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What Does Epeen Mean?

What the term means and how it's used online

Are you seeing "epeen" used somewhere online? Well, you might want to brace
yourself before you discover what it means.

Epeen stands for:

Electronic Penis

This is one of those slang terms that comes off as sounding pretty inappropriate
and immature. But its meaning and the way that it's used goes far beyond what it
sounds like on the surface.

What Epeen Really Means

As inappropriate and even funny as it looks, epeen isn't only a reference digital
version of male genitalia. It's also a reference to the male ego�particularly the
kind of online ego that surfaces in forums, message boards, gaming chats and more.

Epeen can also be written as "e-peen" with a hyphen between the e and the rest of
the word�similar to "email" vs. "e-mail."

How Epeen Is Used

Given what it stands for, epeen is almost always used by and/or directed at male
online users.

It appears that epeen can be used in three common ways:


An online user might be annoyed at another user's arrogance or perhaps even jealous
of whatever he's bragging about. In this case, he might use the slang term epeen to
make him aware of what he's doing with the goal of hopefully getting him to stop.


Alternatively, an online user might get a self-esteem boost from bragging about his
accomplishments as enthusiastically as he can. In this case, he knows he's
bragging, and he might use the term epeen to point out that fact�perhaps just to
lift himself up and annoy other online users even more.


Lastly, an online user might express that he has little power over a situation or
lack of skill to achieve something. Another user might make fun of them by equating
their lack of power or skill to the size of their penis�of course using epeen as
the chosen term.

Examples of How Epeen Is Used

Given the meaning of this slang term and how it's used, these examples might come
off as slightly inappropriate.

Example 1

Forum User #1: "Bench pressed 275 this morning like it was nothing. Hope you boys
are enjoying those girly weights!"

Forum User #2: "Your e-peen is showing. Cover it up, man."

In this first example, a forum user brags about how much weight he can bench press
and then puts down everyone else who's lifting lighter weights than he is. Another
forum user calls him out on his immature behavior by using the slang term epeen.

Example 2

Video Game Player #1: "Made it to LEVEL 131!!!!!!!! My epeen is SOARING!"

Video Game Player #2: "Cool bro but you need to calm down."

In this second example, a gamer in a gaming chat knowingly brags about a personal
achievement. He points out a high level he's reached in a game and uses the slang
term epeen to exaggerate his perceived greatness.

Example 3

Video Game Player #1: "People keep leaving my Fortnite team... what gives?!!?"

Video Game Player #2: "Maybe it's because your epeen is microscopic."

In this last example, gamer #1 describes a problem he's facing. Gamer #2 comes
along and interprets gamer #1's problem as something caused by his lack of power or
skill�using an epeen size reference to jokingly point out his shortcomings.

Another Variation of Epeen

A more literal variation of epeen is "e-penis," which uses the main term for the
primary sexual male organ.

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