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John 3:16

“For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever shall believe in
Him shall not perish, but have an eternal life.”

The movie clip is really nice. Even though it’s short and simple it gives a whole lot of
meaning. In life, everyday, every person has to sacrifice, may it be for the good of others or
for thy self. Problems, tragedies, illnesses, storms, treachery, loneliness, anger, pain. Life is
full of surprises. But for us to exactly know the meaning of life, God gave us all this problems
for us to know ourselves more and to really trust in Him, to test our faith. He will never
leave us alone. He loves us very much that He even gave His only begotten Son for us to be
saved from the fires of hell. Christ the Son of our Lord is our saviour. Because of Him we are
still alive and we still experience the lusciousness of life.

Aboard that train, different people were on it. Different lives but all were loved by
God. The test was given to the bridge master. He had a happy life - a job whom he loves and
a son who is with him through it all. But sometimes, life has its own ways of giving a person
its tests. He was challenge, either to let all the people on the train die or let his son be
crushed by the bridge and let all the people on the train live. It was a crucial decision, but
because there are more lives on the train, he chose to let the bridge down for the train to
pass. The only problem, his son would die... Is this fair? For some reasons, in the bridge
master’s place, it was difficult to choose but all throughout, it was the right thing to do. It is
sad for any parent to let go of his child, to die and to save a whole lot of lives. He thought he
could still save his son, but he’s only human and human’s get hurt too.

Even the people aboard didn’t even know what was happening. All of them had
their own problems and lives. They didn’t even know that a mere second ago, their lives
were in danger. With just a pull of a lever they were all saved and only one life was perished.
What if the bridge master didn’t pull the lever and went to save his son? All those people
would surely die. But because he was thinking of all of those people on the train, he chose to
sacrifice, to let go of his only son, his only family. Those people didn’t even know that they
were saved by the bridge master because they were selfish enough to care and besides, they
were ignorant to what was going around them. As long as they live, as long as they are
happy, they’re okay. They were so occupied with their own lives they forget to thank or even
apologize to the people around them. The bridge master is like God and the people on the
train are like us whom are selfish and only think of our own selves.

God is always watching us. Looking down at us and guiding us in our everyday lives.
He doesn’t want us to get hurt or lose our way. He wants us to follow Him and not be taken
by the dark side. God loves us so much that He even sent His Son - Jesus Christ to take away
all our sins. Sometimes we even forget to thank Him, and instead we still make the things he
doesn’t want us to do. God the Father is like our own dad. He wants the best for us and he
doesn’t want us to get hurt or be on the wrong side. Somehow, even in the simplest ways or
maybe in our greatest ways, we should always obey Him. He gave us this life we have right
now and we surely have to use it for good.

“For the greater good.” I always keep this mind. This is a quote from Dumbledore, a
character in Harry Potter. Like him, he also wants the best for his students. He would do
anything for them to be safe. He would always think of the others safety instead of his own.
He is always making the right decisions though it’s not always accurate but he knows best. I
sometimes look up to him. Even though he is just a fictional character from a book, but you
can always get lessons from him that really helps one person in tackling life’s imperfections.
Or maybe, I should look up to the author herself, J.K Rowling. Everyone has his unique way
of seeing life. But for most, they always think of the good of the many than the few.

The Bridge master is like God.

He sacrificed His one and only Son, Jesus Christ Who died on the cross for our Sins.
To give us hope for the future. To remind us that whatever happens, God will always be with
us. Even if we’ve done a lot of awful things in our pasts or have lost our faith in Him. We are
only human and we make sins. We have to always trust in him. He will never forsake us. If
He sent His only begotten Son for us to be saved from the fires of hell, what more could He
give us if we only stand by His side? God loves us so much and we ought to give the love back
by obeying Him. No matter what happens, God will never leave us alone throughout our
journey in this world.


I'm sure most of you have read this story, but if you haven't watched the movie
yet, I give you the link below, and you should watch it, you won't regret~ ^^

There once was a bridge operator who had a young son whom he dearly loved.
They were inseparable. The young boy often asked to go with his father to
watch him work - to watch him raise and lower the draw bridge, allowing the
boats to pass under or the passenger trains to cross over. One day the father
relented and allowed his son to come with him.

"Stay here at a safe distance," the father warned the boy, "while I go and raise
the bridge for the coming boat." The boy stayed where his father had left him
and watched the bridge as it slowly lifted up in the sky. Suddenly, the boy
heard the faint cry of an approaching passenger train - coming quite a bit
sooner than had been expected. The father, up in the control room, could hear
neither the whistle of the train nor the warning cry of his son.

The boy saw the train racing closer and closer, and he started to run along the
platform to reach his father. Knowing there was a lever he could pull near the
operating gears of the bridge, the boy ran to the door in the platform and
tried to lower himself down to reach the lever. Losing his balance, he fell in to
where the gears came together and was caught.

At the same time the father saw his son fall down into the hole in the platform,
he saw the fast approaching train. In horror, he realized that if he didn't start
lowering the bridge immediately, it would not be down in time for the train to
pass safely. The train would crash into the river below killing hundreds of
innocent people.

The man was faced with an unimaginable dilemma - race to save his son at
the cost of hundreds of lives, or sacrifice his son to save the passengers on the

He made the only choice he could and pulled the lever to lower the bridge. In
spite of the noise of the descending bridge and the oncoming train, he still
heard the anguished screams of his beloved son being crushed to death between
the gears of the bridge.

The father ran to the platform as the train was passing by. Most people on the
train simply ignored the man crying on the platform. Others looked out of the
window and stared, totally oblivious of the unspeakable sacrifice that had just
been made on their behalf. They gave no other thought or concern to this man
who had just given up what was most precious to him so that they could live.

Do you see the parallel? Can you understand the picture this story paints?

The sacrifice of One offers life to all. God did not take pleasure in watching His
Son die. It had to have been agonizing for God to stand by as Jesus died
covered in the intense darkness of all of our sins. There was no had to
happen. The sacrifice had to be made in order for us to be able to live.

And like those people on the train, we have the choice regarding what we will
do with that sacrifice. We can choose to ignore it - to ignore God - not even
bothering consider what God did on our behalf. We can choose to look at God
briefly - to glance in passing - and then continue on with our own priorities
and plans. Or we can acknowledge what it was that God sacrificed to give us
life. We can embrace it and accept it on our behalf, and choose to live our lives
for God.

Where are you on that train? Can you see the anguish in the Father's eyes as
you pass by? Do you know that He offered His greatest sacrifice so that you
could live? Will you accept it? Will you choose to give your life to Him because of
what He gave for you?

The point of this heart-touching story is to show the desperate sacrifice a father had
given so that the lost, confused and broken-hearted may one day be able to experience
God's love in action. If God had not sacrificed his son, then we would not have the hope
that we have today! (to some day be set free from the troubles and heartaches of this
world and live eternally with Jesus Christ)

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