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Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Tengah Semester

Mata Kuliah: Manajemen Pendidikan
Dosen Pengampu: Dr. Rofiq Faudy Akbar, M. Pd.

Kelompok 8

Hidayatul Husna (1710110310)

Lailatul Jannah (1710110211)
Lailul Karomah (1710110339)
Muftafsirul Ulya (1710110344)
Nur Fadhilatul Ruzqiyah (1710110346)



Definitions of Management:
Management is the body of knowledge on how best to coordinate the
activities of an enterprise to achieve effectiveness.1

Definitions of Public Relations:

“Public Relations is the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to
establish and maintain mutual understanding between on organization and
its publics.”
- Institute of Public Relations, USA
“Public relations is the attempt by information persuasion and
adjustment to engineer public support for an activity, cause, movement or
- Edward L. Bernays
“Merely human decency which flows from a good heart.”
- Charles Plackard
“Good performance, publicity appreciated because adequately
- Fortune (Magazine)
“Public Relations is Dale Carnegie - winning friends and influencing
people - writ large.”
- Robert Heibroner
“Everything involved in achieving a favourable opinion."
- George F. Meredith
Former President of the American Pubic Relation Association 2

Public relations is a conduit, a facilitator, and a manager of

communication, conducting research, defining problems, and creating
meaning by fostering communication among many groups in society. 3
Manajemen hubungan masyarakat (Humas) adalah proses penelitian,
perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengevaluasian suatu kegiatan komunikasi
yang disponsori oleh organisasi. Manajemen hubungan masyarakat (Humas)
adalah suatu proses komunikasi antara sekolah dengan masyarakat untuk
berusaha menanamkan pengertian warga masyarakat tentang kebutuhan
dari karya pendidikan serta pendorong minat dan tanggung jawab
masyarakat dalam usaha memajukan sekolah. Manajemen hubungan sekolah
dengan masyarakat adalah komunikasi dua arah antara organisasi dengan
public secara timbal balik baik dalam rangka mendukung fungsi dan tujuan
This book is licensed under an Creative Commonsby-nc-sa 3.0
( 3.0/) license.
Shri. N. Palaniappan dan Shri. A. M. Ramachandraiah, Training Programme On
Public Relations, Chennai: Anna Institute of Management, tt, hlm. 11-12.
This book is licensed under aCreative Commonsby-nc-sa 3.0
( 3.0/) license.
manajemen dengan meningkatkan pembinaan kerjasama serta pemenuhan
kepentingan bersama.
Tujuan kongkrit hubungan antara sekolah dengan masyarakat
(humas) adalah; 1) guna meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran dan
pertumbuhan peserta didik, 2) berperan dalam memahami kebutuhan-
kebutuhan masyarakat yang sekaligus menjadi desakan yang dirasakan saat
ini, 3) berguna dalam mengembangkan program-program sekolah kearah
yang lebih maju dan membumi agar dapat dirasakan langsung oleh pengguna
jasa pendidikan. Manfaat hubungan sekolah dengan masyarakat adalah; 1)
penentuan sumber dan kebutuhan belajar, 2) tersedianya tempat-tempat
penelitian, 3) pemenuhan sarana dan prasarana, 4) pemenuhan sumber dana
dan daya manusia yang terungkap dalam cipta, rasa, karsa dan karyanya.
Functions of a School PTA The secondary education management hand
book on school administration (1996) stipulated PTA functions as follows: 1)
To provide a bridge between the home and the school. 2) To give
meaningful moral, financial and material support to the school to solve
problem and to encourage the moral, physical and intellectual development
of their children or wards. 3) To provide a forum for parents and guardians
and school staff to meet regularly, exchange views and take decisions on how
to pursue the implementation for the overall benefit of the school. 4) To assist
the principal and board of governor in ensuring a high standard of discipline
amongst students at school and at home. 5) To assist school authorities
provide adequate security for life and property in the school. 4
Hubungan yang harmonis sebagai hasil kerja hubungan sekolah
dengan masyarakat tampat sebagai berikut; 1) adanya saling pengertian
antara organisasi/instansi dengan pihak luar, 2) Adanya kegiatan yang
membantu karena mengetahui manfaat, arti dan pentingnya peranan masing-
masing, 3) adanya kerjasama yang erat dengan masing-masing pihak dan
merasa ikut bertanggung jawab atas suksesnya usaha pihak yang lain. Schools
creating community connector roles within their school culture benefit on
several levels from connections established:
1. Schools become community members though consistent relationship
building, while maintaining high levels of local visibility.
2. The Connector establishes institutional legitimacy in politically
complex community areas.
3. Perceptions of students improve. Students are now seen as ―children
who live in our community‖, not scary strangers. Neighbors recognize
the assets of the students and the value of their participation in
community activities.
4. Community connections strengthen recruitment outreach activities. 5
C.E Duru dan Uremadu, School and Community Relations in Nigeria: and
Eksploratory Review of Literature Approach, International Journal of Economics, Business and
Management Research, Vol. 1, No. 04, 2017, Hlm. 42.
Dacia Chrzanowski, Susan Rans dan Raymond Thompson, Building Mutually-
Beneficial Relations Ships Between Schools and Communities, Northwestern: Asset Based
Peran dan fungsi hubungan sekolah dengan masyarakat tertuang
dalam UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, pada
Pasal 54 dikemukakan; (1) masyarakat berperan dalam peningkatan mutu
pelayanan pendidikan yang meliputi perencanaan, pengawasan dan evaluasi
program pendidikan melalui dewan pendidikan dan komite
sekolah/madrasah, (2) komite sekolah/madrasah sebagai lembaga mandiri,
dibentuk dan berperan dealam peningkatan mutu pelayanan dengan
memberikan pertimbangan, arahan dan dukungan tenaga, sarana dan
prasarana serta pengawasan pendidikan pada tingkat satuan pendidikan.
Act of the republic of Indonesia number 20, year 2003 on national
education system with the one and only god’s mercy president of the republic
of Indonesia:
1. The Preamble of the 1945 Constitution has mandated that the
Government of the Republic of Indonesia protect all her citizens and
territorial integrity and promote public welfare, enhance the
intellectual life of the whole nation, and take part in world peace
keeping, based on independence, enduring peacefulness, and social
2. The 1945 Constitution has mandated that the Government organize
and run one national education system, based on legal framework,
strengthen the people’s faith and piety to God the Almighty and their
moral character as a means for enhancing the intellectual capacity of
the nation.
3. A national education system should ensure equal opportunity,
improvement of quality and relevance and efficiency in management
to meet various challenges in the wake of changes of local, national
and global lives; therefore it requires a well-planned, well-directed,
and sustainable education reform.
4. Act Number 2 Year 1989 on the National Education System is no
longer appropriate and it needs to be changed and adjusted in order to
implement the principles of the democratization of education.
5. In view of a, b, c above, it has become necessary that the Law of
National Education be enacted.6
Sekolah/Madrasah berkepentingan untuk menjalin dan mengelola
hubungan yang baik dengan lingkungan sekitar. Memanajemen lingkungan
untuk menciptakan suasana lingkungan pendidikan yang kondusif untuk
kegiatan pembelajaran. Schools make choices about the connections between
home, school, and comunity. They may have only a few communications and
interactions with families and communities, keeping the three spheres of
influence that affect student learning and development relatively separate. Or,
they may have many high-quality communications and interactions disegned

Community Development Institute at Northwestern University, tt, Hlm. 14.

The English version of the Act as published originally in Bahasa Indonesia in the
National Gazette Number 78 Year 2003. The original text of this Act in Bahasa Indonesia is
the authentic version, Hlm. 5.
to bring the three spheres of influence closer together. With frequent
interaction among educators, parents, other family members, and community
partners, more students should receive common messages from the key
people in there leave about the importance of school, of working hard,
thinking creatively, helping one another, and staying in school. 7
Sekolah/Madrasah memerlukan prosedur untuk menciptakan suasana
lingkungan pendidikan yang kondusif, karakteristik prosedur yang dapat
diterapkan pihak sekolah/madrasah diantaranya adalah; 1) berisi prosedur
tertulis mengenai informasi kegiatan penting minimum yang akan
dilaksanakan, 2) memuat judul, tujuan lingkup, tanggung jawab dan
wewenang, serta penjelasanya, 3) diputuskan oleh kepala sekolah/madrasah
dalam rapat dewan pendidik78. Manajemen budaya dan lingkungan sekolah
dikembangkan oleh sekolah dengan menetapkan tata tertib yang berisi; tata
tertib pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, peserta didik, penggunaan sarana
dan prasarana pendidikan, serta petunjuk peringatan dan larangan dalam
berprilaku di sekolahserta pemberian sangsi bagiwarga yang melanggar tata


Joyce L. Epstein dan Associates, School, Family, And Community Partnership,
California: A SAGE Company, 2009, Hlm. 12.
Chrzanowski, Dacia, dkk. Building Mutually-Beneficial Relations Ships Between
Schools and Communities. Northwestern: Asset Based Community
Development Institute at Northwestern University. Tt.

Duru, C.E dan Uremadu. School and Community Relations in Nigeria: and
Eksploratory Review of Literature ApproacH. International Journal of
Economics, Business and Management Research. Vol. 1, No. 04. 2017.

Epstein, Joyce L. dan Associates. School, Family, And Community Partnership.

California: A SAGE Company. 2009.

Palaniappan, Shri. N dan Shri. A. M. Ramachandraiah. Training Programme On

Public Relations. Chennai: Anna Institute of Management. Tt.

This book is licensed under an Creative Commonsby-nc-sa

3.0( 3.0/) license.

The English version of the Act as published originally in Bahasa Indonesia in

the National Gazette Number 78 Year 2003. The original text of this Act
in Bahasa Indonesia is the authentic version

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