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Aptis Vocabulary Study

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Word: POS:

My language: Definition:

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In a sentence:
Ant: Pic:

Word: POS:

My language: Definition:

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In a sentence:
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Word: POS:
My language:

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Word: POS:
My language:

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The New Academic Word List
Words 1-20
Word English Definition POS

afterward happening after something else happened adv

amongst in or through a group prep

artistic Being able to paint, write music, etc.; creative adj

backward toward what is behind you adv

bodily physically, as when lifting someone adv

carrier a company, usually an airline, that carries things n

collective formed by working together as a group adj

computation the act of calculating; method of computing n

continuity continued existence; fact of not stopping n

definite Not likely to change; clearly decided adj

freely (living, existing) without being controlled adv

generalization making a statement about a group from limited data n

generalize To apply a particular idea to a large group verb

goodness nourishment; good food value n

historically throughout history adv

importantly in an important way; adv

interestingly you'll find this surprising; in an interesting way adv

locally Concerning the area around where you are adj

machinery machines in general n 6
Words 1-20 Matching Exercise 7
Word: POS:

My language: Definition:

Syn: Syn:
In a sentence:
Ant: Pic:

Word: POS:

My language: Definition:

Syn: Syn:
In a sentence:
Ant: Pic:

Word: POS:
My language:

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Word: POS:
My language:

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The New Academic Word List
Words 21-41

marker something that is easy to recognize or identify n

meaningful Having importance; showing someone's intention adj

namely that is to say, specifically adv

nationalism The spirit of love of your country, e.g. leading to war n

neat Not messy; clean and orderly; simple and effective adj

nicely in a pleasing way; in a polite way adv

noisy full of noise; loud adj

outer on or around something adj

painful causing or feeling physical pain or hurt adj

pardon to excuse verb

parental concerning, or provided by, a parent adj

partial not complete; being only part of something adj

partially in part; in some degree; not wholly adv

photographic concerning the art of making images with cameras adj

planner notebook for recording appointments or things to do n

problematic being difficult to deal with or fix adj

readily in a quick and easy manner adv

realism accepting things as they are, not as you want n

realistic looks or appears real; like things really are adj

rewrite to write again to improve, or correct errors verb

ruler someone who has control over a country or area n 9 10
Word: afterward POS: Adv.

My language: Definition:
happening after something else happened
Syn: Syn:
In a sentence:
Ant: Pic:

Word: POS:

My language: Definition:

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In a sentence:
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Word: POS:
My language:

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Word: POS:
My language:

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Word: POS:

My language: Definition:

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In a sentence:
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Word: POS:

My language: Definition:

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In a sentence:
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Word: POS:
My language:

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simplify to make something easier to do, use or understand verb

sometime at an unknown time in the future adj

specialty the specific area of your field n

subset a small set which is part of a larger set n

supposedly as some people believe (shows you doubt it) adv

systematic done in a thorough, logical or planned way adj

terribly to an extreme degree; badly; very adv

thickness the distance between the opposite edges of a thing n

underneath below or beneath something; under adv

unemployed being without a job; jobless adj

whichever whatever one det

whoever whatever person; any person at all pron

accent a way of speaking that shows your dialect or class n

actively doing things to achieve a specific goal adv

adaptation changing to a new form; thing that is changed n

adaptive able to adjust to new conditions adj

apple hard round red or green fruit with a white center n

authority people in positions of power, able to decide things n

availability being present and able to be used n 13 14

bang to strike something loudly or forcefully verb

bat object used for hitting a ball in various games n

blank being empty; not filled out; with no writing on it adj

bleed to lose blood because of an injury verb

bound to go to a specified place; to jump verb

broadly in a general (not detailed) manner adv

bucket open container with a handle used to carry liquids n

calculation process or result of using mathematics n

calculator a small electronic device used for calculation n

characterization the way someone or something is described n

cheat To act in dishonest manner to gain an advantage verb

cheers a toast used when raising your glass to drink n

clever Showing intelligence; quick to understand or learn adj

clip a metal holder used for keeping things together n

clue a piece of information that helps explain a situation or provide a n

solution to a problem

commentary explanation or discussion of a written work/event n

commonly typically, normally; not unusually adv

comparable being similar in some way adj

complication action making something harder to do something n

conditional depending (on) adj 15 16

connector a device that joins things together n

conscious aware of what is going on around you; not knocked out adj

consciousness being awake n

container an object that can be used to hold things n

correction a change to make something right n

correctly in an accurate or correct manner adv

cure a medicine or treatment that makes an ill person become healthy n

detection the act of discovering something or solving a crime n

developmental concerning the development or growth adj

directive formal an order from an authority n

disturbance a noise or something that stops you from continuing what you were n

economically in an efficient manner; without using too much effort adv

economist a person who studies economics n

enormously extremely, by a large amount adv

equality the idea that all people have the same rights n

flip to rotate or turn something over n

ghost spirit of a dead person, appearing to the living n

hedge a fence made with small trees; avoid or try to avoid fulfilling n

identification (card or paper) that proves who a person is n

incredible very hard to believe adj 17 18
incredibly extremely, hard to believe adv
indicator an instrument that shows conditions in a machine, such as temperature, speed, n
pressure; in chemistry: a compound that changes color in the presence of an acid
or a base
individually in a way involving only that person adv
industrialization process of creating and developing many businesses n

industrialize To make into something at an industrial level verb

inequality situation where things are not equal/fair n
influential having the power to cause change; having influence adj
instability not stable; changeable n
intensity great energy, strength, or concentration n
intensive needing great effort for a short period of time adj
interrupt to cause something to stop happening for a time verb
interviewer a person who asks questions to obtain information n
junior someone lower in rank adj
kilometer a metric unit of length equal to 1000 meters n
lab laboratory; a place to do scientific experiments n
likelihood the chance that something might happen n
lump a small hard part of something smooth, soft, or continuous n

mathematical concerning numbers and equations adj

memorize to study something so that you remember it verb
minus (prep) being less than zero in number prep
monkey an animal related to humans, which lives in trees n
nasty very bad, unpleasant, or offensive adj
nest the home of a bird or spider n
observer someone whose job it is to watch or notice things n
occurrence specific instance of something happening n
periodic happening regularly, but not frequently adj
physically in a manner related to the body adv
plug an electrical connector; to fill or close tightly so liquid or air cannot pass verb

politically in connection with government matters adv

positively definitely or certainly adv 19 20 21
presume to think that something is probably true verb
processor a machine or company that prepares something and makes it ready for use n

productive doing a lot of work and achieving a lot adj

productivity rate at which something is made or that people work n
progression process of developing over time n
progressive believing in modern ideas about social change adj
projection an image on a screen n
pronounce to make the sound of a word or letter with your voice verb
punch to make a quick hit with a closed hand verb
punish to make someone suffer for bad behavior verb
punishment the act of punishing someone n
purely for no other reason; only and completely adv
quotation words that a person has said or written in a play, book or movie n

ray the lines of light coming from an object n

reactive easily reacting to; responsive adj
reactor device to control nuclear energy as a power source n
recipe directions for making something n
reliability a quality that makes someone or something dependable and deserving of n
replacement the act of putting something new in the place of something that is old, broken n
or missing
resistant not affected by something adj
ridiculous something that deserves laughter, is foolish or funny adj
rope a thick string made by twisting many fibers together n
rub to move something back and forth along a surface verb
selective choosing through thoughtful comparison adj
separately not with another person or thing adv
separation a line that seperates; a point of parting; a gap n
similarity the degree to which people or things are the same n
slavery (n,) the state of being a slave n
snake an animal with with a long thin body and no arms or legs n

socially being with other people adv

specification a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something. n 22 23 24
spray to make water or liquid fly in very small drops verb
stabilize to make something stable or consistent, with no major changes verb

standardize to change something in order to make everything the same or make verb
everything agree
sword a long metal weapon with a sharp point and edge n
tech short for 'technology' or 'technician' n
tempt to make someone want something, even if it's bad verb
tense stretched tight and stiff adj
traditionally something done in a customary or traditional manner adv
tricky difficult to do or deal with; something that needs skill adj
unstable likely to move from its position or fall adj
variability (statistics) degree scores depart from the mean n
variance (statistics) amount of difference in distributions n
variant thing that differs from something of the same kind n
wisdom knowledge gained from experience in life n
absorb to take in a liquid; soak up verb
absorption process of being absorbed (e.g. liquid, attention) n
accelerate to increase the speed or rate of something verb
acceleration increase in the speed or rate of something n
accumulate To gather or acquire so that you have more of it verb
accumulation The act of getting or becoming bigger or more over time n

accuracy being exactly right; correctness n

accurately exactly and without any mistakes; correctly adv
acid sour substance that reacts with metals e.g. lemon n
acidic containing acid adj
admission the act of taking responsibility for an error or mistake n
adolescent Teenager developing into an adult n
affirm to state, strengthen or support a belief you have verb
agriculture the science of farming n
alien person or creature from a planet other than Earth n
alliance A group of people or organizations being joined or associated n

allocate To distribute or set apart for a plan or purpose verb

allocation The distribution of items set apart according to a plan or purpose n

approximate about; not exact but close adj

approximation something that is similar, but not an exact copy n
archaeology the study of ancient societies by looking at old tools, bones and n
architect person who designs and advises on buildings n
aspect an element, feature, or quality of something n
assembly a group of machine parts forming a tool or machine n
assert To state or declare your ideas positively strongly verb 25 26 27
assignment A duty that you are give to do (especially in the armed forces) n

athletic fit and strong; physically capable adj

atom smallest bit that matter can be broken down into n
atomic concerning atoms adj
audit to examine carefully for accuracy verb
bacteria the very small creatures that sometimes cause disease in n
humans and animals
bacterial concerning or caused by bacteria adj
bargain something bought for a lower price than expected n
beam a long piece of metal or wood; a line of light or energy n
behavioral concerning the way people act adj
candidate a person who is selected by others as a contestant n
for an office or honor
cattle cows or bulls on a farm n
circulate to go round continuously verb
circulation the movement of blood through the body n
civilization a highly developed society n
clarify to state again so that a point is clearer verb
client person paying for professional services n
clinic local medical center; department of a hospital n
colonial of a system where one country controls another adj
colony country or settlement controlled by another country n
communicative talkative; cooperative in giving information adj
communist believer in communism adj
compensate to give (money) to as a form of correcting a loss verb
competent fully qualified or capable of doing adj
composer a music writer n
conceive to think of, or create, something new (e.g. idea, child) verb
conception an idea or notion; the first stage in pregnancy n
conceptual characterized by concepts or the forming of concepts adj
conduction the transmission of heat, electricity or sound n
conference a meeting or series of meetings for discussion and n
exchange of information 28 29 30
confine to keep something or someone within a limited area so it cannot escape verb

consent to agree or allow to do something verb

conservation the management of land and water in ways that stop it from being damaged n

conserve to keep safe verb

constitution a law determining the fundamental political principles of a government n

constrain To make someone do something by strong persuasion or force verb

consultation a discussion between people to make a decision n

consumption how much is spent on things; the process of eating and drinking n

continent one of the very large areas of land on Earth that are usually divided into n
several countries
contradict to disagree, to say the opposite is true verb
contradiction the act of saying that something is not true or very different n

contradictory containing information, statements, or beliefs that do not agree with one adj
controversy strong public disagreement about something n
coordinate to bring order and organization to something; in maths: any of the verb
magnitudes that serve to define the position of a point or line by reference to
a fixed figure or system of lines.

coordination organizing people or things to make them work together effectively n

correlate to show the relationship between two items or events. verb

correlation a measure of the relationship between two variables n
correspondence Communication by letters, emails or text messages n
corruption actions that are illegal or morally questionable, often performed by a person n
in a position of power
criteria standard used to make judgments or decisions n
critically in a way that is serious or dangerous; vitally adv
crystal a solid formed by the solidification of a chemical n
curriculum group of related courses in a school or college n
cyclic a series of regular and repeated actions adj
damp a little wet adj
deliberately in a careful, considered manner adv
demonstrator person who shows how something works e.g. product n
dense very thick and difficult to see/get through adj
depict to describe someone or something verb
derivative something that has developed or been obtained from something else adj 31 32 33
dictate to speak while another person (or computer) writes the words down verb

dimensional having parts that extent in a number of directions adj

disability a condition that limits a person's ability to do something n

discharge to release someone or something verb

discourse talk, conversation n
discrimination the ability to recognize the difference between things; treating different groups of people n

distribution - in statistics: an arrangement of values showing frequency of occurrence - in engineering: n

the way in which the fuel-air mixture is supplied to each cylinder of an engine - in
commerce: delivery of products or services.

diverse very different from each other adj

dominant strongest adj
domination authority; rule; control n
dose an amount of medicine to be taken at any one time n
drain a pipe that removes water, or other liquids n
drift to move slowly n
effectiveness the degree of how well something works or is done n
elaborate to be made or done with great care or with much detail adj

elevate to make something higher verb

elevation the height of a place n
elimination the act or process of removing or being removed n
elite important people of high status n
emergence the process of emerging/coming out n
emission a substance (e.g. gas) released into the air n
emit formal to release or send out (a gas, etc) verb
enforcement the act or process of making sure that rules are followed n

essentially basically, primarily adv

estimation judgment; opinion; guess at the value of n
evident plain, clear adj
evolutionary concerning evolution adj
execute To kill someone, usually as an official punishment verb
execution killing a person as a (usually legal) punishment n
explicit definite; clearly stated; specific adj 34 35 36
explicitly clearly; specifically adv
exploit to use something or someone selfishly or unethically verb
fabric cloth n
facilitate To make an action or process easier verb
faculty the teachers in a school or college n
fertility the state of a female being able to produce young n
fiber a thin, threadlike part of an animal hair or plant tissue; an artificial thread; n
body cells that form muscles and nerves; a food substance

flesh the soft parts of the body n

flexibility the quality of being able to be bent or stretched n
formally in a formal manner; officially adv
formulation the development of a plan, system, or proposal n
founds to be based on, started or created by verb
fundamentally in a basic and important way adv
genetically caused or controlled, or by genes adv
genetics the scientific study of genes, how a living things develop between n pl.
globalization international spread of something, e.g. company n
goods general term for things that are bought or sold n pl.
grasp to grip something firmly with the hands verb
gravity the force that makes things fall down towards the ground n
gross total amount; extreme or unreasonable adj
hip the upper part of the leg n
ideology ideas or beliefs which form theory and policy n
immune not affected by something, such as a disease adj
impact a striking effect or result to hit with force n
independently in a manner being free from the control of another adv
inevitably happening with complete certainty adv
infect to give someone a disease verb
infectious capable of causing infection, by the spreading of a bacteria or virus to others adj

initiate to start verb

initiation a formal entry into an organization, position or office n 37 38 39
inject to put medicine into someone with a syringe verb
injection a way to put (inject) a drug or another substance into your body n

insert to put something in something verb

instinct the natural way a person or animal thinks or behaves, knowledge that is not learned n

integration act of bringing things together into a whole n

interact an action that is answered by a reaction, verbal or physical verb

interfere to get involved in the business of others without invitation verb

intervene to get involved, to prevent trouble verb

invasion an entry into a place for the purpose of taking control n
irrelevant not important, not related to the topic adj
justification a reason or fact that explains why something happens or exists n

lecturer a junior teacher in university n

legend old story generally believed, although not proven n
legitimate being reasonable and sound adj
liable legally responsible for something adj
logical sensible; reasonable adj
magnetic having the properties of a magnet, being able to attract. adj

manipulate to control something or someone verb

manipulation the act of controlling something or someone n
manual needing the use of physical strength or work; a book of information or instructions adj

marginal very small; on the edge; not important adj

mechanic a person who looks after machinery n
mechanical using or having to do with machines adj
media means of communication (tv, newspapers, internet) n
merge to cause two or more things to become combined into one verb

methodology system of practices or techniques to show how to do tasks n

migrate to move from place to another to live or work verb

migration the process by which people or animals move to another place n

missile a weapon, usually thrown, shot or launched n

mobility the ability to move n 40 41 42
modification a small change to a machine, system, or plan n
molecular about or caused by molecules adj
molecule two or more atoms chemically combined n
morality beliefs or ideas about what is right and wrong n
mortality the quality or state of being human and being able to die n

motive a reason for doing something n

myth a popular belief that is false or unsupported by fact n
naked not wearing any clothes; without covering adj
neutral not involved; without strong feeling; without electrical charge; not acidic or adj

objection reason for not supporting or agreeing with a plan n

obtain To be given or to earn something through efforts verb
occupation a career or regular job n
oral by mouth adj
organ large wind instrument similar to a piano n
orientation the ability to locate oneself in your environment with reference to time, place, n
and people

peasant a person of low social status, usually who works on a farm n

philosopher a person who studies ideas about things such as the meaning of life and truth n

philosophical concerning philosophy adj

powder a dry substance made up of very small pieces n
practitioner a person working in a profession, such as medicine n
precede to go before verb
prediction a statement of what will happen next. n
probe a system or piece of equipment that is used to get information; in medicine: a verb
long thin instrument used for looking inside your body

profound showing a lot of deep knowledge or thought adj

prominent being important or well known adj
psychiatric concerning or used in psychiatry adj
psychologist an expert who studies the mind and behavior n
psychology the study of the mind and how it affects behaviour n
publish to prepare a book, journal, magazine and make it available verb

puzzle a problem that requires thought and skill to be solved n 43 44 45
quantitative the describing or measuring of quantity. adj
radiation energy that is radiated or transmitted in the form of rays, waves or n
randomize to arrange in a random order verb
randomly with no pattern or clear purpose; by chance adv
rational sensible; based on facts adj
rationality being able to think clearly n
reconstruct to rebuild something after it has been destroyed verb
regime a system of management; a form of government n
reinforce to strengthen verb
rejection the act of refusing to consider or believe something n
render to cause someone or something to behave in a particular way, or to verb
enter into a particular condition
reproduce to make a copy of something verb
reproduction the process that produces the next generation n
republic a country governed by elected representatives n
resemble to be similar to someone or something in looks or manner verb

revolutionary a significant change in something adj

rhythm a pattern of sound and beats in music n
ritual performed as part of a formal ceremony n
scatter to make things separate and go in different directions verb
sensible having the ability to judge something reasonably adj
sensitivity being sensitive; in physiology: the ability of an organism or part of an n
organism to react to stimuli; in electronics: the ability of a radio device
to react to incoming signals

shortly quickly; soon adv

simultaneously at the same time as adv
sin a bad act; to do something bad n
sophisticate to make more complex or refined verb
sponsorship money given to a student to pay for education n
statistical about statistics adj
statistically with respect to statistics adv
statistics a type of mathematics that provide specific information or prove n pl.
strategic concerned with strategy; well thought out adj 46 47 48
strictly restricted to something adv
substitution a person or thing acting or serving in place of another; to put (a person or n
thing) in the place of another.
subtle difficult to notice, understand, or see adj
sufficiently to a degree great enough to do something adv
suicide the act of purposely killing yourself because you no longer wish to live n

superior better; higher quality n

sustainable capable of continuing for a long time at the same level; does not damage adj
the environment
swell to become larger than normal, often because of injury verb
symbolic representing a larger quality adj
technically in an exact and particular manner adv
theorist a person who forms new ideas n
thereby by that means; because of that adv
ton a unit of weight equal to 907 kilograms n
transaction an exchange; in business this usually involves money n
transformation a complete change in shape or form of something n
translation changing from one form to another. e.g. changing from one language to n
transmission an electronic signal that has been sent by radio waves; a force that has been n
transferred from one machine to another

transmit to broadcast by using electrical signals to a radio or TV verb

treaty an agreement between nations n
tremendous having great size, excellence, or power adj
tribe a racial group united by language, religion and customs n
ultimate happening or coming at the end of process, final adj
unity being in full agreement; being joined together n
utility being useful; a public service such as gas, water, or electricity that is used by n
vague not clearly stated adj
valid sound; just; well-founded adj
validity how true something is; in statistics: the ability of a test to measure what it is n
intended to measure.
virtue a good quality n
weave to make something by crossing threads over and under each other verb

activate To make something start working verb 49 50 51
acute strong; very serious or severe adj
adjacent being close or near to a border, wall, or point adj
adverse negative or harmful adj
aesthetic concerning the sense of artistic beauty adj
aluminum very light silvery-white metal used to make cans n
ancestor a person from your family that lived in the past n
anthropology the study of human origins and the development of society n

array a large group of people or things; a regular order or arrangement; in n

maths: a series of figures.
arrow a symbol to give direction; a long piece of wood shot from a bow n

articulate to express something clearly using language verb

artificial not made by people; not created by nature adj
auction To sell to a person offering the highest price verb
audio concerning sound adj
autonomy the power to make independent decisions n
barrel a round container with curved sides and flat ends n

basin a sink; a place in a bathroom to wash your face n

biologist a scientist who studies living things n
biology the study of living things n
bizarre odd or strange adj
bonus extra money for achieving/exceeding target n pl.
bubble a small ball of air inside of a liquid n
bulk big size; largeness; heaviness n
bullet metal object fired from a gun n
bundle a group of things that are tied together n
calcium a substance important for human and animal health, particularly for n
making bones and teeth
campus the site of an institution, such as a university campus n pl.

capitalism economic system based on private ownership of money n

capitalist one believing in private ownership of money n

censor to remove parts of a book, film or letter for moral, religious, or political n
chemistry the study of the structure of substances n
chronic over a long time; serious adj
chunk a large bit of something; thick lump n
cinema a place for showing movies n
classification putting similar items into groups or sets n
classify To arrange things into groups of similar items verb
clay heavy, sticky earth used to make pottery n
click to press a computer mouse to do something on a computer verb

clone to make an exact copy of a living thing verb

closure the act of closing something n
cognitive the process of knowing and remembering adj 52 53 54
coherent (of language/ideas) logical and well-organized adj
commodity Something useful or valuable, usually for sale n
compact packed together; closely united; small adj
comparative expressing a difference in degree adj
competence ability to do something in a fully satisfactory way n
complement something needed to complete or make perfect n
comply to act in agreement with another's wishes; to obey a rule verb

comprehension ability to understand n

configuration a shape or outline; a method of arrangement n
consensus a decision that is shared by most of the members of a group n pl.

contrary different; opposite adj

cord a long, strong material, thicker than string but not as thick as rope; an electrical wire n

credibility quality of being believable or deserving of trust n

critique a review of the quality of a work n
crude basic or made without skill, such as a crude drawing adj
deadline a date or time before which something must be done n
decay to be slowly broken down by natural processes verb
defect a problem; a fault n
deficiency without something that is necessary n
dependence relying on someone for (financial) support n
destination the place one is traveling to n
diagnose to determine the cause of something, e.g. an illness verb
diagnosis a judgment by a doctor about a person’s illness n pl.
diagram a drawing intended to explain how something works n
diameter the distance across the center of an object n
diary blank book in which you write what you did each day n
dictionary a book with the spellings and meanings of many words n

differentiate to see or show a difference between things verb

differentiation a discrimination between things as different and distinct n

dilemma a position in which a person must make difficult choices n

dioxide an oxide containing two oxides per molecule n

disadvantage a negative point; a downside; difficulty n
displacement the act of taking the place of something or someone else n

dissolve to melt into a liquid so that a substance mixes with the liquid itself verb

domain a field of action, thought or influence; an area of knowledge n

donor a person or group that gives gifts or money to help support an organization or cause n

duration the length of time that something lasts n

dynamic always active or changing; in physics: a force related to motion adj

ecological concerning the environment, plants, or animals adj

electron a negatively charged particle n 55 56 57
elementary basic, simple, or essential adj
emperor man who rules an empire n
empirical based on observation or experiment adj
entity something that is real n
essence the most important part or quality of something n
ethical morally right or wrong adj
ethics the moral principles, standards, and rules for deciding what is right and wrong n pl.

exit a door that you go through to leave a place n

expertise the special knowledge that an expert has n
fever a high body temperature n
fluid a material that can easily flow. e.g. water adj
forum meeting where people can openly discuss a subject n
fossil a plant or animal that has become rock after many thousands of years n

fraction a part of a whole n

fracture the result of breaking a hard material; a crack n
fringe the edge of something; such as the decorative edge on a piece of clothing n

fusion when different styles, ideas or designs combine to form something new; in n
physics: when atoms combine to produce nuclear energy

gauge a tool used to measure things n

goat small animal with beard and horns n
graph image expressing numerical data in lines or shapes n
grid a metal structure with bars that is used to cover a hole n
gut the parts inside: a human body, animal body or a machine n

habitat the natural place, or type of place, where a plant or animal lives n

harvest the time of year to bring crops in from the fields n

hierarchy a system for organizing people or things according to their importance n

horizon the line where the earth or sea meets the sky n
horizontal flat or level adj
hormone a chemical produced by the body to control some function n

hydrogen the lightest of all chemical elements, has no smell or color n

illusion an image that seems real, but is not real n 58 59 60
implicit not stated directly adj
impulse a sudden desire to do something that is not planned n
incidence the rate that something happens n
incline a slope or surface that rises uphill n
inclusion act of including; person/thing that is included n
indifference a lack of enthusiasm or interest in things; seeming not to care n

indigenous living or growing naturally in an area, not brought from somewhere else adj

indirect having a path that is not straight or direct adj

induce to cause, to persuade verb
inference an opinion that you form based on information you already have n

infinite without an end adj

informal not official; not done by the rules adj
inhibit to make it difficult for a process to start or continue in a normal way verb

inhibition the process whereby nerves can retard or prevent the functioning of an organ; n
the act of blocking or holding back

insect a small animal with 6 legs, such as a bee or ant n

integral part of something adj
interface a shared boundary between two persons or systems through which information n
is communicated.
interval the distance between two points, numbers or times n
invade to enter a place with an aim of taking control of it verb
jazz a type of American music known for its energetic beat and parts that musicians n
make up as they go along
leaf the green part of a tree or plant n
leisure time when you have no work to do and can relax n
lever a handle that one pulls to operate a machine n
likewise in the same way, in addition to adj
limb leg, arm or wing n
linear made of lines adj
linguistic belonging to language adj
linguistics the study of human languages n pl.
liver a large organ in the body that helps to absorb food and clean the blood n

loop a round shape n 61 62 63
lung an organ used to breathe n
magnitude size or importance n
manuscript a document, a piece of writing n
marble a kind of stone; metamorphosed limestone n
matrix a substance, situation, or environment in which something has its origin - in math: n
an arrangement of numbers in rows and columns

maximize to increase, or become as large or great as possible verb

mediate to bring about an agreement between persons or groups, act as a helper verb

metaphor a figure of speech based on analogy n

mineral a substance naturally formed in the ground n
minimal the smallest possible adj
minimize to make something as small as possible verb
momentum speed or force that is gained when something moves n
monetary concerning money, often referring to a country's economic system adj

monopoly complete control of the market for a service or product adv

multiply to increase greatly in number verb
necessity something that you must have or do n

noble having personal qualities that people admire adj

nonetheless in spite of that, nevertheless adj
nonlinear not in a line adj
norm an established standard of performance or behavior n
obscure not famous, unknown by most people; not easy to understand adj

optical concerning vision or helping people see adj

organism living thing, often one that is small n
outlet a way for something to be released; a pipe, hole or wire through which gas, liquid or n
electricity flows

overhead located above your head or in the sky adj

overlap To lie over or cover a part of something else verb
oxygen a gas in the air that has no smell or taste, and that all animals need to breathe n

paradox a saying that seems contrary to popular belief, but which may be true n

parameter a characteristic or constant factor, a limit. n

particle a very small piece of something n 64 65 66
peripheral not connected to the main or important part of something adj

physician a medical doctor n

physics the study of heat, light, and other forms of energy and how they affect objects n pl.

plural refers to more than one person or thing adj

polar concerning the areas near the North or South poles adj
portfolio a list of the financial assets held by an individual or other financial institution n

portray to represent something or someone in a particular way, often for artistic purposes verb

portrayal the way that something or someone is represented in a book, film, picture or other adj

poster a large, printed notice or picture n

predator an animal that feeds itself by killing and eating other animals n

predominantly in a way that is larger, greater or has more power than others adv

prejudice an unreasonable hatred for a group of people, usually a race or a religion n

preliminary before adj

prevalence widespread, common, general n
prey an animal that is killed and eaten by another animal n
primitive being of an early time period in the past adj
proposition an idea; a suggestion n
protocol a set of rules; computers use protocol so they can exchange information n

pulse beat of the heart n

questionnaire form used to get information from many people n
rack a frame, stand or hook on which things are set or hung n
realm the area ruled by a king or queen n
regression going back; in statistics: a type of correlational procedure that focuses on predicting the n
values of an outcome based on its correlation with another variable.

rehabilitation a scheme to help someone who has been ill or in prison to return to a healthy, n
independent, and useful life

residual concerning the last little bit, after the rest has gone or ended adj

residue left over after part or most is taken away n

retrieve to find and get something from somewhere verb
rhetoric the study of public speaking or writing techniques n
robot a mechanical creature that acts like a human n
rotate to move or turn around a central point verb 67 68 69
rotation movement in a circle around a central point n
scenario an outline; an imagined sequence of events in a plan or project n

scholarship money given to a student to pay for education n

seminar a small class at a college or university n
sensation a feeling that is experienced by the body, usually through the sense of n
shallow not deep; a small distance between the lowest and highest point adj

simulate to look, feel, or behave like something; to copy verb

simulation a copy; a method that is used to study and analyze the characteristics of n
the real world
sketch a drawing made quickly that lacks detail n
skip to not do; to jump verb
slot a long narrow opening, into which you put or fit something n

sodium a soft, white chemical element n

solar concerning the sun, or its heat adj
span the amount of time something lasts verb
spatial about space adj
specimen an example of something, especially of a plant or an animal; a small n pl.
amount of blood or urine
spectrum the wavelengths of colors from red to violet n
sphere a round 3D object. e.g. a ball n
spontaneous something that happens on its own, seemingly without cause adj

stack To put one thing on top of another e.g. books verb

stadium very large building with a sports field and rows of seats all around that is n
used for various events
stance a position or opinion that is stated to the public n
stereotype an idea or belief about what someone or something is like, often unfair or n
stimulus something that makes a change. n pl.
straightforward easy to do or understand; not complicated adj
strand something that is plaited or twisted as a rope-like length n

stripe a long, thin part of something which is a different color from the parts n
beside it
subjective the use of personal feelings and opinions, rather than facts adj

surgeon a doctor who performs surgery n

surplus extra; more than is needed adj 70 71 72
syndrome a group of signs and symptoms that accompany a disease n

synthesis building something complex from simple parts n pl.

terminal the end of something n
thesis a long essay; a position taken in an argument supported by a set of n
thread a long, very thin, soft material used to join or make cloth n

threshold a level or point at which something would start or stop happening. n

thumb the short, thick finger on the side of your hand n

toxic poisonous; harmful adj
trait a characteristic n
transcription something written n
transplant a medical operation in which a new organ is placed inside a n
patient's body
trauma a very severe or upsetting experience n
triangle a closed shape with three straight sides n
tropical hot and humid; near to the equator adj
tumor a mass of abnormal cells that develops when cancerous cells divide n
and grow uncontrollably
tutor a teacher n
undermine to weaken or destroy something secretly and usually slowly verb

unify to join or bring together verb

upward moving toward a higher point or position adv
utilize to use something practically for a particular purpose verb
utterance something that is said n
vein one of the little tubes that return blood from the body to the heart n

verbal using speech, rather than being written adj

vertical a line going up/down; not horizontal adj
viable able to be done; possible adj
vitamin a substance that is healthy for your body and can be found in foods n
or taken as a medicine
abdominal Concerned with the abdomen or stomach adj
aggregate a sum total amount of something n
algorithm a step-by-step problem-solving feature n
altitude the height of something above sea level n 73 74 75
analogy comparison of things based on their similarity n
antibiotic concerning medicine that is used to fight certain diseases adj

antibody a defense provided by the body against disease n

appendix additional information at the end of a document n
applause the sound made by clapping a performance or speech n
arbitrary unsupported adj
axis a line about which a rotating body, such as the earth, turns. n

bracket a 90 degree piece of metal used to support a wall shelf n

coefficient a number multiplied by a variable in an algebraic expression. adj

composite made of more than one different part adj

cone a 3D shape with a circular base; a part of the eye n
converge to come together verb
convergence coming together n
cue a word or action during a stage play to tell an actor to speak n

cylinder a shape or object with flat, circular ends and long, straight sides n

degrade to treat someone without respect; to reduce in amount or strength verb

delta the place a river divides before entering a larger body of water n

deviation not standard or normal; in statistics: the difference between one of a set of n
values and some fixed value, usually the mean of the set.

diagnostic to do with finding out the cause of a problem adj

differential difference; diversity adj
diffusion the movement of light in many directions n
dilute to mix; to reduce in strength, concentration, quality or purity verb

dominance the state of being more powerful, successful, or important than others n

dye a liquid that colors hair or cloth n

ecology the study of plants, animals, people, and their environments n

elastic able to return to original shape or size after stretching adj

elasticity the ability to stretch easily and then quickly return to the original shape n

embed to place or set inside rock, etc verb

enzyme a protein made by cells n
epidemic a disease affecting many people adj 76 77 78
equilibrium a state of balance n
erase to remove written information or information on a computer verb
fatigue being very tired n
fungus a group of plants that grow on dead materials and have no n pl.
flowers, e.g. mushrooms
gram a metric unit of weight n
hawk a large bird that gets its food by killing smaller birds and animals n

incumbent a person who holds a particular office or position n

inferior not as good as something else adj
intermediate between adj
ion a charged atom n
kidney an organ in the body that cleans the blood n
lateral on the side; moving sideways adj
mall a large shopping center with many individual stores n
maternal having to do with being a mother adj
membrane a thin covering of tissue. n
messenger someone who delivers a messages n
motif a distinctive form, shape or figure in a design n
multinational involving many countries adj
mutation a change; in genetics: any event that changes genetic structure n

niche a small area; a specialised business, job or activity n

nitrogen a colorless chemical element without a smell that forms most of n
the earth's atmosphere
node an intersection or junction point in a network; a part on a plant n
where a new leaf grows
nominal in name or thought but not reality adj
nucleus control center of a cell n pl.
numerical includes numbers adj
nutrient a chemical, food, that animals and plants need to live, develop, n
and be healthy
offspring the child of a person or the young of a plant or animal n

onset the beginning n

optimal best adj
orient to focus your attention or efforts on something verb 79 80 81
overview a description of the main features of something n
par the usual amount n
paradigm a set of ideas that are used for understanding or explaining something n

parcel a package or box wrapped in paper, a thing bigger than a letter that is n
sent in the mail

pest an unwanted insect or small animal that eats plants or food supplies n

pesticide a chemical substance used to kill pests n

plantation a large area of plants, usually in a hot climate n
plausible being reasonable and possibly true adj
pragmatic dealing with problems in a reasonable, practical manner adj

precipitate to cause to happen verb

precipitation rain, snow or hail n
qualitative concerning how good something is, rather than quantity adj

quantum the smallest unit or amount of energy n

radar a device that sends out radio waves for finding out the position of n
another object

replicate to repeat something, such as an experiment, study or process verb

replication the act of making copies n

reservoir a lake, usually artificial, where water is collected and stored for the use n
of a community or industry

scripture the holy books of a particular religion n

sediment the material that settles to the bottom of a liquid n
semantic the different meanings of words adj
shuttle a vehicle that carries passengers or items between two places n

singular one adj

slab a thick, flat slice of something n
slash to cut violently n
sniff to smell by short intakes of air. verb
socialize to teach people to behave in a way which is acceptable in their culture; verb
to spend time with people

static being unchangeable or unmovable adj

surgical concerning surgery adj
susceptible at risk of developing a certain illness or problem adj
swap to trade or exchange verb 82 83 84
synthetic not natural; made from artificial materials adj
temporal concerning time adj
thermal with reference to some source of heat adj
tolerance a willingness to let people do, say or believe what they wish, n
without judging or challenging them
tract a large stretch of land n
trivial unimportant adj
turbulent moving violently and unevenly adj
undergraduate a college student who is working toward his or her first degree n

unintelligible that cannot be understood adj

urine yellow liquid waste from the body n
usage the way something is used n
valve a device along a pipe that can either open and allow something n
to flow, or close and block it
vegetation plants n
velocity speed in a given direction n
vocabulary the words that a person knows n
wheat a kind of grain that is used to make flour for bread n
whereby by which; by that thing adv
antiquity an ancient period; something made a long time ago n
binary having two parts; using only 2 numbers, 1 and 0 adj
chess a game of strategy, for two players n
chromosome cell structures that carry the genetic material that is copied and n
passed to the next generation.
contour the shape of the outside edge of something n
coronary concerning the heart adj
corpus a body; in linguistics: a body of words n pl.
deceive to make someone believe something that is not true verb
deflection the action of making something move in a different direction n

denote be a name or symbol for verb

dialect a way of speaking a language that is used only in a particular n
area or by a particular group
discrete separate; composed of distinct parts adj
encode to change a message or information into code verb
epidemiology the science of how diseases spread n 85 86 87
facet a part of something n
fin the flat, thin body parts of a fish that sticks out and helps guide it through water n

finite having limits; lasting for a limited time adj

flux a state of flow and change n
friction the act of sliding two objects against each other n
hepatitis a disease of the liver that causes inflammation, yellow skin and a fever n

induction bringing about, or causing n

invert to turn something upside down verb
irrigation supplying land with water using pipes n
liter metric unit for measuring liquid or gas n
locus a place or location; in genetics: the location of a gene on a chromosome n

mentor an experienced or wise person who teaches or helps another person n

mercury a heavy, silver-white metal that is used in thermometers to measure temperature; a planet n

metabolism the chemical processes of the body in which food is converted to energy n

mole a small animal with dark fur that lives under the ground; a unit for measuring molecules n

neuron a nerve cell; the basic building block of the nervous system. n

notation a set of written signs or shapes that are used in music or mathematics n

novice a person with little or no experience in a particular activity, skill, or subject n

onwards forward adv

oscillation movement, from side to side at a steady speed; a frequent change in size, strength, or direction n
between two limits

partition a wall, screen, or piece of glass used to separate one area from another n

physiological concerning how the body functions adj

quiz a game in which players answer questions on a specific topic n

radius a given area or a range around a certain point; a line from the center of a circle to its edge n

receptor a device that receives information; in physiology: a nerve ending that changes stimuli into impulses n

repertoire a collection of skills or accomplishments. n

respiratory to do with breathing adj
scroll a long rolled piece of paper with writing on it; to move up and down a computer screen n

secrete to produce a liquid verb

sensory referring to the five senses (hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch) adj

solvent something that dissolves or can melt another substance n 88 89 90
sperm male sex cell n
syllable a unit of speech n
terminology specific words and expressions used in a particular field n

transcribe to write something spoken verb

vector a quantity that has both size and direction. n
yeast a single-celled fungi used to make bread and beer n
amino a substance that combines to form the structure of proteins n

artifact object made by humans, e.g. ancient tool n

bilingual being able to speak two languages well adj
chemotherapy the treatment of diseases, such as cancer, using chemicals n

confound to confuse and greatly surprise someone, so that they are unable to verb
explain a situation
dissection the act or process of cutting something n
dissertation an in-depth paper submitted for a doctorate degree n
entrant a person who enters a contest n
fetal concerning a fetus, an unborn baby adj
gradient a measure of how steep something is n
grammatical concerning grammatical rules adj
infinity with out end; limitless n
innate present in a person or animal from the time of birth adj
longitudinal going from the top to the bottom of something adj
marrow a soft, fatty tissue inside bones n
millimeter 1/1000th of a meter n
morphological the study of form and structure adj
morphology the study of the forms and structures of plants, animals and words n

neural about the nerves or nervous system adj

null having no impact adj
optimum the best or most desirable adj
phenomenal unusual, remarkable adj
phosphate a salt or compound used to help grown plants n
potassium a common, soft, silvery white metal that is usually used for farming or n
industrial purposes
primer a book that covers the basics of a subject; a kind of paint n 91 92 93
proton a very small part of an atom that has a positive electrical charge n

soluble can be mixed with a liquid, e.g. salt is soluble in water adj

substrate a substance which a catalyst or enzyme has an effect on verb

subtract to take away, e.g. 20 - 5 = 15 verb

syllabus the teaching schedule for a course in a school or university n

trajectory the path followed by an object moving through space n

transparency the amount you can see through something n

vowel a speech sound; a, e , i, o, u and sometimes y n
watershed a period of time during which important, significant changes take place verb

algebra mathematics using letters and symbols in place of some numbers n

amplitude the breadth, width or largeness of something n

biodiversity the variation in an environment, the number of different types of life n
found there
chloride a chemical compound that is a mixture of chlorine and something else n

circa an approximate time period n

consonant a speech sound; any letter in the alphabet that is not a vowel. adj

cortex the outer part of an organ or structure n

inversion a change in position of things so they become the opposite n

lexical about words adj

multi a prefix meaning 'more than one' prefix
phonological concerning sound adj
postgraduate graduate studying for a further degree n
sneeze to loudly blow air out of your nose or mouth in a sudden uncontrolled verb
syntactic grammatical adj
syntax the study of a system, such as the system of words in a sentence n

theorem a statement that can be proved n

aerosol a container that sprays liquid under pressure n
axiom a statement that is accepted as true n 94 95 96
calculus a type of mathematics used for calculating such things as the n
slopes of curves
capillary very small blood vessels n
comma mark showing a pause or list in a sentence n
congruent having the same shape and size adj
denominator the bottom number in a fraction n
equivalence when something is equal to something else n
exponential a constant e raised to a power equal to a given expression: adj
e.g. e3x is the exponential of 3x.
helix a 3D spiral shape n
herbicide a poison that kills weeds n
semi a prefix meaning 'half' prefix
splice act of connecting two pieces of rope or wire into one n
connotation an association; an implication n
descriptor a label; something that describes n
oxidize to convert (an element) into an oxide; combine with oxygen - verb
to rust
parenthesis one of two symbols ( and ), used in writing n
semester half a year in school or college n
trans a prefix meaning 'across', 'through' or 'changing thoroughly' prefix

volition the act of making a conscious choice n

factorial concerning factors or factorials adj
solute a substance that has dissolved in a solvent and become part of adj
the liquid, so that they form a solution

mid at (or near) the middle point adj

airplane a machine that flies through the air n
artwork photographs or pictures in a printed publication n
breakdown when normal activity or behaviour stops n
classroom room in a school where lessons take place n
feedback a response to a message; information about a person's n
footnote extra information at the bottom of a page n
halfway a middle point between two extremes adv
handout a piece of paper with information, often given out before a n
homework work that a student is given to do at home n 97 98 99
layout plan or design of something, e.g. of book page n
lifestyle the type of life that you have n
lifetime the time between birth and death n
pathway a path or way that you can walk n
rainfall water falling from the sky n
textbook a book that is used to study n
uplift to make someone feel happier or more hopeful n
wavelength the size of a wave; a shared understanding n
widespread happening or existing in many places; affecting many people adj

workshop a brief intensive course for a small group; emphasizes problem n


anti a prefix meaning 'against' or 'opposed' prefix

ex a prefix meaning "out of," "from," or "not" prefix
micro a prefix meaning 'very small', such as microchip n
neo a prefix meaning 'recent' or 'new' n
non a prefix meaning 'not' prefix
pi the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle; n
approximately equal to 3.14

pole a long, narrow piece of metal or wood, that is used to hold or n

support something

pre a prefix meaning 'before' prefix

sub a prefix meaning 'under' or 'instead of' prefix
super of the highest quality; great; marvelous adj
headquarter the main office of a company or organisation n
identical the same in every way adj 100 101
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