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Ecclefiaftical Hiftory;
. Cootainingan ACCOUNT of the

Ecclefiaftical Authors;
9Pb;fl)sment of t|iett IHo^kjs:.
And a JUDGM EN T on their

A Compendious History of the Councils,
All Affiiirs Traafaded
in the CHV R CH.

Written in FRENCH
By Leipu Mies Ju TIN, Dodor of the SOKWN
Cmaaimngthe HISTORY of the TENTH CE N TUR Y

T»tti^ ,
r .
. ;


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'Ki^ht 'Keverend 'Father in God,

Lord Bifliop of LONDON;

Of His Maje/ly's Moft Honourable FHvy Council , d^cf-

My Lord,
YOVR mu World
Generojity to Strangers,

and mufk admire^ hath

which all the

me to TMiJh thefe Tapers under the TroteFlion
of your Venerable Name. Thiy are ofjncb a Na^
tnre^ at may m a great meafure expeU a favourable
Bjeceffm from ym Lfisrdfkif , wm are one of the
Fathers of our Church • And may not he ungrate»^

fd to thofe ^ i»ho vmld kjjm what Luminaries Jhone^

and what Learn d Men Flouriflid even in thofe dar^
and ignorant days of Cbrifliardty.

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The Dedication.
My Lord
I mil not trouble your Lord/hip with a hng Accowri

of , Du-PinV Ter/ormance , i»hom you very mil

underftandin the Original and much more the Fathers
'of rphofe Writings and Lives he has given us an
tfiM in this QlieSion. Whether I have done him
fujlice or no^ your Lordjhip u the beB fudge. Such
therefore as it is, I Juhmit it and my fdf to

better fudgments , and Humbly Trefent if to your

iMdjhif ^ as an Jc/^mmledgment of the Jiononr I

banx of beifig one of

My Lord,
Your Locdfliips

Mod Humble, and

DncifQ] Serviiit9

'William Jones.


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READE R HE greatcft Part of the Hiftorians , who have deli-

Charader of the
ver'd their Opinions concerning the
Tenth Century, have reprefented it as an Age of
Darknefs, Ignorance and Obfcurity , accompany'd
with Notorious Diforders and Irr^ularities. The Authour
of a Treatile, call'd, The Ferpetnity of the Faith , has undcrca-
kca to Vqidicate it from the(e Cenfures, and to make it appear
oil the condriafy, That H is cnk ef the moH Wffy Agu if the
Cburehy and that it's Dififdnts bimg fuch as mere to mnmn
the Preeeditigi it baf fime verf wenmk^fk^ Adt/aatt^es : But aP^3>
ihM Writer, who ^dUld feeoi to keq» the middle
be.^^^^' Way
cwcen both thiefe Extt'^es, appeait ( in my Opinion )
to have
come iiearfT td .bieMllk For IP on die ooe&le^'tiie An*,
tliour fsSthiTerfetwle^
Meo« and
ivdl oUcnr^d, That tlieffe mat Eloljr
'Genmry \ k can-
lbril^clear-%btescl Peribdt in cfcat
not be (JenyM on the other fide, That Ignonnoe^ Viocs and li>
regularitiei wtre not generaUy veiy prcwwinanr. The iooon-
fi^Me Namber of Anthowt, who wrote; the few Works
the{^.1(^ft ; the Rudencft^nd Bmarifinof tbdr Stile ; the Mat*

fef^ icontain'd in their Diflertationsv^nd the Complaints that

ivJii thofe Writers themfelves make, of the Diforders which
prevaiPd in their Time; are evident Proo^, That the Cenfures
pa(s'dupon that Century, are not without fufficient Ground
And a due Comparifon be made , between the Writers, the

Works, the Subjeds treated of, the Conditucions of Councils,

the Church- Difcipline, and the Manners of theChriftians of the
fame Age, with thofeof the preceding i it cannot but be rea-
dily acknowledged) That it is in many Refpeds inferioar to

A 2 Tn

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*Ti8 true indeed, chat ehere were Irregolarities in all the Ages
of the Church, but that they were Comnieofnrate to thofe which
were (b common in the Tenth Century \ or that they were (pread
abroad fo far, or became ib |eneAil , is an Aflertion, which
cannot be maintain'd with any manner of probability : For who
can avouch with affiiranccf Ttet that Age had as great a ilnnrf*
in Lcaffiiiig and Elfequenci ; i^as as /ri^fful in llmClrious P«fi
fonagcs and EcdrfiJftical VlTrir^rs j o# waWas produfeivc of fejC*.

cellent Works and Regular Conftitutions, as the preceding Cen-

turies ? Who would adventure to compare the Popes Juhn IX,.
X, Xn, and XIII.and fhe other Bifliops of Kome , who liv'd in
the Tenth Century i I will not fay, to S. Leo^ or S. Gregory \ but

even to thofe Popes, who tvcre !e(s eminent in former Tliacs ?

Or who would attempt to fdt Up Katlmim^ Atto^ Fhdoard ,

Lkitptdiidf Hetapbrafiesi and ocber Eocle(|a(lical Writers, wholj:.

Number is very fmall, not to fay ill opp^fitfon to S. Atbanafiui^,
& Mafil^ a Amhnfk, & but
dtigkfim^ ittftlfim xaiid
i thecdoret
eVen to the more Cotediob AuflAiiirs of the preceding Ages ?
Upon the wMei it oti||kt to be mtaii^deii^aiiii'ii, Thai^ 'tis
not without ||dod RdifiM|i ihac*tm Cepf^y ,,,|(kipauritbQ oi!
the fbie-^oing, aiyicveadf tho^ 4Mt filM^ it ^ has been ge-!
netallyftird^ TlriJge:ttfi)0rllmg, lip^ tiovr-
em it maft Ik lduMledg*d|.<Ti|i| 'twai (aot altogether Darlc^
and that it hmttht lorth foQia Ligh|f, Vh^ch penemtcil tli»
DIrknefi, aUd difoerad (NHt Hf chfe Ohfeqrity. The moll fn^e-
nimtt M» Ai fite ndon^d thefe tuminaries , and took theni'Foc
his Gtttdes^ in #rittas the teoflefiaAical Hidory of' the Age in
whftrh they flbuHfh'd, and irt giving an Impartial Account of the

Matters treated of by them ; which he has done with that Clear-

nefs, Cen^rofity and Integrity^ which is fo iflfep^rable^ £[0{a
the Charader of thi^ Great Maa* . :
*^ •

. • ...... . . I. f

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Table of the Contents

CHAP, t ' The fVari ^f»gwB BerCDgcr and Lambert, jbid.
The Ceunctl ef Rome ami Ravenna in fatour of For-

A N Acemnt of tie moft cotipierMe Trgtfi^i- moltu, ibid,

Benedka X. Pope, I /. 11
CHS in tit Eafiern Church during theTeaxh ibid.
Pop* L'hriftophilut,
Century, i" I
Leo the PbiloJ'ofhtr Emptror if tht Pepe Scrgins comtowwi fonaofiMb ilad.
Pep4 Apaftafas;
"tbt DiJIurhances which bappeiid in the Edftem Tl:f Death of Lambert,
Church ufon the Aceowit of Leo's fourth rtuma£t, Landon an unmrtlj Pope,
Poptloba X. ML
KtelMai Patriarch ^Coafttntinople m hmtifh'd^ ibid
rf^iblijhed. ibid: P«W Stephen Vn. ibid.
JonoXI. AMmfier ^aPcpe, ibid.
tbe Pope and otbirt. Alberic Aw Majler o/Rom«^
Tfeg fr^r r/Itaty.
\F4tridrebj ef UoolUnnoopie who jBcm4rd Nfco- Maoafles relimquifhct hi Arebbifhtfrkk, nf AriW /» m
1^1 iHa. ifo ItalyT IK
Pope Leo VU. ibid*
Polyf uita Patriarch o/C?ooftartt<iib^Ie, ibid. pipe Marina* IL
" "•'" ^
Kicephonis Phocas Emperor^ pjpe Agapaos U. '
John Zccnilccs Etnfnor^ " '5 T6r t^Mri tetmtem Hugh o»</ Bercngef, ibid.
Pyt John XIL
ibid Tj» W<r/ <r Berepger <W Otfao, ibiiL
Ahtooy Scoditt P4frydrc;>g/Cyftatit»iDple, '1^'^- Ocbo cremn'dBmpenr JotoXIL ihid.
^ fr
TSicotas C hryfobcrgim jwdf 5ififcttfns Patrienbs c/Con- T^g Diflej/alty ef Pepe John XII. ibid.
itkniinople, ,
ibisL .^^J^, l^^^ 4

^ftafcon Metapbraftes, pos'd. 1

fdlh Cameniatcs, '

- •
4 Tfx Council at Rome a^ainfijobn XII. ibid.

Cbnftaniine Porpbyrogenn<i4; The Ordtnatien of Pepe Leo VIII. tz

Hfpppolytus ThebanoJ, Ibt TraeiaU Dtatb ^Pepe]obn XII. 1*
Eatycbius Patriarch ef A1e*aTJdr», ibid. BenediCT the Antipepe, ibid.
•^JtQj ef Armenia ihii. Bcocdidt ff depot d, and Leo the VUl. re-tftetljhtd^
Nicfephoros the Philififhr, 5 ibidi
%Aoic% Bar-Cephu. Popejobo Xm. ibid.
Hw Council 0f Ravenna »» tfx year 967. ibid
CHAP. IL P»;># Donuj and i' Bcncdidl VI. Krid.
TOttiface the TJ/urjcr otited by Bcnedi^, ibid.
An Acctunt ef the Church cf Rome, gnd ether Italian The H^ars and Death ef Olho 11. ibid.
Churcifs durirti the Tmth Century, . ^ Qt)»lVL:xreanfdBtnpem^ ibid.
T1>e State of tbt Cbttrcb ef IKomei* the TUtflTC^g
^ Pept fcbn XIV. ibid.
tury, '
_ .

Tfjt Ordinatton ef PeptHroTmrtiM^,

« '^'j- Boniface returni fj Rome,
ibid. Pope John XV.
The CorJemnaiicn 0/ Formof hy Stephen VL 6 Pbpt tiregory V. Ibid.
KocDinui and Thcodorui nt'a Pepa. Joan tlx Antipope. ibid.
IX TJerbcrt BdWjV Pt^; iiylvetter IL ibid.
'Pcpt John

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A T LE of the Contents of the J enth tentury.
The LtUirs */ John IX. ibid Gcrbert Archhijhop of Rbeims, 49
Hcrveus Archiijhop of Rbeinu i MamridJ concemiBg The Council fl/Mou/.on tn the rear ggjT
Hfftnianci^ ibid- The Sjnod of RbcioK a^ainit Gerbcrt, 44
7l« L«/rfri Benedkfl IV. i6 The He-eJlabltj]:m!Ht o/Arnulphus in the Bifhopricl(,af
"At Lttttr of Hzuo Archbijhtp of Meotz to John IX. Rbeims, ibid.
ibid. The o/Gerberr,
I'f^ritings ibid.
The Letters of the Btjhofs cf Bavaria ta John IX, yiodoard Prebendary of Rheiaa' Ai
ibid. Aurelian Ckrk^of the Church of Rheimt, _4<
The Council of Rome under John IX. . 12 Berncms Monk^ofS. Rcmy at Rbejum,
The Council, of Ktvcnna un4fr John IX. l_8 Gautier Archbilhop of Sens,

The Letters of Ptpe ]obnX. filli Of the other Bifhoff o^-Fraofie, 1^.
Tiie LeHetnf Ctttrki ihe Simple Aout Hildain, Tlx Bffolutints of the Btfijeps flf France ecnceming the
Dedication of a Churchy ibid.
•rtf Utters ef Pepe Leo VII. '9 Ibe Council g/Charrouac wi the year 989. 48
jt Letter efPope Agapetuf^ The Council ef Poitiers in the year 999, ibid,
lie Letters 0/ Joho XII. Tlx Council 0/ Ravenna in the year 997. ibid,
The Lf/ffff g/ iohrrXll^ , ibiiL The Mgrriage ef Kjng Robert neith fienba. ibid.
The Letters if ibid, The Council tf Kotne t« the yestr 998. tittder Gregory V.'
H:s Letters ef |ubn XVT ? ibid. ibid.
Letters cfGrcnoryV. ibid, The Founding "^'^ Abhej of Cluny,
Raibcfius Bi/}:op 0/ Verona, ibid.Utbu /f//Wof Cluny^~
John M?wi^o/Clnny7 ibid.
Luitpi iad BijloQp of Cremona, -

28 Odilo Abbot o/Cluoy, ibid.
hhho Abbot cfVknty ,
CHAP. ITT. lie Council cf S. Dcnnii in the year 995. ibid.
/IccotiKt ef the Churches of France, Aimoin Afowit^o/ Fieury,

T/>f Di'jnit)! ef the Church of R^eioM, ibid.

i^ui*. Stephen Abbot of Lobes, ibid.
7be State tf France after tie Death Cbafkn the Fulcuin Abbot 9/ Lobes,
Groli, 30 Hcrigcr Abbot 0/ Lobes, ibid.
T'''c i<f«.i;« SimplcT
0/ Cbarici the Aldcbold B/y^r-oj f/ L^recbt^ ibid.
i<."^« 0/ Albert Abbot o/Gemblours,
T/y f^ei^n of Lewis d'Uucrcmci^ "TFid: Udiio Monf(_ofS.Medeud ae Soiilbns. Sit
Xfef ^f^j^w e/Lothariui ibid. Genrd Abbot of S. Mcdard cf Soilfijnf, ibid.
jLewii the Fainthearted Kjjnz of tlx Cordigoun ]ohn Abbot of 5. Amaifbas at Metj, ibid.
i<4c», : • ibid. Hclperic er Cbilperic Mmk of S GalT, ibid.
Hvgh C*pgt antl Ro'beiT, fpngs ef Krancct ibid. Bexibicr Prieft 0/ Verdoo, 5 j.
FuUus AtMifbcp of Rbeims ii Adfo o/Luxueil, ., . ibid.
4 Letter of Pope
Pep Stephen V. to Fufcut, ibid. Adib Ahht t/'Deuvres, ibi^,
epocn V.
Qiber Letters ef Hicpben y. to hulcai, ibid. LetaldtuMmJ^^.^. M^qt^n. •
ptber fViritii^s t Stephen V. inftvem ef the Church
cf Rbeims .11 r.jC H A p. IV. .

The Letters cf FaTco» to FormoftB, ibid,

The Letters of Fortnulus ti Fulcus, ibid. lU mflarj tf tie Churches of Germany, ibid.
The Letters t/Fulcus to P^iff Stephen VI. T&f Hevalutims qf the Empire ef Gensaoy in the Tetetb
The Letters of Fulcus to the Kjif.' Princes, ibid. Century , ibid.
The Letters c/ Fulcus to the Bifi7cps.
The Letters cf Foicus to the /ibbsai^ AdaJbero Bijhepof Augiburgh, 54
Hcrveus Arehkifhep if Rbeinu, ibid The tipo Adalberis trho avre Saints, iU4.
The Council of Trcfly tn the ytwr 90 9. ibid. BiUDO Archbifhop of Coiogn, ibid.
The Council of TroQy tn the tear 911. Roj^cr Monk cf S. Fantaleun, ibid.
Sieu\fas Archhifhop cfKbciaxi,
Hi'gh eteded
TijeH^ars between
Arcljhtfhop of
Courtt of Vcrtnandois and
Rithboldus Bifhop of
¥\.\\<ie\xn Arckbitkop of Meniz,
V/ illitm Arehbifkop of Memz,
m ft

lyinjf Radulpbus, ibid. Bonno Abbot cf Corbey m Saxony, .

The State of France under h^in^ Radulpbui, ibid: Wahramnut Btfhop cf Strasburgb, ibid.
Aruliias Archbip^op cf Khdms, ibid. Solomon Bijhop nf Conltance,
The Coimcil mJ
at Soilfons for the Dtpofing Artaldus Utho B///ptf;> o/Strasburgb, *

and OrJainsni HugS^ il Not f,cr the Stammerer, -
• ,
The Council of Veniua tn favour o/Arta!dm^ ibid. Witicbindus Monk^of Corbey i» WefVphalia, ibid.
Tl.e Council of Moazun ajjofujl Hi}f,b, ,ibid. Rofwida a >iun, 6i
The Council g/Ingclbcim tn f avour o/ ArtalJul, 38 Reginaldus Bifhsp of Eichiladt, ibid.
The Council c/Mouzon in the year 948. ibid. Ibierry Arcbhiflxp 0/ Triers, ibid.
The Council of Trcvei or Trier in the fame jestr. 39 Othio Bif'^cp "f Mctj, ibid.
The Death of Arwldm Archlifhop r/Rbenw. ihii Uffing or UfTb Mo„::of Wcrtbin, 61
QJalric and Adalberon Archbip:>opsaf R,bamt, ibid.. A Council at Coblentz in the year 911. ibid.
/i(m\\ph\is Archbifhcp of Rhcims, ~ •
ibid. A Council at trfurJt in the year 9 ji. ibfd.
The c'.'Kfci! tf Rheims jgjiw/? Arnufpbut, 40 A Ceunci! at Augsburgb j."; the t.-ar 5Si. ibiJ.

A T L E af the Contents of the Tenth Century,
Controretjiej ab:ut DoSlrinal Points, ibid.
C H A p. V. • Of the Euchanfl, UiiiL
0/ the Pupe't Autlmity, 67
An Ataunt of the Ckmchet of England, 63 Several Paints of Difcip.'ine,
' *

The State of EpRland tnthe Teuih CtnttfTj, ibid. T/.:c C J'..mi-^j:i;ncj S-iintJ, 65
A Council M Canterbury ander Kji*g, Edwird And The Injiitution of the Seven EleSors of the Empire^
Fhlcgmon Arcbbijhop if that City, ibid. 2£
X^htg HiiwiTd'i Lavi, ibid. A Chronohjtical Table of the Ecclefiajlical Hijlory of tlx
JKjii^ EihcIltan'sLjir/, ibid. Tenth Ag^e of tl^e Church.
An hcctejiafltct! Ajfembly under Sjng Edmuod, ibid.
Odo Archt-ijh'ip cf Canterbury, 64 A Chronological Tahle of the Ecctefiajiictl Authors teht
An AJfembiy of Bifhopt at London in the year gt^'i. flour ijh'd in the Tenth Century,
• ibid.
S. Duadan Arcbhi/hop of Canterbury, ibid. A Table cf tic Wotkj of the Eccltfiajiicxl Authors of the
A Ginerj! Council of England »« the yeari^'j^. 6% Tenth Century.
A Crjunct! under S. Dunltan and Kjng £dgar, ibid.
A Council at Wmcbcttcr tn tie year 975. ibid. A Jahi'e of the iVntirt^s of the Ecclefiajlical Authort,
J.Ethciwold Bipjjp of Wincbelier^ ibid. dijpes'd according to the Matters they treat tf.

/irchk.'fJ.^ap e/' Ctntcrbury

Altfic or jE\tr'\C , 66
FriJcgod Monk_ of S. SALiciir at dnicrhuTy, ibid. An Alphabetical Table of tie Ecclefiajlical Authors in
Lanfrid and Wulftao Mmh of Wiocbefter. ibid. tbit Ceiuury.

CHAP. VI. Ah AlpbabeticalTtdfle of the CeuHciU held in thi Century.

Obfervatiom on tht Ecslefiajlical Affairs tf the Ttnth An Alphabetical Tabk of the Principal Mattert etnttwd
Ccntitrj^ ibid. in thn Volume,

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Ecciefialiical Affairs
Which happened in the Tench Century* ^^^^^

jin Account of the mo/l Conftderahle TranJaSims m the
£aftern Qfurcb, during tbe^enth Qiaury.

A T the beginning of this Cent 11r>v-£w the Philofophcr, one of the moft Learned
Emperors thcCiw^' ever had, governd the F.mpire of the Eafi. This Prince ha-
viii^ had three Wives fuccdlivdy, and no Iliue Male by either of them, being
denrous of a Son to fucceed him, marries a fourth Wife, bv name Zoe, by

whom he alrL-tdy had a Son before the Nuptials. Rat x third Marriage oeiri'^ pr(ihibittd _ ^.^
in the Edji, and Leo hiiufdf liaviDg enacted a Law againll luch as fhould iLunciact luch z'^'^n^
Marriage, Nicholas the Patriarch of Conftantincfle^ refufes to marry this Prince to this
fourth Wife, depofe$ Presbyter 7ib(im« who vcncur'd to do it, and excommunicates the" fj. 2l
Emperor himfw. Zwhad recourfetotbcPope for his Approbation of the Marriage >£^rf^^
and becaufe fucli fuccelTivc Marriages (how often foever contraftcd) Were tolerated iathe^jj^^f^
Wej}^ he caiiiy obtain d from I'ope Sergitts the point he defired. This Pope fent his Le> ,„ f},f
gals into the £*y/ to confirm the Marriage of Ifoj but the Pfttriarch h[ C^miinofU „umt of
would ni t the lead gr cuni!, t^nr acknowledge the £mperors Marriage as valid, or Let j 41"
his Son Conjt»ir,!inc PcrphjrtfgtHncta as lawful Heir to [the Crown. The Emperor did all Marrituf.
he could to change his Mind, but finding him tix'd in his Refolution , he banilh't him
in the beginnmii of the year 90 r, and pl..c d in his Rmm EttthimiHs, who iield the Patri-

credited, than thofe Authors who tell us that he was recall d by AlexAnier the Biotlicr of „op]^
£«, which happen d after the Death of this Prince, in the year 911, the time when h^bto^'i!
was declar d (jiuvernor to Coh^mkHm Parfhjrtgenma. Let it be how it wiiij Emhmitis fell
into difgracc, and was banift'd, and dy^'fliortly after : And iVSciM/Ws Incereft fo far pre- Nicholas
fnil that after die Deadi of AtntmOtr, who did nor out-live his Brodicr above thirteen k rt-ffi^
B Months,

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2 , A Ecclcftaftical Hijlory
It msar this time, thath. WiCil -%
T,(Ur..-., Months, he wsichofcn Tutor of the Young Emperor. ^
«/ NiclKMas a lon^' Letter to the Pope,
acquainting him of the whole Contdt u ith iIk^ hmpt- r,! Lfo
h'ria ch a'Dcut lus lalt Marriage, and ftiffly maintain'd, contrary to the Prachcc and Opjuon t the (

o.c->nasn Church o{ Rome, that to marry a third or fourth time wasablolutcly unlaulul. but the.
n pic r received no anfwcr from /?ow<', wrote another to Pope jo^'.", whciLmliA
patriarch having

and Union with the holy See, provided ho wouItT

oflvrs to obferve a fail- Correfpondence

fif'- own that a fourth Marriage was not to he permitted to the Entoerpr, unlefs by wav ot In-
dulaenceor Confidcration of his Royal Pcricn, lad that m itTelf it was unlawful. The
Simeon Vnncc of Bulg.iria, rc:oni-
fame Patriarch wrote fever .il ctlier Letter?, via. ta
mendinsi tlx I .c-ats wh ich the Pope fent him One to
: tlw Prince of jfmf/ud, upon tiie

Converlfon of fc cral Armen'utKf,v had abandoned their Enws : another to the Prmee
to diiVwade !iim from perfecutiuj; the Chriftians: One wrote from the
of the
Place of his Exile to the BUhops, who had ownd
B^hj^^ for their Patriaxcb i aud
two other Letters of Complimt:nc, one to the Prince ctiMihrdj^ andne other tu the
Prinecfthe Am.tlfhitans
The EmprcTs Zoc, who had taken the Covernmeot mto
.,her own hands, andjuj'
cx- had
Tat rt'vn -
rt, ofrk? pell d the Patriarch iWrfieAw from COttt i« the
year 9 1 4, washer ^clfdivelted ofher Aa-
Euphcmui, by Parnaus
<"./-•'*;» rhontv intheyear9io, and thruft into the Monadery ( f Saint
Conihnti- RmMuu. wlicnl C«f/4w/i« had made his Partner inthslhionc. Hiihtrto theClcrg> of
Of'** CotA^nifie weVe divided into rwo Paftifc, «ne declaring for NlchoU', tlie other for Eiu
tbymlmi but wsre re-tmitcd in the year *}2o, ami made a Treaty of Union an Ecclcfi- m
aftical Convccati'^n, by which (without
diranulhngaiiy thing that was paft^* they abfo-
lutely prohibited f r rhefiiture a fourth Marri^e, under the pain of Excommumcatioa
tobe infliaed n tin k u ho fhould contraft fuch Xlarciaee, and to be in force duiiiig the

continuance of fuch Marriage. They likcwifc inffifted a

Finnance of five years oof
marry a third time being above forty ycirscld : And a Pennanccot three
year? on fuch as fliould re-many ahcr thirty years of Age, it tliey had any Childrsn by
tl'.cir former Marriages. r « i

Regulation was the Church of Conftantmfle refto! d to its former Qiiicr, the
By this
Peaceable ptSleflionTof which NichoLu dtj/oy'd to his Death, which happai d iii the year \

o ?o Stephtn Ac Arch-bi(hop of Amafe* was his Succeffor, who preiided over this Church
Con/?.i«f/wf/^ was defipn'd for
^,'**"'llarmoft three year.. A!' er his D.-arii the Patriarchal Sec of
xbttphilaa the Emperor s Simi \ but he ocing under age, this Dignity was reposd by way
of Truft in the hands of crc / >\3 a Monk.. Hc; being once in poflcflion refiis'd »- »

Thc6phy- was dep' sd i a Synod held at C'(jw/M«r/»o^?f in the year 944, and 72Mropi&i/<iS was confti- j
laA *H m. pytcd in iub place But this Mvn led a Life ftr different trom whata Patriarch oughcta |

was more taken up wit'i his lIoi fLS and his IIour,ds. and other fuch like Dive:-

worthy Pa- jgjjj

triauh "f
f^* than with difchargina the Ducv of his Place. He died in the year 95^ ofa Dxop-
f^^^ occafioned by a fall offhisHorfe, which flung him
agamfta Wall. The Emperor*
"^V'** coTxftituted in his Room /^o/jf/'^^r, a poor Monk, but one ot extraordinary good Mtaalfi,
^jjo was Ordain d by Bifliop of C^e/tirea, and not by Nkefhorw of HtrecUa, to
fcn£n whom that Ordinition did of Wght belong. The liberty which this Patriarch took of

tiBMrfe reproving the Great Men at C5urt, immediately drew upon him a great many Enemies,
Emperor to tliiuk of Depofmg him. He was conhrrad 111 tins Rcfolu-
who inchnd the
t^Cidca, but notwithltandinghe wwC>bentiiponit,hedied without
tion bfTl^eodorm
doing any thing therein. His Son Rcmitmis who was fuppos'd to give !;is Father a

Lift into the other world, fuccccdcd lum m the 96a, x.\a caus'd his Son to be
OvWndby PoifCM&a. But this young Prince and his Brother Coaftantiiu, not being cf
age to enter upon tlic Government when their Father died in the year s^l* Nicffbmfs
J™a"j7 Hccts was proclaim d Emperor by the Army, and Crown'd by PolyeMSi*. A while after
£^ this Patri.irch had a warm debate w ith the Emperor For this Eini>cror having marrj i

nxofhanes, the VViddow of Rom^nsts, PoljeitEia thrcaten'd to exconimun;ta.te Imn unieis


he would Renounce her {u) Betaufe this wasthelecond Marriage UictphorathxA con-

tra£led, without fubmitting to the Pennancc due Co diofe who were Guilty of Bigamr.
^a.) Becaufeit was reported that NictfborMs had ilood Godfather 10 ODnof Tixo^hatiest
aSildrc»l, Ae Emperor propos'd this Queftion to theBifhops who were then in Ccn/tg^m
tuHflc, and to the chief of his Council, who loft him at his Liberty to keep Tljce^hams
as his V\^ife: And /'o/yf*iS4 himfeif did not iniiil any more on the Uillclution of the
Marriage, after diat the Emperor affur d him upon his Oath, that he had never itobd'
Godmher to any of Theoph.mes $ Children, which was confirm'd by Styliot, chief Secre-
tary of Sure, who nude a Recantation of what he had formerly faid about it. This Era-
peiw began his Reign w ith fucccfs, and re-took a great many Provinces of Afia from the
Saracens but he loaded his People with Taxes, and feiz'd upon the Revenues of the

Cliurch to give to his Soldiers. After the Death of any Bilhops he would fend a Com-

Digitized by Gopgle
of the Tenth Century of Chriflianity, 5
miflarv to feize upon their Temporalities , and pa-hibitcd the chufing any others in
their ikad, without his confcnc and orders, which was confirmed ia a Synod. At the
kmc time he would fan have hzd a RariHcation of this Prdpola], ** That .ill Soldiolii iriiD
" died in che Field, ihould be declar'd Saints as the Msutyrs were but the Bifhops op-

posd ic. Howeyer, they could not perfwade two of their Brethren who had both Arms,
and foueht ;^ainft the Enemy , to relin^quifh their Minilleridl Fuuftions* feveral amonglt
them of a more Martial Genius approving of this their Copdu^ The ouftioDS of Nut*
fbormt, and the bad rnccefs of his Arms in hih^ having lendv'd him Odions to diepeo- John tt-
pie of ConfiMtimiple, he was kill'd in an Inlurreftion of them , and Jolm^ Sirnam'd mifccjEw
Ztmifces, Reign'd in his ftead in the year 969. Pol et^* refusd to Crown him, till hefcnr*
hadbanilh t rheMnrthere'rsof A¥r«pWiK/, Cent Theophanes from Court, and promis'dto
give to the Poor, as an Expiation of his Fault, the Eltate which he had when k private The death
man This was the lall Adion of PoijeMHa, who dy'd live and thirtv days after He had •/ Pol/-
Crown'd this Prince, mdie bcgilming of the year 970 , having held the Patriarchal euftt.
See of CV«/4itfiw/'/<r fourteen Vcars. BafU the Monk Tuccecded him, who had the Go- Baiil/Mtfit
vcrnment of that Church till the Death of John Zewufcet^ which ha^^n'd about the**^^'
y«tr975ror 976, after which the two Sons of J2oii»4imu beii^ upon the Thironc, and ha-
vine re-call'd their Mother The^hanej. B*fil the Patriarch was depos'J in Council; and
Jimhhfij StuHtM fucceededhim. But he did not enjoy the Patriarchfliip long; for the'*"'***^
year softer Bar Jms, Sirjumed the //rfri,having revolted and taken upon him theQualityand

ear 091. ConJiAMiifie , who had fubdued BMrdm, R,cignd ftill as Eaiperars»g|*!Tg^
BajU ^nd
r«/f/livd to the Year 1625, and his Brother Co«j?4«ftVw fiv'ddifte Years after hfip. htSeind
During whole Century, the Crec^ Church, which was upon irs Dcdenfion, prov- sjf,|[^|uj
cd very Ban en, both cf famous Me.i and gjod Authors. We find among thcnmbut very p^tfjgnbi
few who made it their bofimfi to compofe, and their Wockt «re very inocnfidindilcb WtSoilli*'
boch Ja fdpeftco th« Maner, uidtocbeM$uui«rwll9«ini^^ oiofks.

Simeon Metaphcafits* .

/^Nfe oFthoTe who wrote moft was Simeon, Sirnam'd Afet^^brdfieSf fo call'd fi-omSimeoo
^ hii tttmiqg (he Ancient Lives of che Saiou into another tort of a Stile tbaii that f>Ietaphri*
whcian diey wore ibnnerly written. He Was an Officer in the Palace, Lord Hi^ Chan* Ack
ceUor, and Suuri/h'd in the Tenth Century, chiefly under the Reign of Confiantine Por-
fkfng/tiuieta. For tho he had been employ d under the Reign ot Lt», yet he writ no-
mng till <kiifi*ntlne'i time, as appears by die Life of Saint TheoEHfi*. which is his firft
Piece, as is'obferv'd in his Panesy rick written by Pfelhts, another /yf/Zi^/ than that who
liv din the time of C'<j«f?<i«iw the /conaclaj}, of whom we fpoke in another place. He
tffly^d himfelf to ftuayj and etic|uire into the Lives of the Saints, and haling matdet
large Colleftion of thsm, thofe which he did not like he undertook to make over aeaifly
not only by calling them into a ditferent fble, but alfo by adding to, or fubiba^ing nom
them, what he thought Convenient, and running them down into the form of a Panegy>
ikk rather dian Hillorv We have a great many of them of his Compofing, and moft
imdcr his name, as well in printed CoIIeftions asinMSS. } but they are mix'd widi feve-
nd others. Compos d by various Authors. There are fome among the Anonymous which
maybe aTcribed to hun. Ic would be very diCBcult to make the diitindion* had aot the
inttnioiit>ffikrfW given himfelf the trouble of doing it, with a great dcil of accuracy,
in nls Diflertatioii concerniiig the Writings of the Simeons, w herem he gjvei US a Cata-
logue of the Lives of the Saints, which, in Manufcripc or Print, behulte firoperly to
ASt^fhrsits, and which of them belong to other Audia» He rsaoiis di»ve an Inm-
dred which are Genuin, and almofl: as many more that arc Spurious, whole Authors
are unknown i v\d near fuur hundred and fifty whofe Authors he difcovers. They wiio
have the cnriofity to fearch further into this matter, may confult AMaim himfelf
As for our part , we don t think ir worth our while to croud fuch a tedious and ufeiefs
Catalogue into our Work. Buiides thefc Lives of the Saints, Alett^hrafies hascompos'd
feveral Sermons on the folemn Feftivals of the year, which are to be met with in Kh-
mifcripts } and a great many Hymns and Phtyers which arc inferced in the EcdefialU*
dl Writings of the Greekf He likewife digefted four and twenty Moral difcourfes uken
from the Works of i'.iJjw/, and Printed together with them, [and likewife publilh'dby
themfelves in Gred^aic Ptrig, 1556.3 And in the Libraries there act a oeat nuunr Col-
leftions of Moral Sfentencts taken one cf & Afjum-im, and an hondreo cue and tMrqr
Soitences or Rules more, all compos'd hs Aietafhraftts. Laftiy, Leo AUMttu lus pub-
filDi'd nine Letters and feveral pieces of Poetry of the lame Author, togedicr wiih a
nftoncie «f AeLamentsttion ofdieViran AkroiitheBdIiMafoiirsSnioiir* . .

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A Ne^ Hijlorical Hijlory

: John Caaieniaces«

John c«. A Boat theTame time Ihr'd JAmCmm^is^L^avixfx cf

the Church of 7*ifj^/wiV4,i»ho
iiKfliatcs. wrote the Hiftory of the ta[<int? and Tacking that City by the Sardcers in the Tear
904* It was fee forth by Lto AlUtiiu in his collection of the Gretk, Writers.

Cdpiftdntirie Forphyrogenetta.

eine 'For-
phyroge- have of his „ • ^ _ .

Mtta. 'ind brought firom £iej(/4taCM!^^fiMf^ Tliis piece waspubliih'd
FaAfcrCWfff/, in his Collb6Hon of the Authors imste the wStoiftiSCm^M^fAifl^^
and printed it Paris 1664. He likewifl' wrote the Life of his Grand-Father the nipc- l-

tfxBM irtie AiMiimM > which is to bcmet with in the Collcdion of AUm%$u. In the'
^MT {#17 Mhuf'fim fet ibrth 'feveral Prfhicaf Treatifes of this Emperors conipofing, ini.
' ^ " '
t?^.-^. »
to his Son KomAttuf, a
lallern Empire, and feyc^teien
icalPandects, extraAed otatw
of which we have only two re-
Ext rafts of Embames, pub-
^ , , . _ i^'OS* and in Litin At Parts
in the Year 1^09
And' the Fifritth on the Virtutt and Vices, iec rordi by Monficiif He/Hj

:ir^/o*f, arid printed at /'iim in the V ear 1634. *

HippoUcas i&r Thcbaii

n AM/i>«f the Thtbun lived in the £une Century. He compofed a Chrmdcon fctreral
fragments whereof are to bemet with in the third Topie ofthe Antiquities oiCanifiut,
«nd nn Monfieur CoteliersKctx. Tis to this Hippo/inis that we ought to attribute the

fiadl Treatife of the Twelve ApoiUes fet forth by Father Cainicfis in the Second Tome of

J, ;
JButicjii^s.i'tfmrfrf/» Alpcandria.

_ ^ "E Vtichius the EgypttM, of the Cttttntrjr call*d Skid in ^gji^y born in the year 8 7 6 , by Pro-
fcii'ion a Phylician, and Pati iarch cf Alexttnir'tA fron^ ti c Year 03^ to the Year 940,
Arahicl^ Thofe which have been Tranlmitted to our times,
Akna. compofed ficvcral Treatifes in
diia. arc a treaaicOTTnyntK.
ateaTreadfcof aDifpute
J»hyfick. a uuiwcvn an zicrcntrK
A>upuic between' Her^tick ana
and xa Cfcriftian,
vimirian, an Hiftory of
niirory or
i'/«7> from chctime ofthct ikineofthatlfland by the^.rni^fw, and Aniulsfiom the bc-
ginning of the World down to the Year 9 3 7, containing feveral remarlabie Tranfadions
bMloffioclcfiafticai andProphaneHillory, and which he has intituled a JMiffWW 2)//^
f^'o»^ or Ctmfcfition ofprscious things, or tf.r Suhfiancc, or Mtrrow of Hiffory. Sctden in
the Year 1642 printed at Lottdon^ a Inagnicnt of his 'I'lc.icik- concerning the Eleftion anJ
OidinationofthefirftPatridiths of ^/r-vWr/rf, Emici^'mi adertsluid been done till
jHexanier's Time, by twelve Pi tsby lers ofthat Church, who cliofc one among tlvjnifclvcs for
Patriarch, and laid their haiuis upon luni. He hkcwife there maintains that there was not a
Btfhopin 9}\.Egyft till the rime Demetrius. This very Treatife has tince that been pub-
li/hed entire by SeldsH ^nd printed in the Year \ it London, in two Volumes in ^ 4
both in jirobici^md in Lmih. Tis full of Fables and very Vulgar Stories.

V. Nico. 0f Armenia. •

- "f^^ of Armenia wasveryyouna, when without his Parents confent he fliut himfclf up in
Nico oj)/Ar- J.^
Monaderj the jMtfen meky fcituate betwen Ponttu and PuphU^ owfi*. After he h^
there led for a lont; rime a very raifto c life, in the Year 56 r he wa^ ilTit oucon a IVblTIon

by his Superior. He preaclied m

Armenia, and in othcT Provinces of the Eaft, and. from
tnencc went to the Illc of Crete, w
hich had lately fliakcn off the Yoke of the Straps* He
rurt; d this liLmd from thofe Pagan fuperflitions which were Hill rii ufe amon^them, and
brought over a great many perfons to the Faith. He afterwards to LacedemwuM,
tbrn^vh^oeheWtttaKT 6>CM^ to j^t a ftop the incinrioiis of the

Digitized by Googl(
of the Tenth .Century of Cbriflianity.
SulgxrUns. He dy'd in thf jeu 99^. He is faid to be the Author of a little Treatife of the
Religion of the Artmtmmu^ containing an Abridgment of their Errors, which is to be itea
in Lmih in the lHili§ttK(4 AcrnMw, ccgccher wim % fragmeat againil: irresukr and nihlae-
£oiiMi|unicacionsy where hrfi^ichtf mcf teaqr i back on daofe peifimi

dart dicdi oilc
Voo fa(hl/. • ^ .

il^ji^acus the Pbiiof(fbir.

iCti E may Ilf^eivife reckon among the Authors of this Century, Nkefhotui the Philofo^ Niccpho-
ph^, w^puciel-uaeral Orations on the Death of yLaijoftj Patriarch of Aiexan- tMtbefbi-

IAftly, to theie we may joyn Aiifii Bar-Cephss Biihop of J^4,vrho composd in Synac^^McXa^*
a Treatife .concerning Paradife, divided into three Books, fct forth in L.{ii>: by J/a 7 ./^ Cefih».
Printed firlt at Aitnerp, in the year 1569, and afterwards in iht Bibtiotheca V strmm,
'Tis a very large QDnafneiitary on what wa^ bud concermflg'F»radi(e in the Book oF<S^-
jis. In the firlf Book he trc.ic^ if the F.trrhly Paratiifc In the fecond, of theMyffical P.p'4-

is to fyy^fii the MKlUoal i>iffliilications of tiut which is call'd the Earthly Para-
y and int^e fawb "He treats of. die ErHHS^Mtreticks concerning Pafadife, and the Ob^
ons that may brought to the contTarjr.'*-»ln this laft B(M)k lie maintain*;, rhat .^
was created Mortal, and tlut God would have render d him immortal by Im Grace, if he
Bad not (um'd:'nowever, be refutes Tlxro^t^rf anil NcjioriMy Who had nMonniiu'd that/die
^^Mamfnsimtii»Cu^ ^ifd^Deatbof Mankind. •

< - » fi .

• •• •
CH A P I't, .

. • •,

:4n Account of the Church of Rome, and other Italian

Churches during the Tenth Centurx$:. . .

T Hough Hilloruins have diSier'd Judgment, concerning the Tenth^ Ccntiiry

in theiir
general; yet they all agree; in their accounts of the wretched State and Condition of
tne Church of and thofc who have been moll fivourablc in ihuir Cenfures,

{^gmc «
teuld not but own that it was in a llrangc difurder- " At tlut time (crysCdrdinal Bttro- the TaiA
**m$u) How deform'd, how frij^iitful was the tace of the Church oiRiaheV The Hoi/ ^ttcamj*
•'was fain nndcr the T>ranny of two loofe and diforderly Women, whO; plac'd and dif-
**placd Bilhops ..s their humour led them and, ( I tremble to think 'nd fpcak of)

cfaey plac'd their GalluMt upon^t. Peter's Chau*, who did not fo iniich as dcierve d»
*• very name ofFbDes. For who dare fay chat theie btfionow perfons , who-faitrudfed ^rt^St^
** out any form of jiiflicc, were l.iu f'.il Po;xs ? We do not find that they were chofenby the
" Clergy ; or that clicy cuiilented in the leaii to their Ele^on. All the Canons of Gbuncik
*'were infnng'd, the Decrees of Popes ti ampled under foot, the antient Traditions de-
** fpis'd, t!ic Culloins and Ceremonies ufually obfervd in the Election of Popes neg!c5l^d^
*• and the I JolySec became a prey to Avarice and Ambition. In foch terms asthefs does
this Cardinal, who cannot be fuppos'd to be an Enemv to the Church of JRaw?, lamfint
chefadefbite wheiein it was in tliisTenth Century: and a long rime before him, Ahto/J
Bilbop o^OrUam, who probably might have been iin Ry-witntfs of fame of thefe Dif-
orders, breaks nu^ intDtnis Complaint : " O mifcrable Mwn* i ThoU Aat fbrmeriy didft
** hold out (b many great
and glorious Luminaries to c^ir Anceftors, into what prndigtoilS
f*darknefs art thou now fain, winch will leii ;er chee inftiiious to all fiicceeding Ages ?,
We nu/ trace the beginning of this difordcr from the Proihotionof/'wvf/^y?#x to the Pobfc- fhe Orii-
dom, which Ibw'd the Seed of the Divilions which afterwards enfued. This ^irwo/fe be- Bafiori of
ingBifhop of Ofiia^ had been deposd byjWwVEn. in a Synod held xt Rome, and con- Pope For-
ftrain'd to Cacxt he would continue a Lay-man ?.U the re(l of Life. He w.;s depos d mofin.
for thefe three Reaibns. (i.) Bcfaufe having been fenc bv BDpe NkhoiM Linto JShtjipri*^
he made die Rii^^ the BM/far{mt(mw'iibicimw^i«il»niK admit or airry other nfiiop
befidts himfelf, that fKould be fcnt thitJier by tlie Holy Sec. (2.) Bcca^'fe he had alrcaoy*
endeavoured to hig(trantjate>Vfti8m the Church of ^M-itf 'ifatt of iicMv, md made Parties

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// Nei» Hi^iorical Hi/lory
for the attaining of his end .contrary to
the Lavvs prefcribd in the Canons. (3.) Bccaufe he
had Jibandond his Church without the Popes leave, and that luvin§ kft Remt, he wai
fufpefted to have confpir d againll the Empire and the Church. This Sentence of Joim
Vlll. was repeal d by hisSucccffor Mmiuu, who n-aUd Fonmofiu, re-eftablilh d him in
his Bi/hoprick, and dcclar d the Oath he had been
fwc'd to take to be null and void. How-
e\erhe ftill kept up the dcfign he had laid of advancing himftlf to the Popedom ; and he
fowellfbrm'd hi^ inrri^ue, that ttter the Death of ^f""" V. he had ib powerful ^^Party
as to carry it ,
ai^atnll Sergitu a Deacon oTthcChuith of ItiMkr, who hiid been dcfted
a great part of the Clergy. forwo/W/ hinder 'd his Ordination,drovc him out of the Church,
«ik[ Ibrc'd him to THfcAWf to the Marquis AdAlben^ who decUr d himfelf his Pro-
fly to
tedor. was erdant'd on o^Mgy in dieyear 891. The year afterhe
crown'd Cm Duke of Spolero Emperor, and a while after conferr'd the laoie Title on LarK-
iert the Soncf tlut Prince. But nolooncr was Anmlfhns Kii^ of GenmaiQ fain down into
ItAlj^ but Fwmofms invited him 10 Rim*. deOsming to nuke him an tnftryment of wreak-
ing his revenue on thcle RomAns who had amronted him. ArmlthMs tnter'i. the Cit^ bf
frrce, caus e] the chief cf the Enemies ofFermofm to be beheaded, and was for tiiis piece
cf Service ^zowndBhferor by this Pent »
the year No fooncr wats Armlfhm §oat
off. but the Romam renew d thcic CoiUpiiaaM'afMiift F^t{m, who ifA abotic die tttier
end of this year.
Cm- Boniface, vi\\om the People outaip in his ftead , was a very unworthy man, who had been
deTntmrhu degraded ^om his SubdeacunlhipL and tbco^ler ofPncftbood* A few days after he wat
•/ Fofmo- Ourcd by M*lhert, and Stefhew VI advanc'd toUieChalf. Thisman immediatelr declared
lui bj Src liimfclf an Eiitmy to the memory of Formofus ; calls a Councii, where he nulls all the Or-
pheo Vi. dinations nude fay Fvrmqfus \ du^ up his Corps, and having drcls d hjm up in his Pbntiti-
cal Robes, he condemn d him as if nehad been alive : and afier he had cenfmed Mmfot
his Ambition in quitting the Bilhopiick of OftU^ and ufurping S Peier'i Chair, contrary to
the Canons of the Church, he cauled him to be ftrippd of his Robes, cut oft his three Fin-
fers, wherewith
he gave the BlelTing, and threw him into the THer. A
bafe and barbarous
roceeding this! and fuch as has ftruck Horror into all thofe who have wrote about it. For
tlk> the Promotion of Formofint was not agreeable to the Canons , and might prove a very
lUjMoedent « ytt fuch a diiingenuous Cruelty exerci(ed'io no purpofe upon a dead Car*
Cafi^as a certain drmonftration of the Spite and Malice^ or rithercrf* the Madncfs where-
ytfh his Enemies were p-^llefs d. And ih truth all this Tragedy was begun by Ser^iux^ and
fui^xmed by the Authority of Adalbert, w ho bore at that tunc the greateft fway m
But his Intercft afterwards grown weaker, Sttfbai wai. feverdy ufed by the Rmaru^ aitd
taft into Prifon, where he was Stranded aooutthelatcer end ofthe Vear 900, if his Epitaph
is to be credited in the cafe.

fiMMiiiH Mmnuu advanc d one RomMtm in his place, who fat but a few months on die Chair
"^y^r!^ however hehad fo mudi time as to condemn and dilannnl all that his Pjcedeceflbr had dons
£L againft Fcrmofnj. The nun who facceedcd hioi nam*d7iirMfarw, was of his mind, but bo
diodwithin twenty days.
After Ms Death the Kmk»s ehofe a Monk,Deacon of rheTown of 7>W/, Son ofRdOHftsUm^
J5J*-J*' who went under the name of 70^" IX. This man feeing /r.»/r divided by the Facliorfs of thofe
"iT' who made thtir Pietenfions to the Empire, behaved himfelf very cautioully in the bcgin-
^^^'"^ ning tf his Popedom. The Emporor Anu$lfh$4s dy d about the aid of the ) eu" 899, and
SfoUto died within a fliort time after, fo that Italy was difputcd between Berenger,
Ltvtit the Son of Sc/wf, and Lamkert rfie Son of Gt^, The Princes of lulj weary of the «Jo-
ywauOBBItcSStringerf efpecially Aidlben. Marquiscf Tttm, the Father of another Berenrer^
who was afterwards Kin^ of had called in Z>»Af i but Berenger by AdalSerti
Marquis of 7«2|f^4W7, having hemm d him in, obliged him to return, and made him renoimco
his Pretenfions to the Kingdom. A while after AdMhert who had fupportcd the IntcrclU
of BtnuiifT, re-called Umit^ who re-tpo^ pan of btdi \ but thofe whoiud invited him in*
fboo betr aycd hhn, ana delivered him into 7«vvi|;fr*8 hands, whocansUhtsEyesto be put
out. Berengcr fwoln with his fucccfs comes to Rtmt, ar,d forces Pope J<ihn IX, 10 Ciovvn
htm Emperor But no fooner was he gone from Rome but the Pope lent for LamhertJ^ho

Tcfided privately in a comer of Italy and declar'd nim Emperor.

IttCmal Since by this AAion
he found himfelf oblig d to acknowledge Formofus for Lawful Pope.
rf^Rome becaufc it was he
who had crown d Lami^ert, he held a Council, wherein he cancell d aJl
proceedings againil that Pope. AfCBT lobold an undcrt^Jcin^ he durll not (Uv at
at M fa-^""*'* wh .re the Interell of ^fr«^fr was moft powerful, but retird to Ravennd^ where
vm^ot' in another Council of 74 Biihops, he contirm d what had been done at Rome, Tne Jtnii-'
' ^ 0tu, who love to have a great many MaAers, and to change the Govermnent;^ admnW*
f^'d LMmktrtf and his t6rce$ became fo confiderable, that Semgtr dmft not atOmL
him. B(retir'a to ftroM. All this happen'd in the year 904^
Tnc|€ar after JohxJK. dy'd, indBenedsSl IV fucceeded him, who was not upon the
S"""' Ghak al>ove a year or chereahioutL and did nothing of any note^ He who was kt up in
hiifiDPm.caUj ZifV. una Ohm
forty days after by one of hit Domcfticks, nam'd

Digitized by Googlc
of- the Tenth Century of Cbnjltan 'uy, y
Ciftifiofbilm. He did not enjoy rh's DiV,nicv long , for xhit Serglus^ whom
we formerly Chfifto*
nientioued, and who had bten the Couipetitor of 'pr/w^.f, bciii.^ come to Rome^k\z A on pMm*»
ChriJhpbilMS, put him in i^ u n, and ftcpp d himfclfinto St. iV/Vs Chair. The hilt thing
he did was to condemn 7>w.'u////, todeciai e his Oi tiinations N'ulJ, and to cancel all that
3%/'-»IX.had doMciii h;s fivoui- Aftawiids he dcj^raucd tlio(e whuin Fflr/»^/ had ordaind, Scrgiui
ind cither crd un d thcin over again, or oidained others in their Head* This man is cnndewnt
cltccmd a Muiiitcr, not only for his Ambition and the violent proceedings he yvas Giiikv of» ForaiofoSt
but alfo upon the account of hisloo(e Morals. He had a Ballard by Muro/tM the Dai^ter
Theodora^ who being a livng time before hij^hly in the Favuur uf y^.^.wn^, bore a great
Sway ia iRoxnr. This Ballard ^
ot his was afterwards promoted to the Popedom by the
Intrigues of this Mjroji^t, and took upon him die name of Jtim XI. as we {hall (hew in die
Sequel. Scrgi$ts enj )y tl the Stc wliicli he had ufurp'd, only three Years ; he died in the Vear
9 1 o. After him yluaitajiMi came, ot whom Hiftory is liknr* About this time L4wicrt was Aoanafius
trayceroully murder'd, ashe washunting, byaCouncof AC/m. After his Death AiUl-1^,deMb
tert, w!iom '.;e taken pribnei fmic tiHii- bcfoie, was fet at Liberty, and Serenger was •flamben.
the only nun wiio prctcndcdto the l iile of King ot and Emperor. The Popedom of

Atu^J^Ms not lafc above two years and Ionic few monrhs after whofe Death i^Wo/j London 4»

was promoted to t'lcCiuiv, no doubt by the Inrerell of //.•.'c/sjor^-f. Fur th-,t wicked wo-
man made nil- of hnn to prefer one of her Favorites, najii'u Jo«;«, t J the Archbilhoprick
uf K<ivcnn.i Let us fee iii what terms ZMrfr4»<i relyiBi this matter " About this dme

" fays he ) Pcttr Archbifliop of IUvchhj, which was eftean'd the chiefcil Archbilhop-
" rici next to tliat of Home , lent frequently to Rtme a Deacon of his Church,
"caird Joh>), to pay his due refpects to the Pope. Theodora, that impudciu Whore, •

" luving feen biro, fell defperatcly in love with him, ptevail d upon him to maimaia
a fhameful famiharttv with her. While they liv'd thusiuftfully together, the Bilhopnf
liok^nid dyin^, this John was c'lofe in his place. But before lie w. s confecratcd the ,

Archbilhopol iZ<it/^/f/Mdiesal£) i and TWiNior^ prevail Joim to quic thebtlhop*

"rick of Bulogma , and to accjept ofthit Araitriihoprick. He mereupon returnf
back to Rome and was ordain'd Archbifliop of Ravenna. Wirhin a while after
" the Pope (namely London} who had ordain d him dies, God calling him to give an 46-
" coiut of his unjull Proceedings in ordaining Jbhn. Theodora upon this , that fhe mi|^
" not be far from her Lover, made him again to reUnquiih the Ardibilhopnck of i&n«»-
"m, and to feizc upon St. /Vrf>- s Chair.
Tho*Ji»fciwa»folhanirfiilly promoted to the Popedom, yet he enjoy 'd it a long timeJolm.X
very peaceably ; and was aclvtioivledged as lawful Pope by all the Churches. But as God
never fuffers the Crim.s of men to go unpunilh'd, uulefs for a fcafun, thereby to make his
Jullice the more confpicuous. To the conclulion dF his Popedom was tragicd, and he fell
by the fame (Icps, by which he had been advanc'd. This ThcodarA we {peak o^ had CWO
Daughters, more wicked and more debauch'd than hcrfcif, cairdiliJir^ilandrTiBsdiBr*.
The tirft of r'uTi- afcer flie had nrofticuted her felf tu Vo<^ Sergins. was marr d to Guy, .

the Son of Adaihert Marauis of Tiffia^^ who, afpiring to as ablolute in Jtome as his
Father had been before him, took it in that Pope Ji^U Aould prefer his Brother Ar«r,
and thou;;ht he mvc him too great .m Amiio; ;ir He thereupon refolv'd to divert him of
it, and taking the opportunity when the Pope was with his Brother in the Lateran Palace,

with a very tew attendants, he order 'd an Aflault to be made by the Souldicrs he had
rais d, who put tl:e Pope into Pi ifon, having Hrfl kill d his Brother before his face. He
there dyd foiiie time after, citlier for Grief, or rather by an untimely Death. This lup-
pen d in the year 928.
LfoVl. wt:o fucccalo'lbim, h.vl dcfi^^n, if Hiftorians may be credited, of reftoring Leo VI.

Xtrf/jraud the City of /iome to its tbrmcr Quiet but he had not time for it, being upon

the Chair no longer than llx Months and fifteen days. Tis faid he likewifc dy'd in Prilbn, Stephen
as his PredeceHbr did before him. Stephen VU, who fuoceeded liimi
enjoy'd the plafe but Vil.
two years, one month, and a few days.
yiiarojiit, upon this vacancy of the Holy See. thought there could be no better way of |ohn XI.
making her felf abfolutc inRome^ and raihng her Family, than by placing ^e Soafhsi4 Mm^et
had by Pope .SVri;/;.'/, upvin the Chair. Thoby reaftni of his Birth, his Age, and his Con- «f « ''•i**
dud, he was ver unwcjrthy of that Promotion. He took upon him the Name of John

XI. and was ordain d in the year 931. Some time after Giej dy d , and his&other Utm'.
hert «^ declared his Succeflor. But /Ahs/fic invited Mtigh,Son tfOanmTmkld, Dakt
of Provence^ and King of y^rfer, and promised to make him MalW of Rome, in tafe !k
wauld marry her. He not willing; to let fuch an opportunity flip, came forthwith t9
wait upon her at the Caftle of Angcio, and marry'd her, iho Ihe were his Brother's Widdow.
For xhxsHugh was the Son of /icrtha, who had been marry'd fit i\ to ThiMJ, and then to
Adalifert, the Father of Cuj. The iiww^iw recciv d him very kindly But afterwardsfind- :

^Jbigheput the flight upon them, chqr fought notlung fi>fiia0bA»aB opportunity of n4-
aing thcmfelves of his Government* iooo aftw an oppbrrunity prefeiited it felf : Fof
^ Jllieric ^ who was like wife the Sen of Mtr^fiA , bung di^uAcd With his Father-on-law,

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Alberk for affronting him whM'}: v 1r- Motiieis Order ho filld him out a gi:;is of Wine, excited
he- !

'oma the ffwwrfw to throw ori tne Vokcof King Wsgi, rcprefenting to thera how deep a dif-
grace it was for Romans to befubjecl to the if«?;i;«/^</ 'f. 1 t.t:> ilict eupon quickly aban^
RoiBc. (fon d his Inter-ll: ; an 1 hiving chofcn A'/'tric their Leader, they fct upon the Callle of
St. yUgeio, with To much cxptdition, that Httgh having not time to throw any of his
Troops into the place, was torc'd to provide for his own fafcry ; A^^ojut was fciz'd upon
by AJherics Order, who likewife fecur d his Brodier , Pope Jo^w, and kept htm ckSt
Prifoner during the remainder of his Popedom, which expird in the year 935. The
City was 2o\crn'(l along time by Alhrric, who changed the form rf the CiuverilllWllt«
^n»dc hinafdfConfiil, and commanded m
chict with a Prcft^ and Tribunes.
Whilftrhdfe things were in Aftion, Ita/j was difputed between feveral Prince*, f»ho all

pretended to the Sovet aignty thereof. The Ir^tHaKj being weary cf the Govcininciit ofi?*--
' TeKger, in the Vcar 924. confcrr d the Sovcraii^rny n Ritdnlfhm Kin;; cf Burgur.di, Grand-

fonXS>Con I lid AdeUid the Daughter cf Lewi- the Cn dly

' Hrrnger feeing himVcIf turn d

outof Pollflfion, brought the Hnnns into /;.»/>, who har.ifs d .-ll Lcffiwd-: ; but having paHcd
the mountains, they were defeated by Radulphns \\\ Langucir,c, At cite lame time Bertriger
uHl^htt Endeavours to re-enHate hi'mfelf in the Kindom of Italt, was (lain by hisownmeii
at P'erona. After his Death r!.c Tirle if Emperor oflhe Weft was not conford rn .?ny one,
at Icall not by the Pope ami Jt.iliuHs tiil Oiko I. in the Year 962. By BcreHger's\jc.a\\ J{.i-
dft/phu became folc Soveraign of JfMj, but the Inconllancy of the lulUru, which always put
chem upon driving cut one Soveraign by another , cauied them to fi lMnit to H^gh Count
Aries, Son to Count Thiboli and Bertha the Daughter of iMhmrim II. R*ih^m after he had
received Intelligence that they had traytcroully kill d his F.irhcr-in-l.iw, ^.v?t/;./; i Duke
of SmmHa, recited to his own Kingdom Brnzuadj, and left Hugh in quiet pofldlion of ir^^^
have already (hown after what manner he became nufter of Rome, by the means of
JUa-ofias, and alfo how he was outtd \>y Alberic. Herevcngd himklf n Ltwhrtthc

Brother of G'jgthc affironc he received frcni his Siftcr-in-law, and having apprehended him,
hecaufedhisfiyestobeputout, and bellowed the Dukedom cf Tufcany on his Brother^
who proved no more faithful to him than /.jw^m- The /M//.r;v pit lent ly re-call d King
Radttlfhus^ who put himiclFincoa )?o{lurc of re-entring /r*/^, and cfaigaging in a frefh
War whh King ; but thcfe two Kin^s thought it nwft proper to come to an acccmnio-

dation, on condir^on rhat Rainlfbrn fhould renounce his prctenfions to the Kint;dom cf
Italy, xn^Hngh Ihould yield to him ail the Country he had then in pt^>ildiion bc>ond the
jilfes. Notwithllanding this accommodation, the ItaiUns continuing llill rtfolv'd toabtn-
don/JigA, invited Ar/tMlfhue Duke of Bavaria, the Baftard Son of y^w/y^pA/w the Emperor,
to come and take pofTcffion ofthe Crown. This Prince enters inM Jtalj with an Army and
advances as far as Teron.i, where he was received hyCtnint Ji7/e>and /i-^z/j.-r//." Hilht;p cf
thejpiacc. Utqfi came immediately with an Army and fat down before the place, and
having defeated a confiderable party of die Troops of Anmlfhmf, he obUg'd him to think-
of making his Retreat, and of taking Count Mllo along with him. The Count no
foonei underlbod his Dciign, but he went over to King H>:gh, and jirmifhui perceiv-
ing he was abandon d by hm», withdrew m
great hafte to liavArhi. TTie City cf ferwut
immediately furrendcr'd to King hingh, who fen t R.ithcriu! Biihop cf that City, ^ Pri-
foner to Hjrg», putied up with this fucccls, aiicrhehad causdhis Son Lou..irit4s
to be proclaim'd King , endeavour'd to furprize the City of Rome, and BlIjc^ d it
but perceiving he could net have Aim, he trcar.d wirh .'//wrr, and gave liim in Mar-
riage his Daughter Elda, xn licpcs, tiuc attcrwaicis he might make hmifelr Maltcr of
Rome; hut Alberic, as fubtle a Politician as himfelf, would not reiinqwdl the pJauM, acr
put it into the Hands of his Father-in-kw.
Much about this timc/I/iW-fj/f/, Archblfhop of/f;7rf,KingWi(rA s Kinfiran, thinking he might
make his fortune greater under theCovtrnmcnt ct K, tjiitrid Ins Church at ^fiVr/,
and comes mio Italj, and obtain d. contrary to all form of Law, the Biihopricksof fir-
rnM, Trent, and MmM,
-to which he annex'd tlie Marquifate tATrent.
leoVII. \\ hilft Albtric epSKxnA Rome, the f^oiy See was fiU d by Popes of a b!amc!trs I-fc ;but
they found them(dves in a Capacity of wifliing, rather than of doing good. Leo VII.
wnbruoceeded ^ImTSl. in the year 9^6, was call d by f.'odojrd the Servsj^ cf Cod.
K>od Intention was apparent bv his fending fjr Cd'i> the Abbot of C/«wt, to manage the
Treaty between and AWeric He hkcwiic wrote two Letrct?, <'f which we will
fpeak hereafter, which fhewhim to be alovcrof Ecdefiaftical In ipinie. The pvWilitatc
Stephen cf rht'; Pope no longer than three y cart and a few n cnt.' v
laltcd 1 he Romans chcfe in

VIII. hii place ui the year -^39 a (/^rw^*", who went under tlic jun;c ofJT/'fp/rf;? VIII. This E-
Ic^ion was very highly refented by Alheric, who thought tliat a Roman would have been
more for his Intereft Therefore fufpe&ing that he favour'd Hugh, and held a pi ivare
correfpondence with Otho, he caufcd him to be ill treated. They mangled his Faie lo bai -
baruuily, and render d it lo dcform'd, rhat he durit nor appear any mere in publick. This
PopefentaLe|^into/^^ i"'^f called D.unafiu, to the Princes of //vi;»rf and Bftrgundi, cx-
tloniiig thea to adwpwkdgc Lcwk^ the Son of Omks the Simple for tlicii- Law ful Kmg.

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of thi Tenth Century of Chrifiiamt). . ^ -

kiiB tfireacning to excommuhi^nte chem, if* they did not do it. He Iike*vi(e6nt f«rt)i9 again
into Italy, to tnediare the Peace between tfngh and Aihgrie, but aJJ to oo purpol^ fot *>jch
Oio and the Pope dy'd before it vvas concluded. *
yW^rjMW/ II. (uccceded Pope ^r^/Af* in the year 94?. who was reputed to be a man of '''^•'""*"*

iineuUr Piety abd we have an account in the life of Sb Vlric,^ Oiihop of AitstfOurg^ tluc
he foretold to this Saint the Death of his PredecelTor AiMertti, and withal a(|ur'd him jrhat
he Ihould fucceed him ; which h.ippcn*d thirty years before he was Tope All the time of
his Popedom he was very fei viceablu to the Church of Rome, in/etbrmiiig the Cleijky.and
llie Monks, in repairing Churches, and in taking; a particular care of the poor. He dujilii»>
wife what he could to promocc Peace anionj: tiic Chn'ftiai) PrincvS. He concluded dUC
tween Aiberic and /Asi*, and wrote fevcrai Letters in order to make up tlie breach betweea
CMffKing of Germaty, iHho. Sndeavour'd to enter Ita/j, and Lorhariu/, the Son of ffy^bi
who oppos'd his defign. He call d to Rome the Prior ot'Mount C*//7«, and Inrlcowd on hitn
the Government of the Monaltcry of S. Paul in Rome, Tis likewifc faid that he wrote a
Letter to <Rco Bifhop of Cofua, wherein he charges him with his ignorance of the Canons |
with his want of Learning with his holding too great an intimacy with fecubr perfoiis ;
; •

and with his having endeavour d, contrary to all form, to confer a Beiiericeou one of his
Deacons, which belong d to i Monastery. He gmnied feveral Piiviiedief to the B«mdiSH»
Monks, whom he favour d in a eraft many inftances.

jfy^mW. whofucceeded AUrituu, was likewifea holy nun, who govern'd the Church *8'P****
of with agreat deal of ^Srudence. Hefent into France a fiifhop, whofe nam^ was •

AMnus, to allUt io tfaf qiudity of a m

that Council held at I/igeihiim in the^ear 94&k
about the Conrefts between IGi^ Ltwit and Prince Hugh ; and Hngh of Vnnumintrzx^ Af'
talim, pretenders to the Archbifhoprick ofiRhelms. The caiifc was there dutirmin d in
favour of jirtaldits, Who was contirm'd in that Biihoprick. Hi^h pf VtrmM^u was dc»
da^dan Intriider and excommunicated ; and a Letter was written to Prince Hi^h tN»
Hiiite, in the name of the whole Council, and to Iiis Adliercncs, to admonilh them to
return to their Allegiance, under the pain of excommunication. The Sentence of thi^
Council was confinn'dthe year following in a Council held hy Agfftttu, wherein Prinoii
Hitgh was excommunicated, till fuch time as he Ihould t'ivc fatisfiction to Kin^ Lewit. v ^-.'r
Under this Popes Pontiiicate //.i/r felt another Revolution, jiialbert Marquis oUvred,'^
had two Sons, BrreMger by Gi/la, the Daughter of Seren^ King ofIttiJff\ and Anfchaire'"^^"*^
by Ermegariu, Daughter of the Marquis of Tufcanj. Thefe two Princes inherited the
power o? their Fatiierand Grand-Fathers by the Mother s lidc, and govern'd a pare of Italj. P"
The tird was prudent, ingenious and politick \ the fecond was valiant and bold. King
H)Kh had marry d his Niece ViUd, the Daughter of Bofon to BtrtMtfj but he began to be
jealous of the growini^ Greatness of thofe two Brothers , and relolv d to put a itop to it*
He began with Anfcfudre, whom he caus d to to be fet upon by Sarllo, vyho having madff
the S^latMs iXiACMteriiHs to revolt, defeated the Troops, he had rais'd &r hisowa d^
fence, and kill'd him ifi the Sktrflktlh. Bircnger, defvous to reveiqie die Death tA his BrH
the-, confpir d againlt King Hugh. This Prince having intclliEcnce thereof, took up a
reTolution in his Council to fend for hira, under pretence of making up a KeconciliatiocL
•And thcQ to pot him to death ; but his young SoniMharim, who had been preTent in Council
iSoold not forbear advertifing Berenger therctif, who, upon tlie receipt at this Intelligence,
ifled'lbrthwith to Herman Duke of S/Mhia, who ^relented him to King Otho. Hm^ fenc
to demand him, but 0th was fi> tu from delivenng him up, that he took him uiMiBr liii
Protefti' II. A while after ^rr^igrr returns to ft4ly, xt thL heid oF fome Troops j and
having laid Siege to a Fort which was held out by AdeUrd, tiic Clerk of Aiana^es^ he
becameMailer of it^ by promiling the Archbifhoprick of /^/(U> to that Bifhop, and to the
C\txk the Biihopick of Ctmd, in cafe he ihouid become Maftcr of Italy. Big with thefe
hopes, Af/Wfci/ffJ importunes the Princes of Italy in his behalf. ./W7/o Count of f^<To»4j was
the tirit wlnit! ! iot Berenger, and receiv d him into his City,
1 The Bifliop of -(^/<k
A«4 foon follow d his example, as did likcwife the City o^ Milan ^ where the FrinoesQf
IhUy cameto waiton Berenger, iuivin^ deferted King Hh h, who was rctir'd to fetm$^
From this pla(ie he lent his S>.v\ Lo-.h^ntts to M'l.i,i, L-onjuriu:; ^-renier and the F'rinces
ofi^4^^ to acknowledge hiin,lb): their King; and that for his uwiiparc hf It^d taken a
'^WMution to retire into Pi^iei^. The people mov'd with oonpaflum towards Lmbmtu,
\K'ho was not then . fourteen or Hfteen years old. atkiiowledged him their King*

witii the confcnt of i^ennger ; and tliey wrote to H:tgh, acq'uainting him, that he might
(if he i^eas'dj refide IHII in Italy. This Berenger order d, witli a ddign of feizing uponliis
Trcafures, which he was carrying off to Pro:rncc for yi:tj,^> and Lxkirius were only Ti-

tular Kinii^s, while rlie whole pjwer of i;jverain.4 w isiodt;din the hands of iierrnger.
tUlgb cox^A not bear this, but cunningly rctir d \\\io Provence, where hedy'd afliorttnne
after; leaving hisEihteto his Niece Hcrtl.ut, the Widdow ot ^y/ow. Count nf Arut 'I'hjs
Revolutijn happen cl about the year 945. Lotlurini Hill rctain'd the name of Kiii^of
but did not long enjov it; for about four years after, whether out of grief to feeliiniwlt
Righted, ur whether by the mUns of foniepoifon, he fell mad, anddyd diildlcfs, about
"Hi C the

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1^9 4 hl€i» jBcdelio^ical Htjlory
the Utter end of the year 949. Tlrrffjyn prcfcntly caiis'd himfelf to he proclaim d
King, and to be crown d with his cldelt Son Adulhrrtj and that he nut;hr render his
.new Authority the ftronger, he fought in Marriage for his Son, Jieluid, the VViddow of
Lotharins, DiU^hter to Radul^hus II. and Siltcr to CC'U jd, Kings of Enrgundy. This
Princefs having refus'd the oHer, he beii.j; d her in I'uvia, took her, and lent licr Pri-
foner to a Cartle aXVAte Garde: however, (he efcap'd thence by the help of a Priell, and
fled to Aho her Kinfinan, who undertook to defend her in the Fort of CanoQ'a, where
fli€ focur'd her felf. Beringer immediately fit down before the place w ith all his Forces.
But in the fecond year of the Sicj;c, this 'JHieen fc.-ing ht-r fclf rcduc dtothe laft extremi-
ty, fentto beg King AirUunce, and withher leif oftered him the Kiiij^domof J^4-
}f. The love of Glory rather than Intereft inclin'd tliis Prince to cro(s the Mountains. He
^tWseri Ade laid , marries her, and takes her along w ith him info GerntMy, leaving his
Army with ConrAd, Duke of LarrAin, to nuke an end of the War. Com-dd pred'ed (b
hotly on Beretiger and his Son, that they were fbrcd to lay down their Arms, and fttb^
mit to Otho, whom they went to wait upon in Crz-w-jy. He having given thein an Oath
of Allegiance and fealty, rellor d thcxr Kingdom to tiitm, only excepting the l erofit/i and
JWw/, which he gave to his Brother the Ddkeoi BdVM'i4i
During all thcfc Revolutions \n IiaIj, /fo/w^ was very auiet undt^r tlic Govji nment of
Ptpe Jolm jLbtriCy who would not futfer Otl)o to enter the place, though the Pope ylg.ifetus had iii-
AlL vited him thither. The Death of j41!fenV, which happen d in the year 954, made no al-
teration in Rome, for his Son 0^?rfw<»f, not above 16 years old, 1 living taken his place,
tontinu d the fame form of Government : and not nitisticd witli the Temporal pt;\vcr, lie
was minded to annex to it the Spiritual Authority, by getting himfelf advanc d to St.
ter'% Chair, after the Death of Aj^aperm, which happen'd in the year 955. He was not at
that time above 18 years of age at moft, and was the firrt Pope that clianged bis Name,
by afluming that o^John. He was truly t^cTv^elfth of tint name, tlio feveral count him
tne HMrtetmb, being led into that miftake by the ^bulous Ibry of Pope Jca». This Man
^nss fe fir from havmg any of thoTe qndities reqtrifite for fo great a Dignity, that he was %
Monfler in Debauchery and Irregularity. He bc£:.ui with nukinji W ar againll Pcnduld
Prince of CiMrM, in order to turn him out of his Eihtes but his defiga did not fucceed^

iteWtrt^anA he tbrc'd to retire, and to foe fir Peace. The Power of Berenger and AU&m fae-
Berenger came fb great, that t?'.ey began to be a Terror both to the Pope and the Rom.ins. Ever fince
M^Otho. Othti had re-euabliil) d them in the Kingdom of /r<<^, they lud continued to confpire againib
him and cruelly to opprefs their Subjects. willing to brii^ them to Subjection , had
fent hisSon Lkitol^'mto Italytogivc them Correction. This young PiiiKc aln;oft chasd
them otit of their Dominions, when he d. d in the year 958, not without fulpicion of being
poifon d, and fo left his Conquell imperfect. After Iiis Death, Bere/tgerxoiMtAertwmt
re-eftablifhed in their Kingdom, and continue! to cxci cife their Tyranny not only to the
other JtMiAm, but alfo to the Romans. This was the rcafon wliy JohnY^ll. lent two Legats
to Ofho, praying him ;*rdently for the Love of God, and the ApoftlesSt. /'<r/w andat.
i^M/, (they are Zttiturand s words) to come and ddiiver the Church of Rome from the in>
croachments of thele Tyrants, and to reftore it to its ptiinirive health and liberty. ^y^Uiert
Archbillu p cf Af'l.!", ruin d t ut cf hiS Church by that Afanafes, we formerly mention'd^
and tV*ldon ,^\Qxo^ oiC'ttm*^ Curu d likcwife out of his Biflioprick, and fcvcral oUier Lords
divefted cf their Denleafos, went at the fame time to prefer their complaints ro Otbo ; who
being affected with the niifcries of /w/t, march'd thirhtr, .ificr he had crown J his Son
fkho at Aix U Chapelle. though a lad f but about fevcn years of Age. Upon his Arrival Bc-

'mgvr, hit Wifo, and hi$5on, being abandon d by his Subjc^s, withdrew ^m the Towns
and the open Country, and betook rhcniftlvts c.ich of them to a Cittaticl. Otho was every
where receiv d with great Acclamations, recovers taiiit, \\x$ ciown'd King cf Iximhardj
9ltMUm by the Archbifliop, and from thence he raarch'd to Rome, where he rcctivd the
OAo Imperial Crown in the beginning of the e;ir 562, at the h.nids ut'Jolm XII. with the Uiii-
vcrial Acclam.irions of both Clergy an-. Laity. He fpent fomc time there with ilie Pope,
and having reftor d to the Church of Rome that which of right belona'd. to it. accordii^
his promife, he made Pope J"''" ;^nd the principal men of tlicCity, touveav hy the
* Body of St. Peter, that they would bear true Allegiance to him, and never tuniilhZfr-
ren^er ox Adalbert \\\x\\ any Siip:)lies Afier this h'j rcturn'd to Pati.i, with a full dcfiga
of putting an end to the War, by taking thofe CalUcs which Itill hdd out for Beren^er-,
He began with taking the'llleof St.Jtffa, whither Berenger's Wife ytxi retir'd, and re-
ftor'd It to the Church of AVtar. In the mean time , yf<£r/^<rr, fecking for afTiftancc in c-
very place, letir'd at lali to the Saracens^ and under hand iblicited Pope Jo/m to cOme o*
Toe 'dm- vtr tD hik Party. This Pope, whofe inclinarionsand intoitions did
not Ttttt wirii thib(e of
•"''r''^ the Eftiperor Or /.'(), being as much a Slave to V'icc and Debauchery, Prince was «
J®"" Lover ofOoodnefs and Virtue : This Pope, I fr<, that he might have the liberty of in-
dulging hisLufts, made privately "a League with Adalbert ^ and invited him to Ramt,
proniiling upon Oath to aid him againft Cr/tf. Tlie F.mperor being informed of it, fcnt
feveral of ins Attendants to Rome, to know what were the rcafons which indued die

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of tht Tenth Cantury of Chrijliamty. t \

Pope to enter into an Alliance Vtfh Ad*IBert. And wKen the J?o«f*w could give no otfifer
account, than that it arcfc only f rom the concrariery of Pope Jtf^'ws Morals and Condud,
lo thofe of the Emperor ; that Prince return d this prudetit Reply : " The Pope is as yet
but a Cliild, he may be betfer d by the Evamples of good men ; I hope to rtschtm htm
from his extravagancies by a g'xnl hondt rcprjof, and b- wholfom Af'v jn-, and then
we will lay With the Prophet, Beiiold the Ch*»ge made by the Hand of the moji Hi^h. So
-witfionr trwiMinc^ h« he&d mucH with the fetter imftices of (he Pope, he kid Siegb n
the C.iftle of Leo Vmhrij, whither Brren^er and his Wife was retird. Thither the Pops

lent Leo, chief Secretary of the Church of R ime, and DaHerrins , one of tlie principal J<0'
man Lords, to excufe his falling into the follies incident to youth, prumiwig} that for
the future he would be another kind of m,\n He gave them likcwife orders to complain

of the Emperor s retaining Biihop Z;/o, and Cardinal Jo/w; a D-'acon, who had failed in
their Duty towards hnn and of his not keeping the prom ife he had mtdb him, be*

caufe he caus'd tholl- whom he tCK>k to take the Oarh ro himfelf, but not to the Pope.
'l"hc Emperor return d this Anfwer, "That he was <;lad of the promife which the Pope
" had made of refbrmin^ and beaiinin^ a better man tor the future That for his part he :

" had religiouUy obferv d his proinife \ that he had indeed protnis'd to rejlore to the Chiirdi
"of Rome, all the TcrritorleS'which of right did belong to it ; but before he could- do
*' That he ha.i neither
that, he mull hrll take them, 'and render himfelf Mafter of them :

"leendie BifliopiVM' the Cardinal, wliom they clui^d him with entertaining} but chat
*^llel»d heard -tnit' being tent fi*om the Pope to tfie Emperor of CbnflaminofU, on a
** gotiation agaiiirt him, tlit'y had Ixen taken at Crpw./, tO';(.rhi. r with others whom the

Pope fent to. the Hunns, to engage tkem to fall upon him i hat chele proceedings wo«

" provd La^tet s lign d by the Pope, «nd feal'd with the Papal Seal Otb» difmis'd the
Pope's Deputies with this Anfwer, and with them fent two Bilhops ro Rome, to make an
ample julhhcation for him *, witli orders^ in cafe the Pope would not believe what they
1»ld him, to otfcr to prove it bv the Combat of two Champions, JahitXll. received thtie
EnvoTS very coldly, and to anmfc the Emperor, ho font to him eight days after John the
Bilhopof A'.trni and Cardinal BcnediH a Dciicni, to Negotiate with him. Before they

retorn'd, Adaikrt came to CivitA J 'lchia, aixl hum thencc to Rome, where he was re-
cciv'd very kiiully by the Pope. No fooner lud the Emperor intelligence thereof, but he
comes to iJowf with h's Forces in 963, being mvited by the Romans thcmfelves,
jaerc of whom had fcuM thcCalUe of St. PW, an<l held It out againft Adalbert. Upon
bis arrival, John XII. and Adtdben went oft'; the Romans receiv'd Otho, and took a new
Oath of Alleigance to htm, promiiing that they would neither chufe nor ordain any Pope f^^f^^t"!!!
without his coiilcnt and approbatitn. Three d.iys .ifrcr, xijxm the lequcft of feveral Bilhops ^A' J**'?

: Council

Blihopot' Saxofij, dr^er Bi{l\op of S^irej, jLnA Rubins Bifllop of Parma, with about 33
JuMan Btfhops more, fourteen or hfceen Cardinals, and a great many Officers of the JqIu, x(£.
Church of Rome, with feveral Lords and a Rcprelentativ c for the people The Emperor
demanded of the Aliitants, why the Pope was not prefent in this Council; they rc-
|dy d, that they wonder 'd he iliOHldask than a thing which was fo well known to the
whale World.- 1 hat 7f'/^« was not one ofthrfc, \\ bdii; cover'd with Sheeps cloathint^,
are inwardly Ravenous Wolves ; but that lie commutcci pubiickly .md in the Eye of the
world diabolical At^ions, without putting himlelf to the trouble of concealing them*
The Emperor told them it was but reafonablc to exprefs in particular, the heads of his
Accufation , and afterwards to debate what o.ight to be done. Then Cardinal Reter a
Priell, faid he had fccn him celebrate the Mafs without communicating Jehn Biihop :

Nmrm, and a Cardinal Deacon of the (ame name, declared that they had feen him ordain
a Deacon in a Stable extrMtem^e : Benediil, and the other Prielh and Deacons of Mom
declared, that they knew him to have conferrd Orders for Money, and to have ordain'd a
Child of ten years old Biihop of Todi. That it was not necefliiry to brine Witneiles to
iMHHft thefe Sacrileges, lince th^ were fo vifiUe, that all that could be find about them»
would not exprcTs the one half of what they would appear to I c, As for the Adultery
whereof he was accus'd, they faid, that indeed, they were not Eye-witnelVes of the Fa£l^
4Nit that they knew for certain, that he had abus d the Widdow of Rmier, AefhuiU, hie
Father's Concubine, the Wicidow and her Neice, and that he had made his Couit the
very link^ of Debauchery tlut lie went publickiy a hunting: that he had put out the

Eyes ofB^diH, his (pint it Father, whereof he dyd : that he had cut oft the Privm

Member? of Cardinal John the Subdeacon, whereof he likewife dy'd : that he had been
the cauic of a great many Fiies ; and that he was (een with a Sword in his
hmd , an Helmet on his head, and a Coat of Mail on his body. The Clergy and
Lairy there prefent cry'd out that they had feen him drink a health to the Devil, and fwear
by theHeathen Gods in his play at hazards : that he never took care to£iy his Office., or to
ajgiilif ilieOrofe. UponthdijacciiiMioiH^ tfaeEapararcfdeccd

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ii /J New Eccie/iafikal ibjiorj
CiuntiloC C/-emo>u to tell the Synod in Latin (for they could not undcrftand the J^jtow Langujge^
jtRome 4. in which he ipokejthat he conjurd them in the name of God, the Blefled Virgin, and the
tL'injljoha ApolUes to advance nothing agaiiUl the Pope, but what wa« certain and would bear good"

proof. They .xll rcpl- cd that they were willing to be Anathcmati/Zd, if Pone Jo/rw were not
guilty of the Crimes Uid to hisCharge, nay and of far mc^-c Humeful and Wrid than had
nim memioned. That if hewoidd not believe diem in this, yet that cuuld not be call'd tri
queftion of which the Emperors whole Army were Spcctitors, that lie appeared in Ar-
mour from Top to Toe at the Head of his lorccs and that if the 77^fr had not between

hinaM the Kinpeiors Army, he woilldhave becTi taken priibner in that Equipage. Tlic
Emperor .ickno-.vlcdg'd that this was true, and all his Soulrilers were Witndlcs' to ir. TIjc
Synod were of Opuuon that it was ncccifary to wi itc co tiic Pope, that he might cunc
and clear himfelf of the Crimes laid tohisCharge. The Letter wag wiicrcn in the luuic
the Emperor, of the Bifhops of Ugiiri^, TufcAny^ Saxony, and Frtwce, wliorcfided tl .cii at
Rme. They acquainted John, to whom they gave the Title of Pontifcx SummMs, and tlut uf
Vmverftl Bijhcp, that hiving demanded of the Clergy and Laity of aowv the rcafun of hit
ahfenc^ thty bad related fuchabomiDatblethingg of him, as would make the moil impih
dent toUtifh : that he was accuTod cf Homicide, of Perjury, of Sacriledge, and of Inceft
with two of his Relations Tluf it Ha* like wife reported oflum, th.uhe had drank a Health

to the Devii, and fworn by Jnfitfr, fkmu, and the other Heathen Deities in his play at ha*
Tards : that they etmeftly intreat him to come and dear hSmlelf of thc& Accafations,
furinghim upon Oath that nothing fliould be done againd him but what was agreeable to
the Canons. This Letter bears date Novtmbtr 6. 963, Pope 7o/>» KlI. having received
it, return 'd this anfwer. *' We hear yuu defign to make another Popet
Kfli Aitdmmui diartt "but if you do, I excommunicate you by the Almighty God, fo that you
v^^i vu tultii al'tHiti *' /hall not be capable of ordaining any man, or of celebrating the Mais.
r.tpamfacae. St Ire being remitted to the Synod, to which the Archbifliop of
n Trrves^ and thjee Bifliops of EmilU uidU^uria uert: likew ife come they made

^iLhlL TT'''' the Pope thi.-! Reply ; Tlut the Letter he had lent w.s a iign of his folly
^!i!^BmtJiJa!ri7 ^^"^ of Prudence: that he Oiould have aUedg'd fome rea^boabte ex-
* abfence ,. and fent his Deputies to give the Synod an actounr
Mi6*m eelehrart.
thereof : that they would fubmir to him, provided he delay d not coming to
clear himfelf of the Crimes laid to his charge ; but that if he would not do that, they
would not value his excommuaicatioau which they mijebc with jullice retort upon bim.
This fecond Letter of the Council to nie Pope bean date Nwrnber 20. and was fent by
Cardinal Adrian a Prieft,and Cardinal ^rw^^/Zt? a Deacon They w cnc as far as Tihcr to give

it hin,- but diey could not meet with him there, for lie was rid into the Country b>
ftcrthey came* Wherefoffe not meeting with any perfon that could snferm them what
btwm gone, they brouglit the Letter back to the Council, whicli was fitting a third time.
The Emperor prden ted to them the Complaint which he in particular had to prcfa a-
Sinftjon*, tnx.. That forafinuch as that Pope had fent for him to him againflr A'
Ibert, and had afterwards taken an Oath of Allegiance to him, yet he had lince invited
this iame ^<i</^rrr to Kmc, and put himfelf at the head of the Revolters. Then theBi-
. flof]^ the Clergy, and die Laity tSRome faid, that it was ncceHary to cure this extraor*

dinary Wound, by as extraordinary a Remedy That if the debauch d Mor.,!s cf Pope

Jibn XII. had injur'd tlic Emperor only he might have met with fome toleration
, \ but
tincehe waathe ruin of to many, by the fcandal and bad example he had given, they \
retjuir'd the Emperor that this Monfter (whom it was impoifible to reclaim from his
Vices) Ihould be turn'd out of the Church of Rome, and that another Pope of an exem- 1

l^ary Life ihould be fet up in lus room. The Emperor approv'd of this Kcfolution, and <

deciar'd it was his delire, thatthev would choofe one who was worthy of iittirig inSt. \

the Crdi- Peter % Chair. He had no foonerdone fpeaking, butthofe who were prefent cry^d out
nation cf unanimoufly, that they chcfe the V'ene/able Leo, chief Secretary of the Church of Rome,
Ptfe Leo to be their Faflor, and Sovtrai^Pf and Univerlal Pope of the Roma» Church, rejofting
Vtll. jUwthe Apoftate becanfe of his irregular Life. Having repeated this their Voteriiree
limes, the)', according to cuitom, conducted Leo to the Ltittran Palace, confocrared hira
afterwards in ^x.Vttcn Church, and took an Oath of Fidelity to him. After this the
Emperor OtlA fuppoiing he had nothing more to fear in Rome, difinifsVl part of h^
Troops, that tney might not be a ereivance to the people but xVt Romans, woii ovet by

she BTomiies ofjoitn, loon after role up in Arms, and made Barricades to indcfeand cut
offolrki Bathe was refcu'd by the bravery of his Troops, defeated die Seditious, kiil'd'
part of them, and obligd die people to give him Hoftages. Pope Leo the Eighth of that
mmCp willing to ingratiate himfelf with the people, prevail'd io far with the Emperor
tgrhit inimcies, thatheperfwadedhimtorenore the Hoftages before his departure. But
jmfijOOCT was this Prince withdrawn to purfuc yfd,tli>ert, who lurk d about Camerin and
ftelhfa, but the Women whom Pope Jo^/i had debauch d, llirr 'd up the people to revolt
atteflw The Seditious had a defign ofpmtiBg Leo to death, and receiving John ; but the'
" ftiatliiUMiiQfflyiaAioneEiB|wrar: atiorthel^^

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of the Tenth Century of ChrijHanity,
but he Us'd the Friends of Leo very barboroiilly. among
others Cardinal jt^n a Deacon, the Re-e-
whofe right-hand he causd to be cut off \ Afu chief Secretary, whofe Tongue he cut out.^"*/'/*-
and cut off two of his I'ingers and his Nofc } and Orger Bifliop of Sfires, whom he causa'""' "f
tobewbipp'd cruelly, and would not lee iumgo^ but in hopes liy bia meanato olxain the^'<'/' J^'^'^
EfBperor's pardon, ^hn to aurhome his I^roceedings by an Aft tfiat ihould have fome'^'I*
ihew of Jullice, held a Syn^d FehrHnrj 26. in the year 964, where .ifniled fixteen Bi/hops
of lulj, and iome Cardinals. Thefe Prelates, devoted to the will and pleaTure of this
Pope, condetnn'd the Synod which had depos'd him, and elefted Leo in his Aenl : They
nronounc'd a Sentence uf Depolition agiinll I^o uiuthematiz'd all thofc who favour'd

iiim : declar'd his Ordinations null cotivea d chofe whom he had ordain d to the Coun-

cil ; and after thejr haiel d)li|d them to declare in writing, diathe who had ordain
them, having no power to do it, had not conferr'd any Order upon them, they flripp'd
them of their habits they cunlcrain'd Bentdiii Bifliop. of Porto, and Gregory Bilhop ot A!'

tMtd, to confefs they had done amifs in ordaining and they (ufpended them for a
time: and bjcuif.- iVrt? BliTiop oxoftla, who was one of thofc that lud ordain'd him, did
HOC af^ear before the Synad , tiic) dciiard hnn depriv'd of his Priefthood, without any
hopes of bein^ reflor'd ; they declar'd all thofc wlio lyd contributed to the OnlilBltioiltt
Imj or favour d him, or acitnowledg'd him afterwards, to be dqws'd or excommu-

nicated. '

The Emperor Othj being inform d of pafs'd at Rome, prepar d for his return
.thither, to puniihjoifaw according to his deferts.} but God prcvcnnd his Vengeance, ^^^(pE\£.
that inftmotts wretch receiv'd a mortal Wound as he was fpoi tin^ lumfelfone night with •/^^f'J'"*'
a Lady outof Towti, of which he dy"d within eight d^ys after, on ilie fourteenth of ^ f'ty,
Without teceivii^ the Sacraments. The £<m9m«/ perfilbng in theu: revolt , were before BeneJia
hand with the Emperor, by choodng Cardinal Semi^ a JDsacoo, ami placing him upon Anti.
the Papal Chalr,_upon his promife of never quitting it. A whileafter the Emperor caiucp^eij'
with his Armv, i'at down i^cforc ^ow«i and without being tcrrilied at the Excommunica-
tionriiunder'd againft him by ^//ffifcr, he confbrain d the
want of neceflaries , to open the City Gates unto him on the 2 3 June. As fcon as he enter *d Bcncdi^
Mome, that he might do nothing irregular, he ijeld a Synod, wliere he caus d ^fwt/zV? to be '''P*'
brought in his Pontirical Habit. He demanded of him by C.irdinal Be»ed^ the Arch-deacon, Lco_Vlii.
by what Avithoriry, and acccidii.^j 10 what Laws he had ufurp'd that Dignity in the Life":SPf"
time of Pope Leo, whom he iiiuiklt had c kcted, and why he had violated the Oath lie lud
teken with the relV of the Romtuu^ not to chqle any Pope withoBtdie Confent of the Em-
peror, .^r/rr^/iff acknowlcdg d his fault, and begg'dthe Emperor's Pardon, he divelled
niaifelfofhisPontiHcal habit, and put them, together with the Paftoral Rod, into /^o's
hands. Leo diverted him likewife ot his Cope, and declar'd him depriv'd of all Sacerdotal
and Prieftly Dignity, leavine him only the Order of Deacon, in confideration of the Em-
peror (Mn ; but he prohibited him from ftaying at Rome^ ana banifliM him. This Council
by a folemn Decree, related by Cm/rfw, granted to the Emperor the right of choofing a
Pope, and of inverting Bifhops and Archbilliops, and tbrbad thechooting a Pope without
his Confent, or ordaining a Bifhop deft, till he fhould reodve iiiv«ftinirefi«Hf the Empd-
ror. There is another Decree of Pope Leo, whereby he grants to the Emperor Otho all that
Fepir. and Cherlemagne had given to the Church of Rome ; but this is fuch a dubious Piece, as
dcTerves no credit.
0/i£> having thus quieted the City of Rome, departed thence afcer the FeftivalofS. Peter^
in order to return m Lamia) dj, raking along with him the Antipope £enedi£lis Prifoner,
and carrying off with him a many Bodies of the Saint& He loft in hit March a great
many of his Men by Sicknefs kept his Chrlfimdfs at F^tvia, and the next year retum'd into

Saxonj, after he had given his Inftruftions for the Affairs of Jiei^. BeneJid dy d at Hmh-
httrgh in Jnlj 965, after he had edified the Germans by his Piety, and made it appear dttt
he deferv'd to have been Difhop of Rome^ if he had been rais'd to that Dignity according 10
r)ic Canon. Leo dy d likewife the fame year. Afler his Death the RomMm fent Deputies to
the Eroptror Otho, to know his pleafurc concerning the Election of a Pope. Some Authors
have writ, that BeaedUl not being dead when Leo dy'd, the Emperor OtifO had a delign of
rc-eftabliming him, if he had not dy'd in the very mterim. Let the cafe be how it will,
John Bifhop of Narni, who was his Creature, was the man whom he deOgn'd to advance . . _
to chat Dignity • and 'tis very probable that be told his Intention to die Mmium Deputies.-'*'""'"'
He was thcreopon defted, and i^ac'd in the Holy See, and is theTU^ftMrftof that Name.
But whereas he was fupportcd by the Emperor, and wedded to his Intci efts, he treiucd
Very haughtily th6 principal Lords ot Rome, w ho arteded to retam the Liberty they enjoy 'd
%maer.<wmV. This was the reafon why they declar'd againrt this Pope, and refi^v'dto
turn him out of his Popedom. They caus'd him to be arrerted by Roger tne Prefeft ofRoftie,
being alTifted by Jettfry Count oSCdmfagnia, whither John was fcnt Prifoner. This Jftfry
teiT^ kill'd fome tine after, itfkd JEigrr bein;^ dead, the Rm*Mt being afraid of die Empe-
ror Or^v, who was preparing to come into /r.(/r, fee the Pope at liba-ty, and permitted
hxax to return xoiiome. itowever this did not huider the Emperor from comity peat

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J Ne)P Ecclc/Mjlical Hiftory
mardies to Rome; upon his arrival he arreilcd the ConTuls, the Prefecl, ajid the Decem-
viri (aBody t>f ten men who vrere inftead of a Sefaat^ and the Gnnd Council of th« City).
• -
He puniOid them afrer an cxamplary manner, for he fent the Confuls and the Prefect
mGertMHy\ and after he had caus'd the laft to be fiuniefuUy dragg'd and
wWpp'd through the Streets of Rme^ he hang'd up the Decemviri. 'Tis reported that he
likewifc ordered the Bodies of Jrq/S^ and Ro^rr tohc dug up, and afrer they uc-c dr.ig^'d
through the City, to be cali into the Comiiion-fhoie. lUvuig by thefe fcvcrc ProcL-cUiiigs
ftruck an Awe
into ihe minds of the Rohaks, after he had kept' his Ctr//?^?-?/} in the >ear
^66 at Rome, he went to /f4tr»»4 witii Pope Jofor, where he held aSyncd alvut Fujier,
ij»C»«wi/ in die year 967, wiici ein fevcral Regulations were made in the Ecclclialiical Difciclinc ;
^lUfeniit anddte rellor'd to the Church of Rom kke To^vns and Ttrritcries, w^hich had
nthejett been granted it Pepi/t and Ch^trUim^He
foimerly by They likewife excommunicated Ha-
ffj, of SaJt^ttr^h, becaufe he would officiate and wear the Pall, tho he had loft
..yold Archbifliop
his fight ; and Waufc, being charged with fcvcral crimes bclides, the Popes had prohibit-
ed him from cxerciiing anv Ej^copalfiinftioflu and FretUrie was put ia his plac^ w ho was
••nowCanfinn*d>' They liktwife rais'ld the Bimoprick on fvhidi the Town of Ma^M'ftr^b
depended, to an ^rchbifhoprick, by thcConrciit and Approbation of Hatto Arclibilhop t-f
.^itfeiKe, «nd Hiidevttrd Biihop of HMbajiat. From Ravemd the Empeior went into Tuf-
cMirf^ and (entfbr his Son Otho^ in order to have him crown'd Emperor by the Pope, which
Ceremony was perform \! .u /?ov;/- in the C/m"/?/?*,^/} hclydays, in the 967. Afrcr this
Expedition of Of/;©, Pope 7(//^» enjoy "d the Popedom very quietly W'liilll he liv'd. Hcraisd

the BiHioprick of Caput to an Ardmiflioprick, in recompcnce of the kind ulage he race

with there during his I uiprifoiimcnt. He fent a Legat into PofovLt, to inftruct the Po/cuf-
a»s, who dcfu d to be converted. He likewife fcnc a Legat to the f 'anJMs, and wrote fe-
veral Letters, wherein he recommended to the Biihops the obfervation of the C^otrh Dis-
cipline. Tisobfcrvd that he with a certain Ceremony blefs'd a new Bell belonging to the
Church of Saint John of ilie Laierj», and that this is the hi ll inltancc w c have of fuch Bene-
nediftions, on which the Title of Chrijimttg was afterwards improperly imposd. This
6«i«sWl^oFedy'd.$!f//nwf»*6. 072. Dow« alias />ww»«»facceeded. him, who dy'd at the end of
foKdift ^^^^^ months, without having done any thing of note. After him iJSfWfifffVI.had thePopc-
^I, dom: fome there arc who pretend, that he was in pofleifion of it before /Jo««< dyed. Let
the cafe be how iciyill, he furviv'd him, but came to a tragical end. Vox Otho dyia^ Maj
7. 973, a JSiM Lord of great Authority, (lam'd Gnciiu, causVlebe Pbretobefdzd on»
and committed him Ptiniiar to theCftttle of St. ^igf^, where he was ftnu^ed [(bme iew
days after*
Boniface This bloody de(^ \(ras put in Execntinn by theinfiiHiation of /r^nro, fimam'd SomfMe,
»AfT//»r;fr a Cardinal Dc.;con, whom C7^ri;rrf terms the moft impio us monftcr of M nikit;d, whora-
Mrwi^Bc* ther defcrvcd tlic name of Aiuieface^ than that of Boniface. This man, tho all o re bcfinear'd
nedkl. widi the blood of
- yet Kizesupon the Papal Chair in the year 974. But the'Jf^*
mans could not endure him long and having f und cur a PiflK p named BeneiiSl, of the

Family of the Mferics^ they fct nim up in oppolition to Bonijace^ wlio was forced in the
.year975> tu By to Con^antiw^le, whither he carried the things which he Sacrilegiouliy ri-
ried from ydc\s.VMican Church bcfoie he went oti. This BtneAiil was put up in his ftcad, and
enjoy d the Popedom very peaceably till the tenth of j^ilj^ in the year 984, on whicli day
the V/gts he dy'd. During thefe Revolutions, the Empor Otho II. was wholly taken up in GermAny^
and Death againft the Bohenutou^ and LotharlHs King of FratKc % and he^ was no fooner out of that
«/Odio II- Fatigue, but he was engag d to be^^in a new War in /m^ againil the Grrri^/, w ho, w ith
the alfiltance of the Saracer.s, deligiied to rc-take and Calabria. At rirft he had
fome advantage over the Enemy, but afterwards h6 was entirely defeated and taken Pri-
loner : Howerer, he found a way to make his elcape, and having rally'd fome Troops, he
alfaultcd and took the City tf i^r;7:—<vjr, becaufe the pet^ple of that Country had hcci .iy d
him. From thence he ret urn d to Home, where he dy d of grief on Becember 6 . 983. Af-
ter his death there arofe a debate about the choice of an Emperor; fome would have Mw*
ry Duke of Bavaria, Nephew to Ot^'n the Creat, ro be crow n d the Italians w ere for an Ita-

Emperor, nam'd Crefcentiui, but the Germans whofe iutereft was ihonefiA-Zl Rome^
Otfx> III. caufed Otho ill. the Son of the lalt C'-'k to be crown'd Emperor, with die Conlene of Pope
ertwned Benedict , who ilid not furvive Otho II. above fix Months.
^^^"^ BiOiop of Pai'ia was put in lus place, and took upon iiim the name of 7oA» XIV. lie
John XIV* High-ChanccUor to the Emixror and it was doubtlefs by the recommenda-
tion of this Pnncc, rlut he was advanc'd to this Dignitv, but he did nor enjoy it inig; for
Boniface return dtiom Conjiannnople in the year 985, and iiaving rnus'd feme of his own
Boniface fi^lion, and won the people by diltributing among them the money he had rais'd, by the
retKna ta of thofe rich Ornaments he had carry d from Rome, he render d himfcif very powerful
inibmv, leiz'donPope Johitj loaded him ^^th Irons, fhut him up in the Callle of Saint
^gelOf where he ftarv d him to death at the end of four months j but he himfelf did not
furtive above four months, and dy'd hated by all the World, even by thofe of his own
faftkm, who, 9fcc( his I^dv iMo Idi body very coirtORMliDiilly. Upon die DeaA of this

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of the Tenth Cehtury of Chriflsanity. i 5
Tvrant, the Clertjr iiid Lait7 6f Ifftwf wert left itlibAtjfto eie^A Pope. The diotoe
flil on a iPriell nam'd John, the fifreenrh Pope of tluit Tlie b;;4iri;iinu of liis Pi pc- joUn Kif
dom was diliurb'd by the fear he had chat Crefcentiits, wiiu having taken upon him rl]e ti-
tle ofConfuI, fm'A on the Callle of S. Angch, would not life him Co kindly as he did his
Predecellor. lli:(l;r this apprchenlion he withdrew into 7Af/f.»«;f, fiom whence he fent fe-
vcral Deputies to pr.iyi!ig him co come ro his .uIiltanLC It was th!S that inciind
the RimMitt ,who knew bv experience what they wcic to fc.t from fuch kind tf Viiits as
the Emperors made, to fend an hoiuuii MMc i.n.h.alagc to the Pope, e.imeltly to entreat
him to return, by givint^ him all the allumiKc he couid ucluc. He hearkened to them,
ud wasRoeiv'd with all the figns inu^nable of fubmillivm and r^ieft* From that time
forward he cnjoy'd the Holy See very peaceably till about the latter end cfhis Popedom,
at wliich tmic he v\ as again fo difturb'd by CrefcentiHs, tliat he was torced to pray the Em-
peror O/Ao to cometo hisalliltance- This Prince immediately march d with an Army in-
to balj^ and llorap'd fome time at RnvemM, During his ftay there, John XV. dyed in
Mky 996. The RomMi were oblig'd by an order from the Emperor to elecl in his place
Brtnto his Coufin-gcrman, who took upon him the name of Gregory V'. \}\MCrrfci\r.!ui- loon cregorjV.
after outed him, and fet up in his ftead John Biihop of PUctmui, This AcUon was not john tbe \
long impunifli'd, for Oth» eune immediately with his Arfny, and being (ban Matter of AAti-ptpe. |

jRomf, re-dhhViih d Crfgor^. JoAn fecur'd Iiimfelf with Cr^/r<r;'//.'«, in tlie Caflle of Saint
Ai^cio, The Emperor belieg'd it, Crtjccntim held it out very vigoroully, and it would
have been very difficult to have taken it, had riot he been kiil d treacheroufly. The An;
tipope 70/7W was taken, his Eyes were fcratch'd our, his Nofe and his Ears were cur otf,
and in that pollure was he led through the Streets of Rome, mounted on an Als widi his
Head towards the Tail, and forc'd to (ay as he Went aloi^ IVlMwrfisU JUr* to tU/fof^
a Pope, let him be ferv'd like me.
Tis faid tlut Gregory^ to prevent the trouble which might afterwards arifc in the E-
lefiion ofan Emperor, orderd that for the future itihoiudbe made by a cci tun number
of (7«r»»4» Princes, which he appointed ; which was done at theinllanr, and by the au-
thority of the Emperor OfA?, and to fevour thofe of his own Nation, and doubtlefs with
die approbation or the AonMK/. This Pope did not furvive his Eletlion aoove two y£*rS(3jrtert
and ei^t or nine months. Otho caus'd Gerbert to be elected in his ojace, who took upon ^^^'^ p^i^
him the name of Sihefter II. He had been formerly Archbiihop or Rheimj, and was then siiYcdcj
Archbifhop of Ravenna, having been oblig d, as wc fliall hereafter declare, to quit his
firil Acchbuhoprick. He was a man of great Learning, and much in favour with OthOf
Ivhlchindb'd lyinio prefer him, before all others, to that Dignity, fuppoling he conld
hot find a perfon more worthy to fill the Chair, or in whom he could more rely. We
lhall have occaiion to fpeak of the Aftions of this Prelate, before be was Pope, in the H>»
ftcwy of the Churches of fr^»rr during this Century s uidofwhathe did or wrote while
he was Pope, in the Hiltory of the following Ccntxiry, to which it beloil9, ibr he Wai
noK promoted to Saint Peter s Chair till about March, in the year 999.
• . ...

An Account oflibe ILoman Wthon in the Tenth Century,

AFter wh4t has been related of the State of the Church of Rime dwing the Tenth Cen-
tury, and of the Qjialificaticns of thole who eovern'd it, 'tis no wonder that we
havcfu tew Monuments of dds Chardii'dtber of C(Miii«|b]ieU at itawh or ofL^ten
writtcB by theJtopes.

John IX.
iot LttMi
^Obn the Ninth has us four Letters, and the Aftsof two Councils. The firft of thefe affotiapt'.

7^ . Letters, is dirctted to Harvej, Archbidiop of Rheimi, who fent to know of him how he
'^ibuld dkHumcktheiVirnM*/, who, after they had been bapttzd, had led lives wholly
Paean, and were tranfported to that degree of Extravagance, as to kill the Chrilliaris
and Priells, to facrifice to Idols, and to eat of fuch things as had been offered in facrifice
tfl.them. John IX. afcirhehad cungnrulated the Archbilliops happinefs, in the con*
vdrfion of Normandy, returns him this Anfwcr, that the perfons he mentiond being but
giewly converted, and not fully intruded in the Chnlban Religion, ought not to be
dealt with according to the naor of the Canons, but with fome fort of gentleftels and
hioderation. That however, if there were any among them, who would fubmit to all
the feverities df Pennance, he ought to proceed againll fiicn according to the Canon.
Agreeable to this Letter, Harvey lent to Gta, Archbilhop of Roan a containing Hartcy
dbsinilitutions of Councils god Popes, di^ Authorities of the fathers, and the Exaaapic jinbitif^
jiJ^ina,conoiriiing4ihe Mercy and Moderatioa wbicli 011^ n
exerek'd towards 9m
CMMK Surnets upon their fincere converfion and repentance.

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1 6 A New Ecclcfdfttcal Htflory
JohHi Tccond Letter dircfted ro J>i7/<i» Bifljop of Neoetfarfs: Hc congratulates his

ftedfjftncfs to the Cliuich nf Riime, from whofe communion norhiiii; was ubic to ftpa-
rate him, and declares to liinu tlut he hopes that by liis Prayers lie would prevail upon
God to put an end to the Schilm, .whidi was of 40 years continu.nKc. He likew ife de-
dares, 'tis his intention that tlie Decrees of his Predecefl'ors againlW/.w;"«/ nid his Adhe-
rents, fliould continue in their full force, and exhorts hinj not to atl contrary to
The third Letter of 7o/j« is dircfted to the Clergy and Laity cf Lati^res in Fntncc, who
had petitioned his Authority for re-eftablifhine ot Ar^rin, their Bifliop, who lud been
turn d out of his Bi(hopricK by the Sentence of Siefhin the PredecellDf of Pope 3Ww. He
being well informed that this fiiflioo had been deded canonically, that he was tum'd out
Upon filfe grounds, and thit there nad been never snothcr put in his place, re-dhblilhes
him by this Letter, notwithflanding the decree of Stefhen, wherein he tells them, " That
h« did not revoke what was done, but that he altered it for the better, for the btnedt
" of die Church, and out of pore neceffity, as his Predeceffors'had done upon feveral
"occafions. He wrote the very fame Wofds at that time to C7A/Wfi the i/w//-, and prays
^° re-invell A^grin in his Bifhoprick, vt-hich is his fourth Letter. W'c have two Let-
Tte Letter*
ters likewife of Pope Ben^diS on the famefubjeft, wherein Writtng to the Biibopg of
ff flfw»A,ft
ff^ FrMncCf to the Clergy and BiHiop of Langres, he confirm'd the fentiDCeof his FMdeolflbr
in fiivour of Argrin. and very earneftly prdlcs for his Kdlitution
The Utter ^^^^ likewife rw6 Letters of the Biihops of GemkOtf direifted to this Pope. The
•/Hatto firftis writ in the name of Hatio^ Archbilhoo of Mdyence^ and his SulBagans. Afrer pro-
ArMA^ tcllation made, that there were no Churclies more fubmilTive to the Holy See than
WMaymr Theirs, nor any Biihops paid ereater deference to it than they did, they acquaint him
f»JolBlX.>hat the Emperor Anw^imt beinedead, his Son Lewis had been elected in his place.
In the Advice of the Prmccs, and with the CQoTenc of the People, according to tlie An-
dvent cuftora cf continuing the Kines of frrfwr always in the fame Line. They told !

ikefopc, tbat the reafon why they did it widiout his permillioiu was» becaufe all the 1

BdlTei that open'd from Germoty to hsfy, were inthe pofldfkm of the B/nrhmatit, fo that
tlicy could not fend Deputies to Kofne, fior could the Pone fend his Legars to them :
that having at hik found an opportunity of conveying this Letter to liis hands, they
^. pray d him to confirm by his Benraiftion the choice which they had nuide. After this
they inform'd him of the Complaints which tlic Biflions cfBavjria made, upon the account
that the JVii/MMj/iar/, who had polfefs d thcmleves of A/oz-^W^, and were deck r d Rebels
tgainftthefmnfA, pretended that diey were out of their Jurifdiclicn, and wotrid have a
didincl Afetropoiltan of their own and they actus d the Bavariam of entering into Alli-
ance with the Pagans, and p,irraking of the diloiders ^hich they committed. They
aflur'd the Pope, that this accufarion was a malicious calumny, and gave him to under-
lUnd, that if he fliould grant the MorAv:.r,)s x Jflctrepo/itan, and permit than to withdraw
themfelves from the Jurifdidion of the Biiliops cf Bavaria, he would be ihc caufc ofgrcat
diforders; fortius would give them an occaHon of rifing againll the powers to \vliieh
they ought to be fubjc^l, and of making a new War with them. They added, that they
gave him this caution with ib much the more freedom, be<^au(c they thought thcmfelv cs
obligd to inform him, when ever any thing happeiui to ilic Church of Borne which
deferv'd corrcftion, thatfolume fpeedy and. iK^reiiary Kcintedy mi^ht be apply d thereto.
. The Letter of Thntmarm , MetrofmrM of Bavaria, and of the oiIkt Bifhops
Jbe Letter of that Province Ujh the Gmc lubieft is ai rtioUj;.
11 Tis written not only
tf the Bi. in ch« name of tiie biihop . but alio in the name of the Clergy and peo-
(hpitfht- pie of BMtmriM. They remonftrated to the Pope , that havii^ learn d from his
varia tn PrcdccefTors, and the lloly Fathers of the Cliurch, that the Biihop o{' Rome, had ul-
John IX. ways taken care to maintain the, Uuicv:i, and Uifcipline cf each Church, tiwy
could not tell how to believe what they had notice of every day, that there was tfliied out
rfthc Apoftolical See fthc Ori^inc of ilie Chrillian I<.cli5;ioii, and the fource of their
lactidotal Dignit)} a Decree unjuil, and contrary to the Doctnne and Authoi tty of the
Church: but that anr Archbifhop called John, and two Bi/hops who ^ave out that they
were fent by the Pope to Mm:-;: '..i,:- , had t^ivcn occalioii for ihis Kt j^iM c. That thclc
People were formth-ly Depend anrs. on their i'luue, and on their iiuiiops, who had con-
verted them : That the Bifhop ofi*4jf4n li id al ways liberty of entring among them, and
of holding Synods there, till fuch time as they rofe up in Arms, and renounc d ChrilVianiry.
That of late indeed thty bcaftcd that they tor a fummof Money had prevail (1 upon the
Pci)e to fend thrtsi Bifl\ops, who, in the Biflu prick of l\tf[Aw had undertaken fuch a
thing, as they couid not believe proceeded from the Holy Apuilolical Sec, iK-ini; fo di-
re^ly contrary ro the Intention ofthe Canons > namely, to canton that Billuini ick into
Hvep?.its, and ro pl.t ce an Archbifhop and tluec BiiliO()s into that Diocef:;, without the
confentot ilie Archbilliop and Bilhqp. They cited two Canons of Afriok, and fev«iral
Kaii'a)<es out of the Letters ofPope LnvaACekfiitte, wherein this vciy thing waspr<f-
;bited. They add, that hi* PtetlccefTor had cim'fecrated '^V^i&v'iMtf BiA

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of tU Tenth Century of Cbrifiiai^. i y
oifths inftiace.Q^theDukeof buc withal, hadicat him not into the Diitchy,
of P-'!fi^, but iatoaConquer'd,U>untry., They iikewife c(Mtiplain'<i. that his t^ats*
giving creilic to the' Stories of Ac
ScUnwumu, accus'd them of feveni falfitiflfc They'
Iikewife took notice that tliclr Prince was deicendcd from the Houfe of the King of
JFr«Ky. who w^re Chrtilia^ whefeas th« Mtrmd^ns and Scinvmans were originailr Fa*
pSttsmA Enemies to theChriflufi Religkm. They prais'd thdr King Lfwu, and ob-
jerv'd h i\<^ zealous he was fvir Rclit;ion and the Holy Sec. They refuted the Reports
vAuck thcScU'JomaHs had raisd of their entering into a prophane AlUaace with tht ntamtp
iAd of the^r fufiplythg them with money to go mto ^mj. T\wy fiiid that the SeUvt m i m
were the perfons wlio wt:rc in confederacy with the Hmm^ when they pillag'd, burntj
andravagdall before thciu. That for their parts, they dehgn'd to have opposd their
OlWring ^'^> aH<i to Iiave march'd to the AiTillance of Lombarij\ and that they might
in a condition to do it, they delired a Ceftation of Arms from the ScUvoniMns, but
could not obtain it. They concluded by conjuring the Pope not to give credit to the
calumnies which the SeUtitmmt caft upoq tfutOi nor (meg (odi a divifion tlidc M

One of the two Councils held under JohM IX. conven'd at Eome^ and the other at Ma-
itenAx. The Inllitutions of the former are divided into twelve Articles,
The firft condemns the Proceedings of the Synods held under Stefhen VI. againft the
Body of FormofHs, which they had dug out of his Grave, cited and judg'd in a ^11 Synod,
which was an Aclion without all Precedent. In this Article is forbidden all fuch ufage
fyk the future, becaufe a dead body cannot b^ cited into a Qourt of Judicature, lince 'tis
tmpoffiUe he Inoald suifwer the Accufadons liid to His charge
The fccoiid grants a full pardon to the Bifiiops, Priells, and other Clergy-men, who
Dtit of fbar of be ins ill treated themfelves, j^iVuled ai that i And Orders that ror tbo
fiitnre no fuch conftraints (hall be ufed, but tlutt the Biihops when d»qr convene ihall be
left to a perfcft Liberty and Freedom.
The third impr-ts, fuice Formofm had ^xgn tranflated from the Bilhoprick of
prr« to that of Komc, purely out of mwellk]r; 'iK>parronooifld inake it a Precedent for the.
future, and it flull not b<t .illow'd to promote any perfonto arty higher degree of Digni-
tv, who has been d&clar J to have forfeited an inferior Order , unle& he has been re-eila-
bliih d canonicallv ; as the people had done in advancing Bonifact L
wAio had been de-
pos'd fi omthe Suodeaconfliip, and afterwards from PriciVs Orders.
The fourth reftorcs thofe Clerks to their Orders, wiio were ordain'd by Pope Formofut,
and had been deposed in a patfion.
The fifth renews the Canon of the >^iV4»Council againftReK)rdinati6n$,Re-baptizations,'
and Trandations } and prohibites the, ordinary Bifhops in dioTe Churches, which were
provided with Ettlhops, nnldi tfadb who were in po^flioii had been depotd according to
theCanonp ' •
' • a •

Thefiacdi connntirthe comecration of £«wMrr for Emperor, and ebndeams that or

The feventh condemns the Acts of the Council of Kvme againil T<armtifns^ to be
The eighth declares Serglus^ Benedi^l, and MarittMs Priefls .uid Leo^ and P-tfcai, and

John Deacons, to be lawfully condemn d and fcparated from the Churchj and aiuthciua-
tizes thofe who ihoilld ackndWlcdge them as Clergy-^nen^ or ihotfld««ndeanroiir to re-
The ninth excomttjunicates the pcrfons, who had dug up tiie bcxly of Formofm^ and
caft it into the ( '

The tenth, fcr the prevention of thofe Violences, and that fcandal which f^metimes
happcn d in the Election of Fofes. ordains that for the future, none lliould be made, buc
what were elefted by an Aifembly of the Bifhops and Clergy, in porfuance to the Deiires
of the Senate and People, and in the prelence of the Emperor* This Canon likewile for-
bids the exacting of unreafonable Oatlu and Proroifest
The eleventh is levell d againft an abufe very prevalent at that time, of robbing the
Fope after his Deceafe, not. only of his Patriarchal Seat^ but of all others which belong d
to mm in Rvmcy or thereabouts.
The twelfth was againft another abufe which prevail'd at Rome. The fccular Judges
apprehended fuch Women as were fufpc^^cd to be bad Livers, Aud by the leverity vi hicH
thev us d to them, oblig'd their Mailers or their Relations to redeem them at a dear price
and afterwards thofe who had redeem d them, whether Clerks, or Laicks, thought they
might freely enjoy them without the fear of a Reprimand , fmce the publick cenlurewas
pabd upon them f which wa» the caufe of a very great di lord er. Tm
Council to put a
llop tliereto, granted the taking cognifance of and palTing Judgment on thefe oliiBnceSGfr
the Biiho^, with a power of citing the Refractory before the civil Magiftratcs. .

^me after, the Pope being come to the Emperor Lambert at JiavetmM, diqf
dMso conven'd a Couiftil o€ 74 fiiiUops , who c^B&pifd what had been done
D 111

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1 8 A New Ecclefiajlkal Hiflorj
in theCouncil of Rcmr and approv'd of rhe ten following Indltutions.

Bythehrii it iaordaiad, that the Canons ofchcfHoly Fachers, and what is conuin'd
in die Regifttrs of CAtrkm^m and hk Socceflbrs concerniiis Ttmh Aould be ob>
Afterwards the EmiKror propiot^d Iwo Ardde». By the firft, all perm
jtrefbrbiddai toarreit, or olbr angr iqwy to diofe wbD ifaonld make ifaeir Appeajs txS'
his Imperial Majefty.
Bychefecond, the Emfserer onnfinns die Ancient Piivuedges granted or oonfinu'd bj
his Predcccliors to the Church of Hme,
« The Pope after waiidspropos'd the following Articles.
Firft, Aconfimution ofwlttt wae enaM m the Cooifca of Rime, in hrom
of fieri

Secotidly, The panifhlngof the Outrages committed on the Territories of the Church
of XaiiUy which lud oblig:^d him lo lunr recourfe to theEmperor.
Thirdly. A Renewing of the Tttnty Biide bctwcm the Holy See^ end theEmpeior
6"w», Zrfwm's Father.
Fourthly, That the £diAi whkli weie not conftramUe to the oooditioiie of An Treaty
fhoiild be rtrpt-ird,
'Hut tlic Eftatts granted by the Lctccts Pat tents of diC Prince, to tlic prejudice
of that fame Treaty, Ihould be refrored to the Church.
Sixthly, That the Emperor (hali break off the Leagues which the Smarts, the Lomhrir^
and the Frtncb had made together, contrary to the Intcrcfts of rfie Holy Sec and the
Lallly, That the Emperor fliail prote^ the Church of Rome^ prevent its being di-
fturb'd, and ufe his utmoft care to rcftore to it its ordinary Revenues, which were now
Thefe Articles being approv'd by the Biihops. die Pope recommcQdcd to them the
Appointing a Fail ami fiilemn Ltcaniei npon dieir Return to thor ReliwAive Dio-
LThe four Letta^ of Pope J<Ait DC and his A^ of the two Councils are extant CmcU.

fbelttters VJL? E have three Letters ot jSoA* X. which relate to the Atfairs of France. The two firft
«/Jahn X. are about rhe Affair of Hildmn, whom Charles the SimfU had turn'd out of the Bi-
fhoprick Lt'^c. This Hiiduin being fupported hy Gifeliert, who held part of irrra,'/: a-
^auiil CiMruj the Simple, and by Henrj the Fowler^ Kii^ ofGermatij, was ordam u Bifhop
of Tou^w, or £^^,Dy Archbifiiop nfCoAg*^, plac'd into the poflelTion thereof
and riticd the effi^ of it. Charles the Simple nominated RicherMs to this Biflwprick, and
cans*d him to be elected by a party of the Clergy and Laity of Uege^ who were come to
him ro complain of the extravagances of H7i«/«. This Princi thereupon wrote a Letter
_, . to all the Bilhoos of his Kingdom^ wherein he made it appear by the RegiHers and Ca-
nons, that Hiubim wss nutht to he a Bilhop. r 1 .) Becaufe he was a KtbA and Traytor
againft his Prince. (2.) Bccaufc he procur d hinifelf to be oidain'd by Faflion .uid Vio-
th «
t n"',^
aKHt iHal (sO Becaufe he riHcd the Ti cafures of the Church of Liege^ to bellow on thofc
were the Inftrumems of his Ordination. (^) Becaufe he had pretended that the
King had confc. "d on him tlie BiflKipncfv of ZiV^f. (5.) Becaufc being cited thrice by

Herman, to make his appearance before tl;c Synod, he had not complied therewith. M'
lor tliis remonitrance^ Charles exhorts liie Bilhops of his Kingdom to joyu with hifD» in
turning this Ufurpcr out of the Biniopi ick of Ltege.
Tis very probable tlut lie wrote h u-vvifc to Pope Joim X. upon tiiis very fubie^, and
that this ^ve occafion to that Pope to write to Herman, cittng him, and Hildnin, and
/?/r/,'fr«j" to come to Rente, that he might decide this difference; of which he infrrm d

Ccdrlcs the Simple in another Letter. The two Competitors obcy'd, and came both to
Rome, wliere the Caufe was decided in favour of Richerm, who was ordaiu'd Bilhop of
Lie^e by the Pope, and Hildjtin was excommunicated. Tbisconteft bcigaaio the year
920 and ended in the year 922.

1 lie third Letter of Pope /o/jw X. is directed to the Bifhops of the upper Narboanois.
The Cluirch of Ndrkamn which was the MttrofoUt of that Country, being vacant, Agi$ts
had been dbded into it aocordii^ fo die Canon ; but a powerful roan named Gerard, pof-
fcfi'd liimftlfof that Archbifiioprick, having counterfeited Letters from the Pope, fohft
X. dilowns them in this Letter, and declares that he would not give liim a grant thereof
when he came to Rme, tho he was ignorant of his Treachery and l6iaverv : but that
being fince fully inform d of the matter, he orders them not to acknowledge him any
hft^ Sx fiiihop, ^e
he had beca neither elected by the Clergy and Laity of chat Town,

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o/ the Tenth Century of ChriJlianUy. i j>

tior ocdain'd by the fiifliops of the Province. I^y the Cxme Letter he fends the FftU to
jA^iv. CThefc three'Lettcrsof 3'ofo» X. art ^cptUntCoticiL Tarn. XX.l1.574O

. Leo VII.

WE have likewlfe three Letcc s remaining of VIT.

The Firrt is direacd to Htt^b, Duke of France^ and Abbot of S. Ai^trtiH of Tomtx, Joe Letini
He thcreui enjoyns him,/ under the pdun oforcomnranteacion, nottolbflvrany Womento •fUiVB*
ftjiy, orfo much as enter wit!i!n the inclofurcof tliAt Mon.iltery.
. The Second is diredcd to Gerard, Archbilhop of Lorch in Germany. He grants him the

Pall, and permits him to make ufeof it, not only on the days of confecrating the Holy
Chrifm, and of the Refurreftion of our Lord, but alfo on the Fcftivals of Chrifimafs of
thcBlelTt'd Virgin, of the ApnfHcs, of Sr. 7f>'->» the B.iptifl, o^^t. L.irvreKce, of Sr. StefhtH^
and of dU thofc S.»ints whcie Bodies l.iy intar'd in his Church, and on the Day of his own
Confccration, .mi of the DLtlicuioii of the Church; during the confecration ,of Bifliops
and Priefts, and the Sermons to the nc v Converts. He OTiorrs him to behave himfuf
fix, as that thcSanftitf of his Moi a i; ui.iy be fuir ibic to the Dignity of liittOlril|iaiaBt, arid

|rfctT\ Is makei a very edifying Moral difcourfe upon that lubjcft.-

This Gerard came afterwards to Kome, and conlulted with the Pope about feveral
Quedions, to which he gave an anfwcr dirededio the Klhops of France and GerwMi^
Tiic iirll of thefc Qiieftions is concerning Necromancers, Magicians, and Wizards, whether
they c uglic CO be admitted to Penitence The Pope reply d, that the Bifliops ought to

bring t!:cm over torepear.incc by rhcir exhortations, that (o tnev might live like Pcnitenta
rather ttun dye like Crmunais; He adds, that if tliqr lligjuedthe cenfurei of the Biihops,

they ought to be pnnifh'd accoiding to the Rigor of the civil Laws. The fecond Queftion
is, whether the Bifhops crught tohy P»j v J V.' .-r, ox Domir.-is f ohlfcim the Pope reply'd, :

that they ought to ae^ confurrrrabiy to the cullom of the Church of /towr, wherein FdX
fWt was laid on Simia)s, the princi^jal FeiHvais, -and on the Feftivals cf the &tints, ori
Whicli ays they likewile faid Gloria in excetjis \ and that Domniis vobifcMm w^i m'A in

the time of Lent, tiic Ember-Weeks, the Vigjl of Saints, and on Fall-days. The third
Qjieftion ii, to know whether the Lords Prayer ought to be faid at the benedif^ion of tlie
Table : The Pope replyJ, N'o, hcc.iufc tlic Apoftles recited it at the confecration of the Ek)-
dy and Blood of JESV
S-CHR 1ST. The fourth is, whether 1 man might marry \yith
his God-mother, or God-dai^hter The Pope reply'd, that fuch Muriagcs were forbid-

d-t!. Trie rifrh hasi cfpe:! rj tl^1^-* Pr'cib '.vh m.\rry p jl^!: kly •)
The rope orders, that :

th y iluU i:e depriv d of tlicir Digiiiry, but that their Children ihoukl not be endamaged
thereby. Thefixthis, whether SutlVagan Bifliops can cOnfecrate.Churches, ordain Priefts,
or Confirm 1 he Pope prohibits it, according to the tenth Canon of the Council of An-
tioch. The feventh is, concerning thofc who marry their Relations without knowing it,
and who afterwards upon the knowledge theraif, confcfs it to the Pridft : the Pope or-
ders, tlut they tfluU be parted and enjoyn'd Pennancc. The lall is, concemine thofc who
rob Churches: the Pope declares, that the Biihops out^littojiroceed againft tnem with all
the Authority God has put into rhcir hands.

At the cud of rhi'^ Letter he adds, that hfr

conllitutcd C#r4r<i his Yicar in OVrw.i/y ; and exhorts t!ic Bilhops to wyn with him in
reforming thofe abufes, whfch th^Iilcorfions'of the Pagans, and the pMnetltfon rais d by

'falfc ChrilVians had introduced.

^hefe Letters of Z^o are written inapretty good Stile, and full of good Maxims, and
confirm the Judgment whidi PkAmi \m'paSmVBiod Inm^ vtaSiliiWas a great Sirvm tf
OmL CHiiLetters tire extant CSMinA2Mr.]X^p, 594.3 .

• •• .

Agapccus IL

h, concerninje Agipem 1

_ „ .
^rch, whole H.
8ee wsis the moft 'ancient MnrtfoUtan^ together with a Jurifdiftion over the Saftent
Pattnoma, and over the Countiy of Avarots, of the Moravians and Sc/avoniam, and
by wanting to the Archbifhop of SaUf/nrgh, whofe See was rais'd to an Archbifliopritk
by J>o ni. the Right over the JVefterr. PannoMia.
There is another Letter of this Pope, which is a Priviledgi ia fiivoitf of thft ilbby of

.XUtnj. LBoth thefe tetters are est4ntC«w»7.7b«r. IX. p. 1.8.3. ^- ' "

' - • • '
• •
I t"
• •. •
. . . . : ; • . :

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10 . A IsleiiP Ecclefiaittcal Hijlorj

John XIL
ni'Im^wXTTE have two Letters of Jab» Xll. One, by which he grants the Pall to D/tnffan
tf Jolin Vt ArcMnlhop of Cdnterbury and the other, whereby : he excommunicates Iffuitri anif
his Adherents, who had feizd upon the Lands and Eftatcs belonging to the Abbey of &
SimihorUn in. ^rovence. [Thefe Letters are extant ConciL Tom.l£ p* 641 .]

n^- Liners 'TTHcre are four Letters of Johu XIIL The firft is direfted to tlw Bilhops of 5m<£«r.
V^I^oiii he exhorts to acknowledge the Archlnfliop of Twrx for their Afttnfoh'tM. The
XiiL feconid IS directed to Ed^ar King off/gAwi, wherein he promifes him to turn out of the

Cliurch of WtnclxjieTj fuch Prdoendaries as lead a fcandalous Life, and to piit fume Monks
into iheir places. The third and fourth are two priviledges which he grai;ts, one to die
Monaftery built by Berenger Bifhop of Vcriun , the otlier to the Moiuftety of & Rtmj of
Meim. LThcC; four Letters are extant Co»ci/. Tom. IJi. p 663.3

iU Later pOpe Benedict VIL by his Letter to the Biihops ot France and German)^ confirms the
aflknedift Arbitration made in favour of thcCMurch of Lorch by his Predecelfor j^Afetus, andfendt
Yil. fhe Pail to I'ilgrin, was Archbifliop cf the place- [This Li tre: ib extant Tew,
IX. p. 7 1 8. It was tixli publiih'd by Lambeck, Com. Lib. a. C. 8. p. 645. who likewi/e gives
us a DiflojM tIPlitdt BtMtt^ eoneerning the priviledges of Ac
MonsOary ofGmUOtrt, an-
no 0001.983; wliicb ts lo be lilKC widi in lJmiteii% Book p. ^diQ

Jfc Letters THey ^vc the Title of the Letters of John XV. to a Treaty of Peace between PJhe^ei
9/ John
King of the Tr/? Saxons , and R:'h.:rJ Duke uf Norrr:^f!^y ro a Monitory which

XV, this Pope fent to Jb-mld and Baidwin^ Counts oi i-Undcrs. admonilhiug them to make
Reftitucion of the Revenu^ belonging to the Abbey of S. JUfK&vr $ and to anuther fuch
I ke Monirory fent to the Biihops of Pirttrdy^ exhorting them to procure the Cud RelUtU'
tion tu be made. ^T^efe three Letters .uc cxcanc ConciUTm. IX. p. 731.2

Gregory V-

The Letters fy'^i'»7 V* reftor'd to John Archbiihop of Ravenm^ the Church of PUcemia, wliichhad
Gregory been rus'd by h« Predeoeffor to an Archbilhoprick, and put diat of A^erratvanto
V, its Jurifdi^tlon Tliis is the fubjccl of the firft Letter of this Pope.

By thefecond he grants the Pall to Gerbert , Arciibifliop of BAvetiM, and conhxms and
griMits feveral privilnlses to that Church.
The third letter (tf'ausFDjMsji^ aPrlvilcdgc which hegranii a>dic Abbey of S. Am^
hrofeoi AHliait.
The fburdi is direfted to Queen Cotifiantia, the Wife of SofertKiag of Fr^wf, whom
he exhorts to punifli thofe who had pillag'd and burnt the Demeans of a Bifiiop ci f ,tnce
called Julian. QThefefour Letters are extant G>»c//. Toot, IX. p. 752. EdlMKiin pubuih d
another Letter of his^ ooncaming the priviledges of the Abbots ot Mom mm/ot.]
1 , This is all wc have remaining of the VVritiogs of thePOpes, which were ia po0edioa of
the Holy See during the Tenth Century.

Rathcrius Bifhop ofVerom,

Rathertus AMong the faiftOus men whoflomifh'd in ItaljdKuln^ this Century) none was of
Bifi$f vf
**• ^eater Repute than JUtherim, Bifhop of Feromt, Hialife has (bmetnins in it cxtnft*-
Vcioai. ^
dinary, upon the account of the many crnfs Accidents which he met with I k was a
Monk in the Abbey of Lo&^s, where he grew into great efteem for his Learning. Happy
had he been, had he ftay'd quietly in that peaoeable Harbour, and noc expos'd
, he did, to the Waves of ttrnpclluous World. But whether he was called to another

^^becaufeofhis Abiiitissj or whether he badfome other motive to incline hun to

Digitized by GoogI
of the Tenth Century vf 'CbriJliantty. t\
it, hcfoUow'dthe fortune of t\ut Hildtilii,. who li.ul ufurp'd the Biflioprick of Liege Ruhctm
and was afcerwaids turn d out of it. Hilimn Yttxi d into Ji*l7t *nd after the Death of Bifhsf »f
I^or^er, Bifhop of Fiertiu, he was put into the.polTeihon of that Biflioprick by King Havk^SWiU.
who promis'd to advance him to a more coiiftderabicSee when occafion fhould offer ,and then
to beftow thatof fifroM on SMherim. A whiir after that Prince having detcrmin d to
trandate Hildm'n to MlUn, fent RAtheriw to Romc^ to procure Pope John XI. to approve
of this TranlUtion. VVhilil itiCfiwriW w«b uDoachjs Nqracucioaac iiMiv, King hfugbil-
tei^d Mt mind juid dcfignd to beAow the AxmMkapntk m MSimwpaafomt other p^on.
Howeverj/f^tfemVw brought 3 Letter fromifoj«v,whereby the Pope appiov d ot the Inftalment
ofH/A^Wiff, in the Archbimoprick of MUm
and granted him the Pail, and another Lecter,
whereby he requtr'd in his own Name, and in the name oif the Church of Amv, thacJC«-
theriiu fliould be made Bifhop of Verona. This difpleas'd King Hugh, who had orhur
defigns in his head however, he could not tell how to deny the Requeib of the holy See,

and of the Lords that were about him. He was the more inchad to grant it, becauiei?«-
thertHs beinj^ thenfick, he bclicv 'd he would quickly march off to the other world. But he
recover d ot his diftemper, and wasord.und Bifhop 111 the year ^xi. Hugh being very
much enrag'd againft him, fwore that he fhould be never the better for his Ordination, and
would oblige him to be contented with only a part of the Revenue of his Church, and to
fwear that he would not reouire any more of it during liis Reign a nd his Son s Reign. Ra-
thertHs was not willing to fubmit to fuch an unreafonablc pro{K)ution, wiiereupon this Prince
caiu'd him to be perlecuied, and Couahc for pretences of turning him out. Tne War of Ar-.
iu^hm fiirniflt'd nim with a favourule opportunity of doing it ; for ArmUfhus becoming
mailer of fVro/?rf, /f4r/?m/*j was accoi'drfbcing one of his parry ; and yN\\cn Hugh had re- .

taken the ^wn, he ft:nc him Prif^ner to Pavia, where he was under confin^ent two yean
and an hatt. Being releas'd thence, he was oblig'd to go into exile, where he fpent five
years , after which he returns into Italj^ in hopes of beini; rertord to his Bilhcprick. In
his return he fell into the hands of Berenger^ who kept him in prifon tiiree months and an
half by the Advice of Matiafes: afterwarcb he was brouf^t to f<roM, and reoeivd by
A^i/OJ Count of that City. He llay'd there two ytars, under the Government of that
Count, who would not allow him any liberty. In the mean time A/AHajjeSj Archbifliop
of j4rks, being tranflated to Milan, bethought himfclfof ordaining a perfon for the Church
of Verona, and fome time after A'.zf/;<rr//« rcceiv'd an Order from the Emperor Lothariits
to wichdra-w. He did very w ilhndy. he fays, in obedience t^^thut Order, that which he
would havcdoneof himfel^, if hehadnotbeen forbidden by. the Gofpel to relinquifh his
Flock. He takes no notice whither )ie retir'd at thi; ciaie, but the Abijot FnictttH tells
us, that he ftay'd fome time at Frmienct with a Nobleduns Son call d Rtejteing^ that af-
terwards hcrcturn'd w
Loi>bes, where jic very kindly rec^iv'd by iZ/^M/rr whq was
ftill living, and that at iail he was fent ifor by the Emperor Otko. who plac'd him near the
peribn of h» Brother Bnm, This Ar«M9 havii^ been made Axdibiihop of CologMt^ in die
year 953. bclK w'd on iv4/^fr/*/ the Bilhoprick of ZiV^r, vacant by the death of ivrr<»i^frr,
who had fucceeded Hugh, the Succeifor ot Jiiqmer. But bad Fortune always attended
1dm, for he was oppos d by a prevaiUng party, who turn'd him out two yettrt after, and
Kit up in his place one Sojidrej, a pcrfon of Quality in that Country. Spite of thefe aof-
ix , he had a mind to be re-enttated in his Biilioprickof /irro/(4, and attempted it whca.
<Mhr came into /m/; a fee and tim:. At firft he met with fome difficulty, becaufe the
place was rilled by y^//os Grandfon, whofc ordin-ition had been ratified by the Holy See.
However, he malted upon it, wrote very powerfully to Pope John Xll. and to the Bilhops.
of France and Germany^ cited them toaCoiincU, and prevaded fo far as to be le-eltablidid
in a Syncd held .\t Paiia. Rut he was no foontr re-enftated in his See, but he had new
controvcrfies between hiuifelf and his Clergy, (b that he look up a Rcfolution to retire.
About the year 966. he came into France where he purchas d Lands, and bought the
Abbeys of S. jimdiid of Jmhm, and of in the kll of which be dy a in the
jcar972. -

This I'/iHiop has comprs"d fcvcral Treatifefc A great part whereof bath been rcoofoed
andjpubliih'd by father DacherjAn the fecond Tome of his Spicelegium.
' The fifft has a very fantallical Title : Tis eniituTd, J Treat ife of the PerfenJSadmrt of Ra-
thL-riub. j^/yZcf M'trcna, or the Vijlon of a Thief,'l among feveral others.
It isdcdica-
ed to JHuicrf iiiihi^p oiPdrma, and he thetjin lepiehends that (light which the Clergv
put upon the Canons. The Work isdi^ed into two parts. |n the firli he complains, that
he had formerly been turn'd ottby ihc Clergy of his own Church, who could not endure

that he fliould concern liimfelf with the dUlribution of the Ecdenailical Revenues of his
own Diocefs, tho it was part of the Pallors Duty i and who were not willing he (hould
cxercife himlelf in any otlicr Function, than of confccratiiig the Chrifm, and of con-
firniatjon. Being harafs d by their continual KcLdlion, he undercook in tins Writing to
Ihcw that their Attempt was a manifeft Owitenipt of tlie Canons and for the proof there-

of, he began by collefting thofe Canons which related to the Authority of ^ifhop^and .

which gtanted to them ms AddiiiUftratiou o^ the Goods belongii^ to their own ChureMb

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21 // Ncu> ILcdcliajiicjl Hiflcrj
Madicrius Atterwards he made it appear by an Aii;iimejuation, that Bifiiops not being only oblig'i
^^fiap «f to feed their Flocks fpirjtu.iii>, Inir ilio corporally, they had aright to take cognizance
VeroM. of the iLitc aivJ diftribution t r thi: Church KeVunucs, fo .is to div ide them among the
Clerg.y .iccordjtig to jufticc and equity, ilcflicwsrhjc this equuy had been perverted in
the dillribution which was nude in tlie Church of lh ())i4 ; becaufe die mdl powetful ran
away wirh &.t grratcil ihai'e thereof, .uid enrich 'd themfelves at nthcr mem cnJls, and rh,tc
the Prielts and Deacons kept ail to ihanicivcs, without parting with any to the rclt ct the
Clergy. Headiis»tlMC dim ktc^« in whofe bchaL^ he fpoke, dSd not much cuncern them*
fidvcs about it, nvon two accotiffs : Firl^, bccaiife they were very glad they had tliis prc
tenct CO cxcufe themfelves from doing t\\z Ciiuich ahy icrv li;.- ; Secondly, occaulcr they
hop d heicaftcr to have the fimc advantage. Whereas they objeiled, that me cuftom of
the Church of / VroiM was quite concnury, he nuinCAins that they ought not to prefer an
evil cultom to the Intention of die Canons » an<i to the Laws of the Church. It was again
objected to liim, tli;.t ir a rcntction upuii i BiHiop to degrade himielf fo far, as to

<iilb-ibute amongit the Cicrg> , and to appoint cacli their Allowance of Corn^ of Wine, and
of Money. He reply d to tliis, diat it ma
not at all reqnifite that die Bifliop Ihonid do
thia Inmfelf, bui tn.ic he init^licdo it by his Priclb .'.nd Dc ions, if he could find any a-
mong them whom )ie could trud which way was authoris'd by the example of the Ado-

fties , who made afe of Deacons to diftrihite the Alms which werecoUemd by their Or-
der ; and by the practice of S. «yivfw.r, vvhn rnmmitred the <1 iftriburion of the Trcafures of
the-CbuTch to S. Lawrence upon which lie makes ihi^ rt iijar!., that St. Lawe/ice {jpcAkin^

toS.Sixnf, told him, that he had difposd o( his Treafures, calling the Treafiircs of the
Church, the Trt ifu- csof the Bilhops j becauferhc fiifhop is as it were the Hiibband of
the Church. He proves the fame things out of the Civil Laws, which gave the Biihcps a
power of treating about the priviicdges of the Church. He afterwards invicghs againft
that 'general conretnpr, \vli:ch .ill furts of Chriilians, from tlie mcancrt: L.uck to the Pope
himfeif, cait upon the Canuus and Laws of the Church; and he with a great deal of heat
declaims againll the irregular Lives of the Eccldiallicks of his time, who made no fcrufde
of violating the Canons openly in matters of moment , as well as in fmall things. He rc-
piovcsvery fmartlv, and charges them with feveral Diforders, which he dcTcribes in a
plain and naked (\:vU. Utlpcaks a'^a>nft thofe perfons ofQiulity , who were mark'd out
for Church Pnfeimems, and advanc d thereto by all manner of contrivances, how uniic
foevcr they were ftr foch in employ : He calls them Thieves,' faHe'Shepherds, whofe
blcniiig turn'd to acin fci peiP iis exc-mnuinicatL-d hy the Canon^; a thoafaiid times ovc:",

who rentier the Authority of Bifhops contemptible, and were tlie cauic why men let lo
night by their exeommmlicitibns and ibfolucions.
Id the Second p.ircnfhis Treitife, R.uher'yj more particularly fills upon thelmmodeily
of the Ckvgy, whicli was at iuclia heiglah in his time, that one could fcarcc ( fays hcj find a
man fit to be ordained a Bifliop, or any Bifliop-fit taordain others. He takes notice that
of all the Nations in Cliritlendom, the were the perfons who had the icaft regard
f'^ Tbk it for the Canons,
and the leaft eftetra for the Clergy : * The reafon he gives for it is that the
ttkp^f EccleJiAjiick/ oi t\\<:irOoianiry wcrcthemoftirregular in t!>C!r Conduct, rhemoll Imniodelfc
9nfgTcat in their outward behaviour, and tlic mort: remifs in r!\e d::.l:argeof their Duty. Hereckonf
rfafontf up feveral hortjble Stories, ar.d chj.rgesthem{.hieriy v.uli an lufainous Coiiverfe with Wo- ^,ni'-
rtien. In thecentlufion lie gives them to underlland that they had Itill place left for Rcoen-
tance, nnd curncftly exhorts them thereto. This Work was COmpos'd by JUtherifu lomc
rat Uit'

'"H^'i. time after he was laftre-crtablifhed in his Biflioprick of r#ro»* by the Emperor Oiho aboi>c
the year 962.
a"" la '
The Second Treatife is intituled ; A
Deliktnuivt DttermiHtultm made at LUge. He there
b"under *'l^«^ ^"^^ reafons, why he thought himfelf obliged neidier fivmally nor tacitly to re-
and tt,/,;i4 iiounce the Government cfh;-?
Fleck, nor to abandon it to thofe whoh.d uldul him of it-
viHin all Thefc ReoTons ate ibong and fliort, and are of the Natureof jhhm/ms : In the condufiori
f-(ccttJir.g hefeysdiathefbrmerlymadeufcofthemfbrthcBiflioprickofZiSp^fi but that the Sivteeti

Aii'^scafl a frrft w ere likcwile applicable to that

o£Ferena. Me ends with an Imprecaticii a^ainll tlmfe
Jctra modi whoperliit to.liarafsand difturbhira. This Work was written at r!iat time when he (oihcit-
reproaeb m edtihs re-eftftWiflimcnt in the BHhoprick of ffrom.
sit fitch ir- The third Treatife is intituled: ^i.tlh.nUconjelhirA cmjufdam. He Lhcnin evptifei under
regular ajVunknown Name, all that iiis linemies laid to his charge, and how tliey conttrucd all his
c/fr(;i of a contmu'd piece ofKallery on thcii^pite and Malice; and wi-ore
anions in a wrongKnfe-"] i''

"S**' a'bnUtthcendxjf hi. Life, v. henhehad taken up his refolution to retin- for he therein
-p'r f ol^fct vcs that it was forty years ago hnce he oegan to afpirc to Greatneis and Authority,

vnoic ^'^^ ableio attaihit LalUr, ^

oomplauisthBt theEmpetor himfelfhad ftr>
1^-1 '^/akenhim.
The following Treatife iscompos d upon the variance which hapn'd between hmi and the
Cfcrgyof afh.rhisre-dii»Wilh He fays that it was no new thing, and that it
beg:bi at the rime of his Ordination That it proceeded, (i.) becaufe his morals and thcle of

four Clerks were a coacradttkiou to each other, (i.) Becaufe he prefcrr d the oblcivanon of

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of Ibe Tenth Century of Chrifiianity. i|
the Canons to thofe Cudonls which were iutroduc'd by tlie l3evii. (j.) Becaufe he had Ratherfit*
reftraia'd them from keeping company with \Vomen, according to the Iujim£tion.ofche Bi/iop /
tkrancil ot IRcf. (4.) Becauie he ^ould not permit the unequal dtftribution of the Church VcTooa.
Goods among the Ciergy. Tfi.u v.i upon tliU Lift account the gu.irrel between liim and them
isfbundedi^ as he had already demunlbarcd in a Letter written Co Hdfrt, Iwhich is his
firft Treatife. He declaims very ftrongly agaihftdie general firregulwity or sdl the Clergy^
which he dcfa-ibcs with very litcic Caution. Ik- tcllsusthe reafon why he undertook to
difcourfeof the dilbtbution of the Goods of his Churchy was, becaufe the Clerks, who had
recitivedan order from the Emperor to leave off dutnuniKarity which tfaey held with woi*
m-'n, excufed themfclves from fo doing under a pretence of their Poverty. That it was
upon this account he cntred U[xjn this particular, that they might all liave wherewithal to
The ylpologetkkTreatife of JR.nbcrin*,not an Apology of his whole Life, but he therein
is '

only gives an account how he had employed a fujuiu of moncy^ which the EnijDeror put
into his hands for the re-buildine the Church of S. Zeno. One of his Enemies, nam'd Aikr-
ctM, found fault with what he did, and would have had him diftributed it amongil the
Poor. Ratheriui mAktsit appear that he ought not to do it. (i.) Becaufe it was dcfigad
for the rebuilding of the Church. (2.) Becaufe there were not very many poor in his Dio-
cefs, and that icveral Derfom contributed tu their fub&ftance • whereas on the contrary,
diae were very many Churches demoliihed, or at leaft very mnch on( of repair, for the
rebuilding ot which nothing was bcftowed ; that thereupon he fuppofed he mignt even era-
ploy a part of that Portion of the Church Goods intended for the Poor on fuch a good
wonc He telts us, that his Antagonid had ventur'd to go to JPmw without bis Licence'
and that he had by Bribes procur d Letters from the Pope, which excommunicated him
and the BUhops hisSuccclfors, in cafe they ftiould concern thenifelves with the diftribution
pf the Cliurch Goods. He fays, that it was impolTible but due this Excommunication
would be the caufe of a great deal of trouble for if he ihould (light the Anathtmi of the

holy See, he O^tmld give a very bad Precedent ; but on the other hand, if he fhould fubmit
toit^ he (lioulil be no longer a Biniop, (Ince hewhois made a Bilhop, at the fmie time is
made an Overseer ^ not only in fpiritual things, but .dfo in the Temporalities of his Church,
as it is ordain d by a vaft number of Canons. ThisTreatife was compos 'd by Ratherius. .

after his laft re-cftabliftimcnt.

The following was wrote much about the (ame timeTis.a difcourfe dircfted to his

Clergy, wherein he upbraids them of their Rebellion. He there tells them that he had
refolv d to excommunicate them, as they had defcrved ; but he had delay'd doing it, ia
hopes they would have reform d of themfelves : That he urryed for a CommilFion from
die Emperor, who ihoiild report to his Imperial Majefty chisllearoiisofbodi fides, upoi^
which the Bmpdcor ihould detename what he pkafid, 9iid he would Qbqr his
This Treitife is followed by a Charter, whereby Ratherim inftitutes feveral Clerks into a
Monaftery, in the place of the Abbot and Monks, whom he was oblig'd to turn our, be-
caufe of their Irregularities. He therein appoints that they iliould hng the Officej and
that every one of them Ihould have his fhare of Com, yfVaie, PuUe andMdnejr, without
dividins^ the Lands and Vineyards.
The following Treatii'e is an Injunftion of Ratherlw againft the Marriage of a Clergy-mans
Sonoff^HMM, which was perfortn'd on z. Sunday in Lent. He declares that it is Irregular,
and that no Marriage ought to be celebrated during i^f, nor on Fall-days, nor onJiw- '

dajSy nor on Holydays ; and orders that all thofe who Ihould commit fuch a fault. Ihould
fall for fortv days ; that is to fay, that when others of the faithful eat at nine of the clock,
they fhoula (bar till noon e re they eat : when others fall till noon, they ihould fall till
^1 three a dodt : and whin others faft till three a clock, they Ihall abftain fi-om eatine till
night. He exhorts them likcwifc to be charitable to the poor during this time. He declares
dut he would undergo vthe lame pennance himfelf for being backward in oppoling fuch an
irregularity. He excommunicates fuch Offenders as woMd not fttbmit to this Pennance,
and declares that God would confign them over to erernal Damnation.
After thisTreatife there are five Letters of his writing.- The firft is direfled to AUrti»
Biihop of Ferr4Br4f wherein he acquaints him that his Clergy laid leveral Crimes to bit
charge, panicularly that of ordaining feveral lafiunsformooey. He exhorts him to rqpentf
and to behave himfelf better for the future.
The lecond Letter is writ in the name of all the Clergy of ^ro«4, and direcl.-d to him,
who was then in the Holy See, to the Senate, and to all the faitiiful of the
Church of Rome- It was compos d by RAtherins fom_^ time after his Re-e(Ubliihment^thic

J«f rj?, A^o^jiico. In this L.tter he defires to know what he ouglit to do with thpf«
rgyiaen mFirmi, who eater 'd into Orders wliiUl chat Church was governd by Intru-


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2^ A Nei^ Eccle/iallical Hi/lory
'^4theTw$ dcrs. He drew up a colleclion of thofe Canons, ^hicli declare fuch Ordinations to be inva-
of lid : however, he declares in the name of his Clergy, that their Bifliop having re&rr'd the
cfoiM. decifion of rlie c.ifc wholly to tiie judgment of rhc hcly Su-, they eatncftly enctcaced thac
See to artilt them, and deal favourably with them in that pai ticiihi .

Th6 Letter which follows precedes in date that whidl we have been juft mw
B-tthcrim wrote ir ro Pope John XII, in his own name, to dcllre his re-tfhibiiflimciit. He

he ought to be Bifliop of f'<ro».i, or no.

THcibui ch Letter is writ upon the Cime fubjcft, and diicc^eJ to the Bifliops of Iialj,
Trance^ and Gernumy\ he therein implores chdr AiTtllaacc, aiid cites his Advcilary to a
Ccuiicil, that his Caufc mirfit be dettsriniii'd there.
Tlichftli Letter is impcrTe^ ; 'tis a dedicatory Epiftle of lome Work, dticcled to aKiniop.
Thefe particular Letters are follow d by a Synodical Letter* which Jl^^Urmj pubiiih d m
a^ynod which beheld aflec his kft re- eitablilhmenr, in order to inibuA his Clergy, who
%vcic very ignorant. He recommends to them at tirft the getting by heart the Ap<.JHe"s
Creed, that whit h was fungat Mais, and the Creed of b.AbaMfinj. He explains to rhcm
the myftcries of the principal Peftivals of the year, exhorts them to fay Niafs, and tu ixm
mimicatc on the I'eltival'; ami Smi.tjs and advertizes tlioie who would enttr into Pndts

Orders of what they oujjht to know and practice, inordu io thcu Oidiiiation i vvluch he
reduces rc thefe heads Thtj- nuill bring Certihcates out of the Church Rcgiltcrs, whe-.

thcr they be free-horn, and of the fame Dioccfi. If they are Iwrn Skvcs, thcy uuitl prpifuL\r
thcir Letter rfl'r edoni
I- and if thcy be of another Dioccfs, Letters uf rccomiucnJuuoa

from their BiHu p, c.xW A mv^ Letters Demifforj. They nnilHcarn by heart, and be able
to explain the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and to read diilindljr, and to explain tlie K-
piftle and Golpcl. They mull know how to adminfter' die Sacraments of Baptjfoi, of
Pcnnaixer, ana of Extream Un^lion, and how to perform the CcreuK>aics for the Burial
of the Dead, and for the Blelfmg of Holy Water, i hay muit be weU.vetid in Siu^iig,
smd in the Calender, and they mttft have a Martyology and a Ptmtetmat, He adds, thac
he would not admit any intoPriells Order-?, inikfj they h.ul Ipcnt lome time in his Ci-
ty, cither in a Mooaftery, or under the Di ft jplme of fome Learned Man^ and were uieii
of[ fome Learning themtelves. He informs nis Clergy ilut the Kiddicdlical Revenues
being divided into four parts, uhere<jf only one bcloii^d to tliem, they ought not to en-
croach on thofe which belong d to the Biihop, to the l our, and to Building. He orders
that a Regular obfervation fhould be made of Lent every day alike, except Su»iajs\ that
during Advent they iTiouId abftain frciTi c tring of Flc/h, and from the cclebr.iii ri uf Mar-
ri.igc. He requires that ablhnence m tne i^ll cule lliouid hkcwile btcbferv d iii the Olljvts
^'^ i^'*#«'and }fi}iifo>!tide, in the time of publick Prayers, in the \ igilsof all (heFcllivals,
foptfh Ca-
'^'^ FriiA)i cind SKndA)^ •, AW
tliat they ihould fUl till f all the PaHion-VVeeIc ; (liar on
Eafier Eve no Prieil (hould L\ Mais before ten a clock, lior Cblemhly ChrilUa any before
Impj^ that hour. He declares that the Priefls can enjoyn Pennance, and give Abfolution for
fecretSins, bat for tniblick OlTences they ought to apply theufelves to the Bifhop. Lall-
ly, he would have them omit the Fcftivals, which fell out in Z«tf , except thole of the
V'irgin A-Iary^ the Apoflles, and the Saints, whofe tedits lay interr d mtheir Church.
There is inferred io this Synoidicai Letter, a difcourfe cuntaiiiing; likewife fcveral Advice*
atid falfaniftionsfbr £cclefiaftick^ die which is attributed to rope Lt9 IV. sod & Vkic,
Tis very plain, diat 'tis ibre^ to this fubjeA^ but 'tis diflici^t to dstemint whofe piece
his. .

TheTreatife of Ri^heriiif, entituled a Journal of his Travel io kome^ is'a piece whereitt
he threatens his Clergy to go to Afo/wr, and impeach them there, that fo he might reduce'
them totheu-Duty. He tells them, that tho they uiiglic be very fenfible that he de-
it^'d to go toRomt, yet they were ignorant ofhisdehgn ingoing: Tluthedid notga
thither tn pur up his Prayers there; having read in the Golpel that the time is conic„
wlien Men jhall no longer fVorfhtp God on this A foMnfain, nor yet at Jerulaleni, and that Uod
tttMgs'Sfirit^ bt OH'ht to hevorfhifped inSfirit and in Tr nth, which every one might do aC
home in nil own Clofet. That he did not go thither by the Emperor s Order, having re-
cciv d no fuch orders from him^ but only to fend his Stddiers thither ; That he did not
go thither to learn any thing, hnce die Scripture gave him fufhcicnt inftruftions what ta
oo : but that he went thither no the Synod otfiifliops which were to meet at Romehy the
Emperor s Ordel-, to know oF'them how he ihould behave himfelfiu the Difcipline of his

Church, and particularly whether he mi^ht tolerate his Clergy's having Women amonglt
thera. fie oblcrves that he could ap^
himielf to no place fo properly as to Romt, t<x
inftruaionhowheoughtto demean himfclfindiat cafe "For, flays where can one"
* be better inform'd of the difcipline of the Church than n Rome ? Thcic aic the moit
eminent Doctors in the World : Tis there the Heads ot the Univerlal Chutdi do llpu-
?f|j(fa : Tis diercdicy cntnioe the conftitutiow ofEpiTcopacy, and i£c inHttotiQiis
' . ffodwr

Digilized by Goo^
of the Tenth Century of ChriJlUnitji. 25
* bther Ecdefiiflicks There tbey approve of thofc that ought to bcrecciVed, and rejwfbtbofc that Rathfriu^

* ought to be rejected. Nochii^ that ts diTinnull d there, can be of force elfe where ; and nothing B//3bo^ of
* which ii mimd dtatt eul bcabolilbM. Whither then can I better apply my (elf for the Cure of Verona.
* my Ignorance, than to tbefoorce and fountain-head of all Wifdotn? To ihis Gonflderation be v-'V^^
ad(b the Eqotty and Juitice of the Emperour, arid the perfoaal Deferts of Pope ^ein fvi^. the
TlNffih of that Name, who icarce deferred fuch an Encomram) and the hofei tfeM dry would
caD A general Cooodl, which be wiflies might prove beneficial to the Cba^b.
Heoi>laim tbe qoeftion be wonid propole to them ; namely, wbetber iboie who infring'd and
openly oomemn'd the Canons, ought lobe endur'd in the Church : He adds, that he would not fo'
tnA as nKmioa the Injuries be bid formerly fbtfer d from ibem, nor ibofe which ibqr fttU oooti-'
Biwd tt»beipiipoa bhn; but tb«i be knew not bow to rtfi'iib liking of dnt wbich paffect in thi
laft Synod which be held, wherein he had not the Liberty of Refurmln^ his Qergy, and in which

tberc wuoot ibe kaft notice uken of bis Sjmodiul Ltttmr,^ He enlarges bim(elf very mocb on tin
neeelBty tbert was of obfervipg tbe CmoBi ; and einemely conoera'tt, upon tbe accoant that
lbe(e Canons prohibited ibe Clergy, wbohad been foUty of fucb Crimes, Uom Cclchratine or dif-
cbargiog their Mioificrial Fuodkms. For (fays bej if tbtf do utf emififft their FduJti, tOy are
tUii^er ^btimg Dmifdi mitf tlnj d» eemfift tbnu, $befi CammtfrMh^bm firm difeharginx tbrii.
tuKBions. Since lit Cafe ftands thut, the Church would he unprovided of Minijiirt, Jtnet tbe Numl-jr
tie Wickgdmrn fogreM. He exhorts them to Repentance, and to recite a Prayer, which, be
fiyHr benet witbinibeMiheHet, wbereinGodiltobeimptofed fbrifaeir Sahraiibki and Confer-

fioa* throagh the IntercefTion of the Virgin, and all the Saints. However, fatafiMCb at the Oiflfi-
cnlty ftill rematn'd t becondodes, that he goes to J^one for the removal of ir.
To ihofe Treatiftt of l^dubertm are annez'd feverai Sentmns. Tbe firft and nioft ccmfiderable is
a large Inflrudlion apoo Lent. He therein blames thofc who did not obferve it accol-ding to the
Canon, either fafting only one pan of that Holy time,, or elle breaking out into Excclj ; or laftly,
bfeaktiig the Paft on Holy Tbarfday and Stttird^. Hcf takes notice, that in bis time the^ fafted iq
Lent only till Noon : That on Holy Saturday Mafs was not Cclcbrartd among the Latins till about
Miehr, and that they faded that day till Mafs was over: But that in tbe Creek Churdi tbcy began
im$6tmouj tf at Nine of tbe Clock in the MM^S ; that their Lent was longer. After
<!>|yyiBBi300Mtiendf Prayer, ATm^ {^'ving. and Repennmolk'; and (hews with what mind, and after!
wbat manner they ought to put ihelc into Pradicc. Laftly, totbrt'e InltruAionshe adt!« a Dilferta-
rioo againft the Errtt of the Jlnthrepomorpbttts, into which he percciv'd Tcvcral of bis Pricfts were
fUleo oat of <kn6i^lice, not being rapahic of imagining a God nqleii be b|d a Bod^. By feveral
'Afgumentslie IMf^filtrates that God u a pureSairir. HelikrAriiei^AKI a Ibolidi and (uperfttU'

oQs Opinion, that St. Miebaei Sang Mtft IB Hem cftty JliM^. ''He concKidel ^kvh ta^nltmk'

IVIMbni. wboS^JhortlieftilddRlnMagtfaftifibirSm^ teenAflUn fcftkreiitorMaii'

lice or Tgnonncej of having deny'd that "JESVS CHF^IST bad a Body, aild of biving om-
d{39p'd libe Derotioo of thofe wbo went every Mmd^ to bear Mais in ibc Ctardi of Sc. htieUelf
lb dm be was obltg'd to explain bbnlelf, by dcclirbig ibat fceoerfr faid ibic fBSVSCHU^IST,
that is, the incarnate Wifdom, bad not Eyes, Hands, or a Body; but only that the Divine SabitanCO
bad none ; and that be never (aid| that it was iU done to going to tbe Church of St. Micbsei to bear
Mali ; bn tbac be bad* faid, and wnid nafanin, tbat it was a grear piece of Folly to aflin* tfau
Sc. Mcbael Sing Mafs, and Saperdition ro believe, tbac it was better to gn to Sl Jti^i^iMirt Cbgldl
00 "Mmdajs, and Pray to him on tbat Day, than on any other day of the Week. >

The Second Difcourfe apoo Lear, ii a Mora! Exhortaiioo to refrain from Vice.
Tberc are bcfidesfour Sermons on E^Rer-day, and three on the /Ifcenfitn, which likcwifc contafn
very ufefot Inftrudions of Morality, taken for the moft part out of the Holy Scriptara and tbe Fa-
Thcfe are all the Works of I{etberius, uhich are exubt in the Second Tome of tbe Sfieilegiyml
There is fiill in the Tivclftb Tome, a Letter of tbe laitie Author upon the Eucharitt: He wrote
k (O a BiOiop, who having met him in a Convocation of Bilhops bdd by Ceierad, ttd ask'd him,
«rbetber be bad Sung Mafs that Week or no ? He complains, tbat this Qgeibon wu propos'd to
bim, rather to try him, than out of Charity ; and anfwers biii), tbat perhaps it were to be'wifli'd,
tbat neither of them had Cddmtcd it on Cbrijlmaj-d^ i deciariog witbal, tbat he had no good
Opinion of bim. He leaves tbe World to judge, wbicb of tbe two who recciv'd tbe Encbarift
unworthily, ismoft in dangerofbtsSalvarion; whether be wbo recetT'd it fetdom, or bewbereoeiv'd
It often. He adds, tbat were tbey to read tbe Homilies of Sc. CbryfoRem on tbe Epiftle to tbe Hr-
irewt, perhaps tbe Ottt woold abftaio altogaher from Celebrating, and tbe Utiar finom doiog it
every day. fxtm cbti pohf of Morality Hatberim paflbio aaocber of Doftrioe, and ask's him« to
whom he writ ; wbetber he undcHtands figuratively tbeie words, which are fpoken in giving tbe
Sacrameoti JheBe4frf 3BSVS CHBJST frefirvf tbetteB-Mrl^imLift. Hetells bim, tbac
if bennderftoodtbem in tbatSenfe. be was mierabfyUiKl; and antral Aiois (baf be OBghc tcT
believe, thatas in the Marriage of Cana in Galilee, the Changeof the Water
into Wine was Real, and not Figurative ; lo tbe Wine is by tbe Prieft's BiJUp's ami MIfiaif
BamBOm wade the i«at Blood titfBSVSC H^I'T, mad tbe Bread ^
iff* > thkjaraUel mtl
^Mptd^ muit
the^M^ aa4MtcalrinftF%nie:TbitiftbeTaftinltbeCoioar 4 iettnd at^

1 im»

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26 A liw BccUfiaflical HtJhrJi
Ratherius ftem to laggeft the contrary, yet we ate not to Hick fiew{ and tint utiie"
Bi/hopef P^tiit to MuJ whereof Man was furm'd cbang'd iis Figure, ibo' the Subl'.ancc lUlI
frtme Tronjuh-

Vercwta. Tht h\tll.ic} <f Remained, ib wc ou^gbi to believe, ibai ibo' liie Cok>ur and Xalie of ibe

^^^^Y>0 " "rparnt. F!t the hiud and Wioe remain, ya we teoeive tbeieal Ffelh and the ical Bloed
(,f y eSVS CHB^IST: Thai if one fbould ask, what ii bcccmc of ibe
»t tie Mani.i^e of Cua m OtIUee,
^ahUtoa of the firead awl Wine ? itmigbc beanfwercd. That the Bread

ff Bread and w
into the tcmI Body
^^'^ ^ofpel teaches us , that this Flcflj and this Blood , arc the
Fl« <li a«i «he Blood ol ibe Body of JESVS
C HH^i T : That wc ougbt
MdBlMd ojf CbriA, w§rdt ^ak:
ingtftbe Priefl k mtreMractfm, nur lo be over-inqiiifitife about the leii, linoe 'tis a My&er)' of oar FaMi
mdpKTu s th-'PnejUobecm^ ttrcJ w'ab becaufe being a Myltcry it cannot be comprrbended ; and being a Mfftoj
Mgrratci finer f^jn^i^i V.n; Inn- of Faiib, wc IhouJd believe it, without going about to explain it. . ;'

jtlfbiid, wl}!ik Jp)efuTne ni Rwuvij}^

^ be be hu SenfUf will be fo bold m /» blajpbeimut as t» affert. And ds far. hit ether ArsanetU to etude the Em-
Alice if wrSti^y *tis dttptberts vmn ; mtlefs it etm hefmmty thtfwtn^t tt 0Hewtmiigx which cnntradUIoiir
Stvfe ard RejfoH, as vtU m tfnfe vhtch art- abne thfm. The One we ff0^^tke OA\er rrfdcrj. The My} .'n rf the
Incunation, of the ^kffed Trinity in Unity, and the hl^e, are above mrStnjeMd Reaf n, but nntrad !} r.rtler. Bw
the Myjkry j ;/ TrJUlubliaBtiation, m nor only above^ but antr.idiHs the yynt Tejlimiry of our Sei^fet .via Xs/.fm at
otit e. So that I leave the IVold to judge nbichof the two Ofimons is mt^\ Ortbodtx ; whether Out* wbkb laysy thtt
Chriihjrs do if Faith receive verj clinjlf in the receiving the Elements oj Brejd and Whe^ mhicb remMt.JkB the fme\
or tlicirs, which fajs^ that fbe Bread MiWmm eh^d
iaf tberud Bed/ md Bitid 4. Ctaaft, • <'6/M h
Foulcuin Abbot of Lohes, fpeik* of almoft all thefe Works of Jbuberim, wbicb we dill bave,
and likewife nUBca nentioo of (bme oibers which are loft ; vu^ • Treatife Eaiiioled The CmAM,
or tbe Mental Mtditatieiu tf ene Ratberius, Bi/hop of Verona, and Mmk
of Lobes, wbicb be wrh
during his firft Ezil, and addrefs'd to ibe molt Lea tried Prelates of bis Titnc A Treatile £ott- :

tulcd, Ti e Freny becaolc be tfacFein laOti like a Mad-«M« auinft Bsmdy: Sevetal Sermoot foe
Huly iburfday, for tbe Pctft of Feiiwco^^ and for fevcral Mifab of tfee'Blcftd Virgia, and
feveral other pieces. Tbe fame Autbor'addi, that j^jr/rrm in bis Exile at C«in.r, naeeiing wiUi
a Copy of tbe Life of St. Vfatar, cont6teii tbe Solediou ikercof , aod feoc ii 10 Ltlm » and that
afierwardi being in PmMwr, be Compos'd a Tieatife of Gtamaiat; wfaicli lie Dedicated to B^fiitig*9
SbOk nodcr the Title of Sfera-dorfum, or, jt Shelter for the buck/ldi.
Tlie StOeof ^juhtrm a obfcnre and intricate, but pure cnoogb in tbe TeroM : bii Ezpceflloaa
aie Bvelf and fmatc, and UiReaibaiDgi fuft enough. He was wcO acqoabitcd widi tbe Ctaoa^
had thorowly read the Latin Fathen, and very peainentljr made ufc of their Authority and Priu-
ciples. He reprova with Aarpoeli tbe Vices and irr^golariiiei of bis Tioae, without Iparin^ any
Idan, and particularly kvcbagaiaft the ooffiipied Manb
of Eodefiafiidbv wbichkedidaatftick

ATTO VerceiL .

Atio Bi- dk TTO or JJatto Bi(hop of Verceil, fame with the Bifhop of TlafL', of the (ame
foot the
/b^ 4 i\ Name, wbom we mcnttooed in tbe foregoing Century j is more moderate and lets obfcore
Vcfcdb Hftierint. 1^ wat tbe Son of AJJegaire, and prefided over the Cbnrcb of Ver'
^ ceil, from the Year 945. till about tbe Year 9<5o. His Wm
ks were a long time conccaTd
in tbe Vatican Library, and were at laft made publick by Father Dacberj, in the Eighth Tome of
IbS Spcilegiitm.
Tne firft is a Capitulary for the Clergy of his Diocefs, eofluining an Hundred Heads or Articles,
abtraft all extradlcd and copied from tbe Councils of Laodicea, Carthage, Toledo, aoduthcrs* from
dKDecreulsof Popes bocb trne aod falle, and from the Capitulary of Tbeodolpbiu^ only exceptif^
a Vety few, of which perhaps he is the Author. Thefe arc the Fourth, whcrdn heinjoynsbts
MeAs, Deacons, and Sub-deacons, to learn the Catholick Faith ftbat is, tbe Creed uf Athmafita)
by Heart : Tbe Fiftb, wbicb is a general Admonition to tbe EcdeHjiticics, to difcharge tbeir Duty*
aod lead exemplary Lives : TbeTentb, whereby be prdaioi, that when they Cooleccrate tbe Body
o( JBSVS c IIRJST, it Ihould be an intirc Oblation, 1. e. a whole Loaf unbroken ; and that tbe
Pricfts flioold celebrate the Mafs Fading. Tbe eighteenth concerning tbe Inftitution of Catechumens,
the Baptifm of Mutes, and the Obligation of Godfathers, to inflrudl tbofe £br whom they fiand
Sureties. The
Twentieth, whereby 'tis order'd, that in all Churches where Baptifm is /Idmtni*
Itrrd. Deacon with tbe Piieft, and enjoyns Priefts who bave no Deacons, to make
there Ibould be a
fpeedy choke of fome fit Perfon , and get him tO be Qfdam'd Deacon. ,Tbe Twenty nioib
miich enjoyns the Conferences of tbe Prieftst on tbe Tv9l day of tbe Mootb. a CoHoid eRaMtftrd
in tbe Ninth Cenmiy, as appears from tbe Capituiarys of ///nciN^rHf and I^icjtlplm. The Thirty
ouub. which impotts that for tbe fouaie all Bifliops (bcnld be enjo^n'd not to ordain Deacons till ibcy
bad oblig'd tbemlelvei 10 eomiaae la Cdibaqp. Tbt Seftaiy fifth, whereby be impoles a FssanoeoB
iadvwl»bytfaeirll0TCaliaefi1lboiildBekhtfiet-d^ TbeSefcntyteventb.

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of the Tenth Century of Chri/lianity. ij

wbidb tOiponi tint ihoie who OutU be fiiptiz'd or Coofinn'd, Ihall abftaio , during ibe time pre- Atto 8i- ^

ktib'd bf the fitfliop, from eating Meat, and for eight day! from the ale of Marriagic, and diat mP'Op
Qerk flioald be ordain'd till he bad received both thefe Sacraments. And dx Ninetiedif ivfaicb con- ""t^rn i

cem* the Pcnnaiioef which Prieftt oogbc to impale oa Fcddick Offender^ aod afier wlMtmanet cfacf <^VV»
ought 10 prefcat to tbc Bifhop facb Perioos as will act fnbmit co Feoaanoe.
The oezt Treatife is about ibe Perleoatioos and Troubles which the Eccleliifticklft&r'd. It i*
divid«d iuD tluea But*. Jbc iAvtmof die TniafalEt di^ fiiJftr'd ja beiag ccnfiir*d io their
Btribm. TliefMMd, of diofeibeyinet whhiaiheirOirdiniMiit: airf
^rd in their RcTenues. In tbc beginning be takes ootioc that the Church will always have its Pei«
ftcaaon, but that ibey willoerer Mtihe Ma^tay. aad that theCburcb beiiy fiModcdon iIk SoUd
Rock uf the ApoAaHcal Mb,
wfll ahraytflaM bf Faidi. bytbeLoveof 7 BfC;5 CHi{ If T,
by tbe Ulc of Sacraments, and by the Obfervatioo of the Commandments of God. Hippy Houfi I
(lays be) it u mt everthrwn bj Sttrmj, tmjbmmr'd hj Blaodh mr fiMkfm h
f^9di » 4r«ui# miieh

miiyMrfW, nor t» tfen Perfecutions nor to the AttMckf of MtUcious Sfiriti

, , nor to the Corruption of
Wim md bn^ietia. After he had thus expreft faimielf infcneral oaaceroinE the Pafeciiugns of this
Omoi '» bo lays tktt oae of tba tnoft vfini !
bktuM^ Ji Aai tRdbn ite ^^kkod aiv oocraAcd by
who teach themi and openly aflanlt tbem, that by this means
their Soperiottrs, they prrfccntc tho(e
they ouy evade the Inbmitting to £cdefiaftical PiaaflMBms : that to prevent this abnle, it was or*
dain'd io tbe Caooos, that Biihops flwnid not beaccm'd bat by iMiea of nofpooed RcpmatioB, mc
jodg'd by any other fadges than thoie of their own choofing, nor CotKlnnn'd by any other Authori-
ty than that of the Holy See, aldlo* it was allow'd for Metropolitans and fii/hops of tbe Province to
bear and examioe their Oiaies. After having eflablifh'd this Point ul Civil on the falfe Deere-
all of tbe Popes, be (ays that in his time, tbey did not only not obfervc tbcfc Precautions in the Ac-
culation of Bilhops > but that they would not Io much as give them leave to make tlxir own defeooc,
and wodd oblige tbeoaehber to bring their Breiiiren to fwcar that tbey are innocent, ortopnyride
a Champion to fight for them. He (hews tbattbele two Methods of fudf;ing tbe Crime or InnoceiM
of any Man, which were then to ufe, are both of tiiem unjalf and aniawf uJ , efpccially among
cfefiiftkkt. Thefift, bcanfe k iimvm. Mtm
tbat all tbofe who cannot produce Wime& to
IWcarto their lonoceoce, are guilty ; and that it had been always tbe Cufiom of ibe Church to ac-
^oit tbofe who were not convidedof the Ciimei laid to their Cfaarge, witboai obliging tbem to
bring otben to (wear for their lanMttMa, Tbe fecood Method, ( i.) Becaufe it was only io ufe «r
taiong Laicks, who did not approve of k ibsmieires. ( z.) Becanie it often happens chat the looo-
cnt are v aoquilird, aitd tbe Gaiky crown'd as Vvftois. j Becaufe this was to tempt God. r4.) fie>
CAofe ic being unlawful for Ecdcfiaftkks to 6ght tbemfelves, 'tis altogether uajuft to oblige than to
find CbaianaatioilKirAcad^ Older 10 beacqpincd: TiiiofMikmiaioaoiBCwacay ofdear*
« - .ti..„fi|MiM n<*
iB^ UKUiRivcf Of one infill mmJ^A hm
vrnne, nmRsII iiM^nafaiaM MrMa>«
ny tuuiHSBnigasaAuu* Kb
neta makes tbisObjedtaa to bioi-
fcff ; But mvji tre fiiffer aH the Faults which EccltJitHickt may commit to gt mlmijh'd f He anfwers,
that there are fome Periibot who oi^to iafier it> aod ifaacibefaarealRrmfons wfaofedan.isii
to T«^nt)ve and putitlh tbrin acccrJhg to ik Puaiii fcinlail -ia thf iir tbat purpofe, udwntbe
neccflary Precautions : bnt that a rafl) Judgment (hould not be pefi'd on ibofc who have rcceiV'd a
Pojivec tojodge the very Angels j That tbe Qergy ought not to be jade'd hj LakkSi InubyBifbofisi
ani tmi L/aicn otigiit tax to cnsona lacuiieifcs wrb yaaiBaig wcKt\jtnUf r
to by the Bilhop of the Dioccfj. And ytt (fayshcj the ijidtt cmtrary n mow olfirveahle ; For the Ci-
vit'Aiubaritjf mcrotcbes m
the Eceleft^n^U i md the Uttter m mm en^d theformer^ ifbicb oi^bt
h u
fifpmit, Utimm As fiv MsMmiV Ae^'t lia WHt^dttnmeu fobtfd rime tkm the Os-
tntStf tie Holy Fathers ; nen fo in their Condemvetieny mere regard w had to gyMtifie tbtir Htimourt,
sAm Io freeeed according to Canon Lsm, And front hence it b^fem, thtt bj the bift^ice ^tmigliteeim
fti^gtty the Offonett »/ the GuiltyeremBwH tht ttUkf tkm Oigwltyi miOigtiifimtm $»$mf»
4ny Perjen from an unjuff Acctifation.
Tbe Second Part is about tbc Authority wbicb Princes bad ufurp'd in tbe Ecclefiafiical Ordinati-
ons of Bifhops He fays tbat tbey ought to be made by tbofe wbobave a Right thereto according to

tbe Canons and Cufloms of the Church but that Princes abiblutely require that rheir Edid (hould

be of univeriai force m the cafe : That be, wbom they cfaofe, muii be (ieoeiv'd,tbo' never fo wicked i
and tbat tbe Man, wbom odiers (hall elfft, Ihoabl tas tejeded , tbo* Mvcr ib dderviog : Tbat tfaa
Faults of tbofe wbom they cbnfe, bow great (berer, were look'd npoo as notfaira: That tbey had no
regard to the Vermes, but to the Riches, the Parentage, and theScrrioesof theraibos: Tbatnuy
were ordain'd for Money, otliers by Reoommeodatioo, or becaufe tbey are ReUtkns, or io reooiii*
Scace of fboaeServieeihey bad done: That there are (boK PrinoEs fi> blind, as to prefer Infants m
ifhopricks, whohul iiot(bmudiasoaeof tbeoeceflary QsnUificatioas > uA who are oblig'd la
be under tiKOHK of TounaadA^ftM^ even arliikib^ ate ilieMiftai and Ja^eicf • wbola

In the lift Bm
lie reprcbeadsdie Abaifi» wMift preraira in bb ibiie; of rifli^
Church, when tbe Epifcopa! Sec was vacant hy the Death, or by tbeExpnlfion of a Bi(hop. Hecites
kihe three Pans feveralCaaoBS, and a great many fine PaOa^ ou of tbe faibci^io back bis owa

JL% •1*0

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28 A Ncjv Ecc/eJiaJlical Biftcry ,

Atto Bi- Til? f:t'X a Birtiop nam'J iVatd n, 'a in was at Tariance wirli \-M Prin^r He cxLofts
is difL<!lcd to
flfopof him to liibiuit and f rociucts kvcral Pjiugcs uuiolilic Fatbtrs LOiicerning ibc Obcdi-
to hi« Prince,
\ iacil.
ence which is doe to Kings, 'i'bis iVatdtn is doubdets ibe lame with bim whom Ber«ngtr bsif BUdO
COi'^ Btftop of Cnmie, and who a^rwards prov'd imdwoni U) bim » ami umbdcoMr to die impeior (h
as Ltf/V^r4»J relates it. «
l ite aredket^ed to the Faitbfal of liitoini iSiocels : The twoiirft are a-
three fuiiowing Letters
gainit (bole, who
pretended to UiviiK vid A)opkdie cf tfangsw ccMue : ind i^ UA ^ fgAiaft .ifaolB
who Awottid fcaft on Fridays.
The fifih is dtr«l9ied toa Bilhop nam'd Aft. He therein Ihewi by tbe Eale/iaO.ical and Civil
Lttvs. tbat Martiige b prohibited between ttwie ;Hrbo bad coocntded a Spiritual Afiinuy by Baptiim,
eoeKhxj to tbe Adviee of rfaaE*Bi(bop, wboibudd (anfi ifaac ooe Tbierrjy who bad nurry 'd hit Go4?
father's Daaghter, was divtirc'd from hiv, and Ercommunicaicd nil tucfa lie midCilff
pearance in a Coort of JodjctdKC betbre tbe Arcbbiibop and Bdbopt. /
Tfcef;]rtfr»'« IxnCTofGiiM^DvaaiDaftteGh^^ wkeicHiJielciidt iiii«'theGi»-
py of a Letrcr, preicnded to Ik- Pope "^chgrjt, m
Theodortu fitlliop of Ptma^ aboUC [be FlraUfaiMNr
of Marriage betweeti thofe w^ho have coatradbd a SpidtudAiBaiqr*
Tbe feveBib h a LetttrofifAntr*^, a Frieft'of Mmh^ dirtded lo ^iTM, whereby be gives bini co
iir .lcrlland that tbefe forts of Mirnapr^ u n c !:lcc*iie prohibited io bis Churcbiaod delircs he would

let bim know tbe mcaaing bf tiie 1 uks £rtjie0u and Dtsaemjfts, meation'd io ^>icbarf$ Lct>

/ftro rcp!ys in rhe ciphtb Letter, That tbe Priefisjfet and De»eoiujfes were Widows chofcn to afHil
Ihc Women in tbe Adoainillratioa of tbe Sacraineoi of Baptilna. He docs not approve at aU. thcic
HHem^ weib Mkffif t aidii'Obfematbac tkele Tiilci ipf Pri^$
C^foionl^wfao fmnid tbac die
and Deacms might likewife be gfven to Women.
Tbe nintb and tenth arc dircv.'led to tbe EccMiaihcks of buown DioccU, againft tbofe who ktgt

compnif with lewd Wotnen, with whom ttey maincain'd a ibadabm Famitiadi]saiid wt^
kpt and maintain'd out of the Revenuciof the Church.
In the Uft, be advifes tbe Bilhops, his Brethren, ujKjo what was ncccfia y l>- dc>nc in cafe tb^

Kings of Itdlj/, (vi'z. Beren^er and Ad^itrt meaiioa'd formerly) fearing tbcir Enemies Oicutd rer ,

^ire bim and Thf* rrft of ih:;* Pifhop'? to continue Loyal torhcm^ net only by iL<.- 0.:h of AHcgiance,
batt^eza<iiing HoUa^es trom ihern. He gives them to un iccl- aml i^jjil tis not iui Opiniotithat they
ougbctogive tbemany. (i.) Becaufe be it not feefible, that the Hoiy Scaptnres and the Fatbett
bave commanded any thing elle than to be loyal and fubjei^ to ope's Prince, and la do one's beft to
preterve tbe publick Peace of tbe Sute, and to provide for tbe Safety of one's King. {%.) ^caufe
'c a fortof Pnmlhmcfltinflidted on tbe InnooeatforaMabers Faalt , which is contrary to Jultice:.

{%.) Becaafe'm cfaeczpofiQgofa-Mio'tljfiEiirfbaaeTeipporal lotereft, and thekavipg k to tbe

cbangcabfe Will of otben. (4.) Beoule *is (neb a new and Orange thingtas wooNl make tbe World
believe f itbcr liis: th'.- Pif^.nps of whom tbefc HoAageswere mjLiir'ii, arc moTC diiloyal than their
fredecelfors, or eife that the Princes are mote odipm. Wbercapoo be esfaortt bis Bretiven to pray
TO God far tbe Salety of tbrir Mmm. anA cobef biM «> 11^ cbm^ k»
Loyalty of tbelMiiciof Mr
Kiigilan* aadtbat be vraold Fcefenre cbexn acddy aad ooofiiat in
their Fideltlf.
Tbere b flill in the Maoiifcriprat anwber pien of ^in^ vnbnled Ar Fa&>ricit w Tie Pm^
ptndiculary trbiebjirt ft ,i Rfrrnof cf Vice, arj a J^^commender of Virtue ; and .'cvcntccn Sermani
wbicb 'tis impolfible to Tranlcribe, bccauk the Maoulcnpt
one caoaot
it ib torn in ibis placc^ that
read tc There are likewife fcveral tbh^ wmring in tbe Works wbicb are copied out ; all which
might be fupply'd by the Alirmrcnpt wWch they fsy in tbe Arcbivesof the Cbnicb of VerteU ; but

the Canons ot that Cbnrch wouid never coauounuoate tbem, nor (iiffer tbem to be copied, ootwith-
ftanding the importtiniiy of Father D*viuj Made by Cardinal Bom, and the Ambalfador of tfaclXiko
of Stvty: whether ti; kcaufe thcy knew not wbercibiiTrcafureiafi or bectde dicy wereioioded
* '
itfhould lye dormant there. •

Tht Woffcs of this Author ate nothing dfaalraoft boc a Colkc^on of Citations out of Scripture^
tbe Car>oni and the Faihen, which were very applicable to hii {wrpofe. What is bis owo» wric k
with fctnc (pint, and atter a lively and oaitiral nuumer. . . • .


' r I
I .

LVIT' r I I TP H,AN D,»tlV TP ^AND, is obe of the greateft Orbamenu of Ttalr. J^iOemim'
P^/tND, aflbres os that be was an Itditn^ and defcended from a Family of Ptm'u ; Others fuppofe that
bis Family was Sfanijlj. However it be, bis Father was lirnt by Hugh Kbg of hah to the tmpr lor
at CouflMttinople ; and being retnrn'd from that EmbafTy, hccmbrac'd the Monaitick Lite Irsvtng .

iMitfMMd very young. He wat braiigbi to f4v«>^ and made DMcon of that Chnrch.. His ReU-

Digitized by Cooqic
the Tenth Century, of Chrijiimty. 29
Uon$ prefcntcd bJm w'Berenii^er \\. to b« his Secretary. He fcrv'J biota long limc, and was lent Z.«i/pr,W.
Atabafladar by that Prince about tbc Year 948. to ConfiMtim Pft^^ogemt* Emperor of tbe B*R.
SoneityibMr'ibMit^biiKanibetnit BifhopofCr«iMiMtfW%ninoieNlKfyibathew«innd-
varKr'd 10 ibai Digoiiy till 0:1 0 I had render d bimfeif M>ftir4lf hafy : for he focti fell into dilgrace ' •

wilb Berengnr, wbo periecuied

and all bis Family ; Ifr (fait be was forc'd to
hicn into Cttaumj^ %
wbn* be cmipoM bit Hittory, on tbe top af wbkb faemlf «flbflMt tbe Tkle«f finaoML HtobM
into Italy with Otho, and aififted ar tbe Council held at J(««w to the Year 96}. againft Jolm XII. in
tbe quality of Biihap ot Cremons, wfaere be was tbe Emperor's InteriJreRr. In tbe Year 968 be was
fun AmbaiTftdor by dMC Priaeew PAfr« Emperor of tbe RaS, and bat writ bbritelf tbe Relation of
ibil Sitibaliy, which CTmtiitjJ very excellent Remarks on the Manners of the Crectau Emperors of
tbnibne. Hu Hiitoiy is dedicated to Rjtimund Biibop oi Elvirs in Spain. It is divided into Ox
Books, and begins with the Reigns of Leo Empegerofthe £4/^, and o\ Armlfbui Emperor of tbe
Welt, and ends at Luitprami'i Embairy from Berettjrer toCtrnfttntint. But tbe lait Book is imperfet^}
and inticad of continuing tbe Htltory, a Fragment is added, containiog tbe Hittory of tbe Ezpulfr*
on of Btrmgtr, of tbe Condemnation of Pope Jthn XIL tHlif all tbat bappen'd at Sigm OH Pbpe
BeneJitl was outed of bis Popedom. Tbe Fragment fceois to me to be Luitprand's, if we may judge
by the (lyle, and certainly it belongs to an Aotbor of tbat time. The third fiook is intituled. Tit
Ctuntcrpoifon, tbat is, Tbe ^fvemge ; becaafe therein be undenakcs to revenge bimfelf of tbe haft
uiage be faiad recdVd from Btrtmngr. Tbis Uiftocy, and tbe Aelacioa of bii Emba^ to tbe Eope*
ror Pbtcm, are tbe only geouiDe Pieces of Luitfrmii. For the Book of tbe Lift* of tbe Pbpei mat
S. Feter down to Formofm, is not writ in Luitprand's ftyle, nor is it mcncicn'd in Sigibtrt or Iriihc
mm. Some believe tbat it beioiiet to a more ancient Aatbor , bu tbey are aiifteken ; for it endi
widi • paflage copied oat of iberaAory of ljnr^4tt</, wbidiiselbrAereWflence^ttbii Work i»
Done of his ; But what time (bever it was of, 'tis nothing cllc but a vile Copier f An-ijl^fiuf tbe L5- (

brwiao. As far abeCknmicm wUcb goes luider tbe oamc of Lmttnmdt -'tis appatendy a fpa-
rioni Piece, wMcb m^biiv he ledkafl^d iiuuig tbk RooMwsei mdc n tbefixn 'of woMfiAraMMtf
by the Sfmitrd!.
LmtfrMd'i iiylejs barih and ttngbi bat fttoiig end veheweot. He wrote hii' Hiftoff Id a pt-
•heaeiliMMnr. bnfbcfc at teste ptalkoK, wnoK oMMig ifce Regular GMcr Mid Seffai«l •

Times. He therein fpeaks particnlarly of tbe Aflfairs of Italy, and of that whkb coooem'd the Ena^
fire of tbe fVeSy and therein iikewife iolms Ametbiag of the Empire of tlie Ba0t and of tbe Hft
Aory oftbe Vopei. r

His Hiftory was printed at BaJIlia the Year 1 531. The Relation of his EmbafTy at tn^djlat ia
tbe Year 1600. The fiook of Lifcs of the Popes, wbicbis foiiied on bim at Mayenca in tbe Ycac
1 6oi. And all his works togeiber, wkb tbe fpurioos C^rsmboi^ mat foUidM h§ ^mmt£ IV t
||KJefiM^ aadfriDttdiBiMeaK^lBMMy»lhBYcaci64Q. .

— I .

. .
J M ,

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f I > II




>; CHAP. HI.

• ' • • • • : ,r

. » • * • *

tbe Tenth Ceacory the Church of

waslook'd upon as the chief Chnrch of France, j-;,^ p,

IN and its Arcbbilbops had tbe principal thare in tbe Ecclcfiaitical and Civil Atfainof thai King- ty\f the
doox Tbe PriviledgeswUoithePopps granted to them, tbe great Reveooes which tbey ch»A tf
pollc^'d, .and which were confiderably augtaeilied at that tune; tbe Prerogative which they Rhdms*
bad 6if lC&i<eaating Kings, the Pofttbey bdtf iiitBe Aifemblies both ol' Church and State
their Quality, their Reputation, and their Perfboal Merit, rais'd them to a h(gber pitch of Power
and D'gnity thaq any Prelate could hope for. Bat fora(ilUKbju all great Digoites are envied and

eagerly tbirfted after, and tbe higher the Poll ts,ibe more expoi^ 10 ftorms and dangers ; 'tis not
at ad to be wonder'd at tbat there were Co many Artifices us*d to come into ibis ArchbiAoprick,
many beats to keep ia it. and if ihofe tbat had tbe polTeflion of it , have been fabjed to ib many
Scandatt. as tbe enibing Hiftory w9l make appear. Bm becaufe tbe Eoeiefiaftical Affiiin of ttie
Churches of Franct, and particularly of that of Hbeimi, bear fo near a Relation to thofe of the
State i and bccaule tbe Changes of Kiogi , and tbe RevoIiHioas of tbe Goversaiem have like-
wile pepdoc'd very many AlicritioatiD the Affakiof cheCbmch: 'Th neodBuj IQ begm vrab^"
ving yon a Scheme of the State of the F>-«iidblliooitcbjr, fnd of the SococfliM Of theKiogi wbo go-
veio'd Frtnce daring tbe TembCcntary.

• Afcef

Digitized by Google
A Nerp Ecckjiajltcal Hiflory
Tbeflatiof MxtttiktlkvkiaiChtrkt th$Grt^, whkfa happoid ia tbe Year 888. *liis&nCir«r/ef.finum'd
Aancc 4- the Stmfk, being ftiH id U
Ut Miooritf, die Neafhumt net Ctmpetgn, dcded OA or Eadkr, Cooift
r-.r f/jf of P^K, and Duke of France, to govern the Kingdom, give lii;n ilr: Q^ulity of Kinp and czoid,

bim (o be oowo'd bf Courier Archfaifliop of Sens. Od tbc^otber iid^ l^fMfbm liie Sen of QMr«r^
Chutes^ limfelf Mifter of the Cowtiy between Hu^m wxA the jf/^w wm Mowmfne ? tht ii> fawy
^'^r'^* and Swit:{erUnd a/i J caos'd bimfelf to be c^ov^^'iI King of Lor/'^r B:ir2_tin,!y.
, Lrrrii the Jion of B*-

r^fC/"^ K"** ^d on tbe Country which Iks from Lxnu to ibc jtea, between ibe J^4nmw aod tk: <<^/*/, aiut
weatJOixktitenttisofKMgof /irfwr ^
IVwwen, «iidcMiM ibit KingdoiD to he cwrfMil apM
/«T fe- wjf ^™ * Council held at Vjltnc:- on purpvifc- in the Year S?^ Thu^ Frjf:« waj divided inlotbrctt
Sm tt Kingdoim: Tbe Kingdom of Fnim««t wbtUa comprebeodcd Normamdj, Aqiatmny md ibe Otttofaf
leirothe ^ tmrimu^i dw Kingdoai of ^Irft*; aad ilieKiatdMB of LeMrAnj^^. fidb* wit not loqg
Ea!d. ^ in quiet pctfc'rion of a Kingdom rn whirh he maid rrcrrnd : o Rff^bt. Charlc; tht Simple bad bs

Toe iJe/|Ji Firtikm, who tent for bim from Englmd, wbuber bis Moiber bad carry d bim, aad ouis'd bim to
cf diarlci be Crown'd at Rpaim in tbe Year 89 3. He tmmediately enter'd into polTdfioa of « |an«f (be Kiog-
oieSilDple. dr rti and rais'd a Civil War between ihe two Partits ; which withm a while wra« appeu'd, anl
wboily ended bv tbe Ucatb of £m<^/, wbicb bappeo'd on tbe Ibimeib of ^aniury.Z^ Bj bis
Du±CbtrUj tin Simple took poleiTiOBof tbe Kingihm 6[ Frmee, not of Attu^ wm fOt
totrcr Bur^jmr^y^ Intbe YfsrotS bcaddrd Larrsji to hh DcmtntOTis, having corTquf^r'd it frotti
Uenrjt toe taiconer, after tbe Ucaib of CeWrfJ. bat ibc Malccontcnts among the Ficnch Nobfcit
Mok ao occafion from tbit War, to cue bim oat new Work, andelcded ^ftert tbe fin^ther uf JWbv

KinE^,who wa? Crown'd at f{l:r{rnj on the Twcmietb of Jrinr in rhc Year 921. fo tbai Cbarlei H'as
lorc'il lu qua Lot rain to COOK and bgbt t{fkert. Tbis lait wai iuii'd in Battle, bat bis Pariy dcct-
ird in bit room bit firotbertiirLa,w iffiJulpbrn U. Duke of Bi0gm4f. CtMriu tbt Simple finick up on
AUiaaoe wttb Htmy tbe Faukmmr, to whom he remitted JLorr^oa, nnm coodidoa tfaat he (booid aid
bim ; bat be was treacberouOy ukco in tbe Year 92 3. by Jft^«r» Corot of Vtrwumdtn , who kcpc
htm Prilbaaer iaUb'en? Cattle. Tbe Qpeen bis Wife witbdiew bito£ii;/«id witb ber 8n JUmv
From tbat time Cib«r/M tbi Simph wu
always in tbe Power of Hr^r, or HitfA /« B/mv Count of
P«ne, J^oAert't Son, wbo kept bim Prifimer till bii Deatb, wbiobJiappeQM ntbe Year 929. Upon
Jtrtii^piMf. his D^tb Stfidid^m was left in mtet pofieiBoa of tbe Kingdom to tbe Year 936. at wbkb time be
df'd widnac Iffiie, leavbg die UMkidQin of Bmgtmdy to lOsd^^ Md tbecbief
kaAnkj afframee 10 Ik^thHtitt, Count of Pav ndOr^Mi, •ndDlilwof Fr«wv, bit Bt«*
tbei^in-Liw. Howcrer, this Man bad not tbe Heart to take the Crovvn on Ii::n hd g afraid of

^OUtlOHer trtmcr.
Btbm Coont of yii wawibdi and GifiOmt Duke of LmMin ; and be tboogbt it more adriiable to
for Ae Son dfCbtrkfih fimfh oat of Ei^lMnd. who apon tbu Moenat ww ciird I>mv ifo»-
He wis rcce^'d withour any Oppofiuon, and do'.vn'd at l,%:n in the Year 'j.; '. Lntit
during iiia Kcign bad great Cooteftt witb the Counts Htbet^t and Hig'E'* and was fometintes at Wai^
hatimta it race wiub (Me King t^Gmmmf. Bat at hit, having tocomaiodited Mattert widt
UimbH, TIui;f\ be dy'd peace.'ibly in the Year 954. Iciving the Title nf King to bis Sen I.ctf.itius, an Infant
of Foartetn or Fifteen years of Age, and tbe Admtntftratioa of tbe Gom omcii i to Ht^b, to wbooa
yooog King gramra tbe Dntcdiy t^ Bmrpmif and Aquitmm. Httj^b dyed in the Year 9 jtf. %mi
left four Children, of whom the EMcft, nam'd Hugb-Capet was dcclar'd Dake of Fran:( in the

Year 959. by L«r£«rm, wbo gave btm hkewiie Po/^ou. Lotharm reign d peaceably Ibrce and
TUrty years, baviog after tbe Deatb of Ht^b tbt ffhite, reaflbm'd tbe Royal Autboi^. But tbit
Ltwk the Was loft in the bands of hb Son Lfirn, ftinam'd the Fainthearted; who furviv'd hh Faih-r only fix-
Kant' teen Months under tte Tmclage of HugirCapet, and was tbe iaft King of ibc Careitgwan Line. For
ttarted. after bis Deadi Htigb-Cdptt was Eleded King by the Noblell of Nfjm, about tbe end of \^ia
tbe Year 987. and afterwards Crown'd tt f(£w"wj, withotir any regard bad to Chiults Duke of Lar-
r«i«, Brotber to Letbdrim, whoai tbey bated, becaufe be iiad taken an Oath of Allegiance to tbe
*'^'* King of Geniuitrif for bit Ehicchy of Ltrrmm, Tbe next year Hugb-Capet catis'd bis Son Hfitrt aUb
to be Crown'd. However Dtike Charles W9i not altogether oat of hopes of re-inveftin;; bimfcif in
tbe States of bis Anceflors, and baving feis'd on Lm* and I^ms, be made Wa.r for lome time witb
AfAj batwastakenintfaeYear99t.intbeGtyof Lam, and carried Prifooer to Smtt.and fWu
thence to Orleans, where he was fliut up in a Tower, wherein he dy'd three years aftrr. And ffaoi
the Kingdom of Frmiet was transferr'd from the CarUtgman Lme to that of Huvb-Capet, wbo
Itv'd till the Year 996, and left his Son Hgbttt in qoiet pciflGrflion of die Kuigdom, which this good
Km gorera'd till the Three atid thirtieth year oftheenfuiiw Century. And thus much may fuf-
ioenr K^tcoocexni the PbGtical Eftaie of die Kingdom ol Wramt : let as now proceed to the iEc-


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of the Tenth Century of Chri^mity. gt

FU LCU S Arch.'Bifhoff of Rheims.

*^ a PerfoQ of
fuccccdcd Arcb-billK)prick of I^ximi, in the Year 88
MMCi«4n» in ihe Hew«py|^^
Qiiality, who bad
been a long time it Court ImtnediatcJy be lent to Popr M4ri- yirch-R:-
mis bisConfeflion of Ebe Faith, according w
Culiom, and rct.eivM ihe Pall frona him. in a Sc- flop of
Cond Lcncr be demanded a Coniinriatiun of ibc Privileges granct-d by the Popes lo hij Predeceflbrt, fthc^iiKi
acd made Complaints to him of the- E btr b r;M' h'd by Ins Brother {{ampo, for the building of a
Monattery, of wbitb Ermenftcy, uLu b-iJ uii.-n^d his WiJdow, had taken Pullclllon. Martnus
wrote on this laft point to to Gerard Arch biiliop of Sen$, in whofe Diocefs this MoaaAcry was ;
and m Jdim Arch-bifhop of {{nan, to whofe Dioafs Ermtnfroji did belong, giving him orders to cnjoycl
bim to relmquift the Ellate which be had !o unjuiLly poU'cIs'd himfclf of i and if he would not do
h, to oiake ufe of Canonical Punilhments againlt fatm. Fulcus wrote likewilc to Pope jidriMtim
Socceilbrof Mxrinm, to Congratulate bis Advancement to the Popedom; and at the fame time
ktic bim Tome Copies t)f the Privileges graated by the Popes, Lto, BetudlB, md NicMM to the
Cfanrcb of Hbetms, to which be defires him % grant a Conlirtnation. In tbe fame Letter be iotrettt
Ian to (end a Cotlttnillton to the Arcb bitbops of Sem and Jtea»« to adjuft the ibafioeft of tbe Mo-
ftlftery, whidi Ermmfrvf bad taken poffefllon of, and wrires in favour of frttMrhu Arcb-bidlop of . ;

Brunj, who wajaccm'J by a Monk of hisDioccIs ; affuring tbe Pope, that he had been £lea«l
tfvbit fiiflnptof bis Province, by the Cktgy and Laity of bis own DioccJi, aod Coofirm'd bf
njpe hUrhm. He feat another very fnbi»ffl»Te Letter to Pope Stephtm, wbereih be ibudcs bim fix
the Honour he did him in writing to bitn, and in ircaiing with him as a Friend and Brother ; Ti-
tles wbicb be coukl not pretend to > cbiiikiog it an Honour to be bis Servant and Subject. He af- <

ftret tinUt tint if be were not furrootKledi iod as it were Befieged by the B^rAdrwMtr, wbo were
nut above fire Lejgae? off sCiry and who Bcleagucr'd P4rif ; he
ti would have undernk'. n i Jour-
ney io tifm. He informs bioi of the part be bore in tbe Snares wbicb were laid againit bina. and
nnkKibli acknowledgtneMt for the fiivonr fhewVl by iheT^pe to hii Son Gsr^, who wtt the Aidi*
Bilhop's Kinfman. He prcmifes Obedience to the Pope, and cxt\i% the Dipniry nf the Church of
libetm, wbicb ix pretends bad bc^ Fooltded by Saint Sixtus, who was ieot by S. P«/«r, and was
i»e diigf of tbe whole fCingdoiii. He uddit thai Hope HmmfJm bad cflablflhed the Arefa^Bilhop
of l{beims, bis Vicar iaGaul ; and dcfircs him to confirm the Privilege? granted by his Predfceflbrt.
Wc preflea bim toorder Ermeiifra; to be Szcommooicated by the Atcb-Bdhops of Smt ana ligdm j
•od fatcreata bim to write to King Charfati, tooblq^e hin to refhxe in fidl to ibe Cbuchof J^jMrn
the Rerennes ubi^'h bc!onf;*d tn ir,
Tbe Pope anlwLf d t'ukm, ihn he was glad to !ec he bad iucb good iboaghts of ibc Holy 5ec i ^/«//«»jf
be afliir'd him. that be lookM upon Guji as bis own Child ; that be was deeply aiTeded with tbe De^ Stephen^
folar^nn of Frarrct, catis'd by ibeBgrbMritm ; that he pray'd God to deliver thai Kingdom out of all tn
itsTi cubic : And Lafily, be acquainted him, that he had lent Letters according to his defire, lo
tbe Arcb<4Nfha|W of Sens and Hfdut.
Fulcm wrote a Second Letter to this Pope, wherein be renews bis complaints again 11 lirmenfToy,
who would not obey tbe InjtUM^ions of tbeTwo Arcb-fiiAops, and intreats the Pope to caafe
bim to be Ezcommanicated. At the fame time be a^
bit Adviti^ whether ii be lawful to ordain
Bifliops every Fefiival day.
Tbe Pope feot bim afterwards feveral Letters.
The firrt is a Letter of Coiifolation, for tbe Miferies bo nriucr- w ent.
The SeoQod is a Kecommendatqry Luter, in bebalf of a Man who wa» oppicia'd fay hit Quldie* ^^^ste-

TheTf]:rd is Qj^cctcd to tbe Bifhops of FrdKce againf^ Fz-tf/ariMf, who had feizcd upon the Setp||[(^^'
of Brsmt^ after be bad been turn'd out of the BitbopricJu of Btrdeaux and Ptiturs. He io-
ffffm utn under the Fleiiaky of ExaxMnooicadon , to fdinqailh Breget, and lerani to Btf^

The Foonb is io favour of Jeuth^Jm, whom b^ bad ordain'd BiOutpof LMmgrtt. He ibereiotciii
Mm, thai after tbe Death of J^tue BiAop.or that Chardi» Awrttitn ArGh-Bilbo|i of Limu had or«
dain'd in bis room a Monk cafl'd Ep!cn, without being E!t fl^rd by ehhcr Clergy or Laity, wbo bad
£le(^ed TebthUm^ and defir d tbe Pope that be might be Con!ci;;ra(ed i that being willing to maio*
tam tbe Privil^et of all CliiircheSi he bad leittto AurtlUn to ordain Temhcldm, provided it appeat^d
rn bim. that he bad been unanimouny clct'^cd by Clergy and Laity That be bad fent a Bilbop to

be upon the fpot. to lee that this Order were duly put io Execution i bat that jianluin bad put a
trick npon bim, by (ending bim before to Latigres, with a promifetbat be woold be there foooafov
him ; and that inftcad (if being fo good as bis word, be fuffri'd the Bidjop tO wait for h^m r,3 no
purpolc: That the Clergy and l^ity had fentan AiSt of the EleiSion to I{mie, and pray d tiiai itut-
Miitf might be Conlecrated ; that he had writ again to /li/i'e/i^n. requiring him to ordain bim }
bai that inftead of obi y in" bis Order, be made it bis BuHnefs to b-inc; ihc other i\ -n Polli-ilion ;

LaiUy, That opoatbefielh loltanccsof the Clergy and Laity of Largrcj, he had ordained ItutM-

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3 A Ne» Eccleftajiical Hijlory
Fulctis dm i be enjoyrtt P«/««r to pw htmiato Poflcilion. Fukm replj'd to him, that he wu
trcr; willing
ArMi^o> to put bis orders touditDg Teutktldm into Execution , but that be had been obliged to defer it opo«
^Rhcims. i],^ King BmUs, who would fend his Amballadari to iiiai, to know his RefoJution. He
inftance d*
^^'V'*^ adds, that tfae fiilhopa were very glad at hit declaring that he wa* willing to maintain the Rights and
Privileges of Bifhops in their fall force. He dedrcs to know of him, whether it be lawfal for any
of b» i^uifragans lo execute the Orden of iheitUqb or of any other wiihoatto havc^ or to ondcr-
tafce any thing contrary to Im Probtbirions.
Other Wn- T^' ^•'^'^ P
' ^On irms iht P, irilegct of the Cbarch of Hjbeims and prr liibiis all Peribos whaifi»-
mit if ever Irom IciziDg or detaining any of the Kcvcnues which belooc to it. He liltewUe wrote lo Ai^.
Stephen in m
afaont the dinerenoe which bappen'd between Hermim Ardi*BiOiop of Ctbgm^ aDti jUitpdm fit-
fixt'Uf if ftlop of Himlurg and Srmt. They bad both writicn to the Holy See upon that Subjcd, aod had
AlJUgiurui came to Hgmt accordingly, but Hcrnum did ooc appear.
cited thither. HowcTcr,
If Mkub.
4 id,, QQwrflRng 10 determiDO a matter of that CbtileqiNnc^ widmut hearing both Vattki,
be orders Fuktuto call a Synod in his Name at ff'rnu, with itx Bilhops bisSoffiragans and Neigh-
boars ; and to dte thither Herman and Aidegatrut, with the Arch-bilbop of M^ftMt and bu Soffrai'
nns, to etatnlne ftridtly the Pretcniions of both Parties. He foviies him to coow tO-^Mt apoa flMp
AiTair and oibers, or at lead to fend tbiibcr fiMie able Perfbo, wicb iIk Fariiet eoMmrdt that ib kfi
inigbt be fully inform'd of all things. . . ;
TteUntrt ' Tbe Pope being dead befure ibis Affair was adjufted, Vukus wrote about it lohM Sucoeflbr ¥*r*
9f ¥\i\cuit« rfffi'i- praying that he would ron inue bim in the lam
- Cr rr.miiTion. :hank'd firm at rhc fame
Fonaoiits. time for ibe Complements he had km
htm by the Abbei;! Bertha i and asks his advice, what ougi»
R> be done againtt one ho had a mind to feize cn the Eftate which his Brother -in-Law C«nnt Evf
rarrl, had bequcath'd to a Monafitiy, whtch he bad built in Honour of Saint C*lixtus, wbofe R ily

he had brought from fynte. He wiihal declares to him, ihai he was very lorry to bear that th.^e
were Tome Pet font, uho gave diflurbanceroifee Qhoicbof Bi^me, and he was ready tu Aand in its
defence. Inibc Cor.clnfion be gives the Pope to underftand, that fevcrai Bilhops of France rcquir'd
the Pall, wbicb ibey ought by no means to bar;, lince it would cauTe ihon to dierpile.tbcir Metropo-,
litant and that he oughttouke fpccial cartabmt it* iMcaafe tfail aboGs mit^ bc^the
; of • Cu&
great deal of trouble hi the Church of Vrmet,
letter Pope Ferm^ reram'd faitn this Anfwer, ibac he was obtTg'd to inm for the GbDcem be Ihew^d ac
jT the unhappy (tare of the Church of ^owf That the Eaflerv Churches were likewifcdiflurb'd by an-

"j^" ticnt Herefiea and new Schiibns : That the Bilhops of 4frit4 had (cat their Depatie$ to i^me^ ^oe the
ad jtifting aod maldng up a Schifin, wbfdi was then on foot between tbe fiilbopt of thir Coomry j
ari ilia# there were fivcral other D \y::'r;s ti Home, fr in .^ivc:s pii s, who reqviir'd Anract? upon

ieverai di(tio(2 Subjeds : That he bad refolv'd to bold a Synod the hrft of March, to which be in-
iwd hoB. He bad already invitied Utn to aaotber Synod by a former letter, whereby he cnBftm'd
the Privileges granted to the Church of I(l>einis, and prohibited any Icizurc to be made of :hc Re-
9 renoes wfaicbbeiong'd to it. By tbe fame Letter he likewifc acquainted him of the Coronacioo of
69 perlbrm'd by him that fame Year.
By another Let-rr r f tbe Year fnfumg, beconfirm'J rh Donations granted to tbe Church of/^Witu^

nd gave Faleus to underlUnd, that be had Cro\^n'd Lambtrt tbe Son of Guy Emperor. Helike-
wife reprimands fevcrai LaicVs who would not be fubjetS to their Arch-Bilbop.
Forwfus wrote likewifc fcv crsl I^ettcrs in favour of Charlts the Simple, againft ftf/fr. He lent
for Fulcus to ^me upon that Subjcd, defiring all Ads of Hoftility might ceale, till his rctura.
Fideut cvcotTd bimlcif from this Journey, snd tells the Pope that he unghi to write to Jnatlphut
King of Ctrmanjr^ requiring hitn to a Hilt ClarUt, and to threaten EuJei v/\ih Excomtrxmication if
be cominDcd to ravage France. The Pope wrote to each of thcmi but it could not hinder Eudeg
from carrying on his Design : And ArmlphiuwiM fo far from favouring Cbdrlet, that he entred iho
Kingdom, laid Siege to the City of F(l>emt ; ravag'd the Country, and particularly rifl'd the Rc-
^ venues which belong'd to the Church,
tulcut made bit complaints of this to tbe Pope. A wbiJe
likewile wrote aootber Letter to him, wherein he takes Notice, that it was expedient that
ti Fope
Lambert Ibould entfr WD an Alliance with King CUrla^ and that tbe Kipe ihonld write toBuJet to
^onnoltis. inform him, tfitt k
vm btgbly reafonable, that Charfa flmald enjoy part of bis Father's Dbmiotont;
At ihefame tin?e be a iv; him, atxjut three PerfcDs • ho lay under perpetual Excommunication,
becaufeof tbe ill nfagc they Ihew'd to Ttatbtidtu fiiihop of Lamrett aod vaGautier Arcli-fiiibop>
of fmf «t«. whether be might admit them n
Pimnce : and aboat IftriYWBilhop of lirwtme,
iiirn'i! mu of bis Dioccfs by the Kcrrnani ; whether he rnipfii give him another BiOioprick, and
place in bii itead a Pcrlbo who might be more agreeable to the People of the place, and who could
[.anguage of tlw Gomuy. Tbe Pbpe i«iani*d bim Ail AalWier, chat be waa oblig'd to.
Tk Letter
ef Formo-
""^^ ^
wrote with Relation 10 Larrtherti that the three Pcrfons be fpoke of. had been con-
fitt $9 tul-
demn'd to a perpetual Ezcomnaunication , for having put out the Eyes of TefeboldMi ,
<ia. and for having caft Gatkr into PHfoii , aod dkit tbey ought ftill to lye noder tbar Sen*
Tbe laft Lcticr wbicb VofcFormefut wroic to Fukuj. related to Btrchatrm, whom the Laity and
Clergy of Chalmt had eleiKd their Bilbop by tbe Confeni of King Fudes. He complains of tbe
unwillingncf? of Fuicus t CnnTfcraTr hf-n
) anJ thit aficr rhr Deceafe of the late Bi/T.-| hi had

by way of Preveotien, caui'd this iiiUiof nek to be govein'd by Heriltad Bilhop of Jere^ane, wbo

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of the Tenth Century of Chriflianity.
bad been (um'd oinof own Dtoccls dut aticrwards be b»d or4aia'4 M4mis>»t a Mao of a pro* FuJcus
fats :

fligate life i and thn BrntowiMCDding to go to l^taw; lud beta Antfttd by CMrarfifae Oraunre AnblnjfKp
of Fu/cur, ind ff nt into BaotltaNnb For dut Jie diet ibe AnWIhop to 4imw, iritli MmwIim, Cmi- ^/Rhnms*
r4<f.and femil other Bifliopi, •V**-'
Fm/cm retura'd no reply to JtaHq/ftr, bat wrote a Lecicrt^ Compliment to Ste^nu VL Ui Siiccef- ,

for. Howeyer this did not prercot that Pope from dting him to a Syncxl, to be holden the
end of Stftemher. He excitt'd his going thither, and fcnt (everalof his Clergy in bis rooox He^j^^y^
gavethe Pope to uflderftaml, dttt be wander d at ibc bard Exprellions of his Letter ; ind the more^^^
becaule be bad been always very rnbai i;InT to ilie H ify Ser, and bad receiTed nothing from fr but
Kindnelfes and Civilities. He imputes li^is barlhncli ot the Fupc to the falfe Reports he had rcceiv'd
of him. To juliiiie bitDfeif, be fhews bow he bad been Educated from his Childhood, in all that
an EcclefitfHck ought to know Hnw aftcrwardshc was call'd to Cuart by King Chirltt tbc Son of

LtspH^ and cooiinaed in it tiii the Reign of Charlemagne ; that iie bad been eieded Archbtlhopof
Bjieinu by (be Bidiopi of the Province, and by the Clergy and Laity of that City ; and bow indu-
fkrioos be bad been in promoting the intereftcf that Church. Laftty be adds, that if King Eudes
would give htm leave, be would go to J(«me when the way was open, for be was then endoTed by
X^tntiMitbit Son of Amulphm^ who bad bafely us'd and rifled his Church. In fine, he pray*d the
Pope TO free him fnxn that Tyranny,aod not to oblige him to relinquilb his Church, at a time where-
in bis prelence was lb neceflitiy. Tbefeare all cbe Letters of Fulm to the Popes, and of tbe Popet
to that Arcbbitbop. of wUeh FMmri |i««iiitMi ismift, in ibe hat firft CUgun of the ftuftk
Book of biiHiftay.
h frii fifth
Cbipter tte fuot Autbor UMDikxutbe Leneif of ihit Attfri^bofj cflieAnl to Ac Kings
and Princes. TkLettm
Tbe firft is to ChsrUs the Gr^, tbe Soo of Umii ^ Gnmmsf, Death of Clmhs tbe^^"'':''^
after tbe
BaA/. wherein he pray d hmi ro prated agimll tbe PrMW MraMw, wbo bad nvaged die CaBn-^'^j^!'^^
ny a n J laid Siege to the principal Towns thereof.

la a ieoood Letter to tbe lame EmMior* be totreats that be wonid procure tbe Pall for him from
tbe iV)pt, and tbe Confirmeifeii of meP^hrBeges granted to tbe Cburdi of H^eimt.
The third is diredlcd ro Amulflm Kfng of Gemurty, "^vherein he gives him tbc retfon why be
bad anointed Chtrks the Stmpie King. He gives bnn to onderftaad, that open the Death of Charles
die Ba/i, tbe FrtiiA immediately miAc tbeir AnpScatioD to btm. lO be acoepi«i mderbb Fkoiedi-
on : but tbat baring received no Protcdion nor Grooteuaecc from him, thfy wrre obliged ro choofe
Chdrles for tbeir King» who was the only Man next him of tbe Royal Blood, and wbofe Brothers
and Prcdcceflbn ittdlieeiiKingi : Tbat tbe realbo wkftfaey did not choofe bnn fooner, was, becaofe
bcir.g too young be was iiot capable of governing tbe Kingdom, cfpecialfy at a time wbrn the .Vsr-
mans were ready to rifle and pillage the whole Kingdcnn : and that tl%y bad done it at lait witbouc
flonfolriog Armilfbm bi tbe Cale, according to tbe Cuftom of FrMce, wbich always was, wbeq
one King was dead, to put up in bis place one of the Royal Family, witbont conk^itinct my Foreign
^»wer. He likewife anfwer'd tbat which theyaccus'd btm of, vii. that be bad never Crow n d
CA«r/b ibe SitHp.'e, but that be migbt whb the more eafe beftow tbe Kingdom on Gn; { and makes
it appear, that it waa oohr «r Caliunny iovented bjr bia Enemies. And whaeas fome were plea fed
to raife a Report* ih«r€ftfr/r/ was not tbe Son of Lewi tbe Ligm i be (ays, tbat tbe very figbt of
bim would be a fuflficieni Evidence to convince tbem of tbe contrary j becaitfe any one might eafily
dilcern io btm, the very Air and Features <£ bii Father. LaftJy, be iotreats Amulfbus to do Juftice
10 this innoeent King, and bb own Koifinaa : Toooofiderthtrtbe Kingdom of Frgnce had al-
way b - n gn Hereditaiy Kingdom ; and to believe that tbc F'fK;/. had no other defign, than that
Cb«rlti Ibould be lead bj bis Cbnoiels, and boood co bin in a fam Bond of Amiqr aod Al*
In ibe foiinb Letter ubicli i? likewift.- dirfi'^ed loAmu!phut ^hc aflTnres bisn of the Fidelity wbcre-
with Kxa^Cbiriu and himielf iud oblerved tbe Treaties made with tbat i'nnce. He infomu him,
tbttdA King being minded to Aiiadcntdar, faidfnlnoGigraad the Pbpe, to engage then on fail
The fifth was wrinen to King EMdes. He Mtieaa him to gram tbe Chiudi of L4m libenji to
Aoote a Billiop, in tbe room of oUtn laidy DeoeaA}.
The fixth was dircdcd loCbsr/es, whom he very lharply reproTCS for bis intention of tnaking a
League with ibe Nanuans, and of making u& of them to reinftate bim in bis Kingdom. Her^
noi^atetto him, tbat it was a piece of Idolatry, thus toetuer into tbe Alliance and Inteicftof
gaos: Th»t tbe Kings bis PredecrfTcr^ were Servant cf the true God ; and tbat be hid rmonnced
nim, by joyaiog with Infidels ; tbat this was not tbc way to reakend tbe Tfarone of bis Ancefior^
bs rather to lode it, by palling oo bis Head tbe Wrath of an angry God * That thole who gave
bim ibtsadvTCf werr his Enemies, and tbat if be followed it, he knew not how to contiooeLoyal to
bim,nor bow to pievent faiojielf from drawing off as many as be could from obeying him, but that be
mnft be ftraed to Excommitnicne Vm, and ooodenn bim with a perpenul Aiutbema. He add%
tbit wrote thcfe things with f?rfrCTne gnVf andconcrrn. becanfe it wa^ bisdefirei that bcmigbc
be iud in honoar both with GOD
and Man, and tbac be migbt regain bis Throne by tbc beip of
AeLord. and not by tbe A[Ii fiance of tbe Devil; becaofe the Kingdoms wfakbGodbcAtm an
firm aod lafifngi wbcmtifaofe yt^/M9£qfuNi by bjaftioi and Rapine lit HBcendPt aad of a
Ihonfiaodiog. ^ F The .

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34 '
'A:Ne» Eccle/ia/lical JSiJlory . •

Pukoi was diredUd to the Emperoqr LMtnbert, whom be CongracaUurd ppoo die Popes De*
Tbe (eveoth
^rM^;> dnniion, that be would look upon bim as bis own Son. He exhorts him always to bear a due re-
^Rbeuns. and fac^uuur luthc Holy See, becanie ihat was tbe odIjt way ot Iccurmg bitnfelf an latercft b
^^V*^ Heaven, and of obtaining a fiiperioriqr Ofir all bis Enemies. He wilb'd hiia to remember that bit
Uncle Lamhrrt, v. bo bad been an Enemy to tbe Holy See, Perilh'd mifcrably ; and beiaircued Imd
to incctccdc witb \k Pui^e iur ibeirKinunan pompon, who bad been Excommuaicatcd.

Tbe eighth was Dedicated to Albradt, or Alfrede, the King of Great Britaui, wbom be Coogra-
tulatcs for the choice- he made of a wtjrrby Perfun to fill the See of Camerkury becaufe be heard ;

that in his Coiin.ry tbey advanced liicb a fort of Men, as pexuiiiied the fiiihopaod Pricfttto have
Wimcn among tbcaijaad iheLtiduto Marry tbeir Kindred, as well ai ibofe Vklin win Oft* «m
4icated to God>Sei VK«t '04 lobave • Wi|e ar.d a Concubine at the (amc time.
Tbe ninth wasdircded toUfcbiUa, a Qjieen or £mpreis> wbom be iofon&'d of tbe ill Reporu
which went about of her Condu^^ and cxboru ber to lead a Life aKKCOOofonaalikto CkntduOf^
fid ipberttaic of Widowhood, which fbe bad devoted to God.
In tbe frxib Chapter FloJasrd makes thentkia of the Letters wbicb Fh.Vv/ lent to (everal
tktUtters Iq tbe firit dtreded toFrnluiriu, ArcbhiOiop o£ ^ardtmiXjbt defires thai Arcbbiibup to preJinw
^kuM die Revenues of tbe Cborcfa of '^tim, wfiidi weie ii bii CNoce^ ind ' to ExoomauwicMe fndi u
tke^fi^»^i)u\d (drx on thcin.

TbeSecood is Direded toJ^4ii){, Arcbbiibop of fame Suhjed.
Arltt, on tbe
In tbe driid di'ieded to Hermm Afcbbilhop ^fColegn, be deciaits tbai be bad a great dcfireto bold
a Conference witb him, and the Bifliops oi bis Province, buc that be was prevented by tbelncur-
.fions of the Karnunt And be prays bim to do bim Jultice with relation to lome of the Revcnoca.

belonging to bis Chwcb, of wbicb leveral ^rfooa bad made a Scbifm > tbe Cdigiiaaiioe of this Af>
. fair having been refcrrd to iVilhert his PredcicfTor, and now laid before him.
• . The fourth written to the faijne Perluoi 'relates likewik to the lotereft of tbe Church of Hiettrn, for
lyne lUveaoes which were Embejieli'dfrotn it.
The fifth is directed to Gmf/fr, Archbifhop of Sens, about the bufincfs of the Abbefs HiUergartJa.
He intreais this Arcbbilhop not to be fo Falle as be bad been, to the Aliignmenis made upon this
Account, and iodorigbttotha(Abbc&
In tbe/ixTh hf Congratulates Piemicus a Bilhop of England, for b^ endcavounrg to root out tlicfe
Piforders ol which he had madeoKoiiun in his Letter to Alfrede, and hcexiiui i^ bim tu coiitmue la
The Seventh was direded to Jchn a ^gaum Prelate, whotn he put in mind of Ibme ArKkiit To-
kens of Fricndfhip, wbicb be had Ihewn to bim ; and inircau bitii to aiTarc Pope Stephen of hisSub-
IDi^ion to bim, and begs be would ftand bisFriend in that Atfair.
Tbe Ninth and TenUi were direded to Dodtlom, Bilbopof Cmbrtst* By the two firft hp
calls him Syngd, wbicb was to meet about determining tbe bofioefs betweeti HHiegtrit 9xA
to the
Htrmin^dt and by the Lit wrote in his own Name, and in ihc Name of the BiltKjpsbis Suflra-
^Of^ he csjoyi}! biM\ to comocl Cooiu htidmm lo ooake due Reftitotions of the Church RcveaiK»,
wbt^ be had feiz*d on, to fenaiiiin tbe Later wbicb tbey wrote to bim npon the (ame Subjed i aod,
Ip goand meet with Bifhop lUtilon at Arras.
The dcv^ib was writ to ibis HeiUtm, tuna the accoum of Dsdiltni having caos'd tbe Body of

SafiK CtSxiws lol^ taken away i wbicb badbeen beqaettbed by Ifjtdul^m to tbeCbaidi of J^Mnmi
whither it was brought.
The Twelfth was direded to D/iiw Biihop of L*en, w hom be reproves forbavit^ rcfufed the

Saaameougf fdifKeaKltbeEiicbacilU vthepoiu pf Doth, tooae/fdi/c&er, who was Ezecu*

fothinir ....
forHtgfaTteaMis andfiwdcofng Barial, and ibiUdding any Fkajicra lobenailA

IittbeTbimiVMblKdcfirei AfMral^^HMw Prelate to obtain tbe fiivotir of Pope Formofus, that be

m'gbi put HertUnd, larn'd out of bis o'.vn Diocefs of TeraK4ne$ into Pofleifion of the Bilhoprick of
C^4>'>\r,puiting him ui mind o( what bad Ijcen done in tbe Cafe of ABttrdui Bifliop uf K*nts, who bad
^eu TranfljitcdiOlWirj.
The Fourteenth was direded to He»iratui Bilbop of Beauviis He complains, that this Bifho^ :

was his open and profefs'd Enemy > Exhorts bim to a Reconciliation, and gives him to underftaod,
^1 be was accus'd of Rap.aes He takes Not^e to him of the Excommunication of one nam'il?

Alaram'ts, which the Bilhop of Bm«p4w bad thundcr'd out, and which be fiid that the Arcbbilhop
of Hbcimi was bound to put in execution : As to this point be ttUs him, that be was always ready,

to follow tbe advice and opinion of other fiiihopi. btu that he koew of sio
Fower wbicb tbeCfaoicb
of B'jiizais hid to command the Cbuich of I^im; and that this Excommaaicattoti was not groaii-
ded on a Lawful and Canonical Reafoo , bat only becaule tin's Man had left dbe Intereft of Eudej*^
and embraced that ot King ChtrUs. He Ukewife Sammoncd hiin to appear at the Ordination of
the Bifliopsof Senlis and Ctefasi* todsiVB bim to iwdfrftand that Pofe jfty^ bad ocdcr'd bim ip,

fend him to Bfveuna.
Tbe Fifteenth is a Letter of Compliment to Teuthaldus, Bi'lhop of Ldngre:.
Tbe Sixteenth was direded wbolc Proino{iQii.
to Hfdulpbus SucceiTor to I>«<i«». Bilbpp of ii^wa,
to that Dignity he Coogtatuiatcs^ aod advenis'd bim dac be bid too saflily ExcDiuaniaiied Mm.

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of the Tenth Century of Chrijiiani^y, 35 .

of hii Ojocdsuu, iiinung witial tbtt be gave him bis advice as i Friend to a Friend, noc being wil* Fulcus
1^ 10 mUce nie of that Autborky and Pririledge wfakb the Cfaorcfa of Iffieim had iiromaU Amigai' ^fMijln^
ty. of facoaanog«tt tMi^wboimde their Apptt^^

W^migbc likewife to ibefc Letters joyo that of Mnicira Bifhop of Chdenty dirafted to Fulem^
and ptiblilh'd by Fatber MabiS4>n in ihe thin! Tome of hisColloflions, wherein be asks tbc Arch-
biHiop's Ad rice, bow be uugbc to bcbav c himfcit with rcUiiuo to a Priclt wbu was lolemnly bc-
trcjilu J (a.a Woman, and would matry \m pubUcUy.
In ihc itvctuh Chapter fMMrd[^k> of fefcnl Lencsiof Fii^, dicedBd to Abboci, and t» ff^eLetters
Plirtoos of Note. Fuicus
The firft was dircdcd
an Abbot called Stephen, wbombecpinfiiiaHpoBlBi hafiag been d^$QtbeA^
priv'd of a Bilhopt ick to which be had beeo eleiiicd. fit^
In {he tccood bereptor'/d B^iina Count of Flsmdtrs > for the many Injuries he offer'd to the
Ontf**^ of bis Country : and among otbers for baviog oaos'd a Priett to be wbip'd ; for having
tarn a out leveral Parochial Priefls oat of thdr Churches, in order to make rootn for others of his
awn cfaoofing * ibr haviof; onjuiily feiz'd apoa anfiftate which the Kom h^;^(lowVI oat|i|eCfanrch

he did not &nhwiib ndte jUttiiiuioa,

The tfatni jt^itreAed to^Ctetgy waA Ulny of
of iV^roni for having feiz'd upon a Monaflery, C^c. be ibreaien'd to mgofninuiucate Uaib inGlfil
letveoff his Cm^ies to the C|iniidi.
upon the Eledioa of « Bliop.
Tbc fourth to the Clergy o( Ldan upon the i'ime Subjcdl. 1

Tlie hfUi tft^ii^e Mooksjof C«rj^, whom bq (cvcieiy rcpcoves fpr their havii^ owlly cam'd aw !

their Abbot
Thcfc arc nil the Lrttcrs nf Fh'cw, whichare tncmion d in floJiarJ; the very Extradh of Which

(hew as, tku this Ai^Uibllhop wrote with a great deal ot Strength and Auiifpiity i Thli he was zes- i

ioaifiirtjb^ «(el^iie4if<bf Piiircb, (or the Dignity of Biihops, and ptrticalir^ Rigbn aad
tot the
Prerogatives of the Church of /^/;«»T!/. He was alfailmaied by ffiftcmire and others of Count

B^Uurmt Qfj^atures in ffac Year ooo, whi^ CotuK was ipcatt'id ^«ialt him lor haviog taken asvaf j

HER Vpy ^..^rchlnflHf «f Ehdms.
tllS SuccefTjr was one HfiJ^P'ET.'S, a yoang Lord belonging to Coart, and Nephew w„£j^y£
CouT)t Ht/rlhlJ. He was ordain'd bv the nnanimouiconfeniof all the Biflioos of the Pro- .. c . t

and gj
by bis good Nainrc, and by
the Zeal he expreffcd for the Welfare of the Church, and for Ecclclia-
Heil'Dircipl:n<r. He held feveral ProTjncial Councils, wherein he dilcoors'd veryufefiUly <tf
cioo and of the Peace both of Cfaorcb and State, and of tbc Converflon of ibe Narmarif, who

pout that time embrac'd the Cbrifliao Faith. It was for ibeir fakes that be (eot to Guy Archbilbop ~
of I(pm a Letter contaiaiog ihiee aad twenty Articles eztraded out of tbc Canons and Letters of
tibe ropes, abont the imnner of treating tbofe, who after they had been baptiz'd, bad apottatiz'd,
avid •fterward's cetnrn'd to the Church. In the Ye^r 909. he held a Council «
Trojfly (a. Village near TheCeimil

Soijfens) at which aiCfied the Arcbbifhop of /^ott, wMll^felQiops of Ldon, ieauvMii Noym Cht- f/Trofly
. ,

laiw, SoiJfoiUt darfr^r* MumK, SenlM^ Tf reuane and Amiaui in which » alter be had difcours'd at
lifttof die-filifirin under which FirMcrgroan'd, which be impated to tbeStns both of the Laity
tod tbe Clergy, he gave them very fine and large IndruvSions, grounded on feveral PalTages of the
iNdicn and Canoos of pqpnciis. 1. Coo^mhig the Hoooor and Refped due to Qmrchei and to
fbeleSaftkkx. i;Cbooera{rie tbeBoty and AUegiaQCe wUtb BtAopfandfeoctdSaftielcs (>«^*d tbtleir
Kin;, and concerning the Duties and C2^1ificatioos of a Prince. 3. Conccrnicg the Reforraition tjf
tbofe Abafes which were aept into iJie Mooaftick Lifi^aad pacricalarly cooccmiog the Abbeys v(hv^
^NwrepofTefi'dbyLatcks. It Watordain'dthai AbbeitAa«iM[1seRd%ioat?cHans. wellsKin^lothe
Regular Difctpline an^l that the Monks and Religious fhoold lire according to their Prpjellloa and

Raie,j)rajiog for the Welfare of Kiogf, for. the Peace of the KJfigdoiii^nd /or the Tranquility ofi the
themfelrca wfcb &wnlar Affiiili^.' wiAiMit boiitiAg' after Ae ^inps oil
this World, and without incroaching on theRighuand Privilcdges of Ecclefiafticki and that they :

tnigbt have no Excufe for,flruling', the Abbott were eoioyo'd, or at leatt thole wbo bad the Go-
eniment of MonaftericSln'tfi|rCare, to pratlde tben Neeeffiirfef.. 4. Agamft tfaol<; who either
ty violence, nr hy any o'herinethnd, ffiz'J on Church Lands which be lo 'k'd upon asiSicrilcge.

Aeainft tbolc whu citbcr.abus'd or pcrfecuicd tbe Clergy. 6. Againft ibiTe who would.oot pay
iHps. a^the other Revenues belonging to theChnrchT The Dory of Titbes reached Kot hofy

FrutB of thf Earth, and to the Breed of Cattle, but likewife to thofe things which were the
of a^Man s Indafti^ voA.^Jixm.
7, Coocarniog (he Rapines and Robberies (9 rife at that

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5^ ' A VeiP Ealefiajlical Hijlory
Hci vcus time. He detnonftrates the Eooraiiiy dymof, aod IhcWi ibe Obligation ihey lay un4er of tnaktng
Archhifhop Reftttarkm, before tbey amid exped'AblbliRicn. 8. Agtinft ftcaling yo»ng Vomen, and agiinit
9. Concerning ibe Prohibitions nrca'd (o often hy tbeCanons
l^':i;m'. cfandcltir.c or UDl»vvfuI
^*yy^ againlt Prie(ts having Women amongtt tbem. 10. Cuoceming ibc Cbaltuy ubicb all Cb(iftiaai
Ivere oMigVl to fMitte ia^heir Worcft and AAioni 1 1. Coacerning rbe CM>Hgaitoo of keepiog

flrlf'^IX tn the Oaths they tooki wiiboitt bcirp pcrjur d. ri. Apainft quairrllomc Pcrlons who took
delight in Law-Suii$ and vexatious Pr-jkcuiions. 13 Againlt Homicides ami I. yars. r4. Againft
the Abufc which then prevail'd of ri.'^Tg th; Goods of %hups after their Dtccale. Upun tbis be
advifes that two or three nf the nciphSouring Bifhops, npcn the N^w$ of the Death of ibeir Bro*
ther. flitjuki go ar<d periorm the Ult O/Ticcs over bini. In (Lc Ct>ncluf)'.n, be exhorted the fiiHu^
10 refute the Errors of Pbttm. Laftiy, Hefumsupin a few words what ChrittiaM poght w
lieve and pra(5lice, and exhorts ih>.in Ltilifally to Liikhjrpe their Duties.
TbeGomal In the Year 911. Hfvm held anoiiier Council at the Uire place, whrreln he took off the Ex-
cf TroU y cammairicatian iffinol out againft Cittiit BnthU, who had -feit'd apdb loiiie of ihe Cbocth Rcfe*

9*^* Tbis Arcbbilhop afiRfted CbMet Simple in his Expedirion againft t&e Wtmnt, whthravag'd JLtr-
Mtn, and was the only Man who conti^o(^d l.oya] to that Prince, when he- waj abandoo'd by the
frmcb LotAt. In the Year 9x0. he broqgbt him ff^ims^ and adjuitcd Maners betwixt him
and fail Lords, and f«*cAab1lArd hhifb bisKragdoih. Bar wtibtn a imrr rhne after the Lords re*
volted again, an J '.i.-jUg met at l^heims, they eictfled King I^bert, and U.-ivcm vi^as conftraiVd to
crown bim. He did not furvive tbis GmKUtioQ but four days, and dy'd in the Year 922. .having
prrltded over theChorcb of l^imt Two and twenty years hdting four day t.
Seulfus /v '^rf
. au 'ti Scuffw to he cleilc
i ii: his room, who was then Archdeacon of that Church. He
Artkbtflnf had been ibe Diidplc of J^nigr of Auxena, wbo bad in&ru^ed himinibe Sciences, both Divine and
Rhdmt. Pkoplaae. He was ordamM by Bidiopof S^^, and by theodier KHiopsof the FrothMeof
^Ki0is. Elides the Brother of JTcrvm, and a Nephew nf that Name, were cired before hhn, being
accQs'd of Dilkiyalty to B^ert i and tbey not joftifying tfaemtclTCSj were Rrip'd of all dlte Reve-
MKSof the Church of J^fanw their pofleflkm, md caft himWfen: the former in tbeCaaody of
l^thert Count of VermjnJoii ; and the latter at Pari. In a Provincial Cfnindl held in the Year Jlj.
he impos'd a Peonancc on tbofc who bad boniAnns in ihe War between Hubert and Chsrlti j and m
Mother Council held in the Year 914. at Trojlj, he pot an end to the DifFcrence which was betweea
Count Ifa^c and Stppbftt BiAop of Camhray ; the farmer paying an hundred pounds to the latter, for
the wrong be bad doneto hisCburcb. 'Tis iaid that Seulfm agreed with Hehrt to relign the Arch*
bilboprick totbeSoo of ibatConn; However the cafe was, S«»//«rdid not enjoy tUl IMjfai^
long, being prifon'd in the Year 915. by the order of Hehert t5 ir is fiipi oft d.
PicCsotly after bu dcaib that G>uni citne to I^lximt, and having calicd tiiubcr Ahho Biihopaf
Jl^wfinp ^^JS""t Smm Bifliop of Chalons, he caus'd bis Son Hi^h,who wu not then above live years old,

•f Khniro- ^ eleiStcd by the Clergy aod People of Hheinu. Afterwards he pnxQted the Confirmation of this
JEledtoo by Kir^ i{idu!fbui, wbo committed the TemporaJiries of tbis Oiocefs to Hehert, tWl his Son
came of Age to take upon bimfelf the Government thereof. The Spiritaalicies were conferr'd by Fope
,?«/m^ 00 Ahho fiiOtop of Soijfont, fo that Hi^rr became abfolute Mader of tbatCburch,anddiove
ooK^K art the Clergy whom be fuppos'd to be againft bit lotcrefis and among oibtrs Fkdmi, as

he htmfelf informs us.

the W0rx In the Year 917 Kingi{<d:H//i«s and Count Uthnt £eU ooi apoo the acaNtnt of liie £arldom of
httwtm L*m, which fMrrt woold have had given to bis Son O^, and which the King de&-'d to keep for
Hcbcrt bimrdf. H-k-rt willini;
r ) rely on a Power which might fl-pf orr h's ?. icni-ons
. , had an Interview
WRaduI- with Hriir; King pf Gtrm4>VAV^ ftruck up an Alliance with bim. He caus'd a Council to be aw>
l>N^ ^ ven'd the fame Year at nocwfthftandtng ifae ProSifaitioli of King HfJti.'^^ which coiiliftcd of
fix Bilhops of the Province c'f /^/.Wwj;; Afterwards be delivcr'd Clarlti th* Ssmpfe out of Prifoo,
brotu^ him to S. jj^inrtn, and procur'd an loienrtew betwceo bim aod S^/idulflm Duice of Ntf
ntmus i from whence he brought bim to H^uhmh and writ to Vbpe ftim X. for the feftabtiAtng of
that Prince. Tbis attempt obllg'd {{iduifh-js to quit the City of Lmu to Hehert, and ro adjurt Mat-
ters with him. I{4duhhut Duke of the Nsmianj would not reftore to Jfjlr/vr/ bis Son Od«, till
he' had fet ChMrUs at liberty, and pmmu^d toobey him. At tbe fame time Hdert invited 10 i^Armf
O.hfric ArcbhifTiop of Aix, vsho bad bcenturn'd out af bis Church by the Straeert. that he might
there diichatgc his Epiicopal Fundioos; and to rcvkaid h'.m, he gave himthe Abby of S-Ttmctbugt
with the Revenue of a IPrebead.

France was then as it were parted between ihe great I.nrds , and tlie Regal Auihori v wis ex-
fftfiacc. fcamly ciamp'd. Hugh the White, Couiuof P*t»^ and Hehert^ were twy of the molt puAcrfol;
J(fdu!pLui hid the Title of King, and that little of tVc Regal ^hority which remainU For Cb^rto
was t^'- 'pnrt and paftime of all three. A? foon as Heltrt was rtcnncird 10 R^!i!:i!j>'.ui , he threw
Charles again into Prifon ; and B^idulflm afterwards returnirg to I{heivis, gave him a fireming fort
of Liberty, which he did hot long eiijqyi dying on tjie Seventh of OTloher in the Year 919. Af-
ter his Death Hr/gA and /ifisrf fell out, rhe Umbrage of which quarrel was. that tijc Latte r had

Artaldus given Entertainment to feveral Vaffals belonging to the former,and among ot'cers to Her'utn Couot
Archtnfhop "f Manfireuil. f{adu!fbu$ fided with hi* Brother-in-law //w^A and there was a warm War betwceo
tf Rbtims. ibcm : bat ^fJbilfhm bating uken the Ci^ty of l^ttims io Uie Year 93 r. aitt'd ArtMldm^ a Mmk

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of the Tenth Century of Cbiriftiadty. 37
cf f. ttgmft to be ordain'd Archbilbop «f d» place, who the jretr •fier racrivVi the Fill from Pope Artaldus
John XI: This Archbifhop held a Council in ihe Year 934. at Chjetcju-lhicrry, where he ordain'd ^^cbbi^p
Htldegarim Bilhop of BcauvMH ; and in the (ame year he ordain'd tuthtn Bilhop of Cambrtj. The "/RhcuM*
ytat •fier he held anoihcr Council at Fifmtt^ wherein he Excommuflicated iholir w'ao had made an ''"V^
unlawful Scilurc on the Revenue of the Church. King H^uifkni being dead, Hugh the il%te
recall'd uut ot England Lcitk, Chsrlei the Simple's Son, call'd upon that account Lemii dOutremer^
and caus'd him to'be crown'd at Lmh hj Aruldus Archbilbop of Hjpeimt, who continued in the
peaceable polfcllion of his Archbiftioprick for fome time, and ordain d Bithops in all the Churches
of his Province, except Chi'.mtind Amiens, fiu: Htbtrt would not endure thar any other but him*
felf Ijjould be in the pofleifion of fo conliderablea Poft, and thereupon lent Icvcral of his TrooM*
lo take and riHe the Caliles and ViUagcs which bclong'd to the Archbdbuprtck of J{heimj. Arttldm
for this Excommunicated him. King Levi to make him amends tur the LolTet he fultain'd^ranc-
cd him the Earldom of I{heims, and tite Priviledgeof the Mint, and alfiited hhn in taking levrral
Catties which were held out by t\je Troops of HeUrt. fortue did ooc ioog £ifour ArtMldui ; for
entriogiaio anew League with ffewr(againikjL«v*W*Oi«rrv«rr> ihey came with fVttlUm
Duke of NormMnJy, -beliegd theCky of ({beimj, became Matters of it at me end of fix days, and
caitt'd ^r/4/'d!iiiico«ppcar in the Church of S.i^ci», b the prefence of kteral Lords «od fitOoni
ud oM^M him to mtkea Refignatioa of his Attnbilhoprick, and to cooteoc hmfilf with the Ab-
beys of S. Ba:^9l and Avttuty, into the former of wbicli he rctir'd, after he had govcrn'd the
Chnrchof l(j!wi'Mffur the Aiace of £ight years and feven months. Hujih the Soq o( ikhertf was
replacd in p fegibB thereof and was ordain'd Prieft by Oiq Biibopof Stt ffont, thrtt Moothi after
liis tecum, and fifteen Years after his firft Elcifbion. He had fpcnt this Interval of Time at >f«jcfrrf,

wh*c he had folio w'd his Studies under G17 Biibop of thai City, who had ordain d him Deacoo i
for he had reeeiv'd tns odierOrden at t^eimt from the Hand 6tAU» BUbop of Smffmu.
The next Year, BatneJy 941. the rwe Counts Hehert and Hugh conven'J the Bidiops of the Pro- TheCtmcit
- rioce of l{beimj at Soijfom, and enter d into a Cooliiluiioo of ordainios Hugh ti\c Son of Jietttrt of Rhdos

ArchbiflK^ of Hjteimt. The Drpvnrt of the Oergy aod Laky of l^tSm met thetcaod demand- WtheJk-
edthat he tnighr he ordain'd, aOcrting that ^r/4/ii//nad not been Elc<fJcd according to the Canon,
but intruded by Force i aod that he had gi»eo up all the Title he could claim to that ArLtibilhop- ArtaHas
rick. Upon thn Renooftnooe^ the BiAops re(bl v'd uoon ordaining aod immedutely fet out
for Hlvims for that purpofe. Arts!Jus was already withdrawn to Lerrv d Oummcr : but that PriOGB ifa -u*
haring been defeated in the Year 941. near L*«, Artsldut wisycty lutky in reconciling himlelf
with Hugh the White and Hthert, in re-entriog into the PoflelTion of his Abbeys , and in making a
League with hJugh Arrhbilhop of l^hehnsj who fooo after receif'd the Pall that was fcot him by
"Pope StephtHVUl. Notwithrtanding this League, Antidiis nKUta'd lo Lettu d Outremer. In the
mean time ff;^frr dying in 943. Ltipi was perfwaded by Hugh the ff^itt to entertain the Sons of
this Count, and alio to leave Hugh in pofleinon of tbe Archbiiboprick of i^Wm/. upon condition
that they reflor'd to vfrr^tfi bis Abbeys, give btm another Bilhoprick. and grant that bis Kinfmea
Ihourd retain the Monours they bad obtaio'd. This Treaty was not long kept; for Hugh the ff^Uft
and Lemu tfOutremer Warring againt^ each other, the larcer laid Siege iwice t0.the.Ciiy 9f l(peim$,
and tbe fecond time having chas'daway Hugh Arcbbilbopof Idximj, he cnter'dtbe City, and r«-
eltablifljcj Aruldus, who was replac'd in his See in tbe Year 946. by tbe Arcbbifliops of Trtvej and

MtftHce. Tbe Cinircb of Aminu becoming Vacant tbe year after, Hiqb ordaiiui Jetkold Arch-
deacon of iciffms Bilhop thereof, wbkb oecafion'd t'TfM which wa* braogbe belore. an Aflenblf
of Bilhops and Lords, held near the River Cher. Tbie Affair was not bronght to any llfae at that
j>lacc, bat pat off to Notmdnr. In tbe mean time ArtsUat was Icli in pofleiJioo of ibc i^rcbbilhop-
ricfc of J^^mrf and Hugh pet rohted ito ftay at Mim(m.

A Council was call d and held at Verdun wherein wel» Ughrt Arcbbiflioy of Tnmh Arta!dus ToiCitrndl

Arcbbilhop of f^imst Odskie Arcbbifhop of Aix^ AdaUierm KAop of hitt$,G9\^i» fiifeop of Tu^c. of Verdaa
tUldthU Bilhop of the Vfpn I{bine, in tbe prefeoce of 9nm an Abbot* Iqoiber io Kipf Otbo, and*
of the Abbots Agenddznd Oish. huf_h was cited tbiiber by two Bilhapk b^t WMU OOK apfcar. The
Syood adjudg'd iheArcbbilbops ofi(/»iiRitobelongto /fri«/</Hr.
Another ^ondT w« calfd hi fmmtrj following upon tbe fame Sobjea, and held in tbe Cborcbof rheCmdl
S Pc'rr. near to M^ti^'n. Tbey met at the limt; appointed, and Hugh made bis appearance, fiat of MdkmM
after be bad difcours'd with f(^rt Archbilbop of Treves, he withdiew, and only caui d a Letter to
beprel^qtcdbyoneofbSsCtergy, which wasbroitgbt from/^>iM, and writ in tbe name of Pope
^^4/e/w,wbcrein it was order'd that Hffffcfhouldbcre-eftablilh'd in tbeArchbilhoprick o\ H^irirm.'Vhi
Bilhops baring read the Letter, alledg'fl that it would not be reafonabic to luperfede tbe ExLtutton of
the Orders which they bad rectv'd from the Holy See, opon the account of a Letter prcfenicd by the'
Enemy of Artafdm, and after they bad read tbe nineteentb Chapter of the Council o( Carthage con-
cerning tbe Accufcr and the Acculird, they adjodg'd Artaldm 10 have continued in the Cummooioo
of (be Church, and in pofledion of tbe ArcbbUbopridtofi^^awMf ; and that Hugk who bad been
alreac'y fuxmonM before two Synods, without appearu^ eitber » Mtghc ,10 be dfBfiy'ct of the
Communion and Government of that Church, till fodi time as be fhoutd dear bimietf in a General
Coaocit. This Sentence they notified to Hz/^/a wbo for his part declar'd, that ho vvuu J no: fubm;:

to it. In tbe mean time Artaldm having appeal'd to tbe Autboriiy of the Holy Sec, Pope Aga^tm
feat Bilhop Marmm hu Vicar to Kifg Othe, that he migbi caU t Ccwral Synod, to pais a dcioiriM

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^6 jl.Ne» Ecclejiajlkal Biftory \

The Ctantil Ii WM ieUf tK K^Mw the levcBtii of fmm in the Yctr Mawft/ the Pope $ Lrgat wu. tks
oflngcl- Prcfidebt thereof,and the Archbifhop of C»/(S»e , Mtjtnct , Treva and IlAmbcw^l his AififtMO^

hcimm/rf- y^jt^, (]j antj twenty Biflwps C*riJ«4»r, u iUxxu reckoniog ArtaUus Arcfibjtiiop of I(l»eimi , upoo
.'^ wbofe acooom the Af&mbif'mcc. The King* Otbc and L^trir d Outrcmer w-trc likewUe prclent.
r'^l^j^TlwIattcrmadehisCompIiinisagairUt the Rebellion of Hi/g/' i and afterwards -^'/vi fufcntcd
''^'^ bit Petition 10 the Popes Legat and the Synod, wherein bp gave a Remonltrincc ci tii Loutcins,

which was as follows. Jljdt after the deMtb ^ HeneaSt ScuUm ipho l:4d l/een put up in fltett
dtcbr'd btmfeif dgainif the KjnJred of hit PreJneJf*r ; and t}>4t be might gain hti point, he erJer'd in-
to a Confeirracy tnth Count Hcbcrc, who c*il tbem into Priftn, trlxre tlxy mere confind tii ti>e dt-ub
ef Kjng Robert. That Sculfus dftnj^ in tbt tbird year cf bu Pontificate, I'fing payfcu'd ( atfivnal attc
fieri] by Hci-rrt J Creatures, that Count fti:(do*tbe Church of Rhetms, and tern tn p-ffcjfun threof for

the Jpace cf fxyaxis hy the permijjian ef Kji^ Radulpbas. But that afterwxrdl thut KJit^ bting mov'4
by the I{emonflranccs the Bifittpi, wb» amfUim'd tbst tbot Cbureb wm leftfo Img mi t bout a Pafter,
after he had nude himftlf KUfier tf Rixiim, bad ctuu'd him to he ordain d by eighteen Biflicps. That
M m
be btd dtfchtrgd the Rpifcopal F Si i fer nine years together, ordhnd eij^bt Bifh^ps. 4nd a great ma-
npCleri($t and cremn'd l^ing Lewis and Queen Grrberga. But that Count Hugh bong inceus d agan^
bim, ^eau/e be aroald m* jigm in bi /<«w/r againlt tbt ICAV* bad fore d him, jfter he bad takgn tbt Ci-
ty <f Rbehns. to reftfn bi Jhthbifhoprick^ badfent Irim Mf» tbt Mtuaftery of S. BazoJ, and bad fm uf
:o hs place Hugh, Count Hcbcrt'/ Son, who ba4been ordain'd Deacon at Auxcrre. Th^t aftttwaxdtbt
eaSda Srntid at Soiffons, wbgrtin a Brtf^al atai modi H htm f ftmtt the Or4tnatim ^ Hufb. Tlia$
be inontdiate ly opposdit, and bad dtdm-'d thnm BiuMmumkattdwbt fhould ordain anytther ^rcUiJhip
ef Rbeims wbiUt he was living, and him wIm fkouid accept of fuch Ordinal an.
ant 4 fbeir bands, be bad dtfir'dtbtmj tbat tbty meuld kt htm go to mk, advite
Frhndt. mbatbfMgbut dt, mdfbatikaymMfiiiifm$h^Aagmhbbimtali!imi^
T'^jc aftertfardi, to get

tbt Q^fHi bit^

f(nt irithl'irr} Br/?-9/> Deroldiis. to wham, in the prefentttf thtQlietn, he gave tin Anfwer That hs

Excommunicated the Bijhops who fhtuld dart to ordain Mttbtr in bi fiaet » repeating tbt Protejlatim
tt bad fmutrfynudt Mdt^ My Tbat mtbtm
of appealing to tie Blip Set. That mitbtue Maf tanenm'd at mt
Uing tanetm'd tU Dtnitatitttiei
feme ef thefe Bifhepi went to Rheims to ordain Hugh. Th-it fnm that time Kjn^ Lewis prcvtn'^ un-
fuecefifult bt bad been obligd to wander from place to place like a yagahond ; and tkit afiervardt Jtvtral
tfbti ftitmlt bad irroHgbt bim byfirct to tbtCanti Hugh the White and Hebcrt. mho bavii^ bim itt
their p<yTer, amflraiu'd I Im to refi^ the Revenues ff hti Church, and ftnt into the hionafU^
5. fiazol. That being informed tbat they defigm'd to awai with iiim, Ix fed to Laoo. That Jinet
tbat, Kjff^ Otho came in to tbt affiftance of Kjng Lewis, hadturn'd Hu^h cut cf tl* Arddifltaprick, tf
Rbcitns, and re-ef.ahtipjd him thtrein. That Hugh retir'd to the Cafite f/McjU/on: in ti'cC'-n-
fercnce U'J upon the I^verCbcr, where he ttta prrfent with Hugh, hn JjfaJr ttai there Ja>j:ed irtore
the B;fh p! then prefent. That Hugh had there produc d a Letter writ to tbe PoftUt bit name, trijo e-
by he drfirdto hedifchargdfrem bis ArMi/boprttk, ipbiebbe bad maiatatnd wot counterfeit. .That
the Favour ites of Hugh havtng aBedg'd that an Affaif ef ibat Imftrtanee eeuU mt be determin'd in that
Jtfimbfy, beaufe ittfotnot a Synod eanccated according ttftnm, tbep bad put it iff to Koveiubi r
mnreum Synod mntabtiiidi mtdtbatintbtmaam tim itmat ankr% tbathtfimfd have the Go*
{crmnMr tbt Cbimeb ifRtMftm, mti Hagk m atm'd ttfiaj st MotzniB. Tmt Hugh eamt tn the
Seafin efP^tnta^e with Count Thib/)Id, to cjrjy tff aS tlx limine round about the City o/'Rheitns.
ibt Spned badbeembeidat Ycrdan at apptimed, »«iw«&H{u^ was ditdt ^ That
be iponld met tiu^ his
Apftaranct.^iiorttanetbm'beUtfhritiatdimmrlAtmiaamt iiimh bt4 f^d m Semtmee al/c/uteiy in his
fai : .r. But that Hiipli baf-ii.^ ii::Uxr'd tbjt bt Would mt fitfmit t» mt StMence, and rcniuimt.i^ jtiS
at Motizoo, he badfent to Rocnc by tbt Ambt^'ad»t ^ J^^fK-Oiho a Faitittp ceneaining its Com-
fiaimt s tbat bt tjcpeaed the Iffue of from thf^ntlm if tbt Ifyly Sit, and tbt Detttminatitn of rfc
CmmeiL This Petition o( Artatdus having been read in Latin and in the old TtutOHtck. Lar g i.:^^^,
Sig^Mus a Clerk beloogiog to enter 'd». prelected to tbe CouacU fbe tmer which ha J L Jca
broogbr fina ^fme, mti wbkh h^httn aMuf pradwfii bafote the CDvacit of Meti:^on and a- ,

OiKb'd tbat it had bern gi»cn bim by the Lcf^ai M.n inuj then prefent. It u written in thr name
of Gigf BiAop of Soiffons, Hildegaire Mhop ot Btaui^an, aiid of all the other B:i}iofS ot the Province
of J^Mv, whodefir'd tbe re*eMabiiAineaKef Hi^hutd tbe Exputfioaof Artaldnt. When ibis Let-
ter had been read, the Bifhops therein naeatioo'd did declare that it was Ccumerfeit, if <r tiuy

bad never heard the ieait tnenttoo of any facb thing, nor gave ibcir Conlctu that iudi a Rccjucit
Ibonld be niade in tbeir Names. Upon tbia their Oedararion tbii Deacon was depos'd as an Im*
poftor and Calumniator ;and in the fame Scflnin Artaldus was confirm'd in the Art hKil7i( j.' k of
^^ttims. In the lecond iklTioa Hffbort AtcbbiSbnip oi Treves alledg'd.thai lincethey ijaJ re cr:.:l;liih (l
Artalduj as lawful ArcbUlliap<if lif^itaik kwmwtqtUke to condemn ibe iDtrocler. Kh>
thetn the Council ought to proDoonce > Seaccoce agreeabte to the Canoo i and after rhe IX cn esuf
ibe Pope's touching this Subjed^ were read, tbe Bifliops dedard Hugh to be ExcunimufKj 'J and
CbraWnoatof tbe Church, till facfarioMM fasllKMM do Pcnnance /(jr his Fault. In ihc oiJkt Sef-
fioos tbey debated on feveral MaaMbta^ariCfaMcll Oitciflme » uAali ibe of ibU Council
•le redoc'd into Ten Canool.

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df the Tcath Century itf Chhftianuy.

Tbelecood, tbtKefealaataiof AruUui, and the ExcoajtiuiQicauoo of tfcofe, mba wck ot'TbeCtu^
diio'd bj Huibf unlets ib^ llioutd Appear bc£ve Symd lo be kid 'Iir0vuji^tmUr t %^m»ke u ^}'^
Samf«(3Lioo, and to icccift famaot for ¥ilnt tin hid doM. "^'""^
The third iaflii3s (be fiiM htaiOilMitt OQ Cook th$ HM MSM
ibr hanoc tnrii'don
-v—a ,f
Biftopof Lm«
. .

Tk fbnnb prolnbla the Ltiqr fram beftowing Cfmidiei on Priefti^ or from tucni^ ibem out ut ^-^''V^
'flKmwufaout the Approbation of tbe Bilhop.
Tbe fifth is fgaiatt xbok who aba(c (be Pri<:its. or do them any wrong.
* In the fiztb, it itorder'd tbattbe iiriiote&;/f«>-Veek, and die Mmi^^ 1*ttf(Uy^ and Wtintfiay
after HlntfundAy fliOvild be kept as Feftivals, as well as the L^rJ's Day.
lathe feventb, it is order (1 tb«i in (be Gntn4 iiiaoy (which ii on S. hUakf d^y) a Faft Ibail be
krpt as b (be /^o^ii/oif Week odore cbe
The tigbib importttbtt cfael«idkilliQdkl|iaveiioftaKof die Otfbkgp wbicb db. Faitl|f<tf 9^
fer'd on the Altar.
Tbe Hindi, dni ibcCogoizaade of aO DiflcKMCS abi»c Ibauld be brought before the £il-
The and laft Canon is icn^rfcd, and one cannot wen codiprebcQd tbe meaniag thereof
Tbere mcntioo oude of Vido«^ dedicated to tbe Service of God.

by ConM</ Duke of Lonain, rctock Mcu:^on, Mon-ThtCoumt

After this Council Lfsr// i/O.vfrfwifr aifiltcd
tdgue tod Lacn, and the B:(hops being met at Jyt?it{o*, Excommunicated Count Thii/old, and ciKd'/WouiOO.
Count HHg/>ri&rf^%/f to appear before the ^QOd lobe bcid at Tretwi. In this Aflembly, Giq ii-
fliop of StiSm» wbo had oid^'d w^ii w
L$mit, Knf
lojiM bifa &ut^ u^
* '
fanion. ,
' '•
' •

^r/4/iw« when be departed Iran £4M^e«uo^m»WK^ of Stijfonj, Jffiiifki^^

fhopof Loom, and H'lckfrcy o( TerreuMne, whcreiDeymet wi'tb lAnrimu the Popes Legar, and Ho- _
bert Ardjbifbop of Trevej, who waited for tbeir coming, wihout whom there would not have been a-
ay other Bifijop of G^rM^i^' and Lorrain. Marinui asked ArtalJus and chc rcii. of tbe fiitbops, how
^ah$be iVhitehud brfaav'd himtcif fince the la^t Synod, ant] whether tbeLetius which cited him
before (be Synod had been delivered to him. They rcpIy'd/Thathe ftill perii^cd in bis Rebellion
•od Robberies ; that one of their Letters had been dclivcr'd xp \im» and tu|tile,0|l^r bad been in-
'terapted by bis Party. Upisn this Reply, It was asked wlethe'r tov w«a come on his behalf OM
and none appearing, the AfTcmbly was adjoarn'd till the morrow. On
that day there appear 'd no
Depmy in behalf of Count Hug/> i and tho' tbe Qergy and Noblefi cry'd out, that he ought tp jfe
Exoommnnicated « dia( wi|^ jmu off to tbe third day. In thj; jnean tione they coofutted about
'tbe Affair of die BSIho^ Wbo fiad been dwdlwfbretliB Synod, or wbo bad any band in the Ordina-
tion of Hw^/j. TLe B;f];op of SoiffcmhcggA Pardon and obtained it; the Biilhop of Jtrouant wff
fomxd to have no hand in tbe Ordiaatiooi and ibe Bifliop of fiejm was ezciu'd bf realbo of 1^
Scd^iieft- Ob tlie'tUrd day Hi^b tht ff^ikt wm SnBtemmumiiM till time u be floutd come
and ask the Legal and the Bifhops Pardon for what be bad done: and in cale he fliould defer that,
bf ayoiy n'd him to go to /^om« for AbUblutioo, There were likewile two fiiQiDn Rf^«««nTitBtTmii
dbo wcft ordaVd by Hugh, tbe «ae of Amiiu, the other of Smfii t and t Cle» wbo bad inftitued
and inducted the Latter, hilitgduruj Bilhop of Beiutvtis was cited before Mjrinus, or to I^me, for
afllfting at their Ordination: and lafily, the yoan^ CotitK Hehert, firochcx to H/^b, was Ukeyi^
fonunott'd to make SatidiwSioo for the wrooe be ted done t^ BSftopt. Ail tbete oingi weretvanf-
at^ed in the Year 948. and from that lime forward Analdus rctnain'd in poflelHon of tbe Arcb-
bilhop of J{beims. which was inade fore to bioi by the Peace concluded between Lewit ttOutrmtr
and Htt^b the fVbite in tbe Year 951. lb tbe (atne Year this Arcbbilbqp held a Coundi of five K*
ihops at S. Thimj^ wbcreiii.he£amni9U6pcdCoiiK J^^W^ ieis'dapaAibe f^cfowt
ib««iU(Hdying the lad day of At^uU in the Year 967.
he bad been Archbilbop of H^iau
after '^^'^ ^
thirty years, fcvcral Biihops propos'd tbe Re-eftablilbing H<gj&. The Affair was debated in a Coun- "/Art a
dl held m a ViJiagc of the Diocei's of Meaux upon tbe River Marne, conGfling of Thirteen BiHiopl of
tbe Provinces of l^inu and Sent. The Biihops of Lam and Chaltiu very ftroqgly oppet'd his Re
ilitocion,and tbe Cafe was rcferr'd to tbe Arbitration of his Holinels. He gave them to underftaod
by Brum Hugb bad been Rejeded and Excommunicated by the Coujf-
Archbifliop of Cologne, that
dls of /^oNw and Pavia, and that there was no thinking ofhioi ag^. Whereupon they elcj^ed <•
,Clerk of tbe Church of l^it^j uU'd Odalric, tbe Son of a Caont nam'd Hugh, who was fupported odalric
.by King Lotbari$Uy by the .Qgeeo- Mother, and by Brtmo. He eajoy'd the Archbilhopf ick very Archbijhop
jeeeeably for the fpace of Seven years, and dy'd in the Year 968. His Sucoeflbr was drfafcriii or cf Rhcims*
A&irom, Brotberof Coaat^a)7, who govcfii'd.tbe.Gbarc|^ M
i^'flu fpr Nincsecn years , widi a Adalbqron
great deal of Pradence and Candor. Under bis Sp0cabaCf a Cooadl was heU ac I(bt$m in tiy ArcbbtflM}
Year 97 j. whereof Sttfben Deacon of >fPopePej^'d
Pope Vn. was Prefideor. In this Coandl T^vl^^Hbdim.
BsoonnginMcated for baviBgnoIawli^Iy (eizd onp tfa^C^jvird) Ami^ In the Year 97$.
,lie bdd aooAir ODondl at Sk. Mb7*s Moitni; vlfqeran oie pnOTV a Ranficatioo of aa Order he had

made, of patting Monks into the Mooafteryof S. Mm^on inftcad of Canons who were tbere: Af- Amnlphns
icr tbedeatb of tbia Ardibiflitipi Otab Csftt laid hold on this o£ Vllpng into h« iMe^ ^J'}J"l^.
dl i*m>//&Mi tfaeByfaKdBqo^Wflr CMtMe of Imnii^^iki lift;«^fb« C/<v^<m«» R«««.'^

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4-0 Eccle/ta/lkal Hijlmy
Aroufplius Clerk of tbe Church of L^m, hy procuring him to be elet^ed ArcbbiOiop of 1^^ In xht Y«e

Jtrebbf^ 989. who immevliately took of him mOath of Fidcliry. B within fix Months after bis being ia

<^Rheiin&. pQ^'e^Hon of ihe AicbbiQiopnck oi i{betms, bis Brother Cbarui was iniroduc'd into that Citj, and
becune Mafter of it by meaos of a Prieft oam'd Addlgtr. Which wubioiigbt about, as 'tis fup-
pos'd, by the Intelligence be had from the Arcbbiibop, who however was carry 'd by bis firotber 10
Lusn, aod calt into Prifon for forms (alee. Anudflm cotwitbXtanding ilfucd out a Sentence of £x-
commuokatioo agaioft rbole wbo had made an UDlawfitl Seizure of tbe Revenues of ihc Cburdi
of /^^imj; and (be fiifiioiiaof tbeproviDCe met atini/v, and palled a Decree againft Ad^mr^
whereby tbey Excomaiunicated htm and aH others who bad any lund io tbe Usurpation made npoa
tbe Churches of /(/wi'mj and Lmn, This Excommunicatioa was fent to all tbe Bi(bops and Cum-
plainis were made 10 the Holy See^ who took ptrt with Armilfbm. But Hugh Cafet, wbo bad al-
ways fnfpeded Ini Treachery, biTiag dtlboverM that hit Safpfcfcn was not groundleis, and that be
was in thclntcrcfti of his Brother, wroie again fl him to Pope Jofen XV. andcanrii :hL BI^^, s of
the Province of I^im to write to him likcwife, wbo aocus'd AnmlfbHtf and dcfu-'d be might be
Cbademn'd. Afer this Hu^h becoioing Mafter of the Cfty of luun. ini havfaig Cbtrks CSftodjr, m
proceed againd hitn.
TfxCouncU^ tooy: Arnu'fhvi, anJ brought hire to I{beimi, where be cali'd a Council to
o/Rheims It conMed of &a Sufiiragam of the Arcbbilhofirick of ithtnu, vu. Guy BiQiop of Seiffotu, AtUihtrm
dtmS diLtmy HmmvS Btmmm, Gtt^mmni Jaunu, RMoitcXM<t;on, and BudntaSm^i befidci
AfOiFphui thrm were Drbert Archbifhop of fij^m'n Arcbbilhop of Sem, Giu:!tT B:!l; p nf Avryu, Brw
m of Lmnrts, MHo of M*fcm, aod Hebert of Auxtne, with feveral
Artuiiphiu Bt(hop of Or/e«M/,
Abhoit elKferal IMoceflb. Sigmin was Prefidcnt tbemf, nd ArnuffliM of Orleane* Prolocutor.
In the firftSeffion held tbe fixtcenib offutte io the Church ufBj^at, Armlpbm Arcfabilbop u(l{btims
was acctts'd for having betray 'd bis TroA to King Hmb, and being tbe chief Caufc of the taking
that Giey, Sijg^^ kfdkMopvf Stm, alledgfd that he wonid not permit a Procels to be made 00
thisCbarge» tSl he was fare that .frnulphtu Iboold not be put to Death in cafe he waeConvidi-d of
High Treafoo ; aod moreover cued the Thirty firft Chapter of the Council of TsUJi, which imports
dMtftlhops fluff IMC proceed to tbe Determinatioa of fucbMltiers, till tbey had engag'd tbe Prin*
CCS upon Oath to remit the PnnifTimeniof iheOfFendcrs. Hervevs fltew'd that it would be of worlc
confcquence if ibc Prince fhould take oogoizance of the Cafe, and depKve tbe Bifliops of the right
of doing it. Brutu declared that be tnt ault concern d in this Affair ; that upon tbe account of bit
being a Rertincr to rhr King Lotharius bis Utic!c,he bad engag'd himfc'! f jr the- F;Jc!ity of .^^r.u'pf^'.u,
that he might be made Archbifhop of Bjjeimj, in hopes that be would not let bun lurftf any prejudicx
for this Adf of Kindne6: That Amulphuj was fo far from nuking his doe acknowledgoMmSi that
be bad began to perfecute his Friends, and had put him in danger of his Life that he bad to no pof*

po& warranted that he would not break the Oath of Fidelity which he bad takca to King Hugh i
tbftcdeie watfeffideot Evidence of bis Treachery, becaafe tbe Authors of that Rcbelliofl were bit
Dioft iottmate Friends, and fucb as he efteem'd very ht^ily. As to that which was alledg'd, ih|k
care ought to be taken that tbe Offender (hould liot low hit Life ; he aofwer'd, that there wai 00
need to fear any fuch thing under inces fo merciful as theirs were ; but that it was more to be
few'd, whilft tfaevendc&vottr*d aficr the Safety of ooe Man . that the whole £cckfiaftica| Order

wotddbeczpiitVItodflftger. AtliftitwatconcfnM, tbaz tbe'Mieft «te bad d^mt^d up tbe

Cares of the City to Duke C&tr/M, (hould he brought in. Whilfl they ftaid for Li Lomirg, ;hey

read over the Oadi of Pideliiy which Arnuifbus hud taken to Ka^ Utg^b aod King I^m, After*
wardf the Frieft raaiTd AidUgir appearing, ilecibir*d tNc it wai Armt^t who gave him die Keyt
of ibe City Gites, with orders rn deliver them up to Duke Ctjr'fj. After this Evidence was given,
they read the Decree which Arnulfbut bad made agaioit tbofe wbo made ao uoiawfol Seaore of the
Rcfeiwe ofdie ChbftA of ^imi, which prov'd tut Umfelf wu BxeMw&aiiieMed Jsecaaie be wa«
tbe Aarhor of th.iT Drprcdatrcn, and went fharcs with ihofc wbo committed it. To this was joyn'd
the ^tence ol the BUhops of tbe Province of I^imt, pab'd at Senli much about the time wbcreta
ibey bq^ to fufped ArmJpbuj of Treafoo. Aitei' the reading of tbeiie Papera and tbtf Ciiion»
tbe Council of Cart h-^^.' Jgainft PerfcrfS Fxcommonicatcd whn partake of the Sacrament.and agalnft
fiilhops who do any thing contrary to tbe Oatb which they have taken in their Ordinatton,Ieave wai
given to all who were minded to vindicate Anmlfbuj, to fay freely what they could in his bebalC
The ClfrgY of bts nvrn Church would ncirhcr arcufe ror defend hitn : But JobmSchn'affi'cut of Atf
xerrtf Hfnulfbui Abbot of Sens, and j^bba Sapcrior of tbe Monaltery of FUmrj, oodcnook to de-
fend bin, «na prodoc'd a great many PaAges enraded out of tbe falfe Decretals of the Aocienit
Poprf, to prove that /frTOTjofcw ought rn be re-rftablifht before they proceeded to judge htm ; and
that tbey might not judge btm till be bad been cited feveral times, and tbe Holy Sec made acquaint-
ed with the Bufineft. It was aiifweT*d them tJut he bad IbCcieot Notice g v^ n h m That tbey ought

Dot to re'Cftabii/h him till he had receiv 'd fuq^ a Senienrc as declar'd hrm .^blolv'd fince he had Ivcn
already Coodema'd ; "DiaiHihbmdtre hilhoy, q\ BeAuvaUf And Abba Archbifhop of Hlx
whh the dime Crime at ArmMut wai, bad hcen fbdg'd by tbe Synods of the Province ; That tbe
Holy See had been already infotm'd of this Affair by the Leners of King Hugh, and of the BiOiopa
of theProviaoe of J^Avmu, which had beco carry'd to J(amr by Deputies, which the Pope at firft had
pretty well eatettamM : Im that fioceCooot HrArrf had ptefented his Holineii with a line white
Steed aad (everal other thtogt, he deny'd to give them any further Audience. Tbe Deputies which
Bftep Srm* had teat to t(gm for bis Releafinent, added, ttet having requcftcd the Fbpe to Aaathe-

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of the Tenth Century of Chrijlianity^ 41
rnvoA tbofc wbo were guUiy ofCooHBcment, tlx Clerks of the Pope bad deaaaaded Money of Tbe Cmcii
thcnforKi aiKltbatueyittbciDgwilliagtogtvedieinuiyaotbictocoiuu, the Pope had tddofRheinis
ihcm aJ bis final Anfwer, Tbti the Perfon for whom be bad been Apprehended might releafe him, li'i'n/iAr.
ifbe tbougb( nt : from whence they concluded, that ihcHoly Sec did noi binder tbcm from proceed- ""^pbMfc
ilf ttpmibe Spot 10 the Judgaie9t and Deiermiaation of due Affair. Bat they carried the Point ^''^^^
bigber yet, and Jmtdflm Bi(hop of OrUtiu remooftraicd. (btc they might go on in the Trial, with-
out waiciflg for what J^mm Ibould lay in the Cafe And after be bad made ProtdUtioo that ail
dae Refpe^ oogbt to be paid to the Holy See and iu Dedfion^ witlmK ofleriag prejodiceio tittCa-
noos of ibe Councils ; be gave them to noderftand that there are two things of whicb great care
oogbt to be ukeo> which were not to permit ibat the Silence, or the new Lam or Inftitutions of the
PopeSt be any jMCindice to ibe Aociem Laws of the Charch: Becaufe this would be to overthrow ail
order, and to make every ihiog depend onthe Will and Piealiire of one fiogle Mao. That this did
not derogate any tiung of the Privileges of the Pmtiftx hiMximiui becaolc if the fiiAop of -^gmt
were a Man of Worth for bit Learning and his Piety, there was no fear of bis Silence, or of bis Ihh.
liri«§ the CooAitutiQis of the Church. That if on iJw coommi^ cidwr M«t«fUpMt«iitf, or Fewy
erKflion. he (faeiildfvNmifraaajDAicc, UsStlrnceaadbiiBew Dccie(»vm«d»leitDliclcic*ds
becaole be who ads contrary to ibe Laws, cannot prejudice the Laws. From ibence be took atftc-
fsficniolmcKtheiad £ikatcof the Church of Md§M(4t>ncf *tami of ihc Popes Iram
QS#iiftM to StK^titf Mid teWdlrit iUoncMe of ibeif Imiubuiiicik He ednd wbiiliei Biflkipi,
rKJtcd for their SamStiry and Picry, were oblig'd 10 fubmit tbemfelves blindly to fuch Infamous Mon-
tuut, who hid bo Lc«tMitt» oeithec Oivioe aor Proftbaoe. He canpUin'd that ibey Ihould advaocx
le ihe Mgiwft Pelt eff the Owdi iheiMerSe— eed Rcfcfeof ths Qergy ; PaOors twho OMMde?
ferv'd the name of Walking Statues, than of Rcafooable Men. Upon default of excellent Popes,
be was for cooiuking Meiropolitaos ; and took notice that there wetc a great naany fuch in GmUm,
9«^*»*> end in GemM^.very wcUskiU'd ioMatfeiaofRcligwoi and that iiwtiaipie DcopertoedL
ibeirOpinion.if the War wbicb happens between Princes did not hinder it,tban to go to leek it in that
Ciqr, which ac present declares in tavoor of bim vrbo gives nvoft and weighs its Jodgmems by ibe ,

Nombrr of Crowns which are preienicd. He adds, that If any one (bould aUcdge with Pope GtU-
fim, that the Church of /(fiwe is the judge of all Churches, and can jodg'd by noni, this is a Pro-
petilioa which the 4frKMit BUkipii would not confeoi is^ aad which could aot be true at this tim^
vtecii dmwit fearoaeneac If/m wbo bad tomtAm4ktfkA fldiiiae Learoing, if comaaoa
Fame were to be credned therein. That Ignoeaaoe was mote excofahle io other B^ps than in
the Biihop of Kpm, who ought to be Judge of the Faith, of the Life, of the Manners, and of the
|]ti(cipliBe of the whole Chvcb. That accordiag aK&.Gng|0r7sOpinion.tbe Bilhopswhen in £iel^
•re bA>i<iSt to the Comdkioii of the Holy See i hot when twy arc onUaqicabl^ Himiiity in one
i«ace icadcn theai idl EqBaLLaftly,Thax when the Biihop* of^«mt of thiinne wcve like to S>mn^
oothiag ocnid be dcoc more than bad been done, fioce ibe Bil>ir>ps and the King bad writ conotraii^
ihiivcffBttHneis to the Udy Sec. aad they had not ondct taloBn to dodde io the PieTiMn. vB
Utiweastbeyhad oohofiiee«ffawtf«titfy'dati<Mar, which waicanfimahleM tit OkOBii of
iht-- Council of StrdicA. He quoted feveral Paflages cut of St. Gregory, to fliow that BiOiops areol>>
iig'd 10 pooilh 0^eoQes,aBd that they Depite Bilhopa who are ooavkSted ihercofije added, Thit
dM*eieinightpa6hyathii€UBNihiaflneemoonldMK4e<oiotfae&^^ of HjghTiealMryec
that there have been loftaocei^ Arcbbi(hops of l^heims^ condemn'dby the BiHiops of the Province
lor this vKsy Crime » oaaad|i Gilkt Archbithop of H.btimi, whoprov'd diHoyal to Ciw/dc&rrsand Bk-
4tt aed waa deposNiat Tlswwft : Thai the Dccreeof Smid^, which iayons that dw Caofa of
JUfliops fhalt be try'datl^Mnr, oogbitobe extended 10 none but difiicult Causes and not le fnch ,

wherein the Crime is fdf-evidenc: That the Afriaut Aidtops have contdted the vcty Right of Apr
pellatiQa. and that the Caoacils«f Nice and jfmucb appointed the Synod ef Brothwa 10 deier>
mine thefc Marten: That he woald very readily grant the Cfaorch of /^enJ» more than ever the Afri-
&lbop pretended to allow it That they conlulicd it when the A£Fairs of the State permitced it;

And they fubraitted to its DesenBiaadoos, unlofs tfaey were ooatiary to Equity : But if it rcmahl^l
flent, the Ecdcfiaftical Laws onght to be confolted, and the rather becanfe tbe Church of Hgm at
fHCkot was deftttute of all manner of Supports and Sopplys ; for fioce tbe Fall of tbe Empire it haa
Joft the Churches of A/txaaJna and Antiocb, as well as thofe.of ^^rit* and 'od all £iir«^ be*
§an 10% off (ttm it : That ihe Chtiich.of Csw^Mteas^wai withdrawn from itaObedience: That
jha Churches of 5^1*. which ware neft remote, did notJkcknowledge iu Detenxunations ; and that rp^^ ^
~tt/m had ahandoo'd it delf, fince it po longer gave any w bcdelbnae Advice to it feU, or others. He fgjf Lt^Tn-
mndndcs, that aocordiagtothefcttw|»i4inty<ni»af jbraiec waa^thq^
Trialof iheArcfabilhopof J^facMM. - •
Sftccb of
^bt JB(/%4/<<{/ Oricjow 'V cjtiojt but b< tl'let vil, tbit cvm i» tbcje /(«e^tfjpir, mhe*d» Ronu might mtb e4< ha\<e impofed

m rae.UuM/ 'UtJ i^ii^fMt ifvld^ tUrc nvrt- >ni« jo mfe^ and fa bmtB at not to tbmkits Ei/hop (tfftiutL'ji a wicked gad ^
ignorant cm) tQ be tb( iofaUibie Jiulge <f ail CoDtrvurJiet. Km
vbether tkit bmfi proceeding 4 tkefmw «/fUieifflt ja
judging Amulphus, ft** hi0tim imen thej profej^ed to fay nil due difertKt t9 tie Holy See aid arihfiier the FrsBtft sf •,

the .M'^dcrn Gallicjn Churches in thit Age, tc rot a fuffidrrt Evidence fo irnf h-.w Uttfe they (even cf the Romifh Commu-

mm) believe tbe DoHrine of tbe Pope's Infallibility Cunieji tn fat of the) gmn bj ttj I leave tbe far tttdimfattial Rta'

6. tJpoa

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A Kew Ecdefiafiical Hijlory
"^hcCourcrl Upon this ibc Synod came to a Rtfolution ; the Defecdtnc was called io, wfco took hii place t-
'/ Hhcinis mong the fiiAops. Tbe fiifliop of Or/^Mj upbraided hitn with tbe Favours be bad received frota
^imjl At- ibe Iving, wbtcb be had return'd wiib Treacbery.Tbe Defendant alledg'd tbat be bad dooe notbing
againtt tbeKing ; tbat be was alwa^ Loyal to bini ; tbat be bad been taken by force io bis City by

^i^rV^rf iheBoemy, the Kmj notcomirsg k, a AHlflance. The BiOiop c^Or/Mw* oppos'd to bim the Te--

ftimony oiAMger the Priett, vufaolaid he bad delirer'd ap tbe G«te« of ibe Ciiy hf his order.
Tbc Defendant reply'd that the thing was h)k : tbe Prieft mtiotiki'd to liii Face tbat iw Evideocc'
was true. Arnalphm of J(beimi complatn'd of tbe ill ufage he had met wiib ibc Bifboy otSnfftm i

aik'd faiia.lvliy be did not appetr wben he wu

cited by the King and Bilhops ; and upon the Aalwcr*
be made, dm
be could Aor, being tbrn'Trnm'dihCaitody ; that BtAop reply'd, that be had offi»<*d
tocoadudt bim, and allcrJg'i! levers; Cici:n)l)ance$ to prove that he hi J chiv'd himfclfvr y Jc~ (

oeitfuUy, Aiicrwards aootber Wnncis was prodoc'd^ who told bim tbat be bad laid to bim tbat be
pfcferrd Moce Ch*riet to tU rbe World and if be bad any kiadaelf ftr biiB,he ovghr to cadctfonr
ferve bim. Whereas feveral Abbots derUrrd rhat Arnutpbm ought to be permitted to withdraw,
•ad lo ask advice what Anfwer to make, it was granted bnn ; and be withdrew into « corner of
th^bamber with the ArcbbMnpof Stn$, and tbe Bi(bop of Ortettu, Lstgm, aad Amimt. Whilft
tiny Cor('>!lri?d rtn^rrhrr, they read in tbe ^nod the Canons Ot rhr C •inL:!^ Tff/eip again ft chore who
< t

KV'd diiioyai to tbeir Frince. lo tbe mean time Armutpbvt acknowlcj'd and confels'd fais Crime
are the Bilhops who were ret ir'd afide with bim, wbocaJl'd others to be prefeat at bis Dedara^
, tion. He mad?- it b*_-fore tbem, and thirty Ahb<?r^ or Clerks, which wer? ra!!"d ro be Witneflea.
This Acknowledgment took oiF ilw: Objciliion which migbi arile ufOn ibc AccQuni of tbc Holy Seej
becaofe Anmlphm having not appeai'd to it, cbofe bit Judges, and ackoowledg'd bis Faalt.tbere wm
difficulty remaiRrrr; (n rhit tbcy niigbt coadcmo him whboat incroacbing upon tbe Rights of the
Holy See. fiut to be iniurtn d what Ceremony tfaey (hoald tiie in bit DepoGtiun, ieveral CanoM were
conUiliad, andagnat maaylnftaiioei weit pibdo^d, which took ap tbe ramiaMf pan of thii
Tbe next day tbe Bilhops meeting in tbe fame place, after they bad ddbaitd femul Affairs
both £ocle6aftical and Civil, refum'd that of tbe Arcbbilbop of Rj>cims aod as tbey were de>

buiog after what iBMUKr he ouhi lo be created , Kiqg Hagh, aad Kiqg ^tUri emied with,
tbe Lords, aad thM cbaak'd tbe Bimope fbr ibeZeel tbay bad expref^d fiir ibraa, and aak*d tbem
bow tbf Call flood. The Bi/bop of 0r,'V4»/ murn'd ihc m rbis Anfwt r. that there was no need of
mainng.ibem Tbadu for doii^ what wu only (heir Dmy : (bat thev had oat t&td theveia oot of
•my Moriveof Lofc tothen, orSf Matred to df wdfim t ibey omtfd beanity wift dkar be wcrea-
tlc i<(.Icar himfelf ; but that tt lift, after many EvaCons, he hid acknoaiedg'd bis Crime, and

oonreoted to be degraded from hit ^riefthood, in tbe pretence of kvcrai Abbott, aad levcraJ Qerka
wbvwere Wboeffi* of tbt Dediliiien! that be thought it proper lo bafo bioi ihete before bin,
that thrKing himfelf might be both Witnef? and fudge, and that by this means bis Accafers, the
WitnelTes which had given in Evkleace againtt bim, and the Judges might be dncbarg'd. He waa
forthwith introdmfd, and the Bilhop of Orkdm having ask'd him whether he virere it ill of the (bme
Wind, be reply "d, fj^fff Ae ir^K Thr Biili op a5k"d him, whrrhcr hr urrc willing ro be deprived of
tbe Sacerdotal Dignity, wb'ch he hid hiibcrto abus^ : He.rcpiy'd, at j»u flt*ft for tbMt. CoUfMC
Mtpebmrd catching at that
v^o;lI laiJ, That he did oot explain bimfelf eneogb, arrd tbat be ooghc-IO

acknowledge his Fault publickly, tbat fo be migbtnot after wards, fay

, tbat tbe fiif}iop<i hsd impoft'd

upon bim tbereio,and that he had not made any Acknowledgment of tbat Nature. He reply'd
"Am b§htd »fe»fy emft^d hi Fduk, and MckfimUdgi tb*t he h^i [w»rv*4 frm that Ategimce whitb h»
0»'J n hi PfiMn 4ktt kt dtjired tbst thty mould ertdit what tht 9^hM iif Orleans p^uld fay i>f hith^,
tdid tbat be intftmU'km makf- m fair a Rffori of hi C^e at he emli. Tbcreopoe rbis fiilbop faid^
ti»t Amulfhvt dlBjaoinkt being cutarally modelt inlpcaking, and alham'd to acknowledge m pnb^
HdCt uihat he had oooMM^othen in private, it was enough that ha lhanfal acknowledge in f<mih
ntibaf-be had nor tepnfaeOirb of Allegiance wbtcb be o«v*d nibit PHnee. C^nnt Brochatd in-
lifted that he ought to deilite it publickly bui tSe Piilinp nf Orlcdvi
; nc"d him by faying, tbat the
Biibo(e were the Only Perioos wlio Gooid extort a Confciiion of tb^i Mature ; and that it was fuii-
«ihit Aat tbe AfflbbHbop-of J|Mhv bad mode bit ConfrfRnn lo tbem io private , and dccter'd bisf
ielf unwnrrhy of the Pricfthood becaufe of faisSin$, as hr had dnnr \\\ a Wriri^r; which was read,
wfaerein he deUar'd, that be bad confefs'd bimfelf to .^i/^ffxn Arcbbtibopof itm^ and to otbo^Bilhonf^
.ladd'bad appointed rhem the Jodget'of hsOfivocet, that be mjgfai raanaelrom tbem fndb ftnaa^ce
as he defcrv d, and be rrnnvM from the Sacerdotal Dignity J aod Confented that another Arth-
biibop ibould be piQ in \a% ptace, witixiui pretending ever to reinrn contrary to this Declaration.
Afterwards ifi«|j«rtbe Prieft confels'd bis Fault, fic was ask'd whether tie bad mbcr ht &if^
ded, or ly und-r a perpetual Excommunication. He prt fcrr'd Degradatioo, which was perform'd
with tbc ufual Ceremony ; for be wax ftrip'd of all bis Clerical Habits from his Prieflbood to hn
Sub deacnnlbtp i and each time be was ordei^d m
f(»-bear performbig tbe Offices of tbe Order, aiid
; of the Habit he was ftrip'd of r after this be was eojoyn'd Pennance, and retxiv'd Abfoliition with
„ ^ leave to Communicate as a Laick. l4AI]r> Tbey ilTucd forth an AmuhtmA^fj^^ tbe other Re-
tell WhO did MX appear m makfr Satafa ^ba s and Anml^im was 6i» RrimMr to fkk/mt, "


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f>f the Tenth Century of Chnftianity,
Jtmdfhm bang dnu d^oi'd and deprhT'd of tbe Archbiiboprick of Ji&cfmi^be Bifltopt etedcd in hh Gerbert -

fkae one Gtrhtrt or GiUtrt. He came of a coofiderabie Family of Aimrgnt i ««d applying bimltlf ArchbifUp
TO ilud y ,bc became a grcac Pro6cteoi in tbe Sciences and Piiilolopfay.He wu
broagfat ap in the Aio- HlKimw
Biftety of JmiidCt wbere belif'd a Momftick JUfe i and from cbence lie went iuo Sfsm, wbeic
>e leafn*d the Mttfatnaticki. Hewas afierwa ntt Sctoohmfter of tbe Gbarcfa of l(^m, where
Prince F{pi(rr^ Sod uf Hu^h Cj/cr, Ltottric ArchbifTiop uf I^rJ;, and fulttrt Bilhop of Ciurtrtt
were ba ^tcbolan i and be bad aiterwaid^ tbe Hoooor of being Tnor m
Otb9 IlL lamcdiaiely
lAcr l»b BteAion be madea Profeflko or Ui P«itb» and thereapon wai(Mara*d, and MlitiHBd and
IrduiScd inrothL' ArchbifTirjprick of l{fteim$. In rbr Yetr v9^- beheld aOauncil, wherein he Ex-
conniMinicated Count Htbert and other Ul«rpen« wbo bad uolawfoliy feiz'd apoo tbe Revcnact of
the Cbofcb of J^fomw. He fmiK at tbe&metiine n
Ftdem BiihopofAmitiu, wbb bad appropri-
ated to his own ufc frreral Re»eou<"s of his Cburch.
King Huj^b and tbe BiAoM lent tbe Decrees of ibis CMiRCil to Pope Jtbm XV. by tbe Arcb-
rfeacon of ^Mmi^ and fN«f d him to approve of ibetr filedioii of G^htf. Bat tUi Pope being
perl'u aded that Amulfhm could nocbave been Dfpos'd without hi! Aarhority^ vrty highly refented- •

wbac liic Bilhop) of France bad dooe. King Hugh wrote him word thit ibcy had done nothing iti
this Affair tbac might be of any Prejudice to tbe Holy Sea ; and thai if he pleas d to come to G>«-
m^t 01 into Frame, be would receive him with all the Tokens imaginable of Sobmiilion and Re-
fpcdi ; and diat Matxcr over again in bis Preteoce. Tbe Popelicnt
if be picas'd, tbey flloald try this
iAio i^Mcr Abbot Lto, with ordcnto call a Council, and in tbe mean time forbad ifce Siftop* wb9
bad Cnuncil of Bhrimj to be there. Gtrhert forefeeng tbe Storm tbat waf coming on
afiilted at tbT
bim, wrote to an Abbot, and ArcbL ahop itrv/ii, and endeavour'd to fortiSe tbe latter, againtt the
fearful apprcbenfiom he bad of i he Thanderoolti of Hjme, by telling bim, tbac tbe Judgment of tbft
Pope was not Soperior to God's Decree; That if be (meaning tbe PopeJ flxmld fall into Error, be
might be reprof 'd : that be could not ezclode BiOiops from tbe Commuoioa of JBSXJS CHUJST t
for being nnwilling to confeot toa tbing which tbey tbongbt contrary to tbe Gofpel : that tbey bad
no Power to debar bim of the Communioo, oeither at a Gilikjr iMoB* 6ofX be was Innocent, ooi
at a Rebel, ftwe be bad oor refas'd to go to any CooBCtt; flMt tMi Sentence, being an^ftfoogbr not
to be Jook'd upon as proceeding from ihr Holy St-e. jccordinx [o S. irs's Maxia^i. Thir the Ru!rf -

whereby tbe Catbdick Cborcb oagbc to be regulated are die Gofpel, the ApotUes, tbe Propben, the
Cbaciii tBtde by tbe Sptrh of Gw. aiid codemicd by thtt
and the Decrees of ihe Holy Apiftolkal See which were conlbnnable thereto. That thofe wJwOBt
of Cooiempt fwert'd inxntbefe Rules, ought to be jodg'd and awdemn'd by tbefe Rules : bot tha|
wboever obfirrvct and fclloin item* ovgbcfoen^ perpctoal fleace, wttbont ever bdag repaiaied
from the Commanioo of the Church. In condufirm hr dcclar'd to J/jjrj'n, that he ought nor to fu-
^nd tbe performing ^
his Fundiontbecaufeol the Prohibition of i^oine, and that he. ought to de-
4>ife this irregular JutgnMO^ feu thai wUUk be cndeavoniM to appear loaooeat, be AoiiM 4td»i4
himfclf Giiifry.
In the mean time tbe Pope by fais Legat very warmly prefi'dfor the re-eftablillracDc of Amulfhw,
and after he had appointed Councils to be held lor this porpofe at AiX-lthCLipeSt, and at I^ame to ,
^ gfyiooi
whi the BiOiops of Fnvre W Duld not go, be order*d one to be held at Mut^^omxbc Second of June,

in (be Year 99s. in which ailiiied L«i/«//r Archbilhopof 7Vn«/, ^mim Bilhop of ^Vri/inMnd Notger
t)f Liege, with Sigefrty Bifltop of Munfttr. Lto Legat of Pope 7abt XV. prefented to them a Lettq:
of tbac Pope, and after it had been read. Gerbert tiude ao eloqneat %NCch in his own Defence,
wherein after he bad (howo tbe Reaiboableneft of bis Condild, be declai^d that be had not taken
die Church of J(tm'i)w from its lawful Palferrjr b jc that Aruulfbm, wbo was unworthy thereof, ha-
ving condemn'd bimfelft be had been cleded and ordain'd Caaoakally in h» place. He gave thia
Speecb in writing to tbe Legat, wUo banded to bfm tbe Fope^t Letter. After tMi the ConncAbnke
op, haviog firll appo-rjiL-d to meet at Pj-o'mi the f^rft of Juh, and deptited^e'n a Monk of ihe Ab-
Imic Lit tbe Pope^ Lqgat, to go to King Hugh. But as Grrbcrt was go>4t away, Lt9 order d two
Billtops tot«monftraieto fctai/Tbii be oogbtto abSatn fnm celebratinj; Divine Servieegtill ibeCoo*
vcn:ion of the Synod. After he had derlir'd rhar their D?niincianon fignifie d nothing, be went hlm-
felf to wait upon L«»,and told him tbat it was not in the Po.vor of any Bifhop, nor of any Patriarch,
IKjr of diePopellaniclfmcxclodeany of tbe Faithful from the Communion of tbe Cburch, tilt inch
tittle as he had been either cnnviifhd of any Crime, Or had ackncjwlcdp'd himfelf to be Criminal,
or bad refused to appoar before a Synod, being cited thereto according 10 the Canon: That neither
of tbcfe being bli Cafi; be coold not teU bow to amdcmn btmfelf. However Lmttff Archbilhoo
^7re9et hiving calmly, and like a Brother, admooilb'd htm not to gire any occafion of Scandal,
be prevail d tipcn bim K> far, that for peace and qnietoeft fake, he would only abflain from celebra-
ring Mafs till tbe firft of 711/7 next, which wisibe liitie appomted for the Synod at Hbeimt. Tbe
Qoeen jtdtltid wrote to Certtrt, ordering him to appear at tbat Synod ; threaming him that if be
did not. foch Meafures ihould be taken as Ibould be thought rooft proper. Gerbert underftanding
tbat tbey would AbTolvc Amulfbm^ and re-cflablifh him, and all to gratifie Lee, wbo bad promis'd
that he Pope (hoald confirm tbe late Marriage of King H/lmii and being inftrm'd that hit Ocigy

nod Laity had dcclar'd agaioft hhn, reium'd das Aofwer to that Wncefi, That he wtwld not I*
there; and declar'd that be woold patiently attend the Betcrmination of tbe
SynrKi That having
rttdrH Ae Q weiaBaet of the Church dH^imt at tbe bands of die Bifltopt be was not willing to

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44 ^ Nei» EccltfaJUcd lijhry
ToeCtmf qiuiutitldieBUliBpiiuLdioimla^itt^ Bk dnc lit «ni sarin say naoDerofttidt of cy^ie&ig
til cf Senteocewhict] Ihould bcpa(is!d upozihun , ct of reLamingiui Dioccis by (aux: Tbtt io «itca*-

^^"^^^ for
47 Infln.

Smad ^^"^ Synod tppoioted m therms wasjield ibcrc accordingly ; of which we hnt oottUfAS^^t
irthr!^ Ptm^ AU ibtf wcjCU Imcool ji^, tbai ibgr UMreia Jdolv'd 10 ivcliU>liib .Amuifkm, tmim
nraiMt Mm. Thelatie^ jun»lii« w^he AeiiatiM Ik^ iAov obcr'^i Md xeur'd «e ih
Giricrt. ^'^'f lU. wbo fooo *ftcr^mhim ibc ArchbtfllCfnGlc td^Mnru, Iron: whaux be afgmdf ri ihc Pi-
Tbe rt- C\m As 40 ^auJflm /jvluMcvcr liuK Aoibwt nay layj iie was sat la
in (be Year 099. m
>r«Mr/l^ .Jibtfijr, «n4 trtcfltbliftidJBli Owe* yews after^ tbtudttaae^FopeCr^V. 3ti»$ the FtTtMuil^*
ment of Succei&r. His e- dUbliUmcnt was likewife afkcnviirdj coofirm'd bf Gabtrt liunfelf wbcnbc was

totbc Popedom. Fonbii Pope very f cucrouily iorgemng ail ibat was juli. IraC luM

/uAm '1
'^'^'^ it «*as tke Duty pf the Holy AfultolicaJ Soe to laiiic tbule wbo wenfUo, m
rcrtorc to ihfm tbe Dignity of wbitb ibty bad befodcpriv'd lo he ihougbt it cuovcMcax 10 iiio

ibme dcta^
"^xoar bidJ, even hini wboJiid been tuxn d out of tbe Arcbbilk^ ickof it/j«wfor
caufe lince his DepcAiOB JmuI not bceo ratibcd by tiK Pope, it wai bcMev'd be mi0llL M"
cft»blUh'd by ihc ClcGDcncy of tbe Holy See, Sc P«/«r baviaf iucfa « S»venitgn AotfaGrityjH tio«-
tber could luod io xrompeuiioa with. Tbatlbcreforchy rrtlorifig to hioi the Pattoral Rxid mrJi
JUog, iv gfWiM lun a power of pa/orowig aU Ml Archi-EpKcopal Fuodioas ; co imio Uie I >if
nity (hereof > to enjoy all tbe Reycooes beloDging toibc Church of Hhcumti aod to wear the Pail,
Tbat be prohibits aJltxuiwer of Pcrdiaos frooa opbraiding hJtn with his Depodiioa* being willHig
that the ApoUolicai Authority Aoold procctk hiaa. iho' his Coafqeacc coodcaoo hiin That Uft4y, :

Ik coofirais aod gctnisio hian dr Mn^ the ArobhiJhoprick of i(kMu with all <iitf btim'd 10 iLTkm

Tbe ffHtmgs of Gcibert.

The Wri- QErhnt was wkhout quefiioDiibe msft Lcanxd Man df bis Time> e^iaOy ia Propb«ie lean*
tings of ii^ : for hejad to bis &udy of the Ijagnays and Philofophy )oyo'd thar of the MatheaaatiQlBi,
oAaL wbereip he was a greac Proiiciem. He infonns ut bimfclf that he had compos'd fcvcrtl TriL^$ of
Rhetprkk, AriibojeiCick, and Geomeuy. He fpealu of a Sphere which be had made, and ix uxn*
pqs'da/siaUTicatileof tbetnanocrc^iuCooftruiijpa. He invented Clot^ and made one a«
M^Jihri^ wluchJwmitfattd accordiog loifasModoB of Ute Polar Star* she whidi be vkar'4
kbrougb a Tefefcope. Tbey likewiie attribBie 10 bin a Treattfe concerning the jfthtlsih, wijtiam
ia Oialogstic-wife> between hits and Lt« the Pope's Lcgat. This Art made hioi pals for a Magiciao,
avd |av« rtleioibeFabic of Jto^vy mmocciliP jJie Pant Chair bf a Coatsad^ which inad4( U
whhtbeDtTif. HeMa|wH»iaiBa]IdKAfiibord>eSnse, and efpedaUy io thofe whkh
rclarcd 10 the Church of Rheimsi and was in great repute with the Eiuperors aod the Kings of
fr^t. He bchay'd bioDtfli'lbiyjsUioihnledjfficulf liaies, thai he fcU ioio di(gnct wiib pqac^
Tbe AfdibiAop AdMlhgrm, as weVif die lirinaesaaci Prianflb of bti dme^md fimerat odMrumda
ofc of bis pen xu write tbcir Letters. He wrote liJtewife ieveral Letters in his own name to kvcsul
Perfoof about the A&in of Chotcb and iuice, or aboni paniouUr Atfairs. or ciie aboat (omc P<Ma(»
of jUsroing. There is a CoUaftioa mada «r aji Hnadnd aad finy of them, wbitA are paSiUlfd
from (he MaauTcript in tbe Library of Papm M^fm, aod prioied by the Care of bis Brotber iq iha
Year i^i I. at P^i-jr, with the Latcrs of ^oiw of 5a/tii^7 Sttfiw of Jturiuty. They aca

rcno'd io a very pure Stile* aod fucb as is truly Epidolar, with a great deal of Beauty aod Sptnu
Littbcy donuicontaiDlDWcbof EodellafiicaJ Affairs. He is likcwiie ibe Author of the HiKory
of the Ads made by the Council of I^htim againtt Armlpbm , writ wuli a great deal of R-^
legance aad Eo*>S7 > which fliews that be was no Iclii skilfd in £ode|iaftical, than be was io Pii»-
fane Learoirg. His Speech to tbe Council of Ximnn is a farihcr proof of both i as well «$ the
Speech wbicb be made, when Pope, ibr theia^rodtiogof Bifltops* puUilb'd by Father MahiScm ia
the Second Tome of h'tt 4>i*USt. In tha laft Fiece oeHiaDooftrates to tbe BiAicps that ibe bigber their
StaiioB and D^iiy is. tbe grater Obliutioas di|qrhr«nod<r of anfwericg the height of tiicir Poft
by fbeir Samftiiy ai^ their Merits • aod thac ibeir Fail is fo much the more deplorable , by bow
much the inore tbe height is from which they fall That God requires aure of rbrm ibaa of iht-

rcilof the Ckrgy « and thac their Fsnhiftallmfrr with a ievcrer Ftei^iihneDf thsQ tbok of otfaersL
Hr fxptainstD them tbe Qoalification wUdb St Pas/rcqoires of BiflMpt ia his &m ^Alc to TtnM-v
Afterwards be declares againft Simony, whiLh was fo common in his tiaK< thai iBiibopi gave
lifODey to Archbiftopsfor their Ondinatiea* Prieftlf Ikaconf, and other Cicuf -ump to Biihapik Ufi.
ciK]a««s my
l«|hly againa ilA 4n^ wA 4»Bite*io wboin kdUffdi DitelMoa m

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of the Tenth Ceptury of Ciirt/lianitj. 4.5

FLODOARD 'BnhaiAiiy of Rheims. tf Rheima

GMtmrdot FrodaMrd is not one of the Icaft Ornaments of the Church of /^jEwimm. He wai born
* «£#«rHfr VilbeyeAr 894. He was Prebendary of tbe Cbarcb of ^jiamt, and tiie Scholar
of l{bem]> of Auxtrre, whom Fulem had invited to ^ims, 10 be Prefident of tbe School of bis Ca-
noos. In tbe jrear 936, be took a Jotirney to l^ome, and in the year 940. be took up a Rektlatioo ol
going to S. Martin of Tuirs, becaule be coold not appro? c of the Promotion of Higb to tbe Arcb-
bilhoprick of J^tmt. But Count Hc^rri caos'd bim to be apprcbeniied, iad took from him the
Rcveoitet beloo^io^ to the Church of itivi'mi, which he was in poflcllion ui, and tbe Church of
Orwifyiwhidi he govern'd. He was for five Months confin'd to that City, till be was broagbi to
Snjfonty where be fubmitted to the JodgmcM of the Biibops. who coofirm'd tbe Promotion of i^iu
Then be was reftur'd to favour tbe Revenues which be pofleis'd were reftor'4 to brm, and ihe

Church of C«ro7 given bim, inftead of C«mM!7. Hea/Gfted at theCoaacilaffMm, wherein^

M/iw was ela<^ed Archbi(hop of H^iwu i aod Jiv*d in the World to OJdlrici tim», into wbefe baadi
he refign'd bis Benefice* and withdrew into thr Solitude of s MooAftery, where be dyed ia the y«ar

Tlui Awbor bw wriitcn an Hi8ory of the Church of ^beimt^ divided into four Books. He il«tt*
ingiTeita AceovN of the Snooil&an' and Lhra dT ibe Ardilbiftop^ of wbit tbey had dooe 6r
wriucn, and what happened w orth tbe takiqg notice of under each of them in that Church. Tbt
firlt Book beigioi witkue AfofileH and oads at the death of Si ^gau, Tb* Accouac of th« ficft
Kthops is mmm, iOi wlnt be (^yiof die following b very uaoemin. TUt tife S. %«9s tbe
Convcrlion and Baptifm of Clovi take Hp tbe grcatclt and beft pan of that Book. Tbe Iccaod Book
fiootaios tbeSucGdlioaaod Hiftoqrff ibe Arcbbifhops of J(iriim from &, f^pm down 10 fUtum4rm,
Xbe tbitd it wlnlly nkcn up wtt'ib^ UftofipwoMria. awl widi tbe AUbnA of bis Vrinngh fW
fourth contains tbe Hiftory of Fulm , aind of tboTe who fucceeded bira down to Odalrie. This Hi^
fiory wu pabliflt'd by Father Simoa4a ud printed at Fsrii in the year 16 i i. and aitcrwardc bf
C«/ttfMriw wbo got it TO be primed ac iif tbe year 1 6 1 7.

Befide this Piece, Fkd'.ardAsA likewile compofc a Cbnnicm (Tor Monficnr bad no grounds
toqaeftion whether it were his or no. ) It began at the year 877. but the bd\ years are loft, and
fvenveoQlf byitt tbeyear 9i9.and tbofewhichfoUow to the 9^
Wbere itaeids. JB«a4ir*Mr oh*
lerves that at Trevts there is a Manufcript, which contains fevcral pieces of Voniry of Fkdtmii
oanely, five hooki tf tbe Trtumfbt of tbt Ualisn hUrtjrrt **i Cai^ejfarti three 3ooiu tbt Tri-'
umfbs of J ESVS C H I{_I5T, Md ef tbe Saints If Faltfiim i and IWQ Baoi» ^
tf J E SV S C Hl{_ IS T at Antiaek Btif tbefe Pieces have not as yet bcea ppUiOt'd and 00 ,

bothr (as we bear ofj bu ever ken cbem fiooe. Tbe Cbrmem was fvbiiOi'd by Il4wfiear Bithm

A)i Advertisement to thefoBofmi^ Addition.

Jtftmm tHrdmk ivarprmud t imJerj^ooJ Afjkr Thieyry Rufoinf,

a LearntJ Rtligiottt BmeJiSim tf tbe Congregation cf S. Maur , tbat tht
Trtatift of Flodoard concerning tbeTritimfb of the Martyrs, wbicb Bonderius
fiuidf memim of, wot tn am 4tttimt Ai^ferift ft Cctrvent ^
tbf tuffifU

. . • ' •
• >

The J 'DD IT IO N.

ThefiMtfib Book begins wkb Pope SLArJifaK^'aBdiraut of dw IMratioMOt^iwalnMii^ Ckadim,

KumtriMm, mi Dml^^ He ibeidD %edci of Ae Fopei acoifdb^ n dw ita wlM^

Tic Fifdsandfiivb^fci vemU (W*. «ho*tbf» Seentl^Hwdl^iligi^mt* '


Tne k ventb treats only of the Perfccutioo under Dtoelttian.

30»<^hih ^ ibiftlj^ P« P<R/r«f^ fid*»mini4ithk.tfmarmujg .1^ ^itfifftttq^pifUT A^»-

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Flodoard mimaa. It begins witii the Hutory of 5. Mtt cti,iiid of nil the Mariyn which are in his falie Ducxc-
FrebeTrdarj Aficrwardt he fpeab of the Man^r*d Saiots which are worlhip'd in Itafy. The filieeiiib Chip'

^jf*^^ ter ii coooeming

S. Afra of Au^sburgb. TfaefizteeDth it ooaceroing S. Et^thim the Pope.
^'"V^ The ninth Book, maizes mendoo of S. VtUtntttit a Martyr at i^oMr, afterwards of the Manjff
diereaboais; Md
of tbe Deocabof*r, Gsiiamm, & John, and S. Ptatt tad «f ItfOtl
ixber Jdanwn, who were at l^me in the tioie of JnlUn ibt4P0STATB.
The VBttA Book btgim at Sw Julm the Pope, and endi wMt f^sliM and JhDniOe. He dmb
mentioot feveral other Saints; at for inftance, in the fccond Chapter be fpeaks cf F.Lfdiu whom ,

becglb A'4gMiA'«Cf>wlioi>ikidtoha«tfttflered at Aim under C«^4Mr,wiib Or^mwoAoi-

dkn: tefpealt ofSL Bi0im<^r0retit, ^vmnimi!be Rbenridm^ tnd or& Amm
of Mllmi
fce-BUket tntrn:i'jn of tbc Tranflition cf [be litter, made by S. Bafi!, who fent hit Body tO S. Am*

ingfS. (IhaTetheLeiier of me, dirededtuS.ifM^^, cakeaontof anaockotMuui'

leripc, tiHiidi tnaket tBcmioDof iWfTraiifladaBL) lotheibtnlOhipter, wlmbe ncMi of S.
nijfuj t})« Pope, be likewife fpeiksof S.Jerom. In the eighib Chipier he treats of r^c Schifm of
Latprtnett of Pafc^us the Deacon In the nioeteeath of Horjmijdm the Pope, of the Peace in
theEaft. of S. GmMwAtofCffpn*. of the ReAfctttiMof A/rka, of S. of the Converfioo of
Cttvn, of the Crown which hf (tm to i^oww, of rh* Ccnfalar Habits which he rcceiv'd from rh?
Emperor. In the tenth Chapter be Ipeaks of S. John the Pope, of Spuauebut, and of Bii^tiui, whom
Tbndmc caot'd to be pM to death. In the twelfth Chapter of C*fft*ianUt of ^1^^ Belifdiriu did a-
gain!^ theG«(iiio lMfraad4(WM. Ltftly beocitcailaifeof iod of whubftppned
in hii Mooaftery.

' the
clerenih Book comtwebeaclt dwifiAory of ^ Fbpet from Agdtho down to Cbrifippbilus. la
Cbapter be fpeiks at large of Bmifacf of Grrwdn?, wbrrm he ftiJcj Dof^'nr ard Marn r. Ir»
the iixib Chapter of Chdrlevugiu Pnoce of t'rsnce, who turn d a Hciigtouj. la the fevcnih Chapter
of PopeSM^ILflf hbFnvdkiMoAwwr, «f teminonhMiCnrehe wvongbi io the Abbyof
S. ZVinar, &c
The twtUih Book coouins the Hiftory from Leo I L«0 Vll.Inr the firft Chapter he fpeaks of the
Palb of HtHeauruj of the Settling the 08tve of the Feaft of the Alfuaiption of oar Lady
, In the .

iimnd Chapter, of fiiflnp of Jl^nwrnM. la the ibtrd Chapter of Himemtr$tf and of Ctsriet tht
In the fourth Chapter of Ftikm ArcUiiOiop of l^teim,*nief the fereral Commiffioos which
tbc Popts granted bitiL In the fifth Chapter of the Tranflttion of S. Calixnu the Pope to P^cirr,:,
which he calls VrAnM N^«M» OwrCin. He ttcao at Jai]^ of the A(Sioos of Arai^, wfaom(fac
Ckmlu King ofFnam dcftM 10 (ml Urn j^iiwM tmi^mih i
fijfs; Cmifiermi Mnal
The thirteenth Bdofch<towiteSiwwwMcb& <aMiitwbf faMi VHtMgm, and ofotte

Tbo AunocuUi Bonk abom dtt Cwidfarf'Snonk Mttiyitt ittd otfanf of tkGbnof '
ends aff by S Cfl/!w«^4ii aod hn Difciplfs. ' '

, ,
AttheendtianEpitaphof F/o^4ribtmfelf. • ' ' > < ^

TUil^analcripcitalimftuandenCMFlMw'i. /
Thdt*rls ftile is very plain, witboat any Orrrarrrnt and wiihoat ffwlcoft AftdilWO. Hc taAlBt
a great manj fixtrads, and reUta a raft oombcr of Miracles,

A U R £ L I A N CM e^^^ ^'^^'^ 0/ Rlieims,

CT'^itbtmitu makes tnentiOQ of another Clerk of tbc Church of B^eims cill d AureU*m, who, he lays,
tVrrJ' was very weU ikilfdia the Knowledge of the ScriptBfet,abd in good Litcratare; but above alia
good liofidao. He makes him the Amhor of a TnSt coooeming the Rales of Singing and of Notes»
tbt CbHrcb
^fUictek which be fitys was a very remarkable Volnme, intttoled, Itt Cmj^ttu Mi^k,MtJltr. He adds,tbac
be likewtfe com poid fc veral odier Pieces, and dut be flooritfd n the Rrigp of Amul^lmi obaQi lAr
ICV9M. WehaTOMtliiPgofiluiAMfaarJeftai.

^EKNERVS Mon{of S. Remy Rheims.

rr^E ought likcwife to reckon among tbofe who wife aa OnnuMBcny tbe Cbortli of l^fiMilr
Afyn^cf W Itcnwriu Mook of S. I(fm/of Hjxims, who was fern is the year q^S with fcveral Monks
j^SgSL eft«bliih a MoMaica! Difc^iline in the MoaattciT of HiaMttra in ymmudni. He wrote the Life
of & Om^mdM Abbc6 ofIftirftow, p*l«wl if iMte Mifclhii ii dw few! BwdiaiwCtaH

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, of the Teath Century of Chri/iianity. 47
kwf I tixltbeAcaniatof tbeTranlhttoaaf her Body, wbi<Aiieo be imtWftbMtlie fifth Cemonr.Bferae^
He fcot fevcral Monks to S. to be pot in Ac room of tboCc Clerks of the Church nt rhat^Jf^^f

Ptaoe, wbo did not lud reguiar Livei. He teJates io die Accouai of^
TranflatioQ of ihe Kelicks ^^">y
ofS. mmgmlt, ieveral Mirtde* which were wrought till tbe year yi^, ivbkh fliem cfaitbe wrote "^J^l|™<
aod lir'd beyon<j that year, fiuc tba^ much may iiilke 10 ^eak eoaceninf tbe Cboidi of t^thm, ^>'OrN#
We proceed to tbe other Churcbes of Br*nct.

GJVTIER Jrchhtjhop 0/ Sens.

TH S beginotng of thii CeatDty GiranVr was Arcfabilbop of &iu, wlio wai ordain^^i in the year
8S7. and liv'd 10 the year 923. He nude Coaftniiiaai» wUcb icoMia fifll anoogiMi Tbef ^"^^

ace comprcbeaded m fourteen Artidet.

Tbe firft Prohibits luch Abbotsand Conveoraal Priors, wbowoold mteppeirei tbe Synod, uA ^
were nor c:scui'd i from being admitted
into the Chnrcb for efght days

Tbe Iccond Dfobibits tbe Religious from itxtivioK any Depojiium uno 'Jicu Conrcnts wiiiiout tbe
pcrinillon oftoefiiOiop. #
Tbe third ordcn that tb^ dwidd all cat ipgedier io tbe fiune if^tQaj, and alllye iqgetfacr io tbe .

i^nie Dumitay.
Tliefaaithiaapordi tbatill tbe (eparite Apanotencsof Nunnrn'er fball be pullddown czcept facb
as were requi^ie to eotertaia tbe Bifliop ; or proper for tbe fick » oc fiu aoy ocber >CaBic wbkb ifae
Biflxw adjudge to be jnft and tieceflary.

Tbe that none of the Religious (hall be permitted 10 goabtOid, OTIolye Olltof die Moaa-

fiery, it be tmc leldoo). aod npoo fome lawfal occafiont.

Tbe (ixih. that all tbe fafpBoas and oonecefllry Doonof thefe Mooaftcrftt Aalt be (bat op.
Tbe feveotb prohibits the Ecctc(iil>icaT Judges from ifleiog fbrh general Fxcommunications, and
from Excommunicating all ibolic wbo Oiall CooimooiGaiewitb ao Excommuoicaie ferloo, uoleU ic
be npon fome great imponant ooeafioo. and io liadr Galb •§ oie caannoai.
Tbe eighth injoyns tbe Canons or Fidxodarieito rcgolaietbetiOffica, and tobcbavctbefflklrcs
ioibemwhb care and exa<^lacit. * •

Theniatb eojoyns them to obftm tbe Rnles prdcrib'd by tbe General CooociL
The and eleventh order, that the Communities of the Monks of Regnlar Canons be
tenth W ,

tbo(e Priories where tbcy were us d to be, if tbcy have but wberewitbal to lubUft.
eftaUilb'd in
Tbe twelftli, tbai ibe Abbots and Coaveotiul Priors (hail hare in their refpe(5livc Abfaefi and Prio*
ties, a fuflicient number of Religious, from
whom tbey fliall not ciad atiy PenGon.
Tbe tbirtecotb, that the Clerks wbo lead loofe lives (hail be (haven by the order of tbe Biflwpi.
Aiebdeacom, orodxr Offioett, lb thoc no Mark or Token vtMi:kmsiDmfm9 OaU bekft
Tbe foorteeoib imports, that when any Coanny (hall latrrdiAed Ibr.tbeOflleooe of tbe lord
or b» Bailiffs, that Intcrdit^on (hall not be ukcn off, till fuch time as filtilfiuSkin.he jnidc fiw the * '

Dwnages which the Parochial Churches fliillluffer by rcafootbercof. >. . ,

Tis question d whether tbefe Conftiiail(*ibeloag'd toibbGoMrifr^ or 10 (bne odier of a tliOK

modern date. And indeed diey ielateiaoKtnibeDifi:i|aiaof tbo'fiM6eedi9gCtattnnei».ihancoibe
Dilciylioeof tbe Tend). ,

Of the other 'Bifoo^s of FRANCE.

TH£ other J^lbo{» of f ranee (hew'd tbrmfelves no Icfs zealoas ior the keepiag up ol Dilciplinc
4»diDainttio1i»g ibeir Rights, than tbolc we havealreadymemion'd. We
have one f«™ous
^.^^^ ^^^^
Century. Ftikitt Count
inflanccof it related by Clil fr Monk of C/«»r. v^ho liv'd in the foliowing p^p^^^^
of Amw, upon his return Irom a Journey be made to JeruftUm,
being willing to difcharge himfclf pr^ncc

of « Vow be bad made, caus'd a Montftery to be built in tbe Tcrrirory of Tuarj, over againft the ancernini
Ci !' : c f ; r/»#j,wh'ch hr dedicated according to tbe Adviceof bis Wife to the meiqory of ihcCirrir' tte DeJf

bum aad icraplums, and not to the memory of any Martyr, H«ffc Arcbbilhop of Tmrf was int»ei> cttmif d
11 mII hu b time as Fu'cm iTiyiild re- Cbww,
aid tQ. perform ihc D;dicatk)nof that Manallery j but be refos'd
joftice taken irom it. FuIcm ftomach'd
Acre to Jiis Church tbe Revenues which be badcomnuT t»«U
iSjrefuial went to R-mi and after he had madftlevcMl
RetaWlo Pope Jabm, he letofo'd with
igjjjfSiPtifr^ who afterwards dedicated tbe MonaAery,
M«)iCoiiunidiattgraMed by

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4-8 A hJciiP Bccle/ia/Itcai Hiflory
The RMu- for ihv. poffok. At (ooa u the Bi/hops ol Fr4Jw« uoderiiood dm, (Uyi G^Wr; (&(t «r

^Wjf flf
«;i9n /t^ P.';>f ffl <tcc</r e/ H-icb Folcos ^ii made bhn
tirfe 'frtfir.u
tebiebbtving imelm'JVnlem t*nitkr Chmeb,
the Revenues swi tch
A'ibMP*/^ fmtfiM
had un- h
i»»iHiiyiu^d uf«M i And thai by this meant be bad gtvin rtfe ta « frefa SeUfm in $be Cbmtb if Rome.

X- D^^- abomituted tbit prtceeding, iookjnf^ ufm it m m

tmmanby ABitm , tbM t» flv Bi^ Mb fmmd
fcirtiw of a ^P'fie!":''!
(heuld vtr'.atc ;!/ jirfi Order efttbliflf'dbjtbe Applet andbytfxCanoHt, tkeCuficm ef tim
Cimrtb, Cbttrcb, founded on a great fmny AutberitUsefdntifttityt which fitrbiii Bijheft ti exeretje any Jmif-
diHion in anethers Dtocefj, unltfs tb* Biflitp tf tbtt Di«e*fs intreM him, or fwrmit him ta dt it. Pgr
tho the Pope c/ Rome / ? rr.^^ revrr'd ap^n tbe aceutnt eftht Dignity cf the Il:ly Ap^polidi ^f', yet tf
it mt fermutedtn ttnj CJje wiuatjinver fa vtoUte tbtHttUi ptjath d bj the Canofij And m each Btfhop
tftheCatbolidt,ChmbuthH\tAitai^lnit0mCbireh, tnd tbtf^ffrefentttive of cur Lord: Seitu
net nIhptfH' to dny mtH to undert«k* triy thing in onotbertDiee^j. Giaher adds, tbtc Fuleut notivith-
jtanding tht ic: Kemonftranccs, having caas'd thtsCbarcfa to be dedicated, had no Bifbops prelenc but
diofe of his own Dommiont, who alfiAed «
ic ouicb againtl their wUit { and that ii was no (boner

fioifli'd, butdMfaibrkkwMfalomdowaby* Aonai wlwii is sm^Hitcd lo tbc iB(hiie6 of ih^

Tlr Cmr In ^
year 989. a Council was held in the Abbey of S.S»viour of Clwrtux, in the Dioceft of Pth
dl^Oi'r- figfj^ at which aflifled Uie Arcbbifliof of Smdtmuf* 4a4 tilc Bifbop «f Pdti$r$,LiimKet. Ptrirueux,
nmt tntte 5^,^, AngmUmt. Tbere wm
wrim^ dfedose iliae fan tflaiag cot ifiiatAmuVagaintt dipfe
7^9*9* who Jhould rob tbc Churches of iheii Ri vrnacs, llefnud the Poor ofihcirDuts, or ^QOld IvftfOe
' apprehend or ahttfc a CUcJk, net faeariqg Arjnf, beloie be were uj'ti bgr hi$ Biihop.
The Cmh Ten years after tliere wai atmlier Cmmdl held in ttie City of tmtmfy wMcb waa eatled bf ffS^
ti! ^f Poi- //jriCo-ir.t of ?:aneri, jrut confilte.i uf the ArchbilTiop of JBflr<foi»jf , an d the Bifliopsof rcittersJUi-

ticn tn tlx c«o6(W d tbeO«d«r imdc in the CoaocU of CbtDrrmx

m»utt, Angeniemct tnd S*mut. Thajr ihcrna
year 9^ gg^ii^xheVtufumtf^Rxim^ And Ibrthepntriqiir
in execution, it was order'd thtr Grandees aad Jnlges {bon\d c^iuk full Reflitu-fon to be
all tbc
made 10 cv^ ooe, who bad any ihing takes froofi tiitiQ i aad that ihofe who would not (ubmit to
llmrDeiemtaHKiaM, MdhecoaAraia'd todo k bffms, Tbef tbccein tikewlfe fbcM Bite
exading any tbtng for tbe Admiaiftraiion of Pmnsnce and Confinaatioo ; and fCOcWd hC
frobitnuon made fo <^ieo agaiaift £aclc£atticks keepwg Cosmwoy with Womeo.

We ik|II reckoo amoag ibe C nciii of Fhnathc ^Pood beld at J^bim under Gtrbert ; becaal^
we look apon tint Arcbhifhop as a Frnekmmind htmiSt it was be alone who made die fflHoKpag
InftimtioQS in an Afle&bly ot bis Clergy, held tbe firft of Mtyia the year 997.
The Ctm- The firft is a ProblbitiMi <tf • great Abale wfaicfa nntvail'd in tbe Cbnrcb of I{avenna, according 10
o/^f Ra* which tbqr ftridtoBill^, at thf time of their C^jntrcratino, tbe Body of J E S ? CJfliTS T, V
aod i|je Holy Chrifm to the Arch-Prittts ot tbe i>iOi;«ts. 'lac Eucharitt wiiicb be Ipcaks ot in tbis
Wjtdr was a Confccntied Loaf, wkicb wu |iv«iB whole to tbe Bilbopon the Day of his ConiecnRf^
on, and which he kepcby kin toCoMMNUCtteiMeof ^
fonymji tQgetber, aa'tk obftrv^d in
the i^onan Decretal.
The Iccond imports, that all ifae Arcb-Priefts (liail pay to the Sub^DCMM of I^wmm. ai n
knowlcdgoaeot of tbatCbturdH an yearly Pcofioo of Two pence.
Tbe third renem tlie Aiickw Onms cQRtiemiiBf die ir^
admitted into Holy Orders and pron-biisPirhnp'S froin Cr.iiUaaiing Churches oui of their own Dio-
oe&, witboiuIcafefromtbeBttbopof Uiepboei aod from cnieruioing or keeping tbole who bf-
receiving any ibinf fkr tke
tbiog Tolumarily.
BmW of ikt iDmdii tKiMi M HelikewjleMdftbe
cr RclatiQitt Ihoakl give uj
VnHf weOidl fcfer 10 tbii plaoe tbat wUcb bappen'd in FWmop aad at J^mw abonc the Muriage
and Divorce of King l{obert and Queen Bertha.
Tbetnm'f About tbeend of this Century, that Prinre being a WidJuwtr by ilw Death oi Queen Lutgarde
^r^rof^tn^ Urft Wife, bad marry 'd Berth*, Siller to I^adulphus tlx Stmple, King of Burgundy, who was the

^^"^^ Widn-A- of the firft, Criiirn nf C/..rr.'rrj Pur fcrj fmucL is f^ie wis hi? Kinfwoman.and he tad
2^^* formerly Uood Godfather 10 one ot bcrCbiklren, ttio bciiid taken the Advice ut leieral Bilhopsof
bis Kiogdomabontic, yettbeFopeoppoi'ddiillilttTiage as being Null, and contraded t%iween
Peribns, who according to Law could not marry together. H^hrrt did what he cojIJ t' nnfirm this i

Marriage, aod fpoke about it to Lw Pope Grtgtrj the Fifth's Ll^t m Frd»cf,wbo maUe hipn believe
that be would obtain of tbe Pope what bedelir'd, provided he would caufc Amulfhut to be re-
r{hbli(h*d in tbe Arcbbilbqpriek of B^m. Ip tbe maw
ttoie^oiwifbftaQding tbe Judgment wfaicb

TbeCutncil P*^^'^ inmx of that Arcfabiftop, FopeGr^^ V. bdd a Conndl at B^me in tbe year 998. in
^Komejn the prefcnccof tbe Emperor Otbo III. at '.vlii h aiiilkd Gcrbert, at that time Archbilbop of Bfvtimit,

tbejem- and feven and twenty fiidiops4>f Itedj. In tbii Cmnctl be de^ar'd tb«t Kinf Hghtrt oqgbt tg ptrt
998. imder from bis Kinfwonan Berthg, whooi bebid naiTy'd contrary to tbe Laws, and do Peooanee ibr
Gr^oryr. feven years together, according ro ihc Degrees fet down h)' ilic Can ns, and if he would not, be
iboold be Anatbematizd : That Btrtba Ihoold lubi»it|o tbe (ame Penalty i and be Excqmmiuiicaeed

Ar^uwMi Aft^Orapof Itaw, i*b(» ked cilebrand dipt Marriage, and the Bifbops of frgnte, wbo
bad cither AiTifted or Confented thereto, ti!! fach titne as they fuoutd cumi' and give \hc Holy Sec fa-
tit£u9ioa. This Scotcace of tbe Pope tnade iucfa an Inprdliaa 00 tbe mioda of Men (if we wiU be-

Digitizca by
of the Tenth Century (?/ Chrijlianity. 451
Here Peter Dmmm in tbe cafe) that all the Kiog's Domefiicks, except two or three, abtndoo'd bioi. Tke Cmieii
Mid woQid no longef htte aht ConverfatSon with trim ; and tvea caai'd cbe VelTeU out of wbicb be of Rant m
Iwd-dtbcr cat or drouk to be Barn:. Let the Cafe be how it wiH, King l^ert at lawgiving car to f'"'
Ike AtldtoclttkMtt of AHnt tbe AUxK^paned with Sertha wiOm two or three yeana&er ; and L«» IX. ""'^ff
fftjcordfeg It feei of Cbtrtm wtetes h) fays that tbey came n» i^pay wiA the BiOiops. to obtain ^^^^^jjl
tbcir AbiohtidA,and to get thdr Piinnxnce naitigated. Tbe Autbor of tbe Life of Abbo does tux fay ''^^
ttai H^fett fr«Bt to « but tAu be cooifclljed bU Pauls bpd^ pablickly and privateljr : tbu ba
asked pardoQ, and did Ptananoe for it. 7W[» ^btcfa it diaft efideiK ii, tut the Marriage was of no
itt the iame Codddl. tbe Pope pffifid fef eral oiber Seaieoccs. Tbe firft io fitvoar of ibe Cborcb
iSfMm^rgb, wbkft hid beorraii^dai A BidMptick hy the holy See, bmI by the ConadH had
der Or^, and af»r«afdi defbiiiiy*4 o« of Coondl by 0(l» IL
Tbe Mond idnei R> the Perfoh of the Bi(hop of Merihurgb, call'd Gifldr^ who had quitted ihn
Churchto be ArtJibifliop of MjjT^f/tfW^i. Ic was order'd that if he had been rcquir'd by tbe

Clergy and Laity NUgdeirufgb to uke upon him that Arcbbifhoprick, be fliould ibU boki it: That
if that iiad not been done, and be could piote that neidier Ambition nor Avarice moved hlnioiilKr
upon him ibii Archbifhoprick, be fhould return to bti firft Cborch without bcitig dcpos'd. Bar if he
could not deny but that be was induced to tt by iome one or otber of tbdc Moiives, be fhooid be do-
f'riv'd of both
Churches. HkStGifitur did not fubmit to tbeSeatence of Gngery, bin held bflCbiheft
Ihurches. Whereupon he was accus'd in a Council at Hgnit, held under Syhtfier II. Sncceflbr to
Gregory V. who laipcndcd him for Tome time, and ordered bis Nuncio's in GermMnjr to cite htm.
But thai Bifbop prevail'd upon them by Bribery to pot it off, and afterwards pleaded for bis Etcti^
his being fickof tbe Palfy. At laft be appear'd before a Council hdd at Aix-t^bapelle, where htf
demaoded an Appeal to a GcDcrai Council. LaUy, Tbe £iBt«eror Utmy baTing lent for btm to
i3r*idmrib, and rcnacoftrated to him that be ought loifCdqinLfHlChMdl id hkmrnf
ft few days to coo6der on it, and dy'd io iJatJmtmm. ^. 1^

Wt Afttd

The third relates to tbe Church of P19 in V»U^. Gtff Biflop of that City,bad cieAtd for his StnS •

<3^br bis Nephew SiefheWf wkiioul the Cooieot of Cletgjr aad Laity however, after the Death 6t
Ct9f fbe Archbilhc^ of Bmgu and the fiilhop of Nevert had qnlaio'd Stffbm. Tha' CooAdl de^
ctUres this Ordinattoo to ba null and void i dcpoks Sttpitmi •MofenannioKds the PMaitt wbohaii
Ordain d bim, till fucbtimeas tbey (bouldcome and give ibe Holy See fatisfadion ; grants leave to
ibe CUrgf and lAiq, of Kr^«»cleA aBiftof i defirei thePofo aught ooofacttte- bho wtaomthqr
Aoold dea; anacdiaraluaf bbfvaoKtofopport S*^^
ted by tbe Clergy and Laity. This Sentence was put in Ezecntioo ; 'lU^4rJe vtus ehdtd by tbi
Clergy aad Latiy< aodotdaio'd by Silv^er 11. Saccedoc to Gnipij V. at we kam by tbe Fnigoieac
i Letter of that AifH^ wlatedbyfathtfikwt^yiotheAdttwifaa^ bdbra th(f
Ninrfa Tome of his 5W«;/<^iia», wherein he has giren u* the A(fb of that Council more compleat
than they are in the Edkioo of (be Coaodls by Father L*l>bi. He takes notice in ihe fame place that
Gregory V. held a CouBcil at Mum*, wbereki Gtudddde, who bad leia'd a|mi the Bpi(copaI fee offitf
Chnrcbof 0/oim or Vtch, in tbe Province of CatalonU, had been depos'd, as appears by a Lecrer of
Gngvj V. which Father Dacbery tells us is in tbe bands of MonGeur BaIu^iu$. Tis very probable
that tbb wasdone io tbe (ame CoaacB» wbere Otho III. poblilh'd an Bdi&. diredted to the iliib«
biftof^. Abbots, MarquifTes, Counts; and to all the Judges of /fa/r; whereby he declares that all
tbe Deeds of Alienation of the Church Revenues, even tbu' leas'd out for 99 years , fhall not be of
force any longer than the iifetkne of him who (hall make tbem ; and ibat there (hall be no fuch
Deeds nude bat for the Advantage of thofe Churches who are to be maiatain'd out of them. This
Edidl is dated OHober 1 7. in ib^k*f 998- and 'tis obferv'd that it was publifh'd by Gerhin in the
Synod wbicb torn'd Jbrmifbrn out of tbe Archbifhoprick of Mtlim.
In this Century there was no icfs care taken of fetding tbe Monafiical Difcipline of Frdme, than of
the Ecckfia&ical Diicipiioe ; and as tbe Bi(hops were diligent in refiiritaing tbe Clergy and Laity^ fo
time wete fome holy Abbots, who let tbemielves. and that with a great dial more fiMxefi, opotf
refonniogthe Monaftical Order, which was thehtfiMung of that Ceoiiify in a very tameotabhf
Condition. Moft of the Mooafteries having been ruin'd by the Nmiuiu, were abandoo'd, their Re-
venues were in polTcdion of Laicks, and tbe Abbots were Seculars. If there were any Monks ftill
lefiinthe hiooafteries, tbn were lacb at obferv'd no order; aodwerefoiar £rom living aooordiof
to tbetr Rule, that tbey dul ncx fo mocb at know k
In this Condici(<i] was ihe Monaderial Order, vvhen God rais'd up Berno, Monk cfAHhOt, to be the 77j> yVaiH^
Reftorer of it. He b^n bis Reforautioo in the Mooafteries of S'igV Awmt, and io leveral of the
ediert of which he was Abbot. For a Cbftom wai then mUfe, that one and the time Abbot held le- AUtf tf
. Teral Abbeys, or at Icaft fevera! Monafteries which depended upon him. He bad for bk CompanT- Ctaoy.
Uta and DUcipks Odo and AtUgrin. In tbe year 910. fVsUitm Count of Au9erfpit and Duke of A-
i^tdilfi Jkniog ibitaded tke Abbey of Cbmf, oonmuitad it to the GovtmniDt of Birw, wkr fit
f^tte MoAki into it, and took likcwifc care of tbe Monafteries of HtIs, 'MafTay, and Souvigf^,
^owere all uoderbii Condud, and embrac d the fame way of Living. £«ra« dying io the year
^iy. had fof hit Soaeflbr Ode, ihe Son of Abbo, bom at Tears im the year 879. Ho had baeo th
' 'fd'cM Goontofi^^ «iKlBMdeOaa»of& Mtr<^^^

H Sovae

Digitized by Google
50 ^ i^^^ Ecclefafiical Hijlory
the fi>Hnd- Some time after, being come to Ptrisy be became a Difciple of Kpn^ of Auxine ; and afterward*
int «f the God, he embrac'd tbe Moaaftical Life io the year 909. in the Mo-
refolved to dedicate bimfelf to
Abbiy 0/ oafteryof Btamt, nnder tbe Condad of Berno. Odo extended tbe Reformatio* of C/u>t^ to a great
^vBy* many ocber Monafteries, and carried it as far as l^air it felf^ to which be oudc three }oumeyt.Tbe
^^OT^ firft in tbe year 936. Tbe fetood in cbeyear 938. xaA tbe hftin tbeyesr 941. being calfd dutlKr
by tbe Popes to be the Mediator of the Peace between the ?rinO(iof Bafy. He dy^ «| Hmnm
dK Ktt 941. at bis retora from bit laft Jonmey to .Hgmt,
HeMfertkSaeetlbe jtdemir, '6rApiur{ nextbnawiaS. MW.wbowncnplafdby fft^i
Cspet in He dy'd in the year 994..Icavir^
tbt Rcf^nrmatina of aTmuft all the Monaflf rics nf Frjncf.
ibr bitSilccclibrO<^/»> who had been clewed three yean before his death. Xhii latt Abbot of wu
Otoff fiirAefpMCof Fifty Gzyean. ,

OD O jiUotofClnny.
<^Erm apply 'd himfelf more to tbe fetit' ngjpf hii Oider.ibu to ftody : bat Od» ipDiy'dhimieIf(Q
imiet, «fldniaUtheCoiM!it{onsorlu'iL{fr.XVta»
^ CtHoy. he was Canon, fit- mailc an Abii'i-igtrjent of the MoraU nf S Crf'^-.r:, in! ol" the Hy:r:ns tnJ Anthems
in hoooar of S. hUrtiu. When be wm
ooly Monk* he made three Bo«k$ cotkcx ning Frieithood,
opon th«Plropbecy of Jtremf, dedkhi«d Whirfh BMep of Linu^es ; Tbey mritnled ^^htmmt
five CoUcquia; and others callrlitin hv rhe Title o( OccupMtimu}. ^henhewai Abbot, ti:- wrote
the Lite oi a. Ger4ud or Gertrdt Coani of AurtlUc, ia foar Books, dedioaicd to yfims Abbot of
1Mb » Md
tbe L ife of & Mrriif of IiiH«f« i an AeoouK of the TranOaiiM of the BoJy of SLMcr-
rrn; a Piece whcreinS. Mmin isequalliz'd to tbe ApoMes^ fcvcraf Sermons tod a Panegerick of
BenediH. Tfaefe Tradsare primeii in the Library ofCtsmy , with Hymns upon tbe Holy Sacrt*
nscnt and S. Mtfi/afiwi Ail aadeot Author of hiiLife 'akes notice, th.ii being at l{ome, be cortti^
rrd the Life of S. Mdrtin ; and fpeaks of a Book about the Coming of S. Benedici into a VifJage near
Vr leant. They likewile anribute to Oii« tbe Life of S. Grt^or/ of Tcsarj, related by firrsHr. Father
hUhiUm takes notice tbac the Library of theReferm'd Carmefires of Ptru, tbere is a Manufcript
wbich formerly bclong'd m
thi? Mnnaf^ery nf S. JuHann^Te^m wherein tbere isa large Trcirifp ;n
Verfe, intitiUcid , Occupaticucj O.l-na /ii'bafis. He melds that this Piece ii divided into four Books i
tbe firft cooeeniag ibc Creai on ni the World: ^helbeond concening die Foraiation of Mankind,
the third cooceming his Fall i and tbe fborth concerning theComiptioo of Nanire. Tis by a mi-
ftake that ibey attribute to tbis Odo tbe Life of S. M««m, wbich belongs to Oi* Abbot of S.Mdurw
of FeJJix- They likewife falHy attribtite tobim frveral Cbrmiemt wbtcb Thomm of Lucca compos'd
luder tbe NaoKof CMik as it ba«hccii<ib(enp'd by die Ambor of the (£ftoryof tbe Cbonts of
Anfttt, reined indK-Tcttdi Tone of tbe Sfidhghm. $irihtrt pmOittht Tnfe of Mafidan
ana f^ys that be wy
piopeiPbrfap Cwftpofe iadftww—cr getawnMiiia wrimhe fbniM
upoQ the SaioOL '

J O H N AfH »/Cluny.

TohnJI^M^ "T* ^^ written by one of his Difciple^, rail r? Jihv., \\hnm be bad met in hair
his Juumey m the year 9 j3. and brought along with bim lo where be 'caus'd hioi to
if ChmY.
take upon bim the MonaitickLi^. Ir is divided into three Books, and printed in tbe Library of
Cltmy, and in tbe fifth BemdifUne Cenrary by Father MdhUm, who has likewife given us another
Life of Odfi^ written by who hv'd abrat Two hundred years after tbe death of (bat Abboc.

ODILO Mot of Clany.

has left as but a few Pieces : which arc, tbe Life of S. Mthihh Predeceflor ; four Hymns ii»
Odilo Ab- f)^*^
hisPraife; fcvcral Letters to S. F«/ier/ Bifllop of Ch4rtres\ the Life S. AdeUidt ih<i Emprels,
kt of Cu-
ay, Otoa the firft's Wife ; Fooneen Sermons npon the Feftivals of Jv/w Cirifi and the Blefled Virgin ; «
Decree conceining ihc Prayers for rhe Dead i«nd three Letters related by Father Lukf DAchery in the
l(eco«>d Tome of dm i^Ktlf^ium m rtb a Letwrof Pope John XIX. wijoreprov'd lum for refuiiog tbe

Archbidtepnck ui i.«m/.Hc / kt up m as the firlt Founder of tbe Fctftl of AU^initiiead of tbat

i;. !<

«f (hcComi»eiDar«ikm of the Dead. He liv'd to the yc«r 1048.

Digitized by Google
of (he Tenth Century of Chrifiiam^y.

bat of

. AEBO Mot o/memy.


AB BO or Alhi , Monk was born at Orleans, and Jn-

of Flettry or S. BentdtB upon the Lcirt,
** liruiSed and Edocaicd in theSdwols belonging to rhe Monaftcry of Fteuty, where be fiudied
under WUfMus the Abbot; and for feverai yu,r^ lo^cihcr had ibe Government of ttie Schools of
lliil Mwftety. He went afcerwardi to F4rs and /(ibnmj, to ftady Philofopby and AtooBiway ;
bat making dOfreac Pw^refs in them, be retdrn'd to OrUxm, wberc be learnt Mofick. From tbcnrr
be was inViced over to EngUnd, where be ungbt publicJcly for the fpcce of Two years, after wbicb
be retoro'd to tbc Monaitery of Fleury, of whufa he was made Abbor.This did not bbdcr lumtrom
profecutiog his Scodkx He bad fiteie Differences to ad joft with Amuhbm Bilbop of OrUmu, which
occafioo'd him to write m
Apology direded to the Kings Hugh and I^^bert, wherein be ezfaorts them
10 turn cut Htfrcticks; among whom be reckons fuch as belkir'd that the Revenues of the Chorcb
beloqg'd to them, and who had made an imlawfol Sei6ire upon tfaem. He would have the fame diing
done to thofe 8t§io|it who ifctT fbat ibe Cbordxt and Ahart befoog to tbem.He obferres tbac Je/m
Ciri" dcff. r.or fiy rhat the Charch is the Cburcb of S. Pf.'i-r , but ibat bis Church is baik upon r^^^
S. Peter. From whence he coodadci that bis SaccelTors caooot fiiy that the Chordxs wbicb tbcy iJit tHt
govern, «fethein» nodi left oui Aeymake a gain of them, as be &ys they ihea did every day. Akht k
milhtl^n in
the Utter fitt ef bit RemM\ C ^bicb jajt^ J bat m
Smim fajs bk Cburdt wm btilt ufm S. Peter) will appear toMj wbt
tM^tmlJfts Words in the Ori^y t&tth. tS. i8. KeeytJim kiym, in 9^ S lA^, J$ corf wTf ni^
UKoAiMOu ftx rhu ^Ex.y.f:i\^'ii> : nhiih njrJs in ourVerfim run tbi*f. And I fay unto thee, That thou art Fettr, and
opoD this Rock will 1 build my Church. Wbere we map ol^erve, that be does not Jaj^ om or coT mJ nirfft, but
c-T? iWt^ tm ritTPf , &c. from wbeiue ft tiu^be emetiuMtbia beAertut wta the Ferfm, but H» Rdtb tf 5. Petg-,
the Ru-linp-!i which be vnuld build hit Church. Thk Rfmarlifeems pertinent, fme the Romanijls frem tbk Ttxt^mii^^
tfS. John, cbtf. 2 1. V. 1 5, id, iyc. pretend to prove the InfulhbiLitjf and Vmverfalitf of the faftf.J

He likcwifcinhis ApoT py piv?5 an acronntof what pafTed in the Council of S. Denmm about the Tie Conii*
year 99$. where lie bimtelt was prelent, wherein having mainuin'd againft the Bilbops , the Right d/o/

which the Monki and Latcks bad of poi&lfing feveral Tithes, the People role up in Arms againft S. Dennis
the BifllopS, who were and forafmncb a? Sj?:rin ArcbbiOiop ofStnj, who wai At 99S*'
forc'd to fly for it ;

tbe Head of them had been wounded in tbe Fi^bt, Abbo was accus d of being the Author of this Se«
dicion. He made bisDefcMoe in thb Epiftlc He wrote • Letter to Berndrd Abbot of SegtiUea ia
tbe Dioceb of LtmegtM, to dilTwade him from givug a Sam of Money wbicb the Count of Tbmhufa
and tbe Arcbbilhopc? Bourget would exad: from him, for the making him Bilbop of Ctbon. That
Abbot having refolv'd upon uking a Journey to JenJUem, waidifTwaded from it by AU>», who
advis'd him rather to go 10 Jtow, whither he retif'd Momit G«ij|«iis .aiid being afierwatdt
Increated to reraiin inro the world, to rcHeve Ui Rdatibn, he again eonlblted lAbbo about what be
Olight to do in rbe Cafe, who in a very elegant Letter return'd him ihis Anfwer, That he tnght net 19
think tf quitting hi Sektttdt f
itnehe bik^lf im tbe Affitin ^
tbi fVorldL As to tbc Qgeftioo which
Bermmri propos'd, Whether he ODght to keep or leave hisAtbey? be retur^d him this Aafwer,7%if Ctf
Cttrnflanees mould d-.ri H Inm trhat to do\and recommends to htm the ufm-^^ hi; wtnaji Difcrttion to examtne
M biemm Confciencejpliteb tfthe tmoum tbe bemmtbte f«r ban,*nd nufi bemfciet teetbert : becduife
em tmfide tit * gr^et Duty te difchtrge theVMBtimiif m
Mee^ mbem erne ea» aimM Seidt' te Gedt
butths: on tl)t other fide, frhti » no hipes ef being able te do amy ^ood, hy reafon of tbe Wickfdto^t
^ tbife one bat to govern, 'tie mere convenient to retire^ to frovide for ones omn SaJvatton. Somedoae
after ifUv wmt to J^ama to obtain a ConfirmatiM tt the PHviledgesof bb Clmrcb. there oiec
with Pope7»6«XV. iipnn rhcHoIy See, who v:a^ not ''fay? Aimoin the Author ofhb Life) fuch an
one as be wilh'd him, or as be ought to be. Having ihit Pope in deteftation, be remro'd alter be ,
had offier'd op his Prayers in the Hdf Places God's Worfliip. Upoo hii retara from thisjoomey,
he wrote a LftTmotbe Abbot of Fit/i«, pablilb'd by Moolieur Balu^im in the firft Tome of bit

Colled ion of MilcclUoiei. He was afterwards fern a (iccood time by King B^i'eit to Pope Gregory V.
Socceflbr to ?0&», who tbreatned to lay the Kingdom under aa Imndii^ioD upon the Account of Ar-
an/^iia Archbifhnp of ^?/-fj>77? He met thi? PApf ar yff.'rfj wa* very kindly rcc«i»'d by him, and
obain'd of him a Pnviledge fur hu Abbey, by wuii^otbe BiQiop of Orleans was prohibited entring
into that Monaftery, unlefs he were invited thither ; and the Monks were permitted to celebnie
Divine Service fn their Monaftery always, even tho'ibe whole Kingdom were laid under anelnter-
di<5iion by the Pope. He adjafted tbe Buixnelsof AmulpbiM; and having cngigd bis word to tbe «

Fopet tbatthat Archbilhopibotildbereleas'doat ofPrilboandre*eftabIiib'd, be was introfted to

carry tbe Pall to bim. Upon bis retom to France, what be had promiil'd was accordingly done, and
he gave tbe Pope notice or n. About tbe end of his Life, he te-cftaiblfflrd tbe Monaftery of S^iaret
to Gajeeny, which was call'd tbe Mmaftery of tU l{ule, and in tbe Coantry Language la l{eouU,wbeTe
he wu kiU'd in d» year 1004. in an InfurresfHoo which tbe hdookiw Women of that "Oxuitry
rais'd againft Urn. Moalievr BMiufim lis pubtilVd « OMw
Lctnr wiincB hy the Monkrof Ww

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52 A Neiv Eccle/Ja/ltcal Hi/lory
Abbo Ab- jibi>o wiacb we have already mention <i, ibe Author ofhit
Beildcs tbc Apulcgy ar.d (be LctCcrsof
''^^ ^/ makes likewile menrion of ifae foUowing Tradls. Ofa Lctwr in Hexameter Verfe, in prcUe of
tkury. Emperor 0(/)o The Verfes begin and end with the (ame Lener, and may be read fix manner

^i^'W^ of ways, which make fo many different Seafes. Of a TreattCediredled to Odtio Abbot of Clunj, a-
bnit ihe Harmony of ibe Gofpel and of another Trad caocerning tbc Cycles of all the Years,from

ihcBirtbpf Cbrilt dowa to hii iime,wbicb Siriitrt fays is a CoBuneficary on ibe Treaiiie of ^t-
Bmut, Tbey likewife airibote loJiim tbe Abftraiu of Uk Lives of tbe Pofoi, taken out of ibe Hi- *
ttory of Aiufiajim the Librarian printed at M*jitiK« in tbe year i6o).
, Tbe Life of S. BJm$tid
King of Bi^Und and Mtriyr. Fttber M*hilif>m has given lu an Excellent CoUe^lioo of Canodt com*
pm'd by Ahift, and dedicated to the Kings i iu^i and ^«ttrt, ia the fecond Tome of bis Analeds;
N ftilc 15 vtiy puri: and elegant, and bis Conceptioos arc accurate: He was very well vers'd
in ibe Kuies vi Diicipiioe and Morality. Hie 2e«l fiwih* Mowfticil OrdBr« tad tbe iKereft of
tbe Monks, created bim a great many fiimaas Imbm6 « at lli fifi Utaiiiclf» keiad always in bis
Tbuugbi« the pttitu.lion of tfaeMotikii wlhHloaabliidihtfir-bMm NpMaUoeciJbBl^ aiil op-
jpot d all wbo anooy'd tbcco.

AI M0 N 1 Monl^oj Elcury.

/lion 'T'H E Lifrof i*^^ was written by i^ifuwn Monkoftbc fanoe Moniftery. Hewuof MuitMm,
MmjI- r.f [ht Sun of ^nenoude, ihe K\a(v.'omiu of Gerald, Lard <:>( ylnlircrre. lie cmbrac'd tbc Mo-
Hcury. oaRick Life in tbc year 970, «i(Micr OiVfeiUSr Abbot of & BatediQ upon the iMrei and flour ilh'd
under hit Sncceflor jlth, whofe bitlmate Mend he wu. (4e nteoded bin m bis Journey to
nigutf and after hbdeatb rcturn'd to his Monaficry, The prirci;;.il PiiLC of this /iimom 15 his Hi-
ftory of France dedicated to Abb*. It was primed at Pmu by B*dm 4jcettfim in (be year 1514. un-
der ibe Name of jUmmim. Fifty vean after Moniear PifAw» or Fithtmt caai^d it 10 be re- primed
from a Manufcript, luidertbc true Name of Aim>in. It was publi(h*d in tbe year 1 567. at tbe Prin*
tiog Houfe tdl'extl. In tbe year 1603. ^smet of Bnuii, Motik of S. G«raum del Prt:{ » caos'd it
to be |iriiited, and pretended that ic was writ by Ainmm, a Monk of SL GermMin. Ten yean after
Trcherm infcrtcd it in ihcB 'y cf the Hiflory of Pr-inee, which be caus'd to be printed at lUnoucr.
Lattly, Tbe Mejfuurs Ducbefme inferted it in tbc Third Tome of their Gilkciioos, printed ia tbe
year 1^4 1. Tbis Hiftory is divided imo fife Bodes; Bat of ^immi's there arc only tbe three £rft
Boo!c$, and one and forty Chapters of the Fourth, which cods ai the foundiog of tiie Mooaftery of
FUurj. The reft is compild by a Mook of very late itanding.
Aimnn n likewile the Author of two Books oS the Miracles of S. Bemdi;l, which are tbe fecond
and third Pnoksuf thcfe four, which arc in the Library of F/w*'^' » ofihcLifeof S. y^W^.rr.fnri: n'J
before ; ui a Sertnon upon the FeAival of S. BenediR i and of feveral Vcrlcs upon tbc lirft louDJing
of the Monaftcry of F/«ir», printed in the Third Tome of tbe Colledioo of Duchcfnt i tCfgcthCr
with another Trcatifc in Verfe concerning the Tranflation of the Relicks of S. BiKtMtl. He is not
altogether fo elegant at bis Mailer But be wrote with great accuracy, and bis Narration is
plain and picaianc, widxHtt hftvfqg UBf tbtog of ibnAttBcfii M mie wbidi KfCfalodKr AvchatB of
(bat time had.
Tbe Abbey of LoUt, in tbe Dioceis otCmnhray and Principality of Li^«i founded in the Seventh
Century by& Vrfmary prefcrvd theMonaftical Difciplinc till tbe Tenth Centtiry, at which time
its reputatkxi was farther iacreas'd by Icvcral Abboot who for tiieir Piety were defervcdiy adranc'4

to tbe3iiboprick of LitgCt and rccamneadedibeaiiiUrato the Worbl by dieir Wriiiofk

ST E P HEN Akhot 0/ Lobes.

"T* firft is Sttfhim wbon FjniSeHHicdb t Learned Mui, and of whom he fays,tbat be «blerT*d

the Rule of ibc Canons : which made People believe that he was a Secular Abbot. The fame
Author adds, that he has cait into a more potilh'd liiic tbe andem Liie of S. L*mhtrtt which was
written in a cou(fcdre<s,andbenDMdea very famouspieceof Profeovtof it: Thacfaelikewilbaude
another (mall Trcatife, compot'd of feveral fine Tboiighu extradied out tyf Holf Writ ; in u hich
be has inferted the Chapters and CoUedb of each Feftival in tbe year: and that in tbe Preface he
obfcrvcs ibat be bad been advanc'dco Mttt^ by dedicating bit Trcatife to Kgbert fiiihop of that Gty.
Sigibert fays likewife* that be made a piece of Prole apon ibe Trinity, aiui upon tbe Invention of
S. Stephen the Proto-Manyr. Utbers lay, that tbey are ocftain Offices appointed for tbele Feltivala.

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of the Tenth Geatury of Chrijliamty. 53

The Life of S. Latnhctt was publiWd io the Htftory of die BjOopt of Lkpt bf Clk^Mmti, Thk Stephen
Stcfixn vruordaio'd BiHlop of X^m io (he year 90]. Aibtt ^
After his ibe Bitapridt c7 iMgt was oontdted » as was formerly hinted, bedveen nttAdn^^'^
and I^'quier; but the latter being Abbot of Ldrs, «rr:( ii it from the other. In hi* time the ffu-
df of ibc Liberal Arlstnd Sciences (fays Fukutn) began to flourilli in the Abbey of L^s, at)d the
flBOft fanKNW Profcflbts of thiin were Scamin. 'Thiodtiim, aod I{sth*rim. We
bate already given a
pftrttCQUr Acconni rif The Trsnljiflion* an 1 \^'rkrrifi ^.f the Iaf> of rbc& Perfonj.
, Trithemim like-
wife attribatn to H^lirtin, who i^quur tor the Biflioprick o(Luge, the Title
vixk CompcilIOr with
cf Abboc^l«i^. nnd afTotYs us tbic be wiUtc«tifc Hiftory of the Abbots of that Monaaety, mnI
fcwi>1fluiBa<ii r bot'cis pcobabletJat WSikeo, WW that he took ud for mUm fiMb .

F yLCUIN Mot of Lobes.

T Nthe eod of this Century Fukuin or Foicuin was cboien AbUn u( Lo^j. He iofc a well pcun'd Fulcuiii
^ Hiftoryof that AUx^. from k% fixttfaatdioghf LMde/in Mad SJZJrfmgr tahistiw^ whidkwts Abba^
pubbOi'd by Fstii r D. Luk? titcbeTy in thr Sittb Tome of hi<; Sricilr^ium. He has likewife com- Lobc^
pc's'd A I ftaiiic ui rne Miracles of it. Urjnur, rclcrr d by Hnychenim to Afrit 18. aod the Lifis of
Pukum Bilhop and is contain'd io the fifft Yut of the Fourth JlcMdKSiiwCrasujby FttberM-

UMm. Mm Sn w»» cfaofen Abboft in the year "97 5. «>d dyld io 9190.

' '
.* '

li ER I GER ^^iJi/i 0/ Lobes.

HE had for hiJ SjcccfTor Bfr»^#r, the Fnend of AW^rrBifliop of Liege, whole Works are com- Herigcr
pifd IB the foIlijwingCatalogue, colJe<^ed by the Author of the Coatiatution of Fidettms Hi- Abbottf
ftory, w
The Hittory of the Bifhops of Litre : The Life of SL Vrfmsr io Verfc t A Later tcJ Lobck
abooi (jctegul Qadtions, tod two txbet Traces > which were nerer pubKlh'd ; A Trettife by way of
Dutlogae between him aod AlJebold Oetk of the Church of Liege, and afterward Bifhopof Vtr^h»
oonceniiBg theDi(iiai£0M of the Cburcb^and the Qacniiig of our Saviour : Aod another Tteatife coo-
tdniDg«CblliQVm <if'in^mir!ar<Kcsof ihet^tl^ the Body and Blood ofJBSVt
C I^I S T 3^i';{)i\ PtfchaJtM I^aiUrtvs. Tbc Hiflory of the Bifhops of T/ri was pub/ifli'd bv
CAgfaaarffi.^and hii Ticatile of oar Savioar's Body aod Blood is that Anonfmoqi f fet forth iP
KRBbarCklk.lle LHeof 5.t;rfWi8 mnH^fimtit frferr'd to April if.andtmMbef' Vorkt are onlf
in AfaMlfcript. Scmt th'i P;i 1 alfo aiirlbvucJ tu bim t'T- tbc L?ft of S. BerUnda referr'dbjT

Balsajbr 10 f 3. aod by Father Mtin^on to the third BtiUQtm 4^T«ty. aod that of S. CMjttUt^
jlinfattdoAdcr ibe Nuwof Nuger ^
S»im wMirdS 19* Thii Abbot died in tbe feit

ALDEBOLD ^i/hop,pf Utrecht .

^A iMfUCktk of tbc Church of Lim , and afterwitdi du&n JBiOm atVtrecht about the ^^'^
9«r ioo9.iMiiie(lieffiftar7ortfce%pettyrIfe^
by $iirm in Juh
Saints writ
wlUalittiiittAI In'tbetNci oT the ^lI^
en J in the Fifth Tome oiCaniJm's AntiquiticJ. 7ritl:mim Tikcwile r^t^^^l^
1 :

aukcs mcMiao of a Hymn inCommeodatioa of tbeCrols • of another in praife of the Virgin M^tyi baviL left
•Bdof ianeQiberVoi]aoftbe&iBeAi»lw, aawKlliBFlnfe« HedkdwClXioiy. hnFmphj-
fKcitts in
tbe Cmt of tbe EMfim Henry IL wiam be ferVdin ^alUji of a Privji Cmjetiir and General tfbk Armies^ he became a'


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Abht cf
ALBERT Sbottf Gembiours.

jit.hin or Olbtrt Abbot of gwrf/mry. s likewiie one of the Writen who proceeded from (be
Abbey of Loi«. Si^ftfrf informs us, tbai he wai a Perfon iltnftrioas for his profound $lti!I in
Homan Literature and £odeiia£tkal ASaus, as alio by rea^ of bis great Zeal lor Religion, aod
tbat be render'd bis Name imniiDml by wrhiogtbe Lifes of tbe Fatbers, aod oompofiag UytDos io
Honour of rhe Saints; but more rfpecislhr in rrgard rfiar hr was Totor to Bucbard fitlbop of
fV«mus, and incited bim to ihcltudy ot Divinii) ind ctoiu hxva lopoblilh bu V'ufame of Canoos

Ibufefbl to [he who^ World, wfaidt waswrhien anddidated by bim, and cotnpil dbjr tbedtttgeace
of that Albrrt. Sigebert does not fay cbai he compos'd thofe Lim of tbe Faihe:s, boi flO^ tbai iw:
wrote tbem wiib faiu Hand > oevenbelefi Tnihemum aakcs bim tbe Autkor of tbcm.

O D I L O Mon{ofS. Medard at Soiffons.

Odik> /l^'^ MoiAi o(S.Me<iUrdtt SoiJ^s flourifli'd aboMihefttr 920. aod wrote • Book ooaceniing^
JUaftaf ^
ibe Tranflatioo of the Relicks of S. SebtjiUn Mtrtyr, and '^.Gn^ry Pope, to tbe Mouaftery of
S. Murd S. Med^erd, dedicated to higT4m Dean of that Abbey, wbo was ordiio d fiiiliop of Imm , A. D. 931.
^Sa^on therefore 0</i;«'i Pi coe precedes tbat year. Ittsreferr'dby £a/jkN^io7aMun7io.aiidiotbefoanl»
BentdiHine Century by Father MdMm, who bas likewile gi?en as m ibe (ame Volume, tbeHifiory
of the Traoflation of the Relicks of & Hhuftim, of S. MtraWms, and <^ & Peter aod ha Comp*-
wai^ made io the famr Mntuftg^ AC. teS. aadmianitgrtbeliiDe Aatlnr.

GERARD Aldiot o/ S. Medard at Soiflons.

Gerard /^Ersrd Abbot, oi ratber Dean of & MuUrd at Scifcr::, floorift'd ta tbe middle of the Tenth C<m-

Abbot of ^
tory, having found ao anckm MasBfcrtpt ut ibc Life of S. J^Mannv/, be cait u ioto a more
s. Mcdar^piite
ftile, and aaade another of it in Vcric which he pre&nted to Orb Arcbbilbopof J^,as it

<rSoiflon^f^pf,„ljy tl^£piftle[>£j;c^fory puWifh d by Father M^W/wi in tbe &ft Tome of his Anateas.
Of thefe Works there uooJv exiaoc lite Aoaeoi Life of i<MMWu» tbat be oocreded, and wbkb was

« •

JOHN Mhot of Arnulphus at Metz.
Toho Alh ^Ol-n ofCer^r, and afterward Abbot of SL JHmioi Jm^^ut
Monk u
M$t:(, floarilb'd tbere ta
MefSJit-J lime oi A dither cn, who was BUhop of that City. He wrote Ae Life of ^GpUkfimds Abbels
nulphus at of A&r:^, and the HiEory ctf her TraoIIatk»> with the Life of S. 3ohn Abbot of fail Pttron^
Metz. dedicated to lUer^ fiUbop of Mff;{. FiibcrMiMIlM Im mferced thefe Works io difttcai ToBKt
of ba BemdiQim Ceatories.


Helpenc ZJBlfiric or Cbilperic Monk of S. Gal, cotnpot'd in rhe year 98c. a Trcatifcof the Calendar, rbc
«r Chiipe- FidGue to wbicb was piabliih'd by Father Mtbtltm^ io the Suit Tome ot his Atut{eSt,iMd w hicb
1^ tt^ wMy yttoT'^'i ilHwili i rp fciAtlihtiiyflf %Qvmiiit4uPn^

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of the Tenth Century ofChiftiantty. 55

BEBiT HlEK'PrieSifVd^m. ^

<DErtbkr Prieft of rmAmwnxca Compeodioitt Hiftoiy rfibeBttoptof dittGbucdi, aod dedia-

ted it to Ddio, who was tbco Gomaoor of tbtt Gmncry. It was pablifli'il by Ftthg fUriwy

todKTweUidiToaKof ihe$/Mf^«Mu He floorifli'd about iiie7eu9S7.

This Work of Bfr/^jcr was coniinu'iJ by an Anonymout Monk of S. FiVw at F«ri«ii down toAngmdifi
1tvrt7 die FonrKeocb Bilbop of that Qi7.^rwaid tamtiie$ Monk of Lunjud at laftof tbc Ume
Mooaacry of&Fir'fMatrfrin , mdea SoppkniawaadCottimdMOfl^ toibtlte
of Alhtron, rhj[ is to fiy, to tbe middle of the Twelfth Century. TbefeWodbiM fittDW^fef
otlMr Coatiaoaiiaa in tbc lame Tome of Faiber DMbtr/t Sfieihgimm,

ADS^ MotofLuxeinl
THere were two Monkj in tb« TfOifaCenmry who bore tiic Name of yiiija Tbc farft of tbele, Adlo Ab-

tbc Abbot of Lmxndl, wrote a bom tbc year 9^0. a Trcatile of tbe Miracles of S. VswUhertM 'f
ibc third Abbot of Lmxwi/, tfrbicb if contain'd in tbc firft Tome af the BtmdiBifu Ccnrari«. Tbr
leaxici Abbot of Dtuvres in tbe Diocc6 of Botirgts. is the Autbor ot ihc Life of S. Bercsue of tbati

ofS. AV^Coafeirori of cbeHiftory of tbe TranHauoa and Miracles of tbe Uner; of tbe Life of "^^''^
S Frcdhfrt Abb )T of Cr'.ltr, of tbc Hiftory of rbe Traoflatton of bis Relicks :and Jaftly oi the Life
ot S. Mdnjuet the hrll Biihopot Jeut. All thck Works> except tbe lift, are in tbe ieooad aodtoaub
BentdiSiHt Cemaries of Fatber Mak/ilm ; tbe laft was fahfiOi'd bf Moofienr A^m». TWi Aarinr
flooriili'd aboinlIdle yeac 980. and died ia jl9i.


Mook of tbe Abbey of MU^ or S. MnMtn io tbe Oiocefs of OtUsmi, i\mnii\ d about liic LetaUus
J EtMldus
end of tbe Tcntb Ceotnry. He wrote tbe Hiftory of ibe Miracles of S. Mtxtwun or hUmin, Moali tf
tbc FbQoder of tbatMonafteryv^Uifli'd by Fatber hUUUm ia diefirft Tome of his Btiiedi- SMaaia,

Amw Cesinries; and it is probable tbtt fae isdwiainewiditbeAmhor of the Life of S- Jitbm Bi-


The Hiftory of the Churches of Germany.

TP Hii Emperor Armdpbm the Uii uf tbc BracLboi C*rl!m

wboobtaio'd Gtrmtny ix jfg j^jg^^
tbc Stocfci
^ Im loberinoce, dyi^f in the year 899. left wbo being only Ititimt of
but one lawfnl Son oam'd L<»«,
c%ht years old, was committed to tbe Care of Otbt Duke of Stxomf^ wbo
tnarricd bis Sifter ; and tbf pmpirt
oiUitto Arcbbitbop of hUjfenee : Soon after be becaoae Heir of Ltrrdm, of wbicb J^uentiiold Grrnu-
Billard Brother was in poflefluw. fiat be was not able to Ibbdoe It^* nor to caufe bualelf to be " •

oown'd Emperor ; neitber did be live long, bw dyed betweca eighnen and twenty years old, ^'"'^ ^'^
if. C. 91 1. leaving only two Dangbters, named PUieidiM*»dhUtbiUK. Tbe firft vfu tiMrried to^"'^
Cmr*je Ooke of Franemia, and tbe other to H^mry tbe Fowler. Pake of Saxmo , and Son of Duke
OrAa Tbe Eftaws of die Realm defigninftn OMdic dwCniwo apoa diat Qiit, ba dctod 10 be
ano^d by mioiiof Uiold Agc.aod adfiw iNfcw difcCwwdr Daka frawwrfat InrMi Son
9 Hut^

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nr:JlM-Hmi7Dukeor54xwi>, wboie Moderation wu not ib gitat, dtim'd « Right to part of the King-
ttth$ttf dom, u having nuuried one of che HcirclTci, revolted againtt CMrddb, wag'dWar with farm, and
r^.^N^gatn'd ibe Battle.: however rfaic Ad vanuge prov'd ineffedual, and always remaio'd in
V OC***" I>ofr«lIion of rbcifBr6iiB; dVatb; ^liich hap^sen'd in rhe ^eir 91 3. When he left hitnry Duke

7^ ^ ctm.
^'^'"^ nis Heir, aod oider'd cbe Loidt to wait apoo bim with the Crown and the Royal Orca-
peribnn'd hit Uft WiN, and adbiowkdg'd tkmj Ooke oi StxtHf, fomani'd the F»m-
tJ'\^\^ ^"^^ '^'^ 8 German/. Tlui valiant and pradcdc Mooekapcjn awe Arnutpbus Duke of Amr*
J delated the //umfrfAw.wiip ravag'd (ietauut^i ov^rdiqie ilie Vandaia; fubdii'd hobeM^i
indaner^ving reign d Seventeen yearly cfjred ^. C. 93^. 'the Lorda fu6ftiiafiid tfi his place big
elded Son 0:ho, aficrwarcfs lurria tn'd tbe Grr^r ; againlt u ho!n his Brother IJtnr) made War, btit
f .. wu defeatf d. and mortaN^ ^oundefl in a fight. , Tbe DnkcsGiilert and Ever*nL who were Au*
. ihOfiQr lUilRevolE, perHhdtnaootberfingajieaient neftr Andenm^ and left Oroa ia the quiet
pcffdiion of hij Dominions, which he enlar g d confiJcrably ; and joyn'd to them the Kirgdom of
Xi»iy, wiib^ii^e Impcnal-OigRUj, w^id) palled to brs Son Otho^ aod to his Grandloa at the lame
Name, as it has been already rebued.
Under thefe Emperors, who were no leli Religious than Valiant, the Chnrchei of Qermary u cre
in a lioorilhing Gindiiion, by tbe means of a great number of Reverend fiiOiopst the Writings of
ieveral Aatbon; aod che propagniMof ife if^^ among tbe Noifbera People it whtc we Hm
flull proceed to Ihew in giving an Accoiint of foch Pdibmilliiftrt(m lor I

ly, as GermtHf has produc'd in this Ccmary.

S. XJLK I G 'Bijhf of Augsburgh,

..... '

. . ,

ll^ ^ AaU begin with Vlric Bifliop of Angihurib AhcHtH Fio^.

S. UInc
^ S.
ly in Gtrmait;, tlie Son of Hi^Aut and tbetfirgti ; He begin to fiiuff io the Mohaltery olS,
64/, and was uken fion tbeoce loM pot under die Tuition oufdaAnmi JBiffio^ of Amthurgb, k
tbe year 909. He made a Joordey to ^vmk, and during bis reGddift dM^ JlM/lirmdi6d, aM tdk
Hiltin his Succeflbr, after whofc death Vlric was nominated Bifhop of AugsUirgh by King Ifen/^^
A. C. 914. He wu bigUy eftcem'd bj cfaatftinoe, and the Emperor Otbt had a panicoUr refpet^
Arhin. ItePlrebK^ lalikemamer, mtdenraotber Journeys to J^mw j one alnnt tbeyear 956.
and tfaeotber near the end of his Life. He dyed A. C. 973.
ibe 8gd yew of Ul Mge^x hnm^
govoned ihe Cfanicb of Aigthirtb daridg Fif^ yean.
HiiLife, ^MdiwUwtiiml^MAatlior^iboltrinMhUMdG^ wlowttCsmemporary
wkbhim, contains many remarkable Paflagcj. It is there related, thatbcCdes the Divine Office,
which he liiog every day with bis Canons in cheCboir of Church;
bis He was wont to reaie in
yhHfcM«rtU Ofitoif Oft Ikftd Vitgitt, of ifct HolyMa^ and of AU ibt Sairni; whb the co-
iMPAtter; andlBat h^waiacebftaiti'd to&ytMe^ two, or three Ma (fes accordingly, as the time
WMtA perttiit : That in Lcm^ Matias at Night, he cootipu'd bis Praycn ti^ the
after having (aid
b9ht mt IM ItH rdbg to tbe Vigils for the dead, wlwh he fiing wiiliibeChoir, and afiefwodc «feo
; That be continued in ihe Church at Prayers till the Canons return 'd with the Creh to cele-
* Thf fif fi * Pn'mg
cj tlx RO' brate Mais, at which be alfiited, and kifled tbe Hand of the Prietl that officiated That after :

man CAfla-j^^fj \^ fu^g ^ Here* with the Canons, and that be renuin'd in the Church till tbe Sextt i when
m^fhitrs.^^ vifited tbe Altars, and kneel'd before ibem, finging a Mtferere and a De PrtfumJk That then he .

Camber, to wa<h bis Face, aod to prepare for faying Mafs That when it was faid,
J^"^**. return'd to bis

Vefpers after it, he wag wont 10 viit the poor of tbeHoip.ial, to waft the Feet of Twelve
ji/^s, mongft them ; and to give every ooe a penny : That at his departure from thence, he lat down ac
Table > that after having eat, be faid bis Compline, and retir'd : That be fpent all the days of Lent
•Acr thimaBner, till that of the Indulgence, commonly call'd PMnt-Sutidty: That on that day,
be went early iatbe Monuog io the Chnrcb of S. Afftr^ Ahere be fans A Trmity-Ma6, and made
a Beoedidiod df ^PlIih-TiA B^hcbH. WbUiBecarriM ahodtirt noetfdibo, aecdropanied with
the Clergy and People, with the Gofpel, the Crofs, tbe Ba nncrt, and an Image reptclcnting our Sa*
Tioar fittngon an Afs, Mfir w
Mounr Ptriticb, where be was met by the Choir of Canooi, aod
EtbfePtopIti WbO eofttMilR way wiUi Moi-Ttee BrtodMor GaMMMi: That fie AMeia
atibn to tbeoJ ti^n oor Savionr's P»!lion, and that they return'd togciher to <Jrg Malt in tne
i«l Cfaortb : Thai dMriog dx thite fe^wrfa^day . he bdda^Sf nodical Ai&iobly : Tl«t
nUr'm^ht dMrtftd t> Wh
t »fti trt„ QxdbMd
iheHo^ €biy«B aM mlHf Ofk, omI dti>
Rribu^ed thcii amori bis QergY I That afrcHrard ha wcdr, itcording ro his tifaal Caftntti, loTifit
ttit Hbfpftal^dm wbeocii hie mun»>d to tb^Ofaofifc i GMbrd kwtlvt poor Men io the Vtttry , and
HiJS^meWki TIMkaGlbihhMi^t^ Admioi-
IHtrftbfc ffciy S»cr4Wrtt ro tbt Pfopli; as nn ihe pirtediog day, be laid up the frfl of tfce Fucba-
^ in drtlji^ tb bory ik, aceordirtg tOtbeCoftanof dB& tintes* aod thai at Nigbt beett Bread
1M| aMdftii^. MM tm^ ^MMtttStUtm A^Umtt^ ofl^lbtMidbrM 9tk^
o tb*

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of the Tfenth Century of ChifHamty.

tbe Repethioo of ibe Plalccr, the Skigiog of die TJuce Ltuoin, the Biding of liie Tapen, and tbe S. Uiric
Rctdingof the Leflboi, be went in Rooeflioiito S. T^^n't Cborcb, «bet« lie bapriz'd three lo&att,
and then rerttrn'il to Cclibrate M«fj, to AdOiinUter rhc Haljr Sacramem to tbe People, and to fay A«g*-
Vcfpcrs : Tbac at'icrwirdi be dikributcd VidutJi to a great many Peribas: That on E4fier-Da]>, af- '^"^^'^'^^
w cbe Prime Office* be ul'ually went to S. dmbrofei Cburcb, wbere he celebrated tbe Tiinuy
Mali, and rrr'jrn'd from ibcnce in Procc<rioii, carrying tbe Image of our Safiour with the Carpel g
tbe lighted Tapers ibc IiKXole to S. John BaptiJl '%C)3\iVQ.h, where he Sung Tierct, a ad Jroia
tbenoe to tbe Cathedral, wbere be lung Mafs and admmillred tbe Sacrament to all the Aintlanit;
Afterward be gave Provifiont lotbe Canons of bis Cathedral, an ^ to iH j C!crpy i;f S. ^frdtCbatdti
diftributing to tbetn Lambi FleHi and pieces of fiacun, which bad been blcilcd at Aia4 and gave
ttan A very fpleadid fioteruibaieai. Iiiitlfoobfervable, tbathewaswoattovi^iliisDiDeelieTC
ry Fotir ycMS toiaftiiiifttbePleo|4e ; toadminifterihe Stfaimfcat of Cnn&nmtioii, «ad to idowa
bit Clergy.
I (halt take do notice of a great number of Miracles that are related in this Life of & Vhic, nor
4lC tkofe that were wrioea bfiStburd bis foartb SucceflbTt ud by Btrnt Abbqt of Afer : but 1
CMMot omh tbe Hiftory of AtMlhtn Nepbew to tbit RevcKml Bifliop. He bad caits'd him to be
careitilly edacatcd, gave bim an Abbey, dellgn'd him for bis Succelfor, and made ufe of bis Setvicv
in tbe miiiageaieaiof aJl hii Aifairs, as well at Court, as io hi> own Dioceli. To gain him gi«4*
ter Aotbority. be ii t w m
d ifee Emperor, in tile laft Journey be imde to /(omf, to voudbfafeto encruil
him with th; fo'? Adminiflraiiun of ih:" Affairs of his Diocef*, and lo tioni'naic Siiiri fur hisSjcccf-
Jor. AdMbera npoahis reiuro frooa AtntbHrrlty Q« only ctiu'dao Oath of FtdcUty to be taken to
Ub, by tbeCiergyand People oftfae City, bottlfeprefiiOB'dtode tbe CtdbrSnC Tbb Attepp(
gave otfcncc to ibc Bilhops of Grrm m', mfcrnuch, that in a Council beldac Ingelbeim in the year
972. in tbe prefoiceof the Emperor Otbo, and of his Son, to which S. Vkk^ and AdMlbtr» ifrene
Mumm^U } « Praoe&waa drawn upcagafaftdklaner. for prcTaniii^ to bear cbe Maifcsof tbe ft^
fJtfcopsI Dyniry ar;.i npon thsT accnimr xhcy proccdeil fofar, is to declare
, him 'jncapal^e of iuc-
cxseding ha Undc m the billtopnckof Aag/kuijb. Whereupon the good old Man, noc being able
fufficiencly to expjkin tbe Cafe, by reaibn of bn great Age, (eat word by one of bit i^lcrks, tfaat
be defign'd to retire, and embrace the Msnaftick Life, according to the Rule of S. ^'fKfi.-'ft, whofcr
babit be badafliim'd. The Biibopc of tbe Council having trndf n Rca]Onit.rance, Tbac be ought not
tbos to teavebii BUboprick, aodflin tbis Ezamplii! would be of very dangeroos ConCrqiKncc, ob«
lig'd bim to retarn to tbe Govemmrnt of his Church ; promifing bim at tbe lame time, iha; after bis
dta^ib no other Bilhop (hould fuccced io tbe Diocefj of Augsburgb, bat AJsIhera ; of wbots they ez-
atSedanOatb, that be knew not that it was unlawful, or that ir was an Heretical Pradice. toaf-
fame the Enfigns of tbe iEpUcopai D^fniifx and KȣiacHetbe Anfaori^ of n fiiuop wkboot dne
TbbPromile fignifird nothing with refeedl toAiJbm, becaale be di^ fnddenly id a (hort time
^fwr, even before bit Uode » who bad tot bis Sacoe&r MnK7 cbe Son of Count Burebdrd., wbo
'caas*d bimielf to be diofen by fcfrce.The latter dy'if a^be lid livVl, that is to (ay, rather like a
Soldier than a Bifhop ; for in his tiitie be raifed a Rebellion againft hh Sovereign Prince, and wai
kilfd in a Bauel fought againft tbe Sdrscem in tbe year 983. After bis death, the Emperor Otho tbe
Seoood, was defiroof to confer cbtt Bilboprkir opon t^treidhnim, wbom & VHc
bad defign'd for
his Sulc< rT r bat upon hit refufal of ft, Eutychu< Count (jf ^//off was clcftcJ.
; Lui:u'</i>u.\ who

fuoxeded in the year 988. made a loorocy to H^^m 10 procure of Pope ysiw (be XV. the Canooi*
'cation of &
XHfk, which be dbiiind in aCbnocil at K*me, upon tbe reading af the VS^ and Mira«
ides of that Saint, wlio edified the Church rath r by his Life and Cunvcrfation, than by bis Wri-,
tingi ; for few are aitribnted to bim, and tboic too are very dubioas. We
b«ve «|lrcady obfenrcd
IhiC (bine make btn tbe Amhorof a Dilbontie, concerning the EcclefiaAical Fnhdiont afcrib^d cb
Pope L*o the Four:h, and infertcd io the Synodirall etter of Ratlxriut, which feems to be really To;
becaufe be returns an Anlwcr to certain Queftioas which the Writer of his Life lays be propos al to
bit Clergy, during tbe time of his Vilhation.
The fame A>rhor cites a Sermon of S. Vine upon the Eigbt Mortal Sins, and the Eight Beatitudes.
But II u robable ibai he compos d it out of the ordinary Diicourirs thai be bad heard from the

Mouth of that Saint In the preceding Century was likewile publilh'd in G«rt>umj,t letter bearing

the Nsine Porr NVr-/<ff

of S.T/'/r/c.and diredred to in ^vbich^^e advifeththat Popc,for purring an end

io tbe irregularities of tbeClrrgy, w peiaiii thtm to marry: Mention 1$ made of this Letter, iaao
Addition of B«rrib«»/ Prtclt of C:nflMt:{, 10 the Chronicon HernumitK Ctmrd^t iod its af- .

iirmM to hp mentton'd by j£neat Sylviut in bisTreacifeof the Manners pf tbeG«ri>i«ff^» where be

fays, That 5. Vine reprov'dihe Pope for keeping Concubines. But this LetKr is apparently Suppo^
fiiitioDi, by reafon that in S t^/ric>s time there was 00 Pope oam'd Nicf/«,neitbev did S.Vhic Bilbop

tf Avgshturgla lire in the titne of tbofe Popes who bore ib«c Name, The Ambprity of tbe C^hrooi- •

coo is of little moment, andy£M« Sylvim does not diftin^y make mention of that Letter; bii'c
only fays, that S. Vine reprov'd tbe Pope, upon account of his Concubines' ; which may agree with
^obH the XIL Befides that* ibit Paflage is not foood in Ibme Manulcripts of Sjhim'^ Hiftory, nor in
Ait K^num Edition. But alibo* it were tine, that this Anibor allndet to that flodnmftii ijmer, ic
iHrould obly prove (bat it was already forged in his time ; and that h I; " Ore asdeK than tbi CoQn*
db of «nd Cai|/?4M{,wfaidi, as I prefome^ cannot be call'd io ^eftiofl. . . i> #

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A Is/W Ecclefiajlical Hiftory

AD A L B E R O 'Bijhof of Augsburgh.

UtrUlfim tbe AbboK «f ^Bf:

AdaJbeio JDtAm the Picdcceflbr of S. Vlriek Amhor of tiicLiic ot S. fiift


A D A L B E R T 5, JPifto were Ssuits. ;

TH F two Stints nim'd 4iMm not oolj illommaitd GenMif; with ibe Light oi liieir i>oCUiii^
B*rbaroBS Nadoas: Tbe foniMr.
but alio propagated tliitcfiliBGo<i»i«w«gft
hit inj? preach d il to the People,
who inhabit along the Coafti of the B*Uici SeM, and having rakm
tnucb pains in CoBvmaiaUieSc/^wwwaw, wa» ordain'd tbc Ml AfChbiihop of M^^r^ in tiw

•ear 96H and dyed in 9I1. Tbefceowl,

who wn Bilhop of Prague, in Uke aaanoer preadi'd tiit
Fo^^nieri, and l^ung.trsan' The laTtfr left bi5 Bifhopnck, by rcaloo of the
GofpeltO tbe Bohemian,,
exCcffiTe Enoraiiues of the Pe<»lc of
MebmM, and departing to i<«»*, tiicre cmbrat d the Mona-
ftick Life in iteCoufWR of SL
Afar fcaviog fpentfife year* there, he rctam'd 10
be rctorn d tbe fetrond rme to R,omt tnd
and paf^'d frnm ifcencf iisroH«i^f«7 i ffOTO whence
Mefided five yean toorc ia tbe JameMooafteiy. Hewaialfo remov d again by tbe Soliataiioa ol
Ba^ry?a* King of
STArchbiflitioflMta*?, whodil^i'dP^
hii Dotntnion*, be went icto Prujfta^aod from thcoce imo Li-
'Bthimd having forbidden bim to cmcr
faith, he at kft t«oei?'a th»
f^^^^ wher^ having IbHittd mucb in propagaiiag the Chrittian

BHUNO Jrchbi/kf o/Colpga

of ibe laipcror H.wrr tbe F<»ar/fr . and_ Brother of Otj^ tU
cpi?/;.. Arcb^ifhop of Co!c^. the Soti
TdAiM ^ G«« i» none of tbe Icaft OfoatpcnM oi the Church oi Grr«4«; both with reiped to h» pn>-

byaWnter of ibat.ime th.t be bad .cqui-

,/Colo^foondLeamingat«dfi.galar Piety. Weareinfann'd
Srffi^and l^.«Tofig«ei; that he h|wi perusd att theAnooi^
iSaperfcd Knowledge of tbe
that he took a particnlarOwe of Mi Dioce* and Uep-

that he had a very hne Libi^ry j and
'7? *rtirfn'*W «M their faperfluoas Habits, zud obliging them toacopftamattendan e n he Di»- (

Confercaca. reiterated ^bortati-

riesoftbeifFondlions. as »!f« inftraaiog tbeon by iKqacw.
^ «d his own Example. S,xm Sem^s ia|s . thatof he eoiiipai*d a Gonwiinty on ^9^'
tbe Dem,Htc4m at It» alfo rc
tbelkbMfcript ofwhichiikepin) die Library
he wrote the Urn of aM»SriB» H« wi chofco Arsbhiihop
of CW»^« in the |eat
^Ittd that

ROGER ^. PantaleoD.

rr H E Life of this great AichWfliop wn wrinea hf J(«*r a Monk of PWam at Ctf^ wb»
mS^S a dcdkatsd k to PWbiMr bis Succcffbr w tbe year V7 It referr d by Smrim to O.^o^. 1 1. and

to the ftiie ot thole times. Wc alio may reckon up a great nam-

SSioI* is writtea verr elegantly widl
b^d60rm7n PtSwSi UhAifa-Cd^k and Pi«y. twm •boo are Hemy ArcfabtOop
SlVAr lfW««Blftop of I(^uihm, Sigifman J of Halherftsdf, and m«ny otbers whom we iball not
We (baU ciRiffoR fCOCoU wgif• a pttricaUj Asawa of thoje who hate (eft a>
now meodon:


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9f the'lisai^QaiJ^ii^^if ^
R A t H B DL t) U S 'Bijhot) o/Utrecht.

RiCfli^/ldSur or a OmRM by NxTtoo, dcfeended from the Princes of FrifflanA, tpply'd RathboU
himfdf le liody uodcr Ndmu or Atf«m«, ia the CoBtt of C^mt/m r£w Bsid* «nd ill im 6ioo Lemi, du&
where tboiie Fkinoes cuu'd the Liber*! Sdcaoet to be uugbc pabikkfy. He wu
cfaofia Bilhop of ijf Utfeifel*
Vtrtchi in the year 899. TWrieanar (kys, that he was well ve^s'd tn the Knowledge of tbe Holy
Saifcores , and that be wai 00 Novice in Hamane Liienture ; ihu be was of a quick Apprcbetifi-
cad much eftcem'd for bis Eioqaeoce, letMling a very Cuaunfpaft [jfe and (^veriktiM { ifatt
ke fofffn'd tbe Cburch of t^frcobf doriog Sercniteo years, aad Vrioif fcveni Trwfb ; ui>oii| o-
dwn, a Treatife of the GMnineiMlaiioii^ & McmVi; another of <bat of & Jk«/«c« ; Tbe LHeof
& Jimslttrgs i a Book' of HomiJies and Sermons ; certaio florid IXfeottries oa S. fViUmJi an
OCee of the Traaflatkn of S. Mmin ; with dhrcn Hyunsio Honoat^tbe Saiau j aid laftly
thttlK dyd ia tbeyear 917- or raihcria 918. Aoodier Writer aaaa'd IPflRMm of ftdfcs attribaier ,

to him certain Poetical Pieces, and a Co^pendiom Chronicoo. Smim tikcwife a^ibes to bim ao
Edme ooaocndBg S. iUim. Father M«i^
bat fMtfft'da DifaoNffr of iaiM #b

HILDEBIEK T ^Mi/hop of Ucntz.

TJSiditn Brother to the Emperor CtnrsJg, tbe Thiiteeoth Archbifliop of Mntfqf CrownM Otbe HiMcbert

—titGrmin tbe year 938. But afierwaidTa hiviacoQmbin'd widi Aj'dM''' Bifliop of Strat^jr, ^cbbi/hof

UtUiMm the Fi&eciidi Atchbilhepof MMt^. Piiaoe of 5«mv^ avi Sob of 0«k «b OMf.
7-fara(MMiictUftbriiAKym$;s4.Mady'd^ «Hi«q^ t CMbm «f 4f jTT^

. Pill • '.
. • i :

.JB. O N.N O ?rCorbey. Saxony.

. or Am Abbot of Cmhtj ia {^xm/, floarilb'(iJUMier AmuJfbm tod Lttn ibe Founb. Kmu Bomo itt*
i^ViTCbMif. He wrote a Treadle of tbe iaci«|&^
Adam of Bremrw, who cttcs a hiflaae oT n COPOefBIMMilBMlttf MMpiw** Wa lim bev ra
l£ftory of

I I I r

W A L T,R A MN U § ^shurg. .

I^Altrsmm Waliramm
" or
year 8os> and did not dye
Biflxipof frmili*;^,
uU 90$. it
who aflifted at tbe Coandl of ttibtirU in tbe Waltram-
the Andior of oenaia Poeiicai Pieces whtcfa are islcned nus
b lit iiMSMl Tomeof CMtfMiMMkL "i ^tnts-.

* •
V / . r -
I a
• •. r $OLO-
. .:

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$ 9 L Q M Qk}fk. 'Btjhof.. o/-Qonftaace. . .

Solomoa CO/«mmi Biflwp of Ctn^tttm &a(A at the fame time, for be caned npoi the Epi(copal Fuo-
Bi/hop if ^ dion in the year 5S1 and dy'd in 9 9. He likcwifc compos d ccruin Poems Jed icitcd 10 Biflwp

<^^(»^*'°<^i>cdiK iwbi<bite.iti the fitfrX^iw^fjfaOutNAinqHueiiif <;4|i^ Ho hadbcea IMttUv««/

\ « M' •. • .'I. ' . . .. •

.i. \f •
.1 i »•' I .:• •
I V" , •

f. n. •:^^... :\u\ :aJPi^ • ?»•• • • .•£».. . » ?

. .
."• .1.. » '{'J* Tjrl ,M • rr .••!.. i ,,.t?)..* . . . • ,'.'\\.,

' • R . • I
..•.ii.iH .V: • #. .
• * «.*..»..« . • f..::r . • i

Utho B;- D iltf«l)fii^iii^'<}r*«fAlMiftMAi^lili Snnlflbvlft tH 9«*r 9|o.-. tMl^llftol^'ft: libv^

0/ rbe Secotid Duke of SchtrnbenJ- IVb T^/^ «ft«ft A
MttrnJ^mi 1,' itriMtf Ml
-...tA rjd:t.l '..l.c'<
Stratebutg. ai^jj.-^eit^g glAtWifcdBtf^fcfccfltiftr, '
. :1

. NOTGER tieijSiammereir. , ^

•W* V icf d vcm

joaaf^ inco iBc Moniftery of 5. wi«rc be Itudicd uo^
fertus aod
T«/:^». Tbefe ibree Moob ftad^iog cogoher, ftqfftmi^ Lyfniay ia ib«t AbUv, .wbcxe
tbey h«d frequent Coufercoca oae wkb laadKr. tpplyiog ttmiUvcs own cfpedally iSe'fta<!y »
of ihe Liberal Arts and Sdcnccs, and to that of Mofick in particular : Bat their chief Employment
ynsttK oBikiinuf Fnfis, Nuiti ccMBPOi'd nany, and tranflMcd the Pfrktr imo h^Diuei far
dwiiferf iOag^Hfiwi.' Heii«MetbeLifear&6«/ iaVerle. astUoaTiettOe of dwLettm
• of tbe Alphabet, that arc ui'd in Mafick and fomc other Works of the like nature; bat the prind-
f$lo{ thm»h\i!!§^t}fok^tSj pohliSi'd h^ of his Amiqaicies. Tbe
lame Cmifiut bat (et forth fonne of the ^afes and Hymns of this Aoihor, with a Fragment of tbe
Life of S. Gal, in the Fifth Tome of thebme Work, in which is alfo foand the Treaufe of Muficfc
fit6des afatfs W«ic% Q«<^'V>^«« annbotes to Notger the S uon»m kt nb* .two

, : Bobkl of tbe Hifltry dfCbttbmuM ttlkt dihiidueii to QbtHfs the B*ld, and Mttimet bf » Mme-'
lefs Monk of S. Gal: Aad iodcedbe fcems to dilcover himfclf in the l6th Ch>(^ of the ScldMf
Book, where be declares that he it fabjcd to SummcrioE, and wants Teeth. The fame Ao-
• ihor obfervet, that he hat feep a Maoafcripc of die oTSL G«/, written bjr way of Dialogoe^ L&
which bears t&c'Name of N#fjf*r. To him likcwife is attribmcd tbe Life of S. LtfM<A>4/</ referr'd by
Surius loMarch If). That of S. Rgmdclus Biftiop of Vtrtcbt, rcferr'd by the lame Hiftorian, to
• Sept. 3. and two Botkn'Ol the M^radesbEihif Saint: fiat k'ftnot ceruin Char th((iB Works Me his ;
neither do tbe^ apfeff to b<* oF t6b fltm<! ^MiotgU^fpettt ibe "grtztt^ parf df 1ft Life in ilSe^indi
Century, anddy'd intbeMoMhof vf/ri7, J. €.911. His Mariyrdogy was oompos'd in the end
ojf^ Ninth Century, or in thebeginaio|; of tbc^Taith.
9 It i

W I Ti c ft iMb U S Uohk V ^Xorbey in

Witkhin- .

imMank. U/Itichindm, Moak o( C»hgr MoM&aj in H^^fbdiMfit tbt

H^titduebinius^ or H^Hdicbauu t
in Weft-
, Qfdn of
q^I.and IL He wrote thice Bookiof iW Hiftaryof
S. Jmtdfft. floorifli'd uodcf
AAiaasof Amot m4 ifaeFM^ aad wUcli ends at
M - .

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of the Tenth Century of Chriflianity, 6t

dK dM(li of (he itUKTi Ui«t nio ^y,yca^ 93^... Tliejr .-are dedkited to Qgecn MdtUidi, vvjtidiia-
ia liif

Dtogfater of the Emperor Otiti tnd vme pnaml at Bifi "A. ft t53&. Framfort in i $77. A- n
moog the German Hirtoruns printed in 1580. and ar the end of t particular Edinon by Mnbtmm y Corbey
at Frattrfort in 1 6^1. Siphert (ays atfo» that be wroie io \etk a fUlaixn of & Ticda's Faffigo*
ud cbe Life of S. Mihe
flfft HermiL Tbde Wcrbti^Iofti thto'to ik lift bf M»- Edm
Im'w, itereuc cem Vcifes wlachaieniribaRd lodiw Monk; w<<nrv

RCifvida a Ndtt 6f the Monaflery of GtniUtfktim, faONMr fdt ber Q^Iay, Learoing aod Piety, Hofwida «
ftmrUliM rni^ (lit Emperof Oth« II. by ivbof! Ofikf ftt iMkApM'd In Hcraick Verfe a Fane*^ Mm.
gerick upon the A^iion$ of She fikewifc Ivfore ih Veffe the P»f7ion of S. Omni
the Firft.
llop and Martyr, and ibai of 5. PeUgim \«bo iuffer'd Maityrdom n S/^riii i and iocse ocber Poems
! fcomroaldaiioo of the Virgin Mirj and S. t is alto 00 S. QmJalpbm wad ibme otber Sabn.

To bcr likcwife ii attributed the Lite of S, tVilhhd ftifhdp of EichJIadt, and that of S Vnndaid ihe
firft Abbot of HnlJc/betnt, related by 5wri«x, taHifm aiid Fatber MJtiteH. This Nun wiott: ta «
£oer iiile ibeo mod part of the Auchoi s of ber titne, aod Uttr^iiM vers'd in tbe Knoirledge- of Ae
iSneJiiod LaitnTuiigm'i HtrPocmof rhf 1 .'Ir of Otb», Was printed whh If^ncNnifi Works at
$r4m^ar$ io i6z and in (he Colteiilion of tbe Qemdk W'titeii by ^ttherm i and ber foctkal Fie-
1 .

m Wcce prioied tofftthM it MtfMitM^

1)61. by CmttAk
: • i , . .

EtiTuUdm, wbo In Ibc yeat 9t5- ruccjeeded Sttrhand kill'd by the W?/»f<jy/<it!r tt Au^shmfh, m tbe
Biiboprick of Bicl^*it, pats'd in hi* time for a very I^ai&ed M«n, ai baving attain J tu i coa- Jc^^
fefcrtWe Knowledge ititbiCwA^ Lstin, at»d/ffir«p Tongues, and more efjpeiiaif in the Art of a!ju
MuOck. He v^'rote tbe of UvH &
mihMktd VmithiU, WiAlkakid Sk,,MktU$ tnd S.BU^
He wai Bilhop for the fpace of Twt*ty ftor yean.
Anotber Oemaa Bilbop of tin Ouae cime, bas given «
the Life of S. Httntgrnd* referr'd by Sunw Gemuo
m Aug. ij. and a Nam<Ii6 Vmat nadca ^iirnltive of th« TnniktiaQa^S; Efifbmum hiSaop oS^M-

M«fai(oi^. .... , "iir'^-^'

>-l t •
» .

THIEB.RiK>*i»^>%Y Triers.

A^ffrrv Prnrnl^of the Cht»rch of M<wf *, and aiterwards Arcbbilbop of TriVr wrote fometimc Thierry

belote the precediflg Auibofs ( i«r be dy diatbe year 970J ibeLtfeof ^.LutrtM^ teiert d by ^<^^^


q- ' —

P|(JbMoAkofFH/i4wr(itetbeLifeofS.iyimw. who is fuppoj'd to ha»e been Bifliop of JWMMJt, O^te Bf:

or rather Meti{. This Life is dedicated (or<«i^/i« ArchbiOwp of IW«r, aad •wm poblilb'd/J^^
fcy B^<MrtvHft, who caos'd it la be frioted J. j6i6««t MMff, with other Lira of ibelmiftrvMi
Pcrfooages of Gtrnuny. Liudolfbvt was made in 9 99. and dy'd in 1 c S Tbn re-
Arefabilbop of Tr-V r
^Kt9$bh oompoi'd hit Work in tte NiotbCcMary. or ivtbe begioaiqg of the Xcmk Cl^fcwr

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fi^ A New Ecclejiaflical Htflorj

.. •
.,'**' :. , 'I . ' . ...

U F t IN G U F F O flr Afoj^o/ Werthia.

Y!^V/i <te ftnwdiiie t;i!i«, or tKCtxtVfftitrrieJUmi, MoDkof ir«r(£i», wroietbeLife ofS.JLii^

jrr Btlhop of Mn^fr , wbicb wu
princcd at tbc iatt Cemuor , with a Poea
of the iiame Aaibor ; (am« ntfibwe to bim Uk Life of S. Idk referr'd bj f «r/iK to fm. 4. Suffri^
</iir(ays(lutbelikewifeldttlieIjitor&iM»Kli«ftfAfkM^ ivbkh featEnw nte cuMUii
Manolctipb ^
^ ^« tii^ Adiootjrof vetf few CooDdlt of GmnairiB Ae Tenth CcMiity, aMnT we fctvt
*^~*r juftgroundsto fuppufcibii tnaoy murt; wcrebeld. The firft, of whicl},anj' Monument is remainiRg

f fir
* Cooocil held at Cakitm^ia ibcjcar o»z. bf tbe order ofCjfacnilrjKiaf of pMncr.and Hrm? King
of Gnmnry. It wtf cotapwU of mlatct, «iY ilnuM* Aitbbifliop of Afmr^ r/j^rr Arcb-

BilT.op of Coi' -^n, and fix other German Bifhops, ;iril made Eighr Cirinns. of which unly chc Firft,

Fifth, Sixth, beveaib and £iigbtb rexnaia io oar Poifeilkm. Tbe fihk forbids Marriage between Re-
latienf to cheSMth Geaeratioo. The RAb prohftin Leyncn.wbo hive Cbippels,fromfecdv&ig ifae
Tyihrsdf ihem with ibeir own bands on purpofc to pur tbem to rof;ne ulcj, and ordains d:at rhe

Prielh fluU receive and oie tbem to tbe advaiuagc of tbe Cburcbe*, and for tbc mainienaacc of Ho-
fpitaliand poor People. Tbe Sixth brioBi the Mbakt under Sabjeftkw 10 tbe JurifdiiSiantiid Qq^
vemtnent of the Bifliop. Tbe Seventh coadcoans a Pcrfon u ha fclfs a Chriftian for a StaVe, as goH*
ty of Murder. Tbe Eighth forbida tbole who give aoj Goodtor Revenaefl to a particalar Church
toukeaway theTyibadiieupiaMaaKof Mdillewinakio^ Chardiiowliicbfliqf bdoi^d
A Council The Canons
of a Council beld at Brfmdt io tbe year 931. in like manner are ftiU extant, widi s
at Eriiirdt Preface which fliewi tbatitwasoMTeaVl by theOrderof Kiag Hewry ibc Firft, io tbe Fourteenth
15*' ^^
R"<'g". "nd that it was compoJ*dof the Archbifliop of TrUr and Twelve Btflioi».
firft of tbefe OaoDS imports, that th^* FeftiTals of the Twelve Apoitics ihaii be luicmntz'd, aad
that tbe Faft of tbe V^ib lhall be obfcrr'd according to tbe ancient CoDfiiratioM. TbeSecood,tbac
no Pleas Outll be bcidin'rheCoaits of Jvtdicararc on Soodiys, Holy-days, or Fafting-days : It n al-
io added, that Kiog Mmry prohSiited tk: judges 10 Cite any Perton betore tbem m
the Week pre*
ceding the Feftival of Cbrijimjs, that of S. Jotm Baptift, ioi daring tlie wiMk time of Ltnt, till
the Eighth day after B*tt«r, la the Third it is forbiddco to defirer a SmnnxNis or Warrant to thole
Perfoos who are going to Cbnrdii or are there abeady, that they may not be diftorb'd in their De-
votions. The founlnmpons, that if a Prieft be fbrp&5bed of any Crime, and accnliKi before his Bi-
fbop, be flult be thrice admoniib'd to •dawwkdge his Faoh, and Otall undergo ooodtgo Pu-
be pi««c his Inooceace by dearieg himfeff by bis own Oath^
oiftinent, if he be fotfod Outtty, onlefr
or by that of hii Colleap !. The Fifth forbids private Perfbns 10 impofe Falts without the Con-

ftiu of the fiilhop or h^ Vicar, becaaie awi^ doit to can; 00 SuperftickMi Diviaadooi, or fat o>
dwr finifler etidf, radkr Aanoat of t Prindple (tf IVnitiM.
Wc hivc already made mention nf the Conodl of Ugr'.htim hdA in the yrar 94S. io treating of
. the ConteAs of Artddm for obtaioiog tbe Archbilhoiprick of H^im, io regard that it was chiefly a^
ftttiUed npoo tbtr adoohnc. - * «
A Courci! In the yat ibc Emperor ihe Ffrfl held at i#j<jji»irjfi ati AflcmWy of the Btftops of Qn-
ttt M«9. Br once and luiy i where the Arcbbilbop of f4ent\ prefidcd, and pubtilh'd £kveo Caooon,
bur^ A* wUcb were approv'd by the other PlreAcf.
^:9^> The Firft ordains thai the Priefls, Deacont and Subdeacona that marry, (TiiII be deposM accord-
. . iog to Chap, a J. of tbeCooncitof Canbtg: Tbe Second is agaiali Ctcrgy-mcn, wifi^ep Dofe
and Kfdt wr HoBliog, and are addided 10 that Exerdfe ; they are to be faipeoded froai their Foip^
(Jlions long tbcy perfift in fiicb Ptadices. The Tlrird cirdaicu that Bifhop^, Prufts and Dea-
cons, who ipend their time in playinj; at Games Qt Chance, fhall incur tbe Penalty of being De-
pot'd,oolefs diey renounce fuch icrt cf Garnet. Tbe Foartbia agaiaft diofe Qeffn^inea who keep
fuTpiciouj Women in their Houfcs.Tbc Fifth prohibits Monki from gm'rg cur of^thctr Cloifter s,witb-

out the pcrmilTion ot ibeir Abbot. The Sixth eojt^ns fiiQ>op« to take cue of tbc Muoaftcrtcf of
their RefpetfHve DiocelTes, and fpeedlly to Relbnhdie Difordert that are committed in tbem. The
Seventh and Fiphth forbid them to hiotler Clergy-men and Caooncfffj from cmbracipg tiM Mooa-
fiicalLife.l he Ninth prohibits Lay-men from turotngoot of the Cburcbet tiKifc Perfons towborti the
tbefiifl)opshave cominiited Cire of tbtm TheTenth attributes to tbe fiiftoptbe right of taking Cog-
; nizance of toediftnlvitioa of Tytfaet. Aod tbeEfe^eatbrmpcfr}, that ooc only tbt- Birhopa,, Prjeitii^
Deacons and Sobdeaooos fhall lotdafogleLife* but alfo that ^e other Clergy ih»a be ebUgfdjW
lift jCdkdBntfy yrim diey ciipM |o ycin of 1^

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of the Tenth Century of Chrijliamty, ^3


Accomt of the Churches of Eaglaod,

the beginning of ibeNInib Century, Kin^ A'.frti re-eftiblifb'tl the UniverHiieJ, and cauj'd 77y StAtf
TN (be Liberal Arts and Sciences to floudili va Ef^i*»d, ioviitof over the
fevcral other LearoedMea of jPhOKt 3 Im dw Kkigi Ids Sbeoeflbtt
Abboi Grimbaldmt tad ^ Cagbnd
were ^iefiy implofM
Reforming the CorrupsiooJ of Manners and Difcipline. In tbc beginning of thi? Cemury King
Edvard, upo the Remonftrances and Hircats of tbe Pope, who complaia'd that for &yen}ean tiie
whole Couatry of the H^eit'Stxm ^nu dAmve of Bifliopa, cam'd a Cooodf 10 be aObaibledu
Car.trrh-jry, io whicfa Archbiftop Pi/fgwOTj prcfidcd, and where feveril Pcrfjn'? were chofen 10 bt

BiiJiop* in that Province, and elfewberc, wbo were ordain'd by Phieimm attct bit Remra 6«nff^°^^
]|Miw, wbitber be went on pnrpofe to give an Account to tbe Pope of t£ Prooeedtngt of ibe Omcil,
and to paciHe him. Tbc Pope approv'd their Ri-gu!ation?, nrder'd thai for rhc future tbe Charcbcs
fliould 00 longer be left vacant,«nd confirm d (hePnmacy o(theChwdiofC4nterbur;/.A\l ibcfe Ai^ioof Phleemoo,
asetttributedby feveral Aotbon to Pope Farmefiiiy but in regard that ibit Pope djr'd a long wbile Arebhijltp
before the time of King EdrarJ.ihey are ratber to be afcrib'd to John the Ninib.who poifcft'd lJieSce^f|«fCi9
of i^ome in [be beginning of Edmirdi Reigni A. C, 904. to which this Council may be rcfi:rr*d.
Tfae fame King publilb'd in tbe year 906. divers Lawt againft tbe Difbrbers of cheTno-Xav Ed*
tjuiliiy nf i!;c ChnrcS ; againft Apoftateswboru be condemns to death; again'lt Clergy-men wboWttdV
toiiiuai RijL'bcnes cr Fornication ; againft liiceAauiu Pcrfom
i againft ibofc wborcluicto pay Tytbci,'^^'^*

DC keep Sundays and Ftfting'daysi and agaioft Sorceren and lend Womeo, who are coodem-
ncd It's allb ordain'd in that Edi&, that Perlboi coodenui'd tody for Ca^
to diiferent Panifluneots.
pical Crimes, Ibould be permitted to make a Confe^n of tbdr Sios in private to a Prielt i and ibac
(hofe* wbo have been deprived of any Member for an Offence , and ^rvive three days, Iboiild
caaie tbeic Woaadi bo be dicft'd* «nd ceoeire Gwfofaniai, aAcr btviqg oboin'd a Lkcooefnai
tbe filHiop.
King EthelUan, who facceeded EJmard in tLc year 923. 10 like manner caus'd certain Laws XO^'^i E-
be £Qadcd relating to EcddlaftiqUAffai^ wub tbe Advice of tbePcelaies, Lords, Aod Lewned^^'^^
IVf en of fan Kingdom, by wliidi be ordaiiTd, TbitallilKLindi; and eves tbofe of hit own De-^^'*
means, fl; ulJ he liable to pay Tytbts, He enjoyn'd all tbofe, wbobelJ any Fltjtes of him, toa(-
low lomcwbat for the Maintenance of the Poor, and other ciuiitabie Ul«: He prohibucd Oturagcs
that were done 10 tbe Churcbes, and agam condemn'd d>e Sormen and Vhebes to ImprifiiotiieBt;
an J to pay great Fines : He regafated the manner of proving tbc Innocence of Accnfc pLrfons by i

Pire or WaterOrdeali Forbad tbe itecping of Markets, orbayiiig and (elliog oa ^iundays; Aod
QrdaiQ*d that peniir*d Perfons and falle WitoeOes (hookl be dagnrd of Cheiftiaa BaiiaL To dttk
Laws be added divers Infractions for tbe BiOiopi » «ad KConmeoded the Readang ia iIm IdMnAo-.
ries every Fruiij Fifty Pfalms upon bis Account.
Forafmuch as tbe moft remarkable Circ ax an Lc« f ibofe Laws, is tbat which rdates to tha
11 c

Clearing or Coovidliog of an Accufcd Perion, by die Trial of Fire or Wafer, rhen commonly cali'd
Ordeal ; and in regard that ibe manner of perlortuing it is there expUin'd at large ; ii may not be
improper Jiere to infcrt an Account of that paflage. If tUfftmht Jefiratuta clear lui$tfe(f ty Or-
deal, tb^ it tc f'.\ h the Trial of Fire or Water, let tJiem come to tie Pritfi three Jays before be it ,

tpbo fhdli gtve him a BenediSion ufualmamer; And during iIkjc tiiree da/j let him est na-
after the
thing but Brud sad Salt or Pu'fe him htsr Mafs every day i let kim make an Oblation i let him
; let

receive the Saerametu on the day be m to imderjro tbe Trial, If it he that tf IVater, let him he CM
flung d one Fathom below the Surface of tbe fVater. If it he that if a Hoe Irott, let it be put into h«
Hand, and left there three days, without lool^ing on it. If it b§ tbst of Hot fVater^ let it be made
Laylin^ hot, and let the Hotid «r ^ras tkt Asa^ Ptifmttfiit aM» it, bo ai tbofe Trials, both tbt
jiccufed Perfm and tbe Am$it are to Fsit, mid to caiifi TMve ffitneffit t» be frefemt, mbotn^ takf a»
Odtb tPiih them, and let Holj Water he printed iipci them. TIktc arc two Mftiffff of ihefe tiait»
ooe of which n prioiBd At l«r|e» and tbc otbcr is an Abridgment of ihem.
King Bdimmdhti no left Zeif (or tbe naimaiDhig of the Dila|diDe of ibe Cbmcb, than fait
PredcLtlhir ktlxip^ir.
He hfld in tbe year 944. which was th^: ibiul of his Reigo, cvcri on Exjler- afUcal Af-
,!jy, an AOcmblyof the Prelates ajid Lords, io which be iiude certain La,wsreU^ to Cbaiiiqr, and Ami^ an*
the payment of Tytbes, andof tbe Almi-penay ; at atf> agaioft tbofe wfaoofl&d Violenoe to ArlQpv.
Nans ; againft pcrjur'd Pcif n?, anJ thofc who aflificd at profane Sacrifices. In thefc Laws arc f"
fpeci&ed tbe Eccleliaftical Penalties to be iafiided 00 ibc Infringers of tbem i vi^, Tbe privatioa
of CbrifKaafiwialandKcoimnBnieatiM. Tbc fiilhops are there enjoyn'd 10 repairiheirCbarchei
i'. their own Charge,and to prefer a Petition to tbc Prince,for tbe Reparation of others,andfor their

Oxaameocs. He likewile made Laws for tbc p unifhmem of Mardeceri^ and foe tbc regiilating

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A ISleip Ecckfiajikid Hi/kry
vi xMarriage-SolcmDhics. This Aflwnbly was bdd under ifWff«» Archbif?iop of TJr^ ttid Cut Ardr
bifliop of Cmttryury.
bdo Arch- Tne Utter made about that time, of Admoflitioa oc
certain Ecclefiaftical Conftiniiioos, .bj way
bifh«p of Inltrudion, in which he recommends, i That the Churdi (hodtd be leftin the peaceibte EBjoymcai

Cantcrbu- of its Priviledges and Immuniiics, and that tie Taxes Oiould bclaui on the Revenues belonging to
'y* it. X. HeadiDoaiOiMjibeKifttaiMltbePuncestoobey tbcAichbitbop^
to oppreA no Afifi * to tttaumfter |dUcfcte all » to puaiA CdtolBilft; and le idiefed* foar wiili
their Alms. 3. He orders ti c Bifhopi 10 lead an Exemplary Life j to vuir their Dtocclles once eve-

ry year ; to preach iIk Truth boldly to Kingi aod Princes > to Exeommanicate aooe without jutt;
eroands* and to Ibew to All the vnj Salvation. m
4. He enjoy ns die Priefb like nunner to five m
Cifa:mrpcLlfy, and to wear Habits confbronable to their Order, s He gives tbe lame Adiat»-
nitton to aJi the Clergy. 6. He exhoru the Monks to perform their Vows, and forbids ihtm 10
turn Vagaboddi cooieatii^ tBemfelves only with wearing tbe Habit of Monks, without leading «
Life conlbtiant toibcir PromTton: He recommends to thftn working with rbeirown Hands, reading

and prayer. 7. He prohibits fnceftaotuMarriages with Nuns , or near Relations. B. He rccom-

iMtitt Peace and Union, 9. He Cfljoym the Obfervstioo of the Solemn Fafts of Lent ; of the Em-
hfr^^rc\t, of fPliJfufdajf and Fridtji and tbe Celebration of Divine Service on Sundiyi^wd FeffivdJs.
Lattly, He recommends tbe payment of Tytbes. Tbetcisalfoa PaAoral Leiier wnuca by thi«
Arcbbifhop, and direded co bis Saffragaos, which is related by Wiiitan of MalmsbuTj.

An ^cm- E^ffiuBfll being kilfd inihe year 94^, hi? Brother EiW took poflc/iion of rhe i hrone. We have
Uyif i,Q Laws enabled by this Prince, only the Charter at a conlidcr»blc Donanoo ludide by bitn to the
flops at Turk^ettilus, who had been formerly Chancellor of ibc Kingdom,
Monaftery of Croa^md, 10 ftvoor of
done in anAi&mbty ofBiAg|ii aad Lwdi kddai Utf
A & m8' '
itnbe year (^48.

of Slnd, which bappen'd b 95$ Bdmin the Son of Edmund was proclainrd King,
After tbe death
but fomctimc after, part of £ii^/«ii^ Revolting, Bdgtr the Brother of Edmitt got a lhare oi his Oi-
ininions, and upon his Brother's Death, obcain'd the Ible PoOefCoo of tbe wboTe Kingdom. Tliit
Friflce being more Religious than his Predeceflbrs, entirely re-eftablilh'd the Paiiiy uf DJciphnc ui
ikeCborcfaof £iig/4iid; aod brought the Mooaftical Cottrfe of Life imoHepote, by (he Advice of
S. bunHun, mho may be call'd tbe Reftorerof tbeEcde&ftical Difciplkie B^UiuL n
This Saint was born in the Coi:ntry of the iVtil-Saxons, in the Hrft year of Ki.'ig Et}:>c!Il4nt
^' 1 ;,T
1 Reign A. C. 933. He eocer'd into Holy Ordcn very young, aod after havii^ compleatcd his Sta-
o/CiQtct '^^^^^ iiude applicatJoQ to iftMb ArcfeibidMpcfC<M«cr^Mi7, wbo iocrodiMrd hku into the frtbaavt
||iry, King Etbrlflan Afrcrward having fill'n intoftnic diTprace at Ccarr, he rctird to ^feg Bi&opof

iVimheStr, whoadvis'd him to embrace tiie MotiafUcai Life, which he accorditiigly did, and coo-
titaed 10 UtRerifeoMiie'tilltke R^of
KJag Edlnimrf , when be «it mHnd to Gowt hj Hut
Prince He did nnt remain long there, without hrinp cbnoxirns ro the Envy and Hmed of Icvcral

ferfoRS. who mi(reprefented him to the King; infomucb that be was obligVl to retire to his Solitude
of 6/«0Mm7, #bmbeiook up his Abode; ahbo' be was reftorM to tbe Fatoar of Kfng Bi/lum^
whomd sl .vsy? J preat refpcdi for him ; granted rnnfrJerable Revenues to his Monaftery, and con-
itiotl'd to follow his Counfeis, not only in the management of Civil ASairs, but alluOf Ecdelialticar.
He vh» no left efteent'dky King Eirfd, who detrrmin'd to nominate him to the Bifhoprick of fVttt-
chr^ffr; hm FJiPiH bsving recciv'd a fcverc Reprimand for his Irregularities frt in this AMv r ha-

nilhdhtm, and pillaged his Monaftery. However, King E^^j^dr rccalfd him immediately alter hit
Acceflioo 10 tbeGrown, and made him not only Bifliop of H^nchetfer, but alio conferr'd 00 bin
. the Governmfnt of rhe Church of l.vndcrt. At laft the ArchhifTi'^.prirk of Cantirlury hfh^ vacant
in tbe year 901. by the death uiOdo Eipsn Bi(hopo{ H'mchester^ who was appointed 10 luppljr

place, dying in a Journey be made over tbe Alfi to Home, to fetch tbe Pall i and Berltielim,vtho

was fubftitnted in his room, having refus'd to accept that Dignity, DunBan was Inveited with it x
few days after, and went to l^rmt to receive the Pall. At bis return, be apply'd bimfelf altogether
to tbe Reformation of the Clergy of Eag^/aW, and took*upoA him to Expel all tbofe who icfoa^d jM
lead a Regniar Courfeof Life^ and ro Reftore tbe Monks to iheir former Siatkxi.
Tbil Snot bad for bii Pdlow Laboorets and Imitator* df bis Zeal, Bibelmcld fiilLop of PTiw
(heder, and Ofmafd Bifhop of iVorceller, who founded a great number of Monafleries, and io6k
tavtch pains to Reforming tbe Clergy, aod £sttrpaiiogtbe Vicetthat were predominant in EmglgnJ.
Tbe former dyed in tbe year 984. before $. Dmilftm, who forettrid bis approaching Death, as well
, ibat r f the fiiOtop of Heehekert in a Vi!-r >v 1 : fi ihofc two Prelates made hrm bur tbe latter did

Dot dye till after tba Arcbbil]io|iL vi:^. in tbe year 991. As for S. DnnRan, he furviv'd King BJgv,

wbo dy*d in 97 5. and namiaiDd tbe Ri^ of tbe young Prince Eimind, agaiaft tbe l^irnfinns of
Alfride, who cndcavour'd to transfer the Crown to ber Son F.ihcjfredi bat £^r4r(/ being AfT-d'nated
Three years after by the Treachery of that Queen, Dmilsm was conftraiocd to Crown EtLel/red,
aod foretold the Calamideidiatffloaldbefiill Enttrntd, and ibe FaDiiiy of this young Prittce, as «
Ptinilhment for his Crkncv and Aax of bii ftkcSer. At lift S. DkuRm dy*d laden with jfran and
bonour yt. C. 96 B.
In his time, and apparently by ha Diretffion, King Bdgtr io 9^7. rot only publiflrdllawt like to
thofc of his PredeccfTurs. for tbeprcfervation of the Revenues of the Church ; for tbe Payment of

Tyibe^ and St. Pcter'i Pence » sati for the Solemn Obtcr nations 6f Satdiyt aod Fettivals i but alio

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of the Tenth Century of Chrijlianity^ 6^
JiverJ Ecdefiaftical Cor<fti;urions, tcUting lo the Manners anr! Fundions of Clergy- meil ; to the
Ci.-Icbraiion oi tbc M«ls s tu tkcConfcilion ind Pentiance^ liiat ougbc to be tmpos'4 oa. cbole wbo
commit Sin, &c. may fervc as a kitid of Ruual for cbe je of CuiatBl. It
Indeed tbefe Canons U
il were madf in rhr- yf ji- 767. by King £ /j-jr but cfais does nut a;->j^ctr to be
affirm'd rhir rhcy ;

altogether UTtaio , and pcriiaps ihcy arc oi a later lUtc. l uc Uiltourfc which tbis Krng nude to »

Dm^M Afcbbidiop of Cantertury^ind to Ofwaldkad Ethelwtli fiifliopi of M'orctHcrtnd WineheScr,

is trucb mare certain. He there inveighs againft the Irregularities and Oiforders of thcClcrgy, and
patbeticalty Exhorts tbole fiifliops to joyn their Auihuri:y with His, to reprefi their lafoleoce i and to
oblige them to apply the £cde6a(tical Rcveones to the Relief of tbePoor,for t^ bicb Ule they were
defign'd. To the end that this Order might be pat in Execatica, be granted a CaauDiliioo to tbole^
three Prelates to take the Matter in band, and gave them power to turn oat of tbe Cburcbet fitdi
Clergy-men as liv'd diflbluiely, and to Subhitutc others in their roum.
By f irtue of ^
\n\m8tissi, & Dw»^4» held « General Condi ^l. C. 973. in wjiicb heordaio'd Atenerd
that ad the Prteftt, Deacons and Sobdeaconf, who would not Tead a fober Life, llkwbl be Evpeird ^tmr/if
ihcir Chiirclirs, and caus'd a Dc^rLC ru be made, 10 oblige thcni t Fm'irav i Rcguhr and Muna- Eflg'ind

ftick Couric of Lite^or to Retire. And accordingly ,tbeie three fijihops iiua d the old Clergy-ipcn oiu'"
of mo t part uf the Churches, and put Monks in tticir place, or eUe ferifd them to affime the Mo-^
nUillcal Hil>it.
S. DiUiitan did not only iliew bis Coaftaoqr and Zeal, with refpetflio the Clergy, bat alio
at jseafoui in treating^ Kings and Princes : For be fltarply teproT*d King Bdj^ar for abtiHng a
youcg Maid whtMn he dad (ent d r out of a MonaAcry, and impos'd on him 1 PLonancc of Seven
years.. A certain very potent Earl having nurried one of bis near Ktni women, be ExcomiQuxticatcd
nbtti and refiis'd to take off the Ezcommunicatkia, ahbo' tbe King had commanded bim, and tbo
Eai 1 bad obuin'd a firicf of the Pope for bn RcAorarion. S. Dunflan being iafoi m'd of it, re-
ply'd, That ht g>m readj to obey tht Pvpt'sCommiMdit frovided the Perjan bad re*Oj> repented of hit Of-
fence » but tbjc he areuld notfujfer bimta ferf^ imUtin, nor without fiibmittiKg to the Difcipltm tf
tbe Church to tnfu.t over the PreUtn, an J, ui it were, to triumph ht; Cr/n- m
At laft, the Earl be-
ing roov'd with bis Conitaocy, and the fear of tbulc PaniQimcots wtiich the Divine Vengeance utof.
clly iniii^ upon Excommanicatcd Pci Ions, left his Kinfwoooan, did Poblick Penance, and threw /f Cnmnl
hinfclf l!. n prnthaie before S- Dimjlan inaConnci! barcfooT, cloath'd ivith » Woollen Garment} unyrr 5.

boiding a Bundle oi Rods in bis Hand, and lamcming h\% Sio, fruni u hi..b S. Dumitan gaTC him Dundan
Abluluttoo, at tbe rcqueft of tbe Bi/hops of the Cbuocii. and King
The Reformation of tbe Clergy cannot be carried on without great Oppofliion, nor witbonr crra- Edg^.
ting many Male-contents, infomuvb that in King Edg4r'% Life time , the Clcrgy-tneu depriv'd of
tbeir Benefices, ufed their utmoft Efforts to recover tbem ; and having made a Complaint in an
^ Cmsdt
Afleaably held at H^tub^er, in tbe b^inoiog of tbe year 97s. tbey pitfail'd upon tbe King, by Witi-
tbeir Encreatwi and tbe Promifes tbey made to lead a more regular Courfe of Life fot tbe future : cheftcr
Bot as they were about making a Decree for their Ref^oration, on Condition they Aonld live more ilX>975«
legalarly, « Voice was beard coming as it were from the Crucifix, wbicb {voooaoc'd tbele words,
Itwiitutnnnasctmit, ycuhave psft'dm juftSntemce, mdym miM it it m «//tr jtour Dtctfient.
However, after cbe death of King Edgar ihcfe Clergy men renewed their Inllatjccs, and cvenoffer'd
fiwoe to drive tbe Monks ixit only from their Places, but alio out of tbe Mooalteries wbicb were.
kMTylbandfd But S. 'DimlfM always laabMiaM fail Refennatioa. ^bkb plwaifd ni'tbe moft part *

of the Ch'M. ivi Moiiaff cries of England, under the Reigns of E^ff-rfri/ and Ethtlred.
;. ;

&DunltoH and S. Ethefmald did not only take pains to Reform the EcclefialUcai Difdplioe ia
Bugltmi, bat atlb in reviving tbe &ady of the Liberal Sciences, and even tbey tfaemlelm aHqNMTd
fome Works. A modern Enghfh writer, call'd Pits, lays that S. D//n.f?<iT rnmpirdoenain Forma
of Arcbiepifcopal Bcncdidiionsi afmallTradk on tbe Rule ot S. Btmdicl i a Book call'd, ^lesfw

ibe Mtnaittcal Life i feveral Writings a gainft Vicious Prieits i a Treatilc of tbe Eacbvift; anotfaer
ofTythes; a Book of Occult Phibfopby ; aTraiiforthc Inftrucliun of the Clergy, and fome Let-
ters. And indeed, we cannot be certainly atliu'd upon the Credit uf this Writer, wbctber S.Duif
were really the Author of ihefe Works, ahich are no longer exunt ; but we find « Coormp*
dance or Rule r th' Moraflick Lifi-, and under the Nameof FJ^^ar fci forth by ^inrrui, which

is apparenily a Picec of S. D ^k.Qm, as '.vdl as the other Conftitutiuns uf that Prince, and there is

extant a Letter written by him to ^ulfin BKhop of r forcefiery wbicb Father M«^j7/m« publilli'd fron
a 'Manufcript of Monlictjr Fd.vit-, D<)?>or of tbeFiLuIiy of Psri. The Liff cf S Dunflsn was
written by Osborn Cb.iuntcr ot' il.e Cathedral Cburctof Canterbury, who was CotJicmporary wuh '

ibttSainc, and is fottnd in ihe Fil.h £L"^:^>iiJ/n<r Century of Father Mkfcim. c Fhl
If we tnay give fat dier Credit to Pits, S. Etbelir4id^w like maftner fiotapoi'd feveral Tra«2s, ^'^jj^fl
of which he gives us this following Catalogue : A Book dedicated 10 Pope XIV. concerning^ win-
tbe Authority of the Bilhops over tbeir PricAs ; a Trcatife againft tbofe Priefts who commit Forai- jipflffT
cattbii, and againtt their Concubines i another of tbe Abbots of Lt»di(fsmi another of tbe KingiL-
RiniFdpmt, and Biflmpitcks of e>r?/4»<j i aHiftoryof tbe Kings of Gre^BriVdin; a Narrative of.
his Vifititions i a Trcatife of thePlanets and Climates vS [iic Wi):M ihc Treatile of the .Ablxits of

LinJ^am, which this Autlibraicribaies 10 S. Etbeiwsld, is apparently a piece coiiipos'd in .Vcrie bf

AMbM^ « Manic of tbat Abibef. Tbe ote Work* irt ao longer £xtant,and perhaps getif wcreh,
bat calf k Pit/* tnu^ioaiiDft.
K The

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(6 A Nei}; Eccleftajlical Htjiory
Alfnc or The
Writers of Ecdcfiafikal Hiftory are not agreed iboot the imtnediatc Succeflbr of S. Dunjfan
^'^^'l 10 ibe Archbifliopruric oi Canterburj: Some give bim ibe Name of Siridmy aod ocbccs of Ai/rte
or jE!fric : bowever , it is ceriain (hat tbelaiicr walArcbbilhop of CMr«r^«)7 io the begtooing of
f*"^ following Centary, in regard rbir he figr d in thjr Qpaliiy a Fri?iledge granted by King£/Ae/-
rtd ; He wasaFuDil of S. Uiheiiraid,
iuccccdcd bitn in the Monattery of Akmgtan i was aticrwird
maie Mk» tf M^huiyby King FJfrtr, then Biibopof fome Cburcb b
Bngldnd, about wbidb
/irbor^ arr not agreedand at Is!*, being advanc'd ro rhrMerropolirzn S"f
j m
CtMtrlmTj, he go-
Vcrri'd clue Cburch ciH about ibc jfar I CQ^. This AuhbuTiop in (ime was io great rcputaiioa
fur bis profound Skill in the Sdenves of Grammar and Divinity, infomacbthacbe wasSurnam'dnv
Gramrvnru-sr,. Hi? Scrmnns were tranflated ini'j ihf Jj-v n TungaL-, in order tribe read publickly
in tbc Churches , and Lu Letters were inferted in ibc iyDod»L*l iiooks oi ibc Churtii ol England,
The Bfvliflt Writers aifure us, that ihcir Libraries were full of a great number of Works of tbii
Arcbbifhiop, written in tbe Saxon Torgae, and tbe^ have lately publift'd fome of tbem traaflaicd
into L^in, vi^. A Patchat Homily ol tbe Body and Blood of Jejm Cbrtft in which be dilcuiuicf

mticb after tbe lame manner as t{atTsmnm<x Bmrtm, and two Letters, ooe lo fVulfin fiifliop oC
S4lihttrjt and tbe other to IVutfian Arcbbilbcm of 7«ri^oo the fame Subjed, which were printed at
Lemlm in i j66, i6ii, and 1638. In the Body of tbe Councils is comain'd a Canonical Letter
of ^l/riCj direded to Wulfin, which is a kind of Ritual for the ufe of tbe Priells. Tbe priodpal
ManolcriM Tieati^ of this Autbcr, compos'd in the i4xm Tongue, are ao HiAoi| of the Old ind
New TdlanieM dtt die Taking of Jerufalemi • Fenhcnriai i Eighty Semom ; 1 Letter coocern-
ing tbe Monaftical Life ; another againl^ tbe Marriage of Clergy-men ; a S^Ariw Chronicle of ihc
Church of Cgmerhoy ; certaio iJaa pf ib* Saiat^ and Vcrfioos of Ibme X,4t»s Worl(» » apdig 9^
AmtbelXRlogiieor SLG^vnry.
Sotneiiiiic bcfrir; FriJegod, a Monk of ^.Saviour tt Csntrrlury, wrote in Vcrfc, at tbe rtquc/l

^ ^
^''^ °^ ^ fyilfrfd %nd of S. Omen Archbilhop of wa
^MiltfAm b
the frft Mn
1 former piWifli'd by H-
of the Tbin] and Fourth BntHaim Cbmiiki. WStitm of Mimi^
^jir^obferTCS, thar thefe Verfe^ arc not altogctbcr cnnremptihle, fa^tll^FfwdigprfiqMfpilKl^iqir
ny GrMil: words and fkafit wbif;t> render tbem ooiucUigibk.
Infrid At the(anietiipel'«l^^, • Monk oflVSrae&Qlf er, wrote the Life of SI ApIiImi tftd « |Uta||bi|
and Wul- of the Miracles that happcn'd at his Tranflatinn and after him fVnlfi*n, Monk of tbe igfftf J^H/^

ihn Mmkt naftery, compos'd in Verle tbe HKtory of that Trantlatioo, aad the Lifie of & BfbfUKid.
ffWin- TbuswebaTejivenan AMomiof alivoftaUchenofkniiHfW


Oifirvaims m tbe Ealefiajlicd Affairs of tin Tenth


Cmtrwer- f '^HERfi we^^e no CootroTerfics in the Tenth Age of tbeChoKb. reiaqM 19 Artjcki
fiei about I cf Faith, orDoftrinal h>ints of Divinity, by reakxi that thetc woe m
Heretfcks, par
Do^rhal other Inquifiure Perlons, who rcfin'd upon MttTcri of Religion, or undenook to dive
Foints. into tbe bottom of its Myftcries. The Sober Party cooteoted ihemielves only to yield-
fal^ «ii inplicite Faith to whatever the Ciiafcb*Bien tboagbt fir to deliver from the Pelpit ; and the
Wtrfligaie Wretches, abandon'd thcmfelres to grnfs S^nfuilirks, which gave Saiisfaaion fo rhcir
braitHb Appetites, rather than to the Vices of the Mind, 10 which oaly ingroious Pcr^ni jire liable.
Therefore in fhis Age of Oarki^fi koAlgfUnuoe, ibeQmrcb not being diifiurb'd upon tuaaa$ xHt
its Dodnnca, had JWKluog! iodolmiif>|iuaftapic»ilie fimnDmes of Piftipiing apd Man^
Cf$kfMih Tbos were oeverthelefs in Bt^lMtid fome Qergy 'men, who Bread and
pofitively aff rm'd that tbe
titf^M Witjc on rhe Alrar rctain'd the very fame Snbftarjcc after ConCecrarton, and thar they wrre nnJy 'be
Reprc&ntauon of the Body aqd Blood of Jefm Qbrili, and not bis Real Body atui Elood. Odp
Archbifhopof Cdnrrr^Nr; being defirous to oppole tSis Opinion, pray 'd to Qod one day, as he was
Celebrating fAtti folemoly, in the preiience of a multitude of PMple, to Ihew the very Subf^aace of
thele Myfteriet ; which happen'd 01 the breaking of the Coofecraied Bread^ out of which ( as its
reponed) iflited forth feveral Drpps of Blood ; which Mirade bein| f«en by bit Ciergy, apd by
ibofewho do^Mflf tbeRmt^ie^MBof tlie99d| of grfmi^k^ ia ifte Mwiitt^iherAfj^icd
their Error,


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of tbe Tenth Century ofChi/iiomty.
Tbns Oihorn, a Writer of tKofc dme*. relates the Ma :tcr
Life of that Sain:.
in the The fime Of th<: En
Autbur in ibc Life of S. DumJIm lays, that tbac Saiot rciurning to the Altar, cbaogd tbe i^read aad ^^""J^-
Wiof into our Savioar s Body and Blood, by tbe Prayer of Coa(ecr«noo ; bac whed be fcad givcii
the BenedivttioD to the People, be the Altar a fccond time tu preach, and that being altogether

fraolpuricii with the Divioe ddcour d af^er iucb a paihciical ouaaer concerning tbe Real
Spirit, tic
ftfcfcnce of ibe Bo4y of 9'fi>' of tbe Fiuute RefurreCUon, ind of
Cbrtjl, Eienil, dMC doe
ifVOuld bave tboagbt that « glorified Saint was then fpeaking.
Hftberius fiilhop oiVtrons ttiiiymaintains tbe fame Opinion in one of his Letters i aod Fuleuia
of i.plnft in diicoutling of ibe Eo^bariitical Tfibie, lay$, That tt h tbe Tabti mmUcbthi
atd ftadi of our Lord m cenfumd. ThLl'e Author? exprefs ibcmfclvcs after the fame manner as Paf-
ci)4/j|« J^^cr/Mf I ocvcribckii this did uuc biiidci fuuie others, wbo liv'd iti the end of tbe fame *

Cetituty, to take ppcf with ^trAmnm, to make ule of bis Expre/Hons, and to uppufc cbofc of Pi^-
d^iltt. Tbis ii fpp^reniJy d(M)c b>' Aifric ^rcbbidiop of dnterbury, and Herigtr Abbot of Lebet,
fltho' ibey do aot impffgo ibe Rjea^ Pricf<;nce, as wc have made it appear in the preceding Century.
Tfaeie are aU tbe ivipfrl^^bk CircqiDllaaces u rbe Tcitih Ceiitury, relating to Poian of OodfiHt
Ibr tbe £rroar of ihs Amtbrfanmplnttscot^WKd by Hatbetiiu in one of bis Sertnons, was peculiar
19 oernis Clergy-naeo of Itsfy, sad ibo& q£ the Grtekift nientiun'd by Pope Farmefus Jo one of bis •

I^ctfCfS toF«/cHr,are ancient, and not moderq iferefifi. We refd in a Chronicle of tbe Abbey of
^t^t that PariitM Abbot of (Uc Mou^enr^ jvtlKyc^^Sf.coofuied one^^^«4 wbofave
k flqr, fbit boili Mm $oql and ^ody pedfliaa^ 'imk > bm k is not known whether ibii Error eoo-
lioQ'dloog, neithpf is there toy of DurM^'f Piec^ now extant. THeG)otcfls tbac arofe about
bS f >)i4Hy or tiv^iiy of Prdf n«|iqQ JBidp by jlofnder^ were foqn iiic^cd. Some Perfoos were
qf Opipipa , thfK one might fc^St oo Frkhiyi, out their loi^atjoa was not of long conti-
qitfnce. Upoa tbe whole, there wf$ no CounciJ b^id in this (^cniuiy that cither debated, or
nude aoy Dedfioos with refpetfl toaoy Poiotof Dodr ioe^ wiiic^ f^^h (berc was no Error
in M P Itriw <if ft^ftmfmvH^ llW. mdc a^r P^orbaooe in Gbufcb.
W ^
Howfoever enonpoas tbe Irregularities of the Pof^ might be ac [bar time nevertbelefs a great ^/ ,

4fliaf IUfpf<5k W4» ftewn \P Um

A^UwrW. W»J »hc Cbrij^iani di/Mng*ifl»ipji according to
- iimfiUnf* RmiIe.
^tktf $eft from ihP ferpaa (jf wl^ PoQpe^d it, |Md «* aincb veoeradoa
fur tb<^ Dignity qf the Qoe, 9s y version to the ^^trair^igancies of the others; anfi upon this account
ttUfy yielded QM'mm fo ^^Wg^fW iA¥>h V4 I^it and M^ful Ordinances, proceeding from
fhr Aothoriiy of the Holy $efr llf) AfifNV'd ih? i^pri^ of tbe Popes, which iotreocb'd opo*
the Liberty of the Churches and the Joiiei^ti^ gt the M*ons. This may be obierv'd in the coo*
dw^ of tbe Biihop of Gtm4ivi, .^ttd m tbe Letters tbey wroiejcom^roiog tbe Ercdions of fiiHiop-
ridv* which die Pope auctnpud to make in l^oravtg, to the piejiidice of their Rights i in that of
ihr Bi^hupiof France aifcmbled in a Council at i^^'i^M againll Arnulfhui ; in tbe Diicourfe ma^e
bf the Bithup of OrUfinee \a that Coaocii i and m the Juj^g/i^qjt t^v pA^i'd with te/ped to tbe Le-
.tlW AtteartpiLwho prefam'dro Confacr«Ge p Cb|ityb ypft"t Ordinary. Neither ^^ *

wet e the BiOT** °^ ^'^ff of a different Opiniqa, ai ^pfffrs from their DepoGpg of Pope John
XlL S. Dtmftan Ihew'd the (ame Re^i^ion io RjeA#)g to Ablblve a Pcrfon. alibo' the Pope h«d
cxprcfly cnjoyo'd him todoiij mdlbf like contlai^ is oblerTablein /{tfridrrii/i, who did not think
himklf pblig'd to obey the Order of a Pope, ivbp ^boat to dejprivc him of the Difpofal of the
Ecclefiaftigal Rcfenaetof his Dioqels. However, Adbigoiikeni Titles were giveq to tbe Popes, and
fbeir Primacy tod JuriUit^o was ^p^nowledg'd : Tbey bad not at. vet alTum'd the Right of Or-
. daining BiAoflor Metropolitaps i fay SfalmX- an4 fuphqiWUl. fSjU^ pw^'d, tbu it did not
belong to ihemj bot they granted tbtfiall, not only- to Archbi|^(V% hoi atlb to Rveial Bifliops,
Whicb Pradlice Fulejuti or Fulca Arcbbiibop of RLi'm ccnfurcs asan Abufe, which fuliifd the Splen-
.ftar of the Hierarchicai Order. Jbey.ireredeliroas, tinyiihe Ar(:h^flK>ps Ihould co^c in Perfooi

$tm CO fccctfftftbe Ml, wlkb «ii afiully d^A* ^y the A.rchbi(bops of Bpgl^nd and GeniMX^;
•hit not by ibt^e of France.
^M'&t VdF* lilKwU« nad 10 An^iA^p^icks and BiSinpricki , and there were
*ftwtr4lfis«mplcsfBdwClpnVf of iMit famof Eivadkiona ; uMj^ddurg, Menhurg, Faffaw, Ft^t-
tentia Sic. They alfo alfum'd to tbenjfcJKs a Power to Judge Bilhops primarily, according to the
piredion of tix DtctatU, and «J%i|n'd a Bfigbt fo Summon them |o But it does not appear :

HmttheBidnpaof Fhaieram tctepvlcdg^d that Right ; 00 the contrary, tbey follow'd the anci-
ent Cttftom which makes the BiOiops lubjed: to tbe Judgment of the Provincial Councils, and to
prevent the bringing aoy Appeals to M«aie, tbey ob^ig'd the acculcd Perfons to in^ke choice of their
'\mm Jodgea, as it happeo'd in the Alair oS ArmUfhut.
Jebn IX. own'd that the Popes might be iniltaken, and that their Judgments tnigbt be revcrs'd :
That ftey ought to be cbofcn by the Bttbops of Italjiy and the Qcrgy and People of ^wie, with
•tbe Emiperor's conient, and in the prefe^ioeof bis Deputies; as it was ordain'd in the Council of
Kf:^^ held under tbe fame Jehn IX. Otho and bis Succcflbrs bad the plenary Injbyment of that
flight, and the Eledion of tbe Po|Wld<^ndedon tbofeEmperprs. Odaviam was tbe iirft of ibc
ifopes who cbang'd hiaName u(mki»KlfiSkkm,4ftw)liithhe was imitated io the fame Century' by
(tengory V. and SylveHer \\. Neither w«fc the Popetaa fcc ahfolnie Sovereigns ia ihepnr of ^tmh
-4tttbe bMiiaping of this Ccoiufy tbe MffWu aojoy ^ *o m>parvc<f of Uberty.iwderihe GofemmeBt
<i^i W i^OgM«SwiiWri i »fc aitMi|lwi>i^
ipi -
-is* littti

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6S A Hen? Ecclifiajlkd JUijiGify
Cf tht tors j caus'ii (be Honsunj to take an Oath of Allegiance to tbcm ; and treated as Rebeb tbofe who
rtft sAu- rcvoliad agaioit (hem; &u
ibe Po|>eslMd the Demeihsof a great ownberof Towns ia Uslyyitixit
*b9fitj» timegmnd by King Fi;fM^«ttd nlierwardt ecmfirm*^ TbeVriimaftbofeTiaRi*
*^"V^ particularly ^tbtriui , ifMw , Gerhtrt , and fomc otben complain'd »ciy miicb that under fome ,

Popes a ihamdfol TralBck was made ac ^gm of tbe moft Sacred Tbiog$,and tbat every tiling there
was to be purdias'd fcr Money. We alb leadL tbat the Popes were m'd to gram Indolgeooei
to ibofc Perluos who made a Journey to ttgmi aad k b fdind IBlhe life of & Vkk, dw die
fcot him back laden whb ladolgences.
SivtrMt Tfaere were few Cooodbbeld in tbis Century, and io tbe mft part of tbem tbe Decrees weie
I'vnts of concerning Tytbei ; a^ainft (h« Ufurpcn of Cburcb Rcrcnne* ; againft Churcb-rncn who keep
i>ijiijlinc. Concubines i and againit Marriages among near Kclatioos. To which pui(xjle ibe Degrees oi Con-
fangninity ere a'iemled m
ibe xveoth^ in wbkhit was forbkidca to contradl Marriage, and bpi-
ritoal Affinity took place at well in tbe Eaftcfn as tbe Weftem Cburcbes : Sucb Perfoos as aAied
wilt) Cbcfe IfnpedtQCtia were divorc'd witboot reditft, oettber were any DifpenfiuioBs granted to
Kiogi aad Mmbm* ic iFFift to ilK Cifeof Ki^l Jl^lir*^ «ad dM •
Founb Marriages were abfoltitely proUbited itf tbe Eaftcnt, b« not m <fae Veftero pariL Tbe
Bifliops were cboten by tbe Cleny and People but cbe Princcr would not fafl^r tbe £>edion to be

made without their cooftnc. ibit Invettiiures of tbe ArcbbiflKM, and BiflMricfcs, were graaned la
OfAtt by Popelo VIL ind weicglwu widttbeRing and Staff. Tbe TnollRioiy of BMkm
became very frequent, and Coadjutors began to be joyn'd with them, with Aflurance of Succeed-
ing tbem. Thus Vthe Bilbop of Str4$bmrg had AretimksUm for bis Coadjnior j bot tbis prt/Stkc
was ooadeain'd by the fiilbops —
of Ci ii y. witb ffcfbeft to ifiWhw^ whom %>XHrityk wIo UmK
had cfaofen him for bis Coad|Mor, and ^Gngfis^V. triAfdj^WlhBBilhQpfirriyiafWier* Wto
in like manner bad ordaio'4 ins Nepbew. ^
TUsGcMwy is tbe firft^ in whicbfc iitMbv^ltW AdbUovi^^
to get the pofTeifion of ferenl Bifhopricks, and in wtiicb Bifliops were ordain*d at tbe Age of eigh-
teen years, as Pope Jchm XL John XII. aod tbe fiifhop of Jttfy i and cieded very young, as Ri^ib
of ytrmmdois, aod Jbtt^US. Flatriarcb of Cm fmi mfk. Maojr Biiops of Itsfy aod Gtrmmf
oblig'd their Canons to be Regular, and to live in comixKM: otben placed Monks in tbeir Cathe*
dralst aod even advaoc'd then to Dignities; and others oo tbe cootraryitum'd oaiirregalar Mo«k%
to fabftitute Secular Clerks fa dRir room; asdid J^as&irMakieaeof the Cburcbes ot bis Dicoei.
Tbe Ecdciiaftical Kevennes wtre nfnaf^ divided into fbiu- parts, and tbe Biftops afinm'd tbe fole
Adoiiniftration of them, biu m fbnae Churches other Clergy-oMn bad particaiar Revenues, whids
they enjoy'd iodepeodeotly of tbe BifliopL After tbe Daub of tbe BiAops tbe Reveauea of d»
Cburcb, and ibofe they lefr, wercofien cxpoi'd topiliage, ark it related by H4thtriM$, jitto, ami
, feveral other Writers. To prevent this Rapine, tbe Prioceor oetgbboarwg fiiflop eogag'd to uke
care of tbem. Tbe Lords were wont to fettle Priefts at their pleafare, in tbe Cowtfy Cburcbess
Benefices were often oooferr'doo onwonby PerigotS and fomiiiti Pierfoos were ^jknc'd to tbe
Epilcopal Dignity, witbont aay merit, aiid enlyotraeemMitaf Ack qiialiiy; an alwfe m«ch la-
ixiei^ by Hfthtrius and /Itto. Laftty. Ignorance was fo prcdooakliat in tbofe times tbat it was ,

aMbbiie^iieoefliuytoadmkFriciUof iiicaopartsiotbcSMatedFwidi However, tbe JK-

AopoMtivniU ID f«nier«kmiiioie capable, by Synodal feftradimSi by frequent Conftitacet
WUtknib'fAlOriginal of which may probably be referr'd to tbe Ninth Century) by Scboolk,
wfekhmtthepaitbe CaibedralCborcbesaod Mooafteries, aod by faraiOuog them with dims
fenlMflfSeniiomad ftdwuatlo fdy prepared. TbeBiflk>piM«iMrCtergy-inefl wti«of>
ten oblig'd to bear Arms, at /(jrArriw obferves, altbo* it be prohibited by the Canoni; an ihu fc
wbjcb wascommiacd both in tbe Eaftem and Weftem Parts. In rbe beginning of this Cenuinr,
sheMoab wtte rery ktcguiaf,and cba uMtofci were iii|rtl.askl podefrd byUicks,who«flhaVI
dwqnalityt^ Abbots; but after Matters were regulated, tie Monafttcal Difcipline was re eda-
blllrd, and Regular Abbots were conftitured ; nevertbelels tbe Bilbopi for a long time retain'd
Ibaw Abbeys as it were in CMwaiMi i the fame Abbor, or the fame Regular Clerk beld fetnal
Abbeys, which be caas'd to be govcm'd by-Co-Abbots or Pro-Abbots, or Sapcrioum. To wbidi
tkre may refer tbe Original of Conncgatioas. Divers Monks were advanc'd to the Epifcopacy,
pofletsM Dignities in the CaAcditl Charches aod , WM
wdifa'd Priefts under tbe Titia
of tbeir Mooaftery. Publick Pennance was ftillin ufe, bm very rarely pradii'ci. and the Canoni-
cal Dticipiine'was enervated by tbe RedemptiOD of Pennances which was then iniro«juc'd : The
R%oaraBdAnfletityof Faftiif. watiMfernKkaband. andAeOkl^gacioa ao ReoeiffvEheb*
crament was reduc'd to four times a year.
J(4/£tfrii<i forbad in his Diocefs the Gekbration of Marriagts on Sundays, and in the time of

Lent, altbo' the contrary Coftom had prevail'd. We find ntbit Century the firft Example of cbe
Beoedidkn of aBetti fbriherekiioaKagioaiDadeof AMaiaibe Ancbois of tbe precedmg A*
es, wbo bate tieated at large of Gacnoeia.' IMerMMtf dnbi bk Notts , on & Grep^
JsaaoKotary, two ancient Marufcripis wbfebprelcribetbe CeremoQies of this Bsncdkiiioa, boi it
ss imccnaki tbat tbey are OMceaocieat cbaii tbe TciitbCeKiirj. At tbat cbne alio they began to
iMkeataaanflf DMaetSerffk^ ifae(MoeofABlKi||BMa7» bkntatadfadie LifeofS.1^
OHtSikKwitfraaiiouylicfenrdiy, and ia ihi iiMiiiiiMiMi ofifci fijftory of tbe
tit, ibtt

Diyilizua by GoOgle
of the, Tenth Cchtiiiry of Chriftianity^
BMhopi of IMhi JMadai ii mUe
of a mfaCbilc whom Jlirws«rJiftoporilir d7.iiekinf> jtft»d
man of 0/&a ibe Great, m« in the Church, lying proHrate on the Ground, and fajtog rfje Office
of (be fikls'd Virgin. Pettr Damitm in tfae following Ccnmry , in like manoer makes nacntion of
t«D CMtt wbo were wont to recite ii every diy ; ana Pope Vrhsn II. ordato'd in ibe Cooncil of
Clirmonty that ibe Office of the Virgin M^r; fhould be ftid on Saturday. We nuy alfo obferve,
tbat the Cooncils and Bilbopiof thole Times pronounc'd Ecemal Aoatixmas, that u (o lay, perpe-
nial Exoommimtcattoni without hopes of Abfoludon agtinft the Ufivpot of Cboidi Revenocs, and
againft thofc (hat offer'd any Injury to Ecclefiaftical Perlbas. The manner of clearing tbofc that
were acculed of any Crioic by Fire or Water Ordeal, or by a Duel batween two Champiao^
was then in tife, and even Clergy-men were oblig*d to provide a Champion ; bot tbere unw cer-
tain Times when all Ads of Hofliliiy ceas'd, whicb were call'd Tbt Tract of God.
la this Century we find the firft Example of tfae Solemn Canooizatioa of a Saint by (be Pope.
Tbis Pope is 7«En« XV. wbo pUc'd S Vlrie io the Rank of tbe Saints in the year 99 5 at the re- .

queft of Uutllfbia Bifliop of A^sbwrg. We dull berefobjoyn tbe Ad

it lelf* whicb was drawn the Caw*

Bp on that occalioa : ^ohmBiJhof, Strv*m if tbt Serinaut ^

G«d^ t» tdt ArM/bepj, Bijhopi «ndKixat'm4
jUatt 4 France *JL Germany, Greeting, and the Apefioliedl Btmdiaion. Onang held mi Ajfemhh Smtf-
in tbe PaJdct 4 fiiv LtBCnui, m the Isft ddjf •/January, Jctnthttmcfi Holy Pop* fittings with tbe ii'
Jhipj, Pntfis, Ducm tmt Cltrgy ftsndir^, tbi$n6ft J(«i!«reWLiinolpbus, Btjfhop of Augsburg nj/^,
11^, fdid, M»ft Htty Bifhop, tf it mty pleffe you and the reft of the Reverend Eijbtps and
tti^bm fr^ni$^ tovvt tt4v*t$ nsd inywr mffHts, the Botk^ mbicb I bold ui mj bamd, eanurtf
hgthth^mUWrtOit «f 9. Ulrie, wU mm fimUme Kfhep ^ Angsbarg, f ^ mti *bat ym nufp
^ttrtntrdi urddim what you (kai thinks fit. Then the Life of tbat Saint being read, ibey proceed^
CO tbe Miraclci which were perform'd by or after bis Death, aa tbeic-
faim, either io btiLife-ttme,
floringof Sigbttt> lbs Blfodi tbe Bmtaiing of Derik oot of poOcfid BeHoM; ifteCteringof
ocben afflided with tbe Palfie, «nd feveral other Miracles which were not comtnitted to wriring
Jbefi tbingi being tbtu rtlattd, me have refolvd 4»d ordMind^ mith tbe cemmoit eti^entt tbat tbe Atfr-
JM17 ifS. Ulrk nigbt t« be bemur'd mith 0 fiem JlffwQimi Smts fateere Devotion, by reafeit tbat tre m
etU^d te betuur amdfhem Tefpe& to the Rilickf of tbe Martyrs 4nd Confefftrrs, in ordtr to Adore him
mufe hisrtjn^i^ Cmfejforj they are : fVe hmnir tbe Servant t, to the end tbat thu honour may redotmd
f§ tbe X.«r(^'"'9~ It is our pleeftne tbtrtfire tbat the Memory ef Ulric be Confeerated to tbe HoHmr
ef the iMtd^ and that it may ferve to etdekrati hi Praifis far ever. Then follows the Anathema a-
rfttbofewbo (hall ad any thing amtrary to this Decree, wicfa the Sals« of tbe Pope, of
Btibops, of nine Cardinal Priefts, and of foaae DeacOMk
This is tbe firft Solemn Bull of CanonizatkM i for tbe more ancieat Exanplei , which are pro*'
duc^d of tbe Caoooizatina of S.Smtbert by Pope Leo III. and tbat of & jbbo Martyr by Adrian I.
at the requeft of Offia King of tbe Mereiamt ia tbe end of the Eighth Ceotory, are only grounded
naSoBpafiiiiiaas Pkcct ; oay, ibe very NaoM of Caaoaiwtion in diac kofe. is yet mofc Modera
thutbaTentfa Centary, aaditfoBMloniyntheBanef FbpeilVx4Md^ horibe Canooivi-
doaof & AAMTi/tbe CoofeiTor, King of Bmland, in the year 1 161. in that of the Canonization
& Tkmtm ciCmttrtury fi^facyean after, aaa io tbe Letter of Vlrie £ilbi^f Cmfttuet 10 Ct^x-'
wmBL ia wMdkfcewwfcr iiie CbaiaJMiioB of BMIopCaiwat
lo the Primitive Charch tbe Name of Saint was given to all Cbriftians, in their life-lioiey
aod even after tbeir Deatfa^ when they dyed in tbe Commnatoa of tbe Ciwrcfa, hiTiqg prcletv'd
ifelBHBOHNiaf tfaevBapriftn, lima SMfepittieohr ic^efti^
iJhe annMnt of Religion, and were call'd Martyn of 9tpn Cbrifi i fo tbat tbe Evidence of^ the Mat-
ter of Fad* and tbe Teftimooy of the Faithful, caord thir Vcoeratioo to be paid 10 their Me*
'my, wUeh tbeir geoeroat Coaftaocjr lad merited ; nevctdhdefi, it belong'd to tbe BiAops and
Oergy to make a Catalogue of thofe who deierv'd that boooar, and to diltingaiOi the falfe Mar-
tyrs fromihe irae. Therefore S Cyprian m his Nioty feventh Letter admooilbes his Clergy to uke
careezadlyio-BaariE all tbe days of tbe Death of thole wbolafier'd MartyrdoB, to die eMi iNs
' tbeir Memory might be celebrated with the other Marryri. Optatut Milevitanus reproves LueiUai
for kilTuig every day, even before tbe Coonmunion, the Retick of a certain Perfon, who was Aid
tobeaMartyr, bMfntoocyctadowiriedg'dasfack b b reported tbat Pcpe C/fmea* I ap-
pointed (even Dcicom, and F«fo'«i« as many SubrDeacoos to commit tbe hGt% of tbe Martyrs to
wriiiiig i but this Matter of Fad being grounded only 00 tfae Authority of tbe Author of tfae Pon-
tifical Book, is of 00 great Confeqoence, and fo mnchlhenther, in regard tfaat we are informal
by the Popes Gelafint and Gregory, that tbefe Ads were not much valu'd by tfae Cburcb of H/mie
whicb was oootent only to have a Caulogoe of tbe Saints and Martyrs who were to be bonoarVf«
Tbe Conadls of Lsodices , Ctnhage, and BMra^ ordaio'd. that great care be taken to make a dm
diftiaftion banwaa tbetme and Ufe Manyn, and tbeEninpleof SLMarfaaof "XmKu and feve-
MlxidkrRefeNadBUbt^ vidw difiWaded tbe People from tbe Sa perftfeipot WoriMp of ftlla
Martyrs, apparoidy Ibews tbat it bekmgs to all the Bilbops to declare what Martyrs ought to ba'
ackaoiiJedif'd.aiid poblickly boooor'd. After ibe Martyn io proceft of time was likewile bo-
«ow\i, tbe Meaaory of Virgins, Aodnritea, Biflnps ttuamfd ftrtfaeb Saadity: and laftty, of
thofe Pcrfonj wbofc 6ogular Vernier were remarkable in their Life-time. Tbeir Names were in-
imed in the Dyftiekt, tbat were reciied ai the Altar, aod ibey were ftikd by the Name of tbe Sdints
mi aiefeJ, Ti i, etjloit ndffQ:

Digitized by Google
70 A Ner^ Ecdefiajlical Hijhry
lUC'tm' £?er| particular Cburcb w^s qu'd lo place in tiut rank, tbofe wbo fa^ pfPMgfttni ibi
tiy^'m of CbrWiin Religion, the fiifltopi, and ibol^ wbo N4 HvM in greac Repaiatioo fqr riteir SaoA^.
A^ri r,v4rJs were made Kalendars ai>() Martyrologies, of the Saints of fevcral particular Cburcbe^
wbicb were by little tod Jif tie fl^lpcn'd tbrqtfgboat tbc fai^ern and Wcl^ero ^ar{s. ^bvch
of i(4mf| asottei 'ba4d«ae« iii|aeiir«of one of thcw Ifartyroltgiet^ from -«r^i^ 44* eaaiparti
His, and afterwards took in that of Vfuardut ; but it doej not appear that before tbe Tenth Ccn*
ttiry> an; Solcipti Dccteci were fUMle at Hsmtt ur cUewbcre, fur tbe CaooaizatNiO of, Saints. la^
d«ed, -thliCQftottiw^iemifflyelUyiA^^ in tbe Eleveaib Ccnmryi, wben 44^^ffr4my
R^tlertus, S. PVihroa i Gtrar J B](hop of Toul
, , knd H^olfoMg 6i(bop of fyuibtm wc-rc CaqaMz'd
feveral Popes. In tbe Twelfth, Pfrn^ (^'/(^nd/^j was Caoanizd by Pope PsfebaiU. Camr4d
Ihop of Cot^Mt:(t Cdlixtm II. at tbe requeft of Virie Biihop of the fame place ; Hifgk Bifliop
of Grenoble, S.Sturmm Abboc of FultU, and the Emperor Iknry I. by Eugtniui III. But it it ob-
Icrvable, tbit thclc two lalt Papers declare that the Solemnity of Canunizaiion QUght lo be fcx-
furm'd rcj^ularly in a General Council, and yet tbcy do it by tbe Authority ^ fbc Cbwch ^
^ j^ome, with the Advice of tbe Arcbbiftiops and BiHiops, who were prefetit in that City.
V Diy-ing tbefe two Centuries, the MetrupolicaDs and Bitliops were not depriT'4 ftl the Right to
de(jbK as Sainu, (iscb Perlbosas died in tbe Reputation of Sandtjiy, and to ^tie iheir Bodies la
be expos'd to tbe Veneration of the Faithful : Bat Pope Alejftndtr lit ^r(t relien'd to bim/elf tbe
Canonization of Saints, as a Matter of great Coofeqaenc^, Immm
a(ter t^im Ul. ailan d ti^
Ihme Right ; iafboqi^ tlac we do tiot fc«d tbat tb^ |l(^pr lolenii;^ ((^cMiiz d any Saiata fiooB iMk
thne, altbo' there were fame wbo were generally te|«|^ li|cb a!n99g (be PeoplCr
The Infli- Jbe loftitution of the fevco Ele<£lQrs of the Eiaptfc s alio reffrr<4{P dtis Ceoituir, according 10
Tut ion of ihe general Opinion of tbe Germia Hiftorianii wlio v^ rote after ^be Reigo of Frt4iitk Hand wi»

j(ffirm that Pope Grti^ryV, «Rd ||iej|g(nperQr Ot^ IlL dcd^r'd, tvjtb ctf f4 ^be Fnam
f&fc^ tif GtruMHx, that the BletiiiQIiof toe Emperor Iboald belong, for ibe fop^ir, oo^ M iboib fieacB ^
. *'9'"*witJ|out allowing any Vote to the others: But the Original of this ^f^U is vety tnucb diipmed,
ttd is iiocgroanded 00 any Autbenuck Record* oe ti^ Teltui^ny f)f any Cootfoiporary WnoK
lodeed (bme, particularly JcrtUufs^hm givea it am,tb^t tbe R^^oiF (boofiag tbefiflniKfor has bda
peculiar to the leven £le(^ors ever Cmcc Cbarlemagtii ticne j aod this Opinion (eenutu be aintirm'd
bv the ^otbority 0/ fMffnmean lU who ackoowle^s* Uk ppw^r of E|e(^Ung (be Kfl^ ai|l£mpaiar
10 be laiierm fn tbelWciof m Cili|>(fe, 10 tb( Rigbt jof^Iy bdoogt , moree/peoaUy in rfr
^idthat ibit R^ht and Power is derived fo them frtyp tbe ApQitqbcal See, in ihc pc rfon ofdiioy
tmqph wbo trauferrd tbe Empire frooi ibeGffCMiit^u^ Tbtodtrio4mbm nkn iIm
IdHnripqwilietipe ABtfoOMT'dttKOaA aad mte-ckd IriBdel' «f
Grrmitsr tbe Authors of it. OiMifin-iwj main|||ia^^lliattbiintunber of Elei^rt was not fix'd till
after the Pcath of Fi-eieric^^ II. tba« before tbat tiflpe all tbe Princes of Gfm^iv were wopt to gif«
tbeirlSamgesfor thp Elet^ion of the Emperors > that ibe^ number ooc reftidnU m fmmt
that the name of Eleif^ors was then tinknown ; tbat alcbo' tbe precife timcof ibe Inftittlttoa am*
not be dcteiaaia'd, yet it ought to be fix'd between the yean il^o. and i x8o. and accordhig to all
appeuance. under the pontificate of Grtgerji X. which pcrb*^ gaveoocafioa to tbe generality «f
Aiuhoi-s to refer it to tbat of Gregory V. Jarjatus'% Opinion concfrn«ig the Antiquity of the leven
medort, is at prefeoi generally dtfdaim'd ; it being evident that CliMrlenugu'i Potterity obcaia'd
ibeiEmpire bylbi|M|ght of SuccciTiun, and by tbe Elediooof tbe Gtrwum, French and /m&m Pria*
csi and Noble men. After tbe Death of Lewm IV. the Son of 4ri^u(fh$it, the laft of Chrltma^m't
Race, Italy bccaoie (as we have already declar'dj a Prey to die Bntngin, toGt^, L4mhert,Ltm$»
Bofo, Hugh, iMbtirff l(4«ul, &c of whom fome aSeded tbe Title of Emperor, and even oamU
tbemfelves to be crownU In GcraMpi, Cmrsd, Henry the fowler, Otbt were cbofeo Kings by
tbe Stxont and Frtncb, as it ia related by Luitfraad and VfStkhMm, Writers, who flouriflt'd ac
that time. Tbe laft was alfo acknowledged and crowo'd Emperor when be bad fubdn'd Itdly : Hit
Soa aad Grapdiba obtaia'd the Inpecial Diadem by tbe R%bt of SaccefiSoo, and kf tbc filedioa
of tbe Princes, as well S^jravas Fremb aod it^itm, Tbmfife nil tbat time, ii caaooc be fatd »
tbat the ElcL^ ion of the Emperor was referv'd to tbe fcven EletSotti Now to kiKiw whahcr ita»
was e^e^^iedbv Pope Gi^|«r;V. oodcrO«b*UL we need only coqairc after what qaipner HiAnri*'
ami^teAeEle^iiaofUiSnadfijn 10 bmbc^ carried 09, dm
istolay, wbetfterfctacie paff
form'd by tbc fcven Elcf'iors, or indifferently by all tbe Germam Princes. Otho frifingtKfu affarea
MS, lhac after the Ukceaie of Otb« LU. Htmrj Duke of AsiMr/4 wai cbofett EoaBeror by aM she Nb>
bilky orLofdtof theiODdgoai: Jtmmhis ngm pkmrUmi aad lUt Avtar rpMBi alwff i|a
fame manner concerning the Eledlioa of Conrad, who fucceeded Henry But nothing more vMnlP

Ihewi to whom tbe Right of choofiog tbe Emperor bdoog'd, tbeo that wbicb baipto'd to dw riw
of tbe Emperor Henry tbe Fonrtb , whea Fope Gr^«7 the Sovcatb de^ou-arllefole Uai)
and caus'd I{odelfhus to be fubftituied in bis rooBi ; for he made application to all tbe Dokee,
Earls aod Bilhoptof tbe Gensup Empire, and Hgdoifiau was dtQkn by a P|ny of tbe Pj^iiMi
from tbe Ekfi«l% tinOM wIkhi W UUid thi Bilh«f»«f WiirMfaui flMl.-Mtf, iMMl'Ai
- ' . t

Digitized by Google
af the Tenth Century af Lhrijlianity , ^fi
Maimi when Vmrj Anher of nlw loipttial Xfaisae. and cams'ii r^iv inM-
the 'Fifth ^btnOflid his
\mM io*hciih(MoBii-in'Ui4lMd, •Ms^wu'dwe -hf ill dto ^bnurnxSiOmimuo iodi&rvatJjt, '"f'oa ^
«> k is related by Ot\yo fnfin^nfu^ and by ihi! Abbot of ^r^rgt. ±Mb»riuj the Second was .io fbe.fwB
Vkc muma daStxd £mperar'by the FrioGiKif theEmiie, at ibe ij^ttctntioa of the .^BohbiflMp of ^^^^'^^ ^
Mmt^- Vheo CmmI the Tbitd ww^ftpfteil; ehuiiutby I'lia^llttBiifarr offlriooee. «mI jllmr/ T^rf^*
of Bavaria with fomc Saxow Princes rcveri'd his filc(^oa, becaufc ibey were not prcfent, it wtai'^^'V^
rcquUtte tu call a general A0ianbiy of all'ihp firhnei, lin «fhiah<ibe Stxmt aiifted, .and gme sate
ftnt lohh Eledkm. After tbe dntb of Canni^ IMtridt Btrhmffk wae pradahn'd Emperor in
aD Allembly of all the Princes of Germtny, in which t^e Barons of Italy were alfo prefent. Ltftly,
In (he time of Pope ImtoctHt the Third, the Gtmum Princes being divided, after the Death of Hiif
ry tbe Sixth (bine of then eleAed hit Bcocher Ofci, atid oifaen 9hitif of ^etoeAni; on wUch oc-
cafion Letter? were written on both Hdes to the P ipc : The Eledlori of Qtho were tbe Archbilhop

of Cologn^ the Bilhop of PaJerharn, two other fiilliups, and two Abbots, the Duke of Lvrdim and.
Brabant, the Marqaefs of the Sacred EmptFe, and the Cooot of /O^iti ^bo declare in thefiodjof
ibe Letter , that ibey elcvfled Orho and conlirm their Proceedings by their refpciflire Seats.

Thofe of the contrary Party were the Archbilhops of MiJgeburg,Tner,ind liefancoHi tbeBifljopsof
Hdtmbon, Frifingtu, Augtburg, Confidnt:^, Eicbftadt, fVomu, Spire , Hilderpteim , and Brixttli the
Cbanccllour of tbe Emperial Coari, four Abbots, the King of Boljemit, the Dakes of Saxony, Ba-
varia, Aujlria and Miravia i the MarqoeCs of H^wr^trg, and other Potent Noble-men olGtrwuy,
wbo all declare that they bad drain FMft> Emperor, and that laaiiy other G^mm
Fdooeshnd cm-
leoted to hisEledion by Letters. ,
This evidently proves that the Eledion of the Emperors was not referv'd to the feven Eie<fh)r*.
bat that itbeloBg'd to all the Princes of the Empire. Innxent the Third replying to thofe Letters,
mm not CMfi^le tf tij^fiit^ *t tbt Elt&im if sm EmftnT^ tithtr in qiidi^ ^ M £/cfi«r,
grimtbatrf ajujgt ; mot at an BltSor, bttaufe it Jattntth^Migto bimi but totht Prinett, tnatimHi
tbt Pttnr tf cbeojng tbe Emptrar i dtvtlv'i aeeorcLng to ancient cujlom ; mere tjpeciatfy in regard that
tb^ rtmv'ditfnmtbtHtfyStt, mlMbtr4»iftn'dti»Koaan Empire, in tbe terfin Chufemagm,
frmm Ae GrediBi It alvRaaMiii. Thefe ate
plyed, when allfldg]d io behalf of the (even Eledlors
wordi of that Pope, which are tnanflUtly mifap-
it being appareot.tbat in this place,
: b: makes
meocionof ail dierlrinceiof the Empire, who had an inherent RJghs co de£t the Empcrm erer
finee thednwof Cbtrlemagn ; affinniag that ndiher Kid hit Legtt aAed as a Judge, u regard
that he bad not proceeded agaioft PAiYi^ in a Judiciary Form, nor pafs'd any Judgment upon the
Validity or Nullity of the Eledion : That therefore be bad only perform'd tbe Fun(^lioo of a
BwiM — , -by ^odattng 10 -thm,
4im -the Stake ant Jicafadittcd linni hdag ahaAfei^
whereas Otbo was noc. That many of ibofe perfons who had a rfgbt to chocfe the Em-

peror , bad approved Otbo't Ele&ioo : And that they who bad cbofen PbHif , had fbr-
tciied their Right, by oufywgon tbe EIe<2ioo, in tbe ablenoe, and to tbe contempc of theotheifc
That bclidcs, Pbilip was not crown'd Emperor, either in the place where it ought to have been
done, or by a pcrion, whofe office it was to pertbrm tbe Ceremony : whereas Otbt was crown'd at
^ix-la-CbapeUe, which was the proper place for his Coronation, and by tbe Archbilhop of CoJogn,
whole Right it was to officiate at tbe Solemnity : That therefore he nominated and dedar'd Othe
Earaeror, being incited thereto by a principle of Jnftice, u alfo upon account that he had a Right
to tavoor whna he thought fit when the Sntfrages of the Eledors were divided: That be-'

fides, there were leveral (awful Impediments againfi Vbilif Duke of Scbmabtn , as his being
Excommunicated, Atuinted of Perjury and defceoded of the Race of the Perfecmors of the

Thus (hit Anfwer fuppolcs dial iheie petfimi^ who had a rkhc 10 duwfe the Emperar, and whal
lie neniinM by thti Pope, are not only dieleveo EleAon, bat alio all tbe Frincet <nd Noble-
men of tbe Empire, of whom a party had tle<^ed Oth, and the greater number Pii'/i/* ofSchigd-
km t Bat after the death of the laiier, all (he Suffrages were re- united 10 faTonr of Or;b« A. D.iia$i«
and hi the ioDowuig year, Othbmfi Bsooamwicand, tbe Mnoei of GsraMiw, the Kh^of
Bohemia, the Dukes of Au/iris ind Bavaria, the Landgrave of T&wnV^fn, and many others beir>g
aOembled* eleded Frederiel{, King oi Sicilj Emperor. Hitherto we hod no mention of the fcvcoi
BleAon \ and indeed tbefirft Wrher that nukes any, b the Caiduial of OAni. who liv'd hi the
time of Pope Innocent the Fourth, and fpeaks of them in his Commentary on the Decretal of Inno-
ems Ibe Third, where be affirms that the Elcdors mentioo'd in that pUce, are the Archbi(bopi of
Mmtt, C^egn, and Trirr, the Count Palatine of the ^ine, the Doke of Saxony, the Msrquels of
Brandenburg, and the Duke of Bohemia. Mattbtm Pari writing the Hitlory of the Council of
Ljont, at ibe (ame time. reports, that after the Depofing of Frederick,. Pope Innocent the Fourth or-
dain'd that the feven Eledors (hould pad into an Ifland of the River Hhine, there to chohfe an Em-
peror ; but thofe feven Elc^ors, whom be names, are the Archbilhops of Cologn, Ment^, and SaJt^'
bitrgt /<«/?r»'4, Bavaria, Saxony, and Brabant.
and the Dukes of However, Marttnut Potoiius a. con-
icniporary Wrirer, names the feven Ele^ors after this manner, that is to fay, the thiee high Cban^
cetiorsof the Empire, the Archbilhop of Menr^, tbe Chancellor of Gertnany, the ArcbbifliO|f
of Tn«r Chancellor of G4X1/, the Archbilhop of Cologn Cbancettor of Italy, the Marquefi of Brak*
denburg High Cbunberlaio, the Palatine of tbe I{hAie High Steward, the Duke of Saxony Gentle-
M(if cheHocft^ andtbelODgof AMliHigbCapbeitcr. Thii Author ^thmiUKhinfFeak- .

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72 A Nm Ecclefiaftkd Hiftory, Scc
rhthfli' iDgoro«t*iliftTMni,irfdciilMiiidM^dlaw lobelia were inftitBtfd WMicfAu Enoperor*
tutimof aftfao' be obfcrvcs th»t it did not happen rill afterward. Thua Relation mike? it appear thai the

loftimdooof tbe idrea fiJeAoncnnbated to Pope Gngtty V. wiUkmu aojr joft grooodi, n aatbittg
^^'"'"/oetr fetoekac, tnd d«*difa7pra(MbteiliutbeBlMiaf«of tlieEi^^ nor nduoed lo
^'^'"^''''tbc number of Tevcn tiUlbePontificaie of Innoant iht Fomih, anJ ibat buf.ire, all the P^iocesaod
^<^^V^ Noble-aeo of tbe fioapire wditiereatly, migiK have a 12»rt in ba £lc&ioo, notwithftaadiog llie


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Chronological Tables
And other Neccffuy


Tenth Century.
BtBltm Em- frors and EcclefiafHed 41". Ct$meilj. BeettfitSiiegl


900 V. the Umi IV. The death of Umei$maupi£

Stephen VI. Phaofopbcr. ibeSon of Fiulques or F ulcus Clkttens.
II imprifijo'd
XVL Amulfbm K. Arcbbiihop of^^mmt tValdramnm fli-
and itrwigled •nd EoDpeior aflatfinated by Coooi
•bonttiwcad of Gaum^p. B*UbnH*t Party: NHjrer ttt Stmmi
Chtrlei the Htrvtm Iboceeds
Simple King him in tbn Aldkr jiurelian Clerk
dwfea to of FrMCf^^ ttiibofckk^ of the Cfaotch of

King of Sir* GtrntUer or GuMltt^

rnw fiidup of S«M
don of btlf
tt oootefled
bciwccu Sc
remer and

901 thnimmTL xvn. NieelM Patriarch Selomm BiiLop of

fucceedf J(#- of Cimftmtim^e it
dqwrd bjrLM'i or- Smm or Am
dkaatibe dcft ftf Kfbfiog to Abbot of Ctrto in
eod of nitn* approve his fourth
(7 days. Muriage.aiid Rutbjf-
?«b«IX.ii mimh fa np in bis
fahftitutcd ia
bu loom.

901 E xm Ttelocur-
of the
Join replies
HtrW Arcbbiihop of
or TJtrv^
fioDS of

garians in I- CoaverSm of the Adt'brro

m// (ubdtud NtniMiMi

Digitized by Google
The Chronological Table.
Wi^tm Em-
•sma SecitfidRicJ 4^
K' "!* if Fr. fiUN,

IIL JOX. Stephen Abbot of

Ltkt it enkiin'd 6i-

BiOlop of CunncHs ct ^mmt llIsM*Ardilridk)p

904 IV. XX. iL^jpi the jtrgrim

John IX. Son of BofoH Ldngrtt is reftor'd to and /^irc'rjrij in fa-

after having is takea by his by vour oif the memory mgr Metropolitaa
Pope IX- of Vope Fmmfm. of £4««m,ovrite|0
aowo'd Bt-
t$Hgitf rctini Lamiert isackaow The Council of Pope Jibn IX.
uodec Steplnn Abbot Ot
to ^tvrmi, hhEyd to be kt^'d fifllperor in Ctmtnbur}
and declares pat out, and tlftdM^f of Kitig Edmtri, ttA Loir; acui aftlt^ ,

UmhnBw himlcif to be to the exclLition (if Pr:egmmd Archbi- of
peror. crowo'd fioK- Btrtt^er, and in tbat fliop of tbac Pro-
peror. qaality, he dNifims
L:imhcr( I he ancient PriTi-
conteadswiih ledgrs of the Chilrch
of^(Mw the ^
dl«f i(5«tfliM*
IS owo'a by
ibe Pope tod
bjr the bglh

TJie dciib of
»oS V. XXL
The death

fucceedi faiin. I

I. :

The Laws ofEi-

jofi n. • XXII. lM^4Kio£ of £<i!r

Lfo V, is

fub{titai«4 in
Us roon,<iE>

afier^Dd iflf
prifbfi'd by
v.'ho iifurpi
the See df

907 Cbrifioihilm XXIIL

(even mrj'Wtfj?

after by *»r-
grtu ttnde
Anripopc in
the date ot

908 IL XXIV.

k Gooadl «
Tro,^!* under
ArcbbtHtop of

Digitized by Google
The Chronological TMe^ '

Wtfltrn Rm-

ftnn. Kings ft, fdrk

mid Italy.

IV. XXVL LMitirtis The frjundiog of
Sergiutdy kill'd by the Abbej of CJ^, tAVtrtebt,
Ttntbuf, bffraUiwCMWor
m n Plac'd Berenj^er Auvergne aod DokV
ootlK&eof remains the of Afuttuu.
ibte Maacr

XXVIL Kkoijt PatrUrcb Letters wrftim

fit lliecletth '
of Conftamtino^ is
rccall'd fame time be-
fore Lro's dear h.
I r.
Bmkmiut Fun*
AlexMdtrt trcti of Ca^antimpb
Brother is de- is baniOi'djnd dies
dar'd Tutor ia eadkalittkwhiJe
tobisSooCMt* after.
fimtine Por-

9» HL n. C«MrW is JoL-n Deacon of The death of NM>

He death Alex*ndtr eleded King Jl«t)«im4 ti cfaoleii Bt-
gtr tht U0iimertr,
ofPojKyfjM' being de«cl, nfGfmj4«; AupofBtf/omV, Icavfs
/^au. JVico/dftbe after tie that B flioprick to be
Lmid»(ixc- Patriarch is death ofX«it^ made Archbilbof
oeedabiin. lo cboleo Tator » IV* Htvenna, andaclaft
tfieeiid of the to the Toatig •Tirgto
fiine year
" the Paful

dnfin Plope
by the in-


I. in.
j9^«f the iim-

dier tttmi oat

tfas Bnriardb

on of the Go"

91) OL V. nr.


9*7 V. m VL
9lt VL vm. VIL The death ofj^^f-
Tbedeatb of hodut Bilbop of

letrfT for bts


Fofrlrr,rhf ("on
ot Othe Dak«

Digitized by Google
ftrers and EeekjUfiieMi Af- BeetffidRicsl

Bmptrart. fsirt. CoimeHs. Wftttrs.

Vlt DC. t Tbe Death of

j^«f is bft- Saiomm fiUlUBp of
niih'd from
the Court, &
cmed to the
Empire, by

910 vni X IL Nico'.fi Parriarcfi

of CtnfiMttinoft is
A Ccuncil Ccn-
aamimfl* ,aJboat S.
OJilo Mook of
MetLard at Stif-
M^bHiira ft 6- tlie fiavdi' Alasri-ySmi.
CaoA time. age. 7hc clcaih of Sff-
A Treaty of A- fbn&iihopol Ltege,
gnemenc between Lnten by King
tbe Partiftns of N»- CtMrlts the StmpU ia
coIm and Euthjmim. favoor of ^bnus
AConteft about tbe
Bifhr>prick of Liigt
between HilJuintnd

Aootber Conieft
roucbing Arcb-
bifltoprickof Ndr-
hum betweea Jjpus
and Gtrgrd.
911 XL VL A Council at Troffy
onder Hsrvt Arcb-
biOop flf JtbMNi; '

9i» X. xn. IV. TheDeacc ofjcbn A Gbnndl m Tbe death &

J{4-rt ftTCorofi(icAr-
i? e- Bervaus Atchbilbop
le£ttd aad rui,ordain'dBifliop of of JlMw.
and crown'd U0ge by that Pbpe.
K. of Ftmu Hilduin dcfot'd and
in oppofittoo ezoomtnonkatecL •I

to CUrkt tbt tm^ facceedi Uif

Simfit, m the Arcfa*

9»1 XL xnL V. A Coradt at Tbe death of

ItMiMf oader Akt Arcbbilbdp of
kiird in bai- fm ArchfaiAop of
iel,butbisSoo that City.
Siif^b dufes TheLftWioffi-
l^JD;;/ K. of
BuTgundf, to
bediofal K.
of France.
Cbarits the
SimfU tt ap-
ptefaended &
lent Prifooer
to Ch(tt*MM
thitrry, Tbe
Q^eea Ui
Wi& retitct
.tft £i|{i. witli

xn; XKV. VI. A Drcrce mide la A Coandl at

£er««jg«r is the Conndl of iVfl ?!' Xrc/?r under -<wfffff
IdUVl, SmI ialafav of Stepijtn Archbilhopof
KfOUl Dake BiJLop of Cambray,
of Burpmdy agaiott Cuuat
Kouins Ma- St/AvViiot^uaVi
Ocrof Ite^ ' Biihqtcf At^glhti,

Digitized by Google
T^fe Chmologiad Tahk.
Edfftm Em- ferors, and EnlefidllicaJ 4f-_

ftrm. Kimi*f Fr. ftirs.


xia XV, VIL lithert CooM of

VtrmMmhii^nfes bis
Son H«isi&* age4 only
; years, tobecbofen
Archbifl). of Hheims,
•iter tbe deatii of

xnr. XVi vin.

the begin-
ning of the
Reign of
Hui>b Codnt
of 4r/M b^

91 S XVI. 'XVUi • •

Jelm is pat
in P'lTon by .... 4
Cnj be Bro-

ther otH«^4
& dies there.
Leo VI. (ac-
ceeds bim,
and dies fix
months & 1

9*9 StefbmVIL XDC .1

XX. XiL •
j NieboU PatrUrcb RtityclAut Pstri-
ofConjlantinepU dktf _
arch of AiexanJrid,
mod An;h^..\ OAAbbocofCAr:
« ^ i
' 9.

^tthtrmt made
-iof '

XXL xm. King
I{s6Ut' C2u{'ct

to cbuien
Eifhop of
this year,

of £r«»£ini.
7im Xf.
the Son of
Strgitu aod

9S& IL xxu. XIV M«»40i^f Arcbbl- KCamHuEf
Amulfhmof fho^of Aries, ptUej fgrdt.
itmridvn- mtoJir«^, where be
geswar wiib get* podfeflww of to-
Hugh mltalj. veral fiiAapridci.
& it repnls'd. /•prow Dean of
Haj^b'u in- S-Medmrdu MJfemt
vkedtol^mMr nordain'd Bidi^of

Md£nicioi ^

Digitized by Google
The Chronoiogkal Tabie,
l^tfttrn Em- -

93) TfT XXnt XV. Stipbt* Pitriarch ,

prifijoed bf takcttbeCa- iog. Trjpit vfiibai-
5 t lucd in bis room, till
and makes iheefijidB the Em-
bimtelf Ma- Peror'i Son cuw to
iter of $emt, magt.
A Conncil ai
MA iV.' XXIV. XVI H,lJ.i4n,j o^d^ln-

wdt bf Aruidm B»- «fcf Artoldtu Ardf

Clop of lifKimSyin the bidwpaf JCAmriM.
Cooadl of CittfTM

Fulhtrt madcBi-
ibopof Bummi hf

atf V. XXV. XViL A Council ai

ik^SMi againft tkt
Ufarpers of Gfaaieli

936 VL XXVi XVIIL 0<?9 Abboi of CAi-

7«iii XL irjr is lent lor 10 t(gmt

yUfc^iw and leaves cnrc Fnce amoog

M»« his Domiai- gfae Priacca of Jf*(r,


Tbedeaib ,

firnam'd ' . .

dOutntmr u '

K.of Fnms$k
' ' '

tj.. -.jto " XXVIL L ! .: Eutjchitii war

• - ' •

Otbt IS
^ Aidbi-
crawn'diCof OrAoL

of Lvrch is made the

fofc't VicarmGw-

Oio Abbot of dw . .

rCMTQC to i(««B«
to rc-


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I_ »

The Chronological T %ble.

AX* ftfth BdStm Em- fftt and Eed^ft^^' 4f'


Lf diet,

340 IL XXX. Artoldus I'j oblig'd Tbe death of&/-
Alhtric 10 refign the Arcii-
Pauiardi of
oiQfes tfie biftoprick of ^jtfsm/,
Pbpeiobe«r «od^«i(ji a ptt in Ttadtard
bnt'd. Fir.
of /(/Mm/.

941 MI. XXXI. r. Hugh n (Kddn'a A CooocU it

4 Jaiop eri^iw. «^'iif.ferthe depo-
fiog of JrrdJuj
AicbbidLof i^iwNw,
and die Orfl&tiaii

#4» IV. XXXE VL OJt Abbot at th- Ti^dejtliorab'

nfifft**^ tbtrd line Afab6telC/iMir.
10 J|(m», to be the
Med i I cor of aPMoe
bawecA tin Xrj/IM

94}Thede4thof XXXUI. m
hiarinuJ 11.

944 It XXXiV. The depoGng of Tbe Conndl of The Hiflory of

Trjfh* Patriarch of Cffftantimtph. onrStriooi^ Image
Cmift^ntiHcpfc , antJ A Council in Ev^- feet to K. AhvMnr
the Ofduuuon oi Und tuxdet KutgMd- ^od ctbnii^ of

941 IX. jtt*» made ttAoff

t( Ittfytx-
jAtAhif Bf

«f ibe Mar-

id hit

XXXVli dKMUus iV'-cfta'

blifli'd in tbe Arcfi-
dies, iHlboprkkQfJ^iMlw.'
MllLillC-* Tbedearbof fiJ^
tecdthtea mund K, of rn^^/jK*^,
who leaTC* his 6ro-
Ihcr AMf IB fijOHctf

digitized by Google
The Chronological Table,
WeRern Em-
j|.Cl Pfftf' Ef/lerm Em- percrs.and ExeU^t^tsl Jlf- CoMciUk EecUjUftieiS
fertrs. j^inj^s of Fr, /writ * , H^r^t.
dud Italy.

11. XXXm XL TcthMud hch dci- A Council held -

• C
con of is made near ibe River of ' '

BiOiop of Jtmi*ta bf CUr. > •<

Hu^h Archbifhop of A Council ii TV - - - •

i^tnu.wbo likewife
dun held in tbe '

onlaini nodier for MbaihofNlMraiA. '

Stnlis , which caufes

an loformuion to be ' .^. '.1 i

dr««B op agaioft

94a UL 30CXV11L Xlt ! Luitfrtnd is feat AGMBdlbddM

Ambaffidor io Cm- Miiu^^owin themoiiUi
' ' "
- fiiauimflt. of "ianutrji '
* :

. ^«oW«/co*firna*d ACooncUn Ai-

in tbeArchbiHioprick gtlhtim, June 7.
of and Hugh \ Council at Tri-
declar'd an IiMllder er in favoar of Af
and ExoxDmanica- toldus.
rnl in tbe Council of A Council atLM- ^
Ir^elbtim Jo„ under Bind K, " '


•' •
Guy Bifbop of Sf gfJBi^/^ml
' ijjMtp^f* S^tisfadK
i»nro K
Lein's in the
'id-Canndl of Mnf
^0ir for ''liraaining

Jluf^h Arcbhithrjp of
j^iMu^nd txgi par- --

Tr/fr, for prrfonaidg .'I '-^ 'i "

tiiat Ordioatiua. - i:.At\^:
Rirmnu a Mmk I

of JlieMiw, ii lent to
"• " "
re-eftaMifli tbe Mo- • .

nafHcal Difciptine in
• the Monaftiiry of


XIIL A Council at Aowf.
The death waidi confrmM
of Latbtrius' thai of Ifigelheim la . .1 i j.-*

King of ^t. fvnmfd 4r$Mus.

canlcs biui'
feU to be

If4/r,with his

XIV. The Decree of Sim$m hkU^m-_

Adeltid* Popeil

ot Lstharius

inrucs Otb» Bifllop

„ Vti» Bi%>p of
XtJ- •iwdIov.
Qtrtrd Oeao of S.
Mtdsrd Sttjjms.

9,, VI XV.

Digitized by Google
The Ckvhobgkal Tabk
fPiftem Em-
Ed si ern Em- fercrs mid EccUfiMiiksl4f-
Emftrtrt. fiuru

95» VIL XUL XVI. A Cooadl 'M.

Ibopof Mmt^.
AiUU»rt{ab- 0«r4M^ Abbot of
mk toOr£v,
and are re* dtbm Mook of
cftaUifh'd ia
nf Cmurimj.

sn vm. xuu XVII, iruHi ibe Brother The Couacii of

of the Emperor Of^ H TUnnj.
is ordaio'd ArcfatM'
dtopof Coltpt. \ .

fiifltopof li^
994 DC xuv. XVIU. ff^liMi tbe Son of

ofFr«Mc»diei Aed AicttiAQp «

oat^.i j.aad Mm^.
Son Ibooccdi

The death of

waj Gover-
nor of l^gmu

«5 XIX.
Tbtdciib out of tiie BiAopridc
c£Lieg0, aodlM^
ghrei the (et in his p'ace.
Duccfaies of The death of Bi-
Tie gets po^ rtd Kiof of BH^Mit
TefTionof the and AfiiitMfft whom Edwin the Soo
See o( J^mWf to Ht^b cbe of Edmund fucccedi^
aod is nam'd and a(
of Frtnce, 8e
the Father of

9S6 IL XLVL XX Tbeefbff^ P«tri'

The death arch of Ctn^Mtimt-
of Hif the dies,aiid a certato EJ^ar Kim ^
wMk Dnke Monk naitfd Fdr
9itrmm. tnHet it ful

9S7 XLvn.
iv. XLVIIL xxn.

959 xux. XXIIL

H«;(;& Ciifit
D. of ErMMet

tkarim, who
alio gives

Digitized by Google
iVtfiem Eta-
EtBtrn BlII- farersand. ^efiiRial
farm' Kings tf fdin.
It. and luljr.

Nitf« preacbetiii
960 vj. XXIV. Arvunmt, and rotm-
.{lolct a Treatiieof
dies, and bis
tbe Religtoa of dw
Son Sigm0ms
Jbterrj or Tiw0Jir>
m Atcfebidiop ol


XXV., The death of Ar-. The death of O-

9^1 Otha ttttf toldus Arctbilhop df
The Ek&Ma of S. Outran Arch-
(jr,tnd Beren-

^er being.*-

tirei to (Xt*
uio Fmh.

xxyL 'RjtberMU tt^oa A CouncU bekl rf^rieUiNte

96*- VIIL «l Monk of Orlwfa
foilie Brrtiopriicorm tB« Oioceb
^pme in ibc
end of tbe
year, and
and ho!cfj a »*«?r,
Synoa, for the In- ^
**** «

il4/i Abboc of
peror by

fSj DC IV. XXVil.
in the Month

•V or Ai^t^ agkintt
revolts a- (^ici-
• .
gaioft Otbe,is pbom thoem
deposM hi a a procbim*4 » 4

C :r:il it Emperor by
£is*MjkTidLt9 tbe Army* -!. ;

VIILiirnb- L V
ftituted i

xootn. J.
• >• J.'.»

Some cioae
after, the /^i-
manj taicc up
Arms againft
0th. but he
f edttflBS them

IL xxvm. The Rcftoraiioa of A Coundl at
fcpe y«** XII. in a Febar.l6.\a hvOgUffj^
After Qria't -
Ccnncil J^omf , PopeyflAwXIt.
which declares L«« ACoracilhddat.
JUaVm. a
cxpeD'd, and VIILdepos'daiideX' J^Mlf in the Montfr
Jctm communicated , and of jKiiefor
^ , - thc^
his OrdioatioDSVoid. ftor4UonofLM^
cniers J^mmc,
where faedtn TbeReftoratiooof
Afj; 1 4. i^VIIL inanotber
Tbe I{smmi Coundl at ^fme,
fiibftftnttSi- A Decree ofthe la-
V. in ter Coundl,by which
his room. the Inveftitarcs «re

Uiyilizeo by Googlc

grmntcd tt) die Eor

to J(«M,dc- {xcor*
polei Btiif
a&t and re*

VOL XXDC The death of Aw

9^5 HL Hmtf Mook of &
in exile
^fu^ at J^jbtim.
death of Br«'
M Archbiflwp of

with the £m-

iV; / XXX. I(^herm leatrea the The death of

9d6 BiOwpridcofFirNHii

tnrn'd ootbf Ud KlilCilO FMMfc

and re-cfta-

™- V. XXXI. O/;&0 coofirms the A Council at

9*7 Orib« oimes Dooatioo of the £c' veuHd held on £4>
to liMir,aiKl defiaiticai Revenues fitr Day.
caoKS lui of I{gnu made by P#- A Coancil tt
Soo to bo //» and CbarlemMgm. ConJidHtinoflc in
aoHntdBut Herald Arcbbi(hop which the Empeioc
of SiUt^^i » de- propoles to declare
pos'dand neouMm- Mch Soldiers at are
oicated in the Couo- kiU'd ia dw W«if
glof J^raoHM* and Manyri.
j^m&ric^ cbo^ to The Laws and
lopply fait place. Con(^i[Oiioos of Bd-
~ The £redioo of gsr King id.Buf
'hUgiehurg in IIM
lame Coiucil.

XXXD. Luitprtnd is frnt a The death of

9^8 IT. VL ^iffMiykcdibiihop
.^^jlccond time to Cmf

Sk Adtdbert is made
Arcbbifllop of
ditmrg htTiog
convened the
The Eredion of
ibeBilboptick ofC^*
tu* into an Ardf.
The death of Oiflf'
ric AtcfafaiflMf fl£
I{beims, who left

. d4/ivr« iwabcGeflbr.'

Digitized by Google
The Chronological Table,

ferm, tud
fdtu .

^ V. VII. XXXUL The Eredios of

the fiilba|>ric|cof flr*
nevento into aa AtCih-
kill'd: and bithonridL

to the Impe-
taX DigoUy.

97* VI. H. XXXiV. Peljtuatt Patrkrcb %fr MbokofSL

oiConflMntinofte dies, fanta'.em at GoJli|pi.
«ad Af^ cbolea to
is Tb?dcMhof T£»-
fopply bis plac& <rr;> Ardibffltop of


97 Z VUL IV. XXXVJ. NMe^ra Maokof ACooadt beidat The deaib ot

SJBdhMummf MoMK & May. by J(^»*w)V'BiAqp.or

dkS Jr/?.'. 6. ofla^. ^iiUm AicUnOdp rirww
Denm iuc- of Jtfc/Mf.
ceedsbfm,6c A CooncO at
dies at tbe hgtlhtim ,
cad of ihree Crafares tbe Con-
Mootbs. dad of >«ii/^lbe
the Ami*
dtii lor the
fifth of tfatt
Name, is ad-
vtnc'd to tbe


97t I.
V. . XXXVn. Heiirr fuccceds S. A General C un- The df Jth of t^/-
Qthtth Vkic ID tbefiilhop- cilio £i^/«i4 under r«cfiifliapof ^fi^fr;
taken Prifoop Crtit dies rickofiiAff^jf. ^.Dm^M Arctti- fcir;(.

er hyCinciutt
cod fitaog- His Son O*
lediotlieCt- >La II. reigos
£](€ Enperac
. V •

974. Bnifitcf VL II. A Cotmcil a: dn-

ufarps'the under King Lander/ht

Tbe 1^7-

maiu kc up
BemdtnW II
in oppofiiioQ
to bioo.

57 f ir. VIL Patriarch of A Council at S. Etlelo'elJ Bi-

Bom/Jie is Cmfttntimple it de-
farc^ldio c- mifeet dies pos'd, and Antmius hero Archbidtop of Tbe death ofT/-
fcape by StuditM fubftint[cdiii thar Ciry. tbo BiAopof Sn4((^
flight to Ccn- ])«//and bis room. A Council held at tuig,
Tbe death of Ed- Wtnebcfler in ihebe-
the Sons of jarKiogitf £«f/«a^ linoiiisoftlicycir. '

biymzed by Google
Ti&tf Chimdlcgical Tabic.

EtBem Em- pfron and Eccltftajlieit

fernt, K^mn ti Ff.

the Emperor who leavei EJmarJ

i^umiuiuj are bis SocceHbr.
pfic'J on tbe
Throne, Stigaud 10 (hcBiibop-

976 UI. I Antamius Studita

tolutiMfiijr abdicates
voltt agauft tbe Pauurcbal Se«
tfaeiwoSfloh of Ctnfitminoflet
which retnains fa-
cam iiw jrciia.

977 nr. V. Hi^tpord King rf

fiv/mi is a^Taffint'

97« V. n
979 VL IV. VII

98e VIL V. vm. 44^ AUw U

Cbilptric Mook
of 5lG«/ mm* btt
Tmtile of tbe Ca-
Fmktdm Abbot of


981 VJiL Vt The cieaih of Foaenii Orations

tenimStudiu. i<H^ nudebj ifmtm;; Fa-
Umt Cbryftteru rk march of ConfiMtUf'
adranc'd rothc Fatri- mople for Nicefbanu
arcbal See ot Confiatt- the i^hiloibpber.
The dearb of A-
dMilbtrt xJae. hrlt Arcii-

98^ IX. m
The JEm-

bis Son Otho

UL lacceedf

984 XL a. The death of S.

Btbeiwald BiOop of

and leaves
9»bm XIV.

Digitized by Google
The Chrmiogical TahU.
WefJern Hm-

9B5 a
r«iurns to Lotbtrius
Jipne, COW K.of Frtmct
firm y«hm cnfesbbSoa
XTV. in the LffTfT to be
Cattle of & crowod.

be dies; Bo-
vifact dies
Iikewife four
Alooths after:
John XV.
B advanc'd
to ibe PaMl
Dignity. He
retires to Top-

€*tiSf ta maid
the' Fpriecn-
tl!in nf Crtf-

K. of Fr*«»
<iies«& Umi
iht Ptfr'fif*

JtcnTted Lis Ton

luccccd] ijun.

987 hl xn. m

of Lmk th
ed, Jum 11.
Hugh Cdptt
5s clckflcd and
K. of FroHCt,
of Jk<«7, and
crown'd at
JtjblHMI, fir

9S8 nr. xm. v. An h&mhif or Tbe death of S.'.

HttgbGsptt the FrfWf/j Ncblc-
Om^m Arcfabidwp
likewiie can- men at Orltmu foe
fiiUiSDa tbe Coramtioa of
J^hcrt ro f>c King ^m.
ouwD'd at _ Luitpifhus h niade

Cb4riej D.

wages War
wiib ibcm to
for tbe

Digitized by Google
The Cbrmkgkal Table,
TT'eRern Em-
Biftirm Em- ftrertt and CsuHeih.

989 V. xnr. n Ad*lbero ArcU>i- iiCoUDCiI C/<dr-

fhop of Fj^f!m! liy- rea* agiinit rhi U-

isg, Ul^h Lafit cau furpersot iheReve-
fa Jnmi or ^rnii/' Bttcs of the Church*
^hv, natural Brother cs kod of (tie Poor.
to CharUi Dainc of A Graadl at
Lorrsin to be cbofen
to fiipply Ut fiiQe^ A Council at
tis agaiaft jiJdlgar
a Clerk of tbe
Quifcb of


Tbe death of Faf*

euin Abbot oCLcIts.
Gtrgrdthit Bumk

S9 ,
va. XVL vm. t^MaMoitk of
Cbtrlet Dx£
Larrain is ta-
ken Prifoner
•t L4o«,ooa-
ytj'd wSen-
/ii, aod from
thence toOr-
trmt, where
be is coofin'd
in a Tower
tUliiii death.

99s vnr. XVIL Ameid or Amul' A Comdl at Cerlert Archbi*

fhiu Archbilhop of ^jm'mi. ibop of Upeim.
J^Mtf is depos'd in AamimMuktiS
« Council in that Ci< FUftry,
iy.and Gtrhert lub- The death utAd-
ftwwfil ta fail room. fi Abbot flf Ptif,

993 DC xvm. A Cooocil ac

^ims againfttfae
Uliirpm of Eccle-
fiaftkal Revenues,

^4 XIX. XL
Chsrln D.of
LtrrmM, the
hftof tbe

99i XL XX xn. 7«hi Chrj^^ff

Patriarch of m^tm'C m
A Council at ^Mie,
which & VIrk Abbot of
Alktrt at
tinofU dying, Sijm' was Canoniz'd. AJelMd
mm is fubfiitoted ta A Council at
bil roooi.
Artmlplu) is rr- in favour of Amul-
cftabliA'd in (be yjci/i againft Gerbert,
Arddriftoprick of A Council ul(pnpu:
Jibeimty aod Gtritrt The CooQcil at
fotc'd to retire. S, Dt$m$t.

Digitized by Google
l^he Chronological Table.
Wefitrn Em-
fercr$ftnd Eeelefi^ieal Af' CmiciU. EecUJuflkd
Kjnrt of Fr. ftirt. VFrittn.

996 XIL XXL XflL The Chard) of 7o£ii Abbot of &

John XV. 0<i&« goci PlMcnud ereded by
dies ia the CO /m/t- ?o^XV. to a Me- •t AI;/;(.
Monrb of Hugh Captt tropolitan See, » re- Ltt«ldm Mook of
dies, and bis ftor'd to the Arch-
Brtmt dx SonBdtrt of lUvar
bidiopi-icic Tbc Writer of
Riofiun cf iclptt •hme. na by Gregory V. UMi die Lifeof SiHtmr-
€»i&* ii cfao- O/Ao is rhr Ch'vch <>\ nr- M ,goneU.
fai in bis GHMradEoa- /#rr«r ii to (ike man- TbeAiubor of (be
Aead,andM' pcrar nerniMle Aibjeft to TnnfltiioaofS.C-
med Greg0ry byFo
Pope Gre- the Archbilhopnckof

y.CnfceHttMt ^gvewM by ibe ftose

aod caafet
Bp. of
Pttetntis to
OtU mtr-
dies (o /{cMw,

bitn a fti i a
craci manner
and re-efta-
bOihei Grcr.
Gerbert is made A Coundfat ^f'>y?^n Monitor
Afd^Hlbq* of v«iUM heldMdf I. frmcbetter.
hfGtrhirt Ardkir FtiJegodeMstkli
IbopofiliitG^. fUnterburr.
Lanfrid Motikt^


ni. naask The deirh ofN»-

A Coondt at /^rr;;
and beld io ibe Maruh is
bifltopot Toiat, Armenia.
fldicr ftAof* of of OHober. Tbe CoDtinna-
Fy«fK» are excom- A Ci:)nfT:tud''^n of tors of Birtbier't
maaicated by tbe tbe hmpcror U<i)fl Hiftory.
Pope,fbr GOQKnting UL pobliA'd in ibac Nieephem
o^wd afliftiiig tt ibe Pbiloibpber.
MuTii|{o bnwm
K.^akrr aod BirthM. MMook offflf-^
Ibe Dt|iuiy of an dk
Epifcopal See, ts re-
fi^d it) tbe Cournil
«tj^ to ibe Ck
of XAcf jtfijij, wUch
was crtif^cd to a Bi*
ftoprick under Otb»l,
aad afterward do*
bts'd noder OihtVl.
999 v. XVL A
Litttolfbfu k made F«- Tbedeatbof J(4g^
Tfaedeubof iMtfBilbopof

OdiU Abbot ot
AidibLofJ^ Glwgr.
«n«M Ibc*

biymzed by Google
O F t H£

Ecclefiaftical Writers
1 N XH£



T H^ro T M A R,
MorMoGuB of B0wtri4 j Flourilh'd in the b^siooug
flwywfcfrfMifai, «Hde AicUiilioriiStk. M HATTO,
Bilkop of C^fitfw i ftoaiiih'd ioilxpui oi the Ninth
Abbot of J Of and afterwardi Pifhngf of
;, tiTy f
, ^ . . *» Bilhop in 903. died in 910.


NOTGERcl]eSiioiiiiefer« | JOHN x.
Ploutt'd in die dBdaTik pitcediog GeMwy.and b . chorm in 911. dfed ui9t8.

***^trR eT"/a n"""

rat BODI7S « R a D bo D us. '
BMHv of t;mcl# i loade in 8f9. died in otS.
CtokflfthcCburcfaof J^jbeiswi Flooriardiavoo.
G AUTER lUS, lM«»itof &J*d«/Mf«!tfk#/FlodrUh'dm9»«.
AtcbbiOnp of Smi; Ordaio'd Ardibilbop in 887.
t „ o
/\ ¥ a c r « m r A«
t *v i «
^53^ 1' firnam'd Mj^ttd,
SOLOMON |PMmrdiofC«)(l««iw*/*j
1 raii'd ro -har Sfe in 890.

Billivar CiilllMe* i made BiOnp

» 89i.dKd *» 9^
^ ^,4. jajfic dhNWi'd in 910. &
btnUb'd in 901. reftoc*d io 91 1. depot'd « lecood
in 930.

B - '
Abbot fACwij in %txm% Fi«viOi'd in
Pacriarch of 4katmbU i naaiifli*d IWm 9}}.m 940*
of iIk Centnry. died in 940.
Arcl^tQlop of tti)tim > Ordain'd in 900. ROGENNETA,
JOHN IX. Emperor of CmJiMtintfk i born io 9ooJnoceedcd Ml
adnn^d 10 dw Papal D Jmher itt9ii*iiqpmtomtliinlKKin9i9died in
Pope ; gn;; y in 901* died in

Digitized by Google
A ChrmJogical TahU
Flour ifh'd under Cm/?4fl(i»Mr Porphp-ogrnntta. Dean of Medard at SoiJJon

SIMEON MET AP HRAST£S, die of tbe Tenib Century.

floorifli'd under the lame Emperor. THIERRY, '

Aicbbiftop oflMtr 1 Flowii'd io 960. died in 97*.

Abboiof Clutn; born in 879. made Canon olToariva
^oo.-qnbr«c'd tbe Monaitical Life in 9o9.6l0CCcd> Monk of C^'m Ssjuvi FlouiOM fion 9jeA» 980.
«d BfiiM jiMbe Abbey of Cluny ia917. A'BBO or ALBO,
LEO VII. Abbot of P4ew7i FlouriU'd from rite year 96o.k»^
Digoiiy 9j6. died in end of ihe Centory, died ia 1004.
F©pe raifed to the Papal in

Popes cboftnin^j. dkdib97a.
Vopei dtoTen in 943. dted in 946.
mi SON, .. D
AGAPETUS M. Abb«dfAN«Mv7; Flovnlh.'d Jb(m^yut96»,
946. died in 9;;-
Sopei eleiSled in

Mook of S. PMtaleen at CoUgn i Floorift'd m 97*.'
Bilbapof Fimnm; Fkmrift'd from the year 920, made
Si&op of Vrroni tn 931. tranilatcJ 10 L#f^fin 953.

nwrn'd loVtrw my} j.ietubat
in 97s.

Bidiopctck 10 966.

Canon of J^Mw, bwi k«94. RmriOi'd n 94*Jied Pope ; eleded in 974. died in 984.
in 956. ScETH EL WOLD,
LUITPRANDU5 or UUTPRAKDU5, fiilhopof mmeh^tr i flooriOt'd after ihe fm 9<o
died In 984.
BUbop of Crmma i FlMfidl'd frwiibe year 948. till .

Sr. D€/N&T4lf»
HILDEDERT, ArcbbKicip of (Umtrltury ; Bom iayj^mii^ Anb-
Archbilliop of Klent:(^ ; Flourifli'd abouc tbc year 940. fiiflicpi0 96i. died in 9S8. '


Abbot of C4/2rf/; FlowUhVi •boat tbe year 950. Abbot of tkuvret ; Fknioii'd in 9S0. died in 991."
Mmk of €bu9 { Rourlili'd abotat the fpnethne. Monk of S. Gaiws Flomift'd in 989.
O DO, fOtIN Xtf.
ilyNkbUhopof Cdnttrhury i FlouriHi'd at ibciaBie limc. ikyOi laifedM ilat Dignity in <)^iJ^ faf9<>
Monk of S. J<fM; at Ulieimj FlooriOi'd at the fame
ottnf, and died in 965.
0/ 4rmem»i Floorilh'd after tbe year
960, died m
Bilhop of rerctSi i gorcm'd that Cfanrdi from dke Cbofen
iJtibaiiiLtki ; ia 97}. died ib 990.
year 945.10 960.
fiifliopof Bubftddt i made in 97 5. died hi 999.
ArcbbiftopofCiKfni OidainMin 9S}.died-ia 9^3.
Pricaof Vtrduni Flourifli'd in 98 o.
Arcbbflhopof Mrttf:;: made io 954. dM jnftfS.
JOHN xii.

depofcd in 963. died in 964.

Pope i Bledbd m 996. died in 999.
Fope i elected in 9 5 3 .

Sr. L R I C, U ArchbilTiop of l{hrims, afterward of /^««mhm, and at
BiAopof ifufiftirr;; Flourilh'd fr ooa the beginoiqg of laft Name of Sjlvtfitr IL FlonrifliVt
tbe Ceamry, aU his death in 97). aboQC tbe year 980. cfaoten Arcbbifbop of !(jmm m
EDGAR, 99i.forc'd to leave his Archbilbcprick in 995.made
a little wbile after ArcfaiMfliop of iUoiWM^
King of Bi^Undi came id tbeCram in 9S6. died in «ad ad*
van^d 10 tbe Pafal^|pdi| jq99V -
vrao, ATMOINor AIMONIUii» .

WhofciStrtAui^i iiudein9So. dkdiD97|. Monk of FfrM7 i Flowidi*d fron 98<>. to tool, died
in i 007* H fi»

Digitized by Copgle
of tht Ecdefea^ Writers.
rbrigeX WOLSTAN,
MMkoffPliKl^l nooriMteibeiametiaM:
Monk viH^tnkimi Floarilh'd ia the fndttf tte Cen- MoftkoflSifioiirtiOfflji FMVdatifefin*
6 £ R A It D, LANFRID,
TbeVhipilof&t/faV; flairilh*d«ttlieltnetinM. Monk otmiO^tri Flaonft'd akooi ifaMd of tbe
ANanielefs AUTHOR, Ceatuiy.

Monk of ^Vttozx Verdun, who wrote a Cor.tiiiLiation

of tbe Hiitory of the BiOiops of Verdun aJccr Bcr^ Gbiatcrof tbe Cburdi ol Cmttrburyi
Flotuilh'd «c
Hoaiifli'd aixiKcliecad mf the Cnmfy.
toe tame time.
Abbot of Qtmikbun i nodrift'did die cod of theCes- Archbifliop of c^nrfrk,, ; Flonrifli'diii ikoid oflfii
Ceiutiry, died about \qo6.
BtAopcftAiMfe i FkniridAl tcd»fiuiiediii6 TfeFUtofiiiAer S FkmriOrdtttliecadof
Abbot of S Arnout or
aboQltiie lanse tiaic.
>f rmi
pli» MrTj^j fkmriibVl Biihop of tjrU i Floarifli'd it dte lutt

L£ 1 AL U S, Mook of Fi^ Fkwrift'd io rbe end of ibii
Monk «f MiQror SL MmnIi s w Eke maooer ^iflt'd nry, and ia ikekgiaeiiis of ibe Eleremh.
IQ die end of tbe Century. ODILO,
A Namcleis BISHOP, Abbot ofc/z/n; J made in 991. tyedki I048,
Of Germmy wbo , wrote tbe Life of S HMmgtmk i HIPPOLYTUS THEBANU5,
Floorilh'dixitbe endof tbe Century.
Flotirilh'd inihii Ceatarfi bai tke r—*^fr fhwti
A NameleC AUTHOR, kaowo. •

or Ik Hitorf of lbs TtnOmm of S. Efipkmius LAURfiNTIUS,

fiUhopof PMd« i Fkttiilbrd inttecodvf iteCea- A Monk of Liege, and afterward of 1^ ai VaimS S.
riearift'd ia ibit bigiaoi^g of tkeTwdfbCbiiBif^

A TABLE of the WORKS of th^ Ecclefi^

ajiical IVntm of the Tmth Cmtmy.


Bifhop of Strasburg.
Ctnuim fVorkf nbrfibMilifw;
S E V IL R. AL iMters^ rtfard to I lodoard. Certain Poetical Pieces,

F ORM OS US P^>;e. NOT G E R StarTtT^frfr^Moai^ SjQf^-

H« Gomune P^ytrkh
Cemn Lccten to Fmi^uts ArcbbiOiop of I^ims. AManyralogy.
A Fragment rt the L?feof SLGtlto*
POVLCLUES or FULCO,..^ Certain Projes or Hymoi.
A Treatife of Cbarcb Uvfi^
kif^of of Rhdau;
The Hiftwy of Chnfertugnt,
Snwiil Lmm podaccd bjr JManl TbeLifeof & G*Um in Verfe.

M A N CIO Jl^kf <f CbikMii. ATiaaltatiQii of tbeFfaker

Sfuritm Werkf.
in B^Dmdh
The LImor SL Lmid»*U and S. Hsmtetus.
Tiro Boobof iteMiiaclnof SI «awiAiv.

'bigitized by Google
A TM of the IVorkf
AUR ELIAN, 4 CMk if tk Chttd^f Certain HomiJieJ or SermOtM.
Tk Oftkc l/ ibr Tranflation of S.
Hymns tn bonoor of tbeSatnn.
A Work, kjl.
Cerum Poeiilk
ATre^iitc of Cburcb Mufick^call'd Ihe I{eguUr Tuntr. A<!!liraaicle.

GAUTERIUS, jirchkfjh^ «/Sens. ODILO, M^»»*</'5.Medirdtf#Sdflblls.

Hh Genutne Pf^orkj P i:t cxtimt.
CenaiD Ecckfi«(Uctl Cooftunuons. Ao Hi&ory of tbe Traoflatioa at the ^clicks oSS. Sr-

SOLOMON. Btfliop cf Conftancc. MiMaiid & ISMviDihe MoflcflMy of &


6nitiB Hoeni dedicand cb Atit NICOLAS, Patriarch cf

Genuiw H^orl<i.
B ON N O «• B A V O, tmby m Divcrj Letters (o Pop? s and oiber Perfons,
EUTYCHlUi, Patriarch 0/ Alexandria.
Ao Hiltory oi ibe tnetnorabic: Ai^ltons of bis time.
A FralBMNtof ftTffcttile. calfd Tbt cimmmi or
H EK V /EU Archh^ih«f ff Rheims.
lf» d(|f(bf 4f ffuim Unmgt m trdtr.
iVorkjytt in Mtnufcrift,
ALener toGtij ArcfabUbop of ^gmm, A Trctiiic of tbe Art ol Pbyljck-
A Ui ipDtaiioo between a GIviftiMi aad ft I fai My,
JOHN IX. ?oft.
Tbe Hiftory of Sieify.
A Difpofing of predoiu Tbiogs in order from tbe
OcitioBof a» World til tie year 917.
A Getmm Wtrk, T Af Emptror of CoiiftaiUiaopl&
The Life of S. Hmtlfim Abbot of Rltnngtn. Gnntint Workj.
The Hiftory of tbe Iiaige of ^tfm Cbrifi fiuu to Ahgif
THEOT MAR, MetrofoUtm^ham. rmKmitdBdiffih mA brongbt 10 Ctafimimfh
A Letter written in bis owA N«me, aad nader tfattof The Life of tbe Eawevor Ai/S/L
the Biibop of BMiMiji^ to Pofe 74tt EC A Treadle of FdbklBI.
iiUtencftl Paodcds.


ALcBcrtoVo^fifaiDC A Cmnine Wir^ wbidf M bav$.
Tbe Hiltory oi tbe tiiuog and Ikiciiig of ^mifdm bf
STEPHEN. AhhintfUAm.mitfm'
wards Bij^of ef LiegC.
Above ft bandnd Lives of tbe
mrkfUt. fbtpt and pan printed.
cm of Holy Scripnuv.
Concepdoaitalcea Moral Semencei nd Rnteti
Cemtn Pr^um Dtlcoiuicsoa ifae Tmkft aad the Nine Lctrcrj-
Xovemioo of S. Sttphm's Body. Ceruui Poetical Pieoei.
One bundredUmof dir
W»kf fined.~
AlnMt4fo fttniboicd to otber Aatbours &c AiUtiut
JOHN X. P«^.

Three Letters.
His Gnm'ne fVgrf^i.

RATBODUS, crRADBODUS An Abridgaicat of ^^Grtgwyt Morals.

Hy tntrt aiid Aaibemt in booour of S.
Bijbof ^Ltrctht. Mmm.
Collations or Conferences.
The Lives of S. Gtrard and S. liaut^ of
A DifcouHeontbelifeol' $, 4mM«tM, «ad ihitof AoAflooom of Ttmibibm of SL
The Encemium or OaBmcodaiRHi of S. JMMk
TradB in CMmBendttioQ of & himm tnd SLBta^Jcv. A Bucgyrick 00 S. BfwAA

Digitized by Google
^ the Ecckfr^ical W^rit&rt
D 17 E A N D U i^i^ ^Caltrd:
Tbf Lifif of S,

be Monal.

Tbe Life of S.MMni. J OH M. Mmk fl/Cluny. ,

A CenUint fVork^

LEO vn. The Life of S. Oio Abb« of Cltmj.

O D O, AfMiptuf 4 Canterbury.
Bit Hiimim w^ki.
MARINUS U. P<^< gflclgfidtol
Cwi aiiMiMrt;

BERNERUSj Jdtoi( tf/'S. Rttny lUieimk.

AGAPETUS IL Piyt; Genuine ff«i<4fb

TiK Li& of S. IbMMN&i

Two Leocrs.
IkHHIaiytftlMlrm(UfiM«r ibi Ut oTihd

RATHE R1U S, Bij^f Verooi.

A Book of FerpeodknUiib His Genuint tf^k^iftiU txtmn.
A deliberuifeOMddiai nude «t Ln;#.
A ConjcLlare on a caxtia QH»riir A Capitulary for tbe Clci^y of Bis Dioce^.
A TrtCt about tbe Coottxt bet«M«a ^fthriiti mi the A Treatife oK tbe Perfecmioot raii'd aiaicit Clergy-

Clergy of r«rm4.
An A[>J^^pctical Trfiiife'. Ekven Lemn.
A Dilcoiiricio ibeCkrf;^ of J^«r«M.
A Chtntr 6r di» faMndMi «f Gimm inAntl of P»litic4, or tbe Perpca^Cttlir.
An Ordsaaaoe probibuinf to loktsaize Huritigu cm
Sundayi. BRUNO, ArcUifi^p '/Colpgi.
Five Loirn.
A SfQodual Letter. A Comaieotary oa tbe Peinateiicb*
l^rinirvvtloacruy to l^fiM*
Six Senrofij t

WILLIAM, AnU^ftfMcna.

A Letttr on the BaeUriR.

Tbe Combat, or MednatioMflf iteHMft

A Book call'd ?br9»^
JOHN Xn. Pi^.
I>ivcra Senoon*.
TbeLifeof &tyr/ii«r.
A Grammar, which bears tbe Titleof f/er« dtrfu Two Letters.
FLO D O A R D, Cmm of Rheiau. 5. ULR C I Brflfo-p ofAugibarg,
Gevnine IV rk.^ ftill txtmt* Gonuint kForl^i.

An Htth}r|r ot the Cburdi ot Hhetmi. Several Sermons x^ka'A m by ibc Autbor of hb lift;

LUITPRANDUS, cr LIUTPRANDtTS A Letter ifcow the GddMct «f9rie&

BiJ}i»p of EDGAR, England

A Hiftory bcgjooiog at tbe Reigo of tbe Empcrots HisLaM

Ia9 and Jh imlptm, ttd OMKng «r'4iM of Cmffw His Difixuirfe to S. Dw^m.
A Rduioo oi bn iMBiM% w tbe £»feror Fjbpc«r. .

An Hiftorf of ih» Sa^tflfM of Ami^. CertuB Eodbfiaftical CocAiittiQBiL

U T H O, Bi^«f 9xfahiu^:
Tbe Lives of tb«
A CbroDiclc.
The Li»« of S. Arhofufftii and S. Ainani.

HULDEBERT. jircUsfiH^efUtm' GERARD, Dtan «/ 5. Medard#« ^Xtm

Gemtint JVtrkf. A Gtmim f4^trl(,
iUlMrfdMlbilMi Tbe life of SI ifeiMMmvio Brafet

Digitized by Google
A Table of tbe ff^i>r{s
A Lencrio IPh|G> Bidnpof IfMhr,
A D S O N, itfWsr ^Deartcf.
THIEHRY cr THEODORIC, Genuine fVarks which we have.
Arehhijhop of Trier. Tbf Vvc, nf
S. Froai>trt.
S. Smyw, & A|M», & Mm^M
j1 Genmm Wtrk,
Tbe Hiftory of the Tianllttiai and MindctofS.
The r in* of S Lutrad4. Bercartm and S.Frtdbert.


ilionit S. GaUus.
TlimBooboftliellHIdrxofiheliMMif, coottioisg
tbe Reigns of tbe Bmfoan Bmj ibe Fowkr» ud A Mue to A Ttcadfe of ibe Getadar.
Cmin RxiBit A Tfcatiieof tbe Calendar. -

fVarkt hit.
The tJT« ofS. Thccl^ anH S. PWthc firft Hennice. JOHN XV. ¥0fe.

AB l; O, or ALB O. ^.bh^t ofBtwy. GemdmnM^/Uttixtsnt.

A Relation of cbe Tteicy of Pbue bciwun BHkHt
tin Genuint IVarki fhich we have.

An Apology. Aa Admaaitioo to tbe BiAopt of Pietr^,

Letters to Bernard Abbot of BMnfiiM.
A Letter to to Abbot of F«^. NICO of Armenia.
ACblledlimQfC«MMi A Genuine Wvi k.
WerkfltRl A TnAoOMMlivg the Religioo of ihe Armenisnt,
k Letter in HesMMSer Vcrfe ia CnmmfndirioB of
Tbe Harmony of tbe GoTpd dfldicind w OUb, Abbct ef Ujbe$,
A Trauiie of I be Cr r /f f Genuine Ifirl^,-

spur torn Workj- Hit HtftofX of tbe Abbey of Lohi.

An ]&)hd(De of ibe Liret of the Popes. Tbcm of & Vrfimir and S, Futcnin.
XteTjfeof&UML R E G N A L D, B,Jhop ef Eichftadt
JOHN Xni. Pi^.
GMiMtiyirV; The Lives of S. Nica/^r and S. BUftui.
Bdv Letter*. The Lives of S. fV,lbM aod S T>„f,<rha/J.


Pr$e^eJ Verdun.
An Hiiiory of the Miracles oS S. yamUlbert.
ACowFcndioMHiftwy ofitaBiflwpaofFtriw.
ROGLK, Monk of S. Panuleon « Cologn.
A Genmat H'orkJiiS extant. GREGORY V. P.^.
The Ule of JB^AfcU>i(bop of c</^
ROSWIDA, <^5l»^GandcrflJeim.

A ?i:cm 00 tbe Life uf tbe Baiperor CMS*L

Other Poetical Pieces.


A Genuine Work^ The Hiaory ot the Adts of the Council nf ttfuim 5m
ALener lo the Bidiopi of Firtme and Germmef, 991. ^ -ww^ m
A Difconrf^. TO the Ccundl q{Mou:^cv ia
ETHELWALD, Bi(hop 995
S. Winchcfter. A Difcouf ic cooarwDg the £pifcop.j fuodlio^
Sprim mk/, Simooy, wbch ke oompoi'd, being
Thiee Letters written daring bis
ATrcatife of tbe Abbots of idaiifmn» aod others Pontifical^
mentioo'd by Bitfdeus.
Divers Treauia ot Rbctorids,
&D U N S T A N, Archbijf^p ifCmrerbory. nutty.
Arttbaiencfc^ and Geo-

W Genuine Wtrkf.
Caneerdid, or Roles for tbe Kdooaftkil Life. Monk of Fleury.
BcdefitftioUCoottimiaoaiu^ of£<^4r The Hiaoty of frmet in ibroe igofajHl
---aim ai44


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(?/ ^he Ecctejiajlical Writers,
ilie UfeoT iMi AUwt of Wkmy. A NameUfs German BISHOP.
Two Books (jf the Miraclci of S. Benedict
A SoiDOD on (iie FeftivAt of that Saint. dGtmum Wtrk,
A Pjece in Verfeoi UtTmaaaiion, tod on ibeFoan- Hgtiftrf&lliwydk
dMkn or the Abbey oSFkmj,
Tbc Hff^ory of t& Tranlhtiiniif tbeBbdff
«f & Bifi
Ad Hiftory of the RiiTinp of LiVff.
fbdmuj hifbop of Bsms. .

A Treauie of tbc Body aod Blood of lefiis Gbrift*

Gtmim Warkf.

A Lmer Tbe Life of SL BtbtlmtU.

to Uugbx^u frTcral Qirfftior^;.
A Hi^o7 ill Verie Of die TiMOniM fif
A Jittuk of Difcord, and of liw Comins of oar
S. Wi
DtiAtful Winks. FRIDIGOD, JM^Corby.
HbeUraofS. JbMiditiMl & A4»M Genuiru Wor^t,
The Lives of S. WH/rid aod S. Om».
i< Gmtine fV«rI(. LANFRID, MmkpfWwdiater,
Tbe Life of & X.«^{vr fiifhop ofMin^fm Gmm'm Wmr^f.
Tbe Ufc of & Smitbin.
An Hiftory of tbc
that Saint'jflody.
Mincki ana
^ tie Tnadarinn
*«OIUMon of ^
7kliie,«r& tetelQnf oCA^sM OSBORN,CA^r,r ?rr4fCW<Qtt.
GERARD, ri»Pi^/<S.UIri& A Genumc W«rl^
A Gttadm* WtrkjmUeb mi liiMs> TbeLifeor&l)M^4ii^
lie life of & t;i^ fiiflop of iAyjiii^
A L FR I C, LF RI Q ^.i^^.,/'
*^MMrf^ WRITER, M<M«I^ 5.Vito«r dmcrbaiy.
fAGtHidtnt ^firk,
A SertnoQ.
A Oo^doMtfatt of Btr^bitr'i Hiftorjr of the BiHbopt of Two Laten.

ALBERT, or OLBERT, A^t of Wor^lon,wnHmMm4aifii

Divers Sermnn?
, Gemblours. in th? Jaxw Tongnc.
Ao Hiaory of ibc yew and CbrtSigm liU the

Tbe Lires of ifae Fathers coiapoi'd by tbtt Aoibor. APeniteona).

A Letter about tlic Mooaftical Life
ALDBLBOLD, Bi{h»f tfVueOit, A Letter agaioft tbe Micriite ef OHW-iaeo.
A Gentfine fVnkt
Oemio Lives of tiie Sanis.
TbeHiftotyof tbe Emperor Hmry UL TjwikiiMor Akne Woifcsof clie
fV«rkf lift.

HyraM m n«ife of tbe QnA, ead of tbc Virgiii

N I C E P HO RU S. fJ. Plii^>^.
Some other Work*.

JOHN, Abht rf S Arnulphw tit IhfctZ.

Genuine H'ori^s. MOSES 5ARCEPHA, -r-rt
An AcoNintof the Life and Iranflatioa of S GUde- Syria.
A Tieiufeor the TcmSriaf nndife
LSTAIDUS, AMifMieK, OTHLd,Afai«<5fFoIda.
•r S. Memin.
Genuine TVorkt. TheLiiiof
An Hiftory of tbe Miracles of SL JioHnib
TbcUkof §.7»/i4»B«bopf|riMflM. The Life of S. fi«nr/4cr.

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A Table of the Ms^ Letters and Canons^ &;C.
OD I L O, ^bbot */ Cluoy. A Fragmenr of a£bronicIe. ....
Gtimim Wmkf fiiJl ttetsmt, I be Lives oi rbc Apoftlrt.
tlietiTeiof& Mmiimi$,MUidt, LAUKENTlU$,M«iio/ U^e^smd^^
Lciter J t'j S Fulbtn.
HntmdifS. Vico «r Verdun*
Three ocher Letters.
Fourteen Sermont.
A GaiMrnit Wtrl^^
HIPPOIYTU iflEBANUS. A ContinMiiMiof iheHiftory «f tbc Biflioptof Tfl-

A T A B L E of the /*8x, and Camns of cbp

COUNCILS held in the Tentb Century.

Tttn Letten, fetitimi

iffli. ,
CrttBifffr iiaff, Petitimt
and Cmmm-.
and Cmpiw.
JBcvca Cat)(w.
^ Codnea«tl^9P4 Adi divided into
S. Thutrj 9SI An Extrad
ot ite kda
ACounnI at /^avrmitf 904. Tea CaputUarics.
A Council be!d An EjKr»<ft of the At*}! in
A Coancil tt Cantirburj ib. tie toft.
tlie Dioce^ Htdogrd and in
England, undcr^9o6 JJiws.
de" •

ACoaodI ai f(pni 9*1 k&s.

King £4iMr^ 3
Ads diridedkioFiImn A Coaocii M 9*4
Ariide*. ACowidlM «NM 9^4 A Dec
Ads loft.
Ads loft.

Aa £nna of the A(£b in

A Itmrioitt Decree.
A Cofoadl at ](4w«m9^ Adtifld Lei.«rihe Vtf.
Eigbt Canons, of wbicb An AtffiTib. in Enf^!. T
oolyfoarrtmajn> under K- £<^^4ri5c >9^7 Uwt twi CooSiintioaL
9*3 AnfiKtndof tfaeAdsIn S. Dtmfttm \
A Coiinril at Cn*-/ .^/^
An A£(cmb^ iol fitnttno^t under>9^7 A*"*"
Liwt. Hietfbtm Ph-coi \
Ktng£/£«|ki J A Council at Mount ? AAn
AftExtradlofihe Adsin s. r Anixtradef ibe kct% i$

9*7 AnEstrad; ofdbsAftsin tlieLifeof V^Ca

FiedmrJ, A g«i«tal
^ Coandl
inBi^Umd ^^^^
A Pfcfioe lad Flw Ca-
Canterbury un- /
nons. I

^* Ao Extract of rbe A as is
AnExtradof the Ad^j inj dcr S.D«i^«iif Dta^m's Life.
BMmi. I 971
91s ADecree agaiBftU!'u<f«^
«fEcdefiati. Revenues. 971 Acn
AnBztnd of Ibc AdU in Chnreux 989

AnEccle&ftte: Af7 SeitHi 989

fembly in H«5f/«i^944 Uw9 Hiihfiiliiri and
99» Aoi and IXiboorfai of iir-
under K. Edmund 3 CiviL
'C»»ftsiitinopIe 944 Aaiioft by Gtrbett.
Near the Rt'l Aasbft.
RbHm 991 An Admonition 0/ the B|>
fliops, & Cirhert'i LfiT(?r.
Vmbm 947 A« Exmd cf the AAi is 995 An Ad for iltc Caoooia-
tioaof S, ^Mnt,
AnEnrad^ of (he Ads in
f7S Acr*.
tbe fame Author.
An Eacract *i (be Aaski
In^elhtim 948 Ads and Ten Cinonf.
Jlamint Appcndhf.
94S An ExtraCl ul ibc Acti ia St. Dtiuus
99) Ao Batrao of lie hmim
TriVr Of IVrwi 948 Ads in Phd»4rd. 997 *niret Canons.
o ^ Lotidm 943 Laws loft. 99»
(J £«lKCaiMQi or CooOi-
TheCfaanerof a Domti- tntiont.
oaio dx MniHtiy flf Pntiert 999 Tfircc CaOQBA
Acn loft*
449 Eund of Ik AAiti

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A TABLE of the of the WORKS Ecde/iaflical
• of the Tenth Age of the Church
jiabors difpofed
according to the Si^jeds they treat of.

jM» Abbot of Fletoy'$ Apology.

-—Hii two Letters.

— Htt CoIIeaion of Canons.
Pbpe Johm the Thinecnih's Letters.

A Dillenatioa agiinft ibe

Net's Tnft eonecmiaf iiNRd«ioa of ibe

JIfftbtrim't Trtati(e of ibe Eodiirift.


Herigtr Abbocof Lthes's Trearifcon the fame fubjcil.

Pope BtmiiB the Seventh's Letters.
S. Dmftsns Letter to tfa^ fiilbop of Wn^br.
Pope Gn;^ tbe Fi&b> nor Letters.
Pbpe5//(;(/7eribeSecoaihQifav6of the Bpttopet
A Sennoo and two Leant oo ihc^fitMbvUt bjr A{frie Bfftop of Mmp^
Letter to F«/cw Arcb* CMWs
bilhop of I{heimj.
Alfric Archbilbppof Omurimj't ^"iwiral Lmer.

B0*ks ^ Cbareh-Difciflme.
Pope SttPbtm tbe Fifth's Letten reierr'd lo FUdo*rJ.
CerainLetten by Pope Fornufm. Pope Stefim Ae FKfa's Leners leferr'd to fUdttrd.
tmlcm Arcbbifliop of it&etiiut's Letter*. Pope Fami^ LoKif fioMI bf the feme An-
Bccirfaftial Conftiiniioni bf Qtmurim AtchbiOop of ibor.
Stm. / LenoB wrinca hf Fakm ArebUftop of t(^m$.

'Btrvxm Arcbbifhop ofl(jb*MM% tCttcr 10 Go Aftfar NUgf the Stammerer^s Hiftory of Chtrltnumm.
biiiop of
by VapcJtbmlX. .
Fope Jcbn IX and Btmdia iV'a fefoal
Pope the TcndA Letme,
M0f ond Theotmar's Leuen to Pope Jth DL Charht the Simple King of Fr^ww, his Letter to the
Vbpe 9tmdi8 ibe Fourth's Leuert. '
Bifliope of tbaiKti^doai, and
Pope y»bm X. a- w
Fope7«Aiitbe TcwnLencrir ' I I boutbe'Aftirqfflii/lAAi*f being wnidcdnpoa the
SdrntrJ King of Er.f^'ind s Law| i0'9o6i, Biflroprfckoftf*;*.
KtD£ Etbei/tan's Laws ia 92^. • • A Fragmcmof tbe Hiftorical TreatUe. bf BmkkUg
Lcnen lijr Nfeite Phtriaidi of CmfiimUmfh 10 tbe
Pbpes. v.. \ C<mfi4ntin» Pmftt/npmitkt* isk of ibe Eai|Nior
Pope L«« the Seventh's Letters. BtfiL
Fope i^j^MMT the Second's Letters. His Hiftorical Paodeas.
Hathrritx Bifllop of TtfrMw's Book of Perpendiculars. -His Hiftory of the Image of ftfia CtM
- - His delibciative CoodBfioo
His Wtkiam tkam the

made at Li^t./
* "
broDght from Edtjfs to Cmftsmtimfk.
ft. CMitttSmtit mwf of tbetakpg xifmfikm by
him and his Clergy. tbe $ur*ct»s.
-His Apologeticat Treaiife. f(g»bttiusi Apology , and fome other Traces of the
•Difcourfe to the Clergy of K«rMi4. lame Author.
>His Charader aod S|«adel OmMmog^ JnUMr/t Hil^ory of the Cfauicb of J^^dobk
•His Fire Letters. — His Chronicle.
HisSyaodelLener. Laitfrmdm's Hiftory.
•His Itinerary to J^smt. HaRdatkaGf bSt £niba<^ t» ibeEaapaor
His Six Sermoos. PifMr.
Odo ArcbbilTiop of Cantm His Hiftory of tbe Eapalfion of Brr«t^«r.
doM and PaftoralLener. A Chronicle of the Arcfabifl»p of Jtfnrf bf ffiHim
'4m Biftop of rarcrtTs Capinlaiy. Arcbbilbop of that Citf.

His Treaiife of PtefacwiB M liifed egibift die ff^ttehinJm's Hiftory.
Pope Jobm die Fi&eoub's Relation of tbe Ticaqp of
•1^ ElevcM Lfiwrf. Peace becween BMrti and HiebMri.
-—His two Leners to P ipe John XII. His Advice to tbe Bifliops Ptctrjf. ^
£4sar King of BHglsadt hit Laws. Fidaim'i Hiftory of the Abbey of ijAes.


Hit DilccBfle of & Oei^aa GirAweAicbbilbopof /(.^um^ Letters.

Digitized by Googic
J TMrf the ff^tr^f. Sec
Otdtrft Hiftory of the AOs of die Cooncil of
againft Anutlpbus.
4^ Monkof
Vffin lifaiin/f life of f. Ln^pr BAop of"

" His OUcourfe lo the Council of Mou^m,

' TiK LHe of Cttw ^C^anvrf tNiBniL
Utri^trAUbK of Idti* liiOwy «f ikt Whop of 7«fa Abbot of & Amulphm at Mrr;^f LifCS of S.ClNfr>
Lstgt. and & 7«b« Abbot of 6«r;{e.
Ainmn Moak of Fktiryt Hiftory of Fr^aer. ietdlJa^t Hiftorr of ibe Mfrtdes of S. MeMAiu
Mw» Covpato fiiftifj of ifee Wtagt of IVr Hu Lire of S. JuHav Biftop of
The Life of S. HmmimtU by a naaielcfi G*rm«i fit-
ACcntiBMtioa of the HiAety of ibe Bilhopi of Vtr- lho{>.

dun by a nameler* Monk, The Hiftory of the Tranflatioo of tbc Body of i

ifir/fo/it Hiitonr of tilt Brnmm Hmj 10. ;ii&«ifi»Biibtpof P^'« by a oamelets Wriccr.
A FragoMni of ttifftfytat 'Oikum^ChimMr mifimt Monkof flMliry2«r'iLtfeof & BtU»M.
Lmrmee Mook of Lief^t'% QiaiaBilin of ibe Hifto- His HiQocy of cbe TraaflaoMi of the Bo^r
fy of cbe fiiflwpiof KiriMi. ofS-Smuhim,
FriJtgtd Mmk
of CMfffao/i Uffttof 1 liSIMpaBd
S. 0»e«.
Livtsif th$ Sslmh
LMnfriii Monk ofmnebtjMtM of S. 5#(fim, and
HUiory of the Miracles of UlTtillflttion.
Jilcigtr the Siammercr's Martyrolofy.
Oji^m'sLifcof S. DunfiaM.
Hii Fragment of ibc Life itfS. GMu. NiV»/W ibe Philofjpber's FaaertlOMAmArllir
.J ,1 .ii^vcu ,^
L.fc °f S

Life of & Prrartl..

f,'*;" . .

OJ./f MookofS.A<f^*r<^at J«/««ihtsHiftory^ofthc M«Vlftf«^

Trandanoa of (befUUcki of & Stks/hMm aod &Tf-
q^,/, ^bbot of CWs Lives ofS.
Hifftltm tUkmmA Uva of tbe Afiofttefc
HfuiMduitLntt of S. AmtlbergM aad-S. WiMfmJL

Mreaphraflefi Lives ofthe SaoilS.

Abbot ot Clun/s Lives of S.GtrMiu aod SMtrtitt
HiiAcooaaiof ibeTnoOuiooofdiefiodyof 5<«rm McufbrMBest Moral Seueoces.
Oi» Abbot ofehip^Cowfctcocci.
I Comi —His Sermons. — •

on S. BaneJiS, -—His Epitome of S. Grtiny'i Morals.

mUtlnrt Arcbbilbop of Mtof^t Vcm Of oemio I(ftimm'» Cofijedhire on tttttAi (^iftf*
- ,
-His Sermons.
3tiM Mook ofCimLife of S. Oil. S,XJInc BUhof of dtatburit Sermons.
AnNKn^aLifeaodTcMllaiionof ibe Rdfckf of& at- fUiU iUbat of Cib0r^SmMttiead Lenett. ^
6irh)|> of S^iofanx'i Lives of S. ^r^^f^Mand H^arkt skont^ a Muu^ick Lift,

6^4ri Monk of S Medxr^s Life of S. i^«M«tf/. Ode Abbot of Clmy'% Conferences.

Itien^ or Tbudaric Arcbbifliop of Trmti Life of S, DmStmtt HaraMftf, or iUika fer tbe Mooafiifik
& Iwniic Life.
Abbot of LoMwHi ifiAoqr of d» Mincks of
S. fVmdtdkrt. FMticsl Worki,
Kfger Monk ofSL F^MMWtUfeof Aow
of Calo^n.
H^Mlirtmmt BMhof of Strahurgh's PoeoHk
4Mm Abbot of Dfj/trf't Lives of S. Btruin, SA^fUw,
Nelger the ShttMB^'s Ptefrt and t^fHMb
SL hUnfuet, and S. Fradhnt,
Selmun Bifbop of Cmtfimu's Poon.
His Hiftory of the TraoilaiioM tod MiMda
Simeon MetaphrMfie/i PoCtM.
of S. BtrcMri and &
Hymns and Aotbems n faoMMr of S. MM»te»
Abboiof M% Lira of & t^ffaur ndS. Od«'s
j(j^»MAs Ninof GM^ff/WaisfaerPoaftootbeLifeof
the Anperor Orh L
Htgindd Bilhop of EieiAMdt'% tlM or&NMb^.BAr
Her other Poetical titm.

Jw, S. mihaldm, and S.VmuhMli. Aimrim Mode of TittMaft of

Htrair Abbot of Life of S. fr>Mr.
S. fcw*fc ^ibi Purti of Abbey cf
^iiMw't Life of i<M« Abboiof ffaPTt.
HbtwoBHkiof Ibe llinwfci of &
.UisScomiao AUnl«f tbttSifab


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A Tdie ofiie Qkncils, &C.

An Alphabetical Tarle of the Ecclefiafiical Mhors

of t;iie Ttf^ Cemu0%
Ost«rM Chanter vfC^Httr-
A Bbo, or jHh,Ahbcn of S. lAt^w/y-m ArcbbilTiop j
^olin Abboc (i(S.Arnul-
Flemn, ji A-' of Canterluyj, 64; pbusuh4eti{y $4
Ahlbtro ^^.oiAiigthurg,^% D«r«Mte Abbot of C^^lrri Adook of CAin^, 50 R.
d XJtreebh5 ^ 67 n AthMu
j^iahold Bp.
Adjon Abbot of Dkottm,) s E Li1r>Jy$d Monkof fT/n ^ Birhopot
,ttr I(jdhclda$,

Ai^m Abboc ofLttxueil, ib. |}^4r k.of £MrW, 64 c^A<r, ... 66 i(ftheriut B iTtop o.' J'ir*-
Jigtptm II. Pope, 9 1 & Ai S. &ieW</Biftop of lo. Jequ.
jUmoin or Aimamm Moilk mncbifitr 65 and aficrwaidofSLFSM tfH^inaldus Blfilopof£ie&-
AiOicftifl^ Puruucb of A- it Trt^iMi, 55
itftt*rr. arO0vrf; Afelntor kxmtiria, 4 £«• VII. Pope, 8 & 19 I{^gtr Monk of S. PMir«-
Gtmblours, 54 F. Letal^vs Munk of hU^fie /fon 2t C /*«•/, 5^ '

4f jfne. or i£^, Ardr FLbdmdt Cmoa of S. MemiH, JS HsfvidM a Nua of Gio-

bilbop oUGmiitrhry^ Jt6f/au 45 Lmr/rauAtfyfiilhop ofCrr-
An ijwitrmMW Aaibor fii- Forn^ui, Pope, 31 S
ibop of GfraMiipf. 61 fWcMi , Arcbbiihop of M, CO/«fflm fiilhop of C»Ki-
An Amtgmtm Amhoc ^tdwu, 31 MAkeimBUkap^eU'
Tridegcd, Monkof Cmmt- Urns, 35 Metapbr4^ti,
^Ky, 66 _
hUrinus 11. Pope, 9 Stephn V. Pot)/-, ^ I
Aaotber gwwy Wri- lyBMH, or Fikidat Abbot
^ fww MoiiJ( Anonymous, 55 Stephtn Abbor of Ltitff
ter, Mtfts Bar-CefbHtbiOoflli aftcrwaid fiiDiop of
wf<«o Bifhop oiP^retil, Syria, 5 Liege, 52
AmeliM Cterk of dw Cb. G4utgriiUt AidmAop K. T
of 47 A Namelef) Author Bi- IT'Iltn'nitr MetropoIltjQ
G«r»dS. Vine I Papil,s6 fliopuf GfrOTiPy, 6i
A Wi rter,Mook
finvn^. Dean vt^MtJUrd
1 Snffms^\ i
of S. r*/«tt yerdun, JJ
Tfcff 177,

or Ttetdouc Aicb-
of Tr$er, 61
Btnedsa Vn. Pope, to 'Grtgory V. Pope, i $ 8c 10 J
Anoiher Ndtnele/i Author. U.
JlmMnvMook otSLl^mx H. 61 T Muk

Arcbbilbop of: Nictfharui tbc Fiulofepiier, ^ iLfric.v.rVjfn

oHf-'frthin 6l
Btrtbier VneftofVtrdM, Mnwf, 16 I
5 S. TJhic Bifhnp of yfttg/^
55 Hehtrie , or CLilferic, j
Nicelat Patriarcfa of Cm- /'tfrj;, 56 (3 fciju.
Monk of S. Gdt 14
jbn)^ Abbot of Nietof Armmia, 4 60
Bormo, or fi^tw. Abbot of Herx^eus Archbi/Tiop of Notj^er the Stammerer W.
Mook of S.G«i; 60
^niw Afdibilbop of Cf IliftMffr* Aichbiftop of a irgmnut, Bilbop of

r^HUperie, or Httfnie,
Hifftfytui thel&^4», 4 ^ AKhotnfC/
0^//7» Monk of S.Mt-
dsrdKSdUjiHU, S4
Straiburg, 59
Arcbbilbop .
!• AAwjf, ibid.
Monk ofSGrfi&r, 54 JeannetCamenittes 4 ,
Odo Abbot of C/w«r, 50 H'tichiri Jut , Monk of
^«/>M lX.Pope,6& 15 Od» Arcbbilbop of C^mtf Or^ in Sdxmjf, 60
hay, 64 tVal/ttm Monk of IPSir
7oi&n XII. 10 8c lO. Olhrrt, or ^/W, Abbol of

An Alphabetigal Table of the COUNCILS held

in the Tenth Age of the Church.
Fit JPiyii. Xtfib An*. FiSH^ lAirr. JSmTA P/fce. P4|^rf. Tcgrt
• ^ttuHMttf^' ^89
A lHb<fc^, 49 iDo>
^ C

elUMMnMihsr.37. 934

p6w, ^7.

920 p/^ifr,«s, 93» I

' G4Mr/r^r/r;> oodcr C^«ii»i««y/f, ibid. 944 En^bnJ under K. ^ IN^elheim. 9, 948
& Ang^w^Xi ^
974 Ci H^Kfi^i ibid. 967
i £dNM«h463, 944 iifgelbeim, 38, 97^
L Lm4mi>

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An INDEX of the Trimipal Matters, &c.
Tttrs. Tttrs. P/mt. P^r^f/. Tf^A P/iCf. Fi^.
H«fB«, Li 9^4 Wy. 35, 909
^Ondm, 64, 948 & 904 i^om;, ibid. 964 911
{(omty il 5c 995 914
M. j^Jtif»»4, 48, 997 i^amr, ^
211 i^ffine under Sjlvejler
J{btims, 39, 975 II. 49t lool 947
ibid. 971 ^lmms, 40, 989 S.
MM^My J2i 948 J(j!vimi, ibid. 99* C gwtt. 40. 989 w.
Mff«3f9n, 948 I(bnms, 4*» 993 ^ S4ig^,i7, 94« y^Jfcbefier, 6^ 975
J4»«;{«»,41. 995 i^^eiiw. 44, 995
P. 904 1"fli>rr7-CA«rM«,37, 934
'pOititrs,^ 999 9. 949 S.Tf)ierry,^ 95}
963 1W<r,or Trmijibid. 948

A General I N D E X of the Trincipal Matters con-

tained in this Volume.

ABltjs io ibe pofTcflion of Lay-men, 61^ Rrftot'd ifn»N//iirjKtngof Gtrmtnj, crown'd Emperor, by
to Regoftr Cmons, ibid, feme rerain'd by the way of recompencc for bciiip fevere againft the
Bf feveral Abbcyi govcrn'd by tbc fame nuns, The time cf his death, tbtd
Abbott ibid. Artaldtis ArcbbiAop of Bpfi^' his Ordination 37. ,

Abbey of S. Ambrefe at MiAm ; a Pririledge grant- A Priviledgc granted 10 him by King Lem d'Otitrr-
ed to it> lo. jww.ibid. He is oblig'd to rclign bis Arcbbilhoprick,
vf^^ of C/«iir, when and by whom
Its firft Abbot*, 10. A Privikdge
fonndcd, ^
graatcd to that Ab-
and to accept of two Abbeys, t^i^ His Tretty with
Hugh upoa accoont of that Refignation, ibid. He is re-
bey, 15, itofcd to hisEpifcopal Sec, 36. Tbc time of his dcaiii,
Abbty of CrcjUnd, a Donation made to 11,^4. 39.
Abbey of Fkurji a Privilcdge graiucd to that Ab- Aoj^shirg, ibe Biihops of thai Cborcb io the Tenth
bey, 51^ Century, 56,&c
Abb^tKfgulsr, by whom
fuundfd and focaird,5l.
Abbots i their Office and Fundions, 4 t. B.
AbfihtioUt that of publick fins refet^'d to the Bi*
(hop, 14. OApti/m, tbcAdmtniftration of that Sacrament,!^
Adilbert xhc Son of Berenger, expell'd It^jf by bis ^ Fcnnance impos'd on Adult Pcrions admitted to
Father, 10. His Intrigaes with Pope Jehrn XII. agaioft lecetveit, 17.
Otho Recovery of Italy, ibid.
for the He is inntcd to Belh ; the firft Example of the Benedi<5lion of Bells,
Heme by the Pope,from whence they are driveo out by 14& 65.
Benefices, the Merchaadiie that was made of them
Adam; M(fes 8<r-G«^Ws Opinion concerning bis in the Tenth Ccaniry, 5 1 &
63. Plurality of Beoefi-
Immorwlity. j, CCS condemned, 8 & <iSL
AdeUidMyi\x Widow of Lttbsriiit King of ItMljr, per- Birenger the laccels of bis Anns in bafy,
, He ^
fecuted by Beren^er, wKo cnvcn to marry her. lo. She caufes bimfclf to be crown'd Emperor, ibid. His Cor
makes application to the Emperor Otho L who refcncs rcnation condcmn'd in » Council, 12. He is kijl'd al!
faer,and takes her 10 Wife, ibid. yerona,^
A^ius Archbifltop of N<ri »»f,confirm'd ?n bis Arcb- Berenger, the Son of Adalbert, Marqoeft of IvreM ;
biflioprick,and Ctrard, who had the poncHioo of it, his power fnfpedled by K. Hugh who determines to

turn'd out, lL difpatch him, ^ He makes an Efcape to Germmi/^

Alheric. his Authority at Heme, after having expell'd ibid. He returns to hafy, ibid, having re-effablifli'd
Hugh his Fatber-in ljw,8. Odavtan his Son ad vancd bis Authority, becaules bimfclf to be crown'd Ki^,

totne Papal Dignity at the Ape of lS years, L£2. 10. His vain Etforit to ourry Qiieen AdM^dt^ Lie
Alms, the firlt founding of Ainu-money, or S.P«e«r s thariuss Widow, ibid. He is compell'd to fnbmit to
Pence in Engtmi, 63. the Emperor Otho L ibid.

Anathenid, publilhed to continue for ercr,3l,g9. Founder of the Order of Ciuny, 49.
AntbrofomiTpb$tes, ihcir Errors confuted by B^hf ereded by tbe See of Bom* in dfi
vius, 67. Certain Itdltan Clergy-men fallen into Tenth Century, t^i Lis 49 & Plurality of Bifliop-
(hat Error, ibtd. ricks conferr'd on the fame pcrfoo 8, 48^& 6fi. ,

Apptdh : of ihofe to the See of Rone, 4t. Bt/htps, their Elctftion and Ordination, 17 6^ &
Argrin Bifliop o( Ldnffrej, reltored 10 his fiiflnprick, Some Bilhops chofea very young in tbe Tenth Century,
1 1 , ^6 & dS. Of the Epiicopal Fundions and Aatho^
/Irmeniani ; the Miflkm of Hieo into Armtni*, 4. rity, Zf,2z 8c 13. Bilhops not allow'd to confecrate
Atrati Cleigy-roen allow'd to bear tbeis, £8. ^Churches beyond their own Dioccli wuJwui permiflt-

n -d by Google
Ad index of the 'Princi^ Matters, Sec.
OQ, 49. nor to orcUin foreign Clergy- meo, witboot Peoaldes to be infiided on thofe who fpeod tone
recomtacodatory Leuert from ibcir fiifbopt, ibid, nor Hunting or playing at Games of Hazard, 6a. obliged
10 choofc Coadjutors,
to Cburcbci,
Mooki ni«de
^& dS. Of ibetr Right to lead a fingie Life, 2^
Subjcifb co tbeir Ju- nently 162, & 6^ Forbidden
6x. aod to live conti-
to kecpfofpeded Women
rifdiCltaD)6z. aod ibe Moiufteriet co their Vilitttiom, in their Hoallcs,)^ & 6^ Coaftiiuiioos agaiofl Cler-
Hid. Of the Aliegiaoce tJiqr owe 10 Kiog*.
gy-men who commit Robberies or Fornicationj63.0r-
2 i.4o.
8c 4J. Wbeiber ibcy miy be tllowed to gire Holta- dinancies agaioit thofe who do tbem any .'injury, jz.
fCkfortbeit FideJxj, Depofcd for High Treafoot
iA &4i. Of Jadidaiy ptooecdiogi againll fiiOiopt,! Clirk/, why contemned io Ita^ according to H^ube-
I7,4q>,& 4i. C5f the rtmoring of lijcir Caufcs to the rittt, u. Secular Clerks fnbftitnted in tbe room of
Seeof J|fMK, 41. PeoAlties to be ia^£ted oa tbofe Munki, zi. What ihcy ought to know.g 6. Clerks ob*
who art addided to Hunting, or to pteyiog at Gatnc; ig'd to embrace tbe Mooaftical Life vaEagLoUt ^4.

of CiMnce, £^ Wbetber they ought to fay Psx vabu, Conflituiioos againft thole who abnfe them, ana
or DtmiHui vebtfcum, ^ fiifhopt obJig'd to preferve relating to iheir Ordinations, 48^
i A Penalty tobc ia-
the Revennes of tbeir Charcbes,i^fW. Of the {nllaging didled on Cleric wbo live licentioofly, 47.
of their Eftatcior Goods after rbeir Deccafc or Expal- Cetdjuteritt, cot>demo'd in feveral C^ncib, 4^.
ion,i7.36,& 6^ How ibc Empct^t Nieephorus feiz'd U, Commumon ; an Obligation to participate of k
on their Revenues after tbeir death, a 8t 3. The Mif* four times a year, dK.
daneaaoor of two Gruk Biflwpt tolerated in a Cops- Cmftjfton; Criminab allow'd to make Confeilioo
cii, i. of Capital Crimes to a Prieft, 6 a,
Bmiifsttf the Su^ccdbr of F<>rmefuj,xaxu'd oot of the Confvnution. Clergy-meo forbiddco to ezadl aay
See of H«mt, ^ thing for tbe Adminiitratiooof it, 48.
BtmfMt, Anti-Pope, the outrsgioos AdbtxxntDitted Cofi^r<>;4rtMi, the original of tbem, 45 &
by hitn in alpiriog to the Papal Dignity, and Cooful of R^me, r^. his Tyranny over
in main- Crti'centiiu

Kaioiog his Authority, 4. 1

tbe Popes, 1 i. His revolt agaioft the £mpcror,i^i</.Hc
Bmtm/ i a Conftiiniioa about the barjtsg of the is kill'd by Treachery, ibid.
dead, 24,ae48. ... D.
C (T\Ee«mviri, wbo they were, 14. An ezennplary pti-
^ jtnam^Mtim »f SMtmtj i the original aod progreG of
of it, 65 fi^u.
niOitnem of their Revolt agaioft the £mperor O-
tbe, ibid.

Ctmmt of the Couodis of the Teath Ceotory, (i DtMcomJfeti Atto'i opioioa coocerning thetn, zft.
fequ, 49, 6i. ^e. Of the oetziTity of obfenriog theai, Didm fii<bop of jU(M» reprov'd by Ftiletu Arcbbi-
a4j2j7Tbe Italiutt of all the People in Chriftendoaa fhop of I(Joeimj, upon account of bis proceedings wi<b
faccording to E^kyrw) have the Icaft regard to the refpet^ to a ceruio CrimLQ»l. 34-
Ca nons , xu. DignitiuEctiefiMfiietUy wbo are anwonby of HAm^
Csmem Regalarof particular Cborcbes ; Rtilei for according to S^4theriuj, li,
(beir Fondlions, 47. DifnfUnei Certain Rcgalations of Ecclefiafiical Dip
Ctmmfisift I(tpd»y iofUtatedio (erml Chapters of cip{ine,r4. By whom rc-etablilb'd in EngUnd, 6^
DuttfiM Arcbbifhop 9i Canterbury, refufes to taka

Chsrits tbt SimfUy Kiog of Fr«M% Ui oppo- off an Excommunication which be bad denounced, al-,
fitioo to £«i»i Count of Fiira, crown'd Kiog io & ^
tho' be receiv'd expreis orders from tbe Pope to do it
The Argameats of Fulctu Arcbbifhop of I{htimt about 63. He cannot be prevail'd with, to that purpofe,bat
the Coronation of Cb«rltt tbt 5imfit,-ii. His Remoa- upon the reqoeil of the fiifhops of a Council, ibuL
ftranceto that Prince concerning bit Alliance with the E- .

JJorvuHS, ibid. King CbAtlts itnprifoned by Herbert T^CcUfiddictl Perfemi, fee Clergy-tnen.
Count of Vermsmdeisy ^
He is detaio'd Priliooer till Eceltfufitcdl DffctfUiu, fee Difcipline.
Bdj^ar King of England, reprov'd by S. DMnfimi,6^,

liii death, ibid. 36.

CluBrUi Doke of L«rr4M,tbe laft of the CsrliMt Race, Tbe Penance which he impofcd on himi ibtd.
why exdnded from the Crown, and Hugh C*ptt pre- BMimti The Aotiioriiy of Prtooes ia iheJElctftioa
ferred before him,}o. His vain AuempuagainfliAijA, of Bifhops, 17 & 68.
Und. (3 40. His imprifonment and death, ^9. EJeami of tbt Emfire i Tbe time of their Iafiiiati(%
C hefts ccntainiflg the Records of a MoaafteryiNttoi 15.70- f^ff^tt. .

Erohibiod to receive any into tbeir Co&ody, without a Empertr ; The Eledlion of tbe Emperors reAratned

Joeoce from the Biibop, 4.7. to a certain ntunbcr of German Princes, 13 & 70.
Chrifimi Nuhiog to be exaded for the dillribuiioa EucbtriRi Several Pcrfaoa in tbe TentbCeniury de-
of it, 48. ny that the Eachariffical Bread and Wine arc tearil*
Chttreb CiubtUck., Rules for its conduct, 4^ cfaaogcd into the Body aod Blood of Jcfus Chrift, 66.
Cbwrthfx Temple ; The fiiibops in £<i(|(iWiiJ obliged Pretended Miracles 10 ooofiiiD tbe cootrary Opioioo,
to. repair their Churches, aod the Kiog to (land to the ibid. & 62. Tbe Anthori wbo maintain it,67. Other
Reparadoo of the rcit, 6^ Of the Right of the Bidiops Writen who treat of the Eocharilt after the fame man-
to Cborcbes, si^ Laymen forbidden to proTidePriefts ner as gatr«mmit, iUd, Divert QpciUons relating to
for Cbarchn, or to turn tbem oat, without the coofent this Sacrament, li, 24. An Abafe of it reform'd in
of tbe Bifbops, 39. th e Church of B^nna, 48.
Cl0rgrt»**i Of tbeir irregolar pratflices in the Tenth ExcorrmtUHitatims i a ConQiiMtion about fach as are
Cesmuy, i6,8c 65. Of their runcilioos, 26. 17. Sc deoounc'd by Ecclefiaftical Judges, 42j A fcrpetual
Of the Perfecutions ibat were raifcd agaioft them,. Kxcommunicatiooj 31 6^. &
g?. Of iba aojoft Ftocefles krr'd ufoo cbeiD» ii*d

An INDEX of the Trincipal Matters, SCC.
F. Cotmcils and Excotnmnoioated, ^ £^ feqit. Tke 8f-
F)fti, •ConftitTrtiofi abomtbtt ob $.AI<r^'sdiy,^9 (hopswho ordaiird bim ubHged to make latttfadion,j^'
ForMtdcn to be hnpoAl witbout the BHhopi coo- Peniltief inftidedon tbofe who bad ordaia'd hm ihid.
fciit,6i. A Rdixation of Ftftiny,6 1L Ot tbeOHigt- Hti/rhCoatH of Arltf, becomes Mafter of I{»me bf
Of tbofc prcfcrib'd by ^ftheniM tii- mtrrymg Msr*fia, 2i He is expelJ d tbence by Alht-
tfon of F«fti,64.
fhop of Verma, How
ibejr were obfenr'd in his riots, &. His emerprrre* to get podeSka of tbat City a-
time, - ' gain, ibid. The Kingdotti of Italy is (eft bim by Hd-
Fcmufus Pope, tbe fentiments of feveral perlbasfor dulfhus, ibid. He itctmftraioed by Berengtr to abaa*
and againft hina ^ 6^1^ Hh Memory and Or* don it, He retires to Pmatetjand die* tbere,A</.
dinatiors ccmdctnn'd in a Comcil. 6» Rfi-eftabliAi'd L
fa atiotbcf ConnciJ, ibtd. 'T He Imi^« of Jcfas Cbrift, wbea broogbt ftoui ff-
Firfnrir ArchWhop of l^beims; QuaJitiet attribmed dtffa R> Cvaftantintpl*, 4. ' /
to him by Pr>pc Stephtn V. 3 1, For wbtr retfon cited tmchatmert, Wbetker tfaey oogbt CO be admincd t«>'

ta /^OT»f by Perm^ui atxJ Stefhn VI. 8c Tbe PennatKe, 19.

Excufeslie ihadeto dediiw that Jonraey, ibid, Hii Imdttlgencti granted by tbe Popes, 6fi. * )t

RctnonflrtftCf to King Charfes the Simffe, about his InjiruBioy^t Sywdal ; tbeir original, ibid,

Leagae witbrbt 'Normam, 30^ Aoctbcr RrmonftntMC tnterdidiont, a Regulation of tbcm in favour of tbe
made by that Arcbbifhop to Haneratut Biftop of B*mm- Parochial Cfaurcbes,47. j .• .-•

tait, His Death, gs.

2^ Irtvtftiturtt, tbe Rigbt of tkeai granted to tlleCikt^

France, The Divifion of it mto tfafee Kiogdotw, jo. perors, z & 43^ •

Tbe ProRtrrtort of Htigh Cafet crown'd Kiitgs of fM(r, that KingdonconteAed among diven PiSn-,
France, tbid. & 36. ces, 2il C fi^"-
Friday, feme would bare Feafttng or tbat day,
Fr at arms Arcbbifltop of BnrdtaHx, cbofm Arcb-
^ Judiciary Prcceedatgj againft tbe Bifllops and Ctergy
irregularly carried on, ij. ' . «; ^ ' •

biftiop of B9HrgM,3i. OW^ed to leave tbe latterMe- K. •

tropolitao See, and to return tothtt oiBawdtattx^bid. I, MredHort about tfceir Dvty, 6^ VW-
G. iber they may require Hodagcs for ibc Fideftty
G/tma tf Hazard ar Ctumce j a Teniftf be hf6- m offiifliops,
Clergy- mcB^fao are addid)cd to tfaein.6i
<5)xd ofi I, .
• ••

Gerard Arcbbifhop of Sens , rcccirei a CommiiTioti r jimbrrt, crown'd Emperor by Pope Fetnt^ui, £ gt
witb John Arcbbtfbop of from tbe See of I{gme ^ all His Title acknowledgd by John IX. 6. His

to rrgtrtatetfae reftatiration of a Monaftery,
Gerard ki ^ MMny
p tS ttnb; tbe Times
^m Coronation confirmed in a ConnciiTiT^
wbtc^' cal end, 7.
His Tragh

the Pof>e allow'd him to wear the Pan, 1^. Divers Langresi Two Biihopi ordaiii'd ivrtbat Cfaurch,)!
Qoeftions prtipos'd by him to tbe Pbpe, and tbe Ao' Lams JtOunamn i wbence be obtain'd tbat finiaaie,
fwcri to tbfm,»^<i Made tbe Pope^ Vicar iti Gpr* JO Sc 32iTbe Motires tbat indac'd the Eilates
matiy, ihri. him King, The time of his death, jo.
Qiifiair BiSnp of htrr^ir]^, a Sentence pafsVJ againft Lewi tbe ism of fi«^,Coam of Arltst atibnet ibe
Wtn, irpon account of his inftalment in tbe ATcbwibo|>- Title of King of Ariel or Provenct, 30, He Abdicafe*
ri* tjf Magdeburg, 49. the Kingdom of hah, He is recalM thitber aod
Go^f^aHytrj, the obligaTion they lye nnder to tbeir bcfray'd, ikid. A i ; 1

God-cWdfrn, 26. Lorcb ; Tbe Right of precedency grt*»n^ tfe the

Gflfft; irregnlar proceedings, that ^ttit in aft, to Ohtircb of terctbefore that t)i Mt:{burg, rg. Tbe
judge of tbe Guiltinefs orlmtocency of an accnfed per- JurifdiAion of it regulated, ibid. •

foo, 02. Lmts Prayer ; Vbctber kougfat to be

Gm; Doke vlfSpleto crown'd Emperor by Pope for- Bc ii tdit^i on of the TAte, ig, i . j ij

DMritf, 68t jx. iTie time of bh death, 6, •

M. ' '1' '•» i

H '

]l«^4Aramrs s icker
tfaey ougbr 10 kki' l
i tittd
Arctbffhop x)fSah:^trrg, for wbatrcafbo to Pensance, T9. ..,^:i!-ri 7
FTAnlld tif-
*• pofed and excommunicated, 14. Magdeburg ; rbe eretftioo of tbe Cbarcb of T^li^de-
Hwm Count of Ferrtiand«ts, bisTreacljery to i^Sc^ Tbe'irft-ArciH
King burg into an Arcbbilhoprick,
Cbi^Ui tbt Jo. He makes himfedf Mafler of bilbopofthat Dioceft, j8. - •
Simtfie, . nio i^'

tbe Arcbbifhopridc oTf^Wnrr, by cttjfifig his Son to hfanajfet Archbifhopof Aritt ; Tbe MorifM that
be cbcKen Arcbbilbop, jS. After what mantier be di- ioduc'd him to leave tbat Mcrropoliuo See,8. TbeBi-*
IpOf^sOf tbe Goremmcm c^faat MctropaliranSe«,»W. Siepricks wfaidi lie obtata'd ia Italy againii aH«ianaer
Brcotnmnnicited for pillagirrg tbe RcTmoes of iSe of Rules i^i He declares for Berengeryjho piromirei
Chorcb di f^-runs, 37. bim the Arcbbiiboprick of Miian,^. He adi^ally ^eis
J/rr^HaW Biftop of TVrwjwe drirtn OQtttf bfl Vkt poflefTionof h, and tarns dat tVaHtrt, id. Heez- '

t'he Ksrmm, 31. nomi na ted to tbe Bhbopritjc

cefsliy pek I{atherius out of tbe Bifhoprick of Verma, t>..
of Ch^hns, 34. Markfti forbidden to be kept on Sunday»,6^. -'*
Hildbin, iotroded on tbe Epifcopal See of Ut}re,i%. Mtnrriage ; WiAwfaom fbrbidden to be cont ract ed,
Tbe caufcs that rendrr'd him nncapAle, ibid. At laft 1, 15, of, 48. (5i, 64 8t 68. Tbe Tiines in which
Itiro'd out of tbat Bifhoprick, i^V. t(atberiits prohibits to marry, and the Pemttirt be im*
Arcbbifhoprfi^/Tirwj, cbofen at the Age of pcrfes oa tbofe per^s, wtM> Ht mt» obferte tMm. Ig.
'ivtycift, 3^ ArtolAui fubftiftitcd in hit room, ibid. A puni(hmeot to be infli(fh?rf oa married Pniifti, ty.
&37, Rcftoredto the polfrflion of his Arcbbiftwprick, At what times I^athrriui forbids Matrimooy to belo^

1^ Hit Ordinatioo,!^ He is depos'd io fereral lemnized, 14*63. Diftarbaotcs in ngbmt aboai E

An INDEX of tAltTrincipal Mitters,S)Ci.
iiitrmge, Third and ittanb Marritgcs proinbi-
ted in tbc Ealtem Cburcfaes, z & 6iL P^,the Popes cojoyn tbe Arcbbidiopi to go to t^fme
Tbe Church
I(fm does nor tncinuiethe nallky of tben, Sccckid *- to reoci«e it,67. The BtQtops to whom the Popf 1
and Marriages
ibird oboozioos to PeAtuaos in rbs granted the PjII in the Tenth Ceniury, oo. ^1,^7,
Qretk Char<b, ibid. & 6^ Ativicp 10 tbe Pope about tbccoofie^fknof ^
S. Martin at Tmrs; Women v^forbidden to cnur it, jzat 67. . ' . .

that Monaftety tinder ptin of Excommunicauoo, Par4di{e ; tbe MyfHct] fignificatioM of tbe Terre-
M4r.'in B:fbr)p of Ferrara^tccm'd o£ baviog ord&in'd Aiial Paradtfe, L
GMfdrta for moticj, rj. • ^- • , » > ta04m i made to tbe Pope, to pre-
'Mtrtx's The Emperor fikefhm^t endcamrart to vent the diriding of tbe Bilhoptick t^f Psjfaw, 16. The
get a Decree made in a Council that alt tbe Soldiers,
, Mi(iind£r(taoding between the Mgrtnimu atid B0M-
wbo «rer« kill°diiltbeWar,(bonld be reputed Martyrs»3 ruHs obont that Afiak, ikiiL
Mtfn ofth* Celebration of it^ Clefgf-men, Patharck Tbe osiffine of tbe FatrUrchs of Akxf ;

wbo itand convi<5lcd of ao^ Crime, forbidden to lay tmdn^t according to Butychiiu, 4.
it, iM, Mais ceiebrtted wMiout tbe Commtmion, Patrons, A Copftitutiao for the Patrons of Chutdr
I r. At what hour it was afnalfjr faid on Hofy Stiw- ei. 1?.

PtBMMMct, Publick Pennaoce in u6:, 36, 17 8e

hlerihfr^, when that Cbtiecb Was rais'd lo a Bi(bop- but very much eoerTated,6& Tbe Rigoarof k OMglii
rfck, ^afterwards deftroy'd and reftor'd to ifcat dig- to be Initigaied in favoar cf New Convero, 1 5^ A
afty, ilriJ. Probibaioa m
cxa(^ any thing for tbe Admuiftratioa
Morufteries, Rules for ibofe of Nans, 47. and fo* of it, 43.
the other Monafterie?, ihiJ. &^
SevcraTMobafte- PeatecoH, A, Eak tb^i. tbc Ceiebrattoo of due
fies govem'd by tbe fame Abbot, ^&^ Feltiv^l. 3^
MondJiicAl Order ^ tbe ftaie of Tenth Cen- Perjured Perfowt; Conftications agtinfi tbein, aod
it in tbe
The originaJ of (be MooafiicaJ Congrega- puoilkaeau inHiOird on tbcno, ^6 & 6^
W. » •
Phutntia, Tbe Church of Flacettia ettdbtd into an

inftin«ed by Birtibj^, «wW kt CatHedfal Arcfabi^koprick, and afterward- reftor'd to tbat of

fliHrCbarcfaes by BtffiOps, ^
Churches, 65 & 6^ Irregular Monks mznid oot of VeiMM, lA.
'ftals'd ro tbt £pikopal P(eim f K.ules for tbe keeflag of C(Nl^^Days, and
jyipmy, ihid. iftftrAtftions co<»eei*ing th«r Doiy 64. about certain Judiciar)- prQceediogs, 6%
Subjetfk to the jurifdi^^ioo of feeir BtaK>pSt djj- F«r- pQpet ; Of ibcir Elcdion, 1 2 & The right of
bsdded to go 00c «f tbier MoiM^emt wi«bo«c MlTe. cboofing them granted to the Emperor Otho L 13. Of
HU. ^ ' ^ be lawful Aaibority of Popes,
Limits, 62, 68^ and its

Decrees ar^l Coollioatioiis, 4_k Unwonby tbcir
J^OrwMiM.Thc time of their fipftCooyetfioii,t5 '<f35.^rmtlphiu fiifhop of Qrleamt, ihuL
SopibCl aofcordiDg m
Xhey ought to be Learned Men, ibid. Of their
Ow^«^/t/,TiieObH^fion for tbc perfortiuiiioefl#4lcq), Rigki ia the Trill of hiUhof^jtiJ. 44 St ^i- Of their
Authority overotberBilbops, 48. Of the ptclerriog
Ojj^n of tbe Vi^gTBAf4rr, ivficii'it beftti m
be CM, of tbeirRcTeotiesaod £ftates a£er their death, t 7.The
6S &
62. - ' . firft Pope wbe cbaog'd ha Name, La fit
^Jj^triJiiij/J^yHBfien ewSuded from a fhtreto lb«at,32 litieSMtriboted kl the Pope by B^mimrms, 2j 1^ &
• Ordeal, W*i*t ? 6^ The Sabmiffton made by Kicetm Paciiarch of Cem^tutf
Or</iiM#t0a,'Wb9t OQght to be known mi4 pei^iprtta^ tmefU to the Pope, a. 'Pie Eaflem Emperor makes
for the receiving of Otdinaiion, Tbole of Pope apflicariontobim 10 get hisAitacriagecoatirm'd, I. -

FiirMefiit tn4 of' Aofe-pcrlbaiwhofla be ordain'^eda- f*i*Pt, of (he Qualities re<)oi/ite ia tbcro,
red Null in a Council, 6. Re-cftabli(b*d in aooibcr,u OrdiiHWtce eOMCemiag Brieftt aocoied of Crimes, 62.
Aa ^
An Abofe in ihe Ordination of Bilbop* refotmed, ^
Obliged (o lead a %gle Ltfe, ji&ii. Afeulty impo*;
Contefts abont the valiAty or iovalidiiy of Ordifianom (iHl«n thirfe wboioeie iiMrried, aitoT.
made by Intruders, 67. Cottftittitioos wbtcfa dad u
Prieflejfet ; >fr/o's Opinion aboat the Names qf
null tbofe that are coorerr'd by lotrtKlers, 2^ Sacri- and Deacooeffes, zS^
legiout Ordinations, IL. Pritmej, That of the Charcb of Cantwrhiry when
Otho L Emperor, marches into lir^//, where he deli- and by whom cooiinn'd, 6^
vers Queen AdtUida befieged by Berenger, and ukes Proceffes, Illegal Pro(xfles to tbe Trials of Biflnpt
her to Wife, i o. He conttrains Berei^tr to fubmic,and and other Clergy-men, z?.
reftorcs htm to tbe Kingdom of b*fyjM. He returns hrthihitimu, A Rule about tbofe tiude in faroar of
to ItaJj and expeh Beren^er, with his Son Adelbert, ibid. tbe Parochial Chnrcbes,
He is crowm'd King of Itdy and Emperor, ibid. His
proceediogs againft Pope XIL wbqfn bvcaofes RAdulfitisKia^ of Burgundjf, makes himfelf Maftet
to be depofed, ii.&fe^u. He pnnilbes tkc prtncipali '
of Itdh, He leaTes it to Hugh Count ofArUtt
I{pmam for their Revolt, t 4.Tbc time of bis dcAihabtd. ibid,
OiboU. crown'd King of GerwuHf, La. and Em- lUnenna i Tbe eftabliOed Right of that Metn>poli-
peror, ijt He is defeated and taken Prifoaer, ihiJ. tan See, 48. The Cbarches that are reftor'd to iczo.
Ttic time of his death, ibtd. Divers priviledges granted to it, tbid.
Otho III. preferr'd before bis Competitors to the Im- Bfbdpti^img forbidden, •

perial Dignity, 14. BfordiHMtions prohibited. li/V.

Founder of fcTenl Mo- S /(iff/ w/, a privikdgc graotod to

that Ab-
OftPtld Bilhop of IVuTCtfttr, Bsmj at
baltcries, 64.

An INDEX of the TriM^I Matters, &C.
Kefiitution ,* Of tbe
Obligation to mike {1,36 48. &
SiMmr, cot&moa 'm 4if Tench Ce^niry. i^tilU,
^v<nuij tftht Church i TLc ikOiops obliged to pre-
lerve ibem, i^. Ordiiiaooes tod PeaaJries agiioft Soothf^il Wbetfaer they ok^ip be admitted to
ihofe perfoos v»bo ulurp ibero, 10,34,37. 39,41 & 47' Pennanoe, 19.
That ibe dittributioo of cbem belongs co the Bifbops, Sarcrrert~^XxM^\viiioat and Puaii^incQtt ordaio'd
zi & ^ Of tbcir divifioo into four parts, 2^ 8f 6ft, againllibem, 6a. 6^
Appointed for tbe Relief of the Poor, An Ordi- 6^ Sntl, Tbe Error of fome per&m, who beiiet'd ib«
nance concerning their Alicnaiioo, 45. I'beythii ti- Soul to be moruly 67.
furp them etteem'd Hercticks by ifM«^5 1 How tbey .Stephen V. Pope i Tbe Title of Brother and Frie^^
were by the Emperor Nutpbiriu, i.j. which be gives a ceruio Archbilliop of Hheimj, aaailb
^timii Of tbe Dignity of ibai Cburdh,)i> The that of Soa to oite of the Kinfmcn of that PrcUat
Arcfabilbop mf it, by whom conftitured Viani of tbe
See of /^MW, tit A Tbecoofiriaaiioooi Its privilcdg- Sttpbtm VLPope j rngkml aad lamm able imh,
a, 31. And of tbe Doattkm of in fUveoars, ibid.
Tbe Authority of its Archbinx>ps, 34. Stephen Biihop of Canbray, a Decree mde* in hif
Biquitr or R^cbaiui, preferr d beme HiUtiim M
tbe favour in a CooiKil, 36.
Epifcopal Sceof Lii^r, lK. Ordained fiilbop of that Stilian Bifhop of Nmc4:/W«, tdheret to the CfaoKh
Church, ihid. of notwirhftioding tbe Scbifm of the Grwi^/ifi.
i(«^ert Kittg of FfMcei H»
marriage with Bertha Stiff rtgAMi, Wbciixr (hey are empower d to confe-

declared imll. 48. Tbe Effeda of ibe Excommuni- crate Cburchett to ordain Priefts, or 10 admioiftec
cation dcnotinccd igairrt him, 49. Confirmarion, 19.
Upmam ; Their RevoJu again& tbe Popo,tbc Kings A
Super jhtiMM Opinioo cooccrnn^ S. Mtchset^t^ .

of bafy, aod the Enperon* 6 7. ii. ii» Lli i4i LL Sc^ntdt i PenaUiea 10 b« impoi'd 00 tbofe perfons wbo
I(cme ; Tbe Liberty of that City, 62, iS^ The refbie to adift io then, 47-
TIte aaacni pavUedgcs of tbeCburcb of J^mr coofirin- T.
cd in a Council, tS Tbe deplorable iate of it io the ^Euthoidui i Tbe Bilhopridt of Lmtpret coQtefte4

Tenth Cemnry, ^ Tbe Intrigues carried 00 io afpf- betweeobimaDd^Ytn, 11^^. Theillahigc

ring to the See of /(iMtr, 8^ rji 14, i S- B^tLtrtati be racciv d, thid.
Cooimendatioo of tbatCfaardi. 14, 15. Tiie Dooa- lUedtTM aod M^rojfa Roaaao Ladies j Their Awho*
tion of iu Rcfeaoes confinn'd by ifae Empcrar Or^ rity in tbe City of {{ante, 8^ Their ezorbiunt pea-
(^Kesajsd imrigucj torand againft tbe Popes, iind.
a TitbtJ, Of the Doty of payiDg thein, 3^ 64. &
SAcrsmnu tf the Eaehgrifl, xs> 2^ Ad InjtiaQioa Concert I about them reterr'd to tbe Birhop3,39. A Rote
to receive it four times a year, dfi^ for Tithes, Conftitotioiuabuui [he rccfiring and
Sth:{burg, That Charch deprif'd of tbe Metro- ufe of £x AU the Terrirorrei of ibc Kingdc^i
politaa Rjgbt, 19. oi England fubjedl to tbe payment or Tubes, 6 'i.
Scht^ fet up io tbe Cathedral Chtuxbeaand Mona- TVwi^atiHM of BiOiops when forbidden aixl ftf

fteries, dA. miued, 17. Brcotnc frcqaent in tbe Tenth Century,

Ste of 9gmt, Tbe tuiwortfay PodUIbn of it^. Of 6&, TheTrantlaiien oi Barmefiu from the Bifliop'
sit Rights in the Trial of Bitkopi, t^iVL rickof FtTM to that of J(mw, 17. 1^ &
Srmtnci, irregalarly prodOtuKed in ifac Trials of TVjrflt ^Ged, what, 69. Raletcqaocfviog it>M£
Biflupi and Clerks, 17. 7Vt«/i by
6j Water
£^ Tbole of
Fire and , &
^ Strgim • Oeuon tif the Cbnrch of Hgmu, ftaodi in Biihopaaod Clerlu irregularly carried oo, 17:
cotapcririoo with Fermfaj for the Popedom, aod is W.
forc'd to raue, d. Afterward he find* means to fiep rLTXfo^if, Wbaber they may be admiBed to Bm*
iotoS Peer's Chair, 7. His Exorbitaiioes, sM. Hii Moce, 19.
Baftarci Son raii'd to tbe Papal Dignity, ikJ, WflwiCTi, Aa Abtife refbnn'd with refpe<ft to tfeoft

Stet BiOiop of Cj/im, repioT'd by fopc hinriam ll< who lead a diXfolptc amk
of Lift, ij, CoBftjjucioia
•gtioft lewd W(N&c% 6%^ ^


A New
Eccleiiaftical liiilory;
. Containing an ACCOUNT of the

R E L i'g
Ecclefiaftical Audiors;

And a JUDGMENT on their

A Compendious HISTORY of the COUNCILiS

AND • •

Written in FRENCH
By Lems Mies JhPIN, Dodoc of the SORBON.
Coaiatning the HISTORY tf the ELEVENTH CENTURY.

1.0 NV 0
Printed by H C/^r/d for Z\)tl ^VOtilU the Vmcorn in

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To the Reader.
how much the farther Progrefs we make, in the
fevtTal Ages of the Church, fo much the greater
of Conceits appear to our View ; every Age
facceffively affording Variety of Matter, and producing a
new Scene o{ Affairs. Thus for inftance» in the Eleventh
Century* different Opinions arofe concerning the Holy
Sacraments; the Latin and Gr^^4 Churches came to an
open Rupture ; the Popes took upon them to depofe Em*
perors and Kings ; and Scholaflick Divinitv, the Source of
aninfinite Number of Queftions, took then its firft Rile.
The Minds of Mtn being recovered, as it were, from that
Lethargy, wherewith they were ieiz'd in the preceding
Age; they b^an to apply themlelves to Study, in thd
beginning of this: Infbmuch that in a fliort fpace of
time, all Europe was fiU'd with Judicious and Learned
Perfonages, who communicated their Knowledge to others,
either by Publick Ledures or Writings. •

The Cbntfoverfies, that afterwards arofe, were hkewife

. a powerful Motive to excite them to Study ; and gave ,

OccaCon to thofe, who were endow'd with extraordinary

Parts, to exercife their Fens, and" to (hew their Learn- -

ing. Some were very fuccelsful in imitating the An-

cients, both in their Style and manner of Writing ; but
the greateil part of them, dill retained fomewhat of the
Barbarifm and Courlenefs of the former Age, and others
fell into that uncouth and barren Method of handling
Matters, which is more efpecially peculiar to Logicians.
1 he moft notorious Bilorders were r^ukted ; enormous
Crimes were reftrainM ; and the Bilhops took a great deal
pains in reforming Church-DifcipUtie ; which never*-
theleis, was notreftor^d to its ancient Perfieftion& Thus
- much may ferve to give a general Idea of the Eleventh
Century, which the LearnedM. DV PiN (according to
his qfual Method) has improved to thebeft Advantage.

a ^ A TA-
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OftUmUhgi ifSi* Ful-
CHAP. B^tTCIiame^ bot

Chip. n. An ifwNwr rf» Cmin-

verfy about th Eucbarifi, fet en Chap. III. O/rfc* ?Fm%/o/
Lanfrank, >frfJ&*'

foe* iy BcKoger, Mod bii feverai Ccn^ Bi/iw/ 0/ Canterbury, A^Guianond, Ai-
Mr, o^rie ofi&cr Jhahm lAthm^ nfit^
Berviger, Arch-Deacon of Angers ibid, JBerChger'j Opinions. 1%
firano w
£«febiiu» Bifhop of Angers 7 Lanfrank, Arch-Bi/hof ^Canterbury ibid«
IftrCMMi/itf Rome iM^imat Tht 10 ;o. The Council of VinUor ibidj
Bcrengcr ibid, Lan&uikV Cmmtm«i7 m St,^v£i fyifiUti
lie CnwiaV «/firiOfU)e tf^'*!/^ ibicL
TlifoMs Wfktf Umt
Bercngcr ibid. fiu Chri/t I

Tie CtuMcil of Verceil in 1050." agtinfi Be- lif J^if/f/ e/'

ri&f OrJer St. Benediii 1
renger iWd* LanfrankV Letters
T^f Council •/ Palis AfW /fe/ow 2#4r ^K^Mi/r Hi/ TrMfiy> <»/ Ctmf^fm
Bercngcr 8 His other fVritingt

Addnnn. 4 Cler(efthe Church of Liege ibid. Hugh, Biyfco/ «/ Langres

Berenger'f L«f/«r M Aiibdin, m Maw^ if Sr. Dunuidos, AUot of Troitn ibid,
Evroa, ibid. Gaitmofld, Areb-Bijhof of Averia ig
AHieelio'' Lff/«r /o ibid. Alfcr. Detem tf Uef/t, Mi 4 Chi-'
BerengersV Letter to Richard 9 '9
The Cotmeit of Tours in tbt Tesr 1055. 4f ft. Jiafeliii, ^tdfBifhof of CanccTbary at
Bercngcr ibid.

, The Cimcil^tLmim 1059. t^sitffithcjP^

Perjm VMd» Cbap. IV. .i«l> Aeetm» tfAg Pofes,
Btxtagtt'sfir/l Certfefflon of F4ttk ibid. the Church of Rome, from tht um ffSyl-
——• nhqfit MM bis Error io . vefifr II. to Gregory VIL
Tie Ctmeil if Rmn tg*i*l/^ bimin to6^, Syhcfterlf.
ibid. John XVI. 4»<i Join xvn.
Tbr C«M*ci7 Poickts ibiin mi iotj. Sergius IV.
ibul. BeaediftVIIL
Eafcbiu!; or Bruno* Mifi^ 4f AnfenV leffn- The CmmcU f^Pivia Vlff.
/o Bercoger ibid. ilnd.
Th$Ctime&^Hiamitheti&itof9Md 1079. John XVIII, ibid.
^ea&lfl fiefnger mubr' Ptfe GugKf VII. Bencdita IX. •

ibid. Sylvcftcr HI.

BMcngntf >SrM</ Catfeffian ^ Fkitb ibid. Gregory VI.
X&f C0unc// 0/ fiocdetnx m 1080 tf^4i»yi Clement II. .
.Bercnger n Damafus II. ibid.
Berenger i Hspetinmet ibid. Leo IX.
—^ liiV FoUmert ibid. the Councils held undtr LeabZX. 2«
Vj^or II. ibid.

,Diyiiized b;^ Goog'

The C O N T E N T &
Swpbea IX. The Death of Pope G n pory VII.
Kwobsn. ibid. Ti* Centrji betfMtn Grccorv Vfl.
TU Comcii^f Kant $» i«39. Nico- lip I. jQng «/Fiaaoe
las II.
The Cemtdh AttuM
ibid. At^n^MT^/rV^; Hogh A>tM«/D:c
tbt fume Pope
x% Giegory Vll.'f LettertreloHng to England
ftp Nicolas \\t Letters ibid. His Pretenfun: w/) « Spam
Gcnrafe, AreLBifltef tf ibid.
Hu cAtim /c the i{iugHcms newly eoitvirted
II. ibid,
Alexander II, ibid. His Prttenjions to Hunfrn ^^
IhCou'-u^ (Min- Aloandcr n. ;bld1'
—— Hi* Lmm ibid. — Wj the J^infs of
-fill Letters Jint M Mod

Hjj Letters fent to Norway and Daimatia

Chap< V. An Accnmt of the Church of Rome
imier Gregory VII. Of the Differences be- iUd*
tween that Pete 4nd tkt Bmfertr Henry,
^-Hm Letters concerning Bohemit ibM.
-^Hit Prettnfions
MtJ ether Pnneet »/£iinpe; «M m A- to Italy

5' CtfMKffJf* */ /Ar NonwiM in fialy

firaH of his Letters
Gregory VII. ibid.
"^Plfff^' '"^^grtemtmt^GieganyVL
"mtb rjw'Normans
Am AcQomt ^ibe Bm- .jj

3tr Ctmeil
Difference hetvteen the
Hemytwrf Pofe Gregory
Rome htd im *£e
— His Pretenfisns to Sardinia and Corfu
136r c/ Fidelity txaStd by bim from
tbe Princes of
35 -^-TTIt Prnjeci of the Crufade
AmtberCtUKitbtliM Rome i« 1
07 j. 36 '-^His Letters Jfent into Africa ««
T*<f Pofe arrefted by Cincius j-y —.Hi* Letter ag4i„fi fbe Errors eharg'd ntin
Henry / Letter ta the Bijhtfs snd Frineet of
the Armenians ibid.
tit BsHfire ibid. His Legates fent tt feveral Parts ibid.
Thierry or Theodoric, Bifhcp Verdun/
Letter agmtifi Gregory VIL
The Cotatetlt beUm Prance bj Hucfa Bi/hop of
38 Die A. 1077.
• ^ ^
Engelbert, Areb-Si/hop of TrevesV Letttr
T&«Ct«j»ciV •/Poiti««i» 1078.
en the fame Suhjea ibid
ibid. The CMtnt tftbtu CttmeU
Vie Affemilj 0/ Worms .%
Mi^tit^ Ottgotj VII. TbeCmimiit ef Af^non «nlJI*M»4i loSo.
in 1076.
the Cofmcil rf Room htU tbt fim Tear a- ibid.
The Cosmcil of Meamc i» io«t.
painji Henry aj ibid.
T»e J^/Mr/ effeveral Popa A; France
Ithe CoHMitiMt Sit pppenbetflu ngMnlk Aat 59
The ereBing of the Primtcy
of Lyons h Gtf
T/ EiT.^iror Henry V ibij
journey into Italy
J*. Rights mdfrM^
tbt trinmes of
r ranee
Tbt CempUints nude Ot Lonbud* tgaif^ rbe Cm^9 tf MUttfo Areb-Bi/hop of Rfadms
Henry'j ConduS
The Convention at FoVchenn, wicfV RAdnl-
—— Th^e ef the Ardy-Bifljop of To«r»
l^hns is ckofcn Empfrcr
TJr Comeil of Rome in 1 078.
^ .
of the Bifhof of Dol
ibid. -^TA<r «/ rA# 5,/?,^^ of Toul ib
Another Council at RomeiSe tbtfim Ttat
Tbt CeimcU of Rome in 1 079.
The Ctuneil of Rome in 1080. in wbicb
^ —
*"'~*^*' •/William Dukf of Aouiuine

T^, ,
d at Rome
, ^ p,^ Giegory VII. besird
the Pope
«MMH|«MW*(MMf dtftfid bf ~7«^ that he referr'd to his Legates.
tteCtmieit efWnfdM egeinfi Grcgorv VII. -^Tiofe cited to md jiHfgd hbimii^'it
fame City
€leme|it Ul. tht Anti-Pofe ibid. — -.T^4f cf Everard Dean of Orleans jj^jj^

llcftiy'/ £«M«rM Gregory VIL 64

•Wff Preforitktu tf Wsir btmmt Wnenend
~. , £ ^bert memwited f the Bi/hop-

nei^OMot* 'ibid.
ibid. That of Stephen
Heniy 4«;^tie('Raddl|}(iiii
ExftJMm ktf Ililf,
His mi th Siere
— That of the Archbi/hop of
—7*4/ ^ /ie<*««, ^ J,. Omer ibid.
of ibid.
- He returns to Germany, said Grcgo-
'n yHitfiftt Ubm} Igsih Normans '
Gtcfoiy VIIV iMMri ometrming Difcipline

The Convention

at Berchach A. D. 1 08 5.
t,. , ibid»
The AffmHf 4t f^ie
UamlHek JOi/ci"

QpinriJiiiebQtsfi <«*

m ^ fim ^

lir GMmafMM
««nVif« ^tu^mmt f4fd inm that
ifaits Teer

biyuized by Google
The C O.N T E N T S.
. i'-^./ln F.x imen pf th Drcree tsffd OtiSfaKUS Peter efAnuccWs Anfxoer to Ccrulariu* 4t
Vtfmtftid tt Mwg tt idm 6S ji new Attempt miuU for the re uniting the
. ^.^His other H^ritfiig* '
69 Greek 4»i the Latin Cku. cLes ibid.
"Ae BMifimmtefCentanat ibid.

eH AP. VI. ^
JleemiHt of the Chmeh ef
CHAP. Vni, Of th Life and fVritingt of
Rome, andef the Prpcs Xf':o Succeeded Gre-
gory ViL t9 tit tad of the Ctutwj 69 Peter Damiab, Cardinal Bijhef cf Oftja S ]
Viata IIL ibid. -'—His Letten to the Pepet Vtm.
• Hugh, Archbifh^ LjOiiifs LHttrs t^nitfi hhis Letters to tic C:ir.J:n4fs 86
VvStot ibid. '-—His Letters to the Arch^ifbof* ibid.
The Ctmeif tf Benefentby Aetf im the Tter -^'fUs Letters te the Bijhept •T
roS? ii'iicr Vidor ibid. His Letters to the Clergy 88
. Urbaa II. 7° -His CharaEler t98:
.^^His Utters ibid. IBesruff de Honcitis^ 4 Clerk, ef Ravena
He Ceimeil^Komt held in the Yemr 10S9.

The Cettneil of Mclpht in the Jim Teaf ibid. CHAP. IX. An Account of the Churches cf
ff/ Toultnife r« fcpo. ibii!. England the Time of W'illinm I. /r-
.^~of Bcr.:vcnto in 1091. ibid. tiam'd The Conqueror, to Henry II. vtith
——«/ Troia »i» Apulia in 1093, 79 the Life efSt. Anfclm, Archbi/hop ef Can-
0/ Coiii'.iiice ;« 1074. ibid. terbory, and an Ahridgment if hie HM»
. P] itLniia i« ic9S.' . ibid.. tings 9t
()/" Clermont /// yiwf ?f4r ibid. St. Anfelm, Archilfocp "/ Canterbniy ibkL
Philip L K!»t^ IctXMit. ii'vwredfrem^xxhx
£admer, f Anfeim'i Pi^l ^
Ti- C :/\\ii:!;n tic Ten ic<)^. ibid.
The Crujuie undtr Ptfe Uiban II. 74 CHAP. X. Of the Ecclefiafiical miters ef
The CaMftrs of the Council of Clermont ibid the Ekwmb Age, who compos d Treatifes if
The Ccnfirmaricn of-' the Primacy of Lyons 7 5 c!:wch.Difcipiit»^ er Cemmtmmet en #*»
I^ff Cotttuil ef LioK^ in the Tttr ic9s. Holy Scriptures 07
ibid. Rdidiard. Bifhtf «/ Worms ib«L
. The CetmaU •/ Tottn Mil Nifinci in 1C96 Gndchnrd, H//?)Oj{> r/ HiMcfhciin - Ibid.
ibid. Gosbcrt, Ahhot of Tergemfcc ibid.
Guy Aictio, Aihct of LaCtaue
TheCMent efeheCetmeit
The Cemeiit fi«ri W^^linm
EUnac /»
ibid. Aribo, Archbifhopef lAtmz
Tt« Cenneil efKamt in 1099. ibid. Berno, Ahbet «/Richeii«w ibid,
Rood in lofC, 16 finino, Bip^ep of^wmhurg 98
John, yfrud/flW Jtaiinchn, Abbot «/Erbreftein
Cbap. VII- -^n Acawit rf tie Ccvtrove'/ics cn Warin. Alht t,f St. Arnufphus at Mers ibid.
foot bftxoeeH the Latin md the Greek Wifliam, Abint ofriKjame Monafter; ibid.
Chun hes in the Bkvmtb Century 76 Robeti de Tumbtdeiie. Ahhet tfSt» Vigor at
Al'chael Ceruhrius and Leo cf Acrid i.l, their Baycux «
Letter a^Ainfi the CLmch 0/ Rome ibid. Anfclm, Bifhop of Lucca ibid.
prp! 1, 10 ]X'/ Letter to CerulitiMS ibid. Deus-dedit, Cardinal rf St. Ew4mn# '
7ie Gseek Bmferer* Letter te the Pope Gregory, Cardinal of Rome ibid.
ibid. Benno, Cardinal eft he fame Church ibid,
The Fjffe fends Legates to Conftantinoplc ibid. Coiirad, Bifhep of Utrecht. ibid-
fefe Leo IXV Letten t» CenUarini, and to ^neric, Bi/hop of Verccil ibid.
/Ae Creek F.mperer ibid. Vmc, a Meni o/CIony ibicJ.'
Cardinal Humbert defirert Atfe Letrtrt and Bern r J, Moniif the fame Ahhej ibid.
Huntings to that Prince ibid. Bernard, a AIInv^ */Corby in Saxony ibid, t
•^"Wt Hepfy to CeruIariosV Letter 77 Bcmafd, n Clerk efthe Church of Utredie
Kiccras Pcdor.itusi Differtetien ^injl the ibid.
Latin Cimrch . ibid. .£giInothus, Archbifloof of Caxast^xotj ibkL
HiwibertV t{eply to Hktaa '
78 Campanus, «f Lombtidy ibtd.
Nicfras'j Pjti jH siicn 79 Franco, a Philofepher of Liege ibirl.
The Excommunication 0/ Michael Ccrolarius fienhorius, Abbot of Mount Cadin ibid.
hf ehe.Pefe'f Ltgetet ' ' ibid. Brand, 4 BeoediAin Mmk. ibkL
The Drp irture of the Pope's Le^.ites 80 Adam, Abbetef'9ts(tm<& leo
Domioick Patriarch of Gtado's Litter te
, Pet«r PMriard^ tf Antiocb ibid.
Perer of Ajajmiiij Ai^wer te the Patriarch ef CHAP. Xr. Of the Authors who wrote
Grado • ibid. Bccl^iaflicai Hifterp^ er the Lives of the
CcrolwiusV Letter te Feter Antiodk 81 SMtnte in the Bievtntk Ctntvij \ 00

Digitized by Goc^le
The C O N T E N.T &
OJo, a Mcnk "f J^^aiir dcs (ofll'S ibid.
ibid. Bovoi Abbct of St. Bcrih^n ibid.
Synif, s Mmk. tf Cbmy ibid. GiUeben, M Mcn^of St. Amaxd^ ibid.
OAm «r Osbert, 4 Mmk^ »f Canterbury ,Sr., Ablet rf iUcjunaur 10 J
ibid. Albcric, Cardinal ibid.
Tai^maros, Deam tf Hildeflidiii ibid, Jorfald, a Monk »f Cluny ibid.
Arnold, a Cancn of Hcrsfeldr ibid, Wolfcrus, a Canon r/Hildefhcim ibid.
Ebcrard, St. Harvic'x Pupil ibid. Go:z:]in, <i A/i >:/;'•/ Crnicrbury ibid.
Amulphns, m Mcnk^ of St. EnuncnUl i!nd. Peer, a Monk 'f M:^l'\<;z.^is ibid.
Erchinfroy, /tll'or <••[ M- Ick ibd. William, a A/ -'.
J- ^' Ch.ii'^ in Tufcany ibid.
Rupert, Al>Lor cf M-tott Cnifin ibid, Raimond, a M /. a;^ i/ St. Andrew at Avignon
Dithmar, Bip^of of Mcrsburg ibid. ibid. o Aimar, dc Chabaiiois, 4 Mmk,of ILvmo, 4 Mi-»;<^ Richcnaw ibid.
S/. d/ Angoalcfmc loi G.r.-.rd dc VensM, a /; / I r. Cr-ifc-Dica
Hueb, Arcl.-Deacon cf i f)ur> ibid. ibid.
Odonu)» 4 AiiMi^ «/ St. PcKr Lc Vif 4/. Sens £giward» aMtnk,«if St. Burchard 4t Wurtz*
^ ibid. burg ibid.
Anfelm, Dmw o/Namwr loz G.'.u'icr or Gantcrios ibid.
Hennumns Comiai!hts» 4 JM»»4 ^Ricbcaaw GrimaJdus ibid.
ibid. Rudolf, « Mcnk ^f L.1 ChaiTcDieo ibid..
Claber Radiilphos, 4 Moii^^ Qnny ibid, Kotcherus, Abbot of HixivtiUifia '
Giuldo, a Monk, if Cotbie ibid, W. 4 Mottkof Wallor ibid.
Dn^, <f Moni^ Jf. Wtnoeh ibid.
Helgaud, a Mmk o/F'eury ibid.
Witpo or Wip^, CbafUiu to the Emperor CHAP. XII. Of the Greek Ecclefufiical mi"
ffeiry ni. ibid. ttrt, wh0 fimiflfd in tbt Blntntb Ctntwy
Ebervin <tr Efervio, AU^tf St. Maurice at
Toleh ,
ibid. I,eo, the Grammarian . . ibid.
Bvetfltdiii.jfi^iirAuTnon': /nHainftiu ibid. Alexius, pttHtrdf tf Cooftantinople ibid.
Guibcrr, Arch-Dencon of Toul ibid. Eupcfippiis ibid.
MetcUus, Ahhot of Tcrgcnfcc ibid.
TI;"c.piiar:cs, tl/e Ccramean Arcbbipicf of
Fokard, « Monk, of St. Bcnhin ibid. Tauromcniura '
Gerard, Abbot .of St.W'mcQxit at l^on iiiid Nili>" Doxop.Triu'?, Archl;r!-ndrira ibid.
Willeran, Abbot of St. Peter *t Mersburgb Nicccas^^Peotoratas, a AljaJ!;.c/Studa ibid.
ibid. Ibtiduiel PfeUiis, 4 Stmttvr «/CooftantinopIe
Urfio, Abbot of Anmont ibid, ibid.
Dcfiderius, Abbot cf Mount CafltQ ibid. Simeon the Young, Alhot r/Xerocerce 107
Paul, a Canon e/Benricdcn 103 John, Archbip-op of Eacbziix loS
Conrad, a Monli o/Bmvifficrs ibid, Joannes Thrace/Ius ScylitzesCoropaUta ibid.
Geffrey dc Malctcrrc, a Norman Monk ibid, Georgius Cedrcnus, ibid.
"William, of Apulia ibid. Conltaiitiiiiis Udmiks, Pstf$4reb o/Conf^an-
Bentilphus or Bmaiifhmf 4 Priefi •f Coo- tinopic ibid.
ftance 8>id. John Xiphiiin,P.rrr/,rrf/&e/Conftaniinople jbid.
Nalgod, a Monk of Cluny ibid. Samonas, ArchUfatp of Gazj|- ibid.
Othlo, a Monk of St. Boniface ibid. Nicolas, Bifhop of MetD-.e ibid.
Ingulpbus, Ahtet of Cmylxod ibid. Tlicophylaa, Archlijh^p cf Acris ibid.
Tbieny .«r Thcnloric^ aUi* rfSt. Tmdo Kicctas Serron, Archbip^'^p ef Henclcz 109
ibid. Nicolas, pmami the Gramnurian, Btun^
Alphanus, Archbifhof if Sakmo ibid. *reb of Conftattinoplc ibid.
Am.Ttiis, a Bip^op in Italy ibid, Peter, Deacon and Cbttrttffyfsx tf tie Church
HepidanniiSi 4 Monk, of St. Gall' ibid, of Conitantioople Ibid.
Bfturtanna ibid. Suamitf Monooo, 41 omened^ ibid.
Lambert of tStioSkahat^ 4Mm^4fHir£-
feldc 104
Adam, 4 Ctntn of Bremen ibid. CHAP. Xnt Cftbt Ctmeib bMinOeBh*
Albert, a Eenedic'tin T^iml^ cfMi-r<, ibid. venth CtntMfjt 109
Anfelm, a Bcncdictin Monk, of Rbcims ibid.
Goodlier, a Monk, of St. Amand ibid. The COUNCILS of FINANCE.
Warman, Bifhop of Conl\anct: ibid,
Brirwol, Bi/hop of Winclielter ibid, The Ccurxil cf Orleans htU in the Tear 1017.
Ingclran, Abbot of St. Klqukr ibid, ibid.
Bcnha or Bcrtrada, a Nun 0/ Willoclc ibid. The SjHod <?/ Arras in 1025. 1 1 o

Gillebert, a Monk of St. German at Auxerrc

TA» Coimcil of Bourges i« i o ^ 1
——0/ Limoges, he'.d in the fame Tear 'itX
. m
Dioderiau, « Monk of Hirsfildt ibid. Divert Councils held in France in 1 04©. 113
Andrei^, 4 Monk of Flcury, or of St. Bene- TbeCetma'lofBJhdmsim 1049. 114
diftM/AvLoiic ibid. — Tonrs in lotfo. 1 1 3

Digitized by Gopgle
^—p/ Soiflbns in 1091.
— Coyaco m 1050.
o/_ ix^
kolbeliii, 4rClerk.^tbe CbarA tf Compiegnc £in& tin RbulinioD in 10^ 1 a|
1 hcobald, * Clttk^ of Etampcs 1 1

CHAP. XrV. Ob/crrjtiont en th Eect^S^

Divccs CumdU hield in NemumJj, ^
cal Affairs of the Eieventb Century 115
Thf Study of Divinity mttus Century ibid.
^Hx C«ma\ «/ Rmq wtwnd A.. 0. 10 ;o. Of the Rjihts tf tie Pifei iout tf tise CkmA
116 ofRjome, i%6
~»*«/ Lilieinc fM tojj. ibid. Divert Poimr ofDifiipHne cmeerm'ng the Clergy
—9/ Rem 063.
in I ibid. ibid.
—— <?/Roan in 1072. 117 Remark/ on the fcourging Dtfci^liste and Fi^fit
A Qugrrel betmtn the ArchU/hef of Rom ibid.
and tJye Monks cf St. Owen ' 1 1 OhfcrvatimsoH tbeMtfftf MdenJivers Points
TheCoumil o/Roaa i» 1074* ibid* cf Di/cifline ijy
~-"«/ ItlleboDne in 1 eSe. ibid. o„ the Memifiick^ Life Ibid.
The Order of Ctm iUyfitet ibid.
The Councils of the Province of Aquitgine. — Carthuilan AfwjJ^/ ibid.
5/". Antony jbid,
The CtMcii^tiuhoaacbeiiin tbcTtw 1054. o/Ciftcrcian Friers 123
"-"of B^gular Citmm ibid,
«/ Toalottfe im 1 o 54S. ihid.
A Chronological Table cf the Ecc'cfi^ftieal W*
The COUNCILS , of GE/^M^NT: Age of the Church.
jiory of the Eleventh

Ibe Caittcil of Dortmuodt held A. D. 1005. A Cbionological Table eftbe Ecclefiajlicdl Att-
110 r&rr thafionrifii'd in the Eleventh Centttry.
ii/ Selingcn flack /n loij, ibid.
ofMemzin 1069. Ill A Table of the Wotki of the Bcel^fi4fUc*l Jbf
•tf/Memznf 1071. - ilnd^ ibtrt efAe Btevei^ Century.
-^.^f Etfind i» I of}. ibid.
A Table tbe ASt^ Lettert, and Camm »/
The COUNCILS of ENGLAND, the Ceimeiit held im dtit Centmj.

The Council of Acnham hdd in ths Tcir Xoio. A Table of tbe mitin^t of the Bcelefiefticd Ai^
Ill then^ffefd4ceeedhigtetheMtttert they treat (f.
JC'Wf Ethelred and Kj^g Canut .f L4Wt 1 ix

Ihe Council of London in 1 073. ibid. An Alphabetical Table of tie Eecle^ieal

— .^Londoa Wincheftcr /» 1076.-
in 11 01.
theft im Ait CotMny.

An Alphabetical Table •/ tbe Councils idi im

Tbe COUNCILS of SWAtN, eUt Cmtmry

The Council of Leon held in tit Tur ioi». ^11 Alphabetical Table of the Prineifai JMuteri
eemsim'd im thit Febime,

Aa H{.

iJiyUizuo by LjOO^^Ic



Ecclefiaftical AiFairs
Which happen d in the EkvenUf Cmwry.

i .
- '


CHA p. I
Of the Writings of S. Fulberc, Lijhu]^ of Chartres.

WE will begin this Eltventh Century wiii> S. BiftlOp of Ckntres, who

was one of the principal Rcftorcrs of Learning, of the Sciences, and c£ tHbiftf

He came from f{pmexo France, and held hi<; publick I j Turcs * mStt*ti
in the Schools of the Cimrch of Chartrei, about the cad of the i fnth,
aod the beginning of the Eleventh Century. His Reputation gain'd him
5cfaolar$ from all Parts, wlio went out of hit School full of Leamioe and Piety, and difFafed
his Light in France and Germany ; infomtich that all the Ingenioas rerlorts of that time, glo-
ried in having been his Scholars. He was in grcar Repute wi:h King l^'l'ert ; and, as lome
Hiftorians tell us, he was his Chancellor. In the Year 1007. he fuccecded i(fdul»bm in the
Bilhopridt of Cbgrtttt ; land govein'd that Cborch with a great deal tff Vigilance ana Prudence,
for the fpace of One and twenty Ye.irs and fome Months. Hcdy'd Apri' o, 018. 1 1

He compos'd 4everai Letters, ScraoaaSf and Pieces of Poetry. His Letters atnounc

to 1 34. I
= •

In the Firft he cxpl.iin^ three EfTential Points of Our Faith; namely, The Myftery of the
Trinity, the Saaament of Baptifm, and the Sacraments of Life , to wit, of the Body and
Blood of our l ord. We fliau not here ftand to repeat what be has faid aboat the My-
' f ;hc Trinity and the Incarnation ; 'tis enough to take notice that he has given a very
exai5l ixpI.Tnntion of them, and that he has very particularly rented the Jtrrors of the Art"
MiSt h!efr-'i--n;s and Eiitycht.tris. Upon the Sacraments, he fays, That we ought not to reft
upon the Fxtcmal .ind Vifiblc Signs but to attcn;! rn the Invifibl P wpr ^.nd Efficacy of

thek IVtyiLcrics. " We know, fays he, and 'tis an unqucftionablc 1 ruth, That we were
*' polhiiod by our firft Birth, and purified bf die feOmd ; dwrdbie we are buried and we
" die with
J E SU S C H R I S T. that wc may be bom again and quicken'd with him.
The Water and the Holy Gboft arc united in that Sacrament ; the Water denotes the
" Banal, ibe Holr Gboft the Life Bcemal; as JSSUS CHRIST U.f buried in the
B ::Ci»an4 .

Digitized by Google
A Nejip Ecdefi/^icat Hiftory
S. Ftlbert Gtonnd for three Dsryi, fo v Mm dipp'd, and as it were buried three times in the Wa.
Bipyfe/ " tcr, tlmt he may rire again by the Holy Spirit. He afterwaals provis, That 'tis God
Cbutre& " which Baptizcthj and that iho'a wicked Man ftjouldadminiftcr rh:s Sacrament, yet it docs
" me hiiiJcrdwRemiffioB of Sins, becaufe 'tis not he who is -lie An her. but only the Mi-
" nifler of the Sacrament; as he hlmfclf acknowledges, when he fays, He who has ftgcne-
rated you by Water and the Holy Spirit, grant ycu the Undlion of
Salvation. TO Now
God alone who is the Author of Grace, the Dilpenfer of Spiritual Gifts, and who remits
Sins. In dill riir'T:ir on the third PoinT, namely, concerning the Sacrament cf the Body
and Blood of CH
R i ST, afxr he had laken notice of i s Sublimit)-, and its Incomprehen-
a Rtmccly for us by
&tn&Cf i he lays. That God commiferating our Frailty, has provided
this propkiatory Sacrifice offcr'd for our daily Faults j and fbrafinnch as be has taken out of

our fight, and carr> 'd to Heaven that Body which he ofler'd for our
Redemption, tut we
i S.^Unry Pl.dge
might not be dcpriv d of the prefent protection of his Body, be has left us
of h s Body and Blood, which ii not a Symbol of a vain, empty Myiier)*, but the real
of JESUS CHRIST, which h» fccret Efficacy pfodnoctb erery Day after an invifiblc
manner, in the Solemniry ot thofc Myftcries, under the villble Form of the Creature.
Ihti » mjr Budj, and
this Body which be fpake of to bis DUciplcs a liide before his Pa^Son,
the i my Btied: And elfewbete, He tlMe*Mb mFlifl>, tndtMfth my Blocd, dweUeth
Bo'ng ihcrcfbre thus inftrot^ed by the Will and Plca'.ure cf

me, and T in hmi, Juhn 6- 56.

this tree Mafter, in partaking of bis Body and Blood, we may boldiy
maintain. That wcarc
diang'dti*obil Body, and liat fiedwelkdi inws, not only bv an Union of the Will, but by-
Ac RMltty of the Narurv which is united to us. He adds, That we (hou'd rot imagine u to
be any Dilhonour to a God, who condclcended to enter in:o the Womb of a Virgin, 10
be in
Pure and Virgin Creatures : Tfatwhai appears txtcrmlly to be the Sub? ante ot Bread and
Wine, becannc intcrn. IIy ihc B dy and Blocd o f J ESUS CHRIST And to make this :

Change the more cadi bie, he compares it to the Creation ; and fays , That if Cod could
midte Creamies out of Nodiiiig, lie conld moreeafiiy conven tfaem imo the Snbftaooe of fail

^^'rhc Second ^acr of Tulhirt of Ch*rtres is concerning a Cuftom in ufe in hic dme, of
kept and com-
ClTing to the Pricfts, after their Ordination, a Confecratcd Hoft, which they
municared of for {any Days together. He had been ask'd the Reaibn of this Cdtom. But
before lie reply d to tha:, he obfcrv d, That difTcrcnt Churches had ifieir diflbcm Cnftont;
which w.-s no hindrance of their being united in the fame con-.mon Faith. Afterwards, he
f ^ 1 h v this Cuftom was obferv'd by all the fiiflioptof bis Country : That he remember'd
tnat iorincrly a Prieft. having receitf'd a ooofecraced Hpft fma
hi* Bilhopt. atid con^"^.
eating thereof every Day, it one Dflyh^ppcn'd, Thar after he had celebrated thcfe MyftciiOb
Jieloit this Hoft, by wrapping his Habit in the Communion Table-cloth. That on the
Morrow, in die time of Celebration, when he came tocommonicaie, he was very orach fur.
ptiz'd at his mifling the Hoft. That the Bilhop, being inform'd of what had happcn'd
thiougb his Carelefsncfs, had impos'd on him a very fcvcrc Pcnnaocc. S. Fuihert adds. That
/ '
ibis Accident gave bim an occafion of asking this fiifhop, Whedier it were nor better that the
Priefts Ihould eat this Hoft, the firft or frcnnd Day after it was confecratcd without dividing ,

itintofomany Pieces But that ihisB lliop had return "d him this Anfwcr, Tliat they were
obUg'dtoicMptbisHoft forthefpaceof Fony Days; becaufe, as JESUS CHRIST
been Forty Day* upon Earth after his Refurredion, and appear'd to his Apoftles feveral times;
fo the Bi(hop, in ordaining bis Prielts. gave them the Liicharilt to take for Forty Days toge-

ther, ro put them in mind of thofe Forty Days during which our Lord appear'd to his Apo-
ftles after his RefurreAion. Fuihert having arit'd. Whether this Myftery might not be as well
perform'd by the Bread which the Priefts confecratcd eveij Day , was anlwer'd by the Bi»
(bop. That as many parricular Churches fprcad over the race of the whole Earth, made bat
One C^'holick Church, becaufe they have all one Common Faith ; juft Co, many Partko*
cular Hi)'b offer d by many Faithful, are only One Bfrsd, becaufe of theUntfy of the Bo-
dy of CHRIST: That Bre:iil centre:. ucj by r!ie K'V.or.
lI.-: Sr Fr - confecrated 1 ;i

by the Phcft, are chang'4 intt) one and the lame Body ofjESUS CHRIST, by the
Omntpotency of the (atoe li^itiie which opentedi in both ; bat as k may be ftM in Ibme
mcafui T' ar the Body of JESUS CHRIST n ^f the Virgin, and nailed ro the

Cco6, is difeteiK from tk« Body ofJESUSCHRlST when raifed from the Dead :
Even fi> it feims, That the Bieaa confecratcd on the Ordination-day, and kept by the Priefts*
may have a particular Signification diftrncfl from the Rread which was confccrared every
Day i the former may denote the Body of J£SU S CHRIST
raifed from the Dead, to

HfMmtnt liie liner, JESUS CHRIST who diet and rilb again eveiyDay Ibc

The Third and Fourth Letters are directed to Ku s: F(oheTt ; wherein be prays him to or*
der l^uh$ Count of Charmi. to cattfe the Cadlr^ ro l>e demolift'd ¥AuA were bidb by Vi-
anint Geofrey, and very much incommoded the C l ircli of Cbgrtrtt,
The Two £)i]owing concaia nothing in tfaem remarkable.


Digitized by Google
of the Eleventh Century of Chrifliamiy. 5
The directed to Leoterick^ Archbift.op oi Schj, whom he exhorts to make uic ot i. Fulbcrt
Seventh is
his Authority in fuccouring Avifgaudut £i(hop of hUm^ wbooi die Count of that City o^^'jhfof

KU'di and to threaten the faid Coonc wicb £xcoBimttaic4KKia> incafeliedidiiocfeftofcioCAVCrei.

I hi* Revenne, andlet him be quiet.
The Eighth is a Copy of a Letter which he had written to this Avifgaudm, who complain'd

that FttUftrt tod Lttttrick, had piibliflid bis Coofeflioa. Ftdhert gives him to nnderiland*
That be wrang'd them, in having fiicb a Thoagbr of them ; That they had never publilh'd
any thing but what wa<i for his Advanrage , and whi<.h mitl fcrve to juftifie hiin igairlT:

thole who iiad accos'd htm of having quitted his B:Qioprick out of Avaric^ Bafenels. or foe
famencher diOonourable Gaafe. That if he had tniftcd to their Secrecy radi Things as he
ouphr to repent of, they hid taken rrcat Care to conceal them ; but that they had no
Power to conceal thofe , whicii were pubiick both before and after bis Confdfion. As n>
that part of this Bifhop's Complaint that they had faid of him, That be fvas in Love witJi a
Monaftlck Life Fidhirrt returns him rh;; Anf'ver, That he ought nor to take this amifs, fince

it could be no Pit:jucifce to bini j for ihc Lu\ c of a Religious Life rei^r'd him rather worthy,

than unworthy of the Bilhoprick into which he dctir'd to enter again, were there nothing
elfe to hitidcr him from it, R'.;t :hit t'vy (-o,i1l! nnr prrreivc how he could be put ifrn Pol-

(eiSon again, bccauie be couJii not complain tiia: be had Lxen luru d out cf ir, or that any
one had been pot into Poflellion of that See againft his Wili ; fince he had voluntarily quir-
ted it under preornce of his Indifpofition, and ddiredthe King, That either Franco, Ehan of
the Church of Pdrn, or fome other Perfoa ought be put into his Place : That after this Refig-
nation, Franco had been put into his Place accord ii g to the ELdtionof the Clergy, ihi Votes
of the Laity, die.Oooation of die Kiiig> and the Approbacioa ol the Holy 5ee j and ihatbe
had been «rdain*d by the ArchbiAop of Sent bis Metropoliran.
In "he N;n Leaci he rc ui :,s an Anfwer to tl-c R ^op cf, upon rhrec Points. The
fi li

Firft is upon that fii (hop's deiiring him to Excommunicate one who had Iciz'd upon fome
Revcooea belonging to the Cfanrdi of pMri. He fays be had not doK ic, ( i .) ficcaidfe be bad
not mcr with any Mm
who would venture to give him notice of this Excommunicadoik
(z.) Becaufe 'twas to no purpofe that this Man (hould be declared excommunicated in the
OnKb of Chartret, without Knowing any thing of it. Be^ule he thought it might more
conveniently he done in a Synod of the Bif>ir ps of the Province. The Second is aoout the
Arch-deacoo of Parit, of whom his Bilhop compkin'd. Fuibert fent him Word, That it Iw-
nifi d nothing to ooofnlc him about it, Hnce it was his Bullnefs u judge liim ; and that Wt
his parr he ccmVX nor condemn him, ti!l he find firft hwrd hirr.. The Third i«: upon a Di-
ipute happen d between Adecldm and the Monies of S. Dtnnts. He lays, That Adeoldm
oftr'd to refier bimfclf to their Arbitration ; and that if he pleated to appoint a Day wherein
he would meet h m, with fome One in behalf of the Alonkaof $. i3)eaMf, at $,Anm^bm, he
would be there iikcwife to adjult thcle Differences.
The follow ir.p Letters, to the One and rwenricth, contain very little of Ecdefiafticai
Maitent but in thia tbeic is mention made of a very remarkable Alanier of Fad. The AbboC
of & Ftteri ef CBartrrs being very lick, a Monk, named Megemertt, fiole by Night out of \
the Monaftery and wen: to beg the Abbacy of Count Thitcld
, , Son of Count F.udes of
Ckttttret, who was then at BUh. The Count fent him back oo the Morrow with Orders,
That he (honid be received as Abbot. Anfwer was made him , That this ought not to be
alfovwd ; Ix'caufe they could nor acknowledge him for Abbot, who had bi^gf;'d the Abbacy
of another be&re the ^fent Abbot was dead , and who intended to carry it by Authority,
nd me receive it by filed ion. He went and carry 'd this Anfwer back to the Count ; ami
within five Day; a'ter, the Abbot dy'd. The Monks, wi'h fome Canons who had enter'd the
Moraftery, helid a Chapter: Full/eit was there prefent, and askd them. Whether there were
any among them who approv'd of MtgeiurdhAd done? Tliey all anfwer d, No.
Thereupon it wa« order'd. That One Ihould be fent to the Counr, ro carry him the News of
the Abbot's Death ; and to intreat him to grant the Monks leave lu clmlc another. At the
Weaking up of the Chapter, two Monks, who had been Provofts of the Out-patts, went
to Blcis to tell the Count, That Mtgendrd was Eleded, and required to be Abbot, by the
Monks of 5. Peter. Thefe Monks, having Intelligence thereof, made a Proteftation againft
it: The Count brought Mf^erurd, and introduced him by Force: The Monks witlidrew,
and were receiv'd by Bilhop Hfdulpbm. Notwithftanding all this, Megen4r4 reodv'd Bene-
dt(%on from 3L BiChop of Bretagmet, nuuger the ProteiUtions of the I>epnty of the Arcbbifliop,
and of feveral Monks. He feired upon the Moraftery, and follicited the- Binicp^, and [he
lV»peliim(eif, to be eftablidi'd therein. Fuiiert lament! this Misfonuoc, and iotreats him M»
wfaooi he writ, to do his beft for thefe poor Monlcit
The Two arul twentieth Letter is t'lret^ed to Pope John XVIL He informs him. That
Cbttat i^dW/rfnw, whom he had excommunicated £or feiaoe the Revemies of his Chufcfa*
«nd lor havHif abos'd a Ckrik* was gone to Jt««w nttdc Ibr die Afafolanoo of «
Sin, for which he wMild ntktmSmiMkn. He coajant the Bopt not lo admis fain
to CommunioR,

Bs The

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4 A New EcclcjlA^ticd Hijlory
S. Fu]bert The following Letters to the Thmv foarth. arc dtredcd to Ltiterkk. Archbidiop of Sent.
Mifiwftf < Wbar is tnoft mnarkable in fhem aboat Matters Bcekfiaftical,- we fliall here briray infrrr.
Cbartrei. In the Three and twcnrieth he advifes him, to fend hark a Tricft, who was guilty of Simo-
ny> into his Dioce(s who had ordain'd him ; and, ii be urr^ 'd in his Diorcfs, tu fufpend
htm finom all Eceleftaftical Fundion^. In the Five and cwencieih, he defires him to degrade
n Prielt who had been ordain'd lor a Reward, tha* he miflic af crwr.rds enjoin him Pennance
for iwo Years, and then re-eftablilh liim. He adds. That ii was not rcquilitc to re-ordain
hint, bm to rc-eftablirti him in his Orders, by the proper Inftrumcnts and Habits, by faying,
/ }e/}n'e to thee th: O dcr of Diir-'; cp^r, S:C. in ll:e Krme cf tie Either, .tvd cf the Son, and

qf the Haiy Gboil. And afitrward^ :o give him the Blcliing in thclc Terms ; T> e BUjfmgtf
Gtd ^Imsgrtjt, F-itker, Sw, and Uoij Gbrft, relf upon thee, that thou mayH be cenfirm'd in tit
S.t:erJ<rd Order ; and that thou may ft offer Prepitijtcrj Sacrifices to God Almighty, far the Sint
and 0-fincn of the People. In the Twcnry eighth he complains , That Leetrric^ had or-
dain'd I'evcral Bifliopsin his Province, without calling him thereto; and that he had call'dtbe
Bilhopof Trtgret, who was incapable of any lucb thti^. In the Twenty ninth, he refufesto
give Abfolution tofomeHomrdtfesof fwiffx, at the Pnop they offer*d hfm. In the Thirtieth
he dcdaTCS, T'lac he had not cltclcci Odo'i i.l^ior Bifhop; but that after he had been cleded
by the Cief^ or Laity, he had ordain'd him Prieft i and upon txotericl(s Account, be bad
order'cl h;in to go to I^me, there' to be ordtin'd Bifhop. In the Thiny third he determines.
Th it a who had been God-fa'hcr ro his own Son nc Confirmation, curh' ro be divorc'd
from bis Wife ; which he grounds upon a Canon of ihc Council of Lejftmei, held under

The Th rcy f nmh is Nsme o( Lecterick,and Fu'lert of Cki tres, to the

written in the
Clergy of the Civ.irch of Paris to whom they wilh. in the Preface, Temfrrantiam in P'of^

ri^ fortitudinem in Adve CharitAtem uh'ijue; L C. Temper/tnce in Proffrrity , Cotrsge im


Alvrfry, r.ri.l Ch.:r!ty if .tU times. They declare ro them , Thnt they fymparhizc in the
Twuble* which their B ihop undei-gocs; but they are forry, thac he would not apply him-
felf to them for Confo'a-.ion ; and they wonder that theic Canons fhould admit to their Com-
. munion fucli Perfons who arc refractory to t'lc I nvs. of Crd and difobedient to their Bi-

fhop: They aifure thetn, they ought rot to defer kfwrating Jicrn from ihcir Communion,
till their Bilhop had excommunicated them. In paricuiar, they accufc Lyfiard Axh-deacon
of PoTBy who inftead of being what he onght to be, Tie Eye tf hit Bijhof, the Reliever of
the Poor, and the InftruAer of the Tpnorant had mn cminrer thereto ; and was become ro
his Bifhop a Blinder of the Fye'- :o lie P.jor a Robber, and to the Ignorant an erreonoos

Guide, by caking away the Tithes and Oblations of the Altars from the Poor, and giving
them to Seculars. Befides, they accos'd him of Ptrjaty and Difloyalty to his Bifliop ; and
orders them to Jhew him this I etrer, that fo he niay remnii himfclf.
In the Thirty lixtb, Fultert dcmonftrates the Hoornuty of a Deacon's Qfience, who pre-
tending to be a Priell, had celebrated Mais.
, It) the Thirty eighth he That Ebaud, cle^fled Arch-hifhop of J{!;rims, ought not ro be
rcjeded, tho' he were a I.aick, provided he had been brought up in Piety, and kept him-

felf always untainted in his Morals becaufe there are feveial Examples of very great kfen,

fuch ns S- Ambofc of Milan, S. Ceimain Rifr.op of Aitxerrtt and feVcnU OtfaCRp wfao» having
led a good Life whilU l.aicks, hiveprov d holy BilTiops.
In the Thirr>' ninth he wrircs ro the Arch-biftiop of Bourget, Thar the Abbot Salomon and
W.s Monks , cited before that Arch-biftop upon the Bufincfs of TedfriJe, could not po/fibly
nul^e rlieir Appearance, becanfr ir was then their Harveil-time ; but that at the CcuncU of
0>lt mi, to be held the Fifteenth of OQober, they would appoint htm the Time and the Phce,
wherein they would have an Hearing. Afterwards he complains, That this Arch-bifliop had
written a Letter to Arnulphtit Abbot of S. Peter, whereby he declar'd, that he had excommu-
nicaied his Monks. \h pnc fi ni to underband. That he had never any where Read that
he had fuch a Power allow'd him. 1 hrs Arcb-bilhop had wnnen another Letter to hvmt
wherein he had reprov'd hin* for having fubmitted the Abbot Tedfride, widiont an Hmhig,
to Monk Salomon, who was only Provo.t. Fulhtrt reply 'd That it was not done before

Tedfride had been heard, and that he was not Abbot when Salmm vns put in bis Ptaoe:
That Abbot Ted/ride being accus d by his Monks, had 'dedar'd, That be would no longer en-
dure them ; That he abdicated 'heir Government, and that he would be no longer ik of M )

Bmneval. Thar after this Declaration he went, by his Permiffion, to the Diocdsof j
and diBt the Monks of Bonneval had eleded one of their Brethren, aad bad prefemcd mm
toCn\:ntO^^, that he mirhr confi^r the Abbacy on him, aooordingloOilftoill j anddnc ihtt
having been granted to him, he had made hintr Abbot.
fn the Forty fifth, dircded to Adt^ m Biiliop ot Laon, hc relates a Tragical Adion, which
bappen'd in his Diocefs. The Sub-dean of his Church being dead, the Bilhop of Sentit de-
fir d of him this Bcnehce for himfelf, or his Brorhcr. Falbert reply 'd. That it was not
fuitable for him, wbo wac a Bilhop ; and that he could not give it to his Brother, who had
neither Age nor Manners requifite for fuch a Place : That he had chofen a pious Man out of
bis own Clergy, on whom hc had conferr'd that Bcoeficj^ That the Bilhop otSenln being in<

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of the Eleventh Century of Cbriftiamtj. 5
•ens'd at this Denial, and coveting this BeneEcc, had fent high Tbremnifigsto tbe Incambent: S. FMbei^
That thefc Threatnings afterwards were pnr in Execution : And that within a few Days *'y*'p «>f
after the People of Senia liml let upon iaui as he was going to Church , and hid kill'd him Chditrcs.
^io the Porch of the Cathedral. That the Authors of rhis Offence had been difcover'd by one
of their Vn!et«; who being tak^n ns he dr)'ing his Cloths, bad difcoverii all. S,B^trt
exhorts the Biibop of Lam to excommunicx'c thcle Homicides.
1 he Fbtty dghdi and nrnih . ate direded ro the fiilbop vSStnH^ upon the fiune Sdb*

In the Fort)' frvench, he advifcs the Arch-bifhop of Tour/, That if the Pope has refiis'd
to give him the Pall without a lawful Caufc, he ought not to be difcoun^^ac j andk
that be ought to repeat his Kcquefts, bccaule, in the Court of Hgme^ tfaeie were certain
Roles, not pra<ftts'a any where elfe.
In the Fiftieth he deierm'nt s, That a M'oinan , who was cngng'd upon Oath n marry a
Adaa, couid not marry another till after bis Death, or by his Conlenc.
The Fifty firft concaint the Refolution of another Cafe of the lame Nanire. A Woman
ror being wiJling to live with her Husband, .nnd faying fhe had raiher live a Nun, the Hiif-
bacd de(ire$ he may have leave to many another. S. Fulbert declares. That 'tis his Opinioa
he coqld not have leave, till (he were either Dead, or ram'd Reclnle.
In the Two and fiftieth he declares, That it was better no: to ee!rbrr-re Mafs, unlefs there
were two or tliree Commun cants. Which he proves thus ; Bccaufe the Word Chutch, witb-
ont which there can be no rnie Sacrifice, cannot be faid but ofmany ; for when 'tts (aid Dcmi-
nus FcL'fcum, The Lord be w/'A -';/ ; u implies, That there ate moce than one. And laftly,
bcc.iufe the Prayers are made tor chofc w!io offer the Sacrifice.
The Fifty S. venrh is dire(5led to the Biff,op of Lifimx, who bad interdided the Priefttof
the Canons of Cl r.rtrts, who had Churches in Diocefs, becaufc they did not p.iy him
a certain Duty, call d the Synojic/il Duty, He fays, That ihii Duty liad been remitted to
ihcm who were in the Diocefs of Charrres, by the libetaliry of hisPrcdcccflbrs ; but that this
docs not prejudice the Right of the Bifhopof Li/irux, over thofc who are of his own Diocefs;
that thercfoi^ if he would not be pleas'd to remit it , they (hoold pay him, provided be
would re-eUablifh them.
In the Fifty eighth, dircdcd to the fiifhop of P^rv, he declaims againft the Reqoeft which
tliit ffiflMphsK] trade to htm, of giving Benefices to I^idcs.
The Sixtieth 1 et:cr, dire(ftcd to Leotcri,\ Arch-bifliop of Sens, is wi irrcn abour he Ex-
cooununkatioa of Gutdo^ an Accomplice in the Murder of the Sub-dean of Ch/trms. Leotf
rick, bad writ to Fulhrt, That this idan defir'd lo be examined in « Synod of fiiihops Ar/-
t returns htm this An^r» That there was no fiinher need of cxaniinins his Caaie» fiace
he was proved Guilty-
In the Sixty firlV, he iclls Theodoric the Reafons why he did lioifOvdahi'hkn, (i.) Becauli:
on the Day whereon hi- was ro be ord.r'n'd, he had licither Letrcrs, nor Deputies from the
Bifhop; of the Province, ro iniim.ire tii. u Approbation of his Ordina ion. (i.) Bec'ufe he

Ik had feen a Sufpenfion of the Pope ilFncd ov.i :i!:ainft him, becanfeof an Homicide he had
been guilty of Becaufc by his own Con feilion he was iinwortl.y thereof. ^4.) Becaufe
the Clergy and Laity had not elc<5led him freely , but through Fear, and at the Recom-
oiendation of the Prince, who had not given them Liberty of chooftng any other. He adds.
That though he had fo many Reafons for not ordainiiw bun, yet he had like to liave been
kill'd ih rhe Cfinrch by thofe who f^ported his Inierab He reproves him for thus endea«
vourng 10 be ordain'd by Foice, aod tof banng cddwated Mais ma violated Gfaatciv faefinei
it had been rcconcil'd.
The Sixty Iccond Letter is dtrei9ed to the Bidrap of OrfoMt^ to whom at the top he
wifhes, Ohp'puum DUrBioiiK Jinc fueo Di0imu!.:tion(s, i.e. The ObciHence of Lore, vc it hour the
kifft VwrtU^ of Dijftmulittien. He therein gives him the Reafons why his Clergy could not go
in « Iblenn Prooedion to the Cburdiof Orleans, according to Cuftom.
^ Siaqr Fourth be approves of the Difiidution of Marriage, for the Canfe of Impo-

In the Seventy fecond, he advifes the Abbot and Monks of 3* Aird^d^to live in Sobjeftioii
ID their Bifhop, according to the Lan-s of the Church.
In the Seventy third he gives the fan>c Advice to the Monks of Orleans, whom the Bilhop
of that Oty had Excommtmicuet^ bccaufe they would not fubmit to his Jurifdii^ion.
In the Seventy fourth, be reproves a Clerk of bis Church, who had been undutifiil ro him.
In the Eighty third, direiSed to the Almoner of the Church of Orleant, he handles this
Qpeftion, What Punifhmenr a Pricit was liable to, who had celebrated Mafs without Com-
municating He fays. That if he did i( throoeh Infidelity, or becaufe he was apprehenftve of

his being guilty of Dmnkennefs or Uncleannefs, he ou^t to be enfoyn'dPtemance, nil be were

diroughly converted. That if he did it through any Difguft, bccaufe of the frequent Ccie-
btaiion of the Hijly Sacrifice, he ought to be excluded from communicating for a wiwle Year.
That if he did it through any Scruple of Confcienc^ and for « finall Ofoce, *tii fuficienc
«o lepcove him widi Geniki»e& And Laftly. That if be did It throu^aiv Woknefsin

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6 A New Ecclefiafiical Hiflory
J.Fulbetthis Hod or Soonttdi , be ought to abftaiti ftom tdebfaring, rill he was felMcd to 1^
f4hy<^ HeaJdi.
Cfeinrct. The Ninety fifth a Letter ot King I(^kert direded to Gumlin Arch-biihop of BmrgtSy

wfaerrin Iw acqatntshitn, that in ferenlFMts of faisKingdon there fell t fbower of Blood, •

of that Nature, that it Huck fo clofc on the Flclh, on Tfir Clotlis, and on the Stones, that
no walhing could letch Jt out : Whereas when ic fell on Wood, it was eafily wafh d orf. He
definsto know whether any fuch thing had ever happened. The Arch-bilhop of Bourj^es
Anfwcrs him intb- tn!"r)wing Letter, that this Prodigy Prognoftkatr-I fomc Cn il War. for
the confirnution ot wiiuh he produces fevcral Examples ot the fame Nature uitcn out oi Hi-
ftory, to which he adds fcveral myftical Reafoos. Ful^ert of Cbtrtrei in th» IbllowiDg LcB-'
tcr rtrlate*; snothcr Inftancc of it, taken out of th" Wrlri"!", rf r;<rrgrr-i of Tcurs.
In tiicNiiifty nin-.h Letter, Fu^rt cxhofrs a Cuuivt to uu Pc;i!uncc, and to rcftorc to the
Church, what of R phr belong'd to it.
In the Hundredth be declar'd to Count Fulcvs, who had in his Retinue, feveral who
were Rebels to the King ; that he would excommunicate him, if he did not turn thetn
The Hundred and Eighth is a Letter of Complimeot from 0<Ult to tulUrt otChtrtres,
wherein he gives hun many high CoRunciidaciom.
The Six .md twenty foliowinp Letters are written in the name of die C3nB0M CktHntf
but comain notiiing reauukable concerning ficdcfiaflical Affairs.
Tbere is noditng evmofdinary in the Sambas of S. tWiett. The Firft is upon the TiMtf.
In the Second he exhorts his People to Rcpent incc. 'I tie Third is .iHou' the Purif.c.i ion
of the Virgin Marjt. The Three next upon the Incarnation. Thcfe arc loiiow'd by Three
ocber Difcourfes againft the Jevtj wherein he proVes that die MtjUlm is already come :
And by a fmall Colledion of PatPages of th ^ Sc-'iiture con:rrni'^p the Triiiiry and the Incar-
nation. After this follows a PeiuVrnf/ii/ very much abndg'd, and leveral Paifages of the Fa>
dien about the Eacharift. Next lothi^ come (cveral Hyrani, fevetal Pieces ia Praie» cod
laftly fcvera! p'ercsof Poetry very il" Jcnc.
The Letters of S. Fulhert arc written m a pretty corre<^ Srilc, and are full of Delicacy
and Spirit ; he has not been fo happy in the rc!t of his performances. He Afgaes very per*
tinentlyboih upon the Dcxftrins and the D fcipline of th- Church, and gives very jult De-
terminations of any Cafe that is propofed to him. Upon occafion he (hews a great deal
ofSteadincfs, without failing in his Refpc(% to higher Powers. HiS Works have been Pub>
' lilh'd with a great deal of Remilsncrs by Charles de ViSitrs Dodor of Ptrw^ fam a Ma^
nufcripc of the College of Nattarre, and from leveral others, and Printed at Parit in tie
Year, 1608.
Father Lukf pneberj has fince ^ven us in the additiao 10 the fecond Tooae of his Sfiede-
^^.um , a Letter of Fulhert of Chartm roncmnng BcdefialKal Revemies $ wberrin diis Au-
thor in thcfirll place Liy<: down by P.iffjges of the Fathers, and efpecially of S. Jerom^
that thefc Revenues arc defign d tor the Mauttenance of the Poor. Seoondlyj That the bo^
VeCfels ought not to be SoldfiO more than the Crodfizes, unlefs ttpon urgent Occafons, and
when the Pcor arc Wanr, th-u they cannot be reliev'd otherwife. Thirdly,
That they fliou d rake c.ire not to fell them to fuch Perfons, a* might convert them to pro-
fane Ufcs. They ak ribc likcwifc to S- Fulhert die Life of S. Bi£bop of Cm^mj, tt-
&n'd by Stirm to the Thirteenth of DecenAtr,

C H A P. II.

An Accomtt tf the Cmtrcnjerfie ahmt the EnchariH, fet on

foot by Berenger ; and of bis feveral Condemnatms.

^ttJi»t "DB^BNGBH^ was born at Toursabout cbe end of the Tenth, or die beginninf of die •

^ "^"^'^ Ccn*ury. He Studied at Charrres under Fui'hrrt, and ftaid in that Gty till the
An- Death of that Bilhop. Tis faid that from that very time it appeared diat he had feveral par-
1^ Cicobr Opiniem. and tbat Aitf«r/ upon hk Death look notice of Um •• a dingeRMs Man^
and as one \vhn corniptcd a great many People. It was perhaps the Odeace be took at be-
ing thus liigiuauz'd, which induc'd bim to leave Cbartret^ and return to leurs. And being
in great Repute for his Learning, he was made choice of to be Lednrer in the pabli<£
Schools of S. Martin : He gave fuch Content in that Employ , that they mnde h'vr. Ch-tra.
berlain, and afterwards Tre.ifurcr of the Church of S. Martin, No Boot knows the Rea-
6ii wbf be left7lMn'^» andwentW4«i|pr^l bw "hb certua dm
tbidier be itdr'd* nil wia

Digilized by Goog
of the Eleventh Century of Chriftianity.
fcry well recrh'd by rhe fiithop, who made him Arth-dcacon of his Oiurch, ani fhcw'd
him a great deal of RefpedV. He who was then Bifliop of ihat City, goes under two Names ;
for is call'd Brnno by Theodwin Bilhop of Liege, by Durandut Abbot of Trotrn, and Mar-
htdut Corcmporary Authors, and in the Decretal of the Dedication of the Church of S Jelm Rraoow
of dngey And he is call d Eufehius in the Title oi" the Letter which he Wfo:e to Bcrer^tr 5 ^'i'*^'*'"?

in tbac which was fcntto him by Gregory VII. In the ancxnt Infcriptions of S. Aubinoi ^
jfrt^cn, in two ancient Ca alogaes of the Bifhops of Angers, which arc in ihc Library of ^'^i-"*'
Mo.ilicur Colbert, and in almoftali the ancient Records. Thefe two Names arc given him
in the Decree whereby Geoffry Count of Anieu and Arms his Wife, granted the Church of
Affh ihmt in the Suburbs of Angers to the Abbey of the holy Trinity of Vetidcfine, which
bears dare in the Year, 1048. and fign d by Eu/ihius Bruno Bifhop, and Berenger Arch-
deacon of Ajigtrs And in the Chrmicoi of S. Aubin qS Angers, Printed by Father Labbe in

the fiift Tome of his Biblittbcea M4$u(fcriftfrum^ he is caifa twice Btfebiut Cogmmemo Brww,
He was made Biihopof Atmrt in the Year 1047. Stxnetitne after Bttenger coming to that
Ci'V, began thure to broacn his Doiftrin u{^>on the Eucharift. Bruno ma inrain'd his Opi-
nions, and within a Hiort time be had a great many Followers : fiat ihefe Opinions were
itjeded and oppoled by the greateft Scbduv of diat Age, as a new Heiefy. Lt^Mtik. be*
can the Controvcrfy, and Bertnger being infomi'd of it by Ingr'rdrn of Chart es, wrote ro
him a Letter, by which he gave him ro underltand, that he was very much to blame ia
aocnfing 3^Scttm of Hcrefy, for his Opinion above the Sacnment of die Attar, oppofed
to the Sentiment of Pafch tfiw ; and that he cculd With to meet him in rhe prcfence of fevc-
ral Perfons, that he mipht convince him that it was through prepoflelfion rhat he had fudi
Thot!ghis : Betides, that if he judg'd John Scorns to be an Hetetick, upon the account of
what he had delivered about the Eucharift, he muft likewifc charge S. Arnha/e, S. Jerom,
S. Baffin, and feveral other Fathers with Hcrcly. L^nfratil^^ was gone to Heme, when
this Letter was carry 'd to KormanJy ; but for all this it was Publift'd, and fcaodaliz'd a great
iTianv People. Ir w.t! I'kewifc carry *d to I^pme by a CVrk n*'tht- Chirrch of Pj^rimr, who

Ihew d K to a great many, and read it publickly in the Council iaeld at Ji^me, under i^ope
IX. indie Year. 1050. Berenger was thereupon Excommunicated, and L<r«/r««^ then TheCnufcS
prcfent was engag'd to clear himfelf of the Sufpic.on he lay under of holding Correfpondence 7
with Rfrengcr, and to give an Account of his Faith : He did it withouc any Mcfitaiion, made
a profclfion of the Faith of the Church, and prov'd ir by the Teftimony of the Fathers. It
was Order'd in this Council that another Ibould be held at Vermi in September, to which
Berenger flionldbe Cited, and Lanf-ank^ wasdefttd to beprdent. Berenger being ftifimnM
of his Condemnation, retired into Normandy to Arisfrede Abbot of Preaux, and cndca-
our'd to win over to bis Party, l4^tlBm Duke of Normandy. But that Prince dccain'd
hhn at Brtoant, where be call'a an Adembly of the fiilhops of^hb Dntcby. who Condemn'd rttCtm'
Berttigt and a Clerk who .had accompanied him.
, In the Letter f D
< ; /-v. Abbot of Bll*
7ro4rn, ibis Council is rcierr'd to the Year> 1053. But certainly there mull Ix an Error onnt. ,

in the Text, or Dmrmuisu vrsa mtftaken: For *ris evident by the Teftimony of OMTMito
himfelf. t^ar il.c Conven'ion of Brienne was before the Council of vfrc^ which Wis bdd
in Seftember 050. according to tlie Teftimony of Herman Ccntraii.

Berenger being drove out of Normandy retir'd ro Cbartres, where he dar'd not to dedkre
himfelf, b'lt when he wn* ask'd his Opinion, only anfwcr d, That he would tell it when
*rime and Place Ihouid olter liiemfelvcs. However, this new Dut^rin beginning to fpread
it (elf, King of RrMce ro Aop the Frogrcfi of it, refolv'd to call a Council at Parity

and ordcr d B -rcnger to appear th c m ^ vc an account of his Doiftrln. Theodwm or Diet-


»/« Billiop or" Liege underilanding die King's Dedgn, wrote a Letter to him j wherein he fxhl^
Condemns the Dodrin of Btrei^n, which he faia was likewife the IXxftrin of Brim0 Bi-
£hop of Anger J ; but he difapproved the Deiign he had of caufing them to beCondemn'd in a gt^iufi Be>
Council ; becaufe Bruno being a Bifliop, could not be Tryed without the Authority of ihe rcngier*
Holy Apoflolick See. Therefore he advifes him to pafs by the impious and facrilegious Opi-
nions of tbcTe Perfont, till fuch time as he bad receiv'd Aothonty co Condemn them, «mc
they had been heard at Home, tho* be ifaouf^t it needleft to hear them, and to call a Coimctl
to Condemn them, and that all that was to be 'Irmc- was to cnnfider what Punifhmcnt to in-
iU<3 upon (hem. Tbtodmn in this Letter accufes Berenger and Brwia, not only of beiicvine
^at the Eucharift was nothing elfe bnrthe Shadow and Type of JESUS CHRIST,
but alfo of hulding erroneous Opinions about Marriage, and of dtfapprovmg Infant-Bapiifm.
This Letter has been publilb'd under the Name of Durandus Bilhop or Liege i but (ince it was
written afcer the Year 1 050. it cannot be his, for he dyed in the Year 1 o«5. tberefote it mnft
be Theodvf'n'%, who was ordain d Bilhop of Liege in 1045.
TiK lime appointed for the Synod of Verceil being come, Leo IX. came thither with a comii
great many Prelates of feveral Nations, and opened the Council the firft of September, in ^ Vefvil
the Year 10^0. Berenger durd not appear there in Pcrfon, but fent two Clerks to main- |« io50>
tain his Caufe. They read in the Council the Book of John Scotus which gave Rife to

the Error of Berei^er, and it was Condemn'd by all the Fathers of the Council. Th? Opi-
niott cf Bfrn^ was likewift csaaaia'd and andann'd* and ifae D«k^o£ the Church

\ ..
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8 A NeiP Ecclejiaflical Hijlory
tnaintain'd and defended by Lunfrank,, was approv'd of and confirni'd by an unanimous
Confcnt. 1 he two Clerks who were feni by Berengcr would hate undertaken his Ddetee;
but dicy no fconcr to fpeak, but they *cie forced to hold their Tom|ucs, _
The Cmn- NoiwiiiilUndiiig Uk Rcmonltrance of TbeoJvu'n, King tfemy held the Council which he
d/ if Pa>bad call'd at Parit on the lixcecnth of November in the lair.c Year; but nc';r' cr B.tenger
ril it nor Bitma clurft appear there. In their Abience the Bilhop Orleans caos'd a Writing of
lOfOk Berengcrs to he read, which wtt Condemn'd as Heretkaf by all the Aflembly. They Oiii>
dcnui'il the Authors and Abettors of that Dot.'lrin, ;ogcther with the Roi k of John Scotui.
It was diere onUr'd that the Author of chat Herclie and bt$ Adherents fliould be profecuted
and conftiained to recant under die pain of being put lo Death. Thcfe Matters of Fad
arc Recorded by Theodwin, and Durundus Abbot of Tro4ri». None bcfiLlc-; t'lefc two Au-
thors have made meouon of this Council of Paris ^ and accused Bruno o\ abetting litnnger
in h!s Error : Bat forafffloch as they liv'd at that Time, 'tis hard to difcredit them.
Adf'man Whillt the higher Prwcr? made ufc of their Authority apa'nil the jjrowing Hcreficof 7^c~
Clerk of the render ; the Learned World opposd it by their Writings. Among the reft, Adelman a Clerk
CkuTcb tf of tbe Church of Lifgf, who had been Berengfr's School-fellow under Fuliert Bilhop of
VegS. Cf}.irtiei, and who nfterw.uds was Bifhop of Breffe ; when he underflood that Btrerger
taught this Enor, wrote i. Lcticr to Iiim, wherein after he had put him in mind of their old
Aajuaintancc, ami nf Fulbert of Chn ttts their common Maltcr, be conjar d him to relin-
2ui(l'. h\T. "Frr; r, t'imon(hnring to him, Tlmt it was not impofliblc icr that Cod who had
Ireatcci Tli.n^i ou: U nothing, to change the firead and Wine inro the Bcdy and Biood
pf .Chrift. He had fent another Letter fome time before upon the fame Subjc<ib to Pnulirm
BIftjop of MetJ, that he might adir.onifti Bn-enger to renounce his Error. We have Jolt this
lalt Letter, and fcveral mcnticn'd by Ttithemius : But the former is among the Au-
thors who wfOK ufoa the Eudiarift, Printed at Lmkm/k in i y $i and 1 561. and m the Biblit^
tbeca P4tnim.
The te«n jffceiim a Monk of S. Evroa in NomunJj, ttkewKe about the fame time a Letter to
ef P'C(cr)- Sereilf^ againft his Error. B- renger upon hi; return from iVy;7?j >. ,;%. had a Conference
ger M Af- ^ti) ^feeiin and hiS Scholar IVtiUam. They publickly declar'd, That he had acknowled^'d
the tiook tfjobm Sevntr to be Uamable, and that he dttrft not maintain his Error. Bertnget
being inforii/d of it, wrote a Letter :o ytfc:!'.i;, wherein he gave him to undcrfland, 7 hat
he was not minded to Difpute againft bim in the Conrercoce which they had together, be-
caufe at that time be had refolv'd not to dilcourfe with any one about the EudiSrift, till he
had fuisficd the Bifhops, to whom he ought to give an account of his DtxTrl::, That it
was upon this Account that Jie would not fo much as refute that damnable and impious
Maxim m.iinrain*dby*f7//ii«i», Th*t every Man eH^t to approach the Httfy Table at Eaftcf!
Bur that jlfcelin was confciotis to hiinfelf lie r.e\ ef f.i.J JoLn Scttiu was an Hcretick :
That all he had faid about it. That he had not fcen all ilie Writings of that Author,
but that what he had read of his about the Eueharift contain'd nothing in it Heretical and if•

he had fpoken any thing which wa? nor Cn cxaifl, he w<; ready to dilown It, That
LaiUy, They could rfbt Condemn htm for having a!lc(.]g'd that t;;c lubllance of Bread re-
mMia in the Sacrament, fincc 'tis the Dodirin of the Fathers which he defended, defign-
iag nothing elfe than to follow in every thing S. /Imbrrfe, S. jiuflin and S. Jercm ; and
that therefore there was no Ground for what jfnfu/ftbM had faid to him in /^cf/xVs own bear-
ing, p. iri<ee let us alone in thr Opi'ricn we have been brought up in ; lince be did not pre«
tend to eftabiidi a Novelty, but to maintain the Dodrin of the Fadiers.
Afcena^ Afctlin rRam*d him this Anfwer, Tim be bad received bis Letter with Joy, hoping
Lttur n therein to have heard the News of his ConverHon but thir in reading it, his Joy was

nirn'd into Sorrow , perceiving that he ftill adhered to bis old Error. That he did no
longer fee in htm that depth of Thought, and that Learning, which he had formerly;
face he Iiad forgot the Paflagcs of their laft Conference , particulirjy that about the
PropOlition made by M^iUiam^ That every Man ought to approach the Holj Table at Eafter;
to which he had added tfaiii Reftri(%on, Vnlefs he were exeitoM frtm thit Hetveufy B/nnput
If fome Crime, xvbich ou^ht nor to be done but h the Order rf l is CmfeJJar ; othrxvifc tlte
J(jjs of trc Church would become ufelefs. That for his part he did not repent of what he>
bad laid in that Conference, (mce he had maintain'd a notorious and nnqneftionaUe Troth,
from which he would never Swerve, vi^. That the Bread and Wine were by the Efficacy
of the Holy Spirit, and the Miniftry of the Priefts, tum'd itiro the real Body and Blood of
JESUS CHRIST; which is plainly proved out of the Holy Scrip u res, unlcfs cor-
rupted by a vicious and falfc Interpretation. That for wh.u rrlr^res to JrJ'n Scotus, he was
Serfuadcd that in looking upon him .is an Hcretick, he did nothing unbecoming either his
'riefthood or Religion, fince he pcrceiv'd that the whole aim and defign of that Author
is to prove, That what is Confeciatcd on the Alrar, is not the true Body .^-x! B'corl of

JESUS CHRIST; which Error he endeavours to eftablifh, by fcvtral PafTages of

t!ic r,Tthers falily explain'd, and .imong others by a Prayer o{S. Gregory, upon which
he fays , tiiac this change of the Bread and Wine into the Body and Blood of
JESUS CHRIST was figmadve and mx real Tbtt be foofc'd apoo Berenger hiov-

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of the Eleventh Century of Chtijliamiy.
CO be a Mui of more tearifiiig than to miinttuii tlie OtdMdoky of thti Expv^^d:
Thar he had not vTntur\1 to defend it in their Conference; that he only faid he had
not read the Book ol John Seottu qaice out: That he was furpriz'd to iee (ach ajmt>
dent Man give lb lane Encnohiim of a Bcok which he had not read through ; That
lalHy, for his part, be was of :hc Opin'oii of F.jfc^ifius ant! of rhc orhcr Catholicks,
and he bnniy believed tlm lU- l-auhml rccciv'd uj>on the Alur the real Body atwJ
Bleed of JESUS CHRIST under the appearance of Bread and Vine ; ^nd tfaat
this Opinion was not contrary to the I aws of Na-
ture which depend on the Will ol God, nor to [^Atid ^rs it u mnb eur vhUt to ohftrvt how midtft

the Teftimony of the Gofpcl. To conclude, that 'te^rft Aiwcan j- j /"r m c/ ^he D-MriM of Tram-

the Advice which Amulphus (whom he ca!!s the MM^^'Mionwert itcir Ajtrtioni: trho did mot tgen,

JlnpingMan) had given him was very wholiome, ^

*btMt ^l^ui i, marj ,b,M i^bu wc?{0U»2^^^

ana that hcou^hr to toilow it. to be aniamd of ZV,*^- fAt^^'^'i!^^^ '^l",*^

defending a Book Condemn d in the Council of
sufp^r fio.i^4u»tiiktndMt,,
Veueit, and to keep cJofe to the Catholick and aw'^^u^ # ^ — ii^mm
Apoftolick Tradition, from which he had Swerv'd.
Tbis and the former Letters were publiOi'd by Father Dtdmj in iiis Notei upon the
Life of L an/ran l(.
Abou"- the fame tinv." B--' '
'..rote another Letter to Richard, who then at rln? Frrengers
^encb Court, wbercin he prays bim to ipeak to the King io his behalf» that fo he might Leittr m
lenwdy die Injuftfce which had been done bim : and to give Mm to undcrftand that they Richaid*
had not done we!l \n Condemning John Scotus in the Council of Vlerceil, and in j i!>ifying
pa/cbafius. That the Clerks of Coarnes bad given him a faife explication of the Opinion
of S. Bi&ert, or rather of the Pafflfie of S. At^^in vdated by thn Biiho(K Hiat to in-
dnce the King ro hc.-.rkcn unto him. he might inform him that Jchn Scotus wrote his Book .

by the Order, and at the in!kance of hts Prcdeccifor Charles the Great (that is, Charles the
8«£0 who bad chaijfd him to itfute by writing the Folly of Pafihajiut ; that upon this Ac-
count he was oblig'a to grant hi* Protetf^ion to that dead Perfon apninf^ the Calumnies
the Jiving, if be were minded to fticw himfelf the worthy Succeflbr of that great Prince.
While diefe Difpu-c<; were on foot between Berenger and his Advcrlarics, Leo IX. dies in TheComh
the Year 1054. His fuccedbr ViBor II. confirm'd wh,it he haH dore a^ainft Berenger, and dlof
*lis faid likewife that he held a Council a: l-iorsncc, wlicrcin he Condemn J him. Hildtbrand Tours Im
JittLcgtt in France having held a Council at Tours in tlic 1055. made Berenger appear
there, and gave him I ibcny to defend his Opinions: Berenj^er refolv'd to forfakc them,
and to engage himUlf by an Oath to hold the common rcceiv'd DoArln of the Church,
•ooceming the realky of the Body and Blood of J E S S C U HR
in the Eucbarift.

Bat he either did this pretendedly, or elfe Toon chang'd his mind ; for after this Council Tht Om*
he continnV! to broach his DoSiins as before; and nor being capable of Teaching his cilo[
Error puMickly, he cxplain'd it in particular, and wrote feveral Treatifcs in its Defence, Rome ii
So chat his Herc£ie contiouine to fpread it lelf, Nicli«ks II. who in ibc Year 1058. fucceed'-
cd Ste^itn X. Pom Tf d«r*s Sncceflbr, eked "Bm^er to a CooncU Md
tt ^nrn in tte •

Year 1059. uhicn was compos'd of H3 Bilhops of fevcral Nations. Berenger at the
firlV maintain'd his Opinion, which was refuted by Aibtric a Monk of Mount Ct^nus, and
Sy LanFr<tnk% but atterwaids he yielded, and dedar'd that he was ready to believe and
fubfcrlbc to what the Pope antT Council would be pleas'd to prelcribe to him. Upon
this, Humbert Cardinal Bilbop of Biancbc/ehe, prepar d a form of Faitb, which was Sworn
to and Subfcrib'd by Berenger in thcfe Words: " I Berenger an unwortby Deacon of the *^
** Church nf S. ^44uric!^ of Anglers, h.iving a knowledge of rhe true Catholick and
Apo- p,J^^
•* flolick Faith, do abjure all Herefiej cfpecially that of which
I have been fufpedtcJ,
** which holds that the Bread and Wine npon the Altar after the Confecra ion are only

C R I S { BacOflClSf
the Sacrrtmenr, and not the real Body and Blood of our Lord T
** and that it couli not be handled
by the Priefts, nor broke and cat by the Faithful,
^ imlefs it were only in the Sacrlmenr, and after an infenfible manner. I approve of
the Dodrin of the Holy and Apoftolick See of I{pme, and I confefs from my Heart
aod with my I.ips, that I hold the fame Faith which the Ho^y and Reverend Pope Nicho-
" tM, and his holy Synod have declar'd and allur'd me that I ought to hold, according to
^ to. the Evangelical and^Apoftolick Authority, W^. That the Br^
and the Wine wnicb
He upon the Altar, after the Confecration, are not only the Sacramenr, bot attb the real'
Bony and Blood of onr Loi .l I F, S S U CHRIST, and that 'tis handled by the"
? Prie/ts, broke and eaten by the Faithful, not only io the Sacrament, but alio in a fen-
" £ble way. The whicb I IVvear By the Holy and CbnfiitiAaatial Triaicy , «id by die
*• Holy ' declaring that thofc who (hall advance any thing contrary to this
" ttib. defcrve tbemfelyes, their Dodrios, and their FoUon^is to be Anatfaematiz'dL
And tf t nvy felf ihoold be fo bold, as to chink or teach any tbbg'vomnry to riiis Prafeffiotf
of Faith, I fuhm't my fcff to the utmoft Rigor of rhc Canons. In Teftimony whereof, I
** have let
my Hand to thcfe Pteienut which I have heard read over and over. Afterwards
hrbomt his own Writings, anltbBBqokQf9iifi«5<M»r«

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lO A NcYP Ecciefiafiical Hijlory
ferrrngrr This Profcfldon of Faich fecmU to be fincere: But Berenger was no rooner rctum'd »
rcUpits IB. froHCft but finding King Henrj dead, and his Son Phiiif in his Minority', he tbougbr ttuc
^ BOW he fluglit maincain hit Error afidh Withattt Reftraitu. He rcpcntc-d that be had burnt
kis Writings, and made a new one in oppofition to that Profeflion of Faith, which he faid
was Humbert's^ and not his. This is that Piece which LaMfrank and Guitmmd rcfwc. In 4
^l^ord, he pernfted in the Defeocc of his Error, and fled out into a PalTton againft Pope
and the Holy Sec. Pope A/ej(ipider II. whofucceeded NicBtU, being infonnd thereof, wrote
him a Letter, wherein he exhorts him abfolutely to renounce his Error, and to be no longct
a Scandal to the Chuttrb. Bm inftead of obeying the Pope, he la J the Confidence to fend
him WorJ, That he would do nothing in it, and remained obltina:e in bis Opinion.
TteCoia- MauriU Arch-bifhop of Horn, willing to put a ftop to the progreft of this Hcrefy, which
(tf«f Roan Tifibly fpread it
fdf in Ncn.'MVi/*', upon the account of :h:i' Influence yv\vxh lifrfn^c h.ul u\ r :

iir^j) it, calls a Prorincial Council of Bilhops at i(M», in the Year, io6|. wherein he prepar d a
Eereoger, PiofefTion of Faith, declaring, That die Bread said Wine, afief ConficAitiofi, were cInngM
Iil0^< into the very Subllnnce of the Body and BIo<m1 of JESUS CHRIST; anathemarizlng all
thofe who are of the contrary Opinion, or oppoie thbtrae Faith : And it wasorder'd, Tfaac
forthefdtutt cMiPnlefBoR ofFakh llni^ befiire tiidr Ofdi>

rhtemt' in the Year, 1075. Gtr*tdus Bifliop of An^ulefm^ and Legat of the Holy See for the
Poi* PfOyi»ce« of 'tutrt^ ButtdeAtx and Aucbe call'd a Council at P$itiert, whefem Bfrengef
fil «f
tiers was accus'd, and like to be kill'd. But this Accident did not alter his Mind, for 35 fcon
as the Heat was over , he went from the Couocil as uncooviiic'd of the Truth , as he
fiewnjff* cune.
'^'^^ titae that Eufebius Bifhop of ylngcrs, whn k '^he fame with Bruro. wr^Tf rn
Jte Letur
if Enfebi' Bcrenger i That he had rcceiv d a Lcaer ffom hun, winch intimated, Thar Qeojrey wrt$ a
MwBm- publick Abetter of L^n/r^iifs Fooleries ; and that in that Letter he defir'd, that Gnfrey
no, Bijtf; might K" fummon'd before him ro give nn Account of the Explication of a PafTige of

•/Aogers. S. Amlroft^ taken out of the Trcatifc concerning the Sacraments. That in Anfwcr to his
Letter be declares to him. That he knew not whether that Qneftion had been flarted but of
Vain-glory ; but this be knew very weil, that after it had been fpread over a great part of
the World, it had caft a great Blemifli on the Reputation of the Church of Angers, which
trasexpos'd to the Calumnies .ind Upbraidings of all Men, both far and near. Thatfbc
his part be had tefolv'd to decline tbefe Difpates, to keep to the Text of the Holy Scriptures,
and to believe that the ftwd and Wine are the real Body and Bfood ofJBSUSCHRIST
after Confecration, withmi- ru-ccrning himfcif how this could be : An
thit if any cnc I

fiRMald ask ilin » What were the Thoughts of the Fathers and Do^rs about it ? he would
refer fitchan Impant to tbdr Vrtdngs ; «od ftdviTe him to put fiidi a Conftni6^ upon
what he found in them, as was moft conformable to the Dodbin of the Gofpel. That this
^^not out of any difrefpct^ to tlic Writings of the Fathers, but bccaufe be thought thac
the principal Rqaard ought to be had to the Text of the Gofpel, for ftarir (boulareai^ «
Scan J-i! in the Church of God if the Opinions of the Facher<; ft50x:Id not be well under-

ftood, or the PolTages taken out of tbero fliould be corrupted. That it was after this mannet
titt the diftiBhince which happen'dat Tctin m
the Preience of Gerald, and in the fame Oty
in the prcfence of Hi/Jetranii, was nppeas'd ;and this^Plague, which began to fj>rcad It
felf airclh, had been ftojp'd by the Command of the Prince, and by the Authority of the Arch«
biftopof B(r/3aH{W». Tut thereupon be had uken up a Refohirion to hold no more Confe-
rcncr^, nor CO enter into any Difpute wpon that .SuhieA, rinr^ Thn: he v.-nn'd ne\Tr give his
Conicnt for the holding of any Affembiy upon tiiai Aliair ; i iiat ii .uty iuch lliould be hoiden,
he would not be at it. That he would not give A«ldience to the Difputants, and would ex-
chi\e fuch as continu'd obdinate from the Communion , beuofe this Bufinefs iud been de-
tcrtrun d tliricc in the Province, and four times by the Sentence of the Holy See.
Atl^ Gregory VII. willing to pot an end to what he had begun whtlft Legat, cited Be-
^ ^
' Cottndl, held at J^gmt in Decemkr, 1078. and gave him time to confldcr what
f^Moe ^'"i""
^g^j ^ jjgj^ Cdnodl, which w«t field the next Year in Telrruary. Bcrenger did
ftill adhere to his Opinion, and maintain'd ir very vigoroufly Bruno :afterwards Bilhop of
cory vii. ^'^< Abbbt iVolphetmus, Oppos'd him. The Qu4^oawas debated between diem for three
%u*fi Days; and, at laft, Beren^tr Wis ffafc'd to make liit Recmtarion, drawn up in thefe Terms
Eercnsicr. " I Heren^er, bc?i e in my Mc4rr, and confcfs with my Mcrurh, Tlut the Bread and Wine

jiefeevU whicfa are upon the Aitax, are fubftamiaily chang'd by the MyRery of the Prieft, and by
" the Words of otr Siirkmr, ftjto the tttie, proper, and (^sickening Body and Bfood of oar
tj fiiib " Lord JESUSCHRIST, which came out of his Side And not only figuratively .in I

$u4ebj by virtue of the Sacrament, but truly, properly and fubitantiaily, according to the Inten-
WaainBC,** oonaf tMePivftnts, andas I haireretd, and you nnderftand it. TTds is nnr Faith, cdn-
ttary to which I will not, for the furore, broach any Do<.^rin : So help me God and the ,

Holy Evangeiills. After this, the Pope conjur'd Bertnger, by the Almighty God, and by
tht Holy i^^cs S. Pttcr and S. pMut, never ro difpute again with any P^fon , about the
Body and Blood of JESUS
CHR,IST» tudeis to ttid«cciv<e thofe oti ivfaom he had itn.
• poa'd

Digilized by Google
of the tlcventh Century of Chriilianity. 1
feM'd« Upon this Declaration he granced Ber/Het' a Leaer. dire&cd co the Arcb-biibop of
Teafrr and CO ths Bifliop of A»^s ; wherein he dedar'd to them, Thar be had taken Bcrenger
into h;s Protcitton, anJ c; ihcm to defend hi'ii ai^ain ^ Fu.'c^ls I{i Jinus, the Coiinc of
Angers^ who bwebiin ao lil Will, and agaioil ail ti:s Enante^. He likewiie granted .biin a
Bull, which excomm micates thofe who Oumid attempt any thing againft bis Peribn or Eftate,
or fljould call hmHciCLiik. Tbefe Favours, granted by C.rcgerjr VII. to Berengcr, gave an
Cxalion to the Bilhops, who cxhib ted a Decree againit this Pope, in a Council lu l lat
Brrffe^ in the Year, ^-So. to accufe him of being a Difciple, or at leaft a Favourer of that

Herc'ick. Bu: rh:^ Charge againit this Popo was c^oundlcfs and unjuft, fi: cc he had not
entena n d Bfieigc' t II r.t:cr he had abjur'd iiis Hcreiif : Tho' perhaps he was toocafy in
• giving Credit to the Words of fo unconitaiit a Man. In Tn»ll» ic appears that Bcrengtr did
perlilt in te.icbing his Kerefy, Cxna.^ h? was furc'd to appear at a Council h^Idar-R /-i-zr fhe Com.

in the Yiar. 1030. by Hugh the Pope's Le|;ar, ?x lirlt Bilhop of Dia, and afterwards Arth- ul u/Eor-
bifhop of Lions, and there to give an Account of his Filth, as 'tis recorded in the Chronicm deanx m
of S. KUixint. This isScene wherein Berenger appcar'd. H-^ (pern the reft of his
the lail 80.
Life in the Iflc of near the City of Ttar/; to which Place he ictir d after the ^^'V
S. Coftnus,
Gntneil of J^«»w. and dy d there Jan. 6. 1 o38.
An ancient Amhor to be met wi>h in the Library of FL-urj, Wiiitim of l^msht'y, of^cven-
hltttbevt of Pa*tt, Vt»cere of Bemvai , and (evcnJ other more modem Aurhott, lell m, ger'^ ^c-
Tliar Beren:^er w.t; a real Convert, nrd that be died a fincerc Penircnr, beinn heartily forry ji( ntttUf.
for having infedled lb many with his £rror. Clsriut a Monk of F/<r«r;, and the Aatfaprs cii
the Chemetm of S. Perer the Live'j of Smt , and of the Cbnnietm of S. Mirtfn of ^eurt^
fpcnk very much in 'lisPraifc. Wc have I kewlfc two nob!e Epitapl-.s mai!e in h's Praife ;
tne one by B tudrjf Abbot of B urffuil^ and afterwards Bifliop 01 Dot ^ and the other by HiU
4e6ert Arch-doacon of M*ut, who was afrcrwards Bifliop of that City, and at laft Arch-bifliop
of Tun s. In a Word, !iis Memory is nill hnd in veneration at Teurs , where they fay t'hat
the prebendaries ot S. Martins have a Cuitom ofpaying him their RcIjKMf^s every Year. "Tis
probable that thefe Autliors who believe the real Prcieace, would never have be(N>w*d lb
m iny EncomiumNon Berenger^ if they had not been fully ccnvinc'd of his Converfion. And
yet we find that Linfrankt in his Fiftieth I etter, written lincc the Year, to?o. to Reginald
Abbot of S. C)/r/»M of Poitiers, ..nd the nnrnymous Author of a Trcatife written in the
Year, to58. and publ (h d by Father Cfufflet , fpcnk rf h;m ftill as an Hcrccick, without
mentioning his Convcrlion in the lealt. We find thar af:er his return from ^ mf he was

.oblig'd to give an Account of his Faith to the Council of B-jrJenux. But that which raifcs the
preatelt ciiifi- o^* Td pe 'ting his Convcrnon, is, Thar after his fecond Return from i( to
Francr., he comjios'd a Treaiife in oppofition to his lali Profcifion of Faith, as Father NUbil^
lot), «vhn had lien the Manufcr'pt, aflurcs us: The which being joined to the Tcftitnony of
B, >//' :/ Prieft of Conjlmce, who fays pol]tivcl]r , That Berenger had not diang'd his Opinion,
feems 'o deftroy all that has been faid about his Repentance, or at leaft Siews thai it was
Verv late, and that he did nor change his Opinion rill a little before h s Death.
.No'wUh!^anding his Rctra«^ations and .Rcpcnunce , feverat of his Followers perdtled in jif jr fff^
riietr Error ; bat by degrees this Herelte was eittirpated. One Attajltjius, a Monk of S. Ser- „, ^
^iw rS ^ti>-rs, was forc'd to abjure it, and to deliver a Profeflton o^hi"; Faith to Ger.ilJ Ab- BcttUfft,
bo of S. /iuUn of that City, related by Father Lut^e Djcherj, in hi« Notes upon the Life of
l,4fmf jfnk, The Fathers of the Gbnncil of PUeeMU in the "Year, 1095. cottddanVI the He»
.reiieof 9 afrefh: And I.i'^Iy, Bam* Aidirbilbop of TYevet, drove out oif hU Braviiice
the Followers of this Hcrcrick.
Berenger was likewife fufpe&ed of (everal other Enors. Guimmi, after T&w^/f*, aecnies otier Er-
him of het't vine, That Infant-Baptifm was nti!! ; and of dcf^roying lawful Marriages, by rars of
pcfmitcine Men to abufc all Women without diliintflion. Lanfiank, and ti^iUiam of Malmf- tiescaffU
iary, accufe hun of harbouring a ftrangc Contempt for the Writings of the Fathers. Laftly,
C: '"f}on! and S .-Infc 'ri relarc, as an F.rror which he had advanc'd, That our Saviour after
his K efurrcibod, did nor enter through the Ciiamber-door, where his Difciplcs were, before
it was opened. As to this Error , 'tis a Cotdequence of his Opinion about die Eucharift.
A< for rhc two former, fornfinuch as they arc not in the Writings of Beren^rr , and were
ncrer (as we can learn) charg U upon him by Other Authors And hnce he has not beencon*

demn'd for maintaining them, nor ever oblie'd to rctratfl them in any Council, 'tis bml 10
fuppnfe rh.n he taught them publickly j and the cadier, bccauie tbey are ancknc Erroncoa-
demn'd long before that in the Church.
We have by us a Letter of Berenger to Afceline , another to HichMrdAn Abbot ; three Pro- The WtU
iirfljoosof Faith ; a part of bis Tveatife in cmpofition to his fecond Frofe(fion of Faith : And r/'j^r »ai
Father MihlSm has fcen a Twattfe in ^fono(cript againft the third. The Trcarifc which he Aivftjt>
compo.'s'd .leainfl .-tJr ', alias AJman Bilhcjp 0} Breffe , of which Sigibert of Gembteurt

makes mention, attd his otiier Pieces, are lolt. He wrote in a dry and Ichoiaftick Stile, ^^^i^*
Siffilert hM reafon for what he fays, when he tells us. That he abos'd the Sophllms of Logick
in nppo^tion to the Apof^olical Simplicity and that this could be no F o ..fc to him, nor

^ideation to odiers, bccaufe be rather reodred dear Things ohfcure, than obicute Things
C 1 deu;

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12. Ntw Ecckf/d[tic{il Hifiory
clear. He docs not ftem ro have had very much Skill in tlie Antiquities of 'he Chnrrh.
His Error was oppos'd by Lafifrank^, Archbilhop of Canterbury ; by Adtlman, Clerk oi tiic
Church of Liege, and afterward? Bilhop of Brejfe; by Afceline, Monk of S. Evrm in Itfprw
moHdy ; by Guy jlretine. Abbot of La-CiwX'Saim-Leptfrgj i by Durandm, Abbot of Trff^im ;
\}\- Hugb^ BifhoD of LtfffjrM} by Jitkrie, Monk nf Mmtt-Ca/fm ; by Gmtmmd^ Arch<
l^hop of ^tfnnsfi ; and %^{{vr Deacon of Zi^r, and AforwannMDiik of Omv,


Of the Writings of Laniunk, Jrch-bijhop of Canter-

bury Guitmoad j of Alger ; and of the other
; of
Anthm mho have refuted the Error of Berengen
Lanfraak, f ^VFi^.^.V^, dcfccnded from a very honourable Family of Prft M ; for his Father was
jkibbipiif Wardei- or Keeper of the publick Archiv es, where were rcpofitcd the Minoies of the
of Can- Laws and Cuftotm of the City. After he had went throngh the courfe of bis Studies in bis
terbury. own Country, he wen* m:o F OHce, under the Reign of King Hen^y, and came to Attr*nebei^
where he taught piibl ckiy for fome time. In his Joumej- to t{paH, he was taken by High-
way-Men, who rcbbd h.m ; nntl hav tij: bcund him, Jeh him in a Foreft near the Abby of
Br .On the Morrow, foine Faflengers finding him io that Condinon, unbound him ; aod,
upon his asking ihtm, Whether thefe were not a MonaAety near thac Place; they diretfteil
him to the Abbey of Bee w/hich u as newly fnirxicd. He rctir'd thiihcr, and took upon Iiim
the Habit at the Hands of Herluiu chief Abbot of that Mooaftery. This happ«n'd in the
Year, 1041. ThcGeniw, the Learning, and the YnvK ef Lmfrank, being won difoin'd,
he was elcdici! Pi r of hfs own MonalUr* a chr rcn by .'W/jm I. Duke of Normri>,dy^

to be one of his Counlellors of State. He went to J{^me under the Popedom of Leo IX.
and dear'd hunfelf, before that Pope, from tbe Errw tifBerenger, which was laid to bis
Charge. He rctntn'd thither a T rond rime under the Popedom of KLhdus II. to reqiicft a
Pifpen(ationfortbe Marriage of Duke H^Siam with the Daughter of the Count of Fianders,
Ilis Niofwoman; which was granted, upon Condition thav the Duke and his Lady would
build a Mnnaftcry. The Duke ^ src Orders for the building the Monaftcry of'S. Stephen
o£ Caen, oi which Lanfrdnk was made Abbot in the Year, 1063. He was fo higlily in the
Duke's eftcem, thai this Pnnce, after he had conquer d England, couJtl find none more pro-
per than hitn to (I'nd to I^jme ro Pope Alex.viJcr If. ro treat with him abcur the Reforminc
the Churches of that Kingdom. Aficr the Death of MturiUu! Arch-bi(hop oi I{pan, Lanfram^
was pitch d upon to be his SuccelTor. But he rcfus d it. At^d upon his Refufal, the BiJhop
bf .<^ttr4«f/.'« having obrnin'd that Arch-bifhoprick, Ltinfru>d- went frnr'h time to Ji^fwc, to

jger this Tranflation to be approv'd of, and to dciire the Pall for thac Arch-bifliop. He ob-
lain'd his Requeft from the Pope; who feoe two Le^is to crown H^Sitm King of Bi^Um4»
and to reform the ChurcheSt
Thcfe Lcgats held a Council ar Windfar, wherein rhey depos'd feveral Bifhops who were
rte C««»
^ c6nvi<fbed of Crimes, or of grofs Ignorance; and among the reft, SrigMd Arch-bifhop <tf
Canterbury, who had pofiefs'd bimfelf of that Sec by Intrigncs and Violence. Lanfrank, was
oblig'd, again* his wilF, by the»expie6 Cotnmand of Abbot fhrtuin, to take upon him diis
Arch-bifhoprick in the, ^''Jn. He govcrn'd tluu Churth for Nineteen Years togei-

ilher, with a great deal of Wifdom and Authority. He ftill kept up his Credit with King
tf^ift'Mk, in whofe Abfence he was Regent of the Kingdom. He dy'd a Ittrte «ftei> thftt
Prince, in A/jt, 1089.

T anfrarks
liTgeA Trcarife of Lanfrankj, is his Commentary upon the Epiftles of S. Baul. He
Cammn- pt*** the Tcxt, wtih fome Il!u(\rationt, in a Vafenthrfis ; and adds to this, feme Nottt c<"
wyon Eyplrnarion taken our of S. Aui[ttP.!n, or nnr of xVc Comntcntary attriborcd to S. jimbrpfe,
S. Paul'i or iuch a*; himlelt compos'd. Tholc out ot S. .lir^uftin are to be race with in that Father; Ur
^/ttti* a great part <rf thofe whidi are cited onder the Natt.e of S. Amhrefe, are not to be nMt with
in t!ie Commentary which r^e^ at prcfcnr under the Name of that Saint: And there arc like-
wife fome others tv!iich are S. 4ugu[li>,'^, and arc afcnbed to S. Amirofe. Thefe Note* are
ihortand (I nti ntious and the Author keeps clofc to the Literal Meaning and dw Moialft^

of the Epiftles. Prti r Lcmh irJ cites fcvcral Pa'fipt"! out of this CtetmciKary Upon S. PMrf,

tvhicb arc not cxadly in the fame manner exprcifed by Lgnfrankt

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cf the Eleventh Century ofChrifiiamiy.
E S U S CHRIST, ij a Refutarion of L
LuafranKi Treatife of the Body and Blood of J a n Tr .1 n •; ?

ft Piece which BtreHger had nude againfi the real prefence <^ the fiody of J £ S U S Tf^iiife of

CHR IS Tm the lutharift. He rem him that he could wilh that he might have t Con- ^*^J
Jcfcncc wirh liim, bcinj^ ptnuadv,'. tlut it would be vltv anrageuus cither to reclaim him
from his £nor, or at leoil to r^t^ify hts followers. But that iioce be took upon him to ^litt
Btntatn it in his private Converfe with ignorant Men, and ar the fiune time to own die Or-
thcdox Truth before the Councils, rather* \i: of of Death, than for the fake ofTrudv
he avoided Fcrlbns of clearer Heads, who could pafs a found Judgment upon his Dikoorfet.
That if he ooold once Dilcatirle widi bun in tlte prefence of feuMe Men, he would con-
vince him what an ill ufe he made of fo'cra! Paffages of the Fathers, which were cither
felfc, or corrupted, or ill explain'd. That not being content to 1 each his Errors with his
Mouth, he likewife fpread them dtroudi the World by the Writings whtdi^ DifcijJcs
ruWlTi'd. That his Hrft Writinj^s had ocen ExarninM .nit C nilryri'd by Pope Niche las of
bkflcd Mcirory, m a Council at l^omc of One hundred and ihimen BiIk>Mi in which
Council B^m^fr himfclf had rhrown tfiem into the Fire, and promisVl upon Oath, that he
would ne\er VNervc from the Faith of the Fathers, nor Teach any more the Doiftrin which
he had advanc'd about liie Body and Blood of JESUS CHRIST. That he had
iincc ihnc broke his Oath by Siting againft that Synod, againit the Catholick Faidl* and
the I)od;rin of all the Churches. Th.?-- rh'-^ is rh:- Trea'tf.- wh-rh h.r underrakes tO W-

fiitc, by repeating his own Words, and giving ukui Anlwer aitcrwards,
Beren^er gave OOC tbat die Cmfeffion which they had mnde him lign at J(«i«ir, UMier
Pope Nichclat, was prepared contrary to the Catholick Faith by Humbert, whom by way of
Contctr.p: he calls the Burgundian. Lr.nfranl^_ alTerts, That this Confellion was not Wbw-i
tert't, but His, the Pope s and the Council's, who all had approv d of it. He likewife
recite^. Berertger^ other CbolvfQon under Pope Qregny VIL and defends Hmbe>f. Bcrcngtr
laid. That this Man was of the Opinion, or rather of the Fooleries of the Mob, of PajcO'
ftm, s.nd of Lanfrank.^ who behcvc* that afrcr Confecrction, the (ub'lancc of the Bread and
Wine were no kmger upon the Altar. Ljuifrgnk Ihews him that this was not any particu-
lar Opinion ; bur the DoArin of the Chordi, of the Councils, and of the Popes who had
cnnJcmn'd him. Bcrcn^^er, That tho' /f/rwitf/r was of thi'; Opinion, yer he hnd de-
^roy'd his own Argument before he was aware, becaofe in laying that the Bread and Wine
Dvhtdi areon the Altar, are either only the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of JESUS
CHRIST, or are only tl-e Body and Blncd of JF.SUS CHRIST, he fuppofcd that
there was both Bread and upon the Altar. After La»ffanl{ had taken notice that if
tbere were any Ambieaity or Contradid:ion in the Words of that Confeflion, the Blame lay
ar Brrm-n t)r,oT, fincc he had npprov'd of. nnd Svv*;rn to it, and was not allow'd ro Swear

that he would hold two Coiirrarics ; he obfervcs that the two Propofitions which he
Bar s r re neither the Councils, nor Ordinal //.vm^frf's. -That Ac hrft belongs to Bcrenger
and h s r-"(;!'ow'?rs ; and :h;>t the fee n 1 is mainta'n'd by none, for tho' the Church be-
lieves that the Bread .Tnd Wine arc ctiang'd into the Body and Blood of our Saviour, yet
it acknowledges that ibis Myllcry is the Sacrament of thePa/fion of our Lord, of bis Mei^
oftheConcord st'.i Un;on, anci of the Incarnation. Tharbefidcs, . I n rfic ratr.c of
Bread is given to the Ik>dy of JESUS CHRIST, 'tis a figurative and myiticai way of
Spciking ; and thnt 'tis fo call'd, becaufc 'tis made of Bread, and retains the Qualities of
Ihr.'id ; and bcoufc it nouriOies the Soul af^r an tncomprehenSble manner, as the Bread
rjonrilhcs t!ie Body. 'Tis upon this Principle that he anfwers the logical EvaHons which
Bcrenger makes about rhefe tcnrs of Bread and Wine. He replies likewife to the PafTages
of the Fathers, whidi be aiiedees to prove that the Bread and Wine ftill remain in tfab
Sbtcrament, by fhewbif; that 'tis die extAnal Appearance of Bread and Wine, which it ifwf
Sacrament and the Sign of the invifiWe Body ttid Blood of ] F S U CHRISS T. Bcrcn-
rer asks liow it oui be iaid, That (he Body of JESUS CHRIST which is incomipti*
Sic, is broken and eat in this firead. LMfrmk replies, TBae the Tuft who lt*e fay Patth,
need not concern themfelves bow the Bread and nc become the Body and Blood of
iESUSCHRIST, Wan dTcntial change of lu Nature : That the Belief of die Church
; Thar the Body of J ESVS CHRIS'T is fo Broken and £.it in die Eddutift, th* Ir
tJties rot hinder it from being incorruptible and impalTiblc in the Heavens: That wc eat it
Corporeally wlien we receive it from the Hand of the Prieft, and that we likewife eat it
Sprrititally by Faith. He moreover produces the PaiTagc out of die Council of Bfhefkt,
which fays thi<; Flefti which wc Eat in the EuchariO, is the proper quickening Flcfh of
die Divine 1.0(>OS. After he had thus Anfwer'd Bercnger, he explains his own Sea*
thticnts in thcfe Terms. " Webel cve that the terreftrial Subftances whi^ aie^Sanftified
* at rhc hoiy Table, by the divine rfKr.u y and Minillry of the Prieft, arc ctniverred af-
* reran Iniff.hlc, Incomprehenfiblc, and Miraculous manner, by the Operation of the fu-
fremc Power into the eflential Body of our Saviour, their Appearances mndumg tfridi
* their Qualities, for fear Men Ihould be ftruck with Horror, if they were to Eat raw and
bloody Fleth ; and that they believing what they did not fee, their Faith merited the
** IMcr Rewnd; Tint iwiwiifaftanding this, tbeBody sf JBSUS CHRIST aemaint

Digitized by Google
14 A Nen> Ecclejiafliciil Htjiory
Lanfrinks *' Heaven at the Right Hand cf his Father, Immorral, Entire, wiJiout Dcfed:, «nd
ftill in
Tfettife of" Impa/fible So that wc may truly lay,' that wc ao, and do not receive the lame Body

tht BiJf " which Born

ajJ Bittd (t

^ is

£fficant of iu

^\ne and
ilu Virgin
Nature ;
j bciaufe 'tis

And 'n$ not the fame, if

the lame with rcfpedl to the Elfcnce, Propriety,

the other Q^ialities : Thit, fays ht, is

conlidtr the Appearances
the Doarine whidi the whole
Ch ift
' * " Catholic k Church always held, jnJ liocs Uill hold. He rccitcv a great many Vif-
iages .oat of $. ^fdrcfe and S. At^ujiin to (treogcben this. He t xplains iu what Scnfc it
may be did chat the Eucharift is an k\^ntist, a Figure, or a SacRunent : ITiae 'tis the
Appearance of tbi Bread and Wine which wore there liefore the Confccrac on, an^I which are
Chang d into the Body and B.ood of JESUS CHRIST:
Tltat we beg of God in a
Prayer, that we may comprebend aoconling to the Tnich and Reality of Tbioga, tbac whidi
vvc perform under T) pe^ .ind Figures, thereby taking the Word Truth for a dear inani-
fcftation of thofe very 1 hings withtJut a Type and without a Fipure. That the Eucharift
is ftkewile a Sign and Sacrament of the PafliOQ of onr l ord and Saviour. That lal ly 'tis
call'd Bre. d m A W
tie, becaufe 'tis cu'*^omary lo call Thines liy the name cf rhofe Th'ngs

our of wii ch they arc made, and to which they arc like. The Berengerims objecte d. That
if the Bread were ehangd ino the Bfdy of JESUS
CHRIST, It was nrccflary for this
Charigf. that ther -he Bread (honld be carry 'd up inu) Heaven, or elfe, !h,:t ihi F! (Ti of

CHRIST (hcu!d Ix' brcji'ph- down hither; neither ot wh;ch appear d to bv done. Lan-
/r^nj^anfwers thein. that ihis is a My
ery which we ought to UJicve, without inquiring
into the mi finer of it. Af cr Lanfranl{_ had anlwcr'd thcfc two Ohje'l.ons, he then raiies
two new Arp-imcrr; aja n:l Bnrr^er. Ihe firft is, if the EuchaiiJt were calj'd the
Flefhof Jt SUS CHRIST, only becaufe it is the Fifure of ir, it would fnim thence
follow that ilie Sacramcn.s of the old 1 aw were more excellent than thofe of the New ; be-
caufe 'tis more excellent to be the Type of Things future, than to be the Figure of Tilings
pad : And morco\rr, that the Manna which fell dawn from Heaven, was a more noble
Figure than a little Bitof Br«ad could be.^ The feconckAi^gumcnc is the univcrial OpinioQ
of die .Church, and the Content of a!1 Narions. If, fays he to Sermj^er, that which yov
" believe and maintain he True, ir iolh wsrhat what;he whole Church reaches
" in all the World muii needs be Falie : For all the Chriiiians who are in the World, are
** Fnfuaded that riiey receive in tbe Sacrament, the real Body and tbc real Blood of £• SU
CHRIST. A<^k the L :tins, the G'-r l-j, the j1'meni.tns, and a" the other ons of
theChriftian World, and they will all unariimouHy tell yon, that th s is their Faith. If
** rbe
Paiib of ibe nniverfal Church be falfe, you muft fay that there never hat been*
" Church or elfe that it lo ,Biit tficre is not nny Citholick who dares ro nfHim cither.
i-? ! :

After Ik; hnd prov'd tht« Truth by fcvcral Palfnees of Scripture, he ndds, (ipcakmg ilill to
Bermger) " You anJ thnle whom you have deceiv'd, object against thcfe plain Teltituonies
of our Lord, and of the l lnly Ghoft, concerning the Perpetuity of the Church, that in-
" deed the Gofpel has been rre.ich*d ro all Nations, that the World has bchcv d that the
" Church- is Eltablift'd, th.n it has inci-cas'd and iniprov J ; but that it aftcrw.irds fell into
" Error b" the Ignorance of thofe who have put a falfc GloA upon Tradition, and that 'tis
to be found among you alone. This is. the ufual Anfwct ol Innovaiors, which Lanfran^
refutes in a few words. ,

Statutes or Rules of the Order of S. BetuJiS made for the Monks of Et^land, go
r -
""'J^'" Lnnfranl(% tiAmci bat Father tiri^e OfeAerr oUerves that they arc not in his Style;
cf tk O'-
i<T ofS.
'^•''^ cited as a third Perfon in the fccond .Secllon of rhc fecond Chapter, ai;d that there

Bfowlfft- ^ni^ Rules which ap{)ear too Remifs ; this makes him believe that 'tis a Collection of
Roles, of which L4Hfirtnl( is not the Awhor. or which has been augmented by fbme otfaer
of ivii re
.1 m.-idcrn Date. Let the c.ife be how it will, it enn-airis nnrhing but what re-
lates to tbe Culioins and PradUc^ of Monks, therefore wc Iball not ioiilt any longer upon

Lanfranb Luttm ate djorc and £ew, bat cxmcabi in then diiiig* vciy Remifk-
Ixnai, able.
The three firft are dircAcd to Pope AlexanJer H, in the firft he earnetUy intreati bim
to give him leave ro lay down his j\rch-bill:oprick, whith he had rot tnken upon him but
by his Order, that he might rcurc into a Monaftcry. He likcwifc c.xcufcs himfcif for noc
being able to wait upon him at J{ome. In the fccond he gives him to undernand, that Her-
man n Bifhop who formerlv quitted his BiiTioprick under the Popedom of I.eo IX. and ,

embrac'd a Air r.aftick Lite, had a defign to doit again, and would have done it, had not he '

hinder d him He alTures the Pope that that Bifhop was no longer in a Condition, by reaibn
of h's Ape, to difcharge his FundliODS, and that he is not forced to retire, but does ir vo- t

lunuriiy to give himfelf wholly up to the Service of God. The Engltjh Hiflorians tell us I

rhat this Herman was FlamanJ, and that he liad been Bilhop of Pf^ncheftcr under the RdgD
of King EJmtrd', that heatowards teli both that Bilhoprick aaABn^ltntd, and became a
Monk of S. BettbSm t That he rerum"d feme rime after fnTo England to be Bifhop of Saram^
and that he liv'd to the time of IT^'Ham the Cou^u-'r^r. wMlIi art of hi."; Life lie (peat at the|

^ilbofcjck of Sanm, 'Tis about the end of bis ^fc that he dtUir d to retire tbc fecond

Digitized by Google
df the Eleventh Cehtary of Claifiianiiy. 1
time. Lnnfrauk. Hkcwife confults the
Pbpe about the BUhop of Litchfield. This Bilhop be^ LanfrankA
ing accus'd a£ locoounence, «nd other Crimes before the Pofiex JU^^ in England, would LamU
M sppear Before tfie Synod which diey held i they had ExooimiNmicaRd him, and given
the K B I'berry to put another in his place.
: He afterwards came to Court, and gave his
Kcfigpation to the Kia^ L*ufranJ(^ was not willing to ordain another ia hit place, .till h«
had reeeiVcl Termiflton mm
t^me^ he theicfbie denes it b
thb Leser. The ndid h abonr
ific i^if'^ rrnce theif or fcv) between the Sees f>f CAruobury and TotI^ about the Primaqr, and
about fcverai other Cliurches. The Pope had rc£err'd the Examination of the Maocr to an
Atftinbly of BiOiops, of Abbots, and of odier Tivbics of the BSngdom* Tyit Affisnbly
was held ar H1n:hrfter by the Order of the Kh-.g of England, and in his prcfc nce. T: wa*

there prov'd by the Eccle/iaftical Hiftory of Bede, that from tiic time of S. Auguftin the
ApolUe of England^ the Chordi of CaMtrhay had always enjoy'd the Right of Frunacy
over all England and Ireland and that the Bithops of the Places now in Qijeftibn, had

been ordain d, cited to Synods, and dcpofed by the Arch-biihop of Camerburj for above
140 yean together. This was likewife prov'd by the A<^ of Councils, and confirm'd by
the Dvcrerals of Pope Gregory 1. Boniface IV. Henaritu, Vital!an, Sergius 1. Qregorj IV. and
Let IX. The Arcb-biihop of Tork^ having nothing but weak Arguments to oppo& tbcfe
Aadieniicle Tcftimonies, yielded the Point, and bad deiired the King to adjift Matters be-
tween H n and Lanfranl^. Afterwards by a pcnera! Confcnr an Aifl was pr*»p?ir'd roi:ching
Ae PtiVilepcs of the Church of Cmtcrburj^ wliah he lends to the Pope, and deiircs him to
confirm. He thanks him for thofe Teftimooies of Love which he had given him, and for
^ran-ing him two PalU. He tells him at laft that he fends him the LanCTf which he ha(i
writ fonnerly ro Berenger^ whom he calls Schi(matick.
The fourth a Letter of Pope Alexander, dirc<fled to Lanfranl^, wherein he confirms the

Decrees of his Predeceflbrs made in £ivoiir of die Monks who were in the Cathedral Chnrehei
of En^Und, in oppoHtion to thofe who would di^&fs thctB, for to put fecnhir Oerfci hmi
dieir Places.
The fifth is dircv^ed to Hildehrand Arch-deacon of t^ome. After he had letom'd hiio
Thanks for good ViU Ik bore » hhii» he iofomis him that dte Cooktovetfie abonc
(he Primacy of ifce Chiifch of €minrkw7 was ended, iad that be had fiat th; Aift of it
to i^wg.
The (httfi is HtUehnm^s^ who gives bhn to andetftand, ihat he bad not obtainM the P<f
f^hich his Lcgats requir'd, brcaafc they were notpiven ar I(ome, but to Pcrfbr.<: there prefcnr.
The fcvcnth is a Letter of PVilUam King of England and Duke of Kormandj^ to Po|)e
Qregny VII. who acquainted him that his Legat was come to wait upon him, to demand of *

bhn the Oath of Fidelity, and the Mony which hts PrcdLXcffor'; had always been us'd to re-
mit to B^me. He anfwcrs him. That as for the Oath he would take none, becaufc he was not
allow'd to do it, and his Predcceirors had never done it. As for the Mony, be lays, that for
ihcfe three lafl years; which he had fpcnr in Trance, it had been CoUedled vcrv' carclL^fs!'/,
thar he wouJd fend hin\ what was akcad) gathcr'd, and the remainder he would lend by
L.^nfranlc^ Depu ies. He dedr'd to bc reconunended to his Prayets, and afluies bhn tbac be
had a fmccre AffetfVion for him, and would be always fnbmiflive to him.
Lan/rank^ At the fame time fent the Pope word that he conid not as vet prevail upon die
King to take the Oath whkh he required, and aflures bha that he bad Ibll tte (ame AMkia
for him as formerly. This is the Eiehth Letter.
The ninth is a Certificate gnunea to a Man of the DIocefs of Jlw^, «rbo ftood Convt^ed ^

<^ having kill'd three Pcrfons who went to Mount S. Michael. The Bifhop of - h.^d in-

anCd him Pennance. and granted him Letters dire&cd to the Bifliops, thu they mig^jt ab^
ve htm, or refeafe him from pan of his Pcnnanc^ when they Ihould thinle it proper,
^lis is what LiiufrAnk cenifics to the Arch-blfltop o(Terk.
In the tenth, writ to the fame Arch-bilhop, he very clearly detetmines that it is not
Lawfiil for a Man or a Woman ushoare divorc'd for Adultery, to Marry again.
The eleventh h a Lencr of Tf'emaj Arch-bifhop of 71' who wrote to Lanfrank., de-
firing be would fend to him the fiithpps of fVtncb^er and Darchefter to aflift him in Con&*
cratmg a Bilhop of the Ifles of the QrcMltt, protefting that bmf
he did not {Ceindte

ihclb two Bifhops were his Saffrng.ins. .

By the following l etter Lanfrank cnjoyns them to do it.

In the thirteenth, di reeled to John Arcb-UfllOp of J^OtfH, he teUsbim hb Opinion upoik
fcvcral Rites and Cei injur ies which he wrote to him nhnnr. He mainraim rhar in the
Confrcration of Churches the Bilhop ought ncrt to wear his * Chajuhk but a * Cuappe ; Z.'^tntr^
and that
the * Maniple ought not to be given at the Ordination
nor a I^abir peculiar to Ecciefiaftkks, M> note than the
Monafteries die Laicks wear them.
of Sub-deacons, becaufc ^f'*
and AmiS, fince hi
The four next arc likewife dire(3:ed to the fame Arch-bifliop ; in the two firft he Writes j||
to hijn about a diflerence which had happen'd in the Church of S. Owen, which is re- g^dfffg
lared at large in a PafFage of an Hiftory of the Church of i(Mn, ooendond by Father
Luke Ditcbery in his Notes. The third is a Letter of CompkmnC. In the lift be excufes cWcA if
biidi^ ajpoo iaaie complaints that bad been made of him. The iLpt

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A Ncip Ecclefi.iflicfil Hifiory
ttO' - TbtFour Boct are wrkcen in Favour of Baldmn Abbot of 5. Edmond, and the Religious
fAokV of that Houfc. The Laft is Pope Or^or/ the Seventh's to Lanfrank^i by whicli be orocn
Latiri, him to prevent Biil.op Herfail from putting that Abbot to any Trouble. And this il theSub*
f jed-M^ter ot the former Lener which Umfr^oll^^ had wrote to that fiilhop.
Yhe Ont abd twentieth is a 'Letter to the fame fiilhop, about a Man whom
he faail or<*
dain'd Deacon, without having rcceiv'd any Order for ir ; who beddes, was a married Man,
and would not turn off his Wife. He enjoins him to dcpofe him from his Dcaconfhip; to
give him for die ftiture only the four lefler Orders , and not to place him among the I>ea-
cons, unlcfs be would live Hnglc. If he Jld that rhcn he (hoald not confer the Order of

Deacon upon him again, but only gram him a Power ot Jikharging his Fundions, by giving
bim the Gofpels in a Synod or an AlTembly of the Clergy.
The Two and twentieth is likcwife an Anfwer dirctfied to that Biihop, about a Man who
had enter 'd into Pricit's Orders, without being ht for it. He orders, That he Should be
enjoy'd Pennance, and fdpeiided fram all Ecdefiaftical FamftioM, all ruct^ time as he thoagbc
fit ro reftorc him.

The Three and twentieth is direvlcd to Herbert Biihop of Norwich, his Suffragan ; whom
he reproves for /lighting a Letter which he fent btm in favour ot Berard, a Clerk bebnginc
to the Abbot Btldmn. He tells bim of the RefpeA which is due to Metropolitans ; and ao*
monifhes him to turn out Monk Henmn, who went under a bad Name.
, The Four and twentieth is diretfbed to Maurice BilLop of London elccl. He returns h"m
this Anfwer* That he ought ta infoin them Pennance who bad apprehended a Man, who
dy'd' under their Hands. That he could nor fpeak any faither of his Af&ir to the King.
That Clerk Gf/Vfy, chnrg'd with Apo'^acy, ought to be tiiriAl nu r,f Church; or bring

Lftters dcmi/rory from bis fiiOtop : And advifcs bim to meet him tbc Saturday before JUcurc-
5inii9, at CAilnb^fT ; anddut'hewouM there give bim PirM
The following Lctrcrs which are \ eiy iTiorr, arc upon various and particular Subjedb.

However, there arc icvcral Things in them concerning the Ditcipline of the Church, vi^. In the
Sixaad tweniiedKTbat a Pried,who has taken upon bim the Hatritof • Mook,and liv'd (bme*
time in a Monaftcry without having rcceiv'd Benedi<iHon, cannot rcrurn ro rhe World again.
In the Seven and twentieth, 'l hai Arch-deacons have a Right of diilnbuting the Holy Chr{fm»
In the Two ahd thirtieth, That young Women who have made a religious Profefllon, or who
have been prcfcnrcd at the Altar, f].ani-ic oblic'd to continue Religious ; but that fuch as have
not made any fuch Pro feilion, nor have L>cen prcfentcd, Ihail iiave Libcny to go out, as well
as thofc who fled for Sar.d.:ary to MonaiUrics for fear of rhe FiVHch. In the TJiree and
rhinieth \-c pro ves ro the Billops of Irdaud, That tho* ir might be proper to give the Sacra-
ment of tile Lords Supper to Infants, yet it was not abfolaicK' necellary for Salvation.
The Six, Seven and Eight and Thirtieth inform us. That the Clergy and I aity of DtA^
lin eleded their Bifliop , and fent him to tbe Arch-bi(bop of Catiterlury for Ordination :
That there were ibme Irregularities in the Churches of Ireland ; and that it was requidte to
call a Council there to reform them. In tiu Nine and fortieth he (hews. That the ApoUate*
Monlu. wboofier'd to return to tlieir MonaUeries again ought to be pardoned, and to be
treated with the lame Kindoeb as fbraierty. In die Sixtieth and the LaO^, be proves, That
a Monk who has engag'd himfcJf to eonftant Refidencc in r.ny Monaftery, may now and
then go to another Monaftery,. when urgent OccaGoo reauures it. In the Fiftieth be refutes
Xtrti^, who charged S. fhlary Bifliop of Peitiers with being in ail Error about the $u<l^-
ings of TESITS CHRIST, in teaching. That he had not been fenfible of any Pain.
L4$lfi-4nk.explinis tlie Paliagc of that Father , and tells us he fpoke of the Divinity of our
Saviour. In the Nine and fiftieth, he reproves a Lord for having fpoke veiy ill Tilings of
pope C'r^f»> VIT- and for bellowing large Encominm*; on Cuileit, whcrh the Emperor had
caus'd to be ordain d Pope, in opjxjfition to Gre^orj. He fays that we ought to believe. That
tht Emperor did not nnoertake (uch a Thing but upon good Grounds ; but that we (hould
not commend any Perfon before Iiis Death, nor fpeak ill of one's Neighbour and that one;

cannot tell wi^at Men arc at prcfcnt, nor how tbcy wdl one Day appear to be in the B^e of
God. •

Lan- Thefe T errors are foUow'd by a fmall Tra^^k, conccrnini: the Secrecy nfConfcflion,
frank'i Lanfr^nl^ doth dcmonftrate, TTut 'tis a great Sin to reveal it, or to g:\e any Hints whereby
have been confefs'd may be difcover'd. He would not have them in Coofeffion
Tftttife of the Sins that
Cm^^jfrn. inform themfclves of the Sins of other Men, but only of thofe who are confefs'd, nor ro re-
<j'jircthem to difcover their Accomplices. He aftcrwanis fays, That the Confcilion of pub-
lick Sins ought to be mnde to t'le Pi iefts . by whofc Minit^ry the Church binds and loofes
ifaat which it uke»pubUck Cognizance of;. that one may confefs private Sins to all the
EipcIdiafKcks, and even to Laicks;' fiixe we read diai there have been Holy Fathers, who

were the Guide? of Soul? tho" rhey were not in Ho!y Orders. Thefe are /-,r«fr.rn^'s

. "Words; who perhaps by publick Sins, uaderliood mocral Sins ; and by private, only venial
Sins: Or rather, lay die ConfelSon of
piiblick Sins, he meant a particular Confbflton of
Sins; and by thic of p 'Iv.Te Sins, a general Confef?ion, without fp^d'ylng ar.y particular
Offence, foch as Laicks ofually make co ooe. another. Ali^' in Lsnfrani(% time ic was a

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of the I' Icventn CLiuury of Chrijlidnity. iy
common Cuftom nmong one another Out of HumiJic/, Lanfrank?
the Faithful, to contcls their Sins ro
and efpecially when they could not meet wth any Priefts; and 'tis to thia Cnftom TVcm^V
franks alftidcs For he aJJs
: if one cnnnot find a Pcrfon to whom one may confefs Ctm^tftmm

one's leif, wc ought not to dcfpair ufcn that Account , bccaufe the Fathers agree that in
foch a Cafe 'tis fufficient to make oor ConfetTion to God. LaftJy, he fays, That thofe to
whom Confeffion is made, ought not to punifh or corrcdk publickfy tholL- who LOnf..fs rbtfm-
lelves, no not under the pretence of any other Fault. This Difcourfc is oblcui c and intri-
cate, full of forc'd Allegories, and unjuft Rcafonings; which made Father Luke Dachrry at
firft to queftkm whether it wese iM^mtkfiot no. However, we are not fore that 'ds not
his ; and *cts plain that its Author lir'd much about that rime.
There is Jikcwifc n TrcanTe of Lanfrank. in the Fourth Tome of Father Dacher/s Spt'ee- Ofttf
iigum i which contains, in a few Words, the principal Duties of the Religtoos who wait tugt of
vfoa the Chorchei. Tc was fonnd in an ancient Manutcript of the OxfirJ Library. We Laufraok.
have loll his EcdeHaftical Hiitory, which pcih.ips wa'^ the farrc with the Life of tfUliam
the Conqueror ; and a Commentary upon the PJaims, of which mem too is made in the Aa*
Laf:fr,tn!('^ ^lile wa? neither florid nor fiptirative, but p!.iin .ind flmpJc, anJ fuch as ought
to appear in L>ogm.i(icaI Trcatifes. Hts Reafonings are pretty juit, and his Argument co>
gene. Ho had thoroughly ftudied the ancient Latin Fathers, and the Canons of the Chntdi,
upon which he grounds the Do<^rin which he ndv.mces, and the Jut?pTncnr?! he makes upon
die Difcipline of the Ciiurch. There are but few who wrote at that time fo djltiniilly and
fo cxa&tf, or who paffcd fuch a juft Judgment upon Things.
Father Lnic D.u hcry was the firfl: who publi(h'd Lattfranl(s Works. They were printed at
Pari by Bi'l.iin, in the Year, j 648. I'hc Edition is very corredl, and in a fine Charadtcr.
There arc likewife very cxa<i and curious Notes made by F.tthcr Dgcberj. At the end of
Lanfrant(i Works be has added fevcral other Tracfts, f Tht Cbrmicm of the Abbey of
Brc ; The Life of S. tferbtin, firft Abbot of Bee, wrote by GUbert Crifpinuj Abbot of fVeJl^
minfter ; and the Lives of fi^Uiam, Bofe, Thibold and Lctard, Abbots of that Abbey ; the
which, as well as that of»/V4n;(. which is at the beainning of his Works, were wrote by
Mito Crifpimit a Monk of Bee, who liv*d m tfae Twelfth Centary : The Life of S. -^ugujim
the Engliih Apoftle, and two Traits upon the Eucharift ngaind Bcrengo ; the one wrote by
Hugh Bilhopof and the other by DurMdm Abbac of Troanif who liv d in the fame

Hiigh Bifljoff of Langres,

'T' HE firft two laft Authors was the Son of Gilduin Count oS BretaoJ, near
of thefc Hugh ti-
9Mts 'and Brother 10 fPitetmt Abbot of S. H^tm of Verdtm. He had beenClerk of {b^gf
the Church of Ch irrrrt, and Monk of Clutiy. He was made Bifhop of Langres in the Year, r«.^jM-
10} I, and was depos'd by Leo IX, in a Counc held at J^lieinu in the Year, 1049. But

following that Pope to /(o>«e, and being enjoyn'd Pcnnance, he was re-eftablifli'd, and dy'd
in his return homcw.ard nbout the Year, 1032. His Piece is Only a Letter direAcd ro Beren-
ger^ whofe Opinion he declares in the following Terms. " You maintain (fays he) That
the Body of J £ SU
is in the Sacrament in fuch a manner, that the Eflenoe
" and N.irure of the Bread and W\rv nrc nocchang'd; and you make that Body yo.? fprak
" of, which \vas Crucified, to be an iiucile<fhial Body; which makes us think that you
believe ro be Spiritual :
And in this you fcandalize the Catholick Church, and ofrend
our Lord, who made it appear. That this Body which you fay was Spiritual, was fucb as
* might be felt. Befidcs, if the Nature and Edcnce of the Bread and Wine do really re-
naain after Confecration. it cannot be faid that tlicrc is any real Change : And if the Body
" of JfiSUS CHRIST be tliereinonly figuratively and virtuailjr, oqemtgh^ upon the
* fine Gronnds lay, That he fs ftkevrife in Baptifm, and in die other Sac rtinenti. Heafbnw
w.ird'^ proves, I^y fevcral Innr Thar the change of the Bread and Wine into the Body
: :<

andBloodof jESU^ CHRIST is real and true » and that tho' one cannot conceive
how h is. yet one ought to believe it To ftrengtben this, be produces ftveraf PafTages our
of S. yimlrrofe inA S. Jiuguftin. He adds. That the Body of JESUS CHRI ST is given
to us under the form of Bread and Wme, bccaufe if it appear'd to be Fleib and Blood, Men
woaUbe ftardedatit, and wvmldiiat eanit. This Traft 1$ obfeice and
and Sdtoili-Tetna*
M of Nkcoet

Durandus Abkt of Xroarn^

'T'HE other Author is DuranJus Abbot of Trrarn in K
rmiat^fi who is not the lame with Durandol
The BilTiop of Liegf of the fame Name. Mis Trcatife is a great deal larger, and better Abbat^
fctui d dun the former. He therein atcs a great many PalTages of the Fathers, againft the Ttoam.
D Bum

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i8 A Nm Ecdefiajticd ttjlory
trm «f ifftnger ; aod in tbe GooctafioB thereof gives a panicftlar AceovM of tfae CoK
demnaciom of Berettfier n Bn'mtie, ar Pnn, and at Verccil. Tbb
AntfeiOt liv'd till ttwYctf'
K>88. but no Body knows at what tiine he wrote this TreaaTc*

Guitmond Arch-bijhop of Averfe.

Oultmond COME rime after Berenger's Rccint.idnn in the Council of F{cnir, Gu.'.'f/tir:,} Artfi-bifl^iOp of
Anb b^p AverJiCf formerly a Monk ol the Monaftery of 5. Leufrcj in Ntrmamiy, compos'd three
i/Avetfe. Books againft IKlerengtr in die namrc of a Dialogue ; wberdn Hcger^ to wbomilefe Book*
"were dedicated, is made ro propofc rhc Objcifl-ons of Brrenti^er and iiIs Fo'Iowers. After he
liad given a Cbar^clcr of the Temper and tiie Errors of Bcrmger, and mention d his Con-
dcmnarion in the Council nf Veneil in his 6fft fiook, he then proceeds to tell us, That all tbe
Berengariam hold, that the Bread and Wine are not fubAantiaJIy chanp'd in the Sacrament of
the Eucbarift } but that they do not all agree in their Senrimentt. For ibme believe. That
tbe Body and Blood of JESUS CHRIST are not at all in rh s Saciamenr, which they
prcrmd ro be only .1 Sign and a Figure. Others afTert, lliat the Body and BAood of
J £5 U
i> CHRIS! are really there, but that they arc conccal'd, and thai we ini|ht re-
cam tbem there is made a kind of Impanatien ; the moft fubtil Opinion which they lay Be*
rertger ever found out. Others, who were not ihorough-pac'd Berengdrum^ but only lhock'«l
by the Arguments of tJat Heretick. imagin'd the Bread and Wine arc chang'd in part, and
in part remain tiie lame. Lafily, There were orhers who hclitvc !!;ar rhe Bread nrxl Wine
are entirely cbang dj buc that when unworthy Perfoos ajpproach ibis Sacrament, it returo'd
to its iirft Snbftance of Bread and Wine; Gv/rmW
undertakes to refine all thefe Opinions}
and in the firft place oppugn? the two forir r hich were proper!y the lio jt\^.-7ri.i>i's Op'i-
aiions, by ihewing that there Change made of the Btcid and WInc into tbe Body
was a real
and Blood of JBSUS CH
R I ST. He proves firfr. That it was not impoffible for God
to cfTcd rhis Change. Secondly, That the Eody ofjEST^S CHRIST might very well
be touch'd, broken, bruis'd and caren, and yet not be paiTible, corruptible or mortal ; and
Ait wArni the Hoft is divided into feveral parts yet the Body of JESU

not divided, but remains whole and entire, and the fame under each Wafer and fuch as is

in a tboufand diftincl Places in tbe Hands of a thoufand Prielh, who fay Mafs in different
Places, and yet this very Body is ftill in Heaven, Thar we ongbi not to wonder that this
Change is not inder p(-rcep:iWc by riir Scnfcs but that we .ire not alwa)*? to cre»3i' their
! ;

Evidence, and tha: baith is enough to pcrfuadc us of this Miradc. 'I hat "iis indeed difficulc
to cooeeife, but eafy to believe it , Hncc nothing is impolTible ro God, who has produced
.Thinp*; more wonderful. And that we fee Changes alrogithcr as furprixing, fach as the
Change of Norhing into this nfiblc World, the Change ot Accidents into o hcr Accidents,
tbe Change of SuHllarce into ether Subftances, together with the Change of their Accidents :

If thcfe Changes arc poflible, why ibould tbe Change of one Subftance inn aooctier, wnli-
out the Change ofHx Accident^ beconmed impoAibfe f
In the Second Book Guitmcnd arl vc— an Objection made I>y Bnen^cr which K^ger

propofes lohimin thde Word*; Bcrmitr lays, The FJefli of JESUS CHRIST is ia-
** comipttble, Uk die Saciamem of tbe Altar ate eommtiUe if tltey be
kept too lonfr,
t\n%G«ittno7id replies. That rbo' the Confccrated Bread fccros to be corrupted to ihc Appre-
benfioo of corrupted Men, yet in reality it is not chang'd at all ; and that it does not appear
aher'd, nnlefs as a Punilhment of the Infidelity and Negligence of Men : Tbat it cannot ht
gnawn bv Mice, and other Vern.ine and If at any time it appears ro be fo, 'tis only to pu-

nifli the Negligence, or totr>' the Fa ah of Men, Ncr will he admit that the Fire can cotJ-
fumetbefe Myfteries ; and he fays, Tbat with Veneration they commit it to this moft pom
Element, tn berarr}"dup into Heaven. L.iftly he affirms, Th.nt t! miph t^ r FurhTrifl rmy
fcrve lor Ncuriflimcnt, yet it does no: turn to Excrement ; and as to rh.;t Object-inn which
might be made. That fuppefm^ .i Mm
fhould ett nothing for feme eenfiJoah/e time lut eonfk-
cratcd Bread, he would nevertbelffi have occafien to to Stocl. He anfwers, Tbat 'r*s a Mat-
ter of Fad, that has never been cxperknc'd, and that it could never enter into the Heart of
any Owholick to try fuch an Experiment : That if any of Btrengtr's Party thought fit to do
it, one IhouJd not trouble ones Head much about what became of the Mafs of rhofc Tnndcl<f.
wbicli com^hred fo great a Crime ; Becaufe, fays he, we do not believe, Tiur the Brnd
and Wine are lieccfTarily chang'd into rhc Body and Blood of JESUS CHRIST, unlels
among rfaofe who have the Faith to believe this Mydery, and that the Words of J E S
CHRIST are efficacious. ThatLaftly, If any of them fliauld order a Catholick Prielt
to confecrate one or more grc.ic Loaves to ti-\' the Eyj crimenr, it is ro be Ix licv'd that this
. Loaf would not be turn'd into Excrement ; or rather that God would permit thele Hercticks
tobedeceiv'd, by ordering (bme Angel or Spirit to convey away rhts ronrecrarrd l oaf, and
to put an unconfccratcd one In its Pead. After he had thus folv'd the 0"\iecflior, fr vn from-
. ,

Reafon, he anlwers tbe Paifages cited out of S. -HytiffiiM^ and makes it appear in what Senfe.
and of what the Biich»nft is a SifiK

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of the Elevcnrli Century of Clmjlianity. 19
In xhc laft Book he produces a great masiy Pallagcs of ihe Fathers, upon which he grounds Guitmond
the Dodrin of the real change of the Bread and Wine into ibe Body and Blood of J ESUS

CHRIST, and conSrms it by the Tcftimony of the I((m{/h Church, .itid y ihc Condcm- o[ tLnnk*

nations brought againit Bcrenger. To conclude, be dcaionltratcs that 'tis much greater, iud
more excellent to'beliwe that we receive the real Body of JESUS CHRIST,,
thaa to
ioMgine that we only receive the lhadow and fign of it.
Afterwards be refutes in (hon their Opinion, who pretended that one part of the Bread
and Wine was chang'd, and that the orher remain d ftilj the fame: And tl.e Opinion of
thofc who believ'd tbac the firead and Wioe re-aliuin'd (beir former Nature, when unworthy
Perfons approach'*! thereto. Both of thdc Opiniow were grounded upon this. That they
could not cohl. i> 10-.' [1 Wi 'rrcd could bf partakers of the Body of JESUS CHRIST.
To folve this difficulty, Guitmond diitineuiibes between two forts of Receivins, the one
Corporeal, the other Spiriwal t That the Juft receive the Body of J E S S U CHRIST
both thc-ll' ways; that the Wicked receive it or.'v in the firft fenfc, though they do teally
receive It. He adds. That if only pan of the Conlecnued Bread were dnng'd into the
Body of mw
upon the accouoe of thofe who were i oi diy to reoetve
it, then no Man could afliircdly fay, Tinj is the Body <?/ JESUS CHRIST, becaufe
no Man ought to affirm conhdtndy that he is worthy to receive it. Wherefore it vrouid be
ndineft in the Prieft to fay. This it the Body of J ESUS CHRIST, is wcO tc in the
People to anfwer, It it fi. That beHde*;, if a vicious Prieft (hould Confccrate an Hoft
which he ought to receive all himfclf, then there would be neither Change nor Confecra-
tion ; and by this means it would he true to affinr, That the Wickcdnefs of the Prieft
would difannul the Efr'c-cv of the Words of JESUS CHRIST, ard r'nr »he Bcucf
of the Church whicli is pcrluadcd, that the Words of our Saviour are alike Efficacious in
Good and Bad Priefts, would be abfolurely falfc. Laftly, To refute the laft Opinion, he
obfcrvc* thar 'ti<; contrary to found Senfe and Reainn tn fay, Thnr rhc tnrorrnp^iblc Body of
C K I S T is chang'd in corruptible Creatures , and he concludes all by laymtt
that, (ince the Sacrifice of tlie EHcbarift, isooctbare rcprefcn on ofthe Body of
CHR I S 1 it docs not contain it by an Imfanatien :
, That the Bread and Wine are not
chang'd in part only j and that being once chang'd, they cannot return again to their formet
fiifaftance ; and that it molt^ be affirm'd, that all the Bread and Wine am InbftMnCMlly and
lirrpetuaUy changd into the Body and Btood of JESUS CHRIST.
There is Kkewife another fmall TnSt of GmememJy Which is onfy a plain Expolition of
Faith concerning the Myl^eries of the Trinity, the Incarnation, and the Euchanlt : It en-
larges chiefly on the former, and explains in what Scnic the Son is tlic WiCdom, and the
Holy Gboft the Love of the Father. Nor ooght we to fbrfjct a Difconrfe betonging ro the
fame Author, which he directs to tf^Siam the Firft, King of England, by wh ch he rcfufcs
a Bifboprick which that Prince had of^'d to hitn. Thefe Tnu^ are to be met with io
the BiiNctbecM Patnim. GuitmmJ liv'd to about the Year 1080. The Seventy eighth Lec^
ter of Tvcs of Chartres is diretfted to him, wherein that Author gives him the Charadfcr of
a Religious and Learned Man. His Style is not very elegant, butpreuy CQgem; heaigues
very methodicaUy widiow wandering firom his Snbjed.

Alger Deacon of Liege and Mrnik of Cluny,

^er did not write till long after Lnnfranl^, for he fiourilb'd in the twelfth Century. He Alger
was of Liege, where he Ifud ed with great fucccfs. and there fpent part of his Life, DtMtmtf
firft of all in the c]tialiry of a Dea.o-. of the Church of S. Bartholomew. From thence he Liege ni
was tranflatcd to the Church of S. Mj)j and Lambert, where he liv'd Twenty years, till Mwko/
the Death of Frederirk^ Bifhop nf Liege, after winch be retir'd, and took upon him the His-Chl«f»
bit of a Monk v\ the Abby of Cluny. We
make mention of this Author here, tho' he be-
lon^is to thf m-xt Century, becaufe the principal Trcatife which he wrote, was that where-
by he refutes the Errors which £.<t»/r4»4 atid Guitmond have oppos'd. This Treatife is en-
thlcd, j4 Difccurfe ceneeming the Body nnd Blood of JESUS CHRIST,
and divided into
three Bocks. In the Preface he takes notice of the four Errors about the Eucharift, a)en-
lion'd by Guitmond, and Subjoyns two more ro them. The One is, That the Bread and
Wine are chang'd into FIcih and Blood, but not into the Body and Blood of JESUS
CHRIST: The Other, That the Evcharift is nmi'd info Excwmems. He afterwards -

propofes ro refute thcfc Errors, not by the forrr? of humane Rcafon, but by the Teftimonies
of JESUS CHRIST and the Saints. But before he docs this, be advertiics the Faidi^
fd, thar tho' Myftcry be incOmptehenfibte, yet it does not from ihenoe firflow tha(
incrediMc, becaufe God has a Power fiifficfi .- to do things which we arc not capable of
Comprehending. After this he divides his Work into two Parts : la tiie former he lays. He
will mat of die nality of the Body of JBStJS CHRIST
in the Encfaaiifti aod in
ihc hXKr, ODOcetiiijtg (evetal Q^eftioos relatiitg to that Saoamcm.

D » in

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Alger In the former he proves, That the Son of God after he had taken apon him a Natme like
Detemtf to Ours by the Incarnatioa, was likewife plca.Vd viiibly to communicate thereof to by
tiege tai giving ut his Body and his Bloodt not only in a. figure, but likewife in leality under the Sa-
Mmk tf cramenc of Breacf and Vme. That there are twoTliii^ to be diftioginlh*d in the Cncharift
the Sacrament, and the Matter of the Sncraincnt. That the Sacrament il. j Form, the Fi-
i .

gure, and the other Qiuliucs of the Bread and Wine ; and that the Matter of the Sacnu*
fflenttstheinvifibleSnbftanceoftliefiody of |ESUS CHRIST,
which » coniaht*d in
that Sacratr.cnt, and into which the Subitancc ot the Bread and Wine has been ch3n;:'J. Th.u
it cannot be laid. That J£SUS CHRIST is united to the Bread, as the 5oq of God

is perlMMlly united to Mm,

beennfe ibe Safaftmoe of ilie Bread and Wine is tio fonger
there, b li irt' 1
1 I T r. Thr Bo 1y md Bfood of
i JESUS CHRIST. That tho' the Bo-
dy of J £ S 6 U CHK
1 S 1 tn the iiucharifl; is fp.ritual and invihble, yet 'tis really
there ; and that God has Ibmettmes permitted tlUK it Oiould plainly and manifelHy appear
to be as really in the Eucharift, as it is in Heaven, nt rh: Ri^ht hand of the Father. That
'tis the fame whole and entire Body, which is diitnbuud to all the Faiti)ful under feveral
eonftcrated Wafers. That it is not Sncntic d nor oflct^d up after the lame manner, as it
was uron ih'i Crofs, but that this myHical Sacrifice or Immolfirion is the Figure and Re-
prelenution ot that which was oHer'd apon the Crols, the' it be the latnc both CHRIST,
upon the Crofs and the Alur. That the invilible Body may in one (cnfe be faid to be the
F P TC o'^rhc viiiblc Body, bnt that for all this, 'tis no lefs the real Ro-iy That ihc Cor-
poreal Communion is the Figure of the Spiritual Communion ; but thac by tliis Corporeal
IJommunion, the Wicked as well as the Good, lecet^-e the Body of j ESUS CHRIST
Corporeally, tho not Spiritually. Thefc are the priocipfli Poincs which Algtr »Athi\tkmm u^q^
the TclHmonics of the Fathers in this firft Book.
In the fecond Part he treats of other Qucftions relating to the Sacrament, and particularly
whether the Euchtritt be capable of any alteration^ or fobjn^ to tiie fiune condition witb
other Aliments, part of which tarns to E»ec mi it i m
? Upon this Head hb fen trpon the Gre^
eians, who maintain d, That by rccLiv nr. the Commuiiion, Men broke their Fafts. He
owns thai Men might live of Coofecrated Bread and Wine, and that there are Inftucss of
k: But he denies that any pait of the Eudtartft is Corrupted, or iwnVI tnto Execremfntss
or if any .\ic voi l-.!, they .ire produc'd by the fkfh of the Aim iiimfclf, or ^jpnlyM fome
Other way. He furcHcr maintains. That tho' the- Bread and Wtne feem to be lubje(2 toal-
Vnmoa, as tor tnftanee, lo be dewmfd by Anhnals, or oonfim'd lny Fire; yet this is aocln
reality, but only in appearance, to punidi die Incredulity of the Wicked, or tlie CarelefTneis
of Mtniftcrs. After he had thus refolv d that Qjucftion, he pa{ies^>i) to odiers that ace kis
Confidcrable : Namely, (i.) Why God, who is tnvifible, would have ns to ofler faia a vi-
fibic Sacrifice ? To this he anfwcrs, That 'ns to pur Men in mind of what they owe him ;
and bec.iufc Man being a Compound Creature n^tdc up of a Soul and Body, 'tis rcafonablc
he Ihould offer to God ooth Corporeal and Spiritual Sacrifices. (%.) The fecond Qnel^ion
is. Why Church is made up of n Sacrament and the Body of
the Sirri!ir(» of the JESUS
C H R. I S T, and why 'tis not eitiicr a lunple Sacrament, or the viiiblc Body of JESUS
CHRIST? This he rcfolvcs by faying, That if the Eucharift were a Hmple Sacrament

if wonl'l not be diflercnt from the Sacraments of the old Law and that if the BdJy of

JtStJSCHRIST flioold appear therein opcniy. it would be fubjed to great Incon-

veniences. For (lays he) it would appear either alive or dead ; but it cannot appear as dead,
fioce he is living ; and if it appear 'd alive, it would either be in the lame State wherein ic
was before his Paflion, or in the Cime State wherein it was after his Refurredbion : In the
lirllCale, it would be impo/TibIc to fwailow it and in the fecond, Men would nor be able

to cndorc the brightncli of its Glory. That befides, it was neceHary that the Body of
7^ C4it.IST ftooM be coooeai'd onder fluidows and reprefeiiations, to ezenrifc
tfu- T" li'I: of the One, and to prevent others fmi u tering Blafphemtes, and fr in ciur^ing :he

Cbriftians with eating and diinkm| hwnanc Flelh and Bkiod. The third Que&ioo is,
{).) Why God femtifcs (b omdi Faitii in this Sacrament ? He anfweis. Thar being Mm
in a laps d State, occaufc yt<iam by giving too much Credit to the Words of ih DcvII, had
aaien of the forbidden Fruit ; 'ris neccifary we (hould be lav'd Iw ^eving the of W<^
<M, who injoyns ns to car his Body, and drink his Blood in this Sacnunenc. (4.) The
fourth Queftion is. Why we make ufc of Bread and Wine, rather than any other Creature ?
For this he aiTtgns ievcral Reafons, Becaufe Bread and Wine arc the ordinary Nouriflb-
ment of Man. which fupports the corporeal Life, as the Eucharift is the Nonrifhtnent of tho
Soul, which fupports the fpiritua! Life : Becaufe as the Bread and Wine are cbang'd into
Flefli and Blood, Co they are here chang'd into the Boriy and Blood of JESUS
CH R S T Becaufe the Bread being ixiade up o{ feveral Grains of Com, and the Wine

cnr of feveral Bunches of Grapes, is a figure of the Unity of the Church which is made up
of feveral Perfons. (j.) Tte fifth Qpdtion is. Why we do not iniftyediately enjoy Life
ctcftnaL aisr having toceivM die Body of ] E S S U CHR
I S T ^ He replies, That 'tia
becaufe we may have rime to exerdle our fclves in Virtue. (6.) "1 he fixth QBcftion is.
Why God bcftows an ccenul Rccompcncc on temporal Merits ? Tis, fays he,' Becaufe he

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if the Eleventh Century of Cbrifliamty, x 21

rcf^rdi not rhc Temporal AtfHon, bur rewards or punifliesthc Er rr.a! Pi-oj>en(Iry and Incliiu- 'A'gpf
tionof doing GootI or Evil. (7,) The feventh Queftion is. Why Bread is confecrated into DtJtoK of
the Body , and Wine into the Blood of JESUS CHRIST? He replies, That 'tis Liege ui
not bccaulc rhc Body of J E S U
S CH R I S T without rhc Blood, or the Blood with-

ouc the Body, iince JESUS CHRIST is whole and entire ui)der each Kitxi; but diat ^'""J*

wc offer and oommnoicate under thefe two Kinds, bccaufe of the ditfcrcnc My{tcrics whicb
they tigure out to us. fS.} The eighth Qiicftion is, Why wc rrrjkc u(c of White Bread ra-
ther than Brown, ihough at the fame time wc confccrate Wine ol aii forts of Colours ? He
aaSmtnt That in cafe of Neceility, one may nuke ufe of any (ore of Bread ; but that 'tis
proper to ufe the Whiteft, bccaufe it is to be chang'd into the glorious Body of the fpoc*
IcfsLamb. (9.) The ninth and laft Queftion is, Why we make ufe of Unleaven'd rather
than Leaven'd Bread, although we indif}erently make ufe of Wine that has Lees as well ai
of (hat which has oone? He £iys, That this is a grand Difpute between the Xdsr«it and the
Ovei^f, who treat on« another as Hererkks, and c^l each other A^pmtM and fememtarums,
though one may fafely ufe the One as well as the Other; that notwithftanding this, JEStJS
CH& 1& T
tnade ufe of Uoleayea'd fitead as a Figure of Parity. He likewife relates the
Eeafims of the Greekf ; and after lie had anfwei^d item, he omcliuks, Tliacit mm
beoer tt>
make ufe of Unleaven'd Bread, «(ludi he bdicf^d 10 hafe been the Cnftomof tlie£4riii
Church from its beginning.
lb the laft Book be difeoiitiM of leiwnl 0
Eucharift And in the firlt place he demands, Whether HeretkJss and Schiimaticks, which

are without the Pale of the Church, do coofecnite the Body of J ESUS CHRIST ; and
ax firft be produces the Teftimonies of the Fachety, which feem to prove, That they do noc
confecrare according to due Form. But afterwards having laid it down as a Principle, That
the Validity of the Sacraments doth not depend on the Faith' or Piety of the Minifter , he
concludes, Thar as Hcrericks and Schiimaticks may baptise, fo llkcwifc can they confecratej
an(j rh'-t the Ordinarion of Pricfthood is n^urh rimorrg them as Baptifir This he prove?
from Icvcral Principles and Paifages of S. -fiugujHn, and replies to thole Pafiages which be at
fiiftftarted againft theSacraments of Hereticks and Schifmaticks, which (he fays) oueht not
to be undcr{^o<)d nf the Sacraments ihcmfclvcs, bur nf rhe Abufe which they make of them,
fincethey are fo far from being beneficial to thcin, :li.u ihcy render them the more Criminal*
He aftei-wards asks. Whether the Sacraments are valid if any Addition or Alteration be

tnade of the Words of the Office, either by the Wickednefe or Careleineis of him who offi-
ciates } He explains this Qtieftion as it relates to Bapttfin ; and, after he had ctt^ feveral
Paflages out of & Auguftin and the Popes, and among others out of Pope /^nchary he con-

diadas. That provided the EiTential Words be recited, tbo' by careklsoels it happens thac
fKedbft Voids be added thereto, or fome Ceremony be left our, yet dris does not hmder '

the Efficacy of the Sacrament. He docs not app!* this Principle to the Euvhirlft, bat only
fays in geacr^l. That in the Celebration of tbele Holy Myfteries we ought not to introduce
afyBncfies or Novelties; butiahUully wobfenreihelnftitHiiMof TESCJS CHRIST,
that fo A% thofc My Series are tfuly ef^ed by hi» Fowcv, and fimoded npoa hi* Andxiritf^
i^cy may be liitewife protitable to us by his Grace.
ThefanK Author has connpos'd a Treacifc of Merqr and Juftiee, without affixing hisKaUf,
thereto: It is divided inro three Paits. In rhe firft he flicws in what Inflanccs we ought to
extemi Mercy to Crimiaais, and to bear with them. In the lecond patihelhews, at what
fcimes, with what difcretion, and in what manner we ou^lu to exercife Juftice OpOo than.
In the third, he difcourfcs of the difRTcnt Errors of the I fcre-.Ii ks about the Sacramrrr^, nrfl
0iew» wherein they difier from the Catiioiicks, and in wliat Points they difagrec among
rhcmft Ives. This is what wegather from the Preface oF that Treatife ; which Prefece Fa^
eher hiahHiai has publilh'd in tlie firft Tome of his Analccli, with the Panegyrick of a Canonf
of Liege, who was Coremporary with Atgcr. This Preface is taken ont of his two Mantt«
fcripcs, where the Work
is compkat, but has never yet been publilh'd. Wc have wholly
loft feveral Lerrers, and the Hiftory of the Church of Lie^e , which he wrote whilft he re-
fided in which the Author of his Elogy makes mention. Ptter, (imam'd the
that City, of
Venerable, prefers Ajfer's Piece upon the Eucharift, to thofe of Lanfrank. and Guitmond. It
omft be confe&'d. That 'its a gteac deal larger , and dm
he cites more Paflages ouc of the
Fathers ; bnr his way of Reafoning is not fo exaiSfc , nor is his Writing fo compleat as tmi-
/r.twVs- He has oblerv'd Guinnofiil\ Method , and done little clfc bcfides amplifying and
confirming his Pnnciplcs and Arguments. This Treatife was printed at Cokffu in the Year,
1535. At Ltuwin, togedwr witi I^mmICs Trettfi^ b
the Year, 1 36 1. and i« 10 be met
wiA m dK mkMtbKA Pmm.

5. Anfeltn Arch-bijhop of Canterbury.

*T' H E lame which are eftabiifli'd in the Trads of Gmtnmd and Jll^y are like
Principles Aafclm
^ wile to be met widr in die two laft Letteci lof S. jliUilm Aid^fatOiop of Ctnterhnj ^a^m of
«*k»itio be eftabliflKS the x«al Mmcc, and Mfhin rimfe wbn fadkt'd dnt the incharifl Caaierbi.

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22 ^ A Hm Ecclefiaflical Htfiory
S. Anrdm was only a Type and Figure He affcrts, That r'lc Bread and Wine are chang'J in o ihf
Body and
jt-eh-hifhep fliood J of" ESUS CHRIST
J but withal owns. That k may be call'd Brca4, a
Canter. Saermit and a F{^urf
cf Bread, becaufe JESUS CHRISTtt
cafl'd fo hiinfdf ; A
bury. Sacrament, bccau'.c under the vifiblc Appearance of Bread and Wine, rhe Divine Power
does therein internally prcfcnt to us djc Ficfli of JESUS CHRIST:
And a ft^wrr,
becaufc we conceive and believe it to be quite another Thing than whatit feetns to be to our
Sight and Tallc. That God made Choice of firead and Wine in this Sacrament, becaufc of
the Analogy which there is between our Spiritual and Corporeal Nouriflunent. That we
ottghc not to believe that when we receive the Body, we do not receive the Blood ; and
that when we receive the Blood, we do not receive die Body ; but that tbcy are exhibited to
us under tbefe two dtflferent kinds, thereby to denote that we ou^ht to be eonformable to the
Body and Soul of } E S S U CHRIST.
That Water is mix d therewith, thereby to re-
mvlenc that Water which ilTu'd out of our Lord s Side, and which is ibeFintre of &jKifiii.
' That the Wicked do indeed recdfe the Snbftance, tho* not the Bff^ and Benefitf di the
Body of JESUS CHRIST. That the curward Elements of Bread and Wine, may be
broken, eaten by Mice, and go into the Stomach ; but that thefc are Accidents which ooljr
happen to the Elenwfits which ate Id^ but not to that which is really tl>e Evcharift. That
, we ought not to ask what bccowKS of the Body of J E S S
, U CHRIST, nor how the
Bread is cbang'd into the Body of JESUS CHRIST, becauTe God has wrought
greater Miracles than thefc. LaAly, That a wicked Prieft may as well Confecnce as «
good Prieft, becaiife 'lis JESUS CHRISTwho Coofecrates, and 'cii be who Jkp*

An Account of the Tofes and of the Chnrch of Rome,
from the time ofSilveftcr IL to Gregory VII.

BI{B EI{T,wlio goes under tlie'Kame of SikeJJer II. had the PoiTcillon of the Pa-
C T rimedair
onh' Five Yean, from the Year. 999. to the Year, 1003. Duriiq^thw
did not do ntnieh worth the mcmionini!, nor did he write fo much as he bad

adlcd before. Wc have only Three Letters cf hi?, written whilll he wa?; Pope. The Firfl
is dire<^ed to jf^oUn Bilhop of Laon, who was accus'd by King j^hert of being diiloyal to
hini. He had been deed before a Cotmdl MA
at Cempiexnty where he bad acinomei^'dl
his Fault, begg'd Pardon for it, given Hoftages for a Security of hi« Allegiance, and pro-
mis d to reflore the Forts of Laon to the King. But afterwards he vi^ent back from his Word,
would have r^ken the Arch«btfhop of Ifkeimt Prifbaer, under a Pretence of reflonng to him
the Citadel of L,im and kcpr thofe Men Prifoneri? who were fent ro rake Poffe/fion

thereof. The Pope upbraids him with this Pcrfidioui'nefs, and cites him to a Council to be
heldatJ(«mf iRcbe£<^«r.wedt ; giving him lounderftand, I'hat if he did not malce his
Appearance, he would pronmmce Sentence afjainrt him, without admitting his ExCufc of the
Dangers of Travelling, Jiivcc there was no more Danger in the Kingdom of Lorrain than m
Uafy: And whereas he might perhaps alledge Sickneis as an Excufe, the Pope add.s That if
he mndc ufe of that Shift, he mud (end fome to teftifie the Troth of it, aod to anfwer aoihe
Accufations which were prefcrrd againft him.
We have already mention'd his Second Letter, direded CO utff Am
ArdHbilbap sf m
^rims, by which he confirms htm in that Arch-lulhoprick.
The Third is a Bull or Grant, wbidi wnflnrs ana ratifies the PriTiIeges of the Abbey of

We may likcwife add to tbefe Letters , his Tr2& agaioil the Simonijls, wbicii be made
in the beginning of his Ripedom. Xdmsr makes mention of one Adkm of Sihefter, which,
if Is mIrvhiRCCof iirliL ir r f Severity.
l He fays, That Guy the Court of Limegttj ,

having imprifon d Grimo»ld Biihop of that City, for taking Polfefllon of the Monaftcry of
Jb'««roHie. wl^ch that Bifbop demanded of hini ; and havhtg afterwards lekas'd «peii Um
ceruin Conditions, this Bifhop wcnr to and having comp!a:n'd of this Ufnge to SiU

veftar, that Pope had Upme i where, his Canfe being heard in an AflemUy
cited Gujr to
held on Ba/fer^sij, he had been condemned by the Vope' and Senate to be ty'd by the Feet to
^ wild Horfcn Tails, and ro be i^.r^.\rn and torn ro pieces : But that being committed to cbc
Bifliop'sCuftody, he adjuAed Matters with him , and that they both fled from I{ome, and
tcturn'd good Friends ro their own Coontiy again. 'Tis very probable tiiat all this was
done by Coaliiem; for oiberwife how can one cioiie the Ctwky of this Sfiwcnce fo dif*

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of tic Ek\ i_m h Century of Chriftimiiiy. ^3
igrcablc to the Spirit and Charadcr of the Church, which brcaii-.s ri'r nrrl-in? but Gen- Silv. II.
ttmefs and Peace, and which ileltfdt not die Deadly but die r -

Am— Iincnr of a Sinner > L^-"-^f /« mitr^ Dupin, timgi

Bgm mkKb tke laqmmtoD, tai otka iuko*d of fcverniet of ibf Churtb of Rome m faudti,^

The two Popes, who immediately fiH t rcdcd Si'vrfur II. were hor'A J-ir.s. The firft: of John
rhefe, who according to our Account is XVi. and according to others "Sohn XVIIL
^ohn, XVf.
fimam'd the Meager, was only foar Months and liMie Days upon the Chair: The odier held
italmoft fix Years. He fent a Legac imo Germany to ror^finn t!;c PrA ilerlFCc and Prcroga-
tifCS of 1^ Cbnrcb tS Magdelnurg, and to raifc the Church r;f B^rnhcr^ into a Biftiopricic. ^^^^
Thw was done with the confcnl of the ArJi-bilhop of M r, and other Prelates ox
msHj m a Coimcil held at Framfyrf, which approvd of the Pope s Bull, which advanc d
dieCbDtchof Bsmherg to be a Biflioprick. He gave the Pall to S. E.'phrge Arch-Bifliop of
Canterbury, and fent Bruno his Millioriary into PtLtid. Ho renew'd Communion widi die
Creri Church. S. Fulbert Bifliop of Cbartres wrote him a Letter, wherein he bcl^ows great
Cbmmendarions upon htm. and prays htm to be well advis'd before lie graiucd Abfolucion to
Cor[ r [{lJul/fbus.
Sergius IV. foccceded 3»bn XVIL and was caJl'd before Ot Porci. If Ditmar may be Serf iin
cdind iQ die
credited m
uk wnc,
CtSe, be cbai^'d ms
oe toiinsu Ms Name
iName mco
into mar ef ae/gtus,
that 6t Seigius, and was the firft who ,
made a Law to aurhortfc the chanpng of N.inics, however, cr, there are inflarj.eV'Qf
inftarj^c; of this Na^
lore more ancient, as wc have already obfen' d. Authors ts fay in generaj a great deal in
Contmendation of diis Pope ; but they have noc mendon'd any one «f of bit ilAiont ja pardco*, and wc hnve none M
hi'; I cr-crs b>' us. He was not upon die Chair abow twoYean^
eight Moniiis, aiul thirtecii Days, for hedy d May i^. in the Year loll.
After his Death there was a Scliifm in the Churc h of l(pme, bcrween BmeHEt VIII. Boo
Bcncdia W
Grtgpry the Coiu t of Frefcatt, who was firft Eledod by his Father s inrcreft ; and one Gre-
gmry, who was EJeCicd by fomc Slpmatu, who ouccd BenediH. He fled to Henry King of
Qmmmy, who immediately rais'd Forces, and march'd into Italy to rc-eftablifli him. As
fbon as the King atriv'd, Gregory fled for it, and BenediH .vi^ rf-ceiv'd without any Op-
poHtion. He confer'd the imperial Crown on that Prince, and on Queen Chunegenda his
Wiife. Under his Pontificate the Norman Lords who had drove the Sara;(eHt out of Sici/j
drove likewife die Greel^j out of a great many of thofe places which they hdd in lufy, be-
ing aflifted by the Emperor Henry, who came diiifaer a fecond time at the inft.ince of the
Pope. BtneJlH dy'd in the Year 1014. and fomc Authors lay that after his Death, he ap-
pear'd mounted on a black Horfc, and that he ftrew'd the place, where he had depo^rrd a
Tteafim, that fo it might be Aftrftttted to die Poor, and tbae by thefe Alms, and ihc Pray-
rr-, nf 5. oJ/io, hc was dclivcr'd from the Torments of die odtcc
Life. Ve hate only one
Bull of his in Favour of the Abbey of Cluny.
TMa Fopc held a Council at Pavia, in which after he had difconn'd at large againft the the Ctua* ~

Incontinence of the Clergy, he publifh'd eight Decrees. The fird and fecond, prolubite the of Pa*
Clergy from havin| any Concubines, and from living with Women. The third and founb V'*
import, that the Children of fuch Clcrgy-mcn as are Slaves of the Church, Audi he Slaves to Beocdift
the Church for ever, tho' bom cf a \?Gth"r that is Free. And ihe three laft import, ;hac
fuch Clergy as are Slaves to the Cliurcij, tan neither purchafc nor poHeis any thing of' their
own, even tho" they thould be bom of a Mother thst is Free. Thefe Decrees Were Sign'd
^y the Pope, by the Arch-btfliop of Milan, and five Bifliops, and afterwards ratified by
tlic Emperor's Authority^ who at the Pope's Requeit, publilh'd an Edivil coiiiifting of the
fame Articles, to give them the force of a Law.
The Count of Frefc4ti, that the Popedom might be ftill in his Family, caus'd his other Toho
Son to be Elcdcd in the room of Benedlfl Vtlf rho* he was not then in Orders. He was XVUL
ordain'd and c.ill d winch aci ordin;: ro us is the Eigbteenth of that Name, butarcord-
wg to odier$ the Iwentietb. Tis faid, that fomciime alter this Pope being fcnfible that his
Ctedfon was Vidoos and Simoniacal, be withdrew imo a Mooaftery there to fuffer Pen-
KiPAr. nnd that ho forbore performing any part of lils Fundion, till fuch time as he
chofen ag^in by the Cler^. The Emperor Hemj dy'd at the beginning of this Popedom,
and Cottrad was Eleded 1Qn|t of Gtrmmiy hi his place, in the Year 1024. and Crown'd Em-
peror three \'; tS'ct by thi'? Pope. Tlic Creeks luving difpatch'd an Emb.nTy to I{pme,
to get the Pope's Grant that the Cliurch of Cniflatitin^e flu>uld be caji'd the Vniverfal
Cbareb, WWoppos'd by the French Prelates ; aid iPtllitm Abbot of Si Btnipt of DiVtn,
wrote a Lerrcr to y.^i-fi XVIII. to divert liim frcm Deftgn ; which Letter is mentioned
by Giaher. This Pope wrote a Lciier to the Billiop of Limoges, by which hc declares, that S. Ato--
tiaJ lhall have the Charaderof Apofllc ; and another Letter to OJilo Abbot of where*
in hc hfames him for hiving rcfusM to accept of the Arch-bifhoprick of Lions. He fent I ca-
ters of Abfoluiion ro the Billiop of ^uxcrrc, who had fciit him his Confe/Iion in Writing.
Canutus King of England came to H^me in the Year lo-^i. where he was vefy kindly te»
reived by Pope Jot-" inH rhe Emperor. Hc complain'd that they exalcJ too great Summs
of liis Arcb-biihops lur mc (Jian; of their Palis, and i: was order d that for the fumrethey

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A New Ecclefiujlicd Hiflory
fliould notbc foTerv'd. H« likewife obtain d, Tint bii Subjeds m'ght have fiee Acccfi to
I{ >fjc, anj that they fhoujd be cxcinpt fro;n Cii(^onT;. This is wh:^r the King acqiiaines
ihc Peers of his Kii^dom in his LctuT, mcnt'.on'd by filBtam of KUlmstury.
Jebn XVIII. dying November 7. in the Year, 1033. Alheric Count of FrefeMi cti»*d bis
. IX. Son to be reared on S. Peters Chair. He was Nipbcv to the two Pr pc>: the Count'*
Brothers, and was not above Eighteen Yeari of Age ac the mo.i He cliangd hiS Name of
Tlmfhi'fi into that of BenedtB IX. Peter Damieu fpeaks of him as a Man that liv'd verjr
(lii r 'crly, and was very unwonhy of that Dii;n:ry to which he hnd been advahc'd by the
lyratiny of his Father. However, he cnjoy'd the Popedom very quietly for Ten Veart
together; but at laft the /(^^w^wj, weary of his abominable Irregularities, ontedhim, nnd put
up ir. Place the Bilhop of S. Sabinn, who took upon bim the Name of Sihe/ler III. He
UU enjoy'd his Ditinry but three Monrhs ; for tho* Benedift voltmtarify refign'd the Pojjcdom,
yet be retum'd to l{cme , and with the A/Hftancc of Frrfc.ui\ Parry, drove out his Compe-
titor, and ic-aflum'd the Papal Chair. But being akcgcthcr uncapableof Governing it, aod

Gr^ory UuJ to the Holy See. Thi$ Grmgrn took npon bim the Name of Gregtfj Vf. In tSe
meantime King TIni>y, wl.o h'J ficceedcd his F.nlicr C nra/i'm the Yc.-r, J039. being in-
ccns'd againit Bencdiii, who had fcnt the Imperial Crown to the King of Hungary^ after be
had defeated diat Prince, rdbtv'd to march into hal^, to put an end to that Schifm. After
he camcihi:hcr, he cans'd thcfc three Popes to be deposd in feveral Synods, as I Mjrpers,
Sirooniits and Criminals. BenediB fled fcr it ; Gregory VI. was apprehended .and after-
wards baniih'd ; and Sihefler III. was fcnt back to his Bifhoprick Of S. Sabind. He caus*tl
Suidger Bi(>.op of Bamberg tobeEIeded in their ftead, wlin \mM rpon him rHe Kirr-c oi Cle-
ment and was acknowlcdg'd as lawful Pope by all the WoilJ. He trowii d H.u.ry Empe-
ror and as be was waiting upon him home to Germany^ he dy'd beyond the Alps, OHeb. 7.

in the Year. 1C47. Nine Months after his ElcAion. Immediately upon this BenediB IX.
returns to I{pme and a third time remounts the Papal Chair; which he held for Eight

Months, ncnwithftanding tl.c KmrH-iGr had fcnt itomGermany, Peppo Bifliop of Brejfe, who
fus was confecratcd Pope under the Title of Damafus II. but he did not long enjoy that Dig-
II. nity, for he dy d of Poyfon, as 'ris fuppos'd, at Palejln'na, Three and twenty Days after his
It it 00 Wonder that tbefe Popes have not left us tbc leaft Monument of their Paftoral
Vigilance, either in Goiincifs or by letters, (moeall their Care mdAim was how to gratify
' their Aniliifion and the rcR of rhcir PafTin-.s, wirhoiit wnrchii ^ over the Flock of JESUS
CHRtlST. Clement II. m lift be excepted out af that Number ; for though be bad been
Pope bat a vtrf Kuan time, yet the firft thing he did after bis Advancement, was to hoM m
Council at I{ ffie agalnft the SimontAcal, in which he cnde.ivoured to put a (!op to the further
progrcfs of Simony , whiJi was then fo common at l{ome, that almoft ail the Ecclcfiafticka
were guilty of it He wrote l:kewife a Letter to fohn ,
Arch-biiliop of Stlrrtm EleSt, by
which he approves of his Trnnflation , after he had cxamln'd whether it had been done by
Intrigue or .Stinoiiy ; and being fatisticd that it was only for the Benefit and Gaud of the
Church, and that the Clergy and Laity of Saieme had eleded hiffl freely, he granted him
ihr P.:'!, coiifirm'J him in the Arch-biflioprick, and gave h=m a Power to ordain and oui^
crate the Bifhops of fcven Diocefles mention J in that Letter.
Leo IX, In the mean time, BenediH being ftill in Poflcflion of the Church of J(0me, was makf of
ftrange Exorbitances there, which oblig'd the Upmanj to fend frelh Deputies to the Emperor
Henry, defiring he would grant them a Man fit to be advanc'd to S. Peter's Chair. He nude
choice of one Bruno Bifliop of Tcul, whom he fent to l{pme with the Pontifical Purple Habit
upon bim. Tis reported. That in going ifarongb fy4JK», at Climj be met with HildebrMnd
Clerk of the Chnrch of kpme , who havTiip been carried aw.iy with Gregory VI. ftay 'd in
Prance after his Dl irh, ar.d withdrew loC'uny, where he wai rritT. i W\s Ui!Jclr,-nd At'

tended Bruno to ^me , and pcrfuaded him to lay alide bis Purple Robes, and to leave the
l^mMt to a free Libetty of EleAion ; a0bring him, That this woald jn-omote and farther his

Defign. He attain'd his End. nccordtnp as he had promi<;'d him. Bnmo u js very kindly
receiv'd by the Hcmam, elcded Pope unanimoufly, and ordain d February 13. in the Year,
V 1049. under the Name of Leo IX. BtnediB was likewife oblig'd to fabmit, and by Klde^
h.-iuf s Perfuallon he acknowlcdg'd Leo as Pope , and ingratiated himfelf to him. Leo hav-
ing fettled the Aflairs o( I{pme and f/4/)', crofs'd the Mmmratn'; twice and went into Germany,
The Iccond time he went to k s:the Emperor's A/fi hT. e nt-ainl* the Nurnuni of Po^^wo.V,
with whom he was then at War. Having obrain'd his Delirc he return'd into It.^fy, and
march'd agaimi them. Thc)' (urpnz'd Ih> Forces dtfcated them, and took him Priloncr.
However, they us'd him very kindly ; and having treated him with a great deaTof ReipccT",
condu<5)ed him to Bmevento. He liv d there a Year, from whence they difmilfed him, u irh-
out exading any thing for liis Ranfom, attended with a great Train of Coaches, which con-
duced hbn to t(gm, wbeft be dy'd widiia a Aort time after. Pt$tt DmUen nry vebcN

Digitized by Google
of the Eleventh Centiiry of Chriflinuty, o'^
thently upbrak's th;5 Pope for having wag'd rhis War, born Arms, and appcar'd in Pcrfon at Leo IX,
the Head of his Forces. Bcmto afTurcs us, That he undertook this War by the Advice ai:J
In.ligation of Btvtdtll and Hi'debrand, and that they were the Perfons who bctra) J him ro
Uie him mans. However ic was» Lc9 IX.
in the rdt of his Af^iions, ibew'd a great deal
of Pmdenee'and Fiety ; and an eternal Monument of his Learning, ard of
his Letters are
the Love lie bor<.' to Rcl'gion Chmch-Dirc! f lin .
The FIril is dircded to Leo Arch-bi(bop of Atride , and to the Patriarch of Confittttu
mefie, who bad condcmnV) the Cuftomof the Latin Church about Unleavened Brefid, which,
it made ufe of in the Ho'y Myftcries. He therein raifes thv D'l nhy of rlu Churc'i c f
J(ome, founded by S. Peter. He fays. That 'tis this Church which has refuted, convmc'd
and condeam'd all (Ierelie$, and which has con6nn'd other Cburdi»s in the Faith of SL'P(r«r,
which has an:l wi!I alw.iy$ jemain in the Church cf /^f»«f. He icckors upFourfcore and
ten Hcrcfics lining up in the Grerli^ Church, among which he plucs the Prefumption of
^chn the i-\'j}er, who rcolc upm h.'m the Qiialiiy and Title of InmrLl Patriarch: He nor
only defends tlic Spiritu.-il Authority of the Popts, bur liktvvifc their Temporal Sovcrc-jtnry,
which he fuiuiJs iipun a fuppofitif us Donation of the F.mpcror Ccnjljniine. He upbraids

fhe Greckt with the Co jl-Ditinvpriiur. Council under Ctnflai.tine Cap cnjnnis , and with the
Af^.ir of r/'i/.w/v. He nJds, Tha: in Crntempt of the Canons cf the Council, rhey
iud advanc d Eunuclii to ibc Patriarchal See of ConJlAntinofle, Atrerwards, comparing the
Church of Heme with that of dnjfantinop.'e, hc fay«, That the fiMmer is as ancient as Chri-
fttanity it fclf, and that it has midergon all manner of Perfccations ; whereas the latter is
wholly New, and fprungup inPIealurcsr Thattheone istheMother, the other theD.iughtcr
That upon this Account the Lat er oughtto pay a dueRefpcd to the Former, and not to be fo
ungrateful, as it is to chat Church, from which it deriv'd its lirit fiirih. He reproves, in parci-
Cttlar, Le»<^ AcrUe, and the Fatriardi, for having (hut up all the Latin Cfautdws, and taken
away the Monafteriesfjom the Monks and Al bo;s, till fuch time as they n.(;ulJconro.'m thcm-
felvcs to the Greel^^ CuRoms. " The Church of If^me (fays he; ads with a cieat deal more
Moderation and Prudence. Fordio* there are feveral Grtek. Monafteries and Churches both
* within and ou: ofi^o^.r, yc: they have no Difturbarcc, but r.rc pvimirrcd to live aeeording
" to the CuAom of their Anccftors, and are not conlJrain'd to relinquifli their Curoms: On
ttecontiajy, thejrareaiibiioniih'd and advis'd to obfcrve them. To conclcde, Iwcnfairges
very much on the Prcfiunption of the Fatriarchsof Cm/fdatf/xw^r, and oo die Dignity of the
Church of ^me.
Leo% (econd Letter is directed to the Biftiopf; of the Provinces of Venice and Ifiria^ whoot
he gives to undcrft.inil That Dovilnick^ Patrinr.h of Gf-.f./j or yljiii!ci.t >*Vt.?, came to a

Council held ac /(^ "'c :i> the Ycai ic^v wherein hc had becii ordasn'd
, ; That the Town of
GraJo flioiild always Lx- ciicem VI the Metropolis of rif»/«and IJlria^ and that the Birtiop of
For? 7,v'r'' or old ylfiileia. fttould have no Power or Jurifdidion out of Lombard), accord.
to ilic Uraiir of Gttgory II. and the Rcftridion of G^etorj HL He thereupon orders thele
Bilhops ro fubmit to the Patriarch of Grado, as to their Merropolitan. i

The Third is an Anfwcr dircdcd to Tbtmat a Bilhop in Ajfricdy who had ask'd the Pope's
Advice about the Dignity of the Church of Carthage. He at firft lets hrm know how deeply
be is conccrn'd to under:\..nd by his Letter, tlic Church of ylfrlia, where there were

ibrmerly fo many Biihops, that in ibc Canons we read of Two hundred aad five who were
prelent ar a Council held at Cartbage, was now redoc'd to the Govemfflcnt of only five Bi«
r.i and e ven they couM not live friendly together. Afterwards he crngratuiatcs
him for having apply'd himfcJf to the Church of for the Refoluiion of hrs Doubts.
Laftly, he declares to him. That the Bifhop of Carthage is Primate and Metropolitan of alf
Afiica\ arid ;h.;r the BifhiOp .ibout whom hc wrote (whoever lie were) oupht not to confe-
crate Bilhops, nor to depolc ihcm, nor to call a Provincial Council, nor to do any Thing,
nnlefsviiiat concerns his own Dit cefs, without the Confrnt and Permilfionof the Anh-bilhop
cf C/frf/'.r^^ He nt'c'<; by \\ :iy of Advice, That they could nor rail a General CouDC^

iKjr dcTcrniine any thing about Billiops, without the Authority of the Holy See.
The Fourth Letter is diredtd to two other Birtiops cf Africa^ call'd Peter and "John .
After a Prcnmblc, ver)- much like i!>.u of the former Letter, he gave them the fame Anfwer
concerning the Arch-hilhop of Carthage, and the determining of Matters relating to Bifliops i
an4 thereto adds fcveral Excrads oat of the &Ue Dcaeials, concerning the Inftttution of
In the Filch, hc congratulates Peter Bilhop of Antioch his Advancement to that Dignity,
fpeaks of the Pren>gatives of the Church of ^ome, exhorts him to maintain the ihind
Rank among the Patriarchs, nppit>vcs of the Form of Faith which be had fent him, and
makes another like it, declaring. That hc wifh'd that the Latin and Greeks Churches were
liappily united, and it was no F.ii:!t of his that they were not.
The Sixth is dircdcd to Micbaei Patriarch of Cenfiatuineple. He declares to him the In-
clination he bad ftr Peace and was gbd ro find the Parriarch of the fame Mind too.

Miiwcvcr l;c n proves him, 'i ) Becaufe hc being a Novice, all of a fuiMm been m ule
Pairiarcb. (z.j Bccaufc he was minded to make the Patriarchs of Alexandria and Antioch
£ lidmtt

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^6 A NefP Ecclefejflical Hijiory
Leo IX. {xSmAt to his jurifdiftion.- (}.} Becattfe he took upon him the Tide of Uoiveiiai piittf1aid6
which the Popes of Home had never a!!ow*d of, and fays, That S. Peter was never (Vil a
Vniverfat ^pfjiie, iho he had been made the of the ApoIUfi*; and that the CounaJ oi
C4kt'Jon had granted diat Title to S. Leo and his Succeffors. (4.) Becaufe he calumniated

ibc Latin Church, and anathematir d and perfecuted all thoft.* who made ufe of Unlcavcn'cf
Bread in the Euchariit. In ihc clofe of this I etrer, he exhorts him to put an end to tb4
Schifm. This Letter bear d janiury, Indidio fcptima, whidl is the Year 1054.
The Seven h is wiir to the Emperor Corflnntit:: JMoncinjchus, on whrm he Ixltows great
Cnmmcndatious for his being fo dcfircus of Peace and Union between ilic two Churches.
H < i.ortshim to imiOKe the Piety of Conjiantine the Great, and iJie rcfptd he bore to'
the Holy S-r, and to grant him his Proicdioii. He complains to him that Pjtriarcb'
MicLiel hdd dune many ur.juft things, even whilll he preiciidcd to be dcfirous of %
The Eighth is direded to all the fii(boD$ of Italy, and contains an Ltjan&ioa wbidi be
made to put a Oop to the Avarce of Abooti and Monks, who converted all the Pion^
Donarioni to the uic of their own MonnfU-r cs, witliouc allowing any fh.ire thereof ro
the Chutchcs. He injovns that all ibofc who Ihould hereafter grant fuch Donauons, /bail
leave the one Moiyery of what they give to the Church where they live, and the other to the
The Ninth, dirc(^ed to the BiAiops of Frames has rclacioo to the CdoncU of HheinUf la
which it is refen'd.
* The Tenth is againd thofe who rifle Eiihop<: Hourr"; after thr-ir Deceafc.

In the £Ieventh he con^rms the Right of Metropolitan to the Arch-bi(hop of Salenu.

In die Twelfth dire<5led to the Princes of Bretagne, he Excommunicates the Bilhops of

thai Province, hccaufc they would nor fub ni*: thcmlclves to the Arch bilhop of Tcm}, and
bccaule they were GuUiy of >Simony. However, lie gave them leave to come and clear
thcmfelves if they could at the Council of Vtrttil, He pronounces the fame Sentence againft
ihofc who had ord-iin d :heni.
One m.iy hkewifc reckon among the Lcttcfs of Pope Leo, die Bulls which he has granted
Upon fcveral Occaficns, t»/^. The Bull by which he pranrs to the V/itic/tn Church the Tenths
0! the Of5:Tings : That by which he declares that the Bcdy of S. Dennis is at l(rj!jlcrtne, and
roc at S. Demis in France, where there arc only the Bodies of S. I^ujiicut and S. Ekutberus^
(but 'tis a qtscftion whether ihi'; Bull be genuine or no) : That which relates to the Biibof
of Porto : The Bulls confirming the Privileges of the Abbies of Cltag, of S. ScfhU at B«ie-
vento, and of the Monaftery of Peter Damiea, to whom he wrote likewifc a Letter, where*
in he approves of one of his Works.
There is no queftion to be made» bttt that this Pope oiade fcveral Laws in £everal Coua- .

Tff Cmi- cUs, tho* we have not an entire ooe left m. Authors make mention only of a Council of
til helium- Untne held in tiie Year 1047. wherein he confimVd the Dvcrce of his Prcdcceflbr dement \[.

4a Leo concerning thofe who were Guilty of Simony : Of another Couixil held the &xne year ac
1^* Of a Council held at Hheim*, wherein H$^b of Langret was depos'd, the A^ of
which we have by us: Of a Coune-l held tlic next year at \U>en -c, aqainit a Bifhop charg'd
with Adultei7 Of: another Council held the lame year at i{!>»t' aeaioit Berenger
Qf ano<
ther held at Si^vit^t agatnft two Simoniacal Arch bi (hops : Of a tnird Qwncil hefti at j(«nw
after Er,Jlcr in the Yc~r 1-^5 1. wherein Cregory Bilhop of Vrrceit was depOs'd for Adultery,
and wherein feveral I.awi were made againi^ Simoniacal and Incontinent Clerks : Of another
Council begun the year following at Mmtiu, which was difhnb'd by a Sedition of die
People ; without making anv mention of that which was held at I{omr in the Year 1054.
about the Contcft which liappen'd between the the Arcii-bifhops of Grado and A^uiUi/t.
This Pope dy'd April is. in the Year 10)4. after he had prefided overtlie Cbucdi of
^me for five Years and fomc Mo-.-h^
ViSuxt !!• After fcus Death BenediH tiaicavobrd again to feizc upon the Ciiairj but the J^*-
m.uis Tent HiUehr^tnJ to the Emperor, to dcfirc a Pope of him. He nominaced to them
Gebehard Bi(hop of Eichflat, who was Eleded and Confccrated in the Year 1055. under the
Name of ViHor II. 'Tis faid that be met with fome difturbance in the beginning of his Pon-
tificate, and that a Sub>deacon would have Poifon'd him, by mixing Poifon with the Wine
in the Chalice ; which was difcover'd by a Miracle : For after it was Confecrated, he
could nor lifi: up the Chalice, and rhe Snb-deaeon who had done this wicked Thing, was
immediately pofTefs'd by an evil Spirit. He cali'd a Council at Flrrcyscf, in which he de-
pos'd fcveral Bilhops convided of Simony i and order 'd Laws to be made to prohibir the
Alienating of the Revenues of the Churdi. He fent HUiAttnd his Legat into Frttna, who
held there fcveral Councils; among the reft one at Lions, in whi:h a Biihop convidled by 4
Miracle, of Simooy» was depos'd: And that at Tours againft Berenger. la the Year loftf.
Vtdw went to Gernuaif, beiiig cali'd thither bjrdie Emperor Henry III. whom he feond ae
rhe Point of Death. This Prince before his Death, caus'd hi<; Son TJemy to be Elcdcd King,
who was fcarcc five Years old, and recommended him at his Death ro the Pope and the
Church of VSSv did oat long liirvive cbe Emperor, for being tetun'd iora It^, after he

Digitized by Google
of the Eleventh Century of Chrijliamtj. 27
liadlwld « ComciJ at l^mc, he ily d ir Fkrence, July 28. in tbe Year IOJ7. We
have Viftaf II.
only one Lctcer of this Poi cs, by vvhiLli in favour of Cardinal ffmuhrt, bt ooofirais lUld
augintnrs ihe Privilcgts grarucd 10 tlic Church of BUnchtJelvc.
After ViRor's Dearh, Frederic Abbot of Mount Caffin wis r.dvar.c'd to ihc Holy See. Hc
defccnded from a noble Family of Ltrrain, aiid hnd b. cii C!).uiccl!c;r nr.d Ar h d acon of the
Charch of l^uwip. Pope Leo had fent him on an EmL.T'ry to Ccnjl.iHiiMpU. A: his Rc:i:rri
Ik I ccainc one of the Rciipious of Mw.l Caffui in dcr Ins;cr l{i:he us, who was Ab-
bot of the Piacc ; and afur bis Death Cardtoal Humhett go: him to be EIc Al l- t I

that Monaftery in the Year 1057. baring conftraTn'd the Pcrfon, wWm
the Muuk^ h.A
Eleded without the Knowledge and Coi-.fenr of the [foly to Jay down that Prefer-
ment. Some time after, Vi&w created him Card.oal under the Name of S. Ch jji/gtnt j and
that Pope dying, he was Blcded in h:« place, and Conrccrarcd on S. Stephen % day, !n tbe
Year 1C57. from whence hc took upon htm the ofSrc/'c^i IX. He itmncdiatcly
iet upon reforming the Cierpy of the Church of ^mc, and madt Itvcral Scatuics againlt the
Clerics who kept Concubines. He bfoiigbc the Church of MUm
to fubmic to that of
I(ome, after it had for fcveral years withdrawn from its Jurifdidion; and fent an Embafly
into the Eajl, to re-uni:c the two Churches. He wcni 10 Fhretice in the beginning of the
Year 1058. where l.e dy'd on the 29th of Ma)ch. Wc hive a-.x Letter of btS left
dircdcd to :b: Arch bilhop of ^seims, by uh ch after he had mpTinu-ntel him for
die fubmi;l>;n he exprcs'd towards the Holy Sec, hc infonn'd him of die Cotmcil which
was to be hcM at y^/'jfiwj, that he wonderd he had not fent him word whether i\.c g R i

bad confentcd to it or no. He wrote to bim about the Arcb-b:(hop of Bourses, that r.oihir g
coiild be dctcrmin'd upon his bufineft in the abfence of HtlJeh.tnd that he would come
with him, and that they would fettle this and other At}air<; together. Hc exhorts him
v^oioufly to defend the loterelis of tbe Holy Sec, and the Church ; and order'd him to be
at a Coondl which was to be held at Home, a Fortnight after £^<r. Tbete is likewife aim*
thcr Letter writ by tiiis Pope to P,itt:!u'pkus BiOiap cf Mgrfi, by which he cie*iinites ^as
Bifhoprick, whid) had been divided into two.
Tbe News of the Po^'s Oeadi lidng brangbt K> J(«mr, the Ccrant of n-efeati and the Kkhiitai
l{oman Lord'; pl.r.'d by force on the Pn{>jl Chi.r Mhiciui Bifliop of VetitrA, to whom they tl*
gave tbe Name oi Boudiil X. Peter Uumit-n asid tiic other Cardinals who liad no hand in
this Eleiflion, withdrew from I{ome after they had pro:eftcd agalnft it : 'And being met at
SiemUf they F.Iec.^u or tlieir P(j{k- C-r.iid Arch-biftiop cf Florence, a BurguudtAn by Nation. ,

TTlcy immediately lent EaibafliaJo.s to the Emprcfs -^gfits, to prevail upon King Henry to
confirm this Elc(^ion. They bad tlicir requelt granted, and the £mprels OPdcr'd Godfrey
Marquils of Tufcanj 10 place Gerard in PoQuiion of the Holy Sec, and to rum out BenediH.
In the mean rime Grrard held a Council at Siitrt to depofc BenediEi ; but he perceiving his
Intereft to decline, thought fit to retire to his own Moule, and rclinquifli the Chair. Gerard •

beiiig iofomi'd of this, came to ^me with the Bithops and Cardinals, was there ackiiowledg'd
as lawful Pope, and ordatn*d in tKc beginning of January 1059. by the Name of Nichotat iL
Within a few ti.iys aHcr, waited upon him to ask him ParJor', an.I having folcmnly
jkdar'd that be had been bafely us'd, and own'd bimfeif Guilty of Perjury, for being put
in Vd&ffion of the Holy See before die return of friUeirtmJt contrary to the Oath which
be had taken to h\u\, he wa'^ for ever fufpendcd from all his Ecclcfiaflical Funifllons And :

to prevent fuch dilhirt>ances for the future, whicii might happen upon die £le<2ion of
Popes; it was Enaded in a Synod of an Hundred and thirteen Bilhops, held at J(Mne in the
Year 10-9 That the Cardinals Ihould have the gre-.rrO 0:arc in the Eledion of a Pope, and xbeCtwi'
that if any or.c ftould intrude into the Papal Chair without being Unanimoufly and Cano- fj/ jtU mk-
nically Eledled by the Cardinal--, and with the confent of the other Otden, both of Clergy iertOdbih
and Laity, he (h(iuIJ nor be laok'd upon as an Apoftolick Pope, but a? an Aportare. Thi«lasII. i«
is the Firft Adk of thai CounLil. The Second imports. That at the Death of a Pooe, or tte Tett
any other Bifliop, no Body Ihould make a feizure on their Eftates, but they flvould be re- i059»
Icnr'd to their SuccelTors. The Third is. That no Perfon (hall be prefent at the Mais of a
Prieft, whom he knows keeps a Concubine. The Fourth imports, That the Canons or Pre-
bendaries (hall hold all things in Common. The Fif h, Tha- rhe Tenths and other Offerings
iball be at the difpofal of the BiCttop. The Sixcb, That no Pcafon (hall be entitled to any
Church at the Prdhitatioln of Lakks. The Seventh, That no Perfon Iball take upon hfan the
Habit of a Afonk, up'jn the promife or hopes of bcir." made Abbot. The Eighth, That no
Pricit fliall hold two Churches at once. Tbe Nindi, That Laicks lhall not be the Judges of
the Clergy. The Tenth. That no Petfon lhall be oidain'd by Simony. Tbe Eleveodi, That
no Perfon (hall Mnrry his Relation, to the fevcnrh Gcneranon, or fi long as the Kindred
may be known. The Twelfth, That a Laick who has a Wife, and keeps a Concubine (hall be
bcommunicated. The Thirteenth, That Laicks (hall not bcadvanc'd all of the fudden to
Ecclefiaftical Degree;^, but fh.all hc try'd for fomc con fide rable time, after they !:avc lay'd afide
their fecular Habit. Thele Aifti are follow'd by a Decree againtt thofe who are guilty of Si-
TUBKUft by which it is order'd, That thofe who have been formerly ordain'd by Perfons guilty
of SiiiK»y, witboat having glvca Money for their Ordinarion* may oontintte in thofe ficdella-
£ % fiical

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^8 '
A Nm Ecelefaflical Hiflory
Thi Coun Decrees to which they have beefi advanc'd
but thar fer xhe feme, |!iofc who fj-atj

cilbcidu>: b.- ordaind by Pcrlons whom they know ro be ky ot 5i o ,y, (hall deposU. Wim
Niciio. reference to Popes 'tis added. Thar thole wlio fliaJl iflkc PoHemon of the P.ipal
Chair. eiilK-r
or by Force, \^ih<MlC being Unanimoafty and Cationically
bv Bribery or by Intrigue, ,

'^'^ upon nct'as Apoltoliclc

cd by the Card inal-bilhop.. a:,.l the reft of the Cl.rgy, f>.all be look'd
Popes bucasApoitaies: And tha:itfl»llbelawtuUbrthe Cardinal-lnrt;ops and any o^^^^^
who ^lall thu*
Perfons of known Piety, iUfhtthw Clerks or Uiaci, to turnout
lucl. a on.-, i

fcizc upon the Holy See, by Excommunicating

him, and by cn'Ii. g in -o rhcir AHiftance U*
m ui.c together o^^ of tftac
fecular Power. And that if they cannot do tins I{pme, they
. in what place fhey pleafc, to Choofe
C tv one ilicy fhall judcc mort worthy to Mi
Ar^^ that i\w Perfon whom they (Tiail Choftfe, (hall b.- look'd
upon as Lawftil'
the Chair:
that very Decree coocerning
Popci Sa vo cmnim Imperatori* Priviiegio, as tjs worded in
th/BfcdioB of 4 Pope. It was in this CottOcU tirtt Senxger retraced ftil Enw, MV* «
^ Po:^:^uolo, heW 1 COQtlcil* «t Am0^,'
T^i^ fine Pope being rcconcild to the Korm/ttts of

i*ht rc h dcposd ihc Bifhop of Tmni ; and another

Council at Brnrvmto, whcfcin be ad-
CmmtHs _

tt»>rNi jiifttd a difference concerning an Hofpital depending upon the Monaftcty at i. ytficm or
chwias /v.i/f^rrf, upon w'lich one y^/ter* a Monltliad feiz'd,


The I <-:ters
<-:t. r-; ct leLuc to the Affairs nf
(J th s I'oi c do almolt all cf them leUtc
tyf Fran<:e.
»*p rj-fc
jZ] dircdcd to Gtrvah
Four firlt arc dtrcdcd Arcli-biiliop of If^cim.
Gtrvaii Ardi-biiliop Ih
Iti Firf he ^Ws that
the Firft
7 i,.. tour

fllhup to underftand, that there *iras a fly in" Report of hi«

being favrurcr
cholds 11
Ctry : That however, c willlni:
! ms
to believe the contrary upon the I c t:!notiy whu 'i W
had receiv*d of him bv a very crciiitabic Pcribn. He cx'iorK
him to m
rinta.u the R:i,ht>. of

King of France not hearken to the c\ il Counieis which

the Chufdi, and to admonUh the to
n ro r'-.e Pe, Ion wl cm
were given him, nor to oppofc the Holy Sec, jvnrticulnry with re'

wooia have tp bs ordaind Bilhop of M.-ifcon. He aH'-ircs \iir\ tha; he h.Ls a particular Rei-
J. yet he would alwny<; Pray for
pcSt and Kmdnefs for that Prince- ; and let him do as lie k v j

Him and his Army. In thcScconJ, !e enin\ ns i!i.r A ch-l>i;hi p to intcrdi^il the Bilhops of

Beauvais and Seftlit, in cafe it appear d liiat they luJ been orJaifi'd by
Simony, as he was
iflilf'd. In the Tliird, He orders that ArCh-bithop to give Satisfaction to the Church of
t-eniun fcr the tnjuri^ ^ Ii- h.nd done it, and to rcieafe the Prebendaries whom he had GRn'd
to be ftpprehcnded. In i:;e Fourth, H? Jets him know iiow well ia:?sfi«l he was with ftoft
which he had expreisd to him ; that he gran'cd h:in <v; ,v he dtin'd for thn
fifinsof SubmiiTion
it was nothing but what was reafonabie j and that he couU not tell
Brfliop of Srn'ii, bccaufe
whether he (Lould come TO Fr<wcf or na
' ' .

Jl''.- Hdve nk<r.vtfe a Letter of

Gcrvais, dirc^fVcd to this Pope\ in which he thanks hhtt
kind Entertainment he gave to his Deputies, and for the Charity he llicw'd to one
Urefcet- ^or the
vais Arcih of them who dy'd at H«me. He acqtwints him of the Deadi of King Be»iy, lelts him liDW
bifr.-^p ,/ cr.uief:!v he wifti'd to fee htm i.i Fr .f and affiircs him in very exprds Terms of the Sub-
/ ;

Rhcim^. to niiiVim and Rcfbet^ which he bore to die Holy Ste. This doubtk fs is the Letter which JS'i-
foff N i- cioUt anfwer'd by dw foregoing.
cboias II. T?.< Fifth Letter of this Pope is a Privilege, gesnied tq the MonaHeiy of the Keligioos cf^^
S. Felicitji near llorencc.
The Sixth, directed to Edward King of ^Itaidt is a oonfirjnation tff the ^vilcgHs gesuiC^
cd Church of H^-ilt/ii/ijln
ro the .

The Seventh, diredcd to ^r^n Quctu of lV4«tf, ib a Trad of Peter Damien's, vdiitb was
among his Letters.
The Fichtli direetcd to the Bilhops of France, Aijuhain, and Gafcogru. He informs
them uf the Decrees made in Monks who
the Council of /^swjt, againft the Clerks and
kept Concubines, or were Apoftatcs^ apainft thofe who .-ibi.fe FeJcfiafticks, or fcizc up-
on the Revenues of the Churdii and concerning theCompais of the Conns and Chnrdi-
^ ucrgut, he exhorts him ro ikr the Churehcs and
In the Ninth, diredcd to the Count of :

Poor voder and in particular, to restore to the Mona!lery of S. I'eter of

his Protc<ftion i
PerJuH, the Lands and Revenues whidi he Igd in his Country, thteatning to
cacc him9 if he dciain'd tbeoi 'any Icmger. This Pope dy'd at fibraMv, July 3. in the Tear
Akxander Afrer his Deadi there were great Contefts about the Popedom, occalion'd by the two power-
II, FaAions which were then in /^-w.r : Namely, the Fatftion of HiUlclr.o;
I'd nd rfut of the ',, .

Counts of Fi efcei and Gaiera, and of other Lords of i^^wc. Both Fatflions i'cni L>eputiestO
King Henry's Cour:, to obtain his Vote in favour of fojnc one of their own Party. Ggr^r^
Connrof G.t/ir.r t!Lpu:edby the Lord's Faition, iMvin!' prefctro,] Kin;; U'.nry w'rh a Cfowti
of Gold, and otici d him the Title of a I^m^in Peer, infinaated io far mto his favour, thnc
Sttfhai a Cardinal-Pricft deputed by HilJehand znA the Other Cardintb, conld not fo mudi
as get Audience, but rcturn'd without doing any thing. Afrer his return the Cardinals in
Oiiol'cr, Elcdcd for their Pope orn: Anfelrn a Native uf MHan, and Bidiop of Lmcci, who

cook apon bim the Name of AlfXMder IL Th?y believ'd he woitld prove agreeable <iwaj[li t»

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. cj the Eleventh Century <?/ Cbrtftiamy. 19
Courr. But King Henry
loi klng itpoo rhis Elcdion as a breach of his Prerogative,
cauMi B
ihop ot i^armd to be EiciHicd Po|>c, who was acknowlcdg'd as ludi by
the flilhops and Princes on the Other fide the aIjks. He tnterMfMij; to cake PtifleiSon the
the Pap.ii Cljair by Foic, Hu wirh r,n Army before /^^Wf ; but w.^s l>calcn o/f by
the torces or G(7rf/-c> Martjui» ot 'iuJtMttj, iir. ot hUtil^a his Wife, who had
enter 'duKO
the lacetcfts of W^rr. This fidi attempt \>vii\ ng very unfiicoe6tfiit, fie murn'd a fcooMi
raK with greater itretigtli, .uul bcc.niL- M.i cr of the Town /^i>»/»*, and of the Church
^S. ftttr i bur be was ourcxi thtncc alio, asiJ his Forces par fueha Ccni^crn»tion, thacmm
be himlelt had iike to hn c been taken, and wns forOeil lo throw himfelf into a Cnltle, from
friKQce Jk Tery narrowly made his tfcapc, by g vii'p, iMmy to ihow who R.'ficgd hiin.
SooK time after Anno Arch-biJhop of Cokgne, wiio liad ihe f icatcik iiand .n the Adininiltra*
liOD oi the Affairs cf Germany, ever fince the Empi-cfs AgiM vral'fetnov'd, being cotne in-
Ki Itajjf and alledgiog that ttic £lc<^ion of Pope Alexander wa<; in\ ali(i, becaufe it was
tufry'd on wirhow tne Cmferor's Appfofcatron, and beeaiife he xmAcr a fulpicion of
having t; Mony for to b. n!i.\!lLd It was agreed upon to call a Couirtil at Mwttiit, to
, 1 .

adjalt this diffcrencc. AJtxamkr and Ctitleus met there, with Pair Dtmeny Hildeb,«nd^
and feveral mhef BiAopt of Ir«f*, L^h&dr «Md 1^^. Akxtokiit did (ttfly de»
^md his Etciaioh ; Cndt 'ciis had not tlic face ro m;i;ntnin !i!<; pretended Right, a ,il to with-
drew. I he former likewife dcar d himlclf by Oath of the Accatatkta ot Simony, wbidi
was lay'd to his Charge ; fa dMt ^nm* and the fiifhops of Lemiardy acknowledg'd alonfc Mm
to hf 1 awfu! Pope. But the Emperors Prcrogitivc was paTcivM for rfie future, .ind /llcx-
andet was obiig'd to Pardon Cadalvus, arid to make Qmthcrt Gratid iignior cf Pgi tfta, Chai*-
cellor to King Henry, and formerly d» Popes gKateft Enemy, Arch-bilhop of J{/ivetm4.
This Coartil w.'iS hc!d in the 1064. ami put nn end to a Schifm which would have
been the Ciafc of very great dil.uibance^ in the Church of fi^me^ if it hadOMtimicd as it
bad begun.
The year kfore. /Ikx.inife' h.ul held a Council at J^artre, conrrflint; rf above 0:7f hm- YleClMi*
died Bi(bo{n, wherein he had rcvn d tli^; Decrees of his Predccellbrs, /.cj IX. and dliimitt
tbeUi II. againft thofe who were gniiry of Simony, againll thofe who kept Concubines, Alexander
igliiift Indi of the Laity who
feiz'd on the Re\'enucs of the Church, againft thofe who
Mtfry'd theif Kindred till the feventh Degree, and againft the Apoftate Clergy
and Monks. Thi"; is only renewal of the Council held under Nicholas II.

I Jo two other Councils held at J(«m the year foltcwing, Alexmtder Condemn'd thofe
wlw inainraiii*d, that tae Degiees of Confanguiniry ought 10 reatffi no ftrthin- than to Coii«
tfh^ennans, which he cnKs the Hcrcfy of the \':cct~iita>!J. Hi- nkcwifi.' Condemn'd thofc
who had maiotain'd, that one may wiihouc^bcing guilty of Simony, give Alony to Princes
tD be fisRittited into die Revcmts nfiik Cfiarcfa. He undtes nfe of Peter D/mfett to con-
fute rhffc r.rro'S and lent him to Milan ro reform the Clergy of that City huo Fr.-tfic:-, to
; ;

relieve the Monks of Citat/ i and to Florence, to put an end to the Schifm ol the Church, be-
longing to that Cicy.
Whdft Peter D.rm'er. was employ "d :n Rcfoitning the Church, Tli' Arch-dcaron of
Heme, who hail ihc iole Aiimi.-nlt ration Atfairs relating ro tlic Holy Sec, naade ufc of
his utmoft cndca\ ours to advance- the temporal thereof. Power
With the AffiAance of Ged'
frey M.irr|U'^'«^ r
7 ;,A/->.7,he repiilsM the K.nnins of P.-^^-kt/a,
and the PrincclS Matilda,
and oblig'd i.v^in lo lurieiidtr tevcral places. He engag'd kvtral Lords oi Burgmui) and
f^mce to hind thtmfclvcs by Oath to defend the Churcli of Heme. He exhorted PT'Hliam
Duke of Normandy to ukc upon him the Kingdom of England, vacant by the Death of
King Edmard. I.aftly, From the Pontificate ot Alexander he began the Contcft with King
Henry abotit the Right of Inveftiturcs, and cans'd him to be cited to I{cme upon that Sub-
je& We attribute all this to HUdehrandt bticaufe 'tis evident that it was he who Govem'd
vnder the Name of AUxMhr II. who fed a refenr'd and a feiir*d Ufe, and (pent nraie
bis time at i,uc:a and MouBC Cafjin tboi aft i(sm. H
owcrer he dy'd in lhat City, iSfrU 2I.
in the Hear 1073.
9iaee ihitTb|ie was elemt Years and Ibme Montlis on the Chair, we ftiay v«ry wed ex- The Let.
pedl a great m.iny I cttcr^ written in his Name. Wc ha\c Five and Forty of them rrrx of
oompleat, and the Fragments of feveral Ads related by Ives of Cbartres and by Gra~ Alexander

H;<: Firft Leteef is direded to the Qctgy and Lat^ oC MrZaw, whom he ckhoits to lead a
Chritlian Life.
The Second is diredhrd to Harold King of Korway, whom he exhons ro own the Arch-bi-
lhop of Bremeas Vicar of the Holy See, and to fubttiit to him as fuv h. He reproves Mmfor
that the Bilhops of his Kingdom, were cither not Confecratcd, or clfe had given Mony to be
By King of Denmark,, he demands of that Prince die payment of
the Third, dirccT^id to the
-what was due ftxim that Kingdom to the Holy See.
By the Fourth, dircdcd totbeArch-bilhopnf DalmatiamdSckpma, fie ftads htm the Fall*
nnd gives him fame Inttntdiaas cooccining his Office*

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JO A New EcclejiLifliciil Hijloiy
rhe.Ut' The Fifth it tlie Decree of the Council of i^cw, of wbtth we have already ffo*
tirt ken.
^llexandef In the Sixth, dircded ro Gervais Arch-bilhcp of l{l)eims, he wria to hi:n -gainft CadJaut,
conf>ratuIatcs him of the endeavoan be us'd tor the extij|auoo ot Siuumy i and intnilts him
and the Arch-biihop of Stns wiih the TryaJ of the fiifliop of Or/tM/, who was Chaig'd
with Snncny and orclcis him rnturnoUi the Abbot of $. Alriiri/ of Svjfnu ^ fixconatian-

. catcd loog before, and to Eloil aDodber in his Place.

Tliif Letter is follow'd by a Decree made at MiUn by two Cardinal Legatt of the H0I7 -

See, againll the Cicrgy who were cither guilty of Simony, or kcpr Coiictih res.
The Seventh Letter is directed to the fiifliops of Denm^sl^, vvjjoui he uijo)ns to be prc-
ISmc at die Synod held by the Biftiop of Hamburgh.
In the Eighth he cxhom fyHliMm K.ii>g of Mn^JMid to pay him cbe PeM-jmee, which>wci«
due to him. >

In the Ninth he grants to A*m Arcb-bifliop of C^tffu, a Privilefe which he had beg'd
him in ilic behalf of .1 M< nai'tcry.
The Tenth is iiiicdcd to H^iUUm King of En^^IanJ He exhorts him to take into his

PlOteAiOB the Ecdeliafttcks of his Kingdom; and advifis hr.n to follow Liinfrdnk'& di.
retftlons. to whom he oxiunitced the Determinatioa of the Bifliop oiCheJier'i Cau&^
and cf the Dil'pute on foot between the Ardi-bifhop of J'<}>\, and the BiAop of Dorche*
Ia (he Eleventh, dirc(^cd to LMdul^iust be determines that the Man who had Vow d to
take upon him the Monattick life and had forc'd his Wife to coofeni to it, orghc not to be
made n Monk, till (lie dhIJ give her voluntary cunicnt thcrtio.

The Twelfth is dirc>ttt-d. to GtrvMt Arch-btlhop of Hheimt ; He alTures bim that he was
deeply concem'dibr what had befaln him, and invites him to come to a Synod held «e

In the Tbirtecnth, diredtd to the fame Arch-bilhop, he admcr.iihts him to put an end
to the diAferenoe on foot between Him s.n»i two Clerks of his own Church, and thjt in the
prefence of the> of tlic Holy Sec, and of the Bilhcp of Laen, wiiom he h"!il Coiu-
mi^rion d for that purpoic : And he lets him know that he has wriircn to the Lords who mo-
IcOcd him, eidiercodohim Jttftioe in tbepiefeooeof his Lcgits, or clfe to appear before hi»
, Synod. '

In the Fourteenth, he admonishes him again to put an end to the Affair of thde two Clerks,
about whom he had ready written.

In the Fifteenth, he enjo]ns him to £zoommunicate thofe who had anlawhilly (eix'd ipoia
the Revenues belonging to a Monallery. '

In tlie Sixteenth, lie gives the (ame Ar. h-l>'i'hop to undcrRand bow deeply he was concem'd
for the AffliifHons which the Church of t^hcinu laboor d under, and promifes to fend him a
Lfgat to his Ailiftanor.
In Sevcn ccnil), he exhorts him to afTil> the Biflop of Laen^ in doing Jnllice 10 an Ab^

bcfs, who was turn'd out of her Monallery of ii. yd'n of Laon.
In the Eighteenth, he forbids him to Ordain Jrjfclin Bilhop of Smjffiiu, who was mam-
fellly guilty ofSimo-iy; .in.i orders him to pur.iih the Bilhop of for rhc outr.igct
he had cOiiimiucJ, and 10 oblige the B fhop of Amimr, to let the Abbot of Cor/^ Ij^e
in quiet.
In the Nineteenth, he Informs him, Trs.i!: he had confirm'd the Privilepc of the AbbejT
of C'er/if», and adjuluu ihc diticrence w]iiv;h was between the Abho'. and the fiiOlop of
Amiens, who had given bim faiiifadion in the Synod. He refers to him the other Cootefts
which might be between them, and orders bun to give the Holy Chrifm and other Rises
to the Monaftery of Corhy, if that Biibop refos'd to give it them.
In the Twentieth, lie lets liira know, that he has confirm "d the Privileges of the Abbey of
S. Detmis of frtmce^ and DUt an end to the diftrence between the Abbot and the Bilbop of
Purh, after he bad heard borh Panics at H3»>e.
The One and twentieth dirctflcd to the Arch-biniops of France^ is tfac Le,tttr of Leg»«yi
which he grants to Peter DimUcn^ when he fcnt him into France.
in the Two and twentieth diredcd loGawt Atch-hllbop of Hhimt^ be confirms the Ez-
cornmunication trtrtde by that Arch-bilhop and by Pettr Dsmim agaiidk d)C Abbot of S.
d4rJ, and orders hrm 10 turn him out.
In the Three and twentieth, he thanks that Arch-biftiop and tbeKingof FrMer, for having
turn'd fjut the Areh-bifliop of Chartres, who Convicted of Simooy j and he dcfilcs that
they vvcnld do the tame with refpcil to the Biiliop of OncMts,
In ihc Four and twentieth, he refers the Tryal of the Divorce between Count i(«ft(i^pluKr
and his Wife, to the Arch-bilhops of Hl)eims and of 5m/, and to the ir Suffrngnn';.
In the Five and twentieth, he orders the Ardi-bilhop of ^yeints ro caulc the Bithop of Cha^
/«r/iorefto(etotheCbuidioifS.AfeMetbcBod]rof(bacSaiint» which he had by fosce taken


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of the Eleventh CcDrury of Chriftiduity. ^ i

la die Six and tweatietb, diict^ed to ibc Ardi-bilhop of Treves, and the BUhop of yerdun^ ju l£f
be ordef4 An
ft Prieft wto in Us Skkneft had vcm'd to tnin Monk, and was of aaodwr Mrs tf

mind after Idi Reoomy, flnnUI be icftor'd to die Benefioes whkh be beU be- Alexander
kK, ' a
tn tbe Sewn and nvemiedi written io the Cletgy of Naples, he detenmnes that the De-
grees of Kindred oughr to be rcckon'd according tu the Number of, the Generations.
In the Btgbc and twentieth, that he who Marries a Relation of his Concubine, who is pro*
B^d in Marriage to another, oagbt to teftorc her to him.
7n the Nuie and cwcniicth, he injoyns a Pfieft, who had Jull'd another Ffkft» ftmr yeatf
fcnnancc, and lulptnds him for ever.
la tbe Thirtieth be impofcs ten yean Pennaoce on a Lakfc ^tAno had ktll'd a Prieft, ibo*

the Pritft had been the firit k^pr'X-v.\

In the One and thirtieth he niodciates tbe Pennancc impos'd by tbe BiOiop oi Ccnjiattce
Bpoo an Abbot, who had given his Senrant a blow wilb ja Sdd^ of which he dy'd widun
ix Months after.

la rbc Two and chirtictii, he determines, that a Man who was ordalo'd Deacon and Prieft,
witboi.t I Ixcn made Sub-deacon, (hall forbear peiiiMmii^ his MiniAeiial Fnndions,

Kit! fudi liaiichad been ordain'd Sub>dea£oa.

ts he
In ibc Three and thirtieth, he moderates rbe Pennance impos'd on a Mao who bad been the
occafion of Homicide, tho' he had net been an Tnltrumcnt thereof.
Id the Four and thirtieth, diredcd to the £«ik>p$ ofSfaim, be dedaics that chey ought ooc
to put tbe Jews TO death ibrdieiffRdigioa.
In tbe Five and thirtieth, faeofdenifaeCfeify andLahyof JUetH^ aoctofisUdieOficeabe*
Igogiog to the Church.
In Ae Six and thirtieth, be adjuges that a Prieft; who ts fiibjed to the PalKi^ SckaeS^
ouciit to abf^aln from Celebrating Mais.
By tbe Seven and thirtieth, be declares that be had impos'd feren years PennaiKx on a
liaii niio had kiU'd his own Son tnvolumarily.
In dteEigk Mdifantictlihc csplaios tbe inanMc of recko^^

tbe Kmc
and thirtieth, which is among Ldnfr0td(% Xiectmt he oonfinms die Pkivilcfe
of the Eng-ifh Monks, to officbte in Cathedral Chur:hr<.
The Fonieth is the Privilege granted to the Abbey ol I'mismi
The One and Fortieth is the Privilege granted to the Mon.-iftery of Peter Damien.
In the Two n.nd foitieth, fic crir,\ns tIvj RiilK.p of Amiens to forbear difturbing
tbe Monks oi Corbj i other wiic would 6ulpend and Excommunicate him, tiU fiuh '

ritne as be fhonld give then fiitisfiiftlon in the laefenoe of the Aidi>]lifliop of

Tlic Three and fortieth, dire(£lcd to the Monks of C/mu, is a Pnyiiegc which iie grants to
them, diac ibey Aonbl not be Ssoaamimiicated or loterdide^ bat by tbe Sentenoe of tbe
Holy See.
By the Pour and fortieth he permits Geheluird Afcb-bilhop of S«b^b«urgh, lo crcut a Bi(h(^
rick in his Dioccfs.

By Five and fortieth be confimu tbe EftabUlhmeoc osade by the fiilbop of Bdiiftm^ that

the Regnlar Canons fliould hold all tbiMS in Cotntnon.

T!u nr. rei^ i. of the Fragments ofnis other Letters, are his Judgments ptcferr'd againft

tbe Clerks who were guilt)- of Simony and Fornication ; or elTe bis Dct»minaiioos nnn £»-
veral PMms of Difcipline, pardeularly eoMeituog the Dmkcs of Cbnib^ like* We
wife gather from them, tnat an Excommunicated Perlon cmnot Excommunicate ano-
tber : That a Prieft ought to Celebrate but one Mais a day ; tho' fome (ay one for tbe day,
«ad another for a dcceaftdPerlbn, «rhen 'ds neceflaiy : ThatcbofewiiooflSvanyinokaoetO
Btfliops. fh.i!] bo Excommunicated ; and that thoie wfaoofier any to Pricfli^ or to anyotbet
Cietgy-men, ihall be injoyn'd Pennance.


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5^ A Nejp Ecclejiajikal hijictj

C H A R V.
j4n Account of the Church of Rome under Gregory
VII. of the Diffiretjces heme en this l^ofe, and the
Emferar Henry, and otter Princes oj £uro{>ei
an Ah^rS of bts Letters.
Grfgorv I ^ HF R E

h.ippcn'd no Jifljurb.incc among the People upon rhc De.ith of Pope .i/ex-t

yil^ I ander :For Hildebrand, who had the whole Power in h.s own Hands, gave fuch
{pood Orders, thitall #as ftill «nd qaiec. He otder'd a Faft to be kept, and Pray^
crs to be made for rliree Days togfther, brforc they confultcti about the Eleid^ion of ano-
ther Pope. But at the very liine of the Cotps of the decealed in the Church of
S.S*viour, Afrit in ihe Year, 1073. being thcvtry Day of his Death j the P.rp!e be*
tflg mov'd thcrc'O, prnclairn'd Ili'ikb' auJ Poj l-, and put him into the P()(feiTifjp of" rh Ju- •

ly See. Tlic (aaic Day he acquainted ibe Pnnteof S-tlerno oi liii LJcciioii, and prayd iiiin
to come to H^me to defend him. This is wbat he fays himfcif about the manner of hb
Election: But he wirlial declares tliat it was much .igainft his Will, and that he W3« rcry
Atigry at ii. HiS Advcrurits all us quite another Story, and fay. That they were h:i Sui-
dicrs and other of his Creatures, who made this tu'r.ultuary Pnu ;.itTi.ition That neither :

the Cardinals, nor the Clergy, nor the molt conliderable amon^ the People had any Hand
in ir. However, there is an of Elciflion in the Name of the Canlinats and the Clergy
of R'^me, m.ide in theprefencc of the BiGiops and l aity, which K ar> date rhe very Day of
his Eletflion. However the Gale was, it va :'.\ be own'd that this Elc^ion was very Prcci*
pirate ; and that Didhr Abbot of Mount Caffm and Cardimd, had a great deal of reafbn
tor the Reply hi ::ia Ic to IJ:'.lc!ranA, who chcck'd him for coming too late, when he r&ld
hijn. that it was binifclfwho was too haUy, lincehetook polleflionof the Holy See, before
the Pope bis Predeoeflbr was lay'd in his Grave : And HtiJeirMd him(eff has acHttMnnrledg'd
the Fault of thi^ Elevition, which he calls upon the People, .ji d main:.r.ti<; that he had no
Hand in it. He was of litfcany, of rhe Borough of StMia, the Son of a mean Artificer, if
moft Hiftoriansmay be credited. He fpcnt the firft Years of his Life In Rome, where he had
for his Mafler, Lrutcu Areh bifhop ot Melpha, and was cxtrermly in the favour of Bene-
dicl IX. and Gtcgctj He .irrcndcd the latter in his Banifhment to Gcrmnnj, and after
hts' Death reiird into tl,e Abby oh C 'w.y. wfic re he ^bode rill fuch time as Bnan Bid)0|» of
Tfw/, who was nominated for Pope by the Emperor^ F' lng through France rook h tn
along with him to l^eme, not quc!\ion:ng but by tiie An] xauitance and Intercft \vh:cb he'
bad in that City, he might be very fcrvicesbic to him. He was no foc ncr return d hai he
rcncw'd his Famih'ariiy with TIl- pi >'.jcf or BcnediH IX. and grew wirhin « wlule :o Rich
and Powerful, that he becime I oi d and Matter of all AHFairs, .ind the Popes were a m
manner his Dependents. It was he who negotiated the F.Icdtion of V.'9tr 11. between the
Emperor and the R^nutu ; and under I'tHtr's Pontificate he was fent Legai into France. He
fum'd out BenediB IX. and caus'd KichofM If. to be Eledled in his ftcad, who made him
Arch-deacon. In a Word it was by h s means that Cadalout was tum'd our. and Anfelm B:-
ibop of L«re4 ordain'd Pope under the Name of Alexander 11. Ic was he who (upporred
that Popes Tnrercft, and ha\ ing ralten tipon htm the Char9(9er cf Chanretlor of the Holy-
See, had the ibfolure Admir.iitration ('f rll A^!"jitshr.;h Fi iTaf' ieil and Civil, as WCUas
entire dilpoial of the Revenue; cf the Church of /^ mc during bis Popedom.
MYdSr/Fr/fir^ forcfteing that his Ele(ft!on might be mofefted, becatife it had been carry'd on
fo prce'pitJtL ly, and without the Cor.fcnt o( Htrrj King of Grrmtsry ; he fonhwith w rt te ro
him about u, and requcfteil by h s Deputies that he would be pleas'd to confirm ir, a£-
furing him that he h^d been elecS^ed a^ainlt his Will, and that he put off his Ordinatioo till
fuch lime as he wa« inform 'd of his Will and P'cirL'rc. King Henry took fome time ro con-
fider on ir, and feni Count Eherbard ro P,-m-, ro icaru after wha"- manner that Eici^ton had
been carry 'd on HiIc{cLraHj (hew'ii Uj i; .iny Civiliries to this Count, that he wrote to the
King in his beh.ilf : And Hrhry perceivinfj that it (tgnificd nn-hing to cpjHjfe his Eirdion,
becaufe he Wis more J^me than himfelf, gave his Conlent to ic.
po-.vcrt'ul in By this means
HiUtbrnnJ was ordain'd Priert, and aUcrw irds Bilht ci l{ mc, in Jtrnt^ Amto Dntn. 10T3.

Ar his Ordinarion he took upon in 'lie Nr^me ofG*.

ii VII. in honor ro the AJi-;nory of
' -

Jcin Gratian his old Patron, wlio Lad alfum'd die Name ol G c^irj \\, whcH he vvai icatcd
upon die Papd Cbair.


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of we Eievehth Century of Chriftianity.
No fooncr was this A^an made Pope, but he form'd a dcfign of bdonniae Lord Spiritual Gregocjl *
And Temporal o*er the wliole Earcb ; the- fuprcmc Judge and Oeterminer «
alt Affeirs both VIL
Scdeliafbcal and Civil j rhe Diftributcr of alJ manner of Graces of whr, kind foever ;
die Difpofcr not only of Arcb-bifhopncks, Bilhopricks, and other ficdefiafticai Benefice*
thit a!fo of Kingdoms, Stares, and the 'Revenues of jioit^calar To briiig atkxit
tT;is Relblution hemadeufe of the Ecclcflafhc.-.l Authority, and the Spiritual Sviford which

God had put into his Hand, nor only to niainiain chc Faith and Difciplioe of thd Church,
10 reform Abufes, and to nunifh thofe who were guilty of Spiritual Offences j biR liljUefriie
iriade ufcof it to deprive Kings of their K'ngdo-ns, Princes and LorJs of their EftjreS and
Rarenue$; to render them his Tributaries, to diipole at his pleafure all that bcJongVl toi them,
and to force them to do whatfoever lie ilclir'd ; lo eitgage Arcb-bifhops and fiilhops^paif

him a blind Obedience, and ro »fo nothing in their own Dioceiles without his Order. He
liv d in times very lucky for him, and verv proper to eftablilh his Pretcnfions ; the Empire

of Germany was weak ; govcrhd by an Infant King, who did not much ntind the
Affairs of State; &iiUtid newly Conquqr'd by ifae Nwnuau ; Spmn \A foit under tlio Gc-
vernmcnt iof the Mtvr$ j the Kingdoms of the North newly Converted^ July in the Hands
6f a prc.Tt many pt-tty Princes; all ^//rr^r divided by ibvtral Facflions, fo that it was eafy
for hun in Jucb a jundure to eftablilb his Authority. But this uodertakiiig created a Woifd
ofBofiiRe&tif hhn, and eogifr'd him fti-Contefts with a great msMf Burtfeait PHneM, The
moft confiderable was that which Iic had with > Kii ^ f ncrrnany, wh ch laflcd all his

Popedom, and was of very perniciotis Confequeoce^ both to the Cbttrch and the Empire
Th« tcconnt of which is as foOo^s.
Hwjr, the Fourth Kfag offbe Germanj of that Name, fince tttmy the Fgleenert facccedcd An Macvitt
(as we hinted beforej his Father Henry, in the Year, 10^6. being then aboat 6\c Ytats of tbt Dif-
iid. His Father at his Death recommended him to Pope yifi» IL'and threw bto under ^mwe Ir*
the protection of the Holy See. He was at firft under the Government and Tnition of the rtartn
Emprefs /Ignet bis Mother, who liad the adminittration of the Empire in hcr Hands. Bat Heoryw
d>e Princes and Grandect of Go many, being weary of the Government of dris Woman, took Gregory
Henry away fro"i h-r, and committed the C harge nf his Royal Perfon to /fmto Arch-biftOp
of Cehgne, who iiad likewife the greateft liure in die Goveramenr. Thcfe Lords, to re-
nin their Authority the looger, left Henry to his liberty of doiiywhat be pleas'd, and to
live in the Debaucheries common to Youth ; and in the mean time Govern 'd Abfolntely un-

der bis Name, and difpos'd as they faw fit of the Oflkes, Revenues, and Affairs of the £m-
^ire. Henry was in this kiml of dependency upon them till ho ramc to be Eighteen or Twen-

ty years old t At which dme he began to take Cognitance of the Aflairy of his Elhite, and
to Govern them Mmlelf ; ft was then dm
he began «» be iefdibfe rhftt « gmtt many things
had been dcnr o' rry to Jnl^ice, and that the Grandees abufing the Confidence which he


had repQs'4 m iliem, wet^ advanc'd by indired means* regarded more their own pri^
vate Imerdb, than th<rffc of die State : It was tbefti hrwnk'H pHt of whit dwy had'
caus d to have been done, prohibited the Ezadions and Outrages which they had been
enilty ^f, rc-e(labi(h'd the Courte of Juiiice and the Force of the Laws, and pufkilh d the
CMRmders. The meafnrcs which he took, made fe vera! of his Lords to become Mtdecoff-
rcnts ; for thty being us'd ro do What they pleas'd themselves without fcarirg to be chctk'd '

for it, could nor be eaiie under this new Yoke. Thereupon they coiiceiv'd an Averfion to
King Hent% which they continued for ever after, and they look up a Relblurion tMter tor
KiH h'>n, or to Out hunof the Empire. The Snxenr were rhe fir!l u! n openfy Re.^
beJI d againft him ;
him with futh an Advantage, and with lo great Nuiiibers^
they let upon
that he was forc'd 80 fly for
it. He rerum'd with ab Artny, and the Saxent were twice
deftraied, but ftill kept to their Refohicion. They enter'd ineo a Confederacy with feveral
Lords of Ltmtary, Prgne§, BoPttri* and SvMt ; and fiftdhig thtmfclves not ftrong etwugh to
make open War againft him, they charg'd him with feveral Crimes before Pope Gregory^
lUid iniieai»d that Pope to turn him oat of his Throng and to put up aoodier-King in his
(dace, wljofi^ CondnSt and WUSIaRi fhonld be anftserabl^ ro his Dignity. " ^

Grtfory VIl. had formerly begtyi under the Popedom of .;Vv 11, to form Prcccr,'

againft Kinc Hetiry^ and bad caos'd blm to be cited to l^me upon the accooot of Simony;
ttfid odier Grimes lay'd to'Us charge, fiift after Ahkmtin^% Deadi, he thought hwoald n»

dound to his Intereft to manage him, that he might be the more inclinable to confirm lite
£ledton. Some Authors fay. That he fecretly tbreaten'd that Prince to Profecute hhn, ia
cafe be WkiU nee approve of his BleAion ; but this Matter of Fad IS not ftov^d by an^
Authcntick Tcftimony. What is iriore certain, is ; Tliat before his Ordinarion, Gregory fenc
word to Beatrice and Matilda, That be had a dcfign of fending lome pious Perfons to King
SfoK/j,. to give him foir c wi olfome Advice about bis Condud, and to perfaade him to re-
turn to that Obedience which he nw'd to rfic Church of Upme. At the fame rim? he ndvi-
fes thefe PrincelTes not to commurucace with the BiOiops of Lmkardy, wiio were cither
euilty of Sitttony, or favour'd thofe who were fx Tm ham
of Gr^S9» fifeMi ii lha
filevcodi of his irft Book; bears data Hff as, 1073.

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34 ^ N(P» Ebckfia^kd iSjlory
Gi^y Ibc Perions guilty of Sitnony, of «vfao(n lie fpcaks in ifait Leiter, KAoft of
yfU Lt»kar4^, and particularly Godfrey Arch-biH op uf A///,;';, who was (as C'cgQry fays; advanc'd
to that Dignity by Simoay ^ aod even whilft G«/ Ardi-biihap ot that City was Ltviflf,
He and lus Adbeivncs had been ExcommwiicaBed fir this by the Ftope in « Council tdi(fme,
but this Excommunication h?.d no other EfTcd upon !um than to Incenfe him j and cnrring
into a League with aJi the BiOiops of Lmktni/^ ifaey coofpir d together ag^oft the Holy
Sec* VII. bdi^ advan^ to die Fapal Chair, had Mdui^ more in Mi Thtrnmi,
than to w-ing tbcin to iubmit, and to cauTe the Excommimication iflucd on: sgainft them
CD be put io £zecut;on ; as appears by tbe Lencr wh)<J] be ient on that Sub^eifk
l»«Q ^
iirft Book.
Faitiifol of Lawliar4y, bearing date yulj i, 1073. which is the Fifteeotb of the
Kiog fkwj on the other hand protrded rhf Arch-hifhop of Milan, and the
Kfliops of Lomkardj, aod continued m
Connmunion wuh thctn j atid ihis gave ihe &rlt
Rife to the Contcft betwixt him and Pope Gregmry.
The firft of Sfftmdc in the f;mic year the Pope advis'd Anfelm, Bifliop of Luce* Eledt,
hot to receive the inveiiirurc olt' his Biihopiick from King Henry, tiJJ fuch time as he Imd
ghren SiasfiiAiDo for bis holding Cooinuinioa with Excommonicated Perfo«% and till he
w:i<; rcconctl'd to the Holy See, which he hop'd would be cfiedcd by the Mediation of die

Empreis ^nes ; of Bt*trice and MdtiUs CouMeflcs of TufcAny ; and by I^admlfhut Duke
of SiuAtA, who had undertaken the Aocoromodacion. The fame day Gregory wrote to that
Duke, telling hio3> That be had no partiaUar ill Will to King Uiemrj i but on the oootrary,
wifli'd lum well, as be was oblig'd to do, bectde lie hid adnowkfllfd %Suk for King ; bo*
caufe he had rcceiv'd rc\ ci al Lgnal Favours from his Father Hemy ; and U'cauJc that Prince

npoB hisJD«iiiii» had_ nonBioacaded hoa to Pope ViBpr U. &» lot '
as much as this
' '
benraai die Baaptfe and the CiRiidi,
' di, ou^ u be pnte and fincMk ft was reqvi-
(ke in the firft pJacethat be (honhi manage the AfTair with hhn, with the Empreis ^?, with
die 0>qHr^ Bemrk*, aad with ^rimld Bifliop of Cmrke^ that for this ^pofe he defir d
a Oaefymmt widi \Smt and pray vT him to oome to ^fm*. He wrote VaatmSt at frr frnt
time to this Bifliopef Cum*, rcllirg him, That he wi(h'd with all his Heart, that dcKim
wcfcMafter <^ aJl that Kehgion and Piety which be ou^hc 10 be Mailer of ^ and dMt lit
«pere in UniOB and Anicjr with the Holy See ; and to oring this about, be psay'd Idoa w
be ready to come to with the Emprcfs, I^ddultfrni ant^ rhe Counrcfs Bemtrictt thit fa

aU thlMS might be adjaked: That lie miglit hold Cufifcrcnccs with the fiilhopsof Lsm^
. Aan^Tl^t that he ought not to CommnBicate with them. Thefc throe Letters are the
Nin^eenth, Twentieth and rhe One and twentieth of tlie firit Book. In the Four and
twentieth written to Bruno Buhop of Vtrm4^ bearing date St^ttmher the 24th, he declares
th« he retains the fame Love and Tendemefs for King Henry as ever be did. This Prino*
replies to tbe Pope's Civilities in a very fobnudive Letter, whereui he declares, Thir for as
much as it was reqnifte that the Empire and the Papacy Ihonld be mutually aklfting to ead<
other, it were to be wiiT.M thar :fiey were united together: Thatheown'd he had not as
yet {aid all that lUfpeft to the PaMor which heoughc, nor puaiA'd the Goilcy with ftif-
fiefem Smwxf : Thar he eonlefs'd fw Panic, in otder id obtain Pardon fbr it: Tha»
he acknowledg'd tfiat tlsc lovity of his Youth, or hi* being Jcalou; of his Authority, or
liiftly, hit being led by evil Couaceliors, was tbe caufit of &s Sumiog againft Heaven and
idkenfie, nor only by unhwful (eiaing upon the Revenues of dicCbnrch, butallb bycoiD-
iTMnicating with unwonhy Pcrfons, cwA fuch as were g^uilry- of Siinony, and by felling of
Churdics, inilead of proteding thetn as he ought : Thar he deiired be would foc the fitcace
adift him with his Authority ; and that he implor'd his Aid and his Adviee lor dw Re-
fecmation of the Ch\irchr^, and parricalan'y that of Milan; afHiring hfm that he would
him as tar as po/fible, and hop'd he was of the fame mind with refpo^ to hiis.
Tbn Pope feem'd fatis/ied with this Letter, as he declares io the Five and twentieth
Letter of t^ie firft Bcmk, directed to fferleinlrold. Whom he hnd m.idc Arch biftop of
Milan after the fcxcomiiiojiication of Godfrty, wherein he docs not ftick to teilhim, Xbas
King Henry had (em him fuch a fiibmiifive Letter, as was never m
bis Monory (cot by
that Prince, or any of his Predcccflbrs to the Popes of Hfm. Thi-? I erter bears date Sep-
ttmitr the 28d^ Co that King Hevry't Letter, which is not related till after the Nine and
twentieth of Grtgity, is written fome time before. The Six aad twentieth Letter beariiw
dale OMer the 9tb» is likewife difcded to HtrUmMIt whom he advife; ro ufe tSi
anneft endeavouw to redahn die of Ltmkmfy, and among tbe reit, the BiOtop of
Vfrcrtl, by treating them with mecKncfsj arid to grant Abfolution to thofe who bad
BmoicaGed with excooMiiunicate Perions, whenever they would npent. In the Seven and
«ghe and cwtwiedi, be exfaottsdte fiifliops of vInv and Pavf« to uSHt BerkmiM, and
man Exrommunicatcd Perfons ; thefe Ixcrcr-; the i-jth, of the lame
However, he wouk! not have the Germmt to rife up in Arms againft tfmr/, be defiies that
btfhPlMks would refer diemfelves m
his Ju<kment, ai leIcK viwd to Ardfbiihop of
aota» in tbe ume
the NroeanddaidBdilwf di> toe loifc^
tm^ltmimDimdu ^

Digitized by Googld
of the Eleventh Century oj Cbrijlianity,
jlr the Two and three and forckth Letters, dated Saniurj 25, and i6, 1074. he riuni* The CmI*
InoQO the Aii^btflio|« of Amd/eim and Mffmt fviih their Siiiln^^, to a Synod whi'di
was to be held at I^mt in the oeginning of Lcnr. Thi? Synod being mer, the Pope orJcr'd Rome in
that all tbofe who bad been jrromoted to £cdeitaftical Dignities, or bad obtain'd any fiene- ^"^»
fioes by Simony, flioald be fufpended and deprivVI of them : Th«t it (hootd no longer be ><>74*
lawful for Clerks guilty of Fomicacion to cekbraie Mais, nor to wait at the Altar $ and
that the People Ihould not aflift at the Mafi, or any other Office of fuch Pridls or Clerks
who kept Concubines. In this Council he gave Ablblution to Gamier Bilhop of StrAf^
I heurgb, who hid been Excommunicntcd by Alexander. Thi RifT n'p, was the only Per-

fon of the Gcnmn Biihop*; who were guiky of Simony, who tauiC lu ^^me to beg Par-
ina for his Fault; fo that the Pope thought this Submiifion dcfcrv'd an abiblnte Path-
I don: But as for the Bifliops of Placenn'-i and rhv (jrlier Bifhops of Lomhr^-iy^ who were
likcwjlc come to i^f, be only gran;ed them the Power of Confirming InJants, in
cafe of Necefliiy. This is what be gives an Account of to the Princcflcs Beatrice and
MitilJa in the Seventy feventb Letter of the firft Book, dated ^/w7 the 1 5th, 1074. A
propofal was likewife made in this Synod to ordain Anfelm Bifliop of Lftiea, aiid Hugh
Bi(hop of Dta ; but a Rcmonftrance was made in behalf of King Henr^y that the Pope
ought not to Coodecnue tbon, till they had rcceiv'd InveiUtnre. Howeyer, the Pope did
» not ftick to oidain the BtAop of Dm ; but pnt off for fooie time the Ordination of
i> the Bilhop of Lucca. Notwithftanding a little rime after he ordain'd him ; the People of
Lueea wcmld not acknowledge bim, Iwt tum'd bim cwc in (pite of all the iotreacies the
I Tlope ns'd for his Reception. SdRie Autfaon fay that Gregory in diis Gotmctl. made a
I Decree againd the Invcdhurcs of Benefices by Laicks. It appears by the Let:er .vrir-
i ten by this Pope to Beatrice and MatH4a, the Sixteenth <» Novmker the lame year,
I dMt ^fhrt Gmfetrd Duke of Fe^^uh was abeady Ezoamnnnicated, and *tis probable
I diat thiswas done in this Council.
Some time after the Pope fenc to King Hemy the Bilhops of Ojiia, Paiefirina and Cuuue^
na hb Legant, with order to call a Comcil of Klhopi in Qemua^y eo refemn the Abolesi
to communicate to that Council the Decrees of the Council of \otne againft fuch Clerks
as were guilty of Simony, or kept Concubines ; and to oblige King Hettrj to aban-
don the Inrerclh of the BiOiops of LmmAa^, and to vm himfclf upon the aeakias
Thcfe I.egars attended wirn the Emprels Aptes, wailed

Rcforrnacion of the Church.

upon Henry about Eafler at hiuremherg. He rcceiv'd them very obligingly j regulated
feveral Abufes, promis'd them to extirpate Simony wholly out of his Dominions, and
to fubinit to the Holy Sec. B':r Iic
) :!d nor fcpnra-r himfelf from -he Communion

of the Arcii-bifliop of Alilan, and return d this Anl'wer upon that Subject, That he bop'd
that when the Pope. Ihould be fully inform'd of the matter, he would revoke what he Bad
doneagainft that Arch-bilbop, and the fiiibop of Lombardy. Nor would he promife the
Lcgats to call a Council, under a pretence that it did not belong to them, but to the Arch-
bifhop of Mayence to aA in Germany as Vicar of the Holy See, 6nce he had rcceiv'd that
Privilege from the Predecxflbrs of Gregory. It was Immmt Afcb>bifliop of Breme who fvkf
nifli'd King I^enry with thi« reply. The Legats fnSfted «id remonftrated that the Power
i which had been granted to the Arch-bifliop of Aitj-tf. r, ndcd at the Dcarh of that PopewllO

had given him tbc Grant ; that beGdes they iiad a Commiffioo or Power which that Arch,
bifliop had not ; bat they were not hatfcen'd to, and were obtig'd to fenm» after they had
fufper.ded the Arch-bifllop of J>viiw, and dte4 him to a Conoctl to be hdd ac ^gmt aboos
the Fcaft of S. Andrew.
The Le{^ having brought this Anfwer back to G^^^f he wrote word CO £r«»7,
tho* he had not fatisficd him in the bafinefe relating to the Arch- bilhop of Milan, yet he was
very well pleas'd with his Submiflion, and with the Civilities be Ihew'd to bis Legats :
Tbac he was willing to have anodicr bearing of that Aflair, to fee whether any alceraiibii- '

ought to be made in the Judgment that had been pronounc'd againfl that Arch-bifhop. By
thia very Letter, he gives him to underftand, that he had cited to the Synod to be held at.-
t(fme the beginning of the next Lent, Sigefirtf Arch-bilhop of hUfeme^ and the Bilhops of
B.irnl'er;;, Strasfwur^ and Spt'res ; 10 give an rhe-r,iIv-tncfmcnt to the Epifcopacy,
and of their Murals : He defires that he would oblige tiiem to come, and fend Deputies
along with them, who Ihould give in their Teftimony of their Lives and Converfacions.
This Letter is dared Dfcww^r 7rh 1074. There is likewife another Letter of the fame
dare directed likewife 10 Henry, wherein he cxprcffes a great deal of AffcLlion to him, and
prays him not to hearken to their Counfcls, who were willing to fow Diflcofions between
them. He tells him of tbc AfflidHons which the Eajlem Chriftians labour'd under, and af-
furcs him that he had provided feveral Italian Lords to go to their AHIftance, and that he
had already Fifty thoufand Men who were ready to follow him, if he would Head them,
and March as fat as our Saviours SefuUher. That he is tbc more iiMjtn d to undertake this,
bccaufe it ^ould be a means of reuniting the Greeks Chnrch to the Latin, and txF reducing
the yirmentans and all the other Orientals into the Bofom of the Church. But forasmuch as
H W4S a baGaedi of great Coolcqaencc, heask'd Iiis Advice and Afliftance, and declares chat
Fa if

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Gregory if he (hculd f o, he would leave him Proit^iitor or the Church of J^me. Thefc two L«ter«
ytU arc the Thircieth, and one and Thiniedi of the Second fiook.
Sotnc Diys before tins, the Pope had fuinmon'd to the Synod of J^pmr, by the Twenty
eighth , and Twcniy ninth Letters of the Second Book, Liemar Arch-biihop of Breme^
Sigefrty Arch-bi(hop of Mayence, Otho Bilhop of Cmfttnct, Garnicr of Stra:^m^^ cf
Spires, Herman oi Bamberg, Imbric Augsburg, ind jlJeltert of H^rt:(bourg.
The Pope's D.crce againft thofe who were guilty of Simony, and againft die Oecki,
wfao'eitfaer Jccpi Concubines or were Marry d, rcino\ 'd in Germizny, Italy, and France a
gre.ic mnny Ecclciiafticks out of tbcir Places, who were baaaii Kuiky olf Sioiony, or of having
unlawful converfc with WoRMn. Hiefe Men nocoaty aMDjrftind of chit Yoke which thft
Pope would impofc upon them, but they likewifc in\cigh'd againit hitn, and accufcd him of
«dv ancing an iniiippaitable £rror and fuch as b contrary to the Words of our Saviour, who
fays that all Men are nor able to live comiitenrtf ; and oontrary to the Words of the Apo-
ftlc, who enjoins ihoi'e viio r mnot live continently, to Marry. They added, tha: this 1 .t.v
be would impofe on them, wh cb oblig'd them to live like Angeb by o^riog force to the
ordinary course of Narare , would be the Csnft of great Dlforden ; Tliat moieover if tlw
Pope pLr;1;lcd ".n Iks Rcfolution, they had rather renounce the Pricfthood than Marriage,
and ki him fee if he could get Angela to taJse care of their Flocks, fincc he wou.'d no: make
nfe of Men. TUft was the Language of thefc corrupted Eodcfiafticks, acconiing to dieac- •

count of an Hi'^orian of that time. But th Pope for his parr prefs'd the Execution of his

Decree, and wrote very warm Letters to the Bilhops to oblige them to take Itridl care of
It. The Arch>bi(bop of Mayence dning his utaioft therein, found how difficult it. was to root
out an Abufe fo inveterate and lb eencral PS this was ; and before he proceeded .-leainlV the
Refrat^ory, he gave them fix Months time to reclaim. JLaiUy, having cali'd a Synod ac
Erfmdta October, he told thein in exprefs Terms that be was oiblig'd to put the Pope's Oe.
crcc inro E5:'*>:',t:ion, and that they were chlig'd either ro n nnnnr rhcir pretended Mar-

riages, or c!u- their Attendance on the Ahar. When ihey lo thty cnuU no: by their
t i

Prayers prevail upon hitn to alter his Refoliuion, they withdrew from tlie Council in a great
Rape, ihrcatning lie Arch bilhop either to turn him out, or to kill him. The Arch-bi(hop ^

to pacify them, ordcr'd them to be call d back again ; and promis'd, when an Oportunity
Ihould offer, he would fend to J^#»if and endeavour to work the Pope Over to another MiiuL
The next Day he propofed to dicm the Queltion about the Tenths,
The Decree of Gregory met with no lefs oppofirion in FrMce, Ftdnders, England and Lorn-
harAy, than it did in Germary, a<, we arc inform'd by fcveral Letters kn: by this Pope ro
the Princes and Bilhops of thele Coontries ; and (his oPpoUtion tOk lo high ac Camiray, that
they caus"d a Man to be Burnt ytho had afl^ed that ttioie who were guilty of Simony, and
the M:irrv'r! PricRs ought not to celebrate Mafs or any Divine Office and no Man

ought CO ailiit them therein. This we iind related in the Twentieth Letter of the Foarth
This OppofiMon did not difcouragc Crr^r.r]> VIL in ilic Icaft on xhc contrary he wri.
'; fe- .

veral Letters to the Bilhops and Princes, whereby be enjoyns them to put his Decree in Ex-
ecution, anwl not to tolerate Clerks gnihy of Simony, nor fuch as weie Miirry'd or Icepc
Concubines. l7|ion this Head, we may confulr the Thirtieth Letter of the Firft Book di-
recled to the Arch-bithoo of SaI^i»ourg, dared Kovember j 5, 1073. the Five and fottietb of ,
the Second Book dtreM to ^adulphus Duke of S^ubU, and to Bertlwld DakectCtrimtJUm
dated J.nw.iry 11, 1 075. the Sixty firlt dircdlcd to Dietvtn or Tlee/^mn Bifhnp of
Liege, wijoiu he charges with Simony The Sixty fecoad dircifbcd to SicarJ Biftiop of Aijuir.
M» dated March 13. The Sixty (ixth to BtirclMrd Bilhop of Halberftat, of the fame Mc»irh :
Tlic Sixty feventh to Arch-bifhop of C^^/r^Ji Thf Sixty c:ph'h ro the Archbifhop
of Ma^debeurg bearing the fame date : The 1 cuiii .uid Licvetith of the Foiiith Book di-
iwfted to the Count and Countefs of F/rf»</frj dated November z, 1076. the Twentieth of the
fame Book : Laftly, he ordcr'd an Apology of his Decree to be illiicd out in the nature of
a Manifelto, wherein he very much exalts the Audiority of the Holy Sec, and the Decretals
of his Predcceffors.
Synod cali'd at ^fmt by the Pope the Year before, was held there about the end of
tht Cmtih
^^ Rhuary this Year. He therein ExcommanicaTed Five Pcrfons belonging to King flcn~

Rome h Court, who were the Inftriimcnts of that Prince in fcllir;g of Benefices : He fufpcncled.
the Te*r ftom their Epifcopal Fun<Sions Liemar Arch-bilhop o£ Bremtf Gamitr BiQiop of Stra:(heurg,
1075. ffenry of Spiret, and Wtmun of Bamberg. He Iikewife therein (ufpended W!9Um Bilhop
of Paviti, and Cttw/^er^ Bilhop of Turin, and depos'd Dennis of Placcrti.-t, without any hopes
of being reeitablilh'd. Some of thefc Bilhops went to Home for Abfoludon : The fiiflu^ of
BMmiefg was likewtie in the way thither^ and fcnt Deputies beforehand by Trdems to cor^
rnpt the Bifhops who were his Jndges ; but feeing he no hopes left, he return'd again,
after promife made of retiring into a Monaftenr. Upon bis return, inftcad of performing his
promifr. he enter'd again into the pofleflion ofhis Church, and commttted there new irregtx.
i.iriries. This oblip'd the Pope to renew his fcntcncc of Condemnation IfTaM out againft hun
and withall to excommunicate him. This is what Gregory wrote to the Clci^y and LAicy

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of the Eleventh Century of Chri[liamty.

cf B tmherg, to Sif^efroy Mityencc, and to King Uswy by Three Lchers of the Third Book GRgoff
dated Juiy lo, 107;. In ih<: laA he conmietKls (iiat Prince for oppoiing uioie who were Jk'U.
guUty of Simooy, 4uidi9r iifingbisvtnioft r

King lleury willing to hold a fair Correfpondence with the Pope, whom he thought ht
to keep his Friend, as long as the War between him and the Saxenj laftcd, fent two Em-
baiTadors to him before Augufl. By them he fenchim Word, that Imceall the Princes of his

Dominions wilh'd more to fee them «c variance than in Peace, lie fent him tbeie two Per-
(bns privately, to manage the Peace between them. That he would not have any one know
«ny ibipg of it, but bit Aunt Unuriet and huuld^. That when iie recum'd from his Ezne^
dicioQ againft the S*xoii$ lie would iend otlier Binbafladoi*s to him to acqaaint him of M
Mind, and to tcllify to hiin the rcfped h bi to the Holy Sec.
ceiv'd this l^cter, return'd him
1 TIic Pope having re-
Anfwcr^ That he was beanily glad to £od he
this tmft'-
cd this Negociation «>Perron8 of Piety, and diac be was ready 10 -receive him inro tiie Bo*
fom of the Church, without cxadling any thing elfe from him, but that he v o fo'lo v iht;
! 1

ivboieibme Comifels which he iiad to give him. At the ciofe of his Letter he cxhons him to
vfe ihc Ssimf wiib Clemency, to turn tfaeBiOop of ikm^'^ out of Us Bilboprick, and
to yax waAain bit Place. This Ijener wkidi bas ao date, is. die Seveatl^ of die-Xliird
Wbeo Htnry had Conqucr'd the Saxms, be began to put a Slight 00 the Pope's Favour $
indinftead of femiing a priv^.tc Emb.^fTy to him .nccording to his prcmifc, he rt folv'd to make
it indtlick. This gave the Pope to underftand, that he did not care how the hfyax was Can*
wris'd, as he fent word to Bt4trie« and MttiUa by die FifUi LenDor of the TUtd Bock, wliidi
bears date Sr/i/fw/w ir, 1075.
. Much about thelame time he who was in pont'lTion of the Arch-biihopriek ol MiUn againlt
^c Pope's Win, dy'd, «sd Henry pot up m his place a Clerk ofdieChurch of Milan nam'd
TeJa'J without taking any notice of liie Pcrion whom Gregory petcnded to be the lawful
Arch-b &op of the place. Immediately upon th:s the Pope wrote to Tedald atid to the Suf-
fragans of the Arch-bithopritk of Milan, 10 prevent his Ordination ; ami cited him to the
.Synocj which Was to be held at I{ome. Thcle Letters are the Eighth and Ninth of the Third
£<>ok dated Srftmher 7th, and OfiFo^r i o:h, 1 07 5. That very Day he wrote a long Letter to
King Hewy, oy which be exhorts h'm to feparate himfclf from the Communion of thofe
^ho were Excommunicated By the Holy Sec, and to receive immediate Ablblurion from
fome Biftiop who had receiv'd Commiifion from him to grant it to that Prince. He tells
hitn, that he isfurpriz ti to fee, that ciio" in his Letters he exprcffes all manner of rcfpetft and
fubmi^n to die Holy See, yet he oppoies the Canonical and Apoftolick Inftitutioos thereof ;
and pardcojlarfy rhar ne had nor kept to the promiles which be node to him by the Ihincefs
his Mother, a ;! 1;', h;s Lrp.irs concerning the Church of MH.m ; and that on the contrary he
had bcftow'd the Biibopricks of Sfaleta and Fermo to the prejudice of what had been injoyn'd
by die Holy See : Heezbora him 10 a fincere fabmiffion to the SaiH^om of the Holy Sec,
ani\ to put them in Execution : And he promifcs him however that if be could llicw him by ^
Perfons of Prudence and Piety, how an Accomodation might be found ou^ he would very
readily lay hold on it for his SatisfadHon.
About the end of thi-; Year, the Pope fell out with Cinciuij Son of Mcric, the Prefr of ^^.^ ^
Hpiae ; and after he had Excommunicated him, he ca(t him into Prifon, if Bnmotmy be Amfiedbj
erediied in the Cafe. Cincius having made his Bfeape, oonfpir'd againft the Pope ; and Cinciai*
having rais'd a Troop of Soldiers, fct upon Mm unaware; on Qhrtjlmr.fs Day, whillt he was
celebrating Mafs in hii Pontilicil Robes, feiz'd upon his Perfon, drew hun by Violence out
jof Church, and (hut him up in a Hrong Houfe. No fooiKr was this News fpread about
i^'Wf, bur the Pcophr fiork'd in f rcat MuIriEudcs to the Houfe of Cinciui to florm it, and
to oblige hini to relcafc the Pope, Cincius hiiding tliat he was conltram'd to do it, uuide

the Fopc to promife him, before he fet him at liberty, that he would not do any thing
to him, or his Accomplices. But the People being inrag'd burnt and pillag'd the Revenues
belonging to Cincius both within and without the City. Cincius for his part burnt and de-
molifh'd all that belong'd to the Church of ^arm. This Conteft beldftr filDK Days> beii^
fomented by Guiihert Archbilhop of l(4vcnna, who had excited Cinctus to this undertaking.
Bur at laft Ctneias was conftrain'd to leave ofF, and to depart from Rome to go to the Em-
peror. Guitbett I kewife retir'd, pretending to be rcconcil'd to the Pope, tho' hisdefignwas
to create him new troubles, lids be did bv )oyning bimfelf MdthtT«i«/ii Arch-bifliop of 1^
Un, the Bifhop of l^mhtriy, Cardinal ttt^, and feveral odicrs or the Clergy of Home.
Kinjt Henry being vcr^' mut li T iTirisfie^ with the Pope, who had treated his EmbafTadcrs
tmkindiy, and had (ent him a Nundp who had difcoursd with him in an haughty and
thmtning Air. was eafily perfiiaded fay Gndinal Mi^i^, and the other Btfhops and Lords,
the I'rcfcfs'd Enemies of Grf^on*, ro abandon rhcTnrerefts of a Man who treated him with an
intolerable Icveriiy.To briiK this about, be wrote a circular Letter to the fiilbops and j^i^^ut^
Frinoesof the Empire, by widch be ianiteca didr Affiftanee in tbe ni|^ neeeffiiy he lay ry V ii»
hhder, and mthat oppidfion nndcr inmh Isodi die Impiie and Chnich labonr'd duough ten.

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58 A Nen? Ecclefiafticnl Hijiory
Ofcgiory the Tyranny of fiUJehand, who delign'd to take apon faunfclf alone the Regal and Saca*
VlL dotal Authority contrary to divine ln(litntion> which has committed the One to Prtnoes;
and die Other to Bilhops: To the prejudice of which Inftitution he deGgn'd to deprive
him of the Kingdom and bis Life, after be bad depriv'd the Kfliops of their Pricfthood.
That in this publidc Grievance both of Cbdrch and State, he invites mem to meet ar H'Srmr
ahauc Scftuagejlma, to take fuch irciruics as might conduce ro the ^ood of the Church, and
The Let' tbe [K>noar of the Suce. Jbierrj Btiho^ of Verdun^ wrote likewilc a circular Letter in bis
aerff Thi* own Name to all tbe Pkdaiet and Pnnces of tlie Empire, ^ieh «rat fbU of Invedives
erry Bi- apaind Gregcry VIT. in >.
hich he declares that they ought to proceed to the Election of a new
/^f 0/ Pope. Rwelbtrt nominated to tbe Arcb-bifhoprick of Treves, wrote likcwife another
ijgf^ „o Ids abofive tfaaa the Ibraier. Laftly, aU the Bidwps of Gemm^ woe lb dif^
^ ,
fatisficd with Gregory Vlt becaufe be had declar d publiclcly that there was not one
£i>£le Man among them who was a lawiiil Bi&op, and tine be would oblige all cf
jfch-bu *^ resign their fiilhopricks to bim, and to hold them from faim, as be bad al-
yj^^ c/
ready fcrv'd fcveraf of them ; that they all dcclar'd openly againft him. They ihcre-
Trevcs. upon met together in great Numbers at Worna on the day appointed, where Cardinal
lie Jljtm-Hu^h, (wbom the Fope had Dcpos'd and Excommunicated a few days before) witil
Uy4^ Gutlbtrt of F{avem/t met, and prcferr'd feveral things at^ainft the Life, Condudt, Ele-
Worms £t\on, and Conftitutions of Gregory. Upon this Charge, the Affetnby dcclar'd that H»A
Aebrand could no longer be look'd upon as lawful Pope, and all the Bifhops Sub-
fcrib"d to liis Condemnation. Herman of Met^, and ylJelhert Rifhop of lVirt:^bcurgh^
were the only Pcrfons who made any Icruple : But 14'itlittm Bifliop of Vtreckt, who \eiy
ieU ia
tkTter ^*™^Y tnaintain'd the Inteicft of the King, ob]ig*d them to Suhkribe, by faying, That
the)' muft cither do that, or renounce the Allegiance which they ow'd to their Prince. Af-
terwards they wrote a Letter to Gregory, in the Name of the Arcb-bilhops of M^euce and
TVeves, and of Four and fort>' Bilhops of Germany, by which ibey declar'd to him. That
tbo' they knew he bad been advanc'd to cbe Papal Chair contrary to all manner of Right,
?ret they had thought fit to tolerate his fntrufion, in hopes that he would have made amends
or ihefe criminal Beginnings, by his Probity, and the good Services he would do tbe
Cbttrcb : fiuc tbai the miferahle Mate of tbe Untverial Cbutcb, was a fufficient demon-
ftrattOQ diat the (eqnel of fait Aiftions was aniwierable n> iStek unhappy Beginnings. That
tho* our Saviour had recommended Peace and Charity as the principal Chara(5ter of Cbri-
ilians, yet he on the concraty, fow'd OiviHons in the Cfaiirc& by bis Novelties, and cote ir
in pieces by his proud Cknelcy, or rarber by bis cruel Pride. That be was the Head of
the Schifm, and that he had created Confuflion and Trouble to the Members of the
Cburcb, who before his Time Itv'd in Union and Peace, by blowing up tbe. Flames o£
Dilcotd in atl tlie Churches of Jtdfyt Germn^r, Finmef and Spain. That he was defiro« to
(trip the Bilhops of that Power which they rcceiv'd in tlie'r Ordination from the Holy
Ghoft ; and had delivcr'd them up to the fury of the People, who could not endure any
Bilhops or Priefts, but thofe wiio had by an umvoirtby Complai&nce bcg d their Power and
thL-ir Pricfthood from his Pride. That he had been the raufe of great Cor ri:fioii between

the Members of JESUS CHRIST; fubverted the Subordination which was requititc to
be obferv'd among them j and deflroy'd the Ri^KS and Privileges of alt other Bilhops, hf
aflcning that as foon as ever he fliould have notice of the Offence of any one of their Dio-
cefans, the BilTiops ihoiiid have no farther any Power of binding or iooTmg them. Tbac
fincc they could not find in their Confciences to leave the Cburcb in tbe danger to which ic
was expos'd by bis continued Outrages, they thought it proper to acquaint him with that,
which they were hitherto willing to pafs by in filcnce, «j>f. That he had never been capable
of being lawfully (eared upon the Holy and Apoftolick See, becaufe he bad taken an Oath
in the Life dme of tbe Emperor Herny of blelfed Memory, that be would never be Pope,
nor ftffer any other to be adVanc'd to that Dignity wtrhoot the conftnt of ibat Emperor, or
"^an after him. he had form.illy rcnounc'd the Popedom, in order to bring over the
other Cardinals to do the like. That in tbe time of Pope NicioUs 11. be himfelf bad been
^ Author of a Decree made in a Comctl of One hundred and fifteen Bilhops, importing
that no Pope Ihould be made but who was Eletfled by the Cardinals, acknowlcdg d by the
People, and approv'd of by the King. That be bad tranfgrcis'd\all tbefc Promiics atid all
tbele SanAions : That moreover he gave a great fcandal to the Chnrdi, by holding too great
a familiarity with a Woman (meaning MatiL^d) and that it became a general complaint, that
all the Alfairs of the Church were manag'd by the Counfcls of Women. That one cannot
complain too much of the unworthy Treatment he fbews to Bfthops. Thetefbie far as
much as 'tis evident, that by Perjury he enrred upon the Papac>' j that he has difhirb'd t!ie
Church by bis dangerous Novelties; and fcandaliz'd it by the irregularity of his Life,
they renounce that Obedience whicb they never promis'd him , and would no longer
cftccm him as an Apoftolick Pope, fince hitheno he has not efteem'd them as Bilhops. /^rn».
iandz Clerk of the Church of Parma was fixt upon to carry this Letter to lipme ; ro dc-
dare to Gregory that he Ihould renoutKe the Popedom ; and to prorcft that all he fhould do .
iajoyn fat die foture Ihonld be NnU. This Qetk atteaded by the Bmroys of King

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of the Eleventh Century of Chriftiamty. , 39I
^enry, came to Home
the day before the Pope held his Synod which was immediately be- Ctt%tf
fore the &ri\ Week in Lent. He delivered the Letter of the Affembly of fy«rmt to Qrnn, VU.
nl iBMide ikoTe Declarations and ProtcfbrioM. which be had been oi«la''ii
GrtgiirjwitboBt being ftartled at it held his Cbunci] on the Morrow, and caus'd the Let- 7*e C«»
ter which had been brought him, to be read in the prefence of thofc who aifilted therein. "/
^amUmd did there renew the Denunciation he had made, thrcatning tha: if he would not Ro""^*-
^»cy and relinqnilb the HolV See. the King Ihould be at J(e«jf before ff^itfintuie, and tumf/'"^
Irim dot by force, becanle he w»
a Wolf and not a lawfol Sbepfaerd. King flewy's En- IJ!^L
foy» made the fame pmreftatiow. But for all this, the Cooiage lAGrtggry Vll. i»as
abated j oo d>e contrary, fir d by rhb AfiiwK« lie b^*n hf excomtramcating Hpfrty Artb-
feifhop of Mrfmee, and by fufpending the other BMlopf of Gtmutr;, who bad any hand in
this undertaking he pronounc d likcwifc a Sentence of Excommunication ^ainlt the fii-

Aons of LtnAmrdjt and againft feveral Bifliops beyond the Moantaias, who were cbaig'd-
win Smny oe odicr Crimes; mmI MUy, ne deehu'd Kmg Ittmrj to have fwfthed ths
Kingdoms of G«tttumy and Jfd/r, and his Subjedls abfolv'd from the CHh of Aikgtain^
and thondred oat a BuJl of Bxconnmuaicactoo agaioft that Piinoe.

hnmediaeelr pdblHh'd this Semenee^ mAiMnA k to eO the PahUhi. witii

a very warm Letter againft the Proceedings of the Bilhops nnd King of Gnmanj. This
is the Sixth Letter d
the third Book, where 'tis mifplac'd among the Letters of the Year,
1C75. «lAmk WMiMwiiMn-iiBiAviheCondiheldthe^M ind»
Year, 1076-
This Bxconmunication made an Imprefnon on a Meat many Peoples Minds, The Ene-
mies of Rii^ Henry madeaftofitto promote their Drfgni, and it rerr'd as an Umbrage td
the Leagne which the Princes and Lords of Gtrmmy renew'd againft him. It tikewifc
ftock'd fome of dK>fe who ailifted ac the Aflcmbty oif Wimm ; and atnongft others, V<U
Aidhbifhop of IVcvrf, who went exprefs lo J^nav, to procure AUbhinon, be nd
tceenctl'd to Gregory ; and hciag Ktnm'd to Csrmay, be was one of tbe firft who main<
tafaTd, That rbey ought not lo eommanicate with the King, till foch time as be ihoald be
reconcil'd to the Pope. The Archbifhop of Mayenee and a great many more- became of
the fiune Mind, and there were but a my
few of the Prelates who woohl veonrctp
fbusA 10 what thejr had done: The Vbpe for liis part, maile Ihie of the Fume nas
Pbices belonging to Matilda, the Widow of Qzdfrey Duke of Lorrtin, who dy'd tbis
year in his Dutcby, being patted frooi his Wifo a long time before. This Prinods wac
Daughter to BHUmt ilie Smr of the Bmpenr Bemy m. and to M ifim Lord of m L
She was pofTc&'d of ttery confiderabic Eftatc in Ita!y,
Italy having the Sovereignties of Luce/i,
farma^ Horiot hUmm, and a pan of' ~ '
Tufcmi under her. She has whoUy wedded to tbe
Inieicfb oTGWgMT vn. who JtewBecfpoaid her bMreib widi ell the wnnmh muginv^
Whilft Affairs ftood in this pofture, Gregory ihoaght that before he broke out into an open
War, it was ndvifable to ale nis frefli eiideavours to bring over King Henry to fubmit to
what he was minded to require of him. Tn forward this deiign he dirc<3cd a Letter to
all the Bifhops, Abbots, Priefts, Dukes, Princes, Knights, and in general, to all tbe Faiih-
fiilof tbe j^MMii Empire, wherein after be had dedar'd vrhat be had dene in fiitwr of
Henry, and the bafe returns be had reoeiv'd 6r k ; be exhorts them to prevail upod
this Prince to do Pennance, that fo he mighe be reconcil'd to the Church, declaring that
if he wotild not hearken to their Counfds, they ought to convene together to confult the
Vellfare of tbe Uoivctial Cborcb. He pws them in imnd^holduw no Conefpondence
with thole who were not ftpartted fiom Oomaranion with MMrjr. ooncfude, he ctfls
God to wimefs, he had no temporal Advantage in his eye. bur the Wcllfare of tbe
Chuch was the onlv Motive of what he did. This Letter wbicb is the Firlt of tbe fourth
Bodk, heindave t5, te die Year, io7«.
Within a while after Merman Bifhop of Met^, who kept Neuter in this ASiir, wrote to
Grtgirji to ask him whether the Bifhops who communioued with Henry were excommu*
tdened, and at die fame time he takes nacioe «o lum that dm
were fome Perfons wto
maintatn'd that a King could not be excommunicated.
Grenry anfwcr'd him by the
Second Letter of tbe fame Book written at Tivoli, Anguft 15. That there was no qocftion
lo be made bar that all thole wbo communicated with King Hmry (if it be lawful to call
him King) were excommnnicated : And that with refped to ihofc who fay that a King ought
not to be excommunicated, there was no need to return them an Anfwer, (ince their Opini>
n was fo Ridicukns. However, he did not ftick to orove that Kings might be excoti-
municated from the example of Pope S^aehitry, by whom be fays tbe King of Ftmce had been
doos'd, and his Subje£b abfolv'd from their Oath of AUiegaitce to him : Prom feveral Pri-
vikges wUch are amot\g the Letters of S. Gregory, wherein he declares the Kings and Plria-
\ees etoooanuaicated, aM depriv'd of their Dignity who (bail infringe them. He fnbjoVas
the inftance of 1hee4tfi»ti and lafUy he aliedges as aoonvlnctng Arguartent, that when

SSUS CHRIST gave S. Peter the Power of feeding his Sheep, and the Power of Bind-
aadLoifiqSi becxGeptcdnoFefibn ftoin it. Afietwants \mgim Hmmtff to wnder-

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A New Ectkfiulliccil Hiflory
CiMory Thit he bad granted ibme Biib()|»s a Power of Abfuh ii-g the Bifiiop* and Graodeca
Vlt wlioivonld fepame rbcmfelvct firom conMnwiion with King Henry ; but that he bad fori>id-
den diem to grant A!il'<lii[ion to that Pnnoc till fiich rime as he afllir d by good crcdi-
^able Witnefles of hiS Hepe«Q^cC| aqd the ractstadtioo he would make, iince he knew very
Wdl that dieie were Biflwpf tnow wbo-woidd not (cmple to aUirive hin .if be iiad not for-
Tis nwch indie lame Air he wrote Ei^fat Days afier a Second Lecuirto the Prelates and,

Grandcecof GtrtM^^ wherein after proiertation made that it was neither Pride nor Incer^
which mov'd him to excommunicate King Hev y, but only for the welfare of the Church,
% lie prays them to be tender o: bim, il he did lincercly Repent ; Upon condition however
that he would turn out of his Council tbolc excommunicated Pc-rfons who were guihy of
Simony, and the future io.Iow the Advice of thofe who value the welfare of the Church
above their own luterclts That he wouid look upon the Church as his Mijhcjs, and lUe

her no longer as a 1 hat he would tno longer defend fuch Cuttoms as were con-

trary to the Liberties of the Church; but foJiow the Do<arin of the Holy Fathers; That if
he gav e them an alTurance of performmg thefc and other things which with Realbo might
he required of him, they iTia give him notice thereof by their Depimes. that fo tbqr might

confult metbcr what is belt to be don^ on that occaiioo ; -.iwt that he absolutely forbids
them to abfolve him from his Ezoomffliinkarion, till they had icoeiv'd an Approbation in
writing from the Holy Sec for ir. That if he would not repent, they cmbt to proceed to
the clcd;on of a Prince, who would difcharge the Duties afqfeneodond, and that they
•BghttoTnfofinhhnof tbeConvnftft^ thar
fo be miglit conlirm their F.lcdt.on : That with rcg.ird to the Oath which they had tnkcn to
die Hau>rels W^/, in calc her Son (hould dye betorc her, they ought not to be coocem'd
ibofic (ft, -becaufe tbey miehc very well perceive that Ihe had no longer a tfaeraoL
whdber fho oppf.ied or con(l n cd to iiis beir ji Depofed That upon the whole, they Ihould

let bim,know wiio the Pti lun was whom they dclipn d for Emperor, after tliey iboidd iuve
refolv'd to Om Henry. This isilie Third I c tcr ot the FoiirJi Book. It was no Iboiier te>'
ceiv'd in Cervuny, but tlie Pi 'nces and Grandees ot the Eit-p re rcfrilv'd to meet ar Tribur
Tif Cm- or Opprnlieitn, to confulc of the mcafnrcs they ought to take, {{^uiphm Duke of SusbU,
veotioM <t and die Dukes of AeMvAt and Carmtbitit with the fiiOnpt of Wfrt;(l>urg and PPmmet,
Oppen* having held a Conference at .U/ni«, appointed this Convention to be on the Twenty Hxth
ciOSober, and acquainted therewith ail the Princes of the Empire, and the Pope, who
^t thither two Legats, to wit Sigeh^rd Patriarch of jtyui/eU, ana Jfliif4» Biftiop of Paffau,
Thefe Legaadedaim'd agaioOthe Conduct of Hmr/, anddefir'd that they wouAi eled nnc
ther King in bis ftead. Henry for his part fait e\tty Day his Ekputies to promifc the Legats,
that he would corrcdt what he h id hichcno done amif":, and that he would make reparation
for it by confuiting the Wc.fare of the Church for the future That if they miftrafted liia

FnmHe, be was liady to confirm ir by bis Oath, and to give Hodagcs for a iceurity there-
, of They return'd him this Anfwer. That they could not tell how to rely on his Words,
fince he had fallify'd them fo often already. That nothing but the very utmoft extremii^
could have brought the Holy Sec to ufe fuch inethads, after ie had try'd all odwr: That
it bad wai'cd his Icifurc a"; long as pofTible ; but that ar p-^cfent it could not forbear laying
iKddof an Opportunity whidi oH't r'd it fclfof placing on the Throne a Perfon worthy to 6u
it. After feveral Qmferenccs of this Nature, both Parties were ready to Engage, Ibr tite
two Armies were over aqainl* each other, on cither fide of t'lc {{t ine, when the Lords of
Smbia and Saxmy fent their Deputies to the King wi:h ihis Dccl.iration, That tbo" he had
bebavU bilaftlf very ill towards them, and tho' the Crimes laid to his Charge were evident^
yet they were willing to fubmit the Determinarion thereof to the Holy See. That they
would prevail upon bis Holinefs to come to Autbcurg about the Fcalt of the Purificatimt^
to determine this Affair in a general Aflcmbly of the Princes of the Empire : That if he
oooJdinotgetbis AUblotioiiiDa Year's ,dnie, he fliouid be depriv'd of his Right forever:
That te tbeaeantinK hefhotild dttband his Army, and withdraw to Sphct with the fiifliop
Ferden, and leVCflll Other Minifters, who were nor excommunicated; that he would lay
afide ail his cnligns «f Royalty i and forbear going to Church ; d»t be (hould rcftore the
Ghnrch of lPhme$ to its BHhop ; and diat be Ihould order the Garrifon which he had thrown
into that City to march out.
• The King finding his Forces to be in a bad Comlition, efteem'd
it a happinefs to extricate himfelf out of thefe Difficulties, tho' upon liicb difhooourable
Terms. He thereupon promisd to gratify them in their dmands, took bis leave immedi'
aiely of the Archbifhop of CeUgne, and of the Birtiops of Bumber^, Strat:{bourg, Bafil, Spires,
NMmhrf, Osnabruck^, and others who were excommunicated ; caus'd the Garrifonof WameS
to march out, disbanded his Forces, and withdrew to Splret. The Princes of 5a«^« and
Sdxony being fari<;fied with his Submiflion, fent the Pope word of all that happen'd in their
JThfUctif Convention, and pray d him to come 10 Augsburg to put an end to this Affair. The King
ry'i Jaiif. whofe Intereft it was ro be beforeband with the Pope, and to get his
Abfolationas fiMM aa
po'''b'^» forward on his Journey to the Pope about the end of the Year; and under-
'^7* ftaading that his £nemics^4 ,fieji'd. upon the Paifes which spend into /ro//, to apprehend
• • hhn»

Diyitizea by GoOgle
of the Eleventh Century of Cbrijliamty, 41
him, he Went through Burgundy and Savoy^ and with mndi ado enter'd ItMj. He Gtwrf
there leceiv'd very honorably by a great many, who promis'd him all manner of AflSftance. vlt.
In the mean time the Pope upon the intelligence he had receiv\i from the Princes o( Germanj
fee forward on bisjoameyj and came as tar asrcrc»7» where having underftood diat King
Han} was come into Itmfy, and had tias'A fine Forces, he wididiew to cheCaftle of Cmofft
in theDiorefs of I^r^io, which belong'd to thePr'ncefs Matilda. Whilft he was there, a grcac
inany Bithops and Icv eral Lords of Germany waited upon him, to receive their Abdbliuon ac
his Hands. He enjoyn*d them to Faft for fonrte rime in Cells, and sfierwards g.ivc diem Abfi>^
lution according to their rcqncft, upon condition that they fhould bold noCorrefponiJenic with
Henry, till fuch time as he was rcconcii d to the Holy iiee. In the mean time the King
carry 'd on his Reconciliation by the Mediation of Matilda, the Abbot oF C/mjr snd fc'veru
other Lord'?, and very earneftly requeflcd that he would rnke off the Excommunicatioii
ifliid out againft him, promtfing that be would always be ready to anfwer the Accufations
tif bis Enemies, and to fefer all to the FMmi's Determination. At lalt Gregory confented to
grant him Abfolution, provided he would come in Perfon, and hjmb!y fne for it. This
Prince rcfolv'd to fubmit to it, rather than be entirely difpoflcls'd of the Empire by the
Princes of Germany. He thereupon came to Canoffa, and entred the OucworiES of diae
place bare-fooad, without any cn/Ign of Rraal Dignity. He waited tbiee Days together
at the Caftle Gate, without receiving any Anlwer from the Pope. On the fourth Day, afar
fcvcral Conferences, the Pope grinrci! him AhLblu'ion, upon condition that he would appear
at the time and place which be Ibould appoint, to anfwer to the Accu&tions brought againft
him by the Prmces of GensM^Ti wbetcoTthe Pope fhatl be Judge ; and that he flnH either
leave or keep his Kingdom, according to the Sentence he ^^.^lt pronounce : That till that timC^
be fliall not aflUme to himfclf any Character of the Royal D>gniiy ; nor perform any Ad!
of Sorereignty, untefs receiving of liich Revenoes » were needrary for his Snbfifteooe:
That all his Silbjcifls fhnnld be ablblv'd from their AIIc gnnce both before God and Men :
That be ftiould remove l^^bert Biftiop of 'Bamhe^g, and Virick^ Bifhop of Crjlheim from his
Petfim ; and that if he faild in the Obfen'ation of any one of thefe Ariclcs, the Ablahl^
rion wh ch he rccciv'd fhould be Null and Void : Thar from thenceforth he fiiould ac-
kiMwlcdge himfeif to be Guilty, and fhould not require any longer to be heard in his own De-
fiaice : uftly, He bound him^f by Oath to fubmit to the Judgment which the Pope lh(»iUl
make, or corrte to the Agreement which he dcfir"d ; and if the Pope fhould crofs the Moun-
tains, he fhould give him free Liberty of coming and going, without offering him any Mo-
leftatioo. Tbcfe Articles were Sign'd and Sworn ro by Henry, January the aSth, in the
Year, 1077. and as Gurantees of bit Word, be offer 'd the Priocefs Matilda^ Hugh Ab-
bot of Cluny, the Bilbops of Verceit, Vtmimlntrg, and fcvera! Lords. Afterwards the Pope ce-
lebrated Maft, and having taken a Confecrated Holt in his Hands, and diredbing his Di(-
courfe to Ku^ Henry, be told iiim, That for a proof of bis being Innocent of the Ciiinei
kid to his Oiat|^, he woold take the Sacrament npon it ; and if his Majefty were as
InnoCtn" ( the Crimes laid to his Charge, he conjur'd him to do the like. This propofal
iomewbat puzzled the King, who perhaps was not very much difpos'd to coinoauoicaie.
Some raftoriam relate that he Ihified it off by faying. That this proof of hb fmiaeenoe
would not perhaps be farisfai^or}' to the (German Princes, who were nor there prcfent Others

lay. That be did receive the Communion from tiie Hands of the Pope. Let the Cafe be how
k will, 'tis certain that after Mafs, he was treated very nobJy. and fent away with tnanifeft
tokens ofFriendlhip and Reconciliation, Thcfc M.itters of Fatft s'-e nppnrrnr from the Rc-
httion of coiemporary Authors, and from the Letter which Gregory wrote invncdiately after
to the FlHnees of Grrm.iny, which is the Twelfth of the fourth Book.
Henry reprnrr.l of this Aftion as Toon as lie had done it ; for the Italians of Lombardy per- Th Cm-
ceiving bow d;!advania'geous the Agreement would be to them, ridicul'd him for what he pUuu
had done, a d c .i reproaches upon him for it, telling him, That for their parts, they did .

nor value the Excommunication of a Man, who bad bimlelf been very juniy Eicommu- i-«™hanla

never be w'ip'd off, by (iibmining to an Heretick, and fo an fnramovs Vttfon z That thejr
were very unfonnnarc in having made choice of one for the Protector of the Juftice and
Laws uf cbe Church, who bad by this diflionorablc Submidlon betray 'd the Catbolick Faii^
the Antfanrity of ibt Oiurdh. and the Dignity ofthe State. Thefe and loch like were the
common Diicourfcs of the Princes and Grandees of Ir^ly, and which they venrur'd to fpcak
publickly. This render 'd Henry fa odious, that they propos'd to make his Son their Kin^,
«nd «D cany hhn to J^mm wtdi an Army, there to have him Crown'd by a Pope of their
own choo6ng. Henry to clear himfelf, rcprefentcd to them that he was nece/Tlcated to do what
be did ; that he had not done it but only for the good of the Publick, and becaufe be could
not otfaerwife fatisfie the Pope, and the German Lords, who had declar'd againft him : That
at prefer' b^inr; in ? pfare of fnfery, he ^vould make ufc of .ill his ftrength to revenge the Af-
front which kid been ofier d him. lit had much ;«do auer all to paci&e ibeaii and pcrceiv'd
G himfeff

Digitized by Google
42 A Aftir Ecctefiajlicd Hiftory
Gregory bimtdf *lx:nJor5 defpis'd Ly others.
J by many, and This put him upon tdblving to break
Vlt cniirely with the Pop*, by not obfcrving the Anicles agreed upon betwixt them. He rc^
cali'd the Excommunicaa-d fiiOioM* and d«cUr*d mblickly that Grwr/ bid betray'd bimi
and that he would be reveng'd of tbe Aflbnt wfaich had Men ofifef^d him.
TAtCM* ^ ^^'^ ^^^^ Arch-bilhop of \Lijcncr, and the Bifhops of I-f lrci^lurg and Aldt, the
Hvkt tiddiUfbutt and a ^cat many other Princes and Grandees of Getnuitj, appointed 4
vcntinm tf
F.irchcim, Convention to be held it Rrebr/m the i^tli of MmA, and invited tfae Pope thither, who
vi'iy rc Ka- was f'i!I .u Cr.neff^i, whcie he wa? dcrain'd three Months by the PrinccTs M-^.tUJa. H.-ivIng
dulphus rcceiv'd this Intelligence, he fent Cardinal Gr^arj to King Henry to give hun notice that the

ii BkSei time wak come for the Dcrlbnning of what be had promis'd : That the Genntn Princes were
ICW* to mr ct Mjrcfj the r^th at Forchn'm, to regulate the Affairs of the Empire : That he ought
to be there, to himtelf of the Accufations prtfcrr'd agalnft him. Tijc King return 'd
bim this anfwer. That fioce this was the firft time at his cnming to Itai}, he had too much
biinncfs upon his h.inds to think of rctuminrp fo fuddenly ar.d in fo n-,on a time. The Pope
havmg receiv'd this Aufwcr, immediately difpatcb'd away hi> Ltgats to Fcrchim, to declare
to the Convention, that he could not tafely go into Gnaunj, or return back to lipme, be-
csvTc ffenrj/ cam'd all the PifTcs tn be hlork'd up: And that therefore ibcy IhouIJ in his
Abfence coniuit the Neceilitics buiii ot Ciiurdj and ^tacc, and do what they thought
per for the wel&re of both.
This Convention was hdd at the place and time appointed. I{jdulflm Duke o{ Suabid
caus'd himfelf to be Elc<5ed King, and was Confecrated by Sigefioy at Mdyence. He im-
mediately fent one to the Pope to acquaint him of his Election, and to a/Turc him of bif
obedience. Hemy for bis pan, pray'd (bq Pope to alfift him againft H^dulfhus, lo declare his
lledKon Ntill, and to Excomnnnicace him. Some koAon report that Gre^rrj approv'd of
the Elcilion of I^iJit'p'uj, in
! ncknowlcdg'd him for King: But he himlelt" .iliiircs us of
the contrary in the Eight and twentieth Lencr of the ninth Book, where he calls God to
witnefs that this EleOion was cairy'd en wntfaoat Ms Conlent and Knowledge ; and that tlie
Ar.fvver which he had reium'd to Hftirj, w.-is to this cfftift, Tliat he would do him Jiifllcc,
after be had beard the Arguments on both (ides, to know yrhich iiad ibe molt Right on iiia
{He, Upon this be fdolvd to go to Germany, and forihiicnd wrote the laft of A2|r« imlie
Year, 1077. two f^trers, the one dire»fled to the Lcgats which he had in that Country,
and iJhc other to the Princes of Go many, wherein he acquaints them of his Intention of com- «
to Gematu to decide the difference. That they ought to take all neccHary fccurity ot
xhr nvn contending Parties, for his free paflagc thither ; and that if cirht r of rhc vo Par-

ries iliould oppofc his coming, they (houJd eltecm him as an excominunk jceu Perlon, and
acknowledge him as lawM King, who Ihould ft^mic to the Holy See, an w.m willing to

refer himfelf to its detmtunatioo. Tbefe nra JUtBm die llree and fone and tmaaah
of the foonh Book.
Henry forefeeing that if the Pope went into Gemnny, he would not fail of pa/ling a Sen-
tence contrary to his Imercfts, cQiblvil» ftop bis Joumey, and to engage in a War againft
I(«JuIfbus, and the other Rebels. Tbe Popebaving onit'd fevtral fiifliops of King Hemy's
Parry to be apprc" cri •hat Prince by way of reprifal, order'd Cardinal GerW Bilbop
OfiUj who was Leeat in Lambwrdf, and Bernard Abbot of MarftiUtt^ one of the Pope's X.e>-
gais in Gerwaiiyto be apprehended. Gr^ory being conoem'd mu tbe Affairs of Gemuny did-
not go according to his dcfires, complain'd of it to VJo Arch-bi(hop of Tirrct, and his Suflla-
gans, and exhorts them to do ail they could to divert the Storm which was 'rrm ntitw upon 6<r-
aMtff. Tbe Letter which he wrote to them upon tbii Sabfeft,'betis<btte tbe laft JtSeftemher,*
in the Year, 177. and is the Seventh of the fifth Book.
. The beginning of the next Year, the Pope dted Gmlbert Arcb.biOopof ^^ttmaixki. bis
the Biftops and Abbots of /# Msrdhe, Ferma tndt Cmmm ^ Ptm^pofit, of
Lomhardr, to the Council which was ro be held at I{omu according ro Coflotn
Rome is
^^^^ Week in Lent, and afTiires them by his Lcrrer, (which is the Thirteenth of the fi^i
tit fur
' Book, dated Jtmuary 18.) Thar he would do rhem no harm, and that he woqM be «e in-
dttlcene towards them as in Confcience he could be. Thcfr Biff ops did not think : proper
to appear at this Syqpd, which conlifted of almofi One liuudred Biftiops. Ihc Pope did
therein renew his Anathema ilTu d ont already againft Tedald Arch-Ulhop of Milmt, andl
ajgainft Guilbert Arcb-bilhop of t^avemg^ and fafpcnded them from all Epikopal and Sacer-
dotal Fundions. He therein depos'd fwhhoni any hopes of being re-eftabliih'd) Arwiipbus
Biftiop of Crtmma, who was there prcknr, and had own'd himfelf guilty of Simony,
excommunicated him till fuch time as he Ihould do PennatKe. He therein likewife depQs'd
HfnUmi Biihop of lVr«ilf, for baling acquir'd bis Biflioprick by takii^ upon him the De-
putation of the AfTcmbly of fVmnt, which had bcrn the c.iufe of the Schifm between
Empire and the Papacy, and excommunicated him for ever, if he did net do Pennance
He fervM after libe fame nuumer Gudunl Ih^h of S. Ckmtw^ ae ofw Condemn d thrice by
tbe Holy See : Fitft, Fnr having favo^ird and fupporrcd the Schifm trf^ Cadalous Secondly ^

For having joyn'd himfelf, when Lcgat, with Hercticks and PeHbns Condcwo'd by tbe Hofv
SeeforSiimoy: And Tbiidly, for faavn^ ftii^d ttj» Scbifim «id IXMm

Digitized by Go
of tk Lieventh Century of Cbrifnaniiy* 4| .

He therein ren^w'd rhc ExcomtilinfCttioh iifa'd onr by his Prcdcccffort; ngainfl the
Arch- GrtgorJ"
biihop of Narknae ^ and mitt he bad thus determin d Matters with relation to BUhops, he VU.
Otdcci with reference to the A&irs of Gamam^ that two Legats fhcmld be fent into that
Counrry, ro hold there nn AiTonbly of Prrf-r: and Grandees of the Empire, wherein they
(kould endeavoor to bring things to an Accomodaiion, or to pats a definitive Sentence in fa-
vour of him who had the heft Tide. And thai no Perfon might diiturb the Execution of
th s f^e'ign, he excommunicates all luch as fliall cppofe it, and lliall hir.der Legn-s • cm
tOing into GenmiHj, He therein iilsewife cxcoainmnicares the Normans ot P»:^xaoh^ and
jntei^itfls all the J&Qiops who did not appear at his Synod. LdlUy, He prohibiia onderdh^
penalty of Excofnoiunication, the dctainiiig ot thofc who had been caft axvrty nt Sen, or
ieizing of their Efll-ds. He therein declares the Ordinations made by excGminunici;cd
fefions to be Null, and ablblTcs from the Oath of Aliiegance all fuch as had taken it to cx-
JDOOWiuwcate Perfoosi and probibtis then from paying any Obedknce to them. But that
die great number of Excommonicatttms might not be tne catKc tif the Ddinnrtticn of thofe,
,who by ignorance, iTmplicity, fear or conttraint were oblig'd to cotnirtunicate with excom-
municated Peribns. hi: ejiempts oot of the Escoaanuiakation all Women, Children, Serv ants,
auid other Subjed*. who faa&no hand hi the Grhnn which the<' others cdhlmift^d, iAd in ge-
neral ail ihofe who totnmunicaced with cxcommunLnu Perfons witliou: knowing 'hem xobz

£o. He likewiiit; gives Travelien ieave, who are in the Countrf of excommunicated Per!br<,
tobvywhttthcf wadcofdnn ; ihd^liedqeBitac hinder any Maiifr0ldAffiftih|drftiewingany
At^s 01 Charity towawiatiiecichaa wwi^^ lliefeDccrmawfiif thethkdofJIfireAv mtbc

Year, 1078.
•This Council Wing broke up, the Pope wrote to the BtAops, Princes, and other Lor^
cf Ccimany, fending jhem word what had pcen rcfr'fv'd upon with rclarion ro the AHairy
of Germanj : And after having excomuiunicatcd all ttioic who iiiuuid hinder the E^^ecutioo
llieicof, be gave them to underftand, that the Bearer of his Letter fhall agror with t/ldl> Arch-
bifliop of Ttevety who is of King fJcnrys, party, and with fbme other Bilhops of the part)- of
J^gtJulfLut, about the time and place of their AlTcmbly, rhat 10 his Legats may be there with '

6Axf He vIrMEeHkewtle in |Klrticnlar to that Arch bifhop, recommeriding to him the making

up of rhe Pcicf, and rhc putting in Exeaition what had been cnjo\n"d in the Council ot
Hpnie i and liut he might take luch meaturc>i as were ni0(t equuibic, he adviics him to
coofult him who flionld be chofen Mediator of the other parr^ Thefe two Lettdii
dated M.itch 9. in the Year, 1078. are the Fifteenth and Sixteenth of the fifth Book.
The Pope wrote and dilliirb'd himfclf in vain about the holding of this Convention j
ifemy woaid not agree to it, and prenar'd himfelf for carrying on the War ; and even tholV
of the fwfy d ^fnlphus fufpedivd the Pope's Sentence. Thereupon he wrote another Let-
ter dated the firft of June into Germanjr, whetein after be had declar'd that all the care or
pains which he had taken ro procnre Peace were In vain, bccaule the Enemies of God andtfaei ''

ptiblick Good, who only minded the gratiiyiog of their Ambition, by deftroying thcEinptir^
and tnining Religion, hindei'd the hoMhtg of the Comrentioii which was propos'd : He in-
joyns all the Gei m.:);j lor ro aflift thcfe Encmic; of the pubJick Pence, aiid not to communicate
* '

with tbcm, givine them to underftand that they were excommunicated. Laftly, he afliires
tfasNi dMehe watm new lavoor the p.irty which was unfuft, and prays rhem nor to harboui'
any fuch rhotTphts of him, w!iate\ cr miphr be faid or written to rhcm about it ; for hr v/xs one
wboitar'd God, and who i'uiiitr'd every day for his lake. This Letter is the Firil of the fixih
In the mean rime King HWirywirhour minding at! thcfc Excommunican'ons, Ixinp m.irch'd
igiXa Germmjt ac the Head of an .Army, and became Mafter of the Countries of Buvjria and
JkmiiM. which IffJu/phus hhd left to retire into Snxmy. /(adui^^dtd there mife feme ForOdt^
and c.imr hcfon Pf^t:^burg, and bcfiep'J it. FJenry being come to its Relief, gave Bartlc to
l»tiD, which did oot prove fucccUfuU to him, for feveral of the Horle, wlio pretended to be
Ott bi« tdtt Ming -upon him to kilt him, pttt Ms Amny into confufion. The Cavalry 6ed,
the In^try weie cat in pieces, and the Town was taken { hoc Heiny te-took ic within a Ibort
time after.
About the end o( Ntvemkr, Gregory held a Council at l(*me, wherein he cxcommunicai- Tie C«nw
e<i Nietfharm B*tmiatm, who had fcil'd upon the Empire of the Bafl, after he bad outed f / /
J^iehMel Duem. The Envoys of Henry and H^dulpkus-, took an Oath in the Name of their Home,
Mafters, that they would not binder the Legats of the Holy See from holding an AfTembly Daa^
ia Germtnf, 10 pat an end to their Concefta. Laftiy> The Pope made in
tw e l ire Canons concerning Benefices, and EcdelolHcal Revenues.

Iri the FiHV, he cxcommunicitcs all F aicks who were poftefs'd of lefTaftical Revenues,

and in panioihu- tfaoiie who bad leiz'd upon the Revenues belpnging to the Monaftery of
Mount Caffm. This Dnrae
' m$
made uptm the aeoomc tbac ^atUmt Dnkc of C«/»«, had.
r;^kc n from thac MoMftcrf * Shu of MoBf whidi had Jbcen depofted thew fay. the


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A New Ecclefajlical Hiflory
Gregory The 1 hat having Ttndffftooil that icvcraj LaiCks granted in (t\cial places
6cc6iiii ioiporu,
VlL the Iiweftitures of Churches,
contrary to the Conltitwions of d)« Holy Fathers, arid din
this was tl of great Diiiurbanccs, he orders that no Eccledailicks fliall receive Inv(?-
r c-iiife
(ti:ufC of an) BUhoprick, Abby or Church, from ihc hands of an Emperor or a King, or
any other Liick whatever, and decUns that tf any fluU receive ic, his InvelUmrc fhail 1^
KuJl^nd Void, and lie ihaU bc czaoonaiucaiied, cUlfaohciineai be bas given faciafa&ioii for
his offence.
The Third import.*;. That if any one fell any Pr trends, Arch-dcaconrics, PraVoftftiipl,
or any other ficdeliafticai Jkfytie**, or.di^fa of tfaca ocberwiie than the Holy -Canons
dinft, bt flMit Wfii^ended fittn Ui YmSsmm, faconlb *ns itqniiiv dM
li« 1vl6 tcceives
the Oignicy of a Bmof^^^ fbM tOgewift dt^aile ibe ihangkMiUhtktig toitpiH

fit. • . . -

"tfae FoDitb dfldates iM.OnlinawMf to be Noll, «rUdi are oade Mony^ er aiFHfib
Solicitation of any one, or in confidcratin-. of any Service done for that purpofc ; and nil
(uch as are not made by the joynt con£etit both of Clerey and Laity, or fuch as are not as.
prov'd of by ihofe to whooa the ConfiecnHiDft of deAei 'BeHbos does belong. • ^ -

The Fifth imports, That fuch Peniunccs is are nrr prororrinn d to the Qaality of the
Crimes committed are iniignificast ; and that ihey who cannot bear Arms, or ezerdfe a
Trade without falling into Sin, ought to qok their Profeflkm or Trade And that thofe :

who bear y Mnlice to, or detain any Cf>od<; of rhcir Neighbour, (ball beRCOllCil'd aoA

make full rciucuuon to him, before they lhall be admitted to Coaunuoioa.

Tbe^nb, piohibin Lakki fimn pofleffiDg Tenths, what Title Ibevertbey nay bate diere*
The Scvcn:h, enjoy ns abftioence from Meats every Stturdsy, nnlels ibme foleian FeAival fall
The Eighth imports. That no Abbot
be pofTefs'd of the Tenths, or other Ecclefiaflical
Revenues which cS Right belong to the Bilhop, unle& by the Authority of the Pope, or
\>y l!ic l iccnfc of the Biftiop of the place.
The Nintl^ That £iibof>s flull lux impolc atry new fiurdeo on the Abbott or Ckti^

The Tenth, TTiat all ihofe u rn .irc oT f 'J of any Re\'enucs belonging to the Holy See, or

((now of any who do^oflefs thcot, &u\i be boood to difcover i;, wider ibe Fdaky of ^yiog

The Eleventh, That rhc Bifhops v hr? fliall permit the Pricfts, DeaoOQIi 9i SA-dltiaMi ft
their Dioceis to live Marry 'd, fiudi be fuillpendMl of their Fonftions.
TheTwelfib, ThataUCfariftiamlhaircnlemqreneAerfoiedih^
'^^'^ "^^^ ^ '•^ Greierji held another Coancll the beginning of Lent, in which B*rcnter
tittf ahjurd his Error. After this die Envoys of Hfdulfbut complain'd to the Council, That
rrrne, In Ki l^fnry cffer'd great Violences to the Ecclcfiafticks of Cn-rr.mj. Several fiifliops of the
ibe Icat Council propos'd ro CTCommunicate him ; but the Pope thought it more adviiahle ro put ic
off, and contented himfeif with takinjg an Oath from his Envoys, who (wore that dieir Mafter
Ihould lend Perfoos with Paft-ports for the Pope's Legats to go fifejy irrn Cerm!rny, (hoold
fubmit to their Judgment. The Envoys of R^dul^ui took likewifc an Oath. That their Mafter
(hould either come, or fend Deputies to the AlSrmbly, which the Pope or his Legats Ihonld
appmm* and that be ihould lubinit 10 the Judgnunt of the Holy See. The Arch-bif!:op of
jtfuihU likewife fnaSt'd n
be fithMuI for the fvmre to Pope Gremy^ and his Succeiiors ;
to make no attempt on their Perforjs 01 liftates and to be in all diings fabodiffive to tbeilti^

In this Synod were excommonicated and depos'd. without any hopes of being re-e(hblifli'd»
l^tbA/ AnA-Uftop of MitM, the Arcb^bifliopof M»AeiM«, Sigifr^ BiAop of Bn$legne^
/Lj«f/Bi(T;opof T/fv//J, ar.a the B.'fhrps of Ffrw and C-twv/;!;-. Laftly, The Hi (hop of ito^.
lio promts'd on the Holy Evangpliits to <3nit forcbwiifa his Bilhopricki if the Pope or bis
gat monld order him to do it.
Gregory npon the Oath taken by the Envoys of the two Competitors, fent awn) his- Lepat^
as he hints in a Letter written to the Princeu Mdtiida, March ). in the Year, 1 079. Biu King
Henry finding he had the better of his Enemy, whom he defettwl fai a Batde near Pk^finimi *
would not permit any AfTembly to be held, wherein his Right might he call'd in qiieftion ; an J
the Pope's Legats perceiving the luccjfs of liis Arms, not only abttatn'd from
a<fting any thing
againft him, but lUcewifc fccm d to fa\ our him. Tbofc who were of I(*Aifylm$*s Party pre-
ferring their complaints to the Pope about it, and raking notice ilut it was furpcAcd that he*
Jrad alter'd his mind, he retum'd them this Anfwer, That tho' all ibc Latim who were of King
Mcnr/s Party accus'd him of too much fcverity ui'd towards that Prince, be had alwaytdbe
jcdcd 10 than, and dedar'd rfiai he would be of no Party, but of that which hid fuftice on its
ede ; that if his Legats had done any thing contrary to the orders which he had given them, he
w:.5 very forry for it, and that he underrtood that they were cooftrain'd to do it, either by Frauif '.

or by Force; that be had only given them orders to appoint the time and place, tha: To he
iO%lu fend bi'f Legm 10 deicminc ibt» great Affair j to re-eftablilh the fiilhop s, and to forbid

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of the Eleventh Century of Chr^Hamtj* 45
thctncommunica ing With excommunicated ^erlbltt. ' Hili Ixoicr 'dated Ofiflxr i. in AtOagtKf
Year, 1079. is the Third of the feventh Book.
Laftly, Gregory in ttieCbiratil Iwld the beginning df Lent in

1080. after
he had
The Cam-
renew'd the proh 'riln of receiving Invcftitorcs of Benefice'; from LaicRs ; anathcmatiz'd fii of
ifaoTe who
pranced them ; reiterated the Ekcoounaaications oat againft Tcdald Archr Rome it
bifhop of Mi/dn, Ciitki* of /{tiWrnia, -ffter of fUriaine, l{pwlamt BiOiop of T^vnfi «iM *ite Te»
c:hirs ; i-fiibl-cd the Normans of Po-{:{un!o from invadiiig the Revenues bclor^ing to the i<^0._

Church of Homei repeated and cnlare'd the Decrees made in the Council of the foreeoiog
year. CBaoeining Penmnces proponioird to the greatnefi of the Crim^ and the Bisons
cf Birtiops He ihunder'ti om a terrible Excommunication againft King Mcmy, wherein he
annihcitiatizd Him and ail his Adherents^ dcdar'd him ro have forfeited the Kingdoms ittei'Alg
Germany and Daly, and all Regal Dignity ; forbnd all Chridiaos to obey him; and ^tbeftft,
ftow'd the Kingdom oCGrrm.iny en ({jJti'plwt, Elciflcd by the Princes of Germany: And
Laftly, £xboitsali of ihem co take up Arms againft Herny, to dived him of his Dominions.
When ibe News of Henry i ExcomrannieatiDn brought to Germany, it inccns'd tfaofit
of fris Pirty againft the Pope, who meerin? ar Miiyenct nbotit Pf'^;irfot,tii'c, rcfolv'J ro en- fhf Coint'
dure him no longer on the Papnl Chair, hut that his Depoiidon mighr be the more fo- ul of
lettMit ihey appomicd a Council to be held at Brc^ljc, was made up cf Thirty £ifhops, Brefle 4-
and a great many Princes of Germany mA /.• ;.>. They diere unanimouily depos'd HilJe- gfi'fiOt^
hrtmd^ becaote, fay they, it is manitelt that ic was not God who Elcdcd him, but that he |pry VB.
cans'd himfelf to be Eleded by Frau'd and for Mooy ; becaufe he overthrew the Order
of the Church; difturb'd the Empire; threatncd Death to a Catbolick King, and a lover of
Peace ; defcndtd a perftir'd King ; fow'd difcord among thofc who were at Peace, and fcan-
daliz d the Cbnrch. They likcwifc caft Refleiftions upon him, calling him Obflinate, Pcr-
Vcric \ a Ficacber up of SaoiJegcs and Comboftions; a, Protedor of pequr'd Ferfons and.
Haoiieidet ; a DMopfe of T^rrenger^ who calfd in qaeRion the reality a£ the Body and
Blood f/f JESUS CHRTST in the Eucharifl ; a Sorcerer ^ a Necromancer jpoffcfs'd by
an evil Spirk ^ an Hcietick ^ an InfidcL For thefc Kcafoos they thought chat he ought to
fedepon and nm'd one of the Chair, and tlut if he did not lec^e of his own accord,
he ought ro lye under a perpetual Condemnation. They Eleded in bis ftcad GuUhert Arch- Clement
bifliop of J(4vcinM, one of the principal Adors in this Tragedy, who. took upon lum the ifo
Name of C/!niwii# m. All tbil was done ^anri;, in the Year, 1080. .
After xht Affemhly, Jlewry wrote a Letter to ijiUlehnrnd (for (b he c.ills Gregory) in thefe
Tenns: " Henry by Divine Providence, and not by Ufurpation, King, to HUdehrand who TUlttr
ii no longer Pope, but a Wicked Monk. You very juftly deferve diis Title, having «ef(^ Hen*
" been the ciufc of that Confufion, which die Church at prcfcnt labours under, and which' ry wGt»"
" is fo great that there is fcarcc a Man but has had his fhare in your Curfes. For without fiOfY VD*
" making much mention of Other Things, you have lay'd under your feet Arch-bilbops,
Biibops, Priefts, and orhcr5 of the l ord's Anointed, fo get the Applaufc of the People,
and to make tbem believe tliat you know every thing, but that they know nothmg.
** WE have bom with yt u as long as Wfe thought WE might with fafety do it
" widxnt ptejndice to the Holy Sec ; but you faiicjr'd that WE did that out of fear, which
^ Humility put U
S upon doing. You have advanc'd your fcif againft the Regal Power ;
yoa have dar"d ro threaten ro divcft S thereof, as if it Were you who had bcltow'd it on
USk and as if
** Iwt not
WE had not receiv'd it from God, who has call'd 17 S 19 the Empire
you to the Papacy ; for you Were advaoc^d theteto by Craft and Fraud, and by
" your Alony j^ainM lie favour yoa had. Thi? favour you thus cain'd Iws put you upon
**i nuking ufe of the Sword to aicend the Throne of Peace, ana being mounted thereon,
*f yoa faifie dttvrVd the Peace, by Arming the Sobjeds againft ihofe tmiom they ou^i to
* obey, by bringing a contempt on tliofc BiHiops whom God hath call'd, even you who
" who had no call " " You your fejf have alDiutied OUR Royal Perfoo, though an Anointed
King, and one who conld not be calfd to Accoimt but by God alone, nor be depos'd
" for any other Crime bur thar of Apotl.ntl7irg from the Faith For .is much rhere-
" &rc as you arc Anarhematiz'd and Condemn d by OUR Sentence, and by the Sentence
" of OUR BiAops. quit the Holy ApofiGlc Sec which you have unjuftly ufurp'd, and let

another take your Office, who excrcifes no Violence under the Umbrage of Religion; but
who Teaches the pure Do<^rin of S. Peter.
** amballonr fiilhops,
W E Hertry by the Grace of (5od King,
enjofn you to delcend ftwn die Papal Chair.
Hairy at the fame tnne wrote likcwife ro the I aity and Clergy of I{pme, that tlildehrantl
beine depos'd, be order 'd them to turn him oui of the Holy Sec, and to receive him in who'
had Deen El^ed in his place. He font likcwife 'Embafladors to the Chriftian Kings and •
Princes, to pimtil upon them to Recognize Cltment, and to vHthdraw their Obedience Sum
Wrcat Words they came at laft on both fides to Blows. The Pope, to make his party go d ''"ff-

aaaiaft Unry, reconciTd himfelf with I{pbert dutfiard Duke of Pewuelo, who promis'd him ^/

afifluunerof AiGftaoce and Obedience ; and by way of Retaliation lecdT'd the bvefttturc ZZl^tL,
«r dM ONURiier wMdi lie pofiefi'd, a ^rfltiiflkitf «f enjoyii^ (^to-icM heneptacito) ^onT

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4^ A Nm Ecclefiaftical Hiflory
Gfrfory SgUmo, Me/pha, and part of tlvc March of Fermo, which he had invaded. This Accomo*
Vlfc darion gave the Pope a Right of imploring his Aid by the Letter, wh:th is the Fifth ol' tbc
eighth Book, dated JuJj/ zi. Mv^xffsadi, CO i'aU fanjcuUtfiy oa iSuUiirf, he ncguiuics ano-
ther Arch-bi(hop of I{4vtnfn, declares he wonld com« with the aififiaaoe of the Abn«M»j of
Pr^':^uelo to turn out Guilbt t, ar.d exhorts hofc o( i{avettr..t. Fa mo, and Sfdeto la abandoo

him, and to place bim whom he had noijuQacc^ ioio Poifeiiipa of chac AcfJt'bitbcprkk,
Tlirfe arc the Bevemb, Twelfth, Thirrcmdi, and Fooneencb Lenieis of the etghdi Book. Ha

wrorc likcwifc to rl;c Grnnj): Kd c's, by ihc Kintli Letter of the fame Book, dared Sep"
temier ix. by which he exhprcs them CQ behave. themTciva hkn Men, aud viadkaie the Jbio^
nor of fhc <%urd} of fymt.
Henry Hf^.•^ y for his part, prolecutcd his defign apinft the Saxons, with whom fif had hitherto
/m« Ra< engag'd without Forttinc's declaring her fclf abfolutdy on cither Hde. But at l^l Qdtfb, i y
dtfplmi. 1(1 the (ame Year, tbim was a btoixly Engageincnr be: ween Bmry and J^fiuifhrn. tim
Erpagcmcnt was very f!iarpon both /ides, and B^dulphus kcm'd to have the better of it, till
fuch time as being hot in the F.ngageuM.nt, he rtceiv d a Wound in h.s Arm. Ihi* oblr? d

him to retreat, ami leave the Field to hit Enemy : I L was carry d co Mfrthwrg, wbeie

f otaha
dy'd wirhin a fLort time after, flii-wing a great deal ot concern for having 1wlt%

Allegiance to his King. Henrj cuticvi S.^.x^ny, and made there great ILivock, and upon hit
rentni le-tookall SuMa.
Crfgory wrs the more cnrcern'd for the Death of I{*dulfhus, bccaufe it ezpos'd him to the
Mercy cf Henry, who prtpard lo fall down inro Italj. He had the Princels Matitda at his
t>evoti(jn ; but the Forces whi^h fhc, were weak in compari/on of Henry's. A great
ninny advis'd him to adjull Matters with tli.ic PriiKC : Bu; bang reliaJv'd to try his umioft
before he came to tiiat, he wrote to the Bilhop of PaJJart, and to the Abbot of i^ic^nwK,
who ftill held out againft Hn.iy xo learn of them, whether they were in a capacity ci

giving him any Afliltanfe, aqd exhorted them to chooic inftead of Hf^fitUt « King
entirely deT-oted to zht Interefts of the Holy See, fending them likewife the form
an Qvh '.vliich he would Invc him take. Hi.' wro e likcwjk- at the fame time to ihc Abi-

bpt of Mount C^tffm, to deftre. A/liitancc from i(^l>ert CuiJcM^d^ and he hiodelf dcfir'4
tftc fame of thar Ftince, ai appears by the Eleveoui and Sevenrcench Latten <^tlie fiaiie

Henry I In the mean time Henry after he had given neccflary Orders for the Affivcs of Gemuaf,
Bxfedhim nurch'd into itJj in the Year, loti, at tlie Head of an Aony. He maidiil dlieAly to
/(^ w'diout meeting .my rppofition, only when he came near that place he engag'd with
^*f*r the Forces of Matildi, which he quickly defeated. Buc tbc City of i^onw (batting the
nj^^ dares againft him, he ravag'd and laid wai^ ail the adjacent Cooncries as be letrmtd to
Levibv,^. The next year he rccurn'd and laid Siege to th;u Ciry. which he vigoroufly sS-
faulted during all lent: Bu' F.ifler coming on, and liic Heat being iniuppurtabl^ be
quarrcr'd his Forces ronnii .nbuur !{<mc, and return'd to Lomhitrdy, leaving GuilUrt atT/ocdlP
to Cc".*ni;inJ the Blockndc-.. The rK\-t Camp.ign he return'd. and took Town Leit-
tijiht, whcie he t iLi- d Cuill'o t to be orJdjn'u, lomc fay by the fiiihops ot Moiie»a and ^hmm
O^rs by the BiOiops of Bnh^^se, rincen:(a, and Cervia. Afterwards he carry 'd on a vigo-
rous Adiiolt againft the City. At th;<, ti ne the I{omani l>eir!g weary of fo h-nc; 7 Siege, ad-
vis'd Grrgtty to call a Council to put an end to thcfe dilalkrs. Henry conicntcd to it, and
promisU'ro pant a free P.ifs-porr to all the Prclares, who Ihould come to that Synod. But
|»B Afrclled by the way the E)cputies of the German Rebels, and Otho Cardinal Bifhop of
Oflia who came along with them. Notwithftanding this, the Pope held that Council m
Nove>nhi-r ; and tho' his Affairs were fo defperate, yet they bad much ado to prevent bim
from pronouncing a ti^w ScoKence of Exoooamunication against Htmry, (o fall of Padloa was'
he. He wouTd not lb much aa hearken to an Aonmodation, (b that this Synod whicfa htll-
«x! three D.iys, detcrmin'd nothing, and wholly taken up with Complaints and In-
lictftivcs againlt Henry, la Ibon^ the ^maiu petceiving theoiielves very noMcb incom-
moded by the Army of that Prince, and won over by the Mony he dmributed among
tlKm, furatiJrr'd rhc City to him the bcpir ril.-ia of the Year, 1084. and Gregory fled in-
to the Caitic of ^.AnzelOf wbcte be was beiieg'd by Henry. Xbac Prince beisg Ad»>
ftcr. of J^wxe, catb'd nimfelf ro be CrownVi Emperor by Gilhvt on 5^«r.]>ay the m
faine Gregory m rhi^ Fxipciicy had rccourfe to R^jhert GuiTarJ, who rctnrr'd
with nil expedition from Greece, ( wbjthcr he had went to Fight the Emperoc Akxu
Hmrvre- in order to fct the Pope at Libci^. Hetay did not ftay for hia coming, whedler
t/rfff hti it W.IS for thar he wn<; nor (l^rore enough to oppofo him, or rather becaufe the pr&^

Ocrmany. Icnr (late of his Affairs calld him again to Geimany (for the German Rebels bad
Elcdcd in the, 1082, one Hcmm in the place of KfMphut) he left J(Mr«^ aoolc
Gifhert .niong with him, nrd rc-pifd rht' Mountains, to go in hail ro C-rmjny.

Pope was his Army, nnd by the {{pmam

GfOBOrT The.
itill beficgd by p.i.n of : Bar J{tiftrt
Vuln fit.GuiJe.ird rab'd the Siege; and having enrred l^am^ in Triumph with his Army, be laid''
jtUhrrtylyX-'iTZ of thc C'ty in Allies, and reftor'd it to the Pope's Avrho'-ify. Hfnry\ Parry wa*
the Nor- ii^wilc woriUd in Lml>*r4y. In Cernua^ that Prince laid i>;e£c to tiic Cny ot Auf.

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of the Eleventh Century of Cbri^uuttiyt
hurg, wh'cli Rebels bad feiz'd upon, and re-took it from them.
ilic Afrcrwards he niad« GrfRor^
k hH bofine£t to paoilb tboTe who had dedar'd againft him, and turn'd ibolc fiilbops who VIU
liad been his Adverfiuics, <nk of their Omdm.
Tlu- year 1085. was more t^mtt, the two Parries being coiircmcd ro have fcveral Conf!- nt t' r
renccs, and to hold Conreniions one againit the other. There was one the beguitiiflg of the v:ai/M it
year at Gofiat or Berchach, where Otbo Cardinal fiilliop pf OJIU appearM. Tbo' it chiefly BenMU
confiftctJ ot rhofe of Herman's Fadlion, yet there came fomc of Hcn y % Dcpn:i s to maintain

his Right. The Queftioo difcafs'd, was; Whether die Pope had a lawful Power lo excoia-
mnhtcattf King Htmy^ and deprive him of bis Dominions. It was debated by Gcbehard
Arch-bifhop of S^lr^i'urgh on the behalf of Ilrrman, anJ by lllcelin, who had fucceeded
Si^fray in the Arch-biihoprick of M<ijencc, on ihc behalf of HfHry. The one ftrcmgly
tnaiiitain'd the Negative, the other the A/Brmative : But cadi coq^nh'a obftinate ifi his C^-
nioo, and r Thint; was dctermind in that Convention.
There was another held after Eafterzt Quintilineburgb, in the Prcfcnce, aiuiby the Oi<iei TitCiM'
of Herman, and the Cardinal of Oflia, compos'd of Arch-bifhops, Bifliops, and otbo- Pre- vnttln ti
lats and Lords of their Pany, wiw began by determining that it was not lawful to queftion Qpintt-
whethcr the Pope's Judgment were lawftd or no, and that no body could meddle with it. lineborgh.
Gmdbert Clerk of Bamberg, Ix-ir.p willing to argue upon thb Propofition, was contradided
by the whole Membly, and forc'd to withdnw. In this CoBTCotioo, they dedar'd the
Ordination of WTrrmr to the Ardi-bilb(^ck of Majrence, thar of Sfgefirey to At Biftop-
rick of /lusburg, that cf Norbcrt to the Biilioprick of Clw or di e, and in general all the
Otdinaiions and Confecrattons made by cxcommuaicaicd Ferlbos, to be Null and Void.
Tbey there CbndemnVI H>Seeltm, as one who tmdnuun'd, dure Laidct when difpofliefVd of
their Eftatcs, could not be fubjcd ro the Juc!g:tient of the Ecclefiafticks, nor be excommu-
oicated i and that thofe who were excommunicated for their Temporal Eftates, might be
lecehrVl into Comnmnion, without being reconcii'd. They there prohibited the receiving
fuch into Comnnnnion, who bad been excommunica'-cd by ihcnr Rifhoj unlefs they had re-

ceiv'd Abfolution. They there rencw'd the Law which cnjoyn d Cclibaq' to Priefts, Dca^
cons and Sub-deacons. They prohibited Laicks from meddling with the Con(ecrated VcC^
fc!s or Coverings of the Cbalice belonging to the Alrar, and fi r m poW^Tin^ of Trrtrhi,
They order d that the £wifcr-Wcek in the Spring ftvould be obfcrv'u the hrit Wtck m Lc -t;
and That in Summer the Week ; that no Pcrfon lhaJJ eat Eggs or Cheefc
after J^'hitfmnde
durir.g Lent. They there ratified and confirm'd all that Geteherd fiilhop of Confiance had
done as I egac of ihc Holy Set. But there aiofe fome difficulty about the Legality of the
IVlarriagc of King Herman, who they faid had Marr)''d his Kinfwonun. He faid he would
refer the Determination thereof to the Synod ; bsa thai A&ir onUd not tbete be try'd, be-
c.\n\c there were not any of hit Accalert. Laftly, They prcnoanc'd an Atutiema, by Itehc^
cd Candles, againft GuUhc^t, vihom iln y call'd Arch-i-Itieii I and Intruder into the Hol|r
See ; and againd Cardinal Hutb^ ^ohn Bifbop of F«rr«, Peter the Chancellor, Lienutr Attk^
bifliop of Brtme, XJrt Bilhop of HiUf^btnm, Otb» of Cml^Mee, BurcktrJi^ Bafil, Hufin/m ol
Spires i and againd {fic'iuf Arch-bifhop of Mayence, -/'
.S".'-Bifliop of Aushurg^ Norhrt of

Caere and their Accomplices. This Decree is Sign'd by Herman, by Cardinal Otbo^ by die
Arcb-bifliopa of Stt!%huTgh and Mtgdebunh^ by twelve fiifhops of Gtmmigf, m/bo were moil
of them ordaind Bifhops in the room ot ibofe of King //f«rr*s Party, who had been depos'd.
For at that time there were feveral Churches which had two Bilhops j the One of King
Bhvrr's placing, and the Other of the Pope'a: And he of tlie two whde Party was moft pfe*
Valenc in the City, w:,s in Pofledlon.
Henry foon rcveng'd bimfelf on this Convention, for mXlay he held siiothcr more numc- Tit Ctn*
r&a» Conreotion at Ma^ence, at which Afljne(] the Bilhop of Porto, and two Priefts of J^mom, wwJm
who rook npon them the Chara(5ter of the Lepats of drment 111. the Arch-blAops of Af irrrjr^, Ma|CaU^'
of Treves, of Celegne and o( Brrmi\ twcnry Bifljops of Germany, and a great auny other Bi«
fhops of Frtmet and Italjt. HiUehrand, his Legat Otho, and bis Adherents were there Con*
demn'd, together with the fourteen Prelates <w the Afibnbly of Qnintilituhurgbt whom diey
depos'd, as being Guilty of Perjury, Rebellion and Hoontcidc. They excommanicated Her»
min, Eckfert of Saxmy, and the Lord M'e!fh»i prohibited all Chriftians from holding any
Correfpondenoe with them, and plac'd odier fiiihc^ in the roooa of thoTe who were of H«r-
*i«n's Party.
Whilft thefe things pafs'd in, Gregory YW. not finding hiinfelf fccure enough in rht DcsA
^mtt becanfe the l^cmant look d upon him as the caufe of that Defolation which they en- tfGrfffi>i
Snr*d ; went to Moont Cajpn, and from thence ittird to Salemc, where lie ifd May i^th, ry VII.
of the Yc3r. 108 J. Authors do not agree about what were the laft Thoughts be bad con-
cerning his Difiercnce with Htmy. Some (ay that be teilificd a great deal of r^ret £ar what ho
tuddime; and others on the comnry teO tH, lliat he continued fix'd in the mm Kifind to his
very Laft ; and that he faid, that he dyed in Exile, becaufe he had lov'd Jufticeand hated
Iniquity. However, the Cafe ftood, 'tis phiin that his Death did not put an end to that no-
4oiiowQB«ticlwliid)befasdrais'd» Md
wlMhhkl drawn atong with it fvcbdindliilGbnie^

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48 A Nejxf Ecclejiafiical Hijicry
Gre8,ory q.iCJ cc^, ;$ were the canfc of ft world of Mifthiefi, bo h ro ihe Church and ro ihc Empire, •»
Vil. Wc Ihail Ihcw in the fccutl ; after we have done with that which relates to Gregory Vll.
Tht !>'[- The Kitiperor was not the only Pcrfon with whom Gregorjf VII. was Engag d : He had
fmmxbe- Hkcwilc G^nrePiS with the Kings of I}rtmCe and Enghnd, and his aim was to bring all tbt
tmetk Crown'd Heads under hi$ fubjedion, and to oblige them to hoU tlieir Kiogdoms at Fi</3r
Gregory from the Holy See, snd to govern them at his Dilcretion.
VII. P'i.'tf I. Was then King cf France: And lince the Dcitii of Baldwin, who had been Rc-
Fhilip I. he took the Government into his own Hands;
k^.„t jjjg Kingdom during his Minority,
*^'*?*/ The
but he Adminiftrcd it fo remifsly, that Prance was full of Diforders and Dillurbanccs.
Cbnrches, which have always greater Su^rings than other Societies, when Julticc is not
mainrain'd in a Sta-c, were the fiiik who were opprefs'd. Gregory VII. who never Ilip d au
opportunity of making h.pfclf the Judge and Retortner of Ponces, caft IcvcraJ reproaches
upon him for ir, and thrcained to puni(h fcvcrt Jy his unjuit proceedings againlt ih«
Cfiurches, The King aflTur'd him by Albetic, that he would reform his Conduct, and go-
vern the Churches according to fucH Rules as his HoJinefs Ihould prcfcribe him. Gregory who
Avns r.or fattsficd with cmpry Words, requind that he would bigin to dcnionllraic :hc rea-
lity of his Promifi», by permitting that the Arch deacon of Amun, clcded Biibop of Maf-
con, after a long vacancy, by the Clergy and People, and tftn by the confcnr of the King,
(hould be put into the Poflefllon of that Church, without giving any Thing for it. To this
purpofe he wrote to the fiifliop of Cbalens upon the Scynt, and to tl||e Ard>-bidK>p of Li^u s
Anu it the fame time acquaints them, that in cafe the King Ihoold refiifir to do w&at be de-
fir'd, ahd would not permit the Churches of FrMtice to be lupply'd w':h Bill ops without Si-

mony, he Ihould be oblie'd to excommunicate all the Freucli Nation, if the) cootinu'd in cbcir
« Aniegancc ro Philif. He likewife enjoyi» the Arcb-bifhop of Limt to ordifn that Arch-dea-
conBirt'.opof Mnjcon, whnt oppofition loevcr he might meet with, eitlicr from the King, or
(he other Competitor. Tbefe cwo Letters are dated December 4th, 1073. and are the I'hittjr
fifth and the Thirty fixth of the fifft Book. The Bifltops of F>'4w# would not venture to or-
dain the Bilhop of Mafccrr, whereupon the Pope ordain'd him himk Jf, as he fcnt word 10
the Arch bilhop of Liens, by the Sevmtjr lixch Letter of the fame Book, dated Augijfi the
4th, 1074. Two days before, he had written cxprcfsly to King PhUif, to obh'gv him to
nmkc rcpararion for the wrong he hnd done to the Church of Be.un us : And had abfolv'd
thofe of that City, who had abus'd their BiAop. See the Seventy fourth and the Scvcaiy
fifth terte« of the fame Book.
Th ^: fair.r yc.i- C Vir. reni 'v ,1 his CompI.iinLS and his Thrc.nrningS againft Phi/if,
with a great deal more Noife, by writing a large Letter to all the BiOiops of Frgncct where-
in after he bad g!vrn a dcfcrip»0D of die Diforders of that Kingdom, he fays diat the
King, whom 1. m rurcs ro call, is the Author and Caufc of .-ill ; bccaufe his whole

Life being one continu'd Debauch, be took no care to puniih the Crimes^ whereof he ium-
felf gave fobad an Example. That he twc only converted the Revenues of Churches to
profane and Crimin.Tl ufes, but within a little while ago cxaL'^ed j \ t ry contlderable fum of
Merchants, who were come from all parts to import their ESe£ks into tr*Hce, under the
pnblick Pattb. He likewifo aceulles the Biihops of coniribating to the^ difbnlers, either by
their Approbaiion or Connivance He upbraids them for their Rcniiffnefs, and exhorts them

to meet, and to tell the Kim^ plainly of his Faults, that he may corret^ chcin» and re-
pnlflte (fie Aflain of his Kmpdom ; and in bis Name to declare, that if be does noe
ifo :r, hi- can no longer iTiclter himfclf from the Cenfure of the Holy Ste That after-

wards they (hoidd fq>arate themlelves from Communioa with that Prince, and forbear
' perfenntng Divine Service in all Fraaeet That if he does ftiO hold oat nocwithfbnding
this Punilhmcnt, he would have the who!<; World r.-kc notice, that he would ufc his
umoft endeavours to deprive him of the Kingdom of France. This Letter dated Sef'
umhtr the loth, 1074. ts the Fifth of the fecond Book.
Some time after he wrote likewife to iViUiam Duke of Aquit^m, arainft King Pbi^
Up, and pray'd that Duke to do all he could to bring the King to change bis Con-
dud ; declaring that if he did noe icform, he would cxoonuminkate him and all the
Suhjedis who paid him any Obedience ; and that he would lay this Excommunication
on S. Beter's Altar, in order to reiterate it every day. This Letter dated Ntvemier the
13th, of the fame year, is the Eighteenth of the ftcond Book.
He continu'd t' efc menaces in rhc Two and rhirrieth Letter of that Boofcj <fa ffd Df^
cembtr the 8th, dtredcd to Manaffet Arch-bilhop of fdnims.
However, it does not appear that Grrjw^ has aded any thing more againft the Pcf-
fbn of the King of France, but he took upon him the fole jurifdidion over rhc Bifliops
rte ^uig- and the Ecclefiaftical Affairs of that Kingdom ; and lent ihithcr
Hugh Bifliop of DU
^^^^ l^?»w. who took cognizance of the Life, Manners and Elediont of the Bi-
Tri h ^'^^ "f"" ''^^"^ '^^ liberty of citing them to the Synods, which diey call'd
Huehi.' '
F'^'f'g ^cnttncc upon them j of injoyning them Pcnnance i and even of dcpofing
*^^'"» "'^ wowUi not make theirAppearance: And Lafily, Of dtfpofing abfo-
Jutely die Afiaiis of that Kingdom, without minding whether the King cooceni^ him-

Digitizoa by Coo^Ir
of the Eleventh Century of Chrifi'mity,
fdf defending of xhtm^ or wich vindicstting the Liberty of the Churches of France. Gttffx^
Witli the
So rfitt diefe ffiAopi were obl^'d to go to Hsme to beg the Pope's Favour for their re-efta- Vll»
blifhment, and upon fucli Terms as lie I'w fi: ; which GreQory did not fcruple to grant them.
There are a greac many Initanccs of this Nature i and ue Seventeenth Leuer of the hk\\
Book fbrnilhet in with a great many. For Hugh Bifliop of Di« having cited to a Synod,
Which he held at Autun, th Arch-biftiops of l^-cims, Befinforiy Schj, ^owges and Tours,
and having inflicted ^eral Penalties upon ihcm, because they had not made their appear-
anoe; they were ferc'd to waft upon the Pope, who abfolaiety re-^ftatslifh'd ih; Arch-
bifliop of I{peims a-id tlie reil, upon condition that they would clear thcmfelves before his
i^gat. This is what he orders by the foremeniion'd Letter, dated Ma^ch the 9th, in the
Year, 1078. That Legat having excommomeated the BtOiops of Paris and Cbartres^ they
Went liki-'A'iPj :o I{rme, and obtain'd a favourable ScniClloe ffOOk die Ftipe. See the Fi^
teenth and Sixteeocii Letters of the ninth Book.
Bat Gregvry was not fatisfwd with taking Ct^tnnce of the Fcdelnftical Affitifs of
fyance he likcwife endea: ourM to make them his Tribu'-aries, as he had made EngUttd and

all other Countries, 'Tis upon this Account that he wrore to the BiOiop of Ailfinia^ and
the Prince of StUenw^ \a» Legats in FKoKf, that they acquaint alt the l^m^, and enjoyo
them in his Name, that cich H lafe pay at Icaft a Penny every Year to S. Pfter, as an ac-
kaowledginent of his being their Father and Paltor. He orutends tluc Cbarlemutgne rais'd
every Year npon his SobjCm a Tax of Twelve hundred Ltvres for the u(e of die Church
of Hmte, and that he had oflerlf y^.i >;> to the Holy Sec. Thife are iwo f Mirers of
Fa(2 as are only grounded on die imagiiutioo of Gr^orj VIL This is the Three and cwcn-
tietb Letter of the eighth Book;.
This is whir relate? ro the Kingdom of Fmnce we now proceed to what concerns £n^-7fe£«f>

Und^ which met with a Treatment from Gregprji becaufe King A^/A'«m took
iicde better ^
If with
CO initiate himfelf him by a fteoning Stdbmii&on and Re&oft.
(ceoning Std>mii&on (^r^m
Refiwd. That Prince, ro (Gregory
give him iomc fTnns rhereof, took care to fend him a complimenral Letter c h.g A Jvance-

meat to the Popedom, wherein he declares to him, That tho' he was very forry for the ^"fi^^^d*
Dearh of jikxmtder ff. yet be was as gtad to fee htm in his Ptaoe. Gngar)/ aniwers him
by the Sl vcnnVth Letter of the firft Book, dated April zhc 4rh, 1074. wherein he tells him.
That he is obliged to him tor cbc Aflbiitioa whi«ib he expre&'d cowaids him ; and ex-
bores hmi 10 detnonftnte the Sobmtffion which he bore to die Holy See by its E^bSbs. Ak

the fame rime he acquainted him of he Jjnccrs ro whi. h he Cluircb of l^omc was expos 'd.
He ooafirm'd the Privilege of the Mcmafte^ of S. Stephen, and recoounended to that Frit^
to tadte care of the Revenues which the Cnnrch of Fiome poflhATcl in England, He wron
rkcwifc to Matilda Queen of Enof^nd Scvrnty firit Letter, fey Which hC CxboRS bST tO
perkvere in Virtue, and to give her Husband good Counlel.
JBy anodbtfr Letter wricten 10 die Bilhops and Abbots of England^ dated Augufi the ifhh,
in the fame year, be exhorts them to come to J(ome ro Ms Synod, and to put in Execu-
tion the JBcciefiaftical LaWs cooKmioig the Marriages of Kindred. This Lcner is the Firft
of thefeoond Book.
The Kir.f! of England would not fufTcr the BilhopS of his Kinpunn ro go to I{oynt. This
very much diipleas'd the Pope, who complaio'd of it by the Firit Letter of the feventh
Book, diteded 10 flhdvrf his Legar, who was fent inio that Kingdom to Odletft the ^eter*
Penrr. He therein prefles that I cgat ro rcmrn witli all fpccd, and orders h"m to admrmifh
the Kine of England to nay, and caufe to be paid the DefereiKre which is due to the Holy
See; Wtthal dmatning him, if he did no't do it, be fhonld hKnf his Difpleafure. th or*
ders him to prevnil upon tlie Prel.ues of England and Nnrmrndy to fend to B^mc, to the
^>proaduag Synod, at Icalt two Biibops out of each Arch«bilhoprick. This Letter ixars
date Stftt hr the agd, 1 079.
The Three aiiJ twenrierb, and the Four and twentieth Letters of the fame Book, diated^
4^// the 2jth, and Maj the 8di, in the Year 1080. are full of Exhortations to the
Rang of Engitmi^ to bear « due Sabmiflion to die Church of /^fme, and to Govern his
Kingdom witli |-.if1ic e, and in the fcir of the Lord. The Six and twentieth is a Letter
of Compliment to the Qyeen of England ; and the Seven and twentieth a Letter to
Arrr, the Son of tlie King of England^ wharcfay he ekhorts hmt »be fnbjeft »
his >Fadier,
and to follow his Advice.
In the Fifdi Letccr of the ninth Book, h<;. order d Hugh Bilbop of Di* to reftore the Bi-
Ihops of NvMMdy, K^ch he hatl depos'd, for nor appearing at his Synod. This he did that
he might not cxafperatc King Pf^Hlam, who piiJ greater Deference to the Holy See, than
any other Prince. And he order'd him to bciuve bimfelf more tenderly towards that Prio'
ce*s Sttbjeds, and to grant Abfolnrioa to ^ Mdieis i^idi had kept back fbme Tithes.
Parr of 5;><j/nbcing fas we faid before) ii: the Hands of the Alo#r/, Gregory Yll. from xhenct Tit fre-
took an occafion of becoming Lord of cbofe Countries, which could be taken from thefe Infi-' i^'A^' n
defs. To this pnrfjofe he pretended diat the Kingdan off^'Mftnnerly belonged to the Holy
See ; znA tho' tie- Pagans had fince fciz'd upon it, yet the Right of the Holy See was not oA:!/''"*
thoebj diiaanul^ i bec4uiie no Pieftriptioa can take place to thp prejudice of. the Church. ^

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A NeiP EccL'JijJlkal Hijlory
Gr.'Aory 'Ti$ upon ihe acclmnt of this prctcnCon, that he granted to Ebald Count of I^ocr? all the
VU. Conncry which he could recover from ibe Barbarians, upon condition that be would bold i(
in Fee from -.Ix IL ly See, and pay him a certain Duty. He Itkcwife prantcd the fame Do-
nation CO thole who would a0iit that Count, or undertake the fame Tiung upon the lame
Conditions. And due diis Agitcmenc might be put in eweurion, he gave Orders to Girdi*:
nal IhiT^h the Vllntt to go into Sf/iin, and wrorc lo the Pr;nr< s of Spiin to aid tlie Coarr of
i(gcey. This is the Subjed Matter of the Sixth and iic ventii Letters of the tint Book, dated

if/rt7the?oth, 1073.
Ccgory VII. had not on!y a deHr n r f brinpinj* the ProvinO"? of J/.j/«, which were newly
Cooquer'd, under his Subjedion, but likcwile loughc to e(tablifli «n ablolute Dominion over
the anctent Chmdws of that Kingdom. It was upon this acconnt tlue he wrote the Stny
third and founh Lcttcr>; of the firll Book to Suncho King of .'frr-f^fn, and ro Afphm/v King
of CiifiUtt rccoauneading to them the Submiiiion which they ought to bear to the Holy ^e,
and to <vaer the UpmgH Office to be receiv'd hi their Kingdoms. Thefe two Leteen ai«
dared Titjrch the 19th and loih, 1074 He wrote upon the fame Sttbjeift CO Simm^jj^
fiiop of that Kingdom, by the £ighteenih Letter of the third Book:
In the Eight and twentieth of the fourdi Book, dh^ed to the IGi^ and Princes of
Spain,, he renews the Pretcnfions which the Holy See made to that Counny, .is !)cing a
Kingdom which belong d to it before the Sara:{enj were Maltcrs thereof j and exhorts them
to pay the Tribute which he pretended was due from them, id die Cfattrcb of J^mht. Thb
Letter is dated June the iSth, i - 77.
The Sixth Letter of the feventh Book, dated in ORober 079, is diret^led to Aljhm^

King of Cafitle^ whom he compliments for his good Intentions towards the Holy Sec, fold-
ing him a fmalt Golden Key wjdi S^ftttr'* Chain afiSn to it> by a Lcgat whom he rcoom-
mended to him.
Sotne time after that Prince, barkening to the Advke of a Monk nam*d ^^en, woidd no
longer be fo fubjcdl to the Pope a'> he had been, and openly roolc upon him to grant the In-
vdiitures of the Benefices in his Kingdom. This provok'd Gregerj very much : He ex-
commimieaicd i(«Arrr, ami order'd him to be oonfino in the Monafteiy of Chmj^. He wiwe
to ylfphenfo, willing him, To harkcn no longer to hi«; Cotinfcls; to make rrpr:'-»rion for the
ill he had done; to part from the Relation of his Wife, whom he had Marry J, and to do

what l(iebard his Legac Ihoald advifc him. See the Secondt ThinI, and Fourth Letteis of ,

the eighth Book, which are dated in the Year, 1080.

That Prince very probably fubmitted to the Counfels of Gregorj For by the Seoood
Letter of the mnth Bcmk, the Pope wrote to him, as to a Firiace emirrly wsvoced vo the
Holy See ; who had inrroduc'd the Service of the Church of J{eme into his Dominions ; who
refcr'd the choice of the Arch-biihops of his Kingdtmi to the Pope ; and who ask'd his ad-
vice upon fome Cafes of Confcience, and upon what concern 'd the Churches of Sfih. On*
gery by this I cttcr :uImonifyics him, nOt to tolcr.iie the Jeifi to have Cbriflian olaves, and
crants Abfolmion to him and his Aihcrcnts of all their Sins, and wiihes them an al^nte
ViiSbory over all their Enemies.
Spain w.i"; not the only Kingdom of Eurrpe which G'fgery VII. pretended did formerly
f^if fg.
to tlie Holy See ; he maintain d the fame Prctciifion widi reloedt to moft of the other
tntfivit^ belong
Gregory Countries of Europe ; and was of Opinion, that thofe who were in Koflcffion of them, ought
to tht to hold diein as Fiefs frnm him. Ho more cfpccially carry 'd this Prerenfion to the moft rr-
Kingdtm mote Countries whofe Kmgs were newly converted to the Chrifiian Keligion. This be
wetrijeoM' grounded upon the account that thefe Princes, at the time of their Cpnverfioo, had eirbv
^Wti* remitted their Crowns into the Ii.Tnd"; of the Pope to receive them again from him, or
thrown ihcir Kingdoms under the proteAion of the Holy See. Or LaQly, Pennitte<l the
Tfr Pre- Railing of a certain Contribution for the Church of I{ern:. He elbbUA'd npoH thefe de-
tenfoat of
monrir.irionsof Submiffion, and upon thefe Alms or Liberalities, a certain Tribute to be
Gttforj psid to the Holy Sec. 'Tis upon this Principle that he took it ill that Solomon King of
MHDil* Hungary rcceiv'd that Kingdom from the hands of King Hemy: fiecaufe (as he pr«*
gaty. tended) Step' en fonr.crly after h's Converfion had offer d .ind given it to the Holy See ; and
the Empcrur Hcwj> after he had Conquer'd it, had fcni to lifme its Lance and its Owtrn :
From whence he concludes that he ought to receive the Sccpcr fitim his bands, and threaxw
ens him, if be did it nor, he wou'd make ufe of the Apoftolick Authority agaiiifV him.
This is the Subjeift of the 1 hirtcenth Letter of the fecond Book, diretfted to that Prince,
dated OUcbcr the 2?th, 1 074. Gregory wrote likewife 41 confolatory Letter to Queen Ja4i»^
his Wife, who was the Daughter of the Emperor Etwry i it is the Four and feftictb of titp
fecond Book, dated the loth, J 07 5.
Soltmm tad a Kinfman nam'd Geifa, who was at War with him. Thb Gnfk (eat An«w
baffadors to Gregory, to gain him nn his fide. The Pope by his I cttcrs exprefs'd kindness to
him, and exhorts him to be entirely devoted to the Holy See; aUuring him that his Kinfouui
l^Solomon} had not fain into the Misfortunes he labour'd under, if h* hid recdf^i the Cn^n
from the Holy Scr, and not from the Hands of the King of Gemiant. He advifcs hiai ro
make Peace with Sslcmon ^ withal giving him fome hopes that he would enter into ius Ii^ereitv

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of the Eleventh Century of Cbrifliami). ^ i
ib loon as he was afllir'd what ovcr:urcS he would make to the Holy &e. Ifou may Gregory
ton'.uh the Fifty eiglith Lener of the fiiit JBook, and the Sixty thicd and Scveotietb of the V*
In the Five and twentieth of the fourth Book, he edioirts the Arch-bilhop of StrigtugM rtt
bring ic about, that he who is Elected King of Hungary^ Ihould be made feniibile of tfae
Duty he ow'd lo the Holy See, It bears date the 9th, in the Year, 1077.
In the Nine and twentieth of the fixch fiook, he extols the Piety of King LMUfiguti
and his S.ibnr»iflion to the Holy Sec. He recommends to him levcra! Perfons who were un-
iullly Baoiih'd, and exhori;s him to cake the Churches into his Protedion i and to fetid liira
ftmhwiib EnolMfladots, if he had not already done it.
All the Kings of Europe received either Reprimands or Admonitions from Crrgoty. Xbe The Itik
Kins of i>finMrj^had negieded to write to him in the beginning of his Pontificate j htmttf
diecks him for it in the Fiftieth Letter of the fecond Soofc, aiid gives him Ibme Inftrudioas ^Sm^Kj
•bout the Government of h:s Krngdcm. He tells him likcwife, that he had fcnt him Legats
upon the Aifairs aboot which he had written to the Holy Sec, in tfae time of Pope Alexnadert ^"^''L,
Bdt that they could not get to him, becaufeof the Wars of GerntAny, That tbere^we if he***""***^
were deeply ccncern'd lor any one of thefc Affairs, he otirht r. fe n J Deputies to him with full

iniirudions, that ib he might coofult with them what ought to be done in the Cafe. Laftly,
He prays him to fend wrad what Affiftance tfae Holy See coold cxped fram hhn, againft
her Enemies and ncqoaints him that dicre is a Province not far from I{pme, held by Here*

ticks, which one of his Sons, if he would come into Italj with a fmall Force, might egfily
iConquer. This Letter bMrt date ?«mmi7 the ft^di, hi the Year, 1075. In the Seventy
foenih Lener of the fame Book, he offtrs ro grant that King, all that in J jf^icc he could, of
the things which he thould dedre of him bv bis Envoys, or by the Legats which woe di(^
ttaech'd to his Kingdom. This Letter is dated April the i7tb, in the fiune Year. Thtt
jkiop beitig de.?d, and his Son fucceeding him, Gregory V\l. continues his exhorrarions to han
to be fubmilTive to the Holy See, by the Tenth Letter of the fifth Book, dated Ncntmber the
fth, in die Year, 1077. He likewife gave the like exhortation to King C^mif*, who was
in PofTefnon of that Kingdom, by the Fifth Letter of the feventh Book, dated OFlobn the
13th, 1079. and by the One and twentieth of the lame JBook, dated May the 19th,
1080. '

The So\ creigns of T'oUnd and T^ufJ;.i felt likcwife the Effeds of the defire wliic h Crr- The let-
gtrj VIL bad to have an hand in the A&irs of all Kingdoms. He recommended to them, as Mr« ^
wet! as TO odwrs, tfae being devoi»d to the H<dy See, and wedded Eoicibtef^ gave diem OnfiMT
InllrviL^i ns about the metbods of adminlHring the Government j lent them Legats to regu-/*** *•
late the EcclefiaiUcal Afiairs of their Countries : Enjoyos BtiejMts Dnke of Poland, to xe-
Bore to Dtmetrim King of H!^*^ die Mony which he had taken fipom Mm ; and to the*™*
Holy Sec, the Lands which belong'd ro it j and u-;dcrrook to beftow the Kingdom of I^^ffia^
on the Son of Denutriut. This is what we gather frotn the Seventy third and iburib Letters of
^feoond fiook» the Firft of wUcbb difcded w ii dated AffU lyth, in die
Year, loyj. and the Second, diredcd to Dp^ffnutt bean date tte lytfa cf the >

. GrrfM^Vn. wtt no left carefiil even of Nonvtf^;for he wiMe to <Mm» tfae King of due i^i.
Country, exhorting him to get himfelf fully inftruded in the Chrifiign Faith, ^^nd for that teri of
end to fend Ibme of bis Nation to t^mtt that he might fend him back neoeiiary Inftra- C^r^^xy
^fons, how he 01^to demean htmfeff towards the Holy See. He
forbids Mm
fiding with /«<m»Nofv
flxhcT of the two Brothers, who pretended to the Crown of Denmark^, an J rrfers him to w>y "^"^

nrocure a Peace to be made between them. This Letter, which is the Thineenth of the ^^'*°^>>
asifa Book, is dated 00rcm^tfae ijth, 1079.
He gave a King to Dglmatia ; and a Lord of that Country intending to rife up in Arms
Miinft him, he enjoyns that Lord to acknowloige and obey him, iindcr pain of Excommn-
jucttion, by the Foiuth Letter of die (evemh wxk, dated OflMvr the 4th, in the Year^

XJrstiflMS Duke of BebemiOf was entirely in Pope Gergary the Seventh's Intercft. He 7^
had admitted into his Domininns the Fope*s Legats, in fpight of Jtromir fiilhop of Pragtie,
as appears by the Seventeenth I.ertcr of the firft Book. In a grateful acknowledgment oi^''^^^^
4us» the Pope confirm d to him, by the Eight and thirtieth Letter of the fame Book, dated
tk€e»Aer the i^A, 1073. all the Privileges which had been granted him by Ahxtmder II.
his Predeceflbr, and exhorts him to perfevcrc in his Olxrdicnce ; afluring him that he bhn-
felf wiU deccrmioe fucb Caaiiest as his Legats could not pals a defifliiive Jii4gmeat up-
The T^iflit p of Prague, who had been intcrdided and divefted of the Revenues of Us
Church by the Sentence of the Pope's Legats, having fent word to I({mt that he could noe
come iMcber, becanfe he had not wherewtthal to demy the charge of his Journey ; the
Pope gave Orders that he (hoiM he put into PofTciTion of his Revenues, except thofc to
which John Bilbop of Moravia laid claim : And he dcfires the Duke k>f Bohemia, by the
liivenl fordedi Letter of the litft Book dawd 3anuary die jotb in the Year, 1074. ta

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Gregory caufc them ro l>o icrioi\! m
tli.K BifT'.op, and to feud hini to /(owr, w'.-Ax r!;c BiiT.op of

VIL ri(«/«and fome EmbalTadors, chac wiih tiicm be mtghc re^oiace aii tbc liccjetiaitical Ai£urs
of his Dominions. By another Letter of the lame date, w£ch is the Four and foninh of the
Book, be acquaints cbr- B'flion of Pra^w, that he hid wiicten ID die Duke to piiC him m
iame of the Revenues of his Chufch.
of Mntnce,' at the Inftance of Jeromrr Btfliop <rf Prggve^ who was
Sigcfroy Arch-bi(hot>
afraid of the Popes Judgment, was niindkd to riJ;c crjgni/.nnCf of rlu- tliUln ncc l>e;vvL'<.ri
him and the £iQlop of Martvia, Gregorj being advcni^'d thereof, wrote forthwith to Sige-
frcy^ thathe Aoula not dare to concern himfelfin an Aflatr, which was re^'d to the
ly Sec, and at the fame time Hl fcnt word to Z'ratijl.tus that he fhou)J not be conccrn'd at

the raih procecdii^s of that Arch-bUhop. Thcfe two Letters dated M^rch the iSth 1074.
arc the Sixtieth and Si«y firft of the firftBook..
At lalt the Birtiopof pra^^m perceiving that he could no long-r fh'H. off the Pope's Si ntencc,
went cxprefs to Home, and when he appear'd before Gregotj^ be acknowledged part of what
was laid to his Charge, declaring that he was ready to make SacisfaAion ; and jufttfied him-
felf withrefpedt to other Thing part:cul.-rly as to the ill ufagewh ch wa> hid that he nf-

fer'd to the Bi (hop o( Mtravis, or bis People. The Pope who repair d nothing more than
fach a Submifllon, fent him back to his own Country reconcU'd and K-dhbliAed, with a
JLecommcndatory Letter to the Duke of B^hmia, \vh\d^ h the Seventy eighth of the firft
Book, dated /jfrii the i6(h 1074. wherein he takes notice to him that he could not put an
end to the DifKrencc between that Bi(Kop and the Bilhop of Meraoig, becanfe of the abfence
of the latter ; but that he would decide it in the firft Council : That in the mean time he
allow'd Provifion ro be made in bthalf of the BiHiop of Moravia for the Territory that was
in Difpute. He advifcs the Duke to filence the Complaints of cbe Bilbop of Prague con-
cerning the Right which he pretended to have ro a ccr:<un Caftle; if OOt, he orders him
to fend -his Deputies to the firft Synod, to examine whether he has iny Right to or
no. —
The of Prague being retum'd to his own Country in Triumph for his Re-
eftablifh'nent, fciz'dupon rhe Lands which were in difpute between him and the Bi(hop of
idoravla, bcinp confident that the Pope had adjudged them to be his. Gteger/ being in-
formed that he thus abas'd the Levity he had Ihewn him, wrote him a Letter full of lo-
vedllvcs aboOr it, and cnjoyns him to reftorc to rhe fiilhop of Moravia the Caftfc wh:ch he had
feis'd on; and orders Duke Uratiflxut to caufc him to reftorek to the Bilhop, whom he com-
forts in a patricular Letter. Thefe rhrc Letters are the Sixd), Seventh, r.nd Eighth of the

ffcond Book, dated O^Jo/«r the ixd in the Year, 1074. Inthefecond Letter he thank*; the
Duke of Bohemia for having fent him the Tribute which he paid to rhe Holy Sec. 1 ms

'Affair Ijetwccii the Bilhops of Prague and Moravia was again difcnls'd in the Year, 1071,
and ended at ^meby an apreemenr between them, by which they agreed to divide int«
2aal flunosthc Lands which were in difpnte, till cither of them couJd produce moreaathen-
k Titles ; which the^' continu'd to do for the fpacc of Ten Years. And this Accomodadop
was approval of by a BaU of Gr^«r/, dated hUrtb the 2d whkb is the Fifty chifd JLeoer
of the fccond Book.
* •
The Seventy firft Letter of the fccond Book, is written to Vratijlaw, in favour of his
. Nephew Fredericl(. for whom the Pjpc demands of that Prince the L.inds which h;s Father
. had left him. At the fame time he exhorts him to live peaceably with his Subjetiis. This
Letter is dated A^il the 14th 107 By the next Letter Mrrictea the Day after, be exboRS
all the Faithftjl of Bohemia to a Chriftian and Innocent Life.

The Pre-
Since Gregory VIL had pretcnfions to Kingdoms fo remote .is ihofe we have been fjienking
teafitas 9^ i^ is not to be wcndrcd that he (hould imagine that all Ifaly, and the IHands ot S ;V//r,

Cf^n-y S.i^iiuiia itid^orfu bcl(^iir*d to him ; th:T hr mght difpofc of them ?.s he rhoughr fir ; and
u luiy. tna: all ihc Lords of rhcfe Countries were cbli|i"d to take an Oath of Allegiance to him. It
ms 00 diffiailt matter for him to bring the petty Frinces round about ^ftue under his Sub-
jc'f>:on liccnrfc being weak, they dcfir'd norhinf! more, than the fiipporr of the Holy Sect

But he had math ado to britig his dcfign about upon the Norman t, whofc Power became
'ftfmidable in Im^, fensmach' as they were eftabJifli'd fo finnty there as we flialf now
Several JVtfr«»j» Lords 'having been invited to the Relief of the G/m';/ and Italians agatnft
The Con-
aurjh cf
Sara^ort of Siciy, updn Condition that they fliould have fliare in r!?cir Conque'b ; af«fr
tk Nnr- '^'^y hid done vvoruii-rful fhinf? rgainll thefe TnfidtK, wi:re dcnl: filHy w;tli by the Crrrl^s^
maniifl who refus'^l tu give tlicm what tiicy had prumis'ti. But ihelc Bravoes knew very well how
Italy. to do themrdves Juftice, and fciz'd on Po^:(mlo under the Conduft of ffStb'am Firelrafi
theirC^urnl, who in n fhnrr tin.r- after d fc.Ted the Greeks in a great Engagement, and
Wcakcn'd them fo far, tb-Jt in a Im.-.U time thty loll all that they had left in Italy, The Nor-
mani afterwards nim"d their Arms againit rhe Lords of Italy their Neighbours , and feir'd
upon fo'Tie I, and"; wlirch belnngM to the Holy See. The Pope^, who could not without
Jealovify behold fo formidable an Enemy lo nigh atHand, declar d againft them, and
% Lt9 SC. cfigag'd in a 'War widi them ; Bur the Forces of that Pope bavinf been defeated,

Digitized by Goog
of the Eleventh Century of Chrifliamtj.
taken Prifoncr, 45 we formerly Ciid, thac Refped which ibcy facw'd
by Gregorf hiin,
fctting him
at Liberty, and recondut^ng bim to I{pnie with all the DemoBftntiiins of Honour Vli.
and iiubmiillon, inclind'd that Pope to grant them by way of Recommence nil the Lands
which they had Conquer'd from the Gieel{s and Sr,r^7{ens. I^chrt GtiifcuJ, in Icsgiic with
Otifrcy, Brother to IVilliam Firehrafs, extended thcfc Conquefts , and h..ving made an end
of takini^ Cai/tirta, caii^'d Iiimfilf" to be call'd Co'.mt rl-iLii of f j the Ipacc of two Years, and
afterwards took upon hini the Title ot Duke. His Eroih^.r linger und-i took to Conquer
Sicily from the Swra:{ens^ and having at fir/l taken Panoi tna and Mcjfma, he open d him-
ft If .1 way to become Mailer of tbe whole Ifland, of which he took upon him the Qjulity of
Co int.
It was very difEcult for thefe Warrlcre to forbear QmcelKng with the Lords their Neigh> jU blj^
bours ; and their Forces who were ufe.l to Phii.tier, cn;i!d not forbear upon rhe rrwi
Lands, Caiilcs, a::d Tcirliuri;:., ol j riv^tj Pcrluns ; upon Churches, upon Abbies ; and even A^rttmwt
upon the HoJy See it felf. This was the caufe of the many Anathemas thnndci 'd out againft Grego*
ihctii by r ,:v^ uhn from tiie very bcj^'mnii-.g ofliis Pcpcicm excommunicated I^phert,
Kcimam wfau niaJc any aticinpts ufxin the Revenues of Churches, or of the
Joly See, or
aii ti;e

upon thofc Lords who were under its Protoftion. But afterwards forefeeing
that he mif lir Hand in need of their Ailiftance, he grew milder, and by his l etter dated
MiXrch rhe jth 1076. which is the Eleventh of tlic third Book, he grants the BiHiop of

Power toabfolve R^ger and all his So]tlicr<;, upon condition that he would promife
to Obey tl-.e Holy See ; do Penance for his Offences, and abflr^'ii for the fttnire from all
capital Cr.ines. At the fame tiine headvis'd that Biftiop, iliat if Count i^a^rr ihould fpeak
fO him about his Brother Duke Robert, he fliouid declare to him, that the Cfatirch of I{ome
wa5 refd}- ro i>.ew Mcrey to tfiole who IxMnn; afledled with true Repentance, would give
Sans-'aetion fortl-.e Scandal, which they had gjvtn That rlicrcfore it Dukc Hs^crt would

beob d c:ir to the ilr ly Sec, hc was ready to give him Abfohrtwn* «u) to receire bim in*
to the Co;n;ii;inir,n ot the Church But that if he wculd nor, I^tger otighr nor ro commanJ»

cate wi:h Iiitn. Laltly, hc order "d that Biiliop to give the Bifhop of A/£//»id Abfolution. la
the itrccn h Letter of the lame Book to H^ificj, Lord of Ae MiUnots, he fends word that
thi- Ati.iirs of the Kcrmans were in a hopeful way of Arcommodation, and that he hoped
fhoiciy ;o render them faithful to the Chdrch of I{pme. However this Accomodation was not
fb foon cone hided; and we fee by » Letter dared OFleher the 91ft of the fame Year, di-
re<5lcd to the f.?mc If l/roy and to two other Lords of rhe fame Coimrry, that the Normant
yrere (till conteiUng with the Pope about the Revenues of the Church, which tliey had (eiz'd
upon ; but that he hop'd to reclaim them as foon Hmy* This Letter i< the $evdnb oC
the fourth Book.
Ac liii Hohert thought fit to fubuiit to d.e Fape, to rake an Oath to him to be always
faithful .to the Herty See i to aflift it in the Defence of the Pope's Perfbn and its Revenues
TO pay hini an annual Rent for the Church Lands which he luld ; to pcrmir the Churches
of his Dominions to enjoy quitdy their Revenues, ar.d to procure a free Elcdion of a Pope,
io calie Gng»y fcould dy before him, Thi» Rent amounts to twelve Pence, the Coyn of Pa-
^fia, payable every Year ar £ In purl'uance of th''; Treaty, the Pope invctled Duke

tfgbart wuh all the Lands which ihc Popes Nicholas II. and Alexander \l. his PrcdeceiTors had
ftnnerly granted him : And as to others which he unjuftly held ; 10 wit, Salerno, Mclpba^
iand parr of rhe March of Perf7n\ he left them to him bf «ny of Coonsvaaoe. This Treaty
yMS made jum the 29th in the Year 1080.
In the lame Year Mich/:el Ducas being tum'd out of ti t: Empire of tbe £1//, fcnt into
Jtit!y to beg Afliitance of the Pope and Duke I^nlirt. The Pope wrote ro tlve Bilhops of
Pe:{:{uoto and Calabria, by the fixth Letter of the eighili Book, dcfiring them to exboriC the.
Faidifiri to engage in this Expedition with Duke ^bert ; and bcfefC they went away, to
enjoyn them Penance- for their Faults, and to give them Abfolution.
Gregory loon aitcr had huniclf need of the Affiftance o( I{»bert, to prorciEk him againft Hen-
ty. Whe^pon hc wrote to the Abbot of Mount Cajjin, to know of him whether be oouldt
bring him any AiTiftancc about £ ;/?-r, or fend him fome. This is the Subjei^ mattc^of the
fourth Letter of the ninth Book, which doubtless belongs to the Year, io8f.
Mewy at his coming into Ifafy, wifely forefeeing that the greateil Enemy he had ro ieae ,
was Duke Robert, propos'd ro cctrc ro an Accoauklation with him, upwn crndirion that
his Son fliould Marry that Dukes Daughter, and give him ilic March of Anamn. The
Pope being inform'd of this PTopofal, by the Princefs MatUJa^ was much furpriz'di my
at it, and forthwith wrorc to Didicr Abbot of Mowr.x C a (fm , to prevail upon Robert to
Jceep ius Word to him. This is the Subjck^ matrcr of the elevench Letter ot the ninth
By the Seventeenth of rhe fame Book, written to thn D
Ice,' hc e:xhomhimco CQftle to

the Ailiitance of the Church of I^me, which was annoy ci by King Ilcnry.
In the mean time whilft Ml^ert was in die Soft with all his Forces, the Normans of /m^
perceiving thai TTorry was like to became Miftcr of w \ an J being afraid what the Con- '

Ibaqcncc would prove to thero, endcavout'd to bring about the i'eace between, the Pope and
^4 A tslerp EcclefrafiicaJ Hiflory

Gregory the £mpcror, and (etit Didier Abbot of Mount Ca^m, w-tli the Prince of dipua, and fe-
VIL veral Deputies vaHemy, co neat with him. Biu neither the Pope nor the Emperor were
inclinable ro it : ^rA thelaner rcceiv'd fome Mony from the T n
prrcr of Covfiantlnafle to*
carry on the War againft ^bert. That Duke undcriUnding this, and being fent for by the
Pope, left his Son in the Ean, and immediately retutn'd to Iir4^- to die Pope's Afliftance,
llrbomhc relieved, n- fom-.crly have declar'd.
GreTorjr VIL was likewife willing to make the Iflands of Corfu and Sardinia his Tribnta-
p^j^ former InviDg been retaken by the Chriftians from the S4rM(m», be
•'"'mediately fent a Legat thither to gotcm abfolutcly. and promis'd them Succtrars to Con-
Vllf I* the reit j upon condition that this Ifland (hould be dependent oti the Huly See. Thi£
SwKida 'ppc^n ^ tbeSMWidHeand
Year, 1077.
fourth Letters of the fifth Book, dated Se^emher the r ft and i6th
afterwards bcftow'd this Legarion on Landulphus Bi(hop of Pifa,
•riCorfii. in the
and bis Succeflbrs, with one Moyety of the Revenues of that Ifland, referving theocher Moye-
ty for die Holy See, together with all the Forcieflef, whofc Governors however he was
wil! fT-oQid ftill be dependent on that Legar, as appeals by the twelfth Letter of die fisdi
Book, dated Nevemter the 30th in the Year, 1079,
With refpeA to Sardinia, he was fo ftrongly pcrfwadrd that it belong 'd to the Holy See,*
that writing to the Sovereign of that Ifland, he (hcw'd that Prince what a piece of fcrvice
He Qhe Potx-] had done in having refus'd to give it co the Normans and Lombards, who
Inii demanded it of him, tbo' tibey ofier'd him toe Moyety of their Conquers ; till fuch time
as he ftiould fee afrcr what manner that Prince would receive the Pope's Legar, a .J how
lie was inclin'd to the Holy See. By this means he iappo&'d. that if that PritKc would
tlocbelabjeA ro the Holy fee, he was fo far the Difpofer of his Eftatcs, as to give them to
whom he pleas'd. Tlus is die fubjed of diqtendi Letter of the eighth Bcok, dated OSdgf^^
the ;th logo.
'tis no woni!er ihat he flioutd treat all the Lords near Hfme^ as his VdM^'
After all this
7U out
of Fid lliy frcm them Oaths of Fidcliry. Wc h.ivc one made by L.indu!phus, Duke of Brne-
^5nd cxac?t

ts43ed b) by which he engages himfelf to forfeit his Dutchy, it he tail'd in his Duty to the Ho-
Gregory ly See, or to Gre^y and his Succeflbrs, and if he did any wrong to the Church of Heme ot
VII. fron its Members. This Treaty fipn'd by the Bifhnp<; of Porto, frtfcati, Palejfrina, by Didier
Pf/fr, Cardinals of the Church of J^smc, is in the firft Book of Gregorys Letters, after
the Eighteenth, and is dated ^«^»/? the 1 1 th in the Year, 1073.
He alfo exa<5cd the like Oath from Richard Duke of Capu t, by which that Prince was

engag'd to enter into no League againit the Pope ; upon all occafions to defend the Revenues
and Rights of the Chutch of l^e and of* bis ncHmm $ to make no Pilhge on its TemtO'
ries, and to fuffer no body cllc to do it to pay yearly the Rent which he ow'd for the

Lanids which he held in S. Peter's Patrimony ; to De faithful to King H«ir/, and his Suc-
cedfofS s yet withour pfejodice to ttie Fidelity he ows to the Holy See ; And laftly, thai!
whenever the Pope nioitld die, he Ibould do hr-, nnnoft to get him to be eledied and or-
dain'd Pope, who Ihould have the Sofirages oi the major part of the Cardinals, Clergy>
and Laity. Urn Oadi dated SfptaiAtf
let of the firft Book.
34rh 1073. is aner die One and ew tie th Le(^ w
another Oath of this Nature taken by BertrM Count of Protfcnce, after the
There is
twelfth Letter'of the ninth' Book.
The PnjtS L^ftly. Cre^o^^ VU. not willing to omit any one mean'; of aggrandizing the Church of
1/ tke l^me^ bad rek>lv d upon a CROISADE,
to go into the Bait at the bead of an Army, to
C O R !• aflift the Ciri^Ms, and to fall upon the Infidels. Big with (his Defign he wrote to »7/-
S A D E Ham Count Burgundy, by the Six and firric^h Letter of the firft Book, dated February the
frt M /•« id in the Year, 1074. ordering him to be ready, and to give notice to his Allies, to
3,7^*^ h"" Forces, dMt fo he might, after hcf had reducTd the Ntrmou of Po{f»a& to their
ry VII* £)uty, Qticb dimftly wtdi an Junof to Cttif^Mimfht and relieve die Cir^umt of die
By Ae fi^ne end ibrdeth Letter of the fame Book, dated Mard* enfnW he exhorts all
the Cisri/liam of the fVeft to unite together for the relief of the Chtjtiatis ofthe Eail ncainft
the Infidels. He
did the lame thing. by the Seven and thirtieth Lener of the fecond Book,
wfaidi bears date the 1 <(di of OvemMr of the fame Year.
This Projccfl of Gregory had nor that fuccefs which he dcfir'd : But he engag'd Duke I{p-
kert to lead an Army in^ the Eaft, under Colour of placing Michael Ducat again upon the
Throne of the Bafiem Empire. This Doke gave Battle to the Emperor Alexis in ThrMe^
and became Maftcr of the Field, tho' rhc Enemy were much fupcrior in Number. The
Difficulties which the Pope's Atiairs labour d under, and the War with the Emperor Hemy
prevented dtttDttke from purfuing his Conqnefts in the Eafi, and from extending the Ll»
mitsof the ^man Church, and the Authority of the Ho[y Sec by his Viiflorics The which :

Cregerj had attempted in vain, by the way of Accommodation, in fending to the Emperor
Mcbuet (who had writ to him, and made propo&ls on his patt for the reL-nnion of the two
Churches) Dominick^VnirlaTch on^fvice, to treat with him vivs tDCf concerning this Pcnre ;

and in remonftrating to that Emperor, by bis Anrwcr. that the DivUIon which had been bv<

Digitized by GoogI
of the Eleventh Century of Chriftidniiyi
twccn the Homan and the Gw^. Church, had done great prejudice to the Affiucs of die Holy Qrcgory
Slc, and the Empire of the This Leiter is the £tgbceeiitb of the fifft fiool^ dated ViL
Jutie the 9ih 1073.
Gregory VII. was no Icfs Solicitoas about the Churche* «f 4firica ; and having underftcod Tie leu ^ •

that ihc Chriffians of Csrthj^f, tho' ptrkt-it d by the Sara:^ent, quarrell'd among thcmfelvcs, 'f"
and that feme of them h d betray d C^nacus their Arch-bifliop into ihe Hands of thole In-
fidcls, v. ho hid viry rr.uch abufcd him : He wrote a neat Letter to the Clergy and Faith-

ful of th.u City, whereby he exhorts ihem to fufft?r patiently the Pcrfccu-jou of the S.n.^-^^^^'^*
:fentf and to live m Peace and Unity one with another ; and aficr he had m a very livcjy
manner teprdcntcd to them the Enormity of the Offence committed in betrayitig C;rUciu^J»
exhorts them who were guilty of it, to do Penance. This Letter dated Sefttmier the 15th
1073. is the Two and twentieth of the firft fiock.
In the next Letter of the fame date, he comforts that good Bilhop, cxtolls his Conftancy,
and exhorts him to rejoycc in his Surfr ings, and to pcrfevcre in the Faith; alTiiring him
tiiat he would continually offer up his Prayers to God , that he would be pleas'd to look

down with an Ey of Pity and Companion upon the Cbdrch of 4frkg , which has fb long
{roan'd under the prcfTiires of Perfecution nnd I>iiher<;.
Some rime alter the Church of yifri:a txii g rcduc'd to the Govcrnujenc only of two
Kilwps, the yf/riVawj were obJipd to ferd one Servmubuw J{cme, whom they had cJcdIed
BifTiop of Hippo, to be crdain'd by the Pope. Gregory ord.iin'd him, and fcnt him away
with Recommendatory Letters directed to the Arcb-biihop ut CAithage^ to the People odiif-
fo, and to /f «^/> King of MauritMtua, Theft are the three bft Letteis of the third BoM,
and belong TO the Year, 1076.
In the iirft I etter of the eighth Book dircded to tiie Arcfa-bifliop of SptuaJa Patriarch of Ttc Let-
the Arrficni'.hs, dated Jum the6di in the Year, 1080. Gregcry reproves feveral Errors, or «/
rather feveral Praifiices contrary to the Difcipline of thr Ch rch, wherewith the -/^i wfrn'^n/ GrcRorjf
were charg'd: Namely, That in their Churches they d.d i.ut mix Water with the Wine
in the Celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mafs; that they made the Holy Chrifm with
Batter, and not with Balfom ; and that they hnd a regard to the m'.'moiy of Diefcoruf. The^^^'*',^
Deptlty of the Arch-biftop of Synnada, who was come to caulc an Armenim Heretick, ^^'j]^
iprflO was fled to //i >, to be driven thence, hadailtir'd the Pope that all thefc Things were mjQigjij^
only groundlefs Surmifes :But for his better Satisfadion Ciegpry defiresthat that Arch-
bifhop would inform him by Writing what were his l hough:s, and fend him a profciSoo
of Faith. At the fame time he advifes him to leate out thefe Words m the T R. I S A-
GION. w/'-o rp.ifl crucififj for us, laccaufe they were nc- iv^'d in nny nrhc Church of the
Eafl, no more than they were in the Church of ilic W-'c// ,
nml b a ilc they might be

ferverrcd to an ill Scnfc. He commends the practice of their C iiurd c, in aakiog ale of
Jnfeavcn'd Rrend, and Fortifies them againll the Obiccflions of the Grccl(s.
As to the Churches of the fVeJl, we may fateiy lay that Pope Grej^orf VIL govem'd ai-
moft aU of them, as if they belong'd to his own Oioee6. either by fending to them Ids Le-
gati? a Latere ; or by nomiiinrin^ Vicars to them ; or by citing the Biihops to I^rme, to
give an account of their Cotidua ; or by confirming or approving their Elcdionsi or by
receiving the Appeals of their Dedfions ; or by admitting the Complaints of their Dio-
cefans; or by appointin;^ Judg^ "p^n p'^^''
^-'^ v dec-d-np feveral Points of Difci-
plinc : In a Word, by having an liand in ilie parucuiai b ut ail that happen'd in the Churches
of Europe.
as to Legats, 'tis certain that rothinr cnnduc'd more to eftabliiliing the
In the firft place lefitu /Us
djfolute Authority of the Popes, than the fending a Latere co reiide upon the fpot. bf Gre-
At filft the Popes were fatisfied with nominating the BiOiops of the Country for their Vi- gory VIL
cars, or for their I (gats, and granted them a CommifTton to call Coiinrit? 3nd to ad in ttfevird
their Names : But for as much
as thefc Prelates might have particular Inicrclts to carry on,
and were not enthrely devoted to the Will and Pleafure of the Fbpet, the Court of Upmt
tboaghr it more advifable to fend tipon the places Legats who were Strangers, wi:h ful^
Coaimiffion of calling Councils, of making Rules of Difciplinc, of judging Pricfts, and
even Bifhops themfelves; cf excommnnicating thoTe whom they thought fit, upon condition
that they would return a faithful Account of all t^-^'y,r Proceedings to the Pope ; and provid-
ed that tbofe who thought themfelf cs njur'd by then Deciltons, might come Peifoiidily to

Hwie, to complain to the Pope himfelf. By this means the Holy See judg'd the Umc Caufe
twice over, and kept afl the World in Aw^. For ihofe who had been Comlemn'd by the Le-
gats, hoping to meet with kinder ufage trorn the Pope, went to I^mc m the nature of Sup-
(dwnts and Penitents, and feldom fail'd of clearing themfelves, or of receiving their Abrolu<
tion ; which on the one fid ivanc'd the Aatbority of the Holy See, and on thr other,

made them its Crcuarcs. This Cultom of (ending Legats « Latere into the Provinces, be-
gan to prevail in the fon^going Century, and became very common in Mi, efpecially in Itaiy,
and France: However, it met at firft with fomc oppofition m Ger^n^ny, where they main-
cain'd iby. no other Lcgat of tlie Holy See ought to be acknowledged t>eiide tiie Arch-bilhop
of M^m J hatOn^ VE. play'd his(«n well as to introduce k tbeic; In tfaeQlurch

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^6 A NeiP Ecclejiaftical Hijlcry
ttXMfftbf Prdhie, the Anrh-frilbop of J^ieuw pretended, by virtue of bis Privileges, to t>e ncemp^
*7 Grc- from the Jurifdidicn of the Lcgats, at Icaft of tbofe who were not I^^mjr.s, and were imir.e-
gory VII. diatcly come from /^omf ; and tor this Rcafon would not appear before Hugh Bi/hopof Oia
tofevatl ap(j fj,g Abfaoc of Clury, whomGregory had nominated to be his legars in F.ance. But the
Pope 'cnr him word by the Second Letter of the fixrh Book, dated Au^u^ the ;;d, 1078.^
tliat the Holy See had always a Lilxrty of fenJii^g Legars immediately from t^ome, or of
nominating thofc who liv d upon tbe place, or of taking them whente ic pleasVl. EngUnd
mainrain d its R'ght much longer, and rcjcdcd Foreign I,cgats ; for we read in the Hi-
ftory of EatimeruJ, that Pope Vrisn fucccllor to Grercry \\\. iiaving fent in the Year, 1 100.
dpr Afcb-tMlhop of Vitm* at Legat of the Holy &c to Bt^Und^ all the Kingdom was
ftartled ar this Legation, which was look d upon as a dangerous Innovation, bcc^ufe it wa*
too well known, that there could be no other Vicai of the Holy Sec in England^ beHdc
the Afcb<billl0p of Canterbury ; that thereupon the Arcb-Ulhop M Vitnn* renimd /aft «S
he came, without having heuk adcaowk^g'd by aiqr one tt Lcgat, and wicfaonc doiof
any in that Quality.
Gregory Vl\. wbo hanfelf had been Legat in France, had no mipd to abragMe ibis d.
fiom; on the contrary, the firrt thing he did after he was Eledled Pope, was to continue
the Legats fent by his Predcceflors, and to fend new ones into thofe pans, where there
u cre none. By the Sixth Letter of the 6rft fiook, he conHrms the Legation of Ger^mi
Cardinal Bilhcp of Oftia, and of the Sub-dracon f{atnb^!d Legats in Fmnc.; orders rhem to
do their utmoll in making up ilic Breach between Hugh Abbot of Cluny and his Moakl^
and fends them Hugh the finite a Cardinal, to go into Spain, if they thongbc fir.
In th Eighth Letter, he likcwife continues the Legation of Hubert and Albert, and

horts them to execute the Commiffion which his Predecelfor Mexander had given them.
In the Sixteenth, he ihews how he would have his Lcgati demean themfelves towaitb
him, by writing to Cardinal Gerard of Ojiia, that he was very much furpriz'd at his not
fending him word by an Exprefs, what had been done in the Synod which he had held
in Spain, bccaufe it was cuftonarf, and wicbal neceflary tbat «4ien a Legat of tbe Ho«
ly See held a Council in a rcrrote Country, he (hould come and give an accoun: of
what he had done, or at leafl fend one to do it for htm : That tho' that Cardinal had Mb
quainted him with part of the Proceedings, yet fince there was no Perfon, wboeiiher (aw or
beard, how things went in that Synod, to inform h m about it, he was very much ac
a ftand what anfwcr to give thofc, who complain'd of having been excommunicated,
depos'd or interdided unjuftly ; for fiear he (hould either be deceiv'd by the intricacy
of the Caufes, or fliould not fully exercife his Authority : That however, 'tis look'd
upon as a piece of Cruelty and Contempt, to defer giving thcfc kind of AnTwen; bci-
caufe of the dangers they are in, who arc under Eccledadical Cenfures: That as to tbebn-
fincfs of ll^il'.iim Arch-bilhop o( AucLe, whofe re-eftablilhment he delir'd him to grant; he
had hinifelf rais d perplexities in his mind, by taking notice to him that he had been de-
pos'd only for having voluntarily communicatied with an excommunicate Per(ba$ and dnt
yet he had not clcar'tl himfelf Canonically, but only offer 'd to do it before Pope Alexander:
That after this Affair had been debated, at laft the)- came to this Refolution, That if the
Afdi*bilbop of Auebe were guilty of nothing elfe, but of having communicated widi an e*.
eommunicatc Perfon, he ought not to be deposd j but that if he were charg'd with any
Other Crimes of which be was not dear'd, the determination thereof ought to be rcfcrr'd
to the Holy See : TbaKPsMfiiw BiAop of Besfiers, who (as he fent word) had been depos'd
for the fame Ofience, was come to I{pme to make his complaint ; but that be had declin'd
giving him any anfwer out of Rcfpe<fl to him : That however, fince the like Sentence
to be pafs'd on Cafes that are alike, ifhe were guilty of no other fault, be ooeht
to rc-eftablifli him. The Arch-bi(hop of Aucbe was re-eftablilh'd, and the Pope wrote in
bis behalf to the Bifhop of Be:(iers, and to the other Suffragans, that they fliouid acknow-
ledge him, and (hew him the Refpetfl which thty ow'd bim. This b tfaeFhe and fiftieth
Letter of the firft Book, dated March the i6th, 1074.
The Pope s Legats did not meet with the fame Reception in all places. Thofe whom
he fent into Bohemia, were not much regarded, particularly by the BtfliOp of ^^^aw, ^wbooi
they had Reprimanded and Condemned as one guilty of Simony. Gregory thereupon wrorc
to the Duke of Bohemia, and thank'd him for the Refped which he fliew'd to his Legats • *
but withal told him. That he had great Reafon to complain of their being flighted lobis
Country, becaufe formerly Legats were not fent fo frequently ; which be dys happend
through the remiflhcfs of bis Predeceilbrs. In particular, he accufes the Bifhop of Brtmu
and threatens 10 confirm tbe Incerdidion piromianc'd i^ainft him b)' his Legats, if be
did not obey them, by doing what they reqnir d of him. This Letter is tbe Sewmewm^
of tbe firft Book, dated Jidy tbe 8th, in the Year, 1073.
In the Fonierh of the fccond fiook, Gregory VII. charges all the Faithful to Rdiwift bis
Legats : And in tbe One and foittetb, be iisnds iben to be preieot at tbe Bledioa <d tbe
Bilbop of Et^tiH*,

^ H.
of the Eleventh Cctmiry of Cbriftianity. 57
fitnthis Legits even to che moft renxxe Cbiuitrks ; uJktt idhmce A as np- GrcRbif
pcnrs by the Sixty third Letter of the fecond Bookj nSdkMMM; It!i0&(» Dmimkt &c. as ^ if

appears by feveral other Letters.

Of ail the LefitiofK, none was more coofidenble than that of the two Hugh in A-4«Ke, Gre>
rtcr were there any Legats who exercis'd it with prcatrr Au:hority, or difparch'd more Af-g 'H' Vlf.
fairs. The one was fiilhop of Dia^ and the other Abbot of Cluny. The ibrmer had been w/ivctmI
BleAed Biihop of Dis hf the Clergy and Laity of that City, with the Approbatioo of
ff'7/,'/.im tlicir Coimr After his Elcdion, he hnd r-krn nn Oath of Fidelity to chat Count:
fiuc not being forward to pay him the Sum of Mony which was ufually exatlted for the
Right of Invwittttc^ he difoblig'd him fo much, that he was no foooer gone to i(Mnt to bf
Confccrated, but the Course fciz'd of the Revenues of his Church. TIk Pope hav ng read
over the ACt of Hugh's £ledion, Coofecrated him, but upon conditim thar he would not
tolerate any StOMiny in hi< Dtorafi, nor Coflfecrate any Clhorch that had its dependence on
any l ay Patrons. This is what he acquaims that Count with, by the Sixty ninth Letter of
of the hrft fiook, wherein he upbraids him for havtng feiz'd on the Revenues of the Chofch
cF i^t. This Lener bears date Mvcb the i6th, 1074.
By the Three and fortieth Letter of the fccor.d Book, dated Jf'Muary the 5th, 1075. he or-
ders that fiilhop to accept of the Reltitucions which tbofe of his Church Ibould make him,
anil to abfolve (tikn, vpdo eotiditioa that they wbidd coooe and appear before the Synod of
QrtgoTj VIL repoling a great deal of Confidence on this fiilhop, made him bis Legac or
Vicar in fV«Nce ; and in thix quality referr'd to bhn a great many Aflairs : Anu>ng others,
tli.n which related to the fiilhop of Cumhay, who after he had been Elcdle^ hnd rccei\'cl

the Inveilicure therec^ from King Henry. The Pope orders his Legat by the I wo and
twvnrietli Letter of the Amtb Bone', to examine this Afiair in a Council, with Hugh Abbot
of b uny, and feveral Bilhops of France
: And that if be who was Elected to the Biftop-
ricJc of Camlnray, would Iwcar, that when he rcceiv'd the Invefticure from Henry, be did not
know that he was exeornnmicated. or that the Pope had prohibited fuch Inveltitures, be
Ihould confirm hi<? Eled^ion. By the ftrn-c Letter he lilcewilc committed to him, tlie taking
cognizance of the Aftairs which related to the fiilhop of Chaiau^ the Churches of Chartres,
p^and CkntwHt, and ibai of ibe MooaAery of AMNiw. TUf Letter it dated JM9 the
id, in the Year, 1077.
Tills Legat in purfuaiKe of his CommifSoo, held feveral Councils in FrMiee in the Year, Comdh
to'yy. Among the reft he held one at CtewMir, wbereui he depos'd the fiilhop of that City, hOih
and the Biftiop of ?uy\n Velay ; Artorhrr Dijon againft the Simoniaci! : A third ax Au- France,
tun, to which he cited molt of the Aich-biiliops of Frame, and tooJcmn'd all tbofc who ^.^^^
wonld not appear; towk, MmuJJei Arch-bilhop of l^ms, accus'd of Simany by his^^r^y
Clergy ; the Arch-blfhop of Sens, becaufe he would not acknowledge the L^-gnr ; the Arch-
biihop of Bordeaux, becaufe he had not appcar'd at the Council of dernmu, and becaufe ^IT*
•fin* he had been Sofpended, he ftill conrinu'd to difcharge his nudBons 1 the Arch-bilhop
ofB'urcrrj for having rclinquifh'd hi'? Church; the Arch-bifliop oiTourt, accns'd cf being
Vexatious and Simoniacal ; the Arch-bi(hcp o( Liens, convicted of Simony, in whole place
CthAt Aicbdcaeon of LMgret, was eleded and ordaui'd ; the HiiTx ps of Sm/$s, CkmrtWt
jtttxene, (or having receiv'd the lovcftiture from the King; the Bdop of Noyon, who
owo'd hitafelf Guilty of Simony ; and the Biihop of Auhm, for not aiiitting at the Coun-
The nCTt year Hugh Biihop cf held another Co in cil ;u Poitiert, fpightof il e Pro-Tt*C#ai»
htbitions of the King of France, who perceiving how loufhJy his BiOiops were hanaled, til of
bad w to the Count of Peitiers and to the fiiihops of his Kingdom, nctf to fufirr tlie Pottlert,
Tbpe*s Legat to hold fuch Councils, which he Nickname? Cor,venticle$. The Arch-bilhop
of Iter/ and the fiilhop of I{ennet came to this Council, buc it was to difturb it j for which *®7**
tbe Legat fufpended both of ihem. However, they ftill fpoke Ixsidly agabft the Legai^o
PrnrccdinK, and even ofier'd fomc Violence to him. Afrerwards rhry withdrew wirh the
Siiffragan Bilbops of the Arch-biflioprick of Toun, and iefi him with a very fmall number
of Pranes. The next day he held a Council in the Church of S. HiUrj : The Arch-bilhop
of Tourt perlifted to inveigh hotly againft the Legat, who fufpended him ; and appeal'd to
the Holy See. The Legat referr'd him to the Pope. Afterwards he depra'd the Abbot of
Wtegmif as hdng Guilty of Simony. The Arch-biihop of ScsfMtfai was fnfpend cd for not
appearing at tlje Syntxl of Auttm and Pfitien. The Judgment of rhc Rifhops of Bcauvaii
and N^em, accos'd of Simony, was rcfci r to the Pope. He wlio liad iiicruded mto the

CboKfa of ilaifaM was likcwife rcferr J ri> ^hc Pope, together with the Bilhops of L^m, •

Stnlis and Sa'ffhtr, who had ordain'd him. Tl:c Abfolur^on of rhc Count of Jn^m, wa»
likewife reterr'd to the Holy See. Hu^h of Dia in (his Council, heard the Caulc between
the Bilhops of T unmme and Peitierj, and after he had difcnfird theft MbrbI Canlbk. be
nade tan Ctoam upon the oadpline of the Cbtfcb.

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A Km EGclefiafticd thfiory
Grcgorf In diePirft, Ecclcfiafticte are prohibited from receiving the Invcftiturc cr Collation ct
VII Benctlces, trcm the King, or any Lay Paiioo. The Laicks who held any Churches ia tbeir
Tk C*M- Poireflion, were excommunicated, and thclc Churches interdided.
Mi 0/ >be Jf^ tlje Second, le k prolubkcd, to hold
two Benefion in two dtfltrenc Churches.
QmteU^f ^Y^^^. Ti^jrd imporcsi Tbic flo PcHba OiaU pfcmd
£ccki4ftkal BoKlkes. \tf
Pdkws. right of Succclfion.
The Foonh imiiorcs,

Thfc Bilbops flHl|

, ..1^^..
oke nodimg Ac Omimkum,
^ ^\
dot for Q»Ificno>
ing Churches. .
o * « '

The Fifth, That neither Abbots nor Monks (hall adminiAer the Saciamem oi Pconaoo^
H^tbaoc the ComtnifTion of the Bifliop ficit had.
The Sixth, That neither Abbots, Monies, iwr Prebendaries fliall purchafe Qiurches^ or get
the Impropriation of thein by any niethod wbatloe^'cr, ualcis it be with the content of the
fiifbop, in whofe Diocefs theic Churches arc : That howcTcr, tl^y (hall ftilt hold, and qui-
etly poircfs die Benefices whicli they already have ; but that the Pridt who fervfi cfa^
fltall DC .mfwerablc lo ihc
flilbcp for the Charge of Souls, and for his Miniftery.

The Seventh, That the Abbo s, Deans, abd Arch-priclts who are ncc Priefts, lhall cpiCt
into PiicRs Orders, or loftifaeur ficndkeir And ihac (he Ardi-deacOM MbcDea^jfu,
under the lame Penalty.
-"the Eighth, That Children of Pricfls, and Baitnis, (hall not be admitted hua
Holy Orders, unlefs thiy be Monks, or live in a regular Convent: But that they
fltiin not hold atiy Ecclciialtical Pretimneots. That Slaves cannot be admitted into Or-
den, trnlefs their Matters give them iket^ Eicedom.
The Ninth? Thar the Sub-deacons, Deacons, and Priefts fliall have no Concnbincs, or
any odicr fufpicious Women in their Houfcs i and that all thoie, who Dull wittingly bear
the Mafs of a Pricft who kaept a CtecnbiiM, or ii Gaiby of Sianay, fliall be cseomimiai-
The Tench, That Qcrks who iball be depos'd.
bear Anns, or are Uikrers,
Mbil df tike Pt«late«, Who were Coqdenw'd hj.Hi^b Bkbn^ of DU,
had recourfe to the
Pope, who releas'd them from their Condemnations, upon conditioo (as we laid before) ciiat

they would clear ihemiel.ves before bis Legat. For this, you may confuk the Letters of
Bu^ of DtM to Gregny VIL thofis of Matuffes to the lame ; and the Leucr of that Pope
by which he re-cftuUlhes them, which u (he Seventeenth of the fifdi Bookj daied Mar^
the 8tb, 1078.
Of all dxfe Prelates, Mtnajjet was abioft tfe ooly Petiba who periilWd in bis R,«l«|ik
rion of notowning Huj^h of Dia as Legat, who continttd to proTecute hi» till he had pro-
nounc d a definitive Sentence againft him, in the Couocii which be held at Littu in the
Year, 1080. wherein he depos'd him and his JodgiMBt iMtt COafim'd by Gngiry VJL
Mpears by this Seventh Letter of die fifth Book.
other Councils: The one at Apigntm, wljcrein
jig^fg^ TV
fame vcar this Legat held two
Mb if Aehtrd, who had intruded into the Church of Jlrkt, was tum'd out, and GiUHn pot jino
Avignon Ii;<; place And the other at MtMX, wherein he depos'd
'. f
r/iwi, Btftep of Saiffmu^ tmi

MiMeaux caus d Arnulfhus, Monk of S. MtdtrJ. to be eleded in his room.

iMtttregTf In the Year, (dSi. he held another Council at Mmwx, wheicii Jk oidain'd I{piert Abbot
1080. of j^elass, Bifhop of that City. But becaufe this Ordiaation was done without the Appro-
of i^cherus Arch-bifliop of Smr, the Bifliops of die Province wouJd not own Itimi
w' •
and Hjcherui ordain'd another Bifliop, after he had excommunicated I(ol>ert.
" P°P* rtferr'd to Hugh of Dm, the Ablolorion of ^(pbert Count of FUniUrs, excom-
muntcated by the Biftiop of Laitgrei^ with CommiiRon to put other Pcrfons in his placcj
this^ppears by the Seventh Letter of the fixth Book, dated November the zsth, 1079. ,
By the Sixteenth Letter of the feventh Book, dated Mittcb the 26th, 1080. he orders Ha-
^err Bifliop of Teirounne, whom Hugh of i>f« had cited twice before him, to juiiily iumtdf
li^felt that Legat,
Htt^h of Din as a Recompence of the good Services he had done to the Holy See, wis
tranQatcd from the Biflioprick of DU, to the Arch-biflxiprick o(Li»ns, in the Year, io3^.
'and Iwcaine fo powerful, that after the Death of Gregory Wll. he was one of thofe who
prcended to the Popedom ; and nptHi that Sabjedl, had cootefts with Vidor III. who had
been preferr'd before him. That Pope excooimanicated him However, in the Popedopi :

of VrUn n. Hugh was re-taken again into Tavcnr, and concinoed 10 ezerdle his Legaii|ik
in France. a<! we fliall fliew in its proper place. He
dy'd in the Year, 1 106, in 08olfcr, at
Sufa, in his Journey to the Council which Pope fafebsl IL held about the cod of that year
at CuaJHU, m
Uw-Dolcedom of MmriM.
There are a great many other Affairs relatinf; to Frmce, NormjnJr, FLmdrrs, RngUnd
and Brctagne, which Hugh and his Colleges took Cognizance of, and pafs d Sentence i^x)0
Wttiifr "Definitively, after it had been rcferr'd to them by the Pope, or.dfe Plovifionally ffr
any to h.ive liberty of appealing to the Holy See. We
fiialihave opfocmniiy of fpcakinf
more largely of thefe diings hereafter.

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of ibe tlevcrith Century of CbrijUmty. 59I
Qtegtry VII. to his Awhority, thought it expedient to make Gr^orf
add die tnort Srrengrh to
fchoice of one of the inoft eminent Sees of FroNce, on which he might confer the perpetual VJl.
Vicarlhip or Primacy of the Holy See. The Vicarihip of the Popes in France^ (by v irtue vUmtf
bf which thofe, to whom it was granted, pretended to a Jurifdi(2ion above Metropolitans), tie FMfi
and the Quality of Primates, had till then pal's'd from Church to Church, according as thqf laiiinfief
had bi-cn more or le^s favour'd by the Holy See. 1 he Church of Aries is the firft on wbomi
this Privilege was conferr'd by Pope Zo:{imps, in confidcraaoii of the Merits of Pdtroclus^
•who was Atcb-bifliop of that place. Pope Sjmmacbut confirm 'd this Privilege in favour of
Cefareus Arch-bilhop of Aries, as to that part of G*ul, which was then under tlic Dominion
of the Goths : But at the fame time he made S. Hpny, Archbilbop of Hjjeims, his Vicar in the
Kingdom under Clovis. However, afterward the Vicarlhip of the Arch-bifliop of ^r/» fpreail.
it felf in the Kingdom under Cbildelfert^ and even through all France, by thr favour of the Popes
Vigilius, PeUiitul. .Gregory the Great, and y<N&» VIII. But Adrian 1. fcitor d this Honour
to the Arcb-bidtop of I(heim; and the Popes ItnM/iVi III. and Nichclat I. confirm 'd it. Pope
Sergius granted ir to the Bilhop of Met:(, in confidcration of the Pcrfon of Dreux, the Em- .

peror's Uncle. Bur the Bilhops of Prance would no: acknowledge him, and we do iioi find
that his Succeflbrshavc pr Ri dcd [lercto. Anfegifw Arch-bilhop of Sens^ obuin'd the fame
privilege from Jchn VUI. and his Succeflbrs reuin'd the Qushty of Primate ct Caul :tnd
Cermanj/, liio the Bifhops of France would not aiknowlci.igc u in die CouiX.l uf Uomjcn,
and ever fince it has been difputed with them. , .

At lift Grt7<7n VII. made choice of the Church of Liens, ns the Church of m oft note. Tie ereff-
to Irlonour with this Quality, and granted it the Primacy o\cr lour Provinces of France I'ugthe Fri^
namely, of Liens, I(pan, Tours, and Sens, by the Foiu ana thirtieth Letter of the flzth Book, '"ffy of
<}ire(3cd to Grhrttn Arch'bif>iop of Lions ; and by the Five and thirtieth Letter of thp fame Lions^, if
Book, directed to the Arch-b,thopS of t^an. Tews and irnj, which are both dated Ajirtl ^^^fj^ *

the icth, in the Year, 1 079. To eftablilh thii, be Ibppofes that the diHindion of Diocefles,
Provinces, Prin-acits, and Mctropolitanlhips wn-; mndc by the Apoftlcs themfelvcs, or by the
Holy Apoftolick See, and that the Dignity ot Pnrr.atc had been granrcd by his Predeceflbrs
CO the Arch-bilhop of Lions. However, it would be a hard matter to prove this out of any
Authcjitic' Record. Bcfides, the Arch-bifhops of Scwr ard I{oan, would not acknowledge
the Archb.ihop of Liens for Prinute: Which oblig'd Ur^jw U. in the Council beU at (T/rr-
mmt, in the Year, 109). to fufpend Hicberus Arcb-bi(hop of Sent from the ufe of the Pall
ro enjoyn his SuDraeans not to obey him; and to tbrciicn the Aich-bifhop of i^^jw with the
fame PuniiLmeot, did not within three Months acknowledge the Primacy ot the Arcb-
biOiop of Liem. ' "

The R
ght^s or Privilege: fipnei't! to the Popes Vicars ot Primates in FratKey have
JSiiii ^^j%e
of a greater or kls ezcem, ae^^mg to the diifiercncc of the Times- Pope :^:{imus grant- «r trhi^
cd dunee Things n> die Arcb-Uihop of Aries, viz. ( 1 .) That all die fiiftiops who were mtnd- Uget e§
cd ro come to /(oiw, lhall be oUig'd ro take along with them recommenaarory Letters from ifc' Pri-
the Arclfbilhop of AHet. (1.) That the Ordinations in the Provinces of Vienna and JVar- n»atc»«f
htmne ihaU be fis Peodiais. • (3.} That be lhall ha vc che fame Jurifdidlion over the ClittKhei,^'tvne»' .
wbicfa he has had over thrrrj for a long time, tho* they hr not in his Territory. Of thelc
time Privileges, the two laft belong to the Arch-biihop of Aries as Udetropolicao i
and the Ikft was gtaneed Um as Vicar of the Pope. ^woMckus, beiides chefe, granted
bim Power of calling Council', of the B'fl-.ops of France and Spain
.1 Vigilius added
thereto the Hoooar of wearing the Fall j but he dciires that if he ihould meet with any
^bich codd not be detemikrd bf the Cemncils, be fhould make bk Reporr
di£ficalt Fbinr,
thereof to the Holy See. Felagiut granted htm in general, a Power of Ading in F-.Kce,
with refpcd to every thing which concem'd the Adminiftration of Ecdeliaftical AHairs.
Lafily, Pope Gregory took nodoe in particular, wherein this Power conffitod, wUdi is^
(|.) To caufc n!l the Canons to be ReligiouHy obferv'd, and to maintain the Faith.
{%.) To call a Sjnod when 'tis neceilary. (3.) To make his Report to the Holy Sec, of the.
CootroveHws or Faith, and of the noft momentary and difficult Caufes. The Privtlece'
gr.m'cJ 'oy xW, P ipts ro the Arch-bifhops of Bj^eims, confifts chiefly in being immedi-
ateiy fubjet^ to no other than the Holy See, and in having the Right of Ordinatioo and
InfpeAion in the whole compafi of hU Vicerfliipw The Bifliop of "Met^ bad a Conmriffioo tnf
cal! fX'.crA Coiiiici's ; To receive the Judgments pals'd inr the Provincial Synods; to hear
upon the firft iniiance, the Caufes of Appeaiuig to the Holy See i to inform btm&ff of the
Lives of the Abbots and Bilhops, and to provide fee the neoeflides of tbe Obnrcb. The;
Priv lcj-es v; d '1 rhr Arch-Uifliop of S(ns, arc to call Councils, and to examine into all
c •

tbe Eccleriailical Afiairs of France and Germany ; to receive and pubiilb tbe Decrees of the
Holy See, and to vcakt bis Report to it, of all the Afi&trs ofMoment and Confeqnence.
Gregory VII. does not enter into the p.irficular^ of rhe Privileges of the Aicli bifhnp of • I

iwif Ji but only fiiys in general, that the Ecclcfialtical Aflairs of an^ Cendquence ought to
iw brought Before mm
; and dyat U belongs to hiU'io oonfirm and dilannul tbe Judemejns dt

the Ordinaries, an^ u dge tbe Gnifel of KIIWf«> aiidibe Afltiit of Importance biit wtdi-
r ,

pfeincUceiOtbeUoiySce. , .

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. 66 A Nmf tcclejiajitcal tiijiory
Grigo' f Before Gregory VlT. was Pope, Manajfes was Arch-bi^op *f l^ieitnr. That Prelate Being very
Vil. powerful, thought t'mr thi- Mortks of the Abby or S i{:rn:i of that City, ought ro pay an
Tie Caufe entire SubmiflTiou to him. He W4S for giving them luth aa Abbot ns he tbougbc fit, and, took
•/ Ma- part of their Rcvenoei into Ms PoOe/fion. Th«1e Monks having relerr'd their Complaints

ttaiTcs ro /lleXaaJer^l. ih.u Pope umre to Mafi,^(fes, ami aJmonifhcd hi r\ p t an end to thcfc Com-
Arflhiijhep p[a |„ts, and to give Orders that that Abbey Aould be provided with a leguhr Abbot, who
9Rheim:^. thouki have the Admi^iftradon both of Spirimaht and Temporab in his own hands. Grf.
gory VII. continued the fame Rcmonftrances : But being imlirmV! that M^w.iJJcj, notwith-
ilatidinq all the Promiies which he had made by his DepaticJii to give him i«cis£lii^ion, coO'
tinu'd his Abufes to diofc IteJigious, arid enjoy'd their ReT^oes; He wrot« « Letter m
hint fiiH of InvediVes, wherein he threatens to (hew him the urinofl fcTerity, if he did not
imtncd lately caufe a Regular Abbot to be put into that Abbey, and if he did not give fiicb
Orders as chat the Religious might have no farther Reafen t* coinpflin of him : And nt
the fame time he orders Uu^h Abbot of C/uny lo com ey that l etter to him, and to learn his
Anfwer. Thcfe arc the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Letters of the firik ficwk, dated Jime the
S9th, and the 6rft which Gregery wrote after his Ordination,
Manajjet olscy'd the Popes Orders, and caus'd fVtUiam, Abbot of S. Amalfhus of Afr#f,
to be cledlcd nifo Abbot of S. ^my
of t{hcims. The Pope approV*d of the Choice of the
^crfon ;but he thought it hard that one Man (hoald hate die Charge of two Abbeys.
However, be permitted William to hohl, or relinquifh that of I{emy, as he thought fit.
hf it for fome time; but not being able to endure the Tyranny and Opprel?ion of
M'VtaCics, he rcfign'd that AbUy. The Pope wrote to Manaffrs to order another Abbot to
\k cleded, and gave at the fame time notice to Hermgn fiiftop of Met:(y that Abbot
IVttliam WIS willinp to ttMt in the Abbey of his Diocefs. This is the Subjed^ macter
of the Finy fccond and third Letters of the firft Book, dated March the J4th, i -74.
The next year the Pope, by the Fifty fixth letter of the fecond Book, dated March the
4th, committed to Man.iffet, the Execution of the Sentence pafs'd againft the BiHiop of ChO'
/cms, wIk) had been depos d for not appearing before the Synod of I{fme, to which he had beeit
cited, upon the account of fome Differences between Him and his Clergy. And by the
Fifty eighth dated the 5th of the fame Month, he orders him to caufe the P'f'^opor Noym
to reftorc to the Bifhop of Vtrecbt^ a Church which he had unlawfully iciz'd up-
Hugh Biihop of Lcgat of the Holy Soc in Frr.n:t, hnv'w? cited Mmajfes to a Coun-
eil, which he had caJl d at Aunm, that Arch-b:(hop thought it bctnath him to appear ^here;

which caqs'd the Legat to Condemn him. Manajfes went immediately to Home to clear
hinifcif and by the Pop c> order waited there three Mon-h? torethcr for H«gh of Dia. But

when that Billiop cnmc noi, the Caufe of Manajfet was argu d m a Council, between Hint
ind the Deputic*; of of Dia. Manajfes having no Body ro Accufc hiir, did with
rafc juftify nimfelf ; and having affiriri'd that it \va^ nor in conrempt of the Holy See, that he
did not appear before the Council oi Autun, the Sentence palVd againft him in that Council
wasdcchr'd invalid, uptti condition that he would appear bt fore the Pope's Lcgar, when-
ever he Riotdd be Snmmoried • Btit he declar'd !i e would not adinit the Brfhop of Dia
.:?k d him whom he was willing Ihould be his judge
to be his Jui^'ge. 'i iic Poj": i Ma-
. naps reply d.' The Ahkt of C L UN Y: Whereupon the Pope deputed that A^OK
to be the Judge in the Caufe of Manajfes i sfrer he hid made him promife, that if he were
call d to an)t Synod by the Holy See, or to any by that Legar, he would not fail ro nudke
bis Appearance. Manajfes being retum'd to Firanct, was Sammond in the Name of Hugfsd
t)ia and the Abbot of Cluny, to a Council to be held ar Treyes ; be went rbither with part
of his Clergy : But the Clerks who accus'd him not daring to come thither, he was coun-
fennand^d, and the Legats of the Pope were toot at that Council. Manajfet appcard then,
ftorwithOnndipg the Order-; to the contrary, and thought he had difcharg'd the Promife
which he had made ro the Pope. He pretended likcwilc that according to the Promifes he
made, he was oblig ; :
e ir before none belide the Pope, Of before the J^MfansL^li
fcnt immediately from rhe Holy See, and not Ix-fore the Bifhop? on the other fide the Moun»
tains. He wrote lo the Pope about it, and at the fame time complain'd of the Al^bi^p
of Vienna, who had depos'd and re^fhblilh'd feveral Priefts of the Dioceft of J^'asr; atM
of the Bil^.ops of Laon and Soijfens his SuffVnganS, who had ordain'd a Bifhop of Amitn*
without ctmluiting him, and even whilft he was at 1{pme. Gregory reply'd to him by the Se>
ennd Letter of the (ixth Book, dated Augujl rhc 2 ad, 1078. That he ought 10 acknowledge
rhe I.egais natn'd by the Holy See upon the, as well as rhofe who were fent immediately
from I(^mc ; and that he ought fonhwirh to clear himfelf of the Things laid to his Charge
fiefbre Hugh of Dstf and the Abbot of Cluny ; and that tbey Ihould ^him Juflice, wiib ic»
fped to the Complaints which he made. This is what he atquaints the Bifhop of Did
with, by the next Letter dated tte fame day.
Inthetneen time Hugh of Dia caus'd Mmiajfei to be Summon'd twice to a Council to be
Tc fd ar Linn:, ro niifwer to the Accufatioas which Count 'Mimffc'. .if d fcveral Clerks of rhe
Church of Hlmmt prcfcrr d a^ainft him. The Arch-bilhop of /y»e/«f/ rcfus'd to come to that

Digitized by Google
of the Eleventh Century of Chrifiiamy. Si
touncil, and publilh'd an Apology or hUnifcfto, wherein he allcdpcs fcvcral Rcaru:is for hi: Gre)5orf
not appearing. The firft is, Bccaofe (here is no mentioa made ot the Abbot of C/w(/ in the Vil.
Order, by which he was Snimiioii'd to that Council. The Seoond, Becanft that CTonncU T%eCtt^
was hclii in a Ciry, which was not in that parr of Trance, wherein he otij^hr U) be Judg'd. '/ ^la*
The Third, Bccaufe the Province which lay between Urn of l(ibeims and that of Liotu, and
thitmgh which he nwft pafs, was engag'd in a War; to that he cowM not come without ^/^T*^
djnper of being made PnfonCr. The Fourth, Becaufc he undcrftood that that Council was** "
tp ci^mt of the liune Pcri<}ns, who had already Condemii'd him hilhiy and unjnftlv. The
Fifth, Becaufe accofdtng to the Canons, it was tvtjntr'd that (bcK a p!ace fhatM be made
choice of u) Ti y nny one, as was near to his own Country, where one might produce Wit.
iieiles^ atid pais a definitive Sentence. That belides, he was rcconcii d to Count Manajfej^
and to ill tboiie who were at Difference with him, except Br$mo, who was neither hi*
Clerk, nor Born nor Baptlz ii in his Diocefs, bUt a Prebendary of S.Cunibert of Cologne^
for whom he was not much conccrn'd ; and who had fery d him bafcly, tbo' under panicular

Obfigaiions to trim ; and except another Clerk, nam'd Vttaius, whom he bad convid^ed of
Falihood in the Council of R^me. That if he had no Accufcrs, he was not obltg'd to come
and clear himfelf I^efore the Council, by ibe Teftimony of fix fiiftops of an anblame-
able Life : That when he would have done it, he could not, becaufe of the (hortnefs of
the lime that was aUow'd him ; and that it would be difficult to find in his Proviiice fix
Bifht p>. who were not his Enemies, and without Reproach: That when' he had promis'd
to the Pope to appear before the Council which (hoald be held by his Legars, he meant
only I'uc h a Council at Ihould be Iield in France, and in caie he had not lawRil Reafons to
excufe his Non-appearance : Laftly, That for his part, he did not acknowlcge Hugh of
Dia to be Lcga: i lincc the Pope had granted him the favour of refufing him for his Judge ^

That however, to fhcw his Su'. mi/^n to the Holy See, he of}i:r'd him to apj car ar a Syrwkl
which fhonld be held in fome Ciry near to ^heims, eitlicr in Lent or at Eitfter j and that
ht would there receive him with all the Honour that was due to the Lcgats of the Pope:
That he exhorted him to accept of this Ofifi^ ; becaufe it would be more advantageous iq
fhe H ".'y See. to artracfi the Refpcifl and Submiirion of the French by Ad'i of Moderation,
than by Acts of Severity to l-Lcep them at a didancc; That if notwithltanding this Remon-
Jbanoe* ftill would pcriift in the fame mind, and pronounce a Sentence of Depolition
anr! Fyco!r'f>n!n'rntion n^j^inft him. the Popc<^ S. G'-f^" - and S.Leo bad inftruCVed him that
lie ought no: to iooic ujjon iuch Excuirijnui);L.i:iun a.s Uluing fr(Hn the Holy See. I hele
are tne ReafiMlS contain d in the Apology of ManaJJes, which is a very fine Piece, and writ-
ten in a very ck^ot Style» and pnbMi'd by Fadaec JiUiiUm in the firft Tome of his Tsta/i
fury of Italjf.

lAglft of Dia had no regard to this Idamfejio, bnt in toe Coancil of 'Lim$ pronotinc*d 4
Sentence of Depofition .^f r^inft M-maJfts, and rhr Pope mnfirra'd it in the Syno of f^-me,

held the beginning of tlic \ tar, jcSo. and gave Mdttafjet norice of it by the I wcntKth
Letter of the Seventh Book, dated April the 7th of the fame Year ; allowing him ndnridi-
ftaoding further tin-c rill Fcnf^ of S. Michael to joftific himfelf, cither at I\ome, or b(*forr
his Legats; by pioducing as an Evidence of hii, innocence fome Bi(hops his Suffragans; by
wftpflng to the two Perlons who had accus d hin^ the Revenues which he had taken from

rheTTi ;and upon Condition hr would retire to C/»m; or (boie OChtr Monaftely till
^ow-day, and forbear till then .ill Epifcopal FiindiionS.
Manajfes did not hearken ro this Sentence, and conttRQCd in Poflfeffion of his Archbifhop-
rick wirhoiit fubmirn'ng in tIil' Icrift mj rlic Pope ; who wrote immediately to the Clergy and
Laity of iipcitns, 10 the Sufragans of that Mctropoliianfliip , to Kiiig Philip and to Count
£fo/df, ordering th^m no longer to acknowledge him for Archbifliop of Hbeims, to tarn him
ont erf that Church , and ro Elcd: or caiifc to W Eli ded another in his ftcad. This is the
tobjetft Matter of the Sevcnreenih, Eighteenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth Letters of the
Eighth Book, dated Decemb. 17th in the fame Year.
Thi"; 'hUK.iffes is accus'd by the Authors of that time of having atrain'd to the Archbi-
Ihoprickof Hlicitn$ by Simoay, and of having exercis'd an infuroortable Tyranny and Op-
pidSon over his C lergy ; of having rifled Churches, plander'd Mohaftericfi exadted Monf
from his Clergy, perfccuted Men ofEftatcs ; of rci7ing the Rcvcnnr^ of the richeft Abbies;
of having liv'd more like a Great Lord, than a Btlhop ; of having greater Care of his Sol-
diers, than of his Clergy 1 of haring more Concern for the Temporalities, than for the Spin*
tualitics of his Archbilhoprick ; and of being fo impious as ro fiy, That rhe ArchbiffiopricJc
of ^hdms would be a very pretty Thing, if no linging of Mais were required. Tts thus
diat he is let out by H^Ktm Abbot of S. Amulphtu of M^^, Guili>ere Abbot of Nogetit, and
Hugh of Flavijrtjr. However, Fw/rft/Hf Subdencon of Meaux, has made his Elogy ; and the
Clergy of Nojm (in a Letter which they wrote at that very time to the Clergy of Cambray,
to prove that the Sons of Clerics and Vridb might be admttwd into Priefts Orders) maintain,
That the Excommunication of Manajfes had been made by a Motive of Envy ; and it
was ralh and unjuft. This Letter is relaied by Fadicr MabiHon, alter the Apology of Mj-
62 , A New Eccleftaftical Hijiory
Grcnory All this imkcs Thac tho* Matijjfei been as guiJtyas they would baie
it appear,
VII. him thoughc to be, yet he was not condemn d iu due Form.
Yhf There had been nr feveral Years paft a Conteft between the Archbilhop of Tours and the
•/ i*« Bifhop of Dot, who pretended likewife to the D.gruty of an ArchbiDiop, or the Right of Mc-
Arch-hi^ iropolian over the Bilhops of Br^^rnr. The Popes always declar'd tlicmfclvcs in favour of
Tours, the Alchbiflwp of T««r#. Gregory feem'd at firft to favour the Biftop of Dol-y for the
Md the Si' Ck-rpy and I aity having fcnt to the Pop - him whom ihcy hnd cle(£tcd ro be Biihop, he re-
faded to ordain him becaufe be was too young But having choicn Tves Abbot of S. McUine^

who wM
come to J^Mw widi the Deputies of Dot, he ooofecrued turn Iff tbeir Coafent, and
jr.intcd him the Pall, upon Condition that he wouIiH corrr 'o ^ome whenever be (hould bc
fept for thither, to regulate the Conicft which was bciwccn the Church of Dot and that of
7Wr# abour the Right of M«tropoIitan(hip. The Archbilhop of Tour/ chmking that die Pope
had by thi": prejudiced his Right cnmpl.iin'd of it ; but Gregory fenthim word rhar he had

no occafion to complain, fince he had taken luch Meafures Uiat what he had done {hoold be
no ?^iidice to bim, and due he would do him Juftice, when that Affair was in a Pofture
of bcir \ d.i:This is the Subje<fl Matter of the Founh, Fifth, and Thirteenth Letters of
the Fourth Book, of which the two firft, about the Ordination of 2W*, afc direded, the one
ta die People of Dd^ taA dK other to the Bilhops of Breugae, dated Seftember 17^ indie
Year, 1076. and die laft to SffiiUfim Aichbifliop of Ttmrt , dated the Firft of MffcA*.
The Pope was deceived m ihe Choice of die Man whom he had otdab'd 10^
Chnvch of
T)rL I Ic foon rccciv'd bad Condud : And after he had examin'd the Ac-
Complaints of his

cufatioDS broueht againit him, he ready to depofe him i when he received a Letter
was juft

from ffilKam King of Bnglmid, who intetoeded for hun. Tht* cans'd the Pope to fiiperftde
the Execution cf that Sentence, till he (hould fend upon the Place Hugh Bifhop of Dt'a, and
two other JL^ats, to inform themfclves more folly about that Afllair. This appears by the
. Serenternth Letter of the Fointfa Book, written to the King of BnglMti^ mi
dated Mtrd^
the id, in the Year, 077. He committed the Determination of that Aftir to fTug!' of D/<r,

to the Abbot of and to two other Qerks, by the Two and three and twentieth Letters
of the Fifth Book, dated M^yitd, 1078.
At h'} t'lc Conteft between the Churches of Tours and Z>fl/, for rhe Rifhz of Mctrr;poU-
cao^bijP, iiavtng been debated in the Council held at Home the besinnmg of the Yeat, 1080.
And the AitJiDilbop of Tmt/ having made it appear, by good Titfet, That Brttarnt betong'd
to his Metropollunfliip wlK rt t'.c fiifhopof Dot notbeimr able ro produce luch ^^urhen-

dek ones;, was^eas'd to iay, Thac he had forgot behind him fevcral of his Tides : The Fopc
gnnted htm a nrther dme, and dedaiM fhat be wovld fend Legats upon the Place, to deter-
mine that Aflair : And thac if it .ip; carM rhac rhe Bifhcp nf Del had fufficient Tirlcs wln rLon
to ground his £xce[Mtion, he flionld iiiii remain in Pt^elitoo of it ; if no;, that then the BiOiop
of iWand theotfae^ Bilhops of Br^t^ lhail be fubijed to the Archbilhop ofItor^, asiodietr
Metropolitan ; upon Condition however that the Bifliop of Dol (Tiall ftill enjoy the Privilege
•f weanne the P4//. This is what be intimates to the People of Tourt and Bretaffu^ by die
Fifteenth Letter of die Seventh Book, dated Mnvfr Sdi, in the Year, leSa.

jh-: CiJt The Bifliop of Tout hs\ K^'us'd to one of his Clerks a Church which he pretended to

^ the Bi- belong to his Prebendlfaip, and having abfdntely fufnended bim, that Clerk was iaoens'd
Pt^ againft him, and accos'd Inin of felling Benefices and Sacred things of holding a fhameful

TonU j^f^ difliooorable Commerce wi a rtnin Vo:tian, and of having bought his Bifhoprick.
li . '.

Tlic Bithop's Friends, to avenge his QparrcJ, threaten to be even with that Clerk, if ever
th<7 coald catch him. Whetenpoa that Chnle noe thinking himfelf fecmre abfconded, and
the Bifltop immediately caus'd all that he had to be fold. That Clerk having tnade his
Complaints thereof to Hpme, Gt^trj VIL by the Tenth Letter of the ieomd Book, dated
ORoher the 14th, 1074. CommidionVl the Arch4>i1hop of Treves, and tlie Biflrap t^Met:(, to
Try this Canfe. He enjoyns them in the firft place to put that Clerk into the PoiTeiHofl
of his Benefice ; afterwards to make enquiry into the Life of the Bifliop : If he were In-
nocent, to punifli the Clerk who had Icandaliz'd him ; and if he were Guilty, to depofe
The ceufe iVilliam Duke of A^uitain, and Count of Peitien, having Marry 'd one of his Relations,
•f William the Legat of the Holy See, and the Arch*bifliop of IBvrdeMx call'd a Synod, to oblige him
i),ke of to part from fier. Ifembert Bifliop of Poitiers diflurb'd that AlTembly, and offer d violence
A^ttitaio. to thofc who were dicre. However, the Duke of his own accord parted from his Wife.
Gregory no lefs pleas'd with his SubmifHon, than he was offended at the Adlion of the
Bifliop of Ftitiert, complnnented the Duke upon it by the third Letter of the fecond

Book, and ched the Bifliop to the Council of Home by the fecond Letter of the fame Book,
threatning to depofe and excommunicate him ; and by the Founh of the fame Book advifes
die Arch-bifhop of Bordeaux to come to H^^f, or to fend fame body thither to aocnfe Ifim^
here. Thefe Three Letters are dated Seftember the id, 1074. Jfembert nor appearing ar
the Synod, the Pope not only confirm'd the Sufoenlion which his Legat had pronounc'd
ngainft him, bw likewife cacommnnkated hiin, to! fuch ijme as he flwuid come to ihc^y-

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of the Eleventh Century of Chriflumity. .6-^
nod, to be betd at J(*m* the beginning of Lent, as appears by the Three and Four aod twen- Gregory
tieth Letters of the fame Book, dated NcmemUr the i6th, in the laoie Year. VU.
The I etrcrs nf Grronry Art full of In 'rinrcs of Eifl ops whom he ciii.d to /^cwf, to give The Ctuftt
an account of their Cotiducik, or condcsrin d for no: appearing j. or abfblVd when they did nhtchQxe-

Pavia, to come to liiBi with the Marquifs ^/t, uott'd of Ina-it with Bifhop's Sitter.
This Woman's Name was Mjittlda, wh ch f^ive cxcallfHi lo fon^.e Aurhors, to think her to
be the fame with the Princcfc MnfUd.i, :[ <. Wife uf Gcdfiey. But /he w.<s qaite another
Vmmd j for ihe whom we fpcak of WiBiam Bidiop of Piifi*, who had
of, w j ti e Sifter
Marry 'd her Kinfman Afo, of Go^ifny, rhe Princefs MtitiUa'% Hu-b-.tid.
before thi- r>c irh
The Pope wrutc to her by the Thirty lixili Letter of ihc kumd Book to part from Afo, till
foch time as flie lliould prove in the Synod of i^owf, that the Marquils was IKK bcr Kiltfman.
And by the Thirty fifih Letter, hi Iikevvi'c cited fViUir.i.i l^ilhop of P«l'i4 UfOQ the iattOt
account. Tbcfe two Letters arc uaicd Dccetuber the iCdx, 1074.
Somcdmes Gregory VH. Commiflion'd Biftiops upon the place*; to pafs a definicive Sen* Ctafrt re^
tcnce npon the Aftairs in dilr-'re. Thus he committed ro the A reh-b;lliops of Bcx-r^f t and /'"'''^ ^
T*if»-J, the Dctennination of the Proccfs between the Monastery of Do/, and the Abbey of

S. SvMdm, by the Ninth Letter of the fecond Book : To t{icheruj Arch-bifliop of Sens, by ***
the Twcntir h T ritcr of dw fane Book, diecomdais of iMttetUn, wko bad mjm^d the
Arcb bifhop ot Tturs.
By the Sixteenth Letter of the ftoith Boolt, iie fefiert'd to flhgpb Bifliop of DU, the Tryal
of the DifcKoce twlndi wu between the Oergf of J(wm^, and die AKb*bilhop of yi'

In the Twentieth of cfe lesie Book, he rcfcrr'd to j«fefr&j Bi(hop of Paris, the Abfo-
lution of Perfons excommunicated by t' c Arch-biniop of I(J:rims, and granted him
power 10 Abfolve ihcm, in cafe be found rhem nii:oceiii, if tlui Arch'bilhop would ix>c do
In the Oth r\nd mentictb, he refcrf'd to Herman Bilh<^ of \kt:{, the Tryal of the Pro-
cefsbetwtx tlic Bifliop of Lie^f,
ii and the Abbot of S. Lawrm c, who having been tum'd
out of !xVlo!n!ler)' by the Bilhop, had Appeal'd to the Holy Sec.

In the Fourth Letter of the fixth Book, he re'crr'd ro the Arch ^ifhop of Trrt .-/ and the
Bilhop of Mr/^, the Gaufc of one who complain d dut he bad been unjuitly excummunicai-
by the Bifhop of Litge.
In the Fifth of the fame Book, he nd\ ifcs Herman BiAop bf Mrtr, to aflift the Bifliop of
Toulf whom he lud order'd to call a Council of fix Bifhops, to clear hiaifelf Cononically of
friiat had been laid to his dargc.
By the Thirty nin^li of the fame Book, he leferKd w
the BUfaop of ClMMM, the TtyKlcf
die £le(^n of the Biftop of Pn-^^mo. :

By the Eight and twentieth Letter of the feventh Book, he committed to the BUlOp of
BnwMftf*, and the Abbot of Mount Cajfin, the Tr\'al of nn Armtnian Hcretick.
By die Nineteenth Letter of the ninth Book, he rcferr'd to the Arcb-bi(bop of IiM«, die
Tryal of the Caufe of an Abbot, who peodttcUft Grant of AkxmiBrVl. wucb provV) that
he had been falfly accus'd.
By the Two and twentiedi of the fame Book, he refcrrd to a Council of the Province^
to be held in the prefence of bi» Lcg^
die Tryal of the Cbont of Angiers, excom-
municated by the Afcfa-biAop of Ti«r«, vpon the aoconnt of a Ooiaibuie whidi he
kept. _
He referr'd to the fame AlcMuthOp, by the Thirty fecond Letter of the fame Book, the
Caufe of the BiHiop of Trrrrusmte, who being favour'd by the Count of FIttndsrs, had
broke open the Church, ajxi ofter'd feveral Violences. You may confolt on this $ubje<ift the
Thirteendi, Two and thirtieth, Three and thirdedi, and Four and thirdcdi Lecmof tto idiidi
Book, end the Firft of the clfvc nrh.
By the Thmy firft of the lame Book, he referr'd to a Bifhop the Tryal of the Diflercnce
which WIS between theCleigy of Jkmuh and die Btoiksol iRftw^, aboac« Privilege whidi
die tatter prcrended to.
To conclude, there were fcarcc any Controverfics in the Diocelics between the Bifhops The dgfet
and dicir Clerks, or Monks, and even Laidcs themfelvcs, which Gr^trf Vll. was not mind- ««i
cd to take Cognizance of, to try ar !{ome, and ro ob!:pc rhc Bifhops ro piit his Senccnoe illlD ^'"fe*^ **
Execution, .is may be fecn by a great many Letters, about feveral Subjcvfi^s. Wme^
In the Fifty fourth of the firft Book, he orders againft the BiCiop of Ptitlmy that the 'SS?''
Canons of that City fhall obferve their ufual Cuflom mnccming their Stations upon the
FSofts of S. fliUrj, and All-Saints In the One and twenrieth of the fccond Book, he-en'
joyn? the Abbot of BejulieUf to be obedient to the Arch-bifliop of DMr/{ and that if be
thought he had any Rcafon nor ro b? fnSjeifl to him, he (hould a>rv" ro I^'^m*, and make
his Pretentions good. In the i vvo and twentieth, he enioyns Hugh ,
Knight of ii. Maw,
' ' to

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A New Ecckjtajitcd Hijloty
AKb-Wlbop of T«r* the Revenues of his Church, which be had
Grrtorv 'a rcftorc to the
And in catc that he thought that they bcJong'd to him. come to I{?nir
VII. a\viv from hiti :

the B.ihop ai Cokgne

1**C«/" to demand jultice in the cafe. In the Five and twent.cth. he orders
tHtit»,M»d JO Try the Ditfcreoce whkh wa$ between the Bilhop of Ofnu^rax and the
Abbot ot Co>^ 7
^4''*« in Saxony upon condition that if he could not determine r, ho wo. !d fend them to his Jy-
he reproves thc Bithop ot iur,n ior not coming to thc I>y-
nod of Rome In ihfi Thirty ihini,
olfe'd an Injury to the Monaftcry of S. Michael.
^'''^r/^ nod of Rome, and fyfhvnag
^ Bv the Sixty fourth and Sixty fifth Letters of the fecond Book, dated March the »jth, in


of the Monaftcry of MicUei dated ^ptii thc 9ih, in the

aS^Sr Monks S. ; this is

Bv the TMneenth Letter of thc third Book, he determines a Diflcrence which

fame vear

^ liem tbeChutcbofi^««<^tndtbeCbiiid^ in Am of ibe. foe- .

concerning a Deaneiy*:
Thf cjufe There wat at iliattime a great Conreft in the Church of Orleans,
brought before Pope Alex-
If V vc- between thc B fhop and his Prek n J aries. The Caufe having been
favour of whom the Prebendaries were for, ana
ntd DtM ander hc had detcnnin'd it in Jofceline,
^Orteans excommnnkated «wn«rrfvdKWi the fiidiop had favour d. Notwithftanding this Sentence,
B !lnp of Orle.ius had ftili luppcrtrd Evnard, and wns like wife accus'd of having re-
the ^ D
- •' • r. F '-
-fof was appropriated
the tirft place cited
d M^rch the ift, <

T07 si and al^nwini having confinn'd by hii PrcdecelTor againft him,

thc Sentence pali'd
Jofeeline into Pofleflion of thc
he wrote to die Biftop of Orfcawi to turn him out, ro pot
Ponr to enjoy the Revenue of that Prc-
Prebendftip then in queftion, and to fuffcr the
bcndibip vvoich belong'd to them 5 if not, be
threat ncd to excommunicate himj and
^cherut Arch-bilhop of Sm$ ro do ir, if he did not fubmit.
the feroe time be order'd
Scvenrrr-rh of th- th;:d Book, dated in April
Thefe two Utters arc thc Sixteenth and
10961 The B.ftop of OrUam returning
no aniwcr to (^regcry, that Pope wrote a fecond
Sens, ovderiag him to thunder out ibe ExeoRnnunication againft
thtie to the Arch- btfhop of
that hc h-d not come to the leaft knowlege
that Biffi' p, unl T? he afTur'd him upon Oath,
to J^ome along .with the Parties con-
of the Pope's Letter j and he order 'd him to come
cerned fa that A<6ir. He hkewife by this Letter Commiflions H}cherut Arch.bilhop of 5ctw,
nf fcvpr^! other Miners which concern'd the
not only to take Cognizance of this, but alfo
Ciaircbes of Fratue. This is the Subje<a
Miuer of ti*e Ninth Letter of the fourth Book,
dated ]««ffMflrr (bead, in cfae fame yepr. , v. ^
the Pope, and causd the
The BitV/ip of Orleans did not mttch regard all thefe Menaces
be apprehended. Gregory cjirag d at tiiis procced;ng,
PCtfbn who brought hit Letters to
wiote to die Ai«h biflK>p of Sens and Bcurges, ordering them to cite him before them at a
place which they (hould appoint him
and if hf contina'd Refra<ftory, to depofe him, and

put SM^m in his place: He likewife advenizd the BiOtop of Orleans, that hc had
chb Order. Thele aKe Ac Eq{hth and Ninth Letters of the hfih Book, dated OSeher the
Tliis SasK(eu was e!eded in mitfuance of this Order, and the Pope by the
6th 1077.
Foimeemh Letter of the fame Book, dated January the iSth, m the Year, 1078. orders
die Cletvy and Laity Orleans to acknowldge him: However, by another Letter dated
April the i4tK, which is the Twentiedi of the fame Book he writes to J^fiinier, who was
the depos'd Bilhop of Orlemt, ordering him to appear at um i»ynod which fhould be ap-
wrinuolby Hugh Biftop of Dia, and Hugh Abbot of Cluny, in order to receive a filial
feircnce. Lamy, By the Three and twentierfi of thc fixth Book, dared March thc 5tb,
Orleasu that he approv'd of the Eledion of Sans^en,
1079. hc acquaints the People of
butiiiat be could not oonfirm bim I0 ioati, tiU fbchtiineaslieilioiildlcfMlLcgittiipon the
Jfc Ca^e Abbot of S. Euphemia in Calabria, had been nominated by thc King of France to
igf Robert, {be BKhOfvick t^ Cbames. Gregory VM. who lik'd not fuch fort of Nominations, and
ntmnttti look'd upon them ns Si .ionaical, charg'd h m by his L^gat to quit his Bifboprick. But
M tie B'- ogi/ert was not very forward to obey ; whereupon the rope decUr'd him to have for-
/^f feteed bit Title to it, order'd thc People of Cbartrei to eleift another ftftop, and cn-
joy^'j njeherus ATh bii'h'^p of S^ns and his Siiffrsfans to fee this Order put in Eze-

cniion. You may con ui- the Fourteenth and Fiffccnth Letters of the Fourth Book,
dated March thc 4th, 7- However, by a Letter dircd^ed to Hugh of Dia, which

is the Eleventh of \\\c Fifth Book, he gave that Bilhop orders to examine into that
fincft, and to make his Report thereof to him.
Sttfben Bifliop of itawey had the fame fortune. Hugh of Dia the Popes Legat cscomnra.
fif the Si- nicared htm, nnd Grrx^ry ratified his Sentence by two Letters ; the one written to ihe.Cler-
•/ cy of Anneey, and tbc other to the Bifliops of France, which are the Eighteenth and Nine-
Amiecy. nsemb of tlK FoBflh Book, dated Mtrt^ the »jd, in the Yfas, 1077.

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- ft

of the Ekwenth Ccntiity of Cl^ifiidmtyi 6j

Arch-bifhop of Hoan being grown infirm and tiBcapabIc of gorecning h» Dicccfi,CrrgoT7
Gregory Vll. fcnt him one Hubert a Subdcacon, to enquire whether thinps ^vcre fo or no, VII.
and to perfwadc him to give his Confcnt, that another be put in his i lace, if he were ca- The Ciufe
pable of giving fuch a Confenc ; ahd in cafe he were wholly infirnu ro caulc anocbcrto he the Arcb-
el?(^pd Thi'^ is what he acquaints the King of Euglattd mth,, by the Nineteenth Lercer of
the fikh Book, dated yfmV the 4th, 1078. Roan.

The Canons of the Caftle of S. Paul and S. Omer, having fent I>eputie$ to J^pmr, to com- Tkt Cjufe
plain of the Counts Hubert, Guy and Hugh, who had feiz'd upon fome Revenues which be- "/ C*.
long'd to them ; the Pope wrote to thele Counts, ordering them to make Rcltituuoii, ac-
cording as it bad been enjoy n'd in a Council held at Poitiers by Hugh of Dia, or clfe lo^*"'**
juftify their Pretenfions to thefe Revenues before that Legat within the fpacc of fony Days,
if they would not obey, he order 'd the Defenders of the Church to re-enter upon the
Prcmiflcs, and the Canons of Terrouatme to fee that this Sentence be put in Execution. This
K the Subjed Maner^of dw Eighth and Ninth Letien of the liub Book, d«ed i^evtmier
the 15th. 1079.
In the Seventh and Eighth Letters of the fixth Book, he approves of the FJedion which ^
the Monks of ALvfeiUef had made of Cardinal Richard for their Abbot : He declares to
them that he wilh'd that that Monallcry were united to the Monaftcry of S. Paul.
We wi/1 conclude the Account of the Letters of Gregory VI L with fevcral Points of Ec-
cleAadicaJ and Monaftical Dilci|iline, which he decided, and of which we have had to rbe Let-
portnnity of fpeaking. ter$ 0/
In the Fifth Letter of the firft Book, direded to [{dirtier Arcfa-bidiqp of Fiorencc, he de- Gregory
tennines that a Wotrun who had Marry 'd one of her Kinfmen, and was bectraae a Widow, VII. c»i>
ought not to receive her Dowry from any part of her Husband's Revenue, nor cohave any terrimg

Advantage of that Marriage, which was in its own nature NulL D^tifiaii
In the Four and twentieth Letter of the fiift Book, he recoouiiends to the fii(bop of Ve-
rma a conftanr SubmiUlon to the Holy See, and promifes htm the provided be would
come in his proper Perfon to I(ome Becaufe his Prcdeceffors had ordcr'd that the Pall fhould

be bcftow'd calf on Perfon$ who were prefcnt. This Letter bean daie Stftmlter the a4th>

In the Four and thirtieth Letter of the fame Book, direded to the fiilhop of Lincoln, he
determines that according to tbe Opinions of. the Fathers, a Prieft who had been guilty of
Homicide, ought no longer to attend at the Service of the Altar ; but he is willuig that in
cale he be tmly Penitent, a Subiiftence (hould be allow'd him out of tbe Eccfefiilftkal Coo-
tribmioas. Afterwards he gives that BiHiop Abfolution of all his Sins.
In the Seven and fortieth of Ac £u»e Book , he exhorts the Frinccis Mttilda 10

frequent GDmnmaHM, and to bar a due Re%«ft and Devodon co the bkfled Vif
In die Eight and fbttietb, he cnjoyns that a Woman aocus'd by her Husband of Adul-
tery, lhall be adnoiitcd to juftify her Innocence.
In the Sixty fifth, he reproves the People of Hgtffi/k for having firft apprehended Vit alius
dkeir Bilhop, and dien eleAed another in ait toooi. He cnjoyns them ro ret him at Liberty,
and to fuffcr his Caufeto he trj-'d by tl:e Arc h-biHiop of j'/;)ci«f(?, whom ht Conrnniirion'd
for thac veiy purpofe, with a Charge that it it could not be detemnin'd upon tbe place, they
Aoafd ftnd to |(d«ir their old ffilhop, and hun whom they had newly eleded, that lb he
toifihr decide the Controverfy between them.
Id the $even and fortieth of the feoood Book, he acquaints the Lord I{fitaier, that he had
Mdn^d die Bilhop of Cl^, ta ram our of the FwvoiUhip pf a Cbnrdi« a Prieft who had
been Condemn 'd by bis Predccclfor Akx^ndtr^ and wfaom that Bifliop woold le-cftablilh in
defiance to the Authori^ of tbe Holy See;
In the Eight and ftraeth, he ordm two of -his Legats to prevent a Man wIm had kill'd
his Brother, from Marrying till he had done Pcnnancc.
By the Fiftieth, he determines that one who is noc Born in lawful Wedlock, cannot be ad>
vawTd to the Epifcopacy, becaufe *tcl conttary to the Canons. He lihewrile dierein de*
dares, that he would not accept of the Rcflgnation of tiic B " p i
r f y/rr ^
or;, who had de-
fit^d to rclinquilb his fiiOwnrick becaufe of his. Infinniiies. He ia;^s, that he had advis'4
him to make nie of an Bodelit^cit ra take care of the Temporalities of hit Diocefi, and
to apply himfelf wholly to Spiritual AfFa rs wi h the afliftance of his Neighlxjufing Bi-
fliops i and thac if his Infirmities continu'd upon him longer than an Year, and he were
'no longer capable of dricharging his EpifcopaJ Ftmftions, one might with die Confenr of
the Clergy of that Church acccp: of his Refignatinn, m tUiiri ;:; his rtcad the Perfon
who fhould be clcded to alfift him in the Government o\ hi' Uiocels, if he were tit for thac
Dignity. Thh Letter is diii(Si9cd ro Smt^ King of yf 11, ^ and bears date January tiie
Ijth, 07 V 1

In the Seventy fevcmh Letter of the lame Book, dircdlcd to Gebtlmd Arch.bifl)op of Sal:{-
Imig^ he advcnfei that Aicbibilhop, diac he oughr noc to detain tbe Tcmfas nf « cenain Tcr^
wotft whereto a BiOu^idc had been founded in the rime of 4Ux$Mkt II.
K lb

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66 -A tlm Ecdefiajlical Hi^ory
Giveory tn the Sixth I ertcr of ttw fourth Boolt, be dctcrmitic:; that one cannot communicate witH
V!I. a dead Bllhop who is cxcomnMTricstc, nor pray for him : And he abfolves him in cafe that
The Lst' he had involuntarily Subkrib J to what the Emperor had a«ilcd acainh ihc Church. And
ttfstf in the Eighth Letter of the lamc Book, he orders Abfolution to be given at the po'mt of
Gicgory De.ith to an excomfflunicate fiifl»p, if he itqair'd tc, even befiore he had inifli'd the Pcin
VII t.a- n^fiix aillgn'd him.
In the Tendi lener of the fame Book, di;e^M to the Coantefs of Flanders, be declare*
Pl^dfUrx. Clerks who kept Concubines, ouphr rtO' 'o he toffra-^'f^ rn (ay Mafs, Of celehrare
any Divine Office. And in the Twcmiccli and icvcial ouivrs he lays, 1 hat the People ougSit
not to aflirt them therein.
In the Firft Letter of the fifth Book, he rrprnves the Canons of Lmce* for h.iv-r p Fo- fht
rhcir Bcncliccs, and imcrdiifb all thofc who had giv^n Mony for being Infticuied and la-
du(5led into' a great Church, and prohibits them from holding fuch Benefices.
In the Thirteenth, Fifrccnth and Sixteenth of the (ainc Book, he dcrennine«; rhnt thi?
Eledlions of Bilhops oagbt to be done by liie Citrgy and Laity, vvi:li an unanimous Freo-

dom and Confent.

In the Eleventh Letter of the fixth Book, he crioyn': the C:inon'! of S. M.ntim of Lurc.t to
jive Regularly and in Common, or at Jcalt to allow ilicir BiUwp a f rtbeiidjirap lor x'ac Nccci-
fitics of the Clraixh.
In the Six and thirtieth of the lame Book, he threatcrw to excommanicate thofc who
fliould buy Benefices. In the Thirty founh, he had rcckon d up three forts of Simony, vi^
a Mdttu, ab obft^uie, a lingua The firft fort is when one give$ Mony either in ones own

Perfoti, or by o hcrs for the tabtaining a Benefice. The lecond is when in hopes of a Be-
nefice one docs fon c lignal Service to a Patron, who bettows it by way of Recompenct for
] . that Service. The third is when one PSetttima^ or canfei another in ones behalf to Pcdrioa
for a Benefice, and when one obtains it by Recommendation.
In the Second Letter of the I'eventh fiook^ he declares the Canons who difobey ibetr Bi-
Ihop, to have for ever forfeited their fiencikesy and focfaids hoch Clergy and Lmf frm
communicating with them.
In the Tenth of the fame Book, be defires that the Canonical Difcipline of Pennant
fhould be re-eft ablilb'd in BntlMd, and fends a Legat thither for tlur purpose. He thorein
dcclaiTs that chat Pennitice is Hypocritical, which is not adoided with an aoKadaMit o£
In the Eleventh he vmald. not pemdc Divine Servke «o be ttldmBid aaiong gWSene'
ui<tni in their own Language.
In the Thirteenth, he orders the Bilbop of Verdm Count Pennanoe, who bad
to enjoyn a
Robb'd a Bifliop of Liip in hb Jontney to and co awnhenwiiie hn> tn oafe he tranki
not fubmit to the Pcnnance.
In the Eighth Letter of the eighth Book, he coc^ratulatcs the BUhop of S/iIerm, for
having found the Rdicks of S. AUttbrtf^ and exhons bin to Aew them dc ytataaam
which they defervc.
In the Tenth of the fame Book, it is obftrv'd that the Lcgat of die Holy See in Sm^
dini/t, oblig'd a Qrtcim Arcb-biibop to cut off his Beard j the which Gregory approv'd of.
In the Fifteenth of the fame Book, he declares that he had order'd a fiilhop of ffjfj, who
f had without juft catife reHnqoiATd his Biflioprick, to retire to the Mooaftery of Mount C*/^,
and to (Vay there till fuch time as it was determin'd what Hionld be done with hiia Buc
that fiilhop inftcad of obeying him, re.e«ter'd upon his Church without his pcrmi^lion ;
Wherefore he prohibits his Olcfgy fnm acknowledging him for their Biiliop, and ftxjm
cbeying bim.
In toe Second Letter of the fourth Book* and in the One and twentieth of the eighth, he nn-
dertakes to piwe that the Popet might cxoommimicate Kings and Sovereign Princes, and even
abfolve their Subjects from the Oath of .-MIcgiancc taken to them. But all the Atubocitieft
and Arguments which he makes ufc of to niove the Latter* are fuch are ci^
firitious, or fbvnded on faffe Matcers of Paw, or foch as condnde nothing.
In the Firft l etter f r! ninth Botik, he reproves the Ardi-biihop of /(aan, for not baviey

fent to defirc the PMi from the Holy See, atid prohibits hia& from performing any Ord inac-
tion, or any Cotifecrat^on of the Chtn-ch, till fsidi time at he flnnld receive it from thence.
Tliis is the firfl I i^nrue v.e meet with of the Popes obliging Ardl4MlhO|N tO takn iho Fatf^

under the Penalty of being depos d till they ibould receive cbcm.
In the FoQf and twendech of the ftme Book, he ndfos'd to ordain a BiiLop of Maita^ bo-
raufo liif C^f-Jin.ition bclong'd to the BifllOp of He»tino.
Tht Ltt- Widi rclpea to the Monaftical Difciplioe) Grtnty Vil. apply *d himfelf chieRy to prefetve
tf*4 or increafe dbe Exempttona and Privileges of Monafteries, or to regujace the Diiici«ncc»
Grrgory which happenM In-weui ilie Abbots, the Religions .nnd tlic Bilhops, We have already mcn-
VM. cfin. fevcralof thcfc kind of Caufes, which he Try d himfelf ar Heme, or referr'd to his Lc-

'McMihicJ S*''^
ortootherCommiJftrieinpoo die place. W«
will now relate fomc ethers which we have

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of the Eleventh Century of Chrijlimt}. 6f
By the Two and thirtieth I ctter Book, dated Novcmlvr the 27th, 1073. he Gregory
of the firfl:

brders the BiHiop of Chart es to rc-eftabiilh IfmLnd Abbot of S'Lattmer, who had quitted Vlti
his Abbey to po to jferufa.'em, in cafe he were guilty of no other Fault, and to turn out Tbe Let^
Gtffj who had Ken put m his phce, and wt.o, they faid, had not fo much Piety as ^fim- 'f
i^rd^ nor was fo proper to govern that Monaitery.
]o the Three and thittiech, dated the next Day, he writes word to the Religious of the ' •

Monaitery of Saint Marjf, in the Diocefs of Ta tone, that he was not w.lling to con;irm the
Privil^E» which bciog under the Name oi Alexander U, bad been prefenied to him, by /MftjaMM.'
BenediS whom they faadelefted rheir Abbot in the room of Hubert ; fince he had difcover'd
it to be forg'd upon thcfe two Accounts, finl becaufc it had falfe Latin in it, and fecondly
becaufe it conuin'd lomething io it conuary to the Intention of the Canons : That he did not
think it advifable to grant them a new one, till ^
Church of Tmme had a Bifliop clcd^cct
according to the Canon, l>y wliofc confent he might grant them a Privilege conformable
to the Ecdcfiaftical Authority. IVitb to h^i" whom they had eleded lor their Abbot,
he acquaints them, that he did not think Ihiffl proper fof that Place, by reafon of his great
Age, and his Infirmities, and that iij aJvifcd him to refipn :t.
!i li

In the One and.fifcieth Letter oi the hrit Book, he reprimands the Abbot of S. Severus,
for not appearing at the Synod of I{pme, to anfwer the GMnplaims preferr'd againft him,
concerning the IVlcjnafiery of the Hci} C ,'}, from which this Abbot was minded to take a
Church. Ue prohibits hitn iioin giving that Monaiiery any dilturbance, and orden him if
he tboo^ he had R<aibn for what he did, to cotne 10 the Synod hdd in Ntvemhr
"^'the Abbot of the Htfy Crtft, This Lcner is dated Mvcb the 14^1, in the Year»
By the Sixty fixth, Sixty fcvcnth, Sixty eighth, Seventy (econd. Eighty firft, Eighty fe-
cond letters of th larrc Book; by the Fiheenth, Scvvtiiccnth, Frrt;, (ixth, Fifty ninth,
Sixtieth, and Six y firii of the lecond Book ; by the Twenty fourth, 1 wcnty fifth. Thirty
firft, atid Thiny rhiitl of the fixdi Book ; by tM Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Nmeicenth, and

Twenty fourdi of the fevenih Cook; and by the Sixth, Seventh, and vlti y ninth of the T
ninth Book, he vindicates the Privilege of ieveral Mooalterics agamfl: the Bilhops, or any
other Perlbns who feiz'd on dieir Revenues, and had done any prejudice to theu: Rights or
Thus have we given you a full Accoutu of the A(flIoos, Cooduift, Lifci- Writings, Sen*
tences, and Determinations of Gregory VII. dtmng his Fontiiicace, c xtra fted out of bis Lee- <

ntSy-'wherein he has dclcrib'd his own Charntf^:cr, and difcover'd what his Sentiments fUld
DaCgiawcte. They are in ail 359. which Compofc a Rcguter divided into I^ioe Books, con>,
tainhig all the Letters which he' wrote fiom Afnl 1073, to the Year, io8». Tis obferv'd
that there was a Tenth Book, but 'tis loft That which is call'd the Eleventh, contains only,

ooecntire Letter, aadtiie Fragment of another, which may be cooneded with Seven or£igitt
other Letters csthided out of Lanfrank , and S. An/elm, or other Authors. , .

The Jiidgircnts which liavc been pafs d on the Pcrlon, Conducfl, Manners and Genius of 'fbevinw$
Gregory VII. have been wholly contrary to each other. His Partii'ans have reprclented him ^udgwuau
to us as a Man very Religious and Pious, Juft, Equitable, Humble, Patient, Unblameable P^t'dnpai
both in hisl.ife and Morals ; a learned Canonilt atid a good Divine, Zealous for the Welfare Gregory
of the Church, ai Lover of Diicipline, an Enemy to Vice, a Protedor of the Innocent, an ^^'*
undaunted Defender of the Ecdefiaftical Righnand Privileges, and afaithfnl Imitator of
G^r irj the Great in his P/tfivrat Ca'C.
i His lincmics on the contrary have made him paft
for a cruel, ambitious, and perfidious Man, who having feiz'd by force on the Papal Chair,
had put the vrhofe Church toto Confufon to gratify his Ambition, and to attain to his De-
figns ; who without refpcA to the Royal Majelty or to the Sacerdotal Dignity, had a Mind,
to m^e Kings his Slaves, and Bilhops his Creatures, by depriving the one of their States,
and by unjuftly Condemning the others, that he mij^t afterwanis give ihem AbTolution :
Who had utterly overrurnM the Dif* iplinc of tlie Church, by being willing to eflabiifh ia
his own Perfon a Monarchy, or rather Tyranny over thio^ both Spiritual and Temporal
Who had advanc'd this unheard of Error fo fiir as to mamtain, that Popes might by Ex-
communicating Kings and Princes, divefl them of their State*;, and abfolve their Subjo^
from the Oath of AlUegauce taltento them : ,Who bad thundcr'd out fo many Excommuni-
cations, and es^iendcd them (b far, that-'there was fcarce a Man in his time who was Pure
of not being excommunicated. I omit fpc.iking of t!>e other grofs Enormities with which
they charg'd him ; I'uch as his being pilty of Sorcery, of holding a diibGneft Familiarity
with the Princcfs Matilda, and of being in the fame Error as Btret^ was about the Eu-
charift. There is no doubt to be made but that tlie Zeal of the One, and the PaiHon of the*
Others, carry 'd them both into Extrcams. To pafe therefore a right Judgment upon him,
itmuft be acknowledged that dils Pope was a great Genius, apable of grear Things, con-,
ftant and undaunted in the execution of his Deligns, well vc:v*d in the Conftitutions of
his Predeccflbrs, Zealous for the Interclts of the Holy Sec, an Enemy to Simony and Li-
bertioifm. Vices whidi he llrongly oppos d, full of ChrifUaft Thou|ha and Zeal &r the
Refbrmitioo of the Mannen of ite Clergy s ard riiere is 00c the leaft Golow 10 think that
» K hit

Digitized by Google
68 A Ne^ Ecckfiajlkal Hijiory
GrcCMf bewais ttimcd in his own Morals But it muft likewife be ccn^efs'd, that he wa^ advanc'd
Vlt to the Papal Chair a little too Precipitately ; That bis Zeal to Diomope the Grandeur

of the Holy See carry 'd him nndemke »

fbch thingt as wepf ttnmKMuMe ftod beyond hU
Power: That he was the Caufc of great Dnuilnr both in the Church arid in ihc Em-
pire That be aflUm'd to bitnlcif a Power over Kingji and cbeir States, which be never

had And that he can-y'd the EcclefiaiBcal Aathorlty of ibc Holy See beyowl in due

Bound"!. This is the Judgment which we fuppofe crery one will paG upon him, wbo
ftall read over his Letters with a dilintercftcd and unprcjudic'd Mind. In Ibort, they an
r>enn'd with a great deal of Eloquence, full of good Matter, «iiiiiem^*d with aoble an4 uA
pioiis Tlioughts : And wc may boKily fqr, that iio^opc fiiwe ^ngf^h wtattSatk fifoiig
and fine Leners as this laft Gregory did. .

. We find among «f the leoohd Book, a ^eoe IminilM,

his Letters, after the Fifty fifth
or P^ifaf Dc '/^o>:i ^ which contains Sc-
tai^de tilCTATUS BAPj£
\.c.AnE>':n -f rf < P-pc,

j^c^e vcn and twenty Pit)pofitions, concerning the Rights df the Holy See, Ibme Fcign'd ao4
ftiitobc- fome True. The Stmunary of dtem is »
ftdlows. (i.) That the Church of Sdmt owf

!»•{ 10 its Foundation to none but God alone, (z.) That no other Pcrfon hcCxdc the Pope of I{orHe

Grcgpry a Right to be call'd VNlVBi{SAL BISHOP. (3.; That 'tis he atone who can de-
VII, pofe Bilhops and re-eftabHfh them. (4.) That his Legat ought in Comdl to ptcfide om
all Bifhops, even tho' he Ik int'erim to them in Dign:r\ nnd that he in y pronounce a Sen-

tence ofDepofitioB againlt them, (j.) That the Po^ oaay depofe even abfeac fiiibop^
(6.) That no Man ought to live in the rameHonfe with than whom be has etoomimiiii^-
(7.) 'tis Lawful for h"m alone ro m.ike new Laws, when Times
catcd, require it, to
found new Churches to turn a Canonfliip into an Abbey, to divide a Rich Bilhoprick in-
to two, and toconf^idate Poor one*. (8.) That *tis he alone, who can wietrtfae imperial
Robes. (9O That al! Prina slhould kifs the Pope's Feet, ami tliat 'tis to him alone they
ought to pay this Hoior. (lo.) That his Name alone is to be repeated in the Cfaufcbe«.
(1 .) That there it no odier Name bat his hi the World (dut is, aoeoiding
to fame, ihtt
to him alone belongs the Name of Pope an Explication which fctms to be \cry much

ftraind, (laj That 'tis lawtbl for him to depofe Empcrow. (13,; That be has the Pawr
of Tranfhting fiifhops from one Biflioprick to another ; when there is a neceffiiy ftr ib
(14.) That he can ordain a Clerk in any Church whatroc\ er. (15.) Tliat a Clerk whom be
has ordain d, may enter into anodier Church ; but that lie cannot be obiig'd to ieivc thcte ;
and that he cannot he promoted to a (nperior Order by any odier Bilhop. (rtf>) That m
general Cot: ncll oil j;ht to be held without h Order (17 ) That no Book cari be Canoni-
cal without his Authority. (18.) That his Judgment ought to be cotreded by none, and
that he cati' corrdS the Judgmemi of all other Penons. ( 9. ) That no Petibn cnght to Judge 1

him. (10.) That no Perlcn whatfoevcr dare to Cond^ir n liim, who ippcals to the Hoiy
See. (21.) That the Cognizance of the moft material Cauies of all Chnrcbes bejoogs w
him. (i 1.) That the Cfanrch of Htme has always been, and will always he titfmK^0, t&
cording to the Tcftimony of the Scr pmrc^. (23 That the P( ) of l{omc ordain'd Cano-

nically, becomes unoueftionably HOLY by (he Merits of ^. Peter, aocordiag to the Tcr
ftimony e^Enm^us Bffliop of Paviay approv'd of by feveral Sainu, and as it is recorded in
the Decretals of Pope Synim.tchu. (;^.) That y hi pcrmiflion 'tis lawful for Inferieurs
l .

to accufe Superiors, (zs.j That he can dej^fe and re-cftablilb fiiihops without calling a
Sjmod. (26 ) That he modees not agree with die Chudk of J^mt, il no ctne CtthUs^,
(27 ) That he can declare the Subieds of widced FHnoes, ablbh'd fion the Otth of Allan*
ganoe, which they have taken to theox
This Piece has no rrktion to the Letter whidi preceeds it, nor n
that which Mkmn it ;
and we have not tlie lend proof that it was made in the Council of I{enie in the Yc^r, j6. i :

as Barmiut pretends. Nor is it probable that it belongs to Grworj VU. For tho' cbere ho
in thfs ColleAion' feveraf Propofittons which have rrfanon to what be mole in hie Letter^
yet there are a gieat inany which he !M:\cr .idvanc'd, nor appror'd of. There arc like-
wife fome of them that are equivocal, others exprds'd in odious Terms, and other"; Into-
lerable. They are almoft aM of them drawn vp fo lit, tiMt one cannot fay C; c^r^j Vft
who had a fiood Genius, was "I c An !inr of them. This is what inclines mc to believe
that 'tis the Work of one who was an Enemy to Grtgtrji^ wbo was minded to render iaa
Dodrin odious, by comprehending it in tfaele Seven and twenty Propo^iona diawn up ac
random, which hear lotr.c rtfcmblancc ro the Genius and Manners of that Pope. If thin
Conjcdbirc be not agreeable to fome, we may fay that 'tis the Work of fome I^muui bigoc-
ted to die Maxims of the Court of I(eme, who fuppoa'd lie might deduce tbefe Fropofitionn
from the I ettcrs f Crrg-ry VII. and made this Colletfiion of them, which has been fince

infertcd in the Rcgtllcr of that Po^ Let tiie Cafe be how it will, one cannot lay with-
out injafttec to Grf^rrr. that'tfS his Piece, nor nwtntain all thefe Propofirions without doing
injury to the Holy Sec.
Tis to be oblierv'd, that the Commentary upon the Seven Penitential Pfalms, afcrib'd to
Gl-tgeiyiltx Greia^ wis compos'd in the Time til Gregory VIL becaafe the Author of this Com-
mcmary fpeaks in ditce pla^ in Pfi^ t« 9, 16. and in Ffii. agudk an Em-

Digitized by Google
of the Eleventh Century of Chriflianhy. 6^
peror of whom he aocufcs of renewing Simpaf in the Church ; of having di- Gregory
his Days,
ihirb'd it by a
dti^efoas Schifin, of hxnng a Mtnd to imke ie bit Slave ; of having kiz'd ^11
upon what bdong'd to it of making himfelf Mnncr of he Church of I{rmc, and of having
begun 10 excrciie his Power a^ain(tit« Thii has indin'd many to believe that 'tis thc^^""'^^^
Work of Grrgory VII. which his Name made other* think that it belong'd to Gregorj tht ^^^^'j!?
G f t' Bin th; S[\ ofih; Piece docs not fccm fo elegant as the Style of that Pope: How-
?i ^
ever perhaps he mi|bt be more remife in a Work of this Namrc. There 15 in England a
Comtnemary upon &
Mtiiem in Maoiifcript, which is afcribed to Ctegorj VIL and wiiicb
they fay he fiora^'d wUlft be wai caly a fimfte Rd%io«s: But it bit never »cc becof

An Acamt of the Chnrcb of Rome, and (f the Popef
mho Succeeded Gregory VIL to the end of this Cm-

AF T£R the Death of Gr»»j VIL the Cardinals and the Cietsy of
Eyes upon ASf&r Abbot' Movnt Ccj^^ to advance Mm
bad their Viaot ill.
to due Popedom. Som»
Authors (ay that Gregory VII. had recommended hhn ro them, before he Died. He
was deficeaded £rona a noble Family of Btiuvauo, and had fpcnc all his Life in the Mooa-
flny «f WkMoe-Cadln. He at firft fcAu'd the Dignity wlwA «at oflei^d him ; fo that
Holy Sec remain'd Vacant for almoft a whole Year. In the mean time Guilhert the Anti-
Dope became JMalter of one part ot the Charches of i^wv, and would fain have been ao-!
Knowledg'd for lawful Pope. The Cardinals and B^iorn who acknowledg'd Gregory, to
prevent GuUhe'r'% defign, came ro B^ome al)out Et^er invbt Year, 1086. with the PriiKj
of SalermOf and Duke Ifoger, to proceed to the Eiedion of a Pope. When they were there,
they renew'd dieir Imporcumties mDidttr, to engage him to accept of the Popedom ; bw
he would never cxprefly sonfcnt to it. However, they Elei&d him, and having taken
bim by force, carry d him to the Church of S. LueU to proclaim him Pope under the Name
of V tCTOil HI. But when they were abodr 10 put on bhn the Pontifical Robes, he
made ib great a Refiftancc, that rhcy could not put his Albe on him, but Only caft a red
Ckaffe aoouc his Body. Pour Days afioer he Im ^oma^ and when he came to Terracitut^
tlttcweffa(ltbe Enffgns of the Pontificate* and netird to Mount Caffm^ where he liv'd pri-.
ately, and could by no means be prevail'd upon to be Ordain'd. But the Year after in
9c CanacU i^hi at C^m
daring Lent, he yielded to the Intreatitt of Duke ^^
prince of Ctftut and of die Bifhops, reafTum'd the Purple and die Pontifical Crou ; and af-
ter be had (pent the Eafter Holidays in his Monaftery, was Conduced to I^mne by the
Princes of &*i«nw and Caftu, who having taken the Church of S. Pr^<r by fccoe fsom
KSmthtrty eaH»'d Vi&tir to be Ordain'd by the fiifliops of Oflid, Frefcati, Putia and JllhmU*,
and plac'd him on the Papal Chair, Mny the 9th in the time Year. This Elcdion was
aotanhf opposVi by the Favourers of Guiihert, bur alio by fii^b, who fiom the Biflioprick
of OAf was rranflaied to the Atx:h-bi(hoprick of Liem, and pretended to the Popedom ; by
the Arch-biftiop of Aix and by Card n 1Richard Abbot of MarfeiBes, who were underhand
(upportcd by the CanJinal Bithop of Ojiia, wHo had himfelf likewife fome Votea on his
fiae. The Arch-birtiop of Liont was the greateft oppofcr of Vi&er's Ordioadon, and wrote iff^f
af^ainft him two I ctters ro the Princefs Matilda, to hinder her from acknowledang and Hugh
afSfting him Accufing him of holding cor refpondence with the Emperor Hnrrj.
: Butthefe ArtLti^
Letters made no imptr^on on the Mind of that Princefs; on the contrary (he came forth- ffLimiS.
with to ^me with fome Forces, and retook from Guilhert that part of the City of Hemt
which he was poflefs'd of, and the C ifHe of S. Angela. Within a while after, the ^ftttant
who favour d that Antipope, being ^jot together, a(raulted the Church of S. Peter on the
Vigil of that Apoltle s Feltival, and oblig'd thofe who held out for yiacr to throw thcm-
felves into die Caftle of S. Angela. The two Parties conrinucd ihefe Ads of Hoftility for
(everal Days together. But at h(t ViBor defiftcd, and retired to his Monaftery ; from
whence he went out in Augufl, to hold a Council at Benevenra, compos'd of the Bidibps of
AfutU and CaUirU ; wherein he made a Speech againft Gtalbert, and Kfu'douta ^ttfhtilaf^'
.AmAthem.t apainft him. He therein likcwire excommunicated the Arch-bifhop of Liens and neveato

tUdmrd Ai-bo: of MsffHSes ; rcnew'd the Prohibirions againft receiving Benefices from the under
iliods of Lay Pattooi, and the FMakics vMOtA on dwte who were fpuAtf. of Simany ) Viftor Ut
70 A Nov Ecckfiajlicnl Hifiory
VitlorilU and prohibics ibc receiving the Communion from tlie Hands of cxccmmunicircd and fimo-
ttical PnlbRsJ l'?A«r (ell Sick dodng this Coundl, which oblig'd hiin to remm tmmediateljr
to Mount C.ijfm, whLi-c hc died Seftmter the i6cb 1087. afer he had recomtnended Om#
fiilbop of O/iU for his Succeilbr.
Uibao II. Ottf was a French Man of Cl»»itm upon the M^rw in che Dioccfs of I{}rinu. He had
been talcen out of the Monaftcry of Clunj ro be Cardinal and hid done fignal Services

for Gng'^'tj VIL who had fcnt him Legat into Germmj againtt King Hcnrj. He could
nor be EleiAed immediately after the Death of ViSler ; becaufe the OidinaJt and the Bi*
/hops were (fifp^Ts'd. The Counrefs Matilda conven'd rhcm again at Terracina rhc l>e-
ginning of Lent in the Year cnfuing, whither John Biibot> of PcrtOy brought the Conlcnt.
of the iMent Catdinals; and BtHtiiH Prefetft of Upme, brought a Commi/Hon from the
Pcop!c of that City, to acltnowfedge him who flioufd be c!cilcd Pope by the AfTembly.
Otto was proclaim d by the Cardinal fiifliops of Pcrto ^ Frercati, and Atlany^ and the Choice
confirm'd by the whole Aflembly. Tbcy gavehin die Name tSXhit^XL and plac'd him
on the Chair. Upon his departure From Terr.icinjy hc went to Mounr C.ifpn, where
they (ay that hc was miraculoufly Cur'd of a Pain in his Side, by S. BenediH who appear d
10 hitn, and who afliir'd him that his Body was rcpoHtcd in that Monaftcry. linger and
Braum-rf rhe Counts of Apullt and Cjlib i.i, waited upon him in that Place, and carry 'd
him along with them into Afulia. Hc was ahnoft tonftanily relident on their Territories
or in CamfmsM, and went now and then to l{tme, which (bdaeaaiet favour'd Guilkert, and
fonH timc^ Him. For Gut bnt ar firfl turn'd out by the l^omans, and oblig'd to rcroilncc
the Popedom. Afterwards he was recciv'd there in the Year, 1091, retook the Calile of
S. Angela, and Continued Lord of that City, fo long as the Emperor Henrj^ had the bet-
ter ot But his Son Ccnr.t./ revolting in the Year, (093. and in League with '^Z/^&o Duke
of It 4% wiiom Vrban had got to Marry the Princefs Matiida ; Gui»ttt's FatfHon began to
ffrtiw weaker, and Cmrsd whom that Pope favour'd in his At^olt, caus'd Vrtan to oe ac-
kfiowlct'p'd in Lombardfy and to be recciv'd in Placri:\j whr-e be lield a fiimoos Coun-
cil in the Year, 1095. Hc went from thence into France, wlicre he call'd a CouikU at
Cknmmt in /luvergnc, wherein he gave in the Projed of the grand CROISADB^ whicb
was performed i r hi.s Popedom in the £.j/?.
r . Wiien hc rcnim'd into Ifalj, h<: .ir loft-be*
came Mailer oi Hrme, iho' Guilkert had a grcai itany Favourers in tlm City. He dy'd
there Jvfy the 29th in the Year, 1099.
The Rcpi icr uf xKs Vo\x:'% I cttcrs is loft Thofe that are left us arc as fol!ow.

Tit tetters Vmin's tirft Letter, is a Privilege granted to the Mooailicry of Bantino, which the Pope
9f arhao bad founded at the Ii^lanoe of die Dukes Imager andJc wwMWf,
Tlic .Second and Tfiird ate 'diicded to the ArcMiifliop of T^Mt and Xvr^M^ aboiK
their Primacy. • 1

In the Fourth, he preferibes to the ArcfapUfliop of Milan the method lie onghc to life
in reconciling tholV who had been ordain'd during the Schifni Which is to order rhcm to :

come at the time wherein he gives the Bleifing. and the JmpoiltioQ of Hands, that is, at
the time of Oidination, and 10 perform all die Q^remoniei with telanon to tbein, except
the Unison.
By the Fifth, he confirms to the Arch-bilhop of B^ri or Can^it, the dignity of MetropO"
\ litan, and grant.^ him the PaB.
In the Sixth, hc cxhor:.s theDukes /(f^w and Beaumont ro protcc5t the Abbot and Monks
of Bantifu, againft the Lords who perfecuted them, and (eiz d upon their Ellates.
In the Sevendi, he grants the Arch-bilhoprick of Tarragm to the Bifliop ^VtA, which
Berfw^fr Count of Barcelona had lately re-eftabiifli'd and Peopled u-irh Chriftians.
In the tighth, hc fcnt word to the Cleigy and People 01 Cb^tres^ that he approv'd <iif
the Choice'miieh they had made of 7W/ for their Bitmp in the place of Ge^fny who had
been depos'd, and that be would fend him to them, after he had Confecrated him. By
the fbtlowing Lctu:r lie acquainted ^icberut Arch-bilhop of Sent with the fame thing, who,
l^id tefos'd to Confecrare him, and injoyns him to receive him, and to ale him kmdly. Iliii
Letter is fnlfnu 'd by a Difcnurfe of that Popr, which contains a great many IhftniAtOiin
in a few Words, direded to Tvet of Chartret after his Confecration.
The Tenth is « Privilege granted by the Pope and Dnke t(fger 10 the Monaftcry c»f
The Eleventh and Twelfth contain the Confirmation of the Privileges granted to the Ca-
nons of S. Martin of Turn.
The Thirteenth i*; a kind rjf Declaration which
Pope made to I^f^ Counr of Ca-
Lihia and Siciij^ that he would not lend any Legat into bis Domioioos without his Conkac :
That hc and the Princes hit Snoodfon doll be the innate Legats of the Holy See in their
own Territories And that when the Pope fliail fend for any Bifhops or Abbots of their

Country, he giv cithern leave to fend whom tbcy pleas'd, and retain thole whom they (houM
thtnlc fit.

In 'he Fourteenth, hc advcrtifcs the Count T{a(!u!plus, that the Clerks ought to beSiibJeA
to none bcfidc their fiitbops, and chat iiecular Perions have no jurildi<^ion over them.
cf the EleVentb Century of Chriftmity. ji
In Ae Pifieenth he Imerdia* a Weft of Stknu, y/bo hdd a Church as the Patronage Urban il.
of a I atck, and pronounces the fan^c Penalty agjtinftall cliore who Koeiv^d ihelovellitiueof
Benefice* f^om any belidc iheir Bilhopi.
By the S«ieemh he acquaints Ahxfm ilie Emperor of Ctnfi/mwofle, of the gi«at num- Urban II.
bef of t'lofc cngsg' J in the C RO
E for the Relief of die Cbriftitns of the £<*, and
exhorts him to allUt them in their Expedicion.
In die Seferceewh, he replies to Luc/sxPrevdl of S. faoenpnt of Pnia apon fed eral Quc-
fttons which he had proporcd to him. In th's Lcrrcr he proves rhat all manner of Selling .

Things is Simony.
Ecclefiaftical And as to what that jProvod had demanded, whether
the Ordinatioas and Saaamencs adminiftred by the Shnonucal, by the Adulterous, or by
any other notorious Offenders, were valid: Ho replic?;, that in cafe they be not fepatatcd
from the Church by Schifm or Herely, their Ordinations are valid , and their Sacraments
Holy and Venerable : TKat howtfer his PredeeeffiHS Pope Nfdw/<» II, and Pope Gr<.
gory VII. had prohibited the aJTiflinjr at the Mafs of fuch PrieRs as were guilty of thcfe Ir- *
regularities, in order to bring them to Peonance ; £at as to Schiimatidu and Hereticks,
that they have indeed the Form of the Sacmnents, but not the Power and Efficacy of
them ; and thnt they do not produce their Effcd, tiU thofe wbo have received them ^re
ooncil'd to the Church by the impofition of Hands.
The Eighteenth b a confinnation of the PriiHUeges granted to the Arch^bifhop of 54-
In the Nineteenth, he acquaints two Abbots of tojfmbrma^ that had excommuni-
cated and deposed GKei(ilm ArdiJnihop of MniHee^ who was Gmiecmed by ezcommoni*
cated Perfons.
In the Twentieth, diredcd to the Arch-bilhop of Sens and other Bilhops of Braaee^ he
declares that no Bilhop lias any power of abfohmg the King of Trtoue^ he had ex- vmm
In the One and twentieth, he wrote to the Arch-bi(hop of Lims to uie his utmoft £0*
deavours t« oblige an Abboe to xenim to his Abbcy> who was wididntwn to lead an
hercmitical Life.
Thcaodeot CoUedionof LV^<ii*s Letters contains only thefe One and Twemy : There
fcave been feverat others added i!noe, of which a new CoUeAion is made under other
The firft of thefe is a Letter dicedled to GeMwd
Bilhop of C9nJl4fKey about the Dif*
fiadtles he met with hi executing the Excommttnications aanderM out by Gregory Vlf.
He therein dcTt rrn-ru'-, fi.) That GHiV^frr and King /frwr/ arc Excommunicated. (1.) That

all ibofe who aiTift them are Excommunicated likewiie. (3.) That thofe who Communis
cate with thefe Bxcommwiicated Peffbns to the tfafrd Degree, ought not to be adnitied
into the Communion nf the Church rill they have !)ccn Abfolv'd. (4.) That he will makr
^ an Older in a general Council concerning the Clerks who have been ordain'd by excommu-
nicaied Bilhops; but that in the mean ttue, they ought to boU dieir Oiders, who have
been ordatn'd without Simony by Cathofick, tho' cxcommunicarcd Bifhops, after they had
been en^n'd Fcnnance : Bu| yet they ihcuid not be permitted to take upon them any
higher Or^
withoBT urgent Neceffity. (^.) That he ought to ram oat of the derical
OrJcr 1! thofc who are guilty of a Crime which dcfcrvcs to be puntfh'd according to
IjfiWt whether they have committed it before or after their Ordination. Laftiy, he makes
dbt Bifhop, as well as die Klhop of P«/^» Vicar of the Holy See foot the Bodefiaftical
Affait^ of Germanj/.
The Second is direded to Hfhert Count of FUnden^ whom he exhorts to hfkr the
Cbmdi to enjoy the Revenues which belong to it. Notwirhftandiog this Remonftrano^
that Pr:rce coniinu'd to rifle the Revenues of the Church j whereupon the Clergy of Ffan-
dtrt preterr'd their Complaints againil him to the Arch-bilhc^ of l(heims, who c^er'd in a
Omindl bdd in the Year, 1091. that Sfghert Iboold reftorc to the Chtuches what he had
taken iiway from them, undir the pain of ExQpmmanicaziott. That prince obe^di mid
dy'd within a fliort liirie after.
The next Fourteen relate to the re-eftabliihment of the Bifboprick of Attm,
In the Seventeenth, direded to Pih" BiiT.op of T«//, he renew!; tlie Decrees of Gre-'
tt>y VIL agaioft the Simoniacal, and thofc who kept Concubines ; and the Decree which
prohibits the Children of Priefts firom entring into Holy Ordera. He repeats what he had
ra:d in his letter to Gehchard conccrninp Ordinations wliich were performed by ezcom-
mnntcated Perfons. He excommunicates the Simoniacal, and declares that the Churches
wbidi they Cbnftcrate, ought to be Confecratcd over again by a Catholick Bifhop. He
leavc^ to the pleafurc of Bifliops, the receiving or rcj>v!^in}', iliofc who arc ordain'd without
a Title. Laluy) ti& renews the Law which forbids Holy Orders to thofc who were guilty
of Bi^ifiiif
!:i the Eighreenrh, lie pcmitcs J^'ohnw Ac<b<biaop of S«Hs, to beftow fome Livhigs on
fome Regular Canons,

^2 A Nem Ecclefiafiicd H^dty
In ihc i^inctccntli, he anfwers Hu^b Arch-bifliop of Ucnsy that he
rr.ay, if thl. ks fr
admit of the Os linatio .s of the Clerks of bis Diocefs, who have rcccivd Orders (sua
Biniop, there be no other defrA in theif Ordination.
i« of'' the Hands of another if

In *e Twentieth, he admoniflics the Biftiop of

Uo», not to take away from the Monks
Urfaui II
of ^ i? »«7 of m^mj, a Church which they had ip hit Diocels. fad determines in the ge-

all the Churches which the Monks ha^ been iiv rbfTefliOn of for Thirty
neral, that
> cars together, fliafl ftill be
Forty Theirs.
In tiK One anti twentieth, be recommends to Count Hjunund and the People
their Arch-biHiop Dalmatius, and order* them to canfc Rcftitnrion to be made to the
Chorch of Narbmm, of r.ll the Revenues which belong to it.
In the T vn anJ twcnncth, he orders the Abbot of Tomeri to reaorc fcvcral Revenues
which he hid taken Itom the Church of Hwhnm^ and the Monaftcry of S. Cucufato gf
BdrceloM. By the next Letser he lefei* that AJlair n» tdamtr his Ugat upon the

^' The Nine next Lcncrs concern the Primacy of the dmrch of TM.
The Thirty third, contains an Agf«»nc« pecwcea the MAnklof $. ,^irMl fXAMg&tt ana
the Monks of Trinity of Vendome. , « . . r b-
By tfic Four and thirtieth, he cnjoyns the Connt of Fotttert to reftore Mveral Rcmnfes
which be had taken away from the Monaftcry of VcrMtv:
In the Five and thirtieth, he upbraids the Arch-biihop o(i(lfetmi and
the Bifliopshis Suf-
his Wife, and to Many one
fragans for hav ing permitted the King of France to part from
upon the Marriage. He
of his ktndreti, and for that the Bithop of Sm V/ had blcfs'd him
eThorts them to reprove the King, to prevail upon him to turn to his Doty, to fee ^ at Li-
berty Ivci of Cbartrcf, and if he did not obey, m
excommnnicafe him, and intcidia htl
Tliefc LctteR arc followdby a CoUcdlion of fcveral Letters of Reginald Afch-bifliop of
I{l:cims, 6f Pope Vrban, of Umhtrt Bifljop of ArrMt, and of fcretal others written about
the Ordination of that Bifliop of Arr.,<^ o hiving been cledcd by the Clergy and Laity

approve of Ordinarion, and he wrote to Jl^hert Count of Flanders in his behalf. The

pope when he went into France, fent for Lmhm

to the Council of Ckmtmt. That BUbop
was taken was going through Prcvmce, r.nd for at Libcrry afterwards at the
Priibncr as he
Pope's dcfire, who gave him a very kind reception* confirm'd the Privileges of the Church
of Arras, and dcpos'd GMtiehar Bilhop of Caminicf. Sometime after the Arch-bilhop of
AMwi wrote to Lambert ngainft alird who had Plundcr'd and Barnt a Village belong-
ing to tiie Church of Cambr^;, This is the Subjcd Matter of the Letters we men-
Vaoe Urban held feveral Councils; the firfl at ;^()mr in the Year, \o^<). whLTCIn he
"^ Ghawy VIL had done Several Lords propwd to the
againfl Guttheit.
aTof confirm'd all that
Rome, w Emperor Henry, to abandon GaiiUrt, for the procuring of Peace to the Empire and the
thenar Church. He was well enough indin'd to it, bttt was diverted from it by bicBilhopi^
inS9. who fear'd being depos'd as wtU as Guilhert.
^'"^ X/rh^m held a Conndl at MrMi, wherehi he renew'd the Decrees againft
Tie Com-
til of
the Simoniat al, and concerning the Celibacy of thofe who were in Holy Orders. He thcre-
Melpbit inenjoyns that none Ibould be admicced into Holy Ordem but fuch as had led chaft Lives
i^^Tev arid Ind never been Marry'd. to any more than one Woman: That none flmold be or-
lotj, dain'd Sub-dcacon bcf^ tc he '.vas Fourteen years old, nor Deacon before One and rwcnry,
nor Prieft before Thirty. He therein prohibits Laicks from granting the Donation of
Chnrdws, without the Conlent of die Bilhop or the Pope : And Abbots from exi^ng Mony
of rhofe who took u ^ n ;!,cai the Monaftical Habit. He therein nboftfh'd the Cuftom of
Exempt Clerks, who eidier were in the Service of great Lords or depended on them. He
therein dedares the Sons of PHrifts uncapaUfe of cntrine into Holy Orders, unleft they have
t.ikcn upon rhcm the Mon.iftIcal Habit ^ and he advifcs Ecckfi a flicks to behave themfclves
modcllly. This is the Subjctit Matter of the Sixteen Canons made in that CounciJ, which
wail held in die nrcfence of Owne /(<«er.
fUCtuit- The Legats ot this Pope, held a Council at Tculoff in the Year, icnr:. wherein they
«7i/ made fcvcral Decrees about Difcipline. The Arch-bifiiop of Touhft dcar'd himfclf in this
Toidofe, Coimcif, and they there reCifv'd w
ftnd Legacs to T^tb for die le^lfaiblilhing of the
inibeTdr Fr.irli.
1:90. |q the Year iCji. Aiqjuft the ift, Vrban licid a Council at Benrvento, wherein he re-
TheCm' new*d the Condemnations iflii'd out againft Guilbert, and made Four Canons. By'tfae
Firff, he prohibit? the Ele<5ing any one for Biftiop who is not in Holy Orders, that is, ac-
wording to his F.xplication, who is not Deacon or Prieft : And with rcfpet^ to Sub-deacons,
cnjoyns, that they cannot be promoted to Epifcopacy, unlcfs upon an extraordinary oc-
^ggon^ ^
with tjie permtAoQ of the Holy See, 1q the Second, he fufpeads ab rffi^io the

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of the Eleventh Century of Chnjiidaiiy.
C!:'r'lains who nrc ncmirrt-:d and paii^by
I .'.y-Patrcrs. wirlion: tlie conferit of tfic Bifliop. Urbtd (|.

In the Third he prohibiu the receiving Clerks, who were Strangers, withouc Letters DimiJ- jj,^ ^-^ ^.
fiiy frwn their Bifli(m. In the f<mrth, Laidcs ure forbid the eating of Flefh after AjhweJnefdny, J^"^^
and all the Faithful of both Sexs arc ci joyn'd ro pvt Anirt on their Hotels on that Dny :
nevc nto
It is iikewife order 'd that no JViarriage Iball be Solemniz d from Seftuif fima Sund«j till hite Yitri
after the Off Me tf Wthfifaide^ and mm
the <bft Smuiv in Aiwnt till after the OBave 1091.
of F.fipf'jny.
In the Year, 1 093. be held a Council in a Cit)' of jffulia^ calid Tro/es, wherein he re- The Cim-
new'il the PtoMbitioas againft comrading Marriages between Kindmt. rif 0/

In the Year, 1094. GcbeharJ Bifliop of Corftance, his I.t g t in G nn iny^ !ic!d Cruncil Troycs /« .1

m bUCity againfV incoatiocnt and fimoniacal Clerks. He likewUc order d iba;: Emlier H'erk'^^'^^^^^ "
in Mdrdb fliourd be held the firft Week in LtHt, and tbait in fme the mitfem fVtek, and ^
that there flu u Id be no more than three Holydays at E/tfier niid tf^^iffonn'^ie for till then i^T^'l

ihcy w«e "s'd to keep Holyday all the Week long. The Princds Praxcdij, Hcnrj the ^^^^^
Emperors ^fe, appear'd before that Cosndl, and difcover'd a great many Enormities, ^^^^
which fhe faid (he h.;d been conilrain'd by her Husband to comn;it ^etr'
She made the (amc Declaration before the Pope, in the Council held at PlaifAuet in the
Ye?r 1 095. during Lent, which was fo mmMrons
were forc'd to bold the hi- ftr Ctw-
diat they
fcmbly in the opt n Field, Pi ///^ King of fr4»ce
AmbafTidors th'thtr to cTrrufc i.'/f/Tlai-
fent his
bis not appearing. Hu^b Arcb-bilhop of Uont liancf in
The Pope aliow'd him tine till H^itfmtid*.
wasSafpnided tn this Cbundl, becavfe he neither appear'd there htnfelf, nor fent any De. «** Ttv,
puty to cxcufe him. The Pope gave audience to the Arobafladors of the Empcro: of Co/i-
ftMutintfUf who demanded alTiKance againft the Infidels, and he engag'd the Lords who
were there prefcnr to pi omife to go into the Bttft for itiat purpofe : This was the fifft (tep
reward* the CROISADF., which fully rcfolv'd upon in the Council of Clermont.
There were likcwtfc fcveral Rules of Dilciplinc made ui this Council, by which it is or-
dered diac thofe who will nor part with their Concubines, or pardon ineir Enemies, or
Were habiniartd in any mortal Sin, (hould not be admirtcil to the Ho!y Crimmunion.
That the Pricfts flull admit none to Pcnnancc but thole who fliali be rcferr'd to them by
the R'fliops. That the Eucharift lhalt not be deny*d to thofe, who fliall confefs tbeoifelves
as tliey oughr. They rcm wM likcwifc ihc Decrees agninft tlic Siinoniaca!, and the Inconti-
nent, and the Judgments Dsfs'd againtt the Herely oiBerenger^ againll Guilhertt and againft
thofe who were oraain'd oy Scfaifinaticks.
''rim going into France, in Kivrmher, 1095. held a Council at Cferfvoit in /iuvergvt, Tht Ciun-
wbtcb was compos'd of Thirteen Arch-bilbops, and a great many BiOiops their Suflragans itilofOet'
whernn he oorarms the Decrees of the Coandl of Pftiifimee, and made other new ones ; oBontla
publifh'd the CROISADE for the ; cxcommunic tcd King P/'rV/). ; confirm "d the 'i' T*""",
Primacy of the Arch-bifliop of Liens, and made a great many other Inftimcioos. Thcle
are die diinft we will ^>eak of more particularly, and will begin with the Esoommnnica-
tion of Pf'ih'p I. K' of Frarxe. This Prince had pit away his Wife Bo /A^, the Daugh- Phj.
tcr of Ftarentiut the chief Count of Hcllar.d, and of Gertrude of S^xmj^ for being too nigh ijp i. oi-
• Kn to trim. This Dhwce having been ma^e in fom by the Attthority of the Church vgr«V/fwi'
in the Year, loSi?. and in piirfiiance of a juridical S<-ntencc, the King baniH: d htr to BettlH*
Monftrevil z Sca Pon, and look'd after anotiier Wife. At hrft he courted the Daughter of
Hog^ Connt of Sieify, nam'd fimiM, who was carry'd to the Borders of Prwente ; bnt
iVc A!,in h broke off, perhaps becaufe fhe did not th'nk it fafe ro Marry a Prince who had
another Wife Living. Btrttadc the Daughter of Simm of Montfert, who hr Marry 'd !

Fttkvs I^lntnu Count of An/ou, pteas'd the King, and Ibe made no fcrople 0 pr rr from .

ber Husband and Marry him She vv-s the Kings Relation in rlie [if h
: - I'xih D; !?rcc,

and Hfchimu ber Husband, in the third or fourth Degree. £dides, if Piilip were free as
he pretended, Bertr/idg was Marriage being ftiU valid. All theie confideratlons
not, her firft

were of' nn weight to King Philip, who

them all, and refolv'd upon fclcmn'zlng
furnif unted
this Marri.ige He fix d npon a Day to celebrate it at Parity and
with Bertradt publickly.
ftntfor liefiniifd Arch-btlhop of l^imt, Tvet oT Ctmrtrtt^ and ftverat other Prebts to
render the S 'cnniry the more Authcnrick. Tvcs of Cicrtrcs fent the King word, that he
could not be there, nor amid be confent to, or anrrove of that Marriage, bccaufc his Di-
wnce ftom Betttui had nor as yet been confirm'dby the Anrhority of the Holy See, and
Kcnufc Bert).ti!r cnuld not Marry him, being another Man's Wife. He fi'nt likt wTc word
(o the Arch'bifhop of I^eims ; that be ought not 10 celebrate this Marriage, but rather to
dfflWade the King ffom it. Laftly, he wrote to Hu^h Ardi-bifliop of Ums (who becaafe
ol" h ';
bnlincfs rcfus'd to take upon him the quality of I.egat of the Holy See in F -nice)
trliiog him that be ought to be infpirited with a Holy Zeal in order to oppofe this Criminal
Pbtioeedtng of the King. Notwithftanding thi;, Pli'lSf MarryM Smrs/e, and found out
a Bifliop who dar'd to M. r y rhem for the Revenue of fomc Churches which the King gate
bim. Hm^b of Liofis at the tnitance of Tves of Cbartret held a Council at Autun OQoi^er the ^ j^^.
iddi in the Year, 1C94. whereki he excommdnicaied P^'/i^, becaule he had Married a tonlaik
IMoiidWtfowfailft die firft was LiTing. In this Council he llfcewifo renewed the H: r,ir,
L municacions 1094.

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jj^ A Niw Ecclefjftkal HiJ}ory
Uibao 11 munlGauons a^iiia the Emperor Hen ;, and ngaiull the Antipopc GuJik^t ; and th.- De-
crees againft the Simony and Incontiaeaee of che Clergy ; and prohibited
Monks Jrona
uuirping the funJl ions and rights of Cnratx Pope Vrl.m fufpcndcd ihc execution of thi*
DiCtCQ ag/unll finiif, and cited hun to the Council of F/41/aHcff, whuhei he fent, as
mcntion'd before, his Ambafladors, who obcain'd a further Refpite nU iVoitJo^tide.
wards when Vrhan w as coinc to FrAficf, the King fent his Deputies Ijcfore him, to endea-
vour to work the Pope into a gowi Difpofiiion, and to prevail upon him to cancel the Ex-
commnnication, and co confirm his Maniage : Bw die ftpc bcfcg prevented by the Let-
to the Arc!
ters of /w J of Chartrts, rcfus'd to grant him uliat lie dcfir d, and wrote
bilhops and Bifiiops of Prance ordering tbetn to exhort the King to do Pennance
tor his

Fault, ard to pan from Brrtrgde ; Twi viCbmr»rt$ WIS the only Per&n who did u with

Refol'ution, which was :hc cnufc of liis being pcrfecuted, .md t.ikcn Prifoncr.
The Vox
peroeiving diat all his Admonition* pro? d ineffcdual, in the Council ci Clermmt
out a BtiJl of Bxcommttmcation agatnlt King PbiUp, and bis Goncttbine BtrirwA,
The As to the CROISADE fcr on foot for the rci cf of the Cbrifiiam in the Eajl, Grc-

C R O I- 99}J VII. was the firik promoter of it, but could not put it into pradice bcauilc ot his dif-
S D E Terences with che Empefor. ViH» IIL nottvithftanding the diffoiltlet he labour'd under,
tmier Ur- fo„nj out a Means of fcndi: an Hundred th< ufand iij !ninp Men into Africa againft the
h*2 n. in imitation of thole great txempJors, and being importun'd by th4 Let-
lofidcli. Vtl^n
ters of AUxtM Emperor of the B*ft, and by the ttmonftnnces of Ftm the Hermit, a
Gentleman of PicArdy near Atnle):5, who h.ui hroi.g!.r a Letter from Tervf^km ffOm (he
Patriarch Simem^ who coojar'd the Cbrijiians to frtc the Htlj Land from the Tyranny of
the Turks, did fo ammaie the By-lhuidcts, by hii warm and pttthecical Dilcanrfet to ui*-
dertakc the Conquerirp of the Holy Lnnd and fo far prevail'd upon all the Prelats to

nvikc ufe of the fame £xbor.-ation$ in tbeir Dtoceffes, that within a very fhort time an
infinite number of Men weie lifted for that Service, and took a Voyage by Sea
the Conducl of a great many Princes nn/: Pc. -5 f CLali ly. Tlu- Badge which the

Soldi^efs wore was a Red Crofs few'd on the Ictc Shoulder, and the Military WorU» Di»

Ibe Cir.LMi Wc have not.'ill the C^i^ons v. Inch were made in this Council of C/f/ww/ ccmplear, bnc
•/ the only an Abridgment of ibcm, of which the largeft is that wh;ch was made by iMnbtrt Bi-
C«MrJI «/ ihop of Atres, who was, as we Ikid before, at that CcwiciL They are and thirty in Two
CleiflUHir. all. The Firf; t. r.mlce of the Days wherein the Breach of the Peace or Trw c of Gad'
was made. The Second imports, that the Voyage of thole who went 10 Jtntfaiem. out of
Devotion to deliver the Church of chat City, fball ferve them mftead of all mnncr of Pa^
n.inces. The Third, liiat the Deaneries of Ch-jrchcs fl.all be beftnw'd only on Prief-s ; and
the Arch-deaconeries only on Deacons. The i ourth, tl>at the Ckrks fliail not bear Arms*
The Fifth, that Latcks cannot be cbokn Bi(hops, and that tbofe who are Eledted» Aall be
Sub•d<.aco^s at ''.. ft. The Sixth, that no Pcrfon li all Sell Pr.bendlhirs or any other Be-
nefices, and that thofe who (ball give any Moov for them, (ball rcfign them into the Hands
of the Bifhop. The Sevendi, th« the Altan beftaw'd on rite Congregnt'ons of Monks
Canons, after the Death of ti-.ofc who gave them n.all be at ;iic D.lpjlal c f the BiHiop?;, if
they kive not been conhrm'd to them by their t.euers. The £ighih, that 00 Perlbn (ball
eza<<l any Etaiy for BuriaL TbeNindi and Teioh arc againft thMe Chrtis who keep Coo-
fubincs. I heEkvenrh prohibits the promoting to Holy On?cvs and to EccK fiiflica! Dig-
nities the Sons of Concubines j or the beAowing any Benefices upon them unic& they have
embrac'd the tnooaftical or canontcal Life. The Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fonrteendi pro>
bibit one and tlic fame Perfon from lidding two Prelx r cifl.ip'-, or two Livings in the f n-.e,
or in feveral Churches, and irom altering the Title. The Fifteenth probibtts the rece.vjig
the inveitituie of Livtnpa from Lay Patrons. The Sixce^rh proluoits Kings and Princes
from grannng the invtriture of Liv'rcs. TIk' Scventeen;h prohibits Bilhops and Pricfts
from taking an Oaih of Allepiarce to Kings or any other Laick. The Eigfacecath prohibits
I.afcks from having C haplams InLicpcndent on ibe Btfbop. The Nine^cndt and Twen-
tittli prohibit them from detaining the Tenth or C::urciiCS. The One and Two and twen-
tieth piobibtt the granting Abtblutioo 10 tlwfe who are in pofledijon cf another's Right, uo-
lefs they make Rcftiradoa ; and to diofo who live in the habitual Commidsoo of asy
mortal Sin. The Three and twentieth prohibits Chrijlitm from Eating Flelh from ApO'
wttbufdaj till Eajler. The Four and twcntiah fixes the times of Ordinatkm, the four
Emhit fVeeks, and*cbe Sunn-dM^ of the third Week in Lent t And dedares that if it were
roiTible, ihey fliouM i-n-iir j ilv-ir Fait till Sunday Morninp,
i that fo the Celebrntion of
Holy Orders might be on that Day* The Five and twentieth imports, that the Children
of Pricfts, Deacons, and Seb-descens fttall not be promoted to Holy Orders, if they be
not ci:her Mouk^ or regular Canons. The Six and twentieth, that on Hoiy Salurjj/ the
Faft (ball lall till Night. The Se\-cn and cwcmietb, that the Btnitr Week, in Spring (hail
be always the fiA Week of and chat in Summer in the fVbitfm HWk: The Eight
ar.d iwcntietti , tli.ri all thofe who fhall communicate at the Altar lhall receive the Body
and Blcod or JESUS CHRIST under both Kinds, if there be 00 necdfity or prov>

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of the Eleventh Ccrttury of Clyrifiimity, 65
iiaxi made for the Contrary. The Nine and cKTentieih and Thihictb, that thofe who ily Uibdo iX.
to a Crofs, when pur(ued by tbeir Enemies, fliallbeasfecureasthole whtrffy intoaCtrardi:
And that ibcy fliaJ not be dcHver d up to J)iftice, till thry arv alfur'd that i.o Vif J.nt c fliall
be cfftxd CO cbetr Lifes or Members. The One and thiniedi anathematizes thole who
ftall Uan ofc the RetemM of the Orarcb. And the Two and ditmcth dc^iti tint thofe
who (hali appr. hcndor impdlbfi a Bifliop', lhali fcein perpetoal Difgraoe, and never capable
of beariM Anns. .

In imftxyCwmsA Fbpe Vrhtm confinn'd the FHnmcr (fFAe AnMiHhop oF £>W, in Ttr Cw^.
oppofirion to the Ardi-bilbon of fmi, as 'tis inrimatrd in ihc Bull of Ccnhrmnric n, dated m. tmof
the firft EheeuUferm the Year, 1095. poUilb'd by Monfieur de Marca, with an inge- '^^'^"ff*
motR Oilcont^ bf fiis own about FrioKicies. I(id>inn Ardr-bifhop of Sent would not fro-
mit TO this Conilitution ; but Hi^b Arch-Wflwp of Limsy fot it ratified in the two fuc-
cccding Councils held at Tourj and at Nifmet t artd XJrkim oblig'd 0*nibeit, who fucceeded
J(td>etw, to promife that he would acknowledge the Afcb>bifliop of Umt
for his Primar*.
Vrhan likcwile in this Council adjufted the Ditftrcncc which was between the Arch-bidiop
of Tcuri and the Monks of the Monadery of S. Martins^ upon condition that that Arch-
bffliop fhould not have any Station, nor perform any Office in their Chiirdv nor be eapa*
ble of Excommunicating them : Only they (hould leceivc tjhily OfderS and die other Sacra-
ments from the Hands of the Ardt-biHiop of Tcurt.
Before the Council of Ckrmm broke up, the Pope appoanred another Omncil at Umt, Tte Cmh
to be held in Lent the Year cnfuinp j and in his Journey thither he held a Council at Li- I i-

m^«s in December, 1095. wherein 'tis faid that he dcpos'd HmnbcUuj JSiihop of that City, i»

Wutn be arriv'd at Toyrj he held a Council there according to Appoimment, wherein he

rencw'd his Exhortations to engage all nunncr of Perfons to undertake the Expedition to
the Hofy^Land, and adjiincd the Diflerenccs of ftvcral Monafteries. From tbeoce he went 'J^^
to Nifrnes, where be htid another Ccuncil, whcre n he pave Abfolotion to King Philip, j^ J^
who piomis'd to part fron Bwfnri/r; and tnade Sixteen Canons. N fmes
By the Firft all Bifliops are prohibited from beftowing Altars, Chirchcs or Prcbendfljips ,» ibeTe^,
for Mony : And a refcrvarion is n.aJc to ihc Monks of the Altars and Tttidw which they itptf.
have been in pofleflion of for Thiny Years palt, upon condition that they pry tht- \ca:!\ ThCuud
Qiiit-rent. It is therr n likewifc order d that the Monks lhall not inftiture and indudt Pricfts of tie
into the Churches wu ch they pofrds, without rfie Confent of the Bifliop : That diey ftall ^'"l^'f
be inlUtoted ar>d indudied imo them by the Bifhop with the Apf robar;on of the Abbot, NiflBO.
and that they fhail be aoanmiable tb the fijfhop for the Spirtmalitia, and to the Abbot for
cbe Temporalities.
By die Second and Third it is prov'd by feveral Authorities, tbtt the Mofllb lltiiy ad«
minifter rhf Sacrament':, .md rni-r upon t^cm the Care of Souls.
The Fourth lets a Brand ot Infamy upon, and Excommunicates thofe who dare to lliake'
the Ecclefiafticks Pr ifoners.
The Fifth enjoym ihu nftrt ti e Death of the Bifliop, two Perfons of Probity fliall be
aiade choice of to take care of the Revenues of his Church, and to prefetve diem for the
nfr of his Succeflbr : And excommunicates all that (hall iciiw on tfacm ; and hiiferdidi the
CMfbedra! Chnrch nr^i^ the Churches that depend upon it.
TheSixtii and Scvcntl) cxcommonicaic me Laickswho poflWis or detain the Rerenues oi
the Church.
The Eighrli injoyns thu thde who lhall reodve Benefices fimn die Hands of Laicks llull
be Sufpended «^<>2^c«9.
The Nbitii* 11iacdMi& wbo Inve afinall Cfamdixo go one, fhall lofe bntb
The 1 ctuh, that thofe who Mafry their Relations (hall be Excommunfcated.
The Eleventh, that Ravilhcrs who are KiU'd in the very Rape, without having donePetf*
nance, fhall he dcpriv'd of C/;r//f;.:n B :nal, and of the Prayers of the Church. ,

The 1 welfth, that the Pricfh who arc euiliy of Fornication (hall be Depos'd.
The Thirteenth, lihat young Women (fell not be Idarry'd bcfbre dicy ait tWelw Years
old. -

The Fouiceenth, that it is not Lawful 10 alien the Revenues given to the Church, nor to
cite Clerks before Judges.
The Fifteenth, diat Biflwfs lhaU not enteRain dide wbo harft been Encmmunicated by
other Biihops.
The Sixteenth, diat Monks lhall not grant Burial to, fior adwft to INvtee Senice Per-
fans who are HxcOfntnunicarcd, Sufpendcd, or ;!re guilty of Rape.
When the Pope was rctum'd to It a!/, he held a Council ar Ban in the Year, cS. i
wherein S. ^Mfe.'mn difputcd Greeks about the Proceffion of the
againft the
GHOST. He held liVcwifc jrothrr Council zhr-m the end of the lame Year at i^wne. of ^^^^
which wc have no ^4oaument, except his eraniing a farther time to the King oX Ertgland. j^fComsil
Laftiy, m the Year -99. hccaird a grand Council at
the laft of hdtrch wherein he Rome ,
^'ibltted fiirttwn Canons, whicbate oatf a Rq^titioo of die Canons of die pmncil of Pla- h the rttt.

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7^ ^ New tcckfu^icd Hijiory
Utbami. <w?4, and of die other ItftOwncils, againft the Simoniaca!, and die L lurpatcrs of the Rc
venuc'^ of ti e Church.
ro,-CaM(il The Canons ofthe Council of Clermont were publifh d and conftrm'd in a
Council held
Soan M at Hptn in the Year, 1096. tinder fVUfiitm Arch-bi{hop of thai
Cuy. wherein Eichi Ca-
ibtlesr, nons were made, of which the tirft four arc about that which rhey
call tl,e TruettfG^d:
That is to (ay, the Oaji wherein it is prohibited to make War, ant? the Pnfons
whom Vis
not lawful ro Ai&ult The Fifth referves to the Churches all the Revenues of which
they were in ?i fTciHoii of, and prohibits La'.cks from exading any
thing from them. The
Sixth prohibiuKkcwilc Laicks from giving Churches to, or taking them from
Pricfts withon-
the Confent of rheBiOiop ; and prohibits in general all the Faithful trom
weannglomt Hair.
The Seventh uns^ts that Laicks null h^vc i;o Ecclefiaftieal Co«n» of JwHcamA,
And the
Eighth, that the Prielts (ball not be Vaflals to Lakks.


An Accom of the Cmtroverfies on foot between the

LATIN andtbe GREEK Churches in the
Eleventh Century.

"'HO' The Latin and Grr^^ Churches were not in a clofe Commnnion with each
Cerular,. AI other ever fince the Aflair of Fimius, yet they did not proceed
„ii ihc time of R
to an open Rupmrc
p, Leo IX. and of Miclnui C*«//4>i«/ Patriatdi of CWi«nW
us*, Leo This Bn^ began by a Letter which the Larter w,t,re in the Y^^^-^ ZXTt:.
^ " conmunicatc
and of
to the Pope
ail Bulgaria, to John Biflwp of
ar.d to all the PVeflem Chmdi.
OtChmtb T 'r '"'V it

the)- rcprov d the L^im.

^ftone. In «hu Letter (i.) Becaufe ihcy made ule ofunlenvenM
F ,

tn the celebration of die Etichanft. (2.) Becaufe tbcy Failed on the SatunUst in
(5.) Became ihcy Ear the B.ood of Beafts. and diings Strangled. (4,) BecaSfe they dii
jot Suig ALLELUIAH in Lm.
At the fsme x\mc \lichad cT^larlus order\J the
Cfraiches of theism, who were at Ctnjt^timfle to be ihut
up, and to depnve the Abbots

\ x^'^'a
the Monafterics '^"'l'v'^^

i'^'t'^ ''f
which they held
in that City.
Ceremonkt of the it«Lr Chiltdi. of

being brought into Ita/y by an Officer of the

^'J Emperor C«|Ai».
^i'""'^-*'^"'- who went th^hcr to carry on a Tiraiy
K^Cc-'"" with the Pop.- again* ihTw^
SaSif Lmn,
J'-S ^3fflT.TnT<i-rfS*^^'^^^^^^^
and fetit a Copy of it to Pope Lea.
^rTr.,. rhe%urn'd it into
This Pope wrote upon that Subie^ a Lct-
rcr zoCeru!r,r,us tindio Leo of .icaJU, wherein he
extols the Dignity of the Omreb
^ame, and complaitw of the unktnd ufagc which the Gr.-./,; lud of "
fhcwn to the / .,.^ac C
fttmhwft WRhoot difcantinir on any of die particular Pouits He ooly m.
nerni, tl,.u

ttojty of die Church.

the DivcrlJcy
ot Ce
rHcs is no lawful Foundation for
&a Letter of L«,
bnaKb of
of which we have inilraeMioii fa
obferv'd in
anotner piace<
"^'^ whofc intcrcfl it was to hold it fair with the Pone rfctt he mJ.»Kp
^''"'^ Eaiperor,
G^'c ^\ ^
oftbac little which he had in the m/t, wrote hfm a
Emfcrort.^f^^J'^^}^,'^^^^^ to procure the Union of both Cmrches : And the Patru«:|i

./ 5^ *
r .

C«,'?.T...;.v^.V, ^
Cardinal ''r**^' ' "ext Year fcnt direc Le-
f 'u'^
Arch-deacon and Chancellor of t^ Coorch of
Bifllop o( BUnckfoha, Catdwd
an.^ P./.r Arch-bilhop
of MclpJ^
He fait ttemwrth Letters to the Bmp?ror and to the Patriarch, wherein he
Zeal which the p; d for the Peace of the Church, and
the cWnd«
Pr^ccding^ againit the Church of Heme, even at a time when he pretended
*P J r"'^* of Pe«r.
a< to be
deRfom -rtefe are the fctth and
re^ed to the Pamar h he upbraMs him with
feventh Letters of Le.. In t£t
four Things of which tn»tiion *
Xct h
A! ^"^^ which .tis not thought fit 10 repeat. This Lencr is datcJ in ?unu,>y,

i d by the Emperor Ihnnh.t ^vho was the Spokcfinan who

L-n<r: rr«ceiv-
prefena^ wdiarPrifwSi
£«. Popes Letters, and gave Af/cW that which was dlrcded to
gror,/ to the Emperor a- Writing which he had Composed in anfwcr
to ti" LatTof C^;«W
y ,

Digitized by Google
of the Eleventh Century of Cbriffianiiy.
Willi a of the Trearife compos't) by Nicetdj Pelloratu: Monk cfSeudia, a^.aiii;l iLc
rraclic. s of the Latins. The Empcior having caus'd them to be turn'd into Crccl^, made
thorn TO b^- Pablilh d in Conft^ntimple, conccftliog the Nimes of Bmobert and Mifhaei under
tbof." of H^HUtnu and Cmjt Mttnopotitnnus. ,

In the Reply to the Lectcr ot Ceiuim m, Httmbett acctifes the Greeks of tolerating Here- Hum
ticks atiiong them, and furpaifing ail of them in their Ralhncis ; bccaufe they had the Con- bttt'J Kf»
fidcncc ro confront the Church of J{ome, and to Anathematize it openly ; wb ch ncvt r any p'; •**

Herccick i1r.r J TO Jo. He afterwards demonftrates ha r 'tis a piece of Malice to n.aife the l-'"f'f_
Latins of imitating it^Jews in Vnleaven d Bread, and in tJic Sabbtitb : S nee the y obfLTve CnuUii-
not the Cereaaonies of tbcir Paflbvcrs ; and are fo far from Keatting on their Sabh.tih, that
they FalV on that Day, That this rcdcAed rather on th^ Greeks, who fpcnt the Sr.tmdty
in Mirth, as if it were a felkivai Day. He proves chat the Vnleaven'J is the true Bread,
and enlarges him(elf on the Adv»itages and rayftical Significations, which it may have.
Heobfervcs that the Bread which is offcr'd in the Church of J{pme is a great deal more pro-
per and convenient than that which the Greeks make ufc of ; bccaufe 'tis made in the Ve-
rtry wiih fine Wheat, and dear Water by the Miniitets of the Alwr, and ihcy offer a whoje
Loaf : Whereas the Greeks make ufc of all manner of firead, of ...

which they cut a round Piece to put upon the Akar, and return or
inierr the Ronaioder ,

tod,cIUf,^dueto.^^^^^^^^ As to the

pi cs in one Word, that the Latins do not Feafton the Sabbath or

a Practice which HumJrr/ Condemns as """^f" 'L .\ \

Jccond Charge, relating to the Saturday s Fait, Humbert only re- siaiwm
tf RelitioK >

Ssturday, as do the Jem, neither in Lent nor out of Lent. As to the third Point relating to
thiag<; Srranplcd, lie lays that the Latins make ul'e of that Liberty which the Apoltle has
giveij them, of earing all manner of Meats ; but withal obferving the Cuftoni of the Omrchei
wherein they Li\ c, that they might give no ncctfion of Offrncc. He adds, that they likcwife
a'jhor Fating of Blood, or the Flelh of fuch Animal* as are Drown d or Stifled, and that they
ci.jjyn Pcanance to thofc who do it : But as ro Beafts kill'd or taken in Hun'ing. 'tis Aeir
Culiom to cat thereof without any Scruple. In Ihort, as to ihc iaft Hi-r.d, which relates
to the omiiTion of lingir.g ALLELUIA H in Lent, He ni.ikcs it appear that the Latitu
do net omit it out of sny Avcrlion (hereto ; but that they look upon it as an Hymn of
Thanksgiving, whiv h is no: fo fuitabic to that holy time of Pernance and Humiliation. Iti
tliis Treatifc he fpcaks very (barply agaioft the Greekji whom by way of Indttdion he ac-
cufes of being Marcimites, Mamichett, Tlmfafehites, Sec, He upbraids them with Re-bap-
riliug the Latins ; with fuifering Children to Dye without Baptifm, if ihcy be not eight
Days old ; with interring the remainder of the Holy Eucharift ; with permitting marry 'd
Men to wait at the Alrnr^ even at a time when they have had to do with their Wives,
when at the fame time thi.y refm'd to give the Communion to Women newly brctsght to
Bed, or who have their ul'ual Infinnittes upon them s with colcratijjg Sarabait Monks
guiliy of Foroication, whereas they blam'd the Rule of S. BetiediB, which allows the
Alonks of that Order to wear Breeches in a Journey, and to eat of FIclh when they have
occalion for it } and laitiy becaiiie cbcy reprefent in their Crudfixes the figure of a dying Mau,
fo that upon the Crofi of JESUS CHRIST a fort of Anti-Cbrift is exhibited to be
ador'd as a God.
The writiog of Nicetas PcHerttut^ a Smditt Monk, agtinft the Latin Church is a great 7^^^ ff^,,f.
deal more fierce than the Letter of MicbMt CemUnus. He begins with an Admomcion to i';;, cf M-
the Latins, to hearken with Humility and Charity to the Remonftrances which he woi:IJ caa";
oficr to them, concerning Vnitavened Bread, the Faft onSaturdaj, and the Marri.'^gc. oiVi*'ffi *^
Priefts. Upon the fifft mnt
be fays, That tbofe who makenfe of XJnlHuvgiiei Bread ttt
flill under the ftadowof the Law : That they aflift at the Table of the Jews, and do not
eat that Bread wbish is Su/er/ul^antial, or Confubflantial to us; becaufe Vnleaven-d Bread is
Dc^d Bread which has no V;nue or Efficacy in it : Thac 'tis not fuch Bread as is perfe.fl,
comp'e.1.-, or compos 'd of three Things which figure out to us the Body of J h S U S
CHRIST, whidi arc the Leaven, the Meal, and the Water; reprefentations of the
Spirit, the Water, and the Blood of our Saviour. He pretends that JESUS CHRIST
inadc u(c of Leavcn'd Bread in the IniHmtion of the Holy Eucharilt ; bccaufe he inl'iruu d
it on the Thirteenth, a.nd not on the Fourteenth Day of the Moon of March before liie Feal^
of "Vnleavetied Bread ; and that the Apofllcs forbacl the making ufe of XM!etvet$ed Bfe^d,
As to the fecond Poinr, he x^ks the Latins upon what they ground the Faft on Saturday, fioce
S. Clement has iottimied he Falls 00 IVeinejdaj and Friday, bccaufe JESUS CHRIST
was betray 'd On Wednc[d,\y, and faflcn'd n^ ihe Ciofs 00 tridaj^ But that he prohibited
the Faft on Satwday, fince tlicrc was not the leaft colour for it. He moreover Circs ilic
Can<]ns of the ApoAlcs, the CoiUlitucions of S. Clement, and a Canon which is attributed
to the fixth Council. He likcwife found &u)t that the -did eelebrate die ivhole .

Mafs on Faft Days; and to refute this CuUom he prtjauc'd a Canon of the ApoftleN rc\ eral
Canons of the Councils of Gangret and Latdicea^ and of the. Coiuctl of TVW/o, which be
;!gain Cites under the name of die Hxth pDuocil, wbicji he ipalut vIq of ;e(| Authori(ie ch*

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y8 A Nem Ecckfuftical Hijiorj 1
t^fage of th« Maft of Preooaftcnted Bread ^vrry P*ft Day, which lie fm fbrtli m rhcS:
" On S4t0rd4f aud ^m^l^ (lays he} iboax nine a Clock we oifcr the Sacrifice, and Coo-
fecrate as mnch Bread as wUI lenre the reft of the Week ! On other Days about thtw a
* Tht P.o-
" Clock Afternoon, when the Service is enJeil by rhc * C 7rph't:r:, the Priefts aiid
in the
xn»a Vef " Deacons come in carrjiog a Ccnfer ; and after chey h^ve read the Propbcfies, and faid
fen* **
the Prayers prefcrib'd by S. Bi/ff. before the Alur inhere the Sacred Myftertes lye, we
" rvpc.u the Lord's Pr/iyer ; and -.r,. r'.vnr,!^ we elovntc rh:; P^' c:or:}:i .ircj Bread r.nd f.:'.', ,

" SANCTA SANCTIS: Aticr which we receive the Commumon of the Bread and
Cup, and bavmg retum'd thanks to God, w* Tend awty the People, and thofe, who
.pleafe, rake their rep ill o*" P'jlf an1 W.rcr. And there mc feme who go the whole

Week widMMc any other Noarithmcot than chat of the Communion. Laitly njion the
laft Head, which conoerning the Bfarrtafe of Frieftt ,
it bt ask'd the Lttmt who tanghr
ihciTi to hinder marry'd PcrCons from being ordain'd PrieHs, or to force them to part from
their Wires ? He conluied this Caftom by the CortiUtutiotis of S. Clem:nt, and by tht
Council of TimA; He coodadct lUa Tteatifie #iih an Bxhomimi to dte Laths n» fabi^
^ CO his Adinonttioaa, ortopradttce manifeft AndMidtica fton the Holy Scr i|K to ji^lifj m»
their CuftoiBs.

HomlKit'i tftt»iihert in his Acply begins wlifi taftmf Re >iuM and Rtpitnches ontfifeMonk^ and

look it \cry ill ihat he (conr.r:: ilii- PuTies of his Profe/Ii'/ti} ll;ouId
ii corccrn himfcif in
Ktflf to \ .

Niceus. writing ag^inlk the ^mmh Church. He rejeds bit Thoagbc concerning the Ctmfitl^nntiality
of the leaven'd Bread , as a Cdmera bred only fa hit own Brain ; and his Application of
riie Pallaee out of S. Jthn c-onorrning the Spirit, the H^uter, .wA the Jih^oA, as wrefting the
true Senu of the Scripture : And he ukes an occa(ion to charge him with Hctdie, becaufe
he bad &id that the Qoidkniog Spirit JBSUS CHRIST
his Death. He does no: enlarge hitnfclf much about the ule o! VnJctvmtd Bread, fuppofing
that be had faid encnub in his Reply to MicbM Ctnilariiui he onlv obferres that it caonoc
befiiddiat JBSUS CHRfST
cefebrated the Vaflbver the thatenrfi of the Moon of
March, and with Leavcn'd Tr liccaufe if it had been lb, he wouU h.ivc bcc.n guilty of
4 double Breach of die Law, which he had ofaferv'd in ail its parts with die greatei^ ftnd-
fiefs imaginable. Ht re}edt the ConlHnatioot and Oinons or the Apoftles. except the Mt
Fifty, as ilfocryfbdl Picas. He rhar after the Six h Council, the Emperor Coft^
fidtuine Heradiu having a&k'd the what manner they celebrated the £a-
Pojpe's Lcgats after
chatilV, they remmV! this AftiWtr, That they made life of Wine mingled wirfi Water,
ind of Unleavened Brend and thnt the Hmpcror approv'd of the Tradition of the Holy

Apoftolical Sec. This is a Matter of of Hton^rt's advancing that cannot be met with
in any Record : As to fihat coiieems tftfc Sanv^Ai/'s Fall, he fays that lince the Greel^t think
it rctjuifite to Faft every tf'ed»efJ4y and Friday in the Year, becaufc our Saviour was [ic-

tray'd and Cmcified on thofe Days, and iince they were likewtfe willing to Faft on Hdj
Sthirtk^, beeavfe of his temaining in the Sepaldire on that D«y, they ought for the fame
Rcafon either to Fail every Sr.turday in the Year, or olfe to Fall rinly on the edncfdity aruf H
Ptidaf of the thlj ffit\, and to celebrate Ejfjler Stmdaj only in Honour of the Refurrcdb'on
of our Stirimif. He fefe<fts the Canmis of the Coandl of Tndhy as fuppoHtitious or cor->

rupred he difapprovcs of the making ufe of preconfecr.ired Bread on Faft-days, as being


comray to the Pradice oS the Apoftles , and the exampk of J £SUS CHRIST, who
contecraied the Bread )iift before they dlftKbttted ft. He calls tiiettnt a perfidious S:er.
conanifl, bec.iufc he feems to fuppofe thai: the Ench.Trifi bfr>ke the Faft, from whence he con-
eludes that he believ'd diai the Body and Blood of JESUS CHRIST weit: of the fntne
Mtnre with other Affinnentt, s»>d ime lufn'd Excrements. km
He fays that in the LatiH
^'^'^^ ufually eel rnto Maf<: on Sundays and HoIyday< at the * Tierce H u
and on
*A !

Ciumm F*ft'^*y* ^ Noon, ctf about Night j but that when neceflicy rctjuiPcd, it might be cc Icbr.itcJ
^gf^^ at any ftwr wltfmdt brmking one's ^aft. He reproves the Creeps, bccaule in breaking the
Confecrated Bread t! cy r ok no Care ro gather up the Crumbs which fell ; bccaufe they
rub'd their Pacines with Leaves, or aBruthj becaufe they croudcd the Confecrated Bread
into their Boxes, by rhruftinp: it down with rteir Hands ; bccaufe in elevating the Confe-
crated Brc.ld, at rhc f the Preconfecratcd Bre d,
< t!i y feem'd to ofltr one and tlie
fame Oblation twice % becaufe they did not obferve the Decretal of Pope Clemmf, who re-
- qnii'd thtf no more Hollt Ihoald be Conftcl^ated than ^srhat wete fufficlcnt for the Com-
municants, and that If .my were lefr, they (hduld not be kept till the Morrow, bat be coa-
fom'd ; becaufe iaiOiediateiy after ibey had -comraunicaied they fell to Eating h nuf.: that ;

a great many of did HotthUbrve tdl$t, and becaufe feveral others failed only a Week,
the which they ft il'd the Lent of Theodorus. Laftly, he charges N/nrf/*/ with being a JV/e».
MtMt, becaufe he opptt'd the Celibacy of Priefts and Deacons. He explains the Cinons
which prohibit VrMft from parting wiw iWf Wives ; of the Care whidi they ought to take
of them, in looking upon them ftill as their Wives, tho* they have no Carnal Knowledg of
them. He produces the Canon of the Coonci! of N/re. concerning Women who Jive wirh
Clerks, and fiMnl Aldioritiei of the Popes, to prove that Pridb ought to live cbaftly.

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of the Eievcntli Century of Cbnfiianhy.
In llion, he charges the Qrtekj for not ordaining MintfUefi tifl a^ccr chey had oiiJig'd theili ti»
Mtirry, and t{ r:cl':.A> by anathen-atizinp Nicetas.
(Z^idjfiaX Hiimtit: was not (acisiied With having refuted this Monk in To blunt a way, lie jte Rftui'
was willing iikewtfc to make hion recant ; and when be went with the Emperor and die odier tuita «^
I rgnt<: to the Monaftcry of Studius, he oblig'd him to Condt mn and Burn bis own Writing, NiceWfc
and to a!..^tl];7.e ti oic who dcny'd that the Church of H3»>f was th? chief Church of the

World, and who D-u \: to call its Dodrin into Queition. The next Day AfitMlw went bim-
Ulf to wnir uji n :hc I.fq-i:s at the P-ilace of P/^/, v. iihrm: the C:ry, where they refided j
and aictr he h :d a ivcond time Condemn'd wlaat he had writ en or done againft the Holy
See, he was admitted into chetr Communion, and became one of their Friendt. as for Bm
M/f .:«•/ Cc7 u!.!i iu} ho was not fo for^vard to revoke what he had written ; on the conrrary lie
avoiitcd meeting with the Legats, and holding any Conference widj them. When the Le- fgiggumkM*
«« peiceiVdtnac he continu'd Ohllinate. they went Juljt the Skceenth, which happen'd to tmtfMu
be a Saturday, to the ChiJTvh oi S'. Sophia about Nine a Clock, when they were juft upon chad Cr-
eelebraring Mafs ; and after liicy hud complain'd of the Obfttcucy of Michael Ceruiarim, rularius^y
tbeir Uy'd on the high Alur in the rrefcncc both ot Clei gy and Laity, aScntenoe of Escom*
fmnicadon agunft diai Patriarcbi drawn up in ifaele Terms. Utfi*^

HUMBERT, h ff-^e Grace of GsJ. Cardinal Bifhtp the Holy Chn ch ^ Rome,
PETEK AMipjop 0/Melphi, FREDERICK Dttcm mU CbtmeOar, $9 stt
the Son: of the Cmkolick^ CLurch Greeting.

Holy A^ftoUck^ See e/RoT.e, which is the Chief cf the it hole PV^rlJ, to which as to the
Head a mot e efpedat manner the Care of all the Churchet j bat fent us to this H^yal
belong! in
City in the tjuality of its Ltgatt for the Ifeffan 4nd Ptoiee tf the Church, that at it it Writ'

t:n, ve ftiuld go down and jre whether the Cries which pierce its Ears from this great City It
true or no. Let therefore the Emperors, Clergy, Senate and People cf this Ctty c/ConHancinople
i(m»f That we bow here found more Good to excite ear than Evil to raife cur Sorrow^ For
as to tlx fuppcfte^ s of the Empire, r.nd the principal Citi^ ni, the City is vphnii) Cl rifian and
Orthodox: But as for MiChaei, who totk, upm him the fxife title of Patriarch, and bis Adiie- ,

rtttttt htfe fomd that thty haw fimn Difcurd and Herejie in the midfi ofthit City^ htcm^*
they fell the Gifts cf God like tl: S;mon..ual ; becaufe they imitate the Valcfians, in caujing
Eunuchs to tal^e up'.n them Holy Orders^ and in advancitg them to tlx Epifecpacy it /elf j hf
tat^ they t(f'hafii:(d tu iii the Ariant^ tb^e who htU hem Baptis^'d in the Name ^the Wef'

fed Trinity, and particularly the Lntins; hectiufe vith the Dcn.v.lWi they maintain that the Creek
Church it the onii true Church, and that the Sacrifices and Baptifm of none elfe are Valid
heatufe mth the Nicubitans Ib^sHeie of Prieflt cohabiting wtb their ff^mt; kam/e with the
Sererians /.V; ey;>-ynd the 0!fe}vaticn cf t'r l ave cf Mofcs ; icc.itifr tlcy have flruc!{ cut cf
the Creed the Prectjftou of tie Holy Gleff from the Perfon cf the Son, as the Pneuir.atomachi ('^W
it the Maeedons, denyd the Dhinity ef the Holy Ghoft ;) beeanfe with the Mantchees tboy
aferih'd a Scul to the Lcavcn'd Bread ; hec.-.ufc with the Na7flrca'; ihrj xvc>e Juch prifl clfcr-
t>ers of the Legal Purit/t that they would net Bapti:^e Infants xoho d/d within eight D^s after
thtrf were B«m, nvt ad^it tVimen in Travail, or who htd the ifuai Infirmhiet if Nuture ufen
them, to Btptifm cr tre Citninunisn ; nnd h fl'y. hcc.iuff they C- ' ^ 'i a>:d Excommunicated
thofi who fhav'd their Beards, according to the Cijfiom of the ^man Church. Michael having
Been advertis'd ef thefe 'Errors, and reprovd for feverat ether proceedings by the Letter ef Pope

Leo, h -.s P a.' flfied in them, and when that we w^'d h.:vr .ipp'/,! .1 I^t-tnc-fy to thefe E' iff,
be refus'dto appear before, or to have any Conference withuSf and has lil^wife forbad our entrat.ce '

Atfv «Sr Churches to perform Dtwne Service therein, ferasnnieb as be had fsrmerfy fkttt up the
Chitrchcs fif the Latins. f^;''.';;j t^. nit A7', r:iitr, Verfccutlt.g and Exctn.niunicating them, all
which refietled on the Holy Sec", in cctitemjt wherecf he fiild himfelf OECUMENICAL
eir UNIVERSAL PATRIARCH. tVheref^ not being able any ion^er te toterate
fuch .111 uiihctrd rf Al'iife as eff'er'd tiy tir IT !j ^"p -fi 'ic.ifSec ; .snd '"rhj'ig upon it as a l-^o-
lotion of the C.:.'/.o//<:^ F^ith in feveral Injlauces : By the /,uthority cf the Holy Trinity, by the
jfyeberity of the IJoiy Apojiotical See, whereof are Legats, ly the Authority of all the Or*
thodox Fathers, tie Seven Ccuncils, and tl e Txl-'fc C.',:l.<'!uk Church, E Sulfcrihc to the W
Anathema which eur msji Holy Father the Pope has demunc'd againfl Michael and bis Adhe-
retits, if they do net retraS their Errors ; and in furfuance hereof we deetare that Michael,
fining hirrtf''lf Patrinrch, ,t Novice, tvho w^s made Mont^ only ly the fe.:r of "hien^ ate cf ,t dif-
feittt* and Viciout Life ; Leo cf Acridia, fliHn^ himfelf Bijhof % CooQantinc, Michacl x Chap-
U$n, who had trodden tinder Fc^ the Sacrifees of the Jjannti and all the fotowers of their
Errors, anJ r'^e .il::tcrt cf tlxir Pn^ceeiiinis .: e /ly. u! cm.iti:(d, ^'ih the SiiMotiifls, Valcllans,

Arrians, Donarilts, Nicolaiun$, Severians, l^ncumatomachi, Aianichccs, Nazarens, and ai

the otter Heretic lis, or rather witb-tbe Dtvff and his Angels, if they do not Kepent. At the
ianne time in the preftncc of the Emprror r.nJ his Court they pionounc'd viv.i v^cc,
Eacoonunaaication againft all cbofe, who Ihouki coatradid the Faith of the Cbuixh of Home,

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8o A New Ecckfi iftical Ihjioiy
lo be look'd upon as
or ccn !emn it's Sncrlficc ; and dedar d ti»c fuch Pcrfons ought not
Chijlims, but as Hercticks. , r • j u , r . •

the LrJin Churches ;


After they had publilh'd thcfe Excommunications,
th y fct in
ft'%ur-: of p -oh'l''rcd unJcr pji of Excommunication, the itceiviug Communion Imax the Hand of
lb: Pip^'i any (Jreeif, Pi icA, who jliould Condemn the Sacrifice of Sic
iMin Church. And when thej
Conjiunttnofle, July the 17th, and fct for-
had taken leave of the Emperor, they went out of
ward on their Journey homeward. But the Emperor caus'd them to return again on the 1 9th
of the fame Month, at the inftance of
Miehaei CetuUritu, who promts'd him to enter into a
draw tlicm into the Church of
Cbnferenee with them. The dcHpn of this Patriarch was to
Sophia, under colour of holding a Council there, and to caxifc ihcmJK) be fton'd by the Peo-
ple, by reading to them the Legat s Decree of Excommunication, which
he had corrupted b
Tranflathtg it, in order to render it the more odious.The Emperor forcfccinc; what wouJd

wnu!d not turmit
' - —
the Lcc-its to .-tpnear inany Aflembly out of his Pccfeucc.
which tncens'd that Patriarch
rais'd an Infurreiflion
Inicrpfeten, who were
abusd and calt into Prifon. The Legars fent the Emperor, by hi* Courtiers,
a true C3opy
dcnounc'd againit Cc.ul.r 'ius, by which that Patri-
of the Excominimica:ion which they
nrcli was convided of being an Impoltor.
This occalloa d an entire Rupture between the
Patriarch and the Emperor, who drove out of his Owt
all the Rehttomand Friend* whom

Miehaet had there, and would never have parJon'd him, if he had liv'd longer. But he
fime Yer.r, Icnving the Empire to Theotiord Po,fl}jr«ienit4^ Dauglucr ViConfiant'me,
dy'd the
StrMtUiiieiUt to whom fhe left the
and Sifter to \oc, uiiJer whom as welt as under Michael
quiet Po.TciTion of the P*.
Empire, dying within two Years after. Ce:u!.i:ius continu'd in
iriarchftip' nvA u cw fo great, that he obl;g'd the latter to rc£gn the
Empire in the Year
to ljua clintfienius. By this means, the Church ot Con^tmtinefk waa wholly fcparat-
1057. .

cd from the Church of l{omc ; and th^fe two Churches, which till then, were in a manner to-
lerated and trcited with Refpc ift. were look'd upon as Enemies. Schirmaiidcs and Hcretich$»
and became almoll irreconcilable through die fiittlt of the Greeks.
Within a while after the L-imw cnde.ivour'd to withtlra v Pcrcr P.irriarch of Antioch from
C ^.nn1non with the Patriarch of Ca^MtiMfie. They thought this the more fealiblc bc-
cjuic that Patriarch immediately after hts Advancement, bad writ to Pope Leo, who had re-
Profc fllon of Faith which he had lent him,
rurn'd him an Anf^cr, whereby he approv'd of die
and took t,oticc to hiin, of his bemg very well inclin'd to carry on ihc Union of bodi
Churches, i bc Paitiarth o(Grai» nam*d Deminick^, who held the ^reateft Conefpondenoe

with the Greeks, becaufe the Provinces of Vinicc and Jjlria belong d to his Patriarchfhip,
wa<: ordcr'd to write to Peter of /inttcch about it. He di4 it in fuch a maooCT as might
has c eng.ig'd that Patriarch to enter into the Intcrefts of the Church of Heme. For in the
beginning of his Letter he declares, that without mentioning the Submia1o:i, the Deference,
and the Ami y which ought to be had for the Church o( AHti»cl\ which is the Sifter of tlic
Church of and the fccond Church of the World : The Repntarion of his Piety and
the particular Efteem which he had for his Pt rfon, imlinM him to dcfire an Intereft in his
RefpcJls. nm! to wifh to be in an entire Friendlhip with him. He tells him that he thought
bimleU obl ig li to let him know that his Church had been Fonnded by St. Mark^, that St. Pe-
jI Sec, and that he h.-.d the Righr of Pope in
ter coahn A upon it the Dignity fjS ^Patriarch
the Councils which were held in UmIj : That be would inform him upon what thefc Privi-
leges were Founded, when they could come to have a Correfpondenoe with each o:her by
Letters, but that .at prcfent he only wiorc to him toha\ c the happinefs of being ncquaimed
with lii'.i, .ir 10 begin a Friciullhip which might be hereafter Corroborated: Thar however

he could lu t forlxar acquainring him, that he tinderftocd that the Clergy of CinJlanttnople
bla n il tiK- Church of Upme, bccnufe it celebrated the Hofy Myflcrics w\'\iVnleaven'd Bread,
and bcliev'dby reafon of, that die I.«r/8/ were fepara ted from the Unity of theChurch;
thai tho" the Lntim make ufc ofXMkemen'i
Bread, according ro the Tradition of JESUS
CHRIST and the Apoftles, yet they Connie mnd nor the C lorn of the Gr«^ Chuicb,

bec.iufe as the mixture of Leavm with the Meal may be the Figure of the Incarnation of
JESUS CHRIST, fo the Vnleinen'd Bread may fikewife reprefent the Purity of the
Ficfli of JESUS CHRIST. That therefore he rhoiight ic expedient that he fliould ad-
v-rrifc the Crccl-j nor to Condcnm the Cuilomi of the Latins, nor to maintain tfaatajl their
Saci lUcc^ were null, and that they were out of the Road to Eternal Salvation.
Pfff r Patriarch idAntiacbj anfwcr'd him with a great deal of Integrity, without approving
The A»»
jVCT of of his Opinion rnnccrntng the ufe c&Vtilcaven'd Breads or his Pretentions concerning the
Peter c/ P.m iarchlhip. For he makes it appear to him by his Letter, that there were never acknow-
Antiooi, ledg'd in the Church any more than
Five Pairiarcl.s and the Bifhops of the Capital
title Pjr Citiesof Pro\ incc5, greater than His, never aflum'd this Quality. And with refped: to the
ufe of Vnleattn'd Brejd, he at firft excnfes the Parriarch of C«nftantincple, by faying, that
Crado. he does not abfolutely Condemn the L <?.'/«/ as Hercticks ; but was only forry that they
fwerv'd from the ancient Tradition of the Church, and did not make ufe of Perfc(2, buz

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of the Eleventh Century of Chrifiiamty. 8i
ofVnlea^end on of the Jeves.
Brea.^, in Iinit-nr He afterwards oppofcs this U&gc l»y fevc^
ral Argument, bu: panicularly by che Paifages of the GofpeU which feem to prove ibac
Ji:SUS CHRIST inftinmd the Eachanlt before tbe Fe«ft of the PalTover. and at a
lime \vh:n ilicy djd nn' yer make ufc o{ Vnleaven'd Bre*d. At the Clof of his Letter

he tA^^:i no ice that two Years ago he bad wrote to Pope L»» in the bcgiaaixie of his Pope>
iofti, to which iie bad noe as yec received any Anf««r, and due he defif d ne migbc have
a Sight of this.
JAichde! CauUriut on the contrary wrote to Peter of Atuieeh^ to engage him to declare Tie Ltitet
openly againft the Church of J^Mnr. After he bad thank'd h«n in the beginning ot his Let- «/ Cerula*
tef, for having at his Recommoidarion granted ro a Deacon a Vhxa wh;ch he had demand- rius »Pe*
ed of him, he gives him to underilaod, thai having lonsc time Imcc heard that ihc lait de* ^5^2^***
chafed Pop- \ . IS a Virtuous, Honeft and Learned. MdQ> be had writ to him with a great '"P^
4eal of Hui i li.y about the Re-union of :hc r.vo Churches, in order ro procure hi>, Favourj
Aac he mij^hc give Tome AlTiitance to the Greekf againlt ihc Kirmam That havmg codv

iBiaed chis htim to an Oficer of the Emperors^ who carry d likewife another from that
Prince, they were pur inro the Hands of Duke Argyrui, who dcuin'd them, as well as the
Mony which the Emperor bad fern by that Officer : That Argyrus thought hi to fend three
Pcrfons to Conftatititwfle in the auatiiy of Lcgats of the Holy See, whereof one bad for-
merly l>ceti Arcb-bifhop o'' Mrlphi, who he underflood had been turn'd out of his Church
five Years ago Another had only the Title of Arch-biibop, but where his Diocefs lay

none could tell; and to the Thlfd he had given the Title of Chancellor : That thefe Three
Men having accoflcd the- Emperor with a fierce and arrogant Air, caufcd the Crofs and
the Paftoral Rod to be cany d before dj^m l hat afterwards liicy gave him a ViIjc, but

in a way of Inlblence and Contempt And that without faluting him, or paying him the

Relpciiis which were due to him, they clnp'd into his Hands a Lctrrr frrrVJ vy-, which con-
tain d the In nc things conccraing "Unlenven d Bread, as Aryrus had loimciiy advaiic'u whilft
heftay'd n Conflantirople, for the which he had beoi Emcommunicaced : fiut that having ,

examin'd the Seal he found it was falfe, and that it was nothing biu a piece of Forgery of
this Argyrus, as be had afterwards been afliird by tbe Arch bilhop of Jratti, ana by his
Chancellor, who had unrav-l'd the whole Myftery to him. Af-er he had given this Account
of fh i; Tr^nfailion. h-- iy-., That it was Reported of him that be inferted the Names of

the Pope.-, in the Churtli ixtgiitcrs, and that the Patriardis of Alexandria and Jerufa'em did
tbe fame : That however he did not fuppofe them (b l^Bonuit, bat that tbey knew that fince
the tiirie of Pop Vsj^Hius, who would not pronounce an /Ivathema againlt the Writings of

Ibeodortt, and the Letter of lhat, ihcr c wa;. no notice taken ol the Buhops of i(o»jf, in the »

Churches of the Esft That he hkewife heard, that thefe two Patriarchs admitted to their

Communion thofe who celebrated with Vnif^vm'd B> eaJ, and that they made ufe of the
fame fometimes themfelves : That not being fuUy iatishcd of this matter of Fad, he left
him to the Liberty of inquiring into it, and dedred he would fend him Word how the Cafe
was : Thar moreover be had read the Letter which be had written to the Patriarch of Grado,
'wherein he op{)os d the making ufe of Vttle4ven'd Bread But that the Latint bold a great

ouny other Errors, which ought to be rejedied ; fuch as believing that one might Eat Things
Smngled, that Men ought to be Shaven, to obferve the Sabbath, to Eat unclean Things,
diat Monks might be permitted to Eat Flelh and fiacon : That one might Eat Flefli in the
firft Week of Lent, and in the Weeks wherein one ought to abftain from Flcfh and Milk,
as well as on every H'edmefday in the Year That they were guilty of Eating Cheefe and

Eggs in the Holy Week ; of Fading on Saturdays, all of tbem beuig Cuftoms belonging to
tbe Jews • of having added to tbe Creed, that the Holy Ghoft proceeds from the Father and
the Son ; of nor permitting Priefts to be Married ; of allowing two Brothers to Marry
two Sifters ; of obferving that one of the Minifters of the Altar who has Eaeeiti XJnleaven'd
Brtitd, (hall embrace the reft in the Sacrifice, by giving P»x Vobit to tbem ; of giving to
the Bifliops a Ring which they wear on their Thumb ; of Baptiaing only with one Im-
merfion ; of not bononring the Relicks of the Saints, and feveral of tbem not fo much
as Images ; of not reckoning among the Saints tbe Dodbors of the Greek Church, fuch as
St. Gregory ihit Tbeolague, St. B^l the Great and St. Cbryfoftem the Divine, and of not ob-
ferving their Do<3rin : But what is more ftrange is, tbat when tbey were at Cmflantinefle
tbey dedar'd that tbey were not come to enter into a Difpute, nor to be inform 'd of tbe
£>tfl«reiices that inight be between them, bin n> teach and perfwade others lo hold didr^
There is likewife anodier Letter of CeruUrius to the fame Patriarch of Antiocb, wbereinT
he gave him a particular Account of what the Pope's Lcgats, (whcm he flill imagins to be
Impoftors fenr by Ar^ruty who had tnimp'd up thdie fiUle Leaers) had done againft him at
Confiitntinefle, by exomflunuGatuis hhiit «ik1 eihortt that Pwriiidi joyn » in re-v^Um

M Ptter

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8i .
A Neip Ecclejzaflical Hifiory
Petn- of Anfiock reply'd to MiffhaeL Certl4rims, Than be whdcrdihat ^{rw. wto w»J
7U An.
fvtf of ?c' a Laick, fcould concern himfelf in the difpofal of the
AfiUis of fbedrardi, ana fluke •« <x
An- fuch Artifices as he had acquainted him wiih: Thar tiie Name
of the Pope was i.or in the
tcr ^
ciuly (aid that even lince the
tioch to Rccifters of the Church of Antioch j bat that it could not -be
Cerulari- Ti^c of Pope rif^ilius, the Name of die Bifcop of /(»«e *«d t>ecn felt Mt
«» tke Regiftm
Church That wa$ a grols Omiflwn in hi-; Secretary ; lince in the S xth
of the Greek : it
Jigatbo was recognii dt
Council held One hundred and twenty nine Years after *%i7/«x, Pooe
That wijcn he bmifilf at Cct^amimfte, abovf Ph'e»i>d forty
Veart ago, in the Timof
Name of Pope S in the RfgiMci s among the reft of
Dmms the Patriarch, he found the
Patri.irch-; r^nd that he could not tell flpoa wine Grounds it had fiocc been left o«t?
the ot^icr ,

the Errors and Faults which in his Letter He afwilMiifld

to 4i8 iMthift there ware Ibaife *
That of
whidiodgfat » be avoided and abhor d, levcral others which u were eafie to remedy ; and
" For (Cnr«he} what is it to Us, it
laftly. others at which it would be proper to conniye.

their Bifhops do (have their Beards, and wear Riflgson their PIngert* Do mc mafce*
i Stoksembftiyd. r d with
" Crown uponow Hktds, and do not wc wear Gloves, Maniple . .1

Gold ? Will not you likewifc find lome of om Monks who cat fldk ami Bacon ? DoruK
the Monks of Bjdinia, lhr4ce and LyiiM, eat
Magpies, Jay? and Tirtte-Dowt? Do not
i^dl^FLrcnth o\ manner of Tnings which
the Holy Fathers leave us at liberty to eat
* God has Created? In particutar he dcmooflratcs, that St. Ai/ii and St. allow
Aeir RelMms to eat Bacon. But he don not pefi the fame Judgmeiw «i whet «rat added
ahufc, r^s well as to Baptize with only one
the Creed, and he pi«ends that 'tis a very gf
ImTncrflon t However he diinks it requitiie eo be of a Temper inclinable to Peaa, betaufe
the Latins arc their Brethren , aWio' through RuMdty or Ignorance,
d»cy might be in lone
Barbarians ; that it was
Etr0f»: That fo punaual an exacftnefs could not be cxpeded from
very well that tiiey held the true Do^ria about the Trinity and the Incamadon: That he
blam'd them for their Cuftoin relating to tfie CefihiCf of end fer ifceir ettingneA
an T Vi/^Ti wr/ ^ - V, he
and Cheefe the firft Week in Lent. That as to r!i Q,, !»;on il

handled that in the Letter which be wrote to the Patriarch of Venice i and that he was
of Opinion, that every Church ought thereia to obftrre ks tndlmt CbAmm > thet es to tlttt
part of their Charge, of eating Things flranglcd, and of allowing one and the fame Peribn
to Marr)' two Sitters ; it was to be bcliev'd, dut dus was not among them by the appro-
bation of the Pope and the Btfliops, but by the abflfe of fome particular feifens, ««thei« «i«
a tratt of the fame Nature in the Eitl, which 'ri< v^ry Jiff^ail' to sbo'Ifh, That
moreover, he ought to infift particularly on the Addition to the Creed, and on the Marriage
of Pricfts: That with ReipeA to the other Articin, f1 11m tM» wqaifte to ftand miidi tipoa
hjcauH:- inofl of them are
rfiem bc«ufe they ate iuch a* do hct concern the Fairli , and
fblfc.* That therefote he thought it proper, that being thus indin'd, he (hould
write to the
Pope who was to be elofted, vvho perhaps would dffbwn whet is impos'd on Ae Ijmvu, or
cKealter his Mind: That no Pcrl^n can itTi.iginc -h.ic rfir f^v.AnsAo not honour Reficks and
Images, fince they fei fo high a Value on the Rehcksof St. Perer and St.f4«/i fmce Pope
jtiri*n by his Legats wa« PrelSdent of the Seventh Comal, end CondemnM (he tttmclaflr ;
andfinccit wasolifervable that fevcral Images were brougfit froiTi /^^r, in J t^i.i- the LAnrs ho-
nour'd them. He therefore conjur'd the Patriarch of Cvaftamiiwfie to think an Accom-
modation, and to require nothing of the iMim bcMe die fMking out the Addition which iliey
had made to the Crcf J raflly. He acquaints him that he fends him Tndors'd, the Letter winch
Pope Leo had written to him j and that the Letters which he had direded to the Patriarchs of
AlexjmJriauidJerttfalemt heindoaMty*dioilw8i> Thcle Four t*itfct»1i«f*ibecn MiHKVl
in Greei «qd Utimhf Monfimr Cafdb'ar, in defteond Tome «f hb hbrnmem of the Gr«t(
Tho' this Adion of Catdiotl Wmim
ftem'd ro pot t ftop to Re-wdon ef die tm>
A Hfw Churches, yet the Popes were not qu'.ic om of hcpr-: nf bnnpirgir abou^ For this purpofe,
IX. rcfoiv'd Upon lending biJier Abbot of Mount Ca/fm, and twd other Legut to
ConfiantiTwfU, who fetftfurard upon ihatdefign in the beginning of the Year ro^, bnt 1>e-
Wdlhx tie i"R derain'a atBm by the badncfs of ihc St- ifnn, they there heard the News of that Popc*$
Miehaei Cerulariut building too much iwot»
Gree^'ni Death, and rctum'd home again. That fame Year
the Latin the Obligarioo under which the Iwperor
Cmmtmu fey cohhn, was <br alRunii^io hW
Ckipches. felf too great an Autli riry, rhrraminf; the Fi>^pcror himfelf, That if he did not follow hfs
Tie Bistijlh Coundls, he would be an Inftmment of making him lofe that Crown which he had procur'd far
. him. This impudent Boldnefs, and his Pride in wearing Purple coloar'd Shoes and Steekif^
in faying, That therr v n ro diiTin ce between the Sacerdotal Office and the Empire,
Cerulari- :

^ made TJfaac refoWe to Out him. But forafmuch as Miefuui was beiov'd by the People of C«j»-
fldntinopfe, he todt an opportunity to csule bnn to be jwi cliendcd, when he went on tfie Vcnft
of All-Saints to perfortn his OfFce in 1 Church of the Subnfbs of thatCir)'. He fcnt thither
feveral of his Soldiers, who puU'd the Patriarch out of his Bpifcopal Chair, and carrv'd him
immediately to die next See^Porc, where they embark'd him and hts Rcbtions, to be con-
vcy'd into Exile to Prcc-mcfTus. Tfic P peror hid a great mind to caufe him to be de-

tioi'd in a Councili but he durft not attempt it,

becaofe Michael was a Man of great Pares,

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of the Eleventh Century of Cbrifliamiy. 83
ahd bid great Friends. The deuh-of that Patriarch fme an eod to his Troubles, but riia4e
no aJrerarion in the Affairs of rbf Church ; nor did it procure the Re nnion of the two
Churches, which ever ahcr remain d divided, tbo' frequent airempcsbave been made to re-
ooiK ifaem, and tho' there have been feveni Txcfttki Urvfeeiitfaeai, wMdi never liAetf kng,
icafoo of the IncooAiiiqr of ite GrwQl^.

CHAP. Vlll.

Of the Life and Writings 0/ PETER DAMIEN,

Cnrdinal Bifhof 0/ O S T A. 1

E TEI{ firnam'd D/tmien from the N. me of

his Brat! er, was torn at i{avema the he- Peter tfi-

P ginning of the Eleventh Century. He dciLcnded from an honourable Family, mieB.Ci^-'
and his Parentt took care to beftow upon him good Educarion ; and in his very Youth '^'"^^
be was noted for his fingular Piety. After he la Wknr ih:ougIi the whole courfe of ^^S^'^SSivf.

dies, he retir'd into the Monaftcry of the Holj Crcfs t ytne^I.wc near EvguUo, the Monks of

vvhkb place arc call'd Hermits, becaufe riiey !] [huir Lives in great Retirement, tho' in
Common and under an Abbot. w.t5 aWW by Guj Abbot of Pomfofio to rcfortr. his Mo-
daftery. At two Years end he recurn'J to Aueiime, where hc Was made Prior, and alier-
iranb Abbot of that Monaftery, Which in a fhort time he engnMnced, and Founded fcvenii
ojher;, where rhc fiau- Riilf was oHferv'd. Hc wi^ in fo a RqiUte and Eftccni, thar
he was riomiiidccd Cardmal, and made BiQiop 01 Oj^ia by Pope Stcfheu IX. He wUc

he!d by way of CommeHdtm the BinioprickoTfi^fatf*, and began to have a great f>.arc in the
Aflain; of the Church of !{mie. In the Year 10^9. under the Ponrificar of Nicholai II. he was
lent Lcgac to Mii'-ui, 10 reform the Clergy of that Church, where Simony was publickly pra-
^fttt'd. He acquitted himfelf in this Legation with a great deal of Authority and Prudence,
and rerum'd after he had cius'd an Order to be mnc^e, ro prcxTnr this and fuch like difor-
ders for the time to come. Some time after, hc rciolv d upon i^uitting his fiiihopricks, and
Ae Employments which he had at Urge in the World, and to retire into Solitude; be diere*
upon rcfign'd ihcm into the Hands of Pope A'.exander IT. and rfmrn'd brick to his own Alo-
mftery. However, this did not prevent him from having great concerns with the Popes, Bi-
Hwps «nd NoUcmea, who ask'd his Advice, and made tde of bim ia Matters of the higheft
Importance. ylUxmder II. fenr him as his Legat into Frgnce, to put an end to the Difference
il«rc on Foot between the Biftop of Mtfcon and the Abbot of Cltmy, concerning the Pri-
vileges of that Abbey.' He held a Council at CMiont, wherein hc made feveral Orders i con-
fimi d the Privileges granted by the Popes to the Abbey of Cfunjr, and made rhe PifTiop of
Ji/Ufccn to confent tliereto. He was likewife fent by the fame Pope to Fiorcnce, to pin a ttop ^

to the Schifin^which Wtt between Peter, BiAop of that City, and ois Clergy. Afterwards in
the Year c 68. he went as Legat into Germ.fny, ro hinder the Emperor Dmry from being di-

vorc'd irom his Wife Btrtb*. Some time after he took a Journey to the Monafkry of Mount
Cq0SKt xocaekdmti^tffligieus of that plaoe: Laftly, In the Year 1 072. be was fent by dhe
fame Pope to {{imenna, to take off the cxcommtinication iffii'd, a long rime fince, .ig.iinft that
City, becauie of the Difierences which Henry Bifliopof l^fvemta, lately deccas d, had with the
Holy Sec. After he bad difcbarg'd the Commillioa^ lie dy'd tbe 13d of Wehnurj the Year ciw
liling at Fiyance, being Sixty fix Years Old.
The Works of this Author, in the laft Edition, are divided into Four Tomes.
The Firft conuins tke Letters, rang'd in Eight Books, acxsiding to the Quality of the
Pcrfons ro whom tbey were wrinen; of which the Firft is cont'd of the Leciers which
axe directed to the Popes.
The Fitft is to Grttoty VL whom he congratulates upon his advanoemeiil to the Popedbm, tnmi
exhorts to root out Simony, and admoniflies to depofe tbe Bilhcp of Pefare.
The &cond is direded to the fame Pope j be gives him to underftand. That the Man
wbo was eletSted Bifltop of Ffffomkreiu, was not altoj^tfaer woRhy of the Epifconacy, becaofe
of his Ambition ; but that yet he was to be preferr'd to a great flMoy 0ihet% end that in olfier
Reipeds he had the Qualifications nccefTary to a Bifliop.
The Thifd is to Clement 11. to whom be writes word, That the Emperor had ordcr'd him
CO wait upon him, to inform him of the Abofes of feveral Churches, and of what he thought
meceflary to put a ftop to them ; that being upon his Jonmey, he had receiv'd a I.,ctter from
diat Prince which was direded to him ; that being rcturn'd to his Solitude he lent it to him,
where he waits for his Orders to depart He declares on the one Hand, That be wgnld be
very wdl latisfied to be ezctts'd mm tbe Journey, that &he might not lofc. his Tmte in
going and cobuqi; but thac on die other hand, he could not hot be mov'd with the mife-
M I nibk.

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§4 ^^^^ Ecclefiaftkal Hifloiy
Vetet Da- rabic Condition of ibe Churches of his Coantrr, which were in a ilrangc Cotifuiiun, by
tnien,C4r. tcafon of the Irregularity of the fii(hops and Abbots. He remondrates to him. That ic fig-
r\f\cd nothing that the II ly Sec was pafs'd from Darkiicfs ro Liehc, if ihc rdt of
iiulBi. the

Ml*^ Churches were ftiU in Darkntfs, ami exhorts him lo apply fome (pecdy Reixicdy to ihvU;
Ef lis, and to punifli the Bifliop of Fano.
The To ;r:h is to LcolX. He therein coro[ I.iins fo: rhat this Pope had g-ven rcn V.^My
Credit to the Caiuinnies rais'd againft him, and he calls God to witnel's bow iniiuccnc iic

Tli Fifh 15 xoVtHor II. He rcrtionflratcs to this Popp, Th^t \v ough- to prorcd 3 I o;d
who had devoted himfelf to the Service of God, and whom they would difpoflcli o: h.s
Bft««e. ^ , , . . . .

The Sixth, dircdted to lUdtaUs U. is «iiioagft the OfiffenU of this Author, of which ic
snhes the Seventeenth. ^
The Sevoith is to die fiune Pope. He congratulates him for that was
the Church

Pence under his Ponrificare ; «nd Peckioiis him in behalf of the lohabinnu of Jbtemutt who
had been excommunicated.
In the Eidith» 4ireded to Pope Niebo/dsuid the Arcfa-dcacoo HUtUhrsnd, he dcHres to qtut
h s Ft(hopriaE« finoe chey had divcftcd him bothrf hii Saccndotai Uabiti^ and of his Reve-
The NinA and Tench are among the OfafaUa, and they onke die Ktncneath and T«Mft>
tieth of them.
The Eleventh is direded to AlexancUi II. He reooauscnds to liim the Qmrch of Orie«m$
whidi was then in Trouble. . v
The Twelfth, dircdJcd to tlic very conCid orabi
fame Pope, is He therein rcpfovcs rwo •.

Abufcs, which he fays were tuo frequently prad;is d by the Cuurt ol [{ome in his Time, and
he intreats the P>»pe to rcdrefs them. The Firit is, Thar in almo<\ all the Decretals the Pe-
nalty of Exccmmunication was infcrted. The Second is. That ihc Clerks and L^ c' ^ were -

hinder'd from reproving the Vices of their BiOiops.

" The Firft (fays he/ uiakes tuc iilva-
tion of Men very dangerous ; becaufe Perfons are often excommwnicaacd without kuow<
ing any thing of it, an J thir for Things of a!:- or no Ccr^fcquence ;
the moft trivial
Faults being punilh'd with the lame Pcfuliy as tiic more heinous ones : They puniib a Man
nnore rieoroufly for having violated an humane Law, than ever God does for the breaking
of his Commands. Hf* fhys, Th^t Si. Gregory nnti th^* orher Popes had no fach CuOoirf,
and that they fcldom pionounc d an AnMiema in then Decretals, except when the Faith
was in difrutc. He therefore conjures this Pope to abolilh this Cuftom, and for the f\itwe
to ftrike this Claufe out of their Ekcrctals, by alligning fooie other Penalty in its ftead. As
to the other Abufe, which fuppofes that ic is not lawful for Inferiours to accufe their Biiliops
in a Snperior Coon; or to alledgc againft then what ought to be Coircded. " This (fayi
he) is a very unrfafonahlc Thin;^. nntl contrary to the DilVipIine of rhe Ch';rch. For tO
whom can one bttcer addrcis ones ic.i to diicover the Faults, which a BiUiup commits,
«( than to him who has the Office of a Mj fter, and who has the Pre eminence among his

BtechfCn, to COrrc<£l the Fault-^ of r!i j B r.v.p';, arcordine fo rhc Privilege of his Srr > Atsd
!s it not a piece of infupportablc Arrogance, Pt idc .^nd Vanit)-, that a Bilbep Ihaii live as
" he pleafes, and not condefcend to barken to the Qxnplaints of tbofe who are tinder hinw
•* in things Wherein he nuy be deceiv'ii cfpecially wh. n they do not apply tbemfeives SO

• iccular Judges, but to BilhoDS, that ihey may iiuuourabiy and gravely redrefs thofe Grie>
" vances which might attra(fb tne Smiles of the i aity ? is it not reafonable, that he wbo is
.iccus'd fliould Juftify and Clear himfelf, or c\(c .Tcknowledge his Faults ? To th^s he fub-
joyns the Example of Peter, who did not make uic of his Authority to rejei^l the Cam*
plaints of the Fniil ful, who took it ill tiiit he (houJd Preach the Gofpcl to the Genti.'et, bar

fave them a reafon f jr thir hi'; Prorccdiii!:. T

this Indance he adds that of David
vho ac-
nowledc'd his Offc iKC wlicii lie was jepfu\ \i loi it by N*tiun ; the Example of M-trjr, who
fuffer'd the Reproof of her Sifter M*rtb*i and another Inftanceof St. Peter^ who did not take
it ill that Sr P ./-/ rcbuk'd him. Af-crwards he lbrr«; rni^ Ob-af>:on: " But I am Bilhop; I
" am the Pattor of tiie Flock, I am not 10 be accui d by tiio.c v*ho ough: to be iubjedl: to me,
" and whom I ought to lead ; they oaght patieocl|r to fulfcr my Failings. And to this ho
anfwers, that in the Gofpe! :r \% frrid, That we ought to declare to the Church the Fauln
of our Brethren, when they do not atr.end after they had been privately reprov'd ; Ait
whidi being exprefs'd in general Terms, ought to be underflood as well of the Faults of
Bifhops, 85 nf* rfif F,iu!t5 of rhe reft of the Faithful ; that if the Birtiop wcnfr! nnr fiibniir
to the Laws oi the Church, who would ? Lailly, He concludes. That nothing would.
nx>re conduce to the abating the Pride of fiifltopc, who valued dmkelres too much opoa
the nccounr of their Divinity, to the maintaining of Peace, and ro prevent Tyranny, than
to fiilfcr Inferiors to have recourfe to a Superior Authority, anJ to iynodi, there to preier
dieir Complaints againft their fiilhops.
Tti '*r I hirtccnth, direiffcti to the fame Pope, be oppofe^ an Error which grew very prc-
valciu in bis Time; to wic. That it wa:rnot Sunony to buy a Bai;o[ rick of a Kuig, or any

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of the Eleventh Century of ChrijHatmy §5

other Mnce ; prnvtdei} notbtng 4hs given fbr Cbnf^crttion; T«vo Q»iih]i» ttf ^{nce Hoi^ Feter
frey Marquis of Tufcanj, had broach d this Dcxflrin, nr.d irininc.iin'd ii by faying, That in mien,
ihis Cafe, they do not buy either the Sacerdoul Office or the Church, but only tlie Teoi-
Mitllnes and the enjoyment of the Rcfcnaei. P*ttr D^mim vmjBei h appear cut tKts is a i^."/
FaOaeyi bcc^iufc fincc a Man cannot be divided into two diftiiwil Perlons, whereof one
ftill enjoy the Temporalities, and the other perform (he Spiritual FuiuSuoQjv whep he buys
die TcBifonlicief, which he caniioe enjoy till he be ndvanc'fl to the Eocldiaftical Dignity,
and perform the Funftions thereof; it may Ix' tnily faid, That he buys the EcclcliaiHcal
Dignity and the Sacrament toa This he provesi becaui'c the Prince in gr^nciag the |nve-
fKmre of « Bifliopticfc does not give a meer Rod only, but the Paftoral Hod, and the Ti-
tle of PrieRhood, the Sacrament whereof is receiv'd by the Ordination. He adds, Th^t
'tis only in purfuance of this nomination of the Prince that t^ie Man ii ordfin'iL and therf*

fbre tin he docs not dned^Iy give Mony for his Ordination, yet it icanoqr be wd to be gra-
tuitous, fince Mony made the way for him. Afterwards carrying this Thought a little far-
Uier, he fays, " When the Prince has put the Paftoral Rod iwo your H^nds, did he lay,
<* J^NV^ the Lmdt and Hevcnuet
of /ueo«rfueh m Chtircbf No. tNd he not fay to you.
I(eceiv! this Church ? If you pretend to have receiv'd the Revenues of the Church with-
'* out the Church, you are a Schilmatick,
and guilty of Sacrilege j and if you receiv d tJ^
* Chareh by tMs inveftirate, as yoa nraft needs own, then yon arc guilty of Shnony:
Laftly, He (ays, That the polTbffion of the Ecclefiaftical Revenues, and the Coiifecration are
fo dofdy conncdcd together, that he who receives the Right of poileffing the RcVcnaes of r

theChtirch, cannot ^joy them till be be coniecrated, and that he wlio is oaafeoated, ought '

ncceflarily to have rhc management of the Rc cnucs of the Church. To conclude, He con-
firms tbele Maxims by feveral Paflages taken out pf the Decretals ; ^nd fliews that it is not
only SfarHwy to bay and fell BiHioprtcks and great Benefices, but alio to buy and iell final! Be-
nefices, f:ch as Curacies and Prebcndniips. In the dofc, he exhorts the Pope to Condemn
the Error, which he had refuted in this Letter, and not to permit any Perions to be protnot-
ed to the PrfelMiood, wtto^ave ac.^uir'd it by Mony, or (which he pretends to be note blwM*
able by any Services which they h-v, c done for their Princes.

In the Fourteenth, he makes bis Complaints to Alexandfr IL for he ha4 abus'd and
tais'd a the Church of £n^ul/i\ which had b«n oommitBed 'to his Care, by
the Predeceffors of that Pope, He purs liim in niir.d of the Obligations which he lay undcf
to him, which deferv'd quite another fort of ufase, and takes oottce ch»t if iatis^^dioa wetp
not done him, he would make liis joft Grief to break oat the more. Helikewifr gmraofd
him to take off rhc E::cominunica:ion whicli he had ilfu'd out againft the Arch4}UM of
venna, whom he look'd upon to be very uofi^itunate j bccauie it was an umpttpy thing
that &
great a maltinide cf Men flioald be in duiger of periihing for die fiuik of one finglc
The Fifteenth is an Anfwer to a Letter of that Pope, who comj^lain'd that he had ooc
wrote to him^ being too moch taken np widi Cmtempiation. He gives htm to underftana.
That indeed he did enjoy a little mom Rcpofc, fince he had quitted the Epifcopacy ; but
that ftiii he was taken up with a great many* Viiits, and a nuiliifiiciiy of Bufioeis, and wa^
lb highly ooncem'd at nie dtforders of the world, that he had neither Ttnse nor Coarage tp
write. This ga', c him an occinon to dcfcrilvr the corrupted Manners of his Time. After-
wards be conjures the Pope, who had taken firasi him the Earldom ot Oftidt to diich^^
hhn fikewife traiti Ins Biflio|iiridfc. LufUy, He cduns tum rp ufe his ntqooft codeairaaif to
Kfonn theChpitb, andooocbdesbtt lew wl|kk{mto»nf^4^
his Duty.
fn the Sixteenth, dtreAed to the lane Pope ani n> t/HMrmidy he eicnies himfetf lor
having wrote to rhe Arch-bifhop ofCohgnr, by fending to them the Copy of his l etter, there-
by to Icc them know that they had no reaion to be o^G^oded at it. He excus'd iMmfelf like- s

wife firm taking a Journey to J(pmr, m i^dcfa dwy had fimnooVl hh« j but does not
to go to M.t/7/«-T, bccaufe he thought that Jonmey would turn to greater Account.
The Three next Letters are among his C^psj/Sni&i ; the two firft ate the Three and four and
twentieth of thefe Ofufcula^ and the Jai is the Life of St. ^iidulfljus.
The Twentieth is direifted to CaJalous Bilhop of Parma, the Anripope, whom he cxtreamly
ujibraided, for having caus'd bimfelf to be elexSled Biihop of itgme ; or at ieaft, for having
ue i uiltMd It;

He made
it appear that his Elednn it Adnlteraie, Sdiififiacical, Heretical ana

Vicious, Bccaufe he had l->een eledcd, whilft the Holy See was fill'd with a Lawful
Pope. (1.) had not been elcdcd by the Cardinals, who Jiavc the greateil
fiecaufe he
Atre in the fileftion of a Pope, nor by the Ckrgy and Laity 4» Hfi"* i but by two Bi-
Slops of a K-'d Life, and who had nb Right in this Elcdtion. (3!} Becaufe the Church

of kome would not acknowledge him. Afterwacds he ihic^ him with the Judgments of
Gbd, and widb a fpcedy Corredion.
This Letter made no Imprefllon on Cadjhut j on the contrary, that Bilhop came to Jjjflwe
with an Army, and became Mafter of it by Force. Upoo this Peter Damicn wrote him a
ftcMm LttteriDoie vehemciii than the femier, wherein he cooipares hun 10 the mofl crod
8^ A Nen> Ecctefiafiical Ht^ory
Peter Ca Tyrants* and puts him in mind of ihc Puniiliincnt inflidcd on the Bahcp of Placenta, ^bo

im*B,tf». had iif«rp^ die Holy Ste by fuch like Meihoil»» in turning out Gregtrj IV. . , ^
"X}^ Sccond Book ootmiiis tbe Letters which Ptter Danuem wrote to
drnti Bt. the Caidi»

c iliorts them to bear a

Ortia. {«<}iitdedtotbeC«cdiiidsof the Church of Lateran :

Arid Wstrh over thcmfelves and others, that they may be Exc.nphry in lo comipced an Age.
?* JI I He therein Oiewri how the Lives of Bifliops ought to be Holy and Unblameable. He dedaurs
Mftops who arc Ambitious, againft thofe who follow the Court, and who enter into
the Scn ice of Grandees, in order ro ohrain Ecclefiaftical Pi efertwnts by of rea)fn|)ence.

He fay*. That there arc three forts of I'rcients, which arc ahke prohibited for the giiomng of
BenCDOet: Munus a Mtinu, Mmus ah obfe^uio, Mmut a linfu* ; that is, MaVf P>«ftnts, and

FUneriet. After hr had invey'd fufficicntly apainft: this Abufe, he exhorts the Cardinals to
lead foch exemplary Lives, as might ferve as a Pattern to tlie Bilhops and all tbe Clcigy.
.TheTwoneztLetKfsafeintheO/«iM«. tbeoaei*iheT«POiiMltweKkth, aadibeocfacr
the One and thirtieth. « - tv .

The Fourth is dircAcd to Ronif.'.-.e Caidinal of AlbantM^ and to Stefhen the Pn^ : He

Wcommends to them an Abbot of the Monaftery of St. Aftt^mmrim.

The Fifth direded to Cardi a Hildebrdnd Arch-deacon of J^wwf, and to ?«r«r the Pricft
contains a great many MylUcal Rcfledions about the Sabbath, and the Six days of the Crea-
QOn* -

In the Sixth, dircdlcd to the fatne Pcrfons, he ingenuoully complains of Alexmierll. his
taking away from him a Book which he bad compos'd ; he commends this Pope, decbsiui
agftinft Ctldmu, and maket memioa of whtt he heA fiifier'd in the Setvke of die Hol^
The Seventh is likewife amongft the Opufcula, of which it makes the Two and tfclr-

In the Eighth, he complim? that Hitdebrand, to whom he had
written, not ooly took no

notice of him, and retum'd him no Anfwer, but likewife

fpoke very much to bis di^-
"ventage. He puts him in mind what Services he had done to the Holy Sec, and to him
in particiil r Laftly, He declares to bim. That he funeader'd up to him the fiiOjoprick
which had been beftow'd on him-
In the Ninrh, he makes bis complaint to the fame Perfon, for having too
lightly given

Credit to his Enemies, who had told him. That he had founded a Monaftery in a place
where he had no Right to do it. He made it appear that it had been fnand lO hin bf tlw
Unde of 6i«y, who wis die M» «bo eamplaiatt due die MonaAety hod been biiOk am
his Dem-r^T^ , t «• t
The Tenth amungit tlaC Ofufcula, and makes the Bighieench.
, ^ . , .

The Three next Letters are diredted to Didier Abbot of Mount Cajpn and Cardinal of
Sc. Ceciiia^ to whom he gives a great many wholfome Advices about his Coodud ; as for
Inftance, To have always an Eye upon his Faults, and not io frgaid his Virtnet; tobeglad
when he was reprov'd by others; not to flight, but to corrcd, as hi' Du y reqUir'dhim, the
Fnult<; of thofe who were committed to his Chaigc f to (ay no ill of ihc AbfcnL but n> rn-
prove thofe who were Faulty face to face j to hive a doe Veneffaiion for Paft-uys, and oft
ten to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice, that fo, fays U, the old Serf nr feeing your Lips tin-

I'V-jrd wirh the Blood of JESUS CHRIST, may irembletor fear, retire in Coofitfioa,
and not approach to the Sacrament, whiA has made hhn a Captive.
The Five others, dircAed to the fame Pcrfo;!, arc aiDong ihc Opuf-u.'a, of which they
m^kf the Thirty ibM, die Thiccy fourth, the Thirty &kh, the Thirty iixth and the Thirty
feventh. .«•»•• ^
Pmr a CudinalendChtt**
The Nifleteend) it * Letterof CbmpUmctt and Ffiendlbp, to
ccllor. ^ ...
Tbe Two hift make the Thirty fevendi of die Opu/cuIm.
TheThitdfiookisoonipai'dof dieIje«mdiimdioAidi>bifl^
Bh let
(niall. - ,
etiutit . * .
'~ Arch biHiopof J(4v«m4, who bad defird lim to come
Tbe Second is dirked toGebda.J
to him. He excus'd himfelf for not obeying him,^ bccaafe be had n« wherewithal to under-
take this Tourney ; being Poor himfelf, and bniag die GovemmenK of a very poor Mooft^
Hery ui his Hands. He commends this Arch-bifhop. gtf«S him « fBCitdcal of Good Gooncil,
and conjures him to give him no further Trouble. . .

In the Third, he declares lodMCFidtte what a gfCttAMlbB be bofc to hiai, andcxhoctn

him ro rum out the BiflMf»of Am and Ptfdn, wbo weie McDOf an m&nnu life, and
guiltv of feveral Crimes.
The Fourth li direM lo Hmy Aith.wftop of I{0ven$M,
wbo had lent to know what tSm
Opinion was ctwcerning the Ekc'Tioi s of dd^ur^us and Va- rrri^r. He returns him diii An-
^r. That the puter is the lawful Pope, and the other is a Simonifts and an laicuder: And

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of the Eleventh Century of Chnftianity. 87

afterwards makirp a Comparifon txtwecn rhe Mannfr? r-nd -lie Genius of both; he Hiys iIlK Pet" Da-
Aiexander II. is a Man of Pans, Learnir^ and Picry, and ibat he is Chaik and Ch4ricabl<: :
WhenuCaddleus is notable to explain one Line. LaHly, he declares to him that he c»n- f*"

DO' C(»nreal hi<: own part-culir SetrmiCnt, and thr^r he thinks himfelf obliged to tMtfW^f^L-^
ifceiy what he thinks, and ititHy to mamcain the 1 ruth and Honour of the Holy See.
The Fifth is direded to a third Arcb-bifliop of /{avenna nam'd fPigbnt. He compJairts '

of tfie fcvfriry which that Arch-bifhop fticw'd lo hua3^ bis Monaftery. He inrrcats him
to toi bear oppreijing him by exading Ak>ny ftjll ftom him, even afrcr he l^.ad been direOed
of parr of his Demeans.
The Sixth is to Amo Arch bifhap of Cph^^e He commends htm for the Care he bad

taken (if Henrj the £n^>cror s Son, who had been commuted to his Truft by that Prince
oad for kavins ileda'^d iiiaile|f itgainft Cadahus ^ and esthoits him to continue and ufe •

hif um^oft cadeafMut, that n foocfal Comcii ma^

be bdd to pot an End lo tbe

Tlie Seventh is a Letter of Gwiplimenc to tbe Arch-bi(hop of A#/7<m, whom he diaffkf

^rh X grencdealof Addieft mA
Neanda, for d» SadBirdotii Habits fiiikh befaad beftoi/d
upcHi him.
The Three oexit are among the Cfufitiat of %sMdl tbef make «fit Twenty iifib, tbe^ Tfeift.
tjr fourr!- nnti rhe Thirr^' ninrh,
fourth Book ctwiaiini the I^etcetS of Ptter Dumien diredcd to fiiHtops. ft ' l^eitttt

TbeFtrft is written to BSIiop ifAn* : He exhorts him to do his Duty, and to lead an un-
blanwablf Life. In a more efpedal nafiBCr be adrifes bUn to be Cbamable, and to bt^^i**
WJrc cr Avarice and Simony.
In rhe Second he tJunks a Bifhon for tbe Alms u hich he had beftow'd on his Momfkciy,
and cthorts him to add tbe other virrucs ro his Liberality. Laftly, he inrrears him to con-
fer die Order of Deacon on Two Cierks, which be lent iiim, and who had obtain'd a DiC"
jenfarion from their Bithop for it.
The Third among the Opufcula, and is compris'd in the Eiphtepnth.
In tbe Founh to the Bifbop of O/tm, he makes ufc of tbe great number of Dead Pet(bns
wbidi be Amd »
In Renin, as a Modfe to petfwade dMc ftlbop not to put off liti Coo-
In the Fifth he gives os a v ely and frighitui Dclcription of the iaft Judgment, to pct-

• fiirade him to whom he wfoie to lead a Uf^ Deooming a Chriftian.

In the SiT-h he cxhorrt anorh r Bifhop ro a Contempt of this World.
In the Seventh he advito tiic ro whom he wrote, to receive no Prefens ; and upon
that Account be relates a Vifion that h^J happen'd to a Prieft, whq had feen the Confeflbr
of Coanr HilJebrHnJ pQni(h*d in rhe other World, for having receiv'd Prefenrs from him ;
And that Count himfirlf in Torments tor nor having Repented of bis Cruelties, fo as he
ought ro have done, by the over Indulgence of his Confeflbr. Tbe fame Prieft faid, thit
fie fikcwife faw Count Lttbjiriut in Fire nf Brimftonc, who intreared him to admonilh

his Family toreltDTC to the Church a Temtury which bclong'd to it, that ib by this means
be might be throughly from his Tarmenrs, and that he MndetAooJ (bat Count
W3? fii'<dcnlv rxpcdcd in that very Place, u licre fevcral Tormems were preparing for him.
Afrcr the Relation of this Vifion, Peter Damien fays, That it was not reqoifice to receive
Prefenrs iodiflerently from all forts of Ferfotis ; bat only frouftcfa as neie «pc%lealing ttt
Cod, IvTivff the Gifts of the Wicked arc dangerons.
In the Eighth he exhorts the Bifhop of Enfubio to redeem the Revemies and the Orna-
ments of his Chniches wrfiich were given or Mortgag'd to Laicks. He likewife gives bin
fcvcrnl good inftrudtions ab-ntir -.he Virtiie<! which he ought to put m Pra<ftice, and relates
tiK untimely End of Pope ^ Xil. which happen d that very Day, wherein his Guards
pnlJ'd oat the Eyes of an Holy Abbot.
In the Ninth dire(5Ved ro the Bilhop of Ftrmo. after he had with a great deal of Mode-
fty rt jeded the Title of Holineft, which that Biiliop bad beftow'd opon him, He bewails
the MijrfbfOMiea ami Irrcgul.irities of his Age, Which indin'd ban to drink that the End of
the \V(ir! was at Hand.
! More parricularly he declaims againft the Schifm of Cdi*ioks^
and againii the Liberty which at that time was granted to tbe fiifhops and other Eccle-
iaftkks, of mainuining their Rights and Propenies with « Sword in their Hand. He
makes it appear that Wsr and Revenge is downright contrary to the Genius and Spirit of
the true Cburch, which breaths forth nothing bat Feace, and is for PardontM aO Mankind,
that nothing than them can be more dilTonanttothe Life which JESUS CHRIST him.
fr!f led upon I-flrh, nml whidi he propos'd as an Example to bis Foliowers, when he
Taught to Suffer wuh Patience, and not to Revenge by Force the Injuries offer'd them :
That Laftly, the DifR-t^e between the ^f?^/ and SacerdttMl Power hry in this, that the
King makes ufc of Material Arms, but rhe PrVft of the Sword of the Spirit, *ijf. tbe Word
of God : That fince it had never been allow d to take i» Arms for die Defence of tbef
F«icb, nnch left waa it Latviol w
take Acm of f«r OenaMlalaMe 0f teapont and tran.

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, 88 A Ecclefaflical Hijlory
(f-on- r:of)J<;t And of old never put any Hcmick or Idolater to
that if the Saints
Ikaih, but rather d IXarh rhc mfclvcs ; With what fece could any of H>c Fahhfiil
Kill his Brother, who was purcha^'d and redcctr.M by the pn

[fill it fmU »i mtbodtx D»8ri* cious Blood of J E S S U CHRIST,

oaly ibr the iott of mere
whth Prter Damien tere Pretfhn^ perifliabic and contemptible Things ? Afterwards he rplaw» an
inJ fii-.b <j ^ fffl/jrjri t, ify D«/?r?n jnftance of tn Abbot of France, who wou'd not by Fl and n
Md p,4iiue of ,b( pnmu'vr cbrtjiuxs : violence oppofc a oenaio Great Lonl, who was marching towards
But kov, difm^t to ti. sp'.m «i Of-
^jj^ jjp^.j Souldieff to fall upon btm ; bur went meethim»
fertiF^'c "^^hhis Monks unarm-d. with only the Oofs c.rr^'d l>cfon^
Tjf Adion fo much fu^^ixd that Lord aU hgMej
:LX-V!" .tTi Inftead of offering them any harm, they beggd -pf them rttMOA,
lie I>*fir» oijout ncn Doaort tbe ft-
MU$ Jkikj threw thcmfclves at their Feet. Laftly he lays, that if any one
(hould Qhfidt that ^.Lw CtiiLwIX. be here means and not
Leo I.) did engage himfclf in a War, he woatd anfwer film thtw, thai a« St.P««rhad noe
the Primaq" for having deny'd his Maftcr, nor D.iTt l ih: Gifr of Proph fv, 'or the fikc of
his Adultery : So an Mimate of the Good or £vU of any Peribn noi to be drawn ou^
from the merit of that PlerTon, Imr all Adion< ought to beoonfiderd nakedly itt them-
ielves. Thnt S:. Gre^orj^ who (uffcr'd Co many Plunderitigs and Injuries from ihe Laniard
never made War agaioft them. That St. Ambri^t never lai opoa the Ariatu^ tbo' they Per-
fccured him very Cruelly. That nor one fnflance could be given of iof of the Holy Bi*
Ihops rifiijp up in Arms.
Th't I aftly, all Caufcs relu-i p to Ecclcfiartical Matters ought to
be try'd, cither by fccular Judges according to the Laws, or by tfaeI>ecifions of Bilhops s
and that they ought not to the Shame and Di^race of Ecrlefiaftidta to dctennine that bf
Force, which oufht to be decided by tbc Courts of Juftice, or by tlte Decrees of Bilhops.
In the Tenth he excufes himfelf to the fiilbop of E^ubio for bavii^ permitted hit Church
CO be Codecraied by the Biftop of P^fmdmUf who pretended that he had a Right of
Confecrating the Churches of that Place, tho' it were under t',c furifi-iiiJlion of the Bifhop
of Butubio. He fays. That he dorft not oppoGe his proceeding, and the rather because be
WIS already his Enemy: But that he did not pretend to exempt himfelf fiom the JnrifilittoB
of:! c C'luich of Ettgub'tc^ which he promift* to Recognize vcn,' chearfuUy. wherefore ha
intreacs the Bilbop of Engubio to nlte off the Imerdi^ion be bad iSk'd out a^nft diat
GmA ; and i» be perfwaded tfaae hoc only that Ftaoe, but at& tbat whaidbewr bit Mo-
tiif^ery coold eojoy wete miirely at bis $ervke» and he beg^ bin n» gianclBai bts F^i^
Hie Skventb u a Letter whereby be Dedicates ievcnl of bts Works to the BiAops cf
Sinagagliit and Engubio.
In the Twelfibhe reproves a certain Biihop, who alienated the Reveaoes of his Church.
He adts him wbedier he bad forgot tbac PopeKffv a Council heU vcFlmmew, had pro^
hibiTcd it under the Pain of Excommunicat'on ? Whether he did not know that the Re-
venues of the Church were appropnatcd to the Maintenance of the Poor, and to the Relief
of Widows and Orphans 9 This gave him an occafion of treating concerning the Original
of Church Revenues ; upon whxh he obfenes that in the Primitive Church the Faithful
brotttbt the Price of their I ar.ds, ami laid them at the Apof^les Feet, that fo they might
diftnboie them to the Poor : And rhat afierwatds it was thou|^ more proper to fmle
Eftatcs on Churches, not only for the mainrcn«ice of the Clergy, bur 1 ike wife lor the Relief
of the Poor. That therefore thofe who rob the Church of the Revenues which beloia to
it; were guilty of a World of Homicides in depriving die Poor of their neoeflary Siib-
fitknce. He adds, Tliat as Sinners by giving their F/^ntes to the Church, obtain'd by this
mean* an Abfolution of their Sins : So tfaoie on the contrary who take them do bind and
engage dwn^elm to fidRv that Feananoe from which die odios are esenpssd by tbdr
The Thirteenth contains nothing very remarkable He thanks the Bifbop of Cefen4 for

the kind Reception he gave to a youne Man whom he had recommended to him : And
exhorts htm to a Chtiftum watcbfiilneu by ietdng be£Me biai the Hour of Death cbe wd
Day of Judgment.
The Fourtetnth i^ r fcrr'cl to the Twenty fixth of his OfufcuU,
In the Fifteenth he Qiewswhar a CnarJEccIefiaflicksou^iO pQCOTCrdieir Senft^ wUdt
aiethe fource and fountain of a great many Diforders.
In the Sixteenth he maincsins that the OHave of the Feflival of St. Jolm Baptift ought
to be folemniz'd in rfir fnmr manner as the Feftiv.-;! it felf, and afterwarr^s explains tbo
Eight folemn Feftiv.ils ot tiiL- jevtis which by way of AlJccory he applies to Ciafiianitj.
"^^^ Vif^h Book nnir^ r],c Letters diredcd to fcveralofihe Clergy.
i r

nil Let.
^" ^'"^^ d:reckd to the Arch-pricfls, he maintains what be had advanc'd in one of
Ckr^, Sermons, that every Mans Soul fhall appear at the Day of Judgment in the fame State
wbeitin it left the Body. Several Perfont were offended at this Pofition, believing that
frODdMiMxitliDUowsi dm
die Pfaycrs, Oblatmis and Sacrifices which wcieoftr'd for

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of the cntii Century (;/ Cbnjiiamty. 89
the Dead, iigtuiiedi notiiing to them. Peter Damicn denies
tliis lufcrcnce, and makes ir IVt.-r Pi-
appear that he allerted no more than St.Gregory had aircricd bciuic him. m:cn c^r.
The Second Letter is dire«Sed to his Brother Damien. He therein makes an iogenootis ^'"^t Bi.
Confcificti of the Faults to which he was sddi«itcd, anU cfpecially of his Propenllty to rail •/
at o:hcrs.* He entreats his Brother to pray to God to give luin Gr.;cc to i-edrels his Dc- O^ia*
In the Thiid, he gives a lively Dcicripiion of (he Sovl juft upon its departure out of
the Body.
In the Fourth, he makes ufe of a Padage out offeren^^ to dcmonftrate how far the In'
temperance of Clerks is an oHence to God.
The Fifth is a Letrerof Compliment dircdted to an Arch-deacon.
The Sixth is written in the name of Leo IX. to the Pt-oplc of Ofmo, againfl a Cudom
which prevail'd in that Church of riffling the Goods of the B.ihop after bis Death: This
Cuftom is therein prohibited under the penalty ol Exconimunicat.on.
The Seventh is writ in the name of ^iexaniitr II. to the Clergy and Lait)' of Mi^n, whom
that Pope acquaints of bis Exakation to the Popedom, and exhorts (hem to Labour ear*
nclVly for the carrying on of their own Salvation.
The Eighth directed to the Clergy of Florence, concerning the ufe of Dilciplines, is one
of the mott Curious of his Pieces. He had writ about this Pradice to a certain Moniv
His Letter falling into the Hands of (bme fecular Pcrfons, and of fume Monks of a iclii
ftrift Life, ibiey were very much oifi:nded at this new Kind of Pennance, unknown to aJl
former Ages, and which feem'd to overthrow the Order of the Canons and the ancict.r
Cuitom. Pettr Damien in this Letter, undertakes to ma ntain it. Firft, frOm the Examp.e
of our Saviour, of the Apoftles and M.-iirys who have been Scourg'd for the liakc of
JESUS CHRIST : From whence he infers. That God may very well be pleas'd with
rhe voluntary Offering to him fuch a Pennance as he caus'd his Servants to endure againfl:
their WilL As to what might be objected, that indeed we do Read, that the Saints were .

.Scourged by others, but that we never hod they did it themfelves: He replys. That as wc
ought voluntarily to imitate the iMortification of the Ci-ols, fo likcwife one may imit.ate
the other Sufferings of JESUS CHRISTj and that as no body can blame him who
of his own accord FaOs at other times than thofe cnjoyn'd by the Church : So one ought
not to imagine, that he wlio Chaflifes himfelf with his own Hand, docs a Deed Icfs accepta-
ble to G d Tliat on the contrary, he undergoes a real Pennance, by mortifying his Flelh,
and making ii fuflfer which it has cnjoy'd ; that it (ignifics nothing to what
for the Pleafurcs
fort of Punifhment itCondemn'd, provided that the proceeding Pleafurcs be punidt'd by a

fttb(eqOent Panifliment. He asks thole who pretended that this new Cuflom liibverted the
Canona ; whether the Reverend Bede did ill in enjoyning (everal Penitents to wear Iron
Girdles ? Whether the Holy Fathers did ill in putting fuch Anfterities and Pennances into
Prat^bicc, of which no mention is made in the Canons ? He adds, That fincc the Laicks
might redeem themfelves from a long Pennance by beftowing a certain Sum to Charitable
Ules, tho' no mention be made of inefe Redemptions in the Canons s the Monks who may
have def^rv'd a long Pennance, and cantioi make compcnfacion for it l^y. their Alms» ought
not to be hindred from doing it by this Monification of their Ficfh.
The Ninth is among the OpufiuU, of ^ich it makes the Twenty fixtb.
In the Tenth he excufcs himfclf to the Clergy and Laity of Fajence, for his not being
able to come to them after the Death of their Bilhop, and he advifes them to pnc off tbe
l^letl^ion of another Biihop, till the arrival of the Emperor.
The Eleventh is referra to the Forty firft of the ofufcula. ,

In the Twelfth he asks the Advice of the Treaiurer of the Church of ^tvenn», whether
he ought to remain in that City, or return to his Solitude. He relates the Rcafons that might
be alledg'd on both fides: On the one fide, he might be fcrviceablc to the faving of Souls
ac R^veniiA, but there he was had in Contempt : On the other Ude, he was had in eHeem
in his own Monaitery, but be was afraid this eftcem would pulf him up with Pride. He
refers himfelf wholly to the connfel of him to «vfaom be wrotCp what he ought to do in die
The Thirteenth is direded ro the Chaplains of Duke Godfrey who charg'd him with
Avarice. The occalibn of which Charge was this ; one of the Chaplains had a difference
with him about a Piece of Gold which the Dutcbefs had prcfentcd at the Olfertng of the
Mafs, which Peter Damien Celebrated : The Monk who had rcceiv'd it, left it upon the
Altar, together with another Piece of Gold prcfen c.l by a Marchionefs. One of thcfc
Chaplains took away one of the Pieces which the Dutcheis bad order'd to be given him
But afterwards Peter Damien ufing his utmoft endeavours to make him reftore it to him
•g»in be would not, butlefcit with one of the Monks. This Comlw^ Peter Dimien'i
being perfcdly free from any partiality, fufHciently clcar'd him from the Accusation of theGs
Chaplains ; but in his turn he rcprov'd them for two Errtrrs, Firft bccaule they nught, that
Pricifs might Marry ; and ihenbecaufe they maintain\?. thar i- was no Simony to give Mony
for the Pndkwation of a Liring, provided nothing was given for Ordination.
N The

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(JO A-^'-^' Ecclefijflical Hifhry
Piter Da* Tijc Fouitecnih and Fif.ecnili are dircdcJ to the Ckrgy ot the Churdi of hiikn, vtho

m'rn, C«r« mainuun'd tlic Truth and Purity of Difcipline ; he exbofted Acni to pnlevcre wiih Con-
<3f'. // S<v ftancy and StcdfuUr.c'.s.
jh p- tf
fhe Two next are ^rc, one of the Forty Iccond, and the o.hcr of ibe Eighth of hi*
In the Ei!;hteenth, he rc r s .-,n Anfwcr to a Pncftwho hnd z^kW hi-; . ice altoiit two
Ceremonies £..pu!m and the to Celebration of the Ma(s: And
ziicr he had intitnaied
that no to be introduc'd, he <!etertt>ines.
new Cuftoms ooph' Thar only the HoJy Chriim

c.'iaht to be put into the W'a er of Baptifm, no; r:

y Oyl or \V:nr cud rI;.-Tt i;i t^v

Celebration of the Mafs the Ablution of the Chalice ought not to be omitted, but when
it was to be celebrated twice in a Day.

'J l.c Nineteenth is among tlic

C;-ufc:Jit of irakes the Twenty eighth.

The Sixth Book comains luch Letters as arc wtipcn to Abbots and Monks.
J he Firlt is rcfcrr'd lo the Forty third of his OfufeuU.

, The Second isdirciSetl ro Hugh ^h<y. of Cluny tl c Monks of that Abby as an ackt.ow-

ledgmenc of the Love which Peter Damien had for cbetn. and of the Services which he had
done them, had promis'd him, that they would lay an Office for him emy Year on the Day
of his De.ith. He prays the Ahbo: of Cruv^ x\.?.x rhis might he peffom'd noc only in that
Abby, but Itkewil'c in others which were of the fame Order.
The Third direifted tothe&me Abbot, is onty a Letter of Compltmeitc for the kind En*
tenainmcnt he had given to one of Peter D.imien's Nephews.
In the Founh, he recommends to him again the Prayers which lie bad promised to offer up
for him after his Death.
In the Fifth, diredVcd to the Mcnk"; of that Abbey, c con mtr<'« the Difcipline an^l rhe

good Order whicli was obferv d in ibcir Monaftery j thanks tbcm for the acknowledgnicat
they made of the gucd Services' he had done them, and conjures them to pray to God rorUn
after his Death.
The Two next contain notliing in them very remarkable.
The Eiphrh is among the OpuJcuLi, of wh'ch it makes the Twenty firft.
In t!>c Ninth, he reproves a Monk whom lie hrd m.ule Superior of an flennir.ij;*:-, for having
quittedif, to be an Abbot of another JMonaltcry and orders him either to return to the
Charge committed to him, or eHe to Eve only ai a Moiik in ftat Monaftcry.
In the I'enth. he rctrads what he had {aid of Si: the Buftijt'i being conoeiT*d doihig *

the Feail: of Tabernacles.

The Eleventh is among the Ofufcula, of whit* it makes the Poity feurth.
In the Twelfth, he anlwers to the Reproaches caft upon him bj' an AW>oc, for having en-
tcruin'd a Monk who came out of another Monafkery^ which ieem'd contrary to the Rule
of St. BfnedtH. He makes it appear, that rhis Rule ought only to be vnderftood «f the Mo-
nafter- ^ i[\cCanobites, and not of the Hermit},
~ whole Life is moft pci fcd^. He pretends
that Sc. Benedid was at firft an Hermif^ and that he always prcferr'd the Life of the Htr-
ntitj, before that of the CxuMtes.
The Thirteenth is direded to (hc Monks of a Motiaftery of C»i^aiHmf/e$ but oon-
tains nothing in ic remarkable
The Fourteenth is among the Opu/cufa, of which ir makes the Twenty nrndu
In the Fifteenth, he admonilhes an Abbot not to detain one of his Monks, who had de-
ferred him and was excommunicated, promifing withal, Tiuc if that Monk would return^
he would u(e him kindly.
The Three next make the Forty fifth. Forty fixth. and Fifty ninth of bis Ofi^citia.
In the Nineteenth, be gives a defcription of the Diftcmpers, under which be laboor'd ; of
the Patience wherewith he cndur'd them; and of the extremity to which he was brought;
which was fuch ; ITiai they adminiftred tlje extreme Undion to him, and laid him upon
Aflies and Hair«cloth, as the Cuftom then was. Hc takes notice that his Remedy was com-
municated to one of his Monks in a Vifion, and procur'd by Alms, and that he had much
ado to perfwadc bimfcif to eat Flcfli.
In the Twentieth, hc advifes a Monk not to engage himfclf upon every turn to expia» the
Faults of othcn:, ai;d readily to perform thofe Pennances with which he was ei^ag'd. He
moreover rclaiq an Inftance of another Monk, wbo had fuffer'd great FUnilhmailsin the dSkeg
World, for having not done Pennancc for another, according as he undertook.
The Twenty firtt is among his Ofufcula, of which it makes the Forty feventh.
The Twenty fecond is to his Nephew Damien, whom he exhorts to be zeakms in the Ex-
ercifes of the Monaftical Life, and reproves for having gon from an Hermitage co a Monafte-
ry, .ind exhorts to return thither again.
In theTwenty third, he reproves a Monk, who delay'd tumii^ Hetmic, apon the aoCMur
that hc bad much ado to perivvade hirofelf not to drink Wine.
The Twenty fourth and Twenty fixth, are rcfcrr'd to the Forty eighth and ninth of his


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of the Eleventh Century of Chriftianity. f
fn the Twenty he makes it appear, That it was upon fbme Grounds he had a ^ttcr Di*

defign of quitting Church ; he thereapcti relates tvwo extraordinary Events.

his triicn, Cxt'

TTie Twenty levenih is direded to the Monk Cerel/rofus, who had with fomc fliarpnefsblatn'd ^'"^^
the pradice of Difcipline. Peter Damien maintain'd it by the (aaie Arguments which he had-^."''^
already allcdg d. He"pretcndcd that it was a fort of Martyrdom ; that it was what was very
well known to the Ancients ; that ic is founded upon the Canons; and that ir wn"; in L-febc-
forc his Time in the Religious Monaftcries, wherein it wui Cuftoitiary to buy oii a whole
Year's Penance, by a Thoufand Stripes of a Rod. That Monk did not find fault with the
Difcipline, which wa? us'd during the tending of a ChnptLi for hi lit F.iulrs hni he blam d ;

tbolcfcvere and long Difciplines of (b many Hundred Sinpcs. Paer Damien izy^ That if
ooe'a{)proves the leflcr Difcipline, one oughcnot to Condemn duit which was mofe fevere and
In the Twenty eighth, he illaftrates two PalTages out of St. Qregory. ^ \
In the Twenty nlndi, headvifesa Monk» every day, to lay the 9^^017^ and to tead tN
^^&Iy Scriptures.
The 1 wo next mike the Fifty firft and tiic Fifty third of his 0/,M/«:i//4.
In the Thirty fccond, he reproves the Hermits Of a Monader)' near his, foi" having negteA'-*
ed the Rule winch he had rhcm, furl-iL-mg too much in loVc withMony, and too much
given to E.i.fe and I-uxury. For their Inltruclion, he relates the Punithments of levcral
Monks, who bad not liv'd up to that ftrkftnefs which they otight, and the Flenance infli^-
rd upon them for their Faul s.

The Thiny third is amongll of which it makes the Fi fry fourth.

bis Ofuf.ula,
The Thirty fourth is likcwife diredted to fevcral Hermits of his Congregation, whom he
rcprov'd for being toofcverc and too long in rhc xcR ifcof their Diicipline. He would not

have any one, every day, be Dilciplin'd any longer ihan during the reading of Forty P(ahnS,
ard in Advent and Lent, only whilll Sixty Pfalms were reading.
The Thtrty fifth is amongll his Ofufcula, of which it makes the Twenty fifth.
In the lad, he exhorts his Monies to live peaceably after hisDcatli, and requires that all
the Poifefllions belonging to another Monailery, which he permitted- them to enjoy dming his
Life-time, fliould be rcltored after his Deceafe.
The fcventb Book contains the Letters written to Princes and Princcfics, the Two firft of
which are diretfted to the Emperor Henry III. In one of them hedefires that Count G>Jler
may be fet at liberty, and in the other, he commends that Prince for having difpoffidfs'd
fi^iauier of the Arch-biftioprick of B^venna, who had obtain'd it by iinilter practices.
The Third is diredied to the young Prince Henry, the Son of the fimner, whom he car-
neftly exhorts to defend the Church, and to oppofe^lous\ Scbifm.
The next are dirc(f)ed to the Etnprefs , the Wife of Htmj III. and writte nabouc
different Affairs. In one of them, be gives that Princefs to undetftaod, that the Pope ooald
not fend the Pall to the Arch-bifhop of Mrnt:^, till he himfelf came to defire ir, or rili he were
examin d by his l egates. In tlie two others, be comforts and exhorts the fame Princefs to
•beg afliftance of Jefus Chrifi, and in the laft, he invites her to Italy,
The Ninth is wrirten in the Name of Pope Nicolas II. to the Queen of France, whom he
exhorts to continue her Bounty and pious Adlions^ adviOng her at the fame time, to iiiljpire
tlw King her Husband with the fame Princtplcs, and to caufe her Children n> be educated iof
die fame manner.
In the Tenth, di reded to Godfrey Duke of Tujcany, he expreflcs hitnfelf how much he was
coooera'd, that that Prince, had given entertainment to Ctdahutf and admonilhes Iiim to
inake aircnds for thnt F.iulr.
The Two next diretSted to the fame Duke, are compris'd in the Fifty fcvcnth Ofu/culim,
In the Thtrteendi, he entreats diat Prince to remit a certain Sum ot Mony 10 the Abby
oCSz.yohi Bapdft, to pay for a Library which he had bought.
In the Fourteenth, direff^cd to Beatrice Datchefs of Tu/c4ny, he approves of the Refoiution
tbacfbeW her Hnsbandhad taltenm live in perpetual Contmeiicy, and propofes many Ex>
amplcs of Vcrtue, for her imitation.
la the Fiftccoih, he exhorts a certain Prince, to contemn all Worldly Foifeflions, and to
fedc after the Heavenly.
The Sixteenth,comprclicnded in the eighteenth OpufcuUim.

In the Seventeenth, he exhorts the Marqucfs I{emer, who iiad been enjom'd^ by way of
Peinnce foe his Olliinees, to go in pilgrimage to I{ome; to let inward on his Journey,
2 s (Ix 'as pofflble, and psodisces divers Examples, of the PcoiedioD diat God has atfafdad
to Piigrinis.
eilie, newly marry'd to the Marquefs
lb OielSlghteenth, he admontlhestbeCooneefs
nier, not to retain tlie Spoils of the Widows and Orplians, but to rcftore every thing
that her Husband had cot by rapine, and advifcs her in order to prevent him from com-
N» mining:

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\j9^^ ^ Ecclefid^ual Hijhry
t>e er Da mitcing thofc ourragetfor tfie future, to caufethe Lands to be well cultivated, and lo giviF
mifO, C*. Alms to the Poor.
. iiuMl ti» jhc Nineteenth, is axong ihc Opufiuh, of which ic DMkes the Fif'ietb. •
Jhpof Tfaclaft Book of Peter DMmten$ Ixttsts, concains ihofe that were writtcu by hint to dl-
Onia» Ypr5 p.inicuhr Pcrfons,
In the Firfl, dircdcd to Ciwthint PrefcA of I{pme, he commends him for the ExhonarioQ
that he made on Twe!fth-d:iy, and advifes him to pcr&vcK in admiailtring Ju-
to the People
fticcin the Ciiy, and
in maintaining the Righis of the Church.
In the Second, he admoniftcs the fame Cinthius, that he (houfd nor fo much give himfeif
up to praying as to neglcift doing Jufticc.
In t; c Th id, he exhorts the pL'rfon to whom be writes, to &ew due Rd'peck to hia Mo-
thcr, nnJ cil.irgcs on the Duties of Children to their Parents.
The Founh, is a Confolatory Letter to a F..thcr, upon the Death of his Son. He
r.'.lns that d e Dr h of Children is a peculiar Favour af God, and that we ought to rejo}'oe

rather ihan to be troubled at it,

fh the Fifth, he exhorts a Senator of the City of I{ome, tocompleat the l^u Iding of a
C!uircfi that be had begun, ihewiogby many Examples, that it is an Adion, which defervcs
In the Sixth, hc comforts a fick Perfon, giving him to undcrftand, iliat SuilR^rings are a
TTt.irkof Prcdeftinatioa, and that a ChriiUan ought to bear them with Patience and Cheer-
TheSevctvh is ctrtnpris'd in the Forty (ccond OpufcuJum.
In the Eighth, hc cxhons a Judge to meditate on the future State, nnd on the D.-yof Jnrlr-
mcnt, and produces a great number of Sentences of Scripture on that Subjccl, to the end liut
be might take thcm.ittcr into fi ious Confideration.

ThcNin'h, is amonpJl t.'ic OpufculA, of which ir makes the F;{" y cipfirh.

In the TLiid), hc c.Kiioi ts .1 ccrcain Pcrlon, who was apt to ioriwear Iiimielf to abtlain
alrnpc- ir l am Swearing, and ad \ ifcs him to give Alms.

The Hievcnth, make; th? Thirt;: rh Oy.:fru!utn.

The Twcllth, IS an Invcdivc at;auiU Pi;dc.
The Thirteenth, is contained in the Fifty ninth Opiifculum.
The Fourteenth, dircded to his two Sifter^ to whom he gives t
\s. gttac deal of Advke
about the Rclif;iousl.iiv,
The Fifteenth, is a Prayer made by Pe^tUtrntn, on behalf of a Man, who was at
point ofnt-rdi, nnd it is One of thoTe tuit lie now us'd inthe Church (a, «. of i^amr) forBeribos
io luch a Condition.
Fkom the Letters pafs we to the OpufcuU or fmall Trades, whidi coflftitute the third Vo-
lume of peter Dmncn s Works; rcfcrving th .Account of the Second, which contains h«B

Sermons, till wc have nude tlic Exrraiil of iiis Of u/cuJa.

The Firft bears this Title, Ot the Catholick^ F^itb, and is dedicated to Ambrcfe. He ex-
plains therein, the Myftcricsof the Trinity and Incarnation, and more efpccially eftablifhes..
tiK Proccirion of the Holy Gholt from tlie Pcrfons of tlx- F.ith rand of the Son.
In the Second, call'd Atttiionis againll r.hc Jews, he makes it appear by fcvcral Proo& ,
taken out of the OA/ 7</?4inM^, That J£SUS CHRIST is the vox Mejpnh the Son of

The Thirdis on the fimic Subjicl, in wliich he anfwers divers Qpeftions pn>|ioil!ed in the
name of ihj 7fJP/, concerning J E SI'S CHRIST.
The Fourth, is a Dialogue between the Emperor Henrys Attorny General, and an Advo*
cate of die Chiftth of /(<"».'» concerning the Right that the Emperors of Gfrw7.jn7 have to the
Elcdlion of a Pope. After the Death of XicoLf II. the i{_ m.:>;s c!iofc Alexander II. without
the Emperor Henr/s Knowledge ; whereupon tliat Prince being highly difplcafed that the
EledHon was carried, on without his Authority, nominated Cjdnlous Bi(hop of Parma to the
Papal Dignity. Peter>'un fuppofcs the Qucflion abc ur the validity of both thofc Eletfli-
ons to be debated in a Count il, between the Advocate of the Church of I{rme^ and the Em-
pefor's Attorny General. The latter maintains. That the Eletftion of a Pope cannot be du-
ly manag'd without the Prince's Confcnr, ami tliat the)' had app.ircnt!y done him an injury
in ordaining Alexander wicliout his Knowledge. On the other <idc, the Advocate ot die
C7huich of /^inr aflerts, that the Right of chooling a Pope, or of confirming his EIe^ion»
does nrit belong to lii's Imperial MajeiVy ; fincc not only the Pagan Emperors, but alfo aM
the Chriltian Princes to the Jail Greek, Emperors, never laid claim to that Right, nor had any
lhar« in the Etedion of a Pope, which was always pcrform'd by the Church of Home, the
Attorny General replies, That IJemy tlic Father and Prcdeceflbr of the Prince, wh< fc Rigb.t
he maintaiu'd, enjoy d fuch a Privilege aud iliat it was confirm'd by Pope Kicofoi II. to the
Emperor his Mafteff. The Advocate of the Church of i^umr adcoowkdges that Cooc«lEon,
willingly agrees, tMit the Emperor dwuld enjoy the (ame Privilege ; but he infifis that

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of the Eleventh CentUry vf CLrifliamij.
asto tbe matter tndelntr. ebe Empeirdr flhtr^ being under Age, the Church of /few?,
[9 5 j
atlled Pefef Dii
as his T.nor in :.\r.a Elcdion, and pcrform'd the Office tluu bcl. -ig'tl co
hiiW, by ri-afon that mirp.ffifi
a Child IS uncapabk of making luch a dioice : That therctorc what was done .t /? 'f'-H
was nor prejudicialto tbefioiperor's Right, but only made it appear, thar iliere might bc^" P "f "
fome occ.iiioris, in which it cantiot -..ikc place. The Attorny General avt rr'd, Thatarleaft
it COUI4 not be dcny'd, that they had done that Prince Wrorp, tn nor mak
to htm : That three Months had paffed from Pope Nicobt's oJirh to tlic Day ot
Ordination, nd tl at there was more time than was rtquifitc for the obtaining of
a Pra?ina>
(ical Sandion from the Imperial Court. The Advcc.iteof the Church of rcpl e";, Thar
txeGemtam Noble-men and fome of the Bifhops of the Empire, who "were dilnrteded to
ibeCbarchof ^m:, call'd a kind of Council, in which, by an unheard of boldnefs, they
difannali'd every thing that woi ordain'd by Pope That they rtrfusd to hearken
to Stefhen Cardinal Prieftand Legate of the Holy 5cc, a.-.J tliat at the foJliciration of
Gerard, whom Pope Nico/jf excommunicated in a full Synod, they proieded
-lo the
Eiedion of a Pcrlon, who was altogether unwor;hy. Thereupon he demands which of
the two Cbmpctitors ought to be acknowledg'd as lawful Pope; t.i!;cr he w!:o was unani>
mouQy chofen by the Cardinals, who was nominated by iheCl rcy and People of I(pme, and
who was fairly clc(ited in that City, and in the Bofom of the Holy Apoltolick Sec ; or he
who had no other fuffrage in his favour, but that cf an excommiinicatcd Perfon r 1 he Attor- '

ny General acquiefccs to thefe Arguments, being well farisficd, that his Sovereign's Right
was fufficiently fccur'd, and that the Perfon, who was chofcn, could not be unacceptable to
him, becaufc he belong d to his Court. Then the Advocate of the Church of ^o$ae con-
cludes, wilhing, Thar the atid Im|»eriai Powers wcte infeparably qnjte^, and that
they might always concur in the fame end.
The Pifih Offu/culum or fmall Trad, is a Relation dircdcd co lJUdtbrand the Arch-Deacon»
of what bcfcl Beter Damien, during his Journey to Mikn, where he was fent in quality of
l egate of the Ho!y See, to fupprefsthe Diforders commtt cd by the unchafte and hmoniacal
Clergy of that Churdi. Tis related by him, that upon his arrival at Milan, be had no
fooner given notice of the purport of his CcminMon, bat the Clergy under colour rhatthetr
Church ought not to be govern'd by the Laws, nor to ftthmit to 'hr Yoke of I{ me, rais'd t
Sedition. 1 hat the People ran in Crowds to the Epiicopai Palace, threaming to caufe him
to bcputro Death : And that afterwards appearing between the Arcb-bifhop of Milfli, and *

yf»»/e/»i Bifliop of J ucca, he al!ay'J their fury by a Didourfc, which he produces.

In that
Speech Peter Dd//.icti remonftraics to thmi, that he nor come to enhance the Grandeut
and Authority of the Holy See ; but to promote their Salvation : That that Church derives
its Dignity an Prima y from the Inftitution ot JESUS
i CH RIST, and that no attempt
can be made on us Rights without violating the Faith : That St.Ni\ariui, Sr.Gerva/e aatd
St. Protafim, the firlt Planters of the Church of Milan, receiv'd their MifSon from
Apoftlcs Sr. Prtcr and St. Paul : That St. Ambrcft had tccourfe to Pope Sirtciui, to put a
flop to the irregularities of fome of bis Clergy-men, and that he declar d, that he was ready
in all Pbims to obey the Church of i{ome as his Patronefs. The CatdinaJ of OftU laving
by this mean* pi. ii- ,! the People, call'd .m AffciiiMy of the Clergy, and .iftcr having made
• enquiry into tiic in.inncr of their Ordination, Icarce found one Man, among fo great a
ber, who was admitted into Orders withont didwrfing Monf, becanle every one upon that '

OCcafion, was ohlij^'d :o pay a cer tain fet rate.

This general Diibrder extremely perplexed Peter Damien, in regard that it would be un-
iuft TO panilh fome, and to pardon others, who were no lefs culpable. Therefore he took a
Refolution, to pnnr .in Amnefiy for pafs'd Tt.v nfiors, .ind to make a Ginftirntion to pre-
vent fuch Enormities for the future. It was »]rawii up in the Name of Cuj Arch«bifl]Op
Milan, who dcclar'd. That he condcmn d the Cuftom or rather Abufe, which piwail'd la'
his Diocefs, and that he oMig'd himfelf and his Succeffors to exad nothing for Ordinations:
That he likcwifc condemn 'd the Marriage of Priefls, Deacons and Sub-deacons, and that
he promis'd to ufe his utmoft endeavours, to hinder them from iceeping Wives Of C6ncii'-
bines: That he further engag'd both for himfelf and his Officen:, not to take .my thing, for
the Bcnedidion of Abbics and Cbappels ; for the InvdUture and Collation of ficneiicesi fof-
the Ordination of Pilhops ; for die Adminiitrarion of the Holy Chtifin, oribrthe Coniecrt*
tlonof Churches. This Decree wa-; flpncd by the Arch bill-.op nf Af/Ain, and by the princi-
j)al Clergy, who took an Oath to obiet ve it, and did Penance for their pals'd Offences :
brmcr impos'd on himfelf a Penance of a hundred Years, and nominated how much he de-
termin'd ro pivc for the Red?mpt"on of it. The other Clergy-men were in like m vi ;i
cnjoin'd Failing, which nc vcrtlulL'is tlicy might redeem by reciting the Pfatter^ or by giving
Alms. Furthermore the Arch biil.op made aYiOW to go in pilgrimage to tlie Sepulchre
Sr. Jr,mes in Gjllicia, and to Cood his Clerks to ^mnw orTuirs, or to fome ocber Place farify
frequented by Pilgrims.

N » In

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C943 ^ Eccefiaftkal Hiflory
Peter !>«• In the firth Trail', dirededto Hmy Aicfi-biftopof t^49tm4^ Peter Oi^mfen ichitetthh
mien Cif. Qucftion, x>i^. Wncihcr cliofc who were onl uri'd by Priclts Sitnoniacally promotoH, ought.
di'iU Bi- to be re-ordain'dor not ? This Queftion was propos d in a Council, wlt«r« it was not judg'd
Aj.^f expedient to refohwit, till it were ftnherdiurufrd. Peter Dsmien mainrains the Negative,
by realbn that 'tis not :hc Bidiop, who is on?y the Miriitter, but God, Confcv n-cs ;

That the fame thing oaay be iaid of Ordination, as of BapciAn, That it ouebt not lo
be reiterated, ftltho it were adnunifter'd by an unworthy Mimfter : That provided the Ordets
beconferr'd In the Catholick Church, and tliar both i;c who confer-, them, and he who takes
them Iiavc Faith, the vicioas Clerk is as effeduaJiy ordain'd by an unworthy Aliniltcr, as
the vertuous Clefkby a worthy Mtnifter: That there are throe principal Sacrametns in the
Church, vi^. Baptifm, the Eucharift and Orders Th it ,St. Aii'^ujlin proves as ro the Firft,

and Pafcbafins with rcfpcdt to (he Second, that choTe Sacramenu are not made more or le&
efficacious by worthy or tinworthy Mtnifters ; and alifao* the QodHon wai never as yetftat-
ed ill reference to Ordinations; nev,Tth:.Iefs the Cafc ought to be argu'd after the fame
manner, according to Sr. Avgufiini Principles, on which Pfffr Damicn enlarges in this fiook,
and adds many Examples to (hew, that Onlinaebns conferred by unworthy Minifters are
valid, and that thole Fcrfons who were once ndmittcd in:o Orders, onght not to be re-
ordain'd, which he applies in ttarticuUr to Stmontlis, ^d conuncnds the Condud of Pope
Leo IX. who only impofes a Fenance Jtf forty Daie« ort thofe that were ordain'd by Priefts
guilty of Simony, but did nor lay ovu ar.y JVlony.jpt n that jc> ounr. Helikcwifc commendt
the Emperor Henrj, for op{)o{ing*that Irregularity, aod-conckdes witha Dedamation agaHlft

The fevenlh Treatife, cail'd rhr Gomorrhe.m is dedicated to Pope Len TX. who approvM
of it in a Letter, which is prchx'd at the beginning. In this Tra(^, Peter Damie» proves,
that Clergy-men who hire committed Sins df Uncleannefs, which Modefty docs not per-
mit to be named, ought to be dcpriv'd of the Fundicns of their Order for ever: He re-
}t£ts the Canons of the Femicniial Books, which indole too light Penances for thofe fort^ cf
Crimes, of which be fHem the Eaoraiity : He inveighs againit dwlc Perfons who are guihy
of fucb notorious Oflenoe«, and cxhom cbcn lo « Speedy Repaituoe, nod id do fevoe
The eighth Trad dedicated to Bifliop of Ce/eme and «o the Ardmlencon of Havenna,
fdatet to the Degrees of Confanguinity in which it is forbidden to contraift IWarriage^ He
confure? the Opinion of the Lawyers who rdlrain'd them to the Fourth, and imagtn'd that
Grand-Nephews and Grand Nieces might inter-naarry. He reckons qpthe Degrees by Gcr
ncrationi, and maintains, That as far as any Confanguinity or Affinity can be difcem'd. Ma-
trimony ought not to be contratfled, which takes place at leaft to the feventh Degree. He
uSitts in this Treatife, that in computing the Degrees, of Confanguinity, the number of Per-
Ibns ought alwaics to exceed that of the Generations by one ; Co that there are bat five Ge>-
ncrations, where these are Cut Perfons : Bat be retradla this Opinion in a OnBenatioQ made
by him on purpofe to be annex'd to the (ame Treatife.
In the Nmth, he treats at large of Alms giving, and fliews th« tTieAibeis of ir, both fiw
the Living and the Dead, in this World and in the fiiture State.
The Tenth, is about the Dij^ine Service, in which he gives an account of the number of *
the Canonical Hours ; of the Prayers which make the Office, and of the diifirrence between
the ORicc of Clergy-men and that of the Monks : He fhews how beneficial 'tis to rrciie it,
and even rceotnmcnds it to Laicks, as well as the ftnall Office of the Virgin Marj. in this
Tradl he likewife difcourfcs of the fcven Mortal Sins, amongft Wfaicb he does not recfcoa
Gluttony, but diftinguifliei vain Glory fppm Pride.
In the Eleventh he ftates this Q^ielt ion, vi:(. Whether thofe who recite their Office aione
in private ought to fay, Dominw veti/eim, ^lAe Deumut &c. He concludes in the AArnw.
tive, becaufo, fince the Church is one in mnny ; if n^ay be fiid, t'lat divers Pcrfotis arr

comprehended in one lingle Membe r of it, and by rcafon of that lenity, one lingle Perfon
may fpcak for all, and as if he join'd in Prayer with many: Thar onefingle Petlbn often
fpeaks in the name of many, and many in that of a finglc Perfon That if ir were rcquititc

to retrench thefe Prayers, bccaufe they kem to Iiippoic the prcfcncc of many Pcrfona
o cr parts ofthe Divine Office, which areof the fame nature, ought likewife to beomttted :

That the Sacrifice of the Mar<: is offcr'd up for all the Faithful, tho in a fpecial manner by rhe
Prieft, in regard tiiar he holds in his Hands, every I hing that the Faithfol oflcr in their
Mind : That altho' only one Hngle Perfon aiUlh at the celebration of Mafs ; yet he does not
forbear to fay Djwiwuj fj/'//t"wm, and not Doviinuf trn/m- That the Church has no regard to
Numbers, Cafes or Terms, but adheres only to rhac which rends to Editicauon : That that
which one omits, may be fupply d by another ; and lalt;> thatrhcfc Words may be refinrt^d

as well to the Abfent as to the Prcfent. He conclude^ w h a Commendation of the folirnr y

life, in favour of the Hermit, to whom he wrote, and leaves the KeTolucion of this Qgc-

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of the Eleven th Century of Chrijlianit}. '

fo c "j
ftion 10 his judgment. It may alfo be obfcrv d in this Tueatifc,
Biftap, we«
wont to firy. Pax yoh's wher(r:« the Pricfts onJy faid
That ^ Wn>.
at that time. ih«
6^iZ ^^)}cuT^
The Twelfth ,s written ng.^-ut tl.c u'.ir)rderly Lives Of the
Moaks of hit Tinic. tfnd fe^-IJI*.
Pn^aice*. W^. , That they enjoy d
u^'i^ npMony, i!!^^"^" Eflates .vj>^
contratr tothc Vow of Poveny. z. Thar they ran about co«iuall7 Ofti*
and kept Company wirh La men, even with excommunicated
fcrfoni or fuch as deTerpM
to be io puniih d, accorduig to the lenottrof the ancient Canons,
3. That thcv kct.t rich
Appre and other Garments fo forry. that they wore them only to lhe«r their
aft(itation of
Vain Glory. 4. Thu they were too much immcrs'd in Worldiy Affidn
and tbac diev dH
nor lead a Life luficienUy retired. This Treatilc is wr t e n with a great
deni of Encrev -
Ib diar the Awiur gives a very lively defcription of the Enormities
of the Monks of t^fe
nmes, and endeavours to reform their Manners by Precepts and contrary
bthe next Treatife tlw bears this Title. Of the Pcrfaaim
*/ Ib^f, be inAnuai tiieni
n their Duty and in the Venues they ought to pradifc. /
The Fourteenth dedicated to his Hermits, contains an Abridgment of ilie
Rule * and of
the maoaer of living tbac they ought to obferve.
He enlatges farAttoa the 6me Subjed. in the Fiitccntb Trac% which may be look'd
l^n an entire Syftem of '
as die Rvles of his Older. I

wfio had d
the Aonaftick Habit by reafon of the indifpolition of
his Body or upon
fome other Motive without ferviog as a Novice hr a confiderable time, according
Rule might return to a fecular courfe of Life.
, Peter Damien mninrains tK- contrary •

Opinion, and eftabliftes it on the Tenour of the Canons, which abfduiely

forbids all chofb
who have voluntarily embrac'd the Monailick Life, and even Children, whom tbeirPbivna
baveet^agd in tbit Station, to quit their ProfdTion. He (ays, that the comp'eat Proba-
tionfpccified in Sx.Benedifls Rde, does not prove that ihofewho get
admillion wiUiout
undergoing a Trial, maty difeng. ge themfclvesac pleafure : That it is a pKcantion
for the faiisfadion of thofe who have a right to admir, rather than for the benefit of
the Per-
fiwis to be admitted ; and that it is not fo abfoluteiy nerefl'ary, that it
cannot be difpen&d
iwtb, when there is affiirance, tliat they who prcfeni therofelvet for that purpofe ' we en-"
dow'd with proper Qualities, and arc really in a State of Grace.
Thfi Seventeenth, is dedicated to Pope Nicolas II. whom he earneftly exhorts to
put aftop'
tft the enormities eemmiited by onchafte and diflblute Clergy-men and tonake
v&Sibt iL
JBerity of the Canons againft them, in imitation of Pbineas's Zeal.
The Eighteenth, is compos d of three Letters againft the incontinency of Clergy-men'
m which Ptter Dgmten ftews, that they are obUg'd to lead a fingle Life;
inveighs againft*
tljofe who are marry 'd or keep Concubines vieorou/ly onpofcs thefe Difordcrs and
fuiiy exhorts tiie Perfons, to whom he writes, whoyu-c Peter Cardinal
of Rome, the Bifhoe
^Mn^i^Di^AtkUi^, to imert«r«th& Authority in order ioS^^%
In the Nineteenth, he refigns his Bifhoprick ani two Abbies into die
Hands of Pope Ni-
foUs, and to induce i>fm to appcovB of d«t Refignation, he Kpfefeus tl» Examples •
of di-
vers Prelates, who have in like manner quitted their Biftopricks, and gives
an Account of
certain Apparitions of Biftiops or other Perlons, condemned to endure the
Tonnencs of Hell
9K cifwg^wy, for negleaing to perform their Duty. Indeed one cannot but admire at
the great number of Examples of thrirnnture produced hy him ; hut if any be defirous
be informed of the particulars, they need only penile this Treatife i in which the Author
for his own part, ailed ges, as a motive to his Refignation, that atd«rime of his
to the Epifcopal Dirriity, he w::<; net worthy of it ; and his life and Converfation
were culp.ibic, whicli indue d him to believe, that it was much fafer to depofe himfelf than
to have a Sentence of Depofition pafled upon him at the Day of Judgment, accompanied with
•Verlafting D.-mnption.
The next Trad dedicated to the fame Pope Ntcohs i is written oo the fame Sobjetft
and full of Examples of the like Nature : He enlarges farther on tic Reafons that oblie'd
llim to quit his Bidnprirk. and more parricuhrly on this vi:^. that he was 10 longer
condition to cake cnrc cf the two Bilhopricks, which the Holy See thoaglit fit to mlT^^^^^^ (q-
bis Charge.
In the Twenty firft, he commends an Abbot, for refigning his OfHce, to be difcharrftf
tbe Cares, Troubles and multiplicity of Bulineis that unavoidably attended that Dignity
nnd exhotts him to withftand, for the future, the Temptations, with wUdi the Devil ufu-
ally nffaults ihofe, who have quitted ficdeliaftical Preteinenis. by inf|Qfiiig
then with g
deiire to rcfumc tJicm.
The Twenty fecond, iswritten againft Ctctgy-men who rdMe at Court, and
pot tbem:.
iidvcs into the Service of Princes or Potentates, to obtain Bilhopricks or Abbies. Ho
Ibcws that they are not free from the impiuaiion of Simony, although they disbarfe
**- —

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A New EccleJ/jflicJ Hijlory
buttliat OH the contrary, they are biair.e-wonhy ; bccaufc ihcy fell rhcmfc'Vcs as ic
were for Slave?, nnd part with their Liberty to get Ecclefiafhcal I ivings : Bclidcs, that tbetr

Services ase of li r Vnl-.u-, than the Money thar is .-id by others:

" Fcr fiippofc ^fays
" he) that two Ciergy-men arc pofleU'dofan equal Hereditary Eltatc i that ihry b( [h Icli u,
• vA ifatt one of them refons R> Coart, where heTpends hi« Stock by degrees n the Prince's

Service, whilft the other, on the eontrary, keeps his entire.

Aftcrw.iiiUa Benefice is bfc-
ftow'd on each of them, that is to fay, cn tiic former, as a
rccomptncc for his Scrvice,
and on the other, for hfei Money; now the Qaeftion is. Which of the two bovfibc the
Benefice at the deareflRate? The Value of the Money is tqual, fince ir was the Pro-
dud of both their Ellates j but one olKain'd with a great deal of Pains and batigues,
that which the other got withoat any Trouble or Difiicalty ; aiid therefore ibe Pureliafe
made by the foi incr, colt much more than that by the latter.
The Twenty third, is dedicated to Pope Alexander II. upon his return from the Council
of Mantua, and contains an AnlWer to a Queftion which he had fbrmerly propos'd to Pcttr
Damien, viz. Upon what account it happens that ihc l ives of the Pnpc<; arc pcncrslly fo
fhort ? The latter refolvcs it by a Moral KcHedion, That God permits it lo to fall our, lo
the end that the Frailty of Kttnmne Life, may be nwft confpicuous in thofe. who »r^ pro-
moted to the Supreme Dignity ; and that all Men who have regard to the Popes, may he
ftnick with terror at their Death. This gives him an occafion to enlarge upon Providence aad
the Goodjiefs of the Divine Majefty. . . .

fn the Twcnry fourtli, he writes againft thofe Canons who being inainrain'J in common,
by tlic Church-Rcvcnucs, agaSk to enjoy private Poflelfions. He exhorts Pope Alexander,
to whom his Letter is direded, to make we of hS* Authority, to oblige them to quit that
In the Twenty fifth, be extols the Sacerdotal Dignity, ai;d difcourfes on the ObligatiaRS
that accompany it.
In the Twenty fixih. he declaims r.gaind ilie Ignorance, fupine Negligence and SlothfiiJ-
nefsof Clergy-men. He makes it appear to be the fourceof the principal Diforders iu the
Church, and exhorts the Bifliops to infped the Lives and. Converfatfon of the infieiiMir
Clergy, and to take cnrc thar none be admitted into the Ecclc6aftiail State, bat fuch «R M
capable of performing thofe Fuo^ions.
The Twenty feventh is direded to the Canons of the Ctnfrch of Pom, who were at va-
riance one with another, by reafon that Ton-.c of them were dcfiroas to live feparaicly, and
the others in common. Peter D4iRie» takes pan with the latter, and maintains, that the Can-
ons ought to live in Common, and to have no private Property, fbllowtng the Examples of
the ApolHcs and of the Chriftians of the primitive Church.
The Twenty eighcb is compos'd in favour of tiic Monks, againft ti\e Secular Clerks and
Canons. The latter indfted, that the N^inks ought not to adminifter the Encharift or other
Sacraments. Peter Damien maintains (m the contrary, that the Monks ought not to be ex-
cluded from thofe Fundltons ; and to prove bis AHertion, brines feveral Escamples of Mmki^
who being made fiiffiops or Priefts, Mve aAually adminlfter'd them. He extols the Mona-
ftick Order, deriving its original from the Prophets and Apoftles; and in the dole, cites a
Decretal made by Pope Bmifitct IV. in which Monks are authorized to admiaiftei the Sa-
crament of Penance. ,

The Twenty ninth It direded to a cenatn Abbot, whom he icproves for wearing tM
fumptuous Apparel.
The Thirtieth is written to the Inhabitants of Florence, and more cfpccially to the Monks
of that City, who rcfus'd to communicate with their Bifliop, and to receive the Sacraments
from his Hands, bccaufc they fufpetllcd him to be guilty of Simony. Peter D imh-n makes
it appear, that although rhe Information they brought againft him wore tr.te, } ct they ought

not to withdraw themfelvcs from his Communion, till he were legally convi«flcd, nor to r^
iufe to receive the Sacraments adminifter'd by him ; by reafon that unworthy AiiniAccs are
capable of adtniniftring them as well as the worthy.
In rhe Thirty firft, ie exhorts the Cardinals to oppofe the Covetoufnefs and Conaipifcente
of the Clergy, which was the fource of the grcaieft part of the Diibrders and Calamioes
that Ixfcl tiic Church.
The Thirty fecond, is a Moral and Myftica! Trca Ife on Lew or the Forty days' Paft,-
and on tlie Forty Stations of the Ifraelitts in the Wildernefs.
The Thirty third, is a letter directed to the Abbot of Mount Caffm, who had threaten'd
that if he did not come to him, he fliould no longer partake of rhe Benefit of the Prayers
put up in his Monaftery. Peter Damien cxcufes himlcif, upon account that he was (cnfible the time of his Diflblution drew near, and that he was afraid of going in quciV after a
MonafVery, left he (hould die withoat the precin^J^s of a Monaftery. He entreats that
AWy>r not to deprive him of the Advantages that might arifc rr<itTi rhe Suppf Cir'ons of thofir
of his Order : He enlaces on the Devotions to be perform d to the Virgui Aijr/, and pro-
dooet a gieac immbef oi Miiadet wrought by facf Iiieefceffion,|in lavour of thofe who bad
• apar-

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of the Eleventh Century ofChriflianity.
a particular Refpc-fl for her; and amor.gft od.crj he fliyv, thnt (he nppcar'd ro Is Brother Peter Di-
Damiea a litdc Uiorc liis Death. Afterwards he rtiews, ir.ur Alm> tiiiliibutcd lor ihe Dead, "i'*" ^-f'-
procuic them Confolar on, as well as Prayetsand Sacrititcs. a^'V
T!;'c 'I'h'rcy f"<i\ir;h, is a ColIei^;on of :t mim'iLf of iVIiracIcs, Vifion^, Apparitions ^^."^ ,
and Hiliorital Pairagcs, re-lacing lo ihc Puniftiincnt of cnJ A<ftions, and the reward of good,
the Torments of Hell, arid ihc deliverance of Souls out of Purgator)'.
In chc Thirty hfih, after having alledgcd for a Rcafon, why li;.- Imnge of ??t. Paui isnfa-
ally plac d un the right Hand and St. Peter son the left ; that the torniir was of the Tribe of
St^amin, wbkb (ignifies the Son of the right Hand ; he enlarges on the Commendation 4^
In the Thirty' fixth, he treats of the Etcniiiy, Imrr.t r.fsry, Purity, and more c(pecially of
riieOnnnipotence of God.
In the lliirty fev^ntb, he explains Teveral Dificnlcies relating to the Holy Scripture, rhac
Were propoted to him. 1

In the Thirry eighth, he confines the Opinion of the Gretkg, concerning dte Pracefifon of
the Holy Ghoft
in the Thirty ninth, after havtug commended the Arch-bi(hop of Befanfon, for the good
Order he had elbbliflied in his Church, and for having caus'd a Tomb- to bt'd foi
hiinfelf,he finds fault with the Cuftcm of his Church and of fjime other Churches of F ance,
in which the Clerks and even the Monies, in fomc places, were pctmirtcd to fir, during the
Celebratian of Divine Service. He is of Opmion, that alt thofe who aflSft at it, ought to
oominoc ftanding, till it be perform d.
in the Fortieth, after having congratulated a certain fiifhop, upon the recovery of his
Health, he exhorts htm not to give way-to FafSon for the' future, and to forgive his Etie-
In the Forty tirlt, he maintains. That thofc Pcrfons who make Matrimonial Contrads
witldn dtt.time prohibited by the Church, diat is to fay, in Lettt ; three Wedcs fcefim th£ Fe^
ftival of St. Jo/.'M Baptirt J and from Advmt to Efiphanj ; oaght rn be divorc'd, and rheir
Marriage declar'd null : fiut for^^ucb as fome, made no fcnu>Ie to marry at thofe times,
and imagined that it was Tuficicnt to abftain from the ufe of Marriage, to avoid the Eecle* '

Cenfures, he confutes that Opinion, by fhewing, that it is dotcaRialCbpidation, bat

tiie mutual Content of the Panics that makes the Marria^
The Forty fiootid ooaiains two Letters, in which he admoai Aestwo fevml Ferfbns, to pef
form the Vow that they haif made, to enter into a Religious Order ; Ihewing by divers Au- •

tborittes and Examples, the Obligation they lie under, to fulfill their Vows, who have once
In the Forty ^ird, be exhorts ilie Monki of MatamCi^fit, to dilctpline diemlelfes every
Tn ihe Fonrty fimrth, he gives Molal Explications of the ten Plagnes of Bg^.
In rhc Forty fifth, to comfort a tcnder-confcicnccd Monk, who was troubled for his Ig-
norance ; he fliews that Learning often occaiions many Vices, more efpecialiy when it is not
aooompnnied with other Vmoes, bat tfiat downr%ht Integrity is always profitable to
In .the Forty iizth, he exhorts that Monk, patiently and cheerfully to bear Reprimands
and Corredfons. •
In the Forty fev: r'"i he rccointnenJs Chaftity to his Nephew Damien, and pcrfwadcs him

to receive the Communion every Uay, .to be in a condition to prefervc that Vcrtuc. After-
mrds be gives him whoUbme InftruAions to wtthftaltd the Temptations of die Devil.
In the Forty cij;hih, he reproves a Mo \v!io had flil! fomc inclination for delici-

ous Fare and coftly Apparel, and admonilhes him Co fix all his Delight and Repose in
In the Forty ninrh, he gives a great dealof whoUbme Adviee, concerning the Spiritual
Ufe to a young Monk his Nephew.
The Fimedi. is a Moral faftnidion, dedicated to tbe Ctmotefi B/mcAt, who had taken

a Nun's Habit.
The Fifty firft, is diret^ed to a Monk nam'd Teus^o^ viho having left his Monaftery, re-
tired to a Orll in the mMdle of the City, and refbs'd to enteremi Peter Dkmien as well as his

Abbot, when they came to Vifit him. He c.rhons him with a great deal of Charity and
Gentldiefs, to quit that particular way of living and to return to his Duty.
In the Fifty fecond, he makes divers Mord Rttfedions, on the Qualities of fcvcral forts of
Inthe Fifty third, he (hews the Advantages that arifc from Affii<^ions and Adverlicy.
In the Fifty fourth, he exhorts certain Monks to faft on S^hbrtUjis in honour of oar Sa-
Jonr's Bntial, Aid makes nfc of«n Appaffeion to confirm that Oaftam

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[98] A Nm Ecdejtaftical Hiftory
p -ter Da-In the Fifty fifth, he admonHhes the Monks of his Older, to faft on the Viglh of t!ie Pe-
mien Car- ftivals of the Aflumption of ihc Virgin iry, M
C'm'JJm.i/s, ol the EyijhaKj, of Holy Thurf-
Aiud Bh fiay^ of H^rJtfimdaj^ of the Nativity of Si. John Jiapiift, and of tbole of all the Feftivals of
f^'f the Apoftles. as alfo to dbferve a Fall on all SgtMri/ift throughout the Year.
In the Fifty Hxtli, he commends the Emprefs A^ns, upon account of ihc lingular ModcRy
and Humility flic had Jhewn in going to Vifit the Sepulciare 01 St. Peter and Sc. Pauly and
makes it appear, that I'btenrates odght not to take a pride in their Grandeur, nor io ifae
Riches of this World.
In the Fifty icventh, be admooiflics Prince Godftej,. thai be did not ufe fufficient fcveriiy
in tiie piiniOiing of Criminals, and (hews how necellary it is, that Princes Ibould be very
punxflual in the Adminirtraiion of Jufticc.
In the Fifty eighth, he devcionft rates. That there is 00 pcrfcd Felicity in this World, and
that all profane Sciences are not capable of making tis truly Wife or Happy. Therefore he
Iffarns Boniface, to whom he writes, -hat if he has nor taken a rtfolu
ioti cnrirL-Jy to rc-

' nounce worldly Wealth and Knowledge ; ac leaft, be ought to make ulc of them only as
means for the attaining of the teal Pbiflefltons and of the true Wifdom.
In the Fifty ninth, he treats of the lafl Jiuigmcnt and Antichrlft .ind fhcw; t!ut ir is dif-

ficult CO dilcourfe appoficely on that Subie(^^, but very profitable to mediutc feriouHy upon
ir. He (iiys, Years and a half; that he lhall be kilFd 00 *e
that Anticbrift 0*11 reigo three
Mount of Olivet i and that forty days iTi.tll p.-.fs from hl> Dca h, 10 the f(jmirip of JF. SUS
CHRIST, during which the Perfecution lhall ccafe, and the Jull, wboli: Faith has been
* .
flukcn, (hall peHbrni k&s of Repentance : That afterwards the Earth and Air (hall be iti-
volv'd in Dniverfai Flames, which (hall purifle the EleJl. Then be pradnces ten Signs diat .

ought to precede the Day of Judgment,, according to St. Jerom.

The Sixtieth and TraA, contains Allegorical Explications on
la(t divers PaAages of ^
Book of Genefis.
\\\ hxxc given an account of the Opu/cula after the Letters, bccaufc the greaicft part of
1 rads, are in efteci only of that nature, and it were more expedient to leave them
among the Letters, (as in the lirft Edition) and to difpofe. them all according to the Order
or the Subjcds they treat of, than to diltribute them in fuch a manner, as they ap»
of ti;iic
Let us now return to the fccond Tome that contains Peter Damiafi Ser* at pi eftnt.
which are Seventy five in number, difpofcd according to the Order of the Feftivalt
of the Year, but foir.c of them do not belong to this Cardinal, particularly that of St.M*r//«.
The fccond Scnnon oiSi^AndreVy that of St. NicoUs i that on Chriflmufs-Evc ; and that

of St' Stephen the Protemartjr ; which arg inferted among St. Bernard's Sermons, and which
were p-ihlifh'd by Father M*hillon in the Edition of the Works of that Saint, under the
Name of >iicoiu Abbot of Cai}V4ux ; as alfo, thofe on the FdHvals of the A:dimiptioa of
the Virgin Afjrr, and of JB-Saints, the firft on Chrifimafs-Diy, and that 00 die Draicanott
certain Church, appear to have been compos'd by the fame Author.
The Scr .ions arc follow'd by the Lives of St. OJilo, St. Maw us fiilhop of Cefena, Sc. /^fl-
muMuj, St. [(pdulpfyus Bifhop of Eugubio^ and the Hiftory of the FafiRons of St. J%r4 and
St. LuriHa. As for ihc other Lives of the Saints, utcm out of Suritts hj BeHr Dtomeiit tbej
condituce part of ilie Sermons.
\Apinof In ^he lall Tome, areoonuin'd divers Prayers, Hymns and f Profes attributed to Peter
thf Mtt^*» fijwjVff, to wjiich .ire annexed certain Exrr.iifts taken our of the Works of that Father, by
a mnK-!i (s Wrircr who was one of his Pupils, and our of the Rule of the Canons, cotnpo$*d
Pctrus de by PEI Rl^S dc HONESTIS, a Clerk of Havenna, whom fomc have unadvifcdiy COnfijOlid-'
Honeftis* cd wiili Pe:er Damien-y fince that Rule w.!S (Jed-ri-irid 10 Pope Pafch.^l 11. who WaS HOC prO»
moted to the Papal Dignity till A. D. J099. attcr the Jc.ith ol the lacier.
The Treatifc of the Reformation of the Bilhops and Popes, extant in GtUaflut, is not a
Work falfly afcribcd to Peter Doauem, as Poffevinus imagitt'd, but a Fragmemof thetwelith
LecLcr ot ihe Jirlt Book.
The five Sermons, that Father Lukf D.uhcry fct forth under the Name of Ptttr Dtaniem}
in the (evcnih Tome of the Sptcilegium, do not belong rothis Author, but rather to Sr. Itttrut
* Chryfoligus, as it is own'd by that Father himfelf, in the end of hi'? Preface to tlic eighth
Tome. ,

Peter Da- Peter Damien wrote with a great deal of facility and clearnefs. His Style is Polite and
nttea'4 Elegant, of Figures and agreeable Varieties : He produces divers line Notions, and
ChtriMer* gives an admirable turn to his Writings, infomuch that lame* of his Letters arc cooipoti^d
with t11 poflTible Art and Accuracy. He haJ a Genius proper for Negociations ; and was fo
dextrous in the Management of Affairs, that c\ cn thofe whom he condcmn d or reprov'd,
were con(\rain'd to acknowledge, that be had re.iton to do it. He deliver'd his Mind with
a great ilea! of freedom, to the Popes and odier Perfons of Eminency ; ncvcrthclcfs, with-
out tailing to Ihcw ail the Reljpeifi tluc was due to their Quality. He us'd his ntmod en-
deavoun to revive, at Icaft a Humow of the ancient DUcipUne in that corrapud Age, and to

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of the Eleventh Century of Clmjlianity. 0
MR a flop to Career of rhc Enormities committed by the Clergy and Monks of his
Time. He profound sIdU in Eccieiiaiiical Aflairs, and more elpccially in ihofe
attain'd to a
that relate to the ConfHtucions aad Dilciplinc of the Church. He was alfo well vers'd in
the Know! -dec of the Holy Sctiptures, bur in'^fUd on the Allrftorical rather than the IJ:c-
ral Senie ot them. He had peru$'d the Works of the Latin fathers, and cbicBy thofc of
Sb Avgufim and St.Gregny, whole Dodrine and Maxims be thoroughly imbib'd : Heargttei
(obtilly about Theological Queftions, and Controvcrfial Matters. He (hcw"fl .1 ^rear deal ^
of Devotion to the Virgin Maiy, and was. a pun^hial Obfer\ er of tJie Rites of the Church,
•nd ofMontiHcal Qiflmm ; Boc he pcodoces a great miinber of Vifioni and Appatitionf,
wh'rh hr vrr)' cafily gives Credit to.
1 he Works of tbi« Author were poblKhed by Father Cmftantin Caietattt a Monk of the
Older of Mount C«j^, and primed at Hum, in three Volumes td the Years, 1606, i6od,
and 161 5. Thcfe three Tomes were re-printcd with a fourth at Ljfcm, A. D. rdij. in on^
tingle Volume in Folio, and afterwards at Paris in i66%» not to nentiofl an Edition of Ml
Lemtt in Stf4rt», fte Msi fay NrM/fe «t P^* ia t^io.

C H A P. IX.

jin Accoum cf the Churches of England from iKing

William the Conqueror^ to Henry I. upttb the Life
of St. Anfelm Arch-hijhof of C^terbury, an4 an
Abric^mem of his War^i

THB Clidrc^ tnd Kfn^ofti of England, wMch wm m a floarifhing condition, and

enjoy d a profound Peace aod Tranquility in St. Dunjlans time, were mifcrably
diitrcls'd after his Deatli, (aocordiqg to bis Predu^lion^ with inntunerable Troubles
and Catnniries. The Countries fay the Batfaarums; the Churches were Pil-
lag'd and fee on Fire ; the Monaflerics were ruin'd; the City of Canterbury ynxt Burnt; and
Alfbtgus the Arch-biihop was cariVd away f rifoner with the Clergy of that Province. Tbefe
Calamities were foHow d fay theDififenfions and Civil wars, betwven King BJvrarJ the Sou
of Etltthcd. and Godwin Earl of Kp^f with his Son H^roU, as well as by a general Bar-
barity and Corruption of Maimers ; till at laft the Death of Edward the Confcflbr, who lefc
no linie, compleatedthetirin of die Kingdom. AfEiirs being in this poflure, ffttUam Duke -

of Normandj pa.1iiig over the Sea, fubdu'd it in the Year, \c(t. h -\ing kill'd Harold in
Banel, who had taken. polTeatoa of the Throne after the dcceafc of King Edxoard ; and
cans'd new Laws, as well Bcdefiaftical as Civil, to fae eRabIift*d throngbont his Dominions
He prohibited his Subje(ils to acknowledge any Pope without his leave, and to receive any
Bulls from J^omr till they were fhewn to him : Neither would he fuffcr the Arch-bifliop ot
CMiterhury, tho' ftyi'd Primate of all EngUnd, to make any Conftitutions in his Councils,,
which were not conformable to his Inclination, and that were not before concerted with him:
L>aftly, he forbid that any of his Barons, Lords. Minifters of State, or Officers (hould be ex-
communicated without his Order. In the filth Year of his Reign, Lanfranc, Abbot of
St. Stefben at Caen, was ordain'd Arch-bilhop of Canterbury, and went a little while af:cr to Lanfranc
Upme, with Thomas Arch.bifhop of 3ori^, and l{tmigius Bilhop of L/ncfl/w, to obtain the Pall Anh-btfy
of Pope Alexander IL who receiv'd them with particular marks of his Eftecm and Fricntl- e/ CaoierJ
fhtp. The next Day, lMif>mc accus'd both thcfe fiilbops, who accompany 'd him, upon bwy.
noconnr of their illegitimate Ordination; by rcafon that one was the Son of a Prieft, and
the other had given a certain Sum of Money to King H^tHam for his Biflioprick, The efrc<5i
of this AccuCition w.-is, that the two Prelaw rcfign'd their Paltoral Staves and Rings into the
Hand cf rhi- Pope, who gave thefc Ornaments back again to them, upon L«n/r4«c's requeft.

This Arch biftiop upon liis return from H^me with the PaU, took much pains in rc-eftablfli-

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^2 •
• •
^ jsle^ Ecccfij\tical Hifloiy
Lanfranc ing the Churches of £«i£/rfW, and maintain d their Rights and Revenues ag^inil the Seculai^
Afth i'pf PowNft wirh lb gfeat efficacy, that neither King l-i Vfitm T. nor bis Son 90//i4m II. thooght
•/CaolCF' £t to make any artcir pt uyoti them, as long as he r 'u ; bpt after his Death, the latter cau&'d

^"'y* all the iiccieiiatMcal Revenues beUmging to his D&minioiia to be regitier'd, and havime com*
pined tvhat was rc<[uifite for Ae maintenanee of the Moaki; rc-nnited the teft to the De.
means of tb Cn wi, letting ihcin ou: to Farm every, ro thoie who offer't! mcfl ; but
in order to get an aijl'oJute Power over the Churches, when the Buhopc dy d, he left their
Sets vacant, and enjoy'd their Revenues. That of CMiMtkay was meant aboire fiVe Years,
till Kinc iililiMTi falling datigcrouAjr Sick, reBeibr iiJb)Kic Jittfilmt and inveft«d him with

ttiat Arch-billiop agaioit Will.

5f . An- This Saint wa» die Son of Gtmk^n* and Brmmhrga, and was born at on A* yi 'ps,
W-m Arch- A. D. Z.ftcr having complcatcd liU Studies, and havinp -^r. \ :!r.! for fi,ti.L' t'rnu in

*'>/« ef Bu>^un:iy «nd FrAMKC, be embrac'd die Monaftick Life (at ihe Ago ol 17 Years; in ihe Abbey
Camer. of fire, and ( iir bimfelf ooder the Taitioti of Umfrane Prior of that Monaftcry : when ibe
biny* l.^'?i T w.v- made Abbot of St. Stephen at Cten, about three '^'c.irs afrcr, he was lubJtuuted >a

hi» toom, aiid in like manner fucceeded Herluin Abbot of Bcc, who died in 1078. St /fnfelm
took fome Journey's imo Bngfaml wbtlft he had the Government of that Abbe) ; by which
moans having pivcn fpcc;al Proofs of his cxtr2ordin.iry Abilities in this Kingdom, he was
choien Arch-bitbop oiCaure.lfur/^ March 6. ^. D. 109}. a^d was cooiecrated on the fourcb
Day of Decemier foHowing. Then be went to falutc the King, and ofler'd him the Sum of
Five hundred Pounds towards carrying on the War whicli that Prit d.- undevr k againlt his

Brother Hjcbard, to recover the Dukedom of Normandj, The King at hi lt I'cem'd to be

- well faiisfy'd with thts Prefent, bat Ibmc of Wsr Courtiers infifted that it was not fufficient^
and that if his Majdly would fignify his diilaiisfaLTion ni v^r fi IlriK- ro the Arch-bilbop,
as much more-n^igiit be got from him: Therefore rhc Kitig kur iiim word. That he was un-
* •
willing to receive the Money which wa« proffered by him, as h i- p rix) fmaH a Sum : The

Arch-bifhop after havin;' cnne.utd him ro acicj'i of ir, ictus d to give anymore, and with-
drew from the Court. However, fome time after, he west to meet the King at Hajlings
Tuft before bis departure for Nunmndy, and dcKver'd his mind fiwiy to him, concerning the
Reformation of the Churches of F.K^'i'uf, .w.A the necciTit) of calhng a Council for that
Surpofe. The King was not well p leas'd with what he laid, and made another demand of
doncy : but the Arcfa-biAop refnfing even to disbarfe what he haJ proft'er'd at firil, incurr'd
his high difpleafure, and was oblig'd to retire with Prcsipitation. Upon the return of this
Prince, he bcgg'd leave to go to Hpme, to receive die Pall from the Hands of Pope Vrlan IL
but die King denying his Rcqucit, told him, that 'twas not cuftomary in his Kingdom,
to acknowledge nny tlui Perion as Pope, than him whom he and J^is Prelates fiiould think

fit to n|^rQvc, and having afterwards held an.Aflembly of Bilhops and Lords for t[)ar pur«

rofe, It was declared therein, that Vrhm IT. ifhould hot be acknowledged. Whereupon
Sc^-fnfci'm h.iv I'g undertnkcn 10 vindicate ih f ?< pc, all the Prclaus except the Bilhop of
r(pd:cjler reloiv d, as well as the King, no longer to own him as Primate or Arclvbifliop
He prcferr'd a Petition that he might have leave to depart our of England, but it was re-
udcd ; nevcrthelcfs a delay was ptopos'd tilJ PtlitfontiJe, wfiich being aocened of by him,
bt was left at libcn)' to return to C4»W«r/ ;> yet he was no fooner arriv'd there, but fait
moft and Servants were mad6 Prifoners or Baniihcd.
faithful Friends
In the mPr.n while,, the King fcnt two Clergy-men to [i<.nic, to endeavour to bring over
Pope Vrbw and to make himfclf MaAerof the PalJ
to his Party, : The Po- fmr baclc
the Biihopof Alham with the two Clerk*:, who manag'd the bufincfs fo well, mat he pcr-
fw.ided the King to caufc Vrhn to be own'd ; nevcrthelcfs this Legate could not be iriduc'd
to confent to the dcpofing of AKfelm. At laH: the Kiiw perceiving himielf not ro be able
to accomplifli his delicn, either to caufc him to be depos'd, or to oblige him to Jo w he re-
quir'd, was rcconcil'd with him, by givitig him the Fall which Vrhnn's Legate had broiigfaB
for his ufc. Sr. /Infchn fu 'd in quiet fontome time, whilft the King p-if^ over into X'vman-
dy, which Duichy was rcfign'd to him by his Brother Richard ; but at his rcturp, a rciolution
was r.nken to tnwSt a great Sum of Mony of the Arch-bifhop, who to avoid the Storm,
fued for a permiflion to go to Upmei but not being able to obtain it, his
reitcrarcd follicitations at three fcvcral times, he departed without leave, and enib.iris.'d ac
Divcy ; from whence he pafs'd into f>-4«cf, and afterwards taking a Jourti;, - /'.:>, went di-
reif^ly to I\^me in the Year, 1098. where he was joyfully cntcrram'd bv Pope XJrban, but
his Rcfitlcnce in that City being inconvenient by reafon of the cxcelfive Heats, he retir'd to
.1 Vill.ipc near C.tpua, where the Pone foon gave him a Vifil, Upon his arrival at the Siege

nfC which Place was invcftea by ^o^r^ Duke of /ipiiltj. After the* railing of the
Siege, the Pope held a Council at Bari, in which Sr. /It'fdm affi'litig, difpurcd carneltly
againft the Grttkft about the ProceflJbn of the Holy Ghoi^, and cntrc.itcd tlie Pope and the
Bidiops. no' ro cjfcommnnicate the Kinp of Eu-J.vid. en tl^. Cou: c'! wa^ concluded, he
accompany d the Pope to I{ome^ and lome Da) s aficr, the Knig ot Bn^Ltnd, 10 whom VrOan

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of the- Eleventh Century of Chrijliamtji
had written that he ought to rc-cftablini St. Aaplffi hi his Metropolitan Sec, frr^ rficr nn if.Anrim
t :

Ambaflhdor, who obciin d a Demurrer till ihc Fcitival of St. Michael. St ^nfeim being in- Ank-iipf
fbrtn'd of the matter, dcccrmin d to go to Ljons ; but the Pope oblig'd faiJn to flay, in order ffCmtx*
to be prefenr in a Council, which was to b; !iJ;| nr Bjfler'm rlic Year, 1099, Thus c ^UHT-
f 1

fidcd during \\x Alonrhs at /(Tmr, and was verj- highly dtecm'd in that City. The Writer
of his Life obferves, that certain Efiglilb Men, who cane co Ttfit him, being delMOim to
Kifs his Feet .IS i: was iifiial.'y done to the Pcpc's, he would nor fuffer ibcm to do ir, and ~
that the Pupe aiitnir d his Humility in that particular : Ijftly. Sc.Anfelm having atfittcd in
tbe Council of ^ow<r, A. D. 1099, in which Laicks who took upon them to give Invefti-
turcs, and thofcr Clergy-mcn who rcceiv'd them from their Hands, were- cxcominiinkated,
he took leave of tlic Pope, nnd rctii'd to Lycns i where within a litdc while afcer, he was
jnform'd of the IXarli of Vrb^u l\. and afterward of thic of 9f7//iam II. King 1^ Buglmtdt
which happen d in the Month of Ju^n/} A. D. 11 00.
Hemy h his Succcfibr immediately retall'd St. Anfelm to Bug/and^ where he was no footiet
tttiT'd, but lie had new contcfts v irh that Prince about ilic Ini-eftitares and the Oaths of
Allcccance and Snprcmaq', which he refu'-'J ro rrke. Forafmiich as this Affair was regu-
lated at Hfme, it was rcquUite that the King /IjouJd make application to that Court, to cn-
deaiNMr to caufc the Kefotution vdrich had been taken there, ro be chang'd ; However,
Sr. Anfefm rcfus'd to ordain the Bifhops, who had recciv'd Invdtiture from the King, and no-
thing could be obtain d from i{ome. Afterward this Arch-bifhop being perlwadcd by tbe
Kmg to take a Journey to l^me to find out feme Expedients for the adjuftmg of that AAir.
went thither accompnny'd wirh an Ambaflador : Upon their Arrival the Marrer wa'> debated

fujferhim to reuin it. However, at laft it was agreed upon, That tbe King of BngUnd
ihould enjoy certain Privileges which were in his poEeflion, but that he fliotild lay no manner
of claim loilic Invcftiturcs: Therefore the Excommunicarion which he xvas fiippos'd to have
incarr'd, by granting the Invcftiture of Benefices, was taken off j but it was ordain'd, That
thole Ferfixn who had reoeiv*d them from his Hands, flioold remain cxcotnmtmicated fat
fomc rime, and that the pivjng them Abfolution for that Offence fhould be referv'd to Si. Alt-
ftim. The Aftiiir being thus determin'd, the Ambaflador and St Anfelm fct forward in thetc
Journey, bot whenthey were arriT*d nearLrmi, ilie Ambaffador declar'd to him in his lifa-
l^rr*'; ra-ne, th;\r \v3< forbidden to reram to England, unlef? he would promife him to
fubmit totheCuftom which prevail d in that Kingdom> without having any regard to what
bad been ordain'd to the contrary by the Pope. St. Anfelm refbfing to enter into ibch an
Engagcmcnr, (by'd fome time at J.yunt, and having pafs'd from thence inro Kormsndy, at
Jalt came (o .in Accommodation widi the King of England, on condition that the Churches
which King H illiam II. bad firfl made fnbjedt to the Payment of a certain Tax, (hould be .

cxcinpicd from ir, and that his iMajeRy fhould rcfiorc wh.-5t he had txadlcd of the Clergy,
and every thing that was taken from the Church of Canterbury, daring the exile of the Arch-
biihop. After this Agreement, wbicli was concluded, A. D. 1106. between the King and the
Arch-birt:op ar Bee Abl>ey, St. Anfelm rctum'd to EnglsrJ, was re-eft;il)Iifhi'd in his Arch-
bilboprick, and enjoy 'd it peaceably till his Death, which happen'd three Years after, in
die itfihfince his advancement to that Dignity, and the 7 Ah of his Age» A. D. 1 109.
Sl.ArfrIm \% no Icfs famous for his I earning, and the great nnmbcr of his Writings, than
for bis Coudud: and the Zeal he (hew'd in maintaining the Rights of the Church. The
Urgeft Edition of his Works is the lafl, publifhed by Father Gcrberon, and it is that which
we fhall follow, being di\ided inn) three Parts: The Firft of thcfe containing Dogmatical
Trcaiilcs, bears the Title of Msnologia ; that is to fay, a Treatife of the Exittence of God,

of his Attributes, and of the Holy Trinity : It is fo call'd, by reafon that it is compos'd in
form of the Meditations of a Man, whorcafons with himfelfto find out Divine T: a' Ik, nd
who explains them accordingly as they are difcovcr'd by him. It is a veryfubtil WotK, and
conrains a great Number of Metaphyfical Arguments,
He continue-; to Treat of the fame Subjcft, and obferves the fame method of Writing in
tbe FrofiogUf where tbe Perfon who rcafon'd with himfclf in the lirft Work, making his
Addrefles to God, Difconrifes of bis Exiftence, Juftice, Wifdom, Immenfity, Eternity, and
of his bcinn the Summitm Scnttm or Soveraign Good. A certain Monk nam'd Gatmilon,
having pcnis'd this Treatife, coald not approve the Argument which St. Anfelm makes ufe
of diercin, to prove the Exiftetice of Ood, taken from the Idea of a mof^ perfed Being : Pfe
lyavc (fays he) itt /eirfl the Lha rf r. rnf^ff "Being ; therefore this Being of nectffty Exijls.
f :rfcB
Caunilcn not being able to comprehend this Argument (which fcems to be a Sophum or meer
Fallacy to thofe who are not endtt'd with a found and penetrating Judgment to difcern the
force of ir) wrote a fmnllTrac^ on purpofe rn rcfme it^ in which he objcifls every thing that
is moft fubdl and plaufiblc, to overthrow this Ratiocination. St. Anfelm rcturn'd a vcrv iolid
Anfwer, in which he enervates his Adverfiiry'sObJcfttons, and makes k appear, diat bis Ar*
gomeiit if RKtonal ^nd Co^viactqg.
c^^ A New Ecclefiaftical Htflory
J». AnfclB! Trcatifc of Faith, of the Holy Trinity, and of the
The Inttmation iWi^
to Pope
Anh.^lhoptJrl.iu II. written againft a French Ck-rgy-man namd lioefelm Tutor to AhtUrd, wito
•/ Can tcir undertook to prove, That the three Pcrfons of the Trinity arc
three ditfercnt Things; becauic
the Holy Ghoft were Incarnate.
bury. otherwife it might be faid. That the Ftther and Sr. vf»/<A»
Trcatifc lo confute tins Error ; but tiie Maintainer thcnv
beinc as yet Abbca of Brc, began a
held by the Arch-biJhop ot $heims in Province, he left
of havinp aljur'd it in a Council

it afterward in £i^Ai»/, lieiiw there infermi], that he

the Work inipcrfca: ; yet complcated
therein, and declard that he abjurd it, only for fear of
broachd this Error, perfilted
beine AffaiTina ted by the People. St.
Anfelm at firft lays down for a Maxim. That weouchc
noc to arcuc againa that whkh
the Church believe*, nor againft that whkh Faith Tea^
and that we ought not to Rejc^l thic which we carmnt Comprehend ; hut that wc
things which arc above our Undcrftanding.
oucht to acknowledge, that there arc many Af-
ezpcelTed in thefe Tcraw: !ftbt thnt Diwu Ptr*
terward lie relates l{o/celms Propofitioo
Thing r.nd not three r!.'!ngi confiderd e^ery one ^p xtt, as three Angds
fern be one and the fame
or three SouU ncverthelefi in fucb
a manner^ that tbej are the fame Thii^ in IVtU and Bmer j
it followi, T/-' if
the Father 0t»d the fhfy GM wen iketrrndtt with ihe 5m. Sr. Aifelm de.
this Man admits three Hn' or clfcthat he docs not know what he fays: He

dares that
Things, and acknowledges, that in one fence it may be
asks huji what he nxan<; by three
faid That the three Pcrfott* of the Trinity are three Things, if their Relation one t» ano-
bu- ih.u cannot be fo laid, if their Subft-an c be iindcr-
dKr be ur.dcrllood by tharTertn ;
it .

meaning, fince he fays. That they arc Three diftin<a

ftood which fcems to be KgfceJins
Thines as three Souls and' Aree AnBeb :
He confiitet this Opinion, arid ftews. that die
fufficicnt to the end that it may be faid, Th^r the Son is Incar-
diftir&ion of the Pferfons is
and Holy Ghoft are Afterward
nate without inferring. That the
Fathci the fo. he reiblvea
thisQucftion. Why the Son. was Incarnate laiher Aan die Padicr or tiwHoIy Ghoft j Anvs
is but one Peribn and two Natnres in Jdns Oinft i and cxpbbis the hooffimi of
dial there

Holy Ghoft againft the Gnekf, is no fefi Theoio*

**T^c Trc^uic of the Procdfion of the
cical than tlie former
: For the Arch-biftiop proves therein. That the Holy Dlmft pro-
Father, and difcuflcs the principal Qpcftions rejacii^
acds from tlic Son as well as from

to his ProcclTion. • p
fom cfr- a Dialogue
. ,
of the Devil, is written and the SohjeA
His Treatife of the Fall
* obfcurc. He ftcws, That aUho"; the Good Angds receivd from God, all tlie
of it is lefs
and even die Gift of PeHeverance yet cannot be faid.
Good that was done by them, ; it
becaufe God dcny'd them rhnr Clfr, but bccaufe they would
That the Bad did not perfevcre,

loft for ever the Good which they had,' and piiic
volumrr"l7'fi'Jcn from Rightcou&eCs ,
themfelvcs out of a Capacity
of ever becoming Ri^hcems. Afterward be tntes of die fi».
aiid fcorvcs dnc it conlills only Jo « pnvatioa of Good, and dehices fimie odier
tute of Evil,
^^^^ fliews, God was made Man? Difcovers its Snbjetft in the very
is more particularly
expf^in' J in the Preface. This Trcanfc ;Tays he) is divided
Tide and
into two Books; the firft of which conuins the Obj«aions rais'd by the Infidels, who im*.
nine it to be contrary to
Rcalba, That a God Ihould become Man. with the Anfwers of
Arguments and it -vn thrrcm, Thar rrs impofllble for any Man
Sie Faithful to their ;

to be S.n 'd without die

Mediation of a God Jncarnatc. In the fecond Book .'tis prov d,

1 hat Humane Nature is dcfigu'd to enjoy everlafting Life, bodi in refpeft of die Soul
advantage cannot be obain'd bat by die means of a Gdd- -

and of die Body i «id that this

The Treatife of Original Sin, was compoi'd immediately after the precccding, and in it
are difcnls'dmany Queftions aboM dienanueof Sin, and die manner bow it is comnntnicawd

to all the Pofterity of /f«iw».

, . .

The Treatife of Tmdi, of die Will, and of Liberty, ooncatns variety of Bleuphyfical
Matters, to cxpfain their Nature and Kinds. Thefe OiicoiiHcs
Principles concerning thofe
Dialogues as well as the preceeding.
are written in form of
enquires into the means of reooocilins Free-will witb Fore.
In the following Treatife, be
JtDOwledge Prcdcftinaiion and
Gncc. As for Fore-knowledge and Predeftinaddn , all Us
nifrnnrrc on tbofe Matters is rambling, and infomc places very obfcure.
The iubjcta of the Three next Treadles is lefs intricate, and die firft of them Dedicated
is about the ufc of Unleavened Bread ; in which the Author
to Kikrmt Biihop of Naumhwj,
maintam*; ncatnft the Grwi^/. dutakho* the EuchariA nwy be adminiftred with Unleavened
moft expedient tomakeuTe of diefermer. The fcoond is a tet-
and Leavened Bread, yet 'tis

l^<ileran complaining of rhe great number of Ceremonies ufed in

ter written by the laid ,

Sacraments, and entreating St. Anfeltn to refolve this Queftion, m^.

the adminiftration of the
Why the lign of die Croft it Bndt on die Bnad, and on die Chalice ; «nd why the CS^alice

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is ufually cover 'd with a Vail or f P.ilc before the Confecraiion ? In the end he gives him + AS^utfe

on TheHdr. r.tid on the Chalice, snd for covering the la-.tcr with a VaiJ.
To tivcic Trcatifes is annex 'd ancthiT ihiall Tra^ffc, in which he aflcrcs, That Clergy-mcn,
w!io make ConfeJilon of Sins of the Flelh committed privately, m:iy be re-eltabli(h'd in the
Funclk r'; of th. ir OrJcr, afr r having done Pconancc. Thi« Piece isao]y an extradof
St. Anfeims Ltcttr to ihc /.bbor If 'ilUam.
In the Treatife of Marriages forbidden between near Relations, he enquires into die Rea-
fons f t- at Proliiblrion, which he extends only to the lixth degree of Confanguinicy,

There is nochjng relating to Divinity in his Treatife of the Grammarian.

in that of the Will of God, being the lalt of tliC Dogmatic..!, of which the firft Pari of
hi-; Worlds is ct nipos'd, he cxpl.i:n> the d ilTcrL r.t Senfes, in which the Term of the Wijl of
(joU ts taken, and the diHercnt kir.Js of \V;lls rharmay be diftinguifli'd in him.
To thcfc Works is to be added a Treatife of I\- :cc and Concord, which is infened in the
end of the Volume } a Piece that is weti worthy of Sc. Aafelm and which is alioged»» written
in his Style.
Thefecofid Part of theWorks of tlvis lc.irTa\i Prclat contains the Parxnctick and Afcclick
Trcatifes, »/^. Sixteen Homc lics, the Firlt of whi<.ii is on ilie ;4ih Cli.iprcr of Eccie-

(iaftes, and the others on divers Gofpcis: Indeed the iuki u only found in tit« ancient £di-
tioos of his Works, and the rc(l were iince added ; but th^y arc all of the I'ame Style, and
fomeofthem bear St. yfn/f/m's Name in certain Manufcr ipis ; fo 'tis very probable, that

rUcy all belong to him. An Exhorraiion to the contempt ot" Temporal Things, and to
die defirecrf'ETemal, publifh'd by Fa lier Thopbittu HpuuJ^us, which contains wbollbm Ad-
monition'; ronipris'd in ihort and pathctical Sentence?:. A!tho* there be no proof, that this
Piece is St. Anfelm'i j nevcnhelefs it is very conformable to his manner of Writing. 9. Ad-
vice to a dying Perfon» which is a Form of aHiil^ing Perfons at the Hour of Death, bearing '

Sc. jfii^'w's Name in certain JVI.^nu'ci ipis. 4. A Poem in Hcxainctcr and Pentameter Vcrfcs,
on the Contempt of the World, which ahho' Printed under this Arch-bilhop's Kame ; yet
does not bear it in the Manufcripts, bat that of Bermerd of Chn^t vnd in another, that of
i^"»«r Monk cf B^c This Poem is follow'd by two other very ftort Pieces on the fame

Suibjed, which appear to be written by the fame Author. 5. A Colledhon of ii Medixa>

cions on different Snbjeifts. 6. Seventy four Prayers. 7. A Pfalter in honour of the Virgin
Al.rv; that 15 to fay, certain Scan z.i's of Hymns on the Pfalms of her Office, with other
entire Hymns for the Canonical Hours, and the Fcftivals of the Blcflcd Vir^. This Piece
not bear St. An^nt* Name in any Manurcript, and feems to me to be tmwocdiy of fo
great nn Author.
The third Part comprehends St. Aafelm's Letters diiiributed into four Books, in the Firft
of which are oontain'd thofe that he wrote whilft he was a fimple Monk, which Sfe 77 fn
Number ; in rhc Second, thofe that were written by him being Abbot of Bee, ro the Num-
ber of Si y in the Third, thole that he comoos'd when Arch-bilhop ; and in the Fourth,
ie6 Letters which never were as yet Printed. There are aJfo Nine others in the Sapple>
ment taken out of Tome IX. of the Sptcilegium by Father I.uke Dachery. We fliall
not here produce the Exirat^is of all tbele letters, it being fufficient to bint, That they
are eidicr fucb as rebte to Cbmidtnients or particnlar Aliidrs, or to Morality and
Piety or to the Monaftick Difcipline and that of the Cburchc? of Kn^l.tu.l.
, Befidcs

which are not compris'd in dw four Boo^ <tf Letters jbelonging to the Worics of this Arch<
TIk Works £Uily attributed to St. At^elm are reCbrv'd for the Appendix, and the Flrit of
thefe is call'd, An Ittufiratiem tir Didl^M» eoneerwHg Tietligicai Pnnts; being a Body of
Divinity by s^.iy of Qne{\i(jn and Anfwcr, which hear-. Sr. Anfehi's Name in fomc Manu-
iicripts,but neither is of his Style, nor conformable to hts Dodrin. Trithemitu attributes a
Piece under this Title, to HmurMU of Atom*
TIk- Seco nd is a Dialogue concerning the Pa/lion of our I,ord in which the Virgin ,

Mary is introduc d diTcourUng witli St. An/elm : It is a fuppolititious Piece aud forged at
Tlie Tliini i^ the Treatife of the Mcafurc of the Crofs, which Is a Moral E:;p]Ication of
tbete Words of Jcfus Chriit : If ar^ one will follow wf, he mufi deny himfetf^ and ul;f uf
hitCr^f. Its a fiook fiill of very devout Espicirions, in which the Audior does St. Ser-
nard, and thcrelbre it cannot beloBf id St. At^tm, who died before that SaSnt was in a Ca-
pacity to write.
The Fourth is a a Treatife of the Conception of the Viiyiin Micj, the Author of whicb
explains the Solemnity of the Fcdlval of the Conception : The State of th^- Qneftion plain-
ly (hews, that this Piece is of a later date than the time of St. Anjeim ; fmce the Audior
treats of that Fcftival, which be fuppofes H> be of confiderabtc Antiquity, and yet did not

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5)6 A Neyp tcclejuijikal tiiffory
^1 Anftlm bLj;iri fo !v imlitu.cJ till St. B;ri»«ri's titne. There i$ a certain Manafcripr, in which ihls
Afib vijh
p Tna;ifc is a Monk of the Monaftcry founded by
aiiribu cd to Herv.:us, Bbfw^ in the Vil-
«/Caotcr>|3ge ot D9l neu Bmrget, who liv'd in the XII. Ccnrury.
^'y* The Fifth is another Trad in the fame of the Conception of the Virgin Afir?,
which is more vilibly (puricus.
1 h'j an Hillory of the PafUoi} of
Sixtii is Gaiffitr and his CooipanicnSt which is rather
a Romance, Than a pious and true Kamtioo.
The St ciith IS a fm 11 Tr«ft on the Montftick Stattflity, of which St.^j*/eAK may well

' be rcputid lo be the Author,

The F.ighth is a Dialogue aboat Matters of Religion between a Chriftian and a Jew,
compose! by Gijletert z Monk of Pffflminjier, and dcJicctod to Sx./infelm.
7Tc Ninth is another Dialogue of the ^.me Na ore, compos d by the Abbot ^fiferf.
I hc Tcmb is a CoIIcdion of ceroiin uieful Sentences, that are arcributcdio St.^it/elm
and which are tery fuitable to his Gcnni^ ns welt as iwp other finaU Tnufts cbac Ibllow
The Lift is a Fabulous Re!atjon of two Mirades fclfly afcrib'd to St. fgrni the Apcftle.
This Fdition docs not cc main the Trcatile of the Sacran ctir cf the Altar, imputed in
feme Maiiufcriptuo St. Aft/elm, which cannot le hi;^, in regard that it comprehends ceruin
lixtiac^s f)f the Book of Divine Offices, by the Abbot / ; and whidh belongs to H^Uitan

cf Sr. tlicrry^ according to the Manufcript of I. v.gpont, under whofc Name it was Printed
in tl.c BiUtotlma Ordims Cifiercienfit. Neither do we find to ibc fame Hditior* the Trea-
nfc of the Farts and A(Jlions attribnted to God which are extant among St.Bengven/me's

^H'orks, and amcng the fuppofititious Works of Sc. jlugmpiu .-t;d Sr, 3^^<-^"i Ixraufc it does
n'jt [->car Sr. AnfelnCi Name in any Manufcript, no more than the Trads ol the Image of
ilic iVwid, that arc infened among the Works of Honeratnt of Atttw^ and of which the
Authors are unknown.
Wc do net meet with any £ccl€iiaftical Writers before St. Arfdm, who wrote after fo
Scholaftick a manner, nor who have flaritd lb many Mcraphyfical Queftions, and argu'd fo
fubtlely, as he has done He is alfo the Firft who compos'd long Prayers in form of Me-

ditations : His Lencrs are writun in a plainer StyJe, but dx:y are lefs accurate : His £z-
hortaticns are fimple Homelies, full cf myfticai Notions, in which there is not much Elo-
(]i:cficc, and very little Morality. He docs not fccm to hav e been well vcrs'd in poHtive
Divinity, ncvertbelefshc had penis'd St. Augujiins Works, and took one of them many Frin-
ciples, which he makes ufe of, in his Theological Ratiocinations.
There arc two Gcthick, Editions of his Works, one A. D. 1491. at MfarcMilirrf, and
the other at Paris in 544 and 1 549. They were alfo Publilh'd at Fenice in the laft of

thefe Years, and at Colen in 1573. Father P/c^</ a Regular Canon of St.Vi&ont Purit, fet
forth an Edition muJi larger than the former, Printed at Co/«f in 1611. Some time after,
Fn hcr Thecfhiltts t{cniud^us a Jcfuit cnus'd one to be Printed at Ljmt in 1630. And at laft
VithcTGsrhron a BenediSin Mcnk of the Congregation of St. Af«ff^ Publilh'd a new Edi-
"tion much finer and more corrcdt than the precceding. Printed at P/trii in 1^75. which is
a fignal Proof of h s accurate InduAry and found Jttdgoienc, whofe Merit is well known in
the Common-wealth of Learning.
Eadmer ToSt.y^»/f/»»'sWorks ere anncx'd thofcof Badmers. Monk of Canttrlmy and his Pupil;
S$* An- the Firft of whicli is the Life of his Tutor, written very largely, md in a very fh'.n Style.
teWt fWf The Second iscall'd, T^^e Hiflorj of Novelties, and divided into fix Book?, of which the
ff'« fii^l Four contain a Relation of the Contefts which St. Anfelm had with the Kings of Eng-

iati.i .ibnnr the Affeir of the Inveftitures, and of the Perfecutions he fuffcr'd upon thar Ac-
lount i and the Two laft, the Hiftory of the Tranfacftions in the Church of Canterbmy under
I{adulphus his Succcftbr, who was tranflated from the Bifhoprick of ^cbejler to the Arch-
bitlK prick o( Cgmerburj^ five Years after Sc. At^tlm's Death, and govem'd that Church till

A. HI. I '

The Third is a Treatife of the cxceflent Qjialitics of the Virgin Marjt, in which he ex-
rols hcrN.Tivity, Anrtinciation, AlTumpiion, the Love that ftic had for her Son, and the Ad-*
vantogen llie procur'd for^cn, and ends with a-Prayermadc to her.
The Fourth is a particvhr Trad of the fomr Catdinal Venues obfervable in the Blefled
The Fifth is a Difcourfe of Beatitude, or rather of the State of the Bkflld in Heaven,
which he had heard deliver'd by St. Anftlm.
The Sixth is a ColIc<ition of divers Similitudes and Cnrparifons that were taken out of
St Anfelm\ Works, or which he had heard from his Mouth.
The Same Author likewife compos'd a Treatife of Ecctefiaftical Liberty, ar>(i wrote the
Lives of St. Wilfrid ixA Sc. !>imfi/m^ and many Letters which are not as yet PubUflicd. He
died A. D. i I2i.


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(f the Eleventh Century of Cbrijlianitj.

C H A R X,
Of the Ecclefiaflical Writers of the Etevemh Age, n>ho -

comfos^d Treatifes of CbHrch-diJci^line or Commentaries,

on the Holy Scripttre.

BZJi^CHA^D a G«rm*H by Natioo, a Monk of Lul^fs and the PopU oiQlbert Abbot r ^--d .

of Gtml^kmtn, fboeeedkd frmm^S» Brodwr bdie Btfhopridc of Wfm$ A. D. 99 Mhap'ot

He aflifted in the Council cA SeHri^cnfl^dt beJd by A'ilfo Arch-bifhop of Affw/^ in 013. Wmm. 1

and died in ioi6. He conpil'd by tiie help <^ Olhem CoUedtioo of Canons dtltriburcd
•ooorditig to tbe Matnn^ tnd divided into twewy Books, catt'd Dtertes; in which lie hat
copy'd OUT Ttnd follow'd l{egino, bui he hri<^ :Aicd many things and even committed fcveral
£rrors which Hegino never fell iota This Work was Printed at CoUn in 1548. aod
the next Year at Furt/, and «c the end of it are annex'd tbe Canoos of the Council
of Seiimenfirreit Tis cooipos'd Very Mcthot^icilly
: but without a due chiicc cf Mat-

ters ; being full of Quotations of the'fkll'e Decretals of the Popes, according to the Cultom
GODEHAI^D Abbot of Tergtrrfce, and afterwards BiHiop of fUlJeJhtim, Aourirti'd
io the beginning of the Ceoniry : Father Mabilkn has PublUh'd hvc X.etiers written by hioi,
h jlde-
io the feonfa Tone of hit AmU^tu (heim.
GOSBEl(T Was in like manner Abbot of Tergernfee, and Contemporary with the for- Gosb^rc
xner : Four of his Letters are Publilh'd by Father Mtbiiha in the iame PUce. Athotaf
GVr J^ETIN, Abhor of Ls Cnix^.Lt9^^ flouiilh^d fffCMn the Year, 1010. coTergern*
1030. and compos'd a new Method for Learning the Art of Mafick, call'd \i;cro!r.<^-i:5.^tt.
Helikewife wrote a Treaole of the Body and Blood of JESUS CHRIST
againlt Betm- Guy Are-
fer. whiehisloft. «}»^**«
AH^IBO, the nineteenth Arch-bifliop of "Ment^'n plac'd hy Sigehett
the Cla(s of tbe Ecclefiaftical Writers: The foimer only attributes to him a cenain Com-
and Tritbenum io^Jjf
nentary on tbe Fifteen gradual F6hn$, and the other adds a Letter to Abbot ofBam ^ribo
ebttumtnA fotneo hers. He (ays, That thnr Arch-bi(hop held in the Year, loza. a Coun- jrcb-bifhep
cil at Selingenftttdt, v»'iOxBurdt€rd fiiihopof fVorms^ and the other Bilbops aod Abbots of his «/ Meotz.
Vhnrinee, in which were made very nmol CbnfUtatioBS, and that he died under the Enipe*
tor Cr:nracl, A. D. ic^i.
BE [{NO, a Monk of St. G4//, and afterward Abbot of i{icbenaw, who was contempo--^^ .»
rary with, and the Amiliar Friend of Ar^
is Ukewiic reooounended by Trithemitu, aa a
Perfon not inferiour in Knowledge to any of the learned Men of his Time: He was mof*
cfpecially SkilfiU in the Art of Mufick, which was much liudy d in that A^e, and compos'd
riiany Wofkfl. as well in Prole as in Verfc. Wc flull here mention thole that T^ltbemius
has taken notice of, vi:^. A \ cry elegant and uft fiil Treatife, Dedicated to Pi^iw Arch-
bilhop of Colen^ but he does no; declare the Subject of it ; A Treatife of Muhcal loftru-
meois; Another of the coming of our Lord. Dedicated to Arilo ; A Book of the Office <^
the Mafs ; one of the Faft of the £»jj>«--wceks ; one of S iturdAys Faft ; anotl er - f rhe Time
of the Monocord, and ieveral Letters. But Trithemiui has forgotten to nuke mention of
the Life of St. XJlric fiilhop of Augthmg, compos d by that Author, and fct forth by Surim %
as alfo of rhc life of St. Meginrad h'^of and Martyr, wh ch Father Mrf^/Z/tfu Publilh'd in
the iccond Part of tbe fourth Benedieim Century. Btrno liouriih'd under the Emperor
A. D. 1014. till 1048. when he died, after having been Abboc dnring forty

> liis principal \^'ork 1$ the Treatife of the Office of the Ma(s, in which he enquires into
the Anraors of it, and the Original of the Prayers of which 'tis Compos'd. He fuppofet that
in the beginning ot" thr Church, tlic Mafs was nor faid after the fame manner as afrerwaids j
that in tbe titnc ot tlie Aposlles, 00 other Prayers were recited but the Lord's Prayer ; and ,

titat for that Reaion St,Grtg»r;i Pope ordain d, that the Lord's Prsycr fhould belaid over the
Hoft after the Confccration : He .idds, That the Canon was nnt n-ndc by a finglc Perfyn, '

but chat it was augmented from Time to Time ; and that the other i^arts ui ihc Mafs -were
Bibbltfh'd by Popes or by Holy Fathers : Laftiy, he Treats in particular, ot the deria tin
Exeel/ii, and of the times when it otight to be faid ; of the Solemnity of the 0^1.r, cs, of Pen-
tecoft, of the Office for the SunJa}s in Advent and other Sundayj of the Year ; of ih.i: ot the
four £iM^r-weefcs ; and of other Kubricks of the Divine Office. But it ought to be obferv'd,
That in this Book, as in other Work-; of the fainc Nar'jre, divers Mnrttrs ot Fsk&aic ad*
vanc'd, without fufficient Ground, and even contrary to the 1 ruth ot Hiltory.
O B1(,W0

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98 New Ecclejjafiical Hijiory
Bruno ii- BRJVKO Duke of CariKthia^ Vnde by
the Facbers Cdc to the Emperor Ccnrad H. was
fiy of ordain'd Bifhop of H'nrt:{lu
g, A. D. 103^. He wrote a Commcntarr on chc Pfafms^ cakenf
'A'uriz- fijjr fjf .
of the Fathers, with certain Annotations on th Songs of the Old and Nfw
jjc Works •

Icfhment, on the Lord s Prayer, and on the Apotlles Ciecd, as alio on thofe of Sit.Athanafiut
and St. Amkr^. He died, D. 104.9. being cnifh'd to Pieces under the Ruins of a Houie
which fell upon him, as \\'- .iLtoinpany'd the Tinpcror Henrj HI. who w-s going to carry on
, the War in Hur.garj. His Works were Prin:cd at Colen in 1494. and inferred in the Bibii'
nfhtca Ptttnm oH the C«/«ir BditkMi« and in the laft at Ljrmif.
Father Mnbillon, Publilh'd in the F.rft Tome of his AkaIcBj, r!ic belonging to a

U'rcatifc of Pray ers, taken oat of the Fathers, and Dedicated {a% he pro\ es it} to the Empreis
A^nrs, the Wife of the Emperor Hcmr/III. with certain Estrads of thcre'Prajrers, Copied
' of an nru icn': Manufcripr of thr Monaftcry of Sz. Arnu>phus at Mr/^. ThcPrcfi. e
John u bears the Name of ^ehn Abbot, and Father Mabilim (hews that he is .tpparcniiy 7oA» fir-
Jeaniieliii nnfla'd' fetnmetin \ff reafim of the lownefs of hit Scaiare, who was fomcrime Monk of St fkw
i^iW of n.'-' tis a: Diim:. afterward?; Prior of Fecamp under H^liiam Abb» r, and at hi^ nominated
trbre- Eil>'ejiein, by the Emperor Hwir; III. A.D. loji.
Abbot of This Author makes mention
of few or five other Trcacifca which he had compo^d. vhf. one of the Ir^
In that ?tt$u»,
of a Wii'ow
fiitution arorhcr of the I/fcand Manners of Virgins ; a third of Alms
; arid ;

a fourth of the Heavenly yeritftlem or of Contemplation $ the gxeatcft part of tbde Prayers
are affo contain d \n the Book of Meditations, attributed to St. Amnfiin.
Thi-re are k .wife in the fame Place, Letters of rhe fame Abljor, wrirtcn by him when

Prior of Ptcumf In the Two firft, he confems to the Propoial made him by H^HUm L

King of England, that VitMJh Abboff of Bennrr, (honM be tranfiatcd to Wepminfitr, and diat
his Brother O'^' w a iMonk of Trotm. fliould be fuNlitutcd in his room. By the Third, di-
rc<3eil to H'arin Abbot of St. Arni^ut at Mets, be requires a certain Alonic, nam'd Btne^
did. TO be fent back again, who was then in his Abbey.
\VJ: rt Af-'/f ^7 X n 'urM> hir.i a Iirgc Anfwcr, complaininc of his nidc Manner of treating him;
Aib.ief and declares. That the Monk who;n he demanded, id;d not belong to bis Jurifdidion, by
f*. Apast- reaioR thar after having taken upon Yam die Vows of Retigidn^ mider the Abbot fPStSgm,
phnsM he w.-s pljc"d by th?.- Al>bot in rhe A?onaftrry rf (Tor^r, which he left to go ro thar of
St. 4rnu!^bus, with the PermUCon of the Priors of Ow^c, and even of the Abbot Wil-
Um^ *

Wil'isn fVjrinhid for !.•<: Succc.Tnr, in the Abbey of St, ArHulpi,^U! at Afr'r 'f^FL T. TJ .V, whr.
As>^ cf was chofen by Manajfa Arch-bifliop of l^ims, to be aifo Abbot of &. J^emji. Pf^iium wrote
Amnl- to Pope Grmry VII. about the Aflefr, pfotefting diat he did aoc accept of Ofice whfa. dm
P"J*** otu a great deal of Reladlancy and Tronbtc, .-.nd fo niut h the rather, in regard that he had
no proipecft of difchargiog it with good I'ucccfs, by reafon of the IrregtUaritics that were
theft Predominant amotq; rhe Monks of that Monaftery. The Fbpe did not approve that
thi<; AM ot fliould have the Govcrn:"cn- of two Abbic-<; at onrc, yet left him at I ilxry to re-

tain both: However, ff^JHam himfclf foon repented of having had any tlting 10 do with the
Abbey of Sr. Hemj) ; lor Wimtgts, who only notninated him, to die end that he might PtK
lage the Rc\cn::c-5 o*" the Mor.aficry, with prcarcr impunirv, perceiving that the Abbot would
not fa^cr it, treated him lo rudely, that at lail he lore d bim to leave it ; which IVUii^
did;' fevrrely reprehending the An!h*ldfl)op for his Tyrannical and Exoii)ttant FraAices, as ir
appears from the twol ctrcr,« which he wrote to him, publiih'd bv Father MMllcn in the ftrft
Tome of his jlnaktia, with that Abbot a Letter to Pope Gngary VII. four other Letters, and
a Prayer hj the fame Atithor.
RoSrrt dc At the lame time liv'd Hriert de Tcmhalene, a Monk of Sr. Mchdefs Mount, and afrer-
Trtmba- wards Abbot of St. yigm- at Bajenx^ who wrote a Commentary on the Cantides, the Pnj^
\enr Ab. iegf,„ent,
which was fet forth by Father UtMkm, with an Excrad of the Work ir felf.
wj?*' firflTotr.e of his AnafcP. This Extradl makes ir appear, That ihc Commcnrar-y is

not much different, from that which is atttibated to St. Gregifrj the Great. There is a cer-
^ tain Manofcript vi^rbotit the AtithorV Name, in the Library of ^VtBmr, and it waspolb-
lilVd under that of /{aJu'pf-iis .Mho-: of Fcmtjuc'lc, by Father Ti n.ey of the Order of the
Hermits of St. Auguflin^ atid Printed by Ptter de JLaime at Paris, A, D. 1^84. This gofxl
Frier apparently had no other Ground to aicribe it to R^dulflmi than the Letter !(. whkh he
found m his Manufcnpt, wli ch denoted t{ohert and not ({ndu'p'ui, he irrapin'd,
Anfclm A NS E L M
born at Mantua, of a nobJe Family, fucceeded AUxandtr II. in the Bifbop-
B'fh'paf rick of Lucea : He receiv'd the Invefttrare from the Emperor Hmrjf IV. and repenring of it
Lucca. fome time after, rctir'd to the Monaflcry of C'trn^, from wht ncc he was rc cnll'd by Grc-
l^rj^ VII. to govern his Bilhoprick in 1073. Afterwards he was always extreoKiy wedded
ro the Tnterefts of that Pope, and iHfly matntain'd them afaini^ the Emperor and Gvihrt the
An.r'ji-pc: flc wrorc two Leners againft Cu'iLert, In VinJicinon of Crr^nt^-^ and made a
Collection of certain Sentences, to fliew. That Kings have no Right to be Maittrs of the
Church-Revenues. Thcfe Works are relcrr'd to by C/mtfitis, in the fixdi Tome of his Aori.
cuiries. To hitn likcwife is afributed a I.irt'c Colledion of Cinons rf whieli there are
ioiue Manufcript'Copies in divers Libraries i but although it bears bis Name in a certain

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of the Eleventh Century of CkrifHanity. 95)
M.ii.nrcript of •^hi" ncvcrthcIcT^ 'tis not proliaWc that ir
Bit'berine Lj7),jrv. elonps to b'm;

i& M. Baliifius has prov'ti, Palace ro Antonius /luguJHnm : .1. BecauCc the Author of
in his
the Life of Sr. Anfelm, Siniert and Tri^emitu, have not made Riennbn My
of it And i.
By rc.ifon that it orr^insTome Decrees of Popes of .1 later Date than tlie Ycir 1086. which

was that of the Deaih of Anfeim of Lucca. Antonius Augufiimu alcnbes this CoUec^lion to
HiM^^erf Atch-bifliop of Mim/.
Some in like iTiar.ner attribute ro DEVS-D KDIT
Cardinal, with the Tiric of St. £«- Dcus-DC;
Axia^ who liv'd under Pope yiilor III. a Colledion of Canons divided into four Books,
a Manufcripr Copy of which i« ro be found in the Fatiam Librar|. There is alfb a third
ColIcLlion, bear fig xhc fimc dare, and call "d P«/r Mr/ ; which made by .mother Car-
dinal of the Church of Home, naai d GI^EGO^T, and of which there arc fome Manu- ^'''8<""T
fcript Copies in M. C»lhrrt'<, Library.
B E N N O, i^Germati by Nation nnd Cardinal of the Cfiurcli of Rr^me, was one of the Benno
grcateft Adveriaries of Pope Gregory VJI. and wrote two Books againft hitn, fall of Re- Citdtail,
prottdies and Invedtives, which are com^risVI in the Colledtaa made my Orthuiimt Gratiut,
under the Title of, Fafctculus rerum ExfetenJarum Fttgiend.:trum, Printed in 15^5 .ind
afterwards fet forth by GclJafiut, in a CoUeiflion of Pieces, compos d m favour ot the Bm-
peror Henrj> IV. againft Pope Gregory VII.
J:\ tliis Collection, by GsldafluJ, is likcwife conMin'd a Treatifc by Cenrad, Tutor ro Conratf
Henry Bifljop of Vtrecht, caU'd; An Afolegy foi frejerving theVnity of the Church, and fut- Bi^uf^
ting an out W th SeHfi- htwtm tU Bmferor Henry, and Pepe Gregory VIL which is alfo Uttcchti
Printed .nmong the Hif^orians of Gerimvy, publifh'd by hrehrrus. Indeccf feme Pcrfons nttri-
buic this la<k Treatilc to IVaidramtu of Naumberg, and others to H
eneric Bilhop of Verceit, Weneric
who fionrilh'd at the fame rime. Trithmita fays, That the latter wrote a Letter in the Bi/hop ^
Name of Thierry Biihop of Verdun, 10 Pope Grcxfl' t VTI. in which he .idmon^fl cs him, as .1 VcrcciK

Friend, of every Thing that (as it was reported^ he bad aded or ailedg'd contrary to the
Rules of Jnftke and Equity, and conjur'd him to pbt a ftop to thofe Irregularities.
Z'lI^TC, dcfccnded of a'Iy of B.jt./?7j nr Rjtitbcn, a MonkofC/w^), made a Ulrica
Colic<^on of the ancient Coftoms ot that Ahbey, in three Books, at the requeft of H-iiUam </

iUibot of RifiAMw. TbuCoUedioniscoatainMtniheibimbToineof tbe5^eiA;;n^ b)rC™y>

Father Lulc D* Achcry.
B E I^NAH^D, a Monk of the fame Moai&cry, was likcwiie employ d about liiat time, Bernard
in writing on the lame Sabjcd$ bw bis Work being not fo complcat. Father Dachery did Mwkef
no- hink fit to pnblifh ir. B r circ mnft be taken, nor ro confound this Writer with another ^'""y*
of the liime Kamc, a Monk ot Corhy in Saxmy, who Bourilb'd i^me time after, and wrote \fg^^f
ft Bbdk in a very fine Stile, hot very Satyricat againft the Emperor tUmy IV. which is men- coib/in

non*d by Sigehert and Trithemius. Saxony,

Tliere is alfo a third Author of the fame Name, who was a Clerk of the Church of Bernard
XHrttttt *^ wrote Commentaries on Tfteodulut'% Eclc^es, of which mention is made in Si-eM^'ihi
gehert. To thtlc Authors mny be added, certain Writers, of vihom TritbmilU XiSUS 1^m- Ckwch of
Tifff |»r notice, and whole Works are not as
yet come to our Hands. Utrcchc.
JBGtLffOTBV S. Acch-bi(hop of Canterbury,'' famous for hii cxtntordiinry Charity, Egllno-
to whom \\c :i':tribiTrr<: a Piece in Cominerul.ition of the Virgin Mf
7, certain Letters and fome
Other Works, flourilhd (according to his Account) under the Emperor Conrad the Yottng, 'f-


A i^DT, a renown d Pliilofophcr and Aftronomer, was campa.-
a Man of
a fubcd Wit, an .ibie School- Divine, well vcrs'd in tlie Holy Scripcures and very a
Art of Arithmctick, more efpecially in the Calendar : For all thcfc commenda- Lodnir*
skiifal in the
bJe C^afities arc attributed to him by Irith-miur, whn rclds, That he for forth many finall <Jy.
TrmSs* the reading of which might be of very great ule to BiHlops, and among which he
UmCelf had perus'd the following, W^. a Trcatife of Eccieiiaftical Numbers ; another of
the manner of making Sun-diais ; ^.Calendar j and iome other AAronomicaJ Woiiu^ This
Aucfaor fioor^ih d , ^1 D. 1040.
S^^erti^ ni ikcs mention of another Scholaftick Philofophcr of L»V^, nanj'd
Gcrnl'f urs,
F 1{^A N C O, who Year ic^j. He compos'd a Trcatife of the Qnadrarwre of Franco <
liv'd in the

a Circle; another of the Calendar; ajiJ certain Comincnurits ua the Holy Scrip- f^'^/if^'"

tatt» 'f
BEI{THOI{IVS, Abbor of the Moiuftery of Mount Cj/JJ>i, joyn'd (.iccordins: to
Ttitherniut) the Study of the Holy Scriptures, to that of the Prafjne Suicoces ; and after
having wrinen, before his Converfion, certain Works relating to Philofophy and Phyfick j
he compos'd, when Abbot, divers- Oiifioittles iot the Edificatioii and Benefit of the Monks'
under iiis Tuition.
a BcneJiRm Monk, f^e his Time in Preaching and Explaining the Holy Erard a
Scriptures. TritJcmliii met with certain Commentaries on the whole Pencateudij and divers: Bene-'
Hotnilics written by this Author.


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lOO A Nm Eccleji^ical Hijtory
Adam Ab- A D A M, Abbot of Perfenu, in the like apply'd hlmfclf to Preaching He com- :

t««/Pcr pos'd many Difcourfes for the ufc of his Monks, with feveral Hofnilie< on the Fellivals of
fctoe. the Saints, and on difil-rent Subjctfls and feme Commemaries on the Holy of Scripture,

which Trithemius makes mention, without having feen r.nv of them. M. I? has pub-
H;>;d in rhc firft Tome t/ h> Mifcellatieous Works, five Moral jLctters by this Aiuiior. di-
rcdcd to Ofmottd a MonK. oi Mortemer in NmMM^.

Of the AHthors who wrm Ecclefiafiical Hilary^ or the
Lives of the Saints in the Eleventh Century.

Year 1010. the Life of St. BmmerM Bilbop of t(fititbom^ diiedsd to
in the
a Monk of F«/A

•/ t-ulda. Arnulobut Count of Venl/urg, and afterwards a Monk of the Monaftery of &.
mcran at I^Atisbm^ and rcft-rrVl to by Canifms in the fcconti Tr^c of his Antiquities. The
fame Author cotnpos'd Twenty four Books of Hiftory. ciieti by Triibemiiu, in the life of
St. Maximus Bifllop of Ment:(, which is in SuriKf't fisth Tome, 'NovmAtr 1 8.

ST/^US. a Monk of C/«w7, and the Pupil ( f St. AIj/ V, wrote about tlic fnme liine, the
Life of is Tu or, dedicated to OtUio ; which was publifli'd with great accuracy by Father

Cluoy* MAliilan, in ilic lifth BmeiiSim Centurf, and with Mdekilin/i Addition by the MUndifts,
m May 1 1

O SB E Rl^ or O S B £ T, « Monk and Cbafiter of CtHttrimyt wrote in the begin-

ning of the Century, the Life ef St. Dunfian, wirfi rhofe of St. Oi* and St. Alpbenu. The
Canter* Life of St. Dunjlan, was fet fonh by Suriiis, under the Name of Oibert ; but that Karrarion
belongs to a later Author, iince it was written in Ljpifranc'% Time, and Father Mthiilcm has ,

Dublilh'd the genuine Life of that Arch-bifhop by Oshert, as well as that of Od» of Ctmtr*
%ury, ai-ii tbo Life of St. Alfhegiu, referr'd to by Bollandus in Afril 19.
T A A G A I{V S, alS4xon, Dean of Hildejheim, compos'd a Relation of the Life
rus VtM of St. herturd Biihop of tlwt City
anl his Pupil, which was publilb'd by Bnwermt and
afterwards ioferted hi'tbe laft Ediaon of SkHus, This Anthor wrote in the Year of oar
Lord, 1013.
AmoSd A I{,nQ L D, a Canon of Herfeidt, wrote the Life of St GnkbgrJ Abbot of that Mona^
ftery, who fuccccdcd St. Bemtrd in the BilTioprick of Hildf/heim, A. D. 993. and died in
HcifeUt. 1056. This Author was Mn,i^rv^ Pupil, and had feen Gedebard in his Youth, but be was
inform'd of the Paffages which he commirted to Writing, by .a certain old Man, who bad
fpent his Life with that Saint. This ?iccc was fct forth by SrowruSy with the Life of5ft Bfl«"
lurd ; and thdie two Lives may well be rc(;koa'd anoog the mod accurate, that were wrtacn
at that time.

Ehenrd E B E I{^A I{D, mndf a Narrative of the Life of St. Narvic Bifliop of Sah:{hur!^, who
St. died in 10x4. He was his Pupil, and wrote a little while after his Ekath.
K-r- This Wotk is
uacrted in the fccodd Tome of €mttfku*i ColleAkM.
*it J fu^ii.

S, Count of I'cr^lurg, ant? afrcrvvan?s a Monk of St. Emmeran zt^^iim,

p^„^ compos'd two Books in form of Dialogues, of the Life cf St. BmmerM^ which were pub-
Monk^fst. hih'd by Cxnifiuj, in die (econd Tome of hu Antiqnitres.
EmraeraiU BUC HIN F/(0 r or H I{C HIN
FI{E D, Abbot of M
/ ^ i.n Aufin'a, wrote A, D,

Ertibiii' 101%. an Account of the Life and Miracles of Sc.C«/fl*4» a Scotch Man, which is dted by
ftif AAtt Lamhtciut, in his Bihtltdbees.
I^J^elck. Tritlxmius reckons among the Ecclcdaftical Writers, of tlie deplaning of this Cemtuy,
Rupert P EH^T, Abbot of Mount Caf^, whom he much commends ; and fays. That he com-
Abku of pos'd certain Sermons, and fome other Woilts, but we have none of his Pieces in our Ftot
Moiiii lefTion.
Caflin. DITHMAH, the Son of Couni Sigefroj and of Cunegmda, born in Saxory, A. D. 976.
Dithmar became a Monk of St. at Migdeintrg, under the Abbm I^iddagius ; was afterwards made
Bifhcp of Provoft of H^albeck., ami at laft BlOiOp of Mei sLurg after AW^/r. r, whom he fucceedcd in ioo8.
Merf* Hecoinpil'd fcven Books of Htttorical Chronicles, contaming the Ckcurences and Tranfa^ioos
botf. under five Emperors, t'»>. Henry the Fowler, the Otitis, and Henry II. He intermixes in feveral
places, deal of Ecdcli.iitica! Hiftory, and c^^lnrpcs in the Corrmendation of many re-
verend Bllbop« of bis Time. He died A. D. iciS. and Ins Works were Printsd at Rtm
firt in I jSo. as alfo among d»fe of the Gamm

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of the Eleventh Century of Chriflianity. loi
A DEM A H^, or ^ TM A DE CHABaNOIS, Monk
of rhc Monaftcry of AdcmV
Sr.C;7'.ir at Angoulefm, composu a Chronicle of the Hiftory of France, which begins A.C. o'Aimar

829. and ends, in 1029. with a Catalogue of the Ablx):s of St. M.n-/»W ac L/mo^w ; pul>-
lifh'tl by Father'he in h,'<; fccMiJ Tome of his I ibiary of M.niiilcripts He to k. care to noi«»**«»lf
: -

procure the Writing of the Trcaiiic or OiKccs by Amalarius, and lomc attribute lo biin the / ^**.
Supplement to that Work, relating to St. BenediB's Rule, which Father MttMlai infcrted
in tiic fecond Tome of his Ana/e8a, tho' "rii; more probable, that it belongs to Aw.ihrius
himfclf. We have alfo'% Acroftick Verfes, taken out of an Extract that he tifadc of
the Lives of the Popes, attributed to Dsmafus, by the Order of [i^ohcn BiHiop of Jtngtal^ine,
which Vc! fcs were let forth by the fame Father, in tlu- firil Totne of his AnjUfla. M. Bj- '

lu/ius has in his PofTcflion, a rcrtnin M-inufcript I.c.ter, (which he has thought fit to commu-
nicate to us) writtt n by this Author, after the hrlt Council of LtMUget^ held A. D. 1029.
in which he afTiltcd, and direil>ed to JourJ.iiri BiHiop of Lhmges, and to the Abbots and
other Clcrgy-mcn of that Dioccfs ; as alfo, to Aniulphus Bilhop of [{IjoJc^, to TLierrjr BiQxop
efMets^, to the Emprcfs CunrgcnJ.r the Widow of the Emperor Henry, to Cotton, to the EiO'
ricror Conrad, ro If^illiam Duke of Cuiemie, and to Vo\icjoln, who is br.mded therein, as a
onitifli. cholcrick and cruel Man. In this Letter, he relates in.iny rcmark-blc Paliagcs that
happen'd during the Conteft about the Apoflolical Dignity of S:. Mirtial fiifhop of LitmgeM^
chiefly in refrrencc to Bemditl ,Prior of the Abbey of Sr. Mich.iel at Clufc in Piemone, who
a little while after the Seilion of that Council, being arri\'d at a certain Place call'd La Bu-
(Jitre, in the Province of Litncupn, on the Fcftival of the Nativity of the Virgin Marjf, {Nlb-

lickiy ^avc it out, with a great deal n*' Hear and Pa lion, Tiiat St. Mtrtial ought not to l)e
reckon d among the Apoitles, and ciiat the Inhabitants of Aquitaine, who look'd upon him to
be fo, were Afles and ignorant Dorers.
This being reported in the Monailery of St. Cibar, by two Monks of that Convent, who
we re then prcfent at La BuJ]iere, made fo peat an impreifion on the Minds of the FricTSy
that except Aimar zndGukert, cmbracd BcneiiH'% Opinion ; which gave OCCa^OO to

this Letter, in which Aim.jr treats Bcnah'H very rudely, who ncverthelcfs, (even according to
jlimars Rejort) was a judicious and learned Pcrfon, but extremely Pairionate, if wc may give
Credit in that refpeA to Aimar, in iiis own Caufe : For it appears. That the Prior invcigh'd
ngainft him moft bitterly at La Bujfiere ; accufing him as the Author of th.^t Innovation,
which he alfo rcvm'd Herefie, and affirming that 'twas dcvis'd by him through Flattery, on
purpofe to gr.nifie the Abbot and Monks of LimegtSt who had corrupted him with Mony.
Btnrdili added, Thar having difputcd with Aimar upon that Point, he had baffl'd him, and
had oblig'd him to hide hiatfelK Now
Aimar wrote this Letter to refute the Prior's Argii-
iiacntt, oedaring what had pafs'd at Limoges, between himfclf and BmediS, whom he ccn-

IbfCS as an Impoftor and ProJ^igntt Wretch []•: likcwifc gives an account of the Contcft

lliat he had at An^oulefme, about the fatne Affair, with a certain Monk of I{av:ntia, being
aHb an able Phyfician, nam'd Bernard, who came to La BuJJ-ere with BcncdiB, and had
fcamt of him all the Arguments againft the Apoftlefhip of St KUrtia!. Rut it ought to be
obfcrv'd, that this Benedifl did, That tlie Difpute could not be decermin'd, but by a gene-
ral Council of France and itafyt held in the Pope's prcfcncc : Quu atf/iu fuit Martialem
p>\fdicare Apoflolum, nifi frius grande ^eneralt Concilium omnium Fpif:cporum GaBitC Itali^t
una cum P.if4 I{omano cDngreg^retur, (y ibi cjfet probatum, fi cjl aut non eft Afojlolus ? And
^rafmndi as BmeJiB and a Monk of St. John <r Ange/y, who likewife maiotain'd tint Saint
fAirtial was not an Apoftle, peremptorily deelar'd. That 'twas requifite to make applica-
rion to the Pope, and to caufe the Monks of Sl AI.1rti.7l to be forbidden to place him in the
Rank of the Apoftles, for the future ; Aimar replies, " That if the Pope being furpris'd by
•* the Infinuations of envious Perfons, fkoiild publifli fuch a Prcliibition, it u ou!d be more
** expedient to obey God, rather tlian the Pope of I{p>rc ; by reafon tluit no Pope has re-
cciv'd Power to abfolvc or excommunicate the Holy Apoftles, nor to hinder the Church
•* of God from dti-ng well and fpcaking well: Si P;pi Jlilrip'ient! cmfiHo invicdorum hoc

frohihct, t.wioi obcJire npjrtet Deo tn.igis qu.un P^ip.c I{^^n:.iJi?. Ku'li etcnim Papx data efi
foteflas ve! abfch endi, vel excomtnunicandi /.tncios Apcjlolcs Dei, vel frehibendi D:i
M henrfaciendo reHe Icquendo. M. Ba!ujius has alfo divers Sermons made in the Council
of Limoges, relating ro the Apoftolical Dignity of St. Martial, which he fuppofcs to have '

been written by the fame Author.

HVOH, Arch deacon of Tour/, compos'd a fmall Dialogue between him and Huj^h FwW
Bifliop of Ch.x)tres, containing an Account of an Apparition of Si.Martin^ fcen by Herveus Aitb-dti^
Trcafurcr of St. Martin at Tours, in the beginning of diU Cdniuy, which was FttoUlh'd by fo«o^
Tome Tours.
Father Mnbillon, in ih: fecond of his Ana'eH.i.
ODOfi^AN, a Monk of Sr. Peter Le Vif at Sr»w, is the Author of a Chronicle, which Ottoran
begins Year of our Lord, 675. aad ends in 1030.
at the It was Printed in M. I>* CA^ffcr's vp»»f/
Cofledion of the Hiftorions of ¥rmM,

s^idiu-cd by. Google


io2 A Nem Ecclejiaflical Hifiory

wrote, u; cn :hg Rc^
ArlMm AflSELH a Oinon of Liege, and afterwards Dean of N.trw«r
ti'jn^ nucfV of LU Abhefs r,f St. Cw/Zm at the Hiftory of the Biflio^s of Uege, faM
Wironr. St-TheoJard, who livd, ^. C. 666. to ir^f^a, who
fuaxcdi d i^/cW in 1041.
fee forth by Cbafewille, in his CbIle*aioii of the
Hiftorians of
in 1048. It wM
CONJIi^CJVS, hy rcafon that hi« Linite were fcrank,
Henoao^ ^'llERMyl NNVS, Grmm'd Coa. the Son of the Count of
FTcnw^fW in Suevia, who was £ J uancd m the A.on.-vacry of G^//.

trcfliK, ^ficiwards became a Mr nk of ;^;.-^r«.m^ Hounm d in the imddie of the Ccnturjf., and ac-
M«it «/ quix'a much Skill divers m Un^uagcs and l;bcral Sconces. He composd a Chronicle, fran
Riclie^ SeCfeation of the World, to ^. D. ion cominu'd by Bntulfhus of Ccnftahce, to 1065-
na«* Prliitcc! at, in i 583. in the Edition of the Hittoriaos of Gtrimnj^ bj Pifit^

riut - and in the laft Biblictheca Patrum.

in Canifwj's Antiquities ;
To him are alio attri-
buted of the Virgin Mirj, ; the Vem SanUe Spiritus ; nnJ foaie
certain Amhctns in honour
Hymns. T /.'/rv/V/ llkcwife makes mention of the following Works of
4- A Pjft other '1 Tinfcs or
rf«i«M4/i. this Author, vi^. a Treatifc of
the Sc ience of Mufick ; another of the Monochord ; three .

making the Aftrol ibe; one of its ufefulnefs one oi the tchpfcs ;
Books of the manner of ;

the Cn! ; a Trcatifc of the Qiiadraiure of a Circle,

one of the Difcoid of
another of
Sounds, one of Phyliofnomy ; and the Lives of divers Saints.
t^ADI LPUVS, a Monk of Sl.Gcrman Auxrne, and atarwardsot
Badlll- GLABBR at

phujMf«t r cimprsVl
'.'/. v, 1045. an Ecckfiaftical Hiftory dedicated to 0//i7<» Abbot «rf
in the Year.
•/ Cluny. Qii^^y^ which begins at /I. C. 900. and ends in 1045. This Hiftory being very accnrately and
Gujklo was Printed at Fiancfurt in 1596. and is contain 'd in M. t>u Cieftie's
f^ithl^lly Written,
hi^k of (^^i!f^r^;,,n of the HiHorians of Frtw. He likcwifc wrote the Life oH S^fVtUUm Abboc
Corbie. .
Bchignui at Dijcn, who died in 103 which i$ referrM to by BetUnJut in January r.
1 .

nf Ham-
a Monk of Crr//V, wrote in Vcrfc, the Life f J>.fck,n'us Bifliop

dedicated to /»<^i7'r t Arch-b (hop of Bremen, It is cooipris'd in ilie fecond Tome of

s^yKi! t't^^^
Ccnmry, by Father A^*i7/«^^
nih.' the founh'BfMf</:V.'/«
G(J«f/«::?. of Sr. 0/tr.iA/ King
neleatid UROGO a Monk of Si.Ttlnrch, wrote the Lives of St.

of Nortl umhcrUf^^, and of St. kT'inccb : The Two lirft

Mwt of thefc arc in Sar/w, and the Thiid
FIcun'. isonly tobc fouudin Maniifcript.
Witpo HELG AV Dy a Monk of Fleury, wrote A. D. 1-5- r'^ Life of King /(o/frr, wlii.h
Pitbttu's Library, and Printed at FrMufurtin 1 596.
CiK^j>» was publilh'd from a Manufcri p of Pr f
M. 0«C/»f/wf'sCoIlea!u.T ofHiltorians. '

alfo in «
pfrjTPO Chaplain to the Emperor Henry \\\. composd a Relation of
Sil*- the Life r.fCmrad the Father of that Emperor, which is ezumin the Colledioa
and A-fl-ont
^^^^'^ German Writer, by r;;hrius, and a Pancgyrick on HtHryia. vAoik is Pfinied in
ficc*?" ^'e'b^ ifr"*N*"or EVEl^^VIN, Abbot of St. Maurice at T*/fii in the Diocels of IriVr,
Tolcn. wrote the Life of St. Si'meoti of Syracufe a Monk of Trier, who died in 1075. whidi was
Evcrfticlm j^j^teJ to Pfppf> Arcii-biihc p of that D;ocef';,and isrcfcrrM to by Su^h/s in i

«f EVERTS H EL M, Abbot of Aumcnt in Hainaut, is the Author of a Liic of St.Pif»o

^rnnont. of staveh, his Kinfman, cited by Surimmd BotUndm in Junuary He was made
j^yjoe cf St. Peter at Ghetifm ic^8. and died in 1069.
/ GVIBF.RT, Arch-deacon of Toul, wrote the Life of Pope IX, Publifli'd L« by Father
t)!1T Shmond, A. D. 1 6 1 5. and afterwards by Henfchentm and Pafehecbius in y//ri7 1 9.
MeteRui MET ELLV S, Abbot of Tergenfee, who flourlild, ^. D. 1060. left certain Fclogues
Abktt of caird Quirinales, in commendation of S(, iltiirinut Manyr, which were fei forth by Canifaa
Tcrgcn- in the firft Tome of his Amiquiriea. '
. . , . ,

e ,

Ice- FO LC A t^D, a Monk of St. Berthtn, wrote the Life of that Sainr. and that ot J>t. Omer^
f ultard both r cfcrr'd to by Surius^ viz. one ia Seftember 5. and the other under the 1 jih Day of the
M#»*j!f fame Month.
St Ecr*^
GBRARD^ a Sacrifitan or Veftry-kcef cr in tl.c Mona^cry of C-tri;V in S^txony, .-nd
Adeiard, publifli d
afterwards Atbor of St. Vincent at L4en, is the Writer of tiie Life of St.
by Surius and BdUnJus in January 2. and by Father Mahitten in the firft Tome of ihefoarth

BenediHin Century. He was afterwards made Al^bot of Sr

"hUdnrd at SciJfonSy A. D. 1077.
c V'
Bertha^ he Fouiidcd the Monaftcry of Saitvemajemr,
crnt 1? but being rurn'd out thence, by Qpeen
Laon. in the Diocefs of Bcurdeaux,
where he died In 1095.
WiReian L L E I{_A N, a Monk of F«W4, and afterward AM or of St. Peter .nr Mck'Iwx, com-
Jf^ I
/»:>6(itef .11) Ephh.tUmium on the Marriage between jEiS USCHRISTandthe Church, or a
St. Peter the Canticles, contained in three Books in Profe, hnermix'd widi Vetfc:
Commentary on A
'< cenain Piece of nature, was publilh'd under InsName i|i and in the old Gmi^
burg. Laneuapc, Printed at Ly^/fw, A. D. 1598.
arfioJk iJy? S / O Abbot of Aummt iri Uainaaft, Wrote an Hiftorical
Aceotint of the Life of

""^r O E S I D E k^"^^ Abbot of Mount Cd^, who was afterwards rope, under the Name
a Dialogue coocenuns the Mtndct of ScBb-
^Um^of of mor III being as
yet Abbot, compos'd


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of the Eleventh Century of Chriflhinhy.
of 5fwrr>/&», wrorL- in the end of the Ccnrury
.;/1^^*i^"°"iri'^ a Trca- PauJ Ci-
Jiftd by Gw<*r. Pnmej at Img^r and infemd in the Colteaioti <iF die sJs^rkS^T^

aMonkcf the of Mbnaftery arirt,iV/;eri, in the Dioccli of Cokt, wrote C^>irad <
tn ^i.*''^^'^^'^'
the ,096. the Life of S .W,/pbe'in
was pubhftid by the BoUandifit, in -^//
Ahfcoe of thai Abbey, dcceafed
' « which M'"* of
in 1091.
GEFF^fil' /)£ M^LETEIiliE, a .W4« Monk, com- 11*^
1U> CO be ibufld f....*.

L /^ M of ^/ p'l'L / y^, wrote in the end of this Century, at the requcft of hww
fcparatciv ir P^r„ in ,(5^i. alfo in W.ll.lm
tiKCollraionofdieHiHorians at N»mut/nfy, by DuCLefne, sn I n hs- of tlic Hitii^riogrj. «/ ApuJia.
phcr; r ! Vrfi/jr.

BEJijyLPHVS or ifii^A'pL P Hi;S, a Prieft of Crry?,fmf, bcHdcs a Cn-RfrtnU

Rtmation or Hermmtmi CmitraBu/% Chronicle, and an Hifiory of hi# Time, irom the
Year, pJ^"s
1053. to rlie end nf the Century-, compos'd a Treatife, 10 fiicw the Company of excom- 4
municated Pcrfons ought to be avoided, and fome othcrftn J! Tr^ As in favour of
Pope Crc-
jjcrjr VII. wWch were poWilh'd by Greti^er
\n his Apolory f01 Cardinal Bf/^rwi/n, Printed
ac h^JIdJt, A. D I ^ 1

fiALGOD, a Monk of C/wjr, wrote in thccrrJ of rhe Centar>', tbi of St. Oifc ^^'S"*' Lim
smd Sr. M«?»', fetfonb by the Hatlmuiifts, and by Fa ci MnMlm. 1
OTFI LO, a Prieft and Monk of the Monaflery of St. Bwiface in Germnfiy, is the Wri- '^j'^'*
tcr of the Life of that Saint, fometimc Arcb-bilTiop ((Mar-,
h ".'n< publiihd b) C-m.
yftv m the fonrrh Tome of his Antiquities, and by FaU cr Meau'.tt m th Iccund lomc of •

the third Btrdrfiin Century.

an Engli/h Man of the City of Lcndnn, tlic Son of an OfSrcr be- Iretilphus
longing to King £./w/ir<rs Court, nppli'd hiinfelf co Siudy in his Youth, nnd acquir'd great ^i'ixit of h
Reputation for his Learning, rj Duke of Ncrmandy pa/fin;^ into Eti^^:.i7id, brought Croyland.
bim back widthis Retinue, and made him his pnncipil MiniHcr li? undertook a Journey
10 the Hefy LanJ, A. D. 1064. and returning tj um ihcncc wasaamimd m o tlic Monaltcry
of FcMdnelle, of which he was made Prior foon after, in 1076. Hliliam I. King of B^gUmd
invited him over into this Kingdooi, and conftitutcd liim Abbot of CioylatJ, from whence
be had nini'd oat PPUkftnlus ; but Ingtilphut obtain d kavc to retire from that Abbc)', the
Hiftory of which he compos'd from W.C. 664. to 1091. It was publifh'd by &r Henry Sami
in I S9<S. and amdog the Hiftonaw of £a;gM, Printed LMidM ia 1^84. This Antbor«
died in 1109.
T fl r fi f^l^r, a Monk of St. Peter at Ghent, and afterwards Abbot of St. Trade in the Thierry
Dioccfsof t/fje, wrote the Lives of St. IT^w, St-Tnide, Sr. [{nm-U and St. Landrad^i, pub- -^'f cf
fifli'd by Surtat, Trlthtmitit ftys That be was likcwifc the Auriior of a Life of St. Bcnedi^ TriKJo^
nnd of an Account of the Tranflaiion of fafs Body, withcenatn Leiten and fiiiiie other
Works in Profe and Verfc : He f^ourifli'd y*. D. i e n <;

jf LPH jIKXJS, a Monk of Mount Cajjin, aftcrwurd Abbot of St. BenediR at Salrrm, Alphanus
and at laft Biftiop of that City, from yl.D. 1057. ro ic86. is reputed to be the Author of Arckbi^
divers Hymns, in Honour of the Saints^ and. of &me other Poetical Pieces, fcferr'd to by '/Sater*
JJghetlus, in the fecond Tome of Italia Saera. do. .

jfM/lTVS, a Monk of Mcnnr Cajfm and Bilhop in Jtafy, althoa^ 'tis not known of^.'^'^"* <
what Church, compos'd four Books in Vcrfe, dedicated to Po^ c Grr^rrry Vll. on the Anions
of the Apoflles St. Peter and eight Books ot ihc Hiilory of li-.e Normjut,
Sr. Paul,
which (as they fay} are kept in Mannfcript in the Librarjr of Mount Coffin. He likewiic
Wrote certain Pceins in commendation of Grr^niy VII. on the Twelve potcious Siooes of
the Brcalt-platc of the High Prieft: j and on the Celcitjal Jei ufjlSn.
HEPIDANNVS, 3L Monk of St.GtS, who flourifti'd dorhlg ft Confiderable part of u

this Ccnniry, in the Author of a Chronicle which begin'; ?.t the Year, 'j-^^. and ends in
044. nQj^'f^^ij' 1

It is infcncd in the Collecflion of the Hiftorians of Germany, fee forth by G.:ld,ijius, and*f/|^ajj.
Printed at Francfmt in 1606. He likewife compos'd two Aoks of the Life and iVJiracles
of Sr. Ifihrad, dedicated loVlrie Abbot of. St. Gall, which are rcferr'd to in the fame Place,
asalfo by rhe Bflhndf/tt, and by Father Mabillen. They were written, A. D. loyz. and
this Author mi<: hr I c Dead in 1080.
MAH^IANVS, a Scotch-mnn or Irifli-man by Nation, related to Venerable Bede, fifMariantrt
We may give C*dit to MattUw of f f rfimimjler) was born A. D. « &18. turn'u Monk in 1 o ja. Sc(KU>.
pafs'd over into Germjny in 1058. was ten Years a Reduce in the Monafi^ery of Fuldttf
and fjxnt the refl of his Life pr AfrHf^, wlierc he died in toS^. He compos'd a Chro-
nicle finin the Creation of the World, to A. D. 1083. in which he follow d Caffwderut,
It was conrinu'd to the Year, iloo. hj Dodecbin AVbatof Sz.Dyfibod in the Olocefs of Triirr,
and was Printed in fcvcrai Places, more e^cially ainoAg the GermgM Hiftorians.
L A M-

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104 ^ Ecclefiajlkal Hifivry
Lambert LAUBEBJ" of ASC HjtFFEMBV H^G aflitm'd the Monaftkk Habir. iaUte
Mfliitfl/ Convent of Hirsfe'M, and«r the Al:^ Mcginher, A. D. -to^. wa« ordain'd Pricft tbe iamc
HinCekIt* Year, by Lupoid Arch-bifliop of Merits^ ; and foon after undenook a Journey to ^eru/alem^
withoQC the Knowledge of his Abbot, from whence he return'd the tjezi Year. coiii> He
pos'd an Hiftotical Chronolb^ from the Creation of the Vorid, to A. t>. lojy. wluch'it
only an Epitome of general Hi;\ory ro the Year 1050. and a particular Hiltory of Germai^
of a competent Iargene($, from that Year to 1077. This Work is written with a gteac
de.1l of Accuracy and Elegancy, and thttewfew Geiuaa Amhoir^ who have Aew'd lb much
Politencfs in their Writings. It was Pointed fepavacely ac TuUwpH in 1 533. and aJlo among
the HiAorians of Genmuff.
Ailam ADAM, a C^non of BrcHMit, in the Year, 1077. coin pdi'd fear Boolts of the Ecdefla'
CjKOtof l?ical Hiftory of his Church, in which he treats nt rhc original and prcpapation tfthe
Bicincn. Chriftian Religion in the Diocefies of Bremem and H^mburg^ itota the time of the Emperor
Cbarfemagmr, to that of Hmr^ IV. He has annoz'd at the md, a fmall Titatife of the fitna*
tion of Denmark and other Northern Kingdoms of tlic Nature of tbofe Countries, and of

the Rciigian and Manners of the Inhabitants. The whole Worle was oobliib'd Ude$nkt»'
cfw and Printed ac tf^ium, A. D. 1579. at LtyJen in 1595. and afierwardt at Hekn044i
in r<7o.
Albert * Sigtbert and T'ithemiut make mention of a BftudiQin Monk of Mers, oam'd ALBM JMTt
Brnedi* who wrote cenain ti^oite, and atnong others, an Hfltory of bis Time, dedicated (x» the lU*
ftin Mw^n.op of tliu Dioccfs.
«f Nets. likcwiie take notice of anodicr BcnediRin Monk of the City of HUimj, nan'd

' '^NSBLM, who cbmpos'd an Hiftorical AoeoaiK of tbe Vovage of Pope Lec IX. to
Oin f^k
Synods he held thi rc ; nnd of other Affuis CTUifaacd by hUB in cfaatlCiy-
of^hcms. ^^^^ Vicce was cali'd Pope Lto'i Itinerary.
Gonrhier I aOly, Sl^ehert itwmioiif 4 Monk of & AmaU^ known by die mnt GO NT HIE i(
h c.f or GONTHBI^lVSt who wrote in Vcrfe a Rclatkm of ibe'Mat^rdon of SLSjprU
J.Ainaad. ciM/.

Addition offmi other Autb^s nio mate in the Eleventh

warroan ^> Coont of Dilh^tn, aftcrwaids Monk of J^icbenav, and at Jaft Bifljop of C«h
Bififf tf wrote the Life of St. J'jrww'w. He died
Jiatice, D. 1034.
Cob- B J( i T ^ O L,
a Monk of Glaffenhoy and afterwards Bi(hop of Winchtjier^ wrOK iltt
liaoce. Life of St. Egvin, fometime fiifhop of the fame Diocefs, and died A. D. i 04 5.
Rrit«o! 1 N G E L li^A N, a Monk and afterwards Abbot of St, I{ifuier, compos d a Poem, divid*
Bifhepof ^4 Pour JBooks, the Fiift of which contains the Life of Sr. lii^uUr ; tl.c Second and
^'•'•^ * Narrative of the Mitacfes wrought by him ; and the Founh, an Account of the
Tranflaiion of his Body to tlic Abbey that bears his Name. Some part of this Poem is in-
jum^ fecond Century of the A£ts of Sc. BenediS. This Author likewife wrote c r-
Siqni*^*^'^ "*
^ tain O^les of Verf«, in Honoor(^ Sl.'H'ilJraH Arch-bifljop of Sens, and died A. D.
Rfttfia s 1045.
Niuif<f BEH^THAoc BBBJ^A OA, a Nun of IVtUtck, nc<ir Bmne, the Sifter of Sc^s^
Wilfock. fhemut Abbot, wrote the Life of Sr. AiOmda, the firft Abbefs of her Monaftery.
Giflebrrt G IS L EBE H^T, a Monk
of St. Germain at Auxerre, under die Abboc IVhmeman, oaoh
pos'd in the middle of the Century, two Books of the Life of St. J{cvumtu, an .Abbot near
St, Get. jfuxerre, who is (iippos'd to be the fime that gave Food to St. BenedUi, in dbc Grot ot Su-
0^ which St. Gregory makes mention in bis DialogueSu
^^'i'^ Tbii Pieoe is OOatain'd in de
BenediHin Century by Father MtkiUon.
D d
ciis Mali
DIODEH^ICVS, z M(ftk of Wttfeldt^ compos'd in the beginning of this Ccnuiry, a
if Hirf- Treatife concerning the Tranflation of St. Benedifi, which is infcrted in the fecond Part of
jfeldt. the fourth BaudiHin Centnry. Trithmhu falfely attributes to him the Book of the Tiai^
AfKfrew laiion of Sc. Benedift, whldt belongs to Ainlbert a Monk, who died A.C. 853.
Mcoi^ A NDl{EfV, :i Monk of Pfeury, or of St. BtnediR on the Lrirt^ wiote in lilce mannec^
i^ieury. at the lame time, a Treatife of the Miracles of St. Benedia.
Odo tArnk 000,2
Monk of St. M«rr 4es Fojfcs, coropjeated a Relation of tiie Life of Count Bur-
^ \^*^^chjrd, A. D. lo^S.

wTv^ IjT BOVO,

Abbot of St. Bertbiu, cotopos'd a Narrative of the Canonizsrion of rhnr S.3?Tir,
^ ,r and dedicated it to C«ry Arcb-bilhop of J^'^'"'-
rcfign'd the Government of his Abbey.
He died A. D. 1069. ioui^ Years ai:tr tu-
St, Reft*
Hiln, GISLEBLJ(^T, a Monk of St. AmAnd, wrote four Book? contain 'rp an Account of
G;(1<'hfft the Life of ctat Stim; and of cbe deftrudion of his Monaltery lie uicd A. D. 1 09 .

Yi,.< 1 f

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of ri^^ Eleventh Century i?/ Chriflianky. 105
St. IV 1 LHAM, Abbot
of l^jchoiaw, compost two fiooks amceming the Citftoms of -ft. Wil- '

due Ablicy, wirh fomc other Works, and died in 1091. liam Abhet
ALBF,I{^IC, Cirdinal, is the Author of the Life o( Si. Dominicl^^of Sora. Sec Prtrw/ '^'Chc-
Hiaccnus, dp. 12. na*.
7 O T.^ W /. D, a Monk of C/««r, wrote the Life of Sr. OJUo his Ab!jor IVuher
dedgns to publiih it more entire, than it has been hitherto, in his Sixth BenediHin Ccn- f
r m
tnry. r
Vf'O L T- E I{V S. a Monk of ylltaich, rr rarl cr Canon of Mrjr/bfim, left a RcJatum f.f
c'lu" .
the Lives of St. Goiubier the Hermit, and of St. GiJ^harJ Biiltop of tii/Je/beim. Some have Wolftroi
attributed this Piece to Albuin, by whom it was only RL vis'd.
a Monk of St. BexLIn ana afterwards of Cmterhury, compos'd an Hi- HilJc-
Uory of the Life and Miracles of ^i.Augujiin tiie Monk, who converted the Bngliih Nation '^H im.
to Chriftunity, with an Aocount <tf^ the Tranflation of the fame Saint, made in fais Time, ^o'z^'lin <
Pf^ltiam of Malmesbury extols him a-; the tnoft famous Writer in England after Bed? clj>c- "/

ciaUy in reference to the Hiftory of the Saints of this Kingdom, many of whofe Lives were 5'*°**^*
wrinenbybim. ^*
PETEH^, a Monk of Maille^^ais, wrote the Hiflory of his Monadeiy, and dedicated it Peter
to G^Jvan Abbot of the fame Convent, who flouriih'd, A. D. 1070. MmIio/
fVILLIAM. a Monk olChit^ m Tvfemrf^ wrote the Life of St. Bmwtfff Abbot of tftttMsMk-
Monaflery in the EIc\ cn:h Ccnrarj*.
t^AlMO N D, Monk of St. Aadrev at Avignon^ compo' d
a Relation of the Life of ^''l^'f .i

& Pww Abbot of fame Monaftery, in the end of that Ct nmr)

the .

HETMO. i Monk
of f{!cl.nuvr. is the Aurhor of the Lifeof St. of i^fcteltflP,
which is refcrr'd by Trithemim to the Year of our Lord 1091. Mma'«^
A Monk of La Ckufe Dicu, I ft a Relation of the tile of If. An-
St. R:^hf> Abhor and Founder of that Abbey. This Life not tieing weJi written, was revis'd drew tt

by hUrhcJus Bilhop of Rennes. Avigntin.

£ G IRH'AH^D^ a Monk of St. SareUri at ffW^Aar;, made fome Additions to the Life Ht\ mn
of the fame Saint. ^'o»t tf^

GAVT IE or GAVTEl^IVS, wrote the Life of St. Anaftajlus the Hermit, who '^^c-
liv*d in the end of this Centnry, in the Diocefs of l{ieux.

GI^IMALDVS, cnmpnsj an Hirtoncal Account of the Ttaoilatioo of St. Fjtfx, fone-

time Pupil to St. EmiHiJ!; ihc Patron of Spain, luut^h* f
I{7J DOLE, a Monk ui if C/ji/r Dicu, wrote the Life of St. Adflclm the third Abbot
of that Monaftery, and a6ciwacd Fcior of St. 30lm at BurgM 'ui Sfmiti, who died in die end oieu
chaife u
of the Century. Egiriwtd
NO TC H RV B S, Abbot of Hautvilliers in the Diocefs of iQxims, compos'd in the end M«rf if
of the Cenrur^', a Nirrative of the Tranflation of St. Helena, made in his Monaftery-. nr- I

fV. a Monk of iVaJ/or, wrote in the middle oi" the Century, the Life of Sc. Hittrad* a '-^'^i '

Vifiin, iriiich is infened in the feoond Eart of the third Awn^/xi Cmtniy. wurtz*
. Grimal*
To ihefe may he added the namelef Writers of the fame
Age^ who composed the following »orks, yiz,
'T' HE Life of St. Gtldas, ilmam'd die Wife, Abbot of Rut's in Bretagne, written hy a Nutche-
NAMELtSS Antfaor, who likewife makes mention of oei^ain Saints of the fame Mo- ni^
naftery; iwbo liv'd in bis Time. This Piece is ezfani in the Library of Flwj^ and in the Haut- ^
firft Century.
5ei»e</*Viia YiBin*.
A Relation of the Miiades of Su hknm at Vmmi^ io the fame BmtdiHut Ctn- "
tnry. Mm* </
The Life of St. Bertulf k\)\Mi of H^ntj/^ written by a Monk of Blmdin at Ghent^ in the
firft Pait of the third Benediclin Century. *
The Life of St. Clm/er, which is contain'd in the fao^eVohimc. Atnkru
The Author of the Chronicle of ^t. Vincent at Vu^turM in Italy, in M. Du Ck'fne's third
The Life of St. Oditia Abbeis of Uemturg m Atf^tUt which is to be fennd in the fecond
Part of the third BetuMQm Ctnrary.
An Aocount of the Miracles of St. Hubert Bilhop of Liej^e, written by a certain Monk of
of St. HiAtrt'i Abbey in Ardetme, which is in the firft Part of tiie founfa BeneiiQin Cen-
A Narradvc of ;hc Tranflation of Sc. Ctohhrt Bidlop, by a MClik of Dttth4m, eontsia'd
in the fecond Part of the fame Volume.
Another of the Life and Tranflation of the Body of St. Hiff a ifr Monk of St M4rrfWae
Ammt fay ft namcleft Monk. This Piece is in the fifth BmtURm Cenntry.
P Another

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iq6 a Nm» Ecelefmflicd Hiftory
Another of the TranlLation of the Body of St. Falerj of Flander:, to thr Abbey that htm
his Name, by a Monk of the fame Convene, which is inferted in tbt fame Volunie.
The L f St. Simm Count of Crej^y who ditgA^ A* />. loSx. wrincn by a 04nideis.Att*
f t

thor of the lame Time.

The Life of Sj. Sirnrcn an ^nnenim Hermilj at Ptdofyroru nmfMbtUitt.
The Life of Se. Thitrrf Abbot of St Hi$beni in the Foi«fr of Jrimms, witO' dkd, IK ^
TheLife of St. ^chavd Abbot of St. decens'd in 1.045. which written by a
corrsin Monk of the fame Mon^tcry, a Utile altar hi« £)eaidii although- tine AUot wm
ncvti fccn by him.
The Life of St. Tfam Abbot of St. Vieior at MKfeiik, who died ^. D. 104^.
The Life of ^BmnaiHs Abbot of LueeSs in JMnMmtf, who dkd wiiitcn bjrone m
of his Pupils.
A Relation
of the Life and Miracles of St.Gmitier or Gmiten'uty the firil Abbot of Sl J^»<^v
fin at Pmtoifef deceafed in 1094, which «ai campmtd in.bke maooer bgr oae of J»a
The Lifirof Sc. Gi^ Abboe of I>«M|^ in M}, wWdied^. a iot«(v


O/* //^e Creek Ecckfiafikal Writers wk(y fioHrijbd in the

Etevmb Centwy,

Grammarian, is the Author of a Continuation of Ihafbtmet's Chrotnclc,

A. C. 813. to 1013. iwMdi is apparently the Year when he w«>te. It
publidi'd by F«(iNt Qtmkfiit is the eiii of Tlmfluim'% Woits.; Pcuaed P»Ut m
A D.
Aleiiu* ALE XI V S, Monk
of the Monaftery of StuJa, and afterward Pierkrcho* die Churcii
Pimsreb of Ccrifiantiftcpfe^ whic h he govern'd fwtttA.D. 1035. to 1043, compild certain Conftimiioac
relating to Ecckfiaftical Afiaiis* which are re£err'd to in the CoUedion of the CStmI^ aaA
JM.IW Law.
EVGE3IPPVS, an Author very little known, compos'd a Geographical Treuife of
ly I md, publiiVd by Allatins, in his Collection of iIm; Grrfl^
the H( WfiicR. Tis ud I^m
reported that this Treatife was written about A. D. 1040.
TheophJ- THEOPHAi\V S ;lic Ccrgmean, Arch-bilhop of Tauromenium in S$cify^ llVd in this
OM »i» C<'nrprv, alrhough we havc already made mention of him in the Ninth Age, to which he is
Crrame- fcm raliy tkrr'd; but two Rcafons invincibly rrove, that he belongs to the iK vcd'.h : The

an, A'ch- Tha: he and the other, that That

firit is, cites Metaphraftet ; 'tis exprcfs'd. the ^lornoly on
P^/wj-Sunday, was made of Kin^ who could be no other Pcdoa but
in the Prefetice
Tasnoie- whom
be ftiles King and Emperor, according to the ufual Cuitom of
the Count of Sicily^

the Gnekf. 1 he Homelies attribaied to. Gregory the Ceramean, in K»me Manufcripts, are noc
different fi < m
tfiofe of Tlicofhitnes ; infomuch, that it mnft either be an Error ot the Tran-
fcnbers, or elfe Theofhanes bad two Natncs. Let the Cafe be how k will, thcfe Hoinclies be-
ing 71 in Number, are not ContetnpdUe; in which rhc Author explains the literal Senfe of
the Gofpcls, .^nd afterwards enlarges on the Allegorical and Moral; but his Style is |ilai^
wiihcui .iny manner of Ornament, or loftinefs of Exprcllkus. .

Nih» At time likewifc flourilh'd

the UiiK- DO B NILVS
I{IV S, ArcbimtnJn'u or XO AT
Doxops- Abbot of Convent; Who by Count /(frer's Order, compo«*d a Treatife of rhc five Parri-
tnis, Ar- arthal Sees, and of the Arch-biJhopricks and Biflioprick* under their jiH-Udidion ; as alio tuo-
cbiman- ccrr.inp the Itiftiiution of thofc Patriarchs, their Ranks, Titles Rights and Privilega. aI-
dritd. Utius has prr(!'.ic'd many Fragments of this Piece; and it fritt p«bliik'4l entire by M. 1^
Mointf in tiie firlt Tome of his Sacred Varieties. .

Niccras KtC^tAS P ECTO H^ArVS, befides the ibove^meniion'd Treatife againft the
PcftotJ' J jti'if, cnmrfis'd nlfo fom? other Works particularly a Treatife of the SooJ, of which Al-
tus Mo«t
l.iiii/j fct forth a Fmcmcnt ; an HjTTin in Honour of St. Nicoliti ; tnd another in Comizicn«
dation of Mct.:p!'> ,:ju-s, refcrr'd toby the fame Autlior.
descended of a noble Family in Cot,flanttnef'e. mide fo
iTcllDS great Progrefs in the Studies to which he apply'd bimfclf, that he became one (A the moll
iearn'd Men of that Age: He excrcis'd the Office of a Senator, a!;d was hiphly eReem'd
by the Emperors : He was one of thofc Deputies whom Mieb^l finwm'd Sti .i.-icticuf, (tnz ro

Ifaac Cmnenus to treat with him, and the latrcr made nfe of his Serrice againtt Mii^uiei C«»-
igrims J
of the Eleventli Century of Chr'tfliamty, \ bj
Urius ; nfrciAvard he was chofcn Tutor to Micb.zcl Ducas, who wa^ aa.ani. li lo the im|>
Throne t y his nicnns, yf. D. 1071. He follow'd the Forntne of that litnpcror ; and
oblig'd, whwn the fame Prince was dcpos'J in 1078. to retire to a M(ir.:^.(lery, wherj I.c J
a little while after. The (Sreel^ Writers, who luccceuc J made many EnciTtiimn s on h;s
profound Skill in all manner of Sciences; more cfpccially AUatius^ who gives us s very par-
ticniar Charssfter of hiaj; and fay^, That none in that /.pr nor in tlu follu'vinp, was ever
more fucceisful in inventing; ; nor oblerv d a more rc|»ular Meihovl ; nor wrote with fo ad-
tntrable Eloquence, and di&uis'd Matters fo thoroughly ; and lailly, that tbne b no Sconce,
in which he h.T; not written Coin'-'^ -nr-'ries, Abridgments rr TiL.iiifcs.
The Printed Works of MicLtei i'jcuus, are a Paraphr. fc in Vcrie on the C.intscies^ dedi-
cated to NicefhcTus Bc/omata, which was puUilli'd in &
ec^ bf Mtwfiui, and Primed at Le^
iira, A. D. r6i7. and in Latin a' Vfvice in i;?"? A Co-.nn-!en-ary on rhe faitie Bock, taken
out of St. Grej^ory Kjjfen, St. Kilui and S Msxtmus, which is cxtart among Theedoret'i

Works : Certain Queftions about tlic Holy Trinity and the Perlbn of Jefus ChrifV, Printed
ar Au^'^fh'jy?^ ill \ f,c%. l^mbick Verfcs on the Venues and Vi.c Moral Din cu fls On T..i-

nius and Cifce, and a Allegory oi Sphinx, Printed at li^jti in 1545. A Dialogue of the
Operaiiop of Demotis, PrintJ^ at Paris in 1615. wi:h M. Gnubmn't Notes : A Scho'iencx
bnef Cdinmcnrar^' on the Cl)ti!Jaicl{Oi:xk-<i, Prints. J at I' nice in 1593. and at Piirij in 1 599.
A Trcatile ot the Faculties of the Soul, Printed at P.i/is in 1624. with Origen'f, Philacalia:
Annotations on loinc Paffaces of SLGre^oty Ka:^ien^en, publifh'd by Bii.ius The PancgyridK :

and Office of t a« Mrriphrtfles, fcr fcfth by /lHuius

"' And a Trcarill- of:/ Seven prneral

Councils, puoialui with leveraJ Poems by Al. B J^mt, and Printed at Parit in 1632. Not to
- mention a great number of fiooks of Philofcphy and Oimmenraries on ^rfj|l«rAr, which bear
the Name o'" rW's. Aiuhor, and are Pritited a' fl-vcral Places.
j1l!.itiiii kcwuc produces A Catalornc of many other Trcatilcs written by Pfiiluj, which
1 1

are only extant in Manufcript; paniculary, a Trcarife againft Eunomiui ; an Epitome of the
B(X)ks of Mojei ; ccruin Theolopical Queftions divers Tradl'^ alx/Ut the Mylterics of Je-

fus Chrift; many Homilies and loitic Letters: Notwithltanding the li gli ctteem ihar /i!l4tim
has tor (h s Author, hit Works do not appear to be vety viisful, nor very Icarn'd, in rcfpeA
of ! lIl J' f^icn! M:Ttfrs, nor very eltic^ucnr. Although he was no Friend to Mid .id Cc u-
Uriui, yet'
he mamiain d the Opinion of the Grceh^s concerning die Procelfion of the Holy
In tlic end of the fame Century liv'd S T M EO K
firnam'd the Younger, Abbot of tlie Sitrifon
Moiuikry of Xenccrce, of whom we have 33 Orations or Sermons on Faith, and on the t^f ^""^1
Chriltian and Monaftick Manners j as alfo a Pious Treatife call'd, Hytmu •/ Divine Love, in
meafur'd Profe, which the Grerks call Politick or Blank Vcrfe; and 228 moral M.ixi:m, Xctocet-
which Jacobus Pont anus tranflated into Latin from the Manufcripts of the Libraries of BavA' ^
FM and yiugsiurg, and caus'd to be Printed at Ingolftadt in Quarto, A. D. 1603. AlUfius gi^es
us a Cnt.ilogue of 79 Homilies, Hymns, and fome Inftrudlions by this Author, with the
Titles and fieginines of them; Ol tlic Homjiics there are only Fifteen among thole of Pon-
tanus, and of the Hymns there arc Twenty, which Pcntatius has not publifh'd, no more than
the Inftrudions of which he m^k mrnr on.
Thefe Works are full of Mora! and Aicctiek
Precepts ; but there are alio cenaui Maxims of the Hefycbajls or Quictifls : So that perhaps
it may not be amifs, here to (hew after iriuit manner he lays down tfaofe Principles of
Quietifm, in his third Difcourfc- of Prater.
" In the ftril place (fays he) three Things arc to be Pradi^d, in order to arrain to what
defile, vi:^. the Contempt of all Rational and Creatures, Mortification,
and a pure Confcience, free from all manner of Pallions and p.irticuiar Inierefts. After-
" wards fit:ing alone in 1 ranquility in a Corner of your Cell, do whaci am now about to tell
ym: Keeping your Door fliut, lift up your Mind above all Vanities; that is to fay,
" above all temporary* and tranlitory Things, and Liowing your Head to your Bcl!y, hold
your Breath ; feek your Hearr in Mind : At firlt you'll find thick Darkncfs, biit by con-
" tinuinij this praihcc D
'.y .and Night, you will difisover Wonders and ir.cct with cndtels
Confoiaiion For wlicn the Mind has once found our Jhe place of the Soul, it clearly per-

** ceives tilings whicii it never comprehended l>eforc it difcerns A:r round al>out the Heart,

" and becomes altogether Luminous and full of Wifdom: And when a Man is arriv'd to
that height of PcrfecT^ion, if any evil Thought inrervenci, It is expell'd and immcJ'itcly
dif-appears, before it can make any Imprdllon ; fo that the Mind being exafpemtcd drives
** away
the Devil: Yon may leaoi the reft with God, by preferviog Jefus Chrift in yoar
This is :he Model of Quietifm fram'd by ta-.: Monk, who talks of not! :nc for rlic niofl
parr in hisSyftemof Divine Love, bur Divine Illuminarions and Lights, Divmc T Trvor s hfTcn-
tial L'nions with God ; the Transformation of our Members into thofc of .7'///j Chrift, and

other M.itters of the like Nature. Idovvcvcr it mull be acknowledg'd Tim orhervvife the

Works of this Author are full of moft excellent Maxims, (bJid Principles, and v. ry uf f il
InftruifVions fnr pror.oting the Spi- ' -^l -I'e There are nffo two other fmall TraCfs by

the fame Author, vix. on« of the aiteration and iroprcflions winch the Elcmeacs make on the
P » Bodies


4 .

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1 oS A Nm Ecclefafiical Hijlory
BoJic$ a»d Souls of Men j and the other, of cbe manner of God's' Omni|irelence in tU
Phcc«, and how h s Light is liifpcrs tl cv^ry wlierc. The fame Nic hed of Wiiriiig, and ilie
iame Piinciples ate oblcrvable in ibcfe Pieces r Bm
Simecn was cait into Prifon in ibc end of
W$ Life, f<^r reproving the Emperor too fi-eely (as fcfme fay; or m
others will have it, upon
arcour.r cf his Erroneous Do^^lnns. Ho is alfo rc^-iutcJ ro ha', c f.rlt bro.ich'd the Error of
ihofe Greeli Monks, who imagin'd. That the I .iplu which appear d on Mounc TaV, was the
tmereaced and eternal Light of the Divine MajcUy ; and that all Happineft coofifted in the
Contemplation cf it.
John JOHN, Arch-biftop of Euihaita in Pa^hU^oiiin^ composed in ti»c middle of this Century,
Arch.bijh'p lambick Verfe, on the principal Hil'ories of the Festivals of the
cerratn Poetical Pieces in
y^,^^ Printed nt Etcu, A. D As cf the Liv( S of S:. Eufd'hu and
alio a Relation
St. Domieut the Younger i lomc txira<fts ot which arc prcduc'd by ^i/atiuj, in his Book of
the Agreement of the w-witand L««in Chnrcbes, concerning Purgatory.
Joannes J O y1 ES NN IHH^ACESlVS SCrLn:{ES, f C/^rc/^j/ftM, who flonrifh'd un-
i hraccfi- der Alexh Comnemu, wrote a Continuation of Theofhanrti Hiltory, from the Year 813. to
usScylit- toBi. when Alexis Cwmimus was advancd to the Dignity. It was Printed at Vt»
ZC3, Curo- in L of GjI'i'us's Tranflation .ind Pf.vr <^ ir publifl/d ir in Gr^f^, nt the end of

Ccdrenuis Chronicle, part of the fame Hiftory by Scjlet:{est wliich bcgitis at A. D. 1057. and
Iwo/ ends in 1 08 r.
mH/ the
^^^ CKDH^ENV S, .1 Monk, flourifird in I'kc minncr in rfic end of the
p'inJpjl Centur>-, and wrote Aonals or an Epitome of Hiilory, from the beginning of the World
Vear 1057. It is only a CoUeiftion of diven Authors, more efoedally of Getrge the
of StMCytH* Sjuccl'uj, whofc Chronrjpr.i-hy I.c Copied out from the Crcsr'on of the World, to rlie
tie Covt Keign of DhderLm ; of Tbeofhanci, from Diodetian to Michael Curopaiata ; and of JcMimu

^ibe B*' Tbraajtus 'Sy'iC^es, afterward Cunf^ata, ro his time. In a wordt his whole Htftory is edcen
jitrn Em- out of chc Works of Writers, the Ex'i ad> of which he has drawn up witho^it much
f^^"^'' Judgment or Skill, in ihc Art of Critick. Tbcfc Annals were TraniQated by Xjknder^ aod
|>r|„ted at Baftt, A. D. i;66. and afterward at Par«V in the Royal Prlntiaf-Honie, with die
j^^.^^ ^..^^^^^ James Goar, in 1647-
CONSTANTINVS L /C H V D £ S, who fucccedcd Ai*o6«/ C«W«r»W, A. D-
i'ir iit ^ -
i3. in the Patriarchal Sec of Catfiantinofle,
annpU'd certain SyBodatOmftiraiioas, which
f{cinan I. aw, as well as a Synodal Dccifioa
irfjrtA tf arc coir.iin'd in the Cullciflion of the Grrei and
Conftan- of Michael CeruUrm about Marriages, to the fevcnth Degree of Conlaiigvinity ; and Ibme
tinople. other Fragments of Conllitations by die (ame Patriareh, tehtii^ to forbidden Mar*
Con van- riages.
olTrchifaBdorTrafexut, iMovkofMomtOtjimfm, iiiooeed-
dcs, Pd- ed CcMPntain Liebadity A. D. 10^6. and died in lo^fl. hove ftil! in We
Homily on the Crofs, or on the third Wc^k of l ent, cited by G. f/;ffr, and certain Decree*
5^" "* about Marriage infetted in the CoUedioa of the Greek and t^fiman Law. Tis alfo repotted,

Ijb«rie«. cerBun Homilies by this Patriarch, on all the Sbn-

lohn xV
philtn ^"^y^
^^"^ Year ; and foinc have imagin'd him to be the Author of the Epitome of Diem
trijreb nf C.if^ut'i Hiftory,but the laae& alfures u$ himfeif. That he was bis Nephew, and that he
Conftan- coinpos'd that Abridgment under the Emperor Midget Dueat.
tinop'e. S MO NA S, Arch-bifhop of G.i:{a, flourlfli'd (as 'tis fuppos'd) in the end of this Ccn-
Samonaa tury, and wrote a fmail Tra<^l in form of a Dialogue, between Himfeif and a Saracen ; to
Anb-h^ which he proves, Thar the Bread and Wbie in nie Euchartft, are cfaang'd mco the Body
tf Gm. and Blood of Jcfus Chrift. This Piece is extant in the Bi['li^'t'cc4 Patrumi *lis more

pn^ble, till the Thiiteeath Century.

that that Arch-bifliop did not live
Nicolas NICOLAS, Bt(hop of Mftme, is alio refifrr'd to the Eleventh Ckmnry : Hecempos'd
B'Jkop of a Tre-irlfc cf the Body and Blood of Jcfus Chrifl, like that of S amen as, againft thofe who
Mctooe. doubted diac the Confecrated Bread and Wine, were really bis Body and Bkod : But t We
is yet a much greater probabiliry that this Author belongs to the Twelfth Century. He like-
wife compos'd three Trearifc of the ProcciTion of the Holy Ghoft againft the Latins^ of

which fome Manufcripc-Copies (as we are inform'd by AUatim) are preierv'd in the VaHemm
Library : Hrs Treatife of die Eudiarift is in the BiKi»tbeea fatnm,
Tl:( oj-^y. THHOPHTLACT, Arch-Biftop of Acn's in Bulgaria, flouriJh'd under the Emperors
la£l ttfiiuf ^maniu Dicgenet^ Michael Ducat and Nicephorui Botcniata. He took a great deal of pains
<!f Aais. in explaining the Holy Scripture, by making an Abridgment of St. Chrjfofiom's Commenta-
ries, and after th.nt manner compos'd his Commentaries on the four Gofpels, on the Ac^s of

theApoftles, on St. P4i(/s Epiftles, and 00 four of the leiler Prophets, viz. Ht^akldikt 39na*,
Ntf&Mifand tliifea,

Thefc Commentaries were Printed in Latin at Pairit, A. D. 1 554. and at B*/?/ in 1^70.
The Commcnuries on the Gofpels were Printed in L^trm at Antwerp \n M64. in Gntk at
I(mnt m 1 542. and 1568. and in Greeks and Latin at Paris in 1 ^6i. The Commentaries on
the Adb, were Printed in Gr«^.and Latin at Colen in i ?68. The Commentaries on St. Pau''s
Bpillle.<i, were Printed in Latim at Upme in 1469. at Antwerp in 564. at Colen in i $3 1. and at

Pans in 1 j ji. as aUb in Gras^^ and Latin at LmJm in 1 536. LoilJy, The Commentaries on
of the Ekventh Century of Cbrifiianhy. 109
:be four kflbr Prophm were Prit.rcd at Pari! in and 'tis reported tli.u t'l re is
an cntit e Manufcnpt Commeniasy on all ihc klili Prophets, in the Library ot ^jg/Z-wr^ ;
3i^fmi has publ fh'd 75 Letters by this Author in Creeks, Pnnud at Le^dm in 1617. whtch
wtTo aftorwnrd tra;:nrid Inro'tu by Mirker-tn, and Printed .ir CaVn in t6ta. Gretfcr
Jiitcwiic Ic: forth unde: Thcr.fljLd's
Name, a Dilcourfe of the Crols, and Father Ptmfiin
another Treatife, which an Inftinition dedicated to CcHftantin BfrfhyrogenrttJi. J^amitt

Vfceuf citrd certain PafTagcs of the fame Arch-bifliop, relating to the Procfilion of the
Huly Chofl, againft the Latins., and 'tis reported that there is 10 be fcen in the Library, of
the Duke of Bavaria, a Manufcript Treatife by him, concerning ihe Diifferences between '

the Ciert s and Latin:, and a Difcourfe ot. t!ie F.mpcror A exis Ccrr.ncyMS. CofO
menrarics arc very ultful for the Literal Expljcauon ot the Holy Scriptures.
NIC ETAS SEI^I^ON, « DeKon of the Church of C«N^«ifft'mf/r, and aftendraid
Arch-biiT^p nt fjcraclea, Cotcmporary with ThcofbyUfi, v/rote -x Crmmcnrary on St. G»e-
gorj KiitaiiT^cu's Homilies, which is inferted in Latin among the Works of that Failjer ; To f'^'^^'^ f
him likcwife is attributed a Catena on the Book cf^«k. Primed in Latin at Venief in r^S?.
and :ii Lp>! Jon in 1637. which ncvcrthelefs may Vc rp.thcr .lyriopriarcd ro Olj/mpiodaus rh. n
to this Author j but 'tis probable that the Commentary on the Poems of St. Grego.j Na:^ian-
fm. Printed at Venin in 1 jtf |. under the name of lUeetm die PafhUtgoinm^ bdongs to thb
KteHOJ of Meraclea.
NICOLAS, Sirnam d the Grammarian, cboien Patriarch of Cenjtantinopje , in the N icoiat
Year 1084. wrote a large Letter to the Emperor 'Akxts Ctmnmuto prove. That 'tis notiAe ffrjn.
lawful CO r.ikc nway Bin.opricks from the Metropolians. He likcwife made ccrr.itn Cf nfti- raarw*,
tutions about Mai riagc, which arc to be found with this Letter, in the Colievilion of the P^i^i^rcb
^eeiand l^man Law. c/Con-
P£T£/(., Deacon 2nd Chartop f fix or Keeper of the Records of the Church of Cr'»/?4»-
tinofle, made, A. D. 1090. his brief Anlwers to certain Cales that were proposd to him: ?,**
They are in like manner compris'd in the CoUeftkni of the Grvr^and ^^okim Law.
Among all thcfe Authors may be rcckon'd, a certain Jew of Africa, nam'd Samuel of Mo- j,l,yi3
rocco, converted to the Chriftian Religion ^ who coinpos'd a fmall Tra<£^ to prove. That tbcgf^
MciTiah was come ; in which he gives as to imdemand, that be wrote a chonfand Years Chmt
after the Dcftruaion of the Temple of Jerufalem: This Piece was Ffiated at feveral times Conftaa-
icparately, and is extant in fome CoUec^Uons of Authors. tiople.

- "
L___ -- !. - 1 .1
- . .

^ wmn-
«tf Jew.

Of the CO VNCILS held in the Eleventh Cenmty.
ITJl A V 1 NG already given an Htftorical Account of divers Councils, treating of
other Ecdefiaftical Afiairs tran&Aed in this Century, we iball now proceed to do
^p 1
-^^ the fame thing, in icfeienoe to tlmfe of which we have not hitheno mA occafioti 10
make mendoQ.

The Councils of France.

f N Year of our Lord, 1017. certain concealed Hercticks were difcover'd, who fpread TheCoim.
abroad dcrrftab!c Dodrins and commined no lefs infamou"; Adions ; and this Difcovery tii tf
was iirit made by a Norman Lord nam'd Arefaftus He b.(d a Clergy-man in his Houfe, Orleans,

who going to Or/cam to hold Conferences with the Learned of that City, met two other ••*7'
Clerks, one nam'd Srephm, ProfcfHir of School-Diviniry in 5c. Peter's Monaftcry, and the
other Lifoiui, Clerk ot the Convent of St. Crcix, who were ilicn in great repute for their
Learning and Piety. He Convets'd with them for fome time, till they commanicated their
Errors to h'ln, and aficrw.nd returning ro KurrfunJr, acqiiaintcd his P.3rron witli tlicir Te-
nets, who dilc los'd the matter to Duke I{i hard. W^iereupon the Duke gave notice of it to
King Hctcrtf and at the fame time fent Arefaflus with his Chaplain in order to difcover arwi
convidl the Hercticks. Are/.iJ}us pafs'*! Thmigh Chartret, to know of Ftdbat what Mca-
lurcs wcic molt cxpedaiic to be uken in this Ca!c; but not meeting with him, he cotiiulted
Evrard, a Dodor of Divinity and Prebend of the Church of Chartret, who advis'd him to
give himfelf up "o Prr.ycr, ro receive the Huly Conminiun, .mJ to fortify h.-nifelf every
Day with the lign oi :1k Crofs, before he eatcr'd inuj Conference wuh thofc Hercticks ; not
to contradict what he heard them fay, and fei^bg to be their Difciplc, to make a Difcove-
fy flf all their Errors. He foUow'd this Advice, and having aflbciated himfelf with them

Digitized by Google
no. A New Ecciefiafiical Hiflory
fcveial uir.cs, was hy them, " Thar they d d not believe that JESI'S CHRIS'i*
" was born of the Virgin M,try^ nor tbac be died fcr the Salvation of Mankind, nor that
he was bury d and rofe again: And thattbejr mairttain'd. Thar Baprifai drd not pTDcntc
" the remiirion of Sins ; that the- C( nfccration by the Priclt d'd n(>i k n'^ini c the Sacra-
" mt nt of ihc Body and Blood of our Lord ; and that it wa$ unprohtabie to m.ikc Prayeis
" to the Holy Martyrs and Confel!br«. Afteward .^fey?i/?if/ having interrogared them
about the Salvation which they h< p'd to be par-a!a!<; o.' th.y inform d him, That at certain
Honrs of the Night, they were wont to meet together in a particular Place, every one be-
ing furr»i(h d with a Lamp, where after bavutg invok'd the Demtns, they pcrpeiiiied mfii-
mous Villanies, and even burnt the Children bom of the r inccf^uoos CopuUtiolU, wbo!e

Alhes they rclcrv'd to be given to tick Perfons as a kind ct yiitUum,

King Hf'bert being arrivM at Ottems with fome Bifljop*. cans'd this Herd of Milcreanis
to be apprehended md Arefaftus nmonr: thtni, by v hofc Tcftimony tlicy v l-v: Convided,
f tu! tlicir Errors were reiiued by the fitihops: But upon their reMal to abjure their Hcnefy,
tlicy were dcpriv'd of their Bcclefiaftical Habits and all burnt in a Houfc, except one fingle
Clerk and a Nun, who were Converted. Thefc C'rcuniftanccs are thus related in an an-
cient Hillory of the Council of Orhanit referr'd to by Father Luiip DMchtrjr, in the iecond
Tome of his Sficilfgium ; and G/rffcr a Cotemporary Hiftorian, relates them almoft aftcf

i! 1' nc manner as to the m.i:rcr of racT, except thnr he makes no mention of Arrf.:f!i.i
but he attributes to them fomc other Errors, viz. That they dcny'd the Holy Trinity,
" afErm'd flte World to be Eternal, and beltev'd that fenfiial Fkafum are not to be pnnilb'd
" in the future State, and th It good Works .irc i;nprofirab!c. This Author adds. That thitf
Ferlbnsbumt upon that Account, were thirteen in Number.

The Synod of Arras» held in the Tear^ 1025.

COMR time after there appcar'd in Flmders another Sc& of Hereticks, which was like-
7* ^ '-'"^''^'"'^'^ ^ Synod held at ylrrat, A. D. 1025. on the Feftival of ChripmM^ by
AM ' '

Gn-.nii hiih' p of Cttmbray and Arrat ; for both tbcfc Cities had then but one Bil}iop. Gerard
U IQll'
fomc Days in the latter. News was brought him, that certain Pcrfons were atiiv'd
from, who introduc'd a new forr of Hercfy, which ruin d the Gofpcl Ordinances, and
rhe Difcipiine of the Church ; and that thefc Mifcrcants making profcirion of pcrfedl
R!<;htLOulae&, gave it out, That tbatalone was fuflkient for the Juitificationof a Perfoi» and
that there was no other Sacrament in rhe Church for the arraimng of Salvation.
Upon this Report, Gerard caus'd a Uriel: fearch to be made after thofe, who were fufpe^Sed
to be mainuiners of this Hercfy ; infomuch, th.^.t they were appicliesided by the Gover-
nor's Ordi r, and even brought before the fiilhop, who being taken up at that in(t.^nt with
other Aifa rs, after he had examin'd them for fomc time coocemiog their Dodrin, and oer-
ceiv'd them to be in an Error, caus'd them to be conBn'd durii^ nme ,Di^ and order d a
Faft to be kept the next Day, by the Clerks and Monks who were there prefcnt, tha' Al-
mighty God might be implor'd to give Grace to thofc Mifcreancs to ackjiowUdpe iheir Er-
ror*. On the third Day, being Sufidtj, he Iield a Synod compos'd of the Abbots, Atch-
deacons Monks and other Clergy, and caus d the Prifonei-s to be broucht fotth in the pre-'
fence of the People : Then, after having made a Speech to the Afletnbly, he demanded of
ttie Prifoncrs, what their Do<ftrin was, and who were their Teachers : They reply'd. That
they were the Difciples of an ItalUn nam'd Gandulpbus, who had inftrudled them in the
Commandments of the Gofpcl, and of the Apoftlcs ; that they recciv'd no other Scripture, •

but that they obfer\"d that very ftri<ftly. The Bilhop having heard itreponcd, That they
abhorr'd Baptifm ; that they rcje<f^ed the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of JESUS
CHR 1ST ; that they gave it out, that Pcnnancc was altogether uiiprofiuble ; that ibcy
defpis'd the Churches ; that they condemn 'd lawfiil Marriages ; that they did not acknow-
ledge any Eminency in the ConfeflTors ; and that they affirm "d. That rone ought to be ho-
nour'd except the Apoftlef and Martyrs; he thought fit to interrogate clem, .ind to give
them Inilrudliooj about thofe Points. As to the firft, they own'd, " Th.ic tlieir Mailer
had 1 aupht them, That provided that they pradis'd the Precepts of the Gofpcl ; that
" they renounced the Vanities of the World ; that they did not iolJow their PaHion<; ; that
" they got rhcir Livelihood by the Labour of their Hands; that they did no injury to
" .iny ; and that they exercis'd Charity toward iliofe, who were anitnrr^ed with the lan*c
" ; it was not neceflary to receive Baptifm ; that if the ^crfonnatac ot thefe Duties
were negledlcd Baptifin would be unprofitable, and thataliho 'twere granted that it haat
fome efficacy ; yet it was now become altogether ufeleis and of none eftld ior th.fe three
Reaftms, fi^. i. Upon account of the irregular Pra<fti*ces and Converiaiion 01 the Mini-
" ftcrs. 2. Bccaufe the Sins which might have been remitted hff Baptifin, arc comnr^itted
" again by Profeflburs during the whole Courfc of their Lives. 3. In rcprd tint Infir.ts

^ arc Baptis'd, who have neither Faith nor free Will ; who cannot dedre liaptilm, nor
" know

Digitized by Google
of the Eleventh Century hf Ghrijiiamty. t\t
" know wliat is neatit by F«idi orFree Wai neither can the Proftflion of otheis avail
5 ihem
aoy thing.
ThcBiftiop reply d upon that Article. " That aliho' JESUS CHKIST
was pcrfedlly
** Righteous, yet he condefcended to receive Aiprifm from Sr. j^Ln ; That he inltiruted u
** for the rcecncration nnd the rcmifrion of Sins ; That
- s Sacrament theUoly Ghoitonc-
i ;. : I,

race*, invilibly in the Soui, what is done outwardly by the Water* on the Body : That
" aJiho'ltbeadminifter d by woitbyor unwoitby Miniftm, newithetefi ir is always dFtdhMl
•"'becaufe ir is the Holy Ghoft- who Sandifics, nrd the Itilquiry of a jM.iri cannot hinder the
efSfik of the operation of God : That whilft the MiniiUr outwardly fprinklcs the Body,

the SonI' is inwardly purifyU l>y tlw operxion of the f«fofy Ghoft : That afrcrward Hply
UntSion 15 .idminidr'd to the Inftnr, for its farther S.-ivflificaiion after Baptifm byrealun ;
that as Sin is remitted by Baptilh), lb Undion fandiHes the E^foa after Baptifm Tiiat :

• thelmpofition of Handt wm
aUb added, to proam the Defcentof the Holy Gholt: That
the necc/Dn- of Baptifm is prov'd by the Dodtrin of the Gofpt l and of the Apoitirs : That
how Holy or Innocent locver, the Life of a Man may be, yet he cannot be Si.\\\ without
*• receiving this Sacrament: That Bapcifm take»
away both original andaAual Sins, and re-
** eftablilhes M*n in the fame S'atc of Uprighrnefs, in
which he was created, altho' it doec
ooe. render him immortal: That the Hxampic of rfie Man Sick of the Palfey, whom our
*• Smdotir cur'd. having regard to tiie Faith of tiiole
Perlons, who brought him into bis Pre-
fcna- ; and that of the!t!p? Wn-nan, who by Faith oLuiinM a Cure for her Daughter^
" give us to undcrftand, that the taith of thole who prefent an I^&nc to be Baptis'd,
** ftand it in feme ftead. LdHy, lie demanded'of them, for what wifhn, they exprcfs'd fo
great contempt o£ the Sacraments of the Chinch, who were- fo purnflual in obferving th^
Ceremony of walhiog their Feet ? Neither docs he inCa leli on the fccond 'Article, con-
cerning the Myftery of the Ettdnrifty of wlncb Iw explains the Efltds, proving the real Pre-
fcncc of the Body and Blood of JESUS
CHRIST, and anfu'cring the Objcdlions that
wa« tsad^ abotu die impofTibtliiy, that the dune Body (hould be pRsfetit in divecs Places, to
which iMrpoA ht relates a great number of Miracles.
Thefe Heredcks being convinc'd by his Difcourfe, acknowIcdpM rheir Error, andfuedfor
a. FaxdvQ : The Bilhop ^ave them fome hopes of obtaining their Requeft, and proceeded to
tkt other Joints of Dilbplioe, 10 which the? had no regard, thofe that related to the
Churches, Altars, Sacred Orders, Unction, Exorcifms, B:1I<: i,d Futieral Rirca. .
baviog vindicated the Cuftoms of the Church as to thcle Matters, be endeavour'd to prove
agaoflfttheBnu Ac ufefiBlnefeofpennance for the Living^ and that cf Prayer, good Works aoa
Sacrifices (or the Dead. Heftiews, " That lawftil Marriages is not forbidden by the Or^-
dinanccs of the Gofpel : That the Confefibtirs ought to be honour'd as well as the Alar-
" «r»: Tfcactlw Zinging of Pfidqas ic not <!Bly allow'd of, but atfb commendable : Th u a
" til! e Veneration ought to be had for the Crofs, by referring that
WoHhip to J E S S U
, CHRIST : That the ufe and a^or^tion of the laugesof our Saviour, and of the
* Saints is profitable ; becawfe the %ht of them fe prcfe ww tlidr A<SkN»> and puts us in
" of their Vern:cs. He Concludes with difcmtrfing of the ufefulnefs and
diftin(£lioot of Stt-
crcd Orders, and about the neceftty of the Grace of JESUS CHRIST.
Upon the condnlion of this EKfcourft, the Hereticlcs, who were preTent, declar'd. That
they k: .v'^dg'd the Truths, which the Biftior ^ rj/ had cxplain'd to them
; in'fomuch
;h4t4 town of 4 Cgnfeipon of Faith contrary to ti^c i^rrqrs which were refuted by that Pre-
late, was immediately draWn tip and recited by hira and the reft of the Clergy ^
Afterward ;

they cans'd it to be cxptain'd in the Vulgar Tongue, ly an Interpreter in favonr of theff

Hercticks, who did not well uode;i&ind the iMht : Then they ^pprov'd and fign'd it, and
wete4ilmifi'd ioPieace after having receivM BenediAfon from the jBilhbp, The faid Gemrd
himtelf compil'd the h&^s of this Synod, and Drdieatcd them to one of his neighbouring
Siftopt who^ Mine ia i^axk'd by the JLeixer i(,prefi;c'd ;^t the bceinnine of the EpifUe which
he WfOte to htm, and who is apparentty ^egin^d ofUege. Tbefe Ada were pubiilb'd by
Father I Daecbery, in the thirteenth Tome of his ^^tftm* «od OMf WeU
eftaem'a W
as one of the &adi Monuments of thofe times.

The Council of Bourges, heid in the Tear^ 103 1. '

r\1 0, Arch-biHiop of Bourf^n, held a Council on the firft Jay of Mtomfiler, A.

,J D. io?i. n,rfl«./#/
in that City, in which afllfted the Bifhops of Puy en I'a.iy, Clermont, aHj, Cahor^ and
Mtatdf, with the Abbot of Micy and fcveral others. Pqpc "Jcbn's 1 8th Letter was read con- in 103 1,
ceming the Affair of St. Martial's Apoftlcfliip ; proper mcaris were fonght fpr, to put a flop
to the Civil Wifi dod tg el^lifli feac^ in^theKiiigftotD, and the foUqwihg Confti^ions were
re<lify*d. ,

The FirH; ordains. That the CoHmqmiIgn of htfr*'*^ ftaH be m^de amons tlie Apo-
ftles, and not mtu^ tint Cpnfeijibfi.

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112. A Nw Ecclefajlml HijJory
The That the Ptieft ftall not keep tbe Body of Jcfus Chrift, confccratecl under
ihe fame Hofts Jonger, than fiom f>iit Stiml-.y to another.
The I'hird unpons, Tbat cbc Bilhops (hall noc receive any Prcfents upon account of Ordi.
nation*:, nor ercti their Officers, who were wont to take fomcwhat for Rcgtllring the li^iiies
• -
of thofe Perfons, who were propr>s'd for Ordination.
The Fourrh. That none (hall obtain an Afcb-deacoory, who is not a Deacon.
The Fifth, That Friefts, who cobdbit their Wives, (hall only be Rcadcn or Qnntert
for the future ; «nd that Deacons and Sitb-deaoons lhall wx be fufierd to keep either Wives
or Concubines.
The Sixth, That the BHhops flail oblige diem to take an Oath to that purpofc, at their
The ^venth enjoy ns, That all thofc who arc employ 'd, in Uie Minifterial Fan(Sions,
llttll have Ecclefiaftical Tonlbre ; that » to fay, dieir Beards (hav'd, and the Crown made on

dieir Heads.
The Eiehtb, That theSons of Deacons and Sub-deacons, (hall noc be adotiucd into the Qergy.
The Ninth, That Slaves lhall not be ordain'd Clerks, till they have obcatn'd Freedom of
their Maders.
The Tenth, That foch Perfons (ball not be look'd upon as the Sons of Clergy-men. as
welv bom after their Fathers quitted the EcdclhKHcal State, and rcram'd to that Of Lai^
The Elcvcnih, That tlic Biil.ops. fliall declare at the tiir-.e of OrJinr.tion, tli t rlic) excom-

mnnicatc thofe who (hall prclunie to prcfcnt to them any Sons of CIcrgy-mcn or Slaves to be
ordain d, and that Perfons under fudi Circtimftances, who have got their Ordination by for-
prife, fhall be dcpos'd.
The Twelfth. Tbat nothing lhall be exaded for the Adniiniftration of Bdptifin and Pea-
nance, nor for burying the Dead ; neverthelefs that it fball be permitted to receive whatever
the Faithful (hall think fit to IxRow Vohuuarily upon thofc Occafions.
The Thirteenth orders, Tbat the Pridts (hall hav e the Ofierings, and the Funeral Torches*
whieh are prefentrd to diem, bat that die Pafcfaal-Taper lhall remain co give Light to de Abar.
The Fourceenih, That Linnen Clochs which have fenr'd to cover dead fiodies, lhall noc
be laid on the Alur.
The Fifreenth, Tbat no pablirk Meetings lhall be held on Stmdays for die ihbnagement
of Secular Afl^iirs, unlcn; they he call'd to perform Works of Charity, to opfK-fc the Irw
(iiiis of Enemies, in cafe of danger, or to tranladt Boiinels upon lomc oiiier emergent Oc'
The Sixteenth ordains, That thofe Perfons who leave tlicir Wives, except npon account of
Adultery, lhalt not marry others as long as the forrnqr are living, nor the Women odier
HtislMmds in die like Caus*
The Sevetuccnth. That 00 14ao fliaU take to Wife a Relation to die fizdi or fevcnth De-
gree of Confanguinity.
The Eighteenth. That none in like manner ftatl be permitted to Many his IGnfinan's •
The Nineteenth, Tbat no Man lhall give his Daughter in Marriage to any Prieil, Deaaui
orSub'deabm, nor to theur Sons.
The Twentieth, That none (hall Marry their Dauglitcis.
The Twenty firft impons, Tbat L^y-men ihall not enjoy ££d«()a{lica] Benefices.
The Twenty fecond, That Laicks fliall not pot Priefts in their Churches without the ap-
probation of the Bifhop.
The Twenty third, l hai thofe Eccleiiaftical Perfons, who renounce their Clcrklhip or
Minifterial Funoions, lhall be fcparated from the reft of the Clergy.
The Twenty founh. That Monks, who be JeprlvM of the Com-
quit their Mibic,
miinion of the Church, till the^ have refum d it ; and if the Abbots or Monks rclvfe to re-
admit them, they flail relide with the Ckrks m
Churches or in other Monaftertes, weaivrig
die Habit of Monks and obferving the Monaftick Rule.
Jbc 1 wcnty fifth, Tbat neither the Canons nor Monks (hall pals from one Chnrch or from
one Monaftery to another, whhoot a Ikoile from the BiOiopor Abbot.
After the SefTion of this Synod, /«/wf made a Dedantkn, ThatSt. AfrrTM/lhoiiUl be ftil'd
an AfoiUc in all the Church-^kes.

The Council of Limoges held in the Tear^ i i.

The CouM'
«/ of Li-
T ^^ QacRion was di; large in the Council of Limoges, aflfeinbled eighteen
1 .

dzy' after in the Church of that Ciry, where the greaieft pan of the Prelates who had
raoges in a/lifted in the Council of Sourges, were prefcnt, with Joutidtn Bi(hop of Limoges, Jfambert
i02i. of Poitiers, Arnn!.{ of Ptrigucux, I{o!<oti of .In^eule/me yd fome Others. There were only
twoSeflions, the firft on the i8th day of November, and the other on the 19th.
In the
fotmcr after many Debates, the Apoftolical Dignity was confirm'd to St. Martial.

. ^ .d by Google

cf the Eleventh Century of Chrijiianity. 1 1

111 tie iciond, after having oblci v'J, that dificrcnt Cu; otns Tr\\\'\\x be in Uu: in i'cViraJ
Churches, the Conttitutions made in the Council of Bou>ges were rcau ; ami the fecotid cpn-
rernirs', the renewing of the Hoft every Sunday wa«; altcr'ii, bcraufc \\\.\. jmJgM lufficient that
be rcncw'd Twcive times a Year.
lliey liicuki Aiici waid ihc A;r.iir of ilu Abbey of Be.iuUai
waspropos'd, which was poflels'd by a fecular Abbot: He w,ii Sum;iion'd to the SynoJ, and
after he had conl'ented that it (hould be reform 'd according to the Rulo. 'twas ordain'd :hr».t
the Bifliopof Limoges fliould place a regular Abbot therein, before the Fe.iival of Chrijlmai.
This gaveoccalion to rreatofcfac Monaitick Regularity in ;he Council : The B O.op of Limo-
was vet7 well Satisfied with the Conduct of the Abbots and Monks of h D cefs, and , .

onJy ctimplam'd of one Abbot, who had futier'd a certain Viccunr, t- c orjiMur.ica cd by die
Bilhop and deceafcd without Abfolurion, to bj interrd in his Church: The Abbot vndicited
himfelf ;
allei'ging. That it witirauc bis Knowledge by the Soul crs of tint Vi-
was done i

coud:, who but that as foon as he was inform d of the Matter of

bury"d him thcmfelvcs

Fa«a, he caus'd his Corps to be dug up , and to be Jaid without the confelrated Ground.
Tlic BilT^op of CiAors related an Acculenc of the tike nature, which happcn d in his D/occfs.
Then the Prelates of the Council proceeded to find oat Means to oblige rhe grcj: Lords and
Noblemen to imke Peace one with another, and ExcomniuBJCation arid Sufpenlion fitMn Di*
vine Sen ice wirrc propos'd to chat end. The Monks of St.AUrtial had their Ctifkjm con-
firm d of Adminiftring fiaptifm on the FeftivaJs of E4fitr and mitfuntide j and the Aobots
had a Privilege granted them to have a Chaplain and three Deacons aifjtting at their Celcbra*
t!on of Mafs, on the folemn Feltivals: The Canons againft incontinent Clergy-men nnd Simo-
niacal Pradices were reviv'd ; and the time of Onlination was fix'd on the four Ewber-
"Wecks. Upon a Remonftrance, that divers Perfons excommunicated by their Bidiops for
notorious Crimes, went to f(fme and receiv'd Abfoiation fioin the Pope; the Bilhop o( Puy
en Veiny reported, that ibroe Years ago, the Coont of Cfenumt being excommunicate lI by
the Bifliop, for leaving his lawful Wife to Marry another, made a Journey to the Court of
I(pme, where he obrain'd Abfolution of the Pop^« who had no notice of tiic Sentence of
j^ccommnnicatton pafs'd againft hun : That the Bifliop having made a Complaint, the Pope
lentrn'd for Anfwcr, That he ought to blame himfelf for what had happen'd, by rcafon that
he never gave him any InfonnaLim that the Count was excommunicated ; the Pope added,
That if be bad known it, he woald have confiim'd the Bifliop s Sentence, becaufe he makes
Prefeflion to aflift his Brethren in every thing, and not to oppofe them j that he (hould be
very forty, to hear of any Schilin or Mif-uoderttandiqg between him and them ; and that
therefore he abrogated and nttde void the Vennance and Absolution, which he had granted
to that cxcommanicarcd Pcrfon, by whom he was furpriz'd, and who ought to expeifb notliii^
but a Curie, till he has made Satisfadion and has been ducly abToiv'd by his Diocefan.
This Narrative makes it appear. That chefe fims of Abfotations were often furrcptitioully
got of the Popes, as it may oc further evinc'd from another Paflage of tlie like nature, which
happen'd at ^ingeuU/mei where a certain excommonicated Perfon, who could not obtain
Abfolution, by reafon that be was tmwilling to make Satisfidton, prefoiied to his Bilhop a
Letter from the Pope, in which he intrearcd him to admit the faid Pcrfon to the Pennance
which he bad enjoyn'd: The Bifliop, without being furpnz'd. reply 'd, That be did not be-
fieve that^t Oraer came from the Pdpe, and rhae it flioald not be (erficeable to the Of-
fender, who fhould remain under thr SLTr. rLi: Excommunication, till he had accepted of
•fid done the Pennance, that fliould be imposd on ium by himielf or by his Arch-dcicon by
bis Order. Upon thefe conliderations, die Bifliopsananiroouily dedar'ci, Tliat the Pope had
indeed a Right to confii-m. augment or diminifh rhe Pennance cnjoyr
3 Orfl-ndcr by his
Diocefan, or even to impofe it on thole, whom the Bifliops fliould nominate for dtat pur-
Dofe ; but that he bad no Fower either to impofe Venoanee or to grmt Abfolution, in re.
foeA of an excommunicsn d Pcrfon, without confulting the Diocefan. And that it wa*; his
Office, rather to confirm tiian to dil'annul the Sentences of the other Bifliops ; in regard that
if the Members ought to follow their Head, the Head alfo ought to take cane not to oppreA
the Members: The Ads of this Council are very large, and contain a great number of
Matters of Fact, Autliorities and Arguments, relating to the Affair .of St. MartiaJf which are
of no very great ACoiAeiK.

Divers CmncHs held in fraace, A. D. 104.0^

MANY other Councils were conven'd at the fame tiaic in divers Provinces of France, t>ivtrt
particularly in Aquitaine, Burgundy and L>MMM*f fbrthe re-eftabfing of Pleace and Church-
Difcipline. Effoftual , were chiefly fought for therein, to put a ilop to the Civil Wars,
^^^^ fg
Mblick Robberies and Outrages that were commin;icd, more cipecially in reference
Chnrch-Reventtes and Clergy. Ir was ordain'd in dl diefe Councils, that rhe People fliould
abftain from eating Flelh on Frlddys and SaturJ^tjs, and from drinking Wine on Fridiys ;
^hat tbofe who were defirous to be exempted, for fome lawful Caufe, Ihould be oblig'd to
nnaintatn dieir indigent Ferlbm on cfaole days 5 and dai in confiderauon of this Abftioeoce,

. k, 1. ^ .
y Google
4 A New Ecclefujlicd Hijiory
Olfendm (hcald be difcharg'd hem oclier Pennaiicea, provided ibnc they bound themlelvcs
by an Oath to obfoive it. Howev^ r fomc Bilhops oppos'd t!. s Conltiiution, nnd .im(a»
o-hers Gerard Bifllop of Ctmifraj , who tnainUio d, 7 liat ihar Yoke ouglu no: to be laid
equally on all People, bccanfe there were fome who were not a Me to undergo it, by realba
ot t:;c vvcakncls of fhc'ir RoJics ; neither pcrhnps clid tlicir Tr<iii:|;r:f"?ions dcfcrvc lo fcvtro a
f choo is isoc proponioocd
Cballifetnciit , and tlicrc were others, inrtlpc<Uot whom, th:s iia i

TO the htynoofoeft of their Oflences That it were more txpedttiu tuiolJow rhe Canonical

Riilcs in the impofinp of Pcnnanccs; and that muth Icl, onrhr tlic PLOj-lc rt) he ronflr,iiri"J

by an Oath to obkrvc this Abftincncci fincc that were by luth means to exyou them not on-
ly CO the'h«»ifd cf breaking « Comaiandinenc, but ajfo of incurring Perjury. The Hum
Prelate did nut think fir that the Bifhop* fliould be conctrn'd in Military Afrair<, pt d the
bearing of Arms ; laying, That it it the Proviace •/ Kj^gt to uk? co?Hi\atice cf thtjc nuttert^

'Tit a thing very obfcrvabic, rhar a rrear number ol Bouics of Sn;nr^ mt^ abundance of
Relicks were brought into thofc Councils, and ih^t uvas |.cneralJy bthtv d, thai many Mi-
ndcs were wroaghr thcrem : Hiere were a((b lield at the (ame time diver5 other pacikii-
larOMmcils, cltlier fcr the dedicating of Churches, nr for the granrlnp cf Pri\ilcgcs to Mo>
naileries, or foi- the determining of pr.vate diHerences among the fiabops, about the limics of
dieir IXocefli*, or to put an end to other Contefts, which are memioii'd by tbe «f
tbac Time, bot donot defitve to be infifted upon in this Place.

The CdUQc'd of Khc'nm held in the Teoi^ 1049.

1049* having perform*d the Cerranony , and that •f the Trantfatton of the Body «f Sr.J^nii^ m
this new Cliutch, he held a Council therein, which continu'd during fome Days: It was
compos'd of the Arch-biib^ps of I^ixims, Tricr^ Lyons and Bt^s^en ; of the fiiihops of
fens, Termtmt, Senlit, Mrtt, L*n^s, CoMtmttt, Lifieux, Btijaix, Aurmtehet, Vtrim, Kt-
vers, An^os, Nantcj and Portn, and of a B'd op of I'r.^Ltttdy with divers Abbots and other
Ckrgy-mcn, to the number of Fifty. Pcttr Deacon of the Church of l^e open'd the Coun-
cil, declaring, 7%«t U wts re^wSfitt f
tntt tAua the refvmmim «f ih/mf M»fa tAiieh hU
crept into the Clurches rf France, partica'a-'lj Simrttr, the fi':(ifj^ of Churches hy Laitk,:, forbid-
den M*rriages, the Afejiacj ^ Cierkt and M<»J(s, Sec But above all things, he adnxmiOi'd
the BlfhefK to dectatv under pain of an AiuuimM^ whether ihey were otdaittM for Mony
or othcr A ifc :Tl'.c Arch-I>ifl ops of 7>»fr, Lyefis nnd Bct^nnfon, protefled rhey were not,
bat the Metropolitan of t^heims defiled time to return an Anlwer : Among the Bifhops theie
were only Pour, who were not able ro clear chemMvea, f/if. thole of Lsmgres, Ne*ers, Cmt-
tancesand \'.r«f;V, The Abbots bfing .i»,kM the fame Qinftion. many of them protefted theoK
feives irmocent, and others own'd their Fault by their filcncc. The Abbots of Poificn wps
tccafel of Incotnlnency by the Bilhop of LMngret, and not having fiificienHy cfear'd hhnfi^
was depos'd. In the e nd of rhis ScfTion it wa<! prohibiicd nndcr the penalty of an

Anatfjetna to attribute the Title of Univerlal Primate of the Church to any but the Biflwp
of l^ome.
Thencxr Day, the Ardi-bin.op of Hbeimt afrcr having hnd a private Confereno wi h
s the Pope and fome other Prelates, entreated the 6i (hop of Senlii to fpeak in^is £ivour, who
accordingly declared that the Ardh-bilhop was not guilty of Sfmony; tmt the Pbpe ordei^
that helhould cicnr himfclf by Oath; whereupon he fired for longer time, whi vis grant» '

ed, on condition that he Ihould appear in a Council to be held at H$me in the middle of
*lfnt in die ftlhtwing Year. The determination of the Canfe ^t
was drpe«»d^glwtweeft
that Arch-bilhop and the Bifbop ofT**/, about the Abbey of A^w/Zn /^jK,/), was refcrr'd to
the next Day. Afterward ceruin Clerks of the Church of 7>vrj, brought an Acciiiation
againft the Bilhop of Dot for airnming the Quality of Arch-bilhop, and viritbdnwin^lilmfiilf
with the fcvcn Bifhors of Bretagne from the Jurifdicfli on of the Metropolitan ofTcurj I: was -.

order'd dui be Ihould be fummon'd to the Council of ^ome^ in the Month of Afrii follow-
ing. Then the Kff«p of Langret was accuied of Sbnony, of hearing Arms and commttctng
WurJers, of tyrnnniz'rr over his Clergy, and of pcrpctrnring ether more rororious Crimes:
One of his Clerks depos'd that the faid Bilhop took away hts Wife, whom he had "(vhilft be
was as yet a Lay-imn, and after having abus'd her, made her a Nun; A cenaitt Ihie* gave
in evidence, rhar he caus'd htm to be kept in Caftody under :i CuarJ and to t ndure muijh
hardfiup, on purpofe to estort Mony from him. The Bilbopof demanded CounleV'
and mMc application to the Aich-Uftops of Lfuwand Avi(jn>Sn : Tne latter going sbont to
plead for him, filrer'd in his Speech, and rhe other acknowledg'd, that the BiHuip Iisd ex-
pos'd the lacred Orders to Sale, and exadied a Sum of Mony
that Pridt, but deny'd

Digitized by GoOgle
of the Eleventh Century of Cbrifliamt), 115
On Day, ^h? Rilliopof Langres not darinj^ ro appear, and being fummon'd ihtke,
ibe third
and fought no pui puie, was at laft cxcommunicaied.
for to The Bilhop of Nevert own d,
that his Relations had given a Sum of Mony for his Bifhoprick, but that Jie %nM ahoge-
ther ignorant of what they had done ; neverthclefs he dcclar d, that he dcfipn'd to Jcavc it,
and even at the fame time laid down his Crolicr-Statf at tlie Pope's Feci, who caus d him to
take ir up again, ificf he had taken an Oath, thtt that Mony was paid without hn katm-
Icd^c. Then an ancient Copy of a Privilege granted to the Church of I{f^cims was read,
which made it appear, that die Abbey of Monjiicr I{.mJ; belong'd to its Junfdidion, and
it was accordingly adjudg'd to that Chavcfa. The Bifliop oiCoutance: confefs'd, that hjs
Brother had laid out a Sum of Mony to pet him Iv.TitM ro the Epifcopat Digniiy
but- ;

having taken an Oath, that it was done witliou: knowledge, he was dectard innocent. '

The Bilhop of Nantet was not fo favourably troa cd ; for having own'd that he fiiccceded
his Father m his Biftiopric k, after having d:sbars'd a certain Siimnof Mony, he was depos'd,
aod only permitted to excrcifc the Office of a Prieit. i-aftly, a Sentence of Excommuni-
otioo was denounced againft the Prdais who weie Ibmition'd to this Ccwndl bat did not ap-
pear, and the following Conftirations were agreed upon, t»/^.
I That none lhall bcpromotcd to Ecclcfiaftical Digiiuics, but by the election of the

Clergy and People. %, Tme none (hall buy or make Sale of the Sacred Orders, Eocleliafti'
cal OflSces or Alnrs. 3, That Laick'^ fhall not retain Spiritual Livings. 4. Thar none but
the Bilhop or fome Perfon deputed by him lhall be cmpower'd to levy ^ny Sums of Mony
within the Precindls of the Chttrdws. 5. That nothing (hall be exadled for Burying the
Dead, or for adminiftring the Sacraments of Baptifm and the Lord's Supper. 6. That
Clergy-men (hail not bear Arms, nor go on Warfiire. 7. That no Clerk nor Lay-man fliall
lend Mony upon ufe. 8. That the Monks and Clerks (hall not qoii their Prafeffion. 9. That
none (hnlJ offer violence to Clergy-men as they are Travelling. 10. Thar there fliall not be
fiiflcr d any manner of oppreiSon of the Poor. 1 1. That no Man (hall take to Wife any of
Ins near Relations. 1 1. That it (hould be prohibited CO leave a lawful Wife, in order to
flaarry another. Laftly, all thofe Peribns were excommunicated, who (hoold protedt or bold
corr^lpondence with the new Hercticks of France, the Sodomites and certain Lords, who
bid^^pufted loctelden Marriaget and afflndced fome BiAopa and other Ck^oMn.

The Crnicii of ToatSf held in the TeoTf 1060.

TTH E Cutiom being now introduc d of Churcb-difci- the Cum-
that the Councils for the reformation
*pi ine, (hould be held in the prefcnce or by the authority of the Lcgats of the See of l^me ; nl of
Stefben Cardinal and Legat of Pope MctUt IL call'd one A, D, lotfe. atlWrf, in which ic
I That aU thofe Peifins who give Mony fox any Bocle&fiica] Dignity, fliail be depriv'd

of it for ever.
I. That if any Bilhop or Patron confer Benefices for Mony, the Clerks lhali be aliow'd
tooppofe their iWeedings and to have rccourfe to the Arbitration the neighbonrii^fii-
fhop^ my, even to Appeal from the:ii to ti c Sec nf ^me.

3. 1 hat no new Benefice cao be loid, nor any Church-Revenues aiienatcd.

4. That none Oull pnrchafeany Spiritual Livings of Lay-men.
5. That the fame Perfon rannot fnjoy nvo Benefices in different Churches.
6. That the Bifhops, Pnclts and Deacons, wiio knowing the Prohibition made by Pope
fUcolai, do not forbear theExercile of their Mimierial Fun<^ions, when they have been cn-
gag'd in a fcandalous Converfnrinrt v/ith '^'omen, or who (hall refufe to dcGft for the future,
afKr having recciv'd intormatiun of thai Prohibition, (hall be depos'd without a polTibility
of reitauration.
7. That Ckrgy«efi> who bear Armsy ihaU be depriVd of their Benefices and Digni-
8. That Laidci, who preiimie to feU or difpole of tlK ChurcfapRevenaea fltall be enon-
9. Til u tliofe Kinfwomen, or thofe Women who keep an uncfaaft
Men who marry their
Correfpondence with Vbeir Kinfmen, and refiife to leave tbeni, or to do Peonance, lhall be
excluded from the Communion of the Faithful and tum'd out of the Church.
10. That thofe Monks who quit the Mooaftick State, lhall likewife be (bparued from the
Caomnmob of the Gbmch as ApoAati

The CmtncU o/Soiflbns, held in the Tear^ 1091.

Rose EL IN, Clerk of the Church of Compiegne, and-a very able Logician, gave it out
in the end of the Elevetldl Cemury, Tiat the three Divtne Perfont of the Holy Trinity were soir-
tkftt Tbnvi: This OfilUQOWU ooodmn'd in a Council held atStijfmt, A.D. 109%, xm- (bns im
Q^x dcr 109a.

. y 1^ l
y Google
II 6 A Nem Ecclejtaliiciil Hijlory
hies of CUnra, and even
Rolcelin der tujmld Arcfa-billiop of J^ia«w, and confuted by SuAnfelm, Uy
CM4 by jlatUrJ, who is rcpuctd to been hw PnpH. Nw ^">ce/«« was oblig'd to make aa abja.
ur afarwarJ he not forbear to maintain it obftioate-
ration of his linor in th;^ Ci unci'^ '

Com* jy^ fg|. tjjjjj xeatbo was bauuh'd from Frmce and
Ei*g:ind. a Cleric THEOBALD,
of ^ Charch of £<-»im/« liJccwife wrote a igaidl bim^ od Uwr
anothet Sabje^, Wij, «p

IcM^^* TlMtttheSonitif Pfkft»«»TUad«ittcdirtoifceCki«r.

Divers CouocUs held in N«r«Miidy.

TiS^^ Cowici/ 0/ Rouen» coavend^ A. D. 1050.

7l>f ^fCIBH, AKb-UAop vfRotun, Md a Coonca in dbatCitf, jf. D. to^fo. wich
«!~ V"** /f»^/? Bilhcp iif Fm tux and j^s^f*; of Ccut>incTi. in which he drcv up a Lcrrcr diredM
Rfti^ii «• 10 the fiiPiops and Faithful of his Province, containing the foilowiijg Conftiruticns, wjf.
,c<o. I' That Che Amdes of Fakh, comprts'd in dw
Cned of tfce CiilMlicfc and ApoRdick
CtWNh, oughr be fiimly adher'd to.
a. liat no Prcfeats Iball be made to Princes, noi to their Officers ibr the obtaining of

J. Tl ac the BIfhops ftolt not oom to Ik tranlland iiopn awSeeto ondKr, ok of a

Prii|ctple of Ambition-
Tbac the Monks Unll not caufe tbemfeltes «o Iw wade Abbots for Moaf.
Th it OliC Bifiicp (hall nor difpofTcfs another, nor one Abbot anocber.
6. That the Bifliops Qiall not exad any thing for OrdifMciom.
7. Ttttt their Ofieen. tint k to fay, their Arcb^deaooat «r Secmarintell not in lifct
wanaer demand any thing upon that account.
9. I b.^t no ?crIon fliall be ordain d who is not of a corapacnt Age, and who ha<: not made
afqfideiu piugreftinLeatnii^
9 TbatafiifliDf AiattaocoidaiBaClcikofaiiBtherDioae&wiifaoiitdKpflii^^
ThattbeBilhops flttU not beftowtiw Revenues, Lndi and Benefices <^ the Qeisf on

II, II and I J. That Clergy-men (hall not endeavour to fuppiant one another.
14, f 5 and §6. That nothing (hall be exadlcd for the Holf Cbrifin, nor i«r dw Gonfecia*
tion of Churches, nor for the Anminiftration of ELaptifm.

i 4 fin 4 17- That on the eight days, during which new Baptiied Perfons wear tiic t Ai^, they ihall
Vfjhmu be obliged only to offer their Wax-Tapers and the Linnen with which thor Heads WweootlvV,
«w« bf by reafoti of the Holy Chr fin
F^fi> |g. That the Peniunce iiiu^s d on Offenders llall neither be augmented nor dmiinilh'd for
19. Th.-it ilic new T^npri7cd Va'.'utu tlaU fpcnd eight days in sMftring the ^/ftcf, aadboU^
ing lighted Tapers in the Church, where ihey were baptized.

The, Council of Lifieux, held A. D. 1055. and thai of

Rouea/a io6^.
fhCmh -T* HB Ardhbilbop of l(Mm, under wfaoin tbe pretHdiag Cooneil was bdd, was deposed,
filef * . ? D
V in another Council convcn'd at L ificux, in the prcfcnce Stephen Biftiop of
Lifieux M Sim in Smit^erlmd^ the Pope s I^at, which cooliftcd of the Biibops of that Province. He
'^55* was accos'd of having robb*d his CmKb, of omriiming its Revenues in unprofitable Expeo*

fes, and of di/Tipating pnrt of tlicm to Ijirgeflcs only to fatisfie bis Ambitlcn He was :

aJfo fulpci^ied to be guilty of infamous Crimes, and was cenfur'd for not ihewing a doe
Refecdt to the See of J^onr t He#as apparently culpable, bactiiatfwhicb diir% brought up-
on him this ConJeinnatian, was the Diipleafurc of Duke Wiilidtn his Nephew, who was ir>-
ccns'd a; aintt him, because be bad excommunicated that Pciooe upon account of his Mar-
riage widi the Priaeels Mtthilia his Kinfwoman. tbe Danghear of Siddmiu COont Of PLm^
ders, and favonr'd the Party of Duke Jr^urs hU Brother Theeefore the Dnke l»ni[li'd him

immediately after his Condemnation, to the Iflc of Guernfcj, and caus'd Mautiliut^ a Monk of
Vee4mf, to be iubftfrated in his room. Tbe latter was aeatoas in endeavonriog to re-efta~
blilh the Churoh Dircipline and to reform the Corrnptlon of •\!n:incr- To whith p'jrpbfe :

he cali'd divers Synods, and made fome Conltitutions. In tlut which was held by him at
Tie Ctwh H«'en\ D. 069. ferthe
1 Dedication of the Cathedral Chnrcb^ dk buijdiiig of which waa
tiiaf coon}->Ieatcd at that time, he pubtifTi'd a ConfefTiunof Fiiilik aganft ShVi^r's CtfOnaotM Opi-

K««ei^ in^uon, of udiikb wcbavemacKaaciaiiwei^^

so0i|* / Tbt

Digitized by GoogI
of the Eleventh Century of Cbrifl'mky. 1

The Cmncil of Viouta heid^ A. D. 1073.

JLJAVI^ILLVS, D. 1069- Dvkc H^tlh'am am'i fain
dying yf. B^ftMJt, ^OOp ot
Aurancbes, to be chofcn to fupply his Place, and fent L4mfrtnK on purpofc ro I{cme, to
get that Eledion conHrm d by ihc Pope. This Arcb-bi(hop held a Council at f{^Mtn in 1071. TteCtmi.
with bis Suffn^am; in which a(xer having rev ;\ Vi die Creeds of AeCtvndb of NiM, Cm> eft
ftatjincpky Ef^u wA
CialctJm^ cbey Cbc forth Xwency Imr Ommi^ idadng 10 Cliaicli- I'-c^.en, ia
Difcipline. 1072.
The Firft imports, That the Bifliop fliall perform tbc Confecration of tbe Holy €lirifHi

and of the OiN, t he Hour of f A'wf, having at leaft twelve Priefts fir his AfTlftanT-;. ^ o»eof
Tbc Second, 1 liat tiic Arch-dcacons fliaU not content thcmlclvcs, only wich receiving fomc ,|y
few Drops of the Chriiin and confecrarcd Oil, to be mixt with the CCWr ^Nl s as ic is com* CsMtiSut
monly feme Pliccs by an Abufc, but diat dwy flwU pftfeot all tbcir Chrifm and Muir$,
prad1:is'd in
Oil £ilhopto be oonlecrateu by him.
ru the
The Third, That die Deans, being doathed with Aibes, (hall diftrjlMte die Chrifin and €(»•
lecrated Oil wiih Reverence, and keep then • well ftopt Vcflcls.
The Fourth ordains. That none fliall ccicbraie Mais without rhc Communion.
The Fifib, That the Priefts lhall remain Fafting and Ctoa d wiA the Albe and Stole, i^

Vfben they go about to aJminiftcr Baptifm, unlcfs in Cafe of nccelTity.

The Sixrh, That liic Viaticum nr Holy Water, flia!! no: be kept nbovc eight days ; and
tlwt Hotls alrt-ady confecrated, Ihnll not be coafecrarcd a fecond rime.
ThcSc\-en:h, Thar to confer Cf-nfinnation, 'tis rcqiiili:e thai thc BUbop and thofe PecionS
who receive it llioukl c FalHng, and that Tapers be lighted.

The Eighth, That f crcd Qrden (hall be confer'dia the Evenin($ on SMmrd^s or Sonday
doming, if S-trurJj/s Fait were nor 'mk -n.
The Ninth, That the Fafts lhaii be exactly obferv'd during the £iwAfr. Weeks. J"
The Temfa, That Oerks who have cana'd tlMriclvea«> be tudainjd. by lurprte* Ihadi be
The Eleventh, That thofc who iiave rcceiv'd Crowns with jBenedidtion, and Mvfiune tH
quit them, (hall be excooimunicated, till the>' have made Sadsfedion; and that uericf «lliO
arc defirous to be ordain'J, Ihal! repair to the Bifliop on /Vri.jv/ for that pnrpofe.
The Twtllth cnjovns. That vagabond Monks, or fuch as nave been tura'd out of their
BAbnaftery for fomc Mifdeameanour, (hall be conftrain'd by tbc Bifhop's Auihomy to return
to them ; but If the Abbots rdvAc w r -.idmtt thofc whooi they have e^^cU'd, chef ibatt bo-
oblig'd to give liKin Alms, and to maintain them. ' '

The Thirteenth, That no Merchandife (ball be made of Spiriraal Livings.

The Fourteenth, Thar nn Marriages fhaii bi- fol^rnniz'd pnvnrc fy, nor after Meals j boi'
thai the Britie-Eroom and Bride ixing Fafting, lhaJI be blcfsil bv a ij'ricft in like manner Faft-
ing ; and that before he proceed to marry them, enquiry ihili be ttiade, wberfief<thc Finife#
be not Relations in the fevcnth Degree of Confangaini'y
Tltc Fif eenth declares, That Pnclts, Deacons and iub-dcacons, who are marry 'd, cannot
cr jt y ^ny Church-Re\'enttes, nordlfpofe of' them themfclves, or by oiher<;.
The vSix:ccn-.ii, That a Man rnnnor marry a WidoWr -Wilh whouhe tS fiUjpeAcd 10 iMfO
convcrs d fcandaloufly. in bet Hu&bana s Life-citne.
The Sev enteenth, That a Man» whole Wife ii«iU*d a Nnn, onnoc take anmher, t» lanf
as flic is living.
The i^igluecmb, That a WcKnan cannot marry again, till Ihc l)c certainly alTur'd of her
Husband's Death.
. Tlic N'ir.ttcenth orders, Thar Cleiks who hive commitT«l enormous and pitblkk SlM|'
(I^all not be reftor'd ro their Dignities, till after a long courfe of Pcnnancc.

The Twentieth, That if any Clergy-man be guilty of a Crime, for which he ought to be
dcpos'd, his Diocclan (hall fummon fuch a numl>cr of his Collcpues, as is retjair'd by the
Canons ; that is to fay, Ux. for the depoiing of a Pricit, and three £ar chac of a Deacon ; and
That thoie whocannocafltft in Pcriini, IhlUlMfcnnitMdtofioidilHirDt^titfflkfiip^lyt^
The Twenty iirft, That during t!ic time of Lent, none fliall take ari\ Rcpait before the
* '
of Notu, *Ou»f
The Twenry fccond, That on Satuniay the Vigil of £,}y?fr.Fcftival. tiie OfFo? fliall nor Lc ctMKl*
begun before Hour of None, by rcalon tliat it is the No*2;ural Office,
liie which belongs toal.
£4/?fr-Sunday, and that no Mafs ought to beftidjdnring tkeiiiwo preceding days.
The Twenty third, That if any Fcftival happen? tf> fall on i day, when K CUMihtCt^
Icbrated, it ihali be tjansferr'd to another wtthio the Otitave. '•'
The Twenty fourh, That the foJcnin and getKiai Japtifm of adult Perfons, fhall be admif
riflrcd only at Ea^tr and Hl'itf^r:t'J'\ ?.M nm c\r^r\ on rhr Fe(tival of the Bfi^MMtf^ tMttfi
in Caiie of necdiity ^ but as ioi imants, ucy may uc Bapiiz'd at ail times. .


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1 1 8 A Neup Ecclefeafiical Hiflory
A(ljuml In tbe following ^'c•ar, there haoDcn'd a norable Quarrel
between Join dc ^xyutx the
httmttn Monks of the Abbey of St. Omn ar R^uen ; It w^-, a Cuftoinary th'np fnr
Arcb«biniop, and the
lif Afth.
hi^f of FefiKval
Metropolitan of that City, to celebrate a folcmn Maf; in their Cliurch on rhe Patron's
Arch-bUhop John having made tbetn ftay ibmL what longer than ordinary, they be^

^'^""» gan the Office without him bur arriv'd when the Hymn cail d Gloria in excel/is wasend-

^^'> being incensti, bcciuic they did not wait for him, he cxcomtnunicatcd all the
caus'd the divine Service to oeafet and the Abbot of Sees, who wa? ofliciaring, to
St OvvcD. Monks,'
dcpar: from the Altar. Ry r'""'" means a great Tumult was rais'J, during which one of the
Monks or one of their Servants got up into the Steeple, rung the Alann-bell, and cry'd out
from the top of the Tower, That tbe Arch-bi(bop was come to take away the Rclicks of
St. Owfw; Whereupon the People were parhfrd toj' thrr; Tome with Hatchcf;. and others
with Staves ; ran in crowds to the Cimrch ; and broke in turioufly ; whjUt others c!imb*d
opoa tbe Vaults: Tbe Arch>bi(hop terrify 'd vrith the danger, retird toward the Cimrch-
doors, caus'd them to be fhnt, ?nd inaJe a Rampart of Seats and Benches againft thofe who
were in the Church. In the mean wkiiie his Attendants fell foul upon the Monks with Can-
dleiticks and S aves and the Monks on the other fide, defended thcmfclves as lefohitely ;

till at laft the Sheriff" of rh<> City being inform'd of this Tomu.'r and of the danger, ro wf^ch

the Arcb-bi(hop was expos'd, came wiih his Guards and rcicu d him out of the Hands of
the Rabble : The latter immediately wrote to King H^Uiam about the Affair, and the Monks
did the like on their fide. This Prince ordcrd. thar the Arch-bifliop (hould reconcile the
Church, and upon his refiifal, caus d it to be done by the Bilhop of Aurmcbes ; ncvcrtbelefs,
to give SatisfaOion to tbe Arch-bi(hop, fiime of tbe Monies were put imo Ptifen^ and otbeis
were difpers'd in difets lllooafteflet.

Ibe CouncU of Rouen» held^ A. D. 1

ftecm- T N the Year 1074. the fame A; h I
iliop fdm, bdd onodier Owndl ar /(fiumwiii bit
dtcf ^ Suffragans, in which he publifhd Fourteen Canons.
Roueo, in Xhe Firft imports, That to extirpate Simony, 'us forbidden to boy or fell any Ibrt of
>074* Benefice, whether it be an Abbey, Ardihdeacomy, Deanery or Cnie of"^ Sonl^ and to exaift
I any thing for admillion into Orders.
The Second, That Abbeys lhall only be beftow'd on thofe who are well vers'd in Mat- .

ters of Churcb^DifcipHne, by the means of a continu'd pradice of it for feveral YtMa.

The Third, That the ancient Conl^itution (hall be obfcrv'd, which pfOfaibilS tO COMftUa
any Clerk, witliout a Letter of recommendation from his Dioccfan.
The Fourth. That feveral Orders fhall nocbe rccciv'd on tbe fante day.
The Fif-h, That the Salvdcicnn?, DL-acnns and Priefts, (hall not be ordain'd boi OpOB
nuking a fokmn Profeifion, accoruing to the Injunt^tions of the Council of Toledo,
The Sixth, That Monks or Nuns, who have fallen into any pabGck ooMtribiis Emm^,
(ball be excluded for ever fmm the c^crcife of ihr'u- Tv-nijiion^^

The Sevcnilj enjoy i.s, liiat the Monks and Nuns talce care exa(illy to obferve St. BftU'
Jifl s Rule.
The Eighth, That Clerev-men who are ordain'd, fhall be tnf^nidcd in dufe thiofiwfaidi
are cxprcis'd in the Eighth Canon of the Eighth Council of Toiedo,
Tbe Ninth, That Chriftian Burial Oiall not be deny d thofe Petlbns who die fuddcnly, if
they do not adually under the goilt oi Home iioiQdoas Grime: nor Co Women widi Child,
or newly brought to Bed.
The Tenth, That no Credit fhall be given to tbe Depofitinns of thofe Ferfons, who under
a colour of a fcruple of Confciencc, declare thar 'hey hr.xc^ had to do with the Sifters or Re-
lations of their Wives, 10 iiavc a pretence to leave liiem, uniefs they bring fuiEcicnt Proof of
tlic Matter of Fad.

Tbe Eleventh, That they fhall likcwife be obfig'd to the fa -re t^^inp who give it out that
diey did not receive ail the inferiour Orders, when they wcxc ordatn'd Pri^s, OQ purpoie
ro ger r nprortunity to quit the Sacerdotal Fun(Sions.

7 he Twelfth. That Clergy-mcn degraded for their Mildcamcaiioiin, fhall not haie the
liberty ro lead a fccular Life, as Laicks.
The Thineenth, That thofe Perfoosvriiole Marriage is dedar'd Null, becaule it wasooa>
, traded with near Relations, fhall live continently till they be married to others.
The Fourteenth, That the Chriftians fliaJl not have any Jews for their Slave*, nor any
JetoijhWomen for their Nurfes.
Some time after, this Arch«bifhop of l{«ueH failing Sick of a Palfcy, King ^f7//;.J77J the Con-
qoeror demanded a Licenfe of Gregory VII. to fubftitute another Clerk in his room. This Pope
gave orders to Hubert Si^-deacon of the Church of ({•^ini- his Legac, with the Birtiops and
Abbots of the Province, and the Clergy of the City of ^euen, to enquire whether John de
Bsyeux their Metropolitan were really capable any longer to perfbna the Epifccmal Fundions,
and ID Oi£e it apfcar'd ia, tiwsihey Hioiudcsbart him to content 10 the Eledmn of another

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of the Eleventh Century of CbrifHamtf. 119
< Arch-biHiop ; but if his Diftemper hindred him from giving Hicb Conient, tfacy might proteedto
the Choice of a Pl rfon worthy of being advanc d to that Dignity. Upon mature lU lilx ration,
being fouod uncapable was oblig d to make ^Reiignat^on ui due fonn, aod rccir d to one
of hisCoontrf-Hoares : The King cam'd fVttUtm AVboc<tfSt. Sfepbem at C«fli, the Son of
I{ndloiius Bifhop of Strs to he chofen tofupply his pf ice. Pope Gregory difapprov'd ihis EIc- v
<^ion, t^ccaufc he was the Son of a Pnelt ; but notwithdanding his Probibicion, iViliUm was
wdain'd, A. D. 1079. whUft was as yet living, who died finne time after.

The Council 0/* Lillebonne, ifeUi^ A. D. 1080.

IJl/ ILLIAM L firoam'd the Conqucroui, King of England and Duke of Nermandj, caus'd
a Council of the Pieiats of Ntmumd^t » be heW at LiSebame in his preftnce, A D. 1080, ^jj;
flllUam Areh-bifllop of I{f>iun prcfidcd in this Syrn d, ind ili\i,r-; Conititutions were made icboone
the%ia, againft thole who married their Kelatioos i againit Clcrgy-mcn, who had Wives j in loto.
to prohibit Simoniacal PraAices and Ixaiftions for the prrformance of Ecclefiaftical Fundi-
00s ; concerning the rc(liruiion of Revenues ufurp/d from the Churches; the Rights of Bi- ;

and Arch-deacons i the mainceoance of Priefts to fcrve the Churches that belong to
Monln J aod about die Pimifliaientl to be Inffidid on Cdminab and the infringers of the
Ecdeiifticd tnd Ovil Laws.

The Councils of the Province of Aquitaine.

The CmncH of Narbonne, held in the Tear^ 1054.

/7 E PPJtETi Arcb-biAop of Nmrhme held tit that City, A, D. 1054. a Coaneif coniSb- rfo
iiig of ten Bilhops, and tnadc a hi-gc Ordinance concerning the Laws of Peace itidcti^f N^r-
Tnicc i in which he marks the Days on which it is forbidded to make War, as alfo the bonne f»
Peifons and Goods Aat OUJult to httmhatahiSaks, even in the dme of War, who ate more 1054.
efpccially Clcrgy-mcn, luMfaaiid4iiea and Merdianis ; with the Eflfeds bdooginf to their
refjpeClivc Qaalities,

The Council of Touloufe, held, A. D, 105^

pOPE riclor II. having givenOrders to I{amh'c}us Arch-bifliop of Arlet, and to Punuutjy Cmm*
Arcii^bilhop o£Aix, his Vicars^ to call a Council for tlie extirpation of Sinwigr, aiul the diofTou-
ttefhuuation of GcdefiafticalDMcip^ : They met tc^etber, A. D. ioja. at J^Uttftt with buie m
the Arch bilhop of N4rAMW, and divers other Bilhops of 2V«ii«r, and drew op ihirceea tof iS.
In the Rift it is Decreed, Tint thofe FleHbns who receive Ordination for Mony, fliall be
dccradcd from their Digniry, as well as they w.'ho ordain'd them.
In the Second, That a Bilhop, AJahat or Prieft (hall not be ordain'd till the Age of thtity
Years, nOr a Deacon till he has atiain'd to that of Twenty five.
In the Third, That nothing fhall he taken for the Dedication of Churches. «

In the Founb, lliat nothing Ihall be given to obtain Eccleiiaftical Benefices.

In the Fifth, That they who torn Monks vriiha defign to get the Government of an Abbey,
tttall never be promoted to that Dignity.

In the Sixth, Tliaithc Abbots lhall govern their Monks according to St.Beneai^'s Rule,
and that they (hall not fu^r them to enjoy any private Eftate, nor to hold a Provoftlhip or
Superiority withouc their confcnt.
xhc Seventh cnjoyns Priclts and Deacons to lead a Hi^e life.
The Eighth, Ttiat Lay-men flial! not have any Spiritual Dvings*

The Ninth, That the Efta(e<; and Goods of dcceafcd Pcrfons (hall not be pilla^d, bttC
that they (hall be difpos'd of, according to their iali Will and Teilamcoc
The Tenth ordains, That the Churches (hall be fltthyd to pay die accuftoooed Dot^ to the
Bpifcopal Sf e, .ii d ihat thok that do not pay any. fliall allot the third pert of their Tithes
and the Oblations, for the ofc of the Bilhops and Clerks.
The Eleventh, That in the Churches which belong do the Turifiildion of Noble-tncn, the
tiiird part of the Tith«a» and the Q^ngs (ball be ttfanr'd for die Pf iefts and Clerks, who
officiate therein. •
The Twelfth denoonoes a Scuimce of Egcommunicatfon againft Adnbewrs and inccAnoiis
Perfons, as alfo againft tbofe who are found guilty of Perjury.
The Thirteenth orders the like Sentence to pals upon thoili: who hold Corteipondeoce or
CoDverfe with excommunicated Perfons, unleis to reprove or admonilhiheni.

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\20 A Nw Ecclejiafiical Hifiory

The Councils of Germany,

The Council of Dortmund* held in the Tear9 1005.

thCmttil 1 T by Dithmar the Hiftorian, tb.-,t a great Council was hcK: at Dcrtmund in IVeJi-
IS related
tfjjott' fbMlU July 7. A. D. too 5. in which the Emperor Henry II. compUining of the Irrcgulari-
mnnd tics in reference to Church-Difcipline induc'd the Biftiops to revive 'he F.cclefiaftlcal

i» 1005. Law5, and to endeavour to reform the Exorbitances and corrupt Manners of liie Clergy
and Laiqr* bf malciflg divcn nfifiil Gmoos : Bur che Adsaod Conftitutioiu of ibis Coondl

are loft.

The Coimil of Selingeniiadt » heldy A . D. 102^.

jiKlB O, Arch-bifliopof MnuXt held in the Year, 1023. a Council ar StHngenftadt, couh
nr &Mt^ /2 BurcLtrti Bifhop of tVcrmt, Vnnarius BifTiop of Strafburg, Bruno of Autsburg,
B^f^rd q( Bamherg and MegtnLatd of HMrts^burg, in which liiefe Bifliops made the tollow-
ftadt u '"S CiKiftiturioiw,
lost* THl- Firf^ ord.vins That Abftincncc from caring Flefli flia!I be obfcrv'd ffurrctn Days
before the Feftival of St. John, as many before that of Cbrifimas, and on the VigUs of the £//-
fhanj, of the FeftiTak of die Apoftles, of cbe AfTmiiptioii of tlie Vitgia Mctsr. of Sc. Laurtnet
and cf i!l the Sainrj.
The Second lixes the Ewifr-Weeks.
The Third denotes the time, when the
(blemnization of Marriages is forbidden, n/^. fron
Advtnt after the Ep^h.-.ny, ami from Septuagcfm.i till after Eajier, as iKboo ihc above

Days of Abltiuencc, as well as the Vigils of liic folcinn Felbvais.

The Fourth impons, That a Pried who has drunk plentifully after the Cock'<iowin0 in
the Summer, or cven in Wincer* flull not be allow'd to iay AiaTs the next Day, uale6 in
cafc of nccclTity.
The Fifth prohibits Pricfts to celebrateabove three MaHcs in one Day.
« , Sixth torbids under pain of an Andtbema that f CcrforaU ibould be thrown inoo the
^ ^^^^ ^° ^^'^ Conflagration.
trtxtd IM- F"'
M* CJWk seventh ordains, That if two Perfons fufpeded to have committed Adultery Mgeth^,
en -n bicb otic confcflcs
thc Crime, and the o:h. r denies it, the Party who OWXU it fluU be puCID Fco-
$be ebalitt nzncc^ and the other lliall clear huiifclf by taking his Trial.
mi The Eighth forbids che carry ing of Swords into thc Chuidi, czccpc the Swoid of&ite.
me fet in The Ninth prohibits Meetings in thc Church-yards.
tht P<fifi> The Tenth condemns the Cuftom of fomc Laicks, and more efpecially of certain Lidics,
^tHihs. y,j,o contented thcinfelvcs only to hear every Day thc Gofpcl In frincipio, or to caufe il.c
MafTes of the Trinity and of .S^ Mich.;-! to be faid in their prcfencc ; and ordains, Tiiac
this fliall not be done for thc future, but in ihc proper time Otherwife if any Perfons be

dcfirom to bear a particular Ma(^ being mov'd by a lingular Vcncmr-on f r the Hoty Tri-
nity, and no: by any fuperrtiiious Conceit; they fliall hear a MaTs for the Dayt or one Ibr
the confolation and lafcty of thc Living, or one for thc Dead.
Thc Elevendi imports, That thc dm
degree of Confaogiiinity lhall be redton*d from the
CofTns Germtn.
Thc Twelfth, That the Houfes of Laitks which arc contiguous to Churches (hall be
pull d down, and dur none Ihall be buitt in the Courts belonging to them, except thofe
In thc Thirteenth, Lay-men arc forbidden to confign their Ch::rchcs to Pricfts, without
ifaeconfcni and approbation of the fiifliojp or of his Grand Vi^ar.
Thc Fourteenth imports. That rwo Perfons bcii g accusM f/ hn-in" comtni'tcd Adultery
together, which they deny ; if either of thc Parries Jciijc that liicy may both undergo a Tri-
al, and one be call, tliey fhall both be reputed guilty.
Thc Fifteenth enioyn?, That the publick Fafts appointed by the Biiliops fhrdJ be ol-iferv'd,
or elie thii they iV.all be rcdcem'd by allotting a certain Largeis for the iuftcnancc of poor
The Sixre«nth. That tibnefluU take a Journey to J^Miir,' without a Licence from the 6i-
Ihop or his Grand Vicar.
The Seventeenth, That no fjrieft fluUI cctreoch any tUng fiom the F(»ty Days Faft im-
pofed on Penitents.
The Eighteenth is againft thofc who being guilty of cnonnous Crimes, rcfufc to receive
Peonancc from their Diocefan, upon a prefumption, that going to /(cwr, thc Pope will for-
give all their Sins: The Council declares, That this Indulgence Oall ftand them in no fiead,

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of the Eleventh Century of Cbrijliamty* i^i
and that they ought at ^rft to receive aPcnniitc proportioned to the bctnoufncrs of rhcir
Orfences, after wUcb they may go to i^MM wuh tbt penniffion and iccommeiidacory Letters
of their Dwcelan.
In the Nineteenth, Penitnir<: arc prohibited to Travel during the forty Da^s of their Faft. *

The Twentieth forbids Pheltsto admit into the Church, fucb Pcrfons as are nor r.llow'd to
emer Tfaeivin, by rcafbn of dieir Crima, wiibonc tuving receiv'd ao Order from tiic filHiop.
Thcfc- Canons arc follow 'd with a Fonb of Ceremonies to fac obierr'd. and PlniyerS'io be
£ud dariag cbc SeliiiQa of a Synod.

Tbe Council of Mentz, helJy A. D. i c6p.

CJG£F/^or or SIGEFl^^lD Arch-bilhopof Mrw/;? focceeded A. D. 10^9. and Th C.-uw
govcmM that Church tiU 1084. He held a Council in 1069. at Mr«/^, in which then/ ^
Emperor Henry Vf. made a Propofalto divorce his Wife, by rcafon that he could nor have Menizfc
any IflTuc of her Body. Sigejrid mclin'd ro Opinion ; but Peter Dtmieu the Pope's Legat
being arriv'd, and tiaving prevented the Divorce, the Ardi-bilbop wrote to ^<Vjird»iiT II.
that oe had prohibited the Emperor from divorcing bis Wife, nnder pain of Excommutuca-
tion J but that this Prince havmg alltilg'd, tint he conKl not have carnal Copulation with
her, and the own'd her impoccncy, be foand himfcif oblig'd to confult the
fiinpre(s htivins
Holy See, a Cafe ; that he was utiwilling to pafs Judgment on die
aboiw: fo eicrawrdinary
Affair in a CoutKil, which was call'J upon that occiliori, till he had recciv'd hisAnfwcr j and
that be cncreaied bim to fend his Lcgats 10 esamine aod decide tbe matter in Gtrmtnjf, *

The Council of Mentz^ A. D. 1071,

fame Arch-bithop held another Council at Mmt:{, A. D. 1071. to Cfiqaire into the TleCMn^
Ordination of Chariet nominated to the Bifhoprick of Cmjlance He wa<; accu<;'d of Si- rfJ
mony, and the Pope forbid Sigeftid to ordain him fiiihop ; ncverthclcfs tiic Eir pcror pcremp- Meotzi"
torily rcquird it, and wrote to the Pope about the Afiair who referr'd the examination of 107**

it to the Arch-bifhops of Colen and Ment:(. Whereupon they fummon'd a Council, bttt the
Emperor-would not fufier it to be lield, and rook a refolntion to fend Charles to I{,ime, to the
end that the Pope might take cognizance of the matter and ordain him Bilhop. Sigefrid pre-
vented the Pope, and entreated him not to con(ccrate Charles, but if he found him Innocent,
to fend him back to him and to his Collcgues, to receive Ordination from them. The Pope
refilfing to determine this Affair at H«me, lent him back to be examin'd in his own Country,
and it was referrd to the Council whidi Sigefrid held at Maui\n the Month of yii^uft^
A. D. loyr. The Arch.biibop9 of 54//^^«r^ and TWerwith nine Bilhops of Germany affifted
in this Synod, in which, Maners were debated during four Days between Charles and bis Ad-
irerfaries, till at laft CbarUs fearing left be Ibould not be able to carry the Point, dcclnr'H
that he would not be Bithop contrary to the Inclination of ifiole wlidm be was to govern,
and dclivcr'd up his Ring and Croficr into the Emperor's Mand?. The AAl of this ONtOCil,
which wete feat to cbc Pope and Sigtjriii I^ettersare ftiU cxunc.

The Council of Rtfoidf A D, 107J4

Year, 1079, there happcn'd a difference Ijctween Sigefrid attd the Clergy of T£«-
* tii^m, about the Tithes ol that Province, which this Arch-bifhof claim'd as his Right, }|f cit of
mad which were contefted with him by the faid Cfergy, more efpeaally by the Abbots of Erf^^d m
iW^dW-and Herfeidt. The matter wxs debated in an AffcmWy held at Erford in the lame loyj*
Year* and determin'd by tbe Emperor to the advaniwe as Sigtfrid^ who wrote abour ir to
HiUeirmii, and to Pope Altxm&r. The Hiftory of this Conncii is written by Lambert^
and wc ftill have Sigefred"s two Letters, in the laft of which, he makes mention of the OttC-
rages committed againft the Arcb-bilhop of Trier, declaring chat be was taken aw«]r byibney
extremely abus'd, and at laft flumefiiily pat id Deatb.

The Councils of England,

ne Council of Aenham, held in tbe Tear i to 10*

1^ ING BtLtlrtd s^ll'd a Council about the Year, loio. ia which Eipijegus Arcb-bifliop yie f«««
lACmtetkmy and BihtM
Arcb>bilbop of Tiri^ affiftcd, and ma^c a grear number of fAi^AclA<
Cbnftinitkms conceniing; the Refennition of Uuinen and Gnirch DUdplinft ; Rules ban.
R ttaac
122 ^f^^ Ecclefidjlicdl Hiftory
and ctbcf
that o Toiit to he follow'd by die Clerks and Monjsi ; the Celel^cy of Priefts
of Choitlief,
Clercv-mLn ; againft fuperiKriomFradtcetJdia Inamtinency ; abottt ihe Rights
Tiibtirc of funcrni Trrchc^, wlilch w. s p.iid ihricc a Year,
P^niailarly SuPettrs Pence, the
to be obicrrd, ^'K- th'-*
that of Burials, ^c. concerning the Fcftivals and Falts that ought
Fcltival of the Virgin M^rj, preceeded by a Ftft ; and die
FdUvali of tlie Apoflles
m lUte mannerprccccded by their refpcdlvc Vipils except of St. J.^mei and St
the tour
when a not to be keoi, by trafon of the Fafcbal Solemnity ; the Fait of
Faft is
Ctfnceming the time, in which Marriages are for-
Ember-^ccks, and that on all l^iJa^j .

the folirrn FcfVIvaln j the

Emi.-r-Wccks ; froin Ad-
bidden to be folcmnlz'd, that is to fay,

vent^to the OcOave of ihc Bfi^nj, and from Scptuitefim4, to the end of the Fortnight al-
ter VAfler: Aboflt that ovght to bcoMerv'd by Widows before they marry
acain which is the fpace of a Year Laftly, concerning frequent ConfclTions; the receiving

of the Communion ; aod divew other Points of Moraltiy. For the Ordinances of this Coun-
Gil contiiin many excellent InftraaiOM
aaA very prudent Erfiortaiions:' Forafmuch as it
bcnveen the Year of
was hckl under FJphri,in Archbifliop of Cantcrhu y, it muft needs be
our Lord, loo^. and lo j 3. There are two diflcreni Editions of ibc Acfs of the Council of

The taws of the Kings Ethelred and Canut

riitf THE fame King Ethelnd publifh'^d vf. O. icii. certain Laws, among whidi arc fomerdat-
the paymentof P#rer*« Fence ; toobligc all
Eihclred inj? to Ecdefiaftieal A(Jairs j panicularly, about
St: I. if! ; concerning the PiayeCS
M»d Ki^g ihx Faithful to Faft three Days before thj Feftival of S:.
Canut's which ought to be faid in the Churches for the Sute, and about Alms giving.
King Catmt in lOcc manner in Year, rojt. eami'd di»e» Laws vo be proclaim d which
the Peace of the
relate to Church-AtT^iirs, vi\. concerning he cxteriour Religious Worlhip ;
Churches ; the rclped due to Ciergy-mcn ; onlawful Marnagesj the jayment oi Tubes,
Peter's Pence and other Tributes; the ofafervation of Fcftifak. Sundays and
Days of Ab-
ftincucc the Funiflions and Manners of the Clergy and of the Faithful
and againft Trrepu- ;

Jarities , Abules and Miideneanours. Tbefe Laws arc full of moral Maxims and mous
Exhortations: llwreaieaUblmoifcmof tbelil»fliCtt»ea«M1qri^

Tlte CmmcilfflMdKsn^ held in the Tear^ 1075*

rf Cum 'TT^^^ * "'"^ ''"^ ""^ Councils were held, or any Conitirations made reJatiog to
Cburch-difcipline in EngUnd, when LAnfram WtMorjsin'd ArcA>bHhop of CMltrrAirr.
(Uef L^ an AfTemUy be l" i::;mnn for (bne lime after, becavife the Kinp would
b neither could fuch !


1075* ivSct any to be convcn'd witboat his permiffioo. Ac laft he held a National iiynod at
Lntdntt A. D. 107s. in which Thamu Ardi-biliop of fir^ aflMed and eleven Bniopsef
J^gland, with the Bifhop of Coutgnces, whn was admitted to the Council, becaufc be had a
coofiderable £(Ute in this Kiradom: There were alfo prelent 11 Abbots in this Council,
in which ft was firft ordain'd. Tint all the Kfliopc ftouid ta1i% their Places according to the
antiquity of their Ordination, except thofc who had a peculiar Privilege upon account of the
Dignity of their Sees ; and after havu^ Ibi^i for thofe who might lay claim to foch a
Frmlege' in BigUndy it was detemiin'd Aat thie Arcb'bifliop of Torii ihould be placed 00 the
right Hand of rhc A^ctropolitan of Cimterlurythe Bifhop of London on the left,
; id the Bt- l

Ihcn) of iViKcb^er next die Arcb4>iihop of Tor^; and chat in the abfence of the latter, the
Bilhop of flionld fit tm the right Hand of
fliop of lVtri,rff^rr rn the I. fr. Afterward it w.^s
Arckbtlhop of CMOtthmf^ and the K>
creed, That all the Monks flionld IiTC
according to St.BeHedid's Rule; chat they flwuld taice care to inllru(fl the Youth* and that
(hey fhonld not have any privaie potfeffions; Then dnee Fpifcopal Sees which were treStud
in Towns, were tranOated to Cities, according to the Tenor of tlie third Conftitotioo, and
the ancknc Injun&ions were revjv'd, which prohibited to receive a Cleric who was Tub*
ieA to the JnrifiliAon of another Biflwp, whhoQt Letters of recommendation Ifon bis
niocefin and to m-rry a near Kinfwoman. Simoniacal Prac9:Icc<i, Witchcraft and Pagan
^ufcrftitions were likewife forbiddei^ and the Celebacy of the Oergy was ftru^ly cnjota'd.

The Council of Winchefter, heid^ A. D. 1076.

yte CWBi- T N a Council held the nrx- Year at ff^whfier, Lanfra'ic'd divers Canons to be
cilqf Win- drawn up againft Perlbns guilty of Simony ; for the celebration of Provincial Councils
^Mftcff fAfedten of Cletles to their Bifhops, and the payment cfTiihes ; oonoetninc the ndman*
is 1076. nntion of ic Si .mrnts and divers ochcc Poinis 01 OUdplme, amoof vHikh the ibllBMVillg
tl r

are more efpeciaily remarkabtei vi{.


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of the Eleventh Century of Chnflramtj. 12^
That the Altars ought to be made of S:one : 1 hat the JMa^ cannot be cclcbiatcd with
Beer or Water ; Thtx Divine Service ihatl not be pcrtocmxl in Cbmches rtif tKey be Con-
fccratcd by the Bilhops That none (hall be bury J in the Churches That the BclU :

fliali not be Rung dmioe the Canon of the Mais : And that the Chalices (hall not be mado

of Wax nor Wood. Cniftiiiidons were alio made about the ame of Pcwace fiur diveia

The Council of London* heJd, A. D. 1 102.


A Kdi-Uihop LuoifrMe conttottVI to celctnte divers octier Gwncilf in Bt^hmd in his Liie-
c, rFic
tiii Cmfin, of which are not .v ycr coine to our Hai;(is ; bat after his £)eatli,
much time pals'd ere any could be convcn d, and ^i.A»f«lm his SuccelToar in vain impor-
ton'd Ac Kin^ of finffn^ to that purpofe, till at bft he held a folemn Synod at Lmd.n, The dun-
A D II thcConfVirurions of which were cranfmirted to us by Eadmer The Arch-bifliop di c( :

d[2ori(^ and twelve Biihops of Et^Und a£fted in this Coitncii, and made the Hallowing Coo< l^ndoa,
ftinicions. la it03.
By the fr.Pt, tbejr condema'd Sinaoj, and depoi'd fevcral Abbots, who were oonvided
of (hat Crime.
The Stomd MbiAt Biihops to excfdfe the FitnAions of Civil Magiftraies, and cnjoyns
th HI rn wear Habits fuinhle to rhcir ProfciTion.
In the Third, ic is prohibited to lot om Arch-deaconries to Farm, or to confer .them on
any other Perlbns than Deaoons.
The Fourth revives the Cr nil itur ions about Celibacy.
In the Filth, Cleigy-men are forbidden to uiulertake the Management of fecular A&irs* or
to (it as Judges in Cffantoal CaiileSi and co drink in VidmUing Houfea or Places of pabfick
Refort: Thi-y are alio cojoyn'd lo we^r Hafain of one fingte Colour, and to have their
Crowns Ibav'd.
The Seventh jiec^ma, TliatThliesoaght only to bepaidtotheChvidies.
The Eighth is a Prohibition to build new Chappels without the confcnt of the
Klhopa,aild ^

witboot raufing fufficient Fund for the Maintenance of the Pricft and Church.
In the Ntntn, 'Abbots are prohibited to bear Anns, and enjoyn'd to refide in dwir Mon^
ftcrics, v irh rhcir Monks.
. The Tenth proiubits that Monks Ihould adminilter Penance without the conlenc of
riieir AUor, and that Abboia flnold impofe it on other Ferfooi tliaa thofi^ who are noder
rheir Tuition.
In the Eleventh, Monks are forbidden to bold Farms ; to ftand as God-fathers » to get
Chitfdies into didr Voflfeffion witfaott the coofent of the Biihops; or to take tie Reveoues
ofthr lf th r arc granted to rhem, without allowing a compeccnr Maintenance for tfaePliefti
who ierve in them, and a fuficieiu Fund for the keeping them inreMir.
The Twdfth declaiea the Proaoilb of Marriage, made widbmic WioielRt, to be Noll, if
it be den\ M by one of the Parties.
The Thirteenth enjoyns die Catting of the Hair (ban, fo that pa<:t of the £ais and the Eyes
mMf be difinovcrda
The Fourteenth prohibits Marriages, to the feventh Degree of Confantjuinity.
The Fiftecnib loi bids to bury the Dead withotu the B<rands of their Parilbj^ unlels the ac-
coftomed Duties be paid to theCwate ; and to iioiioar their Memory, withooc the BiAtop's
In the Sixteenth, make Mcrcfaandife of Men, by felling them for Slaves
it is prohibited to
as it was o^ Sodomy is forbidden under very levere Penalties, and
pnftis'd. Laftly,
this Cafe is Cognizance of the Biihops.
referv'd to the Thele Conftitufions were coofimi'd
by the Authority of the See of kfmc.
In the Year iioft. Scd^ebn held anodier Comctt ac Lmdon, in which he made Ten lieCraiN
tery rffpd Caooni againft Pricfts and Deacons, yAo were marty'd or liVd inooiuaflenily. di of

The Councils of iS^diff.

The Council of Leon* held in the Tear, 1 o1
C E W Coundll were
Century, by reafoo that part of that Kingdom
call d in Spain in this
ftgr^y. then under the Dominion of the Moors. However, King Alphnfut held a notable „| J
Alfcmbly ac JUon, A. D. loll- in which the Biihops drew up Seven Canons. j^^ji ^
l^e Firft impotti^ TlwtBcctefiaftkai Aflaiia fltall be ficft treaeed of, at the opening of the loia*

R » The

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A Nii2^ Ecclejiaflical Hiliory
The Second, That the Churches fliall peaceably cnjoy {ach Rtn times as arc kk thar. hj
laft Wilk and Teftameins, and that the Cicrgy- men lhall pafs Judgment
as to their validity.

The Third, Tbar Abbo«s» AbbdTes, Monks and Nuns, flaU be fubjedt to the Jurisdidion
of their Diocelan BUhop.
TTie Fourth Ofdtins, That none ftiall (c;7c cn the- Church-Re\-enues.
The Fifth, That the King's Officers fhall Prolecutt- ilio c who h.'\c k'UW a r:c-j:y-m."n.
TheSischj That after having dilpatch'd Ecdci!;;.'.:c.\l Aluirs, d;c Bi!l:op> .UwC^d lo
the Examination of dioie of the Kingdom.
The Seventh, Thar none fliaJl buy ibv Eilnre of a Vaflal of tlic Church, and he ubobas
done it, Ibali lolc the Mony he gave for the Purchnie.
Th^ Dttcea are foJlow'd wuh Forty others for the advantage of the State, jbime of wfikh
iievenhele& ba?e nfemce to die Preiecvacion of Eccldiaftical Revenues.

The Council of Coyaco» beid, A. D. 1050.

tU Coum' QINCE the time of King Affnijki, we do
not find that any Ecclefiaftical Conftituriooa
cHof were made in Spam, till the Reign of Feidinand I. King of CaftiUe, who being dcflrous
CoyacPiM to revive the ancient Cburcfa-Diictpline, which was Tor lb long time difus d, cali a a Coun-
lOfa ctl id the Year taso. at C^usm, a CaftJe in the DioceGof Ovicdo, where ihe B.lhop of tliat
City ti'mcd, together with Eiigbt oihec Bilbopt ofSfMUi and the loUowing Conftitutioat
were ratify d by them.
The Fiift oraaiot, Thatthe Biiliops fliall govern their DiocelTcs, and perfonn their Eccle'
fiaftical Fiindlions with their Clerks, according ro rhc Order of t!';c Church.

The Second, That the Abbots and AbbcUb Ibaii likewiic govern ti-.cir Monaftcrics accord-
ing to St. BemeMB's Rule, andlhall be fnbjed lo the Biihops ; and that they (hall no: admit
any Relinow Ferfims of .anotlier Monattery, Dvitfaout the pcnniflion of their Abbot or
The Third, That the Churches and Clergy (hall be under the Jarifdidion of the Bifhops,
and nor under rhar of Laick^ : Th:u the Churches ihall not he t'ividcd, b-.:t that they lhall be
fuppjy'ci with Priefts and DcacoiLs, aiid furnilh'd wuh Service-Books and Ornanicnts ; fo
that there may be no need of Wooden or Earthen Chalices : That the Habits of the Pricils
during rhe Celebration of the Mafs, be the AnuH, A.h^, rhc Cii.Ru' f, the Stele, the Cha-
fuble and the MtnipU ; and thole of a Deacon, the ^imid, the Ailr, tijc CinHure, the Stole^
the Dalnutici(znd the Mtmifle : That the Alur be intirely made of Stone, and coi^fecrated by
the Bifhop: That the Hoft be ahogcthcr of pure Wheat and witliour any Dcfcd That the :

Wine be likewife Pure, and die Water Clean ; the Altar decently adorn d and cover *d with
a white Ufmen Cloth, with a Cerfertl above and below the Chnlicc That the Priefls and

Deacons (hall nor Arms ; but that they (hr!l always have the Crown of their Head and
Beards lhav'd : 1 bat they lhall not keep any Women in their Houles ; unlcis their Mocfiery
Sifter , Aunt or Mother>i»*Law: And that they AaJl teach Childrea the Creed and the
Lord's Prayer.
The Fourth imports. That Pcrfons guilty of Murder, Adultery, or any oUieribrt of,Un»
cleannefs , (hall oe oblig'd to do Fcnanc c ; and if they ttSoXk to fiibmit to i^ they lhall be
fcparatcd from the Church and the Commurion.
The Fifth, that thole whom the Arch-deacon prcfcnts for Ordiitation, in the £ni^er- Weeks,
lhall be well vcrs'd in the Pialter, the Hymns, the Canticles, the Epiftksi, the Gofpels, and
the Prayers : That the Pridls fhall not be prcfcnt at Wedding? ro eat strong the Gucfts, but
only to give thcBcncdidion: Thar the Ckrks and Lay-men, who parta k e ot the Funeral Ban-
aiiets, eating the Bread of the Deceafed, fhall do (boie good Work fat their Souls, sod that
ley lhall invite tlic Poor and the Sick to thcfc Binqucts.
The Sixth, That all the ChrilUaiis (hail go to Church, on Saturdaj Evening and on Sund/tj
Morning ; that chey (hall .niTift on that day at the Maflet and the whole divine Service ; that
they (hail c?o no fervilc Work, nor undertake anv Jotirr'-ys eTrcepT for Devotion fake, or to
bniy the Dead and vifit the Sick, or to put m
Execution lome private Order receiv'd from the
Prince, or to defend themfelves agaioft the Asr^cfw : And that the Qiriftians IhaU not keep
any Corrcfpondcnce with the Jews.
The Seventh, That the pounts or chief Magirtrates lhall govern the People with JuAice;
(hall admit upon a Tryal, only the Evidence of Byeor Ear Vittiefles ; and fliall feverely tHmifli
fOfe Witneflcs.
The Eighth, Tluc Jufticeslhall be adminiAcr'd in the Kmgdoms of Leon, GalHcia, Ajiuri*
and Pertuj^al, according to Aifhcnfus'% Law, and in Cnjtiilt, according to thofc of Sancbn^.
Thr Ninth declares, That the Triennial Prdcription iball not rake place, in refeftnoe to
tlic Churches.
The Tenth, That he who has manur'd Land or cultivated a Vineyard, (hall gather the
Fruits widi a Privifi>, till the Poim be debated by the Panics amcern'd about the Vto-

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of the Licvcnth Century of Cbrifliamtj, 12^
The Eleveoth imports. That all tbe CbriftUns Ihaii Fail on Ftjdit]is.
Tbe Twelfth. Tur ^fe who have taken Sanduaiy in the Cborches; ^
nay, even witiihi
dliny Paces of the Church, cinnor be taken away from thence by Force.
The Tbirceeotb, That tbe Sabje<Ss of the Kingdom Ihall be obedient co their Prince, as tbcy
wcft to Jtlfbuifitt and JUikAk^, Thefe Conttittdons wcie made in the Ftdeace» aoAhy
Ainhority of Kii|g Btrdanmd and Qpeea SmchiM,

Tbe Cmncil 0/ Eina in Rouifillou, beldt A. D. 1065.

'T' O Conndit may be jdn'd an Aflembly of fiiihops and Counts, hdd hi the Year litCttu*
* 1065. zxElm
in the County of I{r>u_(flIon, where the Epilcopal See of Perfignan was for- *'^'/

roerly flx'dDivers Conftitutioos were made in this Coundi, for the Frefervation of Chorch-
: ^^.^
Revenues, |nd noie dpedaUy that wUch waa caU'd, Tbt Trvct rfGol RoufbOoo/

Obfervations on the Ecclefiajiical Affairs of tbe Eleventh

THE Study (yf D'\ ir.iry, which was ntglci^cd in the prccceding Ape, was reviv'J in ThfStuJ)
Century » and many Perlbns made publick Ledures of it in tbe Schools of the
Otfaedral Churchet or of tte Mtmafteriet. In the beginning, tbcy comemcd Aem-
felvcs (accordinj^ to the nncieiit Method) to relate the Explications of the Fathers on the Jft"
Holy Scriptures, and Points of Dodnn were only treated of by the way, and when fome
remarkable Occafion induc'd them to do it. Bnr in the end of this Century, tbcy began to
make Divinity-Lcdkures on the Dodrinal Points cf P.rligion ; to propofe divers QiiclHons
about the facted Myfteries i and to rclblve them by the PrioctDles of Ratiocination and ac-
cording to tbe Lopcal Me^od. This was the Original of Scholafticit Dhrmkjr, which be-
came in a little after, the ptindpal and ahnoft only Employnwat of tfaofe, who findied Ma^
ters of Religion.
Some of thofe, who fbllow'd diis Method, relying too much on dietr nice Ratiodnatlons,
and deparrinp from the plain m.inner of Dlfcoiirfins; us'd by the ancient Fathers of the Church,
advanc'd fome erroneous Proportions. In this Century, /(p/ce/in, who was Profeflbr of Oi-
Tinity ar Comfie^y ftarted a Propofi^ aboot the Hoty Trinity, which gave oflfence to
every Body viz. Thr.c the t'ree Diz n:- Pcrfcvs were t/vee Things
; ;nevcrthclefs 'tis not pro-
bable, that he defign'd to moinuin the Error of the Tritbeites, or to admit three different
Subftanccs in God ; and one may reafonably fuppofe, that by thode tbnt Things, he undcr-
ftood only three fubfifting and diftinft P( T ns, nhho' of tlic lame Nttat&
fiut altbo' no new * Herefie fprung up in this Age about the
Myfteries of tbe Trinity and the Incarnation, yet there were » trjr net tt:uztt ,n thu Trsn.
divers in rcf; 51 - >
ramcnts and Church-Difcipllnc. M'c pidon, in) nbcn to mh ibe Wordt of ib«
S' i

have Ihewn that in the beginning of the Ccnmr)-, certain He- AutSm; s>iM Ifriinef ibtCbtfrtkif Rome,
rericin were difboverM at Orieatu in KoHders, and at feuloufe, ttUus mi»f tbhgB m Bertfkt, idHeft (ta
who deny'd the real Prcfenci- of the Body of Jcfm Chi]} in Pfotefltm t/izcmnotfa: n-h:rffoTe wi dcubt
^w'*^ Proteflm Retdtr wifl
the Eucharift j the neceflity of Baptifm, and tbe efficacy of the
Sacraments ; who refeded tbe Worflrip of Sauits and Croffes, V*» •»» fui^M,
and the Ufe of Images; who ^ondemn'd lawful Mnrri r \
and ccnfur'd the molt pare of the Ceremonies of the Church. Some time after, BereufMriuf
divufg'd his Opinions aboat the Sacrament of the EnchariAr, which were condemn'd in diven
Councils. The Coiiri()Vcrfie> thnt were ckb.ucd in this Century, between the Gr«el^ and
Lafin Churches, have regard only to Points of Difcipline, and particulr.rly to the nle of Un>
leavened Bread in the Cooimtmioa Liberie Archbifliop of San, is wrongfuHy accus'd of having
dcny"d the real Prcfencc r f the- Rcdy 'Jrf:is Ch' ijJ in the fnmc Sacrament, in ihe bctir.ning

of this Centtiry ; and 'tis talHy lupf os'd that be was repiov'd by King Hfiert upon that account s
For HelguaJ does not fay, that he embrac'd that Opinion, btitonlythathe was wont to make
Ufe of the Ruchariji, to try whether Perfon? were iinwortin or not, by faying to rl^ofc to
whom he was ready to adminifter that Sacrament, 1/ jeu are mrtbj to receive it, draw near
4nJ Mr *f And that King I^obert found great Fadt with (his ExpKflion, and leprov'd hhri
vety fliarply for it; tmc ihac LmbeHt mm'd the Reprimand to his own Advantage.


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A Ne7i> EcclepjfiiciiHI/jfoyy
of the TheQuarrels rfut broke forth between the Popes and die Emwifors, caus'd very grear
nights of Confufions and Diforden id the Church and the Wettem Ein|»rc. Daring ihefc Conmiotions,
tk: Tifis Popes took an occafion to etlablilh tl; ir Temporal Sovereignty, in l{ome^ and cndcavour'd
oj tbi themfelvcs independent of the Emperors. Grtgor/ VU. extended bis Preienfons ycc
€tmA*f f^j^her, and us'dhbumioftBflbrtito perfimde ttie Votld, that he was rigbtfnl Soveretjni of
Rome* He was the firfl: of tfic Popes,
^j^^ whole Univcrfe, as well in Civil as in Eccleliaftical AfFair"; :

who attempted diredlly to difpoiTels the £mperor and tUc Kings of their Dominions, and
imagm'd that he bad a right to difiiofe of them m
favour of whomfoever he fliottld think fit
to advance to that Dicnity. As for the Spiritual Suprcmaq-, he carry 'd it beyond its due
Bounds, and abrogaiea abnolt the whole Authority of dtc Bilhops, and the Libertiei of pv
ticular Churches. The great noinber of Legats of the Sec of J(tmt fent alm»d on all
fides, and the Power which they ailbm'd to thcmfelvos did not a httic coiirribut-
t n ine
tl>e Auibority of the Ordinarks, and was extremely chargeable to the Kfyc&i\Q Churches:

The Dignity of the Cardinals was augmented to the detriment of diat of the £^ops, and
they began to have the grcateft fharc in the Eledion of Popes, and in c!ic Management cf tlu
Mails of the Church : The Arch-biOiops were oblig'd tq receive the PaJl, bctorc they were
permitted to exocife the Fandions of dieir Older ; and to condode, the of Upme, Cam
under divers Pretence^ got the Cognisance and Deteiminacion of all manner of ficdefialtical
The Simoniacal Praaiee«,Marriageand Concubinage of Cleigy-naen were exprcfi'd, and ilicir
^^'.V.'f Career at lad qu tc 1' fipr by the means of a valt number of Dcrrces : Stxnc to palliate Simony,
jjjQ^gi^j todilUnguiftj the Temporal Revenoe of fienc^s from the Spiritiai j and maio-
giving Mony for a Benefice, they did not Commit Simony, becaufir they pur.
Sr clrVif tiin d. That in
chas'd only the Temporalities. T!iis gave occafion to determine. That it was Simony, to

buy the Revenues annexed to Church Livings, the Fundlions of which were Spiriiuai: The
fiinioas diftindion of three (arts of Simony* «^ «|Ec/«. ^mmmit, a tti^ was in vogue at chat
time : S- Grc^i^'^ry was the firft who made the Remark, r.nd it was reviv'd by Gregcry VII.
Tbc Laicks wIk) h^d Tithes in their Podeilion, were mov'd by a icruple of Confcience to re-
ftote them ; boc diey often beftow'd them on Monks, and apply 'd them lo die Founding
oTMonattcries : The Bidiops oppos'd this Prn^^icc, and ordain'd that they cannot be given
to Mooafterics without the permiilicn of the Diocefans and of the, Pope : However, the
Monks did nbt ferlMarto retain cbofe that dbey had in their Vofleffioa, nor even to accept of
others, when offer'd to them. The Elcdbions of Bilhops were ftill in ufe ; bur the Princes
often nominated them, or cans'd thofe to be cboTcn whom they tboi^ht fit to promote, and
fomettmet die Vopet took care to provide dbem, or ordain*d dnle who weie deded, when
the Metropolitan rt fu'^'d to do it.
The Eniperors and Kings ftill had the Power of granting the Inveftiture of fiilbopricks and
Abbeys; and this Right was not contefted with them till wont the end of die Ekvemh Cen>
tnry ; The Plm lity of Benefices began to in nfc, an w.i- condemn'd by divers Con-

itimtioos : A
great number of Monks were proonoted to the Epifcopal Dieai^, and ibme
Bifliops left mir Bifliopridcs to retire to MonaAerics, after having obtain'oa Licence fiom
the Pope. Many Rifhopricks were made Metropolitan SeeJ, and many others were newly
crcdcd. The Ardi-bilhop of Ljnu was infticuted Primat of France : In the cod of the
Century, die Bilhopridci of Amu
and Ctmhn^ were lepanuied, and the Epifco^l Sms of
Gafcrgne, which had lain for a !-rp ilmc vacant, were fill'd up again The Sons of the
Clergy were dedar'd unworthy to be admitted into Holy Orders; Mt this Decree was not
gencFany teceiv'd, nor without oppofirion : For in many riaoe^ ibe adniffion into the Mooa-
ftick State, or into the Order of^ReguInr Cinons, rcmov'd that Obftaclr A prci'^ number
of Churches, Abbies and Mooafteries were then founded, and almoit aii the old Churches
were demotifli'd, m
build new onei.
The Difcipllnc of the Church, relating to Penance, was not fo ftri(f^ nor To fcw rc in
the preceding Century ; for the Pilgrimage^ the Abfolntions fetch'd from I^ome, the Re-
demptiont, the Dffciplining Whip and the Cmikdes, contribnnd much to the Abotilbing of
that Injun^ion : Private Confeiiion was more cfpccfally recommcni^cd. The Sentences of
Excommanication were fo fre()aeot, that they became contemptible ; and they weie extend-
ed not only to Perfbns adually excommunicated, but alio to thofe who conversed or kept
correfpondence with them, even ro the third Generation ; a Prad^ice v/hich can fcarcc be
met with in any other Age of the Church. The ancient feverity of the Canons, which or.
dain, That Clergy-men guilty of notorious Oflences, more efpecially of Simony, Ihonld be
fufpended from their Oflftcc for ever \vs% no longer obferv'd ; but they were generally re.
cftabliih'd in the Fandions of their Orders, and reitor'd to their former Rights, by the mean^
of certain parricnlar Ceremoaica.
'^^'^ DifcipHninp Whip, unknown ro all Antiquity, bcpan in the end of this
tbeStttM' Centur)', having bad its Oppofers and
Maintainers ; the Cuftom of doing Penance for ano-
iagf DijtU ther, was likewile introdncd at due time. 1 he Fads on the four vrere ftridK An^Wceks
pUnt tni ly oljfci v'd ; but the EtwAirr-Wcek of ihc Summer-Qiurrcr, was not as yet fix'J ; for fome
fifii' took it to be the fecond Week of the Month of J""'* others referr'd it to the Week im.

Digitized by Google
of the Elevepth Century of Chrifiianity* 127
mediately following Ul^it-Sund.ty. Divers CcIuncjf^ nl.ifn'Lj alftiticncc from FIcHi on Satur-

dsjs, and from Ficfti and Wme on Ftidajt : In the lornicr Ages of the Church, 'twas cu-
tmauj on PruUfsanA SutarJg^t, till the Hour of t N«» The Cbutth of
to fait was ^ of
wont ro keep a Faft on ^^.intriayt inftead
of tVednefdais 1 he Churches of France for a long thi Ctnni-

time, oblcrv d the Falls of PVedneftUy and Fridttj^ hat that CuHom was aiwiith'd i neither wvctta Umt,
matf fcgard had even lo abftinence on thofe dayc A Conftttutkm wtt made to thar purpofe
in this Century, for Fr;W«r and Saturjjy, although ic met with f ;;ie O]'pofit:oii.
The Priefts were forbidden to celebrate above on Mais in a day, noiels in cafe of neceifity, 04^'*
or when 'twas requilite that one Aoold be (kid for a deceafed Fenbn {'for thea they were al- timmit
lowed to fay fuch a Mafs, and rhar of the day Snme forr<! of Pcnanrc were in-!pos'd on

Prieftswho let lail an Hoft thiough Carclclncls In Ibtiic Churches, 'twas cuftomary to give

« ouifecrated Hoft to the Priefts on the day of theii- Ordination, with which they commu-
nicated during forty day<;. This Q^ieH ion was debated at thar time. v .'V Win ther it were
lawful for a Prieft to celebrate Mafs, without being ancndcd with divers Airiltancs, and when
Iw officiated in that manner, whether he ought ro fay, Dowims wtifism? All the FaitbJFal
were obliged to receive the Holy Communinn at EaJJer, nnd it wn? ftill ufn^illy r'.dminiflcr'd
in all the Churches, under boili Kinds: However, in (cm^\ the confccrated Bread was fteept
in the Wine ; and perhaps the Canon of the Cooncil of Clermont, wh^ ofdaiiif. That both '

the Species fhoiild be rccciv'd fcparntely. was made nr.iii-.ll rhat Cuftom.
The general Conitnemoiation ol all the Dead, the next day after the Fcftival of all Saints,
was inftitured in the end of this Cen ury OdiU Abboc of Cluny,
: enjoyn'd it to his whole '

Order ; r?nd this CufVnm was introduc'd into the Cli irch a little while after. Ic was or-
dain'd in the Council of Clermont, That the Office of the Virgin Marj iTiould bo faid every
SMmiitf, and there arofe Difputes about the Feftival of licr Annuntiation. whether it
OUghr to be celebrated on Mtrch 25. or on D'Cftnher r8. but it was afoally rcfcrr'd to the
former : Souic otbtr Qucftions of IcU ini(^>orcance were likewife ftarted, and hotly debated,
particularly, That about the Apoftolical Dignity, attributed to Sr. M.ntial. The Bcnrdiclins
of the Abbey of F/rwr, and thofc of Mount Ctfftn. had a long Contcft for the Body of
Sc. Benedift, the Founder of their Order, and the Monks of Sr. Demits and of St. Emmftan
at H^uishcn, in like ifiaBUer contended for that of St. Dimyfmt or Dennis the Areopt^itc.
The Mooaltick Stare, rccciv'd very confidcralilr Acceirionsand advantages in the Eleventh ohfrrvaU
Century. The Congregation of Cluny was much augmented by a vaft number of Monafte- wi «« »*•
'tics newly founded, and by the ereat Revenues, with which it was endow i u the en-
; 1 Mm^A
create of Riches occalTon'd Remimcfs of Difciplinc caus'd Ambition to be preduriv n .inT, and

immers d the Monks in Secular Affairs. A Icrious refledlion on tfaefe Irregularities induc'd
many Pcrfons to cmbmce a more nuftcrc fort of Monaftkk life, and more conformable to
that which is enjovn' in Si. Bernciicl'% Rule, and gave ocnfi'm to the founding of feveral

new Orders, who aii made profclUpn to follow the lame RuL made by Sr. Betudict ^ akbo'
they had their peculiar Cuftoms. Thus Sc^fUuiaid founded thar of the Camaldolitei in Itafj,
in r^e beginning of the Ccntun,-. He became a Monk, A. C. 971. at the Age of 20 ^^^^fr^^^,
in the Abbey of CUfee in the Dioccfs of l^avema, but perceiving Uie Difordcrs in which bis ^-^^
Iblonaftery was involv'd, and conddering that the engagement of the Monks in Secular Af-
fairs, was the caufe of their Irregularity, he put himielf under the rairion of a certain Reve-
rend Hermit nam'd MarinuSy who rclidcd in the Territories of Venice, and cmbrac'd the
Henoenck Life, which he re'^^blifli'd in the Weftcm Countries. Thir Inftitution was not
to live alone, as the ancient Hermits, but to dwell together in the lame place feparated from
other Men, and in diftindl Cells, under the Government of the fame Supcriour, and obfcrv-
ing the lame Rule : Thefe forts of Monafterics were anciently caU'd L<«r, and St. t^smuali
funded a very great number of them in Ualj : One of the moft famous, was that which
was built on Alount Aptmin near Are:{j{o, in a Place which was given them by a ccnain
Perfon nam'd Mandol, from whetKC the Order took the name o( Cunaldoli St. f^rriuatd

Itv'd 100 Years after he had taicen upon him the Vows of Religion, and faw his Order in
a flourilhing Condititm. Peter Dtmtan in tike manner inftitated a Congregation of Hermits
of the fame kind Thefe Hermits pradlis'd great Aufterities, and are rcputeti to have done

very extraordinary things. John Gualhert of Plortnce having likewife quitted his Mooaftery
to lead a more regular courfe of Life, rcttr'd to yiUTOmhcfi, and their laid the Foundation
c£ a new Religions Society.
The Order of the Carthufiam was inftituted, A. A
io&^. by £rwM, a Native of Coien^
and Canon of i{heims, who rcpair'd, with Si« of his Companions to the Solitude of Chtf •rCarthii*
tretifr, which w,is allien d to them by Hm^A Bilhop of GrenoHe. Some time after, two
Gentlemen of Vienue nam'd Gafim and Girend^ having devoted their Perfons and fiitates to
the relief of dvofe who being letz'd with die Diftetnper commonly call'd $K.Ant»nyi Fire,
came to implore the Intercc/Tion of St. Antony at Vienne, where the Body of that Saint
^^ns tranflaicd from ConftantinopU by Jwtlin D'Albettt in the time of King Lotbaire the Son
of Lnw D'Ouirmer, gave occaGon to the foftintcion of the Ordef of St, Ahn^, which was order
compo^d 4t fiift of cettain^Uy-mea, and afierwacd oC Monks, who made Prqfen^on of «/ it. aiw
Sc. AU' tony.

128 A NetP Ecdef/^picalHiPory
7/f Cifter- St. Aufufun i Rule. In ihc Ycnr, IC98. ^clc)t^\V^x. of A/oz/M-f retired to iii tht

tiiiiarirr.t)iocds^C/<iiJi'oii fur J«».f, wiih ii Monk* «f his G

r vent to fr£<5iik- St. Br/wV^'s Rule

vgreater ftridtiffs: His citrf:n bdnr. spprcv d by Cautitr Biflicpof Cball'V, and hj
Hutb Artb-bifhcp of Ljew, be buiii aMonai-cry irithat Place, which was endcw'd by Eude$
DUCC of Burgundy ; but he had not long the Go\t rrmttit of it, for Pope P,ijchal II. CRjoini!
bim, the nt-yt Year, to rcrum ro hlelejme. he other Monks ccminu'd at Cijleamx^ under
the roiiion of ^Ibttic, and this Rclofin wassppitA'd by ihc Pofe, /I. D. iieo. St^fhmttiBr-
diiigue, who fncoecd«d ^ii«rw in 1109.' brougtitihis Order to it^ lull pcrfcdicn infcnnicfa,

that it'becfimc very mitrcrous and obtain'd great Reputation. About the fsmc Hpttrt
D'jlrviJcHet Arch-deacon of l(ennes. b?.virg receiv'd a Miflicn from Prpe Vrhan II. to Preach
rothePeopIe» by that means gather d tcgeiher a great multitude of Pcrfcns of both Sexci^
' '

and caus'd many Cells to be built for thtm in the Fordt of FrtntrtvntuU ^ at tlie diftance
of three Leagues from SrfwwM'-. Afterward he 11 ut up the Kuns in a frparaie Apartipent,
and in the Year of our Lord, 11 00. made, a great Monaftery, which was govern d by him

till the end of his Life ; but before he died, he caused FetrtnilU dt Chtmille to be chofen
Abbcfs, A. D. 1115. and confcrr'd on her, both the Government of the Nuns, and of the
Monks of that Older.
of tit Tf The regular manner of living in common, peculiar to ibc Canons, which was inflituted
pilar Ca- in the Ninth Century, was now almoft
every where abolifh'd ; nevrrrhelefs feme fiiibops
reviv'd it in their Chapters, and it was re-cftablilh'd in t!:c ri ihc Ccn:ury in another
form For then ccnain Religious Houfei were founded, io whith Clergy- men, who were

defirous to lead a more regular eoarfc of Life, rcrir'd thither, to Jive in ccwmcn, withoot
having any manner of private PrcpLity- Tbefelaft^ Cp.rtns were J'Pcnr.r from rl-.ofe of the
Ninth Century, i. In regard that the former had Bcncriccs anncx'd to Cburthcs, and were
oLlig d to officiate in them ; wherca* there were mat y among thefe who bad not any peculiar
Church-Living. 2. Bccaurt- the former were wont to lae in, of the ChuneJi.
Revenues, but they might alfo rcuin thole of their private Patrimony j whereas thcle were
oblig'dto renounce Them. a$ well as the Monks. 3. Upon account that the others were at
liberty to quit ihatcourfc of Life; whereas thcfc !n(V profcfst! to Ivc always after the (ane
manner, and thev were pofuively forbidden to do othcrwile. The latter Canons Uv' com-
mon, under an Abbot, Superioar or Provoft, and made profeflion. as the Monks, of Pover-
ty, Conftancy and Obedience ;altho* they were not as )cr ! rund by an exprefs Vow; nc.'-
ihcr wcie they only employ d in ferving the Church or Monaiicry, where they refided, biu
they were alio taken fometimesont of their Houfe, to receive a Cure, and to ezctdfe other
. Ecclcfiaftical Fondicn Jvn afterwards Bifttf p of Ckrtnes, eftabliOi'd this ftridRcfbim b
the Monaftery of Sc. iismtin, A. D. 1 078. Afterward that Religious Houfe fupply'd Frttice,
with many oner Convents of regular Canons, and in the beginning of the foltowing Cen-
tury, the Congregations of St. and Sc. Kohen were inftituted ; infomuch, that the Or-
der of regular Canons, became very numerous, and extended very far within a Ibort Ijoceof


Digitized by Google

chronological TABLES,
And other Neceffary



9/ France
Ml/ Italy.

jooi Silv^trlL Otbo III. Bafil and Sc. At/^r be^

IXL VL ConftantiM.
The Re- X3CVL Divinity in the
vokof the School of tbe
J^^MMiwa- GiDttCll of dup^
gainft Offfo

lOOX IV. Or^ dies XXVIL Burchord Bii

in the
Month of

In Ins place by ihc

Frifioes of Germ*'
ti^s andcnMni'td at
Ment;^ by che

1003 V. JL XXVnL Almoft ail tbe old Cfanrcbcaare

daaolifli'd id baild new 1

dies Af«^

XVI. (irnam'd tbe

Lean, wboischo*
feo in bis place
pofleflbtbe See of
* }{f^nir only during

5 Months, and
^pbnXVVL fnc*
•ceecb bim.

1004 XXDC MMtMt Atdilriftop of Stiis h

reprov'd by King f^bert for mafciffg
iiuof tbe EachaLiift as a Trial.

tooj nr. XXX. A Coandl ac

thrtmmd in

leotf IIL Vt XXXI. ^fbegm Archbilb. of Canterimrj ACooodl

goo to l^fme to fetch the WL The at Framfitrt
creeping of the fiiihoprick of Amu ontheMvWi
tcr^ ia cbe Council otFr^mefiuf.

Digitized by Google
130 A Chronological Table.
Eaiferart, B^^em
and f^ingi
cf France

1007 IV. VL XXXII. St. Ulhtrt fuccceds ^$idfb in the

Bflhiopridt etCUrtm.

1008 V. VIL XXXIII. mgbcit Bifhop of Mersbttri dy-

ing, Dithmar is cbofcn to
Urn in dnc Biflu^ridu

io«9 VI. vra. XXXIV. The Eaftem and Weft. Churches

jdnxvn ftiJI mainta n d a kind of muraal
, diesinihe Communion otic vvidi ;moihcr.

Moatli of The Church of Jerufaltm is d&-

^Hfy. Ser. ftroy'dhy the Prin-c ."I" Btifim,
^iuflY. is and afterward re-cltabiun d.
rubftinmd JtdeiM is cfaoia Ifidiop <f t;-
in hi<; room
in the man.

1010 IX. XXXV. The Tryal ot die Archbifljopot A Council H'iSiamAhbatU

HMtturg ar i^omr , «bo« a CCfCtill IkU tt J^rn. St.

/Mfttf ia tbis GotUhard Bo. «C

Gpsbtrt Atbgc^
Meginfrojf yiatk

Ercbinjirtf AfatMOK

ftl a X. XXXVL ^« Mook v£

Oshtrt Of 0/5iv»
Chaoter aiCamtr,

i^irptfrf Abbot oi
Miootit Ci^^ftt.
Ditlmttr Ijpb «C

tO» ITT. XL XXXVIL A Council

5frpi w IV at Leatt io

13. A The Law»

Sdlifin af-
ter Ittt death be>
tween BenediH
VUL and Gregarj,
dofiiif whkh the
former retired to

1013 i/«ri7 XQ. xxxvm


Kedtti, and is crowo d

Emp. the next y«eriii
month of Alcr.

Digitized by Goo^h
A Chromlogkd Tabk. 15*
Etuferorj, Etfiern Cemeil*,
«f Fiance

1014 HI. XUi XXXIX. A Council

held ai Pa-


tois IV. XIV. XL.

let< V. XV. . XIX
1017 VL XVI. XLU. ^
The Herefy of the M.^nich's re- A Council Giwr/m cr
vhfd in 9rarKe , and fupprels d by at Orleans Ghu/Hh Archbi-
KJngAt&rrr. againftdie fiwf of BnMger.
A Shower nf Blood in the Fto- Manicbenn
vince of A^uitAtm. Hemicks.

1018 vn. xvix. xim The Deaf!i of

Dtchmar Biiliop

i«t9 VIIL XVm. XUV. Patriudi viComfi^mimt-

f!e,who fuccccded Jo/jw, dies, and
goes 10 £^MbiMfi$6ibSda»xed in his room.

loAo DC. xnc. XLV. XMmmDeaa

. XXL XLVIL GufAmiuiih^
The Em- bocofCnMT-
peror /7^»r-

17 arrives

Hemy re-
xLVUf. A Council Br»©o Archbi-'

turns to

1014 Benedin T!ik <Ic3rh XLDC An Embaflay of the Creeks to ^PiSi^m Allboc
dies in the of Hew?, S(gme to obtain a Grant of the Pope of Sc. Beniffm
end of the Cmr*! is ditt the Church of Confiantinople tH Dijon,
Month of diofcnF-rtv may be ftyi'd the Cuholkk or Uoi-
Bib. and p^orinbis verGil Church.
xrtiuftend. The Fienefa Prelates oppofe their
his Brother Proceedings, and lVil!i.:m Ahlxit of
St. Bemgnui at Di/on writes a Let-
ter 10 Jcfm XVIlL to dhcit liiai

10x5 n. XL t: AkaOts is advanc'd to the Fatrt- A Cornell

B^y^/dics aKMSee«fCff|(f4wnNyi!p. atiCmw.

reigns ' •


m6 m. in. Thf drnth of Swr-

Digitized by Google
132 A Chronological Table,

B^tnt wrf. EecUfuJlical

'JiJ3(» Pofes. EmPerort,
ana Kj^^* SlK^tntU Wrken,
«/ France

1017 rv. U. The deadi of


m. The dcadi of
St. ra/i«f BUhop
of Clwtreu

io»9 VL J{ohert King of France boIJs .m A Council

dies, and Aflembly of Biflwj?* at Orle/ms^ for at JLimm^cj.
the Dedicatioa w
the Chmdi of
ischofen Sbil^MM^ wliidi lie bad iMiilc.
ro fupply
his place.
1030 vn. VIL ScnM AMmc of

Ademar^ or Ai-
$tur ieChthmnt.
Monk of S.Cibar,
Hugh Arch-dea-
con of Tmct/.
.f -nalfbus Mook
of Emmeran,

:io3i V0L vm. m. Ul^h Monk of CJtatr » made fii- A G)uncil Odoran a Monk
IhoP of Ldngru. held at Bour- of St. ¥eter U Vit.
Cmmt King of Bmbmd takes a^rx, Nw. i. Agehutim AlCh-
Joumcy to Hfme , where he ho- A Council bi(hopof Cmftr-
QOur^bly recciv'd by the Pope and at Limoges
lAe Emperor , and obtains oeraiii on die i8tb Bbtrari SuHsTm
Frimleges for his Subjeds. day of the Vic's Pupil.
The Pope's Letter, which atrri- iiame Month. The death of
Inict the Q^kf of an Apoftle id
St. Martial. of MeM%.
&. Martial ispiac'd among the
Apoftles hi ike Ccmiidb of tMBrgu
and lAmogtT.
The Abbey ofBeauleau uiurp d by
a Secular Abbot, U idboD'd Vf the
Cooadl of Liaugts,

io}» DC iX. nr. ThpLiM!

of Caim
Kins of

X. X. V. Tiic death of Bunhard Archbi-

Ihop of Ljmu,
(lies Sov.T. fives inlta- Odilo Abbot of Cluny refiifcs ro ac-
and Arnr- Ijt and re- cept that Archbifhoprick, and the
4lrffIX. a eftabliOies Pope blames him for it in a Letter.
young Popr ^pf'Ti Bnmo, Uncle by the Father's fide
Chiid, the who was to the Emperor Comad, is ordain'd
Son of jII- expell'd.
The death
of Frefcati of l{ol>erl
kinbfti- King of

Digitized by Google
A Chronological Tabid
and Kings fy^tmi,

Mtf Italy.

rated in his France, J

foonk Ij 10.
Hmry I.


I ©34 I.

I ! . being
poiiori d
ind afrerward
ftrangl'd, by the
Order of :^o: his
Wife, who caafes
Michael the Papb^
lagenian ber Fa-
ouriw* to be
^c'd on the
1035 IL Xlt IL The death of Simem of S/racu/e

1036 m. xm. HL DrogM is made Bilhop of Te- The death of

Cmrad CtJehard fiidiop
into Italy,

1037 IV. xnr. IV.

1038 V. XV. V. Pandulphus Duke of Cafiu h

obl^'d » fiabnit m tlte Bnpeior

i«39 VL Co»ra4idic$ VI.

yaw Biftopflf

Son foc-

1040 VU. I. va. Divert ^ d/tfjvr J^adulphmt

held this a Monk of (;/«>>7.

.4rw/d Canon of
t«4i VUL II. Vin. / jvfranr r<xeivcs the Monaftlck
Michatl Habtc tiotn the hands of the Abbot
dies in the Uerhi^ in die Afabcf cf Aw.
Month of
and S^te canfes
Michael CaJefhai
to be put in his

104ft ^ m.

Digrtized by Google
»34 A Cbmokffcd TdJe^
Emterors, Eafltrm


Ctltfim is
and Cm»
being fub-
ftimted in
his room,

1043 IV. L Akxim Paniarch of Ccpfigntiim

tie dying, JVfiVlwit/CltMlZirw
tan in In ftcad.

1044 The J(0- V. II.

wf^w/ expel
accufed of diren
Crimes, and put
St.S4mnf in bis
place. Betudifi ac-
knowledging him*
fcif unworthy of
the PapAi Dignity,
reflgns it in nvour
condiuon that he
fboold enjoy the
Revenues wbidi
the See of
icscitVI fiom

VI. in.

10^6 MenrjfJuo- VH. IV.

pctDfof MmrffS held ar
Crrmany crown'd for depottig
depo(cs EmrHfor the P(^sB»
Gregory 6th by Fopc nedia IX.
andcaufes ClmtiaVL SyheflerVL

10 be cho-
ice Pope on Cbriflmas-Evi, wfao
tdces die name c( Clement II.
Grfj^rry VI. voliinrarily abdi-
cates ihc Popedom in a Synod,
and is l>anifli'd.

Sjhejier III. is font back to

his fii/Iioprick of St. Sdhina.

1047 I. VllL V. HildelranJ ccccnrpanies Cregety

Clement \\.
VI. in bis £»le . ard retite$ to
dying OH.
1. BenediH E,fehm 9nm made Kihop ofSnsgniliyuf
IX. got
PoOe^ioo 5 Letter written by Pcre Cicmtnt
foiS, Peter's U. 10 ?eihiiiciniaatedArdibil2iop4f

Digitized by Google
A ChroaolegKdt 7 able. »35
jtO. Ptftf. Emptrors, Eajiem Cmuili. Ecclefia/
and things Emferart. tVriteri.

Chair a Sthrtu, in which he approver his

3d dme, Trtollation to the BiihoDi ick of Pc-
and kept fti^ «• aUb to that And)bia>opriclt,
it 8 moncbf and g^ti bam the Fall,

1048 Tbe £m- XL VI. Theodam u ordaitt'd BiAop of

perorreoda Luge.
tromCrr* Geffrey Count of and ^gntt

manjPtfPo hisWife give the Church of aU


Bilhop of BrefeUt Sajou in the Suburbs of Ai^s^ 10

wlio IS made Pope the Abbey of Ven4vme.
under tbe name of Hildcbram! Ic.-\ _"$ the Abbey of
Dtmafm IL bat CiM|r« of wiiich be was Prior, and
he dies 1) Days accompanies' MnmBiibop of T««/
after his Confe- to

1049 Bruno Bp. X VH. pope Lo confirm <: by a Btitl the A Cuuncil
Privileges of C/unj Abbey. at Pyome a-
wfioaf- He caufes the Body of Sc. Hemj gainll Simo*
HinVJ the of I^iiims to be rranflntcd ro rlic ny.
naipc of Church of that Abbey, which was A Council
t« IX. dedicated by him. at P«vr*tf.
was cbofen He approve?;, in a Letter the A Council ,

febr. 13. TraoIIation of ^obn from theBiihop« at Meims,

ride of Frefcati to that of Fgrt*. OlM. 3.
after ihr Arnold Abbot of Poitiers, accufcd A Council
death of of Incontineaqr by the BinK|p of at MeMii(,
Langrei, was dcpoi'd ia dw 0>iiii held in the
I» dl of I{l:eimf. end of this
Bugh fiijhojp of LdHgrcs charged ycnr, or in
with divers Drtnes, was likcwife the beginning
dcpos'dand escommunicarcu in thar of the next.
Council i but baviii^ attended the
Pope to'J^Mie, and having done Pen*
nance, he was reftor'd to his fonmeir
Dignity lome time after.
i(WiVttj BKhop of Nantes, was alfo
degraded for fuccceding Father b}.':.

. in his Bitbopritk, by the mcins of

Simoniacal Praiflices.
The Con'c-f> between the Arclibp.
of I{heimj and the Bp. ofT;///, about
the Abbey of Monfitc-Iicv.dy was ,

dctcrmin'd favour of the ibmer,

in the lame Council.

1050 U* XL VUt Bcreug^iuj or Br,e/}ger is accus'd A Council Anfelm Difaa of

and condemn d in divers Councils at J{o»ie.
hdd this Year. He and his FoI< A Cdunctl Hermmntu C»n.
lowers are confl; "in" to rcrracfV ar Bn'om-c.
fy ;Bus a Monk of
their Opinion*; urJ*:!- paui of death A Council
in the Council of Paru, at Verceil^ Theofhanet the
L4nfranc is oblig'd to give an ac- Scptemb. i. Cer'.fmuH.
count of bis Dovirin, in the Coun- A Council Nilus Doxopatrim,
cil of l{ome, and he there makes a at Bath^ Guttdo Monk of
Confcifioii of Faidi. H
is Dodirin is AVv.
19. Cofbey.
approv'd in die Council ot kerccii. A Council Drogo Bilhop of
A Confirmation of the Piiytleges Coyaco.
of C«r^ Abby by the Pope. Council A Jife^WMOAkof

Digitized by G
1^6 A Chronological TaUe*
CaueUi, Ecdefupcsi
'4,Dn PafiU Bmurert,

4if France

at Ht>ur». Tlevry.
A Conncil rr^/fdtheEmpe-
at SifotU0. rot'sChaplain.
Bhervin Abbot fif
St. Maarict.
Everfhtlm Abbot
of /iumcnt.
Guibert AxfS^
deacon of

aain Monk.

DC Pope Letter, confirming to

to Lanfranc^ and
Jtbn Arcbbifliop of Salcmo , the
R%ht of « Bietropolitao. fais Treatife
• gainft him.
Tixodttim £p. of
l.iege'% Lettet a-
painfl Bereftger.
Adelman a Clerk of Liege^
and afteiwftid Btftop of
Brefcid, writes to Snofpr
about bis Opinion.
Reciprocal Letters be-
tween v^fcelin and Berengtr,
3«hn Archbilhop of

I03X IV. xm. The Pope confirms the Privileges A Council

of the iybbejr of SlS^U* u Bm- at Mantud^ Abbot of M»>
vento. dithirb'd by Jiein,
John, firnam'd Jeamelin, is no- a popular Hefiddimu a
ml^Mted Abbot of Erkrtfiim hf dw Ttamnlt. Monk of St. G*t.
Emperor Hfnry III. The death of
Mtriiinus Scotui turns Monk. Hugh Bifbop of

1053 V. XIV. XL ^ A Letter written by

Michael Ceru- A Council
lariut Patriarch of Cmjiantinsfk in at J^MMw
makes war his own Name, and under of

with the Leo Archbiftop of ytfcnV, againft the

Latin Church.
This Patriarch cauics the Churches
wbo take of the Larinj in Cenfiantinefle to be
Un VkjfiH ihut up, and takes away from all
ner> and the Latin Abbots and Monks, who
convey hiro refus'd to renounce the Ceremonies
of the Church of H^me, the MoqAt
ftcrics which they had in that Ciry.
The Pope being fet at liberty by
the Narmdns of Apulia, grants them
all the Territories which they had fubdu'd, and thofe
that they might obtain by Conqueft, from the Greek*
and Saracens.
Cooteft between the Churches of Grado and
AqtileiM foe the Metropolitan Right, decermin'd
in the Council of I{rmr, in favour of Gia io.
The Pope's Letter to the Bifitops of Venice and
Jf/?«4, confirming that Right.

Digitized by Google
A Cbromlogkal Table. »37 n
Emperors, Eafiern BeckJUPicMl
Mid Kf*^* Bmfertrs.
of Frarxe
Mi If a If.

m«if^,Ln IX. XV. Conjlantin Pope L«'» Letters, whicli confirm A Council H<oni>«rrCafdi-
dies Jlpr. Mmonut' rhc Metropolitan Rtgbc oi the Church ac Harbotme. oaJ.
I V 2nd the dies, of Carthage, over all rhofeof Afriea, Kicetas Pcclora-
Papal See and Tbee- The Pope fends I egais to Con- tfis 1 Monk of

concinvct den Par- fihuifufU to treat abou; the Re- Scuda.

; 4tt- ffyngmm. union of die Gnel( and L^Hit Dominick Patri-
nng a ta governs Churchei. a'-ch nf''.

wlmle the £m- Pope tM*s Lencn on that Suh- Peter Fa;narch
year. pifc )e£t to the Emperor Cenfiantin, and
mide. to Micbatl CeruUmm Patiiacch ^f
to meet the A C l)^ twien the ttpxM
£mperor, and chat Patriardk
to demanil An AnAver by Owffinat HunJui*
Cebebitrt the Pole's Lcgat to the Letter of

Bitbop of MichselCetuUriiu and 1m of Jleni.

Michfladt, Nicttas PtRvriihtt, a Monk «f
who was Seuda, com- orcx ; Tracfl againft the Latin
madePope Cardinal //mm^^'s Anfwcrtp that Piece.
the twxt Ntetmt nuSm a R^c motwa , and bams bb
year under Writinr/.
name of A i>entence <^ Exconununicacioa denouoc'd by
VmvrH the Legats againft Mhtutt CinUmnm,
L T!.o Patriarch in like manner excommunicates the
Legats bv a publick £di<^ and raifcs.a Seditioa
wbicb ob^s^ tbe Emperor id deUfcr up dnt fn-
" aod pntinPnbii.

XVL Baretger abjures his Opinions in A

the Cnunril of UnVf, in taepfciisnce 3t Flormce.
of HtldchraHd. A
Mtmtier Arcbbilhop of J^wm is at Lyons.
dcpos'd in the Coiinc?! of Lsfieux, A Council
and hdarrUlm a Monk of Fetamf JiiToursa.-
pnc IB Ui pbce. gainftB^

A Council

aojtf II. XVIL UL ACoondl

Plipe fl^ TlieBnipe*
Sor gcx:s ror Henn dies in the
to Germa- dies OH. 3. end of cbe
mjf,where flSwrylV. ycar^ and
be was in- his Sen MicbaeK
vitedby aged only whom (be
ite Empe- 5 yean, had made
mtBmy facceeds Emperor
]E> him, and is a little be-
onder the
Tnition of
bb Mo-
ther, who
obtains the

Digitized by Google
13s A Chronological Table,
Emperors, EctUfimJiicai Affairs. EecUfinfikd
,u,d Kjngt 'S.

43/ I-"r.incc

tO$7 Villor dies L MuVmI Pope V%Sktr\ Letter, which con> A Cotuctl fettr
zxFioreHce abdicates (inns Md angncm^die Vrivil^«liflW. J^wmu
tbelmpe- granted 10 ifae Ghmcli of Mw>
and F>c</f- mlTbiOM himubf,
ric;^ and leaves JRv^dtumade Ahbocof Monot
of Mount it to Ifaac Cdjfin ; a little ifaVf Cttdidal; «nl
Cajftn is Ctmmmit. at laflr Pope.
chofeo in I. Ai^i>cnfuj Abbot of Sc. BemJiB k
his place, Sdlerme , is OldMB*d Aictttflnp oC
on the Fe- tfaasCiiy.
ftival of '
A Lttter by fvhicli Pope Stefbm
S. Stefhtn, whence DC re-unircsthc BiHic [
ritk of Al«r-
he rook the Name 1$,which was fiimctane divided.
of Stephen IX. Pmr l>mUm is made fiiAtMt

L ,
andJBiAoftof O^MbrthatPope;

1038 Stephpt II. II. Vope5i*fim{imi»lMfftt to Cmt-

fiantmcijife,who return without por-
rencCf foing their Journey, having receiv'd
March 19. IfllonnatioD of Iks death.
The Michae! Crru' arias \$ tum'd out of
Count of ,
the Pairiarchai of Cetfftantinofie,
mi Cmfimtim LUkiti$$ i» lobftU
gc'ry of I-ateraa, aied In his room.

caulc Mil ci'ut Bi- Evcrjhtlm is made Abbot of

{hoft of I'elctri to St. P*ur at Cb<nt.
bct holon P(jpe, Marianus Scoius an En^ifh Monk
wiio alTutncs the paflcs into Germany, where he coa«
name of Mtntd^. .
tinocs ten years a Rcctafe, in Ae
Car1.iir.1l l-iitm- Monsftery of fuLLt.
lert and many o- Lambert of AlthajjemL w^ alTunncs
thers rcfufe to own the Monaftick Habit at Hirtfeldt un-
his Authority. der the AW)Ot Mef^inl^er ; in a little
Gerard Bp. of F/fl» while after is ordam'd Pfielt by Lu-
rence is diofcn, poid Archbilhop of hltm^, and un-
and this Ele(5lion dertakes a Journey tn the Holy Land
isapprov'd by the without the knowledg ot his Abboc,
fion wbcnoebe tenmistbeiiezKycar.

10S9 II. mi m. A
Privilege granted to the Nun^ Council A
Gerard is Jj|<Mere- ncry ofSt. Felidtai near Ftomee. at Htme.
ordain'd figns The The F
c T n of Popes rcferv'd to
! i( 1
A CotiaCil
Bp.of /(ewe Imperial the Cardinals in the Council of at Melfi,
iiitbebe^ Dignity to liome. ACd^ncil
{timing of Cmjlantm Berevger abjures his Opinions in at Bcneventt,
^am. «nd Ducas, and that Council, and makes a Confet>iidd in the
ukesdie V. Tii ;js 10 a lion of Faith. beginning of
name of Moiafterjr Peter Davii.i): fcnt T t'oar rn tht' AT(?nth
K'lcoUs II. Milan to rctoi iu ilit Clergy , who oi Augu^.
I. publickly us'd Simoniacal Pra<ftices.
'if/Mf;«/ renounces The Bifliop of Trani is defOC'd Vk
liiePapal Dignity, the Council of Meifi.
snd is fufpendcd Sigejrof or J/jiyi'e*/facceedsi.ioV-
for ever from Ec- held in the Alcihbifliopnck of
dedaftcal Fundions.

1060 U. IV. St. Anfelm embraces the Monaftkk A CoMkU Cuitmend Ardi-
Henry J. Life in the Abbey of Bee. ac Tmwv. bilhop of ^vcv^
King of DwWAbbocof
France, Trojirn,
caufcs his franco a Fiiili^b-

Digitized by Google
A Chromlogkd J'ahie. 13^

andKjngt Bmftmf,

Hon Philif pher oi Ltege.

to be H^'trin Abbot «f
erown'd at Sc. Armrifimi ax

dies in the
end of this

to6i nr. UL Micbttl Pfeiti,

The death Alherie a Monk
of Nicolui of Mount Cajfm,
II. in the MtreBus Abbot
Month of
3-lj. '

of Lttcea
fii(hop i§ elaf^ed three
Months after, an d ordain'd Pope
under the aamc oiAUxtmder 11.
The Emperor Hm9, wOtUfd
by teafon that he was chofen
witiKjut his knowkdg, cauies
Cadtlcut Bifhop of Pttma to be
proclaim'd ?ope who endea-

vours to make himfeif Maftcr of

the City of ^ame ; but being
lepuls'd, was oblig'd to reram
to Pdrma the next year.

to6% VL IV.

10^] n. m V. A Conteft between Pettr Arch*

bijhop of Florence and bis Monki.
at Home.
The Pope ftndt the YiM to Ptter Council A
Arc!ibifT]o-i of D,j.V'M/(.f. tt l(ouen,
Ltrnfrmc is made Abbot of the Council A
Abbey of St. Stffhm «t C«m, newly «t Cbaien,
found': 1-1, .ir.i-! Sr. him
in the O&ce of Prior of Bee Abbey.
Mmntus AnhbUhop of Hpuen
bolds a Synod for the Dedication of
die CtthednU Chinch of that City , which was
A ConfefTIon of Faith fvhili'd in diM Synod
O^Oit Berenger't Opinion?.
A FriNrllegc granted by the Pope to the Abbey
of Vendcme.
Pettr Damitm the Pope's Lcgat in prance^ deter-
mint ia the Council of Cludtm^ the Differences be>
twcen the Bifliop of that City, and the AbHcy of
C/imt/, about the PrivUe^ of the iame Abbey,
which are confirai'd hi the Coondl.

1 064 III. vin. VI. Guihert, Grand Lord of Parms A Council

i-J Chancellor to Henrj Emperor at.
caufes nf r r
mdttf , n ladua'd Aichlitibop
fome Di- ot i^fvetma.
is own'd as


Digitized by Googl
140 A CImmlogicd fable.

0^ France

in die


hill, who

IV VIL The Henfr «f die Nie»LutMm AC


at £/n4 in

vm* ^ Xifh^n
of CcnftantiHofU,
is ihorcn Patriarch
ia&ad •( C<mfi4>f
Engird for
''"xhe^JiMtcrs of to*-** King of
auth<m«og the ConSnnarion of the
PnvU^ of
ibc Church of fVefimsmfier,
which «a»|^9«
tlic P.-vpes Lf-o IX. and iVA-';'?! II.

W7i'/«J«» Dukcof Ato'ff"*^' paff« wermto

W, and defaw Kir-W wholiad uto Poffeflk.

$btf7 VL XL IX.

Ducts did,
3 Children and
h s Wife Eudtxid,
who takti upoii
her the Adroini-
ft ration of

1048 m
.;«• vn
Xa. II P'ter Ddmitm
„ ^ is foir
Lcgat into

iMMi/ D»o- Wife.

g^l. Redufc in rhe Monaftcry of FuIJj,

dann d Roei »AientJi to end his iaf«: iher0

fimpetor. in die itneQiiabtr.

Th. ilMthaf lAlM/tef Aldibi- A Council The dcarb of

L4H/r-<nc re ies to accept of «at

1 L
d by
Archbilhoprick, which is obtain
, . Jobndt Barcuxhiihopo£A»Mcbt3[.
toMfranc goes 10 f{ome, CO Canfe Uiat
Tranflacion to be ratify 'd,
and to
•et the Pall for the fame
* endetfWWW)gethimfclfdi-
The Emperor H««r7
McntK^ bw l»
m'd from JB*^/A* in the CooncU of
oppoi'd by Bettr Dmim
cbe Popes Legac

Digrtized by Google
A Chromlo^cd Table. 141
4* D, P«f»<. Emperors,' M^«m Ecct<^lafiic4l Affairs.
and Iiaiy.

X17. UL Lati franc is oblig'd ro accept of A Counril Bemo Cndioat.

the Arciibiflioprick of Canterbuiy. at iVindjer,
The Pope pivc-j leave to Gntrikinf
Arcbbifliop of Sa:t:;l'U'j, to mSt a
Bithoprick in Province.

1071 X. XV. IV. Ckdrks, nominated [if tfic Einpc- A Counril Tbeo^ifUB*
J^^manuJ tot Hemj :o she Biiliopritk ol Con- ai A/f«/^.
Ditgemt ftdHce, not being able to get Ordi- A Council
is taken nation by ceafon of Simo acal Pra- held at
l in- W
Prifoner by the dices, refigns bis Ring and Crofier- cljefier ibis
Twrkt,and Micbatl ftaff to dw Empeior, in (he Coancil year,
the Son of Conft an- of AirWf.
nn Dvctf/ is pro.
clatm'd Emperor*
Di«ifr«f/ being
deliver d, has his
Eyes put out by
Micbaefs Order,
and dies a little
while tfier.

i«7» XL XVL n. Peter Dmi*» U (ent by the Pope A CooncH He^dMmus

to R^ivenna, to take off the Excom- at i^ciKll. writes two Books
munication denounc'd againft that of the Life and
City , by reafen of the Contefts Miracles of
which the fiifliop of thai Dioccfihad
with ihe See of Hsftu,

1073 xn. XVII> III. Arcbbifliopof //wc/jf, and A Council The death of
Pontius JSMBbo^ofBetters, arcdepos'd at Erford, PeterDamian on
by GemfJ Cardinal of OfiU , cbe Fehr. 43.
22. and Pope's lA'g.u, fbrhaving volunrarily I^ b:7 t de Tomlut-
cooamunicatcd with certain Perfons, lene Abbot of
ischofenin who by 'under a Sentence of Ex- St, Vigor.

bis place communicaton. iViHi^m Abboc

ontbeiaiiie. Pope AUxMider confirms the Set- of St. Arnu phus
day. He is demm of a Convent R^nlar at M-^^.
Canons, nmdeby 4/lr«Mii Bidtopof Hugh Rp.of Die.
fheft ami Anjelm Bi(hop
oonfccra* DemHie Fatriarcb of Vet^ee is de- of Lucct.
led Pope, puted by Pope G'r^f»7 to negor' ate hUnaffes Arcli-
under xhc aiCwfiMtinofie, about the Re-union bilhop of Hhetms,
Name of of the Greek and Latin Cimrdieii
Pope Grf^!>r>'s Decree againft Pcr-
in cbe Ibns guilty of Simony , and ^ainft
Month of Clerks who naarry or keep Concu-
bines. <

L Letters written by the fame Pope

to the fiifhops and Princes, ab<Mit
IMtring that Decree in execution.
Other Letters by Grego j againft
Godfrey Archbiihop, of Mi'aa and
die Bifliops of Lonihardy , who
were excommunicated lor their Si-
tnomacal Pradlices. Bnc ihey were
protected by H:n y Emperor of Ger-
many which gave occaiion to the

DifTeofions that afterward broke

forth b^ween (hac Prince and the

Digitized by Google
1^2 A Cbmioiogicd TMe.

A.b. P»fti. Bmtcrors, Ea/iem EukjUfiical Again . CftmcUs. Ecckfiafiie^

of France
4mi Italy.

107} Amfilmt who fuccceded IfopeAlexatderlh in the

fiiihoprick of Lucea, hat rrpenting thar be bsid le- . •

ceiv'a the Inveftjturc of that Bill,opi ick from the

Emperor Henry IV. ictir'd to the Monaftery of
Cbm; i from whence he yrm wcall'd by Ae Pope
to gm'cm his Bifhoprick.
Landrte Arcb^deacon Autun is c&ofea Bifliop
of Mafcim, and conrecrand die next Year by cbe
cbc fiilbafiof AvMKf an darii^ lo ofdain

The Pope'i Coinplainis and MeMCct ttffaxA

Pbilifl, King, o{ France.
(ope Gr^my l^ys claim to Sp/um, and by vemie
of it gives to BM
Grant of I{ocej , the Coun-
tries that he could \vrtfl out of the Hands of the
SartccHf, on condition that be Ibould bokl cbcm of
the Holy See, and flMWld pay bim a ccRtin TrW

He exads an Oath of AUefiiaocc of Landul^bm

Dtikeof BmAwftfei, and of HinmrJ Dake of Csfrnt.
He promTes the Pall to Bruno Bifhop of fV-
ro$$dt provided be come to Upme to receive it there
* inPmbn.
He confirms all the Privileges granted by-
Alexander II. to IVradifiuu Duke of Bohemia,
fmmh Bidxv of it fafipeiidcd, and de-
priv'd of the Revenues of his Church , by the
Legats, for ojypofing their reception in B*-

A Conrcft between the fame Bifhop of Prague

•nd the fiiihop of JMarmtiMt for the pofTefTion of
cemin Terriiertea.
The Pope's Remonftrance to the Inhabitants of
Carthare., lome of whom had deliver 'd up Cjriacus
ritcirnfliop, uitotbeHtfidaoftlie;f<r««mi.

1074 U. XVXU. IV> Cornier fiiihop of Strasbmg, ex- A Coonctl

commonicMed for Slmanncu Pra- at J(«Mn>.
c'^iccs, is abi<dv*d in the ComcU of A Council
^gim. at ^tme.
Aq^is^rdatn'idBlliopof D/eby Amerac
I the Pope in that Council. Pmn'ers.
A Decree InveftiturK
agaiaft Council A
Mde by ^
Fbpe in the fiime held at fir-
Council, r rcc r ling 10 the Kehlton/W in the
of fome Authors. Month of
J^ler* GhVffjiM
excomnnmicated fn
of 0S»^*
is iIk uune
Counal of
The Agreement lieiWeeu ibeBi-
flK)p5 of Prague nrsd 'M:'^-nvia, con-
firm'd by the Pope s fiuli, dated

J^T^ Archbirtiop of Auche, and

Pmtiut fiiihop of Be:^rs, rcftor'd
to their refpcttive Seek
The Pope reproves the Inhabi-
tants of Hftu/a , for imprifonij^
l^htim their mfllop, and fubftitnting
t annrhcr in his room. He fummons
both the Bifhops to i{pme, if the

Digitized by Google
A Chrcmlopcd Table* '45
Eyrtftrort, Eaftern kcckfi/tfiicai
4nd Kjngt Emferors, PVritert.


1074 Matter dmiiot be decchnin'd by hit Legu in diac

The Pope's Lcpaw few to I'^c Tlrtipt'for H«ir/,
4^ut the Affair ol the B • j' ^ombardy.
The Conteii bctwe< u and Sigefred
oiC Lcgats
Ardhbiftop of Ment\, shorn the Right of calling a
Coancil, which the ArchbiiLop chitn'd, as Vicar of
the Holv See. The Legats recurn'd witfaoiic any
tSe6t Of tbetr NcgociatioiL
The fiift Piojc^ af A Cfuiwte jbmi'd by the

Pope's Letteit to divers Princes and Bi-*
flicps for purting in execution his Decree ngatnft
SimvQt and tbe Incoacioence of Clergy.mcn.
Letteft written by tbe fame Pope to the BKIm^
of France^ ag.iinll the Pr ccc dings ofKuig PAiA/,
wliom be tbceacens to dechiooe.
A Govftfration of the Coniieil Lmd&n abtrac
r'lc R.iiik -.111.1 par::rii! ':r Scar, that every Bifliop
ought CO hold in the Councils of the Kingdom of

The Pope coiirrms the Privilege df die Mona-

fiery ot Ste^xn at Caen.
mtUtm Duke of AfOtshf n obSg'd , 10 die
Council of p-'itiers, to put away his Kinfwoman,
whom be had taken to Wtiie. Jfemiert^ fii'
fhop of that City* wlio had diftnrb'd the Gmndl,
was fufpended and fome tiiiie after excommoni-

cated by the Pope.
The pmended Claim which Gregrrr VII. laid
10 the Kinr '-m rim were newly converted.
He rakes it very heinoody dut Sotomm King of
Hmxmj fhould be eftabliih'd in that Kil^(dom by
Henry Emperor of Germany, nnd infrft';, that King
Stephen formerly gave ic to the Holy See after his
CmTertion. Wherefore he tbreatem tliar Prince
with the Apoftolicai Cenfurcs, if fie do not make
Suit ro receive the Royal Scepter irom his
The Pope reftores to the Bifhop of Prague rhe
Revenues of bts Church, and orders hitn to come
to Home with the Bifhop of h4oravia : The former
being arriv'd there, is fcnt b.ick to his own Coun-
try , folly reconcikd and re-inftated : However,
the Pope adjudges to the latter the poflefllon of the
contef^cd Lands, bat the Birhop of P.'.?^«c- hav ing
fcz d on djem at bis return, the Pope enjoin'd
liim rn re 'lore theni.
A Tnbaw paidby die AniciBMVitoihe See of

107$ m. XIX. y, Liemtr Afchbifliop of Bremrn , A Conncif

The Pope Henry fub' Gamier Biihop of Strathurf^, Henry held at ^me
falls 00c dues the d Spire, Herman of B^ml'crg, I f^Uin the end of
wirh Cm- Sjxms, liam of PAviit, and Cunil -rt of T«- the MofT^h
cius the who had n», arc fu(jpended in tiic CouncxX ot February.
SoQOf if/- of Hgm. Some of thrfe B (hops re- Council A
pairtotbat City ro get Abfolntion. ar Pv'tiert
Denis Biflvop of Piacentia is de- againJt Be-
and cos'd in the fajne COOncil, vtrithOIR m^.
hopeof Kcftaonrioib

Digitized by Google

144 A Chrottohgicd Table.

A,D^ Befti. Emfifrort,

an.I Emfetort.
«/ France
aKd Italy.

1075 mcttn He >f>:n of Hamher^ is cxcomniu- A Council

bim> nicateil iome cinae after , for bis ai London,
Cinetut MifHemeanours.
exc'tcd by The Pope's I ctrcrs ro t!ic Empe-
Guilfert ror Henrj , to the Archbiibop of
Archbifliop Afnvr^, and co the People of B«ni-
Urg agnind that Bt(hop.
leizcs on A private Embafly lent by Henry
the Pope's to the Pope, to fettfe a good Cor*
Pt rfoii, as refbondence between thcin.
he was fay- The Socceis of the Emperor s
ing Mafs Anns canfts him to have left regatd
on Clirift- to the Popc^ Tntereft.
His fecond Eonbaflay xo the Pope,
but he is which is not very nvowrably re-
forc'cl by cciv'd.

the People Henry caufes Tedsld to be chofcn
CO fet him Archbifhop of MfAm, to the preja-
at liberty, cl cr of him whcm the Pbpe bad
and to re- nominated to that Dignity.
tire to the The Pipe's Letters to the Empe-
Emperor. ror Henry, and ro the Suffragan Bi-
IhoPs of the Mi/anefff to hinder
Tedt/d s Ordination.
Henry % Circular Letter to the Bi-
ihops and Princes of the Empire,
againft Gr^ory.
r rr'cr>^ by Thierry Eift'op of Vtr-

duu, and Engeihert Archbifhop of

IV/er^ agaioft the Pope.

1076 IV. XX. VI. Cardinal Huge excommunicated An Affcmbly

by the Pope. held at
The Pope's Elcdion condemn'd fVerms on
in the Council of iVerms. SeptuMgeJmu-
A Letter fent from the Council to Sunday.
the Pope, importing diae Coodem- A Council
nation. held at H^me
HoltmJ a Clerk of Parma , the in the begio-
Bearcr of this Letter, deliver'd it to ning of Lent,
the Pope and makes him the Dc- A Council

clarattons and Proteftatiom wvhatfPmebi^

which he was cbarg'd. jfn-. 1.
The Envoys of Henry make the a Council
fame Proteftations againft the Pope, at Trihur or
The Pope excommunicates Sige- Offenbeim,
froy ArchbiAlOp of Ment:{ , and fuf- OQth, 26.
pends the other fiifhops of the Coun-
(cil of Wimns in the Synod of F{9me:

He fikewile declares the Emperor

Henry excommunicated , and tallcn
(tixa the Imperial Dignity, and ab-
iolvet his Subjeds from dieir Oath
of Allegiance.
Henry's Enemies take- an occaiion
fitws this Sentence of Exoumutuni-
carion ro enter tnio a League »*.

gainlt hiin.
The grcateft part of the Pkdatt
of the Aflembly of irorm are re«
omcil'd with the Pope.

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A Ckaadogicai Tdk 145

ana K^tK^i Empnrs. '


t4»t< (Gregory brings over to his Party MatbUia^

Sovereign Princcfe of a conddcrable Territory
in Italjf , and the Widow of God/re; Duke of

Lorraine, who died there this yefer, divomd

from his Wife.
The Pope's Letters to all the Faithful of the
J^MMw EnpifC againft Htmy.
A Later written by BiHiop of Meti
to the Pope conccrnaig the Excommunication
of Hflv/, and about this Qgeftion, Whe-
tbcr a Sentence of Iixcommnnicttioii can be
denounc'd againit Kings ?
The Pipe's Anfwer Ihewing that Kings
may be exconuDiinicatedi whidibeprombf
divers Examples,
Another Letter by die Pope to the Prehtt
and Nobility of Grrmnny, prtTcr-bing certain
Condirions for the abliulving of Henry, which
if not performed by him, hc requires ihcm to
prnrcc o tin Elcdion of another Prince, to

take upon him tiic Government of the Em- ^ ,

By vertue of Letter , the Dukes of
,Sucvtj , Bavaria and Carintbia , apd the Bi-
Oops oif fnrt(hirg and H^orms confer toge-
ther ntZHm, and appdine an Aflemhly at P/-
Stgt^ard Patriarch of Aquikitt and Alt$iu»
BilboD of Paffm the Pope's Lcgat, declaim /

aninft the Condudl of Henrj/f in the Allembly

Offenhim, and demand another Empenr
lobe thofen in his rlicr.
Henry on the other lidc prain::cs rhc LegaCS*
by his Deputies to reform Abufcs for the fe-
• turc, and to mskf Rc!h'tudloi|^ior wiutDam-
• mage he might have done.
A Committee of the Aflteibly is appointed
to treat with the Empemr, who fubmirs to
their Rcmonftrances i disbands his Army ;
diOhiffes the Prelats and other excommunt-
* rated Perfons refijingnn his Court; retires to
Spirf, and rclinquifties ail the Marks of the
Imperial Dignity till he can get btmCelf ab>
folv'd within the year.
Gregory writes to the Bidiop of Ciren^^a, to
give Abfolution to l{9ger CmaxvfSidfy, and
to the Bifhop of Melfi. .

The Pope ordains ServanJus Bifhop of Hip"
pm^ and fends him back itm4frMtt widi
l^ers of Recommendarion.-
He likewife initalls Ives Abbot of St. Me-
laint^ ID the Billioprick of 0«f in Br^gmt^
and grants him the Pall.
fViUiam I. King of England turns H^tlke-
tuhtt out of the Abbey of, and gives
it to higulphui, who neverthcicis procures the
Rcftaurarion of Wulketulus.

1077 V. XXL VJU, Henry and there An AlTfmbly

paffes into Ttafy,,
Msnry goes cooks, to an Agreement with the at Foreoeim,
n>jAs(rio Pope.'bythe Mediation of ttMrpRQ* Mi»cb lah
Y flMI

Digitized by Google
148 A Chronological laUe^


1077 fuc for the cefs KUthilda of Hi^A Abbot of A Council


Pope's Par- C/mrr, and of feme otfaer Noble- at C/mnonr.

don, aikl men. A Council
receives He bnins his Abfolution at C.u at Difon.

Abibliut* nr/a under certain Conditions, which A Council

on. aftenwds he wal net «Ue to ob* «c Aatmi,
After- ftrve-
wards Ae Thc Complaints of the Lombards
falls oat ngidnft diefe Proceedings of the Em-
with him peror , which oblige bin to bceak
again, and wiih the Pop.*.
Hemy recalls the cxcommunictied
is eleded Bifhops, whom he had difmifs'd.
Emperor j^odk^bm Duke of Suevia caufes
binuelf to be cbofen Emperor in the
Convent tor? r r Forcheim, nnd ro bc CtOWo'd
Mf«'^ by ArchbiJliop Sigtfred.
The Pope determines to pafs into Gemuatf
to end the difference baweeo Henry and I{0'
dolfhus i but the former takes a relblution to
hinder his PafTafe, and to make War with
Iffdolfhus and the other Rebels.
The Pope having catu'd certain Bilbops of
Henry* Fany to be eppiehended, that Prince
in Hkc manner arrefts two «f the Pipe's JLe-
gati, by way of Reprilid.
The Archbifliopsof H^mt^ Befanfm, Liege]
Srttj, Bourdeaux Bourses nnd Tcnrs, nnd the

BiftlOpS of Senlis , Cbartres^ Auxerre, Noym

mi ilMhiit, not .nppcailig in the Council of
^tttm to ckar ihcmfclve*:, an? condcmn'd by
Hugh of Die the Pq|«'s Lcgat, and oblig d to
go to J^Mit to (ce «htt Coadcmntiion fe>
Geduin Arch-deacon of Liw^res is choien
\mA «»dain'd Archbi(hop of Lyont, Inftod <S
him whom Hugh of D»V hn dcp^^'d 1

I{aimcr Btibop of Oricam is likcwife de-

pos'd by the Fbpe, ««d 9m^m is fiibftttttted
in his room.
Stephen Bifliop of Artnecy is excommunicated
for taking podciffion of that Church.
The Pope renews his Precenfions 10 Spnin^
and exhorts the Kings and Princes of that
Gdumry to }>ay him the Tribate, which be
pretends to be due to the Holy See.
He in like m.inoer lays claim to the liland
of Cwfica, and iieiids « £9|itt to lefide time in
quality of Govcrnoor.
Gerard Abbot of Ldcn is made
St. Vineetu at
Abbot of St. Medardn^otffons i but being
turn'd out fnrpc time nfter, by Quffn Br '/ %
be founded the Abbey 01 SeauvC'Mjjcur in tiic

1678 VI. XXII. VIII. The Pope renews, in the Council A Council Lamkert of jf/^
Hicefho- of S(fme , the Anathem* which he held at l{omt eht^mhurg com-*
rus Sotovt- had dcnounc'd againft Te UU
Arch- in Lent. pleats his Hiftory.
*ta gets bi{]K>p of MiJan, and againit Gitibert Another Mitbtl
^ PfeMm
pofTdTion Arcbbi(hop of j^avemta. <^uncil at icdtcs to a Mb-
«f the Im- Jtrnn^fhiu fiiflwpof CrtmtM be* iit the niflety, where be

Digitiztxi by CjOO^Ic
A Chrondogcd Tahld. H5
Bmierors, Enfierk Ecckfiaftittl

beriaj ing pre&nt in the Coiucil, is de- Month of dies a lictle while
dem.liav' pos'dftrStmooMod fnidicei,with-i)e«*m^
In^ caus'd out hope of Reftauration. A Council
Michael to l^iand Bifbog of Trtv^ is ex- at P«itiers»
becoofi- c0intiiiinicated , fbr having otxarin'd
ned in a his Biflicprick by undertaking td

Monaftcry* manage the DefuuoQn q( the M-

h icmbljr of ISP^/.

Cardinal who rook part


with the Emperor Hcorj ^ is lik.e-

«nfe eacQBtiminicited.
The Sentence of Excommunica-
tion dcnounc'd againft the Archbiihop of Nrir-
immct by the Pope's Predeceflbn is feviv'd id
that Council.
AH the Normans of ^/m/m are ezcominuni->
cated in the fiune Council.
Upon the breakir- up of this'I, the
Fope foUicits the Germans CO call an AiTembly,
to put an cad to the Diflenfiom berwreen '

tjenry And J{odoIphu!, and excommunicates all


ehofe Potions who hinder their Meeting.

Both Pihiei ftaa to miftiiift die Pope's de-
. Unitize Sctitence.
Uenrj oulces himlelf Mafter of the Coun-
tries of Mnotrris aaA Snevtm, which [{odolfhai
liad abandon 'J m
retire to Saxony. \

t^iolfhus levies Foroe^ befi^es the City of

f^rt:{lurg, aod tdcM !r after having defeated
, f/rnv v's Amiy, who came to relieve the Place,
but the latter found means to recover ic a little
while after.
Nicefhorus Bctoniau is exconlmunicated in
the fecond Council df I{pme for uforping the
Gornnoietit of die Saftcin Empire.
The Envoys of Hetirj and I{oJo'phus uke
an Oath in that Council, in the name of their
Maften, that they fboold not hinder the Pope's
Legat<; from holding an AfTcrnibly in Gtm^Uff
BE> detennine their Concroverlies.
A Decree in the fiune <Stouicil againft Inve>
ftiturcs made by Laicks.
The Archbiibop of Tours and the Bilbop of
Hennes are lii^eMed io the Coondl of
tien, for endeavouring to difturb it.
The Archbiflic^ of itfmfm is iikewife Ibf-
pended in that Council, fbr not appearing '

dierein, no more rhnn rhc Bidiop of Autun.

The Abbot of B4rgues is ilepos'd i/Of Si-
mony, in the lame CbondL
The Divorce of H^BUm Duke of Aqui*
faine from his Wife is order d in that Coondl,
by reafbn of dieir bebg-too near a kii^.
The Settlement of the Regular Canons of
Sc.Qutntin at BeauvMs made by Gi^ BiAop
of that Ciry, who «onferr*d die GovenuMot
of that Convent on Iva. his Succe0i)e ^ft«>
ward in the Bifltoprick of Seauvais.
Ctfimit is diolm Patriarch of Ca^Mtimfif'
in the pl.KC of John Kifhllin.
St. Anfelm fuccecds Hetluin Abbot of Bec^
whody'd this year.

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1^8 ^ Chr(mh%icd fable.

dndKjngt Bmferori.

VH YVfTL n. Seten^tr is forc'd to abjure Iiis A Council

1079 vu. 4WM>- Home
Opinions, and to make a new Con- held at

ftinon of Faith. in the Moot!

The Archbifliop of Af.u'.eit pro- of F^fimy*
miles in the Council of i{eme to con-
ttnne loyal, for the fbturie, to Fbpe
Gregory and his Succcffor.-, and to
be obedient to tbem in all things.
Tti^U Althbtflnn cfUiUtn^ Ptttr
Archbif!;op of N.irhnnf ,
Biflxjp of Bmonioy li$Und fitlbop of
TVevifi, «nd the Bi&opt of ¥»m»
and C.iiv^ i>iT^ arcercommunicarfd
and dcpoi d in that Council witb-
ooc hope of leftanratkm.
The Pope, after having caus'd the
Envoys ot Htmj and Hgdelfim to
«dte an Oadi ia the Conncit that
their M afters Ibonid fubtrit to the
DectTion of the Holy Sec, deputes
his Legacs 10 bold an Adembly in
Henry having defeated ^doifhut
, in a Battel near Ftsdefbttm^ could •

not fuffcr an AfTcrrbfy to be |icld,

in which his Right might be brought
Into C^eftion.

The Church of Lyoi: credcd tOM
a Primacy by Gregory VIL

This rope threateits a ceitam

Lord nam'd He^elin v/ith Excom-
ffluoication, if he continue to diifurb
tbe Tianquility of the King, whom
the Holy Sec h fcr over Djimatia.

He confers upon LaMdu'i^lms Bi-

fhop of Pifa and bi» ^nccdTors tte
• *
Office of Legat , and half the Re-
venues of the Ifl.ind of Cerfic*, re-
Ibrving the other Moiety lor the Hb-
tf &c, with all the Forts;.
He confirms the Eledion which
* the Monks of MarfeiSe, Ottde of
Cardinal I{ichard, for their Abbot.
H^ylligm Abb« of Sr. Stephen at
is ^ain*d Archblfhop of
I{cum in the place of Jolm, who
had rclign'd that Archbilboprick by
reafon of hit Infirmities.

1080 VIII XXIV. in. The Pope forbids the fc/«vffli4ii/ A Council TheoffyUB Axch-
Gregory Henry is
is Weh*H to celebrate IKvine Service in the ar Berdvux. btdiop of Aerw.
dejpos'd in cxcomtnu- Ducesfcnt Vulgar Tongue. A Council Fol :>.* a Monk
a Co^incil nicatcd by to dcGre Manajfes ArchbiOiop of Hbeims is at Lfetu. of St. Bertbitt,
held ac the Popein Siiooows depos'd in the Council of Lytmt. A Council Gerard Abbot of
Href i'i, the Coun- of rhc The Decree igainft Invcfliturcf; Is licid at I{ome St. J'inctnt at
andGiti^rrf cilof/^omr, Pope, andrcviv'd io (be Council of ^omr. in tbe begin- Lusn.
is declared and of J^ghert The Sentence pronoonc'd in the ningof Lent, H^Beram Abbot
Ftope. J^'i'pl'uj IS Duke of Council of .-ipainl Mjiuffet, ap.iinfl rhc of Sr. Peter mt
confitm'd Afidia. is confirm d in that of ^me. Emperor Mersbure.
in <he In^ Nre^pSa. The Bulls of Sxoommunication Hemy, Vr/k Aoboc of
perialDigTMf isex- pnhlhb'd againft T<rdS«M Archbilbop AnAlftn> Aimm,

Digitized by Google
A Chronological Tahk.
A,I>. Peffi. Empet9r$, Bf^Mt Bctk^icd i(lffairu Coimils. ^.ttUUi^iicd
* ndKii^ Bmftmi. mittn.
($nd Italy. ' -

i»8a ttity,but pell'dby WlM.Gaibtrt ci^fv*m»t BeterhXy ht\<l zi jimafuf t BiAop

dK hcier Atexit of NMimie, and the other Bifeops, Ment:^ at in Itafy.
dies in the Comnmits, arc rc ireratcd in Council. H^itfuntide. Adam a CaiWtt
end of die who is pro- ij<«i7 is excotiunanicated by the A Council of £rrr7-rrr
Y««r. dttB*d Ptopeittihe Conlacil, wbicbdedires held at Bref- Covraj B-alop of
* K, him fallen from the whole Imperial cia in the Vtmht.
Dignity , and transfers the Empire Month of Wennie hiStuM

The chief Leaden of Henry's ,hc Pope. fVa/eran BiOlOtt

Party meet at JVfca/jj, and call the A Council of Naumhrg,
Council of Brefcia againft the Pope, at Avigtum. The de uh of
i/i«firWis irp .1 inrhitCoun- A Council GwrtwW Archbi-
, ,

cy, wdGuibert Archbi^pof at Liffdorme. (hop of -^ir /».

MM MitMOU who a Council
is firilftituted Hi Hefid.imuj a
afTumts the NaAic of Chnicnt III. at Aff^ttx. Monk of St. G-ff,
««o7 s Letter to Hildehrand dc- A Letter died likewile this
pofed hook the- Papal Diatiity, toivHtten by Year,
oblige hbn ItlinqiiiA the See of the Clef|[y
j^OTBA' •
ALetter by the fatoe Einperar lo rhoTeof C«Mi
t!.c Clergy and People of I^omc, rc- /;r.j^, about
auiring tijetn to expel H//iri>rW theadmiflioa •

le depofed Pbpe. of the Sons

Henry fikcwife fends AmbaCrndon of Prlcfts it;-
co the Chriftian Kings and Princes, to Ocdec
to induce them «duio«irledge
Cffrnmt I.-jwfi^f Pop^
Ti'^ and ro , . . i'

Withdraw than Ixom their Obedi-

ence to Qnptj,
Gregory coni^ to rri Aprecmpnt f)
with Guifcaid DukL oi ^u-
Ua, and invefts him with the Ter-
ri'-orir=: wh:rh wcrr in his PofTdlion, r .
^ ^

gni.r^ng him alio a Toleration to

enjoy rhofc that he had ufurp'd.
This Pope nominates another Archbilhop of
J{avema inftead of Guihert whom he endea* ,

vours to get ouied from that Archbifhoprick.

A bloody Battel fought Ofi A between
Henry and Rjfdatfhus ; inlbmucii that rhe latter
having receiv'd a Wound in bis Arra, quits
the Field, and caufes himfelf to be convey'4
to Mnthurgy where he died a little after.
Henry marching into S*xmy ^ lays wafte '

tbofe Parts, assA at his recom tef/uat the wk6ie
Country of Suevis.
Gregory dcmarrds Succours of I{ehert Guifi
ssrd i writes to the German Princes, to oblige
them to choofe an Emperor intircly devoted . .

ro the Interefts of the Holy See, in rhc place

of ^fdthhttj deceafed ; and fends thither a
Form Of an Oath, which he requires them to
put to the Prince whom they fliould ele<ft.
AeUrd is tnro'd out of the Church of Arlet -

which be aTiirp'd. tod &hUn h fubfticuted

in his room, by Bt^ dl Dlw, ID the Couxil

of Av^itm,
AaoOiierBift H choftn Billiop of GremiU
in that Connal.
Vr/t» fiiOwp of Stiffoai is depos'd in the
Condi 9i hkmtx, vAAmulfhmz Moolcof

Digitized by Google
150 A Chrmlogicd Table.
A, D. Pofci. Emferors,
»nd Kings

Sc. Mcdard is vat in ius place.

is dcdcd Bp. of Cll«ll«.
The Pope endeavoon to no pur-
bofe, to extore a Tribute (nm ibe
Kingdom of Frame, as be had done
from EnilMtid, and ibe odKrEflsset
of Chriftemiam,
He ootyatntaw* Alfhtma Bifliop
of S^if^nf, upon occaGon of his hav-
ing found ibe Relicks of ^int
He thrcarem O'^u-frriK^ Sovereign
prince of S^rjunU, [O difpoffefs him
ofthatliland (whicli he avouches to
bclorg ro the Holy Sec) unle(s he
iubmic CD the Injan(^lions of the
Onircb of I^e.
He i<! well facisfy'd with the Con-
duct of his Lcgat in that Ifland, who
ittd oblig'd a Greei^ AlCJlbifllOp »
keep his Beard thaT'd.
In a Letter written by htm to
^jmmdiiu Faeriarch of the Armenia
ttm t he cenftires certain Eirois
which are attnbuted to him.

toll DC XXV. Btrfnmd Count of Prevmce , Jam. Tbrafr/iui

Hemry taices an Oadi ot Allegiance to ihe SejUt^tJ Curof^
mardiesin- Pope;
En^flhrrt Afcb-
cfaebeadof bilhop of IVisr.
an Army, VlrifModtti
Gmmy defends Bernard a Idook
himlclf, and of CrAftiH
Hiw/is oblia'dto
tttire to iMthoith

t«te X XXVI i{<fhrt Abbot of ^fUit is ordain'd A Coatidl

Bifl»p of Mr ar in m tlie CbuncU of at Mkm*,
that City, of Die; hwz
by ff«^''

^ of this Ordination being made with-

J(aMr ) bat tke Ounftui of the Afdibiflkop
the rit^ ofJfiMand his Suffragans, that Arch-
rous KeiUtance be bifliop contectmed another , after
mccwidi, oblij^'d
him TO rim it ui»
ro a Blockade.
The Genmm
Rchch chnof?
Hemum in (he

io8| XL XXVIL Greiery holds a Synod at i^MM A Council Mariamu Sccfmt

widi Hemr/s Coofirot, who graotihdd
Pafports to all the Preltts who were in the Month
Heme compleats his

bimrdf oblig'd CO be prei'ent thetein ; of Ntvemkt b«

Ik caofes the Depuncs of the Gir^
pan of die man Rebels, and Otho C.irdinal-Bi"
Cicy of fliop of 0/?M who aoooairanj*d
iMttp fii w imfttd n
Ac iLaML

Digitized by Googl<
A Chrmiokffcal TaUe. «5«
4«.A. ttfu. BetkJUfiicU
mi Kjrgj Emftrm, Writers.

This Synod conclodes norfjjng.

Huib Bifhop of Ai# is cnuUIaced

pope, wl»
Ukes cbe

xii. .xxvm. IV. Nieela ^tfieGramrmriatiif
cakes tbe
fcft of the
City of

canfM himfclf t«
be crown'd Em-
Eifor by Clmm
I. But Gregory

VII. induces A*-

Norm/mt to Come
to his Relief, who


Ms XIIL V. This Qsdtoii, Wf. Whdher the An Ajliatif

m 4» Pope bad a Right to e«ommuni- at Gojlgr or
anddetbrane the Etnperot Hemj? i$
debaced in dw Aflembly of Ber-
held in die

thteb, between GeAfAir^Archbifhop beginning of

•f Stitiibwrg an Htrman's fide , and chc year a-
continues ^ee/^Vi Archbiflxm of Umt:( on gainft Hcnif.
iracuKAi- due of Hemy, without determining An AfTem-
aoy diiog as to die Macter m biy at gw'o-
Hand. tilintimr,
HUetlmt Optnioot eoodemn'd heldaeaSnft ,

GwOmtt •ad Ittt Ordinations dedar'd duU Henry aftet

te lie Aibmbly of Q^Uineherg, £tfitr.
Mftfterof TbB Oidinations and Confecra- An Aflem-
BMT ef dkc laam^Sigefrey B.ftiop of Augshirg, biy at M-JBr*
Oiurches of Norl'crt Bi(bop of CW , aod all for Hemj^
0f<« tfaofe made hf aoomtnuiicated held in rhe
Cferfts, are IHrewife dedar'd null Month of
to i;i that Atfembly, which prononnc'd
gechimiclf a Sentence of Amubms with lighted
Ciadln MpM^emhtrt , Catdinal
ledg'4at Hugo, John Bifljop of T'crto^ Prter
the Cbanodtor, Lienur Arcbbifhop
of anmm, tM* Kftop of mtde-
/heim, 0th 1 of Cim_f}.:ncr, Surchard
of B^/S^ f and Hernum of Spire ; as
/hir Of Au^.d'ur^, Norim Of CihM^,
•ad tbetr Adbeients.
iriAMrmif with Aofe of ?tiv
ty, :^n<i the BifTinp? of rbe Affcinblr
of Uutntiienehitrg , are condemn'd
•nd depo^d in Alt of Mm% imi
other BidlDpi act ihUtecd ia their

Digitized by Google
jL D. P»fet. Emmrturt, Bafiem
smdl^iu^r Emferwi,

Herwua and Eciers c£ SaxmfiSt

' exoommnmcaied m
like wile
The death of JtyAfr/ Cuifcdrd
Duke of the NermMm of ^jpae/M.

XXX. VI TTu^h Arrhblfhop of the The death of

l«iStf Dtfiitriut
Archbiibop of and the Biftop
Abbot of
ftfounr of Msiilik afpm to ^

is ' Dimiity.
The ArcbbUhop of
endeavonn 0
oppofe ite EleAaon
m W .
fjjafou Biftop
Ssfe/Mo. .

Namf? of of^'Vfar.
St. Brum inftitntes
L Ctrthufiitn Monk^
Philif King of Fr^ di»orcd
kaok Berth* his Wife, who i« Mr
to hbHfhtuiL

Viilor ]s
xxxL m The JlmtAemM deaoime'd againft ACooa^
Cw'rrf the Antitope, i$ reflCW'd in at Cdpun.
cooCccrac- the ConiKil of Bauvtnt9, A Council
The Aidto'lhop of Ljm and the at B^m^to
BUhop of /: I'f arc likewifecx- agauiftG«<>-

and dies ccMmutnicatcd in that Council*

Caffim^cr having . 1

Mmimucd Oth»

1088 OthK- XXXSL yin. v:. : The deitli- of Menmg^t

flwp of -
-toppcn'rl 6. iktKXwi of Mim*^
- The death
. vt^VHUsmh firnam'd The death of
damM . rilteQiaqDerQr, '
iUf^ of Bt^lmit
00 Seftemh. 7 of 2>Mmk.
11. under •
The Pope conftnns the Primacy
4ifthe Church ofTtkdt, and (ends
ofCrbaulI. the to Bernard AtdA^fif t£
Gmhtrt that Metropoiicm See.
bythe^!>- .

«Mw, and

renounce J t.

all manner 4 r

Cbiai lotbe

(089 n. 3CXXIU. IX. The Fbpecooinm in the Council A Council The death of
of an the Proceedings of Gn- at J^Mnr.
t(t$mt Lsnfrtnc Ardita-
gvrjfVII. again ft Guilert the Anri- A Council HiDp of CoHter-
pope, the £mpcror Uemj and their at Mt^*. hurf, onJM^t.
He revives in that of Melfl, the De-
crees againft Perfoas guilty of Stoio*
oy, and abolilhet toe fntHnicton of
Clerks calPd jlce^hali, who w«rc
xetain'd to the Servioe of the great
Latd«i ordependedoi

Digitized by Google
A Chronologkd Tabk. »53
«M Kings Bmftnri.

ni XXXIV. A Grant of the City oiTarrti^ma A Council I.amhertViSM^

to the See of i^o«M, by Btrcnger it Teuioitfc. of ^rr^r.
Cottkof B«r(dSNML J(«;iw/</ Ardibp.
of I^fjeims.
Tbitrrj Abbot of

lurof die Cinirch

ft Cmifiditimfk.'

IV. XXXV. XL The death of Sc. Woifbilin Abboc A Council Itmlphut Abboc
iS9Ht9iUm^ in the IXbcefi ofheldtt Bcw of&^W
tums ro
_ itMi<,cake» The Pope grants the Ardibilhop- eainlt^i^
' HieCMle fkk of TWrv^M^ ID Siiwj^uj ffipMr^.
and be-
St.j1n^e!o, Iliopof 1^.
axae^ Matter of
4k Cicy.
t«9« V. XXXVL XQr Sc^i^«/mischol«oArdikriAopof A Council St. i^iV&AriL
. . CMtirhnry^^Mer. €. and eoafecrated at Soljfons ffiMVM the
00 the 4rh day of Deccmh. following, againlt /(jj^ younger.
Hofcelin , a Clerk of the Churck eetin. GetrpusCeJrenm,
ii Ctiupeigne, ij oblig'd to make-in AConndt
«-.. Abjuration of his the Coan- at i^WHIM. of the Church of
^ cil of $Mj(/Miii but having mamtaia'd
k tfeaintffttfwaids, he was buiA'd raraft
from France and England.
Ldmhertt QOmin^ed fiiibop of
. . : Airmt it ordiio'd at Kjmi by the
' - •
* "- /vr/islikewil«inftall'dfii(hopof
eUrtres by tbe Fope atCifM iaibt
ertd of thr year, in the pboe of
Gejfrey who was depos'd.
Tite flop's Difcoarfe. to fvef
Ciartret, aftef his Confccration.
i(iV/&cr Archbifliop of f mr cites
htes Bilhop of Cbtrtrtt to an Allb»^
biy held at EJlampet, to give an Ac-
J count of his Ordination ; and chat
AflbnUy bating determin'd to it^
tbet of Chamet ap-
ftore GlgfiKfyt
peals to the Pope who forbids

Bjcher the ufe of the Pall, till he

ddift from further Profccution.
Philip King of Frsmce marries
Bertra/a the Wife of Fudfmt k
i^echin Count of Anfou.
The Bifhop of Senlit performs the
Mypdal Ceremonies for tne Re-,

venue of cetcain Cbaidies oNifar'4

upon him.
Ives Bi(hop of Cbartrei
01% oppofea that Maini|g&
XXXVIL XHL Ives Bilhop of Cbmrins b puc in A Couocii
Conrad th(j Prifbn , for declarii^ nglinft King at Trou U
Son of HiUf't Marriage. .<i/«/iV(.
ttmrf re*


Digitized by Google
»54 A Cbrmolegical Table.

atiA i^itgt Bmfenn.

of Fnnce
and luiy.

is crown'd

^ Aftfelm
Archbp. of
ihax City.

i«94 vn. jbcxviii Xtv. The tope's Bull for the Reflau- ACoom
ration of the Biihoprick of Arras, at Co^fijoKc.
>tV fVax*^, the Wife ofthe Empeibr A GialiK> vr
Jinor; ap|> in the Council of be!d a: -^.i-

Conftance, and makcsaCoofriTionoffini Ofi«^.

.many infanwqi Ptadices, which fiie
liad been conftra»\l co camuXt
her Husband.
Hugh Archbifliop of Lyons , ihe
dope's Legit, excommnnicates King
Philip in ibt Council of Autum, by
i««6>n of -!»» 'Marriage with ftrrr.
iraJe^ bat the Pope fa^tedt die

J .: ,

r 1 ViartlJ* gives in A Cowial Xbe drnth of

the of PUciauU to ^e Am* held in Lent Germrd Abbot of
W^&doTB of Ikhe Empcfor pf Cm^ at PtMeemiM. S. FnwMtf fltl^ll^
fiiHtlf^ fr, who defir'd Suc^ovtt a- A CnunriJ
gainlt the Ititidt^Js, . .
• held in fwg-
King Philif (endf AinlM(ra<lofs to hmd, Afril
:tlvU Council, whoobt.iiri tii'n: r f ;i.
iixfommu- A Council
pic as to the Sentence of
Oit^Dii which was' dtnomic'd a- at Ckrmim
gpnft him. in the Month
The Pop« iotmt in the fanoe of Novemb,

Ckmiicil..theP«pjc(^oftheCra(iMle, ACbondl
which was abiblucely iclblv'dapon at Limoges
in that of Ciermmt. in the Moadi
The CopdMHUIciQO Berenger'tt^ Ottm^t d
Opinions is rerlv'd in the Cotticit
oif PiacentiA,
.Hugh, An^ftQp<«lf ijMtf is fitf-
pcndM, for ncjjlc^ing ro make his
appearance, and to fend any one to
C9K;ufe his Abfence.
The Emprcfi Prdxtda make« the
faiiK Dedaratton agai/iit her HuT-
lya^ldJn diat Coatvpi* as flie had be-
fore cxhibitM in the Gooocil of
Conjl ii^f.
The Council of RngUnd declares
ftiat Vrbm Ibould nor be acknow-
Pope , nor St 4>^elm as
Icdg'd as
Primat of England^ io loaf as be ^
pook part with him.
The Pope puhliih«s a Sentence of
facommunication ngainft King PW-
iip and a?»Tnt> Bertr.hh his Concif . . . •

bine in the Counui oi Ciermcnf. • •

He likew ic renews in that CouQ* ' » i


cil, the ^/n^'/i'-'T^ r'' ."j'.^init the Etnp, ' '

.t .

Henrjf^ and Cuilcrt de Atttif Of e. ;


Digitized by Google
A Ckmtokffcd TaUe. i <^

Upoiltlif RcmonflnuiWof PefCT-

• ' ' ' Ae Hermit, a Gcnrleman nf Pic.irdy
-* '
'•car Amifrti , and upon tht receipt
of the I enrers fent by ^/rWirx Emp.
cf and 5/w»ftjf7 Patri-

arcli of yaufaJem, the LevaMtne ^

Crufade is rcfolv'd on. ahd puWift'd
- ' in tlie fame Council: The Mark

the Soldicn lilted fof thar
: •
tion, wasa rcdCrofsfow'dontheit
• •
Jeft Shoulder, and chc Watch-nvoid,
. .i •

. \ 'Tnthe Pf-IS cf God.

. /' A
Confirmation of the Primacy of
the ArchbUhopick of Lyons in
' * The Bull of that Confifnutcion,
. ,
- dared Settemb. I.
The Pope forbid<; {{icher Archbp.
of Sens the nfe of the Pall , for re*
,. Jffing own the.Prijiiacyof tlie
' • • CbarcB of Lymt.

posVi by the FbpcintheC*ttijdlof

that City. .» . •

1*^ Dt *• XVI. A Difputc between St. M^bn A Council

Cnrad « Monk
and the King of £«^/^W.
« ^uen. of /f/, .

of the CandM of &. Uvtm at at To«r/. frrrr.

irl* - Bt-v/^ . -t A Council BmuhhusotBer^

jr^ir, and the |ope p,v^ l?im Ab- ^ ciC<,nftance,
folutioniii the CouncU of Ni>w/.
fPiHUm <d Apui
• • //*.

of c&iy.
A Council 0//./. a Monk of
«t a4rj. St, Bmi/ace.
Gregory Cafdinaf*
Peter dc Honrjlltt"
A Qcrk of i^4-

Tbikvid or T«ffl-
^4/<i Clerk of Che

109« XL XUL Xm S^^.^./;;, Archbin^opofC.^;..-

burj leaves and paffes into
at Bari. oUanrerhT^
— - - A Council G/yFrfrrf a Monk
.hSr rh
aboot the
^%" 'fr '
j'^L^i^^'heMat J^.«,.of/W^«/«/?«-.
Procc/fion of thc HpIyinfavoorof
'hat opposd Bern/rd a Clerk
nicatc the l.^'of EngUnd.
King the Intcrells of the Church t£
The Pope gwnts to Ji^er Count of Pope Grc Vnecht.

gats ihali be fenr into h,s Domini/^ p^.V;;;

on$ without his confcnt that the
; Albert iBmrr.^


Digitized by Goo^I
.56 A Cbromiogical J Me.
4. D. P^t, Emferors, Esfiem

..r .

1098 ^us fif the See of i(MN«ijy their C^f- ErarJa. HnwAi
fice; lad tfaar tfaey ftall liave a
Right ro dcpurc any of tbt ir BiOiops BertUrius ARhx
or AbiMXS , whom ifac; QuU think of Mount Cisffii^
fir, '<i<ieiH8WHr thq^aie Rmanon'd
by the Pope. of St. >fHM»/i
The Pope iUU4c£nscbe ^ooon- 4n4(i^#SHr ft
cti^ft Semetwv flfEsppamwiicap
tion againft the King of B^imiJin ^itt/ at Angers.
die Council of .^AMir, - •
Bumdij hil^Msoii
Mo-ks TO CiJieMMx,
the i-oundatioa
and there
of chai^er.
CJ '-tn ih<n m
lift Monk*
I:- ArchblOiop 4|f


xrr. XLUL XOC TKc City of is befjeg'd A Connrl?

by tbe Qi^^i^. Army, under GW- bcid at i(a
''JiMijMi»?M» 9. Md tifcaioiitliekft
day of Mjrcft
PafcUdU. a^inft dbe
kdnfett .IV
inhtspiaoe r
jitaf. tz.

iio« If. xuv, XX. . lie In&HotiQa ibc Onkx oC

Tbe dettb
of Gtfjfcrt
tbe Ami-
pop^, ao-

ibfDC Au>

Digitized by Googl


Ecclefiaftical Writers

pOpe; diofen^.C. 999. died in leoj. Pope; iMatA, D. toi%. died id

* ^t. F U
Bifliop of Chtrtra ; was born A. €. 970. floo- The Gnmmanaa ; .wrote in let).
fUh*d in die Schoob dCbtrmi in die end of GUARtlffb^GAUSLIN,
the Tenth Century, and in t^e bcpinntng of the Archbp of B^urgeti floujA'din dief
Bleveatb; was made BUbop of that Oioceft in of this Century.
t«o7. and died Afr, to. A. D. imS. '
W1 L L I A M, DtUiDtHil'ferPoeim, flounOi'd
loio* in
Abbot of Sc. Benipnus zt Dtjon, fioorUh'd in the GUY ARETIN,
bttinmng of the Century. Abbot of U
Croix S, Laifrv i flontiflkM ifl

GODEHARD. lofto. nnd died n r 30.

Jlifhop of HiUerflirimt chofen A, C. 993. died A K I B d, .

AidibiAnp of Mn^ $ ordnin'd in loij. dkd

(? O S B E R T, in lo}!*
Abbot of Tergemfee flouriOi'd in the bcgitioillg B £ R N O,
ef die Century. Abbotof I(!titlu0t flottrifli'dfioiA A, A. toi^*
B nRC H' A R D, and died tn io.-.5
Bifliop of fVormi, ordain'd A. C. 99^. died in ADEMAR or AIMAR do CHABANOIS,
1026. A Monk of Sc. Citar flouriib'd in to}*.


l^onk of Fuida ; flourilb'd io the beginning of AidiHlcacon of Tota-t, fiourilli'd ar the iame
dus Century.
Abboc of Melck^ wrore in loii. A Monk of St. Bmmeran, tlounlh d about tbe
S Y RU S, ftnednfe.
A Monk of C/uigr; floarifh'd in the begtmii^ of ODOR A N,
the Century. A Monk of Saint Peter It Vtt , Bdatdh'd in'


A Monk and Chanter of Ctmttrhmjf i Amtiflt'd .ffiGELNOTHUS,
at the fame time. Arcbbifliop of C4iirrr^Mi7, f]ourtlh'd in lo^o.
Bifliop t^Vtreebti n»de A.D. toof. died in .The Pupil of St. Hjrvic, wrote in 1030,
RUPERT. Pbpe; diofen /f. D. J 024. died in lojj.
Abbor of Mount Cajpn } fiouiiih'd in die begin* EUGESIPPUS,
ring of the Century. Wroie D.1040.
D I TH M A R, B R O K O,
Bifhop of Merjburjr ; bom A. C. t^6* Oldain'd Bilhoj- of iVurt;{hitrg $ ordaind A» D. to^fi'
Bilbop in 1008. died in iot8> died in 1045.

Digitized by Gopgle
158 A Chrmological Table
GLABER RADULPHUS, Archbiflicp of Tauremtmum, tfe flourifli'd tft

A Monk of Cluny, wrore nb«ur 104 middle of the Century. J,

A CanOn of HfrfeUt, about 1040. Arch'manJrita or Abbot of bis MomftOft
A E X U I fkmriih'd in the middle of
I S. Cemory. ih^'

Patriarchof C.nftr.ntitirf.e promoted to :iur ,

G U A L D O, .

Dignttylti ictv died in ic^?. A Monk of C«rKr, flonrifh'd above lofo.

c A
^^ p A N u s, D R O G O,
A Plulofui her of Lomb.ird) , flourilh li ^. D. Biflvop of TfriJtijNf , orJ iin d in 1036. dkd in
Arch deacon of Angos-y boin at TeuTi in tbe A Monk of F!eurj, wrote about 1050. .

«n(l of the Tenth Century ; flourtlb'd there W I P P O,

j1. P> ic^o. wa<; tnadc Arch-deacon in 1047. Chn plain ro the fimpcror Uenr/ IlL floorifli'd

began to fpread his Dodlrin in 1048. and died under him.

ro88- . E BER VIN or BVERVIN,
FT7SEBIUS BRUNO. Ah\xKo( SuMimctuTtUHt flo«ri(h'd abouc
Biftop cf An?ert, ordain 'd in 1047. 10 50,
fiiihop rif Lic^f ; made in 1048. AbLx)r of Aumtmt, flotttilh'd about lojo. and
A D EL M A N or ALM AN. died ill 9, I

A Clerk of the Church of Licgc, and after- G E R V A S E,

wards Billnp Of Brefa«, flounih'd about Ar I bOop of I{l>eim$ ilouriih'd about to|o.
1050, and died in I

A S C E L I N. G I' I R E R T,
A Aionk of Sc. Evr^u flourtflt'd abonc lojo. Aicb-deacon of Ton!, HounfK'd about lojo,
Bilhop of Lio^pres^ bom in the end of the A Bfiied^a/ii Monkof i^Mmf, flofiriArd
Tenth Centuty, ordnn'd in 1031, died in the Qmt time.
1051. JOHN,
GRfiGOJlY Vf. Archbi(hop of BucbattM, Ikmrift'd Id the middk
Pope; was chofcn in 1044. depos'd and ba- of the Centurv.
nifhed in the end of the Year 1046. JOHN
CLE ME NT U. Abbot of Brhn^m $ made Id 1051. 4kA m
Pope ; c^n^pn inbeginning of the year
the 1078.
1047. dad in the Month of Oflaber in the lame HEPIDANNUS,
ykar. A Monk of St. GaS; flounfl\'d in the middleof
LEO DC. the Century* and died in 1 080.
Pope; ordain'd in io;9. died in 1054. LANF R A N C.
VICTOR n. Archbiflicp of CAMerhurj ; was bom at
Pope; advanc'd CO that Dignity in 1055. died in the bepinning of the Century, st\d iflRAiAi
in 1037. the MonaUick Habit in the Abbey of Bre,
STEPHEN IX. .4.0,1041. A Jitile while after hewascholen
Pope; made Abbot of Mount CaJ^, and after- Prior , and made Abbot of St. Stephen at Cum
wards Pope in 10^7. died \n 1058. in 1063. and at laft Archbiflicp of CMMrAiQr
IL in 1070. He died in 1089.
Fom: chofcn in io^8. died in io6{. G U I T M ON D.
HUMBERT, Archbifhop of Aver/a , flourifh'd about I ode.
Canlinal; floiirifh'd about 1050. wa<; ftnr Lc- and died tn 1080.
gat into the Levant in 1034. and died in DU R A N D.
to6o. Abbot of Trenrn ; fiourifli'd about the fame
MICHAEL CERULARIUS, time, and died in 10S8.
Patriarch of Confiantincfit i made about 1050. -PETER DAMIAN,
wasbanift'din 1058. and died in 10 s9. Cardinal Bilhop of Oftia j born in tbe begin-
NICETAS PECTORATUS. ning of ihe Cenniry, advanc'd to thole Digai^
A Monk of Stu-'*. flonrift'd about loje. tie* in 1057. died in TOTl.
(iatnafdi of Gr«/«; Hourifh'd at the fane tine. Flopej cbolen in ic6i. died in 1073.
P E T E R»^ A L P H A NU S.
Patriarch of ^ntteth ; flourifh'd in the middle Archbifhop of Salemo, chofen in io;7. died in
of ihisCcnrory. 1086.
Dean of Ntrnm ; ffonrifh'd about 10^0. Pope; began 10 fiourilh after the year IC30.
HERM ANNUS CONTRACTUS, under Btnedili IX. and Cicgory VI. and pafs'd
A Monk oi f^icbenaw f flouriih 4 about 1 040. beyond the Mountains with the latter in 1047.
and died in 1014. After whofe death he retir'd to C/un/, and con-
THEOPHAN£S tbe CERAMEAN, ttnii*d then till the tioie of Pope 1«» IX. who


Digitized by Google
of Ealefiifiicd Authors. »59
brought him back to J^owe in 1049. Afrcr- Abbot of Se. I^nunt at Lmoh , floarifli'd at di«
wards he obfain'd the grcateft Share ia the iane time, and died in 109;.
management of the Affairs of the Church of W I L L E R A M.
and wu
at laft advanc'd to che Fapal Abbot of St FrMT at Mertburgt flowifh'd about
Dignity in 1073. He died in 1085. 1080.
B E N N O, R S I O, U
Cardinal; floarifli'd iflkler P»pe Gr^ft^ VIL Abboc of Am«nt, wrote about the fame time.
from A, D, 1073. to 10S6. A M A T U S.
HUGH, A Bifhop in Italy, flonrifli'd at the fame time.
BKhop of Die, and afterwards Archbi(bop of ADA M,
; inftali'd in the fii(ho|>rick of Die in A Canon of Brtmmt &aat^'d at the (ame
1074. and tranflated to the Metropolitan See of time.
M A N A S S E S, Curopalau ; flouhOt'd under the Emperor >l.>Jrf#
ArchbiOiop of Hljcims , ordain'd in 1070* ttd Comnenut, that is ro fay, after icSo.
depo^d in 1080. L N G E L B E R T,
THIERRY. AfChbiibop of Trier, f}ouriih'd about loSo.
BiQvop of Verdun about 1080.
; flourifh'd CONRAD.
A Phiiotopher ac lodo.
Liege, flonriOi'din
of Vtretif , flonrift'd abov ^ itmt
W A R N, I WEN E R I C. i

AtAoc of St.' dnadflau » JMiM» flonriATd afMnt fiifbop of Veneil. fluurifh'd at the fame tioie.
io6e. U L R I C,
MICHAEL PSELLUS, A Monk of Clmy , flonriOi'd about dw lame
A Senator of Cm/famimfle, floiirifli'd at
iaoMr time, and died in
CONSTANTIN LICHUDES, A Monk of Ctarhit in Saxvny , flourilh'd about
VntmtihftS CMiflMtitimfiei Inccccdcd Michsel ifae fimedme.
CeruUritu m
that IXpaj m
to $8. and died in W A L E R A N,
1066. Bifhop d£ Ndumberg ; flour ilh'd in the end of
JOHN XIPHILIN, dieGencvry.
Patriarch of Coi^tHtimfh i made in io6tf. URBAN n.
died in 1078. Pope J dwleoin 1087. died in 1099.
A Mode of Mount Ct^ffim, floariih'd about Cardinal; about 108;.
to^o. LAMBERT,
MBTELLUS, BifliOp of Arrets, f^ourifh'd in 1090.

Abboc of TeiffMfi* , flonrilh'd abom t|ie Qum RA Y N O L D,

Ardiblfhop of ^heimt , flouriih'd ac the fame
D E S I D E R I TT S. imr.
Abbot of Mount Ca^, and afrerwards Pope, NICOLAS, fimam'd the Grammarian,
under the Name' of PiBer III. fiourifli'd !n ifnt Patriardi of C»»/?4«i»tf/>/e ; cholcn m 1084.
Abbey under Gregory VII. whom he fuccccjed SIMEON, the Young,
in the Popedom 4. D, 1086. and died in Abbot of Xerocercc, BouriQi'd in the end of the
1087. Century,
Abboc of St. Armdfbat at Aier/, flonrilb'd a- Archbiihop of Cim/rr^ur/ ; born A. D. 1033.
bont ro7o. cboleo Abboc of Bfc in 1078. and ArchbilTiopof
ROBERT de TOMBAI.ENE, Canterbury %T\ 109^. He dii : n m l

Abbot of Sc. Viler ac Bdjeux , ilouri(h'd about THIERRY or THEODORIC.
1070, Abbot ofSt.Triu£r; flonrifli'd about 1090. and
A Monk of Wrtfel^ wrote afiier che Year
1077- ChtrtethyUx^ or Keeper of the Records of
MARTANUS SCOTUS. the Gnirdi f£ Cmfttathnfh^ wrote about
Bgro in 1028. wro^e after 1083. and died in . 1090.
ANSEL P.T Abbot ofCrQrAmtf^ made in 1076. died in 1109.
BiOiop of Lmcca f
cfaofen in layi. ordain'd in GEORGIUS CEDRENUS.
1073. d»d in loW. A Greel^ Monk ; flourilb'd in the end of the
TM E O P HY L A C T. Century.
Archbifbop of Acris, flourilh'd from 1070. to ROSCELIN,
end or the Century. A Clerk of the Cburcb ofCmi^tgne, flouriih^l
F O L C A R D in die end of die Cenmrv.
A Monk of Saint herthin, flounHi'd abouc PAUL.
Profoft of BMr/n&n;
the Century.
flouriih'd -in ^ end of.


Digitlzed by Google
1 6b A Chmwlogicd Tahk
A Monk of BruviSiert; Soanttid in the eod of Abboc of Berfam , floafifli'd about ti>e laoe
the Century, time.
A Monk of Nsrmtndj, iiouriih'd at the bmc A HmcJiain Mook of Mtt* , flourUb'd at tbe
time. laaic time.
A Prieft of Cm^inu , flourUh'd at (be (kme A Benedi&in Moak» fkNuriOi'd ac tbe ians
time. rime.
iMtt in cbe end of this Cenctiry. Abbot of Mooot fioorilh'd at tbe dune
NALGO D, time.
A Monk of tkKf i Baam'd tt t&e fiiiie GONTHIER or GONTHERIUS,
A Monk of Se. Jlmmd . flonriib'd at tbe £une
OTH L O, time.
A Monk of &. Bmifitt, IkwrUi'd u tne finie ANASTASIUS,
cimCo A Monk of Sc. Striiai at Jt^* , liv'il at the
GREGORY. fiunedme.
CuduMlt flourifh'd at the fame riiT.c-. B A UDR Y,
PETER de HONESTI5, fiiflwn of Dol i floatidi'd at the fame time.

A Clerk of l{«venn* , fltaiifli'd at tbe fkme

An BiH^fii Monk; floarilh'd ac rhc f^meiiim
A Qeric of die Cfawdi of Etmmftt^ ArchbiOiop of Hnvc/^tf , ikntriih'd ai the lldiC
.tiie fine tiaae.
A Monk of Cmtfivyf the Pupil of Sl Anfelm; A Convened Jew , wrote in die endof 4e
f7ourifh'd in tbe end of cbe Cennuy. aoddkd
in 1111. ALGER.
GISLEBERT, Deacon of!,«[{», and afierwardtMookofCAnp^
A Monk of fTeJimu^t ftmriih'd m ike end of flonrtfli''4 ^. l>. ii3'^.
tbeCemury. NICOLAS.
BERNARD. Bilbop of JMetAfNe , flourHh'd in the of od d»
A Bionk of Clmj, fame flourifh'd at the time. Bkrendi Century, or r rher in the Twd&h.
A Qeik of die Gfanidi oEX/mchi, iloiiriai*4 in AidlMibpp of G4i{«
diecnd of tkic Cenciiiy.

A TABLE of the WORKS of tbe Ecclefiajlical

Wnurs of tbe Ekventb Century.

SYLVESTER XL Poft, A Culkdiun of PaiTages of Scripture reiating

to the Eocharift.
Ccrrain Po<?r!cal Pieces.
A Lcccer abiout the ufe ci Cfaorch-Revcaua*
'THrce Letters. pnblifli'd by Father D^beij,
^ ADifcourfe againft Simoniacal Pra<5lices, TheLifeofScwli|(^.
not to mention fome Pieces compos'd by him
beffaie he was made'Pbpe; WLUAU. jihht ,/ Si. Kenfgofis «» .

A Genuine Piece.
\ St. FULBERT fii/Z^j^o/Charaes. His Letter to Pope XVIII.

Cerutr.e Worlfl, GODEHARD, BifhHftfmAdOtdau

CXXXIV LccTcn. Gcauine f4^arl^t,

IX Sermons. Ave LcQcia.

A CoUedion of certain Paflages of Holy Scri-
pture, about the Myfterie$ of the Trinity and G O S B E R T, Akhot of 1 crgenlcc
of tbe IncamaCMD.
A Fbuiendal. Four

Digitized by Google
<f Ecckjt<AikdWriiers.
BURCHARD tifhof */ Worms. A R I B O. Archhipiof of Mcntz.

Ii» Dectccals divided into cwengr Books. A Commentary on ci>r five gradual Pfahm.
Letcer to Bmw Abbot of Hiebaut^,
tt M:rli of Fulda* B E R N O. Aitf>t of Rickm:
A Genumt L'icce, H» Genuine l4^.Tkj.
Tfte Life of Sc. Bmmnmu A Trcatife of the Office of the Mais.
Work} The Lives of Sc. Vlric and Su JMwiiirW.
XXIV Books of Hiilory. fVotks hfi.
A Treatife of tbe cooling of oar Lord. - •

£RCH£NFROY or ERCHINFROY Another on thr Fnft?

Ahbot of Mdch. A Trade dcJicircd to Pilgrin Archbiihop of
A Getadne fVor^. Cflrn.
An HiftoTf of tte liife «nd Mitadcs of Saint A Trcatife of Muflcnl Inftromeilt*; "

Colitum. Another of the Manocbord.

Oivcti Lfeiteftt
S Y R ^ S' ,
Mjr/: Climy.
ji Gemuitie Piece Jiili extant, ADEMAR, or AIMAR de CHABA>.OiS.
a MoniifSt,Gbar.
OSBERT, or OSBERN, a M(m\ tmi CbdMttr A Chronicle, or Hiftory of France.
of Cincerbary. A Lift of che Abbots of Sc. Martial acLnM^c/.
Genuine fVot^s. CenainPicQca in ^cr^'ci^ Verfe. ' •

Tfae Lives of Sc. Duaftan, St. Odo, and Sc. Al' Mmm/ariu fKtr^i.
A Letter diteoed 10 ^mri^ B^lboi^ of L/-.
ADELBOLD, Bi/hf of VvnAlU SevenI Senaoot about tbe Apoftlelbip of Saint
A Genuine Piece. ,

Tbe Life <^ the £mper<»r tUur^JL

HUGH, Arch- deacon of ToOt*.
RUPERT, MtrfMm»C»£BB, .
Gcimm Piece.
iVorkslolt. A EHalogTie about sn Appir'non fccn by Her*
Semoas and odier TraAs mention'd by Tri' veui, Trcafurer of St. Mai tin at T<mrt, '

A RN U L P H US. Monk of St. Emmenii.'

DITH M A R, Bifbo^ of Mersburg. A Cetmint PiJee fiiU extntt. ' •

A Genuine PP'orl^. The Life

«f ^ SAmerM, bgpwrfytff D»>
AaHliorical Chtowiclc divided ipio 7 Booiu.

BBNEDtCT Vin. F«/r. 6b OR AN, a Monk ^St, ttKi\ivi. *

Hi Genuine IVorl^i. A Genth'ne 1Vo'\.
A Difcourfe ma<le in che Coiiricil of P<w«, cob- His Chronicle, ending i>. 1031.
ceming tbe Inconcinenqr of Cleffy>men.
A Ball in fovoor of the Abbey of XTiiMir. <
iCGELNOTUS, ArclAiflM Caatieamr*
tVorks loft.
LEO. fimam'd die Grammiriaii. A Pitcc in commendation of tlx Virgin i^diy.
^4 G^yjuir-e iVsrh^ rh.jt we f)ave. Several Letteia and faoK other Woiks. '
His Chronicle irom A. C. Si ? to loij.
B B £ R A R D, the Pufil of St. Harvic;
CUARLIN, or GAUSLiN, dittbbifbof

of Bourges.
Genuine Piece.
The Life of it. m fVlC.

A Letter to King Jip^f . JOHN XVIIL Pofik

Geftuine Piecet,
Two Lenn «»'Sl AdkFr. Three Lcnei&

TANGMARUS, */ HiMeiheim. E UG E S I P p U S.
A Genuine Piece. A Cfnuine Piece.
Tbe Life of Sc. Btnsrd^iOKtBtX lHldoJbeim. A Geqgtafhtcal Treinfe of cbeUoly-Laiid.

GUY ARE TIN. Attot ^ Uikt^- BKVli O Bifhcp of Wurtzb«|cg.

Sc. Lctt&oy.' ^ '
Hk Gemiine M^orkj.
W'^ri^x A Ooownenvjcy on the Book of Pfaims. .
A Method for attaining to the Scinior of Mi^ Annotaiions on cbe C«iiri«/«r, the tinRr ft^^,
fick, call'd Microhtm*^ end che Crc)^
A Treatilc of tIicBodyttidBt0bdarjc£Q»iit

Digitized by Google
A Chramlogical Table
GLABER lUDOU^S himk of Cluny. A Genuine Piece.
fjtt Geiwir.e iVatkj fliU '» our Pojfcffton. sA Latex to ArcbbiflM^ of S^brm.
An Ecclefialtical Hiftory dedicated to OdiU Ab»
bot of Cluny. L Y- O IX.
The I ife of Sc. liniUm Abbot of St. Beniffau Geimme Hftrkt,
at D:j ». XII Letters.
Diven Bolls..
• ARNOLD, ^Cattm^liiufdds,
A Gsimin* Piece,, V ICTOR IL P<fe,
Tbe Life of St. GodAtfi BiflMp of mU^idm, A Genuiui Puee,
pnbliih'd Iqr Srtnmut. A lingje Letter.

AL£> n Pd/M'4re& ^ Codhmrinoplfc. ^ STEPHEN EC.

Genuine Pf^orlfS. Genuine fVarkf.
Certain Eccleilaftical Conftittttions. A Letter to tbe ArchbiAop of Kjieimu
Anodier Letter t» ihe Bimbp cf Mt(tL
CAMFAKUS, a PbiUfifUr «f hoaJoudf,
iVorki hfi. NICOLAS IL
A 'Treatife of Ecdefiaftical Numbers.
Another of the making of S in Di ilv IX Letters.
Another of the Calendar, wiiii iomc other
G'vuine H'crkf ftill extant. ,
BERENG ARIUS or 3EREN.GER, An AnlwLT ro Michael Cerulariut's Letter.
jfrch'Jeacm Af^fO* A Confutation of Nicetat P*8$rMm'* ToSt
Gfmihe tVorkj. gainft the Larin Church.
Three fcveral Confeflions of Faith. A Copy of the 5ciueticc of Exoxnmutucauaa
A Letter direified to Afeelin. detmnc'd agaioft MieMCmiitniit,
Ano'hcr Letter ro I^chatd.
Viti of his Treatife againft thefeoonl Coofi^ MICHAEL CERULARIUS. Patriarck 4
fion of Faith. Condantinople.
Hit Gemdne IVork.'.
A Maimfcript Trcatife againft the ThW, Gpo- A Letter written iti his own Name and aader.
felTion oTFaith. that of Lee of Acri, to ?«bllBilbaf oflkWj^
A TitanJengainft Ad^nm and others. againft the Charcb of I{pfm.
Two Letters to Peter Patriarch of Antitdk.
fiUSEBft7S BRUNa Bifl»f «/ Anget*. A Form of EraMmuuatkw of dm Fofe's
A Genuine Pictf J^ L^ats.
A Letter to Berenger.
THftOPUIN or DIETWIN a Momi of Smda.
' '
Bipof «/ Uege. Genuine' IVorlft.
A Genuine Piece. A Piece againft ihc Lntin Church.
A Letter againft Bermier, diredcd to Hmy A Fragment of bis -Xfcaiiic of liie Sank
King of France, Two Hyttuis.
A IVork, Icjl.

ADE I, M A N, or A L M A N, 4 Cferk. of A Tceaciie of the SouL

the Churcii of Licgc , 4M| afterward* Bifiief
if Bre(cia. DOMINIQ Ptirisf^i^Ca^
Genuine Pieet, A Genuine Piece.
A Letter to Bnenger. A Letter to Peter Patriarch of AntSoib,
A Piece Itfi.

A Letter to Bautintu Klhop of Met$. PETER, P^itricrch of Anriodi,

Genuine Pieces jiiU extant.
ASCELIN, a Mmk^^St^tyvm* A Reply to Dominic Patriarcli of Grade t with
A Genuine lV«r^ another to Michael Cetulariut , about tba
A Letter to Berenger about die Elulnrift. Dilfi:rences between the Grttl^ and L^uim

HUGH, Bi/bof of Langrcs.

A Qamiue P^ect fiili ejctant. A N S £ L M, Been (f Namur*.
A Letter ag»mfk Serenger, AGenuine PVoil{.
An Hiftory of the fii(kof» of iiy^ £raaS«!.
GREGORY VI. Ptfe. Theedardto Waftm.
A Genuine Piece.

A.Gxqil» Ixtou to all tbi; FaiiH6fL ... H16AMAKNUS CONTRACTUS^.

a Men^^f Richenaw.
CLBMSN7 n. F<^.

Digitized by Google
of Ecckjiaflkd Writers, 163
A Cbrooidc troui the CrcAtion of the World, A IVork lo(i.
m die Year loja. ooiiEiMi'd bjr Ikmd' The tttoeraty of Ptope Lee tiL
^* DoiAtful IVerk/.
JOH>Wg^^^<y of Euchaita.
Awlifiii in hoMw
of (ke Vti^^iD Mi9*
Some other Div ine Poeoak Divers Poetical Pieces about die FcOtvaU of
the year.
A TRarifeof Mttliek. The Lives of St. A^Vand St. Denithear.
—-—Another of the MmochorJ.
Three fiooks of the manner of making xbe JOHN, or JEAKNELIN, Akhet of
j^htl^de, and ita vfefiilQeft* BnNCneiB.
One Rook of the Eclipfes. Genuine PVorkj thnt we have.
One Book of the Calendar* Several Extrads of Pravcrs , with a Preface
A TicaiUe of the Quadtaiwe of die Gfcle. oompea'dbydiatAimor.
— -Another of the Difcord of Sooodc Tluce Letters.

Another of Phiiio|;nomy.
of Mren Saints.
. • M/tnufcrift Pietei,
Occain Forms of Prayer dedicated to di» Bni-
pieu Agtie*.
TH£OPHAN£S die C£RAMEAN, tPorkflofi.
ArMiJhop of TauTomittom. A Tceadfe of the Infticuttob of a Widow.
Genuine Pf^orlff ftii neUat, -.^-^Aaodier of ilie Liife and CoovoAtiaa ft
LXXU Homilies. Viigios.
Anodier of Alms.
NILUS DOXOPATRIU5, — Another of the Heavcniy fen^Sdem, or
Archimandrita, of Contcoiplacion. ^

A Genuine H^»k.
A Tnaiife of dK Matdial Seek
Genuine tVerifS.

6UALDO, MUmK'f CMt. A Oiimnde>

A Genuine Piece. TheLtfeafSbllfhMAk
Tht life of At^eikBrit^ fiUho^ of Hamhaib»
LANFRANC, Archbifhep if OmeAforj*
DROGO, Bijhtf 4 Genuine Worths.
Gtnuim fVertff. A Conunemary on St. B«tl's EpiiUes. .

OemmReladont of the Limof StOkirfrM A Trearife of die Boidjrawt Blood of IBSPt

aad Sr. ofv>ald» CHRIST.
A Matmferift piece. Divers Letters.
nelife of St I«m4
Certain Conftitniiaas of the Order of Saitt
HELGAUD. «M«Ht«/Flair)r. BenetUa.
A Ttcatile of CoiifrHbD.
TheLMiofKfaigi^fcri; A Difcourfe on the priacipal Ifalim of hbh
naftick Life.
WIPPO, Ck0fUi9f»the Emfmr Henry TIL mekf
Genuine Ifort^t. An Ecclcfiaftical Hiftory.
An (fifiory of the JUfe of the Emperor C«»> The Life of H^lliam ibc Congnetor King of

A BMigyrick on die Emperor IIM17 IIL A Cteunentty Ml dte Boole of PAtei;

GDITMO^ID, Arehhiflxf of Avetia.
, St. Manrice at ToFen. Genuine lVort(s fiill in cur Pojp^eH,
A Genuine Fie^fiiS extant, Three Sooks of the JBacbarift anioft Beiflenger,
Ufc oF St. Shneen or Syraeufe. An EzMlidon of ibe Aflkfcf of Fakfa feladoa
to the Holy Tiinity, die Incaioadon, and
EVERSHEIM, ^l^^o^ ^ Aumont. the Euichartft.
A Diloomrfe made to WlUum L King of
Ifce lift of F4yy» Abbec of iMeWb. land , upon his rcfufal of a BUhopridt oftrd
to him that Prince.
6ERVASE, ArelAifhoptfWimL
A Gmmne Piece. D U R A N D, >f Wa/ «f Tiwnk

A Letter to Pope Nieeiof !!• A Genuine Piete.

A Treadfe of die EuciMrift againft Bcrenger.
GUIBE RT. Arch.detem ff Tool.
A Genuine Piece. PETER DAMIAN, CarJinai-Bi/h^f
TytVfedtfopc Levi3C» •rOftia.
Genuine H'^orkj-

ANSELM, s ficnediaio Mmi^ ef Rbcims. A Volwnc of Lstteis divided into cigbc fiooks.

Digitized by Google
164 A Chtmeloffcal TdMe
Ceiiiia Tnaiifes OB tlie Holy
Divers Stimons. Ooc of the Calendar.
Mmt BuTwp of
The Li\cs of St. Oil/*,

Cefena. Su HfmuMUta,
Hiflory of ihe PafBon of
^ Sc.
Scf^nr and
Genuine Piece /{ill exttmt.

St. Lucilla. A Letter to Joim, llrnairi'd 3ft>'*ie!iK,

Divers Prayers, Hymns and Profet.

Suffofititious fVnlj. MICHAEL PSELLUS* ^
Cct^xHx Sermons , which arc amoog thofe that
are .:ania>n a in cbc GoUcOioilofhit VotlCIl
Bk Gemine iVerkf-
Five Sermons poUifli'il by Fali«r Mp A Parnphrafe
on the Canticlet.
in Verfc, Wich «

Cenaitt C^eftions abouc dieTriitiiy

Dialogue concerning the Opciatica of De-
Genuine Pieces. A
XLV entire Lctrcrs. and feveral Fngmotn of
CXlier Poetical and Philofophical Works.
ndttt E^KIS*


"» Manufcri^t, or iofi.

ALPHANUS. ArMi/bof »f Sakttio. A IVeacife agiifift BmmiMh

Doubtful fi^rk'. An Epitome of ifee Penciieiicli, or Boobi «f
Divets Hymns and other Poetical Ficoes. Mo/es.
Certain Theological <^eRioas.
GREGORY VII. Ptfi: Divers Tra<9l,
His dnuint l'f''ork^.
' •

a Regiiler of tvUdl irfcoVF Letters.

CCCLIX I.ctiors,

pos'd, divided into nine Books.

IX or other X
Dccrcul Letter to Otho fiiihop of Conftance^ •iT Conftandnople.
A Genuine fVorkj.
againft Marriage of
the and ,

ibcir keeping of Coricubincs, with the Apo- His Conftitutions and Synodal Deciiions.
logy of the lirft Council of made up-

*rt rtflW account by hi6 Ordcf. 1 JOHN XIPHILIN, FtfrMrdkif

A Dubms iVorkg ..1 iConllantinople.

Commentary on the fevcn Pennen^ ffiUmt, Gbwme Worki ftiU tMkmh

A An Homily on the Crois.
M^tthevf\ Go^cL Certain Decrees about Marriage.
A Commentary on St.
A Sfuritm tV»kt
A Piece, caird iJ»S«*M P<?*w ALBERIC, «Minit4rM«H^Gafliib

BE N N O. CariinaL
Genuine ^orks that we have. A Treatife of the SL icncc of Mufick.
A Book of the Forms of. Saludi^ and DiL".

HUGH* K/hep of Die, and afttnMrdt Ardh A Treatife againft the Emperor Brnf,
biO-c.p of Lyons. the Eledion of Popes.
Getiuine Id'or^i. AnodKr of.dte Virginity ^of die
Virgin Mary.
Divers Inters to Gregory VII. about the Af-
fairs of Fr«we» Wfaicb axe «moog tliole of Divers Hymns. ; .

that Pope. Cetcaui pardcalar Difoootfes.

Two Lcncrs to the Princefs MMU'^fMt
the Elcdion of Pope Viitor.
METELLUS, Ahbot of titg^icc.

Two Letters concerning the Inifadment^Xa^'' Gmum Pkce$.

Mr feite BiOopiickcf ^rr«f. Quin'fjalet} OT EdogiMl in honoilt of St figfi^j
MANASSES, Archbijhof o/Rhdmi.'
. Genuine iVorkj. DESTDERIUS ,
Ahh^t of M-m: OfTin, anJ
A Letter ro Pope Gr^orj VII. ^ afierwardi Pop* under the t^mc <^ VidtorUL
An Aplogy or Manifefto io his favonr. ^GfMmif Ffe««*
A Dialogue abont die Miiadet of 5l arna^-
of Verdun. WILL I AM, Aiim tf St. Acmd^ns a» Mcq»
A Genmnt ti^ark. Genuine li^orkf ftiU tXHOH.
Pope Grtgwj VU. Seven Lener^and a Prayer.
A CiKuIar Lcner againft

FRANCO. 4P&iiial^«r^Licg^ ROBERT dcTOMBAT.EKE, AUtf^Ss.\i-

gor 4t fiayeux.
A Treatife of the (]|padsaiii» of dw Ciide.
A Com.

Digitized by Google
A Chronol(^ical Table
A CommeiKuy on iht Canticles, prinied finder
the name of I^ui^, Abboc
An Hiftory of the Churcli of
of fms-
A Fre&ce to tbat Conunentattrf.



A Chronicle from the Genuine Woil{.

Gkkmmi of tbe WorM A CoDcittuarion
to A. D. 1089. of 3*^.;>Z4«o s CDronicle,
513. to i©8i,
« JMMt ^ ENGELBBRT, ArcbUpxf cf Trier,
•/f Genuine Piece.
yf Genuine lVarl(,
An Hiftorical Chronology, from
A Letter to Pope Gregory VII.
the Cicttion
of the World to A.D, to-jf.
CONRAD, Biyio;, <,/ Utrecht.
ANSEL M, Bi/htftfUKOu An AroJogy
^ G.-nutr.e Piece J} ill extant.
againd Pope
Genuine ff'erl^, ,
G><;jfrr VIL
Two Books againft'G»*w* the Antipope.
ACoflcdionof S<'rrcnccs-, ro
^^.^^^JC. Bi/bef ef Vcrcdl,
(hvw, that Kings
are noc ibc Jawfiil Proprictois
A Gewtne Pteee.
of Church- A Letter jn rhc ofT^WBiOlop-
RcvMaes. *^
ot Verdun, to Pope Gr<^«r/ Vn,
Spinous fVwr^j,
A CoIlcAion of Canons.
THFOPHYI ACT. Adhi/hf ^ Acris. Gemtme tVorl^t.
Cooftitotiow of the Abb^y
Genuine fVorlf^j ftiM exiiOU. of Chmj.
Commentaries on the FourGofpels.
Acts of the Apoftles, on St.
on the BERNARD, 4 Monl^ ,f Corbie in «*»wiy.
Pauh Em'ftles. A fVtrl^ that tt Saxooy.
and on iour of the leOcr
I-XXV Lf-rcrs.
Prophets. A Traft againft the Emperor
Htnry IV.
A Difcourft on the Crofs.
An Inftrudion for Confiatuin Ptrfb/rogmni*, WALE RAN. Bi/hof cf KiumhacK,
Commenraries on of the leOer Prophets
tlic rc(l
A Letter to S.A,ireim
Aidibifliop taCAHterhr,.
A Treauic of the Conrrovcriies
becweeo the
Greeit and Lath*. tT R B A N U. p,;e.
A Diicoarfe to tbe Empeiw jikxit Camunut, Genuttte
ACoIlecftionofX-Xj Lecars.
IV , 1^1

Another Concclion ut
F O L C A R D. 4 Moni cf Bcrthin.
XVXV I***.-
Genuine Pi'r.-.-s.
The I !ve<; of St.Be>thin aod ScOmer.

GBRARD, Mlor ,rst.yiKein4tU<m.

A Genuine Piece.

WILLERAM, AUot of St. Peter at Metsbnre

^Gmdnemtkftia extant, Five * *«•
^f-*'™*: of JESUS
CHRJil u''^;*'"
and the Cburdi,

URS I O, Ahhot •/AwBonc.


NICOtAS, ^Wrf rt, <!,«^,u„. p^„,

An H iftory ©f the Normans. GnutMe fitett.
Peter and St. Paul, incoimiicnda-
non of Pup, Grejory VII.
on the devout
rraycrs ot Uie Rational, and
on the Hea- SIMEON the VniittA ^ju , c\r

ADAM, C-flMw Biemeo.


Digitized by Google
i66 .
A Chronological Table
CCXXVm Maxima. The Life of Sr. /Imllfrfa.
Two .iTial! cne about ihc Im-
Jrcatircs, -f/^. The Hif^ories of the 014 and New Xeaameot
Sieiiions irntlc by the Elemcnrs on the Bo- in Vcrfc.
ies and Mi mis of Men ; and the Other, of
the m^ ot Cod's Omniprcfcnce. PETER ChartofhyUx or K^rpn of ths Ifp^

W I rl(} in M-imfcrift^ tr iojl. Church of Conltantinople.

cords of the
Divers Homilies and Hymos. Genuine Pieets that we btme.
Anfwrr5 to certain Cafes relating to Cbnclh
St, ANSELM, Archbijhcf of Canterbury. Dilciplinc.
He Getmim tVorkf fiiH exUHt.
Two Trci. riles, call d Mmtlegia tad PrffiijgU, IKGULPHUS. Ahha^CmiluA.
A Reply to Gauntlon. A Gemine i Vurk,.
A Treacife of Faith, rbe Trmiiy and the Incar- An Hiftory of the Abbey of Cretkni.
— Another of the Proceflion of the Holy GEORGIUS CEDRENUS, aGrtek^Mmk,
Gholi A Gemiine Piece.
- - Ann-hcr ofihc fall of theDfi i! His Annals or Epitome of Hiftory from the ,

Another fhewing why God was made Creation of the World to A.D. 1057.
... Another of Original Sin. ROSCELIN. 4 Clerk, of $be Chmcb ^
— Another of Trutli, of the Will and its Compicgne.
Freedom. A Pi'ce that is left.

Andifier of the .Agreement between Free' A Treatile of the Holy Trinity.

will and P edeftination.
A Lertfr to iVilcr.m B\{hop o( Naumhrg about PAUL, PrewB ef Benricden.
the ulV of iinlL.-.vcn'd Bread. C-nulr.c Tl'o (/.

A Ticaiifc of the Rc;lauratio!i of Clerks, who An HiAory of the A(iions of Pope Gregerj VIL
have committed Sins of Uncleannefs. The Life of St. Herineia,
-A!io: her of Marriages between near &e>
iacions. CONRAD, Mm^cf BruviiJicjs.
Another of the Will of God. A Genuine Piece.
. Anot!icr of Peace .nnd Concord. Tlie Life of St. PVtifbelin Abbot of JtrwiHers,
—— Anudivi of A Grammarian.
XVI Homilicii- GEFFRY de MALTERRE. « Mwi^ 4
An I-xhortition to the Coocevpt of Temporal Ni rmandy.
Things. AGenuine H
ck^JiiU extant.
An Admoniiioii to a dying P^rion. An Hiftory of the Conqoetts of the Nmndns.
XXI Meditations.
Four Books of Lettcis ; ro wliich arc annes'd Pri^ ef Conftance.
two others concerning the Eucbartlt. Hit Genuine H''o< l{s.
Spurious kVoikj- A Continuation of Hermannus Contra&ut's
A Poem on the Contempt of the VorM. Chronicle.
The Pr 'u r o*'!h.. Virgin KUry. Some other (maU Trads.
A Dialogue .dioiu Divinity.
Another concerning the Paflibn of JESlUS WILLIAM •/ApnUa.
CHIUST. Cihuine Piece,
A Trc atifc of the Diincnfioos of the Crois. A Poem on the Conquclts of the S'ormant,
Another of the ConotfitHin of the Viigin
Mary. N A L G O D, 4 Meni^ CJuny.
Another of the Fcflival of her Conception. Genuine
— Another on the faine SubjeA. The Lives of St. Ode and

St. MtroA
The Hiftory ( f the PafHon of St. Guigner.
A Tr.i(5l about the Stabihty of the Monaftick OTHLO, Monl(^ef St.him.hiK,
A Genuine Piece.
Two Dialogues concerning Religion.
A Relation of certain Miracles.
Divers Works primed among chofe of other GREGORY. Cnniinat.
Authors. /} M.itirfcript TVrk^.
A Collection of Canons cail'd Pokcarf.
^THIERRY, /ihhct of St. Tnida

Genuine fVoriffJliil in cur Pojfeffion.
lives of Sr. B4W, St.Trudo^ Si. J^moUut,
0/ Ravenna.
'tnd St Latid .'^1.
A Gemine Piece Jlill exum*
A Conftitudoa for Canons.
The Lifeof Sr.AmAlrff.
An Account of the Tranflacion of lib Body.

Digitized by Google
of Ecckjial iCijl Writers. \6j
THIfiAUD or THEOBALD, a Cktl^ of the 4 Mmk,of St. Amand.
Cbttrdt «/ Etatnpes.
A Genuine Piec<. A Relation of the Martyrdom of Sc. C/ricius in

A Letter to Hefcetin, Third Towc

inferted in the Verfe,
of the Spiciiegittm by Father Lukf Dacherj.
ANASTASIUS . ^ Monk of St. Sergm u
£ADMER, a Monk of Canterbury, andiite
Pupil of St. Anfclm. A Qettuine Piece fiilt 0Xt4nt,
Genuine PVorkt, A Confeffion of FaitK
The Life of Sr. Avfc'm.
AnHiftory of Novckies, diviJcd into 6 fiooks. BAUDRY, BiJhoptfDoL
ATreatiieof the Excellency of the Virgin AIC7. A Genuine Piece.

. —Another of her Cardinal Vimes. The EpiWph of Bcrcvger.

A Difcourlc on EleUcdnels.
A Colletfbion of StmUictides taken oat of Saint G AU N 1 L O N, an EttiUfbMmk,

Arfetm\ \V(;rk$. A Genuine fVorl^.

M tnijfcript li^orks. A Treaiifc of the Denioaftcation of the E»-

A Treatife of Ect lefiaftical Liberty. flence of God.
Tfic Livr- nC St. H^tlfrid and Sc. Dw^mi.
Divers Li'i^v, NICETAS SfiRRON, ArckbiJi:of ef
Heme lea.
GiSLEBliaT or GILBERT, a MtnK «»/ GemUtu IVorkf.
Weftminfter. A Commentary on St. Gregory Nas^ianc^en's Ifo-

A Dialogue about ReUgiontietweeQ a Chriftian milies.

and a Jew* A Commenury on the Poems of the time Samt.
A Sufftptitum l^kf
BERNARD, « Jltei^ «/ Clnny. A Catena on the Book of 9f^.
A Af.ivufcript M^ar^.
Cilftoms of the Orticr of Cluny, SAMUEL tf fSorooco a CemerteJ Jem.
A Genuine Pic e.
BERNARD, a clerk oftheClmeb ^ A Treatife to fljcw that the Mejfiah is corned

Jimrkthat is loft. ALGBR, a Deacon of Liege , and i^ttm»ii
A ConmKvary 00 the Edogoesof TiEieft/M^«f* Monk of Cliiny.
Genuifu Works ftill extant.
ADAM, Abbot of Pttlienie. Thtce Books of the Sacrament of die Body and
Grnuiur Pieces ftifl extant. Blood of JESUS CHRIST. ,
Letters puhllfh'd by M. Bnlit^^iui. A Preface to his Treatife of Meicy and Ju-
Sermnns and Comme&iariei on the Uo^ Scri- A M/tnufcript H'ork.
pture. A Treatife of Mercy and Juftice.
iVorks loji.
ALBERT, a Benedi^in Mon^^f Mccs. AnHiftory of Li^,
Divers Letters.
An HiOoty of liis Time.
NICOLAS, Bifhof of Methone.
E R A R D, 4 Benediain Mmkt A Geuatne Peece.
fVerkfUfi. A Treatife of ihc Eucharift.
A Commenury on the Fenuteocb. Manufcriu fVork^.
Divers f^omilies. Sevenl Tmiiles of the Fhxeflkm of the Holy
Ghoftagainft the taiins.
BERTHORIUS Abbot of Mount Caflin.
mrlts tff^. SAMONAS Arebl^flfep tf Can.
Several TrcarlfLs of Philofophy and Phyficlf. A Genuine Piece.
A Diicourlc 10 bis Monks. A Dialogue between a Chriftian and a Saracen
about die Enchaxift.


Digitized by Google
5S A Table of the AUs,

TABLE of the AOs , Letters aud Canons of the

COU\<^C\LS held in ibe Ekveatb Centtay.

A3$t laun, Uatimt X9(, tmr$t fv^m

A Council at? Mention maJr

Council in
of that
thctiri^ Let-
ter of Pope SyL'ftUr II
XI 11 Canons.
.^ Letter cootaioiog 19

Mention made of that 1050 Mcntion'd in the Life of

A Council aC
(V>pe iM IX. by
Council bf D»km». (SaJ.

A Couicil It
1051 Mtncion maJc of that
AOs containing divert Council by Peter Di-
Conftitutioiu* MiM and Betwmua
bim it)

Seven Canons and forty CmnriSm.

A Ccuiicil at £.rcn, ioi2
Conftituiiuns. to^t in Life of
King EtMteJTk Laws. Pope lee I X. by G«r-
All Aff^mbli' in

I- tl
>Of.|. A Difcourfe againft the io$3

Rcferr'd to by Htrmuam
CtBtrtfftu and IN a
& locontioenci: of Clergy
Letter hr Pop-

1024 An
Eight Decrees agaioft Etclcliiftical Conrti-

Clerks who keep Con* tution.

CuSiires. Fr«ne(t, io$5 The Hiftory of that
The t mp. rot's Edift for Coancil by Zwof (Nfr«.
the Corjhrmxtioil of Ljomt, Ads.
- Tnrt, The Hiftory of
thofe Decrees. 1055 that
Coancil referred to by
7 |or/fiiif« 1017 TIk Hiftory of CbiC
Gmtmmd and Lufrue,
T'^i'cnty Caooos and a Lifiettx, TheHlAory of tfaatCosn-
fwrm fur the taoMiag cil.

of Synods. tonhtft. 1056 Xin Canons.

kOst with the Letter of I0S7 Mcntion'd in a Letter bf
Gtrtrd Pifhcpof Ci»- Pope Xft^a IX.
bfJJ aod /}rr Jf t9)9 *«*jert RetraOation.
ao|i XX Canons. Xlir Canons,
A Dedaratioa that Saint A I>ccrec ^iinA Pecfons
iiArtM/fhoiild Iftar the guilty oT Simony.
N ame of an Apoftfe, A Deaee about the fife.
Aft*, Oioo of Popes.
An Affcmbly in? ,
KingCmALma, 1059 Mention made uf that
Cofncil by Uur
Councils held in^ Mentiott made of tboft
diveis Provin- S1040 Councils by the Coo- Bentvem^ lo^9 Aas.
tempi rary Authors. Tourtf to6o XCanom.
Mcntion'd by the Con- 1061 XIi Articles againft Per-
Cooitdkae flMu^ io«6
tempory Authors. rons conviAed of Si«

fRflweagainft? Memioa niade'of It by monv>

Sitnony, 5 Vaer Pjtnhtt. led) A Coofcflionof Fjirh re-
iMcntiort'd by Peter Pi- to tbeLuchauft.
wif* and JlMMMoff Afls taken out of ibt
Library' of Cliff,

1049. Mentioo made of tbat iod4 Extraa of the AAiintlie

Council bif MtrwMnm Hiftorians of that time.
RoMr, 1065 A Decree refcrr d to by
1049 Keferr'd to by Hemjantu
Cvtrddm and Mm of Another
Coancil at(
i^eacioa'd by P«t. Dsmok

J^RmfHgalnn? The niftorv ff thn Romeinthei

Council ickrt'd tu by fjnac year,
LmlraHc. Ehii, D'vers Conftitut'ons.
The Hiftory of it cited 1069 Mention mide of ic by
< by Dwiaim Abbot of Peter Qjmiu.
TrciTB. 1070 Extrafts of ihc Afts in
Van il, The Hiftory of it re- the Hiftorians ci £«•
j IjuJ.
ferr'd to by Liifranc.
Letters by Afeeli» aad 107 A&s of that CooodL
Beret^er^ COOOerniflg 1071 A£ls in Lufitme,
that Council. 1072 XXlVCsnors.
ICJO The Hiftory of it by Pn- Erfurdt, 107} ThcHiflory of that Coun-
rod Abbot of »ww. cil vrltcaa bv Lmtkn

Digitized by Google
Letters and Ci(tnons of the Councils.
fiSfif •
ASftt Letttrs, TeiluQas CouneUi, tSsiri»
ind Cowitih.
of Afc^ftmJmrg, audi u4 CtmxciU,
r rccafion.
1080 Mention d in the Hiilori>
Whop of A^mf,
ar.s of thaccinid.
1074 Xlv Canons.
LilMtmu, loSo Di»ers Canons.
••74 A Relation of that Coun- Mtamt, Refcrr'd to by the Hifta-
cil in tlie 77th Letter of
die Mt Book of Pope liti. after A
riaiisafthat time.
Letter by the OerEy of
Gr^trj VII. Sec alfo loSo
the 42f1 and 43d Let-
tiwydiri .1 Ntjn to ebat orc«i».
ters about theadmiP
t!ic [jme Book. § won of
Ptitieri, X074 Wcotioned in the Letters the Sons of
P/itfts into OnVrs.
= ^ Ir/M, The
1082 Mention made of tliat
1074 Hlltoryof itrcferr'd
v» Council in the HUlori-
fembHrg. aotoiltliateiiiie.
J ic7$ A Relacioo of the Trao-
irawf, 1083 Acts.
An AffrmhJy at7 A Relation of the Tran»
fiftioos of Hat Cinia.
Berbitb or Crff/ ^1085 iafiioss therein bv tbe
cil, jn the three firft
Letters of the third Hiftorians of ttac
Book «r Fope 0|Mar> time.
An AlTembly

Mentioned in fbe Cfare.
nidc of Sc. Nliixm.
containing diver*
An AffenibUr

Mention male of H bf
Ru Me«t, the Coatenpocarr
AO AflfemWy at a Letter to Pope Gnim
J 10B7 Mcntion'dlik wi c by th;
* Decree aRiTaft
Hidorians of that time,
ACaodlttltiiM, 107^ A Decree 1087 A£h of that Coiindl id
agjinft the Leo of Oflii.
Emperor Hmrj. and
the Bifbops of < 1089 An EztraO of the A&i
in Bertidfk» the Hi-
and Gtmttf,
A Council at Oiven ftorian.
tbcficr^ 1 1076 Conftilttioai. MM, 10^9 Eight Canons.
Am Affemhly at/ A Relation of the Tran. 1090 RefenM to by the Att<
1075 tbors of that time.
raaionaiQthe^iftori* Btneveau, 1091 Four Canons.
amof that time.
Ad Ailemiilf at~ An Account of it
Sstfoat , 1092 Mentioned by the Con*
in the
Contemporary temporary Antlmv.
I09t Mention made of that
. r^>/Mmr, 1077 Mention nude of tbai
Council in otie of the
Council iiithe&ecten Letters of F«we Vf*
of Pope Oregorj VFI. Am 11.
Trofg in Decrees ilmit Marriages
Mentioned likewiiein the IC93
Perfonsguil- >io77 LetttnofGntpiyVU. between near Relate
tyofSiniony.j ons, C^(.
i» 1*77 A An Kxrraft of the Afla
Relation of tiie Trail-
faftioni in that of that Cowicil.
cil inthe 22d Letter of 1094 Aa Extraa of the Ada
the Book of Gteiwf in the ConCempoiaxy
VII. See alio tbcisth i-i Writers.
and i6tb LettAt of The Hiftorv of that
the fourth Rook. CouncU referr'd to by
g *! R«K in Lent, 10'/ AOfof that Council. «on^ and XV Ca« >

««if, in the 7 nom.

6 Month of >i078
Xll Canons w Coilftitli- In EijzUkJ.
109S Mention 'din SUAfftlm's
Detemt. \ Life by EMdmtr.
A Letter by Hugh dr Die AQtt Letters of Pofe
toPope Gre^trf YIU IMmt, and Caooot of
that Council.
RcfcrrM toby the Hiflo*
ansof that time.
Meatioaed is Sc. M«2fb
Eight Canons.
1096 Mentioned by tlie Cotf>
A&s temporary Hiftoriaas.
in theHiftoriimor
ID96 XV i Canons.
that timet
1080 Decrees of tfclt Cooixn.
tc98 Mention made of that
Ao AficmUy The Hiftorv r,( t^n: Af- Council io St. Atfilm a
fembiy by Hui^k dr Flu Life.
1098 Akn''on*i i;f:?-Airr ir, the
An Attinibly A
m Lit: of Av*
l..,'nc St.
Decree aniaft Pope
infiU, engK!^ and the fflm.

Emperor Benrf^ Let* XVIII Canons.

1 102 XViii Canons
ter written upon tbsc

Digitized by Google
170 A Table of the WorJ^

A TABLE of the WORKS of the Ecdefiaflml

Authors of the Eleventh Centwy ; diffojed according to the

Subji^i^s they treat of. ' .

Aljitt^ Piece.
Works dout the Extjh/i(^e of God and hif
Bu^h of L*»S!res"% TccatUc.
Divine Jittrihates. St. AnfebnH Letter.
Antfiafius a Monk nf .rr^rr/s Treatife.
Trcatifes caH'd M.'.>irJc;;u aad Fro.
Ai>[elm'$ NktUt Biibop of Meth«nt'% i reatife.
ST.^fl4»4, with another faiaU Ti 2 a. imtKU Archbifbop of GatATlteati&.
G^fj/ii's Piece c nccrnlng the danonftcatum of
the Exiftcnce of God.
Books of Chureh^DifafUae:

Wcrkf Mhm the Wj Trimij Mid the Pope 11% Letters.

htcertuum* —Mere* Sjlvefitr
Ht> IKrconrfc agaiuft Simoniacal Praaices.
St iWlm'sfirft l etter. ^ , .
. Letters alxiut the ufe of Ch urch-RevenacS.
1 1»
his Colledionof <ii»c« Paflafictof Saipturc.
f^illim Abbot of St. Bemnus at DijMt LcttOT*
Gnitmni\ Expt.ution of the Aitidcs of Faitk ieb-
Gtdettiri bilhop of UUdtfifeim'i Letter.
tint; t. the Myftcfiei of Che Trbity and of the
C?*jfcft Abbot of TergerMftd^ Letters.
Incarnation. «... .
the BuKtirfi D'jcrrrat.
Mfc». Henut\ Qoeftloni about the Trinity and V lll.'i Difcourtc: againft the iocooti.
Pope SiBfjiJ
ccncv of Clergy tnen.
St. Ah. da i i reatifc on the fame Subtca.
Bernd's Treatife of the o£ce of tbe Mifi.
Pope ^crAii XVtll.'^ Letters.
Ghoft. ^ . ^ , Patriarch of
>Hts Tfeatife to fliew, why God w» made
Man Pope CLnum U.'s Letter.
His T[2a aboQtthe Will of God.
ViStr U.H Letter,
Treatifes dg4i»fi the Jews. jf ;^£v« IX stwo tcttenu*
iSiioUt IL'i Letter!.
Hiius Dtx'fjtriui's Treatife of the Patriarchal Seefc
St. F«?**rrt three Trcatifes.
Dial ^i.e ab(WC Religion betmen a Chn- ^«k» fimam'd Jedneiia's three Letien.
a Jew.
ftian an;l Umffu^* Letten.
^A^rvW of Mf»«r0*a Treatife of the comiag or toe A Trcat'k- of Conrcfiion anributrr^ tti h'm.
Gutmoxa'i Uit'cuiirfc upc n his rcfufajof aBUboptick.
Pope AkKuder ll.'s Letters.
Gr^mj Vll.'s Lettera.
Other Dogmatted Wcrks, ...^ His Oeaetal Letter^ with aa Apology
• r thz Coaodl of ipm abont th« CdOacy of
ffeltitM's Dialogue about the Operatico of Dtmtat. Pritfis.
Hkeut FeBvimH Fkagipeat of a Treatile of the Prtff Pm*»^i Letter.
Sowl. HisTraai.
St. ArfeWt TreatU^ of the Devil'»m tnm's two Books scraiail Pope Gryorji VII*
His Trtatifc of Original Sin. Mugb Bifhop of /Jie':. Letters.
'His iKatilc of Orace and f KC wiU. Miasfii's Letter and ApoSi>gy.
Conftiniim licbiiJn Patriarch of C«l)fMli«yle*!a COO-
fHtotionsaod Synodical Oecifioiu.
Works doat the EitehmH, fokm xifhiBn Patriarch of ctK^mh^'s Decrees
about Marriage.
sr. rwi^frt's firfl arri ftcond Letter. Willim Ablwtof St. Afnulfhuix.Meti'^ Letters.
r . Coivaion of raffagfsof ScriptOCe. Aofelm Rifliop of Lvati two Books againft Giufiera

BtteJigtri three C:onfefiions of Faith,

His two Letters.
Part of his TKatife agaioft hiaroGOOii Con*
the Antipope, with a ColkQion of divers PalTages
of the Fathers about-ReTcnuci by ^i^rlhi Biibop
of Lvcct,
fcffun .if Faith.
Eufci'iu^ P--u\'. '^ L. ttcr tc< B'Tenjieft
Ei:itiu:^' -lUx to Pope Grtgtry VII.

JbroJu n\ Letter agaiaft BtrcHgcr.

Aiehuni Letter (oSmaj^r.
CcHnii Htibopof Viiaki% Apology againft Che dme
Aftttin\ Letter to the fame Author. Thirn r l ,;f>,rp cf Fi riwn's T/ttCT tO Cf;(|Hy VtL
Mufi,h Hilhopof iiuigrri's Letter againft Btrcn^tr. Axjeim'i Letter to tt'akrM.
tjuilra^c^ TfcatiTe of the Body and Blood of jESUS Pi pe Vfii* I L's Letters.
tfalnwvrf^ Treatife.
Ldmbcft F.ilhop of SOd HMd AfdiUfltop of
Aiein s Letter.
Jkr»i Abboc of Tfin\ Treatife.

Digitized by Goo^l
of the Ecclefiaftical Authors.
HtMn firnam d the GtmmiM I^triirch of Co*. Msrtnut Stms'i Chrcr. Id-.
fitntitieple't Letters and Dfc-cr^. nr^L'. or A
frniar.'s Hiftorlcal Chtonologr.

St. AHfeim'% Trcatifeof the uic oi unieaven'd Bread

and ot the ( rremonies in tteAdniitillnitioii
the Sacnmcats.

Hxtw Canon of H=ftory of that Church.

HisTreatireof the Situation o'th^Nor-


tncrn Aingdoir?.
——His Twttife of Miniag^ betveen aeu Re JotnThnctfm 5c/;/frrs Continuation of 7JkMi^<1

His Letters
lettr Chirupb}hx, or Krep-r cf the
\r,i.m^%\ Hiftory of the Abbey of
-»»|.-«.. •

Church of C^jitmttnofk't Reply abmit certaia
fi^d Provoft of Bmkif^
Points of Church-Difciplliie, Hiftory of Fbpt Qn.
MM or JheobM*9 Letter to Mift^, Ciujrnj or a^rq^ Hiftory of theConqiiefts of the

CoHlrmjtrjul Works between the Greek EiimefM Hiftory of Nov:I: ies.

4i9d Latin Ciwrcbes,

Lives if the Sdim.,
J^iibid Cttkhthih Letters.
Cardinal Bun^'.fi'% Anfwer (o JM&iMrl Ctnitmt, St. F«/i.r,'s Lifeof St. Rupert Bifllop of Cmmj,
Niceus PcSorvut's Trcarifc. Mtgtnfrofi Life of St. Emmra.
Btmbert*s Confutation of that Piece. Srdnfifrtfs Life of St. OlmiM.
• Ills Sentence of r xcommaoiatioa daioaa^d S)rus\ Life of St. Maiol.
againft Micbtet CtruUriuu
MUhtel Ceruliriui's Form of EzoomfeiiDicatKN] pub< AiiUfoU s Life of the Hentf If.
lifh'd againft the Pope's Legats. r«^«ir«,' Li»f i:f :-,r.
B ">jrd\W^,.y,,(HiIdefidm,
JPeter Patriarcii of Antiocb'i Reply to Shmiaic^ and BerKo's Uvcs nt St. Vine and St. Mtsinmi,
hit Letter to Mkbsel cmkrm. ArnulphHfy r i:r of St, Eim»Mt,
Ebcrtrd'% Lite of St. nmvk.
The Life of St. Witim Abbot of St. ttnitnus at Z?/iaB.
Commentaries on the HoLj Sarifture,
Guide's Lite of Afifch^riai Kifhop of Bsmiiag,
B,unf> r;fTinp of niiMtfaf/i Cgouneitariet on the Dr(>go's Lives of St. Goiok-n^
and St. Cfm^T
Kuok ot Ft jttns. fitlgiui s Life of ««4er«
Kiogof fwrre,
- ttnfrWt Commentaries on St tmft Epiftles. Witpo's Lives of tbe Emperors
and Cm«i Bern ILL
rear Dmi*H% Sixtieth tuSt. ^berviaH Life of St. SimtCM of StWalt,
A Commentary on the Peoiteotial Pfalois attri. Ever^biCs Life of Pcppo.
hu;e<' 'o Pi iV: Grti^o'y \\\ Guibtrt's Life of Pope Leo IX,
T[ellui'% Commentary on the Cantic'cs, ^^^^^rchgfho^of MMthiiu't Liretof SLIrfOU
Another Commentary on the Can 'ides.
TiM§hfUll'i Commentaries on the four Gofpels, oo Bfpidinnus'i Life of St. WihonJi.
CheAfls of the Apoftles, on SC.P4«rj i^piftlo^ Pent DmUn\Lives of St. Odilo^ St. lAm, St.
and on fimr of the lefler Prophets* mtuUns, St Rohlpbus, St. Fhrt, aad

dommentxries on the Works oj the

Dfpierim Abbot of MonotC^n's
the Miracles of St Bem^,
F^csffi Lives of St, Benhin add SL
St. XwAb,
Dialogte abMtt

Fathers. Gttȣi Life of St. ^irtoi.
V'lio'^ Hiftory of
St. MintUut Pope-
Niteus #(ito**tCom!rcnr3rie$ on tbeHotldliet aod Truio, Abbot of St. Thierrfs Lives of St,
St. J>i(*, St. and St. dndridx.
Paul of Penileden'i L fe o'" St, Riflutii.
CmrAd % Life ot St. UoipbeUa Abbot of BrupUlum
Hifitted Wwks. Nti^od'i Lives of St oi»
and St. MM,
Oibk's Lite of St.Bigifjte.
J>itlmtt\ Chronicle. Esdmti\ LUe of St. Anfehn,
JLf the GramoMrian's Chronicle.
0nvKf or GtfH/If* Archbifhop of Boargti'i Letter aboaC
a Sliower of Riood.
^tur dc CbsbMMoii't Ghrooicle.
His Lift of the Alrints or.Se. Mmia of St. Fulben'i Sennoftt.
TtecpktMet the G<rjime«*s Semons:
Bmb Arch'Deacoo of Toarj's Diilogus about a Fntr Pmm»<s Sermens.
VjUon. Tof''" Xpbilin'i
Homily on the Crols.
OtierdM Monk of Sr. Peter k Vif'i Cbrontcle. JbupbyUH't oircontfe on the fame Subjeft, with
Gcopraphical Trcatifeof the Holy Lnd. InfJmaioo to Caafimh Pmpi^te^tnHtM,
G/*6fr'> Ecclefiaftical Hiftory. tinetn the Ymnc'e Scrrn; r.$,
Pope G'e^»j VI. Circular Letter. St Aafelm s XVI Homilies.
jtmfclm Dean of Hiftoiy of the EiOwp of Stdner's Difeoofle 00 the Vir^n JHflff, wltbrome
jknitipimi^ Coatlniiatloa of £limM«»iw €m)ui8m*9
BrpiiUnnm^s Chronicle. Works dmit d kongfiick Life.
Pbpe frrejirrj VII's Letters.
A|g4 biOuip of iHt's Letters. Certain Conftitutions of the Order of St BtmiiS
JteqfsA Letter and Apology. attrilnttedtolff/rM.

Digitized by Google
1^2 An Alfbabetical Tahle oj the Ealefiajiical AuthorI
A Difcmirfe on the Principal oC Mfliila
arcri*iM to the fame Author. Pbetfitl Pieces,
TtUT dt Honf0i$'s Rule for the Regular Canoni.
Certain tiers hv \'o\-)c Crrj^OTjWl.
uf St. A!>.ulpyu5 at Ken'i three Let- St. Aitten's Hfwm ind Poetns.
WuUt Abbot Aimsr de Cbtbaoit't Acroftick Vcrfei.
T7rfV'? Conftitutionjof the Abbej MC«i!f>
PeSirtw'i Hymns.
Contttaas'i A r " s !a MdWr Of ^
jjjKecu firnam'd the Yoang's Dilcoorftt iOd otbcc
Treat ire 5.
ViruD M<ri and other Hymns.
^to AfcbbHIiop of EvMi^ Poemt M tlic
fcra«ri<i Cuftoms of tbe Order of €knj.
vals of tlic Year,
frw DiWM«'s Hvmns, Prayers and Ptofa* , ^ _

Works 9f Mordity std Fkty,
Dimnn'^ Prayers.

Paraphraif In Vetfe oothcBookwCMaO*
His other Poetical wotki.
Poem cOfd fliMuIn itt bom tf
St. Quirlttut.
s:m cnthe Yonng's fcvcral Pieces. tt -X

Prayers and MediUcioM. riWiim of yipil/i's Poem on the COnqueH of CM

St. Aafilm^i
Some jys Letoen.

Vii m Vj2 Vli Vt^ 'i^i

An Alphabetical TABLE of the Ecclejiaflical Authors

of the tkvmth AGE.

Anrtrlm, BeaediSk iAwk EoTcbard ,
Tolen, io«
cf Rhcims, 104 Wocms, 97 Egilnotb, CM i^lin-
Aribo Atthbifbop of thus.


Meotz, 97, 130

Eg ir ward , 4 Wwi «/
Dam, Ahb» 1/ Per-
ii. HurdMdtfWartz-
feme, 100 Arnold, « Cmm«fU(t'
Cmb Bre- feldt, 100 Campanus, « PbHtfofier burs, 105
Adam, tf
men, to4 Arnutphut, « Mwl «f ^Uahttdj, 99 EageiSnlv Artbhifhef pf
Atman, 4 .^t I inineiu^ 41 Ha- Tfkr 38
Adelman, or
tiiboo, ibid. 108 Erard, it HemdiSn tAoeif

«rf tfitmmdi ArcelIil,«MHt»«flt£Y- Clement H, J»«>w, 24 99

8 ton, $ Coaiadt ^fil^ *f U- ErchcnfroT, or Erchin-
Bfiof ef nrcfcia,
Adcmar, or Aimar dc tredit, 99 froy, Ai>boi of Mr clr,

Chabanois, « Moak tf Conrad, « M«lt«/ Kru- 100

Jr. Cibar, loi viUicrs, 103 £ver[belm, Aiboiof Ao-
Raudry, BiJbopofTXAj 11 Cofiftaous Lichudes, P*- mont, 102
jKullnotbus, ArMiJhop of
CiriCfr^ury, 99 Bencdift VIII. Por, 23 uhnb 9f Cooftanci- EugitfippiK, ic6
Albcrtc, *Mo«*«/MwMi Bcnno, drdutl, 99 noplc, w8 Bldcbiiii BrttBo, «f
CafTin, 12 Berenearius «r bcrengcr,
Albctic, CtrM* 105 Artb-lkuim of Angers,
Albert, * tewediBh VUmk 6, Mi fequ.

104 Bernard, « MflRii/ Ctu- I>efiderittS,Xi*wrf]

of Mctt.
Alex;iiif1cr 11- Prp.',^ 10, ny, 99 Callin, tMd sfterwrnif fUTcaM, < Mm! tf JrJer>
-.'J ff qu.
Ki i i^ar ' 4 Mfl»t of Cor- Pept under tht mms ef thin, 102
bie ra Saxony, ibid. ViQerlll. egi^d 102 Franco, a rHkfpbtr of
AkxiitSi ttmmbtfQ.aDi'
•antlopple, 106 Bernard, « C/ct* •/ ik Dens-dedit Cstdimd, 99 Liepe, 99
Alger,4P*«o» o/Lipge, Chirrib «/* UtrechMl^il. Diodericus, « MocA 1/ Su Falbert, Silfcof

tad i/tcTVUrit Mof'lt of Rerno, Abbot ef Ricbe- HirsfitldC, 104 Chartresy i MMd feqa.
Cluny, i*,«irctiu. naw, 97 Dithmar, ^htf^tAetC-
Alphaau, ArtUifi>^ of Bertha, M« 0/ WiUock, burp, 100
Salerno, 103 104 Dc'minitk, fitrurrb of
Amatittt « Ita- Bcrthorius JUWff Moiwt Grado, 80 GaufTroy or GeSief de
ly, ibid. Caflio, 99 Drogo. 4 Ultnl tfSt. Wi- Malterre, 4 Mm tf
Anaftafiui, i Monit of F'crtiitphus Bernul- ar noch, 102 Normandy, lo?
Si. Sergius «t An- Shus, i Prff/I «/ Con- Duranduit ^ot of Tro- Gaursilon 4« Et^ifli
gers, , 1
ance, 1 1 *»i 103 aroi 7 m( 17 Monk, 9%
Andievi «M«i<!f Fleu« Hero, AlJm tf it. Ber* Gautkr if RieoT, 105
rv, '04 thin, 104 Oeofffns Cedrenns, «
Xi. Anfctm, Arebhifhof of r^ric^ol, •/ Win- Greek }fior.l, to8
chefter, 104 Ea.'mcr, j Mcxi c/ Can- Gerard, o/ St. Vin-
Caaceibury, ai, 9'*
4nl feqti. Brnoo m Eufebios Bru- tcrhury, c;e md 123 cent <tt Laon, 102
do, Jl^ tf Angers, Ebcrard , St. Harrie s Gerard de Veona, 4 M««ft
J Mi
98 10 Papil, lOf c/ La ChiUe Dieu, 1 o {
AM* Na- Rrono, Bjjhp if Wurtz- Ebcr\"in or Ev^rv'n, Ai- Gtrvafe, Artbbijkp of
AilAlBli 0/
burg, 9S bit oj St, Maurice it RbeimSy 3S

Digitized by Google
An Alphabetical Table of the Ecckfajf ical Authors. 173
Gfflebert, « Mon^ of Ingulphus, AhhtefCroj' Grammarian P*trurcb Young, /i5ot 0/ Xero*
St. Gamm «t Aux- land, 103 nf Omftantinoplc, 109 ccrcc. 107
ohn XVI. Pppt, 7i Niius Uosopattius Ar- Stephen IX. Pope, 27
OiflebcrC, t Kntk of ohn XVII. r«^f, ibid, chtmandrita, 106 Sylveftcr II P^p^, 22
St,Anud^ ibid. ohn XV 111. Pope, ibid. Notcherus,^M« ^Haqt* Synia, a Moait ^ Cimjt
Giikbert tr GBbm, * t»hn, ATcbbijhp of Eu- villiers, 1Q{ too
MmA tf WeftmtBfter, chaita, if^-l T
sxs John firuim'd ]eannelia,
Claber Badulphns t * Erbrcftein.sS
^ifcoi of Tangmanis, Ami tf HU<
lAoMk tf Clorny, io» Joan Thracclius Scylitzes Odo, t Moakef St, Maur delbelm, 1 00
Godeharri, i)f HtU '
Curnpalata, 108 des FofTf r, 104 Thibaud or Theobald a
delhcim, 97
Gootbier«r Gootbetius,
Jol-.n Xip'iiiin, ritrunb Odoran,
ter k VU,
M^rt of St.Ve-


of <fe C«8K*
o[ Coflftaatiooplc,ibid.
g UiAtf Su AiQiad, Jotbid, « M«il if Clii. Gabert or Osbem, a Miii Theoduio or Diettoin,
ay, to$ Mi/ C^rcr ^
Gosbert, ^Usi tf Tcr- L bury, too It
gernfce, 97 Othlo, a M«i(l/Jl;£o> Theophanet, tie Cera-
GmzcIIo, « MmI Cao> Lambert, Bi{hop of ^t- nifiKc, 103 maa jtreUifbopofTiU'
tttbnrf, to^ ras, 72 romenium, 106
Gregory VI. Toff^ 24 Lambert, f>f Archaffcm- TbeophyUa, JttUifiof
Gregory VII. Pofe, 10, burg, i Meat <// ilirf- 0/ Acris, tck
^3, ind fcqu. feklt, 104 Mi 121 Paul, Vrmnf^ if fienrle. Thierry or Tlicndoric,
Gr^ory Citiiulf $19 Lanfrank, Atkb^ tf dco, 103 Mi&of tf Verdun, 3S
Grooaidas, / lo)- Camerbary, g,i9,«Mf P«ter» Panitfrri of An* TbieirT^Natif Jf.Tni-
GiuM:>, tUnktf Cor- ffqw. tioch, ((oMd/fequ. do, tof
bir, i-a Leo IX. i'op', 9, 24, ini Pcfer Chartophylax, vr
Goarliti cr Gaiidin, Arcb- fcqu. Hcyfref tht Records of
bijh)p of Bouigcs, 4 Leo famMti tbe Cram- ibt Cbtofb of Conftan-
natiu, .106 tinople, icp Valeran,9jJhf4fNaiUll*
Goibert, JinlhPtuon of Peter Damian, Cirdinil berg, 94
Toul, 102 M Bipitpof Oftia, S3 tni ViQor II. Pope, 9 tni 26
Ouitmund, tj4rcbbiJbof of iequ, Viflor III. /'Pf. ^9
Averfa, 11 Mrf iS Manafliet,Ardii^tf if Peter dc HoDcftis, a Utric, a Moolr CIuoyi99
Gov AretiB, iiikr «/ RheiOM, i7, 6<h tad CM of Rafeniia,C9S] ariMn II* ^ofic, 70 tai
LtCfOtz Ji.Iea(hir, Peter, altolaf Maillc-

H " Mananus
zai$, 105 Uifio, A^tof Aumoot,
Roan, 10 M<( 116
Refgand, t Mnft «f Flea* Megenfroy pr Meginfroy,
rv, 102 4 IVtfl«t f/ Fulda, 100 Rairnon-J, a V.ort of Jt. An- "W.a M(wl 0/ W3lfor,io5
Hcpiciannus, t Mmi <?/ MctcUus, ^boi cj Tcr- drew «i Avignoi), 105 Warin, .^iiet ef Si. At-
St. Gill, 103 gernfcc, 102 Rainold or Reginald, Arch- nulphus it Mcts. 9S
Henninnus Concrados, MidMcl CerBlariHt> Pt- bifiitg of Rbeinu, 72 Warmao, ^ Con-
d Mudi if Ricbenaw, irUr^ if ConftnitifM»> tad ti6 flanoe^
' '
IC2 pic, 76««< Si Robert de Tomhjlrrf, Wcneric, XJbif tf V«r-
Hcymo, J. w.ouLsf Riche- Michael PieIliB,a Stium Ahbot of St. Vigor .« teil, 99
naw, 105 Bayeux, 98 Willerao, i4iloi of Ji. Pe>
Hufth f{/Im «/ Die, «ri ftofiieliii. a. CM of the ter at Mexsburg, 10a
^unnriiAKU^of N Ckvat af Cotnpeigne, WHIiam, AhntfSuht'
. 94 nulphus Mets, 98
69 Nalgod, « Nlftii c/ CJh- Rudolf, a Mo»i </ La William, Aifh&t of St. Be-
ny, 103 Chaife Dieu, 105 flignus n Dijon, 2;
«7 Nicetas Peaoratvs, t Rapeit, AUtt tf man WiUiamaf Apulia* tof
Hojh, ilrvi^ ' nr#r0« if MMfto/Studa, 77 tai '"a, 100 S$. Wintam iiMor tf Ri*
fcqu. M<( 06 1 chcnaw, 10$
liumbcrc, Cadintl^ 9, Nioetas Serron, Jhchbi- William, t {Aotkof Chi-
13* «M fiqn. fiop of Hcradca, 109 uHiaTorany, 10$
Nicolas U. ttft, 9, 37> Samonai AitcUBM af
I m lequ. Gaxa, I0I
ivw (t ifc Aifcrw Htaaty^
Nioolai, tf Me- SaiBuel of Moroco), arow- loa
logelraa, AbbnefSt.Ri- dMlMa III vmed lev, 109 Wolteras, 4 Cmta af Hit-.
Nkolas, PtMHf* ih


Digitized by Google
74 ^ ^ii /il^buUucal TdUe of the Councils,

An /Mphabetical T ABLE of the COUNCILS

held in the Eleventh Age of the Church.

PlM fr* rim Pile Itt,

Erfurdt. lai, lo'l Rome, 42, 1078

Bffardt, 30, 1074 Rome lie
.to Mi 42
AEnham i» Efl^and* Oppenheitn? /-» ^ 1079
121, lOlO 1076 Tetr, 3
lilbur, J Jtome, to«Ni44 1079
itit >04o Florence, 9 iwi 26, Ocl|aiis, 109, 1017 Ron-.e, , 1080
Arras, no, 102;
Rome, 45, lOgj
Anmoot 58, icSo Forcheim ? Rome, 73, 1089
Aetiin, 49. ^7t^l>^i Rome, 65, 1098
y IC77 Francfnrc, iCo6 Paris, 8, 1050
AutUJi,. 73, 1094 Pavta jwifcr"^ 1014 '^999
Ptfwr Bene/ "1 ii<t
B «avui\23. and
Goflar «" 7 RoiKn,iOMlti6',
Bari, 65 mi 92, 1C9S T:rrrhach>47 ioS$ 1024 io6|
Eenevento, 2S, 1059 Pavia, 26, 1049 Rouen, 117,. 107 a
Bencfento, 69^ 1087 Rouen, 118, 1074
Beneveatoi 7^ 1091 1095 Rouen, 76^ lo^tf
Bereliacb «r7 Poitiers, 6>, 1074
Gofljf Af. >47, ICS5 Leon, i2j, 1012 Poitiers, 10,
Liltebonne, 119, 1080 Poitierii 57, I07»
BoqrdMQX, ti, loto Limoges, loji Selidgeoftadt, no,
B6urgc% III, 1031 Limoge<;, 65, 109$ SipoBto, 26, 10^0
Brerda, f'l, 1080 Lyonnoii Prtfv. Siu6oiu,9i «Rtf 115,
Brionne, 7, 1050 I J 3 1040 QuintitiM-? IC9S
fio^ody /rov. Lyons, 26, icKf 1085
It}, 1040 Lyons, 58,60,61* looo
C Lifieux, 116, io5f
London, 12a, 1075 Tottloufc, I rp, 1C55
Capua, 69, f<_S7 London, 1 23, 1 102 Toulojfc, 72j lojo
Clermont, 57, 1077 LonduOf ibid^ iioS RheiBM, 17, 36, Mi Tours, 9 Mi 36, 10$$
Ckrmotit, 59, «i4 I
14, 1049 Tours, 11^, to«0
73. »095 flbeims, 71, 1092 Tours, 65,
Compcigne, 22, 1000 Rome, 24, 1046 TriburwOp-')
Connancc, 73, 1094 Mantua, 26, 1052 Rome, iUd, 1047 penheim >4o 1075
C^oyaco, 124, iO)o Mantua, 1064 Rome, 26, 1049
Mcntz, 1049 Rome, 7 and t6, lof o TMtoni Apulia, 73
Memz, 121, . 1069 Rome, 26, lo^ i
Meniz, itij. 1071 Rome, 25, 1053
Mentz ///•)Rt/>,i s 10 80 ,

Mcntz ^/rm^MJ, 1085 Rome, liiJ. iq{9 Vcrccil, 7.

! Weft. > 1 20 1005 Meitix, 1080 Rome, 29, 1063
Meaux, iiri. 1082 Rome, ibid. 106$
Mclii, 28, 1059 Rome life 9
E Mclfi, 7i| to89 /mm >iMm 1C65 Winchertcr, 15, 1071
N Winchcfter, 122, 1075
EeidumfiaJEHgliad, Rone, 34, 1074 Windfor, 12, 1070
121, 1010 Narboitne, 119, 10^4 Rome, 36, 1075 Worms J, B *
Etna, i2f, 1065 Nifmes, 65, 1096 Rome, 39, 1070 /r«*/y, 1076
^» N D E X I of the Principd Matters^ &c. 175

A General INDEX of the Trincipl Matters

contained in this Volume.

Tbt Anttacimn of the Virgin VUtty; of the l>v^

A on which that Fcftival ought to be celebrated, 127.
Anidm Bifhop of Ijtut', prohibited by the Pope

two. 98,
^TS whether the fame Perfon may hold
An Abbey that was jxjffcfs'd by a
to receive the Inveftitnre of his Biihoprick from
the bands of the Emperor Bemrj, 3^ His Ordina*
Lay-man reforih'd, i i }. tion by the rojSe, 35. Hc is cxpcll'd by the Ci-
AbUts oblig'd to live wich their Monks, i?3. tizens of Lucciy ibiir~
The Ceremonies, with which they may celebrate .<4w/f*fi/?i of hi* Reign CgSQ
J n. Abbots forbid to ezadt money of thufe Antiecb ; of the Dignity of the Church of Amu-
who 2 [fume the Morsftick Habir, JT. cch, So^ rettr Patriarch of. that See acknowledges
AbjoluuM the Abufe of .^bfolutions granted at
; tlie Pope, 25.
Rme, I i.\ A Keftri£>ion of them, i^o. A Cafe St.Atfmy ; the Inftitution of that Order, 127.
in which t is prohibited to give Abfolution, ji. a Cooititucion againft tbcm, 28.
Letters of Abrolution obtainM after Confcilum Afuku'-, an Oath of Alitgiance tothe Pope, ta*
made in Writing, 2^ ken by the Archbilhop of that Church, 44.
Ahjlintnce that On Fridtjs in6 Siuaiiys ord^in'd
; A'fb-Duconuti ; of the manner ofoonfiMring
in divers Councils, and for what Rcafon, 113 and them, 74.
114. Of Abflinencc obferv'd before the Fcftivalt Arcb-DeuMi \ that none Hiall be admitted to that
of cMflnuti and St. fobs, and of that (if the Office who is not a Deacon, 1 12. The Funfiions
other Vigih, 120. of an Arch-Dcacon, 4.
Aiulurj docs not diffolve Marriage, 15 and ii2i Ariyrius an Officer in the Court of the Eaftera
A Bifllop depos'd for that Crime, 1 2 A. Emperor why fent into Italy, j6. The Atcufa-
Ag»ts the Emprefs, obtains the Regency for fome tions brought by the Patriarch of Coafitaiinofk a-
tinK, A Proteflion granted by her to Pope Ni- gainft that Officer, 81.
ehotm tir againft BeneitQ IX. 27. She is obliged to Arki ; the Archbifh ips c f that Sec reputed to be
retire, and to leave the Admtnifiration of the
vernment to certain Princes of Germuiy, 2g and 3 j.
the Pope's Principal Viars in l-riBce,
Armt the bearing of them forbiitdcn to Clergy-
She is employ'^ to procure an Accommodation of the men, tS. "4, 114 and 124, and to Abbots. 12^. A
Differences between the Emperor, her Son, andPope Prohibition to wear SM/ords in the Church, lao.
Grcgorj \'\\. The Pope's Dec fion againft the Arnoli Eifhup of CiKfin; the Power that hc re-
Kighu of tljatPrinccrs, 40. Her Praifcs celebra- teiv'd from tlic Pope to abfolve the excommuni-
ted by Pttet PjimuH [9^; j cated Notmui of Skily, 5^ The Advice the Pope
Akxiaitr II. made Vope, without the Emperor's gave him about the Sorpuns of Afulii, ibid.
Confcnt, who caufes another to be chofen, 28, aj, Arnulpbus Bifhop of Ctewumtf depos'd by Pope
[92] and His Fleflion confirmed in a Grtxcrj VII. 42.
Council, and thit of his Competitor coudeinn'd, Atnii piui, a Monk of St. Mciffif when ordalo'd
without prejudice to the Emperor's Right for the Bifhop of SeifoBt, s8.
future, 22 and gj.l Pner Z^iniM'sCommenda*
I Arrjs ; the Privilege's of the Church of Arru con-
tion of that Pope, £6 and 87. firmed, 22. Its Epilcopal See rc-cftablifh'd,
Aileluub, tee haUeluu, Afb Wedn(fd$^ X the Faithful obliged to lake up
Aim of thofc
\ that are given for the dead [94. Alhcs on that Day, 21; Prohibited to eat Flcm
Of the Advantage prccur'd by them, ibiL after the fame Day, ibid, and 74.
jlfboaftttKing of CtftHle ; the Laws re enafled Afy!um; the Right of AffU mthc Churches, and
for the benefit of the Church and State, 121 aod nearCrofles, 6s and 12?.
1 24. The Admonitions given by Pope tJrfgorjf yil. Avil<iindui Bifhop of Mtns; a Reply made to the
CO that Prince, $ Complahits made by that Bifhop concerotog the
Alitn, to be confeaated by the Bifliop 124. Secret of his CenfelTion, j. His endeavour to re-
ought to be made of Sfonr, 123 and 124* Of their fume the Marks of the Fpifcopal Dignity after he
Ornaments for the CcL-braciun of the Mais, irj. had voluntarily rcfign'd them, thil.
That Cloaths which have ferVd to cover dead A^oUk ):ifhop of UoM reprov'd by the Pope for

Bodies, ought not to be laid on the Altar, iii. his Pctfidiuuroefs, and cited to Kfrn^ 22x
A Cnnftiturion about the Donations of Altars made
to Religious Scciftirff, jAi An Ordinance concern" "R
ing Alfais [hat are in the Pcfftflion of N'onks, 65^
Am^^hs a Monk of A^gert ; oblig'd to abjure BAmlcT£ the£}ion of that Church Into a

Btrenxn^i Doftrine, lU Kirtioprick, ij.

Anfith ; the Reafon of the Pcifcverance of fome, Bsntfuets ; the Obligations 00 thofe who partake
and of the Fall.of others, 24. of Funeral Banquets, ^24.
A»imtli \ the Itunt cenfut'd hy the Gfnkt for Biniir,e Monartcryi a I'rivilegc granted to that
eating the Blood of Animals, and things ftrangled, Convent by Pope Vrbaa II. 70.

26 and 81. A Reply to thole Cenfures, £2. Btptifm\ an Fjcplication of that Sacrament, i> It
Amo Archbifhop ofCo/rn \ the Affairs committed does not ceafe to operate the RemifTion of Sins, al-
to his Mansg^menr, and Ui He dtclares for though aciminifter'd by an unworthy Prirft, 2^ The
Pope i<'<XinJfr U. 3gainftCjij/«W, 22aDd82. Hc time of lolcma Raptlfra, 117. The i fficacy of it
obtains a Privilege of that Pi p<:« 22.- denyy by Hcreticki, 11c That fome of the
5 yin INDEX of the Principal Matters, &c
ihii. Sj and
Holy Chril'm ou;j,ht only to be pot into the Eaptif- Funftions, ibid. 19^ Of their Duties,

mal Water, £o.' M^ pks foibi:lt!tn to ftaid as God- f<qu. f95 1 Circumftances that render tticm un*
tather^ the i;.'',vi7inp of Children, ir^.
ar What capjbleor Ordination, 5_ Of their Habits, 122.
fori of Vi-ftmrnrs thr IVicfts ou;'ht to wear du-
They cannot be cholen unlcfs they have firf\ taken
ring the Admintftra'-ioo of Biptifni, i n. Infant- 0;ders, J2 and jAi The icats of the hifhops in
' Ejpii*'m tliupprt v'tl hy Bcrtnxtr, according tofbto- the Councils, according to the Antiquity of their
duin an I Cmtm.nA, 7 ^iv\ LLi Ferfons newlv bap- Ordination 122. Of their Authority over the In-
iM\^'<\ to Acar Aibi^ and to hold Wax- Tapers, feriour Clergy, and their Churches, 124. Of the
tor »- ijilic Days iiA Rcfp-a duf to thtm, 4 and ^
Whether it be law-
Bi'i or Cieofi, the Metropolitan Dignity of that ful for Laicks to tcprove the Vices of their Eiftiaiis,

See corifirmcd. 84. They are uncapablc of exercifing the Funftioti

when they may be admitted to Holy Or-
Bill ijJi
oFCiyil Magiftrates, ijji A
Definitive Sentence

(lcr*,s i aiiJExtluc'cd from the EpiCcopal Funftions, cannot be pafs'd upon them, without the AuthO-
and from other Kcclefuftical Dignities, jS. riiyof the Sec of ^om?, 25. A Prohibition to pil-
a Cftt Aichbidiop oblit'd to keep it lage their Goods or t.ftate after their Death, 26^
(hav d, 27, 65 and 8^ Of the Management of their Re-
BrneiKhon »f Ch'tbtt : the Bifhnps forbidden to venues, 6^ Thofe who offer violence to them, ta
cxaft any thing upon that Account, ^8; be excommunicated, ii,
An BihmiA--, the Privilcpcsof that Dutchy by what
St. B:'tii^\ that he was an Hermit, jS.
Apparition of that Saint Ui Pope l>i« 11. jo. A Popes granted anJ conbrmed, 51. Sub)ca to the

Cortrcfl about his B^idy, 12I }uri((li£|ion of tl>e See of <o«f, ibid.

Btndia vn|. cecttablinrd in the Sec of Jteaif Bonwevtl Abbey ; a Cootcft aboat that Mooa-
by Hentj Emperor of Qtrnvy, on whom he confers ftery, 4-

the lmp:rijl Diadem, An Apparition of that Brtii, See Vik/ven'd Brtii.

Vo|ie after his Death, ibii. Breunae, a Penalty impos'd on the Bilhopscf that
Benedicl iX thofcn Pope at the Ape of iS Years, Province, who rcfus'd to acknowledge the Arch-
He is turn'd out of the Sec of Rome at the end bifhop of Torn as their Metropolitan, 21L
. of ten Years, by realbn of his Irregolarities, ibid. BruMt, by what Pope deputed to be his Miflio<
' He findi mcat;s to txp?l his Competitor and re- nary in Pdsnd, ii.
afliimts the Papal Chair, ihii. He makes a bar- Biirytlj ought not to be perfbrmM in Churches,

gain about the Fopct'om with ')ahn Gracun, and 123. A Prohibition to bufV th< dead in aoothec
jnade it over to him for % Suram of Money, ibid. Parifh, unlefs the accuftoro'd Duties be paid to

At laft he is dcpos d in feveral Synods, as well as the Curate, ibid. Chriftian Burial ought not to be
hisCompetitors, iSii. He gets PoflrfTion of St. Pt- denied to thofe who die fuddenly, if they do not aftu-
Chair a third time, iWi. He is forc'd to fur- ^ly ftand conviitcd of feme Crime, iit. For-
render himfclf, and to acknowledge Pope leolX. bidden to Ravifhers and to fMfpcnded otexcoromu-
ibid, nicated Perfons, 6(. An Ordinance that oothing
tentfeet Ettltfitflical cannot be granted to others be cxo^ed for BurlaTs, 7^
before the Deajh of the Incumbents, They can-
not be confcrr'd on Laicks, i tg. Abufcs in the
collating of them, not to be tolerated, 8^ 85^ and
89. The Plurality of Spiritual f ivings cotidfemnejJ, CAddJw, Pilbop of PUerniid^ and afterwards
126. Forbitkifi) to be held by Antipope ; the Caufes that occafion*d his Ad-
i5i 74l Lis
right oF Inheritance, s8. The voluntary Rcfigna- vancemeat to the Papal Dignity, 2i f^^ 1 and
tion of them crmmsnded by Pner Dimift 95.1 That F.kOioQ comlcmn'd in a Council, 29,
Ecclcfiafiical Benefices that oblige the Poffcflbrs of aiwby Peter Dmita, 8i and (^91.] His Attempts
them to enter into Orders, Penalties to be to get Pnfilflion of the See of Riww, 23. The Cen-
impos'd on thofc who prefome to felLthcrm,
Berenztriui or Berengtr \ his Di«nnc concerning
^ fures pafs'd upon him by Peter PamtM on that ac-
count, 85^ He is driven out of the City of Rmr, 23.
f^^"- LJ '<^qu. and fequ. Peter Dmiin'i LetttfS againft that Antipope, 86,
the Eucharift, 2
12 and Condemned in divers Councils, 2i ?i 82 and C9i»3
iiiiSiZiand 116. And hy many Authors, CmtMiiej', that Order by whom founded,
'"^ O'her Opinions attri- 127.
2» 81 i, Ll, til
buted to Brtettf^er, jj. H, LL ffq"- LSiand Cant', Their Pretenfions to the Privilege of
fequ. He is conftraiiAl with'his Followers to make enjcying a private Eftatc difapprov'd by Peter Dd-
a Kecantation under piin of Death, He abjures mitn, f96.1 They are order'd to hold all things in
his Opinions in feveral Councils, 2 and fequ. He common, 22 and jV That they ought to live in
maintains them again, ibid. He is oblig'd to abjure common £5. Punifhmcnts to be inflifted on Ca-
lliem a fecond time, and m ^
A Proteftion
Of his
nons who revolt againit their Rifhops,
Cdwens Regulsr \ The Reftauration of that Order,
granted to him by Pope <trtjierr VIl.
Repentance, ift'i. The tinv: of his Death, iiji. 31 and 128. Divers forts of Regular Canons, 128.
^rr^KpiruiH differ in their Opinions about the A r.lcence from the Pope to confitr fpiritual Li-

Eucharift, 18. vings on fuch C-inont, 21.

Bonier Count of Btrceltiit ; the Rettorer of the Cdwttt King of Engltnd't The Laws eoaOed by

City of firf^eoBi, 20. that Prince, l22. His Journey to Rme, 2I1
Berxnde ; her Marriage with King of Fnnee, The Church Immunities he there obtained for his
Council, ibid. Suhjefh, ibii. and
22. Slw: is excommunicated in a
B'rtTMd Count of Frevence ; takes an Oath of Fi- Ci'Jinnh', the time when they began to have

delity to tbc Pope,

the principal Share in the Fleftion of the Popes
Bi'jirrf excludes Perfons frnm Holy Orders, 71 22 and 12^ The Augmentation of their Autho-
Bifh prici; that'tis Simony to
purchafe one of a ritv, ibid.
Cinhufivis\ the Inftitutlon of their Order, 127.
King, or any otlier I'rincc ; althnii^h nothing were
given fortheConficration, Sa.S^. 89. C'libjcj; crjoyn'd Pricfts, Deacons, and Sub-
Br^rpj; of their HIeftion, and 24. ^
Of their Deacons, tfi, V, 7% 29 jo.3i.u.3^.47> 7^9'i^

d by Google
An INDEX oftbe Prvwipal Mdiiers, Scg lyy
ti«, II M-i lL2i ll** nil The Celibacy another, ibid. The Cuflom of Atpbili or exempt

. of Pricfts con JcmnM by the Greeks, jj and 82^ and Clerks abolifh'd, 2^ A Prohibition to receive
authorized by the LMtm, 78 '"^ 79- foreign Cletks wiHtout Letters Dimiffory from
Ceruljfiut, Scs Mitbitl Cvulatiuu their Diocefan, 2L Whether their Sons may be
CbJicei ; on^ht not to be made of Wax or Wood, admitted into Holy Orders. jSj 61^ 21^ and Ui.
12^. nor of Potters Earth, i2.t. The Sons of Clergy men declared VaflaU of the
ChiTlei nomniarcd to the Bi(boprick of Cmfttnce,
; Church for ever, a^. Such Clerks, who are tbe
liL. Cpntcfts about his Ordination, ti/X He is Vaffals of the Church, not allow'd to purdiafe or
oblig'd to rcfigo thac BiOioprici*, ibiL to enjoy a private Efiate, ibiL Thofe who quit
CbifUia thofc of Lay men fubjcft totheHifhop's their Profeflion ought to be fcparated from the reft,
Jari'H^Oiiin, 2Ai Forbidden to czercife their ii2i 115. After what, manner they are to be de-
FunctioDSi without the Approbation of cbcir Dio- posed, 11 7» Whether thofe who have committed
ccfan. the Sin of Unclean nffi may be rcflor'd to tbeic
Cbjjfel; that a Chappel cannot be built without Funftions, 95. Conftitutions againfi Clergy men
the Bidiop's Confent, 7j. found guilty of Simony, 26, 27. 28. 29. 30, 31,3^,
Chafiitj\ the means oT prcTerving that Vcrtue, lli tis. 4A. <7. S8. 66. 69^ 71. 72, 73. 74, ^^jW*
D7O [93 J and fequ. [9fjand [^67j Other Conftitu-
Cbilitett of their Duty to their P-rcnts [92]
; tions agaiofl married or iocontment Clerks, 23, 27,
Their Dirath being loolcM upon as a fpecial Favour 28122, 201 11^14, ^<.47, 58. 66, 7t, 73.74> 7^.
of God, tbid. r93T»23. Thofe who fall into Faults may bere>
IL Cbrifm , of its Confecration, 117. and Diftri- ftorM,
bution, ibid. C/Mwy- Abbey i Bulls publifh'd by Popes in Fa-
CbuKjiondi the Emprefs, crown'd with the Em- vour ef it, 2_; and lA. A peculiar Privilege
piror her Husband, 2^. granted to the fame Monaftery, 31.
Cbu'tb V See Qretk Church and Utia Charcb. CtmmuniM 7 An Exhortation to tFe frequent re-
Cbufcbet; Of their Confecration, 123. Whe- ceiving of 11,65. The Cuflcm of Commun icating
ther the Bifhop ought to wear a Cbij'ubk or a Cope, with the fame confecrated Hoft for tony Days, 2
whilft he officiates in performing that Ceremony, and 127. An Explication of thatCuffom, liirf. 2.
»«. Rifhops forbidden tocxaft any thing for the The Communion under both kinds in ule, 127.
Henediftion of Churches, jS. The Confecration Sometimes under the Spctiti of Bread fteep'd in that
of them by a Hifhop found guilty of Simuny, of the Wine, ibij. An Ordinance to receive it un-
declared null, ;l. Of the Tithes appropriated to der both kinds, JAi Obligation to tcrnmuni-
the Maintenince of Churches, i2^. Conftitu- A cate on the Feftival of Ej/'c'', 127. SccEucbtrifi.
tion about the maintaining of Churches granted to Tbe Cencrpiion of the Virgi» Mary : the Opinion of
Monks, ibid. A
Prohibition to get Induction into an Author later than St. X«/ir/», about the Feftival
Churches by the Prcfentation of Laicks, 27. and of ^er Corception,
to hold two Churches ac once, ibid. Of the founding Cotcukhagt \ liable to Exconmunication, 6) and
of new Churches, i2^. Incumbents forbidden to 73* A Pricfl who keeps a Concubine fofGiddea
leave a fmall Church, in order to get poflelTtoa of to fay Mafi, 58.
a greater, i5<. Confr^on ; of the Secrecy of it, ui. That th«
Cburcb yirJs 7 a Prohibition to hoIJ Civil AfTcm- ConfefTion of publick Offences ought to he made to
blies in them, t2o. AnJ to buiU any other Houfcs Priefls, and that of fecrct Sins to all forts of
on thit Ground, than thofe that belong to the Clergy-men, and even to Laicks according to Lt»'
Pricfts, ibii. /wJ, ibid. The Cuflom of making ConfefTion one
Ciacius the Son of the Prefefl of Xpme ; Of the to another, very common among the Faithful in the
Outrage* committed by him againfi Pope G'fgO' Eleventh Century, u, Thofe who hear the C on-
rj Vll. of others, ought not to punilh orchaftife
Ciftereitnt the Inftitution and Progrefs of that them publickly, ibid. When *tis lufiicient to con-
Order, 12^- fefs cur Sins to God alone, according to imfrifit,
CJergymtn or Cletkt', Of their Functions, 88^ 8^ ibid. A Fortn of ConftfTton exhibited in Writing,
and fequ. Obliged to wear Cloathsof one fingle Co- followed by another of Ab biution in a Letter, 2^.
lour, and to have their Heads (hsv'd in form of a Corfirmatien, with what Ceremony it ought tooe
Crown, 121: That their Ignorance and Negli- pcrfoim'd, 1 1 7. AFather who ftands as God-
gence are the Source of the principal Difordcrs of father to his Son at Confirmation, oblig'dto leave
the Church 96"] as well as their CovetoufDcfs and
his Wife, 4.
Concupifcencc, md. They cannot carry on Law. ConriJI Emperour oF Cetmny when cbofen and

Suits in Qiiality of Attorneys or Solicitors, nor lit Crowned, 22.

as Judges in Criminal Cauics, 127. That thole Conrad tbt Son ef tbe Empiror Henry iV. revolts
Clergy-men who put thcmfeh'cs into the Service frcm his Father, jc.
of Noble-mcn to obtain Benefices, are more guilty Cotiflxnuno^k \ Deputies fent by the Gfetbs to ob-
of Simony than thofe who give Money to procure tain of that Pope, that the Church of Confistttincple
them [95] [96.] ^^^^ '"^
lawful to cite fhould be ftyled the Catholick or Univerfal Church,
them before fecular Ju Igf s, 65. That thrir Caufes 23. The Prelates, who opposed that Defign, ibid.
never ought to be decided by Force, Sfi. A Pe- Corlie-Abhty, One of its Privileges conftrm'd by
nalty impofcd »n thofe who leave a Church of a the Tope, 51. The Uifhop of Amieii oblig'd to
fmall Revenue, to get another of a greater, 65. make Satisfauloa to one of the Abbots of that Mo-
Clerks fubjcft to the Jurifdiftion of their Bifhop, naflcry, ibid.
1, I2A. Thorc who mifufe them excommunicated, Corftrah, or Cbtlici-clnhi : ought not to be thrown
J. A Sentence of ExconnnunlcJtion denounc'd into the Fire to flop a Corflagration, 12c.
againft thofe who take them I'riloncrs, 65. How Corjtt ; the Prctcnfions of the Sec of Fjme to
they ought to be qualified for Admittance into
Orders, ll2 and ^i. They cannot ferve a
that Ifland^
Cned', the Addition of the Particle niioqwta
Church, without a Licence from the BiOiop, iia. j
the Apoflles Creed, difapproved, ii and iZi
Keither Can they be ttaaflatcd from one Church to 1

G g Cri^ddt i
178, ^« INDEX eftbe TrtBcipil Matters", &&
the VTo)tSt of owe fbrmM in the C«iin.
CfMfMde •

dlof Phcentit,
75. PuhlKTlM In that of c; -ffl;?;?,
. E
7P» 73i 74- 1 he patting that Ciufade in Exccu*
tioa, 70. 74. The Badgaofthe Perfons lifted, the Fcfiivah of Mtfier rc
J^i4y?fr 5 luc'ci to three,
74* The indulgences granted to them, ibiJ.
Curnes, obli^M to give an Account of their Mi-

nifter'a! Furitions to the Hifliop, ^S.

EM ORunt of J^cf a Donation made b;
j ope f
Grr^or; VII- io hi* Favour, 51.
Cjfiittts Arcbifhoj* of Cartbjie, delivered up to
Ictlefialitcal Rtvtntes, See R vrnues.
the Sirsceat by
fomc of his Dioce&ns, 55. The Eccltfiijiiftt Petfons, Set Ckrgj mm and CUiis,

Pope's Aemooftiaoce about thic TieKberya Ektlhns Tiiat thofe of Bifliopa belooe to

Clergy and People:, 115.
Ei^hU ; the State of that'Kingdem in the Ele^
vcnth Cfr.tury, pr.
EucbiTtfi an txplication of the Sacrament, 1

DA'mtU, that KiogdaatcioBferc*dbr Pope en- and 2, Ofthe Eucharif*, 7 and ftqu. ijandfeqo.
Ztty VII.
17 and fequ. 19 and fequ.^OM Jfo'w'&Gpinioa con-
Diuzbx<ri not to be given in Marrtage till they
cerning it mrfntaioMI by Berngtr, 7,8, and 9, and con-
lave attain'd to the Age of twelre Years, 65.
demned in divers Councils, J. DifTcrrnt Opinions of
DiU; what may afford Refhfliment to the Souls the BtftrjisTijni about that Sacrament, 18 and fequ.
of deceafcd Pcrfons
fj^^ A Prohibiticn to ho-
Their Objc£lions refuied, i}, 14, 18, and fequ.
nour their Mcroory without the Bilhop's Aotho-
tMnfrg^i Arguments to prove jthat Myfiiry, 14.
rity, 123.
Ttie realPrelence oppos'd by certain Hcretitks 6iV-
Ptmkt\ of the coilatiflc of theoi, 74.
covcr'd at Orluns and in Fitndrs, in the beginning
J>uA *, A Prayer fcr Perlofls ac the Point of
of the Century, 119, no, and 124. The Sacra*
Death [^92 J mcnt of the Euchanft, formerly a^intoifier*d io
DtcTtuts of the Popts frequently corrupted in
Infants, 16. That the Hoft oflght notfob:kepc
the Eleventh Century, 84-
longer than from one Sandtj to another, 112. That
Draariui King of Rufiff his Son invefted io Chat
Conftitution chang'd jrd reduc'd to once a MoDtii,
Kingdo m, by Pope Gregory VII. i. <,
113. Referred again to every eighth Day, 1
it. Dents, where Ills li: s interr'', 2(^. The 17.
Whether the confecrated Elrmenta can raflrraiiy
Prhileges of the Abbey of U. Dtmn contirmtd by
Alteration, or be liable to th;- conrfiticn ofother
the Pope,
fbrts of Food, part of which is iurii'dicro Ixcre-
Pnmxrk ; Po^ Grtgot) \iV
AdnXNiUioiu to rnents, ib, 1 9, ir, and ftqii. Whether Htrctitks
tbt Rtnp of PemMrt, s I.
and Schifmaticks confecrateibe Bodyof Jefus Chrift
Defiderios or Di her, Abbot cf Afcuit Cjlnn, sni
without the Pale ofthe Church, »i. Two forts
aftrrwirdt Pope unkr the Kmt
of Viftor 111. The of M:'":-'!:r3r;ons arcnrdirg to Guhm^.nJ, viz,
.'I Ifome Advice given him hy Pmr Dmkal id.
Co;porciit and the other Spiritual, 19. The £u«
The Negotiations in whiLh he wa? cmploy'd under
charift ma 'c ufe cf to fcrve as a Tryal, 125. Con-
Gregory VII. ^6, 59 and 54. He is chofcn Pope ftitotions about the Adminiftiatiov of that Sacra*
againft hi-. v;;il, 69. His El;ilion by whqjPB Op*
meot, 7J. An Ordiuauce to receive it under both
pos'd, ihid. The time of his Death, 70. kinds, 74. Pcnnance impc-s'd on Pricfts, who icC
Difciplitie ; Decifions of dfven Faints of EodeR-
aftical Ui cipllne, ? and fcqu. i"; and fequ. a8, S9-,
the Uoft, 127.
fall An lioft given to PrieAs on
the Day of their Ordinatic n, to ferre them fo com-
and fequ. 6s and fequ. 71 and fequ. 84 and fcqn.
muniatiflg for fome Da^s fioUowiqg, ibid.
129 and fequ.
Wnttmmimtitttn \ Certain Qoenions about the
Ol|^nal and Life of
Dijcifluiiig or Siourgiaif the
Senrerce of Excommn' icatir.n c'enouncM :?g3infl
it, 89 and ii6. That Cuftotn condnooed by a a
Monk, and vindicated by Prirr PmUa ^91.] Du-
King, 39 and 4-. A Cafe in which 'tis incurr'd, 4,
and in which not lawful to pobltfli it, yirtf/
ring how long time it would be rtquifite for a Per*
Exonnmuaicated Perfons ought not to be huried
Ton to DifLipline himfelf aOCOrdiogtO DiCcAiODS
of that Cardiaai^/iii^.
ill conliccrated Ground, 115- Common sr. J con-
temptible Excommtmicati' n i^^. Fxterdcd to
I^ifil the Care of it obtam'd by Alms gi- thofe who conrerfc with excommunicated Perfons
iD& 90.
to the third Generation, i«6. Tor what realba
Dhiiaity % the Original of Scholaftick Divinity,
the pubtifhing of fuch Senttrces is K^mctires fnr-
born, 3. Denounc'd againft thnfo uho pi'age
prvorre, propofed betweeo JmAi and the Empe-
Church- Revenues, and mi'u!e C'ergy-men, ihid.
ror Hwr; V. I « I. Pmif the fitft King of Fimce^
Exceptions in the Forms of Excommunication pub-
divorced from Btnhi his Wife, 74, Ibrriagir poc^
mitted in cale of im potency, 5.
lifh'd by Pope Gregory VII. 4». A Confticotinti
about tliofL- rhatarf f'en^iirr'd hy t' FIfhops, 6%. l-
Dol the Quality uf Archbifhop conteftei with
A Prohibition to keep Correiipondcnce with excom-
thoTe whow^ein PofleiTionof that See, 114.
Pmhitt nnaiated Perlona, 119 and 129,'
Patriarch of Orado^ employed by Pope
Cr:[iory VII to cndc3vour to procure a Re-union
bct*tcn the Qteei and Litii Churches, 54, 55.
Poninui wlnfcm\ whether tbofe who redte
the Divine Office alone in prirare, ought to fay, FAithfu)', Ofthe Ditties of the Faithful on $mu
Pminitt vthiftmt or Domniu tecum, 5
f 94J and diys, 124.
127. Shintfs
fkilittg rendexa a Pirieft uaapahile of
. Donations ; An Ordinance concerning pious Dona- celebratine the Mafs, 3 1
tions made to Monaftcrics, 26. Ftflt', of that of Leal, 47 and lao. Of thofe
PMn\ the Bifliop of that Citv o!j1;»M to of the rmber-Weck';, ,17, 73, 74, 117, laoaod 196,
receive Ordination from the Archbiftiop of CM' Fansobicrvcd in Engltndf laa.
tclmfy, 16. Fetfii'^ Priefts forbidden to be coscerad in tholk
Ditui ice Wtbitl Ducii, thac4reiiadeacWeddiog«,ta4. what Obticsatv

Digitized by Google
An INDEX of the Principal Matters^ &c 179
to be perfbrm'd by them, who are Partakers ot mtja begg'd of the fame Prince, jo. The time of
Funcri! Banquets, ibid. his Death, 39,
ffcflhtls, thofc of the ftrvs idajHed to Chri- Grgdi, of the Dignity of that Church, 9^ That
ftianity, Sii Thofc that were obJcrvtd in EmUnd, Dignity contcfted by Peier of Antiacb, ibid. HiS
17^. An Opinion about the Solemnity ot' the Metropolitical Right eftabliflved in a Council, 25.
Oflivc of the Fcfttval of St. ^eba Baptift, 8i. Greek Ciureb ; the Rrproach« that the Gfffliput
Fees, cxsfted by tne Court of Home of divers
Certain PriefVs fufpendcd for ncg-
upon the Luint, 76, 77, 7S. anj
fwer to thofe CcnfuFes,
Their An- ^ The Ac-
Kingtloms. io. ifuFe: 2^ jt^ sr.d fi2±
kiling to piy the Synalical Fee*, ^, cufations brought by the Lmes again fl the Greeks,
Fht^ibrit (lyilttm) his Exploits io lulf, jj.
fil'ttftc\ that Pjfcide left out in the Creed of Greets ; driven out of Part of lulj by the Hor-
the Grrfti, ii and miKi, 2i. And lofe their Territories and tftatej
Fmevriuh the Inftiturion of that Order, 12^ in that Country, 52.
foro Julio V ti>e juiifdiOion of that Church regu- Gfegirj \ I. aipires to the Papal Dignity by the
lar ed ina CouBcil, 21: means of Simoniacal FraQices, %^ He is dcpos'd
Ffinc(\ the Tribute which the Pope exafted of and banifh'd, ibid.

that Kingdom, ^ The Authorities alUtlgcd by

him to cttabliiii that Tribute, ibii.
Crrxorj Vll. made Pope by the People of Home,
without confulcing the Cardinals, Clergy and Em*
Free mil; the Concord of Free Will with Trc- pcror, 32. A pleafant Repartee made by DeSde-
deftination and Grace, 94. rius Abbot of Mount Ctffin. upon occafion of his
FriJay: the Abftlncncc obferv'd on frWtf;, 122. pte.ipitate Efef>ion, ibid. His great Undertakings
Aa Obligacioa to taft oa thai Day, during hi? Popedom, ij. His CotueHs with the
Emperor fitwirj IV.and fequ. The Oppofi-
tion that his Decree againft Simoniacal and Incon-
tii»ent Clergy men met with, A cruel Out-
rage to hinder the ESid of that Deace, ibid. His

G ot G^^ntr'iKS, Biiho^ of Stnibarg, cited

to Jl^wf, 35, and fufpended ^6 Abfolved
from the Excommunication he incurr'd upon ac-
Conftancy in caufing ic to be put in Execution,
ibid. The firft Projrfl he made of a Crufade,
Confederacies made againft him, 3S. He is de-

count of Simoniacal Pra^ices, 55. pos'd in a Council, ibid. The CTufe of thofe
aebebtrd, Archbifhop of StItMrg : obtains a Li- Procecftirigs agjinft him, iiU. Hedepofcs and ex-
cence of Pope AlexiMdn II, to creft an Epifcopal comrr.unicJtes tiie Emperor Henry, as well as thofe
Sec in his Province, The Rcmonftrancc made who afliftcd in that Council, He piopofes the
by Grtgorj Vll. to that Archbifhop about the re- EleOion of another Emperor of Gtrmtny, 40. The
ceiving of Tithes from the new Bifhoprick, 65. Conditions upon which he is wiili' g to grant Ab<
A Difputation between otbtbird and Wiidm ,
folntion to TftKry, ^j. He contributes to the chu-
Archbimop of Mmit for aod agaioft the Emperor ling uf Rjdulptui Duke of Suibis, in his place, 43.
Henry 47. The Meafures taken by him in order to compofe
Gebcbifd, Bidiop of Confltutt', theDeclfions by the Differences between the two Contenders, iWi.
Pope VrUa II. upon the Difficulties which that and fequ. He denounces another Sentence of £x>
BiHlophacl propos'd to him about the Excommuni- commn.'iication againft Henry and his Adherents, 4j_.
cations pubii(b"d by Qnffifi VII. lu He is made He himftlf is dcpos'd again in a Council, and Gusl'
the Pope's Vi«r in Gemmj, ibid. ben Archbifhop of RtveHna, is fubftituted in his
Gebuin, Arch-Draoon of I(W^r« ; ordain'd Arch- room, ibid. He is reconcti'd with the Duke of
bifhop ot L)«*i, iZi Afalii, ibid, and obtains Succours of him, 46. His
Gersud or Getdld, Eifhop of ArjiCHlefme ; the Le^ Contefls with Pir'/rp King of Fnrce, 48^ The Re-
gat of the Sec of Rom in lomc Provinces of proaches and Threats he put upon that Prince, ibid.
Frtnce, ifi. He endeavours to get a Tribute from the Ki;ig>
Gerard, Bilhop of Cmhriy and Arrts\ confutes dom of ffitff, and from divers other Fftatcs of
certain new Errors in a Coincil, llq and 11 1 BurepT, <^ and fequ. He grants a Prottilion
The Perfons who were conviflcd oblig'd 10 abjure to B'renjier^ Arch Deacon of A'%ert, Ha He is ac-
them io the fame Council, 11 1. cui'd to be a Favourer of his Opinions, ibid. Tht
Gibelia, chofen Archbifhop of Afles, in the place time when this Pope died, 421 See Hild.brt»d.
of Auchird, jS. Gffgwy the Antiftfe', expell'd by the Emperor,
GUtuottj \ not reckon'd among the fevcn mortal
Sins by Peur PiM<«if, [ 94.] Cut^ihrt, Archbifhop of Meni^', why depos'd
Goi\ of his Exiftencc and Attributes by Peter and cxcommuniuted, ji.
when ordain'd Arbifbop of
Gtdlbert the Anttpope ;

God fatbeis, a Pt-nalty imposM on a Father, who Sjtvenns, 23. He creates much trouble to o"re-
ftands as God-father at the Confirmation of his j^orj VII. and is excommunicated by that Pope, J2

Son, ^ Monks forbidden to perform that Office, and ^S. He is advanc'd to the Popedom under
the tJame of Clement III. after the depofingof Gre-
Godfrey, Archbifhop of Miln'-, excommunicated gery in a Council, 45. When ordain'd, 46. He
for Simony, A-uI Herhmbsl fubf^ituted in his crowns the Emperor Mcnry, ibid. Fcotnmnnications
room, ihid. Heconfpires with the Hi (hops of Isw- publifh'd, and often rc-itercd againft him and his
Urdf again ft the See of Rftifi, ibid. He is

pro- Adherents, 421 ^
'"^ 2*; fometimes becomes
ivtaiter of the City of Rme, and is fometimes ex-
te(\f6 by the Emperor, who ftill holds
with him. ibid. His Succcflbr fettled in that Arch- pell'd from thence, 69 and 70.
bifhoprick notwithftanding the Pope's Oppofuion, Gttifcsrd (I(pbm) Duke oTAputit • H's Corqncf^i
in Jiilj, J3. He is excommunicattd in a Council
^^hcdfrej, Marquefs of T^f^my l Pfift /Jim fin's Re-
monfVranccs to that Prince r9i] and The fsM
by Pope Gregerf Vlh and ^
The Reafons that
induc'd Grf^ory to be rcconaPa with him, 4<» 46.
Errors of two of his Chaplains" confuted by the The Conditions of that Agreement, ibid. The
latter, 8I1 8I1 aod 84. A Favour which Peter Advantage* which the Duke obtain'd by that means,

d by Google
i8o ^« INDEX of the Prmipal Matten, 8i.c.

bid. Succour* he fcot to the Pope, 46 and

The BerStrt^ Bifhop of Ntmitb\ what Realbn re-

53. His Exploits in tjrrffr, ^

Archbiniop of Vitnm \ the fending him in
proved by Lnfruk, \6.
Beretids Certain rrew Hereticks ("ifcovet'd at
Quality of Ltgit info £»c/a«i4, look'd upon as in Orlet^i, in the beginning of the Eleventh Century,
unheard of Innovation, 56. 10 9, and fcqu. nc. Their Erron ard Condemna-
Guy, Archbifhop of MUm
A ConRitutioo made
*, tion, ibid. Other Heretkks found in Fttnderit i lo.
hy that Archbi(hop by the Advice of Peier Dmiu, Their Frrors confuted in a Council, ibid. Thcic
for the Reforming of the Clergy of BAiUn [93. ] Recorciliation and their CcnfefTion of Faith, 1 1 1.
Htrhnbild, made Archbilliop t.f Alilin infJead of
Godfrey, 3^ Dirrflions for his Condu£} given him
by the Pope, in reference to the excommuniated
Bifhops of Itwtbttdy, ibid.
HAblu Stctfimi', thofejof Pricfts and Deacons Hermin chofen Fmperor ol Geyrszry in the Plice

during the Celebration of the Mafs, 121
of Xjdulfhus, ^
A Difficulty propr s'd in a Coun-
cil about the Validity of his Marriage, >s
liiir ; An Ordinance againft the wearing of long excommunicated in another Council, ibid.
Hair, j6. Another for cutting the Hair ftort, Hemum, Bifliop of BJtfberji cited to Reaie to give
an AtcouDt of his Simmiacal Prafliees, and 36.
~~nilkluj'tb', ACenfure pafi'd bv the Grati upon And rufpcnded 16. At laft depos'd and czconmiu-
the laiiti becaufe they do not ting tItlUIuith in nicated, ibid.
lent, 16^ A Rq?ly to that Cenfure, XL htmun, Bifhop of Mets\ the Queflions propo-
Bmno, Archbifhop of CtUn ; See A"0. fed •r^. Whether thofc Per-
by him to the Pope,
Rjfpiarfs-, That there is no perftQ Happinefs Tonswho converfe with a Prince under Sentence of
in this World [98.") ExcommunKatioa, are to be look'd upon as excom-
HtroU, Ring of Narwtf ; An Admonition given municated ? And whether it be lawful to excom-
him by Pope Akxjnier, 7g. municate a King, 32. The Pope's anfwer to tbefe
Henry II. Emperor of Cerwiii; ; crown'd »t Rom* (^ueftions, 32i ibiL
with the Fmprefs his Wife, rj. The time of his HermtK, Bi?hop of jvindtfler j leaves his Riihop-
Death, ibid. rick to embrace the Monafiick Life, He is
Hrnry III- Emperor; when he fucceeded Cmrtd afterwards made Riihop of Salithiry, I'bid.
his Father, 2^ He caiifcs three Popci to be de- Hrrmits', Their Caufe of Life prcfcrr'd to thafof
posed in divers Synods, thii. He is crown'd byC/«« CnMiet', or Ccllcgiatc Monks, gi. A Kulc for
mtnt LL ibid. The time of his Death, 16. Hermits by Ptier Dmitn [95 1 Hermits of the
Henry IV. Emperor ; chofen at the Age of five Eleventh Century dificrcnt from the Ancient^
Years, and put under the Protedion of the See of
J^pme, 26 and His Demeanour during his Mi- St. BiltTf, RiHiop of Peitiers A Paffage of that

nority, ii/i. His Conduft when grown up to Man's Father concerning the SufTerings of Jctus Chrift,
Eftate, ibid. A
Propofal made that he (houtd be maintaind by u^frtwi againft Berfier^
divorc'd from his Wife, lh^ The Canfe and Ef- HUdtbrgnJ, a Clerk of the Church of Rme ; was
fe&s of the Revolt of the Stxons againft that Prince, Partaker of the Fortune of Cn;gory Yi. 9^ and j«.
33. His Qjuarrels with Pope Grrpory Vll. ibid. He i! made Prior of Ctimf, #hcrc be rctir'd after
anclfequ. The Original ot thole Feuds, ibid, and the Death of that Pope, He accompanies to
34. His Enterprizes againft the Pope, 2I iSi R«ne, Brmt Bifhop of Tttd, whom he caufes to be
He isdcpos'd ind cTcommunicated by the Pope, jg. chofen Pope under the Name of Lto IX. ibtd. He
He is very fuhmiirne to the Affcmbly of Oppem- is accus d of having incited that Pope to declare

keim, 42: His En;1cavours to procure Abfolution 1 War againft the h'orwjm of JfuiiMf who took him
from the Pope, ibid, and 41. On what Contlitions Prifoncr, 25. His Power at ^tme, and hit Intrigues
he obtains ir, He repjnts of haviig taken in managing the Eledions of the Popes who fucceed-
fuch Mcafures, and falls out with the Pope, ibid. ed Z,fc, 2fi and fcqu. J2. He caufes Alexivier lU
and 111 He makes War with Rtdulpbut his Com- to be chofen without the impernrs Conftnt, sS.
petitor, 42. The hayard he run of lofinghts Life, His Enterprizes to promote the Grandeur of the
43. The Advantages he gain'd in drmiiiy, ibid. See of Kmt under that P«»pe, 22 and ^2. At laft
44 and He is ctcommuaiated and depos'd a he himfelf is proclaiffl'd Pope without the Know-
Trcond time by Grej>*ry VII. 4^. He caules that ledge of the Cardinals, Sec Grr^r r, v jl.
Pope to be (lepoi'din a CounciT7~and Guibert Arch> Hojy dtyt^ thofc of E^fiir and Wbnluinidc reftrain'd
bifhop of Ravetm to be chofen in his Place, 4^ to three, 2i
His I cttcr upon that Occafion, ibid. He defeats Voft ; a Cuftom among the Priefts, to commu-
RiduJj^biit in a Battel, who dies a little while after, nicate with the fame <onfecrated Hoft, during forty
46. He beliegef Rome feveral times, and at laft Days after their Ordination, a. An Explication of
having taken that City, caufes himfelf to be that Cuftom, ihid. See the EncUrifi,
crown'd therein, ibid, and He is oblig'd to de> Hugh Ctrdimtl ; his Enterprizes againft Pope
part thence, and to return to Gtrnuay^ to make Gregory and iS- He is depos'd and excoro:
head againft a new Competitor, ibid. He takes mnnicated by that Pope, and 42. And by the
Anjiibutg, and puniOies the RebeJs, 46, 47. He Council of CutntHitieiur£, 47.
caufes an Accnmmodacion to be fee on foot with iJu^b Kifhop of Die hh Eledion to that Bifhop-
Rob ft Guifctrd Duke of Apuiit,
revolts againft him, qo.
His Son Cetirti
The Sentence of Excom-
rick, 52.-

His Ordination by Pope Grfgcr; VII. ^5 and ^7.

munication denounc'd againft that Emperor, re> The Power he had by Virtue of hia Office of Legac
new'd in divers Councils, 71, 73. 3nd?A. in Fnnre,
^o^^o, Si and fequ. The Dccifions
HtnryL King of En^hni; his Contcft with the
Pop: and St. Arftlm about the Right of Invefti*
raadc by him in that Quality,
^^and fcqu. When
made Archbifhop of Lyw, "5^. His Intrigues in
turcs, g3. afpiring to the Papal Dignity, ibid, and He
Henrf, Bilhop of i^/ff accufcd of Simony and ci* is excommunicated bv Pope F/flof III ibUT
ted to J?aw/, He i$ fufpcnded, ^6. receive* Abfolution from VrbM n. ^
For what

•d by Google
An I N D E X, of the ?rmxfd Matters, &c. 1
tofin) Iw «» furp^ded fn the CoqikO of Pttmtii, /rTMtyiri AbboCof St. /tftmrr; reftor'd to hisAb-
73. Tht time ot his Death, <;S. bey by Grej^wy Vll. 67.
Hupb^ Kifhop of £.4»j5fff ; b- ing aaufed of divers fudgmnu the laft Judgment defaibd
; bv Fetet
Cii;rc!. in a
Council, is depos'd aad excommunica. Dmi^H, 87 Md
ced, 26, 114, and 11.5^ AcftotM to hif former /twf JiifliopV Cttrtrei ; his EUflion and Confc-
Dignity b> Pope Lf IX. after baring been pat to cration approVd by Pop.- D
^« n 70. He vigo-
Penance, 26. ruully I ppnfcs the Marriage between
hu^h, bbot of Clu*)'t tlie Mediator of the A- and B-rtrude, 73. Tiic IVpe makes Interceffiiio
greement betuten the hmpcror Renrj and Pope prccuic his Liberty aftel* be wis impriibn'd
Of^9rf, 41. He becomes forety that that Prini.e •that AccoqAc, 71,
ftovld Iceep bis Word, itiC He i» confticuted the JtKs Abbot of MeUhe i made Ki(hupof D<i(,ar9
Pope's Legat in Fnncr^ ^y, . confci.ratfd by Pope Orrxfjr Vll. 7. A P.ivi^egt: <

Hwtgvy ; the Pope's PreCcnfioni as to the Rigiit granted him to wear the Pall, ibd. The A'tdia-
,of inteftifure in that Kingdom^ {i«
Coofeft A tion of the King of £^iUMi x» Under Ch^ depofins
fiw the lame Kjjig4oai| A^. of that fiiibop, Md.

*! flwHfr, Bilhop of frifft ; for what reafoti (b&' Kiigi \ whether it be tawfnl to ercQnannicate.
J pended and depriv'd of the Revenues of his a King, and fodrprive him of his Domiaiooa.
CbarCh, 51 and 56. He is put aga in into IV iTclTion 39, 47 and 66. WhetjHr his Subjtdts may be ab-
of his Reccnurs, 51 and s2. A Conreft between folv'd trom their Oaih of Allegiance, 60. The
him and the i^idinp of iVfiTiwrt-about ccftain Landj, Advice given by Pope QT*i$rj Vll. to a King of
55. H; is reconciPd aoJ re>inftated by the Pope,
ihU. teprehen led by Gngmj VII, for fcizing
|s t^jtmkigiH often aule* ttany Vices [97.3

on the comefted Ljn''s a fccond time, ihii. That

Quarrel detcrmii!' bv th>- P "pc jt Rfl«<f, ibi.i.

^t1os ; the CiiriHjjns 'o biJtlcn to keep any of

themaj Slaves, ti^. And to hold Correfpondeoce LAitkfi ttOca|able of eKrcifiDg any Aothorlty
with then), 124 That they mi^ht not co'-bc put over Clergy-men and Churchc«, 70 and 154.
to Death up>n account nf K-.i.^ti jn, 31. A ^Prohibition to advance them to tcdcluftical Dig-
Imsga tht Luni accufed of not pa',ingdue Ve«
: nities, 27. They cannot be chofcn Hifhops, 74^
Deration to them, 81.
Tcftimoncs to die icoo- Nor lit at Judges io Spiritual Courts, 65. Nor
trary, 8a. Tithes or ChnrdhReteimes, 43, 44, 47,
hctrnixm 1 why the SeconJ Prrfon oF the Tri- 7-5 and 76 The Confcnt of the Pupe or of the
nity was
incarna c, ^x. An I xpfifition jof the hilhop , rcquilite in Donations made by them to
Article of Faith concrnuog that Mvftery, 19. Chuicncs, 72 and 76. TneV are cxclud<Kl from
licmiiieiue that. of Clergv-m.-n condemn'd ia maki.'g Prefcntatioos to vacant Churches, 27. And
iiiaDyConlWtatMni.95»«»,28, 79,3 , 31,1s. 3<5, from pafling Judgment on Clerb. Whether
47» ^8, 66, 71, 72,7?. 74. 7S ffO and 12?. ticy may be aUowld to leprote the Tfocf of tliei^
hftriou's; whrihtf i;. be la**m for tbem to Kiihops, 84.
reprove their ^operioarf for their VidMS ^Dor- umbert Bilhop of Atrw, his Ordination by the
Pope, upon the RefoCil of the Arcbbilboprick of
IwvtfUmet 9f fnr^i ; fimperars and Kings en- KfcimSf 72. He is pot hi Prflbn, and sftcrwards
joy that Preronatire. 1^6. Confert about the A let at Liberty a: thr Pope's Rerjucft, iW.
Right of Inveftiturcs claimed by the Kinj^ of Eng- Luirit bilhop of Aiaitcm 5 A Conccft about his
Und, 92 and gj. Decrees againft the InveilitMres ^^j^ioation, 48. He ia oidain'd bjr the Pope^
granted by Lalcks, 44, 45, 58, 66. 71, 74,
and 75> An Error coocerning the Invrftitares con- Lfii't That to Contefts alMit the Rigitfs to
demned, 29. The Popeli PretenTiofli to that Lands, the Fruits balOQgtb' thofe «hO fo«\l or
Right, 57. planted them, 124. '

Sr. Baptift ; Peuf VjkiaH Opinion abnot LM.ulpkuj bifhop of PJ/m: the Right that thO
the Time when that Saioc was cmecived, 9 .
aboat the Sdeinoity of the OQave of his
A nd
Pupe ouitign d
lOaodot Cor/if,
bim and his SMxttfbra. to thfe ^
Lmittiflui Uukc of B'n(vento\ an Oath of Alle»
Join Archbifhop of ^oi»; A Quarrel between giancc cx tt d of him by Pope Grtgery Vll. ibid.
tfiat Archbilhop and the Monks of St. Omn, 15 Lmfuik Arc» b (hop of C awttrhirji oblig'd to give
and u8. He fails Into an incurable Dif^emp r, an Account of D ftrin in a Council at Rtmc, 7
and is depos'd, 1 1«? and 1 19. His Death, 119. and i2 Which was found Orthodox in another
Jokn Bilhop of M Tivii ; the Occafion of the Con- nod held at Vrrctil, 8. His ProcccHin^s at £(enu
teft between him and the Ardibinxopof Ffinite,$2. log-f t*o hifhops of Enjilud eftablifli'd in their
That Oiiiereiioe niposM by Pope 4^07 Vlt. rcijK aivc Sees, 9 1. Thr Caoles committed to ha
Determination by the Pope, 50.
ftffa Archb?flio|> of Stkno' his Tr3n^la^ion from Ijiin Chrcb', Irs Cuftoms vin^icatfd againft
the Cburcb of Itfii to that of SiUtho, approved by th'jfc of tt't G'fft Church, 75 and 77 Thc Cen-
the Pope, 2i. The i^iiihof* whoB be it authoria'd fures pafi'd upon the Qretki by the iMirn^ jj and
to ordain bv liis Orkr, 25. ftqa* . .

^ofdmts Duke of dftw, exconnnnnitnrrd for /iy'tntH', fee Ldith.

feizine on a Sam of Money belonging to a certain Lnrung; often gives occafion to divers Vices
Monafttry, .1

^(f Urn Filhop of Jof/swj ; the Pope fiorbids

his UgiUi »f tf Ronte duriiig the Eki^emi
the See
Ordination, ?o. *, '
CemnTf^ in 10, 11, 48, 49, 55, 56, and 8j.
IhrnL rt Pin;op<,f FaHiet$j for what ReaTon fTc- Cnmsr.j^ 23, 35, 40, 42, 5^, 72, 8?, and |2I.
pofcdand escommunicacedby Pope Qregjirj V41. 63. la Lmiird/f 42, 49, and In Eialtad, 12,
Hh • 5A

Digitized by Google
i82 INDEX of the Trirjcipl Matters, &c.
56 and fii. In Spain, 50. In the Ifland of Corfa, Hiirli; the Rr unicn of that l-IT'- p tj- aj."
III the LeViKt, 25,
^"^i, ibid.
io PoUhJ, ^7- I"
In Sthvonit, ibid.
St. AiJriijl;
The C< mmi moral ion
retk lIj atriirg
of fim ci
the pi Plts,
joinY u> br made
tk, it>i(i. In
Ihftitution and Power,
Lrgdteta Latere ot t^ci^ among the rp'jf'ks, in the CounJI o* Biurges, m-
an 1 r qu
Their Ju ilili^tion contcfttrd,
tad. ^ And in the tirO C m til limoges, 1 12. A « * Dif*
and ^
of their FunQions,
due to ihitn, <6
Of the Rclpt^l ^ pure torcermng is Apt>f^l^ip, 101,
Sc. Miritu at Ti w) a Coifiimarion of the
', l*ri.
Ir»i a CoTHitution al)OUt it, 7ie'»<'»rju's vitege> granted to the Camms ol that Church, jo^
Ltriir, «<'(at it is, The DifFcrerce b tWf tn the Vonks of St. Mtrtin*s
Z-ff JX P pc, promDted to the P.ipal Digni y Abhev and the Archbifhop of Turt, detetmin'd by
bv t e Mcdns of H'licbtvi's Iptrijiu s, 24- The P»>p V'kjn IL 21;
War that he maJe with the N rmmi of Apulit, who '
A1j, «: the Original of tJie Piaycrs of which 'tis
lo>ik him.Prifiincr, He isfet at Liberty with- comp^s'd, 22: Of tlic Celihianon nf it, 1 21. Of
pur a Kaijfoni, ibii. He is reprov'd by ftttr Di' fVijt of the Mafs of the Prjtj4»iiifci among the
nun upon Account of that War, 21 1$ G'ctti, 78. Certain DtftOs in t?at Celebration
Lro Archbiftlop of Acrh • reprehended for his ^ condemned by the itths, ibid. A Prohibition to
Prt>cccdings .igainrt the Ljuins, 7^. celebrate it without communicatirg, 117. What
LfUibenc A' chh^fhop of SeH$ ; wrongfully accus'd .
PurilViment a Prieft incurs, who mg.)tQt that la-
of having deny H the real Prefcnce ot the body of )ufl£li'on, ^
61. Of the Ablution in celebrating the
Chtift in the Eucharift, 12s. Mafs, QOi A Prohfbiiicn to fay above cne on the
Lifr- the Commendatiun of a Micary Life, by fame Diy, unlcfs in cafe of Nectflity, and 127.
Pet r Dm'un g^.' Or abovr three at mjft, / nd to fay any
limit Aiclibifhop of Bremen, what was fuggefted other Mafffs than thofc that are p culiar to the
by him to thr Emp ror, to hinler th? Popes Le- Day, ibid It cu^ht rot to be fok mniz d by a Pricft

gatrs fr. m cJlling j Council in Germifj, 31;. H. is who has drunk at'er the Cock crowing in Summer,
cittd ri» ^c«f aiiil lurpentled, /WJ and 16. He is ibid. Whether it be m re expidicnt to refrain
exc mmiinicated in a Council, from faying Mafs, or to do it whf n only one ot
Ljuf the Primicy gfanic<l to that Church, two Pfffons arc prefcnr, 5. The Ncctffity of bar-
AOd confi. m'd in diveis Councils, 24i ing Afliftsnts at the Celebration of it, 127. A
Lyfii'd, Arch- Deacon of Pttit', the Accufations Prt hibition to hear Mafs of a Pricft who keeps
that were brought againft him, 4. Concubinrs, and 6\ An Impediment that ten-
hvitgi ipiruuil. See Sentfcct. ders a Pri ft uncapahle of faying Mafs, ji.
Sr. Mitibcio ; his Kclicks found by a certain Bt-
(hop, 6_L
M MiibiUt a S'^ereign Princefs in Jttlj j who (he

^^ ^
• t

wa«, an hei' Dominions' in that Country,

MAiidurg, Corfi mafion of the Prvfcges
a ftrift Frier (hip with Pope G't^fj Vll. and
and, Prcrog<itiV(.:» oi that Adctn-pjiitaii 46. SheMidiatiix of the
is preemeni between
See, 21. nie Emper*T Henry \i and that Pope,.
MiMtfti Archbidlnp of 1^^^e'm^ \ the Occafion of fends Succours to the latter, J2 Herfccond Marriage,
the Coni(>Uinr$ ma c againlt -hat Archbilhop da 2© ihc is con'^Dundcd by fotnc Au'hors with a Latly
and 28. The otfjirs commirtfd to his Mjnigc- oT rhe fame Name, who was the Sifter of tf^ilUtm
mcnt by Pope GrrgOTf Vli. The Sentence Bi(llui> of Pni i, &
pa s'.i upoQ him by certain Legates of the See f < M^ittgia Archbifhop of J^M j depos'd in a Coon-
Jtwi^.S?. 60 and dL He refuPrsto. ckn»»U'tgr //lU* cil, 1

Bifhopi t Die »srhc Pop '$ Legate, 6 The Rta- .

M urice eleded Hi(bap of lonJcn ; the Advice gi«
foni all d^M bv ^tm fv>r making bis Appear-ncc in' ven him by Ltrfrtrk, liL
a Council where he was C'ted by the Legate, 61. St. AlrJj'd'i At)hty at Scifoni; Xegntli eXCOIQ-
He is depi« d in t^e fame Council, and their Decree nninicated for feizingon the IVorafltry, 31.
againft him is confirm'd atRomr, ibid. A/f/f«iri Monk of St. ^etfr at Choiret'^ his At«
Mmipk; for what reafon it ought not be given tempts to get PofTclTton of that Abb< y, 2i
ID confcTing the Onlerof a Sub-L> aeon, h- Mf*; the fellirgofMen for Slaves forbidden, 123.
Mji fliugbtt' \ Pun Oimcnts ii flified on a Friefl St. M/nviii ; the Feftitutien of the Rclicks of that
who kjlid another Pricff, jj. On a Lay-man Sainr order d bv Pope Akxtnder, jo.
who had kihM a i ricft, ikiir~ On a Father who Meiripolitmi ^ of their Rights an? Privileges, 2^.
had ki I'd h<$ Son, ibii. Mrirrpoliiicjl Rfgti^ a Conccft abnur it, bctwcca
MirriijitC<^remonics us'd at the Celebration
; the Church of Tcuri and that of Dot, 62^.
of it, 117. Of tht Degrees of ConlanguioitY, H hcfib; that J<ffui Ctrift is the MfJ^^b, the Son
and .3 Conftitutions about the Prohibition of of Gixl I
thofe Ue^rrcs 1 12, 11^ and 1 20; Ofthofe Af'f*(ifif Ceru/jr'af Patriarch t^fCerfljniircple; the
in which tis furniddcn to contrail Marriage, Reproaches and OpprcfTions he pur up<m the Utility
and 22 Unla*<ul Marriages, 112, and 1 1 b uj j6 and 22i The Complaints and Reprimands loade
The Age marrying of Virgins 6s.
rcquifitc for the by Pope Let IX againft that Patriarch, 25^ 25
A i ctf" in which 'tis null, Marriage not to and 26. He iji excommunicated by the Popc^Lc-
be d fib! T'd u pun account of Adultery, it, and 1 12. gats, 22: His PriQices againfl them, 7^, and ^
The time during which the Ctlfbratirn of it is Sx. great Authority at CcnjtjLntifttfle,
His 8^
prohibited, Zi llQ D'-darcd nu ', f o nttafl- The Caufe of his Bani(hmcnr, ibid.
ed in the forbidden Times f v? 3 The Refolution Miehrl DueJi Empetor of Conftsntheple', deflres
of two (jueHions about Marriage, ^. A Divorce Supplies of the Pope to recover the Throne Impe-
permitted in cafe of Impotencv, tbti. The Nullity perial of which he was difp. (Trl'sM,
5J. A War
of the Promireof Marriage, i2^. Priefts not aU carried on under pretence of his Reftauration, 54.
low'd to be prefcnt at Marriage- Fealts, onJy t.i
give the Benediction, 124. Pcrfons twice married
ilJi/.'» ; of tk Dignitv of that Church
t 9i

the fiift Pantcrs of the Gofpel in tho^ Parts,

to be excluded from Orders, lu ibid. The Clergy of that Diocefs rcform'd by Pe-
t * ter
An INDEX of the Primipdi Matters^ &c. 163
ier Dmhn, iMJ. Subjeft tOCbe JwjfilifiMill'ofcbe
Sec 111 g^im.', sy. I

Mi"ciMi bifhop of f./iri; intruded on the See

cf itemt by &>rcc, 27. He renonnccs (he Fapjl Dig-
nity, ihid. He bc^s pvdon uf the Pop:, and is
the manner of clearing by Oath

of ^im,
Sabjs ft» ab>
fu\\> nckNl fat cHt tfomthcEflclefiAilkal FaaAioos, (olv'd from rhcr: O
uf Allegiance, 39, 4; anil

iiti. '
4^. Whether the Pope has a Hight to abfolvc
AUntfltriei ; the Liceati(»)l%(« of foine Mona- any, 66. Such an Clath cx3dcd or Kings by the
]lerk» reftNin'd by Po|ieGr<f«r; VII. 66 and 67. Court oli^, 15. .Tiw King of £«jia«i refufes
i>r their Darks, and of the Vmiie» chey cotalte it, ttU. ExjOedof rivers Princes by Pupe
oiJj;'ic to p anir. gs] arii^ [[97. J The L>ccre« Gwsiw; Vll. S4 Biftuij) > 'Pricfts rarbiddenfotake
la (iK'it F<ivuui agjinit ihe kcul<tr Cleiks confirm an Oith ut Fi.u m Kmgs
or t thcr Laicks, 74.
ed, 15. They can ot leave their Moraftcrjes, 19 OJito Ah > j' ckm
blidi'd ibr refuiiog the
re(ide in another without a Licence ftom their Ab- ,
Arthbifhop 6f 9%, _

boi, 1 94. That they who bare tiTnnied the Mo- Off^nogs J an Exhnrtarton to bring them to the
naftick Hibit, without fcrvinftas Novices for rime Mafs, 44- That tiicy belong to t^t i'rit<is, i is
tkne, cannot return to a fecuUr Courle of Lite, and 119. The di(i)ofing of thtm rcleiv'd to the
Fu nfliments 10 be iofliQedOB thoPe Monks Bifh^^p, 17. A ContraH abcu' a piece o» Gold prC-
Who qui' then Frofrfj^n* 'iiS, ii{ and 1 17. They fented as an Offering at the Crichiation of Mafs, .89.
are oh'igM to inftruft Youth, Hi, Their Irrrgu- Officti Viv't'f \ That the People ought not d At
lariru^ m tte time of Ptur Dim M. 95 "] Of th:; duiing the Ctlebration of them ] Of their
Obedi nee th.y o*e to Hifhops 96 J> aod i ^.. l Ufcfulncfs, [,94 J *^^f the Dtfl;iticc between the

Some of (hem perm irted to a^minifter Bapcirm on Ritujls of CUrgy men and ttiofc of the M ks, r

the FeHivaUtit Etfter AOd Ufkiifwidr, ii;. That ibti. AProhibition to celcbiate the Divine Offi-
chrv arc cipaWc of a'miniftring the S^crjiments ces in the vulgar Tongue,. 66. Whet^>c^ thofc
3 Thev cannot imp 'fc Penance, witnoiit the who rccitr them alone in private, ought to lu',
Copftnt of »h< ir ^bbot, uj They cannot p-r- Dimiautvabifcum' Juf/e /7oM>«r, &c. [943 >27 Whca
fornk the Office of Gud Othert Hid. Nor turn thtf RmM« Office ^as ijKmluc'd into (he Churches

Farmrrs iaij. Thev ought not to he fufFerd ti) of Jpjni, ^o. The Inflituii^in of the OffiLe of the their Fu itions, *hpn convlQciiof pub'ick Virgin ATlrj, for every Stmrdif thruughuut the
ami nntoripus Crimes, 118. Ttn Ic- who tun Yor, Of its urefulncfs [94.1
K^unks oil purpofc to be promined ro Faleiia'^'cal Ouui King of Utrm^j j receives Admoflitiona from
Digmties, ttedar^d ancapablc of en)i>yi"g th m, Pop- f.ff^or, VJ '51,
1 tip T^ev nughr rn be funj ft to the JurifdiftioD 0-icu and
of ihcir BiOiiip, s 3.!id i2\. F'^rbiHdt n t<i be c Ori/Miioff ; the Times appoit^tcd for thi tn, 117.
cemM in the Managem:-nt of fctuar iffu-s, 74. The Qualities requifite m
Perfonsv^ho arc to be
That chey may admrniftcr the Saccamenu, and ordain\f, 116,118 Whether the Somof Clergy*
Bare the Cure oF Sonis, 75. Thev aannt lerve men lAav be admitted into Orders, lis. TbeSoof
a rharcJi wirhflui" thf P'Tiops Confen'' , 175, or P irfti, hjftards and Sljvfs uncapable or being
Monki Ai!vanu;d to the i^ap..l Diiii i:'., \7''. Suh- orudin'il, in'.lffs they h-Lume M^nki or Regular
ftitutcd in theroom of fccul r Cle ki, m t'^eCa- Canons, s^, 72, 74 and 1-6. A Coiifiitution to
tbedral Churches, 15 and ji. When a Pardoo exclude the Sons ot Pricils, 7 1. The Ptoceedipg»
may be al'o**d ti*cho<e who liave apoAatftM. 16. er}oin'd by Lttfnuk in Reltresce to a'Perfen wbo
The Right gran^^'d them up.>n acc.)unt of Re« » or;'.TnM Deacon uithour receiving <fr,y Order,
Ai'Ution, 75. To vkhom accountable for the Spi- i6, A Di-j(.on and Tiiefl ordain'd witbuuc taking
ritualitio, Qtd to wluol kit the Tcnporaticiet, am otiirr Orders, ihid. and 31. The manner of
itid. rc-intianng thtm, 16. Ordinations arc valid, a]>
kimfier Renff ; a Cohtcft alniJtthat'Atabey, 1 1 1. tho' pcrform'd by unworthy Minifters [94.1 Thofe
.Murdr't liable to txcommunication, Ex- <, made by Schifmaticks or excommunica-ed Priefla,
clu »c5 a Pricft tor ever tfoti the Sacerdotal Fun- condemned, 43, 47, 71 and 74. Whether thde
flions, 6<. P'.iii(hmcnt» inflift il on a Piieft f«)r that are made bv Clerks who ftand guilty Simo-
fflurf^rink another F ieft, 31. On a lav-man ny, A inircry, or o'her notorioua Crnnes, are va-
for aff-'fluiacing a Prieft, iiU, Aad OQ a Father lid, 71. vvhethef Perlbns ordainM by Clerba con*
lor killiug bi» Son, OMU vflfd of Simony, ouahc to be re-ordain'd
Ordinations procur'd by Simoniacal Praftices for-
bidden and condemned 27, 2S, 44, ti3. 114, 119.
The manner of reconciling rhofe wbo wereopdain'd

N hffktm Btmiiit Emperor of Co«fii»ihtpk%

for what Reafon eSflOBDMinicaied by n-pe
Gftx^fj V'll. 43.
durini? theSchirm. to. A Prohibition to receive'
fevrral Orders on rhc fame Dav, 118. Tl t Age re-
quiluc for t'miffion into Orders, 7t, 1 15;. Ala*
nifhment ictided oHthofe who procure Ordin riofl
Kwiaiumsi tiieiz .Hereiy eondeniwd in divers
Coiiocits, 39> forM«neTt ii9<- A
Conftitutiooeojoinii^ Abbots,
Ktmtits; their Wart and Conqueftt in ttjuf, % 9. Deani and Ar^Prielb to ester into-PrielU Or-
They take V< Lro IX. rnfoner, 74 " *

Their Gencrofity towards him, ihii. The Advan-

tage tbey get b» fetting him at Liberty, ^j.
They are excnnmuDicated byGn;s<f;VU. 4^ and PMe^ Mfgn rf L^t>f» Ctverh^fdt
the CMue* cbe
55. Their Recnncillatioa with that Popr, 4s and ^
Realbn orits Ufe, 94,9^.
The ?^ua rjrs they alCml biin» 46. Theit pjW the .Metropolitans oblig'd fo dcfirejtof the
Exploits in artete, ^4. See of Romg, 66 and \76. I he Archbilhojjs and
ATorirtf^ ; the Admonition* gifett by Vopt G«r- Bilhi ps to whom it was granted in the Eleventh

J»ji VII. to a King of i<jfwj;, ^i. ' ' Century, is. 15, 33, 29, 61, 70 and 93. Albw'd

Hiirfei 't Jewilb Womep not to be admitted/ in ,

> only to thofe who went to i(pme to fetch it, 1 5, 6$
flncQiialicri.tiS. . . 1
and [91.3 Dny*dtQ aft AichbUiiof of %fun, 5.

Digitized by Google
184 ' INDEX cf the Principal Maters,
rsidifui K^btrtnt ; Viis ntimentsconccriilns^ the come Vaflals to Laicks, iliJ. Difpu'fs bffwerr the
Eucturiit approv'ci, 7, & aod TtMfe of fttn. Oretkt and Ltttas abt)Ut the Niarrisge of Pritfii,
tsf his Advcrffary conciemned, Hid, and 78, See CterjiumeH i»4 Clerks.
PixVobh \ That the Bilhops were *<»nt to fay Prhmt'y t|ie Titfe of Ilniverfal PrUnate forbit^
Tax Vobii in the time of Ptut Ddmun [95O den to be attributed tu any but the Bffhopcf i^^ar,
l'riu-'c.- \ rnnftitutidiTi jhoa: it, 44, 73 and 114.
74. Dcc!are(} filfe, unlets it be j>rop4)rtioo'd to the Prvrgteacf the Holy Gbefl ; cf his Proccfiion from
Qualicyof the Griines, 44. Abbots forbiddea to the Father and the ion ^92."! Maiatain*d by Fmr
impofe Vcnancf w ir.hout the Confent of theic Bi- Ikmifigy.^ And Sr. i«»/f/w in a Council, 92.
fhops, s'i- And Monks without that of their Ab- A Treatffe written by tliat Saint on the fame Sub-
hwiS, (Jfthofe tint arc undergone to txpiatc
Che Off nces of others, 9a. Caufes of the Relaxa- Puiicus Kilbop of Hsttet ; depos'd in i Coonci^
lion of Penuce, m6. for Aicoeeding' hli Father in that Bilhoprick.i 1 $.
Pentecofi \ Sec Wbit(o*tiit.
St. Ptter and St. Pm\ \ why the Images of the
latter are fct on the rtghC Hud, Snt.thoie of
St. Ptter oa the left [97.I
St. f*ttr\ Abbey at Cbifm$\ I CootffI aboDt
an irregular Grant made to that Motfaftery, 3.
Peter nhbi(hop of N if4o»«ei excommunicated
Q Vietifit \
Simm the
the Errors of that
Yoaagn't 107.
ScQ ubfcrvable

by Pope Cfj^*'; VII, .13.

Peter the Hermit ; the EfFcft of his Remonftrances RAdalflus Vvkc of Su4iU ; See Rodtifhit.
for a Crufade, 74. Peter ptRte exaded by the Pope Rduier Hilhop4tf0r/rm* a Crnteft betwCOi
of tv.Viim II. King; of Er^hrJ, ^q. A CooftitadOQ him and his Chapter, 64. The Pi pe's I hre 2*' r*?

about !hc i avmcctof thrni, 122. noonc'd againft him, ibid. 5a«t»ii chofen in ba
Pktlif I. King of Fnnce his Contefts with Tope ;
plcjcc, ibu.
GHgvj VII. 48. Thc Tbrtats and Reproaches put Jt4uitr a prif ft ^ a Viion leeoby l^aa, 87.
vpofl that Prince by the (ame Pope, ilii. PkU^ is Rnijheft ; Pun ftim;ot»tobei»6iae<l«ithm>7f*
rlivorCM frcim Strtlizn rnarrie* Bffirjrff, 73. Pope Re^inM Klftiop cf cmm
) McciTca a Letttt Itott
"U'Axi 11. ic{i;ovcs tl)e liiihops of frawr about that Pope Gri^o-y Vil 34.
r/.arriJge, 72. The Kinj» is excommunicated on Reliekii tic r^rini accus'd of ret (Viewing due Re.
that accoQoe in the Coaacilt of ^tetsx andc^mnesr, Ipift to them, 81. TcjitHMiMtj to thecontrarT,AB»
71, Hh Abfohirbn rtfervVI to the- Pope, 77. He Thofe o> St. Mii^w found bv a Eiftop^
IsaSrii'v't In the Council uf vrifnift, 75. at RfW;; the Drdicat on fMs Chnr(baClU«Mtt-»- <

approv d by Feitr Dumiix and the Tranflatioo of hi»tiody, 114. ^

Pihrim.j^ei'-, ihcit lU'c
IAtf.iiui,(t ConWirmions about
; if, 44, 5?. 7j
Pckni't the Advice givea by Pope Gt^gtrj VIL and 74. Dccfar'd Counicifett, nolea noportioalt

totheDnkesbf P«lMif,fi* ' ^ to the c^ualwj of the OTences. 44. See feunc
Prnthts l^ifhop of M^kht toe what Reafbn de- Rejhmio» ; ri n of other Mens Good^ ctdli^
pas'd, 56. in a Council, 74,

J'tpet ; of their Spiritual and Temporal Autho- i c V. , condemned in aergy-aeo hf Mir tf

riqr; 25. what Pope chaoginxof their caus'dtlio
Names at ^ir Ordination, be aiitboriz*d by an b K evenua ef tbe Cktub , of their Original, 8S. The
exprtfs Law, 2-?. DifT. rent Opinions about the Alit nation of them foibidden,
ibiJ. Of their Ule, 6,
time whrn their Names *crc tas'd oot of the Dijif' 75. *>8.
Conftjtutj^n*3|air.ft Laitlis. phofeizeoo
lich or ReEiftets of the Gwk Church, 8i and 82* them, 28 and 29. Thole Mho^vforp thentlaUe to
The anjuft Preteorioiisof the Popet, la^ The In- txojinmuaiatttfn, 3, 30. 4jarrt7';. a Cuftom
fringeffleot^ made by the Court oif tttm of the Ao- that was «d
for the preTctving of thtm condcmnM
thority of the Ordinal it s an ! of the I.ihtrrlfs and by Ptter Dmufi, S7. Church f!cvtnuri c3nr..t fjc
Immunities of the Churches, ihsd. That they are rcccvtr d by the Donors,
75 and 76. AnOidinanoe
liabV to be furprizM, That they oiight not to abtiut tt e Poffcffioo of them
1 5. 1
by Abbotti 44.
be obeyld when they forbid the doii^ of Good, 101. KK*ir4 tmke of Cipiu an Oath of ADegianOO :

The^maooer how they ought to proceed in granting «WBdofthat Prince by Pope f;rr_|OT; VII. ^4.
AhrolutioQ to offenders excommunicatrrl hy the Rictettu how he oppos d an
r.^ct biftinp (,f
Sens ;

Bilhops, 113. The EIrdiun of Popes rci'cjv'd to Attempt marie by the i^opc'i Legate.
58, A Pe-
the Cardinals, 27 and 126. A Confiitotirn about nalty iijpos'd on the Archbifhop,
foe tefiifi^ta
that Affiir, 27. Of the Right of the Emperors in acl<na«ledge the Prinacy of
their EUftions [92] [53- j_ What may occaiion X/'W, 59. r—i^ of
the AfeUoPoIiaB

the Shortncfs of their Ia'ic g6 1 A V'ruhibition \

RvuMs \ of the Difference between
diolfe of
to piUa^^c tfie Revenues atul 1 (tare? nf the i'opcs Clergy-men and tbofe of Monks
ater their Death, 27. The Eftablifhment of their ReArr, Abbot of ReArf, a Cott^ aboot Ma EIb.
Temporal Sovereignty in the City of 126. «ion and Ordination, 58. He is excomnnioicainL
Powfr', a Difiir>aioa between the Regal and the and another is fubftitutcd ih his room,
iHl, ^
Sacerdot,;)! ro^ttr, Sy. Roifr/ Count of F/«i;« the Reftltntidhof the ;

Arjz?Jtf Emprefs;
her Dedaratioo againft the Church RcYcnues made by that
Prioee, 71. His
Emperor her HwnadL 73*
Se»ry Abii^iutiunrcfervM to A«k» Biihop of Dk, <8.
.Ptefriifi\ That they arc not to be receiv'4 iodifie- The time or hi. Death, 71.
rently from all minnrr of Perlbn, 87. , Boittfkts Daktoi Siuvi'g',
inip!oy»d bv PopetJrr-
PrifftbioJ ; of the DigQity md Diciet o?tbat Fnn* XO'J Vii m , r^otiate a Reconciliation u;th thr Em-
ftion ("96.3 pcror i^f,,^ ai. 34. He himfclf is chofen and
Pfujit\ wbat PuQMbiiieati b incurt'd bv thofe cro*n fl Emperor of Germany, 42 He bcfwf^a and
who celebrate Mafs without comraunicatinn. and 6. <; takes IVunibu':^, hut Lfes thjt
Citv 43. a litt)e after.
They cannot be admitted into, nor turn'd ou' of a Ehc ilf suucis of his Arms in the
War that he main.
Ctiovdi without the Bilhops Goowac, 7^. Nor be- taindas^ijiftaMr;^44. TheFbpe<»a«eraoabaft

Digitized by Google
• •
y^« INDEX of the Principal Mcitiers, &c. 185'
the Empire of Gefnutj,^ He is defeated in Battel His Quality of Vicsr of the Sfc of Rome made ofe
and dies of his Wounds foon after, 4,^. His Party of as a Pretence to hinder the Pope s Legates from
proceed to the Nomination of his Succeffor, ibid, calling a Council in Germuy, 3j and He is citcrj
R<>geT Count of SitHf and Ctlibris-, his Conqucfts
in half, 53. He is excommunicated by Tope Gn-
to Rimt to an Account of his ( ordirft,
Excommunicated by Gr,?o'> V|i. jo, Ablwlv'd from
JIBTJ y II. mi. And abfolv'd from that Excommu- that Excommunication and rrcunciJM with the Pope,
nication, His £ngai;cmcnt8 with the Popes
ibiJ. ibid. His Inrercft in the Elrftion ot Kdsi'pht/, whom
who fucceeded Grrgory, 63. Certain PriTileges he afterward crownM Em|>cror of Gcmiury, 4^ He
granted by Vtbm LL at the Kequeft aod in Favour of isreprovM by the Pope for tjkir.g Cogfti^ancc of
that Prirce, 20. the Diffcrrnccs between ihc liiTiijps of Pri^ue and
Roland m ckrk if the Cbmch Parma
the Bearer
e/" \ Mofivia, £2. The time of his Death, tn.
of the Orders of the Council that depos'd Grtytitj VII. Sis_n of tie Croft the Mvft ical Rc afons of the Sign

j8. For what Reafon made Bifhop of Trevifi^ 42^ of the Ciofi midc on the lofV, ^ntl on the Chalicc,g4.

Depos'd and excommunicated by the Pope, tbid. Simo»f\ the different Kinds of ir, fi6 and 176.
and Divert Conrtitutions to prevent Simnny, .6, 27, a).
Rmr; of the Dignity and Prchcmincncc of the
Church of Rome over the GrwIrChurch, 7S.
%A [
Itjlh rS, 44, ST.
9TT and fcqu. ua^ 114^
^ 7".
1 1
Zi Zi
nS. no.
Z4i 75»'
l aa
J(ujii ; the pretended Claim laid by Pope Gregory and 12^, That
a Simoniacal Practice to pur-
Vll. to that Kingdom, chafe a HcntfiLf of a King, or of any othjr Princa
or Potcnt-ue, altho' nothing were given for the
Qn'.inati n j 9s"| and [96.]
Sin ; means by publick and private
SAetrdoui funQion of
Dignity {j)6.']
its Sin, 1^
Divers C^ueflions about the Nature of
SifOKBn ; Three Principal Sacraments in the Original Fin, 94.
Chnrch [^94. ] That they are not render'd' more Sipmo\ the Archbidiop of that Citv commifiion*
efficacious by the Adminiftration of worthy Mini- cd by the Pope to try the Caufc depending between
ftcrs, nor Icfs cffVftual by that of unworthy ones, the People of Kiguft and Viuitus their Bifhops, 6^
ibid. They rajy be adminifter'd by Monks, 21 ^"'^ Shvei', unc-pible of being admitted into Hely
[,97- ] Queftions relating to the Q,ualitics of thofc Orders till they have obtain'd their Liberty, <;8.
who adminiftrr them, 20^ n. Whether the Admi- • S$domy\ prohibited under very Icvcrc Punifh-
riftration of the Sacraments would be valid. If any ments, i7t.
Addition or Alteration were made in the folcmn Soltmon King of Bungxry^ rcprov'd by Pope Gre-
Words of the Confccration, either of fct Purpofe, £ory Vil. about the Invcftiture of his Kingdom, t,o.
or byCarelefncfs, 21. Whether they be cfTftual, St. Sopbii Abbey at tmevmio \ a ConBimation of
vheo adminifter'd by Clerks, who ftand guiUy of the Privileges of that Abbey,
Simony, Adultery, or other notorious Crimes, jj. Job/ ; of its State after the laft Judgment, EL
A Prohibition to exaQ any thing for the AdminU Spiin ; the PretenHons of the See of Km: to that
ftration of the Sacraments, 1 1-?- Kingdom, 42 and 50.
StltTHO ; a Confirmation of the Metropolitical St. Stepbet's Abbey at Cue*, when and by whom
Right of that Cliuich, ziL The Privileges of its founded, n. Its Privileges by whom coDfirnied,49.
Archbilhop likewife confirmed, 71. Sttfben Biftlop »f Atnecj \ excommunicated "By
Suausnti \ of the Right to them in Churches HUjA of Die, 6^
and near Croflfei, 2I and 135. Sti^tni ftrchbifhop of Cuterbvy depos'd ; and
Strdinia \ the Homage rcquir d by Pope Gngvy Ltuf'stk fubft^ituted in his room, L2-
VII. of the Sovereign Prince of that Ifland,
Strutnt ; driven out of Sicily by the XornuMs, rj.
^ Smb-Vetc$Ht ; on not be promoted to the Fpifco-
pal Dignity, without a Licence frdm the See of
Stturdtj : Abfticcnce enjoyn'd on that Day, 44; RMif, 72.
The Ccnfurcs made by the Grtcks on the UtiMt in SufferiB/i', a Mark of Predcftination [9J.] Of
Reference to Sr.urdij Fafts, 2^ An Anf*cr to their Ufefulnefs r97;l
, thofc Ccnfures, jl and 7S. SuMdtj\ a Prohibition to hold Civil Aitcmblies
StHfwi', in the Church of K^me, between Pope on that Day, i n.
Benrdia VIII. and Grf;:.ory VLii. Bstwecn BeHe» Sylveftcr II. a Sentence of an unheard of Severity
diS IX. Sylveftcr III. ind Grtxary VI. 24- attributed to that Pope, 22^
See of Rome ; exafls Tributes of divers Kingdoms, Symmdi the Archbilhop of that City Patriarch of
29 and go. Amunitf jj. An Account of the Sentiments of
SelvebUnde% the Privileges of that Church con- To^ Qrtgtry concerning certain Errors attri-
firmed and augmented, 17- buted to the ArmcMiins, feat to that Archbilhop,
StT*tniui Bifhopof H/f/w;ordain'(;by thePope.js. ibid.
Strvict; That the People ought not to fit during
the Celebration of Divine Service [97 ] See Office.
Sbower of Blotd i the Nature of that which fell in TAmgent-, that City by whom reftor'd- and
frtKce, in the Time of King Robert, 6^ A Progno- peopled with Chriftians, jc^ Of the Pri-
flick upon that Shower, ibid. macy Church of Tirrjgonjy ibid.
of the
tichmeft ; the Cur« of it cffeded by the Means of Tiverni • not to be frequented by Clergy- men,
Alms-giving, to.
Si^efrty or Si^efrid Arcl)bi{hopof MtniX', fucceeds Teiili \ chofen Archhifhop of Milin without the
JuitboU in that Metropolitan Sec, m.
He confults Pope's Confcnt, jt. Cited to Rewe, ibid. He en*
the Pope about the divorcing of the Emperor Hcry tersinto a League with the Enemies of Grc^vnyWX.
from B'rtbi his Wife, ibid. He conftraios Chirlts ibid. And is excommunicated by that Pope, ja &44«

nominated to the Bifhoprick of Confl ante, to renounce Tffiimenit or lift WiB\ ; the provirg of them re-
that Dignity, fWJ. HisConttfts about Tithes with ftrv'd to Clergv'men in Spiin, t»4.
the Clergy of Tbutitfii and the Abbots of FuUi Tbamis Archhifhop of Tori dcfire* the Suffragans ;

, and Herfeldt, ibid. His vain Efforts to oblige the of the Archbiil]' p of Cutetbu^y to aflift him in the
Qtnium married Clergy to lead a fingle Life, li^ ordaining of a Bilhop, 1^.
I i Tithtt V

I so Zf« 1 IN JU IS X ^of thrPrim'ipl Manors, &c.
Tnlxs ; ought only to he paid to Chorchcs,
•A • *''<^ <^3urc of it in tl.c Eucba-
toi>iddcD'to p(Cr$ them. 4^,
and 47.
Thole that ov%ht not to be rcccivVl hv
riltc.n nn. , ',y the Grre**, 76, 77, iomASt.
Auttmu\i by tiic /4t/«i,
, 44- The Poffclfion of certiin T-thes af- 77, *7S ard?o.
Vjw, oftheOblignion to
perflirm them, Uj.!
loucd to ihe Murks, upon Paymsut of a Ycarl?
' F'iJ'j7i«,Duk- ot B,lvmh the ConuffK-rr
Quic-Rrnr, 75, .

CTfjic'j V II. in his Favour, < i. The /jdvicceifen

Comtfts between the Monks and Di!lir>ps about '

hiiTi bs- that Pep.-,

.Tithei, 196.. the di.'i» ,(ing of them iticrVd
to Vrbsn^ U.
the Diocelan, 27. Pefci a Miracle that happeo'd ht hh
TsleJo ; of the rrimacy of the
Metropolitan See, 72.
Tunfmc ) the Conlitfutionj p^^V/'^^ '^3P0f^rf/«s »hep and bf >hQiD<le-
to receive EccldiaAial Tonr«re, 112 and
123 the Praaice of it forbidden to
_^Tr»fiitmi', that of the EoJy of St. Rfwr, 114. Oerlcatiii
Witks, 115, Abioluttly condemned in Clent?.
Thofe of B ILvirr, prohibited', 1 16.
men, 58,
Julmt!', txsft'd «»f divers Kingdoms by theCoarC
of Runt.
TtMrf'. OftheMyflery of the Holy Trinitr, t.
An Exp; fifion of the Article of Faith rdatuiR to \/\7'£^^'>'Ji'y Priefts forbidden to b^hrefcnt
tfiat Myftety, 1% 19. ^vudins's Frror about it «"y wbUftt^CFftivcthoBc
ne^ftioY, .'l'"'""
wntutcd by Sl A-fdm, 94. whether the Three
I#'fc«; the Office of the Holy Week,
Peribns of the Trinity may be caM'd Three Things, 1
^^'^ ^^^'^'Icges of that Chorch can-
Ttif^tM the Adtlition of crrtain Words to the
W'Ke//. ; Archbinwp
Trtfj^ron condemned, of ilftr? ; a Difputation be.
55. twcen him and(SrfffciriArchbirtiopof5!r/,?We.
r-wrt ey Ofli ; What, 76. Cooftitntions about «d3^^..nrf tr,e frrprror JJcnn.,j,
le, mi. and 119. tion cubr d null, wtJ.
His Ordina-
His Opinions coodemaed.
tjtcorarnunicared in a Council,
f Kjng of excited by h'iUtbTs,i •

toinvarfethtf Kingdom. 39. His Conqudt of it.

"^^^SOmlnofi the Jnftitutioa of that Order,
91. The Laws ! c caus'd to beenadted, tbU.
1$ exhorted to toilow Unfrjnk't
VtticM; the Dooation of Pope Let IX. In Fa. Advice. 30 i'ewr
pence demanded of him, /irJ. i hc
TOur ofthat Chorch, 25. Hornaee that
Gr,.,r^VILitquireaof that Prir.c,
V udofme; 3 Privll ^c siTintcd to thr Ahh: y of uT'SacS'
^^^^^^ Oath of
Pope I /
V^nitfms, The Reconciliation of the Monks of fidelity to the
thit Ah bey, with thofe of St. i«Wr at ^»gfrx, 2.
7 w'/km If. King of £,^i«4;
J^</f/i \ Lafcks forbidden to me ldle with
Condua with
Rrfprft to the Churches of
hit Oamioioos. 92. The
crated Veffels, 47' They ought not to be fold,
uoiefs for thr Relief of the Poor,
Nor me to
Troubles that he created to
Thetimeof bfaDeatl»,93.
St. ibw: Mls "w- q7
and 93.
Ufes, ibii.
inilum ArdibiHiop of
V(ftmenu thofe uroally worn by Prieftt andDea. for what ReaCia
excommunicated and depos'd, <6.
cons during the Celebration of Mafs, 12 Abfolv'daiidrr
Vex'-Uj Abbey, a Confirmati
; inftalld byPopeCrr^a./vH.
,n of its Privileges,
Ardibifhop of Foin ftifpfn'Ted
from tbe
£pircnpal l^inaions, till he obtain
ViSorW. Pope; a Miracle which happenUiiJ his the Pall. 66
Favour, 26. «T«*"«« «iv«« •
hi m aga n ft laeAier, ±

v.^tiMOi»ji //eufa Ckrgy.iiien -forbidden to tct-f

See T flamtms.
queBttbem, 123. '

Virgin Marv of ; tlir:

The Inftituiionof her Office for all the^knirdM$

Dfvotion pai l to her [06.
] A^^'^:^ R-««.; *pri*M of bii

of the Year, 1*7.

[f1t../ri: That
the Tef^iniony
Of CbeUfefidaefi of that Of.

\\ itncUcs ought only to be

fice [94.3 •
admitted, 12*.
Virxm ; not allow'd to marry before they have
Ittain'r.'to thctm-Tfth Year of their Age, 2fW^i«cew.lhthen, ,:4. Young Women
75. iwt alMTd
yiulms Biftiop of Rdgitfi to marry before they arc twelve
put in PriloB by the 'y Ycart
"•Of 7|,
People of hii Dioccfs, who fnbftftiite another in hts
nMMn,tf5. Sunumn'd to Ronu with his Competitor to Y
haw their Caufe try'tf there, if it cannot be deter-
niiwd apod the place by tbe Plopeli UgOBiibU, ^I^P ^ CAffireyj See Aw.

F I N I S.

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Ecclefiaftical Hifiory,
Containing an ACCOUNT. of the


Ecclefiaftical Authors 5

And a JUDGMENT on their


A Gompendidus HISTORY of the COUNCILS
All Aiiairs Tran£ided in the Church.
hyLmtBlies du 7 IN, Dodoc of the SOK'BOU
' -


Containing the HISTORY ot the TWELFTH CENTURY.
(Irinttdfor ^tM Attial, at the ZHiicorn m
and JCimOtDp CQflDj at the White-ffart in SuFauTs^bKrci-,
Tard, MDCXCVllI.
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• • '«.
I I I I- I

THts Tenth Volume contains the entire tiiflory of
the T^velfth Centuryy thd that he larger than
thtTreceedingy hj reajim it cmairfs d greater
of Authors than the Ar^es before it^fome
Tohereof may te Compared to the great ejl Lights of the Church.
We here fmd the EMfire and the Omrcb at ^i^erenfe^ The .

Church of Rome di/turb'd OblUnate Schifms^ The Topes

at War mth the Emperours ; T/je Kings and ^i/hops in T)tf
fife about their Rights. The ^Dignity of the Sacraments^
and the External Wor/hip ih Religion , as aljo its Trinci-
pies are Monjlrom and Ridiculous Herefies.
attacl(d by
Scholaflicl^ T>ivinity becomes the common Study^ and the
^Body of the Canm La»y fuch asitis at Trefent^ was /mnd
and eflahlijh'd in this Tvpelfth Century. The Church is Jlocl^d
mth abundance of Mma^ick^ and Regular Orders. The
ifkmwuties and Exemptions of the Revenues of the Church
and Ecclejiaflical Terfons arc vigoroufly fupported by the S/-
/hopsJ ,and maintained by the T>ecrees of Councils.- And Ei-
nally^ the Mannefs of Ecclefiaflicl{s and the External Cere^
^ monies
of the Church are reformed in this Jge by feveral very
ujeful Regulations. This is ytfhat the Reader mil find in the
Hiftory mi ExtraBs
of the Juthors and Councils of th$
Twtfth Century, rphicb Tuhlifi) w
tbis Volume/ m

At A

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Henry enters'Komc Pafcbal wi^dr^m,
Parchal retumt to Rome,
Gebfiis II. ekSed Pipe, 19
Life and
the H^ritnilt if IvO Billiop of
Pace i
Henry corhes to
to be proclaim'd Pope,
Rome, andcia^ AfastitillS Biir-
T&e Lift ^ Ivo i/Qnme^ I The BleBiem ef Caliicnis II. 29
Letters^ 2 The Conf:rcnce cf th: F.n>p rour xoitb WllliaiQ «f
Hk p4nnormU or Oe'crctji,
Champcaux about lutiejiisures, 19
Ih's Sermonsy 2) Council of Rheidis in the Teat 1119,
The Chronlcon nfct'ihed to IVO ^CbarUC^ fi The Pope's Nerotiaticn with the Emperour,
The EMtiowi cfLu IPcrl^tf 23 The Canons ef the Council of RheimS, Ibid
CaltxtQs II. // received int» KoiDe, Bunlin md
CHAP IL dep'ji'd with Dir^rjci^ Ibid
The Trenty ietwixt Calixtiis II. and HcniV V.

AN Account <f the Church ef Rome untkr

/if Pontificate ofPopc Pafchal II.
about Invejliturc:.
The f{ife and Prcgrrfs of InvfJUtnns^
The Ceremonies of Invrftituret,

fus II. gftti CalixtUS II. containing the Rife, Ibid

The beginning of tie Cent eft about Invejiitures,
PngrefsyaudCcnduJicn of the Conteslshttwtcn the
Tbe^Att ef tbe Ujtrjiim in the timt Palchal II. ^
H^y See ai:d the Empire about Invefiitures, 2 %
rhe } v. wn cf Pope Pafchal !I.
. Hiid T/j < flate of it under CaJ ixt u s 1 1. Ibid
Ttf Death cf Gmberc The Aati^opes who fuccred- ^autkf upm the Treaty eontludidbetmtm Cai x-
ed hinty Ibid tut II. ami Henry V. ibid
Ti e Drf^ns efPope BilciydIL ^%ta^ At Empr Tl-r r:.x 'cation cf the Treaty made mib Henry, 39
rear Hcni y, 24
Tiic Cujiom of fraoce mtb refpeH t» Im^fiituret,
The Council / R ome under fa&baHi JL Mgmt^ the
Emperour HenTjy 24
Thd^tfBngfandwitb reAtB
itih fame.
Henry V. rel>eUt a fainft hij Father, 24 Ibid
The Convent, c/Northufaytn the Teaoriio^. Ih:
The H^ar betwem the tv>o Henries, Ibid
Invejiitures granted to pttHmSm frtnees. Mi
Tbt firftffittr^t Laieran CmtcU ni tkt 7*m
Henry IV. w tafi into I'rifon and Depoj'd,
' 25
Henry }V. retires Li^^ tmd titrg pMifhes a The Letters of Pafchal It
Declaration^ 2 p
The Letters cfCAiim U. '

The Hfply oflxkStn Henry to this Dedtration, z 37

rise Letters of (^aimus IL
The De.ith f/ Henry IV. 2 ;

The Council of Gualklla in the Tear 1 1 o6t

Tie Ccm^ between the Puff mtdtbe BmferMtr «>
bout Invefiitttres,
The B^afens aUedgd ly the Deputies of the Empe-
2 5
'VHZ Hilary
tmdLetUrs of tbe P«fi« How
rour for Imefiiturety 25
^ norius II. Innocent IL Cdcroac IL
The Re.ifotis aSeJ^d by the Pcfc'j Deputies, z6 Ludus II. Eugooius ilL ;8 .

The breakjr.^ ojf of the Conjereme about Inve/li- Honorius II. • •

turcs, '
Ibid Innocent II. Ibfcf
The Council o/Troyc$ in the Tear 1 1 07, Ibid CeleftineU.
The Emperour's Journey into Italy, Ibid Lucius II. 39
T^Ttt^bemnmAiPupe md 1^ Bmferewy Eugenius III. jbid
Ibid The Letters ef Hoaorius II. Ibid
The Pope and Cardinals arrefied by the Emperour's TU Letters tflimoaimtlL Ibid,
Order, Ibid The Utters Cclcftinett, AO
Vlte Pope grants tbt i(gght «f Inv^ittiret f the The Letters 0/ Lucius II. Ibid
Bmferitufy 27 Tbff l«mr« 0/ Eugemtis nt 40. 4«
The^i'n fa s !\eturn into Cctm3it\y,
27 TbtJMitrs f i
11. the Ant»*fef^
,Tbe Grant ef Invefiituirei dijapprtv'd
bf the
The Lateran Council in the Tear 1 12. Ibid
The Decrees againfi Henry upon the acceunt tfln-
Life cf St. Bernard, ttgiAtr
jiccount ef bit Writii^s^
1% The Letters of St. Bernard,
The fecond Journey q^Hcnry V, / -.•j Italy, 44
28 St. Bernard J Treattfe of Confideratitmg 6S
The Lateran Cmmdl held in the Tear i 1 1 6. Ibid if tbe Duties
//4f Treatife igf BiOopi^ 70

•Digitized by Googl<
A Table of the CONTENTS
The Life nnd Advaiiursi sf Abacluni,
Hn Dreatije of ibe Commandtr.n.r j end Difpcnfn- jj.
The Council of Soiflbns, in ti.'t Tear lisr^ '
Uis William Abbot of St. 1 Iiicrry, ^^
/fpt)!c7j t? The Letter of HcIoiJIa t9 Abaclord, 9^!.

His Trcaiife in Commendation of tU nevr Militia rbe'L etter of Abaclavd te Ucloiila, 9'
74 An, .'/ r Letter of HeloUfi^ 9 S

//;' 'T'r.uiff tif the D^irees of Humilitjtt AbaclardV Ibid

lUs IVcjiife cf the LoveofGoJ, IWd jI Third Letter o/Hcloiflj, IbW *

Hit Trent ije of Grace and Fter-'.CJ, . 75 Alnelarci'j R^p'y, 96

HiV Letters to Hugh of St. Viiilor, ?J, 76 Abaelard '/ Letters^ ^ 96
The Life of St. Mabchy h St. ficmaid, 7<S TAe Charge brought againft Abactord,' .
St. Bernard's Sermons, 7^ The Decrees cf tie Coiihci! of ScnSj Hit Tear M
Giiben AU^ot of Hoibnda, Ibid 140, tf^4i>^/ Peter Abaclard,
1 100
William Albct r/ Sr. Thierry, 77 The Pope's Coti^trmttum^f tbe Judgment fafsifj
Gcofrcy Abbot pf Igrv, I^'''' the Coufcil of Sens, 0J 1

Guigae Prior of the Great Cbartreft, Author <-i Abaciard'i /^/«/<2/t • Ibid
m Cfaiay, Md U Death,

the Ltidder tftht Chf^er, Ibid The /(ftretit 1/ Abadard

The 11'crk.s ofthofc Anonymous Autlms whic'>
trt Ibid
to be met with amoni thofe of St, Bernard. Ibi«.l
The Examination of Abaelard's Doclrint. The
Itr mrkf if Goeric Jtiht tf^m* ^1^'^ Werkf^AbaOMd. '
The Lives of St. Bcm^rc!, Ibid
The fVcrk} of Geofrcy, SV Bernard* ^'/^jj^ CHAP. Vllf.

The lli^'^ry Bernard*/ 'Mir ^dcs.

of St. 78 '
I HE Hifiory cf the Errors and Con^emnd-
Other Lives written hy St. Bernard, Ibid ^ tion 0^ Gilbert de la VoiUc, Bijhop of
Nicholas Monk of Claimux* 78 Poiders. ii;
TbefMrtiaiUr Ofmmt Gilbert de Pon cc, b
The Several BStimu V 78, 79 The CmhwiY ^Par», in tie Jkar 1 1 47. Am BiM,
C H A P. V. TAr Council of Rbeims in the Teaf 1 1^3. 1 1 3, 1 1
The Cmdennutien tf Gilbm in Cmiat 9 m
O F the Lifs
mtd the
and Writings ofVtttT, Sir-na-
Venerable, Aim of Cluny. 79
The ffritingt ^
Gilbert dc la Foir^^
Hi Letter theia the Eocbarift
, 114
1 1

AN Aeeumtif the Htrefkt wtei fMrntiN

in tie Twlftb Centsn-y,
The Heretick.s of
the Twelfth Century'y
Aeceunt of the Heretick Henry, Ibid
end Lettert of tbe^Tofts vho
the Papal**
Cba 'tr, fiotn Eu-
The Errcrs cf Pctcr of Bruis, Ibid Anaftafiu'; IV. nj ,

The Publicatiea ^tbe Enert of tiearj taid Peter Adrian IV. tij
of Br^is, 87 Alexander in. -1x6
TheHeretidifofVcTigucux. Ibid The ca.TicHof Favia^ hi tie Tetit f i6e, tf^ainfh
^ *
7Wtf<r^«rTaiicbeUne, Ibid Alexander, _ • Ibid
Tie tteretidkt if Cologne, Ibid ih: KJtt^t lhance Kigland dedere far A-
The Ueretickj if Toul, lexantJcr, Ibid
The Htretiekfin Italy calN Cachari, • 89 The Alfembly ef Lodi, in the Tear 1 16 1, 117
Tie mretkh cstftlhSSmms^ Ibid AlLxander |U. gpt Mtf« Franoc,, Ibid
ThesHerefe of Arnold of Brefle, Ibid A Conference M
AvigDOD, tifm the SidtJeR ef
The Condernnatian t^ the Heritickt in the Cmtcil Schifruy Ibid
<f Toloafe, {» tie Tear 11 19, 89, 90'
The Council ofTcon held fy Alexander* in tie
Their Condemnation 9m tie Sjj^ if Oxfonl,* in Tear 1 163. 1 17
Alexander III. retumt tefijtmt. Ibid
the Tear 1 1 60^
Their CeniemnMim htthi CeuKcilef Toots in tfje
The Affembly of Wirtzbu^b, in ^ Teiur 1 166,
Tear f^^, t Ibid 41^4/1^ Alexander,
The Council of Lombcz, in the Tear 1 1 j6^a^ainjt The fF»i^ tie BmfermrVtfftieack in Italy y ii9
tl}c Hereticksy VOmiL^ Pettce etmbided between Frederick and Aloander
The Heretickj condemn'dat Toloufe, 9 i
Tfc Condemn.rtion of the Albtgenics in the lac- Ittcius lit 1 19
lun Council^ in tbeTegf llf^ 91
I^ban Hi. Ibid
The Here/ie of Terrick. Ibid The Ajfembly of Geinlcnhcufcn, in th: leer t i 36.
The Heretick^ caU'dVMicanserVobhcins, 91
Gregory VIIL Ibid
Tie-BrreritfSaa dcVBtoiSe, Vtid

Clement III. Ibid

CHAP. va. ' Ccleftine III.
The Letters of \n:i\[:\CmV<I.

A N Aeeeum ef •

Ptecer AbaxSasd, bit Wrt^ The Lettert cf h^n^uiV. Ibid

TU Letters tf AIcxaMkr JII^

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A Table of the CONTENTS.
The Lttttrt Lucius III-
Ill Odo a Bcncdi(5llnc f/Afti.
111 Marbodus Bijhop o/Rennes, I JO
7?jf Letitn of \ ''rb.iit Ifl.

T/« Ltttert of <>\x^,^\ ) \ \V.. Ibid Amulphus or Arnold Bt'ProP iftiStUK, Ml

Peter de Cellcs Bifl;<^ e/Cbarrm^ «5<
Vk Lttttrt ^Ckwcni ly. Ibid

TU LettettrfOAsiimt ill. Ibid Nicholas Monk^ofS- Alb.ins, M7

John 0/ Salisbury, Bifht>p of ChxntOt M7
*ctcr »/Bloi«, Aich iie-.con^f^'Oikf '53
C H A iP. X. Stephen B//?»/> p/ Toumay,
The Aurh^n who hone mitUm t^tUtfi tht
N AecoHUt
W Henry II.
ef the Ccnttfls hetvftm
mas Becker Areh-ki^r p
XiV^ o/" England.
<[ Quuertaryj
pcnfcs and WaldcnlCS,
Ebrard of Bcthuni,
fiemard Ablwt of Fontciud,

The Life of S. Tho nas, befon bt mu ArcirBi- Ennaigard «r Ecmenliand,

/?. t/Canrcrbury,
r';> I»4 ,

The fJc'cfwn ef S.
t» th§ Jh^hijhofrkk


Jhe Ori^hMl if the tcntejis, letveen the Kjng ef the Eccltfiafiical Authors of lefer JvWe,
England <tW St. Tiiosnas, i5 1
wi0 fttur^tlmthiWiStdiirn^ tbitCm^
The Ajfen^lj tf Londoa in the Tear 1 1 6 J. Ibid turjfj 170
.^ TbeCmnentim-JitCtumioDy intbt Teier 1 164^ Anfclmn Dean of Laon, Ibid
GiikiNn «r Gilbm Crifiiin Altkat t^cflaiinftcr
^, Thanas repents hit having flfnd m the Af- Ibid
fenMf tf Cffarmdofi) > 26 Peter Alphonib a S^^xtmmened Jew Ibid
To* /ff^rfif/ (»/<:a. Thomas, Jtiid Theobald Clerk, of tljo Chmeh of £tampes» IbS
e Mfgettaticu tf the KJng ^f England with the Radulphus or Ralph the Zealous,
Popf, Ibid OdoB272w/> o/Cnnbny,

'1 ho.
The Affemh^ at NoidumptOD t^idnfi S. Cilb<'ii Bip.^cp o/* Limerick, '
mas, 127 Franco Abifot of Aiflighem, Ibtd
Tne Arch-^fiufrntbirmt into France, i 27
WilHan •/CKampeanx Riflsop of Cbaloos, Ibid
The Jiuiimm tftbt ftft mftmar S. Thomas Stephen B-'P^'pofAxitmi, Ibid
• • Ibid GauiitT BiJiMf cf Magiidone, Ibid
5. Thomas it f«a LegttHfAe Wff Sf» hu« Eng- Drogo or Drcux, Cardinal Bijhof o/Oftta, 1 7
land, .
128 Peter, the Library-keeper of MomCa&a^ Ibid
Tije iSegctia'tittn it/joim Oxford at Rome. Ibid
ff/ Richard yf^^f 0/ Mont Caflin, Ibid
The Nefotiatim 4 tbt fpffi UgM fmt htttt Anlelmn Bijhop of Havclbecg, Ibid
EngUnd, Ibid Herveus a BenediB / c!" I J bid

'An haerviem of St. Tbomai and the Kf^f: of Eng- Hugh dc Foliet Mon^oj Corbe/, 171
land, in the Fr^fenceofthe Kfng of Irawcc. i 30 Sccphen Bijhcp of Paris^ Ibi^
Otha UgatxftMt kU9 £i^nd» OHd their Nei<f Hugh Arch-bijhp of Roati, lisaki
liatimy * .130 Hugh Meccllus a HeguUr Canm Ibid
Tie Kjnr of fenghnd'/ Sm ll Cnmti hy the Thomas Abbot of Maurigay, Ibid
Arcb-ii/bef ^\<xk, 131 Bernard Af^«j(;o/Cluny, ,
UteAeeemmodatimteimeeit ike KJng o/Enfhnd VlfStr Siflrop of Aagxen ^ Ibid
avJ S. Thomas, Usid Rcxiulpbus Abi ot ofS. Tron, Ibul
TU Hftum of S. Thomas into England, Ibid Sibert Prior of S. Paouleon,
Fte/h DifturLmcet, . • - Ibid Wdelin^ Mdtealius Prior 0/ St. Lawxeoce of
The Plot tifgLifit tfS, J\AatmtrMl bit Liege, • Ibid
. Deaths 111 AmMicus Bifhop of lAviiisa^ Ibid
'Tie CoHtld^tukm tfS, Tboma^ ll>id Potho hfonioffratnt 175
Philip Bi/hop of Tarcnto, Ibid
Serlo Monk, of Cerify, ai/rf aftenoardt Abbft tf

CHAP. X!. ^
Gauticr cf Maurirania Bifhop ^JLaOD,
Wolbcro .^i/ia/ c/S. Panuleon,
*T*HE Vfjes and Writings of the mofi Fmi-
L,ukc Abbot of S. ComtiiJe near Liege,
nem Ambsrsy who ficuri^d itt the Twt ij b /
Banholomcw of Foigny Bifhop o/Laon, Ibid
Ctntwry. X%% Ralph tlx Black Mcnk cf S. Cct mcr. Ibid
Geofrey Abbot of Vcndomc. 33 J
Aclrcde or Athclred Abbot o/Revcrbi,
Hildcbcn Bifhop eflAua, and ^^ttrwardt Arch- S. Hildegarda Abbefi of Mount S. R I err, 1
hi&oftfTatm^ 13^ Thierry Abbot ofthe Order of ^. ikaeawl^. Ibid
Guibert AN ot o/Nog«nt, 140 5. Elizabeth i>/SchoraiW|p Ibid
Sigibcrr Aic»4«/GeiiilllOMn, . 144 Ecberi Abbot of 5. Floho,
Church of Aman,
Solicarios, th» SAothiu^ m Odo a Hsgtil^r Canon,
145 T(j!-n o/Cornwal, Ibid
Emulphus cr Arnul phus Bi/bop Rochcfter. i j6 Folmar Provofi »/Tri«ft:iiftein, Ibid
St. firuno and Guigne, Pn'tM tf tba Cortht^att Geroois Provefi of ELetcberfpei^E;, 1 74
Morufferjf at GieooUe, 1 47 An Ar.onymous Dean of Rcicherlpcrg, Ibid
Norbm, 148 Gilbert Folioc BiJhof tf London, Ibid
Scephcn Hnrdingue AUtitfGtbmx^ 49 1 Philip c/Harvenge^lWBr^f^BfMmeEl^ieniioe^lUd
idam^W&a^ 4%|M/SirC«iMi^ . Ibid
, John

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A lalile of the COJN I JtJN i
John the Buirgu»ilanMtigijirate oy i ua, 174 Fouchcr Afc#»^:^f/CIiartjcs, jSo
Pecer «/ Riga C incn o/'Rheinu^ Ibid Gzuticr tfje CJjancel.'ij); Jiyj
Hen ry Arci}-bi/h$p ef Khctms, Ibid T«o Ancrtiyrnciis yil'hrcvi.ftors o/'fiiuchcr. Ibid
Robert Paululus Pn'efl of Amieni, Ibid Willinm ylrch'blflj ^p of Tyre, *
Maunce of Sully Blfiop of Paris, Ibid James o/Vitry CarJiiuii, Ibid
Ccrvaifc Preifi ofCbkbeSbtt, • 1 7 >fM Am-iiyniotii Author
Odo ^^^f 0/ Bell, Ibid Oliver «/ Cologne, lt>y[
I.aborom.iiis .r CiriL'na!, Ibid ^
AutlMffS eif difOtdcIes and particular
Alulphus Men!i^ of S. Manin 4/ Toainay 1 7S
Baldwin Areb-bi(hop o/Camerlnify, Ibid
llsiac yfi/s/ dc TEioilc, Ibid Hugh yf/t''<j« r/Flavipny, Jbid
Henry, Fctcr and Gamier Abbvts of CJairvauz, Ba-idry B^frcp «/Noyon and Terrouanc, Ibid
Lea cf Marfi, Cardinal Bifl:op of Oftia, Ibid
Cilbcrt (/Scmprinf^iatT!, ^ r-^ C irditial DeMti, Jbii
Chriftian Afcnilc^/Claifvauxv Jbid i^kriuifus Mork^ofS. Riqmcr, Ibid
Gautier «/Cbndilia% Rainier Mo,:li_of Lawrence of Uc^,
Ibid S. IbU
Garn=cr of Si. VI "^or. Ibid Herman AbU' M.irrin ef Tournay,
S .
Thomas Mmk, 'f Cifteaux, , Ibid Falcon Magiftrate of S. Bcncvcmo*
Pcrcr Comeftor Dem tfS* Peter qrTro)'cs, 76 1
Udefchalchus Khnk, Ibid
Robert cf Fi^mesbur}-, Jbid Alexander y7*.' !?ic;Iy,.'
Bmbolomc'.-.' Bi/hof 'ci O'.dotd, * Ibid John Monk, of M.irmotiticr, 1 8»
Odo^QiiRoo, Ibid Ccofrey or Wahcr of Vinefauf,
Elias of Coxie, y!l)!>ot of Dune?, Ibid Odo of Dcail Abb^ »f Catn- S.Om^4t
john 4 Mcnk of Chartrctnr des Pottcs, Ibid p-'gne,
SwphQi dc Chaulmer, ChartrcQs ocs I awicncc I.icge,
Portcs, Ibid
Zacbamii£iy%q^ ^Chiyfop^is, Ibid Si«crus ^/./ 5. Denys,
Adelbcrt er Albert, w^^,,
p/ Hildefteim, Ibid
CHAP. Xlil. I c 11 If us Mo7.\ of Alaurigny,

HughyPoicticrs Af«,^./ Vezclay,


OF tbt Authors
n/io have
tf the Twelfth
Comfoid m; fkcei efEccUfu-
Richard Prior (jrHaguillad,
Thn rry A/c/-,
^« now/www yf//r/w

of tht Daoilh Expedition


fiical Hificry^ ijy tnto the Holj Land^ ,

Authon who have witrten the UnlTcrfil Geofrcy Pr/>c/ Vjgeois, *
Hiftory. Gonthicr AliWiteri.Amand,
Floremlus Bravo Monk ef WinchcOer, Ibid l^^°'^'^''»''''^ProfoJ} c/Rofchild, Ib.d
Eek u .J.'Av a/Urangcil»
l *
Ibid Ralph-fDiceKS i>r4» Paui** London, m
Hugh AiiriML ^ FJeur)-,
Orwrfcns Viealis Monk ofS. Eftoa^ Hud Autliore ofthelires of the Saints,
Anfclm AUoi Ccmblouri^ -
and of
JbjJ the Rdfltians of their
Otho J5//2»^ fl/Frifingbai, .
Godfrey of Virerbo, Anfchcrus A!>kf cf ? Riquicr
178 iff,
Tiieolredus Al,i>ot of Epicm.icf,,
Rohm de Torignjr ^Ohi ^ Mount MicbaeL Jbi
• Reginald Senior, .!n!,.i,ifbop
Nicholas Af«»;^«/ io;fion« r J Lions. .igj
Othoo/5. Blaife, Ibid
John Brompton Ahl'ot c/Jon al, Italian Pritj}^
Jbid Ibid
Acuiednis JW^n^tf/ Canrerbun-
• Englilh Hiltorians. Gun bcrr A/,„4 ./ MaKbkwH^ jbid
Henry jUvh-D^tem tf Homingdoo, Ibid JHd
.William tfae link, MtfR^GnOidimtf Neubri.
Fabricius Tufcitt Ahht r/
Abbingdon. Ibid
Walter Areb-Dnttm «f Qxfbtd, Anchus//^^,„/,;,,o.j.rc/Val5^ Ibid
. Jbid Odo 5. Rcmy 0/ RJieims,
^y''^' Ibid
I?^" . ^ Ibid
^'""^ ^^T*.x>n,
OervaisA*w^c/ Canterbury, Ibid ?r '^I-/-^
Ulnc B,y?.,;,5/Connnncc,
Gttrfrey Arthur BJfhot, 5i, Afinh: Ibid ibid
Archaid Axow^^rClairvaux, *
TuT^ot MoHl^of Dmbmi, ibid
,79 SifredEbbo, Timon mut Herbaid,
gncpn ./Durham. Ibid ,
Robert Arcb-d.- x^:, r 0,1
WiUuuu <f SoBMriM; JMmi^ ^ Mabwbury, ^^^^^^
W« Anonpmoils Author of tbe'L\f«tf


. Johnc/ Hexam, Pm-ry?fl/ Ha^«m3d, Ibid

Sdvefter Giraid, Bif^p cfs. David.s
Ibid 1 hibald Af«4 cfS.
I^ger «f Hoveden, Frtfajftr m Oxibn^ Ibid HughA/^w^o/Cluny,
Peter c/'Baci
Gauner C<»no« 0/ Terouane,
179 ibid
Pcicr Xcuthbodos, Nicholas Canm of Liege, j.g^
Ibid Mznus
Antntfnms Icaliaif," cf Atixerrc,
Ibid IbiJ
Robert M.-nk cfSt. Rctay*/ Rbdrnk Jibrand vj^/ar <j/Mnt icg irde,
Ibid Jbid
Baud y Bi/hop of Del. Beraand Alht de la CiuiSc Oieu,"
Ibid Ibid
Rnyiuond Kaduiphus Torr.inus,
Agilcs, C-t»«i <»/P».
Albert «r Albflricj Cmw j^A^ m 180 Stephen Al^U ofS. Jnmes
of Licgc,
Hugh Alw^ 9/5^ Sa?ioiu of Lodcvc,

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/I lacuc oi;tiie uuxMiiJM^>,
Mnnvm ^ Ccnveit Jew 4f CTologne, Ibid Mlfot of Du) Li, Hugh
^ Mi Richard cf s.
llKunas AlffM^ 0/ Ely, Ibid Victor.
The new Method of Commenting on
CHAP. XIV. Scriptures,
die Holy
Rupert AU-ot o/Doycs, tbi±
'I'/iii Lives anJlf'mw^s of the EcclcfajI'i- Hugh tfS. \vSt(k, 20,
*cal Autbors tf ths £att, Jitring ibe Richard tfS. Vitftor, ^oz
Tv'dftb Ctntnrjr,
I:mhymius Zif:al>enus» a Grecian Mmk^
r\F tie OfUtaum «fCmms mtide h GMtti,
Philip rhe Sdliury, 4 Uitek Mook,
Vi :l\ Cioliolan er ChryfolAnus, Ibid
CHAP. xvm.
Niceras Sddns,
Jfaac .iM Armenian B 'lJiop,
OF the
Gmtra CtmeUs held m tie Tw^t^
Michael Glycas, a Sicilian, 186 Ihefirjl general Laterao Coimai,
Nioeras Cotiftanrinopolitanus, Ibid ThefttPMgnigrml Latmn ChmtU^
Conltantinc Manaffcs, 187 The tburd al Latcran Council, lOf
Coftftanlinc Hcrmcncpuius, JuJge of Thcfhlo- C H'A P. XIX.

n;c.T, Ibid
F the
Provincial Counctis held m tU
John Pa' "arch
I (]f Antioch. Ibid
German V. anarch 0/ Conftantinof le,
T-mJftb Centtej, xto
Arfcniuf Mvik_ cf Mmnt Atfaos,
Valence tht Tear 1 100 ito
i^ndronicus Camctcni';, Ibid
Poitiers JM the Tear hqo zro
Geo'. pe Arch-lijlop r/'CorfeiJ,
Anfa the fame Tear^ ZII
i^nrluiny MclilTus .t Greek.Monk^ J 1
1 royes in the Tear 1 104, ill
J?.auvais in the Tear
Bah! f/Acris, Arch bifhopofUncffaXonici^ Ibid 1 1
14, xtt
Lucas Chrifobcrgius, Patriarch of Conftancino- K hcims in the Tear 1 1 1
5, Itt
r!c, ihid 1 OuloBlc iljc Tear i n 9 2IZ
Midiad TheOakmica, [o^don in the Tear ui^/
Ibid Ti^OmneH 'of<
Alexis AnftctKS^ SietMrd rfthe Church of Con-
London in the Tear 1117, %t%
" ] oi-.don in the Tear 1
Itandnoplc, 189 1 38,
Rticiins in the Tear 1131
Simeon Logothetes, ]bi4
Rhcims in the TSw 1148,
Jl^m Cintuui tbe Grmmarim^ Ibtd -

Thcorianiis, .
• ^
Tours in the Tear 1163,
Calfel in Irel. in the Ti
Hugh tcbcrianiu. Ibid 171, 214
Nicepboras Bryamwslif Maccdmian,' IbUl
Am iiidn:s the fame Tita^^
Anna Comncna, Ibid r London i«/iv2>4r 1 175, jij
the S/ftod (fYolk tHthTear 11^^ 2it
John Zooaras^ Seeretwrj of State of Conltanci-
noplc, The CMMVf/(f MOQtpellicr the fame Te^l ±iS
John Phocas d Cree\ Monl^ Ibid CHAP. XX.
sJcophytus a Healufe Mmi^ Ibid OBfervatmt on the EccleftaBital Affms of
Tabn Bijhop of Lydda, Ibid tbeti^b Cemurf, ziG
Ucorge Xil^in, BmimrA Coo&uuinoplc, Of the Autkcriiy cf the PopeSj ji j
Ibid Several foinit of D{fei/liue relating te the Clergy;
Demetrius Tomidii^ Ibid
Lupus Protorpatcs,
Ibid l(emarks on the D^fdpUnc cf the SacrmmlUt, 2 1
Michael Anchialcs, PMri^rcb <?/Conftantinoplc, Hftnarkj on the Men/^ieal State, , Ibid
Ibid I(e^ul4rCaitmt, *
Tbcodorus Balfjmon Patriarch of Antioch, Ibid
John Caimtcrus, Patriarch of Conitantinople,
A Clirooological TaMe of tbe Ectlefiaftical Hi-
Chap. xv.
ftrry nf the Twelfth Century of the Ch^ii'ch.
Chronological 1 able of the Ecclefiaftical Av*-

OF f the Original of Scholapck i)$mmtff

the firfi ScbMimm Wb0
tbors of the Twelfth Century.
Table of the Works of the Ecclefiaftical Att-'
tbors of the Twelfth Century.
fiicTwdftb Century. 191
Pewr Lombard Bift)9j> A Table of the Affls^^nm and Canon ofGnw-'
tf Paris, ' '
cils held in this Century.
Rolxrt Putins Cardina/f 199
Pccer o/Foiuers, CbanceUm ifthe Chmb
A Table of the Writings of the Ecdcfiaftical
of Pi-
Authors of tlic Twelfth Caituiy, di^pdfed
rn, zoo
Roben c/Melun, according to the Matters thry rrcnr on.
Bi)T'o;> o/Henford, 201
Cauticf, {^'^uUr Canon <fS, Vii^or,
An Alphabetical T^ble of the Lcciciiaibcai Au-
thors of this Ccnriiry-.
CHAP, xvr:
Aiphabetit^l Tabic of the
this Century.
Coondls held ia
An Alphabetical Tabic oFthe PtioctM]
OFCompsi m the tMmmtanejtM
the Holy Scriptures,
Tvfdftb Century, and
coruain'd in this Century.

*f ibc tbreefmm ^tmmmt^tm^ viz. Rupert

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Aa Alphabetical Table of the Ecclefia-

{jdcaX Writers of the Twelfth Century.
lalonjca, 1$
St. Ethelred er Aelred, Abbot
A Baelardus, « /gums Bbilofo- Baudry Bifhep ef Dol,
Baudry Bi/bo/ of Noyoa
1 79 Eugenius III. f9pt^ J9, 40,
**• /her, P^e 40^ 44, 5^, toid Te- 64, 68
rouanne, 181 finftntiiis AMtifbop of Nice,
Bernard, ^i. 38^ 88»too,
Aunnt Sootn^ « Cimon St. 185
194III, 114. EuEbjmius Zy^abentts, « Grmt\,
Addbm «r A]bm> AUot of Bernard Abbot of St. Analb6a«, 184
Hildefheim. 1S2 dfterwarjj Pope under the name
Adrian IV. Fc/r, 1 1 5, of Eugcnius III, 39, 40, 44,
Admditil « Mm^ tf Cametbu- 64, 68.
Bernard Allot o/Fontcaud, 169 pAbriclus Tufcut jAbot
ry, 183 <f A-
St. Aelred or Echdred, yl^ixi/ */ Bernard « Moni^ of Cluny, 1 7 bngton, ^ ,8j
Reverby, 77, 173
Bertrand AUm
if La cfaaw dku, Fako A JOagiflrttt' «/fienevento,
Alanus Bif:-pofAv.y.f:v\c, 78,184 184 '81
Albertus cr Albencus, 4 Camm Bonacurfius, 89 Faftredus ^ifl/ 0/ Clairvaux, 68
ofAix. 180 St. Bruno, 147 Florentiu t firavo 4 4f Win- MM,
Alexander III. Pc^r, ii6,iii,!i2 cbefter, 1 77

Alexander /ll/h>t in .Sicily, 1 8

Fottdierig MMtff CJianrcs, 1 tto
Alexis AriHcnes Sterpard, of rhc Franco jf Afffifbem, 170
Church </Cdnftanrinople, 189
Alulphus, aMonk^ e/ if. Martin ntiSmYL^ope, 29, 32, 33,

tt Toumay, 175 36, 37, ^ G.


Aooedctu iI/)2K);> «/ Laufana, 171 CcIeftineU. pope, 39, 40 Q^Anmiii

Anadenis Anti-pope, 38, 42, 43 Cekftine IIL Pope, 1 r 9^1 xo, 1 23
AoaftafiusIV. Pe/w, 115,120 ChriaiaD, 4JMM^ff Clairvaux, Gamerius of 'it. Viewer, 1 75
Andronipus Camaicni^ iS8 17$ Galterius or Walter, Anb-de^cm
AnmComnentf, 189 Chrj'folamu «r Graftdajias, 26,
Anonymoas Andior^ Vide,NSiMr 18, 1S5 Gaiicrii»« Ctam TnonaM^
Autbaru Clement ill. P/>^, 119,113 184
Aafefaefos ^dihf if fr.Riquier, Conftancinus Hamaenopdu^ 187
183 ConftuuinosJilaiuiac^. 187
Galnritts Ayflby ^ Magoelonc,

h.n(e\mAhbot e/Gemblours, '177 Galterius ^Chacilion, 17 j

Anfelm Dean of Laon, 91, 170 t). Galteritts «r Maumania,
Anfclm Bifltop o/Havclbcrg, 182 p/Laon,
Anconius AlciiiTus a Gr^ian 'pvEmetrius Tornicius, 90 Galceriu$ A^ff. VuSUw,
1 /oc
Mmt^, 188 Domnifo 4 Prw/?, 183 Gal/ier le Chaneelier, 80
Aicfaardut m MM Clairvaux, Drogo or Dicing Cmtimtl Bifbop GclaGus II. Pc;if,

183 «/Oftia, 171 Geofrey .^i^iro/ ^Clairvaux, the
Anulphas a MonkjfSt, Riqnier j Difiipk-afSt. Bovaid, 77, 1 14
yir Hariniphus,
Arfmlpbat »
Amoldus, Bijhop of
Geofrey Ahhot of Igoy, 77
Lifieox, 5j •pBBo,
184 Geofrey yf^/^^Veodaii^ 133
Anmlphiu «r£nuilphii% Bifltop Ebr.ud cf Bethunc, 169 Geofrey Abbot «f Cbamci^ 48
V K/PCWDBTy 1 46 Ecb<.Tt Abbot cf St. Florin, 88, 74 67, 17',

BsSem^Utdk, ^TMnMr Athos, Eckard Ai'bot o/Urangen, 177 Geofrey Prior of Vigccis, 1 8 x

188 Elia* ofCoaoM, Abbot tf Dunes, Geofrey Arthur iMAa* «/5f. A-

Jtete <f V«I<mibre, 183 176
. faph, •
a S/.Blixabeili, Aibeft^Sdmnr, Geoftey ii« > m tf Mmk
174 Tiron, 1S3
BAldwin Arcb-hijbop of Cantei^ Elnothus 4 JVlsw;^ </ Canterbury, Geofrey or Walter de Vinefaiif,
bury, 190 .83 i8s
Balfaxnoo P««riM Andoch, Enerviims Fnv^ tf Stcmfcld, George Arcb-bifbop ofCotiA, 188
190 87, 88 George Xiphylin Ptttritrdb tf
Oxford, Ermcngardus or Ermcngaldus, 1 69 Conftaxiiinople, 190
176 Ernulphus or Aniulpbus, B.'lhop Gcrmanus pdfTMr^ Conftan- ^
^ Fo^, Bifiop e^Rocbefter, 146 tinople, 1 89
iTUm^ «8, 173;

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Jn Mfhahetkal Table of the EccUfiajlkal IfriUrs^ &Ci
Gtiocba»P»««^ ^RcidmfFcrg, Hugh de FoUoc'tf Mwi^o/Cor
174 bic, 171 » N.
Gmfe 4 Mmk, tf GrateilniiT, Hugh ^Poiftiecs^ « Mtdt^ Ve.
178 xelay, i8i
GccvaTe a Priefi ef Chithefter, Hugh St. Vidor, loi Tw» namekjs Authors^
175 Hu^ McmUm 4 l(MuUr Cttm, tomi:(er} ofFouchcf, 180
Abbot p/Hoiland, 77,174 47, 88; 171 A namdef! Autbcr tf «&» ^^fi^
Giibcic «f Sempringbam^ i? Hugh £therianus, 189 0/ jcrulaiein, ibia
Gilbert FotioK lond A Mdmeltfi Author if 4l» Bxftdi^
174 tim ef tbo Omcat§ the Hofy
Gilbert Bt[h-p '/Limerick, 170 Land, . I8&
GillcbtrL cr Gilbert de wrr^ek J Ames dc Vitr) Cdr.Unalf 180 A tumelef! Italian fWtir of tbg
Bifhop of Poidlicrs, 1 1 Innocciu II. Pop-, ai, 38, ASli tftbt Frendi m Le-
Giflebcrt cr Gilbert Cnfpin, a6-
3S> 43» 54» ^3, lOS vant, 179
^frWeftmxnfter, Johannes BogondiMtf M^ijtritte
17 namelejl Atttber of » Trttuife 4-
Godfrey o/Viterbo, o/Pifa, 178 174 ' bout the CoiKeptiott of tbo Pir^
Coothehu* « MMtK rfSf, Anuad, Johannes Camaccrus Pstriareb ef ,
^m-Mary, attributed to St. An^
ii% Conftantinopk, i^i Idm, jj
Gnnto, 104 Johannes Cinoaauu tht Grmim*' 4tf iM»i«/4/} fTriVer ^ tht I4fe of
Grccpry VHt ii9> i^? riat^ 189 5#>Ludger, 184
Gudbvi « JMmiff Mwchiennes Johmnn Tbocis * Graasn Monk, A ntmtkf0mm fTRciefaerfpctg^
183 1 90 174
Gwrk ifftto/ •/ leny, 77 Johannes Zootrai Stcretaty of Keophytw 4 6rc«i( AiMi^ 1 99

Cuibert /fJAor <»/Nogcnt,i 40, 80 1 State to the Smpertitr ^ Con Nicepfaonis fiieyniihis ^Mace-
Guigue Prior la Grande Char- itaminople, J90 donia, 189
crenfe, 77» 148 John Bi(ho» «/Lydda, 19 Nlceras of Conftantinople, 186
Guy, ArMfihf ^ Vkona, i8, Jnha the Hermir, 7S Kicera; SeTdus, IS;
29* John a Cartbufian hior^^ For Nicholas « C411M1 Liege, 184 ^
»76 . .

ohn 'Munl'^pf MarmoTittcf, I Si

H. ohn I'Atriarch of Anuoch, j 8 7 Nicholas J Mink, of St. Alban,

[oin Jkiompttw ^iMir 4^ Joryai,

HAi«a-.^^a«io«. ohn 0f Corawal, •

174 S. Norbcrr,
Hariulphus MW^tf SrAiqaicr, ohn if Hoan ffHagul-
181 ftadt, 179
HdoUTa ^/>^y/ t?/ Parade:, 93, John 0/Salisbury Ai/bt^ i/Ckar-
94» io^>
Ifetry Abht f/"CIa;rrayT, 175
ofaa Pvke «« Eogliih m/^, i 7 8
O Abbot of m Bel,

'ohn Pnocn « Gr««4L Monk^ 190 Rheims,

Henry Artb-hi^hof «/RiM:iats,i74 |8(
fieniy jImMmcw ^ Hwang' Taac .'f/',?^?; d/rEtoLlc, 175 O Jio a I^tgularCaHOH, I74
ton, ! 7S I faac 4n Armenian Bijhof,•j 1 Odo Eifhtfp ff/Cambny, 17O
Henry Bz/io/ 0/ Troycs, 68 Ito «r Ires Bijhof «f Chartres, Odo 4 Benedidm Mon^ Aft,
Herbert «Miwt, 87
Herbordut, 184 Odo af Cbirton, 17^-
Heraun Abhf efSf. Mason *t Odo (/Deuil, of Si. Cop-
Tournay, 181 LAtorancIus Ciro'/w^/, 175 nelius, 18ft
Heaiua« C«iiMr»M(/«v ifCo- Lawrence « Mmi^ Liege, Ogerus Abbot ^Lncedk

^ 77
ka» 184 i8z Ofiver<0/ColeiL i8f
HemnttfJIidtffBlNKsde Dol, Leo CarJiK.i! Dr^'iVv, Orclericus
171 Leo^^Marfi, Ctrdinai Jj^b^g^ Evrou,
HUdcftcit B9>0f if Mans, Md Otbo Bijbof </FrifiqeiK(v Ibid
^ifinwMtd Ar»4iftff ^Toors, Lucas Chryfoberriw Pmiareb Otho/^'fiWfeT^

SI, 8tf» 136 0/ ConftantiBopfc^ 188

S».HiIilegaida ^iH^^Mmif St, Lucius II. P0/r, 39, 40, 84 P.
Ruperr, 4'» «74 Lucius III. Pope, 113, i2x
Honorius II. Po/r, 38»39 Luke Abbot of St. Comeiius, 173 pAndttlphoi ^ PilflJ tg*
Honorius SolitarittS, Prtfeffer of Lnpw Itaio^MBfy - lyo
Seholafiici Dtvinit/ in the Percr v^f/,;/ ./CUirvaiac, 175
tbmcb cj Autun, 144 M. Peter Abbot ofClmy,
S8, 65
Httgh Mot if Flavigny, 180 Peter Librarjhkoejur of Sktmc
. Hqg|ijliv6-Aiy%^Rmien^ 144 MArbodm Bi/btf ^ Keanes, Cafliiu
150 Peter^BIois,/lnc^4BM ^fBmS^
«8 '75 Peter frCcUegj^ ^Chanrcs
• fh^sMoHiofClmjt 184 Michael Anchialus Patriarcb ^
Hugh a Mottk, of Flcury, Conflanti nople, 1 90 Petff tf
1 77
^ Hugh M Mmi^
|fc Savioiir at Michael <f ThcfTalonica 1 88 the nam r"'

Ifidtft, 184 Mkhaci Glycas of Sicily, 1 4s. .


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Jn AlfhahetkalTablt a/* the Ecctefajlical If^riters^ &c.
peter ^ Pddicrs Clumcellir qf the Robcrcus PjuIuIus a Priefi <f k- Thcorianus,
micns, 1 78 Thcutbodus,
1 89
Bncr de Ritt « gimt ^Rbeims, R o!v.-i tus PuUus C-v'.{'>!j'y 199 Thimo, 184
Roduiphus /Ibl/et of Troo, Thomas Beckci /lrJ}-lnjltcf tf
171 ,
Canterbur), 1x4,
vaax. 68 Roger de Hovcden Ftfrf^» of Thomas AUw of Maurigny, i 1 1
Peter the VcocwWe Abht */Clu- Ozfoni. 179 Thomas a Monk^ if Cifteauz, 1 76
ny, 79> ^f- Rvpnc MbUt 4f Dnya^ v>t Thomas a MmJ^ Ely, i B4

tar JLonbani ^
191, <5c.
fleiflB Abaelardus, 91, &c.
fletru^Alphonlb« ^ttflifll ?^ SAmoibD ArtM^ if Rbeitns,
> Cemerttd 'T® 50, 67 jbaltbalpis a Mmk»T tU
taMGooKftar Dtm^St.^c- Saxo Grainiiaticat Awtj^ffB^f' tlle^ A^l^ 0/ Anger,
terV *r Troycs, 176 child, 18* «7*
Petrus TbeutbiadaS) 179 Scrio -rSitia* ^ i>avignv, 173 Ulnciu ]Bilktf Coofiaocz, 183 4
fbUip i/Taicfltn ar Ta- SibnudM Mtt Mmptde» Urfain UCfiyr, ti^
ranto^ I73 '

Philip 4 Mmit tf Clauranz, 7 <^

Philip dc Harveng jMtitf Bon-
•cETperttK^ ^ I74 144 ^Akcr Art^liutm^Ot^Tdi
Pfailipp<» Stiitirfiirtf Grrri^ Afoi*^, Simeon •/Durham, » 79

185 Simeon #/Logechcta, 1^9 Wafclinus Momalixis Prior ^ {"iw

PocbOii Aim^4f Prom, 1 73 Swphcn -^blfot ^r.James'j

WilUam AkbkiofSt, Thierry, 64
Stephen Bifhap •/AutWIy
Stepho) ef Pari^
I7« ^
171 VillMni Arch^/hof
<57, «r
Tyre, I8a
Siepben0r>k«^T<mqr, 166 ^Hnnim 4k Champeauz -fiiyio^ 0/
Raoul Stephen dc Cfiaulmct a Cartbufi- Chalons, 29, 170
170 M Mmh. ^ Fortes, William 4 ^eja^^a C«j«on ^ New-
lUdalftat (te Dkem. if| Sieptai Itlardiiig ifMa» ^TCiAe- bery, lyf
5r. Paul'/ London, 183 aux, ^ 4»> '49 William ./Somerftt « MMt ^
Radvlphas Niger or le Noir, « Suger Ahlnttf St. Zvialmesbury, 17a
Mmit 0/ Sr. Germer, 173 Wolbero iM« ^S^r
Jtain>ond d'Agties a Canom
Sylvd^er binUitt
£^ V St. 4tCaleii<
Puy, I So ir.
Kainotdas (/Sonar* Anif4i/l'op T.

Richard Pnor c/ HaguiilaJt, 1^52 1 heobaldm 1 Clerk^ef the Church

Richard of St. Vidlor, I03 o/Etamptv,
. 170
Kiobm ^drc^ik«mi Oftmrati Tlicoluldus « JkM^*^*.

a^' Bc2C, 184

Kobert a Mmi^^ Sf^Rraiy, at Theodorkus <m 174 Zonan* Stmurji of State ft tbt
Rimtmt, 179 7beodofki»«rtliicny # JMmmC^ Bm^tmr if Cwiftintinople,
Rdberc «r rl«iMibiire « H/guiMr ' •
Cantn cf St. VidoT, 1 76 Tlicodorus gfllfi'*^ Wmmrtb if
Kobmy Addun He- Annoch, 190
Uicoimius tf EDcemacI^
Robert c/ Florlgny, /f^icr cf

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At Jl^/Jxtieal of the Councils, &c.

Jft J/phaheticalTABLE (f the Coun-

dfs beld in the Twelfth Century.
R. Ttars. Tagtu

LAteran, ' " 2, i7 RAtisbon, 1 Ho 26.

185 Rbcims, ms 28, XII
Avigooo, 1 i6i "7 ;

Later. l6<wnil,>»9 n Rbeiou^ 1119 29

Aurancho, JI73' 214 ao6 Rheims, 1131 38, 11}
Later.^ 39,
Auzcre, 1147 44. "3 LateriU.C«Mr«/,ii79 407 Rbetois, lu8 II 3> 44
a Liege,' nil 3S> 43 Rotn^ tioa H
LodL II6I "7
1 104 14, an Lombez, 1176 90
x8. III London, 11*5 ail gEns. 1140,
•t* fieauvais, 1114 44. 5<»
1161 London, 1117 Ibid. 63, too
Beanvaiib •

Londoo, 1138, 1163 167
"71 "S Sens, 91
tui 91 •
CAOeliMlicL II7X 214 M. T. •
Cbakmt, i»S
Chartres, <55, 85 MEn«, •T"Omas, 1115 3«
CUrendoo, 1164 lis Men Menu, 1107 Touloufe, 1119 89, ill
Cdln^ HIS »8 1195 ai6 Toulode^ 1161 116
Tours, 1163 90, xii
N. Trier, 1148 1 74.
Triburia, 1 119 29
pTampes, 1100 '^Ances, 1127 138 Troyes, 1 104 211
Ai« Ctamne 1130 '•^Newmarket, 1 161 116 Troycs, 1107 16, ft6
NonbiiDptoa, 11 64 Tioyes, iiiS 43>47>7«
"47 44 116
Nonbraloi, 1105 %^ V. .


GEin!euhaurcn,ll86 II9
a VAknce,
1177 lf9
ViemMi 2S
Gifors, 1168 ii8 QXibcd, 1160

p. WEftminfter, 1163 125

Winzburg.1166 117112B
pAris, 1105 211
JEnifalctn; iiii i8 . "47 44. "3 Y.
Touanc, 1130 39 Pavia, •116,153
Pifa, 1 134 yoH^ ^191
lloo 10, 2l9


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Hiftorical Account

•nr. 1)^*^4' ^ lc>w«j'jill

.-1^ .

I j nf,. .. i ••; vi-.- >>! a"i3-!;iJi 'j 2!}' r " '

"V' r,' -j

>v •
Twelfth CB N T U Y.-.. i^;^^^

.j^) I I. tA..: i UK ..-I :

'" - \" '
V '

. •
.H » .yf^r -oj ...ii : .m-i^ o'^vLira e.v,,^ JI ;.vo.ln: «. A .:.».^o •(«

; X „ • . . ' -[•••'> -j '^D .i'J' 1 r. vlv^'. oj :;jJ' siiL> 'i tI-KV >ri T
. ,

y o/ BUbop
of Cluirtrtty ( thougb .qom iot X&Ii'. Aee of kbe Churd^i noc •

.till $. ibaU begin ot^. C«9)ogue:.of thei:jKaah^>of thuiXIIdl. C^tittttyi'-

the Xcar. 1 1 1
Wqriu .luii,c fQ. ,IIm|^abings renitikahifc :in tfaeAi^/.i^ to <tirefve>tt<
apd (lis tiie and
M Chapicti by tbcmfelvcs., V^i, .f.mi.ii mid
He was the Soo of Hui^di A/ffji^ jirmHtJtnJwgti<*^
H^ i:;:r. iiuupji ^.il 3ii£.i3 y'S'^'^'-*' ;•
Born Buitntti


be alio began bis Studies ; but, rc^yi^g '^litrWftKb lo the Abbey of BtCy he applied him^'
felf ro. Divinity under LAnfrane^ and chi^y tto toe Reading and Sitidyiiig of the Ecc}e(iafh<tftt'
Omons. Guy fiifhopof Beauvau niade choice of hint ftjc^mjot of the Monaftery of St. ^Igtl*--
tin, which be bad rounded in the, Yew. ipT^t.' He gave ail bis Eftate- to this Foundation j
wherein, bj his dre and gckx^ Gov,eriuncnt, Religion and Learning did mi^iily flourifh/and
by fooie ot the Memben oC. f^
..i^(SxA((sifd(»iLiiUlK Candos Hegtlait EttiSttdf
in divers p^rts of Fr4wej
^i. ...v jil /r.-^.ur. .

,p ,-, ..
i-vi i .
< v..

Ge«fryy at this time Bifliop of ChartrUf was, fwronoa'd ti>.infwcr hcfyri Pope Gregory Vlt.^
to the Charge of Simony, laid, ^ga^ him, .which,, ocvcnbckfs then appefr'd not fiifficknt^
Evidence at that time to make ^t; put bcipgiaftccWards^ Cited, before t>iuM IH he was found^
guilty of divers Ctiincs and <icp#fcd by tlvat Pope from hiyBtlb6prick. The t^lcrgy and Peopi*'
oiCliMrtrej Eledcd Jvo into bis pUcCj ajpd presented h^m tuKing PitiJif, wbojavt kua the Inf***
B ithurc r

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A Nevp Eccjejiajlical Hiflory •

ftiiurc: but Riclteriw^ Arch-Bilhop ofSfi/, bcmg cnrag'd that GfoA^ was rum tl our, without
fH..ii..rmg him with it, refufe* to Confccmc hn, ttJonph'thcClcrfV nT»l Ki-plc of Cbartrei
demanded it with much cameftncfs. The Arch-BiO.op pcrfiltiug in hi*. rmpiT. iw AdJreO** I

HtMlWf to Pope Vrban II. and from him receives his Confecration, with an eatprefs to Hjcherius
to acknowlctlgc him, arid by vcrtue of it was foon put in pofrcflion of the Bifhoprick of Char'
trcs, and Geof>j 'obliged to retire to that parr of the Dioccis which lay in
NormanJji, which for
fome time after he retain'd by the favour and inrtrett of the Duke of that Province. Hiche-
riut, in revenge of the affront put upon him, and to alTcrt his own riahrs
and, privileges
Suiimions Ivo before the Council he ^was to holtlac SrampXy to anfwcr for. his hflving kird
himfch -of -the -thuali of cWfr*^ J*thile Gerf'y w-; yet living: ifot thinkinp|ijt fafe
for him fc^p*;« ihttc, <l>c Arch-Bijbop, .logctlicr ^vith the Bilhopi of iVrr^ KicMux an<t Trcyei,
dtclar^nrtm pullty of High-Treafon ^cainft the' King and the Ecclefiaftical Laws , in
having gotten himfelf Confecratcd by the Pope, and refolv'd to rcfenle Gfo/rr in his Dioccfs,
but Ivo appealing once more to l{pm*, fhe Vwc IiwcrdnSs Hjchtritis the ufe of the PaSiurn,
in cafe he fhou'd Any longer oppofe the- Bftawilhmeftt Ivo; upon which, Geofry was ac

duties, It engag'd him in many Jiik-rences with others, and involv'd him in much croablc,

fo it gave occahon to the World to perceive and ^mire his great Learning and Knowledge,
and his mighty Wifdom and Conftancy. He 4ied-at Cbartres^ the 23d. of December, ip the
Year 1 1 1 5.

TBerc aire yet eztaiit, 287. Letters wn'tten by /©o Bifliop of CLirtret, which , being full .

of rcmarKablc Obfervations concerning the Difcipline and Hiftorj ofthc Church, arul con-
taining many excellent Leflbnr of MflTatiryi judjeiops, depefml(*tiAis of feveral Cafes of Con-
fcicnceand I^w-Queftions, pWjtned to Him by otlfcrs, are of nbfmafl value, and it will be well'

wonh our while to give the Reader a fhort and cxai^l abridgement of each of them.
The twoFii-ft inihc CoJltxIten, are from Popi t-/M>. iI. one* rA the C|fcrgy and Vc(lfe of

fecrated ^ P"^ °' ^^^"^ fulibw^ ilie ^

Confd^ .1rit>n^
The from Ivo to the Pope rcgreting his* having been by him drawn from
llld. Letter is
his folitudes and retirement to be madi^a atici^x^i.u|i mending to him ilic BiiLop of Bcait-

In the iVth. he admonilhcs B«ri(«rJ, Abbot of M.irtnctttier, not to ctuettaiiymy Monies of
his Dioccfs. andtffi p-^niCul^-, 1|emaifis of Tiia^ oiit Tf ifrr^ wtuiba^ftja >y)iratiof Bomeval^
and quitted hi^ ^tiojiii'f<^ ihiatJfctirqJbnt. r I wit IIJIIVm JL
The Vth. Letter to AJela Countcfs of Chartres, fcvcrely reprimands her for countenancing
the Marriage of her Kiniwoman Adelaida with H^liam^ and adviles that tlKy forbear having
Cj m al w H
kn.b i cdg< of —eh et h er , - i the ii ratter ly rfcTTnTTincri ^^^Co^^^(^0^>^
The Villi, is a Letter of Thanks for a Prefenc he liad rcceiv d trom GiV*rrf; (fuppos'd to
have been a Regular Canon of St. iluevpn it'^efurv^,'^nd afterwards Abbot of the lVlon.-iftc- '

ry of St. Loup in Treyet) He gives him alio fome account of the contrivances of his Ene-
mies againft nim, aiid invites him to his Houfe. He tells^ him in the Conclufion, that Gecfry
was forc'd to quit whole £i(hppriUc, exoemL ^X^^
c^^i^gf^^t ^hiih he^yct held by the
DukcofNTflrmW/Wii^W. ' '


The Vllth. is a Pricft of the Chprch t>( Cotiipieene, who had l^ccn Coih
directed to Hpjceiin,
lijmvia 9iitH^ft6eiXiithcCt(Mtiho('iJffd»u, and1<jffc'd toa'recaiiatlbrt, Hvfi?cl'i' lit- fr.iwardi .

ni>lf*lii^»wj||ltttn<i oac of hi»ltn«dceiiiand n^1t«<oi^ Wieie iw fiuJ 1

rttrftv^.hkliAddrctsdJiimidf'te Wi»tto<i«»e ij bdrtrejf-O^z-'frchtc': anfVycr*, tlm
he would willingly grant his requeft and afford hin^ entcnainrpem, .v^c/*? ni ftffc Hi fl-ilJ'. ^rtt^xdly
rw0i*K"ii. h»;^£urthir «twHrs^ *ih fcaviog feafoi\^ to'beliille the cfehAaff (5f fricp, hrid' {6itin^ the
Hw|He^Cii«7r<'j wdUd oof cnJure hita .imonp rhi.*^ mOft fdufe x^hat he asts df r ihat the

bikl 4<lv>tc'lQ dan give hira b tvbe^r his lionditi<)n'^^t)y, arifl ro'refelve t!m a-'^u^H^k' arid'
.iMtlictJtifk tbjuraiioodf bis cflporriiv' Religion.
"7 / '
' '

^Ihc VlUiti.'LiotKTaf fw s. it W
J^itf^frnri Arch-Bifhop'of J^ft, Wfesllfta fcT^cJ^ Jrtvci^lf'<J
a^ifM»Hn»'^i\'iai3eaE^, by^ which* he Citpd #ibn to appear i^^i^. h^fate li}^[tot h*-'^

dealt, and what incorivenicncies he would draw upon hinilelf, by unt^cprtikinp rm^'df.-lii^; of ont
wffd^'had betn iodnd.guUty of ohcrndft notorious Criirtes, and ftood'tW!d(^cf by the Hofy
ijis^ itha: (or llis-panu lB«vrs»ld dar tcan afplrtftg to the Bifti/ipnfJt ftf cLirfr^?^ fflat hfier ilic
tfiurey ©i' tbai Chuixh had Eleftcd hih> aad'torc'd him to take Invcltitnh; of tlk'1§itf^ he had
f\^ll tlin'd entring upon thai Charge, 1 ill he \«a8 fljUy certified i)i tlic (?c pnfirion o'f Geofry', arid
tli^M vrascfaa foQps plcait)fiait^ gwuki fuccced him
that upoh> m Afth-Bithop's rcfuilnf' Ui
'.9r':]\iV admit

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of the Twelfth Century of Chrijlianuj. |
admit him, he had rccourfe to the Pope, wlio oblig'd him ro accept the Bifhoprick and Cotinxr**
ted lum himlelf. He reminds the Arch-6il>.op, likewifc thac the Pope lud wtitccn to hioi, and
^^^Mmnuuided bim to receive him as his Suffragan.char he had ever fince endeavour'd to behave hhn-
lelf accord!r;p to rh." re(pe(fl and obedience due from him to his M^Topolirnn he adJi', tbir he

is wilimg to attend the Council at Stumfx^ if a lafc CoiiduA m^y be granted lum, and that
Stephen Earl of Cltartret (hould be feadv there, on the King's Mc, to anlwer to ail thai Htou'd.
be objedcd againft him, without prcjiMiceto theAiuhoxicy of tiie Holy See^ before which ib»
matter nlight one day be brought.
The IXth. Letter is Addrcfs'd to pLiiif King of FritHcey and gives His Majefly an account-
bow Iva had Accommodated the di&ccncet between the Mooks of JBee and ihole of hMefmf,
with which the King vtfas INK fitKfiecl..
^Id the Xth. he gives feveral Inltnidlions to the Nuns of Sr« <«<mfaiiiearClirMMdini^ aiaH fldviles

ihem in particular, to take care of their R.epuiatioBi»

In the Xltb. he Congiatolates GmnMett upon, his wvm
tti la« ddtf* atdfXi biini to, retire into
the Church of SanHa Maria de Geurnay^ where \k. dKMldlaVe tfae-QhaiSeoi fome Jli^onlb^ wi .

exhorts him to live there peaceably and orderly.

In the Xlltl). he conmlts Pope t^r^iW, about , m
odd prafttce of fomc in his Diocel5, who .

would ivc by the Alrnr, btit rot ferv e at the Altar, ana offcr'd Money to him for Altars, as
they were wont to purchale tlieni of his predcceflbrs, under the title of Perfonnats Of this .-

matter, Im intreats the Pope's Opinion, and his Advice bow to deal with tbefe Traders. He
informs him alfo, that the ArcfarfiUhop of allied by rl e Bifhops of PAr'u, Metuxy and,
Treyet, had pronounc'd his Confccration void, and intended to reinttatc Cccfry. He appeab
tbCTcforc to the Holy See, and judges it ncceflary that tlui Pope write to them, and oblige chera
either to give him no farther difturbance, orelfeto appear at J^M«f, and give an account of
their praceedtngs. .Laftly, he delivers hb Ovtnioo, that twcold be oonvAdem the Pope Oioold
fend a Legate into FrancCy to endeavour the Reforniation of the CfiUK hcs : and prays the Pop^
that if any perions banilh'd out of his Dioccfs. for notorious Crimes, (hall repair fo B^me^ he
will not dieorec any tbmg donceming them, till he have fidly inlbrm'd himlcIf ofthe wnOKflMtil*
of their caufes.
The Xlllth. and XlVth. Lettei-s are to die Arcb-^Ufaop Hicberius^ and the other ^Ihops m*
vieed faf the King to his Marriage with Bertraitt^ whom Aw diflvKKtes from goii^ to Cbw^ «nd
exhorts to do all they can to hinder that M.irriar;e.
. In the fewy declares his, mind to King Philips that he neither can nor will aflilk at his
imended Marriage widifirrir«^,tili bis fonner Marriage be pranooiiced void in a General Council.
The XVlth. is an Anfwcr ro flKt//er Billiop of Meaiix\, upon this Queftion, If it be hwful
for a Man to Marry his Concubine? He tells him tlwt fome Laws have forbid it, and otbtis have
permitted it, and leaves the whole matter to the difcretion and ludgmcnt of the Bifliops j after
vAkbt he exbons the Bidiop of AImkjt, im to apinove of King PbiU/\ Marriage wkh &r>.

ThcX\^Tth. to the regular Canons of St, Quctitin, atBcauvau, docs with a great deal ol
Bloquenoe fet fonb tbe troubles be is involved in. fmce he was made a Bilh^ ; admooiihes
tliem to contimiie to obferve the Rules of their IhMmtkm and lo make choice ofa Superionr m
llis pincr.
In the AVillrh. Iw highly blames Cardinal i{eget, the Pope s I cga:c, for being inclin'd to
AUblve Simon Count of Niofle, whom he had Excommunicated for Adultery. "This. Couo^.
rfic Death of his Wife, Marries one with
after whom he had formerly bien too faaiillar, and
nowdeuuitds Abfolution j Iw abfolutely refutes ic, and fends bim to tiic Pope with a Letter,
fetting forth tbe whole affair : the Count makes his fuit to J(ig«r, hoping to meet with man
gentle treatment from him than at the Pope's hands ; Ivo hereupon declares to the Cardinal that
he cannot abfolvc him, nor will he admit him to the Communion, till he has an anfwer from
cbe Pope, either in writing or by word of mouth.
TbeXlXth. Letter is writ^ to fViMiMntj Ab(MX of ^4^:4111/ who bad compar'd him to St..
g^tim and to ESft^^ for his boldnels, in declaring his difBke of the Kinffs Marriage. h» acquaints
him hc'.v rrcii in unveniencc-s that liberty of his had brought him tinde«", and dcfires the
Flayers of bim and his Monks. He cannot graqt the Abbot's rcqitcft in behalf ci a Canon
Regular, nAo would have leave to quit his Rule and enter into the' &looaftery of fh*mf ; he
rells him, if he knew rho Man, be would not be conccm'd for him, that he 15 a proud and
idle Fellow, that for ten years together be had never as he ought oblcrv'd his week lor read* .

ing Mais, but was at any time for reading out of his turn, when there was an occaflon ot.
ffrving his vanity by it ; however, if the Canons hLs Brethvcr, -.vould ronfcnt heAouldieaVO
their Houie, he would noc binder him, and gave him full leave 10 ask liiem.
< ht9 being taken into Cuftody for oppoGog King Philip'i Marriage, the Clergy and people of .

Chttrtres threamed to aifault the Count, unlefs he would releafe bim : to them, tfaoefore /vo
writes, dilTwading them from all thoughts of taking Arms, which Would be a means not of pro^-
cnring bis libeny, but prolonging his Confinement, that it would moreover ofend the Divine.
Ma)^, that it was not fit kn: a fiifbop to recover bis Rights by violence, that he wasre^v'd^
rather to Dye, tiun that any 'Man lliould lofe hia life to relbie lum» that dune would m«cb
loonerbe obtain d by iheir Pr:iyer<;, which !i*u all he had tO beg cirexped fibm ihem. Thefe
ore: the Contents of bis XXtb. Lexter. t.,

Bar A
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A Nepf Ecclefiajkcd Jifpiy
In the XXIft. he pays hit thanks tQ BMiojp of Mtjw, for th« Prajers be bad put op to
God for his JcIivLrancc. Hede6re»of hbi *he KelicMof &• Body, whidi bad been
lawly iranfl«cd to M/rw/.
T»ie X>ffid. wKlnp PW//^, acknowledges dm haying been by that Pnnce ndvnnc a lo i
BiAoprick, he oww ro him under God the higheft rcfpcd and obiervntKc : but that havirg hf.
the misfortune to fall under his dtfpte^ure, for otTcring him as a true and faicfaful Strtant
neceflary and wholfome advice, he nad be«i ill treated, and the foods of his Bi/hoprick eni-
bcrled by his Enemies ; that therefore he pray'd His Majeftyto eaoaile his not cominft ro Court,
and ro allow him lotne time to breath, and to put his ari'airs into order again. HeliopesGod
will one day convince him by experience of the truth of that Maxim of Soh'nfr:'^, lut the

wounds and harth ufage of our friends who love us, are to be ptjefer'd before the kitics^of oor
enemies and flatterers. He concludes with afluring the King, that he is ready to «i<wrr Ms
acfufcrs, when he may know what they have to obje<5^ np.rnft him, and that he will di-fenj
himfelf in the Chutdi, if his aimes fall under the Ecdefialtical Cognizance, or bdwc H»
Maiefty's CoundJ, if be be dbm'd wkb any againft the State.
The XXIUd. is to Gwr, Chief Mafter of the King's Houftjold, who had interceded v/ith
the Kins, in £iivour o( fvo: he rerums him thanks for his good offices, and ai?iires him 'tis
tmpoffibte they (boaM come to any good terms, till the King have totally qoitted ;
that he had feen a Letter of Pope Urban % to all the Prelates of the Kingdom, Commandii^
riiem to pxcommunicate him in cafe he continued to live with her, ,ind ihai this l etter had
been long fince publifh'd, if he bad not conceal'd itOM of tb« trie (ovebe bo«eH«Afa)efty,
and his unwillingnefs that his own people (hould rife up iflioft hiQb
The XXlVth. is to Hh?/j, Arch-Bilhop of Lyms j hfc acqtutnis him bow neat ioy k was
to him to hear that Pope Vrhnn had appointed him Legate of Fr.i»«, in which cnsfrfoymcnt
i^e had fo well acquitted himfelf under Gr^ifj ihe VUth. bat» that he was now not a little
gnev'd to underftand he had by the advice of ieveral of faSs Inends refbsTd to accept of that
Office again, by rcafon of the too great bufincfs which muft lie \ipon him , ar the prefent
jnnduie of affiuis, while the Church labour'd under fuch troubles as would not eafily admit of
bring compos'd. Aw tells Mas, he badbecnill cannlerd, andong^icnoc to be fway'd by hisfiiends
pcrfwafion!!, that though Inltdy a fccond Ahab wasarifcn, and France had another Jc^ehtl, who
endeavour d to overthrow the Altars and kill the Prophets of the Lord, yet he ftoyld remember
tfce laying of Elijah^ that God had ytt Irf^ him Smvt Tixiufnnd Servants, who bad tut btiw'd thttr
k>i(es to Baal : that though their Htredlat fhould rcqucft the Head of John^ and Herod (hould
grant her whatlhc ask'd, yet John Ihould not be alraid to tell him, 'tis not lawful for thee
to pat away diy own Wife, and to Marry another Man's Wife or Qnicubine. Thefc and the
like inftances are urged by fw, to induce Hu^h to take upon him the Legaiine Authority, which
he hopes he will foon acquaint him he has yielded to^ and defires to know where he may meet
Urn about the beginning of Lent.
His XXVth. Letter is addrefs'd to Pope Vrbm j tnd lavs beibre him an aectmnt of thff
troubles and difficulnes he was daily oblig'd to encoumer with, which made him often refbbe
to quit his Bilhoprick, He then intreats the Pope nm t hearken to what ftiould bo allcdg*d,

in his own defence, by one of the Cleigy of Cbartres, who had been degraded for i>imoDy,
Money-Coining, ana omer incgntaritiet.
The XXVIih. is to 'alter, Abbot of St. M-uir des Voffer^, who had thouphrsof leaving htS
Monaftery, by reafon of the great corruptions and dUbrdcrs ainongil his Monks. /«» diflWades
him from putfuing that relblurion, if be hare yet any hopes of doing good upon and relbrmiqg
but Ibmeol them j but in cife they continue all incorrigible, thinks he may leave them.
The XXVllch. is to Eudei, Chief-Iuftice of Normandy^ who had ask'd his Opinion, how
he ought to. proceed againft a certain Bifhop ; who, being formerly accus'd of Simony and other
mi(demeanniir<;, hnd gotten himlelf Confccratcd Ix-fore the day appointed for his tr)'al. Ivo ad-
vifes this AlagiRratc not to regard hiin as a Biliiop, but to treat him as an Hcrctick and aa
Intruder i and that if he could not have Juftice done upon him by the Bilhops of the PMviDC^
he (hould Cite both lum and his Jtidces before the See of l^mt, witboat whole deten^urion
fuch caules were (eldom brought to a doe iKbe.
The XXVllIth. to King Philip, cr.rries hisexcufesfor not appearing with htsSddicrsac Pm*
t^f, or Cbaumnti according to the King's Orders, i. fiecauie Pbpe Vrhan bavlf^ forbid the
lung to keep Company with Bertradtt miderpein of Bxcomrnmifcation, he cooM noK have tot'
born publickly admonilhing his Majcfty of it. 2. "Bcciufe moft of the Guards and Militia
<4 his Diocefs lying under Excpmmunication for being concem'd in a Rebelhon, h<; could nor.
till tbey had undergone a Pmahce, receive them into the Cbonnranion of the Chnrefa, nor foA
them againft the Enemy while they were under her Cenfurcs am! 5. bc«:au(c he thought ic

not fafc for him to be at Court, wlKre he was hated by the !>ex that fcldom pardon even tMr
. beft friends.
The XXIXth. Severely reprimands /(^(gfr the Pried, for his ill coodtwft and behaviour.
The XXXih. contains Ives advice to Eulkt Biftop of Beauv/ta, not to pertilt in oppofin^
Hiifh the Pope's Legate^ and cnnmiiokates to hbn the Lentrt fcnrhhn by the Pope,. feWnC
w KingPW^saflWr
Bf the XXXIft. to the fame Prelate, he refigns up into his hands the Pto\X!ilC) p of Sr. iinerf
iw inSM«M»a cdq^nrioghim to ice rinr hn Sttoce0br be Mm by ibtmajorhy and fewmddlt

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of the Twelfth Century of Chrijltamtyi
f>artofth»e l«ci«y. And in the XXXII4. befcodthUadvkeiDdieaB, to Elcaft.ltf iad id^
pcrfon (br tihrir Gornnonr.
The XXXTIId. and XXXlVth. Letters have mxbing remarkable in them.
Tbe^XXXVih. is adUrel»dto Hicherim^ Atcb'Bifltopof Sew. and the oihor Pfdares tSeat-
"wd wtdi fiifri at {{heimty and ftn forth fife rnfims «4iy lie woold mr c^cy ifadr Cintion of Um
before that Council : i. that be was Cited by Bifhops of other Provinces, who Iwid nu jiowcf
to be his Judge;, z. ficcaufe tliev intccxlcd to bun out of the jurifdidlioa of the Froviooe
he was utidte ; and 3. bccaule the accdadons hud againft him proceeded oaly from their ma-
licc and hatred of hi$ pci fon : tlint therefore he np-x^I'd to the Holy See of {{tne^ where he

fhould be furc to meet wuli the favour allow 'd to all others in his condition, of ucing heard by
the Pope himfelf, or by his Vicars : that he did take this iiK thod to avoid a Tryal, being a-
ble enough to defend himlolf againft their charge of Perjury, by bi itiging proof that he had
not fo much as taken any Oath, but that he did it to prevent his giving an ill Lxairiple toothers
and expoQng himfelf to apparent ha2ard of his Life, (ince he could not by any means obuin
the King's Pab-pott : that be/ides all this, be well ciwagb forefaw he Ihouid not be allow'd
.liberty of fpeech in their Ailembly, fince they bad already aocus'd him <X difki>aliy to the
King, niid of being an Enemy to His Majefty, only for having had the courage to tell hiiri
Ills duty^ as he thought all of them in Confdence bound to do ; whereas His Majefty s reai

Boonies were thole who difleaaUed widi hhu^ and dar'd not fadxfa lua wowds with fire and
iword ; that the King might deal with him 0 (lis Majeft]r Jboold lUnk ft* faw dw he WIS
'firmly refolv'd never to approve of his Marri^e.
In the XXXVttli. Letter to the Bilhopoi* BMHO«i, be (hews him the reafons he hadcocooB'
Jilain of him ; particularly, that having rcqucftcd Ii'm to fcr.d a Canon Regular to be pre-
irr'd to a vacancy in his Dioccfs, that jBilhop would liave had him put in a Mookt contrary

Co the conftiiutions of that Church ordained by the Pope. Hereupon, |m takes occafioB 10 flKW
the dignity of the Regular Clergy above that of the Monks, and cites, to this purpoM^ a pi^
lilge of St. jftifiitif wherein that Father (ays, he Jcarce tver l^pew a Monl{_ frme 4 good Cfirk.% and
fome places out of St. Jerom., preferring the Clcray before the Monks. He protefts however,
diac De.does not intend all this to reproach and diiraragc the Monaftick way of living, but to
pnt them in mind that ihcy ought to continue tmly Monks , and be content to lead a re^
tir'd life. *' We prnilc their Inftitutio;i, ;'lays he) and l)cIieVL their ftate to be as ptrfcL^ly hap-
** as any on Eanh, while they confine ihemrdTcs within the bounds ajSgn d (hop by their
** Foonders ; but weuiink liien ftnrtofie Std>jedb than Goverttonrs, and would Mfe then
•* be humble and obedient, iwt proud and afpii ii
In the XXXVniR. he exhorts a certain Canon Regular to go on as he had begun, in all
due fubmifllon to his Superiours, and in the practice <» vertue and Religion.
The XX-XVIIIth. is a Letter of thanks to the BiOwp U »Mt^«r, lor a CbdUt he had made
llhn a Prcfent of. to hold the Holy Chrifm.
In the XXXIXth, he acquaints St. An/elm, Arch-Bilhop of tmUtfhury^ That he lad (hewn
what kindnefs he could to the Monks of Bee, in taking their part againft thofe of hjelefme, and
that he had long fiticc done them Juftice, in their demands upon the Abbey of P^/^m it tbqr had
not refolv'd to wai( firft of all for the Kine s Contcnb
There is nothing cd>(brvable in the XLth. JLetter.
The XLIft. written to Geofrj> Abbot tSVendtme^ Treats of the following Queftion, vi\. Whe-
ther a Monk taking the Vow upon him, and receiving the BenediHim from another Monk, ought
again to receive it from his Abbot ? Jtw dctctmioe^ that it may be cither v^eand or oouttied»
'Irithout any i>rejud ice either (otheoneor the Other ofme parTtes,becade theBciiMfAjm of a Monk
is not by impofition of hands, nor the Adminiftration Of any Sacrament of Apoftolical Traditi-

on, and that it has no other vertue in it than what b in the Abfolutionof a Penitent, or the Prayers
'of aPrieftfor Iiis?eop(e; that a private Monk having no body but himfelf to take care of,
may, by his own acfl, dedicate himfelf to that fhtc of Life, without the Benedldien of any Monk
or Ablx)f, fince that which confHtutes him a Monk, is not any new Dignity confcrr'd on him,
but only his Contempt of the World and Love of God ; that this is fo, appears from conlider-
ing the pradticc of the firft Inlliru:ors of the Monaftick Orders, who neither recciv'd nor us'd
any Btntdidims ; that indeed, when the Commumtics of Monks began to be numerous. Vows
^•ere CSU^cd of them, and they were admitted by BenediHiom, which cuftom, was prudentially
taken up, to oblige them the firmer and more (oMmnly, in the prdence both of God and Men,
to Diligence and Conftancy in the way of Life they bad chofe and undenaken : which if they
0iould afterward offer to renounce, they would have the more Wimeflcs to Condemn them ; that
tbefe Ceremonies were the beft fecurity could be fbiiad one againft the fickleocfs of Mens miodt
and refbttitions ; and that thcfcfore, 'twere wverictit k Iboifld be left to (he dilcreika of cvt^
ry Abbot to oblige liis Monks, if hr thought fit, to renew the Vows they hnd come under before
witnclfes, and to repeat the Benedictions they had receiv'd from others, or wholly to omit diem
iGncethcCe weie nor SaCMmems, which ought r ot to be repeated i but if dhe XmnA'Aiw were look'a
upon as fuch, it ought not robe adminiftred a fccond time, aa BifllOpI WWeMX V> ConliOain'
anew the Nans that had been already Confccrated bv- Priefts.
The XLIId is a Letter of Moral Advice, torhe Bilhop of Soijpmj.
The XLllKL, Congratulates Pope Vrhan, upon the Reftitution of Peace td die grcaieft part
Qdtaijfi and ^cc^iuims him, }}m ouc UlUiam^ a Clcrgy-inaif et' liis Dioceis, was £lc^ed Bi^p

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Neyp Ecclefiajlical Htjlory
TlicXLlVth. isanAdmo: en to all ;!>c Birhops of iV4iii:«, to puin ExecutUm a Law wlucb
pi-ohibiw ail manner of War, roui uays in :!ic week.
, ^ ,^ , ^
of marry the Count de
TheXLVth. forbids die whole Clcigy cl the Archdeaconry Po>IJy lo

Afrr/Z/TTz to the Daughter of the Count de Ctift.,

as he proves from the Genealogy of the cwonmibes.

„. , ir
DegK** o^" CopJangumiij^

The XLVIth, Letter to Pope Vrban, advcrtifes him that the King of France wns dilpaiching t
Depuration of fomc Couttkrs to him, to obtain from him, either by threamitigs or fair oriers, ap
Abfolation; and exhww him not to bt- prevail'd Oti by them lo gpaniit.

In the XLVlIth. he{clls Cuy, the Chiu. Maftcr of the Kmg'«; Houniold,
that tis vain fcff m
that Princt to think of ntocuring a Difpenfarion of bis Marn igo with Bertradcy by bis promifa
of Mbwin* mi Endowmems on the Church ; that . it can never be granted him, nor can
Attone for hre giott Sin lb fooa a Woffc, or em hope foe RemiOion of it, wfaik hetefolmio

*^ln Se XLVIIIth. he acquaints Fope XJtkm with the xi^XBim of hSM*gtt 11^ die Anh^ »
Klhoprick of /(.Wm/.
The XLIXth. is Written to Stephen, Earl ofCbatncs and BloiSj denying hnn the Exempooo qf
the Cloyfker of the Canons, from the Bithop«'» JnrisdiftklB, and tefilling to Sim
hfan, ou' n<" thr hounds of the City of Cbartrtt. ^ ^
, ,

In the I.iIl he makes his cxcule* to /(/eAfrlftf, Arcb-Bifliop of Sens, fornot waiting noon him,
without the King's Paff-port : He interpofc? his Advice, conf crnio^ the Difputc for Primacy,
between the Aich-Bilhop df Lum and i^cbenm, that if be have good Aiuborities to produce, be
fhonld do it, and defii« he would lend him the Copies of fbem ; bur, If no fifth can be found,
thinks he had beft refer the matrer to the Pope's Decifion He acquaints him, that ?f TJ/jto ij

F.leded Arcb-Biflujp of Parit, praying that he would Conletratc him before the Fealt of St.
m^, letting hhn alfo know, that hehad obtam d leave for him of the Popt, to iaak« life of Ul
Pallium on this occafion, though othcrwife, it had been forbidden Iiiin.
The Lift. Letter is written to Santiiertf Dean oiOrleani, who h.^d been Elei^ed Biihop of tliat
Church, in the Year 1090; JoAh, the Sub-Dean, had us*d underhand meafures to gethimfetf
into that Bifhoprick, and tame of the Clfrpy of his Fadion, had, by Letters to fw, acc6s'd f 4it-
itim of Simony : Ivo, hereupon, endeavours to diffwade him from afpiring after that Dignity,
and from getting himlelf Confccratcd, till be had the Pope's Order for it, and had dear'd him-
felf of the Afpei^ caft upon him. In the mean while, the Clergy and People of Orinnu, bad
prevail'don the Arch-Bifliop of J«m, to Command Jo* toConTechMF him j herefbs'dm do^ic
at CbiteaulMiJen, bordering on the Dioccfs of S«u, by rcalbn of the diPcr«ice between the Arch-
fiilhopof Sent and the Pop^ ^oc the Primaqr of Limti but the Clergy bavjng imerefs'd
King to confirm dxiirBleaion, fcv folds' fimh fnt Citidoii for SmiQim't Adveriariei to appear
at Chartres, which they not ol^eying, aixl Sdifffion having purg'd htmfclf by Oath, ofwharrhey
had alledg'd againft hini, he was Contecratcd by Ivo Bilho^ of Chartret, iy$SUm Bithop of Farir,
and iVattfr Biuiop of MeaiiXy as is fully related by m
his LIVth. Letter, wriuen on this
nccafloii, ro ITugh Arch-Bin>op of Urns. No fooncr was Sai.n'cn fettled in new Dignity,
but he began ro abufc and infult ovcrthofeof his Ckrgy who had oppos'd hmi, which drew
from Ivo the Lllld. Letter in this CoUe<£Hon, wherein, he rc\ ercly taxes iiiin for his indecent Be-
haviour. The Arch-Bifhop of Lim/ was highly difpleas'd at S.infiion\ Confrc rri n. nnd took
care tolet fvo know how ill he refented it at his hands : To him, therefore h-o proteits, (

LDCth Letttr) that he had not taken any Money for performing that Office ; that he knew no-
thing of the Crimes StmRim wax aecm'd of ; that StmBioH had denied them all upon Oath ; th^t
be did not give him notice of that fblemnity, becaufc 'twas not caftomary to do fb ; nor did be
ooncetve that the Arch-Bifhop coi^ J by vcrcuc of hi? I ii'.>rinc Authority', challetu;c fuch Jv.rif-

didion over the Bilbops of Erance, as that they, Oiouid not have power ol Conlbcraaon, wuiiouc
his leave and X>icenoe.
In the I.lld Letter, Jcs writes to G«»/r^, Dean of Mam, nV u' one i^w*r</ a Canon-Regu-
lar, who bad entml himlelf a Monk, in the Al)beyof hUmmtier^ and had a miod to return to
h-f fonner Order, that he ought by no means to fiimr hhn to quit his Monafleiy, nor receive hhn
again among the Clergy.
In the L Vcb. be requeils the Arch-Bifhop of Liotu to conOnn the Eledion of one who had
been chofen Bifhop of BeauvaK^ nocwithftanding fomc Objedions be had againft hiin.
In the LVIrh, be Anfv/er'; King Philip, thn' could not hcnr, tfnc f fuj^lj Arch-Bifhop of Liorn
intended to call another General Council this cai the Pojxr having already held two within His

MajviH's Dominions ; and that if he fhould Summon one, hvioaldbt contrary to the Apofto&
cal JnftititttODSand the pradice of tiie Church ; that if the Pope's legates Ihall after any re^fon-
allle diftanee of time, think fit to Convene the Bilhop«, they are to obey their Orders ; but, x£
tiiey Avail begin to impcf(' n ruAV and intolerable Yoke iipon the Bidiops, be hopes His JMajdfy
will think it his duty to put a ftop to their encroacbmcnts;
In the LVIIfh, he tdn Grtfiyt Abbot of VmJme^ That he ought to deny die Rite of Burial,
• among his Monks, to one of them, who had four rimes aiiitrcd his
Monaftry ; becaufc, at his lalt
Raurn rhithtr, he had not biought baclt with him, tiic Goods he bad facrilegiotiflj carried away
from the Monaltry.
l(jcher$m, Arch-Bifhop of Sens, c!ying in the beginning of rbe Year 10^6, the Clergy elecfled
DMmhrtf and ient to to Ordain bim both Pnelf, and Biihop j who £«iwers tJi^em. in the

Digftlzed by Google
Mopof L ons, who ^avcour, Thnc Tio Biftow '^^^
^'1^^^. Anrh-
Hon and could
; that he would, in particular do .IiT. m ^^'J^^"''^ ^>T«ff, Without his Permif-

CDCrti Lmer demands of /w,

mu,h nhhlntc\y vcfufwg to
If he may oSiin hfiT i^^
And prays^^T* ^^"^ thci-eforc, in the
his Anfwer wuh aU
gi%?him I ca c to do ir rJI^ I fi^-d
»K.- obey his Plcafun: therein and
Will ' ^''^ 1-Xth Letter
Jntrcats and advifcs hi,n,
roSo^."'n,^^tar ^^^^^
JutJ,or.t^-, and not to infift fo rigoroufly,
to the
BiJopJof h.. Prov,„:e7
in SaSnJ rh2 n»5[- ^^^-r^^i-' of his

ownher Power,, ihrpugl, an impoflibility '° force th*m

of irfor^inrwhl^n ^^^^^ to dif-

-JncOblervance to the 6«ler,, or '

Wonlir}', eithcrcpoccrning
PrdhiSns o^h^ •Ho^U^ m'" V^" P^X
the Deface of Relip nn r^^ - "-^Wing fa' Faith and
irm Dangers, anAvil..
the 1^ fnd '^'^T^""^' ^^""''^^'^^^^' Ac prm^^-
^dA.^ln.^^^ in ObJ.^ccTo
rent Matr«, the obfcrving, or asw mdirie- ^""^^
nToblW^ng of which^^^^ fl

to the Etideavours of our SaNat^Jn : And

tbeCoort of n7nT^ro [h^ l^^^^^^^
Aers, he tnrreats him tocailider Cuftoms, eftabKlheJ by
they hnve eftabluhcd, than
with himfc f ih^HoJy Fi-
m.^K 1
tr.^cxTve ha^^^^^^ adhe^ t6 wb^
fore »ie vrondert, i!iat Hup/j (hould en j^j ^ f ''''Opspf the Provuicc : and thotx:-
Vjew.eIedbcd'ArdJt(fop o? 5^°
to 4Se TX^kJ?'^'''?- f^""'^ ''^^
Sybmillion, and Obafience tJ
-^iS ??lnrS^? PonCc^CRtion, and w protnS
FW or irl,„y orhetCoun^
imd had been d<n.^ed duly,
\ Td th t S2 'T^?^^^^^^^
ever pradlifed in the
and wrhomSln^^nv
•''""'"'^^^ of nnv Crim^
he knew of no fpch Matte,""

fed always ailtan'da Right of

Confdring BiXrickn;^
them, to civelnvcfctaix: to ""^ tbcmfclvcs m
^efer theeonfccrations of

fodi as had £en Xfv Pt 'v> f
hid n6
V'^- oppos/^nlv
BrZ^ S rl"^'
.i'^-' ?'^^^^'^
toS iW,.
ngstJorifent. He urics more-
rciZfci '^.%f ««cf,.
M fept

nor exclude their King

^61-, Wto give hfm foflemon of fuchVandr aStfe^.^^^ ^'^^^'^^ ^'^

^Churchc> weteentituledto, frotn Advantages,
thelXVaNtv otK^
or rttncdied, but bV ^ittin? KrK^ p ^ r r
j'''' which coiifd not prcveatecL

ofthe Church of

ro voniecratc
/t<,.„., ^^ould ^Ny [h7m\rv« tM
tcti, and not fay out i hcmfelves fo
C^antcratc the ArctBi'lTlop
again" whriJdfEa^^^^^
S T^^'??

inUgnScanc Matter's

I";^ Brethrv^n,
^If*^^^^ ^^'i^s.

nuy l^c permuted


Arcb-BilTlop o/T?^. whkh "i* -^•'^{'"f"> P^V tc permitted

him. to own the f>'
tonwnrJ,.. v^-f
P/uttaty of
o/Tf/ij ,, which
.1.:;J sr^
fbitTf helenv^^^rr
if ni,Xu>1lf'„
will grant thcjn. he
>c promifci
S''".' ,
nr,.«-*;f -.^
to p^xviil oi.
Uic ^iamp WQuId not lie at

<wr fo jj.i„ for ,k- fu,W. ^T;'^^ ^'"''•s'<^ .Wnft piAw,s;,o^s„

whfch Bi/hops We
to be Conft'rlted'br^^^^ ^''^
r'"^'' or, wfu
MerropoJiun 'V"^^"^"^'
i/^ tbur' n, b>
Bifhops of thVfame Province ' ; n thai couljnor be, L ) !

n^t at all meddle lith the DlfcSi^^,tT Agreement t£de bawaii

rT' V^' t|u.-.n, ,did
that he may rtifl execute the
Sc^^ce of hfS ''''^ 9*^^' i"^ ^^'>'4 of .^/^.^

.Hc.' He tells him ii^^^i^!:^


Hijlorj '
fl id l^eyv Ecclejiafitcal

Sacnmcnts. f p^^^ pn hisJourney to-

aha Adir.inmcr the

the g.^j^

1 hat nop
I XVth, to Vo^
Vrhan, acquaints H»n. Inftrud;on^
recommends h,m to the Temper, than h.
\vard ; , more manageable
that he may r^^" to prevent
and whorcfome Advice, ^^half, for an Inhibition,

'""^ ""^^
l&px:^:" Lt^ferp'^f ^^'^^^ c""'-- was depofcd by
to his Prrmacy. •
poflcfllon „f rhc Bifhoprick
of Orleans before he
$,nnionh:id not been long
m ^fj^J^S of the Arch-Rfbop of
T.«.;, to make
iheArch-Bifhopof /..W at the ^^^^^ whohad£een Arch-Dc^c.nof
Creatures j but aycry Ar<*-BHhop of Tours
room for libn) one of his To b^^^^^
hTchuri.. under S-aiWsPredcceiror: ftould be Confccratc4

Ivc protefts he had "° ° of

rtek o( Srn. :

ComplaimsJ^^ttlut wu^^^^
wcrc^d^^^ uwdc againft him, by the B.(lx>ps
ftf'M'oiF alloccafion of tho^b opprcfS'J. and Qveibur-
and retake Care, 'hat the
Churcks of tlm^^^ „^ring
the Ho y Sec » ^ »
d^f.'lf frtlie Rcgutn
ions. '^^Dea^S »^ ' ^.^V, him, he thought he
by the Arch-Bilhop of f^^^ one, cfrcciaUy, for whom no
to thi^ Primacy cfaim-d
uPon f^ ^
take leave to his Opinion freely
be wWe Imcrefts
Sfn, on this fidethf^i, had fo <^"°^,\^*„t;,,^tt^^^^^^ txpreflion. that had
tihd b^en' a great Sufferer r-Howev^. "^^^ rather ilu.n bear hi. Anger,
from him, he would retract
he m Satisfadiori, tor any thing
f f
Whether bd had defervd it or not:
A^^'^^y ^ ^Jf.^^^^^^^ and prays him to
have taken amifs. he
|,is Holmcfs might
h^ to cuir his Dlo^i bc/caM

^75;:?-Aroh^Bi^c^^?*tiU, tnakingnoAj^t^
br,ng Pro«f of what he had ^''^^^
TRa( tkCr.mes being (b
fh-ad of obeying this
Siut^mons. anfwcrs ^urn* ''^^r "r^^^^
^^kf^n for ir, he
bad ''^^;^> '
ctnrtd fufflcumr Witnefs, that 7<'^" ' of Of Ic^m '.

f f ^
Servants, and hnd P>-<«>^^,'^
^^k' ^^kI «Tnl^^^

Bifhop had done

he is of Opimon, Thar the w^J'^'V. „ office lo thofc who were already
than to have ^{^*

a regular Way of Living, mtbcr JhisEimSSn' having the beocr ta-

make a good Ufe i .

Howtver, they might

'hSks. ought not to be
<*Iii;d,ro ir '

ru^^^lb^ after the Sute of tbcir own S^^^^^^ ^^'Stp
^ •
allot then, hncc
dfiiv&alh.ftnbidundertaking.thcCure o Sou^^ -^

the .CoacCiion,
ii y^d ip^rr, Inrmr to
t^o?(n^ as h^avc been long traind,
ma> '"O^
ard imirtdhon of others, f^^.^^V^^^^^^^^^^ Manners therefore
'*'"J/XXorderinRd^^^^ i
and carcfMlly cxcrcis d, m«atpuiing,
^^.^-^^'V^^^"? "'^ f Clercv •
For. Uy that

the MtK^aftcries will

us but Vcak »
I j^J-J
intal Milchicf, the moft
rrn '

- ^ 'efltrufted t,> h.m. .i - wejfeh'.y tmpluyment, and be :

\<C(tii ihl; Care of other Mcn< So- ;ls. -jk^

I by Google

Yfie LXXth Lener, is an Admooitiorf tb the fiilhop €f A^4«r, -tti Refantf the Mto<Hidy
"hAvrmmier ; which was fcaodalous for very great Irregularities.
In the LXXift, he lays before iViUitm ^fnsy King of Englani^ the Reafon whyiic bad ablolv'd
Kiv^dy of Septeuily from the Oath he fattd taken to that King, v/^. fiKanftkinwcoatnrf lo At
Obligations of his former Osatfas, to his own natural and lawful Pruioes.
The LXXIld to Gimrd, Abboc of St. VgnirilU^ contains this Dccifion ; That the chief Stone, or
Altar-piece of an Altar that has been demolifli'd, or pull'd down, tho* it had been formerly Con-
secrated, is to be Cottfectaoed ttain, when laid upon another Altar : lad .iMwteas icisobieded^
Thar the Potta1>le Alan do nee Metheir Gonftcntkm, by being tutkA fnm cae plact to noH
ther, he anfwers. That there is a Difference between the moving thefe Altars from place to placc^
and t^dng the Scones from an old Altarj becaule the Scooes of dxte Portable Alcus arc faifaicd upon
a Vlank ol Wood, orfbme other Pedelbd ; and ii» lowlunmr phot yon tanii^ tfaen^ they reniiM
ftill as they were when firft Confccrated.

. The LXXUId Leuer is fent to Bernard^ Abbot of Marmeutier, whom fiwie of the Monks re*
fib'dlbAbltticio, as their lawful Abbot ; becaufe, as they pretended, be had beefiCenfecratedbf
an Excommunicated Bifhop Ivo, in anfwcr to this, tnaintainsj. That the Proitiodon of in Abboi .

depends, rather upon the £i»ltion of the Monks, than the fij/hop's. Benediction ^ whisbt in the
ftiieacOSe, isnoe^hrmbf ImpditioaofHaadt, nor iskiai(fwp^C&Mfanldoa,fawoii^
aulwy of Prayer.
The LXXlVth Leitef iS to Hildeitrt, Bilhop of Urns ; who is in a great Streight, Whethci)}
or no, he lhall pot Uinfelfnpoo the Trial of Qraeal, or walking Blindfolded, and fiiarefoot, ores
red-hot Plowfhatrs, to ju^e his Innocence to the King of En^tmJy who aocufed him of h&vin^
trcacherouflv furrendred the Town of Mam. Tvo teUs him, That the Ecdeftailical Laws havings,
Utterly cotiaemn'd that Pradlice, he fliould endure ahy thii^, rather than undergo it.
The LXXVdi is voj^m, wl» was Confccrated Bi^op of OrlMMtr^ nBCwithftandioa^ the Ettani'
df Rh> topitrentfr. TheCooweftofPiiriyef, and faerAdhefcms; ooolrinningto ^t^^
the Church of C .fr/r f J, ffo was oblig'd to ask Leave of the Pope, lo Excommunicate them ; which!

was granted bim : /Wm, out of fpight to preoended, 'twas his own Ri^to pronouocx tha
Eaco miiuicatidB agiiiiftilKin, being of Ms DMoe^ inAvUkM id ny the Mamt ^nh ht, at Oi*t
le-ins. Iv$ nfilb upon :hc I^e's having Coouniflioned him to do it j and, that the Cafe ought tO<
be decided ztChsrtres^ not vTOrltmi ; fince ic was the Church of Qhtitttt that had receieed the A^
fiont, atxl dm aU DUbmoes angfae ID be tried iipsn the place ^(^^
The LXXVIth Letter is written to Daimhtrt, whom the Pope bitnlaf UM Ordain'd Arth^^l
B^P oiStnSf (tho' Hugh, Arch-Biibop of LioHs , bad refus'd to do it) and who bad tbeteupOa

liibaBined to the Primacy of Lims. Ivo lets Unl iMrcby know, That he intends to come and amfk*
at the Provincial Council he had invited him to ; prays him, to defer the Ordination of the Bilbop'
of Nevers, (becaufe of a Scruple about the Elcdion) and to excommunicate the Lady of Piafet^'
lier Son Hueh, and all thataififtea, or belong'd to them.
The LXXVlIth is written to WiwfA, Dean of Beauvait^ and to the Chapter of that Church, upOn
occafion of a Trial they had bad a&rat a Mill belonging to them, but rendred ufelels, by fomc
Bridges, and other Buildings, that cut oif its Supply of Water : /vo advifes them to complain IDA
die Mettopolhai^ or the Pope's I/^/kk^ in cafe the BtOuip of BtMrnuwillimwamif^m, faopH^.

The LXXVIIIth is a tetter of Advice to the Monks of the Monafterv of Do/, in the tXocefs d'
^eurget, to pot an end to their Quarrels^ and DiviGons, about the Ele<^ion of BaHik*i {Sosmah •

a Monk of'Amwvic/) for tbdr Abbor. Iw aflbrei them, he had had a very good AcMMmt of h»Ltfe>
and Con.vcrfan'on ; that whereas fome had thoiiphc ill of him, for quitting his Monaltery without
leave from be bad been forc'd to dg it
his Brethren, by the Scandalous Irregularities that were there*'
in, vrhidrMd fikewife occafion'd their AUfceC MOf and ft¥cMl otlMn oflhelMMo aUMri^> '

the Villain?es reft to take the fame cour(e.

of the
The LXXIXth Letter is written in the Name of ho
Bilhop of Chartret, Pt^iliam Bilhop of P4rufi
9i£M Biihop of Or/ffintf, HP'^tZ/rr Biffaop of Mtaiix, and Humkiud Btfhop <^ ifjrir)A^,> Ammbled in-
Synod at Stamps, io Philip Bifhop of Tropes, who was Summon'd to this Council, bat had not made;
his Appearance: They tell bim, ihcy might have pafs'd Sentence againft him^ but would alloW-
him time, till the Sunday before Cbrijltnas, aitd then he muft twr fail to defind hiulelf, if be cool^
, for this Contempt of their Authority. This Letter ai>pears to have been wriaen in' the Year, itoo.
The LXXXth to ;Wft'4»i Abbot 6f Fie<tmp, confirms the decifion 6f the LXXlId Letter, a«
bout rhc rc-Confecrarion of Altars that have oecn remov'd out of their placel
The LXXXI&js a Coogi'atuiaGDry Lettet to Pone PifelHdil^yim<kii fiie^riiioh w«fac Ptautt»
ealChaif;; '
.>n ,m'».. ^ O
-'jWr- • ./oRji ,bia - ;
• r

In the LXXXIId he Conrirch Cf/>/>;, Abbot of to forb^st- his fcveriries acainlt a ccniin
Aionk of his Convent, and eitbq: to confine him to a Cell by hi^nfelf,' or elfe fuifer liiiBW mice set
ldinedth«rMonlftnT. * J ' .::..> •
• ...tii -n n

The I.XXXIIId Letter is Addrefs'd to the Bifhops of the Province of I{l:ettns, sdvinngthcm, in
rrgard to their own honour, and that of the Bifhop of SoijfcnJi hot to fuffer the infu^ts of their
Metropolitan ; for that if tM A#ch-BHhop« IhaU 'tfivy^take' upon Ih^ to do Wbat 'iheyplcafc in thii
Churcnes of their Province*,' iknd', wirhour the Otdinarics Coftfcntj^t<> Judge and Sufpend any of
rife Clergy, as they Iball thitik^fit ; chey will quite ovenhroWthe Qreditof the B^iicopal Digtti-'
^ Md tfie Otdeftia die Ctoicbj fiftabliOi^ bf dtt^CSmmi rJftkfUmcin^ cMf Mghc m «ppeft

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. A tieof EccUfufiUd JJiJlory
AtK loch InAoMnom, and if the Clergy of Stijfcns are ready to juftific chcffifelvfl^ tfacir Biftop; ^
the Metropdhan has no power to Coodemn chcm for Herciie or Sacrilege.
L Thg LXXXlVtb is to Manages Arcb-Bifliop of t^icinn^ upon the fame fubjcd. He lets him
know, that hcthooght his Letter a little too fevere, and exhorts him to ufc gcnr!cr incthods to bring
the Cliurch of Soijfoni to ihcir duty, and to accept of the fubtnillion and lauifadion they tcndrea

The lA'XXVth Pricft, Cardinal-Legate for Pope Pafdsl in Frttice, highly

Letter to Jobtt,
commends Imn Comnaunicate with the KiOfe thoogh foaae Bilhpps of die Be^icli-
for lefttfing to
PKmnoe had dar'd to pntdv.Ctam «pa itefdoBt't fM, «
Whi^tpaUe^ omnuy id tte
ft^scxprefs prohibition to tfadnalL . .

fo» approves likewiTc bis intennons of Aflembling a Council in the Province of jl^juitain^ but
withes, he would defer it till die b»iiining of Autumn.
In tlie LXXXVlih he demands Utiifaiftifln of Sttfbeu Ear] of Ck^trt/, for Jhayi^g abus'd foaap
By the LXXXVIIth he advcnifcs ^obn and Bcnct, Legates of the Holy Scr, ihat GmrUtsd,
&ioded Bia»i> «f itewMv, k aa ifpaaa. apd dcbauch'd Im, glwgeiher u^wol thy of that prefcr-
arinc } afadoUermtatte«f«ite!,- Chwdi of BmumiV tan • long vat lu4 cbe nialbr-
10 be povttn'd by very ill Bilbopft;

suhcr to hve in meanoefs and oUcuncy, u> fecure the ftate of his own Soul, tiion to hazard the
Satvuion ofh; inihefae^ks ofHfliMVttdPicfecv Aod whereas, fomc were now jq^amS
his being made an AHwt, 'cwas not out of any diflikc of him, but btcaufc they tliought it not
fremly that a fiiihop Ihould come to receive ikncdidion fr^ut an Abbot, which Ivo thinks
needs oot.liditaade a icruplc of, but tbac die Ceremony may be wdl cmmgb quite omitted, or B»y
be ss'd to one his CbaraiSer, without any prejudice, hncc it is not a Sacrament reiterated.
. The LXXXlXth Letter is to the iame Pope, and adrooniflies him not to give credit too eaflly
t* >Juijr coftofiaims that ftail be bnlll|fat to hino, againft the fiiiliops, or any private Per/bns of
Anu^ i)ebl*|iDoeai tocenfureaafwnft them, but t^on good eyidcMI ^ven in by crcdibJePcr-
ffljhA, dn<UMtiB lite near ibeiki : He acqaaiats him moicoverj dJiR;he Silbop £kd of Jmmm«
is very undefcrviocoC Ua FrefeiTBent, and that he bad be^ dn^ady ddfca OOC die Cbmh^ U
facial Srawlalim JBehaviav, by tfaei) An^Biihap
rladeKeih««4Mr»» Ai^HOop «fAw, be

cantet du* cafe $

Idird another, excited out of the Anicles of Peace agreed and Sworn to, were to be deem 'd a
if a Mm who M
VfofaKcr of God's Lam
and fubjed to the PuniHunents <uie oo fuch a ock 1 aod concludes, That
ttnUfli bebri.eAile)r of Hfiiiftii^irr. he b<s aadietffaf ^DfiemM Cod.
Py the XClll he Congratulates Adela Cowftof C^MW^upon the WWajr
of iMT Uctllf^
aod cx lions hdrto-ptoced the Churches. . .

The XClId Letter is written tt> Pope P^Uta/^ at the lequefl: and in bchtlf of St^pif/t, fiilhop,
Elcd of Eenuvais, praying his Holinefsto confirm his EIc<iiion, though he have not yet taken Orders^
aifiinfigbun theicis no other Objection can lie againft himj that the Accufatioos that had been broi^hc
aninft him were found to be falie and giooDdle!s; tlut Li/iArd Atdlfi>e2Con of, thecluef
JMiilMWii' i f ehesn has acknowlec^'d as much, by being hilly rccqncilod to Stephen, andvindica-
tir(g hhn on ail occanons, aadthatii any be yet diilatis&ed, he is ready to give tiiou all full and
Canonical (acisfatibon.
J JfeitewtrhiUmHttt. thit Ixxm^ Sim- i^ttftM would mn allow ^ botfcvercly
nfrktmnMiot wcoftring onev) mitk) <NM»orcbyof any favoar or'pN^ermnt as every oody
the reprefcrttcd him to be; which /v« was fo £ir from being difpkas'd, that he lets the Pope
know, by the XCVth Letter, how glad he is that Sa^i^ had mus'd of his aim and attires j,

IfUk^MADofi^"!!! bad camned the fbimer icnorfram him, by his importunities, ^nd that be did
tidt thiilk when he wrote it, 'twould provQ a help to his dcfired advancement, or In; taken for a (c-

ntes JVcodsopiemiAtion of him, by his Hoiincls, or any inicUigcoc pcrfoo that iljould cdtllnc the
Sdb of Sbv^/HftJUoBwife miiids the Pope, diat bis Holineis had proceeded too far in approving of
Z>Ws ptttnflCjflS to thftTrcalurtTfV.ip of Chahm^ bc?caurc the Mcriis of ihcro having been cxcir iii'dL
in meCottodf of Fd^itrt, at appear d that the ktc £i)6;op of Chakm had r.ut pow^x tp britow lIk;
•lux upon bim,:Mn(di,. as w«s icqtMrod 1^ the Jfi^Caftical Laws, he were hrfl Carton, for Pre^'
Dcnd) of that Church which i>r^* coula never pretend to, becaufc he was Cntiou 2tid Arch-Dca-

c<|B) of another: and that therefore they had decreed his Inititucion to the rrcalunTlliipof CijiipHs
null and void, following therein the Opinion of 'hte Hdincfs himfcl/^ and of his Prcdecdlbrs, who
haire decerraui'4 that no Man <haii hava- prefapmi in two Churches at the fame time : And there-'
frre iv0 intit«9-AhR.P«fc lo coofider vmi of..thi^ tt^aner, aod^ie i^ confequcuccs tha^ nsay e^iMU
if he do not revoke WMC he has order'd in ii^ contruy to the Opuuoa and irfohwion ipp Com^*

ii^She XClUd 4fw h^vifVCbmplimmte^ 'Dwm&^^

Ijetier, rather, Dagdat) Patpac^i qC
94iritf«i»m,. him iatiK: of
rocolrinends to Ws
Di^ccU, wLo were travelling to tlm City.
1^% <iiK J^CiiVth: AfiqMfta F^ff^^togrant hijs Bull to die Ch^gy of Ci^i^s^ .capowcr-v
iag^EMni ipAKSIiBttuiikwMl iii)h?>«l|4Md ^aay lofot hercaitcr prctcpd to xciicw the C^iaik
^$6it^!^.ptgiit9^(iA, klA tlinpHiTfa h* owimmdi l
Stnceflbr'y NaiM^ .to the Qf/A and Houfo;
- -
V* *

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of tk Twelfth Century of Chrtflianity. ii
bcIoBping to the Bifhop and to that Charch ; and to proceed to the like fevcrity againft any Bilhop
ot O -J, who lhail connive at, br confenc to any Attempa of that nature.

In the XCVIcb Letter, lie aflem duu Ciiriftttii>fiaiialis adci» iKdcaialio any dK«iioi)iei
in tbe Commanion of the Chard).
. In the XCVIIth, he defircs Lambert B;fhop of Arr.ii, and Jchn Bifhop of Term^rUy tO writt
to the Ar.-h-BUhop of Hbeimsy to take care chat a o^w Bifliop be Ciioicn at Bmm>4», in tbe raom

of vlrlw(eEle6hoiiPopePj/U^
5rr;>/ ^^^

Th. XCVITIrhis an Exhortadon CO tfae-Pbc^of Amhm^ to dllofeftl'tfafiir-BidMipoiieiifiV

is Eminent for. Piety and Learning.

Tbe XCDCth is the reiblmion of a Qaeftion propos'd to him by Giuilm, Abbot of ^ Quintm,
in BMWvrtw, w^. if Children under Six years of Age, can be Contradcd or Married with one ano-
iber, and in cafe there be only a Contrad between them, and one of the parties die, whether the
fbrviving pany may Marry the Brother or Sifter of the other ? To which fw anfwers, that none
can a(5ualiy Marry till the Age of Foarceen, but that Children may promife Marriage to each othef
ailbon as they are at years of Difcrction, which he determines they are at Seven years of Age, and
ibac a Contta<fi agreed oo at that Age (hall hinder either Parry, if one of them Die
cocnpleatly Married, fitoai bfanyioK with the Brodier or Sifter of the Deceaied.
In the Cib Letter, he deimnra at fahu Bifliop of Orkms^ thereftitiition of an Altar, (orChuwlh)
which had been adjudg'd by the Council of Poitien, to belong lo the Diocels of Clfames.
Id tbe .Gift Letter, to AdeU Counte(s of Chartra, he Complains of her having aflam'4 Ambori-

ty to Cfeebeftxeber Judges /(«/jp6, a Chief Cleify- Man of his Dioee6, voannrer'lbr Ms having
fciz'd the Goods of n Conntcrfcir Nun r Ivo puts her in mir^d, that it has ever been the undifpuun
mghc of his and of ail the other Churches of France, that none but the £<xlcfiai|ica.I Jude^fiiaU t^o
Cognbeanoeo^ and inSiiSt Pnnilhments on diibrderly Clerey^Men and Moak%,ittl«6 tfaelr OiBMi are
fnchas defcmDeufa^ in which cafe ooljr, tbejr 'are to oe dcllvci'il ofC^cO'dK Jtflioe of die Oiftt
In tlie end, he preffis Manajfei Arcfa-Bidiop of I^hetms, to proceed to the Confccration of the
new Elcdcd Biftop of Bciuvaut without waiting any longer for leave ftx)m the King The Ele(l^^ion

of Biluops (he tells him} is the Churches Prerogative, and has been yielded to them by the Capitu-
lars or Grants of Charlemmmand Louis le Debmnahe,
By (he Cllld, be acquamcs Pope Pm/cImI, that tbe Bifhop of Senlif who bad been forc'd ou^of
bis Diocefs for adhering to his HoKncfi's fnterefts, could not regain poiflfeffioo of it, though he had
produc'd his Holinefs's Letters in that behalf to tbe King, and to hjs own Metropolitan j but that
tnowQver, the Dean of Puri had alio fea*d to hisown nfe the Prebend this Biihop'bad io that Church,
la dieCIVih, he adyertifes the lame Plope, ifcattbe fimndeft and moPt jndiaoDS-df the Clergy of
JBeauvai, having Ele<ftcd for their Bi/hop one Guahn, a pcrfon of cxctlfenr Learning and Marals^
fame who were ftiil zealous for St^ben, had flii^ infinuatcd to the King, that the other being t
JXfcf^ of Ivaand nomtnaied bf cbePope, his Majefty hadtreafon to lear he would prarehi
very good SubjetS of his : upon which loffieftion, the King abfolutcly rcfus'd to Confent ro the
£k<^ioa of Gmim, and to give him lovemture. Ivo tells the Pope, be bad e'er this been Pctiti-
ObVI on that oocifion, bur dbe Metropolitan kept die Clergy from it, under pretence of fpeedily coin«
.prominng the matter, perhaps to pleafe the Kinp by clolaying it as long as he can in hopes of rcr-
minating it to bis -fatisfa<ftion ; and thercioro conjures his Holinefs to imeiTofc his Authority, for
tbe Coofirmadon of what he has begun, and to ftop his Enemies mootfOk He acquaints bim, that
the King has dedar'd be will go fbortly to i^omf, but he fcarce believes it ; rhoagh whether be go
or lend thither, 'cwould be requifitc bis Holinefs Iboold be caocious of Abfbbriog bim, or do it
ooly comiitioadl^,ftrleir<ifa ftnimiolrabdoiredSin,aiidtold%dteasmaditoaUibeCfaHr'
xbes of Firsuet*
In the CVth Lctterf he' fiwlier iafou m the Vofjt, Axt the KStit bad taken a Solefnn Oadi, -Ait
Cudlm Ihould never be Bifliop of Beauvau, in ms Reign j and hixmbly remonftratcs, that if his
JioQoe& take any notice of this Oath, and do not relblaiely Ihew his power to the contrary, tbm
-fhall never any note legard be bad for Ele<9:ions in Firance. Ivo conchulesthis Leinr widi Pnrp-
ing the Pope's diredlion what courfc he fhall take, if the King after obtaining bis HoUliflVa Jmlh
lution, fhould re-affume his former iUpradices, as he much fcar'd he would.
Tbe CVItb and CVIItb Letters are mHemj, the I. King of England, and his Queen MathifJdy
tochorrinp rhtm above all things, to promore Religion, and take Care of the Churches in their Do-
niinioas, recommending alTo to chetr bouoty the nccclfitous itate of the Church of Ckartrcs^ of
ivhidi they would be owe folly bdfaim'd by two of theCanooscf wbombe bad Idic on put^
pofe to tbetr Majcfties.
In the CVIIIth he gives Pope Pafcbul an Accoont of tbe (>]arrels between t{al^ Arch-Bifhop
of TowrSy ai\d the Abbot of Marmeutier, whom the former had accus'd of divers mifdemcanoors :
Jvo thinks tbe Arcb-Bilhop ought not to be beard againil bim ; |. bec«ule he was not himfelf Le-
eally Ordain d ; a. beemfe the Abbot w:$ never guilty of what is laid to his Charge ; or, 3. if
he were, the Arch-Bi(hop fliould then ha\ '- Objeded them againft him, while he wns concum'd in
Cbncch^Affiurs, and not now he is rctir'd into a Cloyfter. 4. The ground of the Arch-Bifhop's
analioe apmSt htm, is, that he cannot have leave to read Mafs publickly, hi theChtttch of Alo^
anottf/er, to infult over the Monks, sndeirb^zzle the Goods of the Monallcry ; and therefore, to
Ihow his fpite againft it, be bad lately in S/nod, Prohibited any of bis Diocefs from entring into
itoAbbey: 3. AU tbeWiinaflbbe hadtoprodtee aganftdte Abbo^ werecSteUsown^
Q % dii^

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A New Ecclefajlicai H'tftory ,

dnd, Men of a Scandalous Reputation, or fuch as be bad brib'd and fuboin'd ; all whicb, he
prays his Holinels to nkc into I'- Prn Jmt Confldcraiion, and do what he thinks requiiicc thcreupoo-
lu the ClXih i ctter, to the lair.c Po^h-, \\c inireats him to Conftitute for bis Legate in
fomc Biftiop whofeDioccfs lies on this fide of the yllpsi fur tl)ai the Canlliiais wl.o were wonc ro
V - fen: from the other fide could nocftay thcce loogenougb to put the Affairs of the Church in or-
at r, which miniftred occafion to tbeBneniies of the Holy See, to lay thai they were not (enc lo
regulate abufes, but to fci-apc up Money for tlicir own puckers, or the ulc of the Courc of Upme:
Vfifeveocfuch clamours, Jv»mofok%Hu^ Arcb-Biihop of Li«Nj» as the httcit pcrlon he can dunk
of for this employment, in whld) he had beremfbre acquined bimfelf with gteat apphul^ and dooe
excclicni fcrvice to the Church of I^pmsy and to thofc of Fr/ince.
|q the CX, he acquaints the Pope, chat having ahnoft rcloiv'd tc rciign his B-fhopnck,
by «»-
(in of the excelfive. wick^nefs of bts peofle^ and bis dc^atrisg of d()ing any good among thea^
he wjs got as far a$ the Alps, i w:iy towards Hfme^ to confult his Holinels on- this occanon,

when Ik: was inforoi'd of a i rcacncrous defign his Enemies had againft hiai, which oblig'd him co
return home and fend Gmlotiy who could bener paft nnfiUpeded, and by ivbom Iw delitcs lo knoir
his Hol.ntfs's 0[)inion and PIcafurr.
BytiieCXIth be rcqucfls Ddimhert, Arch-Bi(hop of Jw, roEzCOotniumcatc f^'/^/j, Locd of ?«(-
his violent and imjuft praClias .-ig.iihft the Church of Cbmrvs^
fit*, aibehad already done, for
j^cointeididl the u(c of Divine Service io the Village of Mcrvilief which iided with him.
Itr the CXiIth be tells the Dan and Chapter of P^nr, that they have power to Excommunicate
any under their Jurlfdiclion, as has the Church of Chartres, ard Icveral othsrs But he b!ame» :

them for rcceiviitg into theu- Church i/ifg<& Earl of Pui/ltt^ and his foiiywcri, whom lie Eicom-
By the CXIIIth, he fends word ro Daimleri Arch-Biftop of Sens, that he is gbd of the Ektftion

of Meaux^ arsd is ready to oiliii «i his Ordinatiun, tf it be at any
J^iuidjjet to the Biihoprick
wfiiiWrhe may fecurely come, or obtain a Pafs-pon for his fafety j odierwife, he would caor
Knr and npprovc of it bv I rrrcrs under his own hand. The CXVih Letter is to the fame purpofe.
in the CXIVth, he aiiuies John Buliop of Orleans, that his Confcience cannot in the leaftaccufe him
of. having done any thing that Ihould Olfend King Lewi ; (the Son of f />////>, Surnan.ed V GrefA
and as to Hu^o Earl of Pui/et, and his Companioi^ he cannot ccceive tJion mto the Church, tUf
they have given good fatisfai^ion fbrthdr Oflaioes.
In the CXVhh, he inrrcats y^ic/'a, Countels of C'.:'.'rf.f, not to give OwJiC nor dKOOnfe**
ny malicious and &ii« Stones that (hall be brought to her againft him.
By the CXVIIih Letter, he acquaints Pope Pafchal, that he had piiUilb*d the InjunflSoos fienk
liimoy his Hortnefs, for the reforming foinc abufcs in the Church, which were fo well ncceiv'd by
liis Brethren, the Clergy of his Diocefs, that few ihow'd any dillikc of them ; but that fome addi«
iions were thought necdTary for the Honotir and Liberty of the Churches, whidi be prays the Pope
jto confirm, that Poftcrity may be oblig'd to obferve them.
The CXVUIth Letter to Htmy King of Enghnd, requcfts him again, to beftow lomewhat on the
Chorcli of Chartres.
. In the CXIXth, he tells Daimhert, that though the oppofition made againft the validity of Mmap-
Jit'i £le(5lion was without any jult ground ^ ya, to leave no room for i'ufpidon or calumny, he
thinkz it convenient that fome of the Clergy of Aluaur vouch for him upon tbdr Oaths, aad diac
-then he may jpnweed co Confccrate him publickiy.
The CXXih liner it to Earl of Pflttwcwand BfiWim^ whole Tefritories were pat under
an interdiifV, by the Bifhop of Seej. This Earl had fen: to ho for foanc of the Confecrarcd Chrifm,
wiiic^ be tells him, he mtiil be forc'd to reiufe him, becaufc the Canons abfolutely £xbid a Biihm's
Cbmiininicating with any pcribn Eaoomnumicaced by another fiifhop : He affiim him nevcnfie-
Icfs, that he is heanily forty ibc his (iifletingK, and fliOttldbe glad if hemjilit baveano|i|ioicaa&f

of doing him any fcrvicc.

In the CXXIit, he espoftulates with Adela Countefs of Clsarnei, conccntiltt the outrages com-
mitred by her Servants upon liis Eccleliafticks, and affurcs l;cr, he is ready to aflifl them in obhging
her to do them Jultice, il fhe iliall not tiiink fit co endeavour it upon this third admonition frtxn bun.
The CXXIId to Volffrin, Arch- Deacon of Paris, aSut$, that a 7evei/b Woman marrying VVidia
Chriftian Husband, ana afterwards returning to Jujaijhf is not freed from her ConjafU Vow* MMV
though flic leave him, can the Man nurry with any other Woman during her Life.
In the CXXIlId to Gau.'eier, Library 'Keeper of the Church of BM«f<jij, he give* his Opinion of
a di£icali cafe he had confulted him upon, vi^. how he (houid proceed agamft a Prief^ who had.
in a propbane manner, madeufe of otbcr Ceremonies and wofdk than are prefcribcd in the Form.
of marriage? Ivo tells him, he had never yet beard of Co foid a Sacrilege, nor was there any pro-
vilion againll it in the Canons; and therefore, this being a. Critnc wholly new and unparaUeli'd^
fome more than ordinary punilhmcnt ought to be inflidled on die Author of it : However, not to
deal TOO fcverely without Warrant and Authority from Scrip:urc or the Ecclef?a(^iral Ljws, he thinks
it lufficient tliat fudi Puniflitncnt be laid on him a$ tJicCaiujiis order tube inflicted upon thoic chac

Violate the Sacraments and holy things/

In thcCXXlVth, Jw acquaints Daimhert, Arch-BiJhop of Sw/, that ff.;;Z) Earl of P/./.'rr having
reftored to the Church of Cbartret their Goods he had detained, and given Iccurity ibr what he had
taken from himfeli" and hLs Doinefticks, he dcfircs he may be Abfolv'd from the Excommunication
. he lay under ; £u^ a» to King Ltwii {l§ GrtfJ he cells htui, that Prince wUi not be jrct rccoocU'd

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of the Twelfth Century of ihrif&amy. i\
to liiM» -becuife iKiefida iobeA)w PirfbhiMKco«ne wJiol^ ft Ctod'Sdiifiii in die Cbmcb

In the CXXVdiw thefme Arcb-BiAop, he gives his Opinion, that tbdfc whofc WhreshadComo
roitccd Adultery vvli:!. they were nbfcnt in the Holy-Lainl, ought efcbier tili,be KOOadkd' SO dMSir
Wives, or. remain unmarried co any oihers dorii^ (heir Lives. . > .

In theCXXVIdK herctimttbitihifdttmtbenitne Arch^'Bi^

\rirh the Countcfs otChartrej,to which he tclls him, he is very well inclin'd, but tharhe cannot rclcafc
his Clergy from an Oaih ihey had obiig'd ihonlelvcs by, not co admit into their Church any but die
Sons of rree-mcn.
By theCXXVIIrh ro Ki:i;W rrp//, be cxcufes himfcif for nor '.vni-inr; o- hi? Majefty, becniife
he was not m a comltuon lo take a Journey, when His Maicfty's Urde» came to him: And bcfide«,
having agreed witb the Councefs of chvtres, to rafer the dimrmoe bamccn dienrco the BifhoD of
yilhnr^ he thoT^ It would Xook iufaic or uirjtidfns jn bin to gb to Goon befiiie the Anival of
tiuu B:lhop,
In the CXXVIIItfa, he fends word to Oio/r, a Regular Canon of St. Quintin in BeauvatSy that he
does not care to eater into Canfcrence, or to bave any thing to do witb ibe fcHbn be was leodiqg
» him, who hid been his bitter Eneiny.
lo iheCXXTXth, he .vri cs to Geofry^ lE.ix\(AVendlme, not ro marr, wi;h the Vicountcfs of B/«V,
whofe firft Husband was his Kinfosan, and threatens him with Excoaimunicacioo il he venture to
In th«- CXXXth, he fends the lame mefTagc to the Vxcountefs of <8/o»V, .ind advifcs her to defer
the Mamage, ac leaft, till the fcruple sbouc their Confanguioity be cleared and tried before him.
In the CXXXIft» be advifet Vefgrin, Arch-Deacoo of P^nr.qacto fulfer a Piieft who had refign^i
his Benefice rn him, to re-enter it again by fiocce j aadifbeanem|Ku lofiscoinniiinwaicbm
all diat fhali (J.irc re -jTut him.
In die CXXXll J lie prays DdimbtrCy Arch-Bifhop of Sentf toptmilb a Prieft of Statnpx, in faii

Oiocefs, who had abus'd a Clergy-iitan of the Church of Cbartrex ; and asks Im Advise about A
Difpute among the Clergy of that Church about Aloaevs that had beencEDCoded out of the qooh
uoon Stock, to defny the|;c of a deputanon »
me King, todonaoa Juftioeatibift the bold
eoierprizes of the Counted MChsrtrst.
The CXXXnid Letter is to HiebarJ, Bifhop of Alhmif^ the Fbpe's Legate, who had aeourd bim
of conniving at Simony in his Diocels : /w clears himfclf from this Afpcrfion, and tells him, if the
Ii)ean and Chancer, and tlic otiier Church Officers demand a Fee of every one that is admitted to a
CSanoory, 'tis what he cannot prevent, and has endeavour d to remedy, but a Cuftom they plead
Authority for, from the Example of the Church of I{prn.', where the Chaoibcrlains and the othe^
Officers of the Saaed Palace, exaib of the fiifhops and Abbots that come for Cohfecration ex-*
oeAveSums, under the Specious nanncs of Oblations, or Beoedii^lions ; and that thoaeh he haseo*
dcavourcd, with all his might, ro BanlCh this wicked cuAon OttC ofbtt CbUTCb, ycC be » fofc'd
yield to me pradice of it by the inicjuity ofthc Times. * •

in iheCXXXIVth Letter, to D'.imbtrty Arch-Bilhof) of Sm^ bc-afirtSi aiid proves from good
Autfaoriiiea, tfaaea Daughter promifcd bbiuriagie by her Father, to another Man's Son, is noc
Wwnd tfeertby when Ihe comet to Years of DHeitrion, though her Father be then Living. Iw ac»
qmints the Arch-BiHicp likewife, xhMinHlam, Son rf rbc Countefs of CAtfrfrei, ni r .v-thftanding,
me Accommodation between them, and without any provocation giveo^ bad himielf Sworn, and
'OBondl'd otben ntake an Oath at die Akar, todeftroy him and b» whole Clcrf^, if they will not
yielfl to his unrcafonable pretenfionsj that, thereupon, he had rcfus'd to Celebrate Divine Service,
when they aic in the Church, and to give them the iipifcopai Benedi<fUon, daUy us'd; bat that be
defer'd pronouncing them BsoonofDonicate, till he bad the advice and afliftxuwe of the Atch-fiUbop,
and the reft of his Brethren.
The CXXXVrh, is font ro Pope P/tfehaly by a Knight, who came from the Siege aijcrufxlcm;
This Knight had cau^ .ia Prieft of ^Mnevtf/ to be Gek, for detedtng his Servant* a Robbeny m
for this unpamllell'd prcfumprion, Ivo had caOiier'd him and enjoyn'd him a fcvcre penance for Foor*
teen Years; to which he readily fubinined; but, his Enemies talcing advantage of his misfbrninet,
and Beginning to he w ry troublelbm to him, the Knight begs leave of Ivo to permit him to ufe his
Arms again, in his own defence; /v«, upon great iotercdSon made ion bim, lecommcods ium to
the Fopes meicy for abfolBtiort.
TheCXXXVIdi Letter htojideli, Counrefs of C'lurtretf tdKogbcr that, it his inclinations were
.for War and broiis, he had the odcr of luch potent fuccours^ atonght Enable him to create her great
4}rturb3nce; bne, Peace be had always defir d^and thought it bad been firmly fetled between dieti^
till he had the News of her Son r fiHijirt'^ rafh Oath, ro ruin him and his Church; that, out of re-
Ipctf): to her, he had, hitherto, forbom to Excommunicate hiro, and hoped Ihe woiUd cumnve Tome
means to prevent all fuch irrcguhritics for the fiiture.
The CXXXVlIrh rn thi- Chnprcr of Ber.uv u':, concerning one of their Canons, who was pro-
fecutcd by an Aciion u! La w in ilu King's Court ol juitice: Jye minds tiitin, ibac by ibe orders of
tbe Church, nd Clernyman is to be Qhcd before any but the bcclcTtaitical Judges, a.nd that if they
have Courage enough, they ought to endorc anv tiuqg rather than the lols of their Rights and Pri-
vileges ; but if they canooc rdblve to fafo in deAnoe of them, he can only adviie them lo fidmii
to what they cannot remedy, and affift ihcm by bis Plrayen^ for their pradcnr Behavibiir and good .

Sucocia. > (

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A N» Eccl^aflical Hifiorj .

The CXXXVIIItli Lcctcr, and Stnat. Arch-D.aconsof Pdri, is occaWd by rfic grejt
ro Vi'rrhi
contclb atnoagcbe Clergy of ibac City, about the Eledion of a Bifliop.- Ive dcclr.res, hi- will never
confent to any Eledkia that k ooc nude hf the aoaaknous coafcoc of the Ck-r^y, and ?<o^\c, aod
Co<irrTiieil by tlu- Af(f/?o;w'iV.«i and his Suffragans: he admcniihc^ rhem not to be i'way'd by baBoi
or Ambition, aud wonders at their confcncing :o a hearing of diis c.iulc bctbrc the King.
In TheCXXXIXih, he puts OtftWcT/, Arch-Biltop of S«w, in mind, that the conteft, about
the fckd:ion of a Bifliop r P^rir, oiir!:- to hi determined by h:in in Cunf^ttery, and dwkiibcwili

Convene the Biiliops his 5atiiagaiis, lui li^L urpofe, when and where he pleas'd.

I:i The CXLih, he Aircrts, that no Man ought to Scruple airdling at Divine Service, or itoiVHy

ihc S rr^-^i^'r- from ilic hands of a Prieft iurpe<ked of Scandal, or oomioos for an ill ijJk.

In 1 lie CXLia, he adaresJ^icAtfr*/, Bifiiop of AAtmt and Lcgat of tlie Holy See, tharWlbc«Mar
heartily rcioyce at King P^iViVs ablolution, as he had gric\ J at his being EKCotiimunicart if 1: ,

might be m (be Honour of God and of the Holy See, to grant ii^ tiiar, choagh ht kxneiwbac
doubts of rhe Sincerity of Ae King's Gnverfion,' yei he will not oppo;c his being Abfolv'd ; bot ad*
viks ihnc the Ceremony be pcrfonn'd as publickly', and Solemnly as is poifibie, and rather at any
odier place than atSenx.- He tells him, moreover, he would wtUingly appear at the Couodl he
Sdinmons him to, if he will obtain for him the King's Paifport, without which be danrs not mm—
abroa^l, his Majcfly having been nons'd him tot cfaefe Tea Yean p4t This IcoBreus
wriuen in (he Ytar llo^
The CXI Id is a Letter of Thanks to Matbild*^ Queen of EngUndy for the Bells fl.ehad gfrati'

li (yf CL rtrti, and her prt>miTc of repairing and Ncw-Adoruing that ChiULh.
to the Chi I

The CXLiild carries ftw's acknowledgments, to 7{ctert Earl of MeuiaUf for the ktnd receptioo
he gave to i^ehmd Mbat OiFnmutp aod ftoysliini lo haften dieAeftitucian of the goods of 4ts

The CXI IVih informs Pope Pafchal of what was done m

the AfletnUy of Bifhops, call'd toge-
ther at Bau^eucy, by bis Lcgat, Girariy Biihop of Albane, to be witiielfcr- of chc Sepai aticn of King
PhiUf9tA He tells htm, they were both ready to Syirear, upon the Holy Evaiig^ltftiw
that they tvoold Arifw tdtCtnd howU^gf vfttA *Atr ; the Legate would fas«e bad the Mhops haw
given judgment upon them, but shey declined it, and fo the whole came to Nothing ; Iv9 therefore,
prays the Pope to put an End to this outter and dilpenfe with the King as far as he can. He a&>
tptixttt the Pope, al(b, titat Gtuim nor fioAi^ it poffiUeto get poflemon of the BiAoprick of
Bcanv'.Hy becaufe of King Loani Onth againft admitring him, he h<-,pc.- hr may be Tnarfcc'd U» tllB
See of l'.trB, to which he has been alio Elei^cd by ibc Cleigy atjd People of ti»t City.
In Tbe CXLVcb, be intreais MMuJfts Arcb-fi^ of l(jM»f» »
dciemdiie, as %ecdily as mtKf
be, whether G«*/wi fhali continue Rifhop of, or tior,
in TbcCXLVIlh, he acquamt> Daimbcn, Arcl>-BiJiiop of Sens^ that the Clergy and People of
Pari have unanitnoofly Eleidxd Gtulmt, for th«ir fiiibop, and that (ince no fiilhop can be Tranflsied
to ^nnxhcr See without Leave from bis Mm^
eUtm^ aod die Fopes Ch^enbnoii, be pi^s him (o da
his iiucrcft at Heme, to obtain one for Gualm.
In The CXLVIIth, he iocercades with Po^ Pufcbal to difpenfe with the Oath taken by the Chap-'
tcr of Chturtreit not to adodc ioto their Faueaticy^ die Soos of fuch as had been Servants to any one.
fo dist they tnay hereafter be dlowM to adoi't the Smh of any of tbe %mA it Ctmrtrct tkm^
fticks, or die Officersof tbe King's Rcvrtuit^ ad ./Turcs hk Ho! nefs that widwc ^bathlg of tlie Hi-
; i

£our of dm Oath, tbe Church of Cbmmt* could never enoy any Peace.
InTheOCLVHIdi^ to WUehrty Bilhop of Mot/, he daemniies, tbae a tm^n Man who (at'
he writes) had promifcd Marriage to his Concubfatt in bff Sickoefi, wasbound hf the Ijtm of God,
to acknowledge her, afterwards foi his Wife.
In The CXLIXth, he exhorts fViMUm Arch-Bi(hop of l(fmn, to Expel out of the Dtooefi of
eux til Sans of Count t{dtuitf IttmUrdt
'Arch-Deacon oi Eureux,
ii^ andtolnfaAinxe in tfadr place di«

In the, he excufes Kimfelf ro Pope Ptfch*!, for not coming to the Cooncil held by Inm in
the Month of Mtreh^ of which he had not Notice time enourh beforr h.iTl.
In The CLIft, he complains to kytilttr fiiibop of BeM^au, oi his having Confccrated OJo, Abbot
of St. Qiiintni, in that City, widioHc hisawMi^ and anniry n the C%uiioa and d^ics of de
Fraternity of that Hoiile.
In The CLlId, he Stirs np LeJ^er^ Ardv-Btfhop of Beurtet^ to Vindicate a certain Earl of his
Counrry, who had formerly cwr^ I):mfclf his true Friend, from tbeabufes befufleri under.

In the CLlild, he Earneif ly exhorts H^Uiam^ Arch-fiifhop of t(/m$if and Gilbert Biftop of £•>
rrax, todnveoot ofthe BiAoprideof U/leux, l{4mi/f, Bifliop of Dtrbam^ in Engfand, and hi* two
Sons, who had poflcfs|d tbcmlflvc? of that Dioccis.
InTheCl.l Vth, hc'advitcs iipbert Earl of Mndan^ topention the King of firv/^m^ not to coun-
tenance the ufurpations of f{.tmilf.
IiithcCLVth, TO oJc, Ai ch-Deacon of Ohms, Tw Treats of diis Quetllon; if a Womart
whu has cotximitcd l-ontiL^uon, and is treat mth CLiid mzy Marry and concludes that, in ftriti- r>

nefs, x\o great BeSied Wlm iw, ough»tobavc Carnal kjimkd^^e of any Mjwj bnt confidering die
infirmity of the Flcfb, in. Paul advifrs Men -n uf' tljeir own fKt-;, for avoid up Frr^rf.-if/j/;, al-
though they arc with CbUdi and therefore, by<rqucncc, a Aian may Marry a ^'ouian «i tbat


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of the Twelfth Century of Chrijlianity.
In the CLVlrh, to Vkict 1^ CoJvcs anocbcr difficulty, vi^ if, in Coniefltoo co a Prieft, a man
have own'd himielf guilty of a Crime ddenriog EarfmimiiiitaHew, afic l^tidl oaeht publickly t0
refufe him the Gjmmunion of rhc Church? ro which lx>a anfwers, That unlefs the fault be publickly
Known, the Pried is not to take Notice of ir, before odurs, but only toabi^ it in hisownkeai^
and to give publick Noctee to hts People, in general Totm^ d^c tboft win are guilty of focll
^Crimes arc already Excommunicate m the fight of God.
In the CLVIIth; he eives Pope ?afcal an Account of what had happed in the Dioccts of Lifietuc}
that, after ^nttlfflmSmdvm driven our, who had kept it fcveral Years by violence, maiamt
Arch-Deacon of Eureux, was Canonically ElctJcd fiifhc^, who deferring being Confccratcd, upon
Account of his Metropolitan's (the Ardi-fiilhop of HgHtn'i) being under Sufpcnfiun, Fiambgrd had
rrcvail'd witli the Duke of Ncrmm^ to put one of Ii» Clergy into that See. Ivo having, thereupon,
Counfell'd VVilliam to appeal, in ^ttSoB^ (o die Pqp^ ifKlBio Jiii H^iiods CO CoofioB ius SkftuMi,
and to Confccrate him at ^ome.
In the CLVUIth, he acquaints Hugb^ Arch>Bilbopof LiViu, that King Hilip and bis Son are re-
folv'd to make votd the Marriage of Cttf^^tfu, cheXuig's l^ogtitei:, and Ht^b Evl of 7V4r<f, be-
'tmA vlt tikiir bong no nearly Rdaied, and defines^ Ardt-Bifbop to fend fpeedily to all the
Bilhops, fummon'dto Court on this occa/ionj the Genealogy of Ixjth Families.
Id the. CUXtli, he writes to Pope P^f:bal, w^ ^y coo^lain to h^of judgmenu giv«a
againft clitei la - Coart of J^mir, ir, beadwfcs w
be adviles tfaem bavp vecourfe again to Holy See, for iv
lief, not thihking ir fir ro remove into any other Court a Caufc that has been deccrmin'd there: This
Method he has pccfwadcd the Mmk^ of St. Maur da f»Jpti to take, who had been forc'd by the
Council of Tmcrst b(U» by Pope Vrhan^ to Surrender to the Earl of Angers the JurififiiAiaii (hey had
held for 300 Years, over the Monaflcrj of %.|4«gr4P ^iipiM} apd piafi (hc P«fie CD canine^
again, the Rights of tlieir prctcnlions. . ,

The CtXth, to Odo, Abbot of piay»liiiii isi90eM«lM4ly « JM«lioUdleftlijsMoi^

nojtery, and dcilrcs ro be admitted into it again.

The CLXIft, to the Provoft of the Churcii of FQfeimi^ ailerts, that, a Man, who promiles Mar-
riage to a Woman,and afterward Marries another^ought tp be 0ii^fpr4«Mi veturc to his fitftlosageaacnu
IntheCI^Ild* he prays ^o&s 3ilhopofOr/«4n/, to degfadc, in as publifk andicveretnvwwrat .

may be,acenain Prleft,%vbojpra!&id[y Treated t^Saaa|ii^c4iW Chwd^bffiMa Woii»M

IntheCLXIIId, he tHsr(wt4n^^4b|M»0^|^M^nx^
JBcncficc h( wa«jPolTdsa of.
ilie CLXlVtli; Iw wpiinttiids Gro/r^, A1)boe^^
for repenting «f Ink having refign'd Us'
.lAhbcy into the hands of the Pope's Legate, and giving bjs voice for hUurict to fucceed Idoi*
Tbe CLXYth, is a Letter of Thanks and Friend-diip, to Samtfon Bifliop of fVtrc^er,
TbeCXXVIih, \»mMmh4U^ Bilhop of^MJfenf, ioqiaini|cqi him dot lAjft MtMehMng
made his complaint to Bruvo, Bifliop oCsigmy that Pontius, Nephew to the Bilhop of Trcyety had
Married his Dauj^htcr MathiUUy by Fiorc^ who had been promifed by her Parents to Gakraa, the
King's Chamberlain, and that the Legate Having given Onlers to the Bifhop of Pari tb «ee Pmuku
.nnd Muthilda before him, toanfwcT for thcmfclvcs, that Biftiop had Summon'd them to appear before
a Council held by him, for that purpofe, &iPa)H: There, AUtJjiida affirm d that Pwit/ai Married
her without her confent, or that of her Parents j Pmtiut could not anfwer any thing itf his own De-
fence, but ftolc out of Court: Then, Mjf/j/,'(/j brought Ten witndTes to Swcnr fhe had been efrou-
fcd to another Man, and was Married to Pvntius againft her will; upon which the Bifhops dcclar d
th^ Marriage Null, and that (he was fi^ to Marry any other M^n. Jvo acquaints die BiiT;op of Au-
xerre with the(e particulars, underftanding that one of his Diocefii had a 'mind to Marry her, whioh
he alfurcs him he may doc without Scruple. TlutLAfer %li9t Wptnrn in the Year, 1 1 06.

In the CLXVIIch, he writes to the BidnpofMaib to hMff 4iP MlBi^nC

ready Enug'd himfdf to another Woman.
^ Mho^al-
In the CLXVnich Letter, to DMm, Areb>Biflp0p of S« w, he ipeaJci of tife diflbenee that
had been between the Vifcount of Cbartres and Count !{ptroCf about a Farm, in the Diocefs oTchar-
'tres: The former of them had given itto iiw^ Lord of CourbeyiHey whom tiie party tiiS^troc feiz'd
j[)nd kept prifoner, though be were one of thole apMUKed to go to the Holy Land: The Vifcount

'.iofChartrei having complain 'd of this matter to the Pope, his Holinds fJfr^fllirA dMBAKfatttdnp of
Sens, the Bilhops of Chartrcj aiul OrUant, Commidiooers to fettle it.
Ivo Bifliop ot Chartres f after be has, by this Letter^ ioftrudled Dtinthert in the merits of the caule
advifes him to take care how he proceeds in it, and to coniider if it will be moft advifabic for them
to Ezcommtinicatc i{ptr<K, or to cite both parties before them: J>aimbert is of opinioa that iJicy are
^iibliK'd, by the Popes Letter to them, immpdiaKly to £«qoipiMiniate ^firtii hat Am^ thinking
, this too hardmealurc, confulcs Gm4/o». BiflioJ) of Paru, about k, in the 169th Letter; and in the
. H 7 otb Letter, tells Daimbnt, again, that he cannot joyn in fouojuftao ai^on, iscoidng dS one
;frora the Communion of the Church, before he W ftwipo, upon fair Tryal, to dclcrve it, efpecialJy^^
^ncc Renijp is wiUit^ to ftand tp the fix^inatipp ^ Sentence of their Couf^ which his Advcr*
%ries decline doing as thnch as'tBey can. Inhii L^tter,a}ib, he dctennintodKcn wldountbac MsuHies
'nerHusband's Murderer ojcht not to be feparated from him, if flie can joftify her (cl( from having a
ktm) in the Murder, and va$ M^ can oflier rcp^^abk proof, that be had never Carnal koowkage
|)(t^ during her Hvtbind s Life, nor cdnc(jar4 his Dieatbj to have tbc cnjoyonent of her to hisoCIK
In the CLXXIfl Letter, he refls Daimbtrt, ArclvBiO.op of Sens, that he fcarcc knows bow to
Mviie him to deal with foine hf ^4 ^CxcoouBUAiiiesM^ ier ijCsaling the goods of the ChMick and

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A Neuf Ecclefiajhcal Htjlory
violating the dbfcrvation of Holy-Days; if he receive them ro the Communion ngnin, befcre dbcy
have made rcfltnitton^ "rwiil be direwly contrary to ihe Laws ; if he PCrlift in keeping them our, he
nittftiof ncceffity, incur the King's difpleafure r And though, if he have Courage enough, he
ouehc to fee that rhc Rigour of difcip!inc he obfcrv'd ycr, bccaufc fuch fcverity itisy occil^on diP*

nrt^ inconveniences, he advifes him to uIj rnoLlLrauoni chiefly becaufe the acmini.rration of tem-
poral Affiurs naniralJy belongs to Kings, who are not, unadvifedly, to be .ararperactd, if they
fomtrtimes go bnrond the bounds of their Authority, but muft be left to God's Judgment, when
they willnoc yield to the humble admonitions and Remonftranccs of the Clergy, for his parr, Ivo
protefts, that were be oblig'd, in obedience to his Suptrit rs, to readmit an Excr lur ur icr j rfjn in ;

to the Church, without penance or fatislaftiot^ he would do it b]^ Ibme fuch form as thls^ *^ Do
••noc deceive yttorSdff i admit you imodie vifible Qmitb. tiotwtili(hmdDig the Crimes you are
"guilcy of; but I cannot open to you the Gates of the Kingdom of Heaven, and thcrcforcl abfolvc
'*you, no ianhcT than I have power to do it; rhofe of more Cpuragc and Piety, may £nd out bet-
**ter medMdt in fuch cafes. This feems to me propo: enough ; not that I hereby preicribe no ochenL
but to pi^enc fimbcf nufeiikft to the Qiuicp> aiiik it bcft ro fiibmii^ tfaiuiar, totbeiieoeflhy of
the 1 line?.
The CLXXIId Letter contains a judgment given bjr in Favour of the Monk/ of St; Lmmur
at B/#», apainrt the Abboj and Monkj of FenJime concerning a Chappcl, near Ji.ti.yrrey, which he
adjudges to belong to the Junldidion of the former, norwithftandin^; ihc Abbot at i cndittte's having
appeai'd to the Holy Sec.
In the CLXXIUd, he reUtes to ?ope P^/cM* what iitfl po&'d at the Tiyal Ull(gim, wfaa^
tells him, hat nowappeafd to his HoliDcTs. •

In the CLXXIVth, he aflures MatbiUa, Queen of England^ that he will pray for the Soul of
her Brother KiMof ScariW, wbodied, without iiTue, in the Year 1107.) for though he
'dottbttnoclmtlus Scni'istt jArAmitt bofom; yet finoe we cannot be oetttin of the State of Souls
in the oth^ r WrrliJ, is a pieac cf Lcn.mcndable Devoiinn -o jnr.iy even for thofc in Heaven, tb^
their happincfs may be angmmred i; and for thofe in Pui;gatorv, that their fins may be foipvco iImsbl
fotheCLXXVth, he aecufo hlnlelf to Pope Pa/cIm^ mnocappearifttattbeCoiindl Jie dl^
him to, (held at1V»7«, Anno 1107.^) hy rcafun of his beiBf veiy mndi }adiipoi''dj but tdJsUs
Hohnefs, he has ietithif tfaice Arch-Deacons in his ftead.
In the CLXXVUk, to die fame Pope, he prays him not to oblige Volgrin ChaiMdlM cf tbe
Church of ch.trtrrr ro 3ccf pr of the fiiihopridc of Af/, to whidi ht was JSleifted by tbe D^mief of
that Church in the CouncU of Ixejeii ^* .

Lithe CLXXVDihtener, Ik acquaiiiti tbe.CkfgyoflM, thalt r<4(rnii will nocac«>pcof tioK

In the CLXXVIIIch, he Coanid> Geofrj^, Bilhopof Beau^aHf topunifh one of his Clergy, who
had admitted Divine Service and cooforted with an Excommunicated perfon.
la the CLXXlXth, to /f Countefs of Ci'«'fr«, he complains of her denying t! Clergy of
lusChacch the privileges o! TraveHing the Roads and of buy mg Bread and Wine, and threatens hcf,
in cafe He do not Revok rhc Orilci^ ihe has pablift'4 lotfais £flcd, that the whok
Oagf of the
Province ikdJ dayiy curfe her at tbe high Altar*
"^le CLXXXn Letter gives LeJj^ery Arcb^tfliepof Bwrr^^e-T, advice to abate fotnctimes the Rigour
- cf jufticc; and not to l>c !o whi I!y govem'd by fome cf h's Clergy, as not to doe any thing bataq-
cording to their Pkaruies, even m judicial mattersi as hapncd lately, in the cafe of Ainoulf otVierfin.
who was fo exafpemed by Ui hard ufage, that be was forc'd to appeal to I{pme^ upon the very fik
hearing before them.
The CLXXXIft is 10 Rid}4»d, Bifliop of AAmis^ the Popes Legate, upon a difpotc bctvwcn the
Mm^ of and iboft of St. IskIm at Ammwv, about A Chan* they both of fhrtn laid
claim to.
The CLXXXlId a to Daimbert, Arch-Bifhop of Snu, concerning a diJfertnce between Ivo and
^^^"^^^''""^''^"' who bad oppos'd and violently affronted him, for conferring
'K.Si' thcOfieedf
.Jnb-DMnmonfk/^: The Arch-Bil>.op is aprcr v.vcn to be Judge between tb:m, and Ivj prsys

him to appeiiv the day and place, where their cauic fiiall ijc beard,which he wiflies may be at Chsrfrtf,
In the CLXXXni, to mUinm, Bifhopof P^ni, heaflerts, that if a Man
challenge a Woman »C
his Wjte, upoiipretcnce that her Father proons'd her to him, he muft
bring wlcncires of fuchMO-
mile, and that tne Tryal by fingle combar it not to Be allowed in cafes of
this Nature.
The CLXXXIVth, tolValter, Library-Keeper of Bsguvaa^ mainuins, thae ft!l AdBoOf ataic
. Good^ belonging to the Church are<o be bcought before Ecckfiafticaljudgcs.
• dieCLXXXVth, he gives anfwer to vifhat miHam, -Airb-ffifliop of had written him
. abour one who had gottten himfelf Ordnin'c? Sub Dl,icon, before he had pafs d the inferior degrees of
ft"<^°«^« acknowledges, that he fhould not be permitted to cjtcrcifc
u^l-Tir^"* ^"
• ibefanaions of the Order he has obiain'd, nor to Rifeto the higher Onlcrsi however, if his
and Converfanon be anc5rcepT:cnab[e and the good of the Church require it, he thinks
the Arch E il^op
may give him the Clericai iiencdidion, and let him aflift at Ordinations, not to be Rc-Ordain d
to toniirm him in his Orders. •

^Jlk^ ^i^^^^^^^
-MmK of the
^ Anfwcrs feveral Queftions propos'd ro hirr by Laurence, a
Monaftery of Chanq- : i. He alTcns that we
are oblig'd to avoid oij{y rhofe that aic Si-
communicated for the moft notorious and abominable faublj
a, Tliat of fuch we arc not toitceive
anytime, butm cxireamneceOity, nor, are waiegtve thai) any tbmgbnt
for tfaeirtelicf, ininmolt

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oftbeTii(rol&\iCcAtuTy if
Want and ihHery ; 3. That tfiofe of the Clergy who l5«y of Lay- men, pbods that fiMrowiy bclonp'd to
the Charch, or receive fud[ from tliem by way of Cifr, .iic nui'
!i to b!.imi', ifrhcy doe it with any

odwr dd^ bucof tedonne diem to the Church: 4. Thar, they wlio, in pnvate ConiviTron, diTcover .
themrelves to beguilcy of the prcateft crimes arc not, rhcrefbrr, to be .Excommunicated, nor put to
piiblick penance, as publick offctitlcrs ; liowcver, tliey nre to be admoninfd ro abftain from the Sa-
cramenct and from the Fundlions of rhcir Orders, it tlicy sreEccIefiafticks: 5. That the Sacraments
are mk the lef$ profitable for being adminiftred by wickcii Pricfts, nor (6.) by Simoniacal ones, o^
fucli as arc Mrirncd :7 That the People ought not to abandon thfcir Prelate, ror fail in their Obedi-
encc to him, though in many rcfpcc^s blamcable, till he is publickly Condeaio'd or Excommunicated
•8. That Confeflion of common and fmall fins may be made to any Chrifhan, bbt that great faults aie
to be cnnfotVd only to thofe who have the power of binding and loofing: 9. That ooife fiiay ennmiD ait
Excommunicated Pcrfon, provided he doe not Eat with him, nor falute him.
In the CLXXXVlIth, he admonifhcs the Countcfs of Chartrei^ m leaye traoblbg the htiUdtMOd
Monk^ of Bomev4t on Account of the murder of Hi^h the Black.
In the CLXXXVIIbfc» to F^nlfh, Afdi-S!lKN»of/(/Wm/, hedelivefs his opinion. That a Vomoi
who is dcliver'd of aG&ild wilfain two or tlliae Months afttr Iter Mairiage, » tiotto be dimiKedfrcni
her Hasband.
The CLXXXDGA doncahs Ito'sanfwertDthecomf(lahitsofiheArch«Biaiot>andQer^df/^ilv^^
aeaind the Arch-BiOlop of 5'<.-n/, for having Confccrarcd King Louis leCros: Ivo rcmonllratcs that the
Confecratioo could not be longer defcrr 'd, that it could iwjt be per form d at I^eimSf becautc l{dlph was
not tfaea Ally tioffi&'d of that Archbilhoprick, and the City ot f{hn'ms wasundct aoLiterdK^; that,
beHdes, he knows no I-aw that Orders that Office to he ptrfonri'd there, bur can prove thatlcVCcalaf
the Kings of France have been Confecrated eiicwhcre, and by the &lhop$ of other Cities.
In the OCCth, Ivo gives Pope Pt^^iat an Account of the Accommodation agreed to between th6
King and Arch-Biihop of Rj'fhm, on condition that J{aff>/} take an Oa:h of homage to the King
for his ArcHbilhoprick ; This he Liys tiicy were oblig d to content to, noc as a thing neo^ary in it I'el^
but ro procure Peace, and prevent ferthcr diftraiaion in the Nation.
In the CXCIft, he intercedes with Htigb Abbot olCluny in behalf of one of bis Mooaftery, wboot
he had degraded, upon an acculation brought againft him of having procured abortion to a Woman
great with Child, before he took the vow of a Monk^ upon him. Ivo thinks his punifhmcnt ;oo fevcre,
«nd that thongh the fat^ were clearly prov'd againft him, as it is not, he Ibould not futfer ior ever.
ftx a fault be may have long fince repenred of.
In the CXCIId, to the Monks of Colombs, ne^t No^vit !c }{oi, he dilTwades them from Iiearkhing ^
to the advice fomebody had been giving them of quitting their Aiooaftery, becaufe their Superiors had
taken away foow Tithes, belonging to the Bilhop s JorwidHon; he t6ews them, ^t they ought ra-
ther CO remain in (iibjc<2ion to their Snpcrinrs, and live upon fuch Tithes as the Church fhall in Cha-
rity allow CO the MonaAcrics, as (he does co Hofpitals, than turn Sarabaites and live uDon the goods of
the poor, or the gain of ufury: nevertheleft, he olamcs the Abbots and Superiors of Monaftcrics foc
buying Tithes or Lay-men for rficir own ufc;, rn 'he damage of the Church, though this be no reafort
for theM Tt^j to withdraw ciicmiclves horn u\c Moi jaitcrics and the Subjctiion they have fwom to thefn

he approves well enoi^gh of the Lives of luch Anchor*ts as, after having been train 'd np in Monafteries»'
rcTirc wholly into Sontudes; but highly bhimes thofe who m^kc it their bufinefs to run fi"otn Town
to Town to De adm.r'd at thcmfclvcs, and proudly dcfpilc ali tikii. are not of their profeflton, defiring to
be thoo^i Mattery before they have been Scholars.
btheCXCUId, hcadvifi Cc<'/rrr, RlfTiop orBMtrv4», noc to infringe the Privileges granted to the
Monafhery of St. jj^rnr/^, by the Eiihops his predcceflbrs, and confirm d to them by the Authoritict
of the Holy Sec and the King s Majefty
In CXCiVthj be fends Notice 10 Hugh Dean of Orktms^ and Vclgrin, his Arch-Deacon, that
he has EaKOBunddcaied ClxnarJy belonging to his Dlooell, and theiefbrc, according 10 the dfaedHon
of the Canon, ' they are not to entertai n hi m
The CXCVtb^ is a very ievere Anfwer ro a difpleafing Letter he bad receivetl from Ceqfrty^ Abbot
of Kndhnr, wich whom, ibr the iunire, Jk tenonnces all ootrefpondence, tiU he behare hhitlelf
In the CXCVlth, to King Leutf ie Groj, he begs that Prince nor to order proccfs againft the Abbot
of St. Denys for what he is chai^ with by a certain M<n:i{, who having own'd hrniKlf a Crhninal*'
his Teflimcnv -ga-nft rh'-- i-inocenrc of oiiiers is not to rjcciv d.
In the GXCV Iih to
i H'nlinm Abboi of Mttrmouttcr^ lie .igrees withliim that a Pried, who, to fright •

his Enemies, fet tire to his own houfe, and tbeiri>y unhappily Baroi a NelgMHMirsChOd, ottght to iin»
de^>e the penalties appointed by the Canons.
The CXCVIIIrh, the CXClXth, and the CCIft I etters arc about a difference, between Giflcbert^
Nephew tothe A;. h-Bilhon of Tur/, and Gffi/><7Canon of that Church, concerning the Government of
Sjewrrt^ the decensination of which matter the Pope bad put into the bands of Ivo Bilhop of Charttesi
and the Bifliops of Pitm and Soiffons : By the two hHt Letters, he cites Qtsfdert, to af pear before thcirf
and by the Ir. \ !.c acqiin nts the piopc, that, upon his refu£ng to own their Anthoriiy he had fent Gso^
fi ej to his HoUnels for jtdlicCi.
To the CCth Letter, lie admontl&es D.umhertt Arch- Bilhop of Se»ti to bont6t tWo Scatidalou^
prr.cticcs in hl'^ Cluirch;
cnr, of rhr Chamrcr's holding ano'h?r prcfcrm^nr, tontfary to his Oath $ tba
otlwr, n one of the Ciiapicr s keeping in his iioulc two Wcn-en of vciy ill fame.
The CClId Lcacr is a norablc inltanrc of the ! iberty ns'd by h'o, in cVaiing with the grcat^^l ?rin-
CfS King Lmt had fcni 10 him fot fomc Outlaod th I^urrs ; Ib» telU hiijv 'tis not decent tor a King to
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A NeVf Ecckfiajlicd Hijlory
ask fucb vanicMS of a Bifliop^ nor is he bound to obey any fuch Orders from a KJi g ; lie cculd

not believe, at firft, the Letter came from hisMajefty, and fends ibis Anfwer, that he.inay not any
more, make fuch rcqucftsto him, or any other Bilhop, if brddifetbey fhoiild retain a due cfteem &r
his Mtijcfty.
Id the CCIIId, to Lijmdt fiilhop ,of Soiffoas^ he Oiews him, from good ABtb<»-icy, Uiacfae has a
Right to demand of cbc Aidt-Deaooos ofhis Dioce&» mr
of die profindne w
die BiOof^ whtcb tbey
havi- ukcM upon them to receive for tbemfelves, both before and Snce hisacce/Tion ro the Bifhoprick.
By die CCiVcli, be informs Pope Pafehal, that he had Excommunicated Guy of Puifet^ for his
Sacnlegioosand outragtonsanempcs againft dieCharcb of Cb/tttrei^ and petitions his Holincis to Con-
rhc BiH rps of i ,.,; l:;
firm the Excomunicarlon, and to Order the Arch-Bifhop of Sens and
0,-'cAru^ 1

to publi(h it ill their Churcbt»: he informs the Pope, ILkewife, of a diliercn^L L>ctwccj» uic ikan and
Sub-Dcan of Charires, and prays him to cooipofe ir.

The CCVdi Lcuer is written to a Knight, who rufpodtcd his Wife to have been with Child by ano-

ther n-iA!!, bccaulc iic had been ablcnt from her fcvcn days longer than is ufual between the times of con«
ception and bringing forth, and becaule the perfon whom lie fttTpedled of being too familiar with her
had been Burnt in palTing the Tryal of Ordeai: As to the compoiaiion of Tim^ Iv* tells him, diat
oupht not to fway him, fincc many Women goe much longer wuh Child, and, for the Tryal by firt,
no heed is to be given to ir, fothattheie two Realons prove nothing againft the bocefty of his W iie^
whole Oath and die good wocd of her Neighbours and Ac(|uaiauace ought liiUy to fufke in Vindioi-
lion of her.
In the CCVlch Letter, to HUdebcrt, Biiliop of Mans, he Examines, by what Method an Eccle-
iialtick accus'd of Crimes or Mildemeanors is to purge himfelf j aod lays that, heretofore lus fioAle Oath
wasfufficienr, fane th« for bener Security, die Oadaof fixor feveaodierClergyoaea lam np mm
quir'd, together with that of the parry's.
The CCVUth is a Letter of Thanks to the BiOiop of fVcrcefier.

In the CCVinib Lener, Ivo reproves Gt^rej^ Abbot of VenSme^ that, having quitted that phoe
and retir'd into a privnre Cf?!!, he miertains there Menkes that are dtlbbedient to and aUde dnv AmnN^
aiid that he hinders thole who hold Eftatesof the Abbot from doing homage to him.
In the CCIXth he reprefents to Hi/^j&, Earl of Trajes^ that the Cotifulcation intended n> be held ae
.9f»/ about the validity ot the King's Marririrf with th^ M^rquifs Bouifjcc'i D.-\inhteT, the Earls
Kinfwoman, wili any advautage to her. It will be to no purpofe, becaufe
ncitbef be honourable, nor ot
the Marriage will certainly be dedar'd Null by die fiilhojps and Lords of the Realm ; nor will it b>e.
fbr tier honour, bccaufc it will occaHon the illegitimacy of her Birth to be talk'd ofj dia^ Im acU
viles the Earl ro hinder, if he can, all debates about that maner.
In the CCXth he writes Pone Pafcbal word that (X/«, Biibop of Camlreiy, complains of his Holi-
nefs, for turning out of die AicnJ>cacoaiy of his Chaidi, ooe who was a zesdonsuiend of the Hol^,
Sec, and putting in one who »
en Enemy to k.
Inthc CCXIih, to Ralphs Arch BiOiop of i^Aeim*, Ik u( Jqc ls the G«w«&|/«af iIibBkI of
dtr/, ijod the Daughter of the Earl of /^mhw/, lofliew they are nearly Reboed.
TfaeCCXIIth to Geofrey Buliop of BeMNwir, it abont dx tafiucy of a Donanon gnuntdtothe
Alooaftery of St. Simp! v, icn.
In the CCXIII'.b, to ?o/n> Bilhop of Orkant, he proves that the Regulai Ckrgy may haTe Cure
of Sods and Parifha oommitted to them.
In t*-" CCXIVi-h, to Brum, Arrh-Bt/hop of Trr:;;/, hc bemoans the fiid Slstaoflbeli^iQai* vndtr
the unhappy divihons between the Church and the Civil Government.
The CCXVth is a Letter of compliment and friendihip, to Tbemm^ Arch-fiifliop oflerk-
In the CCXVIth, and CCXVlIth Letters, be give I{idard, B;(hop of Albane^ Legate of the Holy
See, an ccrounrof the dUputc between the M<m\s of Bmncv-ii and thofe of B/oir, which he tcUs him
he bad u-id is belt endeavours to MCOOimodate, but couid not yet c&c£t it,

Inthe CCXViihh, hc writes, to Gualon, Bifliop of P.uw, that the Canon of rh-r Chnrch, who
had lately been Married, ouglu to loofe his prcicruKnt and be degraded iiom being a Ckrgy-nian,
but that his Marriage mult remain good and valid.
In the CCXIXtb, hc juftifies himfelf, to Pope Pafchal, fbr havii^ divided pm of a Prcbcod of
bis Church among die Canons, by dayly diftribuuoos, for the Encouragement of fuch as aflifted, con-
ftant!; ' i

ciformlng Divine .Serv ice.
In the CCXXtb, to Hildebertt hiStio^ of MtfiM, he Ibews, that when an appeal is made from ooa
}udge to another, the party conceni'd is, whbtn five days after he appeals, to get a Lcrrer from the
lirft Judge to the other he .appeals to, who is nor eJfe oblig'd to take cognizance ^ f :! c Ma:rer. He
a(Tens, aifo, in thi Letter, that it is not in the power of any Biihop, to ^ve up the Ettate of 4RcU>

'gious Society to the folc difpofal of the Abbot.

In thcCCXXIlt Lerer, lojiln Bifhop of Or/f«w, concerning a free-man", h: v'ng Married a Slave,
without knowing her re. I e lu j ivo fays that, by the Civjl Law, the Marnage is void, and hc may quit
her and noarry an^^ acr Wr^nun; bat diat;» by die Laws of God and ofNanire, diey ought to keep to*
gether, or at Icait, if he put her away he may nor marry again.
lii litC CCXXIId, to the Qergy of Autun^ be niquircs, li a Woman that has been guiky of Adul'
tciy, muft neceCimly be Divorc'd trom her husband, and concludes that in ftridhiefs, Oic ought; Imt,
by the wiiiJom of the Gofpe), fuch a l empcrwas prefcrib'd as may n rr,n -i!c her to her husband.
In the CCXXllId, to Oirr », fiilhop of Eureux, he pcrfwades kn; lo Excommunicate and deny
Cliiiftiao Burial, to fuch as anbttU die Fiinaiony of the Chusdi.


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of the Twelfth Century of Clmjlianitj.
fe d« CCXXIVtb, he Gar, Abbot of Molimt, that one of his Monl{f having been with him
«nd acknowledged with Somw, that he nmk Orders for the fqJce of Temporal gain only-,
tboa|h by the Ri^r of the Canons he ought for ever to be turn 'J our n*^ 'h Clcrp}*, vrr h-w-v.f, cx-
prcft d true Repentance for his Sin, he thinks he may be pennitteU to rcum Ordcri, and :o incrcifc
the Functions of them.
In tbe CCXXVib, to fiMimbrrt, Arcb-Biihop of Sem^ be deiiven his judgtneat, that a certain per-
toa who ame and amftTt'd that, before he was Married^ he had C^mal fcnowledgc of his Wife's Sifter,
ought to be deem 'd ever nHcr, infamous, and his evidence not to be luard ngainft any man; that be
ought alfo to be Divorc'd from his Wife and live the rdt of his JLile unmarried^ but that his Wife
Ihoald have her Portion back again.
CCXXVIth, he reqitfft? Btmler^ Abbot of Bonneval, to receive kindly one of JkM^J
who was lorry for having left his Mmaflery. and beg'd leave to come into it again.
The CCXXVIIth is a Letter of Cond<Meanoe to Pope Pafihal; and acquaints him that being defi.
. rou5 of bcftowinga Prebend, in hi<; Church, uponGHi7r/«, he is oppos'd therein by the Dean and Chapter,
In the CCXXVnith, to Gmhier^ a Prieft, Ivo aiifwers a Scrapie he had propos'd to him, viz.
How to reconcile thcfc words of the Prophet £jfffibiV/, (At what time-foever afinncrfliall Repent, rad
turn from the Evil of his ways, he (hall lave bis Soul alive, or be forgiven, ) with the Sojtence and
difciplinc of the Ecclcfiaftical Canons, which fufpends, for fome time, even penitents from the Sacra-
BKtK of the Lords Supper ? and how it comes to pafs, that tbofe whom Chrilt, who is tbe bead, im-
mediately rekafcs, the Church who is the body Ihould detain under the Pcnalqr of iin: This difficulty,
fvo fays, 'irt Bafie to folv*, if wc eonfider the tnanner of God's icndtiing ftn and die frailty of Man-
kind '.
; it God, who knows tlie heart, forgive tht fin foon as he fees the heart is converted, bat
that the Church, which knows not tbe inward thoughts ^of a Man, caiuioc abfoivc a fioaer oil his
Convcifibn be made evident by Pnblick Signs of ic
In the CCXXIXth, ro I rfiar.^, BilTiop q{ Soi/fons, he declares that a Man who defames a Married
Voraan, to any ot her Relations, by faying he had Carnal knowledge of her befiMC ba Marriage,
ought not to be adminsd in Com as an evidenoe againft iier, became he is crinunal fahnmf byns
own ConfeiTion.
In the CCXXXth, Mjns, he ailerts tliat a Jcwilh Woman wlvo tuhis Chri*
to HHJehert, Bilhop oi
ftian may not quit her husband, nor Marry another, at leaft unlefs her husband were her near Relation.
In the CCXXXIft, to Pontiusy Abbot of C/wwr, after giving fome myftical rcafons of the Elevation
of tbeChaiice and the Hoft and the Signs of the Crofs made upon thofe occ^ions, he delivers his opi-
ifSoD that a Moni who was forc'd to make himfelf an BmmA, nftenm Mfikftidifits he was ftbjeft
to, may not\vithftanding be allow'd to take Orders.
In the CCXXXIId, to H'Mert, Biibop of Mmr, henattnattisihat « IMbn.wiiotiad been tioo&^
mir'ar with his Wife's Mother bi f in l^i MaiTinpc, ought not to be-SiVOIc'd fiom bb Vile, bw
good proof of his having been carnally joyn'd to the Mother.
In the CCX?C)Cnid, to ntmy Afaboc of Stc^rfi* d* Angeliy he dedaies that be adbens to the opi-
nion of the Popc<;, Gregorjf and Vrh -.n, ranching InVcftitures given by Lay-men^ and believes that they
who allow them the power of bcltowing Church>prelerments are Schiimaticksj nor is he afiitaid of
hereby offending Pope Pafchal^ who has own'd iii leveral Letters to him that what he had done with «

Relation to the Inveftiture^ he-bad beenconAcain'd so do 1^ the vioknoe of ocfaeis, bait was in Ms UU
fttin of another opinion.
In the CCXXAlVih, he perfwadesWISsw, Abbot of Marmoutier, to end his guartels with ^-t//*,'
Arch-Birtiop of Toitrs and in the CCXXXVib, he tells that Arch-Biiliop, he is gbd dnc the Biflnps

of Mans and Angers Labour to procure Peace between him and the Abbot.
The CCXXXVIth Lcner is written in the Name t f D-nw/rrf, Arch-Biihop of 5(»i, and his Suflra^
fans, m Arch-Biihop of Uom, who had fummon'd them to a Council, caU'd at Anfe^ near Litm^
to conhilr about matters of Faith »id die dilute of InwWtuiw. They aOure him, though they have
ia great refpcn: for him, yet they will not go beyond the llmir^ (c ihcm by their Anceftors, and that
the Holy Fathers allow'd no Authority to the Bilhop of tbe Chief See to call the other Bilhops to any
Council, out of dieir jpecoHar Province^ aniefs by the Exprels ootamand of tbe Hoty See, or thai^
upon fomc Coniiovcrry, which cotjid not be Terminated within the Province, any of the BifTiops of
it Ihould appeal to the Primate. As to the matter of Inveftlturcs, propos'd to be Treated of in this
, Council, they tell him it cannot be done WfthMt d^vering the nakedtiefs of their Father the Popei
and hrfides, 'twould be necdlcfsto have any thing prov'd againft per^or-^ they dare net pafs Sentence
upon ; that the Pope may be cxcus'd for granting Invcttiturc fince he did i: < ly by force and in cal'ci

Of neccflity j that lis fiwlilhly done of fonie to beftow tbe name of faeiefc Inveftitnrei, fince here-

TTe can b~ r>nly in matters of Faith, not in the Pra<I!Hce and Difctpline of the Church; or at moiV, tbofe
only can be reckon'd guilty of error who fnppofe Ibme Sacrament or Grace conferr'd by tbe Invefti*
turc, if ever any were lb weak as to think fo ; that however, Inveltitures are an Invafion upon thd
Rights and Libeities of the Churdics, aixl ought to be aboliih'd in all pJaces, where it oray be ££>
fe^cd wirhoor endangering a Schffm.
The CCXXXVIItii is the Arch-Bifliop of LiVmj's anfwer to the foregoing Letter, wha«in heprotefts'
he did not, mean to force them put of tlieir Province, to a Council, but only defir'd to Confw with
them, and ask their advBes aboot the State of the Church; noc but that the Choreb of L/otj hn
fuch Autborirv over the other Churches o{ FrarKf. As to the pcrfbns he wo uIJ hxvc Trcntcd alx>ur, hc
"lays, there is not one of tliem but or.ght to fubmit to the pleafuicoi <i Council, even Kings and Em-*
• tierors being fubjid to tiie Authority of the Bilhc^j that he did not delign to uncover, but to hidd'
the oakednets of their Father the Popej that no dangers nor ofafiacks oufbt » hinder them from com-
D » tagcouily

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A Ecdefajlical I£fiwy
rageouf]^ dcfoidiqgdw csuiieof rfie CHucch; -chat tbofe who approve of Inveftiraros remaining in ihc
hnr.ds of" the Laky arc Hrretlcks in their hearts ; that he will not ufurp any undue Aurhoricy over die

X);occrs of Sens, but prays them to remember, "twas always Subiet^ to the Primacy of the Arcl)-Bu3i©p
of Liens.
In chc CCXXXVllIih I crrcr, to Pope Pafchal, 7io cr.deavours to dilTwHiJc him from cortftitutirig a
Biihoip over the Church oi Tcurnajfj and cxcniptin^ it from the Jurildic^bon ot die Bishop of N^w* ic
luKibcen under tbefc 400 Years; Icnft hisHulinds, by fo do>ng, q-qae > jnifwnrigillandi ng <i f miwtfw i

itfie Kinftaod the Clergy^ and raiiii;,rHch a SchiHn as bapoed in Ctrmm;^.

in ibc CCXXXIXtb, be Canpliuiencs King Loni le Ow, upon bis intended Marriage wiA a Niece
of the Earl of Flanders.
^ tbe/QC^Uj^ be yi/a/aA<awo^AUnJii.oi ibp jkaatUi be ocufiaos by bis .coo ^neit iiaauiurity
widia Mnv.
In the CCXLJft he writes to UianhaitJ, Bifliop of Auxerre, not ro fuffer a Caufe, alfCMldf 1

io tbe ^ccM/^iad Couns, co be bcot^ghc again ocipre the Earl, or any Scalar Jad j(e. ^
Jn imiPQXUU, to olpm> ftlhopof Emtvx^ becxpkias biinfelf concerning hi$ iurvinf ^VOIhis
opinion that a Fxcc-nian, who had Married a Slave, without knowing her to be iucb, ought to be Di-
jvorc'd from her ; and adds that this is not dilfolving a Lawful Marriage, bat only declaring (bat 'lia
unlawful for chcm to live together any kxiger, tbeir Marriage being Niulfey JUlw.
In the CCXLUId, toGun'.ov, fii(bop of Paris, he fays that a Mtttriige QOacbidfd 40 4l|r
IXnts, betweeentwo Child rui in their Cradles, is of no force.
The CCXLlVth is wriciento Pope PapAal^ in favour of Huhert, Bifliop of Semii, accus'd by fooae
of his Clergy^ to tbe MetropoiUsH, of felling Holjr Orders. He bad met wiib iund aiage itoai rhe
^ilbops of bis own Province, and there^)re appeals v> the Pope, xo wham hn xecomnends bos

. f
ht (CCXjLVtb is CO Hrngk* ^
oi Trojcs, w>p bavif« Um
bimfelf for ibe Holy Lmd, ^eOai'd
io put 9W*if bis Wi& uni Evein QdAacy. Jw conswnda hit Sdblution, bat advtfet Iwb 10 oo k
9/hh his Wiie*s confenc and to lead a Regular Lije.
In tbe CCXLVItb to LifinrJ, Bilhop of Seiffinu, be declares tbai 'tis not allowable for a Alaa
foMgftf two &SaBa, fmstfMf, rim^h the Umapatft mi^ itc feraier of them wot not
la i^pCXLVIIch, to John hiQiioo of Qrltamf, /«• bigbljr NLapies bim cbai^ upop a quarrel between
^ ^jd

cide ir
qf Or/r«^j and Halph Lord
by ^f'pk- Combat : And,
^JiMfM^, be «nd bisClinidi bed fioofened tine they lhanU do*.

In theCCX( A'lUth, he advifes the latter to carry bimlelf refp«dfuliy towards the Earl of

la tbe CCXI-P^cb. loGiJUrft Arch-Deacon of Ptfrr, be affirms, that rhofe who had-bemafiftaHt
and confenting to an Adulterv, cannot be receiv'd as wicacifes againit tbe Adulterefs.
In the CCLtb^ be imerccacs with Pone F^/c/W, tbat be will grant to /{<(//^, Bilhop of I^ocheffer^
Pidcdio ifae jpcof CtmtrhRj* the CoofiimacimofUMtPigntr, taimt tbcFnMiimwbkbbci*
iKtcaoK to ooow and ask in peim cf fait Holineft.
In tbe CCLIft to Manjjfes, Biff.op of Medux, tells him, be did well to refiife adminiftring the

^Kfwi (or laft Sacrament) to a dying pcrfon, who was troubled with a axiftaot vgninDB.
In tbe
CCLIId, be writes to H.'t^ps, Arcb* Bilhop of J{i«iMu, thu he tUnki
fufpcdcd of Adultery by her husbapd, Ihoilld UpdoVI Tiyslof ^ it mrr W^lfk tif i
b« tl« k IS Ib5:
^cient for ber to purge her fclf upon Oath.
In tbeCCLIIId, he recommends toKiqgiaSe'afiwiaannd piOWdi«iGf4^, Biftcp of Amitn^
Wbo had met wirh il! ulage in his Dioccfs.
In the CCLIVch, he vouches for Gttfrt/y Arch-Bilhop of I^outa, to Pope Psffchaly that it was not ia
llispower to wait upon his Holinef^ at J^Mir, as he would oiherwife have done.
The CC^Vtb is a Letter of Coofolatioo to Raifh Abbot of Fufein, in his fickncfs j exhorting him to
bear bis afflidionsnricBcly, andtofeeooe chokn in his dead to govem tbeMooaftery, if bim- be^
felf uncapableof4iai« »: telUqg hiB«V(^ lb« diefiiam lJiiaionhdi« a$ecniiicacoeedtaot
be £Lencated.
In die OCLVM, he dttfwsnles /^fsous^ « Mmk» from taming Hermite.
In the CCLVlIch, he gives PbtUf^ Bilhop of Troyes, an Act ount of the AccoRUBoiliioo made by the
Canons of St. iiiuntint at Btmnut between Odo FcMr Gmix«s wd tmt hie
In :hc CCLVlIIth, he recommendsPope P.ifchslxhc Affairs of Hubert, Bifliop o( StnUu
la ihc CCLIXch, be c^poftulai^ with H^fb^ Arcb-BtOiop of Hheiw, cooceming
a Jadepsewfa*
had given againft tbe Chwch of &
fitrfMrn, at with Smwm Rdm
to « MiU they deim'd «os Ki^
fnd lays before bim the wrong he conceives done to them.
fntheCCLXth, he aUu res Steven of Guariandy the King's Chancellor,, that be may with a faft
Coofctcncc, be Ele<iled to fuccecd Guakn, Bilhop of P<rr», who is to be remov'd to Bmuvsus.
b the CCLXIft, he diflwades Hemy, King of £«rW,
ftrw Marr} ing his CkWglKCr tQ ffij
Carl in the Diocefs of Cbtrtres, there being too near a Relation betweeu tb«m
" an A
In the CCLXIId, to Pontius, Abbot of C/wiy, be ftcws him tbe reafon, why ia the Confccratioa
a; tbe Lords Supper, tbewqcds iJi^nj etitb^ are added, which were not ui'd by our
Sa^ouE, at tb( Mnitwp
of tUf SiK|iPMDt» 4nd &ys> Camong oibet things; that this is do,ie hc^
fi^ife firojiidie.of dw gfcwMftof ihelAylkty cqoi^

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tffAf TwdifihCentwry of (hripanity. ii
By tf« OCtXiIW, he rcprefmo totheCk^ iof BeMv^y, how mnch he is griev'd for their fuflcrings.
In rhc rcr.XlVth, he intercedes with King Lo'uh^ for the Clergy and People of that Cicy.
In the CCLXVthj he acquaints thar Prince, how mach he had been misinform'd by ibme, who
iMd fugfcfted to him that the Clergy of the Church ofChartres^ do invade the J^i^ m the Clnpoer
and reprcrcnLs: 'n him, thnr they only hinder them from fomc csaftions prohibited by the Holy See.
In the CCLXV itb to Ccncn, Biftiop of Pttkfihu^ and Legate of the Holy See, in Francey after gi-
ving him an Account of his having Excommanicated Tfugb^ for a breach of Peace, he prajs him to itMDW
choice of wife atid Religious Perfons to be judges at the Ttytihc & to IttVC Vritfa tne Mmff/ of JtDu^
moutieTf (or the Church o{ Scl^icLaldi de CourifeviSe.
The CCLXVIIrh Letter is to the Afloeljegatte, about the fame Afifir: Ito; theidb 1Mb lib CK^
cufe, that he could not wait on faim in perfen to plead for himfetf.
In the CCLXVIIIth, lie writes to Ae Biihops ofBeMuvaii^ Cbahns, Ametu and Senlk^ CommiifioDert
for hearing this Cade, letting them ^ r vv chat judgment had alreadjr beeft|^Ven»ift fiW0iir«f (befiilhof

tdCiuBrtrett ^i/AjC^ fiiihiqp of Die, in a OMiacil heldac J£ou4im,

, In cheCCLXnub, lie idls BemMf, AUmof BMmnnflr, Aat Ife OBgltt iMc to Under one df fab
^mkj from turning Hermitc.
In the CCLXXtb, to Turgtdus^ Bifhop of Awrancbes^ be adTifesiumtorabmic to die deditaa of the
Ptjpe's Legate, or to fend deputies to J^omr, to jplead tlire in his own beludC

In rhc CCLXXIfi, he thanks Pope Pafchaly for granting ro the Clergy of Chsrtres a Confirmation
of then Privileges, to fhcltcr them rirom the cxadhons of the Chapter : And whereas two of that body
bad difpured the Authority of the PopeaDecite, and complain'd of it to the King, faeimys IdtlMt-
ncfs to io whst lie thinks fqr'hrr necffTary ro enforce the Exeoirion of «r.
In tfac CCLXXild, he cxlioris {{cgindldy fiilhopoff Angtrsy to be reconciled to one Muotida^ ui his
'2>ioceft and to endeavour to reclaim Mr from iii coaries.
In CCLXXIUd, 1m intercedes with Cmm, die Pope's Legate, to moderate the Settoence of Ewat-
, munication, ilRied onr by him agabft the fiiftiopa of MtprmaWv, in fai^onr of the BtOiop of Vt^mx.
In tbeCCLXXlVrh, he \vri:c^ rr> Popr prt'?ij.i/, concerning a Conrrovcrfy he has wirh ihc Miyr\i
of Mitrmousier, who to txout ima troobk, had appcal'd to l(jmt and OKcd him to appear ciicre^ tfaovgih
firing at a great dt(lknoe«Bd wry HI; lieiMfean tlie ^ipeco vpptmit fimie to jodge becffcm tiCD «e
iiome, and wifhes him not to gran' any Cfergy-man a difpenfatioii to hold two Bctjcfices.
In die CCLXXVth, be informs Cmon, the Pope's Legate, tha: be has acquainced Count Theolfold
with the Sentence of Ezcommanication be had publtlheda^ainft ail that bad a band in taking the fiarf
cf Kmrs, and which would have its courfe agamft liim, if be did not fct the Eari at Liberty, by a
time therein prefix'd him : He lays the Count was ibtnewhat furpriz'd that the King bad referr'd cbi»
nutter to the Ecriffiaftiri! Jadiemue; lineehe is very ready to ajqiear before the King's Jo^ie^ antt
doubts not but he can mak«^ it ^ppcr^r to them rfi^tnociielNKifae£adoflQimr( isio blUM^ «in<lffB% .

if chey fliall require it, ro dciivci him up to thcrti.

By theCCLXXVltii, be a-commends u, l'c^>c Pafcal TurJIin Arch-Billiop of TorkElcSt.
In die CCLXXVIIth to AUtkrt, Billiop Elett of Mant^ be tells him, he hears he was guilty of
ieve^l irregnlaritics, while he Wat an Arch-Deacon, and that bc was not Canonically Elednl to the
•Bifhoprick. ITc iClcT> him chcrcforc to the wimcis ofhis own CoaTciencc, andestaKSIliBlllOB tOlllBB
she Government of others tipoo him wiiik he lumleit lies under any fudiguik:.
lVOCLXXVIIidiitaLett)erofC^plin»ent, to
In rheCCLXXIXth xoLiJtitrd^ Bifhop of S'-'ijJcu!, he perfwades him to receive or.c of the Clcrpy df
his Church, upon his fubmictiiK to Pcoancc, or to give him leave to remove to lotnc other Church.
&i tbeOClJCXXth, to the feme Biftoy, i^ademiaines, that a Married man may noc be liiAiV
to accufr his Wife of Adulrfti-, upon fufpicion only, nor to force her to pafs the Tryal by red-hot irons. >

In the C CLXXXIft, he writes to AnfclrHy Bifhof) of BeutvAUy that he is ready at any time to aireft, .

that the Clergy of St. Pe/er/, vaBetutvait had granted to the R<^larCuioas of SbJ^jdMinai, indMC
City, the inh^ritrtncc of a piece of Lawi they now !.iy rbim rn am.
ThcCCLXXXIlJ lii an InftromcntinForm, by which its takes ilic pruttclion of die Chufch of
Cbartres an Hofpital for poor People, lying at C^;Miff4llAai.
The CCLXXXUid is an Ad, for Confccrating a piece of ground near Tjo'm, for « Qnucft-yasd

aindputiiog it under the Juritdiftion of the Church of Ch*rtres.

Tne CCLXXXlVth is a Deed making over, for ever, to the Monaftcry of Bmntl/al the Church of
St.Pftar, uCUtMiklm, wJuch fome of the Clergy bad rcdccm'd from a Lay-man, in wWepo&f- -
fion it WM befopK)
Th CCLXXXVth^s n Confirms on of the Gift oT dttCliBrdi of St.Nig4^t luMutkih by
t^m Earl of MenUnt to the Mmk/ of Bee.
The CCLXXXVIth is the Charter of the Foundatiaa of the Abby of St; 7«b db Pkt, in the Salf-
arbs ofCbcrtns.
The CCLXXXVlIth is concerning the EucbctriJ} , of Which wc luvc already given an Extrad.
It was written by Ivo, while he was a Regular Canon of St. Qutnthi at
TheCCLXXXVIIIch is a Confirmation of (>anr, formeriyoMde, codic Momdtciy of MtfMM^

//tfr, of the Church of Hancbe and a Chappcl annex d to it.

The Laft is a Letter to the Abbot of the MomiMy df MtrmtMiet, Itrritifn in very nreffing Tsnn^'
to pcrfwade him and h.s Mmbto (land to the Arbitrarion node by himfelf and the iMxit^ CbUfitH^ of
cbe dificrence between ihcn> su)d liic Charch ofCbMrtrtt,

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z ..A New Ecckfiajliial Hifiorj
Of the Fannonnia of Ivo.
ITS), B'i],op US two CblfcdHons of the Ecdcfiafttcal Canons ; omc of them inti-
of C 'lurties^ has left

ruled Pamttrmuy which makes buc a fmall Volunvr i the other pretty larpc coimnoiily known by
the Nunc of 'b.r Dccn V?! tlie former in Eight fiooJcs, tlic Decretim is divided imofevepieca
; Tlie
£iinc Preface li piciix d to bodi of them. ^

The Parmmiia by fome to have been written by Hugh Bi/bopof C/ j/.w am! indeed,
is fuppos'd
yimetUt £iihop of Bcmmu, menciop ao abridgment of tbc Dccretum of ht», drawn by Iuiq: buc
that tnuft be different from' diiS we are ipeaking of, wKch « not an Epitome of any orber Book, hue
ail Original work. In all the Manufcripts, that can be found, it bears the Name of Iv'c\ P^rnonKsn ;
SarticiUarly, in that in the Library of St. Wffw, which was written before the time H«g/» Bilhop of CZw-
ms Hv'd in ; which is an evident proof that the Ptmurmia cannot be his. The Decrees of Innocent lid,
who was Tope iince Ws
death, though added in the Editions, arc nor in ihc anttcni Manafcnpr, nor
in fcveral others, as has been oblccv'd by Atttmius Augufiinus, The Panmrmia was compos d before
the Deettttk

Cf the Vecmm €f Ivo.

npHtf Decreium is 3. CoUedl ion of Rules and Conftitudons in Church-Affairs, taken out ofthcLct-
. tcrsof tbc Popes, the Antient Canons and Councils, the writings of the Fathers of the Church
and the Laws of Catbolick Princes, In -he Prrficc, givrs nertrc, thnr he hs? rang'd thcin under
general heads, or Tides, for the cader :inLi ij;g out any Canon the Readier iias octaiion to confulr. And
admonilhes that if one Canoo dull feeni to have t difean meaning from that of another, we are not
prefeiuly to conclude they are contradidlory ; buc to remembo- that fotne are to be underftood accord-
ing to (he Rigour of dieir import, others are to be taken with allowances; for that. all £ccle<la/iical
DKeiplinc aiming only at that Ediiication which is founded upon Charity, even. Rule and Order of
the Church is inuoded for the fame £adi upon which Account, tiie Spiritual PbyHcians, liie Guides
'Of Sends, AcooR«Midaie thdr Remedies and ftefcriptioia to the quality of the diftemperi and die cDn->
d'::nn of ifu p.iticnts; that moreover, wc are to diflinguifh bctwc .n what is laid down by way of

advice, and what is delivcr'd as a precept or command, wjiat is forbid from what is permittedor tokia*
ml only: abd amooig dnfe things that are commanded or ferfaiddan, we muft carefully coofider that
fome of them are lb, by an Eternal and Immutable Law; others, by the Laws of Men, which may be
.cither chanced, r^ealed, or difpcnfed with; Of all which diftiooions, excqxions, leftridioiis aod
aUowanceft fie ghrci very peccinem iaftaneet and iUuft^

Tk Cimtms €f the XVIi Pacts pfthe DecretaL

He III of Faith, aod of the Sacrament of Faith called fiapdim, of the qualifications re-
Pai r treats
^ be fiapcil <d, of che Mimftfaooa, the Gnaoonm, the Tcnnes and ef-
quir'd in thofe that are to
of Baptifm and of Confirmadoo.
The Ild IS concerning the Sacrament of the Body and Blood oi Jejus Cbrifiy of the manner of re-
ceiving it, of the Celebration of the Mafs, and of the San(^ity of this and the other Sacraments.
The Uld is of the Church aod what belongs to i^ and the Reverence and Obfervancc doe thereto.
The IVth treats of the obTervation of the Peafti and Falls of the Church, of die Holy Scriptures,
of the Cufloms and Councils of the Church.
1 he Vth of the Supremacy of ciic Church of J^ome, the Rights of Frinatfi^ MartfttitMS and
flsops; their Ortlination and Soveraign Dignity.
The Vlrh is of the CoaTccfadon and Orduiadons of tlw Clefgy i ham they Me to be Tiy«d and pn^
nilhcd for O&nccs.
The Vllth is of the Rctiranent and (iqgle Ltves of Mmh
and N«w; aod of the pcnanoc lO be Oft'
dergone for breach ot tbc vow of Continency.
'I he Vlllth of Lawful Marriages; of Virgins and uoveiled Widows; of Rapes, of
of Tranfgrdlions of the Marriage-vow ; of the punifhtnem of Adultery.
The IXth (peaks of Imxftuous Marriages and Fornication; of the Dogrc-- of Affinity nnd Confnn-
guinity, within which Marriage may not be Contracted; of die penances and i'liniiliaicius due to
iriolaters of thefc Laws.
XihofMurdcrs voluntary and accidental, of all fons; and of tbeguikand punifl.mcnr^ tham. U
The Xlth of Conjurers, Soreeiers, Jugltrs, Stage playcn, and the penalties they are liable to.
The Xllth rrcarsot Lyes nnd Perjuries, of lnforniCrs,hvidenee.s,Fal(c-witnefIes Judges, and Atlvocates.
T he XlUih contains tliclcveral Canons agamlt Raviiiiers, Robbets, Uiiuers, tiwucr^ l^^okards^
Ricrers and JettJ. ,

1 he XI Vth is concerning Exotenmnicatiofi jnft aoduijall; in what manner aqd for what ofllea-
(.es ro Lie ij)fliiucu.
TbeXVtbof Ffcoancei, and CommniMtiony ofPenanceit

- . -

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%s forth the duties of the Laity ; and in whif 8i|aper tb^ «e V be iKOOiNe^ i3
TTie >r\^Trh **

when they aregniky of any cnmeiar itregularitiei*

gainft, .

TheXVndi canfiiii Ae RribdB— awl Sticiihriow qf ihe. Ptfaets, parricialafly Sx.. Cregarjl ^
ooooefniog Faitli^ Hop^ sukI Chini|u

B Efides
the worin thfadf MB*dy ikR m S4 Diftootfef or.SnMv «f J««» fiiOiop ^ - '

The of theiTi concerning the Sacrament of Baptiftnt '

. .,

The lid, of the Dignity of Holy Orden, and the CcQTcrfation aod Diit|Gt iofClH[Bclincnr
The Illd, upon the Mythical Significations of dttSwenlMaiUabin^ " '

The I Vth, cf the Dedication of Churches. .

The Vth, of the agreement benveen cfae Holy Rites of the OU M|| KoW TdtioMMfi
The VIch, upon the Birth and Suflm^cfov SlIMV^AMU f-^r-. —
The Vllth, upon his fecond Adomt*
The V'lIIth, upon the Nativity. '

The IXth, upon the Ciraoaci/hiu

The Xth, upon the Efifhiu^.

The Xlth, upon the Pw/^crt/ion of tte Wfi* Jii^fil
The Xllth, upon the Seftuagefinuu -j

The Xlllihj upon y4/]b»e<4iff/a4)r. .

The XlVth, upon the Lenf. ,

• •
The XVth, upon the Amimiciatim of the fikfied Vii;^ . .

The XVIth, upon P4AiMMn. "

The XVIIth, upon Af^iw^^r-T^Mj^Hl^
The XVlIItb, upon Eajiet^day,
The XlXth, upon our 5avioai^4fBMilb£ ^

The XXtb, upon H^itfunday. . \ '


The XXId, upon tiie day of St. Peter'i being made fiiibop of i(«Mr» (ftf it fuppolUJi > •

The XXlId, upon the Lord's Prayer.

The XXIIId, upon the Apofile'% Cmd.
The XXlVtl^ of the indecent apparel of Men and WomuC

*Hert is alfo* fltorc CbtmUcUy of the Kiogiof A-mc*, from P&ammd to fkU^^
ficft; reckoned;

by fome, tobe written by Itw, fiilhoptt CA«nr«; but oeitlierdQaiiyi §bmip\)tU$, not anp-
tfaer much larger (.afcrib'dtohim bf ftoae) fionNiMttKiqgfll^tH^ l4Wf ir M^Mm^ «i|kli
WW wrioen by ill({0H«rMMi;/Er.
The famrnmU ot Am^ BiAop of Charmt^ was ptinced tt B^/?^ I499.tiid a( LtiMn io 1 5 ^7.'
The Decrrtum was printed at Louvain, in 1561. And at P^nj, in 1647, with the Leners and Set^ ,

taont corrcdiy Dublilbcd by Father Fro$u», a Regular Canon of Sc. Gemtvitpe: In which jgdition ate «is
lied ibeLcainea Nous of /v»MiOiiiOB«f£«ij^ aadof ftwrfw GaaoH oC Ck»«ny I90D ihfel^
ten cf onr Biflib(^
^ '->'•-> Y-\) -|


and OliXUls fL CoHtaimng the Rife, Prt^nfs^ anA Conelufiw tf Hie Cmt^i i0i
tmeeutbeMj See mJ the £mfire, tAm the iUgjln tf hn^/titms*

PAfduU XL call'd, before he was Pope, I{4ifutr, was a TtfesB, the Son of Cr^centim MijU'ru^ vt^i
fitia. He embracM the Monaftick Life^ and pndU'd k in the Abbey dcimy tnder , the
Abbot Hitgh. He was
Created Cardinal Pricft of St. Clement^ by Gregory VIL and made pM^iii
Abbot of of St. Stephen, and St. Lamtnce of f{ome. After the Deadi of Vrbm II. the
the Monailery
Cardinals caft their Eyes upon him to advance him to the Papal Chair. When he bad intimadon of
this, he abfconded for fomc time ; bur being afterwards difcovered, he was Proclaimed Pope by all
the Cardinals, wuh the loud .Acclamations of the People, and Confecrared the 14th day ot Auiufi,
In the Year 1099.
The firft thing he did was entirely to drive out the Anti-pope GioA*rf. He dcclar'd ^gainft fhet>cath
him, andforc'd him to fly to the Mountains of Abru:{:{o, where he Died, in the Year 11 00. His of C«f*frf.
Deufadid not paean endfto the Schifm which had lafted lo Years already ; {as after him came The Anti-
three more Anti-popes, who fucccedcd one after another, but fell within a Ihon time. The firft popawbo
was Albert oi AteSa, whom J^/cA^ri Duke of Cimfmttai the great fupponer of Guihert, caus'dto beuiccec4cn
Ele<iied in his Head. At the end of four Months he was taken by Pope PafchaJ's Friends, andlhutl*^
up in (he MonaOety of St. Lamtnet. After this the people of C4M a fmall Town near Pai^rimi
undertook to beftow the Pontificate on a /(oftt«n huafA TMAr^
who enjoy'd the Tideof WpttKk'
ly three Montlis, and thought himlclf very hajppy in rclinquilTiing it .md becoming an Anchoret.
Ma^inulfbm who was Eicded at i^mmMi by (he name of Sih^w lY. feem'd to have a greatet

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z ±, .
J Jstei» EcckfiafiUdl Mftcry
but he Dy'd within a (hott time afrer. By this means P.fchal being freed fVon. all his Ri-
vS^ook C^ktmwi Bmtvtnfkooi the Pnncc of p/a-, and the lown oi C^4. on whic^

rori^in^Tn! InnTrhon-;
upon St. P-:«/s Church, armoy'dihc/^owim by his e /
EmpCTOt Hcm^. Conrad the Son ot
Havinu thus quieted Itafj. his defigns were aim d againlt the
7ieDf/7f»/f,,3j Emfcrer, who Gewroor of f/-/^, Dying in the Year iioi. Hcmy had a ddjgn of paflmg

ijfPafrhal ^,
T p^,^, an.d holding a Council there dje beginning of the Year 1102. to

II. .£.„n!l
^^.^ the ditfeiences that had bc«n between hi.n and the Holy See. The Pope made no open op-
th^Em^e- „ iitv. heiu9iteA^llanao€ thither: But forafrouch as tb y Lould in^^ ea h a- ;

0QlllC,J>4tf-«% wdP^T^W w« not very f«ry that Hcn^

r„ Henry.
JJJ^^^Hc E^p^^^^
n did not come into Italy. , , r r 1
IffgeCoundl at about end of I cnt,
TbtCm^ However, be held a very t!ic

•r awnc rinc in Pcrfon, nor having fent any AmlMl&doc* diitber, was
Excoawiunicatcd wiUi all his Adhe-
w**" i cncs. And bccaufe fevetal maintam'd that there ouxhc be ft regwd had m Tach J"nd of AMtbe- m
Tenins ^' I AnirhciTirinze all Herefie, and
chJ II. ,„j's, the Pope in this Council drew up a Form in thcle :

which diftivba the State of the preient Church , which teaches and maintains ihac
«ltii4t ibe t< (.(^lefly that
Enftrw ic
to be had tt> AimAmdt, and that one may Uwfiilly cowenn the Ecdcfiallical
jj,gj^rd is
his SuccdTors ; I approve and cordm n rhcHo-
"00s. I promifero obey Pope Pafchdl
" ly CadMlick Church approves and ooodeouis. I he Pope evaded this Oaih oi all lIul mi&ed at
againft Hemjt drawn op in thefe
the Coaneil, and on SUfy-Hmfday poWilhed the Excommonicanon
Words " Whereas Hmyhaa not ceafed from rrr^ing the garment of Jefiu Cbrifi, tlut
: has not
,** ceas'd from ravaging the Church by Fu^e and Sword, trom diflionouring it by his Perjunesj In-

continence, and Homicides ; he has been Excommonicated and Coodemn'd for his Cr ru n cy and .

« Difobcdicncc, I v Po-c Grj^^ of Bleffcd Memory, and by our Predeoeflbr. VrkM IL and we alio
ijavc anatheinatiE d him lor ever in our Wl Synod by the JudeoMiic of die wliok
CfauKh, whatb
« we defire may be notified to the whole World, and eTpecMll^ lotbe peopbscfidilig beyond the Aknoe
tains, that they may have no hand in his Iniquity. . . ... ..... „
j^tnrj to avoid dbe ftrokeof this Excoomiunicarion; about oe end of tttt Year oiderd ndHiatKm
lit Rehd' ^
made that he intended to rcfTpn the Empire w his Sen Henrj, .mr! ro Travel to the HoIy-LanJ.
Imaf Hea
only caw'd thil to be publ-fted by Biihop ^iVur^ buUiltcwife engag'd himfelf by a Vow to
undertake dii» Imirney. This propofal engag'd the aftmon of the ?iiiices and Clergy of the Emmre

iflsL to hiu an J fcvcra! of his Sub

; jcdb made preparations to accompany him in this Expedition. But
when perceiv"d that he had no defign to perform his Vow, they began to change their iocUnatioa
; whicfa cave his Son Henrjr an occa£on of Rebelling againft him, whoi by
his Fathet's
nMtaA him
ftay he faw his hopc5 of vct-5' fuddenly enjoying the Empire fruftrated. Having cirer'd upon this De-'
witied Counieisof three great Lords, he left his Father at Ment^y whcic he had fpoit
dg/a bv the
the CtH/Imm Holy-dbys in the Year 1 104. and withdrew to Bm/tri*^ Religion being the cloak to co-
ver rhiK unatural Dilloyalty. He began by anathcmatiiing the Hcrefieofhis Father, and by promtfios
Obedience co the Pope. The Noblcls of Aujlria^ Gentunj, and the Eajiem parts oi Frtnee dtehAtg
F.<ijfer Ho-
for him, he enrer'd mto Ssxmf, where he was very well received ; and having fpcn: the
ly-day; at Qultdiii^httrg , he was acknowlcdg'd Emperor by all the Towns of tou Countrqf. JJp-^
tbMrd Arch-Buliop of Mentx^ and GebebarJ Biftop of Cenfiance, the Pope's Vicars hi Gemu^ cmred
tOtbfeConfedmcy, and aavis'd young Htnryto reconiile all S»xomj to the Holy See.
Th Jithm Young Hemy to eftablilb hit Power appointed ageneni Afibnbly of the fiilbops and Clergy to be
on the 19th of in the Year iioj. atNbr«MSr> « RoyJSeat i wherein, rhey made feveral
A/, •?iSr'" held
thub n Orders with K(ve£t to the Difdpline of the Church. They refonr*d upon the Spot w hat they thought
tbt 1m diey nughc fii&W do; and what appearM to be of the moft confequencethey referr'd to ihtdetenninati-
jtos. on<rf'dieH<rfy See. They therein coodenin'd the HereGe ofdie S/immmm/, and that of the NMwi£«>^f,'
mmelyof fuch Clerks as would not live in Celibacy. They therein fix'd the Suti.mcr Fw/f> -irrf < .
which was to be the l^Ufon-week,\ and order d that thole peribns who had been Con Ice rated by laiie
]Bi(bops (hould be recondl'd the next Etnber-9eek,. Henry v. would not appear at that Ccwndl till af-
ter he had been invited thither ; and when he came he fcem'd to bi h''\c hrmfclf with a great deal of
Modefty, Humility, and Wifdom. Hedcclar'd to thcm^ that he did noi covet lus Father's Throne,
and was ready to re6gtt tt ID him, if he would but fubmit to St. Peter and bis Succcflors. The Bifhops
o( mUtfh i^n^ Paderbame, arid throwing themfelves at the Feet of the ArdirBiihop ofA<«r^
their Mcuopoliran, declar d, that they would fubmit to the Holy See j whereupon thdf Caide w*»
referred to be tried by the Pope.
tkt WtBT No fooner did diis Aiiembly bicak np^ hoc Htmy V. onrcbed towaids at the Head of (oneMm\
^nnm Troops, in order to render fafanlUf nufter of that Cny, and to re-cAaUifli the Ardi*Bifliop thereof
• f"" '
Tfic Emperor his Father being within the place, IJcury would not venture to invert ir, but diw his
fQjggj fPkttburgb, which he took by forprtzc, droVe out thence Bifliop Erhngy and put ^btrt
inhiaplace. Ainmaids he invefted die CdUe of Mvri^^ whkh Surrendred ro him at the ad of
two Months ; and being come tn Rjtishom, he was (ct upon by his Father who defesi ed him and re-
took that City. Young Htwy without being Ihocked at this Ovenhrow rally'd up more Forces, and
• • having been joyn'd by the S*xm$, he encamped over againft his Father's Army, being f panitcd fnxtk other only bv the River After feveral fligl:t skirmifhc-s , Yonnr ficn-y four,d a way
of winning ova' the Princes and Great Men who were m bis Father's Army. 1 iity wauld not f}ght»
fo that the Ea^pnr was ibRTd lo4]r> «adkfc hu SonMafler of die FieU^ who feis'doi his Fathoms
Tieafiircs that weie vt Sfintt

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the TweMi Ceia^ . ij
About the end of the Year was agreed that a Convention IMuM be lield at Ment:(l to adjaft Kennr iV.

rte difference then on foot between rhc two F.niperors. The Fdther came upon the Rbiwvnrh an in- jfff^^
iendoo o£ bei^ tiiere j but the Son being airaid be /bonld Hoc obtain ail .that be d^'d irom tbii
Convention, bad iccouf^to Fnod and TrcKherjr. Hewahednpon Ui PaAer^ p i ueftrf rolto*****
, thu he was very forry what had palTcd, accompanied him rewards Ment3(
for but in tbe Road
ibme body acquainccti Old Emperor that a Very great number of Lords of Smtia and SAXMSf
luLBmimfweK Arrived here : Upon this, bis Son Ibew'd him that it would Doe be fafe to trait bim-

fiOf in their hands, and pcrl'wadcd htm to rerirc to the Caftle of Biwhen near Ment:^. Henofooner
cnter'd tbe place, but the Gates were fhut upon him. Where he was Kept cloie Pcilbnef. Afterw/:rus
> tbey (eat to bim requiring him to deliver up the EnHgns of his Imperial l^ptvef^ ibai tliey might
forthwith be conferred on his Son Hcmy. The Bilhops of Albany and Covflattcf, the Pope's Legated
ia (bis A|ieixibly, repeated the Excommunication ifTucd out againli iiitn. At lalt, they took him out
of tfceCaflieDt Btng/jen, and carry 'd hirnm Ingelljtim, wine tbey forc'd hiin to renounce the Em* «

pire, to Gonfe^ that be had been m

£ittlt, and on bis Knees to ask AbTolution of the Biihop of Ah

Au^r, wbo deny'd it him, and referr'd him to tbe Pope. Yoang Hemy was CraWn'd Emperor, and
sdotowfedg'd as foch by ihe Aflembly of Mentr. He difpaichctd Six Bifhops in the GuaJiry of De-
f9m* v>* i^m with fcveral jpcribos of Quality, co obtain a Coofiumtioo of all tbat b^ been done as
Jimti^M mi Mmt^.
However^ Old f/-^;^ having made his Efcapc ^om Ingtlhelfn, Was recciv'd hy Hftiry de Limhovrg, Mint j
Duke of the Lower Lonain, and by Biihop of L«tf« wbo held out feveral places upon tbe I(j>i»e rrthes t6
fat him. The City of Lie?e was the plaoehe made (Soke of for his Rcfidenoe, Iraiii whence he
tvrote Letters to the King of France, to his Son, to the Bilhops, and to the Princes of Saxetiy and Ger- '^^V'-
mtnj. Wherein he makes loud Complaints of tbe manner wherein he had been us'd, and protcfts *Pw**M«
aiguA all that they had forc'd him to do by cooftraint. In the laft Letters, he declar'd that he was rea-
jy to pay all manner of Rcfpedl to the Pope, to regulate all the Affairs of the Empire by tbe Advice of
Henry Abbot of Clurnj^ and appeals to the Pope's Determination of ail chat bad been done againft him
in Gcrtnany. ft

His Son cans'd an Anfwcr to be rctum'd to him in tft Name of the Lords, to this Efl[e<2; TYax The Ktfli
" the miferies whidi he had brought upon both the Church and State bad obU^'d them to dcpofe bim, ofAif fsA
ami fet up his Son on the Throne in his (lead : That he had acknowledg d hhnfclf that he was Hcmjt
unworthy of tbe Empire, and had refign'd it into bis Son's bands : That (he ptomifes Jie ac picfini
made ligntHed nothing, fince they could not tell how (o give any Gmfic Miliaii i That honctar*
** that be might have no rcafon to complain, they wonldogolent CO have ihh bofiMftciMliib'doffir

ac«wi» aa Adiaxibiy of tbe Lords and Commons.

Notwitfaffanding this Toong H«m7 puifiiedlris Ruber, and after be bad been bMcnofT fiaCrtbelfffBlMil
Bridge of Vifet^ he inverted Cologne, dcfigning afterwards to march to Li^t. Bur the Bcfieged held •f
OttC moK vigorouflv than be expet^ ; and after two Months Sic«i he was ready to break, up,
when he received the News of htt Faxher't Death ac IJfgfi the 7% of ./t»ufi, in tbe Yea^ no6»
The people of Lie^e obtain d their Pardon, upon Condition, that tliey would dig up the Bddy <S[ the
Late £au>eror, which was carry 'd to Sfirej,,and put into a Sepulchre of Stone, where it remained
without tne Church nnburied for five Years tograier: Tbe Pope's Parcifans were of Opinion, that
fincc he Died Excommunicated, they could not give bim Ecclefiaftical Burial. Guibert the Anripope
was us'd aiccr the lame manner, whom they dug up Six Years after his Burial, and caft his Bones to
the CogimoR-Shorc to infnlcover bis Memory.
After tbe Death of tbe En^eror Hettry IV. tbofe Piinco aod-people who had continu'd firm to bis Tik CtiadI
Interefb were oblig'd to fubmic to tbe New Emoeror. The Pope was inVited into Germat^, and left •/ GualU^
Heme with that Defign. In the Way, on the 1 9tn of OBobcr, in the Ycnr 1 1 06. he held a Council at «
Cn^niMt a Town of Lcatdmrdf, fituated on the cbcidn to rnulate what conoetn'd die Chdidiei'''''^^^'*
^fGernMnfmALtnAwn^ " 'r^y whidi had been cngag'd m
ihe Schifia. Hecherendedai'llditrdie Bahoeil,
the Priefts, and the other Clerks who had been Ordain'd during the Schifm, n,ould ftill keep their (3r-
jlets, jprovided, tbey bad noc procur'd them by Simony or bv force, nor were conTdous to tbcmlelves
of bemg guilty of any other Cdmea. He therein rcnew'd the Deciees of bbFradeedfifrt agaihft In-
'Veftinues, and prohibited the Alienation of the Church Revenues. He took away from the MetropcJis
of i(«oeaiMtbe Towns of ^Ejniliat that is, Placerv^a^ Parma^ H^X^^^t M/dena^ and £o/o^,topun]ih it
ifor itf Rebellion.
The Decree apainft Iiivcftirurcs was didik'd by the Emperor,* whereupon P/ifckai ihfttad of gbing tp ntfCaii y
Mnui^f as be bad dciign'd, letir'd into France ; and after he had fpent tbe Cbnftmds Holy-days in the
Abbey of CkgHfy he went to impbre the Protedion of King Pbilif. However, the Germmt N<^lesand
Depud* ^
tbe Fkye ac Cbaims^ and the Anik>BUhop of Treves being their Proloaimr, after he had told tbe fcfthaal
^hac the Bhperor wi&'d bhn all manner nf Profperity, and profǤ''d to fcrve hhn to die utmoft of bis the Re*-
Bower Uk long as it did not prejudice tbe Rights of the Empire, he declar'd that from the time of St.fms sl-
Crrijfiriribe GreAt, the Eomeror had notice given bim of (be pcrfon to be cbofcn ; that aficer be bad Ud^d If

fiven bis Cbiifenr, the EJeoion was publickly made ; ihat then be who wai Eleded was Contested j tbtJEa^-
and that after the Cc:i!'ccration he waited upon the Emperor, to receive from him the Invdtintte for ^'tf*
\bc Koyaicies, by the Ring and Paltoral Suff, by wbi«Ji at tbe Lune time be did Hooafle aod fivoit
» the Bwptm t That this cnltom fcem'd w
be vcry..«afoni|ble^ becaafe wtabMc Jk Ad 2^

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I . Bi|iof«C9iiUB9lcW'th«Cirfff^ CU|K Tcnitaie^ Fki^ orioy odier Revtaiiaidipeadio§«iA»

Ylr JM» "^'Pope rvply'd by the fiUhop of the Hood «f fe^

due theOnntfa bring Rdeem'd hj
fans at' fm Ch 'tjl Bondage : That if it could nor chufe its
was free, and therefore oufhc not ro be put inro
lcdt,'d bj would become his VaiJal ; and rhar it thelc Prelates
^reijie* wi;hout the Coitlenc of the Empecor, i» .

^' ^'T' iiaet Aetr Eledion w^re dbl^d to receive ch* iiveftiture from him by the Ring and Paftoral Staff,
^'i*"'' this would he an Ufurpationon the Prerogative of God himfelf
Thar bftly, ir was unbocomrnp and :

far rtr fli-

{^fjcacli the Sacerdotal Order and Undion, chat Hands Coolbcrated by tlic fiiody and Biood of Jefm
be put into Hands ftaind with fiJIgBd-flMd.
ncTfX '^'^"^'^

ire. up of
^ '^'^ much difTatirfed at this reply, threimiog to pair aa
EniptTor's Deputies withdrew, being very

the ante- Debate at J{ome, with their Swords in their Hands. The Pope would williag^ have rcr
^nd to tlus
fence 4boitt iKW'd ttie Bi^busA with AdeAtrt the Empmr's Chancellor ; but they oooU not oamtm in igiif»iM;

iindU- iQ VKf OBc poioi^ and the £mperar'« Depiuiet retuni'd back kto Gtrnuuf.
met. The Pope on his pare Aflembkd a Cbnndl at Trtfes^OfCamfngm, about Afctnfmi-d«j^ in tbeYeir
TficCoHPcil ijoj. wherein after he had made fcveral Inltitutions about Church Difciplme, he propos'd to renews
Troves the Dccreep crf'his yredeccflbta M»inft Laickf coacernis^ themlelvcs with codehaftical Digaitics» Tte
mtte Tut j^peror wbp bid fimc the Holy-days ar mSmt^, made hi* appMthef towkrditlleQMnKSI;;'
llpy. fene thither his Amhafladors ro acquaint them that the Popes had fonncrly granted ro Cbarlemagne^
dK. Right of making Biibopa ; and that if cbey would not ooolient thereto^ to dedare char he would pre-
vent the detiennining of niat Afliitr in a ftnuiee Couoncjr. Upon this lanoBftwoce the Couticil gratv-
Ted the £:npcror n Years time, that he himlclf might coote »
fCtte lO ttgrn^ fSttOt tti (iHacIV
Caule in a gouxal Council which ibould Uaermioe it.
The £mperor put off hUjouraey till fbdidBie as he bad fully icgBlnfed the Affairs of the Empiie;
the after which, in the b^(inning of the Ytar ii lo. he held a Convention axRiitiil>gne, wherein bede-
s Jtv-
cjgf'd xhvi be had reiolv'd to go to /(ome, there to receive the Imperial Crown, and to adjnft the>
difllisnPKei beicwixt the Pope and him. He order 'd the Princes of the Empire to prepare to wraic ap*^
on Un, and to -raife an Army by Awuif. A^at xjme be fet out according to hi* former reftthmoK

HSc Anny coofiftiag of 30000 Horie, wtiMmdedttiib two-Bodies ; He pat faimfelf tfae Head^of «
the one at Turea, and the odicr Itay'd for him at Novara, and ioyn'd him near Milan, where he was

C^nwm'd idling, of Lmkan^^ by Arch-Biibop Cbrjfoimu. Afewsn^ be crofs'd the Po and cawic
flClpmf^* wlMie w AoviMhe flfy'd faHMW obm^uAm Ufe fear Ui Deputies to adJiftiMe^
ten with the Princefs hibitbiUm, whom hecontinu'd in her Domtnloris, upon Conditiott, that (het'
fhould not o^>ofe hi» paffitgC^ Seafon being veiyfa^ gooe, he loft a great many Sumpter Hbr>
fes in crofling the AMtnmtie Monneains, which oUig d> him to ftay fome time fhrtftce^ wfaqe' fal^ n
fgcncthcC/)r{/ZM4/ Holy days. From rhcncc he matched to^au*. afier hohad inhisMB^eidaao-
lifti'd the Towrn of ylrr^^o, which oppos'd bis Marck • '

iDr 1^(0) "I^he Embafliidors which he had lent to the Pope, waited upon hoD ar this place, with the X.egacer
bttween of his Holine&j and they agreed that the Pope fhould Crown Wwny, and that this Prince fhooki'
the?ofe allow the Cbuivhec their Libeny, and grant no more Inveftirares to Bifhops, upon condidoa rhathtf
,>n.ithe Hiuuld retain the Diuchies, Counties, Marauifates, Territories, the Riglnis of AliMiNnrj, JnlUce, and
En^tr* Marches, the Reveanat.' Fiefi^ and other Eftans which they held of the Empire, lliis agreemcor
fcein'd at firft
ht i*DS.vcr)(
fight ,
adviBtaeeoastodw Church;, DM mmlky ,
(bi^ ^ . _
EAates and Di^it es, for a Chimerical tlonour, ar.d reduced them to exrreatn f^overty. The Emperor
fbtefeeing that one of thefc two things would haj>pen. uiher that chic Agfcaneiit thould isa fikccow
ted, and te be a great gahu ihuday; or that if ttePopecoald not ptcvaU upon tlie4SllN»#of
Gf/ »«4»7 to quit their pretenfions to thofe great Eftates, he Ihould re- enter upon the R ghrs of invel
ftipurc^ made ix> fcruple to rati^ this I'reaiy, upon condition that the Pope would prevail upoo the
JUhopi toapprovethefeoC The Popefbr hisfiaa^mrholoft nochh^by it,aad wasiuufied tfaan^
means he fhould humble the Bifhops of Genrutny, was likcwifc very wrll pieaMwilklfaifAlli^f^
Wjicreupon 11 was fign'd and fwom to, and Hofbages exciuMg d on both lides.
the Pafe After the Conclufion of this Treaty, the Emperor marched cowards {{mte^ and on the i f tfa t^Rbrti*^
tni Cdrdi' in the Year MCXI, arriv'd at the Town Leomng^ where he was receiv'd^by the Clergy and Lahy,"
wdtj^re- ^iio Qinie to wait upoo him, and Coodnded hnn with load Acclamations to Sc. fem'% Palace,''
h where he met with the E<^ and the Cardinals who attended his coming on the Top of the ftiirs. He
d» fixcafhisHoline6, and afterwatdihis ftcehcML Eyes and Moud^ and went ioBO^hailanlr
>w^«9^'ai.thB .Ilppe'i Right hand, who okiamaik Ma&
#M^ftey eawr to the Omnnny of dfi Cbh)-
Pope asic'd the Emperor whether he was willing to obfcrve the Treaty to which they had
and remit bis Right ^f InvcftinKa : The Empcrar reply d that he was ready to do piovkkd:-
iops<>f6friaM)ia' wooMCaaftoc^thacto; aaddiac k was reqwito m fciiow i wh'Senabiycit

the matter. The Bifhops of GerjMWf oppos'd it all they could, and complain'd rhai the Pope wasi
* minded to difpofo of that which did not beloog to him. The Pope in Tain remonftraied cO'thau thac^
thefe Eftates were committed to them by way of Trufl, and that they needed no: fcruple to rMSgn tbeiA'
back to the Emperor ; for they woul<i never confent tP fo difadvamageous a PrcpoJiion. Upon thefe'
. .
debates, Htmy fummon'd the Pope to Crown him, and Uj^ oti his Kcfulicg ro do it, order'd his Guards
to.apINehend biin and feveral Cardinals. The News of this being nois'd about the City, the B$mm»t
. ran to their iknv^ animated cbnen far the Canhoak of Frefcate and <^<^, kdl'd fcveral Girmdnr
ftraghng in the City, and iernpon the Emperoc^s Fonoes very vigorouOy.i The Engagement was
• '
very obftinatc on both fides, the Emperor was in great danger of his Lifr, but at lait repuls'd the
U aod.jnaKiMd out afdtaCitycwodai* afn^ canrying along with hiwchs Pope and fwdimla
yu,^ jd by Google
of the Twelfth Century of (hrijlianity. if
He quartered near two Monrhs nbout /^omf, tQl at laft the Pope to pur an End to the War which The Fife
Vas ready to break out, and to gee his Libcny, rcfolv'd to grant bim tnc Right of Inveftiturcs and loif^f^
Crown him. Being thus agreed with the 'Emperor, they rcentcr'd JS^/mf the thirtccenth of y^pril, and j^^*^?*
coming co Sc. Ptter's Palace, the Emperor recei\ 'd the Impcriai Crodm ar the hands of the Pope. They j'^"'' ^
fey that the Pope coinmunicared to him a moicry of the Hoft which he had Confecratcd, protcfting
that he gave it hi;u ;.sa Scai ruid Pledge of the Peace which he hrij made wich him, and of :lic Con-
cold that W|& between them ; and that whoever of cbcm ihould break ibis Coocord or Violate chi*
Peace, iboQlattiiVe no part or portion in the Kingdom of Jefus Chrifi. The Pope likewile grtntea
him a Bull of Confinr.r' on of the Riehr of Invcftiaircs, importing tiur he grantea and confirin'd the
Privilege which th$ Emperors his PrcdecdTors had of giving Inveftitures by the j^ng and Cro(icr to die
Kihops and Ahpocs of his DominioM Eleded wftfaooc Simony or Vioknce: That they ibonld nop
be coiifecrated ti!! after they had rccciv'd Inveftitiire, excepting lucJi ns were us'd to be inverted by
ilie Arch-Billiops or the Pope. This ConceiCon is founded onthcfc two Rcafons; Firft, becaufe wft
Predcccflbr': of Henry had confiderably enriched the Chorcfaes, by the Revenues of the Crown whicb
they h;;il bjfto\7ed on thcin: and Secondly becaufe it was necciru y clue the Dillcntions and DillurbSD- •

CCS which rnight happen upon ]^Ic<£lions, inight be appcas'd by :hc Ro^al Authority. Laitiy the Pop«
in this Bull denounc a an Atutbema acainfl thofe who Aottld oppofc this Conceiiion.
The Emperor havinc thus comfuis'd his dedgn, depatted tram Jtmnr being attended by the Fwc^
Thty pariol very good Friends in appearance, by (hewing to each other a Reciproeil Good wijl
and Ai.e«flion. The Pope rcturrved to /^onw, and i"

on Oath of fidelity frool all the Towns, and arriv

thers Corps whh gieat Magnificence, according to
jnony given that he dy'd a Penitent* ^
Notvviihllanding this, Vopc. P/t/lhnl at his Return, found a great many Cardinals offended that he Tie GtM
had gramed the Right of InvdUrures to the Edopcror^nd he cjcciu'd himlelf as well as he could, of ime-
upon the Account of the Extremity he was in, and the Mileries which threatocd Home, if he had not y/Jf""" ; ,

made this Condefccntion. Thcfe Reafons did not fatisf^ the more Rcfolute, who took an occafion </'/^<f?''»* •
from the Pope's poin-^ into the Country, to call an Alfembly, wherein they caiKell'd all that the Pope
had done, rencw ii :.rid confirm 'd the Decrees of his Prcdeccflbrs againft Invcftitures. The Pope ha-*""*^''
Ving heard ot it lem ihcm "Word, thatihouch tlieir intention might be good, yet their way of Pro- .'

ceeding was not to b; tolerated : That he hop d for the future to mdce amends for what he had done
amifs, only to divert the Ruin ot /(MUffandall the Country; but that they ought to have patience, and
to take care that the Zeal they have for the Welfare of the Church does not prove prejudicial
to it.
$ Brum fiiaio5 of Sitni^ Abbot of Mount 04^, was Ooe of ihpfe who was the bxtk in fpeakiqg «gviift
Inveftitnics; StA who iblidted the Pope moft to rerakc wbtt he had done, mA tt> Aw^cnitnK the

E:pp^ ror. The Cardinals who had been taken Prifoncrs with the Pope, were divided in their Scnti-
rncnts; fome were for what he had done, others difapprov'd it. The Pope ofended that this Divi-' *
iion rofe lb high, and fearing it would fpread farther if the MhJh of Mount C«(^ follow'd their Ab^
fcot's Scnti:Tientsi order'd Bnmo to retire to his Bifhoprick, and aaother Abtx}t to be Ele<5c4in his
Iloom. This Qucftion was likcwiic debated out of baly^ and we are inform 'd that J»lm Arch-Biihop of
J^MHf, would have call'd a Council to condemn what the Pope bad done, 9bA that Jb« of Chartrei
endeavour'd to diflwadc him from it. Some maintain'd that ooe con! nor npprove of Invcftitures

without being guilty of Herefyj others bclicv d that they might be loleiaied, tliough they were irre-
gular, and a third op^y ftood up in their Vindication. Pope Pafchal was very ibiry that he bad de-
viated from the Dttrees of his rced^cd]bt% and dcfir'd nothing pxtte than to revoke what he bad
done; but durft (MX undertake it on his own head after the Oatil which he had taken, and the fdemn
Boll he hnd granted.
To wind himfelf out of this Dificulty, he a0ea)bJed a Ca«apl of cue hun^od Biftops or ther^^ Ti; Cteti.'
'iMmts in the LtfMTM Chnrck in Miire^ lilt, llw thief faftkntion of which wan the Repealing die '''^U-
Right of Inveftiturcs. For after they had renew'd againft the Clerks, the Favourers of Guiheri the '?*jL^
Anti-pope, the Intcrditiion pronounoed agamft them, the filth day of the 5effion the Pope fliew'd in
vrhat manner He and the Cardinals had Seen apprehended by King Henry, and how contrary to hit
Rcfolution he had been forc'd to grant to that Prince the Inveftiturcs for lo obtain his Freedom, the
Peace of the Church and the People: That he had taken an Oaih that he would give him no fanhcr
diftarbance about Inveftiturcs, and that he would pronounce no Amaibtma againil his perfbn: That,
chough the King had not obferv'd the Conditions of^ that Oath, yet he was refblv'd to ftand to what
he had done ; that however be acknowlcg'd that be had done amifs, and Jeiir'd it ihould be rc>
drefs'd^ (b that the Church might come to no prejudice. To clear himfelf the n^orc fully from all
Sulj^iaoa of Hq«fy, theoescdav he made « Pioi^oh of Fait|^ wfaewiahcdedar d that he embrac'd
the a(i4 Dofttine comatnd in die Hblyt- Scriptures, in the Ibdr Geoenl Cdancils, and in the
Decrees of die Popes his Succeftors, efpecialiy thole o(Greg»ry 7. and tV^M i« thit he approv'd of
^hat dioile Pope approv'd, and that he condcmn'd what they had fondeoyi'd. Afier this Dedfltvinj^
G^MnfBiAiop of Atmmfime read a paper, importing that all tbde WW Were .dien ptefeac ecthatCoon*
Cil condemn d, declar'd Null, and abfolutely canccll'd the Privilege, or radber Pravilcge crrorrcd
from Pope Pafcbalj by the Compulilon of Heitry^ particularly that which iroply'd that thofc wiio
fhould be Canonically Eledkd by the Clergy and People, conldt licit be Confccratc-d till fnch time as
they had Received Invcftiturc from the King. Tiiis Sentence was approv'd by all the Prelates of the
CoyncU, conliiljng of twelve Arch-Biihops, an hundred and fourteen ^iAops, and twenty three Car-

Bs * Thetrf

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i8 . J Ne» EccUfiaJlkd Hijho
Hcnrjfi but Guj Arcli-
Ihe Oe- TIrtre was notliing done in ihls Ccuncil againft ihc Pcrfon of the Emperor
r'fff * Biniop of I'iemia the Pope's I cpr.- , a Mar: very zealous for pfomotlnft the intcrtftsof lb* HoijT Ssc,
f f'flff Hen-
„| I'd .1 Council toftth.r in 5;^f?Mi.-f, wherein he not only canccIM ttie privilege of InWftitores, «<
ij^cn before done in the i.<i/fr^« Council ; but farln r dcclar'd, that it was
ly «}>in ifef Hercfic ro icceivc In-
ac(v»« *f ^ f jtitnrc at the hatid of any Laido, and Ejccommunicaicd the Eirreror Hf my. He fcnt the Pore word
^^haj ^j^nc in rfi« CottncH, and<felir''d that he would be plcas'd to confirm tr. The Pope
who had already dcclara ag.iinlt what himfelf had dorc, n ndc ro fcruple to grant his Reqi: ft.
Cardinal C«w«, Bilhop of PaleftriMt and te^tcof the Holy ice in tlie £«/?, thundei 'dout Excom- »
Tnanicacions againft Hemjf, as wdlin •Connal held ac fmifdiem, as in tbofc he held at his return,

in rhe 1 1 j,:ind r r r ^, ar Beauvak, at f^t^eim!, at Cole^nct
and sc Ch'ilonj. Thierry Cardinal and
Legate of the Holy Sec appointed a Council co be held at Coloffte in the Cim^mtH Holy-days, 1115.
and fee ©ut with an intention of being there ; but he dy'dby the way, however, the Council thai'
derM onr an Excommunication againft the Emperor Henry. ^ . , .
Ihe Eftpe- Jhat Prince perceiving himfclf to be tims fraftrated of the hopes which he had eoncriT*d of quierlf
r«r Hrnry enjoying the Invcftiiures, rdblv'd upon marching a Second time i:'.:oiM,>, and the rather Ixrcj ilc- h.s
V"*. /(c^nd p^j-j^ricc there was rcquifite foi5|he taking poireflion of the Dominions of the Princeis MtthMn, who
Jmnq 11- ^^.-^ jjjj ^^^^^ of j^/y , , Thereupon having eniw^ into Lrnikmif^ h* oiade'a ftay near the Ri-

»4 Italy. y the Dtjth cf that Princcfs ; and in thr mean


to take pofTefTionof the Eftates left hi 1.

time fenc the Abbot of Qlm^jt aitd Icveral other Deputies to the Pope, to endeavour an Acconm xiatiaa
with the Holy S«.
7te Ute- Tiic Pope held ac that time a Second Council in rhe Later.m^ which comracnc'd ?ne i^th of M-.rch^
ran Cmat' the three lirtt Seifions whereof were wholly taken up in diicuding the private Aftairi or iorre Biitops.
at in tie Sevbial of thofe who affiflsed in dns Coancil complained that they fpent too much time on fucb
4l«irtlltf. fairs as were of little or no confequence to the Church, an r- TuiroJ that they ini/;hr rr.rcr imme-

diately upon the Debate of that for which they were more cipcLiuli/ alfcmbled, li.ic ihey in djt Icnow
what the Pope's fcntimcnts were, and what they ought to teach when they were raurn d'to their
D occfH.^. Uponthis Remonftrance the Pope declar'd, that he freely acknowiedg'd, that dcfigning to
put a Hup 10 the Robkrics, Burnings, Murders, and other Crime* which were daily committed j
he had done amifs in granting the privilej^e of Inveftiturcs which now he corulcnnul w'ch an Eternal
Anathcma,and deiSr'dthiey would do the lame. Ail who were tlicre pieieu, cry'd out. Let it bt /«, Let it
be fi. Brum of Sigtd immediately (aid, ** Lee ns give God cfaonb ftr that Pooe Pe/chMt Pfefident
" ol 'his Council has in our hearing condemn'd this wicked Privilege fo full of In/ufticc and Hcreiie.

rfansed w.ti h iii, Another added, that ftridly fpeaking, it could not be call d bad,
but not Heretical.
becaule it done todeliYer the people of God : which according to the Gofpcl was a good
h.ul Ijecn

Work. The Pope who wM out of p uicnceto hear himfclf nrcii^'d of Herefie, caus'd f'J hlt- ro be
made, and dicn with a loud Voice expreflcd himlclf dlUS. " Hark yc wy
" Lords atid Brethren ; f let the whole World know that the Church tA*
f 77;// ts s bild afferthn, and fit tnlf
fir* Ptttt M
mfatk^Ptfe t»mt^ \ i2pMie has never been guilty of Heicfie, and that it has extirpated theni
ttm tttttkut we aMihi Medu " all : That the Ari/tn Hercfic which lafted for 300 "Vears together was ac
tbe Dtlermmam «f wUe WrU; « lalt condemn'd ziRovit: That the Hcirfics of J^r.^hlus ^ndS^eliut
Were there likewifeCoodcma'd: That Ph»iniu and the other Herencks
** rcttivM their Coodenanatkm acl(«Mr • That iaftly/dt fer diit Church the Son of God pray'd
" juft before his PafTIon, when he faid, Peter ^ I kiv: pray'ii for thee tly Euth fiil tior.
Atid thus ended the third 6eiiion. At the fourth, which was held on Thurfdajfy the Pope was not pre-
ienr, becaalc he was taken up in gtviii| Audience about the Emperor's Af^irs to the Abbot of C/u^nr*
80 John Cue/an, and co Peter, Prcfccl: of the City of I{eme, and to the other Favourers of Henry.
The hich ^dHon on I'riJay, began with the Difputcs between 7^'^'" C'.«/>f«m and the other Defender*

of the Emperor //fnf/, zt\d Cenon o( Palefirinat who was abfolutely for Excommunicating him. The
Pope to pacific them, faid, that the Church in the Primitive times fiouriflicd by its MarrjTS, nrd by :hc
Piety ot Its Profcdbrs; that afterwards, when Emperors ai;d Kings were Converted ro he Fair h, iliey

Honour'd the Church by granting it Demeans, Revenues, and Temporal Rights and Dignities : That
it was reaibiMbklhetiboiimjmjoy thefienevolcDce of Princes, and beftow thofe Goodson her Sons as

fhc judg'd moft'COBwnient. He aftetwards repealed the Privikge of Inveftittircs, and rencw'd th«
DcCTCCS of Cr«5foi7 VII. bur vvoiiIl! pi un;; ;ncc nothing in particular againft /ff^r/s Pcrlbn. However,
lie confirm'd wout Cardinal Conon of Palejlrina had done againit that Prince in Sjria^ in Greece, in Hutf
gory, in Saxofty^ in Lennin, and in Vtimce. Thvs waspaU'd by the majority of Vmres.
The next day the Pope difcufs'd in the Council the Contcfl b«wcen GrffolAnu.; otChryfil/tttttini J-r-
danei, pretenders to the Aixh-Biflioprick of ;MUm
and after he had obferv'd that the Tranflatior.s of
Bifhops were never allow'd, but in cafe of neceflity, or for the Cburchei greater beneiir, hededburVI
. that of Grofuliinui Null, which had been more prejudicial rlmn advan:r£;rouf 'o tS<.- Clnirchl Af-
terward* he granted indulgences of forty days, to iliofe w ho would viSc the liepulwhrcs of the Apoftle?,
and diflblv'd the Council by giving his Blellingto the Prelates.
Htnr^ fa* Emperor Henry having heard of the proceedhigs of this Council, thought it requifite that he him-
rfrrRomc*''^^ ^FP^*''. P<^o*'^Uy At I^ome, to prevent the Confetpjenccs of rhe Exccinmunrcarion , and
Ptffchal maiiiiaiii the Privilege wliich the Pope had granted him. H.- thereupon ordcr d hi< Anr.y to advance
ir ffr* towards that City. 'The Pope not venturing to (tay his coming, rear'd to Mount CaSin, and from thence
dlrjwit fur the greater (eavky wenr imo ^nlU. The fimperar came to [{ertu and cnier'd k without any op-

of the Twelfth Century of Chiftiamtju '
toofitron, and causd himfclf to be Crown'd a Second dn*^ by Mtmiee BHr4in Arcb-BUhop of Draxue%
Xfcis AtdhiBiOiop W4$ Lim^t who went into Spain to watt upon Berturd Arch-Bifl^iOp of TclcHc, who
imde liim Affcb>De«C(Wi of his Church, from whence he was prcfer'd to the Buliopnck of Commka,
and afterwards to the Arcli-Birt.opritk of BrMue. He was come to Ssnie to defend the Rights of his
Church againft the Arch-Biihop of 'TcUdo, and Aay'd ibere two Years. JbtEttifetor^€UCtbt£Mfi«r .

Holy-days ac Hfme^ bat «as forc'd liy the occAve fiotndsdF the Sea(bn to draw off towaidrOV/i
cttiy^ fiom whence he fetic AmbalTidor; f> the Pope to promifc hl.n all mm
icr of ficisfadtion, {>rovided,
be would bucabfolvehim, from the Excommunicatioa. The Pope return'd him this Anfwer that for his
part he had not Excooimunicited him, becaaiebehadeDgag'dnimfelf upon Oathtodonofurhrhing;
bat that he cotiJd nor -ske n^*" . Excommunication which ochcrs haddenounc'd againft htm, till be had
heard what they antiucJ,.i lo lay for thcmfelvcs in a Synod,
l in the mean tur.c, the Pope retum'd pxb\^*n
towards t^gme with the ^<6rman Troops of Apulia^ and feil Sick at ytHagnia. Bciii^ recover'd of his r«nH U
illnefs, he went and fpent the Chriflnm Holy-dajrs at PaUfirinay and from thence advanc'd towards Ronet
^fme. and enter'd it; and as be was ftudying to bring bis Enemies to fubmit, he Died two da) s after his
feturo, in Janaaty 1 1 1 3. •

Abes Deatb« the Cardinals met in a MonaAery of the Bencdiain^ of ^mm caird.tfae pMlimliumt
(vi r * rr
. oar » (be fahot of Pr4utebipan!, and fix days after Efcded John Cnjetm the Chancdlor, who- ^as
caJl'd Gela/usU. and Pio^!-:n 1 Pope. Cindui of Bahchipani being offended that tl)cy had not^p^
made dunce of aCarduiai whum he had prupos'd, entci 'd the. Monafierv in a Corc'ble manner, with
Aimed M«f^ feU upon the Pope» abas'd him, and carry 'd himttway Friumer to bis lUace. Tbe/^o-
n»4iM could nor endure this Affront ; the chief amon^ them mcr, and fcnt to demand tlic Pope from
Cittcitis, and the common people role up in Arms to fet him Ubeixy. Upon this, Cinduj was forc'd
to deliver bim. He WMpst in poflcflionot the Cliair, which be enjoy 'd very peaceably till
the Arrival of the Emperor, who being inform 'd that Gt would not confirm the privilege of In-
veftitores, ooarch'd dire<fHy with his Army to I{pme. I lic Pope made h;s F.fcape by Sca to Caicta,
where he was Confccratcd by the Bifliop of Oftiay in tlic prelencc of If lUirm Duke ot AfuH^y aixl /^o- Henry
hut Prijice of CtMui. After bis CooGecracioo iie came to C4/«4» where he howd that the £a)peror«MW# i»
had cans'd %Umee AanllMi Aidt-Rlliot» of Urttffit to be tVodani*d Pop^ under the Name of Gregf^ Hiamemi
rj Vin. In the mc.^n tinie Gr V/;/-! raii'i! Forces, Tfl^^iun of Apulia came in to bis AHlfl-ince j they
nwcb'd towards the Territories of i^omcy where the Eaipcror invefted a place of fome ifa^gth, who rice

liearinp Forces were coorfng to its relief, raised die diege immediately, and retir'd inio Gfrma^j ^>ur<l nif
The Pope retook fcvcral places in the Counrrey, and cmcr'd privately into P^^y?:- ; but h s .'inenucs J
there being n^orc powerful than bimfelf, after he had fettled his AlFairs iu a good pofture, he went in- p^S"^
to Fra"Cf, and retir'd to C/i/j^wf,. the (idbal SaotSuary of the Popes, where be Dy'd of a Pleurae on the
J > v;»T, in the Yc-ir lo. aftrr h? had nominated Catdiltti Giy Alcb-Biihop itl yituntbtg
I9tli ; i i

iiis Siict: il^ji, upon tiie leluiai ul Cancn BuiiOp oi Pakjitlna.

This Ch»;ce was approv'd of by all the Cardinals then prefent at C/u^ when the Pope Dy'd : They The £.le8U
unanimoufly Elected Gity who was Nam'd Calixtut U. and tbcir Eledhon being c^mfirm*** the Car- on «f Ca*
dinals who were ar l{ntif, be was Confecratcd by the Bifhop of Ofltia. '
' lixriu II.
I he Kn ijieror llt'i /, who had been Excommunicated afrclh by Conan in rwo Coiincils held in G^md'
'n}t to skrccn bimieif from riiefe proceeding and toicftore peace to 6<niM«tr'* held a Convention at Tr/- ^^"/f"
hm^ whereb it was propos'd to put aa end to die diflereooe between him %A dbe Pope, by way of

/ .modation. He promis'd to do it, and to go to the Council wbidi the Pope had p.ppoinred to be
he id at {{lyeims on the i8th of OBtber. lii the mean time to prepare matters for the Peace, yf^lUam oi
Cijimpc.wx Bifhop of C^mAmv, tod P«Mfttf Abbot* of Ciu/ayy vfent to Siwhurg to begin the Treaty, j*!"^ r'
The Emperor demanded bow he m'pht put an end to this Affair wiiliout any thing of his Prero- cHanj-
gative to which the Bifhop of C- aimj reply d, l hat if he were iincere in hisdciirt^ of the Peace, it peaaxMl*
was reqoifiie be Ihould remit the Inveftittires, but that be would not thereby diminilh the leall of hia#—
Prerogative ; becanfc then the Cafe would be the fame as ii was in France^ where, though the Bi/hops ^nmUi

ndther before nor after Confecradon received their Inveftiture from the King, yet they were not there-
by difpens'd from diicharging tfaeir Dude» to bim, whether in paying Taxes, or contributing towarda
ne SoidioTt or anj ocha Duies whatfoevcv. The Emperor iaia, that he delired ootbinE more, orovi-
ded, thePrnwouddohimluflice, andreiloien
the War. Tbefe two Deputies having gain'd this Conccifion from the Emperor, went to wait upon
the Pope who was bard by and propoa'd the Bufinefs to hiiti. He immediately lent the Cardinal ,

JBifliepaf Qf?»4, and another Cardmal to finiflidie Treaty with htm. They met the Emperor between
JWfrjfarid Ft*ri/w,*„ r.rcl agreed with him in Writing abonr the fame things j and for a compleat CQolilinr
inacion of this Artair, the tmperor promis'd to mea the Pope at Mou:{m on the I4ih o( Otioher.

The Council of H-teim* open'd on the lift of OHober. The Pope aod i,«iHr Kiiig of France were '
pcrfoiuiHy prcfcnr nr it, .ind it conMed of fificcn Arcb-fii(hops, above 200 PlUiop* of France, Sp^in, ^-^ ^^'^
Germanjf and £.nX:'i rid' and a great many Abbots and other EcclclialHcks. The Pope made a ^i^'Rhelflail

conrfe on the Golpel tor the Day, nnd Cmcn made another upon the P^fieral Care, In this Council,
King i.««v preferr'd feveiaJ Complaints aoainft Henrji King ot EnglMd. Gt^ej Arch-Biihw of /(am uta,
undertook to anfwer him^ Imt wss forc'd to be filentby the Noife that tnofe in theAllhnbty. Af-
terwards /yi7^_ij*.-r«itfCouniefs of Pc^TiVrj'd m the Council, and cctrj l:;:n'd that berHnsb-j; !

bad kft her and marry 'd asotber M'omaa The Bilbop of^ f and other Prelates ot Aquiuin
nndertook the Defence of thdr Pttnce, and cacDs'd him nv not appeanng becaufe be was (ick. The
Pcpc accepted of this Fxrufe, rr,d poroff the Tryal of this Caufe rill another time. The Concert
whicb afterwards was Ihurtcd between AuSu Bilhop of Eur.euXf aod Anuurf who hod turn d bim
«ttc of that BiOioprick, nia'd a. greai Heat batwecs the and the l^mmu* The Pope takjr
- . . ' .

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if Np» Ecclejtaftkal Hiftmy.
k, DtfboOffe on the Advantages of Peace and Unity, and'dcclar'd chat the Emperor hid pr&«
made a
tbat be de-
Ss'd an AccWMBodattol), and that Ik was fo meet him at
hAou^tm to pqc an find to
'd the Prelates to ftaycUi his Rocum- which flnuM be very fpcedy. Th»OMidinabwkr*Ml«ri«»
ted upon the Emperor, the BMhap of CAdbw, aMtcfaeAttntof CAfv, 0Ne A
godaaon to the CmmU*
the Neph Onthe fMMTow tile Fope took his Lam of iURnblf, lecenimaM Am co pur tMr
r/j/nn Prayers and Wifhcs for the Peace, nnd the next day fcr ou: for Miu^^m. He
arriv'd rhercondic
tetwgcn ikurfdayy and after be bad confcrr'd with the Prelates whwn he had brought along with him, and
tbt Pspt getd over again the Yro'jeSts of the Accoawnodadon, he fet>r the Deputies who had already com-'
mcnc'd this Nrpntiation to the Emperor. That Prince at firft deny'd that he had made any Aich
''I'f^* promifci afterwards they debated bow the Pope fiKMild receive him in giving him Ablolution, bac
cojld come to no agreeoMDC On the morrow die Emperor deitr'd farther time, and the Pope per-
ceiving that he fought to procraftinate the Bufinefs, redr'd to a GiAlc beloagint »
the CooDC oC
Tr^es with an Intention of returning back again. The Emperor defir*d time dll Mmif^, but fha ,

pope wrould not grant it; and after, he had ordcr'd him to be told that if he were fincereiy inomc
iip9n Peaces he was rrady CO fmnckhkn either in or ahnr the Council. He (etouion Stm^y Mor-
. ning, and penifnM with all expedirion to J(Mi»r. The nact day being farigtied by his Journey, h«
could no: Any long in the Council, he only gave them an Account of his Proco'dings at Mc«:(Mr. On
TMf/a!v be was not there at all, but on IVedm^dM he appear'd. Ac firit they debated of a great aanj
n{?aiemttei% amd aftevwaida the Pope
The firft was ngainft the Simoniacal, wbocidMrboqgfai crfehltty BecfafiaMcat Ooate . '
The fecond was againft Inveftitures.
The Third againft thofe who either feiz'd or detain'd the Revcnnes of Churches.
The Fourth againft thofc who left them to their Heirs by way of Sucee^tMi, andegaiaft cfae EricftS
who cxaited Money for the Adminiftracion of the Sacraments or for Burial,
And the fifib againft the Priefts, Deacons and Sob-deacons who had Wives or Concnlnnes.
The Canon concerning Inveftiratcs aaade a great Noife in the ConndL Ic was drawn op in thefe «
Terms : Pf^e abjolutetj forbid the receivinf^ the InwjUtHre of Chtrehet sr miyHim
Btctefinfifeal thittf t from
the bands of Ltiiek/. Several were of opinicwj that this Canon thu? exprelVd leok away frnm :hc Ectle-
liafticks (he ttmh and Bmtfie«f wlucb they heid or receiv d from Laicl% lb that the Coocdt axiCnS
vpon Att Airide, binder'd Ae Connetl mm
daemrioing any thing abo«t it ihfttdav. Oh tie Blbcw
row the Pope remov'd this D. faculty by mending the Canon and draw-ng it up in thefe Terms. W%
ilifobitefy forbid the receiving the Invefiiturr of Bifioefriekf Mtid Abbey t from the hands of LM^t/i Aho^
wards they bronghr in 4*7 Camlln, wUdi were given 9o die A£ftata, who rafe np and helA
them Ligl'.u !nl/ the Pop.- mlcmniy ETcommunicaied the Emperor Hmry, the Anri-popc Bmdin
and al' ^^hcir Adherents; He llkcwifc declar'd all the Emperor's Subjects diflblv'd frcm their O«hof
AUiegancc to him, and forbad them to obey Un, dtf he icnni'd to Ms BiKf, aad ted nude the
Chtirch fatisfa<ftion. Thus the Council broke up.
Calixtus The next year Calixtus went into ///i/r, with a Deitgn of going to ^gme. He was joyfrl/y rccciv'd
II. krt' every where, and enter'd Home as in Triumph. The Anti-pope Btirdin being drove out of that Cnxf
u/ht ibat rctir'd to Sttriy from whence he made feveral Excuriioos, co the very Gates of l(gm. CcHxtut to
lome and himfelf of this EiKtflf , went into Api^a to defire afliftance fhxn Duke fVtiiamy and having teietA
Burdin 3 Confidcrable Army, he march'd to invert Sutri. The Inhabitants of this City perceivirg rhry fhould
^"^J^ -be taken by Sionxi, tiex'd omb Biardmy aad deliver'd him up to die NbraMii/, who by wiqr of dei»>
*'*^* d
lian cloach Un
with a CW'»>Skin, madje in die faim ofa Cope, fee hhti on ar wMee Omd, wHk
lus fccp towards the Tail which ferv'd him for a Bridle, and in this manner led him throuph the
whole City, heaping ttfiironts upon him. Afterwards he was Ihuc up in a Caftie^ and coofio d in «
Monaflerv of Cava^ where he (pent che reft of his days in a fiwefd Penanee.

llr TrfMy Alter this Vi<iiory the Pope becoming abfolute Mafter of /^wnr, where he cnus'd the Forts of the
ittwten Franchiptirti and of the other Favourers of the Emperor to be rar'd, lent an Ambaffy to Adalbert Arcfe-
Calixtui £in,op ofiVfvi;-, a ptnids'd Enemy to the Emperor, and folicited hhn-toftirnp Saxony agahift thaK
J[v^ „ Prince. This EntcrpriTe fucceeded, and within a fljort time all S<txony revolted, and rafs'd an Army
"""J* agjiinft Henry ^ who likewife for his pan rais'd fome Forces So that tl*ere would have ixm a bloody
War in Germany; if che Lords on both fides had not agreed upon a Treaty of Peace, by which they
agreed to reftoreto the Emnnor what bdkmg'd to him; that he (hoold likewife reftore to che Cfabr-

cnes the Revenues which has been taken away from them ; and fend Deputies to J^ame fO make a»
Accommodation with ih: Pope. This Treaty was concluded nt JVirt:^burgh in the year i izi. Jxrwla
Biibop of Sfires and jtnuilfhiu Abbot of Fulda were cholen for this DqpoMtton. They, caste tofyme^
where they Ncgoriaied qiis aecommod ation } and bemg agreed ahevt Itj the P'ope wnr X.<Mift9V Cbtp*
dinal Bifhop of 0/?/4, and two other Cardinals, who met with the Emperor Henry at rfcnn^t in Sr^
temler i xzz. and there concluded the Treaty between the Pope and Him. The Emperor iCBlitDed
the Rif^ht of Invcftiturc, which was given by the Ring and Crofier; and engag'd hllflfeiritfliM
to all the Chiirchc<; within his Dominions, the Liberty of K lections and Confccrations ; ro reftore tor
the Church of /^oroc all the Revenues which had been talccn .ivv.ry from ic fincc the Beginning of this
Contcft, whether under his Rdgm, or during the Reign of his Father; to rcftore like^vHe to other
Churches, Princes and private pmoos as well Ecdetiaibcks as Laicks all the Revenues which have
been taken away from them ; to Live iii peace with the Church of I{eme, and affirt it, whenever ic
(liould have occaHoa The Pope on his part granted to the Emperor that the Eldduxis of Bilhops arki
Abbots within the Kingdom ot Gemtany (houKl be made in his nefence^ widMUc Simony and Force^
nponCOndtdon chat n
Ctft of any cootti^ he flofdd.fii?owr fillip' whvftodd he tffttffi. by the

L y .,^CL«.y Google
Metropolitan and the Bi(hop$ of the Province, tic confentcd that iBc perfon who fliould be EIc(5lcd,
Ihoald receive the Royaicies fiom the* Emperor by the Soeptrej caioepc of fucb thinp as beloog'd to
the Chtuch of J(o«f, and llioald faithfully perform wfne fie wacbonndtx} fay \1tttie of thofe Royal-
tics: I'lut the Prelates of the orher States ot" the Empire, fhooldfikcwifc receive the Royalties at the
£aioeroc*s b/uadSf wkhin liz Months aftef their Cooiectanaik He
likcwite obii^'d hiinicif to afltft
dKMipefor on and lafHy gruwed abdblmioa to lum and all bisAdheinns. Tbefe Arti-
all occa(ioat,
cles of Peace were fclcmnly publilh'd in the EmperorV Camp, and within a (hort rime that Prince
was receiv'd into the Commonion of the Church by the Pope's Legates, who carr>''d this Treaty to
J(fme, where it was qonfirm'd in tbeccneral Council of the Lnterau, lielJ in the Year fii3. and
publilh'd \n Upme. Thus ended the Quarrel aboiir Inveftiture, which Lafted fix and fifty Years,
and which had caus'd fo much difturbance to the Clnjrcb and Empire. W.e lhall farther illuftrate
this by fome Reflexions on the Original and Ufe of Invef^iturcs. / .

The Word Invcditure fignifies the Grant of any Fief, Territory, Dignity, Place of Tmft, orPri-7;jf Or^jr-
vil^, made by a Lord to bis Vailai or Client, or by a Prince to his Subjedl, upon condirion that nal aai
be prove Faithifull (O him, and do him all the Service and Duty requir'd of faino. This Inveftiture Prairtfttf
was perfonn'd with cenain Cercmooies. by pucdiu} into the pedoD's kuds to whom k yfas granted Umtfif'
^mahing as a Symbol or Sign of dieI>aMaQO tfira made^ ftdi at apiece of Tui^ uSmift GiceoMW/. ,
Bo^hs, the Ornaments or the Habits of the Dignity or Place of Trult, or other fucb like Tokens,
wAttchJbyi refemblance to, or denoted the thing given. The Chriltiai^ Cburclu which in the ^ri-
imve OBMS had no odier Goods than thofeof the Voluntary ObfcKtons of toe Faithful, or the
Revenues of fuch Eftate^ as had been bcftow'd upon it by private pcrfons, began in the time ot
Ftpm^ and CbMrlemapte to be poflifs'd of a great nuny Fiefs, with which thole Princes enrich'd it. *
TCtas render'd the fiilhops and Abbots more confiderable in the State, and engag'd them to take an
Oath of Fealty and Homage to their Prince for the Fiefs which tiicy held of him, to fupply him ^
with a Certain Number uf Soldiers for the Wars, to go thcmfelvcs thither in perfon, to concern
^Koalelve* wfth the Affairs of the Sot^ and^ t<> di(attrgc the other Daties to which they were
bound by vinue of theFiefit and Dinities which they' coiov'd. According
to Ancient Caftom, af-
ter the death of thofe who had thole Fiefs, the Lord of the lybnncr enWd into the PoOcdSon oC thcnn
end held them, t:ll fuch time as the Heir or fucccflbr were invefted anew, and had taken the Oath
of Fcaiqf and Horoaoe. Umn this Acconac after the Death of a Bifltop, t;he Prince and Leeds ear
vefd uKo the Pbflcmon of bit Fid% and held ihem till fucb tiooe a»^ the poibn dcded in fteaa
had receiv'd Inveftiture from them, and had taken the Oath of Homage and Fealty. In procefs of
twiethis Prerogative extended to all the other Revalues left by the fiiihop, aqd .the Princes £raoie4
liidillerencljr the Inveftiture of all die KflfcaiinofwBifhopricIc C»ihe per/on wbo'wvk dented Cano-
nically before he was Conlccratcd, but they never prc-rr.dci by this Ceremony to confer any Spiri-
mal rower or Miffion to the fiiibops. Some aie of Opuuon that this Right of Inveftiture wai
OfiUKcdto ChmrUma^ by Pope v^irMw, as 'tis related by Gr«fM» DiftimS. 63. Cb. Adriitnuj, which
» takenoutof the Cbronicon of Si'seUrt o(Gemhlourj, wherein 'tis (aid that that Pope in a Council held
aUC Ji«jn« in the Year 774. graiiccU lo CbdrJem^e the Right of filcdting Popes, and order'd that ali

^&Kn*Biihops and fiilhops within his DotniniQOS finold receive JangftiB i a( his hands before thefi
«rere Confacfaied. But moft of the Learned are peiiwaded that this Rianer of Facfl is forged, bt-
caoile neither Bghitrd who wrote the Life of Cbarlemagne, nor any otj^r Cotcmporary Author,
maSc any memiof|M|j(herpf this Grant, or of Char/cnai^ne's, p<xng to I(p»ie this Year. This Confti-
^IM|jb.V|M^^ M cited by Lm who reqew'd it in fi^yoar.of Qfb» ^. both wjifazdped to,
tteEie^Bar:aCffc»P&pe» and to the Iiiwdfenia of BifliDpa. Bat ti|6 we cannot foond the Ori^nal v
of Inveftirures upon G>.i.'/.tn's Chapter intitled yl</r/Jiru/, which is at leaft doubtful, yet we nuy bc.
certain that this Cul^om cooamenc'd a loqgjdine befpi^ OtJtOf and loon after Cbarkmignet and thaci
it was obCerv'd not only by the p a p—
1% bnt likcwife by the Kh^
of Amw
and Er^UtuL and
l>y moft of the other Chriftun Princes. -

Wc are not ceixain whsv Cerempoy was ut'd at firft in the Inveftiture of Bifhops and Abbots ; but Tie Ctrt-.
'tis very probable that tbqrmada ulcof the Crofier, or the Ring, the Marks and Tokens of their mMtVjiu'i
Dignity; as the Cuftom was with regard n> lecular Offices, Wcfind in the Author of the Life of St. iitlmi^-
I^mamu Arch-Billiop of l{ean, that when this Saint, was Elcded, the Great men about Court una-
fumottfly advis'd the King to approve his Eledion, and chat thic Prince ( 'twas Cfovi 2. or his Ffllhc^
D^dm) liSUriqft:«pnT«nd the Bi(bops and Abbots, gave faim the Paftoral Rod, in confcqueooBi '

Whereof he waa CbafecnMcd. The Author of the Life of jllJric Bilhop of Maniy tells us that afcc^
the Eledlion of that Bilhop made in the Year 852. Levpii the Gentle having taken the Paftoral Rod
irotn the hands of LaiulrAmuu Arch-fiilbop of 7^/» the. M^iDpQjUtan of Mimi, pLft it to AUrie^,
mnd in giving U to him, umaaiueJ id faim theCateand management of that ffifhopndc. Ghhr in
the Life of King Mtrt, relates that that Prince dcfiritig to gratify an Abbot who had prcfentcd hitn
laMhAJftiJifa^ demaodcd the Crofier of him, and that having put it into the band of our. Saviour '»
SPHTlii WAbbot take it again, and by Vvtaediereof to enjoy bis Oitnuy, widiout any noan-
ner ofDependance. We find that in the tenth Century, this Cuftom was become Common in G<r-
WMM/, and that thole who were inltituted into Bifliopricks, carry 'd the Paftoral Rod, and the other
Fjafigni-of their Dignity, even before they were Confecrated. Ivo of Chartres takes notice that rhc
iCib^ had induced him into his Bilhoprick, by giving him the Paftoral Rod. However this Cere-
mony was not fo general, nor fo it was fomctimcs omitted, or fupply'd
necclfar), but by lonric
other. Inveftiture might be givenby Writing or by word of Mouth, or even by a duuA.Hiai.
Several Authors tell us that die imperar HemyU. conferr'dtheBifl»phckaf P«^i«niroo Memvenutt
by {Fcfenting him with oieaf UiGlofM. Let tfais>kconoi be how k will, 'tis certain that 'tis a
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X *
A Kert^ Eccleftajlkal Hi/lory
tiling very wirh what Ceremony, or after what manner th? Inveftirurc was cooferr'cf.
Yet lScrecan be no (.jucftlon made bur that commonly in granting the Invcftiiurcs of Bifhopricks and
Abbqrc cbey made ukof the Paftoral Sraff, ro which tfaey «fi»rwaidi(, jom'd theJEUog, bconfecfaefe
were the Token* and En<%n5of the Epilcopal Dignity.
Jlic Brii'r, \V]]cr. -Iiis cuarrel :\lx)ut Iiivcftirures firtt began, it was nc--. 'he Ccrcrrony, hut the thirg it frlf
nir^ of the which rois'd the Heat; and Gregety VIL in prohibiting Invcftfturts, not only oppos'd thole which were
cmefi *- pcribrm'd by the Paitoral Rod and Ring, but in genoal all manner of Inveftwnrcs of Aeneficea ftUf
*4«f hit- by Laicks. The principal rcafon that inauccd him ro prohibit them wa?, that it very much hin-»
fiiiutf. lictd the Liberty ol Elcdtions, and roxder'd Princes the Mafters anJ loie Difpofcrs of all Benefices,
For when a perfon canonically Elcd^ed coaW not enjoy his Benefice, nor be Confccrated till he had
rtrciv'd InvAitiirc from his Prince, it w.t; unavoidably rcquilite before they proceeded to an Eleih-
on to know whether the Perfon they had an Eye to were agrcable to the Prince or no; and in cafe
they Eleded c u who was not fo^ the Ele<£Hon would be InvaJid. By this means it abfolutely de-
pended on the Will of the Prince w> coofer Bifliopricks and Abbeys on whotnlbeyer he pleas'd. Of-
tentimes he granted them as a Reward for (bme Service done, or to the man who^as the higbeft bid-
-der. This was that Abufc which inov'd GVfi^or/ VII. abfolutdy to prohibit all Iwcftiturcs of Bcnefi-
and be cagry'd ic lb higlu as to forbul fiilhops taking an Oathof Homage and Fealtv coihdr
VtRvr m.
Princes. VfRvr HI. and Vr^mu.
VrimU. Iris JmtaeiSux
TrnmeiStitt SvcaeSyn prbhibited likewrife in geneiaJ alt nanmr
SacadSbn nrbhibited
of ,Inve{\itij-'j V Ivo of CUrtres tells us that t/rt^n only forbad Princes tlie Corporal Inveftiturc.
halt that be never prohibited them from concerning them with an Eledion to which they had a K^b^
ar being HnKit or the Fleopl^ and that he bad noc calixn away from them the Right of Caikemn).
However t!-ar Pnpc in the Council of CimmM* abfolnnlj pKKuKicd all Iineftitiiict, and cveri iIb
BuTiop's Oath of Fcaky to ih«ir Prince.
' *

The State it was in .the time of Pope PafcbatU. dut they began «» have a moie pafticular defignnpon the
^|Cii» Con- Ceremony of granting them by the Rod r.r.d Rinp; and hence they rais'd a freffi Argument againft

^(^' hivcftiturcs, by looking upon thofe Otnau-cncs as tokens of tlie EccleHaftical Power appertaining to
the Altar J from whence 'twas Concluded that the Prince in making ufe of this Ceremony fcem a to
cRii II.
^o^j-gf the Ecclefiaftical Power. 'Tii thus that Pajchal exclain d himfelf in the Conference which he held
at Chalons with the Emperor s Deputies ; and 'ni chiefly upon this Rcafon ihofe men argti'd, who
look'd upon Invcftitures as an Hi rL-fy worfc than Simony. The Princes on. their Cdc urgM lo iiopur-
pofc, that they did noc pretend by this Ceremony to bdtow any Spiritual Power: That thetr Inten>-*

tion was only ra inteft the Bilhops, as they did the other Lorda, wtih the TanpotaHties wliicfc be>
long'd to the Church by the Grants of Princes. But the Enemies to this Riphr ro render it t!- ircrc
odious would periwade us that .this Ceremony had another meaning.' The Accommodarion which
was ftt on foot between Pope Pafihal U. fnd the Empert>r Hewy V. entirely remov*d theDHEcuitr:
For it rook away from the Bi/bo|» all the Fiefs and other T^poraliries which tliey pofleft'd by the
Donation ot the Emperois fince CharUmapnr^ which were the only Ones for which tiie IVinccs couJbl
juftly demand the Right of Invcftirores; bur it divefted the Churches of great, real and iolid Goods,
for a chimerical, fanciful Independancc: The Biftops likewifc did not relifh this Accommcdauon,
and fo it came to nothing. The forc'd Conccflion of InvefHturcs made by Pope Pafchal was rcfcn-
tcd by fome as an Herely, and confider'd by others as a Dangerotis Rela^ ion. There were fome
who would have it fats for a occcflary Tokracion, and oibos for a tfalDg naibnaUe and
Lawful. V ' *

Iht State In the Hv^Mnnin^; cjf tlio PcprJum oF Calixius U. the Difficulty fcci-r J to be rccluc'd to the Cere-
of iheQiie- i^^ony of Invcftiture with the King and Rod: Ac leait thofe who were concem'd in the NcgociatiQo

thought lb. Hfw7 V. was very ready »
tenounee tln^ provide ie did not pic|adiee Ina lUtimgaif p t *
,f tf,(. BIfhops and Abbots would hold their Fiefs and Royalties of him; take to him the O: hs
of Allegiance, and pay him all the Dues to which they were obi ig'd by virtue of the Efiaces which
they p(Mliefird* But the Pope always infilled upon a General Prohibition of Recnvmg wf manner
of Invelbture or Ecrlcfiafticn! HcrcfirL". it the hnnd<; of Laickj; to which the Emperor would
never conjient. The i<rrnc^j them le Ives would nuc aJmit this Prohibition to extend to fiiihopricks and '
Abbeys. '

Artncr^/ In fhort the kft Accooimodacion made between Pope Calixtus and Henr^ was a great deal move Advan-
m»the ugebus to the Princes than the Ecclcfiafticks. For the Princes pretended to thele three things. ( i .
jreatf cttf That no Elei^on of BiOiops or Abbots ought to be made without their Confcnt. ( i. ) That thePn^a
cluJtdbe- Elected
o^gbt to receive Invelliture with the Paftoral Rod and Rbg before he was Coofecrated. (
ivnen Ca- -jy^ obliged tcKakean €Hth of Fealty to them, and do them Hon»ge for the Fleft and
Royalties which were dependent on them. Now by this Treaty it was ii.iritd ro -hLtn {i.) That
^ly"" the Ejct^ions of Bilhops and Abbots Ihould be made in their Frefencc and Conlecjuentiy with cbeir
* ConTenr. (».) That in Gmiui^ the BiOK>p£/«A fhall be invefted with the Ro)-afele* (tbii b sD
the Eftates which he holds of the Crown, by the Sceptre, bcfon; h- Conlecrarion
; nnd in thf oth^T
States within lix Months after his Confecratioo. f 9.5 It preferves to ibmi all the iJties aini Services'
to Which the Bifhops were oblig'd by Vinneof their Fiefs and Royalties. So that all the AkeraCHXi it
made ro the ancient Luftom of the Ein}->crors confiftcd ( 1. ) In that it took away rhe Ceremony of Inve- .

f^iture by tlie Palloral RckI and King, and ordcr'd that it Ibould be done with the Sccprre.
That it reftrain'd this Ceremony prccifcly to the Royalties, that is, ro fuch Fie^ and orhfr
Etiates whicb the Btihops hekl of the Crown. ( 3. ) In that it perviitted the Conlecnuion of B: (hop*
our of Gtrmmty before they bad roceiv'd Inveftictucv yec upon condition iHat tbay AoOM receive ie
witbin Ik Monthiaficr.

: -
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(f$be Twelfth O&atUTy of Chr^^^

*rhc Treaty made between
Pope" d
ixtiu II. and the Emperor Henry V. was executed oa btxk iSito. ferf- Hf
fiiir ! p.4,:r:/7:, Succf/Tor, iti tlic thix' uf die SchLfni wljL?: was bmvccn Pope Innc<nit ll.cmk0of
and Ae Leon^. chuu^hc he had a iavX'ur^blc opportufut y ut rc-cntring upon the Riglic
his Acivcriary Peier J"" •''

of Inveftiture. He made ihis Propoial in cbe Cbnrcreticc which bq had with Pope lunocem Lu^'e,'"''^''
letcmg him knd# ibat he would not acknowfcdpc him but upon this Condition. This vny much ^^^^X^
ftanlol the f^MMw Prelates, but Saint J pcrfw.idcd that prince uoi to inlift on this Pa:tcniion, and
things rcfnai'i'd in the fjUiC ft.itc whciciti ihcy Were before. ^
iWis what relates to the HmDirc: As to F/^uxe the Kinigs fa44 never Cociccft witi^ the VopaHeCt^
•bmtfnwftinMs: They cnjoy'd theni quic even in tHe dnie tiitirejm yll. who was noc iindeed
ly »/ Sm
plc.iM at it, but durft not fall out with f^a/ice Upon rlur S.ibJeifV. Uniicrihc fuccccding Popes the F'^n^e

This Affair made a greater Noiiein Eugiand than in France : For S. A*>fehH willing to be confer- jf^ CfHt*

mable to the Decrees of the Popes agahw IhTeftirarics. rcfiis'd to pay Homage and Fealty to the eq^I
Kinjrs. This Conccft laftcd a great many ycarir, and neither the Popes, not the Kings of Eng- hud wut
tahd wouid yield die poihc : iku at iait they both cooibrmd themfelves to cb^ Regulation bf Ca*^ rtff<a d

The Right <lf 'Iinrcfticarestras IKK the Peculiar Prerogative of Emperors.and King«; but DakeSii^fi,.
Counts and 8d*r LXM^ who had Bidjopriclts or Abbeys in tlieir States, fwflelling Ficfs or Revenues r««i£r.,nv
in their Dominions, did likcwife cnjuy tfic lanic Right. Thus it appears by a Letter witjte by Gre-ttdti T/r
M17 Vltv 00 Rddulfbus Arcb-BiHiojp of IW/, that the Counts of Bretagne had been in poflcfikm oi'J tnutt'
mt Ri|ilk of granriog Invefthnies to Bifhops , Citot that Pope commends them for havmg receded
from that Cuftotn which they bad folong enjoy 'd, in compliance to the Holy Si c. Saiiit Atiphrt
iHlsus bkewife that H^^ert Count of Flanders had Ix en us'd toinvcft the Abbots after tiitir tl&ftion.
Jvo of Cbtrtres in fcveral places ukes notice, ihnt [{clrrt Duke of Ntrm«ndj granted Inveftiture to
the Bifhops and Abbots of that Province. The Cminrs of Cj\imp.igne^ Anjou and Sawf. had the fame
Cuftom , and even the petty Lords afTLiin'd this Privilege to ilu'n,illvcs As the l ord of I{ptrou^ :•

whom we find in the CiMrtalaty of St. Dtt.yj Oi T<v7 cut, to have granted to Huirn the Inveftiture of
tbar Abbey With the CroGer, fo thil when G'ff^cr/ VII. and the other Popes condemn'd Jnveftitur^s,'
(his did not only Extend to Eoarerors and Kiii^, but likewile to I^ukcs Marqmlcs, Couius, and
Sn general to every Lay Pcrfon whether Man or Woman.
The Litter OMacil which njfgtw'A of the Treaty ab^t InvelUnires, made betvraen Pope CmUx- «^
M/ and the Emperor Henrr, is diac wlncfi is call'd thc/frj? genariit tAterttn CmtutL It ;Was held in
Mfrcb A. D. 123. and compos'd of three hun<j^d Prelates or thereabouts, according to thi; Teftiji ony ijif,^^

afSi^enu Abbot of Saim Deigrj, who was breleotat the Council, a more creditable Wiuieis than Cmmit fi*
ifaeAbacof Vl^erge^ who recJcons ibor huodtcd Tweoqr Sikj and thaf> P4MAi^«r wlioieUt m^tiefejr
almdl a Thoufand. There were two and Twenty Canons made ia this Council. liij.
The Fait renews the Canons made againft the Simbniacal, and ordains that ail tfaofe who HuU IttVe
cbtain'd any Ecdefiartical Dignity for Money, (hall be tumd out of it.
The Second fotbids the beilowing tlic Dipnirics of a Brovofl^ ilicb-Ffieft Cr Deu) 4D Utf but
Priefts, or that of Arch-deacon on any other but Deacons.
TbeTbM mews the Prohibitkmi nuide by the Law$ of AeQHncb againft Clerks haviqc'Wim
or CoaciibiM% ot iBfive whb Woina^ exci^iJtig fiicb asa^
Ot Nice. •'

The Fourth Imports that the Laick% bow pious foever they ftiav be, fhall not have the Difpofal
of t^ Revenues of the Chttrch, and that this (hall be Pecaliar to fiiibops, and dedaves tbofe Pnncet
and Laicks who fhall artriburi it to Aemfrlvrs Sacrilegioas.
The F fd; rcri'jw}. tlie ?: .bition of Marriage; .m oig RclatioBS.

The Suob declares, tbc Qxdinatkns thadc by the Arcb-Heietick Burdin after his CoodcmnatiOin
nil itiofe had been made by the falfe Eifhops whom be bad ordain'd, to be Null atid Void,
The Seventh Prohibits Arrh-tleacor.';, Arch-Pi.^fU, Provoftsani! Dcnns from giving sny ficocfiCeS ba*'
Tiox the Cbarge.of Soal$, or Prebends^ witliout the Cunfcoc and Approbation of tbc Bilhop.
Tb»81|^ pmRNttMes an ifii«f^< againft any Perlba wbadqever wU> fliaU tee ufon dc Town
of Bemtfento. .

The Ninth renews the Prohibitions m.i-lc in the Canons, againft admitting thclc wiio bad been Ex-
cotrtmunicavcd by their Bithop 10 the Communion.
The Tenth prohibits the Confedraring of a Bifhop, who has not been Elcvfled Canonically
The Eleviprh grants remiilion of Stns tftthivit who go to Jerufakm to aid the Cbriltuns againft
theJnfidels, r];< ir Pcrfons, their Fanini^-s, .d :!;L:ir Eftarcs under the ProtcJ^x.i of the Hoij

See; proUbia the oAcring any Violence to them under the Pain of Escominuoication j mj^ cnjoyns aA
ttofc. who' were C>oft*d ro go iotoiJie Holy Land, or imo ^/^/n, aoa who bavn^cfaan^a tbeitf
Minds, h.-.d laid afide their CfoQ^ to cake it ttp^ain^ apd go ifaat ci^edikkNi Hiifain a y«tf unclff
die Pain of fixoommunicaiion.
The Twelfth abolilhes the Cuftom of ficzing 6ti who dy'd without Heirs.
the Eftates of thofe
7 he Th'rrrcnth Ordcrstfaac ihey thall be dedar^d Excbminonicaied Who fliaU violate the Xnaoeciki
joyn'd tor Certain Days*
' '
*, *
The Fourteenth prohibits l a cks from feizing on ally Oblations HMde ioCbw|faef,
MMj BMl^
inclofir? nny Churches with.n the Bounds ol Cndlelk
Tbc i iucenth is againft Cou;ttcrfcit Coiners. •

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. .

A New Ecclefiafiicd H'tftory -

Sixteenth Excoramunicaics thofc wbo Robot end any Tfibwefwoi the Pilgruas whogp l»
or to any other Places of Devotion.
Pcnnancc c
JioOTc ri- t n r
^ The Sewmccmh prohibits Abbots and Monks, from admitnng Sinncts
» from vifl-

tinc the Sick, from performing the

ExtrcainUnc'lion, and from fingmg Sokmn v»^^
and eniovns them to receive from their Bifliop the holy Chrifm,-
the holy Oyk. and OrdlM^
and that oajccha AaU
^ -
The Eiphteenth cnjoyns rfut the Curats (haU be Eftabliflied by the Biaiops,
? a Church or Tenths from the hand of Laidu without tlw Conlcnt of the Biltop. .
the Bilbop»^U».SenrK« aad
1 he Ninaocnth imports that the Monafteries ftall condmie to pay.
have paid them fincc the time of Crev r,y VII. and it takes
away from Abbots and
Duties w' they
Monks iheRightofcUimingth* Pofleflion of Thirty yciirs, in order to Md Ciiurciic* wiuch
belong to the BiftiopJ.
The Twentieth provides for the Security of the Church Revenues.
The Twenty firft does again prohibit Prielts, Deacons, Sub-Dcacoiis and Monks Irom having
. Wtfwor (DoncuWiw, and Declares the Marriages which they have contraded, Nwll. This a the Cttaa
1 •
wh'ch c>: -rc,ny pronounces the Nullit}- of the Marmpcs of fuch Perfons as are in holy OrU^
, . The Twenty iccond declares the Alienations of Cliaich Revenues made by Bilhops, Abbtt% oraoy
. .oAcrEedcfi'fticks Null, and Void. .

Th is the Si:mmary ot what we have left of the general Latertn CounoL neW under Fope Cmx*
11. w'iio dy d the Yeqr after. To compleat the Hiftory of thole tbi«e Fopet already meodm'd,
we have nothing more to do, than to give you an Extrad of the Letters wUch they wrote.
r-itUtiert Pr/chdt II. was he who wrote moftj of which a CoUedion is oM^^
hundred af4ifeven|(
o; Pafch»l wiihont reckonine the Fragments of feveral orben which are id be met with in Qrtuim, artAindia
t'» od^r Collectors of Canons. », «
In the Firft he congratulates thofc Perfons of the Croi/aJe in die Holy
Land, for the Vidones tbe%

"in^th'c Second he confirms the Eftablifliment of a new Mona<^ery

in the Dioccfs of CbaUnj, and the

Treaty whicli had been made between the Religious of rhat MoniHery and djufe of MtUme by tho
ArdhBifllop of Xf'flN/ acoofding to jhc order he had recciv'd from VihoHU.
Ir th? Third he commends Saint Anfelm Axch-Bilhop of Cftutrl»ay iat the Swidfii ftnffa heftew'idfc
in ItanJiiiR up fo*- the Rights oi-cbc Church. '

In tiK Fourth diredfced to BmUBrd Arch- Bilhop of T«&db, he oonhrm'd the Primacy of that CSuncfa.
The Filth and Sixdi are not two diltinCt Letters. The former jf the tvyo is oiily^ frapncnt oC
. the latter, whofc inicnption has been chang'd : It is dii«fted to in ArchrBifhopiof P^md, virfao Icnv
pled to take an Oath to the Pope, in receiving the ^e ffaotia magnifies ifae Diflniqr Afr mi
. tboritv of thdCbiiKh of i^ravr, and dicNecd&ty of cbff
The btvcm u direAedtoJ(0fcr» Count of FtmJkri, whom he QOOUMnds UK haviig WBCMrihb
Ordtn> ro-; the Church oi Cambny; and whom he exhorts tO fjirfeaitr the ^y
IV. and the lnbab''^^n:«: :'f Liegi^ to whom that Prince wasrciir'd. ift
• The Ckr^ot L;:-j having procnrVl a Copy of this Letter retum'd a vciy fmuc lepljrioicd
Wherein :hcy it appear how contrary that Order which the Pope gave in this Lcner of maldng
Wiiragainii d^em, was to the Spmt of the Church, and to the Charity which the Pope, the Com*
moo Fadher of all the Faithful , ought to bear towards all the Churches. They fay that they could
not tell how to bc'^vethat the Pope had approved of the DcftruAion of the Church of Cumhrgj, and
fhc Ourr-ges which h'.d been there committed, had tb6y not learn'd from his own Mouth, that aili this
was done b> Iv.s Order; without meimoning the dividing of that fiiflioprick into two, awi tfa6 £l|ial>
fionof G.;M;/irr who was Biihop thereof. They make mention of feveral Inftanoeaao prov^tftaconei
ought not to make ufe of the SwtMd, or engage in a War to put the Sentences of Sxconanoicatiortn
Execution: ThatmcrcovcT they have done nothing which dcicrv'd cither Death or Excomawnication :
- That they were Escoounanicated only becaofe they had paid to their I^wfiil SovetaigMrdie Bn^p3c
^Mtieb wjavi^d him, accoidmg as chef wereoblig'd by the Law of G^: Tbat.d»f arenac9Sa»rt
n'acal, but on the Contrary avoid thofc who are fo, and that they have no lefsabborence to thofc wTio
preicnding to give Eccleflalticai Graces for nothing, fell them under a pretence of Charity: Tbac iit
nd^chey had not been Excommunicated by their Arch-fiifhop, and that ^ey fuppos'd they, had hoc
boen F :ommunicated by the Pope, fincc he could not do it without hearing them firft. Tfvat no one.
oonld iay that they were Excommunicated , becaule they Communicated with their Biihop, who
would not fail in his Duty towards his Prince, (Ince thcr^n that Prelate had done tus Dittyj and ha&
greater Rcafon to fisir the Curie which God had pronounc'd .np.iinft: thofc who obey'd noc his Com-
roandnr.cnts, than that which fome Popes have within anvhilc invented againfl thole wm
would noc
be Rebels to ti>c{r Lawful Prince: That the Holy Fatherly inform us that Kingf ought not to be Ex""
cotnBiunicated^.Qr at leaft but very tately: T^iu according to Ancient Cuibm they ftand to the De-
dfioni '<rf'the9 Metropofiian and of that Pltwu idal Synod, and diey did noc recognise tfao^L^res
h Ltuerct who ran from place to place to enrich thcmfclves, and who reform'd neither Manners nor
DUeipUne, but were the Caofe of rifling Churches and of the Wars.- That they Uv'd as Rcsuijft-
CIcrKsi, according to the Rule of the Ouwn. Laftly» they inveigh'd againll: neMemot^mGn^
^pry VII. who was the ficft that ftirr'd up the People againit their Emperor, and was for extending
the Spiritual Power of binding and unbinding even to Temporalities; which they prov'd to be coq*
crary to the Maxims and Pnw^ice of the Popes his PredccdPori . •
^ The Eighili Letter of Pafcbal is dite(£tcd ID ibe Cietgy and Pco^
of Mmim^
wbga%te K9K W
conumnds OtiM thck fiiibop Eic(il. *

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of the Twelfth Century of Omjlianity.
By the Ninth dim^ m Hamy^ Kiag U Bi^md hit exJMns cbac F^ince id leMtnoe lus lUglK of
Invttlirures. " •
Tenth lie advifts OMliMr Bi{iiop of Cmf^tlUy lo t.iico caro that his Clergy Imtegnbrlyi
fiy ihe
«D hinder forbiddenjihiarriagcs, and nocto fufferthc Motikj co live with the Nsms.
Eleventh i* the Bull of Canonisation of Peter Bifliop of Anagmaf hy which he orJc i that hii
Ihould be celebrated on tlic third of Ati/^ufl.
In cbe Twelfth dicedlod to GdrUrd Bilhop of Cm^aaee, to Oitnc^ Bifliop of Poj^dw, he de •

cermmes that chofe who unwillingly confcHe with Escommunkated perfbiis fay neccflity or in duty.
§ft no{iiab!i^ li' Exconmiitnication.
By cbc tbineemii he cites the Laity and Clcigy of AH^dfrnrzh^ who accus'd tbdr BUbop; and
By The liMiceench oongratulates their fadng tecddeil'd to inivk '

By the fifteenth he advifes the C!et^ and

Laity of /hfcs to Eledl amher Afcb-BUbop in ihe
place of Gibbelinct who bad been uiade Patriarch of ^erufttlem.
in the jMiwo h he congtatvlatcs S. Anfd.a for bis bcinf; recondTd to the King of Engtaii, and

grants him a Power of abfolving thofc v.'!-o hrd ppofcd the Decrees of the Holy Sec about the In-
vcftitures of iiencticcs granted by Laicks, or wlio had done Homage to tlic King for Ecclcfiaftical
inifhe Seventeenth be ad^ifcs Gerard Arch Bifiiop of to fubmir to rhr Ai ch-Bifliop of Canterbury.
By^thc Eigbceenih he writes lo BMdma Kic g of jerupJafi, to lubjcdt all the Churches which (ball
lie oonqBer'd By4to to die Church of Jeruftiem as their Metropolitan.
In the Nineteenth he grants this Privilege to Gibeline Patriarch of Jer^tfalem.
In the Twentieth, he declares to Bernard Patriarch of Antieeb, that he did not thereby mtend to
^prciodice his Rights.
In the Twenty firft^ he ocders VracM, the Dai^i;|er of the King of CiffiUe^ to pan from jlJfiuifi
King of Armgm her Kinffiwo m the thhtl Degr(ft
The Twenty {econd is the Draught of a Bull which he hr.;^ qhc of making, according to the firft
i!: i

agreement whkh he bad made with the Emperpt Henry V. whereby he eojoyns the Biih^ and Ab-
bott of GtAumgf to fthaodoa aU ^
Fids And oAer Efhcet vthidi they hod of the 16mpire^ vpoa
Condition that the Emperor Iboidd mdse 00 pRmfon to EftaffS which had iMx betti beAo«ir'd on
cfac Church by die Stumer. - •

The Twenty thnd is )^

Cardinal fiUl^op of FrefcgtL xo Lee of Vtrceil, and ttfodiec
Cn rltmils, who were jnet at I{ome to Cancel ihe Dectec ofFope r^ebslt whereby had grampd »
ihe Ri^ of Invefthure to the Emperor Henr/. •'

In the 1 wenty
fourth dircdcd to Arch^nhdp 'of HiMW^ heloBnlelf cancds tiblirllecree, aud
ideclarcs the Conceflion null atnl void.
In the Twenty fifth he advcrtifcs tlx Clergy of Augiburgh,^ that he had intcrdjcStcd their Bi(hOpfiVc
Ycart ago, vpon the Comfhrints that had been preicr r'd againft him; and thatiince ducBilhoptKver
appear 'd to dear himfdf of the Crimes laid to his Qtatse^ he thooght aoc conrcnienc to xd^ctf k •
the Interdi«aioo prooounc'd agatrtft hiOi. ' , ' '

In the Twenty 4«fa» ^he Mfeia ihia AdSur to the DcttnahiitlDii ti Jl»fa^i» ^xt^Biflid^ of

The Twenty ferenA dtftefied totfieChapterof Augshurgb does

rtot 4t all agree wit^the two ibv
fr: For he t!.crrtii and itfets his Afiir toG^*^ Blnbp of Cmrfj
orcufes the Bifliop of Augshtnrgh^
%htch has made Bttrmim was fnrrcptltions.
fu^^pofe chat it
Inibe^^wcMyNmdi wntHmtDtheFkiriarchot Antioeh^ hc ^lehews dieDedacation which he had
formerly inadi; ; that by the Letter which he had written in favour of the Patriarch 0^ Jeruftdemy he
^ not pretend to prejodice the Rights of the Church ol ylmiock He wrote the fame thing to Bald'
•(ftrKing of 7fr»yi/mbytheTw*ntyNihth. •*

!n the Thirtieth he ^vrote word to Henr/ KiirgoiBt^aml that he woohi HOC nieddl^ With the

Rights and Privileges of the Church of Canterbury. ,

' *

• In the Thirty firll diredcd to the fame Prince he complains of their having tUin*d ArcbAifliop Th^m '
bf TIiFr^:. out of his Church, wtfhout having obfcr\''£j any forms of Juflicc.
In the Thirty fecond written to rmtiui Abbot of Citinj, he orders that in the Communion they
IhMdd the Bread and Wine apart, which was contrary to the Cnltom ofCbmy, Where fonaetioKa '

tbqr dip'd the Hoft inthe Wine. However be excepts Infants and loHrm pcrfons.
. In the Thitry fWrd he (bit wmd
to Daimbert Arch-Bifhop of Sw/, that he had Cunfecrated him
who had beer Ela'^tJ r^fTinp of l^ans without prcjiuiicinp the Riphr- ofthc Church of S-'/;.
By die Thirty foarth directed to Lamiicrt Bilbop of Arroj, be confirms the Difunipn which h^id
been «»de by his Piedeoeflbr CA-iiaii U. of ite Biihoprick oS Anras^ fioih dttt of CimArt^; gives
two Arch-DeacoDrics to the ^nqier, and tiird^ h IbouldTcnfOir all libe Tcrrhoiies whitdb depended on
" •
it formerly.
. -By word to the Kthops of ihel'itovinces of i^/jfiVwx, Sens, and Tm-Sy thaf
the Thirty fifth he wrote
hfhfld commi/lwn'd them with Latnhrt Bifbop o( Ar/at^ ro give King P/'//// Ablblmion, in c.ifc he
•vmild fincercly part with B^rtrarda. *To this^jLener is annex d the Oath which tbac .Princf and
'Ttarda rook atPtfriin the Year 1 104*01 (he ptelehoe of thoTe Bifhopi;, to have noiUngmoce to do
With ench other. * ,
In the Thirty fivrh he Coirtmifllons D^imlvrt Arch-Biflicp of Sou to try tht Difterencc tviiich vv^
.between the Abbot of fc-cLiy and the Abbot of flkviVffr.
The Thirty icvench is the Bull of the Legation of C«r4r</ Biibop of dt^ntHau, ia ijac Proviijai^tif
' *
Bssrgcs. BwdeauXf Attcbe. Tettrs and Bretagne. - .

Fa ft
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A Nei» Ecclejiajlical Hiftory
In rh9 Thirty eighth dirtcf>( (i to Nerigand BiHiop of Autm, he confirms his Elc»JHoo, and QC^cii
that he Iball fivdy CCijoy all the Revenues of his Church.
The next written to Sttpfien fiifliop oS Autun contains Ibmcdung Ukc the iiormcr. .

The Si* next Letters are direded to Saint Anfeht Afcfc-KAop of CoMtrlmT* In the fony fe»
5onJ he anfwcrs to fcvcral (jucitions which that Arch-Bilhop had propofed, cfpccially about the In-
ve^i^rai of Cbarcbes, and be therein determines that a Bilbop may receive Eccicfiailical Rcvei>
iraes frbm the hands of Laicks, who beftow them oo the Churchy ptoTided it were within bis own
DiGLefs, but that he ou^ht not to receive thofe which are in .mother Diocefs, and that Abbots oughx
not to receive them but trom the hands of fiiOiops: 1 hat one might not receive a Church from the King,
as a Recompenoe of dao& Soddiaftiori Revenues which be had leiz'd upon : Thar aa EcckHalUck
ought not to pay Homage tc a I ay Prince : That the Sons of Pncf^!. inny hr atim'rrcd into Holy Or-
ders : Thar It was bener in cafe of extremity onelhould receive the ^'latuum irum the hands oi a
Married Pric(V> rather than aoc receive it at all.
In the fci ty flxth, he wrow wod lo the Cleigy iiT^mium^ cbacdiey ongbc noctofuftc any Mar'
ry'd Ckrgy auiongft them.
The forty fevcntb is a Privilege granted to the Monaftery of St Sophia near Bcntvento.
The forty eighth dire<Sbed i»^ic&fr</ Arch-Bilhopof Ntrhtmu^ k acoofiraiadon of t!ic Revenues ao^
Privileges appertaining to that Atcb-fiilboprick, wkh IMBfeil'iaiK agiinft making any attmpct ock

In the forty ninth be prohibits two Abboa itom admitting into Co mm un ion two perfons F.xcftmro tt'
ncated by theibxli-BUhopof MfrAnnw.
In the fiftieth diredlcd lo Hjwti-.rd Arch-Bifhop of Mwi/^, he wrote againft the InvcfHtures of Ch ur-
ches, which Princes made with the Paitoral Rod and Ring. He therein renews the Deem: of the
CowKtlof PlMeM(a nnder tAiwif U. agatirftdic Clerks Otdaind during the Schifm, and refers to •
Council to determine how they ought to proceed agaiaft Eacomnmniratft and Schifmarical g<ribn$ wbo
had procur'd cheuifelves taheOrdain'd Biihops.
The iifry firft is a Privuqgp panted to the Abbey of ye:(ettf. '
. .

The five next Letters arc wnttcn in favour of that Abbey.

The fifty fcventh and aghth confirm the re-eftabJilhmeot of ilic Biihop of Arrau ^;
In :he two next he ooBUMcei UiDpiies ID dflddetfae diflerence betwecQ iheCkigy of 4nrm*ni cbe
Monks of St. yaafi.
The next Letters to the feventy <ixth are particularly in favMr of the Abbev of Clmp. He graocs
that Abbot a Power of wearing the Mitre ival CroiTcr, aod die Faoatel n^Mif : niclbibiaaUiv
to aaik the Holy Chrifm go beConiecratcd in his Abbey.
In the feventy fiath he commends Otht KAop of Bjonberg, for nM accepting of ihK BifliDpficic fiaoi
. the hands of the Emperor.
In the feventy ieycnth, he recommoids to the Clenpf of Pani, Gu*Ioh their BilboD, and exhorts them
to |oyn with him in dttfeoovcry and prdervation cf die Revetnies of their ChmtL He themo pro- *

bibits the Great Prebendaries from exaifV-ng Homape from rfie Deint-Prebendaric5.
The four next are dircdcd to C19 Arch-Biihop of Vienna, Legate of the Holy See : In the firft
lie confimis ro him his Privileges : In the lecondand third he orders him to determine the difference
which w.T^ be '\'cm rhc Canons of ^r/jn^-: and rhnfe of Sr Stepl)cn in the fame Ciiy And in the

laft Ik conie s wh.ic that Arch-Bilhop had uunt: 111 the Council of Viefma. The Conteit. betwecri ihc
Canons cf Sr. John and 'St. Stephemof Bfftn:{on was about the Right of the Cathedral. The Pope
had refrrr'd the Determination diereof to H^llUm the Predeceflbr of Guj ; aftervnirdatfae Caufe was
heard at i?<wK : The Pope there order'd that in cafe the Canons of St Stephen •could prove thatthey
hud been m quiet rolfcflion of the right of the Cathedral for thirty years part, they ftiouJd cn/oy ic
without any more dilpute. It was oopo this and fevccaloiber difidECnces that their Caale Wfireutr'd
to the AtclvBiAop of Befsn:(m, wflo having call'd a CoimcH at IWrnw, in A^Year 1115. fixudt
that the Canons of S':.Srefrr?i pvn'Uir'J very Ujivy Wi:ric[T^:s to prove their PolTellion, ;iriJ thereupon
adjudg d the Rigtu to tbc Chapter of St. John. Pope Pt^cbal was not iatisficd with this Seoceocep
as appears by \m third Lenvt written to Gn ; bat Cdtixm TL confirm'd the Jud^sent of die Coon-
cii of Tcrnm. But this did nor pur an end to the Difpuie, till CaidibMd Hiif^ oniied dnfe tivo Gbnr"^
thr'. by
.\ Treaty concluded between thcni. An. Dow. 1153.
Ill he eighty fourth, he cdnfinns the Limits granted to the Cittadel of Velitrt by Gregory VII.
In the eighty fifth, he wrote word to rf?//. 7w Arr h-BIfliop of Alp^", that he put down the Bitfiop>i^
rick eflablifhed in the Bus rough ut Lavciu, and coniu^oxs the Privileges of the Church of MelfU,
111 the eighty fiatb dircded coGtfr Bilbop of P^vm, he coafinntl

Church of PtfViVr.
^ Rigfas tod.Privifaget of, the
. 1 .

Moft of the following Letters arc confirmations of Privileges.

ninety fixth, ninety fcvv-ith, ninety ninth, the hundredth, hundredth and firft and (ccond are
writteirto li«iir/ King of and to St, Anftlm about Inveftttnrcs, and abmt the Prohibition
made againft admiiriog thd Sons of Priefts into Oraers. #
The next Letters arc likcwife dinsited to the ftinc Pcrlbns, and have regard ro the AfTairs of P'^-
litnd j luch as the Inituution of the Bifhoptick of and the TranHaiion of tUM/im fem^
Ihoprick of {{rchefter to the Arch-BiHiopricK of CtM»hlfj. fn tbeiu»cty cightn "^ngjlf* 01 Qlbna
Bifi.op of E:. v^ he determines that be ought to allow the Monks to have a Gbnid^fwA widdonefe
Monairery to Bury itwir Dead.
T heic Letters are followed by feveral fragmenrs of otiicr Letters Attributed to this Pope, iptbe C6U
iedioh of GrMtuat^ feveral of wUch are tj^aoSi the Laicks wbo were for cooferriog the Inve{lltur«^ o^"
\ ' • CMtoclics^

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^fth Twdifth Century of Chrijliamty. j7
Ctiurchcs, or feiz'd on their Revenues ; others about Tenths ; fotne whereby the Monks were pro*
hibited from claimiog the BAfJots which beiong'd to fiilhop^ or iam Min o ^u
g tfacmfelvci £rom chdr ,

Jurifdt^ion ; and others againft Marriages between Relations.

Pope Gd-iftu !I. being but a O.ort rime un r!ic Chair, wrote but a very few Letters, TbeLitrcj
In (be firlt directed to all the Prelates of the Kingdom of Frmect be gives them to undcrftandtbat t^Celifut
the Emperor beteg uncxipt-dedly come to HfmbaA dnnrc him thence, ararihacaficrwards he tbrcsuned a.
ro do him all the mifcbia he could, if he would not grant him what he dcfir'd. That lie had retiin;*d .
this Anlwcr lo him, that he was ready lo dccerminc the difference which was between ti>e Churrh ard
the Empire, at Milan ot at Cremona^ about Sr. L«Vs-day, by thofe whom God had appoir.rrd to bt;
JuJgc*: in '!'e Church : That norwithftanding this propofal, he had fct on the Chair A/dU) /cc Arch-Bi-
ihop ot Braguc, ExcottUDunicated by his Predeceflor Pope t'afihd : 1 bat thanks be to God the Empe-
ror had not been favour'd by any of the I{emans in this his proceeding ; but only by thofe of the
Faifliori of Cuibert. He exhom die Prdaie* of diac Kingdom lo find one untft of viodicatiqg the Ho*
nour uf the Church.
The fecond dire<fled c6 Bernard ofTetedoy is upon the fame Subjet^l.
In the t!.trd be exhorts the Cietsy and Laity of I(gme to faavc no Conc^oodence Ae i^ Mmi»
Intruder, who w«s both Ferju'd aooExcommunicaKd.
In the fourth, 1. e Congrnculates Ga«/<Vr Arch T'lil op of rr/^.j, his being advanc'd to that Arch*

Bilhoifick, and the reunion which be had procur'd oetween that Chorcb and the Hdf
See i in puf^
fiuooe wheveof, he feftores to the Aidi-Bilhoprick of I^tnewu all the Biflmprickt of JBmi^, wudi
Ind-lnen taken away frooi ir daring the Scf ifm, and granted him the Pall.
In the fifth he recommends to the Chriftuns who weie at the Siege of S4r^QjSfs to receive him whom
be had GodboMted Aicb-flilhop of tbat Ckjr; and grants Indnlgaioet «
ttl wbo Ihoald Die indiK
TheCxtb anti ieventh are Privileges granted to the Abbey of Cluny,
Callxtui II. wrote more Letters. TheLetiert
By the firfthe informs j^cialbert Arch-BiAiop of M:nt:{ of Iii<; FIc(^ion to theflOfedoOU cfCiUxOtt
The fecond is a confirmation of the Conftiiutioni ot tlae Order of Cijie^ux. - ,IL
The third is a Coofirmation of the Privileges, Rigfac^ and Revenues of the Church of IImm.
The finurdi is wriccen to the BiAopsof fhneg abotK the talcing of MMterke Burdin.
The fifth is a Confraralatory Letter to the Emperor Henry V. upon the Conduit of the Treaty
v.'hich be had Iliads with rlicHoly Sec about Invcfiiuires.
fiy the fixth he conErms the PhvUegcs of the Church of Av^mt*
By the fefcodiand eighth thofe of the Ctnircb c(^0i4erg*
By the nitxh and tenth thofe of the Abhcv of Vcjuiomr.
In the eJevtnth> he rcfm to the Bifhop ot Langres a diHeroice which was between tiie tmafl^tj f£ M
St. P#«r *§• Lhelj of Sew/, and the' Abbots oiMolefm, and of St. i^Ae»y ofl^ipu^
The nrcT are wriaen in favour of cbeCbv*cr ^St, JMn of Bgf&M|Ms «> whom be idju^^ddieRi^
of the Caiiiedral. .

The four next arc Privileges granted to the Ahhtf cfTanm.

Tlie twenty firft on i fecond are orhrr Privileges prnnred ro the Abbey of Clim;,
The twenty third is a Letter of Lompi uk uj King Lewu the Gr^, to whom he recommends his

The twenty fourth is diretScd to Gerbert Biihop of Pam : He therrin orders that all the Churches
and AWjcys of his Dioccfs fliaU be fnbjcA to him, and that die Canon of his 6hutch who had been
made a Bifhop, fhall no longer hold his Prebend.
. In the twenty fifd^ Jvc permits a cettan Loiditf Germmjt to fonai a Monaftery upon Cond-ricn,

tbat the Rcvemcs whch be beftowM flumU be under die Protedion of the Holy ice, to wmch that
Monafttry ftould give every fourth Year any? //<• ;irid fomc white Vefbnentsj aiw neWier he amc.
bii Succcifors (bould have any thiqg to do with what leLucd to the MDnaftcry.
In tbe twenty fixih iibd fiwcnib* he ap^oves tiie Infllunlon of die ReguUr Canons in <hc Churches
of Beitriai and BercbrtteJgjJen.
By the twenty eighth, he Eitablilhcs Gerard BiOkogoC At^ouHrac^ his Legat in the Provioces o£Bm'
ges^ BomduBlM, yfuche^ Tours, and Bretagne.
In the twenty ninth direded ro -fic Bilhopfof Orleans and Pari, he confirms the rrf lilblrions miiic'
by Ivis Lcgac againft CclcbratHig Divine Service, whete-everWi//i4i»idieSon of Count Rohert, whohad
Marry'd the Daughter of the Count Aiders his Kinfman, Ibould be.
Is rbe thirtieth diretflcd to Pontm Abbot of AnUna, he adjudg'd to thnt Abbot a I'rion which ,

'WS Gooeefted between him and the Arch-BiOiop of Aria, and the Monks ol die Abbey dc u CbniJ't'
Dim. J
In die thirty hrlt and fecond^ be order'd diac cfaofe who piUag'd theRevcamaf the ViUafeaf Mm-
X^ifty belonging to the Chapter of Afit/ron, flull be Excommunicated.
In the fiaur next, he confirms tlie Prliiiacv of the Arch-Bifhoprick diTdkdc.
To thcfi: Letters is anncx'd a Letter of Lcmi the GrW}, diredcdto that Pose, as an Aniwcr to that
which be had few into Brmce upon die takiqg cfBiir£n ; wherem, after he had declared to him the
Joy he roncc:v'd at this Succcfs, he remms him dunks for having fuperfedcd for a while the Sen-,
icnce pats d agjinlt the Aidi-Bi(hop of Sens, in favour of the .ArcbJ3ifliop of Ldms, and defiies he
would be pleas d wholly to revoke it, obferving to him tbat he had bud dns bnftiels wy
tnuch to heart,
'and would expofc h n nrd h:<, K:ripdom to the utmoft dangers, rathcf than put i p (uch an A/front,
licpips his Hoimcii m miiiU of liac great icrvices winch the Kings of Jfirmce had always done to the
• fwy
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jS^ J New Ecckfiafitcal Hijlory
Holy And of thofe which in a particular manner be h'd done for him by being prclent at tht Goim*

ciloi' UtitiiHJj wlierdo he had morcrq^ard to the Honour ut the Hoiy 6ct: ih^n (o hisuwii lotcicit.
He conjur'd him as an acknowledgment of clioie good turns, diar iie would be pleas 'd toprderve the
Church of ^ctn ill its Ancient Liberty, wliicfi could not be T.ikcn awty fionitby aPdvil^ gianed by
SteaUh, .v.\d without his knowledge, to the ArdvBilhop ot Liom.
The four .Sermons upon Sr. Jnmes attributed to Calixm II. FublUh'd by HiirSmm, dnduifatedia tli9
0 BUfHtehtM F^trumf are liippoiiinlQdt fieceiy and onwonhy tdjb$tfage.

CH A P. Ill

Tkc Hifi«ry (bid Letters ef the Popes, Honorius loooceiit Cekftiae -

Uifiiiis IL W II.

fitxgeoiiis ill.
11. If.-

. P£ CaVtxtui being Dead, Let Fnmdnfttri tfbriMd the Cardinab to proceed to a Bbftiofi New
' I-' titl three days after, under pretence, that they might have time fuAcicnt to deliberate cn the
JL Ciioice they were toiiuke, ;ind to ooniult the Canons, relating to Ekiflions ibcrenpon. tr^ytcU'
/iiM*cdelign was to get LnmitcTt Bilhop of CfiiaHSe^cd • the Peopie watt fat tiie Cardinal of St-S^-then^
whom ViAnchipMii fecm'd alfo to favour: Bur, thcCiriicals calb'npnn eye upon T' ''.if/*/, Prlcfi: .md Car-
dinal ol iit. Anajltfiitt^ gave their Votes for him, ai«i woald have Prodaini'd him i^o^'c undo' the }«aaae
of Ct/ifiine II. When in the mean time Lro FrMcblftmt, obferving the Peojple were ajsaicddiitfikAt*
OP, props'd to ihem the aforefaid Lambert ; who was foon after FrocJaim'd by the common fnf-
frage of the Clergy and People, was Clothed in bisfondfical Habir, and Nam'fl Htncriig U. Ncvcr-
thelcfe, the better to gain the Cardinal's Approbation, in few days alter he threw orf his Papd Oma-
• . niems in their purtepcti which wonToexcicamly upntbaa, that they were ibon broukhc lo ao'
knowledge hfm and confirm Mt CIcAfon. He Govon'd Peaceably and Fitidentfv the Holy See f<x
five Years aod two Months. In ihc Year 1115. he Excommunicarcd Prf^/rr/c and r r.;^V, Ntphews »

to the Emperor tiemy V. who would havcieiz'd upon the JEmjpire, aiul wiio made War apoa
rhk. In lilt f>« dMdaiM Varttmleif agnnftJQ^'Conicot Sicify^ who prcteaded id Imneafq^
to the Dutch les of CatahrU and Apulia Indcpendant from the Pope. The Year ifor fac ^***'?'WIJ1I
nicatcd this Prince, aod Dy'd the lAxhfA Mriuayy in the Year 1130.
Iflooccm After the Death of MtiwrSm TL ue Cardinals that wa« then prefenr, on the fame day EletSiBd'Ae-'
JI* gt>*j Cnrdir.ll of Sr. Jy^rl^^ who was then N'am'd In/majtil. At the lame time Cardinal fenrXi£
Letfiy IcHmcrly a Monk of the Abbey of Cimj^t caus'd himklf to be £lc(^cd, under the Name of
AuMeletuj^ by another Fat^on of Caiwnab. The Party of Cardinal Peter was by much the linnger,'
which cblip'd thofe tTiat were for Imnpettt to rairc to ftrong Holds,' and afterwards ro fly with thac
Pope to the City of Pifa. This occafion'd Innacmt to conic into France^ where an AiJcmbly of Pre-
I«es was held on his account at Etampet, in the Year 1 1 90. to which St. BemarJ was feat. He fpoke
very notably in favour of Jttwceni^ ttd fait Opium wat fioUow'd the whotie Comdl. This
Pqpe being thus acknowlcdg'd by fhOTcvweht snmcdiately thither, and was (plendidly l etc if 'd nc
Oilram by King Lnr^tlic Crrfs, and fcvcral HiC^ t' it came to wait on that Prince.
j^-. From thence
he fee fbrwatds 10 C/kiffr^ wibeK Hemj L Kiiu^ at Enfimd acknowlcdg'd him likcwifc. He had not
iMg aftw Ad Apprab«iaaaikl Coaftnrof the Eodpenr La^aribt, whan fie went
in the b.f!;inninp d" the following This Prince receiv'd him very honourably, but however he
would needs make ule ot tbic oooohon to aetthe lovdtitures reftoc'd. This" very mnchfocpnz d the
/^MMMz/and St^ &rMrtf:laboar'daH he oddd o
diiwadt the finpenir fiam anfiiting on foA a Dc~
mntd. .

At the breaking up of tbis Contcrencc, the Pope held a Council at /^/;fimx, at which he Crown'd
Kbg Lems the Yoni^r, im the Raooi of hb Brother FkiUpt, then lately dead. After tbis Courril
was over he made lorre O.ort ftay at Auxetre and rhence tetum' in-n Italy, having firft comply'd

with LothArim, who thereupon promis'd to march to K^mewA Re-i:itablilh him in the Facial Chair.
Upon this LtAaritu kept pmiAiulIy to his wm^d ; came to i^ome ; pot ImuceM in pofTefiloB ofahe Palace
of Lattrnn^ and in rccompencc w:i^ Crown'd Em^rcJr by this Pope ih toe Year IT'?^. Bur,
notwiihftanding, all this j Peter ot Leon and his Party, being become Maikrs of all the Strong
Holds in and about /^ome, and Lotbarius likewife being Oblig'd to Return home, buwcetst \ua<; con-
ftrain'd to retire a Second tkne to Pt/a, wheie he oail'd a Council in tho Year 1 1 34. The Churoii of
Mifam fbon came umkr the Obedience of tmntnt II, tliro' the perftyafioo of St. BmtafH uM dre
I cp-f-i v.'liich tlii< Pope had feat thither. But the Province of Cuieme dcckr'd for Pcfr of Lr n rhro'

nt his DtcceU and ^aced another in his Room. Tbcy likewtik.- difpoilels d the Bi&op c£Lim<^ej and
illftawd Mjimlj>hus of Durat in his See. Hereupon Sr. Bfmurd and Cecfrtf Biihop of Ctmrrr^^ wtm
to f7.w««f and conferring wirh the Duke c t Pontiirnl, caRIy cndin'd hiin ro own Imu csKt for Pofc,
JBuc wherccs he would by no tneans content to ibe liie-eliabiiilimenc ut die Bilhops iUai iisd been
fitfpeadcd, St. Btrmrd to furmount his Obftinacy, took the blellbd Sr.crament and carrj'ing It to the
Place where the Duke wa«, conjur'd him in thf^ N^tnc of Jtfus, m d v;rh fr.cii t^ rnb!*' v.i uh the
/rimmed Duke fell fiat ufon the Ground and was kwc'd tui«e rccnncii d rotiie iUtUo^ ch Puieiier'.

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•'*liiefiUhop olTAiigoufejmey viho WalHo {x^telsij fiimieff of the\AFcfc-Bi(lioprick of BsurJeiux^ dy'd
feme fmall time after, wharby the Schifm was entirely fupprcfs'd in Gulamt. R^ger Duke o{$icilf was
now the only Prince dm concinu'd io thelpccrcft' Peter of L«o«» and this by reafon that he had
feeriv'dtfceTMe of King from him, and moreover was in pofFeflio'n of that pan of the Pitrimony of Sc;
Pf.'rr which !iy in il-.c Province q£ Berrjoito which he had no mind to i :' t I :
! !

Duke [{^nulpL-uj hxMTig, defeated }&n in a lignal Battle, prevcDtcd bis ^iLcmpnng any tiiuig againft, .

Pope Inn«cenf. Peter ol' Lecn dy'd hvIlK Year 1 138. A little ^bileailer his death, thote of hisRity
plac'd in his flead the Cnrd'.ial Grf^w/ to whom they gave the name of J'~i3or, bur this Pcrfon finding
nis fide too weak to hoid our ag.iinlt Innocent, came and publickly furrerulcr'd his Pa-tcnrocis to him
-in theYear I 139. Al'tcTwar.'.s //.wcrwr heldaCoaodI IXLateraVj in which the Favourers of Peter
of Leon wtrc (olemnly condcirn'd, and the Ordinations made by i!iis Pope dcdar'd Nail and Void.
Some time after Irmxent was ta.ken by Duke l{oger which occafion d the Agreement afccTwai'ds made
becwcca them. This Pope dy'rf the 14 of Septerriher in the Year 1143. The famd day Cuj a Prieft
and Ordinal of Sc Mark, was choiea Bope inr the JC^dinal% and procUim'd under the name uf Cele-
fiim It. He had no Competiiors hihis fiIea{on"Biit hlsPondHcate'waS of no'long <!ontinuance, forCeleftiae
he dy'd J Mamhs md a few days after, on the Eightn of March in tlie Year 1144. He wasfuc-II.
ceeded by Gergrd Cardinal of the Holy-Crofs, who took the name of Luc/itf II, wliofc Pontificate Lhom U>
4faff wynracMioIefted by the War with J^cr Dttk^ of 5ic«^, with whom nevertbelefs be at length
made a Truce, and by the Revolt of fome hallaHi Who had a mind to Alfjrt the Authority of their
Senators that were Afiembled in the CapitoL This Pope dy'd ofGrief as fooie will have it, but as
others fay. He was kill'd By the &U of a Stone about' tot End of tfit; firft Year of Us Pdnfifioft^ Afe
a6th of Fcirz/jr; in the Year 1 45. 1

Bemardy Niove o{ Pifs, Abbot oF St. Anajiafius and Difcipleof Sc. filrrnW Was chofcn in his place Emtfa'jjtf
by the Cardinals under tbe Kamc of £i<^e)ixM HL This Pcnie tbcFenple would have Oblig'd before III*

fcis Confecraiion to have confirm 'd the Soveraignty of the Schacors, to^t^oid doictt wbkh ne rctir'd

to the Monaftcry o( For/u where he was j)roclaim'd and Confecratcd Pope. Sonie fihie after bis
Confecration he rcnr'H to where he liv d for a while in a ftrong hflid; but at length, not thinking
liimfelf in Sufficient Secnrity/ h^ twf'd wViterbe. jUe waa no fooncr gone but frndatus, who
had taken upon fran die 'Quality of a* FtOrkhn^ made hmifitf onaAer of /^om«, Fillag'd all IK GncBnali
and Gn-ar Mcis Houfe that would not fubmit to his GovcrwTient, Br.ilt divers Citadels in thcCity, and
alfo made one of the Church nf ic W-ter. Agaimt him, £i/^«vitf proqoivufd the iev^rcft AnatbtMu't, and
hf die AiBftance of die Kfilitia of T/«^/roc^*die IrdMw to make'Pi^ce, to abolilb the Dignity of
Wttriciufy and to receive a .'r,tfec{ md Senators wHich he fliould depute to govern them in his Ab-
^ce. "This Agreement being Conc!ad«d, he return 'd to ffomf, and kept the Feaft of Chi/lmas xhcK^
bvkt the J^«MW being unAliMfof <^ dN» Articles of thf.Feacc; and given to Rdxl, Ei^enitu was ,

fbrc'd to get ^way fccrctly to* Tivdh', henrc he retir'd to Pift rtn3 from thence into Prance in the
> %

Year 1147. He was there kindly recciv d by KingXrww and had ieveral Councils in favour of the
Croifadc, and continu'd afioVe a' Tear in chat Coififficry/ He tetbftt^4.' in*' r/lffy tfawards the End of
the Yean 148. where aftcf ha\iRg undci^on cfivefS fatigues of'Vt'ltt', he at length became Mafter of
the Church of St. Peter in the Year i 150. He djr'd at Tivo/i the Ninth of Julj^ ia the Year 1153, ' *

His Body was carry 'd to arid Intcrr'd in St. Prfrr's Church.
The Letters of thefe Pope* cowain nodiing vcfy remarkable; ^\
Hantrittt II. has writ but very few. *
He gives Piter the Venerable A'obot of Cim/f to Undetftand that he
oof ^refpoft tothac Abbey whereof be bad nmnerly been MnuL ^
His fint was r.pon OGctfon of tl e Death of Pontius a. Monk, of Clunj/ ^ho dy'd out of hh M^hey.fffi^/jjfff
bi^'d him in iwly Ground Han»*
nai II.
The Second and Third src writ concerning
Kfhop of Tjr and Confccrated by the Patriarch of Jerttfalem. , .
4.- • . .

In thtf Vofnrih be icdfaiMtfitiKis 'to cbe ISbiff t£ AftaiNb^' die' licijat, ^Nfldf lia IMf ftte nul hii
the Rfdi hc receives I1ein)y Son of Lewi VL of France being defign'd for the Chuith, tinder
tbe Protcdion of the Holy See.
In the Sixth, dircxflcd to the Clergy of T«<r/, he confirms the EttrO^tmmicatiort jw'onoinc'd by
bis Lcgat againfl: Fulcut Esti of AH^ers^ by reafon that he did not bfcak the Marriage between bis
CdUghtcr arra ff^tiam Sbti if Lord [{obert.
The Seventtr is a CanfiitftatHkl of the Privifeges gnufted die Abbef of Cik/jijr by las Fvedcceflfan.
The TbsleibUowine relateto the Lc^teflupof Cud^
The Laft is Addrefs'd to'^ Bttibpiof die MSdoaoT IMri tb tklbt diieni co Obftve mttktntt
«£ tbe Council of NioMy.

7|nr Lett&sif IndooeDt W are it/r maify.

TN theplrft he confirms -.he Juc^grnent of the Council of Jcu.tre againft the Aflbciatcsof Thomas Tbe Leuri*
Prior of St. U^^wMe againft iboie of >frcl^^4»<^ Sub-Dean of Orksmf adding fever^ Pu«o/ Inno*
ZHlhmencs which wmbelbre'Omiiftcd. cMc IL
By the Second he gives all the Landsj which the Princcf?; MatilJii enjw'd in Itafy, nnd which Ave
Jbad left to the Holy See, to tK E^mperor Lotbarius and Hemy Duke of tlavaria bis Son in Law, on

aHiiodMJWdndfaCSoUi ^
Condition diat they fwcar FeatbHwdoHolnnB tfttKCtodrdTMNii^i aiidnicwdver 10 ftgmtt
^»..v '

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ji^g A N€i» Ecclejiaflical Hijlory
The Third is ConHrmntion of the Imtnunickt «Bd
n fUvemin bdoqgiqg to ibe Onjcdi of Pf/^ou in
•Tij^.jw;, Addrds'd to the BO.op of that City. _ . ,
TheFive I ettcrs lolfowing arc written to the P^rri.iu of Jerufalan and Antioch, and theoott
(hops of the £aft for Coolenracioa of the Dignity and Rig^a of Fakui Arch-Bilbop T/r,
In (he Nindi be eon^nm liw Grant madt by Pope /ftwriwH. to Rsi^er, of the Kiogdoai ctSieifff
Diitcliy o^' Jpiifit and Principal i^s of Cuoua rogcther with the Titlf of King.
The Next following contain the ConaciunaEion of feter Ahatttrd and Arnold 4e ^ejje.
The Twelfth if* Privilege granted to the Abby of St. Memme.
In the Three Nc-xt h( confirms die Fowcr ofilie AidhBifliop of iUmi$u%Wi the BMhofckks of
Denmtrliy Sueden^ and Kcrwuy.
In the Sixteenth he AdmoniHitt Afcb-Biihop tAH^an to comply wtdi the Kia^af £«gf wrf hi* f

Mallei-, ai.J to permit the Abbots of Normxndj to pay Fealty and Homage to him.
In the Seventeenth, he acquaints King Lewn that he is Arriv'd in petted Health at Citmj.
By the Eightecrth he commands Gufrtj Bilhop of Cbsrtresy and Stephen Bifliop of P-itu, to reftore
to Arcb€mkaud Svi>DGUi of Qrl^
and his £a)teniiqr« cfac Bcoefices and Goods (bat bad beqt takes
from them. ' j^.'
In the Nincrrenih, he orders rhc fame BiOwpofP^VtOtRlKdrtllC ftl^Cn66ll wHRIk MmMIV
dcd againft the Church of Sc. Gmitveve.
The Four next lelas tlfc Abbey of Vt\eUj, to «rfit(A he ofdenan AUkk, and wflHefriTikBea bb
In tiic Twenty founh, he commands Aloifus Abbot of Anchin to taicc care of the Church of Anm^ o£
which he was Eledrcd Bifliop.
• In the T^vlt tv fif-h, he confirm*; the Rights and PriviJegL-s of BIlTiop of
In tiie i wcnty hxth, hereccivcs Hugh Arch-Dcacon oi Arr^^ i.r.Jcr pfotectionoi ilic Sec of ii^mtf.
The Fourteen Letters which follow, concern the Privileges and Revenues cf the iUibey of CAoff s
and' io the fiftecoth, be recommends himlelf to the Pravcrs of chis Monailery.
The Forty fecond is a piece |tf a Letter wrote to Otho Bilhop of Lucca , concerning diofe WitnelTes
who arc related to cither Party.
In the Forty (bird, be acquaiott Gw({w Prior of the Great Chaner-Houie, that be has CaoomtVt
Hitt^BUbap or GrMMMr, afid ftnfaer omwandi ban cowrhe what be kaows of bii life or AGndei.
There arc alfb fiVe more I crrfr5 which belong to Imwcent TT. and relate to the Afilairsof Gmnanjr^
and two coocenung the Church (^Angers. T^firit areattheend of the lotfaTaaaeoC theCoun*
cih^andJieCTrohftiBthead Tome ofthe Mifcdianiei of Monfair<fc Esik{fc

Tht Utter $ TN the FIHl he acquaiou Ptttr^ the Veneiable Abbot o(Ci*mf. with bis Acceflton to the PoDtificate7
^Cele- ^ In the Second, heoonfimsdieOoiiadoii of the Chntcb cf Sc. FKwviwj to the Order of CAmf, bf
diMS ll» the B;fI:op of ^.rL'rr.^mc.-!.
In the Lait, he orders the Arcb>Bilhop ofToUdo to reftore to the Biihop of Orefffit ibme Parilhes which

The Unentf ftpe Uuam IL tn«Am Tern

JJfifWm IJY the Firft he gives F*<er oi Cltmj) to undcittaiid that he has made a Truce with I{pgerK^ of
By tbeS»oad bedaBandsaidflf IUiq(CMr4^4||»ioftibeJi»^^ ivlio woe fcvolco^ and «dM>
bad cbdoi 7<id!flw» ibr t FafrM«i,
IntheTbtnlAadFiiiiitl^ hKQot4ltmiibitfi^mmf9SihtOMiA9£7Uti»Qm
' '
Sfain.' r

The Fifth conuins a Privilege gcanwd to die Abbey of Cfmn,

In the Sixth he fubmlts the Monal^cry of St. Sshaj to the Abbey of CAogr.
Bv the Sevenths be Commands the Abbot of St.GcraiMM*s«f Juxtn* m
dilcharge the. Servants of
the Abbot of whowcselUlibr him, aid be mateomicniovef the Sok before G«^Bi^
of Ldngres. v

In tlic Eightii, iK-confirms the Jndgmeot given by Pope Pafcbal againft tbofe that had kiii d Artasid
Abbot of Ve^elAji, and forbids their beiqg receiT'd any more into any Mtuuftery.
By the Ninth be onklii the Count of NsMra i0ceaoieiD the Abtafof whatever behad taken
' non It.

Tenth, he cnjom SbBmndio «im iba QaA^Ckw fiom cuAingaDythhKfioni the a-

t \\
' lotcUid Abbey. ' ^ '

The Letters of Eugeoius VHareha far greater mtmber,

Eag^i nPH E Firft Addrcfs'd to Lems King of France, is an exhor.a inn ro the Croifadc, toencourge the re-
* "'['"I
theQiy of Edejfe, with aUotbas that had been Coi qupr d, audio a word, to defend
tt.« Holy-iMd bota favaGoo. Hednciitconiutm alt tfad Pdvilt^cs grMcd to tb« Kpi^ts of

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ofibe Twelfth Century oj .
Cbnjtianttj. " 4.1
Cr^s by and moreover puts their Wives, Children arffl E.lnrc'^ under pmtcifli- Tljc^'t-
his PrcJcccflbr Vrhxtt^
on of theChurchcs and Bilhops ; then be prohibits any Proccis being iilii'd out in prejudice of the Hud ursfft.*^
Knights till they were eittier Dead or rctum'd fxcm their Voyage. Next, his wtll tbattfaey be gentoUT*
paid Intereftforthc Money they ^had, Pcmits^thetn to Mortgage their Ef:atcs to the Churches with-
out equity of Redemption J warns them not to be at a need Icfs charge about unprofitable Equipage^
but to lay the moft part one in Arms, Horfcs and other kftrumcnrs of War. And laftly, he grants
them Rcm tHion awl ittiibfaitbQ of ail their Saatf which they HiaU iiave ConfcOed With an biunbjc and •
' '
contrite Heart. •

•By the Seconti ilireded toT/»ii*«</, Arch-Bi!hop of CaHterburj\ he Commands and Provides that the .

Bifhop of Sc. David's ihail be lu^«^ to die Sec oi Cinteri/wy, and likewifc requires the two faid fii-
Ibop's Attendance at I(ome the Year following, on St. Lull's day^ diat he may Judge ferthcr >of the
The Third is Addrclftd to Hiideg4rd» Abbcfs of Mmr St, f^iffrt^ commeading her Spirit of Prophe* ,

tj, and advifii^ her topreferve by her tnimility God's Grace gramea to tiery and 'moreover, always
tt make ufe of Prudence in the unfolding of thofe Myllmcs which God had rev iVrl ro hi-r.
The Fourth anif Fifth are agamit tome ficclefiafticks of who ollow d the Do^trnic of Anuuddk

Brep. I

By the Sixth he comforts King Cftirade on his ill fucccls in his Expedition to the Enfi.
The Seventh comprehends die Ceremonies of the Canonization ut the Emperor Henrj IL'
The Eighth is an .mfwer to the Bilhops of Germanj, wherein he fignifics his dilUke of the incended
Tt-'^nflation of Bifjiop of Nju^/iicj^ri^ to tlic Areh-B ihoprick oi M^gdclour"^
The Ninth contains a graiit of the fourth part of ail tlic Offerings nude in the djufch of St. Peter^
to the Canons of that Church. This is Hgned by the Pope and fevcral Cardinals.
The Tenth is another Ad to (Anirm the Aijfacs and PriviJeges of the Qmccb jof C«/m. This is like^

vrife Signed by divers ^cdoida.

The Elevnth k a Confohwry iififtle wriiwn loSlyriir Abbot ofA.Ciiyi upon the Death of bb
Nepbewr. '*
, .

In theTMelftb written «o the ftme Abbo^ faeOemmde the Names of dofe tWneA Klhops who had
rcfus'd to aflffl him in ihc dcfcnceof the Kingdom, and kc vile thanks him for his kind offer of the
I .

'^ce which he deiir'd to iioid a Council in. He therein alio fpeaks of the Excommunication of the
I>a1ce of Lwrtin, and of a favour whidi diis Abbot had reqaefted of him for a certain Church.
Thirteenth is likewiie written to Sugerut He therein exhorts him to place tlie Monks of St. M^r-
tins in the Fields, in tlte Church of St. Genevmte $ and accordingly gives the Canons of the faid
CSraich notice .theretjf inthcJLettcr following. Boc however, having afterwards alter'd his mind, be
crdcrs in the Fifteenth tiie Re^Iar (^nons to be receiv'd in fteadof the Mnn'c:, which w.-'^ fpcc-
dily obey'd by ^M^ri^, as he gives his Holinels to underlland, and whidi liic Vu^z uppiuves oi uy ih.z
J^xteenth, Eighteenth, Nineteoitb, and Twendeth Lcners, all written to Suo^rus.
The Seventeenth is writ to the Cuii^ relani^ tohin that hadjbeeodiolak Biil^ oocwitb^
ftanding an Appeal made to the Holy See.
In the Twenty Hrf^, he gives this Afabot ID ondciABMl dMc'lrfM* ICug of A-m(» isictllfll^d fipuife
H^Limd. and Arrived in Skiif.
In the Twemy Second, be r^chorts dw-fiud Abbot to govern die Kingdom d ^Mce widi Fidelity du-
ring the King'* .Abfciicc. An moreover, .icqualnts*hiin that he has written a Letter to the Arch B:[].(,i

and Blhops of that Kingdoa^ by which, he Commands them to Ezcomquinicace all tboli&diat diliurb the
"ygblidc Tranquility, and liketnle Commands the &id Abbot to convene Pkdiucs of the Kingdom
ride whatever (hall be neccfTary for the good of the State.
The Twenty third is the lame racniion'd before, written to the Aich-Bilhops and Bilhops of

The Twenty fourdi lelatM tot ponkular Afiiur of two Frieto of

caule he refers to Siirenit.
By the Twenty fiftb.'Twcnty focth, and Thirtieth, be alfo refers to S^pnrm the Tadgment prommac'd a-
cainh a Prieft of the Diocefs of Sent who had been depriv'd of his Benefice by the Ardh>De9|0Qn Sot
having refus'd to give him fuch Sums as he demanded.
By the Twenty feventh, he alfo icfetktD the 6M
Abbot tbedtfioenoe IwivrteQ fofftl^ Canon of
JMamut and another Ecdeliaftick. .

dyifie Twenty eighth, be exhdRSiflefiuile Abbots totedeemdte Ticafiueof St. GMevfetwtvfakbhMi

been pawn'd. *

In the Twenty ninth, he Ijpcaks to him concetrungthe Croiiade of King Lewis.

&i diie Thirty firf^, ht denres him n» lelie^the Chndi of St Mntirdof Soijfms^ from whidb I«er
Count of Set'Jftms demanded a great Sum. "
In the Thirty (econd, he thanks him for his Care of the Churches of the ahd mortovcr recorn-
mcnds to htm the re-eftabli(hment of Religion in the Ghwch of CamfiegHe.
, The Thirty third is Addrcfs'd to Stephen King of EwlanJj whom he dcfires not to iife the Bifhop of
• London ill, though he had refus'd to take the Oath of Fidelity to him. He rccoaimcuds the lame mat-
ter to Queen of EngUnd by the Thllty fourth Letter.
The following I^c^tcrs to the Sixtieth, roprrrn '^hc diffcrcfrces whidi Pontius Abbot o{Ve:{elity had with
.Count NeverSf and the fiilhop of Atuun, concerning the Immunities and Privileges of his .'\bbey. Ea^
renius IIL OKcs chia Abboc^s pttt Tccy ftraogly, and writes in favoorof him, to fevcral Princes and
Afltopl f.

Digitized by Google
4-3^ J NeuP Ecclefiajlical Mftorj
The S'irty (irft is writrcn to Rlcrlsnd Bifliop of Bamherg, whom he Commands to rmin the Regvlar
Canons' Ella blilh'd in the Church oi UiUcJheimby Gehebard fiiihopof Eic^Ut^ aod to diive ouc tbc<
Secular Cancans which the Arch-fiifhop of Afri/trnt had noodoc'd cnere. He writes abof ilik taiww
to the fai4 Arch-Bifhop in the following I ctrcT.
The Sixty third is the Title of the Rc-Eitabli/hnticm of the Bithoprick of T^umaj wnuen co the

.Clergy inH People of that City, by which be gives diein to mMknUnd that 1« has ordain'd for
thci; liiCiop, Anfelm Abbot of Sc. Vincent of LmtVy cnjoyning them to receive him, and confequeody
• nomiies to difpcnfe with their Oath of Fidelity which tlKry ihould have taken to the fiiftmof Ntgatu
• By the following Letter he acquaints Ln^i VII. King of lYamce with the Re-Eftrfilmiq|ol'wii-
BiihopricfcandncoinmendsiohimtheFeribntbacJiehadOrdam^^ .
The Hiree foUowine Lenen are written to Mf/fs Aicb-JBilhop of ^^vcuMOoaeaBiog hioi dnt had..
been E cd^cd BUhqp ofP/i(ra{«» and mio tobave bwi Coofrcratwl bf ibs AidbrBilhaf bis
In die Sixty eighdi be (eveiely reprimands Strnfim Atdt^Bifbop of I^jmiiu Ibr banrtng C^tWddbe
King of Fmnce in the Ciry of Boutges to the Prejudice of tlie Arch-Bifhop of that City, whereupon
he Orders him to rcAorc to the Church of Bvurgts the Olicrings and Gifts which he had tcceiv'ck
upon that Oc-cafion, Intcrdi(%i htm the PtUtmmi and monSver Ctictbimto J|^iog¥ifaerwi^
other Blfhops who Afliltcd at that Coronation.
^ The Sixty ninth concams his Grant and Confirmation of the Arch*£ifbop o£ Beurj^ei his Primacy over
ibe Provinces of Bourres and Bourdeaux.
£y the foUowtng Lenc^be onunands cfaeBiflMp of &ifiMwiopenD& a qrw Cbudi>io:bafiiiiltaB
l(pebelk. t

The Seventy lirft it a Coafinnacion of ibe ConffinBicai and Mviktesaad <tf tbeOfdtrcfWM
The Seventy Second with the following till yon come to the 83 and lafl,are Addrcfs'd to tho fiifht^of
Sftm Relating to the Primacy of Toledo.
Tiiere are alfo ihiee Lfcters of Etdlenuu Anl and df
UL wbeieia be commands the Abboo of St.
Cr^wetopfrTenttofbe Arch-BilhoporrovAMMvdus Fridb wbicb ibnr bave a araidiii|^MBHi€ni^
cies belonging '^o rhcm to the End rh r rhny mighr imrifT rhrirfrrHm ftmr hiw mitfjtj Mm if

cordingh- then Firft Fruits and Oblatioos.

Monfienr Bufasfe in Hts U
Tome of Mtfedlanies, has given os a Leeeer of this PopeV minai mife '

Bifliops of " /(J and Fcro- Julio, whereby he for' ids the faid Bilhops to cxaA any thing from the

Church ot Birjde, [ince it was luider prote&ion ot the tioly Sec. alfo £xcQixunufiiiCues tbe
fiifhops of rhe'c DiocefTes for havittg Inrerr'd Excommunicaoed perfons in Conlecmnd Ground.
There is alfo a Privilege in favour of the Bifhops ot the Province of Beurgetf wfaad»y Ei^miiu
^ coniimi'd the Liberty granted them chcKin^s of Francty and which had beea aotar'dbftbe
Popes, in::oeent and Lucius, which was dMt tbty flugfat be Bk6Ud wicbonc bciog OhK|fa u> do-Fwcy
or Homage to the Papal-Chair.

ofA' I ,
To tbe we may here Add tbofe of Anadetw II. the Anti-Pope, which have
Letters of thefe Popes
by Cbtiftianus LufuSy at the End of his Colle<fiion of Letters pnnd at Lcmmn
i^icly publifh'd
Year i68i. Thicy arc in all 38> whetcof the moft coofiderahle have been written about his
jq the
jlj^,pLg Ekdwn, which he maintains to have perfbrai'd acooiding to Cuflom; and with tbe Unanimous
Confent of the Clergy of I{pme. He there Accttfes Aimeric Chancellor of the Church of /^onw 10
have been the Cauk of bis Adveriaiies being Ekded, and of die Ttoubks which fiofa'd. Xbrfe
l«imaie wnt in • good fiii^ and iHibfaMftiCcf Elcgaoceand Jiiw^



2if i;a rryAmtBtmard was Born in the Year 1091. atFmtaim a Village of Biirgtm4jr whereof bis Fa-
ficrpMid. Jtfibeh\ wisLofd. HisMorfier, nam'difJMe EungfaiCTtoConneMNrli^ had
ther, call'd
W_/ Boys and one Gir!, all which fhc Educated very difcrcerly and pioufly. Sr.
7 CM'ldrcr), fix
Bernard was very much iiKlin'd to Virtue from his Infancy, andtooic betimes a rdbduuon to retire
from the World. He alfo engag'd all his Brothers and feteral Friends die' fimelUfiilutioiis^ wbo m
aiter ifiey had liv'd for fbtnc time retir'd in their own boufes, in tbe year 1 1 13. met together arxf went
roCifteauXf there to enter into aMonaftical Life. This Monaflcry is Situated in the Diocefs of
Cnalans about Five Leagues frtxn Diim. It had beea Boilt about 15 Years befotr, in 1098, by
B^ i crt Abbot of \lolcfme whoretreatca thither with about one and Twenty Monktl who all cmbrac'd
an Auftcrc and Rigid Life. But in the Year following Bfhtrt being Oblig'd by the Pope's Order co
recturn to Molefme^ Albtrick, Prior of Cifiegux, was made Abbot who dying in 1109. Steven Hardinne
became tite Third Abbot. He Govem'd tbi^ MonaAery, rcduc'd to a imall Number of Mm^/ by
lealbn of the Aufterity of their Lives, when St. Bernard and 30 of his Companions came into it. This
cx::\ imly augmented the Zeal of this Order which then began to cncrcifc ; for tlie firf^ year Tfrer the
Abby of /« Teflc, firit Daughter of C(/fe««ur. was founded near l.t Grcwr in the Diocels o(Ci»Uemn
The year loltowing there was anodwr Md4iA*dae Fomigni four Leagues fion ^uxmt^ and inthf

L lyui^ed by Google
rfthe Tvel^ch Century 0/ Chrifliimj,
ytU r 115. thofc of CUIrvaux and Mmmend wwe founded Dioccfs of Ldigr&t Abhoc SttptjA
in the
and his Brorhcrsto thar q( Cidrvrux. He chote, although he was very Young, to
lent Sr. Bfrw,ir.V
covtrn He was Confctratcd Abbot by IVilliton dc Chamfeanx BUliop of Cbalctu^
this Moiiaftcrj'.
oy rcafon of the Vacancy of the Epifcopal Sec of Langres. The Repuudon of St. Bemartfi Hnguljic
fiety, and the ftrid Maimer of living io his Monaftny, dfew People frois§U pans to be Admitted of it.
Infbmiich that in a Itrtle ctme ieveral Xlmi^/ wemow tbeocero fiftabliOi rneitiielv^s in otbcr Mona-
fteries where chcr liv'd accordinp to the fame Rulf. That of the Three Vcuntaini was livft Amndtd in
the Diocei's of Cbdornt in the year 1118. That oiFoatenay a little while after in the C)uxcls
jtium in the Year tilt. Kezc there was one EftaUifli'd at Fmgvy in' the Dioqeft of L4ffr, and that «
of 1^7 in the Dlocefs of I{Mmt, and I.alHy the founh OfT-'pring of Ciairvaux was founded in the
year 1 117. A!I ibeic Monaftcnes had ior their firft founders the Mmks of Ckirvaux, /who were al|
Ahhowfiiccefrivcly. BttC St. 'Bernard had a general faperviforfliip over all ihe reft. The Lcarningand.
Virtues of t'.is S r-,t were too bright to continue !rr p
i within the Wails of a CloyftiT, for they
l i

quickly render li fo famous in the Church tnat nothing of Womau pais d there wlienein he was
not Employ'd. He was caliM to the Councils of Treyet and CMmu, held by Mttttbew Cardinal Bill.op
cSAlbMi'. The firft in the year 1118. and the fecood in 1119. The Schifm and Fa<^lions which
hapned in the Church of Rome after the Death of Pope Honerius II. between Imtecmt and Peter of
/,«m, gave a great dtal of Trouble to St. fifni frY who was the pnr.cipal Defender of hmrccnt for
e^hs Tears together. The King «£ ff^tnet before he would declare for cither of thefe Compctitora
amrabled a GonvoieatioR of hts nefanes at Etgn^ 10 eaamine which- of the two IhkI the greater
Right. To this AfTembly Sr. BTmarJ was call'd, and the fole Decifion of fo important a matter re-
fer d to his Judgment. Whereupon he gave his Opinion lor Innocent li. and all the Aflembiy acaai«
cfeed in ie. Ths Fbpie being thus acknowlcdg'd by Frmce, poftcd thither with all imaginable «H*
gAice, and St. Bernard waited on him .nil along during his fl.iy rherc. He carry 'd him from Orleans
to Chartres where he perlwadeti Hcnrjf King of F.mUHd to Acknowledge him. From tbcncc bcfol- .

Io«/d this Pope into Germany ^ and was prcfent at the Conference his Holynefs had with the Emperor
at Lie^r. He there Jpokc with a great deal of freedom to this Prince, perfwading him 10 alter his
rcfolutions of requiriflg the Pope to rc-cftablifli Invcltiturcs. At bis Return from Liege^ His Holy-
nefs held a Council at l^heims in the year 1 1 31. which -when ended he rctir'd to Afixerre, alter having
Vifited C/ingr and Ciairvaux, which did not go in ProceflioA before him clad in fpleodid Ortiament% •

burd(»tfa'd in Cottrie Cloath, carrying a homely Crucifix and Tinging Icifurely aiid modeftly Hymns

nn l u ''
. f. The year following Sz. Bern. nd accompany'd the Pope into Itafy^ and brought over

to him both tiie Fifmtines and Genoefet. At length he catpe with him to /{omr, whence be was not long

«{tcr IcDt into Gervunj, to make Feace between Cinnub and Lttbtritit, Having happily Negotia> *

ted this Affair he was recall'd to Pi'/i?, whither the Pope wn<; forc'd to retire a feconatine S:. Bernard
i\iilfted ac tiie Council which his Holynelii held in this Cay in the Year 1 134, after the Condufion of
which the Pope fent faim to MiUn to fciSOncQe the Milanese to the Church of ^omr. He fent alfo along
with him two Cardinals in quality of Legates, GH;rBilliop of Pifay and Matthew Bilbop of Mbani, and
this to the end ibiac they might purge tlie City of Miian of the Schifm which yf^r/m a favourer of
JpflUr of Leon had fpread there, am bring back all that weie ftfiy*d fxtxa the Cbitrdi of Ifgm* Stj '
Bernard took alfo along with him Gevfrey Bifliop of Chartres to Advifc with upon occafron. The
Mlatu:(e who had long dcHr'd St. Bernard fttouid come among them , met hmi befure he cime to
the City, .md recciv'd hitn with all imaginable Refpcd and Honour, fo that by his means the Church
of MHam was Soon brought over to the Obedience of the $ec o£i^mg. After this St. Bernard re-
anm'd into R«we, but he was no Iboner gocthere, but be wis ftrc'd to Icavi; his Mbnaftery to go to
^uicmk with the Pope's Legate, to reduce the Diike of that Province to the Obedience of the Holy
See, and to re-eftabhih the Bilhops of Pp^ciieri and Linuges who bad been Ezpuls'd. He Overcame
tfae Obftinacy of this Prince by an AdSon of furprizing fioldnefs, for when he iaw the Dukes rricK
lutio;i, not toreftorcthcBifhop of PoiBlert^ was inflexibly he went to perform the Divine Office, arfd as
Icon as the Conlecration was over, be plac'd the WafcPupon the Chalice, walk'd out of liic Church
and with Eyes foil of fury and a terrible Meen he accoiicd the Duke .tfter this maiuicr. Hitherto m
(Quoth He) rf> have Praj'd and Pray d, and yen have fliil (lighted us. Se^ Sc^-f.-.rrr r.f rr-./iv/j
itsre pcjent a: the AjfenAljy have ^oin'd their Prayers with oursj yet you i'avc aevct nnndcd them. i\cw
titer ejere the Son of Gody who is the Lord and Head tf th4t Cbuxh which you tierfccute, ts come in Perfon
to See ifyou will Bfpent. Here it your Jud^e at wbtfiuamt every i^e hends both in Heaven, Earth and
Hell. Here is the Juft rgvenger your Crimes into mbefe. bandt this Ohffinate Spirit rf yours /ball one
aiayfaii. fVill yoii dtfflfc mui flout at knur H^ill you he able, think, you, to flig'i t him at you have done US
hit Smfants},Pf^li jou. Here the Duke not beit^ able to hear anymore, fell down in a Swouo;
JMifiiinHniii Ti nun ifiKiiil him up and conunandra htm fbichwhh 10 be reconcil'd to the Bifliop of

^Pwfl/rr/, which the poor Anoiuih'd Prince immediately condefcended to j fo thattlie Bilhop was quickly
after rcftor'd and all Schiim aboiiih'd m that Province. In the year 1 1 37. he was rccall'd into Italy
by^dicPope to quell cbeicaiainuig Party of Peter of Leon. He went thither and after having brought
over feveral to Pope Innocent'^ Hde, he was deputed to J^oger Duke of Sicily, who was then the
only Prince thatcontinu'd to lupport Pc/rr of Lcon^^ there to Defend his Walter Imicccnt againftCar-.
dinal Ftttr of Pifa who was to Oppdfe him. He enter 'd into a Conference with this Cardinal, and
Iboo made him change his Opinion and Party, After Pr^rr of Leon's Death, the Perfon that was in'
tended to luccccd him in his Attcmpc , came co beg oi St. Bertwd that he would Intercede to Pope
Innocent for his Pardon. Peace by tnefe means being rcftor'd to the Church of Romty and Schiim crtcirc-
iycsorpoied, St. Bernard returo'd to bis Monaltery of Ciairvaux, and after his arrival fent the Pofc
lome « his Monk/ 10 bibabtc the Mooaftery of Sc. Anafiaflus newly raJmitt, One of ifaefe called tier*
0 % . • ^df

jd by Google
tutfi^ ifaMMtfy Oific^Yrf' the Church of Pif<t, wns cbofcn for titeir Abbor, ^ha afterwrfds-oaraeta
ht Pope under iht name of Eugtnilis III. after ihc Death of Celefl'we nnd Lnaus, fttaeefRtn to buutem
II. both who liv'd no long titr.c. Ii was about this time that St. E'm/trd dtfpurcd with Ay^ard, a
I'aircus PhUofopbcr of the Unircrfiry of Prfr», at the Corncil of Sens in ihc ycai a He had 1 1 .

often ienc to him privately to corned his finors, oiaimain'd in his Boolcs bac this ObitiMte Author
nneledlfng to do, and AppcalirTg to the Airh-Bidiop of Stihl Sc. Bernard was ftne to th^ CaoRcU
held tbet«, whirhcr he went though .ipainft hrsw'iU.. Ah.ul.trd nor tijrirt; to fiip"x)rt his Frrrr?, A|v
]||ill'd tone Pope, but his IXx^rine beiog coiuJcmn'd by this Council, he retird to dm); whereat-
* tef h^lftg reooamfd Mt {lifiifnen», he Dy'd in the GenHmimeajtf the Church of f{ime. Under
the Ponrificarc of Eugeniut III. Sr. Bematd was defir*d ro Preath'uptbe Croifade, at the Requcfl of
Lewis the Youn«rr, who had ihoughcs in his Ueii Io'undcn.-<ke a Vo>'apf into the i lot) -Land. Su
Mema»»D(fiixtn himfelf in his Duty with fo'imieli sol, thnc gfrear nmubers of people rdblv^d W
accompany Le»ts in ihar Expedition. He was prefcnt at three Countt's-, held in tht- Yeai* 1147. aif
EuntjKSy Auxene, and P.tris. The fame Year he was fcnr mto ylauitat'ne, by AlLnie Cardinid-Bi-
tttOfftX Ofliu to Combat the Herefies whidi Hhrjr had promulg'd there. He qtJtcKTy confoundqd*
them, as well by his Preaching as a gitat many Miracles which he perfonii'd. In ihdTear 1148.
Gillchri if laPorrie^ Bifhop of Po>8iert, bcinjt Convinced by St; B^frwWattbe Council held at Hhcims,
rcxm!\cd his Errors, and came over to the Church. At length, Sr. Brrr.ard hnvir.p K oi chofcm to-
wards the end of his days, to be Mediator betwten the pepgle <tf Afcar^ and tome Ncujhbourii^
Frilioe^ tfter h^Mtig happt ly and Pmidetitiy cuntllhlcd all dliRiictoM fedtwieii tfaenr^ dtf fetorn^ w
he Iclt'Sick of weaknds in his Sromach, and Dy'J ihc loih of Auguf^, in the 1153. HcJ

Idft hear i4d Monaitcries of his Order, Founded by his Care. Divers Churches dctir'd to have bun
ftr their Bifhop : TiMfeof Lmgre$mA CMim CMrtcd him isaefBmly ; and ihofe of Geuas and
MHiiH offered him their Arch-Bill opricks. And lafWv, J^/v»mj eameftly rcqucftcd him lor its Paftor^
bnt notwithftanding alt chcle Solicitations, he perievcrcd in his Reibiutions never 10 be Advanc'a
•fdtlle Epifcopacy.
^. Bfmard, did not only render himfelf worthy of Eftcem hy the Piery of his Life, and his many II-'
luftrieus A<5lions. His Works alio tpcalc high in his behalf ; in which, he difcov^s as much Wit an4
Elegancy, as Knowledge and Piety. We
ftall pnxeed to give an exa<fl Hiftory and Abridgiticnt o£
tbeta, as v(re Bhd tKetn rank*d in the laft Edinon, Publifti'd not long (kice by Father M-tkiiloH. Tb6
¥iiH Volume, CbHrains all bit vnSt Worlo, and begin^ with the Letters which Compofe the hrft Tofbc
^'f ^f'f^' TUi I-:rfl Letter wa« written to his Son Uphert, to exhort him to reram to the Monaftery of Clair'
«/ it. he had left Ibr ibat of CImij!. The Author of Benurd's Life, £iys, dm this Lenier
'"^ vnaOSiM tol#7ffiMr, Who was dcenmids Abiter of of iFidd whUeit
i^i^o^aj^, in tlieiidddle
Rain'd hard, yet the Paper was never wet. of Profcllions of Love and Chkrity to-
7*hi<; t error is full

wards his SOtif which flietvs, how excreatidy StMenurd was ftciev'd At his Abl'eoce. I Ute knr akd utf
fi^hiitfy exfifled ('lays be^) DemrSm Rdbtt^ 1^
Gid Mr m Mmf
wtidd fkife $• ftrndt tfy Hlem¥y
imhe at t/te fame time^ tnfpirrn^ tixe with a hf.irty CowpimFl.'on , ,v:d 'riving mt the Ple.-:fut; ef
feting thy Cpnerjim : But hiving hitherto heat all along fr»j}rat»d in my hopes ^ I cdm no /onger con*
• ceal my Crief, contain my Scrretf , nur diffrmble my Sudnrfs. 'Tis-»AM$9meb aMjpr# emtrary tt^
thr Order tlxtt ai^rj-r (0 be cbfrrvrdy to caB home him who has OffenHd me ^ to Court en: that has fligfy-
tcd me- To give fatij/atlion to one that has Affronted me ; and itt a wordy to Beg ef him that eurht to
Petition kte. For when a Mtn is once touched with exfream etHeertty He delihera/es mt^ has no SMMr,
Ctnfufts nift bis l{e/tfo»y Unnkj not ef abafing himfelf ehfervts no metfitre^ and his Suil is intnely ews*

fhyed in tlx fearcb er recovery of what be has hfi or defires. Ton leill tell me f&hofs that ytu havt
fievrr Offended ncr Slighted me, but that it was I only that have tdmsd yeUy and tbjt ym kft me bai
to tntid the iS Z'fige which I tudde you undergo. I grant it : Ton ht^ reafatiy but kt tu hdk «• manT
tf Mat is f tfl, mr enquire
into the eaufe of it ; fhe'trt/htt tme only demands our Cot^tdumdm. Li^ •

ire what m:ikcs me unhajrfy, whiU Jo difccmpofes me ? Is it not hectfufe I have il-ee no
confider then
tnorey becnt^e I fee thee no mercy and becat^e f live aUegetCer without tbet, wbt art gutf abkit ffvemm
* Lif^? I asi notidy yekwent awayy biithheiitHfy Gritfte H^yw atiemt)rimitif^ Citnbhit g "Uh^
and I P^il! be at /juiet. T own it was my fault that you left me ; / ferh.tps too rigid towards ir
, young tender Toutby and dealt perhaps too hardly by thee, yet JliU it fu; be 1 could extufe fe^ and
fyf that fhr follies of unexperienc' d Touth ought to be fapfirefill if « Jhtre DifcipHney kilt fir0
Tears ff-uld be corre&ed hy the fevercft Tejl cf I^eafcn : But I will mt infft upon this ; J will us I faid
hefoxCy taks felf i I on(y am in tlie wrong ; Pardon wf, for I confefs it ; / a*7/ do tbt WKW
Bkf t^ain : Teu ftall find me auitt mtder Man : I(ttum only and have no more fear ofgHftbil^ Mart
m» »lfght" lay your Critne ottne to you; Fright you into thoughts of Guilt; Lay the Content! tf your
Vdw before you ; threaten you with God's Judgments ; Condemn ycur Difobedience, a>id acctffe you cf
l ur I rather bring you over by fair means, and recltitk jw» with kfnd iVerdi. Si. Bernard
next defcribcs after what manner /(«^ bad been fedac'd to C/aigr, and bow he had beeli led away
by the Conrerfiiion wWch a Prior, who was fttit by the Abbot of CAw»r, had with Kim. This PretH
rhcr of the Ncxf> Ccfpel, fays he,) Cheer, and Condemn' d SelfVcniat and Por/f-
Ifuppofi^ ay'd ii}> i-^-cd

raotiy j and told him, I was a real Mifirj, and Faffs y H^auMf^t, Prayer^
ifnazine, that voluntary Poverty
atti Lt^em a tmer Btl^t. Tc Jdltnefty
ticn to Gsrm,indi:{jng, Bailing, and Nicenefs.
itmaybeybe gate the'nUe ^
CeHtmplatfeny Matf Wkir of Jiifcr»-
Perhaps he drmanded cf him if God could ever be PieUs'd
with trr>f!cnri/:^us i Or, if the Scrifture Commanded us any where to Murther tur felves } iffii*
gien there could be in digging of GrOundy Ctttting of PVood, Carrying of thing, er tbelH^? Wat tht
ffife Mu', he that hated his even Flrff, or he th.n cherlff'd it ? This poor Touth e-ifly be feduc'd
ly fuel irf/.nuatit^ Difcotirfey and cenje^uently is ltd to Claayy where they Shave his Uead, Pk^u/h his Bo-


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of the Twelfth Ceiitury of Chrifiianity. 4:^
iff Tif*" *ff courfe and hemely HabiOy andfuf en fucb at vme New md more C^ly- ^ext is be led in
Tt>e Lettert

TMmHfh MM the Monaltiry ; every Btdy tmiimmdsj>int, and Congratt^atrs hi eomh^ among them ; andy »fSt. Bcr-
in a PVardt he is fom p!,:ced above thfe pf .1 kn^er Jh-.r.dlvi. S:ir havcver^ ti.ey think Jit to fend to
Rom6 tt have what thty do Autliarij^ed Iff fb« thlj See^ and that tU P< tt may the betfer yield to their /(c-
fHefty they prefend that -M^
4 €lnU he was ojfiPd U
P*reMt te Me^ lOm^hrj. Tfc body then mu
at Rome that could refute thi l{eafcny and therefere hit Helinefs Lot fafsd his ^udpment in favcur the ^ .

Jtefenty to the prejudice of the ahfent hy a Privilege too fever e he has confirm' d an Alfolutien too eafiej and^
in a ffVrf, /'.« forc'd nty Son to take up a nett Ptofeffion and make ncv Vov>s. From this allowance
of the Pope"?, Sr. Bernard Appeals to the Detcrminnriun of (iod, and tlic Tribtiiial cf Chiift, and de-
mands which ought to prevail moft, the Vows of a Farhcr for his Son, or tiiofcof a Son made for
himfcif, principally wlKrihe his enter "d into a Vow of any great impOftUOC. For it is ccrrain, that
l{6b«rt had never been any othetwile than pfoous.'d^ and never had been ghren it> the Aienaftery of CA»> /

fir, had not reqnit'dthem to ttcdvtehim, mdhehad^nbt Beepofftr'd ip the prcfence

fince his ParentJ
of Wirnefles, neither had his Head been t o\ cr"d with the PaUimn of the Altar. They likcwifc gave
OK Ibac diae was a Poitioa given With him to their Monaftery. Atf CQupdi St. Bernard) fftbej had.
ecftrtiem' ^th him, vflyy de thtr net think, tbemfefvet ehligd te kpep him at Wei tit the Pehien ? Is it hectare
tkfy hare jrrentcr re^:^ the Mfwrv
1, .'fi the Per/en^ and tone fhr Pence better than the S:td // he hat
hten offer d to tfje Mona/hryt why do tLey fujfer him to live at targe in the fVorU, /<jr it is from the HWd
auiS^netfiem Clany that yon eame^ Robert, to Ciiteaax ? Thu hone eaweftfy etHfeated mibef^d tohtre-
ceiv'd into that Brothcrhod, hut nottptthftandirtf y they delay' d trea Tears wfcre they xvould admit yeUy fet
at length you got in, and after havit^ been aTcar Probationer, you became Ptpfcfs'd^ and quitted theSedUif
Haiit /or the Regular. It is here that St. Bernard fevcrely reproaches him for the breach of his Vows»
and for his Iiigratitnde, and that in making him fcnfibic of rhc c.nrc and jiains he had been at in his
Edocation. Afterwards in terms the moft moving imaginable, he txprcilcs the Agonies he has endur'd
by his Abfcncc. He givts him moreover to undcrftaiid, that a I azy and l uxuriovs l ife, which they
all lead in the Order of ChiOy, is very daogerxnM to his Sahrai^pn, and likcwifc exhorts him to do his
bed: endeavours to be in a Condhfon re obferVcf AMHnence, watching, Fafts, Silence, iaboutf aad Of
thcr Aufleritics^ pr.-idis'd in Clairvaux, and all which the life Ic lehfil iv Otap^. wiuVCty mudtdiP
i bis 1 ccter was writ in the Year 1119.
vfe faMn frOtti.
in die Secoiid he Reproves Aifeav s Rcgutar {aaftweh Qmm ^
having accepted of the Deanery
of Ltmrrei :vi his Uncles retineft, he thercupoti quitted his Clo^ftcr for a fcnilar Life. Alrho* St.
Bemair^ had no pofiiivC Aacbority over this yoang Man, yet his Zeal oblig'd him to rally hiia fe- -

^Fciely, and openly to blime the Condudt «f liis Unele. He endc^rvours to ooovince him, chat co
convers with the World is dangerous, and therefore the beft way to be fav'd wei^e to avoid that. At
length he Admoniflics hint to rctnrn to his Cell, and promifes he will nut up his ncritions to God on
Hsoehalf. In this Letter d :r. is an Elegant Paflagc fehtti^ to the lUe^of Church-Goods. Teum^
imafine (Tays he) that whit belongs to the Church he longs to yon While you Offciate there. Butyoa are
eni/iakfn, for tho it he reafcnable that one that LsAonrs at the Mtarpntdd live hy the Altar, yet mtt/l it nof
he either e$ fromete hit Luxury or Pride. In a word whatever extends beyond (tare m(/bil^ 0ll4fin^fk
jdain Cloathng is Sacrile^ amd tlfi^Ht* This Letter was writ vk tut your 1 ue.
In the Third, diredra tothe UinaM<^./ftedlfcN<r, in theDioCmof Chalons^ after having 'feje<ftedj'
with agreatden.l of M
vl^iy, the comincndarions which they gave him, he acquaints them that he
' '

ins receiv'd, with pcrmtiTion ot the fiiOiop of Cbahns, fooie Regul^ Caooos into his Monaftery vnhtS
tod a viSsA tDcmbnce i MonalKck Life'
The Founb was writren about the year 1 115. to Amdi Abbot of Merimon.i abor.t hi<^ having quir-
led his Monaftcty with fix of his Brothers without leave, firlt Obtain'd from the Abbot of Ci/?*4«*.
Hb bad acquainted St. Bernard with what he had ddfie, and beg'd of him not fb modi as to iiteniia^ ,

Mmtoroto his Monaftery. This Letter S. Bernard anfwors, and tells him that ir is not in his power
tt'fdtlMar Adviftng him to return, and moreover acquaints him that if he had known where jo
have met him, he would have run into his Arms, thrown himfelfat his fcer, Bcg'd, Conjur'd and
Endeavour'd lx>th by Teats and Wotds to iiave reclaim'd him: But fincc he had thought fit to deprive
him of that pleafurc, he eameftly entreats him to hcartcen to an Abfcnt Friend, ihat is forry for his
Crime, and cordially conccmd at his Peril. He likewifc fhews him that it is to be fer'd that his
lUl OMT draw others into the fame fnare, and therefore tbo' be has littk rqgard to himfelf yet t^ugjbc
lie wttlw care ofthqfe lie bas'lhe Chaise of. He cenjotes lAn to think bow nradi tie 'Ezpoles tiq|^
them and himfelf, and Liftly he Adds for his pan he cannot think he did well to leave h!^ Cdo*
vcnc even on a worldly Accoont, becanfe he did it without the Confcm of bis JBrocbers; t^ Monk&
diefift of the /Uibots, aiid wntlMt the F^iffim of faU Superior. .

Tbat which follows is Addrcfs'd to Adam one of the IhUKlks tbfit VIrcttCaway Vilfc ^t^Ht AnotJL
He Reproaches him for his Inconftancy and FiCkJencfs.
In the Sixth he entreats Bruncn, who was afterwards Arch-Bcfliop of Colen to do all in his pOwer to
caufe fome of thefe fiiagKngiMcMks of JtAn'MHisd that fattJcod about in ha* i^iqds, w.Rffltfn locbdr
i^nuU beuig dead, St. Bernard rdnforc'd his Rcqueft to Adam, that iinoe fits Abjx>t was dead apd
Ik ooniequently diicharg'd of his Obedience, he mjgbc make no difficulty to return. And fardier upon
Ibis Abbots having comrnanded bts Monks to ibDow linn. Sr. Bernard examines into thefe cafes how
fir Superiours .nrc to be Obey 'd. He lays down* for an Unqucftionnble Maxim that they ;src not to
be Obey'd when they coaunand any thiqg that is il^ beqaufe in that cafe they cannot be c^plv.'d with
wfAoas difplcaane God. Aftenmadf lieptweds (o tcdion ap iline fons of ^tngs tbac majr be ^oa»^'
anaded : i. Abfoltisdy Good, a* Abwairly hf/d, and 3^ Indiflcrent, vifaAntif ht diher good
. . • . Of

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J N€i» EccUJtafiicM Hijhy
TU Ur- or bad acoord&g fo theftireral Orcnmftanmafid'FBriwit,- Heolbfitves cIuk tlie L«w ofObedioics
ten tj St. which rcUres to men, has rcparJ only to the laft of rhc three for the firft tn^y nor be OirTu-d rho* any
6criuii<l, bo^ coounands ir. Nor tl«: fccond jpcnnutcd tijo a Superiour woulJ haveii io, bur in ihc ihicd and
laft a Supcrioore Plcafureis to be preten'd to our own will, tad we arc to Obey
equally what tbey-
Coirtnund or forbid. Moreover he urges that whnr hnd been commnndtii him by nis Abhr : to ouic
his Moruritery and jjo along wirh liim, was among ihe J\umbti ut tliyic ihitigs which atc lorbikldm
by God, and thai even ilic Pope liiinfelf could not have given him pcrmiflion to luve done it, for that *
tlu- Difbenfation which he had Obuin'd was a frivolous Remedy that ferv'd rather to pallia^ a Dif-

easd Ojnfcienccthan cure it. ki^e have (fay They) AtlCd leave of the Hefj 5«, mJ
we bawp^uim'd
Mi I'MwiM t» G»d (fayiSaim Bernard) that you had not Asl^A Leave but rather Htmanded Counfel ; that
mould have hem vme fiirjt» Good and tny fatiifaaittt. But t^ahty did/tu /It^ thu Leave } Was it
tut becaiifejiu had a mnite it xAat you cuvht notf Nae p6«f ym Mfh tut te dn it it mem deme,
arid you it feems^ hive get a PermiJJton to Jo fo. Tou wIS [aj r i tha what yc-n Asl^d rr u on\j 19.
vbere leave had mt beem Obttin'df hit beinr omepqmitted it eeajed any io>^er to be jo. But I h«P« 4trea4fy^
fhewu that jour Paitien tMU MOf vftbi kind, but a PP^^ SetUtdM ferbidden 1/ tbe^ Law ef Gedi fi dm
thk A^ion ofjours was mt lefs I'hme.ihle hj I'finjf .iUcvc'd of by the Pope, who ccrfJcfit mulj never bave

confented to your Demavdj,had he not btcn either deceivder fore 4 bj Importunity: After luviiig (hewn far-
ther by fevcnl Arguments, that it was in vain for tbii Mock (o procnd to Ezcufc himfclf on pretence
of Obedience to, and Command of his Abbot, he remark'; thar two thinr,'; arc principally to be ob-
ferv'd ill Alonalterics; which arc Obedjciicc to their Abbot, and.Coijijiuuncc in the fame Place. Here
Tou may Aikme perbaft ffays he) bow I can reconcile that wit^j the continuance which Iww'd to Ciftc-
aux? I Anfvter that m truth I was Profefi'd at Cidoinr, but that I was fent by my Motto tlie Plofe,
• where I now rcfide^ without Difcord and Scandal, furfuant both to Order and Cnfiom. There is nlfo another
Ohjeliian raiid againfl me. ffl condemn (fay They) tUfe that bave left their Movnjlnla by the
CotMUMdrf the Abbot ^ bgm amet it to paft that 1 have receiv'd and retain d fuck as bavf dmefo ^ The
Anfteer tt tim is e.-fy^ tbtf Sde wet ifieimWMther it wti? pleAfe every body. I reeetve them ( contifio'd be)
bccAufc I c.innot think^it a Crime to Affijl them to Ohf<m>c their I'ms in one PLne tvhiclj they cou' Jo '

fM amtherf and. ft tq rteat^ietKe the Qn»j^

tf JUffidence Iry aJlriSt PttfatimtMtt ^
aM the Qtiter. Pre-
cepts «fa Meiu^Ueki^' Bat wlsy, fays em tame^ de yea eeadtam tdt ^hafe that de nat Km
ht aaeiy
particular h\e yetir fff ' K?; I do not dofo, 1 Iftto^ there ure many Holy Men do not live irfter the fame
manner with me; I only five a reafoe why i receive tboje drfire it of me without blaming tlj^e that
don't dtftre it. Excufe the ene without Aeeufing the Otlter. The Envious enlj I catmct nnr xviS not Btteifit
In refpcR r? ether if tfrre be any that drfi^n to praBtfe a Men.iJficJ^ Life in its Purity, but dare net for

tude offaults^ or Humility, which makes them Jenfihle of their own iVeakjteft ondlmperfeQion.
The Eighth Letter of St. Bernard is vtrritcen to Brunen Arch-Bilhop of Colen, wht^tad demanded ci
him. If he n^hc accept thK Aicb-BiOiopcick. To which he Anfwers That no Alornl Alan oil^r to re-,
ibive that Queftion; bccatife if God calls one to it nobody ought to diflwade oae/nxn ir, atid if
God docs not call one ro it no body ought to Advifc one to Accept ir, for the Holy-G'iol't alone is
aUe todetennioe who is cali'd and who not j that what troubles him more thaochisisthat benuide

aconfcffion of hiaSim to htm,b<tt hefear^ has nocfnflieiertly a>pented of den; lb that when he fi0n&
ders that he has been cali'd fron- rhc Sm-c cf a finncr to hnr of a mott Reverend Mifiifter without Re*,

pentinp, he hopes he will beg of God a Ipccdy Commilcn :nn -^nd Forgivcnefsj but yet there is a,greac
^cn of diricrencc between Meriting Pardon for Sins, ami bi ng advanc'd all of a fuddcn to fo great

a Dignity, that it is true Sr. Mnthere was call'*^ m the Apoftlc-fhip even in the ver)- Ad oi his Pro-
fciTion, but neverthclefs he ihought it Advifable tu repent hcanily before he Accepted of his Miffioo.
St. Ambrefe alfo was rais'd from a Profc/fion of the Law to that of the Gofpcl, but he h;id all along-
led an Innocent and looSenlive Life. T hat the Converfion Sc. Paul likewifc is a Miracle which
cannot be parallell'd. Bar in fine he fays that in this Cafe be can give no other Anfwcr than that he
will pr.iy Coii u Manlfeft his pleafure, and that if lie doubts of any thing more, he may conlotC Nir|wi^
who being a emc Scholar, ana always with him may be able to give aim due Satisfadum.
BniMM at laft tdblves to Acorn ine AidvBifliopridc of C«frji; which Sc. Sgmard having Uodciflood.
he writ him the two following Letters by which he exhorts him ro do his Omyi and acquit Un^lC
ill all things as he ought to da Thelc Letters were writ about the year 1133.
The Eleventh Letter is written to Cuinjc Prior of the Great CjE>«rrcr-HoufeaDdtD his Monkii Hb
therein Difeoiirfcs upon Charity and iisfidisi^wich hs fevcrai kind^ andLaftty Ailerts ihac kcna
have no pcrfc^flion iri this Life.
In the Twelfth writ to the fame, hcdeltrcs their Prayers.
By the Thirteenth he re^ucfts of FaptHoiteriui IL a Confirmation of the Elcdion of A!Lcn\^ to th^
Bilhoprick of ChaJont. This Alberiewis Native ol f{heimt, a fellow-DifcipIc w.ih A bat lard, and a lear-
ned Divine, lie was Eledcd Bifliop of Cbulcm intheyear 1126. after the death of Etahtt, bacbe
was never Ordain'd nor Indadod intothis Bilhoprick. He was Tianflated in the year 1 139 to the
ArdwBiftoprick of Seatget, This Letter of Sc. Bernard's was wriceen feon after the Eledion df Alieri^
to the B'.fl; jprick of Ch.ilcns. This is the firft which he wrote to Pope Homrim 1^ and yec he MS
pjtiiis name to it, h\u iubfcrib'd himfelf a Poor Monk and gpcat Sinner.
In the Fourttent h lie recommends to the fame P<^ an kiuat of die Chnitii of t^ea.
HcYccoRimends aUe.ifae fame tbiqg iq the tvto Ibllowing Letcen, to the Catdiiois HsumerituA
Peter, ...

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of the Twelfth' Ceritury (f Chnjitanity. -
In the Scvrn' cnih he excufcs hiir fcif ro rhe lift of thcfc Cardinals, that he did rot come ro wail tm We Ler-
hlfPj becauic he baid made a Refolurion never to ftiroucofhisMonaftery. He moi-eover wricto him, '""I
tint Ik knew not what Irs Eminence meant by the Books he fpeaks oft", and that he- knows not what
he had ever writ, v. hich cov\A 'n the IcafV be wonhy of his judicious pemfal. That foinc cf his Monks
indeed might pfobaWy have ropy'd what they heard hintf fpeak, and that he bclicv'd Gfhuin the Clanief
«d Aicb-DlEacon of Trr- fs miglic likely fwte « QojjfJ by bitr; but for Ins own parr, he had none to his
knowledge ; yet if he cwr fl und nny, or wrictoy tbiqg for cbe fttturc^ wbkhhe tbou^ nigbc be
agreeable to him, he wyviid certainly (end it.
Li the followinp I.ett.T addrefs'd to the fame, he enlarges upon the vanity of Humane Praifc, and
the Eftecm \vtuch Men have of as. I am praudi (^lysbc) tf the good Chgr^er you have hommred nt
witbf but my Pride is extreatn'y ditAini/hed, what J emjitttr tLit i> v not tvy .^mon/, iat the Opinim which
Ubt^sbave ofme^ has trocur'd mc this Efietm. J :,>> r.p^amH to he Jj puff" d up, W;m 1 perctive that
t am not Jo much Leo'd and Honour d for vehat I aw, or far what I am thought to tfe ; for it mt I that am
Jo well helffo'dy hut a certain Je nc fcay qaoy which is fupfofi to hf in mc, ami perhaps n mt. He ftcwt
afterwards that there Is nothing in any Crcanirc which defcrvcs p<.Tfcdly robe l.ov'd, aixl Commended,
PtvtxtbeUfs (lays he) there » an univerfm Vanity flatter d amon}tfl the Generation oj Mcit^ which tuakfs ali
*vot*fo be praii'd, although they are never fo tihnn^-iwprthy. Ail CvmniendatioH kfimed mi tu Flattery, •
and the Joy xst conceive thereupon a fruitlefs vanity. They that let the>»fe%rs he Commended .vr tt-J} fsntm
nifinly vam Fooisy and fuch as Commend thcrHfehct for the tnofl fart are impudent Lyare. lowards cfafr.

of tlds Letter, hcpconulbmlendliiinfomeof^Voria. TheieLeaenareihou^cielavebMa

written about the Year 1 1x7.
The Two next Letters, arc likewlic writ to the lame Catdiuils. He Recommends to them am
Afi'uir of ihc Chuith of I(beims.
The Twenty Firft is dircdcd to Matthew, the Pope's Lcgat in fVrfwcf. In it he cxcaies bimfelf for
not being able to wait oti him, by rcafon of his illnefs; as alfo complains of being foliicired to come out
of his Cioyfter co embroil hiinfclf with tlie Aflzirs of the World. IwlLcaerwatWrinnilbilieflm
before the Council of Tro/iV, which was held ia the Year 1 1 18. .

In the Twenty feeond, he recommends to Hwrnhaai Arcb'Kfliop of Lyons, ao AAir belonging to the
3iihop of McAux.
In tbc Twenty Third, he Commends Atton Bilbop of Troyes, f(^ .having diActtlined.aU he had a-
mongthe Poor, when he once lay fide. Mift cmumfy, (fays he,^ M?fr an tut mm
to Bmcmtdt
till after our Deaths^ ituj confcqu:htJy v>c then give vohdt we arc no longer .tl/le to enjoy, lut tJjn Perfm baif^
hetween the hopes of Life and tear of Death, gav^way all his Goods to the Poor, to the end that bit Cbaritf. 1

mtight fubfij} Etemalfy, even in defpite of hi Fate. He afterwards rejoyoet dMr dis Mopfccofo^d
^om his Difcafc. *rhe'r Two laft Lencrs were written about the Year 1 ii8.
In the Twenty Fourth, he Commends Gilbert Bifhop of London, for living Poor whilft he cnjoy'd ib

confideku' a Benefice. " It is no great wonder {fays he,) That Gilbert is a Bifhop, but it is iipmewlnt>
cxtraordii: '
y hat a Bidcp of London fTiould live lo meanly. The exalted D gniry of his Epifcopacy
*' could not auCinenr iltt Giury of lb great a Man, when his humble Poverty has not a little advaoc'd
him. To undergo want paciently is the died of an oriiaaQf Vktnt, but id onir it mlamatily ii
•* the Sign of a great Soul.
In the Twenty Fifth, heevhorts Hugh, Arch-Bifliop of Upan, to Patience, and to temper his Zeal bf
Charity. " A Kifl, ip, {fiyibe,) mvii not only be Parienc, that benuy not be overcome by Evil, but
** be maft be alfo a Pcace>inaker. to furmount the Evil with Good, infomuch, that he ought to fnp^
port -Vr kicked, and Reform them that he fuppon^ Be yon therefiMc Padent, l^caufe you
.ire air onpft Wicked ^' n, and a Peace-maker, that you may be able to goviem iU<doGfS> IjCtyoitr
Charier be full of Ze-], but la your fevcrity be tetnpcred with Reafoo.
*rbe Twenty 9)sd»it a Letter 10G19 Bifbt^ of Lat^ane, which Gimprehendt ht ftw Wordf'the mjk
ccflary Qualifications and Virtues requir'd in a Bifhop. '* You have (fiys he / jW ) undertaken a dit-
ficulr Task, you need therefore to have force to go through it : You have rook upon you to watch
«* over Ifrael, yon ought to have a great deal of Prudence. You expoie your felf bocb
10 Foob and)
^A'lfe Men, therefore Ju(tice is like wife ncccifary, and, in a word, yoawill haveoccaABi ftrTenv*
" pcrancc to moderacc your Palfion upon tlie ^reateit Proyocations. •

The Twenty Sevendi and Twenty Bighih,ooiuain mnch'die like iattaiiS&KmtoAtMrimBUhaf of G«- *

In tbc Twenty Ninth, he congratulates Stephen, Bifliop of Mets^ upon the Peace rcftorcd to hi*
In the Tiunietb he eihoro Alherom of Mett to wait patiently for the exeoution of an a^r
Which he was tretting about with his Bifliop. Thefc two Letters were written after the Year 1 z6. 1

In the Tliircy Firft he congranilntcs Hn^'h Count of Champa i/nc, on his bcmg made a Knight of Jerij^a-
item the Crois.^ This Count rhc Hi ft founder of the Abby of Chiirvaux, which occafloM St. Aun^
nmrJ to fiy that be can never forge, ihc great Friendlhip he hn Ibr hhn, on aceount bfe Noble Bene^
ficence to his Monaftery.
Thirty Second is addrels'd to Jeran Abbot of St. Nicaife of Rbeims, who complailial that the
Order of Cifteaux had received into their Fraternity, one of his Monks calra Drenx. Sr. Bernard gives
him rounderftand, tharhcdrvcs nor approve of fuch a Proceeding, and that if that Monk had aAcd his
Advice, he Diouid uot Iwvc counfcll'd him to fuch an A(2ion, and that he would npt have receiv'd him
liirnfelf, had he been Abbot of that Monaftcry. He likewife acquaints Jarm that be paftifces of bi<
Concern, and would alllll him to his Prwi-r bnrrhrtt hi- wvs a!:!^ to ^0 ncrhtnp mnrr, \hi\n to write

to ihni Al>boc of Cijieaux to rcltore the laid Monk. He moreo\ cr counicls him iioi to take that matter

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A New Ecclejiajlical Hi/lory
Tbt Ltt- fo much to Henrr, but to fubtnic freely to the good pleafurc of God^ and fupprefs his ju(l Indigoaciea
tert of Sc. by the exainpic of a certam Saint, who bqpg foUicited to look aner a ftray^d Monk, safwer'd, J /htt
^fnu^' net(to it-y for if be he * ^ocd Chriftian, vbereeber he Iche is /till mive. St. Bernard adds fur:hcr, rhat

he himlcif had made ufe of the Counfel which he garc ; for that havi« had a near Rel.icioii r<.rt iv"il
by ibe Monaftcry of Cluny againit his Will, though he is fcnfibly gricv'dfor his I o!s, yet is Ik- rL-foIvc-d
to reft fatisfy'd, praying both for the Monks thnr tliey would rcftorc him, and for ilic PcHon tjimfclf,
that God would give him Grace to rctuni. 1 lius iLcws plainly, that this Letter was written before /(p-
ivre's return, about the Year 1 1 zo,
Altfaosueh^c Bernard had tbofl written to the Abbot of St. Kicaifif ncvenbelcis, his Opfnioo was
HOC ihatodt Monk was oblieed to retnrn to his Cloy Rer, therefore haying writtfn before id Mr^ib, Ab-
\ hot of Pe«f i^m, that had r<^iv'd this Monk, that he thought hitn obliged to reficr c h:in, he was forc'd
or write^a lecond Letter to undeceive him, whereby he iigai£ed that it was never his incencioa co ad*
vifekimtoghre uprinsMonk, botthat on the contrary, he commended whae he had done, and |jiEe>,
wife congratulated him in it. But laving been powerfully follicitcd by the Arch-bifhop of ^'r/w, and'
by an Abbot, who was one of that Monks Friends, be could not prevent writing that Letter and
itqbefting what he feared ihould come topafs. He believed at the fame time that he had given fbree
4imbrage of hi*; mcnninp by writing at the end of his Letter, if he chofe rather to fuffbr Uifpleafurc,
than to rtlcaie this Monk, he mi^ht do as he pleas'd, but that for his part, he would have no manner
of hand in it. In fine, be tells him, that he did hima gfcacdttl of wrong, to 6ifpo& chac he had ft'
mind to feducc this Monk to his own Monaftery.
In the I'hirty Founh, he congratulates this Monk bn the Rcfolution he had taken, and exhorts him to
pcrTevert in it.

The Thirty Fifth is addids'd co Hugh Farfite^ Abbot of Sc. John of Clucrtrtt^ whom he dcfires cb fe-'
commend the caute- of Httmbertf to the Count of Ciartrts. He withal afliifts him, thai he has noc
burnt the Lewr wtfchhc fawhm^ aMwigh ifaae wne ftrmgie NociooB b h coiioenung the Sacrt-.
Hereupon this Abbot wroie hhn an Aniiirer to dui efleft. That he had forgot tint heW
given him
any caufc of Concern, but having fent him a right Orthodox Confellton of faith, St. Bernard m-kes
known to him by the Thirtv Sixth Letter, that he eitcemed him a very good ^adiolick, and that he vcri«
ly believes he gave flrrang Sentimettcs of his Mind. He counfels him moreover, noc to hiinre the Me**
ihory of a Holy Biihop, with whom he never had any difference w!i:!ft he liv'd.
In the Thirty Seventh, Thirry Eighth, Thirty Ninth, Forty and Fony Firft, St. Bernard recommends
fitvcral things to Thibaud Count of Chamtaine. •

The Focqr Seooiwl wdnen to B«m^ Acai-£i(hop of Snu, is to be ftnnd among St. 6ertur^% Ofi^/ '
cuJa, - '
^ .

In the Forty Third and Forty Fontth, he .deiires Arch-bilhop to do Juflice to the Afabjr of llid^Hfl'

concemir^ what be claim'd from the Church of Sev-tn, which belonged to that Abby.

The Forty Fifth Letter is written in the name of the Abbor, and the whole Order of Cijlenux to Lewi
tbeGr^, King of ¥raneey concerning his perfecudng o( Stetben, Bifhop (S Path. He makes them'
ipcakto ihisKinc witha great dcal.of freewni, and declare tnac if His MajeUy did not think£t co do
Jnftke to this Bimop, they would aflniedty write to die Pope aboat ic
This King not Imvinp made fatis&<^on to the BiHiop of P nts. The Arch-Biff.op pnonounc'd a Sufpcn-
ilon againtt him, but the King liaving afccrwards faumoled himlclf to Pope UcHorim il. procur'd ic to be
takn off, wh||ch oblig'd HugbMhix of Fmuhtu, and ^tenunrd, so write the Forty Sixth Letter to
thiaPoiie, fignify ingto him, that they were furpriz'd that his Holincfs would fuffcr that Sufpcr:f:nn to
he taken off, when if it had ^xen continu'd, the King would certainly have done chat fiitbop Jultice,^
and diis becaufc the Conftancy and Comage of the IMaiea of that Nation had. confiderably wiooghc
Bpon the Temper of that Prince. *
Sr. BerrLirdf caus'd alfo the fame thing to be wiitrcn to the Pop^, by Gecfrey Biihop of Chartrejy iiv
whofc Name the Forty Seventh Letter was writ. He Acqu.^ints his Holinefs that the King having been

frighrncd with the lnterdi<fl, had promis'd to rcilore to the faid Bilhop of P4r», all that he had Cakem
fonn him, lyit that lincc he bad obtain'd Abfulution, he rcfus'd to perform his Promife. .
, •

In the Forty Eighth, he juftifies himfelf to Uaimericy Chancellor of the Holy See, concerning the Ac-
* cttfations which had been made agaittft him. He deiires to know if they arc grounded on the fiiflwpnck
of Verdun^ being taken from a mlbn dnr was wiwotthy co lcjoy it, or upon Fuibert Abbot ofche Ho-
ly Sepulchre, at Camlmys being forc'J to yield his Place to Pcrvin, oi by rLalon that at Lam a place of
Debauchery was become one of Devotion, by driving out of the Monaftery of St. John Monks virhidi
led an Irregular lewd Life, and "by putting thofe of oc Nictifiin their room. He lays, if ihefe tliingiK
arc I.iid to hisCh.u gc, he takes it for an Honour, bur that tohisgreatGricf he was not the Author of them,
and by confeaucncc couid neither dclcrvc the Merit nor the Blame. He adds, that the Bidiop of /iHnati
was the occahon of the Fii<l, the Arch-Bifliop of I{lmms of the Second, and the Third ougfatto be Accri*
butcd to the fame Arch-Biftop, in ConjundHon with the Bifliop of Laca. AH that is to be found fault
with in him, he fays, is, that he was prefcnt wh^ thefe matters were tranlad^cd, when he oughc co.
, _
have been (hut up in his Cloyller, and not to have medicd in the Affairs of the >\'orld. He owns he
there pali nt. " Bur, {fays be,) It w.-is becaufc I wasSummon'd and forc'd ihiiher, which if it be difplca-
iing to my Friends, it is Ids plcafant to me, and would to God I had never gone to any of thefe lores
of AlTemblics. He then eameltly entreats the Chancellor, That fincc his Endeavours have been efteemTdk
nnacceptable, he might for the future never be Otder'd out of.his MonaAery. " Let thefe CUznoroas
V and Trooblelbme Frogs Uv^^») ^
ftime be confin'd to ihek Maifliet $ Let them no tnore t>e
f^heaidjQ iQptncUi^ nor fecn any moieai^Coait : and letodther Ncopffity nor Amfasrity dfagtbam ouc

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^ ^fdr SolitmU, If may he b; tlefe me/ms four Friend Mttd the fuffleimt if^ heit^ '^8!<^ ML
Ariilf f^t I itm refoh'd hcnafdrward neiier fi JItr attoad Unteft it he kbimt Hit AffuH tht 6rdirt 4tU ^
Ant <«0 onl/ ufon Command tf tJ>e Pope's Legat ww»r Bifljof. f Iff by yew t c«i ^aim the f*»
vour to go n»mtn tut if Cell upon m) account whatever , I tall he at rtfi, and enitf m body. But
sltlMiib I am ftmutted to remain in filfnee:, vu t tumot believe that the Chmtb itill ever bt at pdit 4U
long as the Court tf Rora< fer/lfls to frejud$et H» tdfeuty by obliging (aid Smmttihg the frtftnt, "OA
Jitter was writ in the Tear 1130.
The Forty Ninth ^nd Fiftieth, are AfUtc(s'd |o Potx Honoris II. in the Name of cbeAbbott of
Cifieauxt Pontirm. and CUtrw4Mx, in fiwoiv df the Aicb>]Nffibp of Semg^ puSeaoA by KamUwi
the Gr^ TSj of fait lUiadstopeniuk diis Aitb-BigMip m
bifcifeonirie t6 dtt HolySnht

My Ftfft, be MOMtaDteids Ae Cube Affiiii' tb ttdnmiti CbuiodlMr ti dm Chndi U

In die Itty Second, Addreft'd to the (aoie, he dp. That (he fiiibop of Chartret Wfts^in the right ocH
to undectafce die Voyage 10 die HolyO^
l^Fope that he may he employed no more abroad.
^THie Two following arc Letters of Recommendation, Addrds'd to Haimeiric. Thcfc Sit Lettctt iVere ^
writ about the Year 1 1 17-
In the Fifty Fifth diteiled to Gtofrey, fiifhop of Citflm, be pcay diar Biibop to icoehne agrin ftUr*
clufc Monk, who had repented of leaving his Cell
In the Fifty Sixth, he acquaints the fame Bifhop that he does not know whether Korbert will ft) ^
^ertfklem or 00. He iayS} ne i» not of the Opinion of diat Holy-Man, who Affirm d that Anti-Cbrift
Would ceitainly cooiebefiice die Cniury he Lived in was expir'd, and thK be ihould noc -belbti ^
he had fcen a general Pd fecmfan intbeOttrich. tfe »Ub iwinrtMiirtMig ibdieBMibpof Qtdrttu'dm .

AS»u4t[ Humberts .. .. ^ 1. , *

In die inftv Sevtn£b i«rit to die fame fiilhop, be (avs, tbecn Vodr ouiie to fgit nytrtfilm not mgk
to hinder a Man ftom being receiv'd to make a better Vow. •

In the Fifty Bj^h writ to Ebatut, BiXhop of ChalonSf he tecommends to him to admit for Priof Of
the Regular Crnons of his City, him whom the faid Canons had chofen. beiitt a good and RelieicMt
FerTo«i or if they would not do fo he propos'd to them anodierof a ^cguai^ ana ViifibodsLifi^ uapok
fuch a one as tliey would have to favouPthcir Libertinifm. ' ,

In the Fifty Nindi, he advifcs Guilencut Bifhop of Latarei to deliTer op to tbeCttttll'tf St tttjim
cf Dijony fome Goods fell to them by the Death of die Afcb-])aia» fStfiilir.
In the Sixtieth Addrcfs'd to (be fame Biihop, he RecommendsM Mm
die Gare of tbe Cbwdi of Mii
hfine. ,
die Sixty FiHl, befends.a.Penittnitbat bad Addreis'4 bimfeif to biv, toj^aiim Bifhop of Dnj^^
1^ bang not os'd to enjovn Fbnauoe lo'any bar indi as were nrtdnf (fiiys he,; t> Gm. At wtM
mtt h
ttH unpardonable rafimefs in w to intermeddle with the Affairs ofSipjopSy when our fehes have re*'

tmBfttttbtmimmutttrt src«t ^ffadty, i^'au»Dy'din 1128* fb that this Letter muft ncctHarily pre*-

In tbeSixijSeeoddi beddtofin^BIAopofKsridn^ioMHrtfal^^
felfiohiro. . ,
aflttfes this Bifhc^ that he has never mter'd anv dung to Ms Fnjiidice.
In the Sixty Third, be Tbb
Hrar7ishewhomStisraim/pecfwRde^cok7dowabisBi0io|i^^ ana%ididiiidcndfln'dilidieFin(v

ty Eighth Letter. „ •

The Sixty Fourth il written to Alexander ^ Bifhop of I.tN^«Ar, iA/hde Coofent be asks to permit a tei^ '

uin Clerk of his Nam'd p/>i7;>, who had left bis Qoyfter, with defign to Travel to JerufaJem^ 10 ri* •

main a Monk in his Monaftery of Clair^aux^ and' be ^ttdierdefim bun to pay the faid Monk's D^xx \
ouiof the Revenues of his Prebend. •

la tbe Sixer Fiftbwriccen ^t.Alttfmt Abbot of ^mtbra, in FUndert, be Commends tiim for beinglb'
mod) conoemM at tbe Deatb m
a MoMr of bis calPd GttMm, wbo Dy*d in htsMobafiiery ofCMrv^wr/ )
He alfo excufes himfelf for having receiv'd him.
In tbe Sixty Sixth, be cntreau Ge^re; Abbot of St. Mcdard of Soijfmt to nuke widi JiUi^ ,

In the Sixty Seventh, beetcufes himfelf to the Monks of St. Gerrrur de Flay^ for having received one
of iheir Fraternity into his Monaftery. He tells them that he never heard any thing of them but very;
lately ; That this Monk came to bim after he had been an Hermit above Sevtn lmnths, af^d that hie^
had levcral times refus'd to admit him. Alfo having ask'd him why he would not return to hii Cloyflcr»
that he had anfwer'd ; his Abbot would hot have him only in quality of a Monk, but alfo oblig a him-
to foveas Phyficiaa. But at lengAbriilg OTCf^perfwaded by his impottuniries that Ue lad receiv'd
luBisandasbebadnocAii^dbiaincomeinto btsldaoaihry»fobe woaldnoccblSfeli^ «Nil«t'
" . • -
it , •

Monks being not well fatisfy'd with this Anfwcr, and having Writ again toSt. BrnArdbttf tbtf
efiedl i Thatbeduinocdo weUiorecdveoneof thdrMonksiAdiocnd)eyiMd£3Ktenh«^^ Hlf
.Anfwers by die following L#def Tiot if tfH?y have ExcomftnnicaRd fain. Be uiiJrffli iUsr ft #as i fM
he admitted him, which was n6t likcwifc well done on their part. A^ Cnce they accus'd rhis Monk'
for a Vagabond .that could ncVer reft in a pUt^e, .tnd who was alwaylMUiedienrto b\s Abbot, ibey,
eiigbc to rejoyce on accoant of bis Cobverfiort, and in trgard that heSv^ tta0 Mobafkrj iiittt'
be (hould perlbmcbeftrideft Vows. TbefecWb Leant atedMiigbitD but* beta HiMafmm iMf /
Vcar uij. ;

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-.In the Si»ry Nioxb, he Comfora Gu^ Abbor of the Thee-Famfainj, who was extrcamly cooccm'ci

in tbai being aboucto Celebrate Mzfs bs hspocd to Coniccrate a Chalice, in wiiich, ilicrc had been no>
thing but water put, through carelcfsncfs, becaufe ifiisCrixnc was rather the cfrc<fl of Inadvcncncy am!
Negligence than a Defign. He ncvcrthclc/s enjoy ns him and the Perfon that fcrv'd them at tlie / the
Ptfnance of fcpeating cill Eafter the Seven Pcnirentiaf PfaJms, as likewilc to receive Seven of a
Scourge each day. He approves of what be did when he iaw there was no Wine in the Chalice,
l^tcfa was CO pour a licde Wine upon pan of the Coofecrated Hod ; becaufe though it was nor r^anftnu*
led by a proper and Solemn Confecration into the Blood of Chrift, it was iila crrlielcfs become Sa-
tXfid. by ib»-' bare eomad of his Body. He adds moreover. That there is a certain Writer who main-
tains iliat the Sacrifice cannot be Valid, unlefs tliere be both Wine, Bread, and Water, hi a manocr,
ibat if dicre bfc buc ofjc of thelc wanting the reft Cgnific nothing. He fays likcwifc. That in this cafe
very one may do li any fuch Accident fhoiild happen to him, he would
as he pleafcs, but for his parr,
^ the fanae thing with nim,to whom
he writes, or would begin Mafs widi thefe Words. Simiii mo-
dt pcjl<jutm ccctMtuin eft. SiC. and would finiih the reft of the Sacrifice, not in ilie Icaft doubting but
, that the Bread was Confecrared feparately.
In the SeTentie(bt. .be Counfels the fame Abbot to treat one of his Monks more kindly, and to revoke
the fcveral rigorous Judgments he had pafs"d againft him.
In the Seventy Firtt Addrefs'd to the Monki of this Abbey, he acquaints them that he has rot vet •

bad an opportunity to make them a vilit, and moreover Condoles them upon the Death of the .'U^boc

The Seventy Second is written to Hfihuud Abbot of Fcl^ai. He writes to him concerning rfce Title
of Father, which this Abbot had given him, and refufes to accept of any other but Brother.
In the Seventy 1 hird and Seventy Fourth, he comforts and fortifies this Abbot who had been xndan-r
cboly and fcem'd dilfatify'd with his luving been elevated to this Dignity. ,
In the Seventy Fifth, be diiTwadcs Artaud Abbot of PruH} from lending any of his Monks to found a
Monaftery in Spain.
In the Seventy Sixth, fae Coan(cls the Abbot of the R^ular Canons of St. Vienc-TAo»ty in the Dio^
oe^ of Jmly vo caoen all their force in icclaiming one of their Monks who had Aray'd into the World, ,

«nd was there marry 'd.

The Seventy Seventh is the 1 4tb of the Opufcula, 4 .
In the Seventy Eighth, be Congratulates Sugerut .4bbot of St. Dcti//, for having (nUde a r^irtrtatian
in his Monaftery, and quiteed the exieritjr Priue which was in it before. He likcwifc Commends him
for hiving cal^ ^
Pious a Refolocion. Towards the end of this Letter, he exclainis againft Stetbat
de QudtrUiuie Deacon, who waschen Steward of the Kirig's Hbuihold, bore ArQu, and enjoy "d drvm
Bcpeficw. This Lciier was writ in the Year 1 127.
The Seventy Ninth was written ro Luks Abboi of Coujj of the Order oiAuJlin-FriarSy in the Diocels
of i.««M. Whom he advifes to lend a certain Friar of bis who had committed the Sin of the Ple/h, to
fome place far diftant from bis Cloyftcr, where he might do Penance.
In the Eightieth, heComfons Girr, Abbot of A4o/^, upon a certain Injury done him; and moreover, r
exhorts him vkx. toihink of Revenge upon that occafion, but to*Pardon freely him that did him die
^ ^ By the Eighty Firft, he alfurcs Gerard, Abbot of PtiBierty in the Diocefs of Langres, Thar he never
Wit any thii\g to the Count of Neven ia bis prejudice, but only for his Cbuxxiics Benefit, that it might '
continue in Peace.
In the Eighty Second he dilTwadcs Stefben Abbot of St. Jfobn of Cbtmet, from quitting his Mona-
ftery to go on rilgrimacc to Jerujalcm.
In the Eighty Third he comforu Simon Abbot of St. KicheU of the iVecds in the Diocels of Laon,
about the Perfccution which he furfer'd on account of his Monks. We
undcrftand by the Letters of
Samp/on Arch-Biltiop of l{heims, and Jojffclin BilhoP of Soijfnu^ to Pope Imccau II. that thde Afooks
were dijfatisfy'd wiih their Abbot by rcalbn that he nad reftorcd to the Church of Arrm feme Cofficy
which they were in Polfcilion of.
By the following Lcttsr written to the lame Abbot, be enueats him to receive and ulckindly a certain*
Monk which he fends him.
The Eighty Fifth Addrefs'd to H^Uiam Abbot of St. Thierrji, is a Chriftian and Spiritual Compli-
raent to li rvc for Anfwer to anObliging Complaint which tills Abbot had made him, who did not believe
himlell fo well belov'd by St. hemjrd as he lov'd him.
In the Eighty Sixth he writes to the Umc Abbot liiat he fends him a Monk who had ftray'dbut of bis
Monaftcr}'. He acqMainis him that he has reprimanded him fcverely and defircsof hiin to do as much,
and then to lend him back to his Abbot with a Letter of Rccomendation. He diliwadcs thii Abbot
frojn aaiitiRB his Cloyllcr tD torn Hermit.
In the Eighty Seventh he blames the Condudl of Oger^ a Regular Canon, who after having laid
down a Curacy by the confent of his Biftiop, which he had as 'twere e.\torred from hirr, on ccnditifl«i
tbM he fTioulu remain in his Bilhoprick, he Addrels d himfelf to the Metropolitan to Obtain leave
toRetutn to his Abby., Being rctuin'd he entreated Sc. Bernard to Inflrmll him how he Ihould live.'
Whereupon this Samt difapprovcd altogedierof his Conduct, yet would not have him neverthclefs
charge himlelf anew with thg|tare of his C\ir3cy. He advifcs him to be tWoughly Sen ibic of his
fault, for that he confidcis hiSKctrcat as an Avlhonofno great Virtue. He afterwar lura a
Keat deal of got^ Advice in this Letter, and in the three which lollow, being ulMikeWilc . ... him. . .

cexcufes liiml'clfin die Eighty nrnth not wiirirg him long Lcners, bicauft is Oblig'd to f ^ .

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ifthe Twelfth Century of Chrijlknuj.
Icnce, which N well as the Tranquility of Mind by Div'tanng and Cooapofif^ and
inrcrruptctl as i

uver foraliTiUch as his ProRirioii is not to Inftrud orhcrs bur bewail fan own Sins.
The Ninety Firft is Addrefs'd to a General Chaprer Btmdidiiu Abbots, Aflemblcd at Sotlftms
< [

for Refoniurion of their Monaflcrics. St. B^riurd exhorts ihcm camd^ly ro I nbc'!?- nbciit it, for fe«r
(Tayi \k) " That ihc World Oiould lay, you wcfc met together to no purpole. Do all in your pow*
^ er to raider foiif Aftions and Occupations pcrfed- They cannot oe fo too much, bccaufe a Mah
cannot be too Juft, too Wife nor too Vinuous. Hearken not to fuch as will fay : We
wiilnoc be better
than our Fathers, Owning ther^y that they are the Off-fpring of Luke-wahtt and Looie People:
*' Or if tbcy pretend to be Children of Saints^ Icr th( m Im; tt- il.i ir.Sandlity and not ibcir Tndul-
gence ana Depravity. Tbeie is no living in this World witfaoar either Advancing or Retm>
" dng, Rigng or Defending: If a Man has a mind looominae in the fane Snue, he naU pefoii^
" fall. Mc that dcfjres xma to be better wat nem
taXtf Good; and ndioever ceaies cndeafoanigio
be good ceafes ta have any worth.
TfieFoiik' foUoviribg Letters are Lettett of Complimenv die Firft is Addrefit'd to timj Kbgof,
EnfflanJ, snd the Others to the Prelates of his Realm.
In ihc Ninety Six he commends /^iVW*/ Abbot of Fm/Am^ in the Dio^eis ofTcr^, for having cm-
fanc'd the Order ofCifteaux With r i of his Monks in the Year 1132. ,
Tn -hr Ninety Seventh he dilTwadcs Duke Conrade from making War upon the Count of S^tv^j.
In ihc Ninety Eighth He Anfwersa queftion which had been put to him. Why of all the Saints
that are in the Old Teftamcnt, the Church Obferves Feafts for none bur the Macchdbees} 1 he An-
fwer is ^at the Church takes Notice of them bccaufe they are noc unlike oar Chriftian Alattyis, ha^
Ving fuffer'd Death for not Abjuring the Lavr of God.
In tlie Ninety Ninth he writes to a Monk whofe going our of the Mc n^flery ha Wis Jcahwso^ hot
Juviog by a Letter Underftood the occafion of it, his Suipkiobs foon vanifli.
In the Hundredth he commends the great Charity of a cmain fiifliop tovraids the floor.
(lays he) a thUt^^fo me!! becoming 4 laptop; It is a great Ornammt to his Funilion in that not being
to be Peer reafon of bi Upvemus, be Neverthtl^t bat reiard \to the Potr mid Indiunti farit m nut
Potrertj tbatiMVhtWy iut the Ltve tf the Poitr^ tad the Pmt in GotJt mtt im fxmmmCd Imffy by tbtGr-
JfelJiUt the Potr in Spirir.
In the Hundred and - Firft, Ijc begs of a Monall^ to receive a Monk again that bad left thoa
Without Permilllon.
In the Hundred nnd Sivond, He Counfels an Abbot to tr]r alilheanS iohHagacectaitt Maaktoh|a
k)uty, and to cxpcil hmi u he found him Irredainuhle.
In the Hundted and Third he exhorts a Ileribn co ftiego tiK inondhMue Ltwe that he hadftfr
In the Hundred and Fourth he Advifes another ro quit the World.
The l etters following tu the Hunditxl and Fifteenth, ire E^Mitnisa ftvtnl Berfbnsa»^
hrace a MonaftickLife which he greatlr commends. •

In the Hnndred and Rfceeocb he dilnvades a Monk from rcrmin^ Hermit:

The Six following Letters contain only Compliments and Tha ,ks
The Hundred Twenty Second is a Letter of Hildebert, at that time Arch-BtlhopofT«Krj Addrefs'd
fco St.Benurdt in w^ich he greatly cQdnmends him and be»hi» Foeodftiip, wUdS Lemr Sc. Mmirnd
An^-vTs after a very Obliging manner ife the xaj. andin die tX4he Adnonftesfnato cnfarace the
Interelt of Pope Innocent IL
By the Hundred'Twcnty Pifiii, he lends loGe^fnyci Uhax to engage ui the Delenoe of this
Pope ag^oft Peter of Leon.
in the Hundred Twenty Sixth* Addrefs'd to the fiilhops of Limotet, PtiBiers, Peripteix and
Smtuet, he vigoroufly defends the Caufe of Innocent II. againft Gerard Bifltop of Atg^iidefim iMom fab
accufes to have en^g'd in the Inicreft of Peter of Leon thro' Ambition.
The Hundred Twenty Seventh is written in the name of Hugh Count of Burgitnd/, to PVtiluttn
Ctm^Pdakn^ wtom he Admfirilhes to qoit the of P^«r of L«M^ and 10 Aclmrledge Pbpe

fnihe HvndredTiwenty Eighd^^Sc.Blr•^lteplcacbesColIntPf7f^^ in that having once pn^

cnr'd r cace to the Church of PoRifrt, he bad aftetwards drbve the Clergy of Hibtm one of the City,

He Advifes him to ceafe that Per%ntion»

In the Hundred Twenty Moth, he Cooidels the Gern^ to live Peaceably with the CSiifeni
ilfFi/ky and to tohtiniie ^ithful both to the Pope and Emperor.
In the Hundred and Thirtieth, he Advifes likcwifc the Pifantinet by reafon of the gceat Af-
, jfeAion they had to the Pope.

By the Hundaed^ Thirty Firft, he puts the MHajtefe in mind of their reconciliation \V:th tfct
Church of l{eme, Said Pope lamcenty and canjeftly exhorts them to continue their Obedience and luU-
miflton accordingly.
The Three following arc Written to the Clergy ami People of Af/Vrr? npn the fame Account.
In the ^IMtired Thirty Fifth he rejeds, with a great deal ot Humility, the Ptjiifcs Which
Peter Bifhop of P.ivia had given him j and moretiver conunends that petfon f<A- bis Charity.
In the Hundred Thirty Sixth, he defircs Pope /wMcnrt to Panoa a Man that wai dilpos'd Ut
OMke (atisfttftion.
In the Hundred Thlrn SeVen?h, he implores the Clemency of the Emprcfs upon the 'Mifanefe^
whom thePope had noc recdv'd into favour till after they had Ackoowkdg'd Lotbmm for tiid^
King and Maftsfk
Ha U
Uiyilizca by Googlc
A Nei» Ecclejtafiical Hiftory
In the Munurcd Thirty Eighth, he rctjuircs Henr^Kuig of fn^/^tJ to AiUft Pope IiMocrfi/.
In the Hundred Thiny Kw>^ ^ accitcstfaei£aipaoar iMlMriui to icfCnge the Church npott
In rfae Huodred and Fortieth^ be recotnmcodstbe pUkatmu to dn« Vnace. •

In the Hoadred Fortf Firft, lie dotply Rcpnycoes UuiAm Abbot of 1^ fot Ittviog 4|iilina
jtiis Abby.
In the Hnndred Foity Sfccood, he eondoles die Monks of the Abby of die Alpi for the 1o6 of
ihcirAbbot Gti.nln, who hnd been advani 'f! to "he Rinioprick of Sion in Smt:^crltnJ.
In the Hundred Forty Third, he ezcuie» his long Abiencc to (be Monks of ClairvauXf a&Uhi^
4JMm that be hat been nokfi coaom'd than dry «baiitn» and exhoraog diem to PerftveTeiDilKK
The Two following Letters are wriacn upon the fame Account, with the (ame Tokens of Tender*
Ocfs and AlFcdlion.
All thcfe Letitits imt written nndqrche Pwnficaie ojTnmctntJL fcom the yev 1131 to As
ywr 1 1 37.

In the Hundred Forty Sixtli, lie congtatnlates Jburchard Abbot of Balert^ inttfinnch that tte
care he has uken to rciorm his Abby has ok been firaiElers;^ and fays the Gloiy it it dffc only la

The Handrcd Forrj- Seventh, is a I-ctccr of Thanks to Pr/rr, Abbot of C/wwj', for having Comfbne<t
hjpi ID the pains he had been at in procuring Peace io the Chut Jt. He therein c:t|ice0es ixt farisfed;!*'
'00 in that the ScfaifmfWi at length extirpated dience. .

The a Letter of Compliment written to the fame.

following is

, \n the this Abbot not to take fb much ^ aios to bring the

Hundred and Forty Ninth, he AdmoniHics
MonalUrv- of St. Bertbin to ridjie<2ion. '

in the I-Iiiiidred and Fiftieth, he Commends Pope Jmecent for havii\g made a Reformaticri in the
^ionaftery of Ve^tUy, St. Bemtet on the P^, and thofe of St. Mcn:e, and St. S4t/re. As likcwile
for the refolution he had Ihewn at Lieze in refmlng to gmiu InvcfKtures at therequeft of the Emperor
l.pthariui^ .ind for Excommunicating the Clerks that diftur! 'li rlie Church ofQrIearu. He exhorts him
to employ the like Zeal in oppoiiag Philipy Nephew to GtjUbc't Ardi-Biihop of Tou/x, who badfeiz'd
pppn the See of chat Church.
The Hundved and Fifty Firft is AddrefTcd to this whom he acquaints with his coooeCDtoiee
him ir^ged in fo pernicious an undertaking. Thefetwo Inters were writ in the Year 1 1 33.
In the Hundred and Fifty Second, he writes to Pope Innocent in Favour of the Bilhop of TVo/m, who
.{vasaapiafted by his Cleify. He danelay^ that the Infoknce of the Inferior-Clergy occasioned by the
Bilhop s negled, has every where dilhn^d diePewe <rf'theQ]ttidi • That Kfliops give Holy things
to Dogs and throw Pearls to Swine, wlio afterwards turn upon them and trample them under their Fa r
That tb^ fucharc cbey oblig'd to bear wi;b i that they hrft enrich them with the
Spoils of tbeQnwA widiontooneiKi^ them, and afterwards they are f&eed to fobnit to dietr Ihfii-
lenctes, for Prielh that enjoy the Fruits of id cr's labours live wltliout Gratitude to their Bcnefadors',
infomuch, that their Iniquity moft commonly |«oceeds from their abundance^ Towards the end K)£
this Letter, Bemmd & CKua
hmdclf fiir not having gone to wakoo the Pope as be bad been de»
In Hundred and tif ty Third Addrels'd to Bemardy Priqr of the Charter-Houfe of ?ortesy near the

Town of BoUofy which had ddir'd of him an Expofition of the Canticles, after havbg fpoken of
this Work in a vet; hnmble tnaoner^ he ffooiifet n
maicribe and icnd his Etgpfiqpn at the U||ia^
ning of tliac Book.
In the following Addrefs'd to the lame, having feat Undiii-DifoNnfi^ be ca[|idfes Int SiMOW tbtf
be had not IdHue togp Viiit that Chancr-Houfe.
In the Hundred and Fifty Fifth, he Acquainrs Pope Jnmcenty who lud gjven this Prior z BflhMitkk
in Lomlardj, that he is very worthy (if Honour, but that he is not a pre iH.r Pcrfon for the Place,
inibmucb, that the Letnbgrdt beiag a headftrong wicked People, a young Man that has always Liv'd
in a Ctoyfter, vvould find it a difficult matter to govern them, lb that he deiUcstbis Pbpfc to bmowtoni
him another Place.
In the Hundred Fifty Srxth, he Recommends to this Pope the Church olOfUmt, whofc See was
In the Hundred and Fifty Seventh, he Recommends to TJa'nmrti, Chancellor of the Church o^T{etne^
the Provoit and Canons ot the Church of Mevtiy m
the Dioccls of Orleam. Thele Two
Letters with
the foregoing, firom the Hundred and Fifty Firft, were written in the Year 1135.
The H-iniircd anld Fifty F-.r^hth is written to Pope fmcc:'nt, ccnci^ir-" the fvlurtluT of T/)5f7w< Pri-
or of .Si. / iitor in Para, who hau been kill d near (jounuj, by the Keiatiuiis oi' JLji'Mid Aah-Deacon
of ['am, in his return with Stephen fiifliop of BarUy to theAUwy of Chelles, w!nther they went to
make a Kcform in that Abbey. The Bimop of Fans was fo concern'd with this AfTainnaripn that be af-
ter prooouncVI Ezcommunicadoo againft the Muitherers and all their Adherents, refcrving to him-
Itlfonly their Abloliuion, he retire ro C/j/ru.iwx, whence he wrote to the Pope, and Ge^freji Bifhop
oiclmtretf his Legate, to codine them to do Jufiice upon the AOafiioes. This Leocr St. £frs4r4l
writ 10 the Fo^e in his Name to crite his Zed agaiBA Ai dcrefhMe an Adioo, and to beg of fahn to

Punifli the Arch-dcaccn of Paris, as being AccclTary to this Munher.

The following Letter is that vrkich was writ to the Pope in the aao e of the JBiAof 9f Pvt$, opoo
t'le ftme Aocouob


DigitizcG by G
o/thTy^dSiiCj&[itarY of Ch^ 5j
Abont tlie fine time there another Manlier Commitml on the Body of ArcbettAmid, Sub>Dean
of the Churchof Orleans^ nt clic Iiilli.'ation of a C.wm of Church. St. BemarJ v/riies alfO
concerning this Murthcr to (be Pope, by ht& Hundred and Sixty Firft;,er, co the end, chat fo Bar-
^ynus a Oimc miebt meet with an exemplary Puniflmieilr, not only in the Veribtt of dtoCe who fnel cxxn-
nutted the Crime, bui: alfo in tliofc wl.o were tlie c.iiife of it,
Tiicre are moreover Hinr '-Iitr Letters which follow tlioic, which arc ibe Hundred Sixticdi, the
Huadred Sixty Second, :^nd iandred Sixty Third, by which, he Recooianetids ib'ttAttolo Hairn^

rie , Chancellor of the Churchof Homcj and to another Cardinal.

Gtiifrej BiihoD of Chartrcj, tlie Pope's Lcgat, upon occallon of ilurie Murtbers, Commanded the
BifliK^sof the Provinces of [(Sjeims^ l>^r.Ti, Tjun, zaiSeMf to meet at die Conodlof ft^e toCoo-
denin the Autliors thereof, purfuant to the utmoft rigour of the Canons. We have not the Tranf-
a<£^ions of this Countil of Jotrret but we arc Aflur'd by a Lrtter of Pope Tnmemt U. Addrefs d lo tfat
aforefaid fiifhops, that they Excommunicated all that were in the lead conccrn'd in thefe Murtbers.
The Pope coonrms their Oecfce by this Letter, and becaufe it fonn'd to him that this Judgment was
not fevere etwugh, he oiderd farther, That no Mb6 fhontd be Celebrated in any of thofe places
where thc(e Murtlictxrs weic found, and that T/(/^ij.v.f', Kjn-r .'m^ and all others concern'd in the fnid
Marchers (bould for ever be depriv'd dtber of emoying or acquiring any Benefice. He pronoDncU
^(b AfMbmu's againft any ilmtrecdv'dor conceaf'd ihife AflMBnes. AU diislnptied inthe Vnr 1 1 3).
as Father MihiHnn te.lifics in his Notts.
The Hundred Sixt)' Foijnb Letter of Sc. Bernard is writ to Pope Itmecmty coneeming the dilferCTce
vrhich arofe m
the Church of Lanjfret^ about the Elc<^ion of a bi(]iop, in die room of IViHitm, whrt
Dy 'd in 1138. Pettr Arch-Bifhop of and Duke of B;/r^f/n</r, Would have cfiofen a Monk
of Ciwa/, yet I{fhert Dean of the faid Church, Pontius the Aicli-Dtacon, CWric, and the other Ca-
nons would not acqoielbe in this Eleftioa, btu demanded an Accuftom'd fiberty.itf dKiofing wlwaii
they pIcasM. The Pope writ to them not to make. choice of any without the Acfvice of fofne Pious
1 iVlen, whereupon, they had rccouric to St- BerttarJ^ and promis'd to do nothing but with his Con-
fent. 1 his Arch £in.op of Liont Agreed to, and the Pope likewifc approved of the Choice they (tjid
jnade.of Sc. Bermrd^ who was then at §tgm. In ins leinm, St. Mtmmd undcilNMliitt that they were
about toConfecrate a Bifhopof Lunfrnix Umty ^rfaidi he thoofdK not worthy, and^hom the Dean
and Canons would ur receive, lie went inunediatdy toibe Arcb-Biihop, and rLpr<^ renrcd to him, that

having afirced to be detcimiiKd by him, diev «> do nothing withouc him. The Aicb-BiOiop
laid all oe blame on Ht^^ Son w the Ointt of Burgurufy^ bat promis'd, that fee the flntare tii^
&ould be nothing done widwut his Knowledge. Sr. Brrw^r/^ propos'd to li avcrhi mttrr to a De-
biue in a eenerjd Convocation of the Biihops ami Clergy. Tbat Monk of Ciuajt who was about to •

hate bmiEledled, dar'd not appear, but being aniv'd on Friddy went away onSaMrili^. Tlte Arch-
Biftiop of Lims at the fame time wrote Two Letters to die Chapff r of Lattgres, qnirc contrary ro each
other, for by one, he order d them to proceed to aa Bledlion, and by the other, told them that he
bad nOK ahiOfetlicr rejedcd, but only put off to another time the Ordinadon of this Monk of Chtff.
Whcreufjon, this Monk obierving his Ordination to be ftopp'd, went to the King, and obtain'd from
him an Invdtiture, and afterwards aflign'd a day for bis Cmlinarion. Soon after Falctn Dean oi Li-
<WM, Pontius Arc h-Dc.-icoii of L.inores, Bmami Canon of the fame, with two Monks of C/dirvii«x, Ap-
peal'd to cbe Hoif See, and Cited dUdiexas well cbe l^tka chat woqld havebaoi Coniecrated, as the
rorfims that would have Codeenned tnm. St. Btfrnrd mfottnlfl the l^ipeof atl matrm tftat related
thereto by ih'-.s Lc:::r.
,^.tiie followiiijg Letter written to Dean FtUcout and <^t*y Treafurer of the Church of LiMi,. he.
awamends them for the Zeal they had flwwfl in taiaAfeir.

Not\virhftat>ding the Appeal to the Court of yet the Arch-Bifl]op of Liont, and the Bi (hop? of
'Amttn, And Ma/con, InltaUed and Confecratcd the Monk of Ciutij, which extreamly nettled St. Bcr-
luarjf for he wrote very eameftly about it to the Pope and Cardinals, in the Hundred Sixty Sixth,
Hundred Sixty Seventh, and Hundred Sixty Eighth i cttcrs. At length he Wroufilr fo much upon his
Holinefs as to caufe biin to di(approve of this lilcd-ion, aixi to give the Chapter leave to proceed to
4L Mew EkAiQft, after having taken Advice of St. BernarJ. Whereupon, tbey immediately went to,
wait upon him accordingly, and he after havuie made them all Friends, fent them back to make their;
Eledlion , as be Acquaints his Holinefs by the Htmdred Sixty Ninth Letter. Hereupon tbey Eledcd
GcJfrey Vtiot cf Clairvaux, a relation to St. BcrvAid, who having met wit^%ne dilEculty on the
Coanfidt4 Sl Benurd writ the Haodccd and Seventieth Letter to Lcmis tlfluWOiger, in wbicb, be
ttotefts inair no body had a greater Venetmien fbt His Majefty than MmfH^^nd a ft eivwttds Alfiires
him that the £le(ilion of his Prior to the Bifhoprick of Lnn^/es was altogether againft his Intentior:
and good likiro^ fioce it depriv'd him of the principal^mtbrt of bis Age and InfirttucVa yet that be
wA neverthelm fnbmit to the Will of God : That it was neither in the poWet of undeir nor the
King to oppofc it ; and that he was pcrfwadcd His Majefty Would not attempt it, bot leave the
Church of Lan/^res to rcscetiv its Affliction, having been long vacant together with that of I(heims :
That be humbly thank'd His Majefty fot vhat he writ him thereupon, and would hav e been confor-
mable, had not he fccn the danger of dr!iy-, n'^ likcwilc that the Revcmics of that Ch ir h wrri- '.n
Hackfter's hands : Tlut this was tiiai wmeii gave him the gieatclt trouble,^ and procur d no itri.ilJ
. Dilhonour to His Majefty, it being his Lhuy to prefcrvc the Goods of the CKurch : That the Eledi-
00 had been made altogether ^ccoraing 10 ronn i That the Berlbn Ele^ was faithfkt, tor that he
would not have been for him had he not Silk contented co do Homage to His Majeity fbir the Lands
held of tlic ^rown ; That he had all along tins Paxaution given him ; That he was not yet put into
poQeSioD, nor yet encer'd into the City i That &rlus fut ix had me4dLtd but Ikik with the out-

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54- A Nerp Ecclefiaflkd Hiflwy
ter^ d»*lie had been Invited to do It by the Clergy and Pt*oi)Ie, and that the Oppreflion of fcveral ind
Piayen of Good Men might well have cngagM hhn deeper in it: Thar as the taic now ftands, it waJ
Ibf hi* Majefty's Honour and thr Publick Good to defer the ConlinmEion no longer, and that if he
did HOC Return an Anlwer by thole that gave him this Letter, he would pendvcnture raife ihe Spiaiis
of divrr<; Religious Men againft him, and moreover Prejudice the Revenues of the Crown annex'd
to tins Bilhoprick. There is great iilielihood that : he King comply'd with St. Bfr«ir^S requcll, fa
the year following, F4/cwi Dean of the Church of having been Elc(?iui Arth-Bifliop thtno^
G«<^9 and &. Benuard wrote in his Avow to Pope imvcfit^ which 2td the 7 1 and 1 72, LctBcn.

In the Hundred Seventy Third, Sr. Benuiri icooniinends to firfMM the Monks of the Momftery of
The tiundrcd Seventy Foanb is the famous Letter which he writ to the Canom of Ljms^ concetnaijg
the Fctfkof the Gonaepctoo whidi they had newly Intvodnc'd. This Letter henbMiiiswh Coimncak
ding of <he Church of Lyons which (.fays he) " Has always been Prcfrrable to all the reft of Frtnct
not' oqly on account of cbc Dignity of its See, but 'aifo by theftnCi Order there kept. For is there
any where a better Difcipliiy to be- ^und, a greater Authority Eftablifli'd and of a more venerable
"Antiquity, principally in regard of Ecdefjaftical c*, it having never hitherto introdiic'd any No-
** velty, norluffer'a its fclf to be dcbauch'd by any change? Th'S has been tlx occafion (continues he

" that we can never enough wonder that fome of you could have the Boldnefs to Introduce a Fealt)
'* which the Churcli has not theleaft knowlcge of, which neither is fupported
by rrafcn, nor back'4

**by any Tradition: Are wc to think our ftlvcs more knowing or Devout than our Fore fathers? and
" is it not a dangerous Prefumption to pretend to do what they thought not proper? But (fay you)
** we
ouKhc CO Hooour the Mother of our Saviour: Why fo we ought in all leafon, Uit llili tbiebo^
** noor miA to a Qoeen demands Difbetion. This Royal Virgin has tio need of falie Hononr ha>
" ving Several true Titles, and being of a Qujjlity inily H u cuiMc. Honour then the Pijr:r)- and
Piety of her Life, Admire her fupcrnatwal rccundiry and Adure bcr divine pt{-fprin£ ^ Coauncnd
"herm that (he eonoehr'd whbooc Concupifcence, and brought foRh without tfonble: Affirm that
*' Argcis refpedled her. All Nations have dcfir'd I cr, that the Patriaic'is r.r:d Prophets nave been ac-
" quainccd w:ch her, -and chat fbe was chofcn above all Wotnen, and Prcfcrr'd to all her Sex.^ L

The Cbun^ teaches me to have an L^ncotnmon Veneration for the day when (he dy*d, and whei
,.*'fhcw3s rccciv'd with an unexpreflible Joy into Heaven. The fame Church Icams mc to honour ,

the day of her Binb, being verily pcrfwaded that like Jeremiih and Sr. Jdm Biptifi^ ihc vwas fai:<9ri- (

" fy'd in her Mothers womb. YOy^he Mother of mi Lord was Holy before (he was Bom, ar^
*' rhrrefore the Church" cannot err in believing that the day of her Birth was al(b Holy, rot in
* keeping It Iblcmnly as fuch : I alfo am thoroughly pcrfwaded that llic was cndu'd with
fo many Graces I

*' that not only her .Binh was fawftify'd, bat alfo all the reft of her Life, which was exempt from

all Sins a favour thu never yet was framed to aoj Other of the OH-lpring of Man.-^WlsK
'* then are we able to cenBibote to tbeie Honoms? Let her conception atfb mve Honours ( fay they
" iTncr It proceeded her Birth, bccaulc h^d rnc rliis CoriLCV'. f ri pr':Li?cdcd, her Birth could nor have
"been ezunt to be honour 'd. Vety wcUl fur the (atnc reafon any one might Celebrate the Feafts
.^'of their Father and Mother, and mouiK npwaidseven to their renMKtftAncellon. Thenwc flioald
** have a prod p-ou'-. Nnmbcr of Fcafis indeed, and which would be more proper for tlie Eterhity of
the ot^tT Lite than the poor circtimicrib'd Limits of this. But there is a Book ^iroduc'd where this
Feafl is Authorised, as they pretend by Divine Revelation. Why this mtgfacvery well be, and I my
•* felf could fooner compofe one in favour of any of my Aoceftors. For my part I am not wiilingto
"Credit any of tbefe Books which havp neither Reafon nor Authority on their (jde: F«
** what Conieouence is there that a Cbncepcioo muft be H0I7 beode die Krth was fo ? was fc

** made Holy t>y its Precedence? Whence had it this SanAity to communicnre m th^ Rirthi and on
the contrary is it not bccaufe this Conception was not Holy, that it Wii thought i.ecelTary to SaniiSi- *
fie the Virgin afterwards? Whence proceeds the pretended Sam^ty of this Conception ? Will
any one fiiv that it was- occafioo'd by Grace to the £tid that flie might Be concciv'd
" Holy^ But then (he coaM not reeetve the Appanageof her IXvudty before Ihe was Divine, and
chac i>,e could not pc^;ri!Tly be LX-forc Iier Conception. Some will lay perhaps that ftc was concciv'd and
" iandify'd in the fame Moment, but that is what they cannot reafiMiaUy make out, for how can Holf-
•*neftbe wfaeiefin aod how cananyonedeny that fin is noe 10 meet 'where Cqncu^feencets to le
** fouiKl. If iheyjfjl not Affirm flje wis concf iv'd by the Holy Ghoft, which IprcTumeno body wiU
*• Ofler to AlTm? ^o^t not having been ianctify d txtorc her Conception, became fhc
then wasno-
" thing, nor at her CflRcption, becaule (he was then in the State of Sin, (he muft have been fandi^'d
in the womb of her -Mnthcr after her Conccprion, and rhar the' her Birth was Holy her Conreption
" was not. In a word her goQd Fortune ot ^ing concciv U m 5an<2ity, is owing only co Jclus Chrift,
.^foall the other Children of Adam have been conoerr'd m Sin. This being thus, what rcatoncan
*'ihetc be for Introducing a Fcaftof the Conception? How can it be maintam'd that a Conception
** which proceeds not from the Holy Ghoft, but rather from lin, can be Holy ? Or how could
they con-
"jtir-e up a Holy-<lay on Account of a thing that is /lot Holy in it fcIf? The Church may have
realoB to boaft iodecd of a Feaft which honours tin or Aathorizes a tajie Holyndsi Yec whatever.
" People may rhinh ihe wiU never be brought to Approve of an Innovation oontrary herUfbal m
"CsifVom that being'thc Mother of Rafhncis, Sifter ul Superftition, and Daughrer of I cvity. More-
• **ovcr if they had proceeded rightly in Introducing this Feai^ tbej^ (kould firft have conldlted ihe
Holy See, and hoc fi^hiw'd UitidCy and without Deliberation rbeinggeftiona of finne half^brthM
" Idcots. St. BenmrdzdAi that he haa nndcrftood rhi'; »rror, was in orher Places; "Diat he nd hi I

tbcrto iiotbora. .takiof Nodoc of it oat of a Yeoerauon, he had ior the Holy Virgin wbtch prcv

biyuizca by GoOgIc
to fyltai ir lelf over the whole Church, of which he was a Member, lie could no longer dUlemble bS
rcfentmenrs without 0;rcr,i1ing all. He coocludcs, with faying, that he fubmits his Judgment to the
more Sage and Expcricnc d, and chicBy the AutbcvitvoT the Cbuixh of ^oiw. co wium, he ttHenei
the DedSoo <»f dus inauer, teit^ icadjr lo al«r Ui Opinloo jf tteHMy Sce faUbi adDdw
Some Autliors have undcrcakett Vtft Defence of die Feaftof tBe Conception of the Virgin, aod among
ochers, a ccu.iin Pcrfon has written a Treatife on this Subjcd, commonly Attributed to St. Aiifelm^
:wlierein» be aaacks Sc. Bernard wkbout namiiiB him. LikeWife an BmU(b lAosk. call'd Nicbclm^
Mint sficrie afier Sr. denna^J's Death againft hisLeaer. Tin* Monk liwbMn refuted hv Peter Ab~
Jboc ttCeSn ;and nt the fame time Poion Pricft and Monk of Proiii Wam'd ihofe that had receiv'd
time utm Fcaits which were that of the moft Holy Trinity, of cbe Transfiguration, and of the CSoooc^
tidiioirthe Virgi:), nll#likii heMeem'd Tery «niavaganL In the CentQry followinp, ^ImBeltA^
WndtVlIliam Dwand, Bifhop of Maruk, difapprove alfo of this FcafV, but notwithftanuing it was A»»
tbQR<*d in the Fifteenth Century by the Council of Bafit. It mult here, be underitoodwitb Facber
JMahiBon, that St. Bmuri/ means by Conception that faiM Inftanr, in which the fidbyof Ae\nA •
•was Concciv'il, and not with the School-Divines the moment of the Union of tbeSotd With the Bo*
tiff for he could not have overthrown thofc that fay that ihe was Sandtify'd tins Inftan^but ocdy fucfa as
aaaiacain (he was SaniSify'd before (he was animated, if he (boiild have compar'd her Sani(%fica-
^don with that of Jeremioj and St. ^ohn Bdftift^ but be fdainiy iniinttccs thae>^ was not Sankiify'd
Ixfore her Soul was Uniictl to her Body. Thus it may be ob(erv'd, thm-St. B&nard had no veff
ifiivourabic Thoaghts of the Immaculate Conccptton of the Virgin Maiy>
. The Hundred Seventy Fi^ Letter of Sc. Sanurd, ii «a Aniwer to ooe Writ ttl'lNin by the Pacri^tcft
of JentfaUmt vvherein, he Reeomfnends to bim die Knights of die(^. Thii Wcriaith was Wf/tf^
Ml of Flavdcfj, who had been fcrmcrly a Hcrniir at Tours.
The Hundred Seventy Suth is written in the Name of Albtrm^ Arch-Bilbo^ of Trpf^r to his Ho*
Vat& ftove Imutent. Tlus Atdi-Bi/hop not being able to go in Perlbn to wait on the Pope, writ^
fjim this l etter, to aflure his f-JoIincfs of the unfeigned Obedience (jf the Churches on thisfidethl
jMountains ; and moreo\'er ezhons him not to concern hiinfelf at the lofs of Benntmf and C4M^
•^wfcidi Iffgerni S/ajr bad rakcn from him, and Ukewife-afltires him, that the BiDperarLwfMrite Wit

preparing to march to his Relief. This l etter ¥»as written in the Year 1 135.
The Hundred Seventy Seventh is aifo written 10 the Pope, in the Name of the fame Arch-BilhopJ
Xvbo complains of the FiK^ue and Care be is like to iindiMo in his Arch4Miho|»icfc, He fays, he accep-
ted it not widiont regret ; that be is plagu'd by his Somagans who are young perfons of Quality,'
iand who rather oppoic than aifift him ; that Right, godd Manners, and keKgion, ate exiind in tbett
SufTraganfhips ; that he thinks faimfelf oblig'd to Acquaint his Flolinefs with what be wiU ndC give
Aim leave to reform; dum.nocwitbftanding, be undergoes Mncncty 4^1 (befe Af&oncs rather than adl
tay thing contrarv to die Ofaedknee be owes to tfae'li^ Oh^. Bot tWc be begs of his Holineft
to*coni;dcr that thefe Injuries fall ontbePaf:il Sec, and that Ac Contempt hnil of him iwders alfo the
Holy See defpis'd: That in a word, hebasfeveral more oom^aiitfs to make to faisi, of wbicbtit
fiobncfimay VbetterinfbmVI by tbe Deputy be baiila^ i> - i.
> «. 9^-
•. .

In tbe/sQowing Letter written alfo in the Name of the fDrmcr Perfoh, and Addre(s*d lb jbpe Jn-
ytocent. Se, Bernard lavs open all the caufes of Complaint whidi the Arcb-Bifhop of Drnet hid a-
gainft the Pope, |rounded upon the frequent ufage oi Aopeals, which faixwgbt all matterr fadbrtl thfe
Holy See, and cuirc deftroV'd the Authority of the Arcn-BiOiops and Bilhops. Obferve how St. B^ri

*nd chiefly thofe that lave jou beR. Tbcj amplain that Juftice m no mare to be faund in the CburAy tbA
9he Kffs tbMlf'imtmtf n»ii^^ imitbe Epifctfal Authm ity is rendred Defficntky by return thu ibt
^ ^_
JBi^i^ have m» no moire pmer I
. . • > . .

im Atr Diotejffs. 'T6e fimfrof

you abol'Jh what tJxy have ^ ,
That aS Crtmiaah and di/cbeditut Pflfeni, wbetbtr th0 be of jbi^tl$[j JUfljr A«v» » imaedL^ n^^
cewrfe to you, Andboaft nbtn inhnr j^ftm, tScy'lMrttim Nwf «rH Pr«wA«rfiiiAr«ig^
teen Punipocrs ,tif their Critrfi. Nt'hat a fhame is this ! What occafinr! Laughter to the tncmieS
of the Chuq:b Friends ^ttds tbon/efvcs Cwfmmdfd^ tfte
! Faithful Affronted^ BipMft become the SuhjeSs
^Stnrn dpHtettipt; dnd' imir Autbtrity much lejfend by the weakjttft Dedjfimti Ti tbc/e ott^
ly have a who labour heartily to frocure the Peace, and adv.tnce the Gr'andeUt
true vnfuc for the f fcly See,
of the Church of Rome, mil yen y cm felf weakpt your own Strength I He afterwtids pit>>
l^'ny therefore
cecds to reprefcn: to the Pore the mifchiefs occafton d in the Churches of Tout, VtrduHt andMrtf, bf
the Protedion w hich th'- Holy See has iinadvifeJIy bertow'd. He Accufes the Bifliops of A4r/;f, and
Tott/, of Tytanny and. MDgoverpment, and complains that the Holy Sec has upheld them in and
i^rcicularly ilut the Bilbop bf Alirf:|^ bad <jblfha a free Eledion made vinth all form, iabbCll^pK^
and plac'd ty his Aiithoriiy, a Probationer in the Church. At length he gives the rope an ettraor-
Uinary Character of the Arch-Bi(hop of lVet»e*, aiTut&ig him, that be is a much more fciitbful Perfon
buch 10 the Church and the Holy See. .

In the Hundred and Seventy Ninth, and Hundi^ ai^ Ei^edi LcRcriL be ICeooinmends nii b
pope the Affair wl^chdiisArcKiBifhop bad with W'mi^ Andde(6«i
fits Ho[iricr<; -o revoke the Bncf which thefe laft had bbtai'n'd. One of the greatefi Adeant^^cs of the
See^ (lays hej^ «/, tbat it can revokf whatever tt findt if kM beat tverfieM ittf^siuit^ 4> « ceruitf

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i4 M NeT» Ecckju^kal Ht/hy
ly *nd emmeiiJ.d>!e that a PerfinJh uUnot get any advanta^^e by I k Crime, and ahme aS xnrh thi
very /i^
H»lj See tmd Stnenigu Bi/bof* This « what atf^^gei me in a Mdme/i to re^uefi your Favour, in behalf
4f «Af jirfb-BiflMt ^TfCICt, » mJ ynt fmh Ulfltmett tfhm Interrity m I am pretty neU af-
fir'd xtiS fucceta. AS hit Crime it having *TcpcJ a Mon.t/lcrj out of the hands of Laicks, ''"J enJc/t-
Vturing to purge it tf itt Errtrt. '24dy God ai»ajj fortifie your Holine/s with hu Divine Gracf,
4tgt th€ MoMitmfpMmtime&HMrtmb yms Jlxffi Mmkr As* bmt
Order n»d Difcipline.
m 4^
tMtvtf mtrt Hum th^

. The HuiKlred and Eighty Firft, is a Letter of Thanks to Haimeric, Ojanccllor of the Holy

^i^llirtliiiidrect and Efg^cy Founh, he escnfet Ummf

to Pope Ihmttwf, ibr noc bdng aUe tofeml
lunlbme Religious Pcrfons, .is hf promis'd, by realbn of three lare Foundations b« had made.
lo ibi Hundred and Eigbiy Fihh, be exboas E$ifiaee who had poflefs'd biatifelf of ibc Church of
Vsbme^ 99t to pdtift b lilHKCgB tbto* a fidfe Glory, and by being Advk'd by Flannen who play'd
. . upon him.
In cbe Hundred Gttbsy Sixdi^ be rccomaiend^ to Simon 6on of the Chafteltm of Cambray, the Mookt

.of dK; Idoiiaflwy and d^ftcshtm locotdifaitbe Dooaoon wliidi liis Pttherbad made
• •
. The following Letters were writ in the Year 140. againft Peter Ah*el«rJ.

1 he Hundred Eighty Sevjoitli is Addicfii'd r> tboile Bilbops thac were to Afinbk at the Omndl «f
Sens all whom he exhorts to promote zealoolly the iwercft of Religion.
In the Hundred Eighty Eighth, he makes die fame Entreaty to the Bifliops and Cardinals of the
of ^gme. He in general accufes Peter Abaelard of Contemning the Fathers ; railing trifling (^le*
ppqn cilevaie Sobimat and, ina word, fat oodfiding too much in his Wu^ and not cana)an|
taalS^f with the phanm of Faidi, and amrwatds defcending to parciciilan, t(ftui (Cxys he, todme
tn^wbom he writes} Peter Abaelard"/ Book., which he calls his Theology. It i eafie to it fcvtid, brcaufg
ifiittt Stid, mtdtbkre gre 4 ffttt mamy Perfimt 4/ the Cmrt «/ Rome vtbt Hfok it. See there hem h*
sAMHm «/SK Af Htfy Trinityt tbt Gmmstim ^AtSm
ifQod, the Proet^m ^
the Hejy Gb^, mhJ fi^
9eral ether matters which both the Bars and Mindt ^
Catbelickj are hut h':f!e Acaiflem'd to, ^ad
m/e another which u faid to be hi Book^ of Proverbs, but which u Entituled, Nolce Tcipfum : There J9m
tti^. obferve bow full hit iVorkf 4sre tf Sacrilege gwd Errors. H^hat firatige OpMoms hat he ciirwuiiw tit
Soul attd,tb§ Perfin of J^us Chriji, of hps Defcent into Het, and the Sacrament of the Altar ; of th*
fwer ^
Ending and of loojir^y Original Sin, Concupi/cencCf the Sin of Pleafure, the Sin of weakjuft,

<&» ^\li ^yitraneej of the Aflion of Sinningt
rerfim to iemw'd, be jou a(fothe likft but that
AeH^Sef Sinniiig,
find hereby that I hav*
not be fo to nomftfi, btfirt to bej}ir jtur
fi^ fuitsbleto tbe l{an\. Dignity, ami Antbeirity if yottr Power. Lay thffe JVorky ef Dttrkyiefs oj>en, J^e^
frwtnd and Condemn them fublick,ly, ttnd fiop the Mouths of thcfe that fpeak^Evil.
Jn -die following ha/Hf co PopeiinMPatf,. he cxprciles bis conccBi u) chat Sciiifo had not been (bo-
ner cxringttifh'd, and that die Bnenof Ptter Abaelard, and AmmtirS B^v^fuH! not (boner been a-
boliHi'd. He Acquainrs hisHolincfs, that he has been invitcJ by the Arch Bill.op of S?rM, to enter
cbeLifis with AhaeUrd. That he came ac the time appointed, and in the Freiitnce of the Kuig, Bifhops^
Abbott and feveral Learned Men, he produc'd dhrm Artides againfthim, but as they were going to be
Read , this Heroe all of a futidcn went ont of the AfTcmbly, and Appcal'd to the Judges that he had
cbofen, which I hope ({vji Hi. BemardJ will noc be ap^v'dof. In his Abfence, the Articicspro-
Ms'd were esamiii'd into, and foond icpogMnt both to nuth and Truth. He coneludes dw
hexoek .

by camcjlly ochnrring the Pope not to grant prorcdioo or CQCOui^geiiieoc ID a Fcdbo that was at var
riance with the Eitabliib'd fencunentsof St. Peter.
The Hui^red and Ma«Ki^ is $ Ticaiile againft the Erroh of PMr jMiri, Hvhich ttaUbialbted
amongft bis.O/^«/«.
Tbt; Hundred N
irtery Firft is ^rioen to Pope Itmuent, in the (everal Names of San/on, Arch-Btfhop
of Hjjeirtu, Jcjfetin B\(tiop of Soiffons, Ceofrfj o[ CbaienSf VtAofAloifm oi Arras, ag.iintt Peter rfbae-
Ur4» -Tb^ are made to Accuiie hiq% of PrefuatRioa> Ejtor, and Hcrefic, and alio obicrve. that his
800k of the Trinity has already been Gcndemn^ to be Burnt by a Legat of the Holy See ;^ and
moreover, that having btftn lately Accus'd by the Abbot of, ro avoid his Condcmn.acicHi,
be bad Appeal'd to the Holy See, without caufc or reafon, againlt the Judges which be himfcif ba4
ina^e cbcucc of ; And thac the fiiOiops who were Aifembled about that Affiur wOuld not Decrfce any
thing againft him out of refpetfl ro the Holy See, but only Condeinn'd fomc few .Aitit !cs drawn out
of his BooJts. In a word, that it was ncccirar)^ xj^t his Holincfs llould apply fomc Ipcedy remedy co
a mifchief which <J.iily enotaled.
In tbcHundrcd Ninety Second, be Counlels Gu;, Cardinal of the Church of I(eme, nor to favour
the Errors of Abaelard on account of Fricixlihtp for his Perfon, and to frighten him the n ore f oin ic, he
telis bini, (hat be treats of the Ttiqity like .^Ct^w, like Pe/tgim CSaot, and Uke tmitrim 'oon> '

ceniibgtbePcdaaof 7(/Mr C/'r//7. - ' . "

fnOeHundfcd Ninety Thud, he witoto anoAer CardfnaTNamM ivr/, acquainting him that be
is furpriz'd that Ab.ielard (hould find lb many Fricixls and Protcilurs at ^pme.
By the Hundred Ninety Founh Letter, Po^ Innocent Anlwcrs i^Inn? Atcb-Biflxib of 5raj^ Sampfon
AsAim^*^ Sijteimtt the ^ops ihdr Si^gan% uASUUtnM^iMavtiiCUmvmx^'mx. Ik has
• been

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b/*fc Twelfth CctofuiTr
Wn at conccrn'd for rhcNovelttw advanc'd by JbnUrd, as joyful at tl» Zetl rhey Iiav?
(hewn ro ftppofc him in his Innovations nnJ dcclarcsjbat by the Advice of the Bi(hops and Cardinals

of the Church of fimtf he had G)odcjnn*d the Articles wfaicb tbcy Jiad icnr him, aud all the falfe ^

Dol^nnn o( Pet rAinufar J, together with their Atidior, on wboni he fai enjoyn'd pcrp«ual filcnce, as
being a H.-rrtak ; and moreover, that he i.!kcms all FolSowm and Oeunden Of ifade firrbrs, to
be worthy of being put out of the Cbmmuhion of the Church.
In the HanHred Nmety Fifth, lie Coanfels die BUhop of Con/lance to cxpd AmSaitfBr^e <m oF
bis Dioccfs, he having alrcndy been driven otrr of Itdljr ind Fr/uicr fi r his Errors
In the Hundred Nmety Sixth, he gives the fame Advice to Cu; the Pope's Lcgar, to whoin this ^r-
md ^s rettr'd for niclicr. .

Tn chc H mdrcd Nioffy Sevcntli, hcvrpram Ptur Deaa of Be^^tfat^ fl w atbing the Abbot and
Monies Char lien.
ot •
-i . '

In the Letter following, he eameftly Reoomniends their Cafc to Pope who refers it to
Abbot of Bonveva/, rhr n Bifhop of Vdlencc^ and to the Biftop of Gren^k, thK& detennin'd in fib^
voor of the Abbot of Che lieu. But Ptter not being willing to aoquiefce in their determination, coni
linu'd to importune the Holy Sec for redrcls, wliich occaiion'd St. Bernard to write the Hunarcd
l^Iinecy Niaifa Leucr to Pt^ iMMCfM/, to beg of bim to coniinn die Judgaveot .Prooouiic'd by the Bi- .

Ibops. • • • '

the Two Hundreth is written mt;^ Bilhopbf QOMenngadiOciCBoe beMcentbif fiiOiap

and the Abbeft of Fontevrauit, ' . . .

In the Two Htindted and Ftrft, be adtnontflies BMiuun Abbot of the Monaflcry of Ufaltm^ sa^
rcco: [fiends to him in particular three things, Firft, to inltrudl others by his Diicottfi^ Sccoodljr^ 10

give thcmgood Example by his U^ofks, and Thirdly, to apply himfelf to Prayer.
Id the T^/to Hundred and Second, heeJthbrts the Clergy of Senj not to proceed too rafhly in the E-
Ici^on of an Arch-BrfTiop, but to wait fcr the Opir.irn of the Suffragan Bifhop'% and conf-nr of
the Perfonsof Rank in the Diocefs to preveni tliat befailinji them which hapoed before to the Chur-
ches of their Neighbourhood, Qrleanj and LaniucdK. Hc Recommends to them, moreover to pro-
claim a I-aft, AlTcmble the B;il.ops, Suminon the Monks, and in fine, to omk none tbe reguifiiB
Ceremonies m this Ekdion. 1 his Letter was written *fter the Death of Hmry^ Arcb-Bilhop of Sens,
mbo was fuccecded in the Year 1 144. by Hu^h Abbot of PcMigni.
In the Two Hundrcxi and Tliird Letter, be Couniels the BUhop and Clergy of Tre;ej 00c u> Mss the
Sub-Deacon Anfetle to be Marry*d and carry Arms.
The Two Hundred and Fourth, contains a Chriftian Coinp'iment to the Abbot of St. Aidnn.
Tbe Two Hundred and Fifdi, is an Anfwer to tbe fiifhop of I^echtfier, who wrote to him lomewhai
fefereiyalxiiitcaafing i^a&«rrF«db to UveacP^ a •

In die Two
Hundred and Sixth, hc RecommcndcMe of tda Kindled lb Mdifiwdtt Qneen «f ftm- '.

JkUMf and wilhes her a long and happy Reign.

Tbe Three following Letters Addiei^'d to Hoger King'Of Sieifyf CQtnatn nothing remarlcable.
The Two
Mufxlred and Tenth) and the Eight following, are I.crrers of Recommendation Addref»*4
to Pope Irsmcent. In the Two^undred and Thirteenth, he complains that this Pope took little or nO
nodce of the Reconciliation made by his means with Peter of PiJ'a. In the Two Hundred and Si>»
tcenth, and Two Hundrtd and ScVenrcenth, hc Complains rhat l\itdulpbu$ Ccnini of VcrmandoK^ ha-.
vk)g put a way one Wile arid Marry d another, was fccmingly vindicated by the Couit of B^onie. He
fikewife (Commends Tbibaud Oount of Burf^ut^dy^ for talcing the part of the firft Wife which was his
J^icce. In »tbe Two Hundrca and ^ifibtecnth, he junifies himf^lt to the Pope agaioft a lufpicion had
of him concerning the Goods of rfie Qirdinal ail'uring his Holinefs that they had been embezled
contrary to his knowledge.
Tbe Two Hundred aod Ninieemh is^ AddkHTd to AlierJc^ Biihop of Oftia, S**ff^ o^. Palefirine^
l^mdr of tr^eati^ and Gerard Chahoellor of-^Churai of i^pmr, concernine a difference whicn bap*
Smed between the K tip of Fr.mce and the Pope, on account of i! x Arrh-Bifi.op of Bourses. This
rch-Bilhqprick bcmg vacant, the King had aiven the Clcrpy of Bourges leave to choofe any other
for their Arch-fii/hop than Petcti whom the Pope liad calt a favourable Eye upon. He was never-
chelefl Eledled afterward!;, and Corifecrated at R^me by the Pope. Whereupon, the King having
niade an Oath, that he (hould never be Arch-^ilhop duriitf his I ifc time, would not receive him, bu?.,
lieclar'd War againfl the Count of CAffn/r^jne, 10 Whom be Was retir'd. This caus'd the Pope to in* .
terdidi the Doniinions of FrtifKe^ and it was upon this occaf^on 'har St. Btmnrd wrir this Letter,
by which, be wills the Prelates of the Court of /^owe, that ihey might have learnt by the Pcrfccutu
on of Guibett, and undertakings of Bitrdin and Peter of Leon, how much Schi(m is to be dreaded, an<f
bow hazardous jt is loraife any diti'creqce batwecn the Regal aod Sacerdotal Power. That therefore tbejr,
revolt Aft with Prudence, and manage Matters with Lenity not to incixr the danger ot a New SchiUzi
That hc can by no means excufe the King for having made an Oath, which it was both a Criineand
Sin to keep ; nay, thopgh hc wp> in a manner forc'd to pcriionn it, being a cuftoo^ among the FrmeL
to oolcrvc any, iboagb n^er fo unjuit ; tlur his Ifwenwfii was nbt ib tjeceA
France, but ask Pardon for him ; and laftly, that the concern he was in, his Age and lilajjef^, aoid\
m Kbg w
fome ineafure delerve it, vvithout being like 10 do nny great wrong to the Church.
In tiic Two Hundred and fwcnticth Letter^ he writes lb Kii)g that he cannot hinder, tile ^tec*
thenhx's bcinc; rrr.ew'd againft ^4dW;/j>;/ ; and oideavoais tO pofwidc his %A^f&f^ iMt that 01^'
not tofet bim at v.^ri.mce with Count Jhibmd.
In the^ Two 1 iunda*d Twenty Firft, he fpeaks high tb this Prince, and takei a great deal of Libcr-
qf w R|«ov%biini Affirming that he it an Hacatf to Peace; thachekts vt^hded the Treaties which be

. J i^ .o l
y Google
A Nov Ecclejiajlical Hi/lory
hns mailc; thar he has communicarcJ with Exiominunicarcd Pcrfons; that he has cncoutag'il ManbeTf^
i'hcfr, Robbery, and the Deftni&ion of Churches ; that not contented to AfTume an Aotbority ottt
the Church of Bourses, which did nni helonp to him, heaUb hinders the Church of Chntmsfrocn ha-
ving a Bilhop, as likcwife permits his Brother to fcizc upon the Revenues of the Bitbopridu. H»
Admonilhes him to forbear fpecdily thefe Exa(ltions, ana ffcvcot the anger of God by RepcMMwr
after the Example of the King of the Nlntvites.
In the Two
Hundrtd Twenty Second, he wtites to Joffelh Biffiop of Soiffhtuy and AliboiC S^0m
cit Court To
cwife the Kings Minifti r, concemirp the occalions pretended ar fOf
of St. Denys , likcwife
War upon Oiom Tbilnaut, as alu> touching the wrong which the Kin^ did to the Churches.
Thefe Lettei i i inen with all the freedom iin:^tnable, extitramly inccMTd the King and bit Mbm--
ftcrs againft St. ScmarJ, who having undcrflood as much by the Anfwcr which J^fTdin fcnt him, he
iignifics aaain to him in the Two
Himdrcd Twenty Third Letter,ibat perhaps he had been a little boid|^
but riMtms Freftmpcton was meerly cam'd by Grief, and the Zeal he had for the Welftn oT the
Church, and moreover that it was to have b»rn wifli'd that they had made ale of the laoK JiibMy'*
and endcavour'd to reclaim the King by the like Admonitions.
In the Two Hundred Twenty Fourth, he acqnaims Stepbtn Bifhop of PaL-fhin: with the daibags
which the King had done to the Churches of Frmtct, putting him in mind that he oi^bK CD Rcpn^
having written to i^ome in favour of this Prince.
In the Two Hundred Twcmy Kfth, be CsbCRts Jo/fefin to endeavour a Peace. ^

The Two Hundred Twenty Sixth is written to the King in the Name of H^h Bifhop cfAuxmcy ai
likewife in his own, wherein be Admoniihes this Prince, who had ju(t before fruftraied a Ncgodttioa
began at 'Ctrhil, to renew die iame and to taw mcjie advaao^ems thougfaa ibr the ggni «f ite
Id ifie Two Hatched Twenty SevemlL be oonjurcii JeJJelm to ale hirlnimft cbn nft dmapt maj
cort-ie ro him cfpecial'yfrom the King, who WW not a Ihtle iooeni'd i^gainAbim. All thefe IJMM
were writ in the Years 1 1 42 and 1143. • '

The Two Hundred Twenty Eighth, is a veryOtil Anfwerto-a Letierof P««rr Mbocof 0Ib9i%
lately written ro him, whereby he pivcs him to tTn(?crftnnd that he cov.ld heartily wilh to renew the
'Fricndibip that had -formerly been between the^i^ and which was now Interrupted by fomcdtfierenoes'
as well on* account of the Bifhop of L4ingmy9S by realbn that Pope hmstem had dileharg'd the Onkr of
C^eauXy of the Tithes which they paid to Cluny.
The fallowing is the Anlwcr which Peter of Clunj gives to this Letter, in which after having hhifM>'.
ed on St. Bernardy a great many Complements, he fearcbes into the Reafoos, wfay the Orders oici^
and Cijleduxy which ought to live in good Intelligence with each other ,fb conriinially jar itid difnerec;
and he makes it plainly appear, that they have no rcafonable Caufc to be fo divided : For m
the firft •
jd^ce, if Iheir Dtffcrenoe be 'about Lands or other temporal Goods, thev have proper Judges Who taif
regulate tbofe Matters , and make Peace between . them. Secoodm cbnr ought not to difagree
abooc limr Monaftical Obfervances, becatife if the diffiereni Caftoms bt diffewnt Churches, hindera
n6t die Union of the Spirit and Charity among Chriftian.s, no more ought rhc divcriuy of Pra trices and
Ceremonies to be a caufc of Divilioo among Monk^ who altbourii thry are all of one Older, ycc -

inay have dlflcrenc tJfiffies and CMoms, St. Seimtt hhnfetf bamg oaen Mnfibk that hit OAet migte
. be u bjed^ to (bme Moderation or Explication. He then brings examples of ihcfc Differences, and Ihcws
that bci h Orders may obferve their Cuftoms feparatcly, and with fimplicitv of Heart, without condcnul
ning each other in thcm.Thlrdly,bc afinns that the different Colours of Haoits ooeht to be a left fubfedll
of Divificr-, fincc nothing is more ridiculous than for Men to fall out on fuch trifling Accofkits. And -
lafHy, he lays the blame on the Spirit of Pride, which (he fays) had divided the Monks of C/uttf and
aft faux J the former being unwilling that the latter fhoult^bc preferr'd to tbcm, and the btter GkMT-
ing that they had been rcftorcrs of the Order, and of Monaftick DifcipliDe. He concludes
line both Parties to live in Peace, and to prdcrvc n rrvitual Eikem and Value for each other.
U the Two Hundrcil andThirrieth he writes to the Cardinals of Q/?»«, F^efiati and Pdlefirhte^ 0*
reliere the Church of Metty which for (bme time had ratlier been in the hands of a Woolf than a Shep*
herd. He fpeaks ,of Stephen Bifhop of that City, and Nephew to Pope Calixhst II. who came ro the
Bifhtmkk whilfthe was yoiuig, which occalions St. Bernard to fay, that be began like a Hitte
Voolh bat now being become a great oo^ he rarag^i the Herd of Chrift hj iUpiife% CdoAvnili-,
oosand Murtherv.'
The Two
Hundred Thirty Flrf^ h wrirrcn ro tlic fnrrx- Cardinnls, in favour of the Abbot of L^ignf^
accus'd at /i(om« to have refus'd teceiviiig the Pope's Nuncio, 10 have torn his Holineflb Letter^ t^T
faaveiRiprifoned cettaln Monks, and to have given divers Lan^ of Ms Monaftery to hblUlaJant 'Cb*
Bimarfl after having exc-:cdingly commended this Abbot, procceilsto reply to his Accufations. tlrff •

be lays he did not entertain the Nuncio which his Holynels fcnt into EngUnd, by reafon tlMl
Provoft Humlm promis'd' to do it for him ; that the Letter which he was aociis'd 19 Iwe lOR^ tMv
yetwiiole; diat he never impifoned any Monks, but cnly fcnt fotrf were of n I^Crf turbulenc
Spirit to other Monaftcries, .nnd as for giving away the Monaftery Lands to his RehUMOa, he neve^
did without a Claufe of Revcrfion, and a Rent relerv'd according to Cuftom, and wbioh |tka ifc IVM" #
executed in prefence of the Bifhops of Seijfons and Auxency and of ThihnuJ Count of Chtr>npg^e^
Cd^ferraior of the Rights and Pnvilcges of the Monaftery. As to the reft, he faid it wasunaccouftta-
hk that a proud, rebellious and ambinons Monk, fhould obtain bis Liberty of the Floh See. Firmer'
fy /fays be), jtu have been accus'd of demmcerif^ ever the Clergy^ and the Ccn/ciencet ^
mU the JVerid^* .

tsMtrin |» the frecep of the Afojlle i aid nm

jou .»dd fentethif^ mm H
ilw Pr^fimpeion, ik floemiita^
4H lacUtuHtit n
il^t^ dHmefy^ aatlg^mt Perfin*-, A^QmmwA, f*ii> f kflm mtiHtm im^mMrySk

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of the Tinrelfth detittiry of Qriflimij. ^j^
t9 iefire nmty un^fs you xmliUkfimfe command over the Af^ttt. t 4o net impute tha to nvf twd P<f»
Innocent , eafi/ji have been over fafw.idcA^ being but a Man^
who mi^ht and I bt^ of God not to im^9 '

•r to him^ net in the kafi dttAtit^^ but vihen he (haU comt to a kiuwle^t ^tbe Trutb^ be abhor the
ftnimh^ ofJo tnnietom giU dtwvroiis a Perjon at that MfHk,vt0i.
In the Two HunJred Thirty 5».xond, he writes to the fnrrc Cardin>fe,lliat if the Abbof of Sx.Theo-:
froj^ commonly called SuChaffiret in the Dioccls otFuj in VelUj, be guilcy of iho(c ihings whereof b6
h aocafed, ihey ought not to iaToiir» but fpeedify pnnifli him.
In the Two Hundred Thirry Third, he writes ro ^ hn Abbot c{ Busej, in the Diooeft of f^koMff^
jcrfwading him to return to his Abby, whicli he had quitted for lomc time before. . .
• -i
In the Two Hundred Thirty Fourth, he jdeiires Herbert Abbot of St.StefboH of Ai/M^ cbpanlMi
Cfne of his regular Canon?;, thoi'ch he had written iiijurloufly againfl hiiu.
lo the Two Hundred Thirty l ifth, wrirrrn in the Yeir 143 to Pope CcleJlinelL He writes very

lilhxerly againft H^//i4!m, who had jjot poirc fi j

1 of the Arch-Bifhopnck of Ttrk^ being guilty of fcveral
Critncs which he was not dear'd from but by a falfc Oath. The Caufc was removed to Heme, apd .

he obrain'd of Pope Innocent a fiull in his Favour, whereupon St. Bernard begs of Celeftint odt to fuf-
fo ill a Man to connnue in poifclJlon of the Arch-Biflioprick of 2«r;(^,
In the following Letter he writes upoq the lame fubje^, and after the lame manber, co the Preiases

tfdie Court of . »

In the Two Hundred Thirry Seventh, he wrircs to the fame, concerning the Eltvatiun of Bcr*
Abbot of St. An^afmy to the Sovereign Poniiiicatc (£itfc»m 111. who iucceedod l-uclw II. in
Kd.Year 1 145.) He amntres how chejMDuld draw' hhn out of bis Cloylter wlwre he was at quiet,

brmg him into the World, and lay the whole Care of the Chiirrh uf on him, which he fays make*"
fim'vcry mueh doubt whether he will be able to (uiiam the Weiglu, and therefore recommends
tD chem to furnort him therein.
The Two Hundred Thirty E'ghth is Addreffcd to Pope 2t/vr«j/wf,thcn but newly rais'd to the Holy
See. St. 2(-rn4/-.^ acquaints hun with his Joy> intennixt with Grief apd Fear for his Elevation to t^ac
S^icy. Ai!k] Afterwards he exhorts him to fiiftab with A poftqlidc Zeal, cberublime Mmif^ry wUdi
Was conlfflittcd to him, and to endeavour to anfwer the Opinion people ecncrally had of his Virtue,
He writes to him particularly concerning the irregular Lives of the Arch-Bilhop of Tir^^ and the Bilhop .

flf Wimchefler. At lengrfl he recommends to him to aboliHi the wicked Cuftom crnt into the Court of
I^Mt, of bcftbwing Favours foe Money j and moreover admonilhes him to temenioer at a^ times, diaf
lie is a Man, and to. think often of Death by Refled^ing how little time tbe Pontificates of feverai of hit
Rcdccc{fors have iafttd.
In the Two Hundred Thirry Ninth, and the Two Hundred and Fortietl^ie writes again to tbe Pope
Ijpiuift ^ Arch-Bifhop of Tar\^ and prefles his f4oline6 to fiifpend him.'
The Two Hundred Forty Firft is written to Uildcfctifu,, Count of Thnloufe, concerning the Errors

ifHemyy Dilciple'co Peter de Bruys, whom this Count favoured. " How many Diforders (/^«
do we every Day hear that Herry commits in the Church of God ^ That ravenoas Wolf is w^dufir
•your Dominions cloathcd in a Shecps' Skin, but we know him by his Works. The Churches are
* forlaken, the People arc wiciiout Bill ops, snd the Bilhops are no more rcfpcded. In a Word,, tl^
'* Chritlians arc without Chriif, the Church are like Synagogues, tbe
Sanduary dclpoil'd of its ^oly-
^^'nefs, the Safraihcnts look'd upon as pmphine I';fticution$, the Fea'l days have lolt their Solemnity,
** Mm croW up in Sin, and every Jay Sou'- ne botn away before the Terrible Tribunal of Chrift,
* W'lbout being firft recoixi.'ed 'o t- furt'fy'd w;rh the Holy Con-iir.uiiion. In refuIingChnfiians^P*
**iirtn« ihey are'dtfnyed the Life of Jcfus Clitift. A ^^an that l eaches and A&s lb connary to thd
•fWtU and Word of God, cannot be frvm God. And yet alafs he is hearkened to by numy,aiid finds

•'lljo^'' Ji m arj ready to belic\ehlm. He umjIu Iiave Pupic l>clicve that the Chib-ch of God i{ ata#J
End, and rcduc'd only to that Imall nujnbcr that he impofcs 00 : After havii^ been driv^ out of
fV4Me«; hit nevetthetefir finds an /t£fbem in your DDonoioftS. Coniider with your felf^ Great Prince,
*' if this Pcrfon does.yoa any Honour; be is an Apoi>atc ; for after havir;g quitted lus Cloyikr to
live lor>fely, ahd npt being willinjK to tarry in his own Country, or raihcr havmg been whipp'd oat
^of it, he went aboitc bcg^g.hls Bread, and Preathing for a wretched Suftcnance^ trA whenever ic
hapn( d,that he got any thing over and above, he did not fail to confutne it at Pliy, or at other
* means more fiiamcful. This famous Preacher lus been often lound with Women of ill Lives, lo-
•* form u: 11 f therefore, I befccch you, how he has been driven out of Laufanci Moitti PnRifrs
" ind Bourde.:ux, and what Reputation he has left behind him in thoie Places. St. Beriutrd fends
this Prince word, that he is coming to reform the Diforders that this Prince has caufed in the Churches
lof his Dominions ; that he has Authority for that Purpofc; that he ft.all do his urmoft endeavours to
ciftifpate this pernicious Plant , with afliltance nf the Bi(]kOps,'and.panicularly by the Authority of
the Cardinal ofO/li.i, who will be lent on pur^Kifc by the Holy Sec. He takes notice to hun, that
it will be for his intcrtd to receive this Cardit-.::! K:tiL;]y, .md to joyn his Authority Widi tftfirfi to
the end, that tlic Pain^i they fliall take /or the Salvation of him, and his People may hoc pioire o? no

In the Two Hundred Forty Second, written by St,Senur4$fm his return from this Country, Be
exhorts the People o(Tbo!cufe to (l un Hcreticks, obey cbeir lfiflK»| ekerdle Holpitality, and npK »
fiiffcf any Preaom among them, but fuch aii have either QnliootiOR from ibdr Slhdp or the Yof^
Thefe Letters were writ in the Year 1 1 47.
The Two Hundred Forty Third, is Addcefs'd to the Lords and People of J(«nt4^ after they bad
driven out Pope Bit^enlus III. Hrre^roidict cheorlevifely fir this AOkM, aoi tibofirtt dwm ii» n-
#qB6iIt thoDKlTca $ecdiiy to him. f
I» to

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6o A Nei» Ecckjiafiical Hijlorj
In the Two Hundred Fony Fourth, he exhorts Ccnr.uh^ King of the {{aiunt, to Re-eftablilh the Pope,
and Punilh the Rebels ot I{cme ; giving him to andcritand, that it is as much for his Intercft as for that
of the Holy See, that the City or t(gme which » Metropolis of the Empiiv, Iboiilil be undet hb Sub-
Two Hundred the Zeal wh:ch Pope Eu^emm (bewd io oppoijng

In the Forty Fifth, lie Coinmends

King Lfcou the Younger s obliging of Orleans to quit his C.lltoprick.
Elioi Bifliop
In the Two H
ndred Fony Sixth, he Recommends
this EtflXjP lo the Pope, beiitt before but m
hombJe Monk, and entreats his Holinefs to take pity on his Condition, and to provkTe for the Payment
of his Dtbts, out of the Rrvcnu« of his B.ldpnck.
In the Two Uandred Forty Seventh, he Frays the fame Pcjpe to permit Sjuo^oh, Areh-fiilbop of
Rheim^ to tnske nfeof the PaOkm which he had been forbidden, onflccotrnt ot his having CrowiTd
King Lftpfl in the Church of Bctir^es in prefence of the Arch Bifhop of rfiat City.
in the Two Hundred Forty Eighdi, he adyifes this Pope not to furtcr himlcJf to be over-reach'd by -

the Bi(h«M»of5enf, who wtas coming to wairoaim^ to get himfelf re-cftabliflt'd.

In the T wo Hundred Forty Ninth, he recommends to (bc lame Ordtrt the Ptior ofObiifS-IIlMi^ Bi*
flioP Elect ot y-iicncc, cholcn in the Year 1 45. 1

JO the Two Hundred and Fiftieth, he Acquaints the Ptior and Monks of Pcrtesy that they ought nor
IDiake it airifs that the Pope would nor allow one of ihc'.r FratcTniiy to bc Bifliop, though hr was
choien. He fajs, that perhaps his Holinefe would not aJma oi, bccauii^ he was coo \ oung,
and diat he would have nodiinig to be faid afterwards apainJt the Eiedion. And as for his own part^
he fays, I rever oppos'd it in the kaft. Afierwardi, h^ tells thenu that be is fornp that the Abboc.

of Tnyes bad u r uen to them fo very harOiiy, atid he concladrfhis Lener wiih tfaefe Humble Words.;
AJr Marulriiit Life .md my AffiiRed Cimfcience Cry tnntrdt ycu for Cemf.ifjtm, fur I am a kind of yfm'
fhibious Crcitvrt^ thit neither live altogether at an Eccle/lijiick, ims Hfcltrfe j snd it i wv a Jet^ wbilt.
jmce i have quittfd the Life <f » Mm
t witlxmt forfel^ng the UMt. I tflrem ii meSefi «• ac^mit ym
mth what ycu w ir r. /i!y ftom oti crs, tl'iit is, what t Jo, what I e'r.ploy my filf about rr A„-- ,

^ards I exf^e tfy feif to in the fVerldt and tf>r$u£h wLat dsngert I am cemftlkdtp gal l[ jnt are not
mequaMei mth thrfe I befeethytm t» injvmyttir fehes tf tttm, «mJ i«ae ttiru^j lemmt rhem^
to favoitr inc 'Ts'h reur Advice and Prayers.
In the Two Hundred Fifty Firft, he intercedes to Pope Ei^eniui m behal^ot tbeMortks of Bamm,
whom t^'s Pope had puiufli'd bydnnging their Abbey to a Fnory, for thdrhavteg fl^lnd^ Aflcho^
tity of rhc HoI> S c.
In th Tno Hundred Fifiy Second, he conjures the (ame Pope to put m cxccutjoo the Scac^ice pro-
noun ti by hin'x-trrt II. againftthe Arch-Bifliop of Terlf.
7 he 1 >vo Hui.dTd Fifty Third is an Anfwcr to a Letter from Htigb Abbot of PremtfOr^, who had
m.idc tLicial Cga.pkint^ agsintl the Monks of Clairvaux. SuBenuod tcUs him, he did doc do well
to co<Vipla nf him and his Order, fince he has always had an eflcem for that of Prrmmrrt, andthac

he ha^ done them fevcral Services upon divers occalioiis : He brings leveral Examples of wbtt bt af^
ferts;, r^nd at length juftifics himfelf againft What that Abbot bad alledged a^ainfl h^ Order. Towards
the end, beadinoniljcs them not ro break the Union betwixt them, **^"'^««g ^*h'HT filT hff flf
be Iball never bc wandna in the Duties ol Charity and Frieridihip. s .

In the Two Htmdied Fifty Fourth, he Cbmnier?ds Gtt trmL Abbot of the if//r/, in eudeavomiw^ttt
reform his Monaftery, and exhorts him, not to diiconiinue lo good a Work out of fear of net being
ab c to accomplifh it white he lives, fincc the itort time we have to live is not fufficieot excufe fior ooc
cod<*avourine to makr onr felves perfcd, and that fucb as do not hbourafier a progrefe ip Spiimud Aflam
go backward ir^lead nf ndvancinp.
Tn ihc Two Hijpdrrd FiUv Fifth, Ik exhorts i.f»i/ the G'o/}, King of Fr«»cf, not to binder the faol* ,

tiingof aCo-nc 1 whicii he oelieve^ neceflary for the good ttf the Chofcfa. It is of the Cotmdl c^Fk
fa •] >t be ff;<aks, convenVl in the Year 1134, fo ihac this Letter oughciopceoedeifae odbcttby imqy
In the Two !lurk!rcd Fifty Sixth, he exhons Pope Bttgemiis not to be difheanned becatde of fboc
lOiiics tW Ctrifli'.is lad fisf^ain'd in the Eaft, but to fuccour and affift them 10 his power. He more*
ov^ tells him, thflt he was more than ordinarily furpriz'd when Ite heard that be was pitched upoo
for Gs. of" rl"' Army, ihat Wi>s 'o thithir, being no way? (]u.-!liry'd for thatEmploy."
)n the Two Hundred Fifrv <Scven:b, he writes to this Pope io favour of Pbilif, who was become
Monk ofc/wvivjr, after he Ind been fbfpended from his fiuhopridtof T«nnr«oR, anddefifeslutHoli>
ne[> '0 be kind to him.
The 1 brce foil ving Lctcrs were writ conccmirg ^lalenm^ who bad Ixen cbofen Abbot of St. A"

naf^^fiui. Sr. tsernttrd *frcT having reqtiefted of his rlolirtels by the hrft of tbefe Letters to di&hai;|tf
him froiti hi- Bii'^hrn; Inti c Sefond, ror.fenrs he Hiall continue ir, fince hisHolinelS deficSlC*
^ and by ihc 1 ii.nd, he Admuv.ftf'- tins Abbot tiot to be uiitafie under his Vocatioo.
In r(\e Two Hundred Sixty Firft, he dcfires Eiigeniuf to take ort the Excommunication prononnc'd
"agamft thr Abbot of Sr. Vrlat. who had Iwftow'd the Habit of Order en Kiiight Tfrrplr.r.
, .t

The Two Hundred Sixty Sci^oaii, is a Letter of Rccomintndation to the Pope, in favour of the
Monks ni Mei':^cit.

The Two Htindred,&iziy Third is Addrefs'd to the fiilhop of Stiffotu, in favour of ibe Abbot <tf
Cbefy. *
Tiv 7" 0 Hun'Ved Sixty Fourfh is a Letter f o:n Peter, Abl>ot of Ciu>:y, to St Bernard, in'

Jie exitcamiy Commends Sc. Bernanff and begs of him 10 fend hio) his Secretary Nitbtlmd

J .i^cd by Google
TTicTwo Hundred
^^A^ Twelfth Century ^ C^r/yi/»w>jr.
Bi-rmrSs Anfwcr, in whirh, he rcjci5^s the Pfciifci pitcn hirni
Sixty Fifth is Sr.

and moreover infonns htm, thac be cannot lend tiic Pcrfon he ddires, by realbn, tpsi he VvfS.wiih the
BUtop of Amxwt^ where he vh» lb Skk dm it was iiiipodSble be (hould tomi tb X:l^4»x tvkfMiak
ftrar inronvcn'tnco. ,

The Two Hundred Sixty S:x:h is written to Sw^frw, Abbot of St. D«a/% a little before bis Death,
He exhorts him to prepare cour.igeoufly fur Death, and prcfelRs a great ucal of Fricndl^.ipfor him*.
By the Two
[ luniired 5ixiy Seventh, he tells Pope kujitnim that he Was frcdy dcceiv'd when }k

to the Ecclenalllcal Dignity a Pcrfon Convi<!hK] of Crimes and Condemn'd fnr them, by Um^wrt bU
Ikop of Anteu'efinty and therefore bc^of his Holuu Is to revoke what he had done
In the Two
Huodml Sixty Ninth, be lends him Word that he would not have him give Credi( to* a
letter he lately wnitefaiiii, abouc a Krfim who bad OTer-fcadi'd himby a ReoomnKmbtioii from die
I Bifhop of Bc-iuvats. '

lo the Two Hundred and Seventieth, he writes again to the Pope, in favour of Anthelmusy Prior of
die Great Chaiter-l^Miie, who having rxpeM'd (bme of bis Monks for Dilbbedience and Irregularity,
they bad gone tt> /^•^«>'*, and obrain'd a Re-cftab!ilhmcnt from the Pojx;. St. Bermtrd favs, that from the
firft foundation of this Order, he had never heard that a Cirtimfmn who forlook his Cloyfler hnd crei"

been receiv'd again, witbonc making ample Satisfat^lion ; that thefc Monks who had thus forfakeit
their Order did ycc worfe in reriirninp to it. " And what good (fays Ic to tl>e Pope) docs your Holi»
ncfs bcUcvc, that thcfc Monks could do, whofc leaving ihcir Motialicry was an cficdl of Dilobedience,
and rfidr returning to it ilic Produd of Pride ? They rejoyce for the 111 they have done, and infult
" over thofe whom they have OiFendcd ; and, in a Word, they even Triumph for having obtain'd the
•* Vidory. The Prior is no more Prior ; be bears his Office with ttgrcr, not being willing to fee
" the D^truAionof his Order, and he would have left his Monaftcry long fincc, could he haye gone
out aJooe.— ——Conlidcr therefore moft Holy Father, {cmuinues be^) bow you have been over-

*• ftadi*d, and what Ptanilhment he dderves, who has chtis deceiv'd Take Care then dial
y ou . ! . i

the Prior be rcftor'd, to the end, that Iniquity may not Triumph over Jullicc. He afrcrwards Ac-
quaints the Pope with the Death of Hfipnond^ Abbot of tifieaux, and that Go^in, Abbot of Bonne-
««4 had fiieceeded Imn. This Abbot C^'dio die Year iijt. Tlus Lencr ihetefiiie bdoi^ to tha^
In the Two Hundred Seventy Firft, he cxcufes himfelf to TZ»i7'W, Count of Champagne^ for ho^
fiiring tobe cooccm'd in promoting his Son's having Benefices while he was but a Child, and this fet
Confcicncc fake, well knowing that Ecclcliaftical Dignities ou^hi only to be bcftow"d upon fuch as are
able CO acquit themielves of their Functions, and moreover, it being not allowable for one perlbn vOt-
cn/ny fevcral Beotfoet at a dnie, unlels by Oifpenladon or fixne txher oiofidaiUe icafai tbat dMt
Church may have.
Id the 1 wo Hundred Sevetwy Second, be exhorts die fillhop of {GamUr Abbot of Sr. McIvmI
«bo vm jnade fiilbop of diac Seeintfae Year tiji') n> Deiecoacil'dib die Beariir m dUtlo*
< The Tvro Hundred Sleventy Third, is wiiiicn to the Abbot and general Chipter of Ciptmoit Hi
givvs I..".n thathcconfd heart 1} wif^i his Affairs WOnld giVe him leave toAflift io
tc ui.dcriland
their Chapicr, auJ ;i'.ctecvcr AHmontlhcs them to Labour in the Reformation of their Order.
In die Krflowmghe thanks Pope Bt^etiiat for tb? Letter fall of Qurity and Zeal which be had writm

to his Ch,nptcr, and moroov .-f nrrcats him ro continue always the fame good will towapds his Order*

Heacqua n:s h:m owarils rhr Lnd ihat he is Sorry that he bad taken firom them Hugh Abbot of the
T/wff i-''<w»M;"«i, trmakchimaCardiii.ll.
In tlie 7'wo Hundred Seventy Founh, he gives this Abbot of the 7hee Pctm'tahis^ to Under*
ftand, that he Rcptnis having writ to /^uwf, iti favour ot the Nephew o( Uu^b Bilhop of ^«j:frr* then
lately Dead.
In the I'wo Hundred Seventy Fifth, he Acquaints the Pope with the Difturbances that had hapned
in the EIe<2ion of a B'fhop to the Church of if and what he had been Inform 'd by one of his
Monks, lent thither conceninig :he doublAiev5tion there made.
In the Two Hundred Seventy Si«h, he Acquaints him likcwifc that the Will of the late Bilhop
^ phew
Auxerre^'htd been
feveral Benefices
made by lupge(!ion
and Churcii-1 ands.
of Deacon StepI.en, at Whole Reqneft he bad given lib Me>>

In the Two Hundred Seventy Seventh, written alfo to the Pope, he recommends to him Peter Abbot
tfCbm, vvho was on his Journey towards J(mv, and begs that bis Holynds woold dot j^vebim leave
loqaitmAbby altho' he rh,ould dcHre it.
The Twb Hundred Seventy Eighth is a Letter of Recommendation to the Pope in favour of Henrf
Bilhop of B.-jiiv.rif.

In the Two Hundred Seventy Ninth, AJJrcfs'd to fi^rrjf Son of TLUnuJ Count of Cl^awp/igne, hi
begs of him TO dojulhcc in behalf of the Abbot of Cbatilien^ on the Lord of Bclfort, whole Servant*
ba3 taken fevcral Canlc from him. •

The Two Hundred and Eightieth is writteii to the Pope concerning the Eletflion of a Bilhop of Auxerri^
The Pope having Undcrftood that there were two different Eledion^ deputed St. Bernard, with tw6
other Pcrfons ro proceed to a New one, St. Bernard and one of the Ele<ffors pitched upon one Pcrlbrt
who is thought to have been AU'm who got the better, biit the Third ^ve his Voc$£ir another. Here*
upon St. Berturd pra) s the Pope to procure the Conlent of the Third Feiion, Aflbiifig bii Holyoels,'
.' that he could .not have thonyhr of a more proper Pcrfon tofervethe Cburcb^ flod 10 piWCni the Oi^
iigns of the Count ol Ncven upon the Church of Aiixerre:

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A Ue» Ecclejiajlkal Hifiwf
TbeTwo Hundred Eighty Firfl contains jrReprimud wIiicfa^gmdK iUte of Clt^^ ftrAtf
Liberty he bad' taken to talk injuriouflyof hith.
In the Two Hundred Eighty Second, he exhorts Lrvil Ae Younger, King of IPrmee to give In*
Confcni to the £Ic(5lion which had Ixcn inadc of a Bifhop of Aiixerr:.
In the TwoHundred Eiehiy Third, he writes to Pope Eu»enm touching the rcftimtioo
dcmaiMled by die Monks oT die MoAadcry of the Mirrour^ of the Order of CiffemiXt apoff tfie
Mobta of Ci^nj of tiic Older of C/««7, of 30000 Soh. Hereupon rfce Abbot of Cfffn^ and Sr. Bem/srd
bad endeavour'd to accommodace the Diiicrence j and the Monks of G |'//, having little to fay for tbeto-
felves, ScBmiMrdhu reeoorfe co the Pope, ducbewoiild be pleas'd 10 do jo^ce in belnlf dfdnfe of
the Mirrour.
In the Two Hundred Eighty Fourth he recommends ro this
Pope the Ai«ch-Bi(T;op of J^cims, the
Bilhop of ylrras, theAbbot of Jtumrt^ and fomc others.
The Three following Letters were written in favour of Odon SucccfTor of Su^rrm in the Abby of Sx«
Dmjs. The Two Firit arc Addrcfs'd to the Pope, and the Third to Hu^h Bilhop of Ojlia.-
die Two Hundred Eighty Eighth Addrcfs'd to yInJrcw his Uncle, a Knighi Tetppl;»r, he ac-"
apaints btm vfritb his concern for the ill Succefs of the Croifade occafon'd by the ill Condw^ of the
C^ftian l^rinces, and fays he hopes to fee that Enierprizc accompltfli'd before he ditfs.
In ihe Two Hundred Eighty iNinth, he gives wholclom Advice to McHjtnd.% Queen of Jc uf^lem.
£1 die Two Hundred and Ninetieth, Addrefs'd to Hi^h CW/W-Biihop of OjlUt he writes agaitift
the Conduit of ford.iin iet Vrfmi^ Carainal Legate of the Holy See in Gemerj. Tern Lefrnti ( fays be )
ha, left l-rbind h.'tn P}.im:ful Marh"^ hit Expidltien ipijere-evcr he b.u been, for he has pf d all the Clitirchei
Germany J France, 4>u/ Normandy with Saeril^es, It n faid that bt btu done great wf,ny III Things tm»

wtniy V bu Cbarafler, l^pbh'd fhe Ckmiet infaiit ilr be emm, Mdtvery wljere p'tc'd T:m,g hfrn in Mi^
tMl^icAl Dignities ; That /ever a I have paid him great Sums of Money tok-'Pl"^ out of their Country'^
"jOiat h Emijfitries be bat Extorted and ExaHed Mrnej from tbofe places whither kt could mtro i^i^

fiif: In a wttrd he m hecmt the By nord ef the iVcrtd: Every Body Jlitbts andfpeakj iS of hinii "ne nit
Monkj a?id Other Clergy complain of'>im: Thofe if Ifs Prcfejjlcnl^ave tlie ^reatcjl AHtrrence of Bit
Life and Conv rfution j and Laflly he hat little refeinl'Iance with John Papcrans, who was Legate at that
;.iiid, and who voas /ufily Hotuur'd andH^cwardcdfor ha faithful and Pru hat Minljlyj.
time in Ir«. $t. BemstM
dcfias his l.t mav be Read to the Pope, to Aflift him in his Pr(?cccdirgs againft ihis loofe Legitt.

In the Two Hundred Ninety Firft, be prays the Pope to have compaflionon the Monaflery of 54^
Eiijfnde on Mnt-Jura which was almo t rum'd.
io the XwoHiuidced Ninety Second, he reproves a Mao *of dk Wodd tot IdsHiag eUatkl0£A
to diPwade one of fats Refanons fiyan turning Monk. .

In ihc TwoHundred Ninety Third, he wr.ccs to Pem Atbot cf CMs

CBllCMdri|t iMryM
Abby of Che// whom he had receiv'd into his Monaltery.
In the Two Hundred I*)inery Fouidi, he leontomcMs to the Pope, ffftttMk PdffhuUt Bttidp' df A
J^dnsy Accns'd by one of Jiis Clergy.
In the Two fblkiwing Letters he recommends alfo the lano^ Pcrfon to the Cardinals Hemy, and
Hugh Biflvop ot Ojlia,
In the Two Hundred Ninety Seventh, he fcr-ds b^ck a Monk of the Afaby- of JllwrtitMSSIftV

who bad and now deiiroi;s to return to it.

quitted his Mona^lcr),
In the Two Hundred Ninety Eighth he writes to the Pc pe, that NiVVt* idlOcane from tiie Al>&|r
of Af7;;«:r-/^wcy to his of Clairvr.ux, and who alfo had bi-en his Secrcrar)', was run from him, atid
bad taken away fcveral Books, a prcat Sum of Money and divers ScaJ'> of Value. That be had
Ibrlibine ttnne occn Jealous ot him, but that he all .-)Iong hop'd that God would convert h!m or thtt
he woqld betray himfelf as he now had done. That he does not queftitn but he has itf vmmk
Vera I People in his Nanoe. At length he deiires his Holynefs not to recdve him.
In the Two Hundred Nincry Ninth, he wrim CO die Coont otAKgmtffiM in behalf c# dr Mtaks
of the Monailerv ot St. Amand de Boijje* • .
in the Three Htndredth he condbits MttiUi Ommcft of Blm oonoeming the emm^mCtknm
ofher Soii, and diat he hop's Age Would wade an Altcranon
CO treat him with Mildncts.
In the Three Hundred and Firft, be nmys Amc^a, Sifter 10 lie IQng of Sfsin, to ACosdiMfbdiber m
diffcrcnrc had hapncd between the MOttksof die Older wbich Ihehadnewly £jB3d)Ga*d'iH0M^
and the Oiitcr Monks of the Counrry,
The Thret HiUKlred and Second is written in favour of the Arch-Bifbop of Ment:(t tp die
gates cf the Hc'y See fcnt into Crrmany rodercrminc the matter. This Arch-Bifhop was Henry and
the Legates were the Cardinals Bcmard and Gregory \vho fufpcndcd this Arch-Bi(hop, notwithftanding
die recommendation of Sr. Bernard, having atfSms liippos'd been corrupted by Money. ,
In the Three H.jnc<nd and Third, he wrires to King Lewi the Youfwer that he ought not to
let a Lord of Britany^ being Excommunicated for Adultery, have the Eftate that belongs tb his
In the Three Hundred and Founh be thanks this King fix his kind £nquii;y after his healdv and
Moreoirer recommends to him l^obert Coufui to this Prince.
In :hc Three ilundrcil and F;)rh, he finds Pope Euunlus wcrJ rhar he has hundred Bifhop of
B'lwa^ ixom goin^ to i^me j as likewile recommends to tiim the Atiair of Uus Btlbop, delitiog him CO
delegare the Arch-Bilhop of Rheimi for its Detominarion.
In the Three Hundred and Sixth, he acquaints the Cardinal of 0/?(4 that he has not bcCrt' able ro
cndioe the Monks of the 'Ibret Fetmtsutu, co Ele^ tiielMim for Ukit Abbot whom this Caidtiul defir'd

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hf the Twelfth Century of thrifiianity, fe^
might fucceed in this Abbv, ycc nonyich landing the Monks had.choTcn Turtldei cbai be knew notbiog
Sh^acPeKonwlikJtcouIadderveiliiKDi^^^ looiithtin^it, ibfftttpafT
he would not cppolc ir.
In the Three Hundred and Sevaufa^bc cxcufcs the Condu:! of, the Biftiop of to this CardinaL
aldio* be Itys he does nordcferveir. HepRMnifes him to recoil s% fooA as pofllble Hober* his Monk
wte Was \Viih thai fiilbop and moreover fends !iim wor^^, :hac Herach'us, Arch P flirpof / rw,wasoft

Us Journey lu ^me, hue that tailing Sick at Montpelier^ he had Ibcnt all the Money he had laid apatt
Ibr I^Vomge. HeghwshimJi|uMfe bvoctaftuid, tinche Ind been alncft at Oeaih*s-Oooi^ but v
WM now wmeivhat rccover'd.
The Three Hundred and Eighth i$ addrcfj'd to King of Pom/j/. He writes hiiri word, that
bie VvDdoall in his Power to comply with his Gsmmands ; gives liim lomc Account of his Brocbet
Peter^ and likewife acquaints him, clttc jooe of his Mnks aam'd Roland, brings him k Letter frooi
the Pope, whereby his Holynefs grann hint many Favoort. He laftly recommends this Monk to bim,
#1 alfo afl of his Order within his Majclly's Dominions.
The Three Hundred aiK^Niotb was ttricteo before the ibregoiii£,iQ the Life time of SugermgAihtx 9^
St. OeiQv, "Whom he cherdjy fcctxnmends ID the Pope.
Tbc Three Hundred and Tenth, Add rcfs'd to Amaud'^ Abbot of lfeitrft»j/, the laft which he writ be-

fore his Deatb. He therein gives his friend 10 undcrftand tlic lad Condition he is in, and defires his
Prayers. • •
Tbefe Thrtc Hundred and Ten LctTm, compofc the Ancient Colledipn of thofe of Sr. EernarJ,CQm-
pil'd by his Difcipks, and left in the Monnltery o{ Cl.tirvaux. There have hncc been found rcv<ir^
others which arc thofe wiiich toilow, continuing the Number. ' '

The Three Fjimdrcd and EJcvcnrh is Addreisa ro Ha/Wr/c,ChanccI!nr of rlie Holy See, and wriitcti
in the Name of Hm^Ij Abbot of Pouti^nif and of Su Bernsj^. It contains Complaints aeainft thofe
who envy other Mn's0oodiUfkkai^' and OEoeffiveCoiBa^ Utimai^sCouiactinhhh^

llie Three Hundred and Twelfth is a Letter of Compliment to /t«>Ji*4taf Arcb-BifliM) of i^J&e/m/. •

In the Three Hundred and Thirteenth, written to Geofrejr B\{h(K> of Tori he fays irnat thofe Monkf

that have a mind 10 jquic a>—Life fat awon Aitfterc,ou ght not to be hinder 'd^t after having cmbrac'd
they aretmiobe idfeas'dj ibrfear ofbectimfng Apoflates.
The Three Hundred and Fourteenth is written toPofio InKeceysrll. about the rime that St. Bernardegi
I the AtliuM^Jche Pewlc of Lmbartb with his Hoiynels. J;^ fends him word, that be calt
muicr pnevjdltipm
p thofe of eTctiwu^ nor diofe of MUm.
In the Three Hundt>ed and Fifteenth, he bc^ of Maud Queen of&||;{iaid^ lofrMII|hl|Cbehlid
formerly requefted of her in favour of the Al)bot of La clafeSe. ^ . ,

In rheTlweeHaodicdaiidSbaBenth,he dcfircs alfo Hemy Arch-Bi/bop'pf sent,irA JMbmrChancellorif

oTtrre Church of i^(w»»f,not looppbfc the Retlicution of fome EccIenaJtical Goods,which a certain Lord
has a mind to make to the Monks. " WhcnLaicks {fnjs be) Who are in poneiFion of Churches oi
Church-Revenues have a mind to quit them, it it commcndu>le ; ab^^When tbejr are difpofed to give
•* them to the Miniftcrsof God, it is doubly fo. But this being to be done only py the hands of the
Bilbop, he cannot rcfufc u without being guilty of two Faults, nor confent to it, without being caufo,

^ of two good things^ This lord reaue^ a thing oi you which you ought to have asked
^liim; for which do voa think docs it oeaer beconse to be in PoflcfSdp of Church Revenues,a Soldier
** or a Saint ^ Ko'body .that has beaid of this A$Sionj bat has i^een furorizcd.
Make then nO
more dilScalnes .to (ceeive ±m) Lakks what beipoft to the Chnndi ^na the AfiiuUiats .of Gpa'i .

'i'in ibe Three Hendrcd ana Seventeenth, wrinoi fmn SI. lmwr<f roCni^Q' Aioi;QCt6eMbnaftery of
CiairvMix j he gives Fi!m tcundcrftand chat the Oiurch o(l{p>jie is. at prefctst in Peace ; that the party 01 , #

Ftter of Lmh lunrc/flpoe Fealry and Uodoa^ to Pope bm(;ce»t ^ that in like manner, all tbc .ClerW i

dutt had fided with thai Cardinal were odme over to the Pope: And in Ai^dhit Cr^jjuving-oiitt
iEll'd his W'Jiis, he fljall be -fprcdily on his Return. This Lerrer was written jp the If^r II 18.
In the 1 hrec Hundred zni Hightccnth,he acquaints Pope Innocent II. with the Danger the Chudl il£
^^ims was in, by rcafon of the gncar Contefts about the Ekff^ion of an Arch-Bifhop. '
In the Three Hundred and Kinercenth, he exhorts Ttfr/?»n Arch-Bilhop ot ?7r/;jnot to lay down hii
Arch-Bifliopricl^ or in cafe that he be cbliged to do it for fome fecret Rcafon) or in Obedience to the
Popes Commands, he advifes him to enter into the ftridcft Cbyftcr.
In the Three Hundred and Tt|Mndetb,be admoniihes Alexsnier, Prjot of the Monaftery of Foumam "%

In England, to take care that ;he Eledion of a new AbbQt be made without Heats and I^^te;
. .In the Three Hundred and,TifaKy Fiifi^e tojoynf Jab^jife JiMaafr » ntaepc.oi^jibe,^U»3r of R«M»
MM, in cafe he be Elected.
.TJhe Three Hundtcd and ifpeiic)r Second contains wholfom tnftruiSHefas 10 a yem^ Monk, wbicll
be' gives to Ht</^', then but a Probationer, and afccrwariis .\hhoi v( Bonntval.
Tnift' Three Hundred and Twenty Tlurd is written in favour of the Arch-Biihop of Tr«v«/,againft thQ
libbotofSc MuuWa. - /
"v" £, ' • j -

TheTlirccT-TunLired and Twenty Fourth is a CompItaiavioJ^Mtfrr Abbocof il^n^,^^

_ , :
^/ ^
in theTIuve Fiwiared aod Twenty Piia,he wrues to tibe lame Abboc, that be if noc.» fMOur tkjrih
igga^, i(4m hy^^nw i»ftt«giM during mAoim^ua^,

Digitized by Googl
J Nex» Ecclejiajlical Hifiory
The Three hundred Twenty Sixth is a Letter from Abbot
a gainft the Error
i^^"-^'"^.?^^ wennu
of ylke/4n^ Which he hasdweiwkood ap.
ofCh^rtrfs, and to Sr. Bpr«.tr</,

more of thi$ when wc treat of the Dodrlr.c of >li<if/ir</.

fi»eak .

lo this Letter whcrcai

The Three Hundred and Twenty Seventh is an Anfwer of St. Bcr„.nd s
he acquaints him that be intends fpccdily to have a Carfw***
The Three Hunditd T*«oiy E^tb » writtwio Pope Wmrll. upon ^l^Sub/eO.
agMJ4 him dm bad been choTekk
^"te Tl^Hliodtwl TVenty Ninth is writtm t« the BBhop of H^ofr.s againft *c *^
Tlie Nine I etters following were written in the 4- Year /"P^i^'l* i'^'"'
/wi-^w^^"^'Tzfuti^ilf^^ . :

HundKd and Tbiai«b.and the Three Hundred Thirty Sc^cnch tojcpc iM oqn^
hnak 1T» Three Hutidftd Thiny Seventh is written in the Name of the BUhopt of »mu,
Pope Innocent, Alotfus Bifhop of Anas, and
In the Three Hundred Thirty Ninth, he recomtr cr ds to
fays that thofe who have aoott'dlinn tie only Calumniators.
t^jger, flUbop^oi /?>gfrf.
In the Letter following he recommends to the fame Pope
The Three Hundred Forty FiriV » written to Malady, Arcb-Bifliop of
Irehmdy Arm^ m wboM

rent two young Monks to Wm, learn the manner of living in Chtftftaxy wi^^^^^S"
Kfnnaftccy of Uic iaoK InttitaiKW. St. ^enurd pcomifes to lend them back wdl inftf ttCted in a fhore

the King appeafc

"In the Three Hundred Forty Seco. a, h writes to ?#//« Bifhop of Soifms, ro

Who had iKxn incens'd without cauli againft Geofrc; dt Lormx, A«.h-Bithop ot Bomdeaux, viloJi2d
incurred the Difpleafute of this. Prince, by ordaining Grimmiy wbo had been caaooicaliy Cto3cd Bi^
fcop of Po/fi>r.f, i;i the Year r 140.
of 5t. AHaJta/ms, an4 altetMiwds Fope
The two following Letters were wrinet» by Bem.nd, ^hbai
fmioiiMtf I!, and the fccond ro St. Bernard. In both be exprefles a great
fetffrttfw nt The fii« 10 Pbpe
deal of Concern, for having been forced from the Monaftcry of Citirvaux^
and ten imo lufy.
Hundred Forty Fifth is a Letter, of Sr. Benntrds to the Monks of St. Auaftifwt, to whoai
The Three
be fcoommejlds always in ftri(a obfervance of their Order, and in Chanty
nc :i .v^rus ano- (

ther He moreover tellsthem, that though nny of the Monks be fick, ihcy muft "^^^^c uk ooir of
fomc common of Heibs, it bciag repugnant to the Spirit of Religion to buy Drugs, to fted fir Fhy^
ficians, or to take Phj fick. , ^

In lic Three Hundred Forty Sixth, he csthona Pope J«»wrii»IL Doi to favour tbc ujjjuft caufe of

Arch-Bilhop of Tir^.
In the Three Hundred FoitySekneh, he wconameiiwmll^
. . . • ~
complain of this Arcb-Bilhop. . n . ^
r In the Three Hundred Forty Eiriith he feeomawnJs to the finte Ptope .<*w«e Eieded Bilhop of
l4/ieux, who hnd a Difputc in the Court o(R al .ur his Elcdion, With Gnfrey Oodac CtAl^i^
the Jame Pope.
The three foUowine, are alio Letters of Recommendation to
The Three Hondred Fifty Second com«ins*a PriHlege granted by Pope Innocent to St Benurd and,
h"s SucccITors, in confidcration (if the great Services he had dwie the Church of Rome, daring the
§chifm caiis'd by Peter of Lem, by which this Pope rakes under the Protedion of the Holy See, all Re-,
venues prefent, and tocome, Wooging to the Abhy ofClahvMx ; as likewife, grants to the Mook»,
of Ci'Jleaux, leave TO chofe an Alhor out of their O^cr, and to the Abbevs which have others under.
Ikm i
he grants permiiTion to chole any of thoie Abbots fbr their Head, or any of the Monks be-,
longing 10 luch Orders. He fblbtds the Bilhops toconftrain the Abbots of CUirv^iux, and ihc other,
J\bbois of the Order of C!J}e.iux, to come to anyKCouoeil, providing it be not about mancrs ot Faith.
He prohibits all Pcrfons to receive any Fryars of their Order, after they arc imre&'d j and laftly, der^
dares the MoTiks of tliis Order exempt from paying Tithes of Fruits or Cattle. ^

In the Three Hundred Fifty Thiid, he Owifbrts H'iSiam Abbot of i^ivau, in die Dtocefs of Terk^
in that the Arch-Bffhop of ihK$ee bat beciiCwiitanncVl at H^ame, Alfuring htm wtdjal, that]6e
craments AdminiArcd,* and Ofdioatioiii qudc; bjT. bad ^inifien are Vafid, ftice it is God ifatf
Baptizes and Coalccratcs. ,
' '
' "
, i" a
, In the Three Httltdicd Fifty HM,
BeCoiKfons Metifendt, Queen of Jnufalcm, fix theDoA^iir
Pnidenrc r,r;<l Jurtice.

iFi^/^licr Huiband, and cxhons her to govern her Kingdom with

In the Thri.e Hundred Fifty Fifth, he Rcccaiimenus to this Queen the Monks of Pretofntre, who
were on their Journey, to the Holy I and.
By the 1 hrct Htindred Fifty Sijfth, he fends .back to Malndy,- Arfli-Bjfliop of Armtih^ die Mqdkl
which he had lent bim. He likewife Recommends ibem to him in ifee letter foUowujg.

In die ThtceHdndted Fifty Eighi^ be witei to ftipe C*i^VL 10
Cbsmoagne. . .
Mm '
The Three Hundred Fifty Ninth, is written to the fame Poje, in^ t^ifc Name of die Mdoks of C/***
who bcg^f bis Holmefs not to permit /^4inir«tf Abboccv ideritM^ to quit fail Mooaftifj 09 fO^

In the 1 hnec Hundred and Sixtieth, he againexhorr$|f!rW«* Abborof i^iVMi, to bear patienify wi#
the Arch-Rifh.op of 7cri(^.
In the 1 hrcc Hundred Sixty Fi^ft, he reccommcnds to Ti»b/md Arch-Bilhop of Canter (ur/, John B»-

In the Three l^rru'rcJ Sixty SecorW, hcrecommcTid!; ro I^clnr P.-Jhr, Cardinal and Ch.irjcc!!ar df
U|ejCburcb of If^me, 19 bchftvchimfelf becoinii^bis Dignit7,io Eugtnim III, newiy fledted Pope.

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In tTie Tlircc HunJred Sixty Thii-d, he cxl rrrs t!i< Ch-'ftinns of i/ .j.r^ ard Biviri.i to t«kc i-p
Anns lor rdicl oi rhc HoJy I,nnd ; and inorco%'cr adaioniflcs thciu ncalicf to pin tiic Jem ro iMzxh^
Oor 1o much as to pci lccute il.eir,,

ilii- 1
In hrtff Hundred Sixry Ft urrli, he invites Peter Abbot of C w/.> ro .Tn AiKinMy ro be h^l\ nf*
icr EujUr ;m Chartres^ there to licJibcratc on the n.aniicr ofrcbcvmg the Clirilluus ol the hloly
In rhe I hrce Hundred Sixty Fifth, Addrcficii ro llw. v Arch-Biihop of" M )i:nce, he wirlicsagainft A *
Monk named IUdul§h, who by his Prc3chinpj|u:l)L;n?. J killing o'f the jc^^.
The Three Hunrtred Sixty SixthAddrclsd to Uilde'^.trda Abbefs oi" MMt~SjhH-l{rlcrt near Bing'

J^fTj in UkDioccIs of Mi/mcr. After having rejected thcPraiscvs ^wxn to hioi, he congratulates
her upon the nctraordinary Gifw ihe has received from God, and cxiiorts her to make a fiiitable return
sfaereto by Hurviility .inJ EXvotion.
The Three Hundred Sixty Seventh is a l etter of Rccotuuieodation to Gu) Chancelior of the
Church of H«nf, in farour of Stephen Bifliop of Mets,
The Three Hundred Sixry Ei.':!ii!i .1 Letter of Cuniplimcnt CO a CardinaJ, which Contains 1irholfii»

iome Advice to wean him irom the Cares of the World.

In ihe Three Hundred Sixty Ninch and Tlirte Hundred and Scventiethjhc congraiularcs Su^eria Ab*
bot of Sr. Drnji, in h n'ing reform 'd the Ciiui ch of St> GcurvJevc, byinifoducingfCguJarCanoittihto it.
He exliorts him to do the fame thing in the Church of Sr. ri'j^r.
In the following Letter Addrets'd ro the faiDL-, he d:iiw:di.-^ him from making the Match het eeii W
the Count of A^^^rr^ nr J the King's Daufh r, Iiy rt a!'/i: of their near Kindnd.

In the Three Huiidud it venty SccojkI, lie LumuiL;.Lii i\-/ir BiJ);op ui rj.'tw^.t./.-, fur his 'duality

and Application to the reading of good Books.

The Three Hundred Seventy Third is a Letter of the Abbot oi Bpine, in the Diocefs of PjIch:(j,
Addrcfs'd to St. Bermrd, by which this Abbot rcftifics the great Concern he has for having been dmwn
out of the Abby of C. /' v, and charg'd wi:h die Govemmenr of a Aloaaftoy, which he^carDeft^.

entreatsSc Benmd to get him diichargcd from. I

In the Three Hundred Seventy Founb, he comfotts the Monks' of his Order in IralanJ, for tha
deatli ofr! -Ir Abbot St. i-./jA^.-Z-y.

In the Three Hundred Seventy Fifth, he complains to Ida Coiinicfs of NivcrncK, that her Servaort
ineteft and dendn thofe who 90 to the Abby of Ve:(elaj,
In the Three Hundrt d Sc vcn y Sixth, he exhorts Su7erus AWaot cSSl Denfs, lO hinder the Dudf
which certain French 1 01 as v.'cri; engaged in agHoft each other.'
fothe Three Hundred Seventy Sevctxb, heconomcnds tbts Abboc ih that hie defign'd to AlKinble
the Clergy for the publick Good.
The four Letters following arc iikcwile AddrcCs'd to Su^eruty whereof the two firft are Ltuus ul kc-
comanendatioo.The Third is concerning the Eftate the Church of iheEait was then in ; and in the lalt,
fays that be is forty that this Abbot is acais'd of the diflurbanccs in the Kingdom, and wilK hiin
therefore to do his otmoft to prevent cm, and not to fuffcr any in his Abby, which are any w.i) s ilc
caulc of them.
In the Three Hundred Eighty Secood^wriacnto LroMMwAbbotof St. Berthiu; he ezprelfes his Gra*
titode for the Favours he has received from him, and inoreovcr acquaints him, that Thomat of Sr.
Qmer who Itad left his Order to come to his of C!.ii>ti.::ix, could rot pofTibly rcrin-n. f
In the Three Hundred Eighty Tbhtij Addrels d to the (amc, he thanks him for ibc toany ffcofi
of Friendfhip which he has recerrcd ftam him. He paJfes the tame Compliment On the Moiiks of St.
Bcrrbhi in the following Letter; and in the Three Hundred Eighty Ftfrii, he conui.cnJ"; ilicm for ha-
ving reform'd thcmfclvosj and exhorts them to endeavour to perfc;5k tiiemiclves every day nrkorc and
more. ,

The Three Hundred Eighty Sixth, is ui^rrn ro St. iVr»^></, by Jcht Abbot of the Houfe of Sc."
Af4r>, in the Couniiy of VeruJe, to coiidoi t him abcui the utiiucceUfui Expedition to the Holy-Land>
whereof Sr. Bmmdhad been the Promoter. He impuua' the Fault thereot to the wickedners of thbfe
char hnd the man?!'ciT!err of ir. %

The 1 fiiee I luiidrvd liigiuy Seventh, is written to ?etcr Abboi of C/rw/, to wh'om St. ^trnttrd cxcvi'
lesh 111 Jt about a fharp Letter writrcn in his Name, affirming that <he Blame ought not to be caft
on him,buc on the Authors of it j p
which Peter Abbot oi CUmiy Anfwersby ilie ibilowiftg Letter, cx-
prefllng a great deal of Value and Efteem for St. Bernard, profciTing himleff well fatisfy d with his
Excufe; and moreover mentioning a l egacy depolitcd in the Trcafur) ui' duny, which was left to the
Idlonaiteries of Cbdrpnux /lod Qijieuux, wliich he lavs lie will not coiuend with him iibout, nor con^
eerning the Eledton bf a Bifhop clE GrenMe, which the Cartluji.ins oppos d.
Sr. Bernard f:\\'Ci a H-crr Anfwir to tli:s ! a'i:r, by the Three Hundred I'ighiy Ninth.
The Tl^ee Hundred and NiiietiethjWntten to /iK./c jBill op of Louden in Dftuaat i^fittd Lecate of the
Holy Seein ihttfC'^ZtfA^/, contains only matter of Comi lirr.enr, in vtlach Sc, Simard Aflufcs nim bf hif
AfTecKon, and thanks him for that which he had pn lef^'d i'ny \nm.
The Three Hundred Nmcty Firft is Addrclsd to Uic Abbeis oiTuvernay^ in theDicKCls of Bts^aif^
co»y whom he Admonifhes to endeavour to vecfta'.tii^'the RcHgioas Hwles, tfnd foiitfonil the
l^nadick Difciplinc.
The Three Hundred Ninety ^Lcond, touuais Infliudiohs concerning Kuiiii!;r.y gi'.cit to li^ditiph Pa-
of Aniioch.
ioUowliig Letter contaltt the like, being Addrcfs'd to H 'iUiam Fattiordi Off JerufalM,
^ ft .la
J . 1
y Google
A i\ev» Exctejtajmai mpory
la the Three Hundred Kii.rty Fourth, h: Mamcs the Arcb-BBbopof i^/, Ibr btvilag dcpos'd
the Abbot of -4i/k^fr snd adinunillic$ him to revoke his Decree.
In the Tiiree tbindfcd Ninety Fifrh Addic&'d to Ah(fm Bifliop ofArrmJhe aeqa»\n» him tbzt lUnm a
Monk of St. Bettbin being cmer'd imo the Momftery of CUinmx, cannot rcafonably be eKpcfftcd to
. return to Baihin,
In the Three Hwnd«d* Ninny Sixrb wrirren to Rjcuin BiH.op of 'J o« hcQxcoics htuiKlf for baving

recciv'd jnro his Monaftcry a C!crk of Jiis Church without knowing of him.
Ir» the Three l lundreti Ninci) 5i:vcurli wntaii to 0<^4l Abbot of M
rm uiicr^ ih the h,;nrc cf Kuj^b
Abbot of Po«.'/;;«» and of St.BnrMrJ, ilu y give him to l»dcrl; r. J 'hat his Monkt oujjht not lo
take IT ill rhar ihiy fmvc left foiuc C liurchf; whicli they pretended toby the Arburaricn and final De-
teriniiuiit>n of Gcojrcj Billio[> tif Ci- irncj, ar.d Tillxiud Count of CLainenpic, iherefoic pcilwadcs them
to actjuicfcc in that Judgment. Tiicy further Obfc^^c in tTiis Letter, that Churches a»id Church-Reve-
niics liclorig naturally to the Clerks who arc Oblig'd to fcrvc at the AJtar, and conit-quently oagbc
to live by It. When the Profcflion of Monks and the Examples of their Pii«dcce&rs learn rheoi that
tlu v .irc to get their living with the fweat of i!ic:r Brows, and not to fublilt on the Proiii'< of ihe
Church. Nay even tho' the Church flwuld be lu |;]a<tcd by the Clerk* they arc i^i to partake of the
Revenues f ho' they do of the TronWc For (fliys he) whb what Face cm jtou,0 Mtiikf,prtteH4tptlfgfPSw
of the rirki n-hico >cu l\-:r.c r.:.r p'. ntcd, ind to Ci;c Milk "f the florksQiich hnic not ^vt>ernd? H09
ccmes it tbatyiu would exacijcmc thing frcn^them for wUmjou never did i/.jf Service ? And i/ jou »iM need*
la/ claim to iff xphj tJm't ym hhptt^e their CinOm^ Bury their De*J, Vifit tUir Sick^^ Give Bent^Bkms

ill Mtrr:a?e, Injlrucl tJ $:r Inv .i>:! f{eprim u!d Simicrj, Exccmtni'n'.cntf J..:h .if dijf 1> f^ruH^n', .:nd

give Alffoiuiica t0 Penitents ? In it word wh/ don't je Open AlouitJt and I'reaot, ^iuwuejc dv:y it ^
t9 live in Hffrfe and filence? But it if a mofl Odimt thing to rc.ip where jeu did not Sw, and liveuem the
pj-ns of avedcr. I.aftly St. Bs-rrrrd fays that nirho* rhey fi ii! :hc r'plir rlu-y prcmJcil, )ct ougfnthey
not to Diflcnt from their Abbot who had already Agreed to ihc judgintr.i ilw Ai lntraiors.
In the Three Hundred Ninety P^ifjiih he writes M> Gir/ Abbo: of Montier-f{,'afsc/^ and to the Monks
. r firs Afonaftcry who had deGr'd Sx. Bernard to compolc l.dfons and Hymns for them to read on the
I o„ *<fi Si. yiihr, whole body they pretended was bury'd in their Church, to which he Anfwer'd chat

he dut it not undertake a work fo much above his Capacity, and wliich requir'd a Pcrfon of greater
Authority, of a Life more Holy, and who was matter of a better b>tilc. I ii; Adds moreover that in

the Celebration of fo folcnm a Feaft, New

Prayers of fmall Authority ought not to be made ufe of,
but rather Authcn:ick and Ancient C.omjiofitions w^ich may be proper to edify the Church, and
.which &ivour of EcdeGafticai Gravity. That if there be a Necedtty for fomahing new and the fai»-
jeAfi>reatnres it, fuch Vkca ought only to be ns'd as cxmunand refpe^ft from the Gtmdeur of tfieir
Style ana the Pious Life of their Author. As for the reft f fays he) the Exprcfjiovs therein c^ntalnd
might to beofVnfu^iond Veradtfi Thiy oi^bt t$ inffire Jujiice, Teach Humilitjn Inculcate Bquitj^ £it«
U^en tttemhiit MM
At Mmwr/, Sxtirft^ fSw, Infiig Detttion midrefintm «be Lihertiet of the Senfet.
The Sinn>if cwht to he Grave, without iutermixitig ar.y thing either Effeminate or H^flick. It ought to he
Agreeahie without being too delicate^ and fliould yljfed the Heart iy Jur^i^ivg the Ear. -And in a word it
pMuld comfort fadneft, and Appeafe Difcontetttf hut vst dicwn the Sound of the ords hut rather encreafe it^
for it is no frnaH diiadv.mtjTc to fpiritiul Life ftl::n the Charms of Singing divert the .Attention from
Thought Sy and fix them rather upon M^dti'..^tiugtl>{ Voice^ than compreljenuitig t tie fence of the H^t/rdj,
Tbefc arc the Scntimetits of St. Bo w sn/ concerning Prayers and Celebrating the Divine OCte^ and
altho' he had al! the Qualifications which he requir'd in an Author of this kind, yet would he not un-
dertake what was rcquefted of him, and contents hinilclf with lending only two Sermons on the Life
of St. ViBor to the Monks of Montier-B^amej.
The Three Hundicd Nineq^ Ninth isa Later of Recommendation which he gave to a Monk of die
Monaftery of St. M&i^/, who was about to go in Pilgrimage to Jerufalem. He endeavours ro dif.
fw.T(]c him from this Dclign by rcafon that he thought a Monk, however Criminal he were, could noc
do Pennance better than within the Wails of his Mooaliery. He ddires Lelbert Abbot of this Adofi»*
ftery ro receive hfan.
The Four Hundrcclrli is .mother Letter of Recommendarion granted to B^tn a Monk of Ln^#
that his Abbot miglit ufe him m^rc kindly.
The Two Letters following contain nothing remarkable.
In the Four HnnJred .nid I'hird Addrcfs'd to Hevry .Arch-Deacon of Or/f/w/, he Anfwtt? to a Que-
ftion propos'd to him, to vvir, It .t Child who was ;ii Danger of Death had been bapiiz'd by a i.aick ua»
dcr this form. 1 Bapti:^e you it the A' j^j? cfCod .md cf /> fft^ aid true Cr^fs^ whether the Bapiifai bad
been Valid; or whether providing the Chil l had liv J it moll have been BaptizM .ngain. Sc. Bcmard'n
ofihcmuid that it had been wcU Bi^uzd^ U, ca 11 le he cannot think th.nt the diilcicncc in words can
prejudice the Truth of the Faith, ana the gopd Intention of him thni Baptiz'd it. His reafon is be-
caufc under the word God the Trinity is comprehended, and by Adding the Holy and Taie Crofs be
had made mcntionofour Saviour, That when one is baptiz d according to theCuftom of the Church in
r] c Name of the F.irher, Sua and Holy Ghoft, and as we may read in the Ails of the .Apoftl« that
were baptiz'd in the Name oijefui Cbrifi only, it cannot be doubted but that thofe whoiiave been bap«
tiz'd in uie Name of the Holy Crofs, have been fulRciently fenAify'd, infomudi that the ConfcUion of the
Crofs implys the CorfclTion of Jcfhs Chijl Crucify'd. A!urcovcr that in a-fpcd of him wlu> had bap-
tiz'd, his fimplicity and good Intention excus'd him, but ncvcnheJcfs that if any (houid endeavour to la-
trod ucc this manner of Baptifm cbey would be InexcalabJe. Tbis CHnion of St. Bemtrd difiwicet
wiUi that of the Divines^ wbo aniatun tbat'fiaptifin of diis kind hijfifiillo Null and Void.
y 1 weltch Ceiitury 0/^ c/?ny^Mwf> 87
The Four Hmdred aod Fonrth is who defir'd of St. Bernard that
AddnrTs'd to Alkrt a Kcclufe Monk,
be tnighc falc after hisand Permit Women to enter into his Cell. St. Bernard Anfwers
own fbfliion,

flhM'h^ im no jNWwrto Comn^aod bioH but duu be lias fcVeral times Advis'd him to £at ac Jeaft pnce a
day to receive no ifitsf)^ Women a^d to live by htrA Laboar. "
. . , , - ;
111 rh? Four Himilrcl ?.nd Fifth he takes Nnno: tn .ir: Abbot tittt oneorb^ Moolar Wtt^pialtty*d

.la be Profcfs'd, and thercibrc be ought abt to diipenie with him.

The Four Handred and Sisdi ii AddMft'dtoHie Abboctf St NldM«,iiidie Woodi^ lo wtom&t

-tecoBWicnds .1 crrrain Moik.

In the Four Hundred and Seventh he U^oies Qdan Abboc of Bt4KUatt for not having paid m Leper
to a Poor Man, and tdls Um
fae had beoer have Sold «GliaQeefitoindw Attar, have (a^'ailui dm
j?trfon TO want.
In cbe Four Hinuircd antl ij-i^hth he recommends xo H'^iMiam Abbot of the Regular Canoos of Sc>
Martim of Trcjie} a Clerk who had a ajnd »
retire from the World, and Who was nor'ahl? oil* »
dergo rhf*w.\y of Living at C/«rv4i/jr.
In the Four Hondiicd and Ninth Addrefs'd to I^gou Abbot of AbbeviBe^ he makes him a compli-
ment upon bis defiring to fee him, add defircfhioA co beftowa ipait pieoeof Ground bekng^^iDhii

Miffi toAicMoBlttoiAlebf,
IntbeFonrliiindred Ml Tcmb heteanmendtnGilfiftin* JlUoCof Scf^a^ Lam-
h^rd who was come frogi Btdhign in FrMce^ and had been recomaaendal to Sc. Rtmvd by dieBjlhop
* '
of I HCC« . . .

' The PoB» Ihodirf and BlewadI » wkientoThwintPtt/yoftof BewrUkp to Ef^UnJ, and containa
'Exhortations tn 3 Holy I ifc.
The Letter following is written upon the fame fub)C<% to a young Man who had enter'fl into a Vow
aocmbrace a Monaftick Life.
In thr Fnnr Hnndrcd ~r. Tl irr cr rh he recommends a Probadonary Mcok BO^iiMMd Abbocof

g«rr Adviling hira co lend hun baci(. alter he had corttdcd his Faults.
In jha JLnKff ^nllcaaihg he bftwiet a Monk of tUa Mbnaftery lor hating Oppos'd the fcnm of dvs

By the Four Hundred and Fiftccnih he exhorts a Man to perform the Vow he had made to become
h Mode of CUirvmx.
Hundred and Sixteenth he Anfwers a certain Perfon who had complain'd to htm that be
In the Foor
had had no (hare of die Alms given by Count T&j^W, that he was not CQocera'd in dut DiAtibiniQO
fif them.
. The Two
£:^o«riM Letters contain nothing remafkable. .
' '
' •' '

i Tfarfieare dl'tbe f^tfen^diidi aKmoftcomtnody Af<^ Bfrn^if tbo* FadK± Mft Mdiim
Added forric orhers which ire doubtful, and m-^ht vrry probably have been written by other Pcrforis.
He alio adds lome Cbancrs which may reafonably admit of the fame doubt, all which nevenhelefs con-
dnue the foregoitig Numbers.
The Four Hnndrcd and Nineteenth is An Eithortat'on to Probationers the which Father 'Mid>tion be-
lieves does not belong to St. Bernard^ by reafon chat the ^tilc is more reftrain'd* and contains MaxiiiM
wdttethofe of HL Bemmrdf fuch as this. That we mufi Praife God e^en fit ««r i)MNHM«M|i It.IikeW]ft
aprrears to me that this Lerrer diff5frs in ftile from thofc of Sr. B'^-? t

Tiic Two Ibllowirig Le£a;rs are alio
ftilc of St. UniiKc the ', .
' *

r The Four Handrcd and Twenty Second only a Ihort Billet Addrefi'd to King Lemi.

•The Four Hondred ajid Tweni^ Third isa d'-aught of a Letter tonccrnini: rhc Cmiihdc which mighc
ffubablyfae his-as ^11 at the Lcfter fbAowing. He therein recoiumcnds the ion of Cuunc luibaud
^oinp, to the H
ly Vi'ar to I'.n irm,' Cnnmcnes Hmpcrour of Conftintlnople.

TiT^ Four Hundnd atid Twenty Fifth is a Copy of the Twenty &xth Letter of Sc. BemarJ.

Tl»y Foot Hundred *ad Twenty Sixth is a Judgment by Aibfrntfon pronounc'd by ^nurd bee^ %
anerf Nwh, Biliop of Aaxerre, and iVMam Count of that City.
The ttm HiuHbedaod Twenty Seventh is aLecteri^m C^^/^; Bilhop of Ci&«>trM, to
• Bifbop 5^/^
fef-Ainr, by vWdi^lia adviles4fitt)'to Refer hfafilcCr to Sc. BcriMr^/ couching the dHpuc<: be ladvriifi
Sttpf^eti lie Guffrltn Je.
1 he Four Handrcd and Twenty Eighth fnsm Bernard Abbot of St. AiMfitifyttt to St. £fr>MrJ Abbot of
CLrinaux, concerning a difobedicnt and haughty Monk.
The Four und red 3 cxi TvncKf an of Sc. E^nm Bmmd lenc to Urn by Bi^ UmUm d
R^alar Canon ol Leon. '

1 11? Four Hundred and Thiti8dSi it a tetter from (he Hune virinen toSt BotMriT whwfa oaUBuni
an Apology for his<Maiiaftcry.
Tte Fcwr Hmdnd ai)d Thirty Firft is alfo from the fame written in the Name of Siebaud Abbot of
5t. Uon to khha^Mmtm, 10 ctcnilb him Tor having, AoTwer'd the Calmmiiea oflf«4«r»'«Mih-tod
gj«tf fevewiy*^.
. The'T«(bMPWiAg'Ltctm are wrinen by Haimm AixjiJ)cacon of CbalmSf to St. Benmdi la
the he acquaints him with his flcknefs, and in ilie other he fends to him for huSennons.
The Four HoiKired and Thirty Fourth is a Letter Addrefs'd to Sc. Bernard to e<CTfeTfriWrfBiflwp rf
i4fate»s from his Voyage to the Holy Land.
TTic Four Hundred and Thirty Fifth is a Chnrrcrby whkhSamffm Ar2h-Bilhop ori(;;f;ro/gtres to the
die Congivgation of Ciairvavx the Church ot Mnres, which i)e bad Obuun'd&om the Mcmks of &c D«a*
dMO JuUd ft MDMltey of bis Older.

Digitized by Googl
By the Four Hundred and Tbirtf Siidi nHi7fiilM>P<iC7>¥r»n)<^
tillencourt ro t!ic Abbv ofCLtirvaux.
^ Qmidi of

The Four Handrtd and Thirty Sevcntli is a Letter of Hugh Cardinal BifliOp oS Ofiia, to the general
Clwipter of CifJeaitx, concerning the death of Pope Eugcniui III.
• The jour Huntired and Thircy £igh(b,is a Later of Bartholomtft^ Mook of SMgrg, who bad been

'Bifliop of Laeny Addrefs'd to Sampfm Alvh-fitAop of /(/)«iW, by which he ittfiitoliifflfeif againft hli
U ing nrcus'd, that he had cmliczcllod the Goods of the Church of Ltton,vj[\\k he was Btlficp there.
the Four Hundred and Ihiny Ninth, is a Letter from TiojiiH Arcb-Bi&o^oti<ir/LioPJ'jifi4«Arcb-
BiAop of C4minhiryi connuning a.Rrh^of what had happened fo ham wUm-be hid endcOToiired
to imrodacc the Cuftomsof Cifleaux into the Monaflci y of Sr. Mury at Trrli.
The Four Hundred and a Letter of Fafircdc the Fourth Abbot of Clairvmxy toan Abbok
of his Order,whotD be blames for going too richly drels d,and Jiving loo delicately. Hecfaotin fcnewi
theMaxitn of St. "Bernard, That a Monk^eugla mt to makf uft of any external Rj-vieJiet.
The Four Hundred and Forty written by Peter tie i{ojie^ Probationer at Ciairvauxfo^ Pro-
Voft of tl)c Church of N'otm, in which heftcwt the difleicoGe bctwwn the Uttkdm CUt^mx, and
that which is ltd at large in the World.
The Four Hundred and Forty Sccond^isa Letter of a General^Chapter of the Provioce of l(b9ims^wbo
were cali'd the Black lllonk% . »
Pope AdriM IV. whereby they b^dn^ Qmlfip Afaboc df '
befufpended. 4
The Letter following is from the fame, Addrc&'d ro Pope Jkxmdtr IIL upon dwunieSabieifti
Lai^ly, the Four H'lndRcl and ForTy Fourth, is a Letter «Ki«| «n onkiioini Handy AddnfiTd Co cfae^
AUmc (A.^siUno^ which contains nothing remarkable. .
' > :

The Second Tonne of ScBcnntr/s Woiits,camprehendt divert Tf«si(et,whereof the firft it Bminled;
0/ ConfiJerr.ti'cn, divided into V. Books, and Addrefs'd to Pcpe liuvent'ut IIL to (crvc him for In-
ftrudion. The Conlidcration be treats of this Work, is as himlcif dcllres it, the Thoughts which
SK Ber- lie employs in (eatdi after Trtnb, and more particularly relaring to the Duties of his ProfefCon. In
5"*^/* «**^ ^"^^ Book, he (hews that the Condition of a Sovereign Pontiff" would be bar very unhappy, had
repard to hiaifelf, for it would be a very indifcreet thing of him to Ipcnd all his time in hearing
deciding other Mens Differences, ttdall the while ncgleci to employ himfeif ftinaimes in Con-
* '
templation. He exclaims againit the great number of Caufts that are brought into the Ecclefiaftical
Couns, as Iikcwife againft the many Abufcs comnniticd thcrt. He flicws that this is more confiftent
with the Secular Power than the Ecclefiaftical. Ffc fays be would not hvtn Bapnim follow the Exam'
nles of his PMdeceilbrs, who applyed tbemfelves more to Buibefs than Contemplation, but due Im
fliottid initate St. Gregay^ who when /(mir was threacocd to be beiteg'd by the Bar^griant, l^boai'd on
an Expojfition of the molV difficult paflage of the Prophet E:^elii'el. He there proves that Confideratioiv
ierves to form and employ the four Cardinal Virtues. Laftly, he cakes Notice of the unbecoouag
Biclceringt ac the Ecdefiaftical Bar, and eihofu Pope Eugenim to endeavonr after a Aegnlaiion.
In the fccond Book, after having juftify'd himfclffor advillng the cxpeditionof the Croifsde, which
had been unfuccci^ful ; he admoniihes Pope Euieaiuj to coofider as to his Pcrfon» who he is, and as
to the Dignity of his ProfefTion, whatbeis. Rrft he it 10 rcfled whence he is defended, wfaicll'
may ferve to abate his Pride. He gives him to underftand, that he is not fee over others, to domineer
oVer them, but to be their Minifter and watch over them ; that if this L)ignicy has procur'd him great
t Riches, be is not to think they belong to him by the right of ApaflleOup, fincc Sc. Peter had no powec
to difpofe of what he never enjoyed : That he indeed had given him the charge of all Churches, but
not an arbitrary Dominion over them, which he cxprclly forbid^ and the Golpel difallows. That the
lame Pcrfon cannot well execute the Civil Government and tfa«nfitcy, and therefoie he who grafps
at both, onghcjuftly to lofc both. In a word, he advifes him particatarly to avoid being hangbxy on
accouneof httSopremacy, "for (fajs he) you are not fupreamly perfed by being fnpream Bifliop, and
*• take notice, that if you think
your felf lb, you are the worft of JWen. But let us coafider you, as
you ftand in the Church of God, and wbai Figiue you nuke. You are die Chief Prie^ the Sov^
"reign Pontiff, thefitftamong the Bilhops, the Heir 6f the ApoiUct, AM m Prioricy, Nha&in Go.
*' vemmenr,
(sc 'Tis ro you that the Keys of Heaven ha\'e fjefO entruftcd, and ro whom the Care of
** the Flock has been committed
j but there arc other Door- keepers of Heaven, and other Paftors be-

; yet you are lb much the more above them, as yoo have receiv'd the Thle after a diifacfic
** fides yon

"manner. They have every one a particular Flock, but you are fuperintcndent over them all; you
•* are not only Supreara Pallw over all the Flocks, but likewife over all the Shepherds. He eilabliihes

this Privilege npon the Won|i 6f our Saviour in the Gofpcl, and he adds fonie Lines afterwards.—
" Others are but cali'd to a part of the Care, when the full Power is confided to you. Their Power
** is limited, when yours extends even over thofc who
have a power over others j for it is your Bufi-
ne^ to excommunicate a Biihop, and fufnend him if you fee occafion* This is what you are at pre*
'*leoc by your Ofice to rcmcttibcr alfo what you weie, and who you are Perfonally, ft>r yonare Aiil

*f wfaa^^on were once, ahc^tffe Dignity which has been fuperadded to you, has not been able to diveft
yoo of your Nature. You were born a ;*yoil have been made a Sovcrcigwfcid.op, yet you
'* ate 9SXL\ Man, fo that you ought to contidcr your (clf as a Man
i drawihe Veil which covers yoa«
** difoerfe the Ckwds that environ you, and you will find
your (elfto be no baser ibsa a Poor, Naked,
* wretched Creiaturc, that is diflatisfy'd with his Karurc ; that is ailiam'd of being Naked ; that

•* grieves for being Born;

thaumurmurs at being deftin d to Labour ,and not CO Eafc; and in a word,thac
"is born in Sin, vviih a fhort Life abounding in Milcrics, and full of Feats and Complaints. Frooa
thefe two ConlTdcrationj he p.ifTcs to a Third, which is to confidcr his Manners and Conduifl, where-
in he Courifcis i:/<gen/M to make a fcrious ^eHedion upon thole ibmgs. He admoniihes hun in the

Diyiiized by Google
oj the IWfttl-CJetttury of Umjtianajr~ if
t^ondnffion of ihts Book W
be wAfhint in A^vrtfity, and iiumble in trofiK-riry j to fly flotfi aiid anpro*
. fitable Dircouifc, nnd to prafiifc n^i manner of P.;rriali[y in his Judgnicnt';.
In the Third Book he Treats of the Coniideration thac the Pope ougtu to have tpwafds thofc that ai«
tnder him, and they iretfce Fafch'fiil over all tiie ^.orl'd. ' He aiiinomfhes htm again not to afled an
arbimry Power over them vhkh he ('faVs he) brc.'^ufc thert u no P.-.i/ni ncr Armi thni Le ouj^ht
H drtMd mere than the Spirit ofTjrannj. He afterwards proceeds ro treat of tljc Duty of a Pope toward^
hiilnferioatf, andfirftin rcfpeill to thofc who ere ouc of die Church, a!s well J^s and infii/els, *
.Chriftians and Schifmaticks. He fays it is a Pope's Di;ty to bring over tJiofe that are in an Error, t6 .

keep ihofe from ftraying that arc already broiiphr ovcT J and b(\ly, ro reconcile and fix Wanderers.
For this purpofe he tnuft pitch upon unD)'afled Prcathers, and wiio fhall t>e apt to be mov'd neither bf
Ambition nor Avarice: ouch as thcfc now adays iwirm in the Coun of I^ome, and that is the rea-
fon that there is fo little good done, and that Religion fccms as it were at a ftand. He fpcaks af-.
terwards againlt the grievance of appealing to the Court of f{pmc: * We muft {fays be) make
'a levae RefieAioD upon thcfe Appeals; for fear a ReiAcdy prove fcuiciefs when u is eftahUQtedi
*'ferfcfeeiiniDine, tl»t a grcsrdealofMncfifbfniay beofccafiotied by theft mean*(, if m'oderatiOn be
* not made ufc of. Every Body appeals ro your Holyncfs 'tis a bni^gc of \our Primacy, yet if you

*'are wife, you wiJl rather endeavour toprocurc the weli'are of the Church, than inliil upon the gran-
* dure of jour See. Men appeal to the ¥bpe, and Wofald to Cod n was to t g^obd tttA. woald to God
* that thofc who opprcfs orhcrs, would tcci the etfc.'> of prnrecf^ion granted \o fuch as are opprcflcd,

* But on the contrary, nothing is more common, than for the Oppreilbrs
to have caulc to rcjoycc, and
* for the Opf refltd to have rcafon ro mourn. The Coiht of I\nttte fcfMom conlldeif, either the {''atigacl
* or Expcnce of a Journey in a jnft cniife,
.nnd rarely arc inceni'd againft him or them that were the
*taufeofit. Rouzc thee tljcn, O
Man of God, when thcfc things happen Be touch'd with Com- :

* paflton for the Suffintr,'j|ild mov'd wirhlftdignatioh againft the Opprelfor : l et ilic tirft be comforted
*Dy a Redrefs of his Grievance, by a full fatis^dHon for the Injury done him, anl letthclaft repent
* of what he hasdqne, and let him have no power to do the like egaih. The famfe puhifhment is to
' be inflidcd npon thofc that appeal without caufe, for no fmall Itimry accrews that way ; Men may
* be permitted to appeal wkere toev are injured, but to appeal with dcfign tt> ihjure otbos, is an inju-

* ftioe chat ought nor to beJbfler'd. One niay reafenably appeal firom a S^'mence, bot it #ottld be ill
••done to do fo before any be pronounc'd, infomuch chat as :hcn no manifcft wiong appeared, Who-
* ever appeals without being injured, has cither dcHgn to mo|cft bis Adverfary, or to gain more time

'lor bisX)efence. (fe adds, thatcveiy Body complaint and fAutnm againft the great Numbei: tail
flOnfiilion of Appeals made to and that they arc the occafion of innuinerabfe Milchicfs. He con-
frms this by (ome Examples j and moreover Counlcls the Pope not to I'uffer any longer fuch as pro-
tnoceinjnftice. He alfo m this Book condemns the Abufe orExbmpiions. ' I have a mind ifi^be)
*tO&wcof the Complaints and Murmurlngs of the Churches who cry continually that they arc rorti
* ID pieces and difmembcr'd, and tlut there arc few or none, but either feel diis Damage or fear it. if
^yottttk wherefore ? It is becaufc the Abbys arc wrcftcd from the Jurifdidlion of their fiilbops,the fii- •

* fliops firom that of the Arch-Bilhops, and the Arch-Bilhops from that of the Patriarchs or Pfiinates.'
* Does this con(ift with Order ? Can this be any ways cxcuis'd ; You may thereby indeed flicw the ab^
* foltltencfs of your Power, but it is to be fear'd yoo can at the
raniiJlomc prbdoce but little Juftice. Yotl
* do thus becaufe vpu have apower to do it, but the Queftion wiU be only Whether you ought to

•htre dortC It. Too tub rersfaovetirherr, lonly tb pircfervc ri) "einiVf <M>e his' Rinlc ind Quality,
•and not to injure any one. He proves afterwards that thcfe Exenprions are neither Jult nOr Profita-
ble i that they confound the Oeconomy of the Chutch ; tllat they- occaiion a gt eat deal of TrOOble^
and raife a axnempt as well.of the bwfial Poweis tftabli^'d by God Almighty, as of tfaofe «r
the Pope ; and in a word, that they dcftroy the EccleiTaftick Hierarchy cftablilh'd in imitation of that
of the Angels. But what {nuty it be objedcd in the Pop-s J\ame) vfiU jm thenfcthid me to ^ant Djfgeh",
fatians ? Ko ctrtainlj^ but to ruin tht Church yen ought not. I kjtovr you are eJiabUpo'd univerfal Diffeti/trjbld '.

ftiS it H to Edifie and not

to DeJiroi.t'Vbcn there it a ncccjjlty for blfpatfjrion it a excufable ; when it is prcfi'
table it u comrnenJable, but when there if neither of theje^ it] w rAtber Diffipation thah a faithful
DiJpeff/itipH. Tbert »re fever al Monnfleries in mofl Bip.vprickjy'which belong peculiarly to ihe Holy See, ae-
csrding to the IVii ifthtir Founders, but then mujf tlxfe be diflinguifl^d which have beengain'd on account
af DevotioHy from todfe thai iiave been coveted by Ambition. And laftly, St. Bernard ia^s^ that the Pom;
ought in general to watch over the Church, and fee ftridl Di'iiplinc and Eccleftaftica] InlUtutioos duly
obterVed. -He recommends
to him more pantu^lariy to take care of the Rcfotnu cojoyti'd by iIm
Caanaiot rtlatingto tfie Habits AidManners of the Clergy, as likeWil^ to the Ago and
Qualifications of fuch as Wett to be ac!n.i:rcd to Benefices.
in the Fourth £ooI^ St. ISemard conHders the Pope's Duty towards the CIctgy, the Inhabitants
J^Mir, the Cardjnali, jumI' other Officers of his CooH. He wtis him bit Clergy ought to be fekHcAnly,
regular in all their A;.'>ions, becaufe it is they that arc to fet Examples to others, tn relation to the
People, he oblcrvcs that it is enough to fay, it is the People of l^me to denote what dtibrdcrsthey live
in. lliatitis a People that l*vc never been accurtomcq to Peace, that love Dillbfbiancei and Tu-^
that arc Cruel and Un:radablc,and who n(.ver fubmil, but when they have no power to refill:
That he is nevcrtliclcfs obliged to cxhon ihem_, t!n#i gh they fccm iraxlaimabie. He fariiicr adtno^
nilhes the Pope in pafticular to endeavour a Refurmation of Ltuturj" -and Sumptuou fuels. He givts"
him a great deal of Advice, concerning the Quulilkaticais thai iarc to be retiuir'd*in CardiiialS andoibcc
Minifters, which he fllall pitch Upon to be va'r his Perfon, and counfels him tb ra^c care thtt xftey
be neither Sdfilh nor Arrogant ; arid m a v.o:J,lieadihOniffieS 'hlm to diill-argc is l

Vr>th true Oecooomy. Ls^j, be oakes a RccapicoJatioQ 6f all ilie pruKJpai Qoalities that a Ptpe

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ought to havf. Caifuhr ahav: all thirds (fays hc to him) tkit the Church c/Romc oi'cr rvhich GoJ Lath
fUc'J j>vu tii Supienmy k the Mother, and nat the Commatidrcji of oti cr Chuicia ; .'.nd ii>:icivcr, I'rat jea
are net a Soverairn Ltrd wer the other Bip^cfs, but onfy gnu iimmjr them ; th/it ycu nre a B :tl>er tf tbtfi
that love GoJ,<ir,<{ a Cctnp.ffiicii offuch at fear bint ; that you etight to he a living Example ifjufiictyi mir-
rotir of Ih.'ruf/j, a model of Devotion, the fuppcrt of Truth and defence of Faith, the leader of Uations and

guiJc of Chrijiiatij, the Friendof the Bridegroom, .i^/ conducler of the Bride to her Sfittfe ; the Or Joiner

giorjt of the Good, the Elfdof the Powerful, the Scmrge tfbrtnts, the Father of Priaces, the mitigater flf
t,ar9s, the difpeufer with C*nons, the Salt of the Berth, the Light of the Jj^efldy the fentiffaf the
tUt^l', the Viar of Chrijl, the yfnointed of the Lord ; and In/lljry tl-c God of Pharaoh.
In ilie Jalk B^ok, he admonilhes Poijc Et^eniut to confidcr the Power that is above his, that is, thas
of God jwd the Anf^ls, which gfives bim occalion to treat of the Angels and of the Div inity.
S;. 7?£-r>M> ./bcpr.n this Work in the Year 1 149, and the firft Book of ir was finifticJ the lame Vcar,
TIk- fcconii was tent to Pope Eugeniiis, in the Year 11 50. after the ill fucccfsof the Croil'adc. The
third in 1152, and the two laft, foiiie fmall time after.
Books Of Ccnftderation wer? follow 'd by a Trcatifc of the fame Nature, addrcfs'd to Herv^
Arch-BiliiOp of Sou, concerning the Manners and Duty of Biibop^. St. Bernard therein iJ^iews bow dif*
ficulcitisio betove onesTcJf in that Office, and the Neccffity there is for having good CounTcl. He
afterwards lays down the ObligaQoos for £ill>ops to prove an Honour to their Miniflry by their Vic-
tues, and not by Vanity and Luxury. He treats more panlcularly of tfie VUtnes rcquir'if in a Bi(bo{:^
fiidi .IS Chaftit)', Humility and Paftoral Care ;and laftl^, hc blames the Condud of thole Abbots
who bad a auod to excmp't ihemfelves from the £pifcofaI Jariididionj and wear Poou^cal Habits.
This TnatHe was compos'd djouttbeTcar r it7>
About the fame 9me St. Bernard being at Pari, writ a Difcourfe to the Ck r^ny of that City, Inrim-
Icd, Of ComierfiDttt which follows the Treatife of the Duty of fiiihops. It conta^ a Moral £xbonar
tion to Rcpenunce and' cbaoge of Life, and rawaidt -ibe End, he fpeaks agalnft Ambitiqus and incoa*
cjncnt Clerks.
.The Treatife of Cemmands and Difpenfatians was compos'd by St. Beru.v'd, .ibcut the 113/. to
ferve for Anfwcr to the Monks of St. Peter of Chartret, who had confulted him upur. this Subje^fl, and
which is addrefs'd to /(o^er Abbot of St. Colomte, neatSem,»nd n<ft to tbefe Monks of Chartret. LccauA
ilicy had written to him with the leave of their Abbot. The firft qucftion be treats of, is whether al|
thofe things which are contained in the Order are Obligatory to them who profefs them, or whether
Miey are only MooicocTiand Inftro&ive,. And afiaui,ifoi^ part ought to bo taken for Precepts, and the
Otfier for Cottnfd. Me! aniwers, that die Otoer dF Sc. Semut is propos'd to all Mankind, but not
fcr'd to be forc'd upon any Body. That any Pcrfbn is free to be admitted of it, but when one is
once enea^'d in iiL it becomes neceflary fo to continue i fo that excepting a few particulars which re*
fatl^to SpniniaJ Mutem, fiich asCbarity, Hmnility^ &e. veloArw inftitated only by God, anit
therefore not to be chang'd, all the other Rules of the Order arc only Inftruilions and good Counfei
to them who are not yet profefs'd, but to fuch as are, they become Commands, and it is Criminal t»
violare them ; that cney'aie voluntary to the firft, and compullbry to ilie laft; yet however they may
be difpcns'd with upon an extraordinary occafion : That this power of difpcnfing belongs only to Su-
^riours, and who cannot do it upon juft Grounds, and not meerly out of Fancy. I0 explain
tmnoft extent of thcfe Difpcnfations. St. Bernard reckons up three ibrts of neccllary things whlcb
#e qpe eftabliHi'd, two Inviolable«and three Immutable.Tbe cftablifli'd arc thofe which ^Jwnii to be
fo very neceflary, that every Body Is not allow'd to alter them but Superiours only : Tlielf are Mor
nafiick Rules, which having been ir.Aituccd by Saints, are as it were cftablilh'd, and cannotbc chang'4
bv private Perfons» but as thofe who eitablilb'd them were Men, tbqfe Men alfo who a Canonical
Eleaiott bave foooeeddd to theft Saints, have aodiority to give Difpenfarbnt *widiom ^a(e .and DtA'
order, according to the circumflanccs ofTitric, Place and Pcifcrs ; andmorcovir, rhcTc having beeh
inltitutcd for the eocreafc and prcfervadon ol Charity, as long as they are conducing thcrevnio ihej
^not be alter'd, even by Superionrs ; but if it at any time happens that they become contraiy to the
iht^eft of Charity,' 'ui the Obfcrvation and J«c?gmcnt of thofe that are oblig'd to in'pcil them, tlwn ifc
h bilt realbnable thite what was at firft infticuted for. tlie /beivefit of Charity, ff ould be either oniic^
ttd, iniemqpwd or ahcr'd for the feke of Charity, and it Would be unjuit, thjt what had beentftai^
bl!ll.'d en rcrmint of Charity, Hiould fublift and floin ifh in prejudice thereof Thcie things we term
eftablifli'ii, aic fixt .ind immoveable,even in regard to Supcriours,but ihcnjl inuft be as long as they are

Serviceable and Aflifting to Charity. The fccond fort of ncceffiuy things'^ call'd Inviolable, for thai
iiot having txcn inftitutcd by Men, but eftablidi'd by the Commandmenis of God, ihcy ^cannot ba
clianp'd but by the Authority of W>d himlelf who was the Author of them. As to the third Ttmd of
ncccffrtr)' things which hc terms in.mutablc, arc thole which arc of fui h a Nature, that even God him-

fdf.could not chanee them on whatlbever account. Undo* this kind arc comprehended alL.U>e In-
IfawHcns whidi CErift gave bb DiiBpler ta the Moanc, And moreovel; fucb as both dii' t^d vA
New Teftamcnc have ordain'd relating to Cbarirj', Humility, f^c. all tlicfc things being fuch m
J«Jaturc,,it would not be cither allowable or profitable to retrench them, their Excellency being ,im-
iniu.ible and founded on the principles of the Law of Nature. Of tbefe three neceG^ry things, the
fir't isicovennntcd by frrc Will and a Promife. Tl.c fcccnd proceedf frbot the Autboriiy^oniim tfaaf
Commanded. And the tlurU 4s grounded 00 the dignity oti'urccpw ;"' **,^ ,

L iyui^ed by Google
. bfom thefe Pnndples St. Bem»i eoncladcs tint an Abbor cnnnoc dilpcnfc wirh any thing that bei
long'? (o SpiViruals in his Order, and las to£)ittvvard Obfcrvar.c L s h- ; i-^ nor b? guided by his Ph iiu re,

and Fancy, bOt by Charity, bccaiilL- he is not above the Order wh ch he ProfcfTcs himfelf a Mcir.l cr of:
Tbatcbe Lencr ot die Ruks mul'l give way to Chaiicy when Nccdfity fo requires it: That even Supe.
rionrs rannnt rcflcain the Obhua-ion of a Vow, unlcis upon an abloluteNeceifuy;nor Hxtcqd ir,unlefs
the Inferiouri Cunlcnt that Is'cx crthclcis an Infcriour wfaofc Obitdience doc* nor exceed his Vow is

Itnperfeft^ bccaulc perfect Obtdicncc is not con pre: ended within any bounds, butcmb afcs wiUingl) and
accepts courageoufly whatever Uis cout>ianded : Thac there is no Dilobedience but what is to be avoi-
ded, Dut that ieveraf kinds of it ane not eqn^ II y CHnttnal : That there ou j*hr to be a dtflcrence put cecwcen
thePcrfon ihatcamii ands and the ihiiigs co:ninanded: Tha' in rcgnrd ot the Pvifons we uugli- m be moft
Afinidof OtienLiing our Superiours who have the gmtclt Authority uvcrus^ lor it is better to obey
Godrhan Man, o.u luperiouts than onr equals, and amongit our fupcriours thole of our own Coun-
try rather than Itrjngcrs; That in relatinn to Commands we ought to take trorv.' circ of thofc wliirh
;irc of Importance than of ibofc of lels conlcqucnce, and iliat a Pcrfon is more or Icfs culpable accord-

ing as the Command is of moreolrleGs Importance; Tbat this (iiiicrcnoe is In the Comiiiandnients Efla*
blirti'd by Men, bixaufe they command with more or Icfs AlVfv'lion nrcordirg r.s they fee Occalloh

That Pcrftcl Obedience confilts m not flsgljtiug the Icaft cotninands and OlKy;iip ihcGrcaicIt, confor-
ning ones fclf to the Inttfjt of the Supcriouri i'hat llight matters^ (tich as uihidjiiis; Ir.Dghing or fpea*

king when they are once coinmand(.i! bctt ;nc Obligatory, and they whodiiuUy thfin toinmit a (In,
tbo' no Crime, providing they do it not with contcinpt J but when ihcy contemn tlK Law th^y r.ic more
than ordinarily Faulty: ThaeGod is to be Obey'd, as bkewifc is Man that coinmands in his name oro-
viding the command not contrary to the Law of God: Xiiac in doubtful Matters the commaadsoiTu-
perjoiirs are* to be follow'd That all Sins of Difijibeditnce arc not equal ; and that in refoedb of thofe
which arc committed ag linlt tlic VL >;i.i lick Rules, arc more conridurablc :h;:n otiit rs That it ought

HOC to be tixmgbt that the Obkrving of MonalUdk Rules is Lnfoflibic, becaufc that caoAot be but either
dio' Negleift or Inadvertency. _

St. BernarJ procc-c K afa, v. irds to Anrwcr foine Paniculir? which thcfc Monks had propos'd to hiin.
The Firtt was why an Erroneous Conicicnce docs not fomcames change the Bad to Good in like
iDaimer as die Good wBod.' HeAnfwers that to the End that an A(5lion may be good, it ought to be
'Efi'ei^ed by the Knowledge and Love of God : Tha: he that dc,c% a good A^ftion believing it to be bad,
has not the Love of Good in him, and by confcquence his Adion muli be bad, but that he that doef
abadA«ftion believing it to be Good, ignorant of wliat is Good, and therefore his Atflion cannot
be eflecm'd Good the* his bucntion was Co T!-nr hi"; good \'vill fiiall not be altogt".I;cr depriv'd of a

Reward,' aitho' thro" a dcceiv'd lnuplivity l>c be not aitogeiher exempted from 111. But what (Per-
liap* yott may fay) didix>i he Atft according to htsCoolcieoce? Yes, (rcplys St. Benunrd) butMoocd^
IDg to a falfe and erroneous Confcicnce which does not exempt him abfolutcly fro:n fin.

Next he Anfwers this Second Qucftion, which was If in relation to Commands Difolxdicncc be
f>roponionably as Criminal as Obedience is Merinirioiu? He flKW»i!uciii oehain cafes Obedience ii
more Mcritonoas than Difobedience CrimiaaL
They had likewift dciMiided of him how far they wwe ObWg'd to be refidenr, and where they might
take a Liberty to quit their MoiiaHcry. He Anf-^vcis ihac a good Monk ought n.-ver to forlakehis Mo-
naftery without leave iirlt Obuia'd lru.n his Abbot when he is able to Undergo the Injuot^onsof hisOr->
6a i but if the ill Lives of chofe which he livesamongft, hinder him from fodoing, iJicnisbe to chufc and
go to another MonaR cry where he may accomplilTi thofe Vows, he cnttid not fowcil perform there That :

altho' it be not allowable for a Monk who is in a well regulated Monaftery tho* ids Auiiere, to leave
Icwichoac permitfion of bb Superiour for one moreAuftere; yet if it happen that one bayiqg left it
enters into another, none ought to Advife him to icxurn, unlets -the Mooaftenes be near to cȣ odier^
and he be fpecdily rccaifd.
The Fouith Queftion they ptopos'd cobtdf wiS Why Si.Qr^y the Great lecelir'd a Perfim .^tat farf
gained his Order, into the Conimunion, and did not rather Oblige hiir. to return to a Monaftick Life,
and why St. Auflin Teaches dut a Marriage conii aClcd by lutii a:» had made a Vow of Cohtineoce is
not to be Didblv'd. St. Bernard owns freely that he is not of thdc holy Biibopt Opinita: Attdtbtt it
bdong'd to them to make good what they had Allerted.
He moreover Aniwers a rifth C^ucftion Concerning the Bilhons which Sr. Gregory bad Cloyftcr'd up iri
Monaflcrics by reafbn of the Crimes they had con.nutted, the Quclt'.on w..s A^Tiether rhey were to C0a>'
dnue their Bpifcopal Habit t!;crc or to wear that of the Monks. He fays He knows little of the mat-
ter but that it is Iflcely they ought not to take upon them the Habits of the Order becaufc they had
never before done it, and bccaul'e they v/ere to con:;rir.c in thofe Monaiii rics bur for a turu^^ andiiitf
iljey were coofin'd to thefc Places only that they might have more leifurc to Kcpeoc
The Siytb Queftibn which he Anfwers, is why of all the kinds of Repentance that among Monks has
die Privilege ofbcing rcrm'd a Sctor.d Raptlfni ? He fays he believes it is by reafon that they iia\ e abfo-
lutely rcnounc'd the World and PraCliie a fpintual Lite after a very excellent and extraordinary Manner
That they ate anewr doath'd with fefiu Chtifi, and teuce from the darkncf^ of fin int&the tight Of Piety
and Virtue. ' •
The Seventh Queltion they Ask'd i>t. Bert^rJ, is If when an Abbot dies or is Ekrpos'd, they have^
during the Luerval a Liberry to go out of their Monafteries to go to another St.Bemgrd Aniweis
Aey have not, bccaufe the Vuw Jicy made is not to be limited by the death ofih? .Uibot, but only
Authonz'd by lus'Prefence, aiui that therefore a Monk ought to confidcr his Vow b\ the liiutisof hiy
•wn Li^ Md not by that of Morber.

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7Z , A Nel» Ecclefiajlical tiijtory
T y nlfo dcmrndet! of hfm wfiac a Monk ought to do that has a fecret Arerdon lO Abbor*
vj'.ox :>.i5lion he Icoks upon to be Incoiillii tr: wi
i ;hc Rules oJ the Order? to whkb ScBffAri/All'
Iwcrs thac w!ien the Eloilion is not manirctUy Irregular liic Monks oagiir ro Obey.
Thtf orher QacftioM of ihefe Monks being otlers Confe^uence ^uBoha-d Ar.fwm rhcm in few?
\VLi\!s -i there i-v hat one which
' cIl ft: VLS :o U- iMei:tion'il, which is, IT a Pcriln who has otfindcd
ar.c:! tr b;; I'j Jii; yxd as not nwJclign to tlo him any hann, aiid yet is ndtcumern d il'any happen to bira,

bu: in .1 cofidii on ro Approach ihe Alur. Sc. Benuerd AtifNwersuiat heoughc cot to doit tUl his pafltoa
and i<v:c:iJii.c;:;S be over.
5/. tier-
Sr. W s AjKii-py AdJrcfs'd zo li'iffi'am AUbotof St. TUcny, is a Work in v.-liMi
!-.e undfrtakes
cf C/uwjr,
/}f >
to Jidily himiclfand rhc^Ieot his Order againfV their being Accii«.'d of rpcnkiup
/'Z*''-* th.;t IS to !>y tt c'! rh, wi:o h.J or cinUr.-.c'd tlic Kdoxm ol Cifttaux.
F.nt.iiJ'n .*v':>;:ks i Altho' this
work be liuuIcJ an Ajuii-py, li^ n^vtrdiekls Itwiciy reproves in it iIk- Monks of C/im/ ; but to have
^ ibcU 'itr colour for doing lo with greater freedom, he begins by declaring that neiihcr be nor any of
''=f «^y
jjii Monks hive ever ipokcn ill ci ihac Oni^r. He A(»p«>*«S of the different kinds of Rclig-cus Or-
«crs, nr.d pnrtii t:!ar|y connltcnds lhar of C/jW7. He eifctaims againftthofe that Judge rrfhly of the
ui.niici ofiivinp of thisOnic, who think thcmfclvcs more holy, bcvau'c they lead .nn aullcrcr I ife. He!> !ipiritual £xercilc$ arc more protitable ciian Corpc:ralj ami that a Man n:ay be a good Monk
witbpur pradrilinp sU thcfc Aufteritics, and that alfo all (hcfc Auftcrities *e Unprovable when they
arc not nccomp.Tij 'd with Charity and Virruc. But for fear that he may not feem to Approve of the
Jmgular irits which wi re praclis'd in the Abby of C/mw, he falls mjoo and condctr.ns them in the Se-
c^d pai t of this Work. He fays that ths manner of Living among the Order of the Abby-of Chmy
fccnis to he a uork of S..rnts, bccau(e being willing to fave a great n;any Perfnns tbry have temjitr'il
the Rigour of the Ruki of this Order in favour of the Weak without altogetiier ruining a at the lame
tinic. Dut I cannot believe they have ncvmhelels allow'd of the Many Diiiorders that arc to be
found in nv;fl iMnimflorics- Hr f cm nmr encugl' AJynife (hyshe) Aow fofrcdt a Liccntioujnefs in
J\/frf.'/, hhilits^ UeJj, Ltjuip.i^ci, atU Hi'fcs cm ^et in and he EjlabUpyJ ai it were^ among Monkji
Slifon.uch that tboje vebo have thus xvboUy M:in.i- n'J tlemfihes t» tbtje Excejfet, feem ipbavtbad amighty rc"
gtud tp the Spirit and Religion cf their Aacefiort: In a. ntannfr that bj tbeje extravagant Prtceediiigi tb^
T)ne proeufd Vices the name of VirtneSy and en the tontraty Virtues the Name if Vteet. Htena M»df
rate Expence ought to be caF d Cttveteufnefs Schiety^ if net ExtrjoiJ.'K.try, jliiflerity ; .:nd ftence^ faintfs^

they en the antrarj call * kt^e iehavtem the Effeil if Di/cretien ; Vrijujencji, LiberaUtj^ and rmtcb l\tll-^
ing but evmmtm CMHty. Juamierttte Laughing with them is nemrea Vice, but gees tmaer the Name rfa
N(crjf.iry Gaiety. Luxury in Habits and Pride tn Htrfes m: Iocl(d upon as the gocd BreeJlvo ,f a Mo/il^^
and fufcrfiuous Ornaments arc the furniture «/ ha Chsmber, Jet whatever tl<ejr thus tavijh avsycattit be
eatfdCh^iij? Np; tHAaffj Cltri^tlgt ii^rtjt thelirnel hregtstar Dijcretim that cmfotmdt in us that
r/ f? Cruel Pity that las greater regard to the Body than the Scull tVuat a flrAvge Ch nhy is thw, to
frovide fo well for the FlcfK>, end lo lak^ nocate of the Spin't IP'hijt Difcretim to ghe n''. -p ! lidy and .'

^fttfe aUtetbeSftd; He afterwards proceeds to coir pare the Sobriety of :he An-! Monks **;th the
li pcTancc of thofe of his Time, and gives a very lively Defcriptirn of 'I h>. iii.s tlicfc I.J*, a
\vh<.i r fciiic of his Expi ciilons follow.
Ate net thei> Mouths and E v • 'ly ft^. d witu I'scluaLi tmd
CQ^jus'.i I'^ .-it-ii while ti cy ti m Spin cut tirir InnnoJerate Fi-.f^s, ;( at- ' rrho to re^u-
iuc t! Dtiiix' } Kcccrt.iiiily. Dijb dattcei after Di/h, 'andfcr Ah/i i irncc vpf ich ilcy P/pff; t.po ^eirTpf
f.i: j'/h appear fwitmning in fame upon the Tablet Are you Ch/'d tfit'i t.-fe ? Tie Ccslil:.-f ^rt ftijjicient to
Pr'c-[ you up Orl'crs pf no left Cfiarmj} He'il prentde Smmet MS Afferent as your D'Jh.'t. Thus Plate
n devoured after Plate, and fuch n-JuralTranJitions nre mnde fmn me t9 tkt other^hat tt^pU their Bellies^
butfefdem hbmttbeir Appetite:, ftr the PaUte is ahcjy: J» :greeably entertain d with fo mmytitneltics that it
h u ;> V." '
f .:!'o:-e'd it to In- f.ttisffd.
/ ' Naip Hunger m rcviv'd again, tLc yij fe:l:c n yivr :k/>j'd and the/
ifaJl 6U witti the fame ffreedinrfs and Guft. The Belly having no Ejes fees not hew much i: ta'<esin,and
ittiat iafi rather filfd than Chitted. And heeattfi the ftnipHciiy cf Kature is net entertainiy.g nmgh, we
Mixtures aud ILtclpoJctits cf diff<rcnt t^nds^. and by ex<]ui]ite andelcP.ed S.-.f'^wsjiipy.!i.uid en~
^>ui,igeour liuvmperance, yet noimithAanding tlo we recede fo tnuchfrem Nature, yet are we net able to fiU
the vaff Beands «f our Defint. He then reproves very fever^, their Exeift and Nieene/s in Or£n^ni^, end
ri.L'cules a ^le.'fmt citflini <f fame Monkj who being Toung, Health .^nl Stnug, w:ii!drinejt,itS:icrn'
rrcnt time into the Infirmary to E^tand Drinks Prom thetr Excefs^ in E.tting and Drinking be proceeds ro
Drelfmg. II f din': thinks titr Je'.ves weS t>r^ ((ays he) usetefs we have t^e befi of e^ery tfnng on MKT
Brc'.". iy. di 'i't fcnrch .-sftcr the mtfi decent nnd ccmmodicus bitt theCyJl Cloaths. H^e don't entjuire
' fir wamiejt but the finrjldoath. In a wcrJ,we dffn't defire [purfuant to our iV*/) whfitmaj le mcft fervicc^

able to hit what may cover ut mefi with Vanity ? Dnn't we fee every day that tt^ Habits
Ifhsch were given to the Monkj as M'lrkj of Humility, are fo ccntriv'd that tlsey ferve rather to exa't their
pride? fcarse c.-M a rvho'.e kingiLm ftrniflo them fuitMe to their Extravagatit Defire f. The Soldier and the
Ajcn^ainic/} p.v ii, :p:t.ite nf tlx' Hr.bit in the Field and the Cell.
fame M^HtM
a M'.nks Habit now a days "

become a Man of the ti-'trid? A Prince Ulfftei/et freviSng he were inftjhieii, weuld not lool^ Amifs in tbei^
Garmetttt. But Ten U tell perhaps with the Preverf, That the Habit does nor make the Mook, and
that it is Virtue alone which goierfis the He.trt tho' the Pe>f>i be never fo fplendidly cloath'd. Very well: Then
^ l wmldAsli, jcu wJjen you Traverfe the Tomt, viftt ad Fa^t, and the Merchants HoufeSf Overturn the hia"
gaiiHes^htfeld the Silht Feel them with the J^ngers, View them with ycur Eyes, Hold them up tt the Light
l{cjed feme and like othcis, 11' ^;l;cr yc.i lave t.ot more Vanity than J'iiHic r 1 Ic Adds, n ( rc6\ cr that the
Abbots do not only Ncglofl to Reform ihefc Diforders, bu: even Authonrc and Eiicourage them bV
their Silence and Example. **lain Acnis'd (fays hc^^ of king Arrogant ; Np (ratter I catnAorhoM '

" oay Tongue $ I mnft aiwajrs take the Itberij to mquiie how the Saic of cbe £«th comes to be fo

d by Google
**XlE^f*^ ^h^l^ occaRons Men, who in their Lrvxs oi-f ht to be F.ximples ofHumifiry, by thi ir
^^Pracft^icc pHL- liiltru.:l;ons and Examples of Vanity? And to pa (s by man v other Things, what .i

" cotttd Men for the Fathers of Monks and the Shepherds
take rhcic Soulaf Or who.woiUd not be
•••WWtakeUienn ratherfor Govenioun of Cities knd Provmee*? Why, tlio'theMsAerbeFogr Lengue<
**oflr, muft his Train of Equipage reach ro his very I>oors? One would take thcic mighiy Prepanatior.s
•* for the Subfidence of an Army, Or for Provilions to Travel
thro' a very large tyefcrr. Cattnot Wine
•* aod Water be pour d Llndclil'd out of the kme Cup? Cannot
a Candle Give I.i(»hf bat tna Gpid or
•Silver C^>";^!lfH^k? Cannot you flf<; -irnn any orhir Bed but one ofTifTuc J Will not oneSctvanc
•*fufiicc to guide the Horle, lervc at l.jblcar.d uiakc the Bed? If you tell me u is to Javc citargcs in an
" Inn that you carry (b many things, then will 1 ask you why everyone does not can^ hisown Provifions.
He alfo does not fpare the Monks in their fiuildtngs. "But all this (lays he) 1-, li tko'- r;o:!iing. Lcc
" us proceed tomaners of greater CoirfeqnctKe, and fo nnuch the greater as by how much ihcy are more
** Common. I Ihnll not take Notice of the Dimenlions of our Churches, of theif Stately Hcighth, of
*f tbtit Exat&ve Length and Soperliuous Breadth, of their Sumptuous Ornaments and Curious Piifluros

''wln^, mndingthe Eyesbf die Congregationdo net* Utile, I fancy, divert their Devotion, and
** which <e«m tome not much more al low.- blc than the CercmoTms ot Amicnt
Judaifm. As for my part
** I would have all Dcvotion||^ Places of Wor(hip tend to the Ulory of liod.
i would feign Ask the
^Makt (tor I am a Monk d)^>f) » Qaefbon "which a Pagtn hftetofiyre demanded of Pagaos. Tdl
**me y^ Prices (fays he what ti.isGold to do in Holy Places? Now I wouLl make ufe of his Kcncctho'

tK% of bis words. Tel] me Puoi SoVjIs then fay I (>f you may be call'd Poor Souls) what has Gold to
do in the Sanduar^- ? 1 do not fpcak of Biftops and their Churches, for they may rake a greater Libenyy
but I !"pcak f rli Churches of Monks.
We know that Bilhopsarc endcbted both ro Wife Men. ::nd
*' Fools, and muii be aliow'd to Ihf up Devotion in rhe People by Images, and other luch .S<n(ible ob-
" ]cdh, Di^ich they could not raifc by their Prciching. But we that arc now no more of the World
" that have fbriaken all the Plcafures aod Riches of Life, for Jc/iu Clrrifi his Sake ; who ha\ c cait a: our
feet all ihatGlitt»tinihc Eyes of che Worid, and have fled from Concerts of Mu(ick, Fmprant fmLlls
•*anJ Feaftmg our fenfcs, fhmll we (I (ay) Interrupt our De\ction by thcfc fiawbles wlnth we have
**icft ^riafoke? What can wecxpectit weibould AcqaicfQeiaailtbele Vamtiei^ The Admiration of
** Sxs mthe ftn^uftioii oTFools. u k not theCommerce We entenaiii'd wkb die World itfaat eaulei
*' to ortci Inc! nfe to it's Idols ? and to fpeak more plainly. Is not Avarice the Caufe,
the very worft of
Vldolatiies? Is it not true that we have greater regard to the Peebles Riches, than their Salvation ? If
^jmtAtVHt how kanet tfais*to pafs? I will difcover the wonderful Secret 10 yoa There IS a ceinin
Art to multiply Riches by Fxhauft-rnt: them, and like a River to make them encrcafe while they flow,
**for here Prottifcoeft is the Caufe of liidr Aboundirg. Here the Eyes atid muidtot thelpeciators ate fo
•* feduc'd by thde eoAly Vanities, that inftead of Orfcrmp thetr Heans to God they Sacrifice
their Purftt'
*' rn Mnn. TKhs vou may fee hw
Riches fwaliow up Riches, and how tlic Money of the Monks proves
a bait fur that ol Fools; for Men liavc I know no: what Irvciinarionsto tliraw Water uico the Sea, and
10 heap Riches upon thofe that have 'em in Abundance. The Monks covcr the Relicks with Rich At-
tire, and the Eilficim for tear of being dazied approaches than with (hut Eyes and an Open Purfe.
•* The beft AdorhVT of thefe Images are ew
tlie moft Holy. Men crmrd to pay them Devotion, but
" firft they muft be CohIl m
lI with the Holy Water, and afttr are led to ihc Iir.ape where
they fbr the
moft part Admire the Oniaments tiuwe than die 1 hing it lel£ , iNezt the Chiuch is hung round noc
^'iriihCimiof TboTM, hocRoMtof-FdiiiK- Tfacl.ichtsoftfaeLamprare'hoigbTned by tbeLnftw
*• inftead of Candlcfticks youfcc great liranchi nt P i!' mounted, whofe weighr and
of IKattlonds, and ;

** Work-nian-(htp are equaliy to be Admir'd. What do you think can be ttie caufe of all tbcle fine things?
Are they more to put you in mind of your Sins than to move your Admiration ? No Cmainiyl O
•* Vanity of Vanities? Butthisis not foiruch a Vanity 2s FoHy. 1 he Church ihines in -r^ Walls and
''SuttcTS in its Poor. It covers its ftone with coltly Garments and leaves us Cialdren the Mislortune of
being Naked, i^ere the Byes of the Rick airfeii with the Bread of the Poor. TheCurioft) of Men is
•'Indulg'd when the Miferies of the Indigetit are Negleded. Neverthelefs if Weare Infcnfible of the
Waists of Men, wc ought to have more rrfpcA to the Images of our Saints, than to Pave our thur-
clieswiih rhean. W
hat (hame i< it for us to Spit in the Mouth of an Anpel, and Tread on the face of
*^ a S^tjt. But all.rhis whHe if vvehat«>4n inihdetftAce forthe Carving, whv dovire nocfpare the Beauty
of the Painting ? Why do we paint with our Hands, what weintend to debtee with our Feet ? Why
**dowe ukc fo rivich painsincmbellithing wlvarwelnteiid to defilcihc next Mo ncnt? What Of nily
ib OHtoy iiiK ilroaks-wfaen they are i3unc(^atd| to be cover 'd with Dut^/ In^ word what oecaiion is
*'tUnefiw«ll fliefe Vamciniattiang Pkwt Monkvwhd have rcnone'd the World, uhleft we have a mind
to Anfwcr ihis Pagan Poet with 0<i*«</; LcTd, I h.i-oc been ai! f^'Jwirh J I fir the Honour of thiHoufe

** lowatds the Etiu oi this Trcatilc he makes an Apologue for what he hid laid bc'oic.
for tbeir Stos.
**I hope God ( liiys he) that no body will be O.rendcd at what I have writ, l(.r I do not queftion but
•f Reproving Vice fo fcvercly, I have a little grated the Ears of fomc that Pradife it. Bu: it may
riiar in
••be it God IS fo pieas'ji to have it, tint even thofe whom I may be thought to have anger 'd, may not
•* bclix Bat this cannot polFibly bappch unld's they ccale to be what they are, unlels they ccafe to Ca-
^^mmaw* nmj
dt^aKpsding to Cottomi -co Judge ilUf Uiak&eduea by realoa they do not vi^blr
i* ' -'

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yA A WW Jbcclejiajucsi lit/wy CTt^rio^r Rigour, don«

« Sc
"re o mrench all their fuperfluitics. ^Uftlv "fS^J^*^
wboM »mmi '^^J^^^^
Mo<imDon '^c
one Onl^r to anmhcr. "I have known iomc (6ysbe;
Order, for tbcAlilkricy of ours; What had they • mind to do
the u? Whywn- bur rode-
"of their
;bring it co ii.r audin.-, U^c not been
prive rhcir Brethren of the Scandal of thcir Ioeoi»ft«OCT, and
"lefstTOuWcfontc co us by their ^rehed C€i«fefaiiott, i^ 2SL^
« vine them; and hecaufe they have dcfpiild through P^kIc rh- proflffioii which rh.y had embrtcd*
and prcfitm d to alTttineanew one beyond ibeir AbiUries, Cods Juitice
has JuHered cheir Bafeoeft W
artjcir.for they hate been obliged to qiittOBr Order through
*c fiMM Itnpnidence that tbeyenga|eA
for noc having
in il and ftamcftilly torefume that which throi Fh Inconft-incy they bad forfaken,
" CBtwcd on ic, but by the Itrpatieoce they had to conunue m
iLcir own, and noc through -an hearty
« defire of living with ns, they have fufficicnily (hewn what they were, and going thus from o«c »
the other, they have left Scandal with haxh. I don't here mean every &>dy^, i<>r thanka be foW*
^ we have found fomc, who as they have txgua gcncroufly , have perfcvCT d bmettly ; lor v u ntn
• **
better to perfcvcre in whit we ttiidertakc, than to undertake what we are not aWe to peifevere »n.
al! nkr rare vvith theApo(Ue,th«oi»rMionsbcconfciv
"•'But above all,lcr us
The Tieaale m
coinmenuauon of the Mih'tis AddicTird to H«»J, Great Mafter of the
New K«<^
5;. Bct- Tcmrfao, was written by St, BemarJ, about the Ycal ? %i This Order had been eltiUiih d itocbe

Year 1 1 r8. by Ibmc pious Knifihci whp had made a Vow to the Painarch
ot /'T'Mm; t
TreMift n j}, ^ouij liyc like regular Cano« in Cbaftity, Obedience isd Poverty 1 be li*
9"^''"; made this Vow , was llu^'^ Pr,,n:^, an i Ccfrn dr St, A!d,m.^r. T!^ Ktng of pave
whence they atrcrward^ touK upon tbcm tl»e names
Z'Z thetn forthcir Habitadoo a place near ibe I craplc,

Ml^l ofKaights-TempIait. The fewiaidi «id Bilho|« gave them for Einplw^^ °^J?*L?ife
Roads^hat led to Jnufnlon, xo defend the Pilgrims from Robbers. The faiil Great Prior oftbs Of
' .
dcr was this H«g/» dc Pagam to whom this Trcaiifc of Sc.
Eermri is dedicated. In the begioniftg
of ihtt Inftirackiad^ were but nine Knighci, but afterwards their Nmnbcr loon encreafcd. Their In*
aitution was approved of by theCounnl of Tror-f, in the Year i ix8. wbo^dttw
i» the Rules ihqr
were to obferve fome believe they were drawn by St. Bertur^t but icw««ttili imric was Jchm df
accord;np to the rclaticn
Su Michael, nam'd by the Council and by Sc. Benur^, who drew them up
^Trhc Great Prior and the other Kntghts, and as may the Ptolp|uc of tiiak KojJes, The
Trcatifc oi St, Bernard which we fpoke of, does not coftffft of Rules, btt « an B^mi on din Oitter.
and an Exhc*tarioo to the Knights of the Temple, co acqusc themfclves wtU of their Duty. T//j
m* MiUtU ^t^'d m the Cemtrj, wbkB
pyerUbean (fayahe) mitb 4^tm/hmfntt

tbtt there
dhrid bonotired wUb bi Cerfertt Prefmce, fthetmi, tkat

U'- mhhf llktmfe At

u be
»m t miM«tt* 1 the Prji.ce of Ds-kmf^
avtaj hu Guards h the prmrfi cf
from there: h the force of bu frefcnt
imCovrA/eoUi SolSer$t Mdconfeqtteritlj redeem bit P^ple anew. Thtt kjnd of Militia is tUto^thn iww,
md ij} A7et, have krumt tutbin^ Hkf it. They art u^t^ed in two Comhates at mce,nic tgmt^ the Be/h,
Mmd the ether .r^ tht Ftirmiej of Cbri/I ; in one they rfflfl t C-rpor.^! Fs^? h force of Arms, nvd im tbf
etker deeiinefi'ar agaitiji Ttee ad tbe Devii. He adds, that the occaiion and dcfign of this inftiiutiwi
i«iioclc6lobe admir'd ; lor whereas all Wars among Men, are either began on accouoc of Aage^

Ambition or Vain Glory, or out of a drfre of getdng pofleffionof forocthing, and the end fteo^'J'
is always fome Temporal Iniercft. 1 hdc Knighia ol the Temple aAed by a qaitt USettm Metnre;-
and had quite another end in their Entcrprircs. Their Bufinefs was to fi^hc the Battles of the Lard.
t Enemies; or PeaflMUfe if tfacy.were kiJl'd ckmrdvcii be-
wiihotit fear of Sinning, if diey kiU'd tfadr
came whether they kill or were kill'd, it was akogedier to mOier tfce CMde cffefiu Chi0, In ft
word, the Lives and Behaviour of thclc Knlph-s ought ro fhainc all rhofe, who now-a-days pra^flife
the Art of War, for they did oo^ii^ but by cotnmand of their Prior, bad nothing but what be
gave them, tnd nothing fnpcffldoiitnldKfrHalMB, Iw'd regularly without Wnrea and Cbildten, pee.
tended to nothinp of ihtir own, nor even fo much a'i wiO.'d for more than thc7 had rhcy maeover

never gave ibcir Minds to any SfKXtS, delighted m no Shows, nor loueht ancr anj Honour, but wiitly
and dtUgendy waked for the ITidfaqr of the Lxird. After this gn^Co n M n enda n on , Sc. B iit*, mmd
Sf.Bn- hort'; rhcm ro ncqaic themfclvcs courapconfly in their feverai Ports, ht^ving alwayt' ftftflA Stfarimt
nar^'i to propbanc the Holy Places upon which be makes divers Myttical Reflciitioos. «•
t e^e «f -11,6 firft of the Woffcs oomposM by St. Bernard, is his Trcatifc on die Degrees of Humitiif HAd
t*' Df^rrf* Pri u hich f jllmv in ordrr of the Edition the Trcattfe which we haVe jufk mentioned beibre. TIk
Title lufticicntiy acquaints you with the Subjcd : It fuffices toofafove that it is very moving^ coofift-
abundance of Piety and good Matter.

S'S'lk^ The Treacifc of die Love of God was wixtsn lone 6wt i6s Ac fotegoii^L St. BeruMrd dKecHi
^^^^ Manner, Reafons, Sonrce, Degteetaiid OUigaaon of loving God. He &ys, dttt At
^"^^ 'manner of loving God, is to lo\c hi:n without Rcfc nc the reafiao of loving him, is becaufe he is

God, and Joves lu^ for the Rocom{)eiice of loving him, is the Love it fetf which makes our Happi-
nets: thenthettlie Senice and Ongb
of liiiB Ijore b Charity, which God affords us tfarmq[t^Mnef
* LafUy, that four degrees of thi? Lore may bc dilcover'd ; the firft is that by which J.Tcn love them-
fclvesi thefecond| whereby they love God fbr their own lakes; the third, by which they love God,
bodi ior him imd nenllelvcs ; and the fontth, whereby they love God on his account only. Thisfbnnh
Degree is the fupream pcrfcLlion ro which i- is irripofTible-TO arrive in 'hts Life, which even the Mil^
tyrs never did, and which the SuuUot die iilciieu cannut attain lu, till they are fcp^faicd from tbcif
Bodies, to which they have always a natural Tendency. He
moreover diningeilhes Cbaft auad Mtf
, I ove from that which is interellcd ; the Love of Slaves from that of Children^ and at lenech, in nr-
fpcA of the ObligadoD to the Loveof God be fhdirs that ^tis natural fo n
dci^ And that it has aa uoi-
Vcf&l biftneiice upon Mankind* The'

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o^lS^ l welftli Century of Umjlianity.
The Trcatife of Grace and Free- Will, Adilrcfs'dro H^Siam Abbor of Sr. Thierry^ was wrirrcn by Sr. Ber-
BrrnjrJf about ific Year iig. upon occalion nf a Conference in which a certain Pcrfon had objtiflcd

to him^thtt he had allowed too much to Grace,bccauie that fpeaking of theGracts which God had done Jf^^'i^ 0/
Wm, tw had falrf that God had prevwied him in doing Good, for that he tjw'd 10 his Divine Grace f^'J^
all rhc Picprcfs which he had made therein, .hk! ih.i: he hcp'ii ihnt he would in lime pntu h>;rt a full
Perfe<^ion. One of the ftatiden by, hearing him calk thus, laid to him, H^hatluvt jm dene th^n ofjour
felf^ /tnJwhu l(fmtirdcMjm expeRwhen jrut cmfefiGed hM'thtient? This Qoeftioa docafion'd St
Bf/«.ir./to wrirc upon thi^ Subje<5t to ncpl.-iin the .-igrccmcut of Free- Will with Grace. He therein fol-
lows the principles of Si. Auft in, and firit he fays, that* Irte- Will is (av'd by Grace, together with
which it cooperates in confcnting voluntarily to its Motions; that this Conlent is eflfeded by Grace
it fclf, but th.nt it is not Icfs Free, becnufc it is withour ronftrainr and voluntary, fi^ere-ever there it
confent (lays hcj there a a H^tUf ttnd where there is I J ';!!, there K a Freedcm or Liberty, t^bi volud^
YaS,ibi Libertat: T/ r WT// « a renfonnhle Alovevn n', wlich prtfidet ever the Sertjes, njtd the Appttiit
which reafim accPmS ftiies, foSojpj and injlni'ds vtithcut impofin^ nry Force en it , /h iS it tmy
either incline to lii hj fwrfuin^ inndinate Dejues, or to Good, hj Joliovir^ Grace. The Witl only a cupa- ^
l/r of both Happinrfs and l^i'fry, nnd'ttt by its Cm/ent and ApfnhatiotL, that Men are either fVtckfi
«r Good, Happy or Miferable. Hc afterwards divides Frecdnminto dwer forts, t. Freedom or Exemp-
tion from Sin. 2. Freedom or Exemption fromMifery. 3. Freedom or Exemption from Necefllty. He
calls the lalt Frecdo vi c' ,,r of X.uurc, the lecnr/.i, rh.iroi (Jrr.ce, and the (irft, tlic Freedom of Life of •

in all nttooa) Creatures in whatever Condition they be ; in Angels as well as jyicn, in the filefled as
'well as riie Damn'd, in the Righteous as well as the Wicked. They that would do well and cannot,
are free from this Freedom, bur they arc not ncvr- !. "r[s free from rhc freedom of Sin, which otigtit
rather to be call'd Free Advice than Frce-Will. 1 h-s lecond Freedom is found only in fuch as have
Grace, as the Freedom of Mifery, which he calls Liherum Compladtttm, is to be met with ajooe a-
mo':p rhr BLTcd, bccaufe iholc only can enjoy rhe Good that plcafcs them, and be crcmpr from the
HI (I1.U tiiiplcales them, they being onlj* endued with Grace that can do Good, Grace being ablolutdv
lequiHte to do it; fo the Will of Free- Will to be abfolutely perftd', has need of two Gifts of Goo^
of Converiion to Good and Confirmation in it, the firft is granted through Grace to the Juft: in this
Lite, and the fecond is the efic(5l of Beatitude. The firft Man over and above the Freedoofi tif Na-
ture, had likewife tlic Freedom ofCounlcland the Freedotn of Compliance, bur ncvcrthclcfs in aft
impeifed: Degree; ior thefe two Freedoms have both their D^^ces, one being fupctiour, and the
-ther trderioiir. The (irft Man in the ftate of Inrtoccnce had this taft, but loft it by his fiill, infemnbft
that he afterwards^ rcr a inM only Free Will. Hc fell by his Crime, nnd the ill ufe he made of hi-; ^V:t|,
boc ibm he oanld not raife h'im(i:lf again by the fanK Power, bv reafon that he might not have fell un-
>ld«lNrhadlb^MS*d, Imt being once folten, it was notallow'd hunto life. What then fays one, H
Iklan's Free- Will loft bccaufe he cflnnot avoid Sirning ? No, anfwers he, but rather the Free Warning 4
be had not to Sin. He (ays moreover, that 'tis by reafon of this treble Liberty of the firft Man,.th4C
he was created after rhe Image, and in the refcmblancc of his Maker ; that the Blelled \AVK difi re^
f.-ublan«c^in the greareft pcrtc('>Trn^ heeaufc they enjoy thts*treblc Freedom, after n more excellent
niaxiner than the hrlt Man, and that thole rcdecm'd by JefusChrilt, during their itay on £anh,through
IGrace receive a part of this Freedom, becaufeihac though they cannot be aUogetberfre^ from Sin and .

Mifery, ypt with the afliftancc of Grac*, they may be able try prevent being Over-coinc by Sin^ ahd
Milerj'. Let no body think then, fays he, that Free Will is lo call d btciufc it keeps as it were, the
.Wdl in Kilancc betwixt CJood and Kvii, in a mnnner that it can do one as cafily as the otlier,fbr if thij
wiene fo, neither God, the Angels oor Saints, who can do no Hi, conld be exempted from d<Ni% ic lid
more thin the very Devils, wmy'can do no Godd. )t is rather call'd Free-Will, betattfe let-tfae w9|
be ;in jr. either to Good or III, it U tHil Free, it bcir^g in the power of no Perfbn to be either Good

or Bad, withofit the conlent of his Will: Now

Grace does not take away this Freedom, bccaufd
•it lets dw Will at work,* and changes the Bvfl (t> Good ; bnt neverthetels, by its frte Cbnftnt t' 8tf
thofe who suSt throhgh fear of Death or Ponifhmcnr, do not fail to with Freedom, bccSnfe ihi
Will cannot be conftrain'd but by its fclf, and that cannot be forced by a violence purciv palfiveoii itS
«wn part. That in a vvord,exceppne original Sin i^nly, all others areanefR^ of the Will v^hich in-
"clincs to Sin without beinp cblip'd by any e-xrcrioin Force: That we cnnnor prccnd to any thing
sneritorioaswiihouc Grace, biu alio that Grace cannot make us to merit vviihoui: our Will, Merit
coAfiils in the confent that Free- Will gives to Grate, but at the fame time this Confent does not pwM
ceed from Free- Will, becaufe that cannot have a good Thought of it felf, and that God is the occafiJ
on of all Good in us, whether it be the pnxlii<lt of Thought, It or AAion, for hc does as it were W
prevent us by infpinng us with good Thoughts, nod changes our bad Will by making us confent to
Good, which hc alone cauies us 10 perjbrm. That he cft«eis the firft wiriiout us, the fecond with us,
«nd the third by ns, for the beginning of our Solvation proceeds from God ; we our lelves are not rMI
occaftons of ir, neither arc wc refcnt at its being do;"ie,bi'.t the Confent and Ac'tioii, .Tltliouph they do

not proceed iirooa us, yet are tb<^ not without us, inlomuch, that wc ought to take care vybcn we
. m
€tAuooA motions as, not to aiiribuie them to onr Will which is weak, hot to the fble Grace of
God. Thefe arc the Principles and MaritrT; which Sr. R-rw.'r)v/el>nb!i(hes in this Trcatife, which agree na'rd'»/>A-
with the Dodrinc of St. Atiftinj cotHjCrning tltc Nature of Fnc-Will, and thcnccelfity and ^^'^^cy tff t»Hn^
Grace, witiioiu which Man could not perform any thing towards his Salvation. w9t,Vi9*
Tfic 'T"( r,-h Trratifc of Sr. Bc>-n-rJ, - ,\ 1 cr-r- pd-'lr-l-^V. to Hugh of St. ViSot, againft fotnc Opi-,f,
Bioaswiuch on ^»eMjrm0M Author had idid down ^ which were, • I. That

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70 A iMm jicciejia/tiCM jaytmy
I. Ttut tbefiapifin of JdusCbrift bad been obligatory ever fincc our S wiour IjiiT^id ro'M'cv*
demust H^Mttr u mt Um mm fy Wmtr mdtht Half SfiritfiaM nevtt ttutr iatt the Kj«idom tf Httf

i. That ao Body can be Iq^awidniitidiiKUyfcoavingdte or MaitjndoaB

in its fte4<l«

3. ThatthePatriaretisof theOldTdbniett had as dear a kno«kd|e of Uie laeamauoa of die

4. That (here is no fuch thing as a Sin of Ignorance.
5. That St. Bemmrd was miftakcn in that («flagc of his Homilies, where Iw laf% ihat even the
Angels were not acquainted with God's Dcfign touching the incarnation.
As TO the firit, he fays that ic would be a bard caic, chat what Jcfus Cfariik (poke in particular,
floold be taken for a general Precept, to oblige all Mankind. He is of Opimon, that Original Sin
was reinitied to the Je-f- by CimimnTinn, sinnng the litne of the amicnr Law, and 10 the faithful a-
mongft tbcGentila, either by ihcir own irauh, or by that ot their Pareius, and that the Obi igatioa
of being Bapiis'd tuder penalty of Damoaiioii, did mc commeooe tiU after the grnmalgarion of the
As to the fecond, he is of Opinion that the Adnit may be iivVi without adaaRy receiviiw Bapnfin,
if ft) be they cannot be Baptized, aiiliov:p!i ihcy dciirc ir, iKcaufe thai a<5ual Baptiun is her*
fupply'd by Faith and Vows. This he proves irotn divers paiiagesoucof Sc^ifoiir^r andSt.
fiin^vho (fays he) are tm AuAeritiet wbidb letimct po0ihly dijfcntfromjmt wiirA v&«M t«m always refohed
to be, either i^rc rigJ)t cr the mcini^. He adds, that what fupplies Bnptifm in cafe of Wart} rJcm is r^oc
the Pain, buRhel'aith of him that fuficrs. In relation to Irdants who can have no Faith, be owns
that chey cannot be ftvcd without- Baprifin, alihoogb they might be fiiv*d by the Fa^ of other^when
thr^ a<2aally receive ir.
As to the third, he fays that jf the faitbiul of the Old Law had as clear a knowledge of our Mj-
Aeiicf, as wc our iclvcs, God would have been nther too Iiber?! to them, or too rdcrvM towards os :
That the Gofpcl would net hrtvc bcrn then above :l,e Law ; that St. Paul would b.ive been in the
wrong, to boaft that he j.-.d ilic other Apoftles received the firtt Fruits of the Spirit of God j thai this
would be to do a confderable Injury to Sr. Jthn Bi^Hfi. And laftly, that the Prt^pjieti have, not
been all equally nilightncd with our Myfterie%aad that cfco aoioog Chriftiani^ Soatt hwaaeiaBOW
' ledge in thole matters than others.
As to the fourth, he affim^s that there arc Sins of Ignorance, and that the Aotiior of this Prapofiii*
onoughttoa^rec with him. finceiw has beibceiuaiftfaio'd that the Piecepc of AapcifiA film U}^^^^
cidemm in private, obliged oole who erald hate no knowbd^ ofir j diw it was wertov etidenc u
by the Holy Scriptures, that there ;irc Sins of Ignorance, for that the Prophet Dw '
exprefly prays

to God not to lay his Sins of Ignorance to bis Qaiaci aUb Abfet fpcaks of Sins comimacd tfaroui^
l^Donace, and St. PmU it find to have Mrftamdilie QniRii without iuiowin| ^rfm the ClmilA
was; and our Saviour Chrift beg'd ofhit Father mibigive them Cradiy'dhiiivm'ihaidvy tHW jf-
^ mrant of the Sin ihey coounitted.
As to the lifih>he ezpUins what be bad laid concemii^ the Angels, knowbg nodringof the myftery of
the Incarnation before Gabriel caine to acquaint the Virgin of the Circumftances of raM^ aodplaoe tff
the Incarnaiion, the manner thereof and the Perfoo cholen to be the Mother of God.
^ ,
Wc will forbear fpeaking of the Treadle againft the Errors of Ahaeliniy rill we coinc rhc Hiftorf
ATirhor, fo that there remains no more of the Tnarifcs of St. Bernard in ihis irccni Tome, than


^^J'» ^ Trad concerning Singing, neither of which retjuire any ObCerva-

_ The third Tome contains Sc. Sermrdt Sermons throughout the whole Year, upon the feVeral Fealta^'
matters of Moment. Thefe are his other Works, being writ with as elborate as Spirit,
aild abounding with lively ar J folid Thought?, very proper to move thcl Heart. He preadh'd rooft
of them to htt Moaks, whom totik coamKmivbe exhomd puUickly every day. Biher MdOlm
fliewt in fait Pkefirae, that although there in^ht have been ftveial Convent amon^ ffade Mbnfca
who did not undcrftand Latin; yet for the moil part tbcff* Sormnns wcic dflivcrcd in th^t Lan-
guage as their ftyle fufficiently demonftrates. He owns aifo chat Sc. Bematd lEdljght fooKcimes have
preadra hi the Vulgar Tongue, for the benefit of thofe chat did tat i dci tod Lann.

The hft Tome of the firft Volume of Sc. Bnnard's Works, contains his Sermons upon the CoMti-
«lti^ amounting to the number of 86, and being upon the two hrft Chapters, and the hrft Verfe of
the tbml Chapter, they comprehend an infinite number of both Moral and Spiritt^al Tbongfaeswhicii
be draws out of the words of the Text, either by erplaining the Text .ifcer a rryf^ical mao^
tKr, or giving it an ailcgoncal Sence. or adapting it ro otiier Sub/ccls. It is a wonderful thing to coc^
der how ready he is acifaisminiier of writing, and how he oonld be capable of compoiSBg lb wik •
Work of fuch different matters upon two fuch Oiort Chapters as thofc of ihc C>inttcles.
.„ • The fecond Volume of Works that go uoder Sr. Bernard's Name, is divided into two Tomes. The
51^"^ firft contains: a Continuation of the Commentary on the Canticles. This belongs to Giliert of Hpv>
^ lOtod between England and Sctikad, where there, was a Monaftery of Monks and Nuns»
^pt^^j^^l^ Abbot, depending oothe Bilhop of tiaetbt. He wai of the Order of Cifieaux^ sod
dy'd in the Year 172, in a Monaftery of t!,c D:o>:efs oiTri^yet in Chanipjgr.e.
1 This Connrmation is
ol the tame Nature with tlic U'ork of St. Bernard^ and is divided into 6vty ScnDoos,all which do
not go beyond the 10/ii. Verfe of the s«^. Chapter. T\iMm tdSKm*dhfm9Aff^dfitHodTw^
(ile^and fim {.cctcci b|theiiune AtHMn
of the Twelfth Century of Gmjlunity. ^'f
•This Tome coDoins feveral odier Tiadi^ accribiited toSc. Benuard^ akJxwglik isoemia he was oat •

the Anchor of them.

The firft is a Letter or a Book add rcfs'd ro the FhWS of Mo»/w//c», which is a Chanct--Houre in Witliam
the Diocefr of /{^iJiy ncsur Meuttu. 1 bis £ook has oecn quoced under the name of 5c Berturd^ by Mkt ofsr,
Ctifin and orherl $ bur nevennelels, (everal andcnt Ikfanmbipn alAremthatit was «mtten by Thicfry.
Ham Abbor of Sr. 'r!}ierry^ fincc Monk of S/gW, as well as tl)c Trcatifcs cf tht Contemplation of God^
apd that of the Nature and Di^nitj of Lovrjom which go under Sc. Bernards Name, and come ncxc
idler. This William was naave of Liege ; be came to Rjieimt with his Brother Sinm i they embraced
Moaaftkk Life in the Mor.aflcry of Sc. Kicaife ; afterwards Simon was made Abbot of Sr. N/coZdj, in
die Dibcels of Lam^ and H^iHiam fuccccdcd Geofrey^ iranflaccd from the Abby of Sc. Tbierry^ to that
iDf St. Medard of Soijfonjf in the Year 1 1 20. He had a very particular CorrefpondenW widi Sc. Bw*
"Hard, and retir'd to the Monafhry of T/^wt of the Order of Cifieauxj in r!:c Year 1135, wficrc he •

dy'd about the Year 1 1 50. His Works owcr and above the firft Book, being tlic Life of St. Bernard,
and the three Trcatifcs juft mcntioncd.coniprchcnd a TrtatifecaJld ihcMirrour of Faith; another intini-
itd the y£ai^ma of Faith ; a Book of Meditation ; A Trcatife of the Nature of the Body and the Soul;
Another againit Abaelard ; a Book of the Works of fi^lliam de Conches ; A Treatife upon the Sacra«
aient of the Altar j and laAly, an Expofirion of ihc Canticles. All thele Works arc to be met with
in die foutch Tome of the Blblietheqttg of Ci/7r^Mx.Theic is norcovet meocion nnde of a CoUedioo of
IPtorabsand Sentences, being only a Manufcript, with ftme other Works whioi are lolh The A- .

MdCment of the two firft Chapters of the Canticles, which irr-mcJIarcIy follows the proceeding Woiks
is omy an cztraifl of remarkable things in the one and fifty firlt Sermons of St. Btnutrd upon
The Declamations and Difcourfcs on the words of S-, Prta with our Saviour Chrift, are the Work GeofreV
tof Cetfrty Abbot of /^jy* exiradcd out of the fcvcul Works of St. Bernard whole Uifcipic he AkkHf
ThcTxeOivSc of the Ladder of the Clo)Jier, cr the method of, which was found among the Guinne
Works both of St. Auflin and St. Bernard, has btcn fince rcitor'd 10 Guijiue, Prior of the Grand Char- Antbor of
ter-Houfc, u^n the Credit of a Manufcript of the Charter-Houfe of Colen, having in the bcgnming of'*' Ladtief
lea Lencr of this Gui^ue, addrefs'd co Gcrvrfc nnd wltich fcn cs f )r a Preface to the Book. ofthtCUj*
The pious Meditations conccming the knowitdcc of Human Namre, found apiongft the Works {?f• » .

mSt ^Sc vmvft beloog neidier to him nor Sc&nMn/, bae hwher to kmt vout UoStm Ao- 7 ''^' f^'
'ior. ,
The Trcatifcl of die Edification the Inner Houfe Works bf
or of Confcience, found alfo .among the
titigb of St. VlHor, belongs to fomc Mopk, of the Order of Ctfieaux, who Hv'dxj^^^*
in all probability
Jmich about the fame time with Sc. J^amri. The £une Judgment nay
t)e g^vea concerning aoodier ,
Ttcatile of Confdence, and of another Treiftile of the model of life tod Manners, which fol- ^fsu Bcr*
tow; thi5. iuf4
The Trcatife of Charin is com£)prcd of MacceiK <^awii out of the Works of HgeUrd ^
Teter of Bloif 9nAiStSt.Bemto^ * .
TIic Trcatife Entituled the Myftical Vine, upon the words of our Saviour Chrift, I am the ttueVi$lt^
though it docs not belong to St. Bernard, yet was written by ibme^uthor not long after him.
The Meditation on the Pailion aiid Refurrciflion of Jelns Chrift, Which bearl the name of 3t
Wtrd in fome Manufcript, yet is not at all like his Srilc, no more than the LatncntatitM 00 Paffitod ^
0f our Saviour, and the Trcatife on die three principal Mj'fteries of our Religion.
The Treatife of Virtues it noclikewifc of St. Bi^Mr^'s Stile, bat rather belongs to fome BenediBuk
Itfodk, who writ it for Probationers, on the three Virtues of Hiimiliiy, .Obcidicttoe aod Charity.
The Expofition on the Lord's Traycr belongs to the fame Author.
. ^Eliefe 1 reatifes are follow d by fooie Sermons o(S%j1etred4, of KieMM Difciplt and Scicteury tO Sr.
"irrnard, who came from the Monaftery of AfoB«fr-/^4>»ig' to C/liirt><itox, and who left this in disgtrtt
to St. Bernard; of Ozer , Abboc bf Lttcedio ^ in the Diocefs of KercHi, who liv'd a Uttlt while
idfier J; and of fomc other Sermons whofe Authors are unknown ; but which are attributed to
St. Bernard^ together with IbiDC ofjjer Ofi^cuU bf Piety of the fame Native, without Authors Names,
among which there is A Tiotile on thele wofds, I0y are you eonie ? Which is prlmtd M. the AnMb-
theca Piinum, ur.dcr the f^imc of DjviJ of yiushoury;^ of the Order of MiW/.tj, with ahAhcrTfitii
life on the manner of living well, dedicated by an 4»onjmoiit Autbot to bisSiilcr.* .

Thus Tome ends widi fome piecesof Prolej''li|ccwi(e falfely attribatbl to St. IfentW. .

The Sixth Tome contains the Scrmor.s of Guer!:, Abbot bf J^nj, whom St. Bernard brought to ^.9""/*
Clairvaux, in the Year 1131, from Tcumnj, where he was a Canon, and whom be had made Abbot ^ ^
e( 2f»r, abodt rfie Year 1 38, after that llundert had laid down. Some Spiritaal Letters t)fGi«^,fifth
1 ^e
Prior of the Grand Charccr-Hoi^fc, Author of tlic ancient Statutes of this Order. And the HiftbrianS
of the Life of St. Bernard, whereof the firlt Book was compoicd, as we have laid before, by IViiiam j^^^a
'iMatniSu'Thierry. The fecond by Arnuudy ^h\30t of Benneval, and the three laft by Getfrey, St•^rJ!^^^
tretary and Difciplc to St. Bernard, who had before been a follower of Abaelard^ and whb after ha- Gcofrcy,
ving been Abboc of I^j, fucceedcd in the Year 1 i6aj in the Abby of Clairvaux ac Faflrcde, and in che Difa} le tt
Year 1175, retir'd to Fojf^ hSova in Italy^ of which he was Abboc, as alfo afterwards of Haute- Combe, S». Bct-
ttbont che end of this Century, Uealfo writ aCoamcirtary(KiiheC<f>tf/c/<r/, the Life of Sc. Peter of nard.
Tarantaife, and diven other Tttatifa br Sermons which Were ne^er Printed. Cardinal BarM/w has
given u> .1 Letter of thisC«H^/, AddrefsM to //wry Cardinal-BifliO^ of yJ/i/iu/, .'igjinlt Gilbert of La
eorre^ whioh Father MtiUUu has alfo pkccd At the cod of this Yoluttict logcibct <frith a Sermon, yf

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yu n i\ew pcciejtajiicat ntjttny
the fame Author for the AamverTary on tfw Death of Sc. Bernard, and a Lenier of the fiune to fefler*
on rhe I <jrci"«. I'r.iycr.

V>f The five of St. Brmnrd arc follow 'd by two Others containing an Account of his
Books of 'the I ifc
i/'fte 'iHf" Miracles, one » hereof confifts
of divt rs Piece-;, thr.t isol three Letters. One of P a Monk of
racleiof CMrvnux xo Siwpfon The O.lier writ by the Monks of this Monaftcty to the
Arcli-Biil.op ot /(/t/w;/.
5/.Ber< Clergy of C^hn, and the il):rJ by Gcoficy Abbot of /^>;jf to the Bifliop of C»»/?4iiCf: The Second is
B"^ drawn out of the Book cntitulcd The Great Beginning of the Order ofCiReuux.
Cihf'Uvei Belide thefc Authors Father MabiUm gives us likcwife the Life of Sr. Btmard oomgoid by
« Si. Bcf- Alanus, who from being .-.bbot of Larhofr was made Biftiopof Aaxerre in the year 1 1 5|. and retir'd
lUi'iL JO Cittirvaux in tlicyear 1161 where in in the year iSi. Alfo foine FrnprtK r.;<; of a third Life

of St. Btrnnrd which was bclicv d to belong to Gcofrej. And a fourth Life of St. Bfrnard written to-

about the year 1180 by the Hermit, who had fiv'd %wth Sx.Bemgard% Dlfciples. He alio
• Adds a Pwm
of tlic Monk Phihtbetts of the Life and Praifc: of St. Bemardf with Vcrfcs likewifc of
other Authors in his Commendation. And Laftly the Bull of the Canonization of this Saint together
with theTeftinKMiies that divers Authors had given of htm vAnch concludes this Volome. ,
He might alfo hive pur into this Vohimc the Lctrcrs of \7s/jci/.« of C/.T/rii,f//-v Secretary to St. Brr-
N'cholis <t

AduA^tf nird Publiih'd by Father Picart a Regular Canon of St. I'icisr. and Inferieii in the iz Tome of
Clair- the la i'/o'/^vf P4*rum. They, are abo ir all ftill of wit and written in a very enga-
ViUX. pi:iK S'vie; b ir they Conntn nr.hing re tnrkiblL' either on accoun: of Doilrinc or Church-Dilci-
pline. 1 !iis i\Vc-/io/-n after hav ing left C//uVu<tma- retir'd into his Monaftcry of Mon/iVr-i^^m^, wfaeie
he'd> 'd about the year 1 180. M. B«A^[v has alw given tts two of his Ldiers in the SectMd Tbro
his AiilceUaneous Works.
Birnard's Sryle is Lively, Noble and Concife ; his Thoughts Sublime and his Di<%on Weafant
7bt CbM-
raHtr ^"'^ Curious. Ho equally abounJs with pood Mirrcr, Tendcrncfs nnil Force. Mc is Iwcct and Vio-
ani-pJf- 1^"'-' engages tlic Mind by his InHntuting Manner, and touches the heart with his Movemeots.
ni<M of St. bb.s Exhortations are Prefling; His Admonitions foil of Gravity; His Repiimandt Eflkackms; Hw
BetlUfd* Reproaches fo tc;npcr'd with pood nature that it iseafieto perceive that he is in Charity with the Pe^
fon (hai iUlties and reproves rather to corroft than to infult or domineer over him. He knows
liow to commend wtihoat mttery, and to idl Truth wtdKmt Offending. He diverts, recreates ana
* •

plcafc*^ ; I le InfVills drcid and tnfpircs Love; his knowledge is more ufcful and wholelotnc Dcrflrine than

Curious Learning.. He is fo full of the Holy Scriptures that (carcc a Period p.iiles but he Itas loiuc
words or exprclfions out of them. Sc. Amkr^ 9xvA 5t. Jtufiin arc thofc of the Fathers which he has fol-
l. u li !Tv ft, ar<l which hc"confidcrs as nvo Patterns that he is Indifpcnlibly lx)und to Imitate. He al(b
Undci,liof d V y well the Canons and Rules of Difciplinc of the Churtli ; Lmt lie more panicuiariy ap-

p^Altumfcit to Divinity and Morality. His Moral Sentences arc nnl>lr, vrly, 1 we ghnf, and con-'
rain a great deal of fence in few words. He is Ingenious and very fct til in Allctoriet^ He treats of
1 Uo^rincs after the manner of the Ancients, and not According ro the Methods of the Sdiolafticks, and
iarics of his Time, which has gain'd him the Title of rhe Lnft
^f. Conrrovtr
fix Fathers. Altho'
,teJnsii|I(£04|ioftof his Thoughts from the Ancients, yet has Ik: maoag'd chcm with ib great Add rcfs
* . tliiR they (eem to be his own. ^e
was in fo great Reparation fat Piety and Lenrnine while he iiv'd,
that all Porentarcs defir'd to have their Dirtercnces detcrmin'd by him, and they look 'd upon his Dec'ifi-
* ons as lodilpcnlablc Laws. Th%Proudeft Kings and Princes have wdlingly condefcended to obey
hifki; The «fliops ikx only had recourleto fait knowledge, bot likewise regarded bis Dedfions asfemsr
ifllJiOraclcs ; .Tud have Rcferr'd themfclvcs ro him about the moft Imporr.inr A/Fairs of the Church. The
Popes themfclvcs have taken his Advice and look'd upon it as the grcatdt lupp<trc of thc iloly Sec. And
r«U People bad a very profound Re'.pe;!.! and particular Veneration fcjr bis Perfon and Charadlcr. In
;i woi J, it niay be faid of him that even in his iblituJe, he govern'd nil the Churches of the
Wcit. Due what is moll remarkable is that he knew bow to join the Love of lilcncc and a Retreat
«ritb fo many Ooci9«cioiir 'ad- Emphys, ar fikewife a Pronond Hmnilicy with AgniK anBte>
Father of the Church has had bis works fo often printed as Sr. Btrnard. The Firft Edition is thac
£J 't:imof
St Ber* uof his Simons
on the Times and Saints, Printed with his Book Dedicited to the Knights Templars, m
hards ^he year 147s He Mtgtmt by F«ffr Sdmfftr. About the i&me time the Treacjieof Confideration, the
Woiks. Apology to fff/ililMi Abbot of-lSr.'Tlb'erfj, ftid The Treatiie of Cbmmands and Difpenlations were
piintctiat l{hoi7tj. bi the year 4S h;s letters with his Sermons were Printed at Bnifffls.
i r . This
edition was ibltow'dby thacof P<fram the year 1494. which contains 310 Letters with bis Sccnnoas
on the Cantlclea The EditioM'of Brefje of the year 1 495. of Spire in the year 1 ;oi. and of VkiAf in
"" -the year i«;oi are alfo very Impcrfcd. That of P^iris in the year 15 8 contains almoft all this
.Saints W oiks: They were Colledcd by thecare of /oAn Boj/c^dn/ and Printed by, John Petit. In ^

• ' the year s i s Joffir Qliciru Printed them at Lyons with the Sermons of QilkertJe ffo/imdon the Cana»

tics. Tliis HditiOn K\-n feveral rimes Reprintevl at Pjr»f and Lyons. In the year sio two Monks

. ; ^ ol Cl.urviiux Publilii d a New tdition of St. Bernard' s Works more corrcc'l man the fonner, Printed
. \ j|he Firft time at Lj/ms. Some time after Francis Comrfiar of tbe Coltepe ot S'.i hntie rcvis'd the works
this Saint,' and Printed a new E<litinn ar Payit in the year i 547.

of W'hillt this Edition was felling and
Repiinting, Anthony Marcellin pwblilh'd another at Bxfil in the year j 51. <; In which St. i5.'Tn4r«rf*
wurks arc rang d after a New Order, and Divided into four Parrs: The Fird containing his Sermqhi*
. /i lie Second his Letters.- The Third his Treatifes : and the Fourth his fuppos'd Works. In the year
I ^66 Francit Comtftat'9 Editian*<wai Re-prinred as Printed with the .Additions found in tbe Edition of
Brfii and lrJ^^c fjiher Treatifes. After this J^" C'YfA undertook m picfent :he Pnbliik a New Edition
lot' Sc. Btruatd's Works, moreConvCt: and oiore Ample th^ihc former ^ lhi» was Printed at f^ry^

Uiyiiized by Google
y Of x^mjumtty.
JHhttli in the year 1571. :^nd afterwards Re-printed fcvcral rimes, ptniciHarly in the year
<U the
i 4ii
bcginuns ofibc foUowmg Cenrury, Edmmd Tirmtu a Monk of Cfflemx mihlift'd a new Edi-
xiODOf StrBmur/s Works, in the year* 601. 'kSA Eight years after John Picm gave aoochcr
Vluch was reprinted fevers! times a: divers Places. At tcnpfh James Mrrim Horftiut lobaitt^d
fedoofly to get a good Edition of this Fathers wqrks, and after a coo&terabie time and a rreai
deal of pains taken, he Produc d one and Printed it in die year 1841. tlib Bdhibd Wa<i receiv'd
and Reprinted in divers Places. Nev^rthelefs Horflias hayiiw paft over fcveral Faults in tfaft
Text, which might be correded by Aififlance of the Manufcripcsi i^ner Obmrc^ of the C6nbt]t»«
tnon ©f Sr. Maur undertook to rcvifc his Edition and Prefented the t>ul>Uek. liikSemibMoritibe M
Times, and the Saints feveral Places. This Fadier dying before he had finifli'd bis Dci5gn
Father Mahilkn was pitched upon to continue what he had fo well begun. Who PubliOj'd this Saintf
Works entire in the year 1666. in a Great and fmall Volump according to the Model of Herflim and
feview'd and oom^kgdhy ^divers-Manufoipa. Bin as this Edidon was the firft work of th:s I earned
l^onk, he fbmeiinie after dncovered fcveral Erttn^ which he had pretermitted before, and therefore Un-
dcrrook a Second ImpreflTion at Paris in two Volumes in Folio in the jrar 1690. In which the Carder i*
altogether New. and which is moreover cnrich'd with finePreto, and divcis ihort Notes at rhc bot-
MknoT tfae pMes» and wbdi nuh iotbe eodof dieiiift ¥oIm . Jt is this Edition wt barefolknv'd
n itMfe Eitcaaa wbkh wt mve made;


<pStar TAue^ct Sfmam dthc Vmerabk, th<? Ninth Abbot bfC/ioiy, defcendcd fram aHoliiel^aini'
* ly of Auvrrpu. His Father Mwrke, and his mother H/o^rtrdd picfisRd Mm N> iheMoMftery

-C/bqr, where he took upon him the Habit of that Order at the hands of Hugh the firft Abbot
ofC/mj ^'J^^'
©f that name. Whtlft Pomiuj was Alibot he was Prior of m^ and thin of BwhImw • tiAe%ff
kt laft Eleded Abbot of C/a»r in the year 1 1 13. on wit Lady's Aflumption day, ^f^bea fie «nM
Hurty yekrs OJd or dKitabottts. He dy'd in the year 1157. on Cbriftmai day.
- Vliilft Mr WW
AM»r be wrote a great many Letters, of which they have made a Cglleiftion divided
too fix Bodks. In rhe I.aft Book is infc rtcd a Treatife a|ainft the and another Trad againft (b»
YmiiM^. ^
He likcwilc com^
d two Books comaino^ die Narraiives of fcvcral Miracles vvhich
%a|^din bis time; jfonr Sermons; a partfcnhtr iMXtf a^ROft dble #ho maintained liatfefm Clirifl vi;as
not meiprcfs Terms call'd GOD
in the Gofeel ; feveral pieces of Profe^ one an EnetMumaforxt
Sn vioor
«wrfwTJpoo&. Beaedia, a Third unon the Refurredionofottr Saviour, and a fourth in Honour of Sr!
lAg^; twb Hjrmns, the one upon the Vnfin M«7, and die «ifci!r i|pon Moy
M^Jaknt and a dif-
courie m
Profc npon the Virgin Mary. He procur'd the Akm-am wknVHth'i out nf ifrMfoVt iUDO I jiffai' .

und made a Treatife to refute it in oppofition to M/^}mutamfft$,

Wc hai^ almoft all thefe Works printed t-part at i&«be]f«[^ Mb «t
* in 1 j**
546.W^4/ the
iuic h
library of CAwjT, and the in laft B/^/forf>«:*P.i/ri/OT. »

TbeRrft utter of tMf

Slhop otBeurdeaux who was a

^ ,•*

fiook is ifireM to Pope II. \\c acquaints hini that

zealous promoter of the Imetefts of his Holyncfs, had
the Axch-
eivctt fiftii MBi
°^ Aftirs,
and tnat ne cougratuiarea mm lor tne great care lie tooK m Reftmning'VT^u^'T
the Church.
He declares to him
that be is very much conccrn'd that he is not in a pofturc of being an Affiftant in To
an ohdertakinfe
He otborts him to perfcvere in the vigorous maintenance of hi| Di^,
in hopes that God, who ha5 •

already labdu d part of his Enemies, woold at laft brin^ the teft onilef Wslfeet. He
afTurci him that
he null always be inviolably at the Devotion of his Holinefr, nrd that where otih what
focrer he flioold be, he would always regard him as the Sovcraign Pntif. In the
Clofe of diis IcnS
kmtnsuadie Ibpe toremanbcr that the Church increafed atfitilby Siifleritigi «id fWecnrioni and
*atit fotmoiiined all oppoflnon by Pariencc: That he had combated againft iti'fncmies Seven
alrtady, dnt in the Eighth it was to be hopd. he wotdd fing Prailes of Toy and
CoRcbtfit^n makes it a|^tbic diii Lefter
iaitlJLj^^Cbri^i tip.
m» wme
in die Afeadi of tbfe
foultadm. TWa
IhffMFSennd of the ftme Book he wrote word to the Bifhop of ABtmS; that the Bilhop of Trne:
tim^yt W
ready to beftow one f the Prebends of his Chorch on rfw Monks of CAoir* as formerly

si SS^'^lt^^^^^
oeTDOBgiKm voniamee

ne conn laieiy mnt. tw

the Ptrbendl
» promote this
nKewne tnticats him to prevail
Buflnefs at W
upon the Fope
to remit to him the Tryal of a Pricft within his Jdrifdidion, wbo
Court of i{pme then was, in order to have his Caofe heard tfacK;
pffhp Pf^Sf* wfaeffe dit W '

In the 1 hird he wrote to HaimeHeK Cbancdlor of the dmidr (if coftcerhing the Afft ir of the
Monks of AnUna, who had prcftrr'd great complaints againft the Bifhop ofSe^ins^ He therein takes no-
tice that in his time the Members of the Church were verj much difioymed in tas
Cbuotrv. chat tkc fut«-

yi i^cd by Google
8o A JSlet» tcclejtajttcai tttjtiny •

l^J^cnb.m rir Bktremc

Ji JIhW in the laft^Momcnc o/bis Life. He »kcs
notice jha: rhcy
X/o/ 1

a«ny; V'nck.un before the r;.«;r«m, and that afterwards

he rcrcy d ^hc-
l.-ivourn!Vc ro tl^c
T u oiOr^MJ
Church If I'l,, by
bv COliiirmuig
coofirmine lilC
In the Eleventh he intrcars Pope Ir>f^cc:>7t


Elctftionof Hffi'Ablw of St. Si^^'cw to ihcBill^opnck

of th.n Church.
u tac^ ^
STacquaints of the dcath^f Hr«r^ King
r^cc'TTfr "../-f? 1 135. .ifcr ho hnd rccciv'd all his Sacran.ent$»
ot 2-.^/-', ^^ho depaned rhts Ijfe
as heobfcrvcs in this Lcnrr.

Atuhoriiy, the
Aich-deacon of P-:r«, andjnyshimMiconfcmbyhisAtoftollck

Orj; and J?
ScnrcmcpafsM iMwf.- againlttheMurdeBCffc
The Twentieth
JiadcJ to Monk Ci^Wfrr «mtaiM a long Inftrua


alwittllif Du^
itwl VW«t-«
•fV.rf^W indVtmiea.

**^n^ tit Twenty TlnrJ lie declares to Pope

he bad much ado to refolvc up<,n ^'^f-H^
JsiuKctu that
of hVKcl ^usl
rc-dubliih the Atfaey 5
becaufc he M<Sh
w6«Ui prnud.c ir,sMoi:.{^^
and it was oHcr ro fgund WcnaHcnes
by draviinlolf th. Mnrks iron. thaKc; that befidcs
of his Hoi mcf< he had
obedience to the Commands
ilianioie-eftablilh Old Ones: That however in
ofTcr-d ro the Monks of the Abbey of
who had waited t.pon h.r to lend them an Abbor and
Religiotis which he had orlei-d them. He imaats the
fcu.e Officers; but that they had rejcded the
uf C!uf,y tor ihc.r Abbot he .would not grant
Pcpc. that if tbcy were (till rclolv d to have a Monk
ihcm be latisJycd with h:s
them Liberty to dwofe whombur order
they oleas'd, to

Twenty Seventh he complains ro the haw Pope, of the ounafie* offer

d 10 ibc Aidi-Bifliops,
In the
Bifliops and Abbots, ^long whom he was pu lcnt in the Town of Ljm/. , „ 5.
dirc^ed, to Sr.
Tfc Twenty Eichrli is an Apology for the Order of C/««v apainft thai of Cf^^ux,
and I lety. he
BerturJ- wherein after he had pafsd feveral Complimenu upon h:m for his Learning
•Kl««iil>e Points, upon which the Monks of Cijfeaux pitcended, that thofe of Chmy devwcxi fronvthc
Tl-.n they bcl^ow'd the Monal' a k I labtr on N, a lOes
Rllfe rif Sa. Btmm ; whxh arc is tollow. f ,; 1

asfoon astthey wert pr^ksnted, without Uaymgtili their probaiiun

Year w-s ova, .^uouiuig as the
hct .hey wwc Bre^
Rule prcfcribjs. (i) TbAx theyfl«kf.«le^ Habits made with Sk.ns. (3.) 1
tl always thou' li
S wr^ r.jt primitted by the Rule, unlels in cafe of Iravehing. (4J lhatthejr

Rule. That ibey had oaore than

had thicker covering on their Beus than was prelcnbtd by the ( j.)

twO-DflbAfov^ up at TaWe with a fkood Courfe. (6.) That they alway* admutcd the RcJigj-
ous Apoftaies, tho" -he Rule piefcribes that they fliould admit them only
thrioe. (f7,)Thw they .did
not oblcrveiiic FnfU which th< prelcribed. (8.) 1 bat they did not inure dwinfclvea co«iy
Kak Mar
nufadure. (9.) lhat when ihcy eotertai«'d grangers, they did not bow to
them, and that the Abbot
did not waHi tlu ir Hands an'd Feet, as the Rule prefcribcs. (lo.) Thai the Abbot kept not aAlnv?tt.
tory of all the I and Uicnfils of the Monaftcry. (i i.) That whep they are out t)f their Moo*,
ftery they do not bow the Knee, as ufual in faying
their Office. (12.; Th.-u the Table of the Ab-
bot is not let apart lor the Eoieitaioment of Strangers. £13.; That when two Mooks chaoce^u) meet,
ti e Younger does not ask Bleflingof the Elder. (14.; that ihey do noc^ make one of the eldcft
Monks Porter of the Mona(lct7 Oarc. (i 5.) lhat the Porter docs not reply D«
GratiM, 1. c. Pr^ifr J
leCoJ, to ihofc who knock at the Gate of the Monaftcry. (i6.) That they renew the Vows that
they have made in one MonaArry, when they admit thcmfclvcs into another. ( 1 7.) Tlut they admit
thc'Mcriks of another Monaftery into theirs, without the le.ive of ihcir Abbot. (iS.) That they would
be exempted from the Jurifdidion of their Bilhop. (19.) l hat dicy hold and renihs, which
arc only the Propriety oftbofe who Preach and Admindter the Sacraments,
(icj That ibevrare pol^
kflbis of Lands, ar.d concern themfelv^ with the Affairs and fiufioefs of ihu ^i^^'as if they, were
mcreSjcuiars having I crritoucs, Seignorics, Vaflals, Banks, and Monks wbo.are employ 'd as Sol-
Itcitqp^'iMrf Advocarei.
;. lie Kturns a Reply to all tbe(c Objedions, in the of the Name of C!io^, Md.^^
in C^eral^ that they who make thofe Obje(iiions»9«re an up^t ^of
Pbtri/w, who wp^p.^ 3»
flineBMliing l^mfelvcS from other Folks, and Would be reckoned bct:cr than ihcnu He asks ihcoi com^ to pa^ ^fjit tbegr vjho boail to be fticb
. obfcrvers of the Rulf,forgci: at the ^iooc ^e
the JObfcreaaon of one Article, wherein thc'Monk*; ape enjoy ned, not ofllj tp -call, bye alfo fincttcljf
to citccm ihcnWch robe the rcfufeand vileil of all Mankmd. " Is it (fays he) tbcjcHeAs of thu|
V Articlcj which Jiijoyns us to bdicVjC.^nd.alicrtpai Iclvjrs to be worle than, others, ip undtr»ajiiie
"d^irJkaions, aBd o«ipri?^oorciwo, to;<{9iminm»hen}, endfettoohi^ ancfteem upon^wr fclvcs?
« *-»-»You ftilc your Iclvcs the only tri:c Alonks ijpw cxtiiiit in r!ie Wc



— ^ . . - .

Rule of which you prctcndio be lo great Obrcrvcrs, li;ice it declares it felt agalnll Mci;k^
for the Cojo)ir or "the Quajpr qf jthe >tuii which thcv wc^ir? Arc not, you,j^rg^
. .

^bwDg concerned
**varlcatorsin changing that Colour ibhich tt'moft confa-mable to Hutmlity and AuAcrity for .«op*
ibcr more glaring aj;d the emblem of Joy.
After be had iiiadc thcic ReUcdioiison the Monks of Oj^/cjujc. lie maiotains th^ tho(e qf C/u^^ da
DOT tran^vefii the Ktile^ in following the Traditions of their Fathers, (Incc ihcy derive tfa^min ibe
Jsa-nts, who .Tuthorizc them by the Sandiry of their Livcs.atid by their Miracles, and who had aPrivi-
of prefcnbing Laws to tbeoi. AUctwards he rciuriik a oioic paniculat aiid dircd Anfwer to the
* fere-

Digitized by Google
of the Twelfth Century of Chnjlianity, 8 i

forcRiention d Objttflions. ( i
) That as to what Admittance of Novices, ihcf therein
related lo the Pcttr /A?
follow'd the Rule of yefm Cfjrifty who order'd cbe Rich Man in the Gofpel who defir'd to be perfed, VauitbU
immediately to loll all he had, to give it to the Poor and to follow him; and who -Order'd the mati AhbM of
that was willing to go bury his Father bclbrc he would follow him, to leave the Dead to bury the Dead, Cluoy
and to follow him without any more ado. And that they therein imiened rhe Exan'.pie of the ApoRIcs
who foUow'd Je/iis Clsrijl as foon as ever he call'd them, and who recciv'd into the Chrifiinn Church
all tbofewho offer 'd thcmfclvcs. He owns that the Letter of the Rule is againft this Cuftom ; 'but
wtthall avcrrs that the End "and Intention of the Rule being Charity and the Salvation of our Neigh-
boor, which are in force lo kmg as aoy one prai^f^ the Rule even in the StjnSt and Literal .Scptc, one
may with reafbn deviate from tm Letter of the Rule. He adds thar finee x\» DilHpline of the Church
has been altt r'd with rcrpCLl: to a prenr many po'n:<;, 'tis no futli e:crmoiiiinary matrcr tlj:i: the Mon»»
ftical Diicipltne Ihouid be fubjcd to the latne Alterations. (^.) 'I bat 6t. Uettedid in his Rule had pre-
Mh'd nodnng dtredly eoneermng Habits : That he had no where proMlitied the Wearing of Leather j
that he only order'd that they fhould be different according to the Variety of Climats: That a l ea-
them Habit was moft fuitable to Aulterity and Solitude. That the Prophets, Etiuj, Si. John Baptifl^
4nd the Ancict\t Hermits werec.'oath'd with Leathern Garments That wc find in llory tbu&. Berto

diB himfelf wore fuch an H.ibit That 1 dtly it mu'.t be left to the dacvctiun of the Abbot to prefcribc

the Quality of Habits, according to the Climate, the Scalon, and the Cuuititution ol iliole who wear
them. ( 3.) That they wear Bretvhes for Decency andModefty's Sake. (4.^ That theRukTcavc*
the Abbot rail power ro prelcribe what lore of Covering the Monks flunild have on their fieds. (5.)
Thlt with refp«ft to Eating, we ought not Scrupuloully to adhere ro the exprefs Terms of the I^ole,
fince St. Bewfrf/r? gives the Abbot lilxrty to Augment the portion of Bread and Wine, t:! \ t vc •

work'd more than ordinary : And that 'us well laid of him, that 'tis Enough to allow ihftj|||ks two
dSihcs of Meat upon the il&oiwc of their InJinnities, that fo if they have noSbomach to the ^^^^m^ n-iay
eat of the other; but thar if it fliould fo happtn that they could not eat of either of thcfe two dillies, -

he has no where prohibited the allowing them a third or fourth Di(h : Laftly th.u we ought to prop( irii(in
cbe Quality and the Quantity both of Meat and Drink to the Conftirution and fttength (jf men, and
n>fefer all to Charity, which is that Sovcraign Rule, by which we ought to be rul'd and govcrn'd.
(6.) That in receiving the Religious as often as they were wiliuig to return, they did nothing but what
Was agreable to the Evangelical Law,and to the Pradiceof the Church: That what St. Bevediti fays on
this vahytA in the Rule was only by way of Comminarion. (7.) That as to the Fads they obicrv'd
what was pteichb'd by the Rule, from the f^th of September to the Beginning of Leht^ they did
DOt cat on any day f except Sundays) till None: but that from fVuit/ontide to the ijih o( Seftemkr
thqr did always eat at Noon, tho' the K,ale feems to prefcribe that on Wcdoelilays and Fridayuhe^
Ihonid not eat till the Hour of Nfnr, becaol^ it leaves the Abboc at bis Liberty to augment or dimv>
ailb the Faft. (8. ) Thct they had particular Rcafons for not woricing wuh their hr.nJ>, llnte iiich a
labour was injoyn'd the Moqks only to keep them from beiiig Idlc^ and that they being engag d in
Other more nfenif Employments, were difpens d from that. ( 9. ) That it was a ibrt of ChiMilfanefs to
condemn the' Order of C/z/d^, bcc.iufe the Religious and the Abbot of that houle did not prollrate
them felves before all the ftrangers that came to them, nor wafh their Feet j and belides that this Em-
ployment would wholly diverc riie Monks from all their other Duties by reafon of the great Numbof
of the ftrangers : That however to avoid the total negleCt of what the Rule prefcrib'd each Mork every
year wdlics the Feet of three ftrangers, and prefents them with Bread and Wine. ( 10.^ That the Ab-
bot was difcharg'd from the Care of keeping an Inventory of the Tools and Utcnlils of tlic Monaftery,
provided another man did it, fince it is impoOible for him to do all things himfclf. (11.) That they
do not omit thofe GenufleBims vthich they are requir'd to make during the Office, the' they fey^t abroad,
unlefs when the badnefs of the Weather binders thciti, and that then rhey fiy n Mifcrce. ( 12.) That

the Abbot ocders an allowance of meat and Drink to be given to ail ftrangers, but that it was dot pro-
per to inrrodace all manner of perlbns wlAoot dtftim^ion into the MffeHety ; nor that he (honid leave
the Relijuou-; ro wait upon Others. (13.) That the Young 14onks do ask bleffing viv.i voce of the
Elder, when they meet tbem out of the Bounds of their Monaftery ; but that within tholi: Bounds they
only ask it by a low Bow without faying any thing, that they might preferve their Silence. ( 14.^ -

That if they do not place at their Gate an Elderly Monk, yet they fct one there of known and approv'^
fidelity andWifdom; that the Monaftery-Gatcs arc almoft alwaysopen in the day time, and that 'tis
fufficient that they have one to open them when tbey are (hut. ( i j.) That 'tis ootat allnecerfary that the
Porter (hould cr)' Deo-Grattas to all Conncrs. (16.) Tba| there was 00 inoonVeniency for the Monks
vrhen they change tlicir Monaftery to renew their Vows, and that the Rule it fcif in cxprcfs rcrms per-
Mxiits the Renewing of the Vow of Conftancy. f 1 7.) That they are fatisficd that a Monk cannot leave
his Mooafteiy without the leave of his Abbot^ fo .long as that Abbot diichargcs the Duty of a Patori
chat is fi> long as he takes care to provide for the Bodily neceffities of his Rcligioos: But tim if it
(houid fo happen that a Mork cannot I ive or be fafe under an Abbot in one .Monaltcry, he m.iy
leave that Monaftery without the Licence of bis Abbot: 'i hat 'tis upon this account that the Abbot of
CAm/ itts djratn'd a Frii^legc from the Holy See, of entei^aining all the Religions who are forc'd ro
leave their Monaftery for either of thete rcafons. (iS) Thar they have for their Bill.op the Chief of
all Bifhdps, and th' Biihop of all the Churches, namely the lliihop of /(ow, who has gfantcd ihem
the Privilege of h ng exempted from the Interditflions or Excommunications of ail other Biihops be-
fides himfelf Tliat notwithftanding this they receive the holy Chrifm, the holy Oyls, Iioly Orders,

and the Confecratioii of their Churches from the hands of other Bifliops That to tirid fault with
their Privileges is the fame thing as to qudlion the Authority of the Holy See; that feveral other
IfeAooks enjoy the fame Phvileses ; and that Saint Gttgvj granted fuch to a great many Monafterics.
M . (19.) That

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it '

A NeVf tcclcjiajttcal Htjtory

Prrer the ( » 9.)That the Pope has given rhem leave to have Patiflics, and to enjoy Tenth That :
'u% rcafonsble

V^n.rablt f,;r -hem who oHcr up continual Prayers for ilic F.iithful to live by tb^ otrci of the
;i Fsifhlnl ;
and .

Abbu Litaies, bccauie ihcy ad-

0/ ijun as Secular Clerks have a Right to enjoy the Revenues of tcclcli.illival
the Ob!at;cns of
<3"«y' ininifter the Sacrament, and preach the Golpcl, fo ihc MoHks likewifc may receive
the account of
the Faithful, upon the nccftunr of die Pfnlms wIhlIi thev repeat in their bchaJf, upon
account of the Alms, «nd o-
the Tears which they pour out to Jivcn thejulticc of God, and upOn the
hc'Uilt y. 1 . rp ri. H-
ther (tood Works which they prac'tife. (»c) That the Religious arc not tcrbid
nf wh.i: kind focver ; and that they may maintain chrif ElUtes bfaM manner oi juft ivA law-
he obferves that wc ought to make a difttndton between two torn of
lol wu\s. 1 .iftly,

the one Imnuiable, which can never be chang'J, fuch as our love to God
ardour Neighbour,
whatever eife is commanded by the Lawi of God, and others which may chang'd lor a
creater Good, or'fer theavoiding a greater Evil ; and he aver^ that whatever they had alterd ipe m
Rule of S:. Henriul, was oftlie lanerkind ; and that they did nor change it bi:r oHv fov rlxr greater Be-
nefit, and to fultil Chriltian Charity, which ought to be the Suprrtiii Ruic
and Law.

[And now ujmn tbk vhole Dehate cr Ccntroverfu between the Minks of Ciftcnux dtfft tn^fe cf Clu-
ny, we cannot fojtbeur mnkittj^tijii oiis ^mir!{^ that accorjlug to cut o'd cwje Engl lib /»r»-
•er/', here hat l/eeH'4 gnatC'^, but little H'eot 'a gredt mife atid ci.-n:cur rLut t're Ex"
ternalSf^ hi' fcsrce onelVord furl, Pro, or Con, rMiiu the hiternali of {{^'ligUn -xlvchfuf'

. ficiently fhecvs, that xphen Men ate once wedded to any party in [{eligion, their «re .trfi HeMtt
happen r.iou: i.'jc Circuwfuntiah of Helii>ion, to wHih that Party adheres, an-! tbrf httWf

. Unit »iMCoH6emj9r the Ftmdtmm^Uit^ ttunuijCMhtlick

Tl*BBi/eniy Ninrh 1 ctrcr is ikcwife written ro St. B-mnd, upon a pamcular Qr.r.rr ! nbca: one

of theMonks of Ouny clcdcd to the Bilhoprick of Lancet, wbcnvf St. Bernard nukes ni?nnon in his
j64ih. Letter, and ut tbofe diar enfue. I»rtw f^Chtny in this Lerrer fays, that Saint BeraarJ hang pee-
jodic'd sgainft this Monk upnn fomc falfc Reports, oppos'd his Ordination.
The Tbiny Third is written to Pope Innocent, about another DirFerunce between the Monks of
Chniy, aild thofe of Cifleattx, This Pope in the Year 1 1 32, bad exempted the Monks ofCiflenux from
paying Tf?)* 'I hi>. was a confiJer.ibk Picjiidice to the Monks
' of Clum, parricuJarly to the Abbey
of Gi^nt, vvno had coniidcrabic Tiihci ta rtcavc from the I.aiids belonging to the Monaltcrv of
roir. The Monks of Gignj were for demanding them, for which the Pop- had inierdiolcd their
Church I whereupon ?eter the Venerable conjures him not to deprive the Monks of Gizm of a Righc
which belong'd to them.and to fufpend the Jntcrdidlion which he had pronottnc'd a^inltdiem, that fo
they might have time to inforni hi:n (»1 the |ultke of rhoir Caule. Abou- the firnc time he wrurL -jp-
on the lame Subject, xiic Thirty Fourth Later to Hainuric, Ciancellur of the Church ot f^wr,
whereby he repreferas to him more at length the mjuftice which he pretends was done to Ms Order ;
at::i dtrev^led another Letter to the Chapter Cc-i ral of Ci/le.vtx, wliertby he cxfiorts them to quit
this their Pretention, This is the Thirty Fifth Letter, which is written with a great deal of Smart-
ne6 and Ditcrftion. However, becaufe feveral Abbots of the Order df Ciftraux were difpleafcd at it;
the next Year he fcnt them a I error of Excafc ,which is the Th;rt:\ S ixth ard laft ot this Book.
Thq Motik'^ of (^'I'ty not beia^ able 10 obtain of iiK Pope what chey delired,were for doing them/cives
Juftice, and ibmc few Years after went to the Monaftery of M':roir, where they tommicred great Out-
rages. Pope EugenitK III. bmoeent's Succellbr being inform "d thereof, wrote to Peter the Venerable
about it, and threatncd the Monks of Gif«r to punilh them feverely, in cale they did not make Repa--
ration fb^tbe wrong which they haddc^e to the Monks of Wroir. St. Bernard and Vacr iL V v -r.i-

met at Cluny to adjuft the Adair : the Danube was eftiuiaxcd at above Thirty thouiaiid Sols j
but the Monks of Gigny havine made but very taooaJiderAl}te ofios of Repontioo, Sc. Iknmd wrote
to the Pope about it. At laft tt^ Aflkir terminated in an Afoommadatkm made afiner the Death oii Sc.
Bernard, in the Year 1155.
The Firft Letter of the Second fiook is wholly Doilrinal. He therein proves againft. a Man, who
was iain into the Error of (be Afttiiurifisf that the Humanity of ^f^tu Cbnfi,yitu compdied both of

Soul and Body. ^

The Second is diretf^ed to Peter Arcfa-Bilhop of Lions. He congratulates his being advanc'd to the
Primacy of a Kingdom, which acknowledg'd no other Superiour than the Holy See, and which hjd ati
Authority over all the Churches of France. He exhorts him to ufc his urmoft Diligence for the Refto-
> . ration of Piety, parr icularly within his Dio(efs. In thU Letter,he giVcft u« a Delcripdon of the Ine-
gularity of the Manners of the £cclefiafticks and Religious.
In the Third be complains to Pope Inntcent of thp Coldnefs ^ich he Aew'd to the Cardinal Bifliop
of A'liny, to whom lie lay under prcat Fnc'Ccmcn's and exliorrs hiai to leave him in France with

Authority, where he was capable of doing a great of (iood, till iuch time as he could recall liim
With Honour to ^tne.
In tlie Fourth lie exhorts Gilo Bilhop of Frefcati to abandon the Parry of Peter de Lrcn, which coi Id
not be the n ue Church, lincc it was rcduc'd to a fmall Number of People Ihut up in ievcral Fo^ts of
Italy or ppitMt. The*
Thirty Fourth is likewife direiled to the fame fiiOiop^ upon the finoe Sub-
jc^. *
In the Seventh be Ihcws Theotard Prior de la Cbaritc^ that he is bound both in Duty and Obcdiciicc
not' to ifut his Charge.


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la the Tenth, he wich a great deal of Fteednli relMnftntel lb Pdpe JMMcei^i tfiat fie does obt do Peter the
Well in recalling the Cardinaiof^/A-ott to /^owf. Veneraite
In the ElcvcDth he complains to that Cardinal, that they had turn'd out fevcral Moiiks ou: oi die
Monaftery of Verdun to put fome Clerks into their places. Chnqf; -

Tbe SisMoidi ii a Ciraibr Lener of the Monaftenes of his Order, whereby he

to all the Superiours
' I BBtlKirPtrtyei^ln< Mother /item^Wj, who departed ihi* Lift on tfie lid. of Juur^ and
I DO lay thirty MafTes for the Peace of' her Soul, and to feed twelve poor People m me
Where it could be done, aod that in the others, the Priefts Ihould fay two Maiies, b«lides ,

dwCcModMals. ,
In the next Letter, he tells us after what manner he rcccivd the News of his Mother's Death, who
Was becottie a Religious of hUrfipy. He therein makes her Encomium, and ddcribes the Circum-
ftances of her Death, which was wholly Chriltian. Tbefeand tlie follow^ Lch^rsndbnutisdlat fbi •

. dyed at the tinw of his Return from the Council of Pifa, held in the Year 1 1 54.
The Twenty Sixth is a Letter of Pope Imtiotettt diredcd to Peter .of Clunj^ Wherein he recommends
llimfelf to his Prayers, and difpenfes him from cnuiilig to I{emey becrafe (flThis Infirmity.
In the Twenty Eighth, Peter Abbot of Climy incrcim Pope hmetm^ boc to take the Prior of Va^e-
out of his Aionaftcry, to make him Bifhop'of Lungtet.
The Thirty Firft is written to William Bifliop of Or<»^e, who had interdi(Sed the Monaftcry of Pii^.be-
CM^tfae Monks rcuin'd a Chnidi which bad been given them by the Ptedeceflbr of cbiU fiilhop. i>#:
. twT of C/cm;, prays hfan to do them JnftiOF) if not, to appoint a day wherein be Woold hive the Affiiir
difcufs d before the Pope's I.egar. '

The Tbirqr Third is wrincn to Atto fiifiiop oilf^jts about the E^ifcrencc which had been between
* Um aadibeBifliop of Mxerte, aboae dw OtdiMitidns df leveral Monkt of ' the Order tS Chhtf {
. made at La Charite upon the Loire. Peter of C/««r was willing to fend him the Privileges of the Holy*
See, which allow the Monks olClmj to bcOrdain'd by what Bifliop they pleas'd, when he •ice
aettld aoderftand dut this Atiair was adjuflcd. He defirts be wduld be plens'd to fend him an account
thereof, and writes to him about two other private Af^irs, the latter of which relates to d Clerk of Jac
Church nam'd Guarin, who delir'd to have the firft vacant Prebend confcrr'd upon him.
Tbe next Letter is whncn to the fame fiifhop, about Ge^in bis Arcb-Dtacoo, who was gooie td
1(pme about lome Di£feraioe wbicb be bad viih his Bifhop. In his Joatiiey,be 0iop'd at Cbai^t tpA
had proous'd Pri«r to retimi to iV^^r/, and adjttl^ Matters with his Bilhopi
jttto in the Thirt}' Fif:h Letter returns an Artfwcr to the foregoing Letter.*'
The fti^wiBg Letters of Pettr of CAngr coputa fiochbg in cbem of moment, till you comic to
libeSefendi of the Thiid Book; /wherein hf lepfiei to the Qocftions wbidi had been propos'd to bftti
by one of his Monks nam'd Gregorj, who was a great Student. The firft QuefHon was, whether the-
l^m bad received an ucreafe of Grace, 'in rcceiving«tbe Holy Qhoft With the ApofUes on
i^dbnroirrqntecoft. Per«r of CAni; replies, that (he bad reoeivied ao^increaie of Ghilrhy or of iaoAi-.-
fying Grace, fince throughout her whole Life, flie had a fulncfi; of Grace and SaridVity ; but that flie
might have receiv d an Augmentation of fome panicular Gifts, fuch as Knowledge, ProphecVj £hc
power of working Miracles, of fpeaking ieveral Tongues, which yet Was not very certain. TlU! fe-
cood QoeftiOD is, how the Virgin Mary could pofnbly Ix- ignorant of any thing after flic had con-
ceived the Son of God. Peter of Clutij/ proves, that iTie was ignorant of a great many tbings,^ nor is he
of Opinion, that flie bad fitch a ^crfe& Knowlolge of God, as the Angek -and WUb «f gbod hSea
made Blelfed have ; and he pofiavdjr denies,tbat here below flie en joy 'd Beati-
tude, though be owns chat flie had more Knowledge and Wifdom with refpeiS; e^Ma^ hf here
to Spiritual things, than ail other Mortals ? The third Queition is upon a paC- obferve, that tbk U one
iAifi of Sc. Qttg/trj, wbaeio that Fadier feems to aflcrt that tbe Woid was uni- •/ .

led totbe Mtttbood, fadm it Wat bom of the ^i^Mh^. Ferer of C/wi? """" .
fays, that this pafifage has given fooK an occnfion of afTcrting that our Lord
brou^t down his Humanity ihro Heaven, wb^^ RomanTlls, wJiS -
Septimenc of St. Gregory, who explaia< his Thoughts by faying , that though ^ ^ ^
^^fitt Cbfrijl was not yet bom of the Virgin, yet mc Union of the Perfon of the fi,t K^^nns -f fme of
E^ioe Ltgot with the Manhood was already typifycd and foretold, though it ^i^e midern FMpilii.^

was no: as yet known or re%'eal'd. ^ •

In the Third Letter of the Fourth Book, he writes to Pope Inrcccnt in favour of Liwii the^
King of FrAMce, and intreats him to have feme condefcenfion for him. If his Youth had inclin'd him
to do any thing that was not .convenient. This was written upon the occafioti of the Difference bctv^een
that Prince and tbe Arcb*fiilbop oiBmrgts, He iikewife gave the Pope to oodcrftand, chat the Mo-
ntftery of LuJtem, wbicb he Wodid haVe retbm*d the laft Year, by fending tlndier feteral Monks of .


Cbtny, was ftill wtiolly irrcj^ular, and in a worfe Condiiiu:; ih.m befort.

Tbe Fourth if chat Lcact which he. wrote to the lame Pope iSaoMAbkeUriL
By the Fifth, he itcooimendt to that Pope a Canon of Liottt nam'd tttraeHau
In the Seventh, he writes again to that rope in favour of Amulphus^ Arch-Dcacon ofSee:(, FJcdtcd
and Confecrated Bifhop of Li^ieuxy cbsic tbe Pope might coniirm him in Ipitc of the Attempts made

hf tbe Coiint of Anfrert, to the contrary,
In the Eighth, he corr.pbins 10 Alilo Bifliop of Terroumne, tur his having publickly declaim *d in his
Church againlt tbe Monks oi Liunj^ accufing ihcm of being Proud and Difobedient to Biihops. He
fliews him* (bat if he bad any thing to fay agalnft their Omdad, he ought to let them know of
oad apanc cbem for h privat^f* and not to declaim a^amft tbcm to ^blickiy; Afiehwatds be.
Ms lfl«aft

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Peter the clears tbcm of the Accufatlon, Bhliop had hiaderU the bcftowinp a CajiOQ-
Vinttibk flup of AiieviSe on thctn, ibough it did not belong co his Uioceis, bac to tbe Dioods of Amiem*
Abbitif In the Niochv he recoininen£ to Pope inmcent the fiifbop of S^mmama, Aidi>ftftop BkSt «f Ctm'
tJuny. ^/7f//.f, and inrrcats him to approvt^ o'"r!i:'; Tr.irfl irion

In the Tenth, tie ioiicats bim to grant Huzh Arcii-Biiliop of Ttfwr/, leave to-ietntn to b& Afch-Bifl>op-
pfkk. I^Hi<f/>inhisjoun)evto/<«NwftUfidcinilwl^
• upon him the Habit ofihat Order.
in the Eleventh, he exhorts tlje Irch-fiUhop of N4rA«imr, wlio wu
very old and iafiinn, ro ofik
his Arch-Bilhopficl:» and to mife to Cf»V' « i» bcm Sfom, a
wJuck ]>bo«
be bad travclkd.
Tbe Sixteenth
the is Tvm
Htrodred and Twenty Eighth LttWt of St. BemdrJ^ t» MNncfa Btterm
C/wt^rcpI)'d by the Scvcr-Lcr ib, which u I:krwi[c the Two Hundred anri Twcmy Ninth of Sc.
Bernard's Lettg^ of which we iiave given you an Abftra<^l. Peter of CAoy docs thcran ac firft de-
clare, that the Di^cnce which had been becviwen ihena, whether about the Bifljoprick of Laugres^ or
for Tcritf-s, had abated nothing of ihc Charity, Friendrhip or Eftecm which he bad for hirtij In the
c2o(e of this Letter he lends him word, that be ibercwiih fcni hun a Verfion of the Alarun^ wbicb be
iud tranllated wbilft he was in Sfain^ to (hew the Errors and Follies of the MfhmHm R
t l i gioB. i

terwards be gives him a fliort account of hUhomct nnd of bis Doi&rioe.
The Eightccntii is a Later of Compliment to Pope Ctlefiinty upon his Advancement to the Popo»
dom. , .

The Nineteen is written to Pope LueitUy to whom he likewife made KVcnl CotnjpIinMia^ «d

ked liuu whether he iiioiUd fend him tbe tbineca Reli^kms^ accordtoeil belnd onltr'd Un when be
was tmfmt, ThisP<9« hf the mcLnenienai'd hivL Aofwo^ a» he iwaUrdp him* gmtt Fa-

in fo doing.
The Twent) Second
Firft is ^ nUdL
i» wrincii 10
WMM tO Hrftt/«,
kk finpow
upoo the DBRth of JlMtfA,
of the Bid>a|^ of Oribnr, nhaww OBcnTd hf
lipveial of his Uero^. . - .

tbe TwentyFootth, he recdoimeiMlf co Una the Religioas whom be fent him^

In the Twenty Fifth, be >vroee to Pope Bt^enm IIL in &vour of the Arcb-Biaop of Bffiimm^
In the Twenty Seventh, he exhorts Atte Bilhop of to retire to C/mct. *
In the Thirtieth, be blames thole who caus'd to be fingOT lOdnd fiicb iqnUM Or Hiftorics in the
CIir.!x!i, arc full ofFidlions ; and he (ayS thar nor long apo was vers' much pot to the BhifTi in
bcjiig love d to hear Sun^ arid to hng bimieli in the Church an Hymn in Honour of Su EeneJiS^
which contains twenty mlities at lean, withotttmouaoning tbe laapropriety of the Language, and thd
fairenefs of Quantity ; which had engaged bim to make another Hymn inHonoor of that Saint.
Tbe Thirty Sixth is written to King /^v the Youn|^ exhorting Kim to punilh tbe tuot bf
puttirg them to Deadly but by, ttkiiig sway fioni them facb cflftCbas cbey bad wa^fdilf gaian hf
their pfuriet and £xnrtkio. . , -

fa the Foorth'Tetter of die Rfib Baol^ he wnief to Pbpe EufenivilL die Cades wbidi tbe Ab.
boc Je la Chaife-Dteu alledg'd againft the Arch-Bifl;op of .-fr/:;, :;nd the Bifhop of F/f iVr.t, nominated by
his Holinefs to take Cognizanae of the Didierence which was between the Biihop of iV^Mw/ajid tbae
In^the Fiith be wrote to the Pope, about the refufal which tti» af«>VIB%y ff •JifWlrfifinM' hail

made of ordaining him, who iud elected Biftiop of y>»irg««/^ww.

In the fcvcnth, he n which had been propos'dto bim by Tbibnld Mbot of
plics to fcveral queftions
St. Cotomh:! of 5;v,:. Aiiioli', rlx' H.11 was tin's, Why they repeat the Undlion of the Sick at Ciuny.

ter tiic Verternbte lays, tlui lIil Caic is not the lame with the UnClion ot the Sick, aS with the Un(ii»
ons (^Baptifm and Confirmation, whole Efficacy is fimple and only One; nor the lame as with the
facerdocal Undion, or the Unt^ons of Churches and d^oiy VefTels, which imprint a Confecradon
which can never be eifac'd. Whereas tbe tffc6t of the Undioa of the Sick being only Remii&on of
.Sins, wherein Mai M
after tbqr aie iccowtedof their Sichacfi, icoaght to be fepcafad'ift.Ae aeat
Sidoicfs./ _ . ^ .

The Sixth Bobk concemt fivdral Letten of PM«r of-CAatrto St. Bmumt, and of 9t Hemmi xxt
ter of Clum, of which the fourth is fcnicwlia: crrarkablc. i
Pcttr Cluny therein inrrcats St. Bertiarif
to procure an Union between the Monks of C/mj; and of Ciftetatx^ by ordering that whenever the
Monks of CAngr Aoiild come into the ManeAoks of thofis w
C^tnux, they mighc be^mefiaitt'd- a»
the UonVs of the Mooailfry, andadmiitBdinfiotlieKie6docyj the Donmiocy^ and die oAer Re-
• '
gular Places. • .

(. There are likewife in the fame Book feveral Letters to Pope Bagimitt TXL in one of wbicb f«£f^
the Ninth) he afTurc: h-m :hTr rhc Arch-Bifhop of f'Vwjj.T dnc'i nor ar all oppofe the Intereftf of the
Order of C/M«r, as tiic t'opc Ijau luppos d, and icnc hiuj word in the preceeiiujg-Letter.
In the Twelfth, he auvcrtifcs him of the Divifion whiob WM
in CoMnux ttte Gttgp^ upon occafion
of a Peribn Eleded to the Bifhoprick of Grenoble.
' , . In rhe Twenty Fifth, he gives him to underftand of the Irr^aUrities of the Biihop of CUr-
moitt. •

In the Twenty SevenU) he wrote to him in favour of Uitmlmt Bem^nt, who rctomtne from be>
jond Sea, was fcdcd in the Nei^bonriiood ofChniri and had pot a flop to the Wart and Robberier^
committed there in his- Abfi nrr, and had quieted all the Countrcy thereabouts j but becaufc he had
quitted the Order of J^nigbts Temftgrs. and taken his Wife again, tbe Pope could not ctxlute that be
World. Pjtter of Cbngf
Hjottld livie in the m
thai letter reownftniies to him, that very k w»

Digitizec by CjO'ogle
of the Twelfth Century of Lhnjlianity. . ,
for him to afc his Indulgence- rn vards this Lord, aniito gram &un • DifpeDiapon of Itviiig Wicfa his p^^^^
Wife, and of leading a Life. '
yg^ertbtt .

In the Twenty Eighth he wrote to him againft the Provoft, Abljor, and other Ecclel^ft^al Lords of ^^^^
BrioudCi who had turned a Clerk out of his Church,, and his dcmc&ns without any forit) of Toftio^ Cla|||r,
nay, fo much as denying him to clear himfclf by the Tryal of Fire, as he had offered than to
do. .

The Forty Secood^orry .Tbiid.Forty Founfa,and Fony Fifth Lead* are likewife written tp Ei^euiut ,

in. The firft in iavoar of the. Abbot of Brenw, and the RrOnd in favour of Guy LonI of OwMtar, who
had been intcrdidtcd by the Pope, for h-A ir g manycd n fccor.d Wife ic. ;hc I ifc time of his firft. Pe-
nr of Climy (hews (he Pope the Realons upon which be believes that the taii Marriage oufibc not to
ibn^, and prays bin i» dezeitauDe iMf Aflbr aceofdinf! ^
di^ton which he had iflucJ out againft this Lord. The Third is in favour of the People of P/<jrr«:{<t,
who were tinwilling to admit of a Biftop, conlcxiatcd by the Arch-Bilhop of l{itvtnn/t, and they _
thought they had rcauoo for becaufc they were tu admit of no Bifliop but who was fcnt by the Popej
In the laft^ he acqoaiDca the Pope of a Xccacy which ht had made with a Locd of his Neighbour-*
hood. . . • . •

The Fifteenth Lener of this Book, is a circular Letter «ninen by Peter of C/wir, to all the Su^ekif
ors of the Houfcs of his Order, wherein he warmly reproves the Abiifc which was eftaWifh'd among
the grcateft part of his Religious, of eating Meat every day in the Week except Fridaj. He flicws,
chat thii was forbidden by the Role of Si. BenUiH^ which enjoy ns thena'CbcatiKNlli% but Fidi«aiid hj
<he Example and Inltitution of Odoy one of the Founders of their Older.
The Seventeenth, Eiebteenth, Ninetpenrb and Twd iiiittli Letters, areatioiic theCM/Sutr. Peter 6t
CiW^ had been invited Dy ^.v/Lr^^ Auljot of St. Dfnjj, and by Si. Berthtrd to meet at thar-Aflcmbly
which was to be heJd at C^4^/?<ri upon this Ddigo, bcexcuieshimrelf 6om coming by two ofhis Let-
ters, but whhal comoiends that ddtgn.
In the Twenty Sixth written to Everard, Grand-Mifter of the Order bf Kj»gbf TtH^mt^ htCOttl-.
mends their Inftitucioo, and interceeds &>r tiumJ/ert of BeMjeu^ who had left them. .

The Thirty Ninth written n> his Nieces^ is in comMWWWhwi ofa VwAi Life.
The Seventh Book contains three Letters written by Peter of C/tm/, ro Su^erm Abbot of %i. Dcnys]
an Anfwcr of that Abbot ; three Letters of St. Bernard^ and one Lettg: of Peter of CeBes^ written to Pc- i
ter of Cluny.
Befides the Letters we have already mentioned, there are a great many other*;, which arc either
Letters of Compiimenc, or on Alfairs of little Moment, and feveral other Moral ones about the Spiri-
tual Monafticit Life, fuch as the Nmth and Tenth of the firft Book j the Twelfth, Fifteenth, Twenty
Second, and Fiftieth of the Second ; the Fourteenth, Thirty Ninth, Fonrcieth, Fourty Firft and Four*
ty Second of the Fourth Book ; the xbird of the Fifth ; and th^ Thirteenth and Fourteenth of the Sixth: \

All tbefe Letters are penn'd with a great deal of Purity and pleafantnefs of Stile, full of Life and folid
IL'hougbts. Tbey arc not indeed lb Airy as the Letters of St. Bernard, nor ib fiiiil of Turns and |»lay' )
ing upon Words, but the Style is more Corred, Even and Ptire.
'Thcfc Letters arc follow'd by the Trat'ls of Peter of Ci'uny.
The firft is dedicated to peter of St. /«^n^, who in a Ccmference which ihCy had together, had toUi
htm, tbatfomoofthofe with whom he convers'd, had affthed that CAri)? is not exprefly inD'd
God in the Gofpef. Peicr of C'uny in this Treatifc, proves the contrary from all iliofc Paifagcs in the
Colpcl where Jejhi ChrijI is Itiled Cod, axid has luch Attributes apply"d to him, as belong tp none but
The Sccnnd Trad is againft the Jcwi, ^herein he proves the Divinity of Jt-fm Ch ift, that be iS the

Meffitts who bad

been foretold by ihc PK>phets,and refutes feveral Fables of the /-w./y Tnlmud.
To thdc mo Tra(f^s arc annexed
nvo Prefaces, the one is Peter's of C/«w;, ri cl the other AoArr/'s
o{j{eJinett upon the Verik)n<bf thcAlconm, with an Abridf ment of tjje Hiftory and Errors of Af^-
ifemt. The Five Books which Peter of Chm^ has compos'd againft the Alcoran^ have not as yet bectl
• '
printed. . .

Wc (hall ^eafc of the Treatifc againfl the Petrobuftans, when we come to treat of thofe Hertddci:
The two Books of Miracles oontam the Relarion of a gri*ar many Miraclct rhat hapjienel in his vaAl «
in the fccood we meet with tlx Life of MittUip Prior of St. Mtirh'n in the Fields, and afrtrvvard? *

JBilhop of Mbditi, afad ih« Account of the Contdt between Pontim and Peter the Venerably al)out the
Abbey oiCtunj. , . ...
Of the Four SetOMM penn'd by P«Mr of CAntr, *e hate only due aWnt thfe Ttani6gittatioii vt-
nuioing. •

Tlie pietfs of Poetry winch we have of his, arc an Apology in Ftesaitietet-s, or Pentameters againft
thofc who found fault with the Vcrlt-s of Peter of Poitiers; Icveral pieces of Prole oft the Life oxfefut .

C''riji, on the Rcfurredlion, in Honour of the BldTcd Virgin, u{»on St. Mvy
Mufdalen, and in praife'
of Hugh Abbot of C/««7. 1 wo Hymns, one on the Fellival of St. Benedifi, and the other upon the
t^anllatiOo of bis Body; and fevcnl £piuphs>on Count Eufiacbiuit Bernard Prior of Cluny, f{egi-
ntUJArch-BifbafofLytn:, Mdpetmr MaefarJ. It had been well if he had written as well in Verlc as
in Profe. •

peter oldunsf made likewife a Colltdion ol the of his Otder, which were made whilfl he
wasAbiior, aiid-asdie eodofeachScaioie, hasexplain'd the Realon df thrir bang eoadted. Thefe
ftatutcs relate to the Divine Senricei to FallSf the ftfrnl of (fabb^ aild fSs^erat hthef CtfOdm^ of chh
Cloaks of chv Frattfaity.

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Father Mabillm m the third Tome of his Anaicch, p. 4S i hns eivcn us two Letters of this Author,

of the AifoCMtioB of Fraycn for the Dead, between ihoTc of Cbam*tt and the Senators ol Ve-
nice. • •

.C HA P. Vt
Aft Account the Herejies which pevAtlcd in the twelfth Ceittury.

WE have already obrcrveJ, that in the beginning of the foregoing Ccnrurj-, there arprarcil in feve-
of France, luch Hereticks as wert accus'd of impious Do»ltnnes, who openly attack-
ral parts
its moft fiiGPtf Riici and Ceremonies. The Severity
*^^'uh^ ed theSacramenit of the Church, and fobvened
^y-j^ wliith tliofi who were taken were condenind, did noc prevent the Sc-Q: from fprrading fnrh'-r,
Cmrarjr. Century, a grcaf
'iwr tbi* Dodrine or lome fuch like, from over-running the Kirusdom, lb that jn this

many Hcreticks appeared, whofc chief Aim was to divert Men frani the fcarivtqs of the Saetamcnfi^
and to overthrow the Hierarchy r.r D'TripH-c of the Church.

An icamt 1 he lirft who appeared were tcter ot Htuk, and an Hermit nam'd Henrjy his Difciple. They firft
tht Hf began to broach tlicir Dodrine in PnveneCf from whence the latter went to Lmfume^
and afterwards
rrfK^ imo the Country of M^M/. Wc
will give yw
the Odinpd^ cbeHiflodaoof the Biibpps o£
Hc;»r J. M.iut made of him, in fpcaking of Htldehert.
** Aboor niB wmc dwre •role m
dnt Coamry a eeniuif
" Hypocrite, who for his wicked Adions, for his corrupt Morals, and for his abominable DoArincs,
deterv'd the fcvoeft Panilhmeocs. This Man jcoooeal'd cbc Rage ol a Ravenous Wolf, under the ap-
** pearwices of an nmocent Sheep. His Cowitenaiiee nd
Ey« lobk'd like a niflkd lempeftuous md
§ca: Me was as yet very young: He wore f on- Hair, his Beard fluv'd, was large in ftSture, but
«« very lor: ily cloaib'd
j walk'd apace, and bare- tooted even in the bardeft time of Winter ; he wa«
«' pie:ty Arabic, hade ftrong tcrrifykig Voice, and liv'd in a manner quite different from others Hit
"ordinary Retreats were the Cottage? of Pcnranr*; he ail day under 'Ponico'';
\ eat and flept on
• ;

fomc Hill or other in the open Air, and had acquir u a great Repuration of i>anctiry. The Women
appUudcd him, cry'd him up for a ^reat Servant of God, aiid4pvcoat that no perlbn could have
a greater Faculty than htm of converting the moft obdurate Hearts ; and that he was endued with.
** the Spu-it of Prophecy, to difccrn the CDoit inward recedes of the Conliiencc, and the moft private
** Sins. This Fame having rendred him very deHrablc in the Diocefs of Af«>M. He fent thither two
of his AHbciatcs and Dilciples, wbo liv'd in the (ame maniter as be did. Tfacif<( Men arrived
•* Mnm w
on Afh-PVednefdayy where they ereTeceived by the People as Angels. In Imiwtion of dieir
'** of whicli u as an Iron Crofs, and they wore the Drefs of
the top
Mafter they carryed Siaris, ;i

** Penitents. Bifliop Htldebertfurprized at tbe Sight, and received them kindly.

wai joft won bia He
« depMtmefbr /(ome, ordered bis Aidi'Defoaot 10 give Htmy lealve to cone aio his DioeeK, and
pern. ' him to preach to the People. He was no fooncr come, but rhcy flocked from all jMCt* »
** hear his .Sermons, and the Clergy themielves exdted the People thereto. He bad a Natural JBlo-
*' quence, and a Tone of Voice refembling Thundcfir. (bon fpread his
. Emm
in his Sennons,aMi
* ItirreJ up the People againft toe Clergy, fo that a great many E: drfin'ticks wire nhi's d by them.
*' The Chapter of 'Mms perceiving this Diforder, wrote to h m^. and gave him notice by one of the Ca-
nons, thai l^ y prohibited him nom preaching any more, cuher in pnblick or private witUn dicif
Diocefs. The People bad like to have kill'd tbe Canon who brought him ihi'; Meiraee,and Henry con*
*'tinued to preach in the Churches of St. Germain andSt. Viiicent. He taught, that the Women who had
not liv'd continently, ought to ftrip themfelves, to bum their Hair, and to renounce their worldly
Goods, 40 lead a l^k of Pover^, by manyiog likewiTe poor Men. . Tis eafie m
gneft how nmca
diftofMiicefiidballodfioepiitmfMl^ WUrlvrf being renmwd ffOB
RfmCy Henry retired into the CafUeof Calais and continued ihcvc to vent his Do<flrincs, and the Peo-
« picftill follow'd htm, and were lb iiur infatuated, that they would fcarce akncowledge their Bilhop*
" or iecavt his Benedi^on. The BUhop 10 nndeoeive tbe People, went to ffemyf aiid cntring into a Con-
ference with him, ask'd him what profeflion he was of He anfwcrcd him that he was a DtAccn.
The Bilhop asked him whether he had allifted thai day at Divine 6crv k c? He laid no ; then reply d the
Bilhop, let us fay our Matins. Hrw/jr declared that be could noclay his Ofliecf tfaenilhop began to re-
cite rht Wbl.ns of the Office of the Vir^in-Mny but Hem-^ was ftill is ignorant as'cver, (0 tbat being

in a Cu.';tuLon, was fore d to own that he knew nothing at all, but that iie had made it his Study to
make Difcourles to the People. H/Vir^rr/ having gain'd the Conoueft over him, prohibited bin nom
pleaching or ftajiog any lor^er in his Dioceis. Two of his Difdples nam'd Cyprian and Prarr, recanted
and left bim, after they nnderflood that his Life was infamous, and his Do^rine Heretical, as Hiltie'
tfrf iiifoi ins us in his laih. Letter. All this happened about the Year no. 1

Whilit Henrj/ prcach'd in France, Peter o( Brutf continued likewife to publifli his firron in Frwm^.
Bmrt peter tie VeneraUe Abbot of Cha^^ who has refbted them, makes mention of fivet (t.) denying
•/Peter flfthatPiptifm was of any arlv.iiitagcto Infants, and mainrnitiinc that only adult Perfons ought to be Bap^
Uiuls. lizcd ; a Dodlrine which they put in prachcc by Re-baptizmg all thole who initiated themielves in-
to their Secl (1 J His condemning the ufe of Churches^Temples and Altars, and bearing them down.
(3.] Hisrt jc.'^inp the Wordiip ?of Crodcs, and breaking rhem. f4.) His believing that tbe Ma(> was
ttfclcfs, and that none arc oblig J to celebrate it. (y) His l cachit»g, that Alms and Prayers for tbe
Dead are of no avail, and forbiddifig to £hg cbe Praifcs of God. fie filcawile Mkci Ncoie thac a
of m iweltth Century
many arn-sd them of wboUy rejedUng the Canonical 6ooksof the Oid ai J
of Lbnpiamty.
Tcfiamcnt, Ktw

and of not believing either in Jcjus Chn'fl^ or the Prophets, or ihc Apoltlcs; but he .would not im-
pute the Error to them, which was only attributed to ihtm by ccir.mon Fame. '7 is r.o hard matf*-.r
to comprehend how tnuch Trouble fuch a fedlrious Dodlrinc nuift needs ra:("e botlr Church nnd m
Stride. In Pi-ovfwcf there was nothing elfe to be feci bn: ChniUaiis Re-bajnireJ, Chui 'i s Tn i^I.^M'd
or Dcftroy'd, Altars pull'd down, and Crolles bum:, i he i aws of the Church were [ib.'iL 1\ v loii- 1

ifd, the Priei^s beaten, abas'd and forc'd to marry, and all the moll (acred Ceremonies of the Church
abolifli'd. Tbele Diiordm excited the Zcftt of tbeBiiiopsofthaiCQunirif, who wah the aliiftance
of the Ptinoes drove ont this Herericfc, and put d ftop to the feiy of hi$ Followers. But he. wcbc
from thence ituo L.;'!, where he vented the iame Errors at T£«/«ij^, and in other Cities, till he
was apprehended aiul burnt alive at Sc. G/Ve^'s in L4iig<<r</0c. '
, .

His bifciple /fenrr who vwtt likcwife retamed to iMtiuedoct after he had been driven out of Mms, ^.
prcach'd thetc the f. :v:c DoL^*r:nc, nnfi cddcd thereto fevera! new Hrror^ Co that within a (l.ort tinie, „
that Country was lo inleitcd with thole deicflabic MaximiS, that there were robe fetn fas St. henuzi! the Error*
fays) a prearmany Cliurches xnthtttt P^^y a ^ratt nutnj Pcif 'c wieLmt hiefls, a gteat mmj Prieftj i}f Heavy
deffifedby their People, and a ^ m.iny C/r j n/.'/.^;/? ]i.fiis Chrift. 'f! c C- tlrrc vrnc L:- and «f
c«me lil{e fo tn.tny S/mtf oj^iiCf ^ the Seminar/ wai J.'vcJhJ if i:j Sanch'ij ; tLe StUi auumt lock^ed Uj^on as Peter
fnfhane thinli I the Fijiiv.ils hfl their Solemnity ; Men d/d in
Al'folut'.tn, without Btldl»
their Sins, without Md
receiviitg the Communion^ B.iptifm was denyd ; Prayer and Srxtifxes for the
to bifants they dirldtd tie
Dendy and the invotation of Saiatt ; tf>e Excamtrtunications ofB-fMpSy the PUgritno^es mnde for tie f/il(e
ff Devotion, tJ:e CoifecrAticn of the Hj!y Chrifm and of the Hc!y Oyls. And in a lix, .\ .1 Cori-
ttmft IMS cafi«* 4tf the Cerenmiies nvd Ciiflctm €f the Church. St. Bfrnaid brought into that Country
by AAericy Cardinal Bifljop of 0/?i.t,' and l.egar of the Holy Sec j put a ftop ro ihde DUbrdm, ana
uiidecciv'd pan of the Pcojilc by his Preaching and his Mir.'cles. Henry thouglic rf m.iking,
but was apprehended and caityed in Chains to I'iioiouje, and put into the Bifhop s Handi., St. Bcrmid
undertook the Journey in the Year 1 47. 1

'TiS very prf'babfc that he I krctic : of PcmVjj ;(.v were the D"fc;[^lcs of Pc!:r d: B>uii and ofy^^
Henry. We will give you an account wluch a Cuuiemforary Monk nam d Heti>ert Icfr i.'; ot them fjci.,gf^f..
tosLetrtrr addrcfs'd to all Chriftians, wherein he adnoonilhes them to beware of ci theic tal.e Pro- nMtgy,
phct<; " There are (fays he] iii the Country of Peri^ucux a great many Hereticks, who bo^fl that
ibey icad an Apoitolical Lite, eac no Flefl), anddrinkno W:nc, unlcl^ in a very bitlc quantity, and
••tint from one three days end to anothcr, who fall upon their Kr.ecs an hundred times a day, and rc»
<* ceive no Money. I beir Set^ is very Oamipc atul Hyyochticali tbey do not fay the Gitvid Patri,
•* but inftcad of it fty, heeaufe yours h the Kjngdm, mdyea hate it Pewer ever tS Creaturei for ever nwi
" eotTy Amin. They makr no accour.i of Alms-giving, bttaufe they believe ili.'t no i>'an ouplit 10
**polkfs *iiy thing as bis own Property. They bear no regard, to i^e Wals, and teach that one ou^bc
not to receive the COflnmunioh, bat only a piece of Bread. If any one of em out of Hypocnfie
fays Mafs, he never RTitcs the Canon, nor receives the Commutjion, but throws the Hoft befides the
Altar, or into the Milial- I hcy do rot adore CroObs or Crucifixes, .ind cor,uemn iboie ot Jdola-
'* try who do them any Honour. This Sctfb is mightily increaTcd, and *n6t-only a great many
** Perfons of Quality leave their Eftr tc^. to be of their Nun her, but bkewife a great msr.y I'^v leln-
fticks, and a great n.any Keiigious of both Sexes follow Jiciti. The molt Itupai diid lenkis aaiong
** them, within lefs than eight days rime bccam.c very expert and fit to teach, and bp exemplars to the
" reft. 'Tis a hard matter to take them, for wherever the>' be apprdietuled,, the, .Dcvd hc fps ih«m
" out of Prifon again. They do work liMlie Mirtwles/ fuch as riljtup t Vefiel Wl^h Wine, by pouring
" fome drops of Wa.ct into it. The cUcf of^diis SeA iS c^iedP»Miitf. St; Beitsigtd i^i jOHQiejr m
confronted likcwife tbefc Hereticks. **

About the fame thAeTtffic£e/rne vented the fame l^ Ytmdtrs. He was'a'Laick who ventured YO ^^^f*
preach, and bec.>tr.c fo proud, that he c.TtLis'd extmordltiar) Rcfpi^niJs to be paid him, and he cirr} ed y;, y^n^
his extravagant tolly fo far, that (if wc may believe Abaelnrd in the Cafe,} be.cau&'d himfcit 10 bt.^iciuK,
llyled by the People the Son of God, and a Teo^ple to be built in Honour of hun. That whidi is
mdrc certain, is that he langht " thar rhr Chnrc'hci were 'only pbtces of Pro'Mturion j that thcEutha-
"riit which the Pricfts coniccrarcd fignifyed nothmg. That the Sncramecrs .re rather Abominari- w
ons than facred things ; that the efficacy ol' the ^acrametits depended on the San{i^ity of the M'v- • .

*' nifters. The Bifliop of Trwr«rty cftablilhed in the Church of St Midael, a Corgu gatlcn of twelve
" Ecdefialticks to o{>pie theie Errors. 1 his Church was cfterwards beftcwcd on Si. Aur/rrr. Tj>»*'
chelino went as far as I{enie with a Pricft nam'd Evervachiety v. lto was one of his principal FoUow-
"tn. 'Tis not known what bccanne of bim. after wards, but for the Pricft he returned to Vt'ccbf,
where he made a t»rear many "Dirdplef. The Bifliop of Vtrecfn Tent word thern^ to Fretkrick. Arcb-JBi^ *
iTiop of Co,V^>ji-, wliooppovM the Hercficin in very R-.rth, which (vgan to Iprcad it /elf io htS DiiKCfs^
as IS oblerv d in the Letter of the Church of Vnecht to thai Arcb-Bilhop.
In iptghr of all his endeavoDts it was efbblilhcd there, and there conriniird, as we are Informed by
a Letter of Encrvin Provoft of St. inffid near Colonic written to Sr. l^cn.-.i J, wherein he givtfs him
, . .
to underftand, ^har w -hin a fhort imie they had difcovercd (cveiul 1 l-jrcucks near that City, fome !!f^J^
whereof had abjurd ;heir Errors; and two others having mr.intain'd them obftinately, h;;d been^"^
bnrrr v -h? Pcoflo. 1 hi-U llri...uks taught, th.-r liRy vvtre he only Perlon? among w hem the true

Church hau iubultcd, bct~ulc tl:ey aioi^c luid toUow'u ii;e i:x.iir.plc of Jcfus Chrip, ?iid had polfefs'd '

nothing of this Worlds Goods. They forbid the eating of Milk mea:s , and the FieJh of
Bealh. They would not dilcover what their Sacraments were; however they had own'd
thai, ibcy believe that die Bread ard Wine which they did eu every Day was oonfecraied by •
cbe Loid's Prayer, for ihenourilbniOft 1^ ihofe who wete the Memben aad the Bdtty vXJefu* Ch^^M

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Thefitit' illthis Scnfc it became the Body of Jcfu Chip; that Others bad
oot the true SoCTamenw' b«
ti^ki^i only the Appearance of them, and ihai ihey held a falle Tradition of
men. They admrned of m
the tub and the Holy Ghoft as more Excellent than the Bapafm of Water, for which ihey
Baprifmby Fire
Qemuj, hadnotrtTfr Eftecm. They believ d that their £/ffl had a power of Bapttfing and Confcaatmg.
They diitinguilli'd three fom of Pcrfons among them. Hearers^ BeUtwt aodtbeE/bff. LMj
they condcmn'd Marriage without giving v.-.y n afon for it. ^ - ,

The fame Autlior likewile ttkes notice thai there were likcwifc m that Country ieveral other

Heteticks different from tbe fiwmer, (who btd been evcii inftrttmental m dilcovenng them ) who
bcL:iJlc nl! the Vr.dh ot the
deny'd that the Body of Jr/w C/;r//? was Confecrated OB die Altar,
the kxulai and piophane lives
Cbufch are oot Confecrated, and that the Miniftry is corrupted
of "die EcckftUkicks: That therefore they have no other rower than to teach and Preach, and th«
Sacraments arc Null except the Baptifm of Adult pcrfons; for they did not believe that
all their
to be bapciz'd.
Infants ought They likcwifc taught that only Marriages conti^ded between a
and Maiden were lawful, and that all others wtrc no better than Fornication. 1 hey had
no tmft or C n i Ic-nrc on the Mcdution of Saints. They Aliened that Fafis and other Mortiiica-
tionswere not at all necciiaiy for the Tuft, no nor forfinners themlekes. I hcy ftyl'd all the
Ufagesof the Church which were not EftabliOi'd by J.fn C'hrijl and thf ApoiV s Sup-riht ons.
They deny'd Purgatory, and maintain'd that tbe Souis departed immediately went into the Piacc
alloLied for them, and by confcqucnee they reoder'd the Prayers and Sacri&erof tbeCbvfchfer
Cbe Dead Null and Void.
Thefc arc the £rn>rs which Encrvin attributes to tbofe two Sons of Hcrctick"; to oppofe whicii
hcexckettheZealof SaintBerwrtTiiiwhoattlMttimeindifcourfinf upon thefe Words in the Cdntldes^

Taks w the little Foxet^ took an occaHon from this Text to \'.T.rr agaiiift tiiufc Modern HcretKks,
whom he comfates to Foxes. At the Firit he reprclfnts thcu Moiais m "the 651I1 ikmwn, wherein
he aMife* thens of Being Proud, Lovers of Novelties; of makui{? no kruplc to fwearaid forlvt^ear
themfelves ; of concealing their Myfteries; of leading diflblute Lives; ot being too familiar with

marry 'd Women audMaios; of bewig Cheats and Hypocrites. Afterwards in the 66th Sermon he
refutes in panicular their Errors about Marriage, Abltaining from Meats, Infant- haptifin, Purga-
tory, Prayers for the Dead, the Efficaqr of Sacraments and tbe like. LatUyhe Ipeais of their £U/e
CWtancy which made than faffer Death and tbe grcateft Tomems: and he reproves feVcnl Plrfn*
ces, and even fevcral BilTiops who tolerated thole Hcrcticks by receiving prefcnts from them.
Thofe Sermons ol Saint Bernard were written about the year 1 140. which I'crvcs tofiztk: Epoeba
(tf the time wherein thoTeHereticIa of firft appear'd.

Thefc arc the fame Herettcks whom fomctimc after Ekl^t Abbot of St. Flmn in the Dioceis of
Trevej oppos'd in his Trads dedicated to {{c^iruld Arcb-Biftiop of Cologne. He had ofren had Confe-
rences with thtm whilil he was Canon in the Church of B«««e, and whereas they were frequently
difcoverrd to be in the Dioccfs of Co/^^Kf, lie clicuphr himlclf obl:j;'d to cxpoie rhcir Fin s and rcfate

than. This is what he has done in his lix Dutourles which are to be mc: with ai ii»e Bihitotbee* Fa*
trum. He therein takes notice that thofe Hereticks in Genwoy were call'd Ctthsri^ in J^amdm Pipbri,
in Frtuicr Fiffrr.'v.t, and. makes them to be the ofl^fpring of the ManteLees. We wilTnow give you an
Account of tlic Errors which be attributes to them and refiues in thofe Dilcourfes. " They coodemn

- "(fays he) Marriage, and threaten Damnation to thole who dy'd inaourry'd ftare. Some among
them only condenn fucb Alarriagcs as are coattatSled between «ny bcfide fucb as have never beeil
** tmrry*d. They eat no flelh becaufe ifaey fwEere h 10 be nadein; whidi is tbeRealba wludi diey
* give of it publickly; bat in private they fay that Flcfh is the Devils Creature. They have divers
*^ Opinioos about Baptifm : fome of them fay that 'tis of no ufe to Infants: in fecrct they add that tbe
** Ikfdfin with Water is of no avail, fbr which reafon they re-baptize thofe who enter inio thdr Se€k

••in a pr.rticolar Way, andafTert that"tis the Baptifm of the Holy Ghoft and of Fire. They BeH vc
' ** that the Souls of the Departed enter the vcrj' day of their Death into a Sutc of Everlafting Happiodis

••or of Everlafting Milcry; and do not believe Purgaiory : By confequence they reje<5l the Prayers^
••the Alms, and the MalTct for the Dead. If they come to Church, liear Mafs, and commtinicarc
•* there, "til onk for fliow ; for they fuppofe that the Sacerdotal Order is utterly cxiiiid io the Church
** and only fublifts io their Se6t. They do not bcl.c^e that the Body of Je/m Cbrift is Confecrated on
•^cheAkar, but call their own FleOi the Body of Cbrifi, and in tajdng of Food lay, that they
"make the Body of jFc^w Chrifl. I have heaid^addsHe> from a man who had left their SetS",

•'after he had dilcovc:'ii Turpitude and the Errors thereof, that they aflerrcd that Jefm Claijl was
not bom of the Virgin; that be had not real Flelh; that he did not rile again really, but in a Fi-
. "fpne: be beltev'd that 'tis for this Realbn that they keep not Eafter^ but have another ralival whidb
they call Bema. Laftly he acciifcs them allbof teaching that the Sovts of Men aie «faafe Apoflaw
* A r gels who were turn'd out of Heaven.
Tie Here- 1 his ScA had likewiiis fome Followers in the Dioccfs of Toul, as we are Inform 'd by the Letter of
tiek*^ Huj^b Mett'/uj, Rcp-ilnr Canon of that Dioccfs, written to his Birtiop Ihhry, wiiercin he givr-; him

Ton)* to undcrftand that in his DLOcclii there were dnngerous incii who began to ftart up, whom one
might rather ftile Beafts than Men, becaufe they led a Lite wholly Brutal: who deleft II^HitMge j «bo- -

nunaic fiapeifiQ^ decide the SacraiocntJ^ and Abhor tbe Name oiCbt^ittm


J .1^ .^ l
y Google
ty we X weutn eientury oj ibnjtiamtj. . ,
in ^^HK were likewtfe Herecidct of fame Nature, .who went oncler i&eNairib of Tibe fiert-
Ctthari. Bon^-curftUy who had hecn formerly one of their Teachers ac AT/.':;. has given U5 a'j'^J?^

Tn& of tbcm after his Convcriloo, pnblifli'd by Father Luks D ichcry in ihc Thirteenth '"'X *^*
Tome of his Spi^ief^m. He diecein Jays that lome of thetn maintain'd that God created
all ihc Flcrr.rnr';: rhar rrhr^rsfay. It wis the Devil who created chcin; but tlia: they all bclicv'd
that it was the Devil wlio icparatcd and rang'd chaii in their Ortier: That they like wile biliev'd

that it was he who fram'd the Body of Adam out of the Clay of the Earth, and that he
therein infusd an Angel of Light: that he likewife made Evt^ and lying with her, begat CAin
x>i her Body : Tlur they aifcn that the Fruit which Adam was forbidden to Ear, was the
Carnal Knowledge of Eve: That they maintain that all the Bodies which are in the Air, oa
the Eanh, and in the Water were made by the Devil.- That it was the Devil who appear 'd
to the Patriarchs, and who is the God of the Old Teftament whom they rejed: That chef
likewife conci^:r\nSx. John B.tpi'tfl That thc^' Teach that Jf/L; Chrljl hai; r ra Body animated
: •

with a Soul, and that be neither drank, or Eat, or did any other humane Ai^ion really, but

otily in appearance: That they did not belfeve cither his dcfceot into Hell, or W\% Refur-
region, or his Afcenfion: That they do not believe him to be Equal to the FaihcT: That they
afirm that the Crofs is the Chara<^er of the Beaft; Thar Saint SUvrflcr ii Antichrilt: that ever
fince the Pontificate of that Pope the Church bad been extinifl ; and that no perion could be
fav'd in a Marn'd Sr^'f. That they condemn the Holy Fathers: That they UrA^h] il.c F.i-
ting of Flcfli, Hggs, Miik ai.d every thmg elfc that proceeds from Animals: That tiiev do i:uc
believe that the holy Spirit iscoawrr'd by the Bawifm of Water; nor that the Vifible Sub-
f\nr^ce of the Bread and Wine it chang'd into the Bodyand Blood of J^ia Cbrifti and that
they aflert that all thofe who (wear (hall be damn'd : That they fay that no mancanbefavM
but by Impof.tion of Hands, which they Stile Baptifm: That they afltrt that the Sun is the
Devil; that the Moon is Evt^ who Ly. together as Man and Wife once a Mondi: That all
the Stars ttt Damons; and Laftly that no tnan can be fav'd, unleft be be of their Se<%.
Tlic fa ne Author Ireaks of other Hcti cricks whom he calls Ptff.tgtans, who Taught that one IhlSk*
ought to obfervetbe Law of Mnfa even in tlie Literal Scnfc ; and that the Snbbath, Circumci- jjflM
fioti, and ri*e other Ceremonial 'pra<fKces of the Law ought to be ftill in force : That fe/jjjsCMfi
was not equal to his Father: That the Fn'hcr, Son, and Holy Ghoft were diftintfk Subtr'.nr'-*;.

Laftly be fpcaks of the ArnoUifis, the Difcipks of AmaU Native of Br:ff'e, who went IJte f/frep
ttom Italy into Fr<«ce, where he was the Scholar of Peter Abaelard. Upon his Return to s Arnotil I

own Counrrv hc took upon him the Habit of a Monk, and his bead was full of this thought, ^Bf.cfl«>
that neichcT the Pope nor the Clergy ought to hold any Demeans. Upon this Footing he fet him*
frlf |ft preach, thitthe Clerks who held any Demeans, as ilieirown Property, the BiOiopswho
were poiifefs'd of Rofahiei^ aod tb^ Monks who cnjoy'd any Lands could not be iav'dj that all
thofe things appertaia'd to Princes. Befidedns, he taught the foneErron af other Hereocic^ ,

dbour Ini&nt- Baptifm and the Sacrament of the Altar. He was forc'd out of bafy by Pope Imu-
aaar IL and oblig'd to retire imo imt:(erla)ui. After that Pope's Death he rctara'd into lt*fy
and went diretftly to /^me, where he (tirrd up a Sedition againft Pope EugentM Tlh am^ aJfier- .

wards againft Adrian IV. who inrcrdiifVed the People of I^me till fuch time as they had drove
out that Heretick and his Followers. This Menace had its EffeA; the R^nant fiez'd upon
ibe ftrong Houiea which cbofe Heicticks kept in, and forc'd them to renre to OtricoU in
Tufc'''-y, v/hfrc rhey were
kindly receiv'd by the People, who look d u^n Arnolti iS a Prophet.
However hc was apprehended fometime after by Cardinal Gerard^ and in fpight of the En-
deavours of the Vicounis of Campania^ Was brought to Hmuy and condemn'd by the Gover-
nor of that City to be qr'dtoa iiakc and bwrm to Alhes, for fear the People ibouldpay any Ho*
uour to bis Relicks.
Thiny of thofe Hcret'cks croT'l tnerf);;! Fr.j«c-f inco alxJUt the year Itio. where

flyy would likewile willingly iuve (own the lame Dot^tine. But .they were apprehend'
^and oaermbiated, and comimmicated that Error only to one Woman, who'ncanted.
The Author which makes mention of this takes norice that they were call'd Pol'licms
or PuUicMU, H^Siam <A M»ttnui>$try the Hiftorian, wiio did not. live n^uch after this time,
Siysthac thde Hentidcs being examin'dj aniwer'd pretty well about the Nature of the Hea- ,

venly Phyfician, namely Jcfm Cbrifti but that when they were to!J of thr Rcmjdies
w^ch lie has left us, namely the Sacraments, they then reply *d very ill, ami dcciar d that
they coodenoed Baprab,' the Ettchanfti and Maniitgei fxA tfot they del^'d tfe pnhoKck
Unity. . .

•AH that we hav c iiithertp related concerning the Hcreticks of the Twelfth Ctntury is taken
em of Cotcmporary] Authors, and Ihews that two forts ot" Errors were predomitiant at that
Time; One fort cominoo 10 aillboic Hetecidcs, and others were Peculiar. Their Coounoa
Errors' regarded the Sacramencs, die pTadioes of the Church, and the Htcraiducal Order»
againft wluch they had all confpir'd. The panicul.-ir Errors were fuch as had fome relation to
AUmcbj^mm to AftM^fm^ gad other Impieties into which ntany had been led by a ftrange n-f r.-.n-
Ibtt of BUndnefc , .
, Thcfc Hcrctifcks
were condemn'd in feveral Councils. The firft which pafs'd a Law againft ^^^^^ ^
tiwn was that cdf Toiouft in the Year U19. held in the prefcnce of Calixtm II. the third
mns Cmdenm aid out of the Chmch cf God as Ilcretiekj tl>ofe who
Ouwa wbenof thua. tVe turn cmmeit
md*r pretence »f l^eUgt'm re/'fB the ^.tcrament of the Bo.h and Bicod o/Jefus Chrift. Infant T^>,„ft
JMdrM4j</, fi'e enjym that they be Juppr^id hjia tbejtar
9/^ifi», PrUftbMd, Hotj-Orderi, and Lavfui

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po A Ne» tfckJtaJttcM tilltory ...
the Secultr Pmerr. We tbnr D^eitiert wnitr ^fime CemmeniUtion] if /i^JanM rtpeml

This Canon was ic] rated in the fame Words and confirm'^ in the feoond gOKial Ltttrdn
Council held under Imecent II. in the year it?9. intfae 13d Car oa.
Ttvcw Tliofe who went Inio England vmt cQn\\etQ A and Condann'd ia an AlRoibly of Billiops
dt'mMtbn hclJ at C vrW In the Reign of f/f«r; II. Kmg of E>tfW in the
year 1 160. This Prince or-
their Cheek, to be whip'd publickly,
rfibefa'ne dcr'd tliciu 10 be branded with a Red hot Iron in
» the hn9d to be driven ont of the City half-naked, and left tbem to be ftarv'd to Death.
tfOxftuA. The Council of Tetrrs held in tlie vear 1163. cnjoyns that for the fuppicfltng ofcbac Heiefy
TAefr Cvi- which fpttad it felf m Gajcogne and in other Provinces, all tbofe Aooia be iUMdMttiatii^
Jtmnatm held any Correfpondence widi thofe Hciedcki: That the Prince* IhMld coofifcatc tber

I!!'*-*. Goods, and prevent their Mcctiiig.

Cewtaif yp^P J
jI^p ^ Solemn Sentence wasptfi'd in aiynod bdd at LmtAt^ agaitrft levcral of
j^?* thofe Hcnrticks; going then under the Name of ^ons hommes, who had been apprehended by
!r I imbt? InhaWianis. of that City. The Judges nitch d upon by both Parties were Glrald Bilhop of
LtbeHt- Gviiefin d( Lodeha^ the Abbot Of Ctfhro, and th«e other Abbo-s, and Judgment wa«
pft^^^'-'icc of PoBfiW Arch- Bifliop of Karbonne, yfr 1; Biftiop of -V.';W;, tbs
rlfir P'"^^'
Arch-Bilhop of Tolou/e, ihc Biftiop of le^'eral Abbots and i»upci:ors of Monat rici who

afhfted at the Synod. 1 he BilTiop of Lodeh by the Order of the Bilhop of Alhi, -errogatcd
thofc Bcnshommes, and in the lirft place ask'd them, whether they recciv'd the Law of Af^rx,
the Prophets and the Books of the Old and New Teftamcnt. They reply'd that tlicy did ,

not receive the Law of Mofety nor the Prophets nor the Pfalms, nor .-ny parr of the Old Tc-
(tirr-nt; b ir only the Gofpcis, the EpiiUes of Saint P-iut, the Seven Canonical EpilUes, the
ACh of tlic ApofWcs and the Apocalypfe In the Sireond place he demanded of them in Ex-
planation of their Faith: They retiirn'j Anrwcr that they would nor CKfl.-'in ir nntef?
they were conftrain'd to doit. The third Qucftion was aboac Infant-Baptifm : They reply'd
that ibcy had nothing to fay on that head. The Foni^h Queftion was about the Eurti^rtft^, where
and by whom it '.v..s Conlccratcd, who were the pcrfons who rcceiv'd ir, nr d whether it were
beaer Cogfccraicd by a Good than by a Wicked Prieft. They renirn d him Anlwcr that thofc
whoreceiv'd it imwofthily ftould be damned, but withall avcrr'd thnt it r .^ht t Confccratctl

by any £0 c man, whether ?ricft or Laick. The F ^'lIiv. Mi ^bou!: Mani,i^.:. They iieci;r'd
that they had nothing elte to reply to that than what i>amt iU"' has laid, vir. That a Man and Wo-
jrafl are |o>n'u togahcr to avmd Incontinence ttd Potnication. The Sixth Queftlon was whetbc|»
Rppcnraricc a: the hour of Death could fave any man: and whether one was Oblig'd to confcfsr
ones 6ins to the Pricib, or whcthcrone might confefs tbem to Laicks. They reply'd thar the

thinking it ncccfTiry to ni: kr S jL;s:''.i 'lion, rn jb!;rve Penances, Fafts. Almsgiving, and Other
Aafteriycs* They reply'd that the Apo^lle iijdni Jttmes had order'd nothing elfe befide CoofefliaQ
as necefery to Salvation. Hiry decni'd likcwilh wWiour being ask'd, thaf ttiey believ'd ihn
one onpfir : ot to take .nn Oarh : That all thofe who were orJain'd without having the Qualifications
prcfgrib'd by Saint Paul for fiilbops, were Wolves and Devourers, to whom no Obedience
ought to be paid. Thofe Er»o« were refuted by Pw»/w Arch>Bifhop of;rwrr, by Anuilphut
Bilhop of N//m«, and by rwo Abbo'^, which fcrv'd only as Teftirnor'c* 0^ the New Tefta-
mcnt. Afterwards the Judges declar d thcfc Bomhemmet HeretiLai, condemn d Oliver^ atid hia
Followers, and all who were of the lame Opinion with tbeHercticks of Lemhti^ and authoris'd
their Judgment by fevoral PaiTages out of the Holy Scrimnre, oppos'd to the Errors which we
have oeen relating. This Sentence was ptooounc'd by the Bifhop of Lodeha. Thole Hcrcticks
proteded againft it, by faying that the Bifhop who h.ul pri):/iur,c d ir an Herctick, an Hy.
pocrite, their Enemy, their Perfecaror, and chat they were ready to demetrftrate by the T£ftimofy>
of the Gaipel and tlie Apoftles, that neither be nor ahy of the Kftops wore Bailors,' bar Mer.'
ccnarics and Hirelinfs. The Bilhop reply'd upon thorn that his Sentence was |':r;v!::al, :.[id
diac he was ready to deuionllrate in the Court of Pope Jlexmdcr^ in the Court of LtwK ¥tin^
cth-MCfy and in that of dieCoantof Ta/oi^ or of the Coamefi his prefent Wife, andofdiffLnra
Treneavf^f who was likewifc there prefent. That thofe whom they bad condemn'd were Here-
ticks. Uporj this ihey bcbg thus convinc'd tnrn'd about to the People, and d«:lar'd that they
would make a.Profcflion of their Faith oat of Charity, and for the Honour of the Afllftants. "The
Bilhop bid them obfcrvc that they did not fav for the Honor cf GoJ, but ftr the Honor of the y1f[t-
fiants. I hey made crofeifion of all the Articles of the Creed, and added that they acknow-
ledg'd that they ougnt to confcfs with their Mouth the Faith which they concciv J in their
Hearts: That diey believ'd th«tiioperibn was fav'd» unless, he receiv'd the Body oijefus chrtft^
.which f« not prclerv'd but in the iroc Chnrch ; that none elfe befide Pricfts had Power of Conle*'
crating it; and tb.nt the Bad confccratcd ic \\cll as the Good; that no Body could be IklTd
withtnit Bapiifm, and that Infants are (av 'd by this Sacrament £ That Men and Women nay
be fav'd tho in a Married Scate: That every one ought to reonre widi Heart and Moo'ift Re^
pcntancc from the Prieft, and to be baptiz'd into the Churcli; and that Laftly they were readj-
to acknowlcge all that could be demonftratcd to them by the Authority of the EvangeliAs atid
the Epiftles of the Apoftlcs ; The Bilhop urg'd them, to (wear that they would keep to fh^Dtoc*
trine, and to dcch re whcrlicr ib^y ever had anv other Opinions. They reply'd that they could
not fwear, bcuutc the Gglpel bad prohibited all Oaths, The Bilhop daermin'd that they oaghc

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of the Tv/elfih Century of Chrijliamtj, pi
to fwcar, if they would be crcdiicJ, and prov'd by fevcral Inli.-nccs i^ken out oj' ihe Ktvv Tcfta- ,

mcnr, that Oaths were not abiclurciy foibiddcn. They rtrly'd tl u the h\^\o\> o( Ai'/i had pro-
uiis'd c!icm thnr rh'-v o.'Id not bf[;'d ro fwcar tt all.
I The Bilhcp o[ A'ibl dcny'd that he had
. uiade chcm any iuLii piomilc, and toriurai'J tlic Sentence pronbunc'd by the Bifliop of Lodeb.i^
which was flgn'd by all the Alfiftanis.
Some time after this there appcar'd a great many of
thofc Hercticks in Toltufc: The Pope's ;

l egate wetit thitfier in the year H78 —inendcd by feveral Bifhops. They conftrainM xhem to The nett-
fubmit ro publick Pcnjiirc, r.^z'd the Forts wherein they nut, r\coni;mi;iii:.T.i.\i nr. Banilh*d rrc^/ eoA- i

tbofe Hercticks who rctir'd into AUfi^eufu, where they were llcurc. f or i^«5gfr Coum, of Jljki dem^d
^CdannmK*d ind made uTe of them tn detaining the Bifliop of fiis City Prifoner.- ^ From this tiitae TMoufi^
for%vnrd they went u.-.dcr the Common Title of /iiiigevfa. There wci c n i-tc Number of them • t

not only 19 that Country, but likewife in all Languedec and G^ajjwf. I hcn were likcwile
<ff»* in diofe P(%mhces witbottt Lawor Gofpel, who ran about the Coiir ay,
ravaged, pillag'd
and MafTacred all without Didin^lion of Ellate, Age or Sex; n'ld in an efpecial manner Affaulted
Churches and Monailcrics; fume of them were cali'd li^ukincKVs, others /Irr.r^m'Jh, Navairljli
and "^M^amii Otben Cettcraux and Trlverdini. The General Council of :hc Latirtin held in the The Cnf
year 179. Excommunicated
1 M
oftlium, pfohibitcd lIx- Iiiicning th;.in in licly V^t avnd cxhoncd donnnti$»
the Cathoiick Princei to vv.;gc War againft ilicnii to coniUcatc tlicir Goods, and to irtake them
ihvet ; granted to tnofe who cook up Arms agaioft them proportionable to liKir Services and ac- '"^'Y'
cordinc to the Difcrction of the Bilhops, Excommunicated thofc wlio gave tfaem toy jTOcedioo,
luHcrcd them in their Territories or had any Commerce with tlicm.
That Council fays that the Hcrieticks of Aibi were callM Catb tri, Pat/trim^ Puhlicans^ and
went wider a gieat many othcft- Names: which ihews (bat they were defcended from the Here-
ricks who atop^'d in the Bq^mnhig of this Century, and werie (b calfd. The PuUic/mt or .

Ptil'Hc.'.nj* held a grcjt m.iny Cnftlcs in Gafco/n:. In the ycir S .• //fwrjf Abbot o( Clatrvaux
i 1 r

Bithop of Albi beiag in the (Quality of Legate, rais'd a great many Troops, aod went to give
cbem a VilSt; To divert this ftorm they pretended to Abjtire their Errors ; bac die danger onoe
paft ihcy follow'd their old Courfc of Life again.
This Infei^ion Iprcad ic it lelf m
fevcral Provinces on each fide the Loire. One of tbofe falfe fJe Haeh
Apofties nam*d Terricky who lay a long time conceal'd in a Grorc ar Corbtgny in the Diocefs df tfTccddw
"Nevers^ was taken and burnt. Several others fvitfcr'd the fame Puniiiitnent in otiicr parrs, parti-

cularly two old Womeif in the City oiTroje$, ro one oi whom 'tis laid dm
this Imiw-i;. gave the
name of Churchy and to the other the name cf Saint Mary^ that fo when his foUbwets were bxa*
min'd; they might fwear by Spint Mary that ihey held no other F«ich than that of the Holy
Church. . I , r
Jbefc Publicans were Itkewife condemn'd in the Council held at Sens in the year
1 19S. which JteF^A^
depos'd the Abbot of Saint Martin's of Kcvers^ and fuipended the Dean of the Churdi of that emii
City, accused of that HerelV, and rcfar'd them to the Holy See.
There was in the fame Century a Vifionary wlio prcfcnced to Pope Euotniut III. at the The ErrtrS
opening of the Couhul ofi^/mj. He Was a Geoilcman of Bretagne nata'd de f Etei/e,Eondtt, £m
who .was (b lgntMram^ that lavitag heard it fung in the Church : Per Bun «iit iftkntrui efi judictre Etbik*
vivos Mor: u s, hf iinagin'd and aliened that it was he who was to Judge the Quitk and thi
Dead. He was loiiow'd as a great Prophet : fotntrimcs waik d with a great train of People at
his heels, fometimes liv'd in Sblirad^ and afterwards anpear'd in greater fplenddr tbaii before^
Tis faid that he WaS a Magician and that ro draw ilic Mob after him lie made great Enteruin-
znents, but that they were racer Illufions, and that the Vivluals which were eat at his Tabic, and
the Prefents which he made bewi-ch'd mens minds. The Arch-BiCiop ot t^beimi having appre*
hen. led him, pre!ented him to his Holinefs, and the Council. His An^vrrs were fo full of
Frcniy and Eachufiafm, that they look'd upon him as a Fool, and ilmt hun up in a dole
Pi-ifon, w^hete be dy'd foon after. A great manv of his DiCdptes agieac dealmbre Jetifleft chan

hirnfeh, chofe nuher tobebumttfaantbrenoiince him. ^ '


, Thcfc were the Hcrcttca! Sedls which appear^^ in the Twelfth Century, and were (b full ot
Extravagant Errors. Ifwc enquire into the Caufcs of the Amazing Progrefs which they made
is b itixm i tittle, wc Hull find diat the Relaxation of Church Dildpiin^ the Avarice and Co-
^aoufiteft of Eccufiafliicks, the Common Abale which was made of the Sacnmcnts, the Credu-,
licy and Ignorance of the People, the pretended Virtues of tliofc new Preachers, and tie Ad^'
of Reibtnuaon contributed very much to the ipre|ding of thole Upltan Qpinions.

Hi bkAif.

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2 be Hifiory of Peter Abaclard, of his Writings, Errors <md Cm-

Tht Ltfe T'l I E fjincn-.s Pefcr Ah^cLid lus bimfelf given us an KCOUttt of his Lifr and Adventure;, whicfa
MiAive*- arc both Diverting and Singular. Wc have the Rclarion thcrt(/f in h's tint I ctter vi^rittcn to
uitti tf ope of hU Friends, of which we now give you ihe Abftud. He was bom in the Viilage caii'd
/^Urd. Le Palais^ about thror Leagues from the Ciiy of N/mtts, Hit Father Berfi^mm^ though « Man cf
Arm'^, u a-. yer fonuwhat given to Stui^y, and took care to give all his CbilJtcn I cMri;ing. ^bac'
iard who was the Youngcit, and very much inclined to Letters, rcroiitw'd the Piofelijon of War,
to give himiclf up wholly to the ihidy of Philofophy. With ihi< dciign he left his Native Coun-
try, and after he lud ficqucnrcd Icvcral School*;, came ro P.ji-;.', wluri.- ih.i: Science was then in
Vogue, and chofe for Mafkcr ir/i/'/iw of Cb^iupcaux Arch iXai-oii ol ^'.i/c, the maft fair>ous
FrotL-iior After he had liv'dfor feme time with him in p<xxl Repute, be-incurr'd his
of that time.
Dilplcafiirc , he undertook to refurc his Opinions, and to dilputc againO h;m '-vi:'i fa
njLch Strength, that hc fomctimes lecmcd to have the Advantage over him. I hc ^:; car 0{ i!uon
wliich he had of his own Parts, made him though but young, very dcfirous of reaching others
and of fecking out a convenient place where he might profcfs publickly. The Caftlc oi Meiim,
which was then a Royal Sear, was pitch'd upon by him as very proper for hi* Purpofc^ becaufe
©fits being near to Paris. Hc obtaiu'd a Mcenfe ro teach ilicrc {n;HiLkly in fpite of the Oj poll-

tion which i^iium of dumfcaux made, who did not like that /ibiilard lloukl ccach fo ccar P^rx,
for fear tb« the RejwTation wfaiefa he aoqnir'd woold teffen his. In tfcdk A^iuUvi bad no
fooner begun to terich I ogick, hut the Reputation oUilHitni bifanto (ink, which inclin'd y^hat-
igrd to go and fettle at Ccr^-fj/jihat fo being nearer Pdr«,tlie Diijnitcs might be more frequem.SooM
time after, this >f^«r£(ri/ was conftrain'd by a Sicknefs contraded hf his great Applicattoa to
SnitJy to return to his own Counrry'. During his Abfcncc^ H-'iSiam was made Regular Canon
jQ the Monailcry of St. I'^flor, that lo (as was hippos'dj he might with greater cafe obtain a Biilop-
rick, as happened accordingly, being within a fhort time after eleded fiiOlop <lf CWm. Whilft
; and /f/.tf/rri being returned ro
;' rr/j hc cnnrinucd \vs I ct'hircs in Sr. r'A^o City,
he fta)\!

hadliudicU Klicuirick under him, and renewed tlic Difpuccs in Philolbphy, which he hsd tor.nerly
with h'fn, efpecially concerning that Univcrfal a Parte reiy which he urged fo far, that ; / 'iHi^m a« w
forc'd to change his Opinion, which acquir'd Almciierd fo much CFedit,tbat the Perfon who had fi c-
cecded IfilUam m
teaching Logick at Parity furrendred his place to him. H'ilUam Toon after outcd
both of them, lo ihai Absci nd rctiirn'd to Melun, from whence lie foon came i>ack to P^rJr^
and held his pubhck Lci^res at St. Genevievtf where he had a great, many Pnpiis, who were
very trcqucntly engag'd in Difputes with the Sdmlars of H^Htam. Bur when fatf Father Monk, and hisWother Lucii was dcfircus likcwifc to live retiredly, Abaelard wa«
forc'd to take a Journey into his own Countrey. At bis return, he found that H^lliam
was made fiiihop of ChaJmi, and he went ro that City lo ftudy Divmiiy 'under Anfelm^
Canon and Dean of tlic Clnirch of /..rcn, who profciVd it with a great deal of Repute. Ahiit-
Utrd did not find rhat tliis iMan's Learning anfwcr'd ihc Fautc thereof, and foon left off going ro
his Ledurcs. Several of the Scholars having ask'd him what hc thought of reading the Holy
Scriptures he reply 'd, tliar it w.-is a very nfcful Sn!dy,but that hc wonder 'J rhar Men of Learning

(bouldnot be lacistyd with the Ccmimcnianes and Glodcs of the Holy Fathers, without having rc-
couHie to other Mafters. When they fmiJ'd at the Propofal,lK told them that he was ready to make
it appear to them that it was Poffible, and to give them an Experiment by explaining to them the
moft difficult Books of the Scriptures, with one firfle Commentator. They took him at his \^'ord,
and made choice ot the Prophecy of E^cl^lcf. He betan to cxp'ain it on the Morrow, and thofc
wiio were prclcnt at bis Explication, thou^the had acquitted himfelffo well, that they brought
a great many others to hear bis enfatng Loftum. Att/eht began to grow jealons of him, and
t;H)\ ed thereto by Jlberic of I^ljeims. and Letu'p' tis or L ntaldw ofNwtfc, who had the repute of
being his beft Scholars. He jbrUd Maelardto ccvitinue his Lcdlures, under a pretence, that if be
IbouM advance any erroneous Opinion, it might be imputed to him. Hcrctipon Ahiflardtfxatn*d
to Pitra, where for fonie time hc profcK'd very quietly, conf.r.iiirp 'o ccpourd the Holy Scr'p-
tures. il>c Rcpok which he tnjoy'd, the Applautcs which he reeciv'd, and the Money which
he got by this Profcflion, puff'd him up with Pride, and calt htm into a deba«ch*d covrie oC
I ife. But God punifli'd him for IxJth, by [H-nnitring him to be depriv'd of ihofe parts which
had lerv'd as an inUrument to his Luft, and to be conltram'd to bum with hi.'^ own Hands thac
Book which hc prided himlcif moft upon; fo that he became Chaft by neccflity, and humble by
Force. Wc will give you now an account how this came about. There was ac jp.;r» a young Wo-
man nam*d HtUaJfa, Niece to Pitlterf, Canon of Park, handfbme nnd well flinp'd, whom her
Uncklewho lov'd hur ttr:Jcr]), broiu lu up to 1 earning' Aluic'^nd who was her Tutor, imme-
diately feii paflionatcly in Love with her, and that hc might the m&rc eaiUy enjoy her, he pray'd

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of the Twelith Ccnturj of ChriJiianUj. 9j
the young Woman's Uncklc to rnkc him to Board, iirnfer .t pretence that he could bcftow more TT^ J-ip
lime upon her, lodeing in ihc biuc Houfe, that bcfidcs he would do him a KiruJneis by ealVig him indAdvtn-
of the Trouble of Houfc-Keepinp, which was not fuitable t5*a ftndious Man. The Unkle who .

neither diftruftcd the Virtue of his Nicre, nor the prudence of y<i.fc/.ri, who haiJ hitherro liv'J AOaelaid.
very regularly , accepted faxly oi ihc Piupoial, and intruded hi:n with Het!oi'(f.i^ whom .!-
^(/W courted fo much the more eafily, bccaufc the pretence of ftudy furnifh'd him with an op-
portunity of being often alone with hci-. Sub etcuftone difi:'plin.€ (fays AbaelarJ himfelf) amort pcni-
m vaeti^nnuSi & fctrettt receffiis^ tjnos Amor optahat , flitdium LeRiom's effcrcbat : jiperrtt it.t.f;
Lihru plura de /hmrt t^iiam dc Ledtone verba Je i>:y^:rrl .int , plutit c/cu'a tjuam fenter.tiu:.
i. e. Under the yretence of Learning xpe bad mr fill of Lwc, and ttnr Qudj afforded tb^e privMf

Hecejfes voiudrMtr Li>09 required. tVe opened our Bookf indeed, Mt Law net the Lfffon wai the Brn^
then cf our Difcmrf?, and mere KJIJes xoetc intermin^ic.^ rl^ jn Senrou.'i rc.iii. TIk- yoiiiic W'oir-in
it feems was not fo hard-hcancd, but fhe anfwcrcd his Flame, and in a Ihort time the Buiinels was
known to every Body ; befidcs the Undcle who was fhe bft dur ibund it our. As Ibon as be was
jnfoim'd of it, he turn'd >4/>/fe//t>'</ out of Doors ; within a fcwdnu tin e after, /'7'r, whofe

Love was ftill the lame, notwirhftanding this Separation, wr-r woi J to AhaeUrd ijiai (he was with
Child. He brought Ijer off from her Unckle's Houfe, and L.Trryc J Lrto his ownjCountrev, dif-

Kttis'd in the Habit of a Nun, where fhe wa^ hrout^ht ro l^cd of a B<:)y, who wn^ nnm'd AfttcLtbf.
The Unkie of Hf/Zox/T* overwheim'd wuh Grief at the lob of his Niccc, would have leveng'd
the Affront upon Ab/telard's l*er(on, had he ooc been atfraid that flic would have underwent the
iiune Fate. Aimetard to pacific him, went to wait upon him, and offered to marry his Niece, pro-
vided the Marriage were kept fecret. The Unkle confcnted to it, and AbaeUrd went away im-
mediately to fetch hcrniid m.J«c her his Wife. She oppos'd the Rcfolution a longtime, fotelieeing

(hat (be fliould be the Rumc o> the Fortune, andtbe Reputation of a Perfon wliotn fiie [laffionately
lov'd. At laft, yielding to the prefling Imporranittes ot AhaeUrJ^ Ihe reram'd with him td Parg,
wfirrc fhe was marrycd privTi 'y in a Church in the prcfcncc of her Uncklc, and of fcvcral of
their Fnends. After they were marryed they parted, and came together very feldom and very
privately. The Unkle and his Friends tomiedutely pdblHh'd the Marriage abroad ; but Helbtffa
who preferr'd the Honour and Interefts of Ab.iehtrd to her own, and who fear'd that if the Marri-
age were difcover'd, he would lofe a Prebend which he had, and his Reputation too ; fwore that
noduflg could be faifer. 1 his gave her Unkle an occafion of abufing her, fo that Abnelard rcfolv'd
upon put!;i |; her the'ry of ArgenteuU, where flie had been formerly Educated, and
making her take upon her the Habit of a Nun, but without the Veil. ' Tnis made her Unkle and
herRfflttionS believe that be mock'd them, anA defign*d to abandon her ^ whereupon they relblv'd
wpon being reveng'd of him after a moft barbarous n^anner, and in effe<f>, enter'd the Chamber of
l,'Aub(r]^ey where he was ; and punilh*d him, by ccpriving him of thofe pans whereby he had
injur'd them. Itfannot be imagined what ConfuCon Abaelard in, to lee himfcif in that C' n-
4icion. He owns that it was this more than Devotion, which induc'd him to embrace the Mona-
ftick Life, afterlie had prrfwaded ffelfoijpi to become a Nun. They both made prafefltoo at die
{au A.'.nte-yAbaelxrd^i Sr. Dr«>;, nnd I hUciffa a: ylr^nuctu'!. The Difgr^ce which -'/ fell

into, did not binder leveral Pcrfous from waiting upon him at St. D*njj , and intreating hini to
his Ledures to them ; fb that the Abbot and the iCdigtoos of St. tenfs made nie of this
pretence, ro fend him ro reach School in one of their Houfes, rhntfo rhcy might he free from the
l^proaches which he caft upon dicm (or their Diforders. His Reputation drew thither fo many
Sdiolan from all partsj that the place where he w. s, was not capable ci receiving them, nor the
Country of prcviding for them. He tancli'' them the l.ilKral Arts and Theology. Thi? great con- •

courfe of Scnoiars, loon raus'd.thc Jcaloulic and Envy of other MaftcTS againit AhiteUrd, who to
fufpend him from all forts of ProfcfTiora^ gave out that it was not proper lor a Monk to teach the
Liberal Arts, and that he could no iGuger expound the Holy Scriptures, fince he had leam'd ic
without a Mailer. *
The Trcatife which he compofed aboutthe Unity of Ccd arid about" the Triniry, gave his
Advcfiaries an occagon of accuhng him of £rror. Albem and Lotulfbrn who taught ac i^eiim. The Comt^
and who would after the Death of fPtltiam of Champetny and Anfebn of Laon, fuccced alone cti if 9(K
to their Rcput.^tion, being jealous o( Al:icl rd, excited I{ dti'pliis Arch-Ri(l,op of /^/r/wi sgainft llIons»
him, who having lent for Cotton Bidiop of Paleftrim the Pope's Legat in France^ held a Council
at Stiffmsy in the Year tin. andetted Maefard xhvixeti ordering him to briiig his Book along
with him. He obcy'd that Order, prrfinrcd his Book to the Pope's I cgar, and fubmirtcd it to his
Judgmenr, him, that if he had written any thing contrary to the Catholick Faith, he
%WS ready to correill ir, and to make Satisfat^lion. The l egat ordcr'd him to put his Book in-
to the h.inds ot" the Arch-Bi!l,op of I\!hJ»;s, who ordered u to be n.own to his two Ad vcrliiries,
who read u over and over, rolceifihcy could hud any Error in ir. Ailetk met wiih a palLigr,
wbemn Ahuiard deny'd that Cod could be faid to generate himfelf. yf^.rAW ju:tih'd u by the
Authority of St. Au^uftin, which he had cited, and maintained to his Face, that if he fliould
aiTcrt tlie contrary, lie would fall into the fame Herefie with thofe who belicvft thar the Fa-
ther was the Son of himfelf. W;i';rji- was not linisti'd with this Reply, bur conrinuV. is Profe- l

cuiions agaioit ^«eAir</. In (be lait Selfton of (he Council, they put it to the Quellion, wbai
Order they Aoitld make abovt his Book and sdiont his Peribn. Geffrey Bifhop of Chamot
^aid, that they oucbt to interrogate Abaelirdy and give him liberty to makt his Defence, bur his
Ajdveri^urias would not veature to Aand it ooc with him. The Legat thought it adx^ablc to rcier

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9^ A ISletif txclejiajttcal m]tcry
a more ramKrotis CoquciI ; and in the tnam rime to fend Ainelard back to liis Afo*

Thf Life this Affatf to

and Ad- luflcry, where he ihould W tncd. But his Advciihrics n-.adc the 1 cpnr alrcr hts mmd, and per-
«a«rf/ <if fwadcd b;m to condemn his Book, to-order it to be burn: publ tkh ;.tKi :o iliut up the Author

AbteUfd. for ever in a Monaftery; faying there was fufficient GrcunJa to c(jniicn,n hi:n tor liavnip omler-
t.ikra reach pnW'rkly, without having had a Miifion from the Pope or the Church. When
cfn\cd AbaeUrd of it, and
the Biftiopof C/'.i'fifj perceived chat this RcroUnion wjs
ciktn, he
ftdvtfed him to l^iVcr it patiently, and the rather, bccaule this Violence
would be more prejudi-
cial to his Enemies tliin to hiti.lclf, atfuring him that he ftould not be long coofinVi, becmite the
Lcgat who did all this npainft his Wil!, would quickly fct him ar liberty. Upon this Prenuie he
came into the Coi tin!, ca It his Book into the Fire with his own HjhJ, and there recited St.
/ithin.'.ftui'^ Creed as a Declaration of his Faith. Afterwards he was Ihut up in the Abby of St. Mo
dard ot Soigons. The Monks of tliat Monaftery treated him :very dvifly, and did what they
could to comfort hnn, but he was a prcar dca! more conccrn'J at the Affront which had been
then offer'd him, than at that Misfortune which happened lo bun lonrerly. However the Le^
kept to the Promifc which the Bifliop of rt«r«v/ had made him, and within a few days after
itnt hill) b.ick to his Monaftery. l ie was as un.icccpiablc to his fellow Monks^tf be had for-
merly been, and they took occailon to give him Irclh Djfturbancc, becaufc hv bad afTcrtcd that Sc.
Denys of France^nrasnac the y<rw/.r/fiVf, founding his Aflertioo on what Br ie lays, the Atmpnfitt
had been Bifnop of C^n'nrh, 'tis believed that De»js of F' .inc: l:ad been Bifhop of f'
- r

This Propolition did fo far inccnic ihc Abbot and the reft oi tlie Religious agamft him, n;ai he
not thinking hin>!elf fecure in that Abby, nude his cfcape by Ni|^, and retired into the Terri-
tories ofTi !l utj, Count of C/ fw^ and dwelt in Provence in an Hofpitai belonging to the
Monks oi r'9CJ, ;iic Prior whci^«.j was one of bis Friends. His Abbot would fain have had
him out again, but dy'd within .t ll.orr time after. Abaelatd with much ado, cbtain d leave by
the Intereft of fomc great Lords to live in what place of Solitude he wciUd, ^ovided be would
i;o: enter into any other Monaftery. After he had obratn'd this leave, he retir'd to a SoUtdde
near Tro/f/, where he built a Chappel in*a Field, which was given hinuby r«,ii-.c private Pcrfons
of the place, by conlcnt of the Biltop of Trnet. He was no fooncr Ictded there, but he swas ioU
low'd by a great number of Scholars, who buUc little Cells round about bis Do^, fi>
would have thought they u'Lic rather Herinirs Scholars. They fiirnifhed him with all
^ oos

chat he had occalion for, either for his Nburilhn^enc or Rcfrelhn.em, and buik him a Church
which was dedicated to the Holy Trinity. AbaeUrd gave it the l ule of Parackte^ ia< metni^
ry of the Confolation w4iich» be had received in chat plncc. His Advcrfatics found fault at that
Appcilaiion, pretcndaig that one could not dedicate a Church to ttv^ Holy Gboit alone. Uooa
this Al'oelard obfervts, that the name of Paraclete might be very well applyed to all die three Per*
fonsof rhc Trinity ; and that if it were only the Peculiar Title of the Holy Cf o T:, yet one mipbt
Without any fcruple dedicate a Temple to the Holy Gholt, though it ni gin i^dt be lo (ar o;na-
ry. Enemies perceivuig that they weie not ftrone enough ofthcmlclves to ruin him, ftirred<
up two great Perlons againft him, who were Men of the higbcft £ltcem. One was the reftoret
ot [be ancient Life of the regular Canons, and the other of the Life of the Monks. (TisSr. Afiir-
bnt And Si. Bernard which he here means. Thcfe two Men dcclainVd againltboth his Life
and Moi^s, before the Ecdeiiailical and Secular Powers. To efcapc this Storm, he accepted
of the Abby of Sr. GUdm of HfO** >*> the Draoefs of tftutet in aretapie, though die Monks
thereof were very Barbarous and Cruel, with whom it was very difficult for him to converfe.
This happened at the £une time when the Abbot of 5t. Denjf took to himfeU the Abbey of Argm'
ttPil, ana the Ntms of that place being difpers'd, Akmltrd gave to ttelhiffn^ who was Ttioraft
thereof, and to fcvcral other of the Religious who had follow'd her, the Church of the Parnclete
-and its Dcpendenaes. I'his Donation was conhrmed by the Bifliop of Troyes^ and by Pope bmo-
• etnt 11. and by Degrees, this Covent which was very poor at its firft Rife, was plentifully endoww.
cd by the liberality of rhefpaithful. .ih-r-l.ird went often thither to afllft them fh their Needs, which
gave (xcafion to the Malicious of accuiing him, of having (till a Patiton ior Hellciffm, and of at-
tributing to the Modems of his Heihly Luit^ what be did out of a pure motive of Charity, or to
avoid the ill ttcamieacof his Monks, who poptuaUy iboght ior an Ofifcaaekf id get rid of
Letter of Abffelard fell into the Hands of Hf//oi^<, whereupon (he fent him word, that having
The Lftiert
^^"0^" Hand-writinR^e could not forbear to read it over with all the cagernefewhich thePaflion
M Ab4e. ''^^ could mfLTt into her. That it was but very reafonable fince (he had rain'd him,thac
^''^ might at leaft receive lome Confolation by the reading o; his I ctters. That thisliowever had
very much afihded her, by fuitioe her in mind of the MiTcries which had ha{^iened to htoo. and
letting her know of the Danger wherein be was r Thar fhe conjnr'd hina to fend her often word
bow he did, that To H-.e itiigju psnakc witli him cither in his Grief or his Joy: Thar fince he had
been pleafed tor the fatisfav^ion of his Friend to lend him an account of bis Misfortunes, he lay
under greater Obligations to write to her and her Religious, whom he ooghtto tfteem not only at
his Friends, but as Pcrfons entirely at his Devotion ; not as Companions, bur as his own Daugh-
ters, who were beholden to him alone tor the Monaftery which they were in pollctiion of : That
it was he who lirit rendrcd that folitude Habitable, and was the Founder of that Houfe : That it
was his Duty likewifc to bcflow all iiis Carr<: :^r,n ic j nnd having done fo much for others,

it was very reafonable he ihould be lervictabic to ihein alio, 'i hat he was farther oblig'd thereto.

Upon ConfideraiioQ of the Ketodon flic had co binv of die exifcaiQ love whicli Ihe always
* had
had for hiin, and the great lofs wiiicli flic had fuffer'd by parting from him. Aforwards ihe ex-
preiTes ihc Scntinn^rnts of her quandam Pallion ro him, fo as not only to fay that (he never Iov"d a-
ny thin$> in him bcfidc his own Pcrfon, buc alfo that the name oiConaibine feemed more Eiigihlft
to her than that of becaufc it would wound his Reputation Ie(s, and have m*de her a grea-
ter Sacrifice. She adds, that when the Emperor would have had her in Marriage, and beftow-
ed the whole Empire upon her j yei^ cboie to be Abttlard'i Miftrels, rathrr than Empr^Is. (By

this you may perceive the Vtolmce of a Womans Paffion.) To this Aefobjoynttfae Remonbrnee
«f leveral other reciprocal Tcftimonies of I.ovc, which they hnc! given each other ; and aftcrwaid^
ihe upbrjiids him for chat, though in Obedience to him flic was made a Nun ; yec that he had fi>
far flighted or rather' ibrgoc her, that Ibc had received no Reireflimimc by his Vifits, nor Cotaafere
by his Letters, h it ((ays (Ix) hecaufe tkc Bond which tyed you to me veas rather the Heat of Ltfi
tBan the ftrce of Love ? She avows, that it was not out of Devotion, but in Obedience to her Hus- •

band's Commands, that (he had cmbrac d the Monafticlc Life j that flic could not exp«5 any Re-
paid from the Lord for ir, for whoTc Snke the had not done it : That /he had follow'd, or rather
preceedcd lier Husband, and that one of thofc things which troubled her moft was, that he had
mgag'd her to dedicate her felf to God, befiire he IttdrefolT'd vpon it himfcif, as if be had fomc
diUrult of her Fidelity. She aflures him, that even at prefcnt, (he had him ftill in her Mind,
aoA lov'd him ftill. She intrcats him to confider what a piecfc of Ingratitude it would be in him
to refufe to vifit her, and comfort her with his Lctters,fince that would be a means of her ferviog
God with the Jefs EktF9(!9Md. And lalily, that fince he had formerly wric fo many Love Letters
to exdie a difhonoorable riUSda in her, ic wis very realbnable that be fliould write fotne to her
now to incline her to God.
AbtuUlrd retum'd an Aofwer, Thatic was not out of Negligence that be had deferr'd writing Abaelard i
to her, bntbeeanfe be had ib much Confidence in ber Piety and Learning, as to ibh* that flie ^IjU**
.ftoodinno need of his Advice : Thar if fix thought that flic warred it, flie might inform him of"*"***
the Points wherein fte dcfir'd his Initiud on, and :hat he would fatisfie her therein. He thanks
iier fifr being fo kind asto parrici; ate in Lis Atrucnons, and recocnpicnds himfelftoher Prayen,
and the Prayers of her Fraternity, p'rcjm his he takes an occafion to fhcw how grateful the Pray-
ers of Holy Virgins are to God. In he takes notice to her of a Form of Prayers which
he defired,that they would fay for him at the Clofe of the Canonical Hours : and tells her, that
after his Death, be would have his Boih be brcughc to their Mooaftery CO bcihott. inierr'd^tba(
ihcy might pray to God for the quiet of his Soul.
This Letter very fcnfibly afleded Ueleijfa^ becaufc Abariird therein foeaks of his Death, as \( Amihtt
mr at Hand. She had fo much AllieCtion for hun, that, die could not bear tbisthoi^i, without lOttr 4 ,

hoBg very orach diftnibed at ir. She declares tbofe thoughts to bnn tn a verv parhetlcal manner Hdoik
in the Letter, which Hie fent back to him, wherein fi.c could nor forbear reflecting upon the Mif-
factune which had happened to AbteUud thioxigh .her mear.s. She defir'd that (be might undcrep
a Penance woicby of her Faair,' and owns that (be is ftill lb weak, as ooi; lo cffiwe out of her Me-
mory the remembrance of paft Plcafurcs, but that they continually prefcnt themfclves ro her Mind,
which gives her great cauTc of Humiliation, and of rcjcifiii^g the Praif^s which he had bcftowed
bpon ber.
AbaeUrd endeavoured to comforr her by cxcufTng himfcif of the Reproaches which flie had caft Abaelardi
upon him in that Letter, which he reduced to four Heads. The iirit was about the Complaint
which Ibe made of his having nam'd hrrficft in the lofenpiion of this letter. The Second alwut
the Reproach which Ihe had calt upon him, of having increafcd her Grief, rather than afforded
her any Confolaiion. The Third about the Refled^ions which ftie had made upon their paft Mis-
dbrtunes. And the laft about her rcfv(lal of the Praifcs which be had given her. As to the firft
Head, be Huisfyed her byjaybtt, that iince flie was become the Spoufe of J^us Cbrifl, flie was
acooidti% to St. 7rrgm*s Fhiwe ms Miftre^ and that u^n that accotint, be had reafon to name
her firft. From rhcncc he took .in occaHon to give her fomc Inltrucflions about the Virtues re- •
quifice ibr the Spoufe of Jrfiu Chrifi. Upon the Second Head, he fays th^ hehad not mentioo'd
flby doM of Us DtMAk, or the Danger whereb he wa<in hii Letter,if flie hid net conjur'd him to
do it. Upon the third Head, he approves of her rejecting all Praifes, provided it were fincere,
and if Ihe aid not contemn them out of a principle of Pride. As to the Fourth iiea4« he in^cats
ber to make no farther Complaints of a Misfortune which he really deferv'd, at doe tt> his Smi^
wheneof be was throughly fcnfible. He advifcs her rather to give God Thanks for the favour ,

fiebadibewnto both of them, by bringing them out of a diforderly Courfc of Life, to lead a
flWMeH»il^ one. He look'd upon that Pain which had been inflided on him as very light, id
QaBMnfon of the Crimes which he had committed, and thought himfelf very happy in being de^
Mffcrxl fix)m that which had been the caufe of his Sin. He concludes widi a Prayer which the-
Reli^ous of the Nunnery of Barnckte ought to fay for him and Hetoijfa.
,in the next LetBR^ii^4mObedicnce to the Order which AhuUrd had given her,' made n6 jte
more uwJKion of their Misfifhanes , but intteated bin on behalf of her felf and her Religious, f/HcloilEia
in the firlt place to inform them of the Oriqinal of their Order, nnd of rhe Auchoriry thereof *
to compofc a pardctilar Rul^ and luch as might he pn^c ibribem, which had
not « iics been doo^ die Monks and Nuns pt ofeflBng the fame Rnfe tit St. Amnfffi, wfaereio were -

a.grfcat'many things which were; on!y applicable ro Men j as for inftance, that which is Ciid about
Hahhs, Fondioos, the Abbot, the entertaining of Strangers, Manuiadures. and other pcadilcf
^whicbxhen.Sex.«n 'nac cipabi* of i That if tetodip^ w thiJatcnaoii.of Sk^M^Yi', £e Rnk

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^0 ' '
Ji i^cw LmwjiajiKM jiijmj
Weak, it was very rcafonablc to do fo in favour of ihc Vir-
favour oi the
ought to lu tnodtrnrcil in

gins ; which are luch as tbey were the Icaft capable of, were likcwiie
that ihc external £xcrciics
the neodbry.For this Reafon (he exbom Jth»elard to draw up a Difcretionary Rule for them,
whidi might be fuited to their Wcakncfs, pflrr:fular!y with relation to the Fn(hr.iiii Service of ihc
Church, it being very rcafonablc thlit he who under Cod was the FoaiiUcr oi tiivir Alonallery,
(hould be iikcwife the Inftituror of their Rule.
Qucrticn of //r/c/^ in the Seventh I cttcr, wherein he pretends that
>*^,?£-/.7),i'anrwrrs thcfirft
Abjcurds I

Orders as well of Men as of\Vomen,drcw iisCfrigmal from themanncr ofy^/ii Ckiji^

^j^^ ^lei-altital
^" Earth.That there were fevcral Examples of this in tbcOld LawrThac the Women wijo
H^o^fll '^'"•8
attended our Saviour and the Blefled Viffiki, wiio fiv'd in cotmnon with riie Apoftlej j the Virgins
and 'Widows of the Pritnitive Churcb, led « Rdisious Life. Arierw«rdi he enlaitti himfelf on
the Praifes of the Sex, nnd particularly OD thofe <ttVii]pn^ o£ wftomhe makct « Jottned £wmn»-
wit tbroQgbout the whole Lener.
He fansfied Hthlffs in her fecotid Dennuid, by ftndin^ to her a fit!} inAniftion Aaat Conti-, voluntary Poverty, Silence and Solirucfc, ro which are annexed particular Conftitutions
for the Abbclsi and for the other Officers of the Covcnt, and abottt the Order which xhcy ought
'tocfcfcrve in the Divine Service, io Meats, in Habits, and in reading of the Holy Scriptures, to
which he ;.dv;rcs tlum .-ilovr a!l 'h:rr;': This Rule is fu:! cf very ufeftil InftrLiil>:or.<;j nnd of
fine Pailages uu: of SL fiptu!.-, am; u;c Wniings of the Fathers apply *d very much to the purpofe.
There is to he found in the Manufcripcof tbc Abbey of P«vKi!rM tsKtl^ Osltefti«n of pankohr
Rules which are artributtd to Heloiffa.
7h: Letters Fu'cm Prior of Deuil bore likewifc a ftiarc in the MitfiMtone wHbich happened to Ahaehnd, aiid
e/Ahae- wrote him a Confoiarory Letter upou that SubjetJ, wherein he advifcs him ro Aay in his Mona-
)4i<i. Aery, and not to undertake a Joamcy to l{gm to demaod jnftice of tbc Canon, who had been the
Caufe of his being fo abits'd. This is the fifft Letter of tbc fecond CoUoftioa wtncb iclaie to

The Second is a Memoir of AbaelarJ^ diretfled to Adamt Abbot of Sc. Denjt, and to the Monks
of chat Momdtery, and to prove agabft the TelHinony of BrA^ chat i>enys the AteofMgitt was
not Bifl-.op of Carinth^ but Bifhop of ^ithrts.
In the Ihird dirc^cd to a Regular Canon, whodcfpis'd the Monks and excdll'd the Regular
Clerks, and maintained that the Monaftical Order was inferiour to the Clerical ; AbaeUrd takes '

the Mi.inls* pnr', and maintains that the Monsflical Order was r;ot in the Icart intcr;our to tVinr of
the Rcgulai Citions, whcditr one regard the Figure which tbey make among Iv!en, cr that whicii
Religion gives them in the light of God. The Reafons which he alledges for this were, that .
ice every day Clerks who cmbrac'd the Aiooafticai Life, and that amr ihcy had done fo, were
not permitted to re^^nter into the Clerical Order. That the Mbnkt who were made choice of to
execute :hc Clerical FuhlI iot s, never quit their Habit : That they often made choice of Monks
to auke them Biibop^ whereas they never chofc Clerks to prdtde over Monalterics: That in the
IJtinies and Prayers of theChvrcfa, the fufTrages of the Monks were imfjdr'd * That the Monks
ate advanc'd ro Holy Orders, and even to Pricflhood it fclf: That Sr. Jerom prefers the Monalfi-
* cal State to that of Clerks, as being mta-e perfe(Ji ; That St. Baptifi quitted the Pridthood
to lead a folitary Life : Tluu the Monks are in lefs danger of their Salvation, than the Claks who
are oblip"d rO corjvcrfc lb much with the World : That the M^^nk^ cpihrace the Contemplative
Life which our Saviour preferr'd before the A(%ve Life : That the Regular Canoqf whole inititu-
tion was but new, imitate the Monks in living in Common in Cloyften; ThatlaAty, the Life of
Monks is more painful and more Auftere than that of the Clerks.
I'he fourth 1 etteris againft thofe who cotxJemn the ufe of Logick. AbaeUtrd compares them ro
the Fox in the F.ibic, who flighted the Fruit at which he could not get. He fays, tnai thofe Do-
^on do in the l^me manner de(nfe Loffickj becaofe they hare not a Genius to comprehend it.
Hermdccs it appear, that the Holy Fathers, and pamothn^y St. Augufiine have commended
this Art, and thought itr<pccfrary for the right Explication of the Holy Jjcnpturcs. He owns that
one ought to avoid the love of Difpuiing, and the deiire of deceiving others by Sophliins^ but he
would nave Men have an inlight tx>tb intQ Lo^ick and SophiAry, to difixm Mod AinniencMi-
ons ffon fiUfe Goes. He iminwins thit wuhoac Logick *cis veiy dttcw to f&te Hen*
The Fifth is writ to St. Bernard, about the Intelligeucc which Abaelard had received fion Ih*
Ietff.7 Abbefs of ParMlete, that that Saint coming to that Monaftery, hnd ob(es>?ed them ro repeat
the Lcrd'i-Prajtr quite diflcrent frdtn what was done in other Churches, and looked upon it as a
Novelty, which be though Abael*rd had introduc'd. All the diflerence confifted in that they ^id
- our Sufir-fiMMtuU Brtid, inftead of mr Dwiif Brttuii AbstUrd ol^enres, that the firft Phrife be-
ing in rheTexTof St Msitbtw, who has given as the Lord's- Prajfer more entire and complcat thaa *

Saint Luke, and whofc Phrafes arc followed except in this ; it fccTri'd more rcafonablc to change
nothing in the I cxt, and to make ufe of the Fhrafc which St. Mattbf has nfed, than to infert in-
to St. h4anhe»*% Text a Phnde taken oat of St. La^s Gofpd. That therefore one ought noc ro
accufc thofe of a Novelty, who in repeating the Lord? ?--yer, fay, Give us our Supcr-fuJ ji.v nil
B'c.ui, tnltead oitur Dailj Bread, fmce they are tbe very Words uitd by St. Aianiw.whofe
• was fnllow'd. That howefcr he did not blame the contrary Ufage; but that he did not bdteve
this Ut'age was ro be preferr'd to the Truth, and the rather, bccaulc the Crc:k. Church had rc-
tain'd the proper Terms of St. MMtthc9'$ Gofpel. That St. Bernard had the icait realon of any

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of the Twelfth Century of Cbrtjlmtty, .
Man to find faulc with rhi« Alteration. fInce there were in his Order a ^rrat many No¥efu€i
contrary to the Ancicn: Cuftoms and I 'l'-^pcs of tlif Monks and Cici ks, even in the Divine Ser-
vice; iuch as for inftancc the Singing of Nw'-v Hvnuis, the Sinping of the Cimc Hymn on ditfcrcm
FeffivalS; tin- not repeating liic Sufrjgcs which were clfcwhcre fa id after t lie Lor«af\f ;V4;rr; the
omitting the Commcrrnr.r 'r.!: of the Virgin and of the S.iinrs ;u 'ic End of rlic Office; the ha- t

ving excluded almolt cu: die LTige of Proco'lions ; ihc ^ingini; Aiic'tUjub Q'^i.n 'J^iinqn.i- w
fteJima-Sutular i the not icciting the Apoltlcs Cra\l r.t rrii?ir aiu) tfaeVcfpcrs, and the Singing of
che Inviutoiy, the Hymn ahd the Gtvi^Patri the laft three days in the holy Week. Tho'
thole PRK^ices were contrary to the common I 'I'agc of the Church, yet Saint Bernard did not
tliink hiinrcirfjblig'd ID It-av thcif, becaufe he L;t'jL::i'd thcni more reafonable and more Con-

fortxuble to the Rule. Froa\ hence ^hacUard concludej^ that upon a ftronger Reafoh one could
iior well difipprove the Aheranon which he had made m
the L«ir^$ Prayir, tho* it mtgbf feetn
a Novelty; .inJ the I^nrher becaufc the Novelties which are prohibited are not thofc of Ex-
prclfions, bitt 'liofe of Opinions, fincc the Church has invented new Pbralbs to explain our My-
tterics: I afUyiherebe a World of different iCuftomsin the Church with relped to Ce-
remonies That in l{pwc no Church bclide the Latc^ iu oblerves ihc nncicnt l.Hage of the hoJy

Sec: TlijC in AliVrfn only the Cathedral Chnrch oblerves its ancient Rites; That the Church of
Liens M the only Church which" has rctain'd its Ancient Office; and that the Divcrfjty of Ccre-
inonics hns likcwifc it'^ A-lvr^rrrgcs. Lal^ly lu- concliidos '>y (iiying that every one mighr .il^fMir-d
in his own Senlc, and rt pi ..r -.h: Lonj's Pra)ci isi ti;c wny wlijch Le Ihouid thmk moll jJiopct' i hat :

be docs not pretend to { lt v ^! others to imitau: \r.m therein: 'i hat He left thole whowouJd

at their Ltbeixy to cliangc the Words of Jefla Chn'ji, but for his part he would endeavour alt
he could tolcerp to the j roper Tenris of Jr/m Chn'fi^ as Well as to his Word«.
The fixth Letter ii an t:ihor:nt.cti tlic ilclipin'is of l\iT.rcletc lo Ihidy that they might be

cap^^le of Reading and andcrftanding the Holj^Scripturcs: It hardly cooiills of an^»ihingclle

bar pafTages ODC tit Same 'fermn vpon xM&i Subfe^. He cdhgrad^tcs their HappineTs in ha*
ving ftich a Learned Abbcfs as was able to teach i\vjn\ L uin, Grccl^, :ind.!!r! rcrv ; the Lnngungcs
whjch were neccflary for their rightly utiderllandinj; of the Scriptures, He recommends to ihein
die having reonirfe to the Original' Text which is the ibiindatiori of all Verfions > and to '

ftudy Hebrev and Cretk.,' the .Study whereof complains was very much ncplcdloil in his
Tinne. He wilhcs that ihofc Nuns wauld recover rhat Learning, which the Men had iWier d
to be loft. And takes notice that they might apply thcmu lves to it the more eafily, bccaiife they
tvcrc Icfs Capable of working with tluir IT^nd; tlmn Men, and were the more ohiig'd to
it by the Quictnefs and Sedatencfs oi liieir Lives, and becaufc the Weakiiefs ol their •

Sex rcnder'd tbem omte liable to tempt^lltoas, ilvhidi tlief migfic divcre by being ihui ^

employ 'd. \
The Seventh a P.iucgyrlcl^ on Saint Stefhcn dedicated to the Nuns of Parachte.
is . .

From tlic Book tbe Chutge

year 1121. wherein AbneLtrd was forc'd in the Council of Soii(/'ff>;i to caft his
of Theology into the Fire, he had met with 00 diltilrbance about his i>o(^rine, tho' he had brwihi
Aill comiDa'd to write and teach the fame things as br(bir. The firft who renew'd the Charge 4C«i'jM-'
of Errors againl hiiti was If'^iHitm Abliot of Saint T'/ m t, who f virs^ read two .

Thtologj compos 'd by Peter Abaeiard. and therein found luch Propontious as put iiiin to ibme dtftur^
bance, and which he thought to be contrary to (bund Dodrriiie, lent an account of them to
Ctcfi cf Biil-.op cf Chirfrcs »td t(j Saint Beimjrd Ablxjt of Ci^iirvanx ; exhorting them to declare
themlclves «gamft thofe Ncvclties and to get them to be condimn d. His Letter is the three
hundred and twenty fixth imong thie Lctrcrs cf Snint ficrv.trd. He therein fays.-ihat he is
Very much r.bnil.'d to fr^'..^ n.'nd .it a riir-.- Vvlitrrin ihofc r.-hofc dir.y ir v.'.-< :o (."oil i:cl4

their Peace; but that l:c coii'ii tmi U.- fikn: whc'i he ;;'.w ihc I'.nt!) ot ilic Cliunh corrupted
by Very Dangerous Errors r'lc rather becaufc tlic Conreft was nhr.a: the Faith which related

to the Trinity, the Perfon of our Mediator, the Holy Gfaott, the Grace of JeJ'm Ci rij}^ and
, the Sacratnent of our Rctlcmprion ; and bccaofe the New Notions which Perfr AbaeUrd taught
and writ, were fprcad through the World, and taught ami Alaintain'd publickly, and had (as
'tisfaid) fomc lepuce even in the Court oi ^gme. He tx\\on'i Gcofrcy aiid Saint Srrniir<^ to un-
^rtake the Defence of the Faith, and tells them that he apply'd himfelf more particularly to \
them, becaufe Abaelard fcar'd them more thin r.'l the World beiido. He afterwards relates
thirteen Propofitions wl-.ich h-* faid he liad taken, out of tlic Writings of Ab^ciardi viz.
^I.) That'he defin'd Vnith to be the Idea ot'things not feen. {i.) liwt he alftns the
Names of Father, Son and Holy Ghoft, are not properly applicable to CJod. But tlut "tis only
a Defcription of the Pleniitudc of the};n Good. (3.) That the Father is a Power,
the Son a Certain Power, ard the '.oly Gholt no Power at all. (j.) That the Holy Gfaott
dtjcs nor pr.r::u.L- of the Subit.ince of the Father the Son, in the lame n:an'ier ss the Son
does of the Subituncc of t hi Father, (s-) l ii :hL- Holy (iholc n An.'m.j tnun-ii, i c. the Soul

»f tbelVorld. (6.) That one may do either Good or LmI by one's own free Will without the
loiluetKe and AiFtilance of the Grace of God. ( 7.} i hat jfffus Citriji was not nude man, ,

and did not fnflfer to deliver os from theBoixi^g of the Devil (8, ) Tlyt C/r:}? as God-Mau
is not crio of ihc hree perlons of the Trinity. (9. ) l"h.u in the of ihe, ^
the fo[m of the Subluncc ot Bread and Wine which was there bclorc the Cooiecration, remains
the fame afmwanls. (to.^ That he maintains that the Saggdtions of the Devil are infus'd
into lAuk by ^iyfical Caufes, (ti.) Thar we Ho noccoovadk the Guilt, but the punlihmenf
O Oiily

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ouly of Or/r«M/5M». (i2.) That there is no Sin, imlcfs in the Confcnt wc give to Sin, and

in the Contmioiog of'God. (ij.) That tb«t« is no Tin of Coocupifccncc, Luft or IgooraDC&. ,

Tbcfc are the Anicl#8 which H^timit Abbot of TW*rrj> fays iliat he drew one of the Book of
^AbAcltaJs Divinity. He- add"; that he heard fay that he bad written likewifc fcvcral orhcr Opw
teuU, whereof one was Inaiulcd tbeTtsiod the S'o ; another, Kpmtky felf^
and fcvcral oifacr?,
the Dodrine of which be wai aflhnd was as Monftrous as the Titles were cxrraordLnacy and
fir.pulnr. After this l etter lllHUm writes a Trcatife Jcvell'd cxprtfsly againft -vie Errorr,

which is 10 be met wuh in the Library of Cijiedux, and to which this Ltcier krves as a
Saint Be^n-rri rcturn'd rfT^'/.jOT this Anfwcr, that he pcrcciv'd that the Zeal which he exprcfs'd
againft the lirrors oi Abielard was rcalonablc and neceflary, ami that the Book which he had
compos'd to fefiite him feem'd very ufeful, tbo* he had not as yet time but only to read it
cttrtorily, nnd not exadlv; but that fince this was a bufinefe of great Conreouence, he dcJir'd
to have' a Conicrciicc with him about it, which yet he thought cottU not be before Eajler, fof
fitar of interrupting his Devotions in the Seafoti of Lent. That befides he wouU not bare
been fo long liienr, if he had had* pcffdft Knowledge of the Errors of AbMtlard,
When he was infbnnM of diem and bad tttamin d AhuUnrlt Book hiinfclf, be very charitably
adnio;uili'd him to rctraA his Errors and to corre<5V his Books, and advis'd his Difciples to read
thctn no more.This.Adaooiiitionferv'd only toexafperate AhaelarJ, who made loud complaints
agatnft Saint Bertmrdt Sothattbfs Saint po-cei^ng that the private Adoaonition which be bad
given him prov'd inctfctfla.i!, he rhoaf ht it his Duty to tell it the Church, am! wrce nrn-- *> K! n
volmoctnt II. and to Icvcral Prelates of the Court of I{ome, accufing him of nnaKing Degrees
in the Trinity with Aritu^ of preferring Free-Will before Grace with Pela^ius , of dividing
fefm Ctyrift ^v'rh \eJIaritUf by exch^dinn him our nf the Number of the perlonsof thcTrin;ry.
He cxhons tlicm warmly to Oppofe thole Errors iuid Condemn ihem. This is the Subic<5f tnacxer
of the hundred and Eighdcth, the three hundred and thirtieth, the three Hundred and thirty
firri, thirty Icooad, ibuqr tbicd» tUny fourth, thirty fifth, and ditny fixcb Leaeis of Saint

Thi Df. Abaelard kting bimfelf thus accus'd, made his Application to Hemj Arch-BiHiOp o( Sent, and
aees of intceated him that be would fmnmon* Saint Benurd to the Council vi(^cb was to be held, that
the ttM- fo be might enter into dtTpnte with faim about the Principal Emn
whlbb he impund to hint.
-f .^ens The Arch-Bii"I;op of Sens wrou to Saiiic Bernard to come on the day appointed on the OHa-ve of
fi'«"'J.A- ^entcco(i in the year 1140 to the Synod, thai he might enter into a Conference with Aka^ardia
bacUM. |>,«(enoe of the BilhoM. Sunt Bemttd made fome Scruple at fiift of coming thither, whetbv
he (as he faid^ thar he was too ftrong for him in Difputcs, or whcthcn- he thought that
the truthi W
the Cbriftian Faith cni^ht not to bccspoi'd to the Areumintation of Humane Reafo-
« nings. He at firft anfwcr'd that the Writings of AbaeUrd were lufEcicnt to convince him, and
lh:.t it his Bufinefs, but the Bifhops rn \vho;n of right did bt ionr the DetL-nnination of
was not
the Doc'lnncs of Faith. Abaeiard made an Advantage of this Refulal, and Ipread abroad that be
wuirid be at Sens on the day af^olnted ID anfwer Saint Bernard. Upon dna, Ssim Bem^d^m
Friends fearing that his Abfence would prove an Oifimce to the People, and aeate a Confidence
in his Advcrfary, and confirm his Error, advis'd him to go to the Council of Sens. He advcrti-
fes the Bifliops.'uid his Friends of it in a Circular Letter, whicli is his hundred and Eighty fcventh,
aodexhoned diem to ondenake the Defence of a Caule which was more properly theirs thaa
his own/
ThcBifliops met tit Sens on the Ofitve of PVbitfmtide^ whe n
were to be n.own in
the Relicks
the Cathedral Church of that City. All the Bilbops of die Province of Sens met there, excepc
the fiilhopK of Nnwrr and P«r», viz? Getfrey of Cjb««'« Legattoftbe holy .W, EHat of Orleanf,
Hufjj of Auxerre^ Hatto of Trojet^ Manaffes of Mentix. Samffm Arch-Bifi:op of {{jjelmj was
likewile there with three of his Suffragans, viz Jtjfetin Bifijop of Soiffons^ iieofrey of Ckilms^

and Alvlfui of Arrati a great many Abbots, Deans and perfons of Learning and Piety were iike-
wjfc there. The Kinghimfelf {Lewi the Toutig) wns I-kewife prefent with H^lli/tm Count of
Nevers. The Council being fcr, Saint Bernard produc d there Peter Abaelart^'s Book, recited
the Erroneous or Abliird Propofitions which be had extraded thence, and urg'd Pettr Alutdmtd
' cither to difown that he had writ them, or if he would acknowledge them to be his, to prove or
rctratJl them. Peter Abaetard had rccourfc to fllifts, and would not anfvvcr exprclly, tho* he had
Liberty given him to do it, had very favourable Judges, and was in a place where he ncedmy
to fear any thing : But whether he fear'd an infuno^ion of the PcoplCj if Otbt of frijinf en't
Word be to be taken in the Cafe, or whether he Thought he (hoidd have greater Advantage at
J^.»ir, where were Cardinals and Prelats who thoiii:h: ic an honor to be iils Difcij les, he appcal'd
to the Pope, and afterwards withdrew trom the Aircmblv' attended with thoic of lus Party, i ho'
thefiilkopt were of Opinion that this Appeal was not Regular, becaufe he appcal'd to Judges of
his own Chooling; yet out of Relped to ilie holy See, they would not pronounce any Icnrciicc
againit hisperibn; but they condemn'd his Opinions after they had been read over fcveral times
antl refuted IHiblickly by Saint Bernard. This Sentence being pfs'd, the Arch-Bilhop <if Seits
and his Su^frngans,* and the Arch-Bifliop of I^heims with his three Suffr.igans who were a: the
Synod wiutc Icveraily to Pope Innoteni II. to dcfire him to conhrm the Sentence vvhicii tlxy iiad
pals'd againft the Errors of AbaeUrd and to intreat him to prevent bis teachitig any Longer, "and hia
havwg any Countenance at cbe Coun of /(pm. Their Letters an the hundred and Ninety iirf^.

Digitized by Google
of the Twelfth Century of Clmjltanitj. loj
and the three hundred and ihirty (evcnth affiong ibc Letters of Saint Benurd, who doubtlcls com-
tios'd them himfclf. He wrote likewife in his own Name to the Pope die hundred and Eighty
Ninth Lcner wherein he cameftly exhorts him to profcribrc lIic Pnor'; of Jl.uI.irJ, and to hinder
bun from having any Countenance in the Court of t^me. He iikewite Icnc hun the Heads^
whkb be had found fault with in Abaelard'^ Book, wirfi an Ample Refutation of his £rrort.'
This is the hundred and Ntimietii» or Nioty firiV Ofufcule. Laftly to {>rcvent AbdcUrd from ma-
lting uft of that Credft which he had at l{fme in his favour,. he wrote to three Cardinals his
Friends, to do wkv: rhcy ct u' that Ahaelard might noc liiccecd in his DcGgns. This is the
Sub)e(% Maaer of the hundred and lecood, the bundled and ibtcd and duee hiuidredi and ihiny

Eighth Lcttets.
I he Pope return 'd Anfwer to the Prelates of the Council of Srtu, and to Saint Bernard, that he rheCM/ir-
coouncnded the Zeal which rbey had czprdsVi againtt the Errors of Abaekrd: Th^c after umimi^
be had advis'd with the fiifhops and Cardinals he had condemn'd the Heads which they had foit tht 9m- <
him, and all the Errors of Peter Akie%'urJ w'ah the Author of thm, on whom he impcs'd a per- ff^''? r^/^'i
ipetuat fileticc as on a Hcretick, and that lie had ad|uJg'd tiiat.ali the Followers anu Dctenders h
of bis Err ought to be Excommunicated. 7 his I i a [ which M the hundred ,and Ninty fourth
i ^
iOOOng Saint Bernard's bears date ^h/; the Uthln the Year ri4o. In an Order of the feme or •"'^"sib
tf>e foregoing day, direded to the lame Bilhop and Saint Betnard, be joyns Peter Atatiard lo'^^ ^'f^*
ArnuhhiH oi Brijf§, md
otdcis tfae Btlbops »
imprilon themj and to burn dwir Books whete-cvdr
they found ihem.^
yij/'if/rfr*/ to juftify hitnfelfcompos'd
an Apology, or rather a Confcflion of Faith, whctrih after Abae- •

he had taken N'ocice, that it was a hard nutter, when one writ, to avoid reproach; h? protefts lard'j A-
m the (cdetice of God, that iie>is not at ail fenlibie of t)eing guilty of thofe (btogs wboeof thqr^i^.
aeeiM*d him; and that if he were fieiafied of his having advanc'd any Error, he wu refblvM to
maintain i[ Mjlmccr: T!mv it might happen that by carclefsncfs he might Iiavc writ w' at he
ooebc not U) have writ; but tiiat he calls God to Witnels, chat as to thole Points whereof he was
aocmM he had adiranc'd nothing oat of an iU Ddign, or Pride; That be always fpoke in ^
Publick, and never conceal*d his Writings: That if in that great Number of I.cdlurcs which he
Jhad held, be had falo into any extravagancies, he would never be llitt in the Maintenance of them,
bar would be always ready to give fatisfadion by Correding or bluulng out what he tbi^
have advanc'd improperly But that as it was his Duty ro corred the faults which he had com-
mitted, he was liiccwiic obligd to refute rhofe Acculations of Error which had 'been fafly laid
to ht< Charge, becaufe as Sainr Awuftine fays, he who k negligent ef his ^putation it an Enm^
to l-fyy^f-'^. nnd filcnce is a kind of Confcirion: That 'tis for this Reafiin that he Anfwers tho/c
Heads whicii are publifli'd againit him, to let all the Faithful know that he is a true Son of the
Church; that berecciv'd whatever it recciv'd; that he rejeded whatever it rejeded, and that
he always continu'd in the Union of the Church, tho' he Were noc equal to o^ets in the
(andity of hit Life. He thereupon in this Apology rcjeds the Errors whereof be Was accus'd,
;u»d profellcs the Contrary Truths, by dcclantiR (i.) T hat he abhorr'd the Propofition which
fcsui been malidoufly ioanuted to bioi. That the Faiber bad a vedeik Power, that the Son bad only
n Certain PoWer, aiid cnatthe holy Ofaoft had no Po«ver at all j and he profeflei that he bdievcs
that the Son and Holy GhofV .ire of the fame Subftance with the Father, and that they have
the fame Power, and the fame WjU, and pretends that it was either out of Malice or Ignorance ^
that tiey had accus'd him of having faid that the Holy Ghoil was not of the fame SfcAanoc
with the father. ( i.) That he pro/eflTes to believe that the Only Son of God Was liiadcman ro ;

deliver us from the Slavery of Sin and from the Bondage of the Davil, and to open an Emrancc
to us to Heaven by his Death. ( 3.) That fefut Chriji is the tiue and only Son of God; Bom of
the Subfbince of the Father before al! Wnrld<;; and that the holy Gboft is tht i\\'m] ptTfon ni rhc
Trinity wfx) proceeded from the Father and the Son. (4.) That the Grace ot Ciod is lo nc-
cefiry to all men, that ndtbcr Narure, nor Fice-will are fu/iicienc to Salvation, becaufe Grace
Prevents us that we may Will, follows that we may do what we WiUj and accompanies us
that we may perfevere. ( That God cannot do any thing but what is agreeable to his Nature
for him to do, and that he has itxleed Power of doing a great many things which he v/ill never
do. (6.) That there are fins of Ignorance, efpecially when it oroceeds from an OmifTton of fia-
Vmg learn'd what we are oblig'd to Icnow. (7.} That God onen hinders Bvils, eiifier by pre-
venting the Evil Wills of Wicked men, or by changing them. (8.^ That we have All con-
cra^edtbe Guilt and Ponifhment of Adam's Sin, which has been the Caufcand Origmai oQill ,

our Sins. (9.) That thofe who crucified Jefm Ci&nV^ commitrcd a notorions (in by nailing bint
ro the Crofs. (10.) Thar the Perfidion of Charity was in Jefm C'>:ff. {n.) That the
Sower of Binding or Unbinding was granted to the Apoftles and tjicir iutccfibrs, and that all
IfhofMbe they Worthy or Unworthy have that Power, lo long as the Churcli acktjowledgcs thcn\
asBifhops. fii ) That al) rhok- who are equal in Charity, are eq\ial likewife in Perfcdion
and Merit. { i 3.} That the i-athcr jsas Wife as the Son, and ihc Son as Bciiebccnt as the holy
Ghoft, becaufe the Glory of the three peribdiofthe Trinity is coequal. ( 14.) That one cannot
Attribute to the Father the laft Judgment or Advent. C 1 5.) Tiiat the Soul of Jejm Chriji did
-not only dcfcend into Hell in Power, but likewife really and fubflantially. That he had
lioc maintain'd, that neither Adion, nor the Will, nor Luft, nor Plealure
were iins, and clut
we ought not to pray for the quenching of our LuiM* be alfcrts that thcv did him wrong
manribuciog a JBookof Scocences 10 hin whkh he hadtfWr cooipos'di and conjures all the
0f FahhMl

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1 06 J Nov Ecdcjiajlical Hiflory
the faults alcubcd to
not ro injure his Innocence, which the Truth
Hieltcrs troai
Doiibtlul matters.
hiir and the rather becaufc Chariry rcqiiires as to put the beft Scnfe on
had publilVd ihi. Apoingy, he fer out on his Journey towai^6 K*W'*J>«
rkene After he
il.cre by Pettr the Vcnnablt, Abbot of Clmty. Wtijlft he was
treJtti riv'd at Clmy^ he was detain d
likcwile, cndeavourd to bring him ro make his
Ab-!«rdl»thcrf the Abbot of Ctfteaux coming thither
C.u y ^nj p.-icc witl, Saint Brrvard. Peter the l^cnerable urgd the /ame thing to alfo, PCrfwaded h«n Um :

bii Uutb. upon him with the. Abbot of Cipe^ux, and advtsd him lhaf in cafe be bad fa;d or
to CO and Wait
writ an? chine which might be Oifenfive to the I.jis of the C..:li<;Iicks, ro advance noluch thmg

for the future nnd to ftrikc it out of hi$

Books. He took hts Advice, watted upon Saint Bcr-
njrJ and was rcconcil'd to him by the Mediation of the Abbot of Cijhaux. He rctum'd after-
reft of his Days in Rcpole free lro:n the Murry
w.irds to Clunr, where he relolv'd to fpcnd the
Schools. Peter the Venerab!e thought h.mfeif obbg d to il.ow dus tavour ro
and fatigue of the
hi5 Are to his Weakncfs and to his
Piety ; not queltionine vndiall but that h:s Learning wouJd
adv.v.:-?'-L,>vs for the Initrudion of his Monks.
He wrote about n to Pope InnoceKt and
be very
the remainder oi his Lite Witii them. Tis to be
orav'd hiwi to cram that AOaeLnd might Ipcnd

for AbaeUrd rcfided m that Community tiU

believed that the Pope granted him tha* favour ;
deni of P^cry an^l Humility for two Years together.
he dy d, and bchav d himlelf with a great
with Inhrmitics, and was
Towards tlie End of his Life lie found bimlelt very much opprcls'd
of Marceiui of Chthns upon the Sfjnr, as being a more healthful and
fcnt to the Monaftcry Saint
•picahnt p'ace rc he dv'd i- the year 1 142. in the lixty third year of his- Age. PttertheVt-
ivrMe acquainted liektjj a ot his Death by a Letter, wbercin he gives her an Enetmium df Ins
retreated to thetr Society, anri. xcs t! c; .10 an Epit.iph in hiS
manner of Living ever Hncc he had
rraife -" J fu r his Body Abbev of Paraclete to bfe there mtcrrd. He aUerwards went
to the
b^mlcif to viiii :baf Abbey, where he laid Maff, made *n Exhortation to the Rdigious iatbe
neleijj.t to put up I'rayers to God for her
Chapter houfe, gave them the Euch-.rirt, nnd promi's'd

in the Sccic:y of Cifinj for thiny days together after
her Death. She thank d htm tor all thole Fa-
htm to lend her jib.iebrd's
vours in a Letter vrhidi fhe fcnt to Mm, and at the lame timeintrcat^
procure PrcbLnJ fur lur Son yllhsl/tbe. Peter the Venerable lent ilKi Ab-
AbfoIOfion, and to a
folution, and promis'd Jier to do his beft tot the inocuring
a Prebend for her Son, :;]o the

Bilhops werc-very Scrupulous in gmntingihofe Sort of

'^''"^ Works of A'.'atl.r i wh^xzh. are now cxtanr an- ch 1 -jta r; whicli wc have mention'd in the

The Wir
of his'Hiftory, Expolitions of the Lores Prayer, ol il,e Apoftlcs Creed, and of the
r»«J:-' Couric
lard. Creed of Saint Atharufius. Kefif to the Oueltions or Problems propos'd by Heioijft,
Book about Hcrclies, a Commentsry on the tpiltlc to the iipmaiu divided into five Bo^p^/
th try. two Sermons on. the Fetlivals of the
year, an Introduction into Theology divided irfib
three Books, the hit of which is imperfedl. Thofc which aw [nfl, or have uu: yet been

rnntcd, are his Logick, ot which he makes mention in his rirll J ener and in liie thmd ikxak
of his Theology ; Ws Notes upon E^ekiel, his Moralk
iotituled Krfce Teljifum, Knotv tby felfi

another Buc k intituled, S;c «, /f i -;^/(/ -V-, which is to be met wiLk m Manufcript in the
Library of Saint Germain oi Prc^, lo i;»titul*d, betaufc *ris a Colledion of iuch Sentences out'
rf holy Writ, as are in appearance contrary to each other, and aTreaiifeof the Creaiioii
oi' the Worlu, dedicated to Ilchijfa, wljich is likewife a Alnnullnpt in the faniL- La^rary.
abftrading his Works we will begin with his IniroduChon into 1 hrolopy ; which
is the Book Which has made fo great a Noife in
the World , it being that wl. ch^ Con-
t!.e Principles of his Dotilrit-.c , and the Heads upon which Ix w.w rcp!
^i'-- nnd ror.dc mn'd. <

He begins tlie Firlt. Book with the Explication of Faiih, Hope and Lhariiy ; iic U)s iliac
th«« are throe things necclfary to Salvation, Faith, Charity, and the Sacramenij fcr he be-
licvcs that Hofc is ccrrrrthu .;cd In Fa^th, as a Species in itsGr»jw. He defines Faith to be
the Eftimation cridca c Mnv LI il.i: g>; a-id HcpethcExpcdation of fome
F«ifA, accdrdir^

to him, has Rcf] e.d to (luod ar.u I*" both prelcntand future; whereas Hope has o tiy regard to
future Good. He defines Chantv c ^e .-n honourable Love directed to itsduc lindorObjedj.

and Lull on the Contrary to be a ftfln-*e.a^ and dtlhonoorable Love. Love in General is that Good
Will and Afleition wiiichonc lir.s loi^ a:ir.^^ whcvrliyc^^^lhcsto an other feme Good uponthe Sole
Eikcin which be has for him C^'ti^^Kie i ovc «jf '€wff; Xult .or Concupilcence is the Love

of the WorM: God is the Ulnn^^Aina or ObjeOt^oQ^ljc fornier, Man is the Ultimate End or
Objcd of the Latter. He obferv^ that M.m i'" .-^ , ^Jir oughc" aot to be the End of his

AciionSj and that what be does tor himfrlt ouj,Iu ^» Uripc&l to God. As for tiic Sacia-

I ivi(il;lc Grace of God: Thus for

mcnt be defin'd it to be an oucw.ird rnH Vif:\>Je V^;
it liince (fays he) wlrcn a man is baptiz'diivj f u:\^.ii ••';rniipc r.t ihc Btdy which wc behold,

' c llgn of the Inw.ird Waflung of the Sou!. i :.:rh :i 'jiid.iiion ui otl-.^r Viriuci» bc-
\ - > I ^

caii we only hope fur what we Lelieve; For which rcalcn sdcin d by thei^polUe Heb. 11. 1. '

to be he Siibft;ipce, i.e. the Foundation .md Origin of 'iisngs hop'd for; things Invifible or
juru.. c propaly the ObjeCl of Fairh, tho' Ici i.!::incs we apply this Term to things which

;,ie \ I /<:i
f tig the things which may be believ'd, there Ix ir v. inch i :siio muter whether '

they be behev'd" or no j lucb as whether it pieaic Goa it^liould or fhould not ram totnottow :
But when one fpeaks of Faith, one means only that which relates to fuch things which wc are
el lij;'d :o believe under the P.iin of Damnation ; ar..' vvhich belong to the Carholick or Univerfal

F4iih, the which is 10 nccciiary that without it no dttni can be iav'd. I bis Faith has for it's Objet^
the Nieur^ Af God aad his Bencfiis Iliowa. to laanktad. In the firft place 'ds requifite to teacu of

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of the Twelfth Century of Chri/lianhy. I of
iluc which rc!.4:ei ro ch? Niirurc of Go^ a ul ro cxpliin how rhcie iJ bat on? God and chrae pcrlon?. Tie fWr^if

Afier he had Eftablilh'tl »lic l.'ni;>, vS;ii pliciry, ami Iininuralvlity of Co>i, be trc.irs of t'-c r'" Afwe-
Trinity of Pcrfons. He fay$ ibat one of the Divme Pcrtons is not ihe Other 1 bat the Futlicr,
for Inftancc, is nottlwSon, nor die Son the holy Ghoft, becaufc they are of the lame nature
and tiiftinpnilh'd or I p;--!ynaliy; That the Propci ty o*' Grd rhi? F;nhcr is, ror to be Upottcn

lliatof the Son, to be, butuotntiade nur Created ; Tiatof the holy Ciijott, lo piocceed
from the Father and the Son, but not made nor Creatctl. The Karnes of the three perions
comprehend tkc Hircncc which is liiprcincly or iniinitdy pcrl'eJ>. I hcPcv'.rof GcJ .!cn(jrL\l i'^

by the Name of Father, the Wii'doui by ihaiof the Lo^os or the Son, and tiie Love of God to-
ward* men by that of the H'dy Gho!^ the three things which make up the ^lii^prcmc Good. The
DiRincflion of thcfc three perfbns fervcs to perl wndf men, to render (o Cnd rhc Woifhipaiid
Adoration which they ow to him; for two things in.pirc into us Rcfp'^Ct, t.\', Fear and Love;
The Power ind Wiftiom of God make us to fear hiin, bcc\.iilc wc know th.)i: he is our Judge;
thar he can ptmifh an J that nothinj; is hid from his Eyes ; and his GfiooVcii mnkt'J iis to love
him, becaufc 't:s but jult and reafonable to love him who does us (o much Good. 'J his likcwifc
fer\'es to render the Works of God the mere admirable ; fincc he can do whatlocvcr he picafcsj
that he knows to prdcrve what he has made, and WUls that every thu p, thould be
made and fublilt in Order.
its He takes notice thar yet we ought not to bclic\e that
thofc Attributes do fo agree :o cnch of ir.i_ D'.vi:u- Pii lon?, hut that dicy tray be rominon to them
all ; fo that we are not to believe that the tailicr is only Powerful, the Soti Only Wile, and the
holy Ghoft only Merciful; but' on the Contrary chat thdc three perfons have the fame Powers
Wifdom .<nd Mercy.- That thcfe three Propeftics are only auributed cotheihrcc Divine Perlbns
in an Efpeciai Manner, as their particular Operations arc a'tnbutcd to them, rho' .J! the Divine
Operatkms which rekte to the Creatures, areCommon to all tlie three Perfon*, namely iheCtearion
to the Father, rhL lncarnation to the Son, atu' the- R?pcncrario:uo t*ic ol Cholt.I . Afur'v. rds he
5roves thcMyltery of the Triiu:y by kvtial p.-.iT:'f-es out of the Oid icftamenr, aud by the
refthnonies of the heathen Philofophcrs of wiiom in i]uctcs a great many.
H* forefaw th.u thefe Cirr'.ric"';" our of the Heathen Philofophcrs concerning the M)!lc \ of
tlic Trinity would Iceiu cxiraoitiuuuy, and difpleafe a great many People, thcrcfc ix c :r\nkc':I

ufc of part 6f the Second Book to juftifiy himlcif in rhis particular, f r.) By the i x ii^ r lc and
Tcftirt.otiics of Saint' ye ow and the other Fathers, (i.) By demonftrating that Logick and
the other Sciences are not ufclefs to Religion, provided a right ufe be made of them, (3.) By
Ibomtig that 'tis ufefiill to explain Mylterics as well as one can, by Inlfanrcs and Con>-
parifons, and to demonitrate that ihcy arc not contrary to Reafon, efpeoillf when they were to
treat with Jews, Heathens, and Hcrcticks. (4.) By refuting thole who maincain'd that one
ought not to ma i<c ule of Reafon, but only Authority to prov* rh-- M}ficr.'es of Taitli. (5.)
By maintaining that one might have lome Knowledge of Myftcries, and that as we have Tetnts
49fiefeby to explain them, *iia recpitfitf likewife dMt we have Ideas to anfwer thoTc Tenns. ( 5.
Bccaufe without taking any Not kc of Jews and Pagans, there are Itkevvifc t'o-nc F?. r' neks or
Perlbns erroneous about our Mylteries; vi:^. a certain I aick nam'd TacUUhc in rianders^ who
Ctoied htmfclf to be ftil'd by the People the Son of God ; and Peter of B^m in Pmttttre^ who
had fo far fubvertcd the On^cr anJ Difcipline of theChuirh, as to oblige a great mrny People to
be rebaptiz'd, and taught that one ought not to Celebrate the Sacrament of the Altar any Longer,
nor make u(c of the Cro!'s; That it was not rc<|ui(iic any longer to pifs by in Hlcntetbe PuhHck
Profc (furs who taught Errors contrary to the Catholtck Faith .ind Sou iid Do<ftriiic, among whom
heoppolcs four^ one in France, .another in Bu'gundj, a third in ^jiji^ jj, and n I'ourth in Tlomjes.
He gives a particular account of their Errors, which it may not be amifs to inlcrt here. "The
"firit (fays he) aflertS that feveral of thole who liv'd before the Comir:: of J-Jm C'y!fl were
*'lav*d without having bel»ev'd his fulurt Coming ; That our Savhmr proccerftd oiir < f ih^^ Vir-
•*'gins Womb af:erthc lame m inner asOthcr Alen, and that God bcgtit himdlf The Second rca-
** dies that the three Properties which dUtin|aiih the three Divine Pcdons, are three Diftind Eifcn-

**coi of die fame Ferwn» and of the Divine Nararc: That the Body of our Saviour did r,ct
"increafe, but was of the fame Bignefs iq the Virgins Womb and in iheManjier, as it w^s uyon
**theCr(MS. That the Marriages of Monks or Nuns are Valid, and that one ought not to di-
' **vi>rce them, bat only to injoyn them Penance. The third nut only maintains that the Attri-
*'butcs of the Diviie Pcrfcns are things dilHnd^ from the Godhcid, but llkcwiu ibat all the ttlcr
**AurU)Utcs, fucb as Juftice, Mercy, 8cc. are Qiiaiities and things dillin^t fron God, Ttic tcuab

been 10 Eittnvagant, as^io aflert that fince things may happen otbcrwifc ilian Gfpd ferclaw
they wotdd, 'tis polfible lor him to be deceiv'd.
From this Digrelfion he returns to his Subjc^fl-, and treats of the Divine Nature. He fys
that God is not an Accident, nor properly a Subltance, if you take that word to ItgntGe .nn El-
ferce which fupports Accidents; that he may be call'd an Eifencc; tiiat he i<; not corr.prclK-ndul
unuer any of ^/rZ/Jor/^'s Ten Categories; thatwc waiu proper Tcrais whereby to evp^c X Ins Nature

nnJ PerfeAions, but that we make ule of Encrgical and llgur.ntive Term% anii gi\ L 1 - jilos and :

Similitudes to explain imperfeAiy what agrees to this inelSble N-iture. He proiiuc*.? feveral of
thcle about the Mylterj' of the Trinity, and in the oSftvcs that !li.r<;s may be One,
either bv Rflciinblancc, or in Nunaber, or in Propriety, and that as in one ar^d the l.tine sJiMip
there are a great many properties, torn one and the fame Divine E^rencc there arc. three diittnd:
Ptofons ^ibo baye diftmA Properties, bectufe the FadKr begets^ the Son is jxrgottcn> and
P Holy
> r

* w
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I o8 A Nei» Ecclefiajlical Hijlory
Tk W*^/ Holy GHoft proceeds from the Father and the Son. That 'tis tree indeed, that wc have not aoMOg
of AUae- crcnnd Beings any In fiance whetein cnc and tin k r.o Licence are three Pcifons ; but thai we nrc not
lird. tu kck for a'peried Rtfemblance, (incc 'tis luiiit-Kiu lo bring lomc Companions. He prtwiucts
that ol a bci!, comooleU of the Material, and the Figure engnven thcrcon. 1 he Seal is neither
the {v.vvk .M;iTcr:n[* nnj ilic- pie Figniv, but a lort (4'nii In't^fcr compolcd of both, and yet in
1-e.iliiy the ieiii IS clic but the Materia], iluis oi thus cn|;ravxii, though the Figure is not

the Material, nor the Material the Figure.

After this he d;itinguill:es between the procc^on of the Holy Gliofl:, and (he Generation of the
Woixi, in that the Ltvot being Wifdom, partakes of the power of rhe Father, and may therefore
1 be faid to be ot the fubftancc of the Fadici ; wiietca; tiie Hn!) Cl.ult Lcine Jci;o:eJ by the
Name of Love or Cbaritv, which is tu>c a Power, is not of the fubltancc ut the Father. He icn-
mxliately correAs thft Notion of Arianifm, which thofe Words fecm to imply, by faying the M(i!y Ghoil is of the fiiblLfncc ufthe Fatlwr, in else Seme th.u he fo proceeds from him,

OS to have the fame hibllancc with him ; but that though he be Confubltantial to rhe Father, yet
properly fpeaking, he is not bcgoncn of bi$ fubftance. ("This is a bard and improper Exprcjfion,
coiitr.ny :o the u tier of the Father's fpe-ikinc, and conformable *o that of tie^, though
,/i.if;<ir</ rejects ilieir Error.) He fays that ihc Holy Ghoft proceeds from the F.itlKT aad the Son,

bcc.iufc l-ovc, or rather the etle i t-f I ovc pruLceds from Power WMdom, fincc the ReaionoT
God's doing (m uc', is became I;c Power to et) ir, r.ri' V.'iuiom :o know thni i' is fj(;oi1.
This gives him an <Kcalion oi refuting the Opinion of tlsc Greeks conetiuujg ihc rrccelTion of
the Holy Gboft from the Son alone, and of Ihewtng that one might add fomething to the Creed,
provided it were not contrary to the Faith. He CKplains the Coettmity of three Divine PeriicKis,by
the Inftancc of the Light and Rays which proceed trom the Sun, and which estift the feme momcnc
with the Sun.Laftly, he pretends that the Hcithen I'hilofophers h,i\e ackm wkug U :l,c Trinity.
In the Third JBook he treats partictikrly of the Power of God, aod tnawtains that God cannoc
do any thing but what he does oo, and cannot do all that he does nor do, becaufe God can only
do what !'c Wills j but be cannot Will to do .niy thing but wliat he does do, becaufe it is ncceflary
lor bim that he Ihould Will whatever is convenient i from whence it follows, that whatever he
docs not do is- nor convenient ; that he cannot Will to do ir, and confequenity cannot do it. He
bimfeJf ownsthat this ifliis own particular Notion,that frarcc any Body clle is of this Opinion, that
it fecms contrai^ to the Do^nnc of the Saints and to Reaion, and to derogate from the greatncfs
of God. Hereupon he ftarts a very difficult Objedion. " A Reprobate (lays he) may be lav'd j
for he knows !io Pemgbut what God does fave, wherefore GcJ may fave him, c\-d eonfequcnt-
ly do ioiiiething winch is not neceflary to be done. To ihii he replys, that one might very well
allert that fuch a Man in.i\ be fav'd by the Relation to the poflibility of Human Nature, which is
cip.-.ble of Salvation ; but that it could not be affirm 'd that uod could fave him, if we have refpe<2 to
Godhimielf, becaufe 'tis impofllble that God (houid do any thing, but what he ought to do. I ic ex-
Elainsthis by fe\eral Examples: A Man who fpeaksmay hold his Tongue, but that 'tis iirpofliblc
it one who fpeaks to be at the /aooe time iiient. A Mao's Voice may be heard, bet oiie who is
Deaf cannoc hear ir. A Field may be Ctdtivated and 7i!rd,ibough a Kfan may nor cultivate it,^r.
From the Power of Cod he proceeds to his Immutability j he fays that Goid does not change
himlclf when he produces new etieCts, becaufe in him there are not fuch new Motions and new hi-
dinaiions as are m us, but only new effcQs proceeding from an Eceinal Will ; that he cannoc
change Places, fince he is Omni-prefent, and rnat when 'tis fhid that he JefcencIeJ into the Virgin's
Womb, 'tis to denote his Huiniiiation j but that in L>eii,g made Man, lie was not chang'd, bccaule*
the Divine Subftancc is united to the Humane Nature without a chniige of its Nature; and ihac
the Perfon of Jcfus Chrlfl is a Con-poiind ;f r[iL Divine Logos, the Soul, .md of theFlefli; That
thofe three Natures arc united ui iueli a iii.iiiiict as that they retain each their own Nature; and
that as the Soul is not chang'd into Flefh, fo the Divine Nature is not chang'd, though it be pfP-
fonally united to the Soul and the Flclh. Laftly, he treats of the Divine Knowledge .ind Wifclom.
He fays that God has foiefccn and pre-ordained all things' ; and fo with refpcA to Cod rothvng
happens by chance, though his preicicnce dots not dclboy Frec-Will. He defines it to be a free
Detemiination of the Will, and aifcrKi that it has been fretjuenily ei^erienc*d, that the Will is hoc
conftrain'd by any Violence, and that it has a power of doing or nor doing a thing. He tASavts
that this kind of Freedom in the Will docs i.ot relate to Cod, but only to Men, who may alter
their Wilij and do or not do a thing. He produces the Opinion of Come who believ'd thai this
Freedom confilb in a Power of doing both Good^and Evil ; but he itiaintiuns that thole who aie
fo happy as to have no power of Sinning, are r»cverthclels Free, and are fo the more becaufe of their
beatg delivered fro* the fervitude of Sin. From hence he concludes, that generally and properly
fpeaking Free- Will is when one may voluntarily and without conftraint accomplift that which tt
hasielblVed upon ; a Libcuy which is in Cod as wdl as in Men, and in all who arc nn, iclltjce
of the Faculty of Willing. He adds fevcral Philolophical Kicctits about ilie Prciejence a-.u Dtter-
minarion of Propofitions concerning futoie Conrin';encies.
The Explications of the Lord's-Prayer, and of the Creedsof the ApoiUes^ and of Sc. Aibdiufi*
contain nothing in them which it very remarkable. . .

The Pr(jWeu.5 or Queitions which were propos'd to him by HeUiJfa, are almoft all of them up-
on hard Texts of ^icripturc^ wliidxAhstUrd explains with a great deal of Juliice and i4ccuracy.
The Bopk of Heiefies js « fommary Aoconm of die principal £rrors of the Hqcticks, againft

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of the Twelfth Century of Clmjlianit). j lit
which he prodiices fevcral Paflagcs out of the Holy Scriptures. He therein particular])' rcfvres the
Brrorsagainft rhc Saeraments ofthe Euchnr ll nnd of Baptifm, againft the Adminirtration of Pe- "®^'^"f
ranee, againft the Ceretnonies of the Church, and againft the Invocation of Saints. Some have'**"""

thought that this Piece was hot /ibaelarifs; bat 'tis not unworthy of him, and there is nothing to
binder us from thinking it to be his.
The Commentary upon the Epiftic to the ^/mam, is a literal Explication of that Epiftle, where-
in he (hews the Coherence and Coplequ^ncc of the Apoftlc'* Difcourie, and renders ni« Terms in-
telligible by parapbrafir.p upon ilicni.
AbaeUrd'i Sennons arc not Eloquent, bur fncb Difcourics as contain in them Rcflct^ioos

npon the Words of Scripture, i«lgch agree to the Myfteries whereof he Treats, together widi le^
vcral Moral Inftrudions. The 5rnnon upon St. Jekn th Haf tlfl, is a very H arp Satyr againft ,
ibtnc Monks^ and fevcral Canons of his time, and particularly againft St. Norl/ert.
St. Bem«rd m
the general, accufes Peter /ibitLrd of treating of the Trinity like >fr/«r, Abejjird's
of Grace like Pf'^i^^i'in, and of the Incamar-on like y>fltr;m of hnv't f; bragg'd tbir
• uta igno- ^^rtM I

rant of nothing, and of k

ing never willing to fay, /\>/c7>, i. c. I do rot know ; of being willing ^
to expound inexplicable thmgs, and to comprehend incomprthcnfiMi- M) ftcries: Of giving a rea-
for that which rvn<; nhove Reafon ; of believing nothing but wlw: Rcifcn difrnvt r<'f> of
placing Degrees ui tiie i nnity. Terms and Limits to th" Majcfty of God, and Kunibci^ la £ccjr-
niiy. Thcle are the general Reflections which he call: npon him.
In particular, he finds fault with thole £xpreflions of" Ahielntd concerning the Holy Ghoft, t»/*.
That he is not of the fame fubftance wtrh tfie Father, as the Son is. He is aftonifli'a to find him
on one fide, owning rhat he is Con ro rlie I-'rthcr r;r.J die
So:; .md on the other fide,

denying that be proceeds frotn the fubltance of cite Father and the Son. He maintains that ib^
abfoluie Attribuft* of iJod, fiich as his Omnipotence, Wifdom and Mercy, does not agree iBfwie
to one than lo nnorher of tlic Three D'vinc Pcrloi-,«. He of'pcfLS /-f/.-jc/.n s Compnrfon taken
frana a Seal and the material whereof 'tis made. -He finds &ult with the Definition of Faith which
jfhuUrdwakts ofe of, becaufe be therein givCs to Faith the name of Eftimadonj which is of loo
loofc a Significnrion.
He omits fpeaking to fcveral othtr Propofitions of Ah/ieiardi that JeUis Chrift had not the Spi-
rit of Fear: That the fear of God will not fubfift in the other Life: Th.'U the Accidents of the
Bread and Wine after the Conrecr.ition arc in the Air Thar the Demons do not rcrrpr Akii, but

only by the Virtue of lomc Stones, aiid of leiii.e ticrbs, which they know and make ufc of; Thac
the Holy Ghoft is the Soid of the World, Proceeding afterwards to what relates to the Incarna-
tion, he in the firft place cites the Prrnofition wherein Abnelard maintain'd that [cfus Chrift did rot
conie into the World on pnrpofe to redeem Mankind ; upon this he urges the Bufincfs very home
10 htm, and (hews, thatncichcr Scripture nor 1 radition acknowledge any other end of the Incar-
nation, befide the ledeeming of Mankind from the Bondage of the Devil, into which they had fain
by the Sin of dieir firft Pincnt. He dnrges Inoi with rndh things as he only advanc'd in h is Coni-
luentary By way of Query. He demonRratcs in oppcflcion to ylhaelard, that tic end of Redemp-
doo does not conGft in the Love of Jefus Chrift, fincc lufants are rcdeem'd \>y fiaprilm, before they
arrive to the ale of Rcafon, and confe^ucnt ly before cipey are capable of loving at all. taftly, b6
confidcrs three things in the Incarnation The example of Humility which God has gHen
; by
thus abahng himfelf ; The ireafiirc of Charity, which he extended fo far as to the Death upon the
Crofs; and the Sacriamcm of Rede mption, whereby he has deliver'd Men from Death bf hit
Death. Thefc arc the Heads whereof Sr. limard treats in his large Letter tgiuilft 4&tf/kr^ ifi*
<edled to Pope Jwutfcoi* II. which makes the Eleventh of his Opufcula.
Bncio come ro an exaA knowledge of all the Errors charg'd upon Perer Abaelard^ 'tis fufiicienf
only to confuJtthe CoUe(ftion of the Propofirions eyrrni-TeiL otir of his Works, uh'rh wns read in
the CouncN of Sens, and fcnt to the- Pope. It conlills of Fourteen Pro^ oluiojis. J'he ^ri\ is the
Otmparifon which he makes of a Seal of Copper, to explain the myllery of the Trinity. The tti-
cond is that which he fays of the HoJy Ghoft, v/f. That the Holy Ghoft is not a Power, nor of
the fubftanco of the Father, thongh the Three Perfbm of the Trinity arc of the fame lubftancc. The
third, t! .1 God canro' t!o any tlnn!; elfe whar he docs do. The fourth, that the end of the
locaniation of Jefus Chrift, was not only to rcoeeiu Mankind, bur to inlighten ttic World uiili
thoLllftre of his Wilctom. The fifth, that fpeaking proprly and without a Figure, wc cannot (ay
thit Jefu': Chriii is a third Per^^on of rhc Tririity. The fixth, thac God has not given more Grace

to htm who is fav'd, than to hitn who is not,bclbrc the former has cooperated with his Grace ; thac
ht offers his Grace to all the World, and that ir depends on the Freedom of Men's Will, whether
they will make ufe of it or rejcd it. The fcventh, that CcJ ought not nor cannot hinder EviL
The eighth, that when Vis laid that Inlantscontrad Or-ginai Sin, liiis ought to be anderftood of
the Temporal and Ercrnal Pm iflimcnr, which is dne to them becaule of Sin. he ninth,
that the Accidents which remain after the Confecratioti of theEucharilt, arc nor joyn'd to the frb-
ftance of die Body of Jefus Chrift, as ihc> were to the Bread and Wine, but arc in the
Aif :
That the Body of Jefus Chrift retain'^ i-^ Figure .md ] inea.rii n:s,and thatwhtt we lee are falleapl
t)ear.ircc$ under which the Body of Jefus Chrift is hui.l he 'nth, that 'tis not the
outward Adioi7
but the Will and the Intention which remicr W>cn cither Uood or Bad. The eleventh, tliat the
Tews who crucihcd Je us Chrilt in ignorance and out of Zeal for the Law, did not commit any
Sin in fo doing, andlhail not becondemn'd for this.'^dion, but for their fonuer S ns u hieh n e-
ritcdlUlfililidiids. The twelfth, ihat thole Wordsj whatfocver you lhaU bind on Earth (haU
F» . be

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Ill A Ne)V Ecclefajlical Hiftory
AbJe'ard'& Itchount! iu Heaven, are to be nnderftood thus: Whatfocvcr you (hall bind in this prcfcnt Life,
VtUr'm ihnll be bound'in the f refent Chorcb : That nonnbm the Apcftles bnd thi< Power, and cbar if ic
tXMiia'i, ]i-.J Ihxii ctjn.miinicarcd to tlicir Si:cccl]t
r , 't:s ro be iiniitrllood cn!y rf r'loic v, ho have the Ho-

iv (ihoti. hethirtccnih, that neither the Sufgcttion nor the Pleafute which I'oliows it are fin-

fu!, but the confentirg to an Evil Adion, and the contempt of Gcd. The fourtemth, thatOin-
nipotrncc bi li'iips only to the Father as n Pcrlorjal Attribute.
AbaeUrd in h.s Aj^olcgy tlifowns the Hcrcricnl meaning of thofc PiCf'ofinrjr.^, but 'he Qiicftion
which ftill remains is to know in what Scn(e lie aJvnnc d thtm. Ir cnt.rot W
ny J, bur that he
had Catholick Notions about the myftery of the Trinity, and did Iwl cvc ili ti the 1 nr Divii.irl-

Perfons wtrcof the fnnie Nature. The Cotrp.irifcn of a Seal 'fsKxh he mnkcs iifc o! :o explain
this Myftcry is rot altcgeibcr cxrCl, nor dee --end that it is;
h\.r Ix r wns rhra we can find

f.othing anting the Clrcarnr-';, wYxh rcrf: l"^ ly r<.\ i\L-s this ii't< mp.u..bk Myl'.cry. Nor docs he
ci nv that Power, W'ifdoi.i ai d i.ovc arc A L ;iu s as arc common ttj
'.i ;hc Three Divine Per-
• l<)!i<;'; he dit lares the contrary even in exprcfs Terms ; but he aunbiitts Pnwur to the Father, .

Wililci-n to the Son,and Love to the Holy Ghoft,oidy by way of Appropriation ; wherein he rcesm
not to tlibgrcc irom the Dojftrinc of the Fathers and Divines. Bar in the third PropofTrion, he
does not a{;rcc wiih others i:i the manner of thirking unJ cxj rtfling his 1 hoiights ; wlirrtin he
fays that God can only do what be docs do, and c^unot do yrbat be doth nut do. 1 his does
. nor proceed from bis dif-believin|r, that the Power of God tn its own Nature can extend « (elf
I toorhiT Objtds ; bur lie that it bc't p ajr l'dci'd ns jcyn'd to the Wifdcm and WiJl of
God, he could not do 4oy tiuiig beitde what he Wilis, nor does any thing be dc v wliai he Wills
and aduaJIy docs.
o th u which rclares ro the erd of the Ir.carnnricn, (which is the fr unh Pr( j-< firicnj 'ti5 notro
be bcliev d that he dcny'd that Jclus Chnfthad redeemed and dtliver'd Men from the flavcry of Sin
by his Death ; he aflcns the contrary in leveral places; but he miphi have pretended that this
redurprion of Mankind frcm the Capt:V''y (jf ^"r-n ri -he Devil, wa<. not the only Morivcof the
Ifv amation, nor ilic only Advant.Tgc whicii Men reap d from therce, and the Divine Lt?os waslike^
Wile come itiro the Wc rlJ to enlighten the NatioiHE thcxeof, and to tbc:p .m Example ofVimiej
tiK- Holy I'.Tthcrs have laid the (ame thing in a great iriany places of their Writings.

The (ifih Pwjpofjt cn is only a Qiicf^.icn about a Nr.niC. He owns that the Divtne Levet is one
of the Perlbns of the Trinicy ; but difiipproves of this F.vpieirion, vl\. That Jefus Chrift is a
Third Fcribn in the Tiioity, a way ot ipeaking which is not ufnai in ihc Fathers or the School-
The f^x Prrpoftion r.bout Grace, is not agreeable to St. yiu^up ire's Pnncip!cs, rcr is i: PeLigi-

aniSm nor Semipelagianiin), lir.ce he acknowledges ih& Neccfiity of Grace for ihe producing of any
Good in us, »r« only maimains ibac God has given equal Grace to all Men, wbeicbf efeiy one
might make a good ui'e or cjc 'I i

Tbt fevciuh Propolition is a Confcqucncc from his way of fpcaking in the third. •
The eighd) is not to Ik- met with in /fW/<ir^'s Writings which arc now extaiK; he adfiKWrlerfges.
on the contrary in his ^pology, tha: Original Sin coniills m the G.i.Ir.
The Ninth depends upon a Pbilolophicaf iJiipiiro about the nati ieof Acddenrs, and is of ik>
prejudice to the Faith about the myftery of Trinlubftintiation, which Abaclard own'^^ ; and when
he fays that tbey are Appearances, by this be undeiilands that tfaey icfemhle Bread which is
noL there.
The Tenth may be taken in a good Scnfe, fo that by Works we umferfiand only the cxienttl
A<ftions, which are not exprelly Good or Bad, bat as tbcy bcoooie Volumaiy.
, The eleventh Propofition is inlutlcrablc.
The twelfth i^ an extraordinary and mtoknble Espo6cio|i of our Saviour's about the Wonk
Power of Binding and Looting. it
He difbwns^ vne ihirceenrh as that which he never writ.
With rcfpctft to the Fourtecn h have explaii!< d ir; wl;,n fence he attributes Power to thcPer-
foo of the Father. Hedeciarcs in his Apology, that when he dcny'd the Fear of God to be inldiia
Chrifi and in his Eled, he thereby only undcrftood a Icrvife Fear and mft a filial Fear,wbidi be
owns will laft to nil ErcrnT'^ And lie tl.Lrciu maintains that be never dcny'd that the

of ^efm Chrijf dciccnded really into I kll By the Name of Lftiroation which be applys toFaitb,
he does not mem an unccnain Opinion, but an Idea which we fonn to ottr felvcs of die My«
flerics which . re ri N eil'd to US, and whicli w^- firmly believe.
As to the General KefletiHons which are call upon hirr, t mu!' bcown'd that his Way of fpcak.'ng
find cxpbming the M)lterieswas Novel; that be tely'd tco much upon his own Rc.Konings; and
tha' he was jor pryinc; roo curioully into Incomprehcnnhle A:;.!!cnc<;. I' lr at the lame ume ic
mult likewitc be own U tl;a: he happen*d to be in furh tiiiics wl.eii i! s kird ot 1 earning was iniis
Infancy; and that if in feme places he fwerv'd from the Truth, ye; c ^ir^ucs very juftly and very

lolitily on a grctt many SubjciSts. In a Word no body can deny but that he had great p.irts, much
Learning and Logiek, n profmiid Genios and penetration of Thougbu Wcbavconly one E^i'ion
of his Work^ pnbl (li'd by thc cate of Fr4irc« Amh^ CoiinceUor of SraK» and prioced at Btrm ia
4to. in the Veat i6i6.

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cf the Twelich Century of Chr^Hm^ 1 1

CHAR Viii.

yln Accomt of the Errors ami Condemnation of .GilleberC

de k Porree, Bijhof of Poitiers.

G II LERERT DE LA PORREE, a Native of Poitiers, after having been Profcflbr of ri<f»f«-

Diviiiity la that City, was chofen Bifliop of the fame Do-^cfs, A.
ibc molt able D
1141. He hod
vines of his tiim- for h s Turo s, viz. //;/.rv at Poitins. Be nj d at
Chortles, An/elm and S^ulphm at Lai,n ; but toraitnuch as it

difficult, wiicii unc takes lOo ?'yT^'

great a JLatirudein Philolbphizing on the Myfteriesof cbeChnliun Rcl p on. not to wander ^^^^
out of the right way he maintjiii'J in h.s Comtncnraric? on :h.- Rutik of Pf.ilins, on St. P iu \

EpiftiCS, and on the WorJcs of BociLius, tciuin I'lopoliiioni aix u: the, which ga\e
Om:nce who were not accuitomed to handle Theological Matters af:er fuch a man-
to ihofe
ner, f Ic was tnore cfpccialh ccnfur'd for aflcrtii g ft nr Poinrs conccimng t!it Co.iliL-ad, vi:^.

I. That the Divine EITcnce w,asnot God. z. Tha: the Properties <^f the Divine Perfonswere
HOC the Pcrfons thcmlelvcs. 3 Thar the Divine Perfeas wefc not ao Anribiue in any Piopo*
fition. 4. That tlic divme Nature was not iiicarnnte; as affo upon accnunr of two other Ar-
ticles, which were look'd upon as lcl$ cunfidcrabie, Tlut there n, noix tiiat Mctit:> but
Jcfu^ Chrilt, and due the Bit& Oftly arc truly fiapuf'd.
Cilleltnt continuing to raainrain this Dodrine, even when advanc'd to the Epifcopal Dig-
nit)-, and not to afleit tholb Propolitions, in a Difcourfe that he made to his Cler-

gy ; an IniormaMun was brought .igain!t him by h'.s two Arch-deacons, Arnold and CaloH to
Pope Eiigenius III. wbo was then .it Sienna, ready to fet forward in his Journey to Frdtiee.
The Pope deferr'd the raking cognizance of the Affiiir rill bis arrival in that Kingdom ; and
the Arch-dcacon.'; in the mean wink- tnpag'd St. B -m nd on their lide.
The Examination of Giiehett'i Do;.^hine was began at Auxvrrc in an ^Ulembly amven'd
tbere in rhc be ginning of the Year 1 147. and continned in anodwr befd at P»it on the Pi^ffcCM^
flival of V. 'Mcr in the fame Year. Gillehcrt .ippcar'd in the lat er before the Pope, the Car- o/'Pa*

dinals, the Biibops and the other Prv laces of the A0emb)y, whdft twoDo(2ors, viz. Adam de ris<ioM
Petit Pent Canon of Parir. and Hu^h de Champflcuri, the King's Chancellor vigoroufly op-'^^ff~
s'd hioi, depofing upnn O.ith, Tli.u rlicy luii heard hi:n iltihc foni^of the Errors of which

was accus a ; but St. Berua d was the^U and principal of his Accufers. GiBcbert deny'd knMM^
diat he maintain'd thofe Opintoos ihar were laid 10 bn cnarge, and fi>me of tJie Bifbops, who
bad been his Pupil's, were call'd -n ^^'i•nc^- on his bch.iff, anioi:p whom were I^ul or
tlmlfhus Bilhop of Evrcux^ and IveiDodloT ol Cljsrtres^ who dcdar'd that they never heard
blm aficrt any thing of the tike narore. Thcie&re to conviA Wm, hit Advemries demand*
«d Aae hi* Commentary 0:i B'^dr'ui'^ Book of t!:C Trinity might be prr>dt:c"d, in which (as
thty averr'd) thofc Errors were laid down in divers places. But this Book not beit^g to be
fbnnd, certain Propotitions were atlcdp'd. taken cut of the loofe Papers of his Scbolan, and
amongrt others That as Man i? crt!!d Wifdoin. in rcafon of the Form of Wi'Jom ; after the
fame manner, God is faid to be s ( oJricr^ his Wifdom, (3:.
ii l St. .fir w^j/*/ oppos'd that
Szpredlon, and Gilkie t oootinu to d.r.v, that he ever taught or wraie» Thar the Godhead

v/K nf-T Cnd, or -hat there was in God any Vorm or any Efifence that was not God himklf.
He prcv'd wiiat he faid, by the Teltimofiy of the two Peifims but now mentiOn'd,
and ricvenhclcfs maincain'd in the heat of the Difpuie, That that which condiruled
Gf/! Father, was difF;rcnt from that which 01, tinned him God:
( This Exprciflon gave
OJvi cC to JcfJeHn Bifl.op of Soljonj. Ci ukft was Jikewifc ccnfur'd for calling the three Di-
vine Pcrfons, in a Prr/f Or Hymn on the Trinity, three SI\'GVLAt(S ; And Hu^h Areii liifliop
of l{^ui^>i o:\ rhccon rary aTrm'd. that it ought to be faid, Got! was a SI>iQVLAl{. The
Po[>e wearied thefc Difj', which continued two days, and not having at hand, GiUc-
bert dr It Porrci\ Book, that waj call'd in quei^ion, thought fit to refer the dcterminatioa tS
that ^fzixt to the Council ci' Hheimt, which was held ini-eM in the following Year.
In the mean while GHkhcrt fcnt bis Commentary on Boethim's Book of the Trinity to Pope
Eu^c»:;js, who delivcr d i: to be txam ned by Goufcalcbut Abbot of Mount St. of the
Order of prcMoiure^ aiierwards ordaji'd Buhop of A'ras, who having carefully perusal
made an Extrad of Come Propofitions, which be judg'd to be erroneous, and annex d ro Aem
certain Paffapes of 'he Fa.hers coiitrary to thofc Opin:orr>: He t ref-.ircJ ihis Memorial to
the Pope with Gillebert de i* Ponce's Book. Aiheric Cardinal Btlhop of 0/7/4, andLcgaMof
See of Home in Afaitm'ne, in like nunnet made an enqu ry into Gilfehrt't Life and Om*
vcrfation, and about tlic Err< rs that ho had fp vaJ aliro.'d; but he died before the mcfting
of the Council r f {{jteims. In that Council, the i'ropoiitioris contain'd in the Memorial which ^ comil
. the Abbot Cothif.Lalcbut bad drawn up, were, rxaoain'd, bttc in re^d that be had not a ready ^ Hbsitni.
Q, Tongue,

. kj .i^od by Google
144 ^ Ecckfit^ical Hifi&iy
Tonguey the Popecius'd the faid Paper ro be pvt into St. Bern^ni\ H.inJ^. The Council
w.i^ corr|>o5\! o{ the Popf. the Cardinals, divers B.lhops o( France, Germany EngkHd
ar.dSpAiui iJie chiefcft amnnp th.ofc of FrMK were
Ceffery de Loreux Arcfi-bilhop of Bcufges,
GiBeitftt Mciropohtan, Mi/J Bifhop of Terouane, JoJJelin B tT.op of Sc//7"> '. and 5w^fr Abbot
of Sc Denis, who had the Admintltration of ibe Governmcnc in ihc .';b!cncc f 1 K,ng Lems
the Young, during his Expc-dition in the Holy Land. Thefe Pwlatcs publickly condmn'd
ifc/4rP««es Propofitions, excrp: GVf^r
G///fifrf wlionolcd more cni ioufh, U c. uCc he had

heard ic given one, that the principal Cardioais were iitcUu d to be lavouiablc to die accusd
f*f Cm. On the fird Hny of the AfTLmbly, GiU l.-- 1 caus'd large Volumes cf hi- Works to be brought,
iminfin fryinx. TIm hisVAdverdarics ooJy Drcduc"a a few mutiiatcd and mii-mtcrpreied PaUages u-
•f Gille. it«i ««
of them. Then a certain Ptopofition feond in his Book, was afiedg'd, That w\
h- rr (1cl3 the Name of God docs not (ipnify tin- S'lblUincc that is, but that by which be is. When
Porrce, u that Propofition began to be debated, &t.Bertt4r4 told Giiieher* dt Perm, That 'twas noc U
th Caun. neceffitry to enter upon fuch Difpates. and that the Scandal proceeded only from hence, that
many were uicd rhat He was in .in That the EfTcncc. or
Error, and that he p.ivc ir <jut,
SL^ pcrfii
Nature of God, bis Godboid, Wifdom, Goodnefs, and Omnipotence is not God, b ! the
Form by which he ?» God. tUm
Gillclcrt had rlu- IxitdtK-fs
(feid he to him) whether
to rtply, T/.jr
this he
your Of inion cr net »
Vorm of God, or the Godixad bj which he ts Xicd,
m not Gad bimjelf. Inid, we kive an Anfwer to our Queftion, let ;bis Dc-
Then ^t.Berntrd
ctarecioo be committed to Writing; ITw Ptoe order'd the feme d»ing, and Henry of pifs^
Cardinal br iTphr Pen, Ink anti P.ipcr. Gi!/ele> r, as he was wrir-np, cr^ 'd out to Si. Ber-
nsrdf IVrite that the Godhead m God: St, BfmW anfwcr'd without any faeluation. Tea, let it
he written with a Steet-fe» tnut m
4 IXmitmd, » kt it be en^av d Stem, Tkit Hut tHvim m
F.fTi-i.c, F rtn, K.tfure, Cnodnrft, Ti^fJom, Vi tue, Omnip'trr. e and Grcjr>2rf't n
truij God. Afterwards rhat Propofition wa« debated, and St. Bernard preli'U GiLcic t ae la,
Pwree, telling him, That if tU Form cf God vtere not God, it muld be more ferfeH than God.
He likcwife cited divers Proofs out cf St. jluguf 'n'^ Works, \\. Kic\\ he fcnc for from the Li-
brary of the Church of Bjyeims, in which rh.ii Sa-.nt allures u>, Thnt the GcoJncis, Omnipo-
^nceand other Attributes of dod. .irc not different from God htmfdf. Geffrey, afterwards
Al^-r of CUiri.jux, objci'lrd apaiuft GUlclor, tliat he dff xhr- prcr?din^' Y-^^rrr tl'C fame

Fropofiuon chat he now alTcncd. Gil clcrt reply d, Tki: u tiatcvtr Ik- U:d thtr-, lie :rj^ir2uin'<l
it ar prcfenr.
Afterwards rhcy pafsM from that Propofition to a fcconJ, t/^. That one God is not the
three Perfons, nor the thrct Perfons one Thing ; nltho' ihiy be or.c God by ihe I'atnc Godhead,
as fir as rhc y arc one by the fomc Thinp, This P(o[?o(ition was likewifc committed to writ-
ing, nrd Sr. Bernard oppos'd divers Pa(ie^e^ of the F.uliers. The ncrr dny, they continued
to produce many other 1 cftunonics of the Fathers ton;rary to thar Do^flrnic ; and then the
prber two Articles were propos'd and wrinen, wif. That the Pcrfonal Properties and the Eter-
nal Attribuics of rjfxl, ^arc nor God, and that it cannot be (aid. That the Divine Nature af-
flim'd the Humane Nature, but that it ought to be faid, That the Pcrfon of the Son took our
Nanirc. When they had difputed for a lorg time about thofe Prcpofitlons, the Cardinals de-
dar d in tlie end of the Aflcmbly, that after baring duly conltdcr d what was alledg'd oa
both Ales, they would decide the Matter, and determine what ought to be beUcv*d. The
Arch-biftiops and Bitliops being jaftly offended, that the Cardinals ihould take upon them ar-
bitrarily CO paGi their judgment in that Affair^ and iiraring leii they Qiould acquit Giliebert de
Porree, whom they apparently 'fevour d went the next day to meet St. B^Mufrir Thenthe^

drew up witli his Advice, a Writing tha: conrain'd C:'ir!\-.'t\ Prr p ji'rio;--,, .iIGt a mnrrary

Cdnicfllon of Faith i 2nd aftcc having Sign'd it, put it into the Hands of Hugh Bilhop of ^»x-
erre, and of Mlh ofTereitatie, -with Order* to make applrcation to the Abhor Suger, to j-ct it
prrfcntcd to ilie T'lpe .ind tlie Cardinafs; and to acquaint them, tlia: they had p u;cn:iy heard
I'cTcral Difcourfes which ought not to have been made, purely out of rcfpcCl to their Cba-
raifter ; but being inform'd mat they defign'd to proceed to Sentence, they thought fit to of-
fer rhem their ConfcflTion of Faith, to the end that ihcy irightbe enabl'd to pafs a richr judg-
Oient between l>och Parties: Laftry, That their Eminences already had Gilieberii Coafcifton,
vrbodeliTei'd tct^KthaProteftation loCorred it, if rhey Ihould judge ir expedient; hoc as Ibr
their parts, rhey prorcfted that they would nor fuffer any ahcrarion to be made in their Fonn.
The Cardinal at lirft took it very ill, that the Bifhops and St. Bernard bad prcpar'd a Confc/fion
ofTatth before-hand, and by that means nrcventcd their Judgments; imagming, that itbe-
long'd only to the Hofy See to make fuch Forms, and to judge definitively of Matters of
Faich> But St. B:>nard qualify'd ibcir Re(cntmenrs, by rcmonftraring to them, That neither
he, nor the Bilhops pretended to exhibit a final Decifion, bur only an Explanation of ihcir Sm-
timentt. Whcrcin>on the Pope dcclar'd rl-ar rhey nl! approv'd the DoJlrinc contain'd in rl-.c B'.-
Ihops ConfciTion ot Faith, and that if i<iiViC of the Cardinals were favour-jble to Gtiifbrrt '% Pcr-
(btu yet ntme amwovVi Us Errors. However, he did not confirm this Dttcrmination by a
_ folemn Decrtc, but contented himfelf only to caufe C.'llebert to appear in an Alllmbly held
jn the Arch-bilhop's Palace at I{heimt ^ and after iiaving oWig'd h;ni to rctratl his tour Pro-

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o/ the Twellth Ccutiiry of Cbrijiianity. iiij
^ofikions, he condemn 'd thehi, and fbrbid the residbg or the trantcKlMiigbfbbfioole, tiU icHrCtti
coffofi^cd by the Church of /^^wf. GiUehert promis'd to do ir, but the Pope arifwcrd, that
he fiiould not be left at liberty to coiTcd it at his plcafurc : But nothing was decreed
agrioft his Pcrfon, fo that he rcturn'd to bis Diaoert reconcird with bis Arch-deacons. St. Ber-
«Ww.isfartsfy'd, that his Recantatirjn was fihrere, and that he really scquicfc'd in the Judg-
ment of the Synod j ncvcrthelcfs, loaic ol" his f'oUowcrs could not be periiiaded to abjure hi^
^>inior>$, but li til pcriifted to maintain them, and therefore St. Bernard endeavoBtS to con*
fucc thole Mifcrcanrs, inhis8oth Sermon onthe Cj/jr/c/w, and treats them as Hcreticks. Thofe
trroneous Dodrincs wcrcliktwilc impugned by Geffrey Abbot of C/^VtMiu: » in aXreatile
wrineo purpofely on that Subjcdl, in wUdi he coUcSs dims tallages oftheFadien, diradlsr
Oppofite ro GiSehcrt'*, four.Propofitions.
Sfjmc other Errours were alio atcribuied to him, but forafmuch as they were not found
in iii^ Hooks, 'twas judg'd fufiicienr to tear in pieces the loofc Papen thai iftere in the Haiidt
of his Scholars or PupiU, and in Which they were written. Geffrey cites a pafTigc taken One
of this Author's Glofs on the Pftlms. in which lie aliens, that die Humanity of Jefus Chrift
-ought not ro be ador'd with a Worlhip ofLtffrM, but with that of Duliti ; as alfo another ex-
traded o?it of Gfol'^ on Sc. PWs
EptfUcs, %vhcrc he fays. That the name of God, and
of the Son of Geii, is net attributed to the Humane Nature in Jefus Cbrift, Qnlels by Adop-
The Works of GiBebtrt de U
Ponee, were never as yet Printed, eitcept cnc Letter nn rhc 7?^ {f>.r.
Eucharift, puWifli'd by Father Lul^e Dachery in the Notes on Guibere dc Nvgrnt. liis Cuai- tings tf
mnKariesoRthc Pfalms, and on St. Pauts Epiftles, and bis Theological Treatife oftheTrini- Giilcb?rt:
ry, a'C extant in Manufcript in divers Places ; but we may judge by the Paflnpes that are cited de U Pol*
bur of them, that the too great fubtilty of that Man's Genius, caus'd him to fall into Exprcf- tec.
fions contrary to the fimplicity of the Faith ; a Misfortune that very frequently happens to
rinfe, who deviate from tlie Scriptorc and Tfadicion to Philofophixe on the Myttcries of the
Chriftian Religion. He died, A. D. 1154.
The Letter out now mctuion'd, is dirctflcd to M/j/zZttv Abbot of St. F/oriw, vvho bad con- Qjfi^l,^
fiilted him to know what ought to be done, in reference to a certain Prieft, who thro', inadver- de la Por^
tency had pef(wm'd the Confecratiort, when there was no Wine in die <^licc, and having ree** If|.
percciv'dhis miitikc, made a new Crinfccration of the Ba'ad and Wine. He returns for An- KT*
Iwcr, thac'tWas requitlie that that Pricft Ibould forbear faying Mais for ibme time, and
that he Ihouid do Pennance for hit Tran^reffion. For the reft, dnt he had done til, in milking
a new Confecratlon of the Bivad and Wine, bccaufc t!ic Body of Jefus Oirift h altogether
entire imder each SmcjV/, and in regard that faia Body and Blood was under the Sfecicj of
jBread, alcho' no Wine were oonfecra ttd : And that therefore the Communion might Mve bceti
adminiftcr'd wi'Ii ihe confccrared Bread ; as Children receive it uoder the fingle Sftatt c(
Winc» and Cck Pcrfons Under that of the Bread. This Letter is very remarkabte.

C H A R iX.

^Jn Account of the Lives and Letters of the Pofer who

pffefs'd the See of Rome from Eugcnius ilL to the

end of the Centwy.

ANASTASIUS IV. was a Citizen of I{onif, and was cal!\l C.wriri bcfofc his pff'wo- Anaftafios
He was at lirit Abbot of Sr. /Inaflafim, in the Dtoccis of |y,
tion to the P.ipnl Dignity.
V^Stri, afterwards Cardinal Bifhopof ik.Sdbina, and fuccccdtd Pope Engenius Jufy
^o.A.D. I ( s). He potfef 'd the See of Kgmt only dnriqg one Year four Aioittbs and fome
tXiys, and died December 4. j 1 54'
He had for his Sutccflbur ADRIAN IV. an Englifli-Man by Nacion, who Was nam»d Ni- ...
ceKii Brf /^fjr before he attain'd to that Station, and was Cardinal Bif-.on of ^^'b.ino. Eu- VX^
^rvius IIL (cnt him inquality of a Mifliofiary into Narvtay, where be converted a great niuu-
Wr of Infidels. He was generally reputed to be a Man of a gende and liberal DifpoGnon.
In the beginning of his Popcdtmi, ArmU of MrefcU and his followers excited fome troubles in
H^me, and wounded Cardinal Getard. Whereupon the Pope having fufpcndcd the City
from Divine Scr\ice till the l{em4nt had expell'd him and his Adheienrs, fo that theJaner
•.vere forc'd to make their efcapc by flight and retir d to OnieMi in Tcfcany^ where rhcy were
f.ivourably receiv'd by the People ; who look'd upon Artntdat a Prophet, but he was ap-
prehended foon after, and notwithftanding the opptifition made by the Vifcounts of Camptm'a,
who bad refctt'd him, he was ddhrer'd up to the Prefe^ or Governout of l(M»r, who caus'tl
C^ft him

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1 6 A hm hcckfia^icd Hifiory
him CO Stake; and his Athesto be dwown into the River Tilfer, left the People
bebomt att
ihoiild hononr him a<; a Sr-.inr. Tiits Pope pronoonc'd an Anatbem* ag»inlt Pf^I/iam King of"
Sicil/, who hAd tch\'^ W to <m\ c his Letters, bccaufe he did no: give him the Tulc of King,

and who had feix'd on iomc I t rncories belonging to St. Peter'% nKRiODBy. Then bis Hok-
r-efs we: : tl% Sutri \o mzct Frederic, who was accompsny'd him to i^eme,
arriv'd in

and f« the imperialDiadem on his Head. A he made Peace with H^UUm

linje while after,

Ktnf Ilk Sicily, and granted him the Royal

Style of King of both Sicilies. In writing to the
Frrpcror Fi c.lcn.k alviut the Affiir of the Bifhop of Londm, he incurr'd the difpleafnre of that
prince, bj' inlinuating that the Empire was a Douat on rcceiv li by him from the Holy See ;
infonkttcb, liuu the Pope was obiig'd to explain himfcif in * leoond Letter, and to fay, that
lie meanr only with rcfpcCl to his Coronat.on and Confecration. However this did not fail
to fer them a:, and ihcir Quarrel was inflam d, becaufe hii Holineft re/us'd to coru
firm a certain Pcrir n, whom the Emperor had nominated to be Arch-biihop of HavennM. *Tis
.\V.h rcpcncd ihatthe Pope defign'd toexcomnwnicate the Emperor if be had liv'd longer, but

he ditd ot a Quinfie in the City of Anagma, September i. A. D. liS9- his Body was
tranflatcd to Upme, and interred in St. Peter's Church.

.J , . After rhc folcmnization of his Funeral Obfcquics, 13 Cardinals met together, and cbofe
°^ ^^"^ ^^y^ Ji^I 'nd Cardinal Prieft, With the Title of Sc. M*rk, and Chanced
UI '
lor of ihc Church of I{pme, who was nam'd ALEXANDER
III. But there were three Car-
dinn'<:, vi^. OQavittit Sftlin <d St. Martin and Gtgr of Crema, who nndcitoek to cany oa
anoihcr Ekdion, and ORtvim having oKtain'd the SafTragcs of the two otheia, aflbaa'd tbe
Quality of Pope, nnd die Name of F/7Jor JH. Afterwards he cau'-'d hinifelf to K- Cloathcd
in tiie Ponti6cal Habit ^ cook poflelCoo of ScPerer's Church by force, and fee a Guard ot
Sctiatours over jl'exanjer and nis Cardhak, wbowere ccinfin'dindieFoit during nine Days.
The latter was remov d to a Caftlc on the other fide of the Ttt>er, and after having been ftmi up
therein three Days, the People began to raife a Mutiny, infbmuch, thatbe.wascoindudled wi^
divers Bithojps and Cardinals a^crofs die City, to a Place call'd Nert's Vifhry^ and thete Goo-
fecratcd'. The Kinpcror FT^/rr/r^; w-' t'lcn in Itr.tyh<:C\e^^\nc,Cremona, and the twoCompeti-
tours having made application to him to ^et their Interdt mainuin'd, he order'd them both
to repair to P«i«W, to cake tbar Trial in a ComdII Ateiemider not diihking lie 10 go ihidter^
rerir'd to .-ftuij^nLt and the Emperor in the mean while caus'd the Parties to he fummon'd to

;hc Council which he had conven d : The itirmer refus'd 10 appear, but OSaviau ptefeobed
hiodelf according to Older. Then the Emperor after having intbrm'd die Bilhops, diac die
Right of calling Councils belong 'd to Princes, referred the Dccifion of that Quarrel ro their
Juagment. The Council was compos'd of lifty Arch-bifhops and Bilhops, and of a great number
of Abbots. Vifitr, who was prcfcnt there without an Adverfary, carry 'd the Caufe without
anydiffculry, irpon maVvine P wjf, that he was fir;^ invetted with the Pontifical Manric ; put
in po^lTion of the Holy Sec ; and acknowlcdg d by the Clergy. Thus his Eledion, noc-
wtthftanding its irregularity, was confirm'd by the Council, and that of Akxmtder deciar'd
null The next D.-'.y. the latter and his Adherents were folcmnly excommnnicared.
: We
haveftilt in our pij(rcilion the Adls of that Council, held, A. D. 1160. with the Sy nodical Let-
ter of the Fathers aiiembled therein, tliat of the Emperor, that of the Bilhop of Bnmierg, and
fhnr of the CanotiS of Sr. Peter a l{ome, concerning the EIc<fli on o'i Victor, and the Jiv'gmcnt
pals'd in liis favour. They atcuic the Cardinals, who chofe Alexander, oi having met toge-
ther even in Pope ^irMn's Life- rime, to fubftimie J^e/W in his room, and of bavlll|g carry 'd
on :hc ilt l lciftion in n tumultuous manner. Alexnm'er being info
l of whnt wastraoliuftod

a^aioithin in ih,c AlTembly of Pat'irf, cxccmmunicated the Ennpc;": cjen.i^. 'i-i

rbuD'^'i- The other Princes of JEtmfr were ready to do more Jafticc to Pop; .i>a r IJenryU. ^ ; t

fitien of Kin-: of F.ngland it\A of France, being perfuadcd y iheirPrclatt I or (iTcrnnty
tiei^P'it ot tiicir Caufe, favonr'd him under Hand; but not to do any thing raflily in an Aliair ot thar
ff t l;-
importance, theycall'd A Ifemblics of the Prelates of their rerpct^ive Kingdoms* oi^lf. die for-
Jaad4ai mcr at \':irmarl(et in BngUtid, and the other at Beattvais in France. It wn*; afm'd in thofe
rnncc, /« Conventions that Afexmdet's Rigiit was moft preferrablej but the Princes ijcforcthey openly
/j«5af of
deciar'd their St'n:i!;:ci,ts, foll cited Fredericks to own him as Pope, and to abandon OHavian.
But perceiving him to bealtogtther i^fiexibleco autiwrize their Declaration to the bcft ad-

vantage, they call'd a general AflemVy of the Prelates and Noble-men of their Kingdoms, in
which the Lecates of the two Compt-titors were alfo prefent. in order to take a full cogni-
sance of the Caufe, and afterwards to declare ibc bim, who Ihooid be acknowledg'd as law-
ful Fbpe in that Aflembly, for hichettooac of refpetft to ttie Rnperor they did not thirJt He
p.iMickly 10 cfpoufc yl'exander's Caufe, altho* they were well intorm'd of the validity of his
Right. 7 he matter beme debated for ibme time in the Couocil, it evidently appear 'd, from
the Reladon of the Carcnnab, the Teftimony of man^ Witneffes, and even the ConfeiTton
of thofe of ViHor\ Party, That the latter feizM on the See of Rome by force ; was Cloath'd
in the Pontihcai Vclttncnts b}' Lay-men, without any Canooiul Form j wascxoonitnunicaced
before his Confecration ; and was chofen by three czconMnimicated Berfaos : On the other
fide, Thar A'cxavdrr was elc(fted by all the other Cardinals ; thst he might have been imme-
diately inveltcd with cbe Ponciiicai Ornaments, if he had not at firft refiu'd to accept of them

biyiiizua by GoOglc
of the Twelfth Cctitury of Chrifiimty* 1
ttiro' HamiKty ; he afterwards alfiini'd diem in a Iblcmn msnncr ; and rccciv'd Coniis
irarion from the Hinds of thofe, who had a right to adininiftcr it. It was alfo made nf pfar.

That the Emperor declar'd for Oiiavian, a long time before tlie meeting of tliL- AO iiiuly of
fitvU ; that that Convention was not compos d of 153 Bifliops, ashislmperiai M jcfly gave
k out, but only of 44 j (hot the Prelates had taken a Refolucion to fufpcnd ihcir Judgment,
ind not to own either of the two Competitors as t*ope, till a general Synod were call d, con.
filHng of the Prelates of divers K;ngdums, or till th.y knew which of them approv'd by
the ioond part of the Church; that cbcy agreed to giye tbe fame Advice to the Emperor,
httr that he could fxn be indnc'd to follow it ; and that on the contrary, be had compcll'd the
R;(h'jps, to confirm him whom he had already rcceiv'i! ; except 14, among whom was the
£.n)op of Pttvin, in wbofe Cinr, that Mcmbly was held : Therefore the Prelates of EmUad
md France^ being well &ttsfied with thefe- Rcarom» adcnowlrdg'd Akxiadar ]«wful Pope,
at the Inmc rime Excommunicating 0A4v/4n with falS AdJimttO^ ud the (MW KidgS in lUce
manner follow d the Judgment of the CoonctL
The Emperor being inKmn'd of the TranfiuStonsin A-«neir, held feeond Aflcmbly at Lm//,
in which .ilHltc^ Piigrin Arch-bifhop of Aquiieia^ Guy cJeel Arch-Wlhop of Hjt^otiia, divers
BihopSi a great number of Abbots and fome Noble-men. He caus'd the Elcdion of OB^niau
to be oonfinAed therein, and (everal Letters of Excnfe were read, that (as it was given oat)
were font by the Kings of DentnArl^, Korwjy, Hungaria and BohemU, as alfo by fix Arch-
btihops, t\vcnty fiifbops, and many Abbots, as well of the Order of CUirvaux as of other
Congregations, and in which they adcnowfedg'd OHMwrnt as Plope : tttihrt Arcb^blfhop of
Milan, the Confuls of that City, and the Bifhops of PUcentU, B^cfcia, Bcmnla nnd lomc
Others were excommunicated in thai Council, which Wasbcld in the Month of A-D.it6i,
andcontinn'd dnring fome Days.
In the whi!e /tltxandc- took San«iluary in the Dfnninions of H^tliam King of Stci'Ij, A'esan<
bccaufe the Emperor Frede ick^ was Mafter of a great part of ir«()r, and waited for a f^woii- der 111
table Oppor-onity to pafs over from rhcnce into Fr4M«, where die dtftrefs'd Popes always ^'iT"* W»
met With a Place of Ref ige, durtnp the Pcrfccurions were rais'd againfl them. A: lall
be found means to Rt out to Sea, and aj riv 'd in France on the Fcftival m Eaftcr, A. D. i t5x,

where he w;s recciv'd by the Kings of Franw and En^lan J, who went to meet hi;n far
as Torcy fur Letr:, alighted in lii". prcfcnce, .md conduced him 0:1 the Road, ca; h of them .

holding the Reins of hiS Hori'cs Bndle. rreJcrtc'^i^.-T>:t:i\in^ that yl.'cx rriJ^r rctir'd to a place
of fidcKjr, and was own'd by all the Chriftians of Europe, except the Genn vn and fome iw-
IhUtt, caus'd a Prupofnl to h: made to the Kinpof Fj-./^/cf, there fiioiild be an Interview
Hrwecn them at Ai-ign'^n, or in lome o:hcr Froiuicr-Towa i ibat lie would bring l iQtr
along with him, and that ihc King (hould in like manner caufc ^f/f^r^ndrr to appear there ;
that the Eledion of bothfliould bcthoronphly cxamin'd in an Affombly compos'd of the Pre-
lates of Germanj, France and Uaj, and tbat all Panics Ihould cntia-Iy fubmic to their final
Declfion. His Defign w.^s to caufc both Competitors to be rejecHcd, and to procure the
EleAionofa third Perfon. Hcwever, the King of France approv'd his Propofil, and wm c ^Ceafer-
rn the Place appointed, hut A'exmder being. more miftruflful than that Prinec, retusd to"*
. tjmpany him, and ctMitented himfcif only to fend fome Cardinals thither to maintain his^'^"***
Right. 'The Emperor was highly olfendetj, tbat the King had net brought yllex.tnder, .md
foralinach a.* he was the ftronper 'twas much to be feared left he (hould hem him in on every
ftle, and take him Prifoner, if the King of
England had not fpecdily caiis d his Troop-; to
march on purpofe to refcuc him. This unexpedked Recruit having broken F-eden'c/(s Mca-
furcs, he caus'd another Propofal to be made to the King, vi:(. that he fhootd come to meet
him with the Prelates of his Kingdom, to receive the Sentence that Hiould be ]'roiioune'd by
the Prelates of the Empire, as to the Conteft between the Competitors to the Popedom ;
affirming. That tbcy cnlj had a rivLt to judge of tktwtiJiv tffbe B/enim »f» Pfe : The King
reply'd. That bis Prelates r.nd C c j^v /r/wij the Sheep of the Pope cf Rome, 'tvas their hitc cfi
H takf ceffiitMCe ^
tbe Perfon, who was to te their fufrme Pajior. Wbereupoo Uje intcr-
coorfe was dfleonthiii'd, and the King rctir'd with his Forces.
pope /1:exjnJer nrriv'd ft P.n w, A. D. 163. .'ind at his departure frf)in th::t City, held a ACou0eit

Coundi at Tours, where he renew d the jinattjema$ ^ablxRicd »^inil OHatian and F.ederic^i^M
The Antinope OBtmm died the next Y«ur at Liwe« on the Feftival of Bt^tr, and his Ibl- Toais^
fowcrs ruDltituted in his room, Gwy of Crema, who took the Name of PifcJial III. The h AltX*
Death ofOSavian weaken'd his Vutv, and the UdUaiu wearied with the Emperor's tyrannical aider III*
Onvemmenr, hef^nmindiottomarasAttxmider''sfidei beiides thatCMfr«f choren^rdi-bifhop
of Mmr-, and many other Bilhops of Gfr»i4»r, declard in his favour. T!icr.forc Alexander f^\f^J^^
taking the advantage of fo favourable a Conjandture return'd to Itafy, and made his publickder lil.
Entry imothe City of l^ome in the Month of November^ it6\. after having redded three Years «mr*« m
in France. He was joyfully rcceiv'd by the People: But on the other fide, Fred:) t\ !^ n%'d bis Rome.
unpofV endeavours to maintain Pafcbal the Antipopc, and to that purpofe call d an Aflfembly jj aHfb
at*^/^*»r^, A. D. \ i66. in which he himfcif took an Oath, .ind caus'd the like Oath to wotta?
be given to the moft part of the I ords and Prcl^-r^ of the AlTcmbly, thai- they would not ac- hirg i»,
Knowledge any other Pope but Pafcbal, and that they would caufc all tbofc wiio depended

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iB ^ A^'Vii? Eacfedfliciil IlijJory
On ihcm, to iubaut to his Auihoriry. The Dcpurics oi the King of Engloid^ who '.Vas zi.,t
variagcc with Pope Alextiider, by icafon of the Comefts he bad with tmnm Ar^biHiop o?
C.wfi- -ook inc fame Oarh.
AJccfWarUs F/eJo-iV/t appear d at the Head of an Army, and pafs'd into ita'j iQpKBa/chdl
of chie Fapal See: Hemtet'dLmhtrify, befieg'd Ancena, and the nen Year cn.
in potTctfion
camp'cJ ncir I^fne ; then he dcfeatccf the H^imns in Paircl took part of the C;ty ; fcizd on

Si. Church, and would have made Inmfclf Matter of the whole Cicy, if a Diftemper,
that rag'd in his Atmy had not cblig'd him fpccdfly to mire to ttmAgrif. /fibraM^ being
t^u^ dclivcf'd foim fo imminent a danger, had rccourfc tohis rhundcrjng Bulls, and pronouix'd
a Sentence of Depolition n^ainlt Frcderir\ in a Council held at Lateran^ A.D. The
jtJtHMt anitnated by that Sentence, revolccd ag^inft the Emperor, fubiDitted to Mtxmtder^
m a1 cvpeirt? th: Bifliops. Vreicnck^ having attack 'd the hlUanefe Troops, loft
Twenty thoufand Men, and was foic'd to im. hittilelf up in P«t>/«, but not bdieving hintielf
to be tife there, in regard that the whole Cottmry of LmhtrJfy had dedar*d againtt hun, he
ac Lift found means rn cfrape xvxo Germany nor without rmuh difficulty.
, In the meanwhile
P.ifcbat coniiiiu d in polfctfion of St. Peter'i Chorch, and Alexander rdkled aji'Sentvento The

latter rernrn'd from thence in the end of the Year iitfy. and lec^'d the City oiF. afcati
under bis Protcdion: Whereupon the ^mant wttc incens d againft him, and only promis'd
to give him admittance into ^fme, as rheir Sovereign, on condition that he ibould caufe die
VfzTiioi Fr.ifc.tti to be demolifhcd. He did it accordingly ; but the I{om4ats nothavhtg kept
ihcir word, he cniis'd that Place t6 be fortifiLd again, !cft a Garnfon therein, retlr'd to AuagnUz
nnd from thence pafs'd to Benevento, where he recti v'd in 1 1 70. the Propoial made to him by
M.niiul Comiicnus Emperor of the E-ifi^ to reunite the Gr»/^Church to the LMot^ and to own
thcfupri-mc Authority of the See of ^ome, on condition that he fliould Cr6wn him Emperor
of the efl. The Pope commended his Dclign about the Re-union of the two Cburcbes^ and
pfoniis'd to contribute, as far as iv as pi ifiWe towards the carrying it on ; but as for the de*
manJ of the £mpir<\ he anlv^ r' T' at tlie matter nppear'd tO him CO be too Ai^ttr»Y^
Mtal itdid not lye in his Puwn tu pun wh.t he dcfira.
Some time after, Pafebal the Antipole d cd at I{ome, and thofc of his Party cbofe fiw Pope,
Jchn Abbot of Struma .-Altho' Frederick, iiad own'd his Authority, yet he did rot forbear
to fend the fiiihop of Bamherg to Alexander to negotiate a Treaty of Peace with him. That
Prelaiehad a Conference with Alexander in Cawania, and told him that his Mafter did ixit
defignany longer to aifl contrary to his Imcrcfl, but forafmuch as licrefus'd to declare plainly,
that he would acknowledge him as lawful Pope, or to promife Obedience to him, they parted
without concluding anything. Altho" Alexander's Affairs profpcr'd every day more and morej
ncvcrthclefs the I^mans could not be induc'd to receive him isto their Cicy« ttid he nfiially
refidcd either at Fra/cati or in Campania.
F>edericlic3iny'd on a War in Itafy, A. D. 117 v l^t not being fmmfal in his Enterprises,
he raiew'dthe Negotiations of Peace ; fo that the Pope fcnt J fir' v to Trent widi him about
it, but they were not ablctocxxneto any Agrccmcnr. The next \ tar i redericJ('s Army was
entirely defeated by the Milane/e Forces, inlomuch that he was coofttaill'd to fend Affibafladoija
to Alexander to conclude a Treaty of Peace : The Conditions were propos'd and were at laft:
raify'd in 1177. atPhilw, where the Emperor and the Pope had .nn Interview : The former
abandon'd the P.Tiry of;;, Ciiy and John of Struma ^ and piomis'd Obedience to AleX"
ander^ who took Off the txcocnmunication dcnounc'd agamft F>edcric{, and re-.idmitred him
to the Comtnttnion of the Oiurdh of l(«iMr. Some Authors relate divers fabulous Circum-
ftanccs concerning this Rcc oncillntion, .ind am ungft others, that the Pope made an clcipe
yemct in a DiAuifc} that he was forcd to implore dK affiftance of the Doge ; that the Em-
piof ftnt his Son OtU with a Fleet to oblige the Veiutiam to deliver up die Pope into his^
Hand'; ; that they defeated him and took him Prifoner j that the fame Son agreed

under Foot the Lion and the Dragm ; that Frederic!^ anfwer'4 I do
fhar Alexander reply d, bothmt WFeter.
obey jou but Peter and
AH thcfe particulars are fo many Fables, the

F.ilfhood of which is prov'd by A'ex.uidcr'% Letters, and by the Teftimony of

the HilloCMaV
of that time, l is worth the while 10 oblervc, after what manner AlexamUr ioe^ upoo
calion of that Pence in his Letter.
" On the 2 iftDay ofju'y Tnys he) by the Emperor's Order,
ihcSon of the Marqucfs^/Jerr,,
find his Imperial Majclly 's Chambcrlam, took on Oath in the prefence
of divers Ecdefia-
•• ftical.-mJ .Secular Princes of the Empire
J that upon the EmpttoKaartwI at rraw, hcfliouM
* ratify by Oath, the Arriclcs of 'he Peace
of the Church that were already agreed upon -
" that he fhould grant Peace to muUm King of Sciciij for fifteen Years, ard a Truce for Sc!
" vcn. to the Lombards. On the 14th D.iy of the laine Month, the
Emperor came to the
' Church of Sr. l<:c.h< at t'.c dirtanceof a Mile from Venice, and i,.v.Ing'd
the Schifm.
^*^*f","S.«" Ocrtnan Princes, be received Abfoluuon with them
: after-
wards bemg amvd at Trnw. be gave m the inarki of hi* Obcdieace, with h roan-

kjui^ijd by Google
of the Twelfth Centruy of ChrifHanity, 119
ncr of Huniliry, at the «Rrrance of Sc. Cbnfdt, in the prdente of an tAfivAiefible
Multitude of People ; recciv d from us the filcifing of Peace ; gave us the riphr Hand ;
and conduCbcd us with Devotion to the Altar. The next day, being the Fcftiv.iI of St. James,
" wc went ro Sc. Afiar^'s Church to celebrate Mafs ; the Emperor came to meet w
theChuicb; p:T\'c the right Hand ; re-condudcd us when Divine Strvirc was ended
" lield the Stirrup, wh lit wc up on Horfe-back ; and pcrtorm d all the Oc^'oirsand Rc-
fpeds due to us, that his PredrccflTors Were wont CO do* The Afoner* of Fwftare cbusre^
Isteil by :lic Po{>c himfclf m ^hr -c Letters.
day, the Lmpcror wen: to pay a Vifit to the Pope, and on Augufl i. he himfcU
The next
tOOkaaOadi, the f.ime thing being likcwifc done by the German Lords, lo'obftilW the Peace
Thar was concluded. Aftt rw-uds Abfolation was j*hf n ro rhcfL- rhnt h,id t.!kcn pnrt with the
j^ruipopes, and who pron^s'd fur the fu:ure, to obey Pope Alex.tnder as.d h s butceflbrs. On
StftnHbcr i6. die .Fope held a Council of ihefiifliops of Italy ^nd Ge many, in which die
Treaty of Peace was ccnfirm'd, .ind the ^fiathemtts rrnew'd againft the Scliifmnrif Vs, who were
not as yet return d to the Bolom of the Church, and :he Einpcror ratif) 'd it by publ;ck Letters.
LdHj, the Eniperor before he left Venice, concerted with the Popc Matters rehiii^ to the
fcftiturion of the Revenues of the Church of ^me ; and fet forward in his Journey to Ltm-
h^irdj, whilftihe Pope went to Anagni/i, where he arriv'd December 14. and from whence the
next Year, he was re-call'd to H^nu by the Clergy, Senate and People of that City. Thns
an end was put to the Schifm of the Cbtirch of and Alexander continu'd in the peace-
able Fo0efion of thnt See till his Death, which happen 'd in the Month of Augujl, A. D.
Cardinal HUMBALD, a Native of iMcea^ was chofen in bis Place, and fimaai'd LU- Locisfs
CIUS Ml. He^iru expell'd B^^me by the Senators, and rctir'd to Verenn, fthere he died, Nv- HI.
vernier ; •;. A. D. f (S v
LAM££RT Ardi-biftiop t^WUm, feccceded him under the Name of URBANIIL Thefe Url^n
two Fbpes had ^veral Conferences at VervM with the Emperor Frtderii\, about the putting HI.
©f the Trcary of Peace in E.xc run and the ElcAion of the Arch-billop of T?jfr.
l hi- lat-'

ler had al(b tbtnc Cornells with Emperor, abcoi certain Territories left by the Pr.ncc^
Mtft/Mt to ihe Church of i^Mw ; the difporal of the Eftates of the Btfliops after thetr de-
ceafe, which the Eirperor R ght and the Taxes 'hat were nI!ot'td to be paid
cl.iim'd as h's ;

to the Abbcfii:$. And indeed, Matters were carryM to that bci^t, tlut Vrban threaten d to
aucouMnanicace thefimperor, and dutfMnce cdld an Aflembly of the^lates and Princes
of Germany ar G intenhufen, A. D. t86. to maintain his Rights, in which it was dctermin'd A* Afim-

to write to the Pope about that AHuir. Their Letter extremely incens'd his Holinefs, and % ft
can'd fain to take a refolatkia to denoonee a Sentence of Sxtnmmanication againft the Em- C'einleo*
peror, which would have been adlually put in Exception, if the Trhabitanrs of Verona had^'^'^'*^
not entreated him not to do it in their Cuy. Therefore he departed from thence with that "SS.
deligo, but was prevented by Death, which bappen'd OSafcr 17. A. D. 1 187.
The next d.iy. ALJiEFJ, Carjin;^! Priell: of bi.Laurm^f, and Chancellorof the Church of Grreory
tt^mc, was placd on that See, and bore the Name of GREGORY VIH. His Popedom did ^l^i*
no: continue during two entire Months ; for be died Deetmhr t6. in the fame Year.
After a vacancy of t^venty days, t!ie See of l{f>me was fttl'd up by PAVLISZ'S Cardinal of Qemcot
¥iU€f. i„.t. cl-.ofen Jan. i6. A.D. I j8?. and nam'd CI EMENT III. Under his Popedom the
Chriftian Princes ondenook a Chliade for the recovering nf the Places rhar S.x.'^Jiti had taken
from them in thu Levant. The Ettij-tef^r Frederic!^, Rj-harA I. firn:.rr.'d Ctcur Je Lion King
of E'l^l'tfid and Pbilip 11. King of, were ei)|;af:'d in that Expedition. The 6rlt was
drowned in 1 1 90. as he was waihing himfelf in a fmal! River between Antiecb rrd Kice, awl
hts Son He$iry fncoecdcdlmn in the Impecid Dignity. Pope C/tsnenrHL died AfrU lo.
A. D. 1 9 1

HYACINTHUS. Carditial Deacon rhc Title of St. Mary, was chofen in his Fbee, Cekftia
under the Nanne of CELESTIN III. and after having been ordain'd on Holy Saturday, was
piflc'd in St. Peter'i Chair on E-ifter-diy. At rfiat time, Henry arriv'd with an Army near
iffme, and dctermin'd to enter the Ci»y to be Crown'd Emperor. Forafmuch as rhc Pope
put hitn off from time to time, the Hfrntrnt fcnt Deputies tojpromifc him, That if be would
engage to prcferve their Riglra and Privileges, and to demotifli the CaWes that were built ai
Jkafcati, they would admit him, and would oblige the Pope to fokmnirc 1 i<; Coronation. He
accordingly coolented, and took an Oath before the Pope, at the Door of St. Peter's Church,
that he would nnainrain the EoclefralHcat Rights ; reftore St. P«eA Patrimony ; and rafe the
.Citadel of Frtfcati. ATrcr.vr.'^cs the Pope caus'd him to enter tl'e Churih, and adlually

Oownd hiin Emperor, zni CovftAnce his Wife, the Daughcer.of Kingof Jjc//j', Emprefs.
HflfiMt limam'd the Good Kinc ofSw/jr, the Nephew of that Prmceft, dying. (helaTdctahn
TO the Crown; but TdM--rf,M. Pi' Td Brother cxclodccf her, .'.nd ror P fTt-iTicn of the TI-..'Xjne,

which gave occallon to the War that Hcttry undertook to fubduc that Kingdom. He nuich'd
into Mji with a formidable Army, A. D. 1
96. and treated die Nobility of SMfy in fo
outragiou? a manner tint his own Wrfc bein^ fenfibly afflidJ-cd with the Calamities of her
>iadon, joya'd with cbem againit her Husband, and compcll'd biui by ;orcc to grant tiiem

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12Q A Neiv Ecckfjajlical Hiftory
of Peace. Henry did nui lung furvive that Reconciliation, for he cJy'd at "Mt^mi
tcafotiablc tcrtr.s
in 1 1 97. Pope Celrjlin cxcoramunicaicd Inm feme time belorc, for detaining Priioncr. J{i-
tbard King ot England, whom Laf«td Duke of Al^U
bad k\d to him, after having fe z'd
on that vnlianr Prince in Iiis Territories, as he was returning from his Expedition to the Holy
Land. Upon account ut th^t Excominunicaiion, the Arch-biO.op of Meptm rcfusd to bury
him in conftcrated (Jround, till he had confulted the Pope. Therefore he went to meet hi«
Holini fs, .ind rcqucllcd of him three Things, 1. A Licence to
Emperor s Body
inierr the
accordifig 10 due Form. 2. The deliveratJce of KUrtewafJ his Imperial Majcfty's
Chief Ju-
fiice, who was bclieged by the Remans. And 3. Son of Henry, might be
That F» ^/m't/j, rhc

Crnv. 1! King of Sicily. Cslcfiin repiv'd as to the firll Article, That the Emperor coaJd not

be bury d without the confentrf the King of f w^/jW, and till the Mony were reftOT'd to that
Prince, which he had cxa<fled from him r iiis R:uil'jai
fr .As to th^ icvcnd Arriclc, the

fetring of Mtrcowald at Liberty depended on the Pkafurc of the /^ W4n/. Uc granted the
laft Anidc, on condition that the Soin of a tfaottfand Marks of Silver fhovid be paid to him,

and as many to thcCardinnN; and after that the Emprefs h ul r.ikc n an Oarh upon the Holy
Gofpeis, That Fredericks was begptten in lawful Wedlock of Her and Henry : As for the $ac<-
ceflTon ro the Empire, it vm oonrefted bnween
P^fViiptheBTodierof Hinirjfdeceafeii mi'Orln
the Son of the Duke of wc (hall have ocdfTon to (hew bercnfrcr. Pope CeUjTtn
S-lvcm, ::s

did not long furvive the Emperor Henry ^ for he fell Sick on tlie Feftival of Chrifimu in the
fatne Year, and died ^^i*. 8- A. D. 1 1 98.
It remains only fv compkating the Hiftory of diefe Popes* to give fboie aocouit of their

Aoafta- The Letters of Aiu^^m
IV. are fd«v in number. In the Firft, he reprehendit Bi^tfid
fiw IV'f Arch-bifliop of Tcwi, for nLglcdrnp ro nrqii.iint him with rhc high Mifdemeanours of which
Xeurrr. the Bilhop of Tr«gH/er is accus d, and ordi-rs hi;n inceifantiy to Summon that Prelate to appear
' in his Court ; and if he find him goilty of the Crimes laid to his charge, th^t is ro fay, of
having riotoufiy wnftrd the Revenues of h.s Church; of having confcrr'd Orders contrary ro
• the Canonical Conltitutions ; and of havioE committed Simony and Perjury ; ro hod him
10 die Holy See, 10 the cod that be migbc be punilb'd according so the ftvertcy <rf' the Can-
In the Second, he writes to Hugh Arch bilhop of Sent and to bis Suflfragans. to look upon
the Inhabitants of as under a Sentence of Excommunication, by ca^on of the Pcrfe- i

cotions that they rais'd .-gsinft P.vxc Abbot of the Monaftery of that place. He writes the
feme thing to the Couiit and Lords of Bu gundy m
the Third, which only diders from the for-
mer in the Supcrfcription.
By tl^e I-ourth, he orders Peter Arch b>IIT.op of Bcurjrn to excommunicate the Count of
Nevcrj aijd the Inhabitants of Ve\eU)\ unkls they g.ivc Satisfadio.i 10 the Abbot and Mo-
r.aitery of P'e\eltiy, within thiny days after the Monition is exhibited 10 tben.
He i.".'r:rrs ,igiin on the fame Subjccit to Levit VII. King of Fr-ivrr, to the fiiftops of
that Kingdom, and to Ponce Abbot of Vt:{elay, in his Fifth, Sjxtli and Seventh Letters.
In the fiJeventb, be confirms die Stances of the Rcgidar Canons of Sr. at Lm-
In the Twelfth, he cakes into his Proteiaion, the Order of the Knights of St. 3ohn at Je-
ft^dlcm, and rarities their Privileges.
Adrian The Firft of the Letters attributed to Pope Adrim IV. is a Privilege granted to the King
IV's of Eng^land, to make himfelf Mafter of It^anJ^ referrM to by Mitthew P^iris. But it is a.
£ftl0Vi Tcry doubtful Piece, and there arc no grounds to rely upon it.
The Second, is the Letter that gaveofieoce to FrtdcriaJt^^ and in which the PopeconiplaiiM^
That the Btfliop of Lmdm was minis'il in the Emperors Dominions, as he was reiaming <rom
the Holy See, and that he did not rake care ro ^e^en>;c th.Tt Ind gi^ity. To itiduce him to
. . do it, be entreats him tp call to mind, with what kiodneis he was rcceiv'd at Home the pre-
ceding Year, as alio rbe Honour and Dignity that he had cont'd upon hii» in feitnig the
In perial C; wn on his Head.
r He declares at the fame time, Thar he docs not repen: of hav-
ing given hilt) Saiisiadkion, and that he ILouki be very glad to £Lod an opporcuotty, to beftov

on bim greater Favours if it were poflible.

This Letter being deliver d ro Fredeiick^^ by BcmrJ Cnrdin.J of St Clement^ and by tip-
Cardinal Pricil of St. JWar/^ whom the Pope had lent on purpole to bear it: That Prince
at firft entertain d them very lionourably, bat at the fecond Audience, having read that Paffiige
fif The Lcrtcr. in which it was cxprefsd, That the Pope had conferr'd on him the not.ibIc Be-

nefit of the Crown, he fell into fo great a Paffion, that he could not forbear reviLng the two
Legates who bad brought it, ordering them immediately toreoreout of bis Domoiions.
tcr their departure, he prohibited .ill his .Slbie^f>s -o go to /^-w.', .nnd fe: Guards on rhc Fron-
liets. to (lop thole who were about 10 travel thuhcr. Adnan having beard this News, wrote
the Third Letter to the fiifliops of FV^ncf and Germany, in whicb afterbavuig related the Mas-
rcra<;it happen'd, he entreats them toufc their utmoll endeavour? ro oblige Fre^^ericJ^ to rerum
to his Duty. At ihc fame time he wrote to hiin jn the Fourth Lencr, That it wa« not hij
meaniog that the Wotd Bcm^ciiMs Aould be taken kx a Fee, bat for a good kStkni that in

Digitizca by Cnnnlr
of the Twdfth Century of Chrijttmty. iii
ttiic Tcnfe, it migbr well be faid. Hut
he hiA done lam a Favour in conferring on bitn
the ImpvTial Crown, Kcmfe he perform d an A(5l of Kindncfe in fo doing ; and that when
be wrote, that, be gave him tbc Impcriai Crown, Giving denotes no paore than that he fee it
upon hb Head: That they who had orherwifc interpreted thofe Terms, were fpiteftil Per-
fons, thar cnly foufzlu for an oppcrcuni:y to dillurl) the Pence of the Church and of the Em-
pire : LaiUy, if tlut ExprcJfion were of^nlive to him, be ought not nevertfacleis to have aded
as he had done, nor to forbid all his Sobjeds in general to go to i{me, bnc he nii|;bt have
given him notice of it by his Ainbafliulors. He gives him to undcrlland that he (tnt two
odicr Cardinals, by the advice of Henry Duke of Bavaria^ and entreats h\m to receive them
dvonnibly, to the end that the Bufinefi might be aoeommodated through the Mediation of
diat Duke.
Tbc Letter in which Frederick, dcfircs the confinnauon of Cuj tbc Son of cbe Count of Blaa-
4r*t»' dtoTen Ardi-biibop of /(avmm, foilows die fiMncr. It is written in very refpcdftd
and fubmifnvc Terms.
The Pope denies bim that favour in die Fiftb Letter, under pretence, chat be was uowil<
ling to remove Guy Ann the Gity of I^me ; and in the Sixth, eomplains of Rederi^i Let-
ter, becaufe he fct his own Name before that of the Pope, C7ta<fVcd Homage and Fidelity of
the fi;(hops^ rcfus'd to admit his Legates to Audience, and hinder'd his Subjeds from going

The Seventh is written to the Arch-bi(Tiop of Tbejfalmica, whom he exhorts tO beiecondrd

with ibc Church of B^nte, and to procure the Re union of ihc Gr<r/^ Church.
TTie" Bijthth is a Confinnaiioa of the Trcary made with fVSlHam King of Stcify.
The Fitcecn following, arc raken out of the fourth Tome of the Hillorians of Fr.ince by
Du-C'^Jne. Tl>c Ten tirlt and the Twenty Fourth, arc written in favour of Hu^h^ Chan-
cellor of that Kingdom, :o whom he grants an Arch-deaconry of Arrtu^ and the Revennesof
a Prebend in the Cathedral of Paris: He likewitc v/rnrt- to the B.fhrps of Arr.u nnd Ptrij,
and lo fome other Perfons on the fame Sabjcdl. liie i hree ot.'icr Lcitcis are directed lo
King Leveit ; and in the Twenty firft, he advifes him to bring the Inhabitants of re:^e aj> un-
der fubjedion to the Abbots of that place, and to oblige them to reftore what they had takca
from him.
The Twenty fifth, t\venty fixth, Twenty (evendi and Twenty eighth, relate in like man-
ner to tbc Abbey of Ve^elay.
By the Twenty ninth, he renders the Abbey of Bxune in the Dioccfs of Brfa^fen, fubjct^
CO the Jurifdi<Sioo of that of Cimiy, as a Prior)' that ought to depend on it.
The Six following, relate to the Prim.acy o( Toledo, and the Affairs of Spain.
TIk Thirty fixth. Thirty feventh. Thirty eichth. Thirty ninth and Fortieth, treat of Mat-
ters concerning the Primacy, Patriarchate ..-li Rjl of the Arch-bifhop ofGrado.
In the Forty fe\'rnth and laft,' publilh'd by M. Balu:(iiu and diredcd to Berenger Metropo-
litan of Narhfime, he confirms the Declaration made by Ermengarda Lady of the Manner of
Ntrhonne, by which flic prohibittcd the Afcnntion of tlic Revenues .Tnd Hftates of the Arch-
bHhop of (hat Province after his deceafe, and denounces an AnAtbrma againft tfaoie who Oioald
prefinne to iJo it
Father Dachery has infered in the firft Tone of fatS SfieH^amf t FtlTikge granted hf
Pope Adrian IV. to the Monaftery of Cafaure.
Tlie Firft Letter of Ahxmder HI. is written to the Canons of Htmmt about h:s *£Ic> Aktm-
iftion. I'ci

The Second to Armdfhut fiifliop of Lijitux on tbc fame Subjed, and about the Al^embly Luitn.
of p4«fVf
The Third is the Bull for the Canonization of Edward I. King of England.
The followii^ relate to the Ailair of tbomat Beckft Arcb-biQiop of Canteri>ury, except the
Tinny fecond, wUi^ is an Inftmiftion co die Snltan of JcMrnwii, who was defirons to cmlmce
the Chriftian Religion.
The Forty fifth. Forty fixth and Forty {eventh, arc the Letters which were written by him,
ODncemine the Treaty crt Peace, that he made at VeHice, with the Emperor Avdlrrfc^
In the Forty eighth, he recommends to a certain LtiiM King, oommoniy call'd ?r^tr ^tbti,
the Legate, whom be fcnc into his Country.
In die Pbny ninth, be retamt thanks to n^h, for a Book which he bad fent to bim, and en-
treat*;him to endeavour to procuie the lUoMciiiaaon of the Cmperpr of CtH^gntinif/t, widi
the Church of /^iwf
The Fiftieth, is the Letter for tiic calling of the General Cotmcil at Lateran.
TheFi n hrrt, h 1 1 cttcr about the Opuiioa of PdTer LMnitfrd^ who maimaio'd* That Jc-
fus Cbrif\. qiMtenus i\lan, is not a Thing.
The Fif^ IccxNid, is a Coaficmadon of die R^hts and Privileges of die Aidi-bilbop of
The Two Eredion of the Bilboprick of Alexandria dei/a Paglia, a
foliovving, relate to the
City newly boik in the MUmifi Tcniiory. He nominaied die firft fitOop, bar to the end
& that

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ch«t that Kbmination nnlghc mt le )
rcjudkial to die InhtbiniiK, lie lefcdiai the Jibettf of
an Elcdlion lor the future.
pr(jcc( fling to
The Fitty lixch and Fifty CsveoAt contain ifae.CeDfimaiiaoef the pramodoaot
FtfiY htth.
Jabn to the Bilhoprkk of ^Andrtw in ScotUad^ agaioft who O^b
nominated by the WW
By the t it y eighth, diredcd tp CMfhmr Dnke cfPtUnJ, he nd&t certain Confihatiofit
mai^c by that Prince for the prefervaticn of Church Rc\ cnues.
1 he Fifty ninth, is a circular Lcwcr diredied to ali the ChrilUan Princes, ia which be ex-
horts them 10 aflbrd fuccoursiotheChriftiansof the Holy-Land, andiehewi cothofe ihttdo
fo, the Privileges and Immunities granted by
I m nnd Eiigonus\{\$ Fiedeoeflhrs, and ptttS

their E'Mtes Wives and. Children under the protedion of the Holy Sec.
The Sixtieth, is direded to all the BilhoMof Cbrillendon on ifte fiune Subjed, to the end
that hey might publifli tl^ preceding Lettcruithchriiei^edivaPiooeflcs, and induce the prinoes
pious an Undertaking.
and People to fo
. « . , . . ^ . .
In the Three following Letters, dii«Aed to oertatti rrcfatea of Jbt^Mwf, he givea them an
Account after what manner hf concU: Jed a Treaty of Peace with the fcnpcror ar Vcnicf.
Thefe are the Lctccn of Pope Alcx4adar lU. that arc contain'd in the hrtt Coiieckion, to
which tiircc Additwnshave been fince annex'd ; the firfl of thofe Additions comprehends Fif-
ty fiK LettefS, poblifb'd by Father Sirmmdtitt m
the end of the Works of Patr Mibat U
In the (irft Eighteen, which are almoft all diieded to Peter Ahboc of St. Hemj at l^Mm^
he nominates him in a CLimniTion with others to determine divers particular Aiairs.
The Nitieieeiub, dijvded to the Arcb-biibop of Vpjal in Smden and bis Su^ragans, ooo-
ninsfeTcralConlKtotionsagamft Simony, and agaioik chc Privileges of Ckify-nien, taken
our of the Councils am.! :!ie Decretals of the Popes.
In the Twentieth, he rccommctids to the Quriiy of the Nortbait Chriftians, tuu m inftop
of the Jt/i(»»*, a People of Swidm.
In th. Twenty firit, he exhorts the Nor;bc: n Kincs and Potentates, to perform the Duties
of Chriftiaa Prituxs, to endeavour to procure the adv^int cmcnt ol the Church by encountering
its Enemies.
In the Twenty fccoruJ, dircdlcd to th.c A:ch-blil.op of Vj>ftl imi Suffragans, he fpe-
s '

ciBes the Pennances that they ought to impolc for the Critncs of Incxii and Unckaotici, and
iovei^ againft two Abufes that prevail'd in tbdr Gpniury, vi}^. the (irl>, That ibe Prieits
were wont to celebrate Mais with the Lets of Wine, nr with Crv.:rs uf Brcai! f^eept in Wine ;
and the fccond concerning dandcftJr.c Marriages, that were cuiiuradcJ wiihout the Ber.ediClion

of the Pricft.
The following relate to many pir' cu'r.r Af'-M--^ of Churches or Monaftcries, which be him-
felf decides, or for tlie deterininai40:i oi which he grants a Coauuiiilon to other Pcrfoas in
the rcfpcdive places.
In the fccond Addition, arccompris'd 109 Lcrrerj dirctS^ed ro I. emit VII. King of France,
or to the Prelates of his Kingdom, the greateii part c[ which relate to the A^irs of clu:
Chntches of Flr4»ee ; as alfo tome to the Conteft between Alfxtnder and ViQor, and others
are only recotnmcndatory Letters or hill of ComplioMOti. They are taken out of the Col-
lection uf the Hiftorians of France^ by Da^hejke.
The laft Addition contains 12 Letters, of which the fix irft ar^: written on the Schifm rais'ci
by Vicl r thc two following treat of the Privilegn of the Canons of Challm In the Ninth,

he acquaints Hfw'/Arcb-bifcop of after w!m manner he WM

recciv'd in l{fme: Thc
five following were written in favour of the Church of l 'f:{elay : In the Fifteenth, he cooi*
mends liti?h BiOiop of /^jEviff, for cftahlifliiog a general Peace h) his DioceG : The Seven-
teenth and EiplKeeath, are ^
Balls for the Canooixation of Bdwtrd King of EnftUmd and
St. Bernard The Twci.ricth, Tw. nty tirfl and Twenty fccond, arc Aifks of Approbation of

theOrder of the Knights of St. Jamt in Sf^in ; of tlut of the Monks of the Abbey of Sc
Saviwr at McJJina ; and of that of the C*rthufians, and of thtir Conftnotions. There are
alio in the Addition to thc Tenth Tome of the Councils, five other l,i tte; s a mi -ircd ro Alex-
ander III. at which the ibur iirit relate to the InunuQities of chc Schools and Chapter of Paris,
and the laft to diofe of the Chapter of Jlm^ma.
Licius Lucitts III. hafing paflds'd the See of j(aMr but a little %«hik^ left oi only tfarer Ml
lirs irt. Xxtters.
By die Rrft, he takes offdie Excommnnication of H^/fiam King of Scottmi uA die Ssfipen*
fion of his Kingdonj, denounced by thc Arch-biftiop of
7" ' in Pope StXMtkrt lifiMaMe,

for oppo6og the Cooiectatioa of Jeh^h ek^ed Biihop of St. AmdreW'

The Second Lcierr is diieded to Henry II. King of England, in which he ahocis that Prince
to permit a Tax to be rais'd in his Kingdom, for the Rci-cfof thc Holy-I and.
Tiie Third is a Decree againlt the Hercticlis of that tune, in which be pioooances a per*

petnal da*thm» againft die C4»&(r», the Pat^tnus, thoA rfttc ftyle tbemfelves the MattMed or
the pacr Pe?ple of Lyons, thc PAjftgiaiu. the Jofepins and thc Arnoldifls, and prohibits
ibrts of Pciil>ns to profel<> Divinity or to Preach publickiy, unlcfs they have pbtain'd a Liccnfc

. J .1^ .^ l
y Google
of the Twelfth Ccnbry of ChirifHamiy. 15
From the Holy See, or from the Dfoafaii tX^cf, *He tikewile condemns all theft vtbo pee-
fume ro maintain any Do.^hiiic or Praiaices diRetcnt from tbofe of the Church 6(J^fmff, con-
cerning the ^cramem of the Body and Blood of jefus Chnft, Bapiifin, the Rcmiflion of Sins,
Marriage, or rheotfarr Sacraments, with tlieirAbecrM and Adberrnn: He ordains. That Clergy-
men, conviviled of thofe Errors Hia!! Ix- dc|X>s'd, and Laicks dclivcr'd up into the Hands of the
Sctular Judges to be punith'd, unlefs ibey immediately abjure them, without allowing waf
Pardon to Relapfes : He enjoy ns the Arc!i4>i(liotiS'annd Bifhc^ to make a Vifitaoon every
Yc-nr,fi ficr Per,o:i Ily or In rlicii Arch-
u; :,jn ordcrrodifcwcrfuchMifcrcantj: He exhorts

the Coiincs, Barons, t^rds and Alagiltratcs v j^orauily to aid and aifift the Clcrgy^inen in tb«
PTolecation of thofe Iterettcks, under patn of Exoimnninicatioa, and Privation of their Oi^
nirics r And in t'-,T Cafe, he gr v.nts a peculiar JuriididV on to the Arch-bifliops and Bilbops,
over iuch Peribns as enjoy certain Immunities and arc lu^jed; only to the Holy. See, pro-
'^ided they be olieyM a$ the Pope's Delegates, notwkhftandtn| aO mM&iier ^ PriTikgcs.
Vrhn lU. no.kc ro at! the B.'ihop^, of li:s Eledion by-a'tiroular Lener, imafa- Urban

M I''/ I J. A. D. 1 186. which is the 6rtt of liis Letters. .

The Second, dedicated to H'ltlta^ King of SmtfMtt, relates to tfie Conteft btt een tlw w
Bifhop? of Sr An hev and DimcksU, the Tryaf of which was rcferi \i ro the See of Homr, in
(be time of his Predecellbr, but cdoid not be decermin'd,. ctU the Popedom of "Ur^n^ who
entreats the King in this Letter to take rlie Bifliop of l>uiichfU into his PkOKidteAt and makes •

the lame Requclt in rhc fnliowing, to Jccelln Bifhop of GUfco. *

in the Fourth, he writes to B*idwH Arch-bilbop of Canterimrjf^ about the building of a oevi:
Church in Honom- of St. Stephen and St. 'IbeM4s.
In the W\ e approves the Foundation of a Hanle of HofpitaUcrt
! «
BmmiV, «iid ntifiel
their Conftirunons and Privileges.
Gregory VIII. was no tboner advanc'd to the Panal Dignity, bur he wrote a Circnhir Letter Grefjpry
10 all the Faithful, to exhort them tc relieve the Holy I and. Mc pivc; a lively dcfcripcion Vlll'a
of the moft deplorable Calamities that bcfcl the Chnitians, when the City of Jerufulem was ^'^l*
taken by SaMm, and eameftly prellbs the Faithful to undertake an Expedition for the reoo*
Tcry of it Out of the Hands of rhir implacable Enemy of Chrifrianity, He grants Indulgences \
to thofc, who Ihall take upon them the Crols for the Holy War, and renews in their favour,
the fpccial Privileges that were allow'd by his Predeoeflhrs in the like Cafe.
In the Second Letter, he ordains, That ro (Jcprecare the Wrarh of God, the Fatrhfut fhould
be oblig'd ro fafl: daring five Years, on aU Prides irotavldveMi to CbHfima/tf and that they
Aoold abftainfrom Flefh on tVedntfdajs and SaturdAjs,
By Third Leuer, he confirms the Orders that his Predeceflbrs had 9Vm'IO all the

clefiafticaljudges to determine the Law-fuits of pciyate Peiioips. •

• '

Tht Five Hrfi Letters of Clement III. relate to Oe Cooteft d»c arofe bctMeen fthm and Aiffr CICdMBf
akoar the Biflioprick of Sr. Andrew in ScotliT.d. ffft £|f>
In the Sixth, he conlinns the Richts and imtnuniucs of the Church of that Kingdom. Ifffc

TheScvenrh, is the A(ft for the C^.inonization of Bifhop of Btmberg.

The Firl^ Letter of Celejiin III. is dircificd to the Prelates of England, whom he ort^rr'; to re!f>ftia
excommunicate ail thofir, who lhall refufe to obey iVtUinm Biibop of Btj Legate of the Holy Ui's Let-
Set and Regent of the Kingdom in dieableiioeof Kbg tf^hmd, who was CQgagM in the Es^ Mrfc
^^ition to rhe Holy I. and.
By the Second, lie takes off the Exconimumcaiion ilcnounccd liy Geffiry Arch-bilhop of /ir/^^-
againll Bifliop of Ott/'i&4«».
Thi." Third is the A<fb for the Canonization of St. Vlfald Biftop of Euguhio.
The Fourth, is an cicganr Exiiortation to induce the Chriiiian Princes to make Peace, liut
diey may be in a Condition ro rrg.iin the Holy Land.
In the Fifth, dircAed to the Biil op of Lincoln, he gives him a Commi/fion to rake cogni-
sance of the Mildcmeanours and Crimes of which the Arch-bilhop of 7«ri^ was accus'd.
, The Sixth, (imt to the Dean and Acchpdcaooo of thet Chvrch oi iiacaAi, ie writcea oft the
tune Snbicc^.

In the Seventh, he conftitutes //«^frf Arch-bilhop o( Canterl'ury, his Le^Me in England ; and
in the Eighth, orders the BiHiops of England to acknowledge .^n obey him iadiat Quality.

The Ninth, is a Fragment of a Lcrer directed to the Arch-bilhop of Sens, in which he

declares null the Divorce that Hilip King of France had made with Queen Batildot the
Daughter of the King tf DenmMrl^, .noddr pretence of aeamefi of Kin, and cnjoytis fiiia
fe-take her.
In the Tenth, he entreats HtAert Arch-bifhop of Cantnttny, to lefy Recruits to be lent in-
to the Holy Land to King Htchard.
The Three following Letters are written about the Dilorders caus'd in the Church of T«ri(
by the Arch-bilhop: He commits the Card and Reformation of that Church to Simen Dean
of the Chapter; and forafmuch as the Arch-bifliop h.ul .;ppLi!'d to the Holy See, before
the Biihop of Lineplm exhibited an Information ag^inft him, he allows him time ro come to
l^me tilt the Fcftival of St. Mxrtin i Imt tn cafe.he do not then ap^r, he oideis the BUhop of
Lincoln to proceed agaioft him, and in the mean while fn^ends him from die Govccdttaetu c f
his Province. . Rft '

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i.^ij. A New Ecelejiafiical Hifiory
fatiw Pourteemh. tie •rdtfttlA^ Attli-biAop tJiCn,u>hury, to pblige tbofe wfi^ had
trirtn npoR chem the Crois for the Expedition to the
Hi ly 1 ..nd. to list fotMf^d on their Jour*
ney at Icaft* iiakfs they weve prevented by 4 lawful Impediment.
This l etter is ibilmr'd by that of PWA> Biflwp of Bnuiviu, written to Pope Celefthf ; in
which that Prelate comi^ains, That the K ng of E'glaaJ cnar d tlie Tcrr.ioiies of Bamaijli
with his Forces in a boiUie flDamier, and took him Prit>ncr. Tin: J;'opc return d an Anfwcr in
the Misfonune that be-
the following Letter, That he had ao reafop 10 make a Complaint ot
fd him, fincc he prefum'd to take up Anm OOOtrary to the Duty of his Piofcirion ; bef-dcs.
that the Condudl of the King of EagUnd aught not (O i>e Uam 4. in regard that the King qf
WtMut had uRjuftly taken Uam him diven Towns, contrary to die ft>iemo Pramife rim he
hadnadeto that Prince not to commit any H'>'*il'tics ag.-.inlt him. tiil his return to his Dorai-
hioas: That inltead ofjMrfiMimng that Prooaiie, be d«u:rgaihd to ukc the advantage
<4' his

ConiinenKnr r And thn dtt Kinf( of A«Im< hei^ at laft liet at Liberty ,
oppofe the EntcrprircK of the King of trance.
In die Sixteemb, be enjoyns the Arcb-bibfip of Cante
iu-j, the Bifliop of Uh oUi, and

Abbot of Sr. BdmimJ, to le-cMUiOi fci one of die Churches of Mt$gUtui, the Monks that
wewturn'd out under colour of the Pope's Bull got by furprijc, upon a Life Exh bition.
In the laft, direded to H^lUam King of SeatUndt he csMoliru^ (he KigUs ai»d Privileges of
Ae OnudMi of Kiogdon

C H A •
P. X.
A Relaiion of the fever d Contcp tbcU Thomas Becker
Arcb-bijhof of C4ntcrtwy had mtb Hairy IL King
0/ England.
^. . TT^HOMAS BECKIT was a Native of die City of Undtit, ibe Cjipit?! of Bnglmis
^ Th His Father was nana'd GiV^r and Wa Mother MtflMs. Gatt»r«. io bis Yoodi. aiMl
"r"'^ '-^ Crofs for the Holy War, but upon his arrival at Jeruf.i!nn, he was
nai &ck'
all fcAre t#ken.Pr^oi;er
and made a Slave by the Sdr^cms. Diuiog his imprifbooienc, be fouodtpf^
himt " to obtain the favoar of Ae Admlrafs DanghMr; hi whofe Hanfe he was oonBn'd, and diie
Arch-tiUp conceiv'd fo jrcit nn Affi-tflion for him, GUlert having at la(t made his Elcapc, /)je rra-

Cancer* vell'd to purpofe to meet htm ; was baptia'd there, and afterwards marr)- d to
Londm on
WVy^ GHhert, by had our HbcMfaw, who
whom Ae bani jI. Ol ii 19. fietore bis Birch, Gi/.
.. hert rctnrn'd co the Holy Land, where be cothMoTd three Years and a half, having left his
Wifiejn Etizland: This GentkwoaMKi took igvcac care of the Education of her Son, who io
the very ftrft bloomtng of hi$ Yoodi, fhnv^l die OMiks of what night be
in n riper Age. He began his Studies at Lendm, and after bavirg loft both his Father and
Mother, cooiplcated thmi at Paris. Upon hu return to BngUmd, be was employ 'd in
management of AAitt, and put hhnfelf into the Service ofTTtw fc iid Atcb-bilbop of Cm m
bury. At that time, Wtnry Eubop of PHncl fJIer, Brother to Kinp Steplen, was Legate in
England, who abus'd his Quality and Authority, treating the other Biihops, and even hisMe^
tropolitan* with intolerable Arrogancy. Thtmu advisM TkeoMd to fluke 06^ the Yoke, and
was fent by him to Pope Ceteftin II. to obtain a Revocarion of Henry s Commi/Hon ; info-
much, that being arriv'd at Home, he negotiated that A&ir fo fuccelsiiiliy, chat the Pope dC"
priv'd Wtmy of bis Dignity, and conferr'd it on die Afdi4dfto{> of Ctmte^mj. Tbtnuu was ,

no fooncr rcturn'd to England, but Theobald enrrufted him with rhc management of the Affairs
of his Church, made him Arch-deacon of it fome time after, and bettow'd on him many Be-
nefices. Afterwards K\n% Stt^>eH dying, and Hmry XL IXdw of Nvmundy foooeedii^ him.
Thcmns W.1S conflinired ChanccMor of Engltrnd^ A. D. 115B. and cbtaht'd'the Adminimadoa
of the publick Affairs of the whole Kingdom.
At laft he was nominated by the King to the Arch-biflioprick of Canterbury in after
EkSUa 9f the Dcirh of Thed'.iU, and was ordain'd on Pf^hit-funday in the fame Year. This Prelate was no
Thomas fooncr advanc d to that bigli Station, but he vigoroufly apply 'd himfcif to the niaintaining
Artb'U' of dielntercftsand Libnties oftheCfanrch. In the beginning of his Government, be found
mcatis ro wrcft the EccleRaftical Revenues our of the Hands of the Noblc-men who hadufurp'd
them, and pcrfuaded the King to fill up the Epifcopal Sees of Hereford and iVorceJler, wiucb
bad been vacant for a loiig time. But it was difficuk for him who had undertaken (lifiy ao
maintain the Rights of the Church, ro avoid falling out wiih his Prince about particular Intc-
rcds upon which account, he was oblig'd co lelign the Office of Chancellor.
After that
fiep,be made a demuidagiii^ wiA mucbiefefation, of the Ecvwacs and Rights which be

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of the Twelfth Ccntruy Ckiltimty. ^125
prercr. J to belong to the Church of C4i»ffr^//r;, and which were in the pofleflton of the King
of the Nobility : He vehemently oppos'd the Outrages and Hxr.ctions \vi:h which th?
great Lords were wont to o^p:d'<i the People and the Clergy l ie tiuicavour'ii to abolilh
: tl;c

Cuiiom that was incrcducd in EugUnd , of adjudging to Princes the Kevepnes of vacaut
Churches, and of dcfcrrinc ro fupply ihofc Churclics with Miniitcts, in order to enjoy tliein
longer; and hcaflcrted. That Clergy- men, guilty of Mifdcineanours, were not unJtr the ]u-
rildie^ionof Civil Magiftraces j but that they oiigbt to be brought before the Bill. c p. to \->t
degraded and condemned to Eccleliadical Penalties, withour delivering the.ii up to ihc Set iiLir
Fowcr i ncvctthcJels, if in procels of time they conuuittcd new Crimes, the Temporal Ju>
ftke mighc ihpn apprcheiul tjiciti, beorafie tbey were no Jpnger to be look'd upon as Clergy-
men. * - '

Tbe obftinate defence of tfae laft Article, chiefly cans'd Thomoi to incur the King s difplca- the ttigi
fare, gnd gavcoccafion to the Quarrel For a Canon of BedfoA nam d Vhiiip Brock, havine ml oftl^

abus'd one of the Kings Officers, before whom he fummond , that Prince dctcnnind Contrfis
to bring him ro condign Puniflmient. The Arch-biftiop fufpc iidcd the Canon frtm his Eccfe- (" 'T^'tntbe
fiaftical Fun(^ons and BeneEcc for fcvc ral Years, but the King not bung laiishcd wit!i tl.ofe
proceedings, requir'd that he might be put into the Hands of the Secular Juftice: Upon ihj j„"/|
Arch-bi(hop's refufaliodo it, the King held an Aflcmbiy of the Bi(hop$ot his Kingdom, in
tjie Abbey of IV jlminjler i where lie made a Rcmonftrancc, tha: i: was expedient for the pub- jj^j^

ijcjc Benefit, that Clergy men Ihould be tryed by the Civil Magiilrates apd condemned to
•H&Btxye Pantflimen's, by reafon thar the fcandal of Degradation did not ac alf move thofe,
whom the SinCtity of ihcir Fan "f d o d r.oc ic.lrain from the commiCQI^ of Crimes.
. .
! T/;j-
tnjt, who was at the Head qf that AlTembly, after having debated with tfae other fiiftiofs^ rc»
jply'd TO the King, That the fiifliops could not relinquiOi a Right, which was granted to tliem
by IL n y I. liis r'nnii-Fnthcr, and confirm d by the iblemn prom fc of King Step! en i and rhaf
they entreated hj> M^jcity to call lo Mind the Oath that be took on the Dav of his Corona-
tion, to maintain the Charch in its Lioetty and Righ-s. Wherenpon the King demanded
whether they wcrcdilp /cd to obfcrve the CuuOmsard Conflitutions of his Kingdom r T/;;-
mM reply 'd, that tliey were ready to dp it, provided ibcir Rights were lecur d. Salvo Ordine
StUt and all rhel^laees made the fame Anfwer, except the Bt(hop of Cbkhejlfr nam'd Hemj^
who th.irr M the Lift Wot ds. and faid, that he would pundhially obfcrveihofcCuiioms.
i^ing titnrj, was extremely incens'd at the reftridion they put on their Promife, iSiu he
Ind ia of^ (yrefs'd tbcm to no purpofe, to engage abfoluiely to obfnve OoAotnt of
die.K)iiRgdom without any limit.-.iion, ar.d left the Aflcmbiy, quite tranfported with Angef.
fiezc Pay , be ijcnt to d;^apd of the Arcb-biOiop of C^tutrburj , the Of ants for all
dx^ Goremments diat were conferr'd on him, whilft he was Chancellor En^UnJ, anq
lily departed from LffnifTi, n.cwinc evident marks of his high difplcafure ag^in'^ the Bi-

Infooijicli that their drpad of bis Aneer and of the ill dk£^ that it might produce,
Ss. die IblUcitarioiTS which that Prince caits'o to be made, indnc'd nnany of them to yield'co
give fatisfncflion to his MajeHy, and tlicfc us'd their utmoft endeavours to bring the others to
the fame Temper. Thcmas ftood to bis Refolution for a Ions tiipe, but being at lali overcome
by the frequent and preffmg entreaties of cheFrdates and ofMs beft Pnenat, he liiftiM hinit^
felf to be rrcvail'd upon ; went to meet the King ar Oxford, and promis'd tpobfisite ihc
Cunon>$ 01 the Kingdotn for the future, without any manner of I^ltridion.
The King to render mis Declaration more Aothenticlc, caJl'd an Aflembly the Bilhops An AftmUi
and KoMc-mcn of the Kingdom itClaraidrv, A. D. 1 164. in which he oblig'd the Arch-bifliop tfiClarel^
of C^nterburj ^d the other Prelates to take an Oath, that they would carefifJly obferve the don.
Cnftoips of the Kingdom, and at tfae fame thna, caus'd a verbal Proce& co be drawn up con^
raining the Articles of thofe Cuftoms that were to be acknowlcdg'd by the Rifhops, and which
wcrp Uyieen in Number. The Firft imports. That when any Contefts arilc between xha
Laity and C]ergy, alxmt the prefc ntation to Benefices, they ought to be regulated in the King's
Court The Second, That the Revenues of Manners depending on the King's E>emcans

cannot be made over to Churches, without his MajelVy's Conceffion : The Third, That the
Qergy-men acc)i(ed or impeached by the King's Officers, Ihall be oblig'd to repair to his
Court, to the end that enquiry may be made, whether they ought to be tried there, or whe-
ther they ro be fcnt back to the Eccleliaftical Courts of Tudicarare ; and that bcbg thu&
fentback the King's Chief Juittiice, lhall depute a Perfon to oc Wimefs of the Proceedings

of that Court: That if the Clergy-man beconvi(5lcd, or confcfs hi'; Criinr, the Church cannot
have a Ri^-ht any longer to proted him. Tlie founh Article declan's, 1 hat the Arch-bijhops,
fiifhnp<:, and the King's other Subjeds cannot depart the Kingdom, without his Majcfty's leave,
and in cafe it be granted, rhcy fhnil give him pood aflurancc, tha: they will nor atfl contrary la
his Intercfl; : The Fifth, Tlaat excommunicated Pcrlons (hall not be obliged to give fccurity,
for their continuing inthe Country, but only rofland to the Jikigment of the Chuich, when it
lhall bethought fit to grant them Abfcluttun TI.c .Sixth, T n- no other Informers or V'ir-
: i

neiTes (hall be admitted ag.iinit I-ait k;;, but luch as arc allow d by the Laws. The Seventh,
^iliacallliiofe who bold any I and s of the King, orareofthe number of his Officers cannot be
CScpmnuAicated, nordieir Territories fufpended from Divine Service, unleTsdue notice be

ijiyiiized by Google
125 A H&P Ecclefi.ijlkal H '/(lory

f,r[\ King 6r to his Chief Jnfticc, to the end that rbat which belongs to ihc Ju-
given io the
be tried there, and that whidi oucl to be nycd m the
riUi dion of the Kii g"s Coun, may

Ecclelia«kical, may be refcrr d to it The E.^hrh, Thac an Appeal iu.i>' he brough: trom the

of the Arch btfliop, and it the

Arch deacon'sCborttotheBtlhop's. and from theUirerco that
Arch-bifhop has not done JunivC, application may be
r'lade -n t!x- Kirr-, to the end rha: the
be decided in the Arth-bilhop s U^urt. wirhout l.Uriy ru tnur an A] pw-1, ur" unlets
a Contei; anlc, bctuem aC Cleric
by his M.i jelly's fpecial allowance : The Ninth, Thai in cafe
depe!iJ on the Church nnd the othei
other ofi
and a Lay-man, about an Fltate, u»hieh one airertsio
twelve Ailiilants, to cxairine to whac
a temporal Lor'dlhip, the Chief Juihce lhall lend for
on ought tO be appropriated ; that if ihcy judge it to belong to the Church, the
Turifdia ic
find it to belong to the Lay I-cc,
Caulc lhall be tried in the tcckiiadic al Cour:, b it it [hey
it fliall be referr'd to the cognizance of
the Lord of the Mannor. The 1 enih, Thai u ar^y
to an Acculation, and he tcfuie
Pciion be cited by his Aich-deacon or hU Biftop to aiifwer
but ran be excommun.catcd, till the Chef Juilicc of the
to appear be may be lufpended. not

PJace^as fumn on'd him to make his appearance i and that if thai Judge fhould neglcc'l to do
his Duty, the King fhall take the matter in Hand:
The Eleventh does not relate to Eccle-
fialtical Affairs : l iie Twelfth ordains. That the King lhal! enjoy the Revenues of the Arch-

biiliopricks, Bifliopricks, Abbeys and Priories during a Vacancy ; that to fill it up the Kmg
fhall iffue onta Conge tTEHre to the moft
eminent Men of ihc Place, who lhall carry on the
Elcdtion in his Chappel, with the K'r.p's Co; fcnt, ard by the Advice cf the Lords, who (halt

be conven d for that purpofc. and that the Pcrion cleded flialj do Homage to the King be-'
in>ports. That the King Oiall caufc Joftice to be
fore he be ordatn'd : The Tbtncenth Anide
donero the Hi (hops, and the Bifhops to the King The Fourteenth, That Catrcl iciz'd on for

a Tr'^rpafefliallnotbcdcuin dby the Clergy, but put into the Cullody of the Officers of the
Roy al Court : The Fifteenth, That CouRSofJudicatute fliall be kept by the King s Juftices :
That the Sons of the Pe.ifnnts lhall not be ordain'd, but wuh the Confenc of
The Siicteent^,
their Lords. Thefc Arddes were not fign d by the Bilbops. but were acknowledged in the,
AfTembly, and three Copies of them were taken, vi^- one for the King, the Second for the*

Arch-bilhopof C^«/'f'-/'W'j', and the Th,rd for the Arch-bifhop cf Tor^.

n. J k. The Arch-biihop of C^B^fr^w^ being retir d, his Friends and Domclticks began to munnnr
that he ooiild not ad otberwife, by reafon of fo unbip.
uaJ'T Some of them excosM him, in regardhers complain d on the contrary, That all the Immunities
and o'
^U^^^ py a Conjuni^re of Afiairs, vicre rain d by that coknpliance. His Crofs-bearer who was more
ry repcKti of the Church of England
efttviKg bold than the reft, prefnm'd to maket temonftranceto that efleift, and the AfCh-biftop being
fyB'itbe pcrfwaded that he had done ill, was affedcd with a fenfible grief, roofr a rcfolution to do
Jinkki, Pcnnance, and abftaind from celebrating Divine Service, till Pooe Alexander HI. who then
refjdcd at Setis, wrote tohminor to do « any longer, and gave hhn Ablblmion for the Of^
fence he might ha\c commitTcd, upon condition that
fl r nld confefs it to a Pricf^.

The retrru As foon as the King underftood, that the Arch-bifliop irpenred of what he had done, he
•f Thomas fcH
(Grange Pafllon againft him. In the mean while Tbmm betof infonnVI thereof, re-
xtt*6 to his Abbey of Ali>:-'^> fu atcd near the Sea-fhore, and embark'd twice to pafs over into

Fntnre but the

; Wind continuir.e contrary, herenirn'd to Canterimrj, and prcfiua'd even uji
. . preicnt himfclfbefbre the King by whom, he was very ill ffeated. Ac laftthatFriuoede-
^frzwii"- o !.i Intereft, made application to the Pope, to com>
fpairing to bring over the ^rch-bil>,op :

ntbetwtm he fcnt the fiiibop o\ Lifieux and the Arch-deacon of

Dcfign ; to which purpolc,
*sMiJ»' ^0'**"' ro prevail with him to confHcote the Atch-bifliop of Torl^ his I cgate in KtigUad, and
jbL CO Older Tbomm and the other Prelates to obferve tfic Cu'tcm^ of his K
dom. The r ; Pope

to amufe him. he coaferr'd the Dignity of Legate on the Arch-biftiop of T«rJ(, ncverthelefs up-
on condition, that he Ihonld not have any jntiffliAion over the Perfon or Areh-biflioprick of
TltfltM, and without exempting the Bifhoj s ofKtigLvid from the Obedience they ow'd lo tlicir
Primate. Forafmuch at this Relkridion rendcr'd dje audiority of the Arch-bilhop of
ufelcfs with refpedt to theKmg'i delign, which was to depofe he fent back Ae Let-
ter to the Pope, with indignation.
The Pope wrote another Letter to divert him from roakipg any further attempts on the
Rights of the Churches of his Kingdom ; bnt that Prince inftead of fubnutting to his Admo'
nitions, caus'd the Arch-bilhop ofCantc hury to be fummon'd to appear in Perfon before hit
Majcfty. to anfwer to divers Informations that were brought againtt him. Tbomat on the
other fide, entreated the King notto take ir ill, that he ftood to the Privileges of his Dignity,
whichexempted him from appearing before Secular Judges. The King being much more ex-
^ afperatcdby thatexcufe, gave Orders to the Bilhops and Temporal Loitls of his Kingdom

Caftleat Nmhmujfton, and compcll'd the Arch-bilhop of C«it-

tbampton to meet together in his Royal
ifgainji terhuryro repair thither in quahty of a Critninal rather than of a Judge. The Firft thitm
Thotnas done in the Aflcmbly. was n> prooouace Sentence againfl him for negtodlinf to make a per.
3ediet. fonal

Digitized by Google
of the Twelfth Century of Chri^mtf. i ^
fonal appearance, when hc.recciv'd * SuilimoBS from
the King, suid his Eftate, G00& and
Chancls were Confilcatcd, upon condirion ncverthclcfs, that rh- c ccurioi) of tha-
fliouid depend on his Majefty s pleafure. Afrcrwards he was convey d into one of the
of the Courr, where be bcmp lock'd in,an Account was demanded of Wm of the Revertaesof
rhe vacant Bifhopiicks and Abbeys, that he had crir y'rl far fcvcral, when
lie was
(Jianccllor. He repiy'd, That he would rake ad\ ice about the matter. Henrj BUhop of mtt^
cheftrr faid. that he rcmembcr'd, tiiat wlien Thomas Becket was chofcn Areh-biftop, "he had
general Difcharge. GMo
t Bilhop of London propo<."J tliac he
fliouJd refign his Arch bin,op-
rick to flppeafe the King's Anger, and the other Prelates, except the Biihop of H^nchcfier
weoe of the fannc Opinion. Thomat would not hearken to that propofal, but to be fet at Li-
berty, he exprels d hisdefire to fpeak with two rords, who were with the King; when they
were come, hcdefir'd that he might be allow d time till the next day, and laid, 'that then he
would make fiich an Anfwer as God fliouid dircd him. Whereupon the Aflftinbfy deputed
the Rifliops of London and I{cche/}er Mefrr-t^o to i!ie King 5 but the foniier (a d
tiai the Arch-bifhop wasdefiroustohave time, in order to look over his Papers, and to jjrc-
-pareCD give aii ^ i .r to hisMajefty. The King
being fatisfy'd with that DechrRtioo, fent
him word by the cwo Lords, with whom hcdcHr'd to fpcak, 1'hat he was willing to grant
iuui the timi- he fued for, provided that he kept his word, in giving an aaounc of the things
ihar were committed to bis Charge. Timat forthwith declar d that he never made fuch a
protnifc: However, he was permitted ro depart, and that very N-ght he wasfeiK*^ vnch
viokiK fit of thcColick;, which hindrcd him tiom rifing the next Morning.
Tbe Kin^ fetvt two Lords of his Court to enquire whcher he were Sick, and at the fame
time to pive him a Summons. He cxcus'd himfelf for the prcfent, by reafon ofhls Indift)o-
luion, ot which thoy were Witneflcs, and'd 10 appear the next day. In the u^an
while a report w as pre.-.d abroad, that it be went to the R0y.1I Palace, he would be Afl&fli*
natcdor arrciled, the next day fcveral Bifhops us'tl rhcir utmoft cnJeavour*; ro pcrfwade him
to^3>akc a rcfignation of hi<: Arch-billioprick and ot nil his Policiriuns to the regard that
ihtf were much afraid left he ftioiild lole his Life if he did not fubmir. He did nocleem to be
at a!! conrerji d at their Rctnonftrance, but forbid all the Biff,ops roaflift ar rhc Pr. ,
ings rhar. were to be carried on againft him,and dcdar'd that he appcij'd to the Holy Svcj be
Biflwpof Lmdcn prorcilcd apainft the Prohibition ilie then made, and retir'd with all the BT-
flit>p<. cxccYt thotc of Pf^mcbeffer and SiiHitur/, who continu'd wirh Itoms S^cl^ef, How-
ever ihac Prelate after haying Celebrated Mafs wen: to the Pahcc, bearing his Crolier Staff
himfelf The King rcft)s*d to admit him into his Prefcnce, and retiring into a private Chambct; '

fent for the other Bifliops, and made great complaints to them ngainft T/V w rr Bccliet. The
Bilhops approv'd the King's Refcntments, avouching that that Arcli-biasop was a perjur'd
Xraytor, and that it requilite to proceed agaioft him as guilty of High Trealbtk. How.
ever they dudt not bring bun to a Formal Tryal, but only fciit him word by Hilary Bilhop
(^'Chichtjler, That forasmuch as after having promis d Obedience to the King, and
to obfcrve theCuftomsof the Kingdom, he adcd contrary ro his Oath, they did not take
thcmfclvcs to be any longer obliged to obey him, that therefore rhcy pat their Perlbn and
Churches under the Pojws Proteition, and dtedhim to his Tribunal.
The King litoewifc lent him word by l{oben Earl of Lekefttr, thai hccxpcdJed an account -ri,
of the Things committed to bis Charge. Thomaj proteftcd tint he w.n^ difcharg'd by the
Kings Sen, when he w.vs made Arch-bifliop of C<»ffr^«r;. Afterwards he refiis'd W fubmit I-Si**,
so the Judgment of the King, Bilhops and other Lords of the Kingdom; dcdar'd tliat be fnmr.
would acknowled^ no other Judge bat the Pope; and cited rhc Biihcp; before him. After
having made this Declaration, he went out fif tiie Palace, the Dooi sof wluch he onen'd, with
die Keys that wefc found hanging on the Wall, and was accompanied to his Hoiifc' by a
crowd of poor People. On that very Night he took a rcfoJation to retire, and to the end
that it roigtt be done more fccretly, he feign'd an inclination to lie in the Cburdi, and made
hit eCapc, having chang'd his Cloaths and Name, but before be embark d he took fome •
turns about the Coaifts of England to avoid being apprehended: Then he pafs'd over into
FUnders^ arriv'd uGrsvcline, and retir'd from thence to the Abby <A' Sr. Berthin, where he
difcovcr'd himfelf and fent Deputies to Lewis VII. King of France, to inform him of his prc-
fent diftrefs, and to entreat his Majcfty to permit hina to ftay in bis Kingdom. They were
prevented by rhc Deputies of the King of England; but the French King did nor receive them
favourably, and dcdar'd on behalf of Thomas Secret even before tbe arrival of h s Deputies.
Thofc laft were kindly entcrrain'd. and the King promis'd all manner of P. -lion ro the
Arch-b'fliop, in his Kingdom, and faid that in that Point, he only follow d the CuJiom of the
Kings his Predeceflbrs, who by a very peculiar Privilege, were always in a eapacinr to af»
ford a Santiluarjr in their DomtoiOfi^ to Per&Cttted WbogB^ and 10 defend them agaiofl ali
their Enemies.
The Oepuies of the King of England, and thofe of the Arch-b:i>.op, wcr.i to tlic P ,pe,
rk PiptU
who was then ar Sens; Tbe former broi^ht over fome of the CardinaK ro their Gc\c, Dtthrtti-
but Pope (lood for the Arch-bifliop, neveraieleis he gave Audience to the Deputies of the «» " *"
Kiqg of BiiglMd, who picfi'd him to oblige the Ardi>bi(hop 10 cetom to Bi^landjuid entreat*

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128 A Km Ecckfiafiical Hifiory
td liim ro fend a Legate a Uterc to take cnpni?ance of" rhnc AlFai-, -rd ro accommodatt if,
or to tk'-'.'initic it without Appeal. The Pope rctus'd to do any thing uJl the Arch-biftop
arriv'd in Ptrlbn ; and havirg dtxlard hisrefeldtioo to the Deputies, they departed wry ii uch
dillititlV d. A Iii:le nftcr, Thnm^i Bickft accompanied by the Arch-hiflx p ot Trier, .ird -he
Abbot of Be ti'in c.^mc to SoijJcN!, whtre King Li iPiir admitted hioi siito hi!* Prcfcncc , an J ;e.
irericcd the promifes he had made to his Deputies. Afterwards be went to Sens to meet the
pope, whom he Toon made fori iblc of the Jullicc ofhis Caufcby Viewing him the Articles that
were Urawn up at CJutatum, which with common confent were huiia contrary to the Inte*
reft and Liberty of the Church. The nexr day, he prorfer'd ro quit his Mctropolitical Digni>
ty, nnd rnrieated his Hcilif.cfs lonomina'c nn(.thcr Pt rlon ro fupply his place. Rut the P, pc
would by no means allow ic, ordcr'd him to keep his Artb bilhopritk, and recommended iiiiai
CO the Ablv)t of Poiuigny, into whofc Monaftcry he retir'd.
The King of En^lAud be ne inhu med of the Pope s Anfwer by his Deputies, confir.- -ri^J the
whole Eltatc .ind Goot^s i the Arcli-liiihop ot Cmterhmj, with thotc othis Kciacions and

Friends ; binttli'd then! fintnhis Kingdom, and pubUih'd new Ordinances more prejndkial
ro the Liberty ofc!;. Chuieh, rhnnthe former. TA?n>,ft Btct-ft wrote to him, as ajfoto fonjc
Bifliops of E»/ about iha; Maucr ; but thole Riinonllrancts rrcv'd imffvdual. How-
c\crhe propos'd a Conference in which the Pope was to a/fjlt ; buin.s Holmel'- b ing rctcm'd
to }{^fnf, thcKint; lent Deputies to hitr, whom he caus'd to pafs through Germany, where they
aJfittcd iti the Aflembly ofW w /^^wryagainit Vo^'c A txandcr, and bound :hcr:^.;elves by an Oadi,
widi theBithnps of GmMMjr, toftuia for Pj/cbal the Antipopc ; nevcrthelefs they did not forbear
ro continue tlcir Icirney, and to meet A!(-xjii.icr, to w! oir. :hcy de!ivcr'd the Icrrerof rh: ir
Prince, who ihrcitCii J to withdraw himlcif lrt>tnhis Obed crite, if hcd.d not give inm ;i js-
facftio.T a'< ro the affair of ThomM Becket.
lionut The Pope Ti .idv;:ncc a Ptrfun, whom the King thoi:glii fit to dcprcfs, ccnriiturcd him Le-
gate of the Ho!y Sec ihroug;!OUt the whole Kingdom of England, except ilie Province of
^ " '
' ^^'"^ Inveiled with this new Dignt' y tho-ight himielf obliged to flicw the elftds
<e t'b
H'*^"-'""^' ^"'^ ^'^'^^•'d theCuftomi?, that were pab!:fli*d CLrrendm i
^'^If Su'
i* Eon-
Excomtnunit ued all thole who obferv'd e'm, or caus'd *cm to be oblcrv'd bv others ; lent

]tn^ word lo the Bifliops, that they were by no means oblig'd to the Oath they had taken, and
t threaten'J the Kini^ of Efizimd with an yfn.tth.-m.t. On the other fide, the King to prevent
li:in, appcal d to ihc Holy See, by tiie advice of the Prelates of NormanJj, and difpatchd

of Oxford to Upme, to entreat the Pope to fend a Ixgate a heere into England, to the end dm
they iiiip!;r determine or imkc up the Bufir.cfs. However, he thrcatn'd the Monks of C//?f,TBx
to dellroy all tlic Alor.allcrics that they had in Liis Dominion.^, it they entertain 'd the Arch-
bifbop any longer at Pontigny. Therefore he was forc'd to depart from thence and m.nde
cho'ceof the Monaflcry of St. C:.'um':j in the City of 5".-^ for the place of his .'.bode. Hc
Excommunicated many Perlonsof the Kingdom of 'um J and fome fiifhops, more eiiacciaily
the Bilhopof London his greateft Enemy.
In the mean while Jchnof O.v/tir./ having gain'd the favour of irt of the Court of J^cme, i

^''^ P""^^*^"-'' alfur'd the Pope, That the Kmg of EngUnd, wouM no longer infift upon the
Ox/«ri s
Cuftoms that he caus'd to be receiv'd in the Aflembly ok Clarendcn, and procur'd H^lliattt Car-
Bifliop of Pavia, to be nominated Legate, to determine the Affair of the Arch b^ftop of
40 AoflleT'
Canterbury } but in regard, that he might be furpriz'd, by reafon of the intimate Cufrcfpon-
dence that there was between him and the King of England, the Pope appointed Cardinal
Or/M tobehis Colleguc. Hc alfo gave Abfolution in particular to J^/'w of Ox/cr;/, whom
Tbm/ts Beckct had Excommunicated, granted him the Deanry of Sathhury, and Sufpended
T'; w ?/s Authorif)', till the arrival of his Legates. Thcfc advantages, which itfeems, the
Kinj; of England vAxsmd ar the Court of Hgmcy ftartled the Arch-hifhop cf dvrerhjry and
hisFrietlds ; uifotnuch that Pewr Lmhard wrote about it to the Pope, as well as Jccnus
Becl{ct, who excepted againft the Judgment of the Cardinal of Pavia. Thcfc two Legates
being arriv'd in France^ inform'd the Arch-bilhop of the occaHon of their being fent by the
Pope, and the Cardinal of Pavia told him, that he came to p«r an end to the Difierencc be-
tween him and the King o( England. TbomM had prcpar'd a very (harp Anfwer, bot he fup-
pref^'d it by the advice of iVtUinm of faiifhrj, and wrote to hmi widi gieater Mode-

The .Vf^fl.
The two Legates
could nor immediately execute their CommilTIon, by Ra(bn that they
tittUnt d to mediate a Peace between the Kings of England and France. The Cardinal
ijf^were oblig
tiif jof P«»/«opcnly mainnni*d the Tntereft of the former, and gave occafion of complaint to the
Le^ttes iff other n^y the Pope tipf)n his fol citation, prohibited Thcmas to pronounce any Sentence of
; I i

En^and. Excommunication a|(ainll the Pcrfonof the King of England, or of Sufpen/ion againil his
DomMom. At laft the Lefjates gave notice to the Arch-bifliop, to make his appearance on
Ki-n/jf- 'll. J. D.
ii68. on the Fron lcrs of the two Kingdoms; but hc defir'd and ob-
tain'd a delay forfeven days, to get together again the Companions of his Exile. Ar he
appear'd with a numerous retintie at Gffprs, the place appointed for the Conference , and
there met with thctWD I.c,pite<;,aetoii panied by rhe Arch-bifliop of /{tuen, who reprcfenred ro
him the inliexibaiiy of the King of England, s»d the Calamities that the Church endur'dby

Digitized by Google
of the Twelfth Century of Chnjiianiij. \ ajf
of which he was the Can fr. Afccrward, 'hey inlifteJ upon rhc Cr.indeUr and
rfx r-'r.1'cnc:on,
tuwcr oJ [hatPnnce, the Kindnefs and lUfpcCl that he alwayscxprcfs'd lor tht Huly Sec, and
the extraordinary Favours that he bad Confcrr'd onthe Arch-bifljop oi Canterbury: Th^y rela-
ted with cx-ip;jtT?!-oTi the complaints thar he made .ij:a'n;l hi!r,accufing him of having iiiJiic'd
the King of trance and Count ()\ h'iandeis to nuke War with his Majelty. Laltly they ex-

iKWnd the Afcb-bilbop to humble himfelf, and toteitirie his Obedience to his Sovereign, by
floaking a voluraarj fiibmiiiion, and by fuppreOing bis Anger, andcbe fieiceaefs of bis naninl
Thmm Btckft refolately made his defence, and clear'd himfcif fixNU die lofpickins, diat the '

King of Englnn-i i^nd conccivd againft him, rtn more cfpccial.'y, a? to the particular accti-

ianon, iliathchad excited the War between ^it I'rince and tlic King of 1-rancf, who coti-

deficended fo far as to give Tefttmooy to his Innocence, by dtc'aring upon Oath, that it wai
not true, he follicitcd him m undcrt.:ke
War. The Arch-bifliop of Cantcrluy ad-
ded that he was well peiiiMd J, that a Biihup cught not to have recoarfe to tho(c Ions of
means; That he was ready to ihewto the King all manner oi lubmilfion and deference, pro-
vided that the Glory of God, the Honour of the ApoHoIick See, the I ibcrry of the Church,
the Dignity of the Prielthood, and the Church-Rcvcnucs might receive no detriment. They
propos'd that he (hould promife the King to oblei vc ail the Cudoms that were in nfe, in the
time of the Arch-bilhops his PrcuecefT.Ts, or atli d 'lat he fliould tolcr:itc rhcm, and con-
ceal his refenrmcnts But he would not engage to do cidier, no not lo much as to keep li-

teice. Then they infifted that he (hould refigp bis Aidibifhoprick, in cafe the King could be
prevaifd with, to renounce the Cuftoms that were ccntefted, but be likewife rcjeded that
Propofal. Laftly the Legates asked hiai, whether he were willing to acknowledge them as
comperentjugdes for the deciding of the Dilierences between bim and the King or not He was
(bmewhat perplex 'd at this Demand for on the one fide, he was unwilling openly xn dif-

own their Authoriry, and on the other lidc, he d:d not look upon it as fafe, that he iheuld
be tr)ed in any other Tribunal but that of the Pope himfelf. Therefore hereply'd ; That
when the Goods and Chattels, of which he was dcprlv'd, were rcflor'd to him, he wodd
readily lubmitto the Judgment of the Popc^ or co that of any other Ferfons to whom he
Ihould gfiiK a Goounidkm «» be bis Jadg€i; Tbns ended dusCoafeic&oe, which had no -

Tbemdt Secret gave an account of all thefe particular Circumftanccs to the Pope in a Letter,
and the two Legates went to Communicate them to the King of England : Whereupon 'that
Prince and the Prelates of his Kingdom demanded of the Legates, whether they baci nor re-
ceiv d Orders from the Pope to bring Thomas Bestfet to his Tryal, or whether they were not
impower'd to do ir, by vertueof their Office? They dedar'd that they bad no fuch Power,
and that all that they coold do, was only to caufe the Pope's Letters to be read publicklyj
by which he prohibited the Arch*bi(hop of C4«/o'^tfrjr,toExcommunicafc the King.or to pals any
Sentence of Safpenfion on bis Kingdom j as alfo to inform him of the purport of them, with a
probJbirion to attempt anything to the prejudice of that Order; and to confirm the Ablblu-
tions tnat were given to the Bifhops, and other Excommunicated Perfons, under pretence,
ifaat the Pope allow'd that fuch Abiolntion (hould be granted them, in cafe they were in dan-
ger of Death, and that tbofe Perfons being coolhain'd by the King's Orders to pafs over
the Sea, ran the hazard of lofing their Lives. But the Pope having permitted it only upon
Condition, that they (hould redore the Church- Revenues, and the greatefl part of them ooc
having done it, T/;oi)Mi £«ci^«' wrote to the Legates, that they ought to oblige them to make
reftitution, if thty weredelirons that their AMolntion (hould be ratify 'd. The Pope himfelf
likewife wrote to the fame dkA ; but the Cardinal of Pavia eluded that Older; aUeitgiog,
that he could not put it in execution without ollending the King.
In the mean while Tbonus Bcclftt made great complaints againlV thole Froceedings, and
lent word to the Court of I{_^e at the fame time, cnrtcating the Pope to recall thofe two Le-
gates, who (hewed too much partiality ; infomoch tliat bis Holinels not being able to with-
ftand the importunity, of thole who adher'd to thefmereftof that Arcfa-btlhop at Rome,
immediately lent for the Legates and dcpriv'd them of all manner of Aurhoriiy. Cardinal
Otha before bis departure us'd his utmoft endeavours to induce the King of BngUnd to do
tuftice to the Arch-bi(bop, whereupon his Majefty reply'd, (hat be woold content that that
'relate (hould return to Canterbury, and podefs his Church in Peace, and that he for his part
would renounce the Cuftoms, that were not in ofe in the time of tus Predecedbrs ; but that be
would not hear talk of dofng him Juftice, and thofe of h!s Party, as to the Eftates they co-
joy 'd for a long time, pretending that they had pic tli-ni to a good ufe. The Cardinal in like
manner fpoke to the King much to the lame cffed, but all tbeir Rxmonftranccs ierv'd only
to draw upon them the difpleafare of that Prince, who complainM when they came to take
leavt of him, that he was hctray'd by the Pope and threatn'd to yield him Obedience no lon-
Ser, if he did QOt caJw urc to do him Jufttce with rcfpe<^ to the Arch'bilhop of Can^

S After-

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1^0 A New tccc[Jd'jiicjl Hifinry

iter. Afterwards, tha King of France inierccJcd ni the foliiviuiion of the Pope to accornirodate
bt' thic fialmefs with rfi? Kingof Eiif?«»i, am! procor d an Imcrvkw, during which the Ardv-
hem-.n bifliop of Cji« /'-'^ "hrew himicif at Kiiu; iAwj' s Fccc,
iii^r huing iinpJor'd bii

I honias
Clemcnqf, decUr dtbachc would refign lo him, every la-ngth-t had occiiiond ihc dUicrco*
between them, prOTided that the Glory of God might be indcmntfy'd. His Majcily rt-
^'"•!***"*ceiv'd that RcIlriLtx!!, with n px..i deal of d ifirisUi^t on, ami prop 'd to the King of
France, that bc would kave Ihcmm in the quiet poiitiiion of \W S^c ot C^ntedu j, iayiog,
»'V** /
JJJfjjjThac heexpcAed to enjoy d the Rights that were enjoy by t c Ki
ig>hii Preccdeflow ia the

Frances time of the Prcdcceflbrs of tl e Arcli-bidiop ; who (><)u]i{ ]ikc\- c c[:joy r'l: Invncrii ics th, t
his PrcdccclTors had adualiy enjoy 'd. TbiS propofai kemd re.KonabIc to the Amu;!!us, and
even to the Ktnp of Ft^Kt j neterthelefi TAm»/ri Beekft, wo\i:d not accept of it, al edging,
that his Predeceffirs had Tolerated AbufeSjWhich h!s Advv ria ;cs woald fain compel him
to approve againlt his Confcience. Ihis reluial caus d a irurir.uniig i.inoii^ the Lords of bodi
Narons, rnd gave no manner of fattsfadion ro the two Krnes.The Enemies of the Arcb-biAep
accus'd h m of Arroc^n y, and c, on irany of his Friends d;,i no: approve his In;^C2ibiIi y.
However the Ktng of France foon alt^r'd his Mind, commended the conitancy of dut Pre-
fate. and inftcad of Banllhmg hint out of his Dominions, a«tt was cxpjftod, he admitted htm
into his Prcf dlc, f-tiTciM him to refidc .il S-ks, anJ continu'd to .uW i him Y^\m Hcn j
fent Envoys to complain cotliac Prince, that i;e treared a Rei>el lo k.iidiy, who had refus'd to
accept of Peace npon reaibnable Teims ; but perceiving that Ae Ftench King, was lefblv'd
hot to aKmdon h'.^^^ he f^llicited the Pope ag-inby t.vo D-p^i aticns. sn 'Tcvail'u u'th the

King of Sicilj^ and the £Uatc$ ofiuiy to joyn their entreaties to his, again c ;he Arcb-bilhop
of Cjifiterbarj.

€ther Lr-However nil thr.t coulJ bc olta'n'd of the Pop, wt, thnt he would ftnJ two c h r I c-

pates to endeavour again to procure a Reconciltation becwcetj them.

j54ffi fent '
Gratim the Nephew
i»io I of Pope F.ttgtmttsfn and Vrnm Advocate of the Church cXH^me, werechofen for that pur-
lan.l mi The" Pope di a crM to rt.c r, the An cles of the Aprfcmcnr rtady dr.iwa up, and ob-
po'fe. I

iWrA'^#- Jip"d thcra to take an Oaih, not to go beyond the Orders he bad given tiiem. He pro-
bibiicd them to receive any thing of the King of till the conclafton of the Treaty,
and ordcr'd them to dcc[:irc to thir Prince, i'mc u h? ncglcAcd to make Peace up. i he Con-
ditions prefcribcd by him, he would enjoyn the Arch-bilhop of Canterbury, to make ufe of
the Authority of die Oiorch againft him. Thefc Legates manag'd divers Kepotiatiom in the
Year 1169, but none of them took Effc^. K np Henry o&erW ro Tl m .s Bccl^et m
return to England^ and to re>ellablt(b him in his Arch-biiboprick, and in ,iiie poflcHion of his

Eftatc, but would have this (Condition annexed, frtnided ahutysthat the i{tghtt ef the Kjng-
dcttilie niaintjin'd but the I ecatc<; refus d to ac!mit ibatCJaufe, uislcfs this were a!fo Infcrtea

PrcviJcd thnt the l iiwtift of the Church be mt inftingtd. Tbcrc was alfo an Interview at
Sr. Denis between the two Kings, the Legates and the Arcb«btlhop which prov'd ineffedoal.
So the Leg.itcs return 'd w thout co ding to any manner of Acrci ment. The King of Eftg-
Uttd who not well fatisfy'd witbthefe Le|[ates, dcnunclcd others cf the Pope, with moch
impormnity, and even with Menace8.Hi$ Hofinefs was not of Opinion that bis requeft ought
to be deny 'd; and even SufpcnLlcJ the A:xh-bi(hop's Authority till the Differences were firui-
fy dctermin'd. ^e nominated Stmon Prior o(MMt Dieu Anl Bermrd de CeriU, to bc his
Legates, on that occafion, and g.ivc them two Letters for King fTejiry, vi\. one full of Ex-
hortations and f-vrtle A(Jir.oiiiti( ns, nr d the other of fcvcrc Rcprlmtinds and Threats, with
Orders to deliver the former at firiti and in cafe he obdinately perfitted in his Rcfolution, to
add thefccond. Thefe two Legates condttded die Arcb-bifhop ro the Place appointed for
the Interview, where the two Kinps were Prefent, and admrnii^'ul him ro humble hlmfelf be-
fore his Sovereign: He followed their Advice, and only infificd th.-:trhc Glory cf Cod might
be fccur'd in thefe Terms, Ad Irnmem Dei. King Henry offended at that Expreilion,
andrequir'd, That the Arch-bilhop (hould promife and b nd h mClf by a Prieft.and a
Bifhop in the prefcnce of the whole Aflcmbly, (incerely to obfcrve the Cuftoins, that w<?re
follow'd by the Reverend Arch-bifliops. under the Kings his Prcdeceifors. which hcluJ alio
engag'd to do upon another occnfion. The Aroh biftiop promisM ro bc faithful to him in every
particuhr, as far as it was polfihle, o'^i//«fyi/5, and added, Thnr for Peace fjike, he
would cne.icc to obferve, as fin* as his Dignity would allow, fuch Ciiftoms as were in uie
amongft nis Reverend PredeceflTors. The King peremptorily infi'ted, Thar he Ihould ptwiile
ro obierve the Culloms of bis Kingdom, without any manner of Rellridinn ;bti rhc Arch-

bifliop would by no means confent to ir, and upon that refufai bis Mnjef^y departed out of the
.e l egates having exhorted him to rc-admit the Arch-bilhop ro his Favour,
Alfcmbly I !
and to
Rcnore him to his Church, he reply 'd» That perhaps he might one day be prevaifd apor.
to do the latter bur that he would take care never to make hrm his Confident.During fvcand ?.

interview between the two Princes, they preft nted to King Henrr,ihc Pope's menacing I crrer
but he was not at all concern 'd at it, and always infilled upon the Promife ihr.c ri-e Arch-
bilhop of CMtertwyhiA made to a<ft conformably ro the Culiornsof the Kingdom:, wiiich tlic
Arch-bifliops his PrccIecelT^)rs had obfcrv'd before him: Thonut B-ckrt m.ide An^^er, That
he was ready coobey bisMajdty, as far ask couid be done, without infringing cbe Privi-

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of ihe Twelfth Century of Chriflianiiy. 131
leges of Ms
Dignity, zad tlius this Kegociauon took ix> mtee efTed than the others ; ioibr
much, that the Pope being wearied witt the dciavs of die King of England, rev^ 4 chf
Sulpv^fioD of the Afdi^Uh^'» Andiotity, and left him at liberty to ad as be llioiild tbink

Some lime after. King Henry dcHgning to Crowif bis eldeft Sod; apitomced the Aidi-bi*
/hop of Tork^ to perforin that Ceremony ; bu: the Pope being inform d of his Intention, pro-
hibited that Aicb-biOiop and all others, under pain of Sofpenlioo, to majce any attempt up-
on a Right that apparently brloDg'd to the Arch>bifliop of Cmuerhtij. Tlnm*r Beci(et fifce*
wrorc to the Aich biftiop of Torl^ and to hi> Collcgues to riotific to them tiic fame Prohi-
bitioni whereupon the King was To extremely incois'd, that he rock a rcfolution to oblige
hisSi^jeds to take an Oath, That they would nor obey the Pope, nor the Afth-bifliop
oiC wtcrliiy, and caus'd bis Son to be atftua'Iy Crown'd by the Arch bilhop o^Torl^zv

t*opc being prcls'd by the RcnioiKlr.inccs of the King

t'ramee,of the Arcb-bi(hop of CMttriurj, and of H^Miam Arcb-bilhop of Stm^ dedar'd the
Ardi-bifhop of T^k fufpended from all manner of Ecdeliafticat FundHons, and prooowic'd the
{\mc SL-nrcnco agaiiift all the Bifhops who aiTiiUd at that Crrciiiony, He (cnr word at the
Ume time to Hotrou Arcb-bilbop of ^ucn, and to Sertrand Biibop of Ntpen to meet the
King of England, in order to admonilb htm the laft time in hn Munc to make Peace ; and
in cafe he rcius'J to do it, to fufpend all his Dominions from Divine .Service, that were
iituatcd on the hither tide, or beyond the Sea. At the lame time, he difpatdi'd a fmart Kie-
primand to the King <rf' Bngiamd, requiring him in the Name of God, and by Virrae of the
Apotkliik Authority, to be reconciled with the Arch-bifhnp of Canterbury^ and to give Peace
to the Church, if he, deiigo'd to avoid an Atuubcmaf hkc to that which was pronounc'd
againf^ the Empeior Prtderid^i infomadh dm
tbofe urgeat Threats oblig'd King Htmjf w
bethink himfelf feriouHy of an Accommodadoa, and peiiRmII]r to cittieac the Le^KCK to u&'
their utmoft endeavours to procure it.
Whereupon fhtnuu "Btcfft went to meet the King,- accompanied with the Ar^-btlhop of Tie iQai
Sn:: and his Majefly rccciv'd h m with fuch particular Marks of KindneHi, as he ncv: r fiicw'd '^f ^^'g-

him (ince their falling out. The Arch-bilhop demanded Juftice for the Indignities put upon '^"^
the Church of Ctmtnhuj^ and more efpecially for the injury he had bnody done hhn, by the IJhitl*
C: 1 tion of h s Son
1 ;
The King promis d to give Orders that that Prince fliouid be Crown'd p^S^*

again, and then Tliomat Becl^t cau&'d Intercellion to be made by the AnJi^bilbop of Sou
(who began to fpcak,) that his Ma jcity would voudiCiic, to remre lo hin the Chmch t£
Canterbury, with all the Revenues belonging to ir, and to do him Juftice, as to what relates to
the Coronation of the Prince his Son ; he for his part, engaging at the iame time, to yieid
t» bis Majefty, all tbe Refped, Obedience and Subndflioa, that is doe from an ibeh-btfliep
to his Soverefgri Pj according to the Ordinance of God.
i .( i
The King accepted of thofe
Terms, and thus tbe Peace was at laft eife<iluaUy concluded Afterwards the Arch>bilhop of
Cmttaimy homUy entreated the King Iris Mafter, chat he m^t
have liberty to take leave of
tbe King of France, to return Thanks for the many fignal Favours he had recei M fVom him. .

He alfo continu'd fome time longer in France, with a deiien not to pais over loco England,
rill be had receiv'd Infimnatioo, that diofe Perfims were aAuaiiy put \n FOfleflion <if the Re-

venues of the Chmch of Canterbury, whom he fcnt thither for that purpofe. In the mean
while, tbe Arch-biihop of Tork^ and the Bilhops of London and SaUsbury, us'd all po/Iible
means to break olF tbe Agreement, and liirther, to incenfe King Henry againft die Ardi-bi'
iTiop. At rliattime, one l{enulphus, who was rhr Minifter of the Arch-bilhop of Tcri^'s Fury,
made no difficulty to piUage the Revenues of tbe Church of Canterbury ; bur neither that In-
jury nor tbe Coldoefs with which the King dien treated Thmat Btckft, were fuffdem co divert
him from the rcfolurion he had taken to rcttirn to England^ OOtwichftandng die Advioe of
bis Friends to the contrary, atki the Threats of his Enemies.
Therefore be embarked at Ctiice in the end of the Year 1 1 70. and arrived at SMnMd ; but Tboait
btf' ir Iiir. cfcparture, he font into England, the Letter that thr Pope had diredlcd toifinn Hrck^t'j
and which he kept till that time. By vertueof that Letter, his Holincfs fufpended the Arch-
Iriihop of Tar^ with the Biflxms, who alTiited tt dieConmarion of the young King, and cs-^^'tfud
commun'i itcd or fufpentfed lor clivers Caufes, a great part of tlie Prelates of the Kingdom.
The publication of that Sentence extremely exafperated the Minds of the Prelates and Eng-
trih Nobility. The Afdi-bidiop upon his arrival, met with divers Perfonswho attempted to
takeaway his Life ; and he was no (ooner at Cantrrhiny, but fome of the King's Officers ac-
companied with l{enulphut and three Clergy-mcn, came (according to the Order they had re-
reiv d from the Arcb-UAop of Ttri and two other Prelates) to rcqniie hioi in his Majei^'s

Name to abfolve all the Rtfhops who were hifpcnded or excommunicated; alledging, That
what be had done againlt them, was prejudicial to tlie King himfelf, ruin'd the Cuftoms of
the Kingdom, and was oomrary to the Tranquillity of the State. They promis'd at the fame
time, Tl)at when the Suffi-agan BiHiops of tlie Metropolitan See of Canterbury were abfolvcd,
they would readily fubmit to his Injundions, as far as they could do it, without impairiog
S * dM

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I -,2 A Nem Ecclefeufiical Hijlory ^

rcpJy'd, That it did not lie in his power to

the bignicy of the Crown. The Arch-bifliop
perfirtcd in prefling him more
repeal a Sentence pdRd bf the Holy Apotkoiick Seej but they
and thrcaten'd that if he refus'd to do it, the King would revenge tlie Indignity
on the whole Cbiuch. Thomas Becl{ct ptofkr'd, That if the excommunicated or iuipended
Bilhons would cake an Oath in hif pccttnce, in dne Form, to
fubmit to what he (hould think
fit to ordain, for the fake
of Peace and upon accounr of the Refpedl that he hor^ to his Ma-
do he could in their favour. But they could by no means be j^er-
jefty he would all tliai
its iHirpon, nor to fnbmic in
fuadcd to take fnch an OaA, without Informing the King of
filcha manner to the Will and PIcafjre of the Arch-bilhop of Canterbury.
Then the three Prelates above-menuon'd, went to meet the King, impbr'd his A(riftance.
Peace of tJ c
and rcprefenied TO him, Aae the Aidi-bifljop of Ct^trknj had difturbd
kingdom by his Arrival, openly accufing him of Arrogancy and Tyr n v King being] i

by that Dilcourlc, laid a Paflion, m

'Ibat /j* itas unjertumu- m meeting with
hichlv provoked

Thiimas ai;ai » , , , - r r .
a j
BccKtt.-t^i fhcw'd him an On'er from the King, to abfolve
the excommunicated or lulpcndcd J<-!hnp.;,

bitOuih. and to take an Oath of AUegeance. But the Arch-bifliop having refijs'd it, they took up
Arms, enter d the Citfaedml Oiurch of Cmttrhmy, where he was Oiidating, and AflalSnae-
ed'him at the Altar, nc of the laft days of the Year,
( 17c which was the
i . of bis Age, n
and the 9th fincc his promotion to the xMetropolitan Dignity. As loon as the News of that bafc
A<fl was brought to King Hemyy he expreb'd a gre« deal of Trouble for hit Death, and
fent Deputies to t{pme to aflbre the Pope, Thar he was by no means
confenting to the Fad.

The Pope was iranfponed with Grief and Indignation i but the King's Deputies having
depos'd upon Oath, that their Mailer was not at all aooeflbry to that Mnidct, and that he
w.fs ready to clear himfclf by Oa^h hi": Holinefs contented himfclf on!y to excomanmi^

caie the Al&flios and tbcii Accomplices, and fent the Cardinals TbecdUn of St. Vittlis, and
bert of St. Laurence, to reeeiw the King's Oach, and to oblige him to give Sadsftaioo 10 the
Thefe two Legates being arriv'd in Nsrmandy^ found the King aliogcther difpos'd to fubmit
to every thing that the Chmdi llwnid en joy n him. He
rook an Oath qkni the Holy GorpeK
That he neither commanded nfir was dcfirous, that the Arch-bilTiop of Canterbury fhould be
IfiU'd, and that he was more fenhble of
Grief at his Death, than at that of the King his Father ;
but heconfefs'd, that hehadbeeninfemeMeaittrethecaaTeof it, by rcafim of the Anhndftf
which he fo often cxprcfs'd ai,'a:nfl his Ptrfon, and that therefore he was ready to undergo
fuch PeninL-c as the legates ibouid think fit to impofc on him.
The two Cardiimls or-
der d h m, 1. To maintain too Soldiers dwing a whde Year, Ibr Ae defence of the Holy
l,and. 2. To revoke all C i and Ordinances introduc'd under his Rei^n to the prejudice
of the Chufch, and to reform by the Pope's advice. Inch as were eftahlifli d. 3. To reftore
to the Church of Cmiterhiry at! fts Revenues and Territoites, and to make the ftme refHmrion
ro all others that were pillapcd. 4. and laftly, To deliver Spu'n from the OprrcfTion of the:

InfideK in cafe it were rcquir'd by his Holinels. They Jikewife privately enjoyo d bim»
Fafting , Alms-giving and feme oAer partienbr ^nanecs. The King accepted of all thole
Conditions, with the Marks of an extraor liiaiy Humility, and the Ltg.ites pave him Abfo-
lution at the Cburcb-door. Tbe^oung King took an Oath to obferve the lame things, obb^
ing himfelf, that if hk Father dted wiriiont fulfilling hit Penance, to perfem , wliat wis
ordain d, in his (lead,

JkeCdH' Afterwards tbomai Becket was canoniz'd for a Saint, A.O. 1175. «nd King Henry being
vftjnin attack'd by hif unnatoral Son, who tebell'd againll him. implor'd hit Afliflwoe, going baie-
Tbomas footed to his Toinb, as it were an humble Suppliant.
iieckct. -
Xbc^c are llili ej^t^t Six Books of the Letters of this Prelate, and of thole that were written
BUimm. to him during his Traubkt, which were cdleded by of SatiiHitf, pablUhed by ChriftU
anvJ Lupus, :inA vvintcd it Bruxdt m to ^ A. D. i6?r. with a Relation of hi? Life, taken

out of four contemporary Authors, viz. Herhtt bis Clerk, fi^Uiam of Canterbury, the Abbot
Atannt and 7«^iv of Sa!Smiry» The Lift and AdKont of that limious Man. fufficiently lliew hit
Ch3rai?tcr, t J>. That he was rcfniute, of an undaunted Courage, and inflexible to the higheft
degree ; and his Letters, that he was eloquent, had the An of ftirring up the Atfei^ions, and
wat end«'d with pioa and generou* TMncipiet.


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of the Twelfth Century of Chrifiianitj. 133

An Account of the Livcf and Writings of the frincqd
Authors upho foHnJhd the Twelfth Century, m
GEFFREY ^^^f .
0/ V E N D O M E.
GEFFREY was a Naiive of Anders dcfcendcd of a noble Family,
G4nmr Afth^deacon of that Oty, and enter'd very Young,
was educated by
iniodieMonafiery of rtN- xiAoi^
</0tnf, which was founded ^. D. 1050. by Mnrtel Co%int
Ci.\frey "iv^ns '^'''^
white after, be was made Abbot tn 1093. being as )ec only a Deacon. Ivet of Cb/trtres
gave him the BencdiBion, and ezadled of him an acknowledgment, ihtt be fluNild be (ubjeft
lotbe Jurirdi(flion of the Bilhop of Chartres. Howeve r, that Abbot foon repented of what
be had done, and cau<>' J himiclf to be freed from that engagement by the Pope ; neiifatf
could his Succeflbrs be indue d to renew it, becaufe the Monaftery of Vemdamt depended iiiV
nxdiately on the Holy Sec. To d fr Karge that Obligation to his Hoi incfs, Ceffrey rook a Journey

to^MM. the {aor>e Year that be was conftituied Abbot, where he did Pope Vrbttn Ih a very
nocd>le piece of Serv ice, in fupplyiag him with means for the recovery of the Palace of
teriv, outof rhc PoficiTion of Fcrruchiuf, who kept it *nr Cui'r-t the Anripope: He receiv'd
the Order oi Pi idthood from the Hands of that Pope, wjio made him Cardinal of St.Pri/c4.
Afterwards returning to Frane*, in 1094. laden with Honour, he took upon him the Gorerti-
mcnt of his Monaflery of and was cmp'ny'd in the Adminiftration of the mott im-
ponan: Atfairs of the Church and State. He was invited by the Popes to divers Councils, and
wascholenby Lewes theGrofsKing of fV4»»er, tobe Atfaitrator of a Dtlfetencethat aiofe beiweeu
thacPrinceand theCountof At:gers. He vigorouny maintain'd the Inrcrcfts of the Sec of I{nmei
pais'd over the Alps Twelve times for the Service of the Popes ; was taken Thrice bv his
WKoaies, and atlalf for his own part, was involv'd in many Law-ftdts, with Bilbops, Abbots
and fccular Lords, about the Rights r.nd PofTcfllons of his Monaftcry, v. hich he prefcrv'd
entire, and even augmented contiderably. Tis not ptcdfely known in what Year be died,
bat he was Rill living in the time of Pope HmoriuiVL A, D. 1 119.
The firft Book of the Letters of this Abbot contain 31 directed to the Popes VrlanH.
P^cbal II. Calixtut il. and Hmarius IL and to the Legates of the See of I^tu. They are
•tmoft all written for the prefervation of the Immtuiiiies and Poflirffions of bis Abbey, de*
tnanding the Proreclion of it of the Popes, as a Right unqueftionably belonging to him ; in
regard that all the Revenues of his Monaftcry by its Foundation, were an allodial Tenure
of :he Holy See, for which he paid a certain Duty. *

In the lecond Book arc compris'tl Letters direded to 7: Bifliop of Chartret, and ro
Gej^rtj his Succeflbr, in the greateft part of which be vindicates the excmpcioo of his Mooa-
ftery, avoachtn^ diat it depends folel^ on tik Holy See; that the K(bo|> of Chtrmt has no
right either over their Pcrlons or PofTciTions ; that they arc notto be look d upon as t Acefhata,
^ j^tflU
becLulcihcy have Jefut Qhiji for their Head, and after him the Popc« that the Promife he mt%^
maden) hxt Bilhopof Charmj, was extorted by furpriw, and afterwards dedar'd null bf f "
Pope Vrh':n. Some of thofc Letters relate to the Conicfts that he had with the Monks of
Marmouficr, and the Counteis of Vendomt. In the Nineteenth, he difculles the ^eftion con-
cerning the Reiteration of Extreme UnAion, and concludes with Ivn of Cluatrnt mat it ought
not to be rc-iteratcd, by rcafnn t'lar it is a Sacrament.
The Third Book comprehends 45 wriaen to feveral Bilhops, nxrte cfpecially to
ihofe of Aggers and Mam : Some of them
purely relate to Morality, othof to the Monaftical
Di'^ciplino, and many 'Tisaflcrted therein that a Monk nccufeJ
c*hcr? to particular Affairs.
by his Abi>or, ought not to be left to his arbitrary Proceedings. This Author Hkewife vigo>
fottfly opjpofes the Inveftituies; (hews that Bifliops are forbidden to cxadl a yearly Salary, for
the life of the Altars, which -'.cy pnn- to Monks ; and laftly obferves, that *tis reafonable,
that ihofe Churches which have PoiTeiljons in the Territories of other Churches, (hould pay
the Tithes of them to the latter.
The Fourth Book contains fifty Letters dirCkHicil to Abhors or Monks, which for the moft
part relate cither to. Morality, or to particular AJftirs ; among' which the 47'h dirciiled to
j{;lwt <r A l>rifilk$ has been much rain of. It is written to advwiirediat Abbot Founder of
the Order of Fantevrnuh, that there 'vj!<; a report concerning him, about 3 Buinicfs, which
did not tend to his Credit> and which he ought fpeedily to reform, if that report were really
irae, vff. That he convers'd fo familiarly with Women, that he permitted them to 00-habit
with him ; that he kept private Correfpondcnce with them ; and that be was not alhamcJ
even to ly with them, under pretence of niortifying binafelf by enduriAg the Stings of the
Fleft, which is a new kind of unbeanl of Manyidom, but very danfenfm^ ftod of a very

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54 ^ i^^^ Ecclefufiical Hi^ory
bad Exairplf. Wc have alfo in our polTcillon another written by "S'lrf-dm BII^iop of
l etter
R^nnes, wnich paflcs the fiunc Ccnfurc cn Rcbeit d'
y}rhijjei'es. Indeed thcic two Let;cts
plainly prove, that the Enemies of Rcintrt bad caus'd thofe fnlle Reports to be fpn ui ibrcnd
againit li?m ; but they arc no proof that he wn^ pi n of ftuh enormities .'S ucic hui :o is
i r

charge* and \m CondaiA isfufficicntly juftify'd, by the advantageous tcttimcnics th^t arc givirj
of twn by die Writers of that time» who look'd upon htm as a Man of great SaiK^lity.
However, the Monks o( Fontcorault imaqin d, thi: rhc bctcr to vindicate the Alemory
of their Founder, it was reqiufitc to call in qucftion tlie tru;l) ot thofc two Monuments, ard
to make them pais for fpurious Pieces. Father Ato'K/e^iwf has exhibited this Charge againit
them in the Name of his Collegucs, and has made :r i part of :he Subi. f^ of h s Briok call d.
The Buckler of the Order e/FontcVrauJt. Amongft ail rhe Con jccluics aiiCdgcd by him again.t
Ge^f/s Letter, there is only one diretfi, that dell rvcs .my conlideration, vi:(. thu Amulvd
in one of his Letters, fays that ^f:elin, of whom wc r. c m?.dc ment ion in rh? prcrrtding

Century, wrote an invedlivc EpilUc againft that ex<.cllent Faachcr oFJclus Chriit I^chere £
Aririfelies, whence Father Mtinferme concludes it to be that of Geffrn, cr that ci Jtivrbodut^
or perhaps both bur he has m'ftnkcn ^i/^.v/i i/s meaning : For that Author docs not fay,

thai Hefcelin compos'd one or two I titers under the Xaaic cf arsocher Perfon, to dcclaiai
tttpanSt S(^9rt (t ArbrifcUcs but thnt he wrote a Letter againft him and St.Ait/elni, fo that thii

has no relation to thofe o( Geffrey and Marbodus. A< for tli u lA G -ff ey now in Qut fl'on, ic
cannot be denied but it belongs to him ; for, i. 'Tis api'arcntly his 5:ylc, and if it Ix: never
R) little rompar'd with the others, wc (h.ill \mm he ponwide.l, that it was written by the
fame Author. 2 It i* nor only extant in the Manufcrif ol w h it h Father 5;V»j<:W made

ufc of; but alfo in Two other Manufcriprs, vi:{. one in the Library of Cbri/HM4 Queen o{
JmJen, and the other in that of Santa Crcce zt Florence, which arc rcfcrr'd to the time of
hert d' Arbrifetles ; Fatlier MubitM havtog alfo feeo and cited the latter in the Rjelation of
his Voyage to Italy.
In the iirth Book are contain'd 28 Letters dirccflcd to divers particular Perfons, which are
full of moral Difcoiirfes and Compliments. In rhc Sixteenth, he nfTcrts !i>e ncceiTity of mak-
ing Confcffion of all forts of Sins ; and in the iati, he maintains, thai a Man, who has once
a^Tum'd the Monaftick Habit, and liv'd for fomc time in dMonaftery, cannot return to a
fccular courfc of Life, alcho' he made no c>tprelsProfeiT:on nor recciv'd the Bcnedid'tion
Thefe Letters arc foUow'd by fevcral Trads about divers Ecdcflaftical Aliairs ; ihc Firft
of which is a Trcatife of the Body and Blood of Jefuj Chrift, in which he endeavours to
prove the changing of the Bread and Wine inrb our Saviour^ Body and Bfocd in the Eucha-
rifti fo that after the Confecration, nothiftg remains of the matter or lubllancc of the Bread
and Wine, but only the outward appearances, and that 'tis really the vtry fame Body of
Jffus Chrtfl, that was ham of the Virgin Mary, and which fuffer'd on the Crofs. He adds,
That the Wicked receive it in the Sacrament, but do not receive the Efetlls nor Crau's ot it,
^hich are only beftow'd on thofc, who are in a (late of Rigbteoufnefs.
The Second is made of Bilhops and againft the rnveftiturcs: He main-
abotir the Eledlion
tains in the former, that as Baptifm makes a Chriltian, io bkaion and Confecration Confti-
lutc aBilhop; and as it is impoflible to be a Chriftian without receiving Biptifm , fo it is
likewifcimpofTible tobc a Bifliop without EUdion and Confccra-ion. Thar thole two Qiip.-
lifications aic fo abfolutely necelTary, that Confecration without EIcLiion, and Eicclion with-
out Confecration, arc not fufficient to make a Bifhop: That Confecration fuppofes a Cano-
nical Elcdion, and that whofoever receives it wiiho-.^t being Canonicalfy Chofen, i^ rvhcz

Curled than Confccrated; by reafonthat nothing can difannul the Order of Elcdlion and Con-
fecration eftablilh'd by Jefui Chrift, who himfelf chofe and confccrated his Apoftlcs : That
the Cleigy fupp!y our Saviour's Place in the Eledion and the Bilhops in the Confecmrioni
That all the other Chriftians have a right to demand a Biiliop, but they cannot ElcJl nor
Cbnfecrate him; That upon that account, all thofe who afpire to EicleiiafHcal Preferments,
by any other means, Canonical Eletflion, fubvert the Order of the Church: That the
Church of i^owf cannot difpcnie with that Inftitution, or piruut it ro he done othcrwife; be-
caufe the Pope cannot do that, which Sr. Pacr himfelf had no power ra do. Now Jefut
Chrifl only empowered Sx. Piter to bind that which oupl.r to be bound, and to loofe that wiMch
was of nccclTity to be loofed, and not to loofe that wluth ought to be bound, or to bind that:
which ought to be loofed ; and when St. Peter was about toacTt othcrwife, St. Paul the' a N<V
vice in the Fairh, withftood him ro thcF.icc Laftly, that the Church oi' {{.^mc ought not to

repeal the L„aws cftablidicd in the Holy Scripcure, but to maintain them, nor to make ufc
of the Power given by ytfu* Chrifi^ acoofding to a capricfoos HaoMMur, bat aocording 10 our
Saviour's Tiatn'tion.
Afterwards he paflls ro the Inveftitures. and fays, That to know the Dodlrtnc of the Ca-
tholick and Apoftolick Cluirch, as to that Point, 'tis rcquifite Only to perufethe firft Arctde

of the Council, held under Gregory VII. which that Pope excommunicates and treats rt<:
Hercticks all thofe, who lhall prcfume to receive the Invcftiture from the Hand
of Laicks : That that fon of Hercfy is a more heinous Crime than Simony, in regard that
Simony is only praftis'd in focre^ but the Invefttnircs are always oiade publickJy : Tha t the

Digitized by Go
of the Twelfth Century of CljnfJiamiy. 135
Apo!";! Power of conferring Ecdcfladical Orders, and cb.'',t thcrc-
forbid I-aicks to aflame the
torc the Inveiliture, which is a Sacrament or facrcd Sign, by which tl^e BiiJiop is diltin-
gttllh'd t"rn:n other Men, and put in pofleifion of the Govcmrncnt of the Church, o jphc
not 'O ! e rerciv'd from the Hands of Laicks, but from thstof the Clerk, \v',.o perform 'd ih>'
Coiilc;..2Uoii: And in fine, that Lay-men, who canao' adminiilcr the S.uram?ncs of the
Church, oupLt no: to deliver the Ring and the P.ilioral S.aftj which are SacrAmcnis, fiiih a< .

the Salt n::d Water, the Chriltn and the Confccraicd O h, when they arc Admioiiicr'd by
ih^jfc who have a rightful Power, and with the roquilite G-rcmonic5. ' ' '

The Third Traift il writien in like manner againft the lnvdtitJre« in whi:h he re-

pea^ ^ the fame Arg^HMiKS, and concludes that they are to be reputed no lelsHcreiie, ibM
He continues to handle the fame Matter in the Fourth Tradt, and proves that ng^ cau- K
r>ot confer the Invclti'urccven of fpifitual Benefices, with ihc Ring and S -'ff; 1 ccautc it is
an EcckiiallicalCcr^muny, and that to fj>eak properly they cannot licltow the LivcUi urc of
Eodefiaitical PoOeflions, by reafon that they already belong to the Church. But he acknow-
ledges that after a Cmonicnl Elcolion and Confccratlo'.i, they mny grant ihc Ro}.'iI \v.v .-'^'vira
of ^orch Revt-nLics, ;uid put him that has the Title, in poflcliion ot tiicm, afttirding him
^betr Alfiftance and Protc<5kion, which may be done by certain outward Signs> that are not ac
all prejudicial lo the Rights of tlio Cliurch: And laftly thr.cit is no: cxprdicnr ro F.^cc'^'r>nu:-

nicaie Princes upon thu auoutit:, in regard that fuch proceed :ngs, would occalioa a greater
In the follow n r, Trucl, he lays down a Principle, v;hi:h r.lfn has rcLir-on ro the Imrnffs

of InvcUiiurcs, vi:{. That Condefcenfionmay be ioii.cnmcs ul.owd, and the grantu-g ot Di(-
pcnfattons ; but 'tis rcquilitc thar it be done with a good inrention for the Benefit of
th« Church, or in cafe of iicccni y. and not toi M
y cr Favour; aodtbat that which is ab-

iolutcly evil , ouqht iit\ct to be tokriud or pcimiticd.

In the Sixth, he maintains three PrincipJei^ wjf. That the Church ought to be Caiholickj
Free and Charter Thix Qu.tten us Catholic!-:, ir can neither Iv? Bough: ro- Sr.'-l ; thnas its
Free it ought notio be brought into Subjeclionto any Secular Power; and iliai as ti> Chaitc,it
might not to be corrupted with Prcfcnts.
The hTratfl contains certain Allegorical Explications of the Arkofihe Coveoantt
and of the Tabernacle with reference to the Charch.
In the Eighth, he explains, what are the cflfedis of Baptifm, Confirmation, Extreme Unilion,
and the Euchariit. He f.:\- That Baptifm remir? Sins by the Vtrrucof thL Holy GholT,

That in Coofimution the Holy Ghoft is- invoked that he would vouchiafe to take up his abode
in tiie HaWntion which he has Sandificd ; that he woufd alfo Defend and Protctil it : That
that Sacrament is Adminifler'd by the Bifliops to (hew, that it gives the higheft Perfedlion:
That the Extreme Unitioii of Siclv Perrons confers on them Rcmiilion of Sins; to the end
that Cbtiftians m,iy obtain Mercy both in tlieir Life time, and at the hour of Death : And
laftly. That in the Communion of the Body and B'ood of Jcfuj
Ch>ijl the Chrifiian Soul is

Healed of a!l the Difeafcs of its Vices, rc.C;'ublini'd in a State of Evcrlatling Salvation, and
Made one Body with J'-fus Chrifi.
In th- Ninth, he Treats of thr re-itcrarion of the Sacramcnrs, and Hiys, TTiat thofe arc nor
leiceratcd; in which it fccms, a^iftiicre were an iutendon to begin agam that winch was al-
seildy done ; but the fane Ceremony may be rc-ircrated when 'tis perform 'd for a different
end, and has another efFcift: That therefore the Hu'y Chrifm is put on the Fore head, after
liavioe anointed the top of the Head with it ; bccaule ibofc feveral UniSions produce difFc-
tenr Elftas : But that Ezcreine Undion cannot be re-iteiated by mfon that it is^ a Sacra.
In the Tenth, he proves, That the Bishops ought net to exad any thing for Bened.cbions
and Ordinations, and aflcns it to be a kind of Simony in a Bi(hop» not only to receive Mo-
ney for the Pencdlv^ion of an Abbot, but alfo to exaA of him an acknowledgooen^ -by
which he binds himleli by promife to his Dioccfan.
The Eleventh is a Conftitution about th manner how Monks ought coprooeed
accnfin^ m
tolh<TS. and defending themfelvcs in their Chapter.

In the Twelfth, he explains in a few words, three Vcrtucs ncccflary for pallors of the
Cliorcb.wY Jttftice, Difcrction and Fore-fight.
The Thirteenth and Fourteenth, are certain Dialogues between Go^, who uj braids the
Sinner with his Ingratitude, and the Sinner, who acknowledges his Ojicnco, and miplores
t^e Mercy of God.
The Fifteenth and SixTccnth, are Prayers made by a Sinner tO God, in which he humbly
fuesfor his Mercy, and begs pardon for his Tranfgrefllons.
TTiefc Tradh are concluded widi four Hymns or Profcs, one direded to the Virgin
Idary, and the three o.hrrs on the Repentance of Marj
Aliihefe Works are follow'dby eleven Sermons on the Nativity, Rcfurrcdion ar d Afeenfi.
on of f^ut Chrifi ; On the VtariiicatiiMi and Feftivals of the Virgin MAtj- On hluy Mar-
^Ukn^fAxaoL he confounds with the Sinner $ On the penitent Tbicl'} and iiitk.^.Btntdi3. TUztc

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156- A Nm^ Ecdefiajlical Hiftory
Sermons arc dry and birrcn, containing nothing rhar is I-lcquent; and inJi c J, generally fjK-alc-

ing, ail the Pieces of this Auihor are not written with mufh Elegancy or PoJitcncfs.
ver bis Cbmpofitiont are very natural, and his Ezplicatioas eafy ami familiar. Father Sif
monJ CiMs'd ihcm ro be printiti at P -n's A. D. r6fo. frrm two Mnrtifcript Copic:, and an-
tiex'd Annotations on the Letters, which are very Icn iccabic to make itnown tiic Periods, aod
10 iliuftnte many Hiftorkal Maners of Fad (bat afe mentioned tfaereiti.

B/Jhop of Mans, and after jfards Arch biJJjop of Tours,
Hnvffbert fJILDEBERT Born at Lavardin in the Dioccfs of Mans, of Parents of mean Condition,-
^pof tl joyndthe Study of ihc Liberal Sciences to that of Divinity, and was chofcn Bifhop of
^. D. 1098. His firft Excrcifcs of the Epifcopal Fon<ajons were difturbed by the
War that broke forth between H^tUiam IL Sirnam d i(w/xM King of England, and Heh'e Count
of Mans, who being taken Prifoner by that Prince, the City of M^im fell into the Hands of
fculqucs Count of Angers. The King of Englatid was Marching at the Head of an Army to
take it, HVlien the Bifhop and Inhabitants, fearing left the Count of Angers fhould make an
Agrccmcnr at their Coll, Surrendrcd it to him, on Condition that tlteir Count IhOuJd be fct
at Liberty. Afterwards the Count having got together Ibmc firefli Troops, re-enrcr'd the
Ckyof Mxns, a Rcficg'd the Forrs that were poflcfs'd by King llll'i^mf, Forces
iij but be;

was repuls'd, ;ind liie King rcmain'd Matter of the City, Hildebcrt wa$ accuied of having
been coi;cern'd in that entcrprize, and oblig'd to pafs over into England to cfear bimfclf. The
King enjo\ n d h:m locaufe the Towers of his Church ro be pnlTd down, and UHJchert re-
turning with that Order, found his Church laid wafte by ihc outrages that were committed
againft the Clergy, by the pillaging of its Revemes and die bnming of the City. Bot the
King of Engi'wd dying a little while afrc r, A. D. 1 100. Count Ilelic re-tcok the Ciry, grant-
ed a Compofition to the King's Soldiers, who were in the Fons, and re-eftablilh'd Order and
Veace in thofe Parts. When Mifdehtt liwr his Native Omntry reftor'd to its former Tran-
quilliry, he undenook Journey to l^ome and went to vifit Pope Pafchal II. by whom he
.n ,

was very kindly entertain d aod returned from Home laden with. Honours and Preferments.
&»me time after, he was apprehended at Negent k Hptrou, where hf went to bear the lad WiU
and Tcft.'ment of the Count of I{orrcu, who was dcr.iin d Prifoner at Alans. At laft hft*
vingprccur'd his Liberty, hefolcmaiz d the Confercation of the Cathedral Church of Mans
newly re-built, and conttno'd to Govern hisDioeefs in Pnee,iin the Year 11x5. when he was
trandated to the Arch-bifho prick ofTuirs .after the Death of Guillehert.
Hiidetert, not long after bis Promotion to (bat Dignity, fell out with Lewi/ the Grofs, King
of FVjww, having refus'dtodiipofeof the Benefices belonging to that Church, more efpccialiy
thcDcanry and Arch-Deaconry 2: the pleafure of his Prince, whocaus'd the Revenues to be
fciz'd on, aod prohibited him to enter his Dominions. The Perfon who was nomiiuted
Dean, was ar variance with tbe Canons, who were nnatntain'd by the Court, which gave occa.
lion to diftiirbanccs in the Church of Tours. At laft thefc diflenfions being appcas'd, he
was reftor'd to the King's Favour, and died, A. D. 1131, after having pofTefs'd the Epifco-
pal See of MMtts vj Years, and the Mctropolitaa of Tmrt, (ix Years and as many
The Letters of this Author are the moft valuable Pieces annongft his Works. They are
written in aline Epiftolary Style, after a very Naroral manner, and contain divers Importanc
Points of Morality, Church-Difcipiine and Hiflory Wc
llall here prrducc the Extradb of thofe

chat Treat ofthefe Matters, omiaingtbe others which relate to OKer Complimeats, or 10
particular Aflainr, ioch as the lix firft.
Therefore wc fhall begin with rhe fcventh, in which the Author determines, That a Vir-
gin Betroathed before Ae was Marriageable, whofe Husband died without knowing her Car-
nally, cannot Marry the Brother of hcrfoimerHiiabamlj becaafe Marriage does WK coafift
in Copularitn, butinthecanCdit of the Paincs. The fevemeeitth is likcwUe writ-
ten on the fame $ubje(fl.
In the Ninth, be declares, That he refiis'd tb aflift at the Confeeratiofl of one who was
chofcn Bilhop of Angers ; bccaufe he was a Young Man, and not as ycr in Orders , and was
not Canon icaliy Elcded by the Clergy, but prodaim'd in a Popular TumulCi againft whofe
Ele<9ion, the Dean, the Chanter, tbe Andi-Deaoons, and the grcatcft part of the Chaptec
had protciled. He declares the fame thi: tn rh it Efed^td Perl'on in the Twelfth and ToiP"

tcenth Letter, and exhoru him not to fuifer bimfeil to be Confecraied.

By the Pooneenth, he depofes a certain Ferfim, who had given Money, to be Orelain'd
a Deacon.
The Eighteenth, a Letter diredcd to Pa/cbal IJ. and Compos d with a great deal of

Art, to cxcnfe die Onions of Sc. Miriiii* at T«Mr/, whobid given oflbice t» the rope, by in.
fifting too much on their Frivikges. ^

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!>/ the Twelfth Century of Chrijlianlty. 157
In the Nir.ttecnth, he cxcufcs himfcif for not being able to be prcli nt in a ccttixn Conn-
c'J. by rcafcn ih-.t h s Cr.urdi and City were piUag'dand opprcts d by the Tynnoy of the
Councils; allcd^'ing al;<>. ihnt he obJig'd to psls over wo F.,r^iand, to jive Accoun:
why he rcfus'd lo din^oI:f.: ihc Towers of his Church janci thai he was rtady ;o undcnakc a;io-
cher Voyage to t\pmc, wbicb would put hitn out of a Capacity of defnying the Charges^ that
were rcquilrc for a J(,Uincy to the Ccurcil.
In ih'j I vvcnty fint, he entreats a ccit.nn Bifliop of England tu fur^irti l»iin with Sr. ///.•-
febn'i Diiputition agalntt ihcGrecks in the Council of Bari concerning the Procclfion of the
Holy Gboft, and recums thanks to that Preiate, in the foilowiog Letter, for lending it to
In tbeTwctity third, he intercedes with an Abbot, in bclialf of a Monk who fenm'd to
his MonalVery, afttr he had left it, to treat hiin favourably.
In the Thirtieth, he Iharply reproves a Priell, who caus'd a Pcrfon to be put to the Rack,
whoiD he fufpcdlcd to have commined a Robbery.
In tl'.c Thirty firlf, he gives excellent Inftrudions to a I ady wImj Iiad forfakLn the Vani-
ties of :hc World, and in the Thirty Third, he reprehends a certain Rich Li rd for bis Pndc
and Covctoufnefs.
In the Thirty fourth, he declares that he refus'd to approve the intended Ma-riapcofa
Count wi!honc of his Kinf-womcn ; altho' itmight put an end to a War that was carry d ca
betwe r I1T1 and his future Father-in-Law. •

In the Thirty (ixrh, he reprefcnts to a Chriftian Virgin the advant.'gcs of afingle life, and
^ives her wboIe(cmc Advice, more cfpecially relating to the Vertue of Humil.ty.
Ik the Thirty Scvcnih, he comforts a cenain Pcrfon, who was much troubled, in regard that
he was diverted from the Conrcmplnivc Life, to take upon him the Pafloral Charge, and
(hews, by Exnmplcs taken out of Holy Scriptures, that it is profitable to joyn the Adive to the
Contemplative Life.
In the Thirty eighth, he acquaints the Bilhop of ^ngcu'eme the Pope's Legate, with the
of the Monks of St. Etron^ to the end th it he might lend him Word, after

Irregularities *

what manner he ought to proceed again:-, them.

The Thirty ninth, is a Circular Leacr written to the Bilhops and Priefts, and in general
to all Chriftians concerning his Impriionmenr. Hewasfentfbrby theCoont of [{ptrou, wh6
was then a Prifoner ; and having rccciv'd his ConfeiTion, with his laft Will and Teftament
by which chat Noble-man bequeacb'd his Ellate to the Church, carry *d that Will to his Mo-
ther, who gave him good Entemimnent. But die next day, i/«7ir^fbhnfetf was taken Pri-
foner by Count Hubert Chancellor ofl^ircu, who dccain'd him, notwithftanding the entreaties
of the Inhabitants of the Conntty and the Sentence of Exoommtiuication pubiiih'd by the Bt« ,

fiiop of Cbames^ aiid woaU noc relnfe bhn till lie paid Ins Ranlbiii* He deduti dne fituh
an Ad h unwoRbjT of a Bifliap, and that he diofe niiher to It^his Life, than n> fledecm tc
with Money.
In the Fortieth, heexftORsSfrABiil.opof.Srrqf to Baccommiuiicate Hirferf, who kept Mm
The Forty contains wbolelboie Inftra^ions to a Young Widow, who after having lead a

diforderly Life for fome time, devoted her (elf to God. He (nmiihcs her with proper Reins'*
dies againft Temptations.
In the Forty lecond, he advertiles a fiijbop, that Lifmrd ought not to be Excommunicated
fw committing Sacrilege and a Rape ; fince die Virgin whom he took to Wife, was only put
into a Mon itt'Ty to be Inamdied, and in regaid that Ibc left iito Marry hins, by the Onter

of her MoJicr and Aunt.

Inrfae Forty fourth, be determines, that a Priel^, who ofler'd the Sacrifice of the Ma(^
with ordinary Brt-ad, having no other at Hand, cughttO be plint(h*d» radlCr ttpOn theioui-
dal be had given, than for the Fault, which was not great.
In the Forty nihih, he commends the AdBon of aBilhop, who had binder d the removing
cf certain PL rfons ciu of the Church, who t:kcn Sandtuary therein.
The Fifty fwft, is a large Confutation of a cenain Perlbn, who reviv d the Error of Vigi-
t4mtiiUt and maintain'd, mat the Invocation of Saints was unprofitable, becaufc they do not
hear our Pniycrs, and hi\ c no knrAvlepe of Tranfad^ions on Earth. This Man gave it our, i


that HUdekn was of his mind ; which oblig'd him not only to difown that Opinion, but alio

to fliew, bytheTeftimony ofthe Fathers, that th* Saints hiar our Pmycfs, and that diey
make IntcrccfTlon for iis with Coil.
In the Fifty third, he cxcufcs himlelf to CUrcmhaidui Canon of Oxfmd, for not having fcnt
to hfm fooner. the Hiftory of the Miracles which happcn'd in that City, becaufc they had
fliptourof his Mind: H
qivcs him to underdand, That the fecond KUimranJum, which he

dirc^cd to hitn, contain d iome of the fame Miracles, with djtfcrentCircumttancesj but ne-
Vftdielefr, he did not judge it expedient to alter his firft Relation, yet he left him at libeny,

ddier to coned or to fupptcfs k aoooidtng tohts Dilcreiion.

T la

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A Netif EakfinjucalHtjlory
the Bifhop of Ckmmt, fbrbeflowing an Ardi-deaconrf,
tn the Fifty fiftb, he congraailates
Fcifon very wonhy ro be prtmoted ro
bnone of the Sob-dMMM of ihe Church of Mans, a
that DkniTv uren account of his
Learning and Virtue i and declaims apa.nft ihe Cttftoni
a as it were by r ght of Sooo^
that was inuoduced to main
Spiritoia Livings in Faintly,
that Abufc.
fion; citing divert Paflaj^sagainft r u ,^ u < u c—
of the Ucath ot bisM-
The FiPy fix:h is a confolatory Letter to a Kwg, ujion occaJion
di^ crs excellent Moral and Cbiftian Maxinw, touching
the Conftancy, with wUch
It contains
Wife and Chriltian People ought to bear Afflidions.
a certain Count, from undenakmg a Voyage to b^jAmet
In the Fif y ninth, he diJfuades
Ccmpofleliu, becaute his Duty oblig'd hiili to
oontiniie ih the Country, where his Prefeoce
tvas neceflary. ^ . . n a l t •

o(CUrtres, wiih reierence to a Pneft, who bavu^


In the Sixtieth, he writes to the Bilhop

been atrack d by a Robber, knock'd hfan on the Head with
a Stone, (b that he died of the
Wound His Bilhop after having fufpended h m for fc\C(i Years (vom the Cclcbr.-tion cf
Divine Service ; at taft confulted HiUehert^ to know whether be ought to reltore him to his
Fundions. The latter declares. That it ftem'd to him, that a Prieft who has eodnutied
he did it in hh own de-
Man-flaughter, ought no longer to offer the Holy Sacrifice, although
fence. He maintains with St. Ambrofe, That it is not lawful for one Man to lull another,
even in defending hisown Life ; and although k were penniticd, yet hmighir ape to bedboe^
He ronclu des, That if the like cafe had bappen'd id one of his Dtotvfans, he Mtd
have i».
ferr a the Matter to the Holy See, . , - ,

In the Sixty firit, he reproves certain Monks, refiwd to eotenam Ae Bdhopof Cm*^
tres at their Table: He flicw.s that the perfcclion of the
Monafl^k Life docs noi confix in
performing the outward Duties, but io the Practice of Humility and Charity : Asfor wiiat
thofe Monks alledg'd as an Excnfe for Aeir neglcd, That they were not able to give
Entenanment ro the Biftiop, by rcifc i-f il-eir Pn\ ir:y ; he alTcrts, That they ought to

fell or pawn the Omanems of their. Church, to cxercifc

Hotpitahty towards their Dio-
ccfan. *

In the Sixty fecond, he recommends to a Wnkm, who had devuttd God, thehakam
giving of Alms to the Poor.
In the Sixty third, he contnends dK CTttttiitcli AtU^t in Ntafd that aitet her CDnffffiDB,
inftcad of undercaking a Pilgrimaee to the Holy Land, flte h«l embrac'd the Moaaftkk
In the Sixty fourth, be cenfires the CMhm of a Moraftcry, where both the Sfecht of Ae
Eucharill were not adminiftci'J ''cr.iratcly ; but that of the Bread ftccp: in the other of the
Wine. He maintains. That the lopt Bread which our Saviour gave to was aot the
In the Sntry fifth, written by HilJehrrt, as well as the next , after his Tranflation from
the Biflioprick of Mam
to the Arch-bilhopnck ol T. a, m ; he acquaints the Pojpe, That he
had taken a Journey tO BretagtWf whet« he held a Synod at Kmtes, A. D. 1 1x7. forthe Re-
formation of the Church, chiefly as to what concerns iiui tiucu M.-.rri.'f cs, and the SuccclTitm

of Relations eo Ecckiiaftical Prefermcius : That the Prince had remitted in that Synod, the
Right which was ctaim'd by the L<mll to feixe on the moveable Goods of deceafed Plerfons,
and even his own Royal Pretf gative, by venue of whirh all manner of Wracks at S be- .1

long to his demeans : That it was alfo oidain'd, That tlie fiilhops (hooid publilh in their Synods^
and the Pteifts In their Churches, Thatibofe who prefiime to conowft wilawful Marriages, iar
the future. Ih. II be excommunicated ; and that the Cliildrcn born in fuch Wedlock were de-
clar'd illegitioute : That the Ecdefiaftical CoolUtutions were rcviv'd, concerning the Quali-
ties requinte in Perfons, who defign to receive Orden: That it was piofaflnted to orAiia Ae
Sons ct Prices, unlcfs tlicy turn'd Regular Canor.s or Monks; and that ns for thofc who
were already ordain'd, they were not allow d to fervc their Fathers Parilhes in that Quality,
left ihcy (hould find meam to fttcceed them : And laflly, That very ftfid PiditKtians were
made that Benefices fliould be tranfinittcd. a"; it were by SucceiTion. He entreats the Pope to
confirm what they had done, more efpedally the Reiignation that the Prince had made of
his Right to the 'Shipwradcs. Pope Hnmhis IL grams him this Confimniioii in the Letter
which immcdiatciv follows that of which wc have but now made mention.
In the Sixty ievcnth, he complains to that Pope, that the iCing of France had confiTcated the
Revenqes belonging to his Cbnrrh, and wonla not faSkt him to enter the Territories of fab
Kingdom, bccaufc he refus'd to dify if: of the P>enefices according to 'cafurcof that Prince.

He likewife wrote to him about the Conteits that happen'd in the Chuicii of Tourj, betweea
the Dean and fome df the Guions, which was carry 41 00 to dnt height, that one of the Ca-
nons was maimed, by one of the Collec'-ics and by thr Dean's FrienJs. The lat'er '.v v. ar-
cufcd of being acccflbry to the Fad, but he deny'd it, and no Prool being brought againil ium,
he clear'd htmfeff by his own Oath, and by that of ieven other Prretts.
In the Sixty eighth, he Trlh :hc Pope, thnt the had done what his Holinefs rcquir'd of him,
having reltor'd Bracerius to bis Prebend, which he dclen'd to iofe, by rcafon of the exiorminr
of Ids Crimes, and in fending to Urn B^fdnt^ Deaa of St. Hu^tcft of whom mention ta

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of the Twelfth Century of Chriflianity. i^^
fiude in tbc preceding Lecr<rr. He juftifies.ifae Jonocencc of that Dean, and acquaints che
fSiwkhtte Judpmrnt pafTfd'in lBsftfOUR'. ' '

In tlic Six y nmi he cn icats tbe Pope tD confirm sDonttiba, that die King of Af^liMf

made to tbcCburchof Fcntrurauit' •

In tbe SevcntKtli, he coihfomiltt-.Qyecii tS 'S^land for ber Barreonefs, and g^ves ber fo
underftand, that fl ^ i^l r nor to look upon it as a difgrace, but as theineani ptocOMOg m
.bfX $aivai;^on, by ftdopitogthe PflMtforbcrChildiSD.

In the Sefony firft, be cxbora to peHevecancc^ 4 Conmeft^ wtio had qnitoed troffdly AAifk
to embrace the MonalUck l ife.
The Seventy fowth, is a Reprimand given co a Clergy-man, who did ~
not lead a cegnUr
Conrfe of Liw. '

In thcSevcnry fifrh, he complains thar none of his Friends undcnook UTlBafalCfittl the Iniefb
efts of his Church, in the Court of the King of France.
fn ihe Setentytfiihih, he deBORofnes, : Tbai; Btait -wIIa live in a Nfonaftefjp, ought

Ollt^oiF it alone, But acctmipanied with one of their Matrohs: He rcprovds thofe who adt
ft> gft W
.ofherwife.oo H^ly^rdays ; and c^Mbrves, that abontj thirty Years were pafsd fince he wiota a •

Ij^KaiiSt of Viniiikirfw Laftl?,/ he Matnoa agsinft fame Nons, friiodspell in private Houws,
lead a more dlfToliitc Courfc of Life. : i ,

Jhe Eig}xiedv;isa X^tter byiAf^r/'tK^Mi BillK>p:of J^ernvtyf wbi^ flialt mentioa in its

proper place. r IT r VI iC" - .-^.' rA [ i: . -J t . M

The Eighty feoond is an excellent Letter diredlcd to Pope Honorttit, in Which he exprcfTcv
bitnialf with Svfbmillioo and Freedotn. ^igainil the Appcais.made to the See of /(ome, which
weta (6 frequent ih that Age. r He eatnests bim at fim iKHf oflnNkd'ac fab Letter, nor
to attribute tt«t to Prefumption, which he was oWiqM to do by tieccfHry, and left tlic Church
Ihould be opsrds'd by force of Anns; the cS&3t5 of which be himfelf knew by- Experience. .

He adds, that he has reaibn to hope that bis Reanonftnnce wiU'nor be oittce^ble eohiani;
becaule it is wnctcn for the fake of Juflice. Afterwards he declares, That that Cnftom wa<:
never appiov'd qn the hither fide ot the Aip^i^ a/od that it is iioe an Article groupded on the
EcclcGaiticat Laws that all fixts of Appeals fhmldt be receiv'd ai: ^omeT TMt'if that Iniib^
vation prevail, the Authority of the Popes will be difannall'd, and the whole vigour of
QjuKh-Difcipline will be fubverted : " for (lays he) where is the Opprclfor that does no?
enter an Appeal, as Coon a» be is dneaien'd- with an Angthetha ? Where is the Oelrlt vtha
" w'dl not continue in his cxorbicmt Coui fe-s, defending himfelf by a dcclinarory Appeal?
Or by what means can the fiitliops iniii<i any PuniOuncnt for the leaft A6t of Diibbe>-
dience > An Appeal wiO certainly put a flop to his Cedtire; weaken bis Coriftancy, baJHe
« his Rcfolutencis, impofc Silence upon him, and caufe al! minner of Crime? to go un-
punilhed. However, Hiidebert owns, that the Church on the hither fide of the Alfet has
acknowlcdg'd fome Appeals, and 'tis but realonable that thole ^bo have lawfbl Grievances,
Ihould get tiicm n^rcfs'd by that means, as nlfo that thi fe Pcrfons, whofc Judges arc their
Enemies, or fufprded, or who fear the Outragioulcels of ?hc People, Ihould have the fame li-
berty \o (ecuce ihemfelves ; But-he maimatnt, char Appeals Which ate only enter'd on pop*
pofe to put a liop to the Courfc of Juflicc, .md ro procraf^inarc Affiiirs, ought nottO be au*
xhoriz d ; and tlicrefiorc be entreats the Pope no longer to admn any of that Nature.
The Ei£;hry third tetter, which is the laft of this CoUedUon, does not belong to |ir//dSri«r«^
' bot is part of the Preface wrirten by Ivn of Chartres on his J>ClCe. Thepsfore tbst Pi«CC
wa<: only inferred amongll Hiidebert % Laicrs by a Miftake.
Father Dacbery publiih'd in the Ponrth Tome of his SpicUegium, Nine l etters of tUttk-
iert, among which arcThiee very cloTicnt ones about the Imprifoncncnt of Pope P.ifcf\jl If.
and' afterwards tlw lame Author let forth Fifteen others, which are annexed in the end of the
Thirteenth Tome. There are fooie atnongft tfaefe laft, that relate to the Perfecntion which
hitdehert fuffcrM by rcnfon of the difpleafurc of the Kinp of France, and the Quariel tha:
arofe between the Dean of Tours and ius Canons. In tbe Ninth, he entrcars tbe Pope not to
grant the Pall to the Bilhop of DoL
Hiidebert i other Vicccs, are two Hymns on our S-tviour's Nativity ; A Paraphrafe on the
Canon of the Mais in Vcrfcj Sermon on thcfc Words of Tfaiah, Chap. 35. Tljen the E^es
A '

of tbr Blind jhaU he opened ; Amdier on theie'Votds ofjefia Cbrifi in Sr. Luke, Chan. i».
Vnto nhomfoever much is f.ivert, of him flialt be much re^uir'd ; A Synodicil Dikourfc
to his Cutates. All ihefe Works and Letters arc extant in tbe CoUedions calJ'd BiUierbeca
There are aUb to be feen in difi'crcnr places, fome other Works attributed ro WUelert,
vis. The I ife of St. Uuj^b Abbot of C/««y, in the Bibliotbeca Cluniacenfis, publifli'd by Du-
Cccfs^ ; The Epitaph df "Btrenf^er, referr'd to by H^itm of Malmesbury ; A Lerter written
to f^e^in tid the Monk, and the Preface to tlie Life of St. I^nde^enda, fet fonh by Father MilnT 't
in the Firft Tome of his /InaieHa, with the beginning of that.Life, of which that Father
has a Manufcripr Copy in his Pbflcfnon, Hpfweidm makes mention of die Life of St. Murf
'he Egyptian, in Vcrfe by Ili-'f^c which (as they fay) is kept in the Library of HpfJck-
There are alfo in the Libraries, levcral Trads albribcd co Hiidebert, but we have loft his Trca^
T ft rife

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1^0 A Nen> Ecdejiaftical Hiflory

life o!Vi(£tPity« B€fi4e« ifcef* Works, Father Hamnuy has iikcwilc pubiiilicd foine in
liUCoUedHon, whkh he aicribuns to Hildtim, bitt it is ooc pcobifata, ttm ikey beloiig to
ijxxt Aucbor.
The oilier Wqrk* of HUdebtrtt fall very much
of ibe Elegancy and Polirenefs of his

Letters. Hh Poetioil pieces are graft « neither has be oUm'd che

Rules of Qpantiiy. His
Sermons are wrhten in like mnnncr, in a weak and very mean
S;ylc, However he was'a
noted Prelate, who ihew d a great deal of Pnideoce, Difcrerion and Contancy in the Mft-
jftjimtit tifAma,

-• .
. • - ' .

J^JJl^S^KT Abbot ^ Nogent -V:

Ctuh^t r^UIBERT Abbot of Nwwif /w Ctmf, wa bem in a Village beJonuin^ to the Diocefs of

Jlirtof BiJuv*^!, ot a rich and noble Family. He loft his Father Kvrar^i in his Youth, and was

bvucht up by Uifk Kiocber, nfao-took a panicuUr care of his Education, but having after.
wMtetird tot MoriafMrf, vnd being iaftnii*^ that Imt-Soii did not follow Cke Inftni-
dions fhehad given him, Hic rl llc' im to tnkc lodgings in the Abby of St.Gemun in the
! l

Diocefs of a«««tM«. to lire uader the condad of his old Tacov, who became' a Monk in that
Abbey. Gttihert did not cofinntte lonf there; befitre be had an inclhiation to ^flhnie the Mo-
oaftickHabiiV ahd acl ia1!y rur that DclTga in execution, contfiry to the Advice of his Mo-
rfwr and Tm<*^ aAltet baviog turn d Monk, be was atSicted with many- Temptations, but
at laft wasdeBver'd from thein, by the meantrof Prayer ai»d Study, amPWit chofei Abboc
t^Hwmtfit** Cotter in the moft remote part of the Diocefs nf L^tn, whcrt hr dicJ in 1124.
A certain (maU Trad abotit .PreacWnft is ufually prefix d to Gai * Works, being the

Preface to his Moral Owimenaries on the Holy Scripture, wiiich is fid! OF fn(b«diodt. and
V '

very methodical. He bci^in- widi obftrvinp. it is very dangerous for 3 PfrTon obliged

to Preach by she-Duty of his Fundion, to rieglo* the performance of that Duty, by reafon
that as it is a matter of pemictooa Confeqnence to Ibew bid Bkamples ; fe '1r is a very great

Offence, not: to endeavour to contribute fomcwbat to the reclaiming of Srnners ^y wholfom

loftnM^tioQi He adds, That Men have dificrent Motives to ablUin from Preaching; that
Tome areiodocrd to do it by Pride, for fear of pffing for Pteacheis, a Quality eraimonlyreb
puted contemptible if. i'^' r!;! o;" u Sy Envy, not to communicate their Knowledge ro
; ,

others, and others by Di^uit or Slotbfulneis, in regard that they do not think themfelves to lie
under any Obligation, beemfe ihey have no core of Seals. He maimtim, that aTf Cliri*

ftians, who have atr.iin'd to any Knowlccfge of the Holy Scripnircs, are oblig'd 0 Pracfi :hi
Word of God, and that they ought to propofe no other end of their Pitacbtng, but God
himfelf, who is the SiAsjeet of it; That Btlhops, Afaboi«, Oarat» and all Cbrifttan^ In
general*, are not only oblipcd to abfl.iin from Joirg Evil, nnd from giving bad Ei-amples,
bur arc alCo under an obligation to do all manner of Good that lies in ihcir power, both by
their Example and Dodfcrine. He condudes trom thai Principle, diat the praolce of Virraes
and the InltrutJ^ion of others ought ro be jnynM cogcihcr Thus a Preacher ought to lead

an innocent ijie, and he who lives well, ought to apply himfelf to the Inltnu^ing of
Thi^ A'.i hor advife-; that Preaching be preccc^cd hv P iycr, to theentl that tlie .^oul in-
fpir'd with the Love of God, may ardently cxprcls the Sentiments it has of God, to inflame
the Hearts of the Audlton with the fame Znt, vntb which it it tranfported it Mfi
(fays he) n O r a fc pronounced in a luke-wami and languid mn
ci not being agreeable
r ,

even to htm that pronounces it, cannot give latisfa<ftion to the Hearers ; and it would be
wonderful, that a Difconrfe defiver'd by a Perfen who n nor animated hiroieK; fliouTd be
capable of animating orhci';. Care oiiplit alfo to be taken (con:inue< he) (Ince the Word
" is fpread abroad accordii^g to the elTuilon of the tikart, that the Dilcoiufe be not too te-
" dtous by rcafbn of its length, and do not clog the Auditors ; Therefore how fervent foeter
" the Zeal of the Preacher may be how copioii"; focver Iiis Suhjcif^, how ftrong foevcr his

" Memory, and how extraordinary foever bis fluency of Difcoorfe, yet he ougiK to hare
" regard to the wealtnefs of hit Audtrars, and to confrder, that 'tis more commeodabfe to
" lay down a few Truths, which will be rccciv'd attentively, than to deliver an infinite num-
" ber of Things, that cannot be rctain'd ; and that 'tis cxpedwnt to kave oS before his Au-
diror;; be tir'd, ro the end that when there (hall be an ocrafion to Pread) to them at another
" time, they may be difpofed to hearken to his Do(Slrinc. He likewife admoni(hes Preachers,
that they ought to render their Sermons profitable both ro the Ignorant and to the Learn-
ed, and to explain the Matters they handle in fticha itKlnner, as may be intelligible to all
forts of Capicirir^i ; and that it is rcouiTrc, to intermix fome -Sentences taken out of the 0/JTe-
flttynent in their DidcoarleSa becaulie they appear new, and lerve to ftir up die AfB:diQni of
their Auditors.
Afterwards he treats of the SubjccT-s thntouqhr to bechofcnby Preachers, and refers them
to the Four fen&s of Scripture, vi^. the Literal, the Alkgorical. the Tropological arid Ana.

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of the. Twelfth Century of Cbriftiamty. i
pcpiral He obferves, thst altho' Allcgorjes mingled in theconnexion of a Dircourfc be
agreeable, and it be fomctimcs convenient to expiain the literal fcnfe of fomc Failles of

Scripnire ; nevcrthclds the princii^al aim of a Pnfucher ouht to id difcorcr tiie inward
difpofition of tVc Man ; that is to fay, his Thoijght<c, Aflfeaions and PafHons, a/id to make
foMtural rcprclentations of rhcm, that every one may adcnowledgc therein the fccret im-
prifet of his own Mind. " Furthermore, (fays he) Admonioons ooghr nor only to be given
•* ronrcrning the
praAiccof Vet^ts, but alfi u-irh reference to :hc con ;;\1;on of Vices, and

«' the mean* of Ihanning

them— Soiuciimes a Djfcourfc on thtp Nature of Vice is no left
profiuble than one M
Vertuc : Forlio# cm « 'W^ nke delight in the beauty of Vertne,
if he be not ienfJble cfili deformity of Vice ? Or how can he avoid the I.utcr, if he have

no knowledge of the f Therefore 'th rc^u|fite to make known both, to cwfc a Mao
to be acquainted with himfelf, Anfi W
reprefenf tor fcin) the inwanf ilBfpdfition of hii Blind.
This inward Difpofition of a Man pcrfcdlly dcfcrib'd according to Guihfrt in Sr. GrfgoryS

Treadles ot Moralit; and in Ctiffinn's Conferences, but it cannot be well Icam^ but by Ex-
perience and theexenjirea of a S^nial Lfk, H« Wilci nor advift dxrfe that are not accn^
roTTird rn the pMcflrcc of ir, to vcn'^ure upon new Allegories, r.nd lie gives Rules to thofe
wiio have acuin'd to perfedtion in fprrilual Exercifcs, to walk faftly in a Path, from whence
without dqedrcomrptiKoM they rtay eafily go aftray.''
He T-^monifljes Preachers, m ;;-:";\ -r their Sermons after Htch a manner, as it may appear
that tfacy have ao other intention, but to inftrud:, and to promote the Salvation of their Au-
dftom^ and ilukt they doT»oc feek ior vain Glory by their Eloquence : * For nothing (fays lie)
•* gives greater nfTi:nre ro an Auditor ih:.n win n he h pcrfw.ided that the Preacher is only
induc'd to {peak, by Olleniationorprivatclntcrcft ; lo that a Prcadter, thathasfucha Cha-
** rate, cxafpttrnwrtther than ittfhiRfts, and byhowiniichthcmQre his DWpoatki aboand
*' with Rhecoricd Ommem^
he reiiders himfelf' (B mudr'the* itiottf contanptitte to hit
''Andtors. •
• <

Laftly, he tfcttf oftbe principal Mattert, tiiat ought to.'ifcr^c 'a^s a Snbicdfbr Preadjen,
and adviies them not only to reprcfent to Sinners the everlafVing Puniflimcnts that they Ihall
undergo hereafter in the future State, but alfp tlie Trouble^, T/^i^ments, Vexations and other
Calamitiec, to windi they are ofanoxioua in tlns-'Ofe. This isrhe Sribjeft of the Vrefact,
whicii he apparent' v ir iclc^o fervc in ftcad of an Apology agaiiifl the Opinion of his Ab-
b<x, who was unwilling to permit him either to Preach or iq Write. It is followed by teq
Books 4)f Hon] Gotntnentarfes upon Geneftt, written in imitation of dipfe of St Gregvty
on Job, ajkl by Ten other Book? of Commentaries of the fimc Nar,ire on the Prophecies
of H^e* and AmoSf and on the Lamentations o[ Jeremiah, on which he impos'd thc Title of

Gutbc't'f. Treatifcaf r !nf^ Jevs is a Corfuration of r certain Piece full of B!nfp!icmic5

againft Jcfut Chrifi. He
Difcourfes particularly of our Saviours Conception in the Wom^^i
of a Virgin, and upon oeeafion of that Queftion. proceed* to Treat of Original Sin and Cotw
Cupifccnce. There is a remarkabfe P.iffage about Images, in which he fay<;, " That wc
honour the Invifibk Things in the viUblc Signs ; or raihcr, that we fix our wandring Mind
* o« die Comemptation of fpiriroal Things, by looking upon PiAures, which fetfc as ii
*' were to admnnifh nsofour Duty.
In his I rcatife
ok the reality of the Body of Cbrijl^ he debates two Queftions. one
OB rdie Sbo that wm
given by him ro ?«<fdr, and the other about die reality of onr Saviour's
Body in the Eiichartft. As to the Firit, lie J nermincs, that rccciv'd the Sacrament
with the other Apoftles, but that the Sop which our Lord gave him« was not a Sacrament, or
(acred Sign, but the Sign of^Us Treafim* In di^feafling xat feoond Qgeftton, Iw confutes the
OpiatoQ of thofe, <
it ny the real firefcnoe, a^d whoDellcv^ diac the Body ctJ^Cbr^
is only a Figure in the Eucharift.
The Trauife of ihe Praifcs of the Virgin Mary, contains many Bncvmum't the BleHedm
Mother of our Lord, and the Hiftory r frr ine Mimdeswnaghclsy hcrfoierceflion* HecoDh
dudes with a Profc or Hymn in her Honour.
I* the Tradl about Virginity, he does ooc only Treat hs Bicdlency, but aUb of the
means of prefer\'ing it; «f the Venues iSax ought to accompany and the Vices that are
deftvudive of iu
In the Treartfe of the Rdidcs of the Saints, Gvi Ivrr aiier having 'jnftified him-
P1cdge<( or
felf in the Preface, as to the E^rprciTion utrer'd by him that the Eucharift lupplies the Place
of S^f"* <^Jh he proceeds to treat of the Honour due to Saints, of their Rdicks, and of
:he Abuies commttred npon that aoconnt ; allcdging, t. That the Coftoms of Churches may
be dificrcnt, ns to mnftcr^ of Difciplinc, as about Faf*s, the manner of Sinping, (^c. z. That
itisne^fiary to receive the Sacrament of Baptifm and of the Lord's Supper ; in fucbmaoucr
nevrrthelefs, dist one cannot be &v'd witbont being Baptiz'd, and yet one may attain to Sal-
vanon withotit a(fiually receiving the Body and Blood of Jefus Chif., as ir appears by t!;e
Examples of fome Martyrs, who never recelv'd the CommunioR, and of fome Hermits, who
mefv^ St very feldom. 3. HThac there are ibme Cnftoms, which are oocaecefQuyfor Sahra-
tloo, and yet aie obfenr^d in the Chnrdies, as the Refidcs of Ssuits, and cettaui Things thar
i^':^ y4 Nop Eccefi^iflical Hiflory
Icrv J fur their ufc,which vvc icfpcd and hunour to follow tlicir Example, and to obtain
ihcir Proteiflion. 4. That they only oughr to bo i^en for Sainti, \vbo arc acknowledged
as rtich cither by an .mcicnt Tr.idition, or by aurhcntick Records, and not thofc to whom
that quality is attributed by bancy or in fomcfabuJous Kciations,
. 5. He ccufures ibofc who

invent falfc Tales, and requires that the Hinories of the Lives and A&tons. of the Saiatt be
cirefully c>:am>ned, and tlvit thofc otjiy he Honour'^ of whofc Holinel? we have a cerraim
Account, and who undoubtedly died the Death of the i<.ii<iiicoui. 6. He diitinguillici ievcrai

fort«! of Perfons, by whom God thinks fit ro workMicaclcs ; fome of lIciD'beit^ as it were

the Canals or Inftnuncnis that he m ikcs ufc of in the pcrfonring of ptwrnatural Oprrnticns,
whidi tend to, the .advanugc of ethers, and j:c unprofiubJc to thcinfeives : Gt*d be-
llows fpcclal Ci races on others, which jthey ocvct Jcfcrvd, and iMkfiit them worthy bf
Jtii meer Mercy : Somccimcs he affords them ro the Faitl^fu! a fcctjrnpcncc for their

Faith and Uprightncfs. 7. He inCih, that U vere Punnhmcnui ought to be inilictcd on thole
who Forge falfc Minicles. 8. He enquires who licy arc that ought to be Hotiour d as Saints ;
of thefc t!5C MarrjTS arc the Ftrfl, but it on^ht to be certainly prov'd, that they (v.ff-rd for
the Chrilti<'\t\ Faith. As for CunfclTurs, he dctcroii^, that they only arc to be relpeCtca la
thttOyftluyt ivho were eminent for ilMnr jextnordinary Saiufbity, and of whofeSamtim we
arc morally cenain For rv hen there are grounds to doubt ofir, he would by no mrar^<: have

them iovok'd. Upon that ocqd»on, he propofcs the Exatnpic of die Church, which would

hoc avouch jdiat the fiody of the Virgin A/j'? was raifed from the Dead and Glorified, I'tUbtf
there are Reafons. that induce us to believe it. 9. He obtcrvt^ in rrfepence to the
acknowledged and avouched Saints, that there are many Errors concerning tlirir Relicks; in
tegaid cbac tb^ Body, Head-tod other Members of the (ame Saint are to be found in diffe-
rent Plncrs. and every one pretends to iiaveihe true Rdick. t>- H? maintains. That for-

, afmuchas the Bodies of theSaiius are made of Earth, as thoie or other Alen ; it were more
expedienc cofeave them in their Tombs, than to fet tbcm in Shrines of Gold and Stlver»< co
carrj' them about; and to divide them, ir is ufually tiiniv " Indeed fTays he) if the Bo-
" dies of the Saints had continu'd in ih;- VUlo, where they were, according to the order of
Natttie, cbac is to fay, in their Tombs ; there would have been no mittake nor eoetcft
** abour the resltry of their Rclirk<; For rhir happens, only becaufe they are taken out of

• " their Tombs j eat in Pieces aim cariicd alxjui from one place to another.
; Tistrue,
that Piety gave occafion to tlicreniuving of thcin, but Curioflty, in'procelsof time, corrupt-
ed that which was done at fu .vithlimpliaty —
Let others judge as they fh-ill think fit ; tor
" nay ^art, I make r.o fcrupie ro aHert, that they have not done a thing acceptable to God
or hrt Saint*;, in opening their Tombs, or in dividing their Members after fuch a nmuotr i
" fincc rhc Heathens thcmfelvcs had i rcf'pe<il for the Sepulchres of the Dead. Si. Gregory
" return d for Anfwer to an Emprcls who importtu'd him upon the likt- occafion, diathedurft
** not fend her St. P^r^rr's Head, and the Sainta have often Ihewn notable marks
of their In*
" dipnition againft iljofe, who have prefum'd thus ro difmembcr their Bodies, r j He acknow- .

ledges nevertheiefs, that thofe, who honour falfc Relicks without knowing them ro be fo, and
fuppoHng theijtjt to belong to fome Sainr,.dOiioc Sin» and that he that invokes a Perfon, who
is no Saint, believing him to be really fo. may be heard of God, who knows his pood Inten-
tion. Laftly, he condemns the tilrhy Lucre tiiat is made of thofe Relicks, by Idling rhem»
or by cxadHng Mony for ft.cwing tbcm; carrying tbcm in ProccfHon ; expofing them, &c.
Thele are the principal Points decided by Guihert m his firft Book of the Pledges of the ^ints,
and they .irc accompany 'd with great variety of Examples of real and counterfeit Miracle*,
of true and falfe Saints, and of gcnuir .1 fuppolkkiont Reficki, wMcbafe capable (Mf afford-

jng much fatisfrnf^'on and deliphr to the Re.ider.

In the fceond Book, to confute thole, who fet a great value on certain Relicks, which tiiey
aflencd to hc'^rip to our Saviour, as his Teeth, Fore-skin, (3c. our Author treats of the My-
ftcry in wh-ch he h.^s rc.illy left us his Body: He maintains. Thai Jefu CI. rift Icfr no Re-
of liis Body, but that he has given it us entire in the Eucharift; That that iJody is not
divided and diftribu ed to the Faidiful by Parrels, but th.^t it is givcn ahogcther entire midcr
every Hoft Th.-t this Sacrament is receiv'd h\ rhi
r Ur
v/orthy, as well as by the Worrhv,
altho' the former do not receive the Grace of the Sacrament That it may perhaps be dcvour'd

by Rats and other Animals and pafs thro' their Belly, yet nothing unworthy Can befal the
Body of Jefus Chrift ; fo that the corruption .ind other alterations that appear to our Senfcs
A (qatrt happen only to the Species, and not to the real Body of our Saviour: I.a(Uy, That that Bo-
Psftbiird tiy IS not in the Euchnrift in the ftate of a dead or crucilied Perfon, but in that of a living and
glorified He flarrs another Queff ion by the way, Whether the Bread that rc-

wt* icvftr main'd in the Pyx on the Altar, during tJic Contccration, unknown to the Pricft, wcrcConfe-
^^'--^'^^ He determines in thenegative, and that ifanHolb were piic under the fPaik,ora Drop
'jf Chilite, without the knowledge of the Prieft ; they wo.Id not be confccratcd,
»ptmibc After h vinj; dide urled of the true Rtli<.k of jftj^iuChriJl in the fcioud Book, Guibert pro-
CMite h feeds in the Third, to confute the falfc ones, which fome Perfam piGtended to have in nieir
r^p'Jh 'pofTeiTl^n He brc: \v.:h ih\s fine M.Txim, " "Tis rcquifite to approve the Devotion .ind

ctmcki. " Reff tcl that Peop le Ji3\c lor (jod and the Saints, but only as far as that Devotion does noc
deviate *

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of ihc Twelitli Century of Chuuiamty, 143
(devute frosa bounds of true Rdigioa ; otfacmiiie it happens, Uu: the derout Perlbn,
inftead of tecHving tberecompenceoflus Af^oo, beoomes culpable by bis Error: For when
any thing is faid God, or a Worfl»ip is rcnder'd to him, ci;iuiar) to the teltimonies o^*
Truth, the Party (ins lo mach the mure ciangcroufly, in r«£ard tha( Piety is made ufe of
fee » Pteieace ; fioce nothing is mnrc pc, nic;ou$, than to do Bril, and at the fame time
to imagine it to be a good Ailion : For how can any Man coi rcJl a Faul:, if he do not only
* not believe it to be an Error, but i* alfo perlwaded, that i^t i» aa adion whu^ defcrvcs to
be well xewaided? Afierwardshe vij^roufly oppofesifae Opinion of the Monks of St. Mcdard,
who boafled, that they had a Tooihol 3 ejus Chrlfl, .ind {;rounai his aifcrtions J'.ictiy ofi this
Anoment, that our Saviour being railed irom the Dead, all his Members and Pans ought
10 be re>mMKd co bis glorified Body. Tts true indeed, that thofe Monks nughr objctf}:, that
11 anyieafonably be fuppos'd, that our Saviour's firll Teeth were (Tied, as thofe of other
Children, and tlut which they kid was one of chofe. Guibnt in like manner propoles this
»erf Objeffion in their Name, and eludes it, by averring, that there are many other Reafons ,

to difprove their Argument, and that they had none to crtablilTi it. The principal that he
aliedg^ is, that 'tis iiot |>robable, dut the Hair, Teeth, Forc «kia and other Things that fell
Inn ibe Body of die Child Jtfut, viete kept at that tinie, md thatr there are no grounds to
believe that ^hcy were prcfcrvcd by the Virgin A/;r>. He likewife derides the pretended
Milk of dieBleOed Virgin, which was kept in the Church of and ia fome other Places.
Tbe Monks of & MmnI having alledged diwia Mindes in i^ndtcation of-tbeir Retick,
Oaibert replies, thatthat Tooth pcrh.ips might be the Tooth of fome Saint, or that thofe Mi-
sacles were wrought, upon account ot tiie Faith of thofe Periioos, wiio came thither (oiionour
• Rdick, which they fuppos'd to belong to Jefiu Cbrifi,
In the lafl Book that ocars this Tirle, Of the Internal PVorld, he Treats ofVifiofis and of the
ApMritioos of Demons or $oul% and Iheivs that the Vifions of tbe Prophets, were Vifiooa
«r Cbrporal Things : He acknowledges thar Demons are difper'd in feveral places. ai>dl that
they are prcfcnt in this ViHblc World. He maintains, That the Happinefs of the Elc£t, and
tbe pmiilbmetus of the Reprobates, areiux Corporeal, fortlie preleot, biu Spiritual, and is of
Opimon dMUt HeU-fire, wxh which theDevUsaie Tormented, is not a Mnmal and Corpo-
real Fire , bur the extreme anguilTi they have, to fee theitifclvc^ dcpr'v'd forever of the
bUfsfiil State, and of the Beatihck ViAon ; a< the Uaroincfs of the JBklied Spirits confifts, in the
defigbt they Ukt in beholding the GlcHy of God* taiUjr, he proves that Soals are of a Spi- -

ritual Nature; That they have no Figure ; That ihcy ate only capflbk of SpiineBal Sympa*
thie% aod thu Bodies cannot ad on them.
His Place caU'd, G^MDti psr FrMittu^ mem Atcmm tfth* 4Bimu A^t G»d fnftrm'i bj
r/jf French, isdivided into E ghr Books, and DccJicucd to IJfrarJ Bifhop of Soijfont. It con-
tains a large and accurate Hittory of the firft Cmlade undertaken by the French, and. of liv?
Conqueils they made in tlieLMMN#, and in tlie Hd^Lmd, flAorechiecially under tbeCondoift
of Biemotid Duke of ApulU, and ''r of 'Bouihn King ofjerufalem. This Work is writ-
ten in a fweUiitt Style, fome Yerfes being intermixed with the Pi»fe ; kit the Author iiat
CTCiy where aded as a vety fiutfafiil Hiftorian, and has ever dedinM to iniett fnch Naniu
lives, as had no other Grounds bur popular Reports.
The Life of Gtfiitfr/ written by himfcif, is not a limple Relation of what befel him, bat .a
Vorit partly Moral in imitation of St. Aug^hi* Conmfions, and panly Hiftorical. He onlces
long Digrcrions on dif?trenr Subfecfls, relaring the Htftory of the Abbeys of St. German, and
J^tmt Jwi Ccui^, with that of the Churches of Lmh, Soij^otu^ &c Tiiereare alfo diveiaNarrap
tnnSi as a great ntimber of Miradet, Vifioos and Appnirions, and of other Hiftorical Mas-
ters of Fv'l th-r hnppen'd in his time.
Among the Works, of Sc. Bernard n likewife to be found a Sermon on thefe words of the
iaft Verw of ^ XI. Chapter of tbe Wifdom of Stkmm. Vict Jball net frevatl againfl fVSf^
dam; P:e re.uheth from one end to nnothrr mightily, and fvtetly doth p^e order nH things, which
is aaribuced to Guibert of Nogent ; becauTe he intimates in the XVL Chapter of tbe iirft
Book of his Life, that he made a S^on on that Text.
fiefidesthefc Works G/^/^rrf wrote a Tmrif on the Scnrcnccs taken out of thcGofpels, mi.
die Books of the Prophets, of which he niakcs mention in the XVI. Chapter of tbe firit Book
of ins Ufe J ha dits Work was noc bronght to Light and perhaps was never Compleated*.
Father Owim informs U5, thar he fotjndin the Library of the Anbeys of K<i«r/.i/Vand Igny, cer* •

tain Commenurics written by Guibert in the Prophecies of Obadiah, Jenahf Mtcah, ^^achariah,
ytet, Nthmt, HMakuk and i^ffbamah.
This Author having fpcnt much time in the Snidy of Grammar and Poetry, wrote in a ve-
'ty dear Style, and Compos d indiiiercnt good Vcrtes. He argues witli a great deal of Judg-
aaeni in his Dogmatical Trtatifts, and handles the Matters Methodically. He gives a very
Natural DtTer^rnon of ihe inward Difpofitions and Paifions of Men, in his Treawes of M»-
sali^, but is too florid and prolix in the HitlortcaK
His WoAs were pubii'lhd by Father Ltd(e Dacbery, in Folio, by Sillaine at Paris, A Y\
He has Illuftraied them with Learned Notes and large Obfervatious, in which he
Mfers to a great mimber of Ancient Monumeots, and produces the Hiftory of divers Abbeys.

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1^4 Ecclcfj ifiical Hijlory
He Iik.civ.ic inicneil in Volume to rentier ii of a Competent fargcncfs, tl>c Lives
ihc fame
of Sr. G:r»»*»ff. Sc^/uw*. C4iiintof C»'r/>)', and Sf.^*/^cr^.^ the firft Abbcfsot St. Jdn atX.*-
c«, whoFounJul Mi n.i'^cry, A. C. 6^/ n<; Kb three Books of
. Arch-bifhop of /^^mw*
ai;a-nfl the Hcrcticks ot his Time, and the Continuation of Si'gehrt's Chronicle by /^r/rrr of
To'l^ny Abbot of St. Mieharl's Motint. with a Treatife of the f ine A iihor about the Refor-
inarioii of '!\' i>- Abbi-y;, ami fcvera! [.IP.'; nf the Deans of the CaThcdr.Tl Church f L,ton, and <

of the Abbots of St. jf rbn and St. Martini in the fame City. Gnihert's Hiltory of the CruCiJe
was already fee forth b^jM^Btn^ttrfim in his Colleiftion of Hiftorians, printed io
under the Mine Title that Gmbtft ionpoa'don his Woric, W{. Dei fer Ptmcfs.

SlGEBERTil Moak of Gemblours.

SigcSert CTHi: BFRT a Monk ofGrw//'(;>/. h.i\:n(tken publick Piofenbr of Divinity in the

of '^Monai^cry ot St- yitutnt .u Mcti return'd to his ownConvcnt, where he aiiply d himfclf en-
Otm- ctrely to Study, and to the Compofingof Books. He viporoufly mainiaiii'd the Intcreft of the
EmpcrotF IV. and Hemy V. apainft the Popea, anddied.<#. 0. 1113. The fioUovtingCa-

talogue of h;i Works was made by himfelf

He Compcs'd during his abode at St. ViKCtnt at Men, the Life of St. Thierry fiifhop, of the
(amcCty, .nul Founder of the Abbey, with an Encomium on that Sainr in Hcroick V'crfe.
The P.^ iflf n of St. Lfeci * in /f/c4ifi^^ Vcrfe : An Anfwcr to thofe, who ci.nfur"d the Propiiccy
of that .Saint, in which fas it is reported) fhe foretold that the Perfecution would ci ate with-
in .ll'tr'c wi lie, \iprn the Expulfion o: Di-c.'^/'tjn ,ir.J the Dc.lth oi MaxlmHian A SL-riion :

in commenda' (Oil of the fame Saint, in wh ch !.e relates the Htrtory of the federal tranllarions
of her Body from Sicily to Corfu, and from tlicnce to Mett: And the Life ofSti Sfjj'eArrf Kijif
of France, who foumied the Chaich and Abbey of Sx..Miytin nar Mrtr.
Si^el'crt r>ficr hi*, return ro the Mo:ia(lcr>' ot Gcmlkurs, conipoi'd the following Works, t>iqf.
The Ui loiy of the Pallion of the Tlseban Martyrs in Heroick Verfc , and the Life of
Si.Guiiert Founder nf the Church of Gemhicurs He Hkewifc corrected the old Relation of

the Life of St. l.Aml'crt, and made a new one illuilratcd with Comparifons taken out of the
ancient Wnt rs, as alfo an Anfwer toa Letter that Vo^Grtgory VIL wrote to Herman BiftioP
of Mrfs. To thcfe Pieces are to hv added, an Aj'ology for the Emperor Henry, ae:^in'> thole
who in%,cii' h apainft Malfcs faid by married Pricfts ; A Letter written in the Name of tin:
Churches of I if^' Cimhay, againft Ptfihal H's Letter, in which that Pope excites the
Count of fIand' r s 10 n-.r,ke War with the People of thofe Territories : An Anfwer to the In-
habitants of T*/ff coiiccrr.iiip the Faft of rhc LVwA^r- Weeks. The Book of Ecclepajies in Hc-
roick Verfe, according to the! ii !, aUcgorical and nytboiop'cnl Scnfcs : The conrinuatioq
of Eufi!iui\ Chronicle after St^prcwf to the Year if ir. A Treatife alx)uc the Rt forma-
tion of the Cycles, and another of Illuftnous Pcrfonnpcs in imitation of St.Jcrcm and Gen-
Of all thefc Works there only remain in onr PoflTeflfion, the continuation of St. Jeromt
Chioiiivle frrni ./ C. 381. to 1 112. The Treatife of EcdeliafttcaJ Writers: The Lenet
written in the Name of the Clergy of Liege and Cioi^tys And the Livet SuSigAert^
Sr. Guibrrt and St. Mideii, rcfeiT'd to by Surim.
This Author h very accurate in his Writing, and attain'd to coniiderablc proficiency in the
Study of the Ltbenl Sdeoces, and in all fonsofHumane Learning

A Scbolafiick Divine of the Church of Autun.
Honoriui [jONORIUS. a Prieft and Sdwlaftick Divine of the Chuich of 4anm fini^'d tlie Sott*
Soliunus, . "'T- flounfr.'d under the Emperor !hnry \,A, O, iiio. We
have tictk aOGOOntof Ilis
4 ScboLf Life, but many ot his Work^ are ftill extaru.
fiiei Di. The moft conliderabre, is hit Treatife of the Lights of the Church, or of the Ecclefiaftical
v:«c tf Writers, fui\ luhW^icd hy SuffriJus, znd :ihcrwMxhhy ylulcrnu Mir.fUi in their Colledions of
Autun. Authoi s, wImj wrote thofe that treated of Ecdcfialtical Affairs. Htmrim has div ided ttiis Work
into four Books, the Three firft of which arc only an Abridgment of the Treatifes on the
Eccleliaflical Writers by St. 7rrom, CennaJiia ntid I^.Ip; m. He gives an account, in the laft,
of fomc Authors fince Venerable BciU to his time. This Treatife conuins alinoft nothing
clie but the Karnes and CbaracSkefS of the Authors, and the
Titles of'riieir Worits : Tc is Ibf
low'd by another Treatife of the fame Nature, containing tlie Name- of the ancient Hcre-
iicks and tlieir prmcipal Dodrincs Pritued at £4^/ in 1 544, To thcie two Treatifes may

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of the Twelfth Century of Cinflianity. 1 45
be added a Chronological Tabic of the Popes, from St. Ptter to Itmoctnt il. which is extant
amoBg the other Works of this Author.
The Trcatile calj'd, The Pearl cf the Sou! or, Of the Divine Offices, h tlividcd into four

Books. In the Firft, he treats of the Saaifice of the Mals; Oi its Ceremonies and Prayers
Of ibe Church ; Of its Pans and Ornaments ;. Of the Mmifters of the Altaf and their Hh*
bits, tfc. In the Second, he difcourfcs of the Canonical Hours, and of ihc Et rFcnn{li>.a! Of-
fice* for the Day and Night. In the Jhird, of ilic principal FcftivaJs of the Year j And ia
ihe Foonh, of the Concord or Agrecdncnt of the Offices of the whole Year, with the parttca-
lar Dnys and Times on which rhcy arc cclcbnrcd. Thefe Books nrt- full of a great number
of Arguments and myftical Explications that have no other Grounds but the Authors Imagina-
tion. They were primed at Lij^ek., A. D. 1 5 1 4. and in the Colledions of the Writers who
have treated of Ecclclialtical Offices.
The Treatife of the Image of the World is divided into three Books : In the Firft of ihefc, be
neais of the World and of its Parts : In die Second, of Time and its Puts; and the Tliird is
a Series of Emperors, Kings and other Sovereign Prinocs» iiomche Creation of
cbe World to the Emperor Frederick Barhrojft.
The Piece diat bears the TitJe of The PI)ilcfop}ij tfihe tt^trfJ, dtvtdetl inm finr Books, is a
Trtaiife of the Syftem of the Worfil and cf its principal ParT-; It is follow'd by anodier

Tra<a of the fame Nature, touching the Motion of the Sun and Planets.
The Treatife of Predeftination and of Free-will, is Written in fenn oif i Dialogue, and
has for its Subjetft the Explication of thar common Qiicl'inn, How
can Free-will be recon-
ciled with the Certainty of Pi-cdeftination ? He defines Fredelbination to be an eternal pre-
paration to Happinefs, or Milery of thole that have done Good or Enl : He affirms. That
it impofcs no neccirity of doing either l)Cc.-iifc God docs not prcdcflinnrc to Happinefs or

Uifery, but with refpeA to the Merits of the Perlon : He rejcds the Opinion of thofc who
aflert. That Frcc-will confifls in the Power of doing Good or Evil, and defines it to be a
Capacity of performing Righrcoufnefs vofunrarily and without conftraint : He in-iinrains, That
lA»a by his Nature, is endued with a Power to adt according to the Rule of Righteoufnels,
alihongb he ftands in need of Grace to do it, and is capable of refifliog that Grace: He
lays, That God made all reafonablc Creatures for his Glory, hm 'h?^ he left them free to do
dtber Good or Evil by their own Will, and that he would have all Men to be fav'd, but that
\m iheir ftce Will, which is the caale of their Damnation. Afterwards he explains, why
God made Crearyres, when lie foreknew that they would iTn .igainft him, and that rhey would
be dunned : Why the Word was incarnate : Upon what account. Mankind having deferved
nodnn^bot Pumlhment, after the committing of Sin, God leaves fome in the Mus of Per-
dition, who arc damned by their free Will, and faves others by his fpecial Gr-xc, whirh
they by no means deferv'd : And how Salvation ought rather to be attributed to Grace than
to ftce WAU although free Will co-Operates with Grace. He ofaferves, That Children, d»c
incur Damnation, arc joftly condemn'd to that Punifhment,- and that thofc who attain ro
Salvation, are fav'd by Grace, which they never merited : And as for adult Pcr-
fons, that they are fav'd by Grace and free Will, and that thofe who are danined, arc
doom'd to thir Sentence by Juflice, and by their free Will That Predeftination neither

iaves nor damns any Perlon by force ; although all the Eied are infallibly fav'd, and the Re-
Erobaies infallibly damned : But forafmucli as 'tis not known, whether one be of the nuBl-
cr of the V.lcA or of the Reprobates, that 'tis requilTrc to ule all poflible endeavours for the ar-
caining to Salvation : And that the number the Eledb is certainly determined, bccaufc God
from ail Eternity, knew thofe who would die in that State. He ados. That Man fince Adam'%
Tranfgreflion, may fall by his free Will, but that he caimot rife again but by Grace and ;

that God fometimes denies that Grace, to thofe who are too Prefumptuous : That every Thing
which happens in the World, ought to be refin'r'd to God ; either becaufe he does it, or be>
caufc he pcrmif; it, or in regard that he does not prevent it ; that he caufes all things to rend ro
the promoting of his own Glory ; that he Ihcws Mercy on whomfoever he thinks fit, by af-
fbrding them his Grace ; that he iiardens others at his Pleafurc, by leaving them In their
Wickednefs and in the St.ite of Reprobation. Laflly, after having made fome Moral Rc-
fiedlions, our Author concludes this Work, with a Recapitulation of the Principles that he
had afacady eftabliOi'd.
In the Catilogu " 'he Works of tfrnnrius of Auttm, no mention h made of certain Quc-
fiions relating to tli« Books of I'roverl^i and Ecclejiajics, but tlx:y come very near his particular
Style and Genitit.
CommenTary on the Canticles is preceded by a Preface, concerning the different fenfes
of Holy Scripture, the DiviHon of the Sacred i3<x>ks, and the general Qucilions which re«
late ro that Book in panicular. He explains the Text of it according to the four Senfes tx-
picflhd ia his Preface, the Hiftorical, the Allegorical, the Tropological and the Aoago-
This Treatife is follow'd by another call'd. iL-e Seal of the blejf^ l^rgin Mary ; in which
he applies to ^ejus chrifi and to the blelTed Virgin, what is eacpic&'d in theBook of CdtiU-
tUi^ concerning the Bridegroom and the Spoufe.

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, ^5 ^ ^'^^ Ecclejjjflical Hijlory

All '.hci*' Work? were colIc<fled by Andre/uScbottus uid^oaa.CoveUas, and printed in ihc

Tw. Ifch Ivaic ot thu Bibliotbcc4 Patrum of dieC«/«M Edition, and in tiie Twennctli of dwr of

^^I'hc fcll'jwing V.'urk^ compos*d by the fame Author are Joft, w*^. Ao Iliu^radoo divided
trca.s of Jefiis Chr'iji ; the fccond of theChwcb, and the
into ihrcc Books, iIk tint ol which
third <rf Eternal Life. It cannot be t1 at w!i ch is attr burn! lo Si. Anjyv), ad which is ex-
tant aironptt his Wo;k<, bccaufc the Subjcd of
the three Books written by the latter, t$ aiu>-

gcihcr diriVrcot 1 he M.rior

: of the Church confiiting of Moral Difroorfwr A Trear fccaird,
%e Scaniai raffed Ij the Inccniimnfjt cf Priefis : An Hilloric Abru!: n;cnt: A Trcarife ofl

the Euchai iThe Kiu wlcdjjc of Life ; or a Trcatile of God, and of Eternal Life: The

Ladder ot Hi u cn, or ihc D.prtes of Vifion : Some Extra6(s out of St Auguftin, in fortt
of Dialogue bc^wicn Cod a; d the Soul : A Trcatifc of the Pope and the En pcror : A Com-
uienury on rhc Books of Pfaltn? and Cant clcs : Certain Homilies on thofe Gofpels that were
not explain d by S:. G'fgoy The Key of natural Philofophy. concernir g the Narurc of Thhfsr

The fpirimal Nucnmt nr, about the Feftivals of our i>3viour and the Saints, and fome
Lctrcr<;. Mention is made of ibefc Works and of thofe that ait Itill exan^ in ibe cod of

Trcatiic of EccleCaititai Writers, and in Trhbemiut.


In the end of tbe Works of Honor ins of Autun, is annexed a certain Commentary on the
Cnrtiils ill t is mnre Mora! t!:an Myftical, and which fome attriburc to him; but it is
not his genuine Commentary. This Author is not of good eftecm, upon account of his
Style or Accnraqr, but for his Iodiiflt7, and the P«i» he has taken in making Empiiriet.


BiJhof c/ Roche iter.
p^Bs Of
a Monk of Sc. lAuiisn at fl.' left his M«n«-
»^ O.ery by rtafon of the D-fo -dcr hap[-i. nVi ihcn in, nnd made Afipixa icn r- r ar.fiavk,
Arnul- Arcb-biihpp of Can:erhwy, nnuc; wiioai he h d l*uu)'d jn the Abbey oi Bi^-. He coat*nu'd
phjs i5f. .jjjj, jj long fi^y in the Qiialiry of a limple Monk in his Monaftery ar CmterhuTj, wasmadfc
^rJor of it by Sr. Anf-lm, and afttrwariK A!'! t of Bu'Ci^ A' lrt'> he was ordain*d Bithop
aocKfler, cars and ionic I^ys.
j^j/^^,. in j 1 ^. and g .vem'd rhat Chur<. h during nine
1 He died,
H.'O. Iil4> in the 84th Year of his Ape.
Father Dacliery publifh'd two I ettt-rs written by this Prelate in rhe fccond Tome of his
SfiiUtgium, which arc two fmal! Trads The M\ is d rwfted 10 U j^ueiim flilhop of f*7waf/ir,
an Anfwcr to a 'Qncftion. wh ch thor Blihop ptt)pos'd to him in a Conl«icnce they had to-
gether at Cjn/e»^^w > viz. W-cther a Woman, who has commiitcd Adulrcry with her Hup

bands Son, whom he h^d by another W

f-. ought to be ti'ivor^ed frooa her Husband? He
.maincain'd <he AiKrtiwii\e, and the BiOiop to uhom he wrote, afllrted the Kcgarive. Inifaii
T'rc.u-fc }: >iulp' i!r anfwcons of rhat Prel. re
r'? rhc Olij*
(li wi::g, rhat r.ll the P.-.fTigcs of

Holy Scripture, in which 'tis forbidden to pan Man and W.fe, ought only 10 be undcntood
of a voluntary Separation, between Perfons who arc nor goiiky of Adultery, and aftenNttfds
confirn s his Opinion, by making it appear, that rhe Bifhop? to prevent Difordcrs, have of-
ten condcmn'd Adulterers, to aWain for ever from the ufe of Marri;^e ; that it is ihe uSa^
Cttftom of the €^ar<^h ; tKat this Ponifliinent is ortlain'd in the Pcnitenrial itcahfs; and ihaea
Divorce h }if'\y nllnw'd upnn ncconm of Spirinnl Alliance, althonrh it he nor cvprcfs'd in
the Scrip-^urc as Atiulrery He adds, that 'tis not unju.t, tlut a Husband ihould be divorceti

team his Wife although he he innt^cent of the Crime onninutteJ by her. and that fhoteaM
maoy other Caufcs, for which a Husband is obliged to pur away hi* Wife.
The fccond Letter of the fame Author, is d retted :o a cerrnm Pcrlbn
who h^d propos*d five Qiief^ions, although he was unkrown to him. The lifft tl ID know-
why the Eucharift is admiiiii^cr'd at prefer: after a ditfc"^ r- and almd> contrary manner, ro
that which was oblcrv'd by Jefus Chrijl ; bccauk- it was cuiromary ar rhat time, to diiiribiue
an Hciftfteept in Wineto rheCJommunicants; whereas Jefut ChriJ} gave his B<3dy and Btoad
feparatcly ? Eruulphus replys to that Qi'cfar-n, Thar our Saviour, bv [»;: c<,me inro rhc
World, for the Salvation of Men, pretcnb d to thctn what was neceflary to be done in order
TO obtain it, without cxprefling the manner In particular: That therefore, he did not tdl
t^en\ Baptize in this or that m:>r!ncr let the Baptized Pcrfor. be plunged rhnc fovcral times tq

the Water i do not permit the Catechumens to be confccratcd at firrt with Holy Chrifm,.^.
but only faid (imply. BapdTC diem That by this means, the Thhigs which eoe abfolneety

net rffary may be cafiiy known, and thofe that mny l-c fom rimt s n:nittcd or aher'd : Thir up.
on that, very account, foJiic Cu:loms, which wcc in uic in the Prim tive Cimrch, were not
long obferr'd : That ir is certain, for Example. Tl at the A poUIes receiv'd the Comina-
nion after .Suppe*-, alrhoiiph it be now recrivM Fatting: That rhey celebrated ir cn a
wooden Table, although at prefent it is otfcrd on a Stone-Altar; rhat the Bread cbey tmde

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of tU Twelfth Century of Chrifiioiuty. 147
tofeof was orJinsrv Bre.i<1. and ihnt thnr wMch is now us'd is finer and more loofc That :

tbcfcforc 'tis not to be admir d, if thisBread be given Iteept ; although there was oo luch
CafVom bererofore, that the Frleft Aould mingle fome port of the Speeiet of fined with the
Wine Thnr this n-anncr of Adminiftrarion is obforv'd, left nny ill Accidents (houM Ii. ppti)

in the diftribution of the Wine aloiiC, and left k ihoulJ ttick on the Hairs of the Beard or
'WItkken, or Ihonld be fpilt by the Minifter.
The fccoiiJ (ijeftion is, Why a fourth part of tho Hoft is put in o the He nn-
fwers, That Jt is not cultomary lo divide the Holt into four Pans, but only into tbrce^ jet
^trliTrd part, which is put into the Chalice, is as large as the fourth part of the Holt ; al-
thmi' b rc be taken in !omt Charilics, xn make it cxadly of the bignefs of the third pnrr.

He aifinns that this Cullocn was imroduc d. becaufe ilie Pricif or Bilhop who Officiates,
ougfat ro commanieate with that part which is put into the Chalice, and to diftribnte the two
others to the Deacon and Sub-deacon, who nre AiTirtants. He produces another myfiic-J Rc a-
ibo ol the fame CuUom, vi^. That the Body of Jefus Chrift which isofl'erd upon the Aitar,
is the Sacrament or the Figure of his Myltical Body, which
is the Church, compos'd of three

Orders rhat is to fr.y, Siipcriours, Virgins and married Perron<;

; or rlfr rh»c ir is done to

be a Figure of the Myltery of the 1 rinity, or to denote the liirec iiutes ot J ejus Chrifi^ vi?.
die Mortal, the DeKl and the Raifcd
The Third Qijcftlon is. Why the Blood of ^efus Chriff is rcceiv'd fi paruely fi om his Bo-
dy, and why it is receiv'd in his Body ? He returns
toi Auiwtr, J bat they who receive the

iwo Sorcies feparately, do n in imitation of J«fm Chrijl ; and although his Body be received
entire! under ea^h Spedes, nc\ cr helcfs each Species is receiv'd feparately, iKc.iufe our !ia.

viour has diftinguifli'd thofe two Things j deligrring to exprc6 to us by bis Body, his FleOi
and Members,, foch as they appear'd, folid and entire, <ad by bis filood» that which was
Ihed by hian on the Cr (s
The Fonith, is to know. Whether the Body of Cbriji be received with, or without *

a Soul? Heanfweisat firft, That ihefe forts of Queitions are ufually iKirtcd by Perfons
'^]lO jiffed to feem Jeamed, and who endeavour to lay Snares for the Faith of weak Chri-
ftiaas, who humbly believe what
the Holy Ghoft teaches them : That 'tis moit expedient

Hot to enter upon the detxitc of fuch Qucftions : Th;it although one cannot com p ffel tc nJ how
the Bread .ind Wine arc made the Body and Blood
of Jefut Cbriji nev^-rthclefs ir cannot be
doubted, lince our Saviour faid. This is my Body, tks » my Blood : I bac u argues FcoliOmefs
cnfiblc Secrets of the Myfleries of Chriftianity,
to endeavour to penetrate into the inccmprc!
and inro that in particular, which i' Myftery of Faith
?. :
That it is certain, that rfie S-ib-
into the Body and Blc>od of Jefus Chrift
ftance of the Bread and Wine is ci.ang d ; akiiougii

it (Kll appear to the Senfes to be Bread and Wine, and that it retai iiv all 'he Qualities of

them Laftly, that as the Qualities of the Bread and Wine arc to b
\ov.\\d, ahhnugh tbfi
Sul^tance does not appear ; fo it may be faid after the fame nnanjici Thar the Qualities of

the Body, are not to be fcnind dierein, although

its Subllance rennains : And that therefore
'tis impertinent, to ask
wl-ctl-er the Bpdy of Jf/«^ Chrift^ in tfacEucharjft, be dead or io*--

mcrtal, or whether it be cndu d with a Soul or not.

The laft Queftion is above the Senfe of ihefe Words of the Prophet Jo*/, Chap. a. verf. 14.
Pf/ho kpetftth if God xvilt turn and repent^ and
leave a Blejfmg Mind them ? He fays thar
die turning of God conlifts in the remiffion of Sins, which he grants to thole who are con-
vened; and that when it it faid, That he leaves a filc0ing behind htm, die meanipg is, 19
thofe who foUow him.


Priors of the Carthufian Mmafierj at Grenobld.

I'oundcr of the Carthufum Order, was bom in the City of Colen, and his St* iMNb
Parents, tho' of mean Condition, took care that be Ihould apply himlelf ro ftudy ; in
which he looti tnade a Confidcrable Progrcfs, and ateatned to nrnch skill both in Divinity ,

and Humane Learning: After having officiated for fome time in Qviality of Canon of Sr. Cawf-
ht t Cc'cn, he was invited to Hieiw. made Canon and Scholaftick Divine or Prebend of
ih u Lhurch. and nominated publick Profcflbr of IKninity. He bad (bme Cbntefta with Ma-
not endure, and was one of his Accufers.
najfet his Metropolitan, whofc Irregularities he could
Whereupon he was oblig'd to leave the City of Kpeimt, and took a rcfolu ion to retire entirely
from Worldly Buflnefs. He had for Ms Affiftanain carrying on that Dcfign, LmAuh, two
Onons of St. Rufus, both nam'd Steflen, one of "Burgos and the other of Die; Hugh wliom

tbc\' call'd their Chaplain, becaafc he was djc only Priclt

among them, and two Lay-men
nam'd Andrew and Guarin, Thefe feven Perfons, who were exoied by an eameft defire so
aromocedwir own Salvation, feeking fcr a place convenient to lead folitary Life, feparat- .1

cd from all manner of Commerce with other Men, went to GrtneUe, and made Applica-
% U tion

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i^g A Nov EccleJSaflial Hijlory
tion t.> Bifhop of that Cky. a Prelate of prcaT SanfVity, who rccciv"d them witk iU
vvilh fur, ai d appa.nud the folitudc o( La Chtrtr^fi
the Marks oi Chanty, that they couIJ
for their Hibiutim, where they fettled, A. D. ioS6. St. Bruno,
who the tnoll able
DlvIiK annong ihem, chofcu their firft Prior ; but hv was fent for to Jtalj^ in lo^.
of CaUbria, calt'd L*T#rr*,
by I'ope VrCan II. and rcur'd with his PcrmiUion lo a iuiitude
where he died ORoixr 6. not. Latubun fuoceeded him in the Priory of La Grand Cnsm euft^
aiid f'fic Pi tC' fupplicd his Pincc ; after-w'hom was promoted to that Dignity, whole luc-
ceflbr was Guiguc dc Cyhe a Native of VAtence in Dauj/hine the fifth
Prior of that fatnoos
Monaftery, who [commuted the Statue* of die Order lo Wriraog, and goveto'd it during
17 Ycirs, t!ur to lay, from y^. D. 1 1 if
is m i n".
1 he Works of Btuno Bilhop of Semi, arc cfunrnonly a;tnbutcd to this St. Brtmo, and
Otnong thofe that bear his Name, print^ MC«iEm in ttfl I. add )>ilbiilh'd by Thecdofe dcCtmif
a Cart/'ufiin Mo;ik thit City there are only two I crer*: thit really belong to St. Bnitu,

which were written cont cminp his lolkudc in CaUlrtJt j one of them being dirtdicd to H4-
iulfbe h V«td, Provolt of the Chnrch of I{beimt^ whORi he ckhorts to retire from the World,
and the n-hcr to Monks of / <'l:.ntrcuft. -f

Guieue GUlGUt a» like mamici composd divcrs Works bcfidvi the Statutes of his Order, lately
wJr cf printed in the lirft Tome of the Annals of the Ca thufian Monks, f >>. the Life of Jk. Hi^
1.3 Gran- Bilhop of Grenoble, rctcrr'd toby Su iw. in April t. Certain M
dit.inon>:, or r.irhfr

de Cihar- Notions, printed m the B// ,/ ^'/'fc,i P.ttrum: A TrcatHe cf the Conicmplaiivc L ie, or the
trenle. Ladder of the Cloifter j or of the four Exercifes of the MonalHck Cell, which arc annexed
to St. Bernard's Work^ A 'rrenrile of Trutli .inJ Peace, a Manufcri] Copy of which is

kept in the Library of the Canhufiam at C«<e« j And divers Letters, four of which arc 6iU
cntnt, and weie fee ibrtb by Father hbAitim, in the feeond Totne of
The Firft is ilircc"l:cd to lliimric Chj-'LcIIor tvr ihc Churdi ol /^owe j in whieU Ive inTcighs
againft the Pride and Luxury of the Clergy men of his time, elpecially thofe of the Cfanicb
of /(cmr and alTerrs, that recourft ough: not tr) be hsd to Arm? or 10 the Secular POWCr, t9

maintain the Inrercif of the Church, or to augiuciu its (isanuear.

In the Second, %vrirtcn to Hugh Prior of the Knights Templars be declares. That bfc
does not exhort him rn iVia'^*- N\'nr witli the vITWc Encm'r'^ of the Church Vsr to o'-p-h- its
invifibJc Enemies, and that he would advife him to fubduc Vice, rather ir^an to at.avk the
In the Third, he comforts Pope J"''^"^ ' TI. and exhorts him, not to be furpriz'd nt t'^ x Ef-
forts made againft him by the Schilnuncks ; avouchmg at the fame time, that there can be
bat one Pope, and that the whole WorU oi^c, In a manner, to be look'd npon as hn
In the lafV, he writes to the Monks of the Canl-ujlaH Convtut at Du lm near Mirfeiles,
That he had caus'd a Colledion to be made of $t.9^rrMM*s Letters, and had correded a gren
mnrbcr of Faults which had crept into iheti^ ••fv, r.ffo,
; That he rerrcnch'd from
that Colledion thofe Letters, which the mcanneis of ihc Style, or the difference of the
CoM^prions, made it appear to be unworthy of that preat Man. He likewifc makes a
Catalopne ^f ^he latter, and p.iflc^ n very judicfom Ccr.furr ttpon rhem which (hews tiiat ;

Solitude and the pradice of Piety, do not hinder a Man from applying himfcif to Study,
and tha the Art of 0*rrf4i» is Qok inflooipttible, with Morality and SpiriCual Exerdfisfc

ft. Nor* QT. NORBERT, a Native of Unten, a Village of the Conntry of Cleves ; the Son of
beft Herbert and HMtwiga^ was educated to the Palace of Frederick^ Arc!i-b:(hcp of Coien, and
afterwards brought to the Court of the Emperor Henry V. He was admutW among the
Cfcfgy, and receiv'd the Orders of a Deacon and Prieft on the fame day. He was made %
Canon in his native Country, and enjoy 'd divers other Spiritu.!! Livings But being afrerw :

wards tranfponed with an extraordinary Zeal, he addtded himfcif to Preaching, with the
Perm ilTion of Pope Gf/-r/7«j IL and having quitted his Benefices, and dirtriburcd his svhole
Eftatc to the Poor, he embrac'd a more regnlar Life. He converted by his Preaching,
many Hereticks and a great nnmberof Sinners. Upon his arrival at Laon, being entreated by
B.irtMomevf Bifliop of rhatCity, not to leave his Dioccfs, he was prevail'd upon, by the rccjueft
of that Prelate, and chofe for the place of his abode, a difmal folitudc calPd Premontre^wh^n be
retird A. D. mo.
and there Ibtmded the Order of Regular Canons which bears that Name,
and which was confirm 'd five Years after, by Pope Howrius II. in i ii6. Some time afar,
Sr. Norbert was fcnt for to Antmrf to confun: Ttncbclin or Tanchelm, accns'd of Hcrefie,
and was conftrain'd the next Year to accefit of the Arcb-bifhoprick of M.igdebur^. He
afltfted in the Council held at Hheims, A. D. i r 31. in favour of Innocent II. took a Joamey
to tfgnte^ when tint Pope was re-eftablifhed by the Emperor iMbnriMt, and died in 1 1 34^

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of the Twelfth Century of Chrifliamiy. 4 451
cn!y extant a fmall moral Difboorie

dire(^cd to the Monks of his Order.

wtiam by him in fimh of m Exhomubn,


t> OBERT, Abbot of Molef>iic, u bo tinl founded the Monaftcry of C(^M«jf, A.D. 1098. wiih Kobcrt
*^ zi Monks of his Abbey, whom he brought into that Solitude, had not long the Govern-
ment of u Lr the nexi Year, he was obligd by the Pope's Ipccial Onler, 10 raurn to his
; Mokfiie,
own iMonaiicry. AWsik, vviw fuccccded hiin, and govern d Cijleaux. during nine Years and
a hair, gave no other Rule to his Monks but his Example. Afictwafds STEPHEN HAlt0> Stephen
ING dcld-Ldcd of a noble Family in E^,^/.r/../, one of the ;i Monks who c.unc from Mo-
leji/u widi i(;irr/, beiag clioic Abbot of Lijhmx, apply 'd himleii to Uk
compleating of that
Order, and may julUy be reputed the Founder of it : For he vm the firft that held genetsl
Chapters of th Convents of the Ciflercian Monks and made a kind of Rr.Ic. which was com-

mon to all thole Monaltcries. He call'd it the Charter ofCb»ritj, and publifij'd it in mm.
It wasapprov'd by Pope Calixtus II. h is divided into Thirty Chapters, which contain the"
panicular Ru!cs co be obferv'd by tliofc Monks, nnd is compriz'd ir Im- Mon^iogij Ordinis

Cillercienfis, priiuctl at yiniwerp in 1635. and in the Aanals of the lame

Order, printed at
Ljcns in 641. 1 Thei rt alfo extant in the BibfinhecH
CiHertittifis, a Trettifc etll'd. The

fnuU begiunhii of the CiAcrcian C> ,/<t A Sermon or. t!u- Dearh of Albnk
And a' Dif-
courfe made to St. Bernard, when he fQCCiv d the Monaitick Habit, which bear the *W
!m of

BRUNO 0/ Segai.

r PJ 'NO of ABi^ Canon of the Cathedral Church of that City, and afterwards of ^atBraaolf*
^ ui Sienfi.1, wcnr to Hsme in tlie time of Pope Gw? y VII. in whofc prefence he difputedifcop «/"
agaiiill Bsrengarius, and by way of rccompence, was made Bifhopof Segni : He cetir'd to SeftB^
Mount Cajfm under Pafchal II. who was oHended at his retreat, and drew him oat of ibat
Monaftery, to fend him in Qualir^' of h arc into France and Sia'ly.
• I
He govern 'd the
Abbey of Mount CaJJin for fomc ame, buc alcvi wards rcturnd to his Bilhoprick, and died
tJicre yf. D.
113. 1

Tlie Works ofihi^ Author were pubilHi'd by Mdftrus Mircheftut, a Alook of M^WIWt Cf0m^
who caus'd them to be printed iri two Tomes ac Veniet in 165 r. -

The Firil contains his Commencarics on the Pentateuch, on theBookiof Pftfmt and
C.v ucles, and on the Revelation ofSt.7«hij in which he adheies moR tO tlie Mota^ than
to the other Senfes of the Text.
In the Second, are compris'd Forty five Sermons on tlie Gofpels of the whole Yea^ the
grcateft pr.rt of which were printed under the Name of Eufcbius of Rmtf'a and Sc. Euchotus :
A Trcuife on rhc .Sonp of S^achariah ; Another of :he Incarnation and Burial of ^efuj Chrift^
in which he enquires how long our Saviour continued in the Sepulchre : A Trad to prOTO
the ufr of I'nleavcn'd Bread againft the C'^rrh An Explication of ccrrain Ceremonies of
the Church: The l ife of Pope Leo IX. A 1 rcatifc about the Corruption of the Age, pro-
ceeding (as he lays] from Simoniacal Pradlices; in which he ddcourfes of the Invalidity of Ol^
dinatiuns made by SirnonifU, and of thofc of Perfons guilty of that Crime: The L:fe of St.
Peser of Anainid Two Letters, vii^. One dircded to the Bilhop of Porto, and the Other

to Pope Pafchal Six Books of Sentences or Moral Difcourfes on divers Subjeds, which

foine hive n.trributcd to St.Bnoifi Founder of the Curthufiin Order, and which Mtrchfitij
reiTot u li' uno at
-.L) Scgni upon the Credit of Petrus DUcenus, by reafon of the conformity
cf the StyL\ and in regard that the Amber of tbefe Difcourfes makes it appear, that beob-
Icrv'd St.Bfwf /xrt's Rule, ar.d that he wrote on the ApKahpfr
To thefe Work, are annexed a Commentary on the Bcok of Pfalms, by a Bene* O lo 1 E«- ODO
diciin Monk of A^ti, dedicated 10 hrmo of Segni. neJiiftin
The Trcatilc of the Sacniments or Rithfs of rlie Church, by Bruno BiOiop of Segni, were Mukof
pubiitiie4 by Fathtr Luke Daci>ery, in the Twelfth Tome of the Sficilej^ium^ as a new Piece, ^fti.
alcboBgh it was printed in the Vtmtt JBdition.


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I JO A Nop Eccefiaflical H'fory
MARBODUS Bihp of Rennes.

Marbob'us li ARBODUS, flomUh'd it Angett in cde end of the preceding Cenrary in quality of C«-
Bijhepcf IVl ^^^^ A :ch-fleacon and principal Mnftcr of the Schools of that Church. Afterwards he
nominated tor the Biihoprklc of Rennes by Pope Vrl>jft II. was ordain d in the Council
of Tmtx, A.D. fo9<. and govetn'd that Chnrch during twenty eight Years. When he prr-
ceiv'd himfclfro c'raw ncir his end, he left his Rifhr ji-ick. and r; r'r'd to the Monaf^cry <.f
St. jiulinax Angers, where he aOum'd the Habii of St. Bmedttt, and d cd in the beg;nn:ng of
theMondi ^Sefttmhr, A.D. i tt}. Sig^m affhiesos chat he wrote a Gbnmentary on the
Book of Canticfrr, but ir is nnlonpcr cxranc
Mmb«dm cooipos'd dircrs Poetical Works Printed at [{fUHcs, in i ^14. in which Edition
areto befound certain Hymiisofl M»y Mugdaltn Three Prayers to God : One to die Vif.
pn Mvy Several Epiprnms and Letters in Vcrfc : Divers moral Poems: A Piece on the
coiling away of 3fcn/ij : Anotlier on the Martyrdom of the M.icc jbecs : The Padions ol divers
Martyrs ifi Vefie : The Lifif of St. M^urilfus of Angers in Verfe : Sixty Poetical Piece*
on the preciou<; S;onc>, and on other Subjccfls : Ten other Poetical Pieces or. the follow:ng Sub-
jeds, v«>. on the m.inncr of Writing; on Time ; on Eternity ; agamft kwd Women ; in
comoiendattoR of vertnoot Women; on Old Age; againft thole who imagine that the &u»
have any influence o\ cr the Bodies of Men ; againft VolttpniouToeis { 00 ttue Frieodflup. and
on the Advantages of Death and of the Refurredlion. .
Thefe Poenw are fbIIow*d by fix Letters, in the Firft of which •dire^ftcd to I{enaud Bilhop
of Anj^e. i, Mtrbodus complains, Th -t ihit Prelate after leaving perfecutcd and tradac'd him,
ptd^lickly condemn'd him, for writing to the Pope, that the dtttorbances raifed by the Bi-
fhopof Anj^ets hinder'd him from going to ^me. He u|»braids him wi h the Services he did
him, in t .iulinp him to be chofcn Bifhop, and the .imftance he gave him in expediting his
Joumy to Ihme, to get his Ele*flion confirmed ; that in ftcad oi a graxtal atknowledgmenc
of that Kindnefs, he was no (boner retum'd from Home, but he depriv'd him of thofc Favours
and Privtlegcs, which were prnn'cd ro him by hi. Prcdiceffors, wi'hour fo n-.uch as allowing
him fix Months Relpir, to make an honourable retreat ; and, that af;cr having made complaint
of bis being treated fo nnworthtiy, the Bifliop of Angrrs cited him to H^me, knowing thae
he was not in a condition ro go thirhcr
; obtain'd power to condemn him, and ai'luafly pronounc'd
Sentence againll him under colour, that he had rcceiv'd Imludion into two Churches. Alter
having thus fmarrly reprehended ktHattJ, he adviles bim 10 tnodeme his Anger; nor to be
tco far tr.infpcrrcd wirh zhv hear ot'his "^'outh ; ro have a greater re^dl for h s Elders ; arid
to lake care Icit his irregular Conduil fhould verilic the report given out by fome Pcrlbns, vt'^.
that Profpcrity and the high Station to which be afpir'd, hid falBcicntly difcoTBr'd the cor-
ruption of his Manners. Marhodus adds, that he docs no' i^iw h'm this Admonrrion to the
end that he might be more favourable to him, but leik he ihould abuie his Authority in treatiog
others after the fame manner-
TTjc fccond Letter is dirccfled to I{chnt J' ArbrifeBcs, whom he reprove:, a^ ^y'^rey o^Ven-
dcme had done, for keeping tco familiar a correfpondcnce with Women, iiid for iuifcring Mea
and Women ro cohabit together. He reprefenrs to him the danger of that intimate Cooverfe,
and the Scandal that it might occafion. He t kewile b'ames Irm for wearing a rom Gar-
ment, as not being luitable to the Profrlfion of a Regular C^nun , which hcembrac d at iirft,
or to the Sacerdotal Dignity, to which he was afterwards advanced. He accufes him of rf-
fedlinp fingutarity in that parricular, and advifcs him to refumc the H bi'- of a Regular Ca-
non, and to return to his former courfc of Life. But he is much more o!il-ndcd at bim for
taking oponhim to reprove the Vices ofabfem Clergy-men in hiv Sermons, nnd for imnei^-
ing againft certain Orders and Perfonsof great Em'ncnr^'- H -.11s, that that ferves only to
bring Superiors into contempt, to fubverl the ordtr oi the Crnnth. and e\cn to induce many
to believe, that his dcfign in declaiming againll others, was only to gain popular Apphrafe.
He declares ar the famcritne. that altho' he hati a better Opinion of him, yet it cannot t>e de-
ny 'd tliat his Preaching has the fame efft.%2-, and that many of his Hearers abarwJon their Cu*
rates and refufeto receii'e the Sacraments from them, or to pay them Tithes; whereas they
run after him ir.cefTr.ntfy, be'ng excited l)y Curtoflry and an inclin.-.tion to Novelty raiher than
a true principle of P ety ; lincc it does nor appear, that there is any manner of reformation
in their Lives .md Converfations : La Hy, he rebukes him, for giving the Monaftick Habic»
to all rhrife who beirg mov'd by his Sermons, were defimns ro receive it, without m.iking
any trial of their uutgriiy and conftancy, as alfo in regard that he took no care, that they
(hotdd be thoroughly converted, provided the number of his Followers were encreas'd : That
after tlioy Ii?d rirue given in the-r N.mcs, he toek no far her copniTrance of rheir Atfsirs, but
kft rhtai IiIk— y to aCi as they rhnnghr fit ; That fo-t^e of them met together, and ran about

the Towns .ind Countries, cloathedwith HidnitS of fcvcral ColoDlS, weariflf long Beards, and
(vaJking ItarC'footcd : And that when thej were ask'd - who they were, they made Anfwer,

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of the Twelfth Century ofCbrifiianity. 1 5 i
That they belong'd to their Ma^t r. Our Author unwilling, to impute to him the Ejc-

travaganas commirred by iboic P- opic, but obTcrvesic to be a matter of J.mnrojs Conle-

qucnre, that ihey (lunlld thus make ttfe of hit Auchoriiy for a cJoke to dicir I ol.y, and tall
memk-lvc- hts Dilciples.
As for the Nuns which i^trrr
ArbriJeHet in like manner cans'd to be (hut up in Cells
without nny Prcba ion, he ia)s, t at fome of them broke thro' (he P .ifapis o make tiieir
Efcipc, and that oti'.e s \\\:v: i> ough to Bed n their Appartmen s, wh ch would not h«VC
happen d fcontimics bej if tb<; prodaice of the Guvernor, had m-ide a trial of hcir Srreneih.
He conclude* with remonftrariog to him. rhat be jvas ccnfur'd u>r quitting Cioonital Uic
whkiihe had embrar'd, and :or leaving the Monaftcry, where he had made a Vpw of Con-
ftanry, and wlierc he was con.tiniccd ^upefiour of bis Coikguts, to le d an cx r ordinary
kind of 1 and to take upon b!n» the Government of « Nunnery.
fc\ riierc o e Marhdm
ficrn.ird of h m
a f itufadory Anfwer, as to thofc p rcicular Articles, orhc w.(c he
that he (hould have very good reafoa to doabc of bis^
jtrhri/eBes ckAr'd himfelf from thefc Impottttons that wtrc la d upon htm, even to our
thor's fatisfaid^ion j but there IS no likc.iho id. ths Lcrtt-r wisFo ged, aiFather Mtiiim In a certain Manafcript of the A bey of 'Sz.Vitlr.r. -x .nrrrib-re^l to fiiidehert

Arch-b.lhopof To»r/, neverJielcfs the Hylc comes nearer to Mrtyadua^ manrwr of txpreifion
than to that of the former
In the third f etter, he reproves a certain Hermit nam 'd Injj/^iiicr, antl th-^fc ofh s Coni»re-
gatioii for their Ind. fcm Zealagain'l tmworthy Pric es, wirh which tiicy were tran<i>ortcd too
£w; inlbmuch tharthoy no- only r^fusd to aJlitt at their Obi tons, but affo forbd the Laidci
to receive the Sacraroentu from ihcir Haods.^ He Ihcws by many Paflagts of St Aumfiin,
iba: tlie Sac -amcnts may be duly admimlter'd by unwo tfay Prieits, atid thai tiuy ougbt not
to be dcfp s'd by rcafon of the unworih ncfs of thofc wio adm nidcr th-m. The Hermic
h:.v'.nf return H for Anfwer, that he dui by oo means recede from rlic Dodrineof the Church
retatjiig to the validity of the Sacraments idminifter'd by unworthy Pncits, but that he
perfuadcd that Hereticks ought to be rtiun'd, and that Prieits pu l^y of Pornicarioo ought to
be drpcs d ; Mirbodut replies in h s fourth Letter, that be is of h a Opinion, but that ht torr-
ceives r! a it doe^ not belong ro every one to try or Condemn -^hem, and that it ought only
to be donr according to the Ru cs of the Cimrch. Therefore he advifcs chofc Hermits,
rrrnh^'-l inch Oftiid rs with gentlcneU ; to pray for them; ad to accufc tficm (if they
ih !l rh nk fitj'vr j'e o-npetent Judffes who have a right tobrin>^' thcni to their Trial • to

* tbe
end that tbcy may be dero- d if they be convi<aed, or confcis their C ime.
The Fiftli IS arcquc't thar Jic tnaitcsto Vittlii, tbe Founder of a Nunnery to receive a cer-
tain poor Orphan, 'vbo altho' fhe was well tnftrti<dcd in m itters of Rclg'on, yet couJd have no
bofKof being admitbd into the old Monafterics, where, by ta ittOiitom, that wtt then mo
common. Money was prefer d before learning and Piety.
The l.ift Letter is dtwfled to a Nun aam'd Af^^nrnda, to whum !.t vc,s a great deal of t:

wbnlfome Advice, for her in'trudion in rheChriftian courfc of Life and religious Excrciies.
Thcfc arc all the Works dutare ooocain'd in tbe old Edition of Ms bod us, is txrcome
cry fcarcc. His Copies of Verfi* are not very elegant, nor of a very Poetical ftrain, bat
compr fc many iiiJiciou'; and folid Kor.ctis. His Letters arc accurately written, and fitllof
pood M x'lmsand Padafi^af the Holy Sciipeure and the Fathers, aclmir.ib y wdf apply'd.
The Monks of ^i.Auhintx Anders, witxe a Circular Letter, to give notice of I>.ith. ac-
'Cording to thc'Cuitom of the Order of St. BenediS, in whichihey celebrate his Praife, and Xil-
ger Bi(hop of /Int^ers Itkew fe wroce a Copy.of .VoiibinhisjCommeodacioa: TJie^ 'cwoMo-
Bamcna arc prcfix'd to Marhdot'n Wocks.

ARNUT.PHUS Bijhop of LificujC. ?hT«.

A RNOUT, or ARNULPHUS. Bidop of Arch-deacon of S:ex, waUnftall d
^ the BiiUoprick of Lijicux.h ^- i'4'' ar.d in 1147. accompany 'd
B«pedioon Lmd.
firnam'd //f Tiuw^
he was fent into EngUnd by
King of Pr/UKf in bis to the ,Hfi(y ln,f,i6o.
Pop-c .lIcxiKdcrWl. in quality of his I^egate, and afterward employ 'd in tbe Negotiations be-
tween K.iug Henry 11. watX Xi'owM/ 3^4^
Atcb»bilhop of CMtterlturj ; but baviug too obfti-
jMtdy takenfart with the lawer, he incuir'd phe Kinc s difplca&re, aiid was obligd to retire
ill I i"n. rotlic Mofiaft^-ry of Sr. ''/fforjitar Pmh, whi^n he died yiugujl H. A. D. ii8l.
This Armdflius made a Collcchpn of his own Letters at the rctyiclt of GiUes Arch-biHiop
of Jtoti* , ro whom be Owdicates themoy iii'i firfl Letter., l^f^ are wniteo in a fine S yie,
being full of ingenious Notions a-.d moral S^occncc:. which rcn.k-i tiic n bo ufcful and de-

lightful. There are many that coouin oiiiy .Coraplinucntsi^ or relate to certain private Con-
cerns; bat there are otIiefS'abootEedefiaftic?! Anairs* comprehending divers Fo nts of Difci-
pline. particularly, thofc dircled ro Pope AdrianW. in the Firit of whi^h, :[,\ Bifliop te-
COfnmendsto.him the doiwj julticc to a ccrjain Peiibn, ,who
to get {awlb£tiioa fiiw
rccourfe to tJie S^e of
lit ireatmeK be hid .receiv'd in .lti& own <Coamry, where he could
not obcadn any relief of h» PiMefan. -
obfeivei ;iA,f^t Leo^r, <](sai ;PeopIe began

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152 A Nm Eccefiafiical Hijlory
not to fuve (kmc RcfpcA for the Hofy Sec as formerly, end that thofe who apJ^cal'J fo

it, were fo far from geaine their Grievance* fcdrcfs'd, thai they were more injuriously rr ircd

than before, which Dcfcl mm in whofe favour he wrote, who bad no fooner enter'd an Ap-
penl, but he was pur in Prifon ;reithc r could he p ncure h:s libcry. but by p-^ying a Sufetl
ofMooey and by lubmitiing to the Hilltop's ^tencc. I bcrefore he cr-
to his Pcrfccutor,
hom the Pope to revenge the Indignity, by reafen that if they were fuffi.T*<l dius to clod*
the Decifions of the Holy Sec, irs Protedjon would Ixccmc .';h< ^crlur unprofirablc.
In 4nochcr Letter dirc^cd to the lame Pope, he entrcatsbun to feud back the Bitbop af B^ieux,
whofe prefencc was mncft warned io his Dtoeeft, where be had c'onc a great deal oi gocd.
He wroteagain tothar Pope, about the Conte l rhararoit lx'.wci ntfy; Abbot and the Monks
of yumieget. Thofc Monks bad accus'd their Abbot of many Criaic&, and more elpccia'ly
of Inconiincncy, and diven Witnefliihad made Depofitiont againft htm, hot i^y gave thtir
Teftimony about different marrcrs of Fad, fo there \v.> m tany cotnpJcat poiinvc Proof
apainft him, bccxufe every Fa£t. was prov'd only by one fingle Wicneis. .Whereupon .-I'rul.
plus admitted him to clear himfelf by hts own Oath, and by thai of three Abbots and ihrce
Monks of known Probity. The Monks appc-ai'd from his Courr to rhc See of I{pme, and de-
manded Letters of Reference, which be ai\i»Afefiokt (this i» the £rfttime I met w 'lh this
Term in that SigniHc«ion.) He acquaints Pope A^tm, dm
he bad granted rbeir Ret|uelt,
and that in the mean while, he osder'd both wraa 10 do nothing, that might tend to die pre-
judice of the Appeal.
He likewife wrote to the Abbor of St. Evnu, that he wat oblig'd to diichargc the Debts
that WL-re acfhuUy contraded by his Predeceflbrs, and tbrcarens to fufpend him, unlels lie
gives fatisfa(^ion to his Creditors before iVtntfontide. He cnjoios chat Abbot by another Lcr.
ter, under pain of Sufpenfion, to re-admit a certain hfonk, whom he had mm'd out oi ha
Monaftery, without bearing what he alledg d in his own Defence.
In another Letter to iVti iam Bilhop of Mam, be dcfircs htm to appoint another Place In
ftead of Poitiers, for the Trial of the Treafarer of I{puen ; becanfe he would be oblig d to
takeamnch longer Journey thither, than his Atlvcrfary, who was nearer that City.
Amul^ut being at variance widi aceruin Lord, wborelbt'd toacknowledg his Jurifdidion,
iiwasordcr'dby theLegatef ofthe Seeof /(o»wr. That the faid Lord fliou Id reftoce what he
had taken from htm; that he (hould (aulc- fatisfaclion to te made by thofe of hit Vaflals, win
were excommunicated ; that he (hould make a due prefencatioo of a Prieft to govern thK
Church and People, under his Audiofity, as belonging to his Dioce& The Nobleman dSkr'd.
Anm'plmt to prcfent a Prieft to him by the Hands of Hugh Arch-bilhop of Hfuat ; but Amul-
et reply'd to that Arch-b:(hop, who made him the Propolal, Tliat if matters were fo order 'd,
It might be taken for grmred, that the pofl^ffim of that Ptace was not adjudg d to hitn, hat
^llNhf^rf. only reftgn'd by way of fcquedration, which would be prejudicial to his Right, wben 'thef
Claim Ihould come to be debated r Bcfides that 'twas not fufficient to prefent a Pric f! ro him,
but that 'twas rcquifitc that every thing which was ordain'd, (hould be effeduaJJy put in Exe-
cution: Laftly, as for the reft, that if they were willing to come to fuch an Afieement, as
would entirely put an end to the OiHerenoc, hewtmid readjly take fuch Meafures, !>aiild
be judg'd molt expedient ; but that 'twas not reafonaWe, for himtofupply his Advcnary with
Arms, who was preparing with all his might for the Encounter.
The Schifin that bappco'd io the Clnirch of H^me after the Death of Pop^ Adrian IV. be-
tween Alexmiier Ili. and OSw*», gave occa/ion to Armffbuj to write many Letters j the
Firft of which is diredled to Alexander III. to congratulate his Ele(fbion. He aflures him
in that Letter, That God, wiio never abandons bisCliurch, altho hcfuffers if to be fbmetjnves

Perlecnted ; would give him the Vidory over his Enemies, and put him in the peaceable
pofleflion of the Holy Sec, as he had done Pope Innocent, altbo" he had a more formidable ^n A
a more potent Antagonift than O^Avim ; He expreffes the great Joy be had at his Promo*
tion, and gives him to underftand, that he had taken care to prepoflefs the King his Mafter
(meaning Henry II. King of Eng/and]; with refpe<5^ to that Affair, and to make him fenlibie of the
validity of hts Election, and of the Deficiency of that of his Adverfary ; That upon his Teftimo-
ny that Prince had declar'd for him, and had promis'd with a great deal of (atisfatflion, chat he
would not acknowledg any other Pope; That having afterwards receiv'd a I-erter from the Em-
peror, who entreated him todefer the declaring ii^his favour, behad fupcrfcded the pub!if>,tng
of his Declaration ; but that he ftill perliffed in his former Refoiurion, and that whatever courie
the Emperor might take, he would not follow him, if he did not find it expedient.
Pope Alexander reply'd to Amufflms, That he was very fenfible of the Affe^^ion rh.-r he
expreC'd towards him in his Letter ; that he had caus'd it to be read publickly as a prcof of
the (incerity of bis Intentions and of his Eloquence ; that he was not ignorant > what means

an end was ^t to the Schifm which arofe in the time of Pope Inmcent; that he hop'd tli.ii
thro* the divine A}!iffance, the Storm which at prelent difturb'd the tranquillity of the Churcii
of Home, would ere long be difpers'd ; that he gave Thanks to God, that King Henry conrinuVl
ftienaoufly to maintain the Unity of the Church ; that he entreated him rc 'e
v. is belt Inre-

reftswith hb Majefty to binder the frequent folliciutions of the Emperor troin ohiigmg htm
to ahtr his Mhid j and diic to that purpofe he tfaonght fit to nontnaie hin his NmcU in the

Digitized by Google
of the Twelfth Century of Cbrifiiamty. 1 55
Court of that Prince, with Attdioritjr over rhc Piftops of his Dominions, He acqti^ints him,
'I !m' the F.infxror F, aii-rsc v.vvtr ccflvM, fnce his .iccdfion to the Impcr:.-1 Crown, to pcrfe-
iu c and" ci pic.s ih; Chinch or j thai in Adrians Life-lime he caufed the Prelate^
who were returning from ^omc, to betaken Fr.ff;mr$ ; thar hcm:lusd rhe Legates of the
H'-!y Sec; rhat he (cv.W on rhc Rcvcnu- s bclonjvr.p to the Church of I{ame ^ and hc
Ui d iiinioll tiLiis to c.^ pi- l AJiiah, and to caulc: Ociavtan to be made Pope in his Itcad
Th ii wiiathc wn$ nu able to put io cxecotion, whilit t'.iat Pope was yet living, he endea-
vciir'd tocn^pifs, after his death, by favouririp the intrufion of that Man, who .irrcrptcd
to pet pcif uioii cf the Ho!y Sec, .ind wlioic ulurp irion was abetted only by three Prciares,
to the prej dice of the Canonical Elcdion of himfclf, which was carry 'd on by the others
fii!<- Fu ni : Thnt Tra-nt.iin
:t, hc ^.I'.Vd .!ti Affcmbly of th? Prelates at P/tvia, and that
Oaai-i.:ri iciipn'd ihv iVljrks of the P^pal Di!;ni'y in his Prefcncc : Thit the Emperor after-
lw.irds rd-ord em to h m, invcited h in with the Pontifical Habits and Ornaments, parti-
cularly with c'lc Ring and Cro'tcr-ftaff, ."j.d by force conltrain'd the Bifhops of that Council
to own hiiii -.s Pcpe. Laflly, iie further infbnns AmuJjrhuSf that he had aduaJly cxcommu-
ttcated Frederic and his Adherents.
An u'f! us Iiivifig recciv'd th s Imcr, wrcc cncro thcArch-bilhops and Birtiops of Rtt^l.indy
to mckc em iLfii.ble of the Ju:ticc u\ A!cx's Caufe. He fays, Thai it the Pcrlona ot the
two Competi ours be compared, it will np[ c. r, thar ///f ArWrr is endu'd with all the •ceom->
p!:(hmcnTs of Learning and Vertue, tha: t n be wifh'd for in a Prelate ; whereas his Adver-
lary has no other pcrlonal Merits to rccoinaicnu h m but his Quality; and if the cwoEleiflions
he duely cxamin'd, one may be fcon ccnvinc'd, that that of Altx/ittder^ is regular, folcmn
md reafonablc, and that that of the other, on the ronrrary, is rafli and altogether unreafonable.
•* For can it be affirm'd (fa^s he) that an EledHon m::n.-,p'd by a lingle fii(hop
and two Car-
•* dinals, ought to be fci up in oppofition to the Authority
of the whole Cborcb ? Or that a
precarioo'? Conf cr:^t!on made by a few private PcrforiS, ought to be prcfcrr'd to that which
** was pciiorm'd witii the requili:c Solemnities, and with the general approbACion ol all the
" P opie ? Can Oiiaviatis Proceedings be juftify d, who iTum'd the Pontifica] Habits, who

'* h\ rn U' ';card of r^lluicfs placM .^'rrfelf in Cliair, and fciz'd on the PalaccJ
wh.Iit /itexaiuicr chr kn wuh n unanimous Cpaknt fCiUs'd, thro' Humility and Modelty,

to accept cf that Dignity ? Or can the violence that OHavim afterwards ofR-r'd, in be-
^ licpirg j^'cxnnder rnd \vs Ekilors with armed Men p've him arv manner of Right or
Ti:lc ? Or could he under that prttcrxc avcrr, that lie was in poikfllua of the Holy Sec
nine Days before Alexundey ? Indeed the latter was chofcn by the Senate, and condudted
to the Ward-robe, where the Pontifical H.ibiis were kept : He wns alfo orJain'd by the
Bifhop of Ofiia, to whom the Right of tonfecrating the Popes legally belongs; hc was ac-
kiio' vii (ip c< by the Legates, who rctidcd in different Countries ; and the wliole Cbtttch would
li;ivc con: is. II d in Pl.icc ; if his Advtrfary had not f!ed f( r nfiipc to the Emperor, whom he

** knew
to be ready to atford him his AiHttance. He adds. That that Prince was glad to
meet with fo fiairan oj port unity, which he fought for after the example of his Predcceflbors,
who had long ?go form'd a Defign to bring theChurch of ^^mt imdcr fubjedtion to their Do-
mioion, and upon that account favour d the Schifmaticks, and excited Divilions in that City :
That;« had abfolutely made him the Mafter of his Fortune ; tliat he Jaid the Marks of
the Pontifical Dignity at his Feet; and that he afterwards rece'v'd from him the Inveftiture of
the Church of ^ame, by the Ring and StafF, caufing the Iinf crial fccular Power to uiumphover
the Prieilhocd : That the Emperor call'd a Council to c infirm that Choice, and compcll'd the
Bifhops b\ force tofign a Writ't g, by which they own'd O 'd tv: :): as lawful Pope : That that
Writing was full of manifelt L'ntruths, and iliatthe Biihops could net by their dttiiiitive Sen-
tence render an Eletflion valid, that WUnull in its Original. Befides that the GaUican Church
wh't!) had the prod fortune to maintain Jufticc ard Truth, and to afford a Snmihiary
to the Popes when j>cti<.turcd by the German Princes , after having cxamin'd the Ekd>ion<i of
Alexander and OUavittn in a Council call'd by the King's Order, for that p\irpofc, hati detcr-
intn'd in fnvmir of the ^crmer ;but that the King had prudently defcr'd the Publication of that
Refolution. by rcafon of the union between him and the King of fiflg/^W, to the end that they
ir.icht ad jointly together : That the latter had inllkeiDatinerflifficiently declar d on Alexan-
isV-'s behalf, in repaid that hc recciv'd his Lcrtrr';. and more cfpecially protcif cd, that he
would not own any other Pope, having alfo itjcdcd iliole of 08avian, In the mean while,
be admoniA'd them to take care that Injuflice might not prevail over the Tmtb, through
the linifter prad'iccs of foinc Ei.^Hp^ Nob'c-men, v/ho gave it out, that they were related to
084viaM, and exhorted them, when ever tliey uitt together, fticnuoufly to maintain the Truth
witbonr fear of offending thole Opponents.
In annrhcr I ctcr wr tTcn to the Cardinils, hc gives a particular account of divers re-
tnarkabte Circumltances of the Elections of Alexander and ORavian, viz. That the Bifhop of
^^4tit who was the firft of the three EleAors of the latter, being a voluptuous Man, took
grea*'- deliphr in Feal^in^r. -ind footi rctir'd from tl.e Cmelave becaufc Dinner-' iir.c drew
Miir: That one of the two others took it ill, that hc was dcny'd the Office of Chancellor,
nd that the third was OEhwimt KiAfmin : That as foan as tbofe three had given ifaeir Vo«f*
X for

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A Nen? Ecclefiaftical Hijlory

he birr.felf rook the Ccpe, and

threw it over his ShovlWers with fo great Prctipit^
for him
on ihc Neck, fell to ihc Groutxi ; that he got upoii
til thit that part which ought to he
and that having causd the Doors of the Churx± to be
thVPapal Throne in riMt Equipage;
ftt oten it was immediately fiUM with his Guards, who conduced h:m to the ?^^
cali'd an Atlembly of the Eltatcs of the Realm, as weU of
face - That the King of Fnmee
ihe Clcrev as of the Nobility, to
determine which of the two Eledioos onght to be rattfy'd
be done in a hurry about an Affiiir of that
Thlt {w» were of Opinion, that noihing fi^oufd
importr^ncc. and that it ought to be deferr
d for lon« time longer, bccaufc it was dang«;oitt
lo excite a mif-ondeHbwidtnf
between the King and the Emperor upon that account : That

Bilhops mighc be fufficicnt, rill God (Tiou'id

more clearly nrake known his Will:
mem of the
Laftiv t! at ih« Kjdpe^ due to the
Emperor's Ambairadors, wno %veie prefenr, and to the
ibe King of Fr*i»cf declar'd himielt ready ro follow,
Kint: of Efiz'ani, Whofe Sendmeixs
caus(lthofc Meafurcs to be taken in the AOcmbly.
A ,u fhus, m
the end of th s L«^ner,
ot EngUmt by their Ihrcats, bur to paa&c
advifcs the Caidioals not to eialpcratc the King
Kingdoms of frmet, Sfum, irttmd and Hirwt0
him , fioce the Obedience of the
depended on his Declaiarion. „ , . .j tt. ^ r l
AUxnudtr III. nevenhelels thai

Although Anmlfim had done fuch notable Sciviccs to

Trealurer of his Churdi. and
Pope upon the Acctifiition* brought againft him by Syhefiwr^
Nephew to the BllTiop of See:{, did no: forbear ro nominate the Bifhops of Mtnt
Caufe. Amu^us appear d before
^A AvTMndiet Commiffioners, to take cognizance of that prefent The Trea-
was at the Tryal.
them, and miSMm Bifliop of F*r*» and Cardinal,
forer'own'd before the Judges, the FaliT.ood of the
Qmplaints that he had made againft his
Diocefan and prorois'd that be would not renew them lor the future. John ftill mainuind
what he had avcrr d, but the Sentence not being ftvouraWe to him. he appeal d from
that Court to the See of /(^wf, although the Pcpc pave Cr rrm.fTlrn to the two Biftops to

pafs Jodgroent without any Arpcal- Howtytx A rwifbui, who upon that account might
and might have refbs'd to his Caufe to be
have exempted himfclf from going to H^me, fuffer

tried again there j afcr hav r g

informed the Pope of the manner of the Proceedings, af-
fur'd his Holioeis that be would repair to
i^ewr, as toon as it was po^nbie, and entreated btm
to detain John till be arriv'd, to fliew bow that Pctfon and the Biftop of
See^ his Unde,
have committed a Trcfp.ifs ngalnft the Church and the Holy See.

He explains this tn the loilowina JLettct dircded to AUxander, One of his Rdttions
was fometime Bilhop of $re^, who ftibftituted Rrgnlar Canons in that Cbnnh in the room
of Secular. Thi? Reformation was apprcv'd by the Popes Hmorfm II. Eu^rmui III. and
Adrian III. and by He$ny IL King of Eng^ltmd, who made them a Donation. Thefe Canoot
weic to have all their Goods in Common, accocding to their Original Inftittdon^ and the Hi-
IhoM his Succcflbrs were likewifc obi p"d, before they were inHall'd, to matmain that Settle-
ment. The BiiOiop then incttmbeni. delign'd to mine it, or at ieaft to obtain a Licenlie of
the Pope, to confer the Areb^eaconne* on Lay«ineo, that he midhc have wherewithal to be*
ftow on hi"; Nephews and Relations Amu'phut fent word to the Pope, That that Bilhop pal-
pated his Camai AdbiUons with the pretence of Pietv ; giving it oot, That there was not
any Perfon in that Diocefs, capable of perfenning thole FlindHont ; at if the Shoplidty
of the Canons were not to be rcferr'd to the worldlv Wi'i'cm of other<^
cr :n cif^: there

were none to be fonod ,at £rrf, worthy of po£fe&ng thole Benefices, fooie might not be
taken our of the Oinrdi of St. VtBtir and Sr. ^ftfkt. He addt, that having been Ardi-deKon
of See:(, and educated in ihu Cljurcli, lie thnnp' t himfelf obllg'd to maintain its Rights and
Privileges, and chat for that rcaioo^ he judg'd u expedient to cenifie his Holioefs thereof by
a Letter.
Notwithftanding this Informatinn, the Pope granted to the Blfhop of Sa-^ n Tja-nf^- ra Se-
cularize his Arcb-deaconry ; but dmuipbus wrote a very linart Letter to him <»i chat Subjcd,
in which be remonftraTcs, Thar he had no Authority dmt to abolift an TnfHtmton made by
his Predecdlbrs, (ircU r cnliiLr Ths; tficy could not impofc Laws on their SiiccffT^jr-- He irain-

ttin^ That that Maxim is falfe, and that it tends to the ruin <tf all the Eliabliihments of
the Stints: TTjar the Privileges of the Pbpes of Jt«»», are as it were Tcftamems, whtdiare
not made void, but rather c( nfiniiM by the death f ihc Teftarors: That 'tis true indeed,

that the Errors of PredccdTors may be correded bvibeir Suco^Riffi, and (hat the latter
may make fome ahctatton for the better in SanSions of the otlien, when 'tis reqnifite

for the publick Advantage, and when it may be done without any dctritTiCnt to Religion:
That for that very reafon. Secular Canons may be chang'd into Regular, bccaufe the Or-
der of the latter is more perfn^ ; but a more Arid Inftitmion cannot be chang'd into

one lefs perfc<fl ; by which means Rciiiif ncfs in Difcipline would be authoriza : And
laftly. are iboaa Perfons fo prodigal of Difpeofations , that they retain oo-
that there
chitu; asan wiaheiable Law, and Sacrifice every thing to tfie Tnterefts and inordinate
of private Men. He re proves the Pcpc f^jf not ITiewing fiiffic'Lr Conftancy in main-
fliffions t

niniagiiie Rights of the Churchy and gives ium to ujidecitaad, that he had fcajxtaiiz d it by

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of the Tvvclfrh Century of Chriflianity. 155
revoking rheScrtxrcc of Ext ommuniation, dencunc'd by his Prctlcccnbr5againft la'cks who
ihali aaempt cu get ihcmidvcs adinitied into the Ciiartcr oi Sfe^ ; by adjudging to a Lay-
laB all the Revenues of the Arch-deaconry thjt the Regular Canons enjoy d in Cbmmoii,
and pnrr of which they dirtribured to tlie Poor ; and by pL rmitrinp i Man, .idorn'cf with gor- '

geous Apparti to take place anionglt the Canons cloath'd in Sack-cloch. He adds, I'hat
lis fiinher to be fear'd, Iclt the ArdiFdeaconry llxxtid be left vicant, fay reaibn that it
is already appointed for another young Nephew, when he ftiall be of Ape: Thar in
the mean while, the Bifhop has turn d out the Prior of the Canons, and (ubltiiuccd a Per-
loll of no Repute in his Place, to the end chat he might make bimfelf Mafter of the Chnich-
ftevenues. Therefore he exhorts the Pope to revoke what was exrorrc d from h m by liirprire,
ia order to re-eftablilh the Rule in thar Cliapter, and to put an end lo the Complaints and AIw
Borings occafion'd by that Innovation.
The four following Letters are diicL^cd ro rf^c fame P>>pe, and contain an account of ar. t

ticular Affairs. In the laft he acqiuims him, 1 hat the King of EngUnd was difiatislicd with
Us Holinets, becaufe he deny'd him thofe Favours he fu'd fbr at i(«Mr.
He congratnlatcs i;i .mother, GUlcrt Bifhop of London, m regard thar the Pope had or-
dain'd> that bis Cauk- n.ouM be decided without an i^peal, and obkrves chat Appeals to
^pair ofteh put falfe Aciufers in a Capacity to opprefs innocent Pedbns, and give tnem an
<j>porrnn:ry rn avoid the Puniflimcnt due to their Criinc;,
In another Letter, he reproves a certain Abbot for leaving bis Monaitery to fojiicit Lavv-
filits at Court, and enjoyns him to return thither.

In a Letter that fie wrote ro Han y Catdinal Biihop of PZ/Tr, fending IniD the Vocks of
Bnnodius ; he palTes a very diUdvauMgcous Judgment on that Author.
In his Letter to the Bifhop of Angcukfme, he determines that the Engagements that a cer*
riin Child was iinJcr, whom his L'ncle had bound to a Clerk, upon Payment of a Sum of
Money, ouglit not to be ratify 'd, and that that Biihop cannot lulitr t!ic la:d ChUd to be de-
tained by him.
In a I,t t:er written to Arnold Abbot of B-:^f!fitvaf, he rrcars of the Ulcfulnefs of the SAcri-
fice of the Mais. " Nothing (fays be) can be otier'd up itiore precious than JESUS
R I S ; nothing more efficacious than this Sacrifice ; i;uthing more advantageotts
both to him who offer?; ir, and to him for whom 'tis ofFcr'd, if the unworth^nefs of the
Perfijtis doth not render it unprofitable : 'Tis rccjuiiiie that he who offers it have pure Hands,

and that he, for whom it is ofier'd, Ihould know the Value of it by Faith ; that. he (hooU
*' earncftly defirc it ; nnd that he flioulJ en^.bmce it with a perfcifl Ch.irity. Oh, ow grat

is this Beneiit,, which is fufficient for the Pcrfon who receives it, and for him that admini-

fters it
! For how cxtcnfive foever the Prieft'i Cbaritjr may be towards cenain Perfon*,
" this Sacrifice remains altogether entire for every one in particular. Ic is communicated
to many, fo as its Efficacy is not diiiunifli'd, wttJi lefpciil to every Individual ; and altho*
* different Perfons partake of it, yet it does not fuffer any Divifimi. ^efcunque enim
eerdcs efftift charititis latiluditif cotnplcFl'Ttur^ r^tim ftmiil cvsniiim, tr"!rv uniu/cujuftjur ejl Si-
^iliatim, nec inttgrttatem dividit communic-iuo fluiium, nec JcHditacon minuit jurticifAtio
He has alfo infirted amongrt his I cttcrv, a Difceurfe that he made in the Coiuicil of Tours,
A. D. J 163. in the prefcnce. nnd by the 0;der of Popv- yllcxitr.der III. In the beginning of it
be fays, that there arc three QiialitiCS rcquidte in a Preacher, r/j^. Sandliiy of Life, to pro-
Care refpedl for what he delivers; a perfeCT: Knowledge, to he capable of tc.iching the neccf-
firy Tmths; and Eloquence to caufe them to be approv d, to the end that Iiis Sennons may
be Holy, Learned and Sublime. In the Body of this Setnion, he of the Unity and

Liberty of the Church, iTiewing that thofc two Qualities arc ncceflary thertin, and that the
JMinifters ought to nfe their utmoft endeavours to maijuain them, more clpttially at a time
when both are attack'd ; that is to fay, the former by the Ambition of Schifmaticks, and the
other by tlie OpprcflTion of Tyrants: That nc verrhckfs, 'tis impolTible that either fliould
compafs their Defign For aUliough the former kparaie ihcmfeivcs from the Communion of

die Church,, yet it is not divided by that means, but the Chaff it only leparated from the
Wheat ; and ahhou{»h the latter feiaes on the Temporal Revenues of the Church, neverche-
Ids ic does not ccalc to be free, and to cxercile its Power with Spiritual Authority,
ffewever, that the Biihop*; ought to make ufe of all poflible means to re-unite the former to
the Comtnunion of the Church, and to oblige ihr others to quit their ur.jiilt Cl.iim ro the
Ecdetiaitical Revenues. This is the Subje<fi of a lone and very p.ithetica! F.xhort.^tion n.aJe
by him to the fiiihopt of the Council; and in the (equct ot the f.imc Difcotirfc. be wi[>,ts
that the Emperor would humble himfcif under the Almiphrv Hand nf God that he would

acknowledge thai the Dominion of the Church is abuve his, and that he would fiibmit to
the See of Hgme, which conferr'd the Empire on his PrcdecelTors. He obferv. s that Biil.ops
iTiay polTefs larpc Revenues, provided they do not rake tiictrfchr^ to
he the Proprietors, l ut t

only the Difperilers of them, and arc penuaded that the Patntnony of JESUS CHRIST
k tne Inheritance of the Poor, which ought ro be diftribttced to them, and that tfaey who puc
Ir tDttiocher ttfe are to be look'd opon as Robbers.
X i This

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Ijd A New Hifjory

This Diicoui I'c by another, j^ronounc'd io a Synod held for the Ordinacion of a
i$ jfoiloVlr'd

Bilhop. He begins wid» the Commendation of die CbnrA, and aft«rwan!s rcjeds the Per-
fon oxGirgrd, who was propos'd, allci'rinp, That al'h. npl here wr.s a form of Elcdion in
his f n our, ncvcrtheicfs he oi^t not to be ordain'd, by rcaibn tlm it is noc to be endur'd that
tiie Liberty of Eledions, wbicli was introdiic'd for the Benefit of tbe Cburcbcs, QiquH be
made prejudicial ro them, and therefore that the Eledion of G/rW Was nalt as baving beeil
carry d on only by fomc few Perfons devoted to bis Interc/l.
He acquaints that Pope in another Letter, That he had pols'd Sentence in farour of Hugh
Abbot of S uits, in a Caufc that was depending between that Abbor and Gjr?;/r/ i Prie:t,
concerning the Church of Marine, for the Tryal of which be was nominated a CommilTioner
with Henry Bifhop of Seniii. He Hkewife gave him notice in the following Lctrer, that the
King of Erg!And had ^vouiably recciv'd his Letters and Nuncio s, and that be had rc-inftatcd
xhti Arch bin^r>p of Canterbury ; but he complains that the Nuttcio'sdid not promote tbe making

of Peace, and entreats the Pope to do it.

In anoihtf Letter, he intornis thi fame Pope, That be bad put An end ro the Coo-
re!^ between cbe Abboc of La Couture and Htmu'er tbe Prtdt, about the Cfaurcb of
In one of the Letters diredcd to the Pope's Legates, Allert and Theodin, he determine!^ it is not pc.^icnt ro bcftow- Altars, tbtt is to fay, Beneiices on tbe Sons of Priefts, left
itOiould occafiun dilbrdcrs.
Afterwards he writes to Pope Alexander againi> tho(e Monkt, who refiife to obey cheir Bi«
Ihop. and !,iim a v'v^hi ro retain Cures and Tithes.

He I om plains in panicular of the Abbot of St. Evrou, who prcfum d to celebrate Divine
Service notwithftanding the Sentence of Sufperflon he had pronounc d againit hini.

The Poems of this Author are not very confiderablc as to the SubjeCls. but they are cx-
wBt in reference to ihc Rules of Poetry, and the Veries arc very fine. The iirft is
on the Nativity of Jefiis Chrift, the fccond is an Encomium of the Bifliop of Pl'lnifori «d
the reft on the alteration of the Seafons, and on fome other profane Suojedls. There ^rc
alio two Epitaphs of Qyeen Mathilda, one of Algarus Biihop of Coutances, and atiotbtr of
BifjfA Arcb-bilhop of Hean.
Farlicf D/j -h y ha? publifh'd in the feOHid Tonie of his Spicilegium, an excellent D
dedicated to Gej^tej Bilhop of Chartrei, and compos'd by Arnu!phus, when as yet Arch-dci-
(3011 dfiffjf, agnnft Peter de Lem the Antipope, and Gerard Bifhop of JU^mkfiHe lBi»ljtpBU

It is wrirren with a grear deal of earnefVncls and energy, fo that the Author gives us a Tcry
lively defcripiion of the Irregularities and Vices of that Antipope and of his Legate; main-
ains cbe Eiedion Md
Phtoecdtngs of tmttcem JL and makes it appear chat the laaer is the
ITOC Pope.
Father Daclery has likewife fci forth in the end of the Thirteenth Tome of tbe S/icile-
tium, a Sermon upon the Amniidatioii of the Virgin Ma7, and five l.ecten by ibe Suae
Audi nr.
Tlie other Works of Arnulphiu, Bilhop of Lifieux, were printed at Baris^ fnotn a Manu-
icript iAAinm Tkrmbai* Liiuaty, A. D* 1385* ^nd afEerwards in the Mfieebecd Fmmu

PETER de CELLES Bijhof of Chartres.

Vewr de pETER, iimam*d Je C^et, from the Name <rf'hi»firft Abbey, commonly calFd Mn^wer*
Ct\UiBi- ^ t.t-Cc!!e, in the Suburbs of the Ciry of T;~ was dcfccndcJ of an IiDnoi'mb!e Family
/typ ef of Cbamfagne. He apply d bimlelf to Study at Parity and was apparently a Novice in tbe
dmoeg. Kfanafteryof St. Mn-zm Jkt ChmMt. He was diolen Abbot of C«Mr/, AD.
ti5<>. tnm-
fla-cd from thence to ihc Abbey of St.Hfmy at I{hims in 1162. and at la(1 m.iJc Fi ^ op of
Chartres in i iSz. in the place of Jelm of Salisbury. After liaving govem'd that Churcb dar-
ing five Years, be died Tth, 17. ii8y.
The following >X'orks of this Author, were colfc;*^cd ani^ puMifh'd by Fa-hor Amhrun
^auuarius, of the Congregation of Sc. Ai««r, and printed by Lxwis BiUaint in 1671. Bat
the firft of his Works is a GoaHb of Sermons en all tlie Feftivals of tbe Year, which
were never .ts yc. t printed. However, notwi^li'Hnding the Reputation th',T might have is
his time, Father Januaritu oblerves, that they are weak, and that Peter de Celles i» not veiy
Ibnicitons to prove a Tmdi thoroughly, but paffes lightly over from one Snbjeft to aoo>
ihcr; althniiph his Writings are fijil of pious Conceptions, Flowers of Scripture and very
ttfcful Inftrudions. He might alfo uke notice, that they are fiiU of PunSi affe^ed Aneitb^ee^
lorry Alfnlions, mean Descriptions and Notions, which have not all the Grarity that is re>-
quifite in Difcourfes of that Nature. In his Eighrh Sermon on the Lord's Supper, \vc f d t

the Term ol Tranfubjlamiatim, which is alfo in Stephen Bilbop of Autun^ wbo liv'd in the
Jame Ctomry : And Indeed, tfaofe two Avdwrs ere the firft that made a& of it. The rbree
Books of Breads dedicated to ?«bs cS St^skay, ooncaia a groat fwmber of myftacal e He- R

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of the Twelfth Century of Chriflknhy. 157
diortS on all the forts cf Bread mention d in ihc Holy The My!*icn] and Moral
Expofition <if the Tabcrnacfc is a Work ainioft of the lame Nninrc. The TrcatiCc of Con-
fci?:.Ct\ dedicated to AU'er the Mcnk, relates altcgcther to P;cry, and rh. rr the DifciplinC

of tiu: Cluiiler, coinnrchcnds many Moral Inltrudions in the Excicifcs of Uk Monaitick Life,
which he follow 'd above Thirty Yean. This Piece was fet foithby Either Dachrj^ in the
tkird Ton^e of b's Sficilegium.
The Ull Work iti this Edition, is a CoUeAion of the Letters of Ptta tie CtlUs, vyhich
were already publi/h'd with Notes by Father J/Vwon^i, A. D. 1615. They are divided
into nine Booki, and relate either to pious Subjcd* or to cerca.n paracular Atlairs, or are
aierely CompHmcnral. Indeed, they are wriacn wiiii grca cr Accuracy than hii other Works»
being of • more natural and lefs aifened Style; neverihclcf^ they arc full of verbal Quibbles
and Funs. In thi< Collection are three I cters on the FlII iv.1l of th-- Con option of "he Vir-
gin M(t'y. in which Peter de Celles ftrcnuoufl) uuinraitis St. Z?f u.nd'f. icntimcnrs on that -Sub-

jedt. NICOLAS, a Monk of St, Alban, was of a contrary Opinion, and averr'd, Tfa^t Nicolas
^ the bleflcd Vi' gin \vi>s never ulnioxirnis :o S'n, This is the Subjcci cf the Twenty third Lcr- Mwt «f •

ter of the Sixth Book } but the Monk vindicates his Opinion in the Ninth Leucr of the AllMft."

laft Book, and confutes that of St. Benutrd, yet not withoat expreJfing a great deal of Re-
fpcA for the Pcrfon of that S.iint. However, he docs not treat Pefer de CcUa with the fame
Moderation, wito being nettled, returns bim a lotncwhat Ibarp AnTwcr in fhfi Tratb Lcuc^
of tlie lame Book. Pvttr was then SiAop of Cbartitt.

J O £1 N 0/ S ALI S B U RY BiJJ^of of Chartres.

of Salishwy the intimate Friend otThonuj Becker Arch-bifhop of Ctfiif«'^lfr7, and his John ef
Ccmpai ion dur.r.J! his E^:i!^, was at laft made B.lhjp o; O'.rr.- r-, A. D. 1179. and died Salisbury

three Yeais after. He was one of the rpoft ingenious, moft pojuc and mofl learned Men of ^'i'"*?"/
that Age, as is evident from his Book call'd Pcfyrstiami or, Difcmery of the Fcp^ries o/Charim
the Loids 'jf the Cen t. Jujlus Lipfiiis aflurcs us, that many confidi-m'^' pieces cf P 'rple
and Fraguicnts of a better Ape, arc to be found in that Work: Petei ol Blois in bkc man-
ner declares that he was even charm'd with it, having difcover'd therein a well regulated
fort of Learning and abundance of Things, the Variety of which renders them extremely de-
lightful And indeed, 'tis an excellent Work, treating of the Employoacnts, Occupations,
Fnndioos, Vcimc> and Vices of the Men of the World, but more cipccially of Princes,
tentaces and great Lords ; in which is contain'd a vaft Trcafurc of Moral Notions, Senten-
ces, fine Paflages of Authors, Examples, Apologues, Extradls of Hiltory, common Pla-
ces, ^!^> "Tis divided into £ight Books, andconipaa'd in a plain and concife Style.
But this Style is more proper for the numerous Letters which the fame Author wrote to
the Popes AdrUu and Alexander i to the Kings of England and divers otijcr Printaij
xoThomas Becket Aich-biflwp of Cxnttrbiay ; ro fev cral £ngli(h Bil^iops .ind to many other

Pcrfoni ; cither about general Occurrences and TranfaAions, as the Schiim of OBavian the
Aniipope, and ihc Elc^ion of Alexander III. the conteft Ixween the Pope and the Empror
Fredericki md that between the King of England and the Arcb-bilbop of Canterbury \ or
relating particular Affairs of the Churclics of England ; or to certain Points of Dotftrine
ami Dilcipline : As the i7id Letter concerning the Number of Writers of the Canonical
Books of ^ Old and New Tedament ; the 67th about the nullity of a fccond Marriage
^vh h a certain Wo-inn had contradlcd after Ihe was divorc'd from her former Husband
who was a Prielt ; the ^Sth .ibour the cohabitation of Women with Clerks; and rhe 69th
about dbe Sums of Mony hac were exa<3ed of the Vicars of Churches. In thcic Letters he

appears to be much addided to the Intcreft of Thom.ts of Canterhu.y, wliofc conducft

severtbelels be fometimcs cenfurcs, and feems likcw'le :o be much devoted to tlie Pope's Ser-
Tice, although he docs no: always approve every thing that is donead^mi^ and condemns
the Vices of the on certain Occafions. He openly approves rhc dcpofing of
the Emperor Frff</fric/j., &nA the Proceedings of Pope Alexander apinfk him. His Letters
are full of AlluGons to the Sacred Hiftory, and of Examples taken out of Holy Scrip-
ture ; in which he alfo intermixes many PnfTigcs of Profnnc Authors. The number of
ihefe Letters amounts to 301. and thty were printed at Paris, A. D. i6ii. with the

Ufc of Them.ts Becket Arch-bifliop of Canterbury, by the fame Author ; to whom arc like*
wife attributed omain ConaKocaries on the £piilles of Sc. Pjh/, printed at Amfi*r4mii
in 1646*

f E T E

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,58 A Nlw EcclvJhfiicJ lltfioty

PETER o/BLOIS Arch-Deacon of Bath.

Peter e/ DETER, (Trnam'd of B.'m. from the Place of his Kaii\ y, dcrivi: c Iil. cx:r ,:t n frcio

Blois Afth* ft
Br«M^»r, iludy'd che L^Mtal Scienoci at B»it ; the Civtl and Canon Law at Itmam*,
*^ having attained n> a profound skill in all forts of Humane Learning, apply d him-
few entirely ro the Snidy of Divinity, nnder the Tuition of JoZ-'W of Salijl'urj Bifhop of Clmr.
tret. It is alfo probable that Peter o{ Blcitmu Canon of that City ; however, having |n&'d
into Sicily, A. D. 1 1 6.7- with Stephen the Son of the Count of Perebet and the Coirfin of t!ie
Queen of Siciljr, he was chofcn Tutor and afterwards Secretary to fVi''i im II. Kmg of
Sieiijt but he was foon obUa'd to, leave that Country, when Stefhen Coani of I'erchr, vrfio
was made Chancellor of i^e Ktogdom and Arch-bifhop of P<r'rpm», was banifh'd from thence.
Upon his return to France, he was invited over into E^^^Ijndhy Kinp T^f ) 11. and after
havit^ fpent fome time at Court, he retir'd to the PaUcc of l{ieiMtd Arch-bilhop of Cm-
itrhay, sand became liti Chancellor. He wat fent by that Ardt-bi(hop to King Hemj II.
and to the Popes Alex<tnder III. and XJrban III. to ncgoti.ire Affair? rcl t nc to the Church
of Ctrnterbmrj^ and after the Death of King Henry, he continued for fomc time in the Cooit
of Queen Etemerg. la the end of bis Life, he wa$ drprivd of the Ardi-Deaconry of Btfi.
which was conferr'd on him at his arrival in E>i?.'.i>!.!, b ir (otm time after, he ob ain'd that of
Lotidcn ; in the dificbaretoK of which Duty, he took a great deal of pains, and enjoy *d on-
ly a fmall Revenue. m
He died En^tmd A. D. ttoo.
Peter de Blots himfelf made a CoIIcolion of his Letters, l-'y "h. Order of Hevry II. King
of EniUnd, as he intimates in bis firii Leaer direded to that Prince, in which be obfcrvo^
Thatmey are not all alilte ; that (bmerimesthe great number of urgent Aflairs oblig'd bin
to write with Icfs accuracy ; that fometimcs the SubjcL^^ d'd nor nllow h'm to enlarge ; and
that (booetimct the meanncfsof the Capacity of thofe Perfoos to whom he wrote, conHnin'd
him to make ufe of a more plain Style. He excnfbs htm^f for ciring profane Anthors, aJ
aI(o, for fpciking freely, nnd even for prcfiiming to reprove his Pr rrcc. He protefts, that
to the bcft of his remembrance, he never wrote any thing with a Defign to Flatter, but that
Inrr;^ri!y and an unfeigned Zeal for maintaining the Tratb, always exdied him to Pes
to Paper.
The Second is a Letter of Confolation direilled to the lame King on the Death of his
Son Henry HI. In wbich he induces bim to hope for the Salvation of that young Prince, who
d'n^ "n n cnnrfc of Rrpcntancc.
In the Third, be fcvcrcly reprehends a certain great Lord, who had reproach 'd his Chap-
lain with the mcannefs of his Birrb, and atves him to underftand, that none ought to be pu^d
up, ci-.hcr upon arcount of Kohility or Riches.
In the Founh, he congratulates the Prior of Ci^eaux .upon the Tranquilliiy he enjoy 'd fa
his Solitude, prorcfting that he even envy'd his Condtrion, and entreats the fame Prior to re-
mtmhct him in his Pmycr-- and OMuion*;.

In the Fifth, he reproves Richard the Sncocflbr of Tbenuf Beckft in the Atch biOtoprick

of Ctnterhmy^ for applying bimfelf with greater cameftnefs to the maintenance of the Tcm- Intercfts of his Chiircli, than to the Spiritual CovLrnment of his Dtocefs ; rcmoa-
ftrating, that his Diocefans and Prince are very much fcandaltz'd at thofc Proceedings.
In the Sixth, to wipe off the reproaches that a certain Scbool-Mal^er who undertook ro
teach the Liberal Sciences, had put up4>n the Clerks, who live in the Palaces of fiifliops ; he
aflerts, That his Profe^on was tnorc contrary to the EcdcGaltical Fuoi^n, than the a»-
duift ofthtofe Clergy-men.
In the SevcntI), he rebukes a Profeflbr, wlio w.t; ntWieled to Drunkcnncfs.
In the Eighth, he vindicates the comparifbn he made of the different States of the Church,
to the various Phafet or Apparitions of the Moon, and mainiaini, that Terms and Maxims
of Pliiiofophy nnd of the CivilLaw may be iu*d in cicaiing of matiers of Religion, when it
can be done conveniently.
In the Nimh, herepiwes one of his Ptopils, who alter having compleated his PhiJoIt^ical
Studies, (lerermin'd to rcf^ for two Years, before he apply'd hiii^iclf fo that of Divinity
$ and
Aews, that that negligence would be extremely prejudicial to him.
In the Temh, written to one of the Chaplains or the King of Sicily, againft the De%i
which that Prince had, to caufe to be infl 'II'd in the niflioprick of Agrigento^ a certain
young Lord, who was by no means capable of performing the Fundions of the Epifco-
pal Dignity, he adnxmiflies the faid Chaplain, that bis Office obliges htm to continue to make
Rcmonftrances B» the King, to buidcr mm
fiom difpoliog of me fiillioprick after fnch a
In the Eleventh, he eshora n Ckrgy.mai, who had ibiemnly eagag'd to embrace the
Moiuftick Life, to peribm fail Vow.


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of the Twelfth Century of Cbrifiiamty. -
The Twelfth a confotatoty Letter directed to one of his Nejiltews, afBi<5ecl widi the

peath of hisUnck» the burning of his HoaTe, and a Wound he rccciv d in his Foot.
In the Thineenth, he reprehends a Young Monk, who endeavour d to get a Priory, un-
der pretence, that (hould thereby have an opportunity of conTertMig more Souls, and
makes it appear. That a Monk ought not to covet Secular £inployaieiiiip not lo to
Dignities, nor to affe^ to isflrudl others.
In the Fourteenth, direded to the Chaplains of the King of England, he cdmmunicJtcs to
them certain Reflediions that a Fit of Sickneis caus'd him to make on the mifcrable cci.diti-
on of ihofc Clergy-men, who are oblig'd to refide in the Courts of Princes ; of which he
gives a very lively Defcripooii, and exbnnt dtem to fotlow hU Example in quitttog that
ccut-le of l ife.

The t ihccnih is an Inftrutftion to ^ainaud newly chofeo Bifhop of Chart} cs, concerning
dieEpfoopal <^alities and Fondtons. He fays, That the fird thin^ is lometimes done,
is to make enquiry into the Revenues belonging to the Bifhopnck, and not into the prefent
condition oi it He cenfures the Luxury and Magnificence of lome Bifhops of his time, the

pains that they look n n

imp ttpRidwa and gratifie Princes, and the Secular Coorfeof Life i

that they lead.

Ill the Sixteenth, he exhorts a ceruin Biihop immers'd in the management of many Af-
fnn CO nakeclioioeofa note qniec manner of Livii^, in order to ptontoce his own Sal^
In the Seventeenth, he Ihews, That a Clerk who drives a Trade, no lefs culpable than

one that IbUom Ufury, and that all ounner of inoidinaie cndcatoafs lo gee and heap np
Riches are unworthy of a Clergy-man.
In the Eighteenth, he gives us a lively defcription of the Irreguiantics of a certain fiilhop,
who was addii^ed to that Vice.
In the Nineteenth, herefolvcs twoQueftionS, which were propos'd to him by one of his
Friends who Ihidicd the Law at Parg, vi:(. I. Whether a Woman, who turn'd Nun, upon
a fuppofition that her Husband was dead, be oblig'd to leave the Convent, if he return ?
And 2. In cafe (lie be oblig'd to follow her Husband, whether fhe ought to afTunie the Veil
again after his Death ? He anfwers, That the VoW of Chaftity made by her, being in the
Imsband't Power, is not oblig.itory; and that Hie ought to return with her Hodtend, and
may marry ngain afccr his Deceale. In that Letter, there is a reiriark very advanr:if»eoii«; to
the Schools of Parts, of whicli he faies, that as there was formerly a Proverbial laying, diai
tbofc who had any Qyeftion to propofe ought to repair to AviU } lb in like manner at pre-
fent it pafs d into a Proverb, that thofc who were defirous to have any QycfHoB dcddcA
need only go to Parn, wlicre thcgreateil DiiEculties arefiiiriy rcfolv d.
Indie Twentieth he complains. That the Domeftick Servants of I(ainMud Biiltiop c£ Char-
tret remor'd him £tom the Palace of thac Frelam, whom he Uamcs lor bii Coo (icac ISbt^
Id the Twenty firft, he reprehends the faaHghtiBc6 and acraganqr of a Canon, who #ai
formerly rirr of his particular Friends.
In the 1 wcnty fecond, direded to John of S*Htbury, he commends his Conftancy, and
that oiThamM Arch-biOio^of GmMr^wrr, and advifcs them to petfewre, and not to fiiftr
thcmfelvcsrobc inovM hy nny manner of Adverfiry or Perfccution*.
In the Twenty third, written to Off the Pope's Legate, iiedcciames agamft the Abufe
that w^ then predominant, to fill up die vacant BiAopricks with unworthy and uncapahfe
Perfons who obtaln'd them by the means of finifter practices or purchas'd them with Money.

In the Twenty founb, he entreats the Friends of Thomm Arch-bilhop of C4»/rr^»r/ to pre-
vail upon (liat Preiaie, loforgive the AfclwDfagon of SsHihryt who *a9 dcfiraos co be le-
Concil d with him.
In the Twenty fifth, he cxliorts .m Official to quit that Employment, which he looks
npoo as very dangerous. '* I am apt to lielieve ((ays he) that the Officials were fo call'd,
rot from the name of their Office, but from the Vc:') 0 5 ^, which fr'nifi?": rn /je httrt-
Jul, or to da Mifchicf For the whole Fundion of an Oflkul is to flictr .md ika at the

" pleafurc of tiic Bifliop the poor Sheep that are under his JurifdhSion: They are thefiU
(hop's Horfe- leeches, that cafl; up the Blood they have fuck'd oar, nrd which as it Were
fo many Spunges, that being fquecz'd reltore the Water wherein they were foak'd, pour
" into their Malier^ Bofom theTreafure that they have extorted infomuch that of all thofc

•* CTecrable Purchafcs they have only left the ftain of Sin : For that which is thus hrar !cd
" up by oppreffing the Poor, ferves to gratify the unruly Appt tite of theflifliops, and draws
** Puniftmcnts on the Officials ; who may be wdl compar'd to thofc private Doors,
which the Prief^s of iBf/ were wont fccretly ro convey the Sacrifice? thar were laid on the
Altar of that Falfe God } fincc the Biihops make ufe of their Hands to pillage the EllaieS
of other Men, carting upon them all the marks of Infntny nn i I'l .. hole guile of thoje
" Crimes, of v. h-ch they niake the fole advantage, The Office of the Officials nr prc-
" fent, is to confound Right, to create Law-fuits, ro dii annul Agreements, to prolong Trials,
^ t» fnpprclt die Trticb, loinijmaio FalAnod, tofeek ktiMmg but filthy Lucre, ro fell

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) A NeTP EcceJ/d'jIical lMi[loyy
Jufticc, tn cnm
manner of unjuft Aflions, and to devsT: Chcrrs a^iJ Arr!fice": :o
nit all
* deceive ihe Pk p! 1 hc.c .uc tlie Men, who o\cr-!a.-d ibe.r Laniilords with a nume-

".fcas Retinue ot AucrJants and coltjy Ec^uipagcs ; wbohnot after dainty Dlfhes; being
very prodigal of the Eitatts of ochcr Peitons, nnd as covetuiis of their own They are :

" very cnrica; in fearcbing ouc ilic etymology and ligniScation of Words, and makeCjlofies
upon all tDAnncT of SyIJ«bIet, on fwrpofe to lay Snarec for otheri, in order to drain their
" Purfcs They cilcc upon rhcm to inrcrprcr the Laws aca nitnp ro their own caoricious

" H>i(nour, admitting lome, and rcjcding others a: liica Pkalarc ; thty torrupt ib^t wh ch
ift found, overrate jaft Allegation $, foment Divifions, concenl Crimes, make void law-
" ful Marriajtcs, pcnrtrate inru the St crcts of Fam lics, dcfam innocent Perfons , abiclve
" the Guilty, and in a Worci, leave no Stone unruni d to yet Mony. This is the Cha-
rad^er that Peter of Bhit f ive s ui of the Oiliciah of his time, very differt nt fas 'tis to be
hop'cl) fi""i thir ofthofc Gent; -'y^cn, who nowdifchargc thofe Fun5i(?n'; in our Churches.
In ihc Twentyhe advucs a Friend oi his to enter upon a Courfe ot Divinity at
Pdrii, nftiT having left the ftady of die Civil-Law, to whch he apply d himfelf at ilMMMrV;
bccaufo a Clcr|ry-man ought rot to beentirely immers'd theri'iii. Ho ccnfure'?, by the way,
the finiittr TrjCticcs oi ibc Advocates of his Time, who made ii ihcir whole bulineis to get
Jdoney And to enrich themfelvcs.
In the Twenty fcvcnth, he acquaints the Canrn? of Jif.ittvtt'r with the Dc^rh of Thcna
Becl^et Arch-bilhop oi Cantcrinuj, and tells them :liir thcic was rcaion to bf lo far from be- s Death, that they ought to rcjoico a: h;^ Happinefs. He likcwife maket laeodon
of tht D'TI nfionsthut happcti'Jin his Church, bout the Elc-cftion of n SucirfTbr.
The I wcnty eighth, is written in the Name of Arch- bifb.op o't [{oucn, to H^ti^m
Ardi-'bifliop of Sens and the Pope's Legate, wbom he exhorts to uk- W.% urmoii endeaToan
to divert tnofi- Calamities, w'.'xh were ready ro break forth in the .Territories bejonging t6
the Church of Hoan by rcafw of the War that wav carry 'd on by the two Kings.
In the Twenty ninth direi^edtothe AUxK and Monks of Sz. All/an^ he complains that one
oftbcir Pi iors had refus'd to ente-ttin him at bis Table, and Ibcwx how nmcb Hoipiia^tl
recooimendabic, more efpeciaily in Monks.
In the Thirtieth* hecommunicaies to his Friend /(ain^iii cbolcnBidiopof Xai^, idle Dream
that he hrrd ttpon hi« promotion ro the Epircopa! Dignity.
Tiic I h try hrfk is written to the Abbot of concerning a Diflctnpcr with which
Pttn r /; wasafflided.
The Thirty feconJ i';a rccmnmendatory Letter dirwJled to the Prior oi Canter! v -
The 1 hjriy third is written in the Name of H^treu An ii-bilhop of [{pan tO Henrj III. rfcc
Son of Hmryll. King of England, who was preparing to make War With' htt Father, to
entreat him to take into his rrote^n, diide/j and the other Tcrrinirict of the Chnicb of
In the Thirty ^Mmh, he excufes himfelf ro the BiHiop of Perigtutix^ who hail flAr'd hlia
bis Hoiife : fornot accepting of his PropoGd, becante Jie %ns deuin'd by die iVomi^cs of hit
old Patron.
The Thirty fif h and Thirty fixth, are Exhortarions to a certain Natt. \

The Thirty fcvcnth. is I.c tcr of Excufctothe Prior ^Jumi^s forncgleiKng to fend

back a Book that he had bonow'd of him.

The Thirty eighth, is an Apology direded to ^/Vfrr Gaidinal of tfaeOiarcb nf j^wwr, lot
the Condu«fl of the Archbifhop of Canterlu-r. who was aocnfisd of bchig ignor^t of the
Laws, covetous and too much incHn d to raiiehis Family.
The Thirty ninth, is a Let cr written by way of a feeiw Tnift to one of his Priemb; in
which he fends him word, That the Court of [{erne, according to the ufu.-!] Cuftom had
charged him with many Debts, and that if he could once End means to diTdurgc them
* he
would take care not to fall into that Abyls for the future.
In the Fortieth, he condemns the Deponaoeot of a certain BiOep who ^dke ill
of his
In the Forty firft, he entreats Henry II. King of England ro give him notice of the Place
where he was, to the end he might wait on him, and acquaints him that his Majeflies
Envoys arc reuim'd from !{pme, clear'd of their Silver and loaded with I^ad, without
beutg honow'4 with any coniiderable Prefents, and that the Ambafladot« of the King of
Sfain were ccmctomcc: to Lonilitiite him Mediator of the Peace between them.
The Forty ftcond, is writrcii lo K^Lert Provoftof Aire in flanders clttSLed Bilhop of Cam-
bray, to whom he gives a fmart Reprimand for contenting hhnfelf to enjoy the Revenues of
his Bifhoprick, without taking care to perform the Epilbopal Fumftions, and for
leading a
Stcular and Scandalous courfe of Life.
The Forty third, is a very appofitc Confolaiion conpo«*d by him upon occafibn of the
SickncA of a cemin Fctfoa, in which he ruficiemlynalRtii appear that he had ftiidy'dthc


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ofthe Tvjdkh Century ofChrifitanity. i6i
ii the Forty fcntth, he advifes Armlfhut fiiftiop of Lifiatx dm to leave lu Biflioprick,
bfcafon of niiy nppofitioii rhat might be made by his Prjnce, his Chapter or the People of
biiDiucei&i but he would periWade him to refign it, in calc he afpir'ti to that Dignity by

uner-hand dealings.
in the Forty fifth, he vindicates I{jhiaui^ Bidiop of B..itl\ from the imputation of having
prfctuicti or ottalion'd tbe Death of St. Tbcmas oi Cantcriiury, and obfcrves, that if be made
l0iewhat too tcvere a RcHei^ion upon him, atthetitnewiwothn Afcb-bifhopexcommunictv-
d the Bithop of S-tlislury, it ought to be forgiven him, as well as what he might have done
gainit lum thru Ignorance, and fo inuch the rather, in regard that he had expiated that
tnlt by a very rigorous Penance.
In thj For y fixth, dire 'b:<^ to I^jcharJ Biihop of Syracitfc, after having excus'd liimfelf
Df returning :o 5jci7r, he enlarges on the Commendation of Thomas Bect(ft Arch-bifliop of
The For, y Icvcnih is written in the N.imc of I{ich.trJ ATch-hi(hr'p of C.mtnliury, who
exhorts H.mj ihc Son of Henrj II. King En^ to ccfifl from makng War with his fa-
fccr, and threatens to ezcommiinicate him, unU l<;he fubm t to his Remor^ances.
In the For;y eighth, he congratulates M^!'i.tni Cardinal Bifliop of Paw*, upon account that
It la(t an end was pu' to the Qyarrcl between Pope Alexander and the Emperor FreJericJ^, by

lis mediation, and dcclamcsagainftOf?**/-!" and his Electors.

In the Forty ninth, he comp'nirn, T ha; fomc of the C^pr»r<- nf Chrt^fj. whom he took
brhis Friends, had brought an Inform uiun againit hun in a Trial depending between bim
sadl^plie [ ot Sj^isi <jry, for a Prebend of Cha^tres, and that not being able to fiitty hk Re*
puta ion, ihcy had llanderoufly traduc'd the Memory ofhls Fa'hrr
In the Fif-.ieth, be entreats the B ihop of Eajtux to abfol vc a certain Perfon, who bad com-
nir^d Man-llaoghier in his own defence, and who being afflitftcd with a very ictl^le Grief

.bi (;iate A ieknt, had done Penance in due Form.


In the Fif.y fin!, he ^dmoniilies Joeeiin fiifliop of Saliikurj to pay hiS Debts, and not to
bcCow too great Favours upon his Nephews.
In the F.fty fccond, he acquaints the Arch-bifhop of Canterbury, who had fcnt him to the
King of Enatatui, 1 hat he met with a furious Storm, during bis paiTage into Normandj, and
aflures bim, that he was ready to iindercake every thing, tod toeadnre all maimer of hacd-
(hip in hi"; Service.
ThcFitty tinrd, is a CircuKir Letter to all the Biftiops of BuglanJ, written in the Name
nfl^icbarJ Arch-bifllop of Canre I'u y and Primate of the Kingdom, in which he enjoyns them,
r.or to fuffer Perfons, whofc Ordination is nor valid, to excrrife rhr Epifcopa! Fumftions in

the Diocclles, and to denounce a Sentence o^ Excommunication againlt thole who forgt the

Pope s Bulls or counterfeit the Seals of the Bifhops.

In the Fifty fourth, he advlfcs the Arch-deacon of Poitlert, not to compel AdrHctn hit
Niece, to become a Nan ; becaulc cbc Monaftick State, ought not to be cmbrac d with icfs
freedom than that of Maniage.
In the Fifty fifth, be congratulates AJelicU, upon the dcflrc Hie exprefs'd to rake the Vail,
and iti regard chat ihe had adually made a Vow to that purpofc, and exhorts her lu put fo
laudable a Dcfign in execution wttb all convenient Qieed.
In the Fifty Hxrh, he endetvoort to divert ff^ffr JBifllop of I(«e6^«r from the Araaglodt*
nation he iuid ro Hun:ing.
Id the Fifty Icvcnth Letter, diretScd to one of his Friends a Monk of the Abl>ey of AuU
n.iy'vA Kcni viJj who expeded to be dchver'd from Temputions immfdutely after his

admittance inro a Rcbgious Order; he treats of the continual Conflid between theFlelh and
the Spirit, and fends him a Prefe or Sermon on that Subjcdl.
In the Frf y eigh h, he complains to I{erjaud Biihop of Satb,by reafbn that the latter had
fufpendcd bii Vice-Arcb-deacon, witliout difpatchmg any Canonical Monitions before-hand,
and to the prejudieeof a Pkiirjkfe that was granted him in the Council of L«/«r4ii, that he
fliould not be excommunicatf-d nor any Perfoo that belong'd to him by any Bifhop, and de-
clares thai he had 10 much the prtatcr rcafon to take it ill, in regard that that which gave oc-
cafiott to thofe rigorous Proceedings, was only a (mail fum of Money thtt was due to the Bi-
ihop, and that he had alrc.idy given Orders for thie payment of it.
In the Fifty ninth, he exhorts that Bifhop to be reconciled with a certain Perfon nam'd
Bemy^ and to tarn ooeSinmi oat of hti Company, who wasadangefoasFlanercr anda^'o
In the Sixtieth, he approves the Complaints made by one of bis Friends, who was much,
offended that the Bilhops ftiould enrich their Nephews with the Church-Revenues, inftetd
of maintaining he Poor. He obferves that thai was 00 new Difiwder, and that Povcrij
ought to be preferr'd hcfoie Richcs.
In the Sixty firiV, he dilTwiidesan Arcb«DeacoD from the exercifc of Hunting.
In the Sixty fecond, he writes in the Name of Geffrey Bifhop of iJncoln to one Le BienJ,
whom he reproves for his Difobcdience in leaving that Bifhop to follow divers Employments,
and forbids him to Qppofe the Imeidl of die Arai-bilbap ta Cmutrbmy^
Y The

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^2 ^ Ecclefiafikd Hifiory
The Sixty l lid. is .i Lcrtcf of Thanks to Peter B:(T^op of ^
The Sixty foutth, is of Gaurie- Arch-^Mt^iOp of J^M and of the i-
\*rittcn in thi- Nam?
fliop^ of Ntrwrfr^/r, to Pope Btmoft endiavors
Ce'eftin III. to enrrcat his Holincfs ro uft llU

to procure the deliverance of ^'chard King of Engiand, who was taken Prifimcr tt Iitt9>
turn froiTi ifie H. ly Land by th? Diike of ylu/Iria.

The S.xiy huh, is wnctcn againft the Snpcrftitions of thofe, who pRtetld to fore-tell f.
tare Evtnis by Dreams, or by other means of the like nature.
In the Sixty fixrh, he conpraTu!.ite-; C^utier Arch bifliop of Palermo upon his promotion •
that Dignity He g vcs dut Piekc a Charadcr of Hrm^ II. King cl En^lnnd, and clears hu

. from the Murder of Tbomat Beck^t Arch-bifhop of Cmterhmy.

Ih the Sixty fcvcnth, Iic proves by many Kcafons to King Hemy II. chat beonghtcocaul
his Son to apply hiti>lclf to Study.
The Sixty eighth, is written in the Natre of Ifiebari Arch-bifhop of Canterhury to Pop*
AlexanderWl. againll the Abhor o{ "Mtlmctbury, who ende.^vo ,iM to withdraw himfcif f.'on
the Jurildidion of his B Ihop, He Jcclames ih that l etter, .•g.iinit the Privikgcs that an
giamed at I{pme toihc Atbots for Money, which gives ihemoccafion to infult overtfaeirplrt
inatesand Dicccfans to lofc the Ri- ff cvl ilicy ous'ht rn h n e << r:' cm, and by degrees to lhake
off the of OlicJicnce, which was fc: ;r ci ]y tlx c:i:y mcr is :u rccl.iim thcra, and torc-
ftrain theirAmbition. " The Abbots (fays he) cannot crdiirc to have a Superior let owr
" reform the Al lifts committed by them
thcin, to T! cy wo tid w f'ingly haVe an abfoluu

" power to do every thvt'.c with impunity and iicc Lvl the Mtiiuilaal Difcipline ro gratify

" their unruly Palfions. Upon which account it is, that .ilmoft all the Revenues of the Mofla>
" flc! JT iett at Rack and
ii M
-.r-grr, and arc liable t J !-c p-!!.ie"d by every Itivader For o: :

" the one lidc, tl]c Abbot;, mir.d r.o:I.:nc cl'.e but fellow::. g Uieir Plcafures, and arc intent on-
ly tin making good Cheer; and on the othct- fide, the Monks bc"ng as it were deftidite oif
a Head, rpr:.a their Life in Idfenefs and conrinual Qn.irn! The mifchief 'adds h^' r: .

" quirts a li>evdy remedy ; for if it be nor timely apply'd, 'tis to be tVard left as the Abbots
fliake off the Yoke of the Bifliops, fo the latter i: ouKl thtoW offdittof the Arch-hilhops,
and the Dcaii^ ant! Anh-Deacons fhould likcwir fii .1 m ansro exempt thrinrcl\ cs from the
" Jurifdnfl^ion of their Diocefani, Alafs whitiorm cfjirilice is this or rather, wharmannet :

" of deformity of the Law! to hinder Pupils from hearkening to their Tutors ChildfCli ;

" from obcyinj' their Parents ; Soldiers from ferving rhcir Pr' and Servants from fnb- ;

" mitring to their Maftcrs What is it to free Abbotv from the Junfdici^^ion of their fiiibop,

unle& it be to authorize Difobedience and Rebellion, and to arm Children againft tbnrFa'
*' ther.5 *Tis' their Office, who fi: as lupremc fudrr o dct nnine this Cafe, ard to take ,

care left unjnft Adions ihonld take the r rile from the Courts of Judicature, where ap-
" plication is made for the reJre:Ting ot Grievances
In the Six'ty n'nth Lerrer, directed tn t^iJu'p' „: Rifhop of Ar.^crs, he laments the Failings
df the Inhabitanrs of that C ty, who had abandon d King licwy Ii. in the War that he main-
tain'd againft his Son.
In the Sevenrreth. he advirc*; J In BiiTop of C/.; <-/, rather to bettow Benefices on his
Nephew, who were upright and poor Men, rhan on Foreigners, who are not {a worthy o£

The Two following I.ertcrs contain nothinp remarkable.

The Seventy third, written in ihe Name of CAMerbury to all dieI^'ch<trd Arch-bifhop d
BfAops of England, is againft a Cultom that prevail'd in that Kttigdofti, only ro
paofA wiifc
Excommunication, thofe who aiTaiilpatid Bifhops And Other Cleigy-msii, wbercas CSpitalPlD*
ni(hment<; were inflifted on other Murderers.
The folln v ng Letters to tiie Bigbky fecood co(nt>rAend nothing very remarlabte wkt^
tb Chnrch-Difcipline.
In the Eighty lecoiid, dirc(5Ved under the Name 6( Arrh-bilhop of Canterbury to the
Cifterctan Monks, after having commended t r <: rdcr, he takes notice of one Fanit commit*
fed by them, which is their refufinf to pa\ 1' i
: o Clerks and Monks: He gives them
roUnderftand. that it is an Acl of InjuUice tli .liiho' they might enjoy that Immunity,

they were Poor, yet they had no right to it at prefent/fince they were become Rich ;
what Pri\ ilcpcs focvor they might obtain from B^tne, rhey cciild not in Confciencc
.ird rhar
make ufe of then; to uiurp the Eliitcs of others : L.lftly, he threatens to excommunicate tiiem
ifthey continue to retain thofe Tithes.
In the Eighty third, written in :he Name of Jf 't/ter Arch-Deacon cf Oxford to BarrJrfo.
twrifBirtiopof Exeter, hcadvifes him to declare the Marriage null, that was concrac^lcd be-
tween l{4'-rt atld Ifnienia his KinAtvomanj according to the'exprefs Order he bad receiv*<l
from thr Pope.
The Eighty fourth is direded to Pope AlexanderWl. under the Name of ^cbard Areb*
bifhop cSCamerhury ro vindicate the Condudt of the Bilhops, Who refide in the King's Codrt*
in order to mainrain the Inrereft and Rights cf the Church. " For ^fays he) if there were
" no Bilhops in the Council, nor in favour with the Prince i the Wicked would foon find
means to barrali the 'Cfmrch, ailtt 4he Frefiatiptioa of Laicki would opprtls the Oergy

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of the Twelfth Century of Chnjiianity. 163
an intokfable manner: But at prefent, if any thing be attempted to the prejudice
** *
of the Church, the Bilhops are rcsdy to oppofc it nuJ if the ihorld be exalperat-

^agaistt ioQOcent Perloas, his Anger is appcas u by ihcii Eiirrcaiics. By ilus means, the
risovr of Jttftice is modeiatcd ; the Cries of the Poor reach the Prince s Ear ; t.'.e D g-
diltrelTcd People is rdiijv'd ; the Dc-
nity of the Church i? matntain'd ; the Indigence of

vottonot l.ay-men is cncrcasdi Reiigion is proteckUi the Sentences if Courts of Judi-
caraie are direded ; the Lawi aie fBDiiiiised to ; the Decrees of J(pme ai c rcceiv d ; and
the Revenues of the Churches are a-.igmcnr d
c He idds, Th.n ilic Arch billiops r.nd Bi-

rcntic m the Cturi of ihc'.i Prince, and that

iiops of Siiiiy were wont in like manner to
" theM was a Deitgti on foot in Bi^Und co abrogate thai Cullcin, bu'. that divers prudent
" and judicicus Pcrfons hr.d detcrmm d that it was ahfolutely necel^uy fc-r ilu m to continue
having acccfs to thePnncc; it thi, lame time
ibece, acd that if ihev were lander'd from
M ^ Monaftcrics would l>e dcpriv d of dieir Tranquihty, the Afflided of Ginfolation, and
" the Church of its Liberty. Therefore our Autlior Cf;nchidcs, That altliough the BilLup
were very delirous to leave ibe Cour^ by realon ot the Iiicanvenicncts iJity furier in that
Sunoa, neveithelels they are detaind, as it were by force, upon account of thc'Pttblick
Tbe £igb(y fiflh Leucr, contains a iTai p Reprimand made to Hubert Biihop of Sainiiu jr^
fer taking coo great delist in Feafting,
and lor lay mg out lb vaft fixpences in fiimilhing bia
Table, that he ler the Buildings of his Church fall r-'"

In ibe Eifibiy lixth, he diverts a Cardufun

Monk ii-m d A exander^ from the Delign he
bad to qak bis Order, under pretence that Mafs was not faid erery day in the Monaftery ;

and (hews, That St. Btncdl^l never wns a Pi iel>, md that he fpcnt a great deal of time widi-
bearing Mais, even not knowing one tjjhr-d^^j, that ii was that great Feltival : That
St. fMdwAScAntcnyy the firll Hermits, pafs'd many days without hearing Mafs. and that
we do nor read that fome great Saints oficr'd up the Holy SaerihcL* <}-:a\\ Thar fuch a fre-

render them coiiicinpiibic, and that the fel-

quent Adttuniftration of the Sacraments might
^bneft of it, encfcafis the Refped due to them : That indeed we fm incelTancly, and chat
is rcquiiitc for ih
Remedy c-riar'on of our Guiltj but thac nevertbelds this
a continual
Hoft of ao Value, ought not to b. oifer'd up, but with a Spirit of Humility and a
contrite Heart. To that purpofe, be
quotes many PaiTagcs of the Fathers, and at laft af-
firms. That the fccret Motive
which indue d that Monk to think of <|aitting hia Order, wat
Courlc of Life.
so lead a lefs aoAere, and a more

Ibi the Eighty fcventh Letter,

he comforts PViSUm Biftop of Eh, who was difcharg'd
England^ by the rrcnchery of certtin Noble-
from the management of the Affairs of State in

men, who had mif-reprefcntcd hitn to King H^cburd ;

w hich ga\ e an occafion to Peter of
to declaim againft tbofc Counfeliors who give
BAwf bad Advice to Princes. The Eigbw
ninth is written on the lame Snbjed io
a Biihop^ who bad contrihued to the (aid mUMm%
dilfirace at Courr. . «. , .
Si the Eigty eighth, he entreats an Abbot Io reoetve a certatn MuDk, wbo was deruous
» return to his Mon.i"cry.
Htlltam Abbot of Aiini, of the rea-
In the Ninetieth, be gives an account to his Brother
s ^ ce at the fame time of tbe News that wasl
fins of Ws departure fiom Skily, and take

abroad, That that Abbot had obtain'd a Licence of the Pope, to ihc Mitre,
Ring and Sandals. He mainuins, That the ufe of thofc Ornaments in any other Pcrlon but
a Biihop, is an anogant Vanity, and a prefumptuous Oltcntatiort; That they ought only
fuch as the Di-dir:in"on of Churche?, the Con-
to be us'd on fome extraordinary Occa(Tons ;
Clerks, and chat therefore they can be of no
ftctation of Viigins, and the Ordination of
thofc Fundioos; That they are adhially more
nfe to an Abbot, who has no right to perform
chargeable to hitn than profitable, and that they do him a greater dtftonour
th-n credit ;
the Gofpel, nor in St. Benedifl's Ruie ; That ic
That thac Abufe has no Grounds neither in
foments the Rcfradorinefs of the Abbots and the Contefls they hate with tbe Bilhops, and
that no Man ought to flatter himfclf, that the Privilege
of I^crn' can be a fufficient excule

for focb A<^ of Difobcdiencc before God. Therefore he conjures him by (be Salvation of
d«ir common Father, and by the Breafts of their Mother, to lay aHde ihofe Pontifical Or*
naments, or if it cannot be done without Scandal, to choofe rather ro
qtiit h ^;

H^UUm being mov'd with ibis Remonflrancc, rellgn'd his Abbey into the Pope's Hiiids, as
appears by the 93d Letter, in which Peter of Bids corgratulatcs him j That be preferr'd
the Humility of a finple Itflonk co tbe Dignity of an Abbot, and a place of abode io
10 one in Sicily. _ _
firft, he tt^/K Hfiuiplm Bifliop of Lifieux
with Covetoolnc&, and the pr**
In the Ninety
of Ufury more efpecially in icgard that he did not open his Gianario in a time of ibutt-

gy and deamets of Pavilions.

Thefoltowing Letters contain nothing very remarkable.
N:y fcventh, dircded to the Abbot
cf Fz 'fi^.im. he ilews that the divcrfity of Mo-
In the
naftick Orders is advanuaious to the
Church, but chat nune ought 10 pafs lighrly from one
Order DO aMiher. He cmfenrca in tbe end, that finging Dit Pfalmt for a confidcrable

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A Neip Ecclefiajiical Htfiory
is very ufc ful, could be continu e! with DcVo
if it n, and that although it be r\ccr>tnpany*d

with wrariioinnefs, yet it doei not ccafc to be a good Employmem. As fw Handy- work, he
neither biamcs, nor commends it in a Monk^ LtAtttt mttem mgmutlet in AimMhc mee arguere^
nec laudtre frxjumo.
The Ninety eighth and the Niaety nintii, arc written in the Name of JUJfbarJ Arcb-bi-
fhop of Canterbun ; viz. the former to Iris Suffragans about the neodlity of rclieviM die
Holy Land, and the fccond to Pope V>l,in III. to conRtatuiarc his {>ruinotion to the raaci*
f. il Dignity, and to thank his Holine(s (os the Pali, which he had kot to him.
hi:iie HtindrcJth Letter, he vindicaies an Arcfa-biAop who wis KC«s*d of bcmg ii.o
nicck.and modLra'c.
The Hundred and firft, diredled to H^ert Arch-dcacoa of Nantejt is a Judgment that
he paflcs on the Dilpofition of two of his Nephews, whom he ImhI pmiiader his Tuition.
The Hundtcd nA
Iccond, contains a long Complaint made by the Abbot of ^JJing wh9
was dcHrous to renoDOoe his Dignity, with Peter of Mi^t t Anfwer, in which be advifes hin
rwK to do it.

The fbtiowing LtDMs coQuin nodung of anjr £fcat momeac m to Eodcfiiftical Dil^
ciplino. /

In tiic Hundred a;twelfth, fent to the Biihop of OrleMS, be maintains the Immunities of
the Church, and aifcrtt tJuc the King of Frsnce ought to exadl no other Sillies of dbe
Clergy, than ihcir Prayers to carry on the War, that he was prepuingto manage agaiuft ibe
Saracn: f in the Holy Land.
In the Hundred and thineenih, he exhorts Geffrey Arch-biftiop of Torj^, to oppift dw
new H
rt ricks who appear'd in his Dioccfs, and to publifh fo Itri*^ aa OrdtlUUloe apklft

thc in, that the others might be terrify 'd with the Severity of their Punifliment.
Ill the Hundred and fourteenth, he congratulates John of Salisbury uf>on his Inftalment in

the Biihoprick of Clhtrtrei, and commends the ReUuioa that he wmeof the Liiieof XSwmt
Beclicl Arch-bifliOD of Canterbury.
In the Hundred and fifteenth, after havbg (hewn in what
of GoBfiuiguinity l(fhr*
and .^ch'lecU were related one to another, he produces tfaefevcnd Impedimeats ofthorMiro
riage. and coinprchends ibcm in fix Verfes.
The Hundred and fizieetith, is written to Hugh Abbot of St. OrwiV, to whom he fends one
4rf'his Books to be examinVlj and ooonforts him for the Indignity chat ms
pac tqxm huai by
the King of France.
In the Hundred and fevehteenth, be W
prehendi Gtffrey Abbot of JAarmoittier^ by reafon
that he had caos'd ^r. Adion to be conrmrnc'd againft the Prior of St. Cmk, forcCRiiB
Lands which he rl.\un'd, as belonging to his Jurifdiaion.
There i>. nothing remarkable IB the following LetRtt totbe i&]d, in which he refiiTes co
accept of the Saoenioul Dignity, MC through conBeaipi^ bm an cxtFMcdmary idpcft for datt
In the Hundred twenty fan(lii» he oonforn Gtmtkr Aicfa>biibop of J^m^ hauA'd 6tm tk
Church, and juftifies his retreat.
In the Hundred twenty fifth, he admonifiv^ the lame Prelate, to avoid flothfulneiis during
his Exile, and to apply Umftlf V> the reading of the Holy Scriptures.
In the Hundred twenty llxth, dirc<%edto the Abbot of GM-r/^r he gi^Ts an Pf?rrw/:.'m of

Odo Chanter of Bourses chofen Biihop of Paris ; to whom iic writes the Hundred twenty
ftnmfa, 10 cencw their old FfiendAip and the orirfpondence that fonnerly pafiTdbctiveen
In the HundfcJ twenty eighth, PfTer of Blots complains to li^lliam Arch-biftop of Senr, that
he had not as yet pcrform'd the PMnyfe that he nude to emenain him in his ifavic; and to
€onferr a Benefice upon him.
In the Hundred twenty ninth, he writes againll the Arch deacon of Oilcans, who had in-
troduc'd Simoniacil Pradiices into his Church.
In the Hundred i^d Thirtieth, dirctftcd to Jfl^w Bifhop ot Cbartres, he clears him fc- If f-om
the Charge brought agamft him, that he made ufe of the Recoouncndation ot the King of
fiifM; of diveit Locda» and of the Ptope, to procure a Prebend in die Chnich of CAsr-
In the Hundred thirty firft, he rcpro\c5 one of his Nephews, the Prior of a Mooaitery*
by teafon that ncgieding the ftudy of the Liberal Sciences and abandoning his Saiimde, be
fnouented publick Places, and cndcavour'd to ciirry favour with Noblc-mcn.
The Hundred thirty fccond and die Hundred thirty fourth, diredcd to PerfoiiS newly
made Abbots, contain vcr)' ufeful InllniAions for the condudi of Superiours.
In the Hundred thlny third, written to the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury^ he mitntatns
that he is not oblig'd to reiide in his Prebend in that Cicy, in regard of the fmainels of
the Revenue, which wxs not fufficient for defraying the Chaigft of a Journey thither.
The Hundred thirty fifth, is a Difpcnfiuion for Non-icfidenc« gflmoKl by ilia AvdhphsAop
«f Canterbury to a Canon of Saiisbury,


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of the Twdfth Cciitury of Chrifiianity,
The HttMfffd thtnt fisih, i« a Lctttf frtal Hmrj YL King o< Engiand to AUxAnder lH
in which he complaiDS of the RebeUion of bis CfaUdRen, and implOKs the affiftance of chat
ta the Hnmlicd ihhty lewnth, he congratulates a Novice Monk, and gives him wholfomc
In the Hundred thirnr eighth, be exprefles to GMUier Arch-bUhop of i(p4», the Joy that
upon Ms icturn nttoi his Exile
In the Hundred thirty ninth, he cnrrcati the Abbot and Monks of Ciftm/x to ptic»p>
their Prayers to God, that he would oiichfafc to grant hini his Grace, n enable hi.n wor-
thily the Funiflions of the Prieflhood, to which Dignity he was lately lais'd,
to j-erform
and explains the reafons why he dettrr'fi the receiving of that Order till that time.
In the Hundred and fortieth, he exhorts Petrus^nus ro quit the- itiidy of the Law, and
to apply himfelf altogether to that of the Holy Scripiures and of Divinity. In this Letter^
he makes Term of Trdnfutflantiatien in treating of the Eacharift. ** Thus yoil
ufe of the
fee (fays be) in one fingle Sacrannent a deep Ahyfs impcnerrable to Hum,ine Reafon ; /
" ineAtt, in the Bread and Wine tranfubftantiated by Vcrrm ofthc Hen venly Words, into the
" Body and Blood of JESUS CHRIST, li c AcciHctirs that were therein, remaining
« without a Suhjc& ; and althouph the Body of JESUS CHRIST l>e Ficfh nnd not
Spirit, ncvcrthclefs it Nourifties the Soul rather than the Body. The Cimc Body is to be
found in fcveral Places and on divers Altars, againfl the nature of Bodies, without ccafing
" to be in Heaven: For aithouph by its Nature it can only be in one Place after a circumfcrip-
" tiblc Manner, yct it i$ in many Places by its omnipotent Vertue and Energy, and after a fpi-
** rir.tal M inner.
In the Hundred forty firft, be complains to Ciutisr Arch hilhop of J^mh, that a cerrarn
private P rfon had dctain'd the Revenues ot a Prebend thar belong'd to him, and entteatS
that Prclarc to caufe ReiHtution to be made.
In the Hur Jrcd forty fecond, he cotnforts the Prior and Monks of £o^mAi, who wete hi
great Trouble, and exhorts them to bear it with Patience.
The four ibllowing Letters refaue to the Confinement of J^/e&iri 1 Khfg Bi^imd^ aiid
were written ro procure his Liberty. *
In the Hundred forty feventh, be reproves I{olert Bifliop of Bangor ^ who determin'd
to rcuin a certain Benefice, which be had conferr'd on another Clerk.
In the Hundred forty eighth, he exhorts SavMric Bifliop of AtfA to fCtum ID hb jDi6oe(s»
and not to leave his Church with a defign to travel.
In the Hundred forty ninth, he complauii, that cbey vftte ihontto dfeprhne Mm
of his Afdi-
deaconry in the end of hi^ T.i''f-
In the Hundred and fitticth, he moUiltes what he bad faid in the fourteenth Lener,
againft thofe Clergy-men, who relide in the Covtcsof Pthiees.
In the Hundred fifty firft, he entreats Pope ImarftitiU. to augment the Revenues of tfce
Arch-deaconrj' of LonJcn, which was lately conferr'd upon him. He pives his Holijiefs to
nndetftand, that there were about Forty thoufand Men within the Juriwidion of his Ard^
deaconry, i'^--^ .ibnvc One hundred and twenty Churches; neverrhelefs that he Was MX able
to coilcdt any of the Duties that are cuftomably paid to the Arch-deacons.
lb the Hundred fifty fecond, he entreats that Pope, to change « Chapter of tMiich he was
. Dean, into a Monaftery of :hc Ciflercian Ordrr
The Hundred fifty rhiid, is written in the Name of I^tiou Arcb-bifhop of l{pan, and of
Amulfhu BiJhop of Lifieux, to Henry If. King of England in which they give him an ac-

count of (he NegDciaiions in die Court <tf the King cl Fr4iw^, whete they were fent by that
The Hundred fifty fbonh, is likewife written in the Name of the &me Arch>bifhop,
who entreats £/Mmr4, Ogeca of Bi^lMd, and her Soitt, to be reconcilVi with King
Henry IL
In the Hundred fifty fifth Letter, that Atcb-biihop ekcufes himfelf to the Prior and Monks
of La charite, for not retiting to ihelir Cohven^ by italbn that he ooiild dot leave his Flocic
during the War.
The following Letters to the Hundred eighty third and laft, contahi noiKt^ Vttj re-
markable as to Hfctcfiaftiral Affairs, and m.iny of them are Confol.itnry.
There is no Author, wlio has till d his Letters with a greater number of Quotations, out of
the Hoty Scripmres and Ecclefiatlical and Profene Writings, than Prtcr of Blot's; infonttcb,
that they are fcarce any thing elfc bur a ConteTture of fuch PafTagcs. That which Is proper-
ly his own Matter, is full of Antithefes and Puns : However, he difcoarfes with much
freedom, (harply reproves Vto^ and mahitaint Chnrch IXfctpSne and the EcdIefialKal
His Sermons arc written almofl; after the fame naanner as his Letters, in a concife snJ fen-
teniums Style, to the number of Sixty five ; neither dot<; he explain therein the Points of
Morality in their utmoft extent, but he fills them with divers MaximS and Nc >, wh'cli
;i •

are accompanied with no other Ornaments, but Antithejrs and nice CoHiparifons cA Words

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i66 A Nen? Ecclejiafiical Hiftoty
But he handles Macteff more ai Jar^e in hii Tm&s, which aie Sevtaum m Nifm^
1 he Firil is a Moral Duconrfc on the Transfiguration ot JESUS CHRIST.
The Second, is another Difcourfe of the (ame Nature on Sr. Pa$Ws Convcrfion.
The Third, is a aMnpeadioiis Chronicle on the beginning and ihe end of the Book oC

The Fourth, is a very paihetkal Exhoccadon co ioduoe the Chriftian Princes to find Gaci
coors to the Holy 1 and.
The Fifth, is an Inllrudion wr;L:tn in the Name of Pope AleXtOtder lU. to the Sukan of
The S xth, U a Trcjtifr of Sac a renral Confeflion and Penance.
The Seventh, i< a Tract concerning tiie Fuiv^ions and Qualities of a Confcflbr, and the
manner how he ought to demean hhnfell in the Adniniiltadon of the Saoamenc of
The E ghth piece, cill d the Epikopal Canon, contains InftrucSions for Bi(hops.
The Ninth, is an Invedive againft one who |ufs'd a Ccnfurc on hlS Works, and cbarg'd
him with being a Flu crcrof Princes, and n falle Accufcr of Clergy-men and Monks: He
cJe.irs himfclf fr<jni both Imputations, by producing a Catalogue of h-.s Writings; in which
he alR rts, there is nothing to be ibttiKl that can convid him of what was Uid to his charge,
sr.d ft vi ral particulars to the conrrar^'. He cnl.irges in Commendation of the Monaitick Life,
and explains fome Palfagcs of hi<; Works, were objcded againtt him; and amongft others,
what he had laid down concerning Free Will, which he was accos'd of having confoondcd
with Grarc He maintains. That ti c lumier is fupported by, and depends on 'he lancr. af-

ter fu(h a m.uiDcr, that the Mercy of God is not prejudicial to Merit, nor Grace to Free
I'Ik- Tenth is IX- acifc again(t
tlu Jt ;x-. in which he has aonuacely coUedcd aii the
PrcphecKs .hat rcbtc to JESUS t ii i< 1 i i

Tfie a large Treatifc of Chriftian Friendihip, of the Lofe of God, aitdChao

Ek vcnrli, is

riry to our Neighboor j in which he inliltsoa the Caoles* Diitic«» Parts and £fiisds of dnfe
TheTwelfiii, is of the Ufefidnds of AflfiAkm* ol wluch he Ihews the fiml Adtnui-
The Thirteenth, calf'd, H^4t .ire they, tjtules funt ? is a Sa:y r againtt unworthy Paftors.
He judifics at firlt, about ro wrire againit them, and declares that 'tis not htldefi^
what he is

to atuck [he Worthy Unworthy, who ha\c no Faith ; who have not en-
Paftors, but only the
ter d the Sheep-fold through the Gate; who do not delervc the Names of Pador, Pope, Bi-
fliop or Prelate ; becauU- they have not any of the Qualities fignificd by thofe Terms ; who
enrich their Ril.uions with the Church-Rcvcnues who confer C'jnonrics and other S]^irirual

Livings upon ihcin ; or who being of mean ErtraCition, anj of an unknown F., are
endu'd with no generous P^iociples» but with a gicac deal of fordid Bafenefs wi hoot H»'
mility, whofe Dipnit> foort corrupts their M.-iri'-er';. He Hiew,"!, rhar ihefe forts of Bithops
ought noi to Ix- fiat:er'd, but ilia: their Fauiii ought lo be expos d, to the end ibat thofe Pcr-
ibns who prelent thcm&lfes to be admitted into Holy Orders, may be duidy cxamin d, and
that a ccniiderable time may be taken, to be well adur'd of their daaeanour, and of dieic
Courie of Lift:.
The Fourteenth, is a Fragment of a Letter, that he wrote about Sifcooe.
The Fifteenth, is a Frr-inncnT of his Book of the Channrc rsf Fortune.
The Sixteenth, is a I rad coocemingihe Sacieu iiooks and W'nteif of the Old and New
The Sevetitecnrh, is a Poetical Piece on the Eucharifl.
The firft Edition oi l^eter of B/«/s Works, was printed at Mfnt;^^ the fecond at Pdrj/,
A. D. 1519 ; the third at Mau^ in 1600. by Bufeut, who annex 'd an Addition of fooe
Trads in i^o-i. This Edition was copied out in the Biblietbeca Patrum, printed at Colra;
but mail thele Editions, the Scnnon.s of Pctf Comejlcr^ were ioferted iiiltcad of ihofc of
Peter of Blois : Al laft M. de Gouffainville, publifh'd a new Edition of all Pet:r of Bleit's
Works, in which are to be found rhe Genuine Sc rmr-ns of Author, printed AC Plwif ift
i66t. This was foiiow'd in the ialt Biifiiotheca titium^ fet fonh at Ljtont.

STEPHEN iJi/5opo/Tournay,

Stephen CTEPHEN, Abbot of Sl.Genevieve, and afterwards Bi(>iop of Tourna/, was born at Orle-
B jhfof ^ «»/, A. O. II?). and oomjpleaied his Studies in the Schools of the Cathedral Churchet
Touroay. of that City and of Chartrei: He apply 'd himfelf more efpeciafly ro chat of tjie Canon-Law,
and became a Regular Canon in 116). in the Monaflcry of St.Evertc, where SuVifltri
Rule WW
cftabUOi'd in iis8. bjr M^tr, wbo was the fitft Abbot finoe the Referroatioo.

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of the Twdfth Century of CbrifHamty. %
Cfer^ior fbccet^d Mm in Abbey of Gennieve being vacant in 1 177. hj
tint Office, but the
the Df.7Th nf Ahboz Jiuhcrt, he was chofcn h\ hk Place. He was promoted to the
rf,e '

ftoprick oi T^urmj in 1191. and govern'd k te ihc Veaf» 1103, which was that of
This Aurbor wrote a Comrrcnmry Gr -ti.ti.'s. Decretal, with divers Seriwww and Lct-
lere. All his Woi ks «re cxunt in Alanufcripcj but Father du Mru!!»et did not
aittthe Commenrary on the Deciml, and the Sermons were wonhy to be brought to light',
•Id therefore he o.;:y puhlifTiM the Preface to that Commentary, the firH Sennon and the
Tots of Scripture, on which the Thirty others were composd, widi his Letters, which he
dhidcfd tnte three Parts; thePirft of whidi contah the Letters which he wro-c being as yet
Abbot of St. ^trr/r, from .-/. D. iit^. to m^-^.
The FiTiV, is a very paihcticai Complaint, which he recited in the Synod of the Biftops of
the Province held at Stnt, concerning the Mvfder committed on the Pcrlon of ^ebn
Dean of
O l,y a rrminl oni nutof vvIkiI- Hands, be cm.iavonr'd 10 Wfcft fe^ Revenues
beiong ng to ibc Chapter of OrUaru, w hich he had ufurp d.
He wasenjoyn'd by the feme Aflembly, to write to the King, to demand Juftice for that
exccr.i!"e F.r^. Mc did it afr r fnch a \^,^n.v^^, as c;.|-.blc of exciting him 10 lake VCfr
geance forlo heinous a Crime. Howev er, the King did not approve that Letter, and com-
•m'd mncfc Dirpleafttre againft Sreftten opon that account ; which gave occafion to his Ene-
mies to pcrfcctuc him, ar d m thrt p'f p to pillape his Eltatc, and to caufe him to be piic to
Death, unlefs he dcfiiled from the profccacion of chat Saic. Wheteapon he had rccourfc to
WlUm Bifliop of Chtrmi^ die Son of JUkmixtt JhtvMJ Connt of Champagne, who ap-
fcas'd the Kmg s Anger, and fdlor'd Strfixn to his Pavoiir» as tfaelatier had entteaced him
to do in his iecond Letter.
The Third is a Letter written by Pmee Bifhop of Ctermm^ in ^ich he dcfires Maurice
Bifliop of P.Tr;V. .T J S.'rtrcn Ahhot of S'. Ev.rtc to give a refolution of a Cafe of Confcience
tonchii^thevilidiiy of tbcBapafin of Inlanrs that are dipt in the Water, ihefe Words be-
ing Mated, v/^. TntheNime «f the Father, cf the Son, andof the Holy Gb«Jl, Without exprciling
the Adion t y thcfe Terms, ll.tpti^t tire. A eerr.iin Fathi r iiad Baj«i*'d Ws ChiW aftcf
that Manner, and it was cuitomary to do fo, in cafe of Nece/iicy.
Maurice ivtorns an Anfwer m the fonrtA Letter tfut that Baptiftn is (nrfl, and determines
the m inor '.v':h.-i great deal r f afTumncc, in a few Words. Strphefi replies on the contrary,
in the fifth Letter, that that Baotiim is valid, provided the three Ferfons of the Trinity be
w/nl^A, and that 'tis not abfmntely nrceHbry to add 'thefe Woids, f Baptise thee ; becaufe
ir Is nor fiid in rlic Gofpcl, Go and Bj^tiyC the Nations f>iyt>i^^, 1 Bapti:(e you in the Name
the Father t ficc. but only, SaftiM tbem in the Name of the FMtber, &c He confirms his
Opmtott by ditet* PafTages of the Fadiers. whtcb only retfatre the Invocatkm of the Holy
Triniry, for the v.ilidiry of' Baptifm. He affirms that thcfc Terms T Bapti^^e thee, are added
by the Church, that they only have regard to the folcmniiy of rbe Action, and do ooc be-
Knf^ to the fhbftance of the Sacrament: ^fi/etmuttae Mnifierii, ntm de fubftaraiM StKhmenti,
He add^, tliat'fa difF. rcur Opinion were .idmltied, an infinite number of Children maft un-
avoidably be Damned, who were Baptiz'd by Laicks in cafe of Neceflity ; by reafbn that
»l»e freateft part of thofe if^norant m>pfe, were wont to Baptize only faying. En neme Pa»
trrs fJvlyites Sant<s. However he dt clirts, tb:it tliofc Priclts ought to be cen-
fiir'd and put to Penance, who thro' negligence or ignorance omic any chine diat relates to
the Iblemniry of the a^miniftractfm of Kiptifm. Bat he mnintains, that a Child which was
once Baptiz'il in the Name of tlic Trinity, ought nor to be Raptiz'd again, altho' the Fa-
tber did noc cxprcls the A&ion by thcfc Words, I Ba^i:{e thee, Laftly, he (ays diac he
who Baptises a Child, cotitrafts a Ipiritual Afioicr widi the Modier, lAtdh rendett him
nncapalAe of Mairying ber $ or of co-habiting witn her as his Wife, iSAef were Maity'd
The other teitets contain'd in this firft Part, are either recommendatory in fiivom* of divers
Pcrfnns, or relate to pirt'cul^.r Afftirs ; the rebuilding of the Church of Si F.v.' w'lich
washnmc by Nermam, to which patpofc, he dcfires fupplics of the Chapter of ScMcrw
timatTtmrt^ and of hh Fronds r The icftannuion of a Trior who had waibd die Revenaes
of his Monadery : The Conceft between the Chotdi of St. SMtfeitt aftd the Obapcer
St. C«i jf, 8cc
In the fecond Part, are comprehended the Letieii written by Stephen tifPmmaf whilfl he
govern'd tlic Abbey of Si. Genevieve, fj( m y!. D. 1177- to 1191. The prcated part of thcfc
Letters are cotnplimental or recommendatory, and contain nothing very remarkable. There
are feveral wtitcen in favour of the Arch-bifliop of Tonrt, aboot the Conteit diat he had with
the Bifl«5p of Do!, as t!ic Fortieth, the Huntircd and r-\ enth, the Hundred and eighth, the
Hundred and tenth and the Hundred and fortieth: Others againft the Regular Canons of
St. Jchn des P'igncs, who were defirotts trf enjoy their private Efbtes, and who being pro-
vided of good Living?, endeavour 'd to withdraw thcmfllrcs from their Obedience to the
Abbot, to depend only on the Jurifdidion of the Bilhop. He maintains, Thar they ought
always to be fubje(% to the Abbot, and to fubndc to bis ^dl, aoooiding to tin; Caflom,

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1(58 ^ Ecclefi^kal Hijiory
w-liidi (tslieftyt) was always put pwdice ; otherwifc all manner of Regular Dlfc pi n(?

u ou'd be entirely rboLih'd --A rhere would be as n»any Abboa asCuraws: See the iixty
firft, the Ninety Wth and
the iixiy fecond Letters.
who have m an- a \ ow ro frotn tli. Order

In the Seventy firft he provet, Thacihole

cfG>Andmo> t to that of Ci/?m«x, ought to perform that Vow, and in gcocraJ, ibat Tran-

iJations frojp a reraifs Order to a

more auilcre arc lawful and expedient. In the Hundred
relates a Sentence pafs'd by the King, in favour ot certain Ckrks of tisc Or-
fony thlttl, he
the feme .Order, and wrnei to
Cir ofGyanJm^f^t againft the Prior and fomc Uy-broihcrs of
the Pope in bis own Name, in that
ot ibc xVbbots of St. Gf Pw? «*« «
ScFiBw ;
Sentence. In the Hundred forty firft, he ad-
and even in thatof his Clcrpy ; to confirm that
vik^ 'h Dean of the Church of I{! chrts -o hinder the Canons of that Cathedral from abfO-

gating what was left of their ancant Ruk,

x to eat always m amwwn
in the fatne Re-

te<aory, and to live together in the

fame Cloifler ^ .
. , . . . .

The Hundred forty (Ixth. the Hundred forty fevcnih, the Hundred forty eighth, the Hon*
Hundred lUiy third arc written to the Ktngof Deiim*rk, and to fame
dred forty ninth and the
BifliopsdFlhai Kin{piom and of Sweden to induce them to procure Lead m
England to cover
the Church of St. Getievirt e, which was burnt and pillaged by the NotmMS. He makes by
the Lead that is purchafed ac H?«f- for Bulls,
the way, a very ingenious AutitLcfis, between
to imfoverijh the Churcht, and
and that wMcb is boi^ht in England ^ faying, That cne fervet
tlye cf!'i-r ro cozrr them Anglico Plumho t ^untur Ecclefui^ muUntur i^0M4«0. He entrcaa the
one in the eighty fecond Letter for the Chancellor of
pope toprantiwo Difpcnfar .ons,

Fy«M», who was denied .idmk .mcc into Hul Ordi rs, becaufe he was nor born in lawful

Wfdlork, and the other in the Hu idrod .ind thirteenth Upon the fame occafwa. infavour of
of .in t Attorney General : Heoblerres in the
4- a certain Person who had excr^i^'d ilv. Office
rmFHta^fyrmcrjhai the Canon of not admittii p b ^ m Pcrlons among the Clergy, was not gene-
r.illy rccc:v d in all the Churchis. He likcw»u makes a requeltto the Pope, to confirm the
Evtrte Orlrins in the Fifty eighth and Fifty ninth Letter^ •
Immun ty of the Abbey of Sr. at

and in the Hundred fifty fifth, to maintain the Revenues beloqgiiig 10 the Pi^cnds of lb*
Cathedral of Pvi's. .Tppropriatcd to the Church of St. yidm
The Hundred fitry niaih, is concerning the difiiculty of leading a folirary courfe of Life,
to Evrard of Av-fr:es Bifljop of Tcurnay dying, y#. O. 1191.
and ofthe means of attaining it.

the Clergy at firft chofe Peter Chanter of the Church of P*ru, to fupjply his Place, and
StepttH wrote the Hundred fevcncy B'lh and laft Lcrter of the fecond Part, in his behalf,
bottharEkdton being adjudged to be nail, lie himfelf was inftall'd in the Bilhopridc of
Tottrrtjjy, and caus'd h!>; Nephew to be chofen Abbot of St. Gtnepieve in his ftcad.
The firft Letters of the ih;rd Parr, relate to his promotion to that Dignity. In the Two
determines. That the M.irriagc of a Novice who has left his Con-
iMmdred and fea)nd, he
vent for that purpofc i>; valid. Tn Si: Two hundred and eighth, he givesa particular account

of his Life and Couverfation, lu (uitihe himfelf againd BerrtVr Arch-E>cacon of Camhraj, who
aoGUS'd bim of not leading Life confomuWe to that of a Bifliop. " I very fcldom go ((ays
he) out of the City I .iHi
: I as often as is pofTible, at the celcbnition of all the Divine
Offices ; I Preach die Word of God to my Diocefans, after the beft manner that I can;
" I declaim againft the modern Herefics : I freely adminiftcr the Sacraments, which I have
freely recci\ d- I deteft Simoniacal Pradkiccs: I do not receive Bribes or unlawful Prc-
lents : I give wholfom Advice to all thofe, who nuke ConfcHlon to me ; and impofe
on them profitable Penances : I comfort the Afflicftcd as far as it lies in my Power : I
fpend my fpare Hours in reading and meditating on the Holy Scriprure : I exercife Hofpi-
tality in entertaining my Gucfti cheerfully, and kcej>jng .1 good Table, never my

" Bread alone; yet I do not rioutoufly wall the Patrimony of JESUS CHRIST ia
" maintaining Stage-players and Farce-adors. Such is my outward demcancNU', and ai for
the inward difpofition of my Mind, it is known to none but God.
The Two hundred ttmnrf fourth, Two hundred twenty fifth and rhe Twolmndrcd twen-
ty fixth Lrrtcr? have reference to the Abbot of St. Martin at Tournay, whom he iufpendcd for
leading .n diibrderiy Life, and re-ellablilh'd him at the requell of the Bilhop of Arras, on con-
dition tb-r !ie (Tiould obfcr%'e the Rules, that were prcfcribcd to him, and which are fpeci-
fy'd in the Two hundred twenty fourth Letter. The Two hundred thirty finl and the fol-
lowing are written againft the Sentence of Sufpcnfion, which Melitr the Pope s Legate wjs
about to dcniwBCe igainft the Couniiy of Flanders: In the Two hundred forty third, and
the next, he puts up Complaints againft the Inhabitants of Toi/r«47, who refus'd to fub-

mit to his Authority. In the Two hundred forty eighth and Two Hundred forty ninth, he
complains, thattlic Arch-billiop of Arras conferr'd Orders on the Monks of St. Amand with-
out his leave. The Two hundred fifty firft is a Declamation dire<fted to the Pope, on this
Subjeifl, fi?. That the Study of the Fathers was then generally neg]e<aed to follow that of
Scbolaftick Divinity, and of the Decretals.
" The Students (fiys he) having a rclifti for
" nothlnc but Novelties, and the Tutors endeavouring to enhance their own Reputation,
rather than to promote the Inftrudion of others, compile every D.iy new Sams or Syllcms
of Dlviitiiy, and new Theological Woric*, oa parpofe to amiife and deceive their Audi.

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of the Twelfth Century of Chrijiianit}\ 160
•* of die Fatbers were hor fuficienr, who have c>rpl-in'd the
tors; as if die IRTricings iyM
" Scrij nire<;,by the fnme Spirit with which the Prophets atid Apo'llcs wercinlp r'd when :hey '

wrore tbem. But thck modern Dcxfiors bring in new, unknown and liranrc fons o: Mef-
fcs, when the King's Wedding Fcafts arc fyaire made rcr^dy, wht-n rf.e O
:en nn j Fowl
" arc kiil'd, and when it only remain^ that the Guefts ftiould lit down at Table to c..t : Pub-
lick Difputariom are feton foocagainit the Decilions of the Church, touclrnp die incotn-
prehenlible Godhead : F!elh<nd Blood take upon tht tn hrrcvercntly to diipute abjjut the In-
camacion of the Word : The Holy Ind viilble Trinsty, U as it were d;v ded and ton. in
pieces (with reverence be it fpokcn; in the Publick Pl.iccs ; inlumuch, that there arc al ro't
as many Errors as Do<ftors, as many Scandals as Auditoncs, and as many Blafphcjr.ics as
Places. If there be occaiion to pafs f:-onti Theological Difpiircs to the Trial of Caufcs
" that areiifiiajly decided by the Cnnon Law, as foon a? the Judges di lcfi.ire arc appcinrcd,
or when the Ordinaries have rtiken cognizance of the Matter ; a prodigious Lsbyrinth of
Decretal Letters is immediately producd, under the Name of ^/ff.r«iuferof happy Mcmorf,
from whence 'tis impo.'fible for any Man to extricate himlelf; iiei-hcr i< any rcg.inl had to
" the ancient Canons, but on the cotitraxy, they are rejcdVcd and contemned. During which
" it fo falJs out, that the whoKbme Ordinances of rhc ancicnr are nor
follow 'd in the Modern, and matters are not debated according to their n.itural Ordi r,
" with rcfpod to the true merit of the Caufc, by reafon th it the Decretal Lctrcrs have tlie
" P. e iTsinence, which perh.Tps are forged under the Name of divers Pojic^ of >^/>»»f by Mo-

" dern Cnnn- i's. Thife arc coUcvfted inro an entire Volume, wh'd) r ij '.i :] S.honls,

and pnbl:»..s,ly Lid to the great profit ot he Writers, who by that mcai,, ; kii pains,

" and get more Money, by copying out thofe fufpet^tctl Works. The third ObjeLlion ihat
" may bemad, apainft the prcfcnt manner of Studying, is, that the Liberal Arts ard Sciences
*' have loft
thvir ancient Liberty, and arc brought under fo great S ibjeclion, that the P.-p-
fellbrs Chairs arc fiU'd with yoonj Perfons, and the qoalicy of Tutors is attributed to
** ftjch as dn mr defrrvc
to be look'd upon as Puplh, who without adhcri'^g ro the Rules of '
Art, iir.plo} thcmtelves in fetring Words in order and devifing Sophifms, with which they
** fiirprize ignonnr and rn :king People ; after the fnmc manner as filly Flies are foOn

carch'd in a Cobweb. Philofnrhy may well cry o'.;r, rh.i: Ik r flarmcnts arc fnatch d away
" and that her Body is torn in Pieces ; fo that there is no ElJ.r left to comfort her ; neither'
" is (he any longer capable of adminiftring comfort to any Elder. Thcfc Ahufgs moft Holy
Father, rcqnire your powerful Hand ro reform them, r nd :!.at yott iTouI ftabjifli by your
i i

*• lovereipn Authority an Uniformity of TL.icliing, Learning and D.liHuing, left the malt
noble Science of Divinity fliould become contemptible ; \cl\ it (hould be faid that JESU$
" CHRIST is here, or there ; or left Holy Things (hould be thrown to Oogs«
and Poar&
** cail betbre Swine.

In ihe T'vo hundred fifty fifth Letter, he inveighs againft another Abufc, that is to (ay.
Appeals made to the Holy Sec by Inferiors to avoiti the corre<ltion of rfieir Sup nors, and
requires that Prelaics and Abbots fl-.ould be inveilt tl with an abfolute Power to corrcA their

Inferiors, and to change the Officers that depend on their Jarirdi<ftion, without any manner
ofobftm<5tion made by rhc means of Aj pciFs to rhe Court of I{ome. In the Two hundred
fixry fecond Letter, he enlarges on the Commendation of Queen Jngelburga, the Wife of Philip
King of France, and advilcs her in the foNowtog, not to lu Her her Marriage to be dilTolv'a.
Thi^- other I ccrcTS do nor ron'-afn any thing %'cn' remt k ^blc. The whole number of rhem
aaiounti lo Two hundred eighty and Icvcn in the laft Eu tion fct forth by Father </« McuUnet^
and Printed ar Paris, A. D. 1689. al ho' there were only Two hundred and forty in- that
o^M'ff n i'l 1^1 r. ThcSr) Ieof thefc Letters i= corxife and rVifl but the Terms are not

always pure, nor well Chofen j neverihdcfs they afford much laiisfadioo to the Reader, by
feafim that the Concepiioiis are regular and nataraf

The Authors nho mote aguinji the Alhigeois and I audois,

/^RETSER brought ro light, yl. D. t6i^. three Authors who wrote againft the /llligeois
^ and Vaudns in the end of the Twelfth Century: Thefc three Writers are Hbr^trd of Be-
thme in theProvince of Arttit, Bernard khhot of Fmtcaud an«! Ennengard or E' tnen^aud.
Ebrard «/
EBRARD OF BETHUNE, con furc^ in his Work, i. The Error of the M^nieke*, coiH Bethone/
ccming the Law of Mojcs, and the Prophets; by flicwing, That the Lnv o i-'ic net to be
rcjetfted ; that the Patriarchs and the Prophets were Saved ; and th.ii n is uue God,
who gave the Law, and created the World. Afterwards he paffes to c ljer Errtjrs common
m all the Heretleks of that time, about the S.icramfnts, and the Cui'onis of the Church
and cftablilhes againft them the following Do<5lrines, vi:(. That Children ought to be bap-
tiz'd ; that i- i.twful to many; that the Sacrifice of the Eucharifl, contains the Body of
JESUS CHRIST ; that none but Priefts h;ve the Power or Right of ofRring, and that
they ought to do ic in tiic Cimrches : That the Undion of (hs Sick is prolitabk ; that Pil-
Z grimagcs

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A New EcceJJaffical hliflory
fttmaitetapoaaccoaflt of Devotion, are comtnendable ; chac it is lawful to take a tnicOath i
ihat Mjlcfado:$ mpy be piiniihcd an.! cvrn pur ro Dcnli rhac wc H: "I rTc np.iin in the

ihc tururc State wirh the fame Body that wc nowhnc; that Faiih out;iu lo be prcterr'd to
fpoA Works ; liiat CrolTcs oupht to be honour'd ; thnt Women lhall be Saved, and rife agMn
wich the d ilindion ot iheir Sex ; ii'iat Sa!v.uion niay be Iv iin'd by different means, and

in ditfcrent States ; and that it is laulul to eat Flcfli I^il'Iy, lit iTicws that thofe Hirrcticlts

are ciiJp.ibIc, in regard that they conceaj themTelves, and ih ir dtho' they bo.ift of renooncing
the Pr.freTiOftS of this World, yet rht-y endeavour to cf.rith t'ir;i;(<:!vcs hy oi'icr means ; that
they miitake llie meaning ot Holy Scri^^turo ; and liiar all ilic Clarawicisoi Herciicks agree
wich Them. He adds. That fomc ofihim cali thcmfelvcs VAlds, and others XAbauresi that
they arc wont to rear off their Shoos, and that they continually cxpofc thcmfelves during the
whole Day to the beat of the Snn, ti.'I Suppcr-tiirc, when they appear in the {niblick Places.
conclude!: this Treatifc with a Catalogue of all the Hctccicks rakm our t/i tjidm»y and
A^btof ^^'"''^ Rcfo)uti(-n of divers QjJo^lnns propo'->M by Iiim.

Footcaud. 1''^ tciond Author, vi?ho is bhRKARD

Abbot oi Fontcaud, dedicated his Book to Pope
Lnnir/III. and confutes the yauJch, whom Bem^ J Arch-biO.op of N
trhmiu had tvrice oon*
(Icmnrd :,9er ha\ inp heard their fcvc ral Picas. Hr makes p.irrt\ ular ment"on of the Obedi-
ence due to Pupc» and Prcbtes; He declaims againlt the pemnidion that thole People allow
t^'ineft and even Women to Preach ; againft their Aflcrtion that the Alms, Failings,
^ crilices and Pr.''\c rs of the Living do not avail any :hinp wirli rd] cit to the Dead palnll ; .

thole who deny Purgatory , and maintain that Humane ^ouls are neither in Hea-
ven nor Hell till the Day of Jndgmeot ; and againft their A(re\erarions, that the Fcode
ought not to meet an the Churoics ip pray. Thus thia Author pofitively oppoTca none bu mt
l-rmen. yaudois.
8«««l. The Third nam'd ERMENGARD, a: firfl impugns the Errors of the Mjmchets abodt
the rl>! law, Marriage, r! c Iiicarniiioii, PaiTion, Death and Rcfurredujn of [HSUS
CHRIST, and afterwarcis to other Errors concerning the Sacraments and Cburch-
Difcipline. He proves, that it is requifite to have Churches and AJurs ; That the finging
of the praifes of God is ufcfu! .->nd rcafnn^blc Thar the Sacrament of the Body .» J Blood

of JESUS CHRIST ouglu to be celebrated in the Church, and that the Words of its
Inftitution. ouphi lobeundcritood in a properand not in a figurative Senb: That Bapc fm
is nf( LiT!iry for Salvarion, and that it ouph: cvcnrn be adniiniltcrd to young Children Th:.t :

Repentance is likcwife neceffary for thofe who have fallen into Sin, apd that it ic compofcd
of three Pam, Contrition, Confeflion and Satisfadlion, and tfaacit is requ^iie tomahe

Confc/Iionto a Pritfr. He refutes in panicular the Cuflom iJiat was in nfc among thofe
Hereticks-in the impolitiun of Hands, which ihcy call Confolation, and which they admioi*
fter'd in the following manner
The Supcrir r amongd thofe
People, after hnvinp w.'.fh'd h's Hands, rook the Bnr.fc of rfie
Gofpcls, and cxiioncd thofe, who canie to receive tiic Conlblation, to put their whole trutt
and hope of their Salvation therein, ami afterwards laying the Book of the Gofpcls on their
He. J, rc pcarn^ Seven times, the Lord's Prayer and the beginning of Sr. Je/n\ Cofpcl from
J« irincifio to thcfe Words, Crati* Veritoi fer Jfjum ChriJIum jf^.ic}aeji i. c. Grace Mad Trmk
CJMU fy Jefus Chrift. Tfaiia ended tlie Ceremony of their Conlolation ; but if it Ihonld hap>
pen diat no Superior it prelent, then one of the Cornrmrt d rforms the fame Ceremony,

and even Women do it to fide Perfoas in the ablcnce of Nicn I hcy believe that this Conio-

htion tenuta e^en mortal ones, and that without it 'tis tmpoOibJe to be Saved ; Lahjy,
they maintain, that thofe who have a<fhially commitrrd a mortal S'n, arc uncapable of ad-
miniftriog it eftedloally. Afterwards Ertnagard proves againfl them, that 'tis lawful to at
Flelh, and to cake an Oath, and eftablifhes Dodrinea of the Rdiirreiftion of die Orad,
the In^ ocaT'on nf Saints, and PrrTcr^; for deceafcd Pcrfbns.
Thcle three Authors fcarce make ulc of any other Proofs but PafTagcs of tlic Holy Scrip-
ture to eonfhte the EnoR they oppole« and to eftafaUfh the Trachs they maintain; nay they
produce a grdt number of tbem« aiAongft which diete are Iboe which do not ch»flf pm^
what they a^ert.


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of the Twelfth Centuiy of CkriJHamty. 1 70

Of the Ecclefiafiicnl Authors of Icp i]oii\ rrho flourififd Hk
the Wejlem Countries in the Twelfth Ontury.
AFTERwhole Works
havtnp trearcd
in ihc preceding C'np-f-r of the inoft noted Ecclefianical Wri-
arc more numerous, onuore conndcrablc, we thai now gjvclomcI

of a great numbor of Otllers Icfs known, who have compos d divers

accoant in this,
£nall Trads, referving the parucular emimeFitiOQ cf the Hiltorians and G>«eit Anclion^ for
the following Chapters.
ANSELM, Dean of the Ctmtdiof L«on, flour fli'd in the beginning of the Century, and Anfelm
made publick Divinity- Ledures ar C/'«/^>./, in which ho p ve Evplications of the Holy Di?i«
Scr pture. He n alfo luppofcd to be in part ilic Authoi of the Ordinary Glofs. Some at- Laon.
tribute to him the Commenrar es on the Book of Canticles, on St. Matthetp's Golpel, on
Sr. Pju"i Epidles, and on the Revelation of Sr. Jchn, wh-rh were printed under tlie Name
of Sc. Anjcim Arch-biftjop of Canterbury, but ibey really belong to Hcrvu:m a Monk of
Sour^ near Dc/, whole Name they bear in the Manulcripts.
GISLEBERT or GILBERT, f^rnam d CRISPIN, St. /f«y?Vn's Pupil, after having fol- Gin-h-rf
low'd his Study in the Abbey of Brc, took a Journey to I^omc ^ and upon hjs return, had a tfr Gilbert
Confefenee with a oOt^ Jew of Mtnt:(, Afterwards be was made Abbot of PVJbtiinfter, Crifpln,
A. n If 06. He wrote a Relation of that Confermc-, and dedicated it to St. y}n/e!m,
amongit wIkjIc Works it is inferred in the lalt Luitio.i by father Gobercn. Dr. Cave aUures y*'*"**
its^ That there 2re Uill extant in the l ibraries of England, divers\ifcript Homilies**''
written by Gilbert C i^pin on the Book of Cinriclet, and fevcral Difronrfcs on St. Jf-
rom's Pretaccs to the B bic, with a particular Trcatife againft the Sins of Thought, Word
ind Deed. The Relation of the Conference made by this AatbOf, » diflerent frcmi that wbicb
is annexed to S'. Aii^uflin'f, Works, under the Title of. The Contefl between the Synttgogue and

$he Church, and is much more accurate. He dicd A. D. iii^. as fome Writers avcrr, or at-
COfil r:;- OtllCrS in 1 II 5.
PETRUS ALPHONSUS, a Spanipj Jew, who formerly bore the name of Mefes. was Pctrus
converted W. D. iic6. was baptizd at Huefca, and h:id Alfljonfus King of P^r/i^*/ for A Iphoo.
his God'facher. He composd a Tn arifc by way of Dialogtie between a Jew and a Qiri- fu'> ' Spy
l^ian, concerning the Truth of the Chriftian Religion, divided iiito TwcJvc Chapters; in "'^h J**
the firlt of which he fliews. That the ^ewt explain the Writings of the Prophets too car-**"**^
nally. and that they mii>ake their meaning: c m 1,
In the I [ic n ikcs it appear, that tlic

Caofe of the Captivity of the Jews, is the putting of the Meffiah to death; that it was foretold
by the Prophets, and chat it will nor ccafc till the end of the World. In the third, he confutes
the Opinion of the Jews, who believe, that their dead (hall be railed again one day to
dwell on the Earth, and that they (hall multiply therein. In the founh, he proves that
the Jevfs do no lunger obfcrvc the principal Articles of the Law of Mejcs, and that what
they do obfcrve, is not acceptable to God. In the fifth Chapter, which is written agatnft
the Mihgmetan Superftitions ; he ffiews that Mahomet was a falfe Prophet, who wrouphr nO
Miracle*;, and was dcUitutc of Learning, Religion and Probity. In the fixth, he proves the
Dodrinc of the Trinity, by Paflages cf ihe old Teft.nmcnt. In thcfeventh. he demonflrares
by the Writinci of the Prophets, That the Meffiah was to be born of a Virgin, and conceiv'd
by the Operation of ihc 1 loly Gho.L In the eighth. That the Word of Goil made Man,
andduc CHRIST isGodandMan. Intheninth, That JESUS CHRlSTcame
at the rime foretold by the Prophet.^, and that the Propliccies concerning the MdTiah are ac-
complifli'd in him. In the I cnth, That he d cd vohirrarily to redeem Mankind, accord-
ing to the prediction of the Prophets. In the eleventh. That he arofc again frona the dead,
and nfcended into Heaven. And in rhf 'welfth. That the Law of the Chriftians i'v not con-
trary to that of the Jevts. 1 his Lrcatuc is one of the beft that we have of that kind, and
the Au'hor handles thefe Matters very nediodicaUy, widi a great deal of cteameft and ftlf^
din>* of .'\rpvmcnt,
THIBAUD or THEOBALD. Clerk of the Church of Etampes, and a(uT;v.iri:s ProfcfiTor Theobald
of Diviniry in the Schools of Caen and Oxford, f^ourifh'd in the beginning of the G. ntury. CtrlflftI*
and wrote fcveral Letters, which wete ^nbliih'd by Father Ddeheiy in the Thiid TcntofCtu chef
bit Spicilejiium. Etampcs,
The Firll written to the Bilhopof Lineth^ abode cectdn Perfons who were doobtfut of

the Mercy of God He fhcw^,

: That n Sinner mf y have reconrfe ro Reprntance at all rimc^ ;

That be may obtam the RcmilTion of his Sins, and that a good Diipolition is fufficicm for an
Z % U

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A Neap Ecdefiajiical Hifmy
In the Second, diroAed to Kt Idas Abboc of AhhiagtMi he prove** That ChJIdm wbd
die without: rtcc viiit; Baprtfm arc damned.
The Third, is a Compiimenial Leicer to ttgar.t of B*gtMi. M
The Fourth , is a Confolaioty Letter co one ot bis Frkods* who was uajiiftly fbD*
The Laft Lttcer wi ittcn againft I{ f elifi ; in which he dicws, Thu'the Sons of Pridb

arc .c if -ibl
II of being ailmitted into Holy 0:dcrs,
R ADUi PHUS Hrnam'd ARDENS, a Native of Poitiers and Chaplain to n^UHam
phui Ar« Duke of Aquitaine, Hounlh'd in the beginning of this Century. He composed a great nttm-
Wr of Sermons on the S-andays and Feitivals of the Year, primed at f4»it, A. D. i
1 ar Aittmtf in 1 J76. and at Coim in 160^
OUO. Abbot of St. KUrtin at Tntmtf^ was ordatn'd Biibop of CamhtAy, A. D. 11 5 fin*
expell'd for icfu'lng to recci\c the InvciUtuie from li^c Emj^eror Htnry IV. He ixti: ti co
bray. DotTTr and d id thtfc in ii 13. He wrote a Comoieocary upon the Canon of ibe Mais, in
wh t h k 1. iiis he Text literally, widi a kind of Paraphrafe: Three very SchoIaftWt
Books concern ng Org nal Sin: A I'rcatife in form of a Dialogue aj;a:n t a 'Jexv. tou.Iiing
the neceifi y of be Incarnation ot the Son of God, and of die Grace cf JESUS CHRIST:
Another cf the S.n nga nit the Holy Gbodt : A Tradk to expbiii the Hannooy of die Bvao>
gelii'.s, and a !>ermoii on the Panlde of the nojaft Stewaid. There is a great deil of Phii>
lofcphy in 'Jv^'e Tre.irifcs.

GILB£M , o\ Limtrick, in Ireland, and :he
Legare in thai Connrry, held

a Council there A. D. of that Kingdom, and

10. to regulate the Limits or" the Bifljopncics
Mi^p ef
1 1

."lTi"cd in I I 1 V the Ord'rr.ntion of Be<n>trd which Wis pcrfonn'd at

Biihopof St. O rvid\,
kl^rjiwinjle* Wm bcmg no loi gcr <'tUc to dilch-irac the Fundn ns of his I (g.i:crtiip, be re-

fipil'd if to h Pope in 1 1 39. and died a littkr while atter.

' He wro-e a jinall Track aboai the
St^ttc f f the C hurch, and two Letters, one to rhc B thops ami Pridls of Irchnd, and the
o:hcr to St. Anfelm Arch bifhop of C*nterbury, are uiiercid in the Colledion of the Let-
ters of Irc'anJ, publifh d by Ai li bilhop Vf^fr. i

Franco FR ANCO, tire fccond Abbot of the Mona'kry of .^f^'^/brm near Bruxcls, compos'J in the
beginning ot the Century, Twelve Books concern np rbe Grace and Mercy of God, which
cnvain an Hiliory of the p inc pal Benefices thn God has beliow'd on Men from the Crea-
tion of the World, to the of everlafting H
ppineK : A Letter in which he Oiews, That
a iMoiik. who quifrd his Hab t and Proieiiion cannot be laved Another Letiei tiircd- :

ed to ccrt.iin Nuns, to fervc them in{>ead of 1 Conjolttion and Exhortation. The Poetical
Piece about the Glory of rhe future State, apparcn ly i< not differcnr from cerr.iin p't"; r( C
Verfet on that Subjcd, wh <Hi are ro be found at the end of his Tweilth Book of tiic Grace
of God ; but hi&SennoM on the Virgin Mtr^, mentiond by Tritbtmius, are no lonfrrexo
rant. Thi-. Author w.t; m.iJe .\b*io-, -7 D r»rf. and died under Pope Mnwrrf If. Hf
began thtie Wuiks be n.; ss yet a limple Alonk And complcaicd ihtm, whenadiajic J rorhe
Difjn rv of an A l^'>r '

fo cilld from the Name ff rlie Villacc of Chim^Ttinx

dcCbam neai Mf un i" the Province of Brie, atter having app!y d himfelf to (tuuy at Laon under An-
peflox. fiiin Dean of the Cathedral Church of tba^ City, wa<; ordain d Arch-deacon of P*ris, and
poin'cd to read I c.^i;res of Logick in the Schools of that Church. So:ik time after he
lir d with fomc f f his Pupils to a Monaftcry, in which was Sr. Vithr a Chappcl near,
and there fcunded the Abbey of Regular Canorr; He conr nu'd ro teach in that Convent,
and (as it is generally believ'dj was the firll pohlick ProkfTw of SJ: I.if^ick Divinity. He
was made Bifhf p of CbaUns, A. D. 1 1 1 3. and died m the end of ihe Month of January, \ m.
Ti* very probable, that being a Perfon of fo I e.ii n ng, he wrote fome Works, yet
wc hare npnc of iliem in our Pofle/Iion : For the D Jopiie between .t Cliriflian and a
Jew, which w. s pubi lTi'd under h-s Name in the hihliaixc i ['.itrtim of the Jait Edition at
LyoHs, bcloiips t G; 7frr of fVeflminfter.
) Ho vevcr, 'tis reported that he wrote a Book
of Sentences bcf<> c Peter Lrnktod^ of which a Mannfchpc Copy is ftill kept ia the Libtaif
of Ko:re Dune at Paris.
Stephen STEPHEN, ordaind Bifhop of Jlutun in the Year 11 13. left that Biflioprick in it 29. to
iijbcp of turn Modic in the Abbey of Cluny, and fpcnr the rrft of his l ife there. He is the .Au-
Aotun. thor of a Trcaiilc cutitcnung the Prayers and Ceremonies of the Mafs, and about che Fun-
diooa of the Minilters of the Altar, fee forth bjr de Mmectos, Canon and Oiamicr cf
Autun, ans;^ inferred in rhe '?-^ '"''/'-r.j Patrum.
Gautiff GAUTIER or 1 tRlUS, GAU
Bifliop of Mttiuelme in L^nguedoc and the Pope's Legate,
govcrri'd tlia' Biftioprick from A. D, iio^. ro tf29. He publilh'd in the beginning of the
Century a Te cill d Flcxvers tm the Ffdmt, compr;fctl by Ltrbert or Licthfyt Abbot of
St. l{ufu}, and dedicated it to I{obert Provoit of Lijle, his Kinlman, and to the Chapter of
that Church, by an Epiftie wUch Father Mddtim has jet ftrtb in the fitft Tome of his


Digitized by Gopgle
of the Twelfth Century of CLt ijlianity. 1 7
DROGO or DREUX, Prior of St. Uicajlus at Jd^eims, was conitituEed the firft Abbot Orogo
cf St. ye** at Laon, by Birtbahmm fii(h(>t> rf that Cin, /f. D. iii8. and afterwanis Jovked CjriiiTxl
to in r 1 36. by Pope lutioccnt II. who made hi;n a Cart^iiia! an<l BiO.r p of Of:i.i. He ''Z'*^ fif
wrote tiic following Trads, vi\. a Sermon on the Poiftun of JESUS CHRIST: A Q'*'**
Treatifc of the Crcr.ion and Redemption of rhe firft. Man; Another of th* fereo Gifb of
the Holy Ghoft, and a thitd on iIk- Dr. Offices.
This Author di d in 138. 1

PEl £Rthe Library keeper of Mount Cjgm, was put into tbai Monattery, W. D. i n
5. Perc r I/-
being then aged only eleven Years, by his Farher natn'd Gitet, who was de(e4*nded of a i^^rf kerfer
noble Fam:!y ar n-c. Afrrr tuMng compleaad his Studies under he Abboc Clrnni^ij lAimf*
from whom he rccciv d the MonaUick Habit, he was made Deacon of the Chmcb 01 OjiU, Ca&o.
and library keeper of Mount C«/^. He was lumd cm of that Monaffery In t it8, ihrovijh
llie envy of his Coflrgues; and .ifrerwards e.rpIoy*d in Lv^ia! Ncgocianons by f!ie F c- •

WC LMh*tius, who gave him good Entertainment in bis Court, and conftiti:tcd him his
Cliaplaln and Secretarj ol State: He compoi'd a Trea.tfc of the IftoHrions Perlonapes of
Mount CtfJ-n, prinrcd at l{nme in 1655. and infcrtcd in the I.i;t Bi'l'liotlkc Pirnun, He i^s I ke.
wife the Author of the Fourth Book of the Chronicle of Mount Cafm, and of another
Trad aboqe the Hpnum Letters, dedicated to the EmnenM* Cvnrad^ which was printed at
Venice in i 515. In the lalt Chapter of his Treatifc of I!!u irious Perfon ^ s, he pivc^ ks a

Catalogue of his Works ; in which arc reckoii'd up, the Lives of divers Saints ; Icvcral'
Sermont ; the Hiftory of the famons Men of Mount CAffm ; an Expolkion of St. Be-
}::.!' ri
^ Rule; cPrtain SchalU or NoTf"; Oil t!ic OKI TUI-.p-. n:; and Hymfls; diverl
Books relating to HiUory or Humane Learning, and fo:r.e Letters.
His Book of the Iltuftrkms Perfonigcs of Mount Ct/T-m, was contimi'd by. RICHARD Richard
Abbot of that Monaikry, who died in rhe follovvii g C c::tury Thefe two Wri crs ^I' r -.

.St. Jermt s Example) ufually produce a Catalogue of ibc Work* of ihofe Authors who arc^"i"^'
mention d by them. CjMm.
ANSt! M, Bi/hop of ff4vrll>erg, in the Marquifirc of Brandcninr^, f?r;ar;(T^.'J under thr Vn'elm
Emperor Lvtha ius 11. who lent bim in quality of his Ambaflador to the Court of the Creek, H'^f "f
Emperor at Ctt^^animtple. He had divers Conferences tfiere, about Mattets of Religion, jj^vci-
wh'th were nhcruMrds rollcifl^ed by him, and committed to writing In three Books. dcJi-
catcd to Pope Bugeniuj III. This Work was publilh'd by Father Lul^f Dacherj in the Thir-
teenth Tome of his S^iilegium. In the iirft Book, he Ibews, That Faith was always the
fame, even from the Creation of the World, although Cuftom*; at;d ti e p:rtk.;ljr in r cr of

Living were d fierenc. He ?pp{ys to the feveo States of the Church, what h cxprcfs d in the
/,pncalyp(e, concerning rhe opening of the (even Seals, and the Horles tbit went Oilt they
\vi PL opt-n'd. The firft is rha: of the Primitive Church, fnmrus for its Miracles, anJ the pu-
rity of liic Faith and Manners of the Believers : The fecond is that of the Church, perfe-
cmed by rhe Jrwt and Geniiht • The third is that of the Church, mfefted by Herefies : Tht
fo'.ir-li is t^nr of t^e Church. fiifJ of fa!fe Brethren and ITypocri es; to wlicin In.- ( ppcls rhe
Orders of Monks and Regular Canons : The fhth is the State ol the Souls of the Righteous,
who are at reft» waiting for the Refurredion : The fixth is the Ferlccation rasM by Afiti-
chrift ; ?nd the la^t is the State of everfaftii^K Hap p.nefs. In the fecond Bnr k, co::ipoM by
way of Dialogue, between himfelf and ati Arch-biihop of Nicomedia ; he confutes the Opi-
nion of the Grerkt, touching the Froceffion of the Holy Ghoft, and difculfbs divers Qaeft^ont
rclacipp to t!u ^.'vi't ry of the Trinity. The third is I'kcv. ifc written in fonn of a Confer-
ence With the lame Arch-biihop, about the other Controvfirfics that were on foot, between
tbe Grtek* and the Latins ; more efpecially as to wbtt concerns the ale of Unl^vrn'd Bread,
in the f.u rcd Myfteries, Primricy, and the Axr.Iiority of the Chtirch of f{ >f:i\ which Ix vi-
goroofly mainuins. In like manner, he inveighs againft the Cuffona of the Greel^s, who
were wont to put no Water in the Chalice, till after the Conlecraiion, and cenfixres another
Cu''om 'hnt prcv.iil'd among them, to mnke ufc <jf Un*>!On, upon the reception of
thofe Latins, who were admitted into their Communion. Laftly, a General Council is pro-
posed on bo'h (rde^ to procure the Re*iinkMi of the two Churcho. This Treatife is learned
ani! very ;i ';r.'-v!v \::\::rn.

HERViEUS, a Bcnediilin Monk of d in the Year of our Lord 1 1 jo.

flourifli He Hervau*
wrote a Commentary on St. P«if/*s Epiftles, is annex*d to St. Anfelmt Waiks of the * Bene-
Co'en r !'ti( n. Fr.ther LaUr .Tflures us,
rlur tl:cic is r.Ifb c::r.inr
.1 I.nrgc Manufcript Com-'''"'"

n^ntary on the Prophecy of Ifaiab by this Author, in the Library of the College qf Cler-
MMHt. An account of his Life is contiiw'd tn a Cimilatory Letter written by iJle Mt^ks of
tfiat Monailery after his death. They alio produ e ^ Cit.i'ognc of his Works which art,

an Expofition of the B<»ok call'd, Im Hierarchy af the ^ngch^ attributed to Sl.Dimjfiu$ the
Areopdgite: Certain Commentaries on the Book of Ifaiah, on rfle Lamentations of feremiah^
on tne end of the Proj 'u cy of F.^rkjel, on i'k' Froks of Deutermcmj, Ecck1.;Jl cs, Ju.'jjs,
Hjitb and Tobit ; in which he .tpplyg himlelf to illuflrate tbe literal Scnfe, for the
benefit of Ferfons of a mean C.ip.'xity A large Commcnrary on St P«i»/'s Hpfttlest Ano-

ther on the Tvvv lv c I. fler Prophets, and on the Book oT C r.'-fi: Divers Sf rmrns on the
Gofpels. and oixlomc of the Canticles A Treatifc of the LelTons, that are read in the Churches,

in which be Ihews the difieicnt readings of thofc LefCms from tbe Sacred Test: A Book of the

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A Nexp Ecclefiafiical Htjlory

Miracles of the Vlrg n Mar^ ; and an Explication of the Treatife of the Lord's Supper, attri-

buted to St.

ITi "h(fe HUGH de FOJUET, a Monk of Cotly, flour.ft'd y1. D. 1130. and compos d divert
FoiTtt i Treatifes, whw* are afcrib*d to Hugh of St. W»«r, viz. The four Books of the Cioirter of
Monk of the SouJ: That of tlic Pli)fi.k of the Soul: The two firll Books of Birds, dcd;r.i:cd ro
Coibf. /?,i/«iVr
: Two Books ot the Carnal and Spiritual Wedding; A Trcatifc of the (hunning of
Marriage And a ?ieoe call'd, Tbt $itmer*s NUrrtur^ printed among (be fuppofititkms Works

cf St. ylti?u[l'n.
St*oh-n STEPHEN, Bilhop of Paris^ had a Contcft in the Year 11 31. with an Arch-deacon of
fttfpended the People of bis Ardh-deaconry from Divme
Bdh<p\f his Diocefs, who bad unad»iledly
Park. Service, and with Stephen dc Guar ande his Advci^.i) Thcfe Quarrels are the S bjei/t of
divers Letters written by this Prelate, by Henrj Arch-bi(hop of Sens, by Geffrej Bilhop of
Cbartres, by the Clergy of Parity and by fome others, which are inferted in the Tbtrd Tome
of Father Ddf/vrjr's SfiiUi^lum, page 153.
Hugh HUGH pafs d over from Amicm, the place of his Nativity, into EngUnd, and was made
A'tk bifkop Abbot of Redding in that Kingdom. Afterwards he was chofen fAnA-bifliop of /(•««, and
^ROiDt confccrated ^. D. j \ i He wai; one of the grea'cit, molt p!o'.i<!, rnd moft learned PiHites

of his time, andgoveni d the Church of l^oau with a great deal of Reputation, to the Year
1164. which was that of bis dearii. He wrote three Books to (rrve as an InftraAion for the
Clergy of Hi^ Diocefs, againft the Heretirks of his time. In the fir^^, after having ex-
plain d in a few Words, what ought to be believ'd concerning the Trinity and the IrKama-
tion he treats oip
the Sacraments of Bapcilm, Confirmation, and the Lord's Supper, and
confutes the Errr rs of tliofc Hereticks, who deny the ncceifity of Baptifm, more efpecialfy
of that of Infanii, and the ufefultiers ami necelfiecy of the EuchanfV. In the fecond, be treats
of Holy Orders, and of ficdefiaftical Fandions. In the laiV. he dilcoarfesof the Dignity
of rhc Clcrpy ; Of the Manners of Clerks ; Of the Cc' which rhey are obligid :n
obfci vc i Of the Vow of Chaitity ; Of Unity, and of other Marks of the Ca/hoiick
Chnfch. There are aWb two Lc rers written bjr this Arch bifhop, vii(. one dedicated 10
Thierry or Theodoric fi.fhop of Amiens, concerning the Abfo!u'!( n that was granted to Pt n>
tents, who lock care of the building of the Church, provided they made Coofieflion of
rheir Sins, did Penance, and were reconcil d wi h their Enemies : The fcoond ii a compli-
mcntnl l et cr to tlic Ccanr r f Tculouje. Thefep.cceswetepttblift'd by Father io^p '>«aM'7»
ac the end of the Works of Guihert of NjgeHt.
Hugh Mew M17<30 METELLUS, a Regular dtnon of the Abbey of Si.Lemt in the Dioods of
tellus s Toul, and the Pupil of Sr. Anfthn at La n, Rourifh'd in the beginning of this Century, and
Kegwltt wrote divers Letters wh ch are to be found in Manul'cripc, in the Library of the Jefaits Cd-
lece ac Clerment,
lege Clermont. M.thtlion caus'd One of them to be printed in the Third Tome of
Father M.ihilim
his Anslella, which was dir. oKd ro a ccrrain Monk nam'd Gtrard or GerhnJ and in wJiich

Jk proves the real Prelcncc ot the Body of JESUS CHRIST in the Eucharilt, andao-
iwers the Paflages of St Augt^itty on which that Monk grounded his Doabts, as r> that Ar-

ThoOSS THOMAS, Abbot of Maurign/, wrote a Letter to St. Berntrd, which is conuin d in the
AUmvf Mifbrlfaneous Works by M.Bdilu^ius, Tom. 4. p. 4^9*
Mauriguy Under the Tuition of Peter, Abbot of Clunj, there waj a certain F- rltfh Monk of that
Bemard Convent, nam'd BERNARD, who dedicated to him three Books on the Contempt of the
MmI y World, in riming Verfe. This Work was primed ac feveral times in Gmiuiny, particularly
Cluny. atB mrrt in 1597. and ziLsmeburg in x6.\o.

U'ger ULCER, Biibop of Amgta^ lent a Letter to Pope Imoccnt IL on behalf of the Abbey of
tifiitf if Sr. Matj at Roe^ which was at variance with that of Vtn^hme, abont the Rtghr they daim'd
AngeiSt ro a cerr^iin Church. This Prelate not only obtain'd his Requcft of the Pi pc. but alfo a pe-
culiar Privilege in favour of the Abbey of I{ce, and another for bis own Church at Ai^i.
This Letrer and a Copy of thofe two Frivilc^ were let forA by M. IMm^nt in the lecond '

Toiii f his Mifcellaneous Works.

f VIger likcwifc made an Encomium in Vcffe OO Maho*
dus Biihop of ^enneSf which is prefix'd to the Works of that Author.

Rodul. RODULFHtTS, a Native of Mm^tr, after having fbllosi^d his Snidres for fome time at
^hm Aihot Lir^e, travell'd into Gertnavy. during which Joumoy, he rook a Rcfolution to embrace the
«p ^^1^ Monaftick Life, and entcr'd divers Monalteries; But finding none chat were well regulated,
be retired at laft to tfiac of Sr. Tnri« or Sr. Trm in the Diocefs of Litgt, which was lefi trre-
giilar than the others, and rhc Inflruiffion of the young Monks was commitrcd ro his Care.
Ibienj, who was then Abbot, chofe.him for Prior; and they both us'd their uimoil cndea-
voars jointly to bring aboot an entire Reformation of that Monaftery. Upon the death of
Thierry, Rndulphus was eled^ed Abbot in his pTacc, 4. D. 1 to8. but his MonaiU-ry was pillag'd
and burnt a little while after. However, be rellor'd it to its former Scare, yet was ejcpeU'd
from thence, and took two Joattttes to J^mw. He in like manner tcferm'd the Monaftery of
Sf PaKt.t.'rmAtCalen, madeSsArrroneofihe Monks of his Abbey, Fkiorof it» and di^ after
the Year 1


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of the Twelfth Century of Chriflianity. 17
Upduffimt Compos'ci a Chronicle of the Abbey 6f Sr. rndt^ ftotn its fifft Foliildattdn to
the Year which was publidi'd by Father Dac'.rr', in the Seventh Tome of the Sffct-
Upma, Ic is very Large, and divided into Thirteen fiooks, the Five la& *j( which contain a
lotion of the Affairs chat were Tranfaded in his time in that Abbey.
He is likewife the Author of the I ift of St. Lietbcn, Bilhop CMnh which is an- : .

nexed ai the end of the Seventh 1 ome of the SfitiUguou. fietidcs* tbefc Pieces, be com«
m1*d fevcrat other Works, more cfpecially a Treatifc againft Simonifts, divided uito Seven
Books, \v!u(.h F.irhrr Mahiltn founil in Mnnufcript in thr I il raiy of Ccwllcurs. w^th a
Leccr wniten by Sil/crt, Frior of St. Pmtatecn^ to J^oJuJfLut^ and the Aufwer that wa$
made to it by the latter.
Wc ft.alt herr fulijoin the Arguments of the Books of Simony , as they are related by Fa-
ther MAl)iUan. B^duifbut (hews in tjie Firit Book, chat Simony is the £rit and greatett He*
lefie. Ick the Second, be comfdains of an Abufe that was then predOBMiianr, vf;f. that there

was nothing that l-cl( ng'd to rhc Houfe of God, tliar wns not cxpos'd to S^fe. In the
Tbinl» he giv^an account, after what manner Spiritual Liviiigs are difpos'd of in tiv;
Country : In tlA'burth, he defcribes (be manner of Trading for Prebends, and other more

confide rab!<: Benefices. In r!ic F fth, he fays rhnt perhaps it might be objef^ed agaiitft
him, that he endeavour'd to conceal the Simoniacal Pracilices that were commtued by the
JMooks, and rchm the Cenfurcs that were pafs'd frequently upon thew. In the Laft, be
leturns an Anfwer to the Objcdlions, and clears them from that Impur.ition.
Father hUifiUei^ has publifh'd a certain Letter wriuen by SIBERT, of whom wc have siberr,
alieady made mention, and I{pdu!phut'$ Anfwer. Sihtt is deliroas to be tnRirm'd by that ftmtf s%
Prcl.-ire, wl ar Anfwer ought to be made to a certain rich and coverous ?t r on, who dc- Pantalc*
fiwi'd 10 put bis Son into the MonaUery of St. Pantaiean^ without giving him his Portion i

^ir is to fay, whether the Monks ought to exaA any thing of the Party, or to receive
bini G J//.' I{pJulpbut does two things in hi' Reply: On the one fide, he condemns the
Avarice of that ricli Man, and accufes inm cf a kind of Sacrilege , in regard that having
deiennfned to dedicate his Son to God, he denies him that Ihare of his Eftate, which be^
Jong'i to him by right of Inheritance : He obfervcs alfo, that the Monaftcrie? arc nor cft^-
blifh'd for (be (jenetit of Opulent Families, but to receive and maintain the Poor, who
are devoted to the Service of God. On the other fide, Hodulphut does not allow tlie Monks
lo cxad any thing for the Reception of Children, and fjys. That they would do wtlJ to
admonifli their Parents, that 'tis their Duiy to offtr parr of the Hereditary Portion of t^eir
Children, but tfatt they ought nor to be ConftrainTd to do ic by force : lliat as die Mona*
ftery may either admit m jc;ft a Mnnk according to Difcretion ;
i i fo the Parents ought to

be kft at liberty , cither to beltow Children in iiich a manner, or to retam them , and
thac tiotfaing can be exaded for the Admidion of a Monk, widboot hKonrfng the Goih of
Simony. For 'Hiys he) every Thinp that is exacted, or is demanded, or even every Thing
that is done in hopes of getting a Recompence, as for what relates to Ecdelialtical Atfairs,
It Stfflony, and altbo* ir does not appear to to the Eyes of Men, nevenhelefs 'tis look'd up-
on as fiich by Cod. Ai the end of fhi<; I,ercr, a Dilcourfe is fubjoin'd, in which hcad\ifcs
ihofe wiiocake upon them the Monaltick Vows, to divide their £ftate iotothree Parts j to the
end, that one may be given to the Poor, another to the Mcmaftery where they retire, and
the third to be left to tlicir Fainily. He fikcwife exhcrrs Parents who would make their
Sons Monks , to allow ttiem fome part ot their Hercdiury Portion to be brought along
with them into the hdonaftery, where they are admitted.
I{cJu.'ff'u.' wrote in an inJifflrent good Style, wns well vers'd in the Canon Law and £c*
cleiiaftical Conftitutions , and had perus'd the Writings of the L4t$H Fathers.
VASELINUS. fimam'd MOMALIUS, Prior of the Monaftery of Sr. LtiwreiKe, in the Wafetiaw
Suburbs of Liri:;e, who died A. D. 1147. wrote a I crrer diret^led to G^ufilin, Abbot of St. Momalius,
tkrin, in the tame Diocels, in which be Debates this Queftion, vi\, Whetiier a Man and Mercfst,
hb Wife, who have conpl'd together Carnally in the Night preceding a Feftival, may re- Laurence
C3cive the Communion the ncxr Day ? He makes it by many Argntnenrs and Auiho-

fities cited to that purpofe, that Continency is enjoyn d tbofe Perions who are dclirous to
aeverthelels, he is of Opinion that dioft, who having
Sitake of the Holy Sactamenis
len in the Night Into tliar inconveniency thro' frailty, may be admitted to the Commu-
moOt provided they beg Pardon of God the next day, make Confeilioo of their Ofience ;
and do Penance for ir. Laftly. he leaves it to the Difcmton of the fndt, either to nemiit
them to Communicate, or to deny them t!iat Privikg^. This Leser was FiiUiOi'd by Fsu
Cher MabilUms in the firIt Tome of bis AuaUlin. *

AMEDEUS. Abbot <eifN««fr>C«fnjv, a Monaftery of die C»y?«ivi«ii Order, and fomedme Amedeuj,
Bilhop of Laufanna, vi\. from D. i t.14. ro
i t^q. is reputed to be the Author of Eight Bijlh'f9j
Sermons , in Commendation of the Virgin Mar/, wluch were Printed ac hrft at Bafii^ Laubana.
in I ;)7. afterwards PkAililh'd by l{icbard Giifmt Tefiiit, Friotid at AHhmf^ m
idoo. and
inferred in the Colle^ioa of Senaona writieo by SK.Ln, and other Fadien, as alio in the
SiUiofbeea fattum.


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A Nexi^ ^cclefeajlkd Hiftory
Vatho, POTHO, Prcm, flourtfli*'d under the Emperor C firrnl, and wrote Five Tcry
a Monk of
Mcxt of MylHcal Books or c State of the Hoiife oi Gt) ' iha: is to i^y. cX :hc Church Mil^. nr

Prom. and Triumphanc, in which he produces a great nuiiibwi ol very a'.. ;rafc Norions, as well as
in another Treatife' call'd, The PaUce tf iVtfAtm.
PHILIP, Bin.of of T.J' wfr-, the l-.i\nurcrof x\.': Atit -orc, was ilcpos d upon tfut
B>jhrt 4 account in 'die Council of
Lateran, held A. D. 1139. and rttu J lo^thc Alonauery ot Clair'
TacaACO. vgux, where he rcttiv'd the Habit of a Monk from Sc. Bernard. He was made Prior of
Six nfa^n Abb t rf the A 'S-M"na(Ury of xhc dfte cian

tlut Convent in 1150. ami

Order in tbeDioceis of Clurtres. Some time before the end ot his Lite, be remrn'd to
CUirvaux, and died then. Charlrs dt ffyhb, has annexed at the end of Ms Coiledion of
the Aatbofs of the Ctftvrdim Orde% Twctiiy five Letters, which (as be fx^) belong to this
PhiUp. "
« '

Strlo SERLO, iMonk of Cm]^, chofen Abbot of *4v/ipgp, ^. O. 114^. Compos d divers Ser-
M«»i <mens which were PubliH ea by F.i h r Vp:r, in the Sixth Tome of the PJi!;\tf r.:: C//?-,-
GetiTy. cienfis. He tetird to CificMx, not long before bis Death, which happen'd j i jB. There ts
alfo to be fecn in M. Ctliert's Library, a certam Manurcript, whidi contains a Treadfc by
Scrlo, on the I ord s Prayer.

Gaufcr^us GAUTIER, orGAUTERIUS. of MAURITANIA. B.lhopofL«», flouriQi'd in the

(f Mauri- Year 1 so. and Wfote feveral Letters publtfljed by Father Dael^, in the Second Tome of

tanid, l>i' his Spicikgiutn.

fitfuf La- TheFirit isdireded 10 a certain Monk nam'd PHllUnt, who doubled whether Childrca
00. Baptized by Hereddcs, reoeiv'd the Spiritual Grace appropriated to dbir Sacrament : He
proves the AfGnnaove, becaofe it is JESUS CHRIS
T, who efiedaally AdmtnHters.
In the Second, he explains the Mylkr>- of the Incarnation.
In the Third, lie contuses tlio Opinion o'" c ;". in n-rl-Qr nnm'J T/'/i'..1 rjr, who auiQ"
tain'd. That God wns OmmprcJeni by his Power, but not by bisElTence.
In tlic Fourth, he oppofe* the Opinion of another DoAor call'd Alheriats, who aflened,
Thar JESUS CHRIST was not afrai J to Die, and was not fenfll^Ic of any Grief or
Trrnible before his PaiTion. Cautertus explains, in what Scnfe Death might be locmi^le
to our 5a\ iour, and of what fort of Fear and Sorrow he was capable.
, In the Fifth, h reproves Pc'c- /,h'!-l.r,.J. for quinq abou: to give a Definitive Explana-

tion of the Myftery of the Trinity, and to Demonttrate it by-Reafon, and oppofcs in parti-
cular, fome of the Prc^xifittont that he a^lerted, or whldi were maimain'd by his Fol-
The Lad is a Letter direded to Hugh of St. P'tHar^ and publifhed by Father Aif/Mr, ia
hi"; Note* on I{^t Pufhtt.
Wolbero, WOLBERO, Crkn, Compos'd in the Year 1150. a Commen-
Abbot of St. Pdntaleon at
Abkmfs*. tary on the Book of Canticles, divided into Four Books, Atfd Printed at CoJm in ti^o. This
Pantaleon Atnhor died in 1 1<7.
*t Colcn. LUKE, Abbot of Sr. Cornelius, of t!ic OrJ. r of Premsntre near I iege^ in like manr«r
Lake, 46 wrote a Commentary on the Sone of Soiomon, which w«i9£xi;^ed out of that of Afanius,
in tf #t.and Dedicated ro Mih, Bifhop of Urtmme. This AUmC died in 1157. and his Book was
ConielillS. prinK .' Fri!u ^ in
' uS. .nlfo in the Bibtictheci Battum.

g^^j^ ,,,^.
DE FOIGNY, Bifliop of wns fufpcndid. A. D. 1141. by
lae* lie ^"^'"^ Cardinal
and Pope Itmoeent Us Lcpatc, for Authorizing the un'awfiil Divorce of
Foigny, dulphus. Count of Vermandots from his Wife. Afterwards he made an entire Refignation
tiihf of of his Bifltoprick, and enrer'd into a Monaftery of the CifitreUn Oid^r. He wrote a Let-
Laon. ter ro S*mf<m, Arch-biflidp of Hf}eimt, to clear htmfelf from an AccuHition that was brought
againft him, for wafting the Revenues of the Biftioprick of L-tcn ; by llicwing, that what
/< he had bcftow d on the Cathedra! and on the other Churches of his Diccefs, that ftnnd in
need of fome Supplies, was but a very finaU Matter, and tha: his SuccelTor, woufd be to
blame if he dcpriv'd then of it. This Letter is to be found in the Jaft Colledion of the
Councils. Tern, ic p. 11 84.

Ridulpl.ui RADULPHUS NIGER, a Monk of St. Germer, in the Dioccfs of Bc^uvais, ficurifc'J
Niger, » -d. O. and Compos'd Twenty Books of Commcnrarics on th.-?! of Lemticur, Printed
1 1 s?-
Mcnkof St. 'w the Seventeenth Tome of the laft B'.biiotbeca PAtrum. Another Co nincntiry on the Book
Gamer, of Canticles is likcwifc attributed to him, which wr,s inferred among St. Gregorf^ Works j
and 'tis alfo reported, that he wrote a Commentary on St. Paul'% Epiftlcs, an Hiftory of
Iravce, and a Chronicle ; but we have no knowledge of thefc Works.
Jf. Alted ^- ^I RED, or S. ETFIELRED, of the Ciftetci^m Order, Abbot d /(. r /,s in ihc Pro-
A^t tf*VUUX of Te>rl^ in Enf^land, flourifh'd in rhe middle of il.e Twelfth Century, and died A. D.
Reterby. Iifi6. He addi<5icd himfelf to a Spiritual Life, and atfed^cd to iniitate St. Bnn.^rd in his
manner of writing. The following Works written by him nre ilil] Extant, W^. Thiny
Sermons on the Thirteenth Chapter of I/kia/y, concerning the Calamities of BuAv/cv. and of
the f and Moabhcs : A Treatifc call'd, T/r 'hlin ur of Cbaiity, fiivivfi d into Three
Books, with the Abridgment of that Trcatifc : Tlirce iJuoks of the Spiritual Friendlliip,

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of the Twelfth Century uf Cbyijiidniiy. 1 74.
and a Dlfcourfc on thefe Words of Sr. J
Icirt^ aged T»eh^

Tears : A Fragment of his Hilloiy of Er.^'.r.vd, and Twenty five Sermons Primed in tht"
BiUiatheca Ciflercienfit. His Mirrour of tharjty is a very Hne Piece, full of lolid Max-
imion the l ove oi God, and on other Chnltian Virtues. In the Trcatifc of Fricmlfhip,
which is Conipos'd m form of a Dialogue, be flicw.^, That there can be no ci\ic Amiry,
but amongit Cbriftian and Virtuoas Perfons. Sunui has publilh'd divers Lives of F.nglijfb
Saints under the nnme of this Author, hue wro'c tlum himfelf in bis Style. We hav_'
alTo among the Historians of Engi.utd the I.ifc of St. Edward, written by Sc. /FAred, and
Ibme other Hiiiorical Trads reUring to the Affairs of that Kingdom. His other Works
were fer forth by Gilbo the Jcfuic, and printed at Donay, A.D. i<^^t. a«; n^fo in the Bi-
httbecu Cijtercicnfis, and -in the laft Bibliotheca Patrum. The Rule for Nuns falHy a:tri-
bmed to Sfc jiuguftin, is inferred under the Name of St. jE 'red, in the Collection of Rides
publifticd by M^ijfrm'us ; and GUbt/t cf IT-il.ind, his made an E>i onrnn on chc ^e&uac,
in the Continuation of Sr. /tugujiin s Commentar) on the Book of l'i.ilms.
S. HILDBGARDA, born at Spanbeim in Gemuny, A. D. i<- 9 S. w is rhc D ighicr of St. Hili?^.
TUIdi'bert .\nd M^iihihh ; fhe received rhc V.^il at iIk- Acc of High: Y<:ars, and in procels ^arda,^

oi lime was cbofen Abbcls of Si.i^p:>t\ Mount near Binghen on the Ubine. The Fame*'-'' •r^**'
of her RmhckMis md Miracles, procur'd her lb great Reputation, that when Pope Etig^
niut III. came to T-A-r in f48. Henry Arcli-biftjcp of Affwf^, nnd St. Bernard took an op-

IKMXunity to acquaint htm with the wonderful Operations that God perform *d by his Ser-
vanc Hildgganla ; inlbonich that the Pope being much furpriz'd at the Relation, fent A/l>m
Bifliop of Verdun wirh Tome cclicr Pcrn:)ns wor'hy of Credit, pr!\.ircly to m.ikc an Enquiry

into the Truth of what was reported concerning that Nun. Thefe Perfons having interro-
gated her, Ibe gave them a plain Aoconhc of her Condition, and deliver'd to them feveral
Books, whkh fhe avouch'd to have wrirtcn hy Divine Infpir.irion. The Pope caus'd them
to be read publickly in the prefencc of .nli the Prelates, and penis d a coniiderable pare of
them bimleH': Vherenpon all the AiTiihitus were furpriz'd, andcmreaced his Holinels not
to fuffcr fo great a Light robe extinpifh'd. Tl.en rhe Pope wrote a Letter to Hildegarda,
to Congratulate her upon account of thofc tranla ndent Graces whidi God h.»d bellow *d on
her, andtoejchoit her to preferve them; granting her at the fame time a permifllon to
refiJe in the Place that Ihe had chofcn, to lead a Regular courfc of Life with the orher
Nuns, according to St. BcnediS's Rule. The Popes who fuccccdcd Eugenius, vt^. Anajia'
fiutlV. AinttnVf. and AUxander III. honour'd hea in like manner with their Lettm and
Admonitions, ns well as the Arch bifhops of Mcnt:^, Colen, Trier, S.i 'tjlu^^, and many orhcr
Prelates of Germany, not to mention the Emperors Conrad and F>cJericl^: She rcrurnod an
AnfWer to their Letters, without deviating from her Character, that is to fay, in a Myfti*
cal and Prophetical Style. The Colletilion of all thefe Letters is itill Extant, with vlivcrs
Vilioas diredted to particular Pcribos j Aofwers to fevcral Qucftions about the Holy Scrip-
tures, and certain Explicaiioos of St BemdiH'% Rule , and of St. Athana^*s Creed. Theife
Wr r" were printed Ai Colen, A. D. t^66. and in the Bihliotheca P.jfrum. There are a'fo

Three Books of Revelations which bear the name of this Saint, printed with thofc of St Thierry,
SrtVfV at P<ir»#, in rjj^. and atC«b», in i6a8. St. Hildegarda died in i i8c. nnd her I ife Mbucfihe
was wricien m iioo« by TMtnjf tut Tbeodfrie, an Abbot of the iame Order of St. Be- O'dnofSf.
Abbefs of SebvMm, in the Diocefs of Trier, near the Monaftery of f';".
St. Tlorin, which her Brother Ecbert govcrn'd in Quality of Abbcr, was likewifc famous ^r^^^''
for ber Revelations. She flourifli'd A. D. 1 1 and died in uf v aged ^6 Years. There

areThtte Books of Vifions or Revelations, written by tliis Saint, and n Volume of Letters
printed at Co/f«, in 1618. Her Brother EGBERT Compos'd, bcfides rhc Thirteen Difcourfcs, Egbert,
aaainft the Catbari^ of which we have already made mention, the Life of his Siller, which Abba lfSu
isptefis'dto her Revelations : 'Tis alfo reported that he was the Aadii[p«f (owe other Fkrin.

^^Ol^, a Regular Canon of St. Auguftin, wrote A. D, 1 160,, Seven Letters about the
Doties and Fundions of Regular Canons, which arc inferted in the Second Tome of
Spicik^in^rt, bv Father Lul^ Dacbery.
JOHN of CORNWALL, Ivad Peter Lombard for his Tutor, but .nfterwarti* fcU at jj,f,„
variance with him upon fcveral occalidns; He ftudicd for n [one; time a^ Hf*"*» ConnaSL
and obtained a great (liare of the Favours of Pope AlexunJtr III. We ha?e not any of
his Works printed, but Dr. Cav: mentions two M.^nufcripr
Tn atifts of this Author, t«^.
one Didicated to Pope Alexander, under the Title of A Difcfifficn cf Humane PhUtfth-
the other call'd A Summarj a :rc Minner krv rhe S^cramry^f
fty, .Hid of Hrrefiesi and
C..iny,.s or Orderi cf the
«f the Altar is made by the Vertue of the Cmfs, nnd of r - Seven
Pope /rj.v.ffl./fr TIT. FOLMAR, Provoft oi Tricie>.r^r;>>, near rftfr/ij^wrf Folmar,
In the time of
in Franconi*^was accus d of maintaining the Errors of Ncforins nr.ii Eilfandm, concerning ^"y^
the Verfim and AdopciOD of JESUS CHRIST, and
of ip c.idirig them abroad in Tnettciw.
B«v«r/it. Two Monks of ibat Coomrir. Wt. GEROCHUS, Provoft of the Abbey of
Z* l{eic}}<rfperg.

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A Nov Ecclefhifikd Hijlury
Gerccbus, Reidci/petg, and another who was Dean cf the lame Ivlotia{ltf)\ WKKC againft him ; ike
Prmfi */fbfmer in a Treatife Ancichrift^ and the other in a Book wrkten on fvpefk .TImt
Rcichcr- Works are flill Extant in the Libraries of Cermjrry, nrcordirt; ?o the report of St^v t, who t

fperg. A afliuts 08, that they are worthy to be brought lo W^hi ; aki.a' thrjfe Authors feem :u iiave
fjiifcn into an Error dirtd^ly oppoGte to that of the Eutjfchiins, or Vhlquitdrians, in maiiv-

rsit inp, That the Divine Pcrfediorr; j aft'd inro the Huranne Natwrc (,f J E S S U
R I S T, and that the larter is become equal to the Godhead. Suvmu has produc d
in bis ColleAion tlie tp k Dedicatory of the Dean of {(eicberfperg^ Trtm^ dnc^hedtv

nairy. Dcnn of the Church of mirtT^lwg, and it is aUb intencd in the Tweittj chifi Tcaw
laft Edition of the Bibii.thec* I'atrum.
of the
Gllbfrt GILBERT FOLIOT, an Englipi Man by Nation, and Abbot of Liece^tr^ was trae-
I'oiiot, Ei-fotcd A. D. i6i. from the BiOioprick of Herefcrd, which he ol.tain'd in 1149. ro rhai of

fiep of Lotidm, and was one of lijc principal Adverfarics of Jhsmas Beckft^ Arcli-bilhop of Ctnttr'
towlon* htiry. He wrote* Commentary on the Book ot Cmt clcs, which was publi&'d l>y fumut^
and pri;. cd in Quarto at London, in 1638. There arc alio Seven of bis Lecteis in the CoUe>
dion of thofe of Jhomat Beckft. He died in 1 187 •


Abbot of Bsnne Efftrtmt, of the Older of Pwruiurt m
Hjrvtnpe, Huinaut, lirnamcJ the Almf civcr, by rcal'on of his extraordinary liberality to the Pof.r,
Abbit cf /iouriOi'd j1- O. 11 jo. and died in 1 1 80. His Works were publilhed by Nttoioi Cbanurt,
BoiiJie El^ Abbot of Ihmie ^fergnee, and printed at Ommt* in According ro die following Gna-
Joguc, T'/^. Twenty one Letters A Commentary on the Cinnclf s Moral Ohfcrvrtions on
: :

the fame Book. Several Dilcourles on King KelwebiidMe^:(4 's Dream, on Adjm Fal.', and ^.

on the Damnation of King S^amm t Six Treatilcs of the Dignity, Learning, llprif hrnefs,
Coritinenry, Ob iicr cc and Silence of Clergy- mm. A Relation of the Lives ot Si. /.a^u-

Poetical Pieces, and lome Epitaphs.

Adatnus ADAMUS SCX>TUS, a Regular Canon of St. AuxufOn, of die Older of Fnmmre,

Scocus, i f!our:fh'd ^1.D. 1160. and died in iiSc hi: Compns'd a Commentary on St. Jutujlht't
Ktsnlir Rule : A Treatife of the Triple 1 abcrnacle of M/f/ ; Another of the three lands of Con-
esMU templarion, and Forty feven Sermons. Thofe Woritk were- fimtei at Ammtr/ io 1695.
and Father OuJcti fays Thnt he fnwFifry three other Sermon-, .md a. SoJSoqnyof die SimI,
by the lame Auibor, in the Library of the Cekfiint Fathers of Mmtt.
loan. Buf. JOANNES BURGUNDtJS, a Magiflraw and Citiien of Pifa, was ftnt to Cenfimtu
euDdDS, gn^fl'y fo negotiate certain Affiirs for that Rcpubtick at the Court of the Emperor Manuel

UiMrm Ccmneaut, where he met with fome Copies of St. Cbrj/^om'i Homilies, on St. Je-hn and Sr.
^ Fi&. MioHhw, and tranfbned them into Lstm. He likewiie fmnOated St. yobm Dsmajcenm s
Treatife of the Orchodc?t Faith, and NVmr/;..'/'? Eight Books of Philofophy. Tbe lum
of thde Works was primed at Strashrg, in 1512. This Author Ikmrtih'd iJi 1150. and
died in 1 1^4. His Tnnfladont are not very polite, bw extremely ftlridbl.
Peter of PETER of RIGA, Chanter and Canon of the Church of {{heimt, flourifh'd A. D- 170. 1

HiM, Crf'Hc Composd Seven Books under tbe Tide of AurtT*^ which contain tbe Two Books of
nm ijf Kings, and the Poor Gofnels in Verfr, ^ according to the Llteraf and Allegorical Senfe. This

Rheim. P;ecc is Hill to be found in the I ;!)rn:c; .ind Father Ow-//n afTures us. That he had them

all ready to be printed. However the Poblick may well excuie him from taking that pains,
wMioat Ibflerlng mncb detriment ; in regard that (neb Ibrt of Worksl*are of no great uie-

Henfy, HENRY, Arch biibop of i(A«m/, difpatch d two Letters, A. O. 1 170. in favour of Drtux
AKk-iifttpChaneeBorof die Chmdi of Nt^, whom Pope Akxmider IIL deierrain'd to condemn, vix.
^Ithdins. one to the Cardinals, and the other to tbe Pope himfelf They are both written with a :

great deal of Freedom, and he complains, that nothwithftandtng the Hgnal Sci vices he had
done tothe Holy See, lb little reguvl wasbad to Per<bn«, for whom he had a parjituJar E-
ftecm. However the Pope, return 'd a very Civ il Afifwer, without granting his RequdL
Ihewing, That if he did not do what was expej^ed, iioog^t not robeinferr'd from thence,
that he was not defiious by at! means to give him Satisfidion ; but that the prefentO)njan^
dure of AfT'iirs, woiild not admit of fuch a Compliance. Both the I etccrs wrirtcn by this Aitb-
bifhon, wcrcpublilhd by hi. SaJu:(ius, in the Second Tome of his Mifceilaneous Works
Robertus ROBERTUS PAULULUS, a Prieft of Amtmt, Compos'd ^. D. r 78. Three Books 1

Pjululu', of the Offices cf the Chiiith, wlMi v r r nted fepcratcly, and under the
Name of /f<*A
frkt^ of of St. Wfier, among Works of that Author, The Trearile cali'd the C.-jnon of th My-
the •

AmieBi. ftical Pnrfficarion, which is aWb inferred among tbe Worts of §fu^/j of St. ViBor, ought tn
like manner TO be reflor'd tn rlu f mr [{J.- r of /In.icns.

Maurice MAURICE, hmamed DE

SULLY', from a fmall Town of that Name, tituarcd 00
de Sully, the River Lmre, (which was tbe place of bb Nativity ) was Bom of mean Parentage, never^
Br^p c/ thclefs upon account of his fingular Merits and exrraordinary Learning, he was promoted to
Paris. the Bifhoprick of P^riV, A. £>. 1164. after die Death of 2ttcr LxmAiord. Mmriemt Gdutdsi rrrh

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of the 1 wclith CmtmyojCirifiianiiy. 175
.^urcs us, that hecompos d Scnnonsror SuhAi^s znd Feftivals of the Year, andccrcaia
}nftru(fbions for the Pricits of his Diocefs ; the Matiufcripc Copies of whicb arc kept ia ihe'
Frrnch King s Library, aod in that of Sc. I^A«r. He died A, D. 1 1 9^. aad was twry'd in the •

Abbey W^er.
ot St.
GERVASE» a Piieft of Chichtfter, one of rhe Favourers of Tbmai Seekff Arcb-bi(hop of Oervafe t
Canto bury, wns in good rcpiirc for his Learniiif:, snd wrocc .1 Commentary ontl)^ Propfact '''f/* •/
Mdtchj, which (as we areinfonued by M.?4nj<j; was kcpi ,n the Lmlej Library. CWche*
ODO, of the County of Ksnt, Prior of the Mooaftery of Cdnterbury, and afterwards
Abbot of B: /, W2S likewife the Friend and Pro'CtSor of 'ibomoi Bccl^rt. Hf wrote divers / o^j**
Works, bur we have none left, except a certain Letter diredw^^d tq busfirotber a Novice in the
Abbey of ^r, in which beexborcsDina fpeedily to aShme iheMooaftick Habit; ThtsLet-
r. r wr.s publilhcd by Father 'Kiibillm in the firlt Tome of his ^/'.
Ha. '

LAB0R.ANT1US, Cardinal with the Title of St.Ai«;/, who rtcurilt'd in the Year 1180. Laboran-
eompoi'd aCoUedkioo of Canons : A Treatife of Infttce and Equity divided into ibur Panst tiiuC«ntr
and dedicared to rhe Governor of Sicily Another to Uufh Arch-bifl\c}i of P.rirrw?: A Let-

ter direded to the fame Hugh againit the SAltelUans And another Letter to Vivian Cardinal
of St. Stefhftt concerning Appeals. AU tbefe Pieces are oontain*d in a certain Manufcript of
Sr. Petf.'s Church at I{pme, cite J By Barcnius and Poffevinus.
ALULPHUS, a Monk of St.M4rtin at Tcwnaj^ compil'd a CoUedionof Sen:ence$ and Alalphus
Maxims, laken oat of the WoiIes of St. Gt egorj,, and call'd it The Gregari4l» It is eannt "f.
in Manufcript in fcvcral Libraries, %nd Father hhHim has pradnced the I^icface to it in ^''^"m
the f irft Tome of his AMUa4. "'
BALDWIN, a Native of fixcr^r, in the County of Dttm ; of a SdnoIoMafter, became Hai^^ia
.in Arch-Deacon, afterwards tum'd Monk, and was made Abbot of F«?rir» From that Abb^y Anbbtfittp
lie was trapdated to tlie Bilhoprick of PVtmbefier, A. D. 1 181. and at laft advaoc'd to the ofCnm*
dignity ai Arcb-bifliop of Canui^urj in 1 185. He accompany 'd King BJchard I. in lus Ezpe* bury,
dition to the Holy Land, and died there in 1 9J. or 1 191. 1 *Tis reported thnr Pope Vrbtn
feothioa a Letter, the Supericripcion of wtiich was to this eHed: To fialdwm <t miji
AIM^, a firvent jiUct, 4 Itd^-mem Bijhep, amJ an effewnnatt jfrtb-bijhop. Tbe Ibltowing
WorVs written by rhi<; Prelate arc contain 'd in the firih Tomi; of the Bioliotbeca Cijicrcicnfis
fct forth by Father T/^r, viz. ftxteen Treatifes of Piety on diiierent Sobjet^ particularly,
on die Lote of God, the twoibld Refnttedion, thSLdb^cy of the Word of God, tbc Ai^
lical S.ilcit.ition, (3c. A Treatife of rhe recommendation of Faitb: And another of ibe Sacra-
ment of the Alur dedicated to Bartbohmev Bithop of Exeter.
ISAAC, Abbot of VBtei/e, of tbe Ci^ereian Order in die Dtofi of PwlMrr, 11oiiriA*d in ifa,c/«^
the end of the Century He compos'd divers Sermons publifh'd in the fixth Tome of the L*gtttilo

BiMiotixca CilUrcitt^s^ with a Treatiic ot the Spirit and the Soul, attributed to Sc. Almoin :
He » alio reputed to betbe Anthor of a certain Letter on the Cation of the Mais, wbidi is
contiin'c] in the iirft Tome of the Spicilegium.
The Abbey of Cisitvaux, has produc'd in the end of ichis Century tiirec Abbots \yho may Henry
he redcon'd amongft tbe Writen, m^.
Eccfefiaftical HENRY
the Icvemfa Abbot, who wrote Pcter loi
a Treatife ctH'J, De pcrcfrrht^nte Civitate Dei, and Cmr.c letters, PETER
the eighth Abbot, Garnicr
who was tbe Author ot lotnc Letters, and ARNi£R his SuccLHbr, who compos'd divers AUttt of
Senhoi^ If any P^rfinisare definnistoconfiibtfaofe Works, they may haverecoarieio dbeCltlrnva
third Tome of r':r Bihli^tlgc! r; r> .clcvjis.
GIL££KT OF S£MPi<lNGtiAM an Eogliih Man. and Founder of the Order of Gilbert 0/

the Canons catTd GiAvtmf* io England, fhwiwd in the end of thisCentury. He ooov Semprin*
pil'd two Books of Conftimtions for his Order, which ate to be fbnnd in the Idmtfiicm gbam
In the Ubnry of ^.Gwrwudn i»t Fre^ is to be Icen, a Blanulcripc Colledian of dl- chriftiaO*
vers Sermons, which bear :hc?\a:nc of CHRISTIAN: Some arc of Opinion, That this An-

thor was Abbot of St. Pr/cr Au Vd^ in the Dioce& of Cbartret : Others attribute this
Piece to Cbrifiian Arch-bilhop of Afntr^, who died^ A. D. 1 183. and wira wrote (as it is
generally believ'd) an Hiftory of the Emperor FieJeric'^s Expedition to the Holy Land: But
others with greater probability afcribe it, to one of the two CbrUiiani, Monks of CA(iV>
vaux and the Ptof^ of St. BmurJ, who were made Abbots and Bifliops
, in In/imd, and
of whom mention is m^tde in Chap. 8. of the fccnt d Book of Sr. Bernnrd's Life. Let the
cafe be bow it will, this Author has apparently taken many Notions out of the Works of
that Saint.
GALrriER, nriyi.m'd DH
CHATILT ON, a N-itive of Lille in Flanders, was the An- Giuticr
thor of the Alexandreii, or Focni 00 the Actions of Alexander ^ printed at Strashurg, A. D. de Ctutil*
1531. and at Lym$ in i^i^ Ht
alio compos'd three Books in fiufn of Dialogues again (I km.
the Jeves, which Father Of(/<« fays he has ieen in Manuibipc in the Library of t& Monafte-
ry of Frenuture at Braiite.
GARNIER, a Canon and Snperior of die Abbey cSStl^Sgr at Paris, compild in rhe Omiferaf
iodoif theCenrory, a Treattfecul'd lis Gr^f^itum^ cantaloing ceftaih Alkgorical Explica- Sf,ViMm
i tioni

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A New Ecclefiaflkal Hijlorj
tions on the Bib!e, taken ou: of die Writings of St. Gregory Pope. 'J iiis \Vu:k was prjnic<l
at Piirh, A. D. i6o3.
Thomas THOMAS, a Monk of Ci/fchix,
Aaihor of a Commcntar)' on the Cantic!LS cividcd
is the

Moak of into twelve Books, and dedicattd co PtHtim Bi(hop of Cicrmont ; altho' fome Perrons have
GiftesHXi attributed it to other Attdiors of the (ame NamC) and Paul de {{ attno a Cordeiier tuck the
boldncfe to caufe it to be printed nt /(cmr, A. D. 1^55. undcnhc N.ime of J i n Drms fir-
natn'd Scstus\ but he was fcon oppoi'd by the Sollxiror General of the Cijlercian Order,
who obcain'd a Decree of the Matter of the Sacrc-d Palace, by which k was dcclar'd, that
that Commentary was unadvifcdiy printed undci tlic inu of" Sr-fr/r, and N Prohibition was .i

made at tiie fame time, to fell or publilh u for the iuuitr under chat Name, but only under
that of^liftW^ o(Cifie*ux. Charles ie fViJch, who caus d this Work 10 bc printed in the
Bib'tcthecn Prxmonjlraten/ij attributed it to divers Tbomai's, and afterwards Jcin .'e P-t?e the
Colleclor of the Library of Premmtre, afcrib'd it to one Tlnrn ts Canon of that Order the m
Monaftery ofSltif/nfy ; but the true Author of k is Tr mat Monk ofCtfteaux, as it .-.ppcara
from the ancient Manufcriprs wirch arccxrant in ihc l ibraries of the fameOrvler. It like-
wife bears his Name m the firit Editions fee for.h by Badius ac P-irii, A. D. ijit. and ac
Lyms in 1571. Tins Author flourifli'd in the end of the Centuty.
PetruJ PETER, firnam'd COMESTOR, or the Eacrr. a N.irive otTrcyet in CLimfagne, Pricft
Cotntftor and Dean of the Church of St. Peter in that City, .icquird (o great Reputation, that he was
*f invited to Pan's, and made Chancellor of the Uoiverficy. He retir'd near the end of his Life
£1. Peter Monai'.cry of St. l^iflor, and died there A. D. [195. His principal Work, is a .Scho-
** *foy*
lafticai Hittor)' divided into sixteen Books, compreliends an Abridgment of all tpanner
of Sacred Hiftory, from the beginning of c^ -nefis to the end of the of the Apoftfcs ; but
he inrcrnni:<rc? thrrctn divert Pillages of profane Hillory, and fomc fabulous Narrations, This
Work was firU printed at A. D. 1 47?. and afterwards at Strdtbur^ in as alio
at B^i'm i4B6.andat Ljons in i ^43. The Sermons, which Bufemamd co be primed oih
der the Name of Prter of IUmV, belong to this Anifaor, as welt as Ibme others vriiich are ex*
tant in the Libraries.
R*ibcrt ROBERT OF FLAMESBURY, a Regular Canon of St. ^uguftin, and Pcnitemiarf ia
Flamer* Abbey of St.ViBor, was in good repute for his Lcarninp. He compos'd a large Pe-
""T^* nitentiat, which is kept in Manufcript in tJie Libr.iry oi'Si.l idor, and in that of the College

Det CbtUts.
Bartbolo* The EngHjh were always very arcurnrc in their Book-, and v.vo Authors were
more cfpecially famous for writing on that SubjeCi m the end of the Twelfth Centurv.
fi^'f Thefirllis BARTHOLOMEW Bilhop of Oxford, a Manufcript Copy of whofe Voric is 10

Odotf ^'^ the Library of St. yiRor ; and the o her is ODD OF CHIRTON, whofe Piece
Chirton. ca^^ <i "^'^'^ Summary of J^epentance, is extant in divcii Libraries of England^ with reveral Ho-
niliet by the fame Author.
fo cnll'd from the Name of a Village in the Territory of Tumfs h
- iii* Naiiviiy, was at firft a Monk of Cijleaux and aftervrard.'; Abbot
fiMdcrt, the place of
^ of OwMfx. He
has left us two large Diftouries made by him in the Chapter of Cijleaux^
which arecontain'd in the Bihliothcc't Ordhus Clflercicyifis. Hedied A. D. 1 jo^.
John # JOHN, a CatthujUn Frier of cl>c Monailery of Dci Partes, Hoarilh'd in the end of this
Carthufi* Century, and compos'd five Letters on pious Subjeds, vi^. the Firft about dinnning of die
an Mm^ . The Second .ifid Third of Prayer, tiic Founli of the c.ire that ought to be taken
to (^ferve the Inclinations of the Heart ; and the Fifth of Pcrfcvcrancc in the Sute dut one
^ has once embraced, dedicated to Btnmrd bis Nephew, a Cartbifim Mtmk, who was templ-
ed to quit that Order.
Stephen There is alfo a Letter written by another Monk of the fame Cntiujiam Convent* oaoi'd
de ChaaK STEPHEN DE CHAULMET, about continuing in the Order into which one ins been a<^
mrt 1 :ri;;M?d, which was dedicated to the Novices of the Mnn.iflery oT St.SttificilU of the Ciftet*^
Cii t .uL- ^-^^ Order. Thcfe two Authors wrote in the end of the Century,
an M(wf . ZACH
ARY, a Regular Ctoon (as foine fay) of the Order of Premmtre vn the Monaftery
••>» .Tt Liton, or according to o-hcrs. Bilhop of ClripifoHs, wrote a Commentary
a^Ma^ cf S'. Af
Chrvfi^**" ^ sEvangeiicai Concord, which was printed at Co/eu, A. D. 1 53s. and in the Nine-
lis. teenth Tome of the BiUittbec* Patrum. We have no cenain AcooiiM of the Life and Chi-
SMfttt of this Author , or of the time when he flontifli'd.


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r • .

Of the IVrkers of Ecclejtajlical Hi/lorj of tbe Ty^elftb

Twelfth Century has prodiic'd fo great a Number of HMtorkns, ami Hiftorical
Works, as well Ecdefiifticu as Prophane, due 'm in a nuumer impoflibJe to give a par-
them ; ncvcrthclcfs wc have cndcavourd
ticular Accovinr of every one of make a Ca-
talogue of them, and at Icaft to rcprcicw: the Authors, and their Works m general : la
order to do which more convau«ndgr> and moie tuecliocUcaUy, we have difiribHtBd ann under
icvoal Anicki and Olvifions*

77jf Writers €f General Hifimf.

7i«jf///fe Monk of ff7wc/wy7fr, wrote a Chronicle frotn the Creation Plorenrmi
of the World to ihc Year of our Lord u
18. taken in par: from ihar of Mariams Scottu, prin- ^"'p'
xed»xLmulcn, A. D. 1595. and at ir^Mc/z/rr in i6ot. as alio a Genealogical Account of the K^i Monkof
of Etg^Und, which is likewifc anncx'd tt> the Undm Edition. He died A. it 19. Wine hdt.
EQCARD. Abbot oS-Vran^m, flourifli'd if. 0» 11 30. and left a Eck«d,
in rhc Dioodsof l^fft-r^/rjA;^.
Chrooiclc'ro PolL-riry. Work of rhis Aiuhor, CallVC TAtt-mttm Abbot tf
Trltl-r)fi;!n^ mention of a
^Mmiks* and Sensdns written by hua
there are alio extant certain Lcuers Urangen.
HUGH, a Mmk
of Tkmj, axnpaa'd A. A
1 lao. a Cbrdnidefiom die Creation of tie World
to th Year 840. which was printca a: MimPcr in r^^S.
- The fame Author wrorc rwo Biwks Aibm^ 1/
concerning the Htytl Atitharity and ti>e Sacerdot/iJ Dignity, which were dadicated to Hemj L King Fleury*
of and jtmblifli'd by M
B'f/«^i»^ in theFootnTomerf
ORDERICUS VITALIS, bom in Er^ldnd ztAtftnge/ham on rhe River Jetwi, A. D. 1075. Ort^rricut
was fent at the Age of eleven Years to Normandy, ami plac'd in the Abby of Sr. Evrm^ wberc he
airum'd the Habit of a Monk, and cotnpleared his Studies. He likewifc cnter'd into Hfoly Orders, W<»«^ of
andfpent his whole Life iti that Monaftery; leaving XIII Books of Ecclefiafkical Hiftory, fr in
the HaimTYofJefus Chrift to the Year 1 1 41. which were publifli'd by M. du Chefne, in the Volume
of rhe Hiftoriographers of Normandy.
ANSr M, Abbot Ccmb'mtrs'm Brd'dfit, continu'd Sifeberii Chronicle from rhe Year 1 1 12. uo

1 1 37. 1 his Continuation, with two others, the firlt of which is extended totiic Year 1 149. and the

lecond to 1125. fet fonh by Albcrtus Mirxus, and printed at Amirerp, A. D. 1608. ^-^ Gem-

Thc Birth of OTHO.Bifliopof />«>f^i&ra,is no lefs illuftrious than the Reputation he icntiirM by l^'*^^" «
writing his Hiftory J For he was the Son of Leopold Marquefs oi At^ia, and of Agnes the Daugli
terof the Emperor licmy IV. That Princefs was twice marry d, W^. at firft to Frederick, Duke of
f ulT'*'
SuePtM or Sdnnbatt towlraoiihc brought fonh two Sons, namely, Cmrad the Emperor, and Fre^ ""S*^
dgrMiDakecf SuenU: But by her feoond Marriage with Leopold, (he had XM^Ehike of Bdvaria^
HemyDakeof Auftn' j, fz-wir Durthefs of Bo' fw/rf, Bcrz/'u Dutchefs of Po/rtW, /.'a Marchionefe

of MmtfariUt Otbo and Conrad. 1 heie two lalt being delign'd by their Father for the K^Mwftj-
cal Fonddons, 0/£o ofacam'd the Government dE a College, whicb hi* FailKr hadfbnoded acNhv-
burg, and where l.c ordcr'd himfclf to bcbury'd But Otlo (oon reflgn'd his Office to Qpoldut, and

being incited with an ardent dcHrc of becoming Matter of the Liberal Sciences, went to Parist
where lie compleated his Snulics : Some Years after he turned Cijieratm Monk, in the Abbey of
Morimm wi'h l-'ifree:! of his Companions. Iti 11 38. the Emperor CowrW, his Brother, confcrr'd
!, *

.on him the Jjifliopiick of Frifwi^hen in Bnvaria, and Jionour d him wiih the Digmcies of Chaxicelior
ami Secretary of Stat-. Hl ;u\ ompanicd that Prince in his Expedition to the Holy Land. A.D. 1 147.
nnr^ laft in <;6. !ca\ini^ his Bilhoprick, iwtif'd to theAbbey of JUsriaMm/, waere be died in the
1 1

jMontli of SeSh'ctnlerii\ the fame Year.

This Prelate compos'd a Chronolopcal Hiftory frOn the Creation of the World to his time;
divided into Seven Books, and annex d an Eighth concerning the Perfccttrion to be railed by Ann-
chriif, and the RefuiTC<ftion of the Dead. He wrote a very fine Style, vtith rpfpcdt to the Age iu
which he liv'd, and much more {>oliEcly than the other Hiftorians of thofe Times. He was well
verfcd in Scholaftiral Divinity, as alfo in Ariftale* Phiiolbphy ; and wa« one of (he firft, who Cas
}^/i<A»irhasob{erv'd ) introdticed that .Sdence into Gfrm/m^. Upon which Account, 'tis not to be'd that h' Im^ 1- 11 vety favournblc to Ciilchcrt d: it I'orrc;, in tlie DifltTtation pR'fix'd before
his.Hiftocy : it was
by Jdlh CuffiniMt and printed at Straibwrg^ a, X>. 1515. af'
hrlt publiihed
terwatds at B^ln
1 569. and among theG^ii»«»Ififto(riegraplMrs ax l^rmi^mt 1585. and 1670. m
0th, in like nwnner, wiorj two Book^ containing the Hifloiy of the Ad^bions of Frederick Bnle^
Tojfay whidkarcjiibjoyn'd at the end oi his Chronicle Morco\'cr H 'olfgangtu Ls^^i'm iaysi that he
' « A a faw

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A JNi» incclejiajtim tLijtory
f^iw an Hiftory of AuflrU ootnpos'd by the fame O^Aff, but there has been no talk of it fince ; nei-
ther has ir yc: appcar'd any where in Print.

Gojfrer <?f GODFREY Of .VITERBO, fo ciUd from the Name of bis Native Coumry. who was a
Pricft, AJmoner, and Secretary of Stite lo the BmMrars CWr«/in. FnAeridtV and Hemj VI.
wrote an ITnivcrfal Chronicle, dcilii. Mie.i m P< p,; T HI. and callM P-i/j/Z/fw, by reafon of die
ftrcat Variety of Occurrences conuin'd tbercm : it ends at ibc Year i iS6. and is infencd xsaaa^

Sm Wortt of cbe GinnwMwHifforiiiU ooQeded by Pifttrim* aAd nrineed at Vrat^ in 1 584. fen
reported that this Writer Tpcnt Fony Years in cra%'clling ; that nc made a prodigious Collcdlion of
ail fores of Obfervations during his Voyages ; and that he underftood the Hri'reip, Cbaiduc^, Creek,
and Lmoi Tongues. Lambeciia makes mention of another WoHc by the iame Anchor, wUdl is
to be fccn in Manu'lT:p': in the Einpcror's Library, Ixraringihis Title, The Minor c/l^typ, stGf
IKahgitt of sU the Kjnti *nd hmfcmifmn tlit u?iiverfiil Fitttd ta tin time Henry t^h
Robot <f ROBERT OP TORIGNY, a Monk, afterwards Prior «f Ace Abbey,and at laft Abbot of StMr^
Torigny, c!\ic'.\ Mcunr.connpos'd a Supplc-mentof Si^r/rr*'? Chmnir!c,and a Continuation to the Year 1 184^

Abbot ef alfo a Ireaiifc of the Monafterics and Abbies oiKcrmandj/^ihcliii^ory of hat of St.M*chaers Mount;
Mount St. a Commentary on St.P^Ws EpilHcs taken from ScAugiipini and the Hiftory of the Rdgn of Hemj It
Micfaaci. King of Kn^l.uiJ. Father Luke Ddchcrj firi<; ranfcd ro bf prin'fr! at the end of C^fliZ-rr/'s Works, rbc
Supplement and Continuation of Sigibem Ciuoiuclc, aiid tiie 1 rcatifeot ihc Aubcysof Normaiufy^
with a Letter wrinen by the faid Robert, and his Preface to the Commentary on Si.Pnutt EpiftieiL
Ocho ^ OTHO OF S. BLAISIUS. continu'd the Chronicle of Otbe of Frifing/xn to the Year f 1 90.
Jf.BWfiw. JOHN BROMPTON, an EngH/h Monk of tlic Cifierdan Order, and Abbot of jcrvd in the
Jo:\nBrom- Dioceff of TorJ^, is the reputed Author of a certain Chronicle from the Year 588. to 1 98. but the

Ifif^A^ JfiamedMr. 5riWni allures us, th^ic waa ooc wncRtt by him; diac he only cans'd ic 10 be tarn-
^i^^ fcxib'd* andclBKbccMnocUvein thbCcoouy.

Hiftfrians cfEx^ndL
TH £ Kio^om of Btigl'tiui has broi^t fonb fo many approved AMtbors. who ha've caaiDy'4
dwrVMinwrira^tiietriftofyof tlKirNiditC^^ that ibey wcU deferw » Ve te-
ftrr'd to a Article.

Hmtt henry OF HUNTINGTON, the Son of a marry'd Prkft named Kicelm, and diePwil
ArcMtA- of JUhkm A Hdiffm)iuiC»ma.9f Linetbt, was made Canon of the faawCbauir, and afarmlB
Arch-deacon of Hiwr-r''t:u,hj Alexamler Bill r;^ of LincolH^vthom he accompanied in his Journey to
liog^on. /trnne He wnxc tiic Hiitory of the Bagiiib Monarchy from its Erit Foundation cUi the Death
Stephen, which h appen d in 1IJ4. It is dedicated to tl»; faid Btfiiop Alcxi:a'Ur, anddividii
into Eight or Ten Books being cootain'd among the Works of the £«j/^ Wntci s in Sk Hemj
Sdvii'i Colk^on, printed at Ltndm A. D. 1396. and at tiamjurt in l6ot. Fati»:r Li4e Daeiteiy
has likewife publiOied in the Eighth Tome of his SfkiUg 'ium a foMdl Trad of this Author, cod-
cernir"-; rhc Contempt of the World, dctiicnrcd ro ru^ He there P.-.fw, how the Things of
thi<i lublunary World onght to be contetnned, tclaung many Hxaiuplcs ot ivlisJommcs that hap-

pcn'd to the Great Porfonagcs of hi< Ace, and the milerable Death of divers {ffofligacc Wrcrches :
He declares, in the Preface to this Trao, that he had before made a Dedication to the farr:? Vcrfon
of a Collcdioo of Epigrams, and of a Poem about Lo\'e. There are alfo in the Libratics ot o.<-
Jird and Cemirit^e icveral other Manulcript Works of this Anthor, particuJarly a Leocr conceminf
the Btiti/hV^im, dcdkand to Pfrnmu i a Tceatife of the Cduisies ciGrea Bntmm { aiMxfaer
the Image otf tfie Wortd; and a Thnd of the Bi^U/h Sakitt.
Gofielnuis WlLl.lAM LITTLE, knownby the Na ne of G<i/iW'nj< ^v«^riJ«»/7J, was boni atB^/d!/JI^^
Nenbri* Mac Tork.* jLl>.iiifi. andedticated in the Convent of the Regular Canom oiNtmbridff, whoc
genlit. be onbtneed the Monaftidc Lifec He compos'd a large Hiftory of Et^Und, dtrtded wm Fhre
Books, firom the Year ic66. to 1197. This Hi^m y written with much FidLlit) , ind in 1
fmooth and intclhgtbie Style. It was printed at Antmerf A. IX i $67. ar Heiticlherj^ in 1^7. and
lafUy «c P«rii with ^Fobm ftemreTi Notes in r6ie. It is telievM tut he died A. D. iiet.
Waher, W.\LTER, IxDrn in the Principality of rft/.'.-, Arch-deacon, and even (asibmcfay^ Bifhopof
ArcfiJra- Oxf&i^ tranflaced oat of EMgliJh into the Hiftory of £>^/«W. compofed hyGeffr^ of Aiov
con ofihi- muth, and continued n> his time.
<brd. JOHN PYKE, wrote an Hiftory of the Efi^li/h, Saxm, tad Om^ Riny of Ij^gtoi^ «ri
JohnPyke. flourilhcd wiih the former Hiftorian under King Hairy I.
Gcrrafe, GERVASE, a Monk of CanteTbury, compos d (evcra! Treatifes relating co theHiftery of Kiff-
lAank^of land, which arcronrnin'J in Mr. if /dim's Coiled ton of the ZiV///^ Hllloriographers ; patritulaoy
Canter- a Relation of tiie bunung and repairing of die Cati»:dr3i Churdi oi Cumerbiirj j an Accouiu ofcfae
bury. Comefti beeweoi dicAtoiks of Ctmterbmy, and BAldmin their AfchiMibop j a Chranide fipoM ite
Year 1199. and the Lives of the ArcbbiOiops of Cjin/rr/^n'^.
Geffrey CiEFFREY ARTHUR, Arch deacon of St. Afaph, was chotcn Biihop of nut Diocefs Am XX
Arthur, > H ' He left his fiifboprick by rcafoo of certain Commocions which happen 'd in tVsles, and f»
Btftxp of tir'd to the Coun of Hemj IL King of £)^^</, who gate him the Abbey of Al^ingtott in C ont men-
it, Ataph. dan*. Afterwards in a Council held at Lemdat, A.D 1 173. the Clergy of St. 4/4^ caus d a Pro-
pof il ro 1« made to Geffrey by the .^rchbilT.op of C-s/uerbioj, eitlier to return to hu BilbopriclL, or
to admu another Bilhop to be lubitituced in his icom : He rcfoa'd to mura, dcfigoing to keep his

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of the Twelfth Century of CImfiiamtj/. i jf
Abbey but both ibe Abbqr and the Biihoptick were difrcs'd of, and be was left dcftimte of any

Ecclcfiaftical Preferment. He wrote, or rather tranlktcd out erf EngUjh into Latin, an Hiftory of
G'CJ/ Bi ittiin from the beginning to his time; wliich isfiiU of Fabic^ dedicated to ^^ert Duke
of Gloccftrr, and divided into Twelve fiooks. k
was jxrioKd at Ptrii A.D. 15 17. at Lfmt by
Pttdier in 1 5S7. aitd by Camnctin in tlie fame Year ; it is alio infetted among the Works of the
£R^/(/b Hiftorians printed that Yen r at Ifeldeiherg. It is rep re Int he, in like inanfier,tratiflateA

cut fiif Sfij^j' Lmln, the ancient Propfaeck» of Mnim, wJuch were priotod at Btmtcfnt wiik
.4fcHw/sOjli:rvaticns 0. 1603.
THl- I ; Hory oi ihc CInin.h of was written by fcv'cral Author^, tfie firft of whom is Turgot,"
TUiBLGO'i, a Mook of that Diocds, who compot'd ane from iu lirik Foundacioa to cbe Year ^^^^
SIMEON OF DURHAM, copied out Twryc/s Hiftory almcft word fjt worJ, fiom the Year Simeon 0/
€3f .CO 1096. and continued it to 1 1 54. He likewife wrote an Hiltory of the Ki^j^of BugUmd Duxtam.
«0d Dmmark.* Aon t!* Year 731. to 1 1 30. A
Letter to Hngh Dean of"^ T»k* tbont tbe ArdMbi-
ftiops of that City ; and a Rdation of the Siege of Durham. Thefc Three laft Pieces were pub-
lithixlby Father Laifld, in the firft Tome of his Librarv of Manufcriiits. The Hiftoiians or the
CkuTch of Dwrbam, by TiaginaaASimtm, wcreprifitM xLmdmt wiAthe Works of the other
Enrlifh Hiftoriograpbers, /f. D. 1652.
WUXIAM OF SOMERSET, a Monk of Mahme^, is jtAly prctcrr d before all the othfa- William af
Bm^li/h Hiftorians. HisHrftory of England, divided into Five Books, contains the moft remark- Somerfct,
nhicTr.;nf iCl:'or,': in rhi-: Kint;c^(jm, fince the arrival of the 5axfnj to the iBth Year of King 1. ^^t>^^

that IS 10 1.1) iroiu tliL \ ^.ar of our Lord 449. to 11 27.

, He afterwards added Two Books, coo- J*'^"*^*
tinuing the Hil^ory to A. D. 1 143. and annexed to the whole Wwk Four ficoks, containing the
HiAory of the Bifbopsof Enf^latui, from yfH{»^iM tbe Monk, who tirft planted Chriftianity in tbele
Pans, to his time Thefc works were prin«d tc tmdm, and tmblilhcd by Sir Henty SsvU^ A. D,
1 596. and at Fratufun in i6o i. l ather Mabillen has likewife fet forth, in tbe firft Tome of his

BenediHm Centuries, iJx Life of St. Adehn Bilbop of SaU^my, caaaget'd fay thb Attcfaori ^ibo
died A.D. 1143.
]OIiN OF HFXAM, a Native of tbe County of NCT-' '//;r,;Vr/W, Monk and Piw'oft of the
tAfMa^xTV of Htfatf^t flourilhed about the Year 1 160. He made a Conrimiatioii of Simtm of
l^HrWsHiflnnroftlK Kings of HigMendO^^ fiom A,D. 1130.10 1154. This Work is o^i^
extant rirnonp thofe of :li rrhc'r ^l^fljlfcHiftorjans, printed ar / p)i:7i-t) in i^-;!.
SYLVESTER GiKAl U, bom in mUt, fiounlhed the end of the m Kem of Kin£ HrncT IL $yi,efter
MwfaRn hcMiemd a Natural Hiftory, a Topography of htlmf, afdaIalDry» in fcmof a Gira!d,B/«
Prrdif'l rm, of theConqiicftof Jrf/rfM.Yby that Mnii:>rch, printed ;ir /?7ifB><T/. Thefc Works were y/i^^ t/"
publiXlicd by Mr. Camden, and primed at Francjui tin idoz. l\c alio wrote an Itinerary of fVnOn, StSvnih
UMMi aVifioukm dieremadeby him, with Baldwin Archbifliop of Canterlmry, eocidiethe Vebpb
of that Country to andcnakc a Voyage to the Holy l>and. This laft'Work c-?cranr among thi

others, and was likewife printed at Lmdm in 1 ;8 5. with a Defcripcioa ot the iame Country of
fVales. Befidcschefe Pieces, be wrote the Lives of everal Saints, and died Biftiop of Sc. Davids

in the beginning of the following Ccnrtiry. One of his I.ctters is ronmin'd in Archbilhop Vfhtr^
C6ilei%onof the Letters of Ireland, and divers other Wcwks of this Author are iound among the
Manufcriptsof the poblick Libraries of Enfland. m-
ROGEK OF HOVBDEN, an Officer under Kng Hmy IL and aftetwardt JUpu MtfSbr S^^^
of Dhrmhy «
theUiiiTeifity of Oxford, compoa'd the Atnns of Enrlaud firom tfic Year 731.
where Venerable Bede ends tc 2 1.1 This Work is among tbofc of the Bi^li/h Hlftoriant
iiOed by Sir HemySawi, and pruuod 9iLmidm A. <X ij^j, a« aMb at ErmifiBrs in 1601.
tf B^^.

Hifioriografh&rs tf tk Crufade,

Hifkiry of the Fiamous Crufadc, inftrttuted under Pope Vrlan 11. and the Conquefts
which the Weftcra People made m the Ltvant^ icvoa the Year 109$. to 1099. have aiiocdcd
Maneriomany conRmporary iiifteRnis» the pmet fan «f wknneve BycMineflb of the
Trart:.!3-;or,s related by rhen^
The hKk of thefe Hn;or:ogr.nphtTs is P£7 RUS THEUTBODUS, who faw the mdt part of
the meamtile Adions which he has committed to Wfiiiag ; and fiom whoa thofe that wrote
after him, took a confiderable Part of their Relations. °!*M«me.
The Sctond is a NAMELESS Italian Author, wIjo .ttcompanied BoamenJ King d
iietij m
the Expedition to the Holy Land. His Work is known by the Title of, Tkt mMNt Mitfhks tf
the Fi tnch, and ther Clyrifiiant Jemfalem, aaid divided into Four Books. *
1 be Third js ROBERT, a Monk of Sc. Hfim at I^heimt, who aflifted in the Council of C/ler- ^^j^***/-
MMi^ in the Year tc^',. and afterwards made a Voyage to the Holy Land. At his return, he wroee ^^"fKV
thcMiltory of the War of JmifUmt divided into £igLc or Nine very ftort Books ; He camdt*
bimkif in tiie Preface, upon aoGont'of the reafhads of lue Style.
The Fourth is BAUDKY, Abbot of J3{>ur|«f»7, who was afterwards ordain'd Bilhop of Del, A.D. B'ndry,
1114, aad4ied ^oMuary 17. 1 1 31. tits Hiuory is divided into Four Books ; but be was not an ^jifff
Eye-witnefi of what he fdasest aUboiaBfa he aflifted in the OaMdiof CViiawaig Iteiftie te D^L
«8nKnt*hini«lf only no fiallow» and io%0y die defcds of aa anaaB anidda fSttatf, whTch
Az % was

Digitized by Goo Mc
i8o A Kav Ecclefiaflical H'tfiory
W» Ul wriuen, inicmng iuch Account as be had recciv'd from others. This Author likewife
WTOietlie lifefif St. Hugh ArchbiAiop of J^wen, and aTraiS oonccrnine rhe Monaftery of ftf-
c/tmp, publifticd in the Book called Kenflria fli. To him nlfo is trribiiicd ihc I ifc of /^:/f?-e
^' Arhrijjetes, which is in Sta ins, and theHiltorv of the Tranllauon ot Su Vulmtin^ Head, whjucb
is exunt in BoBandrn's Colledlion in Feh. 1 4. Moreover it is oblerv'd that he is the Author of the
life of St. Sawfcrti, andthat hcpromifc«> rorr^iin Noteson the Pcrrr'tcuch, in the IVcficc rc hisHi-
ftory. LaiUv, 'tis reported that there is a louii Manufcript 1 ract of the fanx hiiuif Baudrj, aMw
ceming rhe Viniation of the Sick, in tbe Lifanry of I?mmm in Aifiris, He was tnfkff'd m
ing hi*; Hiftory near the end of hi^ I ifc.

The Fitth IS RAIMOND L>' AGiLES, Canon of Puj, and Chaplain to the Count of Thcuuu/e,
who was an Eye-witnefs. He wrote this Hiftory at the Requeft of Peter Ponce de B^ladin, a par-
who was kill'd io tbe Sic^ oC Arsebet and dcdiaicd it 10 iIk
ticufar Friend of tbe iaiii County
Biihop of yiviers.
Albert, w The Sixth is ALBERT, or ALBERIC, Canon of Aix in Prtvence, wlio compos'd lii$ Hiftory
Albak, ^Qoi the Relations of odiers : It iscMcndcd to tbe Second Year of tbe Reign of B*ldmtt U. cbac
CM*/ isto lay, to^f. D. irio.
'I \k Seventh IS FOUCHER, a Monk of Chartre^, w! 0 nccotnpanied I{(.lert Duke of Konr.jnijf
in the Expedition to the Holv Land, ui.D. io9S< His Hiftory is carried on to the Year 1124.
Bilt Gttiiert of Negent accii(cs Wt
of having written fabolons Mairations.
Gautier, GAUTIER. or C^UTERIUS, wlio affumcs the Quality of Chancellor, is the Eighth: He
the Chan' puUilhed an Hiftoty of the Advantages obain'd by the Weftem Cbriftians at Aatioeb, AJ>, 1 ti).
eeSor. and of the MisfiMiuMS that befel them in 1119. He wasan Ey»witne6 of tbofeOecamnoes*
and was taken Prifoncr in the War; but his Hiftory is noi very accvttMtc.
The Ninth isGUIBERT, Abbot of N«jge«/, an Author of great Note, vvtole Woiks dciave
to be I'pecified in a feparate Anide.
yf Name-
The Tenth is a NAMELESS Writer, wbo im only mde
an Abcidgmcat cf fmther% Htftoiy,
left Au- .10 eh? Year 1 106. where lie ended.
The Eleventh is another Anotiymous Author, who compos'd a Relation of the fame Trao/ac-
jfiuther tten?, under the Title of thcrHilkory o{ Jerufalcm It was divided into Two P-ins, but tlic Second

Kamelefs is only excanj, which bcgais at the Year 1 1 1 o. .ind ends in 1 114. This Author has in hkc nun-
Writer. ncr only follow'd Fottchcr.
The Twelfth, and moft conTiderable of the Writers of this Hiftory, kWILLlAM Archbilhop of
yjre, who has dcduc'd it from the beginning of the Crufade to the Tear t iS). in XXIIL Books.
It is probable that this Author was a Native of Syrin-y howcvrr lie j alTid ver)' young into the
Wcftwn Connffift, and having complcated bit Studies, reiuin'd to the Levant, where be was or>
dain'd Aicb^eacoo of the Chwdi of 7>re, AD. 1 t&f. Aftetwardt he was cmploy'd m tbe Nrgo*
ciations that were tranfaAed between the Kings of Jerufalem, and tlu fTr Eir^Tors ; and at laft
^as-advanc'd to the Dignity of Axiibilhop 01 Tjre, in the Month ot Maj u
74. in 1 1 79. he af-
.fiftei in tbe Gooodlef iMtrgm, the Ada of which weie drawn up by him : He ictuni'd (nm
Ital/ by ConfliWtlnof fe, and after having rcfided fomctime at the Court r f the Emperor Airfuri/f/
. CtmntHus, arri 'd at T/re twoiiy Montiu after his departtire. The Patriarchal See of ^enifalem be-
ing then vacant, fVtHiiim of 7>rr was nomhuiKd to fill it up ; but a ontain Clerk of Awertne^
pamcd JA-f-\ Archbt(^lOp of Car/JtrM, wa^ prefcrr'd before him; nevcrtbclcfs HIEiim rcms'd
to acknowledge hisEic<ilion, and cited him to I{orne ; where he went incontinently, and was kind-
ly entercain'd by the Pope. In tiicmcan while HerAclha, before he came thither, lent a Phylitian,
who povfon'd Williaw of Tie V>':.i the I.itcr foretoK! Ix '"^-: hi^ Dcadi, r!-.nv the Chriftians fhould
loic the City oi Jeru/aJctn, and liic reul Crols, uiider liic Guvcrniiiviit ot ift-rcr/.M^, vvhidi hap-
pen "d a little while after.
fViSiam of 7>rf wrote his Hiftory by the Order of Amatory King of Jervfafem : He makes ulc of
the Mcmoirrs of other Hiftorians rothcRcicn of BMwin III. and afterward relates fuch Matters
as fe!l wiiliin the compafs of hisown knowledge, but tlie Twenty third Botd; is not finiflied. His
.Snde ii plain and oacuial, fltewdng much Saiadty c^Jivlgment, Modefty, and Learning, with
Telpeft WJ the rime when he liv'd. HelibeiinK compos'd the Hiftocy of die Levmttne Princes,
firom the Year 614. to 1 S4. but this Work is not as vet corre ro our Hancis.

fames de The Thirteenth Hiftoriographer is JAMES D£

VITRY, who did not lionrilb till tbe foUowing
Centmy. TUt Author, aiier bviBg been Ovate of Arf^mtaiH, became a Ilegabr Canon in tbe
Monafter)' ofOi^nia. in the Dioccfs nf K.irtvn-. He prcaehcd up rhe Crufade againft the Alhigctitp
and afterwards againlt tlic Snracens, and took \x\>m him ilicCrots for theHuiy Wat iO PMtJHmt
He was ordaih'd Arcfabifhopof jpMfanMf, tnd at laft, by way of Recowpenca for the Services he
•bad done the See of Upme, wa<: iavited thither by Pope Hoiif.>I; ]]] 2nd created Cardinal : He
was alio lent wto France in Qiiahty of J.epatc, to preach up a new Crufatie agaii^ the Allntetii^
and at his return to t{ftne died thm- A D. 744. after having order 'd his Body 10 beoonvey<l to

Oigtties. His Hiftory is divided into l liai- Books :n the Firft of which, he gives an Accounr of

tlie iiiatc of the Eaftem ChurcJit^ ; m

the bttoiid, of diat of the Weftcrn j and in ilw bift, of the
Occurronces which Itappen'd in the Levant in his time. There is alfo extant a Letter by tht fiune
Anthor about the taking of Damietta, which follows Jus Hiftory ; and another Letter, containing
a Rehtioo c^.tbe Tranladlions before Damet/a, which was written in izio. 10 Pope Hmeriut IJL
mi piUited by leather ia tht Eighth Tomt «f bit SfkHt^nm.


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of the Twelfth Century of Chrijlianity. i8i
Tht FourteemK NAMELESS AutboTt who liv'd « tint dme, and wnxe theifiAary of >f Nmn-

Jeruftlem, from tbf Year T77. to 9a I 1

1 lefi
To thcfc Hiftorit A m.iy U .-uldcd divers I-etters written by fcvcral Kings, Princes and Prelata,
to jUvM the Young, King of France ; as alfo a Kelacion of the takins of Damietta by O/kW of ONrrr
Culiw, and feme other Momiments gaiherd together by Bmg4rfms, in his Cbliedbioa of the Hifto- r-»i#n.
riCf r :rs of the Cnif.ule, call'd Crjia Dei cr F.avrn^., xjir.icd
: HiOtino A. D. 1611. in which
all theWorks but now recited arc cunuia'd. Some of them were Mimed fcmnnefy, as the Hi*
ftoryby I{thm Monk ef St. I^mf, of which there is an old EditioR WKhanr tlir Miter's Name, or
the Dare of the Year; .-'"d mother at Bafil in 1 5 ri- There is otily one part of Foucher's Hiftory
in this Collection, but M- 4u Chefne has publiflicxl it entire among the Works of thg R»gtHi%-
tic«rapbcrs. ^lUric's Hiftory was printed at Helmftadt in 1589. ander rbeTide of #*» Cknriek
^Jerufalem ; thnt o{ li illiam of Tyre waspublilhed by Pcj/kof, and prinrcd -r B-ifJ! in 146 zni

afterward by Hfurj) de Pantalew, printed at (he fame Place in 1 $60. And laftly, ^^mnes it Viftj*
Hiftoiy WW
fcinnd at AMiifr in I S97>

U liters oj Chronicles^ and farticular Hifiaries,

HUG H, a Monk of V^drntt and afterwards Abbot of Flaviitiy in the Dutchy of Btirpmdy,
comjpofed a Chronicle of l^w/iwi divided into Two
Parts, one of which begins at the Naci*
vity of Jejus Chrtfi, and ends in the Year 1 001. and the other continues the Hiftory to 1 1 01 . TUs *VB^
Work was jmblUhed by Father JL4/>M who
gives a very great Chantifier of it, in the firft Tome
of his hew Library or Mannfaipts ; but dSe fecond Part is mttcb more valuable than the fiift.
BAT ''DRY, Sccrcr >r y Gcrani I. Liethert and Gerard U. Biniops of Camhray, afterward Chan- Baudry,

irr and Canon of Tertuw, and at laftfiifbop of iVgrMaod TerMumc, wrote the Htftonr of the Mifiovf^
Chufches of CtmAvtf and Arrm^ under the Title of she CfatORtde of Cmhraj^ ptA^Ata by CU- Noyon.
venen'fi! nnd prir^ted M
Dcvay A. D. I^IJ. Thi» Avdnr Wt8 odam'd fiflMp in tfac Yctf Ct
Lord 1097. and died in 1 1 12. rooatx.
LEO OF MARSI, a Monk and
Library-Keeper <f Mount Csjfm, was made Bilhop t^Seffa, ImlC^v-
and Cardinal Bitliop of oy?;/i, by Pope P,i/?/j 11. y/. D. 1 o i He cfcap'd hy flight frum B^c^Tif ami, -

with ''joim Bilhop ot Frtjciti, when that Pope was apprehended by the Emperor Henry V. and run
aU about July to excite the People to take up Anns in his defence: He alfo lign'd a BuU of the
fame Pope Pnfchnl 11 in j t 5, and died a lin'e wfiifc jfrrr.
r He wrot? a Chronidf of the Abbey
of Mount C<f^» diviti^tl into Thn."e Books, which ixgms ;nthc ame ol ^i. Bene did, and ends in
that of the Abbot Dcfiderius, «4m> WIS choftn Pope umier the Name of *7flor III. This Otro-
nicle wa<; printed at Venice A.D. 1 5 1 ar Pmit with that of Aimoin in 1 603. at Naf'ti In 161^. and
.ngaiti at I'nris in 1668. It is rcporcd that there are foroc other Manuibipc Trads of this Au- Antthtr
rhor, particularly certain Sermons, and Lives of the Saints, (ic. In the Vatican Library axe 10 be CarOt^
fcen feveral Lanen of anocher LEO, in hkemaiincrCaidiiial Deacon, who waa nomoicd nihat Leob
Dignitv by Vrhm IT. and who made a Re{(9b» of the I^tten written by the fione rape.
HAKILJI.PHT^S. a Monk of S:. /<;>.Vr, coir^ o.'d n Chnndck of his Abbey, printed in the HarnP
ibunh Tome of Fatlicr Dacbery'^ SfkilniMm ; the Lifie of St. Arnml of Stijftm, pubiilhed by phni,
Suriat ; a tfoiak tiie Bliradtaof &. I{i^mer j afld the Lift of Sc UM^fibu, fee ftctfa by MwitV
Father M4&'J!Mi in his BtaedtHtH Centuries. This Author wmieiB the bqvntag of the Twdftli ^JUVitaC
RAINERIUS, a Monk of St. Laurence at Litf^e, who flourilbed >f. 0. 1 1 30. is the Amfaor of ft Kanerimb
Trratifc of the illuftrious Pcrfonspes of his Monailery, and of the Bilhoprick of L«fi^ (obliflied Mfmk of
by Chnpeaviiie^ in his Collector, ot Mcnuuients relating 10 the Church of Liege. S. Lau-

HEKMAN, a Monk of St Vincent at Lam^ and afterwards Abbot of St. Martin 9XTomnay, Sou- renoe ae
rifticd in the b-t'ir.nir,;', of -hr- Century, lie wrote a large Nnrr."rive cf the Rcftauration of the Liege*
Church of .St. M<vttn m Touatiy, which coutams the Hiitory 01 that Abbey, from the Kcign of Hotui^
Philip mi. King
M > • of •France, to
' *^ hh time }; that- —
is to fay,
to the Year 11. 50.
f ^ — Q infmed
being — in the ^^5^
m |

Twelfth Torre of Father Dacbery's Spicilfj^ium. He likcwife compil'd Three Books of theMira>
dcs of St. M'iry of Lacn, printed wul) the Works of Gvibert of Ncgenr, and another Alanufcripc
Treatife nboin the Incarnation of Jefus Cl/rifi, dcdicaKd to StepUn Archbi(hop of Vienna.
FALCX) OF BEMEVENTUM, who was created Ma^ate Immm
of chat Qty by Po|m: IL Pafco^
IdV a Chronicle or Hiftory from the Year 1 1 oi. to 1 140. in wMch he nvci ft partioJar Aoodune BOKMa*
of Matters relating to his Native Countn'. Thia Wock was piiUifl«rfay FalbEr CrnmtU cf the
Tknuim Older, and printed at Kapkt A. b. 16&6.
UDASCALCHUS, a Monk, oont{>os'd a RelocKM of die Comivreifia beewm IftnM* Bi- lldalcati
fix.p if Ai/jslui", r.:id /T^/wo Abbot of St. Z'hic, with a Poem ccnccrning the Voyage and Death chus, is

of the faid Keiiio, fubli(hed by Canijbu in the Second 1 onae ot his Collcdion. Ttiis Anchor wrote Ad<»^
in^tiimrt ViftPtTdlMda. *iidQEArnitl/iktkK}kiitaf<£Mimt(t fiMHeof wBoftLanan ate
y-ifcrrcJ hv him in his Relation.
ALEXANDER, an Abbot in Sicily, compil'd Four Books of the Ufic and Reign of I{fter Kuig Alcitandev,
tfSicU/t whkh were printed at Sara^cfa, A. D. 1 978- »^ ^
Book ollid U^j^^ mfifma. Aybct m

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1 81 A Nei» Ecclejiajlical Hijlory
JobOiMbxit jOHN, a Monk of Marimmitr, wrote the Hiftory of ibc Adionsof G^rj^ Pknttgentt, Cam.
tf Mvk diAnm and Duke o( Norman Jj>, publifheti by M. BmwH and prittcd at Pmrit A. JX i6»K
mouticn xs am In M. th Chefnet CollH^ion of the Hiftorians of Ntrmandj.
VINESAUF, of Ntrman Excradioii, but bom in England^ af-
W^t?W tof 1mMbI|| nn
through a Courfc of LcifAtllgin his Nirive Countrf, tttvell'd bc)'ond Sea, and ae-
^aW'tj^a prcar deal cf Rcputatiori H'- cofnpt>s'd a Work in Mcyr^rmntT VVrf-. ('cJ'catfd to Pupc ,

fynoce*alll. under the Title ot ii/enew Poejjf, w

the Art of Sprakini; aiiu another I reatifii about
the ptaming and improving of Trees. Soth thefe Works are ooly in Manufcripi ; but iaike Se*
cood Tome of the EngliPi Hiftoriaas, printed ztOxftrd 'm 1687. is contain'd bis Hifton-, or the
Icin^i^of King HicbMfdl. to the Holy Land, which was attribated to other Autiuus , m the
fame Place arc foand certain Copies of Veries on Kifigi(*c&«r^
Oioi^^ot ODO OF DEUIL, Abbot of St. Comelm at Comfelgtu, and afierwaitl Sncceflbr to ^ut;, in
•/S/.Cor- the Abbey ot Su Denis, wrote a Relation of die Voyage of Lcvr^VH. King of France xoihcU-
t» vant, publifW by Father CL^lfilet m his Treuife of the Nobility «f S& AriM^ {rami ufmb
Ooni' ji. o. 1 660. This Author died in 1 1 68.
pn^nc- LAURENCE, a Monk of Liege, being fent tol^rr^Aot refided die Mooaftetr of St yito, and m
Laurence, ^,,5 cmploy'd in writing a Chronicle of the BiiliOps of that Diooefs to the Year 1148. friMedk
mMonkof jte Twelfth Tome of the Sficiletium : It is reported that he liv'd till A. D» 1 179.
. SUGER, Abboe of St Dernt, famsin as well far bis Learning and Zeal in niaiinauning dc
rf the Church, ns on acconnr of the Noblencfs of his Birth, and the confiderable Emplov-

voBtns fae obuinU m

the State, wrote the Life of Lewet the Grofs Kmg ot Irance ; diTets LeSas
V -fffg
rdatkiltio dienUick Affiurs of the Kingdom, during his Adminiftration of the GmwuiwuM* t
Tfeatlfc of his 1 ranfhfVions in the Abbey of Sr. Denis ; a Narrative of the Confccraricn of th«
Cfaarcb i with certain Ccmiiitutions, and his kft Will and Tdtaa>enc. 'llicie Monunienti an
mate in the Foardi Tome of the Hiftorians by Ju ; except the
Acxount of the Coniociv
titm of thcChufch, which is not there entire, and to which Fatlicr MabHlon -iI IlJ aSupplcBXDi;
in the Firft Toit>c ot his A».iieHa. Su^tr was choSen Abbot of St. Deiui A. U. 11 it, dohi^iii
refidenrc at {{pne, and confccnitcd m 1 113. He died in 1 1 J3.
ALDEBERT. or AI BFRT, Abboc of Hildcfheim, intbeYear 1160. Hcwrecea
sr Albtrc. Relation of tlic Kcilaii ration of his Monaftery to the Bentdiciins uxidcr Pope £Mgmi'«/ 111. which
j/g^ ^ was f>ublilhcd by Gretfer, and prinied at It^eljiait A. I>. i6if.
Hilde- ^ ^LPHUS, a Monk of Mmrigi^ compos'd in the Year 1 1 jo. a Chronicle of bis Mocuftny,
fhrim. from . r D. loog. to 1 147. which is to be fionnd io the Three Tomes of tlie Hiftorians by M«i
Tculnhui, C'l" ' r.

Moniof HUGH OF POm£a& a AntdiaiM Uorik, Secretary to the Akhty F*s(elay, began ia ^
Maarigny- the Year 1 1 56. by Order of fmme Abbot of Ve^eUj, the Hiftary of that ilamlbij, and coa-
Hugh, 0/ cteat^l it in f r ^^7 under rf'7fi«lR Abbot of the lame Ablxry- It is divided ilMORNrJM(%
Paitiers, Waa jAibliOied by Father Dacbtrj in cIk Third Took of his spieiltsium.
VH^hv. f>nf^ rvT nf f! t'.rirhcd An. Dm. ii8t-. and died in 1190.
//.TP'.' T? ./.', His Works were puWiflrd
Kxh^rd, London in 1652. They an Hi/kiry ot' tia
Prior 6/

^ W»ao^
jiinona (^oic ot ihc Ln^li/h Hiftoriani» prinied 2X
of H^uJfiadt ; xbm
irwn^'d by St.tndt>-!i: IV ni /f. O. 1
At Adkns of King Ste/>ben ; and thtt of dw War
to i r59.
THIERRY, or HiijODERlC, a Monk, wrote about the Year 1180. a compendious Hi-
^""7 Ecddiaftical MbSft and of the Kings of Nonpof^ publilbtti with another Piece of a
Ti i^Sffk
J'jj^jP^J^^' NAMBl ESS Awhtir, concnriinp the Expedition which the D^ej undcrrnjU to the Holy Lrrid,
^•'JP^'' K'^kptan, hom the Mctnuircicf Jc/.-^
^' ^ ^'''^^ /^Vj^tu/j ot Lweg
A fi»ms-
' ^''y

and j-nnted at Amflerdam in 1684.

Itfb AU''
GEt^FRl- Y t f f ;/ Monk of the Monartcry of St. Mtrtial at Litmgcs, and afienmnl
, ,

Qe^fy^ Prior oiVi^coii in ihc lanic Dioccfs, who was cjrdain'd Pridl io 1167. by Ger^W Bifllop of Cf
Prior of f^^h wrote a Chronicle or Hiftory of Fttmce from the Year 996. to 1 184. |MbuMbf wi^im
VigeOit. Fsiib^ Lnhlft in the Second Tome of his new Litmary of Nlanalcripts.
G^thier, CONTHlER, or GONTHERIUS, a Monk of the Abbey of St. Amand, bad the Repotatiat
j^;^ ,f of b<lng a good Poet, and compos'd a Poem of the Exploits of tiic Emperor Frederich^BtrherojfA in
SiJksfmk Lm^nnfy and Li^nrist which en that Account was called The Ligmrine, and was printed at Sm^
Hrf^ iV. I>. i ^3 r. SK ifh at Biiif^in i ^6^. at F><mefure in i ^84* and among the Gemun Hiftoriant
He likewifc wiou a Treatife of Pr.av.-, Falling and.AImf-g: ving, printed in 1504.
atod 1507. The Lives of St. Cyrieim, and St. J^h/m in Vcrle. aic alio atttibttted CO. Um iaan

SAXO, Grammarian, by irafon of the purity of his Style, was a Dime by Ki-
fir-nam'd the
Gramma- ''°"> Seelmd. He was Provoft of the Church of /(^d'fM and Chaplain voAi^aim
ticus.Pro- AfcHiilbop of Lmdm, who (em him to Pmit D. 1 177. to cendad tbe MooIbi of SLCmmkw
fofl of j*>to Demtitrl^, He wrote the Hiftory of his nartvc Co -rr-y ro the Year r 86. Fr ifmvr cx'-cis r!^ 1

Roli^ild. vivacity of his Conceptiom, th* nobkneis of his Expreiiions, the liucncy oi bis Kbeiorick, »Td
the admirable variety of his Fibres, and wonders much, by what tneatis a Dane could arrive at
fuch a height of Eloquence in xV.ii A;^? Mc chiefly n'fct'KT! to •.mT^rt^ VAlerims Maximut. H;«
Hiliory was pubiintca by Cariftmn tar:, { .uiuu o; Lumuh, and pnntea at Parit A. D, 1514-
John Bebeliiu cans'd it to be printed at BnfU in lyiA,- as sdfo did Phiiip Leemicier , and
3*(m.Fifimd 9X. Frtuu^m in if7<« Mly-, 'i'fMtsmet Su/bmnt ietitn^ » ayn lugt ani

Digitized by Google
of the Twelfth Century of Chriftianity. 1 8j
corred Edition of ir, with BtvUMim* and AlMoiations, at Snv in 1644. Uiu AidMrdted
in iittA.
RALPH DE DiCf TO. nn Fj -J^P^ Man by Nation, and Dean of St. PauCs at LsfOn. a Poion Rahh de
wdl known on accoont ot his L^armrw and I'ravda kico Foreign Countries, ytmet 4 compendious Diceto.
Clwtmicle ffom dicCreation <X*^WMt»^Yt» i The firft Part 8f it eiriine at the Dean of
time of Bope QtegrA j the G rwr wns nt^'cr publifliod, becaufe kOfily contain d tririal Matters. He St. PaiJ'/
alio conqmTd cenain Hiitohul Tr?<^ cail'd PtrtrMitmts^ from .^l. D. 1148. 10 1100. Tkie 4rLaidan<
Works «ft anm^ chofe <tf die £irjlg^ Hi^^

ITr/iTers Relations of the Lives and Miracles ef Samts.

ANSCHBRUS Abbot cf Sr. ;^j>/rrcoiiipos'd in tlw Yctf Ik 10. alUlilimof «le lA-tad Anichcrus,
Miracles of St. An^Jllcrt Abbot of the fame Monafteiy, -^vUch mt pdAbilltiy Pftrhw jli^ <f
biMm in the firft Tome ot' his hfnedirlin Centuries, • ' 5r.Riqvuer<

the Life of St. fViibod xW firtb Riilrp of Vnccht ; Four Books of Epitaphs of Saints, printed at duj,i<Wir
Luxemburg A. D. 1619. i.nd ctuaiii Scnnoiw, which are inlettcd in the Book call'd 0«Mr0fibe«tf Ep«'- ^
Patrtnn. IMGIi*
RAINAl ?D. o, RAIKOLDUS OF SEMUR, S^fir and Aremlergc Ranod^
the Son af Dafm.^ce
r^Tj;*;, ot an liiullrious Kamily in Btnritmfr, being the Brother of Hti^h Abbot of CUm^, was Senmr,
chofen Abbot of Vle:(cLij, and afliftcd in that Quality in the Council of IVitrM, D. 1 104. He ifrcWr- A
was aftrnv-irds promoted to the Archbilhoprick of IjFWfx, and died in 1109. in the 8 5th. Year of P^op^
his Age, leaving a Nafrationof the Life of his Brother Abbot of Ciunj, which is extant in LyoOfc
the Bibliotkec/t Chni.iccufti publifhicd by M. dn Che/he. .

NICOLAS, a Monk ot Soifftw^ wrote in the Year iizo. the Life of St. Godfrey Biflwp Micolav
jimienr, dedicated to /(phtittl Wftop of Soipm, aitd refeVt'd to by Stiriiu mUvoemb. 8. Mi^itf
DOMNI^O, end ofthc prccccdingCcntury, and in thcbeginnttn SoiflTonj.
;in Jt.:':.u> Pricfl:, l!\'d in the

of dke prefenc. under the Emperors IV. and Henry V. He wrote in moick Verfe, the Life
of thePrinceft MtttMUa printed by Sekafltat) Tin^mgeiius at TngiXPadt A. I>. i6ix. with the Letters '"<F»
of CM rr,-!on^jlr-hy7, Sif/f ed of Xffw/^, and Stepjeyi of TJ.Saf^uit, relating to the contcft bc-
twecn tlie Emperor and Pope Grcgorj ^ as alfo the Treaty of BenMdtu of Cm^anet about etonmm-
nicaied tolbns ; the Lives of sc. Atmtn of p4j^. TBema Siit;^^ and Affirm of UtegM,
written by namclLfs Authors, and /frj/fc^'s Treatile ooMeming HieTrttifiniaos binitmihe BfcA-
|ieror H
tmyy. and l\>{ic Calixtuj H. in 1 1 1 9.
ABLNOTIi aMonkofSt. yf/<^(/^»t atC4tt»^^//rr, flourifted in the beginning of tIrif'OeAcirry. Aetnocfa^'
) hercfided 24 Years. A*«^qf
and I ifc in Devm.v\, where ( as 'tis reported
fpent a con|idcrabic parr of his
He wrote about A. D. ill*, an Hiftoricai Account of (be Life and Pa^on of Cgtmt Kins of that Canter-
Country, which was pabliltod AhMHUifMi A. D. t6oi4 and afitrwatd ptknd Mm»w
yfitt's Notes at Hinm in 1631.
GUAI.BERT, a Monk of the Abbc>' of M.ncf'i'rmei, cotJpos'd in the Year ! 125. or 1 126. Two Gualbcrt,
Bo»^ks, concerninc the Miracles wrought by Sr. [{jctruJa. Menk,«f
PANDUl.PHUS OF PISA fbutilhcd /f. D. 1 1 ^ . and fMotr the Life of Pope Gf^l^O. who Mndan* *
died ar Ciuny in 1 1 19. It was printed at I^ue in i 63S.
FABRICIUS TUSCUS, Abbot of w4^i/«£/«« in
Aidlons of St. Addm an Abbot in SeatlaM, He
EngLwd, wtote a Reiatten of the Life and
flolttiflial in the bqdnaing of the ptefim

AUCrUS, a Native of FLORENCE, and Abbot of theMaoaAerjrof l^jM-«.or VafOm. SSfI°*
in the Territories of thacCicy« who ikwriOied in the Ughining of the Century, has left lu Jf^^gygf
the Life of St. Jthn GM/isr^, and that of "BenutrdthAert Gannnal, with a Narrative of the Tranl- a |,|»q|{.
lation of the I^d of St Jtmes the Apoftlc.
OXX>, AUxx of St. at J^/jtimw. lent aLetcct to Coiuic IjfmMi Lofd ofCaagv wiiich is ftill
extant, md
ooocains the Relation of a Mmide, wflkfi hehend at i^nwfroro die Mondi of a yt^totrf
certain Archbilhopof Jndi.x concerning the Body of St TlKm.a the Apoftlc. which was intcrr'd in yg^Qt^
Cfaurch. This Later was written about A.D.tfi%. for the next Year, Qdo letnm'dlpQin
l(cpwtoP^4ttr, dnd gave Landstoil«rl4onrcof MoAftOfMbdo^iMntkrCi^^ OAo^Abhtf
GEFFREY THE GROSS, a Monk cf T/m;, wrote in the Year 113$. the Life of SblmiW J^Remy
Abbot of that JVlo.-iaftcry, rcfcrr'd to by the BoHandiJlt in AfrH 14. 4r Rhcimik
ULRIC, aMook of St in the Black Fbreft, who was afterwards promoted to theBiAop* Geffity
rick 6( Con/lance A. D. i ilo. wrote the Life of St. Geheh.ird Bifhop of Augsburg cited by Canifius, the Grofi^
and tltat ot Sc. Conrad, Biihoo of the fame City, whole Canonization he had obtain'd of the Pope. Monk, of
Jn the end of his Life he left bis Bifhoprick, and retuni'd to iheSimudfery ti 8& in ft 38. Tiroo.
where he died in r 1 4^. • Ulric,B»*
ARCHAKD, a ( .nerdAJt Monk, and Tutor to the Novices in ihc Abbey of CUiroaux, in J^f of
St. Bernard's time, composd a Relation of tlic Life of St. Ccfclim atfattiit, which tvas {nibH(hcd by Cooftanc*.
Arnoldus I{aijlui, end pnnted at I)r>T-_y //. D. i6z6. It is alibivpirtid, lh»t hUttadi tttttiuStC' ^[cjft S
Bions for the ul'c of the Novices. He llourilb?d ;ti 1140. ' * '


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;i8i|. '
A Nenf Eccleftaflical Bt/lorj
Sifiwl.Eb- At the unie time SiFREDi EBBO, THIMO, and HEi<BOiU>, wrote the Life of Sc. Ouc,
boThimo, who 6ttk plancecr Chriftuuiiiy in Pmmrimia, and died A,D, it 39. This Piece is toietted by Cmi
«w^Her- yfti/ff5 his Anriquiric5.
^>0f^' To ihelc Wriua:* may be added ROBhRT, Arch-dcacon of Ofierv>indt in Hajmaut, who corn-
Robert, po$"d a Narrative of the Life of St Albert^ a iiook and Prim of ihc Monaftcry of CreJ^in,
^cMr«- refcrr d to bf Smius , and a NAMfiLESS Andior . wbo wraie die Life of Ltuker m
com if yctic.
TURSTl K, of rark. , who near the cwl rf his Life retir'd to a MooaftctT p( his
« rumelcti
^^^^^ ^^11^ ^ip^^mri^s of the Csftveim Older, wrate a la»U TraA coDcetniog cbeOrigiRal
t!I£- of t^at Monaftcry.
jl5J|£ THIBAUD, or THEOBALD, a BentdiRin Monk of Pf/fr at Bp^* in Bur7und/, compil'd in
A,^ 1^ the middle of the Century Four %K>ks, concerning the A(!b, Tranflatiaa, and JMirades «l 6t. PrV'
^^/^ iientiiu Martyr, publifhed by Father LaUi fa his new Library of Mamiforipts.
Thibrad HUGH, a Monk oi Cluny, wrote in the Year n6o. a Letter living an Account of the ex-
Mtmkof ceileac Endowments of 5c Hiig,i>t iometiiBe AUxx .of the lame MooaiUry, and afiecwards
5r.Peter«f Lift of that Saint, which is tolmed in the BiMfMkiM CbauMta^^ and in
Bete. Suriiu.

Hoflh, GAUTIEK. or GAUTER1U5. a Canon of Terwmtt comMsVI a Nanatton of the Lifi: and

daa^ A. D i^i 5
Gautier, NlCOilAS, a Canon of Liege^ wrote the Life of Sc. Lmni/ert, piddiAed by CmpeavlSe b bis
C^noH if CbUcdion of Pieces relating ro the faid Church of Liege.
Terouane. AI.AN'US, a Native ot Li'fle in h'iandert, a Monk
of Clu'rvaux, and afterwards Abbot of
Nicolat, l.arivoii , a Monallcry of the Order of CUirvaux in tho Dioccfs of Trier, was made Bhliop of
Canonof yiu.xcrre A. D. 1153. and comjws'd an AbridgmenK of the Life of St. Benutrd, publiihcd
VfS^' by Father MiU»Hm. He left his Bilho{inck n» fenim to CUUrvmx in iitfi. and died in
siBRAND, Abbot of Mariegttrd m Friefeland is the Author of an Account of the life

^"^Mt Founder of that Abbey , who died A, D, it?). SUtraad wtoce ftne tone
Abbot of U
Ckufe-Dieu, corapil'd the Hiftory of the Life and Miracles of J^p-
Ahittt ef

Fouiider of that Abbey, which is divided into Three Paxt^ and was publifltod 1^
in the Second Tome of his new Library of Mamiicripis.

LtCfaatfc- ROUL
or RADI^LPHUS , fir-nam'd TORTARTUS, xvrccc .1 Bock concerning the.Mit*.

Dieu. clesof Sc. BentdiR, fet forth by Father Afd^i/Zoii ui the Fourth BenediHim Century.
Radiilphui STEPHEN* Afai»t of Sr. 7«awf at Utn, wrate in ihe bS^inning of the Gmiuiy the Life «f
Tbrrariui. St. Modbaidui Atchh'.(^.oi> Trier, divided into Three BoqIg^ and theHUtOfy of ibe Trandadoa

Stephen, of that Saint, publilbcd by Surim and the Boilandifis.

MmtjF HUGH aMoakofSc.SaviottrattM<nw, compos'daRdadonc^ tbeCooi^
Sf jamct*/ Larn-c, Founder of chat Jtlbna&cry, which was fix ftcth by M^iAtiswin the Tbiid Tomeof liit
at Lic'^c. MifccUancous Works.
HERMAN, a Jew of Ctlen, being couf ed by theSermons of Egbert Bifhcp of Mmtjfer^ and
^ by the Conferences he ha J with Abbo* f^u^rt, retir'd to a Mci;a!lcT> of Regular Canons in his na-
SttStmmir tivc Country. He wrwtca Jimil i aCt about his Converfion, publuhcd by C^^r^:{i^^lMJ in the laft

4t Lodcre.
£dition of ^aimMd, primed at Lipfxi in 1687.
THOMAS, a Monk of Ely in Enxl^rn.l wrorc an Account of the Lift and Tr-:^-:i1"'c-. Sz.EtM-
"'">*^"^ drith thefirft Abbcisof who difti A. C. 679. This Piece was pubiilhcd by tamer AUlfiiim la

An Account of the Lives and Writii^s of the Ecclefiaflicd
Authors of the Levant in the Tmlfth Century.

THE Country of Greece has produc'd in this Century a great niunber of Writers of good
Note, who anain'd m
w.wch tki!l as well in D-viniry, as in the Canon and Civil L«w. Of
. the chief of thelc we fuall ijive a p^ticular Account in this Chapter.
EuC^us KJTHYMIUS ZYG ABENUS, a Gr^UcxilL of the Order of St Bafd, flourifticd in the be-
rifining of this Century, under the Emperor Alexit Cenmentu, by whom he was liighly cfteem d.
himlclf very much to the reading of the Writings cif liK Ancient Gr#ri(^ Fathers, and

Digitized by GoOgle
of the Twelfth Century of CbnjVimity. 185
A ( tJicchoa of Piiilag» taken out of FAthers on divcn Points of Religion agaiiik tfao

l>rror> of rhe Hierctkks, which is divided tnco TwoParr^ and ealFd VtoiefA^ Dognutica, or
tie f):fer..c ^''t'- Ortkodcx Faith ag.iwfi all Ucrcfus. The Crcf^Text of this Woik never as yet
came co out hands, only a Ltuin Verfion made by Zjmut inrintei ac Ljmt A. U. lyjfi, at f4r*V
in 1556. at Ventse in 1^7^ and In the KhIittbeeM Patnm. A large Commentiry on the 150
Pfilms, and the 10 CAHtic.'es, taken out of the Works of the Fathers, \vhich was printed in Greeks ai
yiaren4 A. D. 1530. and in LafiMoS Sauliui's Tnin(Uuon ac Paris ia i S43. and 1547. as alfo ac
FfluW in T <(68. M UMnne has fniblilhed in the Kift Tameof his ColleAicm of Momimoin tiie
Pa'fncc to th .s Cotnmentan', in which the Author treats of fcvcral Qucflions relating to iho Pfalmr.
A m
Commcmaiy on die four (JoipcJs, printed in GreeJ^_ it Veron/t in 1 5 jo. and Latitt of Hentt-
niuis Varibn atlMrMlvin 1 544- as .ilfo at PAnt in I'j^o. Simlmu aflures vs, that'there it a
Manufcript Gipy in Sumbucut's Library, of a Commentary by this Author on the Catholick Epi-
ftics } and fomc Ecdtfiaftical Writer make mention of his Coouneour]^ on St. Pnuts Epiftks*
The Commentaries of Eutbymtus ^^al>enuj arc Literal, Moral, and AUegMical ; in the Literal, he
makc^ it !ia B jfT-.cfs to c>;|'!a:i) the roper nj^nalcat-on of the Terms ; his Monl Diftmulc^ SM

folid. and hiS Alliuorics nacuial. ar.J mly adBprcd to ihc Matter in dtbatc.
PHILIP firnam'd THE SOLITATY, a Greek. Moi±, composd in the Year 1105. a Work Philip ilv
call'd D/jyJ/raff, ot The Hitle of CbrifH ui IJfc, dedicated to C.!/AV'A<//. and divided into F nir Book-;, Solitary, 4
a Vcrlion of which made by JdCfbui Pentmus was printed ai Ingoijl^d: A. D. 1604. and attcf waid* Greek
infcrwd in the Bibl'.oHfeca P. trum. It is written by way of Dialogue between the Soul and the AJ««t
RoJy, th: Author introducing the former as a Tatrcfs or d'n ini-an, and the other as the Pupil:
1 he Soul KJVcs many moral Infttuifkions to the Body, who acknowledges and approves the
Truths laid down, owns her natural In&rmitics, and even foaxdmes gives advice to the Soul. The
Author in this Difcourfc produces ^leat variety of fine Pallkgesoutof the Greek, Fathers, and cakes
an Occadon to difcnfs fomc DoAnnal Points, amongft others the neceflity of Confcflion is more
particuiaily ii'.cnlcarcd, W: proves that the Souls of ihc Rightwus after their Death, are
cranflacod to Heaven, and there enjoy everiaftin^ Hafpiocls ^ and explains leveral Qiidlioos about
the Refiintdian ; bttc he chiefly treats of Points rdaiing to Aiorality, and the State «f Hnmiii
Narure. _
. PETRUS CKOSOLANUS. or CHKY50LANUS, being tranllatcd from a ccnain Bifhop-
tick totheMctropoUtanSeeof JM//<w, in the beginning of this Century, was fcnt in Quality of
Legate by Pope /'•'/!•/ .t/H. to 1 he Court of .-f/r am Covj^f/.w/ Emperor of CoriJ?Atit{ft$p/ei where lie
diluted with much earneibicl ^, botii by word of Mouiband Writing, againil the Opinion of the
Greei^t concerning the Proceflinn of the Holy Ghoft. Upon his return, the Archbilhopridc of
MilM wasconteftcd with him by J^r.i.r-ics, and he was coiidemn'd in a Council held at Lateran
in 1 1 16. to leave it, and to return to his Biihoprick. The Difcour/i; is ftill extant which he
made to Atexh Cmnimis aboat; tlte Proccflion of the Holy Ghoft : It is in Latin in Barmiut, un-
der the Year 1 1 19. and in Givdt ^ in the Fitft Tome of ASatiui$ Sock, call'd GraeU

EUSTRATIUS, Archbilhopof i\V«, was one of thofe Perfons t»ho reph'd to CArrAW.- He zJ^Sl
was a Man of profound Learning and Skill, n«. w!-!! E- lWnflic.i)
i Civil Affairs.
r.'^ His Trea- rvnJlj
life againlt Chiyfabmts is extant in Manufcripc ui IcvLrai Libraries, and Leo Allatius makes mcu-
tiooof Five other Trcatifes of this Author; but we have none prioied, except certain Greek.Com-
naentarives on Arifietles Analyticks publifhcd at Venice A. D. i $34* as alfo nls Comnencaries on
il» Ethicks of the fame Philofopher, printed in Creek, it Venice in 1536. and in L/ifi« at farit
. in 1543-
At the fame time NICETAS SEIDUS wrote a Treatife againft the Latiatt the Deiign of Nicetas
winch was to prove, that Antiquity is not always nMift Venerable, and therefbw that greater 'Seidns.
Honour is not cue upon that account to Old S^ome than to the New. Lea AHatim produces a
great number of Fragments ukcn out of thisTt eati^, in his, £ooks of thu Concord .between the
Gkwait and £«f Ml Churches. L. t. r.14. $. t,s. L,x. e.t. L.^. r.T2. $.4.
ISAAC, m Anncni/ni Bif^.op, Ixin.p feparared from the Comnuinion f liii Country-men, and Ifsac,

tnm'd out of their SooetYt compos d againlt them in the Year 11 30. divers Works, in which he Armenian
confutes their Errouts. to the firft and chief of theie Writings, he accufcs them of being addiAed Sf/iNf*
ID chcFlerefy of the A/U'-mcJciius, that is to fay, of bcllcvuig the B<xly o{ Je/us Chrifl was
MX like ours, but impdible, iiiaKurtal, uucrcarcd, and naturally javilibk i that by the Incarna-
Qon icwaschang'd into the Divine Nature, which abfoib'd it, as.a drop of Honey thrown into
the Sea, is fo far ii-.rerniixed wiih tlic W-uor that it entirely difrippear ;.He adds, that by rcafon ,

of this Hiitjur, liiey d.d nut aitnbutc to the Holy Myftcrici ol the Hucharift the Name of the
Body and Blood of Chriji, but that of hif Divinity or Godhead. Ifaac confutes his Adverfa-
rics by feveral PafTagcs of Holy Scripture, and tlie Tcftlinonics of Sc. Athanr./lus, and Sc. Cniioi
Alexandria. Afterwards he rcpiovej iliuii ufui) a«.cuu;u of divers Matters which relate only to
Diliciplinc, although he makes as many Errors of them as I krefics.
I. 7'hat they ocgletf^ed to ctidoc^te the Feltival of the Annunciation in any Month of the

Year, nndcr pretence that'ihe Vii-gin M,vy did not conceive in March Ifaae maintains that flic

conceiv'd on the z 5 day of that Month, and endeavours to prove it by the TefHmoniejiof Bl^^tu^
Sc. Atbaa^iut and SisQbrjifyim j but liiey are taken cue of luppoficiu^us Pieces,

fih s.TlHi^ •

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lid J Nevp Ecclefiajlical Hijlory
1. That thfy do rot celebrate the Nativiry of ^efus Chrtjl with due Solenmhy, contemmg
tbenirelvcs only to comtnemorate ui a mournful manner, without any Ceremony, the AnnunciatiA
of oar Sandour s Nativity and Baprifin in one Day.
3. That they <h> noc mingle Waeer with the Wine in the Chalice in oider to tfae Qafc.
4. in the Adminiftration of theSiCiamem of tlw Lord s Supper, they make ufe of anl«».
vcned Bread, iftnc confutes this Cullom, and affinns,that Ji/ij Chrift us'd Icaven'd Bread indc
Inftitution of the Eucharift j atid that although it were granted, that he made ufe of unkavai'4
fee duR would not infer a necrflity of imitating him, in regard that the Church obfcrves naay
^ings in the Celebration of the Holy Myfterics which are not conformable to what <ntS^
viour did at that rime. He produces fereral Examples in the Eighth Chapter to thaiptupofei
), That they were wont to make an Obtation^f Oxen. Sheep and Lainb% dK Alnr. n
6. That they have noc a due Veneranoo for the Sign of the CroTs.
7. That they lomeciiDet jom Thiee Crofles together, and impoie on them the Name of tfat
8. That tbey ofoalty finf the Trifipm with Petrm FdUt Addition
, ; chat is » 6^,
in adding to inde WoRbt B$tf God, Ahnigh;; G*d, hmmrtd GW, thele, «b m^L cnt^'i
fir us.

to. That they do otilerve a irery rigoroos

Tjrofh.i^i.t ;
9^ Tbax they do noc receive Ordination from the Arcbbiftop of Cafsna,
aStd JtrtdmU, the m W«dc
that is to fay, the Week l>e fore the beginning of Lent, during which the Gra;^/ab-
ftain iirom eating Fleih, and live on Whicc>mcats. Jpuc condemns this Cuftom as fupecftitiai^
and ibe original of ctnrFift* refociflgdieKcalonsauedefd m
vindication of it. Afierwaidi It
mket an fofhortation to the Armenims to renounce their Errori, and abliir'd Cuftotns ccntrirf
to the Faith and DifcipiiRC of the Church cftabliOied in the Councils, and by the Biftop <ii

Bilhop Jfitses Second Treatifc apainfl the Armeni.tnt is not fo Inrpe as the fonner : He that
reckons up 29 Articles of Heretical or Erroneous Opinions xo be imputed to them, the mok pH
cf which may be rcferr'd to thofe we have but now obferv'd ; adding,
• JldjArfc II. That they do not roIrrrni?ethcFeftivalof*ij0wd'c%oodieSi3abdayof?4)^^
memoration of the Baptifra of Je/wj Chriji,
1 1. That they ufually make then- Confeomed Oik of Rape4ced, ndHOK af OKvc^ aid

they do not adminifter Undion at the Sacrament of Baptifm.

1 3. Tiiat they permit none biu ibofc Perfons who Omciate to fay the Lord s Prayer.
14. That they do nor blow apon baptized Perfons.
15. That they do not (hew a oue Relpedk to the Images.
1 6. That during the time of Lent they do not refort to the Church, nor adore die CroiTcs.

17. That they were wont to eat Cheefe on Saturdays, and Sttodaft inLeac
18. That they do noc fiahtly hoaoar cbe Saints.
19. Thar they do nor eMerve cbe Week of lynfktgit.
ic That they appear before the Altar wiih their miittUJ Habiab tad ifctt dqr faqi Adr
Hats on during the Celebration of Divine Service,
it. That they do not admmifter the OoMnunion on Holy Tbnrfilay*
22. That they imitate the Jeu-s in eating a Pafchal I^mb on Eafter-day, with tbc Blood of
which they fprinkle their Door-Pofts, and keep the reft co ferve ibr Benodidions ^ cauiiiK a
Vidim painted red id be broi^ to the Chmrcfr-door, where they ficrifice it wM
a great &A
of Ceremony.
About that time the Amuniam
Legates to Hfme to Pope Rwenim IIL to enter into aUnioa
witfc the Ltdm Church, whofe Cuftom they follow'd in the ule unlciven'd Bread, and in fine
other Matters. ThisEmbafly is referr'd to by Otho of Frifinghen.
mifliyi MICHAEL GLYCAS, a Sicilian, compos'd in the beginning of rhis Century his Aiinals divi-

GtoeM^ 4 died into Four Parts ; which is not only an HiRorical Work, but alfo has fone relation to Dm-
SeSm. nity, and natural Philofephy. In the Firft P.m he treats of the Creation of the World The :

Second contains an Hillory from tbc Creation of tiie World to the Nativity of Jcfus Cbrift : The
Third continues the Hiflory from our Saviow to Cmfiamitu the Great : And in the Fourth it is
brought down to the Death oi Alexis Comntma. Tbe.*c Annals were printed in Latin, of Liwtb'
cl'iviujs Vcrfion at BaJU A.D.l^^^. But they were tmbUlJicd in G/ff^and Latin by bather LMi,
ami printed at Paris in i66». 3*c9hu Pontamu Iikewiie fct fbtth two Oifbourlcs of the faiai
Author, with the Ditptrm of Pbiiip the Solitary, printed at Ing^flsdt in 1 604. Let Alluius pro-
duces ieveral Fragments of divers Letters written by Michael GI^cm, and cites a Trcaciic moch
he compos'd about the ProcdJion of the Holy Ghoit, dedicated to Maximus Semaiitt* i aBOthct
Piece concerning the Qpeftioo, Whether Chr^ made ufe of unleaven'd Bread at his laft
Supper } Anda Tra^ of^
Scale of Souls lepantBd fion the Body. Laftly. PtOes/mtm ob*
ierves, that there are certain Ticadfts of cbts Anchor on the Hbty Soc^cne, in die infa«t*il>
brary at K/miM. .

Nicetas «/ At the fame thneNICETAS, a fhiloioBiier or Monk of Cai^^arthiyAf. wiMeaii Apologetical

Coi^bntt* Treatife for tbc Council of ch.ilcrdon againft a eeitain Vrinct of 4immi4, which was pohhOn by
oople. M4tim in the Fiift Tome of his Gf4cU OrtMtx*,

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of the Twelith Ccutury. if Chrijlianitj. \ 87
COKSTANTIN r/ AN ASSES BoaHfhed in Greece A. £1 f «iid ipneteM Epitome of Condamia
Hiftory, dedicated to /r«/f thcS-.ikcr of the Emperor ManueJ Comntms, from th- Creation of the MMiflffc
World to the Reign of yf/^A/i Cc>/;»eifj/x, that is to fay, to the Year io8i. The La/»n Vcriion ©f
diis Chronicle by Lewenclnviut was printed at Ba/iJ in 1573. The Gretk, Text was publiibed
IcMnteiy by hkurfim at Amfierdtm in x6i6, but ic was printed in Greek, and L4tm wttb ifae
KCKifiA Le^endcvius, Mturfius, ASatiur, M\d Ftdrtttrnt in Fdio at Paris A. D. 1635.
CONSTAN riNUS lARMENOPULUS, a Judg of T/^r 7^: r.^.flourillied A.D. 11 jo. atthe Cboftami-

tiine when the HcrclV of tlic Begmiir* beg^ 10 appear : He was an able Law]^, aod oompil'd oni Hit*
a EKdiontry of the Cfril Law^ wtiirh "was priond' Greek at Pari* ini ; 40. in Lgtin at Ljms in mcoaiM-
15^6- and inG/ ff/;nnd Litthi, v/ilh the Notes of 7a4J». Afrrcmix, niul Diomilus Gotbifivdus »x Ge-
mva in I $87. as alio a Coiic<^ion of Canons divided into Six Titles or Artides, and publiibed in
Cred( and LMhihf LemeneUnnM in the Fitft Tome of his fat Qti^tet-Ftfmamim, or G>Ue<9ion of
G'ff^ and /^owrtfi I.nws. To ihcfc Works may be added his Trcaiifc of rlit- S-ds of HLrcdcks,
With a Cofitriiion of Faith, which isinfctted in the liift Tomeof JrsMir* Dvctetu'i ^ttpplcmtnc to iJm
WkfietUca Ptttrum. .

JOHN, a Monk of the in.iiu! of Oxia, and Patriarcli of the Greek. Church of y1nt;o:h,A. D. 50. John, Pa-
1 r

li rhc Author of a fnaallTrcatilc againft the Cuftomthat was then introduced of confierriag Mo- tru$rcb
i(:\lleric$ on Noble men or I.aicks. This Trad: is tnention'd by Balfamen and Bltftet^^ and fMtt fr****^
publiHicd by Co.'eWius in ihcFirft Tome of his Monuments of the Greek Church. Perhaps it may
not be imprc^xT liLre to fhcw ::kcr whar manner he ueacs of the Original and Pnagrcfs of the
naftick Life.

" Our T nr^ Jf/?/-' Cirr'f: fnys he) having deteendcd from Hta^Tn to Earth for the SalvatMa
" of Mnnku'd, having alio ndfually redeemed us by hisDeatii, and dtaUjibed his Religion
" out the whole World ; the Devil us'd his utmoft Efforts to caute Men to return tD tteu* ftwwyif *
" exorbitant Courles To which purpofc he at firft excited the Emperors nntf Port^rares to raife

" cruel Pcrfenicions againft the Chriitians. Afterwards, when the Chi iitiaii Religion was em-
" braced by Kings and Prinn lie c.ius'd Heroics to fuocccd Supetftitions ; but when thele
"in lite manner nrov'd inc&xfhial, he madeufeof amxhes Mechod, which was to indue? rhe
^CMfHanscoderartlieAdmMfh^riortofBarafm; Butonr AnedfcorstheSucceflbrs of theApo-
" ft' perceiving the hich Procraftinaiions brought to the Cn liolick Church, and that'

" many Pcrions died without Baptilm, ordain'd that all Infants Ihould be fiaptizd and B<*'i^tpd
* in Che Chriftian Religion by their Parents, or dKn* CM'firiiers and Godi^malMR. The
" Devi! Ix-ing thus defeated, had rccourfeto another Artifirc which was to corrup'^ the Manneis

** of bajnizcd PcrJons, wellknowing chat Faith without good Works b unpro&able toSaivatkn;
* Vhetenpon the Church enjoyn'd Peniiancc as an Antidote againft thefe Diibrders ; bat the Devil
often caus'd the Penitents to fall again into flic fame vicious CourfL 5, U forc rhc time of their
" Pcnoance was c^pirM. 1 his difliculty of living Vcituoufly and Soberly in the World, caos'^
** manyFerfbos to t:^ke a Rerolution to rerirc to SoBtary Places, there to lead *
anAftoick Life ; ift>
" (biTTurh thar their Reputation drew mnny People rhirhcr, who imirar^d their manner of living
" and their Number Lwing thus encreakU, ihcy lorm d Regular Soaetics, and erei&ed Monafteries.
" This Inftitariori began in yEgyft, and from thence was fpread abs throughout the whole
World, as St. Atbanajiiu and TbeoJorus Studiia haveobterv'o. The Btlhops, ro render the Mo-
" nafttck lifc more recommend able, thought fit to confer on the Monlts a kind &t Conlecration, or
" Bcnedidlion, which is as it were a renewing of the Baptifmal Vows, There were among the
" Monks a gftiU number of Saints who wrote excellent jBooks relaniif to the Idooaftick Difdpline.
** and by that means brousht k to perfedion. In the mean while the Devil not being able to
" endure their Prf>tecJlnp<:, a; fii
(l:itrackcd them ty Leo the Image-breaker, who endeavour'd Qj
" extirpate their Order ; but tiiis Emperor was deltxoy'd* aod amr his&eign the Monks obtain a
ib great Repacacion, that they wete pc nnitwd to reoeive Onftffions, 10 impofe Ptamancw^ and
" togivc Ablnlution. How many Attempts has the Devil made to ruin an Order fo well efta-
" blifiied } He has caus'd Monaitcries and Hofpitals to be made over by Princes Patriarchs to
Laynnen : Indeed at fitft they were not confign'd to fuch Peribns, to the end that tlMy might
" make any Advantage of them, but that they vcv?h' he rc-cftablirticd and itrmrov'd. Afterwards
" Covet Du in el's oeing cloked with ihi; Ipccious Shew, the Emperors and Patriarchs began to
" grant Mcn..n;eries and Hofpitals to Laicks, to gain profit by theia The Patruuvh if/6$muj op>
|x)s"d this Abufe, which prevail'd from time to time, nnd ^<.'hich is at prefent fo great, that al-
" mo!\: all the Moiiaftcries of Aionks and Nuns arc in ihc policiiion of Lay-men, nay even of thofc
" that arc married.
The Patriarch of Antiecb condenuis the laid Cuftom in the remainine Par of this Trcarifc, al-
ledging the loUowing Rcafonstfi^.i That the very Title of Donation import a kind ot Blaiphemy^

in regard that a Monaftery, or Church, which bears the Name of our Saviour, of the Virgin
Mary, or of the Saints, is given to a meer Man. 2. Tim
the Donor haa no Propriety in luch
Poflcfftons. 9. I'hat the Monafteries are Places of Retreat for Ferions who ate defirous to ferve
God, where h;s Prai'es are lur.g, and the Rcvetmes of which ir^^^ .iprxiinccd for the maintenance
of the Saints aod of the Poor. 4. Tiiat the GovenuDeni of the Church is fubverted byfuch ino>
gular ^TKeedings, when Secnbr Pkrfons are iub(Hi«cd in the lOom of Moaki. 5. That Mo-, which are thus made over to I ay-men, arc foon niin'd or dcmoI:(!:ed ; and that under
Praence of enfranchiling tbcm under the prorodipn of fomc Lord, they are made fubjed to (he
JunJfdi^Hoa of fiich as are ready to pillage and ruin them j trciiing the Vriot Monks as
fib % Slavey

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1$ 8 ' .

; A 2yife» Ecckfiaflical Hijlorj
' '
SI.TCC*. and them only .1 vitv fn-i.ill Port inn of the Revenues, nn.l that too pniJgirply,
altev. iDg

nd as Tt Were Out oV pure Chancy. hs6da that tlicic Pairans caimot be {KTrlwaded to keep that

Monitftftie^ in rep2tir, nor to gire Alim. naTber.(lo they fakt care dtit Divine Service beoudbnt-
cd therein; nor thar a rcpil.irO-urfc of Difciplinc be duly obfcrv'd But, cn the contrary, ihcj

apMy the Revmu^ altoranbcir lo piopbane Ules. That without bavuig aay a-gard to the Mo-
rnlUck Rules and C^imkMB/ wmichiinpottv that whoever prefencs himfdf in ordato be
mittcd to the Profelllon, ftwll undergo n Prob.ition of Thrio ^'e—s they ufuaily nominate Monks
• ;

at their Fleait2re» and enjoin the Priors to admu chcir by vcnuii ot

tiicir Mandamus. Laftly, ch^t
the I^ifonksvirfaoiife pUicea there, after lb.irre;^Ur a nanoerf ^encraily make oo fcmpk to hvc as
diffoiuitly, eating Fk-fti inordinaicly, cointniuiiig Outrages upon the l aicks, fraii.g fonh publitk

5flfc<W» flwinf! Tirades, haunting

Alt -houlcs or Taverns* andiraking tltcir Monaltcnes comnoa
RttetiMdekm all fortS'Of Secular PtrfonK. -

4. Thar Difcrdtrs were account in the Conventsof Kuns ; rhe Ladks

t6 i*hdrti ihcy are conlign'd o6en;^uJ'urping their

Revenues Xlut they take up their abode, ani

caufeHoufcs to Iw buili within the Bounds of the Monalleries ; and that they introduce SccuL-^
PerCbtis, and cntiftly iiibvcii tboMhnaftick Difciplmc. From all tfaefe Arguments he coadudcs,

^ that it is a Very hij- h MUdttneaaoiir, and a kind of Impicny equal to

Herefy, ro put Monaftertes

'^fWythb handl of 1 Aicks ; and that lii a mortal Sin Ibr ujch Pcrlom fo take poildlion of them and

i}f:(t tliev who aic in that State, without dohig PeonanGe

fior their Ottence, ( which^ueacty hw-

pcns) iix Damnation. The Nsittwaf ChmrifitthmimM dwi ufually impos'd among ilieOYr^
on tbofe I.nv-men, wlio had any Abbeys confignM tc rJ.cnr TIcoJlvus BM/amon, in his Remaria
rm the I )th.' Canon of the Seventh %ikk1, and MAttb^tu Biftfiarfi, arc of a different Opioioo 6nm
ibis Author, and af^prore tteBbnim«e^fMoMlfierieB whicb ate made by Bilhop, ^Ycivided Arf
gootl CirnunJs.
^ btdonc
- There arc cxtanbliwo Hom^tes of GERMANUS
Patriarch oi Cohfinntinopli ; vi^. one pul>.
IHbed by Grerfcr, ort the ieftaulati«n-of lujage-worfhlp, under the Bmprcis hene, an annual Cm-
mcn-ioratioti ot whx-h v/as made on the Hift Soutay m
LcM^ and dvocber by FatberCMiA^cB
tinoulc. the Burial of thriJody of Jf>uCi(i;riy/.
^ «
AtfMki, a Ronk of Mokrc Atbos, oomposd in the Year 1 1 50. a compeadioiis OJIrmop
Androni Canon«. which is in'fertrd in M. Jeftel's Librar)- of the Ancient Canon l aw.
cos Cama- ANDRONICUSCAMATERliS, Governour of ibeUty oiConflaMimfle, and the Ki

tenifc of the En^erot JUmA^ Cmmenm, wrote at the ame time a Trcatiie agaiott dw Lathut k

of a DiafrgiTC, bcmtTn the F.rfprror Mttmnel and certain Cardinals of ^<me, conceminp tf L*ro- -

cellVm of ihc Holy Glicit. This iVxik was afterwards rcfuicii by ^Vrc«f. Amdrmicus i» -iiu the
Author of anotlKr Trad, written by way of Conference between the fame Emperor, and P«w
P.irnna li of -V:' Aimrr.:/trs ; and 0^ a Treatifc of the TwoNattires iij ^mChifi. Tbck Wodcs
a' c riot as yc f vintcJ, but 'tis reported that they are in the Library of Bavatt*.

Qfgfmc* GEORGE, Arichbilhop of Ccrfa, was fent into ItaJy by the Emperor Manuel Canmemit, to ailift
^jrchl'tjhvp Oi a Cnuncit held nt f(inns ; but he did noc pa6 beyond A«»d^|$M», wbete be fell fick. However
oj Corfu.
Kiftg rccall'd by rhe Emperor, he was prefent in a PatnarclMl Council conven*d at Cenfljuuifv/Je.
He wrote a Tre.-' 1? ol PargaT iry, m a nrothcr againft: iIr- /./r///?', in vindication of the ulc of
len^Vi Bread in the £ucbari£t Allatius makes asection ot both thefc Works, which arc ia
MttM^cHpt in die Libraty «f ^arkrhm, Mmmum
has aifo publiibed in a Utm Mmi^,
compos'd by tliii Axclibilha|» in bonoor cf tk Abbot MmtUt
with fevcnd Leoets ia b»

Antonfui . ANTONIUS , ftvmm'd MELISSUS . by reafenof tiit ftigtdar Eloqoeaoe, a QrnK Monk,

MelilKl** apparcmlv V.\\\ in thi?; C^-ntiiry: He ronipiJ 3 a C<jl!t<flion of Ciirnnion Pl.ijtx, or Maxims,
taken out of the Writings ot tlic GreeJtFatiieri, on the Vcrtucs atid Vices, which arc divided in-
to Tmn> BoelcB* and were j>nraed in Creri^atul I.atht at Bnfii A. D. 1 546. at alio at GrMwitf ia
I ^09. and in L/tti$t at fMnw in 1 575. and 1 $89. Tbey aro iUcewtfe ioferted in Lstim in die B»-
ti'iethca Patrtt*!.
Bifilof A- BAMl. OP ACRIS. Archbilbop of ThtffiMet, being impomm'd by ifn«» IV. to come to an
cns^Arcb- Arcowmodatioh with the Church of /{tme, wn?tc a lerrcr to that Pope, to Ihcw r!-.:^ he Grr^i^
tifhop of Church is nor Schifmatical, and that the Hfrn^n ii noc iujx:riour to it. Barenius this
T i-:]klO' Letter with thatof Achian in 1
1 5^.
of his Annals. Ir is alio extant, but fomewhatdiiTerenl^
tiica. fn Gr?r.!^ard L.^ftn, in the CoHedHon of the Grre^Axl Law» witb an Anfwer by cbe iane
Aahbifhop ro certain Queitions about Marriage.


promoted to the Patriarchal Sec of Cm(iaHtin9ple
Chrvfoher- ^- ^- '4^-
> ^^^^ ^ Council in that City ia 1166. and died the Year following. Id the
gtui, P.U Collodion of the Orw^ and Honwa Lawt areeonnniVl Thiwetn Statutes by this Patriarch, relating
fridtcb of to Ei clcfiallical Mafrii rrnioni' others, one to prohibit Marriarcs Ixtween Relations to the Se-
, ;

Conjlanti* vench Degree OtOon^ngami^V another againlt Cietks who intenneddle with itecnlaff Al^rs^ at
BOple. atib to forbid vhe
fining of nfli Owlv, whb a DrfconrleaboiK the Beprifm of Captive

Michael fl/ MICHAEL OF Tl Ih-SSALONICA. Mafterof the Khccoriciam, and pritKjpal DcftMdew of
Tbeflak^ rtleCbnrcfa of Coi^n/Zno^^, being ondcmn'd in the Year tide, fer manitaining the Herefy of
-liM* r'u- Bflytniiles, r< rr. L>i d his Frrnrs, and mndc a Confeflion of Faith, rcferr'U to by AiUuim IB tlM

!>cwRd lomeof hisCcwftrAif ttd^iji Oritgialh^ ^€id«m*lU, JLi. r.ii,

- t


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of the Twelfth Century of Cbriftianity.
AI EXIS ARISTENES, Oewicmu, or Stcw^trd of ihc Church of CanJlantiMcfU, afSfted in a A!»b A-
Coiir.ul hrld io .tliai City if. Z>. 1 166. ,qnd. there titoi the 3^ih. Csnoo of. the Council in T uffo, tUleaet,
t «ainit K'ccpbtrut PftlriJrch ot Jernfadtm. He wrou- AnnocadoiU on a CoU«Sboa of C*iioiii unnt- Steward of
ed in Dr. Jrwr P ' iie^s C««n^4
MMEON LdGOl HE i A, who liv'd at iJic lauic time, in like raaoncr compos'd Notes on the */Oonftan-
ktae CoUidiMof Caaont. Inc tbry aielaft. He jr«Hb/fcpiMeik id be the Anchor of a Piece Mple.
(oncemins the Ctett9Da ti cbe Vurld> « Mtnvifjilil Copy of! wbkh hLiu
C« bad in iiis

JOANNES CIN74AMUS, fir-natri'd the Graimrian. Secretary to cte Emperor hUnuel c<m. JoanM
rrt;///, under whom hclikcwifc ftrvM in the Army, ccn^jxis'd a Hiftory of the Reigns of the Two CiaMBWfc
Emperors namd Cwtwemi, \ sr. 5<i/j &itd Mi:t)¥ei, from the Vcac m f S. to 1 j 76, Leo ASdtim gives;
US tnt LliaraAer of she Anciior : Hii Style h fine, { (ays he ) •UUt^h he «fit» mdl^s uft ef foreign
Terms, And Figurei, tAkpi evt cf the Spfhtflcrs Stort-it^ufe ; his Pp iods are concife .
fall )
hut tlia
new Methad of their Cctnpcfitien, renders them fotnewhat tu/fj clfcure. Ihis Author everywhere.
«ftAs» ittrimc Prcccoiui, and highly extols M*mtel Cvmnevut Mc was ftill living when Amdf^

nicusCorkner.usM\w\ic\ die ImpiTial 1 Iiroiu by caufitij; Alexis to Lx put to <kaih.

, His Hiftory,
divided into Four BooJo, was publifheJ in (ireek, atni J.ntin, by CerntUui ToUiut, and printed at
Vtrtdt. A. D. 6 SI* 1 M
duCAng!, in like vrimer tAis'd it ttf iw printed m^Lmn» divided
ioio Six Rf ok';, and iiluftratcd with Annotations.
THBORIAKUS was fent into Armenia by Manuel Cmimenus, to enucavour to procure a re- Tbecria-
union between that and the Gicck Church. L^pon his Arrival tliere» May 15. 1 170. be acquainted nofc
Kjufrfius their Patriarch with the Ddign of his Eoibafly, and, deliver'd ip him the Emper^«
Letter The Patriarch Teceiv'd ft with dtie Acknowledgments of bis Imperii Majcfty s Favour,

and agrcc'd to enter i;iro C(;nfmnce with about the Opinions and. Cufloms in whkii
the Armeniau diiH.Td tinom the Gr«t^. Their Fiift Conferences vi&s (ooamiog^ Error of the
jtrmenfmmi, whb rcfpofbto oof Savkwi/s facamatron. IfcwrmHr cndetTott/d to convince th«n
by a cre:^t number ot TefliiWiiiics of tlic F.r.!.> r there were Two Natures in Jryuj C/jr//?
and atier having dikourted larcdy of that Do(^ia«, he diicui&d the other Qpeftions of Ids
Cbh1K)ticnces whkh' were in deM» betivven die Grtek/ and Amenitm* frlatir^ to die l4ftiy»l of
of Chrinma? (l;iy, the Tnfai^icn, the Confctftion of. confecrated Oils with Olives, and not with
RapeHtoed; and theCuftoni of tinging the Divine. Ol^e withqw the Cburch, wliich was difap-

proved infikt 0«ri^. Theoridtms vindioited the EHHftioe or cbt jUter in thole Points, gnd obligd
the Artr.cni.w P.itri-rcli xn knowledge that they were not Wame-wonhy, ntid that thcfc dlfFcreot

Cuftonrs i ufju not to be inlilkd. on, provided they w.ere agrec^d as to die lame mattes of F^th.
In eider to fix his Judgincnt, Thearitnu! produc d the Dccrte of the Fourth General Council, and
fhcw'd thAt it wasoooformablcto St. Cyril's Dodfrioc. The Armenian P.itrinrch arprcv"d it, and
en^ag'd to ufe his utmoft eudcav ours to get the conlcot of thole of his Nauoti, aikl to caulc the
Biftiops to fign a Cotifcflion of Faith, by vinuc of which they Ihould acknowledge the Council of
ChalceiioM, and anathcmatite Euijchius, Diefeervt, Sevpratf Timotheus, SJurut, and other Adverfa-
ries of that Council ; and laftly, for that his part, he wott'd always adhere to the Faith of tlic
Crffi^ Church, and continue in us Communion. Tlxoriaruts wrote, with his own hand, a faith-
fi)i Relation of thcie Confcrcoces, and of every dung tlut was £ud and prri on bgcb 4ideik

He folidly confutes, and in a verymethocUoaliaBaiinci^ theBrmr^f theM^.^^ v, and difboor-

R s with great deal of mi deration, of thofc Points that relate to the dittercnt Cuftoms in ufc

among the ArmerJant and Greekf. This Work was pubDJhed by JUmeactieviuif and f>rioted ac
Jl.'D' T573. afaUbaficTwaids in die QrtAAmA LsHn Edition of the BiUi^AK4Patnim, by Duexuj,
HUGO ETHERIANUS fiourilhcd at the fimc time, and under the lame Emperor M«utf/, Hu^B-
being a Native of from whetKe he paflcd to C»rjlaniinople, and relided in die Coint of dnenaM^
that Emficfor, who bada very grcnt refped for him. However he did not forbear to u'ri:c a
TrMiik in v indication of the f.Ativs aj^amlt the Greei(/, ia which he proves, that the Holy Ghoft
proceeds both from the Fat her and the Son. It is divided into Three Books, and dedicated to Fbpc
A-ex.rv!^cr III. He is alfo the Author uf another Piece, concerning the State of the Sou! fcpnrrtrcd
from the i^;cjc!y, in which he treats of the Original and Nattnc ot tiic 5oui i ot iti Union wuh lije
Body, find Stpar-uion firotu it ; of its Scntiraents and Fun(5ltons in the funiiw $t|te i of the Re*
furrcvf^ on of tlie Body ; and of the Day of Judgment. Ti»la IWticks were primed at Ut^4^D»
and .ire alfo contain'd in the B/WiW/wd Pit/rinw. *

NICEPHORIJS BRYENKIUS. a Macedmian, the Grand-fon of rfiai Sicefborut , whofe Niccpho-

Eycs the Empetor Nktfbmu ^tumara caus'd to be out, lot afpiriai^iiO the fimpire, and ch( Biyenr
Son-in-Law trf Aferft^Cthmemn, had ttie ^eaiaftffaare inthe AdminiftrnxMiof S^terAfiairs iiod^

that F.mjKTOr. H<.' improv d his Skill in Poliiicks by an an' .! j <application to the Study of Om

Liberal ict«iccs, and has It^ us a Byxaxttue Uittory from the Vcur 10^7. ip ji.98j. wiucb jiraa
princcd in Qteek. with Father Pouffm'^ Vetfioo and No« ac Paris A. ik ifiSi * 4im1 friib diofe gf
a: ,lu Cioige at the cod of CivMrnvi, in tbeVotome of dK.J|y;[4»f)lw HUhtf ftt fotd^ in

*^j^ilierame Plactfisliltcwiieco be found die ^iftueuvof ANNA

CQMNENA. die Wifeof
cc^hrm. nnd the D.uightcr of the faid Emiicror Alexis Comnemiu i (he relates therein the Hiftory
ot her Father's cign, trom the Year 1 069. to 1118. AU Learned Men ^eoerally give great £»-
ctmims of diii Woric, by ledbaof tta olctaaqrT tad tnol ite Gpuift and |.«mung of diac

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i pd A Neioif Ecdefiafitcal Mtjlorj
Princefs. The Aiexi ts U divided ioro Fifteen Books
; the Eight firft of tbefc were publi/licd in

Greek, «vith Hiefeheiitu'i Veriion aod Notes at Ai^tburg A.D.itio, aod the entire Work was a&er-
wards priiMed wkh
tbeTiaaflttioii aad Now
of the &tne Aiotlnr at in This laft
Edition was fbUow'd witfa duttof hLiaCmp, k
who likewile iUnflnned with caodleoc An-
>hannet Ac the fine time liv'd JOANNES ZONARAS,Secretary of State to the Emoeror jUexis
Amra^ Cemnrmis, who having loft his Wife and Children embraced the Monaftick I.ifc, and to mirMje
Secrttgry \{^^ grief appW'd bimfelf to ftudy, and to the compiling ot Books ; inibmuch that we arc
of St Ate at JO 1,^5 learned LucabrKions for a great number or very ufciul Works. Vi:^.
Cewft wO'
His Annals, nr a compendious Hiftor)' from the Creation of the World to the Death of yiiexh
Cwnnenust wbich haj-ifx.n d A. D. i n 8. This Work was taken out of divers Authors, by way of
Extrafti,aiid iHvidcd into Tiiree Tomes. It was printed in Greek, with fFoffiui's Uuin Verfion at
B^fii A. D. i^s7- and afterwards M AC^*
fee iinnfaa new Edkion at the Lmm% in i<84. which
be divided into Eighteen Books.
- Commentaries on the Canons of the Apoftles, as aUb On thole of the CMincik, and of the Ca-
nonical Epiftles of the Greek Fathers : which were printed m
Gnek,taMMim» Bm* jLD, I6i8.
and 1 611. and in Dr. Bfwri^^r'sCoUcdion at Oxford in 1671.
A Difcourfc of Impurity, infcrted in the Fifth Book of the Jta Grxco-^onumum.
ACanonof tfaeVngin Af«7, or a kind of Hymo, co ai nii« certain Coliec^ or (boct Prayers,
m^e to the bMfed Virgin agaiiA all Heretidn. Some ofFm dmWork was poblilhed in Latin
in the BibltetlxcM P.miwi, and was af^LTwards for forth CUtiie in Gmi^ and Xilmi^ mtfac TlUld
Tome of Cottieriiu'i Monutncnts of the Grcri^ Church.
A PkdEMeio Sc. Gregory Nai(ien^en** Poedoal Vieccs, ^nnl
ar FMer A. D. 1 563. and a Tfca.
life to prove a Widow cannot mat 17 her Husband s Cofin German.
Fifty fix Leners, tiiat arc in the Emperor's Library at Viemu, and foooe which were pub-
IM KnMw by hi bb Ito
on die Tieadie of &. C^«f

Befidcs thcle Works, Lambecius makes mention of an Explication of the Canons relating to the
Fefttval of Eafter, fome Fragments of which were pubUflxdby Gretfer. AUtitius likewile cites his
his Difcncrfc on the Adoration of the Crofs ; x\yc Life of St. Sjhtfter ; a Difcourfe about the Pre-
fcniation of Jf/w/ C/ir»y? in the Temple } and a Pancgyrick on Sothronius Fatnarch oi "^ulaietiu
Pi»>/<in/</makes mention nf fomc of his Poems on the ProcefTionof oeHalyGhofts andbftlyJHiany
Stetf-cJi had be written by the fame S^ontrtu.
a l exicon funpos'd to

Joannes JOANNES PHOCAS, a Native of Cme, after having ferv'd in the Wars under the Emperor
Phocai, o Manuel Cmawmt, embraced the Monaftick Life, and made a Journey to the Holy Land.y^.D. r 1 & 5.
Greek Ucon his return, ht wrote a Relation of what he had fcen and heard, which was publi/hed by
hUnki Atttttitu, in his CoUe^ion of MifceUaneous Works, and bears the Title of, A brief Defcriftien ^
the Places from Arnicx-h /5 Jcruralan, andthofe o/Syria tfn^Phflcnida.
Neophf • N£OPHYTUS, a Greek and Rcdafe Monk, flooti/hed ^1.
Prieft, 1 190. M. Ctttkrim fee
iui«j^ ferthaWcce written by drfs Monk, enniainii ig a Rdadon of the Otonfaiei diat bcfel rhe Bland
cUtft. of Cyprui, when taken by the KtigUP:, A. D. 191. i

jj?hn,Bi- JOHN fiiihop of Lj^dda^ flourilbed in the Year 1 1 94. and Ai. B^liu^ius has iwbhlbed a Letter
Ihcp of by this Author to AtiMta/ choicn Patriarch of J^alm.
GEORGE XIPHYLIN, eledcd Patriardi of Conflamineple in the Year 11 93. bcfides an Or-
GeorgeXi- dinance abotit the Joriididion of Territories, which is extant in the CoUetihon of the Greek and
J^twMn Laws ; Two Synodical Statutes, concerning the Right of confccrating Chufches by leains
^j^^L^y up CrofTes in them ; of which CufVom AlUtim makes mentkin in die Tmdfe of che G
This Author died A. L>.\i<)^.
mptfi^ at.
'^^T™**' ^h*^''" Writings.

DEMETRIUS TORNICIUS wrote in the Year 1193. under die Name of the Emperor
-—laT". V'*^^* aTi-catilcof the Prtxrelfion of the HolyGhoft, which is extant in the Fr«»c« King's Li-
jjfjijy /*//.jr/H/ has iikewife produc'd the beginning of it, in his liook cail d Concordia Ecdefit

Orirtituiij .1: OcciJevtalis.

Lupus LUPUS PROTOSPATUS, Capcam of the Eaftem Emperors Life-Guards, and a Native of
VMo^ Afuh'a, compos'd a Chronicle of Occurrences in the Kingdom of JVM/ri, from the Year 860. to
Mca. This Hiftory was publilhed by Antonio Caraccioli, a Ti&e«riVi Moiik» who caiis'd 10 be k
primed at Na/lct in i6t6. with a Continuation id the Year isi9*
Mchael MICHAEL ANCHIALIUS, who was prauMxej toche ntriarchal See 6i Confimtimfie in
AncltLi- the Year 1167. and honoiir'd by Ba'fr.msn, with the Title of mcfl exccL'oit of the Sages, compil d
hut. Pa- cenain Synodical Statutes, prohibiting Clergy>men to take upon them any lecular Employments,
triareb of or to oldain Clerks hi anodxrDiocds^C^r. whidi are eontthfd in die Colleftion of the f^mam
Conftanti- I ,i\v<;, L 3. /.127. He alfo wrote an Account of the Conference he had with the Emperor AU-
tiofk. „uei Comtiemu, when the Pope's Legates came to Cmtftantitufle to negotiate an Unioo between the
Two Churches ; feme Frasracnts of which arc produced by Atstitis,
Thcodorus THEODORUS BALSAMON, Chancellor and Library-keeper of the Church of Co^f}.mtineplc.
BaiOunon, and Provoft c i that oiBlachem, was nominated Patriarch of Antioch ; but in regard that that City
pMriarcb was taken up hf^
Latins, he was never able to get himfelf a&naUy inftalid, and was alio
«fAnlioch. flattcr'd by the means of the EmpertH- Ifaac Comnemu, with the vain hopes of being advanced to
the Patriaixhal See of CoaftantiHopie. He flouriibed from the Year 1180. to 1103. and during
^haK dnie oompis'd diven caDClknc and very «fefid Books, rditni v
d» Oman Ltw of the

Digitized by Google
of the Twelfth Century of Chrijlianity. \ pi
E.i{lcm Country s The chief of which are his Cotnmcnuiics oo the Apoftolical Canoos the
; *

c;vn<:ral and Particoliir Cbundh ; and the Canonical Lenmof the Grr^t Fathers. He under'
r»j<ik this Work by the fj ccial Oi Jer of the Emperor \Unuel Comncnuj, and of Michael A»chi4-
tlm Panritttch of Cmifiaatitufle, and cotnplcated n under die Pauiarch George 3ti^li$i, to vrixnn he
dcvUcared k. It was primed in Ore^ and L*tin at f»h A.D.t6%o. and in Dr. Antrim's
Ot Cati'JJv^,{>rintcd nt Ox/or^in 1672.
BaUimieH in like manner wrote a Commentary on PUtiuss Netm-tanm, and a Coliof^ion of £c-
de&roed Conftinidons, primed in the Second Tome of die BiUit^^^ee^^ fmis Cmmid by Jufiel-
lm\ as a An^^*c^s to divers Qucftions relating to the Canon-Law, parricularly, of theErc4ion

of BiflKfwicks iiuo Metro^iitan viices ; <^ fuch Pcribn& as are cholen Biibops of the Eaftero
dmfdws; of the Right ot the Fatriardwover the Monaftcries; of Feftivals, ^r. Thefe \A
Works are to be found with an Anfwcr to certain Qiicftions propos'd by Mar^^ Patriarch of AleX'
oiidriM, and Refolmions to lc\ cral others in the Second, Fifili, and Seventh Book (A Lcwendaviut'^
Cdbdion of the Greek and Hainan Laws. Af. Cetelerim has Hkewife fumifhcd os with Two Let-
ters of this Author, One written to the People of Anttecb^ about the Fafl'? they ought to ob-

JcTvc J and thcoih.i to Thtcdofuis, Sup:riuur of F4^/c/i«'s Monafteries, concerning the Cuftom of
Shaving. Admitting, and Invcfting wuh the Habii^ filch PCrlons as prefent thcmtelves to embrace
f,!(j;!aftKk l ife, a little wbilc after their apfearance, without oHiging thrm to (iibmit to
A Probation of Tiircc Years. The Fii^ of thclc Lcttcis is inlcrtcd in the ctid oi the Scwnd
Totw: (k the Momimcnts of the Grre^;. Church j and the Second, in the Third Tome of the fame
Work. Balfftmn wkbooc doiibt is the noft able Canonift that af^ear'd among ihe Grtfkf >n
chcic later Times.
JOANNES CAMATERUS, ChartophyLtx, and afterward Patriarch of Cottfiantinetlet in chc Joannes
end of this Cennicy, wroce in the Year aletur co Pope liuucen*, in wluchne declaies riinnaT1***i^
rhathc oinnot botafbutettetrtlieCbiiivhofi^Mw (h^ afTame the Tide of cheCatholick or
Univcrlal Church. There is alio in the Collc^ion call'd Jus Grxco-Hamanum, a Stantoe of t|iiil
PairuKcb abom; ibe Marriages of Cofin Germans : He died A. D. ixo6»

Of the Original of Schola/lical 'Divmityy and of the prfi
7)ivim of that facultj^ Tpho fimrijhed in the Twlftb

THE Manner of trcarinc: of the Chriftian Religion, and of its NlyfT-.rits, has not been Ofthefk^
always nnitiDnn intherevend Ages of the Chtirch; but has been chaqg'dac Several timesi tuul
aocoidtnft to the vaiioaiQecafiom, or thedtftrent ta^mniais of Men. llie Apoftfes SlnM^
contented themfelvcs only to teach with much fimplicity the Doiftrine ihcy i-ccciv'd col t>tvi-
from Jefut CJjriJi j to propofe ir to Believers as the Objedof their Faith ; and to render ic ere- niigf^tnd flf
dible 1^ the Means of Authorit}-, by the Tclltmony of the Prophets , by our Saviour's Refiir- fiit
niftior;, p.nd by Miracles. They never obfcrv'd thie difficult Points that might be fonn'd from ^^'Wtft
rlic litcrcd Mylteries ; neither did they take any Pains to make a thorough fcarch into them, nor
rodi^tjvcr all the Confequenccs arifing fiom them, much lefs co explain them according to the
Prinriplcs of Philofophy ard human Rcaion. Neither were the holy Fathers, nor EccldialHcal
Writers, who liv'd m the Firlt Ages oi the Church, more careful co ioiift or the Explication of
diefc Myftcriea; nor did they nuke ufe of Philofophy, butonlv to extirpate the Errors of the Pa-
gans, relatmp to their God*;, Idnh, and I'c Wcrf^ p, whicn mit^hr be cifily confurcxi by the

Light of Rcaion, and ihc Authority 01 iIk rrulc lophijrs. As tw liic Jewi, and Primitive Herc-
ticks, they only aliedg'd to convirKC them, rhe''Au:horiiy of tlie holy Scriptures, and of Tra-
dition, and the geftcrtil Belief of ail the Churches in the World ; and in the Difputes they had
with them, they never undertook to give panicular Rcafons for the fevaal Myftcrics, but only to
^ove,that they ought to be believ'd. k is true indeed, that in ProceTs of time, the Hercfics gave
occa(k)n more thoroughly to examine the Do<Srioe$> and to fix the Terms that ougl» to be us'd
in explaining them, and 10 dnrar Conlequenoes from die Arttcles of Faith which werefbcroally re-
Veal'd i but the Fathers enier'd upon the Ditcuflion of rl ofc Points, being only incited by a kind
of oecefTicy Neither were they ib bold as to ilart a great number of new QucftioDS xelacing 10

llie Myftcries, nor to rdblve them according to Vhtlofoiiliical Pt'indples. Upon die whole, as
they did r^ot commit to writing iny Speculations about DoArinal Points', bu: only with rclpedl:
to the Herecicai Opinions ; fo neither did they compoic any particular Theological Treacile con-
cetdM dKDoftrines of the Chriftian Hdigion, of foe purpofe, hoc they noKd of cfacm wfaei»-
cTcriane maoecifion to refute ieooe new tkrefy.
% Qrigen

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i cfZ J Nov Ecclefia/ltcal Hi/iorj
Ori^ct: in.? firft: who undcf .is it were n R<j<1v (if D^vir.irv,
< to rompile in L's WorJ. call'J

The p'u'nc.'ph'i Bin tliis new Undmakaig lini no: at all rrc/Vc liuxclsiui, uilutnuch that iIk Author

rc lyinp cno nun h iif (in his own knowlcifge, and being ddiit)us to aocominodaie the DoArincS of
Chriftinnity ro the Ntnxitr.s of Plain's Philofophy, had the misfonunc to fall into many Errors
which have fullicd lils Memory. But fuch Inronvenitnccs did not happen to thofe Divines, who
conicntcd themfdvcs only to tench with the fiinplicirj- of Catcchifts, tne principal Myltcrics of
our Rellgicn conrain'd in the Aix)itlcs Creed, atKi to prove theni by Paflhges taken out of the holy
Scriptures. In the Ages followinc the great Hcrcfies of the Ari/ins, Kt/fcrt'/ws, EutyckUns, ^c.
the kcvcrcrd Fathers wcreoblipu to ta a' at lai pcoi* theMyftcrics cf the ! rimn .iml oh the In- t

cam.iticn ; bur the holy. Scriptures, and Tradition , were the only Principles on which they
proui>lcii their Prooft, aiW they only niadetireof Argumentstians toaiftover the Senfe of tbePial-
ricc< nf Scripture, nnd of the Ancient Father^. The f!iirc thirc w.-is i^onc wiili tLTjxd^ ro other
Hcrcfies J and we do not find any other Arguments allcdg d to rclucc them, nor any other Rules
made \ifc t)f in the Counctk ro condemn them : Bat by linle and Itttk an over-weaning Curiofiry
inv^uccJ Men to ftnrt divers new QiicfVions rclathu; to Thit;! Martct', p.-iriciilai !y the My- other difficult Point» of the Chriftian Religion, Indeed at tirlt the Auttonty of hoiy
Sfripturcs, and of Tradition^ «a«cn!y brought to decide them, but afterwards Philolophy was
alfocali'd in to their afilft.ince, mere cfpccially the PlAtonUk, that W3<; then nioft in vct^ue, nrd
which k'cm d nit'ft conformnblc ro the Rujcs ol Cliriltianity. The Author of the Works aicribd
n»Sr. Divnjfiis /Irrpp.ryjte, who wrote in theend of tlic Fifth Century, follow\l :his M«thod»

^lul trratcd it: hi*; Bot ks of the Divine Attr.butes, and Hierarchy, of <Uvcis Theological Qjicftiofi^
ac*<)idir;g to the Pvinciplcsoi the P/4/««V/^Philofophers.
' *
-Soiiu 'tin-ic .ifrer. Bctv/:w/, aMan wrU verftxi in /friy^^
to explain 'he MyiV'-Ticsof the Triniry, and of the Incirnntict'. \vl,-ch engag'd him in Debates

abpui fon-.c vrty ftibt'l and intricate Qjicftions. But 6t. jo.un.i-: D.un. Ju)Mj is the fii-ft who under-
took lBcth(>dicn!!y to tiircufs all forts of Theological Qucftions, and to reduce them into an entire
Body. In the Minth Century. ?«imi« Scotm Eri^ems apply'd Arijl6tle% Method and Principles to
the icfolut cn of fcvera! Qncfeons relating to Points of Divinir^' ; but his fubttl Notions hiaT«»g
Ik*. Dr dlrir.c .ind Met hi d were rcje^cd by tlx Divines of his Tiit^e,
U'ad hilC into divers Errors ;

The ftudy of the moft nccdlary and nioft obvious Points being negkded in the Tenth Century, ix,
is not to be admir'd, that no application was made to rhofc abimile and difficult Qwftiont ; lb
that Ar!J}otlt\ Phllolbphy wa-^ I'or (xnun to be t.mght in ihc Publiek Schools, according to the
Method of the Arahims, till the beginning of ilic 1 icventh Century,- neither was there any uie of
it made at firft, in Theological Matters r But in piocefsof time, Men, whofcHfcads were fill'd
wlih fc Krrioiis infenfibly ttnmdiircd them into Divinity, and apply'd them nor nnfy to il-

ktliraic and decide ordinary Qjielboiis, but to form a great number or new one>, wliicii were
l^xr heard of before. Join the Sop hiiter, {{tfceHntH, .and St. ^«y^, were the firft who put this
Metliod in praiTlicc ; and after them Aineiardut, GiUelnt de /a Parrte, and many others, brought
it vcguc, and made publick Lcdurcs oo that fubjetft. Otho of Prifin^hcn introduced i: into
Gcrmmy, V.nd within a little while after, it took place ahncft throughout all Cbriftendom.
But tori v-Kh as ii is difficitk not to go aftray in following a new Track, fomc of the firft Au-

ihocsof th ui.iiincr of ling Theological Points, particularly l{ofcelinus, Abatiirdus, GiBebert
deU Pmc\ .15 alfo /fm/t/zry or Atnn'Aticus, and m.Tny others, in the beginning the followingd
Cn'^vrv, fell into diviTs finors; or at Icaftexpreiled thonfelvcs in luch a manner as was cdq-
deij;:i'd by thofe Perlons. who fldher'd to the Sentiments and Method of Difcourfc us'd by the An-
cient Fathers. There alio happen 'd another Inconvenience, which was, that the ditf>.ri.nt Opinions
cff thcic Authors, about the
moft ;->art of thole Qucftions, gave occafkm to many Ccnielts and DU-
futcs^.ong the Dhrioes; and in reg.ird that the number of the Qjwftionsencrcafcd daily, and
every one ro n-,.iiir.i'n his Opinions had recourfc to rl e tnoft fub-:!! Toj it.k.\of tlie Ariflotdetn I.o-
gick and Metaphyfick ; the Dil'putcs were almoft incumcrabk, and became lb full of Obfcurities,
Inti^cades. and Evalions, that only thole who were wdl verfed in tfapt Art, were able to com«
pre!;cnd any thing, and thus it was impoffible to kh;- to any determination. Bclidcs the unconrh
manner of handling the Icveral Subjects, and the barbarous Terms that were us'd, rciidiT'd this
Idnd of Stutly much more agreeable.
Icier To prcvctK ihcie Inconvenienas, PFTER I OMPARD, Bifhop of Pui 'it, undatook to make
LomlMfd, a Cuikdlionof ihcPaflagcis of the Fathers, a%i chiefly of St. Hilary, St. Ainl-frrje, St. J.tojj, and
BtJIsfp of Sr. Auxvfti»t on the principal Qudt;ons that vveilr then in debate among the Sehcol-nien ; r. u g n-.
Varifc ing by that means ro pur an end to their Dilrurfs. nrd lo fV rm fuel] Dlv (" ns rh^ Aurhonty
ot thole Pe: lons> on whole Telb'mnnics ilury Witi; groiinueJ, aught rciiucr \eiici.tLje, .md inight
even cauJc rhem tu be receiv'd with common confent. 1 his Collw^ion was call'd, The lic:/k_ of ;/.-
Srrt/i};ces, ( a Title then ufually imnovd on 1 hcological Works) and lvini» piifcrr'd before aM
nrlur>, was nxetvVl with lo genera! appnAation, that in a little rime, it bccajne the only Model of
•^ Divinity that was publickly us'd in the Schools ; inlomuch that the Author of it was
cill' way of excellency, T/jc M.if/cr pftheSenteecct : But jbc Daitors of the Faculty, not con-
tenting thcmfclves' with the fimplicity of tins Work, made voluminous Comnx ntaries on the Text,
in w h'.ch titey rcncvv<\l tlicir Ciontcfts; rcviv'd the fame Qitdbons; and again intermixed with ,

Thcoloeicai Matters, the Princinles of Philolophy, and the Maxims ot ^r^«r/#, which were ne-
ver nso bychc'the dencenccs: Nay, igme proceeded (oht, asto^nd&nU with his
Dcci^oi^ although ihcy were ex|iTdlbd in the. my
wocds of the Fad^rsr TJbut P^pe AJ-.x-^r-

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of the Twelfth Gontury of Chriftianity. i
ArllT. cenfur d one of hisExprefltoiM ; the Abbot ^^o^rAim wrote a Book aftAioftjiioi; and tl^
Faculty of i'.im drrw up i Cutakguc ot Ai Lick's, in which the Mafter of Sentences was oot
ufiiaJiy t'oliow'd. However, be may bccUcem U a» the chkf of ail theScbool-Divines ; for al'
though in his Work he has made nleof a Method quite different from the odMer% af to the mas-
acr of dikufiing rhc Thcologic'il Qudtions, ycc hi$ Bonk has always fcrv'd as their Model or
Ground-work, and .ipparcntly tlicy have done nothing cUc but comuiouGd UDoa it Upon which
aocottnt we are obiig'd to enlarge Ibtncwhat more on the lift, and Perfonal Endtowae t, .of fem m
Lct-if -irJ, as alfc j-, Cunrcnrs ot his Work,

He was born in a Village neir Novaria in L<n»l/itrd/, from whence his .Sir-name was taken, acd
pertbrm'd pair of his Studies at Bonmi4, where there was at that time a fumaa Untveifirf, oaoce
cfpccially tor the ftiidy of the Civil l aw but Ih rrpard that rhofc of ^mcr were much more

noted, wnth rclpidl CO the Facility ot Divinity, he took. aRclolution to go thither, having obtain 4I
a Letter of recommendation from the Biihop of Liicca ro St. Barnard, in which he cntxeaeed him n
take a particular Cere of Pcicr Lojnl.mTi Educarion, u hilft he spply'd himfclf to ftudy in Trance,
^l.Bcinnd provided all things ncceliai y toi his Subliltcnce, as long as be relidcd at H^mt ^ and'
upon bis departure for Paris, recommended him 10 ^din Abbot ot Sl VtRar^ to the end that he
mtghr maintain him Cutis. Peter, in a little time, acquir'd a great deal of Reputation, and
was nominated Profclfor cf Divinity in the Univcrfity of Paris, of which he is alfo llyl'd PiefiUent
by the contemporary Wriiets. He foUow'd this Employment with fo good fucccls, that the Bi*
iboprick of ^arU faeiiig vacant in emo. Pbilip Arch-deacon of Paris, the Son of King Lewes the
Gro!s, who was cbolen Bifliop of that City by the Chapter, rcfign'd his Place to him, and coo-
defcaidedlbfar as 10 permit S:rangcr of anoblciue Parentage, and of as mean Fortunes, to be

jwc&rr'd before lum, by reaiba of his extraordinary Learning i although he was the Son and firo-
ifaeraf aKmg: A and rare Example of Hmntlity ! However, Peter Lombard did not
long er.jiiv rhis D.g:.;cy ; for he dicil July 20. yf . D. 1 164. and was buried in Sc. Marcel's Church,
WBorctbc Licuitiatcs of the Faculty of Paris are obiig'd every Year to compoie a Fqcm of Divinp
Sconce in hononr of his MeoMJcy*
This Author wrote, bdidcs the Book of Sentence:, certain Commentaries on the Pfalms, antl on
Sl Ptsii'i Epiftlcs, wh'xh in eScA are almoit nothing elt'c but £xtrads out of the Coixunentanes of
SLttStf^ ScAmtnftt St. Ai^in, Cajfiodavs, and l^pnegiuit ael(fmfcS Jiuxau, TfaaGoinnKB-
tary on the Rook of PlaJflBS was pdmcdac F^Bfu ^. A
1J41. and tuttoo Sc f«)fs%ittksa{dtt
iiunc P-acc in 1 335. • • .

HiaCoUe(%on of rhc Sentences is divided into Four Books, and every Book into feveni Sec-
tions ; the Divifion of the whole Work being grounded on Sc. Aitj^ujihi's Axiom, That Knowledge
has TwoObjeifh, ^ j:;^. Things, and Signs j that Things are divifible into thofe that may be en-
joy'd, and thole which arc only CO ht ui'd ; that is to lay, God and the Creatures. In the Firft
Book hr treat; of [!>ofc Things that ought to be enjoy 'd, particularly the Three Porfons of the
Holy Trinity, .ind i he Divine Attributes. In the Second, he fptcihcs iholc Things the ufc of
wh'ch is only allow d, namely, the Creatures ; difcourfing of the Creation of the world j of the
Fall of the Angels, and thatof Jdatt; of Grace and Frc^ Will ; of original and adual Sins,{f?a
In the Third, he gives an Account of the Myftery of the Incarnation of Jefus Chrifl, by vcrtue of
which Mankind is delivered iioiii S n of F.iiih, Charir) and tlic other Vertucs ; and
; ,

of the Commandmems of God, which muft be obicrv d for the atijUoing to Salvaqoo. The Fourth
and lafl Book, Oiotains Mancn idadi^ 10 the Signs or SacEanents.oSf the Cfafvch, c^cm the
Seven hit Scdiooi, ni'WlMdi ht tmf» cS tlw UfSxBMda^ dfcbe laft Judgmcatj.and cf dig
future State.
In theRrft Scdioh of the Firft Book, he examinee what are the Things which ought to be
cnjriy'd, arid what are thofe that ar: only to K
us'd, as alto, what it is to enjoy and uic Things
who are the Perlons capable of cojpytng and ubng them, and, by whfU means bc»,b' the. ooc and
the oi%er-i«done "Tlieh he pieoNds A> refolve thcfe Quefttons according the .MsMnns'of
hi^ufiln, who maintains that we ought to enjoy God alcne ; thai is- to fay, wc ought only
to adhere to him as our ukiq^te End, and to love him upon his own Account ^ aod that we ought
nor coftroor AlleAio«»on the Creatures ; that is to fay, not 10 love them butjfiur GM'sfake, aaA
nor to sdkere to rhcm .iny farther than it reeir."; good to tlic Will of God.
fU proves, in the Second Sc<ilion, the Myilcry of tlic Huly Trinicy, by Pallagcs., taken out of
the Old and New Teftament. •

In rlie Third, he explains after what manner God may be kaown by the Creatures, and brings
Cumpiirilons taken from the Creatures, that may fervc to give foroc Idct of the Myftery of the
Ti ihiry ; and infiftsanoic particularly on that of the Soul conTifting of divc3i£a^ijy^|||^ which ate
nothing but the Soul itfelf. He obierve^ at the (uuo iniie, that t%, p)||ap9ati)l^ >
|M)C alike ia
all PoincK, and (hews the Difference. ' ^ •
• /'
• '

In theTionfib, liedifcufles this Queftion, Pf^kft it may be jaid, that God the F(tther is b^etton
Lnn^clf i tr wbefher it ttg^bt to be jiUt that ht bispt another God? And coodndes with 5t. Att^
gufliM, that ieo«ghrid be aCmi'd, that God thenther begot another Perlbo, who is God, and
ihe fame with h.-.n i'-. Subllancc.
in the Fifth, he examines another Qjieftioa a bwt the Generation of thc Wqrd: H'Tiathtr
ilnuty be faii, that'tbf) Either beiHit jllf'Oiuiiu Rpmi, or tbt Mtn^Sffenet beg(a ^be ion ; or ivlv-
thtr cue "Elfence produced nnoiher ; or vehethtr the E(fevce be neither fremced, nor fioducin^ ? He re-
lates dh-ec» Paflagcs o£ the fathei$ coocftoing. thcfe Q^efttoas, aa^ iuaint^igs^^,;hac it cannot

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A Ecclejiafticd Hifiwj
be that <>od die Father pi-nduccd r he Divine Eflencc; or that the Eflence produced the Son;

or rhat the Eiftnoe ptoduced another Eflencc r Bur that it muit be cxjirdTcd, that the Father pro-
duced the Son and the Holy Ghoft, who arc two Pcrions of the larnc i>ubftance, and of the lame
Eflence wirfi the Father.
In the Sixth, he enquires, Whether the father brget the Son, Volcns aut Nolens ; (asit isufunlly
termed, ) that is to fay, by Necejfity, or by bis mmiVii ? He replies, with St. Auguflinf that the
Son of'God was begotten according to Namre^ and not according to Will ; and that abbongh
.God was willing to beget him, yet his Generation is not an £fle(ft of that Will.

In the Sc\cnch, he propofcs another more fubtil Queftion; vi:{. ffbether the Father were endu'd
#M 4 particular fVift^ma Power to beget his Son ; If an Anfwer be made Affirmatively, ic dMB fill*
I6ws, that the Father has a Power aiid Will which the Son has noc, in rtntd tbai the latter is nei-
ther able nor willingto beget. He reiblves this Difiktdpy by faying, oat Generation is not an
*finiieitlierof the Will, or of the Power, batofN.uure, and i hat is not a Thing. Afterwards
he ex|4ains in what Scnfe St. At^u/HH fjud, that cbe Son bad Power to begaj tbac is to £17, that
it is ^
reafon of In^wency tbathedid not beget.
In theHghth Sedion, he treats of the Nature, Immutability, and Puriry of God He affirms, :

'tlilc he b ii»pix)perly call'd a Subftance, and that there is oahing in God, that is ooc God

•'In the Ninth, he difcnurrcs of the Generation of the Son from Eternity.
In ti^ Tetidi» he begins to treat of the Holy Ghoft, and ibews in what Senie iie is calfd

In the Elovcnrfi, he proves that he proceeds from the Father and the Son.
In the Twelfth, he explains in what Senfe it may be faid, that the Holy Glioft proceeds chiefly
fttNii tfie Ftther ; vi^. in regaid tiiac die Son. from whom be proceeds, as well as from the Fa^
rhT, receives his Nature from the Father. He add% that in this Senlc it is iiud, dHK the Eadv
lends the Holy Gh(^ by his Son.
In the Thineenth, he (hews, that human Undcrftanding cannot comprehend the Reafon of cfae
Difference bcrwern the Generation of the Word, and the Proccfionof cheHoly Ghoft; aid de-
dans in what Senfe thcHoly Ghoft may be laid to be Ingemtuj,
In the Fourteenth, he treats particularly of the temporal Proceffion, or Comrnunication of dft
Holy Ch(ifl ; ..nd mainrntns, that it is really imparted to Men ; and tbat Mca» though MVer i»
Holy, cannot have power to confer it, but only the Father and the Son.
He adds, in the Fifteenth Se(ftion, that the Holy G hoft kcwi le commoaiettBi Jdmiafi anddc-

Utttts on that ort nfron divers Qucftions relating to the Miliianof the jica.

" The fame Subjcd is continu'd in the Sixteenth Scdion.
Bi the Sewineenth, the Anchor Kpident»rev«nl QjKftkor alms the VGSm
of cheiiolf
- He explains, in the Eighteenth, in what Senfe die Holy Ghoft isoaffSd aGifi^ and hoir he is
'lliven CO us.
in the Nineteenth, he treatsof the Equality of the Three Perfons in the Holy Thoity, and oC
iMSrtTmon hi the (ame Eflenoe.
In cl-.'j Twenticrli, he proves the Equalir>- of Power among the Three Divine Perfons.
In the Twenty firft, be (hews in what Senlc it may be faid, that, the Father is God alone, the Son
'GoA fltcAi^, and die Holy Ghoft Ood afonci
• "In the Twcn'7 fecond, he diftinguilhes the Termrthat agree with the Three Perfons in common,
and do not agree with any in particular, as that of the Trinity : Thole that agree with every one
*cf the ThreePcrfons, which expreft the abfolute Attributes, ortefatHe'l* the Creatures ; as the
bnnt; Infinite, AKnighr>-, Creator, And laftly, thofe that agree with one Ferton, fane nocwidi
anorner ; as to be the Father, to be Begotten, to be Given, ^^c.
'Hcfhcws, in rhc Twenty third, that all the Terms relating to the Subftance cannot be faid in'
the Plural Kumlier, of the Tliree Pcrl'ons of the Trinity, hut only in the Singular. Thus it is
-not faid, The Father, tlie Son, and the Holy Ghoft, are Almighty ^ although every one of tbclc
Verfons is declar'd to be Almighty. He excepts the word Perfon, wfaialifiMaar oe (aid of the
Three Divine Perfons in the Singular Number, but only in the Plural ; for it cannot be faid, that
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghoft, are one Perfon, but that thcj- arc Three Perfons, or ac-
ceding to the Grer^. Three Hypeftafes.
In the Twenty ibanh, and inAe Twenty fifth, be examines diven<)|Bftiadc about the Tena
of Unity, Triniry. ahd thfc Dif^lJnAion in [peaking of the Trmity. j;.*.t
In the Twenty ftxth, Twenty fe^-enth, Twenty eighth, and Twentf ntthi hedifixMffeicf dft
Rdative Propercies of the Three Divine Peribns among cbemleives.
to be a Crdttor»'C9«L
Nature. . •
In the Thiffiech„ he treats, of the Relatiye ^pcrciea of Oodf vridi ic^eft •» Mea i
dnt ifaef da^«ec hnfily any ChuigeiorAlnMnkB is the XXtne

Irt-the'ThhTfliift, he (hews, tbatthe Equality and UkawA oftfae Thai FbiAm ace not gurwl

cd on their Relative Proper ics, but on the Id'.nriry of their Knrare.

Tn the Thirty Iccond, he lays down Two principal Dificultie* j W^. Wbtther the Father and tbt
StH-miMtily tove me another by the Holy Glxft ;^ rvhether the "^tther he Wife ty^he pytfdom bebmht'
g^ten J He acknowledges thefe Qjicftions to l>c difficult yet declares, rhar there is in God a c\t-

'Jtain Love, and a certain Wifdom, which arc comtnoa co tbe Three ^'ctloos^ although the Soo

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of the Twelfth Ccatury of Cbrifiianity. i p5
\r a Wifdom which notthe Fatfcfir, nor rhe Holy Ghoft; afed die Holy Glioft a tore, wBich

is neither the Fnthcr, nor clic Son ; flirvenbclels

wttbout imaginiiig TwoWifdonif, or Two Loves,
CO be in the Trmicy. . ^ • ' '

In the Thirty third, he propofathisQjwftJon; wiff. fi^bemr tic Prtfertuttf tbtPtifiiu «rft$
the Dkhie Effcnce ?
he diflintitip^ed frcm t!r Perfons thrrrf-lvn, and from
He maintains ihe Negtiive, and condemns the contrary Opinion as HcrcricaL
He oppofcs tlie laine Ownion. In tbe Thisty fentdt SaStim. and Ibews, dut tfae VaQm» are boc
diftinmnllicd from rhcir Nature.
of God, which Udmc a parucuiir
tn ihc Thirty lihh, he begins to treat ot ilic Atcributcs
Gonfidendon ; feeR arc his Omnifcicnce, Omnipottnqr, Providence, Will, gktdcftinatfaai, Cfc.
The Author (hews in tliis Soilion, that thclc Attri!"r> ^rc tclam-e to the Creatures.
In the Thirty fixth, he makes it appear, thai aii i imigs arc expos d to Gods Omnifcicnce, as

^veHGood as Evil - akhoui>hEvit be not an Efifttiiat proceeds from him.

In the Thirty fevcn^i, he rrear* of tbe manner of God's being every where, by his Prefence,
Pbwcr, and Eifence j dilcourling by the way, of the manner bow Spiritual Creatures are in a
Fbee, 'awi koir they paft from one Place to another.
After^nrd*. rmimmg to the Qucftion about the Fore-knowledge of Godt he fays» that it is not
the Cauitf of Things, if it betaken for a fimplc Knowledge ;
bat if bis WilM>Ecree, ttid Incfi-
nation, be comprehended under that Name,
in tlut Scnfc it is the Caufc of all Things. That
upon this account God catina be the Author of £vil, becaufe he docs not require, nw ordain ix,
although he knows it. In the end of tWs Sedion. is prodnoed the ftmous Diftindton of the
Coiriftolit,and divided Scnfation, to cxpLiin how God's Fore-knowledge cannot be erroneous,
a [Thou rh the Things tnigbc happen oiherwifc. It is impoflibk; that that flwuld not happen which

GoJ itisfore-fcen; thai i$ »

fey, that kcannoc iblalloac di« God ftoaU foR^ltt ir, and yet
thatitfliniUnMlnFpeDj IxitpeHuFt ittnigfacnoc hafpen, and then God Ihpttldiwt have iijt«-

*1h'the Thirty ninth, he ptx)vei, that the Onnilcknce of God has abniyt been the finne, and
liiat itcannot bo d iminifhcd or augmented.
In the Fortieth, he begins to treat of Prcdi-ftin.ition,
and diftinguilhcs it from.Forc-knowlcdge,
ill fceaid thatthe fbrraer has reffieft
only to the Good which God ooglK rodo. Then be again
makes ufc of the DiltinAion of Compofir, ard Ui\ idrd .Scnlation ; to explain in what Scn(c ic
nor any of the Reprobate
may be faid, that nond of the Pralcitiiiatcd Pcrions can be diunned,
of God, by which he eledtd
lard, ik makes Piedcftinaiion to confift in an eternal Decree
ihofc' whom he thought fit .md prrpnr d Graces for them ; and Reprobation, in the Fore-

knowledge of their Sins, by vinucc v ch krprepar d evcrlaftiog Punilhrnentsto beinflidlcdon


'^T^rhc Forty Scdion, he treats of iheCaufea of Piedeftinacioa, and fliews tliat it is pqjjely

Cratnircus nnd God has not cbofcn the F-Ieft, becattfe he knew them
be Righteous, bat»
that he .:Il'a them to be fo by his Grace.
^ o ^
From Prcdcltination he pafles n>Oiiuii]ioDency j and explains, m.
the Forty tecood Scehon, m

what iK-nfc God is Almighty.

Hepro%cs, in the Forty third, tlurGcx^can do an infinite number ofTIung.*;, which he does
nor. and confutes the Afguments and Allegations brought
by lomc Pcrlons to evuice ihc cq»-
In the Forty fourth, he Oiews, that God can ablbluttly make
Things morepcrfc<fl than be has
but cannot do fo, if the Wildom
done, if refpe<a only be had to the Quality of the Cieanire j
and Intention of the Citawr be taken loco eonfidetation. He adds, diat God can always do what
he has done, b-caufe he always has the fame Pbwcr ; akhoagh .« happens chax hecaonoc do m
panicular what he has alrcadv done. - — , -^^ • »^ «
fifth SedUm, of die Will of God, of ns Natuie and Efiedb^
Hettwisat rar|!e; in die Rwy
and of its different Kinds. .. ^ ^ , . . , , . ^«
In the Forty iixth, he explains in what Senfc the WiU of God
cannot beinef&dual j and in
whatScnle he is willing, or unwilling, that EvU be oommitod : He has no indinadan to Evil,
yet he is no!: ablblucclv willin(» to prevent ir.
- . .

He proves, in the that the Will of God is always efficacious ; that

1 wo toilowing Sedions,
whatever he thuiks fit inevitably comes to pafs, and nothing iiappcns but by his Will That al- :

thtytigh he d.xs not .ipprtve all the Inclinations of Men, ncvcrthelefs he willingly
admits the Ef-
frds of ilicir depraved Wdl, but does not approve the Aft of it.
Heraicks, who
In the Fifft SccaioQ of the Second Book, the Author confutes tlie Error of ihofe
admitted Principal or Sovereign Beings j fliews that God cftaicd Angels and Men, and dif-
courfes in general of their Nature, and of the End for which they were created.
In the Second, he examines wiicn, and in what P^ace, tbe Angels were

In the Third, he tieats of tbe State in which they were aeated i and maimains, that they
were created in Uprightnefs , and diat their Fall happcn'd but tone Moments after their

^^He'°adds, in the foUowing Sedion, that ihcy did not enjoy porfed BltlTcdnefs, till they were

*"i?*ihe Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Sedionj, he debates divers Qjteftions about the Fall of th^
Wkked, and the Confinnation of the Juft.
Cc *


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A Nei» Ecckfutfiical Hiftorj
Eiphch, he follows St. Augujlins Opinion, who bcllcv'd
th.u the Anpcis luvc Aerial'
In Ac
BfKl" s

and upoii occafion ot that Q^Uion, he enquires after wlvat manner God was wcmc to
what Scnfe is faid, that the Devib cncerinto hamaD fiodio.
ar»pc ir to Men, and in

In'thcNinth, hciteaisofthccliffciciuO. icrsoftheAngcIs.

Ill the Tc- Ml, lie examines whether zm
An^ls ot different Orders were tenii and gives aa
refped to thcfe QudHoos.
Account ol ihc d ffcrcnt Opiniait of the Fathew, with
Eleventh, thnt every one of the E led has a Guardian Angil, yet owns that
He proves, in the
tlic Ginic ^ngcl may fcrveasa
Guardian to federal Perlons ; and aircrwarJs proceeds to exaauoe
it, vvhnr particulars
the Knowledge of die Aogds may be augmented.
he explain! the Work of the Creation.
In the following Sodions to the Sixrccnch,
Crcatioii of Man j and enquires ia wks
In the 5'xteemh and Seveiwwtb, he treats of the
his likencf* to God confifts, when bis Sonl WM
Ofoned* and in what Place he wa» fix,
He difcour'AS Eiphrccmb, of the FaaadOB rf
in the WoMH i and eWeaTOWs to csfhiia»
why Ihe was taken out of the Man's Rib. ^ , •
In the Ninetoemh , he tc«NS of the Sam of ImnGiiality m which the Firft
Mm mm. . . .

"In the Twentieth, he debates concerning the Manner how

Men were to be brought una the
World, and how they were to be nonriOieiJ, in cafe the Situ; of Innocence had coorinnVL
v. l^at manner the Dtvil tempted Man.
I:i the Twenty firft, he gives an Acconnr nfr-
Twenty fLxond, dr»vib QudUons relating to the Quality and Circumftances
He difcuScs, in the
of theSinof .^»w a»>d . . .

In the Twfnty third, he t [i this difficult Poinr, Cod pammuMft

PPl>y f bt temMtJ,

iQim^^tba: he wai to FuS ? And .Jici wards treats ot the Knowledge with which the Fuft Man

In the Twenty fonrth. he begins to dilcourfe concemii^ the Free Will, mad Qsace, uiherent ia
the Firft Man; and treats in gcncial, in tiic Two following Scdions, of tbe Ficedom of Gnc^
accoidinc to Sr. AMujlin^ Principles. . ,
Mens, which ait the
/ .

In the Twenty icventh Sedtioo, he diTcoaiies of Venue and £fci^ oC

Grace and Fr«e Will. ..... M«ri^
btheTwcMrdgbih. he oefiiis the Bnon of the f«%fatf, as allb ihofe «f die

*'in fte^ wSty ninth Sedion, he Rtttnis to the Stase of the Pieft Men ; tad afber having fliewiv
that Man even in the State of Innoceticy ftof J in need of operating and co-operating Grace, for
the doing ol Good, he debates certain Queitions about the manner
bow he wascxpeU'd Paradiiv
and concerning the Tree of LMe which prcferv^d hiah fram Death.
he treats of Original Sm, and
In the Thirtieth, Thirty firft, Thirty fccond, and Thirry third,
cnqniies m
vhtu it conjijh ; bow it is trenffcn'd fnm Parentf-to their Children i mier itbat
tier it it remitted hj Baptifm ; wteiber Cbildnm
emtraB lb* SHu ef thm futm, <k^6ui m
Sin, 8<c.
In the Thirty fourth and Thirty fifth, he difcourfcs of the Nature of Actuai

In the Thirty fixth, he ftews, that theie eie Sum which are both the Ceufe^ end the fniiiA^
nici.' of S; n,
tic makes it appear, in the Thirty fcvcmh, that God is the Author of the
Aclioris, by whkik

Sin iseommitttd, and of the Punifhments of Sin, akhungli he is not the Author of Sin.
In the Thirrs* eighth, he dcirKxiftr:i'^<^, ir the Fnd and [nccnrion of the Will which tm-

dcrs the A<iiion cither Good or Bad ; and iliat in orucr to its being Good, it niull ot nccdLty be
terminated in God.
In the ThiiTy ninth, heenquifestoKitfaefiiauoot H^f ^ the »Miard F^ctdtitt^ tkt HUmi^
In the Fortieth, he condmiei 10 flew, that en Action n beddMndneadGood* oii^»hne a,
g0<il End and Intention.
In the Forty hift, he produces divcfS Pid&gesof Sc. Aieufiin, about the aeoefluy of Fttdv
and of an upright WiJJt toevoidthecon»iiBt^gofSin| andflKwib chat the oanu^WiJl iadKr .
caufc of Sin.
He enquires, in the Forty fccond, If^jHber ffV m mi
Ae ASim bt tme different Sim ? An*
Afterwards explains the Diviiion of the Seven Capital Sine; (hewing, that they derive their «i»
ginal from Pride and Coocupilcence.
In the Forty third, he relates the Opinions of St. Amlirefe, atrdSt-Attgifiht coooeming dttSae
againllthc HolyGhoft.
Laftly, be makes it appear, in the Fortyfourth Sedion, that the Powei of conmitim? i>m pr».
ceed.<s fram God ; and Aat the Power the uevil has to tempt us to
Evil, ought to be reiifted.
Tlic Third Book begins with the Qucftions relating to rhc Myftcry of the Incarnation. In the
Firft Sedioo, the Aiulior lays down the Reafons, Why it was more cxncdient that the Son Ihouil
bclncatnati;. rather than the Father, or the HolyGhoft; and difinflet this Qficftloii, ffMm
TiPn Vcrfons vecrc r'n likf manner capnUe ofleirg Incamcte.
In rhc SeuMid Scdion, he treats of the Union of the Word, with the Body and the Soul.
In the Third, he Ihcws, that the Body taken by the Word was free ftomibe oompdon of Sin /
that the Virgin Miry herfclf then al(b free from S:n cvl th.nt in cfae VCty OtaRWaC that the

Hiunanity ol "^ejut Qhrijt was concnv d, the Word w.-\$ umtcd ro it.


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of the Twelfth Cemmry of Chrijlianitj.
He enquires, b dw Foanb. fVlj the ImanMum is MUrihited /» the Htfy G&V?, rdtber thou ts
6tUf Ptrfmu tftbe Tkimitx i.Mdm wku St^fi it iiJUdMw Chrift mm cmcth'imi Um

bi ^ FiftbSMBen. be tresis of die Union ofrheFeribn of the Son with theFjbiman Narare^
rhar the Wonl was not united ro the Pcrfon, but to the Nature.'s,

the Suub, he gives an Account of ihcfc Propuiitions ; vi;^. God VM made J44m,
1(1 Ged it Mff**j
and produces Thfce frveral Explications of them made by the Fathers.
The (nmc mnrttrr is farther handlcil in the Scvcritli Dlikmdtion.
lathe Eighth, he rclolves this Qticltion, H'hethir it may be faid, that the Divint Nstun wm
harm ef tht Virgin Mary ? And difcourfcs of the two- fold Ifadviry of J^s
In th Ninth, liepradiMescmainFafiagesofdKFaiJierSfOoaoc^^

In jbc Teiith, he propod-s ihisQueftion , w(. Wliethcr Je/iit Cbrtji, quatemu Afon, be a Ptr-

{bn, or a 1 hing ? Mc niainrains the Nef ative, aild afterwards pCOVes that die QpalilJ QT Tide oC
4iii>ftive SfH cannot bc appropriated to him.
la the Eleventh, heaflbts^ that neither ought ^^Cbrift tobecalTdaOmitiiR; miAaax «^
ding tftt.ili»m MarL
la ihcTwelhlj, he dilcufles divers Queftions ; vi^. fJ^jether it may be /aid cf jcius Chhft
Mm, that he lUvays wm, or that it vem poffiUe tintt he miglu not be God ? He
is caoooT be faid of the Pcrfon of Je/wi Clxriji, but only of his Human Nature.
In the Thinecntb and Founecnih Set^ions, bc treats of Knowledge, Grace, and the Power of
^fus Chrift^ gaMtenus Man.
lo the Ftfioenth and Sixteenth, be proves, that "Jefut Chrift took upon him the Infirmities of
Hainan Nature, Sin and Ignorance only exccpced , and that be was capable of uado^gpiiig
In the Sevenuenth, he explains the two-fold Will of Jefiu Clrift,
In At Eigbnencfa, faedifeoiiiicsef what Jefiu Cbrift oierintf Ibr binfilft aiidaf wImk bemritei
§ti us.

latheTwemietb* be enquires. ^
In the Nineteenth, he treats of Redemption.
Jefus Chrift radlMaiVM^ to Pi^«nII)»4I^#
iber he could not hxve dyne it / r fame other means ?
In the Twenty firit , he ptopoics this Option j fVbetber the fVard rmuum'd Uiited f
the Bedy Jefiis Chri<t m wet m to bit 5m/, Ut Outk ? And oadndes io che Af-
In tlie Twenty fecond, he enquires, lilxther it may be fud, that Jefus Chcift IMI JkitUt durif^
the time that bit Body lay in the SufHkbre ?
In the following Sciiiions, he treats of Faith, Hope, and Charity,
In the Thirty third, he difcourfcs of the Four Cardinal Venues.
In dm Thinf fimnb. of the Seven Gifo of the Holy Gfaoft , and chicay of the For «^
In the Thirty fifth, he explains the difference between Wifdom and Knowledge,
biihc Thirty fixtl^ be tttois of the Coanesianof all the Venaei» and of die Rdadon ihey
have 10 Cbarin.
The Foar lot Sedions of this Book, contaui a oompendioos Explication of Ae Decalogue.
The Holy Sacraments arc ;! r principal Subjctft treated of in the laft Book.
In the imSet^n, he gives a'Dehnition of theSaoamenoi (hews theCauies of their Inftnik
rion; oUctvestbediflinence between dioie of the Old and New Law; and treats npafdadarei
Circumdfion, which he believes to have been fo ncccflary for the remLQion of Origirial Sin, that
be afirms, chat cheCbildren of the ^ewt, who died without partaking of that iSacramfnT, were
confign'd to Danuiacion.
In the Second, after having nonuoatod tfaeScvon Sicndiiensof dieNewLaw, bedUboDrftt of
the Bapulm by St. ^o/m the Baptitt.
In the Third, he treats of the Baptiiin <^ Jefiit Chrift, and after having oonfirm'd St. Amkrffit^
Opinion, that Raptifm might be ablolutely adminifter'd in the Name of Jefut Cljvijl, he enquires,
ff^ucMthe B^ifmof]ciMS,Chn^ wot injiiiuted, ead under what Ftrm the Affiles bafti^ed Berjms ?
As alio, fPkter is us'd in the Adminiftrttimnf Hdt Sturtment, mtd m
ether Lefmr s and ktf
tnany Tmmrrjflont om^I t to he made in B.iptiying ?
In the Fouirh Scdion, he treats of the Effccis of Bapnlm i Ihewing how fomc Perlbns re-
ceive the Sacranunr, and the Grace of the Sacrunoit ; and how others receive the Sacrament
wirhoar the Grace, and rhc Grace without the SaCTaraent. He proves that Infants receive both ;
and adds, that they even receive Adhial Grace, which afterwards enables than to perform gpod
In the Fifth, he makes it appear from Sc. At^u^in's Princioles. that Bapdrm adminiibed by an
unworthy Prieft, is no Idls Holy than thai which w perltann'd by the Haoos of a worthy one ; be*
caufe the eff-^ive Power of Bapdimg ii infacnnc in Ckift, which be doe* not
care ro the Miniftcrs.
In the Sixth Se«^ion, he obferves, that the Biihops, or Pricfb, bflfc a Rif^ to
Sacrament; although in cafe of ncccflity i: m.iy he done by Lay-men, and even by Women:
And chat it is valid by wbomlbcvei ic be admuulter'd, oaj when per^Mm'd by Heteoclui ^vided

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A NeT» Eccle/iajlical Hi(lory
k bo doi x m t heof the Holy Trinity. He tfletts, that an In&m cannot be baptized in the
Mother s Belly, and afterwards handles fevcral other Qaeftioas fdadng ro the Foim and Caf
monies of Bapdfm* u ^ <.^.^
In the Seventh Se»aion. he treats the Sacrament of ConfirmatTon ; and at tifft obferws; diae
the Form of this Sacrament arc the Words pronoimccd by the Pricft, when he niioinr'; rhe Fore-
head of the fia{)tized Perlons with the Holy Cimfm, The Author adds, that the Admmiftratjon
of this Saoramnt was always rcferv'd to the Bifltops ; that they ahme are ctpable of admhijilnng
due Form ; :ind rhar it cannot Ix- reiterated.
it cffcvfVnally in
HebcginSs in the Eighth Scdlion, to difcourle of the Sacrament of the Euchariii ; and af:cr
havinf flicwnlbmeof the ancient Figures of this Sacrament, pixxxcds to treat of its Inftitution ;
of irs Form, which he mikes ro rnnfift in ihcfe Wonis, 'This is im Ho ly, thl: is viy BIcpJ ; smi of
the Thipgs contam'd therein. He Uyi, Three Tilings arc to be diiluiguiflicd in the Eudiarut 5
^heSactament codifting in the vifible Spfciet of the fiirad and Wine ; the Sacrament and the
Thinp, which is rhe proper Body, niui the proper Blood of our Lord, contain'd under the Species i
&nd the T hinp, which is not the IS.icraincnt j tlui: is to lay, the myftical Body of Jefus Cbtifi, or
the inward Grace. ^
Tn the Ninth Scc'lxm. he diftinguiflics Two Manners of receiving the Body ofjefui Chift,
one S.icramct.tal, which is common to the worthy, and to the unworthy Communicants j and the
Other Spinni d, which is peculiar only to the former.
In th. Ter.ih, he ffovcs the Real Pre fer.ce, and the changing of the Bread aod Wine nto the
Body ond Blood < jcfus Chtijl, and refutes the Opinion of thde^ who believe the Enchar^ to be

only a Figure.
In the'Elcventh, he at firft enquires of what Nature this Change is, and proves it to be Tab-
ftantiai ; infomiich that the Body and Bhwd of Je/us CMj} are under the Accidents, which be-
fore cover li the Subll-nte f the Bread and Wine, which is arnihilated or renirn'd 10 rhe firft

Matter. He conliucs ibofc Peribns whoaOertvd, that the Subltanceof the Bread reimin'd after
dK Coofecration $ atid afterwards ^ves an Acconnt^ why the Bodydnd Blood of ^mCitia
are admifliAer'd to ns under Two dilfiaent KhMis, and why is imenniaced Van
Wine. . .

In the Twelfth, he endeavonrs to explain dhwsQueftions reUtmg to the Eudonftical Spteiei,

and affirms, the Accidents remain therein without the Subjtif> ; nnd that ttw?y only arc broken
and divided into many Parrs. Afterwards he liilcourl'cs of the Quality which is peculiar 10 this
Sacrament, as alio of its Inftitution and Effefts.
In the Thirteenth Seiflif)n, he ncknowledgcs, unworthy AlinlAers r-:?",- confccrarc the fil^
ments; but denies, u enti be done by cxcommunicutd Perlons, and dcci.ueu ilo cticki.
]d the Fourteenth, he lxgin<: to treat ot Repentance j diftini^uiihing the Vertuerf)f Repentance
from the Sacr.'.ment of Penance He ves divcTs Definiiioos oi Kcpcittanoe^ and Ihews the Necef^
: ,",1

lity of it, as alio that it may be oiien reiterated.

in the Fifteenth, he ptoves that ohe caiuux betruly petuime for one Sin, without adoal/y ir>
pentint: of all.
In the Sixteenth, he diftinguilhcs the Three Parts of Repentance; the Cort^guiM^ioo the
Heart, the ConfefTion of the Mouth, and the .Satisfadbion ofWoiics; and ditoRincs'in paiQcdar
of the Satisfadtions that ought to be made for venial Sins.
He treats of Confeffion, in tte Seventeenth ScAion, and (hews, that is requifite to conlHsones
Sins to n Pr;eft, in fTuLT tfi obtain the remiflioti of them.
In the Eighteenth, he treats of the Sacerdotal Power, and Of the ufc of the Keys ^ and after
having produced different Opinions relating to that matter, concludes, Thar God alone has the
Power of rbfoluteJy b'rdlrf, nnd ofing the Sinner, by i 'cinflnp tlx- Pollution
It liis Sin, and re- <

mitting the Penalty of tternal Damnation : T hat the Priefts do indeed bind and looUs, by de-
claring that fuch Pcrfons are bound or loofed by God, and by impoling Petuince, or by icaoonc-
ting to the Communion tliofc whom thq- have excommunicated.
In the Nineteenth, hcdifcour'.csof the Qualities rcquilitc in Miniiters, who arc employ 'd to
Irind and loofe Sinners; ncvcrtbdcf* he acknowledges that onwotihy Priefts have the Bower of the
Keys as well the wor:hy.
The Twentieth Seiiiion, contains the Opinions of the hatlicnJ concerning the Repentance of
liying Pcrfons.
In the Twenty he difcourfcs of the F^p'.ition of liglit Sins by the P.Tins Cif Purgatory ; of

tiic genera! Conteflion of venial Sins ; and ot the i'cnakics to be inflidfcd on Pnelts, whoUivulgc

maners related :o them in ConfefTion.

In the Twenty fecond, he propofes this Qucftioa ; vi^. f-Phcthcr Sins that l.-/n<e been nice far-
X'fen, return by the Commiffion of feffomng S'ns ? And after having produced the Reafotis on both
fides, I'.aves the Queilion undexitied.
In (he Twcnt)- third Diltindfion, he treats of the Sacrament of Undlioo, which he believes to
have been inftltuted by the Apoftles ; the Fflh!^ of it bring the icnuffion of Sins, nnd the oom-
ferr of the Sick Per;on He .liib proves th.-^i th.s Sacraii;ent m.Ty be rclrerated.

In the T wcnty louiiii, ikc treats of the tuiaitions aad Dignity of the Seven Oidcn, and of tb?
different Dignities among Bifhops. t
In rhe Twcnt) hftli, he difcourfcs of the validity of Ordinations made b>' Hercticks ; and after
havmg ^educed ditiercnt Opuuuns, leeutf to a{>pfove that of thofc who afimw that Fwiians who

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of the Twelfth Century of CImfiiamty.

were CrcbiuM In \\\z Clr.iri h Prtwor of ordaininp. thotiph they rum Hcrcrirk';
ftiJl'retain the bu: ;
• ^

<icny that rlioic wlioui d,^y ord.iin ha\c the faiiiu I'owlt. Atarward;. he trcais of Simonucai Or-
dinndons, and of the Age rcquiiice for adtniflion imu Orders. . r

In the Twenty fixtiC he foews the Anriquicyof the Sacramcnc of Marriage.
In the Twcn:y feventh, he enquires in what Marriage conlifts, and diftingailhes a Promife of
future M:irriapf, from Marriage conti..cliLi by the prdlnc Confentof the Parties.
In the Twenty eighth, Twenty ntoth, and Thirtieth, he gives a fudbcr Account of the Condi-
tions that ought to be annexed to fuch a Confenr as u
neceOary for the Qwfi iiiutioM of Mar* m
In the Thir» firftj he explains the Advantages of Maixiage, wiiicb are Fidelity, the Lawful
Ptticreatkm of ChUdren* and die Benefit of the Sacrainatt^ aM
In rhc 1 hlny icooad, be difcoiirics of Matters tdaring to tteOondwcncy ofmawMi Peifa «e
certain times.
\a the Thirty tlufd, lie relates divers Coiifidemioiis of die EuIkr, with td]wft totbenlx-
gamy of the Patrirrche.
In (he Thirty tuurth, he treats of ilic IinpuiinK^ms that render Perfoos uucapable of concnK^ir^
Marriage, and which make cIiL-ir Marriage void and of none £iFe(^ ,
In ihc Thiny fifih, he i1ili,v> a Man !n,iy be divorced from his Wife upon the Account of
Aduiterv, and that they uuy be aiicrwards reconcil'd. 1 lie Author add&, \hax be who has com-

nnned AdolKty with a Woman may marry her, after her HttslMnd's dcceafe , provided he wbr
nocacccflbry to his Death, .:nd did nor promife bis Wife m
rrinrry her in his I.itc-riTrr.
In the Thiny fmh Stdlion, he ircatsof the ImpctiiiiKiit ihac anics from the dittcrcnce or Age,
and Condition between the Parties, who contra<ft Marriage.
In the Thirty fcventh, be difcourfcsof the Injurxflion of Ce!cbacy obferv d In Bif^np^, Pricft%
Deaoons, and Sub-deacons, and of Pope C^Z/jc/m/s Ordinance, dedauring fuch Iviarnages nuJi.
In the Thirty eighth, lie treats of the Impediment of a Vow. ' •

In the Thirty ninth, of that oi' diflercncc in Relieiaa

fa the Pontcth, Fbny firft, and Forty fccood, of the Degrees of Canfangtiinity and AlEnity» as
wdl TcmpornI as Spiritiia!.
The other Sc<&ioos, contain divers Qiieftioos concerning the Refurmftioni the State of the £la^
and oftheRoiobiiies after their Death; Prayers &r the Dead ; thelnvocataenaadlnnroefioRdf
the Saints ; tneCircumft.inccs of the laft Judgment ; rlic feveral Df^rees of fieatittide and Glory ;
and the State and Torments of cbe Daawod, with which ends the fiftieth Se&ion of the Founh
Bpnk, by the Matter of the Sentences.
This Work was puWiflicd by /llc.nmr, r?nJ printed at Pan'f A.Ty. 1565. and at Lyom in
Ic was .->llu revis'd by Antony de Mouctyy, and reprinted in the lame City in 161 8. and in
other Plaics. I he Author makes it his chief Buiincfs ( as we have already hinted ) to colieifl the •

Opinions ot the Fathers concerning aJI the Qacflions difciiflcd by him He ndds very little of his :

own, cTrcft lotnctimcs in reconciling ctrum PaHa^cs which leem to be concradK^ory j and when
be cannot Ixing them to an Agreement, he ufuallj k es the Qjuftioa uodedded He avoids to
1 .

meddle with Queftions concemmg which the Fatbtt& have writ nothing, and fcarce ever makes ufe
of Philofophicai Terms and Arguments, much Icfs of ArifiotU's Authority, who is often cited by
the odtcr 2>chool-mcn.
The Book of Semenoes. by ROBERT PULLUS, is not a CaUeAiioa of IWGiges of die Fa- Rtibert
thers, as that of Pettr LvmkirrJ, bat a Theological Work, in which he Innrielf relblves certain Pnttiu*
Qiicilions whidi arc propos'd, either by Rariociiuition, or by Proofs taken ov.i of tioly Scripture. CMtHll^i
'I bis Author, fir-naiit'd Pulluj, PuUen or Pt^jt being an Engiifh Man by Nation, pafied over hiio

Fnfftcr, and flounflicd in tiie Schools of ?irri. He letoRi'd to &sgUmi abont the* Year 1 130. ami
there rc-eftablifhcd the T7nivcrfity of Oxford in 1 1 33, He was made Arch-deacon of Hochtfter, and
ahboofih he enjoy d that Bcnchcc, yet forbore not to go back {o Parij, where be reiided in Qp^-
Itty of nofelfirorDivinity. However, hisMetropolhan thought fit to recall him, and not benig
prcvaird u'rrh, cvi^n upon St. Bcrn.u ii'% Rcqutft that he might ftill remain at PdHs, caus'd rbe
Kcvenuttot his .'\rcb-dcaco!iry 10 be k-tz'd on, to oblige him to return 10 EngUnd. Whereupon
PlvAtf appeal'd to rhc Sec of {{pme, and having much Intereft in that Court, was not only vindi-
cated againllthoArchbtn'<np, but alfo invited to/(oiwby Pope fiwocoi/ IL and created Cardinal and
ChancelLw of the Clnircli ot l^me by Lucim 11. in 1 1 44. This Dignity was enjoy 'd by him till the
Xbird or Fifth Year of the Pontificate of Eu^enius ill. when he died ^. 0. 1 r 50. .
Cardinal P;.v?/</«> B«;ck cfSci;iLT.;':s isdi^ uicd into Eij^ht Parts, in rh:- F=r1^ of which hc trcotS
of the Exiitaicc or Go\i, oi tlic Thi-c I'crfons of the Holy Trinity, ana ui tiie Divine Attri-
In the Second, of the Creation of the World, of the Angels, of the Natiupe of Man, of die
Ofiginc of the Soul, of Adam's Fall , of the Corruption of human Nature, and of OrigiMU
In the Third, oft|)cjUw» of theCtrcnixicifioo, of (he Lamr of Gsao^ aadof chelncanlatioa-of

Ja/ut CMfl. ' " t

He coniinucs hisDifcourfc cotKerning that Myflcp,' in the Fourth Part j where he alfo treats of-
Jraitbt Hope, and Charity ^ of Purgatory j and of the StaK of Sculs afDcr^cheir Separation fiom
» . \, V to

. y 1. ^ .
y Google
ioo •
A^eMf.Eccleftdjlical Hiflory
Inibc Fifth, lie treat*! of the Rtiurr«flion of 3ff'" ClriJ} , cf the Gilt of Faith, c£ the Sacra-
ments, ofBaptifm. of Confirmation, of the Rcniiificn of Sins, of Charity, and of Sin.
In the Sixth Part, hi; difcourits of chc EffoAs of Sin; of Coocnpifctiacc ; of Ignorance, and
otlicr Puniflimciits of Sin ; of the Temptations of the Devil j of rbe Affiflinoe good Angch, and
their Fundions ; of Repentance ; and of the Piieft'sPtowerof binding and loafing and oftfaeU^e
tliac tlury ougbc to make oi ic
The tame SnhjeA k fiutber bandied in theSrrenth Varc^ where be treats of the Frainaf
Repcnum c of ChurJvDifciprme ; of Ecclciidtical rnd Civil PoWGC $ of the IKftkAioa of S*>
cied Orders j of the Quaiicies of Minifters ; and of Marriagv.
lnttieBifhtfa?an; he treats of the Endiarift; of the hit Judgmcni, and of the State of the
BkfT :l and Spirits.
Thiii Author is ioi»ewbacobfcure, but argues with a gre^ deal of Judaomit : His Style is rxx

aUogaher rode, neither is it pcq>lexcd with Scholaftical Ternu and DtilinAions: He does oat
ftart any. Subtil and Mctaphyiical Qiidtions, out only fuch as relate to Points of Dodlrine, DiTct-
^inc or Morality ; neither does he rclbivc them by Principles of Logick or Phdofophy, but bf
pdEi^et of the holy Scripture, and according to the ixceivod LXs^riix: of tbeChurcfa, andof IK
, Father?;, whir!'. lie n- Ac^ nfc of as a firm c;r Ground-work. He lomctimes produces ccnaia
panicular Opinions, winch ncvcrthcicis arc vi r. ii.oo lo him with many of ihefe Ancient School*
men ;ind h-. is one of thole who have maima'in'd the fewdt erroneous or dangerous Opinions
the 1" irft Part lie s, that the Father and ihc Sn-.i are Two Principles cf the Holy Ghcrt ; but thij

txprcHion may be taken iu a good Saiic, aiiU he litvcr 3lii;neJ, ilu: the Father aiKi the Sen were
Two Principles or Eflcncesof a diftind Subftance; but Two Pcrlbns, who produced a Thifdby
:i-i ^L^ on, which, although really the fame, may be vinually diltiniit, Hclhews, tndiioBtiriing cf
the ^atr^racnt of Penanwe. chat it docs not takic away the Guile of Sin, but only remits the Puniii-
mcnt ; and :hat the Prielt's Abrolution is a Declaration that the Penitent is abfolv'd from the
Guilt of his S'.n, and thai be is frtx'disoai the Puniibment due to it, by (he Sacisfcw^ioo nude bf
him to God : An Opinion which the Author holds in common wi^i many Andent School- Dfvines.
There arc alio fciuid in his Book fome other Ojnnions v. hicL ^il r.u: approv'd and an or^r^l ;

Others, That the Union of the Word was not made with an animatol Body, out with the Ma^ of
VMH, of which the Body wa$ firft fartn'd, and afeeiwaids the Soul : That riieTonnems of ^
Damrcd may be dimitiiflwd : That the Devils are not as yet caft into cvcrlafting Flames, ;inJ ikc
they Stn'd even ac the very iniiant of their Crcaiion : Thac if the Fixft Man had not conumrtat
Sin, thofe who are Damned would not have been brooght ftnh into the World : Tbn the
Saint*!; do r.m rca'dy dclccnd cn Earth in App-'-iitici,? And that Sr. B^re^/fl had adearKmW*

V^gc of God ui this World, even fuch ai> ii^e bidfed ^puiis have in Heaven.
This Author is one of thofe who have moft ixrremptorily affirmed, That the Souls are nnnw-
dir.tcly nxutcd by God at that inft.mi when they arc iioifcd to their Bodies, and thsr the Anecls
arc pure Spines. He likcwae ir.ainains, That the inward Intention of the Mioiftcr iirjozaoctf-
fary for the Validity of the Sacrament j tTiat without the Love of God Sin could oocbe fbiyiven ;
that Infants dying withoiir Rapiiun arcdamn'd, and that for th^r Reafon they are rot bury d in
coofccratcd Ground, tor iraitcr ct Difcipline, it may be oblcrv d, I hat Confeifion nr.adc to 1 a cks
£br Venial S.ns, and even for Mortal ones, in cafe ot neoeffity, when there was no Pritit prcxta;
was inufe at that time: That not only the Communion, but alio Abfolurior, was alfo deny'd to
Criminals condemti'd to Death : That Priefts were wont to Difcipline their Ptr«iterts : That
rents were prohiintvd ro enter the Church t il their Children were Baptizd : lhat it was ptroiit-
Bcd to receive, but not to ezad Monty, the Adntinilhration of the Sacraments, r.nd c\Tn tor tlic
• Oiietr .-Celebration of Mais: HiatFaft was nfnally broke at Koen, or at the Hour oi*Nwe, but that
thCtno- there w.^^ nr' Cnllaiirn 1 hat the Cuftom of Fafhirg an Fridays was oblirr\''d, nlrlKiugh rot rc-

»ic4l patc4 to be ot very great Antiquity, and that Satorday-fafts were not fo regularly kept; 1 hat in
-tDtny Churches foeaerepaft was uken on Itoly I'horOay in the Evcninp, .-.r.H that tWs CnAtn
ix:g*n ro prc-^'iil That Bartifip, even that of Inhints, was rcfcrv'J for So', ;i nlSny-;- tLt -be

nPanidpation ot [he Cup in the Communion auiong the Laity was If ill in ulc, but >cl4,(>ni pntia
fm^ce : And that the Belief of the oorpon! Alfoinption of the Virgin Mary was dhdk^hod bv tbe
- Cr.ftom of the Church.

; liiii. \\ otk, by f{ptcrt FwiW.was publilhed by Father KUthmd of the Congregation of Sr.Ajjjr,

ciilvtfbatcd with learned and curious Noto;, and printed at P«nVyf D. 1655. The £crlciia#kd
WriuTi. \v';':i cue this Au'.Iior. -tifn-ion forn-r other Works cotr.pos'd Ii-m ; p.ut.cuhrly a CjOI- an ibePlaluib Umi.., another on tiicivcvdaiiua ot Suji;' ;., a '1 reaiifc of th*. Comunpt
of rbe World, ^ur Boolts concerning the Sentences of the Dcdors, a Volu^cf bit Lc<ihit«, and
f AT,'! *^('trr»'s. V-'e ha\e none of thefe^V. rks in:
; ; ne.ther i^ ii known, whfther any of
them be- it;]i i>; m Manuicript , cxctp; i.c.;.iia i>crinons whicli were in i'c/j-vw's 1>
Peter •/
PtTER OF POl 1 lERS made ufe of a more Sclvolaft-ick Method than ..ny cf 1! c Nive-rr^n-

'f*^*^ ^on'd Authors

: Hcfuccecded them in the Di\ intty-Chair of the Schools «t Pivh, ai.d w.t; pro-
,p(,Tixi 10 the Dignity of Chancellor of the Chiireh e th.' : City, which he enjoy d during 3;. Ycsis.

i burcb
^f ^^
FIc compii'd his Coliedtion df the Sentences in the Year 1 1 70. dedicated k to
V/7/ifv> Archbiihop

Ir Dtt^binal Points, he foUowe the MeAcr ^tfae Sence-nces, but ules

g q lit,- difFcre'nt iVleihod, as 10 the m.inntr of handling the Matters : For he explains and rcfoWcs
.all the Qiieiticns by the Principles of Philolbphy, and treats of them as a Logiciani with foreol

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of the Twelfth Century of Chrifiianitj^ ip i
Arguments after a very dry and uncouth Manner. This Work was fct forth by Father MatbwJ,
at the cod of that of ^fbert Fidw* f«Mr of gutters iikewile wrote ccn^io AUqgodcal Conunen-
taries on tfie Books of Extdm, Leviticus., and f4mihert ; a Onunainiy on the £ok of Pfalms
and ntliir Works foinc of which arc to be found
; tin I if/.ir'fs.

RUBER I D£ M£LUN liv'd ac cfae laine titne, and in the end of bis Life was otdaio'd Bi- Robert de
ihop of Hereford j|. D. ti6). . His Syftem of Divinity in Mumlcript » kept in the Libiaiy of Mdun,Bf«
St. yiBor at PiiriV, and often ctwd by Father M.uh»ud, in his Notes on /^c'v-r< Pui'u:. f^"?
GAUTIER, or GAUTERRJS, a Regular Canon of St ViSor, in the end of this Century, i^"^^-
aookupoti him 10 oonlttte the new Method dFcbefeDivineSi andooropos'daWbrkwbicbhecall^ ^^^>
j1 T i:iJ} ag/iinft the Four Labyrinths of YrAnct, i/- f'^'f'' AhaeUrd, GiBthert .ie !: Per://', Peter
Lomifdid, and Beter of Poitiers, whom he accufcs of having aflertedmany Herdies and Errors, in -^ys^ai-
Cieatittgof die ineffable Myitciics of the Holy Trinity, and of the Incarnation, according to the S*^""*"''*
tincerrain Scholaitick Method, and -<€r<}?o^/f's Principles, with which they war iiitoxicated. There
are indct-d fufficient Grouitds for this Ccnfurc on Three of thefe Authors, but he bad no r^un
to fall foul uiK>n Peur LtmharJ, whofe Work is only a Colle«ftion of Paflages of the Faikers,
in which Ariflctle '» not cited : Howct-ct, it muft be acknowledg'd, that the Maimer of the Sen-
tences, as well as theochcrs, ftartcd a great number of Opinions that were not approv d by the
fucceeding Divines, and of which the Dod:ors of the Faculty at Paris made a Caialo(|^ in the

Twdftli Cenuiry, under this Tick* Jtrtieks in which site AUfter ei tbe SeMencu it ntttmmUb
fUm'd, .

0/the Commentaries on the holy Scripture composed in the
Tmlfth Century^ and of the Three famous Commentators,
Rupert Ahhot of Duycs, Hugh and Kiclmd of

A New Method of oonnienting upon holy Scripowe wat fikpiv^ introduced in. this Cen^ jinemMf
tury : The Ancient Fathers, in their Coounentaries on tbe facred Books, were wont to tbod of
explain the Text either Literally or Allegorically, in reference to the Ixiftruiftioo of the Comment-
People j and the Ecclefiaftical Authors ot the Eighth and Ninth Centuries, wlio wrote on t>{?^ on ln)ly
the Bible, only made it their fiofinefs to oommk or collet ditcn Comnentariesof Fathers, of ierifture.
whicli tiKy contpos'd Catent't^ orcominned CMIeAions of CommemariesL Some alio then broudK
in cf'.c ufc of Clofn:s fnr the Explication of the Letter ; but in the Ceruiry wc m 'W (y":'dk of, they
begia to explain hoiv Schpoire, almoit after the fame manner, as ibcy ueaicd ot Tbcolocical
HdaiWri; tfot is to (ay, according to tiie Principles oi Lo^icit diicuffing dtvers fiilictl Quemons
concerning the Doctrinal Points, and producing a great number of Common Places
This Method was follow'd by RUPERT, Abbot of Dujts near Celen, m his Commentaries on Rupat,
the holy Scripture ; where he propoles tofaweof the Holy Trinity, and its Works, and divides Abbttif
them into Three Parts ; the Firft of which is extended from the Creauon of rhe World to the Fall Dqti*
of Adam ; the Second, from the Fail to the PaiCon of JeJ$u Cbrift j anu the i hir4,.:to the Div o£
the laft Jndgmcnt ; The Firll Period of Time is appropriated to the Father, the Second to the Son,
and the Third to the Holy Gho(V. Th/' F;r*t Pan contains Three Books of Comrr.enrarics on rhc
Three firft Chapters of Gfnf//i ; The ^Lcund comptehends Six otlicr Books on tiic Ren aiiidcr of
Ceneps ; Four on Exodut ; Two on Lroitiau i as many on Numhn and Deutercr.; my One on ;

J^hiu \ One on the Book ofjw^et ; One on fooK Places of the Books of and Pfaims ; One
one ffkiah One on Jeremidh ; One on E^ei^iV/;
Two Books on Daniel, Z^a^utriahinA Mdaci}) i
One Book on the Hiftory of the Macchabeet ; and another on fotnc Places of the Four Gofpcls. The
Third Pan relating to the Works of the Holy Ghoft, being divided into Nine Booi^ is npc a con-
tinued Commentary on any particular Book, but on divers Paifages of Scripture dibfen by him,
with refpctft to the Matters of which he defignV! ro rear.
TbeCommencarics of this Audwroo the ii idkc Prophecs,and on the Book olQifitiek/arc noie
eenrlnnal, cook nearer tailie^ormtfCJonameonries, and icoede lefa fvom dienMaaerat VridiK
ill ufe among thcAndentS; bur they are extreme!- n.yftical, and fnllof lOOinbdllUflfldiail^Ma

of Remarks which have not all the Accuracy that might be expctiled.
The Tbimen Bmdctof the Vi(5bry of the WoAl «nF God, contain a gratt Number of Queftiona
and Common Places on divers Paflagcs of Scripture.
Tbe Coounenaries oftbe Glorv andDigni^of tfaoSonof God on St. Matthew^ and tbe Com-
mmxarf onSt ftimt GofpeI» aiidhisRcvdaiiflO» icc ver^like tbofe .on |tok0cr trapl^.

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xoz> A Ntii» EccUjiajlkd Hijlorj
of the Glorificaticn of t\\t T\-\nr.\. nd of the Proceflicn of die Holy Gboft, divi*
The Ti"«iiire :

ded into Nine Books, coouiiis the Explication of many Paflanes of Schpcare. chat have Ibine ie>
htton to the Queftiom, whidi he propofes concerning; the Ttiiee Divine Ttarfims, and more dpe-
cially ihar of the Holy Ghofl.
As for his Trcacile of Divine Offices, it is a Work of another Nature i in which he ireaa ot
the Dtvtne Service, and of teCefqwfloiei, aodfhwwytBcal Reifewoftliem. He there ficBi
loftart a panifular Notion concerning the Eucharift, vi\. Thnr the Bread is made :he Body of
2rfiu Cbriht by the Hypoftatical Union with his Soul ; nevenhekis iome Aiubois have vindicated
theAilaiian, and aSnnthnciinHy be«Bplain*din nfoodSenfei hmwe IktUtiat mom tuamt
this Qucflion.
The mo(t patt of I{uperr Works arc dcdicaitd to Cun» Abbot of Siegbrrj^, and afcerwards fiifliop

of J^atiibm^ towiyxn he was recommended by Berenger Abbot of St. Lmtrtnee at Liege, in wbks
1. 0 Monaftcry Hupert fomctimc rcfidcd in (>iaiiry of a Monk. His Works were primH ar r?'f,
/I. D. 578. in Three Volunvcs, and in 1 wo at Harit in
He himfelf gives us a Catalogac
oftHbn, in dttPleface to his Tfcncile of Divine Qfioei; He there makes nxntion of all Uioft
that are ftill extant, and we have every one of them frrcpthi* Ticaofeof dK Glanooi King
viJ, of which he had then only compos'd Rle\'es Books. .

Httgh of There n\-c Two fort* of Commentaries on the holy Scripture duu bear the Name oFHUGH OF
StXi&oc. St.V1C7 OR the former are certain Literal and Hiftorical Annotations on the Text, to which is

prcfix'd a C r itical Preface concerning the facred Writers,and the Books written by ibcm: The oibets
are Allegorical Commentaries intermixed with a great number of Queftions and Common Placo;
Thefe laft are cali'd A Volume ^ExtrtHu and divided into XXIV Books : The Ten firii of diefe,
which at« inferred in the Second Tome of the Works of Hugh of Sc. coAtain general Ret
marks on the Arts and ScieT;cr<> The Nine follov. ir i'. whicn are in the firft Tome, comprchcr J

variety of Alkf»no and QtK&ioM relaw from the Creation

oftheWorldmliiietin«oftheM«ir&il«!f, cfaatiiiofay. n> all die HiAoikal Books of tbrE^
The Tenth, is aCollcdion of Moral Homilies on Ecctefui(}es In the Four laft, arc compris'J l!;vct$
Qjicftions relaung to the Four Golpeis. To thele are annexed, co render the Work complot. Ex-
pltcadoiltof iheumNMure; bttmbpe acbiye^ «a all die Epiftles of St. PmI.
Thcfc XXIV Books of Commentaries are attributed by Tritl rmius, and Icvcra! other Audion,
to I{iclja>rd of St. yiil«r\ and the Firft Part is to be feen under his Name in a certam Manufcript
very near his time, which is extant in M. Coll>erts Library ; fomc part of it is alfo primed aoung
the Worksofthat Author-HowcYcr,!: h aflir;ri*ii by fomr Pcrfon^rhtt this Work rnnnot belong eidw
toH^hiK to/yfA4j'</,byrcalon ihatin ihc Chronological ablt whcb the Author makes of the Kings

of F^iiffceiin the Tenth Chapter of the Tenth fiook.he er ds with p;',:,p the Sonof L«vwthe Youn^
before whofe Reign thcfe Two Writers were dead Inilrc d rh s Rcilc n mny (rr\c ro prove, chat die
faid Work was noc compos'd by Hugb of Sc. Vitim Jcccaled m 41 it is
i i not fo evident a
proof to (hew, that Hjelmtd is not the Author of it ; becaafe the latrr r n 0 r nl the Year f 179*
1 el 1 1

and Hilip being born in 1 1 6 v he might joyn him with King Lewet the Young his Father. HoW'
ever, this very Paflage makes it appear, that the Author of that Work oould noc have written later
than the Reign of Philip Augufluj ; fince be is the laft of the Kings of Frduee mendon'd by him,
and confequently the faid Author flooriibed in the TfVd&h Century. As for the Literal Notes, it
cinnm be donbted that thef were the Genuine Works of Hi^h of St- ViHer, of which the

following arc ftill extant ; vl^. his Preface concerning the facred Books, and t ho in Ipircd Pen-men

of them^ Notes on the Pentateuch j on the Book of judgiesi on the Books

his the Kiofs^ and
nr (bmie Flahne. Thefe Notei are oonciie, and do not iconle ftotn the Oteral and tranncri
Senfe. Thofc that he made ©n the Lamentations of Jeremiah, and on the Prophecies of J»ei and
Obadiah, are larger , and Allegories are intermixed with them. To theli; aaflicatiopt of the
Books of the holy Scriptare ane aimex'd others, which he wrote on ihe Book of we Hioiichy ae*
tribured to St DrV'^v'Ti^ rhe Armfcjjt'.
r Wc miirht alfo add hisEsplioiriooofdwDlBcdajl^ Md
rhofe of Sr. Au^ujim'^ Rule, which are of the iamc Style.
The Four Biooks of the Cloifter of the Soul the Four other Books of the Soul } the fmallTtaA

of thcPhyfick of th.- Soul ; theTwfi BcxiVs nf Birds ; and thofb of rh- Spii ^^jil 2ik\ Carral
riages, belong to Hugh de Fsiiet, a lvlo;tk otCai; ; I alio afcribe iu liieiame Moi^, ^iicDJait*|liC
becween thePidh and the Spirit, the Style of which is different from that of //w^ of St. Vititr ;
nay,' perhap hr h rhe Autfy>r of rbc Four Books of the Myftjcnl Ark, and of tHc Ark f avj^,, r

which bear the Name of the benediBin Monk oi Saxo^ Jnlomuch that in the Second Tome ol

the Works of Hugh of St. VtSwt there are but very few of his Gcmdae Pieces; in%. the Solikiquv
of the Soul ; the Encemiumof Charity; the Dilcourfeon the manner of Praying ; the Difcourfc
, of the Love of the Bridegroom, and of^ the Spoufe ; the Four Books of the Vanity ot the M'atW,
and the ICO Scrmom.
The laft Tome contains Dofmatiul Worki i the Fitft of which is called Did*fcnUek, tr I»-
fn^ive Tfiftitutimj, being divided into Sewn Booki, hi whidi are certain Rules for ftudying, ied
general Notions of the Sciences. In the Fourth, he treats of the facrci Books, of the Writngsef
the Fathers, and of the Councils and Canons : In the Fifth, of the Scnie of the holy Smftua :
lir^ Sixtii, ofthemanner of reading it ; and in laftv widd if the largeft, of dw ottnoer of
attaining to the Knowledge of God, an of ihc Trinity, by the C:ti*ares.

ThcSecond, relates to the Will and Omnipotence of God j in wiucb he examines this Qjuftionj
«i:{,VhethdrhbFowcrbe«f a larger eaoftninldi mil?

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the TweUth Century of Cbrifiiamtj. 20 j
The followlt^ Tra&s arc compos'd on divers Qucftions rdnrinp ro the Myftery of the Incarria-
luuioo, particularly in reference to ihc Will of Jefui Cbrifi, his W
ildom and Knowledge, conccr-
fUDgcfae Union of the Word with the human Nature; againft the Opinion of the Mafteroftbe
Scnwaces, t\xAtJcfiuChriji h no-: -i Thirij? , md
touching fcvcral other Scholaftical QpeftianSi
befides Three CcKifcrences about the Incanuuon, aiid a Trcatifc of the Perpetual Vit^nity of
the Virgin M07.
To thefe Trearifrs nrc f.-.bjoyn'd Five B^xik-, c^iWi MifceSanies of Theolo^ic/iJ Learning, which
contain many Common Places conccrnmg PalJagcs oi tbelioly Scripture, and divers Points of Di-
vinity and Morality.
The Three Books of Divine Offices, and iliat of the Canon of the my-fVical Offering, belong
to ^^^e Fmluluj a PricA of , the Church of Arnicas, of whom we have nude mcnuon cife-
The fmallTraiS; by way of Dialogue between Mafter and Scholar, concerning the Law
of Namre, and rhewrinai Law, contains brief RefoUtions of a great number ot Tbculogical

The SwnDury of cbe Seamca, divided imo Seven Treatifes^ is 4 coinpaidioiis Syfian of
But his Theological Work, is
cliicf Tri^iur, of the Sacraments, divided into Two Books,

of which the firft comprebends twelve Parts, and the Second eighteen, is one of the Jargeft k
TicatUei of Oivii^tmr were compos'd in the Twdfth Centnry, and liie Author tlieteb mlSma
the Qiicftians after a very clear manner, altogether free from the Logical Method and Terms,
Without involving himtelf in the X.abyiioch of obfnire and intricate Speculations. He proceeds to
ftfUve thele Qudtions by Pillages ot dw holy Scripture, and aocovdins to the Pnnd^ei of the
Fathers, more cfpcci^ny of St whole Dourine he follows, anwfling even to i;nit.nchis
Style ; which gave occalion to tome Perions to call him,The Tongue of that Father. He was a Native
of FUnderj, bora in the Territories of }^»,andnQt in54CXMr,as it was genially fuppos'd : But he
ftcnc his Life in France, io the Monaftery of St. Vi8er, of which he was a Regular Cuion and
nior. He died Fein: ti. A D. 141. aged Fony Years.
1 His Works were printed ai Paris in
1516. at renic: in 1 588. at A/cn/r in 1617. and at I^puen'm 1648.
This Amhor Vad for Lis ?;ipiI*RICHARD, a Scotch Man by Nation, and a Regular Canon of Rj^Jurd of
the fame Monailery, who like wile attain'd to the Office of Prior in the Year 1 16^ and acquir'd
5^, Vjiflgt.*
nmcb Reputation by the great number of his Writings. We
have bur now obfervd, that to htm *

may be attribcued the ColledicMi of Qucftions on the Bible, part of which is printed amonfift his
Works, and the reft among thofe of Hugh of St. yiHor. The following Works on the holy Scrip-
tnic are undoubtedly his. yiz.
Three Treatilb of Critical Remarks and Hiftory ; that is to (ay, the Firft to explain the Form >

and Parts of the Tabernacle ; the Second, to give a Defcriprion of Sdomm's Temple, and of every
Thirg that w.i$ contain'd therein ; and the Third, to adjuft the Chronology of the Books of Kings
and Chronicles, concerning the Kings of Judab and ^sel. To chefe Tieuifes mul\ be added »
larger Explication of the Temple in E^eehief. Thefe Four Tread fes ttlate altogether to critkal
Matters, and have no regard to Allegories, nor to Myftical or Moral Signlficati<m&
His other Commentaries are not of the fame Nature , as not being Literal , but All^oricai,
Moral or Dofiniaricttl : They coofift in Explications of divers Pfalms ; a Cammentary on me Book
of Canticles ; Qucftions on certain d ifficulr Palfagcs of St. Pattrs Epiftlcs ; and a large ConnmLn-
tary on the Apocaiypijz. The other Works of Richard of St. Vittor are of Two Sorts ; iomc of
them being ifiecec itlanqg CO Points of DoArine, and otho* being Treatiles of FictyandprK-
tical Divinity.
Among the former are to bereckon'd his Treatifc of the Trinuy.dividcd into Six Booki: A Trai^
dedicated to St. Bernard, concerning the Attributes appropriated to every one of the Divine Per-
fons: His Trearife of the Incirnannn Two Treariles of the Emnuuuicl, or on thefe Words of

the Pro|>bct ^i<t/», Behotd, a Vifj^io jlh,iIJ conceive, and bear a Sen, and fiiaB call his name Eiiam-
nnel ; m
which he proves againft a ccnain Jew, that thele Words can be interpreted of none but
the Virgin Mtry and Jerus Chrifi : ATreatife of the Power of Binding and Looung, in which he
follows' the common Opinion of the School-Divines of his time, concerning the EiFed: ot ihc
Keys, and the Power of the Miniftcrs : A Difcourfe of the Sin againft the Holy Ghoft Cenain :

Ea^icuions dedicated to St. tmmdaR fomedificulc Places of Saipcuxe ; A Difcourfe to explain

in what Senfe the Holy Ghoft it faid to betheLove of the FatfaO', ttd of the Son : And a Treadfe
of the liiffcrencc iKTwccn Monal -A Venial Sins.

His Works of Piety and Morality are thefe ^ vix. A Ticaule of the means of rooting out £vii(
and promoting Good: A Difomrfe on the Scne or die iowaid Man: ThrM Books of
tioo of the inward Man, or of the Spiritual Excrcifc, upon occafion of the Dreams of Netucbad-
m^M and Daniel A Treatile ot the Preparation of the Soul for Contemplation : Five Books of

the Grace of Contemplation, on the Ark which was fet in the Tabernacle, with an Addition con-
taining fbmc Allegories on the Tabernacle: A Diicourfe or Meditation on the Plagues thar will
happen <Mi the Day of Judgment : Another Dilcourle on the Day of the laft Judgment : 1 rcatdc A
of tneO^reesof Charity: Another of the Four Degrees of fervent Charity : A Difcourfe of the
Two Paflovers, with a Sermon on the FJ^:i^.l' ofEafter: A Dilconrfc of the Baprifm of Jefus
Cbrifi : A Sermon on the Eifufion of the Holy Ghoft : A 1 rad concerning the Companfon that
is made of our Saviour to die Flower, and ofthe^^in M«7 10 the Brandi: Anocher about the
» Dd Qiality

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A NeiHf Eccleftaflical Htliory
QtiM 'v of •f the Pe«p!e, artrllmred ro Jrfus Chrijl
^ti-.rJ.ird AvA hftly, Two
Dirccurfcs ;

tivV One concnning the diflSatncc

between Ibrahim's Sacrifice and ilui oi D^vid i and tlie
other relating to thedMmnce heemm
the &mcSaarifioe, and that of the Virgin A<«>7.
at Pjrh in t )i3. and in
This Author dxd Mi-x/' ic /f. D. 1173. and his Works were printed
1140. asalfoac l^euice in 1 591. mCMen in 1621. and at Kouen
in 165c. He thews a great deal
in his Theological Trcarifis, «nd argues methodically
with an Exadneft befitting ta
of filbttlty
able I.of ician. His Critical Pieces arc rery nccurarc for his rime, but his Style is not vm- Jofry,
his Treatifes of Piety, though full of txcelleot Matter, have not
and upon that Account it is, that
AUdieGnmdear, ixvaUtbeJEocnytbtf migte •

Of GiaCtaaV OMeUion of Canons.

A "-••'^'y

of C.inon^, Decrctalsand Paflagcs of the Fathers, n.lac!ng ;o tne
d before the I wclfth Century ; ycc none of them was generally

<bl!ow*d, or publickly taught : They were looked upon as the Work of DrivaieVcF'
Tons and the bccifions containd in them had no grcnrer Authoriry than the Monumcr.B
out of which they were ukcn ; whilft every one apply d them to hi'^ raiticular Benefit, but none
Graiian. m*de *«» wbjeA of puUick Ledares. The CiUcdion which C (< ATIAN a Monk of &
Itxsx Tloicnii, and a N.itiveof Chiufi \nT.->fc.:uy, a mpkatcd in the Year 11 51. met with much
better Succcls ; tor as loon as it appcar'd , it was to favourably rcceiv'd , that the Canoniits

tangbc it puUickly, and in a link tme, a great inunber of Commeuiaiiei wctc ^mritm odiIhc
Work. "
. .

In the Ancient Manufcri pis, and in the Firft Editions, it bears this Title, vit. The Cmcerd c}'
tUfaxreeinj^Canons^ and aftawanis was call d, Th
Mosk^of Decrees, <x fimply, The jDeemt. It is
divided into Three Pari'i, the Firft of which contains Matrcrs relating to the J aw in general, and
the Minifttrs of die Church, under the Name of Diftim!iions ; the Second, divers panic ulax Caics,
upon ocodlon of which arc debated many Qpdtott that are call'd. The CauCes j and the Third,
entifulcd, Cftbc Cmiftcratiah fuch Matim as fciaie »
the Divine Offices , and the Sactap
In the Firft twenty IMftiMftions of the Firft Part, lie treats of the Divifion of rhe Law ; of
the diflfcrcnt forts of Laws, as well Civil as Hcclcitaftical ; of the Authority of rhe Canons, of
the Councils, and of the Decretals of the Popes ; of the facred Orders ; of the QiiaJiries of Per-
ibns who ought to be ordain 'd ; of the Form and Cereinonics of Ordination j of the Fun\lkion$
and Condud of Clcrgy-men ; of the Power of the Pope, and of the Bilbops ; of the ufe of the
PaB, and of every Thing that relates 10 the Minlftersof the Church. Thts Pan it divided in»
Joi Diftii'A^iioiis.
In the Second, containing Thirty fix Caufcs, every nnc of which comprehends iiiversQiieftiaM^
e\ cry Queftion being Hkewife divided into (everal Chapters ; the Author treats of Sitnony ; of A|v
peals; of Incumlxiiis depriv'd of their Benefices; of the Quality ofWItricnis and .^ccufers of ;

Eledionsi of the Government of Churches i of Ecckfialtical Cenfures; of laik Wilis and Tc^
*Funeux incms; of Blurlals; of UfiifV; of whatoughttobe obferv'd wiihrcfpcd^to*oiirragioasordainH9nI
Perlcns ; of Sentences palled contrary to rhe dec Forms of Law; of Monks and Ahliot-;, and
their Rights ; of thole who aflauU Clergy-men ; of Commntdams ; of Oaths j of War ; of
Hcnfies ; of Infradions of the Canons; of Sorcerers; of Marriage, and its Impolimcms ; of the
Degree? of Confangnir.-ry ; and of R.-'pc<- I the Thirty fecond Caufc, he inlcrted a Dif-

fenatiou concerning Repentance, in Seven Sediions j in which he follows the Error of lomc Wri-
ters of Peniientials whodo nocbelieveCooftffioii ID Beof Divine Right, or iklbAttaAj veeAaj
for the remiflTion of Sins.
The Third Part contains Five Diftin<ftions, or Scdtions: W^. the Firii.cnnccming the Conicxranon
of Churches, the Celebration of Mafs, and the Divine Service the Second, concerning rhe Eu-

charirt ; the ThirJ, rdwiu the folemn Fcftivals of the Year, andtheufe of Images ; the Fourth,
al>out tlic Sacrameiu of Baptifm, and its Ceremonies; and the Fifth, concerning Confirmation,
Fafts, niantial Labour, and fomeother Points of Difciplinc. Some Articles have been fince added
ftxnn time to time, under the Title of Pale.i, which is fuppos'd to be the Name of the Antfaor o£
thefe Additions, which were call'd Pr«ii^*s/M, or Piifr*.
The Full Edition of this Work was printed nt Afrwr^, J. D, 1471. and the Second zt Fer. 'ce, t
Four Years after : The Third is that of Paris in 1 308. which is the Firft that bears the Name ai
Gratian ; whofe Text is to be iband in thele Editions after die fame tnanner tlwt it was wrttcen hf
him ; that is to f.-.y, fid! of folfc or erroneous Qjiotations : For dr.ttt.m hi.s not only cited in hii

CoUe(5tton, the failc Decretals of the Popes, and oihcr fuppolicitious Wori<\ bur is aitb often mi^
ftaken in quoting one Atidnr,or one Gnncil fat aaoclKr, or in rdanng PaiTagcs otfaerwHe than

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of the Twelfth Century of Chrijlianity. a 05
iHttffare in the Origiaal ; upon which account it was judged Expedient to oomd the Faults of
this Author, jlnt^tty de \1-,:ic!'-.\ nnd .^nfor.y Crvtt'ut, were lie flifl rhir nndcnook to do it in

FraacCf in ihc proceeding Age, and die wliolc U'ork was primed with tht ir Ncrcs ar Antwerp in
1 570. and 1 573. At the lame time the Pone's having oonGdcr'd tho ImportariL j of rliis I J.'idiT-
raking c.ius'd fcveral PL-rfons to b.: eir.[;!o) a in ir, in order to publilli a new l^dicion oi Ci.iiiaHS
Decretal, corrciflcd, and at Icalt clt .ii 'd of the principal lirrors : They began to let about die
Work ander the Popedom of Piiu W. md carryM it on under his Svcedbc Pius V. but did doc
complwr it till the time of Gregory XIll. Thc>' apply "d themfelvcs more c^fKcially, r. To cor-
rf(fl the Errors that had crept into the Text of Gr.itian, through the Negligence of the Tranfcri-
by rcvifing ir cxaftly according to the Ancient Manufcripts. %. By fubftituting
bers or Printers,
, die NattK of the true Author.of tlie Pafla|!C$ cited by Crati w, in the room of that which he had
fit down, wli«i te was e^denc that he was miftaken. 3. By obfcrving the differcnecs between
the genuine Text and that which is quoted by Gm//4», and even ooriewi^ ic in the Text of Qrsf
. tian in thofc Places, where he only Copies out their Words;
When this Work was eompleawd, it appeafV! at Home in 1 5S0, with the Approbation of Pope
n^rj'aryXlU. who prohiliitt-d it to be publifhcd after another manner. Whcrunjion it w^s ftxm
primed according to the Copy of the Hsman Edition in many Places ^ wr. at yau'ce in 1584. at
Paris in t ^8?. at Pramfvrt in t^t6 and ts^o. snd at Lytnt in i'S9i. and a great number of Edi-
tions of it have been fincc fct fcnh. Whilft x\\c I{pin.m Edition was preparing for the Prefs»
the Famous Antonius AmiuJUnus, Archbifliop of TarAgona^ compos'd cenain Dialogues concerning
the Corredion of Gratir.n, and afcerwards made Additions to the fame Edition, when he had pro-
cnr'd a Copy of ir. This Piece was printed at T.n!:?icnit A. D i^S". the next Year after his
Death, and fome time after at Paris, but it was publiiOWd with much more accuracy by M. Balu-
iftHt in 1 jiHtcmus Auguflims dtfcovers a vaft number of Faults. Over-Cghts. and Errors in
Cr.iti/:n\ Decrewl, and Tr.n!:e<; many airioiT^ nrd very ulefnl Remark*; ; to which nuy be added
thofc of M.Euiufius, which are no lels judiciou'*. But whatfocvcr Corrtdlion of thii Work Ivas been
already, or can be made for the future, it is difficult, or rather impofTible, to bring it to that per-
fedion which is requifite for a general Colle<ftion of the Canons and £ocleliaftica1 Conftkudon^
tiiat is 10 ferve as it were a perpetual Standard.
However Grrf//<:«'s ColleiHion was generally iccciv'd and raugli: in the Schools as foon as it
appear d, but within a iiitk while after, were added to ic certain new DecretaJsof the Popes, par-
ticularly of AkxanitT Til. of which were made CbUoftioAs like thofc that are found in the end
of the Third Genera! Council of Laterart, and thefe were likewife explain'd publickly. It is againft
this new Body of Law, which began to be in vogue, that Sttpben de Toumaj dedames, in his
151 Letter, ofwfediwe have already related tbeRjlEigt^ to ulrhich we defile the Reader to
. have rccoiirfe upon xh'.s Occnfion, becauie it imy ferve as «.Cbncluficin to wtox we have faid in
ihisii and in the preceding Chapters.

Of the General Councils held in the TsKlftb Century.

A Liboogh the Name of Oecumenical, or General Council, denotes an Affembly coinpos'd

of Bnbops ofall the Churches of the World ; neverthcl> fs the Eight firft General Coun-
cilshcld in the Lft' ?«/, chiefly confMcd in Bifliops of the Eaftern Cluirchc*;, thofe of the
Wcftem being rcprefented by the Legates of the Sec of I{pme, who often were accompa-
ufd with ftw or none of the Prelates of the Wcitem Churches : mt after the Separation of the

jL<i/i» Church from the (Trcci^ , it wa5 fcarcc polTiblo any longer ro hold Councils, in which the

Latins and Greekf were willing to affemblc together, in order 10 rals their Judgments in Ecckli.uti-
cal Aflatrs, or unanimoufly to make common Conftiujtions. Therefore the fuccccdmg General
Council were compo.'i'd o:dy of a great number of Prelates of the Wd^-crn Churches; conven'd by
the Popes, w!k) were wont to publilli Decilions conformably to the Doctrine and Diicipline which
die Bifhops of thcle O
iut^cils had approv'd and confirmed. There wereThrceof this Nature held
at I(ome in the 1 wrliJi Century; vi\. the Firft under Pope Calixtus IL the Second under Inno-
cent II. and the 1 hird under Alexander III. We have already produc'd a Relation of the Firft,
widi the Eziraft of its Canons, b treating of the Inveftinircss ib that itidnum only 10 give
the like AammKcf dicSeooad and the Third.


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io6 Jt Ner» EccUfiaJlicdl Htjiorj

Tlx Seconti General Council of Latcran.

Imiccentll* having obtain'd the quiet Pofleffion of the Sec of J^^Wi by the Death of
Tie Second "O^^^ of Lean, cor.ven'd in the Month of April 4. D. 1 1 39. a Council in the Palace- of i«.
General 1
Cwnetlof teran, call'd, the Second General; which (as they fay) wascoropos'd of near a Ti}ouiand
Prelates,and ofwhtchThirty Canons were publifted.
The Fii ft imports. That all Clergy-men, who were ordain'd by Sunooy, fliall be dqxtt'd fiom tbe
Dignity which they have unjuftly ulurpcd'.
The Second, That all thole, who ha\ c bought or fold any Benefice, (hall be depriv'd of it, and
branded with Infamy } and that nothing (ball be cxaded for (be coofeniqg of Rcdcfiaftical
nitics and Livings. . . r . ^
The Third, That none (hall entenain thole who nre Exconunanicated by iherr BJhop.

The Fourth, That the Biihops, and the reft God and
of the Clergy, (hall endeaYOiv to plcafe
Men, by their inwatd Difpofition, as as by thetr ontward Behaviunr
: That they flnll dit

occaJfion of Sr 1 il to none, neither by

r !
tlic Habits : That they (hall be
Colour nor Fafhion of thL-: r

doath'd after a regular and moddt Manner : Arxl thax they, who negleCl to oblerve this Rnl^
lhall be depriy'd of thdr Benelces, uolers dwy Ik icfcm'd, after Imyhg beea adnooiflied hj
their Bif]-LOps,
The Fifth, forbids the Pillaging of the Goods , or Revenues, of the Biihops aiicer tfadr

The Sixth, ordains, That thofe who officiate as Sub-deacon? or h.i%v tr.rcr'd into Orden
of a higher Station, if they marry, or keep Concubines, (hall loic chcir Ofeccs ot iieoelices.
TlJtS^cnth, prohibits the hearing of Mafs of Pricfts who are marry 'd, or keep Concubmcj
declares the Marriages nf Pri to bc wUl i andofdains, chat thofe who have OOOCradod « Aitt

be divorc'd, and put to Fcnancc. ^ ^

TheSghtfai icgnlaiea the fimeTUng, with tdpeft m
Viivn* conMOtted co <3<iil, if ihcf
The Ninth, forbids Regular Canons, or Monks, to ftudy the Ovil Law, or the An of Phykk,
in order to nuke profit by the Pradicc of thole Sciences.
TheTenth, enjoyns taicks, who have Churches or Tithes io their PoOefliaato icfiufetbon to
tl»Bi(hopsunder pain of Excoinmimication$prafail»istheconftirine of ArcMeaeonrict or Deao*
fto 00 any Pcrfons but Pridh and Deacons; declares that thofe who have procur'd them wirhur.
entering into Orders, (hall be depriv'd of them, if they tdiile to be ordain'd : And io like manner
forbids the granting of them 10 young Men, who are nocadnuited into Ocdcr^ or the dmSSog t£
Churches to Pricfts for Rent.
The Eleventh, ordains, That Pricfb, Qerks, Monks, Travellers, Merchants, and Counay
People, (hall have free libeitjr loconie and go with Safety at ail dnes.
The Twelfth, fpcdfies the Days and Times when ic is forbidden va make War, and abonsthB
Chriftians to Peace.
TheTbifteencfa, condemns Ufury and Ufurers.
Tlic Fourteenth, prohibits military Combats thrr wcrr pr. ^.'^ifed at Fairs, and ordains, that thofe
who are mortally wounded in fucli Rcncountcti) inali be iicpnv'd of Chriftian Burial j although
Penance, and the Viatimih ought not to be deny 'd them.
The Fiftccnih, denounces an Anathcnuagainft thofe who abulc a Clerf^y rrsn, tr r Mor.k, ar.d
Srohibits the Bifhops to give thetn Abfolution, except in cafe of iieceifity, tiii tiicy have made sn
ppcarancc bctorc the holy See. The lame Canon redlabiiflies the right of Sanonuy fat Cfanr-
ches and Church-yards.
1 he Sixteenth is a Pmhibition to hy chum co Prebends, or other Benefices , by right at

The Sevoitonch, re-enforces the Laws againft Marriages amoogft Relations.
The Etghrecnth. denounces an Anathema againft Inomdiaries, and dechres rhem to be nnwor*
thy of Chriftian Burial ; forbids to give them Abfolution, till thcv have made Rtftitution for tfic

Damage done b)' them i and enjoyns them for Feiunce to take a Journey to the holy Land, or to
Sfahi, for tlK^erncedTtheChnrdk
The Nir.etccnth, fufpcnds for a Year, and condemns to rcftitution , the .^rchbiiliops ur Bi-
(hops, who (ball taJce upon them 10 remit the Rigour of die FunUhmenc ordain d in the prea-cdiog
The Twentieth, imports, That Kings and Princes have s Power to execute Juftice, In confulta-

tion with the Biiliops aiid Ardibilhops : A Canon which cannot bc uniiexilood but m rticicnce w
Ecclcfiaftical Perfons.
The Twenty forbids to admit into Orders the S^^ < of Priefts j unJdschey haveleda&&
firft, r

ligious courfc of Life in Monaftcrics, or in Canonical Houics.

In the Twenty (econd. Priefb are admonilhcd not tt» fnffiar Laicks to be dccelv'd by f al fc (hews
of Penance ; and it is obferv'd therein, that that Penitence is of none Effi^f^ when only one Crime
is repented of, without reforming the others ; or when one continues to dwell in the confines of
Sin, fay retaining an Office or &i^ofment that cannot be cancifed withoui Sin ; or when one

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o[ the Twelfth Century of ChrijUamty. 207
Wf Mdkela the Hauc s or whefc oneidblb » ghreSatisfii^ion to an injur'd Perfon or when ^

\vc do not ftedy fivgive diof« wlio Iwve d«ne us an Injniy j or laftly, when an nnjvft War is
The Twonjr Aii^ is af^inft Hemkks «]» oadc^
The T^enr> founh, f^^^ 'r U for the amftcrucd OSb,
and tor offidatii^ ac BunaU.
TheTwcBcyfinb dcpri»acha6MbM«f thdr]leaelie», who recem them fram the Hands
of Lay-men.
The Twenty fixth, prohibits Nuns ro rcHdc in pnvate Hotifcs.
the Twenty fcNcnch, th y nrr k -wife fttbimen to appear

hi the fiune Cfaoir umifa Monks

or Canons, in order to fing the Divine OfSccs.
The Twenty ttghth, prohibits the Canons Churches, under pain of Anachema, to
exclude Perfons of known Piety from the EIe<flion of Bifhops, and dechies tbofe EleAkms to ht
null, that they make without fending for, and .idvifing with them.
The Twenty ninch, denounces an Anathema agauut ^luigcrs and Archers.
The ThirckdH dedato to be nail the OnlfaiondM made by ftttr of Lmo< and other Hentidn
or ScfaifinttkiEa*

1b$ Third Geiural Cmmil af Lateran.

nf. ooBVcn'd in die Year 1 1 79. a great Omneil at f(fm*, which is callttf , Tfo TUri
General of L/iteran, to rt-form a great number of Abufcs thsr h?A crqit into ihc Oennal
Charch : go make Confticucions about Matters of Difcipline ; to condemn the Alhiimt, and Cg«»c*i ^
Other fcpnedHactklEs ; to maimaindie Immunities of the Choich ; and to redrrft nuttMr Girto* Um».
vances that were become very comnxxi. This Council which began to fit on the Second Day of
hUreh, wascompos'd of about Three hundred fiiibops, andpubUfted Twenty ilvlh Capitularies,
or Aificlcs of Canons,
The Firft, 1' Dfcrec for preventing the Schifms of rhe Church of I{ome in the EleAion of the

Popes, ordaining, 1 hat if all the Cardinals cannot agree to ehuic the iame Perton, he fluii be
cfeeem'd as Law^ Pope, wbo ihall obrain Two thirds of their Suffrages in his FaTour ; but that
he cannot beordain'd, or acknowledg'd as fuch, wbo has Icfs thahTwo thirds of the Vorcs : Pro-
vided ncvcrthelefs that this Conftitution fball not be prejudicial to the CailD.-n uJ ocher Chapters^
in which theConfcmof the greater and founder Part ufoally prevails; by rcafon chat the Con*
lefts which arife in tbofe Bodies, may be detennin'd by the Judgment of the Higher Powen, wheto-
as the Church of l{pme cannot haVe ncoorfe to any Tribunal that is Superior to it.
The Second, declares to be mill the OrJinarions made by the Three Anti-popes, oBavlari, Gtrf,
and ^mEm de Strnmd \ deprives thole of Benefices wbo receiv d them from their Handsj abco^tei
the Alienations of Churai'Refaraes made by the (aid Anti-popes ; and fufpends fitom Orders wofe
Qergy-men, who took an Oath to maintain the SLl i'm.
The Third ordains. That a Perfon nominated to be cbolcn BiHiop lliali be Thirty Years old j
that he ftaH be bom in Lawful Wedlock, and noted for his Learning and the probity of bit ,

Wanncrs That when his Elciftion isionfirtn'd; when he has taken Pofll lTion of the Revenues of his

Church ; and when the time prclrnb d by the Canons for hisOrdinauoo is expir'd he who had a •

fight to difpofe of the Benefices, which he enjoy "d before he was madeBilhop, fliall have free
Liberty to confer them : That theDcimi is, Arch-de.iconries, Cnr.Tcict;, ^lul other Church-Li-
vin|^ with the Cure of Souls, lhall be g: anted only to tbofe wbo have attauVdto die Age of
Xwenty five Years That they who are advanced to a higher Dignity, if they do not caufe them-

fclves to be ordain 'd in due rime, fhall be depriv'd of their Benefices, without a po^^^bi!ity of
re-inftating themklves by vcrtuc ot an Appeal. It is alfo dcciar'd, that tiiis Conftitution ruaii be
obfer^'d not only with reiped to thole who fliall receive indu^on to Benefices for the fiiture, but
alfo in reference to Incumbents, if the Canont icquire it That tk^ who negledfc go obferve it in

carrying on their £ie(!iions, (hall be depril'*d of their BJght of EhKfttng, and even of their Bene-
fices for Three Years And Liftiy, if the Bifhop infringe it, or confcnt to the Infrii gcmcnt of it,

he (ball lole the Kight oonfiBmng Sfaricual livings ^ wbkb ibaU be gramod by the Cbafter, ot
by the Merropliian.
The Fourth Conftitution, regulates the Number of Horfes Which the Prelates may kct p for
their JBqaipagc, durmethc Vifiiatioo of their Diocdles; that is to fay, Forty or Ftixy are al^
low'd toAxcHbifliops ; Twenty fivcioCtrdinals ; Twto^ or Thirty to Bifeopt ; five or Sevoi
to Arch deacons, and Two to EX-ans Now in regard that this Number is very coiifiJcrablc, ir

is dcciar'd in the end (ri the Canon, that what is granted by way of toleration, ought only to be
pot in exeetarion in Chmdiet which have large Revenues, and naif hf thoTe Places where the Ec-
clcliaftical Revenues arc very tnean, the Superiors fhaf! take care not to over-burden their Infe-
riors in viiitiDg chem } and that it is not the meaning of die Dccite, to enlarge the Privilege
of ihofe, wlio were not accuftom'd to have fo great a Retinue. The Btihops are likewife
forbidden to opprefs the interior Clergy %v:th T^rcs rini Irr.pjfirinn-, n!tHcmgh thi.y are permitted
Upon urgent OccatioDS to demand u
ihem occciiary Supplies : £u( the Avch-deacons and

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A Nei^ Eule/iajlical Hiftarj
Dons are ablaliucly polubiiecl to kjf any Taam npn the linefti or Qetb of dnr Jvip

The Sixtb, regulates the ForaiaJlties of Ecckfiaftical Judicature, in which are obfcn'd Two
common Abufes, vi^- One, that the Superior Clergy, fearing left the Inferior (hoald wicbdfur
tbeoirdves firom their Jurifdit^ion by an Appeal, fre<piently be^
with SuTsaiding or Excomma-
nicating them, without having fern them any Monitory bnbre ; and tfaeooier, twit riiefefcrior,
on the contrary, who fear the Ccufurc of their Siipcriors, apnea! without having receiv d ar.j-
Wrong, and to maintain their unjuit Pnu^ce, make ufc of ibc Remedy appointed for the Relief ai[
the Innocent. Therclbre to piwcut thtfe AJbn&St it it oidaui*df HMt
ne Supu'iois fliall pronounue
no Sentence of Sufpenfion or of Excommunication againft theloftriorQcrgj Minlcfs it were preceded
by a Canonical Monition ; if the Crime of wh:ch they are guil^ be noc of the Number of tho^
thatcen<lFrtheTer(bnsi|^/«ff«eza»in)unicatcd or fafpqKied ; and the Inferior are forbidden to
enter an App-.i!, Ix-forc IfTue be joyn'd As for thofe, who tnakc a Lawful Appeal, ir is decrec'd,

that a competent Time (hall be allow'd tliem lo prolecute it, and that in cafe they negletit to do il^
within die limited Time, thcBifhop, after the expiration of that Term, may make ule of hisAa-
ihority : Laftly, that if the Party iununoncd prclcnt himfelf in Court, and the Appellant does not
appear, the latter flull be oblig'd to re-emburlc the former all bis Charges. It is alfo requir'd,

that thb Ordinance be recohny oblervU moR cfpedalty in Monaftcnei, and widi tefyiSt n
Religious Pcrfons.
The Seventh, condemns the Abufcs which pafled into a Cuftom, of ezadling Money lor b-
dudion to BcneBces ; for the Burial of the Dead ; for the Bcncdidion of .Marriages, and ftrihe
Adminiftration of the Sacraments. The fiifliops are likewife forbidden to impofe new Duti« cn
the Churches, to augment thedd Ones, and to appix>(iriatc any part of their Revemics to uicir
own private ufe, and they are enjoyn d to maintain the Liberty of^ their Churdics.
The Eighth, prohibits tobcftow, or even topromili^ Spiritual Livings, before the| becane
vacant ; ordains Patrons to make their Frdemauon widrin Six Months after the Vacancy; and

mm to tlx: Chapter the Right of nominating tnfiich Benefices, as arc too long left Vacant by ibc
SkhofH when they are in his Gift ; alfo to the Bilbopb the like Right of nominacisg to thole due
onght to be oonmrd IwdK Chapter, upon ihefiune Dermic i Bot if both Patties neghd n do
it, the Right is dcchr'd to
devolve on the Metropolitan.
The Ninth, reforms the Abufcs that prevail'd under colotu- of Privileges granted to dte Koiabts
Tcmptan, and o^er Religious Sodecies, w
ho by viitne of thefe Privileges attempted many Tbna
againft the Authority of the Bilhops : For they rccciv'd Churches from the Hands of Laicks ; ad-
mitnd ettotawinicated Pcrfons to the Participation of the holy Sacraments ; allow d them
^^uiftian Borial placed and difplaccd Pricfts in feveral Churches by their own Arbitrary Power,

and without acquainting the Bifh^ ; frequently cekhratcd Divine Service in Churches that lay
'under a Sufpenfion ; and wcaken'd the Etuicopal Authontv by Combinations and Fraternities. To
put a ftop to the career of thefe Abufcs, the Council prohioits all Privileged People to entcnain ex-
communicated Pcrfons ; cnjoyns them to prelent to the Bilhops ihofe Pricfts whom th<7 wan Jd fuve
put in the Churches, which do not by uMOttbted Right belong to their Junfdit^oa i ind titai
chefe Priefts (hall give an Account of their Spiritualities to the Bifbops^ tad of thenrToDponlaiCi n
the Religious Socicry on whom they depend j To that thefe Benefices cannot be taken from then
without the confent of the Biflvops. It feuib fimherdeclared.that if the KniglttsTenffitars come into
Pktoealying under a Suljxnfion, they ITiall only h.ivc Lilxny to perform Divine Service ooce in
than ; and that the Members ot their Society lhall not \k cxonpied fiooa the Jurifdidion of die
Biihopa. This Rmdation is extended to all the other Sociedei^ chat enjoy any Privileges, and
inafcean ill L^fe of ;hcm.
The Tenth imports, That Monev ihaii noc be exaj&ed for the admitting of Monks into MotU'
fberies; that they lhall not be fi^'d id have any PerifaiialEflaie; that they fhal! not Ihe privately
in Towns, Villager, or Parifhes, but in large Convents ; that they flull not go out of them alonc;
ihat the Monks, who give anv Thing for their Entrance into a Mooaftery, ihall not be advanced
10 Sacced Olden} and that diey who exad any thing upon that aocounr, (hall be depos'd ftom
ibdr CMGce ; that he who enjoys private Poffellions, unlefs they were piven him by the Abba
for his Office, flull be eatcommunicatcd that an Abbot, who negl«lts to put this Order m
cncution, ihall bcdegewled from his Dignity ; that Pnuries, or ConuniffioQS, fhall not begiva
for Money; thnt Convenmal Priors fhall not be chang'd unlets for a juft Caufc, as in the

Cafe of Dilapidation, or Irregularity or if it be judgd expedient to remove them to hi|ber


1 he Elcvc^lth, rmcws the Prohibitions fo often reiterated with rcfpcd to Clergy-men who arc
in Orders, to keep Company with Women j condemns Sodomites to very feveie PuniOunenis i aad
forbids BccleftifticaJ mom n fieqaenc theMonaAeriei of Nnub ankfi npon fij uie ciii u[b»
The Twelfth, forbids all Clerks, who are maintain'd by Chorch-Revemies, to esodfe the
Fun<flions of Attorneys or Solicitors in I aw-fuir";, unkfs it be to manage their own Affairs; or
thofe of the Churchc% or thole of the Poor,, who are noc able to defend tbenkTelvcs. Tbn are
aHb prohibiiQd in Ail Canon, cofenro as RecamB or Judges to Lay-Lords, under die Fcnaky of
being fufpendedfiom the Excrcife of dwir MiniAerial FaadtioM. Tbeftme Tlnnff is lihm
won r^fkviOf foifaidden to Monks.

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of the Twelfth Century of Qhnpaniiy, .lOff.m
ThcThirrconth, enforces a Firohibttiioo ro the faaie Pcrlbn to {olTcrs Tcvcral Benefices, with chc
CuK of Souls, and ordains rcfidcDCf thawin*
The Founccnth, in like manner, -piolibits the Plur^llry of Prebends, and crndcmis tlio Pro-
cwdings of l aicks, who pit {^^iexa^mgi m
the .Cbunjits, and tuqi 5^em out whenever ihcy think
fit ; who uke upon than to
diftnbDte die Goods and Revenues'of the Cfanrcb tr their Hea-
furc and who cxadl Duties, .mJ lay Taxes on the Churches, and on Eccldiallical Pcrfons.

Therefore iheV who Mffift n\f)ichf radices fertl|e fitturc, arc tiireaten'd to be anat^cmatiid j and
the Pcicfts and Clei**, wife WiK»te««nifi<». Iran 'die Hlnds oe Uy^mm, tolil^'dttiQM : TV
latter arc alfo forbidden, under pain of
Excnmirmnicirion, to fummon Clergy- men before their
that ibey who retain the 1 ulies, and other Church-Revenues, (haU
indgcs ; and it is dccree'd,
cdqjri»''dofChriW*i*itnI.' ,
^ , . .

The Fifteenth onlstnS, That the Eftatc or Goods which Clcrgy-nicn have got out of tl* Revenue
of theiTyBendkcS,; fti^il be left \o. the Churches, to which they belong, whether iliCy have ibdif-
pos'd of tfem toy[ tbfifr and TfiftiUDfiit'or ^npt^. By^this Canoh is alio abolSlhed theOtftott

^iXans conn»iiriona^xUiyibci^Jh9fi%5ip5efi:j^^5^^

greater, dtu! more found part of the Canons.


of the ^

TheScvcntecnih, provides a Remedy for the Inconvenience that happens, when tlw Lay Pa-
CRMW are divided. »nd Kcfe^t fcy^-al CJciks for the fame Churdb. It wnLmi'd, That he
lhall be prcfcrr'd who^s tSc moft
vtxx^ and'ttastWgreareft ISKtutlQrJbfiSuf rMt^
The Eighteenth, orders the Settlement of a School-mafter in all the Cathedral Churches, for the
fft^t^ftbfl'flf y%H'4't.''P whan is to be allotted a Benefice .of a fufficient
Revenue for. bis Main-
tenance in confidcration of wbichi he is forbidden, |;p,eiad any Thing for gfanring a Lfc
car. c to^tcach, and oohgd to deny .it to\tholc who apenot
capable of performing that Eni{>Ioy» "

The jaincteentii prohibits, under thePciudcyofjaa 4»4/W. the T^es and Imoofirirtn* laid bjr
Maeiftraicson tbeyChurc^, andJ&ccldttitiddFeri^; at Manle^
the Bifhoo^ aiMlhetttW
the Clergy, having regard to the 'Exigencies
of the State, efpccTally when the Revenues of rfee;'
(hall judge'it expedient that the Churches
Laity are notfidScient for the difcharging of them,
Ibould contribute foBiewhat to thatpirprtle.

aftdBW%i -
The Twentieth, tondetnns the Tournafients, in which Spldicrs fight, and <*vex( kill
^ ow
ther, lolhew theirCoirage • ^ f '

U the obfervmg
-. ) 'v , .
The Twenty fitft prcfcribct, wider pain of Excommumcauon, of a Truce, that It
to fay, of a Ceflation of all manner ,of!A<ib
of HolUlky, from Wcdnefday-Evening at Sun-fet tq
l^ndaythtooungiifrpRj ^dvcTictothc-p^ tec the EpipKany,. a^d from Se^ruji^tfum uil

CXSxureafie^Eafter. '-r • • '

i -,- !

TheTwcnty feco«d ordains, That Monks, Clerks, Pilgrims, M<^ants and Pcalancs, who come
Safety, and »hat no new
Roads with
and goAo manage ft^ A^fs of i^u§^>n4fy, lhall pafs on. the

The Twenty third, grants to Lepers, who arc fufficiehdy nnnierotti the
upon Co4¥Jitt6h that they
^ kee^J^ kCfaurch,
doB» Injury to
i^Church^yaixi, and a P*M;ft, a Licenfe to that purpofc,
d»A«fieKGhttrtlK3. a»tot^ir P^^^
; The Twenty fourth*; forbids Cbriftvans to fii|pilh the S4r-2«w Wid^ .feg&^P""^J*''
or other Inftrumcnts of War, and excommunicates thple
who lift ihemlewts in onrSerntxat Sea,
fuffcr'd ShiDwreak.
«c alfo fuch Perfons as/eiacon f;hc Goods of ibolc that have
TI^Twenty fifth ordains. That tublkk Urufcrs rball be dcnny'd of the Coo^uliion durioc
^ V'
their Lifc-tmie, ami of ChriftianBurW-afterthrirPcJitlu ,
^ „ .

The Twenty fixth declares, That it ought not ro be cndur d tiur the SixraceAs Ihould h.ive
Chriftiati Slaves, aof Uw thc.airi<kjans.niould.,rej^, arnoogjhOTj. It gives fo^^ to re^

ceive the Teftimony ofOriftiw.afijiji^

'^itT^tyfewithCanonisthatwl^ ai^wjeii Wto^

given fomc Account clfcwhefe.
,Hcreticks in thofe Times, of which wc h.ivc already
General Council ot Laferan. Bar^
Tbetb-tf^aU tjrJ^'KV l"'""* that were made iji the Third
tbct9me» tMt$t, m-n^dPotn, who publilhcd th<i
Adh of this fame Council, has annexed to it
of divers Conftirutions of Alexander III. and of the Popes who prectxled or fud
a largeCbUctaion
of this Council, becaulc he found
ceed& him, which he lookt^d upon at leaft in part, as a Sequel

ought DOC to be efteand ataputoTUi fo il)i}i(jff«^haUcake noiimfaer^onceqf itnthtf


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. J Nerp Ecclefiajlical Htjlorj


Of the Trovincul Councils held in the Tvpelfth Century.

w fhall only treat in this Chapicr of ihofe Councils whkh made Regulations of the
Church-Difciplinc, or that determin'd any imrortant Ecclcfiaftical Affairs, and wc
(hall pafs by in filcncc a very great Number of Icfler Councils, which were held only
to re-cftablilh or confirm ihic Privileges of parricular Churches and Monafteries j or
to coofecrate certain Churches ; or tt> tranflate the Reliclcs of Saints ; or to tafs Judgment con-
cerning the Differences bctMfeeo Churches and private Perfons about Temporalities i or laftly, u
condemn or to acquit fomc Perfons accufcd of Crimes. , '


The Council of NJiGCMZt held in the Tear i lo o.

rti Counm N the Year

1 1 oo . Join and BenediB thc Pbp«'s Legates, arriv'd in France, and call'd a Coao-

ft/o/Va- at Autvn, which was held in thc Month o? Stptftnher ar Valence. It was composd of
J cil
lencc^.I>> four Prelates, as \*ell Archbilhops as Bilhops and Abbots, and the Deouties of tin
1IOO. ^ Arcbbilbop of Lrewj" afftftcd therein. The Canons of ^thu. accus'd their Bifliop of dimony, and
the Matter yvas warmly debated On all fides, but the Dercrminatifcn of it was reren'd to thc Coun-
cil of Poitiers.j Hu^h Ablwt of TUvigny, who was tum'd out Ijy the Monks, okain'd Lcum of
Rcftauratioo ui tnis Council of K4/rt»c«, .•
" •'• • • :•• • .*•
' . • tfi.

the touncilof foiticTS helJ in thfi Tear itpo.

/ - tt .• iifi .,. 'm»iI, .II..'., .„ ,.. .,.E.|rj„,, .

Coun- HPi tiiS bdlanqi was atiemblwl oh th* Ofevt of St. J^M/n in the fame Year. The Biflup -

ci7 «/Poi- 1 of Autun, not having ItifficiCnrly clear'd himfclf of the Acculation brought againft him, wm
tiers in dcpos'd find excommunicated, notwj^hftanding his Appeal to the Pope in this Coandl,
i loa anid Ia tbe preceding : For die Legates had declar'd, thar no regard n> be had ro that Ap- ou^
peal, fince they were inverted with the Whole plenitude of the rontifioJ fower. This Council
was oompos'd of Eighty Dignitaries, as well Bjlhops as Abbots, and in it \^as nrenoooced a /biemn
Eicommunicirion againft YimgVhilij) for rcrnkiiig Berrradr. The Abbot ot Sr. I(mj at Hbetms
was confirm'd in his AblKy ; [he Ciafcof Drdgt, Trcafurcr of thc Church of ChAioiu, was arfu*d»
apd it was nu^e to appear, that he could nocpoflefs chat Benefice, having another in another L)io>
ccft : Lafliy, a ccTt.un Church wasadjud^'d to h>ej Bilhop of C/wrfr«, which had been ufurpcd
Irom him, and Sixteen Canons were made in this Council
The firft imports, That only the fiilhops or Abbots (hall be cmpower'd to adinmifta Ckrical

ifonfure to the Monks, that is to fay, to engage rhcm in the Monaftick Life hy verwe of
chat Ceremony , and that cbey ought 6nly to confer it on thofe Perlbos who a<^uaUy nun
Monks. ^ !;'"^r 'H '

The Second, Thar "nothinj? ftial! be
, rmOM
tipoh acrrtdftt ef fcih ToHfutti Maf Moc ibinfili tl
ifor the Sizacrs and Napkins dut arc us'd in performing the Ceremony.

TheTliird ordains, That Clerks fhall not do Homage to Lay-men, and (hall not receive Cbordh
^ ' Livings from th«;ir Hands.
Thc Fourth, That thc ficnedidton of the Sacerdotal ^abits, aixl of the Uteniiis beiongiiig to
the Altar, fluU be referv'd to t?ie Bilhop.
,The Fifth, That the Monks flufl hot Be s2J6w'd toVcar the Maniple, linleft thtyra eftife tiie
Office of Sub-deacons.

„ TheSizth, That the Abbots flull not make ufeof Gantlets and Sandals, nor of rbe Ring, u
oSciaiing, unlefs they have obcain'd a Privilege fitxn the See of ^{pme.
TheSevaith, That Pabchds lhall neither be bougfir nOr fold, and that no Honfehold-PiW-
fions IhaLl be exadled for the conferring of them.
The Eighth, That no Prebends, nor any other Benefices, fliall be difpos'd of during the Lift-
time of the Incumbents.
The Ninth, That the Clerks and Monks fhall not buy any Altars or Tithes of the Laicks.
The Tenth declares, That the Regular Canons may Baptize, Preach, enjoyn Pciunce, and Bury
the Deac). with a Licence from the Bilhop.
The Eleventh, That the Exercifc of tnefc Funii^ions is foi biddrn to Monks.
The Twelfth ordains. That thofe Clerks, who carry abour Rclicks to get Money byUxsc.
fhall not be luffcr'd to preach.
of the Twelfth Century of ClmjUamty. 211
The Thirteenth, That the Archbilhops (hall nocextu^ of ihcBUhops, nor theBifliopsof the Ab-
bots, any Copes, Carpets, Bafons, or Napkins, fee ihdr Coafecraooa.
The Fourteenth, That Laicks iliall have no fliarc in the Offerings made« the Altar* nor in tie
Obmities allow'd to chePridfts, elpecially upoa the account of Burials-
The Fifteenth, Thar no audiorized Judges iball on the Revenues of the Bilhops» either in
their Life-time, or after their Death.
The Sixteenth, and lalt Canon, confirms every Thing that Pope Vrbau had ordain d in the
CouncU ofC/mwwf ; earricnlarly concerning Tithes and Altars unjuWy retain'd by Laicks, as
alfoconceminc the CelebacY of Friens, Deacons, Sub-dcacoiiS, and CanoiK, and ciie Pi-ohibition
to hold Two Prebends, or Two Dignities inTwo
Icveral Churches. Moreover it is reiaced in a
oenain Ancient Ouoaicle. that this Gmincil cidain'd. that the Biflnpt Oootd have a Right co fe*
cover their Poflefllons.
King Philip, CO caufe the Excommunicatioti which was denounced agaixiik him in the Council
of ftotmr/ to oe taken off, wrote to the Pope, that he was ready for the future, not to have to do
cawaHy with Bemade. Whereupon the Pope referr'd the Management of that Affair to f{ich.trd
BiflKn> of yf/^dm his Legate, who held at Beaitgetity a Council of the BiAops of the Provinces of
l^/jeims and Sens, in wBth the King and Btrtradt tooic an Oath upon the Holy Gofpcls, that they
would no longer have carnal Copulation together, and that they would not lee one another, but
in the prefaicc of luch Per Ions as could not be fufpe<Sled, till they had obtain'd a Difpenfation from
the pope However the BilhOfS and the Legate durd not give them Abfolution, but refcrv'd the
Detmnination of the Matter to the Pope : Afterwards tddutrd being depned £noin A-«ic«» the
Pope granted a CommifTion for that purpofe to lAOiibert Biftop of Jlrras, with the Ardibifliops and
Biln«*»ofdieProvir>ccsof /(6f/«iJ, Sens :xnd Tours, whom he impower'd to ibiolvc ih King, in
cafe Ae renounced his unchaft Coitefipoodence with Mertradt, and cngagd no ionjger lo lee'her,
unlcfs it were in the prefence of nnfnfeeded Ferlcns. At kft, LMrta^BiflnpoTi*r«, !>»«)#•
hert Archbilhop of Sens, fiadulphus Archoilhop of Tatrs, and many of their Suffragans, being ron
ven'd at Paris A. D. i lo j. rcceiv'd the Oaths of the King, and of Bemtde, cootomably to ibt
Tenor of the Popc'sLetter, and gave diem AUbhition upon thofe onditioiifc

T/je Council of Anfe

the Year Iioo. the AlChbKhopS of Canterhtry, Lyons, Tours, and BM0Cf/, and Bigfat BHbops, ^J"!?.
IN aflcinbled at .*«/f near /^wu, held n Council, inwhich they debated Matters relating to tlre^'J^*^*
ail thoic Perfons, who had taken upon than
Voyage to the Holy Land, and excoownunicated
tlw Oni% bwhad not iMdto thtjoumey* imtbcy ih^

2 he Council of Troycs.
the Sec of I{ome, held a numerous Council :.i Tcytj C<w»»
rhnmpapne D.
ofAlbm, Legate of
1 104. in whtch G^^n was cboTcn Bilbop aS^miau^ and HiJrert &ikap £ii?L.
in /f.

ot ieni:s accufcd of StflMnv ckarM hudelf by Ouh : TWa Conndl apptovVl of, and an-
firmd the privikses cf cheMooalletkaof theClMidiaf Sufa^ax TOr^ anp cf tbeAtbey V***

The Council of Bcauvais heU in the Tear x 1 14.

the preceding Councii.bcuig ill usd in that ThtCeim'

ordain'd Bi/hop oiAmiem
GODFREY, wjhoawas in
Refohmon to quit his Bilhoprick infomucb that in the Year
; 1 1
1 4.
Conen, c$l of
Owntry, took
the Pope's Lcgnrc, h-virj: call'd a Council at Br urvais, the rcople of
/^mifw demanded Beattvua
i.etcer was read, in which he dcclar'd, liiat he had renounced his»«l«'4«
another Bifljop, and Gc<^r#ys
BUhomck. TheCJooncil, that nothing might be done with preiapiutioc, referv'd that Afeir to

be dacrmino^ i; rhf Council of Soijfom. However they made a Conftitution, in which U waldfr*
during a Year and a
dar'd, That the Revenues, of wWch the Churches had a quiet Pofleifioa
on])- againft
Dav, flwoM bekng to them forever ; provided that this P<&ffioo fliould take Place
Lay-men, and that « MAon Thirty Y«ait fl»U be ceqiufite to nansfa a Right fxsm one
Church to another.

ThCwniil of BhamsbeU in the Tear 111$:

Tht Cuaft
ONON, new Year at i^im/, which he.exQomaiittttcaied tlM
c held a Council the
ptror //r»i7, andoblig'd Gj^iTrg'WiWMO**^*"'*''*'
in Eflo-

fic % Tht

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A Ne» Ecclejiaftical Hiftorj

The Cmneil €f Touloufc heU in the Tear \ vi$*

ThtCmn- taqPE A. D. 1119. a Council at Tdwiwjf*.

c«7«f Tou-
M CalixtmYL being arriv'd in Fmiic«, held
compos d of crrndn Gudmals, and of the ArdilMftopcand fiidups of A/pMrn, in whidi be
loilfe i»» Ten Canons.
" '9' '
The is againft thole who buy or Icll Spiricual Livings.
Second imiMCCs, That iw Man (hall
The W
made a Fraraft* Afch^ricft^ or Dean, wfc» ison
a Pricft ; nnr an Arch-deacon, who is not a Deacon.

The Third ordain.s, That Hereticks, who contemn tlic Conununion of the Body and Blood uf
Jdits Chrift, the Baptifm of In&nts, Holy Orders,
and Lawful WedlodE» fludl becxcominniii-
their Adherents.
Cited, ami that the lan.c runifbrcnr fli.ill Ix: inflidcd on
Tiic Founh, forbids Princes and Lay-men to poiicls Tithes, Oblations, ilonaftcries, or odia
iUvanies belonging to the Churches.
The Fil th, prohibit"; to make Slaves of Free-men.
The Sixth ordams 1 hat Ciergy-incn (hall not bcobiig'd toj^-citoi in any manner of Service w
Laicks fiir Church- Re\'cnucs.
The Seventh, That none Ibali feise on the Founfa Fart of the Ofoinsi wbicb bekd^ a» dK
TV Eighth That any other Ecclcfiaftical Pcrfons, lhali be
uL lcher Bilhops, nor Priefts, nor
|>ermirtcd to leave ihcir Benefices to their Heirs, as an Inheritance by Right of Succcffioa
The Ninth, Thit nothing Hull be cxadcd fiw the confeoated Oyls, Holy Chrilin, or the
Burial of the Dead.
The Tenth, That the Monks, Canons, or ClerJ^, who quit tbeir Frofdiion, (hall be 'ivsga-
municated. »

The Cwndl ^London beU in the Tear 1 1 %$.

Thou*' YN tlie Year of onrLord 1 1 2 v 7of»> ^

Crenu, Legate of the See of /(omr, Pf^Kmrn Aicbbilbop
fiVo/Lon- 1o( Cahferlu y, T«'^/« Archbifliop of 2«ri^, Twenty Bifliops, and about Forty Abbots, afTenn-
don ft tj^. 3x Lomitmt made Sevcnti£n Decrees,' in which they prohibit Sunony ; to give or to re-
III]* '
axtt anv Thing for Ordinationa $ to (fqeive a Spiritual Living from the Hands ca Laicks ; n»
chufe a Succeflbr to luch 1 '.vings ; lo confer them on Pcrfon?; who arc not in Orders ; to deprive a
Clergy-man of a Benefice without a L^gal Sentence patfed againil him by his Biihop; 10 ordaio
One who belongs to another's Diocefs ; to cotmaiB One who has been cxcoouDunicatcd by his
Bifljop. Clerks arelikcwi':- forbidden to cohabit with ftrangc Women, and to follow Ul'ury
Witchcraft is condemned i ana Marriages arc prohibited between Reiatioos to the Jcventh De-
giee; but it isdcdar'd, that Huvb inds. who endeavour to get their Wivadiforaed, undttpe*
naoeof Cooiwgpiutfiy* we not aliowVi »
snake pcoof of k by Wimeficfc

The Cmmil of Lonckm held in the Tear 1127.

The Cum- T"jr TILLIAM Archbilhop of Cmtcrbuo held another Council at London Two Years after the
er/</Lan* whichfae vaa/6. the moft pan of iliileOonftidiii(His,a4ding fimirodiei^^
doo in the- Plur.aliry of Benefices, alfo concerning the Rdtitution of Tithes, and
1 127.
that ought to be oblerv'd by the AUxflcs in their HaUis and Attire;

Ihe Cetm^ii ef Umiqa bMin the Tear 113S.

ConliituiiOns were rcviv'd in ti4C Council held at London, A. D. 1 138. during

niorLoa- T^^*^
the Vacancy of the See of Canterlnoyt by ^//-erif Cardinal Bilhop of Ojh\i, the Pope's U-
gate in i. Thik Courxil w.i;? compos'd of KiCh'-eeii Bilhops, and about Thirty Ah-
bot^, aiid m
u were pubUlhed Seventeen Canons ; of which the following are not comprdieriaoi
in the preceding Councils : vi:{. The Second, which forbids the keeping of the conlecrated file*
ments in the liuchanft above Eight Days, and ordains, they Chall be revrrcrrlv rnrn'd to tbc
Sick by ihc Pntits or Deacons, and even by Lay-men, in Caie of NeceiFity 1 i.e hourth, which

Eohibits a Bifhop, who iaittkibr by another Bifliop to coo!<:cratc a Chorch, to cxa^ any TJuag
fides his Right of Procuration : The Tenth, in which is referr d to the Pope the giving of Ad-
folutionto thoie who have mifus'd Priefts, or Perfons confecrated to God : The TweUu^ bein*
a Prohibition to build a Chapj^>el without a Licence from the Biftiop : The Thirteenth, in which
Churcb-men are forbidden coengagp in WatiikeAfiain, and to bear Arms : The Fourtcaitb, pro-

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of the. Twelfth Century of Chnjlianity. '

Mbiring Monks ro quit their Profc-lTion : The Fifrecnth, which forbids AbbefRs
Iv atr-r'd, to
and to have their Heads drLfleJ attcr the manner of Secular Women : And theSevcntccnih, which
imports, That School maftcrs llull not be permitted to let out their Schools to others for Money.
I.aftly, Theobald Abbot of J5?f, was chofcn AixhbiChopof dnncii'my ••^ 'h-s Ccuin:il, and diVCCt
means were treatoi of for the itukiiig Peace buwcco the Kings of England and trance.

The Council of Rheims l^eU in the Tear 1 1 2 1.

POpe7ffMwr»f IL ash bas alread^^ been decUu'd, held a Comet I Atl^heimt, A. D. 1131. in tl^Cvun-
which he Crown'd LtvKi Sirnam'd the Young, King of France, and publi(hcd Seventeen ^" °f
Canoos ver)' advantageous to the Church, bat iince they arc recited in the Scand Genexal ^heims in.

CcNiiKil«f L«ttr«^ icwefcneedMsnpRKhi^ 't3>«

Ihe Council oj Rhcims heU in the Tear 1 148.

THitCcNincilconven'd by Pope Eugenius HI. hUn^ vx. A. D. 1 143. jpubtilhed Eifhteen Ca- TffCoim'
nons, which arc all airong [hole of the Sivond General Qtnncil of Lr.fcr.:?:. Wchavc a!- */
ready given an Account of the TranfaCtions thcrtin, relating to the Condemnation of

TIj€ Council of Touts held in tfje Icar ii6z.

T His Council held at Tour* by on the 28. Day of y/;>r//. wascomps'd of T/ fCMHC*
Ptxpe Alex in dir III.
Seventeen Cardinals, 127 Biflwps, and of a very great Number of Abbots, «nd other <n/ of
Ecdeiiaftical Pcrfons. Amtilphus, Biihop of Lifieuxt made an czccUeot Difcourfe before Tours in*
mention'd ; Alexander renew'd his Bulls of Einomniiiiiicacion agaioft OSmsAm^ and the Ten fill- 1163;
lowing Canons were publickly fee focth. .
The Firft, forbids cbe dividing of Frebeiids, and tbecliangingof Dtgnitiis.
The Second, condemns Ufury, more efpccially that by virtue of which tl^ lotOCft OfTlungS
left in pawn by poor People, attXHUUS to a greater Sum than the Principal.
In ifie TUm . Clergy -men are forbidden to beftow Chtudies « jTithcs ^ or Ofl^nngs qb
The Fourth, is againlt the Aibi^eois^ which we have ahready recited in diicourfing of tbofe
The Fifth, ofChnrchcs to Pricft"; for an Annniry or yearly Rcnr.
prohibits the Icrting our
The Sixth, forbids the cxadfing of any Thing tior admUlion imo Orders ; for Nominarions to
Benefices; for the Burial of the Dead nir thcHoIy Chrifm ; and for theconfecraicti Ols.

The Se\'cnth, is a Prohibition to Bifhops to ganr Commifllon';

Dean^, or to Arch-Fric(U^ §at
the carrying on of Judiciary Proceedings m
ibcir room, or initead of Arch-deacons.
By the Eighth, Monks aiefioibidden to go oat of thdrCloifkim in order to ftudy, or to become
Profcflbrs of :he Civil I aw, or ro prsdlifc Phsfick.
The Ninth, declares the Ordinat;ons made hy 08 avian, and by the other SchiimaLicks ur
Hcrcttcks, to be void and of none Eflfed.
The Tenth, pttjpofes new Methods for maintaining the Revenues and Liberty of the Churches,
and ordains, That whcne\-cr the Chaplains, who rcfidc in the Caftlcs, perceive any Injur)' to be
done tbcChurch, they lhall make an Addrefs to the Lord of the CalUc, to demand Reiftitu.ion ; and
if he XKf^vSL CO do it within the fpace of Eight Days, riie Celebration of tlie Divioe Offices (ball
be fufpended in the Caftle ; except that of Bapcifm, Confeffion, and the Communion, in cale of
Danger of Death : Only ir is pcimitted to fay Mafs privately once a Week in a neighbouring
ViU^e> BO coofecrace the Hoft : It is added, -That if the loteibitants of the CaiUes continoe m
thdf oWKnacy Forty Days, the Chaplains lhall abfblntely abandon the Place; They are alfo w-
tlcr'd to retire in Three Months, if ihey Iv ch.irr'd wiih any manntr of Servdcs, and cnjoyn'd
CO set Iflformatioa when the Booty is l;xxnight in ^ whether any of it belong to the Churches, or be
, dbinwd by Clergy-men : All rbe Vicars and Chaplains are requir'd cotakeanOach n dyfarc
theie Injundlions.
BytiusCaocB, the Ino-kcepers and Inhabitants of Towns or Villages, are forbidden to entertain
eycoaiinnnifawd Perlbns : Cniiichf^ards and BccMnftical Revenues are exempted from all manner
of Rent-charges and AfTcfTments: The Excorr.nujnicattcn to be inflicfled on thotc who niifulc Clergy-
men is rev iv'd, with a Refervation of that Cauic to ihc See of ^owic AlimanncTof Convene or .

Cortefpondence is prohibited with Perfons who lie under a Sentence of Excommunication : TTie
EJoans arc cnjoyn'd to rake care that thefc O:\iinanccsbc dvily put in cxecutbn, and to give notice
CO thkc fiilhop or Arch-dcacon, of the TretjpalTcs that lhail be committed upon them. The Abbots,
MbnitSf Poors, Abbd&i aul Pkioi«0«s« aielikevriie ftee'd all fm
of Rcnt-cfaasges mama

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A New Eccle/ja/lical Hiflory

aicks, who fliaH
and Impofitions. Laftly, an Anatbcma \& 6eaoaacQd againft Qergy-mcn and I
prcfame to buy or «> feU uy Rercnuct or Ballefiions « wtucktbej know to beloi^ to ibc

The Council of Cailcl in Ireland

TJjeCoin*- T N the Year of our Lord 1171. Hetiry IT. Kinj; of F.ynland, havir.p m-^dc himfclf Mnftcr of
etl•/ Ca(- I trelanJ, call'da Council at C^i/Tf coinjx)s'd ot the Prelates and other Clergy of Iieiandj in
felfulre- wkich the icdlowinp Canons were eftablifhcd.' The FirA impom, Thar 'he Faiihful in ireLmdQaH bcoblig'dooc loiiueMnairy vnilidieir

A.D*i 1 7 i» near Relations, but 10 contradt Lawful Marriages.
. The Second, That all the ChUdwn flteU be mado Catcchum t tt the Qntdi-door, and faU m
fcic baptired In the Church.

The Third, That all the Faithful lhall pay to their refpeftive Parilli-Charchos Tithes, as wdl
of Cartel, and of the Fruits of the Earth, as of their other Revenues.
The Fourth, That ail the Cborch^Revcnues /ball be cxctnpKd from all ounoer of Taxes and
Im portions.
The Fifth, That when a certain Sum is made up, is agreed to b<paid
to fay, ftipulated or
Murder of a Perlon ; the Ckrgy^neD,
for the who are the Heirs oi the decealed Party, floU ooc >e
obl^'d to pay any pan of die Fine.
The Sixth, That all the Faithful when fain Sick (hall make their laft Will and Tcftainent in the
irefenoe oftheii; C^fieflbr; and that they, who have a Wife and Children, fliall divide ibdr mo*
wbleGoeds into Three Para ; One of which (hall be allotted to the anodier to the Qui' Wi^
ditn, and the Third for the Funeral Expcnccs That f the y have no Children. theylhalJ leave

one Moieiy of cheir Goods to their Wives j and if tbcy have no Witc, their Children (hall have a
* A fort of The Seventh, That a MaG; and * Vigils (hall b? fnid for thofc whodie after haviflf nade Goo-
Servict fe^on, and that tlie accuftomed Duties ihali be paid to them.
^or th» The Eighth, Tiiat Divine Sm
ice flull becckiinBed lA all tbeChorcfaei, acoacd||)|ttdKRns
Detd. anlCuiinattcf cheChttfdiof£it/«u£

The Cctmcil <2f Avianchcs beUin the Tear 1 172.

The C9UH- r a "Hirrccn Canons were publiflicd in the Council which wa« Held ar Avrartches A. D. tiji. bj
eil tf Av- I the Cardinals Theoduin and Albeit, for the giving ot Abiolunon to Henry 11 King of
r. clrsM England.
Ii 72* The f im, fiorbids the conferring of Benefices with the Cure of Souk on Children.
The Second, is a Prohibition to beftow on the Sons of Priefts, the Churches that were poflcflcd
by rht ir Fathers..
The Third, i« liikewife a Frab^itioa to give pan of the OSks'ingt to Laicks.
The Fourth, prohibits the appodadas of Chnichei to beftnr'd bjr annnal Vicars.
1 he Fifth, obfiges the Oiniies of bise Fkrifhes to provide a Vicar, wbn they bm nms
to do it.

By the Sixth, the OrdinatioA of fdeft» without a Title ttprahibited.

The ScvcTith, forbids the Jetting our of Churches to fiarm tor a Year.
The Eighth, prohibits the depriving the Priefts, who perfonn their Fundions tbernn, of a tliiid
Fart of the Tithes belonging totnem.
The Ninth, grants a Licence to thofe Pcrfon^, who are m pofTdTion of Tithes, to beftowthon
on Atch Clerks as they lliall think fit, ODcooduiou that they flull aticrwards rtrumto theCbonh
to whu h they belong of very gcxxl Right.
The Tenth, fcirhiHs a Husband to turn Monk, whtlft his Wife remains in the Secular State;
unkls they be bom too old tu get any Children : The fame Thing is forbiddai with idbed »
the Wife.. '

The Eleventh, advifes Fafhng and Abftincncc during the time of Advenr.
The Twelfth, prohibits the placing of Clcrgy-inen as Judges in the Civil Courts tof Judi-
The Thineemh, determines notliing as to the Eftatcs of excomnvmirarcd Perfons tl;c Pc citii- ;

fites dahncd and Baptiim j and tux the giving ot Abioiunoa to

for the Benedictions of Marriages
thofc who of EiCQiniiiiiiikariflp { by itMm that the ftiflnrp nf rimaiwipli
lye under a Sentence
iMf'dto admi^ that Decree.

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o[ the Twelfth Century of Qmjlianitj. i1 5

TbeCmittiofljqtidonbeUiutbe Tear II j^.

THB Two JffHr/V/, Kings of being nrriv'd at Lonthn, met vrkh I{ich.-.r J Archbi- "T^' Ceim-
tflidp dSCdHterhrjt atid the ivfk ol ibc FKkues
^inday preceding die FcfHral of the
the following Nineteeii Canons.
die Rcalnii wbp held a Council on die
Alcenfioa, in
^ch Ae AnUlllhop l{ichard pubUAcd ^* tfloo"

Hie FifikocdAiii^ Tbat tbey who have cncer'd into Holv Orden, and keep a Concnbtne^wiiOBi
they refiiie to «xpel, (hall bedorivVlof aUinannerof lodeliflftical and Bendioe : Thac OSw
ihc Clerks who art? in Orders, below the Degree of a Sub-deacon, and arc married, (hall not be
divotcefi Irom'dteir Wives ; bat (hail no longer enjoy their Spiritual Livings : That they who an
S uMeiUi<»; of <n (iibfiHor Orden, and oontra<% Maniige. lhall be cotDBdl'd to part widi tWr
Wives And UMy. ThaV die Som of
tell be oDoifahle wftioceed their 'Mdb in Men
Churches pofTdTcd by t^i^
The Second, ibrbid9Clefgy*(neh to enter l^dbdling Honfa^ w ett or m drink ttav^ enepc
when they arc travelling on the Road.
By the Third, CkrlU, who are in Orders, are forbidden to aifift at Tryals in Capital Gales. *
Tlaf FbUrdi btdalh^, 1%at the Arch-deacon lhall oblige riiofe Cteff-OMn who Wtar long Lacfti
df flair t6 ciu them be cloarh'd modeftly.
ofF, attd that they fhal!
BytheFitth, iiahops arc prohibited to ordain the Clergy of another Dioccfs, byreaion of the
incooveniences that may afilefhxn that PtaQioe. ..< .['
The Sish, £Dcbida the Try4 of Cnnyiwib to be manag'd in CbiudMiv tt^- Cknaih
»•". . ' I. lit 'I '
. . I
'J . I . .'
•• ,* ' « ' '

TbcSer^nkli and'Eigh^h, rcne ftfc' ^rbhibidoos to ie«a^ any Thhig for die Adminiftration of
the Sacrioieikr^liDlr'cft bn^gof •tfeX>eads or fo«d»iti^

Milrrfi. 'ih like niiWier, forbitls the making oVer of Chorchos to any Perfbh tmder Pre- ?
Cente itf^tilfeilirii^ mti as alfo.die enftisg Of uqf Tiling te-^he Piaftncttini to n Md-
nefioc; '

The Tenth, prohibits Religious Perlbos to follow the Trade of Mcichindisiq^ Or en be fSu^

The Twelfth in:] 1 !.nt the Viiar'; who endeavour to retain the Benefices of thofe wbo
have the Title, contrary to liieu l:'rouule or Engagement, lhall be no ioDger TudoT'd to exerdft
tMrftmftiohifRthbftaieDiioCelk ^ •« . m ),'/: * •

The ThW-nth onkins, That T--1 ^ T

- ' .
f i'! Things.
The Teoor of the Fourteenth is, iim a iAem-ma^ win is cait ia bis Tryal* eugbc to be
iMftidtmnM to d^yth^ Charges of it ; and tte if be kne'noc wfaeMmdnd to pay, vbn' JhU
Jnmifh'd according to the Bfftiop's Difcretion.
The Fifteenth orriam. That there lhall be«nly Ten particular Prrfaocs, fix the Feftivals wfaidb
me (pedficd in that C*non.
Ttie Sucteeoih, prehtbili t])e ^miiiift^ <f ilR cnnfe^^
in Wine. •
' -
. • • .

The Seventeenth, forbids ^e Cotirecration of the Eucfaarift any tehnwill .dwi:iB»n Qaki or
Silver^Ghalice, and ibolifhcr; the Ufe of Tin-Chalices.
' '
'I'-i : .

By vinue of the Eighteenth, clandcftinc Marriages arc forbiddeit <•

> *• . t

TheNineeeeadl. is a Prohibidon to marry Cmklren, who have not atuin'd eo «

ikgeof BMntricy* vnklaicbeincafeofNeceffity, or ftr the praawcing of Ptace;

The SymJt^Yock heUmfbe Tern ii^.

HUBERT Archbilhop oiCMUerbuy, and
of the Clergy of ttatChufdi
Momh ot Jime, A.D.
1 195. in which, ifter tarng if
in the
die Pope's in held at Taritn Synod
depos'd i^ofcr/ by reafon of his Weaknefs and continual Diftemper^ tl9J»
Abbot of vSc. K^.uy,
fac {ubiOed certain Okdinanoes reUung ijhiKGM>i£^piio^ isoce cijeqiUgr ^hoi^ »
trnnon of dieEochanft.
The Firft impom, That the falurary Hoft, being ih« moft excellent of the SacraiDcnts, the
Tiricft ought tu ufe all po^le Diligence and Application, to the end chat it may be confecrated
widi Humility, raoeived whb For, and diftribund wnJi Rewenoe : That it is tequifite that dw
Miniftcr of the Altar be furc that he offer Bread and Wine with the Water in the Sacrifice ^ and
tltat he cannot celebrate the Mafs, unlels he have a Mioifter who is endud with kune meaiiue
of Knowledge : That care ought to betaken to keep tlieiioft in tnaa. Mnew ic mncf M
Sunday, and to cirry ir to the Sick in a Clerical Habit, and with Difcrction.
The Second, cttjoyns the Arch-deaoms to ukc utc that the Canon of the Mt(t» which he calls

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^ 1 6 •
jfNe» Ecclefia/itCM Ht/lory
The Third forbuis Pncits to oblige Laicks to caufe a cemin
Number of Maifo vo be faid in
ftcaii of PL-nance, Of tD make Bargains for the price of Maflcs.
The Fourth, contains a P^ohibitioato t^uire more dwi
Bapulmal Font ; tharistdfay, TwoGod-fttfctrsand One <3w!-maher, vriien it is
7^ F<TfQn$ toftand if Sumies for
a Child at the
aBoy; or TW)God-n»Other$andOtu' Gixi-fathcr, if k Iv .1 Cii T^c^llhis are likovi'c forbid- I

den to Bapcire, except in a Cafe ot very great Extremity , or to adowfter the fiiwha tift. or pe-

nance ; but Prtcfls are enpyn'd to go r^ily whenever they are (eoc ftr to bi^ititeClttlaiCn, or U
giveth'. HolyConununion to fick Pcrfons.
The Fifth, provides for the kemingof Churches, and their Oniapimt^ in cood repair j and or-
dains, That the Euchaiift AaU be coafiKmed in • SUvoOMliaek in At^Cbatamdatimn
means to procure ocic.

. The Sixth impCru, Tb» the Qernr-tnen, who imve receiv'd the Ccown from the Hands of the
BKhop, htfe Tonfiitc widk^t ; Dot if chey sqgled
ihall obTerve this Ordinance, they lhall be
ttrtnpelJ'd to do it by the Forft'rurc of rheir Bt-ncficcs and they who have recciv'J ticitlicr, by

fbc order of the Arcb-deacon or Deans. He rtoomincnd s to Priefts the wearing ot Habit* it^sabtc

to thfir Pkt)feflion» >

Sythe Seventh it is enjoyn'd, That Ecclefiaftical Juftice flull be adminiftet'd Gratu, -
^ /
ordains the paytnent of Tithes wiiliout any diHiinuiJOn.

The Eigltth, ^ .

TheNttitk, prohibits Monks to take Oflkes or Licences from their Sqperiors r> fann, and to

travel or to go out of their Monaftcry without a juftCnnfc, and
withom a Comprniionr for

the Nuns, they are likewifc forbidden to go out ot liieu Convents, unlds accouipaiucd with liwi; '

Abbeis or PriioiTrs. .. . .

The Tenth, forbids clieknisigoacafTiciKS id fump^U^fHf^ «!i#n>tli ciwy affixMI wen

with a Clcrgy-maa ,, .
^ t. . A'
The Eleventh ordains, That the Curates ihall pubhlt thrtce a Year the Excoaununiauioa afKU^
Perjur'd Pcrfons with extinguiflied Candies, and lhall deooooce chea aoqEnmunicated every
Sunday. Tlus Ca^ is idwv'd to the Archbilhop, to the Biihop^ or to the Grand Peni-
The Twelfth, renews the Prohibitions fo often made. That Ckrgy*a3qn Ihould keep uocbaft
Coricipondencc wuh Woaaes, and Rc;ulaG9 cfae oumqr.of crying thple uc uxatla o( thn
: 1- . .

ITm Cctmcil ^ MonXpd^Jf^k/ in the Tw^i 1^5.

. uJ • : . 1 : . . f

The Com- Ty MT
Legate of the Sec of I{om,% palling over to Spain .rf. D. 1195. upon occa-
of an iniode wUch the Sar^ems had made ag^upft the Chri^ians in the Xerriiohcs
• fion
of hisinoftCaiSiatickMaidly, wh^wasoblig'dmKtifvmiii^
held a CoancU of the Bifhops of ihu Province of NarhmHt at MovtpcHln, in which he rcrlv'd and
pablilhcd many Do:rccsof the latter Councils and Popes ^ amongit others, fome about Peace an^

Tiaoe,- agaitAltolliMaidPirMei; canoMffng Ecdefiaftical JurifdtdioB, and the Proiubirion

to [.ly Taxes on Churches ; againft I '^fu nTS ; abcmt the Habits ,*nd Marmcrs of the Clergy ; ibc
fru^dtfy to be oblerv'd by whops in keeping tbar Tabks, ^e. He leaves ibe ArchUihop of
MoImiw, and Ms Sirflngan Klbops. at hHierry denoniice Ecddiaftical Cenfuies againft tte n
Infringers of thefc Ordinances, ortofuperledFthaTi, accordingly 3s rhry fhnll jndgc moft expedient^
left the Hetcticks Ibould take an oca^uon hrom a general 6uipcnhoa ol long oondnoanoe, to pet;
fcitclKFaitUU, tbdrPkiBcipks. Mdoaimip

Obfervatiom on the Ecclejiajlical Affairs of the Tmlftb


HE ninftr^ons that we have infencd in the Body of this Work* as to the moft iii^

.forcant EccJi-^laftical Afiairs of the Twelfth Century, may fcrve to fuperfedc any far-
ther Pains that might be cqjcdled here, in making feveral Kenuiks on the Docbine
>«Bd Dii<dp)>iAe of di^ AaB» ror, as to the original and progrcTs of Sdwlaftick Divinity, reoourfe
maybehidio whatweuvcfiud ktlwXVGb^ AsrocheiiHincrof aytiainiogthc Holy
> Saipcurci,

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of the Twelfth Ccnttiry of Chrijliamty. % 1

ScripcoreSi it would be rpquifire to confult the Obfervations made in Chap XVI. And as to the
Recqicion of Qrstum'* Dct rcral, only ro rerufe what has been related in Chap. XVII. Neither is
k ncceffary to enlarge on the Hertrfies ana Errors which appear'd in rhe Church in thofc Times, or •

on the Dodrines that were eftablifhed againft them, fiace wc have already treated of tbctn in parr
cicular Chapters. Indeed the Affair of the Inveftitures might fupply us widi fane Reflcdfcioait if
we had not difcourfed at large on thai fubjcfft in the Second Chapter ; fo that nmhing nvore !«•
mtins to be faid, concerning the Schifms of the Popes, and the Contefts they had with the Ein-
aeraci and King^, which rent the Church, and occahon'd innumerable Calamities. I (hail only
obferve here, That tbefe Di&afions wtre fo £ur fiom diminiihing the Power of the Popes, that
they ferv'd even to corroborate and anmienr h : For it was in this Century, that they eftablifhed tbtr*fj> 4f
their Sovereignty in I{ime, and their Independency of the Emperor, and even afllmi'd to ihcm-l4»JP^
iUves a Right of confenring the Imperial Crown : They extended ihdr Ittrifdiduon and Authority
over the Churches fiirdier dnn diey had httbeno done, and mer'wiA much kfs Oppofitkm in
dieir Attempts than in fornwrr Times. The moft part of the Councils were cali'd either by them,
or by their Legates, and they were the Authors of the Conftirutions that were made thernn, and
to which the Btlhops fearcedid any Thing elfe but give ibtat Confent. Appeab to die Pope in all
IbftS of Caufes, and in favour of all forrs of Perfoas, were become fo frequent, that no Affair was
tranfaded. the Determuiacion of which was not inimediately referr'd to the Court of i^«nr ^ which
oblig'd thofe Vtrfbast who bad any Zeal for the maintaining of Chiudi*DifctpIine, and anranc
•cbers St. BerntrJ, publickly to complain of the Abufe. And mdeed, they were conftrain'd to find
oat fome means to prevent it, in the Third General Council of LMttram, by forbidding Appeals
linx wcie eoKfd hmn
the Sentence was pronounoed, and byoidauung diac die AppeUams dioaki
be oblig'd to profccure them within a limited Time.
- The Diibptoe of the Church was hJcewifc wealcen'd by the frequent ufe of Difpentadoos* which
^veregnnKdr at i(«>n% with fo much facility, that that Abufe is efteem'd by St. BemMak one oC
tbcnoft notorious Diforders that ever happoi'd in the Church. The Popes had a very great flure
In thfc Collating of Bifhopricks : For although theBifliops were then chofen by the Clergy, and or-
«lain'dby theMnropoiican ; neverthelefs theDeciiion of the Differences that atofe about the Vali«
dity of the Elcdion, being of necttfity
referr'd to dieConfifkory of l{ome, the Popes had an abfo-

liue power to favour whom they

(bould think fit ; and if the Metropolitan refiis d to ordain hlni^

whofe Ele&ion was approv'd by them.they were in a Capacity to omain him thonfeivcs&Nnedmet
thev Tent a Lcg:ire to atlifl on their behalf in the Ele&ion, whoe certain Perfons were recommended
to the Eledors, or to the Patrons of the Ifa iefioei» and It would be difficult to have no regard to

inch Recommendations. The Elctfkions of the Popes were referv'd folcly and wholly to dieOttdi*
nals, whole Dignity was advanced to foch a dq ^ofHdgb^ that chev were not only reputed to
be fupcrior to B:ft»ops, but alio to Fflcriarchs and Prinuns. Thefe Caidinals were then cholcn m-
differently out of all Nations, and France pitxluced above Fifty in that Age.

The M-inncrs of the Cleiw were more regurf in this Ccntucy than the w Two
fotnuch that Simoniacal PraSices, and otherBnonnities were not oomnuned by Ecclefiaftical Per-
fota, neither fo frequently, nor fo publickly : It
was forbidden to exzCd any Thing for the Ad-
min;ftratton of the Sacraments, for Ordinatioo, or for the Collation of Benefices ; yet this
praais d at !{pme, and ellcwhere, under divers Pretences. Hitherto ic was ftridlly prohibited, ttut
St? who were in Orders ftioul J marry; neverthelefs when they did fo, they were not divotrcdt
tfnxn their Wives j but only were dcgpradcd, nirn'd out of the Clergy, or put to Penance : 'Twaa
only in thisCtntury, that ehefe Marriages were dcclar'd null, and that thole Perlbos who had
contra(5kcil them wctcconftra'n'J ro be divorced ; at Icart the firft Ordinance which imports fuch

•n Iniundjoo» that of die Firil General Council of Lateran.

is The Conftitution which excluded
die ilfegiiHnaie Sons oF rhe Priefts from the Clergy, was generally receiv'd, and nany were emo-
ted to prevent the Continuance of Spiritual Livings in FamUics, as it were a peculiar Inheri-
tance. The Clcrgy-mcn usd their utmolt Efforts to exempt their Perfons and Eftates from the
Jurtiilidionof the Secular Bowers, and the Bilbops, who as yet were wont to admuiiftcr Socio*
began to have Officials, whofe Name and Fundions were unknown
fiafticil Jufticc personally,
till They likcwil'e ccwnmunicatcd their Epifcopal Authority to Deans and Curates j
that time :

^Hiidi Cdtdm was forbidden by the Third General Council of Latcram i They excommunicated
or fufpcnded theLaicks, who ufurped or retain'd the Revenues belonging to the Church, or who
meddled with the difpolal of Spu-itual Livings However they thcmiclves fomaimcs beftow'd

Altars, that is to lay. Benefices on Lay-men to enjoy the Revenues of than for t time ; and theft
forrs of Benefices were cali'd This Cultom prevailed in like manner amongft the Eaftem
Churches, where the Emperors and Patriarchs granted the Revenues of certain Monaftcries iQ
Laidts. Tihe Vifitations of the Ordinaries became fo very chargeable to the Curates, that there!
was a Ncceiri'>' of regulating their Retinue. Laftly, all the BilboM were oblig'd to have in their
Cathedrals a Perlon capable of teaching the Arts and Sciences, and Univetfiries began to be form'd
in t>K great Cities ; amoo^ which thofe of Paris and BonmU were die nuft Famonts die Ibnner
for the it ud y of Divinity, and the other for that of the Civil Law.
The Dodrine of the Sacraments was reduced in form of a mtthodieal &im
hi diis Age, and Olfirikui'
dwers Qjieftions were difcuffed on that SubjL-<5t, which never were ftatwd before. Wc
fhall doi cfu th« m
at prefent infift 00 ibcm, but only obferve ceruin particular Points of Difcipliiie: The Adminiftr»- £j^^>*^
uonof Baptilm, even chat of Ifliants, was leferTdfor fokmnDays; but Vuau werenot a]'4r«w^
iMT'd lotfilltidiK of dmCluUi^ 7^ Ctaflom <^«<MMfr'
Pf if

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A iiew Ecclefidjlical Hijlory
of publlck Pciiance for p-iblick Offcnm was
not cnrirely abolinwd
; but it was very rddom Mt lii

nraaice, by rcafon tint Rcmilfion ot

Sin^ nuifl Ic
hr.ilnd by other mcsn?, more cf^pecinlly by
ior ccnam Crimes U-gan lo U- rcierv d lo
Crufadcs and Pit'Tlpinecs. The granting ot Ablolurion
tl.c Speciesof a Sin in Fferal was not /clery'd, but a par-
the Pope.* and the Bubops : At Pirlt,
Adion which appcard to K- c lu.nious ; and aftcrw:^ thcOfH^ice of thofe Pcr'on,^
the Pope s Cognizance. Ptibhck Conkllioijs at tbc
abus'd Ckruy-nicn, was generally rcferr d to
point ofDJathwcrclikcwifeinnfe;
butTheBenefiiofAbfolmion, and ot the Communion^ was
to MaltfncfV.: condcmn'd ro Denrh : PcrfVns who were in Diftrcts, our
Senv-d at Icaft in Frntue.
be laid on Afiics, having ihcir Bodies coverd
rf a Principle of Devotion, often caus'd themfclvcs to
with a Hair cloth, or doathed in the Habit of a Monk Voluntary
Moitificarions, inch as the

Penitential Shirt, lU: H.vr-cloth, t.vA the

Scourging D' cininc u hxh Penitent? t-avc thrn,'Lr> cr

* One of
^''"y'jj* p^'j-]^
jj,^. Eucharift under both Kinds was cuftcmary duriJig the vvhoie

although in tTie beginning of it feme took the Two

:" Species both together, by ftetpiog
that of the Bicnd :n that of the
Wine, and in tic end of tl.e lame Century, locne took only one.
IrAnldlUntiation was ilK-n us d by certain Writers, to cxprefs the Change of the
The Term of
of J^fu, Chrifi. Then alfo the Pnefb re-
Elements of Bread and Wine into the Body and Blood
ir was forbidden to demand any; and altboagh they cfferd
cciv'd '\!ns for their Mafles, but
pan^cular. yet it was not doubted but that it was cftr'd by
the Sacrifice tor certain Perfons hi
purpofe Icc a remarkable Paflage oiArmlphu
them at the fame time for all the Faithful ; to which
.Account of the Works of C«iftiwnonj wot
of Lifieux, which we have related in the
the Hofts might be kept j but the On!inations,and
imbiilbed about the timc.during which

Hercticks-wcre reputed to be vouUnd of none c^.O.

Emfeerations madeby Schifmaticks.orby
^tnar\s To f. y frmrwhst in like manner concerning the Monaitick State,, wettali obkrve that ikt
and attowarda in ifaeViAm
w the Mo- Benediaion of Monks, which was firft intrcdiicid intheEaftem,
cxprtls Prctcfhcn Wis enjoyn"d, whxh till
ChUTChM, beeaiheas it were ncceflary, and tl .it an
requir This Bcnedi<aion was ulually giveti by^ a Biibop, or by an Abbot j
lifi. then wa^ never d.

nevcrthelcis a fjirpie Monk might alfo t>crw>nB

xht Ccfwrony, and it wia nor forotdoeato Dem>

When tMook was made Abbot, herccciv'd the Bcmxlidion from his Diocefan ; ya
It af p«rs that it was cuttomary in ihcfe
fuch BenVdi(*^ion was not judg'd abfohweW Mcefy^.
the Mcnaftencs flnnkl ntmc
Times both in the Levant, and in the WeftCm GoMnrri*«, that
Monev or Good* of thofe Perfons, who were to K- admitted into them but that it was prohibited

to r3ta<?^ anv Thing on that account. The Cijlcrcim Order, whicii was Imall and poor io tbc
bejEinning, loon became fo Numerous
and Rich, that it gave fomc caufe of Jealonfy fothat rf
to all the other Black Frier?. Thcrt^rofc fc\ cral Confcfts betwixt thcin, as well by
C/wr, and
reafon of the Difference of their Cuftoms, as account of TanNral Intercfts, and more cfpc-
cially, becaufe the Ciftereim Monks ««dv*d thofe of the Order of CAw/, who were dtSmu to
the rZ/Pm-M^/ retird toC/*«^ and were
pafs «iwr to them : It liktwifc fell out fonictimc*, that
there entenain'dj but they procur da Dilpenlation from the Pope for that purpofe, and it does
not art^r, that thofe o( Chair, *»ho went to CifteMux , oWm'd the fiatt Fbemality. This
Cuftoni of p-ilfinj! thus froin an Order of a moderate, to another of a more auftere Difci-
pline, began to be introduced in the Twelfth Century. 1 he Ereateft pan of the Monafterics
obtai'n'd Excmptionf of the Popes to withdraw rhem(elves from the Bifhop's jurifdi&ion j an Abafe
that was i onde:r.iicd by St. BermrJ, and which rhc Prd^'cs were afterwards ob!:g'd to Mlrain
is the lliird General Council of Later an. Some confidcrable Abbots were pmnitced by tJic Pope
to wearAe EpifcopalOmanaents : vi^. the Mitre, the 0<ft» jf V<i the Gloves, the Sandals, and

even the Crcner : Although tho(c who were of a more mri<itT,iic Temper difliked thisCuftorr;
ncvcnhclcfs it became fo Irequenr, tiui many Abbots ulurpcd that Right, wiilioui any Licence
Pope ; and it was ncceflary thar the Third General Council of Later an Ihould forbid
fiooi the i:

them, as wdl as the fimple Monks, v.'ho were not in Orders, the wearing' nf M.iivrlcc Monk
were likcwile pohibitcd, ui the Firft General Council of La/fri^r;, to ndui;:.jilwi liic ."sacramemv
aiH to exeKiK any of the FunAions of Curates ; but this Prohibition did not hinder, be
ihnt many were taken out of Monafteries ro be made BiO.ops .nrd Cardinals. Tt was alfo ray

Cultomary for Bifhors to retire in the end of ibcir Life inco Mcnaftcries, and having (pent
lemainder of their Days in p ous Exercifes, to die in thofe Places of retreat. The Order of
GrWwTcw^ was founded in the beginning of the Ccnmry, by StejJitn lHu>et; this Societv bdig
compos'd of Hermits dwelling in little Cells, which were (eparatcd ai d Ihut up witW die
fame Indofure : The Rule which he enjoyn'd them to follow was very )udicioufly coioQ-

pos'd , and approv'd of by the Pones, Vrl^an III. and Clement III. It is alio affinn'd, Thattfae
Order of the Carmelites began ro oe eftablilhed in the Year iiir. by
certain Hennits of lifcwW
Cirme/, the Vitriaich of Antioch got together to form a Religious Society : The)- were
Lay-men, who were wont ro fay the Office of the Virgin Jtdgiyt and were oblig'd to ao
Vow bin that of Obedience.
lUrular The Regular Canons were employ 'd in adminiftrlng the Sacraments and in exrrcifing the ,

Cmoat, Foodions of Curates, when diey were ambohz'd ro that purpofe, by cbeir fiiilKm : fiat ke*
Prelates made a Scruple to admit them to ibcfa Employments, «nd the Regutar tloih vMOW
iUmwiff im?en wUUn to be taken cfffioB then aoliwy life Atthittineihaeaioica

Digitized by Google
of the Twelfth Century of Chrifiiamtj. ity
kind of Oontraft between them, and the Modcsi'aboiic tbe Preeminence arid Dignity of their Sob-
rions: The Onlcr of Regular Canons was augmcnrcd by a new Congregation, of which St. Nor-
tert was the Founder, y1. D. mo. They were call'd CaneniciTunicati, by rcaibn of their Habic^
whereas thole who bore the Neoie of St. Aimfflln were ftyled SuperpeBicenti.
With thefe Regular Canons may be joyn'dthc Military Orders, which bccanne very numerous * T
in that Century, and were under the lame Condu<% and Rule The inoft Ancient were thofe of

Sc^li^ of Jerufalrm, or iht lights Hofpitaters, inftituted in tbe beginning of the Century, CO
entmain the Pilgrims who were rravelling to that Cir^'. The Second, are the Knights Tfm;>/iO'/, ..^
who had their Inltitation in the Year 1 8. and whole Office it was to provide for the Safctr
1 1

of the Pilgrims, by encountering thole who dil^urb'd them in their Jaamey. The Knishcs ai
the Tcutonick Order, who profefled ro pexfoma both thcfc Employments, were cftablilhed foaie
lime alter. Laftly, in imiution of thdc Orders, thole of St. James, and of C/Udtravat were
ia^tawdmSfMm, iiar die filpinaces ofSc^cmr in GaUeis, and JbaneodMc^ modMr CooDt



i^iyui^ud by Googl

T A B L E And other Ncce(£tf7


Indexes and Tables.

iioe ft^ffern r.ynpr-
rors and Kjngf'

Hi^bt Abbot of F!a- A CcnTrc! at St. Bruna.

Bmferor. ConmcnUi. vi'nif , who was ex- VaJence held in Lev Cardinal
pcil'd by Monks, is the Mondl «f Deacon.

t XL IV. XX. reftor'd to his Abbey by Seftember Rdrrt Moot

The Death F'jiltp I. the Council of VtUmt. a Council at
Poitiers afloD-
Anripopf the 4orfi Year blcd on rhe Oc- Ivetot (Um^
of his Reign. tave of 5i. Afjr- tret.
fin, in which
MtrhtJKt JH*
Antipope in finKing of PAi7i> I.King of fhop of Hfmus.
his Fiace,
taken at the
end of Four
Mondit by
Pope PafamTs
Party ^nd


Emlsndi and
dier, Dukeo£

kill'd in

IT .'_ X.
B-aitcf is excom-
A Council ac
Mtmnpes in
which PA,7/^
Biibopof ItaMV
BrttM Bilbof

ftery. the yonnpcfl A Council ac
of the Tiirce Jttife, in which
Biwhefs fii^ con-
HMde And- 11 1 m II* cerning th'.- Pi!-
the Kingdom gioaage to the
/< C*t/;T, qiilt='
ced that uig-

after, to be-
come a Her-

pum, who liic-

cerded Iran,
under the
Name of Sjfl-
veflcr IV. died
a link alter.

lioi IC> XLV. XXL LtoofMarfi, Biihop

The Death Leo of Mtrfi
cfSefa, ismadeCaid*.
^iCmrad, Son Cardinal fiiflioft
oal fiifliop of C{^f «,
of tlK EoiDe* of OJiia.
St. Brtmo dies or the
totHtmy, 6ih of OHoter, and L^w-
Geffrey Abboe
of P'endeme,
fucceeds him in
i^'Op 01 Mam,

Digitized by GoogI
A Chrmological ^ahle.

xLvi. xxn. The Pope abolifics A GoBccil at

Levees the the fiiflioprick of La- f^me in which of tkfeiu
Crofs , made veSo,and confirms the the Emperor Sitekert a
Rights of the Chuicb Henry IV. is Ex- Monk of
in hi-; F.ulicrs communicated. hhurt.
litc-tiinc, af- A Council AC
fiimes the Ad-
ihc Govcrn-
The Empe-
ror Hcwr'' obli- •


liimidf by *
fL's . 1

a Vow to lake
a JoucDcy to

XLVII. XXIII. GoMeriui is made Bi-

Uplvrt Duke flnp of MigutltHt in
cf Nonmrndjls
dcpriv'ciof his'
taken Friibncr
by hisBrocher
lienrjr, who *

caufcs his Eyes

to be put out : •

He dicsin Pii- .

fon. •• >

XLVUL XXIV. Godfrey Ahbot of AiV A Council ar HamolJuj of

gem is chofen Bilhop of Trojet held the Semur , Arch-
^ti^eut In ^Council of biOK^of Lyair,
jrro/fT, :<nd Gmbert fuc- where Hnhert Guihrt, Ab-
cceds him in that Abby. Biibof of Senlis bot of Nogent.
The Privileges of the lieing aocnsM of
Church of St. Pcfer of Simony, clears
Tfoyes, and the Abbey of himfelf byOath.
Molefme are confirmam Accmcil at
the Mine Council* Beaugency Julj
the 30th concer-
ning theDivorce
of Kjng Pbilif

XLTX. XXY. Henry V. bonUbes Bt" An AiTetnbly PbUifpuSeii'
Hcmy 5 th Icng Bilhop of H^triX' at' fflhhaufen, tarim a Gret^.
having Rcxol- burg , .nnd SubftitUlfi* May the 29th> MonkCbmpofcs
tcd aga:ri(l !iis S(^* in bis Place. A Council at his Oioftrm or

Father, 15 Re- Hemy Vf^ being a- rmrtt^ JPHWMmtr Rote or aChri-

cti v'dandplro*
gain Excommu nicated the id where K" ftian Life.
cl.vr.iu King in the Coundiof Ment:^, Fbt'Upaxid Ber- Ode Bilhop of
by t he Saxoiii. forced at It^iMn to irade are Di>>

He feigns a Abdicate the Empire, vorc'd after ha-

Reconciliati- and on his Knees to im- ving folcmnly

on with hi< pltfreAbfolution of Bi- ftvorato liTeie-
whom lhop A!l).inus tho Pope's paratdy.
he afterwards Lcgat, who denies it A CouriLi! ai

caufcs w be him, and refers him to Mettl:^


chd of
Imprifon'd in ihc Pope.
the Caftle of His Son H«»nr is Pro- Year againft the
Btngen, and daim'd and Crown'd EmpciCtf amy
thence to I'C Kinp nf Grrnhit^ intbc XV«
ccnvcy'd to lame Couiuil.
Inrelhelm Henry IV. being re-
Where he tir'd to X./a«r, caufcs a

Digitized by GoOgle
A QfTomdogic^i Table.
•sr. SedefiafiUal
nrtMuH^itlgt, Bmfenrt.

irakes his e- DcrlarTrion rluTc 10 bc

^oife, and re- to which his
Sen icumif an AniWer.
Oie Ablxjt of S:,
4>n at Tmrnaj is ma<k
Bifliopof Ctmlr^t \m
afrcnvards Expcll'd hi*
Btihoprick, for nhStm
to adink de

VII. I. The lohabinnn at ACooneilat

The Pope Henry V. Litre to obrnin Pardon GuaJiAnn OBob. pint Abbot of
comes into foccecds hit of (he new tmpcror, are 10. under Pa/-
frame to im- Father Hemy eUig'Sd to dig out the cMU* in which
plore the TV. who died dead Body of Henry IV. are regxiLitcd fun
king's Pro- at Liegtt Ah- which is cranfportcd to Matters relat-
cedicmagttiift ff/tf. Spire,3ind laid in a Scone ing to the
Coffin without the C horcht's ofGw-
Church. many and L«m-
The DeoMt^uiiftdie hmrdy that were
Inveftitures are rcnew'd engag'4 in the
in the Council of Gui^ Schiim.
The Pope takes away
of ^fvetma the Suffragan
Oioccflesof JSmli4,iak
die fame Cmncil a

Giithrt wGHhrt fir-

aam'd CnTptn, is In-
ftaira Abbot of fVefi-
nrntfier tn tUeYcfr.
Pcnui Alfhcnfus a
Sfmtjh is Convert-

ed to the Chrillian iU^

ligion ; Baptiz'd at Hh-
and held ac the
Font by difioi^ King
of 5fM$.

iioy VIE n. XXVtL The Deputies of the An Aflembly Sttfhm Ab-

The Death Afrc;nbly of Ment:^ en- atM-f?.'- held in bot ot St. Jmrni
of EJg» K. ter iiuu Conference with the beginning of at Liete.
thcPo PC at ChUlmt about the Year about The Death of
the Affair of the Invefti- the Inveftitures. Mmajfes, Arch-
tiire&fbut nothing is con- A Conncil at biihop ot^Mwi
. ; cliidod therein. Troycj in Ciam-
The Emperor fends Pfgne held by
an Envoy to the Coun- Vopc Pafcbai oa
cU of Trtjej, which al- the Fcftival of
lows him a Years (pace the 4/^"^"'*
to be in a capacity to conoerntng tlie
plead his owii Caui'i. in Ii-NLflium-s and
Berfon at I^m
in a Ge- tpanSL ^unony.
erai CooacU.

tlog IX. iiL XXIX. is cholen AttJeJm Dtui

K. of
Phifif IJlSi.nn it
Lmn the Stephen Har-
Grofs his Son dingt AUlOtcf
Crown'd at Qhi<b^€u
€ribi«l3 dayi

Digitized by Go >
ii«9 X IV. XXDC The Death of
St. //«^/; Abbot
of Clunj. jipril
r: : i
The Death of

n>ur, Archbiflu^

II !• XL V. XXX* The Herctick Hcm-y, An Ain^nbly jin/cherus, A b-

titmy V. who began to Dogma- at H^tltl«H bot of St. /(i-
tise in Provence with held in th^ be- ijuier , writes
Peter tie Bruis, ant! pafV- ginning of the ill is the
He IS crown- cJ from thence to Lau- Year, in which Life and Mit^
ed King of fitumi arrives this Year the tmpcror desciSutligil'
Lmnhwrdy ac at Mans, where he di- declares that he Urt.
Mr7<rM, by the vulges his Errors for is relbA-'d to go Vhe4redM Ab>
Archbifhop fiwne time, and whence to J^tfmc.tlierc to bot^qf
he at hft £]^eli'dby
is receive the Im-
Biihop HilJehert, perial Crown Tl^tmd or
Guigue de Cafire fuc- and to accom- TAr^4/</,a Cleric
ceeds Jtlm in the Priory modate che Dif- of Etrnnoei.
of U
Gnmde Cbm^rmfi. fticnce between St^diAfbut A*
him and die 4au,
Ireland held by
Gilbert fii(bop
of Limeritl(mt
regulate the Li-
mits of the Bi-
fliopricksof thac

tin xn. VL XXXI- Brmo Bifhop <^ Sef;ni An AlTcfflbly Kicet4J Seiduj,
The Pone Henry aftct and Abbot «f
Mtfrnt- of Cardinals at UMnuhhm a
lM«>ilttrefttsd having madt C^^is Dcprlv'd blhi* E(^me t which Monk otSbJ<«^
mCiMM the a Treaty with aSix}' by the Pope, who dtfannafs all the ijuler.
Empw«r, by the Pope, con-
. ' ^iV^ it anothc r Ixc li (c Pope's Luc Pro-
, .1
iiuih Ahatcf
MftMn rif tbe oemii^thcln- thii jBtl^p cook the li- ccalings,reaews Flavigny.
CMLl^I chat veAiiiuvSi wSfy'lb tpeak n» freely and confirms clie Odo a Bene'
•Kofe about which isfign'd (!nnk.erninp the InVifri- Dccras ot' his d. aim Monk of
the Execution and fworn 10, {urc& and againl^ the Prcdeaiiixs a-
«f vliftTfeaty and Hoftagei MiFf Ifhoceedings gainftthe Inve>> Hfi$mid d^
concerning the given on both /« of AUrJj, Cardi- ftiturcs.

Invcftiturc$, is lides, enters nal Biftiop of OjUa c- A Council ac Imj^it a Monk

made a Fi'lfo- H^e Pebruitrf . .'Ifak^ by flight out of Jerufalemt , in of Dmh(m.
ncr with the th and
1 1at "Imi^ after the taking of which Conon
Cardinals.and lait obliges the •
Tufchal 11. and traver- Cardinal iJilliop
conftrain'd to Pope to grant fcs iX^luly, to incite the oiP»leJSiinoznd
give SatisfafC- him the Inve- Peopfe to t.iVe lip Artns rlic Kjjxr's Le-
cion to the fticures , and iVi Favour of tl>e Pope. gate ui tlie Le-
fctpsrott by to CiVlwh tKtn J^M^cD is made Abbot vMt t Excon>-
fi(rAinng EmpcTor oft municates the
che £iteftiw JtftH I). Emperor Henry.
rwrettfin* to
Germany t and
being amT*#
at Spire in thf
Month of An-
r«^,caufcs the
Body of Httf

i^iyui^ud by Google
A Qromlogical Table.
^^emKmpe- Eaftem Bed^UMl Affairs, CtmtiU, Eedefiafticd
Urs/mdKjngs. Emfcmt* Hritcru

17 IV* his Fa-

tfaov to be
there intcrr'd
with a Mag-
tificcnC Fniio*
ml pomp, ac-
cording to the
which he hn,d ,

obtaui J ot the
Pope , upon
the Tt-fVimony
tbat was pro-
duc'd, tbat he
d y\l in a State

va A Couacilax
Lturmt whidi yt^dter Arch,
annulsthLpujc'sdeacon flf Our*
Treaty withtiK ftrd.
Einperaf idat-
ing to the In-
ftttures. Monk
A Cmmcil at
held Tf/)- tortus.
temier 16. Dy The Death of
Cuf Arcbbilhop B«ib^jBi{hop «f
of that Ciry and Ntjron and Te-
thcPopc'sLcgat, rauome, who
in which the was advanc'd to
Privifcpc of the the Fpifcopal
Invcituurcs is Digiuij, A»D,
abrogated, and
thcEmpeTor Ex-

VOL xxxm. St. Baiunl tedta to Tiic Death

dfleaux, with 30 of Odt Bilbop cf
his Companion^ there Ctmhrsf atDem-
to embrace the Moofto
wlUcher he
ftick Life.
bad redr'd.
The Foundation of TheDcaibof
i Al l>cy^/4ftr/ethc

fifft Daughter of Cijie-
wjc in I he Diocels of.

H'iSiam de Ciumft-
'4Kjt is Ordain'dBiihop.

00 XXXIV, The Church A Council at

«M fends Deputies to heauvah , Df Monk.
the Council of he Minis, ccmlei 6th in
to rc-detnand Go^/rej wluch Conm the to, a Monk of
their Bin.op, who had Pbpe'sL^ex. Wejlmhtller.
mtr'd to Lm Grande cmmunicates ILrnuipl-.u <ir
Amulpinii Biihop
This Biltsop writes
a of Hpchcfter.
Ixttcr to chat Council,
in whtdi he declare^
or Gil-
that he had jnefign'd
his Bifltoftick.
in this Year or
the not:.

Digitized by Goo M
A Q^ronohgical Table*

mtmH^t, Bmftnti.

The Foundation of AConncil at

Abbey of Pcnti^riy in rhc Beattvai'j , Dc'
Diocefs of Auxene. cember dth in
imukj , of which Ctwmche
"Bourgueil is inadeBifliop Pope*s Legate
of Del. Excommuni-
Emulplm or ifrmiA
f}Mf is iranfbted from tor.
Burk^ Abbey to the Bi-
Iboprickof I{pchejier.
Stephen inftaii d Bi-
Ihop of Autun, th& pro-
ceeding Year quits iiis
fiiihopnck to become
Mbox imbc Abbe\' of

ins xn X.

XXXV, ThcCouncaof/ywW A Council at Tvei Bithop of

obliges Godfrey to re- SoiJfoishcXdJan. Cbartrcs
Tliefiiape*' Qicd
lor ff«w7 re- tttm to his JSilhoprick 6ib which cn>
tnrnsto fulj, of AfHtent. joyn* the C^r-
where he takes The Conrcf! that a- thiijiit}! Monks
PSofleflion of role between the Chap- to fend back
ifceTmitorici ter of St. JtBn ami thac Godfrey 10 his
left bjr the of & Stephen at S^/dr/i- Bilhoprick of.
Frinceft Mt>- ySM fer the Metropolitan Amiem, , ,

tUUt, who Right, is decided in fa- A Cooocilac,

died on the vour of the formtT, in Ii!)eimt Iliareh
24th day of the Council of Tomus.
BnnArdchokn BiOlop A Cbuodla^'
0fSr.D,r:jV;!n Er-jJinJ, Co!m held on.
ISOrdauidac ll 'ejimin- the Iccond Fcfti- •

fier. valof Eifter. .

The Foundation of A Council at

theAbbcysof Ciairvaux Ch^ons, July the
and Kiorimond in the 1 2th.
Diocefs of LM^es. Inthefe three?

St. "Bernard mftall'd Councils call'd

Abbo' of c'.;ir.aux, by by Cotion the ;

H^UUm de ChamfeMix Pope's Lcpcev


Bifllop of CbUmti the and in another

Epifcopal Sec cf L^n- held at Coien w ^

^rr J, to which this rieht the Chnjinujli

oflnftalment belonged, Holy- daysthe"
being vacant. Emperor Henry ''

Peter, afterwards Li- is again Excom*

brary-Keeper of Mumt irtimicatal.
Ctrjfm ,IS put at the A Council at
Age of Five Years into Ternm. f.4t


1116 XVIL XL XXXVL The Contcft between A Council At Qauteriui Bi-

Chtjfeldnut and ^erd». iMer^M March Hiop of AUgut'
neitoc the Archbiil.op-the 6th which
rickof Milan, isdetcr- revokes the Pri-
min'd in 5ivour of the vilege of the Iri-
Ii' cr in cfaeCouocUof vcftiturcs grant-
Lcterath ed to the tmpC-
tor Henry, aad
rene\vs rhc De-.^
crccs of ihe
Po|ies againll
thole Invefli*

HJi H17

A Chronological Table.
P$fet. TVeJlernEmpe- Eajttm
rort andJ^jngi' Emferors.

'"7 XVIII. XII. XXXVil The Pope confinnj

1 he Pope at Henrji tc the loibcuiion ot tbe
thcaproachof turns to I{pttte
the's with anArmy,
Army leaves caufcs hitnfelf
J^fmet goes to CO beCtowa'd
Mount Cit/fm, again byAf^n-
and paffcs rice Burditit

from thence ArchliUiopaf

into AfuUa to Braga,
feek for Suc- He idiift

m xxxvUL
The loftitution of tbt
Order of Knights Tcni-
piars, tbefiiftof
turns toftoMTt
with's Forces. AUxit wereH«r6 dt ftgrnit,
Cmmmeiuu* and Qtgr^f dt $», Abh:
HecUes cine
.9iili. tS. 6B- JOHN
t/mjs II. CO M-
Jut filoe fix bis Son
days after, SocGcedi
Chieim of

being oncnded
at thisEkdi-
on, takes Gr>
l4<Sw Prifoner,
bathe is iboa


contirtn use
Privilege of
proceed in
that Affair, is
obli^d 1900

ntonB filb*
ty at C4ys«i^
where be en*

ror rcfidingac
J^omr, cauiei

if/n Archbi*
(hop of Brtf^«
10 be Pn>-
claim'd under
the Name of
Crff»7 VOL


Digitized by Google
A Chronolozical Table^
EntfCTors, mittrt.

Uty I.
H 'illlr.v) ,h Chsmpe/t ux, An AlTembly StefUn tiff'
Bilhop of CLVotis ar.<i at Tribruria. to ding. Abbot of
Gelafius dies
Ptmius, Abbot ot c .i- accommodate Cijienux pub-

19. after hav- are fcnc by PopcCa- Masters relating h&gs hisChar-

ing ;^pointeil Uxtus to the Emperor to the Invefc- tir of Cbarity,

Hemy, he Comtncnccs tures. or the Inftitutcs

fir Qht, Car- the Ncgodacion abotu A Council at

difial, Aichbi- the Inrdfticures. 7t«ff/M/r, held
The Emperor fends Jun. 6. in the PetrtisChyfo-

who is cbofen 'on back with fiair FkefenoeofPope l4tmi dedicates

at Chmj, Feb. wordt. Ctdixtm, m
t. and Con- The Pope deputes to which the new Comnenut hi»

fecratfd Oflo- bjsa again two Cardi- Hereiidtt are Difcourle con-
ttdtio put an aid to cetniiig the Pro>
^n- 4th under oondcnind.

the Name of tharNcgonarion. They A Council ceflion of the

CALIXTUS agree upon the iame beldoao^. 21. Holy Ghoft.
The Birth of
U tUMSi in Writing, with at t(^tim$ a-
the Emperor, who pro- gainft the la- Tbofntu Beckft,
mifes to give tlie Pope vcftuatcs. Archbiihop of
a Mtadng at Mni3(on to
confuminate this Afl^ir* Tbei peatb
CMlixtus, after the
opening of the Council Brtve, Monk 01
of I^fieinis, being arriv-
ed at Mou{m, cannot
come to any Agreement
with the Emperor. He
returns to the Council,
where be condemns the
inveftitures^and fblesBH
ly Excoanhunicates tlie
En^)eror Henry, the An-
OxFtipe Bardwand elide
Turftin chofcn Ardi*
biAop of 2«ri^ in 1 1 1 s*
Ink HUalfimt AicUri-
fhop of Canterbury ha-
ving refiis'd to Ordain
hbB, tiU be bad ae-
knowlcdg'd the Prima-
cy of the Church of
CMtuerhwy, at laft re-
ceives Epifcopal Ordi-
nation from the Pope's
Hands inThfCnmrarf

Theloftitiitioa of the BtitrMtbius

ISO n. XV.
Ovderof Frmmtr4 by Arehbifbop
CdUxtuj cf
St.N*rArrr. Nice.

Stevl^tbe Nephew StepbcH n*
af Cdixm, furaeeds

were in Tci- fM^ in ilie Btflupridc

of Mccs, is Confecratcd tryenmus.
acJ^N«bf that PoD^
MfOtrice But'
who aBdSrflaBid GudinaL
M$h is
ffifflam is made Ab- HoiutMm «f
from thence,
bot of St. Thierry in the Amtou
place of Geoffrey, cranC HUUiut Blade
zcdici M f»> latcd to the Abbey of of Soiffms.
St. Meidrd at Seijfms. JEJngnu a
•C»tay,Monk cf Sc. Modk of Cmi
BUifmsxti^it Black. For'
ptomoced this
Yearn the BiAoprick

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A Chronological Table.
F«^. tf^€m Empe- Eafiern Ecdefii/iieal Affairs. CmmeUt.

IIL 3)rtaMfiiihop of Spire An Aflembly

"BurJtn is Saxmy Re- and ArmiJiit Abbot of at fVttrt^hmr^ of IPSOmm dg
taken &t Sun I, vchs againft FaAii, are deputed to that app<'alc$ Chamfemtx Bi-
mi coafin'd ibe Eoapctor. Jtmrby the Aflembly theComax)tioa» ChUmt,
in the Mbttfr Of Pt^t^burf there to of rbeEinpirei
, in tbe cfid of
ftcry of C4»m Ncpciatc an Accommo- A Council at
wbere be dation bctwcoi I he Pope Stijfotti whidi a Tbmm
fpendt the >
and rlie Emperor. obliges Petnit Monk of
MftcfkisUfc- The Foundation of At-.^.d.irJuj to St. Kcrhett.
timeinakiiKl ihe Abbey of Foignj, bum his £ook QMigu Prior
of ibv^4lFieb> in the Dfocefs of Ltm. of the Trhiit/, .of La, Grmmk .

The Hcretick Tm- Cbtorlreuff.

cijtlmuui, oc Tancbeiinus Gcptj Bi-
Dc^matizes ia J^mArt.
The Inftiturion of the
Order of Carmciites by
a Patriarch of Antit^
who h 2v n i; gather*d to-

gether CCTUin Hermits

of MnM Carmd, en-
joyn'd 'on to lead a
Monaftick Life.

iiur- IV. xm IV. The Pope confirms

the Right of the Cathe-
ftop of
dral adjiidp'd CO the •At
Church of St. John at Br^e» Ab-
Beftnfen, by the Coun- bot of AffUg'
cil of Tomus. hem,
TJie Depucies of the- Peter, Libra*
Aflbnhly of H^m^hagt ry-Kcepcr of
having agreed upoo at Motnu Caffmo.
/Jam, oenain Oxidi* -
dnoi of an Aeoomim- rf -
dation be'^v,?r^ rhc Ho-
lySce aod the Empire, of Dal$,
Tbe Fope ftnds iniD
GStni.w> LanAtft Car-
dinal Bifliop of ojlUt
and twoocbeiCatdifBds,
who condude with the
Emperor a Treaty con-
cerning the Infdfanncs{
which put an end to a
Quarrel of above 50
Years continuance.
Albero Primate of rhf
Church of Mctt, and
Brorber to Go<^n Duke
of- LMtvain, mcceeds
Bwderick. fiilhop of
MmAUmc of Sc

0i«i/ befeg deceared.

Suger,viho was at l^me.
is cfaoibi in his place,
aadOPofecraKd ntte w . .

feUowiog Year.

xvm iVAwMMriMitr» Sir* TbeLGcneral TheDeatbof

nam'd the Venerable,! Council ofLatc
nude Abbot of Cttmy, ran, held in the
00 the Feftival of tbe MondiofMovA^
Aifun^ of the Vir- confirms the Bruno BflhOpof
gio Mat^ Treaty be-
tween the Pope
.Md the Emperor relitiD( socheAIEurtt
the loveitituics*

Digitized by Go -v^i'-
iiH VI XDC VI. Stephen is Qndltft'd The
Calixtus II. Bifhop of Paris, and of Entulfhtij ot
dies December J^amaiui, or Rainoiduf, Armilphus Bi-
13th After bis fbofHochcfler.
Death cbeCar> The
dinals dmfe ol Gutbert Bi-

Gudioal of
Sl Jbufia/u,
and are ready
to prochiia
Un wider the
of Ce-
leaim IL but
liking this E*
le(flion, pro-
claim Ldmhert
Card'jiil BI-
ibop ot Cfiid,
who aflomes
the Name of
admined by
dbe Catdinau
and peaceably
mioysthe Pac

ThfiEnpO" Tht Pbpc approves ACoondl «(

iwr Hn»7 V. the Inditution of the Lmdon beldfe^
Ocdcrof Bremmri. frm^ 9th. nt
M«n6nv, PriorofSr. theRefonntoift
OR Male U; Mirrtin in the Fifldj, i$ of tbeMannexs
fiMb otdnn'd fiilhop and of cteCkfgy.
LOTHA- Cafdibal by Popelfe-
RIT^S. Dnkc 77arius II. .md (eiiclj^
of HtxoiVf » gace into Franet.
dtded Kim
of Ger MniT, Arch-
is inftaird

frodaim'd biftiop of Tmts in the

ami cfowuci |»lace of Gilbert.
at MflM;^, The Hcrctick Trfn-
Auiujt jotn. cbelituu or Jgnchebnu
fnd Frederickj
Nephews of
the BmpttQV
V. who
endeavour to
ga pofleffioa
and make
War within
thmm* •are
cated by tbe


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IT. vm. Oth» of Tf^ijmghen

embraces the Monaiikk
Life in the Abbey *i
Aiheiicui the Fellow-
Difciplcof Fttrus A-
hMlardm, and an able
Divine, beii^ dioica
Bifliopof CbSticns after
theDeathof £^,Sc
BerHMrd cntreait die
Pope to caofinntbatl^
The Heretkk Ptttr
it Bruys divulges his
Opinions in trcvevce
and LdHguedec.
St. Nmrbtrt is fcnt fix
to Amtwtrf to cooivue
the Hecddc TmM^
m. DC Schhrhert is madeArch- A Synod aK &
The Pope bilhop of Magdeburg.
declares War Tnc BLftiops ot ilie Mai- I'ltank of tJK
MjUnft Roger Province of Sens hav- riages, andSoc-
Duke ofi'a-i/r, ing fofpended the Do- ccffions to Be- which he ddi-
wbo preluna'd minions of King Lemes nefices aniong catrs to tiemj
to enjoy the chcGrofs from Divine Kinsfolks, as al- ArcfafaiikDp d
Datcbies of Service, by fcafoo of /b,aboucibeFif- Sou, aadatik
CMpUria and the Peifecnnoas raUd cal Ri^it idac-
jIfulU with- by him asainft Stephen ing to wrecks. makes a DiP
out «oy do- Bilh(^ ot Parij i that ACouadl at oontle R> lie
pendflflOB Prince hkt mourfc id Oantfttrit,
on t!te See of Popf lienor ius^ and pre- the Month of
vails with him took* Mai, in which
olFdKSnipenfion. areicneMT'd dv

St- 'Bernard rongra- moft part of the

CulaKS the Abbot Suger^ Ordinances of
upon hit ncrodudng a die CouQca of
Rcfom ation into the
Abbey of Sl Denit.
The Foundadon of
theAbbeyof Igiif'mfSbt
Dioccfs of l(f>eimt.

ii»S ^v. IV. The Death of A'hr-o A Coimcil at Sl Benuri

The Pope fiilbop Oi Liege, Janua^ Trejes liicld j COCipofes this

»7 the ift. 13. which con- Year, his Tt*

cares Stephen Abbot of Sc. firms the Infti- tifccf Grace ui
Duie ot ^ici- Jolm at Chsrtres is made iiuion of the BrecHTiiL
Paoiarcb of Jtr^nlem. Order of the
Dnmt or Dreux, Pri- Knights Temp-
of SiLNic4(/eof l{heimf, lars, ard prc-
Abbot Icribes
ia oonftituted firft ltii 1
<£ St. Jdm ac Loon by Kale and a
Fonoof aVhine
Biihcpof that City. Habir, up :;

Peter, library-Keep- which Pope£tf-

er of Mum CAjfm IS geniasllttAer-
cxpell'd that Monaftery wards ordnin'd
by the envy of his Com- that a red Croi's
panions, and retires eo flxwid be worn.
the Emperor, who Con-
ftitntes hitn his Secrcu-
ry and Chaplain, and
CTrp!oys him infievoal

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.\H*t VlWHJ^ii^V*
BccUpaJik* <


V. XL The Pope fends Lc- A Council nc Th, Death

11*9 V.
gate to Dennutrk, Gr^o. Chkitm , held of (Jauterius Bi-
Lewts tlie
Grofs, King 9 ekCrefcentut, Cani- in which fliopaf itlf^pt^

of Primee,aax- Ml of IbndmU* Henry Bi(hop of

ies fait ^oa
ThtHf to be Us fffliopndc
crown'd, A- according to St.
, '
: Ben^mrdi ad-
Tke^* and Vrfit
Abbot of Sc.
Drni i at
is fubitimted in
, lus flace>

A Council Eckard Ab-

1130 ThelM VL XIL Benurd fpeaks at
of HM9ri$uTl, Lewet tlie cameftly in favotir of Etampett which bot of t/r4»£»>
Feh. 14, Grois , King Pope inmcent in the acknowledges Monk
iNNa of Franc*, Coondl of Etamfes, Innocent t$mf» of F/f ar/.
CENT 11. magniScendy and h=s judgreientisfoL AllFope; //44c a n
Bp wiises
k chofen the chiertains low d by die Council.
againft the Er-
fiune day. Pope Inmtm BIgibt a Natiye of
jwre of ihcrfir-
Tbe&hifm ac Orleans. Amiens, and Abbot of
rf Peter it Hemy L K. I(edding in &ulanJt »
An/elm Ab-
of EttgUuid, made AtcUMUop a^
bot of Gem*
fiunes the receive? him Hi
Name of ^iM- in the like
nUDner, and
Orderiau H*
Ittmcent is owns his AiK
Anfehn Bi->
in the hSSn-
Ihop of HmcA
bly of £f«n-
and goes
of iW..


Stephen Bi-
fhop oiParh.
Biunier Monk
fl£ St.Laurence
6««/^nt Monk
of htarehiemut.

Fahritius lu*
feus Abboe al
Audut Ab*

n. Tlie Eoiperor tqro* An Aflbnbiy In this Year -

the poTes die nMAanUi- it Liege^ Mmdk Sc Bernard com-

An Inter- Phiiif
nenc of the Invcftimres the nth. pofeshisTreatife
view betwin Son of LeiKS

in Us Interview wuh A Council ac of Ij»iu)(£lioot

Pope Jmoetmt the Grofs, is
the ^ope at Liege, but and Oiipcniao*
r(beims, held in
and the hvn- kiJl'd by «cci.
denr, and his St» Bernard oppofes it, of ons.
the Month
and pcriuadcs that Ocioi/er, where Alberkui,
m at LfVff. Brother Lewet
Frincc to vaQSl no longer fbc Anti-pope Canon of
The Pope the Younger,
ttpon that Demand. Arutdetus Ex-
villttthe Ab- fir-nam'd the
Sb Bernard rcfufeS commttnu:atcd.
bey* of C/«fl|y Godly, is
dte Bifboprick of Chk- tres.
aadCUirvaux, ciT>wn*d by
and caufcs Gejfrcj Gauteriut the
Mt Iris* Mmm
ihc Pope in lens,
Abbot of St. Medatd at Chanceiiour.
fiont Xii^p* the Council
cf I^eim Soijfontvcx be chofen fii-

ibopof thacOifXcfsi


Digitized by Google
The Pope grants a •
PriTiicge lu ihc Abbey
The Death fl£
St. Btrnatd invites to
Cldirvioix Guerie, Ca- t3i Dal.

in. VOL XIV. The Death of Sc TarfiinArdi'

113s Bt»fr3i(hop ofGrenohle.
Sc. Bemsrd Acoom* The Deadi
panics JimwvMr II. to «r aUdebert
J/a/y, and by thcwny,
xeoopciks the lnb«bi-
tims of GinwM Md F»-
yi, and nli'ipcs Vm tO
dedarc £or the Pope. 4^
fov, who had (bceeed-
cd another Albero in the
Digpkj (tf Primate of
JMtfi, when the Utter
was made Bifhcp of
is choicn Aich-

lufllop of 7>i#ri;
A donteft bcnveen the
Abbey of Ciuny and cfaac
Cijieaux, on OOClfi-
00 of a Privilege pmnr-
by Pope iintucfn/, wiuch
cmnped dieMoQlBic£
Cifitgux from paying
Tithes to the Abbey of

Difletences between
Stephen Bi(hop of
and an Arch-Deacon of
his Dioceis, who had
madTiledly SnQxnded
hi'. Arcli-Dcaconry from

Divine Senricx, with

Steuben it Gtulmit\m
Advcrfary, which is the
Subjet^ of the Latere

XV. The Pope rati&s the A Council at

IniaRiiiities and Dona- fearret which
eftabli(h« crown'd Em- tions made to tbcChurch Exn^mmuni-
Pope bimeent pcrorat i^«m« of Piflota in Tvfcany cates the A^f-
in the See of By PopeinM- He likcwifcccsjfirnK theHns of Ti6«nur,
J^ome, bur this cflifc Right of Superiority of Prior of St. Vic'
Prince IS no the Archb;l]:up of Ham- tor ac Part:, and
looncr dcpATN imgmcr the B^ftajps of ii£Ard»mi>Mldttu
cd thence to DntjrurU, SfH^im aod Siib-Dcan dt
rcttun CO Ger^ OrleMK, aod ail
WtK^f but lltf Ttwuff. Prior of Sc thofe chat en-
Anti-pope ^- tnaw, is kiU'd near tertais'd Vi&
luutttuj con- Gmmay by the Rela- The Pope con-
MDSOT Tlte^aJd Arch- firms this Sea*
cfwf to retire Dneonof Parit, as be nnae, andaddi
a fecond time was nmming with Ste- in s Lener, d«c
loP»y2r. fben Bifliop of Divine SffVict
h(m the the Abbey of IhouJd ceafe la
of 5ic>/r, upon CMhs, where they they bcoetebraetd in
the Solliau« went to reform lomc A- all tiiofc places
cioo of Anacle- btttei. This Bilhop wfaeKthdeAT-
ttu, who bad a^at woe

Digitized by Google
A Chrmwlogical Tahk.

and that
?'v«i him the ETCo^municatkm 4- thofe SocTdkil
itfeofKia^ gainft thofe Murderers, deal Perlbns
in viiftciidcft> «nd mirrs to Claim(ttix. that were abet-
voufsro widi- yl mhald, Sub- ters to tbcle
draw the In* Dean of Orfe«u is like- Murders, fhooid
habitants of wife AfltiSnatcd at the be depriv'd of
Pifa from inftigatioii 0 f Jffm
Arch- theirj
their Obedi- Deeconof $cCm« of
ence to the dieieiiieCftjr.
J^flffiy PuHus, who
liad ftfiTd from Franee
toO^glmi, in the Year
1 1 30. and had lince ob-
tain'd the Arch-Deacoo-
ry of lifcbefter re-cfta-
-he Univerficir
of- OxJarJ.

V. X XVL Sr. Bo nnrJ, after the A Council at
A Treaty of breaking up of the Pija, held by yiiier.
Peace conclu- Council of PijlSi, U fent thePope againft The Deadt
ded betnwQ to Milan, ro reconcile the Ann-pope of St. Norhrt,
Lotb4rint and the Milimefei witii tije Anacletui. Founder of dio
Conmd ,
by Church of i^«Me. Opder of jP^
the MediAtaoa He is accompanied montre.
afStliiinMr«£ -
witbxC^tdinalLegaces, I he Death
Guy BifTiop of PifM, and tti$ttfhtn i/4r-
Mttthew Biihopof v<A. dii^t Abbot of
M'«Uo withGe/:-

««?5 VI ». xvn. St. Bernard

l^gerD At Henry tK. from Jrtf^r to France, is
compotes iSas
fiSiah takes of BfigUnd fene into Gukwu with Year his Trcs-
ptAffion 'd* dies widnae the Legate tf die Hblf
AeiMVfn/o and Male Iffue, by See, where he obliges
tifcof dvCom-
Qiebdadon of
C4^«4thatbe- reafon that his the Duke of that Pro- the newMiV/nV,
long'd to die Thee Sons vince, ro own Pope Jit.
Dedicated to
See of Stgm* were drown'd mcent II. and to re-eftsp
Ifugb , Grand
A. 1 1 20. Ste- bliHi the £i(hops of Poi- Mailer of the.
phen CcmHit fimand Lf mm/,whom
Knights Tem-
Boulogne, the he had expel! d. '
Son of Adeta Alexander Bifliop of
Odo, Abbot
Liege dcDos'd and
is M- of ^emjr
ben IV. of that Name, at
Tes on th?
^ciws, vnim
Kingdom of ?riaiate of the Chutdi
hJs Letter con-
BwUnJ, and of Afr/r, fiihftinwed in
cwning a Mira-
diiputes Nor- his place.
•-l^ of Sc.
mpufy widi WititHtj Abbot of
2*' tiK Apo-
Matbildd or St. leavCS Ii^i
Aim^tbe Abbey and becoaics a /^f.frrjf, Abbot
Deleter of Mown diKOf Scrni ot Oujtff difis
that Prificc. of i|ie Cillm^Order.
and Wife of
Geffrty Plmt-
/.:^r«.'-', Count
oi AnjoH,

136 m XD. xvm.) Helits, Abbot of

Sufpttiuf of Bmtrget is
Sr. Gf^r^y the
Grofs, MoDjc
chofcn Bifliop of Oriemtt of ninM;
and Confecrart in the l^dulfhif Ab-
Month of Afnl in the bot St. Tr^
Year Iblknriiig: ^iS^iVtro Ab-
Drpgo or Dreux, Ab- bot of Sr.77jjVr-
bot ot 6u '^ebn at LaoHf or Theodme.
KJi •

A Chronological Tabic.
fieei^ied Affms. Catmdiu
Ptfes, iVeJlemhmpe'
tors MidKjngS'

Peter ittcl'enerS'
isfcm for to i^»me by
Pope Innocent, whO
Creates him Cardinal)
juid Bilbop of Ofii*.
AUsot of Sc.
B^g'iui at W'ciins ,

^vcs the Revenues of

the Hmfe of MnU'DUm
n [^CerrmSnv.
n37 vm. xiit XK St. BerTurd is reca U'd
f'.t 'j by the Pope, .vho
The Death
of Gvi^ui-Trlot
The Death to

of Lewet VL aitcrwards fends hin\ to aiii^LoGrajidg

fir^^umrd the |(«nr Duke of S/Vi7r, 19
Grofs, King oblige him to abandon
of France, Au- the hriU-vofcAtiMietuii
Ltwet Party. This Saint eonrrs
pfi I.
the Youn^ into Conference with
Peter Cardinal of Pifk,
who was about to main*
rain the Ami*Dope's
Caufe, and petniMCS
him to change hii

DC. XIV. XX Bilhop of A Council at Cunl-, AM

The Dtach Ltagrtt dyios thisYear, held of.
Tbe Death
«f the Ami- of the fimpe-
eCSoMftambferdnc DrnnA. ijtfain The
Pttrr Krdv- which 'tis de- of
BitT-joprick : Drcg'^ or

Mr* Decmh. 3.
bUbop of Ljentf and bated ab(»c i)reiix,Cardifai

TheScUf- The King Hugh Son cf the Dolce means to ooo* BiflMpaf Q^tt
ntatklu Sob- of im^undy, caufe a dude a Treaty
ftinite in his flomumd} to Monk of €/«»7 to be of Peace be-
place Gregory the chofen Biihop of thai tween theKiogl
Cardinal, who Diocefs : fiat the Chap- of Frmct MA
takes the King of ter of Lanpet oppoles E%Lmi
Name of fic- this Ele&ion, and ap-
/or, boc this Sih TO theSce of f{«mr.
|>ftfoooabdi« awevcr the Monk does
CiRstheTte* not forbear to caufe
him felt to be ordain'd
pitsaneod to by the Archbiftiop of
tfwSchilii. Lyom, and the Bilhops
of jluttitt and Ma/con.
The pope condemns this
Ordination.and requires
'«m to pcooeed to a-mw
Ek(%oii confbnnably
to the Advice of St-Ber-
tiMrd: Gadfrt^t Prior of
CtdiAwmx, end dieKinC
m3n of ih's Saint is E-
k^ked Biibop ot Leases
tlw Year next enfuing.
.ThtfAaU, Abbot of
Btc, is chofen Archoi-
0iop of CoHterifury in the
Council of Londcn.
Otho the Son of Let-
•lUMarquefs <^j1u/iria,
u made Sidiop ox Rim

Vlric, Biibop of
Cmjiance, leaves his Bi-
iboprick and returns to
theMoMftenr of

Digitized by Google
rmandJ^ngj. Emperors. .1

^iMfV/c is conftiniN
ajj&bkc of Igni this
WiKvi the place of
Humbert, who had fO-
tir^j&Qm tbeoce.
of Ar«/2fe«
divulgil luiQpiniDatin

I XXI PW/j>, Bifhop of r4- The II. Ge-

Pope Jnw- CON- r4itfo, a favourq: of cbe neral Council at
tfptjr waging RAD, Dtdae'<^ Jl'i '
iMterm, held in
War with J{o- of Franccni.i, dcposd upon that ac- the Month of
ger Duke of is procJaimd •
ooopt in the General 4pnV againft
Stcify, who King of Gefii .^uv^^u- GMMilof tMUNUt, dSeFoUowmof
feit'd upon many. ••(•'i-
mrtam, Abbot of Sc. the Anti-pope
ihe Dutchy of Ge^9 " •
thmryifsAi to Gtffrtj Anadttut, and

Afulidt is ca- Count of Ath- iBMilp of Clwtret, Le>
• ken Prifoner jeu, gat« of the Holy Sec, cia, who is OB*
tiy that Prince,
part of NtT' and to St. Bernard 1 feU'dito{^
andoblig'dby Pno^oficions which he
had taken out of the
V9 confirm the Theological Writings of
I>in3rion that i^tnu Mkaelarduf

m mde


'ktfmc Eloftcd

fl>» liflioprick
Imu k) 1 126, but not
loin o£ biving been Ordain'd
9cw^7, die S.-'c .rr norpdt in PoflcfEon q£
Datchyof A- that Bifhoprick, is ac9>
and ciM wne'd to the Arclibi>'
ninciptlicyoC -INMMef Bturtet.
Capua, with St. Malachy, Friinate
the Titk of of bttiiHd, taiusa Joiir-
n«y to ^fme.
Giltfmr or Gilhert,
L«^W of die See of
i{pme, 1ft Jrelmdt rc^OS

The Death of St
tkb0 the Apoftle of
fHHtrmtta, ^

^^tmtOt Archbilhop of
^^^PlIiMir, Jan. 13. Sam-

-wjicwi^ - •'TIS* Death of Pf/rr, h'ttin
•^2 >&:
•ytd ,»r iMf ferMisSacoeflbr Fi^ v-.t«»&
»idj i»>Mtwo^m)niiofthatChurch. ^fUsT
1140 XI. n. A Couftdl at Sr. Bernard
IM^'Ibiteof hifl Monks Sens begun on writes his S<t-
to inhabit the Mona fie- the oaa*e of mons 65 and
ry of SLAtufia/htttDiew- cheFeaftofPnt- againft
ttnfi, in which reticks of C0tm.
afterwaW Pope undw* St. Bernard con- He fikewiA
the Name of Eutaum fines xbcEwm Writes
to the
in. is made Abbot of of PefrtuAkat' Canons of lj»
. it InrJuj, wboap>
'ttirftiii Archbifhop peals to the See Letter concern-

of T^i^ being dead^ this of J(«nr, hoc i^the Feftival

Memlipolican See isoon- afterwards de. of^the
gn^^bwwoey^ fifts from that tion of the Vir-
ilffMl by the gin Al«7, which

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/ " A^Chrtmological Table.

Kmf^ Stepben,aadHmrf Advice of Peter thofe CanoQs

of hfur<Uch, Abboc of the VetmMft bad lately in.
foHtaineSi miliam cau- Abbor nf Clioty, troduc'd.
fcfrliimfdf to be Confc- into wbofc ^4o- Pernu jAtgm
cnted hj Memy Kihop naftenr he had lardut aboat iltt
a(fyinche0fr, but the retir'dU fame time com-
Pope denies ium xbc poses bisAftk-
pat, and gnau it to If-
j Heiny confirming his

£k<aioo. However the of ClMntmx.

King did not acknowr-
ledgc Henry dU cline hitbooditt^im
, Years alter.
Geffrey dtLmiix htchr
Inibop of B«tird!rir»x, in-
curs the difpleafure of Hux« MeteU.
Kk^ Uw€S the Young, Tbmm i
for having ordain'd Gii-
mtird^^^ o{ Poitiers Beimmd a
CanonicallyElcdcd. Monk of CItmf.
** * " 'Yhx Pcpc confirms
ibc Sentence otiiicCoun-
Cil.flf Stns agudfc F»-
tnu A^*tUrius. lijfm.
Hereticks diicoferd

- . - , diis Year. The fkOk

; ,
• • ThcCborchofHAf/w*

having remain'd near 'biibcp ot Tcrt.

two Years deftitute of

^ J,
an Aichbilbop, and St.
Memsrd having rcfiis'd
. . io accept otth^iffucy*
Sm4mVtwtSk of «te
Church of Ch:srtyrs, is
oidain'd Arcbbiftop of
dMcDiocda in ibB«Bd
«f tfceYcar.

The Kxct
Mm Archbilhop
Sturtes being dead,
of ¥riBKe Prter de UCbarre is
flUintains • chofen in his pl.icc, and
cniel War a~ Confecrated by tbePope.
but the King of France
of refilfing to admit hinn,
his Kirigdom is iufpend-
far having de- ed from Divine Service
nin'd the by the Pope, who after-
Archbilhcp of wards ukes off the Suf-
inhis penfion, the Kme hav-
Ti ing ackoowledg'd thit
^Armtd AtdiXtaMOR
of Sees, is chofcs Bt-
Sbiomoi MififMx.
&ti(0tdf U Fmit
is ordain'd Bifllop of

IV» XXIV. Cardinal Tvei, who Hugh of &

The was fometime a Rega- ^^<r die^ A.
Dcarh of I^r Canon of St. yitftr

fyiiJi, King at Pdrts,is ienc to France The Dcatb

vS^m^ bytbp Pope, there to <^ PelnM jAtt'
. .X jfalU.- , flWWWP a Sentence of

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A Chrmohgicd Table.
PifiS, , . •Eccle/iaftieat

Hr war Bfaft t^aJulflm Counc • X

jr.; :\
obtains of Vermmdnt, who had
i tkeAdott- divon:i4 P$$rm$Ss, cbe
niftnaoa Sifier 'tfdn Counc ^
of the Go- Cbampagne his Wife, in
venimenc order tQMarrytheDidce
dimgclK (if AfMm't Dangh.
• Id*,

Minority ter.
of herSoo.. TheBittops &r«y^
mnndLmth Simm of
•i I
J^t^, and Pr/fr of Sen-
. l Y:
,. /iflr, thepromoccrs of this
^ ,
^WVowe, wefufpendcd
'« ^ :!
~-«,'p^'^who gf Prior

W F«f-/«/ hod been made
^ Rlhon of Be//i7, leaves
chat Biibqnick totecoxQ

f ' " . . IB hit M

oH*ftw » y
TbeDeuh V. Tbe 7^«Bilhop oiFrafetti ThcDeathof
UmA, of is iencioto Ei^Utnd ifi . .. . H -.'
ff^iSkm ti S9»
JobnCtm- Quality of d» FsfcV rnerfeti Monk
iMMii/ in Leeate.
CBLESTIN v.; i tfacMondi The Death of yOm
II.itriibftin»* .
5 -1^ iton'il Bithop of Sie!, who has
edinhispbos M A- for his ^uccdibr, Girerd
NUSL aRegnlvCma: Hh
. COM- Utter auinot peaceably
^. MENUS enjoy this Biihoprid^ .

. inooeeds byaBtlbnthacheendab» ..
' « . » ft

luaa. vott^d coincrodaoeiiuo

i . ; Ji^Church, Secular Ca*
the place c/[ the
IMQS in tn
lar, who waeia
Sod of it

1144 1 VI. It ^Nlj^^Laciw coofiiiM Amtiettt Bi«

Tbe Death A Treatjf tut vnmcy of cbe Aop of Lanf/uf
of of Peace con-
CeltfiiH II. Church of Toledo above mt.
Mfrob 8th* cluded be- ail the others of £Mitr. PtttciJiaaik
LUCIUS U. tween the K. He grana a Rivi-
ischofeninhis of France and le^ to the Abbey of /W7 Biihop
niaoe « few the Count of and renders the of 2Vtor/.
dtytflficr. Camfagiu by 4/ Idonafteiy of St. 5«^4l# ^Afmmm Ab*
He makes the Mediaiioii .. ,'iilbje<fl to that Abbt7. hoc of S-.
a Truce with o£ St. Bw. V' PuHus, who ftM at TMKran^.
j^ig«rKin|( of had been inviced to Ardnrdui jt
Sicily, and im- ifew, by Pope Imocent Monk of CMIp*
plores the Af- iL is made Cardinal and
iiftisoeof cbe Chancellor of the
Emperor Cmv- Church <A$gmb$t,m
r^^aoainftthe ciui IL
in ', i

Feopfc HmbAJthat of Pem-

J^Mw, who . , . Jifi^t fucoeeds Hemy in
had rcvofceA ^ . 'ttie Archbtflwprick of
from him, and
Seceded to .^iMdfiM Abboc of
Ekopoik • - Mi«daia'4
of oee fm^

L^iyiii^co Uy Google
Lucius dies
m A
the Chirillbns to rhc
February 15 th. CniGtdc, con^rcps the
EUGENIUS frivikges jramai lipon
III. is chofen thv accounc, by t^r-
in his pUcCt bm II. aj)4^4cfs Sc
•adpnl 9ern4rd to YfWk up
Crufade thmu^oK
L all Cbriftetuioa).
T^imyMkioL of Se.
jj/ey at .V")"^, is Coo»
(ecracoi Biihop of
<ni by Sati^ JkBdki-
^ptbi Biihop of Kf-
, wing dead, Ori-
eri fwr of La Cbai/i'
'-^Eledcd in fait

\ n vra. IV;- - Tlie ropeits«lbbiab- ACoandltt

Chartrci held
The Here- Lewes thfi . . €S the Bi/txpricl^Cif Tour-
iKTiwmch ifx a|jn>vc iMi^ the third SimmtpGiDm'
BrefcistemtO' 500 Ye?rs had Vsw after £4^cr, 6
ing to Italj, fes himiclf to • •
Unieed to that of Noyon^ which St. Ber- Gmmmm of

caufes tlie lo- becrown'd at flonftimtea Jb^bn nard is cholien

Inlwiiiti of Abbot of St.9%iRMt of Chief of die of Um,
^pme to revolt Fi'ftival of Latit, 9iA>V ^
I'btc Crufadefor the
Expedicioo CXOf $1.
agaioft the piooefi; at
vapff win it ftfc hcundc^ JMteBiftQp of Of-
forced to re- cakes bis refigns his Bi-
tire lUO Voyage to the . (hoprick according to
the Advice <fS&%f^

Serla aMonkof Ct-

yj^itdbfo Abbot «f
Icwas the Cuftotn of
die Kings of Fir/mcetO
cau(e tbetnfclves to be
crown'd on the princi-
|kU Feftivals of theYcar,
and confbnnably to this
Cuftom, SM^en Aidi>
biihop of ^banu hav-
ing perfinnVl die Cci%
mooy of the Coroaa>
don of King Lemes at
Mmi**J» we prejudioe
of ifie Aicbbilhop of
dot City ( Peter dt U
<;bkr«) who alledgM
dm dot Right
rcntly belorig'd to him
in his own Church ; tfe
itdepiiv'd of cbeUfe
of the fat bv Pbpe
Eugeniiis, townom the
ArchbiHiop of Bourgn
had made bit Coo-
A certain Monk nan>-
cdI{atlul^j,?T^cba to
the Allies cngae'd in
the Cni&de,'Chat before
* their departure for the
Holj Umd, they ought
Ecckfiajikul J^ain. CtiMiU. Sccie/Ia/iical
'y^.^\\.\\i\-m liters.

St it^nu j^ \ CO defVroy all <hc Jrm,

-hW s.ttcj: o: '
as being greater Enc-
lies to J Jus Chrilh
shtA the Maixmctans.
111 • • • <
Sc< Bernard Preaches
r vp the Cm
fade, but Ad-
.'71' V mariUhcs the Chnftians
.of trance and Bavaria,
^octofufR-r ibcjfw/to
be put to death, nor io
lonut)<J -. •')
n: much as to be perfecu-
• '
'Oo-} r fed. .

"47 - O
»K» IX. V. .The Examination of A Council at The Death of
The Pope ThL-Empei! -fhc Oodtnneof GiDebert Etam^j,held on
' fV.i/eJinus Me-
being arrivd ror Conrad de UBorrie fiilhop of Seftuagejhna-
malius, Prior of
in France, is marches ial9«t^ i5. ^. t- Peitiers is begun in the Sundy concern-
St. Laurence at
nugnificcntly efae Levat , J h R fi- Pope's Prclencc in the iog the Expcdi-
entcrtain'd ai wiih an Anjtjpii, . 0 1 1
• »; Ccnindls oiAuxerre and tion of the //o-
P4m by the for the relief jiZ-"M /*«r«, and the Dctcrmi- ly Land, and
King. of the tM(ftf3^\ " tut'ro'A of that Affair is the Regency of
Land. - 3:>-f : fefcrr'd to a Council ap- the Kingdom of
The KiHf |»inted to be held at France, which is
of France U»l' H^TTU the next Year. given to Suger,
lows bim faoKfdA . - OrA* of Fri- Abbot of Sc. Df-
after, with»* fimlfhen accompanies the nis.
nochcr Army £inperor Conrad in his A Council at
upon the fame Expedition to ihc Holj jfuxerrehdd in
dcfign< Land. the beginning of
Arnold Biflwp of Li- the Year,
a. fmix, in like manner A Council at
.... accompanies the King Paris, held on
^ 77 "h of Ptamce into the Le- the Fettivai «f
. . vant. Eajier,
br 9 ^'^'''i Abbot of Sl
Denis, and Regent of
nrl.-oi? wf' the Kingdom , cfta-
!><• Regular Canons
bliflies oHT
*l . in the Abbey of
St. C#» —,-r*. :\ \,
'»tttU *> nevitve in the place of 'T.
the Monks that reiidid
J0«W»t \fcVvri there.
St. Bernard takes A ^>f>oi
Journey to Guiervn
with il/^m'cu/ Cardinal
BiHiop ot Oftia, xha
Pope's Legate, and Grf-
frey Biftiop of Charrres I
He there impugns the
Errors of the Hcretick 17
Henry, and confutes 'eat
by his Preaching and a
td W
great number ot Mira- .-W 1

<. : * r bm cles This Herctidten- id

deavouring to make bis
cfcapc, is fciz'd, and
-It convey'd, laden with
Feciers, to Hiouloufr ,

Z^r.. : 'Otiii and dcliver'd into tbc

Bifliop's Cuftody. -icm Scd ad
The Abbey of Bourne
is chang'd into a Priory

by the rope, by rcafon

;y of the contempt that the

» Monks of that Abbey

had Oicwn of the Au-
thority of the Sec of

I{psir ncvcrthclcfs this Title is reftor'd fomc time after. ff4«


»-* »-

Liicjr Cbrjfckertim » ACoondlat

**4"» The Ptope according to fome Wri- j(i^/)Mj, held in
after having ters, is advanc'd this the Mooch of
held faverd Year m the Patriarchate March afUllft
Coundli in of Confiantinefle i but GilUbert 3p k
as others will have it, PflrT^,Bifl»p«f
WtfcxMAn. Poitiers.
Etm de tEmU, a Vi- ACoondlal
flonary Heretick - iWerA h*M

Pope the prefcncc of

intheCouncil Pope
at i^/m, who coo- wfakh apj^wa
dcmnshimcodofe Con- the wrinngs of
finemenc, ibtliatbedks Sd^
• • • » SnPrifito a little iMrik
X'* ^
QOdertdltU Pmt4f
4 '••
. r

Riradi his £rrors.
Bope pufuu^
the Cereiix)nv of the De-
dieaoapof the Church
^IMt He writes to
St HUdeforda, Abbefs

ncfldiflg tat Spirit li <

St. Mtiaci;, ^ViM uo-
V . r
s'MtokftfBOonft Jour-
ney CO Hfme, in order
ID obtain the P*ll, of
iH!ii|ik diet by the
way, nr drn'rvanXttk'
^tmier the id.

V. XI. I/M>7, the Bnxher of St, Menurd

1149 The King the King of Fr«iier,and
Monk of CUurvMux, is BoofcQfcm^
omiing fran
ioTcfts Htwrf G//A*rt Fo/iW, Abbot
theSono£Mi- tiLticeftmria BmUni,
tblU*, Coun-
ters of y^«/e«,
with liie Du>

vt xn. n^i^ Abbot of 1Vw(w

Lewet the FoHfatnet in ChamfMgne^ 3'tes his fe-
wr his return Young, King isataied Cardinal fit- d Book (y
CO /f hav- of IV4Mr, tep of CyltA Kairr
ing fuftaind voroes his and Hoiand Monks of
many Wife Elemr,
(hocks, CiMirvMtXt arelikewiie
at laftmakes the Daugbalr B lis
. himfelf Maf- of fi^iBUm MankofMfltf
lerof St.Pe- Duke of Gw- >fffof
» mkei
Mr'sOmidk enne, vImb of Pt4r^ the Sob of InsCalleAimC
be had mar* King Levies the Grofs; tfeCaooaft
ry d in 1 137, is cbofen Eiibop of that
Cky; but he refignt
this fitlk)ptick ro Peter Snh, Abbot
Lemlmrd , fir-nam'd of
M^ettf tbeSenteneet. LuewiU^bbet
GotUfcbaleus, Abbot
i& St. Mnr/in iuc-

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A Chrmkgncd SC^ihk.
rm iiidl^%u Bmftmt,

teeds Alvtjim in rln ' Burrhs'icrftevi

SUhoprtck of Arras.
Philip, who had bceft of Lmh.
tifpos'd from the Bi- Peter Lombardt
Dioprick of TdrmM. A' Bilbop dBaru.
1139. and who had «£• Fdn,
tCrWilll retir'd to Clair- hlcnry, Arch-
wtujtt ^bittc CO oke (he Deactttiofi/jmr-
Mt of a Monk, b .
Hu^h, Cardi-
mtde Prior of the'^-
MoMftery hy.$i.Bet' nal Btibop of

'Jehn, a Monk of the ConfiaHtUm

Iflt! Oxiii, is advaoc 'd hUnaJfes.
to the Pacriaichace of Confiantiniu
tkcb thk Year.
Pi«r de Cetlett i* l{obert Pullus,
made Abbcc of CcJibtr Cardinal, dies
in cfae iame Year. ibis Year
The Dtatii of
ff^Siam, Abbot
.^gc rUat^ in
^ ..I
fame Year.

XDL IX* The JPope confinns A Council at GMMdlCOm-

. liK Rigiis and Btfvi. Beat^eney, held' l44<r« his Ctl-
IgsBt ol the Chatch of on the Fcftival

^m§tm At Vrfim, approves theD!<< .*•.•! ^Mi- Fatri-

Cardinil, is fent I. ( pate atdh cf /Int'icck
iamOttmanj. St. Btr- the King of
fkmd mum, his iMth Pranee and his triarch tS Cm-
Letter acainft this Pre. Wife FJtcnor, fiavt'.nop'r.
by reafon of Androtiicus
G#<^ Ar^^ksdx- tlidr bein^ too CMMteriut.
Ikaoon of Sr. 4/4;-^, is near of kin. Gecigc, Arch-
. ordain'd fiiibop of che bifhop of Corfu.
• the lame Church. Litem Chryfo-
Ivrginj, Patri-
of Loom aiter iiaving arch of Confian-
aomti'd ius Church 38 Hneple.
Ycarl, mires to the Ab- Hphert, Arch-
bey of l^ipty, and there Deacon of Of"
nirns Monk. G.iuterius, trevant,
Abbot of St. Kyrtin at Theehaldui, a
I.«Mt, Ihcceeds him in Monk of St.Pc-
that Bifhoprick, but he Hr at Bade.
leaves it three* Years af-
. .tsft vilfe hsoones a naa of TeroU'
J 'Monk at Premontrc me.
"^irtUtu is cixofcn Ucfbcft a
AUsoe ofTVwr-Awtfftttf Monk.
In the room of Hugh, Haime, Arcli-
tnade Cardinal in the Deacon oi' Cki-
pecedinf; Year. imt,
The Dca-H of Hull; Herman a
who of Abbot of Fm- converwd 3e»
tigny had been QndaJo'd of Ctkn.
Biftop of Auxmt .•
Ki'cetoi Ccji-
. .Whereiipon many Coo- Jlant inofeihtttttu
MftmiRaboutthe Sue- Teuifus, a
ccflion CO that fiiihop* Monk of
nek. liffij.
A Chronological Table,
fVefiem Empe- Ea{lem Eeelefi^icd
rvrtmdKJngs, Emferors. Hriters,

lift. VUL TheDeaUa ; X< 0<A>»Abboc qf Sc. Cor- ThcDeatbof

of Cmrnd. iw/«wi ax Compel! ne, is Suger, Abbot <rf
FREDE- chofm Abbot of Sc. Di^ St. Demtt
RICK L foe- iMi in the place of Svger.
occds liun< The Pope orders the St* 9tnntd
I. Bifhop of Saintes CO per-
StepbeM, K,. osic a new Church to be Books, 0/ Cm-
ing I'cccas'd, : . .
He confirms the Pri- John, Mori
cbe Kingdom wacyai T«/r</«, and co-
returns ID ffffH joyns the fii(hops of
tyVL Dukeof Sfah$ ID adoioirledfe AbiMKin SUili.

Ikrmaitdj, it
He likewife ntifies
the Conftitunor.s and Sc. Gertnrr.
iWviigg^ (he C^*r-

St. AKkaktii-

iiSl DC XL TbeDtatkcf
byafiuU todieGuiom Sc. BermoJ,4lh
dies, Julf 8di of St Prtrr lit f^cmc, The
fcurth I'ia oiiil tJSe Of-
ANASTA- ferings thac were made
SIUS IV. is in that Church.
cholcn in hit Altmus, a Native <^
place two Apj^Wir %Ri»r&ncnear
otTS after. 3iro in Ftanders, and
L Abbot of iMMTt is

Ifav7 Archbiiiop of
7«r^ being dead this
Year. ins Cooa.
had been
petitor, fvlio
Chofrn and Confecratcd
Archbilbop of that
Church in 1140. t«C
prckrr'd by Pope !»»••
eait, takes a Tourney 10
/^ewjf where he obtains

of Pope Anafiajm, the

confifinatioo of his At"
chiepifcopal Dignity,
andthcpiji. HowevCT
he docs not long enjof
this Archbi/Tiopdrk ,

dying in the next

The Cardinals Ber-
nmd and Gregory, the
Pope's I cjjucs in Gcr-
moMt depoie Umj^
I(piert, Abbot of Dm-
»e/» huxeeds St. £«r-
Mrdn .the Abherof

1IJ4 n. ni. xo. GMttriuj of Mfuri- TheDwhsf

The Death, tania is ordain'd Biftiop GiiehtTt dt I'

dies DtecaJf. of Stephen,K of Lmh, in the place P«r7«r£uhap«if

of EneLmd, of another G*uteriut, Ftkkn.
h'-i*. S'lrreflbr aodthebcgin- the Succcflbr of M^rtbf^
ADRiANIV, oiog of [he Umew of Bmgtg.

Digitized by Gopgle
J Chr(mlogtcal Table.
Fffu, Ifeflem Emfe- Enjiern
r»t ami i^i^j* E/nfems .

•Rcirn of Hen- Pope AnaftafMS cm'

rjlt, his,Sue- firms the Scatuia of the
eiffbt «cwr&' •AcgulirGiiioitt of Sc.
irgro :lic cru- Jehnsx Laternn; mVts
dt O{>uuoii* into rhc Protctftion of
the See of Rvme, the Or-
der of the Knight^of Sr.
^obnoS Jerusalem i and
tttifiet ndr KciTiufa^

J 1. IV. XUL The Conteft chat a-

rofcifii. 1131. between Archnilhop of'
ArmU of
Tbejfakmiah M-
crown'd Em- the Abbey of CIuhj> and
CofnaMciAs peror at i^omtf that of Cifieaux, astoi tum anAttfwer
the A&ir of Tithes, CD the Letter
in bydbfope*
terminated bf
is at laft which was writ
gainft Pope
an AccflfDoiodaaon, to him by Pope
Adrian, to in-
fafpends the
duce hiin to be
Ciry frnm Di-
vine Service,
fhould expel
thar Hcretick
and his Fol-
lowers: Thcfc
Uft are toic'd
to cfcape by
flight toOm-

well receiv'd
by the People*
iBiut feoK tune

of MfffiU is
ukcn Prifoncr
and deUrer'd
up to the Pre-
mho caufes
'Un to be
bumr, and his
AOies lo be
caft inn die
River Titfcr,
leit the f eo-
any honour b»
The Popt
AnMtbem* 1-
gainft W-y/irM
K^of fict^.
fiii'd to re-
ceive bis Let- .X
cefti becanfe
fcc did not
give him the
Title of Kinf,
and had raken
pofleffion of
Uftat Territo- 1;, •

ries bdonginp
to the Pitn-
mony of the
. ChnidKif JC«>«)i

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Chronological Table.


tl$6 II. V. XIV A Ditference arifing Hi^&oi Poi-

The Pope The Empe- hafNtxn AirtM IV.an3 tiert, a Monk of
COt:i ludcs a ror being of- Freda ick^ concerning
Ve:^elay, begins
'Iicity ol fended ac the the Terms of a Letter to write his Hi>-
VcAcc with Letter which writ by this Pope to the ilory a£ thK
H 'i!Jia>n,K'wg the Pope had Emperor which im-
Ct S/c;'/r, and writ to him, porcai liui Adrian had The Death of
grants hiin the drives tbe two canferr'd upon that feter the Venc-
i'ide oi King Legates, who Prince the notable Fa- ratUt Abbot of
olf both iSici- brought icouc vour of the Imperial
of his Domi- Crown.
nions, forbids The Pope isoblig'd
all his Sub- to give aoother Ezplica-
jcAs to like tioB of the Terms of his

- <
any Journeys Letter, to afibrd fatis-
to thmc, and £iiftion to the Emperor
lets buttakesan occanonto
upon chcFron* complain that Frtderiek,
ners to hinder had prefizVi hit own
the paHage of Name before that of the
cholc tluc Pope in one of his Let-
flnaVlaciCBipc ttn; diflK he ttV^**^
Fealry and HooMWB «f
thcBiibops; thacfieitt*
lns*d to receive his Le*
gates ; and that he pro-
hibited his Subjedls to
go to I{ome.
Otbo, Bilhopof Fri-
Jtnghen,<mits his BiAop-
rick, ana retires to inc
Abbey of tAetimmd,
where he liv'd a Monk
before his advancement
to the fioUboml Digni*
cy, and dies oeR
in the
Month of ScftttAtt,^
the fame Year*
Pbilif, fbnneriy Bi-
of Tar^mt, and af-
terwards Prior of CUir-
miur, isoooflituted Ab*
ot of Amnint of ifae
Cifitreian Order.

m. VL XV, The Death of

IV. XVL lUmas Seekft is

made Lord Chancellor
.of MmUmd by Kii»
The Reforaution of
cheRimilar Canons of
St I79«r at Pmrit h e.
fiabliHi'd in the Mooa-
Hen of St. Evertt at
fkkmut by {{gfer its

"55 V vm. xvn.

The Death The Empe- » nr-
of AdriM. tot beug
The pciicft ncMBC at tfae
Mlt of the Siege of Cr*-
Cardhiais mm^, the two

Digitized by Google
J Chronological Table.
ff^eJlernEmjx- Eaftem Beel^i<^ Afftirt*
rors andKi»iU Etnferm,

chufe AT FY- Competitor*;

ANDhR 11 for the Papal
OUavim isE- Dignity fee-
Ictfbd Anti- fenc them-
pope by others felvcs before
and imin- himtobe
tatn'd by the fiorttd. He
Emperor. He appoifiis em
takes che rO CCXTIC to P:i'
Kameof j^c- via, there to
firllL be jud^'d by

Thirty Pcrfons tJic A Council at

1160 1 DC XVIII- ,

in of Clmj,
A'exartiier, FoUowci-s of Arnold of PaviA held
the Month of tUtgb Arck-
who rcf as'd to Brefcia, call'd Publicafif,
taken a rcfoluti- FeWugry^ which bifliop of /^CTW.
appear in the having
the £• Miihacl of
CouocilofF*- On topafs into Engltatdt declares
to divulge theif Doc-
IcAioo of Alex- TbtJJalmica,
via having
arc there fciz'd
rr.dar CO be VOid, condtriui'd for
beea inSamfd trine,
pabliddy whipt, and ExcofniTiU- tilc Hercly of
of what was on,
there cran(a<^ ftigtnatii'dwith * fioe cum bin. widi the BtfomiUst
on their Forc- his Adherents; retra&snis Er*
but confirms rors and makes
errommunates hdads. barrafs d, and at
lift ftuVdto<teadiwith
that of yidvr. aConfcflkn <£
the bmpcreror
Jtongcr and cold.
A Council at his Faith.
U- OJt^oTi/.in which l»Mi>,Eilhop
jSrmld^ fiiihop of
blcncLywein- the Publicans or of Toronto.

An AftmUy
XDC AUmm abdicates his
at Nrx M.irkft, a Monk
Biflnpridt ae Aaxmt,

Lemet tut in the Month of vaux.

Voung. King and retires to Clairvaux.
of Eraaect The Kings of Oen- Julji in which EntrtnmUf
the £lc(&ion of Provoftof J
nuurries Aid' Alexander UL feld.
Id, or Alix, and Bohtmia , as alio
fix Archbfihops, twenty
is declar'd Le- £rW.AbhM
^xet of girimare artd
, of Sr. Flfirin.
BUlnps and tnany Ab-
that 01 Vidor Bonautrpm.
Count of hors write (as 'tis report*
Chtmf cd) Letters by way of
excufe, to the Affcmbly
An Aflembly thmt.
at Beauvais at Miclffatl of
11%%. at ImU, by which they
the lame time, Tbtfjfalomca.
•wn' ViBtr as lawful
which pailes a- OdiH a Reg»(
The Death of Theth
like Judgment UrCaMO.
with that of
Md, Archbiihop of
NtW'Mtrkft, in
favour of Pope
He has for his Suc-
ceAr in due Aicbbi- Alexander.
(hoprick, Themat Bec- An Ailembly
oftfae Pretant
k/t, Chincellor of Enr-
of England and
tmi, who is Conic-
Firance,in which
crated on ^fnt-Sundny.
bach Kings a^
Dr. Gilbert Foliot is
filtcd, where
tranflatcd firom the Bi-
were prcltntthc
fbopriclc o*" Ilnffardto
that of L(»ida>u
ana yiHer, and
Deputies trom
the En^ci^
Alexandtr is
there own'd as
lawful Pope,and
ViHer Exonn-
municaccd with
K n his Adhawts*

Digitized by GoOgle
An AttoAh
at Ltdi, beU
June 10. indv
Srlenoe of
uiperor FreJe-
which con-
fims what was
tranfadted in
chat of Pavia
the precediqg
Year, in {^cnt
of Viaer.

HI. XI. 14** ^ BtlUmMittj is A Conferarv < at

The Pope An interview ' OfaBm'4 BUhop of Pei- Avignm^ wliicA tiers, a Maui
• who had fled between the tiers. was propos'd kf of r<r«/c.
for Rcftige m Ktng'ifF/-.?T>'rf Pettr, Abbot of Cel- the emperor to
tbcTerritories and liic Em- bs, is tranflated o» the put an end cp ba of aUrf.
peror at jtvig'
Ablx-y of Sc. i^m^m the Schifm, but
of ^/riVj'.wair- mm, where tSe was broke qS Joimoi tbt'
ing for a fa- Anti-pope Ceffrff, Abbot of by realbn chac <m, Provgft of
vounble op- ViSar is pre- »7 fuoceeds FaftreJiu in Pope Alexandtr U^gitijUdi.
portunity to ient, and the Al>bey of CUunmx. refus'dCO ap: JSreilu,
ra(s ioto where the Em* pear.
}>4f»eff, arrives peror is in-
there «t Mft mis'd againft
the King, by
©f Eifler, and rctfljii that
•iKoeiT'd br Jlkximdervi2&
not fooi^ ac*
' '
trance and cording as he
BtttUnd, who had enga^'d,
Bcfere him to brine hinir
- tpon the Ri- and Having
ver Loire as the ftron|;en
fur a« T«n9>« F!uTy, de^ns
- land to meet to rake him
him. andcon- Prifonn' ; bii( ,

<!u(^ him on the King 19

ilieRoad,eeeii deliver'd from
holding this trouble,
•«ne <f the by the Army
Reins of his that the King
Horfe'sBritlJe. of EngUnd
hadcaus'd to •

march dutc

116? IV. xn. XXL Owr^, tbeBradKr of A Conndl at AmeJd,

the King of France, is Tours, held
in fliopof Lifiax,
cranllated frooi the fii- the Pope'sPte- pronounces In
Ihofrickof fll««iiMfV|tD finoe^ Mfjr 29. LKfcourfe OOB*
the Aicbliiihofrick of againft the An- ceming rhc V-
ct-pope riafcr, mit]i aodj^on
«M ha$ Adbe- of the OnRB
is ainifrimri:d by a cer- rents, and a- in the Couodl
tain Lord, from whom gainft the He- ac XMTfc
be cndcavour'd to re- reticks of this
cover fotne Goods be- Age.
longing to the Chapter An Aiiembly
of Orleans, wladb Im
bad Ufurp'd. in which Tbo-
The beginning of the mas, Archbiihop
Coniefts between Henry of CrfwffrAiw in-
II. King of Er^Und curs theDilpIea*
and Ti&«m4iBrc;^ef, Arcb- fureof thcKing

Digitized by Google
4 ipmsikigi^i^

refUbg 'to ob- .i

ferve the CuP* '..

Sens concerning • •

the Murder of
^ohn, Dean of
the Church of

y Vnt XX!I» •
rhomw^ Beckft, knh- An AlTembly J^dfgfdoiS^
-,,J*rvo^i, biOiop ot Ctf»r*r/'«»7, re- at Clarendon, ViBw.
pentsof whathedid in held in the Monk
-^ J!f 4mri
Afllmbly at Clarrn- Month_ of of St. Suviour at
Z^^^m^tCL L«A«-
and abftains from nuaryt inwittch

eoowating Divine Ser- Thomat , Arch- LMttmce a

~~tKm kAV^
™* jfSj- tiU the Pope who brthgp of C*.- M»nk of iM.

SL^^ to ^ '
: fiw
him Abfolutiw tfbv
that Offence. £i«M
Prtlftcsof Abbcfs
are The Death of
JS^ofPW: .
MThe King of
Pow c«.Jm> ccnain
fends to the
to4ei?if,thattheAri- C»l4t«tr»9f the
to J*);"' i;'"'*-'^^'.
Blftflp P<r«.

*"* • * made Legate of ib« tftobilgt thcm-


\ •
Holy Sec in £ftf/4n4 Mvii>y. Oath
Kingdom may be withow icftiic'
Mm 'an

coqfinn'4by it$ Au- tion.

thoritr.MdobfervMby An AffanUy
t • • Bifhops of Englvtd. at Narth/tmton
The Pope only grants aj^ft njomof.
. . tiKOfre of to Arcbbifliop of
the Archbifhop of Tori^ CtKUrhuf*
' •

. . Vfith rdlridion ,
' '
that lame Legate
- • • ^* fl.ou'dhave no Jurif^
. .

dijilioo over thePerfon
of fhc Aicbbifhop of
C«fitcrbury, and rhac the
fiilbops fhuud concinue
a .qbcf hini as their
Tbmat Becket retires
to I^Wff after the Sef-
(iooscf the Affembly at
Clarendsn which re-

Guif'd him to refign his

Afichbiiboprick : He is
vfryfi^yourably received
by the french King and
die Pwe, who orders
[ ^
to keep his Station
WiUiipt of ChamfApu
tlpe ibwth of the mo-
thers of AdeSaQnecn of
^ ^
Fr^e, i*chpicn^:fliop
^'0Mrfres after thr

% ' ^feqdl^'er Lombard 'm }n .

• . .
'ihe Bifljoprick of P/tri*. . HI' -Ji*

^ Mm^doi St. i: !
i >

VL XIV. XXUL Stephen , wfco

jUtxtnder The Nad- fomctimc Bifliop of Abbc't of

returns to Xr<- vity of Pi»V^ Tmmaji, becomes a Re- Mmrte E^ftrgna,

and makfet fir>nam'd jIi^ gularOuMmia iheM^
his publick gufius. King lultery ofSbAwfV tt IbCp of Auxnrr,
cncry into niihmet,
J(«nr, in ihs
Month of Mn

Ceffrrf dr-

Sc- Elizeheth

VIL XV. 30(IV, ^-f l Arifitnes Oeo- A Synod of Peter of Celu,

emmntu, or Steward of Cmjlantimffe, Ciihett Ftiut.
tbeClraKh of Ceviflan- held by Lucm TheDeathof
niarchfs into tineple, citcs in the Sy- r; ^:^f^h-,gh::, Sr. ^.V'</, Ab.
Jtalj wiiii nod d
tfaac City the Patrmrth of
Army, to pot 37th Cancn the w that Ciry
tije Anri'jy>pe Council inTrnlo agftinft An Aflcirbly
f*jchal inPof- h:icefhetusi,'2iXnzx<h of at ft UTt;^imrtf
feffiOB of thV held on the Fo-
The Depiir>s of the flritalof ff^ff-
King ot tt)ii<srd hat- Jmttde,\Ti which

ingaflifteoattncAflcm* the Emperor ob>

bly ol ff-Wrftj^Kr^, re- lifcs by Oath
pir to iUmct there to the greater part
ditnand r«tisfs€ticn as of the Lotds
to the Affair ot TXo- and Prelats of
iWAf, Arel^b Ihcp cf Can- whctn it was

ter Ury. J he Pcfc re ci n jcs d, to ac-

turrs an /n wir 10 the krcwlfdge no
Klr g ibeir ^^Jftc^ wiik ether Pope but
i'ci inch Rc'olaticn, PHclel
ih:ir this Pnnce is cb* TheOrpucies
lig*d to dilcwB wbac ofttieKirg of
ihclc Dcpufcs had done Evglrtld, who
in the Aflcrrbly of was at variance
Themoi Bcckft, Arch- r.nJer, by ftft*
bifrcp of C/sKterturjt, is Icnof the
CcnftitutcdLcf atccf the fercnces b6>
lilolySee in Erf lardfir.d twccn him and
in that Char^iilcr ccn. Thcwai, Arch-
dctnns and abrogates the biOic^ of Cmh-
CvOrms tha^ were Pub- (erlnny. t:ikcthe
iitlid at Lir.ievddi j Ex- fame Oath*
con^municatcs all thofe
that flsoa'd obicrvc, or
caufc 'cm to be oblerv'd;
and threatens the King
of £i^/«ii^with an^-

XVI XXV. ?<^» of Ox/or dc-

TfeEmpffw piiccd to ^MNv by the tiersUotkdH^
defcarsrhe /^e- King of Erglerid , ob- telay, compbti
m^njin afi«^ toinia promilis of the his Htfwy of
tel, makes Pope, oat he woii*d theMotanfty*
himfcif Ma- fend two Legates to de-
fterofpanof •Bniiine ibe . A£but of
'•I iIr Guy «f

Digitized by G
A Chronolagtcd Table.
fVefternBmpe- E.^fletn Bcctefii^ktl
rm and Kjtig:. Emfernt.

Home, and of terhury, anc] caulft diS of

St. Peter's Authority of the Arch> ,le.
Chnrch : But bilhopto be fttipended The Death of
the Difeafcs tiH the nrrival oir ifaoAi
that rage in two Legates.
X>«r, Patriaich
hit-Aimy af- Miebtet Aiidnshu ts of C^tntin^
terwards, o- advanc'd ro the Patriftr> '
hlige him to
retire fpeedily
chal See of d^MUiw i>e Death of
fk. fimAtre, Ab-
CO LmLir4f» TVlSiam of Tyre is bot of Sc.
tnadc Arch-Deacon of ttUemnQttah
Peter ot Blots rq>atrs
to where he's cto-
fin to be Tutor, and
afterward Secretary to
miljam II. King of
Geffrey, Prior of fi-
feoit is ordain'd Prieft
y Gf>4Mb fiilhop 6f

XVn. XXVL mtUm oiChkmfM- AGoancaae tlieDeiiiio^

- -The Italiaru ne is tcanflued ftomtbe
Lauran, ih Odo de Deui/,
. aniimred bj BOoprick d which Pope A- Abbot of Sc Car-
the Scnrcnce to the Ardibilhoaridcof lexander pro- neliut, a
«ftix( Council Sms. nounces a 5cn>
Tbmdtt AreUnfliop teoce of DepQ.
volt againft of Canterbury, refufcs Htion againft
the Emperor, to admit as udges of the
J Cmpevoc
own Pope >f- dKComi ovei ly beiwecu
Irx inJr^, and him and the King of An Ademblf
expel I he Englandt the Pope's JLe- at Gifyi, in the
ifipatical ftUointheAflemblyat Moodi «lf.NI».
Ctfirs, and pleads his
own Caufc fo refoiutely,
^tc it breaks up, won-
out concluding any
thine. He obtains
the Pope Ibmetime after,
the revocation of cbdfe
two Legates.
Pope jUeX' The Empe-
xm xxvu. The
of two other

itnderwho had ror is defeat- Legates of the See i£

tedr'dto Be- ed by the M/- i(sm axiaxtivagui ao>
tuvewt*, re- Uttefes , and lioitHilodacKNi oftfae Di&
turns thence efcaoes with ferences between the K.
. in tfaeoyl of rouco a-doto of En^Umd uad the
the Year. Atcfa'bifhop of Cmmt^
The Hemayi: An Inter* twy.
refttfe view between
to ad- The King of Etti'
nur bira, but the lUngs Und bang diffiitisfyci
on conJirion Eri/J-ini and with the proceedings of
that he ihou'd and France at tbefe two Jaft Legates,
order die DeniS, a* St. defifcs two otbeis to be
Walls o^Fr.xf. bout the Af- fcnr, which fuit is grant-
c tti to bcde- fair of Ti#- ed j but they have no
moli(h*d, moj, Archbi- better fucceis in their
which he had (hop of Can- NcgociatioB than the
fortify'd. ferhirjh where former.
The Fope thev come to The Pope revokes the
does ic accor- no Agreement. Suf^fion of the An*
dingly, but The King thority of cbe Archbi-
the t( gmmt «f AfgiM

cd by Google
A Chronological Table*
Pf^eJlemEmpt' Eaffr-n
nrtmtdl^r^s. Eoifertrs. WriUTh

having broke c.iufcs h's Son He Sufpends rbc Arch-

their word , Hemj to be l>iihq> of Terk. and the
he caufes Frnf' CrownM by- Bi(hoMwbo lifted at

C4ti to be rc- the Archbl- '

" : the Coronarion of tlic
6an(^'^ and, flwp of Ter^, King^ of Eniltnd, *b
retttVns CO I^- the prcju- »
' *.
, Archbifliop of


' \ to whom this

' Rifihtbeloog'

XL XIX. XXVnL Jhemtim is fent to Hewj, Arcfc.

The Anti- An Inter- Mmuel jlrmevii by the Emp^ bilhop of I^heims

pope view between Cotmenm,
P.lfci'.'.tl rof M uwei Comnenm, . writes to etc

dies. the Kings of caufes a to endeavour to procure Pope and Cs-

Hi's Partifans EnfJiiHii and Propofal a rc-union between that di&ds, m h-
Subliiiutc France at St. to DC and the Ckarch. yfoax of Dtau
John, Abbot German en made to He finds meam to gain or Drtg»,Qa^
oi Struma in L4;r, who con- the Pope the Patriarch ot the oeUor of the
his place un- clude a Mutii' for the tt- Armeniani, Cbnchof
der tne Name al Treaty of union of The Intervic%v be-
of CtUjtnu < Peace; the GrceK. tweentbetbecwoKings
and Latim 4c ^Gtrmithtm Laye, t$ttit CShsDod*
Churches, where w-jrc prefcnr che !nr uf ibc
.in cafe be Lcgaicsof the Popc,and Qrarcb of f«•
wou'd JbmMSf Ardibijhop of
caufe him Canterhurj, produce no Ms Book cf
to be €0eSt, as to the recoo- St^tnctu
Cfown'i dliacion of this Frdaie '
Emperor with his Pripv C bm. Bit
of the I^rw, Archbiihopof Btnftrl
; bat J(fan waA Mmuifd Bi*
the Pope (hop of Kevrrsy are fent
replies, bv the Pope to the King SimmUgh
that the or England, with Or- Alt*'
Matterbe- ders xo fuTpcnd the
ing of too whole Kingdom from
great diffi- Ditine Service, if be
culty, he rcfiis'd to be rccorKird
cou'd not to the Archbiihop of
girsht his Canttrbwy, md m
ic<|ueft> f^^nrc Peace to the Canoo of
Church. This Prince
yields to their Heaoo-
ftranccs and even cn-
trcau 'cm 10 promote the
Accommodation, which
is at laft ieniuoatedthi«
Theobald, the Kinf-
nao of ff^lliam of
Cbgmfagne; Arcfabilbop
of Sens, is ordain'dBl-
ihopof Awuem,
The AicKlnfliop of
Tcrk.', and the BifTiops
^ LMftdott Uid Salitburj^
whom Thmiu Btd^
had Excommunicated ,
create him new Trou-
Mes in England; and he
is no fooner arriv'd at
Cattterlfurj,hoi be is Af-
falCiMMdtn lis Cbwcii

jLChroaolagtcal Tabk.




^ ontheFcftiYat4ifClr$^
' '
: . . P«M«wtlie fifth, Ab>
bot of Clairvttttx, is

made Biibop of Cler-

mont in Attvergne. .

The Binfaof Sc. D»-



X\H Xn* XX. XSiODC The King difpacches

an Envoy to Bs'^e :o
clear himfelf of the . , .

Murder of Thom ii B-c- •

Arcfabilhopoi Lan-
y^iiirr. The Pope fends
' '
two Legates, to oblige - • ,

^ JiimtomakefacUfai^ion
to the Church, and in
• the BKan while Exoom- '

mamcates the Murder-

'. *.
crs. The King m^kly '

fubmio to the Penance

impos'd on him by the ^ ^ ^

' '
" Legates ; dif-annuls the » •

CuftooEa puUUh'd ac .
* ' v

Cbavnitih and atfaftie-

' • '
, ceives Abloltttion at the

. . Doori^cbe Church.
« .
• H/<*<m/f«cceedsT6».
mas in rhv. Archbilhop* -

. rickof C4«/fr^«r;.
TheAflaflinsof I**.
Archbifhopof C.<«*
terbitry come to l{pme to •

» get Ablblution ; whete

the Pope cnjoyns Vm to
cake a Journey to jerw
- falem m the Habit of
- ,
, • '
Pilgrinis : One of "em
pcriflies by the way.and
the two others fpcnd ^ ,
the reiaainder <^ their
, Livesin doing lPenance»
being (bat up in a pjjos
/ call'a AiMii«'iy«^r0.

I'm' XmU XXt= XXX. Gu.r^nu.: or H^ari. A Council at The Death oT

MM is confticuied the X.«mM{, in Gilbert, Abboe
^ fifth AUmx of Sunatr which the He- of HoiUmd. '

at pain's. retlck OHveriut >.


Hetuy It King of and his FoUow-

Bnjil4m4» isabfolvid m ert call'd Bmt
the CoiQdl ciJhnUh Memmes, or
tket. Good Mm are,
^ cxMividted and
A Council at
Caffel in Irtlad
y held in the
\ . Month of OQr
. ker.
A Council at ,


^ by Google
Chronological Table.
rprt andKJngs, Emferm. fVirittTt,

XXIL XXXL The Gmonisation of

The Young Jhemas, AichbUhop 0f

rhcr, who Is

oblig'd CO le*

omb of

UAopof C4R1-
ttrhu^y, ro im-
pk>K his AT-

XV. XXUX XXXIL The Guimiizacion of

Sc. Bernard, J art. 18.
Arch Dea.
con of IVf, i$ advanc-
ed in che Month of KUjr^
to rhc Digniry of Arch-
biihtjp of [hac Chuxch.

The Empe-
xxxzn. The Pof* approve?
the InftiniiiOD ol Lhc
A Ccuncil at
London, lucid 00 hoc of CUit*
ror makes Order of the Knights the Sunday be>
of Sc. James in Staiji, foTT the Feftival IJIfUm, Archr
and cS that ot the ot the -Ajcenfim^ biftffp o^
Monks of the Abbey cf ~ which
$L.Sdtvicur at Me/pHS. prefent the two
Kivelm tUCberiJ}, is Henrys^Kjn^ of
made fiiihop of Soijfms,
Geffrey jirtbur, Bi>
(hop of St.4faph, who
had quitted his Bifhop*
rick, by realboof fome
I^fturbances chat hap-
pcn'ci in f fWf/, and had
ictir 'd ,co King Haaj't
OwiTr who gave Mni
the Abbey of Ahtn^tartf
isioUicited in the Coun-
cil of i.«MlMi, 10 icciira
to his BKhoprickj buc
upon hisreraUJ, other
Incumbents are nofid*
ed hmh for^his B-f^np«
rick and Abbey, and he f
remains deftirate of •
Gtffrej, who was
tnniiated from the Ab-
bey of Jgni ro that of
ClAtrvMUx, going into
Itafy, is there made Ab-
, bot of FeJfanrT'n, and
ifline Years alter, of

1176 XVII XXV. XXXIV. The Pope approrcs

TheEnipe. cue Inlticution and the
for's Army is Confticucioo of the Cur-
cocirely a& /ibig|£oi Order.
feaced by the
/ A CbrofH^cd Table.

1,77 xvm. XXVI. '

xwnr. H^Smi of CbMu AOlMMcO fltt

An Inccr. Pagne, the Brothcr-in- Venic:' held by

view bccwecn .law of the Kioe of the Pope Sef-
Pope AfexM' IV4Mer, h thnfbiced
ilr> nnJ the from the Archbifhoprick which the
£inpcror Fre- of Sew, to that of Peace is coQ>
deHck 9t ye- t(bHms, and made Car* ilnn'd, and the
nice, in tli& dina!. Anathenid fC-
. Month- of Srepben of ToMnMy, new'd againft
Jiiftr, when is cranllated fiom (he thofe ibflc vttn
the Peace of Abbey of Sr. not retum'd to
Everte at
the Church is Orleans, to that of St. the fiofnn of
cftablifh'd. Genevieve at P4m, al^

By virtue rcr the Death of tbe'
of thisTreaty, Abbot Auhert.
m7/i«m.King The Pope fends a
of SttHy ob- 1-egate ro a King of th«
tains a Truce ladies, comnaooiy call'd
of fifteen
^. Years with
T' the Emperor,
and the Lom-
bards one of

w?S XIX. XXVO, . X30CVL Efcilas: Arcbbilbop

TJm toge of LioM^ Primue and
if Lqcee of cbt See of
from Ana^la • •
. I(ome in Denmar( and
Sweden, and Regent of
QMt Ueigy, • both Kingdoins, qaiH
Senate, and all thefe Dignities, to
Fooplcof that ' '
turn Monk Hi ClairvaitXt
City. where he dies four
The Anti- ' .
• Years after. Ahfalm
pope Cdiixtus fucccceds him in the
qbuins Par- Archbilliopridc of I4W>
ciooupon his den,
l^ftratioo at 'S*xo Grammaticus ,
Jhe Popo'» PtoVOft of i<£/obi7</, is
Ikmrn Paris by Abfaien
' Archbilbop of Lmden,
to bring Monks of Sc.
GfiKvieveiaxo DemnarL
A great rnnnber ct <

Diflentcrs from the

Chucph of iteme are
dUbovccM tt Ibtidvufe,
who hnng branded
odiou* Name
fie Bz-
lUfticated and Ba-
gait, iHa the affiftaooe
of Ibmc Bifhops ; and
' Wlbo retire to the Coun-
try of Atkigeois, whetC
^pgcr, G)unt of Allj,
receives 'em favourably,
and makes ufe of 'cm
ro detain the Bifhop of
his City Prifoncr, fince
tiiat time thefe People

The Vbpe

• ^ Pp '
A Qfrmlogical Table.
W^ipm Emfe-, Eafttm Bed^bf/tiod^dffkifK. CmmaU, Bklefiaftinl

1 179. XX. XXXVIL lfSfi«m, Archbifhop A nr. Gene-

V Ltwfi, the of 1>r^ affiib b
the ral Council ac
Young King CmucU of tMtm;uA
of JFy/»ic#cau- dnws up the k€ti.
fes his Soo The MiittUj or
philif to be Ftople of J'fr* we
Anointed and Condcmn'd and Excom-
Crowa'd as municated in tbe Gene-
'nlComdlof XiMrM»,
whichdeclares that they
were call'd Cdthari
FMHms and PiAUemt,
. . and that they bad many
other Names.
LsitTMf is made
ftimci SdUibwy (x-
dan'd BiltapQf C&H^

ji8« XXL XXDC xxxin. jfmolJ, BiflK^ of Lt- ^afaidie Her-

The Death Manuel yTfux, having mcurr'd mit wrices this

of Lewes, the Ctmnenus the difpleafiire of the Year die Life of

Young King dies oa$k Kin^ of E$^ltmd, re- St Bernard,
of France, on 6th. tires to the Monaftery Thierry or
the loth ur ALEX- of St.ViMor9lPmr{s. ThtMArvVir/ , a
Dty of IS COM- Peter, Abbm of O- Monk, in like
Seftemher. NENUS ftetux is ocdaia'dBifltpp
His Son fucceeda of Arrtu, csUslSftocya
the fame Year.
«f Hagulftg/it.
Stephen, Bi-
Ibop^ot T<wwH^
St. HUdt'iris,
Sc. ^fktft,
PhtUf it Wr-
Bonne Ejftrencr.
Addtnmt Saaut
Regular Canon.

of CUurvMMx m.
the fame Year.

•lltl. XXIL The Death of

Jlkxmdtr having in qualiiy of the jiUmu at Cikff*
nt dies 4n
Pope** Legate, ievv'd
the 17th day .
certain Troop?, marcoes
of A$^tfi, or iHtO' Ga/cogne, to CXpel
on die tt. of ilence the People call'd
Seftemher Publicans, who were
LUCIUS Maftcrs of a great num-
m. is dMlcn ber of Gallics : They
to fupply his make a Ihew, to avoid
place; the Storm, of abjuring
their OpiiiiflM^ 'bai.-tbs
Bilhop being ggot^chcy.
live as before,
J*hn de SeSeiMMim iscranflated from the fiithoprick of Pthiers t» cIk ' Jbictti*
^prick oi Narbonne, and afterwards to thai ot I.y-vr ,

Bdldmn of Dtvon/hire, Abbot of Fcrden, is ordaui U Biibop of Ff^nehejler.

Digitjze<j by
A Chrmkgtcd .

iVritas. '

Pettr de Celles, Ab- Cardinal La-

boc of Sc. Hfmiftut, at barmt writes
l^beimt inftall'd Bifliop his CoUedioii
of ChaTtres in the pUcC «l Canons.
i^Jtbn ci Salithrjf, The Death of
Anqt, Bt(bcf «r

Anuldt Bilhop

XXXQ. I. Above Icvai thou-

Hflirr, die ANDRO- iand Alhigeoii are de-

Youni^dl of NICUS ftroy'd in B^n A by the

the three COM- Inhabuants ut ihu Cuuir-
Sons of the NENUSuty.
King of caufw A-
dies. lexn to be
va^ to
Death.ant >

the Iwg^

xxxm. A^Caundl at
ytrmiMf ImU in
the prefence of
the Pope and
d)6 Efloperof'
Fredersci;^, con-
oeining the hxi-
cadon 6f the
Treaty of P^acC
concluded at

ly- — XXXIV. m. Contefts arife between

ISAAC Pope Vrban and the
Bdldmin Arch-,
bithop of Cm*
dies at Vfrrnia^ ANG£- Emperor Bre^trick coa- ivhttry.
LUS kills ceffling oettahi Luidt.
URBAN. jtfidrom- by the Princefs Ml*

ciir, and Church «C

thiida to the Monk, goes in
takes Po- J^mr ; about the Goods Pilgrimage to
flcffion of of Bilhops after their the Heljf Land,
cheSuk- Deoeaft^ n> which the and at his re-
Bmperar laiddaim as nifti wntes a
his Right, and about Rieiation of
the Taxes that were what he had
Icvy'd for themaini^ ften and ob*
nance ( f Abbeflcs. fav'd.
Batdmn of Drvm- Petru$ Cmm-
/hire is tranflatcd from
cbe Biiboprick of H^ift- pern of 6/«d[f.

dt^ft to the Archbi- S^hejler G#-

Ihoprick of C.^nitrhuij rdld, Bilbop «f
after the Death oi Hj- St. iXmU
ebard the SucccHbr oi

Digitized by Google


t>%6 I. xxsty. t The Pope lends the An AiTcntbly Godfrey tiVi-
The Pope Henry, the I Pall to BaUvtn, Arch- at rcrhio compleats
being ftftcod- Son of the ^ biihop of Cmterburj. fen^ in which a his Univcital
ed at 9 Letter Empcroi' Av- St. Hugh, Prior of RelbliictOQ is Hiftory^lfc.
fcnt by the dcrick^, mar- the Carthlifinn Order is tnkcn to write dicatesk BOife
Aflcmbly of ries Cmjfance, made Biihop of Linctin. to the Pope coa- Pope.
Ontihmtnfin, the Daughter ceming the Hermeagmi.
rerolvc*; roEx- of ;\'"?.'r,King Rights claiit/d

Optrsni ungate ui iiUtljr. , by the Empe- tnic

the Emperor,
but the Inha- t)OT of F-yf-ifr.iiJ,

bitants of Ve- 3ctianei Cm-

him not to
publtCi this
, fizoommani-
cation ip their

1187 11.^ XXXVI. a

A Circular l.tfticr df
The Pope Theo- Pope Gregory to all the
TheKati- sm.
departing Lewet ry of Jrru- Faithful
vity of exhortii^ ,

from Verona VUI. King of JaUm is theni to the idief of

with a ddign France, the taken Ho!} Land, Gerw^e, «
10 Excon n u Father of St; from the A Faft apiioinRdI hf Prieft of €»
nicate jtbe Lewes, Sff- Cbriftiaiis Pope during five
this tbe^rr.
• Empieror, dies temker 5Ch»
Years, on all the Fri-
by Saiadin dd^t from Advent till
OA Abbot

. fere betett'd King of Chriftmafs, with ab*

Sytu^ tmftaining frfm FJdh oa boraiU'
GREGO Bpft. H^ednefdHt iui Smm^ Geffrej,h'\a[
Tnus ac dot* of V^t.
the end of
^fivrt dt But fiie-
88 Years, cceeds Fettr dc CcBcs in
Huenj a
the next
but dies two ends the the Bilboptick of C^4r> Moak
Months ffter. Kin^om tnt*
pf 7en|/Si-
Um. ThcDtatljof
Peter di Cllb,
JBiffp ofC^

lifts t XXXVIL
After a Va- Philip Aftgttfiiis, King t H <
V rt ,

cancy of lO. of France, impolcs a

ins, CL£- Tax in bis Kingdom
M«t«TIlt for Ids Voyaf;e to the
is FJt-L^cd in Levant, which iscall'd
the place of by the Name of Sdor-
Grtjprj yjSL ^ftVsTidxs.

- xxxvin. IV.
mUiam, Biniop of
1I&9 and Legate ot the
Henry II.
King of En^- See of f^me, in England,
is made Regent of the
Umtdm, anl
^chard his
Kingdom during the
Son fucceeds abfence of King
him. chard, who is about lu

The Kings undenake an Expedi-

tfgnce fet for-
wnrd in 'heir
Journey to the//*// Land,
The Queen Mother, and ber Brother miliam Chamf^^ Gndiml d
tain the Government of Fr4«fe during the King's abfence.
H'iiiiam. the Good Kingof Sicitj, dies without I0ue. Confiame his Aiuu«
jSonof the Emperor, laysdaimiltlliBAlCCidliOD» buT^wrM the N«nmil
S^poOeflionof ilicKuigdoau
A ihronologtcal Vabie,
Popes. WeftemEmfe' Eafttm Ecclefiafli'cal Affatri. Cotmcili. Eedefiafiical
rers mdKjngi. Emperors' fVrittrs.

>190 III. XXXDC. V. Utofhytus.

The Death John BiiTiop
of the Empe- of Lydda.
ror Frederick, The Death of
in the Levant. lUcbard, Prior
His Son of Hagulfladt,
Henrj IV. fuc-
ceeds him.
The Kings
of ILngland
and fVtfnw ar-
rive in tlic'

Month of Au-
gu(l izMefpna,
and refide
there above
fix Months.

1 191 I. I. VI. Evrard tfAve/iies, Bi-

Clement III. Ifenry is fliop oiTournaj dying,
dies April 10. Crown 'd Em- Peter, Chanter or the
and C E L E- peror by Pope Church of Paris , is

STIN III Celejlin, and chofen in hL<;place, but

is fiibflitutcd his Wife Con- ffllliam, Archbifhop
in his place. y?ijn«Emprcfs. Mxims oppofes this
I{ichard, K- Election , and caufes
of England, Stephen, Abbot of Sr.
rakes poflen- Genevieve at Paris, to
fion of the be Elc<fled the next
Kingdom of Year.
Cyprus, carries The taking of the Ci-
crfrarichBoo- ty of Acre by the Chri-
ry from ftians from the Infidels

thence, ani in the Levant.

gives this Pope Celeftin orders
Kingdom to the Bilhops of England
* Cuy of Lufig- to Excommunicate all

nan, in ex- thole that flioii'd refufe

change for to obey the Rifliop of
that of Jeru- Ely , Regent of the
falem, which Kingdom.
Rjchard hop'd
ere long to
wrcft out of
the Hands of
the Infidels.

ii9i IL II. VII. The Pope confirms Baldwin o£

The Pope mchard K. the Rights and Privi- Devonshire,
Excommuni- of England is leges of the Churches Archbirtiop of
cates the Em- caken Pri- and Kingdom of Scot- Canterbury, dies
pcror, becaufe Iboer in rc- land. in the Levant
The Canonization of this Vear or in
he detains Pri- aiming from
foncr f(ichard, the Holy Land, Sr. t;/»4/</. Bifhopof£»- the following.
Kingot Eng- by Leo^d guhio.
Steplxn of Tottmay,
'land, Ehike of yf/#-
Jlria, and dc- caufes his Nephew to

liver'd up to be choien in his place

the Emperor Abbot of St. Genevieve.
Heray who
at Paris.

confines him
1 4 Months.

During hislm-
Jolm his Brother, fir-na»nd fPithoHt Land, gets PofTefTion
of the Kingdom ot England.
A Chronological T^le,^
mfiemBmpe- E^ern Eceiifiafiicai Agniru

Vlil. Gcerge Xijfhjim iS Demetrius

PbU^ King cbofen Patriaich of Tontkius writes
of France, this Year bis
Marries fi<t/iY> Ti«adfe of die
da «a»rding- ProcclHon of
to ibme Aa- the Holy GlM^
tbors, or Ifem-
^arP4{as others
wiu have it)

die Sifter of
Canutus King

tiut ifInvoic-
ed from her
fomc time af-
ter, under pre-
tence of being
too near a kin.

IV. JX The Pope appoints the Tiic Dcatiiof

Bi(bop of Lincoln touke
of Englandbe^ CogBtfaace ofthcMifo tins, or Jolm
iog releafed demeanors and Cntae$ ]Bttrpiitmm,iA»'
out of Friibn, committed by Geffr^t cfFsli.
rcfnmps rhc ArchbUhopof Tori^.

of JlttItiPg> EX-an of the Cliurch of
dom. Paris, who had been
cbofen Patriarch of
ru'-dem, is made Afch-
biAujpof Sens.

V. X. The Pope Conftitures A Synod at Oaute rius

J^4MCUS Hubert Archbidiop of ?or^, held m
the Resular Canon
'ill^cAVfis CiMttrlmy his Legale Month of 7liw. ofSt. VfQar.
depos'd, EngimA, and cn- A Council at^ Thienj or
and A- joynsthc Bifliops ofthis Mmtfellier in 'Ii>e»Jtr/c. Ab-
LEXIS Kingdom to iiilxiiffto the Month of bor.
ANGE- his Authority. O^frwj, Abbot
LUS is He grants a Gjmmif- ot Lmedi* and
plac'd on fioo to Simon, Dean of of Mount Sc.
the Impe- the Church of Tork^ to Michael,
rial govern that Church; ^ert de Ta-
Throni.-, -md Suirmonj Geffrey, rignjf.

who was ArchbidMpof OtiodeStJ.
it, to appear at t{crmevo BUi/e.
clear himfcU there, of ^•Im Bremf.

the Crimes laid u> his t$n, Abboc of


Monk of Sc.
Martin ai Tpmr-

Jl^^tc, Abbot of

VI. E, Etf..tch is ordain'd

t;. i fiithop of Ely in BmUnd of Ctairvaux.
in the pbce of H^BUm. The Death of
Od'j dc SttHy fuccceds Maurice de Sully
^ Miotrice m the Biihop- of Paris,
rickof F«riV.' iij/.'im ter 3.
GilLert of

Digitized by Go
j1 Chronological Table.
^ rmandKjngS' Kmfemt, HMttri.

which be- Petert Abbot

long'd to his of Cltdrwrnx,

Dominions in Gamei iiit,

rwhc of his Abbot ot Ciair-
Wife He
treats the Si-
Canon of Lt^e,
ly, due tJiis

PrinccfsOaa^ Abbot of Ma-

mileracihg riegarde.

their Misfbr*
tunes, con.
(trains hex .

HiMband by
foice, TO tjrant"
cm a F«;ace
upon realona*
ble Tenia.

VII. VII. The ArchbShop ot Btrtranti,Ab-

The Pope ThcD?ath ^L'lJ^nr, go'ng ro con- botof laCbaife-
coofents of the £mpc<
that fulc the pQpc about the Dieu.
•Frederick, the ror Henry at deceas'd Emperor who
Son of the M:ffl»i. dy'd Excommunicated Intaritu.
tEmfcmrUert- The Right cannot obtain a Liccnfe Cbrifiian, a
ry, be of Succcirion
Ihoii'J for the InTcrrint; uf rhxt Mbnjc of C/ctr.
Crown dKing q^tbe Empire Prince in Cooiccrated
of Sieify (or isdtipured be- -Groand, boc with the .
Gauterius of
loooMarksof t\%\cn PhiUp confencof I^icharJ,K.\n§ C'.u;!lon.
Silver co be the Brother of of Eng'and, and. after Tijomm, A
paid w htm* 1^07, «nd having reftor'd the dm Monk of C£f-
and as many Otho, Oake of Money that was cx- .
cheftci .

to the Caidi*
qf Saxag,
aded for his J^- Camerius, a
Ibm. Monk of St.
JourJu'n (iu Ihmmel,
is ordain'd Rifliop of 1 he Death of
l.ificHX* Under his Peter ComeJUr,
Government, the Build- Dean of Sc. Pfu
ing of the Cathedral of ter at Trcyes.
Ltjk»x was finifli'd, [{pbert of
and that Church was flameiimy.
much CM)cb'd by the BartiioiomeWt
Liberality of this K- KflMp of Ox-

1198 nil. VTII. IV. Pope Innocent reduces A Council at OJo deChittom,
Celeftin IM. Philip Au- pd and the other fit- Sens which dc- Jelm, a C«r-
dies fM». 8. gufhts King Ihopricln of Srettf^ne pofcs the AblV)i: thufittn of del

of Fi .ince is under rhc ]ui lidtjin l of St. Martin at Partes.

CENT m. Ezcomoiuoi- of the Archbilhofhck N«vfr/,futpcnd$ Stephen de
faooeeds luin. cited, Dec«m£, of Tm$. the Dam of the Chmmt a
t 6ih by the Church of that Carthufian
Pope's Legate City, Avho were Monk*
Peter 'cS, Cit- accus'd of the
puit, anii his Herelie of the , ,
Kingdom luf- Publk.-ns, and
pcnded from m remits iri both

* Divine Sjt- to the Juifgmcnt
vicc, bccaufc of the 5>ce of
•fae refiis'd U> J^«tNr.
retake his
Wife BatilJa
whom he had
. >tO quit;
- iheDaughter of th Dukco: //;/M»Vj//;f, who n he had Marry'd| ncvenhdels .the Publication of .ihil
S&enoHs dcfcrr d ell aftentbc tcltivai of Cbrijimajs.
A Chronological Table,

U. DC V. The King of Prditu

The Dntth is fipccd fixMB the Soi" Ptt'f, a RcMi-
of Hfchar!, teocc of Excoounxuii-
King of Eng' auioo which the Pope's
L^aie bad publiOi'd «• Gfn>^, a
^laft him; by q-iir- Monk ofCm>
H^fkeutLatuL dng the Daughter of
takes PoAH- tbeDuke of Aquitaiiu
fion of hisDo- and retaking his fonner Monk of
minions to xix Wife. However he
prejudice of ftrbottS DOC to put her
jrth:!\ Dyke awayi^lin knot dme
the Son of
I •

cider Brochtr

?^ .

i hot of ikm

5<ur» Ofl.*



Paxmicii of

41 »


Ecclefiaftical Writers
F Htufc in 1086,
kinder of Chc Ci-rthufisn Ordtr ;

weoM » »«6f »
flounftt d

in (be Year 1075. retir'dtoi.4


of Chgrtres, made Abbot of the Regular
Caoont of St. Qjtentin at Beauvaist A. D. 1078.
modefiiibap in 1091; dy'd st'tu


lanoi. Abbot of !f'ejhnh^«r» floade A, D» 11 06. dfd
in 1114. or ms*
Cardinal Deacon, aadcr^ the Ponn fi-
aoarifll'a LEOofJW«r)f.
cawof V^IL iniheaidcf diepcoaediDg Cardinal Btfhop of OJIU, Wadt A,lSi. i itt. dfd
Centmy. a little after in n j 5.


Boariih'd in ibe cud of ihc XL Centory,
and in
A Sfsnifrjiw, converted D. no6»
die bq^pHuag of iheXIL

AMandeftlMrMM AUTHOR. Abbot- of Sc. Jdiaet at Liege, flooijlli'd in cbc

Hoarilli'd in ihe cndof tbe peMcdiog Ccodut. be|pnBing.of dusCennny* abon^^O* iio7*

St Hpmgius at /y^imj, flounfh'd in A. D, lo^f,
A Monk of Pope, advanc'd to that Dignity,
the cod of the precceding Century. dy'd nt 11 18.

A Pricft, livM in rhc end of chc XL CeBturyttiid Dean of the Church of Ltm, floarilh*d ia tbe
in the beginning of the XII. beginnbg of this Ccntur)-.
Of Seinur, Archbilhopof Z-r«»i. bom in theYw Abbot of St. i(iquier, fllourilh'd in the beginoiog
1014. tranflatcd ftom the Ablxy of ViT^eUy to of tbtt picinc XIL Cenroty.
the ArcbUUhopikk of Ljtm after 4104-, *°

Abboc of Bftmuxk, flouiilVd abouK dw fninc
BAUDRY. ^ dme.

BiAopof M^m andTir«MMM» ontain'd Biib^

A. D, 1097. dy'diniiii. . . THEOBALDUS.
A Clerk of the Church of Ettrnfes, ftnifilb'd
SIGEBERT, and wasProfefibr in ihe Divmity-Sdldpltcf
A Monk of Gtmbiours, flourilh'd in the end of Cmh and Oxftrd at the fame time.
rthesKoeediDg Centurv, and in the beginning
flfibefrelenxXlL dfdin iti> RADULPHUS. or RAOUL L'ARDfiNT.
Liv'd abouuhe lame time.
h^SbmdtCmbtajy iranilated from the Abbey of KICETAS SEIDUS.
Si;Mir»Miil!MMH^1ioch«Seei'<t. i>. 110$. Fl^rilb'd as ibe Umt nmfs
dy'dtn mi* ,

Re I

Digitized by Google
A ChnmlogicAl Table

A Monk of ft. Hifmr, flooriOid at the fame Pope, defied D. 1124 <Jy'd in

HUGH, Bifhop of Mam, and afterwards Archbiibop of
Abbot of Mfv^, tiv'4 about the fime time. Touts, made j1. D. 1098. ttaiiilaied to Itarf
- in11 dy'd in 1132.

. RAIMOND D* AGILES, 1 1 34.

ACamnof Pm, *^ floiirilh'd at the fame ciioe.: PBTRUS GROS OLANUS, or

I r


Fiounili'd ^. z>. 1120.
A Monk of Dwbmni JlowibM afaiot tlie fime
E tT S TR A 'J' I r .S,

Arciibiiliop of Nice, llaunlli'd A H. t%o.

JOHNt>YkE, i

An Enilijh Writer, flourifli'd about the fame STEPHEN,

tfaic fiifhopof Autrntt made A^D, iit3«4eftUi Bi^
flioprick in •11x9. » retire to Cimif, dfd
WALTER. 1130.

Arch DeaoM of 0^/w4 WA JM. libe faihc

Of MteeAms, floorifli'd A.t>. iiao.
A Greek Monk, fl«uri(h*d about the fame time. JOANNES ZONARAS.
Sfcrctar>- of State to the Hmpepor o£ CH^falfr

7M/>/f, flourifUd ^. fit. H20.

AdMtMonlt^ liT*d abont tliefiwietUlic
UDASGHALGUS. Pro&flbr of Scholalfical Divuuc) of ihc CiuucL
AMonl, H^^nib'd under Po^Pai^O^iBtlK ot Aunm, Oaaalh'd A. 0. ttsb.
b<^innii)gof this Century,

AlAookof £«i0iiKQ,ftiivm^. i>> Mia.
Pope^ dnfcn A. D» dj'd ia 1119.


A Monk of Qntterbury, imsM6. A,D, ttto,
A Monk of H'incbefier, floimAl'd the fSUte
time, djTiiiii 1119^ THOMAS.
A Monk of
C A P V A X, H M U Eljf, liv'd ac the iame time;

Bifliop of C/u/t>Mj, tkuriilitl in ihc begmning of

. illit Cencury, in the Divinity-Schootait JPurftty Founder of theOrder of Pt4nmtrt, rmii. It
etdaio'dBiaop^. A. 11^3. dy'diii.ttai. datMBnafttty AO. tito. dy*di»tt3<*

Biit'Op ot %n»r/, flouri4i\i in the Old of the Abbot of JDw^f/, fkMirift'd in tfac beginniflg of
prcccnfinn'Onitury, made Biflwpil. D* so9^ du* Century, dy'din tvf$»
dj'd in 1113.
BRU K O, Pnor of Gr^nJe CUftl^tl^ dtdk AA
Bitbop of Sitni, flouriih'd in the bcigionin^ of IJ 1 3, dy'd m 1 1 37.
Century, oy'd in iii;.
• CALIXTUSII Cardinal Biflvop of C^itt, rranflwcd fromthelHi||>>
Plbpe, dnftn 4f A IJ19. d/diai^Hk
* nity of Prior of St Nicafiur at Pt/teim, to tltf
of Abbor of Sf, ^Um at JL^omt ^i>. iilt.
GUIBERT, and to that of Cardinal^ in 1136.
Abbor of Noj^ent- Smm CM19, eleiSsd ^ XX 1 104.

dy'd in 1 124 PETERofLEON. _

ERNU LPHUS ARNULPHUS, Anti pepe, under tfae Name of AfAGLSTO

BiAepof Upeb^er, oidai»'d^. A. 1114, dy'din
cholcn A
D. iJ3a dy'd in rijt. *

Bifliop of Chartm, chofen A, D, UI5^ ^
G AUTE RIU in i»39.'
<hf .

Biflwp^ ik^f««/mr, made^ D. no^, dy'd in

1 119. GEFFREYthe Gf«l%

A Monk of T>r«% wiOK A D. U3}>
Abbot of yaiiienic, cho(a\ A. D. I«9>, loelc [
veral Voyages into jr«^, dy'd in 1 1 29* Library-Kcoer of Mumt-CMjOm, .tm»d.M(

Digitizea by Copgk
of EccUjiaJiic^il Writers.
A* D. iiif in tht Abtieyof MMmt-Ca/fm, ALBEKTUSorALBERICyS.
ACMOttof JUJt, ibteifhrd A. D. ti3«.

JSt!66t of Sc 1M» didAn A. joS. dy'4 in 1>. i AMenk iAchmim» Amrifli'd A* D. 1130.
G1X.LEBERT. or GILBERT, TJie Ouuioellor, floariih'd^.D. 1130.
WBUi^if Ldnerickf ordain'd bcibie ibe Year
1 110. dyMtn iHOb
The Daufhcer of Alexis Vormenui, SxmiQx'd
FRANCO, Ab, 1130.

1140. ISAACK,
Aa jirMMM^Mi fi&hopb ftnirifli*d^ A ti3o.
in tti^. dyldin 1140.
A SiciUan, flooriih'd A. D. 11 30.

Silbopof ConfiMct^ imde i>. 1x20. qaioed
Abbot of St ^pni^m at K^mtf wrote about die
bis Hflx^vldc in tiat^. dy^Iia ti4<^ Yeariiss.

BAUDAY, HUGH, of St.>TO«r,

Bi^df Atk uHk 1114. dy*d iait4i,
JBorawf. D. 1098. floiirilli'dia 1130.


Fope* ckded A. D. ii^o. dy'd in FlMfilb'd in the .beginning of this Century, id
1 143.
the Univerfity of Parity vas odndmn'd in
GE LESTIN n. the Council of Soi{fo7is in iisi.^and indiu<]£
Pope, eleded ^. £>. 1143. dy'd in 1144, Sens in 1 1 .',0. dj'd in 1 141,


Jh^ ilSK&aA, O* 1144. dy'd in 114]. Ftior of Sl L««rMe» It Lieges Bouhlbd A.
1 140. dy'd I i4f.

floMilll'dtiaeb AMEDEUS,
fii(bop of Lavfanna, and Abbot of H^jutccoml,,
HUGH, w« niadc Bilhop of rfiat See jf. D. 11 44. dy'd
A Monk of FJettrf, hr'd a d. H]*. inii49j *
J .

Abbot of Gtmhiouri, iiounlird yi. 30.
jL>. 1
1 Abbot of Clairvaux bomf D xq<)X. fctir'd td
ORDERICUS V IT ALIS, Cifleaux in 1
1 3.
1 made Abbot in j 1 1 5.
A Monk df Sc. Evreu, hoth D, 107]; ftm- fitted in the CduncUs of Troyes and Chklms in
fiAM in ii)*. dy'd id 1 141. iris, and 11x9, He
maintain'd the Caufc of
Pope Innocent it with great relblucioa in j 13c.
ANSELM. and 1
1 3 r. He accontpany'd him
to Hfme, in
Biibdp of HtneUrtr^ flouriih'd after the Tear 1 1 31.^ afliAcd there in aCounciJ, and wa<c ••:;r f

I130. . 10 MiUn irf 1134. He return d to Jhrance,

and was fent by tlic King to Duke of
HE RVE US, ciiiNrinii35. He was rcNaJI'd into /rr/r by
tiie Gui-

AMoBkdf AM^«IHftmiflAkjtf:A 1130. ^FOfe in 1 1 37. He confuted Abaelardui m

HUGH FOLIETK die Council of SefiM in 11 40* He was feOK
mxQ AquitdiM againft theHerctick Henry
A Maokof Cvrket ibmfk'dAt 0: 1130^^
I and hiS 'FQllo#fei^ 1147. tfc convidtat m
STEPHEN, GiSebert dc At Pmrh in a Coandilield Wlfpeim
BiHlop of Parij, made A. D. mj. in 1148, He dy'd in 1
1 53.

AMDhk St Mmmac AM^^ flodtilb'dt ^. D. Abbot of St TtiStnpft or Thet^tc, made A. D.
I isoi fittrdiD ^ijpn* in ti 3'$* djr'd in i j

AManllof JMiriAf^f/, fiiuriiiVt^» irjo.- Abbot of Bumewai, cboteti m it$u dy'd id

FkorjAi'd /f . D. 1 30. PETER, tbeVenerMbUi
Abbot of cltmj, bofA' in 1093. OHidt in 1113*
FABRITIUS 7USCUS. dy'd in ii>5<5.
Attorof ^i^Mi, fftufWdif. 0k H30.
- . . AUCTUS, ^ Abba ot came to ClairvMUt A.^u
Abbot of tiieOHler of KiM*, dttuiflr<r IK mdcAbbotiniriS.
A dronological Ttbk
AMonkof CUkpmu, flourifli'd^.0. 1140. Bifhop of Tarentum or Ttrento, made if. D. 1 1 30.
depos'd in 1139. retir'd to C^UurMitir, where
SAMPSON. he was chofen Prior in 1 1 so. and Abbot of
Aicbbifhopof H^etrntt advaac'd to chit Digptcy I iiSd.dy^diniido.
in 1140.
ROBERT PULLUS, Archbifhop of ^gM, Vadc jL IL 1130^ dy'd IB
Cudtnol, fborilh'd in the Divinity-Schools of
P4- 1 164.
J. D. 1 1 10. rc-cftablifh'd the Univcrfity of
Oxford^ in 1133. was iQadc Cardinal ia 1144. NICOLAS,
anddj^din ii^o. -

A Monk of Clmvmx, and St Menurl$ $eav>

rary, left his own Monaftcry of MoMjlier-I{anij
WILLIAM of 5Miery«f to meet that Saint at C/4;>v4ux, A.D. 1146. de-
A Blonk of McMM7«4oaRikrd wf, a 1 1 30. dy'd parted thence in 1 1 51 . and recoro'dto MNffKa^
in 1153. JMr >d iida. dfdimiSo,
Abbot of lk»u, chofen A» A. dy'd in SIMEON tgnmlmh
Flourifti'd^.i>. 1150.


Bifliopof Poitiers, cbofen ^. D. 1141. His Opi- Lmh, made ^. D. 1 1 1 3. founded the
Bi(hop of
tuoMcondemn'd in an Aflonbly held at Auxene Abbey of Fngny A D.wzx. was fufpendcd in
in* 147.' aad in the Council of Hj>tims, in 1148. 1 141. abdicated his Biiho^ricka little after,
and retir'd in iiji. to F»tff9» wfaeie hebc-
HUGO METEILUS, caowaAfonk.
A Regular Canon ot Leon, ai Tout, iiouriih'd
A. A
fiifliopcf jUmCi ordain'd A. D. it $4*
Abbot of Atenjp^, lloanA ^ IK (d 1 140. WOL BE RO,
Abbot ot SuPoMttleM at Coien^ flour)(h'd A.D.
A Monk of C/Mfr, floun(b'd a. D, 1.140.
UL G F R, Abbot of Sr. CamtSmi, lloniii'd A. IX
Biibop of fioiirilhV. jL D. 1140. dy'd in 1157.
A Grecian
not certainly
flourifli'd in this
known in
Centiuy, but
what Ycar>akiKnigb
A Mbnkaf Sb Me at Brndegfte, Mlh'd^ A
Ibme reckon it to be in 1 4c.


. HERMAN, Btibn? of Paris, flourifli'd after iiio, odaui'd
Abbot, of Sb MirtHt at "Smrm^, flowWd JL D. Biuopin 1150. dy'd in 1164.
1 140.
SIFREDUS, EBBO, THIMON and A Magiffaateof Mmvamt flonriib'd if, D. itsft
Flouriftj'd A. D. 1140. .

Arch-Deaan of Hmdt^fvh flourilhd A.D,t\^

AMonkof CJ!«MMr. flontidi'd^A. 1140.
Epitomizers of FmcW, flourifti'd ^. D. ii^o*
HENRY, Hu oa
lidnpof Tlnfttt floiiriih*d <1 A 1140. OtdinaiBiftopof opa, flonrifltVlifiiX HH
Bope^ made A. D 1 144. dy'd in 1
1 5^.
FIourilb'*dif.A iijo.
Pope, choicn A. D. i\ 33. dy dm 1 154.
AjyiAgiti Th^alonka, floudlk'd A.
Bifltop of Frija^ben, made A. D. 11 38. retir'd
Pacciarcbof Antioch, Hounlad A,D.ll%p.
to the Abb^yof Mtrimmd in iis6» and dy'd
in the tame Year. GERMANU S,
Cmi^imtpk, teilh'd 1190^
A Monk of Prmh DoariA'd ^. D. 1 145. A&SEKIUS,
Albbocof SM^t made in it^L dy'd ioiifdi ANDRONKUS GAMATBRUS;
HUGH ilO. lijo.


Digitized by Google
of Ecclejiajlical Wtterrs,
Aidlbilliopof Cvikt ftiarifli'd if. O. ti5«. dy'd Abbocof Stfotri^ teiri|i*d if . I>> tisa dy*d in
ia 1 167. 1166.


Patriarch at Ct^t»timfl*t waiit A.D. 1 14a or Abbot of Sc. CcnuUm flourilh'd A. ii6e.
» » 55.
dy'd to J 168.


Arch.I>eacon of Offrcmur, flniridi'd ill cheinid- Archbilhopof Canterhury, born A. 1119, OM^ '

dieof thisComiry. in ii^Si. was aflalTmarcd in 1170^ '


A namelds AUTHOR, G TLB R T,

Of ibe Liie dSt. Lu^tr, flourilb'd in ciie xnid- Abbpc of HoiUnd, tiouruh d aker the Year 11 $ a,
dle«f the Ibne Century. dy*dto 1172.


FkNoUhM if. D, d/d to 1 173. '
Peter u Baft, Itv'd to the naiddk
A Mqnk of St.
of the iame Century. PETER /-

GAUTERIUS, A Monk of C/«irv«i/x,&ouriih d A. D, 1 160.

A Canon of Terou*Me, flourilh'd in the middle of

the uflK Gciinwy* fravoftof Stemfeld, flourifh'd A. ZX
A Mcnic, flamifli/d if. iX t* jo. Abbocof Sc; J%ri^ flowtti'd if. iido.
ArdhDeacon of ChSUons, fiourifli'd jf.^ Z>. 1 t$c. Fkuhlb'dif. D, titfo,

HERMAN, EBRARd ofAwfior^ •

A converted Jew of C«/eJi, dounih'd in the middle Flourilh'd yf . D. 1 1 60.

of cMsCanbry*
MICHAEL Theffkhme4,
NICETAS (o£Cm»M/^e, Defender of die Chmdi of C9t^Mtimple» fiou-
^lounBk*djLD, 1150* flfh'dif.Xk. It6al

BASIL of yfcris, ODO,

ArcbbiOiapof Tbejfalomea, flourilh'd .4.1X1150^ A RegolarCanOn of Sc. Ai^i^m, flootflh'd A. D
A Monk of Maurifmj, fkmrilh'd^. 1150^ HUGH ofP«Vj>r/,
A Mook of ffc(«Af7* flootiih'd if. D. ittfo.
dkdf Abbot of Htidefbtim, flonrifli'd jUtK ti^
Aa Abfaoc in 5/c/(r, fleurilb'd after the Year 1 164. Frovoftof Hugulftadt, fionxn^h'd A.D, ll^a.


Pope, msdc A D. II 54. dy'd in 1 r 59. Abbocof CUUnumx, flourilh'd A. D. 1161.


.Pope, chf^if. iX 1159. dy'd u ii8i< AMookof
Sc. flc Udtn, flourilh'd if. A
ftope^ ckOed^ a jt8t. dy'dHntiSf. S,
A Monk of Lieget flouruVd after the Year n $0*
URBAN III, dy'd to 1-17^.
Pope, advanc'd to that Dignity A, D, 11 Ss» dy 'd
in ii88« Sc HILDE6ARDA.
Abbcfs of Mount St. Hubert, born A. D. 109^,
G R fcCORY Vm. was m prear repute in 1150. dy'd in 1 180,
^ope, obtainUtbeSeeof J(<Mtif. O, r<8B*aiid
dy'd in the fame Year. PHILIP dc HARVENG,
Abboc of Sc Bmuu-Efperancet flourilh'd alter the
» RADULPHUS NICER, Year 1 1 so. dy'd in 1 1 8b.
A Monk of St.Gemier, tiounftj d yi. O, H57.
St. ELIZABETH. A Regular Canon, FloariPi'd if. A. iitfo. dy*4
Afabeft of SSnlHMVb bocn jI. £». 1 129 floiuifli^d to 1180.
in II) J. dy'd to iid5«
A tffrimoh£ical TMi

31^00 of Sc. 4f»^t cfcofim fiifliapilt D.ii5f. Pope» cfaoittjf. IX mSS. dy'diA4i9i.
A L A N U S, Archbifhop of Canterhyrjf firff inndc AUxx of
fiiibop of Auxcrre, of Abbot of Latnoir^MiA ad* Wtmeheftert and aitcmaids Archbubo^ a, IK
vancMio dut Dignity i#. D. 1153. Ttaf^v^ 1185. dy'd in 1191.

JOHN C{ StUitburj, FlalHift'd.4. 0. 1180. ,

BKbopof chartrts, flourifh'd aficfthe Year 1160.

Was ordain'd Bifliop in 79. dy'd m 1 181. i j
A Hermit^ fioarilh'd A. !>. t < So. \
Bilhopof l^lSnnr, mideA. D. 1 141. accompany'd
Abbot of FaM/Mi^i flounlh d A. t>. 11 So.
X^iref tbtyoang, King of France, in his F::p

dicion to the H0i7 Lan^i, ia 1147. Wis

Legate into Er^gl ind in 1 16'- rccir'd to the Mo-
nun man an, flottriih'd.^. i>. 1180.
na^^of Sc. yi&tr in 1180. d|'d in iJ&x.
PETER CeHa, Flourilb'd 0. It8«.
fiifbop of Cbartres, elc^d Abbot in 1 1 ja rranf-
land to iIk. Abbey of St t^emigiut at Hjxinu, HUGO ETHEBLlANtr-S,
in I i6z, ordain'd Bilhopin 1 1 8s. dy'd in ii 87. Floanfli'd ..i. £}. 1180.


A Monk of St. yilhjn, flounlh'd A. D. il6o, ^
k^SKAd Amiens, Houriihd A. U. iiSo.

G 1 1 B r RT Fo I, I or, G ER VA S£
Bilhop oi LcTiar.Tt, maUc Buiioput' Hereford, A. D. A Fdcftof CUth^, flouriA'd A. D. ii8«.
i 1 49. and rranflatedthdnoe IOXOiAn in* 1 161.
dy'd in 1 187.
ODO, *^
Abboc of Bti, liV'd 4. 0.. 1 180. •


Patriarch of Cmfiantincfle, advanc'd to cbat Dig-
Caidinal, fkmi9i^A.D, itSd.
nity A* D* iitfy.


Prior of ytgerni, QomtWd A> B. 1180.
BUhopof Ber^J, flouriftTd A. -D. 1170.
ALEXIS A 11 1 S T E N E S. A Monk, floudA'd A, D. it So
Oecoftowus or Slew aid of the Chuich of (^tl^M
tinople, fiourifh'd y^. D. wic JOANNES BUKCUNDUii
A Magiftrate of Pifkt limritfd tfe Yoi:
SIMEON LOiJOTHETA, 1 150. dy'd in 1

FbNirilh d A. 0, 1 170.
. ... JOHN o£C4>nmal» BUbc^of PartT, madc^. X>. 1 1 64. dy'd m 1196
GEROCH US. Pope, chofeijtf.i>.ii9t. dy'd in ft 98;.
Provoft of Rj'c-.lerfpL-f^, ,ir>(l rt nmclcls Author,
Dean of the Ionic Churcli, A. D. 1170.
il '•ju: il,.'d PETRUS COMESTOR,
Dennof Sc. Feter at Tr^re/, fiourilh'd in the COd
PETER ofHiia, . '
of this Century, dy'd A. D. 1 19S.
A Canon of 'H^eimtt DoviiflAl A. p, t tyo.
A Greet;, Monk, fiounlh'd A. fl. jl i yo.
Arehbifliopof J^irmr, floaridi'd^l, B. 1170.
GEFFREY. A GrMMnMook, flourifli*d A, l>, 1190/
Abbot oC CUinuux, a Difciplc of St. Bernard,
•made AHbot of I^ny, and afterwards Abbot of Anttndent AUTHOR,
Ciairvaux, D. n6l. and of Hauteetmtt in Of the Extx^dirion of the Dmui tothe MfLmi,
1I7S* dy'd in the end of this Ccnrary. flounlh d A. D. 1 190.


Ardibilhop of 7>re, oraain d A. D. Wroienboittdia Year 1193.

1 174. dy'd
in ii9o» ,
^ . JOHN,
KiCHARD, BiOwp of Ljdda, flovriflk'd ^ A< 1194.
Prior of Hagi^adt, flouolh'd A» D.118A dfd
iti 1
90. -


Digitized by GoogI
of Ecciejiajlical H^rUers.
A Regular Canon of S;. T/flor, flcmrifli'd in the Fiourifti'd in the end of the Century. '

eodof the Century.

ROBERT (dfismii^
. THIERRY or THEODORJC, Floari(hU in the end of the Century.
An Abboc, Honrifh'dat tte fiunecime.
OGERUS, Biihop of 0«!fir^ floorilbVl in die end ofd* Ceii'
AUxNof LuceJiXy flour im'd at the fame cim& tuiy.



Fburijh'd in the end of the Century. Fiourifli'd in tlie end of ihe Century.

ROBERT of lorigny. JOHN,

Abbot of Mumt Sc.Mi«i«e/» flourilliVI at die A CMTtbtifim lAaak of Jts P«r/f^ .flourifli'd in
£une dme. the end of the Century.

OTHO of St. B LAIS, '

Fiourifli'd at the fame cirr.e.
A Caf$ of Jts Por.'rs, liv'd at the fame time>
Abbot ot 3orv*l, flourifli*d atthefameffliiei A Regular Canon of Neuthrife, or Neulfurg, flou-
irUbd at the fiune thne, dy d in laoS.
Fknirilh'd about the end of the GERVASE,
A Monk of Cmuerlmrft flourilh'd in the cod ofthe
Tmnafi flottnlhd ui
A Monk of Sr. M.iyi!n at

the end of the Century.

AMonk of ^Jbiumd, floiirilh'd in die end of die
Cemury. -

Abbot of L'Etoile^ flouiiOi'd in the wd of the

Cntnry. *
OI.IVER oi Coicn,
Flotiriftr'd in the end ot the Century.
Abbot of CUirvMX, floorifli'd in the end of the f RADUIPf-inS DE niCETO,
Century. Dean of Sc. PauU at London., flouriia d in the end
of the Century*
P £ T E Ri
Abbot of C£ii^jrt flowith'd'ac the fame time. GEFFREY or GAUTERKJS
GARNERIUS, Fl9uriai'd:^nder the Popedom of Im«cent IIL in
Abbot of CUirvnttx, flourifli'd in the end of the
the very end of die Century.

GILBERT of Semjnritigbam.
Patriarch o^CenJl-mtino^k, ad var.c'd tO that Dig-
fame time.
Flourifli'd at the nity .i^.Z>. 1 1 93. dyd 1199. m
PETER of Poitiers,
A Canon of Li^r, flonrilh'd atthefiunecisie.
Chancellor of the Church of Paris, Houriih'd
- '
SIB RAN DU A. D. 1 170. dy'd in iioo*
Abbot of M^iegMrd in BrifiUnd, flouriih'd at the
Arch Deacon of B.iH\ wenrroS/t ;*/; /!. D. 1 1 67.
BERTRAND, return'd to trance a little while after, pafled in-
10 Bufm^t and flourifli'd thetc till the end of
Abbot of L*Cbaife.Ditih ft»rUhV! at the tame
the Century.

Biihop of St. Davids, flourifli'd^. D. 1170. dy'd
Hourifll'd in the end of the Century.
Jn tin begbning of the folhrarhig Century. -

A namclefs AUTHOR, .

Of thcHiftoryof Jerufaiem, liounfli'd in the end RICHARD^

Abbot of Mount-C.iffu, flourifli'd in the ind of
«f theCeiinuy.
this Century, dy'd in the beginning of the iol-.
•CHRISTIAN. lowvigi ,

A Monk, of CktnMouct flonriOAl at the fame

Biftiop of Tflf/mii;, become a Regular Canon .<f. D,'
GAU TERIUS of Cha/iillm,
1165. was chofen Abbot of St. Genevieve in
Fiouriih'd at die fame dn«e. 1 177. and Bifliop of Toumnjf ift 1 192.


A Jiilonk of CifitoKXt flomiflid at the fame Fafriardi of AmM, floudlh'd froos the Year 1 1 80
time« to txoi*

Digitized by Google
A Chronological T^ble^ &c.
AUm of Z>m 900130111 ID the end of the Cen- 1 fiUhop of Chryfofolh, is fuppoi^a to ham WA m
dfd io 11*1. jihe XIL Century.
tKft I


Frovoft of iisfcbiU, flourilh'd at the iame time, A Profeflbr of Oxfari, douriib'd in the bcguuuBg
dy*<iini»o4. of thtfeikwingCeocDry.


Ptalfiirchof C»ift»ttinoj>k, .idvanc'diO tfaatp^* Cvdiiial, flouriHi'd in the end of tlK Oemnry,
invito* ii99i dydinuo^* dy\lia^.4X 1194.

Digitized by GoogI


Ecclefiaftical Writers


S. BRUMO. Founder of the CarthuTun Order. RAINOLDUS o/Senrar, ytrchbi/hopofLyoas.

A Genuine H^ork.
His Genuine H^orkj fi'^^
The Life of Sc. Hugh, Abbot ot Cluny.
T Leiters,

Spiaiout iVorkj. ,
BAUDRY, BiPoop of
A Genuine
Noyon and Terouannc.
All the ochcrWorks that arc attribuccd to
him, and
A Chronicle of the Churches of Cambraj and Ar-
which really belong to Brtmo, Biihopof Segnt. rat.

LEO, Cardinal Deaion. SIGEBERT, 4 Monk c/ Gcmblours.

Manujcript IVorks. Genuine I forks.
A Conrinuacion of Sc Jet em's Chronicle.
Letiors. . ,
A Trc.itife of. Ecclefiaftical Writers,
A Letter written in the Name of the Clergy of
PETRUS THEUTBODUS, Lie^e and Cimbraj.
A Genuine IVerkt The i-ivcs of St. Siiebert, St. Guihert, and St.
Maclou. , ( ' .

jThc Hiftory of the Crufade.

iVerks lift.
A namelefs Italian Autlm. ^

The Life of St. Therry, or TJ.eodaricus,

His Genuine n'crks ft ill extant. The Hiitory of the Paflion of Sc. Lucy, and hef
Four Books of the Hiftor)' of the Crufade. Defence, with a Sermon in Commendation of
this Saint.
ROBERT a Monk, of St. Rcmigius at Rbtims. The Palfion of thcTMnn Martyrs in Verfc.
A Genuine PVork. And A^logy for the Majjes of Marry *d Pridb.
An Anlwcr to the Inhabitants of Trier, concern-
The Hiftory of the Crufade.
ing the four Ember-H'eeks-
DOMNIZON, a Pricfl, The Book of Eccieftaftes, in Hcroick Vcrfe.
ATrcatifcof the Reformation of i he Cycles.
A Genuine fi'ork..

The Life of the Princcfs Mathilda.

T c ODO,


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Hit GeMtttu fVvrkf fMch we turn btve*
' Gmuim ff^rl^

Canon of Several Setmons",

A Cbmmentar)- on the tbe Aif/l
Tlirce Books of Original Sin.
A Trcarife in feiw <jf a Dialogue againft a Jrw,
jf Manufcrift H^orl^
concerning the nccclB'-y of cfae lacaiMQQa «nd
Grace of Jcfus Chdjfk. A Treuife aeainft the Latins, concerning
A Tradl concerning the fin of Bhfphemy againfl tChe FthMsy m fbc Church of I{ome, of which
theM»l\ Choft. ihmwkmojk»gnie0etmjiltMtm^ •

A TratH: cxpkioing die Harmony of the Foor

ETangelUfe. HARIULPHUS. ^UuiK^it, Rjqukr.
A S^nron nn che Parable in tbe GclSgd. of dieim- Genuine ffMifftittxtnm*
juit Steward. , .

A ChronicJe of Sl I{jquitr*

r , yV£$Lor YVO Bifhcp^Quam$. The Life of St. 4fjtold.

A RcUcion of the iliracl«is of St.ES4uier,
Genuine Workj,
TheJLife Sc. MtUtgilifilm. #
Two Httn^rcU and Eighty Nioc Letters.
A Tfcanfe call'd P<rRndrMv4> HUM ^i^ffRftvigny.
AMAercaimtfaeXM^. A ^enuime lVtH(^
AQuooicle of Verdun.

TwoChronidet, . ODOy tfBenedidlin Monk of Aft. .

G|SL£BBRT, or GTI BERT CRBRW. J&btt A Genuine If 'orl^.

of Wdlniir.ltcr. A Commentary on the Book of P/alms.

A Genuine H'mkfiiu e.x.'mt.
BJOMONO D'AGiLES. a Cnnm ^2ttf,
ACgafereDoeMrirfi a Jew concerning Religion.
A Gemine
Manujcrift frt'ort^^. The Hiftory of the Crujade.
A Homily on dieBook df C4«tfftfrj;
TURCOT, 4 Mml(^ of
A niMjourfc u^cn St. ?«riiB'sPicf4cea»ilK fiifale Durham.
A Trottiie Sins. t A Genuiiu IV6t\.
The Hiftory of the Chuich of Durhaia,
i£D^/ MarH,, Cn Jind Bi/h0f^OBM. Yesf 1096.

A GcnHtrit H'cr^ ,

A Chitriii-k ol 'Mourj-C.-JJirh JOHN FYk^ MEngltlh mi^.

The Hiftory of the En^Ufh, Saxon, and
PETRUS ALPHONSUS. 4 Spanifli Jew Cw- Kings that have Reign'd jo Eagjkmi,

WALTER, Arch-Detcm V'Okfod,

^ A Dialogue concemipf che Tmch of cbeChriffian I

A TranHationof Gtfft^ of Mmmmtb\ Efiftn
Religion. of England.

STEPHEN Ablest of St. James at Liege. EUTHYMIUS ZYGABENU&4 Greek J»«

A Genuine H'orl^. Genuine lVorl{f,

The Life of Sr. ModoMut' Fmuflia Dogmatie4t Of a Treadle of the Ortho-

dox Faith.
PASCHAL II. Pope. eotDmentanes on the Book of P/almt, CMtideu
. GtmuM ^orkj Jlill in our Pcjfe(fm.
Fcagnwvsof feme tther Letter*.

. mrks lift. ta^frm ; or the Rule of tbeC^Mn W**

Conimcncirics on tht- B'^oJc; of the Holy3cn[Mltc,
And Icrvcral orlicr 'IVci:

AGtmine mtki
ANSCHERL S, Abbct cf Sc. Riqaier. A Relation of the Controverfy between Uemux*
A Genuine ll'orl^ Aug^si;Hrj^, and B^/fu AblxK at St.

Kn Account of the Life and Miracles of St. ff7l-

GEL^STUS l\. Po^,
ttt CM
Seven Letters.
Gemmif Ifiri^.
Five Letters. .


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Of ^136 £icciejiafmai ¥y men
FLORENITJS BRAVa «>iwiirWiiichefter. ERNULPHU3 or ARNULPHUS, 2i}Sb»^
of Rochelkr.

G'eminefnrk/fti8tjet4Mt. .
Genuine ffarl^ fiiU extant*
A Chronicle.
. A GoMSJogy of the Kingt oi Eitglttnd. Two l etters.
GAUTLRIL'S. Bifhop of Maguelone.

^ Chaions. A Genuine H'orli.

An Epiftlc, ferving infteadofa FtdiuetolM*'

A &»k of Seojeno* her A Comtrurnuiry oo tbeJBookot Pfshm, pib-
liStk'd by liim,
Sevenl . other Treadus.
MAkBODUS, fii/^p^Renncs. GEFFREY, M>lot 0/ VendAme.
Genuine kVerk/.
Gcme Wrkg,
Five Lcrters
Divers Poems."
A Trcatiic of the Body and Blood of JESUS
Sis Letters.
BICUNO. BSfi^op of Scgni. A Treatifc o{ Elu-dtons ag.ainrt ilie Inycftituics.

Genuine fVnkf, ' Two other I'reatifcs againft tllttlnvdfcitiuti.

ATreaiilc of Dilpcntations.
Coitimcntaries aa^ Pt/Mteuek Books of fa^t A Difcourleuii he Qualities of theCliurtll.

lixjilications of the Ark of the Teftimony.

14s Scnnods. A Trcatife of the Sac raments of Baptifii; Ctmfir-
jy Treattfc oiitheSongof
^4c£^A mntiofi, Extreme of the Skk, and ch6
•A Tivadfeflf the Incaroatioii andBartalof ftfm Lord's Supper.
Cbrift, , A Treatife of the Reiceration of the Sacraments.
A Tnit concerning the ufe of unleaireiMd Bicad, A Treatile to prove that BUhops oagHt nee to
apaii'.ft the Greek.'- cxadi any thing for BlefTinc*. and ContetoUNBS*
The Lite ot" Pope Lffl IX. A Rule fbr 'theCoofejfions ot Monks.
A Tiearife of the Gorru^ion of the Age, ADi fcourfc on the Three Virtues of Paft«R.
The l ife nf S . Peter ^/k.^^^/.-J.
A Dialogue betweenGodaikd the Shiner.
Six Books oi Moral Dilcouncs acuibutcd to St. FourHvmns. '

Eleven Sermons.
Two I.mer<.
A Treaiifc of ilic Sacraments, or Ceremonies of HONORIUS IL l>v«-

•CAUXTU5 n. Pope. : Eleven liners.*

GiMUMffirk/ ftiUtxtMM. BAl^TbRY, Bifi»f ^DoL

Thhty Sue Letters.
Spwrim ifarkg' The Hiftory of tlic CrufUr.
FburSccmoMon Sc. 7«Mw/. A Memoirc conccnung the Monaitcry of Fecamp.
GUlBERT, Aiht \f Npgcnc
Genuine ^erkf*
^ Oonqr.
TheLifeof Sc. MjrJbt Aichbiflwpof
OcherLivesof theSainis.

HILDEBERT. Bijljop of Mans, and tfter-

A Treatifc of Prcachinp. witrds ArcLihijLyip of Tours. .

Tcu Books ot Moral Coinrtientaries on the Book Genuine lyorkj.

of Getiefit. ,

Tropolo^i^, or an Explication of the Pfopbccies of tigh^r Three Letters,

Ltttecspublilh'd by F. Dacle>y.
Hofia aiid^ Amos, and Oil the Lamenutioosof Nine other
Jerctniah. Two Difcourfes on the Nativity of olur Lord.
A Treacilc againft the ^em. A Paraphrafc in Verfeon the Canon- of the AI</»^
A Trratifc of the Real Prcftnct of die Body cf Two Senr.ons.

JESUS CHRIST in tlic Evcjymft.^ A Synodical Difcourfe.

1 heLife of Hugh Abbot of Cluv).
A Trcatife of the Encoiniums oi die Virgin Mtrj.
The Epitaph ol Berengariut.
A Treatilcof Virginity.
Three Books of the Rclicks of Saints. A 1 ettcr to I{egi«olJui,

The of the Crufades, under tbe'Titlc 01

Hifti'ry A Preface to tlic Life uf St. HaJegmuU,
Gefia Dei ftrJ^Meta.
Thci.ifeof Guthmthy himfclf.
A Trcatife of Virgmity.
A Sermon on the. latt Vcrfc of the 7th Chapter of
GemOne Witrksfiii extMt,
Sentences taken out of the Gifpr!<.
The Charter of Charity.
Conmcnrarics on the other Icder Prophets, Mf- 'I he fmall beginning of the Order of Cifiamx.

nrfcriftf A Difcoiu-lc on the Death of Albericus.

A Dilcourfe Dedicatedto Sc. Mmtffi, .


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PETRUS GROSOLANUS, CRRY- ComnKntaiia on die Books of P/S^ ttiACm.
SOLANUS. ticlej.

A Genuine iVork,.
Ceruin Homilies on thofe Gol'pcU that were not
explain'd by St. Grerwy.
At^ilcourfc before Alexis Cmnnenus. The key of Natural Phtlofopby. ,

. EUSTRATIUS, .W/r/I^*;* < Nia. The Nutriment of die Mind m tbcFcjUvalsof ou

Lord, and theSahlEt.
Several Letctxs.
A Reply ro CljrjfoUam*
Some ficher TraujTcs.
A Moral Commentary on the B<.Hjk oi Cdfuidtt.
STEPHEK JB^/^* Aonin.
A Gtnuiiit H'ork.
NICOLAS, a Mmk of SoilTons,

ATrratife of the Ptayen and Cenmoakiof cfae

A Gemu'ne JVarl^^jiiU txtast.
TlieLife of $t Godfrey.


Macedonia. A Gmmuhmt fHr^r
A GaudnefVltrlt^fiit extMHt. The Hiftory of the Life and PdEon of c«mb
The By:{4titiM HUbry, fiom the Year 1057. to King of Demmir^,
1 081.
THOMAS. aMpnkrfibf,
JOANNES ZONARUSt S$crtt40 StM/e A Genuine i^Vvrk.
H tht Bn^tnr tf OpBfawinopiB. An Account of the Life aod TnolkttMMitf&
Gmonw W^kh- Stbeilrjtb.
Amalt, or an Eccicfiafttcal HiAoiy*
CoQimentaMs on the Canons.
S. NORBERT, FwnJcr ff ti^ Order cf
A DifcouHe of Impurity.
A Canon of tiie Virgin isiarj. A Genuint ffWl^.
A Preface to the j^oODS of '
Qr^mtit^mttn, A Monl Diloourfe in ionnof an Exkma^
RUPERT, AUot eTDoyti"
Genuine TVeri^t.
An&f^icadon of drCnamfartlieFcMvalof
ATreatifeof the Trinity and its Opera nom, di-
Several Sermons. videdimo Three Parts, ar:d containing Com-

mentaries almoin on rhe whole Bible.

A Pocricd Wotk «ii die Ptxwefliaa of die Holy
CamnicntariQb on ilic Xil. kficr Prophets, irA on
the Book of CMnticles.
. HONORIUS SOLITARIUS. Pnfeffor XIII Books of the Vi^aory of the \^'ord of God.
Scbtl luteal Divinitf in the Cimrcb of Autun* A Comtnemary on St. hUtthew, oi ihc Glory of
4Sitfninw Wvrkj.
theSoo of God.
Coounentaries on the Go4>el of &• Jik, aodon
A Treatife of the Lights of die Cfailldi* or of the Afecdly^e.
the Ecckfiaftical Wfit^
A Trcatifc of the Glorification of the Trituiy,
A Lift of HcTCticks. and of the Proceffion of the Holy GhdL
A Chronological Table of the Popes. A Treatife of the Divine Offices.
The Pearl of tlie Soul, or a Treatile of Divine
Offices liivided into Four Books. GUIGUE, Prior ofLaGramie Clmtreufe,
ATicadieof tbeliiuigvaf dieWodd, in Tlirae «r «bf Qicae Chaner-HiKife.
The Philofophy of the World.
GftwDHM H^kf JiiS txtaat.

A Treacife of Pracdeftination and Free Sranufsof the C4rr/«{/74» Ordf*r

Queftions ufon the Book of Pnverh and Mcele- The Lite of St. Hngb^ .Biflwp of Grtnakc
AComtncncary on the Book of CMtiekt* A Treatife of the Contemplative ortbelad.

Th^ Seal of the Virgin Maty. der of the Cloifter.

PSoar Lctwrs.

An liiuftration of the Church, of the Dodkrine of

HMtf h/l.

JESUS CHRIST, aod of Scemallife; A Treatife of Truth and Peace, keft in Afjw'

The Mirror 0 the Church.' /crift im the Cb^fter-HMftt OS €*rtk^

The Scandal igainii tht Incominence of Priefts. of c«r«*.
kn Hiftorical Summr.rj'.
A Trcatiie of the Etichinijl.
DROGO or DREUX. CsrikulB^
A Trearifeof l ife.
The I adder of Heaven. •f Oftia.
Extradsout of St. Amuftmt Works in form of a Genuine VVatk}.
DiaJogjie. A Scnnon on the Paflion of JESUS CHRIST-
A Treatue of dbe Popeaad dft Emperor.

Digitized by Go
of the Ecclefiajlical Writers.
A Trcatife of the Creadon and Redot^bii of \ WILUAM Somerfet. a Mw^ <f
the firit Man. Maltncsbury.
A Tra<a on the Seven Gifts of lUe Hbl| Hit Gandnfmrkf,
A Tfcadle of the Divine Offices.
k a
The Hiftor)' of England.
7ETER cf I con, Antl-fofe, under the time TheHiftor> of the B:fhops ot tbis'Khigdfjtn.
of ANACLETUS II. The Life of St.Adeimus.
Genuine, IFark^s. INNOCENT IL Pofe.

XXXVIII LcctCR. Getmtae ff^kf,

qEFFREY. B'ifkof ef Chartres.

XLVm. Letters^
A Gamble IVork. ftiB extant. CELESTIN IL Pefe.

Gamiw Wtrl^
A Letter to Stefhemt 3Uhop of Parts.

Three Letters.

GEFFREY the Grols, « Monk, <f Tiron. ;


' •
Gmme ffMt/.
The Lifie of Sc. Bemerd, Abbot- of Tv-mt.

P£TER, Uimj-K^efer «r Mount CaiEn. SCKARDUS. Ahhttf Uiangn.

Gamiiie ffbH^,

A Tiratife of Illuftrioiis Pcrfonagesof Mumt- A Chronicle. '

Letters and Sermons.

The Fotti^ Book of die Chrankk of Mmit' • • •
^ iVorks Ion.

A Treatifc of ihc i{pm:in Letters.

TheLanthotn of Monks.

HUGH. « ACwi ^ Buery.
GoMMw 19W(f fiiSeietMe,
Lives of the Saints. A Chronicle.
The Hiftoiy <^ the Righceoits Men of A^iain Two Bqeks of the Royal Fierogacive^ and tbS
Samdocal Dignity.
An &po(ition of the Rule of St. BenediH,
ScbtUot or Notes on cfae Old Teftamenc
ANSELM, Akbot of Gembiours.
Several Hyiiim« Letucc^ tfc. A GcwmAh mrkt
RODULPHUS, Al^hot of St. Tron.
A ContiiiHatiaa of S^!Aer$% Chrooicfe.

Gamine Works fliB iff- tarpeff^^ ORDERICUS VrrAUS, i»JWr«;t?r.^/,Eyroue.

A Chronicle of the Abbey of St. Tron. GeimSne H^trkf,
The Life of
St.Uetberr, Bilhopof Ctimbraj.
Letter to Liltertus, a Monlc ot St. PPntnleon.
Xm BodESof Eodcfiaftical Hillary.

A Mamfaipt kp'orki
ANSELM. Kfhof ^ Havettnii«i
A Treatifc againft Siinqay, of which F. l/bAiBon
A Genuine ft^^,
has publilh'd the Argnments. A Confi?rcnfelx;rwcen him and certain Gredioiu
concerning the Cdncrovcrfics between the
GILLEBERT, or GILBERT, mfinf aad£<r/« ararchesi- >

of Limerick. •

HERViECrS; 4 Mm^ «/ fioui^de DoL

Genuine fV<»k/']
T^o team.
A CJommennry on the Epifties of St Pmi.
FRANCO, Alfliet of Afflingheoh
Gamine fiWkf.
An Expofition of the Book of the Ctcleftial Hie-
Xh fiooksof tbeGeaceand Mcicyof God;

rachy of St. Dionyftut the Areofagiic.

A Letter againft the Monks, who Jeave their Uo. Coinnunrancs on the Books of^ Genefit, Ifaiahf
naftcrics. the Lamentations of Jeremiah, the end of the
A Letter to certain Nuns^' Prophecy of E;fekiel, Ecslefiaftej,Judgcj, Ruth,

, ^

Seraioiis on theDfe^
, mriM Afi.

of the Viifio Uny.


of St. Paul.
the XII
Jefler F^oplina, and die Spiftl«»

Divers SennOnSi
TUiRSTIN, ArMifiiof Yoilc.
A Treatifc of thcLdTonsof the Divine Oflices.
A Book of the Miracles of the Virgin Mary.
Genuifu fVo>kf*
A Tetter to mi/t/tm,_ Archbiftop of Canterh&j.
An Expltcarion of thie Treatife ^ die Lord'**
Sufper,'^ attribatcd to St.O/rM».
The Original of the Monaltci > of HJp^n.
HUGH D£ FOUtEt, 4 Aftwi^ '4^ Corhie. .

ULRICUS n!/}:np of Conlbnce. .

Genuine fVorkj fi:B extant.

Genuine H orkj ftiB extant. f^urJSooksof theCloiAesof the Soul^
The Lives of ^ GiMtard and Si, Cairtid. U u Fouf

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Fonr other BooT^s of the Soul. , MICHAEL GLYCAS, <4 Skiif,
he Bixjk of Phyfick for the SouL
A Gmiine fVerk,
T\\ o B<ioks oi Birds.
Arnith from the OreattOD of the Verid,'
A Treacilc of ihe (hunning of Marriage, or of to tlie

Carnal and Spiritual Nlfuai^

Death of Alexis Cemnenm,
.ThcMinPorof a Sinner.
ODO. Ahht 4 St. Rcinigia* «r ]

Deul'tful iVorkf.
A Genuine PVor^ JliU in cur P^fifm,
A Difcourfe of the Fldh and Sfm-ic. ^

A RdatioaoC a Miracle of St. Thtmm,

Faitf Books of the MyfticaliUfc» and that of
HUGH of St. YvStot,

STEPHEN, Bijhf^ flfPiris.. Genuine iVorl^:.

Getatim f^'Mff fiii fxtMt, Literal Notes on the Pentateuch, on the fioobof
yuJget and Ki".V- ant! on fome of the Pftlmt.
Several Ltttcrs.
Explications of the LttmcntAtions of ^CT—j^ an^
BAINBRIUS, a Uni ^S/. Lawrence 4t ,
cbc Prophecies of ^eel and ObaJUx.
« , Luge. Notes on iAtt Books of St. Dicnjfm of ',
the Vfk.
A Genuine fyorl{.
The Soliloquy of the SouL
A Trearife of ninftrioos Men of ^is Abbey* and The BrnwRfMn of Qiaricy.
of Liege. A Difcouiic on the manner of Pn\inr.
^UALB£RT, a M»»k of Mgrdnetmes. A Difcoarle (A, the Bridegroom and the Snnfe,
Four Books of die Vanity of the Werid.
Goiiiittr ff-erkj.
k A Hundred Sermon*;.
Two Books of the Miracles of iir. f^Hrttda, Didadtick Initru<^ions.
" A Trearifc of the Power and Willof God.
I'rach concerning the Iiicaaatkm of 1ESUS
A Genuine PVvrkt CHRIST.
Mifcellanies of Theolopcal Lcaming:
The Life of Va^GeUfm 11.
A Diaiogu; hcrvccri MaftcraodSchoht .

FABKIOUS TUSCUS, AhUt cf Abingtoa. The fuauii 01 ihc Sentences.

A Genuine H^rkt ATreaafe of the SacramentK

TbeLifeof Sc^dMwv. \ FETRUS ABAELARDU&
AUCTUS Atttt the Order Valooibixj.
Genuine fVirkf fiiS extern*

Genuine IftrV* Letters to Hekijpt and others.

An Introdudlion to Theology.
The Life of Sc. John GuaJbert. His Afology.
The Life of Bfrmtrd Hubert. Explications on the L«rd% Prayer, and on tic
An Account of the Tranflation of the Head of Creedt of the Apoftles, and of St.'
Sc. ^nmel A Reply to the Problems of He/«iffe.
A Treat ilc of Hcrefics.
^ Aix. A Commentary on ;he Epiftk to
4i Ganhie mriftii eximt. Scfinoni.
The Hillbrr of the Cns/Si^ to the Year I no.
FQUCHER, M MMdi^Chmm. DiaJeflica.

A Gehuht mthf Notes on the Prophf cy of I'T^rkiff.

A Trcacifc of Morality uutier thcTiticot, /v.£*»

TheHiflxMyof cheCniMr to Che Year 11x4. th^ Self.

GAUTIER LE CKANCELIBR. A Book cali'd Tee and Nay. Tbefe two bft are
A Treatifie of the Work ^Cldenufirifrs is (be
A Genuine Ifirl^.
theOeatUNi. '
Library of Sc. Gar-
The Hiftory of the Crnfiuie hotn A, D, 1115,10 -^main des Pre^.
A.D. 1 1 19.
ANNA COMNENA, rb^ Daughter rcnce /tt Lic£c.

Alexis Comncaus. A Genuine f^er^-

AGtnmne PPirl^. ' kUaettoGMifilinut, Abbot of St. JRbrik

Akxias, or the Hiftory of the Rd|n, &c of AMESkEUS, B:/ho/ ef Lanfena.

Ahtxit Ctnmmau, .

* • .

Genuine ffirl^
ISAAC <m Armenian fiijAv^ Eight Sentions in Commendatioa taf iheTipt
Geitulne lllrks.

Two Trcatiles agaM the AitmenUnu

Digitized by GoogljE
of the EcclefTajhcai IVriters.
BERNARD, AhUt of CUirvawt. A Work againft ihc '^c»s. *

A Treatife ag.imft the Petrtht^tmt,

Genuine Pf orks ftiil cxtunf.
Two Books of Mir.tek s
Four Hundred at»d Scvciueaj Letters. A Sermon on our Sa'- iaur's Traiisiiguiatioxi.

Five Books of Cotifidtratiou. Divers roencal Trai;l:s.

A Trcarifc of the s and Ducks of Bifbops. The Scaiuces o£ his Order.
A TrcatifeofConvcrlion
A Trcarifc of Injundions and Dilpcnnuions. Five Books agamlt the Akor4th
An Apology for n'iRUm Abbot ot ^Ibien)' '

A Co'inmcndacion of ibc Ncwr Militia. Thfce Sc<iindM&

A Trcati fc of the Degrees of Humilixy and rnde.
GU^RRIC ^iht tf Igxf.
\ Tu arti: of the Love of God.
A I rcaiuc of Grace and FitcWUt
A l^cner to hlu?J> of Sr. VidJtr, >
Several Setnons.
The Lift- of St. Malaehji, . .
Sermons proper for the Sundays and FeftiWi* Of PHILIP, 4 M0ik cf Qairvaux.
[he whole Year, and on otiicr SubjeSks.
Sermons on the Book of C.»«nc.'«. _» •
ALetcertp $tfMj>f«r, AtjcbbUhopof Jl^fcfW.
The Arbirraior's Sentence between the Filhop and
the Count of. Aifxarr. SAMPSON. 4rcMiVl»/4r Rheims.
The Draught of a I c:rcr relating to the Crttftide.
Ctnuine H'tr^f,
Sfttriom WW^.
Letters to Pope Tfi7:cccr:t IL
The 4i8ih Letter and ocbers foHowtng to the A Chancr in iavourof tiic .4bbcy of C'-tiruaux.
Number 413. c tt
Meditation 00 the Knowledge of Human

A Pious


Nature. ^ ^ . . #• A Geniiln: H'ark^ Jiiil extant. '

A Treatife of the Build'mg of die Inner-Houre. '

A Book of Sentences. «
A Treatifc ot Charity.

The Myftica! Life. H^orkf Icfh, •
^ r, e (
Meditations T^^ilfioo and Refutwawn of
A Conunrtnary on the Book of ^ftims,
JESUS CHRIST. A Commenrari' on the Revcbrion.
A Treatife df- Viitu€«. A Treatilc of i ic Contempt of the World*

An i;\;x)rr.ion of the LcrJ^sPr^^, .

Four Books of the S|eech of the Dodors.

Several Sermons, dc. .A Book of LcfTons: * t
Divci-s Sciaioi^;.
WIIXIAM, Ahkt of y/.Thicny or Thcodoric.
Genuine Work} fiiii extant. SUGER, Abh9t of St. Ucni«.

The firft Book of the Lifepf ScVemariL Ceimme Wkki-

A Lcrtcr to the C/irthufhtm of Merit- Dieti. The Life of Lewes ^Gr^u
A Treatife of the Contemplation of God. Several Letters.
A Treatife of the Dignity of Lovo.
The Mirror of Faith. GILLEBERT DE LA PORREE, /
The Myikcry of Faith. B*fl:op tf Poitierst
The Book of Mcditartont. A Genuine lVerk_.
A Treatife of ilu- K.imrc of the Body and Soal
A Treatife againit AbaelardM.. HUGO METELLUS, A Hs&ular Qan6n<tf
A Bookof rfie Works of HtMirnn of Conebeu St. Leon at TouL
A Tttatife of the S.iciamcnt of the Altar. Geaaii$e tforkg-
A^iExpofition of the Book of Can:idcs.
A Letter ctmoenung the Euctn^, fufalilh'd hf
ARNOLDUS, Mhot of Bonneyal. F. MabiSm.
Genuine tl'srki-
Two other Letters amou^ tbofe of St. Bemttrd.
And many other Manuicripts in the Library of
A Treatife of the Words of JESUS CHRIST the College of Clert/wnt. '
• -

on the Crofs.
A Treatife of the Cardinal Works of J. C, THOMAS, Abbot of Mauri^ny.

A Treatife of the Six Days Work. *

A Gevuitie fVork, fiii extant.
A Pifcourioof the Ceounendacion of the Viqpn
A Letter to St. Bermrd.

iWiediiaiions. BEIUS'ARD, t of Cluny.*

The Second Book of the Uie ot St. fi^rvW. Cenuim If akj.

> M^erift iVvrks* Three Bookt in Verle of the Contnnpc of tha

A Comnicnc.iry on tlic 44th Pfiim. Wbrfd.
A Trad of ilie Seven Gifts of the I luly GiiOii.
ULGER0S» mfi»t 4r AflgeiaL
P£T£R the Venerable, Abhet of Cluny.
Gewttie ll'orkj. •

Oetatine fforksJiiS cxunt. Ab

A Le t t 10 Vu\^Q intiocctit IL in favour 0f the
bey of Si. AUij de ^^e. ' '

A Treatife of the Divinity of JESUS CHteX

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A TitUe of the Worlds
A Commendation of hUrhodiu, fiithop of /^en- PHIUPt Bifhop of Tarentum or Taraonx
Genuine H^otIq.
ANTONIUS M£IUSSUS, a Gnek AM: Twenty Five Letteiy.

A GoMuW ffM^.
HUGhI Archbijhof of Roan.
A CoIIc(fVion of Cointnon Places, or Maxifltt tak- '
.Gtmum tVwtkf.
en out of rheWorksof the fathers.
Hwee Books of Inftrudions to his Ciogy
HERJSiiANt jtbbot of Sr. Mama at Tcttrnay* ccrning rhc Heiettcksof his tinK.
Genuine IVori^s. Two Letters.

A Relation of
of St. Martin
the rc-dUbli(htiig of the
at Tournaj.
Cbarch NICOLAS, *
t» St.
of Clairvaux.
W Se-

Three fiodlu of th(> Miracles of St. at i.«M.

Divers Sermoofo
A Trcatife of the Incarnation of '}tfii! Cbrijl, Four Liters.


SIMEON cf Durham.
HERBORDUS; Genuine PVorks Jltli extant.
The Hiftory of Engknd, copy'd OOt of
Tlie Iifeor$c.o«£«;ibe kfM/tdi Pmtrmi* and concinu'd to the Year ilS4i
The Hiftory of the Kings of Denm»kf
ARCHARDUS, «MMt ^Chimn. A Letter to Hugh, Dean of York,.
A Gemim HWfg ARdadoaof cheSkgeof Dmham.
TiicLifcof Stiai/!/^
BARTHOLOMEW Fbigny. Bifhofrf.Uaa
HENRY, B«>V <^ Ttoftt,
A Genuine PPIarl^i '

An Apdogedcal Letter.
The Charter of DonadantoclMAbbeyof CJivirw GAUTERIUS, ^ Maurkaaia, if Lmml

EUGENIUS m. Pofe. Fire Letien.

Cmdne PVarks. .

Seventy Six Lcttm. '

WOLHERO, AUet 9f St. PoKaleaatftCdai.
A Privilege in favovvof the fiilboM of the Pto. A Genuine H^crk,-
vinceof Bourses. -
A Commenury on the Book of Cantkhk
^^SLi*^"! "Tl'?"
refided in the Abbey St Am^ ^ when he
^ LUKE, Abbotof St.Ctxa^
A Commentary on the Song
A Genuine JVcrk.
of S^smm.
Getming PFarlff
Twelve Letters. GRATIAN, « Mmiof St. Felix 4/

OTHO, Bi/hop of Frifingkn.

A Genuine fJork pOI extgnt,
Ti>e Concord of diiagrccing Canons, or rfy
Gcnuiv: TVotkf. BntA
of Decrets, dmnwoly calM, 12^ Dmtttd.
.A Chronological Hiftory divided into Eigiic
PETER LO^ARD Mifhofof Paris.
Two Book* of the Ads. Cfc. 9{ R^jt^
A Book of Sentences.
Commentaries on the Book of Bf^au, and ootk
POTHO, <« ,/ pkom.
Epiftks of St. Ptad,
Gcmint IVorks fiiU extant.
five Books of die State of the Houfe of FALCU, a MMgifrrate of Beoeventum.
ATieatifeof rheCrand Palace of Wifdom. '
SERLO, A Cbjonide mthe Year 1 140;
ylbhot o/Savigny.
A hUm^crift fVorl^t.
HENRY, Anb'DtMm of HuntiogEoo.
ATnaxSftof t}»tL«ne$fnf^, GmUne PfW^fi
The Hiftory of Ei^LmJ to
HUGH, a Monk of Cluny. A I rcaiilc of Conten^.pt of the World.
the Year 1 1 54.

* ^^*^]«*»««i«g d» Vitnies m^b, Abtwt A Letter concerning tiic '

BHti/h K^xmh.
A I ;d about the Province of Brkmn.
The Life ©f tht lame Abbcr. '

I he Lives of the Saints of Bt^UtiiL

. *-

Digitized by G<?OgIe
of the Ecclefajlteal Writers, .»

rw9' muuclrf's AUTHORS tht Bftmmi^ers THEOBALDUS, « Mmk, of St. Peter at Beie
of Fouclicr. A Genuine H'flrk,.

Genuine H^orks Ji'^ extMt, The Ach and Miracles of Si. i\ u.icr.tiu!.

Two Alxkracts of F«ueh«rs Hiikoq', -i//^. the GAUTERIUS. aC.uionof1,ii-o\x3siac.
to the Year 1 106. and the leoond nom

» ji.D. ti 10. to 1 1x4.

A Genuine H'ork^.
HUGH, Cardinal Bi/hop of Oftia. The Life and Martyrdom of CbarUs the GtoJ,
Coontof tUndifs*
A Genuine Pf'orkf

A LcKcT concerning the -Death of Pope Etfgr

mttt IVL A Gemiiag ty^rkg

CONSTAKTINUS MANASSES. A Letter asikift the Hnetiriu of Bmgjaaix^

A Gmune iVork: HAIMO, Anb-nedcM^^ Chilons;

A Compcnd:oas H ftory from the Creation of the Gentiine iV«rk!,
World toihc Rcign of Aiexis Comnenus.
Two Letters. ft


5 of Theflalonksu .

A Genuine ffork. JUM exumt.

Gemhie iVtrkf.
An Account of his Converdon.
A Treatife of the fcvetd Sed» of Hcretidcs.
AConfclFion of Faiih. NICETAS, 0j C(H fbntiiioplc. ',\
A Di<itionary. A Genuine n'oi\.

JOHN Patriarch of Antioch. An Awlogetical Trcatifc for the Council of Chat'

A Genuine H^ori(- ceam againft the Armetnamt,

ATicau.c againfk the Cuftom of giwg Mbna BASIL of Acris, Archbijhop c/ Thd&lonici,
fivies 10 Lay*Men.
A Getttibu ffiMfg

GERMANUS, F««iifro64f Ccmftaadiippk. A Letter, to ttope AdriM.

TEULKiUS, a Afw; ^ .J MmiffO* •

Two Homilies. A Gmume Wsrki

AKSBIQUS a Mmkof Mount-Athos. AChsotudtia BUdtrfhum,
A Genuine ff^ke
^ MinnOtttier»

JOHN« « Mmk
A Coiloaion of Car.ons.
A Genuine Jff^kt
AND&ONICUS CAMATERUS. The Hlftory of the A^ <jf Grjfrf/ PUat^emf,'
Manufcript li'oi\s.
ALEXANDER, MAthtinSidly.
A Tr<^tife of the Proccflton of the Holy Gboft,
Genuine M''orl:j.
A Conference bttwecft the Eirpnor MMOui and
-he Parriauh of the yfrmentJns. Four Books of the Hiilory of the Life and AStmn
A Trcaiiic of tl.c two Natures in C/jriff. of HSi^'' 1^'"S Sicilj.

GE0RGE, Arc'obijhop of Corfu. - ADRIAN IV, Pope.

A Genuit.e lf hl(. Genuine H^'ori(j.

Mmodia in honour of the Abbot NcRMrim. Fourty fcven Letters and a Privilege.
Manufcript *JVfrkft ALEXANDER iii. rope,
A Trcaiiic of Purgatory. Gemiitu fKrkf fiiU extMt.
ATicacifeof the ufe of leavened fircad.
A Hundtcd and Fifty Letter^ and (evcial CoIlec«
LUCAS CHRYSOBERGIUS, fafrianb tions.

of Ccnftnnrinoplo.
Luaus lit p^. .

.Genuine t4-ork}.
Geminf WinrkS'
Thirteen Statutes rehtiiig to Difcipline.
Three letters.
ROBERT, Arch-Deacon of OftrtVant.

A Gemdne fVMi fiitl. txttnt. URBAN ni. B«f9,

CetatiiK H^wkf*
The Life of ^* Aihtrt.
Five Letters.
A mnnelefs AUTHOR.
A GattdmHW(t

Gamine fVvrki,
The Life of Sc. Luditt* "

Xhxee Leuers, ' •


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A Table of the IVork^
RADULPHUS NIGER, a Umk^f St.Gcsmiet'- ENERVINUS. Provofl of Stemfdd.
A Genuine JVerk-
Twenty Books of Coauncnuricson tfacBookof A Trcatife againft the Htreticks of Cclcn.
Levitt t«.
ECBERT, Abbot of ^t. Florin.

S. hLiZABETH, Ahbefi tf Schonaw. Genuine IVark^ flill extuiit.

Xni. Difcourfes againft the Hcreticks call'd

Tlicee Books of Vifiom and RevdatiOQS,
ABookof LecKTS. The Life of Sl Bli^M, Abbels of SebM,
• *
his Sifter.
- SwAELRED, or FTHELRED, Jtit^ti Two Sermons.
Genuine H'ork} jUii extent.
A Genuine M'o. k^

Thirty Sermons on the i3ih Chapter of 4ic Pro- A Treacife agaicft the Catharit and ocber Here'
phccy of Ifaia^ ckksof htt Time.
The Mirrour of Charity.
A Trcatifc of Spiritual Amity. EBRARD. ^ Bedumc:
Tweaty Six Sermons.
A Fragment of she Hiftoiy of JS>{j/«u/, A Trcaeiic againft tbe MsnicbttttiC Us Time;
The Life of St Edrnteti.
MICHAEL «/ The(ralonica. Defmder^dt
ODO ^ DcuiL Al/hct of St. Cornciius.
Ciatrch cf Conftaminople;
A Genmm A G -nnine Wvrify
, A IUhtiDD«f tiie EzpcdtoooC Urns XII. King AConfrnionc;
of BrMet, CO the Livant.
OIX), a Hsgulai- Canon of St. Auguftta.
THOMAS BBCKUT, AMp»ftf Gemine fPorkg.
Seven letters concerning the Fiiniftioos ftttd Dpdes
Genuine l^'crk.s.
of Regular Cmons.
Six Books of Lettt-rs wnuen by him, and by
HUGH •f Poitiers, a Monk, ^ Vesday.
A Genuine crl^.

GILBERT, «/ HoUand.
A Chronicle of the .\bbey of re:rl.iy.
Genmtt PVtrkf*
A continnaiion of the Commcnatty of Sc. Ber-.
Hard on tiic Book of, CantkUt. s.

Sev«n AfcflcickTieatifes. A Gmdm VVvkfiiMtxtant.

Fobr Ltttcis. An Account of the Rcftitntion of Us Mflwiwy
to the BeneJieiins,
RICHARD St, Vidor.
Genuine fi^orkj. JOHN Hc.xani, Provcfiof Hagulftad^.

A Colle«5lion of on the Holy Scriprure^,

Qii' fl'nns
A Gevuine If irl^.

divi 'cd into ten Books, atlibnrcd lo Hugh ot A contimiatiiMi of Simecn ot Durham^ Hiftorvof
St. V.ctur. tfaeKiogs of OcMMMt n»ihe Year 1 15^
Critical Trails coticcming the Tabernacle, artl
th. Temple, and the Chronology of the Books FASTERDUS, AAit^tfQmaxix^
of KJug!^ and Chrmlcles AOemituH^J(^
An Explication of £{«^'«^'$Oercripcion of tbe A Letter n> an Ahtwt of htsOpdcr.
Allegorical Comanentadcs on t&e Bodes of. tfdm HUGH. «AMt 4f St.StmantMt lodeie
and Canficles.
Qiicftiotis on the Epiftlcs of St. Paul,
A Gemdm ff^kt *

A Commentary- on the Revelation of Sr. Joi n. I'he Life of'Pmtim Larg^m.^

lWmacic.ll Tta&s concerniog the Trinity ; th:
Attributes appopriated to the Divine Pcrfons ;
LAURENTIUS, 4 Ateit «f Liege,
the Incarnation
f T.\.*;r.' ;
< the Power of A Genuine fferks
Binding and Loofin^ ^ chc Sin againft the Ho- A Chronicle of tbeBiOiopsof VerdM.
ly Gboft ; the Diflkuties that tJCcm in Holy
Scripture; tnc Hnly Chen:; .ind the diferencc S. HILDEGAKDA, Abhefi of Mount StlUbctt
between Mortal and Venial lins. Genuine Warkf jHi «Xtmh
Several TrcatUcs of a Spiritual Life
Spiritual Letters.
PETER DE ROY. aM>nk, »/ Clairvaux. Vifbns.
Anfwcrs to fevenr QpdtioittcMweiniiig die Holy
A Letter lo'the Pfovoft of the Cfanrcbof l^gm An Explicanon Of St. JkntiiB*9 Role, and «f
St. Atb/omfim'i Creed. PHIUP

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of the Ecclejtaftical Writers.

NICOLAS. 4 Monk, of St. Alban.
PHILIP DE HARVNG, Alrlfot ^ Botme-
• * "
Elpcrancc. ^
A Gmtitte JVerki
^ Genuine ffM^ A LetMtoothe Feftlval of the Onoepdonof

Twenty One Letters. » ,

A Ccnim(.nr?ry on the Book of C.turicles. GILBERT POUOT, Vifhef^ JLoodov.

MotA Dilcourics on the fame Book.
Genuine f'f 'o>\s.

A Difowrle concerniog Nebuchadner{t{M-''s Dream

the Fall ot AtUmt and the Damnation of A Commentary on Che Book of Canticles,
lomon. , , , _ Seven Letters.
"Six Treatifet of Dignity, Knowledge,

Coniincncy, Obcdwncc, 4n4 ^ihe Silence of MICHAEL ANCHIALUS, Patriarch <if


The In ts of Si. ylurnflin and St. Ammd. Genmne fiH extsM,

l lw Hiftoi y ut the PafliOo. of- Sc. Cjrieimt and
Certain Synodical Statutes
St Juiic u
The Paflion of St. SaIviuj. A Mitnufcdft H'ork_.

Tlie I.lvcs of St. FciBanuSt St. GifienitUt St. A Cenfcrcnce with rhc Empcrour Mmuc!,
St. and Sc. F«/mMb,
ROBERT 4^ Melun, Bifhof of Hereford.
The Paflion of Sr. ^J^nw inSkgUKk Vafc
Divers Poetical Pieces* A Mmiifcrift fVerkt
Scvcioi Epitaphs. of Divinity.
A Body
ADAMUS SCOTUS, a I^fffikr Cm. ALEXIS ARISTENES, Occonomus, or

Gcnuint IfMtfftH extant.

Steward of fhe Clmreb f Cooftawiiiopk,
A Coiwnencary oo'Sc. Ano^'i Rule. AGentUm 'fVifrkt '

A Ti c.uifc of the Triple Tabernacle of M^les. Kbccs on a CoUeAionof

A Trad of the three kinds of Cooteuiplatioa*
Forty Seven Sennom* SIMEON LOGOTHBTA. ^

GEFFREY ARTHUR, Bifhof ff/Sr.Afaph.

A fVmK
jtGtmihu Ifwfc I4c«l0i a CoUedton of
ThcHiikory of GrMt BritMU
''^ ' A Matiufcript WV^.
ALANVSi Kpbtf ^ 1mm. A Ttcatife of the Creation of the World.
AGauune lV»ke JOHN ff/ComwaU.
MMufcript Pfcrkj.
The Life of U,Bmi»rJU
ADifcufliooofHiunanPbUofophy, and
of He
JOHN ^ Salisbury, Btfa^ if Charores.

Genuine the Sacrament of. tfie Altar,

and of
A Sife of
Pf^oi kj.

A Treatifc call d Petjcratie^f or of the Fopperies che Canon ot the Afrf/J.

of ihcCoimiers.
Thrse Hundred and One letters. I
Provojl of
Dean of
the famrCbiiraK
Th. l ife of Jhemm Betkpt, Archbiihop of Can- Mmelejs
Minufciil>t fVorl{t, .

ADuiktfd W»kt A Trcatifc of the IncapnariaiagMnlk»6"«»*«i

A Coounemary on rhe £piftlcs of Sr. fud. -
Provoft of Trieffvtffidn,

of Lificux. A Uma^crift IVkK-
Gemune fVaeki fiid extent* ABookcaird Aurera. containing »heHi^ o^-

Divers Lcncrfc the Book of Kjngi and thcGolpcls

m Vcrifc
" iievcral P6en».
HENi^Y, //'r/;i'//':»/'
ADifcouric againft Peter of Leon, Annpnpe.
iV^^rk' ftiil extnnt.
A SeroMXi on die AnnuQciacion ot the Virg.n Mn- QenuhK .

\ Drtux, Cbancdkir of
Two Letters in favour of
' ^

- rhe Church of No»«i.

PETER of Ccilcs, Bifyof of Chartres.
Getutine fforkj. GEtl REY, Abiet •/ Cbirvaux, ;i» Dlf^fk,
tf St. Bcrnr.rd.
Several Sercniim.
Three Books of yhc Loaves, Cfc Genuine Pf^erkj.

A Myllital and Moral Expolicion ot the Takma- IXcUr-uions, or tJifcourftt the Words that
St. P^-
pabdbccv^/een JESUS CHRIST and
A Trcaiifcof CotiiVicnce
ATreaiilc of the Dilciplinc of the Cioifler. Boiwrrf.

Th« Third Botk of die L>ie of St.

Kihe Books of LenefS,

Digitized by Go
ATM of the JVork^i

A Pancgyrick on Sr. Bernard, •

A Dcfcnption of CUih/aux.
A Letter to Catdinal iAlbam^ ftgainft GiMnt Genuine kVori^.
de la Perree-
Hiefiooksbf tfae.Oiioesof theCbntch.
An9tbcr Treatitc againll the fame Author.
TfaeCanonof 'theMyftttial Offetin^
A Letter to Jtshrt about the LtnTs frt^er.
A Later co the Btlhop of Cn^ttue* GERVASE, « M^ifOiiMaa,
PVorkj loft.
^ A Mntttfcrift H^orkt
A Trcatifc on the Book of Cant ides. A Coomnentaryon the Frophecyof MtiMb^
The Life of St. Peter of Jarentaife.
Certain Sermons. ODO, Abbot of BcL
A Gimiine IVark.
WILLIAM, Anbhi/hf of Tfie.
A'l^tter to his Brother, a Novice ia the Abheyof
A Genuiiie fVerkfittexttn^*

TheHiftory of d^Cn^oAe to the Year uS}.

Mamtfcrife 9V$rkt^
The Hlrtoi yof ihc luftem .Empeion, from the A CoI!cdion of Canoni
Year 614. to 1S4.
A Treatifc of Julticc.
Thtct Letters CO iiri^£, Archbifhop of P^erm,
RICHARD. Prior Hagulftadt.

' Genuine fVerki* GEFFREY, ^nor of Vigcois*

TheHiftory of A Gtmmumrk,
The Hiftory of thr Ads of King Stephen,
A Chronicle of the Hiftory of Brmiee.
The Hiftory of ihc 01 StmcUirdius*
CLt.Ml N1 in. Piyr.
A GmnUme mrkJtU exunt.
Genuine H^vrkf.
TheHiftery Of Mir*^.
ikscu Letters.

BALDWIN. Archbifhop cf Canterbury*

. rf.Yxiz.
Crmdne Tl^erkj fiiU extant, <

Genuine ti^orkf.
Sixrecti Tieatiks of Piety. A Tranflation of St. Damafeemu'i TttaaSi
A Tre^ifc of the Reoommendation of Fnti^ of the Orthodex Faith, and of Hm^l
A Trcatife of the Sacratnenc of the J^ku. Eight Books at PhOolcitby.


/I Ccntiinc ll'vrk^.

A TreaciTe againlt the Maaicbeett aod other He' Scnrons for x\\q Sun.hys the Year*
icticksof UsHnie.
Inftriutlians tor Pneils. > ' .
JOHN, the Hermit.
. Vopt»
AGeuuhuff^J^ Genuine Wgrkj,
TbeLBe of Sc Afmini .
Seventeen Letters.
BERNARD, AHenf Fonccaud PETRUS COMESTOR. Deau qf St, Pcur
^ Gemtt'ne Wkkf 4^TtoyeK
ATreatile agaiBftthelW«>. Gemhu
^ ff^vrkf.

JOANNES QNNAMUS. the Grmmarum. A Scholaftick Hiftory.

Sermoos, Printed under the Name of Paer
A Genuine W»f(f JUSriV.

The H\[\ory of the Empcfors Jehn,

and Mtmtl JOANNES PHOCAS, ^Grccan Alao^
THEORIANUS. A Gemmu Pf^Jlitt extam,
A Rdaticm of a Voya^^ 10 the Htfy Umt,
A Genuine I'Vork.
Conferences with the Anueniam. NEOPHYTUS, «GfU Mtmk,
• [HUGO JiTHEMANUS. kGemaue.Wtfl^ •

A Relation of the Calamities of the Und e£

GemftfK mrjij JliU extant,
'a Traa: in Defence of the iMhu againft Sie'
AKawiief, AUTHOR. .

ATrcaiUc ut the iutcof the Sopul. A Genuine i^'Orl^

The Expedition of ihe /W/ to the HeJt LM

A, D. U85.
» ^
• JDigitizfid b/Ckfcgle
of the Ecclejiajltcal Writers,
A Manu/cript fVm^k.' Genuine f^'orkj.

A Treatife of the Proccrtion of rhe Holy Gboft. A Treatife ot the Cuy of God.
Several Lenaes*
JOHN, n;(hop of Lyddi.
A Qcntune H^orkf
FETER, ^M«»^CIatrvaiijc.

A Lettrrw Miehaef, Patriarch- of ?er^m.

iDivcn Ldttn*
GAUTERIUS, a Hsgular C*noH of, St. ViOos. *
GARNERIU& Mkf if awfwa.
Genuine H%rfy JHt $XHmt,
k Tfcatile agaunS die fbnr Labynotlnof Awmw;
Certaiti Sermon?.
> GILEERT Sempriogbun.
Hw Ufe af StJ^tii^acik, Abbds oT SOmmi Two Boc ks ot

GonlHtutions for his Ocder.

OGERXJSt-jlUet rf,lfm^ NICOLAS, t c.i„m of Liegfc ,
, Gtmtne JVarkf fit! extMt* .

A Genuine PVtrlfg
*FiftediSennotnon tficL«nfsf«^.
The Life of Sc. Lambert.
GOpOFREDUS ^ Vtierba SIBRANOUS. AbbM qf Maxjegud im
Jl Gnofaw fffr^. ' Priiehiid-- '

An Univetial Cbrmick^ caU*d PMihtm.

' A Mjnufcripf fftir^. The Life of Sc. Fre.Jericl^ Founder of that
A Gcncology of ail the Kings. BERTRAND. ^^^>r»/LaCfaaire43fiea.
ROAERT 4^ Torl^ny, AUpt ^ Mounc jt., f^<rr!f.

Sl Mkhacl.
^^"J^ of the Life and Miracles ot
the fiiftroiiiNier of ihae Abbey.
Genuiae fVarkf.
A SnppleaMnc- and Condnnation of Sigehert^^ RAUULFHUS TORTARIUS.
Chronicle. *

A Treacilc of the Abbe}'s of Normm^.

A Genuine fVor^.
AnEmlUeand Bneftceio a Gommmanrm the A Book of fbe Miracles of Sr. Benedict. "
Epiftkscf St.P«»/. V .

M.tnu/cTt'pt tVorkj lo{l.

Anmmlefj AUTHOR.
A CommenEary on the F.piftlcs of St. PmL A Genuine fVori(^ ftiU extant.
The Hiftory of the Monaflety of Mmm St. The Hiftory of Jerufalem from
A. D. ,,77 r,

1 be Hiftory of Hmry II. King of England.

CHRISTIAN, 4 Umk ^Oairvaiir.
OTHO ef St. Blaifc. yl Manufcrift
' PMi,
yi Genuine Pf'fri^.- A Colk(fkion of Sttmons.
A continuation of t^ie Chronicle of 0/i&«a^
toi, » cheYear 1J9Q. ^
' ^
A Genuine PPtrl^
JOHN BRaUTON^wlM«r«r JomL A Book cali'd Alexandreit.
GauuHg, «r^^^ Manujcrift fVorks.
A QKonidc framthe Your 58S^BKa 19S. ;

•Three Books of Dhlo^uei againft the Jem.

THOMiVS, 4 Monk of Cvfteau.
A J^Umferifh mrK*
ACbronklc*' •

AOommencaryoatfaeAxikof C^ickt.
ALULFHUS. 4 \U»itf ^/.Martin 4a Toaiwiy.
M^nnfcrtpt TVcr^.
A GMw mri^
The Grtgmtm DccrccaJs, the Preface of which
puWilh'd by f. MtbiHm.

ISAAC, Ai/bat of L'£coile.

ROBERT ^ FkmeriNiry.
A Unufirift ffW^
A FentteatiaL
A Treatife of the Mind and Soul.
A Le:(Ck coACfrning the Cinoii or the Mift.

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A Summary of Fennee* SYLVISTER GIRALDUS^ ^ffh^
Sefctal Homilies. St. David's

JOHN 4 Carthufuui Monk, «f Pones. Gmuine f^erks.

Gtmine Wtrkifiii txtdtu. The Nanral Hiftory of Ei»ImJ.

The Tcmognphyof JreLuuL
Five Letters.
The Hinory « tbe Conqucft of JMmrfby
STEPHEN DE CHAULMET. « Omfcafiin rjr IL Kiogttf Eniitmd,

The Iiineraryof the Country 0Utt,

A Genuine lilri^ Tiie Lives of tbe Stints and Letten.

A Letter to ceruin Novices. UCHARD, >i^^<^Moi]t)t-aflM.

WILLAM UTTLE» « 4«nl^ Cmm j< Genuine ff^erki

•f Neucbrige, «r Nmnf. A Concinaatiofi of Ptttr cbe Iibrary-Keeper^«


HiAMy of tfaellhilriiMsMnor-Jlte^
TbeHSlLof Affanlfiondieyctt jo^n 1197* STEPHEN* Bi/btf of Toomay.
GBRVASB,«Mi*lt ^CtaatAmf,
Genuine ft^Hfg,
A Chronicle frrm the Year 1 1 to A. D. 1 199.
CCLXXXVII LeciM difided info 1^
|Xhe Lives oi die ArchbiAiops of Ctnierhur}.
Commrr.rary ofldie OMrviflf of Grmuou
K Relation of tbe burning and rebiuldiiq; of the 'a •

Cathedral-Church of Ctrnterbury, Several i>cmioii$.

A Rcprcl'entation of the Controvcrfics between

tb« Monks df'CiMMMTi woA isUkim dwir
ef Ancioch.
GONTHERll^S, M M^nk »f St. Amaad.
Coamxiuarics ondwOMOM^ and the Nomoi^
Genmm iVerkf Jiii extant,
non of BiMtini.
A Coiicclion of Ecddiaftjcal Conltitutions.
A Treatif^.^ of Fafting and giving AIm Tbe Reibhlkian of divm Canonk^ (Mioos.
Tbe Lift of and
5t. Cjricius St. JuHita, Anfwers to the Qjieftioni of AM> Fani«idi«f
OUVER of Coltn. Akxmtdri0»

A Genuine }Virk, fiii extant. Two


Two OifiDonEfa Mmc tk CinpM of C^|k«h

A Qffonide to the Year 1 1 98.

Genuim H-'ctrk^.
A Hiftery of Drmntrk^ rhr "i esr 11 86.

A Genuine Work, JOANNES CAMATERUS, Pmrigrski^

Tkldnenry of i^/cW, L King of Bugbmi.
Genuine lVor\j,
Certain Ecclefiaftical Conftiniiions.

PETER ti Poiders. Ch^e&ar rftbeCbmeb A ConwnntyoH dwtew^ of rfmniwin.

ROGER D£ HOVBOEN. fnfeffef^ Om§M.
ABcwkcf Snm. A GemtiMt Jf'orl(.

A Commcmary on tbe Books of AmAk,. tMiri-

tOif. iX i»oi.
Fern. M'sHiftny of ^

au, and Ihimberu lAMES DI VITRY. CarJimU.

AnoAa ConoMMwy on tbe BookoF fJUme, Genuine Werl^f.
The Hiltory of the Uetmt, divided inm Tine
Two Lcttars »i cbe Taking of Dmm^^
A Hmdred and Sigbty HmeLcnen.

Digitized by Googl


i. Ltttert. Pitititttt. liMMti 4Bs, Lttttrs. ftelfiw

A Council at B-
UmfU, I lOO 4
jA Synodical Letter of this
Couficil in Ives de Chartres.
^ ^Mediff
1105 ithe
f^t^bry of it in dlC
Aatbors of that time.

CExtrads of the Ads of this J Gtu^iUk, ilo6\ Ads of this Council and
Vdente, jjoo^ Council in the Hifto- '

I three Regulations*

C riaasof
Aintf^.' , 1167 fThe Hiftory of it in tlic
«Exira<as of the Ads in 1 Atubocs ot that ciine.
Ive$ dt ChBrtresi and in
iloo^ the Hiftorians of chat |A Council atp 'Mention made of it in
time,andSixteen Canonft ^ Ives of Chmrts and o-
\ dier kxaibon,
ttoo J Extrads of the Ads in

i Hugh Eztiads qf the Ads in cBk

Si de Fttrngnx. |A Council in
VTritMof c&ttiadc
il not lExtradsof the Ads in the
1 Aatbors of that time. An A0cmbly CMeniion made of this At
tio4jEztradsof tbeAdsiDthe


^C icOibty in the
poiary AutiioA

1 Writmof duRtiine.
''Jenfidm, I n I
Mention nude of it in the
r, 1104! £»»ds of the Ads in ^-
1 Writenof that vaat.
I Iwj of Chtrttts. »

cAdSi Letters and Teftimo-

fms. iiQjrTbe Ads oi this Council oics of the Attthois of
' re
f in aXMer toto dwFope. that time

*>^il!!Ads"i the
u a Letter of Quy
AnAiBaibly J VtetoMt 1 1 1 X i Ads, and
1 Arafibifbop uf VUm^

Digitized by Go.
J Tdk of the
CMtnciU. Te»u A8j. Letters. Petitimt. CouHciit. Yart. ABi. Letters. Petitiau'
mtd Cmmu
Beamaist 1114 Fragments of Adls and Rules. CThc Hiftory of ji in the
\Sa$, "4O Wriwn of that time,
CAn ExiraA of the hSa ^ Whhi^errpr of the Bi-
< ukcn out ot a. Coniem-
' C fljojft to Pope Innocent.
c fwaty Author.
Chmrts, 1 146 J Mentioamade of it in the
'chlUans, 1 1 1 5 j Mdirioft nude of kinibe \ Contemporary Aathon.

EtMHfttt J
147 J Menc^made of
^ J^"-
TonwTt I n5
CMeondfr'^waiie^ lUs
Council in the Letten of
^ ^\ Ambofsof thai

in the

Pmuu I j 47 I An E«ra<ft of the Atis in

1 the Auihorsof that time.
Coleit, 1115 IMention made ot ir in the
i ^uchors of cijat time. '
t r Exrra<^ of the Ads in the
Writer* of that time.
LatnM, Iti6 f Adbreferr'd ro by the Ab> 1 148% The Recantation of Git-
1 bot of XJrfftrgt, tehert de U Pmittli (i
Toal^ft, III9 TaiGuOIM.
li '
CMcuiion made of it iaibe
^JticKMu^ fii9 AAi and nte Guum. 1 148< Letters of Pope SK?emm

An Aflonblyl f Mcnuonmideof
cnuoa tnide of it in the
Atlclionof cbstdne, rA&t. Letters of the Earn-
CMention made of it jn Pf> 4 Ihops.

C tkt Atltlim JOj^mf<Jt I I 60 J Ads refer rM to by HWm

\ of Kewburj.
Z.4rcr4»J. Ge-l 1 1»3 Afttand uGuwns.
netal, * «• ^tfewMmr- i,,^,CMenrion made rf ,t In

^1 kft. r'"*^ n^bert'l Addition to

f 1115

AAs of
HMi*oC Mow.
^ Council in "J I C Mention made of it ioi^

I mldo(Li^,
1 127 TwdTeOmoni.
A Council atl,,i5,
J Aifts related by the Au-
Extrai^ of (be A<^ of this Tonta^, i'**"! thorsofthat
) CouncU, whb Rnle
of the Knights Tfm^«r#,
^ An Exrrad of the Aiisin
publiih'd iKreia the Auciiors who flou*
nih'd «t liuu tine.
Mention made of it in the
Authors of that time. I 1 1 62 I Mention made of it in the
• Contemporary Writen.
The Hiftosy of ir in the
Jouaie, 1 130J Writen oi chat utne with 'Eztrads of the Ads in
che tcnenottlKBilliops.
A Conndl at the Writers of that
1 163
Imt, J- time. A Sermon of
Ailb caicen out of divers Arnold, fiilhop^' Li-
AndMM^ and 17 Cinoi» fintxt and ioCummk

Liege, Mention made of it in the AnAflemblyati , CMention inade oi it in

Viiuffofdiardaae. W^mh4ttr,t^^^^j^ the Autliocs cf dMt
Meuian mde cf iimcbe
Conicunwm'j VTraeRk ' A Complaint drawn ap
A Coimcil at
LmJem, 1138 Adsand 17 Gnns and a Letter to tk
^Lateran Thiity Caooos,

Digitized by Google
of the Ecclejtajlical Writers,
CmKiU. Tears, ABt^ Lttters, Betitiotu

^ rClarendaiit 1164 Al^ of it in the

^he Hiflborjf
••I Aittlion'c^ that rime.
2S I Nw«£«a/l; 11^4 jThc Hidory of it in the An Aflembly Xtimf^ panicularly in the I.ct-
•< 1 Authors of that time. AtVadcCf f ti^S^qi ^ox Alexander
/ |It"a»d<«« the £inpe»'
c ; Mrntion made of ir in the
< \ji^urt:{bwrg. ii 66^ Wriicts who liv'd at that
A Council at}?
Latcnm, III S1179 XXVIl ChaptCrt.
'An Affembiy t,,xoJ Hifewy of it in the General. j
iflemblyat*? j Mention made of ir in the
- fAtSls reiaccd by l{Bger de Geinienhatt-
inienhatt- >ir36 1 Contemporary Authors^
Heveden containing

• the Abfoludon of Ilcnrjt

*~ Avranchesr, Il7a1 King of England. A 1195 j A«9s of it containing XII.
Lfcccr of Ameriats the i ^ ' t Canons,

Pojie's Legawi and 13 ^ I

Canons. j2 •< Mortt^B{er,\\<)^ j Ads which coauin divers
Si, ,1' RulcSi>
:t: <C<i/^c/ in £ighcCaiiotu.
Ireland, f J 198 Extraftsof the A&s.

^^Lmdm, 1175 Ninemn Canons.

^Liai^ 1176 Ad*i


A TABLE of the WORKS of the Eccleftafticd

JVr iters of tho T^wlfih Century dijipolcd according
to the Suh^eits they Treat o£ ^
H'<; Tri(f\<. concerning the Incarnation.
Trcdtifet /fgainji ti':e Jews. H I
s i\l 1 icellanies of Theolc^ical Learning
---••^1 - D aloguebetwwnMaiteranaS^Iar.
000, Bithop of C4mbri^*s Dialqgae againft —-^His Sumn:>ary of the S.nrences.
a ^e». His Notes on the Hierarchy attnburcd to Su
GiUm Cri/hm, Abbot of f^tfl^iihffer t CbofC' Dionjfiuj the Areofagite.
fence witn a certain Jew. Petrus Abitetardus't lotiodudbion CO die Scknceof
Fetrus Ahhnifut, a Converted Jev's Dialogue. Divinity.
Cuiheri^ Afaboc .of Nigm*s TteatUe againft the -His Aj-olc^y.
-'—His Explications of t!ic LorA\ Pr.i;er, and
Peter^ Sir-nam*d the Veneralle of Ciun/% Trcatife of tlie Apoltoiical and ^ItbAtuyun Creels.

on the i&me Subjcd. His Treatife againlt Hercfies.

Hermufi, a '^cv of CtUn'i Tt9& conocniiog bis St. Bernard's Letter to Hiiih of St. n8cr.
Convcr(ioH. '
ff^Btam, Abbot of St. Ttierr/s Treatiie agutit
Pcrrr of B ij//s Treatife againft thf Jewt. Ahael-vdiij.
Ettthwiuf ::^y7.ihri'ss's PancpH/t, OT CoOiplca&Ar'r --<~-Hts Trad of the Natufcs of the Soul and
moarof thcOrchodox Faith. Body. ' •
^'P^f, Abbot of JDii7<»'sTreatifes concerning the Ptr^-r the J'cncrAMe, Abbot of C/i0^* Tfcadfe of
Trinit)', with ftnw other Pieces by die Tame the Divinity of Jefus Cbrijh.
Author. I{obert Pidha t Book of Sentences.
Hugh of St. Vin«rs Treatife, call'd EruMth Di- GiJH/f ;
i' A{auri't:>i,'j*s l etters.

dafcait'ea, WAnMhucthv Infiitutioa. Peter Lomlfardi Trcatilc of the Senteoces.

His Tfouilc of the Power a«d WiU of GmL Cm^dKtinf HsrmeHPfubi/tCwiSeS^ o£ Faith.

Z a

Digitized by Google
J TM of the lV4)r^s
Dogmatical Works.
]{icbdrd of St. ViBer*s
Michael of TheffaiMrie4*» CanfeffioDof Fuib.
Abbot of CAvro«iur*sTt«an(e
Vfm the Eucfaarift.
Geffrey y and Lertcr
againft GiSebert de la Pc/rrr. Guihert, Abbot of Negent's Treatife of the Ited
Peter of Bmmi* Book of of ^cotaxxs. Prefence of cfae Body of Cbr^ in d»
'Prtt^^n euutnUt^ Original Silt, OtaumidBre' Emulphmot AmuJptmj, Bifhopof J^fdefiersLe^
on the fame Subjeifl.
Geffrey,Abbot of Vendome'i firft TradL
Odo, Bilhop of CMilvicr'i Akt fidoks <f Origi- ff^ttiam.Abbot of Sr. Tluenj's Tieatile of the
nal Sin. Sacrament of the Altar.
Honorius of Atttm*i Tteadfe of Ft«dcfHnation Huge Metelim's Letter.
and Free Will. Baldwin, Archbiihop of Catuerimys Ticaiife of
Sc Bmurd'i Tfcatife of Grace and Free WiJI che Sacrameocof theAkar. - '

-^-His Leaer to dw €toon* of X,jwri» tbooc 4ie

Fcftlval of the Conception of the Virgin Mary '

M(f Omnb-DifatRne.
with,thofe of Nic«Uf»»i. Monk, and of Ibmc
inber Amlionoo tlie fame Subjeft* Sigelfertof Gemblourt^s Letters written in the
Name of the Clergy of Ltege and Kimkn^
Tre4tifi» ^gahi^ the H»akkf, againft Pope p -.fchal 11.
Odo^ Bifliop of Lambraj's Commentary on die
^aac an ArmeniM Blflup't T«0 TfOCiieS ipinft Mafs.
the Armeniamt, Ives, Biihop of <;iMBrtres\ Uuodied and eighj
Nr<tf/!«f*sTrtatife on the fame Sabjeft. nine Letters.
T'^corlumt/^ Conf:.*rcnC3e withtJbc Armenians. — Pannertnia and'Oeocta^
St. Benurd's Letters againfk the Hexecicks of ki$ Pope Pi^^l U's Letters.

time. ThikauJot TbeebaUus, a Clak of tbe Church oi
Peter the Vcuc^Me, Abbot of Clmiffi Ttcatife Etamfes's Five Letters.
«|ainft the Betrtin^tim, Pope Gelafm Il's Letten.
UHgh Ardibtthop of J^MM'sInAnidtioat and Let- Marhodtu, Bilbopof /(mfie/s Letters.
ters. Bruno, B:lhop of Se^ni'i Treatife of the Sicfa*
Bertert, a Monk's Treatife againft the Hcrctitks . ments and Ceteaaonic$»of the Chuich.
of Perinieux. •-.—IBs Treatife of the Gomipcioo of the Age,
E$urviv:i: s Trcatjfc againft the Hen^dtHlfCtlen. and the;ai[y of SuQomacal OldSDatiou*
Bchert'i I rad: againU ihe Catbtri. HisTwo^Letters.
Bendcur/ius's Treatife againft the lame Hereticks. Pope CalieetMs ll*t Thittyfix Lccmi. >
Ehrard of Bethunes Book againll the Manichees. GuiLert, Abbot of Nogen^s Ticacile of .ifae Kb-
Ermengard's Treatife againlt ihc Manichees of his licks of the Saints.
Ermtifhm or Amulpbus, Bifliop of HfebefhA TwO
Bernard, Abbot of llMtf»i(wfi( Ticacift agauft cbc Lctrcr-
yaudoit, Geffrej, Abbot of K^idjuM's Letters.
--His Tieadft of mcftksres aadotfaerTtafts.
TnM$fi$ i^Miifi ii» Gcceka; Pope Monoriui Il's Eleven Lcncrs.
Hiidebert, Bilhop of Mont's LctOfs.
Bruno of Serin's Treadic of the ulie of unleaven- StefbeH, fiilbop of Aumifs Tieactfe of the Ce^
ed BrcadT remonies of the M.ifs.
Petnts Cbrxfilantis\ Tiaci, wuh Eujlratioj's An- Joamus :^maras\ Commentaries on the Canonic
IWer. with his Letters,
i(u^rt, Abbot of St. i>«y//s Treatife of tiie Pro Honoritu of .^fMiMsTrqatife' of cfae DivioeOfi*'
o;ffion of the Holy Gboft. CCS.
j^bn, Bifliop of H4wlktti*i Gonfeicnoe with Hitpert, Abbot of Ikgt/t Treatife on the lame
the Greeks. iubje^
Bafil of Acrts, Archbifloop of TlieffalemWi Letter Gui^u^i Letters.
to pope Adrian, Dr^e, Cardinal Biihop Tieatife of the
Hugo Etberiamu's Trcaufe againft (lie Gretl^ dvir.f Offices.
Joames Camateruii Letter to rope /MiHmtf{U. Peter dc Leon, Anti-popt, under ihc Kauie ot
Anacletus, his Letters.
fVwhf lre^ii^pf the Saermmitj, Stephen, BilTiop of Paris's Lcncrs, with thofc ot
Geffrey, Biihop of Charnes, and /f«trr. Arch-
fre). Abbot of Vmdim\ and* Ninth billinpof Sens.
frads. I{«du/fhut, Abbot of St. Trudo's I etrcr to Siitrt,
Armld, Abbot of Bmuuv^s Ttcatiie of die about tlie Otf^erings to be made upon admitonce
Li .il W< rks of Jefus Chiifl,
[ in which the Au- into Holy Orders.
linr iikewileTreaa Baftifutt tbe Euebariji, An Extrad of his Book againft Sioaooy.
and Cmfinnatiom. J^bn^ Patriarch of ^n/zW/^'s Letter about (he Orir
W^h, AfcbbilfaDpof t(fm*» Tieatiles. ginal mi
Brogrefs of the Ivtaftkh^Lifib


Digitized by Copgle
of ibeEcclefi^oalWrkm*
QVibtHt BtAop flf LiMerid(s two leceos. '

Pope Innocent Il's Letters.

^-—Celefiin il's Leitm. »

'^'Laaus IVs Imen, Armtd^ Abbot of 'Betmevi^i Treatiie on rhe Six

Petrvt /'lus's Lcrrcrs. Days Work.
f-y^elinus Mamaliiis's Li trcr to Gnuljelin. Brime, fiilhop of SemT^ Commentaries on the
Thegrtateft pan of Sr. Bcniwd' s Leirers, frnttetcb ; the Itoolcs of ^tf, P/klms^ C4i»*
S'^. Bcrttarfs five Books of Confidii-.uion. cles, the UneUtien of Sx.Jol-n.
—— Trcatilc of
the Maancii and Fundlions of

*;^_.Hi$ Treatife ci Injundioos and DifpenTa-

— His Treatife on the Son^ of Zachariat^
His Treatife of the BumI of JefusChifi,
f(adulpbus Niger s Twcnty Books of Commeocarics
tions. on Leviticus.
Pe/fr ilie Venerable, Abbot oi Cltmf's Letters. Guihtrt, Ahbteof N^*s
Ten Books of Cooi-
Gillclrrt Je Li FoncVs Letters almn the Confecnt- - nientaries tipon Genefis.
tioii oi the Eitcharijl wuhouc Wmc ——His Five Books on the Prophcfics of Hofea
Hugo Meteliiui, Letters. and Amos, and the Lamentations of '^eremidb.
}^Q^ Eu^eni us WW Letters. Hugh of St.J^/?(7r's Li'cral Notes on the Piw*
— ylnajtajiuj IVs Letters. tMeucIj, the Books 01 jua?es, Kjms, and foTM;
BartlMi'mnevp de Ft»'gt^ ApOtO^Btkal ItAaor* Pfalms.
GratiiiK^ Dccr» ——His Explications on the Lamevtatiom of Jr-
^Jiniui, a Mouat of MMmt-Athos'% CoUedHon of remiab, nnd of uic I'rophctics of Joel and.
Oinons. ObadiJ:
^Ukos CbrjfoLerfius's Thirteen Stanues. Richard ot St. ^^ar*s Qoeftious apott the whde
Voge AJrian IV's Letters. Bible.
«~.-/|fcx4wJfr Ill's Leners. '
——-His Qommnitaries on
Books of Tjalmt^ the ,

»— -Lucius Ill's Letters. Camietett St. Paui'^ Bfiftlest and the ^/ocajj^sff*
, -XJritan Ill's Lcttert. Sc. Btmar/s Sennons on the Book of Cmk^n i

-Gregcry VIII's Letters. G/V/'f;/ of /foZ/dii/s'Condmtatkmof the Sennons

Od9t a Keraxlar Caooa's Leam about die Dudes upon the CaaPidat,
rf his Order. mKMn, Abboc of St 7hierry\ Expofidon of .the
Jtnulplms, Bifliup uf f-//?f ;u:'s Lencrs. Book of Cay.ticles.
HU Dilcourle aeainliPr/Q' of Leeth fVolberOf Abbot of ^PanttUeoai Cooimeniaty on
MUM AmbidiMft STnodkal Scasqiis. theiame Book of Ctmtidetl.
Akxit Ariftenes zm SAmm i.9«rif*f. liidr Luie, Abbot of St, Orutlilut ComamEflry OH
Notes on cbe Caoona. the Canticles.
Bope cfemrar ISTs Ixnos. Philip of Haroeng's Coamentary cm tbeiame Book.
g^rrnu pj WW's Tlinf Books of dwOffiocsof Gilbert Foliot, Bilhopof iMvdEm'sCoiinicntsryoil,

the Church. the Book of Cantifiet*

—~«His Canon of the Myftical Offering. themat, a Monk of Chid>tfitr*9 Commentary on
Maurice de Suli/s Inftru&ioo lor Prkfls, the lame Bonk.
Pope Cel^in lU'sLeaers. Gerviffe, Pridt of C/iici^«'s Coouncniary on

AUxKof X'jM/jb'sLecRrabonciIieGanon theP^hecy^ hUlachy.

of the \Ufs. Oil, a Monk of ji^t% CoBamamoi on the

JBfiyli'U Patriarch of dnjiAntinoflei Ecddialti- Book of fJoints.

caJ Ordinances. SMhmius :!^gabemmt CommewtaijesontheCm-
Peter of SioIs\ LettCfS. tides and Gofpels.
Gauteritis, BiOiop of Maguelonne's Preface to Lief-
Stefl>en of TowrMa/s Letters. bert's Commentary on the Book of ?f.tlnu.
Theodorus Bdlfartiorh Commcniaiies on the Ca- Hc/iorius of Aiitun's Queftioot ow chc Books of
nons, atul bts ociier Works. Prin.erbs and Ecckfusftes.
His Commentary on the Book of Canticles.
Ctkied mrkf ufm fbc Bibk* l\::Tcn, Abbot of Dujts'^ Commentaries uTon the

Od!»>"Bidiop of Cambrof's TtttGt, OPj^miimg the


— wiiolc Bible, cail'd a Trcaiilc of the Trinity.

-His Commenraries on the Twelve IdTcr Pro-
phets,' the Bo<jk of Canticles, the Gofpels of
Harmony of the Go! pels.
Prirtis AhaeUir Jus's Anfwcrs to Heloiffus\ Qiic- 61. Matthew aiid Sc. and the Afocal;pfe.
Itions. His Treatife of the Vi<5bory of the Word of
K^htrd nf St. J'^fior's 1 rcati'"c5
Taberna- of the God, the Glorification of the Trinity, and the
cle, tiK' iciiiplc i the Chronology of thc£ooks PraceHion of the Holy G boll.
of Kif^p and Chronicles, with an F.xpliawion Hervxus, a Monk of Bem^ it D^s Cooitnentary
of the I'cinple defcrib'd in Es^tkiel. on St. Pdui s Eftfiles.
Pbiiip oL tUroengs Difcourfe on King Nebucbad- AbaeUrdHs's Commentary on th« Efi/Ue. 10 the
m:^4tr% Qtcm ; the Fait cf jMm, and the
Damnation of Solomon.
Biiliop of Cbr2f(f9lit% Connicotary on Works relating to G^vicral llifiory.

Sigtbtrt of Gembimrji Continuation of St. ?«•

rMv's Chronicle.

Digitized by G
A TMe of the H^orl^
--^HisTrcatife of the EccU fiailical Writers,
Florentiuj Bravo'$ Chronicle
Nicefborus BrjcnmUJS. Bj^^dnriv- [{tflXMy.
Wfiaria ^ Engbnd.
Joannes ^onarais Church- Hilton'. Turgot'i Hiftory of the Church of Durham,
Bonnrtut of Auttms TitaKile of the Ecckfiaftkal ^thn Fyke's Hiftory of the Kings of England,
Writers. H^aJter, Arch-Deacon of Ox/or fs TranflatioB
——His 1,5ft of Hcrcricks. Geffre; of Moamontb's HtlVory ot England.

-His Chronological Table of th^ Pbptt.'

Florentim Ar«tw*s Genealogy of the

Ki^ of Eng.
Eckflrd, Abbot of ZJranjren's Chronidle. land.
Hlw/j, ^ Monk of Fleurfi Chronicle WiSiamcS MnhnesbttryslaixftOTy of England, and
jii^elm. Abbot of GaMmr/9 C^ontinaition of of thefiilhopsof that Kingdom.
Simmn of Ourhmis Hiftory of *nj
OrJtmetti Vttatui EcddSaftica] Hiftory. fame othor Works by the faiine Amhor.
'jinna CDinncn ii Alcxicu, or Hiftory of tlwReign Henry of Hunsln'^tous, Hiftory of England.
. of Aitjcit Comnemu her Father* St. Aehed s Fraetnent of the Hiftory of Earland.
?«ihiof Hfxmms GwcinTOK icB vt Simem of Dur-
Otbtoi Fr;',^^'y'.'ti's Chronological Hiftni y /-•-jw's Hiftory of ihc Ki' 'f nc7i>riai\.
-—His. Hifiiory of the A(^ons of the Emperor Geffrey Arthur's Hiftory ot Great Britain,
miliam^ Nmkidge Ot GuHthm Neubrigenfu\
F.ikoa Chronicle. Hiftory of EvgLtvd. '

Cmji*ntintts Mmajfui Hiftory. , Gervafct a Monk of Canterbury s JUves of tlie

CtnfiMntimtu Htrmensf^t Treatile of tlie Scds ArcNbifliops of C mn h r oyi and ocbcr Rda^
of the Hereticks. lions concerning that Church.
JtMtmn Cimuumtsi Hiftory. Geffrey de Vintfau/'s lanerary of King l{icbard.
G^^, FHor of Vigt»ii%CtsaiMt of the Hifto- Syhefler Gtrald, Biftiop ot Sc. Davitt* Hilb>
, ry of Ftance. ry of England, and his other TraAs.
Ibierry or Tbeodariais's Hiftory of Kantay. I{cger dt Hwedcn's Continuation of yeneraile
• Pttrnt Cm^c^\ Scholaftical Hiftory. Bfit's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory.

Celfreyo^ Viterbo't Vvaxct^'^ Chronicles. Sax9 GrmmnMim'i Hiftory of OcuMMri^

I^olvrt oiTorignys Continuation oi Sigebert'% ChrOa
Otko of St. Bl^su's Condnaatk» of Oftkof JfW-
finghen's Chronicle. Baudry, Bifhop of A'ty ^'s Chronicle of the Quir*
Jditt Brompten's Chronicle, chcsof Camhray and Arras.
Gerv/i/e, a Monk of Canicrl'ur/s ChrO"wlft Lee of Mnrji's C!]rij;::rlc of Mount-CaJ^
Bjidulphus de Diceto's Chronicle. Huriui^jusi Chronicle of Sc. H^quier,
Hnrh de Flamgny's Chronicle ot Ferdstn.
Jffifivrir^ the Crufadcs, er the Cfntjuefij ob- A Relation rhc Contfft Lxrween Hernia Bi-
tain d Ifj the Chnltiiuis in the Levant. fliopof Augsburg and tgino ot Abbot 5:. Z'hic
Peter, Library-Keeper of Mmu-Cal^s 1 rcatifc
Fetrut Theutbadus's Hiftory. of the IliuftriousPerfonagcsof that Abt--^ and ,

Naniclcfs UAlim Author's Hiftory. the Founh Book of the Chiomck oi iLc fame
Hubert, a Mook of Hgm^jku 9X t^tmitlt^ Convent.
ftory. I(fdulfbus's Chronicle of the Abbey of St "Dvdt.
I{*imond ^AgUes& Hiftory. Turftin, Archbiftwpof TorlCs Treatife of tbcO-
'etubert. Abbot of N^mf'f Hiftory, callVI riginai of the Monaftcry of Hi^mSprit^t,
Dei per Francos. with a Letter, by the fame Author.
BsuJry, fiilhopof D^sHtftorv. , Baudry, BiHiop of Defi Memoitcs touching the
jilbericus, a Canon of Alx\ Hidory. Monaftcry of Fecsrnp.
Foueber, 4 Monk of Cb^tret'i Hiftory. ^steriust a Monk of St, Laurence at Ltiie'%
GautierorGaateirittt die Chancellor's Htfbry. Treatife of the faiwAtt Men of that Abbey.
Hiftories by two NamclcrsEpitomizcrs ct FL^r/w. Hrrt7Mn\ Account of the RcftaurasioB of Uie
A ReUuoo of the Expedition of Levtes VII. King Church of St. Martin at lottrnaj,
of Rmcf to the Lewimt. Teulfhus'i Chonide of Hiltkfifeim,
fVtlUam, Archbilhopof 7>r/s Hiftory. Jol u, a Monk cf A/.i?7/K>//fjVr*4 HiftAy ot 4b
^mtmet Phxai's Relation of a Voyage to the A(^ ot Geffrey Plantagenet,
H»fy Lm<L Akxanders HUtory of the Lift and AdioM ef
fieovljtmh Rcl.ition of the Caiaiqitiet diftc befell I{fger, King of Sicily.
Ifland of fyfriis. Hubert of Pqitiers's Chronicle of the Abbey d
^a)wle(s AutMr's NamtiTe of the Expedition Fe^elay.
of the D-tnes to the Holy L.tnJ. Albert's Re\AtVDn of the Rcftitution of the Mflot-
The H:llory of yernfaiem by another Namelefs ftery of Hilde/keim to the Beneditiin Moni»
Author. Laurence, a Monk of L/^/sChronicfoof tleBH
Oliver of C«/m's Hetotionaf the taking of Dami- (Lop"; of Verdun.
uta. I{icliai-d's Hiftory of HatulftaJik ,
ysmet dt Vitiy% Hiftory. l{obert of Ttriff^'s Htfti^ of cbe Abbeyt of
t .

of the Ecckfiaflicd Writers,
^cljarJi Abho^ of Klouht CaJpui Concmuation of 1 ht Lite of St. Ludgtr, by a Kamclcfs Ahthor.
Peter the l.ibrar)-kecpcr's Hiftory <lf cbe lUu- Tinbaudor Th:obald, a Monk of St. Peter zt Bf^i^$
ftiiiousPerronag^ of that Abbey. Relation of the A^
and JMacacJes of St, Fn$~
Gamier or Canon ot Tcrouanei's Hi-'
Gauterius, a
itory of the Life and -Martyrdom o£.OuarltSf
Demm^onsLife of the Princcfs Mathilda. Sirnam'd the GW.
J^fih^diu of SfWtfr's Life of Hugh, Abbot of Cfu- St. Aelred's Life of St. Edward.

ny ; with two other Relaiiotis of the lame Life The Life of Tbonm Beckft, Archbiihop of Can-
by IliUehert, B:thop ot Mans and by Mi^b, te^ttry, by divers Authors, with the Letters of

, a Monk
of Cluny. tlie lame Prelate.

Sigebert Gemblomrli Lives ot'SL Sigtlnrtt St.

tfi Ecbejt and Tbwkric& Relations (tf the Life of Sc.
and Sc Mae/MT.
Gutbert, Abbcii of i^ifiwMv,
Stcfl-r,!, Abbot of St^Miw at JLiVjrVLUeof Sc. Hugh, a Mon^of St St»im^s life of Famiiul^
Modioiduj. radius.
Anjckerm't Hiftory of the Life and AQiddesof of Harveng's LivCS of dWtn SHnt&
Sr. Anglliert. Canon of Liege's Life
Nicc/as, a Sc'Lmteri*
TWrtfjr or 3*ffl/r*<ittsLifcof Sc. H^trtd, of St. Frederic/^
Sibrand's Lile
Ifjiritttphi/s Lue of Sc; Amd^t with a Rela- Bertrtmts Hiftory of the Miracles of l^phrt.
tionof the Miracles of St. l^ifHu'crmd the Life Abbot of La Cbaife-Dieu.
oi Su \UJd(»i/Uus. ^dulfbus Tmariiu's Book of the Miracles of
Bnm» of StfHt s Lives of Po|)e IX* and of. Lm St Benedia.
Gonthier or GofttbmUss Life of St Cj/fkUls tnd
Guti'cn Abbot of Hcgent's Life written by himfclf. St. JuUtid'. •
, .

—— His £ii««»i«i»i on the Virgin M^ry. * * ., a Monk of SciJJons's Life of Sr. Godfrey, mrht if Idmditj Md Puif.-'

jielmtlm's Hiftory of the Life and Paflfion of C«-
ntuiUy King of Dnm»k.' •
Philip, Sirnam'd the Solitarj's Dioptron or the Rttlt
.'5. a Monk of Ely'i Account of the Life'and ot a Chriftian Life.
Transition of St. Etheiirlt'iK Bruno of Segnts Moral Dilcourfc^ attributed M
Gui^ue's Life of Hugh, B;(hop of Grenoble.
St. St. Bruno. >

Geffrey, Sirnam'd the Gr^'s Lite.of St. Jlermr^/, Guibere, Abbot of A'ojf»/'s Trcatife of Virginity.
Abbot ot Tirm. Gcfffcy, Abbot ot Kf«</o/«e's Twclfiii, Thir-
Hfiulfhitt^ Abboc of SblVitd/s Life of ScXiV/- teenth, Founeencli and Fifteenth Tra(fts.
wt. Honor I us of Autun'% TieatUe of the Phikiiypfay of
Vine, Lifhopof Cntiftr.y.ce's. Lives of it. Gebehard the World.
' and St. Cmrad. St. Nsibert's Difcourfc.
Baudry, B !liop of DcFs Life of Sr. Huib, Axch- Guigue's Mtdita-^ioris with a Treatife of the
biftwp ot and ot lomc eihers. Coivitcinplative Lue, or tne Ladder ot the
Gmlbert, a Monk of Machienne$*i Books TwO qiotfter.
of the Miracles of St. [{iclrtid:. Franco Abbot of yiffiighem's Treatife of the

Pandulphttj of Pi/.t's Life of Pope Gehfms IL Mercy c^ God, and his Letter toccnain Nuns.
Fabricius Tufcus*s Life of St. /idelm. Eckard, Abfaqc of Vr^m's Leoer* and Dilbour-
H^iliam of MaJmburys Lilk of the iameSainc. fes.

jiiiSftt*s Lives of St. Giudbert and BenurdHubert, a Monk <^f Fleurys Two Books of thh
with the HilhMy Of the TmUbitiOQ of S:. Royal Power and the Sacerdotal Dignity.
3^401^'$ Hugh de Ffiliet, a Monk of Corbie's Works.
Odo, Abbot of Sr. I{emigius at I^hehtu's Rdoxioa Hugh of St. ViBerh SoKloquy of the Sold.
of Miracle wrought by St. Tk«rMt> / — His £wm'j/"w ot Cli;ir:ry. —
—<^His Difcourle on the manner of FrayinK^
Sc. Beritard'i Life of St. MaUchy,
The Life of ^i. Bernard, written by mtidm ~^His Difcourle of the Love of the Ihide*'
AblKJt of Sr. T'jjerry by Arnold, Abbot] of ; Groom andtbeSpoufe
Bmnr^al, by Geffrey, Abhoi CiairvauXt and His Four Books of the Vanity of the World.
by Alimust BiOwpw Aiixerre, with Other Re* St. Stfrwrfr/sfeverai Letters. ^

Intlonsof his Lite and Miracles. His Trt-Mtifc of ConfiJcrntion.

Uith'am, Abbot of St. Tbienyi Hiftory of the His 1 rad: of the Manners and Fundioos of
Anions of fPSSiMni^ Cmehet. Biihops.
Pfffr the -rAje's Two Books of Miracles. - H;s Tre.irife of Converfion. —
Si^er, Abbot of St. Deni/i Life of Lewa the His i reattie of InjunAions and Difpcnfaiions.
Grtft, King of Franet, -——The Commendation of fhc Ncm^ hiaiitia*
Merni::u, .hbbot of St. Mirtin at Tournn/^ Tha'C
fiuoks of the Miracles of St. Mary at Lam. Hts lVeatifc of liicLoveol God.

His Trc.nife of tl-c Degrees o*" Hu!nilil|'. '

The Life of St, Othfj ihe Apdfttcof FmaerMuat by kViHiam, Abbot of St. Thierry Letter to thc <i

divers Authors Gt'//!//i'.i« Monks ot 'Mmt-lj

Jii ch.ird^ Life of St. Gejelin. "—-His Ircaufe of the Cumeiupkuwii of God.
Hu'J), Cardinal Bilhop of 0^m*s Letter abwt the .^..^His Trad of the Dignity of Love.
EXathof Pt,[ J F, 111. — — His Mirrour of Fanh.
J{i>beif, Arch-Dcacon ot Ojirevant i, Lite of St. HisMyftcryof t.uih,
•"^ —His Mediutions.
A a a Jtra0>'d,

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A Takk of the IVork^
Am^d, Abbtc of Bomewtti Treanfe of die Amieus of Lanfanna's Eight Sermoos in Com*
Words of Jj^xCifcry/? upon the Crofs. mcnd.ition of the VIvg'n A/.rrr.
—-~His Treacifc of ihc Principal Works ot ^^uj St. Brr«.:r/s !k'nnoHSon the Sundays, t'eftiv^lg,
Chrijh .md (>' her days ot the Year, and on divers o>
His Treariff of the Six Dttys Work. thcr Subjcdts.

—~-His Mediations. A' H'- 'd, Abbor ot Bunrtev^i! i Dilcourfc in Com-

FettrtheVemrahle, Abbot of Clunjs's Lctrcrs. nnendation of liie Virgin Matj.
Amoniuj Melijfus, a Greek. Monk'$ CoUcdtiOD of Petruj, Simam'd
our Saviour's Trantiguration.
the P^eneraile, his ^I mW'

I m
the Maxims
of the Fathers.
Petho, p. Monk of
Prom's Five Books of tlie Hottfe GuerricfAbbot of Igrtys Sermons.
of God, and a Trcatifcof Wifdom, GermamH, Patrbrcb of .CMj|f?4ttf/»o/ie's Sennonai
Serb's Trcatile of the Lord's Prayer. Sc. Aelred'% Sermons.
KMas, a Monk of C.iui vnux\ Letters. Aditmiiui Scocui'i X L VH . Sctmons.

Henonf !!:iK higton's Ttouik of the Cootfiinpc Bcbert's Two Sermons.

of tiia World. Amulphui, Bilhop of Lifieux's Semons on the'

St. £/if4 toi, Abbds of SebmnH Vifions and Let. AnnuticiAiiL'n or rhc Vij^itt hSaij»
ters. Peter ot Cetet's Scnnoos.
. Mirrour ot Charily.
St. y^tf/rf/s Geffrey, .Abbocof C/aiVftfiof'sDifcourleon St.?/-
His Trcatife of Spiritual Amity.
GUbert of Haiimd's A(cecick Treadfes and Lec> KUwrictde Sully, Bilhopof Pari/s Sermons.
ters. Petm Comefitr*s Sennomi
• J^tbardoi' St. Vi^ior'sTrcsuUcs o( Piety. Ogcr, Abbot of LuceJias Sermons.
Su HildegardM's Letters, Vilions, and Anlwetsto IJaact Abbot of Utoiie^s Sermons.
certain Qucfttons. Btmanl, Abbot of C/«fMi4»xV Scrmoofi.
PhiUf of Harvei^s MonlDUboiirfei on the Boole Pettr of B/wj*s LXV. Sanons.
ot Canticki, ^
~~~~Hfa Leictrs* tVerk* about the Munjjlick. Life,
. — His Trcarifes
on the Veitaes and Endow
menisof Clergy-Mcn. St. Bruno's Two Laters^
Adtmus 5ciMf*s Treatifes about M^ttt Triple G^ffey, Abbot of Vendimet EtevcnthTra^
Tnb. rnade, and the Tbree kinds of Conion Stephen HjrJ.'t;^'s Charter of Charity j or Coofti'*
pUcion. tutions ot tlic Order of Lijuux,

7«£Mof SdUAwf% P^ycrMiemt-f with a Letter by His Ticattfe calPd, The /mat he^itmii^ (f
the fame Author. the Cldcrizn Order, and Two other 1 ra<ft&
Peter of CcZfw's Letters and other Works, Gui^ue's Statutes of tlie Cartbujian Order.
Geffrey, Abbot of CUrrvMjc's Letten. Franco's Letter a^Unft the Apoftate-Mndo, .

Mul^i^vin, Archbifhop C.tKtcrlw/i Sixteen Trca- St Bernard" s Apobgy CO t^ittntt AbboT of St.
tilcs of Piety, aiid a Trad of the Rccommen- Thierry.
dadoD of Faith. His Tfcatiie of Injundions and Oi'^6-
Jfaisc, Abbot of L'Btmit's Trcatife of the Mind tions.
and the SoiiL — Several Ltiui^.
), ibbctof c/4irt>Ws Titatife oftheGty Wtter the VenerMe, Abbot of C/«g^s Letters.
ot God in li-V.k. His CoUei^kion of the Statures of the iame.
Abbot ot Ctairvaux's Letters.
Peter, " Order.
Gamier of St.^A«r's Ticatife. calTd The Gr« Peter de ^oy^ a Monk of CLiirt aux's Letter.
haftredtiu Abbot of C7*/(t.:,v.v"s Letter.
Johu, a Carthti/ian Monk of Portes's Letters. St. /ii;4Vg4»W/f 5, txplication oi 6i.lietieditt sl\\x\t.
Stephen de Chauimet, a Cgrtti^4n Frier of the fatnc Adamut Smtws Conmcntafy on Sc. At^^iitt
Klon.if^cry's Lcners- Rule.
GoiKbier or Gonthcuuii Treatifc of Fafting and Odo, Abbot of Bf/*s Letter.
AknS'giviDg. Gilbert of Sempi iin^bam's ConftltUtfOns.
ElUoi C«xi>'sDilcourie.
s PtetSctiH^k/.
Guihert, Abbot of No^cwf's Treatife of Preaching.
Odo, Bifliop of Cambr/0*% Dilboutie concerning Marhdut, Bifliopof /(rnw^'s Povm5.
the the Sin acainit the Holy Ghoft, and the Geffrey of Vendome's Four Hymns.
Pacabkof the Vnyij/? Stetnud* . //i/<&^r/,Biflv)p of KUns'slwo Profesor Hymns
t^aiut^ Ardenss Sermons. on the Nativity of
'jefiis Christ, and a Para-
Bruno of Srf "s CXLV. Sermons. phr ife in Verie of the Canon of the •

GnHftrtt Awot of Kigent'$ Sermon on the Uft Peter the yeaerablts Poetical Pieces.
Vcrie of the 7ih Chapter of the Book of Wif- Bernard, a Nkmk of Climys Three • Booh ia /
. dom. Rhiming Vcrle, of theCcnti tin of ti c VcrM.
ygm^meh Eleven Sermons.
GeJ^ey, Abbot oi Geargeot' Cor/us Mmodia, or Ptxm Jn iavouE o£
Hild^t, Bilhopof Muus Two Sermons, with the Abbot NeHarim.
hi.<: SynodicalDircouifc. Philip oi zer^Wocms.
Drego, Catdinai Bilhop of Oftms DiSocmfc, Amuifbtu, Buhop of Li/ieux's Poctital l^iaxs.
4H«;6of *St.|78«r'sHwidred Sermons. Gwtbier, a Monk of- St,. Amimit' Poem callU
Ptinit dMardu^ Scrtnons. .

Digitized by Guv/^ici


Principal Matters
Contained in this

Adultery, punifli'd'with Excommunication, 3^
A cafe in which it docs notdifannul Marriage, 1^
Whether an Aduherefs ought of ncceiSty to be
their Habits ought to be plain, ill- Divorc'd from her Husband, 1 That a Wo-
Abbots ; that 'tis not lb much the Bcnc- man fufpeifked of Adultery without any proof,

dickionofa Bilhop, as the Elcdion of the Monks ought not to dear hcrfelf, by the Tryal of Fire-
Bi(hops forbidden to Ordenl, but by Oath, le. z±. That ihcy who have
that makes an Abtxjc, p. 2i
exiCt any thing for the BlcfTing of Abbots, p. Ij-L been accomplices in an Adulterous f.i£t, or are
Pontifical Habits ulurr/d by 'cm, uJL A Privi- guiliy of it, are uncapable of giving evidence a-

lege granted by the Pope to the Abbot of Cluny gainft the Adulirelis, 19. 2£± HI grounded Suf-
to have a Crofs and Mitre, p. 26. 1 his Cuflom picioiis concerning Adultery, i

difapprov'd, p. t6^. Ornaments which they Albert of Ate>'Jj Anti-pope, taken Prifoncr and
cannot wear in Officiating, without a Liccnlc confin'd, 23.
firft obtain'd of the Pope, 2J-£» Alms-^ivin^ ; a Blfliop commended for giving
Ahfolution dcny'd to Criminals condetiin'd to his Goods to the Poor in his Life-rime,
^2:^ jj.
Death, iiiij The d.lFcrcnce between Alrns given in one s Life-
Ahjlinencey how to bc obfcrv'd on ¥rl<utys and time and I egacies, 47.
Sjtttrdajn, llh Altar, that the Confecrared Stone of an Altar
Bcnediilin Monks enjoyn'd to forbear eating lofes its Confecration by bc.iig remov'd out of it<
Meat; in like manner thofe of C/mw/, bi place, £. But that the fame thing docs not hap-
Acad^mits, their beginning,
, AccidentsQacft ins about the Nature of the
^ }>cn to portable Altars, ibid.
der the Title ot P^jyiw.i//.
Altars provided un-
Atichcritej, the Opinion of /vw Bilhop of C/m>-
Acciilcnts that remain in the after Confe-
craiion, lli- fff/ concerning thcir. 17.

AdcU Counrefs of Ch.i tres ; the Remoiiftrancc Angeh, a "1 leaiile of Atigtls ccmpof'd by the
iuadc to her by Ivcs liifhop of the f.imc Pio- Mn 1' er of t Ik* Si ti em es.
i 196.

uefs, Zi. T!ve Cr)r,tro\cilies between that Coun- /hnmctjii'm, of tlx Virgin Af.r;r ; a Dii'pine
'tefsai^ rhe Bifliop and Clergy of C7).tmf/, 11. ti conccrn:r.g the Day of thtt Fefttval, li^.

Adclecta, l ady of the Mnnour of Pui/et i her Antidrljh the Opinion ih.u he was to como
ii\ the XII. Century,^ 49."
Agreement with Ives Bilhop of Chaitres, con-
Exforfions imyosd upon the Church Apparitions, whether th y be rc.Tl, 143.
cern ng tlie

of Chart es bytlie Inhabitants of Puifh, 2s The Appeals, tf ApiH-.-.Is in Juiigaicnts, lL The

' '. >ntmu.ition of thofe Opprelfions follow'd with abulcs of Appeals to the .Sec of !{cn>e, jj. A
Lxco;r.nian:cations, 2: lL Rule lor luch Appcais, 1 .'i. LettiiiOl Appeal,
An INDEX of the Thncipal Matters, &c.
call'd Apiftali, LSI: Prcrcnfionsof a certain Legale concerning the Or-
ArcluDeaconriej, to be confcrr'd only upon dinations of the Birtiops of France conlured by
Deacons, li ifl^ 107- 2'^- Ives Bilhop of Chartres, 6, &c. The Life and
yfrc/nPriVyf/, ought to bePriefts, n Converfation of a Bilhop, \6iL Whether it be
Armenians ; thcu" Errors and Pfadicci confut- expedient that one Ihould relide at Court, 1 ^g.
ed, i8ii 1^ i6i. The irregular Condud of fome fiilhops,
yfrwflW of Brf/c/tf i his Hiftory, Opinions, and 51. 55.
Condemnation, Sx 2: Condemnation by the Bleffing, that that which Abbots receive at tbcir
yfrrrtj ; the Divifion of this
40. il,
Church, and of
^ Promotion, only a limple Prayer,
is Of
tLit which Monks receive in the Entrance upon
that of Cambray, 34- 3^. C^c.
their Profeflion, j. 94.
Afilum, the Right of the Afyla prclerv'd to Bonneval Sbberf -y a Donation made to u by
the Churches. ifi^ Ives Bilhop of Chartres, n.
Actrilmtes ; of the Divine Arrrlbutes, ic^.Cjfc. Bread, fee unleavened Bread.
Ocher Qiicftions about the diftiiidion between the Burial Chrifiian ; that it Ought rwt to bc deny'd
Attributes of the Divine filTcnce, and of the thole who die in the Communion of the Church,
Pcrfons, 11 2^ Queftions about the Divine At- 11. Forbidden to Ufurpcrs of Church-Revenues
tributes difcufs'd by the Alaftcr of the Senten- or Pofleillons, A calb in which 'ds deny da

ces, 194. of the Omniprcfence of God, 17^- Monk, t.

Aumfs Profane, whether rccourfe may be had
to them in difcourfiing of matters of Religi- c.
on, 107- 1 ^8.
. CAmbray, the complaints of the Church of
B. Citmbray againli ;he Pope, The Divi-
fion this Church and that or Arras,
of ibid.

the nfccfTiry of it for Salvation, CAtion lutv ; Gra/ian's Decretal receiv'd and
B Ajttifm
The cffcdts of Bapiifm, rji-
monies usd in the Adminillrationof it in the XII.
Cere- taught piiblickly as. icon as it was let fonh, ZC4.
Colic(5^ions of taltc Decraals, 1 6i.

Century, lit. 117. Of the numbei- af Sure- Canons, their Dilfirrenccs, n.

ties, i^i<S. A Qucftion ab<jut Baptfim difculs'd, Cancns f^gular ; ObieiTations upon their In-
76. A Qucftion about its Validity when admi- ftitution, iiH. Their Quality above that of
niftred under an extraordinary Form, di* The Monks, J, That the y are impower'd toadmini-
Errors of the Petrobujians and other Hcrcticks of Itcr the Sacramcnis, and to peform the Fundio'ns
the XII. Century concerning Baptifm, 86.^7. 169. of Cur.ites, S- lL zisl That they who enjoy 'd
Benin 'tis, that Church for a long timcgpvemd Benefices, depended on the Abbot, and tnipht be
by ill Billiops, An Exhortation by Ives remov'd from their Parlonages at his pkalurc.i^?.
Bilhop of Chartres to chufe a good one, ll The Conduct of a Regular Canon, who had lelt
Bee- Abbey s an A^teetncrtt between the Monks
of that Abbey and tholc of Muk/>ne, made by
his Ciire to return to his
Regular Canons recciv'd into MonaikTicf, i^.
Abbey, difapprov'd, ^
Ives Bifhop of Chartres. ii Cannot be readmitted among the Clergy, after
Benediction, See Bleffmg. having turn'd Monks, fi. A reproof given to a
Benefices ; how and on whom they ought to be Canon, who had quitted the Regular Couric of
confcrr'd 6. Lt. loj. 208. logi^c. ought not to Lilir,
4^ They who abandon their Profeflion to
be-recciv'd from the hands of Lay- Men, iofi. no, be dcpriv'd of the Communion of the Church,
Ought not to be claim'd by Right of SuccelTion, 2 12. Footftcps of the Regular Difciplinc in the
a.06. iLi, A Collation of Benefices with a Cure Chapter of Hijeims. 1 6%

of Souls, cannot be made without the confcnt of Cardinals -y

their Dignity, in. Chofenoutof
the Bilhop, ij. A Prohibition to cxz£t any all Nations, ibid.

.thing for Prelcntacions to BctKficcs, 115. The Carmelites, the Foundation of their Order, 118.
plurality of Benefices forbidden, lsl. dL. £09- Cnfes rcferv d to the Po/r; the Abfolutioo of
That two cannot be poflcflcd without the Pope's fuch Perfons as have aflaulted a Clergy- Man,
Difpcnfation, zi^ A prohibition to divide Pre- 2ii Hi
bends, m.
Whether .nn Archbiflwprick ought to Catechumeas, the Ceremony of making Chil-
be accepted, orrefufcd, Prebends united to a ^ dren Catechumens at the ChuTch-door,
Cf'/^ji-v, ordain'd by the Canons to Clcrgy-

a Contcft between two Churches

Bcjitnfon ; Mcn, vvIkjhave entered into S.icrcd Order5, zai
of that City about the Right of the Cathe- the Punifhmcnis inlli<flcd upon Marry 'd Claki,
dral, i6. ji, and thofc who keep jConcubines, or co-haint
Bi/hops, of their Elcifiion, LL ii 134. with Women, lSL 24. 3c-. '3^ jj, j6. 2c6.
1^6. i!. 7. Conditions rcqui/itc to be promoted toi, ^c. That a Marry 'd Man cannot lead x
to a BiO'iprick, 107. That he who is chofcn Bi- fingle lifi.', but with the confeni of his Wifi^ 2&
ftiop, lolcs his other Benefices, ibid. Of the Age Chalices, of what Matter they ought m bc
requifitc to be made a Bifhop, ibid. Of the made, xti.
Right of Kings in the Eledlions of BiflKms, t Charily, the Ehities and extent of that Veit*.
Of their i undions, Duties, Vertues and Vices, 166.
70. I 'jo. I S9. 167- Of the Obedience due to 'em; Chartres, The Cuftom of that Church concern-
17. Of
the TiyaJ of Bilhups, 4. That they ing certain Retributions, condemn'd by Ivts Bi-
cannot be cited to a Council without their Pro lhop of Chartres, Ll» 13. And aboiilh'd, H.
vincc, except by the Sec of Upme. 15. The Tliey who were not capable of obtaining Bcnc^
An INDEX of the Trincipal Matters, &c.
A Contcft
between the tury, rcjedked the Worihip of the Crofs, 85, (£!c.
fkes in that Church, 14.
Church of Chjrtres, and the Abbey of Marmou-
CourbeviUe, Crufade Indulgences and Privileges granted to
tUr for the Church of St. N/co/d* at

Unity and Liberty of the

thofc who were engag d in it, ij. ix^.
Curates, their Fundlions prohibited to Monks,'
Chwih ; of the
Church, Lii The Ordinances of Pope Pafchctl
no. AUow'd to Regular Canons. xio.

II. rcform'd in Vmnct, Kcaule

they were not fe-
vonrablc to the Liberties of the C4tf/c«»f Church, D.
J 2. The Hcr^nicks of the XIL Century, had

Church of


fee ArrM.
nor Altars, 86,
fsc. D lambert, Archbifliopof Sens, whenchofen, 2i
The Exceptions made by Hugh, Archbifliop
of sLyons agajnft his Ordination oppos'd bv hes
Church Beauvaii, kc Bcauvais. Bifliop of Chartres, ibid. He is Oidain'd by tlic
Church of Cambraj, kc Cambra;. Pope, noiwiihftanding thofc Oj^^pofitioiis, 5
Dead ; Prayers for the Dead icjedttd by the
Church of Chartres, kcChartres.
Jeniptlem, {<x Jertifalem.
Church di Diflenteni frem the Churrh of l^ome in the Xll.
that Princes and Lay-Men
Century, •

See Deaneries, ought to bc given to none but

ought not ro have the difpoal of 'cm,
Revenues ot the Church. Priefts, a 06.
n.- i
with what Solemnity that FdUval Difpenfations, of their different kinds, qo, (^c.
ought to bo celebrated, ^ That Diipenlaiions given without Realon are in-

Cijieaux, the Foundation of that Monaftcry,


(ignificant, ^ 217- Rules tor Difpenfations,
70» (Sic.
42.. Othei- Monaftcries of that Order, li-iVi
State of the CiftercUn Order in the XU.

Clergy-Men ; Authorities cited by Ivei BilTiop

^ Divine Service,
Divinity Scholaftick,
ic^i, ^c. The
fee Offices Divine.

its Original and Progrcfs,
ProfclTors of it, igi, C^c.
Peter Lombard, the Chief of thofc Profiellbrs,
of Chartres, to advance the Dignity of Claks
An Epitomeof Theology, That of Hp-
above that of Monks, s- Of the Law not to
not bertut PuSus. 199.
adroit among the Clergy iuch Pcrfons as arc
Petrus Abaelardut's Introdu<3ion to Divinity»
bom in lawful Wediock, liL What manner of
by Clergy- Men, 106. The, Method of the Scholaftick Divines
Habits ought to be us'd
manage Secular Offi- Ccnfur'd, 2o<i. lor. A
Vindication of it»
aiJ: Clerks forbidden to
ce or Employments, 12^ ic2_. To cxcrtifc Ju- Cenfurcsupon Abaelardm\ Method, rjli The
dicature, xiA. To aflifk inTIie Judgment of Capi- abufe of Scholaftick Divinity, 16%.

They are prohibited to engage Dominion, that of the Court of B^cme condemn*
ral Cafcs,"7S/.
in Milary AflFairs, and to bear Arms, 2JJ^
The cd» iS,
manner of clearing themfelves when fufpeded of
CriitKs, The Cognizance of their Caufes
forbidden to Uy-Men, 13, They cannot be
Try'd by Lay-Judges, but for Capital Crimes, ECcleJiaJlical Judicature, fee 'judicature.
1 1. Proud nnd Diflblute Clerks, 3^- Ecclefiajlicai Perfons, fee Clergy-Men.
A Prohibition to pillage their Goods after their EleHion, that of Popes referv'd to the Cardi-
Dcc^ale. 126- nals, 217. A Decree tor the Elctilion of Popes,
Ciurty, the State of that Order in the XIL Cen- 207. How
the Proceedings ought to bc carry 'd
tury, 11^ Controverlies between the Order of on in the Eledion of a Billiop, J2i The
Cluny and the CificrcUn, sS. 82^ (3e. The ir- necclTtty of Eledion and Conlccranon to make

regular pradlices of the Order of Clunjf, a Bilhop, 134. That the Elcdtion ought to be
made by ifie Clergy, lu l1± 1^6. That the
Comatend itions, fee Prdife Canons ought to fummon Pcrlons of known Piety
Communim, ordain'd under both kinds a-part, to the Eledioos of Bilhops, 20^ That in the
to Criminals condemn'd to Death,! 1 Eledion, the greater and more loUnd Party is to
3 J. Dcny'd
Conception ef the Virgin Mary ; Sc Bernard's be fotlow'd, 209. By what Means the Popes
Letter about the FefkivaT of the Conception,
The Opinions of «tljcr Authors- upon the fame
^ become Malters of Elcittious, 2t7.
Empire, that the Empire is not in the Pope s
Subject, lYL Gift, nd. ixu
Concubine ; whether it be lawful for a Man to England, the Rights daim'd by the King of
m.'u-ry his Concubine ? "L England over the Clergy and Churches of his Do-
Confrffim, the ntxdfity of it, ijLi, That that minions, 12;, &6.
of fmall fins may be made to all the Faithful, I2i
Entrance into Holy Orders, a Prohibition to ex-
Confirmnt ion, the effcds of 13^- it, ad any thing upon that account,
Coronation of Kjngs ; the Prctcnfions of the Kmde I'Etoile, a rid iculous Hcrctick, §l
Church of Ulieims to the Right ofXrowning the Eucharijl, divers Qudlions about the Celebra-

Kings of France, oppos'd by Ivet Bifliop of tion (if it, 146- 147. Queftions about the na-
dartre/, ture of the Accidents that remain in the Eucharijl
Cojinci/j ; General Councils, ij. 10^. 1 he iifttr the Con'.'ccration,
i iz. That Coniccratiorj*
Autliority of the Popes in the later, Councils. 212^ perform 'd by diffohuc Miniftcrs, arc valid. 151.
Court of Upmei the Ufurp'd Dominion and i hc R^ai p'refcnce prov'd, iij. 1^
That Jcjia
Exat^ions of it condemn'd, 160.
The Dif-
^ Chri(i is altogether entire under every Hoft. ibid.
The Eucharift adminiftred under both kitidsj
the rcfpcdb due to it, 18^
icntcts from the Church of Upme in the XII. Ccn- 147. A Prohibition to give it ilcep: in
B b b Win'..
Jjj INDEX of theTrincipal Matters, See.
Wine, nS. Whether the Sop which our Sa-
viour gave to Judoj were his Body or not ? 14'- G.
That the Eucharijl ougbi to be rcvcrcnily carry'd
by Clcrgy-Ivleii to fick Perfons, That 'tis G/iuteriuf Abbot of Sr. M.tur its
or H^alter,
not abfolutcly ueccffary for Salvation, 141. For- Eojje^, the Advice given him by Ijts Bi-
bidden to be kept longer than eight days ii^ jhop of Ciartrts concerning the Government of
Of the ufc of unleavcnd Bread in the Cclebra- his Monaftcry, 4.
rion of the EHchat tft, according to the Culttjtn of Sc. Genevieve- the Reft)rmation made
the Artneniths, ifti^. The Errors of divers He- tlKtcin by Su^erus, '
reticks in the XII. Century about rlic Eucbarijt^ Geffrey, Bilhop of Cbgrtres, depos'd, and JWi
S6. 169. St. Bernard prefents the Eucbariji to fubftitutcd in his room, l, 2. Endeavours us'd
the Duke of Quicrtnt 10 confound him, • iS. for his Reftauration, 1
^ Juftice of tsciman^ii ; the Ad-
Eu ks Chief Geffrej, Abbot of Vendomc, rcprpv'd by tots
vice given him by Ives Bilhop of Cl:artres, con- Biftopef "CA^rfrc/,
cerning the manner of proceeding againft a Bifliop Geffrey, Canon of Toun, tlie Conreft between
accus'd of Simony, 4^ him and Giflebert the Nephew of the Arcbbilhop
Eunuch, a Cafe in which one may be admittea of the fame Diocel's, 17.

into Holy Orders. 12: GiSebert de la Porrte,An& Do<flrine and L\ic,

ExcommunicaticH, the caufe for which that Pu- 113, (^c. His Errors t*rifiited by St- Bernard,
niihmcnt may be inflided,
bre,-kiiig the Peace, IL. That Kings ought not
Dcnounc'd for I n. 114.
And condciMi d m a Council he'd

to be Excommunicated,^^ That one Bifhop Gedof his Omniprcfcnce,

; 17?. Certain
may Excommunicate the Per Ions of angthers Dio- Queftions about his Attributes difcufs'd by the
ccis with the PofHi*? leave, 2i That a Pcrfon Mafter of the Sentences, 194. Whaher God
ought not to be Excommunicated before he be can do what he dees no: P 107- 194- 101. In
brought 10 his Tryal, 1 5. That they who con what paniculars his Immutability confifts, 108.
fefs lecret Sms cannot be Excoaimunicatcd, 12. I C9. Of the Duty and Manner of loving God,
Wliahcra Pri eft ought toabftain from outward 74-
Coiiiumnion with a Criminal who has pi iv^tcly Goods of the Church, fee J^rt-eHwr* of the ClM^tit.
confefs'dto bim a Crime worthy of,Excomii}ani- Grace, the Concord between Grace and FreC'
cacion, ij. A Prohibition to admit to the /Jr/r^f/i' Will, 2ii The Opinions of the Mafter of tbe
rifiPerfons Excoiumunicated by ilicir Biiliojj, iz. Sentences concerning Grace and FR'c-Wili, 195.
iod. Whether one be cblig'd to fliun all lorts of Abaelardtish Opinion about Grace, 1 1 1, in,

Excommunicated Perfons, ij. Relief that may Crmdmevr, the Order of GrMidmont, wjxfe,
beadiniiiiltcr'd to Excommunicated Perfons, jW. and by whom Inilitutcd, ilL
Se\ cral Chapters of Canons that have a Right to Gudion chofen Bifliop of Beattv^is, his Elci^ioo
denounce Excommunication, ij. The Privilege oppos'd by feme Perfons, but maintain 'd by Ites
of Kings to caufc Excommunicated Perlons to be Biftiopof Cluirtres, II. Li^ He is trarilitcil to
abfolv'd, a. the tpifcopal Sec of Paris, r^. ij, Andairer-
Exemptions, the abufeof 'em, 63. i6r. 218. watds to that of Beauvais, 12.
ThoTc of Monks forbidden,

^ Exemp-
Guibert Anti-pope, the time of his Death, 03.
His dead Body dug up and thrown into the Con-
Extreme Vnciton^ that it may be rc-iterated, 84. mon-ihorc, i;.
Gttjiof Puifit, his Opprc/Tionof tbcQurchoF
Charnes follow'd with Excommunication, ifi>

FAfis, how oblcrv'd in the XII. Century, a 18. H.

A Rule Ember -fVeek^s in tbe Month
for that of
or June, a^. Fafting advis'd during the time of HAbits, what forts of »em are rcquifnc for
advent, 114, An extraordinary Faft for the War Clergy- Men. io£u Thofe of Abbcflcs
uaamrainM in the Hoij Land, The Fafts of 113. ^Tbe BkiHrg of Sacerdotal Habits rdv»'d
the Armenians, I S^. to the Biftiops. 110'
Festival of the Annunciation of the Virgin Ma- Hebrew-i that the Study of the Hetrevloagac
ry ; d Difpute about the Day of that Feltival, i8s- if nc^ccflary for the undicrftanding of the tWy
FefiivJ of Chriftmafs, the Solemnity with which Scriprurts,
it ought to be Celebrated ,

the time when

to be
^ Henry IV. Emperor, the Quarrck between hun
He is Excotniru-

Fcfiival of Candtemuft, and Pope Pa/ihal II, 2^, t^c

kept, ibid. nicated by that Pope m a Council, ii)id, ihc
t'ire-Otdeal,fee TryaK Form of the Excommunicaticn, ibid. A PiofO'
FUmb.trd, Bifliop of Durham, his 4((ign upon fal made by him to undertake :in Etc pedir onto
the Bilhopritk of Lifteux, 14. the Hdy Land, ibid. The cauie '. ^ liis Sou's Re-
F/ee H
'/!, the Conconl of Free- Will and Grace, IvJlion, ibid. He is dtthron'd p.riU caft intoPn-
75. A Definition of Free- Will, jIl The Opi- fon, i^. He cfcapcs to Lie^e, a'.c thrrccaufet
nions of the Mailer of the Sentences concerning i Declaration to be publifli'd his Scti, ujV.
l ive- Will and Grace, igj ' His Son s keply to that Dcclar.-itK)n. ibid,' tic
time of bis Death, ibid. His dead Body carry d
to Spire, and laid in a Sepulchre witboot the

Church, • ibid.


An INDEX of the Trincipal Maters, &c.
Hcrry V. Emperor, rebels againft his Father, Itijunclions and Dlffenfaticns. of their
24. He
is proclaim'd Emperor 'by the Snxom, kmds and obligations, fee Difpcnfations.
l^J;Although his Father defeats him ; yet he Invefiifures-, their Original, Progrcfs and Ce-
finds to re-cftablifli himfelf ofi the Imperial remonies, with an account of the Conttfts abodt
Throni", and to gcr poffoirjon of his Trcafurcs,
ii'id. His unnatural Treachery towards his Fa-
them, ^
, The uic rff Invcftitures in Eng-
land and among other States, The Claim to
ther, zs- HisConrcfts with Pope Pafchil about this Right by the Kings of F/ance, vindicatal by
the Rights of Invcltitures, 1^ (jc. He forces Ives Bilhop of Chartres, j. The Opinn;ns of
the Pope to grant an 10 hmi, 2^ He is Excom- ,the faid hes of Chaitres and fomc other B-fhopsof
muHicatcd upon that account in re\'cral Councils, Fmwcp concerning the Inveftiturcs, ig; They are
"!<t. I hc ditfercnccs between him and Pope Ca- oppos'd by Geffrey, Abbot of Vetidonic, 1 34. 11%
lixtus about the lame Aifair of the Invelhtures, Maintain'd by Pope Pafchal, 36. And condemn-.'
jo. His Reconciliation witn that Pope, jo. ed in the Coui;cil of Gu.jfia/f.i, y,. The Empe-
hicm ', a Herctick, an account of his I.ife and ror Henry IV. claims 'em with rc(pe£l to the Pope,
Errors, iSi His Right to 'cm is difputed by Pope Paf-
-His Opinions confuted by
St. Bemtird,
^ chal, ibid.
fides, 1^.
The Arguments produc'd on both
Propofals made by the Emperor to
or ALiebert, Arch-Deacon of l^ans,
IJildebtic, the Pope, relating to the Inveftiturcs and accept-
the Advice given him by Ivcs Bifhop of Chartres, ed by the later, ibid. The Biftiops of Cennany
concern mg his fonncr Condud, and his EIcAion oppolc that Ireaty, ibid. The Pope's Bull fee
to the Bilhoprick or \Uns, IXt lorth to oblige 'em to accept it, 12: The Pope
Hilgodui, B lTiop of SoiJJ'oHt, leaves his Bifliop- being taken Prifoncr, grants the Invcftitures to the
rick to rctitx". into a Monaltery. lq. The Oppo- Emperor, ibid. The Cardinals declare the Popes
.ilooiis made againlt his Promotion to the Dignity Proceedings to be void and of none ett'cvit,
or an Abbot remov'd by Xv#i Bifliop of CA«r/m, ibid. The Council of Later an revokes Vm, ibid.
ikid. Several Councils do the fame thit'.g, and condetim
cwiltion of the
Hofpital of Chnteaudun put under the Pro-
Church of Cbjrtres,
the Emperor Henrys ^
A fccond Council at
Lateran difanniUs alt the Pope's l*rnnfa<ftions re-
Hubert, Bilhop of Sentls, Letters written by lating to the Inveftituies, ibid. Prujxjials for an
Ives Biftiop of Clurtret in favour of that BiHiop Accommodatibnas to the Affair of the Invcftitures,
when accus'd of cert»in Crimes, 1^ 29, 1 hey are reje(fled in the Council of Hjieims^
Hugh, Archbilhop of Lyons, the Rcmonftran- wid. The Conclufion of the 'I'reaty about the
ccsmadcby /wj Biihcp of CW/r« to procure the Inveftirures between the Pope and the Empeior
l^gatcfliip of Frimce for that Metropolitan, Ll^ made at^fV/nj, 3 Confirm 'd in the Coutlcil of

The Rights claimed by him in Quality of Legate, Lateran, ji. j2: Tlic Emperor iL^Wj^r/ji/j endea-
7. Thefe Rights difputed by Ivts Bilhop of Qhnr- vours to caufe the Invcftitures to be re-cftabJilh'd,
tres, 2: 38.
Hugh, BiQipp of Grenoble^ his Canonization, John, Archbiftopof Lyens. his Claims oppos'd ,

148. by Ives fiifliop of Chartres in the Name of the Arch*

//«/./', Count of Trojcs, the Advice given him bifhop of Sens, and of his Sufli-agans, 1^ The
by Ives Bifhop of Chartres concerning the King's Rpi^ies made by the Archb'iflicp of Lyem, 19.
Marriage, iSl And about Cclcbacy- Z£u 'Jolm, Bifhop of 0)leitns, his Intrigues in a-
Hnfh, Vicount of Chnrtres, his Contcft with fprring to that Bilhoprick, 6. )il Which he ob-
Coum {{ctroc, I'lz tains by cauling be dc-
Santlieti his PridecefTor to
Hugh, Lord of Pulftt, Excommunicated for pos'd, S. He is otdain'd notwithftanding the op-
opprcfling the Church of Chartres, 1 1» The Re- pofirion made by Ives Bilhop ot Chartres, fi. g.
ftitutions which he made, ibid, A Contraft between him and Ivet of Chartres
about an Excommunication, which the latter had
" T pubhfh'd againft certain Diccefans of the Bilhop-
I *i • • -
rick of Orleans, f
JEru/k/em, the Rights of the Patriarchs of ^m/- St. John Du Kj/-Abbcy ; its Foundation, 11.
/ifcwiarid there Jurifdidion, j 5- Judicature Fxclefiajiicat ; When the Adminiftra-
Jefut Chriit, his Divinity dearly maintain'd in tion of Ecclefiaftical Judicature began to be corn-
Scriptures, 85. And prov'd againlUhe Jfiri,! 7<?. mined to OlHcials, 217. It ought to be admini-
l hat the Body of Jefus Chrijl was real and true, ftrcd Gratis, ii^. Litigious Suits and Evalions
in Ecclefiaftical Courts condcmn'ii, Thar
Ij^or^mce, fins of Ignor.ince, 75. Kings and Princes have Power to Judge Clerp^'-
Inures, the Uleand ^^'u^^]llpof them, I4.'' Mcn incontultingihe Bifliops,
1 he Immutability of God in what it coniifts, Jtidicuwe Civil, forbidden to be admifuffdrd
fee God. by Clergy-Men, zi4-
I/icvuatiofr, the Incarnation of the Son of God Ives, Bilhop of Ch.irtres, Conftitutcd Superior

known to the Prophets, 26^ And 10 the Angels, df the Rcgiiirir Canons of Sr. Quentin at Beauv-tis,
ibid. A Treatife of the Incarnation, by the Ma- L At'rcrwards made Bifhopof Chartres in the
Itcrof the Sentences, 196- room of Grj^irj'dcpob'd, L. Cotifecratcd by the
Inceniiaries, Punifhments to be infliiScd on Pope after having recciv'd a repulfc from the Arcb-
them, 1°4. _ bifhcp of Sens, i» Being lummon'dtoa Council,
. Indulgences, granted to ihofe, that vilit the and refuling to appear, his Ordination ii^revok'd,
Tombs of the Apoftlcs, 12. 1. He App^-'als fr6m tlicJudgment of this Coun-
cil to the Pope, 1. 1 His endeavours to hinder
An INDEX of the Trincipal Matters^ 6cc.
the Marriage between King Phih'p , and Bertrade, Marriage, of the Penance that ought to be im-
i- His Imprifonment for oppofingthc faid Mar- pos'd on a Prieft, who in the Nuptial Bleffing bs
riage, 2i Means be rcicitls, and thofe chat chang'd the Ceivmonies and Words, iii Mar.
are pmpos'd by him for his liberty, j. Remon- riage condemned by certain Hercticks of the XII,
ftranccs made by him to the King concerning his Century, Sfil
Marriage, ^ The Rcafons dui engage him not The Impediments of Marriage, 164. That
to repair to the Court, 4. Nor to appear in the of near Relations forbidden and declar d null, ^
Council of /{f^eims, where he had l>ccn rumiron'd, Li- ic. leg. Hi. 114. Whether it be law-
J. He religns the Provollllup of St. Qwrntin at ful for a Virgin efpousd to a Man, who d/d
Beain/ais into the Hands of the fiiOiop of that Dio- without performing the Adl of Carnal Copulanen
cefs, ^ Hedifliwdcs the Pope from giving Abfo- ,wirh her, to many his Brother, 136. Whether
lution to King L'hilip, Exconimunuatcd by rca- the Crime of an unchaft Co rrerpondencc commit-
Ibn of his being Marry 'd to Berntde, 6. He re- ted with the Mother of a Man's Wife, be capable
fufes to take an Oath of Fidelity to the Count of of difohing the Marriage? ian What Punilh-
Chartres and Blots, without his City, The ^ mcnt ought to be ixiJlictcd on a rerfon whohashad
Controverftes between him and King Ltwes the to do Carnally with his Wives Sifter before their
Grop, I X, The time of his Death. Oj Marriage ? i_<2^ Rcafons that hinder the Divorc.
ing of 4 Woman who has marry'd her Husband's
K., Murderer, ij. The Marriages of Clergy- Men
in Orders declar'd void, ac6. 11^ Whe-

K #C'«^'»
the Sentiments of the Ancient Scbool-
. Men concerning the Power of the Kcys,i<:

The Coiidi^ that ought to be obferv d

ther thofc of Monks are To, XL The Judgment
of Ives Bilhcp of Chartres concerning the Mar-
riage of a certain Canon of Paris, i8. That a
with refpc<ft to 'em, s8. What Libcny is to be Man who having made a promile ,of Marriage
taken in fpcaking to 'em, jS. That they ought to a Woman, has taken another to Wife, ought
noc to be Excommunicated, 34. to be divorc'd from her whom be has adualJy
Kjuf^hts, divers Orders of Knighthood, oiarry 'd, 15. That the prpof of a Prcmifc of
The Imlimtion of chat of Knights Templars, 74. Marriage ought not to be made out by a linde
Cojcbator Duel, but by Witnclles, tfi. Clan-
ddtin Marriages forbidden, 11 j. A Divorce be-
tween Marrv- d Pcrfons allow 'd in the Cale of
Ljlj'Men, that they are capable (according to Adultery and fome others, 1^6. A Cootrad of
Peter of Clunj) of receiving Tithes and £c- Marriage between two Children in the Cradle de-
clar'd to be null, 1^ Prohibited alfo between
deiiaftical Revenues, (lLl 62.
Legate! of the Pope ; their Authority, They Children thic arc not Marriageable, iiy. Whe-
arc nor always impower'd to call Councils, d. ther Children of fix Years Old or under, arc ca-
Difordcrs commincd by Lraatcs, pable of being Betroth'd or Marry'd, and it ihey
be, whether if one of *em happens to die, che
Lepers, a Church and Pricft granted to *cu3,
Survivcr may Marry the Brother or Siilerof die
Lewet the Grtfu King of France, a Maaifcfto Dcccafcd ? 1 L. Whether a Virgin promis'd m
xo juftifie the Coronation of that Prince, i^. The Marriage bv her Father, before flie lias attain J m
caule of his Difpleafure againft Ives fiiihop of the ufc of Reai'oo, be engag'd to keep that Pro-
Chartres, 1 1. The lame Pfitice rcprov'd by Ives mife, 1 2. That two Silters cannot be marry'd
Bifhoppf cA^rr;; concerning a Prclenc which he one after another, although the Alarnagc were
demanded of that Prelate, not conlummated with the former, 20, Whether
ij* lS.
it be lawful for a Man to Marry his Conctibinc }
Livintt, fee Parfonagc.
Logick, a Prohibiciou of it, 9^- j. That a Pcrfon who has Marry d a lick Ccu-
7cr/s Pra/eri whahcr it ought to be faid cubinc, is oblig'd to own her as his Wife, y.
therein, Q«r daily Bread, or Our SuperfubftantiMl That a Woman brought to Bed Twoor "Three
Bread, Montiis after her Marriage, ought not to be Di-
Lne of God, divers forts and degrees of ir, 74. vorc'd from her Husband, 12. Whether the Mar-
Lyons, the Primacy of Lyons own'd by St. Ber- riage-bond between a Jevo and a "jewejs ought n>
continue, what cither of em has embrac'd the Chd-
ftian Religion, l2- i_2. Whetlier that bctwrtu
M valid,
a FixxTman and a Female Slave ought to be repttted
Formalities to be oblerv*d in the Dir
vorcc of a Free-Man niarry'd to a Slave, ic
MAccahees, why they only of all the Saints
Whether a Woman, who has made a Vow in hft
of the Old Ttfiar/tent have their Fcftivals
Husband's life time, be cblig'd to keep it? 159.
Solemniz'd by the Church, ^i.
Whether a Woman big with Child be capa!bte«
KUnaJJes IL his Promotion to the ArchbiAiop-
being marry'd.^ 1411
rick of f{hetms, 6»
Af/owjoH/w- Abbey ; a Confirmation of nn>
Man.iffes Biftop of Meaux, his Eledion ap-
proved by Ives Bilhop of Chatti es^ who hkewile Grants m.idc to that Abbey, A Conrcft be-
confcnrs to his Onlination, 11. Means propos'd tween tlie Diocefs of CLirnes and the laiiic Abbey,
by Ives Bilhop of Chjrnes, to put an end to the Ojv
concerning a ccnain Church, \u\
Mafs, Precautions that ought to be taken in.
pofition made
aga'mft that Etetflion, thtd.
order to a due Celebration ot' ir, 215. What
Manidjees, ccruin Herecicks who in the XII.
ought to be done by the Pried, when there hap-
Century reviv'd the Errors of the Ancient Man}-
IHins only to be Water in the Chalice, jc.
<f>ett, £8.
. The
An INDEX of the Trine fpal Matters, Sec:
The ill pra<5lice of tbofc who made ufeof tecs of from the Sacrifice of the M^fs, 1^8. Whether
\^'inc and Cnims of Bread in the Celebration of

a Wonian, who has Marry 'd the Murderer of lier
the Mi/}, >11i Thar 'dsnoc necdTary to fay ic j Husband, may be Divorcd, i ^.

evcry^day, i6^. The ufcfulndsof the SacriHcc '

' Myflerium Fidei, why thefc Words arc added"
That it ought to be olFcrcd to iho'e of Jefut Chrift, in the ConfecraiioOi,'
of the Mr/}, n?.
lor all Pcrlons, ibid, and i6^. That it cannot be
Celebrated by a Pricft guilty of Murder, rjS.
That no difficulty ought to be made to hear Mais
" . tC
of 4 Pricft (ulpedcd to lead an ill courfe of life,
14. A Prohibition to hear lAafs of a Pricft who
keeps a Concubine, 206. Fees for Af^/T*^ in ufe,
THeSolemnity with
of our Saviour
Jefus Cimfl, the
that Fcftival ought:
219. A Prohibition to make Merchandize of to be Celebrated, vid. Incarnation.
Miffes or to give cm for Penance, zi6. The St. Sigftus at Meulan, the Donation of that

Errors o^ the Hcrcticks of the Xli Century Church to Brc-Abbey,

Nicolairnm, Clergy- Men who keep Concubines
coi>ccrning the Mi/s, 86^ G^c.
Metropolitans j that they ought not to attempt b call'd, 04.
any thing in the Churchcsof theirSulfragans,with- St. i^icoias at CoitrheviSe, the Right to that
out their conlent, 2; Chudch difputed between the Biftiop of Chartres
Mini/ters, that the ConCccration of wicked arid the Monks of Martnoittier, il. CommifHo-
Miniftcrsis valid, That 'tis ^ot lawful to ners appointed to take cognizance of that Aifair,
leparatefrom them, till they be condemned, iliJ. I/id. Detennin'd by the Billiop and the Count of
Moriafleries, that 'tis an Abufe to give 'cm to CbitrtreJ, ibid.

Lay-Men, zj_s. The Abufe of Exemptions NoTtrmndj, thcBilhops of NwiMnt^ Excommu-

granted to them, 11^, nicated,
MonittoM, the neceffity of Canonical Moni-
tions, icii- o
MonJ{s, the Originaland Proprefs of the Mo-
naftick I^ife.g6. Thedivcrtity of the fcvcral
187. 04th of AHe^tMce or Fidelity, may be diflolv'd,
Ordcis ot Monks is advantageous, i6^The Sen- when taken to any other than a lawfiil So-
timents of Ives Bffhop of Chartres concerning the vereign or Lord, 2i
MonaiUck courl'e of Lite, 5. Whether :hc ii:ate obedience, how far it ought to be extended,
of Monks be more excellent than that of Regular 45- 21^
Canons, ^ Various Obfervations concerning
Monks, iiS. Of the Oft'cnng of a Child pj a
Oblirtscris Ot Offerings, Exactions palliated un-

der the name of Oblaiion and Bencdiiftion, 13.

Monaftcry by the Parents, 4^ The Ceremonies offices Divine, of tbi Divine Office and its
of that Oblation, 45. Whether a Monk, wlio Parts, 145. Whether it b^ expedient to add newj
Prayers, and by whom they ought to he made,

has been already blcfs'd by a funplc Monk, ought

to receive another filcfling from the Abl«of, 5. 66^ 8^ The Means ufed by Ives Bifliop of
Whether. their Profcflion may be re-iterated, 5 Chirtres to oblige his Canon* to give more conftant
Under what Obligation they are to obfetve thci actcndance at Divine Service, 18.
•Rule, jOi fi^c. Of the Obedience they owe their officials. Their Settlement in the XII. Century,
Superiors, ij: They arc fubjc<ft to Bifhops and xi-j. The danger of that Employment^ i S9«
their Exemptions are forbidden, Where Abufes committed tlierein, ibid.
in.confilts perfedVion of the Monaibck Life
the Ordination, a Prohibition to confer the Order
i^a^A Monk allow 'd to pafs into another Mona
is of Pricfthood without a Title, icfi, zu. A
- ftcry, where the Rule is more pcfeAly oblerv'd, Prohibition to ordain the Clergy-Men of another
a6. 4'>. 49> SC. 1 68. Rules for the departure of a Diocefs, 215. Ordination of^ the Sons of Prieft$
Monk from his Monaftciy, n.. fii. Of i he Ob forbidden, 138- li^: Permitted in f/jg/W,
ligation a Monk lies under to rcfide in his Mona- 06. '
Of the I. aw of not admitting intp Orders,-
ftery, ju That a Monk ought not to leave his iiKb Perfons as arc not bom in lawful Wcdlock,-
Monaltery to go to anotlier, and he ought to i<^a. A Calc in which an Eunuch may be ad-
return thither, ^^ ^ di^ Monks ought
not upon their own Authority, to leave their Cloi-
vanc'd to Orders,
defei ves to incur,
What Punifliment a Priell
who in taking fIo!y Orders has
fters, nor CO intermeddle with Secular Affairs, yet had no other end rh.^Taiiporal G ain, 15. What

ibey nuy do fo if call'd for mat purporc,48.6c. 1 64. Penalty is liktAvile proper to be inflicted uptwi a
They are forbidden to abandon their Monalter)', Ekacon, who has causM himftif to be Ordain J
either to learn or teach the Civil Law, or to Prac- without receiving Clerical Benedltflion, lA. That
tice Phylkk; 111. A Regular Canon, who has Ordinations performed by wicked A'Jiniftcrs are
turn'd Monk, cannot rcrorntohis Station among valid. 151. Thofeof Schifmaticks dcclar'd void
the Clergy, L Monks or Regular Canons who and of none cffoft, 26^ zof. 213. Ncvcr-
have quitted their ProfelHon Excommunicated, thelcfs liimctimcs tonfirqi'd, ii. A Privilege'
± I a. Whether they ought to PofTcts Churches, or daim'd by the Mpnks of C/K«_;to caulc themfeivcs
hot, diL R2. Their Privileges roaintain'd, £2. to be Ordain'd by any Bifhop whom ibcy ftiaif
Thac tbey ought neither to have Altars nor Tithes, think fit to chufe. •
4l0. Are not capable of performing tbfe FutxSi-
btts of Curates, n,:. The vicious Courfcs and
irre^lar Pra<5liccs of Monk*, 2I1 ^c.
Murder, or Mahflaughter^ a fin although com- ^Alace, wHi in the Decretals of Gratiafi, 204'.-
l^iCKd fe dtfcndtrtdo, i^8. Excludes a Piieft Pains or Torments of th» Ddmned, are't)6t
Gee €6rp6raf
M JJNlJliX of the Trincifal Matters^ dec.
a Prohibition to cxadb any thin^
Corporal according lo Cuihert, Lil: .

'or Frcfenution co Benefices, ^ i<S. in.

h:3, its ufe forbtddcD xo ^cberui Archbiflic^
of Sr«/, • - . n*"
Priejis, not to be Ordain'd. without a TitJe»

Peace, 2q8. 114^ That the Ordination of diflbluce

Pwcf, Exconnraunication for
Rales concerning the Peace of God, log. Pricfts is valid, 1 51. That none ought to feparartf
who confefs fccret finscannoc from 'em till theyoc iodictally condemn'd, ibiJ.
Pnj mcf.thar ihey
Punrthincnc a rricft owght ro incijr.who tos
be pur to publick Penance, lL Falfe penances What
pro^s'd by Bifhop of Chartres, Prophaci'd the Sacraments belorctlw Stariic of a
Means .l^es
a. 6.
for the ivconcilianon of the Iinpcnitenr, ^
Woman, i j-What Puniihmenc ought to be infli(5lied
on a Prieft who has plaid the Incendiary, ij.
PerjvTj, a Ibletnn Excommunication upon tbtt
account, -lit. l hat they ought to be dcpriv'd of their Benefices
Perjotints, their Qrginal, 111 and cxpell'd the Clergy, if tbey Marry, lee Cler-
St. Peter at Chatciiudun, the Donatioo of that gy-Men
Chtrch made by iw
Biihop oi Cbsrtresxo the Primacies in Fmtice, that Right difpnied be-
Monaftery of Bomevai, IX. tween I^ci}eriu$ Archbilhop of Sem, and Hugb
Peter of 4n<tgnia, bis Caaonization and Fcfti Archbifiiop of Lyons, 6^ King Lewes denvands
val, * 15: he RevcKation of tlut of Ljens, jj. The Con-
Pefer de Bruii, the Hiftory of that Hcittick irmation of that of Bourses, 43^
and his Errors,
Pttrcbujlms, Hcrciicks of the XII. Century
^ Privileges, the abofe of 'cm rofbnn'd, joS.

^nd their Errors, fi^

PetrtisAbatUrdus, his AccufatioD by St. Ber-
nard, 64-
i6. His Condemnation, 56. His QVintin at Beauvsis, when and by whom
Condemnation by the Pope, ^t^^ 16. An Ac- ^ that Abbey ivjis Founded, 1. Of its

count of his Life. Dfxflnnc, and leveral Condenv Privileges,

nations, jz. &c. Errors imputed to him, 97.
His Apolog)', 103. An Examination of his Doc- R.
FA<7/;> Bifliop ofTrojej, Summon d to a Coun- RAdulpbm, Archbithop of tt^einv^ a Contnv
cil, \vherp he does not appear, a vtTfy Ixrtwecn King Lewes the Grcjs, and
P/u//t>L King of France, Letters written by that Arcbbii>iop ditennin'd by Ives Bifhop of Clsar-
Ives Bviwp of Chtrtrej, to oppofc the Marriage tres, LIi A Jiiilgmcnt pafs'd by that Arcbbifliop,
between that Prince arid Bertrade, j. The Per dilprov'd by thclame ftvfof C/itfrirr/, 2fl»

fcctttion rais'd by him againft the Cune Biftjop, 3^ Hadulplius, Arcbbilhop of Tours, his Accufa-
The Rcmonftiances he receiv'd upon that account, rions againft the Abbot of Marmotuier difprov'd

J. ^ 1 ettcrs of Tves fiifliop of Chartres con- by /t'« Biihop of Ci&4r/rw, 11.

cerning the Excommunication of King Philip, lc H/tduM^s, Biihop of H^hefler, trandatcd 10

LL, il. He is Excommnnicated a Iccond time the Arcnbilhoprick of Canter htry, 10.
in aXbuncil at Poitiers, ii t. He is abfolv'd Helicks, the abufe of them, 141. FilCe Rc-
from that Excaivmunication after having pur a- licksof J^ut Chri/i and the Saints, 142. Tfce
way Bertrade, ii/id. abufcs praiikis'd by thofc who carry 'croabour to
Popes, their Elc<5Hon rcfen-'d to the Canlinals, get Money, 110*
ai7. A Rule trr their Eledion, 287. That die [{cvelasioHs, thofe of St. HUdegarde and St. Eli'
Emperor ought to have a ftwrc in their Elc<9:ion.i6. :{alfeth approv'd, 41. 17A»
What manni rf f E!c<Jtionof a Pope is Canonical, Hivmues cf the Church, that Princes and Lay-
1^1. The Qualuxs, Duties and Obligations of Mcn ought not to have the diffxjlal of 'cm, 33.
£L ^
^c. The Augmentation of The Papal
in XII. Century, 117- Certain Cafes, the
j Rules againft fuch PeHbns -as feiK on 'cm, 1 j.
lS* 23. An obligation to rtftoi-e totheBiftops

cognizance cf which is refcrv'd to tbcm, 106. thoCeiljat belong to *cm, lS. That Lav-Men
211. 113. 217. That tlic Popesnukc no di£- 1 ought to have no (hare in the Oflrrings nor Tithes,
t-l - » >^ t.
culty to revoke what has been obtain'd of 'em by 110. 112. 113. '
The Immunity of Church-
iurprife, _ Goods, Hi. That tbv- PoUdrionof 'em a Year
Poverty, a

Commendation of
. . .

that Vertue,
5«- Churches, Hi.
^ and a Day, is a fufficem Title for the refpcdive
Thata Bilhopeannotpve to in
an Opinion that Commendations given Abbot the Goods of a Religious Society, tS. St
ought to be .icccpted, 42i Befyiitrd is cff Opinion, that Lay-Men have a
Pr^ycfs, Whether it be expedient to make tKW Right ro rcftore cm to Monks, 6^^ And Ptttrd
Prayers tor the Divine Sci vice, and by wiiom they Cltiny maintains Lay-Men may receive the
ought to : compos'd,
\ 6^ 84. Thofe for the Tithes and Goods ot Ecclcliaftical Pcrfiw,
Dead rcjcvit.d by the Diflcnrcrs from the Church 81. 81. Thai the Goodsr which Ckrgy-Mtn
of R^me liiihc XII. Camir)', vJd. Dtfad. Of the haveprocur'd by Church-Revenues, ougbr
uicfulnefsof Prayers for rhc Dead, i^. appropriated to the ufe of the Churches, i?2i
Preaching, lollitutions about the manner of Taxes upon Church-Poffcirions foibtddfiJj^9i
Preaching, I4i0- They are ro be freed from all manner of DdKi
Predetiination explain'd by the Maftcr of the 21 Ordindnccsfbr the prefcrvifig of 'm, tf^*
Sentences, A Prohibition to pillage the Goods of Otf^fi^
Prefaces, the number of Prefaces, 215 after their Death, " \ |iS£

Prtmontxit the Fcuudatioa of th4t Order, a 1 9< .. '1 •

t .

^ Minims
An INDEX of the Trinciful Matters^ &c.
Kjjeims,the Foot ftcp of ftridlncH! of Difci of the Mailer of the Sedten^
Sinjt the Do<fh-inc
pUne io ihc Chapcer ot" iIk Church of that Ciiy, CCS concerning them, 196. C^c- Sins of Igno-
i6S. rance, 26. A Qucft"ion about the RemifHon of
I\icherius Archbifllop of Sens, oppofcs the Oi- Sins, 1^
diB«t:on andScnlemcntof /irjBifliopof Chartres Sodomites, condemn 'd to very fcvcrc Punifh-
in h'.s Bilhoprick, l. i. «^ He is forbidden the mcnts, xfi^
ufcof thePd/!f«pon that "Account, A Pcrmif- Soiffons, the defigns of Manaffes Archbifliop of
fion to make u»e of it in ilie Ordination of the Kheims, againft the Qergy of the Church of
Biflvop of pAn's, C± Oi Ins Contcft with the SoiJJom, 2: Condcmn'd by Ives Bilhop of Char-
Archbithopof Ljrotis about the Primacy, 6^ The- tres, 10.
timet f his Death, i. Solitary Life recommended by tvet Bifhop of
Bfii>er/ tf yirhrijfc'lrr, ccprnv'd upon faJfc RjC- Chartres to a Monk, 11.
Abbot of f^cndome, 133. ,And
Bifhop of J\enntJ,
Tiia bodi* i \o.
Souh, their Spiritual Nature, 1
Stephen de Guarlande, cftccm'd unworthy of the
Clerk of the Church of Compeigne,
I^pjceihus, ^iOioprick of Beauvais, in the Judgment of Ives
Atlvice given him by Tvei Bilhop of Chartret, x. Bilhop of Chartres, L2-
' Who is nevcrthcleli
I{u!es, what is the Obligation to obfcrv© Mon»- obligd to write in his FavCuf to Pope Pafikait
Itick Rules, and under what Peiulics they oblige, wlw does not forbear to difipprove his tledHon»
70- ihid. Gualo chofe in his place, 11, His fcruple of
being Eleded Bifliop ofParii, removed by Ives Bi-
s. . Diop of Chartres^ ao.,

SAcramentSt cannot be Confecratcd nor Admi* )

niftcr'd, bat by fuch Pcrfons as have enter 'd
into Holy Orders,
unprofitable by the
That they are not renderii
unwonhincfsof tb€ MiniftVs, T
Jnchelmuj OT Tanchelinus, his Effors,
Taverns arid Alc-Hat^es^ not to be fre-
17. A Prohibition to take any thing for the Ad- quented by Clergv-Men,


miniftration of them, 207. 213- 2»7- Of TetftpUrs, the Wlitution of the Ot-der of Rnigbts
the re-iteration of the Sacraments, 135. Errors of of the Temple, Or Knights Trm^/arj, 74.
Hercticks in the Xll. Century concerning the Sa- Tejlament, of things that ought to be difpolM[
craments, ^jL. (3c. Qjieftions difcufs'd by the of by l aft Will and Teftament, 214.
Xiaftcr of the Sentences about the Sacraments, Theoidldiu or Thihaud, Count of Chartres, hiS
197. Conteft with fViBiam, Count of Never/, whom
Satntt, who ought to be acknowledg'd as fuch, he detained in Prifon, xi.
142. Other Qucltions relating to the Saints and Thiodericuj, Anti-pope, lays alidc the Title of
their Worfhip, ibid. Of the Interccffion of Saints Pope to turn Anachorite or Heimit, 13.
and Prayers made to them, 137. Tiiomat, Prior of Sl ViHor at Paris, the Mur-
5/iwf//oBifl-iOpof Orle.ins, Ordain'd by /v« Bi- der of that Holy Man. J2.
fhop of Chartrej, 61 Advice given him by the Tithes, Decrees concerning them, 2iq. 114*
fame Ives of Cbartres, 1. He is Dcpos'd by Hugh, An Obligation to pay *em to Bilhops, isJL They
Archbifhop of Lj/ons, Lecate of the See of I{ome, ought not to be appropriated to Lay- Men, xiz.
213. That I^y-Men m«y pofiefs them, according
SanHuaries, the Right of *cm belonging to the to Peter of Ciuny, dL That Monks ought not
Churches, vid. Afylum. to purchatc, 'cm of Lay-Men to convert *ena to
School-Mali evy the appointment of a School- their own profit, iL. The Ciftereian Order re-
Alafter in every Cathedral Church, 109. Thole fufes to pay 'em, which feem'd unjuft to Peter of
Scho6l-Maftcrs forbidden to Ictt out their Schools, Blois,
112. Title, an Ecdefiafiical Title ncccflary for Or*
Schools^ a Commendation of thofcof Paris, 159. dination,
}L Scripture, that the Study of the HehrewTnSt Toledo, the Primacy of that Church confirm 'd
is neceflary for the undcrftanding of the Holy by the Pope, 34.
Scriptui-es, 27. A new Method of writing Tombs, IndulgeiKcs granted to thofe Perions
Cbmmentsonthe Holy Scripture, 201. who vifit the Tombs of the Apoftles, 28.
Service, f«e Divine Service' Ttnfurct or Shaving, that of Monks referv'd
Silveficr IV. Anti pope, the laft of the Anti- to Bifhops or Abbots, 21c. A Prohibition to
popnrs wIk) oppos'd Pnfcb.ii II. rj ezadl any thing upon that account. ibid.
Simon, Connt of Siofle, Excommunicated for Tournaments, forbidden. lofi. 207. liOb
committing Adul(Ci7, i A Conteft about his Tournay, Reafons allcdged by h/es Bilhop of
Abfolution, ihid, Chartres to diffuadc Pope Pafchai II. from nomi-
Simonj, a Treatifc of ii, 172- Condcmn'd in nating a Bilhop for the Chutrh of Tomnay, io.
the Councils, 2°; Bifhors oblig'd to forbear Ex- The Reftauraiion of the Bilhoprick, 42.
eCliqn.s 1 126. A rrohibitiofi to exadl any Tranflations, Thofe of Bifliops Prohibited, un-
thing for the Adminiftration of the Sacrament?, Icfs in cafes of neccflit)', iSL That they cannot
207. ^^^R- Or for Prefcntations to Be- be efFeded without the Pcrmiflion of the Sec of
ncficcs, 116. Or for Monaftical Tonfure, or the ^ome, 14.
Benediction of Abbots, Or forthcConfe. Tranfuhjlantiation, this Term ufcd by PtterM
cration of a Church, xiii Or for the buying CeSes and Stephen of Autun, i ^6. And by Peter
or felling of benefice?, li^ A Punifliment to of Blois, ^
1^ jj
be inriided on Perlcns coovided of Simony, 106.

j Google
m Trinlti,
ccruin Qudtions concerning tnis jviy-
diVculVd by the M.iftcr of the Sentences, pcrfcd, 4c 9.
Whether a^AVoman who has made
The Principles of Ahueltrdus iot qtss a Vow in her Husband's Life time, be oUisd ro
193. i^c.
'o5« keep it? '59.
plaining ihc Irinity,
>73- Vfwy, condemn'd, 206. 109. 114.
That Method rcjedcd. .

Chancellor of the Church ot Ctw-

Tnf.j^ioN, an Addition ro the Trifdgion in ulc Vulgrimis,

zmOfxgHtic Armenians, »86. 189. nes, refufcs to accept the Bilhoprick of Dot. 16.

Tryah or Proofs, thnt by hot Irons for clearing

the Innoccncy oif a Woman fufpeded of Adultery, W.
difapprov'd by Ives Bifhop o( Char^res, lo. 11.
of Beauvais, fee Gualo.
That Bi(Tiops ought not to undergo any Tryal, to WAl; Biftjop
Arch-Dcacon of Evreux. made
clear themrcives of an Acculation, 9-
' 5-
Bilhop of Lifieux,
f^tUiam, Clerk of the Church of Chartres,

dain'd Bifhop of Paris, .j l c

^iHiarrt, Uuke of Gujenne means us d by ^r.
that it ought not to be given
Viaticum, 3*-
Pcrfonswho arc fubjeca to Vomiting, zc Bernard to confute that Duke,
oblig'd to iVitnejfes, fuch as arc liable to
be accc-ptcd a-
Vicars, the Curates ef great Parifhcs
piovidc them, 214. Thofewlw endeavour to ob- gainft in the cafe of Adultery. .
' 9-

only have the H'omen, tlut their ConvcrfatiOD with Ecdcfi.

tain the Benefices of which they
Tithes pccludcd, 1 1 5. Annual Vicars torbidden, aftical Perfons is Scandfilous,

Virgin Mary, herComniendation, 141.

Qpcf- Y *

lions concerning her Knowledge and

Graces, 83.
Vifitation, the Rights of Vifitation limited,
214 Bilkopof Chartrch fee bfet'
107. The Right of Procuration, yet,
Vniverfities, their beginning, 97
Vnletnend Bread, in ufc among th«


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