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Mental Health Awareness

Breaking Stigma

Treatment of Depression
Date: 5 July 2019

Depression is treatable. Close to 85% of people suffering from depression recover and go back to a level of
functioning before the start of their illness. Treatment for depression is often multidimensional including
antidepressants, counseling, cognitive behavior therapy, family therapy, psychotherapy and social therapy.
Antidepressants are useful in treating mild, moderate and severe depression. Psychotherapy alone may be useful
only for mild depression. Combination treatments however have the best results. Treatment is divided into two
distinct periods. Because of the complex way the treatment works, response to treatment only begins two to three
weeks after starting it. Most patients feel significantly improved after four to six weeks. The treatment that doctors
choose depends on a number of factors, such as severity, types of symptoms, lifestyle and other medication. As
well as conventional therapy, a variety of complementary therapies can also help to sufferers to manage
depression. Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) On rare occasions, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is useful,
particularly for individuals whose depresssion is severe or life-threatening or who cannot take antidepressant
medication. ECT often is effective in cases where antidepressant medications do not provide sufficient relief of
symptoms. Antidepressant Medications Antidepressant drugs work by affecting the levels of chemicals in the brain,
such as serotonin. There are many types of antidepressant - exactly how they work is not clear but they frequently
lift a person�s mood and can allow them to address the problems which caused the depression in the first place.
Antidepressant drugs can take several weeks to start having a noticeable effect. Three goups of antidepressants
medications are most often used to treat depressive disorders: tricyclics, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOs)
and lithium. Lithium is the treatment of choice for manic-depressive illness and some forms of recurring major
depression. Sometimes your doctor will try a variety of antidepressants before finding the medication or
combination of medications most effective for you. Sometimes dosage must be increased to be effective. Patients
often are tempted to stop medication too soon. It is important to keep taking medication until your doctor saus to
stop, even if you feel better beforehand. Some medications must be stopped gradually to give your body time to
adjust. In cases of manic-depressive illness and chronic major depression, medication may have to become part of
everyday life to avoid disabling symptoms. Antidepressant drugs are not habit-forming, so you need not be
concerned about that. However, as is the case with any type of medication prescribed for more than a few days,
antidepressants have to be carefully monitored to see if you are getting the correct dosage. Your doctor will want
to check the dosage and its effectiveness regularly. If you are taking MAO inhibitors, you will have to avoid certain
foods, such as cheeses, wines, and pickles. Be sure you get a complete list of foods you should not eat from your
doctor and always carry it with you. Other forms of antidepressants require no food restrictions. Never mix
medications of any kind � prescribed, over-the-counter, or borrowed � without consulting your doctor. Be sure to
tell your dentist or any other medical specialist who prescribes a drug that you are taking antidepressants. Some of
the most benign drugs when taken alone can cause severe and dangerous side effects if taken with others. Note
that alcohol can reduce the effectiveness of antidepressants and should be avoided. This includes wine, beer, and
hard liquor. Antianxiety drugs, such as Valium, are not antidepressants. They are sometimes prescribed along with
antidepressants; however, they should not be taken alone for a depressive disorder, such as amphetamines, are
also inappropriate. Be sure to call your doctor if you have a question about any drug or if you are having a problem
you believe is drug related. Therapy and counselling Psychological therapies and counselling can often assist a
person with depression to recognize the problem and begin to address the root cause of their depression. The most
common therapies used to treat depression are problem-focussed psychotherapies such as cognitive therapy,
cognitive behavioural therapy and the Interpersonal Psychotherapy frameworks. Counselling can also successfully
help people to overcome and deal with a wide range of problems and may be carried out by a trained counsellor, a
psychologist or psychotherapist. The second phase of treatment includes a continuation of the same treatment for
a pre-determined period to prevent the depression from recurring. Treatment is available at all psychiatric clinics
throughout the country. As it is now recognized as a public health issue, treatment is also available at all primary
care centers as well as in general practice. Because there is so much stigma associated with seeking help from
psychiatric units, the Malaysian Psychiatric Association is committed to training and supporting all primary care and
general practice in managing depression in the community. It is vital that people suffering from this disabling
illness shed their fear and prejudice from seeking treatment that is effective and which is now widely available.
Depression is not a personal weakness. It can strike anyone at anytime and has no preferences. Families and
communities have a responsibility to help their members to seek appropriate help. The earlier the onset of
treatment the higher the chances of recovery. Side effects of Antidepressants Antidepressants may cause mild and
usually temporary side effects in some people. Typically these are annoying, but not serious. However, unusual side
effects or those that interfere with functioning should be reported to your doctor. The most common side effects
and ways to deal with them are: Dry mouth
• drink lots of water;
• chew sugarless gum
• clean teeth daily Constipation
• Eat bran cereals, prunes, fruits and vegetable Bladder problems
• Emptying your bladder may be troublesome, and your urine stream may not be as strong as usual; call
your doctor if there is any pain Sexual problems
• Sexual functioning may change; if worrisome, discuss with your doctor Blurred vision
• This will pass soon; do not get new glasses Dizziness
• Rise from bed or chair slowly Drowsiness
• This will pass soon; do not drive or operate heavy equipment if you are feeling drowsy or sedated.

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