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problem based learning and best cooperative learning.

Problem Based Learning is the use of various

types of intelligence needed to deal with real-world challenges, the ability to deal with everything new
and the complexity that exists.

Learning Definition Problem-based problems given to students are teaching methods with a focus on
real problem solving, the process by which students do group work, feedback, discussions that can serve
as a springboard for investigation and final assignments. Thus students are also encouraged to be more
actively involved in learning materials and develop critical thinking skills.

Cooperative learning is an educational approach that aims to organize classroom activities into academic
and social learning experiences. There is far more cooperative learning than simply arranging students
into groups, and it has been described as "developing positive interdependence." Students must work in
groups to complete tasks collectively toward academic goals. Unlike individual learning, which is
competitive, students who learn cooperatively can use each other's resources and skills to each other
(ask questions of information, evaluate each other's ideas, monitor each other's work, etc.) Furthermore,
the teacher's role changes from provide information to facilitate student learning. Everyone succeeds
when the group succeeds. Ross and Smyth (1995) describe the task of successful cooperative learning as
an intellectual, creative, open demand, and involves high-level thinking tasks. Cooperative learning is
also associated with an increase in the level of student satisfaction.

Based on my observations, the first problem I found in learning and teaching English was the lack of
vocabulary from English, so the students did not like learning languages, besides the lack of motivation
given by the teacher to increase the enthusiasm of students in learning. in fact, they considered English
not important to learn, so they simply underestimated the lesson.

Another problem is the method used by the teacher, where the teacher also does not adjust the
method used with the material being taught. so students also find it difficult to understand the lessons
delivered by the teacher. in addition, teachers also cannot develop learning models that can provide
changes to students regarding their cognitive development so students find it difficult to practice
thinking skills.

That problem led me to choose the Problem Based Learning and Cooperative Based Learning methods.
After observation I had planned to use the method, because I aimed to make them active students.
Where the teacher no longer acts as a source of learning, but students who play an active role.
According to Nurhadi (in Atmojo, 2013) explained that the problem based learning model is a learning
model that involves and trains students in solving problems related to contextual life to learn critical
thinking and to obtain essential knowledge and concepts. Meanwhile according to (in Bungel, 2014)
describes the PBL model as a sacred learning model that has characteristics that distinguish it from other
learning models, model problems based lerning is student centered, meaning students are actively
involved during the learning process. Nopia, R., (2016) said that problem based learning is learning
model characterized by real problems as contexts for students learn to think and be skilled in solving
Besides that the PBL learning process is based on Vigotsky's theory, in the theory of vigotsky PBL learning
is applied in study groups. Learning groups are conducted through random and heterogeneous group
division with the aim that students can develop their knowledge.

Then in the co-operative based learning method I also aimed to encourage students to work with peers,
because success in a learning process was not only obtained from the teacher but also by peers. Anita
Lie (2007: 18) suggests that "Cooperative learning is defined as group learning strategies or learning
systems structured groups".

In choosing the method that will be applied when teaching, of course I prepare myself to the fullest. so
that the method which I use is successful according to the learning objectives, and also provide effective
teaching in the classroom. here I designed several steps in applying the method that I used.

the first is planning stage, where I plan how the method can reach the goal. this also for success in the
learning process. then can encourage students active inside and outside the classroom. I do this planning
stage based on the results of observations, where I found several problems that exist in the teaching
process of teaching English. based on the results of observations, needs and problems that I found,
among others, motivation from a teacher, methods, media aids, and so on.

the second is the stage of the movement, where I will instruct students to discuss in a group, to adjust to
the method that I use. then I will guide them so that the learning runs smoothly. the stage which is the
follow-up stage, which is obtained from the results of the movement. here I will also instruct each group
to directly discuss the material that I have provided, and of course it has been designed to achieve the
learning objectives and anticipate how students will respond. after that in the teaching process, I also
monitored how progress in the teaching process is teaching by modifying what I use, whether it works or
vice versa. that's the steps how to prepare the method that I use.

as a good teacher, I also need to be responsible for students. so that whatever I do to them is not in vain.
It's enough to pay attention to them individually, because after all the level of ability of students is
different. so when I distributed the material I knew from each of them that they had to discuss with
whom, of course those who were low in English. not only responsible for student problems, but also
from all the problems experienced or felt by each student I will handle. as long as the student is still
under my guidance. not only the problem is responsible, but I also run the role as a teacher.

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