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1) You can say that something is true based on your beliefs and culture as like of what your grandparents

told you
to in mystical experiences. In appeal to authority, you can say that something is true because you are forced to
believe it for there is a hierarchy where the higher person has the power to control the lower’s mind.
2) The strengths of a social domain is that everyone has the freedom to let others know what is true because in
social domain consensus is the way for truthfulness but the weaknesses are that not all of the people can share
their thoughts and give consensus have enough knowledge to prove that something or their belief is right or
3) Thomas Aquinas supports the concept of embodied spirit view. He says that a human person is by nature have a
body and a soul. A human person cannot be called complete if he/she is lacking one aspect. So he supports the
idea of Aristotle’s Hylomorphic doctrine. There are properties and characteristics that can only be felt or
experienced by body alone and soul alone so there must be both aspects to fully feel all and complete.
4) Power of volition is a philosophical view of freedom from Aristotle. He says that there are reason, will and
action. Reason is the root of all our actions and it is in our mind. Our reasons turn into our will. Will is the power
to decide and act out our choices or do it in action, it makes our reasons show through actions. And actions are
the result of our reason and will. He says that what is in our mind must not just stay there but must be done in
action because that is the true application of freedom.
5) The three philosophers in the Disembodied Spirit view are Erik Erikson, Ivan Pavlov, and Sigmund Freud. For
Erikson, Psycho-social Development Theory, humans develop based on their relationship with others especially
the parents at first. For Pavlov, Classical Conditioning Theory, behavior of living things is developed by practice
or repetition and are influenced by the environment. There are so called: Conditioned Response, unconditioned
response, conditioned stimuli and unconditioned stimuli. For Freud, Psycho-sexual Development Theory, libido
is present which is the pleasure spots that need to be satisfied to avoid fixations.
6) Anthropocentrism believes that humans is the center of the world where it is the most important being in the
world. Humans are indeed capable of thinking and has freewill so they are the ones who need to take care for it
for they are capable for recreating, manipulating and also for they can destroy it.
7) Environmental Justice refers to the fair distribution of environmental benefits, as well as the burden of meeting
environmental challenges. It says here that every people receives fair treatment and meaningful involvement to
the development, implementation of environmental laws, regulations and policies with respect regardless of
race, colour, income or national origin.
8) Biocentrism believes that all living creatures should receive the same respect so if humans treat or respect other
humans they should also give the same respect to other living things like animals and plants. Bio means life so to
maintain balance between the world, everything should be equally respected.
9) Ecofeminism put emphasis on gender roles and how it affects the environmental issues. It helps us to
understand the cause of certain environmental issues through gender disparity. We also need to implement
rules and laws that will be equally acceptable by both males and females.
10) Ecocentrism put emphasis on the society where there should be a system on every organic or inorganic things
and they should have their own roles because in that way the society will function. Humans are also considered
as the stewards of the earth for they are capable of thinking and they are free. In biblical context, Humans are
assigned by the Lord to take care of the earth for they are the right hand of the Lord, and they have the power
given by the Lord. Humans also need respect for everything in the world so the center in this philosophical
guideline does not center humans but everything in the world as a whole.
11) Martin Buber explained his view in relationship in a theoretical level. There is an I-it and I-thou relationship; I-it
relationship views the treatment of others as an objects where humans treat others for their function. I-thou
relationship treat others as a subject where there is consideration and recognition to others as which have value
and needs respect.
12) Martin Heiddeger has 2 theories which are ‘Being in the World’ and ‘Thrown Possibility Theory’. Being in the
World includes involvement and has 2 types: being along-side where treating others as a utility and being with
where treating others with considerateness. Thrown Possibility Theory has Past, Present and Future. The past or
facticity means that there can be no changes in yourself for it is others decision like name and race, the present
of falleness says that you still cannot decide for yourself because you have inauthentic existence, and the future
or existentiality means that you can still change what is in you because you are rational and there are still
possibilities to transcend beyond your limitations.
13) Johari Window explains that we need other’s view or perspective to be able to understand ourselves. There are
also things that are inside it, the arena where you and others know, blindspot where you don’t know and others
know, façade where you know and others don’t know and the unknown where neither of you knows.
14) The 1st level is the awareness of existence of others where you know that others exist when you respect them.
The 2nd level is the awareness of being seen by others where you must do good because you are seen by others.
The 3rd level is the aware ness of self in others, you are aware that what you possess are also possessed by
15) Theoretical Framework of analysis defines the relationship of a person to others as subject or object. If subject
there is considerateness and respect and you see that the person is not clearly defined while on object, you see
the person as defined and just a utility as usage of something.
16) Practical framework of analysis defines the relationship of a person to others as means or ends. Means, you use
other people to satisfy your self-interest and sometimes considered to be being evil or selfish. Ends, you use
other people just to satisfy others self-interest and is beneficial to others so it tells that intersubjectivity is also
17) (NOT SURE) He has a quote “Personality is consolidated in choosing”. A person’s personality is being defined
based on his/her choices and decisions. It also holds the idea of self-determination where choices define a
person. It says that if your choices result badly to you and to others then you are reasonably bad and if your
choices result beneficially to you and to others then you are reasonably moral or good.
18) The critical component of intersubjectivity is accepting others differences and embracing biodiversity. For us to
have a genuine relationship with others, we must respect each others differences and don’t make it as a hinder
for having a good relationship with others.
19) (NOT SURE) Gaia Hypothesis is under the concept of ecocentrism. It explains that what is happening in the
people is also happening in the world itself. It tells that the changes in people is due or connected to changes in
the world. If the humans evolve, it shows that the earth also evolve itself so the development in people is also
the development of the world.
20) Libertarianism rejects the idea of determinism and tells that determinism and freedom are incompatible. It says
that the cause of a certain event that had happened is the cause of human choices and nothing else. It has 3
positional philosophies: Thomas Hobbes’ Social Contract Theory, Aristotle’s Power of Volition, and Jean Paul
21) Hard Determinism says that determinism and freedom is incompatible and what is hard in it is that there is no
freedom present. It tells that an action is clearly defined by its causes and outcome so a certain cause will only
result to one event which is connected to the cause. There is also called “Principle of Alternate Possibilities” but
no freedom. It says that if there are 2 choices and you choose 1, the other one will be sacrificed and your choice
will open up to another more possibilities and choices.
22) Soft Determinism says that determinism and freedom is compatible and humans are still free. Even if a certain
event is going to result something predictable, humans can still change and manipulate it for they have freedom
and choice. They are also considered free as long as their action is not forced by external factors.
23) (Ralph) Environmental aesthetics explains that in order to see the beauty in the environment, we need to
maintain order that must be followed like laws that will protect the environment, and it will contribute to the
well-being of the people and other organisms. Environmental Ethics is the way people behave and interact with
the environment, it is what we learned when growing up and how norms affects our ethics to the environment.
24) Aristotle supports the idea of Embodied Spirit View with his theory, Hylomorphic Doctrine. He says that every
being is composed of 2 aspects, the material aspect and formal aspect. The material aspet is the body, vessel or
physical form of a living thing. The formal aspect is separated into 3: Nutritive Soul/Vegetative Soul, Sensitive
Soul, and Rational Sould. The Nutritive soul is in plants and has the ability of nourishment, reproduction and
growth. The Sensitive soul has the characteristics of a Nutritive soul with sensation or sensitive and locomotion.
And the Rational soul has all the characteristics of a sensitive soul adding with Free wil/Freedoml and
25) Positive freedom tells that a human person uses his/her freedom by doing what is right at all times even there is
no one watching so the person has integrity and had mastered oneself. Negative freedom tells that the coices
and freewill of a person is influenced by outside factors. It tells that the actions are forced by physical restraints
or other persons.
26) David Gauthier explains that humans in their natural stare are selfish and desirous and that quality is a positive
view so he is optimistic. He tells that being selfish will maintain a society. He tells that being selfish will lead the
human person meeting his/her self- interest. Other philosophers in society are pessimistic but he states that the
natural states of a person will maintain a society and will soon develop and evolve.
27) Someone can be accountable for a blame or praise or punishment or reward if he/she meet 2 conditions: the
knowledge and choice. There are referred to as incriminating conditions. If one condition is gone then he/she is
not accountable and is called excusing conditions. Someone can receive a reward if he/she does something good
or doesn’t do something bad. Someone can be accountable for a punishment if he/she dis something wrong or
didn’t do something right.
28) (NOT SURE) Paradox of possibility in limitation explains that we should be thankful that we don’t have
everything because it will open us to new possibilities. It tells that we don’t have to have everything we want
because our decisions and way of living will make us unique and have a count in the world, not just existing but
29) John Locke’s theory explains that the natural state of a human person is cooperative and reasonable.
Cooperative because people chooses and cooperate in order to have a society. Reasonable because they have
reason why he/she chooses him/her and why he/she can remove him/her from the position. He introduces
“Consent of the Governed” that tells the people have the power to choose their leader and to decide for the
society. The leader’s decision must be what the people wants and must be beneficial for them. The loophole
here is the leader is in the position but the decision is in the people. It is important because it tells that the
people made the society and is an important institution and part of society.
30) (NOT SURE) Eastern Philosophy’s principles are Cosmological Unity, Life is a journey towards eternal reality,
circular view of the universe, Inner-world Dependent, Self-liberation, behavioural ethics, the search for absolute
truth is systematic approach, collectivism, spiritual & virtuous life are goals and key to success, living principle is
virtues, and seeking wisdom through meditation. The religions are Buddhism, Hinduism, Legalism, Confucianism,
Taoism, Shintoism, Islam.
31) Jean Jacques Rousseau introduces “General Will” The natural state of humans are cooperative and reasonable.
He tells that the people choose a leader to act on their behalf and to make decisions that will benefit the people
made by the leader. So, the decision is in the leader because the people give him/her the right to decide. The
loophole is that the leader can either choose to follow the people’s wants or abuse his power and achieve
his/her personal interest.
32) Characteristics of industrial society in industrial period are there is a present of impersonal relationship within
the workplace in your social status. Public education is essential to have a job and sell service to business
owners. There are also access to economic resources and prosperity. Alienation is also a characteristic but a
negative one. Social status in this period is just two, which are the burguoiese and proletariat.
33) The natural states of humans according to Thomas Hobbes are selfish and evil because they are desirous and
they wanted self-preservation for themselves. When the people are still nomadic and are not influenced by
civilization and modernity, they seek for self needs like physical needs first for their ownself to satisfy their own
34) Franz Oppenheimer introduces his concept of Conflict State Theory within his book Deer Staat. He says that
society is the sum of all natural relationship of all elements and those elements are the people. Society theories
are divided into 2 which are the volunterism theory and Conflictual Theory. His theory is under Conflictual
theory which means that forming a society needs someone higher and someone lower. The people should
dominate the lower to preserve their position and maintain a society they started. The person should pick
someone lower than them because in that way, that person will be able to dominate those who are lower. For
example is the Parliamentary where the Prime minister is chosen by the ministers under it so as long as the
ministers want him/her to be the Prime minister or the leader, he/she cannot be out of the position. In it the
decisions or opinions of the normal people are disregarded because the decision is in those who are in position.
35) Japanese Civilization explained their concept of death………………………………………………………………………………..
36) Fluid Identity is an identity that is constantly changing or evolving so the humans changes their identity and so
their culture, tradition and others because the world always and still seek for improvement in technology and in
way of living so our identity need to adjust and then adapt to modernity.
37) Plato’s Theory of Immortality………………………………………………………………………………………………….
38) Transactional Relationship is a social relationship between individuals. It treats others as an object or a means
for attaining one’s goals or subject to object relationship. Competition is also present as an atmosphere in it and
the interaction is instrumental or strategic action. While personal relationship’s interaction is communicative
and treats others as a subject. Intersubjectivity in personal relationship is present and the atmosphere is
cooperation where preservation and development for each other is focused.
39) The characteristics of a feudal society are the basis of power or wealth is on the owned land. Everyone is also
much dependent and obedient to the social hierarchy because they need everyone for a society to function. If
one is out or not doing their task or role, then the others will be affected because they are all connected and
dependent to each other.
40) Liu Bang arrange the social classes of Han Dynasty in China where the highest is the Emperor, next is Farmers,
then Soldiers, and the last are the Traders. He arranged it like this because he believed that traders do not
contribute much in the social system because they are trading for themselves to be richer while farmers are
those who provide the people’s needs which are foods. They are the source of others’ wealth and job.
41) Acquisition of knowledge and information is important because everything around us is led by human mind and
aided by technology. It means that public education is necessary to survive in the society. We can also attain
self-preservation and our self-interest because of this. And when we have such knowledge, we will have a job or
work that will support or change our way of living and it will lead to our fluid identity.
42) (NOT SURE) Telos is in the existential approach saying that death or end can be understand as a goal, purpose or
fulfilment but it doesn’t say that even though we are oriented towards death, it is not our goal in life. Terminus
is in the metaphysical approach meaning the end of a line or a full stop and for them life and and nothing
follows. It asks the question, “when will you die?” and “what will happen after it?”
43) (NOT SURE) The features of death according to Martin Heiddeger are certain, indefinite, one’s own most, not to
be outstripped, and non-relational.
44) Alienation is the most common problem because of hierarchy and because of this, there are people who are on
the top which has the power and wealth and there are people who are on the bottom which do not have and
just follows or obeying. Alienation means the negative view of a higher person to someone with the qualities or
duties lower than them. The most important thing that a person must have in this society or period is education
so if you don’t have this then you could have a lower or service-oriented job and you have low access to
economic resources and prosperity.

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