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How I Learn

With both these two instruments I received the multimodal learning preference from the VARK
questionnaire and a portrait of a guardian from the Keirsey questionnaire. I have not taken one or
more of these instruments before, therefore it was a bit surprising and interesting to view my
For the VARK questionnaire, when I received multimodal learning preferences, I wasn’t truly
surprised because I tend to have different learning styles depending on the topic. For example, in
economics I prefer watching videos and using different examples to learn the topics but in my
math class I would rather read and memorize simple rules and formulas. My overall scores were
with visual at 2, aural at 9, read/write at 4 and kinesthetic at 11. The visual score did truly
surprise me because I do feel I gravitate towards tables, charts and graphs and therefore think my
score should be higher.
For the Keirsey questionnaire, I received a portrait of a guardian which generally means I have a
natural talent in managing goods and services, I like to keep things running smoothly, and I can
have fun with my friends but am very serious about my duties and responsibilities. I believe this
is mostly where I take my work, school, etc. very seriously. In addition, I do pride myself in
being hardworking and motivated which fits the guardian characteristic.
The image of being a guardian directly corresponds to the lesson my dad taught me from a very
young age to stay determined, motivated and work hard. He taught me values of how hard work
pays off in the end which accurately describes my results from the Keirsey questionnaire.
In different group assignments, based off these results and my personal opinions about myself, I
would say that I would be comfortable expressing my expectations in a group assignment which
is that everyone works hard and does their part. In addition, we would stay focused and
motivated while still helping each other to have a successful project. Furthermore, from my
portrait of a guardian, I know I am very dependable and hard working therefore I would want to
feel the same from my peers. In a student organization, I would most likely be best suited in a
leadership position since I have a high sense of responsibility and organization. This describes
the supervisor role within a guardian portrait which means shows that I like to take charge of
groups and am comfortable issuing orders. As a result, I think I would be good in an outspoken
leadership role in different student organizations.
I feel like I can build on all my skills to be a guardian, by continuously priding myself on being
dependable, helpful and hard working in addition to taking initiative to go after different
leadership roles. This will be able to help me become within the “supervisor” and hopefully I
will one day also gain different communication skills as my college career continues.

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