, on sait calculer
fier à des institutions indépendantes, si
tassements et pressions limites. Le Prof.
possible internationales, la mission de
Bjerrum pense qu'on sait le faire bien
rassembler leB renseignements tirés de
qu'il admette que, par ailleurs, les tasse­
l'investigation des sols et du contrôle des
ments des fondations d'immeubles sur argiles
tassements des constructions.
molles sont plusieurs fois ceux calculés.
Je ne partage pas son optimisme; des obser­
On ne verra jamais assez grand dans ce do­
vations sur un barrage très large à la base
maine Bi l'on désire aboutir.
(200m) sur argiles molles aussi bien que
des observations sur des remblais sur sols
Pour les résultats d ' e s s a l e l n situ, je di­
mous, mettent en évidence des tasrenerts
rai que pour les sols de notre pays les
plusieurs fois supérieurs à ceux de la appareils les mieux adaptés semblent Stre
prévision exactement comme pour les immeu­ le pénétromètre statique et le pressiomè-
bles de Norvège cités par le Prof.Bjerrum. tre, les pénétromètres dynamiques pouvant
utilement servir d'appoint.
Je ne crois pas que ceci soit à relier à
Le BcisBomètre, par contre, ne paraît pas
un effet d'échelle comme pour les argiles
consistantes. Mais ceci nous montre que, convenir. Je crois personnellement que les
aussi bien pour les argiles consistantes deux méthodes mentionnées (pénétromètre
statique et pressiomètre) peuvent et de­
que pour les argiles molles, en ce qui
concerne la prévision de la c'pncité por­ vraient se compléter harmonieusement.
tante et celle des tassements, il reste
Le pénétromètre est économique et de manie­
encore beaucoup à f'iire en mJcinique des
sols. ment facile. Le pressiomètre, plus délicat
à mettre en oeuvre et plus coQteux, pré­
sente l'avantage de donner de très intéres­
Chairman N. A . T S Y T O V IC H sants résultats chiffrés : les caractéris­

tiques de rupture et de déformation sont Normally consolidated and sligitly overcons£
séparées, les modules de déformation sont lidated clays develop positive pore pressure
déterminés dans la gamme des pressions de during pile driving. Dissipation of that pore
service. pressure with time gives rise to an increase
of effective horizontal stress in the soil
Je signalerai pour terminer et pour illus­ around the pile and therefore to an available
trer ce que je viens de dire sur 1'intérêt strength larger than the undisturbed strength
de l'utilisation simultanée des deux métho­ of the soil in situ. Thus, the coefficient
des que le coefficient K intervenant dans /3 will be above unity in this case.
la formule de Buisraan,qui donne le coef­
ficient de compressibili té C en fonction On the other hand, clays with a high overcon­
de la résistance en pointe pénétrométri- solidation ratio develop negative pore pres­
que Tp et de la pression verticale du sure upon remoulding by pile driving, and as
terrain au niveau de l'essai p^ : this negative pore pressure dissipates the
effective stress decreases and the void ratio
of the soil increases in the immediate vicin­
ity of the pile shaft. Hence, after equilib­
C = K rium of pore pressure is reached, the avail­
able strength of highly overconsolidated clays
around driven piles is smaller than the undijj
turbed strength of the soil in situ. This
fact accounts for the observed value of the
est très vraisemblablement donné par le coefficient $ below unity.
rapport du module pressiométrique E à la
résistance en pointe r Let me show some field data to support the
previous interpretation. These data corre­
spond to concrete piles driven down to 37 m
Chairm an N. A . T S Y T O V IC H
at a site in Mexico City in the soil profile
shown in Pig. 1. It is seen that, exoept for
a short portion near the top, the whole pile
Thank you very much. Now I want to call on
shaft was embeded in normally consolidated
Dr. Reslndiz.

D. R E S E N D IZ (M exico)

I would like to refer to a question raised

by Prof. De Mello and discussed a few min­
utes ago by Prof. Vesid, namely the evalua­
tion of the so called coefficient of adhesion
of piles driven in clay. As used by De Mello
such a coefficient was defined as the ratio
of the developed resistance along the pile
shaft to the undrained shear strength of the
soil in situ.

Prof. De Mello presented a slide showing the

coefficient of adhesion, /3 , against the in
itial undrained strength of the soil ( see
Fig. 14 ,p. 77, of the State-of-the-art Report).
In that figure, /3 changes from about unity
to less than 0.2 as the undrained strength
of the soil increases 30 times. Since the
major source of strength variation in undis­
turbed clays is the overconsolidation ratio,
I wonder if Prof. De Mello's figure could be
draw equally well taking oversonsolidation
ratio as the abscissa Instead of undrained
strength. If this is the case, the coeffi­
cient /3 would be larger than one for normal
ly consolidated clays and would decrease
steadily down to values much smaller than
one as the overconsolidation ratio increases.

I think the fundamental reason for this be­

havior lies in the pattern of pore pressure
development of the various soils, and there­ IN F IL L g g J s ilT CZ]CLAY I 1SANC
fore in this particular case, as in many Coe fic ie n t of voriotion
other cases in soil mechanics, things are
much more clear if one thinks in terms of ef
fective stress instead of referring to total
stress and undrained strength. Fig. 1 Profile and Soil Characteristics

The coefficient /8 was evaluated in a number studied at various states of deformation.
of piles with different rest periods between
driving and testing and the results are shown The creep experiments were oarried out under condi­
in Fig. 2. tions of simple 9hear and consisted in twistinp
hollow cylindrical specimens under various cons­
tant shear loads, beginning with loads sufficient­
ly large to cause instant failure and ending with
small loads which lead only to damped deformation.
In order to determine changes in the structure of
the soil, the tests were interrupted at different
stages of deformation, namelyi transient creep
(Fig. 1, curve II, section OA), steady flow (Fig.l,
cmrve II, section AB) and progressive flow (Fig. 1,
curve II, section BC).

E la p s e d lim e , days

Pig. 2. Variation of /3 with time.

It is seen that /3 increases with time, ae the

clay around the pile shaft consolidates. This
occurs rather rapidly, and after a few days
the developed resistance attains an equilib­
rium value larger than the initial strenth of
the soil in situ. As this happenes, p increa
see and finally stabilizes at a value close
to 1.2. Fig. 1. - Curves of damped (I) and undamped (II)
creep and schematic diagrams of the soil structure
However, the ratio of developed resistance in various stages of deformation,
to available shear strength along the shaft, a) initial structure; b) in stage I| c) in stage
computed in terms of effective stress and
II) d) in stage III.
drained strength, is found to be unity. The Legendi 1 - aggregates; 2 - defects of the struc­
computation was made assuming a K 0 condition
ture) 3 - cementing clay; 4 - fissures.
to compute the horizontal stresses since, at
least in Mexico City clays, the increase in The investigations were conducted on artificial
horizontal stress from pile driving reverses specimens of Jurassic olay of a semisolid consist­
with time as water migration and soil rela­ ency. This soil is characterized by high dispersion
xation take place around the pile.
and plasticity. The content of fractions lesB than
The soil parameters used evaluated in the 4.005 mm in size is 56 per cent; the lower yield
laboratory were K0 = 0.6 and <f> = 28°. point is 48 to 50 per cent; the lower plastic lim­
it is 26 per cent.
In general, I feel that the rational way to
handle this problem involves the use of ef­ The soil structure was studied by the petrographic
fective stress and drained strength of the and electron microscopy methods. The microphoto-
soil and that, if this is done, the coeffi­ graphs of the soil structure at the initial stage
cient 0 should be practically unity for and for various stages of deformation are given in
most of the usual pile materials in every Fig. 2. The changes that occur in the soil struc­
soil type. ture in the prooess of creep are shown schematical
ly in Fig. 1.
Chairm an N. A . T S Y T O V IC H
Before deformation, the structure of the Jurassic
clay (Fig.2a) was characterized by the presence of
Thank you very much Dr. Resindiz, Mr. Vyalov microaggregates occupying about 65 to 75 per cent
please. of the area of the microsection. SMall amounts of
S. S. V Y A L O V (U.S.S.R.) mineral fragments (mostly quartz) were also pres­
This paper deals with the results of investigations ent. The space between the above-mentioned compo­
that were conducted to stady the mechanism of long­ nents was filled by a randomly oriented clayey mass
term deformation and failure of clayey soils. The which seems to serve as a filler.The aggregates in
investigations consisted in creep tests carried the soil are rock that was not destroyed by prepa­
out on a series of identical soil specimens. At ration. It was formed over a long period of geolo^
the same time, the structure of this soil was ical development and possesses rigid cementing

bonds. Evidently, these bonde are stronger than ted and deformation passes over to the new, third
those produced during the preparation of the stage of progressive flow (Fig. 1, section BC,
specimen. curve II) in which the creep process develops at
a continuously increasing rate.
Clearly seen in Figures la and 2 are voids and cav
ities on the contacts between the aggregates. The breaking-up of the micro-aggregates and re­
These are the weakened portions of the soil, the orientation of the particles continue in this
defects in its structure. stage. Portions consisting of re-oriented particles
occupy greater and greater areas (Figs. Id and
After the first stage of deformation - transient 2c). In these areas, the defects of structure
creep (Fig.l, curve II, section Oa)- and under the develop intensively and at a continuously in­
damped creep condition (Fig.l, curve I), /hen creasing rate, as does the growth of old fissures
mainly elastic deformation develops, the number and the formation of new ones. The size of the
and size of the voids and cavities are reduced) at fissures varies in a wide range - from ultra-fine
some places they are compressed and stretched out (fraction of a millimetre) to 2 or 3 mm in width.
in the direction of shear. This is an indication Frequently, the fissures extend over the whole
of local displacement of the particles and aggre­ micro-section in all directions, seeming to divide
gates, and they become more closely packed. The the soil into separate parts.
longer the deformation process continues, the more
structural defects are obviated. Along with the Certain microfissures widen and then merge, form­
healing of existing defects, new ones appear. How­ ing macro-fissures which lead to failure. The
ever, under these oonditions the first phenomenon predominant orientation of the large fissures de­
predominates and leads to a strengthening of the pends upon the magnitude of the load and on the
soil. Due to this phenomenon a number of investiga length of the creep process. Upon rapid failure,
tors have described an increase in soil strength when the particles do not have enough time to be­
after prolonged deformation in conditions of dam­ come re-oriented fissures occur mainly at the con­
ped creep (Vyalov and Pekarskaya, I960). tact surfaces of the microblocks. The longer creep
develops, the greater the degree of re-orientation
If the stress is less than the limit of long-term of the particles and, consequently, the more the
strength, deformation at a damped rate terminates soil is weakened.
in the stabilization of the deformation. If the Re-orientation of soil particles and a reduction
stress is larger than the limit of long-term
in the effective area of the cross-section due to
strength, the deformation passes over into the se£ fissure development lead to an increase in the ac­
ond stage * steady flow at a constant rate (Fig. 1, tual stresses. These, in turn, give rise to the
curve II, section AB). continuous increase in the rate of deformation
that is characteristic of the progressive flow
In the steady flow stages, along with the con­ stage.
tinuing healing of defects the aggregates break up
and the clay particles are gradually oriented in Failure itself is the result of fissure develop­
the direction of shear (Figs. lc and 2b)| this ment and occurs, as a rule, when their density (i.
promotes further deformation. The phenomenon of e. area of the fissures per unit area of the soil
re-orientation of clay partioles in the creep pro£ cross-section) reaches a definite value for the
ess with a simultaneous drawing of water into the given soil. For instance in investigating Jurassic
shear zone was previously established by Goldstein clay of a semi-solid consistency, the critical den
(1963) and Turovekaya (1964 ). At the same time, in sity of the fissures was in the order of 40 per
the weakened portions of the soil the bonds are cent. Hence, it may be anticipated that a possible
broken and very fine microfiseures appear. They criterion of clay failure (of plastic, solid and
diverge from the voids or extend from one void to semi-solid consistency) is the reaching of the
another. When the stage of steady flow is prolong­ critical fissure density.
ed, the orientation of the clay particles becomes
more orderly. Extensive zones of particles orient­ Thus, during the oreep process, two opposed phenom
ed in the direction of shear appear. These areas ena - strengthening and weakening - occur.
are the weakest parts in the structure of the soil» Strengthening is due to a reduction in the number
Fissures form more frequently along the zoneB with and size of the cavities, voids and microfissures,
distinct orientation of the particles. This helps i.e. to healing of the defects of structure, and
to weaken the bonds and promotes subsequent defor­ also to more compact packing of the soil particles
mation. in shear. Weakening is due to the break-up of the
aggregates, re-orientation of the soil particles
At the same time, partial rupture of the bonds and in the direction of shear, and the initiation and
their weakening, caused- by re-orientation of the development of microfissures, i.e. a growth of
particles fissure formation, is compensated for defects of the structure. If strengthening predom­
by recovery which is due to the continuing heal­ inates over weakening, creep deformation is damped.
ing of defects and partial closing of fissures. It If strengthening and weakening compensate each
this stage, equilibrium is set up. This equilibri­ other, steady flow at a constant rate is developed.
um gives rise to the development of the stage of Finally, if weakening predominates, progressive
deformation that proceeds at a practically con­ flow is originated. This stage ends in soil failure
stant rate. due to the growth of defects.
Subsequently, as re-orientation and fissure forma­ The smaller the acting stress, the slower soil
tion oontinue to develop, and the processes of particles are re-oriented and fissures developed)
weakening and rupture of the bonds, as well as the consequently , the longer the time required to
formation of new defects, begin to predominate reaoh the limiting density of fissures and for
ever the recovery processes. Equilibrium is viola­ soil failure to occur. In other words, the well-

o) Initial structure

c) In the stage of progressive flow

(failure) d) electron-microscopic photograph
of o fissure U 6 5 0 0 )

Fig. 2. Changes in soil structure in the creep process (miorophotographs X 40)

Legendi 1- aggregates) 2 - defects of a structure) 3~ cementing clayi
4 - fissures.

known phenomenon of soil strength reduction in 3. VYALOV, S. S. and PEKARSKAYA, N. K., I968 . Long-
time can be explained by internal ohanges of the Term Strength of Soils, Journal Ho. 3» Bases,
material that take place when it is subject to Foundations and Soil Mechanios Ho. 3«
long-term deformation under creep conditions, as
treated in this paper. 4 . VYALOV, S. S. and MESCHYAH, S. R. Creep and
Long-Term Strength of Soils Under Variable Load.
The obtained data, which illuminate the deforma­ Proceedings of the VII International Conferenoe
tion mechanism, served as the basis for deriving on SMFE, Mexico City.(1969).
the equation of long-term strength dealt with in
the report of Vyalov (1964 ) at the first Session
of the Conference.
Chairman N. A . T S Y T O V IC H

Thank you for your interesting speech.
1. GOLDSTEIN, M.N., 1968 . Certain Probleme on
the Rheology of Soils. Proceedings in the Co-ordi- In closing this session, I wish to say a few
aating Conferences on Hydraulio Engineering, Issue words about those who took part in its work.
38, Energy Publising Houae, Moscow.
First of all we must thank our General
2. TOROVSKAYA, A.Ya., 19 6 4 . On the Soil Structure Repotter, Sr. de Mello, who did a huge
in the Skear Zone, Probleme of Geotechnios,aollec- amount of work in summarizing the numerous
tion He. 7» Transport Publishing House, Moscow. results of the research that had been con­

ducted in the last years, including those exist to date to aid the design decision as
presented in the Proceedings of this Confer­ to the behaviour to be associated with a giv­
ence, as has been reported here. en interface.

It is important to note that the results of Moretto discusses the interference of a par­
the summarized investigations make it possi­ tial drainage under a footing, on the appli­
ble to more accurately estimate possible cable strength parameters and bearing capa­
foundation settlements (including those of city equilibrium. Consolidation (drainage
pile foundations) for structures built on and/or absorption) will take places not mere­
clayey soils, taking into account primary ly under the "pressure bulb" postulated, but
and secondary consolidation of the clays and wherever the change of stresses has created
their degree of compaction. excess pore pressure, and the dissipation of
a localized pore pressure affects the sur­
I also wish to thank all the speakers for rounding soil elements (as would happen to
actively participating in the work of our the zones marked as undrained in Moretto’s
session. Fig. 3)» It is my opinion that the complex­
ities and uncertainties surrounding such si­
I propose that the editorial board of our tuations will always fall back, at some
journal "Geotechnique" organize a special point, into what was stated to be (P.52 of
section to deal with all the interesting the State of the Art Report) a "basic pre­
cases of foundation settlement of structures mise of engineering practice, whereby, in
erected on clayey soils. It is essential the face of any problem, ever inescapably
that the geological structure of the soil frau^it with unknowns and uncertainties, the
mass in the whole range of the zone of com­ solution must be formulated for that set of
pression be described, and the values of the working hypotheses which would ensure the
design moduli of deformability and the creep necessary conservatism. "
parameters (according to the accepted rheo-
logical theory) be given, as well as the Schmertmann brings out the importance of the
characteristics of natural compaction, the E/c ratio in clays, in interpreting the Ncp
values of the structural strength, the ini­ values of static penetrometers. We have tend
tial head gradient, the coefficient of the ed to consider that E/c varies very little
initial pore pressure and so forth, or that because of a tendency for both values to vary
other comprehensive characteristics of soil together. The discussion constitutes an in­
deformability be given and properly substan­ teresting example of improved confidence lev
tialized. An analysis of this data will els of correlations. Moreover, I take the
enable limiting foundation settlement values liberty to emphasize the point, brought out
for structures to be established. It will by the discussion, that often the bane of
permit u b to determine the practical validity field investigations has been the attempt
of one or another theory of settlement pre­ to solve a single equation for two or more
diction. simultaneous unknowns. The conjugate use of
the static penetrometer and the pressuremeter,
I thank you for your kind attention. as mentioned by Wambeke, constitutes a sug­
gestion along the same line.
G e n « I R eporter V . F. B. de M E L L O (Brazil)
Kerisel's discussion on the influence of di­
mensions on the undrained Nc value in homo­
In the few minutes allowed for the parting geneous clays really throws me into some
remarks it will not be possible to insert confusion. Surely the dimension of the foo^
any more than a very sincere vote of thanks ing must be taken into account in using pene
for the many interesting contributions, and trometer results. But it has been my impres^
a very brief mention of some items that have sion that this fact results from the exces­
brought forth the requested note of debate. sive deformations (proportional to B) requir
ed to develop the failure, so that settlement
I should first take liberty to single out criteria take over in establishing allowable
Dr. Rosenblueth's presentation as constitut­ pressures. Although experimental evidence
ing a very important beacon for the develop­ of load tests on large diameters rarely goes
ment of the field along the lines proposed to deformations of about 0.1 B as seems re­
by my report. It was my task to look at the quired, it as been assumed that at such a d£
past and present: I chose to emphasize that formation the failure condition would repro­
the analysis should be statistical, the pro­ duce approximately the Nc value, independent
gress in the field being associated with a ly of diameter. Unless I have interpreted
raising of the lower confidence level. Dr. the discussion incorrectly, it seems that
Rosenblueth points to the future, asserting the clue given by Kerisel's Nc values of 2.5
that the right approach to the design deci­ and 1 is that he is referring either to what
sions should thereupon rely more and more I would call Nc values, or to allowable pre£
on analysis based on decisions theory. sure Nc values. It appears important to cla
rify this point.
Regarding the problem of rough and smooth
contact faces, brought out by Dr. Milovic,
the interest in establishing the upper and As can be seen from the several contributions
lower bounds to the solutions iB being fre­ to this Session, we shall always have a lot
quently tendered mathematically: to my knowl^ of work ahead of us in complementing or revi£
edge, however, very little experimental data ing present knowledge.


M. A P P E N D IN O and M. J A M IO L K O W S K Y (Ita ly )

In relation to our paper from Session 2 "Founda­ The calculations were aade with contaot pressure
tion for 200 m high ohimney on an overconsolidated distributions corresponding to the total weight
clayey silt",1we are presently In a position to of chimney and in one oase with the reduction of
00Mple te the Information on the foundation beha­ buoyancy deriving from the re-establishment of the
viour reporting field observations performed fro« water table after the excavation disturbance (at
January to July 1969» *hen construction of the about 6 m a.a.i.)
chimney was completed. p
A Toung modulus of 200,000 kg/cm and a Poisson
On the basis of these further observations we oan ratio of 0.16 were assumed in the ooncrete.
make the following remarkst
Results are given in Table 2. The results from the
1) An increase of foundation load (w) from 14220 defleotion values indicated that to obtain a cor­
tona to the final load of 16245 tons corresponded respondence between measured and calculated defleo^
to *n average lnorease ef the total settlement of tions it is neoessary to allow that the presaure
about 2 n | see fig. 1. distribution ohanges progressively from a parabol-



o 15000
< 1 0000

Fig. 1. Settlements and loads during chimney construction

2) The piezometers readings indicate that the pore io shape with downwards concavity tr a parabolio
pressure is still decreasing but there is a tenden shape with upwards ooncavlty (see ourves a and o,
cy to reaoh a stable level ranging approximately fig. l). This behaviour may be explained with a
from 46 to 47 b above sea-level. decrease in the long run of the deformation modulus
of soil at the edge of the fbundation where devi-
3) The deflections of the cantllevered edge of atorlc stresses were initially larger. Periphe-
foundation decrease in the long run as it may be rical high pressures due to wind loads could give
seen from the data indicated in the Table 1. also a substantial contribution.
If this hypotheses were valid, the soil layer be­
The deflections were calculated with different low the foundation would have a deformation mod­
3oil pressure distributions as shown at fig. 2. ulus variable according to fig. 3.

25 9


DEC 1968 232 127 380 427 2.91 mm 87

MAY 1969 108 000 1.82 3.85 1. 69 mm 92

JUNE 1969 020 020 115 318 1.0 8 m m. 97

JULY 010 080 060 240 0 525 mm 100




6 2 4 8 T A B L E 2


PRESSURE 0/ t/m.2 (MtS)
a 87 5.88 1351 * 2.7 9 mm.

b 92 927 1.6 6 mm

100 15 150 0. 5 8 mm.

«« »* -**
100 1.3 116 0.5 4 mm



1. Mo Appendino and 11» Jamiolkowsky (19 6 9 ),

"Foundation for a 200 m high chimney on a clayey
silt", Proc. Seventh Int. Conf. on S. M. and F. E.,
..Mexico, Vol 2 pp. 9-15

I 09 0.4 0 04 0.9 I
Referring to Appendino and Jemiolkowaky'a addition
al information on the behaviour of a 200 m high
. _____
chimney foundation1, it may be interesting to
point out some results obtained from a calculation
FIG. 2 of the raft internal stresses, made according to
the three reaction hypotheaij given in Fig. 2 as
types of contact pressure distribution1. To make
calculations easier, the raft external circular
ring, of variable height, has been replaced with a
circular ring of constant height and of equal de-

Assuming the stresses in hypothesis b equal to uni^

ty, the radial maximum moment and the maximum shear
E < I in the hypothesr* a and c result respectively! hy­
pothesis ai 1.7; 1.2) hypothesis ci 0.6; 0*.8. It
is obvious that the commonly adapted hypothesis b
may be dangerous when the soil reacts, even during
FIG. 3 a short time, as in hypothesis a.

To understand in a better way the behaviour of the

soil ve put seven earth pressure oells, of the {i) This reaction distribution d A b b takes into
BUS type| belov the foundation of a seoond chimney account only the stresses due to the weight of the
which is now under construction at the same site. shafts.


Deflections reported In Table 2 Include, even If w h ich b r ie f ly , w e r e in clu d ed in the c o r re s p o n d in g

not exactly, the shear effect, of remarkable conse P r o c e e d in g s .
quence In a structure of this kind, which is varia
ble depending on the type of load.
F ie ld con d ition s s h a ll b e , re p r o d u c e d in the
o la b o r a to r y as a c c u r a te ly as p o s s ib le . T h e r e f o r e ,
The Young modulus for the 350 kg/cm cubic strength
concrete is probably higher than 200,000 kg/cm , the s w e llin g te s ts s h a ll be c a r r ie d out handling
as adopted in the deflections calculation; a high­ the tw o v a r ia b le s w h ich take p a r t in the phenom enal:
er value would give a closer correspondence with e x t e r io r fo r c e s and su ction . It is u s e le s s tr y in g
measured deflection in hypotheses a and c. to a n tic ip a te the b e h a v io u r o f an e x p a n s iv e s o il by
flo o d in g the s a m p le , as it is u su ally done, d e s p ite
the c o r r e c tio n s w h ich m a y a fte r w a r d s be a p p lie d
1 - Appendino, M. and Jamiolkowsky, M., "Founda­ b y the e x is tin g fo r m u la e , s p e c ia lly know ing that
tion for a 200 m high chimney on a clayey silt-Ad- the p r in c ip le o f e f fe c t iv e s t r e s s can h a rd ly be
ditional information", Froc. Seventh Int. Conf. on a p p lie d to th ese c a s e s .
S.M. and F.E., Vol 3, Written contribution to
Session 2. C o n s e q u e n tly, fo u r y e a r s ago I in fo r m e d in
T e x a s about the te s ts w h ich w e w e r e p e r fo r m in g
V . ES C A R IO (Spain) ap p lyin g a su ction to the s o u rc e o f w a te r by m ea n s of
a m e r c u r y colu m n . A lth ou gh the co n ce p t w as
then c le a r ly e s ta b lis h e d , the p ro c e d u r e had the
I w a s g la d to r e a d the R e p o r t p re s e n te d by p r a c t ic a l d iffic u lty o f b ein g lim it e d to a m a x im u m
A itc h es o n and W ood b u rn , e n title d "S o il Su ction in su ction o f - 1 ,0 K g / s q . cm . In v ie w o f the f o r e g o in g
F ou n d a tion D e s ig n ", s in c e i t su p p orts s om e of I continued in v e s tig a tin g the p o s s ib ilit y o f ap p lyin g
the b a s ic id e a s I p r e s e n te d to the C o n fe r e n c e on su ction s h ig h e r than - 1 ,0 K g / s q .c m . to the w a te r .
E x p a n s iv e S o ils , T e x a s , (V . E s c a r io , 1965) A s a r e s u lt o f th is, tw o y e a r s ago I su b m itted a


fiREASE pyyG









Fig* 1. Apparatus for applying suction to the feeding water

R e p o r t e n title d "M e a s u r e m e n t o f the s w e llin g nowadays the piles, that completely or partly
c h a r a c t e r is t ic s o f a s o il fe d w ith w a t e r under croaa the layers of collapsible soil, are being
te n s io n " (V . E s c a r io , 1967) at the In te rn a tio n a l widely put into praotice, specially in loeas soils
of the first type. To the first type belong loess
M e e tin g h e ld in M a d rid , by th$ w o rk in g g rou p
layers, for vhich the collapse under overburden
o r g a n iz e d u n der the O C D E a u s p ic e s , e n title d pressure ia praotioally impossible. The design
"In te r n a tio n a l C o o p e r a tiv e R e s e a r c h on the of piles in oollapaible aoila is made according
P r e d ic t io n o f M o is tu r e C on ten t u n der R oad to data obtained from the field teata.
P a vem en ts".
In the oase of theoretical solutions there are a
In the ab ove w o rk I p ro p o s e d the use o f lot of difficulties and it ia still impossible to
estimate exactly the stress condition in the soil
an ap paratus to d e te rm in e the s w e llin g c h a r a c t e ­
around a loaded pile.
r i s t i c s w h e r e the su ction o f the fe e d in g w a t e r is
ob ta in ed b y ap p lyin g a ir p r e s s u r e to the u pper In order to investigate the behaviour of driven
p a r t o f the sample^ w h ich in tu rn is in c o n ta c t friction piles, which doaa not oross loess ool-
w ith w a te r at a tm o s p h e r ic p r e s s u r e th rou gh a lapsible layers, experimental investigations were
s e m ip e r m e a b le m e m b ra n e ; th at is , u sing a oarried out (Grigorian and Mamonov, 1968). Piles
were driven through a oollapaible soil with a
s y s te m s im ila r to the one e m p lo y e d in the w e ll
natural (low) water content. Then the soil around
known p r e s s u r e m e m b ra n e ap p aratu s to obtain them was wetted before the statio load test and
the c u r v e s s u c tio n / m o is tu re con ten t o f a s o il. during it. The length of the test piles waa 5-7 ■
with a cross-seotion of 30 x 30 om.
A high p r e s s u r e t r ia x ia l c e ll w as then
b e in g used , c o n v e n ie n tly adapted. The field tests with the speoial piles were oar­
ried out and the ultimate valuea of point resist-
ance and skin.friction were separately obtained.
F ig u r e 1 s c h e m a tic a lly show s the new The sum of these valuea in all oaaea in saturated
ap paratus w e have now in u s e , as p re s e n te d on ly loess was equal to the ultimate load, whloh waa
a fe w days ago to the 2nd In te rn a tio n a l C o n fe r e n c e obtained by tests performed in the whole pile.
h eld in T e x a s (V . E s c a r io , 1969). Therefore to know the behaviour of a pile in ool-
lapsible soils one may examine separately these
T h e r e s u lts ob tain ed m a y be s e en in the
two resistances.
P r o c e e d in g s o f the C o n fe r e n c e .
The shear forces between the pile and the saturated
loeaa a»e mainly due to the akin friction, beoanae
R e fe r e n c e s there is generally no oohesion in this soil. In

E s c a r io , V . (1 9 65 ) "E n g in e e r in g E ffe c t s o f M o is ­
tu re C h an ges in S o ils " . In te r n a ­
tio n a l R e s e a r c h and E n g in e e rin g
C o n fe r e n c e on E x p a n s iv e C la y
S o ils . T e x a s A it M U n iv e r s ity ,
pp 23-25.

E s c a r io , V . (1967) "M e a s u r e m e n t o f the s w e llin g

C h a r a c t e r is t ic s o f a s o il fe d
w ith w a t e r un der te n s io n ". In ­
te r n a tio n a l C o o p e r a tiv e R e ­
s e a r c h on the P r e d ic t io n o f
M o is tu r e C on ten t un der R oad
P a v e m e n ts , W o rk in g G rou p
under the a u s p ic e s o f O C D E ,
M a d r id m e e tin g .

E s c a r io , V . (19 69 ) " A N ew M eth o d f o r in situ

M e a s u re m e n t o f P o r e W a te r
T e n s io n " , In te rn a tio n a l C o n fe ­
r e n c e on E x p a n s iv e S o ils , C o lie
g e S tation , T e x a s .

A . A . G R IG O R IA N (U.S.S.R.)

The industrial methods of construction and the Fig. 1 - Cross-section of pile after test with
tendenoy to increase the loada on footinge pro- indicator lines that ahow the deformation of the
ride a basis for future development on the uae of aoil around the pilei 1-before statio load teat|
pila foundations in loeaa oollapaible soils. 2-after atatio load teat.

the state of failure there was a slip between the bearing capacity of 50-80 tons, which depended
pile and the loess. The horizontal lines, formed upon the density of the loess outside the compact­
by individual elements acting as deformation indi­ ion zone.
cators, after the pile was driven into the soil ,
are shown in Fig. 1. The indicators near the pile,
along its length, had no vertical displacements
although the settlement of a pile was about 30 cm.
The point resistance depends mainly on the rela­
tion between the volume of the compaction zone,
formed by driving, and the volume of the deforma­
tion zone under the action of a static load.

When the load on a pile Increases to almost the

value of the ultimate load, the elastic strains
of the soil mostly take place in the compaction
zone. At the same time the residual strains are
small. The complete settlement of a driven pile
in loess soil upon reaching the ultimate load is
less than 3-5 mm.
Under the ultimate load of a pile the stresses at
the lower part of the boundary of the compacted
zone reaoh a oertaln value, which is called the
initial deformation pressure of saturated loess.

Vhen the load on a pile is greater than the ulti­

mate one, the deformations of the loess start out­
side the compaction zone. In this moment a sharp Fig. 2- Scheme for pressing out the base to make
inorease of settlement is observed. the pile-footlngi 1 . bulldozeri 2 , weight) 3 >
frame; 4 « rammer| 5 . base for pile-footing.
Vhen the natural density of the soil outside the
compacted zone is high, then the bearing capacity
of the pile is also high. This is due to the fact
that the vertical load, causing an intensive com­ The pile-footing needs in this case rather less
paction of the loess outside the compaction zone, reinforcement than usually. The suggested type of
must be aleo large. pile-foeting has an advantage as oompared to usual
types of driven piles. This is due to the fact
In loess soil, point resistance takes the main that the normal compressive stressss, developed on
part of the total bearing capacity of a pile. For all contact surface, are mainly resisting the ver­
instance, in homogeneous, looss, highly collapsi­ tical load, applied to this pile-footing. The
ble loess (the coefficient of relative collapss- sheer strssses along lnolined have a minor inflv-
ness Ocol, taken from oedometer teste, was enoe. In the field tests that were oarried out in.
0 ,05 -0 ,07 ; the ultimate load on the pile with a the South Ukraine, eng. Goldfield took part.
length of 5 ,6m and a crosssection of 30 x 30 om
in saturated soil was 15 tons. Point resistance Vhen dropping the reinforoed rammers with conic or
in this case was equal to 8 tons. trunoated cone shape, the oontact surface of the
holes was found to be very denss and smooth. It
Therefore to obtain a high efficiency when using gave the opportunity to oast the conorete into the
the driven piles in collapsible Boils, under con­ hole without timber forming.
ditions of possible wetting, it is necessary to
put the pile points in soils with ¿col ^ 0 ,02 . In the oaees of large thiokness of oollapsible
soil layer (10 -30 m), when the load on the founda­
In order to increase the bearing capacity of foun­ tions is great, a widely used practioe is to use
dations on high collapsible soils of the first different sorts of cast-in-place piles with bulbs
type, we suggest to use a short oonic pile-footing, near their lower end. The bulbs are made in the
which is placed on a punohed base. This pile has following wayi
an upturned cons shape (cone, truncated cone, pyr­ 1 . boring, 2 . pressing the concrete into the soil
amid), made of concrete or reinforced concrete. It nesr the bottom of bore hole by vibro method and
can be precast or cast in sit«. 3 . pressing out the soil aside by mesns of special
multipetal equipment with the aid of Jaoks. The
The bed of the pile is formed by a rammer, falling latter method is the most promising, beoause it
from a certain height (Fig. 2). The shape and size gives an opportunity to inorease the bearing capac­
of the rammer sre equal to those of the pile. In ity of bulbs by msans of compacting the soil with­
this manner the soil is displaced under percussion out excavating it.
action and is compacted to take the shape of the
pile. By means of this method the bearing capacity
of pile-footing on collapsible soil may be largely
increased. REFERENCES

As compared with known eonic piles, the suggested A. A. Grigorian and V. H. Mamonov (1968 ), "Esti­
pile has a much bigger angle of cone and base disa­ mating the bearing capacity of a driven friction
ster. That also causes its higher besring capacity. pile in loess soil of first type", Prwoeedings of
Af£er wetting the soil the pile with angle of cone the 3rd Budapest Conference on Soil Mechanics and
34 • length 2m and diameter of baee 1 ,2 m had a Foundation Engineering, pp. 549-558, Budapest.

P L E N IE R E 2
Thus, the strains have been obtained for the entire
clay layer, and the £ - 3 curve has an area ¿t-98 cm.
N. J A N B U (N orw ay) This same settlement, 98 cm, and the same strain
distribution can be obtained by using C .
I agree with panel member, Sr. Colder, that theo­
retical time rate estimates so far, and as a whole, l+e„
have failed miserably in predicting the actual
time-behaviour of structures and fills on clay» But Now, by the classical stress theory the time rate
I believe this is because a vast majority is still is governed by the &p- distribution. Here Ap is a
using the classical stress-theory of consolidation. constant equal to 10t/m^.Therefore, to reach 50?6
If, instead, a proper strain-theory, allowing for consolidation or 49 cm,
non-linearity, is applied, one will find that 80 - „2 p
9096 of previous errors go down the drain - in more t-T “ . 0.197 20 yrs— 10 years
than one meaning. v
From the strain - theory, however, it is the shape
To illustrate the difference between a stress - the of the ¿ - 3 curve that determines the rate (see Fig.
ory and a strain - theory, reference is made to 6, page 195 in Vol I of this conference).
Fig 1. A 20 m thick normally consolidated clay lay­
er, overlain by 1 m of sand, is carrying 10t/m2 The oalculated £-^ diagram is aocurately repre­
uniformly distributed. The tangent modulus is M-15* sented by a reotangle of area 50 cm2, and a parab­
p’j hence m-15, and cv»8 m /year. The ground water ola of 48 cm in area. One can then obtain the
level coincides with the clay surface, and initial resulting <5-t curve by adding the two §-t curves
hydrostatic pore pressure is assumed. The simple vertically after each is calculated and plotted in
vertical stress distribution with depth is also separate S-t diagrams. Onmitting details of
shown. caloulation, the final result is represented by the
For each selected depth the vertical strain can be fully drawn eurve in Fig. 1.
calculated by the formula:
When comparing the time required by the stress-the
i In *°+i* ory, t to that needed by the strain theory, t£ it
is seeft that 1
9 ~w~
The fill settles many times faster by the straln-
For instance at elevation 10 m, where p0'-12t/m
and Ap-lt/m^ one gets, theory, especially in the early phase of the con­
solidation. For instance, to reaoh consolida­
tion it takes less than four years by the strain-
¿ - I in £2 4.196 theory as compared to 10 years by the stress-theo-
15 12 ry.

10 15%

T I M E IN Y E A R S RATIO tu/t.
10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10

2 64
Here, the comparison is made for a theoretical case ordre de 1 mm par mois.
to avoid influences of unknown factors in the com­
parison» However, studies of several available oase Le basculement de l'usine vers l'­
records for fills and structures on approximately amont a également continué à s'accentuer
normally consolidated clays have disclosed that the légèrement (voir figure n° 8 bis complétant
strain theory predicts the time-rate reasonably la figure n' 8 du rapport).
vail. At least, I have yet to enoounter a well-do£ Rien ne permet donc de penser qu'il
umented oase record where the differences between y ait tendance au transfert du poids de
the strain-predicted and the observed behaviour is l'e-'U sur les pressions interstitielles.
alarming, or even unsatisfactory for practical pux
poses« A cette remarque, nous rattacherons
certaines mesures effectuées lors d'essais
de ô?sjonction des groupes hydro-électri-
J. M A T H IA N et R. P A U B E L (France) ques de l'usine. A l'occasion de ces essais,
on a constaté qu'une surélévation momen­
tanée du niveau en amont de l'usine, de l'­
COMPLEMENT A LA COMMUNICATION FICURANT AUX ordre de 1 m d'amplitude pendant une tren­
PAGES 173 & 181 DU VOLUME N° 2 taine de minutes, accentuait temporaire­
9 - OBSERVATIONS COMPLEMENTAIRES ment le basculement de l'usine vers l'amont.
Cette accentuation a été mesurée en obser­
9-1 Tassements observes récemment sur les vant l'un des pendules de 30 m de hauteur
ouvrages de Bourg-lès-Valence visé au paragraphe 5-2 : le déplacement
Depuis la rédaction du rapport visé momentané du pied du pendule est de l'ordre
ci-dessus les mesures de nivellement ont de 0,15 mm vers l'amont et dure approxi­
été poursuivies régulièrement. mativement le même temps que la suréléva­
tion du niveau d'eau en amont de l'usine.
Ces mesures montrent que le tasse­
ment observé depuis la mise en eau des ou­ Cette dernière observation confirme
vrages se continue. Au mois de juin 1969, le f it qu'une augmentation rapide de la
soit 18 mois après l'arrêt des épuisements iras:;? d'eau surmontant l'argile provoque
et 12 mois après la mise en eau des ouvra­ un tassement instantané du squelette soli­
ges aux niveaux définitifs d'exploitation, de. D'autre part, la grande régularité des
la vitesse de tassement est encore de 1'- ccrbes de tassement observées depuis là

VUE EN PLAN v-16 Profondeur de

la fouille en
COTE 92.00.

Fig. 13 Usine de Gervans - Gonflements de l'argile pendant le creusement de la fouille
Courbes d'égal gonflement le 3 août 1969 (fouilles à 16 m de profondeur)

mise en eau démontre la vraisemblance d<? 50 m de profondeur en dessous du toit de
l'hypothèse formulée précédemment : pour 1 'argile.
expliquer au mieux les mesures de gonfle­
A chaque campagne de nivel lerrer: t, il
ment et de tassement, il faut tenir compte
est alors possible de tracer dans un plan
non pas des variations des charges effec­
ou dans un profil donné des courbes d'égal
tives des terres enlevées ou du béton mis
gonflement par rapport à l'état initial.
en Dlace, mais des variations du poids
total de ces matériaux, en y comprenant la La figure n° 13 a été établie de
masse d'eau qui les baigne ou les surmonte. cette manière, à une époque où la fouille
avait atteint 16 m de profondeur. Au centre
L'hypothèse de l'eau agissant par son
de la fouille le gonflement maximal des
poids n'est peut-être pas tout à fait
couches superficielles de l'argile dépasse
exacte, mais elle semble donner des résul­
70 mm ; il est de 20 mm à 50 m de profondeur.
tats qui sont plus en accord avec la réa­
lité que ceux obtenus dans l'hypothèse Les réactions sont extrêmement rapides
classique qui ne prend pas en compte la puisque les relevés, ayant servi à établir
pression d'eau. ces courbes, ont été effectués alors que le
chantier de terrassement était en pleine
activité et que les travaux avaient commen­
cé seulement trois mois auparavant.
Bien qu'elle soit relative à une autre
usine que celle de Bcurg-lès-Valence, cette
figure a l'avantage de bien mettre en évi­
dence l'expansion générale de la masse d ’­
argile pendant le creusement d'une grande
fouille ; dans l'espace, les surfaces d'-
cgal gonflement ont grosso modo l'allure de
calottes sphériques dont les centres se si­
tueraient tous sur la verticale du centre de
gravité de la fouille.

G . G . M E Y E R H O F (Cam da)

The paper by Handel and Selendon in the present

Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2, p. 157) provides
a valuable analysis of the ultimate bearing capac­
ity of strip foundations on rigidlj supported soil
strata of limited thickness in relation to the
footing vidth. For the special case of purely coh£
sive materials this analysis agrees with the pre­
vious theory and experiments by the writer-*- who
Fig. 8 bis Usine de Bourg-lès-Valence
additionally treated the cases of circular and re£
Courbes de tassement tangular foundations on such materials. However, it
(mises à jour en juillet 1969) should be noted that for saturated clays in the
undrained state both the failure meohanism and the
bearing capacity depend on the true (Hvorslev) co­
9-2 Gonflements de la masse d'argile hesion and internal friction of the olay and not on
observés pendant les terrassements the apparent (undrained) cohesion and 0 - 0 condi­
de la fouille de l'usine de Gervans tion. This conclusion is confirmed by the results
of experimental studies of the ultimate bearing
Les terrassements nécessaires à la
construction d'une nouvelle usine hydro­
électrique, celle de Gervans, ont commencé
au printemps 1969.
Cette usine est fondée sur la même
formation d'argile pliocène que l'usine de
Bourg-lès-Valence. En profitant des expé­
riences précédentes, on a cherché à analyser
de manière plus détaillée les gonflements de
la masse d'argile pendant toute la phase de
Le nombre de repères mis en place
dans l'argile avant le début des terrasse­
ments est d'environ 80. Ces repères ont été
installés dans des forages verticaux. Pour
déterminer leur altitude à un moment donné,
on utilise une torpille à ailettes escamo­ Non 1’ l iit lv
tables, ce qui a permis d'installer plusieurs an., ant*8* Strain
repères (Jusqu'à 10) dans le même forage.
Les repères les plus profonds sont situés à a) Stiff clay overlying soft clay

capacity of layered clays In the present Confer­ behind the Jetty and the approach road 100 ft wide
ence Proceedings (Brown and Meyerhof, Vol. 2, p. was also made to rest on piles.
45)• Typical failure patterns observed beneath
strip footings on saturated clay strata used In Despite the provision of piles end despite assur­
this Investigation are shown In Fig. 1 and differ ances of stability of slopes against rotational
considerably from those used in the theoretical failure, using Bhear strength values based on
analysis. Accordingly, the latter authors have sug conventional tests, there were indications that the
gested semi-empirical relationships to estimate soft d a y layer would tend to move horizontally
the bearing capacity of foundations of various towards the seaside, on the basis of observational
shapes on clay strata of limited thickness. data. Since the piles did not have adequate embed­
ment into the sand and since laboratory tests
indicated a low creep strength, viz., of about 0.6
of the ultimate shearing resistance, the possibil­
h/ b < 1 .0 I P r.n d tl ® -0 ity of a toe kick-out of the pileB oould not be
altogether ruled out.

As a corrective measure, a 2$ ft thlok RC diaphragm

wall penetrating deep into the stiff clay, to aot
like a cantilever sheet pile wall in order to with­
stand the lateral thrust, had to be provided in
front of the quay faoe. The wall was wholly buried
below the sea bed level. The Jetty was dedared
safe only after this was done.
b) Soft clay overlying stiff clay
This clearly demonstrates the need for consideration
of bending stresses in all Buoh piles, suoh as
Fig. 1. Typical rupture figures abutment piles etc., driven through soft oohesive
soila. I believe this mode of failure as dlstinot
from and In addition to other possible modes of
REf^RENCE failure, therefore deserves to be considered, in
any foundation andyBis, under these eiroumstances.
1. Meyerhof, G. G. and Chaplin, T. W., 1953. "The
Compression and Bearing Capacity of Cohesive REFERENCE
Layers." Brit. Jl. Appl. Physics (London), Vol.
4, P•20. 1. H. Leussink and K. P. Wenz (1969)» "Storage yard
foundation on soft cohesive soils" Proc. Seventh
Int. Conf. on S. M. and F. E., Mexico, Vol 2,
T . K . N A T A R A J A N (In d ia ) pp. 149-155

The paper on "Storage lard Foundation on Soft Co­ G. S A N G L E R A N T (France)

hesive Solls"*olsarly briags out the signifioanoe
of horizontal deforaationa within a soft clay Le paneliste Perez Guerra a bien voulu citer au
stratum. The many Instances of horizontal movement cours de son exposé les travaux de J. Cielly, P.
of abutment piles in India testify to this. I wiBh Lareal et G. Sanglerat concernant l'étude de la
to add yet another ezperienoe we had in recent compressibilité des sols et la prévision des tas­
months. sements a l'aide du pénétromètre statique.
A certain oargo Jetty in Kandla Port in India, wit Les recherches entreprises a ce sujet conjointe­
designed to rest on hollow RCC piles, 20" dia. ,at ment depuis plusieurs années par l'Ecole Centrale
12ft centres. The subsoil was 46 ft of soft d a y Lyonnaise et l'institut National des Sciences
(with o - 350 psf on the basis of vane tests) Appliquées de Lyon ont fait l'objet d'une première
underlain by 20 ft of medium dense sand, followed communication à la "Conférence on in situ investi­
by very stiff day. The port authorities had gations in soils and rooks" (Réf. 1). Depuis lors,
completed the installation of the pilesa pene­ les études statistiques ont été poursuivies et
trating through the soft olay layer and 5 ft into actuellement elles portent sur plus de 350 couples
the sand layer, driven to a set of 3/4" under the de comparaison pénétromfetre-oedometre réalisés sur
last 10 blows using a 4500 kg single acting steam différents chantiers de France et de Belgique. Ces
hammer with a drop of 28". At tkis stage and not études ont permis de compléter et de parfaire les
earlier the problem wets referred to us for an résultats publiés des 1965 (Réf. 2 et 3) au sujet
analysis. du ooeffioient A figurant dans la relation
Pile load tests were made. Suitable oorrections
were made for the removal of olay surrounding the
piles due to anticipated dredging of slopes as “v " * Rp
well as for negative skin friotlon. permettant de calculer le coefficient de corapre-
ssibilité volumétrique en fonction de la ré­
The safe load per pile was determined to be 70tone sistance à la pointe du pénétromètre statique Rp.
with a faotor of safety of 1.5 against bearing
oapaoity failure. The faotor of safety for the Les coefficients ont été donnés pour différents
slope under the Jetty at li3» was 1.5 against rota types d'dluvions modernesi argile peu plastique
tional failure. In view of the rather low faotor ~ (CL), argile très plastique (CH), sol tourbeux et
of safety, no filling was permitted Immediately sable (Réf. 1).

Il est intéressant de noter que les géotechnioiens and the compressibility characteristics of soils".
iiglalB, A.C. Meigh et B.O. Corbett ont trouvé Conferenoe on in situ investigations in soils and
lire de l'étude des tassements de réservoirs a rocks - paper 1 4 , British Geotechnical Society,
essence en Arabie (Réf. 4 ) des résultats qui re­ London (Hay)
coupent les valeurs de o( proposées pour les argi­
les (CH). Il en est de mdme pour les résultats 2. G. SANGLERAT "El penetrémetro y el reoonoci-
obtenus par A.3. Correia Uineiro dans les sables miento de los suelos" (1967)« Ministerlo de Obras
d'Angola (Réf. 5). Pilblicas, Madrid

Lob études statistiques ont, par ailleurs, permis 3 . L. PAREZ AMD BACHELIER (1965), "Contribution
de mettre en évidence que quelle que soit la natu "k l'étude de la compreBsibilité des eols a l'aide
re des sols étudiés, le coefficient de compressi- du pénétrombtre U cone", Montréal, Section II,
bilité Cc est lié a la résistance a la pointe du p. 3«
pénétromitre statique, R p L a figure A indique
le fuseau des valeurs trouvées limité par deux 4. A. C. MEIGH and B u O . CORBETT (1969 ), "A compa­
hyperboles équilatères. rison of in situ measurements in a soft clay with
laboratory tests and the settlement of oil tanks",
Cette figure est capitale car il est possible d'en Conferenoe on in Situ Investigations in 3oils and
tirer la oonolusion pratique suivante1 Rocks, London
"Des que la résistanoe à la pointe R_ du pénétro-
mètre statique dépasse 12 bars, les bâtiments 5. A.J. CARRELA MINEIRO (1969 ), "Obras de Engen-
courants fondés superficiellement aveo des con­ haria toivil do projecto mineiro de Cassinga Com-
traintes raisonnables ne doivent pas subir de ta­ panlira mineira do Lobito ANGOLA" Fomento, Lis­
ssements excessifs". boa, 7 (1) 1 3 - 51

E. B. SOLTTO S I L V E I R A and J. 0 . J U N Q U E IR A F R A N C O (Brazil)

Upon a suggestion of Prof. Victor F. B. de

Mello, consistent with the concept summa­
rized in his remarkable State-of-the-Art
Report, and in accordance with a practice
employed long since on several earthwork
projects on which he is the Soil Mechanics
Consultant for Promon Engenharia, we have
had some opportunities of establishing for
practical use general power functions of
XI = f(r3 , <rx <r3).
In each case, several tests with different
values of 0^ were carried out, and the ind^
vidual groups of values of (.0^, u)
were statistically analysed, in order to
obtain the best fitting surface in the space

Fig Ai Cg fonotion de Rp

Lorsque Rp est inférieur a 12 bars, des tassements

non négligeable peuvent se produire et il y a lieu,
a ce moment là, de déterminer la teneur en eau w
et de se reporter aux tableaux qui donnent des va­
leurs de CQ ou de ot en fonotion de Rp et w.

Grâoe au pénétromètre statique on peut dono appfé-

oier rapidement, aveo une bonne approximation, les
tassements absolus et différentiels éventuels
puisque cet appareil permet de déceler sans ris­
que d'erreurs ou d'omission la résistance et l'é­
paisseur des oouohes compressibles sous jacentes.



"Corrélations between in situ penetrometer tests Fig.l - Best fitting surface

defined by the three above variables. The Figs. 2 and 3 show comparisons between the
statistical analysis was developed through a observed values during the tests with =
computer program, according to the following 6 kg/cm^ (Fig.2) and O'j- 14 kg/cm? (Fig.3)
steps: given several powers of the inde­ and the values calculated according to the
pendent variables ((^3 and ^ - l ^ ) and their statistically best-fitting surface - equation
combined products, the program made a re­ of Fig.l. As may be observed, even the highest
search on which of them was the most sig­ error, corresponding to Fig. 2, is rather
nificant one, established a first best small, even when the equation was established
fitting function on this single variable, for a relatively large range of the confining
and analysed its statistical significance; pressure values (4 to 14 kg/cm?).
if it proved valid, the research continued With the observed values of for # 3 = 4 and
in the next step, adding each time the next 10 kg/cm2, and with 3 = 2 and 3 kg/cm^,
significant value. Thus, the final equation
has the form:
a ♦ b<r3 + -<r3) + d ( ^ x ^ - <r3 ) +

e 0\ ♦ f « ^ -<r3)2 + g(i^) «7^ - < ^ ) 2 ♦

h(<^)2 ~^3) + i ( ^ ) 2 (^r1-^3)2 + —

in which the coefficients a, b, c... may be

zero, or not.
The research starts with two terms (power
function of the most significant variable),
and, at every step, a new term is added, the
most significant one. The research finishes
when, from an engineering point of view, the
benefit introduced by the addition of a new
term is no longer significant.
Fig. 1 shows the>U.* 0"! ” ^3 ) be«t
fitting surface determined, which is found
to be curved in both coordinates (K and
°i - « T
It should be mentioned that, when a surface
is established, the values for a hydrostatic
pressure (tf^ = (^3 ) would be given by the
trace of the general surface o f XL= f( 0%, 1 2 3 4 5 6
0\ - 0 3 ) on the plane of <7^-(7 “3 = 0 , that ^T" 9j(l(g/cr£)
is, a curve of aa. = f(tf3 ). However, the sta­
tistical analysis seems to indicate that a Traces parallel to the AJ.x 6 ", plane.
direct regression on pairs of values of the
chamber pressure 0^ on the samples, prior to
the application of any deviator stress
- <7j), does not necessarily belong to the
same universe as the surface function of
tX- f«T3 , <TX as may be visualized in
Fig. lb. This means that the pore pressure
induced by a hydrostatic pressure on a soil
sample does not necessarily follow the same
law as that of the pore pressure induced by
a deviator stress - which seems to agree
with Markus Reiner's considerations about
the elasticity theories, on which the pore
pressure coefficients are generally based,
and about the elastic dilatancy of materials
that are constituted by particles.
With a view to establishing the merits of
theprocedure on the basis of unquestionable
experimental data, the exemplifying computa
tions were carried out using the data publish
ed in the "First Progress Report on Investi”
gation of Stress - Deformation and Strength
Characteristics of Compacted Clays", by Ca-
sagrande, A, and Hirschfeld, R.C., Soil
Mechanics Series n9 61, 1960, for the $11,
Q12, Q13, Q14, and $16 tests (table IV and l32 H
Figs. 28, 29, 30, 31 and 33 loc.cit.), with H/'(Ts (kg/cm)
about the same degree of saturation (around
76%). The values of the.confining pressure Fig’ /y
vary from 4 to 14 kg/cm . bb- Traces parallel to thejLix -uj plane

the traditional pore pressure coefficients Aj
and B^ were calculated; with the same values
of O 3 , but with a larger range of - 0*3
( 1 and 4 kg/cm2 ), A 2 and Bj were also calcu­
Fig.2 shows two straight-lines, for comparison
with the observed data and with the values
taken from the statistical surface of Fig.l:
straight-line (1 ) shows the variation of AA*
with - <7 3 , for ^ 3 = 6 kg/cm 2 (as the other
two curves), and for Ai and B ^ ; and curve (2 )
shows the same variation, for Aj and Bj •

Fig.3 - Comparison between observed and

differently calculated values for
<73 = 14 kg/cm 2

in varying measures depending on soil proper

ties and stress levels, it is felt that the
concept of the procedure and its handy com­
putational application is sufficiently docu­
mented through the single example presented,
based on a very meticulous test program.

A . S. V E S IC (U. S. A.)
Fig.2- Comparison between observed and
differently calculated values for This discussion is concerned with effects of
(7*3 = 6 kg/cm 2 scale and compressibility on behavior of shal­
low foundations. Scale effects, differing from
those predicted by the classical earth pres­
These straight-lines show that any computa­
sure theories have been known in bearing ca­
tion based on a linearization of the function
pacity and earth pressure phenomena for quite
ix= f ( <T3 , <7"i - O ' 3 ) only gives reliable some time. Yet, the understanding of the vari­
values when the parameters for computation
ety of reasons for their existence has come
of the pressure coefficients A and B are very
only in very recent years, (De Beer, 1963,
close to the values one wishes to calculate; 1965; Vesic 1964, 1965; Kerisel, 1967). It
they show therefore that the heavy responsi­
was shown that the relative compressibility
bility of obtaining a reliable result lies
of soils, both with respect to gravity forces
on the choice of appropriate values for the and with respect to their shear strength, in­
determination of A and B, as mentioned in creases with foundation size. The mentioned
the State-of-the-Art Report under discussion. studies also indicate that, in case of shal­
The same procedure was carried out for <T3 = low foundations, the average shear strength
l1* kg/cm2 , as indicated in Fig. 3. mobilized along a slip line under the founda­
Although this method has been under general tion decreases with foundation size. (There
U6e among us, and the conclusions above are actually three independent reasons for
exemplified have been repeatedly confirmed this decrease of strength with foundation size:


400 \

300 \k \\
..circular pkxtts
.,¡quart p/attj
,,rtcfangu/ar p/aM>

V \
teyerfra 0t/m3
VJ,'£- 7,538t/m
¿00 [
- j L„
Meyei 1JO t/m

100 s
iSai/h3 .— ~


't/m3 Vesict£. 1,440t/mJ

Vande,■xrre, ii
-------- ^W-|

\*l * /
V 'v. tJ-Cs liés
^¿ywhc ^ 2 M lischQio ?/*,1940 9t/mJ

Q02 00* Vv—L

0,01 QOJ ops 0,06 0,0} 100
/ ° kakm* .

Fig. 1. Variation of bearing capacity factor Ny with footing size (after De Beer, 1965).

a) the curvature of Mohr envelope; b) progres­ Also shown, in solid line, are the measured
sive rupture along the slip line; c) presence penetration pressures of deep circular foot­
of zones or seams of weakness in all soil de­ ings in the same sand. Should the surface
posits. The relative contribution of each of plate data in Fig. 1 tend eymptotically to ary
the reasons varies with soil type and the raic^e of the Ny-values shown, the qQ-values in Fig.
of footing size; their total effect being dis­ 2 would need to exceed the deep penetration
cernible in practically all soils.) pressure. It is hard to conceive that a foot­
ing may have a greater bearing capacity at the
In view of these facts a decrease in apparent surface than at great depth. The alternate
values of bearing capacity factors with size conclusion is that there is no minimum value
should be expected,to a certain degree, in all of Ny for large footings and that an upper
soils. The most conspicuous of all is probably limit of bearing capacity exists for all sur­
the decrease of Ny-values with increased size face footings. It can be postulated that this
of surface footings on sand. Fig. 1, taken upper limit depends on the relative density or
from De Beer, 1965, shows that this decrease has void ratio of the soil in question and that it
been apparent in all major experimental studies does not exceed the deep penetration resistance
of the problem of bearing capacity of shallow of a footing of the same shape and size. This
footings. As the largest of these footings has would suggest that large surface footings may
been only of the size of one meter (3.3 ft) also fail exclusively in punching shear, as
square, there is a great practical, as well as apparently all deep footings do. This possi­
theoretical interest in possibly establishing bility should not come as a surprise if one
whether the Ny-values shown in the figure tend considers the mentioned fact that the relative
asymptotically to some minimum. compressibility of soils under footings in­
creases with footing size.
Let us examine the two possible answers to
this question with the use of data obtained in The data presented in this discussion indicate
tests with Chattahoochee sand in controlled that the conventional theory of bearing capac­
conditions (Vesic, 1967). First the four points ity of shallow foundations, at present limited
from Fig. 1 marked "Vesic, y = 1.538 t/m3" are to the rigid-plastic idealization of soil be­
replotted in Fig. 2, which shows the ultimate havior and general shear failure pattern of
resistance qG of surface footings in ton/ft2 the soil mass, may not always be able to offer
versus the footing width in ft. The same fig­ an adequate assessment of the scale effects.
ure shows in thin lines the q0-values for It is believed that an extension of this the­
large, footings according to the third term of ory, to be based on a more realistic model of
the conventional bearing capacity equation. a compressible solid can provide needed an-

swers for a greater variety of problems ap­ Mill (Propulsora Siderurgica Works, Ensenada,
pearing in engineering practice. Buenos Aires, R.A.). The tests were conduct­
ed with total variable loads of up to 200 Tn.,
and the relationships load-total settlement
and load-plastic settlement vere recorded
for each case. A complete report of the
tests has been published in the last volume
of Specialty Session No. 8 Memories.
The tests were carried out on square precast
concrete piles (35 x 35 cm) driven to a depth
of 13.50 m below ground level. Because of the
soil stratigraphy and the works characteris­
tics it was necessary first to remove by ex­
cavation the upper layer of Type C.H. soft
clay, 6.00 m deep. After drilling to a depth
of 9.00 m below ground level with a 40 cm
bore through the clay-silt strata, Type M.H.
very firm and Type M.L. silty and hard, the
piles were driven into the soil.
Loads were increased in stages and were main­
tained at each stage until settlement had
substantially ceased before proceeding to the
Fig. 2. Variation of ultimate resistance next stage. First a maximum compression load
of footings with size.
of 80 Tn was reached and was maintained a
REFERENCES: minimum of 12 hr. before removing it com­
pletely. The net settlement or plastic de­
De Beer, E. E . , 1963: The Scale Effect in the formation produced by that maximum load was
Transposition of the Results of Deep Sounding then measured.
Tests on the Ultimate Bearing Capacity of
Piles and Caisson Foundations, Geotechnique,• After this, loads were increased in stages
Vol. XI, No. 1, pp. 39-75. again until a maximum compression load of
200 Tn was reached. This load was maintained
De Beer, E. E . , 1965: The Scale Effect on the
a minimum of 24 hr. before removing it com­
Phenomenon of Progressive Rupture in Cohesion-
less Soils, Proceedings, Sixth International pletely and measuring the resultant plastic
Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation deformation. The results of the 6 compression
Engineering, Montreal, Vol. II, pp. 13-17. loading tests carried out - in 2 of them
failure occurred with a load of less than
Kerisel, J . , 1967: "Scaling Laws in Soil 200 Tn are shown in the Load-Settlement, Set­
Mechanics", Proceedings, Third Panamerican
tlement-Time, and Time-Load Increments curves
Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation
Engineering, Caracas, Vol. Ill, pp. 69-92. presented in our paper published in Specialty
Session N° 8 Memories.
Vesic, A. S., 1964: Model Investigations of
Deep Foundations and Scaling Laws, Panel dis­ The five pulling tests were made mainly to
cussion, Session II, Proceedings, North Ameri­ verify the amount of total settlement pro­
can Conference on Deep Foundations (Congreso
duced by loads approximately equal to working
Sobre Cimientos Profundos), Mexico City, Vol.
II, pp. 525-533. loads. Loading was increased in stages as be­
fore until a maximum of 40 Tn to 60 Tn was
Vesic, A. S.,1965: Ultimate Loads and Settle­
ments of Deep Foundations in Sand, Bearing Ca­ reached. The loads were then removed and the
pacity' and Settlement of Deep Foundations, plastic deformation determined. In one case a
Proceedings of a symposium held at Duke Uni­ decision was made of producing the failure of
versity, pp. 53-68. the pile, which occurred at 180 Tn.
Vesic, A. S.,1967: A Study of Bearing Capacity All tests results were represented in the
of Deep Foundations, Final Report, Project B- aforementioned curves. An analysis of these
189, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, results showed that there was no correlation
Georgia, pp. xvi + 264. between the total settlement values measured
in different tests, therefore more attention
E. P. V ID E L A and J. R . N A D E O (A ig a n tin a ) was given to plastic deformation. In all
tests - compression or pulling - that had not
SYNOPSIS reached the failure stage the plastic deform­
ation values measured were found to be around
This paper presents the results of compres­ the mean value represented in Fig. 1 .
sion and pulling tests with slow application
of the load carried out on a number of piles This figure shows that the plastic deform­
used or the construction of a Cold Rolling ations produced by pulling loads are greater

than those produced by compression loads, The study of Fig. 2 shows that until approx­
even vhen these were of a smaller value. If imately 2 mm the tip carries about 60 per
we accept the validity of the relationship cent of the load applied, the same as in
pulling load-plastic deformation, it can be Fig. 1. As plastic deformation increases the
concluded that the friction produced during a load carried by the tip is gradually trans­
compression load test for a certain plastic ferred to friction until all the applied load
deformation it is a function of the deform­ is taken by friction when deformation is
ation. Therefore, and as long as failure is 15 mm, in this particular case.
not reached, it results that about 60 per
Thou this is not the more general case - that
cent of the load is carried by the tip.
in which a residual resistance remains in the
The relationship Load-Plastic Deformation for tip after friction resistance is over - the
a compression and a pulling load test that above assumptions are valid as long as they
had reached failure was represented in Fig. 2 are applied to similar situations.
with the object of analysing the results for
greater plastic deformations. C O N C L U S I O N S

1. Differing from total deformation values,

the plastic deformations measured in com­
pression and pulling load tests were quite
similar for the same load.
2. The study of plastic deformations seems to
be a useful tool to analyse the stress
transference phenomenon from pile to soil
as tip and friction resistance.
3. For small plastic deformation values the
pile tip takes about 60 per cent of the
applied load. As plastic deformation is
increased friction cooperation it is also
increased, becoming more and more impor­
tant until reaching the failure stage,
when practically all the load is carried
by friction.
4. In similar situations bearing capacity of
a pile could be calculated as the sum of
the friction resistance and the residual
tip resistance; if this is so the admis­
sible load obtained by applying a total
Fi g, 1 safety coefficient does not represents
proportionally the admissible loads taken
by tip an friction, and only an acceptable
security margin is obtained that the ap­
plied loads will not produce failure.
Hence, it would be convenient to use par­
cial security coefficients.

K. W EISS (G v m a n y )

Hubs and. Tela Behave reported the results of four

loading tests with a 2.0 z 0.5 m footing In their
paper about the influenoe of the load inclination
on the bearing oapaoity of shallow footings. It
was rather easy to determine the amount of de­
crease of the bearing capacity due to the inclina­
tion and eocentrioity of the load by putting the
reapeotive failure load in proportion to the fail­
ure load of the corresponding vertical central
load case. The following conclusions oould be
derivated therefromt

1. The influences of eccentricity and inclination

Fig. 2 of the load are independent of each otheri

2. The bearing oapacity deoreased approximately tion of the load are ooapiled for all teats to­
by'the faotor tan d , when the applied load is in- gether with the corresponding varianoes and ooef-
olined under the angle S . fioients of variation in Table 3.
It can be seen from the values in the last column
However, theee remits have been proved so far by that the bearing capacity under an eccentricity
the four tests only for an angle of inclination of
8 ■ 20° and an eooentrioity e of l/6 L. Additional
ly they are only true for the case when the in- Table}
olined load acts in the direotion of the longer
side of the footing. Test r e s u lt s fo r <fs * 3 0 °

In the meantime sixteen further tests have been

oarried out in two series with 8 - 10° and 5 - 30° fa ' Arrangement
load ífluence o
Hr P [i ] e S e and S
in a dense sand-gravel mixture, in which aleo the
eooentrioity was increased to 1/3 L (Figure l). 1 i : e á b / f c g 114.3 - - ■
The different load oases have been compiled to­ l«¿0m .
gether with the corresponding failure loads in 2 33,9 0,83 Q46 0.30
Tables 1 and Z\ the coeffioients in the last three
oolumas were calculated by dividing these failure 3 744 0,65 - -
loads by those of the corresponding vertical
central load oase (Tables 1 and 2). 4 ¿6.1 - -
â «

5 f e Ÿ .f 40,9 - 436 -

6 tíS
21.7 0.53 ty 1 Q I9

7 e á ? ir.° u 3
523 0,46 -

8 3X9 0.83 0.46 aX

Table 3

A v e ra g e tesf v a lu e s o f re d u ctio n

influence of reduction to

£ = 0.73 t 0.03
e = L/6 s — t 0.07
v = ; 9 y.
Pig. 1 - fast set up for á - 30° and e - L/6
Ce = 0.51 i 0.02
e = L/3 î = ! 5 «
Table r
v = Î 9%

Test r e s u lts for<fs ■ 10° Cr = 0,84 i 0.04

S = 10° s = t 0 .0 8
v = i 9V.

t . = 0,62 Î 0.02
S = 20° s = ± 0.03
(see table m paper) v = t S %

(r - 04 2 t 0.02
S * 30° s r t 0.05
v = £ I l */.

**) co e ffic ie n t o f variation

of e - 1/6 L amounts to about 73$ and that one

under an ecoentricity of e - 1/3 L to 51$ of the
bearing oapaoity of the oentrioally loaded footing.
When the load application is inolined in the di­
reotion of the longer side of the footing the bear-
ng capaoity decreases under an inclination of
■ 10 , 20°, 30° to approximately 84, 62 and 42$
The average reduction values due to the influence respectively of the bearing oapaoity of the verti­
of the eooentrioity with respeot to the inolina- cally loaded footing.

For the decrease ¿i of the bearing capacity due to inclined in direotion to the longer side of the
the inolined load, it has been proposed in the footing seeas to be justified for all angles of
paper by Muhs and Veias the equation <£$ - (l-tan<5) inclination $ being used in praotice.
based on the tests with 20 load inclination. The
ooaparison of the herewith oalculated values
for 10, 20 and 30° ( £¿,„,-“0 .8 31 £-¿.^.^3.64, L. H. Muhs and K. Weib (1969 )» "The influence of
O.42 ) with the deorease resulting from the load inclination on the bearing oapacity of
the testB shows praotioally a ooaplete agreement, shallow footings", Proo. Seventh Int. Conf. on
so that the applioation of this equation for loads S. M. and F. E., Mexico, Vol 2, pp. 187-194


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