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// -----------------------------------------CMS 2018

//------------------------------------------------------------------------- MM

MM_GameSettings = Game Settings

MM_VideoSettings = Video Settings
MM_AudioSettings = Audio Settings

MM_Language = Game Language

MM_ScreenResolution = Screen Resolution

MM_Fullscreen = Full Screen
MM_VSync = Vsync
MM_Quality = Graphics Quality

MM_GameVolume = Game Volume

MM_MusicVolume = Music Volume
MM_AmbientSound = Ambient Sound

MM_NewProfile = New Profile

MM_SelectProfile = Select Profile
MM_DeleteProfile = Delete Profile

MM_Apply = apply
MM_Back = back

MM_NormalMode = Normal Mode

MM_SandboxMode = Sandbox Mode
MM_ExpertMode = Expert Mode

MM_EmptySave = empty profile

//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Menu

M_Menu1 = New Game

M_Menu2 = Continue
M_Menu3 = Profiles
M_Menu4 = DLCs
M_Menu5 = Car Showroom
M_Menu6 = Settings
M_Menu7 = Stats
M_Menu8 = Credits
M_Menu9 = Exit

M_Settings_Audio = Audio Settings

M_Settings_Video = Video Settings
M_Settings_Controller = Game Settings

M_Welcome = Welcome

M_OstatniSave = Last saved game

M_BrakSave = No saved games
M_SkasowacSave = Are you sure you want to delete this profile?
M_Pusty = empty
M_WpiszNazweProfilu = Enter the profile name
M_MozeszPisacTutaj = Type here
M_rozpoaczacOdNowa = Are you sure you want to delete your current progress and
start over?
M_OpcjeGrafiki0 = Graphics quality
M_OpcjeGrafiki1 = Texture size
M_OpcjeGrafiki2 = Screen resolution
M_OpcjeGrafiki3 = Fullscreen
M_OpcjeGrafiki4 = Antialiasing
M_OpcjeGrafiki5 = Ambient Occlusion
M_OpcjeGrafiki6 = Depth of field
M_OpcjeGrafiki7 = Vsync
M_OpcjeGrafiki8 = Motion Blur

M_Stopniowanie0 = Custom
M_Stopniowanie1 = Low
M_Stopniowanie2 = Medium
M_Stopniowanie3 = High
M_Stopniowanie4 = Ultra

M_OpcjeAudio1 = Global game volume

M_OpcjeAudio2 = In-Game music volume
M_OpcjeAudio3 = Ambient noise

M_OpcjeOther1 = Mouse camera speed

M_OpcjeOther2 = Camera zoom speed
M_OpcjeOther3 = Invert Mouse Y
M_OpcjeOther4 = Keyboard Camera speed
M_OpcjeOther5 = Highlight Blocked Parts
M_OpcjeOther6 = Head Bob
M_OpcjeOther7 = Mouse Smoothing
M_OpcjeOther8 = AZERTY Keyboard

M_OpcjeLang = Language

//--------------------------------------------------Sciezka diagnostyczna

DiagCommand1 = Place the front wheels on the brake tester

DiagCommand2 = Press and hold the brake
DiagCommand3 = Place the rear wheels on the brake tester
DiagCommand4 = Press and hold the brake
DiagCommand5 = Place the front wheels on the suspension tester
DiagCommand6 = Wait
DiagCommand7 = Place the rear wheels on the suspension tester
DiagCommand8 = Wait
DiagCommand9 = Test complete

Diag_Left = Left
Diag_Right = Right
Diag_SuspensionTest = Suspension Test
Diag_BrakesTest = Brake Test

Diag_FrontBrakes = Front Brakes

Diag_RearBrakes = Rear Brakes
Diag_FrontSuspension = Front Suspension
Diag_RearSuspension = Rear Suspension

//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Car
GUI_CarInfoTitle = Car Information
GUI_TextBodyCondition = Global body condition
GUI_TextPartsCondition = Global parts condition
GUI_TextOddo = Mileage
GUI_TextCarFactoryColor = Factory color
GUI_TextCarColor = Current color
GUI_CarInfoEngine = Engine
GUI_TextPowerGraph = Power curve
GUI_TextTorqueGraph = Torque curve
GUI_TextTuningVal = Tuning Value
GUI_TextEngineValue = Engine Value
GUI_CarInfoPartsList = List of car parts
GUI_DescPartName = Part name
GUI_DescPartCondition = Condition
GUI_DescPartPrice = Price
GUI_RestorationBonus = Restoration Bonus
GUI_CarValue = Car Value
GUI_SellCar = Sell Car
GUI_FaultyPartsName = Faulty Parts Found
GUI_FaultyPartsFixed = Fixed
GUI_OrderSummary = Order Summary
GUI_TaskBonus = Tasks Bonus
GUI_MoneySpent = Money spent
GUI_JobBonus = Job Bonus
GUI_TotalPayout = Total Payout
GUI_FinishOrder = Finish Order
GUI_BuyCar = Buy Car
GUI_NegotiatePrice = Negotiate Price
GUI_CarPrice = Car Price
GUI_NegotiateChance = Negotiate Chance

GUI_Inv_Title = Inventory
GUI_Inv_SearchPlaceholder = type here ...
GUI_Inv_ShowGroups = Show Inventory Groups
GUI_Inv_Sorting = Sorting

GUI_Showroom_ShowHide = Show/Hide Body
GUI_Showroom_Explode = Explode
GUI_Showroom_Cars = Cars
GUI_Showroom_ChangeColor = Change Color
GUI_Showroom_ShowRust = Show Rust
GUI_Showroom_SitInside = Sit Inside
GUI_Showroom_QuitToMenu = Return to menu
GUI_Showroom_ListOfCars = List of cars

Gui_Shop_PageName = Internet Browser
GUI_RimsShop = Rims Shop
GUI_MainShop = Main Shop
GUI_TuningShop = Tuning Shop
GUI_BodyShop = Body Shop
GUI_BodyTuningShop = Body Tuning Shop
GUI_TireShop = Tire Shop
GUI_LicensePlateShop = License Plate Shop
GUI_InteriorShop = Interior Shop
GUI_ShopAmount = Amount
GUI_ShopSize = Size
GUI_ShopWidth = Width
GUI_ShopProfile = Profile
GUI_ShopLicense = License Plate
GUI_ShopCustomLicense = Custom

Create Group Menu
GUI_CG_Title = Join parts

Examine Report
GUI_ExamineReport_Title = Examined Parts Report
GUI_ExamineReport_Bookmark = List of parts

//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop
Buy Window
GUI_ShopBuy_TotalPrice = Total price:

//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Car
Select Window
GUI_SelectCarQuestion = Which car do you want to take?

GUI_Upgrades_Unlock = Unlock Upgrade
GUI_Upgrades_Reset = Reset Points
GUI_Upgrades_AvailableSkillPoints = Available skill points
GUI_Upgrades_UpgradeCost = Upgrade Cost
GUI_Upgrades_Description = Description

//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop
GUI_ShopList_Title = Shopping list

//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Menu
GUI_Orders_Title = Repair Orders
GUI_Orders_JobDescription = Job Description
GUI_Orders_MinimumCond = Repair with minimal parts condition
GUI_Orders_TakeOrder = Take Order
GUI_Orders_Decline = Decline Order

Inventory Items / Previews
GUI_Item_Color = Color
GUI_Item_Condition = Condition
GUI_Item_Brand = Brand
GUI_Item_Quality = Quality

Taken parts - Junk Shed
GUI_TakenItems_Title = Taken parts summary
GUI_TakenItems_Bookmark = Summary
GUI_TakenItems_PartsPrice = Parts price
GUI_TakenItems_Discount = Discount
GUI_TakenItems_PriceToPay = Price to pay
GUI_TakenItems_Buy = Buy Parts
GUI_TakenItems_Quit = Quit without parts
Paint Shop
GUI_Paint_Title = Paintshop
GUI_Paint_ColorMixer = Color Mixer
GUI_Paint_PaintButton = Paint Car
GUI_Paint_BackButton = Back to garage
GUI_Paint_FactoryColorButton = Set Factory
GUI_Paint_CurrentColorButton = Set Current
GUI_Paint_Hue = Hue
GUI_Paint_Sat = Saturation
GUI_Paint_Bri = Brightness
GUI_Paint_QuickColor = Quick Colors
GUI_Paint_Type = Paint Type
GUI_Paint_Price = Painting Price
GUI_Metallic = Metallic
GUI_Matt = Matt
GUI_Chameleon = Chameleon
GUI_Pearl = Pearl
GUI_Paint_Livery = Livery

Pause Menu
GUI_Pause_QuitMenuSaveButton = Save Game and Return to Menu
GUI_Pause_QuitMenuButton = Return to Menu without Saving
GUI_Pause_QuitGarageButton = Return to Garage
GUI_Pause_RestartButton = Restart
GUI_Pause_ContinueButton = Continue

GUI_Speed_Metric = KMH
GUI_Speed_Imperial = MPH
GUI_Torque_Metric = N.m
GUI_Torque_Imperial = lb.ft
GUI_Power_Metric = HP
GUI_Power_Imperial = HP
GUI_Dist_Metric = km
GUI_Dist_Imperial = mi


GUI_AccessFrom0 = Accessible from engine bay

GUI_AccessFrom1 = Accessible from wheel side (on lifter)
GUI_AccessFrom2 = Accessible from under the car (on lifter)
GUI_AccessFrom3 = Accessible from under the car or wheel side (on lifter)


GUI_ExamineFrom1 = Can be examined by an OBD Scanner

GUI_ExamineFrom2 = Can be examined by carrying out a Test Drive
GUI_ExamineFrom3 = Can be examined by taking off the car
GUI_ExamineFrom4 = Can be examined on a Test Path
GUI_ExamineFrom5 = Can be examined with the Compression Tester
GUI_ExamineFrom6 = Can be examined by an Electronic Meter
GUI_ExamineFrom7 = Can be examined by an Tire Tread Tester
GUI_ExamineFrom8 = Can be examined by an Fuel Pressure Tester
GUI_ExamineFrom24 = Can be examined on a Test Drive or Path
GUI_ExamineFromX = Examine tools - Level {0} needed


GUI_RepairTable_Title = Repair Bench

GUI_RepairChance = Repair Chance
GUI_RepairCost = Repair Cost
GUI_RepairSkillLevel = Repair Skill Level

GUI_RepairSuccess = You managed to repair the part!|The part's condition after the
repair: {0} %
GUI_RepairFail = You failed to repair it. The part’s condition decreased.
GUI_RepairTooMuchDamage = The part’s condition is too low to repair.

GUI_RepairFrom0 = This part can't be repaired

GUI_RepairFromX = Repairing requires tool level {0}
GUI_RepairFrom7 = The part can be charged with a battery charger

Help Descriptions
GUI_Desc_Click = Click
GUI_Desc_Hold = Hold
GUI_Desc_Press = Press

GUI_Desc_TakeOff = to take off part

GUI_Desc_Use = to use
GUI_Desc_SitDown = to sit down
GUI_Desc_RadioChangeStation = to change radio station
GUI_Desc_RadioTurnOff = to turn off radio
GUI_Desc_Examine = to examine part
GUI_Desc_Search = to search
GUI_Desc_Focus = to focus on part
GUI_Desc_WorkOn = to work on part
GUI_Desc_Orbit = to orbit camera
GUI_Desc_Leave_Car = to leave car
GUI_Desc_Mount = to mount part
GUI_Desc_TakePhoto = to take photo
GUI_Desc_ChangeCamera =to change camera
GUI_Desc_SellAll = to sell all parts
GUI_Desc_SellJunk = to sell junk parts
GUI_Desc_ChangeCategory = to change category
GUI_Desc_CloseWindow = to close menu
GUI_Desc_ChangeSelection = to change selection
GUI_Desc_Use2 = Use

GUI_Yes = Yes
GUI_No = No
GUI_Close = Close
GUI_Apply = Apply
GUI_Cancel = Cancel
GUI_Quit = Quit
GUI_Exit = Exit
GUI_None = None
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

GUI_MissionOrder = Story Order

GUI_NormalOrder = Normal Order
GUI_Bonus_To_Money = Money Bonus
GUI_Bonus_To_Exp = Experience Bonus

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP
GUI_Map_Title = Select destination
GUI_Map_Garage = Your garage
GUI_Map_Junkyard = Junkyard
GUI_Map_Auctions = Car Auctions
GUI_Map_TestTrack = Test Track
GUI_Map_Parking = Parking
GUI_Map_RaceTrack = Race Track
GUI_Map_Barn = Barn
GUI_Map_Salon = Car Salon


GUI_PotwierdzenieZakupu = Are you sure you want to buy|{0}|for {1} ?

GUI_PotwierdzenieNaprawy = Are you sure you want to repair|{0}|for {1} ?
GUI_PotwierdzenieSprzedazy = Are you sure you want to sell|{0}|for {1} ?
GUI_PotwierdzenieWywazenia = Are you sure you want to balance|{0} ?
GUI_PotwierdzenieZlaczenia = Are you sure you want to install|{0} on {1} ?
GUI_PotwierdzenieRozlaczenia = Are you sure you want to separate|{0} ?
GUI_PotwierdzenieRozpoczeciaPathTest = Are you sure you want to proceed with path
GUI_PotwierdzenieLadowania = Are you sure you want to recharge |{0} ?


PopUp_NewItem = Item added

PopUp_TakenItem = Item taken
PopUp_MusicSong = Now playing
PopUp_SaveGame = Saving Game

pie_battery_charge = Charge battery
pie_battery_charge_bonus = Flat batteries could be recharged here

pie_battery_take = Take battery from charger

pie_battery_take_bonus = Recharged battery will be added to your inventory

pie_spring_separate = Separate parts

pie_spring_separate_bonus = Separate spring from shock absorber

pie_spring_connect = Join parts

pie_spring_connect_bonus = Join spring with shock absorber

pie_spring_take = Take parts from spring compressor

pie_spring_take_bonus = Parts will be added to your inventory

pie_wheel_separate = Separate parts

pie_wheel_separate_bonus = Separate tire from rim

pie_wheel_connect = Install
pie_wheel_connect_bonus = Install a tire on a rim

pie_wheel_take = Take
pie_wheel_take_bonus = Take parts from tire changer

pie_balancer_take = Take
pie_balancer_take_bonus = Take parts from wheel balancer

pie_balancer_balance = Balance
pie_balancer_balance_bonus = Balance wheel

pie_list_add = Add to list

pie_list_add_bonus = Add part to notebook

pie_list_delete = Delete from list

pie_list_delete_bonus = Delete part from notebook

pie_list_open = PARTS NOTES

pie_list_open_bonus = Open parts notes

pie_list_locked = Move cursor over part to add it into parts notes

pie_move_car = MOVE CAR

pie_move_car_bonus = Move car to another location in garage

pie_move_dyno = Dyno
pie_move_dyno_bonus = You can check and tune car performance here

pie_move_paintshop = Paintshop
pie_move_paintshop_bonus = You can paint whole car as well as separate parts here

pie_move_parking = Parking
pie_move_parking_bonus = Store your cars in parking area, so they will not take
garage place when not needed

pie_move_pathTest = Test path

pie_move_pathTest_bonus = Test path will help you examine most of suspension and
brake parts

pie_move_entrance1 = Garage entrance A

pie_move_entrance1_bonus = Place near garage door

pie_move_entrance2 = Garage entrance B

pie_move_entrance2_bonus = Place near garage door

pie_move_carLift1 = Car lifter A

pie_move_carLift1_bonus = First car lifter

pie_move_carLift2 = Car lifter B

pie_move_carLift2_bonus = Second car lifter

pie_move_carLift3 = Car lifter C

pie_move_carLift3_bonus = Third car lifter

pie_move_blocked = There is a car in this location.

pie_move_locked = Upgrade garage to access this area.
pie_settings = SETTINGS MENU
pie_settings_bonus = In this menu you can adjust game settings

pie_settings_save = Save game

pie_settings_load = Load game

pie_settings_menu = Exit to menu

pie_settings_menu_bonus = Exit to game menu without saving

pie_switch_body = OVERVIEW MODE

pie_switch_body_bonus = Overview car parts using this mode

pie_tablet = TABLET
pie_tablet_bonus = Quickly access workshop computer

pie_inventory = INVENTORY
pie_inventory_bonus = You can browse, search and sell parts here

pie_order_check = CAR STATUS

pie_order_check_bonus = Check current car status

pie_order_list = ORDERS
pie_order_list_bonus = Check available orders

pie_examine_tools = EXAMINE TOOLS

pie_examine_tools_bonus = Special tools will help you examine car faster

pie_mode_examine = EXAMINE MODE

pie_mode_examine_bonus = Examine mode will enable part condition overview mode

pie_mode_garage = NORMAL MODE

pie_mode_garage_bonus = Switch to default mode

pie_mode_garage_assemble = ASSEMBLE MODE

pie_mode_garage_assemble_bonus = Switch to assemble mode

pie_mode_group_mount = GROUP MOUNT

pie_mode_group_mount_bonus = Switch to group mount mode

pie_mode_group_unmount = GROUP UNMOUNT

pie_mode_group_unmount_bonus = Switch to group unmount mode

pie_mode_part_mount = PART MOUNT

pie_mode_part_mount_bonus = Switch to part mount mode

pie_mode_part_unmount = PART UNMOUNT

pie_mode_part_unmount_bonus = Switch to part unmount mode

pie_mode_photo = PHOTO MODE

pie_mode_photo_bonus = Make photos of whatever you want to and share them with

pie_mode_interior_disassemble = INTERIOR DISASSEMBLE

pie_mode_interior_disassemble_bonus = Switch to interior disassemble mode

pie_mode_interior_assemble = INTERIOR ASSEMBLE

pie_mode_interior_assemble_bonus = Switch to interior assemble mode
pie_engine_rotate_left = Rotate engine left
pie_engine_rotate_right = Rotate engine right
pie_engine_add = Add engine into crate
pie_engine_new = Create new engine
pie_engine_take = Take off engine from crate
pie_car_drive = Drive the car
pie_car_run = Start the car
pie_paintshop_car = Paint Car
pie_paintshop_part = Paint Part

pie_jukebox_change_station = CHANGE STATION

pie_jukebox_turn_on_off = TURN ON/OFF RADIO
pie_jukebox_next_sound = NEXT SONG

pie_car_buy = Buy Car

pie_car_buy_bonus = Check car information and collection price

pie_settings_garage = Leave to garage

pie_settings_garage_bonus = Overview your collected items and leave to garage

pie_settings_parking_garage = Leave to garage

pie_equipment_use = USE EQUIPMENT

pie_equipment_move = MOVE EQUIPMENT

pie_equipment_move_bonus = Move equipment to another location

pie_equipment_move_entrance1 = Shop entrance A

pie_equipment_move_entrance1_bonus = Place near garage door

pie_equipment_move_entrance2 = Shop entrance B

pie_equipment_move_entrance2_bonus = Place near garage door

pie_equipment_move_carLift1 = Car lifter A

pie_equipment_move_carLift1_bonus = First car lifter

pie_equipment_move_carLift2 = Car lifter B

pie_equipment_move_carLift2_bonus = Second car lifter

pie_equipment_move_carLift3 = Car lifter C

pie_equipment_move_carLift3_bonus = Third car lifter

GUI_unlock_to_use = Unlock to use

GUI_move_unavail = This place is already used

pie_tires = Tire Tread Tester

pie_tires_bonus = With this tool you can discover tires condition

pie_obd = OBD Scanner

pie_obd_bonus = OBD Scanner will examine a lot of electronic-computer connected
parts. Not working in older cars!

pie_cylinder = Compression Tester

pie_cylinder_bonus = This test will give you information about general engine
condition. Parking like head, block or pistons will be examined

pie_electronic = Electronic Meter

pie_electronic_bonus = Simple but useful tool. Check all electronic connections,
and resistances
pie_fuel = Fuel Pressure Test
pie_fuel_bonus = Get know all about your fuel related parts in car

pie_equipment_return = Place equipment back


GUI_Warehouse_Title = Warehouse
GUI_SEL_WAREHOUSE = Selected warehouse
M_WAR_CHANGE_NAME = Change warehouse name on
GUI_WAR = Warehouse
GUI_WAR1 = Warehouse 1
GUI_WAR2 = Warehouse 2
GUI_WAR3 = Warehouse 3
GUI_WAR4 = Warehouse 4
GUI_WAR5 = Warehouse 5
GUI_WAR6 = Warehouse 6
GUI_WAR7 = Warehouse 7
GUI_WAR8 = Warehouse 8

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
garage modes

mode_GarageDisassemble = Body Disassemble Mode

mode_GarageAssemble = Body Assemble Mode
mode_Interior = Interior
mode_PartSelect = Parts Overview
mode_PartMount = Disassemble Mode
mode_PartUnMount = Assemble Mode
mode_GroupUnMount = Group Assemble Mode
mode_GroupMount = Group Disassemble Mode
mode_PartSelectMount = Parts Selection
mode_ExamineCondition = Examine Mode

//--------------------------------------------------Kategorie w sklepie
CAT_All = All
CAT_Engine = Engine
CAT_Body = Body
CAT_Other = Other
CAT_Rims = Rims
CAT_Group = Groups
CAT_Brakes = Brakes
CAT_Exhaust = Exhaust
CAT_Gearbox = Gearbox
CAT_Suspension = Suspension

// -------------------------------------------------Sorting

Sorting_Name = Sorting
Sorting_ByArr = by arrival
Sorting_ByCon = by condition
Sorting_ByNam = by name

AU_Start = Start Auction

AU_Raise = Raise
AU_Pass = Pass
AU_Next = Next Car
AU_Quit = Quit
AU_TodaysCars = Today's cars

AU_Currentbid = Current Bid

AU_OveralState = Overall state
AU_Time = Time
AU_Sold = SOLD
AU_StartingPrice = Starting price
AU_HighestBidder = Highest Bidder
AU_Bidder = Bidder
AU_Player = You

//symbol waluty - nie ma przelicznika wiec albo € albo $
GUI_Waluta = $
GUI_BrakKasy = You don't have enough money
GUI_PriceFrom = from
GUI_FrontWheelsDiffSize = Front wheels have different size
GUI_RearWheelsDiffSize = Rear wheels have different size
GUI_NieMaPrzedmiotowDoZalozenia = There are no items to work with

GUI_CarsLimitInGarage = No more space. Your garage can handle up to {0} cars at a

GUI_CarsLimitInParking = No more space. Parking can handle up to 12 cars at a time.
GUI_CustomerCarInParking = Parking is only available for cars you own.
GUI_NoWheels = The car does not have all its wheels, so it can't be moved here.

GUI_Buy = Buy
GUI_TextExamineReport = Examined {0} parts
M_SAVESTART = Saving game ...
M_ExitWithoutItems = Leave without items to buy?

GUI_Order_PartNotFound = part not discovered

GUI_BoughtCarPlace = Where you want to place bought car?

GUI_BoughtCar_Parking = Car Parking
GUI_BoughtCar_Garage = Garage

GUI_Wczytywanie = Loading ...

GUI_OilWarning = You did not drain oil before disassembling oil pan. Cleaning will
cost you 100$
GUI_EngineUnmountCrainWarning = To remove engine, first unmount {0} from the car
GUI_EngineMountCrainWarning = To install engine, first unmount {0} from the car
GUI_EngineEmptyCrainWarning = There are no engine parts in car
GUI_MissingWheels = Wheel are missing from car
GUI_MissingParts = There is {0} missing from car
GUI_EngineDontStart = Cannot start engine
GUI_SamochodGorszyStan = Car is in worse condition than when it was delivered to
the garage
GUI_SamochodOlejWSilniku = There is oil in the engine. Cannot perform this action
GUI_Order_FinishUncompleteJob = Are you sure you want to mark the uncompleted job
as finished?
GUI_rozpoaczacOdNowa = Are you sure you want to erase your current progress and
start over?
GUI_SellJunk = Sell Junk
GUI_PotwierdzenieSprzedazySmieci = Are you sure you want to sell junk
GUI_AuctionsFee = Auction fee is {0}. Are you sure you want to participate?
GUI_Orders_Nojobs = There are no more jobs right now
GUI_TestComplete = Test Complete
GUI_CarNotConnected = There is no car to work on here
GUI_Locked = Locked
GUI_RemoveCarFromArrivalPlace = Make some space near main gates, so the car can
park there.
GUI_EngineStandOccupied = There is an engine already on engine stand
GUI_obd_unavailable = This car doesn't have OBD port. Cannot perform action.
GUI_junkyardfee= Junkyard trip will cost you {0}. Are you sure you want to go?
GUI_LicensePlate = License Plate
GUI_SelectPart = Select Part
GUI_Accessibility = Accessibility
GUI_SamochodBezBody = There are body parts missing from the car.
GUI_SamochodNiezlozony = Car is incomplete. There is {0} missing from car
GUI_SamochodOlejBrak = No oil in the engine. Cannot perform this action
GUI_Installed = Installed
GUI_MoveCarToGarage = Move To Garage
GUI_TestDriveCar = Test Drive Car
!specialMap = Barn location map
!specialCase = Case
!specialCrowbar = Crowbar
GUI_CaseOpen = You need crowbar to open the case
GUI_CaseAsk = Are you sure you want to open case?
GUI_MapAsk = Mark barn location on your map?
GUI_NieMaPrzedmiotowDoZalozeniaX = There are no items to work with|Part needed :
GUI_Tutorial_WindowTitle = Tutorial

// ----------------------------------------------- Parking
Park_Prev = Previous Car
Park_Next = Next Car
Park_Move = Move Car to Garage
Park_Quit = Back to Garage

// ----------------------------------------------- Blocked Lifter

GUI_BlockedLifter = The lift can't be lowered. Make sure there is nothing blocking
it and stand at a safe distance.

//-------------------------------------------------- Radio
M_Radio_WindowTitle = Radio Stations
M_Radio_Current_Sound = Now playing
Radio_Music0 = Drum & Bass Attack
Radio_Music1 = Electro Hive
Radio_Music2 = Hideout Street Radio
Radio_Music3 = THE CDK
Radio_Music4 = Classic Vibes
Radio_Music5 = Killa Rock
Radio_Music6 = Mixer Room
Radio_Music7 = State of House Music
Radio_User = User Radio

// ------------------------------------------------- Test Track

GUI_TestTrackChecklist = Checklist
GUI_SpeedTest = Acceleration Test
GUI_SlalomTest = Slalom Test
GUI_BrakeTest = Brakes Test
GUI_SuspensionTest = Suspension Test
// -------------------------------------------------IOs
#hood = Hood
#door_front_left = Front Left Door
#door_front_right = Front Right Door
#door_rear_left = Rear Left Door
#door_rear_right = Rear Right Door
#trunk = Trunk
#fender_front_left = Front Left Fender
#fender_front_right = Front Right Fender
#bumper_front = Front Bumper
#bumper_rear = Rear Bumper
#headlight_left = Left Headlight
#headlight_right = Right Headlight
#taillight_left = Left Taillight
#taillight_right = Right Taillight
#taillight_left_trunk = Left Trunk Taillight
#taillight_right_trunk = Right Trunk Taillight
#fender_rear_left = Rear Left Fender
#fender_rear_right = Rear Right Fender

#window_front = Front Window

#window_back = Rear Window
#window_back_left_1 = Rear Left Window A
#window_back_right_1 = Rear Right Window A
#window_back_left_2 = Rear Left Window B
#window_back_right_2 = Rear Right Window B
#window_door_front_left = Front Left Door Window
#window_door_front_right = Front Right Door Window
#window_door_rear_left = Rear Left Door Window
#window_door_rear_right = Rear Right Door Window
#window_body_left_1 = Left Body Window A
#window_body_right_1 = Right Body Window A
#window_body_left_2 = Left Body Window B
#window_body_right_2 = Right Body Window B
#window_front_left = Front Left Window
#window_front_right = Front Right Window
#window_trunk = Trunk Window

#window_body_left = Left Body Window

#window_body_right = Right Body Window
#window_rear_left = Rear Left Window A
#window_rear_right = Rear Right Window A

#mirror_left = Left Side Mirror

#mirror_right = Right Side Mirror

#front_end = Front End

#bench = Bench
#body = Body
#details = Body

#map = City Map

#paintshop = Paint Shop
#parkingdoor = Parking
#dyno = Dyno
#pathTest = Path Test
#batteryCharger = Battery Charger
#computer = Computer
#PGPlace = Junk
#phone = Phone
#toolbox = Toolbox
#repairtable = Repair Bench
#wheelbalancer = Wheel Balancer
#springClamp = Spring Puller
#jukebox = Radio
#lifter = Car Lift
#customizegarage = Garage Customization
#welder = Welder
#enginecrane = Engine Crane
#warehouse = Warehouse
#seatLeft = Front Left Seat
#seatRight = Front Right Seat
#engine = Engine
#steeringWheel = Steering Wheel
#suspension = Suspension
#cooling = Cooling
#airintake = Air Intake
#brakepump = Brake Pump
#battery = Car Battery
#oilbin = Oil Drain
#abs = ABS Module
#driveshaft = Drive Shaft
#exhaust = Exhaust
#fueltank = Fuel Tank
#engine_cover = Engine Cover
#tirechanger = Tire Changer
#interiorDetailingToolkit = Interior Detailing Toolkit
#MainGate = Main Gate
#door_parking = Exit To Parking

#door_left = Door
#door_right = Door

#license_plate_rear = Rear License Plate

#license_plate_front = Front License Plate

// ----------------------------------------------- Order Description

OD_Body_General_1 = Repair damaged body panels

OD_Body_General_2 = Fix body parts
OD_Body_General_3 = Repair or replace body parts

OD_Body_PaintOriginal_OnList = Spray car with factory paint

OD_Body_PaintOriginal_1 = Repaint car in the stock color
OD_Body_PaintOriginal_2 = Paint it with the factory color
OD_Body_PaintOriginal_3 = Spray it the factory color

OD_Body_PaintCustom_OnList = Spray car with custom paint

OD_Body_PaintCustom_1 = Repaint car with custom color
OD_Body_PaintCustom_2 = Paint it with a custom color
OD_Body_PaintCustom_3 = Put a nice custom color

OD_Engine_General_1 = General engine control and repair

OD_Engine_General_2 = Find and fix all engine problems
OD_Engine_General_3 = Repair all engine faults

OD_Engine_DontStart_1 = Car does not start

OD_Engine_DontStart_2 = Vehicle cannot be started
OD_Engine_DontStart_3 = Cannot start the car

OD_Engine_Power_1 = Lack of engine power

OD_Engine_Power_2 = Engine power has failed
OD_Engine_Power_3 = The Engine is working, but it's choppy
OD_Engine_Power_4 = Car runs, but is uneven and jerky
OD_Engine_Power_5 = Sluggish acceleration
OD_Engine_Power_6 = The car is running rough

OD_Engine_Noise_1 = Strange noise from engine bay

OD_Engine_Noise_2 = Knocking noises from engine bay
OD_Engine_Noise_3 = Tapping sounds from engine bay
OD_Engine_Noise_4 = Engine bay is noisy
OD_Engine_Noise_5 = Weird engine bay noise
OD_Engine_Noise_6 = Strange engine bay noise

OD_Engine_Oil_OnList = Change oil (drain old and refill with new)

OD_Engine_Oil_1 = Change engine oil and filter
OD_Engine_Oil_2 = Replace engine oil and filter
OD_Engine_Oil_3 = Put new engine oil and filter

OD_Engine_Timing_1 = Replace timing related parts

OD_Engine_Timing_2 = Timing needs replacing
OD_Engine_Timing_3 = Put in new timing parts

OD_Engine_Filters_1 = Replace all filters

OD_Engine_Filters_2 = Filters need replacing
OD_Engine_Filters_3 = The car's filters need replacing

OD_Susp_General_1 = General running gear control and repair

OD_Susp_General_2 = Find and fix any running gear problems
OD_Susp_General_3 = Repair all running gear faults

OD_Susp_Control_1 = Sloppy car steering

OD_Susp_Control_2 = Car is hard to control
OD_Susp_Control_3 = Controlling car feels loose
OD_Susp_Control_4 = Laggy steering

OD_Susp_Knocking_1 = Suspension rattling

OD_Susp_Knocking_2 = Knocking sound coming from suspension
OD_Susp_Knocking_3 = Fix suspension clunks and rattles
OD_Susp_Knocking_4 = Find source of suspension knocking noise
OD_Susp_Knocking_5 = Strange suspension noise
OD_Susp_Knocking_6 = Repair noisy suspension

OD_Exhaust_General_1 = Loud exhaust

OD_Exhaust_General_2 = Loud when accelerating
OD_Exhaust_General_3 = Car is loud
OD_Exhaust_General_4 = Car is noisy
OD_Exhaust_General_5 = Noisy engine
OD_Exhaust_General_6 = Making loud noise while driving

OD_Brakes_General_1 = Brake problems

OD_Brakes_General_2 = Poor brake performance
OD_Brakes_General_3 = Brake system needs fixing
OD_Brakes_General_4 = Brakes need repair
OD_Brakes_General_5 = Something is wrong with brakes
OD_Brakes_General_6 = Stopping distance increased
OD_Gearbox_General_1 = General gearbox control and repair
OD_Gearbox_General_2 = Find and fix all gearbox problems
OD_Gearbox_General_3 = Repair all gearbox faults

OD_Gearbox_Clutch_1 = Driver struggling to find gears

OD_Gearbox_Clutch_2 = Transmission is noisy
OD_Gearbox_Clutch_3 = Gears keep slipping
OD_Gearbox_Clutch_4 = Gearbox is shifting rough
OD_Gearbox_Clutch_5 = Bad smell after driving
OD_Gearbox_Clutch_6 = Dragging clutch

OD_Gearbox_Unit_1 = Grinding and shaking from gearbox

OD_Gearbox_Unit_2 = Transmission not responsive
OD_Gearbox_Unit_3 = Gearbox shifts rough
OD_Gearbox_Unit_4 = Noisy transmission
OD_Gearbox_Unit_5 = Hard to select gears
OD_Gearbox_Unit_6 = Gearbox is shifting rough

OD_Location_Front = (front)
OD_Location_Rear = (rear)
OD_Location_Front_Left = (front-left)
OD_Location_Front_Right = (front-right)
OD_Location_Rear_Left = (rear-left)
OD_Location_Rear_Right = (rear-right)
OD_Location_Left = (left side)
OD_Location_Right = (right side)

OD_EasyMode_Repair = (list provided)

//--------------------------------------------------czesci z wykrzyknikiem na
!absModul_1 = ABS Module
!absPompa_1 = ABS Pump
!akumulator = Battery
!alternator = Alternator
!amortyzator_double = Double Wishbone Shock Absorber
!amortyzatorPrzod_1 = Front Shock Absorber A
!amortyzatorTyl_1 = Rear Shock Absorber A
!amortyzatorTyl_2 = Rear Shock Absorber B
!bagnet_1 = Oil Dipstick
!bak_1 = Fuel Tank
!cewka_1 = Ignition Coil
!chlodnica_1 = Radiator A
!chlodnica_2 = Radiator B
!czapkaAmorPrzod_1 = Front Shock Absorber Cap
!czapkaSprezynyTyl_1 = Rear Shock Absorber Cap
!docisk_sprzegla = Clutch Pressure Plate
!drazekKierowniczy_1 = Inner Tie Rod
!filtr_1 = Air Filter
!filtr_1x4_dol = Round Air Filter Base (1 carb)
!filtr_1x4_gora = Round Air Filter Cover (1 carb)
!filtr_1x4_srodek = Round Air Filter (1 carb)
!filtr_2x4_dol = Round Air Filter Base (2 carb)
!filtr_2x4_gora = Round Air Filter Cover (2 carb)
!filtr_2x4_srodek = Round Air Filter (2 carb)
!klips_1 = Clip A
!klips_2 = Clip B
!klockiHamulcowe_1 = Brake Pads
!koncowkaDrazkaKier_1 = Outer Tie Rod
!kopulkaRozdzielacza_1 = Ignition Distributor Cap
!korek_spustowy_1 = Oil Drain Plug
!korekOleju_1 = Oil Fill Plug
!lacznikPolosi_1 = Front Drive Shaft
!lacznikPolosi_2 = Front Drive Shaft (4x4)
!lacznikStabilizatora_double = Sway Bar Front End Link B
!lacznikStabilizatoraPrzod_1 = Sway Bar Front End Link A
!lacznikStabTyl_1 = Sway Bar Rear End Link
!listwa_wtryskowa = Fuel Rail DI
!listwa_wtryskowa_2 = Fuel Rail MPI
!lozyskoDociskowe_1 = Clutch Release Bearing
!lozyskoZwrotnicyPrzod_1 = Wheel Hub Bearing
!mostTylny_1 = Leaf-Spring Rear Drive Axle
!mostTylnySztywny_1 = Coil-Spring Rear Drive Axle
!obejmaPodstawka_1 = Leaf Spring Plate
!obejmaPret_1 = Leaf Spring U-Bolt
!obudowaFiltra_dol_1 = Air Filter Base
!obudowaFiltra_gora_1 = Air Filter Cover
!palecRozdzielacza_1 = Ignition Distributor Rotor
!piastaPrzod_1 = Front Wheel Hub
!piastaTyl_1 = Rear Wheel Hub
!pioraTyl_1 = Leaf Spring
!podstawkaSprezynyTyl_1 = Spring Cap
!pokrywa_lozyska = Crankshaft Bearing Cap
!pokrywaBeben_1 = Brake Drum
!polosNapedowa_1 = Front Drive Axle A
!polosNapedowa_2 = Front Drive Axle B
!polosNapedowa_3 = Rear Drive Axle
!polosNapedowa_4 = Front Drive Axle C
!polosNapedowaTylna_1 = Solid Rear Drive Axle
!pompa_1 = Fuel Pump
!pompa_wspomagania = Power Steering Pump (V8)
!przekladnia_1 = Steering Rack
!r4_blok = Engine Block (I4)
!r4_filtr_oleju = Oil Filter (I4)
!r4_gearbox_4x4 = Gearbox (I4 4x4)
!r4_gearbox_rwd = Gearbox (I4 RWD)
!r4_gearbox_short = Gearbox (I4)
!r4_glowica_2 = Engine Head (I4)
!r4_glowica_sohc_1 = Engine Head (I4 SOHC)
!r4_glowica_sohc_wkladka_1 = Camshaft Cap
!r4_kable_sohc_1 = Ignition Wires (I4 SOHC)
!r4_kolektor_dolotowy3 = Intake Manifold (I4 DI)
!r4_kolektor_dolotowy4 = Intake Manifold (I4 MPI)
!r4_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold
!r4_kolektor_wydechowy_oslona = Exhaust Manifold Cover
!r4_kolektor_wydechowy_sohc_1 = Exhaust Manifold (I4 SOHC)
!r4_kolektor_wydechowy2 = Exhaust Manifold (I4 TURBO)
!r4_kolo_pasowe_walu = Crankshaft Pulley (I4)
!r4_miska_olejowa = Oil Pan (I4)
!r4_modul_zaplonowy_sohc_1 = Ignition Coil (I4 SOHC)
!r4_oslona = Timing Cover (I4)
!r4_oslona_sohc = Timing Cover (I4 SOHC)
!r4_pasek1 = Serpentine Belt A
!r4_pasek2 = Serpentine Belt B
!r4_pasek2_sohc = Serpentine Belt (I4 SOHC)
!r4_pasek3 = Timing Belt
!r4_pasek3_sohc = Timing Belt (I4 SOHC)
!r4_pokrywa_glowicy = Engine Head Cover (I4)
!r4_pokrywa_glowicy_sohc_1 = Engine Head Cover
!r4_pompa_wody = Water Pump (I4)
!r4_pompa_wspomagania = Power Steering Pump (I4)
!r4_przepustnica = Throttle (I4)
!r4_rozrusznik_1 = Starter
!r4_walek_rozrzadu = Camshaft
!r4_walek_rozrzadu_sohc_1 = Camshaft (I4 SOHC)
!rolka_gladka = Idler Roller A
!rolka_pompy_wody = Water Pump Pulley
!rolka_prowadzaca = Idler Roller B
!rolka_walka = Cam Gear
!rolka_walka_sohc = Cam Gear (I4 SOHC)
!rozdzielaczZaplonu_1 = Ignition Distributor
!sankiPrzod_1 = Front Suspension Crossmember
!sankiPrzod_2 = ^!sankiPrzod_1 B
!sankiTyl_1 = Rear Suspension Crossmember
!sankiTyl_2 = Rear Suspension Crossmember (RWD)
!serwoHamulca_1 = Brake Servo
!sondaLambda_1 = Lambda Probe
!sprezynaTyl_1 = Rear Spring
!sprezynnaPrzod_1 = Front Spring
!stabilizatorPrzod_1 = Front Sway Bar
!stabilizatorTyl_1 = Rear Sway Bar A
!stabilizatorTyl_2 = Rear Sway Bar B
!swieca_1 = Spark Plug
!szczeki_1 = Brake Shoe
!szczekiCylinder_1 = Drum Wheel Cylinder
!tarcza_sprzegla = Clutch Plate
!tarczaHamulcowa_1 = Brake Disc
!tarczaWentylowana_1 = Brake Disc Ventilated
!tlok_1 = Piston with Conrod
!tuleja_1 = Rubber Bushing
!tulejaMala_1 = Small Rubber Bushing
!turbo_2 = Turbocharger
!v8_blok = Engine Block (V8)
!v8_blok_stary = Engine Block (V8 OHV)
!v8_dzwigniazaworu = Rocker Arm
!v8_filtr_oleju = Oil Filter (V8)
!v8_filtr_oleju_stary = Oil Filter (V8 OHV)
!v8_gaznik_1 = Carburetor (4-barrel)
!v8_gearbox = Gearbox (V8)
!v8_gearbox_4x4 = Gearbox (V8 4x4)
!v8_gearbox_stary = Gearbox (V8 OHV)
!v8_glowica = Engine Head (V8)
!v8_glowica_stara = Engine Head (V8 OHV)
!v8_kable_stary = Ignition Wires (V8)
!v8_kolektor = Intake Manifold (V8)
!v8_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold (V8)
!v8_kolektor_wydechowy_stary_1 = Exhaust Manifold (V8 OHV)
!v8_kolektordolotowy_1x4 = Intake Manifold (1 carb)
!v8_kolektordolotowy_2x4 = Intake Manifold (2 carb)
!v8_kolo_pasowe_walu = Crankshaft Pulley (V8)
!v8_kolo_pasowe_walu_stare = Crankshaft Pulley (V8 OHV)
!v8_kolo_zamachowe = Flywheel
!v8_lancuch_stary = Timing Chain (V8 OHV)
!v8_miska_olejowa = Oil Pan (V8)
!v8_miska_olejowa_stara = Oil Pan (V8 OHV)
!v8_napinacz = Belt Tensioner
!v8_pasek_stary_1 = Serpentine Belt A (V8 OHV)
!v8_pasek_stary_2 = Serpentine Belt B (V8 OHV)
!v8_pasek1 = Serpentine Belt A (V8)
!v8_pasek2b = Serpentine Belt B (V8)
!v8_pasek3 = Timing Belt (V8)
!v8_pokrywa_glowicy_stara_1 = Engine Head Cover A (V8 OHV)
!v8_pokrywa_glowicy_stara_2 = Engine Head Cover B (V8 OHV)
!v8_pokrywa_glowicy1 = Engine Head Cover A (V8)
!v8_pokrywa_glowicy2 = Engine Head Cover B (V8)
!v8_pokrywa_swiec = Coils Cover (V8)
!v8_pompa_wody = Water Pump (V8)
!v8_pompaWody_stara = Water Pump (V8 OHV)
!v8_popychacz = Valve Push Rod
!v8_przepustnica = Throttle (V8)
!v8_rolkaWalka_stara = Cam Gear (V8 OHV)
!v8_rozrusznik_1 = Starter (V8)
!v8_rozrzad_oslona = Timing Cover (V8)
!v8_rozrzad_oslona_stara = Timing Cover (V8 OHV)
!v8_walek_rozrzadu = Camshaft (V8)
!v8_walek_stary = Camshaft (V8 OHV)
!v8_walKorbowy_stary = Crankshaft (V8 OHV)
!w_katalizator = Catalytic Converter
!w_r4_poczatkowy = Front Exhaust Section
!w_r4_poczatkowy_wzdluzny = Front Exhaust Section (I4 SOHC)
!w_r4_turbo_poczatkowy = Front Exhaust Section (TURBO)
!w_ruraLaczaca = Exhaust Pipe
!w_tlumik_koncowy = Rear Muffler (I4)
!w_tlumik_srodkowy_B = Middle Muffler
!w_tlumik_wzdluzny = Rear Muffler
!w_v8_koncowy = Rear Muffler (V8)
!w_v8_koncowy_stary = Rear Muffler (V8 OHV)
!w_v8_poczatkowy = Front Exhaust Pipe (V8)
!w_v8_poczatkowy_stary = Front Exhaust Pipe (V8 OHV)
!wahaczDlugiTyl_1 = Rear Suspension Arm
!wahaczDol_double = Bottom Suspension Arm
!wahaczDolny_1 = Lower Suspension Arm
!wahaczGora_double = Upper Suspension Arm
!wahaczKrotkiTyl_1 = Rear Suspension Upper Arm
!wahaczMost_1 = Solid-Axle Control Arm
!wahaczTyl_1 = Rear Suspension Arm A
!wahaczTyl_2 = Rear Suspension Arm B
!walKorbowy_1 = Crankshaft (V8)
!walKorbowy_2 = Crankshaft (I4)
!walNapedowy_1 = Drive Shaft
!wentylator_1 = Radiator Fan
!wentylator_2 = Radiator Fan (V8 OHV)
!zaciskHamulcowy_1 = Brake Caliper
!zaslepkaZwrotnicaTyl_1 = Wheel Hub Cap
!zwrotnicaPrzod_1 = Front Steering Knuckle A
!zwrotnicaPrzod_double = Front Steering Knuckle B
!zwrotnicaTyl_1 = Rear Axle Knuckle Housing A
!zwrotnicaTylBeben_1 = Rear Axle Knuckle Housing B
!zwrotnicaTylSztywna_1 = Rear Axle Knuckle Housing C
!filtr_paliwa_1 = Fuel Filter
!cewkaZaplonowa_1 = Ignition Coil B

// -------------------------------------------------bench

BenchName = Bench
!bench_FMW_Panther = ^BenchName Panther
!bench_FMW_Panther_leather1 = ^BenchName Panther Leather 1
!bench_FMW_Panther_leather2 = ^BenchName Panther Leather 2
!bench_bandit = ^BenchName Bandit
!bench_bianco = ^BenchName Bianco
!bench_bianco_leather1 = ^BenchName Bianco Leather 1
!bench_bianco_leather2 = ^BenchName Bianco Leather 2
!bench_bowen1 = ^BenchName Bowen Front
!bench_bowen2 = ^BenchName Bowen Rear
!bench_cape1 = ^BenchName Cape Front
!bench_cape2 = ^BenchName Cape Rear
!bench_chapman1 = ^BenchName Chapman Front
!bench_chapman2 = ^BenchName Chapman Rear
!bench_charger = ^BenchName Charger
!bench_continental = ^BenchName Continental
!bench_continental_leather1 = ^BenchName Continental Leather 1
!bench_continental_leather2 = ^BenchName Continental Leather 2
!bench_crown = ^BenchName Crown
!bench_crown_leather1 = ^BenchName Crown Leather 1
!bench_crown_leather2 = ^BenchName Crown Leather 2
!bench_cuda = ^BenchName Cuda
!bench_cuda_leather1 = ^BenchName Cuda Leather 1
!bench_cuda_leather2 = ^BenchName Cuda Leather 1
!bench_custom = ^BenchName Custom
!bench_custom_leather1 = ^BenchName Custom Leather 1
!bench_custom_leather2 = ^BenchName Custom Leather 2
!bench_earthquake = ^BenchName EarthQuake
!bench_earthquake_leather1 = ^BenchName Earthquake Leather 1
!bench_earthquake_leather2 = ^BenchName Earthquake Leather 2
!bench_earthquake_rex = ^BenchName Earthquake Rex
!bench_earthquake_rex_leather1 = ^BenchName Earthquake Rex Leather 1
!bench_earthquake_rex_leather2 = ^BenchName Earthquake Rex Leather 2
!bench_fastback = ^BenchName Fastback
!bench_fastback_leather1 = ^BenchName Fastback Leather 1
!bench_fastback_leather2 = ^BenchName Fastback Leather 2
!bench_flamo = ^BenchName Flamo
!bench_flamo_leather1 = ^BenchName Flamo Leather 1
!bench_flamo_leather2 = ^BenchName Flamo Leather 2
!bench_grand_club = ^BenchName Grand Club
!bench_grand_club_leather1 = ^BenchName Grand Club Leather 1
!bench_grand_club_leather2 = ^BenchName Grand Club Leather 2
!bench_hellcat = ^BenchName Hellcat
!bench_hellcat_leather1 = ^BenchName Hellcat Leather 1
!bench_hellcat_leather2 = ^BenchName Hellcat Leather 1
!bench_imperator = ^BenchName Imperator
!bench_imperator_leather1 = ^BenchName Imperator Leather 1
!bench_imperator_leather2 = ^BenchName Imperator Leather 2
!bench_katsumoto = ^BenchName Katsumoto
!bench_katsumoto_leather1 = ^BenchName Katsumoto Leather 1
!bench_katsumoto_leather2 = ^BenchName Katsumoto Leather 2
!bench_kieran = ^BenchName Kieran
!bench_kieran_leather1 = ^BenchName Kieran Leather 1
!bench_kieran_leather2 = ^BenchName Kieran Leather 2
!bench_lotz = ^BenchName Lotz
!bench_magnum = ^BenchName Magnum Leather
!bench_magnum_leather1 = ^BenchName Magnum Leather 1
!bench_magnum_leather2 = ^BenchName Magnum Leather 2
!bench_mayenm6 = ^BenchName M6
!bench_mayenm6_leather1 = ^BenchName M6 Leather 1
!bench_mayenm6_leather2 = ^BenchName M6 Leather 2
!bench_mayenm8 = ^BenchName M8
!bench_mayenm8_leather1 = ^BenchName M8 Leather 1
!bench_mayenm8_leather2 = ^BenchName M8 Leather 2
!bench_mojave = ^BenchName Mojave
!bench_mojave_leather1 = ^BenchName Mojave Leather 1
!bench_mojave_leather2 = ^BenchName Mojave Leather 2
!bench_moon = ^BenchName Moon
!bench_moon_leather1 = ^BenchName Moon Leather 1
!bench_moon_leather2 = ^BenchName Moon Leather 2
!bench_quattroporte = ^BenchName Quattroporte
!bench_rinopiccolo = ^BenchName Piccolo
!bench_rinopiccolo_leather1 = ^BenchName Piccolo Leather 1
!bench_rinopiccolo_leather2 = ^BenchName Piccolo Leather 2
!bench_roadrunner = ^BenchName Road Runner
!bench_rollett = ^BenchName Rollet Leather 1
!bench_rx-3 = ^BenchName RX-3 Leather 1
!bench_rx-7 = ^BenchName RX-7 Leather 1
!bench_sebring = ^BenchName Sebring
!bench_sebring_leather1 = ^BenchName Sebring Leather 1
!bench_sebring_leather2 = ^BenchName Sebring Leather 2
!bench_sec = ^BenchName Sec
!bench_sec_leather1 = ^BenchName Sec Leather 1
!bench_sec_leather2 = ^BenchName Sec Leather 2
!bench_seriesT = ^BenchName T Series
!bench_seriesT_leather1 = ^BenchName T Series Leather 1
!bench_seriesT_leather2 = ^BenchName T Series Leather 2
!bench_spectre = ^BenchName Spectre
!bench_spectre_leather1 = ^BenchName Spectre Leather 1
!bench_spectre_leather2 = ^BenchName Spectre Leather 2
!bench_stradale = ^BenchName Stradale
!bench_tbx = ^BenchName TBX
!bench_urs = ^BenchName Urs
!bench_urs_leather1 = ^BenchName Urs Leather 1
!bench_urs_leather2 = ^BenchName Urs Leather 2
!bench_avalanche = ^BenchName Avalanche
!bench_jeepwillys = ^BenchName Jeep Willys
!bench_m3 = ^BenchName M3

//------------------------------------------------- seats

SeatName = Seat

!seat_1_fabric1 = ^SeatName 1 Fabric A

!seat_1_fabric2 = ^SeatName 1 Fabric B
!seat_1_leather1 = ^SeatName 1 Leather A
!seat_1_leather2 = ^SeatName 1 Leather B
!seat_1_leather3 = ^SeatName 1 Leather C
!seat_1_leather4 = ^SeatName 1 Leather D

!seat_2_fabric1 = ^SeatName 2 Fabric A

!seat_2_fabric2 = ^SeatName 2 Fabric B
!seat_2_leather1 = ^SeatName 2 Leather A
!seat_2_leather2 = ^SeatName 2 Leather B
!seat_2_leather3 = ^SeatName 2 Leather C
!seat_2_leather4 = ^SeatName 2 Leather D

!seat_3_fabric1 = ^SeatName 3 Fabric A

!seat_3_fabric2 = ^SeatName 3 Fabric B
!seat_3_leather1 = ^SeatName 3 Leather A
!seat_3_leather2 = ^SeatName 3 Leather B
!seat_3_leather3 = ^SeatName 3 Leather C
!seat_3_leather4 = ^SeatName 3 Leather D

!seat_4_fabric1 = ^SeatName 4 Fabric A

!seat_4_fabric2 = ^SeatName 4 Fabric B
!seat_4_leather1 = ^SeatName 4 Leather A
!seat_4_leather2 = ^SeatName 4 Leather B
!seat_4_leather3 = ^SeatName 4 Leather C
!seat_4_leather4 = ^SeatName 4 Leather D

!seat_5_fabric1 = ^SeatName 5 Fabric A

!seat_5_fabric2 = ^SeatName 5 Fabric B
!seat_5_leather1 = ^SeatName 5 Leather A
!seat_5_leather2 = ^SeatName 5 Leather B
!seat_5_leather3 = ^SeatName 5 Leather C
!seat_5_leather4 = ^SeatName 5 Leather D

!seat_6_fabric1 = ^SeatName 6 Fabric A

!seat_6_fabric2 = ^SeatName 6 Fabric B
!seat_6_leather1 = ^SeatName 6 Leather A
!seat_6_leather2 = ^SeatName 6 Leather B
!seat_6_leather3 = ^SeatName 6 Leather C
!seat_6_leather4 = ^SeatName 6 Leather D

!seat_7_fabric1 = ^SeatName 7 Fabric A

!seat_7_fabric2 = ^SeatName 7 Fabric B
!seat_7_leather1 = ^SeatName 7 Leather A
!seat_7_leather2 = ^SeatName 7 Leather B
!seat_7_leather3 = ^SeatName 7 Leather C
!seat_7_leather4 = ^SeatName 7 Leather D

!seat_8_fabric1 = ^SeatName 8 Fabric A

!seat_8_fabric2 = ^SeatName 8 Fabric B
!seat_8_leather1 = ^SeatName 8 Leather A
!seat_8_leather2 = ^SeatName 8 Leather B
!seat_8_leather3 = ^SeatName 8 Leather C
!seat_8_leather4 = ^SeatName 8 Leather D

!seat_9_fabric1 = ^SeatName 9 Fabric A

!seat_9_fabric2 = ^SeatName 9 Fabric B
!seat_9_leather1 = ^SeatName 9 Leather A
!seat_9_leather2 = ^SeatName 9 Leather B
!seat_9_leather3 = ^SeatName 9 Leather C
!seat_9_leather4 = ^SeatName 9 Leather D

!seat_10_fabric1 = ^SeatName 10 Fabric A

!seat_10_fabric2 = ^SeatName 10 Fabric B
!seat_10_leather1 = ^SeatName 10 Leather A
!seat_10_leather2 = ^SeatName 10 Leather B
!seat_10_leather3 = ^SeatName 10 Leather C
!seat_10_leather4 = ^SeatName 10 Leather D

!seat_11_fabric1 = ^SeatName 11 Fabric A

!seat_11_fabric2 = ^SeatName 11 Fabric B
!seat_11_leather1 = ^SeatName 11 Leather A
!seat_11_leather2 = ^SeatName 11 Leather B
!seat_11_leather3 = ^SeatName 11 Leather C
!seat_11_leather4 = ^SeatName 11 Leather D

!seat_atlanta = ^SeatName Atlanta

!seat_continental = ^SeatName Continental GT
!seat_cuda = ^SeatName Cuda
!seat_delorean = ^SeatName Delorean
!seat_gullwing = ^SeatName Gullwing
!seat_quattroporte = ^SeatName Quattroporte
!seat_rx3 = ^SeatName RX3
!seat_rx7 = ^SeatName RX7
!seat_sebring = ^SeatName Sebring
!seat_sec = ^SeatName Sec
!seat_seriesT = ^SeatName T Series
!seat_stradale = ^SeatName Stradale
!seat_willys = ^SeatName Willys
!seat_bandit = ^SeatName Bandit
!seat_typhoon = ^SeatName Typhoon
!seat_reptiliar2 = ^SeatName Reptilia R2
!seat_lotz = ^SeatName Lotz
!seat_rollett = ^SeatName Rollett
!seat_tbx = ^SeatName TBX
!seat_charger = ^SeatName Charger
!seat_avalanche = ^SeatName Avalanche
!seat_m3 = ^SeatName M3

//------------------------------------------------- steering wheels

SteeringWheelName = Steering Wheel

!steering_wheel1 = ^SteeringWheelName 1
!steering_wheel10 = ^SteeringWheelName 10
!steering_wheel11 = ^SteeringWheelName 11
!steering_wheel12 = ^SteeringWheelName 12
!steering_wheel13 = ^SteeringWheelName 13
!steering_wheel14 = ^SteeringWheelName 14
!steering_wheel15 = ^SteeringWheelName 15
!steering_wheel16 = ^SteeringWheelName 16
!steering_wheel17 = ^SteeringWheelName 17
!steering_wheel2 = ^SteeringWheelName 2
!steering_wheel3 = ^SteeringWheelName 3
!steering_wheel4 = ^SteeringWheelName 4
!steering_wheel5 = ^SteeringWheelName 5
!steering_wheel6 = ^SteeringWheelName 6
!steering_wheel7 = ^SteeringWheelName 7
!steering_wheel8 = ^SteeringWheelName 8
!steering_wheel9 = ^SteeringWheelName 9
!steering_wheel_old1 = ^SteeringWheelName 18

!steering_wheel_atlanta = ^SteeringWheelName Atlanta

!steering_wheel_bowen = ^SteeringWheelName Bowen
!steering_wheel_cape = ^SteeringWheelName Cape
!steering_wheel_chapman = ^SteeringWheelName Chapman
!steering_wheel_continental = ^SteeringWheelName Continental
!steering_wheel_cuda = ^SteeringWheelName Cuda
!steering_wheel_delorean = ^SteeringWheelName Delorean
!steering_wheel_delorean2 = ^SteeringWheelName Delorean 2
!steering_wheel_gullwing = ^SteeringWheelName Gullwing
!steering_wheel_lotz = ^SteeringWheelName Lotz
!steering_wheel_quattroporte = ^SteeringWheelName Quattroporte
!steering_wheel_reptiliar2 = ^SteeringWheelName Reptilia R2
!steering_wheel_rx3 = ^SteeringWheelName RX3
!steering_wheel_rx7 = ^SteeringWheelName RX7
!steering_wheel_sebring = ^SteeringWheelName Sebring
!steering_wheel_sec = ^SteeringWheelName Sec
!steering_wheel_seriesT = ^SteeringWheelName T Series
!steering_wheel_stradale = ^SteeringWheelName Stradale
!steering_wheel_tbx = ^SteeringWheelName TBX
!steering_wheel_typhoon = ^SteeringWheelName Typhoon
!steering_wheel_rollett = ^SteeringWheelName Rollett
!steering_wheel_bandit = ^SteeringWheelName Bandit
!steering_wheel_charger = ^SteeringWheelName Charger
!steering_wheel_m3 = ^SteeringWheelName M3

//------------------------------------------------- rims

RimName = Rim

!rim_2 = ^RimName Classic 01

!rim_3 = ^RimName Classic 02
!rim_4 = ^RimName Retro 01
!rim_5 = ^RimName Retro 02
!rim_6 = ^RimName Classic 03
!rim_7 = ^RimName Classic 04
!rim_8 = ^RimName Classic 05
!rim_10 = ^RimName Modern 01
!rim_11 = ^RimName Retro 03
!rim_12 = ^RimName Retro 04
!rim_13 = ^RimName Retro 05
!rim_14 = ^RimName Classic 06
!rim_15 = ^RimName Retro 06
!rim_16 = ^RimName Classic 07
!rim_17 = ^RimName Basic 01
!rim_18 = ^RimName Basic 02
!rim_19 = ^RimName Classic 08
!rim_20 = ^RimName Retro 07
!rim_21 = ^RimName Retro 08
!rim_22 = ^RimName Classic 09
!rim_23 = ^RimName Classic 10
!rim_24 = ^RimName Retro 09
!rim_25 = ^RimName Retro 10
!rim_26 = ^RimName Retro 11
!rim_31 = ^RimName Retro 12
!rim_32 = ^RimName Retro 13
!rim_33 = ^RimName Modern 02
!rim_34 = ^RimName Modern 03
!rim_35 = ^RimName Classic 11
!rim_36 = ^RimName Classic 12
!rim_37 = ^RimName Classic 13
!rim_38 = ^RimName Modern 04
!rim_39 = ^RimName Classic 14
!rim_40 = ^RimName Modern 05
!rim_41 = ^RimName Classic 15
!rim_42 = ^RimName Classic 16
!rim_43 = ^RimName Classic 17
!rim_44 = ^RimName Classic 18
!rim_45 = ^RimName Classic 19
!rim_46 = ^RimName Modern 06
!rim_100 = ^RimName Classic 20
!rim_101 = ^RimName Modern 07
!rim_102 = ^RimName Modern 08
!rim_103 = ^RimName Modern 09
!rim_104 = ^RimName Modern 10

!rim_roadrunner = ^RimName RoadRunner

!rim_willys = ^RimName Jeep Willys
!rim_grand_cherokee = ^RimName Jeep Grand Cherokee
!rim_bentley_continentalB=^!rim_bentley_continental B
!rim_rx7_1 = ^RimName Mazda RX7 A
!rim_rx7_2 = ^RimName Mazda RX7 B
!rim_atlanta = ^RimName Atlanta
!rim_bowen = ^RimName Bowen
!rim_cape = ^RimName Cape
!rim_typhoon = ^RimName Typhoon
!rim_chapman = ^RimName Chapman
!rim_reptiliar2 = ^RimName Reptilia R2
!rim_lotz = ^RimName Lotz
!rim_tbx = ^RimName TBX
!rim_rollett = ^RimName Rollett
!rim_avalanche = ^RimName Avalanche
!rim_gullwing = ^RimName 300 SL
!rim_sec = ^RimName 560 SEC

!rim_25B = ^!rim_25 B
!rim_5B = ^!rim_5 B
!rim_11B = ^!rim_11 B
!rim_20B = ^!rim_20 B
!rim_43B = ^!rim_43 B
!rim_33B = ^!rim_33 B
!rim_25P = ^!rim_25 B
!rim_4B = ^!rim_4 B
!rim_37B = ^!rim_37 B
!rim_34B = ^!rim_34 B
!rim_34C = ^!rim_34 C
!rim_35B = ^!rim_35 B
!rim_36B = ^!rim_36 B
!rim_38B = ^!rim_38 B
!rim_44B = ^!rim_44 B
!rim_45B = ^!rim_45 B
!rim_46B = ^!rim_46 B
!rim_46C = ^!rim_46 C
!rim_11C = ^!rim_11 C
!rim_22C = ^!rim_22 C

//---------------------------------------------- dodane dlc maluch

!kaszlak_zwrotnicaPrzod_1 = Front Steering Knuckle (Maluch)
!kaszlak_drazekKierowniczy_1 = Inner Tie Rod (Maluch)
!kaszlak_drazekBoczny_1 = Outer Tie Rod (Maluch)
!kaszlak_ramionaWahaczaPrzod_1 = Front Suspension Arm (Maluch)
!kaszlak_szczeki_1 = Brake Shoe (Maluch)
!kaszlak_gumowyPrzod_1 = Front Rubber Buffer (Maluch)
!kaszlak_pierscienGumowy_1 = Rubber Ring Buffer (Maluch)
!kaszlak_piastaPrzod_1 = Front Wheel Hub (Maluch)
!kaszlak_polos_2 = Rear Drive Axle (Maluch)
!kaszlak_amortyzatorTyl_1 = Rear Shock Absorber (Maluch)
!kaszlak_cylinderek_1 = Drum Wheel Cylinder (Maluch)
!kaszlak_gumowyTyl_1 = Rear Rubber Buffer (Maluch)
!kaszlak_sworzenWahaczaPrzod_1 = Front Knuckle Pin (Maluch)
!kaszlak_wahaczTyl_1 = Rear Suspension Arm (Maluch)
!kaszlak_resory_1 = Leaf Spring (Maluch)
!kaszlak_przekladnia_1 = Steering Rack (Maluch)
!kaszlak_tarczaTyl_1 = Rear Knuckle Disc (Maluch)
!kaszlak_obejmaElastyczna_1 = Flexible Clamp (Maluch)
!kaszlak_gniazdoPierscienia_1 = Ring Buffer Socket (Maluch)
!kaszlak_bebenPrzod_1 = Front Brake Drum (Maluch)
!kaszlak_dekielek_1 = Cap (Maluch)
!kaszlak_babenTyl_1 = Rear Brake Drum (Maluch)
!kaszlak_wspornikWahacza_1 = Support Bracket (Maluch)
!kaszlak_sprezyna_1 = Spring (Maluch)
!kaszlak_tulejkaMala_1 = Small Rubber Bushing (Maluch)
!kaszlak_przegubPolosi_1 = Drive Axle Joint (Maluch)
!kaszlak_amortyzatorPrzod_1 = Front Shock Absorber (Maluch)
!kaszlak_tuleja_1 = Rubber Bushing (Maluch)
!kaszlak_piastaTyl_1 = Rear Wheel Hub (Maluch)
!kaszlak_lozysko_1 = Wheel Hub Bearing (Maluch)
!kaszlak_klips_1 = Clip (Maluch)
!kaszlak_cylinder_1 = Cylinder (Maluch)
!kaszlak_lancuch_1 = Timing Chain (Maluch)
!kaszlak_oslonaKolaZamachowego_1 = Flywheel Cover (Maluch)
!kaszlak_tlok_1 = Piston with Conrod (Maluch)
!kaszlak_walKorbowy_1 = Crankshaft (Maluch)
!kaszlak_tarczaSprzegla_1 = Clutch Plate (Maluch)
!kaszlak_cewkaZaplonowa_1 = Ignition Coil (Maluch)
!kaszlak_wydech_1 = Muffler (Maluch)
!kaszlak_palecRozdzielacza_1 = Ignition Distributor Rotor (Maluch)
!kaszlak_walRozrzadu_1 = Camshaft (Maluch)
!kaszlak_ruraCieplegoPowietrza_1 = Hot Air Pipe (Maluch)
!kaszlak_swieca_1 = Spark Plug (Maluch)
!kaszlak_ruraDmuchawy_1 = Cold Air Pipe (Maluch)
!kaszlak_pokrywaRozrzadu_1 = Timing Cover (Maluch)
!kaszlak_rozrusznik_1 = Starter (Maluch)
!kaszlak_rozdzielaczZaplonu_1 = Ignition Distributor (Maluch)
!kaszlak_pompaPaliwa_1 = Fuel Pump (Maluch)
!kaszlak_przewodOlejGlowica_1 = Oil Tube (Maluch)
!kaszlak_popychacz_1 = Valve Push Rod (Maluch)
!kaszlak_pokyrwaKolaPasowego_1 = Centrifugal Oil Filter (Maluch)
!kaszlak_pokrywaGlowicy_1 = Engine Head Cover (Maluch)
!kaszlak_pokrywaFiltra_1 = Air Filter Cover (Maluch)
!kaszlak_pasek_1 = Serpentine Belt (Maluch)
!kaszlak_panewkaGlownaTylna_1 = Rear Crankshaft Bearing (Maluch)
!kaszlak_panewkaGlownaPrzednia_1 = Front Crankshaft Bearing (Maluch)
!kaszlak_oslonaPrzewodu_1 = Oil Tube Cover (Maluch)
!kaszlak_oslonaPopychacza_1 = Valve Push Rod Cover (Maluch)
!kaszlak_obudowaWentylatoraTyl_1 = Rear Fan Cover (Maluch)
!kaszlak_obudowaWentylatoraPokrywa_1 = Top Fan Cover (Maluch)
!kaszlak_obudowaTermostatu_1 = Thermostat Cover (Maluch)
!kaszlak_korekOleju_1 = Oil Fill Plug (Maluch)
!kaszlak_obudowaWentylatoraPrzod_1 = Front Fan Cover (Maluch)
!kaszlak_lozyskoDociskowe_1 = Clutch Release Bearing (Maluch)
!kaszlak_miskaOlejowa_1 = Oil Pan (Maluch)
!kaszlak_kopulkaRozdzielacza_1 = Ignition Distributor Cap (Maluch)
!kaszlak_koloRozrzaduMale_1 = Small Cam Gear (Maluch)
!kaszlak_koloZamachowe_1 = Flywheel (Maluch)
!kaszlak_koloRozrzaduDuze_1 = Cam Gear (Maluch)
!kaszlak_koloPasowe_1 = Crankshaft Pulley (Maluch)
!kaszlak_kolektorWydechowy_1 = Exhaust Manifold (Maluch)
!kaszlak_kolankoLaczace_1 = Carburetor Elbow (Maluch)
!kaszlak_kable_1 = Ignition Wires (Maluch)
!kaszlak_glowica_1 = Engine Head (Maluch)
!kaszlak_gaznik_1 = Carburetor (Maluch)
!kaszlak_gearbox_1 = Gearbox (Maluch)
!kaszlak_filtrPowietrza_1 = Air filter (Maluch)
!kaszlak_dzwignieZaworu_1 = Rocker Arms (Maluch)
!kaszlak_dociskSprzegla_1 = Clutch Pressure Plate (Maluch)
!kaszlak_blok_1 = Engine Block (Maluch)
!kaszlak_bak_1 = Fuel Tank (Maluch)
!kaszlak_bagnet_1 = Oil Dipstick (Maluch)
!kaszlak_alternator_1 = Generator (Maluch)
!kaszlak_pompaHamulcowa_1 = Brake Pump (Maluch)
!kaszlak_filtr_paliwa_1 = Fuel Filter (Maluch)
!kaszlak_rim_1 = Rim Maluch

!mostPrzedni_1 = Front Drive Axle D

!walNapedowy_2 = Front Drive Shaft B
!skrzyniaRozdzielcza_1 = Transfer Case (4x4)
!w_v8_poczatkowy_2 = Front Exhaust Pipe B (V8)
!v8_pokrywa_glowicy1B = Engine Head Cover C (V8)
!v8_pokrywa_glowicy2B = Engine Head Cover D (V8)
!r6_wal_korbowy = Crankshaft (I6)
!r6_blok = Engine Block (I6)
!r6_kopulkaRozdzielacza = Ignition Distributor Cap (I6)
!r6_miska_olejowa = Oil Pan (I6)
!r6_kable = Ignition Wires (I6)
!r6_glowica_dohc = Engine Head (I6)
!r6_glowica_dohc_wkladka = Camshaft Cap (I6)
!r6_walek_rozrzadu = Camshaft (I6)
!r6_rolkaWalka = Cam Gear (I6)
!r6_gaznik_plaski = Carburetor (2-barrel side draft)
!r6_filtr = Round Air Filter (side draft)
!r6_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold (I6)
!r6_rolkaLancucha = Timing Chain Sprocket (I6)
!r6_lancuch = Timing Chain (I6)
!r6_pompaWody = Water Pump (I6)
!r6_oslona_rozrzadu = Timing Cover (I6)
!r6_kolo_pasowe_walu = Crankshaft Pulley (I6)
!r6_pasek_1 = Serpentine Belt A (I6)
!r6_pasek_2 = Serpentine Belt B (I6)
!r6_filtr_oleju = Oil Filter (I6)
!r6_pokrywa_glowicy = Engine Head Cover (I6)
!r6_wydech_poczatkowy = Front Exhaust Section (I6)
!sankiPrzod_4 = ^!sankiPrzod_1 C
!stabilizatorPrzod_2 = Front Sway Bar B
!zwrotnicaPrzod_double3 = Front Steering Knuckle C
!r6_2_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (300SL)
!r6_2_wtrysku_walek = Mechanical Fuel Injection Driver
!r6_2_glowica = Cylinder Head (300SL)
!r6_2_kolektor_wydechowy_oslona = Exhaust Manifold Cover (300SL)
!r6_2_glowica_wkladka = Camshaft Bearing
!r6_2_wtrysk = Mechanical Fuel Injection (300SL)
!r6_2_pokrywa_glowicy = Cylinder Head Cover (300SL)
!r6_2_lancuch = Timing Chain (300SL)
!r6_2_dzwignia_zaworu = Rocker Arm (300SL)
!r6_2_walek_rozrzadu = Camshaft (300SL)
!r6_2_blok = Engine Block (300SL)
!r6_2_przepustnica = Throttle (300SL)
!r6_2_kable = Ignition Wires (300SL)
!r6_2_oslonaRozrzadu = Timing Cover (300SL)
!r6_2_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold (300SL)
!r6_2_miska_olejowa = Oil Pan (300SL)
!w_r6_2_koncowy = Rear Muffler (300SL)
!w_r6_2_poczatkowy = Front Exhaust Section (300SL)
!w_r6_2_ruraLaczaca = Middle Exhaust Pipe (300SL)
!wentylator_3 = Radiator Fan B
!v8_2_lancuch = Timing Chain (560SEC)
!v8_2_walKorbowy = Crankshaft (560SEC)
!v8_2_filtr_sec_gora = Round Air Filter Cover (560SEC)
!v8_2_kable = Ignition Wires (560SEC)
!v8_2_rolkaLancucha = Timing Chain Sprocket (560SEC)
!v8_2_pokrywa_dystrybutora = Ignition Distributor Cover (560SEC)
!v8_2_filtr_sec_srodek = Round Air Filter (560SEC)
!v8_2_walekdystrybutora = Ignition Distributor Camshaft (560SEC)
!v8_2_rozrzad_oslona = Timing Cover (560SEC)
!v8_2_rolkaWalka = Cam Gear (560SEC)
!v8_2_pokrywa_glowicy_2 = Cylinder Head Cover B (560SEC)
!v8_2_przeplywomierz = Air Flow Sensor (560SEC)
!v8_2_kolektordolotowy = Intake Manifold (560SEC)
!v8_2_filtr_sec_dol = Round Air Filter Base (560SEC)
!v8_2_glowica = Cylinder Head (560SEC)
!v8_2_blok = Engine Block (560SEC)
!v8_2_wtrysk = Mechanical Fuel Injection (560SEC)
!v8_2_walek_rozrzadu = Camshaft (560SEC)
!v8_2_pokrywa_glowicy_1 = Cylinder Head Cover A (560SEC)
!w_v8_2_koncowy = Rear Muffler (560SEC)
!w_v8_2_tlumik_srodkowy = Middle Exhaust Pipe (560SEC)
!w_v8_2_rezonator = Exhaust Resonator (560SEC)
!v8_supercharger_stary = Supercharger (V8 OHV)
!v8_supercharger_kolektor_dolotowy_stary = Supercharger Intake Manifold (V8 OHV)
!v8_supercharger_pasek_stary = Supercharger Serpentine Belt (V8 OHV)
!v8_supercharger_pasek2b = Supercharger Serpentine Belt (V8)
!v8_supercharger_kolektor_dolotowy = Supercharger Intake Manifold (V8)
!v8_supercharger = Supercharger (V8)
!rolka_pompy_wody_supercharger = Supercharger Water Pump Pulley (V8 OHV)
!v8_filtr_1 = Scoop Air Filter (V8 OHV)
!v8_scoop_1 = Air Scoop (V8 OHV)
!stradale_kolektor = Intake Manifold (Stradale)
!stradale_obudowaFiltra_dol = Air Filter Base (Stradale)
!stradale_obudowaFiltra_gora = Air Filter Cover (Stradale)
!stradale_pokrywa_glowicy1 = Engine Head Cover A (Stradale)
!stradale_pokrywa_glowicy2 = Engine Head Cover B (Stradale)
!stradale_przepustnica = Throttle (Stradale)
!sebring_kopulkaRozdzielacza = Ignition Distributor Cap (Sebring)
!sebring_wydech_poczatkowy = Front Exhaust Section (Sebring)
!sebring_pokrywa_glowicy2 = Engine Head Cover B (Sebring)
!sebring_pokrywa_glowicy1 = Engine Head Cover A (Sebring)
!sebring_oslona_rozrzadu = Timing Cover (Sebring)
!sebring_lancuch = Timing Chain (Sebring)
!sebring_kable = Ignition Wires (Sebring)
!sebring_glowica = Engine Head (Sebring)
!sebring_blok = Engine Block (Sebring)
!rim_maserati = Rim Stradale
!rim_maserati_old = Rim Sebring
!zwrotnicaPrzod_3 = Front Steering Knuckle D
!w_koncowy_sebring = Rear Muffler (Sebring)
!w_ruraLaczaca_stradale = Exhaust Pipe (Stradale)
!stradale_tlumik_koncowy = Rear Muffler (Stradale)
!delorean_rolka_pompy_wody = Water Pump Pulley (V6)
!delorean_walek_rozrzadu = Camshaft (V6)
!delorean_glowica_2 = Engine Head B (V6)
!delorean_glowica_1 = Engine Head A (V6)
!delorean_popychacze = Rocker Arms (V6)
!delorean_rolka_walka = Cam Gear (V6)
!delorean_slizg_2 = Timing Guide B (V6)
!delorean_slizg_1 = Timing Guide A (V6)
!delorean_lancuch_1 = Timing Chain A (V6)
!delorean_lancuch_2 = Timing Chain B (V6)
!delorean_miska_olejowa = Oil Pan (V6)
!delorean_pokrywa_glowicy_2 = Head Cover B (V6)
!delorean_pokrywa_glowicy_1 = Head Cover A (V6)
!delorean_pasek_2 = Serpentine Belt B (V6)
!delorean_walKorbowy = Crankshaft (V6)
!delorean_filtr_srodek = Air Filter (V6)
!delorean_pasek_1 = Serpentine Belt C (V6)
!delorean_gearbox = Gearbox (V6)
!delorean_kopulkaRozdzielacza = Ignition Distributor Cap (V6)
!delorean_filtr_dol = Air Filter Base (V6)
!delorean_kolo_pasowe_walu = Crankshaft Pulley (V6)
!delorean_pokrywa_rozrzadu = Timing Cover (V6)
!delorean_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (V6)
!delorean_blok = Engine Block (V6)
!delorean_filtr_gora = Air Filter Cover (V6)
!delorean_wtrysk = Mechanical Fuel Injection
!delorean_kolektor_wylotowy = Exhaust Manifold (V6)
!delorean_przeplywomierz = Mixture Unit with Throttle (V6)
!delorean_filtr_oleju = Oil Filter (V6)
!delorean_pompa_wody = Water Pump (V6)
!delorean_kable = Ignition Wires (V6)
!w_tlumik_koncowy_delorean = Rear Muffler (V6)
!wahaczDol_double_2 = Bottom Suspension Arm B
!zwrotnicaTyl_double_2 = Rear Axle Knuckle Housing D
!polosNapedowaTylna_2 = Rear Drive Axle B
!rim_delorean = Rim DeLorean
!piastaTyl_2 = Rear Wheel Hub B
!delorean_gearbox_v8 = Gearbox B (V8)
!delorean_kolektor_wydechowy_v8 = Exhaust Manifold B (V8)
!tire_raceplus = Race Tire Plus
!w_koncowy_quattroporte = Rear Muffler (Quattroporte)
!w_ruraLaczaca_quattroporte = Exhaust Pipe (Quattroporte)
!v8_quattroporte_przepustnica = Throttle (Quattroporte)
!v8_quattroporte_kolektorturbo = Turbo Exhaust Manifold (Quattroporte)
!v8_quattroporte_kolektor = Intake Manifold (Quattroporte)
!v8_quattroporte_blok = Engine Block (Quattroporte)
!rim_quattroporte = Rim Quattroporte
!quattroporte_pokrywa_glowicy1 = Engine Head Cover A (Quattroporte)
!quattroporte_pokrywa_glowicy2 = Engine Head Cover B (Quattroporte)
!w_v8_poczatkowy_stary2 = Front Exhaust Section (T-Series)
!v8_walek_stary2 = Camshaft (T-Series)
!v8_rozrzad_oslona_stary2 = Timing Cover (T-Series)
!v8_mocowanieRolki_stary2 = Idler Roller Bracket (T-Series)
!v8_lapa_stary2 = Alternator Bracket (T-Series)
!v8_alternator_stary2 = Alternator (T-Series)
!v8_pasek_1_stary2 = Serpentine Belt A (T-Series)
!v8_pasek_2_stary2 = Serpentine Belt B (T-Series)
!v8_miska_olejowa_stary2 = Oil Pan (T-Series)
!v8_kolektor_wydechowy_stary2 = Exhaust Manifold (T-Series)
!v8_pompa_wspomagania_stary2 = Power Steering Pump (T-Series)
!v8_popychacz_stary2 = Valve Push Rod (T-Series)
!v8_dzwigniezaworu_stary2 = Rocker Arms (T-Series)
!v8_walKorbowy_stary2 = Crankshaft (T-Series)
!v8_gearbox_stary2 = Gearbox (T-Series)
!v8_korekOleju_stary2 = Oil Fill Plug (T-Series)
!v8_wtryski_stary2 = Fuel Rail (T-Series)
!v8_pokrywa_glowicy_1_stary2 = Engine Head Cover A (T-Series)
!v8_pokrywa_glowicy_2_stary2 = Engine Head Cover B (T-Series)
!v8_blok_stary2 = Engine Block (T-Series)
!v8_kable_stary2 = Ignition Wires (T-Series)
!v8_pompaWody_stary2 = Water Pump (T-Series)
!v8_glowica_2_stary2 = Engine Head A (T-Series)
!v8_glowica_1_stary2 = Engine Head B (T-Series)
!v8_kolektordolotowy_stary2 = Intake Manifold (T-Series)
!v8_gaznik_stary2 = Dual Carburetor (T-Series)
!v8_przepustnica_stary2 = Throttle (T-Series)
!v8_filtrDol_stary2 = Round Air Filter Cover (T-Series)
!v8_ruraFiltra_stary2 = Air Filter Pipe (T-Series)
!v8_filtr_stary_2 = Round Air Filter (T-Series)
!w_w12_poczatkowy = Front Exhaust Section (W12)
!w_w12_koncowy = Rear Muffler (W12)
!w12_rolka_lancucha_rozrzadu = Timing Chain Sprocket (W12)
!w12_filtr = Air Filter (W12)
!w12_obudowaFiltra_gora_1 = Air Filter Cover A (W12)
!w12_przepustnica = Throttle (W12)
!w12_walKorbowy = Crankshaft (W12)
!w12_blok = Engine Block (W12)
!w12_lancuch_1 = Timing Chain A (W12)
!w12_walek_rozrzadu = Camshaft (W12)
!w12_pokrywaLogo = Intake Manifold Cover (W12)
!w12_obudowaFiltra_gora_2 = Air Filter Cover B (W12)
!w12_napinacz = Belt Tensioner (W12)
!w12_rolka_pompy_wody = Water Pump Pulley (W12)
!w12_miskaOlejowa = Oil Pan (W12)
!w12_pasek = Serpentine Belt (W12)
!w12_tlok = Piston with Conrod (W12)
!w12_glowica_wkladka = Camshaft Cap (W12)
!w12_listwaWtryskowa = Fuel Rail (W12)
!w12_termostat = Thermostat (W12)
!w12_glowica = Engine Head (W12)
!w12_gearbox = Gearbox (W12)
!w12_pokrywaRozrzadu = Timing Cover (W12)
!w12_lancuch_2 = Timing Chain B (W12)
!w12_korekOleju = Oil Fill Plug (W12)
!w12_rolkaWalka = Cam Gear (W12)
!w12_filtr_oleju = Oil Filter (W12)
!w12_obudowaFiltra_dol = Air Filter Base (W12)
!w12_pokrywa_2 = Engine Head Cover B (W12)
!w12_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold (W12)
!w12_pompa_wody = Water Pump (W12)
!w12_kolektor_dolotowy_gorny = Intake Manifold A (W12)
!w12_pokrywa_1 = Engine Head Cover A (W12)
!w12_kolektor_dolotowy_dolny = Intake Manifold B (W12)
!w12_turbo = Turbocharger (W12)
!w12_kolo_zamachowe = Flywheel (W12)
!rim_bentley_77 = Rim T-Series
!rim_bentley_continental = Rim Continental GT Right Side
!polosNapedowa_7 = Front Drive Axle F
!walNapedowy_4 = Front Drive Shaft C
!w12_dyferPrzod = Front differential (W12)
!skrzyniaRozdzielcza_2 = Transfer Case (W12)


!wentylatorChlodnicy_1 = Radiator Fan Housing

!wentylatorChlodnicy_1_fan_1 = ^!wentylatorChlodnicy_1 Fan
!wentylatorChlodnicy_2 = ^!wentylatorChlodnicy_1 B
!wentylatorChlodnicy_2_fan_1 = ^!wentylatorChlodnicy_2 Fan 1
!wentylatorChlodnicy_2_fan_2 = ^!wentylatorChlodnicy_2 Fan 2
!tlok_1_pokrywa_stopy = Rod Cap
!tlok_1_pierscienie_1 = Piston Rings
!zwrotnicaPrzod_oslona_1 = Front Axle Knuckle Cover
!zwrotnicaTyl_oslona_1 = Rear Axle Knuckle Cover
!w12_tlok_pierscienie_1 = Piston Rings (W12)
!chlodnica_2 = Radiator C
!chlodnica_2_nakretka = Radiator C Cap

!zaciskHamulcowy_tloczek_1 = Brake Caliper Cylinder

!zwrotnicaPrzodBeben_1_double = Wheel Hub 1
!zwrotnicaPrzodBeben_oslona_1 = Wheel Hub 2
!zwrotnicaTyl_oslona_2 = Wheel Hub 3
!zwrotnicaTylBeben_oslona_1 = Wheel Hub 4

!amortyzator_double_rear = ^!amortyzator_double Rear

!w_v8_poczatkowy_h1 = ^!w_v8_poczatkowy A
!w_v8_poczatkowy_h2 = ^!w_v8_poczatkowy B
!w_v8_poczatkowy_h3 = ^!w_v8_poczatkowy C
!w_v8_poczatkowy_stary_h1 = ^!w_v8_poczatkowy_stary A
!w_v8_poczatkowy_stary_h2 = ^!w_v8_poczatkowy_stary B
!w_v8_poczatkowy_stary_h3 = ^!w_v8_poczatkowy_stary C
!sankiPrzod_5 = ^!sankiPrzod_1 D
!sankiPrzod_6 = ^!sankiPrzod_1 E

!engine_r4 = I4 DOHC AQC
!engine_r4_sohc = I4 SOHC ABT
!engine_r4_sohc_4x4 = I4 SOHC 4x4
!engine_r4_sohc_wzdluzny = I4 SOHC BMJ
!engine_r6_dohc_wzdluzny = I6 DOHC
!engine_r4_turbo = I4 DOHC Turbocharged
!engine_v8 = V8 DOHC AXK
!engine_v8_stary = V8 1carb OHV
!engine_v8_stary_2carb = V8 2carb OHV
!engine_v8_4x4 = V8 DOHC 4x4
!engine_r6_sohc = I6 SOHC
!engine_v8_sec = V8 SOHC
!engine_v8_stary_scharged = V8 2carb OHV Supercharged
!engine_v8_scharged = V8 DOHC Supercharged
!engine_v8_stradale = V8 DOHC BCN
!engine_r6_sebring = I6 SOHC
!engine_v6_delorean = V6 SOHC
!engine_v8_delorean = V8 DOHC CRG
!engine_w12 = W12 Twin-Turbo
!engine_v8_bentley = V8 OHV
!engine_i3 = I3 DOHC
!engine_i4 = I4 DOHC BFM
!engine_i4_4x4 = I4 DOHC 4x4
!engine_i6_old = I6 OHV
!engine_rot_new = ROTARY 1
!engine_rot_old = ROTARY 2
!engine_v6_30 = V6 DOHC AKZ
!engine_v8zz = V8 OHV ZZ
!engine_v12 = V12 DOHC
!engine_v8_quattroporte = V8 Twin-Turbo DOHC
!engine_i3_turbo = I3 DOHC Turbocharged
!engine_v8_hemi = V8 OHV HEMI
!engine_v8_sixpack = V8 OHV 6P
!engine_v8_magnum = V8 OHV MAG
!engine_v8_409 = V8 OHV SS

GUI_PM_TakePhoto = Take Photo
GUI_PM_Focus = Focus
GUI_PM_Up = Move Up
GUI_PM_Down = Move Down
GUI_PM_Fov = Fov [Hold]
GUI_PM_Roll = Roll [Hold]
GUI_PM_Aperture = Aperture [Hold]

!tire_standard = Standard Tire
!tire_standard_2 = ^!tire_standard B
!tire_sport = Sport Tire
!tire_race = Race Tire
!tire_race_2 = ^!tire_race B
!tire_slick = Slick Tire
!tire_slick_2 = ^!tire_slick B
!tire_4x4 = Offroad Tire
!tire_4x4_2 = ^!tire_4x4 B
!tire_vintage = Vintage Tire
!tire_vintage_2 = ^!tire_vintage B
!tire_vintage_wall1 = ^!tire_vintage Wall A
!tire_vintage_wall2 = ^!tire_vintage Wall B
!tire_vintage_wall3 = ^!tire_vintage Wall C

//--- START do not translate!

!t_filtr_paliwa_1 = ^!filtr_paliwa_1
!t_w_v8_2_tlumik_srodkowy = ^!w_v8_2_tlumik_srodkowy
!t_w_v8_poczatkowy = ^!w_v8_poczatkowy
!t_w_r6_2_poczatkowy = ^!w_r6_2_poczatkowy
!t_w_r6_2_ruraLaczaca = ^!w_r6_2_ruraLaczaca
!t_w_v8_poczatkowy_2 = ^!w_v8_poczatkowy_2
!t_w_r4_poczatkowy = ^!w_r4_poczatkowy
!t_w_tlumik_srodkowy_B = ^!w_tlumik_srodkowy_B
!t_w_ruraLaczaca = ^!w_ruraLaczaca
!t_w_v8_2_rezonator = ^!w_v8_2_rezonator
!t_w_r4_turbo_poczatkowy = ^!w_r4_turbo_poczatkowy
!t_w_v8_poczatkowy_stary = ^!w_v8_poczatkowy_stary
!t_w_r4_poczatkowy_wzdluzny = ^!w_r4_poczatkowy_wzdluzny
!t_cewkaZaplonowa_1 = ^!cewkaZaplonowa_1
!t_tarcza_sprzegla = ^!tarcza_sprzegla
!t_listwa_wtryskowa_2 = ^!listwa_wtryskowa_2
!t_r4_walek_rozrzadu = ^!r4_walek_rozrzadu
!t_r4_walek_rozrzadu_sohc_1 = ^!r4_walek_rozrzadu_sohc_1
!t_v8_walek_rozrzadu = ^!v8_walek_rozrzadu
!t_cewka_1 = ^!cewka_1
!t_listwa_wtryskowa = ^!listwa_wtryskowa
!t_v8_2_filtr_sec_srodek = ^!v8_2_filtr_sec_srodek
!t_r4_modul_zaplonowy_sohc_1 = ^!r4_modul_zaplonowy_sohc_1
!t_v8_2_walek_rozrzadu = ^!v8_2_walek_rozrzadu
!t_r6_2_walek_rozrzadu = ^!r6_2_walek_rozrzadu
!t_filtr_1x4_srodek = ^!filtr_1x4_srodek
!t_swieca_1 = ^!swieca_1
!t_pompa_wspomagania = ^!pompa_wspomagania
!t_filtr_1 = ^!filtr_1
!t_r6_filtr = ^!r6_filtr
!t_pompa_1 = ^!pompa_1
!t_filtr_2x4_srodek = ^!filtr_2x4_srodek
!t_tlok_1 = ^!tlok_1
!t_r6_kolektor_wydechowy = ^!r6_kolektor_wydechowy
!t_r4_kolektor_dolotowy3 = ^!r4_kolektor_dolotowy3
!t_w_katalizator = ^!w_katalizator
!t_v8_przepustnica = ^!v8_przepustnica
!t_v8_kable_stary = ^!v8_kable_stary
!t_kaszlak_gaznik_1 = ^!kaszlak_gaznik_1
!t_v8_kolo_zamachowe = ^!v8_kolo_zamachowe
!t_v8_glowica = ^!v8_glowica
!t_r4_kable_sohc_1 = ^!r4_kable_sohc_1
!t_r6_kable = ^!r6_kable
!t_v8_kolektor_wydechowy_stary_1 = ^!v8_kolektor_wydechowy_stary_1
!t_v8_2_kable = ^!v8_2_kable
!t_v8_kolektordolotowy_2x4 = ^!v8_kolektordolotowy_2x4
!t_w_tlumik_wzdluzny = ^!w_tlumik_wzdluzny
!t_rozdzielaczZaplonu_1 = ^!rozdzielaczZaplonu_1
!t_r6_gaznik_plaski = ^!r6_gaznik_plaski
!t_v8_2_glowica = ^!v8_2_glowica
!t_kaszlak_wydech_1 = ^!kaszlak_wydech_1
!t_docisk_sprzegla = ^!docisk_sprzegla
!t_kaszlak_glowica_1 = ^!kaszlak_glowica_1
!t_v8_glowica_stara = ^!v8_glowica_stara
!t_kopulkaRozdzielacza_1 = ^!kopulkaRozdzielacza_1
!t_v8_gaznik_1 = ^!v8_gaznik_1
!t_r6_2_glowica = ^!r6_2_glowica
!t_r4_kolektor_wydechowy2 = ^!r4_kolektor_wydechowy2
!t_r6_glowica_dohc = ^!r6_glowica_dohc
!t_r6_2_kable = ^!r6_2_kable
!t_r4_przepustnica = ^!r4_przepustnica
!t_turbo_2 = ^!turbo_2
!t_v8_kolektor_wydechowy = ^!v8_kolektor_wydechowy
!t_r4_kolektor_dolotowy4 = ^!r4_kolektor_dolotowy4
!t_palecRozdzielacza_1 = ^!palecRozdzielacza_1
!t_r4_glowica_2 = ^!r4_glowica_2
!t_w_r6_2_koncowy = ^!w_r6_2_koncowy
!t_alternator = ^!alternator
!t_r4_glowica_sohc_1 = ^!r4_glowica_sohc_1
!t_r4_kolektor_wydechowy_sohc_1 = ^!r4_kolektor_wydechowy_sohc_1
!t_kaszlak_kable_1 = ^!kaszlak_kable_1
!t_r4_kolektor_wydechowy = ^!r4_kolektor_wydechowy
!t_w_tlumik_koncowy = ^!w_tlumik_koncowy
!t_w_v8_2_koncowy = ^!w_v8_2_koncowy
!t_w_v8_koncowy = ^!w_v8_koncowy
!t_w_v8_koncowy_stary = ^!w_v8_koncowy_stary
!t_r4_pompa_wspomagania = ^!r4_pompa_wspomagania
!t_r6_walek_rozrzadu = ^!r6_walek_rozrzadu
!t_r6_kopulkaRozdzielacza = ^!r6_kopulkaRozdzielacza
!t_r6_wydech_poczatkowy = ^!r6_wydech_poczatkowy
!t_v8_walek_stary = ^!v8_walek_stary
!t_sebring_glowica = ^!sebring_glowica
!t_sebring_kable = ^!sebring_kable
!t_sebring_kopulkaRozdzielacza = ^!sebring_kopulkaRozdzielacza
!t_sebring_wydech_poczatkowy = ^!sebring_wydech_poczatkowy
!t_stradale_kolektor = ^!stradale_kolektor
!t_stradale_przepustnica = ^!stradale_przepustnica
!t_stradale_tlumik_koncowy = ^!stradale_tlumik_koncowy
!t_w_koncowy_sebring = ^!w_koncowy_sebring
!t_w_ruraLaczaca_stradale = ^!w_ruraLaczaca_stradale
!t_delorean_filtr_srodek = ^!delorean_filtr_srodek
!t_delorean_glowica_1 = ^!delorean_glowica_1
!t_delorean_glowica_2 = ^!delorean_glowica_2
!t_delorean_kable = ^!delorean_kable
!t_delorean_kolektor_dolotowy = ^!delorean_kolektor_dolotowy
!t_delorean_kolektor_wydechowy_v8 = ^!delorean_kolektor_wydechowy_v8
!t_delorean_kolektor_wylotowy = ^!delorean_kolektor_wylotowy
!t_delorean_kopulkaRozdzielacza = ^!delorean_kopulkaRozdzielacza
!t_delorean_walek_rozrzadu = ^!delorean_walek_rozrzadu
!t_v8_quattroporte_kolektor = ^!v8_quattroporte_kolektor
!t_v8_quattroporte_kolektorturbo = ^!v8_quattroporte_kolektorturbo
!t_v8_quattroporte_przepustnica = ^!v8_quattroporte_przepustnica
!t_w_koncowy_quattroporte = ^!w_koncowy_quattroporte
!t_w_ruraLaczaca_quattroporte = ^!w_ruraLaczaca_quattroporte
!t_w_tlumik_koncowy_delorean = ^!w_tlumik_koncowy_delorean
!t_v8_alternator_stary2 = ^!v8_alternator_stary2
!t_v8_filtr_stary_2 = ^!v8_filtr_stary_2
!t_v8_gaznik_stary2 = ^!v8_gaznik_stary2
!t_v8_glowica_1_stary2 = ^!v8_glowica_1_stary2
!t_v8_glowica_2_stary2 = ^!v8_glowica_2_stary2
!t_v8_kable_stary2 = ^!v8_kable_stary2
!t_v8_kolektor_wydechowy_stary2 = ^!v8_kolektor_wydechowy_stary2
!t_v8_kolektordolotowy_stary2 = ^!v8_kolektordolotowy_stary2
!t_v8_pompa_wspomagania_stary2 = ^!v8_pompa_wspomagania_stary2
!t_v8_przepustnica_stary2 = ^!v8_przepustnica_stary2
!t_v8_walek_stary2 = ^!v8_walek_stary2
!t_w12_filtr = ^!w12_filtr
!t_w12_glowica = ^!w12_glowica
!t_w12_kolektor_dolotowy_gorny = ^!w12_kolektor_dolotowy_gorny
!t_w12_turbo = ^!w12_turbo
!t_w12_kolektor_dolotowy_dolny = ^!w12_kolektor_dolotowy_dolny
!t_w12_kolektor_wydechowy = ^!w12_kolektor_wydechowy
!t_w12_walek_rozrzadu = ^!w12_walek_rozrzadu
!t_w12_przepustnica = ^!w12_przepustnica
!t_w12_listwaWtryskowa = ^!w12_listwaWtryskowa
!t_w12_tlok = ^!w12_tlok
!t_w_w12_poczatkowy = ^!w_w12_poczatkowy
!t_w_w12_koncowy = ^!w_w12_koncowy
!t_w_v8_poczatkowy_stary2 = ^!w_v8_poczatkowy_stary2
//--- END do not translate!

//------------------------------------------------------------------------ Story

MissionDesc1=A year and a half ago I bought this car for my son. He said that he's
not interested in anything except driving it and occasionally filling it up at the
gas station. Please check the oil and the tires.
MissionDesc2=I read in a newspaper that the timing components should be replaced
more frequently than recommended by the manufacturer. The same goes for the oil!
Please check both of those things and replace whatever you decide is needed.
MissionDesc3=Hey! I’m RoadMaster1234! That's what they call me on the Internet! I’m
a master behind the steering wheel... in games! Now I got a real machine and I’ll
show those disbelievers what I can do on a real road! So please do something with
these rims because they slow me down! Oh, and I think something is not right with
the engine, it’s making a strange banging noise. Take care!
MissionDesc4=When driving through a city I didn’t notice a speed bump. Please check
the front suspension, because I have an impression that something is not right...
MissionDesc5=I bought this machine from a friend of mine who needed money quickly.
He assured me that the car was fine, but I feel it pulling to the right... and this
strange smell... like mushrooms? From what I remember, he works behind a desk, not
in sales... Anyway, check what's wrong with it and make it usable.
MissionDesc6=My car doesn’t start anymore. When it used to run it made strange
noises. Every morning I would wake up my entire neighborhood. Please make it start
and see if you can do something so it's not so darn loud.
MissionDesc7=I bought this car from a dealer. It wasn’t the cheapest but supposedly
it was a good deal! The problem is that it's very difficult to shift through
gears... and sometimes something bangs on the left side...and the right side too.
Check the general condition of the car and repair whatever you find broken. The
dealer ensured me that everything is nearly brand new!
MissionDesc8=Hello! I bought a brand new Olsen Grand Club! It’s a great car. In the
ad it said that the car is great for off-roading but I have an impression that
driving a SUV on the sand dunes was not a good idea. Something is scraping and I
noticed a leak... Please do something about it. I need the car for an off-road trip
with my friends this weekend.
MissionDesc9=I was on my way back from a party and... I believe I might have hit a
rather large pot hole or something. Please assess the damage and make any necessary
repairs... this car belongs to my father-in-law...
MissionDesc10=Good afternoon. I had a small accident on the express way. An 18
wheeler pushed me off the road. I know that the car does not look so great anymore
but I cannot afford anything else right now. I just need it to run.
MissionDesc11=Hello, it's me again... It seems that my last trip was a bit too much
for me and my car which has lost a little bit of weight. I was told by the people
at the dealership that all this is because I had the wrong tires fitted. Please
install correct off-road tires on the car and do whatever is necessary to make it
drivable again. I'm planning on driving this car through Siberia two weeks from
MissionDesc12=I became a victim of a failure... The manufacturer claims that it's
all my fault that the ABS pump has failed and the brakes locked up. It all went
down hill from there... I started sliding and got a few scratches on the car. The
important bit is that I am OK. Look the car over and repair anything that's broken.
I recon that aside from the brakes I could use a new steering wheel. A new airbag
would be a good idea too.
MissionDesc13=Hello. I was recently away on a two week business trip and I let my
husband use my car during that time. Now that I'm back, something has to go! And I
mean the husband, not the car. See what he did to it as I don't really have the
time to describe it all. I'm on my way to my lawyer to take care of the divorce
papers. Just let me know when the car is ready.
MissionDesc14=Hey man! It's me again and I need your help again. My street racer
career is progressing nicely and now that I've made some money from some Internet
videos I am ready to tweak my beast a little. You know, when the light goes green
and I really step on it I feel that I have to work harder than before. By the way,
the car doesn't feel as comfortable as it should. Do something about that interior
and see if the engine needs a tune-up or something. See Ya!
MissionDesc15=Hi, A while back I got a car which just recently stopped working... I
have no idea what happened as I don't know much about cars. My ex-wife says that
I'm a loser but driving cars is not, as they say, rocket surgery or... was it brain
science? Umm... Anyway, see what bits are missing and what needs to be fixed.
MissionDesc16=Hello, it's me again. My last purchase was not as great as I've hoped
for but this time I've found a true gem for my wife. Those internet auctions are a
treasure trove of great used cars plus I did everything "couch potato style" - from
my couch! I haven't seen the car yet but judging from the pictures I don't believe
it needs a lot work. The car is coming straight to your garage. Please check the
oil and make any necessary repairs. Thanks!
MissionDesc17=Yo dude! I need to get rid of my car and I need you to make it
pretty. You know, people like shiny things so, make it shine! It's almost brand new
so there's not much to do. You can do it!
MissionDesc18=I've got something unique for you! Together with a friend of mine I
have saved a little race car from the junkyard. I want to give it another chance at
life and I want to race this car on an actual race track. To do that, this little
baby needs to run first and this is where you come in. Do your best and make it
really fast! I don't care how it looks I just want it to go like... you know what.
MissionDesc19=Hello my friend. It's me again, the off-road maniac. I have a feeling
that my Grand Club doesn't really seem fit for real off-road adventures or it might
just be my bad luck. On top of that a bunch of crazy wild bears decided to chew on
my poor car. Some body parts got eaten so please replace them and make any
necessary repairs. Thank you.
MissionDesc20=This vehicle has been passed down from generation to generation. When
my father was my age he got it from his father. Unfortunately my dad never got a
driver's license and the car just sat in a barn all those years. Now that it was
passed on to me I want to restore it to its former glory. Please do whatever you
can to make this classic beauty look and drive like a new car again.
MissionDesc21=Hello. It's time to renew the registration on this car and that means
passing inspection. It doesn't have to be perfect, I just need it to pass. Please
take a look at it and see what you can do. Thank you.
MissionDesc22=My car has some serious steering issues. I don't feel safe driving it
anymore. Please fix whatever is wrong with it. Thank you.
MissionDesc23=My Bolthorn Grand Mojave is my workhorse at my vineyard. To be
honest, I don't go easy on it. It's been fine but recently it just became
uncomfortable. The interior needs some much needed attention too. See what you can
do with it. Thank you.
MissionDesc24=Hello. What can I say... those used car dealers are a special kind.
My Crown which I recently got from one those clowns is becoming worst with each
passing day. Do a general inspection and replace any worn out parts. Thanks!
MissionDesc25=This is a limited edition Kieran. At the price that I've paid it was
practically a steal. The problem is that it sat in a barn for a while. Check it out
to see if it was a great find or just a piece of junk. Either way, please fix it up
for me. Money is no issue here.Just make it pretty.
MissionDesc26=My students are complaining that the clutch is very heavy. Another
issue is that we had a little incident recently that ended in a close encounter
with a curb at a fairly high rate of speed. After the incident I've noticed
something dripping from under the car. I'd like you to go over the car and fix
whatever you find so my young drivers are not afraid of getting behind the wheel of
this car.
MissionDesc27=Hi, it's me again and this time with a new set of wheels. My Bianco
has unfortunately lost a battle with the Internet haters and... well, that's
history. I got a new car now, I mean it's new to me. There's a "little bit" of a
rust issue but I'm sure it's going to be no problem for you. By the way, have a
look under the hood and make sure everything is in order. See ya!
MissionDesc28=I just got back from a long trip. There were no issues along the way
but I'd like you to check the overall condition of my car. Thank you.
MissionDesc29=Hello! I need your help as I'm in a hurry. I've heard that you're the
man to go to. I was on my way to work and I've heard something that sounded like
something had snapped. Moments later the car just died and I noticed that it left a
puddle of some sort of liquid on the road. Please see what's wrong with my baby and
repair whatever you find. I'm already late for work!
MissionDesc30=I just bought this pile of junk. The seller said that "a few bits
might be missing"... it seems that he had an interesting sense of humor. The price
was right so I got it anyway. See what parts are missing and do whatever that needs
to be done. Thanks.
MissionDesc31=Hello. A friend of mine has recommended you as being the expert to go
to. Anyway, I bought this car at an auction. I guess it was used as a parts donor
but I've decided to fix her up. See what parts are missing and put her back
together. Thank you.
MissionDesc32=Hello. My SUV is great on road but I feel that I shouldn't abuse it
off-road. So, I've saved up a bit and I've got something special from a friend of
mine. That thing should be well suited for some crazy off-roading. I hope I can
really push it just like the previous owner did. See what needs to be fixed and
change that awful interior. It doesn't go with my style.
MissionDesc33=Hey. I'm a car mechanic just like you! At least I'm trying to be. My
wife thinks that I don't know what I'm doing and since I don't want to give her the
satisfaction she has no idea that I'm here. See how I did fixing my car and if you
find anything wrong, make it right. And if my wife ever asks... I was never here!
Thanks man!
MissionDesc34=Hi. I got this old race car so I can go crazy on the race track. For
safety reasons the car must be in perfect condition. I believe that you know
exactly what needs to be done.
MissionDesc35=Hello, it's me again. My wife has lost control of the car while
driving on a wet road. Fortunately she didn't hit anything. It makes me wonder if
there is something wrong with the steering as I can feel the car pulling to one
side and sometimes I can hear some strange noises coming from the front wheels. See
if you can fix it as I just don't want to deal with those used car dealers anymore.
I can't afford a new car just yet.
MissionDesc36=Sup Boss! I brought you another piece of junk...err, I mean, another
gem that I'm putting out for sale. It seems that the previous owner didn't go easy
on it. Remember, it has to shine! Oh, it would be nice if it run too. Let me know
when you're done.
MissionDesc37=Hello. I came here because I've heard that when it comes to cars you
really know your business. Here's my daughter's car which she got as a gift from
her grandparents. She takes good care of it... at least when it comes to how it
looks. Technical stuff, on the other hand, is not really her strong side. Just
recently she needed to add some engine oil and she managed to pour in the wrong
kind of oil. You know what that means. Do a thorough inspection of the car and
repair whatever you find wrong with it.
MissionDesc38=Heeey! I got some cold hard cash from my sponsors and that means I
can finally make some much needed changes and repairs. Repaint my car! I've always
heard that red cars are always faster. Next, check the wheels and tires and see if
anything else might need any attention. I'm noticing some griding when I shift
between gears and when I accelerate. Just fix whatever you find wrong with it. See
MissionDesc39=Hello. I've found this car slowly sinking into the ground in my
grandfather's back yard. I was told that it used belong to my aunt but she doesn't
want it anymore and that I can have it. I thought "great", but in this condition
there's not much I can do with it. I've heard great things about you and thought
that you might be able to revive it. See if you can bring this classic car back to
its former glory.
MissionDesc40=Good morning! I was told that you are an honest mechanic and a
trustworthy person. So, I present to you my baby - DC Typhoon. It used to reach
speeds of an F5 tornado on a track... but that was a long time ago. I want you to
make this car look and drive like new again. I'm counting on you!
MissionDesc41=Hi. My new purchase has paid off. This Castor is much better for off-
roading than my SUV. Unfortunately my bad luck is still with me... and I've had a
little mishap in the forest. It's a long story, you know me and you know of my
great ideas that I sometimes get. I hope you won't give up on me when you see the
car. Do whatever you can and fix it up please.
MissionDesc42=Hello. It's been a while since my last visit but that only speaks
about the quality of your work. My car as well as my wife's car finally run as they
should from day one. They are just perfect. So, today I'm bringing you my
daughter's car which she just purchased. Even to my untrained eye this thing is
just hopeless... I always thought that she is at least as sensible as her dad
but... I'll let you be the judge.
MissionDesc43=How's it going? I've bought this car at an auction. The general
condition of the car is great and the only problem is the engine. I thought that
I'd be able to take care of it myself, but it didn't work out so great... I took it
apart and... I have apparently lost a few things and a few of them just broke.
Please take a look under the hood, see what's missing and do whatever you can to
make the car run again.
MissionDesc44=Hi. I've bought this piece of junk for almost nothing from an old man
who needed the money. I don't know whether it is worth anything. Do a general
overhaul and I'll decide what to do with it later.
MissionDesc45=What's up? I already have 5 million subscribers and a lot of
sponsors! It's time to treat myself to a new set of wheels! I knew exactly where I
should go first with my new purchase! Here is my almost new Elenti Calliope! This
small beast is just perfect for me! Even though it doesn't look or sound the
best... and it doesn't run as it should, I'm sure you can handle it! Thanks in
advance! See you later!
MissionDesc46=Hey. I had to upgrade to a larger car in a hurry as my family has
gotten bigger and our small coupe was just not fit for all of us including the
newborn. I've decided on a particular model a while ago and now that I got it I
have to say that it's not really the best example of "reasonable". Still, I like
it, so please fix it up and make it comfortable for me and my family. Thanks!
MissionDesc47=Hello. I work at an automotive museum and I'd like ask you to restore
this beautiful historical car. If you do well, I think we'll be able to establish a
long term business relation with you. We have many classics in desperate need of
attention. Money is of no issue. Good luck.
MissionDesc48=Hello. I've heard that you are about to go on vacation. Well, before
you go, hear this - I got lucky and I've won the lottery! I have already sold my
old Castor and decided to get a Rex this time. Unfortunately I didn't think
straight in my excitement and instead of buying a brand new one I got this one
because I fell in love with this color. Smart, wasn't it? Anyway, could you please
refresh it a little? Just do a sort of "overhaul" and see what's wrong with it. I'm
pretty certain not everything is working as it should. See you later!
MissionDesc49=Hello. I've just bought a car of my dreams at an auction. I do
realize that it's not in top condition but I believe that a mechanic of such
reputation will be able to identify and repair all issues.
MissionDesc50=Hello, hello! It's your favorite dealer - Mike! This is the last pile
of junk I'm bringing to you this season, I promise. I understand that this isn't
the best thing to happen to you right before your vacation but please do your best.
I'm going to keep this car for myself so, you know... everything has to be shiny
and new! I believe in you! Oh, one more thing - don't get scared when you look
under the hood!

//------------------------------------------------------------------------ End
Story Missions
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tutorial
TutorialDesc1=Welcome to The Car Mechanic Simulator 2018! See the new, fully
unlocked garage and check out the operation of various parts of the workshop. You
can finish the tutorial by taking the car for a test drive at any time. Good luck!
TutorialDesc2=Press the right mouse button and select ORDER from the pie menu. Then
select the order that you are interested in and accept it. After you accept the
selected order, the car will automatically appear on your driveway. When you
approach the car you can again use the pie menu to view the CAR CARD.
TutorialDesc3=The computer allows you to purchase new parts.
TutorialDesc4=Unlock using skill points that you obtain along with gaining further
levels of experience.
TutorialDesc5=Used to check the performance of the car. Tests the car’s steering,
suspension and braking.
TutorialDesc6=Used to lift cars. Gives you access to the chassis and bottom section
of the engine that is inaccessible on a car standing on the ground.
TutorialDesc7=Gives you a chance to repair worn out parts.
TutorialDesc8=Allows for storing of parts which you don’t currently need. You can
expand the warehouse area as your inventory grows.
TutorialDesc9=Allows you to perform various paint jobs.
TutorialDesc10=Allows you to repair and touch up various components of the car's
TutorialDesc11=Used to compress suspension coil springs
TutorialDesc12=Allows you to perform repairs on bodywork components which cannot be
removed from the car.
TutorialDesc13=Here you can make improvements that you obtain along with reaching
higher levels.
TutorialDesc14=Used to remove an entire engine from a vehicle.
TutorialDesc15=Used for mounting a tire on a rim and balancing the assembled wheel.
TutorialDesc16=Use the map to choose where to go. Select the test track to test
drive a car.
TutorialDesc17=Allows you to test the car's brakes and suspension.
TutorialDesc18=Allows for a safe disposal of used motor oil. Failure to use it
might result in additional charges for cleaning oil spills.
TutorialDesc19=Allows you to mount the engine and gives you an easy access to it.

TutorialTitle4=Testing Tools
TutorialTitle5=Test Track
TutorialTitle6=Car Lift
TutorialTitle7=Repair Bench
TutorialTitle8=Parts Warehouse
TutorialTitle9=Paint Shop
TutorialTitle10=Interior Detailing Toolkit
TutorialTitle11=Spring Compressor
TutorialTitle14=Engine Crane
TutorialTitle15=Tire Changer / Wheel Balancer
TutorialTitle16=Main Gate / Map
TutorialTitle17=Test Path
TutorialTitle18=Oil Drain
TutorialTitle19=Engine Stand
//--------------- Upgrades=
UPGname_fast_examine=Eagle eye
UPGdesc_fast_examine.1=50% faster part examination
UPGdesc_fast_examine.2=100% faster part examination
UPGdesc_fast_examine.3=150% faster part examination
UPGname_fast_partremove=Strong arms
UPGdesc_fast_partremove.1=50% faster part installing and removing
UPGdesc_fast_partremove.2=100% faster part installing and removing
UPGdesc_fast_partremove.3=150% faster part installing and removing
UPGname_fast_mount=Nimble hands
UPGdesc_fast_mount.1=50% faster screwing and unscrewing
UPGdesc_fast_mount.2=100% faster screwing and unscrewing
UPGdesc_fast_mount.3=150% faster screwing and unscrewing
UPGname_fast_movement=Like a wind
UPGdesc_fast_movement.1=10% faster walking
UPGdesc_fast_movement.2=25% faster walking
UPGdesc_fast_movement.3=50% faster walking
UPGname_shop_discount=Loved one
UPGdesc_shop_discount.1=5% discount in shops
UPGdesc_shop_discount.2=10% discount in shops
UPGdesc_shop_discount.3=15% discount in shops
UPGdesc_fix.1=Odds of successful repair raised to 55%.
UPGdesc_fix.2=Odds of successful repair raised to 65%.
UPGdesc_fix.3=Odds of successful repair raised to 75%.
UPGdesc_fix.4=Odds of successful repair raised to 85%.
UPGdesc_fix.5=Odds of successful repair raised to 95%.
UPGdesc_fix.6=You can repair body parts
UPGdesc_instant_examine.1=Instantly examine 3 parts when seeing a car for the first
time (order, barn, junkyard, auction)
UPGdesc_instant_examine.2=Instantly examine 9 parts when seeing a car for the first
time (order, barn, junkyard, auction)
UPGdesc_instant_examine.3=Instantly examine 20 parts when seeing a car for the
first time (order, barn, junkyard, auction)
UPGdesc_unlock_tablet.1=Unlocks the tablet. Allows you to shop for parts anywhere
in your garage. You can use it from the pie menu or by pressing T.
UPGname_unlock_tires=Tire Tread Tester
UPGdesc_unlock_tires.1=Unlocks the tire tread tester. With this tool you can check
the condition of the tires. You can use it from the pie menu while in Part
UPGname_unlock_obd=OBD Scanner
UPGdesc_unlock_obd.1=Unlocks the OBD scanner. It will examine a lot of different
components connected to the car’s computer. Does not work with older cars! You can
use it from the pie menu while in Part Overview.
UPGname_unlock_cylinder=Compression Tester
UPGdesc_unlock_cylinder.1=Unlocks the compression tester. This test will give you
information about the general condition of the engine. Parts like the cylinder
head, engine block and pistons will be examined. You can use it from the pie menu
while in Part Overview.
UPGname_unlock_electronic=Electronic Multimeter
UPGdesc_unlock_electronic.1=Unlocks the electronic multimeter. A simple but useful
tool that allows you to check all electronic connections and resistances. You can
use it from the pie menu while in Part Overview.
UPGname_unlock_fuel=Fuel Pressure Test
UPGdesc_unlock_fuel.1=Unlocks the fuel pressure test. Learn all about a car’s fuel
related parts. You can use it from the pie menu while in Part Overview.
UPGname_bigger_income=Know your value
UPGdesc_bigger_income.1=5% more income for finished orders
UPGdesc_rhetoric.1=Allows you to bargain in barns (cars)
UPGname_expected_price=Experienced Auctioneer
UPGdesc_expected_price.1=Shows you the average value of a car (auction)
UPGname_cheaper_parking=Spacious Backyard
UPGdesc_cheaper_parking.1=50% off parking levels
UPGname_cheaper_tow=My friend...
UPGdesc_cheaper_tow.1=50% off trips to junkyards and barns
UPGname_luck=Lucky one
UPGdesc_luck.1=Good to be lucky.
UPGname_garage_upgrade=I need more room
UPGdesc_garage_upgrade.1=Expands your garage. Adds a test path and a repair bench
to your garage.
UPGdesc_garage_upgrade.2=Expands your garage. Adds another car lift, warehouse and
another parking spot to your garage.
UPGdesc_garage_upgrade.3=Expands your garage. Adds paint shop, dyno and another
lift to your garage.

//------------------ Parts

!i3_blok = Engine Block (I3)

!i3_filtr_dol = Air Filter Base (I3)
!i3_filtr_srodek = Air Filter (I3)
!i3_gearbox = Gearbox (I3)
!i3_glowica = Engine Head (I3)
!i3_glowica_2 = Engine Head B (I3)
!i3_glowica_wkladka = Camshaft Cap (I3)
!i3_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (I3)
!i3_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold (I3)
!i3_listwa_wtryskowa = Fuel Rail (I3)
!i3_miska_olejowa = Oil Pan (I3)
!i3_oslona_rozrzadu = Timing Cover (I3)
!i3_pasek1 = Serpentine Belt A (I3)
!i3_pasek2 = Serpentine Belt B (I3)
!i3_pokrywa_glowicy = Engine Head Cover (I3)
!i3_przepustnica = Throttle (I3)
!i3_rolkaWalka = Cam Gear (I3)
!i3_termostat = Thermostat (I3)
!i3_turbo = Turbo (I3)
!i3_walek_rozrzadu = Camshaft (I3)
!i3_walKorbowy = Crankshaft (I3)

!i4_blok = Engine Block (I4 B)

!i4_filtr_dol = Air Filter Base (I4 B)
!i4_filtr_gora = Air Filter Cover (I4 B)
!i4_filtr_srodek = Air Filter (I4 B)
!i4_glowica = Engine Head (I4 B)
!i4_glowica_wkladka = Camshaft Cap (I4 B)
!i4_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (I4 B)
!i4_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold (I4 B)
!i4_lancuch = Timing Chain (I4 B)
!i4_miska_olejowa = Oil Pan (I4 B)
!i4_oslona_rozrzadu = Timing Cover A (I4 B)
!i4_oslona_rozrzadu_tyl = Timing Cover B (I4 B)
!i4_pasek_1 = Serpentine Belt A (I4 B)
!i4_pasek_2 = Serpentine Belt B (I4 B)
!i4_pokrywa_glowicy = Engine Head Cover (I4 B)
!i4_pompa_wody = Water Pump (I4 B)
!i4_pompa_wspomagania = Power Steering Pump (I4 B)
!i4_rolkaWalka_1 = Cam Gear A (I4 B)
!i4_rolkaWalka_2 = Cam Gear B (I4 B)
!i4_turbo = Turbo (I4 B)
!i4_walek_rozrzadu = Camshaft (I4 B)
!i4_walKorbowy = Crankshaft (I4 B)
!i4_wtrysk = Fuel Rail (I4 B)

!i6_old_alternator = Alternator (I6 B)

!i6_old_blok = Engine Block (I6 B)
!i6_old_filtr_dol = Air Filter Base (I6 B)
!i6_old_filtr_gora = Air Filter Cover (I6 B)
!i6_old_filtr_srodek = Air Filter (I6 B)
!i6_old_gearbox = Gearbox (I6 B)
!i6_old_glowica = Engine Head (I6 B)
!i6_old_kable = Ignition Wires (I6 B)
!i6_old_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (I6 B)
!i6_old_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold (I6 B)
!i6_old_lancuch = Timing Chain (I6 B)
!i6_old_miska_olejowa = Oil Pan (I6 B)
!i6_old_oslona_rozrzadu = Timing Cover (I6 B)
!i6_old_pasek1 = Serpentine Belt A (I6 B)
!i6_old_pasek_2 = Serpentine Belt B (I6 B)
!i6_old_pokrywa_glowicy = Engine Head Cover (I6 B)
!i6_old_pompaWody = Water Pump (I6 B)
!i6_old_pompaWspomagania = Power Steering Pump (I6 B)
!i6_old_popychacz = Valve Push Rod (I6 B)
!i6_old_przepustnica = Carburetor (I6 B)
!i6_old_raczka1 = Arm A (I6 B)
!i6_old_raczka2 = Arm B (I6 B)
!i6_old_rolkaWalka = Cam Gear (I6 B)
!i6_old_termostat = Fuel Pump (I6 B)
!i6_old_walek = Camshaft (I6 B)
!i6_old_walKorbowy = Crankshaft (I6 B)

!rot_new_blok_przod = Front Side Housing (ROT A)

!rot_new_blok_srodek_1 = Rotor Housing (ROT A)
!rot_new_blok_srodek_2 = Intermediate Housing (ROT A)
!rot_new_blok_tyl = Rear Side Housing Block (ROT A)
!rot_new_cewki = Ignition Coil (ROT A)
!rot_new_element_nakladka = Sprocket (ROT A)
!rot_new_filtr_dol = Air Filter Base (ROT A)
!rot_new_filtr_gora = Air Filter Cover (ROT A)
!rot_new_filtr_srodek = Air Filter (ROT A)
!rot_new_gearbox = Gearbox (ROT A)
!rot_new_kable = Ignition Wires (ROT A)
!rot_new_kolektor_dolotowy_dolny = Intake Manifold B (ROT A)
!rot_new_kolektor_dolotowy_gorny = Intake Manifold A (ROT A)
!rot_new_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold (ROT A)
!rot_new_lancuch = Timing Chain (ROT A)
!rot_new_listwa_wtryskowa = Fuel Rail (ROT A)
!rot_new_miska_olejowa = Oil Pan (ROT A)
!rot_new_oslona_rozrzadu = Timing Cover (ROT A)
!rot_new_pasek_1 = Serpentine Belt A (ROT A)
!rot_new_pasek_2 = Serpentine Belt B (ROT A)
!rot_new_pompa_wody = Water Pump (ROT A)
!rot_new_przepustnica = Throttle (ROT A)
!rot_new_raczka_1 = Arm A (ROT A)
!rot_new_raczka_2 = Arm B (ROT A)
!rot_new_tlok = Rotor (ROT A)
!rot_new_wahadlo = Crankshaft Counterweight (ROT A)
!rot_new_walKorbowy = Crankshaft (ROT A)

!rot_old_filtr_dol = Air Filter Base (ROT B)

!rot_old_filtr_gora = Air Filter Cover (ROT B)
!rot_old_filtr_srodek = Air Filter (ROT B)
!rot_old_kable = Ignition Wires (ROT B)
!rot_old_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (ROT B)
!rot_old_kopulkaRozdzielacza = Ignition Distributor Cap (ROT B)
!rot_old_oslona_rozrzadu = Timing Cover (ROT B)
!rot_old_pasek_1 = Serpentine Belt (ROT B)
!rot_old_raczka = Arm (ROT B)
!rot_old_wentylator = Radiator Fan (ROT B)

!v6_30_blok = Engine Block (V6 B)

!v6_30_filtr_dol = Air Filter Base (V6 B)
!v6_30_filtr_gora = Air Filter Cover (V6 B)
!v6_30_filtr_srodek = Air Filter (V6 B)
!v6_30_gearbox = Gearbox (V6 B)
!v6_30_glowica_1 = Engine Head A (V6 B)
!v6_30_glowica_2 = Engine Head B (V6 B)
!v6_30_glowica_raczka = Camshaft Bearing (V6 B)
!v6_30_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold A (V6 B)
!v6_30_kolektor_dolotowy_dolny = Intake Manifold B (V6 B)
!v6_30_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold (V6 B)
!v6_30_listwa_wtryskowa = Fuel Rail (V6 B)
!v6_30_miska_olejowa = Oil Pan (V6 B)
!v6_30_oslona_rozrzadu_1 = Timing Cover A (V6 B)
!v6_30_oslona_rozrzadu_2 = Timing Cover B (V6 B)
!v6_30_oslona_rozrzadu_3 = Timing Cover C (V6 B)
!v6_30_pasek_1 = Serpentine Belt A (V6 B)
!v6_30_pasek_2 = Serpentine Belt B (V6 B)
!v6_30_pokrywa_glowicy_1 = Engine Head Cover A (V6 B)
!v6_30_pokrywa_glowicy_2 = Engine Head Cover B (V6 B)
!v6_30_pokrywa_glowicy_3 = Engine Head Cover C (V6 B)
!v6_30_pompaWspomagania = Power Steering Pump (V6 B)
!v6_30_pompa_wody = Water Pump (V6 B)
!v6_30_przepustnica = Throttle (V6 B)
!v6_30_raczka_1 = Arm (V6 B)
!v6_30_rolkaWalka = Cam Gear (V6 B)
!v6_30_termostat = Thermostat (V6 B)
!v6_30_walek_rozrzadu = Camshaft (V6 B)
!v6_30_walKorbowy = Crankshaft (V6 B)

!v8_409_blok = Engine Block (V8 OHV B)

!v8_409_filtr_gora = Air Filter Cover (V8 OHV B)
!v8_409_glowica_1 = Engine Head (V8 OHV B)
!v8_409_glowica_2 = Engine Head (V8 OHV B)
!v8_409_kable = Ignition Wires (V8 OHV B)
!v8_409_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (V8 OHV B)
!v8_409_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold (V8 OHV B)
!v8_409_miska_olejowa = Oil Pan (V8 OHV B)
!v8_409_oslona_rozrzadu = Timing Cover (V8 OHV B)
!v8_409_pasek_1 = Serpentine Belt A (V8 OHV B)
!v8_409_pasek_2 = Serpentine Belt B (V8 OHV B)
!v8_409_pokrywa_glowicy = Engine Head Cover (V8 OHV B)
!v8_409_pompa_wody = Water Pump (V8 OHV B)
!v8_409_raczka_1 = Arm (V8 OHV B)
!v8_409_tlok = Piston with Conrod (V8 OHV B)
!v8_409_walek_popychaczy = Camshaft (V8 OHV B)
!v8_409_walKorbowy = Crankshaft (V8 OHV B)
!v8_409_tlok_pierscienie_1 = Piston Rings (V8 OHV B)

!v8_hemi_blok = Engine Block (V8 OHV C)

!v8_hemi_dzwignia_zaworu = Rocker Arms (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_filtr_dol = Air Filter Base (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_filtr_gora = Air Filter Cover (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_filtr_srodek = Air Filter (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_gaznik_1 = Carburetor A (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_gaznik_2 = Carburetor B (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_glowica_1 = Engine Head (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_glowica_2 = Engine Head (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_kable = Ignition Wires (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_miska_olejowa = Oil Pan (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_oslona_rozrzadu = Timing Cover (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_pasek_1 = Serpentine Belt A (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_pasek_2 = Serpentine Belt B (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_pokrywa_glowicy_1 = Engine Head Cover A (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_pokrywa_glowicy_2 = Engine Head Cover B (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_pompa_wody = Water Pump (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_raczka_1 = Arm A (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_raczka_2 = Arm B (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_tlok = Piston with Conrod (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_walek_popychaczy = Camshaft (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_walKorbowy = Crankshaft (V8 OHV C)
!v8_hemi_tlok_pierscienie_1 = Piston Rings (V8 OHV C)

!v8_magnum_dzwignia_zaworu = Rocker Arms (V8 OHV D)

!v8_magnum_filtr_gora = Air Filter Cover (V8 OHV D)
!v8_magnum_glowica_1 = Engine Head (V8 OHV D)
!v8_magnum_glowica_2 = Engine Head (V8 OHV D)
!v8_magnum_kable = Ignition Wires (V8 OHV D)
!v8_magnum_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (V8 OHV D)
!v8_magnum_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold (V8 OHV D)
!v8_magnum_pokrywa_glowicy_1 = Engine Head Cover A (V8 OHV D)
!v8_magnum_pokrywa_glowicy_2 = Engine Head Cover B (V8 OHV D)

!v8_sixpack_filtr_dol = Air Filter Base (V8 OHV E)

!v8_sixpack_filtr_gora = Air Filter Cover (V8 OHV E)
!v8_sixpack_filtr_srodek = Air Filter (V8 OHV E)
!v8_sixpack_gaznik = Carburetor A (V8 OHV E)
!v8_sixpack_gaznik_1 = Carburetor B (V8 OHV E)
!v8_sixpack_gaznik_2 = Carburetor C (V8 OHV E)
!v8_sixpack_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (V8 OHV E)

!v8_zz_blok = Engine Block (V8 OHV F)

!v8_zz_filtr_dol = Air Filter Base (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_filtr_gora = Air Filter Cover (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_filtr_srodek = Air Filter (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_gaznik = Carburetor (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_gearbox = Gearbox (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_glowica = Engine Head (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_kable = Ignition Wires (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_lancuch = Timing Chain (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_miska_olejowa = Oil Pan (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_oslona_rozrzadu = Timing Cover (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_pasek_1 = Serpentine Belt (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_pokrywa_glowicy_1 = Engine Head Cover A (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_pokrywa_glowicy_2 = Engine Head Cover B (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_pompa_wody = Water Pump (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_pompa_wspomagania = Power Steering Pump (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_popychacz = Valve Push Rod (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_przepustnica = Throttle (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_raczka_1 = Arm A (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_raczka_2 = Arm B (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_walek_popychaczy = Camshaft (V8 OHV F)
!v8_zz_walKorbowy = Crankshaft (V8 OHV F)

!w_i3_poczatkowy_2 = Front Exhaust Section A (I3)

!w_i3_poczatkowy = Front Exhaust Section B (I3)
!w_i4_4x4_poczatkowy = Front Exhaust Section A (I4 B)
!w_i4_poczatkowy = Front Exhaust Section B (I4 B)
!w_i6_old_poczatkowy = Front Exhaust Section (I6 B)
!w_v6_30_koncowy = Rear Muffler (V6 B)
!w_v6_30_poczatkowy_1 = Front Exhaust Section A (V6 B)
!w_v6_30_poczatkowy_2 = Front Exhaust Section B (V6 B)
!w_v8_409_poczatkowy = Front Exhaust Section (V8 OHV B)
!w_v8_magnum_poczatkowy = Front Exhaust Section (V8 OHV D)
!w_v8_zz_poczatkowy = Front Exhaust Section (V8 OHV F)
!w_tlumik_koncowy_2 = Rear Muffler B
!w_tlumik_koncowy_3 = Rear Muffler C
!w_tlumik_koncowy_4 = Rear Muffler D
!w_koncowy_challenger = Rear Muffler E
!w_v6_30_koncowy = Rear Muffler F
!w_v6_30_poczatkowy_1 = Front Exhaust Section A (V6 B)
!w_v6_30_poczatkowy_2 = Front Exhaust Section B (V6 B)

//--------------- Rebind
GUI_Rebind_PressToAssign = Press key to assign ...
GUI_Rebind_CannotAssign = Cannot assign this key
GUI_Rebind_None = None
GUI_Rebind_W = Move Forward / Car Throttle / Orbit Camera
GUI_Rebind_S = Move Backward / Car Brake / Orbit Camera
GUI_Rebind_A = Strafe Left / Car Turn Left / Orbit Camera
GUI_Rebind_D = Strafe Right / Car Turn Right / Orbit Camera
GUI_Rebind_LMC = Action
GUI_Rebind_RMC = Quick Menu
GUI_Rebind_ESC = Return / Exit
GUI_Rebind_C = Crouch / Car Change Camera
GUI_Rebind_Q = Orbit Camera Zoom In
GUI_Rebind_E = Orbit Camera Zoom Out
GUI_Rebind_T = Quick Tablet
GUI_Rebind_I = Quick Inventory
GUI_Rebind_U = Quick Car Info
GUI_Rebind_O = Quick Orders View
GUI_Rebind_ENTER = Accept
GUI_Rebind_SHIFT = Special Option
GUI_Rebind_SPACE = Car Handbrake

//----------- Added=
GUI_TutorialFinishAsk=Finish tutorial and start game?
TutorialTitle20=Battery Charger
TutorialDesc20=Used to charge batteries
!i3_filtr_oleju=Oil Filter (I3)
!seat_challenger=^SeatName Challenger
pie_equipment_mount_bonus=Install Engine into the car
pie_equipment_unmount=PULL OUT
pie_equipment_unmount_bonus=Pull Engine out of the car
!rot_filtr_oleju=Oil Filter (ROT)

#IntercoolerS=Small Intercooler
#IntercoolerM=Medium Intercooler
#IntercoolerL=Large Intercooler
!intercooler_small_1=Small Intercooler
!intercooler_medium_1=Medium Intercooler
!intercooler_big_1=Large Intercooler
!polosNapedowa_5=Front Drive Axle H
!w_rot_old_poczatkowy = Front Exhaust Section (ROT B)
!w_rot_new_poczatkowy = Front Exhaust Section (ROT A)
mode_InteriorDisassemble = Interior Disassembly Mode
mode_InteriorAssemble = Interior Assembly Mode
PopUp_TakenGroup = Group taken
GUI_EngineOilCrain = Drain the oil from the engine before using the engine crane.
GUI_CollectedItems = Collected items
GUI_FoundItems = Found items
!v6_30_gearbox_2 = Gearbox B(V6 B)
GUI_NoDLC = You do not have the required DLC for|{0}
GUI_CarFileCorrupted = Data files for this car has been corrupted. This car has to
be deleted so you can keep your remaining game progress.
GUI_SellAll = Sell All
!bench_challenger=^BenchName Challenger
!steering_wheel_charger=^SteeringWheelName Charger
GUI_AccelerateToStart = Accelerate to start
MM_MouseAcceleration = Mouse Acceleration
MM_MouseInvert = Invert Mouse
MM_MouseSensitivity = Mouse Sensitivity
GUI_LapNo = Lap
GUI_Checkpoint = Checkpoint
GUI_LastLap = Last Lap
GUI_NoOilPan=No oil pan. Cannot do this
GUI_AskSellJunk=Are you sure you want to sell junk parts?
GUI_AskSellAll=Are you sure you want to sell all parts?

GUI_Parking_Window = Parking
GUI_Parking_GoTo = Go to parking
GUI_Parking_Buy = Buy parking
GUI_Parking_Name = Parking : Level {0}
GUI_Parking_StoredCars = Stored cars

M_OpcjeOther9 = Zoom in when unmounting/mounting

GUI_Map_FunTrack = Abandoned Airport
GUI_PotwierdzenieAkcjiKoszt = This will cost you {0}. Are you sure?
#enginestand=Engine Stand
GUI_TextFrameCondition = Frame condition
GUI_TextInteriorCondition = Interior condition
GUI_CaseOpenConfirm=Do you want to open the case?
GUI_MapReadConfirm=Do you want to add Barn destination into your map?
GUI_BarnFull=Your map is full of barns. First off visit some of them.

M_OpcjeGrafiki10=Screen Space Reflections
M_OpcjeGrafiki12=Shadow Distance

MM_Rebind = Controls Rebind

MM_stat_bolts=Bolts unmounted
MM_stat_balancedwheels=Balanced wheels
MM_stat_carfix=Fixed cars
MM_stat_ordercanceled=Discarded orders
MM_stat_bodyfix=Fixed body parts
MM_stat_partfix=Fixed car parts
MM_stat_paintcar=Painted Cars
MM_stat_testride=Test Drives done
MM_stat_examine=Examined parts
MM_stat_salon=Car bought in salon
MM_stat_dealer=Sold cars
MM_stat_songs=Listened songs
MM_stat_classic=Fixed old cars

!engine_v6_30_rwd = V6 DOHC CHG

!engine_i4_l134 = I4
!engine_v8_392hemi = V8 HEMI
!engine_v6_pentastar = V6 DOHC AQE

!w_v6_30_poczatkowy_h1 = Front Exhaust Section C (V6 B)

!i4_l134_blok=Engine Block (I4 C)

!i4_l134_filtr_gora=Air Filter Cover (I4 C)
!i4_l134_filtr_srodek=Air Filter (I4 C)
!i4_l134_glowica=Engine Head (I4 C)
!i4_l134_kable=Ignition Wires (I4 C)
!i4_l134_kolektor_dolotowy=Intake Manifold (I4 C)
!i4_l134_kolektor_wydechowy=Exhaust Manifold (I4 C)
!i4_l134_kopulkaRozdzielacza_1=Ignition Distributor Cap (I4 C)
!i4_l134_miska_olejowa=Oil Pan (I4 C)
!i4_l134_obudowa_filtra_dol=Air Filter Base (I4 C)
!i4_l134_obudowa_filtra_gora=Air Filter Cover B (I4 C)
!i4_l134_pompaWody=Water Pump (I4 C)
!i4_l134_walek=Camshaft (I4 C)
!i4_l134_walKorbowy_1=Crankshaft (I4 C)

!v6_pentastar_blok=Engine Block (V6 C)

!v6_pentastar_cewka=Ignition Coil (V6 C)
!v6_pentastar_glowica_1=Engine Head A (V6 C)
!v6_pentastar_glowica_2=Engine Head B (V6 C)
!v6_pentastar_glowica_wkladka=Camshaft Cap (V6 C)
!v6_pentastar_kolektor_dolotowy=Intake Manifold A (V6 C)
!v6_pentastar_kolektor_dolotowy_dolny=Intake Manifold B (V6 C)
!v6_pentastar_kolektor_wydechowy=Exhaust Manifold (V6 C)
!v6_pentastar_lancuch_1=Timing Chain A (V6 C)
!v6_pentastar_lancuch_2=Timing Chain B (V6 C)
!v6_pentastar_lancuch_3=Timing Chain C (V6 C)
!v6_pentastar_oslona_rozrzadu=Timing Cover (V6 C)
!v6_pentastar_pasek=Serpentine Belt (V6 C)
!v6_pentastar_pokrywa_glowicy_1=Engine Head Cover A (V6 C)
!v6_pentastar_pokrywa_glowicy_2=Engine Head Cover B (V6 C)
!v6_pentastar_pompa_wody=Water Pump (V6 C)
!v6_pentastar_slizg_1=Timing Chain Shoe (V6 C)
!v6_pentastar_walek_rozrzadu=Camshaft (V6 C)
!v6_pentastar_walKorbowy=Crankshaft (V6 C)

!v8_392_blok=Engine Block (V8 OHV G)

!v8_392_cewka_1=Ignition Coil (V8 OHV G)
!v8_392_dzwignia_zaworu=Rocker Arms (V8 OHV G)
!v8_392_glowica_1=Engine Head A (V8 OHV G)
!v8_392_glowica_2=Engine Head B (V8 OHV G)
!v8_392_kolektor_dolotowy=Intake Manifold (V8 OHV G)
!v8_392_kolektor_wydechowy=Exhaust Manifold (V8 OHV G)
!v8_392_oslona_1=Timing Cover A (V8 OHV G)
!v8_392_oslona_2=Timing Cover B (V8 OHV G)
!v8_392_oslona_rozrzadu=Timing Cover (V8 OHV G)
!v8_392_pasek=Serpentine Belt (V8 OHV G)
!v8_392_pokrywa_glowicy_1=Engine Head Cover A (V8 OHV G)
!v8_392_pompa_wody=Water Pump (V8 OHV G)

!i4_l134_obudowa_filtraOleju=Oil Filter Base (I4 C)

!i4_l134_pokrywa_obudowy_filtraOleju=Oil Filter Cover (I4 C)
!i4_l134_filtrOleju=Oil Filter (I4 C)
!i4_l134_gearbox=Gearbox (I4 C)
!i4_l134_oslona_rozrzadu=Timing Cover (I4 C)
!v8_392_miska_olejowa=Oil Pan (V8 OHV G)
!walNapedowy_3=Front Drive Shaft D
!w_v6_30_poczatkowy_h4=Front Exhaust Section D (V6 B)
!v8_hemi_tlok_pierscienie_1=Piston Rings (V8 OHV C)
!skrzyniaRozdzielcza_3=Transfer Case (I4 C)
!v8_392_pokrywa_glowicy_2=Engine Head Cover B (V8 OHV G)
!walNapedowy_5=Front Drive Shaft G
!steering_wheel_jeep=^SteeringWheelName Jeep
!walNapedowy_6=Front Drive Shaft F
!mostPrzedni_2=Front Drive Axle I
!zwrotnicaPrzodBeben_2=Front Steering Knuckle E
!zwrotnicaPrzodBeben_2_pierscien=Front Steering Knuckle E Ring
!polosNapedowa_8=Front Drive Axle G
!w_v8_392hemi_poczatkowy=Front Exhaust Section (V8 OHV G)
!w_i4_l134_poczatkowy=Front Exhaust Section (I4 C)
!rim_wrangler=^RimName Wrangler
!seat_wrangler=^SeatName Wrangler
!bench_wrangler=^BenchName Wrangler
!seat_cherokeesrt=^SeatName Cherokee
!bench_cherokeesrt=^BenchName Cherokee
GUI_Map_OffroadTrack = Offroad Track
!w_ruraLaczaca2=Exhaust Pipe B
GUI_CaseContent = Case Content
GUI_CaseInfo = Congratulations! You can get more cases by completing orders.
GUI_CaseButton = Collect items

GUI_EngineInfo_A = Chiptuning / Carburettor tuning

GUI_EngineInfo_B = Measured engine power
GUI_EngineInfo_C = Factory engine power
GUI_EngineInfo_D = Gain / Lose
GUI_RunDyno = Run Dyno

!amortyzatorPrzod_2 = Front Shock Absorber B

GUI_PotwierdzenieRozpoczeciaDyno=Are you sure you want to proceed with the dyno


M_Backup_Recover = Recover from backup

M_Backup_RecoverAsk = Do you want to recover save from backup?| Backup date : {0}
M_OpcjeOther10=Unrealistic wheel sizes
M_OpcjeOther11=Enable travel fees

AssetError1 = There are problem with following assets

AssetError2 = Choose between 2 options :|1) Quit to menu leaving save game intact
(try to install dlc or mod again, check if Steam is in online mode and
<color=#ff0000ff>try load game again</color>)||2) Continue playing without missing
mods/dlc's (missing cars/parts will be <color=#ff0000ff>permanently</color> deleted
from your save game)
AssetErrorButton1 = Quit to menu (1)
AssetErrorButton2 = Continue playing (2)

GUI_Map_SpeedTrack=Speed Track
!v8_hemi_gaznik_1=Carburetor A (V8 OHV H)
!v8_hemi_gaznik_2=Carburetor B (V8 OHV H)
!v8_hemi_glowica_1=Engine Head A (V8 OHV H)
!v8_hemi_glowica_2=Engine Head B (V8 OHV H)
!v8_hemi_kable=Ignition Wires (V8 OHV H)
!v8_hemi_kolektor_dolotowy=Intake Manifold (V8 OHV H)
!v8_hemi_kolektor_wydechowy=Exhaust Manifold (V8 OHV H)
!v8_cuda_filtr_2carb_dol=Air Filter Base (Hemi Cuda)
!v8_cuda_filtr_2carb_gora=Air Filter Cover (Hemi Cuda)
!v8_cuda_filtr_2carb_srodek=Air Filter (Hemi Cuda)
!v8_cuda_shaker=Shaker (Hemi Cuda)
!v8_hemi_dzwignia_zaworu=Rocker Arms (V8 OHV H)
!v8_hemi_pokrywa_glowicy_1=Engine Head Cover A
!v8_hemi_pokrywa_glowicy_2=Engine Head Cover B
!v8_hemi_filtr_dol=Air Filter Base (V8 OHV H)
!v8_hemi_filtr_gora=Air Filter Cover (V8 OHV H)
!v8_hemi_filtr_srodek=Air Filter (V8 OHV H)
!w_v8_hemicuda_koncowy=Rear Muffler (Hemi Cuda)
!engine_v8_hemiShaker=V8 OHV HEMI SHAKER
#benchFront = Front Bench
#intercooler = Intercooler
!tire_vintage_race = Vintage Race Tire
!tire_vintage_race_2 = ^!tire_vintage_race B
GUI_WorkshopBodyShop=Community Cars Body Shop
GUI_CompleteEngineNeeded= Engine needs to be complete to perform this action.

!amortyzator_pneumatyczny_przod_1 = Front Air Suspension Shock

!amortyzator_pneumatyczny_tyl_1 = Rear Air Suspension Shock
!rim_bentley_continental_2 = Rim Continental GT Left Side
!zaciskHamulcowy_2 = Brake Caliper B
!zwrotnicaPrzod_double4 = Front Steering Knuckle F

MM_Reset = Reset

#clamshell_front = Front Clamshell

#clamshell_rear = Rear Clamshell

GUI_Desc_PhotoZoom = to zoom
GUI_Desc_PhotoRotate = to rotate
GUI_Desc_PhotoHeight = to change height

GL_Option = Option
GL_Section0 = Floor A
GL_Section1 = Floor B
GL_Section2 = Drain Grates
GL_Section3 = Wall A
GL_Section4 = Wall B
GL_Section5 = Wall C
GL_Section6 = Wall D
GL_Section7 = Gate A
GL_Section8 = Gate B
GL_Section9 = Gate C
GL_Section10 = Gate D
GL_Section11 = Cabinets
GL_Section12 = Office
GL_Section13 = Column A
GL_Section14 = Column B
GL_Section15 = Column C
GL_Section16 = Car Lifter A
GL_Section17 = Car Lifter B
GL_Section18 = Car Lifter C
GL_Section19 = Stains A
GL_Section20 = Stains B
GL_Section21 = Stains C
GL_Section22 = Stains D
GL_Section23 = Garbage

MM_Benchmark = Run Benchmark

#garageLook = Garage Look Customization

!r4_2_blok = Engine Block (I4 D)

!r4_2_kable = Ignition Wires (I4 D)
!r4_2_glowica = Engine Head (I4 D)
!r4_2_lozyskowanie_walka = Camshaft With Bearing (I4 D)
!r4_2_miska_olejowa = Oil Pan (I4 D)
!r4_2_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (I4 D)
!r4_2_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold (I4 D)
!r4_2_oslona_rozrzadu_przod_1 = Timing Cover Front A (I4 D)
!r4_2_oslona_rozrzadu_przod_2 = Timing Cover Front B (I4 D)
!r4_2_oslona_rozrzadu_tyl_1 = Timing Cover Back A (I4 D)
!r4_2_oslona_rozrzadu_tyl_2 = Timing Cover Back B (I4 D)
!r4_2_pasek_1 = Serpentine Belt A (I4 D)
!r4_2_pasek_2 = Serpentine Belt B (I4 D)
!r4_2_pokrywa_kabli = Ignition Wires Cover (I4 D)
!r4_2_walek_rozrzadu = Camshaft (I4 D)
!r4_2_walKorbowy = Crankshaft (I4 D)
!r4_2_gearbox = Gearbox (I4 D)
!r4_2_pokrywa_glowicy = Engine Head Cover (I4 D)
!w_r4_2_koncowy_elise = Rear Exhaust Section (Elise)
!w_r4_2_poczatkowy_elise = Front Exhaust Section (Elise)

!r4_old_blok = Engine Block (I4 E)

!r4_old_gearbox = Gearbox (I4 E)
!r4_old_kable = Ignition Wires (I4 E)
!r4_old_glowica = Engine Head A (I4 E)
!r4_old_glowica_2_1 = Engine Head B (I4 E)
!r4_old_glowica_2_2 = Engine Head C (I4 E)
!r4_old_kopulkaRozdzielacza = Ignition Distributor Cap (I4 E)
!r4_old_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (I4 E)
!r4_old_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold (I4 E)
!r4_old_pasek_1 = Serpentine Belt A (I4 E)
!r4_old_pasek_2 = Serpentine Belt B (I4 E)
!r4_old_walKorbowy = Crankshaft (I4 E)
!r4_old_pokrywa_glowicy_1 = Engine Head Cover A (I4 E)
!r4_old_pokrywa_glowicy_2 = Engine Head Cover B (I4 E)
!r4_old_pompaWody = Water Pump (I4 E)
!r4_old_miska_olejowa = Oil Pan (I4 E)
!r4_old_puszkaFiltra_tyl = Air Filter Base (I4 E)
!r4_old_puszkaFiltra_przod = Air Filter Cover (I4 E)
!w_r4_old_koncowy_esprit = Rear Exhaust Section (Esprit)
!w_r4_old_poczatkowy_esprit = Front Exhaust Section (Esprit)

!rim_elise = Rim Elise

!rim_esprit = Rim Esprit
!seat_elise = Seat Elise
!seat_esprit = Seat Esprit
!steering_wheel_elise = Steering Wheel Elise
!steering_wheel_esprit = Steering Wheel Esprit

!engine_r4_2 = I4 DOHC APZ

!engine_r4_old = I4 DOHC ABU

GUI_SellParts = Sell Parts

GUI_SellPerCondition = Sell parts that condition is BELOW OR EQUAL to
GUI_Desc_Photo = to operate camera functions
GUI_Desc_PhotoFocus = to focus camera when using DOF
GUI_SelectEngine = Select engine

M_OpcjeOther12 = Display units

GUI_Metric = Metric
GUI_Imperial = Imperial
!v12_blok = Engine Block (V12)
!v12_gearbox = Gearbox (V12)
!v12_glowica_1 = Engine Head A (V12)
!v12_glowica_2 = Engine Head B (V12)
!v12_glowica_wkladka = Camshaft Cap (V12)
!v12_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (V12)
!v12_kolektor_wydechowy_1 = Exhaust Manifold A (V12)
!v12_kolektor_wydechowy_2 = Exhaust Manifold B (V12)
!v12_listwa_wtryskowa = Fuel Rail (V12)
!v12_miska_olejowa = Oil Pan (V12)
!v12_oslona_lancucha = Timing Chain Cover (V12)
!v12_oslona_rozrzadu_1 = Timing Cover A (V12)
!v12_oslona_rozrzadu_2 = Timing Cover B (V12)
!v12_oslona_rozrzadu_3 = Timing Cover C (V12)
!v12_pasek_1 = Serpentine Belt A (V12)
!v12_pasek_2 = Serpentine Belt B (V12)
!v12_pokrywa_glowicy_1 = Head Cover A (V12)
!v12_pokrywa_glowicy_2 = Head Cover B (V12)
!v12_pompa_wspomagania = Power Steering Pump (V12)
!v12_pompaWody = Water Pump (V12)
!v12_przepustnica = Throttle (V12)
!v12_slizg_1 = Timing Chain Shoe A (V12)
!v12_slizg_2 = Timing Chain Shoe B (V12)
!v12_termostat = Thermostat (V12)
!v12_walek_rozrzadu = Camshaft (V12)
!v12_walKorbowy = Crankshaft (V12)
!v12_filtr_oleju = Oil Filter (V12)

!v12_zonda_gearbox = Gearbox (V12 A)

!v12_zonda_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (V12 A)
!v12_zonda_kolektor_wydechowy_1 = Exhaust Manifold A (V12 A)
!v12_zonda_kolektor_wydechowy_2 = Exhaust Manifold B (V12 A)
!v12_zonda_listwa_wtryskowa = Fuel Rail (V12 A)
!v12_zonda_pokrywa_glowicy_1 = Head Cover A (V12 A)
!v12_zonda_pokrywa_glowicy_1_2 = Head Cover B (V12 A)
!v12_zonda_pokrywa_glowicy_2 = Head Cover C (V12 A)
!v12_zonda_pokrywa_glowicy_2_2 = Head Cover D (V12 A)
!v12_zonda_oslona_kolektora = Intake Manifold Cover (V12 A)
!w_v12zonda_koncowy = Rear Exhaust Section (Zonda)

!v12_huayra_glowica_1 = Engine Head A (V12 B)

!v12_huayra_glowica_2 = Engine Head B (V12 B)
!v12_huayra_glowica_wkladka = Camshaft Cap (V12 B)
!v12_huayra_intercooler = Intercooler Set (V12 B)
!v12_huayra_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (V12 B)
!v12_huayra_lancuch = Timing Chain (V12 B)
!v12_huayra_cewki = Coil Pack (V12 B)
!v12_huayra_oslona_rozrzadu_2 = Timing Cover B (V12 B)
!v12_huayra_pokrywa_glowicy_1 = Head Cover A (V12 B)
!v12_huayra_pokrywa_glowicy_2 = Head Cover B (V12 B)
!v12_huayra_turbo = Turbo (V12 B)
!v12_huayra_walek_rozrzadu = Camshaft (V12 B)
!v12_huayra_zebatka = Timing Gear (V12 B)
!v12_huayra_przepustnica = Throttle (V12 B)

!seat_zonda = Seat Zonda

!steering_wheel_huayra = Steering Wheel Huayra
!seat_huayra = Seat Huayra
!steering_wheel_zonda = Steering Wheel Zonda
!rim_zonda_A = Rim Zonda Front
!rim_zonda_B = Rim Zonda Rear
!rim_huayra_A = Rim Huayra Front
!rim_huayra_B = Rim Huayra Rear

!engine_v12_zonda = V12 DOHC

!engine_v12_huayra = V12 SOHC Twin Turbo

GUI_Difficulty = Choose your game mode

GUI_Difficulty_Normal = Normal mode
GUI_Difficulty_NormalWOTutorial = Normal game mode without tutorial
GUI_Difficulty_Sandbox = Sandbox mode
GUI_Difficulty_Expert = Expert mode

!v12_huayra_oslona_intercoolera_1 = Intercooler Cover A (V12 B)

!v12_huayra_oslona_intercoolera_2 = Intercooler Cover B (V12 B)
!w_v12_huayra_koncowy = Rear Exhaust Section (Huayra)
!v12_huayra_gearbox = Gearbox (V12 B)
!v12_huayra_oslona_kolektora = Intake Manifold Over (V12 B)
!v12_zonda_filtr = Air Filter (V12 A)

!bak_2 = Fuel Tank B

!bak_2_1 = Fuel Tank C

!t_v12_zonda_kolektor_wydechowy_2 = ^!v12_zonda_kolektor_wydechowy_2
!t_v12_zonda_filtr = ^!v12_zonda_filtr
!t_v12_zonda_kolektor_wydechowy_1 = ^!v12_zonda_kolektor_wydechowy_1
!t_v12_zonda_listwa_wtryskowa = ^!v12_zonda_listwa_wtryskowa
!t_v12_zonda_kolektor_dolotowy = ^!v12_zonda_kolektor_dolotowy
!t_w_v12zonda_koncowy = ^!w_v12zonda_koncowy
!t_v12_glowica_1 = ^!v12_glowica_1
!t_v12_walek_rozrzadu = ^!v12_walek_rozrzadu
!t_v12_huayra_cewki = ^!v12_huayra_cewki
!t_w_v12_huayra_koncowy = ^!w_v12_huayra_koncowy
!t_v12_huayra_glowica_1 = ^!v12_huayra_glowica_1
!t_v12_huayra_glowica_2 = ^!v12_huayra_glowica_2
!t_v12_huayra_intercooler = ^!v12_huayra_intercooler
!t_v12_huayra_walek_rozrzadu = ^!v12_huayra_walek_rozrzadu
!t_v12_huayra_kolektor_dolotowy = ^!v12_huayra_kolektor_dolotowy
!t_v12_huayra_przepustnica = ^!v12_huayra_przepustnica
!t_v12_huayra_turbo = ^!v12_huayra_turbo
!t_v12_glowica_2 = ^!v12_glowica_2

!t_v8_gearbox_stary = ^!v8_gearbox_stary
!t_v8_gearbox = ^!v8_gearbox
!t_r4_gearbox_short = ^!r4_gearbox_short

!w_v12_huayratempesta_koncowy = Rear Exhaust Section (Huayra Tempesta)

!rim_huayratempesta = Rim Huayra Tempesta

GUI_GearboxShop = Custom Gearbox Shop

pie_tune_menu = Tune parts

pie_tune_menu_bonus = Let you change special parts settings
GUI_TuneWindow = Tune
GUI_ResetTune = Reset Tune
GUI_SaveTune = Save Tune
GUI_ForwardGears = Forward Gears
GUI_Ratio = Ratio
GUI_MaxSpeed = Max Speed
GUI_NumberOfGears = Number of gears

GUI_NoTuneGearbox = There is no custom gearbox installed.

GUI_NoTuneCarFromOrder = Tune is only available for cars you own.
GUI_GearsFR = Final Ratio
GUI_Gears1 = 1st
GUI_Gears2 = 2nd
GUI_Gears3 = 3rd
GUI_Gears4 = 4th
GUI_Gears5 = 5th
GUI_Gears6 = 6th
GUI_Gears7 = 7th
GUI_Gears8 = 8th
GUI_Gears9 = 9th
GUI_Gears10 = 10th

!t_v8_gearbox_stary = ^!v8_gearbox_stary
!t_v8_gearbox = ^!v8_gearbox
!t_r4_gearbox_short = ^!r4_gearbox_short
!t_i6_old_gearbox = ^!i6_old_gearbox
!t_v6_30_gearbox = ^!v6_30_gearbox
!t_r4_2_gearbox = ^!r4_2_gearbox
!t_w12_gearbox = ^!w12_gearbox
!t_v8_gearbox_stary2 = ^!v8_gearbox_stary2
!t_r4_old_gearbox = ^!r4_old_gearbox
!t_i4_l134_gearbox = ^!i4_l134_gearbox
!t_rot_new_gearbox = ^!rot_new_gearbox
!t_r4_gearbox_rwd = ^!r4_gearbox_rwd
!t_v6_30_gearbox_2 = ^!v6_30_gearbox_2
!t_i3_gearbox = ^!i3_gearbox
!t_v8_gearbox_4x4 = ^!v8_gearbox_4x4
!t_r4_gearbox_4x4 = ^!r4_gearbox_4x4
!t_v8_zz_gearbox = ^!v8_zz_gearbox
!t_v12_zonda_gearbox = ^!v12_zonda_gearbox
!t_v12_huayra_gearbox = ^!v12_huayra_gearbox
!t_w_i3_poczatkowy = ^!w_i3_poczatkowy
!t_i3_kolektor_dolotowy = ^!i3_kolektor_dolotowy
!t_i3_kolektor_wydechowy = ^!i3_kolektor_wydechowy
!t_w_i3_poczatkowy_2 = ^!w_i3_poczatkowy_2

GUI_TopSpeed = Top Speed

GUI_Timer = Timer
GUI_TuneGearing = Gearing

GUI_PauseQuitMenu = Menu

GUI_Map_CustomTrack = Workshop Maps

GUI_SelectMapQuestion = Which map would you like to choose?

!v8_f350_blok = Engine Block (V8 I)

!v8_f350_dzwigniazaworu = Rocker Arm (V8 I)
!v8_f350_glowica_1 = Engine Head A (V8 I)
!v8_f350_glowica_2 = Engine Head B (V8 I)
!v8_f350_glowica_wkladka = Camshaft Cap (V8 I)
!v8_f350_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (V8 I)
!v8_f350_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold (V8 I)
!v8_f350_oslona_rozrzadu = Timing Cover (V8 I)
!v8_f350_pasek_1 = Serpentine Belt (V8 I)
!v8_f350_pokrywa_glowicy_1 = Head Cover A (V8 I)
!v8_f350_pokrywa_glowicy_2 = Head Cover B (V8 I)
!v8_f350_rolka_walka = Cam Gear (V8 I)
!v8_f350_walek_rozrzadu = Camshaft (V8 I)
!v8_f350_kable = Ignition Wires A (V8 I)
!v8_f350_kable_2 = Ignition Wires B (V8 I)
!v8_f350_lancuch_1 = Timing Chain A (V8 I)
!v8_f350_slizg_1 = Timing Chain Shoe (V8 I)

!v8_coyote_blok = Engine Block (V8 J)

!v8_coyote_glowica_1 = Engine Head A (V8 J)
!v8_coyote_glowica_2 = Engine Head B (V8 J)
!v8_coyote_glowica_wkladka = Camshaft Cap (V8 J)
!v8_coyote_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (V8 J)
!v8_coyote_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold (V8 J)
!v8_coyote_lancuch_1 = Timing Chain A (V8 L)
!v8_coyote_lancuch_2 = Timing Chain B (V8 L)
!v8_coyote_oslona_rozrzadu = Timing Cover (V8 J)
!v8_coyote_pasek_1 = Serpentine Belt A (V8 J)
!v8_coyote_pasek_2 = Serpentine Belt B (V8 J)
!v8_coyote_pokrywa_glowicy_1 = Head Cover A (V8 J)
!v8_coyote_pokrywa_glowicy_2 = Head Cover B (V8 J)
!v8_coyote_pokrywa_swiec_1 = Coils Cover A (V8 J)
!v8_coyote_pokrywa_swiec_2 = Coils Cover B (V8 J)
!v8_coyote_rolka_walka_1 = Cam Gear A (V8 J)
!v8_coyote_rolka_walka_2 = Cam Gear B (V8 J)
!v8_coyote_slizg = Timing Chain Shoe (V8 J)
!v8_coyote_walek_rozrzadu = Camshaft (V8 J)
!v8_coyote_walKorbowy = Crankshaft (V8 J)
!v8_coyote_pokrywa_silnika = Engine Cover (V8 J)

!v8_429_filtr_dol = Air Filter Base (V8 OHV J)

!v8_429_filtr_srodek = Air Filter (V8 OHV J)
!v8_429_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (V8 OHV J)
!v8_429_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold (V8 OHV J)
!v8_429_pokrywa_glowicy_1 = Head Cover A (V8 OHV J)
!v8_429_pokrywa_glowicy_2 = Head Cover B (V8 OHV J)
!v8_429_filtr_gora = Air Filter Cover (V8 OHV J)
!v8_429_filtr_podstawa = Air Filter Base B (V8 OHV J)

!v8_289_blok = Engine Block (V8 OHV I)

!v8_289_filtr_dol = Air Filter Base (V8 OHV I)
!v8_289_filtr_gora = Air Filter Cover (V8 OHV I)
!v8_289_filtr_srodek = Air Filter (V8 OHV I)
!v8_289_glowica = Engine Head (V8 OHV I)
!v8_289_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (V8 OHV I)
!v8_289_kolektor_dolotowy2 = Intake Manifold B (V8 OHV I)
!v8_289_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold (V8 OHV I)
!v8_289_kolektor_wydechowy_gt40 = Exhaust Manifold B (V8 OHV I)
!v8_289_korekOleju = Oil Fill Plug (V8 OHV I)
!v8_289_miska_olejowa = Oil Pan (V8 OHV I)
!v8_289_pasek_1 = Serpentine Belt A (V8 OHV I)
!v8_289_pasek_2 = Serpentine Belt B (V8 OHV I)
!v8_289_pokrywa_glowicy_1 = Head Cover A (V8 OHV I)
!v8_289_pokrywa_glowicy_2 = Head Cover B (V8 OHV I)
!v8_289_raczka = Arm (V8 OHV I)
!v8_289_rolka_pompy_wody = Water Pump Pulley (V8 OHV I)
!v8_289_rozrzad_oslona = Timing Cover (V8 OHV I)
!v8_289_wentylator = Radiator Fan (V8 OHV I)
!v8_289_trabka = Air Trumpet (V8 OHV I)
!v8_gearbox_stary3 = Gearbox B (V8 OHV)

!v8_przepustnica_2 = Throttle B (V8)

!engine_v8_289 = V8 OHV WINDSOR
!engine_v8_289_racing = V8 OHV WINDSOR RACE
!engine_v8_429 = V8 OHV 385
!engine_v8_coyote = V8 DOHC COYOTE
!engine_v8_f350 = V8 SOHC BOSS RWD
!engine_v8_f350_4x4 = V8 SOHC BOSS

!walNapedowy_7 = Front Drive Shaft G

!w_koncowy_mustang2017 = Rear Muffler (Mustang)
!w_koncowy_gt40 = Rear Muffler (GT40)

!bench_mustang2017 = ^BenchName Mustang

!bench_2017F-350 = ^BenchName F350
!seat_fordgt40 = ^SeatName GT40
!seat_mach = ^SeatName Mustang Mach 1
!seat_mustang2017 = ^SeatName Mustang
!seat_2017F-350 = ^SeatName F350
!steering_wheel_mach = ^SteeringWheelName Mustang Mach 1
!steering_wheel_mustang2017 = ^SteeringWheelName Mustang
!steering_wheel_2017F-350 = ^SteeringWheelName F350
!steering_wheel_fordgt40 = ^SteeringWheelName GT40
!rim_fordgt40 = ^RimName GT40
!rim_mustang2017 = ^RimName Mustang
!rim_2017F-350 = ^RimName F350
!rim_mach = ^RimName Mustang Mach 1
!w_ruraLaczaca3 = Exhaust Pipe C
!w_v8_koncowy2 = Rear Muffler B (V8)

!t_v8_289_kolektor_wydechowy = ^!v8_289_kolektor_wydechowy
!t_v8_289_kolektor_dolotowy= ^!v8_289_kolektor_dolotowy
!t_v8_429_kolektor_wydechowy= ^!v8_429_kolektor_wydechowy
!t_v8_429_kolektor_dolotowy= ^!v8_429_kolektor_dolotowy
!t_v8_coyote_glowica_1= ^!v8_coyote_glowica_1
!t_v8_429_filtr_srodek= ^!v8_429_filtr_srodek
!t_v8_coyote_kolektor_dolotowy= ^!v8_coyote_kolektor_dolotowy
!t_v8_f350_kolektor_wydechowy= ^!v8_f350_kolektor_wydechowy
!t_v8_f350_glowica_1= ^!v8_f350_glowica_1
!t_v8_f350_glowica_2= ^!v8_f350_glowica_2
!t_v8_coyote_glowica_2= ^!v8_coyote_glowica_2
!t_v8_coyote_kolektor_wydechowy= ^!v8_coyote_kolektor_wydechowy
!t_v8_289_filtr_srodek= ^!v8_289_filtr_srodek
!t_v8_289_glowica= ^!v8_289_glowica
!t_v8_289_kolektor_dolotowy2= ^!v8_289_kolektor_dolotowy2
!t_v8_f350_kolektor_dolotowy= ^!v8_f350_kolektor_dolotowy

M_OpcjeGrafiki13=Detail Level

MM_SteeringCarSensitivity=Car Steering Sensitivity

M_Stopniowanie11 = ^M_Stopniowanie1
M_Stopniowanie22 = ^M_Stopniowanie2
M_Stopniowanie33 = ^M_Stopniowanie3
M_Stopniowanie44 = ^M_Stopniowanie4

GUI_SwapOptions = Swap Options

GUI_Showroom_CarVersion=Car Version

M_OpcjeGrafiki15=Simplified Car Shadows

GUI_Desc_MoveItem=Move Item
GUI_Desc_ChangePanel=Change Tab
GUI_Desc_SelectItem=Select Item
GUI_Desc_SelectColor=Select Color
GUI_Desc_Warehouse=Change Warehouse
GUI_Desc_OrderAccept=Accept Order
GUI_Desc_Scroll=Scroll Car Info
GUI_Desc_CarMove=Move Car

GUI_SwapOnlyUserCar=You have to own a car to swap an engine.

GUI_Desc_PieMenu=Open pie menu

GUI_Desc_LeaveMechanicMode=Leave Mechanic Mode
GUI_Desc_LowerLifter=Lower lifter
GUI_Desc_CancelSearch=Cancel searching
GUI_Desc_CustomLicencePlate=Custom the licence plate
GUI_Desc_ChangeWarehouse=Change Warehouse

GUI_Paint_PaintCar=Paint Car
GUI_Paint_PaintPart=Paint Part

GUI_move_noDlc=You do not have the required DLC




!b61_blok_1 = Engine Block A (B6 A)

!b61_blok_2 = Engine Block B (B6 A)
!b61_gearbox = Gearbox (B6 A)
!b61_glowica_1 = Engine Head A (B6 A)
!b61_glowica_2 = Engine Head B (B6 A)
!b61_glowica_wkladka = Camshaft Cap (B6 A)
!b61_kolektor_dolotowy_1 = Intake Manifold A (B6 A)
!b61_kolektor_dolotowy_2 = Intake Manifold B (B6 A)
!b61_lancuch = Timing Chain (B6 A)
!b61_listwa_wtryskowa = Fuel Rail (B6 A)
!b61_miska_olejowa = Oil Pan (B6 A)
!b61_pasek = Serpentine Belt (B6 A)
!b61_pokrywa_glowicy_1 = Engine Head Cover A (B6 A)
!b61_pokrywa_glowicy_2 = Engine Head Cover B (B6 A)
!b61_pompaWody = Water Pump (B6 A)
!b61_przepustnica = Throttle (B6 A)
!b61_rolka_pompy_wody = Water Pump Pulley (B6 A)
!b61_rolka_walka_1 = Cam Gear A (B6 A)
!b61_rolka_walka_2 = Cam Gear B (B6 A)
!b61_slizg = Timing Chain Shoe (B6 A)
!b61_turbo = Turbo (B6 A)
!b61_walek_rozrzadu = Camshaft (B6 A)
!b61_walKorbowy = Crankshaft (B6 A)
!b61_wlew_oleju = Oil Fill Tube (B6 A)
!b61_blok_nakladka = Timing Cover C (B6 A)
!b61_filtr_dol = Air Filter Base (B6 A)
!b61_filtr_gora = Air Filter Cover (B6 A)
!b61_filtr_srodek = Air Filter (B6 A)
!b61_glowica_1_pokrywa = Timing Cover A (B6 A)
!b61_glowica_2_pokrywa = Timing Cover B (B6 A)
!b61_dyferPrzod = Front differential (B6 A)
!w_b61_koncowy_porshe991 = Rear Exhaust Section (991)
!w_b61_srodkowy_A_porshe991 = Middle Exhaust Section A (991)
!w_b61_srodkowy_B_porshe991 = Middle Exhaust Section B (991)

!b62_2_filtr_dol = Air Filter Base (B6 B)

!b62_2_filtr_gora = Air Filter Cover (B6 B)
!b62_2_filtr_srodek = Air Filter (B6 B)
!b62_2_intercooler = Intercooler (B6 B)
!b62_2_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (B6 B)
!b62_2_pasek = Serpentine Belt (B6 B)
!b62_2_pokrywa = Cover (B6 B)
!b62_2_przepustnica = Throttle (B6 B)
!b62_2_wtrysk = Mechanical Fuel Injection (B6 B)
!b62_2_wtrysk_dol = Mechanical Fuel Injection Base (B6 B)
!w_b62_koncowy_A_porshe964 = Rear Exhaust Section A (964)
!w_b62_koncowy_B_porshe964 = Rear Exhaust Section B (964)

!b62_alternator = Alternator (B6 C)

!b62_blok_1 = Engine Block (B6 C)
!b62_blok_2 = Engine Block (B6 C)
!b62_cylinder_1 = Engine Cylinder (B6 C)
!b62_kolektor_dolotowy_1 = Intake Manifold A (B6 C)
!b62_gearbox = Gearbox (B6 C)
!b62_glowica_1 = Engine Head (B6 C)
!b62_kable = Ignition Wires (B6 C)
!b62_kolektor_dolotowy_2 = Intake Manifold B (B6 C)
!b62_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold (B6 C)
!b62_kopulka_rozdzielacza = Ignition Distributor Cap (B6 C)
!b62_lancuch_1 = Timing Chain A (B6 C)
!b62_lancuch_2 = Timing Chain B (B6 C)
!b62_listwa_wtryskowa = Fuel Rail (B6 C)
!b62_nakladka_glowica_1 = Camshaft Bearing (B6 C)
!b62_obudowa_rozrzadu_1 = Timing Cover A (B6 C)
!b62_obudowa_rozrzadu_2 = Timing Cover B (B6 C)
!b62_obudowa_wentylatora = Fan Cover (B6 C)
!b62_pasek_1 = Serpentine Belt A (B6 C)
!b62_pasek_2 = Serpentine Belt B (B6 C)
!b62_pasek_3 = Serpentine Belt C (B6 C)
!b62_pokrywa = Engine Block Cover (B6 C)
!b62_pokrywa_nakladki_1 = Engine Head Cover A (B6 C)
!b62_pokrywa_nakladki_2 = Engine Head Cover B (B6 C)
!b62_pokrywa_rozrzadu_1 = Timing Cover C (B6 C)
!b62_przepustnica = Throttle (B6 C)
!b62_rolka_walka = Cam Gear (B6 C)
!b62_rozdzielacz = Ignition Distributor (B6 C)
!b62_rurka = Pipe (B6 C)
!b62_slizg_1 = Timing Chain Shoe (B6 C)
!b62_turbo = Turbo (B6 C)
!b62_walek = Shaft (B6 C)
!b62_walek_rozrzadu = Camshaft (B6 C)
!b62_walKorbowy = Crankshaft (B6 C)
!b62_wentylator = Radiator Fan (B6 C)

!v10_blok = Engine Block (V10)

!v10_filtr = Air Filter (V10)
!v10_filtr_dol = Air Filter Base (V10)
!v10_filtr_gora = Air Filter Cover (V10)
!v10_gearbox = Gearbox (V10)
!v10_glowica_1 = Engine Head A (V10)
!v10_glowica_2 = Engine Head B (V10)
!v10_kolektor_dolotowy = Intake Manifold (V10)
!v10_kolektor_wydechowy = Exhaust Manifold (V10)
!v10_lancuch = Timing Chain (V10)
!v10_listwa_wtryskowa = Fuel Rail (V10)
!v10_miska_olejowa = Oil Pan (V10)
!v10_obudowa_sprzegla = Clutch Cover (V10)
!v10_oslona_rozrzadu = Timing Cover (V10)
!v10_pasek_1 = Serpentine Belt A (V10)
!v10_pasek_2 = Serpentine Belt B (V10)
!v10_pokrywa_glowicy_1 = Engine Head Cover A (V10)
!v10_pokrywa_glowicy_2 = Engine Head Cover B (V10)
!v10_rolka_walka_1 = Cam Gear A (V10)
!v10_rolka_walka_2 = Cam Gear B (V10)
!v10_slizg = Timing Chain Shoe (V10)
!v10_sprzeglo = Clutch (V10)
!v10_walek_rozrzadu = Camshaft (V10)
!v10_walKorbowy = Crankshaft (V10)
!v10_pompaWody = Water Pump (V10)
!v10_rolka_pompy_wody = Water Pump Pulley (V10)
!w_v10_koncowy_carreragt = Rear Exhaust Section (Carrera GT)
!w_v10_srodkowy_carreragt = Middle Exhaust Section (Carrera GT)
!w_v10_poczatkowy_carreragt = Front Exhaust Section (Carrera GT)

!rim_porshe_911turbo36_gt = ^RimName 964

!rim_porshe_991_carrera_4s = ^RimName 991
!rim_porshe_carrera_gt = ^RimName Carrera GT
!seat_carreragt = ^SeatName Carrera GT
!seat_964 = ^SeatName 964
!seat_991 = ^SeatName 991
!steering_wheel_964 = ^SteeringWheelName 964
!steering_wheel_991 = ^SteeringWheelName 991
!steering_wheel_carreragt = ^SteeringWheelName Carrera GT
!bench_991 = ^BenchName 991

!wahaczGora_double_2 = Upper Suspension Arm B

!wahaczDol_double_3 = Bottom Suspension Arm C
!polosNapedowa_9 = Front Drive Axle J

!engine_v10 = V10 DOHC

!engine_b61_porsche = B6 Twin Turbo
!engine_b62_2_porsche = B6 Turbo
!engine_b62_porsche = B6

!b62_filtr_srodek=Air Filter (B6)

!b62_filtr_dol=Air Filter Base (B6)
!b62_filtr_gora=Air Filter Cover (B6)
!b62_dmuchawa = Blower (B6 C)
!b6_filtr_oleju = Oil Filter (B6)
!v10_filtr_oleju = Oil Filter (V10)
!w_b62_koncowy_A_porshe964RS = Rear Exhaust Section (964 RS)
!w_b62_koncowy_B_porshe964RS = Rear Exhaust Section (964 RS)
!w_b62_poczatkowy_porshe964RS = Front Exhaust Section (964 RS)


!rim_porsche_964RS = ^RimName 964 RS

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