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Schools of Psychology

Behaviorism (Skinner)
Psychodynamic (Frued)
Humanistic (Roger)
Cognitive (Bruner)
Evolutionary (Bess)

Behaviorism - Observable Behavior Reward -> concequence Response - Concequence.

Stimuly-> response
Positive concequence - reinforcement
Negative concequence - negatively reinforced
Intermitten - Fixed interval Variable interval

Psychodynamics - all the unconcious (thoughts and feelings will affect behavior)
"Psycho Therapist"
Different parts of our personality -id(animal part of us)/ego(arbiter, judge.
Resolution to conflict)/superego (conscious)
Pleasure principle (takes over id)- immediate gratification of needs
stress and anxiety - Defense mechanisms inside a person (repression)
repression =/= suppression
Children are sexual beings
Early childhood experiences (Parental influences, etc)
insticts (takes over superego) - sex and aggression

Humanistic - Opposed to behaviorism and psychodynamics. (Emphasis is on the Self

(Self-concept) )
positive Qualities
personal growth /freedom to choose
in the 60s - Third Force
People can control their own lives. Environments manipulate their behavior
Freewill vs Determinism

Congnitive - Mental processes (makes who we are) - Language,

Knowledge/Intelligence, Memory, Perceptions, Expectations
Behavior is explained via information processing (Taking in, holding, extracting it
in times of need)

Evoultionary - Adaptation (Natural Selection has built goals into us)

Reproduction can help us understand who are, and understand specific behaviors

Biological - Social Culture Influences (Where do you live, large family or small,
parents in the household, deal with traditions, first born, male/female, poor/well
Influence on who they become

Research Strategies (Ways to gather information)

Descriptive R (Research)/Qualitative R Observe and Describe
-Observations (Lab Settings) (Bobo dall) Control Goes up, Realism goes down.
Trained Observer (Clipboards, Video, Audio)
Increased Rater Reliability with Greater amounts of Observers
Unobtrusive (The person doesn't know this other person is observing them)
Observer bias (Nothing to influence the study other than the person's behavior

Structured - Ask everybody to whatever number questions
Unstructured - first second, avoid third and go to 6 (off another direction based
on the answers given)
socially desirable response - they give you the answer they think you want to hear

Case Studies Intensive investigation of one person or organization in depth

Often one person or organization
Often used for criminals
Learn as much as you can about them
Disadvtange - generalizability (can generalize to other people)
-Natural Settings
Quantitative R - Experiment

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