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Compiled by : group 3

Refda Swinty (180462201093)

Rini Septiana (180462201062)

Nadia Tri Nuriani (180462201047)

Hidayah (180462201079)

Foni Agustian (180462201015)

Randa Ariansyah (180462201112)




Praise be to God Almighty for the blessings of his grace, and that we were given the
opportunity to be able to compile a working paper entitled "Adverbial Clause" is properly and
correctly, and on time.

This paper is structured to fulfill the task and hope this paper can be useful in
order to add insight , knowledge , has the basic ability of logical and critical , curiosity , solve
problems , and improve skills in vocabulary and manner of writing English .

The compilers also thanked to Mrs.Dewi Murni as the tutor in English subject.

We realize that this paper is not perfect , although we have tried to arrange them as best
as possible . Therefore , criticism and input from the users of this paper is our hope for the
improvement of this paper . Do not forget we thank profusely to friends , faculty , and other
resources that have helped the realization of this paper .

Finally, we hope that this paper can be helpful . Success for us all


18th September 2018



TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................................................iii



1.1 Background of the paper...............................................................................................1

1.2 Problem formulation.....................................................................................................1
1.3 Purpose of the paper......................................................................................................1



2.1 The definiton of adverbial clause.....................................................................................

2.2 The function of adverbial clause......................................................................................
2.3 The types of adverbial clause..........................................................................................
2.3.1 Clause of Time
2.3.2 Clause of Place
2.3.3 Clause of Contrast
2.3.4 Clause of Manner
2.3.5 Clause of Purpose and Result
2.3.6 Clause of Cause and Effect



3.1. Conclusion..................................................................................................................
3.2. Suggest..........................................................................................................................



1.1 Background of the paper

When we talk about the grammar of a language then that comes to mind is how to
arrange the words contained in the language into a series of meaningful , which can be
understood both by the speakers and the hearing . Therefore, learn grammar in English is to
learn how to use the word in a standard sentence patterns in English .
Adverb clause is one of the grammar in English , which is very important to make a
standard sentence in English.Adverb or adverb can modify verbs, adjectives, other
information, phrases, or clauses. Adverb indicates manner, time, place, cause, or the degree /
level and answer questions such as "what," "how," "when," "where," "how much" ".
It is causing Noun, adjective, adverb, article, pronouns, and the use to be into the field of
study of the English language is important not least because through it all one can convey
meaning clearly. unit of language that we already know before arriving at the level of the
sentence is: Noun (noun), Adjective (adjective), and Adverb (adverb). The third form of it, is
learning the basic or the basic structure that we must learn in order to better understand the
procedure to speak English well and smoothly. pronoun noun or pronoun in English
grammar / english grammar plays a very important. Can we imagine if the human language
does not have pronouns may arise irregularities - Irregularities. in short that all noun forms
are so diverse species we can replace the pronoun.
In studying English, there are many things to be known in advance. One of them is part
of the spoken word or in English is called Part of Speech. In English grammar,Parts of
Speech are classified into eight types of words are classified according to what he showed
the Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction and Interjection. But
in this paper will only discuss aboutadverb only, in accordance with a predeterminedscop.

1.2 Problem formulation

1) What is the definiton of adverb?

2) What is the function of adverb?
3) What are the types of adverb?

1.3 Purpose of the paper

1) To know about definiton of adverb

2) To know what is the function of adverb
3) To know what are the types of adverb


2.1 The definiton of adverbial clause

2.3 The function of adverbial clause

2.3 The types of adverbial clause

2.3.1 Clause of Time

2.3.2 Clause of Place
2.3.3 Clause of Contrast
2.3.4 Clause of Manner
2.3.5 Clause of Purpose and Result
2.3.6 Clause of Cause and Effect


3.1 Conclusion

Adverb as one of the words spoken ( Parts of Speech ) in the order of English ( grammar)
is one of the many things that should be known in learning English . Adverbial clause is a
word that describes verbs , adjectives and adverbs. There are various forms of adverb which
are categorized by function or use. By knowing the adverb , good shape , meaning and
application is expected to be one of the capital in learning English well and properly.

3.2 Suggest

We are as the writer want to apology for the shortage of this paper. We know that this
paper is still far from perfect. So that we need the suggest from the reader for the perfection
of this paper. Thank you very much for the reader.

Suryadi, Junaida, S.Pd. 2014. Complete English Grammar. Jakarta : Pustaka Belajar.

Ridwansyah. 2006. Mastering English Grammar . Depok : Puspa Swara.

Irham Ali Saifuddin, dkk. 2010. Buku Pintar TOEFL. Yogyakarta : Diva Press.

Greenbaum, Sidney & Quirk, Randolph. 1990. A Student's Grammar of the English Language.
HongKong: Longman Group (FE) Ltd.

Sinclair, John (editor-in-chief).1990. Collins Cobuild English Grammar. London and Glasgow:
William Collins Sons & Co ltd.

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