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Far Eastern University – Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation combined with the effects of hemorrhage creating a more

Surgery A – Shock complex and amplified deviation from homeostasis

EVOLUTION IN UNDERSTANDING SHOCK  Wiggers, 1947 – developed a sustainable, irreversible model of

 Shock – the failure to meet the metabolic needs of the cell and hemorrhagic shock based on uptake of shed blood into a reservoir
the consequences that ensue to maintain a set level of hypotension
 Initial cellular injury is reversible  G. Tom Shires – demonstrated that a large extracellular fluid
 Irreversible if tissue perfusion is prolonged or severe, deficit, greater than could be attributed to vascular refilling alone,
compensation is no longer possible as seen in severe hemorrhagic shock
 Clinical manifestations of physiologic responses are the leads for  Third spacing – phenomenon of fluid redistribution after
the diagnosis of shock and guides for the management and major trauma involving blood loss. The translocation of
treatment intravascular volume into the peritoneum, bowel, burned
 Hemodynamic parameters (BP, HR) are insensitive measures of tissues or crush injury sites
shock  These studies formed the scientific studies for the current
 General approach in the management of shock: treatment of hemorrhagic shock with RBC and LR or isotonic
 Assuring a secure airway with adequate ventilation saline
 Control of hemorrhage in the bleeding patient  Acute fulminant pulmonary failure – an early cause of death after
 Restoration of vascular volume and tissue perfusion successful surgery to control hemorrhage
 Initially called DaNang lung or shock lung
Historical Background  Recognized as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
 Cluade Bernard (mid-19th century) – organism attempts to  Core principles in the management of critically ill or injured
maintain constancy in the internal environment against external patient:
forces that attempt to disrupt the “milieu interieur” a. Definitive control of the airway must be secured
 Walter B. Cannon b. Control of active hemorrhage must occur promptly
 Coined the term homeostasis, an organism’s ability to c. Volume resuscitation with blood products with limited
survive was related to maintenance of homeostasis. volume of crystalloid must occur while operative control of
 Described the “fight and flight response”, generated by bleeding is achieved
elevated levels of catecholamines in the bloodstream. d. Unrecognized or inadequately corrected hypoperfusion
 Propose that initiation of shock was due to a disturbance of increases morbidity and mortality
the nervous system that resulted in vasodilation and e. Excessive fluid resuscitation may exacerbate bleeding
 Proposed that secondary shock with capillary permeability Current Definitions and Challenges
leak was caused by a “toxic factor” released from the tissue  Shock consists of inadequate tissue perfusion marked by:
 Alfred Blalock – stated that shock in hemorrhage was associated  Decreased delivery of required metabolic substrates
with reduced cardiac output due to volume loss and not by a toxic  Inadequate removal of cellular waste products
factor.  Involves failure of oxidative metabolism (defects of O2 delivery,
He also proposed four categories of shock: transport and utilization)
1. Hypovolemic – most common, results from loss of circulating  Focus on determining the cellular events that often occur in
blood volume parallel to result in organ dysfunction, shock irreversibility and
2. Vasogenic (Septic) – results from decreased resistance within a death
capacitance vessels, seen in sepsis
3. Neurogenic – form of vasogenic shock in which the spinal cord PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF SHOCK
injury or spinal anaesthesia causes vasodilation due to acute loss  Regardless of etiology, initial physiologic responses in shock are
of sympathetic vascular tone driven by:
4. Cardiogenic – results from failure of the heart as a pump, seen in  Tissue hypoperfusion
arrhythmias or acute myocardial infarction  Developing cellular energy deficit
Overtime, two additional types of shock were added:  Imbalance between cellular supply and demand leads to neuro-
5. Obstructive – form of cardiogenic shock, results from endocrine and inflammatory responses, of which, the magnitude
mechanical impediment to circulation leading to depressed is proportional to the degree and duration of shock
cardiac output rather than primary cardiac failure (pulmonary  Specific responses will differ based on the etiology of shock (e.g.
embolism and tension pneumothorax) cardiovascular response driven by the sympathetic nervous system
6. Traumatic – soft tissue and bony injury leads to the activation of is blunted in neurogenic or septic shock)
inflammatory cells and the release of circulating factors that
modulate the immune response. The effects of tissue injury are

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 Irreversible phase of shock
 Persistent hypoperfusion results in further hemodynamic
derangements and cardiovascular collapse
 Develop quite insidiously and may only be obvious in
 Extensive parenchymal and microvasculature injury that
volume resuscitation fails to reverse process and will
eventually lead to death
 Modified Wiggers model in animals representing the phases of
compensation, decompensation and irreversible phases of
hemorrhagic shock:

 Organ specific responses aims to maintain perfusion in the

cerebral and coronary circulation and is regulated at multiple
levels including:
 Stretch receptors and baroreceptors in the heart and
vasculature (carotid sinus and aortic arch)
 Chemoreceptors
 Cerebral ischemia responses Neuroendocrine and Organ Specific Responses to Hemorrhage
 Release of endogenous vasoconstrictors  Goal of neuroendocrine response is to maintain perfusion to the
 Shifting of fluid into the intravascular space heart and brain, even at the expense of the other organ systems
 Renal absorption and conservation of salt and water  Peripheral vasoconstriction occurs and fluid excretion is inhibited
 Pathophysiologic responses vary with time and in response to  Mechanisms involved:
resuscitation  Autonomic control of peripheral vascular tone and cardiac
 Compensated phase – e.g. in hemorrhagic shock, the body can contractility
compensate for the initial loss of blood volume through the  Hormonal response to stress and volume depletion
neuroendocrine response to maintain hemodynamics  Local microcirculatory mechanisms that are organ specific
 Decompensation phase – continued hypoperfusion, which may and regulate regional blood flow
be unrecognized, ongoing cellular death and injury  Initial stimulus is loss of circulating blood volume in hemorrhagic
 Microcirculatory dysfunction, parenchymal tissue damage and shock
inflammatory cell activation can perpetuate hypoperfusion  Other stimuli that can cause response: pain, hypoxemia,
 Ischemia or reperfusion injury often exacerbates the initial result hypercarbia, acidosis, infection, change in temperature,
 Vicious cycle of shock – compromise function at the organ system emotional arousal or hypoglycemia
level due to untreated damage at the cellular level  Magnitude of the response is based on the volume of blood lost
and the rate at which it is lost

Afferent Signals
 Impulses transmitted from the periphery and processed within the
central nervous system and activates reflexive efferent impulses
 Designed to expand plasma volume, maintain peripheral
perfusion and tissue O2 delivery and restore homeostasis
 Initiate the body’s intrinsic adaptive responses and converge in
the CNS originating from a variety of sources:

1. Spinothalamic Tracts
 Transmits the sensation of pain
 Resulting in activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
axis and autonomic nervous system inducing direct sympathetic
stimulation of the adrenal medulla to release catecholamines

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2. Baroreceptors  Due to non-uniformity of arterial vasoconstriction, marked
 Volume receptors sensitive to changes in both chamber redistribution of blood flow results
pressure and wall stretch present within the atria of the heart,  Selective perfusion to tissue occurs due to variations in arteriolar
activated with low volume hemorrhage or mild reductions in resistance, blood shunted away from less essential organ beds (e.g.
right atrial pressure intestine, kidney and skin)
 Receptors in the aortic arch and carotid bodies respond to  In the brain and heart, autoregulatory mechanisms attempt to
alterations in pressure or stretch of the arterial wall, preserve blood flow despite decrease in cardiac output
responding to larger reductions in intravascular volume or  Direct sympathetic stimulation also induces constriction of venous
pressure vessels, decreasing capacitance and accelerates blood return to
 Normally inhibits induction of the ANS, but when activated, central circulation
these receptors diminish their output, dis-inhibiting the ANS,  Increased sympathetic output induces catecholamine release from
increasing ANS output via sympathetic activation at the the adrenal medulla and peaks within 24-48 hours of injury then
vasomotor centers producing centrally mediated constriction of return to baseline
peripheral vessels  Persistent elevation of catecholamine levels suggest ongoing
noxious afferent stimuli
3. Chemoreceptors  Catecholamine effects on tissue:
 Found in the aorta and carotid bodies and sensitive to changes  Stimulation of hepatic glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis
in O2 tension, H ion concentration and CO2 levels  Increase skeletal muscle glycogenolysis
 Stimulation results to vasodilation of the coronary arteries,  Suppression of insulin release
slowing of the heart rate, and vasoconstriction of splanchnic  Increased glucagon release
and skeletal circulation
2. Hormonal Response – activation of the ANS and the hypothalamic-
4. Variety of protein and non protein mediators pituitary-adrenal axis
 Produced at the site of injury as part of the inflammatory a) ACTH and Cortisol
response  Shock stimulates the hypothalamus to release corticotropin-
 Histamine, cytokines, eicosanoids and endothelins releasing hormone resulting to the release of ACTH by the
Efferent Signals  ACTH stimulates the adrenal cortex to release cortisol
1. Cardiovascular Response – results from neuroendocrine and ANS  Functions of Cortisol:
response to shock and constitute a prominent feature of the  Acts synergistically with epinephrine and glucagon to
body’s adaptive response mechanism and clinical signs and induce a catabolic state
symptoms of the patient in shock  Stimulates gluconeogenesis and insulin resistance resulting
 Hemorrhage results in diminished venous return and decreased in hyperglycemia as well as muscle cell protein breakdown
cardiac output and lipolysis to provide substrates for hepatic
 Compensated by increased cardiac heart rate and contractility gluconeogenesis
and venous and arterial vasoconstriction  Causes retention of sodium and water by the nephrons of
 Stimulation of sympathetic fibers innervating the heart leads to the kidney
activation of β1 adrenergic receptors increasing heart rate and  In severe hypovolemia, ACTH secretion occurs independently of
contractility cortisol negative feedback inhibition
 Increased myocardial O2 consumption occurs due to increased
workload, thus O2 supply must be maintained to prevent b) Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS)
development of myocardial dysfunction  Renin-angiotensin system is activated in shock
 Renin is released from the juxtaglomerular cells and the release is
caused by:
 Decreased renal artery perfusion
 β adrenergic stimulation
 Increased renal tubular sodium concentration
 Renin catalyzes the conversion of angiotensinogen (from the liver)
to angiotensin I which is then converted to angiotensin II by
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) which is produced by the
 Direct sympathetic stimulation of the peripheral circulation via
activation of α1 receptors on arterioles induces vasoconstriction
 Angiotensin I has now significant functional activity
causing compensatory increase in systemic vascular resistance and

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 Angiotensin II – potent vasoconstrictor of both splanchnic and  Acute responses to intravascular volume include:
peripheral vascular beds. It also stimulates secretion of  Changes in venous tone
aldosterone, ACTH and ADH  Systemic vascular resistance
 Aldosterone – a mineralocorticoid that acts on nephron to  Intrathoracic pressure
promote reabsorption of sodium and (as a consequence) water  Net effect of preload on cardiac output is influence by cardiac
 Potassium and hydrogen ions are lost in the urine in exchange for determinants of ventricular function (e.g. coordinated atrial
sodium activity and tachycardia)

c) Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH) or Arginine Vasopressin b) Ventricular Contraction

 Released by the pituitary in response to:  Frank-Starling curve – describes the force of ventricular
 Hypovolemia contraction as a function of its preload
 Changes in circulating blood volume sensed by  Relationship is based on force of contraction determined by initial
baroreceptors and left atrial stretch receptors muscle length
 Increased plasma osmolality detected by hypothalamic  Intrinsic cardiac disease will shift the curve to the left and alter
osmoreceptors mechanical performance of the heart
 Epinephrine, angiotensin II, pain and hyperglycemia increases  Cardiac dysfunction is seen in burns, hemorrhagic, traumatic and
production of ADH septic shock
 Levels remain elevated for about 1 week after initial insult
 Acts on distal tubule and collecting duct of the nephrons to: c) Afterload
 Increase water permeability  Force that resists myocardial work during contraction
 Decrease water and sodium losses  Arterial pressure is the major component and influences the
 Preserve intravascular volume ejection fraction
 In hypovolemic state, acts as a potent mesenteric vasoconstrictor,  Determined by precapillary smooth muscle sphincters
shunting circulating blood away from splanchnic organs  Blood viscosity increases vascular resistance
 In shock state, may contribute to intestinal ischemia and  As afterload increases, stroke volume is maintained by increasing
predispose to intestinal mucosal barrier dysfunction of preload
 Increases hepatic gluconeogenesis and increases hepatic  In shock, after load is impeded
glycolysis  Stress response increases heart contractility and heart rate
 In septic states, endotoxin directly stimulates arginine vasopressin
independent of blood pressure, osmotic or intravascular volume d) Microcirculation
changes  Plays an integral role in regulating cellular perfusion and
 Proinflammatory cytokines also contribute to its releases influenced in response to shock
 Patients on chronic therapy with ACE inhibitors have low plasma  Microvasculature bed is innervated by the sympathetic nervous
levels of ADH and has more risk of developing hypotension and system and has a profound effect on the larger arterioles
vasodilatory shock with open heart surgery  In hemorrhage, this vessels constrict but on septic or neurogenic
shock, they dilate
Circulatory Homeostasis  Flow in the capillary bed is heterogeneous in shock states,
a) Preload secondary to multiple local mechanisms:
 At rest, majority of blood volume is within the venous system  Endothelial cell swelling
 Venous return to the heart generates ventricular end-diastolic  Dysfunction
wall tension, a major determinant of cardiac output  Activation marked by recruitment of leukocytes and
 Venous capacity immediately corrects alterations in blood platelets
distribution due to gravitational shifts  In hemorrhagic shock, correction of hemodynamic parameters
 During decreased arteriolar flow, there is active contraction of the and reperfusion of O2 leads to restoration of O2 consumption and
venous smooth muscle and passive elastic recoil in the thin-walled normal O2 tissue levels
systemic veins, subsequently increasing venous return to the  In sepsis, regional tissue dysoxia often persists, despite similar
heart and maintaining vascular filling restoration. Response to limit O2 consumption by the tissue
 Alterations in cardiac output in normal heart rate are due to parenchymal cells is an adaptive response to inflammatory
changes in preload signaling and decreasing perfusion
 Increase in sympathetic tone produces a dramatic reduction in  Pathophysiologic response of microcirculation in shock:
splanchnic blood volume but with minor effect on skeletal muscle  Failure of integrity of the endothelium of the
beds microcirculation – due to dysfunction of energy-dependent
 Normal circulating blood volume is maintained by the kidney’s mechanisms
ability to manage salt and water balance with external losses  Intracellular swelling – multifactorial

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 Extracellular fluid deficit – due to decreased capillary  Ketogenesis
hydrostatic pressure secondary to changes in blood flow  Skeletal muscle protein breakdown
and increased cellular uptake of fluid  Adipose tissue lipolysis
 Capillary leak – dysfunction is secondary to activation of  Cortisol, glucagon and ADH also contribute to the catabolism
endothelial cells by circulating inflammatory mediators during shock
generated in septic or traumatic shock  Epinephrine induces further release of glucagon and inhibits
 No-reflow – capillary occlusion that persist after resuscitation due release of insulin resulting to:
to endothelial swelling, capillary leak and increase leukocyte  Catabolic state with glucose mobilization
adherence  Hyperglycemia
 Hemorrhagic shock produces fewer capillaries with no-reflow and  Protein breakdown
lower mortality  Negative nitrogen balance
 Lipolysis
METABOLIC EFFECTS  Insulin resistance during shock and injury
 Cellular metabolism is based on the hydrolysis of ATP  The underuse of glucose by peripheral tissues preserve it for the
 Splitting of the phosphoanhydride bond of the terminal or glucose-dependent organs such as heart and brain
γ-phosphate from ATP is the source of energy for most
processes Cellular Hypoperfusion
 Majority of ATP is generated in our bodies through aerobic  Crowell, 1961 – hypoperfused cells and tissues experience what
metabolism in the process of oxidative phosphorylation in has been termed “oxygen debt”
the mitochondria  The O2 debt is the deficit in tissue oxygenation over time that
 Process is dependent on O2 availability which serves as occurs in shock
final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain  Measurement of O2 deficit uses calculation of difference between
 As O2 tension decreases, oxidative phosphorylation decreases and the estimated O2 demand and the actual value obtained for O2
generation of ATP is slowed down consumption
 Dysoxia – a state where O2 delivery is severely impaired that  Magnitude of the O2 debt correlates with the severity and
oxidative phosphorylation cannot be sustained duration of hypoperfusion
 Cells shift to anaerobic metabolism and glycolysis to generate  Surrogate values for measuring O2 debt include base deficit and
ATP when oxidative phosphorylation is insufficient lactate levels
 Occurs via breakdown of cellular glycogen storage to
pyruvate Changes in Cellular Gene Expression
 Glycolysis is not an efficient process, only 2 mol of ATP is  The DNA binding activity of a number of nuclear transcription
produced from 1 mol of glucose factors is altered by hypoxia and production of O2 or nitrogen
 Complete oxidation produces 38 mol of ATP per 1 mol of glucose radicals which are produced by shock
 Under hypoxic conditions, in anaerobic metabolism, pyruvate is  Other gene products increased by shock:
converted in to lactate leading to intracellular metabolic acidosis  Heat shock proteins
 Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
Consequences that are Secondary to Metabolic Changes:  Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS)
 Depletion of ATP potentially influence all ATP-dependent cellular  Heme oxygenase-1
processes, including:  Cytokines
 Maintenance of cellular membrane potential  They alter gene expression in specific target cells and tissues
 Synthesis of enzymes and proteins  Involvement of multiple pathways emphasizes the complex,
 Cell signaling and DNA repair mechanisms integrated and overlapping nature of the response to shock
 Decreased intracellular pH influences vital cellular functions,
 Normal enzyme activity  Complex set of interactions between circulation soluble factors
 Cell membrane ion exchange and cells that arises in response to trauma, infection, ischemia,
 Cellular metabolic signaling toxic or autoimmune stimuli
 Changes will lead to changes in gene expression within the cell  Failure to adequately control the activation, escalation, or
 Acidosis leads to changes in calcium metabolism and signaling suppression of the inflammatory response can lead to systemic
inflammatory response syndrome and potential multiple organ
Effects of Catecholamines: failure
 Processes increased by catecholamines:  Innate and adaptive branches of immunity work in unison to
 Hepatic glycogenolysis respond in a specific and effective manner to challenges in an
 Gluconeogenesis organism’s well-being

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 Alterations in the activity of the innate system can be responsible  Coagulation and kinin cascades impact the interaction of
for the development of shock and pathophysiologic sequel of endothelium and leukocytes
 Host inflammatory response – a variety of metabolic changes
induced by predominantly paracrine mediators that gain access to
the systemic circulation
 Mechanisms that lead to the activation of the active inflammatory
and immune response:
 Release of bioactive peptides by neurons in response to
 Release of intracellular molecules by broken cells (e.g.
heat shock proteins, mitochondrial products, heparan
sulphate, high mobility group box 1 and RNA)
 Danger signaling – endogenous molecules are capable of signaling
the presence of danger to surrounding cells and tissues and these
molecules are called damage-associated molecular patterns
(DAMPs), as proposed by Matzinger
 DAMPs – recognized by cell surface receptors to effect
intracellular signaling that primes and amplifies the immune

Cytokines / Chemokines
 Immune response to shock encompasses the elaboration of
mediators with both pro and anti-inflammatory properties
 Innate immune response can help restore homeostasis, or if
excessive, it can promote cellular and organ dysfunction

 Pattern Recognition receptors (PRRs) – Toll-like receptors (TLRs)

and receptor for advanced glycation end products
 Pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) – bacterial
products first recognized by TLRs and PRRs
 PRR activation leads to intracellular signaling and release of
cellular products including cytokine:

1. Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNF – α)

 One of earliest potent proinflammatory cytokines released in
response to injurious stimuli
 Released by:
 Monocytes
 Macrophages
 T-cells
 Peaks within 90 minutes of stimulation and returns to baseline
by 4 hours
 Release and production may be induced by:
 Bacteria or endotoxin and leads to development of
 Mast cells – sentinel responders that release histamines,
shock and hypoperfusion (most commonly observed in
eicosanoids, tryptases and cytokines before recruitment of
septic shock)
leukocytes into sites of injury
 Hemorrhage
 These mediators amplify the immune response and cause
 Ischemia
leukocytes to release platelet activating factor

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 Functions of TNF-α:  Contributes to lung, liver and gut injury after hemorrhagic
 Produce peripheral vasodilation shock
 Activate release of other cytokines  Play a role in development of diffuse alveolar damage and
 Induce procoagulant activity ARDS
 Stimulate a wide array of cellular metabolic changes  Along with IL-1, they are:
 TNF-α levels correlate with mortality in models of hemorrhage  Mediators of hepatic acute phase response to injury
 Increase in serum TNF-α levels in trauma patients is less than  Enhance the expression and activity of complement, C-
in septic patients reactive protein, fibrinogen, haptoglobin, amyloid A and
 During stress response, it contributes to muscle protein α1-antitrypsin
breakdown and cachexia  Promote neutrophil activation

2. Interleukin 1 (IL-1) 5. Interleukin 10 (IL-10)

 Actions similar to TNF-α  An anti-inflammatory cytokine that may have
 Short half life of 6 minutes immunosuppressive properties
 Primarily acts in paracrine fashion to modulate local cellular  Production is increased after shock and trauma
responses  Associated with depressed immune function and increased
 Produces a febrile response to injury by activating the susceptibility to infections
prostaglandins and causes anorexia by activating the satiety  Secreted by T-cells, monocytes and macrophages
center  IL-10 inhibits:
 Augments the secretion of:  Pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion
 ACTH  O2 radical production by phagocytes
 Glucocorticoids  Adhesion molecule expression
 β-endorphins  Lymphocyte activation
 Stimulate the release of other cytokines:
 IL-2 6. Chemokines
 Il-4  Specific set of cytokines that have the ability to induce
 IL-6 chemotaxis of leukocytes
 IL-8  Bind to specific chemokines receptors and transducer
 Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor chemotactic signals to leukocytes
 Interferon-γ  Involved in:
 Immune system development
3. Interleukin 2 IL-2)  Immune surveillance
 Produced by activated T-cells in response to variety of stimuli  Immune priming
and activates other lymphocytes subpopulations and natural  Effector response
killer cells  Immune regulation
 Role is still not confirmed in shock, current postulates include:
 Increased IL-2 secretion promotes shock-induced tissue Complement
injury and the development of shock  Activated by injury, shock and severe infection
 Depressed IL-2 contributes to depression in immune  Contributes to host defence and pro-inflammatory activation
function after hemorrhage that increases the  Significant consumption occurs after hemorrhagic shock
susceptibility of patients who develop shock to suffer  In trauma patients, degree of complement activation is
infections proportional to the magnitude of injury and may serve as a
 Overly exuberant pro-inflammatory activation marker for severity of injury
promotes tissue injury, organ dysfunction and immune  In septic shock patients, activation of complement pathway with
suppression elevations of activated complement proteins, C3a and C5a
 Temporal changes in the production of mediators (increased  Activation of complement cascade can contribute to the
or depressed levels) of IL-2 are probably important in the development of organ dysfunction
progression of shock  Activated complement factors (C3a, C4a and C5a) are potent
mediators of:
4. Interleukin 6 (IL-6)  Increased vascular permeability
 Elevated in response to shock, major operative procedures  Smooth muscle contraction
and trauma  Histamine and arachidonic acid by-product release
 Elevated levels correspond with mortality in shock states  Adherence of neutrophils to vascular endothelium

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 Acts synergistically with endotoxin to induce the release of TNF-α  Alterations in the expression of genes important in
and IL-1 homeostasis
 Development of ARDS and MODS in trauma patients correlates  Modulation of the activation of cells by other shock-
with intensity of complement activation induced hormones or mediators

Neutrophils Effects of Oxygen Radicals on the Intracellular Signaling Cascade

 Neutrophil activation is an early even in the upregulation of the  Intracellular signaling cascade consists of a series of kinase that
inflammatory response transmit and amplify the signal through phosphorylation of target
 First cells to be recruited at the site of injury proteins
 PMNs remove infectious agents, foreign substance and nonviable  The O2 radicals produced during shock and intracellular redox
tissue through phagocytosis state are known to influence the activity of components of the
 Activated PMNs and their products may produce cell injury and intracellular cascade, such as:
organ dysfunction  Protein tyrosine kinase
 Generate and release a number of substances that may induce  Mitogen activated kinase
cell or tissue injury, such as:  Protein kinase C
 Reactive O2 species  O2 radicals also regulate the activity of transcription factors for
 Lipid peroxidation products gene expression such as:
 Proteolytic enzymes  Factor-κB
 Vasoactive mediators  APETALA1
 Oxygen free radicals induce lipid peroxidation, inactivate enzymes  Hypoxia-inducible factor 1
and consume antioxidants  Oxidant-mediated direct cell injury is one consequence of the
 Ischemia-reperfusion activates PMNs and causes PMN-induced production of O2 radical during shock
organ injury
Effects of Shock on Gene Expression
Effects of the Vascular Endothelium to the Leukocytes:  Changes in gene expression are critical for adaptive and survival
 The vascular endothelium contributes to the regulation of blood cell signaling
flow, leukocyte adhesion and coagulation cascade  Polymorphisms in gene promoters are likely to contribute to
 Extracellular ligands (e.g. intercellular adhesion molecules, significantly carried responses to similar insults
vascular adhesion molecules and selectin) are expressed on the  Similarities in genomic responses between different injuries
surface of endothelial cells and are responsible for leukocyte revealed a fundamental human response to stresses involving
adhesion dysregulated immune response
 The interaction allows activated neutrophils to migrate into the
tissues to combat infection FORMS OF SHOCK
Cell Signaling  Most common cause of shock is loss of circulating volume
 Signaling pathways are altered by changes in: from hemorrhage
 Cellular oxygenation  Acute blood loss results in reflexive decreased baroreceptors
 Redox state stimulation resulting in:
 High-energy phosphate concentration  Decreased inhibition of vasoconstrictor centers in the
 Gene-expression brain stem
 Intracellular electrolyte concentration induced by shock  Increased chemoreceptor stimulation of vasomotor
 Cells communicate with the external environment through cell centers
surface receptors, which when bound by a ligand, transmit their  Diminished output from atrial stretch receptors
information to the interior of the cell through various signaling  Changes increases vasoconstriction and peripheral arterial
cascades resistance
 These pathways may alter specific enzymes, expression or  Hypovolemia induces induces sympathetic stimulation leading
breakdown of important proteins or affect intracellular energy to:
metabolism  Epinephrine and Norepinephrine release
 Intracellular calcium (Ca ) concentrations regulate many aspects
 Activation of the renin-angiotensin cascade
 Increased vasopressin release
2+ 2+
of cellular metabolism and changes of Ca levels and Ca
transport are seen in shock  Peripheral vasoconstriction is prominent
 Alterations of Ca2+ regulation may lead to:  Lack of sympathetic effects on cerebral and coronary vessels
 Direct cellular injury and local autoregulation promote maintenance of cardiac and
 Changes in transcription factor activation CNS blood flow

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Diagnosis:  Base deficit values derived from ABG analysis provides an indirect
 A secure airway must be confirmed or established and volume stimulation of tissue acidosis from hypoperfusion
infusion is initiated while the search for cause of hypotension is  Lack of depression of initial hematocrit level does not rule out
pursued substantial blood loss or ongoing bleeding
 Shock in trauma or post-op patients is presumed to be due to  Patients with penetrating injuries who are in shock require
hemorrhage until proven otherwise operative intervention
 Clinical signs of shock is evident by:  Blood loss sufficient to cause shock is generally of a large volume
 Agitation and limited number of sites can harbour sufficient extra vascular
 Cool clammy extremities blood volume to induce hypotension:
 Tachycardia  External cavity
 Week or absent peripheral pulses  Intrathoracic cavity
 Hypotension  Intra-abdominal cavity
 Tachycardia or hypotension represents both significant blood loss  Retroperitoneal cavity
and physiologic decompensation  Long bone fractures
 Clinical and physiologic responses to hemorrhage has been  GI tract is considered a site for blood loss in non trauma patients
classified according to the magnitude of volume loss:  Injuries to major arteries or veins with associated open wounds
 <15% of the circulating blood volume may produce little in may cause massive blood loss rapidly
terms of obvious symptoms  Direct pressure must be applies and sustained to maintain
 <30% of circulating volume may result in mild tachycardia, ongoing blood loss
tachypnea and anxiety  Internal blood loss is suspected when major blood loss is not
 >30% of circulating volume shows hypotension marked by visible in a trauma setting
tachycardia and conduction  Each pleural cavity can hold 2 to 3L of blood and can be a site of
 >40% of circulating blood volume is immediately life significant blood loss, for confirmation of hemothorax:
threatening and requires operative control of bleeding  Unstable patients – diagnostic and therapeutic tube
 Stable patients – chest radiograph
 Major retroperitoneal hemorrhage occurs in association with
pelvic fractures and is confirmed by pelvic radiograph
 Intraperitoneal hemorrhage is the most common source of blood
loss inducing shock and rapidly identified by diagnostic ultrasound
 Medications may promote bleeding or mask the compensatory
or peritoneal lavage
responses to bleeding
 Physical examination is insensitive and unreliable, large volumes
 Factors that decreases the elderly patient’s ability to tolerate
of intraperitoneal blood may be present before PE findings are
 Medication
 Findings with intra-abdominal hemorrhage include abdominal
 Atherosclerotic vascular disease
distension, tenderness and visible wounds
 Diminishing cardiac compliance with age
 Hemodynamic abnormalities generally stimulate a search for
 Inability to elevate heart rate or cardiac contractility in
blood loss before appearance of obvious abdominal findings
response to hemorrhage
 Patients who suffered blunt trauma who are hemodynamically
 Overall decline in physiologic reserve
stable or normal vital signs should undergo computed
 A systolic BP of <110 mmHg is a relevant definition of tomography
hypotension and hypoperfusion based on increasing rate of
mortality below this pressure Treatment:
 Control of ongoing hemorrhage is an essential component of the
resuscitation of the patient in shock
 Treatment is instituted concurrently with diagnostic evaluation to
identify a source
 Patients who fail to respond to initial efforts should be assumed
to have ongoing active hemorrhage from large vessels and require
 Serum lactate and base deficit are measurements that are helpful prompt operative intervention
to both estimate and monitor the extent of bleeding and shock  Appropriate priorities in patients:
 Amount of lactate produced is an indirect marker of tissue  Secure the airway
hypoperfusion, cellular O2 debt and severity of hemorrhagic  Control the source of blood loss
shock  Intravenous volume resuscitation

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 Rapid treatment is essential and diagnostic laparotomy or  Hypothermia is an independent risk factors for bleeding and
thoracotomy may be indicated death secondary to impaired platelet function and impairments in
 Actively bleeding patient cannot be resuscitated until control of coagulation cascades
ongoing hemorrhage is achieved
 Damage control resuscitation – begins in the emergency B. TRAUMATIC SHOCK
department and continues into the operating room up to the ICU,  Systemic response after trauma, combining the effects of soft
 Initial resuscitation is limited to keep SBP around 80 to 90 tissue injury, long bone fractures and blood loss
mmHg  Multiple organ failure, including ARDS develop often in
 Prevent renewed bleeding from recently clotting vessels trauma patient, rarely in pure hemorrhagic shock patient
 Resuscitation and intravascular volume resuscitation are  Hypoperfusion deficit is magnified by the pro-inflammatory
accomplished with blood productions (RBC, fresh frozen activation that occurs following the induction of shock
plasma and platelets in equal numbers) and limited  At the cellular level, there is releases of DAMPs that initiates
crystalloids cell signaling
 Attempts to increase blood pressure with uncontrolled sources of  Examples of traumatic shock include:
hemorrhage is counterproductive, increasing bleeding and higher  Small-volume hemorrhage with by soft tissue injury
mortality  Any combination of hypovolemic, neurogenic,
 Attempts to restore normal blood pressure with fluid infusions or cardiogenic and obstructive shock that precipitates
vasopressors were rarely successful and resulted to more rapidly progressive proinflammatory action
bleeding and higher mortality
 Conclusions in the setting of uncontrolled hemorrhage: Treatment:
 Any delay in surgery for control of hemorrhage increases  Focused on correction of the individual elements to diminish the
mortality cascade of pro-inflammatory activation
 With uncontrolled hemorrhage attempting to achieve  Prompt control of hemorrhage, adequate volume resuscitation to
normal BP may increase mortality particularly with correct O2 debt
penetrating injuries and short transport times  Debridement of nonviable tissue
 A goal of SBP 80 to 90 mmHg may be adequate in the  Stabilization of bone injures
patient with penetrating injury  Appropriate treatment of soft tissue injuries
 Profound hemodilution should be avoided by early
 For patient with blunt injury, an SBP of 110 mmHg is more  Result of the dysfunction of the endothelium and vasculature
appropriate secondary to circulating inflammatory mediators and cells or
 Patients who respond to initial resuscitative effort but deteriorate as a response to prolonged and severe hypoperfusion
hemodynamically have injuries that require operative  Hypotension results from failure of the vascular smooth
intervention muscle to constrict appropriately
 Patients who fail to respond to resuscitative efforts but with  Characterized by peripheral vasodilation with resultant
control of hemorrhage have deteriorated to decompensate or hypotension and resistance to treatment with vasopressors
irreversible shock with peripheral vasodilation and resistance to  Plasma catecholamine levels are elevated and the RAAS
vasoressor infusion system is activated
 Crystalloids continue to be the mainstay fluid of choice during  Represents the final common pathway for profound and
resuscitation prolonged shock of any etiology
 Hypertonic saline is evaluated as a resuscitative adjunct in
bleeding patients, and has the benefit of being
immunomodulatory and may contribute to the decreases of
incidence of ARDS and multiple organ failure
 Transfusion of RBC and blood products is essential for treatment,
recommendation in stable ICU patients aim for a target
haemoglobin of 7 to 9 g/dL
 Platelets should be transfused in the bleeding patient to maintain
counts above 50 x 10 /L
 Use of antifibrinolytic agents in bleeding patients is also
 Development of hypothermia in the bleeding patient is associated
with acidosis, hypotension and coagulopathy  Mortality rate for sepsis is 30 to 50%

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 Septic shock is a by-product of the body’s response to  Dobutamine therapy is recommended for patients with cardiac
disruption of the host-microbe equilibrium, resulting in dysfunction as evidenced by high filling pressures and low cardiac
invasive or server localized infection output
 When immune response becomes systemic rather than  Surviving Sepsis Campaign:
localized, manifestations of sepsis is evident, including:
 Enhanced cardiac output
 Peripheral vasoconstriction
 Fever
 Leukocytosis
 Hyperglycemia
 Tachycardia
 Vasodilatory effect are due to the upregulation of the
inducible isoform of nitric oxide synthase in the vessel wall
 This potent vasodilator (NOS) suppresses vascular tone and
renders the vasculature resistant to the effects of
vasoconstrictor agents  Hyperglycemia and insulin resistance are typical in critically ill
and septic patients without diabetes mellitus
Diagnosis:  Intensive insulin therapy reduced episodes of septicaemia by 46%,
 The terms sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock are used to reduced duration of antibiotic therapy, and decreased the need
quantify the magnitude of the systemic inflammatory reaction for prolonged ventilatory support and renal replacement therapy
 Patients with sepsis have evidence of an infection, as well as signs  Use of lower ventilatory tidal volumes compared to traditional
of systemic inflammation tidal volumes increases survival of patients with ARDS
 Severe sepsis is hypoperfusion with signs of organ dysfunction  Additional strategies in ARDS management include higher levels of
 Septic shock requires presence of the severe sepsis, associated positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP), alveolar recruitment
with more significant hypoperfusion and systemic hypotension maneuvers and prone poisoning
 Fever, tachycardia, and tachypnea, signs of hypoperfusion such as  Hydrocortisone therapy cannot be recommended as routine
confusion, malaise, oliguria or hypotension is present in septic adjuvant therapy for septic shock, however, if SBP remains less
shock tan 90mmHg despite appropriate therapy, hydrocortisone at
 An aggressive search for infection should be performed, including: 200mg/d for 7 days in four divided doses or continous infusion
 Thorough physical examination should be considered
 Inspection of all wounds  Other treatment like antiendotoxin antibodies, anticytokine
 Evaluation of intravascular catheters antibodies, cytokine receptor antagonists, immune enhancers, non
 Obtaining appropriate cultures isoform-specific nitric oxide synthase inhibitor and O 2 radical
 Adjunctive imaging studies scavengers have been used but with no avail.


 Begins with the assessment of airway and ventilation  Circulatory pump failure leading to diminished forward flow
 Severely obtunded patients require intubation and ventilation to and subsequent tissue hypoxia, in the setting of adequate
prevent respiratory collapse intravascular volume
 Fluid resuscitation and restoration of circulatory volume with  Hemodynamic criteria:
balanced salt solutions is essential (at least 30 mL/kg with the first  Sustained hypotension (SBP <90mmHg for at least 30
4-6 hours) mins)
 Starch-based colloid solutions should be avoided  Reduced cardiac index (<2.2 L/min per square meter)
 Antibiotics should be tailored to cover the responsible organism  Elevated pulmonary artery wedge pressure (>15
 IV antibiotics will be insufficient to adequately treat the infectious mmHg)
episode in the settings of infected fluid collections, infected  Mortality rate: 50 to 80%
foreign bodies and devitalized tissues  Acute, extensive MI is the most common cause and a smaller
 Vasopressors may be necessary to treat patients with septic infarction in a patient with existing left ventricular dysfunction
shock also may precipitate this type of shock
 Catecholamines are used more often, with norepinephrine being  Recognition of the patient with occult hypoperfusion is critical
the first line agent followed by epinephrine to prevent progression to shock
 Arginine vasopressin is often added to norepinephrine for  Early initiation of therapy to maintain BP and cardiac output is
patients that develop resistance to catecholamines vital

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 Invasive cardiac monitoring is not generally necessary, but can be
useful to exclude right ventricular infarction, hypovolemia and
mechanical complications
 In blunt traumatic injury, hemorrhagic shock from intra-
abdominal bleed, intra-thoracic bleed and bleed from fractures
must be excluded
 Invasive hemodynamic monitoring with a pulmonary artery
catheter may uncover evidence of diminished cardiac output and
pulmonary artery pressure

 Intubation and mechanical ventilation often are requited, to
decrease work of breathing and facilitate sedation of the patient
 Treatment of cardiac dysfunction:
 Maintenance of adequate oxygenation
 The pathophysiology of cardiogenic shock involves a vicious  Judicious fluid administration to avoid fluid overload and
cycle of myocardial ischemia the causes myocardial development of cardiogenic pulmonary edema
dysfunction that results to more myocardial ischemia  Electrolyte abnormalities should be corrected
 When sufficient mass of the left ventricular wall is necrotic or  Pain is treated with IV morphine sulfate or fentanyl
ischemic and fails to pump, the stroke volume decreases  Dysrhythmias and heart block must be treated with anti-
 Myocardial diastolic function is impaired in cardiogenic shock arrhythmic drugs, pacing or cardioversion
as well  If profound cardiac dysfunction exists, inotropic support may be
 Decreased compliance results from myocardial ischemia, and indicated to improve cardiac contractility and cardiac output
compensatory increases in left ventricular filling pressure  Dobutamine – stimulates cardiac β1 receptors to increases
progressively occur cardiac output, but may:
 Diminished cardiac output in the face of adequate preload  Vasodilate peripheral vascular beds
may lead to under-perfused vascular beds and reflexive
 Lower total peripheral resistance
sympathetic discharge
 Lower systemic blood pressure through effects of β2
 Increased sympathetic stimulation of the heart may not be
relieved by increases in coronary artery blood flow in patients
 Dopamine stimulates β receptors at low doses and preferable to
with fixed stenosis of the coronary arteries
dobutamine in treatment of cardiac dysfunction in hypotensive
 Acute heart failure and diminished cardiac output decreases
myocardial O2 delivery
 Tachycardia and increased peripheral resistance from dopamine
infusion may worsen myocardial ischemia
 Titration of both dopamine and dobutamine may be required for
 In evaluation of possible cardiogenic shock, other causes of
some patients
hypotension must be excluded (e.g. hemorrhage, sepsis,
 Epinephrine stimulates α and β receptors and may increases
pulmonary embolism, and aortic dissection)
cardiac contractility, may also have intense peripheral
 Signs of circulatory shock:
vasoconstrictor effects that can impair cardiac performance
 Hypotension
 Balancing the beneficial effects of impaired cardiac performance
 Cool and mottled skin
with the potential side effects of excessive reflex tachycardia and
 Depressed mental status peripheral vasoconstriction requires series assessment of tissue
 Tachycardia perfusion using indices such as:
 Diminished pulses  Capillary refill
 Cardiac exam may include dysrhytmia, precardial heave, distal  Character of peripheral pulses
heart tones  Adequacy of urine output
 Confirmation requires electrocardiogram and urgent  Improvement in laboratory parameters of resuscitation
echocardiography (pH, base deficit and lactate)
 Other diagnostic tests:  Phosphodiesterase inhibitors (amrinone and milrinone) may be
 Chest radiograph required on occasion in patients with resistant cardiogenic shock
 ABG  Patients whose cardiac dysfunction is refractory to cardiotonics
 Electrolytes may require mechanical circulatory support with an intra-aortic
 CBC balloon pump, inserted at the femoral artery (cut down or
 Cardiac enzymes percutaneous approach)

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 Preservation of existing myocardium and preservation of cardiac  Cardiac tamponade results from accumulation of blood in the
functions are priorities of therapy for patients who suffered acute pericardial sac or chronic medical conditions such as heart failure
MI or uremia
 Anticoagulation and aspirin are given for acute MI  Manifestations of cardiac tamponade may be catastrophic or
 β blockers and ACE inhibitors are also pharmacological tools used subtle and may be associated with dyspnea, orthopnea, cough,
to control heart rate and myocardial O2 consumption respectively peripheral edema, chest pain, tachycardia, muffled heart tones,
 Percutaneous transluminal coronary angiography is jugular venous distension and elevated central venous pressure
recommended for patients with cardiogenic shock, ST elevation,  Beck’s triad: hypotension, muffled heart tones and neck vein
left bundle branch block and less than 75 years old distension
 Coronary artery bypass grafting seems to be more appropriate  Invasive hemodynamic monitoring may support the diagnosis of
for patients with multiple vessel diseases or left main coronary cardiac tamponade if elevated central venous pressure, pulsus
artery diseases paradoxus or elevated right atrial and right ventricular pressure by
pulmonary artery catheter is present
E. OBSTRUCTIVE SHOCK  Echocardiography has become the preferred test for the
 Most commonly due to presence of tension pneumothorax diagnosis of cardiac tamponade
 Cardiac tamponade occurs when sufficient fluid has  Standard two dimensional and trans-esophageal
accumulated in the pericardial sac to obstruct blood flow to echocardioradiography are sensitive techniques to evaluate the
the ventricles pericardium
 Hemodynamic abnormalities are due to elevation of  Pericardiocentesis to diagnose pericardial blood and potentially
intracardiac pressures with limitation of ventricular filling in relieve tamponade may be used
diastole with resultant decreases in cardiac output  Diagnostic pericardial window represents the most direct
 The pericardium does not extend, hence small blood volume method to determine the presence of blood within the
may produce cardiac tamponade pericardium, performed through either subxiphoid or
 If the effusion accumulates slowly, the quantity of fluid may transdiaphragmatic approach
reach 2000 mL  Exposure of the heart can be achieved by extending the incision to
 Pericardial pressure is the major determinant of degree of a median sternotomy, performing a left anterior thoracotomy or
hypotension performing bilateral anterior thoracotomies (clamshell)
 Cardiac tamponade or tension pneumothorax reduces filling
on the right side of the heart by: F. NEUROGENIC SHOCK
 Increased intrapleural pressure secondary to air  Diminished tissue perfusion as a result of loss of vasomotor
accumulation (tension pneumothorax) tone to peripheral arterial beds
 Increased interpericardial pressure precluding atrial  Loss of vasoconstrictor impulses results in increased vascular
filling secondary to blood accumulation (cardiac capacitance, decreased venous return and decreased cardiac
tamponade) output
 Resulting in decreased cardiac output associated with  Usually secondary to spinal cold injuries from vertebral
increased central venous pressure fractures of the cervical or high thoracic region that disrupt
sympathetic regulation of peripheral vascular tone
Diagnosis and Treatment:  Acute spinal cord injury results in activation of multiple
 Diagnosis of tension pneumothorax should be made on clinical secondary injury mechanisms:
examination  Vascular compromise to the spinal cord with loss of
 Findings include: autoregulation, vasospasm and thrombosis
 Respiratory distress  Loss of cellular membrane integrity and impaired
 Hypotension energy metabolism
 Diminished breath sounds over one hemithorax  Neurotransmitter accumulation and release of free
 Hyper-resonance to percussion radicals
 Jugular venous distension  Hypotension contributes to worsening of acute spinal cord
 Shift of mediastinal structures to the unaffected side with injury as the result of further reduction in blood flow to the
tracheal deviation spinal cord
 Pleural space can be decompressed with a large calibre needle
 Definitive treatment for tension pneumothorax is immediate tube Diagnosis:
thoracotomy placed at the fourth intercostal space at the anterior  Acute spinal cord injury may result in:
axillary line  Bradycardia
 Hypotension
 Cardiac dysrhytmias

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 Reduced cardiac output
 Decreased peripheral vascular resistance
 Severity of the spinal cold injury correlates with the magnitude of
cardiovascular dysfunction
 Classic description of neurogenic shock:
 Decreased blood pressure associated with bradycardia
 Warm extremities
 Motor and sensory deficits indicative of a spinal cord injury
 Radiographic evidence of a vertebral column fracture

 Most patients with neurogenic shock will respond to restoration
of intravascular volume alone, with satisfactory improvement in Assessment of Endpoints of Resuscitation
perfusion and resolution of hypotension  Inability to repay O2 dept is a predictor of mortality and organ
 Administration of vasoconstrictors will improve vascular tone, failure
decrease vascular capacitance and increases venous return but  Easily obtainable parameters of arterial blood pressure, heart
should only be considered once hypovolemia is excluded as the rate, urine output, central venous pressure and pulmonary artery
cause of the hypotension occlusion pressure are poor indicators of the adequacy of tissue
 Dopamine is used if patient’s blood pressure has not responded perfusion
to what is felt to be adequate volume resuscitation  Serum lactate and base deficit have been shown to correlate with
 Pure α agonist is used in patients who are not responsive to O2 debt
ENDPOINTS OF RESUSCITATION  Generated by conversion of pyruvate to lactate by lactate
 Resuscitation is complete when O2 debt is repaid, tissue acidosis dehydrogenase in the setting of insufficient O2
is corrected and aerobic metabolism is restored  Released into the circulation and is predominantly taken up by the
 Resuscitation requires simultaneous evaluation and treatment liver (50%) and the kidneys (30%)
 Hemorrhagic shock, septic shock and traumatic shock are the  Elevated serum lactate is an indirect measure of the O2 debt and
most common types encountered on surgical services therefore an approximation of the magnitude and duration of the
 Early control of the hemorrhage and adequate volume severity of shock
resuscitation (RBC and crystalloid solutions) are necessary  Admission lactate level, highest lactate level and time interval to
 Attempts to stabilize an actively bleeding patient anywhere but in normalize the serum lactate are important prognostic indicators
the operating room are inappropriate for survival
 Compensated shock exists when inadequate tissue perfusion  Base deficit and volume of blood transfusion required in the first
persists despite normalization of blood pressure and heart rate 24 hours of resuscitation may be better predictors of mortality
 Patients failing to reverse their lactic acidosis within 12 hours of than plasma lactate alone
admission develop an infection three times as often as those who
normalize their lactate levels within 12 hours Base Deficit
 Endpoints in resuscitation can be divided into:  Amount of base in millimoles that is required to titrate 1L of
 Systemic or global parameters whole blood to a pH of 7.40 with the sample fully saturated with
 Tissue-specific parameters O2 at 37°C (98.6°F) and a partial pressure of CO2 at 40mmHg
 Cellular parameters  Usually measured by ABG analysis in clinical practice
 Global endpoints include:  Mortality of trauma patients can be stratified according to
 Vital signs magnitude of base deficit measured in the first 24 hours after
 Cardiac output admission
 Pulmonary artery wedge pressure  Categories of stratification of Base Deficits:
 O2 delivery and consumption  Mild: 3-5mmol/L
 Lactate  Moderate: 6-14mmol/L
 Base deficit  Severe: 15mmol/L
 When elevated base deficits persists (or lactic acidosis), ongoing
bleeding is often the etiology
 Trauma patients with a base deficit greater than 15mmol/L
require twice the volume of fluid infusion and six times more

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blood transfusion in the first 24 hours compared to patients with  It has been described that left ventricular power output as an
mild acidosis endpoint (LVP >320mmHg  L/min per square meter), which is
 Frequency of organ failure and mortality increases as base deficit associated with improved clearance of base deficit and a lower
increases rate of organ dysfunction following injury
 Factors that may compromise the utility of base deficit estimating
O2 debt are:
 Administration of Bicarbonate
 Hypothermia
 Hypocapnia (overventiliation)
 Heparin
 Ethanol
 Ketoacidosis

Gastric Tonometry:
 Used to assess perfusion of the GI Tract
 Concentration of CO2 accumulating in the gastric mucosa can be
sampled with a specially designed nasogastric tube
 Assuming that gastric bicarbonate is equal to serum levels, gastric
intramucosal pH (pHi) is calculated by applying the Henderson-
Hasselbalch equation
 pHi should be greater than 7.3, it is lowered in cases of decreased
O2 delivery to the tissues
 pHi is a good prognostic indicator, patients with normal pHi has
greater outcome than patients with lower pHi

Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR):

 Can measure tissue oxygenation and state of cytochrome a,a3 on a
continues, noninvasive basis
 The NIR probe permits multiple wavelength of light in the NIR
spectrum (650 to 1100nm)
 Photons are absorbed by the tissue or reflected back to the probe
 Reduction in cytochrome a,a3 correlates with tissue lactate
 NIR spectroscopy can be used to compare tissue oxyhemoglobin
level thus demonstrating flow-independent mitochondrial
oxidative dysfunction and need for further resuscitation
 Trauma patients with decoupled deoxyhemoglobin and
cytochrome a,a3 have redox dysfunction and shown to have a
higher incidence of organ failure

Tissue pH, Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Concentration:

 Tissue probes with optical sensors have been used to measure
tissue pH and partial pressure O2 and CO2 in subcutaneous sites,
muscle and bladder
 Use transcutaneous methodology with Clark electrodes or direct
percutaneous probes “Shock is the manifestation of the rude unhinging of the machinery
 Percutaneous probes can be inserted through an 18-gauge of life.”
catheter and hold promise as continous monitors if tissue perfusion - Samuel V. Gross, 1872

Right Ventricular End-Diastolic Volume Index (RVEDVI): Eyel varthasoe she ilekaan rikhoya arrekaan vekha vosi yeroon
 More accurately predict preload for cardiac index than vosma tolorro!
pulmonary artery wedge pressure “The rain will fall on your rotting skin until nothing is left of you but
 A parameter that correlate with pre-load related increases in bones”
cardiac output

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