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Introduction to the Scenarios Used in this Course

1st story: small startup airline

*connect their data sources
*help them solve some issues.
2nd story
boutique retailer
*prganize their data
*make better decisions
*utilize more advanced scenario and visualisation techniques

Tao of Excel Recap and Guiding Principles

5 principles ( simplicity,traceability...)

the power of visualization: mentionned before in course two .

===> making complex problems simple and readable

Introduction to Working with Data Sets

what is data set ? it is a file that contains data that has been collected or is
been collected live.

how can I combine data sets ?

Vlookup fucntions
what is database?
is a collection of data sets that are linked together through various

the Components of Data Sets and relational database

a relational database is a database structured to recognize relationships among
stored items of information.
eg : oracle, MySql

a data model will tell us what data can be stored, where and how to store the

relational data model ==> the data is stored in rows rather than in like

Introduction to Keys and Forming Data Tables

*how the data is stored

*the relationships between the data stored in a database.
architecture of a database:
*tables *rows
*functions *columns
we use keys to establish the relationships
unlock further information about a matching key within new table
two types of keys : primary key and foreign keys.

primary key is an attribute that mandates a value will be unique throughout the
entire table.
a foreign key is an attribute wwithin a table that provides a link between data in
two tables.

Introduction to Joins

joins allow two different rows from different tables to come together to become one
large row containing the values from both rows.
two types of joins:
*Inner join : intersection of the two tables.

*outer join :is the union of A and B

{left and right outer join}

Overview of SQL and Other Database Tools

a common orogramming language used to intercat with databases is : SQL.

PowerPivot: Importing and Preparing Data

Powerpivot runs pivot tables by merging several datasets and run pivot tables off
of the consolidated data.

internal data model (IDM) : establish relationships between multiple databases.

hold unlimited number of rows and columns..

Using PowerPivot to Visualize Data

Calculated Fields

week 2/ Advanced Scenario Analysis

solver uses techniques from the operations research to find optimal solutions for
all kind of decision problems.

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