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1. Animism: A belief that all nature is alive.

2. Numina: Fear or awe in the presence of the unknown.
3. Religion: Belief in supernatural powers regarded as creator of the universe.
4. Magic: Forces that allow individuals to make nature do what they want it to do.
5. Sympathetic Magic: making gods do what you want nature to do by imitation.
6. Sacred: Set apart for worship of a deity or as worthy of worship.
7. Profane: Nonreligious. Outside the sphere of religion. Contemptuous of religion.
8. Secular: Worldly or not spiritual.
9. Myth: A story dealing with supernatural beings that represents the worldview of a people.
10. Epic: A narrative poem celebrating the acts of a traditional hero.
11. Scriptures: Sacred writings. A sacred scroll or book.
12. Rituals: Prescribed religious ceremonies.
13. Rite of Passage: A prescribed ceremonial act or series of acts. The sign that a person is passing from one stage of
life to another.


1. Mantu: Among the Naskapi, the soul of nature, animals and humans. The soul of a person is referred to as the
“Great Man”.
2. Shaman: People who have been initiated in rituals that enable them to control spirits.
3. Mista’peo: Among the Naskapi, the “Great Man” – an individual’s soul that lives in the heart; it is a person’s
essential self. It reveals itself in dreams.
4. Tsaka’bec: Among the Naskapi, a hero figure. He was a trickster who altered the natural world. He exhibited a
craftiness admired by the Naskapi.
5. Trickster: A male character found in stories of Native North Americans as well as most other cultures. Although
the trickster was not the creator, he audaciously performed deeds that altered creation. He represents the
canniness admired by non-literate people
6. Reincarnation: A soul that has left a body can return in the body of a newborn child after a period of time.
7. Weroances: The sub-chiefs, or commanders, of the Powhatan Empire.
8. Wisakon: The Powhatan term for medicine and substances tasting like medicine.
9. Okeus: Among the Powhatans, a group of gods that caused suffering.
10. Ahone: The beneficent deity of the Powhatans.
11. Kivas: Underground chambers that the Hopi used for religious ceremonies.
12. Kachinas: Among the Hopi, masked, costumed dancers that represent gods, ancestors or spirits.
13. Monotheism: belief in one god.
14. Henotheism: One god is supreme over the other gods.
15. Polytheism: There are many gods in the universe.
16. Atheist: One who believes that there is no god.
17. Agnostic: One who believes there may or may not be a god.
18. Vision Quest: Young boys who go through puberty are sent to live in the forest until a vision is received.
19. Peyote: Cactus used in worship.

1. Vedas: Sacred Writing for Hinduism/Hinduism scriptures.
2. Dravidians: Dark skinned inhabitants of India
3. Aryans: Light skinned Indo-Europeans who entered the Indus Valley prior to 1000 b.c.e.
4. Varna: Color once associated with caste
5. Caste: Permanent social group a person is born and which determines one’s social and religious obligations.
6. Shruti: Hindu sacred writings based on “heard” or revealed knowledge.
7. Smiriti: Writings based on what human authors “remembered” of revelations to Hindus; less authoritative than
revealed scriptures.
8. Brahmanas: Commentaries and manuals instructing priests in rites associated in the Vedas.
9. Aranyakas: Shruti interpreting ritual of the Vedas for ascetics living in the forest.
10. Upanishads: “Sitting near the teachers”
11. Vedanta: End of the Vedas
12. Agamas: Scriptures from the tradition that divide according to deity.
13. Manu: In Hinduisim, the first man.
14. Itihasa Purana: Ancient mythological texts; including the Mahabharata, Ramanaya, 18 Puranas honoring Brahma,
Shiva and Vishnu.
15. Mahabharata: Epic poem featuring activities of the Lord Krishna.
16. Ramanaya: Epic of the ideal man, Rama and Sita, the ideal woman.
17. Brahmin: The name of the highest, priestly caste/highest caste of priests.
18. Purusha: Primal spirit/ soul of an individual.
19. Agni: The fire used in sacrifice, the Vedic god of fire.
20. Indra: Creator and ruler of the universe.
21. Soma: Hindu deity of an intoxicating plant. Sometimes used in the veda for worship purposes.
22. Varuna: Hindu God of the high-arched sky.
23. Rita: The Hindu god of order and principles.
24. Mitra: A god of faithfulness and promise-keeping.
25. Brahman: The Absolute.
26. Atman: The essence of Brahman that is present in individual self. (soul)
27. Maya: Appearance or illusion; power of creation.
28. Guru: A Hindu teacher of religious duties.
29. Prakrit: In Hinduism, matter, as opposed to purusha, spirit.
30. Moksha: Release of soul from samsara (cycle of rebirths)
31. Saguna Brahman: God with person like qualities.
32. Nirguna Brahman: God beyond attributes
33. Kalpa: A long period of the created world.
34. Law of Karma: The principle of Hinduism that a persons thoughts and deeds are followed by the consequence of
deserved pleasure or pain.
35. Samsara: Concept of the wheel of rebirth.
36. Kshatriya: Hindu caste of warriors or administrators.
37. Vaishya: Third Hindu caste: merchants and artisans.
38. Shudras: Fourth caste, caste of labourers.
39. Krishna: An incarnation of Vishnu.
40. Karma/Karma yoga: Doing one’s caste duties without expecting a reward; selfless action.
41. Jnana Yoga: The Hindu path of release based on intellectual knowledge.
42. Raja Yoga: Path to salvation by disciplining the mind and body.
43. Bhakti Yoga: Personal devotion to deity.
44. Laws of Manu: A Hindu code of conduct.
45. Samadhi: Concentration that unifies.
46. Sannyasin: One in the last stage of renunciation or detachment.
47. Puranas: “Ancient Lore” treatises or the deities of popular Hinduism.
48. Tantras: Religious treatises for developing latent powers in persons.
49. Trimurti: The triad of the Gods: Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva.
50. Brahma: The creator
51. Vishnu: The preserver
52. Shiva: The destroyer.
53. Avidya: Ignorance
54. Avatar: God Vishnu is believed to have taken on human or other forms on several occasions.
55. Ahimsa: Nonviolence.

1. Sangha: Buddhist monastic order
2. Arhat: An enlightened person, holy person.
3. Dharma: In Buddhism, law of universe/tradition thought by the Buddha
4. Tathagatha: One who understands his real nature/ title of the Buddha, meaning one who has thus gone.
5. Dukkha: The Buddhist term for suffering of humans.
6. Tanha: Thirst or craving that leads to suffering.
7. Eightfold Path: The path of deliverance in Buddhism.
8. Jhana: Buddhist meditation
9. Skandhas: Five strands that constitute the self.
10. Nirvana: In Buddhism, the state of being free of egocentrism and the suffering that it causes.
11. Tripitaka: “Three Baskets” collection of Buddhist scriptures.
12. Tiratana: Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha.
13. Theravadins: The elders, monks who imitated the Buddha’s ascetic life to attain enlightenment.
14. Mahayanists: Those of the great vehicle, who emphasized universal Buddhist enlightenment.
15. Theravada: Conservative Buddhist.
16. Vajrayana: Tibetan Buddhism.
17. Jatakas: Stories of the previous lives of the Buddha.
18. Boddhisatvas: People who have qualified to enter Nirvana, but stay behind to help others.
19. Kwan-Yin: Boddhisattva of mercy, also known as Avalokiteshvara.
20. Bon: Ancient animistic religion of Tibet.
21. Lama: Tibetan Buddhist monk.
22. Dalai Lama: Reincarnation of a senior Tibetan Buddhist monk. The Dalai lama is also the leader of Tibetan Buddhism.
23. Lingam: Male sexual or reproductive organ.
24. Anicca: Impermanence.
25. Trikaya: The three bodies of Buddha.
26. Anatta: No soul (Pali word)
27. Bodhgaya: A temple that commemorates the place where Buddha found enlightenment
28. Mara: The evil one who tempted the Buddha at Bodhgaya
29. Shakyamuni: Sage of the Shakya clan, Siddharta Gautama, the Buddha
30. Maitreya: Tradition of East Asia, means the next Buddha to appear on Earth.

1. Yang: The male side of the Dao. Exemplified as bright, warm, and dry conditions.
2. Yin: The female side of the Dao. Exemplified as dark, cool and moist conditions.
3. Dao: The path, or course or way of the universe. Although its influence is in nature, the eternal Dao is believed to
be hidden from empirical evidence.
4. Yijing (I Ching): An ancient book of China that assists people in deciding how to plan their lives in accord with
the forces of the universe.
5. Dao De Ching: The way and its power. A book attributed to Laozi, founder of Daoism.
6. Daoists: Followers of a philosophy or religion expressed in the Dao De Ching.
7. Laozi (Lao Tzu): Regarded as founder of Daoism.
8. Wu Wei: To do without doing. Daoist principle in accomplishing tasks without assertion.
9. Chuang Tzu: Later Daoist
10. Shang Di : The lord of heaven.
11. Jade Emperor: A mythical emperor of ancient China.
12. Zaoshen: The god of the stove.
13. Three purities: Three deities of Daoism : Ling Bao, the Jade Emperor, and Laozi.
14. Taixi: Art of embryonic breathing.
15. Shouyi: To preserve the One or to meditate on the One.
16. Confucius: The Chinese founder of Confucianism. He sought to develop good government through a responsible
ruler and ethical people.
17. Junzi (Chun tzu): Gentleman or superior man. Role model for the conduct of the Chinese people.
18. Li ji (Li Chi): The Chinese classic on rites supposedly edited by Confucius.
19. Li: Principle of Righteousness or propriety. Ritual and correct conduct in society.
20. The Five Relationships: Ruler-subject, husband-wife, father-son, older brother-younger brother, elder friend-
younger friend.
21. Yi: Internalized, or righteous
22. Ren (Jen): Humane principle, based on fellow-feeling.
23. Shu: Reciprocity. Individuals treating others as they would like to be treated.
24. Mengzi: A later disciple of Confucius who emphasized an inborn goodness in humans.
25. Xunxi: A Confucian who argued that humans are evil by nature and must be taught good rather than evil.
26. Sun Yat-Sen: First leader of republic of China after the fall of the Manchus.
27. Tianming: Mandate of heaven.
28. Kuan Ti: In Hong Kong, police worship Kuan Ti asking for help and protection.
29. Mengzi: A later disciple of Confucius who emphasized an inborn goodness of humans.
1. Tanakh: The complete Jewish Bible, comprising the five books of Moses, the prophets and the writings.
2. Torah: Teachings that comprise the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
3. Covenant: The binding agreement between God and his chosen people.
4. Passover: A Jewish holiday in the spring celebrating God’s deliverance of the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt.
5. Matzah: Unleavened bread eaten by Jews during the Passover.
6. Ark of the Covenant: A box containing the Ten Commandments.
7. Shema: A declaration of God’s unity, recited twice daily.
8. Canaanites: The people among whom the Israelites settled on their return from slavery in Egypt.
9. Baal: A god or gods of Canaan. Landlords or keepers of the land.
10. Asherah: A goddess of Canaan. Counterpart of male god, Baal.
11. Prophet: A person inspired by God to speak to in his name.
12. Synagogue: The place of worship or temple for the Jewish people.
13. Rabbi: A Jewish religious teacher.
14. Exodus: The mass departure of the Jews from the Promised Land.
15. Theodicy: A justification in the presence of evil, of God’s goodness, justice and knowledge.
16. Scribe: A trained scholar, particularly in Torah studies.
17. Hanukkah: The eight-day festival commemorating the rededication of the Jerusalem temple.
18. Sadducees: Jewish leaders who claimed allegiance to the priestly descendants of Zadok.
19. Zealots: A party of Jews actively opposed to Roman occupation of Judea.
20. Pharisees: A group of Jews who represented the piety of the common people.
21. Mosaic Law: The Law of Moses.
22. Messiah: The anointed one who will deliver Jews from oppression.
23. Sanhedrin: The supreme judicial body of the Jews.
24. Western Wall: The platform of the formal Temple. Only part existing after the destruction in 70 c.e.
25. Hillel: A prominent Jewish teacher and founder of the Hillel school of rabbis.
26. Mishnah: Teachings of the rabbis compiled about 200 c.e.
27. Talmud: The collection of rabbinic teachings.
28. Midrash: Rabbinic exposition explaining the meaning of scriptures.
29. Diaspora: Dispersion of Jews.
30. Muslim: A follower of prophet Muhammad.
31. Islam: A religion which emphasizes worship to one God, Allah.
32. Modernism: In religion, emphasis on reason in philosophy and science instead of traditional beliefs.
33. Zionism: A movement led by Jews to provide a home country for themselves.
34. Holocaust: An offering brought to a deity and completely burnt.
35. Dogma: Accepting based on faith, not reason.
36. Eschatology: Beliefs on the end of the world.

1. Christ: “The anointed one”
2. Miracle: An event judged to be brought by divine intervention in the ordinary events of history.
3. Parable: A simple story told to illustrate a religious truth or lesson.
4. Resurrection: Jesus died on Good Friday and was resurrected on Easter Sunday
5. Pentecost: A festival celebrating the time when the Holy spirit descended on the early Christian Church.
6. Apostle: A person who was a disciple of Jesus sent out to proclaim the coming of the kingdom of God.
7. Church: A congregation of Christians.
8. Theology: A formal and reasoned explanation of the beliefs of the faithful of a religion
9. Heretics: People who have been judged by the church to hold a dangerous doctrine contrary to the teachings of the church
10. Christian Canon: The list of books accepted as scriptures by Christians.
11. Lutherans: Members of the Protestant denomination based on the teachings of Martin Luther.
12. Trinity: Christian belief in God the father, Son and Holy Ghost.
13. Incarnation: Jesus coming to life in human flesh.
14. Gospels: Messages of the good news
37. Ecumenism: a whole household of faith. Different groups in a religion coming

1. Qur’an: The sacred scripture of the Muslims
2. Ka’bah: The cube shaped building in the open court of the Grand Mosque of Mecca.
3. Quraishy: The owners of the Ka’bah.
4. Hanif: A person who worshipped one God before the time of the Prophet.
5. Jinn: a race of beings created from fire.
6. Hijrah: Muhammad’s migration from Mecca to Yatrhib in 622.
7. Ansar: Medinans who who recites for God. “Messenger”
8. Shahada: Muslim profession of faith to only Allah and his one messenger, Muhammad.
9. Salat: Obligatory prayer five times a daily.
10. Zakat: The payment of a due to support the community. An act of purification through giving.
11. Sawm: Fast during daylight hours of Ramadan.
12. Ramadhan: A time or period of fasting for the Muslims, usually lasts for a month.
13. Hajj: The pilgrimage to Mecca, expected of all Muslims who are able.
14. Five Pillars of Islam: Five requirements made of all Muslims.
15. Tawhid: The Muslim doctrine of the unity of God.
16. Rak’a: Each complete cycle of ritual movements that is part of Muslim prayer.
17. Muezzin: One who calls Muslims to prayer.
18. Sadaqa: Informal charity between Muslims.
19. Sunna: The custom or tradition of Muhammad.
20. Hadiths: Reports to what Muhammad said or did.
21. Caliph: A successor of the prophet Muhammad.
22. Shi’a: Members of the “party” of Ali.
23. Sunni: The traditional, majority Muslims who accepted Mu’awiyah as the next leader after Uthman.
24. Ummah: The Muslim community.
25. Dhimmi: A client of the Muslims. Non-muslims who lived in a muslim country under Islamic laws.
26. Shari’a: The duties that God has placed on the Muslim community.
27. Ijma: The consensus of Muslim religious leaders on matters of practice.
28. Qiyas: Analogies used in applying the Qur’an and the Sunna
29. Ra’y: The considered opinion of Muslim leaders acting for public good.
30. Ulama: Muslim clerical scholars.
31. Mihrab: The niche in a mosque that signifies the direction of Mecca.
32. Kiblat: An arrow that marks the direction of the Ka’bah.
33. Jihad: An act which includes war to protect the well-being or dignity of Islam.
34. Imam: A religious leader.
35. Jahiliyah: Ignorance, not knowing the state.

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