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First and foremost, I would express my deepest gratitude to Almighty Allah, who has
given me chance to finish this final research article,

Secondly, I would express my gratitude to my supervisor, Ms. Rukayya, for her support
and suggestions in finalizing my research article.

Thirdly, I would bow my thanks to my parents for their love and support, who helped me
to achieve my aims. My regards address to my best friends, who helped in completing my article,
besides, they supported me throughout my MA English course in NUML

Finally, my article will be of great importance for the readers and also, they are welcome
for criticism and suggestion.

Juno and the Paycock is a play by Seán O'Casey, and is highly regarded and often performed
in Ireland. It was first staged at the Abbey Theatre in Dublin in 1924. It is set in the working
class tenements of Dublin in the early 1920s,during the civil war
Sean O’Casey (b. 1880–d. 1964) is one of Ireland’s best-known playwrights, and any visitor to
Dublin is likely to encounter O’Casey’s name attached to an assortment of tourist souvenirs,
civic buildings, and cultural events. He is less celebrated than his contemporaries James Joyce
and W. B. Yeats, and yet—unlike those two figures who wrote drama but never developed a
secure place in the theatrical canon—O’Casey’s plays have achieved sustained success in
performance. At Ireland’s national theater, O’Casey’s works have been performed more than
those of any other writer, and here (as in many other countries) he has been appreciated for using
music-hall-style comedy, dealing with contentious historical events, and displaying a consistent
sympathy with the downtrodden and poor—whose predicament O’Casey knew from his own
childhood. O’Casey had been born as John Casey in 1880, to a lower-middle-class Protestant
family in Dublin’s Northside, but his father’s death in 1886 meant that O’Casey experienced
insecurity and downward mobility (the would-be writer also suffered from chronic eye disease).
As a young man, he worked as a labourer alongside members of the Catholic working class, with
whose national and social aspirations he discovered an affinity—changing his name to Seán Ó
Cathasaigh. He joined the revolutionary Irish Republican Brotherhood and helped to found the
Irish Citizen Army but did not fight in the Easter Rising of 1916 because his mother was dying
and because he increasingly endorsed socialist rather than nationalist politics. He submitted
scripts to the Abbey Theatre from 1916, and after five rejected efforts, the playhouse produced
his sixth play, The Shadow of a Gunman, in 1923. He followed this with Juno and the
Paycock (1924) and The Plough and the Stars (1926)—and these three scripts are often grouped
as a trilogy, all being set in the poverty-stricken tenements of Dublin during the Irish revolution
of 1916–1922, and all revealing hostility to British imperialism and cynicism about Irish
nationalism. These works have proved enduringly popular, although The Plough provoked
nationalist riots when first staged in Dublin in 1926, encouraging O’Casey to abandon his
homeland and live for the rest of his life in England. Here, O’Casey continued to write plays,
essays, and autobiographies until his death in 1964, although his later plays have never found a
place in the theatrical repertoire, featuring, as they do, increasingly experimental forms, a
committed left-wing politics, and a frequent cynicism about aspects of Irish (especially Irish
Catholic) life.
In 1916, there was a great uprising and many people were killed. O’Casey felt sorry for them.
O’Casey was basically a pacifist (peaceful). He looks for independence but not at the cost of
peace and life. This approach is also like that of W. B. Yeats. Both feel sorry for human
causalities. To both, war is an evil, fought under any pretext, (excuse). Reality is more important
than ideology. Man is more important than patriotism and religious fanaticism. O’Casey is down
to earth a realist. He is similar to Shaw and is strongly anti-war writer. He is an anti-war, anti-
class, anti-patriotism, anti-fanaticism, anti-trade unionism, anti-dogmatism, anti-ideology and
anti-false aristocracy. He is a feministic write.

Literature review
Feminism is the belief in and sponsor of the social, economic, following and didactic equality of
every genders. Feminists have to do with themselves not barely with special issues of violence
against women, but additionally with the broader issues of education, reproductive health and
rights, childcare, cost-effective occasion and recompense equity, and the intersecting issues of
gender, race, sexually transmitted disease, gender identity, and sexual orientation in today's
society. The expression feminism container be second-hand to express a political, cultural or
money-spinning traffic expected at establishing equivalent human rights and lawful safety for
women. Feminism involves sociological theories and philosophies afraid with issues of gender
difference, as spring up as a faction that advocate’s gender equality for women and campaigns
for women's civil liberties and interests. Even though the stipulations "feminism" and "feminist"
did not collect extensive aid until the 1970s, they were before now body second-hand in the
community manner of speaking a large amount earlier; for instance, Katherine Hepburn speaks
of the "feminist movement" in the 1942 film female of the Year.

The history of Feminism has its foundations embedded in nineteenth century. In the views of
Maggie Humm and Rebbeca hiker the history of Feminism preserve be broadly alienated into
three successive periods. These waves are spread as early on 19th and 20th century, The original
Feminist Wave goes earlier to humankind War I, while members of the countrywide Women
paint the town red (NWP) complete a join a picket line in USA outside the ashen House. They
were shipping banners and writings about the autocratic practices made by the rule over women
in America. They required to radio show to the humankind that they were breathing in most
awful condition.
What are feminism waves:
feminist historyis divided into there waves. the firdt wave was made in 19th and 20th century itv
was concerned to women's rights. the second wave was made in 1960s and 1970s it shows
women liberation movement for equal and socail issues and rights. thev third wave was started in
1990s and it refer to a continuation of, and a second wave feminism.
First wave
The beginning Wave of Feminism in Europe was naked in the illustrious vocation of Mary
Wollstonecraf’s “A absolution of the constitutional rights of Woman” (1792) that painstaking as
a revolution in its own. In that book, Wollstonecraft implicit that culture is the true street to bring
in female took her sit in people in comparison with man.The period in which Mary
Wollstonecraft wrote was affected by Rousseau and the philosophy of the Enlightenment. The
father of the Enlightenment defined an ideal democratic society that was based on the equality of
men, where women were often discriminated against. The inherent exclusion of women from
discussion was addressed by both Wollstonecraft, and her contemporaries. Wollstonecraft based
her work on the ideas of Rousseau.[4] Although at first it seems to be contradictory,
Wollstonecraft's idea was to expand Rousseau's democratic society but based on gender equality.
Wollstonecraft published one of the first feminist treatises, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
(1792), in which she advocated the social and moral equality of the sexes, extending the work of
her 1790 pamphlet, A Vindication of the Rights of Men. Her later unfinished novel, Maria, or the
Wrongs of Woman, earned her considerable criticism as she discussed women's sexual desires.
She died young, and her widower, the philosopher William Godwin, quickly wrote a memoir of
her that, contrary to his intentions, destroyed her reputation for generations.
. In this wave, Virginia Woolf wrote a put your name down for about women civil rights “A
extent of One’s Own” (1929) in which she supported Mary Wollstonecraft and others to foster a
new develop for women to trade her life.The term first-wave was coined in March 1968 by
Martha Lear writing in The New York Times Magazine, who at the same time also used the term
"second-wave feminism".[1] HYPERLINK ] At that time, the women's movement was focused
on de facto (unofficial) inequalities, which it wished to distinguish from the objectives of the
earlier feminists.

Second wave
Second belongs to 1960s to 1970s and the fantastically the period second-wave feminism speech
about by and large to the radical feminism and as a rule to Women’s freedom advance of the
behind 1960s and first 1970s. This hobby careful as the extension of the before one. In this
interval here was a jealousy called fail to attend America Pageants in 1968 and 1969 in which
female was publicized as cows to call attention to and highlight that the system female looks,
wears and speaks is new crucial from the means she thinks, believes and acts. Radical feminism
is an eminent band together and category of feminism. They assert devotion in woman’s satiated
free will and they depend on that patriarchal citizens and vigor constitute leads to defeat and
partiality in society.Many historians view the second-wave feminist era in America as ending in
the early 1980s with the intra-feminism disputes of the feminist sex wars over issues such as
sexuality and pornography, which ushered in the era of third-wave feminism in the early 1990s.[

Third wave
Thirdly, successive from 1990 till today. This wave of feminism confirmed to a band of feminist
activity. Rebecca hiker is the prominent sample of this wave. She old this expression third wave
feminism to begin with time in1998 this wave came as a criticism of the second wave dreams
and behavior like women in pornography, masculinity work, and prostitution.
It is clear that geologically men and women are dissimilar but that is not problem, the
suppression of women occurs fitting to false obstacle finished by society. De Beauvoir’s eminent
assertion in her reserve (The Second Sex) (1949) that ‘one is not intuitive a woman: one becomes
one’ encapsulates an contention that women’s poorer locate is not a ‘natural’ or biological
information but one that is produced by society. Second belongs to 1960s to 1970s and the
fantastically the period second-wave feminism speech about by and large to the radical feminism
and as a rule to Women’s freedom advance of the behind 1960s and first 1970s. This hobby
careful as the extension of the before one. In this interval here was a jealousy called fail to attend
America Pageants in 1968 and 1969 in which female was publicized as cows to call attention to
and highlight that the system female looks, wears and speaks is new crucial from the means she
thinks, believes and acts. Radical feminism is an eminent band together and category of
feminism. They assert devotion in woman’s satiated free will and they depend on that patriarchal
citizens and vigor constitute leads to defeat and partiality in society
The rights and programs gained by feminists of the second wave served as a foundation for the
third wave. The gains included Title IX (equal access to education); public discussion about the
abuse and rape of women; access to contraception and other reproductive services (including the
legalization of abortion); the creation and enforcement of sexual-harassment policies for women
in the workplace; the creation of domestic-abuse shelters for women and children; child-care
services; educational funding for young women; and women's studies programs.
Feminist leaders rooted in the second wave such as, "/wiki/Cherr%C3%ADe_Moraga"
HYPERLINK "/wiki/Cherr%C3%ADe_Moraga" Moraga, and other feminists of color, sought to
negotiate a space within feminist thought for consideration of race. and had published the
anthology This Bridge Called My Back (1981), which, along with All the Women Are White, All
the Blacks Are Men, But Some of Us Are Brave (1982), edited by " HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Akasha_Gloria_Hull" (Gloria T.) Hull, Patricia Bell-Scott, and Barbara Smith, stated that
second-wave feminism had emphasized primarily on the difficulties of white women. The focus
on the intersection between race and sex became increasingly well known.

Patriarchy is folks sets of traditions and ideals which are internalized in woman as any customs
that privileges males by appreciating long-established gender roles. from now patriarchal woman
means, a female who has internalized culture and principles of that patriarchy (Tyson). Such sex
roles possess complete a boundary between the individuality of a gentleman and a woman. They
continually concede operate as rational, strong, caring and positive but female cataract in class of
irrational, weak, encouragement and submissive. This methodology inhibits a female to possess
an equate door to leadership and resolve assembly attitude in the society. drawn on functioning
and toil base, the female is remunerated fewer than be in charge of similar for the equivalent
work. It is barely as to keep up gentleman monopoly of positions of economics, opinionated and
gathering power.
Feminism in the end hits the next patriarchal concept, which had been n at a halt is proficient in
poles apart areas of globe. a large amount of the Asian countries and African countries are at a
halt next such codes and conducts. Economic, social, supporting and psychological patriarchy
has oppressed the women manufacture her integrity to be the recessive. She is continually
regarded as an recipient and is marginalized on the origin of gender divergence marking
divergence of she lacks and males have. Timehonoured gender roles own attributed every one
the warrant fast expressions to males creation them dominant which is a educated behaviour, it is
not intrinsic at completely for the reason that environmental science scarcely determines the
masculinity change where gender is gritty by cultural backgrounds. The slogan behind Feminism
is equality of genders. Female be supposed to take like civil liberties as males have. They duty be
agreed every one social, supporting and efficient imposing positions.
In patriarchy, there is also a hierarchy among the men. In traditional patriarchy, the elder men
had power over the younger generations of men. In modern patriarchy, some men hold more
power (and privilege) by virtue of the position of authority, and this hierarchy of power (and
privilege) is considered acceptable.
The term comes from pater or father. Father or father-figures hold the authority in a patriarchy.
Traditional patriarchal societies are, usually, also patrilineal — titles and property are inherited
through male lines. (For an example of this, the Salic HYPERLINK
"" HYPERLINK as applied to property
and titles followed male lines strictly.)



This chapter consists of the method which has been applied to finalize this research
Work. It reflects the procedure which has been conducive in gathering data for this work. Many
steps have been taken for finding out the answer of research question. The work chronological
progress of thesis includes methods and approaches by qualitative analysis, textual analysis, and
research procedure. The work exposes the analysis being done along with its literal definition
and application. Textual analysis deals with all those books, articles and authors, which have
been searched through the Google scholar and other sources. This chapter gives a brief over-
view of research method and its tools and approaches by which research will be carried out to
find out the answer of research question.


The research subject is on the study of feminism in juno and paycock. It is basically a
qualitative analysis which deals with the basic step of data collection and the procedure through
which the data has been collected, The data collection is carried out through the research articles,
books and periodicals where as In the next step, The date will be analyzed textually.

I am following French feminism in which the writer has discussed the psychological
separation of gender like we have seen in juno and peacock there is a big psychological
barrier between man and woman like man is not able to understand woman and her
problems which she suffers because of poverty, war , social and economic issues that is
why juno’s husband do not understand the problems which his wife and daughter havefacing
this is a psychologically separation of mind.

Feminism in Juno and paycock

Feminist perspective of the play is about the difficulties of a woman fight with the problem of
war and poverty. Though coming three decades after Mrs.Warren's Profession, the play faces
similar issues in its approach for women and shows how women carry to remain in a helpless
situation in a society that has continue to exist modif in its treatment of “the second sex”. Here
too, a motheranddaughter breaks the concept of patriarchal assumptions of ideal womanhood
and respect to work and economic and emotional independence from the men of the family and
work as a man to support the family son and useless husband. This play also focuson the effects
which are occurs and create the problemscommon people, especially women. Sean o casay has
shown the both sides of women strong and weak. As juno is portrayed as strong character and
marry has portrayed as weak and who gets inspire from status and looks of man and did many
Juno Boyle

Juno Boyle is Jack Boyle's wife. She grt her nickname because of the many important point
which happened in June: she was born and christened in June, she was met her husband in June,
got married in June, and gave birth to her son Johnny in June. The

name Juno also shows to the sister and wife of Jupiter in Roman mythology, the goddess of
marriage and love. We see by the end of the play that Juno is aptly named, for she is a powerfull
character who can be thought of as a symbol of womankind. She is the only person of her family
who is working and struggling , since Boyle her husband is jobless, Mary is on bang, and Johnny
got injured, and then she behaves as a kind of martyr who carry her family drifting. She cater for
her family, console her son, tries to get Boyle to do job, and carry her pregnant daughter when no
one else was helping her will. In contrast to her husband, she becomes powerfull and wiser
caused by the tragic situation of their lives, learning to think of the plight of all humanity and not
just that of herself and her family.

Juno is compared to other woman archetypes as well as the Roman goddess. Boyle grumbles that
she should have been called "Deirdre of the Sorras" (Deirdre of the Sorrows), a mythical figure
who inadvertently point of the death of her lover and his brothers; she, like Juno, abandons her
self-centered husband. Another point compares her to Cathleen ni Houlihan, a maternal figure
who has long served as a symbol of Ireland. She can even be compared to the Virgin Mary, who,
like Mrs. Tancred and Juno, lost a beloved son, and whose picture hangs on the Boyles' living-
room wall.

Mary Boyle

Mary is Juno and Boyle's 22-year-old daughter. While she does a job, she is on strike for the
period of the play in objection of the firing of a co worker. Mary is torn between the problems of
her life pushing her back and the influence
of the books she reads pushing her forward. She is attracted to Charlie Bentham, a schoolteacher
whose worldliness offers an escape from her dreary life, whom she chooses over her other suitor,
Jerry Devine. She is also somewhat vain, looking in mirrors and considering what ribbon to wear
while her family worries about more serious matters. Mary ends up pregnant and abandoned by
her fiance. Her plight reveals the character of others in the play: Juno supports her and offers to
help raise the child, while the men in her life - Boyle, Johnny, Jerry, and the baby's father,
Bentham - all turn from her.

Woman portrait as strong in juno and paycock

In this play the woman is beautifully portrait as more realistic in their approach of life in a
general and in war to particular.Even Juno is uneducated but writer has shown her idealistic
because she holds her nobleness and caring nature towards her family after the war and problems
even when marry was on strike because of her friend at that time juno makes her to go work .
and mostly juno were let down by Boyle he wanted to destroy her strength and want to see her
unhappy and sad and very rarely she has shown happy in the play and she often left very
unpleasant and irresponsible to her husband towards family life that is why she never depended
on him therefore,she become responsible and independent for her family and she realised that it
would be stupidity to relay on husband so she makes herself strong. And when marry was on
strike juno forced her to go on work and this thing has shown the realistic of juno.
throughout the play is that men are weak and incapable where most aspects of life are
concerned, and that it is their female counterparts who usually have to suffer the consequences.
This belief, which is firmly supported by O’Casey, is perhaps a little too sweeping, as there are
always people who are exceptions to the general rule. This theme of the internal uselessness of
the male, and the strength of the female mind permeates through every Act of the play, and is
particularly apparent in the relationship of the leading male and female, Boyle and Juno.
Mary is portrayed as a young enthusiastic girl who makes the best possible use of her slight
acquaintance with literature in reading books relevant to women's treatment in society. The fact
that she possesses a copy of Ibsen's plays and reads the highly feminist A Doll's House and
Ghosts shows her inclination towards the New Woman. Unfortunately, her father behaving in a
typical chauvinistic fashion resents her reading. He symbolizes the general patriarchal mindset
that considered Ibsen’s modern notions about women and society as ''thrash'' and ''buks only fit
for chiselurs''. (209) He blames Mary's education and reading for bringing her to her present state
of affairs.

Problemsin junk and paycock

the play definitely shows the tragedy of humankind, but more than that it shows the tragedy of
womankind; how women have to bear the brunt in war situations. In its own way, the play is an
appeal against the futility of war.And only war is the main cause of these women suffer physical
and material problems and beacuse of these hardships woman are pushed into a man's world to
earn a living. Magda Trott, a prominent figure in the German women's movement documented
the effect that World War I had on the psyches of both men and women. She concluded that it
was impossible for men to accept women as colleagues and clearly outlined the pressures
suffered by women when they ventured into the “masculine” world of the labour market. So man
always created a problem for woman.
With the outbreak of war men were drawn away from the management of numerous
organizations and women were urged to take on their positions. However women were not
accepted easily by male colleagues. They were looked upon as intruders who dared to usurp the
position and bread of a colleague fighting for the fatherland. Moreover they received exactly half
of the salary of their male predecessor.
Juno has to suffer a loton different grounds of life . She has a husband who is irrresponsible and
keeps busy with his friend in leisure activities or spend most time into the bar from morning till
night whereas she has to carry the burden to her whole family. Her son Johnny has lost an arm
and has a hip shattered in the war so she has to take care of him as well and this is not easy to
look a disable young son but she manages. The daughter, who has turned rebel and is on strike
to make a excuse of her friend dismissing and have a relation with a boy and got pregnant but the
man deceive her after the break up she gives birth to a child by a schoolteacher, her fiancée.
Amid the hell of circumstances Juno has to bear the sufferings of existence and all problems she
faced alone but unlike Captain Boyle, she does not romanticize her son’s exploitation when
Johnny drags on his sacrifice for Ireland by saying that he would sacrifice his other arm too
because “a principle’s a principle”. Juno speaks bitterly:
“Ah, you lost your best principle, my boy, when you lost your arm:”
War was the main reason of all problem it was the cause of poverty which juno’s family was
suffering because of the war his son lost his arm and got disable and her husband was not able to
work because he was use less and the daughter marry who was suffering by men . she was silly
and foolish girl that is why she rejected jerry devin beacuse she felt the fact that jerry is not a guy
who can stand by her because of his appearance and looks that’s why she got involve charley
banthem and have a relation with him and got pregnant but the man deceive her and left her with
the baby so these all problems created from war and poverty
“Ah, what can God do agen the’ stupidity o’ men!”
In the play we see that Mary’s suffering are also caused by men. She rejects Jerry Devin because
she realizes the fact that Jerry is not a type of man who will stand by her through thick and thin.
She realizes Charley Banthem but he deceives her and leaves her desolate and pregnant. Boyle's
so called questions of honour awaken only on this movement and he frightens Juno of dangerous
consequences if Mary does not leave the house. But in all these circumstances it is only Juno
who stands besides her. This shows O'Casey feminine independence.
All these leads us to conclude that women in “Juno and the Pacycock” are realist and wiser than
men. They have the awareness of life which men lack. This assumption of O'Casey is not based
on lie or any idealism. In fact O'Casey wants to stress and evoke women to follow their
instinctive feminine good sense and to play their part in the domain of modern life.

patriarchy in juno and the paycock:

Johnny is another man who relies on a woman to bring him all that needs, again displaying men
to be argumentative the weaker sex. He uses his "sickness" to ask Juno to take him glasses of
water, when he could have easily fetched one himself. He depends on her to shield him from his
own immense guilt when he imagines that he sees Robbie Tancred kneeling before the statue of
St. Anthony. Even worse though, is that he is generally very bad-tempered towards his mother,
constantly asking her to do things for him, which wears Juno down and makes her irritable, and
ensures that she is nearly always in a bad frame of mind. This is another very obvious example
of how women have to suffer for the actions of men. Johnny directs his guilt and his anger
towards Juno because of the murder that he committed. O'Casey uses this so we view Juno as a
victim of other people's stupid mistakes, mainly those of men.
In Juno and the Paycock, Jerry Devine also conveys another way on how a man lands a problem
on a women and how it is she who has to deal with it. He deserts Mary when learning that she is
pregnant, displaying a similar narrow-mindedness to that of Johnny and Boyle. He is a man who
promises much but fails to deliver and all of his surrounding ideals do nothing for Mary in her
greatest time of need. He speaks a lot of empty and meaningless words:
'Your mother has told me everything, Mary, and I have come
to tell you, Mary, that my love for you is even greater and
deeper than ever...'
'My God, Mary, have you fallen as low as that?'
Bentham is the other man who was involved with Mary, and is the father of her baby. He is
another typical representative of the male species in O'Casey's eyes. He shows only selfish love
for Mary - he only wanted her for the money promised to the family in the will. His smarmy
manner is remisicent of many members of society and this along with his very limited
intelligence shows him to be a thoroughly distasteful character. He is similar to Boyle, only a
little more refined; they are both cowards who shrug responsibility and betray those who value
their love. They also both create huge problems for women, and refuse to support them through
it. Here we can see the satirical style of O'Casey, in criticizing a "type" as well as just a "single
Boyle's "friend" Joxer does not bring about any direct influence on any of the characters in the
play, but he aids Boyles in his ways. He is a terrible weight on Boyle's shoulder, even if Boyle
fails to realise this, and in the midst of Boyle's troubles Joxer stirs things up even more, which
Juno too realises:
'There'll never be any good got out o' him so long as he
goes with that shouldher-shruggin' Joxer. I killin' meself
workin', an' he sthruttin' about from mornin' till night like
a paycock!'
This quotation also shows Juno to be a family woman who tries to keep life working and in a
bearable state. This is the complete antithesis to the role portrayed by her husband, whose
responsibility for fatherly and marital duties are seldom evident in the play. He leaves Juno to
play both mother and father to Mary and Johnny, which is incredibly difficult and hard to
accomplish with Boyle's severe lack of support. He helps out with nothing, and spends the days "
gallivantin' " with Joxer, with whom he has formed a rather unreliable "friendship". In the play
when Boyle is present , so too is his "sidekick" Joxer in most cases. He is parasitic and is
basically only out for what he can achieve out of every situation. He represents a man who
O'Casey despises, and although he does not have a direct influence on any of the female
characters in the play, he does indirectly influence Juno because in Boyle's eyes he takes priority
over his wife . O'Casey demonstrates him as a typical member of society, however his role in the
play is exaggerated to emphasise other themes in the play, like that of humour.
At the end of the play it dramatically finishes with Joxer and Boyle only having each other. This
is possibly justice for them in that they both deserve only the other's drunken and foolish
company. Boyle has already ruined the remainder of whatever life Juno could possess, and she
has wisely broken free from her husband's oppression and turns out the be the admirable heroine
of the play. This is the ultimate controversial point as at the time of a very male-dominated
society, O'Casey dared to write this, and not a member of the opposite sex, as one may well

I have concluted through my research that the woman has strong role in the socity accoding to
sean o casey he has shown that if man is strong then woman is also strong she can face all
troubles and hurdles if man is not supporting fanacailly his family so woman is able to feed her
family here the writer o'casey belives that the woman in his play are stronger, more enduring and
unselfish than the male characters. and the society have to give equal rights to woman and also
have shown the weak side of the woman in the male society like male is dominant or deceive the
woman but still she is able to survive if woman is strong than can do anything as juno is the
example of this play even she suffered alot but she survivev with the disable son and pragnant
daughter even she is not supported by her husband.

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