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8/13/2019 DevOps Glossary | Razorops

DevOps Glossary
15 Jun 2018 - Shyam Mohan

DevOps covers a wide range of functions. From configuration management to infrastructure to

documentation to quality assurance, DevOps spans the entire so ware development lifecycle.


Agile Organization — A flexible company capable of rapid response and adaptability to
both expected and unexpected opportunities and threats.

Agile Manifesto — The formal proclamation of values and principles to guide an iterative
and people-centric approach to so ware development. 1/17
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Agile So ware Development - A so ware development methodology and philosophy,

focused on user feedback, so ware quality, and the ability to respond quickly to changes
and new product requirements

Agile Project Management — An iterative and incremental method of so ware design and
development in which developers work closely with users using just enough information to
start planning and execution.

Antifragile — A term coined by professor Nassim Nicholas Taleb about a property that
allows systems to increase in capability or performance as a result of stress, mistakes,
faults or failures.

Automation — The technology by which a process or procedure is performed without

manual intervention. In DevOps, automation allows for the creation of real-time reports,
integrating various tools used by different stakeholders, and workflows—integrating
technology to bring tools together from different domains and break down the silos.

Application Release Automation (ARA) - A practice of deploying so ware releases to

various environments and their configurations with as little human interaction as possible.

Artifact - Any description of a process used to create a piece of so ware that can be
referred to, including diagrams, user requirements, and UML models.

Autonomy - The ability to make changes with the resources currently available, without the
need to defer to something or someone higher up in the hierarchy.

AWS ( - A cloud computing platform offering ready to use web

services which are loosely coupled.

Ansible ( - An agent-less orchestration engine that can

automate application and systems.

Aptly ( - A Debian repository management tool

Artifactory ( - JFrog’s open source binary

repository management product with support for Apache Maven artifacts.

Asgard ( - A netflix web interface tool for AWS

Cloud Management and application deployment. 2/17
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Atom ( - Atom is a text editor that’s modern, approachable, yet hackable to
the core—a tool you can customize to do anything but also use productively without ever
touching a config file.

Awsbox ( - A featherweight DYI PaaS on top of awscloud EC2 for

deploying node apps.

Bottleneck (Lean) — A step in a process that limits the total capacity of the process or

Btrfs - A copy-on-write (COW) file system that uses B-trees to organize information on-

Behavior Driven Development (BDD) - An evolution of test-driven development that focuses

on collaboration between development and business stakeholders to define user stories
that determine the development of the application using a human-readable DSL.

Branching - The duplication of an object under review in source control so that the same
code can be modified by more than one developer in parallel.

Build Agent - A type of agent used in continuous integration that can be installed locally or
remotely in relation to the continuous integration server. It sends and receives messages
about handling so ware builds.

Build Artifact Repository - Centralized storage for all binaries used during build. Simplifies
dependency management and build processes, helps maintain security and consistency
across teams, helps make automated deployment practical and scalable.

Beats ( - An open source collectors for log files,

infrastructure metrics, and other important types of data agitation.

Berkshelf ( - Cookbook source manager for chef, similar to a bundler

for ruby.

Buildbot ( - An open-source framework for automating so ware build,

test and release process.

Bento ( - A project that encapsulates Packer templates for building

Vagrant base boxes. 3/17
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BuildMaster ( - An automated deployment tool. It combines

features to manage and automate processes primarily related to continuous integration,
database change scripts, and production deployments.

Brooklyn ( - Focused on deployment & post deployment life-

cycle management, aware of network typologies integrates with clouds.

Barkeep ( - Code review tool for git projects, focused on code
reviewing, can support both pre & post commit workflows.

Capacity Test- A test that is used to determine the maximum number of users a computer,
server, or application can support just before failing.

Commit- A way to record the changes to a repository and add a log message to describe
the changes that were made.

Complex-Adaptive Systems- Any system made of a collection of similar, smaller pieces

that are dynamically connected and can change to adapt to changes for the benefit of a

Configuration Dri - How so ware and hardware configurations become inconsistent with
the master version due to manual and ad hoc changes (like hotfixes) that are not committed
back to version control. O en a significant source of technical debt.

Configuration Management- A process for establishing and maintaining consistent

settings of a system. These solutions also include SysAdmin tools for IT infrastructure
automation (e.g. Chef, Puppet, etc.).

Containerization - Resource isolation at the OS (rather than machine) level, usually (in
UNIX-based systems) in user space. Isolated elements vary by containerization strategy
and o en include file system, disk quota, CPU and memory, I/O rate, root privileges, and
network access. Much lighter-weight than machine-level virtualization and sufficient for
many isolation requirement sets.

Containers- Resource isolation at the OS (rather than machine) level, usually (in UNIX-
based systems) in user space. Isolated elements vary by containerization strategy and
o en include file system, disk quota, CPU and memory, I/O rate, root privileges, and
network access. Much lighter-weight than machine-level virtualization and sufficient for
many isolation requirement sets. 4/17
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Continuous Delivery - A so ware engineering approach in which continuous integration,

automated testing, and automated deployment capabilities allow so ware to be developed
and deployed rapidly, reliably, and repeatedly with minimal human intervention.

Continuous Deployment - A so ware development practice in which every code change

goes through the entire pipeline and is put into production automatically, resulting in many
production deployments every day. It does everything that Continuous Delivery does, but
the process is fully automated, and there’s no human intervention at all.

Continuous Integration - A so ware development process where a branch of source code

is rebuilt every time code is committed to the source control system. The process is o en
extended to include deployment, installation, and testing of applications in production

Continuous Quality - A principle that preaches the continuous quest for quality across the
entire SDLC, starting from requirements definition, code development, testing, and
operations. Another key area of focus for Continuous Quality is the application code
pipeline orchestration. There are many opportunities to negatively impact the quality of an
application when code is being manually moved across environments.

Continuous Testing - The process of executing unattended automated tests as part of the
so ware delivery pipeline across all environments to obtain immediate feedback on the
quality of a code build.

Consul ( - Makes it simple for services to register themselves and to

discover other services via a DNS or HTTP interface.

Chef ( - Configuration management tool which uses a pure-Ruby, DSL for
writing system configuration recipes.

CoreOS ( - Lightweight OS that support containers out of the box. Can
be used as base OS to run your own PaaS

CfEngine ( - First of its kind. Configuration Management tool,

automates large scale, complex infrastructure.

Collectd ( - Demon to collect system performance statistics

periodically & provides tons of plugins to analyze values.

Chocolatey ( - It is apt-get for windows. Can install packages &

dependencies over CLI. 5/17
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CruiseControl ( - A CI server written in #Ruby with a focus

on simplicity & being easy to hack.

Capistrano ( - A remote server automation and deployment tool

written in Ruby.

Credmgr ( - Securely manage privileged account

credentials via Shamir secret sharing. Its like one passwd for DevOps.

ConDep ( - An opensource infrastructure configuration &

deployment DSL specifically targeted (not limited) to Windows platform.

CMB(Cloud Message Bus) ( - A highly available,

horizontally scalable queuing & notification service compatible to AWS SQS, SNS.

Deployment - A term that refers to the grouping of every activity that makes a program
available for use and moving that program to the target environment.

Deployment Pipeline - A deployment pipeline is an automated manifestation of your

process for getting so ware from version control into the hands of your users.

DevOps - An IT organizational methodology where all teams in the organization, especially

development teams and operations teams, collaborate on both development and
deployment of so ware to increase so ware production agility and achieve business goals.

Docker ( - Package an application with all of its dependencies

into a standardized unit for so ware development. Build, Ship, Run.

Deis ( - Open Source Application Platform For Public and Private Clouds. Its
built on Docker & CoreOs.

Drone ( - A Continuous Integration platform built on Docker, written in Go.

Dokku ( - Docker powered mini-Heroku, a smallest PaaS

implementation you’ve ever seen around 100 lines of Bash.

Deploykit ( - Collection of Ruby

daemons flying in close formation. AKA our startling message-based deploy environment.

Djangy ( - An open source cloud

hosting service for Python/Django web apps. Its like Heroku for Python/Django. 6/17
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Diamond ( - Diamond is a python daemon that

collects system metrics and publishes them to Graphite (and others).

Event-Driven Architecture - A so ware architecture pattern where events or messages are
produced by the system, and the system is built to react, consume, and detect other

Exploratory Testing - A manual testing strategy where human testers have the freedom to
test areas where they suspect issues could arise that automated testing won’t catch.

Etcd ( - A highly-available key value store for shared

configuration and service discovery.

Eucalyptus ( - An open

source so ware for building AWS - compatible private and hybrid clouds.

Fail Fast - A strategy in which you try something, it fails, feedback is delivered quickly, you
adapt accordingly, and try again.

Fig ( - A package management tool, similar to APT,

language agnostic, faster and works well with both executable and libraries.

Foreman ( - A complete lifecycle management tool for physical

and virtual servers.

Fpm ( - Effing package management! Build packages

for multiple platforms (deb, rpm, etc) with great ease and sanity.

Flynn ( - An open source PaaS platform built on Docker awesomely

manages deploying, scaling your applications.

Fabric ( - A command-line tool for streamlining use of SSH for

application deployment or systems administration tasks.

FAI Fully Automatic Installer ( - Tool for mass unattained

deployments of Linux.

Flannel ( - etcd backed network fabric for containers 7/17
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Git ( - An awesome tool to version your source code and collaborate.

Graphite ( - A visualization tool for statistics. One can create

customizable reports and dashboards.

Ganglia ( - A salable distributed monitoring system for high-

performance computing systems such as clusters & grids.

Gradle ( - A project automation tool that builds upon the concepts of
#Apache Ant and Apache Maven.

Grafana ( - An open source feature rich metrics dashboard and graph
editor for Graphite, InfluxDB & OpenTSDB.

GoCD ( - release management tool,build from ground up with

pipelines in mind & makes easy to model complex deployment work-flow.

Heroku ( - Platform as a service (PaaS) that enables developers
to build and run applications entirely in the cloud.

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) - A self-service computing, networking, and storage
utility on-demand over a network.

Integration Testing - Testing that occurs a er unit testing, but before validation testing,
where individual so ware components are combined and tested as a single group to
ensure they work as a whole.

Issue Tracking - A process that allows programmers and quality assurance personnel to
track the flow of defects and new features from identification to resolution.

Icinga ( - A monitoring system checking hosts & services you

specify & notifying when things go wrong & they recover.

Jenkins ( - It is an open-source, lightweight CI tool written in Java,
with high extensibility and a fast release cycle. 8/17
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Jcloud ( - Apache jclouds, an open source multi-cloud toolkit

for the Java platform, apps are portable across clouds.

Juju ( - An orchestration tool allows so ware to be quickly

deployed, integrated & scaled public/private/hybrid cloud.

Kubernetes ( - An opensource system for managing containerized
applications providing deployment & scaling of apps.

Kickstart ( - Uses bash scripts to provision machines

over ssh, with no client installation on the target.

Kibana ( - an open source (Apache Licensed),

browser based analytic and search dashboard for Elasticsearch.

Ka a (https://ka - distributed, partitioned, replicated commit log service.

Logstash ( - A data pipeline that helps you
process logs and other event data from a variety of systems. ( - A Real-time log monitoring in your browser. Broadcasting logs to

the web clients.

Loom ( - Does stuff Puppet doesn’t do well or at all

bootstrapping machines deploying code & installing reusable modules.

Logster ( - Utility for reading logs & generating metrics to

configurable outputs. Graphite, CloudWatch, Nagios & stdout.

Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) - Used to measure reliability of a system or
component, calculated by averaging the time between system failures.

Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR) - The average time it takes a system or component to
recover from a failure and return to production status.

Microservices Architecture - The practice of developing so ware as an interconnected

system of several independent, modular services that communicate with each other. 9/17
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Model-Based Testing - A so ware testing technique in which the test cases are derived
from a model that describes the functional aspects of the System Under Test (SUT). Visual
models can be used to represent the desired behavior of a SUT, or to represent testing
strategies and a test environment. From that model manual tests, test data, and automated
tests can be generated automatically.

Memcached ( - An open-source high performance, distributed

memory object caching system.

Mcollective ( - A framework for building server

orchestration or parallel job execution systems.

Mina ( - Deployment tool, lets you build and run scripts to
manage your app deployments on servers via SSH.

Nomad ( - A Hashicorp product; is a cluster manager &
scheduler designed for microservices and batch workloads.

Openstack ( - An open source, massively salable cloud
operating system used for building private & public cloud.

Opsbot ( - A pluggable, configurable bot for improving

communication in operations.

OpsGenie ( - Tools you need to design meaningful, actionable

alerts and ensure the right people are notified.

OSV ( - An operating System for lightweight virtual machines, designed for
ground up to run single application, similar to CoreOS.

Otto ( - successor to Vagrant is single solution to develop,

deploy application with firstclass support to microservices.

Orc ( - A model driven orchestration tool for the

deployment of application clusters written in Ruby.

Opskelaton ( - Bootstrap DevOps infra with

some opinionated defaults(vagrant chef puppet) standard development guidelines. 10/17
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Overcast ( - CLI for ease to spinup configure &

manage clusters without learning curve or complexity of existing management tools.

Openshi (https://www.openshi .com/) - Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that allows

developers to quickly develop, host, and scale applications in a cloud environment.

Pair Programming - A so ware development practice where two developers work on a
feature, rather than one, so that both developers can review each others’ code as it’s being
written in order to improve code quality.

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) - Provides languages, libraries, services, and tools that allow
developers to build and deploy applications in the cloud without worrying about underlying
OS-level infrastructure (or below).

Production - The final stage in a deployment pipeline where the so ware will be used by
the intended audience.

Packer ( - A tool for creating identical machine images for multiple
platforms from a single source configuration

Pagerduty ( - A tool which would help us to increase the

uptime of our apps, services, and infrastructure.

Poni ( - Systems management tool for defining, deploying and

verifying complex multi-node computer systems.

Pulp ( - A platform for managing repositories of content,

such as so ware packages.

Prometheus ( - open-source service monitoring system and time

series database.

Rollback - An automatic or manual operation that restores a database or program to a
previously defined state. 11/17
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RabbitMQ ( - RabbitMQ is a queuing tool for DevOps

engineers. Supports a large no. of development platforms.

Rundeck ( - A cross-platform opensource so ware, helps automate

ad-hoc & routine procedures in data-center or cloud environment.

rkt ( - CLI for running app containers on Linux. rkt is

designed to be composable, secure, and fas.

Rudder ( - An easy to use, web-driven, role-based solution for IT

Infrastructure Automation.

Rex ( - An agent less orchestration tool written in simple perl.

Riemann ( - Riemann monitors distributed systems.

Self-Service Deployment - The action of automating deployment processes enough for
developers to allow project managers or even clients to directly control deployments.

Source Control - A system for storing, tracking, and managing changes to so ware. This is
commonly done through a process of creating branches (copies for safely creating new
features) off of the stable master version of the so ware and then merging stable feature
branches back into the master version. This is also known as version control or revision

Staging Environment - Used to test the newer version of your so ware before it’s moved to
live production. Staging is meant to replicate as much of your live production environment
as possible, giving you the best chance to catch any bugs before you release your so ware.

Sensu ( - A simple & scalable monitoring framework which is

designed for cloud.

Simian Army ( - A tool for testing & promoting

infrastructure tolerance & high availability.

Snort ( - An open-source IPS. It provides real-time traffic analysis

and packet logging for DevOps engineers.

SumoLogic ( - Centralized Log Analysis tool, which scale to

any data volume and query performance. 12/17
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Serf ( - A lightweight & decentralized solution for cluster

membership, failure detection & orchestration.

SaltStack ( - Configuration Management so ware, delivers fast,

scalable event-driven infrastructure automation & predictive cloud orchestration.

Slaughter ( - A perl tool for automating configuration

maintenance & management of large number of systems.

StackStorm ( - Event-driven automation used for auto-healing,

security responses, troubleshooting, complex deployments.

Sequencer ( - Open-Source So ware that can ping,

power off and power on your whole cluster.

Sunzi ( - Shell-based provisioning tool which does not try to

do anything else. Has no dependency other than shell.

Sysdig ( - An open source, system level exploration: capture

system state & activity in linux instance save, filter & analyze.

Semaphore ( - A hosted continuous integration and deployment

service for open source and private projects.

Sublime-Text ( - Sublime Text is a cross-platform source

code editor with a Python application programming interface (API). It natively supports
many programming languages and markup languages, and its functionality can be
extended by users with plugins, typically community-built.

SignalFx ( - Monitoring and Operational Intelligence for the Cloud.

Technical Debt - A concept in programming that reflects the extra development work that
arises when code that is easy to implement in the short run is used instead of applying the
best overall solution.

Test Automation - The use of special so ware (separate from the so ware being tested) to
control the execution of tests and the comparison of actual outcomes with predicted
outcomes. 13/17
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Terraform ( - A tool used in building, changing, and versioning

the infrastructure across platforms.

Test Kitchen ( - A test harness tool to execute your configured code on
one or more platforms in isolation.

Tsuru ( - An extensible and open source Platform as a Service; that uses
Docker to make deploys simple & fast.

TeamCity ( - A feature packed CI tool with out-of-the-

box support for java, ruby .Net, & many other languages.

Travis CI ( - A Continuos Integration tool easy to integrate with Github


Unit Testing - A testing strategy in which the smallest unit of testable code is isolated from
the rest of the so ware and tested to determine if it functions properly.

User Acceptance Test (UAT) - The final phase of so ware testing where clients and end
users determine whether the program will work for the end-user in real world scenarios.
This stage is also known as beta testing.

Virtual Machine (VM) - A so ware emulation of a physical computing resource that can be
modified independent of the hardware attributes.

Vagrant ( - It is a cross platform tool to create, boot, configure

and destroy development environments.

Veewee ( - A tool for easily & repeatedly building

custom Vagrant base boxes, KVMs, & virtual machine images.

Vagrant-lxc ( - Vagrant plugin that allows it to

control and provision Linux Containers as an alternative to the built in VirtualBox provider
for Linux host.

Vaurien ( - A Chaos Monkey for TCP conn.

Randomly disconnects/stalls TCP connections in app to test tolerance and HA. 14/17
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VMFest ( - a PalletOps project turns VirtualBox into

light-weight cloud provider. Useful in developing cloud automation.

Weave ( - Virtual network that connects Docker
containers deployed across multiple hosts & enables automatic discovery.

Zabbix ( - An opensource, enterprise-class network monitoring

Zookeeper - A centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming,

providing group services etc.

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