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Lesson Title:​ Pattern Pumpkin

Art Educator: ​Mrs. Nichole Luckie Grade Level:​ ​2nd​ ​Grade

Medium:​ Mixed Media Collage Approximate Length:​ 3 Classes (45 minutes each)
I can create a Yayoi Kusama inspired mixed media pumpkin collage using pattern and repetition.
I can safely and responsibly use materials to create a mixed media collage.

WV State Standards
Media, Techniques and Processes

x VA.K-2.1 ​Explore two- and three-dimensional art, tools, techniques, and processes in multiple media.
VA.K-2.2 ​Construct more complex two- and three-dimensional art using various multiple media to communicate ideas,
experiences, and stories​.
x VA.K-2.3 ​Use materials, tools, and technology in a safe and responsible manner.
Elements of Art and Principles of Design

VA.K-2.4 ​Explore, examine, and discuss the elements of art and principles of design as they apply to the creation of two and
three-dimensional art and the communication of multiple ideas.
Subject Matters, Symbols, and Ideas

VA.K-2.5 ​Explore, examine, and discuss how subjects, symbols, and ideas visually communicate meaning in art.
VA.K-2.6 ​Create art using subject matter and symbols that reflect personal experience, the community, environment,
nature, and other cultures.
Art History and Diversity

VA.K-2.7 ​Explore, examine, and discuss how art has existed through time and is affected by its creator, culture, style, and or
time periods.
VA.K-2.8 ​Create art that reflects the style of various cultures from different time periods.
Reflection and Analysis

VA.K-2.9 ​Explore, examine, and discuss how personal and others’ works of art represent feelings, reflect experiences, create
meaning, and/or have a function.
Multidisciplinary Connections

VA.K-2.10 ​Explore, examine, and discuss how ideas, experiences, and stories can be expressed through multiple arts,
disciplines, and other subjects.

Materials: Resources:
9”x12” construction paper in various colors How to draw a pumpkin handouts
3”x12” construction paper strips Yayaoi Kusama video and slideshow
Black sharpies
Glue Sticks
Pumpkins and squash
Construction paper crayons
Tempera paints, q-tips
Vocabulary Elements of Art Principles of Design
Collage: ​artwork that is made out of x Line Value Balance Variety
paper that is cut and pasted x Shape Space Emphasis x Repetition
Pattern:​ a combination of objects or
shapes repeated with regularity Form Texture Movement Proportion
Repetition: ​one object or shape x Color Unity x Pattern
Contrast:​ difference (usually in art,
this is something you can see)
Organic Shapes vs. Geometric Shapes
​Shapes coming from nature vs.
shapes that have a name and straight

Assessment Cross-Curricular Connections

I can draw a pumpkin using observational skills. Earth Science - observing pumpkins
I can paint a dot pattern to create pattern and repetition.
I can safely and responsibly use materials to create a collage.
x Observation Differentiation
Peer Feedback x Chunk assignment
x Participation Anchor chart
Oral Response Vocabulary grades
Rubric x Scaffolding
x Checklist Partner Work
Exit Ticket x Rubric

Day 1

Entering Class 2 minutes ● Teacher will instruct students to go to the carpet or to their tables.
● Students will recite the art motto and put their art brains on.

Bell Ringer 5 minutes ● Students will go in and quietly draw pumpkins on tables for 5-7
minutes. Try to draw all the different shapes/sizes/textures/etc. Draw
with pencil first and then color with crayons or colored pencils.

Activities/ 29 minutes ● Explain to students that they will be creating their own pumpkin
Procedures artwork inspired by an artist that is still alive today.
● Explain to students that we will be creating pumpkins inspired by a
modern Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama. Show students the slideshow of
her work.
● Ask students to turn to their neighbors and share what types of
REPETITION they see in Kusama’s artwork. Explain that we will be using
this same type of repetition as we create pumpkins for our upcoming
● Tell students they will use their sketchbook drawings as a starting point
and I will give them some pointers to make their pumpkins unique.
● Together in their sketchbooks, have students follow the steps on the
“How to Draw a Pumpkin” handout to draw in their sketchbooks. After
they draw this pumpkin, challenge them to draw a short or tall
pumpkin if they have extra time.
● Tell students they can choose one of their pumpkin sketches to draw
on a larger piece of paper. Demonstrate how to fill up the space.
● Tell students they must pick one color of paper to make their pumpkin.
Options are: yellow, orange, pink, brown, and purple.

Closure 2 minutes ● Ask students to pair up with their partners and share which of their
pumpkin sketches they like the best and why.

Clean-up 5 minutes ● Teacher will choose students who are showing the Mona Lisa to help
with clean-up procedures.

Leaving Class 2 minutes ● Teacher will call each table to line up quietly in a straight line.
● Students will recite the art motto and put classroom brains back on.

Day 2

Entering Class 2 minutes ● Teacher will instruct students to go to the carpet or to their tables.
● Students will recite the art motto and put their art brains on.

Bell Ringer 5 minutes ● Teacher will pass out papers. Students will share where they left off
with their pumpkins and what they need to do next.

Activities/ 29 minutes ● If students have not finished drawing their pumpkins on a colored
Procedures piece of paper, they will finish drawing their full sized pumpkin.
● Drawings will be cut up and glued onto a CONTRASTING piece of
background paper with a small strip of paper underneath for the
● Using tempera paint, students can add dots to their pumpkins. Review
painting procedures.

Closure 2 minutes ● Ask students to pair up with their partners and share which step they
have liked best so far in the process.

Clean-up 5 minutes ● Teacher will choose students who are showing the Mona Lisa to help
with clean-up procedures.

Leaving Class 2 minutes ● Teacher will call each table to line up quietly in a straight line.
● Students will recite the art motto and put classroom brains back on.

Day 3

Entering Class 2 minutes ● Teacher will instruct students to go to the carpet or to their tables.
● Students will recite the art motto and put their art brains on.

Bell Ringer 5 minutes ● Teacher will pass out papers. Students will share where they left off
with their pumpkins and what they need to do next.
Activities/ 29 minutes ● Students can finish previous steps.
Procedures ● Explain the difference between organic and geometric shapes. Tell
students they will use straight lines and geometric shapes to create
their backgrounds.
● Students can use construction paper crayons to create straigh lines
and triangle shapes to add to their backgrounds.

Closure 2 minutes ● Ask students to pair up with their partners and share which step they
have liked best so far in the process.

Clean-up 5 minutes ● Teacher will choose students who are showing the Mona Lisa to help
with clean-up procedures.

Leaving Class 2 minutes ● Teacher will call each table to line up quietly in a straight line.
● Students will recite the art motto and put classroom brains back on.
Art Self Reflection Rubric 
Name: ___________________________________________________ Class Code: ___________________

Project: Patterned Pumpkins

I drew my pumpkin 
using observation. 

Pumpkin Pattern 
I created a dot pattern 
on my pumpkin.

Background Pattern 
I created a geometric 
pattern in the 

I used materials safely 
and responsibly.  

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