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Final Draft College Essay

Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to
overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

Throughout the majority of my life I had been a kid who was chubby, short kid who was
never really taken seriously by many. Being the small plump kid I was, I didn't really give it
much thought. Of course I looked at other kids with a little jealousy because I was envious of
their physique. Yet I made up excuses as to why I looked different among my peers, whether it
be some people are naturally lucky or they are born with higher metabolisms. I just needed to
face the reality.
Freshman and sophomore year were two of the hardest years of my life. Not
academically, but physically and mentally. Being able to overcome the thoughts and feelings I
had during that period of time drastically increased my self confidence and proved my tenacity to
myself. Those two years really defined what type of person I had been all my life, and
sophomore year, I realized who I was and what I needed to accomplish . I made a promise to
myself on May 1, 2018 to make myself a better person, physically and mentally. I completely
eliminated food that came pre packaged or processed in any way. Everyday I ate rice, vegetables,
and chicken balancing carbs, greens, and protein. Instead of “dieting,” keeping a close watch on
what goes into your body will greatly impact you in a beneficial way and not make you feel like
you have restrictions on food. At this point in my journey I didn’t know if I could move on.
Having been so reliant on fast food and sugar, the transition to completely cut out unhealthy food
was quite difficult. I thought about quitting almost everyday, to stop torturing myself and give in
to it, but I never did and that is how I knew I was on the path to achieving my goals.
Every morning I would wake up at 8 in the morning, grab my headphones, and head out
the door to run the trail of Mount Burdell. The first two weeks were absolutely gruesome and I
loathed almost every second of it. Waking up at 8 in the morning everyday was not how I wanted
to spend my summer. After getting into a rhythm, I started to grow into it and would actually
look forward to running the next day, using it as a chance to clear my head and forget about
whatever I had going on in my life at the time. It was just me, my music, and Mother Nature.
Looking back a few months, makes me feel like the happiest person on the planet. being
able to set a goal and see it through to the end has to be one of the most rewarding feelings in the
world. now, every time I look at a picture of myself from 9th and 10th grade, I look like a
completely different person. normally I would say you never really accomplish anything alone,
but this experience prove me otherwise. I knew I had to deal with this on my own, and now that I
know I'm capable of doing something like this, I know I can accomplish anything I put my mind
What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated
that talent over time?

My greatest talent would definitely have to be my affability. I love talking to people and
learning about them, especially in one on one situations. Although I consider this my greatest
skill, I was not always keen on interacting with people I will admit I've been a shy person for the
majority of my life. I was very introverted in my adolescence, to the point where I wouldn t́
speak unless spoken to. Being quiet was kind of my thing, but it did not make anything easier.
Elementary school was a challenge. I did not talk to the other kids during recess or lunch and I
only had one real friend throughout my five years of being there. Middle school took an even
bigger toll on my social life. I was awkward, clumsy, and a bit weird. My friend from elementary
school eventually branched out and made other friends. And then it was just me. I used to watch
kids play during lunch but I never really joined in. I never really fit into any other groups at
school and believe me I tried. But is anyone really the best version of themselves during middle
school? I knew wasn't going to let the same thing happen in the next four years of high school.
The summer between junior high and freshman year, I forced myself to be extroverted. I
still remember practicing how to hug and shake hands in my room because I had just never
learned to. High school had eventually come around and I was confident. Confident I can change
myself for the better. High school was a new start with different people and different
opportunities, and I wouldn't let it go to waste. At first I struggled with mustering up the courage
to speak to people I did not know, but once I let go of the fear it slowly became easier and easier.
I started saying hello to people while walking on campus, I joined in on conversations, and
laughed along with them. After being at San Marin for three years I can't imagine my life if I
hadn't taken that extra step. I eventually landed an internship at my town ś Chamber of
Commerce where I communicate with local businesses and help them with what they need, a job
I never would have gotten if I was the old me. Because of branching out the past three years, I vé
made countless friends and felt a real sense of community within my school.

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