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---- SRIM 2011 ----

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS for Win-95,-98, NT, XP, Vista and Win-7 systems
If you have problems running SRIM, and Windows declares that system files are missing, there
is a program to fix this. Look in the SRIM subdirectory: “\Installation in WinXP and
Win7” and read the file: “Installing missing Windows files”. Some versions of
Windows omit some Microsoft Windows programs that used to be standard. These instructions
will allow you to install them into your computer.

Installation of SRIM-2011 (5.2 MB) or the Professional version (29 MB).

* Make a new Directory called SRIM 2011. Copy the downloaded file SRIM-2011.e into it.
Rename it SRIM-2011.exe.
* Execute SRIM-2011.exe to unfold all the SRIM files. If you have had previous versions of
SRIM working on your system, you should have no problems.
* Make a desktop icon of SRIM. Do this by right-clicking on SRIM 2011.exe and selecting
“Create Shortcut Here” from the menu (different Win-systems use slightly different
messages). Drag the result to your desktop. Now right-click on the new icon and select
“Properties”. Somewhere on the tabs you will find “Compatibility”. You need to check
two boxes:
1. “Run as Administrator”. Check this box.
2. “Run in compatibility mode for Windows XP (SP3)”. Check this box.
3. Finally, press “Save” or “OK” or “Apply” (depending on which
Without these setup commands, SRIM would not be allowed to write any data to your disk.
* Try SRIM by executing the icon for SRIM 2011.exe. The two common errors/problems are:
1. You cannot link to the “Stopping and Range Tables” or to “TRIM Setup”.
2. In either of these files, you cannot open the Compound Dictionary.
Both of these errors come from the SRIM’s need for two Windows system files: TABCTL32.ocx
and COMCTL32.ocx. Microsoft has put out 5 versions of these two programs with various
operating Windows systems, and they are incompatible. There are two simple things to try:
Method #1
1. You will find copies of these two files in “/SRIM Setup for WinXP and
2. Go to your computer directory: C:/Windows/System32. See if these two files are
there. If so, rename them to and Next, copy the SRIM
versions of these two files into this directory. There is a program: “/SRIM Setup for
WinXP and Win7/ SRIM WinFix-1” that will do this for you.
a. Click on /SRIM Setup for WinXP and Win7/ SRIM WinFix-1
b. In the menu that appears, click on Browse
c. In the new menu, click on the “Look in” down-arrow for a sub-menu, and
If you cannot solve your problems using these Instructions, please write to
select OS(C:) [this might be just C: or C:/ in some systems].
i. Press Set. Then select Extract. The files will be put into the
Windows system in the right place.
3. Try SRIM again. Normally you have to “register” these new files, but that is
complicated. So by just copying them, you may be removing incompatible versions of the
other files. If this doesn’t work, you can always remove the SRIM versions and reinstate
the original files that you renamed above in step #1.
Method #2
Execute the file /SRIM Setup for WinXP and Win7”/SRIM WinFix-2.exe This both installs
and registers the two system files with your Windows operating system.
Note: Windows has gotten so protective that it is difficult to install amateur programs.
Neither of these procedures should give you any real problems with your system since you
are not changing the operating system. In one case you are just adding two files, and in the
second case you are registering the two files in the accepted manner.
A full description of SRIM calculation is found in the textbook "SRIM - The Stopping and
Range of Ions in Solids", by J. F. Ziegler, J. P. Biersack and M. D. Ziegler, available
from This book presents the science of ion penetration into matter in a
simple tutorial manner, then presents the mathematics behind the SRIM programs with a
full explanation of its physics. Further chapters show various applications, describe the
details of the output files, document the accuracy of SRIM and provide tutorials about
using SRIM.
A complete MANUAL for TRIM is included in the SRIM package. See: "HELP - TRIM
Input.pdf" and "HELP - TRIM Output.pdf". These files will walk you through TRIM.
All the science and mathematics can be found in the SRIM textbook "The Stopping and
Range of Ions in Matter", available from the SRIM website:
Trouble Shooting:
(1) SRIM Download is Corrupt. About 10% of the software downloads from the Internet
contain errors. If none of the following helps to solve your problem, please try to download
SRIM again. Remove the old program installation and re-install.
(2) Strange characters Problem: Some of the Help panels in SRIM contain strange characters.
This occurs if you do not have the font MS-LineDraw as an active font. This font is included in
most Microsoft software packages. It is the font for the ASCII character set, and is required for
some text windows in SRIM. It is NOT required to run any of the programs. A copy of the font is
in the subdirectory: /data/ LINEDRAW.ttf. You need to put it into: C:/Windows/Fonts.You must
activate this font using the "Fonts" icon in your Windows Control Panel.
(3) Registry problems These errors take various forms, but they all are caused by having an
If you cannot solve your problems using these Instructions, please write to
early version of SRIM (versions 2000.00-2000.24) still in your Registry, and Windows is getting
confused about the support programs required for SRIM. The only way out of this is to:
 First see if there is an old version of SRIM listed in your "Add/Remove Programs" (this
program is in your Control Panel folder). If SRIM is listed, then REMOVE it. Skip the rest of
these instructions, and reinstall the full version of SRIM.
 If there is no earlier version of SRIM, or if there is an earlier version and you can't
remove it, then follow these instructions:
1. Save a copy of your Registry.
2. Use: START + RUN. Enter the name REGEDIT to execute this program.
3. Click on REGISTER. Click on EXPORT REGISTRY FILE. Save it with a new
4. Still in REGEDIT, use EDIT + FIND to search for all entries to SRIM. It may be
5. "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/Current
Version/App Paths/SRIM 2000"
6. Delete all references to SRIM.
 Save the corrected Registry. Quit the REGEDIT program.
 Reinstall the new version of SRIM-2011.
(4) TRIM Hangs-up : If you do NOT use Windows with ASCII characters (i.e. 8-
bits/character as in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, etc.) there is a serious problem.
Languages which require 16-bit letters (Japanese, Arabic, Russian, etc.) can not use the parts of
SRIM which require typed input. You can solve this problem by changing you Regional Setting
to English or any European language. This is done by: "My Computer" -> "Control Panel" ->
"Regional Settings". Then reset you system to any European language. Although the system will
tell you to reboot your PC, this is not necessary for some systems.
There is no possible fix for this problem that can be incorporated into SRIM. (I am indebted to
Firas Rida, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia, for helping to fix this problem.)
(5) Weird SRIM Results : Problem: SRIM calculates weird values. SRIM is setup to use
periods for decimal points. In some countries, the custom is to use commas for the decimal point.
Further, some countries use commas to demark thousands, while others use spaces or periods.
These International customs are not automatically converted by MS-Windows. If you get strange
results from SRIM, then try converting your decimal point to a period. This is done by opening
"My Computer", and then "Control Panel" and then "Regional Settings". Set your Regional
Settings to "English (United States)". You can then check that the decimal point is now a period
by selecting the Tab called "Number". It should show a period for the "Decimal Symbol". Close
the Regional Settings window. It is NOT necessary to restart your computer. Now execute SRIM,
and it should work OK. When you are finished with SRIM, reopen the Regional Settings and
reset to your original standard.
If you cannot solve your problems using these Instructions, please write to

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