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Copyright 2001 by the Psychology in Spain, 2001, Vol. 5.

No 1, 75-81
Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos. Spain


Jorge Alberto Conde Vieitez, Alberto de la Torre García and María Teresa Vega Rodríguez
Department of Social Psychology and Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Salamanca

The first part of this article proposes the concept of Technological Change, with regard to new technologies, considering
its nature, extent and purpose, as well as a historical dimension. In the second part, we describe the process of technolog-
ical implementation carried out in a particular industry, motor car manufacture, placing special emphasis on human
resources policy. Finally, we present the results obtained with regard to the perception those involved in the organisation
have of this technological change, the importance of setting up training programs and communication channels, with a view
to reducing the negative effects perceived by the workers themselves, and the possible consequences for workers’ profes-
sional development.

En la primera parte de este artículo se propone el concepto de Cambio Tecnológico, cuando se hace referencia a las Nuevas
Tecnologías, a partir de la reflexión sobre su naturaleza, alcance y fines, anotaciones históricas incluídas. A continuación,
segunda parte, se describe el proceso de implementación tecnológica llevado a cabo en una organización industrial - fab-
ricación de automóviles - subrayando el esquema de actuación seguido en lo referente a la política de recursos humanos.
Finalmente, se exponen los resultados obtenidos, en el estudio realizado, sobre la percepción que los productores de esta
organización tienen sobre este cambio tecnológico, la importancia de establecer programas de formación y canales de
comunicación, como procedimiento para aminorar los efectos negativos percibidos por los propios trabajadores, así como
las consecuencias previstas sobre su desarrollo profesional.

T he problematic nature frequently attributed to tech-

nology in relation to its economic, social, labour and
organisational implications has constituted, since the
and purposes, included in what have constituted the
three main currents of study – deterministic,
critical/dialectic and hermeneutic/pluralist (not forget-
very beginnings of its development, the nucleus of sci- ting other approaches, understood as socio-economic,
entific thought. Forty years ago, Drucker (1960), put it based on descriptive/prescriptive approaches (Luján and
lucidly: “Everyone who writes about technology recog- Moreno, 1996)) – , reflect options of value and ideolog-
nises the extraordinary nature of the number, variety and ical assumptions that, beyond their empirical demon-
complexity of the factors involved in it and which are, in stration, have a decisive influence on the objectives of
turn, influenced by it: economics and the legal system, scientific work and the design of research hypotheses.
political institutions and social values, philosophical And indeed, from a different reference framework, “they
abstractions, religious beliefs and scientific knowledge. should contribute” substantially to the construction of
No-one can know everything, and even less so handle it “social representations” drawn, using their own technol-
in their relationships, which constantly vary. And never- ogy, by different social actors – managers, unions, work-
ers, etc. – and this will eventually condition and mediate
theless, all of that forms part of technology in one way
their behaviour with regard to technological innovation.
or another, at one point or another (p.157).
Why the expression “they should contribute” instead of
In any case, whether it be admitted tacitly or explicitly,
a stronger statement with regard to the implications and
the theoretical formulations about the elements making
consequences of the myriad of references and empirical
up technology, its development and, finally, its extent
works on “the technological discussion”? Given the
need for an intellectual critique, we can state that the
The original Spanish version of this paper has been previously
published in Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 2000, application of doctrine from the social sciences has been
Vol. 16 No 1, 7-21 limited, and even scorned; this has led, indeed, to a situ-
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to ation in which an enormous quantity of theoretical con-
Jorge Alberto Conde Vieitez. Departamento de Psicología Social y tributions has had a minimal influence on the activity,
Antropología. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Edificio FES. Campus
“Miguel de Unamuno” s/n. 37007 Salamanca. Spain. both at everyday and strategic levels, of companies and
E-mail: organisations. In a pertinent and original analysis, refer-


ring in particular to the Sociology of Work, Castillo European and American producers have been obliged to
(1994, p.409) considers “that it appears incapable of make substantial modifications to the manufacturing
having its knowledge applied, fails to connect with soci- process, with the aim of reducing costs, boosting pro-
ety and ‘dies of success’, on its scientific knowledge ductivity and increasing quality.
becoming dissolved and converted into the common The Spanish car industry has not remained immune to
sense of each society”; in a similar line, Villena (1997), such changes, even though, from the organisational point
in a lucid reflection, defines it and contextualises it, in a of view, the advances have been much slower. In fact,
wider sense, in terms of the well-justified retrospective productive flexibility has not led to the overcoming of
consideration of classics which, as he underlines, “…are Taylorism, but rather to a breaking up of the productive
unfortunately relegated to more or less philological chain into shorter series, with limited integration and
readings, mistakenly written off as irrelevant and out- grouping of tasks in particular job posts. The results of the
dated”. Whether or not the present work constitutes “just study by Castaño (1994) on the main effects of techno-
another study of technology” or, in line with the work logical change in the Spanish car industry in the last five
referred to by Villena (1997) or the research of Castillo years provides definitive and conclusive data. According
(1996), it is considered as an attempt to underline the to that study, the transformations have affected:
need for pluridisciplinary approaches in wide-ranging a) Work tasks: producing a regrouping of tasks, direct
and complex problems (such as those faced by a compa- production activities having been reduced and indi-
ny in relation to technological change and innovation), rect activities – maintenance and quality –
is up to the “applier” more than the researcher himself. increased. Physical effort has been substituted by
technological development, but at the same time,
RESEARCH CONTEXT: AN ORGANISATION IN the everyday activity of the worker has become
THE PROCESS OF TECHNOLOGICAL more complex, with higher levels of autonomy,
CHANGE decision and responsibility.
As stressed by Castillo (1996, p.55) “the normal or b) Professional categories: with the substitution of the
standard context of the discussion and literature on tech- concept of professional category by those of func-
nological transfers, or on the now-famous transplants, tion and multi-skilled workers. Functional cate-
tends to revolve around the importation of new forms of gories emerge and acquire relevance, such as those
work not only to countries called (somewhat inaccurate- of auditors, programmers of receipt of materials,
ly and ironically) semi-peripheral, but also to complete- work team and quality control coordinators. Also,
ly peripheral ones – almost always from countries there is a clear tendency for the unification of
referred to as central, or dominant.” Direct Labour (DL) and Indirect Labour (IL) teams.
The present work is based on the research carried out c) Qualification requirements, functional mobility and
in relation to the technological change occurring in an training: these result from the demand for multi-
industrial organisation –that of motor car manufacture. skilled workers, so that, for example, specialists
This is a sector of the automotive industry that is under- constitute a category directly under threat, given
going considerable technological modifications – their lack of a wider training, which reduces their
Advanced Manufacturing Technology – that make it a possibilities of reconversion; on the other hand, this
relevant area for the study of the relationship between situation favours medium-level technical groups,
technological innovation and labour organisation whose level of general training is much higher, and
(Castaño, 1994). Let us briefly consider the changes who have much more positive multi-skill indices.
occurring in these organisations as a direct result of the Increased mobility in all modes, and modification
most recent technological developments. of training policies, which focus on three types:
In sum, behind technological change in the industrial maintenance operators – training in the handling of
production of motor cars are factors such as the need to new technology; middle managers or foremen –
meet increasing demand and tougher competition for the work team leaders and human relations; and admin-
world market, where Japanese manufacturers lead the istrative staff, engineers, senior managers and
way, though recently other Far Eastern and eastern directors.
European countries have come onto the scene, with d) Working conditions: the high average age of work-
extremely favourable levels of productivity and quality forces has given rise to considerable problems of
and costs. Within this competitive context, western adaptation to the demands of new technological and


organisational systems. Of particular relevance has 3- Training plan: involving a schedule designed to
been the problem of retraining workers whose improve quality, establishing the mean of 112 hours
experience, though great in terms of time, is limit- per year for each employee within the
ed to carrying out simple, monotonous and routine Training/Quality Project.
tasks on production lines. On the other hand, tech- 4- Management schemes: determining the human
nological innovation has permitted the automisa- resources potential with the aim of drawing up the
tion of high-risk production processes, leading to a professional development programmes of the com-
reduction in traditional health problems related to pany’s managers from the year 2000.
hearing, the skin and the back, and to fewer acci- 5- Implementation of non-retributional motivational
dents. Nevertheless, other problems have emerged, actions favouring the creation and development of
related to the new working conditions, and espe- groups participating as basic units in the organisa-
cially to increased responsibility, greater job uncer- tion of human resources.
tainty and insecurity and more flexible and irregu- As a result of the technological innovation and the
lar working days: stress, depression, alcoholism introduction of the Social Plan, the change in the pro-
and cardiovascular problems. duction line was truly revolutionary, leading to consid-
e) Changes in labour relations: from closed schemes erable organisational readjustments. There were also
in relation to specialisation and assignment of important developments from an economic point of
tasks, highly structured and formally defined pro- view: the manufacture of the new engine “E1600” –
fessional categories, within a legal framework that Energy – involved a total investment of 68,000 million
determines and conditions labour organisation pesetas (420 million euros) with the following produc-
(working hours and shifts, wage conditions, etc.), to tion specifications: new design combining reduction in
a flexible, open system as regards both planning of consumption with lower pollution indices, increased
work activity and the relationship between employ- efficiency at levels of 8-13%, lighter structure and high-
er and employee – with more “personalised and er quality levels. For this design, the engine-building
individual” working and contractual conditions. plant was reconverted, bringing full automation to the
In line with these changes, in the Renault organisation production line through the introduction of comput-
it was decided in 1988 to adopt a “strategy for change”, erised and electronically-guided controls, including the
using as a pioneer factory the assembly and manufacture following systems: Integrated Manufacturing Assistance
plant at Valladolid so as, on the basis of the results (Ayuda Integrada de Fabricación, AIF), Monitoring of
obtained, to generalise the design of the new manufac- Production Line Breakdowns (SEPAL), Statistical
turing systems to the Group’s other factories. Thus, a Quality Control (SPC) and Productivity Control and
series of actions were implemented for the application of Maintenance (TPM ). In this way, it was possible, at
procedures, methods and techniques in the production each stage of the production chain, to detect possible
line (quality groups, creation and development of Basic deficiencies and faults, cutting down on maintenance
Work Units (BWUs), progress acceleration plan, “just in tasks, reducing the length of line breakdowns and
time” techniques as procedures for the provision of increasing the availability of other production instru-
materials, and flexible-tight manufacturing systems), ments.
together with the drawing up of a Social Plan – as set As far as the relationship between technological inno-
down in the 1989-93 Agreement document of the Inter- vation and staff reductions is concerned, the problem is
Centre Committee signed by the company and the to establish a deterministic causal link insofar as both
Committee – outlining the following strategic Human the elimination of tasks and the contracting of services
Resources policies: and materials from outside constitute measures that
1- Reduction of workforce, with the laying off of around favour reduction of the workforce. Nevertheless, the
6,000 workers – 30% of the total – through early joint examination of the economic investment carried
retirement and voluntary redundancy schemes. out in technology in the period 1988-1991 in the facto-
2- Development of criteria to favour labour flexibility ries producing Engines 1 and 2 – Table 1 –, the period of
through the development of schedules and timeta- maximum investment in the last decade, and the devel-
bles for production and personnel mobility and rota- opment of the workforce in the years 1992, 1993 and
tion with the aim of adapting production to market 1994 in the same factories – Table 2 – permits us to see
demand. the situation clearly:


As it can be seen, the reduction of the labour force in 70.2 workers per 100 engines in December 1989 to 27.8
the Engines factories was progressive, significant and workers per 100 engines in December 1997 (Graph 1).
sequential, from a temporal perspective, in relation to Following these strategic lines of economic invest-
the economic investment made in technological devel- ment, production design and human resources, there
opment. Another relevant piece of data, in relation to began to be implemented a new model of labour organ-
Engines 1, is that this loss of staff corresponds, during isation based on the setting up and development of Basic
1992, to Direct labour (DL), less qualified assemblers Work Units, aimed at favouring and maximising the par-
and machiners, whilst in 1994, on the other hand, there ticipation and involvement of workers. Briefly, from an
is an increase in DL in the same department, as a conse- operative point of view, production units comprising a
quence of the compensatory effect of the fact that maximum of 20 workers each were created, in produc-
Indirect Labour (ID) – better qualified and whose role it tive processes in which the result/final product of their
was to help DL – becomes converted into DL (and thus work could be accurately identified and in which client-
reduced in number). supplier relationships were established with the rest of
The final analysis of the production balance also leaves lit- the Basic Work Units. Thus, as can be seen in Graphs
tle room for doubt: the effective production ratio rose from 2A/2B, the training and development of the Basic Work
Units is begun in the Area of Production and
Table 1 Manufacture at the end of 1991, to be implemented
Investments (millions of pesetas) throughout the factory in 1994, through its introduction
CONCEPT 1988 1989 1990 1991 in the service areas. Currently, it is being definitively
Industrial investments 18,992 13,441 13,756 17,731 consolidated on the basis of homogeneity criteria, result-
- Vehicles 9,513 4,020 3,208 5,626 ing in its reduction in quantitative terms and its group-
- Mechanical components 2,620 1,469 531 ----- ing in functional terms:
- Quality 827 589 300 1,062 A decisive role in this organisational change has been
- Administration 35 33 42 44 played by the training policy with the definition of
- TECHNOLOGY 5,997 7,330 9,675 6,999
strategies for the entire workforce. Thus, as shown in
Non-industrial investments 5,395 4,684 3,271 3,781
Graph 3, the training received by each worker has been
Note: 1 million pesetas = 6.100 euros carried out in a parallel – in increase and decrease – to
the creation and implementation of the BWUs:
Table 2
Evolution of Human Resources (Engines 1 and 2) METHODOLOGY
1992 1993 1994
The present work was carried out within the framework
of the following questions “How do the workers per-
DL 858 966 459 871 495 845 ceive this process of technological change?”, or “What
IL 426 838 343 380 294 307 strategies has the company followed with the aim of
ML 140 142 122 134 102 121 reducing the possible effects of this technological trans-
TOTAL: 1,421 1,491 924 1,385 891 1,273 formation?”. These were the basic issues that guided our
work, in relation to the subjective experience of the
Graph 1 workers themselves on the production line.
Ratio of workers/manufacture of 100 engines
70 -
We selected a sample of 148 workers from two depart-
60 - ments – Engines 1 and Engines 2 – in which the levels
50 - 51.2 49.3 of technological change differed: the Engines 1 depart-
ment, responsible for the manufacture of the new
40 -
engine, was equipped with full application of the
30 - 27.8 Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT) and the
incorporation of computer-assisted programmable
20 -
robots; in Engines 2, mechanical production line tech-
Dec 89 -
Dec 90 -
Dec 91 -
Dec 92 -
Dec 93 -
Dec 94 -
Dec 95 -
Dec 96 -
Jan 97 -
Mar 97 -
Apr 97 -
May 97 -
Jun 97 -
Jul 97 -
Sep 97 -
Oct 97 -
Nov 97 -
Dic 97 -

nology was employed for the manufacture of engine

parts, with AMT lines in their initial stages of installa-


tion. The sample therefore included workers belonging and all the support components for the production line.
to departments with technological transformation levels A significant aspect in the managers’ mental scheme
at different stages: 101 workers from Engines 1 (high was their perception of the change in the organisation of
level of technological change) and 47 from Engines 2 the work and its implications for the workers them-
(initial stage of technological change). selves, insofar as each worker had gone from being
As distinguishing characteristics of this employee group responsible for a machine to controlling a high-tech pro-
we would highlight the fact that they belonged to the pro- duction line. This, in the managers’ view, had involved
fessional categories “Specialists” and “Grade 2 Officers”, two changes: less physical effort and increased men-
with an age range of 45 to 55, average length of service of tal/psychological tension in workers, resulting both from
20 years, union affiliation rate of 35% (the majority with the level of responsibility acquired and their self-per-
the UGT union), and a proportional distribution among ception of being “controlled”: in the event of break-
them of Direct Labour (DL) workers and Indirect Labour downs or dysfunctions of the production line, direct per-
(IL) workers. Let us recall that DL is directly involved in sonal responsibility can automatically be attributed. In
the production and manufacture of the product, whilst IL
is made up of workers that carry out tasks of maintenance Graph 2A
and control, assisting the DL workers. Basic Work Units/Manufacture

130 -
Procedure 120 -
The approach employed was, first, direct and structured 110 -
observation at the production line in relation to the 100 -
design and organisation of the work activity; second, 90 - 89

individual interviews with: a) the workers themselves, 80 -

70 -
and b) those responsible for each department, from the 64 60
60 - 57 57
highest level – senior managers – to those with direct 50 -

responsibility over workers – middle managers or fore- End91 End92 End93 End94 End95 End96 1ºT. 97 Jul97
men; in a third phase we carried out semi-structured
interviews and group discussions with the workers Graph 2B
themselves, in groups of 6/8 workers; finally, in a fourth Basic Work Units/Services
phase, we administered the scales and/or questionnaires 130 -
on General Stress Level (Nivel de Estrés General, López 120 -
& Valverde, 1984), the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory 110 -

(STAI, Spielberger, 1988) and the Perception of New 100 -

90 -
Technologies Scale (Chao and Kozlowski, 1986).
80 -
70 - 68
From the content analyses carried out on the interviews 50 -

with the senior and middle managers it was observed End94 End95 End96 1ºT. 97 Jul97

how their comments reflected unanimous recognition of

the comprehensive and significant technological innova- Graph 3
tions, both at a work organisation level and, with a neg- Training: worker hours/year

ative influence, in relation to the workforce in each fac- 120 -

tory. In the latter case, however, interviewees admitted 100 - 92.3
89 92.2
that they perceived the Social Plan and the need to
80 - 77.4
reduce production costs as fundamental variables in 72.1

60 -
relation to staff cuts. Nevertheless, there appears to have 42.7

been some difficulty in identifying clearly the concept of 40 -

New Technology given that, in addition to including the 20 - 12.9
electronic equipment and automated lines – that which 0-
directly affected production –, they also understood as










new technology the computerised management systems


sum, the managers were describing a problem of work- in relation to the content of their work when they begin
ers’ adaptation to the technology of a psychosocial their new activities with the Advanced Manufacturing
nature (workers’ self-perception of feeling controlled) Technology. As can be seen in Graph 4, level of respon-
rather than training-based one. sibility, stress, control over one’s own work and learning
As regards the remarks made by workers, both in the demands are the most significant variables, reflecting
individual interviews and in the group discussions, a the importance of cognitive factors in work tasks related
first conclusion was universal: technological invest- to new technologies, which involve greater levels of vig-
ment, labour instability and staff cuts were stages of the ilance, attention, comprehension and psychological
same process, accentuated by their lack of basic training implication on the part of workers.
and by a lack of communication – or credible communi- Nevertheless, the levels of affectation are not the same
cation – on the part of the company about the strategy in all workers: indeed, in a more detailed analysis, by
and plans of action to be implemented. In sum, techno- means of an analysis of variance, we found significant
logical innovation and reductions in the labour force differences in relation to professional category
were considered as inevitable and irreversible facts. (p=.0283) and type of production line (p=.0645), with
A second significant concern was related to the increased responsibility and higher stress levels per-
increased mobility and rotation resulting from the intro- ceived more intensely by specialists and in workers on
duction of new technology, which caused stress and automated lines. These two groups, it will be recalled,
uncertainty, since it involved not only learning of new are precisely those that are in closest contact with the
tasks, but also leaving one’s work team and technology; moreover, in the case of specialists, they are
changing/adapting to a new one with unfamiliar norms, directly responsible for the maintenance and regulation
rules and activities, despite being in the same factory of the advanced automatic technology.
and/or department. The introduction of new technology is also perceived
Moving from the analysis of the comments made in the in positive ways by workers. As can be seen in Graph 5,
interviews to the examination of the data provided by they perceive the technology as positive both in relation
the workers on the scales and questionnaires, the first to learning opportunities and to the prestige of the work-
aspect to be underlined is the level of intensity perceived ers operating it. Their perception with respect to the pos-
sibilities of promotion, wage increases and changes in
Graph 4 tasks are more neutral, though not negative. Thus, the
Perception of Technological Change Effects on Behaviour perceived effects of technological change in career
3- Level of responsibility development are more favourable in what we can refer
Tension to as the expressive dimension (identity/prestige, learn-
Control over work ing/knowledge) than in the instrumental dimension (pro-
Demands for learning motion, salary/incentives).
Control by superiors If up to now we have stressed workers’ perceptions in
1- Prestige relation to the effects of technological change, we should
Social isolation like to highlight, finally, those factors that the workers
Interest in work themselves described as critical for reducing the negative
1º 2º 3º 4º 5º 6º 7º 8º effects of such change. In this regard, the results of the
ANOVA show that the company management’s concern
Graph 5 (p=.0432) and the organisation of training in new tech-
Technological Change and Career Development
nologies (p=.0619) are perceived as critical factors by the
4- workers in Engines 2, precisely the department in which
Possibility of promotion
the initial phase of technological change was implement-
3- Wage increase
ed. It was in this same department that workers were most
Opportunity for learning
worried about the low level of company management
2- Status or prestige
concern over the appropriate organisation of training
Change of activity
(p=.0289), confirming the conceptual line that stresses the
importance of companies’ styles of implementing new
0- technologies, which should aim to involve the workers
themselves (Korunka, 1993).


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a twofold dimension: on the one hand, such processes Conde López, V. and Franch Valverde, J. L. (1984).
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duction of the technology, with workers being offered cación de la sintomatología psicopatológica en los
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