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04/09/2019 SEI/ANATEL - 4521427 - Ofício

SAUS, Quadra 6, Bloco H, 4º Andar, Ala Sul - Bairro Asa Sul, Brasília/DF, CEP 70070-940
Telefone: (61) 2312-2063 - h p://

Referência: Caso responda este O cio, indicar expressamente o Processo nº 53500.033167/2019-09

Importante: O Acesso Externo do SEI ( possibilita o Pe cionamento Eletrônico para abrir Processo Novo e
Intercorrente, podendo u lizar a segunda opção para responder este O cio. Página de Pesquisa Pública do SEI:

O cio nº 188/2019/AIN-ANATEL
À Sra. Mariana Candido
Country Manager
China Mobile Interna onal (Brazil) Holdings Ltda.

Subject: Informa on Request

Dear Mrs. Mariana Candido,

1. According to your request, please find herewith a brief descrip on of the procedure, step
by step, for a foreign company to establish a telecom provider in Brazil. For detailed instruc ons, please
refer to Anatel’s website (h p://
1.1. Step 1: Establish a holding company, according to the na onal law. This company may
be owned by any number of na onal or foreign shareholders. It is designed to control the telecom
provider that will operate in Brazil. The holding company may run as many telecom providers as
needed. It must work under the economic ac vity code (CNAE) number 6462-0/00. We have no ce
that China Mobile (Brazil) Holdings Ltda. already accomplishes the requirements related to step 1. To
conclude the process, just follow steps 2 to 5.
1.2. Step 2: Establish a second company, according to the na onal law. This company
serve as the telecom provider. According to the Decree 2617 of 1998, it must be controlled by a
company established in Brazil, i.e., the holding company must have at least 51% of the quotes or
shares of the telecom provider. Nevertheless, a foreign company may own up to 49% of its quotes or
1.2.1. The telecom provider may apply for as many telecom licenses as desired. In
brief, there are 4 major types of licenses in Brazil: Serviço Telefônico Fixo Comutado – STFC, to
provide fixed telephony; Serviço Móvel Pessoal – SMP, to provide mobile services; Serviço de
Comunicação Mul mídia – SCM, to provide fixed broadband services; and Serviço de Acesso
Condicionado – SeAC, to provide cable television services. All of them enable provision of
services in the whole country.
1.2.2. Radio frequencies that are necessary to support the SMP service are issued
through a spectrum auc on, performed by Anatel. The next auc on is expected to happen
in the 1st quarter of 2020, probably referring to 700 MHz, 2.3 GHz and 3.5 GHz frequency
1.2.3. Be advised that, in the ar cles of associa on, the object for which the telecom
provider is established must include one or more of the above-men oned services. The
respec ve economic ac vity code (CNAE) numbers are: STFC 6110-8/01; SCM 6110-8/03; SMP
6120-5/01; and SeAC 6141-8/00.… 1/2
04/09/2019 SEI/ANATEL - 4521427 - Ofício

1.3. Step 3: Register the telecom provider in the Regional Council of Engineering,
Architecture and Agronomy (CREA), according to the Law 5.194 of 1966. Note: Instead of establishing a company, the holding company may
alterna vely purchase an already opera ng telecom provider, skipping steps 2 and 3. In
that case, the transferring opera on must be approved by the competent government
offices, including Anatel, within due process.
1.4. Step 4: Fulfill the electronic requirements in Anatel’s website, one for each license.
For all of them, it is necessary to append the documents that demonstrate: a) legal requirements; b)
technical qualifica on; c) economic and financial qualifica on; d) tax regularity; e) technical project
(required only for STFC and SCM); f) Network Sharing Contract (required only for MVNO applica on).
1.5. Step 5: Pay correspondent taxes, at the value of R$ 400,00 (about US$ 100,00) for
each license.
1.6. Moreover, please find a ached an informa on guide (available only in Portuguese)
that might be useful to clarify the issues subject of this consulta on.
1.7. We remain at your disposal for any further request you may have.

Sincerely yours,

Documento assinado eletronicamente por Tais Maldonado Niffinegger, Chefe da Assessoria

Internacional, em 23/08/2019, às 15:57, conforme horário oficial de Brasília, com fundamento no
art. 23, inciso II, da Portaria nº 912/2017 da Anatel.

A auten cidade deste documento pode ser conferida em h p:// cidade,

informando o código verificador 4521427 e o código CRC E7E594B5.

Referência: Caso responda este O cio, indicar expressamente o Processo nº 53500.033167/2019-09 SEI nº 4521427… 2/2

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