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Exercise to do before bed to lose weight while we think about this few question arise in our mind, is it ok

to exercise before bedtime or is it ok to exercise at night before bed.

It’s ok if you do light exercises before bed as it helps you in digestion also it makes your body little
tiered which makes it sleep better and faster. Before bed take some light healthy and nutrious snacks
and do some of the following exercises.

Exercises to do before bed to lose weight.

Every one of us have different day schedules, Busy or not depends on person to person but the main
fact is that Maximum (if not all) fittest body and healthy lifestyle.

Whenever you go for advice on fitness they recommend Morning or Evening Workout which is good but
if tell you that you can also utilize your before bed time to be healthy it will be bonus for you especially
for person like me who are bit lazy.

First of all your night meals should be low in calories for which you’ll get idea in this post.

If you exercise before bed make sure that you give gap of 30-35 minutes between your exercises and

Now talk about exercises

1. Yoga

Do 5-10 minute of stretching yoga. This will help you get rid of strain and provide flexibility to you

Doing yoga will make you more flexible and also make your heart beat smooth. You can find free online
yoga classes and articles. Follow the instructions properly.

2. Climb stairs

Climbing stairs up and down multiple time.

Everyone has stairs at their home, Use them. Climbing stairs makes your leg muscles lean and stronger.
It will burn your extra fats in legs muscles.

Make sure that in starting sessions don’t climb over 150-200 stairs, otherwise it will create strain in your
muscles then you fell difficulty while walking.

Always start slow but do it in continuous sessions. Regularity is the only shortcut to success.

Tip: Do these sessions 3-4 days in week.

3. Jump Squats

Make sure that your clothes is stretchable before doing jump Squats.
Find a place where you get little height above the ground or you also choose your stairs again. Start
Jumping Up and Down. Do it 15-20 times.

You can also divide these sessions into multiple parts whatever makes you feel easy.

Jump squats will is an strength making exercise for your legs and body.

In staring sessions you may feel tired but as time goes and show some continuity in exercises sessions
per week you will see great results

4. Squats

After climbing stairs take rest few minutes then do some squats.

Do 20-30 squats or any number which make you feel better. Doing squats will strength your legs also it
improves your body weightlifting capability.

After doing simple squats try to do 10 – 20 more by taking some weight on your hands.

5. Plank

If you really want to lose weight elbow Plank is the exercise that you never ignore. It is the best exercise
that I recommend to all my friends including you.

Planks will affect your whole body and burn extra fat which is not required.

Do 20-30 second plank in to sets. I may be difficult in starting but as time goes you will master it.

Tip: Want fast results after Elbow plank do left side and right side laying down plank too if you able to do

I recommend you do this in your other workout sessions to if you have any.

If you come along this way it means you are really serious for your heath

6. Pushups

It’s all your commitment that makes difference in your work preference. May be it seam hard but
success doesn’t come easy.

Now pushups, Do 20-30 pushups while taking few minutes rest. Pushups will give strength to upper part
of your body and also make your arm muscle stronger.
Pushups is the simplest exercise that you can do because you can do it at any place.

7. Lift weights

Lift weights as it makes tone muscle and also helps to increase the fat burning process.

Buy small weights or if you have use them. Place it under your bed or somewhere near your sight and
use them. If you lift weight the weight lifts you.

After this long and tired session your body feel little bit tired but it make some you little bit difficult to
sleep because of high blood flow rate so to overcome this do meditation.

8. Meditation

I may call meditation a weapon to fight anxiety and pressure. It is the best way to develop mind focus
and mental strength but it’s another day topic.

Download free apps that will help you to meditate not just in evening but morning also.

Meditate for minimum 15 min then take rest. If you feel sweaty do cleaning process then have a
happy and sweet sleep.

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