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Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Honorable, Mrs. ......................................
Unforgotable, my friends that i love.

First of all, let us convey praise and gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT. Blessings and
greetings we devote to our prophet Muhammad SAW

Teacher and friends who I respect.

Currently we have entered the era where technology is felt to accompany our lives, one of the
technologies that we find is Smartphone/gadget. As we know, Gadgets is not only as a
lifestyle, but also a necessity for this period. And we need to know, gadgets can be useful
such as a means for children's entertainment and education, but also have negative impact if
they are over-used.

Who does not currently have a mobile? Today almost all of us have had one of the products
of this technology. Unfortunately at this time of technological tools such as mobile phones and
the Internet has become a kind of lifestyle, until there is a saying , if you do not have a mobile
phone, you are not slang.

As a student, technology can help us to communicate with more people even with those who
live outside Indonesia. This will assist the student to make a networking which will be beneficial
for their future careers. Technology increases the student engagement and motivation in
learning process, teachers use technological devices such as in-focus screen in the classroom
to make the learning process becomes less boring. As I have mentioned before, technology
gives the student access to the most current information which available online. They can
access or download e-books or journal in the website so the lesson will be more attractive and
varied. But, there are some buts. Not all of the impacts caused by technology are positive,
technology could be very dangerous if you cannot manage it. Moreover nowadays students
are equipped with a mobile phone. Is there anyone of you who does not have any mobile
phone? No, right? See every student has it. Mobile phone is very personal so sometimes it is
quite hard for the parents to supervise the children. Instead of waiting for the adults to
supervise you, I want to warn you because I am sure you are mature enough to see what is
right or wrong for you.

Teacher and friends who I respect.

The technological developments offer us many applications to download which are compatible
with your mobile phone. Let us say, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp,
Telegram, Path, and so on and so forth, they are all available for you. However do you know
that those updated applications will ruin your life if you could not manage them well? The
simplicity of getting everything served through one click is actually dangerous. Many malicious
contents are spreading through internet such as porn, gamble, bullying, illegal transaction,
and even terrorism. Those things are obviously do not appropriate with high school students
like you. Without further guidance, students or underage kids can access porn sites, video or
picture through YouTube. That will be a factor which leads the teenagers into free sex or
teenager promiscuity. Twitter and Facebook are social media platforms to communicate with
people around the globe but these social media can give negative impacts such as cyber
bullying and even abduction. The students are mentally labile, they tend to express what they
want to say in the Facebook profile or Tweet their opinions boldly. Students like you might
think that you are free to express yourself in your social media profile without considering the
side effect, your tweets might indirectly leads into cyber bullying or it probably less favorable
for some people. Regarding to abduction, there are so many cases happened even here in
Indonesia. The teenager meets a new acquaintance in Facebook then they agreed to meet
each other somewhere, the worst case can be leads into rape, theft, and abduction. The last
example is Instagram, Instagram is an application to share your daily life through pictures. Not
all of you are coming from high class family, students like you see your friend’s post on
Instagram and you feel envy about it. The worst case is theft, someone are stealing to buy
luxurious item like what is shown on his friend’s Instagram picture. I hope that my friends can
use the technology wisely. Moreover I encourage you to use the technology to maximize your

So, Teacher and friends who I respect.

Everything is good if we can use it in a positive way or bad if we use it in a negative way. This
is difficult to keep childrens away from gadgets but we can limit a time. Encouraging child to
use it in educational field or study purpose can lead to drastic change in their lives. It can help
them to enhance their skills. Use of gadgets in a constructive way can lead to healthier and
efficient minds. A lot of research can be conducted on how gadgets affect children in other

Eventually, let us together oversee, maintain and practice good habits in using technology that
is positive.

So what can I say, if there is an error, I apologize and thank you for your attention stout.

Wassalammualaikum Wr. Wb.

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