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1. What is he doing?

A. Plays the guitar

B. Plays the piano
C. Plays drums
D. Plays saxophone

2. What grade are you in?

A. One
B. Five
C. Fifth
D. Four

3. What is her hobby?

A. Plays the guitar
B. Plays the piano
C. Plays drums
D. Plays saxophone

4. What are they doing?

A. Playing in the park
B. Playing kite
C. Playing musical instrument
D. Playing drums

5. My mother is a ________. She works at clinic.

A. Teacher
B. Carpenter
C. Nurse
D. Musician

6. My father is a _________. He works in the kitchen.

A. Teacher
B. Carpenter
C. Nurse
D. Chef

7. Sally is teaching in my school. She is my _______ at the school.

A. Teacher
B. Nurse
C. Chef
D. Scientist

Complete this dialogue!

For questions number 8 – 9.

8. John : What is your hobby Jason?

Jason : My hobby is reading books. I want to be a ___________.
A. An author
B. An animator
C. A drummer
D. A fashion designer
Look at the picture to answer the questions!
For questions number 9 – 11.

9. The ball is _____ the box.

A. On
B. In
C. Under
D. Near

10. The ball is ______ the box.

A. In
B. Near
C. Next to
D. Between

11. The ball is _______ the box.

A. Over
B. Next to
C. Under
D. Between

For questions number 12 – 13

12. The cat is _____ the box.

A. in front of
B. above
C. inside
D. behind

13. The cat is ______ the box.

A. Above
B. Inside
C. In front of
D. Outside
14. A is sitting _____ B.
A. Behind
B. In front of
C. Opposite
D. Under

15. A mouse is ______ the two cats.

A. In front of
B. Beside
C. Opposite
D. Between

This picture is for question numbers 16-20.

16. The gnome is _____ the ball.

A. Under
B. Beside
C. Behind
D. In front of

17. The ball is _____ the gnome.

A. Under
B. Beside
C. Behind
D. In front of

18. The gnome is _____ the ball.

A. Above
B. Under
C. On
D. In

19. The gnome is _____ the table.

A. In
B. On
C. Under
D. Beside

20. The drum is _____ the gnome.

A. In
B. Near
C. Beside
D. Between


1. Mention places at your school.

2. What grade are you in?
3. What is your hobby?
4. What do you want to be?
5. What is your address?

Translate in to English!
6. Ruang kepala sekolah.
7. Ruang guru diantara kantin dan perpustakaan.
8. Laki-laki berdiri didepan laboratorium.
9. Ruang computer dibelakang ruang kepala sekolah.
10. Ruang kelas diantara ruang uks, dan kelas 3A.
Kunci jawaban

1 B 6 D 11 C 16 C
2 C 7 A 12 D 17 D
3 D 8 A 13 C 18 A
4 C 9 A 14 C 19 C
5 C 10 A 15 D 20 C


1. – A class room
- a canteen
- a principal room
- a infirmary
- a library
- a teacher’s room
- a computer room
- a school hall
- a laboratory

2. I’m in fifth grade

6. A principal room
7. The teacher’s room is between canteen and library
8. The man is standing in front of the laboratory
9. The computer room is behind the principal room.
10. The classroom is among Uks, Room 3A and 3B

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