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ART I OF THE ASSIGNMENT - After completing the Goals Exercise and Decision Barriers on

page 107 and 108, talk about three of your goals and the barriers that you will have to overcome in
order to achieve them.

The three goals I have is: 1) Obtaining my career job before graduation next year 2) Getting
married and having a family of my own and 3) Save enough money to move out of NY or maybe
out of the United States overall.

Obtaining my career job within a hospital is my ultimate goal right now. I currently work in a
medical office as a supervisor which is part of a non-profit organization. I prefer to get my feet in
within the hospital setting and in a higher position with all the experiences I have. There is so many
competition with candidates which makes it very difficult to get a job in a hospital. Getting an
interview is not the issue but getting the position is. I will definitely have to overcome that barrier
eventually, maybe practice on how I answer the interview questions, having more confidence
during the interview, trying to be calmer due to my nerves etc. “An important objective of Adults in
Transition, as has been stated previously, is to promote self-understanding. In the context of being
resilient in the face of the difficulties that arise in our lives, it would be valuable, therefore, to have
a sense of what our personal strengths might be”. (Pg. 88)

My next goal is to get married and have a family of my own. The barrier, of course, is not having a
stable career yet, I also do not have enough money saved up for a wedding and I would like to
complete school and obtain my degree before that next step. It reminds me of the stress reduction
model: “the best place to start is with the concept from systems theory that human beings will go to
great lengths to reduce their stresses, tensions, and conflicts. We like to have balance and order in
our lives”. (Pg. 12) My mindset has always been set in a way where I should be stable and
established before I can even think of marriage. Society also plays a major part. Society prepares us
for roles as well as tells us when to play them. In this way, our transitions are attuned to the general
timetable when to go to college, when to start a career, when to get married, when to retire, et
cetera.” (Pg. 16)

Saving money to move out of NY or USA is a huge ordeal for me. Without that stability and career,
it’s impossible for me to achieve this goal. That is a huge barrier for me to not have that career job
that pays well so I can accomplish my goals. More so my secular goals. “Striving for secular goals
is the means by which most of us fill the hours of our lives and flee from the anxiety of existence.
We strive for power, status, and wealth so as to obliterate feelings of weakness and inferiority”. (Pg.
80) Working towards and striving for my goals gives purpose to existence as the work book states
and also improve the quality of our lives and the lives of future generations.

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