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Gender plays an important role in an individual’s life. It does not define a person or their
abilities but their biographical responsibility .Men and women in this era especially, works
together in mutual understanding and peace mostly in every field. We have come a long way
since then.
Women equality has always been an issue in every field including workplace. But sometimes
it is used wrongly by some ambitious women in a very wrong way. The biased nature of the
officials can lead to frustration among male employees. Which can also affect their productivity
and peace of mind.
Human resource is the most important resource of an organization and this can stir problems
deep down.

This case study is about Mr.Gupta’s who was on the way to his success working hard day and
night, being kind and helping his colleagues juniors and seniors , who was very honest and
kind to everyone. He faced biasedness on a personal scale when Ms.Sunita entered in the
organization. She started causing problems for him and he had no other option than to complain
the superiors about her behaviour but they were obviously biased towards her. He tolerated the
behaviour long enough because he loved his job but when once he reached top management
and they also seemed influenced by her womanly charm he decided that he cannot work in an
organization where sentiments and personal relations govern the objectivity and human virtues
and cannot compromise his limits like the authority wanted to and resigned.

Identification of the Main Issue

Gender sadly still plays some role in the careers of many women. Some are pitied by the
“superior” gender who can provide them with jobs which means getting through reservation
system. Women at workplace often face biased and more sympathetic approach than their male

Whereas males has to deal with the reservation system at few workplaces for women and have
to deal with the obviously biased environment sometimes. They go through all the frustration
only to have less privileges than the female colleagues. Which sometimes affects the
camaraderie that colleagues should have.

There are some factors that prompts the word “Gender inequality” in our heads. Some of
them are listed below.

 Discrimination based on gender, stereotypes and prejudices like when promotion is

done on favouritism and sometimes the biasedness of administration towards can stir
some jealousy that can cause some problems among them. At some places where males
are always assigned the highest degree of power and responsibility and women tends to
seek favouritism.

 Workload and participation, females are given fewer opportunities as compared to

males which automatically makes females feel more insecure about their abilities.

 Work and family factors plays an important role in the organizational world where
males are the ultimate bread provider for the family and females who are mostly
independent of family responsibility can cause insecurity and be very ambitious
towards her job.

There can be several solutions to this but as the saying goes” charity begins at home” so is the
teaching of equality, a kid who understand and respects the equality between all genders will
grow up to be a better individual than the kid who believes too much in the idea of male
chauvinism and womanly charms.
But, the past is in the past and we cannot change it so what to do now


1. Remove Gender pay gap

Gender pay gap raises issues in a woman employee’s mind that she might not become as
capable as her male colleague is and that can have serious effects on her work so there should
be no pay gap for every gender but the salary should be completely based on the quality of
work done by the individual.

2. Work from Home

Working from home option is ever efficient and working for every gender so instead of
providing leaves to women when they cannot come to the office they should be provided with
tasks that they can do from home which will also help them improve their efficiency of human

3. Enlightening employees about equality

While hiring an employee during their training period, the administration should make sure
that all the employees should go through the training where they are taught to respect everyone
irrespective of their gender and avoid biasedness towards anyone because of their gender.

Gender plays a crucial role in workplace, it can be quite sensitive. Knowledge of the factors is
useful in enhancing job satisfaction and boosting motivation because only a happy workplace
is a healthy workplace, one that can sustain employees’ longer and provide greater potential
for growth. Both men and women have their own, peculiar strengths. This is the responsibility
of the organization especially through the human resource department to understand those
strengths and create an environment affording greater motivation, job satisfaction, and level of
commitment and consequently cultivate happiness in the organization. Biasedness can never
lead a company anywhere and that is why EQUALITY is a much needed feature.

Management and Organization behaviour by Ramesh B Rudani


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