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Personal Mission Statement

Leadership is well-known but not taken as serious when it comes to practicing and

applying it to real-life situations. I was enrolled in Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officer Training

Corps in high school for all four years, and through it all, there has always been a strong

emphasis on obtaining and exercising leadership traits, skills, and principles so that we can apply

them to everyday situations in the future. One thing that I have learned from the program is that

there is no such thing as a natural born leader. Leaders are made. When I was notified of the

Illinois Leadership Center and the Leadership Certificate Program it offers, I took the

opportunity to exercise the traits, skills, and principles that I already possess as well as obtain

and sharpen others.

The three core values that I believe represent myself and my goals and aspirations are

reflection, social justice, and integrity. Reflection, in my opinion, can be divided into three

categories: self-reflection, peer-reflection, and group reflection. In each category, the goal is the

same: to seek improvement for the betterment of those involved. Self-reflection may be the most

important because at the end of the day, the only person who can change you is you, so

recognizing your own strengths, weaknesses, and values and acting upon them will result in

progress towards perfection. I strongly value social justice because I believe that everybody

deserves equal treatment and equal opportunity; however, there is a difference between equality

and equity. Equity takes into consideration prior hardships and privileges while equality strives

towards change without a past. With social justice, comes integrity. The “right thing to do” in

many situations varies and is often controversial because there will always be those who pay
while others benefit, so being able to make those decisions knowingly and truly believe that it is

the best decision for the whole is what I strongly value.

Leadership, to me, is a group process through which the leader and followers strive

towards and value an understood shared goal. I believe that followership is vital in any

leadership situation because they are the ones who believe and support the purpose of the group

as well as do a majority of the work. Without followers, a leader is not a leader. The overall

process of leadership is the key component of my definition. The process is what shapes and

defines the roles, commitment, and drive for each individual because groups are built and rely on

relationships between the leader and the followers and between the followers.

I am studying to become a Social Worker. I believe the skills and morals valued in Social

Work such as critical thinking, empathy, and ethics are also emphasized in leadership, especially

when leadership is put into practice. I will use my experience in this program to shape and

perfect my leadership skills in the hopes of better preparing myself for the heavy duty stressors

required in a social work career.

Leadership Learning Goals

Since being on campus, I have been cautiously decisive into which opportunities I would

not only choose to act upon but even consider. I do not want to take on more than I can handle or

be involved with something that I do not enjoy, and due to this, I feel that I have set low

expectations on myself. I am not involved in a lot of clubs nor do I have a job. I keep telling

myself that it is because of the school work I have, but I am excelling. I have to question what I

value and what opportunities on campus relate. In doing so, I will be exposing myself to different

social environments. As a person, one has to possess a degree of openness to other points of

views. I believe I already possess a high degree of openness, but I will continue to strive towards

pressing my boundaries and educating myself. In a leadership setting, the leader has to notice

and appreciate the value of communication. In order to effectively do so, they must view others’

opinions as possible truths instead of opposing views. They have to set the example by actually

engaging with the group’s ideas. By breaking away from my somewhat closed-minded views

through battling my barriers and exercising openness, I will develop not only as a leader but as a

human being.

My high school emphasised community service to the extent that all students had to

complete at least ninety hours of community service before graduating. Since then, I have

become service-minded. I was involved in two registered service student organizations on

campus during the first semester and am still involved in one. I am very passionate about the

effects service has not only on the people the service is for but for the people who participated. It

boosts morale and self-esteem as well as broadens experience and exposes the mind. Now that

service is no longer required, I have loosened the connection that I have between myself and my
community. I have become less hands-on in a position where I have the power and influence to

make change. In a leadership setting, hands-on involvement by the leader is needed for the group

to develop and maintain a clearly defined goal and team work environment. When I am in a

leadership position, I cannot lose sight of the importance of my involvement in the task at hand. I

may hold a title, but my participation is just as important. By developing a participative mindset

in any situation, I can increase its overall productivity as well as my motivation and belief in its

Competency Leadership Objective Evidence

Personal/Self Level

Self-Management In order to set the example as When a person attempts to

a leader for their followers to manage themself and do so in
emulate, leaders must appear an effective manner, they
in tact and confident. They have to first define their own
have to manage themselves to values and prioritize their
the extent that their good goals and other choices
traits are significantly according to those values. I
expressed while their bad value setting myself up for
traits are overshadowed by success through planning. In
those better traits. This way, order to both appear and be in
the followers adopt the tact and confident, I will set
leader’s most competent aside at least 30 minutes of
qualities. my day for a relaxing activity.
It is easy to get caught in the
overwhelming stress of
college. This way, I would hit
the reset button and be ready
to tackle the rest of the day.

Interpersonal/Team Level

Communication Communication is a broad Communication can be

term because it encompasses practiced through everyday
the leader’s ability to activities such as discussion
implement group in class or friendly debates. I
collaboration. More am part of the executive
importantly, however, the board for one of my
leader also has to maintain registered student
healthy communication with organizations, and we each
each individual. The fact that give presentations every few
communication is the key to weeks. Each presentation
an effective leadership consists of group activities
process makes it a vital such as games or discussions,
component for a leader to so I am confident this setting
possess. will give me the opportunity
to put my communication
skills to the test and evaluate
my performance through
self-reflection and group
feedback from my fellow
executive members. I will
assess my ability to articulate,
engage with the audience, and
read the crowd through body
language and facial

Relationship Management Because leadership is a group Relationship-building is one

process, the effectiveness of of my many passions. I aim to
the group relies on its ties. practice identifying
The relationships between boundaries within
each member has to remain relationships. Because each
professional, and the person and setting is different
relationship between a leader when it comes to
and their followers has to be relationships and how they
solidified upon respect and progress, I cannot assess a
mutual acceptance. It is the single relationship. Instead, I
individual’s responsibility to will explore relationships
manage their relationships within multiple settings such
with others for the benefit of as the workplace and the
the overall group and its classroom. In doing so, I will
purpose. be able to experience
different boundaries and more
accurately identify my own
professional, stranger, and
other boundaries.

Organization Level

Change Management Change is inevitable, but it is I believe the best way to be

the attitudes towards change knowledgeable about what
and the potential outcomes it needs to change in any group
could bring that shape the is feedback. In one of my
group’s effectiveness. People organizations, I am on the
who oppose change are most executive board. We
likely satisfied with their constantly talk about how we
current situation while others want to be a better club than
who seek progression value the year before. To do so, I
the possibility of suggested we have a formal
opportunities. In order to meeting with all of the
progress as a group, the members, not just the
leader has to influence and executive members, about
order change with an what went well and what did
optimistic understanding of not go well. Also, each
failure. executive member is replaced
with a new member at the
start of each semester, and my
experience in the transition
was less than adequate. I will
propose that we allow the
elected officials for each
position to shadow the
former. This way, a member
who is interested in a position
will receive experience that is

Community/Society Level

Global Competence Once we enter the world, we There is no better medicine

are born into a particular for an uncultured,
situation and socialize into closed-minded college
particular groups. Each group student than free university
holds its own values and programs, workshops,
beliefs about other groups. A organizations, events, and
leader not only recognizes other opportunities. I am
differences in points of view aware of the Lunch On Us
but strives to develop an series at the University of
understanding of the role of Illinois and value free food as
their backgrounds in shaping much as the next person.
their views. In doing so, a These events host group
leader seeks true knowledge discussions about somewhat
of other cultures and views sensitive topics in the hopes
and influences their followers of leaving the guests with a
to do the same. better understanding and less
bias view of the topic. I plan
to attend at least two and
reflect on how my beliefs
before the event compare to
my beliefs after. Even if my
opinion does not change, I
will at least be more
knowledgeable about other

Sustainability When dealing with change, a The three core values I chose
leader has to assess the that I believe best represent
impact it would have on the myself are reflection, social
group. While the leader wants justice, and integrity. With
to be open to change, the each new experience I
leader does not want to endure, I will reflect on my
disrupt the group’s efficiency. actions and beliefs, consider
A leader has to understand if these actions were socially
what is keeping their ship justified and how I can tackle
afloat and protect it so that societal issues with my new
only reasonable and needed knowledge, and aim to
change is acted upon. maintain integrity. These core
Sustainability acts as a safety values are the foundation of
net for the group’s me, and if I am able to engage
unsuccessful acts of change to and maintain with these core
fall back on. It is the leader’s values, I will be sustained. I
duty to establish it. will be able to feel and act
like myself, especially in the
most crucial, negative

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