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Story no1

Once upona time ther was a zen monk in Himalayas. He has been mediating for decades and has a good
reputation of being enlightedned about mediation. This news was heard for English professor who study
pycology and he wanted to debate about usefulness of mediation. He cantact the zen monk and put a
appointment. After zen monk met the professor zen monk greeted and professor greeted back and zen
monk invite professor for a cup of tea. In the tea time they were debating. When it time to drink tea the
tea zen monk did something different he poured tea all overed the table consciously. Profffession notice
tea is all spilled in all the table and he asked why. Zen monk said “your brain is like this overflow cup that
you have only used it to challenge others and it has not be use for enlightenement of soul.

Do you recogonised these people?

Steve jobs : who started apple company and he got fired form own company in 1994. He was lef
devastated and thought of running away from valley. But later he found that this is the best time for
growth. He started a company called paxar and other next, and found his love in this period

Thomas alva Edison: in 1918 thomas alva edisons company was burned down in new jersy. Millions of
money was lost and he said to his son that to bring their mother to see the fire an she will not see this
kind of fire in her life and after that he was asked about the damage by news paper and he said it allright
we got rid of the garbage. He rebuilt it on 1920.

Walt Disney: who is founder of Disney cartoon and corporation. In his job he was labeled as a one who is
lacking imagination and having no original ideas.

Enstein: he couldn’t speek until four years and his math teacher said he was never good at anything
What is a mindset?

What the ingradiated for success. Hwa tusccessfull people have in common. 20 years research has benn
found that it’s the mindset that successful people has like above dirve them to success. And all the
qualities that we see ex: determination, grit are byproduct of the minset.

Mindset is a simply the way of thinking.

Professor carol dweck has been researching about mindset for 20 years and in her book she says there
are two types of mindset. One is growth mindset and other one is fixed mindset. Growth mindset people
see intelligence or a skills can be developed if they can put enough time and effort to the subject. Fixed
mindset people think intelligence and skills are fixed at birth and they doestnt change.growth mindest
people achieve success. All the above people we talked achieved the success because they put hours
abd hours to their carft and not because of they wear born with special talent. Growth mindset that
they beilieved in put their mind focus to conecetrate for long period than average. How many hours do
you think enstein spend to master physics? More than 10,000 hours. To spend 10,000 hours with a
subject his mindset pushed him because he knew that if he could spend more time with physics he
would get better and better each day. Growth mindset is like a rubber band and fixed mindset is like a
brick. Brick cannot expand or stretch. But rubber bands can.

Puzzle findings

Carol dweck did a experiement on kindergardners. She gathers 40 studnts and she divieded into tow
groups borth groups were given a easy puzzle. For one group she praised the students who completed
with a fixed mindset praise like “your are smart at this” and for other group she prasied with growth
mindset praise “you must have tried really hard”. Then she asked all the students to what they like to do
next. Fixed mindset group said they like to do easy puzzle and growth mindset gourp said they like to do
a hard one. Then she gave all them a hard puzzle and anlyse their results. Growth mindset praise group
did significantly better than fixed mindset. Fix mindset group did far worse than first puzzle. And when
students have to show their results fixed mindset lied about their score 3 times more. Fixed minset did
not have away to cope their failure.

How to cultivate a growth mindset

Studying brain plasticity: brain plasticity is a beautiful charcter of our brain that new nurones make
connection with learning new things and conncections get stronger when they accessed frequently. This
is going to heavily talked about in send slides

Affirmation: if you have fixed view for ex: you think you are a special one with no need to work, this is
clearly a fixed view on your skill. You can print a affirmation like

Listning carfully to what growth mindset people say: you may have a growth mindest friend you can
listen to him or her and try to view skill and intelliengece in her/his shoes. If you continue this frequently
you will also have a growth mindset like him/her.

Saman has a growth mindset he is always talking about how he can improve himself and be a better
person each and every day. Sunil is a friend of saman. Sunil listen to saman and try to speed like him.
Initially he did not have words to speek but after sometime he could speek like saman. Now sunil also
have a growth mindset

Researching more about growth mindest. Two and half hours is not enough to tell you all about growth
mindset and how to be successful. You need to put extra effort and understand it. Internet is a good
place to start and in youtube there are many videos about growth mindset.
And here some ways that growth mindset people think

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