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May, 17th – 18th 2011


Seminar International on Islamic Education 2011




May, 17th – 18th 2011

A. Background

Currently the Western civilization based on secularism, rationalism,

utilitarianism, and materialism has brought toward the destruction of the world.
Indeed we cannot deny the successes and progress produced by this civilization,
but there is no doubt that Western civilization has also produced the occupation,
everlasting war, social inequality, environmental degradation, alienation and
anomie (a reduction in social customs or ethical standards within the individual
or society) in several parts of the world. There were no balances and orders in

Science that flourished in the Western world is currently based on human

reasons and five senses, far from divine revelation and guidance. Although it
has produced some benefits of human technology, modern Western science
has also given birth to the humanitarian, natural and ethical disasters. Due to
the materialism worldview, accordingly occur occupation and colonization.
Thousands and even millions of human lives lost. Slavery happened, and
natural resources are exploited.

Western Civilization as it was written by historian Marvin Perry, is a great

civilization, but also a tragic drama (Marvin Perry, 1997). The Civilization is full of
contradictions. At one side, it contributed greatly to the advancement of science

Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor 2

Seminar International on Islamic Education 2011

and technology, which makes a variety of convenience in life, but at the other
side it gives no litle contribution to the destruction of the universe

The world of modern medicine known to practice vivisection (meaning

literally "to cut him alive",) a way of torturing live animals due to business
purposes to test drugs in order to reduce the long list of all types of human
disease (Pietro Ceco, 1999). This practice, not only it is an unethical science
and “inhumane”, but also leaves questions about the assumption of intrinsic
similarity level of animals and humans laboratory test which approved the
exploration of clinical outcomes from one to another.
Modern agricultural world very much in the use of chemicals such as
excessive use of pesticides, herbicides, synthetic nitrogen fertilizer and so on,
had poisoned the earth, killing wildlife and even poison the life of the crop and
damage the health of farmers. Agriculture which was originally referred to as
agriculture (culture, a way of life of mutual respect, mutual communal, and
cooperative, not competitive) is then more popular with the term of
agribusiness, which impose a tyranny of corporate systems to maximize profits
and minimize costs, making the local farmer / resident which formerly had self-
esteem and self-reliant turned into wage-workers in their own land (Adi Setia :
2007). Cooperative social life was changed to be competitive without a
In the world of education, destruction of science produces teachers,
lecturers, scientists, scholars, leaders and ulamas who think, teach, make policy
and issue fatwa wrongly. Domination of liberalism, Materialism, hedonism, and
pragmatism will give birth to "mercenary" beings who use their knowledge to
acquire wealth they are not entitled for. Worse yet, when the idea of relativism
pervading the study of Islamic sciences, scholars of religious study will no longer
present the truth of his religion. Student or lecturers of Qur’an Study will twist
the tafsir of Al-Quran. Islamic Scholars will be anti-Islamic law. Unfortunately, in

Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor 3

Seminar International on Islamic Education 2011

the future, they are those who will be occupying strategic posts in government
or society.
The list of the damage of course is still long. But most important is that
science which has been westernized should be restored to its original purpose,
as Islam was sent, to bring mercy to nature. Therefore, the solutions to the
damage of the world caused by the destruction science can only be overcome
by the Islamization of Sciences. For both (Islam and the West) diametrically
different in principle. If Western civilization has infected science, then the
remedy is the Islamization of science. Hamid Fahmi Zarkasy wrote:
And of course to accept westernization has implications in the exclusion
(marginalization) of Islamic civilization. The answer to the problems of
westernization, of course, is the de-westernization. However, within the
framework of development of Islamic civilization that essentially is to build
knowledge of Islam, the de-Westernization means the Islamization of
contemporary science. (Hamid Fahmi : 2005)

The idea of Islamization of science first appeared triggered by Syed

Muhammad Naquib al-Attas in 1977 at an international Islamic education
conference in Mecca and continued by Ismail Raji al-Faruqi. By these two Islamic
scholars, models of Islamization in environmental science education was
developed, especially in college. Al-Attas himself established ISTAC as a
laboratory education to implement his ideas. Al-Faruqi through IIIT founded the
International Islamic university in Malaysia.
Islamic Education Graduate Program of Ibn Khaldun University would like to
discover more in depth of the concept of Islamization of knowledge in higher
education by looking for the best model ever made by universities in the Islamic
world and their experience in implementing the such. One activity is to conduct
an international seminar on Islamic education for 2 days in Bogor.

B. Theme
Islamization of Higher Education : Model and Experiences in Muslim World

Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor 4

Seminar International on Islamic Education 2011

C. Objective
♣ Exploring the concepts of Islamization of Science and campus life,
♣ Study the experience of the campuses that have attempted to apply the
process of Islamization of campus life,
♣ Formulate an ideal model of Islamization of science and university life,
♣ Organize to the birth of professional organizations in the field of Islamic

D. Venue
Day one, General stadium session at IPB International Convention Center
Day two, paralel class session at the campuss of UIKA Bogor

Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor 5

Seminar International on Islamic Education 2011

E. Tentative Agenda
Date Program
Start Finish Duration
16-May Guests arrive and early registration at Uika Bogor
17-May 8,00 9,00 1,00 Registration - Venue : IPB International Convention Centre, Bogor

9,00 9,45 0,45 Opening Ceremony :

9,00 9,05 0,05 1. Recitation of Holy Quran
9,05 9,10 0,05 2. Opening Remarks - Prof. Dr. KH. Didin Hafidhuddin, MSc.
9,10 9,20 0,10 3. Welcoming Speech by Rector of Uika Bogor
9,20 9,30 0,10 Opening Address by Mr. Suryadharma Ali - Minister of Religion
9,30 9,45 0,15 Keynote Speech by Mr. Muhammad Nuh - Minister of Education
"Urgensi Integrasi Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Agama bagi Pembangunan
Manusia Muslim Berkarakter"
9,45 10,00 0,15 Coffe Break
MC : Ms. Sandrina Malakiano

10,00 12,15 2,15 Session 1 :

10,00 10,45 0,45 Islamization of Higher Education : The Experience of IIUM
By Prof. Dr. Kamal Hasan (Malaysia)
10,45 11,30 0,45 Islamization of Natural Sciences : Concept and History
By Prof. Dr. Cemil Ekdogan (Turkey)
11,30 12,15 0,45 40 Years Experiences of Islamizing Psychology
By Prof. Dr. Malik Badri (Sudan)
Moderator : Prof. Dr. KH. Didin Hafidudhin, MSc.
12,15 13,15 1,00 Lunch Break and Dhuhur Prayer

13,15 15,15 2,00 Session 2 :

13,15 14,00 0,45 Islamization of Economics
By Prof. Dr. Nasim Shah Shirazi (Pakistan)
14,00 14,45 0,45 Islamization of Higher Education : The Experience of UIN Malang
By Prof. Dr. Imam Suparyogo (Indonesia)
14,45 15,30 0,45 Islamic Education in The Perspectiove of Al-Ghazali and Ibn Taimiyyah
By Dr. Sirajuddin (Nigeria)
15,30 16,00 0,30 Coffe Break and Ashar Prayer
Moderator : Hamid Fahmy Zarkasy M.Phil., PhD.

16,00 18,00 2,00 Session 3 :

16,00 16,45 0,45 Islamization of Science : Exposition of Concepts of Syed M. Al-Attas,
Ismail R. Al-Faruqi and Seyyed H. Nasr
By Dr. Adian Husaini (Indonesia)
16,45 17,30 0,45 Islamization of Knowledge : The Experience of Journal of Islam and
By Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal (Canada)
17,30 19,00 1,30 Dinner Break and Maghrib Prayer
Moderator : Dr. Ibdalsyah

Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor 6

Seminar International on Islamic Education 2011

19,00 21,00 2,00 Internal Session :

19,00 20,00 1,00 Pembentukan Organisasi Profesi Pendidikan Islam
20,00 21,00 1,00 Pembahasan isu-isu penting pendidikan Islam di Indonesia
21,00 21,05 0,05 Closing Day 1

Date Program
Start Finish Duration

18-May 9,00 12,00 3,00 Parallel Class

Pengalaman Islamisasi di Sejumlah Kampus
Islamisasi Bidang Kurikulum Pendidikan
Islamisasi Manajemen Pendidikan
Islamisasi Konsep dan Filsafat Ilmu
Islamisasi Ilmu dan Tantangan Pemikiran Kontemporer

12,00 13,30 1,30 Lunch Break and Dhuhur Prayer

13,30 14,30 1,00 Pengukuhan Organisasi Profesi Pendidikan Islam
14,30 15,00 0,30 Closing Seminar
By Dirjen Dikti

F. Organization

Resposible person : Director of Post Graduate Program Uika, Bogor

Asisstant Director of Post Graduate Program Uika

Steering Commitee :
1. Dr. Adian Husaini
2. Dr. Endin Mujahidin
3. Dr. Ending Bahruddin
4. Dr. Ibdalsyah

Organizing Committe :
1. Chairman : Aji Jumiono
2. Secretary : Wido Supraha
3. Treasurer : Anita Syaharuddin
4. Event : Dinar Dewi Kania
Erma Pawitasari
5. Publication : Akmal Syafrin
6. Supplies : Dudung Amadung
7. Proceeding : Budi Handrianto

Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor 7

Seminar International on Islamic Education 2011

G. Budgeting
Outgoing Cash :

NO Budget Component Item Unit Cost/Unit (Rp) Total (Rp)

1 PRA Seminar
1.1 Secretariate
Design & Printing Info Kit (300 registration form,
300 brosure) 1 package 1 5.000.000 5.000.000
Office Supplies & Stationary (envelope, stamp,
box file, map, CD, etc.) 1 package 1 2.000.000 2.000.000
Transportation (confrm to speaker, etc.) 1 package 1 6.000.000 6.000.000
Miscelanous (fotocopy, fax, tlp, etc.) 1 package 1 500.000 500.000

SUBTOTAL 13.500.000

1.2 Publication and Media

Printed media and advertising media electronic
3 medias (TV) 3 5.000.000 15.000.000
Media briefing 2 package 2 1.000.000 2.000.000
Press conference 1 times 1 2.000.000 2.000.000

SUBTOTAL 19.000.000

2 Conference & Participants

2.1 Ticket for Speakers 2 way-ticket 7 3.000.000 21.000.000
Acomodation (Hotel) for Speakers 2 nights 7 1.500.000 10.500.000
Fee for Speakers 8 7.500.000 60.000.000
Package Meeting 300 prtcpnt 300 200.000 60.000.000
Miscelanous (airport tax, transport, escorts) 1 package 1 2.000.000 2.000.000

SUBTOTAL 153.500.000

2.2 Conference
Volunteeer 10 250.000 2.500.000
Dinner 300 prtcpnt 300 50.000 15.000.000
Decoration and Documentation 1 5.000.000 5.000.000

SUBTOTAL 22.500.000

2.3 Secretariate
Communication 1 1.500.000 1.500.000
Office supplies and photocopy 1 2.000.000 2.000.000
Transportation 1 2.000.000 2.000.000
Miscelanous 1 1.000.000 1.000.000

SUBTOTAL 6.500.000

TOTAL 215.000.000

Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor 8

Seminar International on Islamic Education 2011

Incoming Cash :

NO RESOURCES Unit Cost/Unit (Rp) Total (Rp)

1.1 Platinum 2 20.000.000 40.000.000
1.2 Gold 2 15.000.000 30.000.000
1.3 Silver 3 10.000.000 30.000.000
1.4 Bronze 3 5.000.000 15.000.000

SUBTOTAL 115.000.000

1.1 University 1 20.000.000 20.000.000
1.2 Post Graduate 1 10.000.000 10.000.000

SUBTOTAL 30.000.000

1.1 Uika 100 200.000 20.000.000
1.2 Non-Uika 200 250.000 50.000.000

SUBTOTAL 70.000.000

TOTAL 215.000.000

H. Sposorship Package

Kegiatan publikasi bertujuan untuk menyebarluaskan informasi mengenai
Seminar International on Islamic Education 2011 kepada masyarakat umum
terutama akademisi di bidang pendidikan Islam melalui media yang menjangkau
secara luas. Bentuk kegiatan meliputi :
a. Konferensi Pers
b. Penyebarluasan informasi melalui portal-portal informasi, cetak maupun
elektronik, outdoor maupun indoor
c. Buku Program yang memuat informasi mengenai pelaksanaan kegiatan
yang ditujukan secara khusus bagi para peserta dan undangan.


PLATINUM Rp 20.000.000,00

Terbuka untuk 2 perusahaan dengan kontraprestasi :

1. Pencantuman logo perusahaan pada :
a. Siaran media (sebelum dan sesudah seminar)
b. Buku Program (plus adventorial perusahaan sebanyak 2 halaman)
c. Back drop pada acara seminar

Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor 9

Seminar International on Islamic Education 2011

2. Penyebutan nama perusahaan oleh pembawa acara pada acara seminar

3. Produk perusahaan di dalam goodie bag
4. 2 (dua) undangan acara pembukaan seminar
5. 1 (satu) undangan pada acara seminar penuh

GOLD Rp 15.000.000,00

Terbuka untuk 2 perusahaan dengan kontraprestasi :

1. Pencantuman logo perusahaan pada :
a. Buku Program (plus adventorial perusahaan sebanyak 2 halaman)
b. Back drop pada acara seminar
2. Penyebutan nama perusahaan oleh pembawa acara pada acara seminar
3. Produk perusahaan di dalam goodie bag
4. 2 (dua) undangan pada acara seminar penuh

SILVER Rp 10.000.000,00

Terbuka untuk 3 perusahaan dengan kontraprestasi :

1. Pencantuman logo perusahaan pada Buku Program
2. Penyebutan nama perusahaan oleh pembawa acara pada acara seminar
3. Produk perusahaan di dalam goodie bag
4. 1 (satu) undangan pada acara seminar penuh

BROUNCE Rp 5.000.000,00

Terbuka untuk 3 perusahaan dengan kontraprestasi :

1. Pencantuman logo perusahaan pada Buku Program
2. Produk perusahaan di dalam goodie bag
3. 1 (satu) undangan pada acara seminar penuh

Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor 10



May, 17th – 18th 2011


Seminar International on Islamic Education 2011




May, 17th – 18th 2011

A. Background

Currently the Western civilization based on secularism, rationalism,

utilitarianism, and materialism has brought toward the destruction of the world.
Indeed we cannot deny the successes and progress produced by this civilization,
but there is no doubt that Western civilization has also produced the occupation,
everlasting war, social inequality, environmental degradation, alienation and
anomie (a reduction in social customs or ethical standards within the individual
or society) in several parts of the world. There were no balances and orders in

Science that flourished in the Western world is currently based on human

reasons and five senses, far from divine revelation and guidance. Although it
has produced some benefits of human technology, modern Western science
has also given birth to the humanitarian, natural and ethical disasters. Due to
the materialism worldview, accordingly occur occupation and colonization.
Thousands and even millions of human lives lost. Slavery happened, and
natural resources are exploited.

Western Civilization as it was written by historian Marvin Perry, is a great

civilization, but also a tragic drama (Marvin Perry, 1997). The Civilization is full of
contradictions. At one side, it contributed greatly to the advancement of science

Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor 2

Seminar International on Islamic Education 2011

and technology, which makes a variety of convenience in life, but at the other
side it gives no litle contribution to the destruction of the universe

The world of modern medicine known to practice vivisection (meaning

literally "to cut him alive",) a way of torturing live animals due to business
purposes to test drugs in order to reduce the long list of all types of human
disease (Pietro Ceco, 1999). This practice, not only it is an unethical science
and “inhumane”, but also leaves questions about the assumption of intrinsic
similarity level of animals and humans laboratory test which approved the
exploration of clinical outcomes from one to another.
Modern agricultural world very much in the use of chemicals such as
excessive use of pesticides, herbicides, synthetic nitrogen fertilizer and so on,
had poisoned the earth, killing wildlife and even poison the life of the crop and
damage the health of farmers. Agriculture which was originally referred to as
agriculture (culture, a way of life of mutual respect, mutual communal, and
cooperative, not competitive) is then more popular with the term of
agribusiness, which impose a tyranny of corporate systems to maximize profits
and minimize costs, making the local farmer / resident which formerly had self-
esteem and self-reliant turned into wage-workers in their own land (Adi Setia :
2007). Cooperative social life was changed to be competitive without a
In the world of education, destruction of science produces teachers,
lecturers, scientists, scholars, leaders and ulamas who think, teach, make policy
and issue fatwa wrongly. Domination of liberalism, Materialism, hedonism, and
pragmatism will give birth to "mercenary" beings who use their knowledge to
acquire wealth they are not entitled for. Worse yet, when the idea of relativism
pervading the study of Islamic sciences, scholars of religious study will no longer
present the truth of his religion. Student or lecturers of Qur’an Study will twist
the tafsir of Al-Quran. Islamic Scholars will be anti-Islamic law. Unfortunately, in

Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor 3

Seminar International on Islamic Education 2011

the future, they are those who will be occupying strategic posts in government
or society.
The list of the damage of course is still long. But most important is that
science which has been westernized should be restored to its original purpose,
as Islam was sent, to bring mercy to nature. Therefore, the solutions to the
damage of the world caused by the destruction science can only be overcome
by the Islamization of Sciences. For both (Islam and the West) diametrically
different in principle. If Western civilization has infected science, then the
remedy is the Islamization of science. Hamid Fahmi Zarkasy wrote:
And of course to accept westernization has implications in the exclusion
(marginalization) of Islamic civilization. The answer to the problems of
westernization, of course, is the de-westernization. However, within the
framework of development of Islamic civilization that essentially is to build
knowledge of Islam, the de-Westernization means the Islamization of
contemporary science. (Hamid Fahmi : 2005)

The idea of Islamization of science first appeared triggered by Syed

Muhammad Naquib al-Attas in 1977 at an international Islamic education
conference in Mecca and continued by Ismail Raji al-Faruqi. By these two Islamic
scholars, models of Islamization in environmental science education was
developed, especially in college. Al-Attas himself established ISTAC as a
laboratory education to implement his ideas. Al-Faruqi through IIIT founded the
International Islamic university in Malaysia.
Islamic Education Graduate Program of Ibn Khaldun University would like to
discover more in depth of the concept of Islamization of knowledge in higher
education by looking for the best model ever made by universities in the Islamic
world and their experience in implementing the such. One activity is to conduct
an international seminar on Islamic education for 2 days in Bogor.

B. Theme
Islamization of Higher Education : Model and Experiences in Muslim World

Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor 4

Seminar International on Islamic Education 2011

C. Objective
♣ Exploring the concepts of Islamization of Science and campus life,
♣ Study the experience of the campuses that have attempted to apply the
process of Islamization of campus life,
♣ Formulate an ideal model of Islamization of science and university life,
♣ Organize to the birth of professional organizations in the field of Islamic

D. Venue
General stadium and paralel class session at IPB International Convention
Center, Bogor.

Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor 5

Seminar International on Islamic Education 2011

E. Tentative Agenda
Date Program
Start Finish Duration
16-May Guests arrive and early registration at Uika Bogor
17-May 8,00 9,00 1,00 Registration - Venue : IPB International Convention Centre, Bogor

9,00 9,45 0,45 Opening Ceremony :

9,00 9,05 0,05 1. Recitation of Holy Quran
9,05 9,10 0,05 2. Opening Remarks - Prof. Dr. KH. Didin Hafidhuddin, MSc.
9,10 9,20 0,10 3. Welcoming Speech by Rector of Uika Bogor
9,20 9,30 0,10 Opening Address by Mr. Suryadharma Ali - Minister of Religion
9,30 9,45 0,15 Keynote Speech by Mr. Muhammad Nuh - Minister of Education
"Urgensi Integrasi Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Agama bagi Pembangunan
Manusia Muslim Berkarakter"
9,45 10,00 0,15 Coffe Break
MC : Ms. Sandrina Malakiano

10,00 12,15 2,15 Session 1 :

10,00 10,45 0,45 Islamization of Higher Education : The Experience of IIUM
By Prof. Dr. Kamal Hasan (Malaysia)
10,45 11,30 0,45 Islamization of Natural Sciences : Concept and History
By Prof. Dr. Cemil Ekdogan (Turkey)
11,30 12,15 0,45 40 Years Experiences of Islamizing Psychology
By Prof. Dr. Malik Badri (Sudan)
Moderator : Prof. Dr. KH. Didin Hafidudhin, MSc.
12,15 13,15 1,00 Lunch Break and Dhuhur Prayer

13,15 15,15 2,00 Session 2 :

13,15 14,00 0,45 Islamization of Economics
By Prof. Dr. Nasim Shah Shirazi (Pakistan)
14,00 14,45 0,45 Islamization of Higher Education : The Experience of UIN Malang
By Prof. Dr. Imam Suparyogo (Indonesia)
14,45 15,30 0,45 Islamic Education in The Perspectiove of Al-Ghazali and Ibn Taimiyyah
By Dr. Sirajuddin (Nigeria)
15,30 16,00 0,30 Coffe Break and Ashar Prayer
Moderator : Hamid Fahmy Zarkasy M.Phil., PhD.

16,00 18,00 2,00 Session 3 :

16,00 16,45 0,45 Islamization of Science : Exposition of Concepts of Syed M. Al-Attas,
Ismail R. Al-Faruqi and Seyyed H. Nasr
By Dr. Adian Husaini (Indonesia)
16,45 17,30 0,45 Islamization of Knowledge : The Experience of Journal of Islam and
By Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal (Canada)
17,30 19,00 1,30 Dinner Break and Maghrib Prayer
Moderator : Dr. Ibdalsyah

Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor 6

Seminar International on Islamic Education 2011

19,00 21,00 2,00 Internal Session :

19,00 20,00 1,00 Pembentukan Organisasi Profesi Pendidikan Islam
20,00 21,00 1,00 Pembahasan isu-isu penting pendidikan Islam di Indonesia
21,00 21,05 0,05 Closing Day 1

Date Program
Start Finish Duration

18-May 9,00 12,00 3,00 Parallel Class

Pengalaman Islamisasi di Sejumlah Kampus
Islamisasi Bidang Kurikulum Pendidikan
Islamisasi Manajemen Pendidikan
Islamisasi Konsep dan Filsafat Ilmu
Islamisasi Ilmu dan Tantangan Pemikiran Kontemporer

12,00 13,30 1,30 Lunch Break and Dhuhur Prayer

13,30 14,30 1,00 Pengukuhan Organisasi Profesi Pendidikan Islam
14,30 15,00 0,30 Closing Seminar
By Dirjen Dikti

F. Organization

Resposible person : Director of Post Graduate Program Uika, Bogor

Asisstant Director of Post Graduate Program Uika

Steering Commitee :
1. Dr. Adian Husaini
2. Dr. Endin Mujahidin
3. Dr. Ending Bahruddin
4. Dr. Ibdalsyah

Organizing Committe :
1. Chairman : Aji Jumiono
2. Secretary : Wido Supraha
3. Treasurer : Anita Syaharuddin
4. Event : Dinar Dewi Kania
Erma Pawitasari
5. Publication : Akmal Syafrin
6. Supplies : Dudung Amadung
7. Proceeding : Budi Handrianto

Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor 7

Seminar International on Islamic Education 2011

G. Budgeting
Outgoing Cash :

NO Budget Component Item Unit Cost/Unit (Rp) Total (Rp)

1 PRA Seminar
1.1 Secretariate
Design & Printing Info Kit (300 registration form,
300 brosure) 1 package 1 5.000.000 5.000.000
Office Supplies & Stationary (envelope, stamp,
box file, map, CD, etc.) 1 package 1 2.000.000 2.000.000
Transportation (confrm to speaker, etc.) 1 package 1 6.000.000 6.000.000
Miscelanous (fotocopy, fax, tlp, etc.) 1 package 1 500.000 500.000

SUBTOTAL 13.500.000

1.2 Publication and Media

Printed media and advertising media electronic
3 medias (TV) 3 5.000.000 15.000.000
Media briefing 2 package 2 1.000.000 2.000.000
Press conference 1 times 1 2.000.000 2.000.000

SUBTOTAL 19.000.000

2 Conference & Participants

2.1 Ticket for Speakers 2 way-ticket 7 3.000.000 21.000.000
Acomodation (Hotel) for Speakers 2 nights 7 1.500.000 10.500.000
Fee for Speakers 8 7.500.000 60.000.000
Package Meeting 300 prtcpnt 300 200.000 60.000.000
Miscelanous (airport tax, transport, escorts) 1 package 1 2.000.000 2.000.000

SUBTOTAL 153.500.000

2.2 Conference
Volunteeer 10 250.000 2.500.000
Dinner 300 prtcpnt 300 50.000 15.000.000
Decoration and Documentation 1 5.000.000 5.000.000

SUBTOTAL 22.500.000

2.3 Secretariate
Communication 1 1.500.000 1.500.000
Office supplies and photocopy 1 2.000.000 2.000.000
Transportation 1 2.000.000 2.000.000
Miscelanous 1 1.000.000 1.000.000

SUBTOTAL 6.500.000

TOTAL 215.000.000

Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor 8

Seminar International on Islamic Education 2011

Incoming Cash :

NO RESOURCES Unit Cost/Unit (Rp) Total (Rp)

1.1 Platinum 2 20.000.000 40.000.000
1.2 Gold 2 15.000.000 30.000.000
1.3 Silver 3 10.000.000 30.000.000
1.4 Bronze 3 5.000.000 15.000.000

SUBTOTAL 115.000.000

1.1 University 1 20.000.000 20.000.000
1.2 Post Graduate 1 10.000.000 10.000.000

SUBTOTAL 30.000.000

1.1 Uika 100 200.000 20.000.000
1.2 Non-Uika 200 250.000 50.000.000

SUBTOTAL 70.000.000

TOTAL 215.000.000

H. Sposorship Package

Kegiatan publikasi bertujuan untuk menyebarluaskan informasi mengenai
Seminar International on Islamic Education 2011 kepada masyarakat umum
terutama akademisi di bidang pendidikan Islam melalui media yang menjangkau
secara luas. Bentuk kegiatan meliputi :
a. Konferensi Pers
b. Penyebarluasan informasi melalui portal-portal informasi, cetak maupun
elektronik, outdoor maupun indoor
c. Buku Program yang memuat informasi mengenai pelaksanaan kegiatan
yang ditujukan secara khusus bagi para peserta dan undangan.


PLATINUM Rp 20.000.000,00

Terbuka untuk 2 perusahaan dengan kontraprestasi :

1. Pencantuman logo perusahaan pada :
a. Siaran media (sebelum dan sesudah seminar)
b. Buku Program (plus adventorial perusahaan sebanyak 2 halaman)
c. Back drop pada acara seminar

Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor 9

Seminar International on Islamic Education 2011

2. Penyebutan nama perusahaan oleh pembawa acara pada acara seminar

3. Produk perusahaan di dalam goodie bag
4. 2 (dua) undangan acara pembukaan seminar
5. 1 (satu) undangan pada acara seminar penuh

GOLD Rp 15.000.000,00

Terbuka untuk 2 perusahaan dengan kontraprestasi :

1. Pencantuman logo perusahaan pada :
a. Buku Program (plus adventorial perusahaan sebanyak 2 halaman)
b. Back drop pada acara seminar
2. Penyebutan nama perusahaan oleh pembawa acara pada acara seminar
3. Produk perusahaan di dalam goodie bag
4. 2 (dua) undangan pada acara seminar penuh

SILVER Rp 10.000.000,00

Terbuka untuk 3 perusahaan dengan kontraprestasi :

1. Pencantuman logo perusahaan pada Buku Program
2. Penyebutan nama perusahaan oleh pembawa acara pada acara seminar
3. Produk perusahaan di dalam goodie bag
4. 1 (satu) undangan pada acara seminar penuh

BROUNCE Rp 5.000.000,00

Terbuka untuk 3 perusahaan dengan kontraprestasi :

1. Pencantuman logo perusahaan pada Buku Program
2. Produk perusahaan di dalam goodie bag
3. 1 (satu) undangan pada acara seminar penuh

Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor 10

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