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The correlation between industrial support and vocational attitude toward the

increasing of student’s technical skill on building drawings engineering

Blima Oktaviastuti, Ahmad Dardiri, Nindyawati, and Riana Nurmalasari

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1778, 030039 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4965773

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The Correlation Between Industrial Support
and Vocational Attitude Toward the Increasing of Student’s
Technical Skill on Building Drawings Engineering
Blima Oktaviastuti1a), Ahmad Dardiri2b), Nindyawati2c), and Riana Nurmalasari1d)
Magister Vocational Education, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Civil Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Corresponding author:,

Abstract. The increasing of student’s technical skill after the implementation of working practices of the industry is to
add value for students when entering the workforce. In order to have the qualified technical skill, students must explore
the science resources through education, training, motivation, technology, and various other group businesses. It is
expected that students had technical skill and be able to use maximally his expertise in the industry. Because, indirectly,
the technical skill influences the increasing of productivity working in his field. This research aims to know the
relationship between variable industrial support and variable vocational attitude with variable technical skill student of
Vocational High School drawings building engineering. The place of implementation this research was in the State
Vocational High School 1 Jenangan Ponorogo and State Vocational High School 1 Geneng Ngawi. This study uses the
quantitative approach with the descriptive research correlational design. Data collection instruments use the question
form for the free variables and bound variables to test the grant. Data analysis uses dual regression to know the relation
between free variables and bound variables simultaneously and partially. The results of this study are (1) industrial
support simultaneous and significant effect of 12.9% of efforts to increase technical skills to students of SMK building
drawings engineering; (2) vocational attitude effect simultaneously and significantly to the student’s technical skill is
23.5%; and (3) support industrial and vocational attitude together have an effect on the technical skill of student SMK
building drawings engineering amounting to 53.5%.

Education is an important aspect which becomes the primary needs of every people. Education changes
the individual attitudes and ethics. The changes started from the less well into the better, from the
less familiar becomes more familiar, and so on. The existence of education can manifest the human
being virtuous and dignified manner in accordance with the rule of the 1945 Constitution (UUD 1945) and the
Statutes of the National Education System (UU Sisdiknas) who have known all along.
The practice means as an introduction to the industrial world in the CMS is often referred to as
the working practices of the industry (Prakerin). This practice as well as a support to the learning activities of
industrialized major in the school. The students get the theory as a provision of science in the class and the
students get science related practice in the industrialized sector. The implementation of the activity can run
successfully prakerin if the industrialized world and the school gives the maximum supply.
An industrialized sector is a place where students of SMK applied sciences and skills which is gained
from the school in accordance with the competence of their craft. The role or participation in the implementation
of the industrial world prakerin include learning planning, implementation, and evaluation of learning. The
school must also be an active partnership with the industrialized sector, so students can deepen
the competence by their expertise. These activities have an impact on the readiness of students entering the

Proceedings of the International Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education Conferences (IMEEEC 2016)
AIP Conf. Proc. 1778, 030039-1–030039-6; doi: 10.1063/1.4965773
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1440-2/$30.00

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workforce after graduation. Vocational education provides the experience of effective and efficient work. It also has
knowledge and psychomotor skill. Not only that, vocational education is always followed technological
developments, maintain and enrich their knowledge, technical skill in order to be always in accordance
with developments in the world of industry.
Prosser describes that there are sixteen principles of vocational education with the three principles related
to the role of the industrialized sector. Those third principle are including: (1) vocational education will
be efficient if the environment where students are trained in a replica of the environment while later it will
work; (2) an effective vocational education may only be granted where the tasks are performed by means
of exercises, tools, and machines that are the same as those defined in the workplace; and (3) an
effective vocational education if he coached someone in the habit of thinking and working as required in the
work itself.
Those efficiencies obtained due to the industry as a place of work after leaving school, students do not
need to organize more training center. In order to meet the third principle, vocational school requires a very
large cost, especially if you want to meet the overall principle of Prosser. However, the reality that happens
in Indonesia for the fulfillment of the tool in all SMK to follow the development of the technology has not been
fully realized. Therefore, SMK still relies on addition of knowledge for prakerin students to follow the development
of the industrialized world.
Kuswana [1] defines the attitude as psychological tendency expressed by evaluating a parti-
cular entity which is using some degree of support or benefits, with the implementation of the evaluation which
refers to things that are common include yourself, other people, objects, as well as the issues. Muis [2] attitude is a
complex mental condition that involves the beliefs and feelings, as well as the disposition to act in a certain
way. Based on such opinions inferred that attitude in the concept of psychology is the positive or
negative evaluations of people, things, events, activities, ideas, or anything that is in the surrounding environment.
Attitude can be formed as a result of something that is learned, could be influenced by other people,
teachers, and friends. The opposite attitude can also be influenced by a person's behavior and deeds. The
establishment of good attitude can be realized if the supporting aspects of the constituent is also good. When the
learning process progresses, students of SMK familiarized with the application of high discipline. The
discipline applied to the CMS tends to be stricter than those applied in high school. The purpose of its
application, so that when entering the industrialized world students can adapt to both. Discipline is indeed identical
to the industrialized world, because their work patterns tied to target a job that demanded immediate completion. If
the individual has a positive attitude toward an object, then it will be ready to help, pay attention, do something that
benefits from it. Conversely, if the individual has a negative attitude against an object, he will denounce, denounce,
and avoid those objects.
Rasul, et. all. outlines some important aspects of one's personality, according to
entrepreneur. These personalities include: (1) honestly; (2) a high responsibility and work hard in order to achieve
the purpose of work and have a level of high concentration while working; (3) the confidence, it is vital it is owned
by the student while working; (4) can work in Group; (5) are able to adapt the working environment; and (6) the
discipline while working. These values can contribute so that created the harmony and productivity in the
workplace and to create good relationships with the customers. The businessman explained that the
industry requires flexible workers who are able to face any challenges in the workplace and can work in an
environment with different races, cultures and languages, then as an employee should be able to cooperate when
[3] subsume some aspects contained in the concept of competencies include:
(1) knowledge; (2) understanding; (3) skill; (4) value; (5) attitude; and (6) interest. Technical skill is the skill of
handling or solving a problem through the use of the equipment, procedures, methods, and techniques in the
operational process, especially regarding work related tools that should be used in completing the job. Such
research can be concluded that the competence of the students of SMK on the fact of the matter is a
combination of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes which are reflected in the habit of thinking and acting.
Darwati [4] concluded that the implementation of the working practices of the industry can provide a very
large contribution in improving the skills of both theoretical as well as practice skills, such as increased sewing
skills, socialization and improved skills of the self with the world of work, and understanding in the business
world. Research of Erliza [5] the practice is a form of the given theoretically training through the teaching and the
learning process. The practice of the industry also is a learning system that is conducted on a company/industry
or institutions that are relevant to the field of expertise. It was concluded that the implementation of work practices,
the industry aims to gain the actual experience of the industrialized world. When students are in the industrialized

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world, students will apply knowledge that has been acquired at the school in the form of practice. Indirectly the
existence of prakerin can form the technical skill of students.
Hanafi [6] concluded there were a few things that cause prolonged mismatch, among other vocational
education are not enough flexible in responding to the request of the world of work and industry, mainly related to a
change in attitude and job skills required of the workforce. Dewi [7] concluded that there are indications that
the larger the number of students who have low competence, compared with high competencies. A skill, if
developed and focus on the skills, entrepreneurship opportunities could be made. Based on the study it can be
concluded that a worker must have related criteria technical skill. It is aimed to let the students of
SMK graduates while working, already used to working directly with a set of technical skills. The industrialized
world would also prefer workers who apply technical skills while working, out of which do not apply.
This research aims to disclose: (1) contributions to support the industry against technical skill building
drawings engineering students, (2) contribution of vocational attitude towards technical skill building drawings
engineering students, and (3) contributions to support industrial and vocational attitude are jointly contributing to
the technical skill of the students building drawings engineering.

This study is using a quantitative approach with the design of the correlational, descriptive research as
purposes to know the relationships between variables by comparing the measurement results between different
variables in order to determine the extent of the level of the relationship between the variables. There are
three variables in this study, includes free two variables and one variable is bound. Free variables in the form
of industry support (X1) and vocational attitude (X2), whereas the variable bound is the technical skill (Y).
The population in this research is the students of class XI competence building drawings engineering
(TGB) at SMK 1 Jenangan Ponorogo and SMKN 1 Geneng Ngawi. SMKN 1 Jenangan
Ponorogo has 58 students, whereas SMKN 1 Geneng Ngawi has a population of 59 students. The total population
of 117 students.
The sampling technique used to determine the research sample is proportionate random sampling. To
determine the sample size used random numbers table error level α = 5%, of the population value
of 117 then sample used was 91 students. The sample is part of a number and characteristic owned by
the population. While Arikunto [8] says that the sample is part of a population or a representative of
the populations examined. In order to be balanced, the number of samples in each
school then done proportionately pro rata allocation using the formula so that the number of samples for each
school namely, SMKN 1 Jenangan Ponorogo as many as 45 students and SMKN 1 Geneng Ngawi as
much as 46 students.
Research instrument used to obtain data on the three variables are examined, namely: (1) support the
industry, (2) vocational attitude, and (3) technical skill. The technique of data collection of the variables in the form
of the now third with Likert scale 4.The analysis of the data used descriptive analysis and regression analysis.

Hypothesis testing in this study performed using correlation and regression techniques. Prior to the
testing stage, then filled in advance the terms of data analysis that is a test of normality and linearity.

Test for Normality

Table 1 below shows that the probability of a third variable that is greater than the significance
level (p > 0.05). It was concluded that data in the third measure variable distributed normally.
TABLE 1. Value Normality Test
Variable Pketetapan Phasil
X1 0,05 0,234
X2 0,05 0,564
Y 0,05 0,211

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Test of Linearity
Based on table 2 can be seen on the linearity test results between the free variables with variables bound,
namely industrial support variable (X1) with variable technical skill (Y) of the vocational attitude and variable 0.270
(X2) and technical skill (Y) of 0.135. It can be concluded that the linear variable (p > 0.05), so that it can be
done regression analysis on the data.
TABLE 2. Value Linearity Test
Variable Nilai Pketetapan Kesinpulan
X1*Y 0,270 0,05 Linear
X2*Y 0,135 0,05 Linear

The first hypothesis tests on the research done by using correlation and regression analysis.
TABLE 3. Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of
Square the Estimate
1 .731a .535 .524 5.29314

Based on table 3 obtained a correlation analysis results showed that the coefficient of correlation between
the support industry with technical skill of students is = 0.731 with p < α (0.05). The magnitude of the influence of
industry support and vocational attitude towards the technical skill of the students of SMK building graphics found
on the determination coefficient of 0.535 or 53.5% and other variables that affect the magnitude of technical skill of
= 46.5%.
TABLE 4. Coefficients
Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 12.813 5.578 2.297 .024
1 DUKUNGAN_INDUSTRI .129 .079 .089 .368 .014
VOCATIONAL_ATTITUDE .235 .092 .119 .844 .002

Based on table 4 results obtained with the model equations of regression calculation Y = 12,81+
0, 129X1+ 0, 235X2. This equation is then tested with the test F ANOVA Regression.

TABLE 5. Anova
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 2834.434 2 1417.217 50.584 .002b
1 Residual 2465.522 88 28.017
Total 5299.956 90

Based on table 5 calculation of the results obtained shows that the value of Sig. = 0,002. If compared with
α = 0,05, then Sig. value smaller than α (Sig. ≤ α) is 0,002 ≤ 0,05. That is, Ho and Ha received or rejected in other
words there is a significant contribution to free variables between simultaneously against variables bound
to each substructure. Riduwan and Kuncoro posited in testing simultaneously indicates significance (Ho is
rejected and accepted Ha) then individually testing can proceed. Then summed up on this research shows
that support industry and vocational attitude effect simultaneously and significantly to technical skill.

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Erliza [5] said the practice is a form of theoretical training with the teaching and learning process and the
system of analytical study performed in industry or agency relevant to competency expertise. Pitono patterns of
organizing educational system implemented in SMK order to further bring closer quality graduates with the
skills required by the business world/industry. Sari suggests that cooperation as two or more persons to
conduct joint activities undertaken are integrated with directed to a target or a particular purpose. Darwati concluded
that the implementation of the working practices of the industry can provide a very large contribution to improving
the skills of both theoretical as well as practice skills, such as increased sewing skills, socialization and improved
skills of the self with the world of work, and understanding in the business world. Noer stated that the experience
of the working practices of the industry could easily apply the expertise owned in the corporate world,
ultimately can improve sewing skills, and greatly help improve technical skills as well as knowledge becomes
the provision of a business and make the student meet the needs of the work.
The opinions of some of the research were intended to the existence of a relationship of cooperation
with the industrialized world is expected to equip students with technical skill appropriate competencies. The
existence of the granting trust to the students when the task is one indicator that donations can make
the students have a technical skill. Increased technical skill is the expectation of the end of the implementation
of the implementation so that students have the SDM prakerin excels when entering the
workforce. Industry support will be even greater role as a shaper of technical skills in order to
become better students. If industrial support role is increasingly low, the result in a reduction of technical skill of
student SMK competence building drawings engineering
Kuswono [1] defining attitude as evaluation which refers to things that are common
include yourself, other people, objects, as well as issues in order to increase the motivation of a person's
achievements. Attitude is a complex mental condition that involves the beliefs and feelings, as well as the
disposition to act in a certain way. In conclusion, the attitude in psychology is the positive or negative
evaluations of people, things, events, activities, ideas, or anything that is in the environment with the aim
of providing motivation in order to be better again [2].
Maukar [9] said there is a significant positive relationship between work ethic with the power quality
service library with high morale (aim, discipline, honesty, teamwork, hard work, responsibility, and self-
confidence) accompanied the belief the high work, certainly the quality of service will experience an
increase. Vartana employee discipline is one of the things that must be considered in order to perform the task with
the best as well as improve efficiency and employee productivity. Wardani disappointment the industrialized
world with the quality of the graduates of vocational education located to work and lack of fighting power while
working. Ampera [10] said labor is educated in a liberal is indispensable at present with integrated
thinking, reliable, intelligent communicator emotional, able to work in teams and ethical.
On this research obtained findings that support the industry's influential simultaneously and significantly
to the technical skill of students with percentage of 12,9%. As for the vocational attitude effect simultaneously
and significantly to the technical skill of students with percentage of 23,5%. The existence of vocational attitude can
manifest ethics and motivation of working in accordance with the needs of the industrialized
world. Vocational attitude can also promote the spirit of students to deepen the technical skill. If applied in the
implementation of vocational, prakerin attitude needed for co-operation in a team besides the existence
of adaptation to the environment. The research indicates that vocational attitude can give impact on the results
of the technical skill of students. When the vocational attitude is getting low, then it can result
in technical skill students become low.

Based on the result and discussion in this study, obtained industry support the conclusion that the
simultaneous and significant effect of 12.9% of efforts to increase technical skills to students of SMK competence
building drawings engineering. While vocational attitude effect simultaneously and significantly to
the technical skill of the students of 23,5%. Then to support industrial and vocational attitude together have an effect
on the technical skill of student SMK competence building drawings engineering amounting to 53,5%.

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For the industry, the relationship between the school with the industry need to be strengthened again to
give science and useful information for students in accordance with the needs of the industrialized world.
For students, it is necessary to apply vocational attitude in daily life and increase technical skills in order
to become a productive graduates according the needs of the industrialized world.

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