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Breast reconstruction after cancer treatment is based on the circulation of pedicle and microvascular flaps. This article aimed to verify the
effect of tamoxifen (TMX) pretreatment in arterial anastomosis in rats. Twenty female Wistar rats were equally divided into two groups.
TMX (0.3 mg/kg) was administered to the experimental group for 2 weeks orally. After this period, the right femoral artery was sectioned
and a terminoterminal anastomosis performed. The same procedure was done in the control group, except that the animals received the
vehicle without TMX. One week later, the femoral arteries were inspected for flow through the anastomosis, and the vessel near it was
sent to light microscopic examination. It was observed mild vasculite in both groups. The intimal thickness and total vessel wall in the
TMX-treated group was significantly higher. A real thrombotic effect upon the arterial vascular anastomosis was not observed, eventhough,
TMX induced intimal hyperplasia. VC 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Microsurgery 27:286–288, 2007.

Breast cancer is the most frequent neoplasm in women.1 the psychological impact and stigmata of the mastectom-
Adjuvant and chemoprevention therapy utilizing the ized women. Flap reconstruction is totally dependent on
selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERM) are the vascular patency. Pedicle thrombosis is a cumbersome
mainstay breast cancer treatment beside surgery.2 Tamox- complication of pedicle and microvascular flaps, and ulti-
ifen is the first SERM in clinical use and the most stud- mately leads to tissue death and jeopardizes the recon-
ied drug in breast cancer prevention and adjuvancy. structive attempt. The concomitant treatment with tamoxi-
Tamoxifen efficacy in reducing breast cancer incidence is fen and reconstructive procedure brought the question
attested in many clinical trials over decades.3–6 about the possibility of a tendency toward pedicle throm-
As a mixed estrogen agonist and antagonist, tamoxi- bosis in microvascular flap transfer. The purpose of the
fen affects a multitude of clinical conditions, notably an present study is to investigate the effect of tamoxifen pre-
increased risk of endometrial cancer and vascular events. treatment in arterial microanastomosis.
Many clinical reports showed an increased risk of venous
and arterial thrombosis in diverse vascular beds as brain
and upper and lower extremity.7–9 The common pathway METHODS
to thrombotic and thromboembolic disease in the setting The study used 20 adult female Wistar rats, weighing
of tamoxifen therapy is not totally understood. Reduced 200 6 20 g, and the rats were divided into two groups
levels of antithrombin III, and protein C and S are impli- with 10 animals each. They were kept upon established
cated in the genesis of vascular events.10,11 Paradoxically, protocol for biomedical research in the experimental sur-
tamoxifen therapy is related to myocardial infarct reduc- gical laboratory of the Federal University of Ceará. All
tion, probably because the pathway to atherogenesis and animals had access to chow and water ad libitum in a
thrombogenesis are affected in different ways.12 12-h light and dark cycle. The animals were weighed
The reconstructive procedures to mammary ablation before the experiments.
are a great advance in the cancer treatment, as it reduces Tamoxifen (0.3 mg/kg) dissolved in sorbitol 10% and
methylcellulose was administered by oral gavage daily to
Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Federal University of the experimental group, for 2 weeks prior to the surgical
Ceara, Fortaleza, Brazil
Federal University of Ceara, Fortaleza, Brazil
procedures. The same preparation, except for the tamoxi-
Clinical Emergency Laboratory, Division of Clinical Medicine, University of fen, was administered to the control group concomitantly
São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil through the same route.
Division of Mastology, Department of Surgery, Federal University of Ceara
(UFC), Fortaleza, Brazil The animals were anesthetized with ketamine (50 mg/
Division of Surgical Technique and Experimental Surgery, Department of kg) and benzodiazepine (5 mg/kg) intraperitonially. The
Surgery, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) São Paulo, Brazil
right groin was prepared with iodinated solution and
*Correspondence to: Breno Bezerra Gomes de Pinho Pessoa, Rua Vicente
de Castro Filho, 1540 Agua Fria Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil. the femoral vessels dissected. The femoral artery was
E-mail: separated from the vein, and a standard terminoterminal
Received 11 March 2007; Accepted 14 March 2007
Published online 3 May 2007 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.
anastomosis was performed utilizing 11-0 nylon monofila-
com). DOI 10.1002/micr.20357 ment, eight stitches per anastomosis, microsurgical instru-
C 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Arterial Microvascular Anastomosis 287

Figure 1. Photomicrograph show-

ing intimal hyperplasia in the ta-
moxifen group (A: HE 3100).
Detail (B: 3400). [Color fig-
ure can be viewed in the online
issue, which is available at www.]

ments, and D.F. Vasconcelos surgical microscope with RESULTS

253 magnification in both groups. All anastomosis were
Wound Inspection
performed by the same surgeon.
One week later, the surgical wound was inspected for All groin wounds were examined. Healing score was
healing complication. The criteria described by McNamara similar in both groups (tamoxifen and vehicle groups ¼
et al.13 were utilized as follows: Grade 0 ¼ complete Grade 4). There was no wound complication (Grades 4
wound dehiscence; Grade 1 ¼ 50–75% ulceration; Grade and 5) in 100% and 70% of the animals from vehicle
2 ¼ 25–50% ulceration; Grade 3 ¼ <25% ulceration; and tamoxifen groups, respectively. Three animals in the
Grade 4 ¼ raised, healing normally; and Grade 5 ¼ tamoxifen group had partial wound dehiscence (Grades 0,
almost invisible. Briefly, the wound was inspected for the 1, 2).
dehiscence percentage.
At this occasion, the rats were anesthetized as Gross Vascular Assessment
described earlier, and the groin opened for macroscopic
After the wound inspection, the femoral artery was
and empty-and-refill test assessment. The inspection con-
dissected and observed for flow. All animals from both
sisted of visualizing pulsatile flow through the anastomo-
groups had pulsatile flow through anastomosis. The
sis site, and the test was performed by gently milking the
empty-and-refill test was also positive.
distal end of the anastomosis. After that, the site of vas-
cular anastomosis was ressected and included in paraffin
for histologic analysis. Histologic Analysis
Inflammatory infiltrate as well as mild vasculites were
observed in both groups, but it was more intense in the
Histologic Analysis tamoxifen group. The intimal thickness in the tamoxifen
The vascular histology was studied under light mi- group was significantly higher than in the vehicle group
croscopy and hematoxilin and eosin stain. Perivascular (18.2 6 8.5 lm vs. 6.1 6 1.9 lm, respectively;
infiltrate, endothelial lesions, and lumen thrombus were expressed as mean 6 SD; P ¼ 0.036, Mann–Whitney
observed. Rank sum test). The difference was reflected in the total
Vascular morphometric digital measurements were vessel wall thickness, as well (tamoxifen group 153.3 6
performed by using a 203 objective. Intimal, medium, 19.9 lm vs. 122.1 6 17.2 lm for vehicle group; P ¼
and adventitial layer thicknesses were identified and 0.043; Mann–Whitney Rank sum test) (Fig. 1).
measured using a Java image-processing program (Image
J 1.31v, NIH, USA). Results are expressed as mean
(standard error of mean, SEM). Statistical analysis was
performed using t test or Mann–Whitney Rank sum test. Chemopreventive and adjuvant therapy with tamoxi-
Data were considered statistically significant when P < fen is widely used today in pre- and postmenopausal
0.05. women with breast cancer and other solid tumors. Estab-
Microsurgery DOI 10.1002/micr
288 Pessoa et al.

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Microsurgery DOI 10.1002/micr

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