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Every living thing certainly wants to continue

his descendants, as well as humans. Reproduction or

breed is an organism's ability to

produce new offspring or organisms so that their preservation remains

awake. The process of reproduction by the reproductive system has two types,

namely male and female. Both have a reproductive system

different and need each other. Humans reproduce accordingly

mating or sexual.



• Explain the structure of the reproductive system in humans

• Explain the function of the reproductive system in humans

• Explain the process of forming sex cells

• Explain the process of ovulation

• Explain the process of menstruation

• Explain the process of fertilization

• Explain the process of pregnancy

• Explain the process of breastfeeding

• Explain the principle of contraception

• Explain abnormalities that occur in the reproductive system




Reproduction is the ability of living things to produce

new offspring. The aim is to maintain its kind

and preserving species so they don't become extinct. In humans for

produce new offspring that begin with fertilization.

So thus reproduction in humans is done with

generative or sexual ways.

Signs of maturity of the reproductive organs in men is marked by discharge

first semen (ejaculation) that is during a wet dream.

Signs of maturity of the reproductive organs in women is characterized by menstruation

the first (menarche)

2.2 Structure of the Reproductive System in Humans

A. Male

Male reproductive organs consist of external and internal genitals

The external reproductive organs consist of:

1. The penis is a copulation organ that is the relationship between genitals

male and female to move semen into the reproductive organs

female. The penis is covered by a thin membrane which will be operated on later

when circumcised / circumcised.

2. Scrotum is a membrane covering the testicles which is

testicle protectors and regulate the appropriate temperature for spermatozoa.

The internal reproductive organs consist of:

1. The testicles are glands

genitals which amount to a pair

and will produce cells

sperm and hormones

testosterone. In the testicles a lot

there are fine channels which are

called seminiferous tubules.

2. The epididymis is a channel

long meandering ones

out of the testis. Function to

save sperm temporarily

and ripen sperm.

3. Vas deferens is a long and straight channel that leads to

top and culminate in the prostate gland. Serves to transport

sperm to the seminal vesicles.

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4. The ejaculation channel is a short channel of funds

connecting the seminal vesicles with the urethra.

5. Urethra is a long channel of the ejaculation channel and

contained in the penis.

Glands in male reproductive organs

1. The seminal vesicle is a place to store sperm

so called a cement bag, numbering a pair.

Produces yellowish-colored sap which is rich in nutrients for

sperm and are alkaline. Serves to neutralize the acidic atmosphere

in the female reproductive tract.

2. The prostate gland is the largest and produces glands

acidic white sap.

3. The Cowper’s / Cowpery / Bulbourethra gland is a gland

produce sap in the form of alkaline lenders. Function to

neutralize the acidic atmosphere in the urethra channel.

B. Women

Female reproductive organs consist of external genitals and genitals


The external reproductive organs consist of:

1. The vagina is a channel that connects the uterine organs with

outer body. Functioning as a copulation organ and channel

delivery of a baby so often called the burrow

crossbreed. In the vagina found hymen.

2. Vulva is a gap that is on the outside and divided

into 2 parts namely:

• Labium major is a pair of large lips located on

broad and limiting part of the vulva.

• Labium minor is a pair of small lips located on

the inner part and limit the vulva.

The internal reproductive organs consist of:

1. The ovary is the main organ in women. A pair of numbers

and is located in the abdominal cavity in the left waist area

and right. Serves to produce ovum cells and female hormones


• Estrogen which functions to maintain secondary properties

in women, and also helps in the process of cell maturation


• Progesterone which functions in maintaining the pregnancy period.

2. Fimbriae is a soft fibers / cilia found in parts

the base of the ovary adjacent to the end of the oviduct channel. Function

to catch mature ovum cells released by


3. The infundibulum is the end of the shaped oviduct

funnel / enlarged and adjacent to fimbriae. Function

accommodate ovum cells that have been captured by fimbriae.

4. The fallopian tube is an elongated channel after the infundibulum

served as a place of fertilization and the way for ovum cells to the uterus

with the help of cilia on the walls.

5. Oviduct is a long channel of continuation of the fallopian tube.

Functioning as a place of fertilization and the way for ovum cells to

uterus with the help of cilia on its walls.

6. The uterus is a hollow and muscular organ. Shaped

like a pear with a smaller bottom. Serve as

embryonic growth site. The type of uterus in humans is simplex

namely with one room that is only for one fetus. Uterus

has 3 types of wall layers, namely:

• Perimetrium is the outer layer that functions as

uterine protector.

• Myometrium is a layer that is rich in muscle cells and functions

for uterine contractions and relaxation by widening and returning

to its original form every month.

• The endometrium is the innermost layer that is rich in cells

Red blood. If fertilization does not occur then the wall

This endometrium will decay along with the cell

mature ovum.

7. Cervix is the basic part of the uterus that forms

narrowed so that it is also called the cervix. Connect

uterus with the vaginal canal and as a way out of the fetus

the uterus to the vaginal canal.

8. The vaginal canal is a continuation of the cervic and until

in the vagina.

9. The clitoris is a small protrusion located in front of the vulva. Often

called clits.

2.3 Functions of the Reproductive System in Humans

The function of the human reproductive system is to produce

new offspring so that sustainability is maintained.

2.4 The process of forming sex cells

Gametogenesis is the process of forming sex cells or gametes.

Formation of male gametes is called spermatogenesis, whereas

the formation of female gametes is called oogenesis.

A. Spermatogenesis

The process of forming and cooking spermatozoa is called

spermatogenesis. In the testicular seminiferous tubules there are stem cells

spermatozoa or spermatogonia, Sertoli cells that function to give

eating spermatozoa are also Leydig cells found between the tubules

seminiferus which functions to produce testosterone. Process

spermatozoa formation is influenced by the action of several hormones.

The pituitary gland produces follicle stimulating hormone (Folicle

Stimulating hormone (FSH) and the hormone lutein (Luteinizing Hormone / LH).
LH stimulates Leydig cells to produce the hormone testosterone.

At puberty, androgens / testosterone spur the growth of the nature

secondary genitalia. FSH stimulates Sertoli cells to produce ABP

(Androgen Binding Protein) which will spur spermatogonia for

begin the process of spermatogenesis. Spermatocyte cooking process

into spermatozoa called spermiogenesis. Spermiogenesis occurs in

in the epididymis and takes 2 days. Process

Spermatogenesis: Spermatogonia develops into cells

primary spermatocytes. Primary spermatocyte cells produce biosis

secondary spermatocytes, secondary spermatocytes divide again

produce spermatids, spermatids differentiate into spermatozoa

cook. When spermatogenesis is complete, ABP testosterone

(Androgen Binding Protein Testosterone) is no longer needed, Sertoli cells

will produce the hormone inhibin to give feedback to

pituitary to stop FSH and LH secretion. Spermatozoa will

out through the urethra together with the fluid produced by

seminal vesicle gland, prostate gland and cowper gland.

Spermatozoa with fluid from the glands are known

as semen or semen. At the time of ejaculation, a man

can secrete 300 - 400 million spermatozoa cells.

B. Oogenesis

In the fetal ovary contained beginner cells or oogonia.

Oogonia will develop into primary oocytes. When a baby is born

primary oocytes in the prophase phase in meiotic division. Primary oocyte

then experiencing a period of rest until puberty. At the time

puberty occurs oogenesis. Primary oocytes divide by meiosis,

produce 2 cells of different sizes. Smaller cells, i.e.

the first polar body splits slower, forming 2 polar bodies.

Larger cells, secondary oocytes, divide

second meiosis which produces a single ovum and a second polar body.

Ovum is larger than the second polar body. Influence of Hormones

in Oogenesis. The pituitary gland produces the hormone FSH

stimulates the growth of follicular cells around the ovum. Ovum yang

mature enveloped by follicular cells called the Graaf Follicles, Follicles

Graaf produces the hormone estrogen. The hormone estrogen stimulates

pituitary gland to secrete the LH hormone, the LH hormone

stimulate ovulation. Furthermore, the follicle is empty

stimulated by LH to become a yellow body or corpus luteum.

The corpus luteum then produces the hormone progresterone

function to inhibit the secretion of DSH and LH. Then the corpus luteum

shrink and disappear, so the lines don't form progesterone

again, as a result FSH begins to re-form, the process of oogenesis begins

back. A woman can only produce at most 400

ovum during her lifetime, even though the ovary is a baby girl

from birth already contains 500 thousand to 1 million primary oocytes.

2. 5 Ovulation Process

Ovulation is the process of releasing an egg. The process of ovulation is affected

by hormones, namely LH and FSH. Both of these hormones are produced by

pituitary gland in the brain. At this time a woman

said to have a fertile period. The fertile period for a woman is not
take place every day. One menstrual cycle (menstruation) will begin at

the first day after the last day of the previous menstrual period and ends

on the first day of the next menstrual period. Start on the first day of the cycle

this egg cell with follicles will experience maturation.

Then around 13-15 days before the first day of menstruation will occur

ovulation. After the egg is cooked, it will then be removed from

ovary. In this process, the egg is inside the follicle. Follicles and

the ovary wall is torn, eventually the mature egg cell will come out

and enter the oviduct (fallopian tube) through the infundibulum, ie

the part that is shaped like a radius. These mature eggs will

into the fallopian tubes (fallopian tubes) that will wash them away

into the uterus with a special fluid. The new egg cell will

can be fertilized within 24 hours after being released by the ovaries

(ovary), which is on the way to the uterus. After cell

eggs are released, then the follicle cells become empty. This cell will then

turned into the corpus luteum. This corpus luteum formation

Supported by LH. The formation of the corpus luteum will trigger

the formation of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. During fertile period

which lasted from 20 to 35 years only 420 pieces that can be

follow the process of maturation and ovulation.

2. 6 Menstruation Process

If the egg is not fertilized, the corpus will stop production

the hormones estrogen and progesterone. As a result, decay will occur

endometrium and bleeding. This phase occurs for 4-10 days.

A woman has 2 ovaries where each holds

around 200,000 to 400,000 immature eggs / follicles (follicles).

Normally, only one or a few eggs grow each

menstrual period and around the 14th day before menstruation

next, when the egg has matured, the egg

will be released from the ovary and then walk towards the fallopian tube

to then be fertilized. This release process is called with


2. 7 Fertilization Process

fertilization is a fusion between sperm cells and ovum cells

mature and produce zygote. Zygote will stick on

the uterine wall and grows into embryos and fetuses.

This situation is called pregnancy. The fetus will come out

from the uterus after 40 weeks / 288 days / 9 months 10 days.

Stages of time in fertilization:

• A few hours after zygote fertilization will divide in a separate manner

mitosis into 2 cells, 4, 8, 16 cells.

• On the 3rd or 4th day a group of cells is formed

morula. Morula will develop into a blastula. Cavity

liquid-filled blastosoel from the fallopian tube and form blastocytes.

The layers in the balstosit form the inner cell mass. Blastocytes coated

by throhpoblast (the outermost layer of blastocytes) which functions to

absorb food and are candidates for the placenta / placenta / placenta.

Blastocytes will move to the uterus with 3-4 days.

• On the 6th day after throphoblast fertilization will stick to

uterine wall / implantation process and will release hormones

HCG (Chorionic gonadotrophin hormone). This hormone protects

pregnancy by stimulating the production of the hormone progesterone and

estrogen so as to prevent menstruation.

• On the 12th day after fertilization the embryo has been firmly attached to

uterine wall.

• Continue with the gastrula phase, which is the 21st day of the palsenta

continue to develop from throphoblast. 3 layers begin to form

embryonic wall. This wall layer of the embryo will

differentiate into bodily organs. Body organs aka

develop more perfect as we get older


2. 8 Pregnancy Processes

Pregnancy occurs due to fertilization of an egg in the ovary

women's eggs by sperm. In natural processes, this happens because

sperm enter the ovaries through the uterine channel at the time

having sex.

Normally, women only produce one egg every month.

On the other hand a man's body can produce sperm continuously in numbers

big. On average each semen spray contains 100-200 million

sperm. But of that number only one succeeded

penetrate the ovary and fertilize the egg. This is wrong

a form of natural selection to choose the best seeds.

If fertilization is successful, from one fertilized egg and

measuring 0.2 mm will continue to multiply and move inside

After attaching to the uterine wall, the fetus obtains food from

mother through the placenta. Before the formation of the placenta, the fetus obtains

from the corpus luleteum. The fetus is wrapped by membranes that it functions for

protect the embryo from dryness and shock and help

the process of breathing and excretion. The membrane consists of a sac

vitelinus, amnion, chorion and allantois. Vitelinus sac (yellow sac

egg) is a place where blood cells and blood vessels appear

first. Amnion is the inner membrane that produces sap

blindness to protect the embryo from shocks. Korion is

outermost membrane of the embryo. Alantois is found in the umbilical cord

function is to connect the blood circulation of the embryo with the placenta.

After more than 40 weeks from the start of the last menstrual cycle

in the womb, the baby is perfect and ready to be born.

Hormones that play a role in pregnancy:

• Progesterone and estrogen, are hormones that play a role

in pregnancy the first 3-4 months of pregnancy. After

it's function is taken over by the placenta. Increasing estrogen hormone

many produced with increasing age of the womb

because of its function which stimulates uterine contractions. While

the less progesterone hormone because of its function

inhibits uterine contractions.

• Prolactin is a hormone secreted by the placenta and

serves to stimulate the mamae glands to produce water

milk. And to regulate the body's metabolism so that the fetus (fetus)

still get nutrition.

• HCG (chorionic gonadotrophin hormone) is a hormone for

detect pregnancy. Work on day 8 to week

8th during pregnancy. This hormone is found in wania's urine

in the pregnancy test.

• The hormone oxytocin is a hormone that plays a role in

uterine contractions prior to association.

Hormones that play a role in birth / childbirth:

• Relaxin is a hormone that affects muscle stretching

symphysis pubis

• Estrogen is a hormone that affects hormones

progesterone which inhibits uterine contractions.

Oxytocin is a hormone that affects wall contractions


2. 9 Process of ASI Formation

Breast milk is produced by the mammary gland / breast (mammary gland). Gland

These are basically found in men and women, however

experiencing developmental differences. Tend to be male

degenerates and does not function as

milk producer. In women the mammary glands develop more and more

manifest after puberty.

In a woman who is pregnant her breast glands will be more

developed by the influence of the hormones estrogen, somatomamotropin, and

prolactin. The process begins in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The hormone estrogen functions to make the ductal system hypertrophy

(channel). While the hormone progesterone works for

Add acini cells in the breast. Somatomamotropin

function for acini growth and changes in

cells, the formation of casein, lactalbumin, and lactoglobulin. During the process

pregnancy, breast milk does not come out because of the hormone prolactin

stimulating the expenditure of breast milk is inhibited by Prolactin Inhibiting

Hormone (PIH).

WHO has recommended exclusive breastfeeding for 4-6

month. Breast milk can also continue to be given as long as the baby still wants.

2. 10 Principles of Contraception in Reproduction

Aims to prevent the meeting of sperm cells with ovum cells

so fertilization does not occur. Types of contraception are:

• Calendar system by taking into account the fertile period of women.

• Hormonal namely inhibiting / stopping the process of ovulation.

• Chemistry that is by using chemicals. As

spermatosida for men, vaginal douche for women.

• Mechanics, namely by using contraceptives.

• Sterilization, namely by making sterile reproductive organs

the inside part. Such as vasectomy for men and tubectomy for


2. 11 Abnormalities / Diseases in the Human Reproductive System

Disorders / diseases of the reproductive system include the following:

• Prostate Cancer is cancer that attacks the prostate gland in

male, it can be treated surgically.

• Impotence is a condition where men are unable to achieve an erection.

• Cervical Cancer is cancer that attacks the cervix.

• Menopause occurs due to a decrease in the amount of estrogen produced

by the ovary



God has created the ability of living things to be able to

reproduce to continue offspring and maintain

sustainability of its kind, as well as humans. With ability

these, humans can carry on their offspring to give birth to grandchildren in

the face of the earth. Intimate relationships in humans should be done by

a married couple wisely, because basically relationship

intimate is a sacred or holy relationship.

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