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INDEX Program name Page remarks

1 Write a program for insertion in an 1-2

2 Write a program for deletion in an array. 3-4

3 Write a program for sorting elements of 5-6
an array.

4 Write a program to count the frequency 7-8

of elements.
5 Write a program to implement Reverse 9-10
an Array .

6 Write a program to implement 11-13

Multiplication of matrix.
7 Write a program to implement Linear 14-16
and Binary search.

8 Write a program for bubble sort. 17-18

9 Write a program for insertion sort. 18-19
10 Write a program for selection sort. 20-21
11 Write a program for queue 21-23
12 Write a program to implement circular 24-26
13 WAP to implement Priority queue using 27-29
Array and linked list.
14 Write a program to implement Create 30-31
and Traverse a Singly linked list.
15 Write a program to implement Find 32-34
Min and Max element from integer
Linked List.
16 Write a program to implement Insertion 35-37
in a Singly Linked List at Beginning,
middle and end position.
17 Write a program to implement Deletion 38-40
of node from beginning, middle and end
of list.
18 Write a program to implement Reverse a 41-43
Singly Linked List.
19 Write a program to implement 44-46
Concatenation of two Linked list.
20 Write a program to create doubly linked 47-50
list which can store integers and write
functions to perform insertion in
list,deletion in list.
21 Write a program to create doubly linked 51-54
list which can store integers and write
functions to perform, display of list in
reverse direction, display of list in
forward direction
22 Write a program to Implement basic 55-59
operations of stack using Linked and
and Array Push,Pop,Display of elements
23 WAP which performs infix to Postfix, 60-63
Evaluate postfix expression

24 WAP using recursion to find GCD of 63-64

two numbers,

25 WAP using recursion to find factorial of 64-65

a number
26 WAP using recursion to display 66
Fibonacci series .
27 27. WAP to implement the basic 67-72
operations on Binary tree and Binary
Search Tree Insertion,Deletion,Counting
Number of nodes, Height of tree

28 WAP to implement: 73-77

a.Insertion in AVL tree In-order
Traversal of AVL tree, Balance Factor
of AVL Tree

29 WAP to implement operations: 78-81

Insertion in Heap Tree, Deletion in
Heap tree Deletion of Root Node from

30 WAP to implement: Creation of 82-84

Graph,Insertion of an edge, Deletion of
an edge. Display of graph

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