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Deep Spelling: Data collection

NLPDeep Learninggolang
In my previous article, we descause about word correction using SymSpell
algoritm where it check and suggestion a typo word with list of similar words.
However, However, there are many other algorithms for us to explore.
Thoerefore, in this post we are going to reimplement on other spelling
algorithm call DeepSpelling. What is DeepSpelling? Deep Spelling is a spelling
correction algorithm which using deep learning(seq2seq) approach.

How seq2seq ?
Seq2seq is a a method of encoder-decoder based machine translation that
maps an input of sequence to an output of sequence with a tag and attention
value. it is a popular deep learning approach that we use for Machine
Translation, Text Summarization, Conversational Modeling, Image Captioning,
ChatBot, and more. Therefore, we could use this mechanism to build our
Khmer spelling correction. As we know a seq2seq or (Encoder Decoder)
consists of two main parts :

1. Encoder:

The encoder simply takes the input data, and train on it then it passes the last
state of its recurrent layer as an initial state to the first recurrent layer of the
decoder part ( in our case the encoder is an incoreect Khmer sentences).

Encoder input : Incorrect Khmer sentences

2. Decoder

The decoder takes the last state of encoder’s last recurrent layer and uses it as
an initial state to its first recurrent layer , the input of the decoder is the
sequences that we want to get ( in our case the Coreect Khmer sentences).

Encoder input : Correct Khmer sentences

Data collection
In order to build a good deep learning model, it needs to learn from lots of
data(in our case Khmer sentences). So we need to gather as much as Khmer
text from any sources we could find. However, there isn't sources that we
could get a copus of Khmer sentences for free. Therefore, we need to collect
data by ourselves. Now, let's write simple golang script to scrap the Khmer
text from some popular Khmer website.


 Go: The Go programming language

 goquery: is a package which help finding the content of article HTML in

package main

import (








func SeperateSentences(sentences string) []string {

sentences = strings.Replace(sentences, " ", "", -1) //remove space

sentences = strings.Replace(sentences, "", "", -1) //remove zero

return strings.SplitAfter(sentences, "។") // separate
sentences into sentence

func GetContent(file *os.File, index int) {

// Make HTTP request

response, err := http.Get("" +


if err != nil {


defer response.Body.Close()

if response.StatusCode != 200 {



// Create a goquery document from the HTTP response

document, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(response.Body)

if err != nil {

log.Fatal("Error loading HTTP response body. ", err)

// Get the article content

document.Find(".article-body .article-content div").Each(func(i

int, element *goquery.Selection) {
text := element.Find("p").Text()

if text != "" {

for _, sentence := range SeperateSentences(text) {

// write to file

fmt.Fprintln(file, sentence)


func main() {

file, err := os.Create("khmer_compus.txt")

if err != nil {



defer file.Close()

// 101511 is number of article

for i := 1; i <= 10; i++ {


GetContent(file, i)

Then run

go run main.go

And we got it. Yay!


 Source code

What next?
We have just collected the data needed to train our seq2seq model, in the
next article we going to implement a seq2seq model and train it using our

collected data in this article. Happy coding!

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