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access v [T] =to find information, especially on a computer

Users can access their voice mail remotely.

accessible /ə kˈses.ə .bļ/adjective=able to be reached or easily obtained:

The resort is easily accessible by road, rail and air.
The problem with some of these drugs is that they are so very accessible.

assistant 1 /ə ˈsɪstə nt/ adj =assistant manager/director/cook etc =someone whose job is just
below the level of manager, etc

assistant 2 = S3 n [C] =someone who helps someone else in their work, especially by doing the
less important jobs
a teaching assistant

assistance W2S3 /ə ˈsɪstə ns/ n [U] =help or support

offer/provide/give assistance (to sb)
We offer financial assistance to students.

eventual /ɪˈventʃuə l/ adj [only before noun] = happening at the end of a long period of time or
after a lot of other things have happened
Sweden were the eventual winners of the tournament.
Both sides were happy with the eventual outcome of the talks.

frustrate 1
/frʌsˈtreɪt/ verb [T] =to make someone feel annoyed or discouraged because they
cannot achieve what they want:
It frustrates me that I'm not able to put any of my ideas into practice.

frustration /frʌsˈtreɪ.ʃə n/

install /ɪnˈstɔːl/ US /-ˈstɑ ːl/

installation /ˌɪn.stə ˈleɪ.ʃə n/noun =1 [U] when equipment or furniture is put into position:
Do you have to pay extra for installation?

archive 1 /ˈɑ ːkaɪv US ˈɑ ːr-/ n [C]

a place where a large number of historical records are stored, or the records that are stored
an archive of the writer's unpublished work
Đoạn số 3
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