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• Explain the basic electrical principles involved in an automobile
charging system

• Define the term electromagnetic induction

• Describe the operation of a generator

• Describe the operation of an alternator

• List the major components of an alternator

You learned previously that the automo- is called induction. (You will learn more
bile battery is a chemical source of electri- about the principle of induction later in this
city. However, we cannot just keep on using text.) The wire movement is provided by the
the battery as a source of electric energy engine by way of a belt, and the magnetic
without "putting something back." There is field is provided by a battery-powered
a. limit to how long electric current can be electromagnet.
drawn from a battery. When that limit is
In many ways the generator and alter-
reached, the battery can no longer produce
nator, Figure 53, resemble a starter motor.
enough current to perform its required func-
For example, they operate on the principle
tions. Therefore, an alternate source of
of electromagnetism. They have field wind-
electricity is needed on the vehicle to supple-
ings, an armature (or rotor), and brushes.
ment and replenish the electric energy pro-
The generator and alternator, however, pro-
vided by the battery. This alternate source
of electricity is provided by the charging
duce electric energy, while the starter motor
is driven by electric energy. As previously
system of the vehicle. This charging system
mentioned, engine power is used to drive
consists of three major components:
the generator or alternator. The unit is
1. The battery mounted-on the engine by means of brack-
ets, and engine power is transferred from
2. The generator or alternator
the crankshaft by means of a drive belt and
3. The voltage regulator pulleys, Figure 54. Through a wiring har-
ness (set of wires) and a regulator, the gener-
CHARGING SYSTEM ator or alternator supplies electricity to the
FUNDAMENTALS battery and electric devices on the car, Fig-
ure 55.
In a charging system, electricity is pro-
vided by either a generator or an alternator. Supplying Electric Energy
Both the generator and the alternator pro-
You can recharge a storage battery, and
duce electricity by applying the principle of
keep it charged, simply by reversing the
flow of current through it. This reverses the
In both the generator and the alterna- chemical action inside each battery cell, so
tor, the basic operation is the same: when a thatthe battery will be capable of deliver-
wire moves through a magnetic field, elec- ing current "on its own" when called upon
tricity is produced in the wire. This process to do so, Figure 56. To charge the battery,




FIGURE 53 - An alternator or generator converts mechanical energy supplied by

the engine into electric energy used to maintain the storage battery in a fully
charged condition. (Courtesy of General Motors Corp.)

and to maintain it in a properly charged tery. At other times the battery and genera-
condition, the generator or alternator must tor or alternator share the job of delivering
provide current flow to the battery in a di- electric energy to the car. Keep in mind that
rection opposite to that of the current flow only the battery can supply electric energy
that is coming from the battery. There will if the engine is not running.
be times, therefore, when the battery is be-
ing charged and not delivering electric You have learned previously that cur-
energy to the electric devices on the car. At rent flows from the battery to operate the
such times the alternator or generator is starter motor and other electrical units.
supplying the electric energy required by Then the current returns to the battery. You
the ignition system and other electric de- also learned that there must be a completed
vices, such as the lights and radio, and is circuit if current is to flow.
also supplying current to charge the bat-
In all our previous discussions we have
considered electric current flowing in only
one direction. This type of current is called
direct current. In most of our commonly
used household items, from lights to toaster
to ra(tio and television, a different kind of
current called alternating current, Fig-
ure 57, is used. In the automobile the bat-
tery requires direct current for charging,
and it produces direct current when called
upon for electricity. Both alternators and
generators produce alternating current. The
difference is in the way they change alter-
nating current to direct current. The genera-
tor changes its current mechanically, while
the alternator changes its alternating cur-
FIGURE 54 - The alternator or gener- rent to direct current electronically. You will
ator is driven by a drive belt that is con- learri more about this subject as we go
nected to the engine crankshaft. along.




FIGURE 55 - A typical automotive charging system consists of a generator or alter-

nator, wiring, and a battery.

Electromagnetic Induction previous section on automobile starting

systems, it was established that a current-
In order to see how the charging system
carrying conductor always creates a mag-
of the generator or alternator functions, let
netic field around itself. The reverse is also
us take a close look at what it does. In the
true; that is, a current will flow in a conduc-

OR -- -- ~ LAMP

\ 1// /
i ----


~/ I \\~
t t
( -) .-----------, (+) (-) ,..-------c...., (+)


- --- t\II//

t ---

FIGURE 56 - During discharge, cur- I I\\~

rent flows from the negative ( - ) termi-
nal of the battery through the circuit
and back into the positive ( + ) termi-
nal. To recharge the battery, this flow
- ---
FIGURE 57 - Alternating current
of current is reversed as shown, restor- flows first in one direction and then in
ing the battery to its original state. the opposite direction.


tor if the conductor is moved through a mag- second; the voltage induced in the conduc-
netic field. This phenomenon is the basis tor is 1 V. The voltage induced in a conduc-
for the performance of an automobile gener- tor by electromagnetic induction is
ator or alternator. A changing magnetic increased by increasing the strength of the
field creates, or induces, a voltage in a magnetic field, the speed of motion, or the
conductor in this field. The induction of a length of the conductor that is within the
voltage by a magnetic field is called elec- field.
tromagnetic induction.
Electromagnetic induction takes place
whenever a change occurs in the number of
magnetic lines of force passing through a
As previously mentioned, there are two
conductor. Such a change is caused by a rel-
basic types of charging systems. They are
ative movement of the lines and the conduc-
generators and alternators.
tor. This relative movement may be
obtained by moving a magnet near a sta- Both of these types of systems produce
tionary conductor, or by moving a conduc- electricity that is used to charge the vehi-
tor in a stationary magnetic field, as shown cle's battery. The difference between them
in Figure 58. is how the electricity is produced.
The induced voltage in a conductor de-
pends on the rate of change in the magnetic
field, or on the number of lines of force cut Generators are no longer used in auto-
by the conductor in one second. When a con- mobiles and trucks, but are-occasionally
ductor cuts 100 million lines of force per used on stationary engines, construction
equipment, and farm equipment. The mag-
netic field in a generator is produced by
permanent magnets called pole pieces, Fig-
CONDUCTOR~ ure 59. These pole pieces are strengthened .
MOVEMENT ~ by current from the battery. This battery .
current is sent to field coil windings, which
surround the permanent magnets on either ~
side of the armature. Electricity is produced
when the armature is turned by the drive
belt, causing the armature wires to move
through the magnetic field, Figure 60. The
current produced by the generator is alter-
nating current, which is rectified - that is
changed to direct current - by the position-
ing of the brushes and commutator. All the


FIGURE 58 - When conductor is
passed through a magnetic field, a volt- POLE PIECE
age is produced in the conductor. The
induction of a voltage in a conductor FIGURE 59 - A simple generator hav-
by a magnetic field is electromagnetic ing only one loop of wire and two iron
induction. pole pieces is shown here.

enough to cause the coil to pull the
contact points open. Once voltage
drops off, the points reclose by
spring pressure.
2. Current regulator relay. This relay
controls the generator current output
to protect the generator from over-
heating. The relay cuts off the field
COMMUTATOR current when the current becomes
high enough to cause the coil to pull
the contact points open. Once cur-
rent flow drops off, the points reclose
by spring pressure.
3. Cutout relay. This relay disconnects
the generator from the battery at low
speeds so that battery current will
not flow back into the generator (re-
FIGURE 60 - When the engine turns ferred to as generator motoring).
the generator, a voltage is induced in Once the generator speeds up, the re-
the loop of wire. lay recloses.
Although the complete assembly is
generator output current goes through the called a voltage regulator, it also controls
brushes and commutator, which causes current and prevents generator motoring.
them to wear out quickly. The generator usually has a charge indica-
The generator output is controlled by a tor light that will come on if the generator
voltage regulator that consists of a series of stops producing electricity.
electromechanical relays, Figure 61. The re-
lays consist of magnetic coils that open and Alternators
.close contact points. ,There are three relays
The alternator, Figure 62, has replaced
ma.generator system:
the generator in modern cars. There are sev- "
1. Voltage regulator relay. This-relay eral reasons for.this: the alternator's /
controls the generator output voltage smaller size and lighter weight, and its abil-
to prevent overcharging the battery. ity to produce higher current output at
The relay cuts off the field current lower speeds than most generators, are fore-
when the voltage becomes high most. The advance in automobile electric ac-
cessories; ·especially the addition of devices
such as air conditioning, radio, and power
_CURRENT windows, have placed an increasingly
REGULATOR .heavy demand on the automobile's charg-
iQ:g system. <Theneed to maintain the bat-
tery at high level of charge while
operating many electric devices at low en-
gine speeds, a common occurrence in stop-
and-go city driving, was the major factor in
the transition to the alternator.
In most respects the alternator is like a
generator. It converts mechanical energy
into electric energy. Also like the generator,
it produces voltage in a conductor that
passes through a magnetic field (magnetic
lines of fence). The big difference is that, in
FIGURE 61 - A typical generator volt- the generator, the conductors are in motion.
age regulator consists of three relays. .The armature loops revolve within the mag-

In Figure 63(a), the S pole of the
magnet is next to the upper part of the loop
during that half revolution. The current will
flow as shown by the arrows. Also shown is
the direction of current in the bottom loop
induced by the N pole of the magnet.
Since the direction of current flow is
from negative to positive, the polarity at
point A in view (a) is negative and the polar-
ity at point B is positive.
As the magnet continues to revolve, Fig-
FIGURE 62 - Shown here is the rear ure 63(b), the N pole passes the top of the
view of a typical automotive wire loop and the S pole passes the bottom
alternator. of the loop. The bar magnet has reversed
poles, and so the direction of current flow
netic field. In the alternator, on the con- has also reversed. This changes the polarity
trary, the conductors are stationary while of points A and B. Point A is now positive
the magnetic field revolves. In either case, and point B is now negative.
regardless of whether the conductors move
through the magnetic field or the magnetic With each revolution of the magnetic
field moves over the conductors, voltage is field, current flows from the wire loop to the
produced. load, first in one direction and then in the
other. This is alternating current, for which
As the magnetic field of the alternator the alternator is named.
revolves, the magnetic lines of force are cut
as they move past the stationary wire loop, Of course, since the car's electrical sys-
inducing voltage. Since the loop circuit is tem, including the battery, is designed to op-
closed, current will flow, Figure 63. erate on direct current, the output of the
alternator must be changed from alternat-
ing current to direct current before it is dis-
--- tributed to the electrical system.


The magnet in our elementary alterna-

tor is, in reality, an iron core with a wire
coil wrapped around it. The coil is enclosed
between two interlocking soft-iron sections,
Figure 64. The assembly, called a rotor, is
-' mounted on a shaft that is turned by a pul-
ley and drive belt which are driven by the
engine crankshaft.
The iron core of the rotor is not a per-
manent magnet. The magnetic field is
created by passing current from the battery
through the wire coil wrapped around the
core. The current through the coil creates a
magnetic field, which makes the rotor a ro-
FIGURE 63 - In this simplified ver- tating multipole magnetic field. Each inter-
sion of an alternator, the wire loop is locking iron section becomes a magnetic
connected to the charging circuit and a pole. Unlike the generator's pole pieces, the
load (the lamp). The wire loop is sta- rotor poles do not retain magnetism. Direct
tionary, while the magnetic field is ro- current from the battery must flow through
tated by the engine. the rotor coil to magnetize the poles before



FIGURE 64 - The rotor assembly of an alternator does the same job as the field
windings and pole pieces of a generator. It creates an electromagnetic field inside
the alternator.

the alternator will start to produce ground. The other is insulated and is con-
electricity. nected through a regulator and the ignition
switch to the battery. Field current enters
In order to get battery current to the ro-
the rotor through the brushes and slip
tor coil for energizing or exciting the field,
rings. Since. these brushes and slip rings
and in order to maintain contact between
carry only field current, they last much
the battery and the rotor while the rotor is
longer than generator brushes.
turning during alternator operation, a set of
brushes and -slip rings is needed, Figure 65.
Stator Assembly
The small brushes ride on the slip rings.
The ends of the rotor coil are connected to The stationary wire loop would, by it-
the two slip rings, which are mounted on, self, produce little current. What we need
and rotate with, the coil and shaft. One of are many loops or coils of wire to satisfy the
the brushes is connected to common electrical demands of the automobile. This
assembly of coils of wire is called the stator
assembly, Figure 66. The stator assembly


4----- ----

FIGURE 65 - The induced current in

the alternator is transferred through FIGURE 66 - The stator assembly is a
slip rings and brushes to the electrical laminated soft-iron ring with three
system of the vehicle. groups of coils or windings in the slots.

does the same job as the armature in a magnetic lines of force. The movement of
generator. The stator, however, is fixed, the lines of force across the stator windings
while the armature rotates. creates voltage in the stator, thus producing
current flow from the alternator through
Diode Assembly any completed circuit. Passing through the
diodes, the current leaving the alternator is
Alternators, like generators, produce al-
rectified. Whether the current is being used
ternating current. The typical stator has
to charge the battery, or to operate the igni-
three windings and produces three-phase
tion, lights, or other electric accessories, con-
current similar to 220-V house current.
trol of the voltage is very important. In fact,
Since the stator cannot rotate, the alternat-
the need to limit the voltage is highlycriti-
ing current must be rectified, to direct cur-
cal. If the voltage were not controlled, exces-
rent by some other means than brushes and
sive voltage would damage or shorten the
a commutator. In the alternator, rectifica-
life of light bulbs, external wiring, relay
tion is accomplished by diodes, which are
coils, contact points, and all other electrical
solid-state devices that act as electric
units of the vehicle. B 0 cu.t1>utrell!Y is
check valves.
needed because the diodes prevent battery
In a typical alternator there are six di- llischarge through thealternatorwnen the
odes, three negative and three positive. engine is not running. Also, the alternator
These diodes are connected to the stator can deliver only a given (or maximum
windings by the lead attaching nuts. The di- rated) amount of current. Therefore it is not
odes are arranged so that current can leave necessary to include a current regulator in
the alternator in only one direction. In all the charging system, as we do with a
negative ground alternator charging sys- generator. . .
tems the negative diodes are pressed into
The question you are probably asking
the alternator grounded end frame, and the
yourself right now is this: Why does an al-
positive diodes are pressed into a holder
ternator deliver only a maximum amount of
called a heat sink, Figure 67. The diodes are
current? To explain this fully would require .
plainly marked with a plus or a minus sign ...•
us to go deeply into the field of electricity. : '

on their heads to identify the polarity of the ...• :,

This is not necessary for us automotive re-
enclosing case.
pair technicians. Instead, we will briefly
The brushes in the alternator are com- state what happens and let it go at th·at. As .
paratively small, and they are heavier in the speed of the rotor increases, the fre-
carbon content than those used in a genera- quency of positive and negative voltage
tor. A typical, completely assembled alterna- charges induced in the stator windings in-
tor is shown in Figure 68. creases. The stator windings build U'pa .
resistance against this frequency of change,
Voltage Regulators and, as a result, current output through the
You have learned that current flowing windings is limited.
through the field coil in the rotor creates Older vehicles used electromechanical
alternator regulators with magnetic coils
that open or close contact points. Today's
vehicles use electronic regulators. Two com-
mon types of electronic regulators are
shown in Figure 69.

Although design and construction vary

from one manufacturer to another, elec-
tronic voltage regulators are composed basi-
cally of transistors, diodes, and resistors-
all incorporated together in one housing.
FIGURE 67 - The positive diodes of The entire assembly may be fully encased
an alternator are pressed into a heat in heat-resistant plastic for trouble-free,
sink holder similar to the one shown long-lived service. Since these regulators
here. are entirely solid state, they are small in




.IJ",-'lir---#-- HEAT SINK


FIGURE 68' - Shown here are the internal components of a typical alternator. (Cour-
tesy. of General Motors Corp.)

size. In fact, many electronic voltage regula-

tors are attached directly to the alternator
Most electronic voltage regulators are
preset at the factory. These regulators do
not need, nor is any provision made for, pe-
riodic adjustment. If, through testing, a reg-
ulator is found to be defective, it mustbe
replaced as a complete unit ...



FIGURE 69 - Shown here are two

common types of electronic voltage reg-
ulators: (a) which is the exiernal.regu-
lator, normally mounted to the inner
fender of the vehicle, and·Ch)the inter-
nal regulator, which is:an integral part
of the alternator.


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