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Human Cloning

Except for the fact that a clone will inevitably develop a spirit.
That or already be born with one given the fact that the biological process of birth is
between a man and a woman with God providing the spirit. But that doesn't occur until
after the child is ready to be born. That first lungful of air is when that fetus becomes a
human. The breath of life happens when they come out of the womb.
“Act of being God” – Yes Jesus said that we are gods, sons of most High (Psalms 82:6).
Though we were never meant to be gods in the way “God” is, altering reality, etc. We
are the caretakers, but we are also gods because like God, we can create, we are
intelligent. After all, God himself is a writer.
1. We are gods but in a different manner as children. We do not have God's power
but with the gift of sentience we can create worlds and people, cultures and
nations. But in a different manner and we make them in our own image.
2. Cloning is not an act of God because God created Adam from the dust of the
Earth in his own image. Cloning is the growth of a being already present and
while yes, it can appear to be an act of God to others, but one must remember
that we can create the physical structure but if it does not take the first breath it
never lived in the first place.
There is no structural fact that can prove the clone has a spirit, they can be a blank slate
or might possess the memories of the source. If the latter happens then we would learn
that our sentience is due to genetic memory which gives us the basics and foundations
for everything else.
Is it possible that with these memories, the clone can act, think, and ‘be’ like the person
they were cloned from? Possibly, but there can also be an alternative. Using those
memories, they would be able to become better than the person they were cloned from.
You see, even with a clone, this is still up to God to determine what it gets or not since
they are a living being. Only humans would be foolish enough to try to make a
Hypocrisy of the Catholics
“What gives the Catholic Church the moral authority to judge others for centuries, to
start wars and promote violence when God Himself tells not to do any of that? Is the
Church supposedly above God?”
You don't need to go that far giving those first two questions will stun her and if she says
that they are God's representatives then say, "Representatives founded in the city of
Rome, where immorality abound, where greed led to the fracture of an empire far closer
to the ideals of unity than the church ever has been. To form a city-state to show power
rather than spread the word to those who would listen, to say what God wants when all
he would want is for everyone to work together, to stop being ignorant children!"
In ancient days, the entirety of the church would be stoned.
Told Rome to crucify Jesus for saying he is the Son of God. What do you think they
would do if the Pope came up saying "I am God's representative on her, Him in the
The Jews though the Christ was going to be a literal prince coming down from heaven
to destroy the Roman Empire. He also challenged the power of the Pharisees
It's easy to say "We don't know how things started" instead of speculating.
In Christianity, we have the tenants of “love thy neighbor, love your God, and honor thy
mother and father so that your days might be long”. Those are the core tenants but
instead, we often see Christians hating their neighbor or bashing them (like with the
LGBTQ community), using God as an excuse to defame and harm others and even
doing things that are immoral. These are the actions taken by several of them despite
the opposite of the religion's tenants. Well, while they can disapprove, they should not
judge or bring them harm in any way. It says, "Judge not lest ye be judged" and when
saying that, because Christians were judging others for not following their ways, they
would be judged in turn which is a cycle that has been continually going on even today.
We are meant to guide, not fight. As for approaching the LGBTQ+ community, we are
meant to accept, basically say that we do not approve due to our own faith and continue
on but not judging, not harming, not causing anguish to anyone. But being there to
guide them to Christ through friendship, care, and love.
Think of it like this, the human society is a storm that is raging, Christians were meant to
be the calm of the storm, the very center trying to lead others to the center for safety.
But were they? No. In almost all ways Christianity has failed they are meant to embrace
rather than cause fights, defend rather than attack, to stand together in worship and to
aid those who need it.
You see, the Christian society that radicals want is not one meant for anyone who is not
Racism in Christianity
Though not entirely mentioned in the Bible, it’s the radical demographic who believe that
Christianity should only belong to those of European descent and that it was their duty
to spread it forcibly. Even though the original Christianity died where Roman
Catholicism rose
Peter and his disciples were killed by the Romans due to their faith, ironic that it would
be the Romans who would then use it for their own power after the fall of their Empire,
creating a new one, a religious Empire. One without the need for armies or even the
need for weapons or territory.
Therefore, so many call religions the greatest scam in the world because so many
people believe in it. And frankly when it comes to Roman Catholicism, they aren't wrong.
You will find that everything connects to ancient history and that is what we should focus
on to learn from the past.
Is going back to your roots a good thing? Yes, but not for Christians.
Homosexuality in History
Also, it's ironic, the fact that even in our own history, you had kings, princes and even
members of the church who were gay. Furthermore, one of the greatest artists in the
world was gay and the Catholic Church did nothing to him. Why? Because they all kept
it secret and they had the money to silence the church. The sad reality of it is it’s only
wrong to be gay, bisexual, transgendered, when you are not wealthy.
The Catholic Church is getting enough money to support its own nation. The Vatican
City is recognized as a nation. But we see corrupt priests who have private jets, and
mansions. Not only that but take into consideration that this “God-fearing” nation is in
the place where orgies and other gods used to reside.
A few months ago, they found an intact head of Dionysus in Rome, not Bacchus which
means that Dionysus may have been Rome's original deity. Rome was brutal, violent,
and dangerous, and it has Greek origins from the Trojans and out of all the Greek gods,
Dionysus was not present when Troy fell. Not only that but it's carbon dating takes it to
the very beginnings of the Roman Empire when it was still the Republic and before its
conquered Greece.
In the first place, it shouldn’t even be there. But there is a possibility.
If Dionysus still had influence over Rome it would make perfect sense as to why the
Roman Catholic Church acts the way it does. Dionysus is one of the most powerful
Greek gods to ever exist, because he was known as the “God of Resurrection” and the
“Future King of the Gods”. Now, in modern Greek mythological tales, the gods can
resurrect a human without any problem. But in the most ancient days, only the strongest
of the gods could resurrect anyone and Dionysus was the only Greek god capable of
defying Thanatos the Primordial of Death itself. Like where others would talk to
Thanatos and ask for the resurrection, Dionysus literally walks up dictates what is going
to happen. No resurrection happened prior to Dionysus' own death and return. Not only
resurrection came from him, but also the concept of “wine”, he invented it.
He is intrinsically linked to the Underworld, Earth and the Heavens. The only other entity
that matches that is Jesus. He came from the Heavens, was incarnated into a mortal,
died a mortal, fought in Hell, came back to the Earth and then Rose to the Heavens.
Dionysus born a god, killed by the Titans, his heart saved from Athena and was
implanted into Semele, he was born, went into the underworld to resurrect his lover,
then rose to the heavens.
Therefore, Dionysus is the only one that comes close to resembling Jesus. And isn't it
ironic that Dionysus' head is buried beneath Rome where Vatican City is. So how did it
happen? The stories, the legends and myths, I believe that at some point in time they
were real, and they are deeply ingrained in humanity's psyche. Just like how we have
the story of a hero rising to save the day, it's all the same if you think of it. And you must
take into consideration why we always have ourselves winning the battles against
everything, against all odds. Because I believe that in the distant past, humanity was
losing and dying off before something happen.
Also, Greek mythology is much older than Christianity
Dionysus is practically even older than the Greek gods. Going by lore, he created wine
and wine has been in existence for over 6000 to 7000 years. During that time, it was
said that Dionysus left his home and went to the east to India and China. So, we already
established that according to lore, Dionysus made wine nearly 7,000 years ago. The
oldest Greek civilization we know was only 4,000 years ago. So, Dionysus is 3,000+
years older than the civilization that supposedly gave rise to him.
Furthermore, 7,000 years ago, was when the ancient Mesopotamian civilization was just
starting to produce crops on its own planting wheat, barley and grapes. Now you might
think that is significant in a sense that Dionysus goes back to the very first human
civilization that we know of. But there is something even more surprising that can be
easily overlooked. In Dionysus' journey east, it's stated that he aided humanity by
teaching them how to grow wheat, barley and grapes and from those grapes he created
wine. So, not only is he one of the oldest deities to ever exist in human history but he
would also be directly responsible for farming.
Dionysus is the god of resurrection, essentially king of heaven, earth and the
underworld. So, when it comes directly down to it, the more you investigate him, the
more you start seeing a certain theme appearing. He’s the basis of monotheism and
polytheism. Sufficient enough to say that he is the original idea of God before God
(Catholic) came on the scene. Dionysus was essentially God before God spoke to
Noah. Also, surprisingly enough, he (Dionysus) has a strong sense of moral justice.

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