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Prêmios para as Mulheres Brasileiras em Química e Ciências Relacionadas

Auditório FAPESP, São Paulo, 11 de setembro de 2018

Sumário da Apresentação
♦ Mulheres, um longo Caminho de Preconceitos

♦ Um olhar sobre as mulheres cientistas, alguns exemplos de

sucesso e insucessos;
♦ Alguns dados sobre mulheres pesquisadoras no Brasil e em São
♦ Conclusão;
Mulheres, um breve olhar sobre a questão de gênero desde as
civilizações antigas



Nasceu em Alexandria, cidade cultural da região que hoje corresponde ao Egito, 355 d.C. Era filha
de Theon, professor, era também famoso filósofo, astrônomo e matemático
Mueller, I.; L.S. Grinstein & P.J. Campbell (1987). Women of Mathematics: A Biobibliographic Sourcebook. New York: Greenwood Press
Mulheres, um longo Caminho de Preconceitos e Humilhações

”Mulheres, escravos e
"O pior adorno que uma forasteiros não são
mulher pode querer usar cidadãos” (Péricles
é ser sábia” Lutero (político ateniense destaca
(teólogo Alemão, século do, século V aC)
“Que as mulheres
"A natureza só faz continuem caladas nas
mulheres quando não igrejas. Se elas quiserem
pode fazer homens. A ser educadas, devem
mulher é, portanto, um discutir com seus maridos
homem inferior." em suas casas“ (Apóstolo
Aristóteles (filósofo, guia Paulo, ano 67 dC)
intelectual e preceptor
grego de Alexandre, o Crianças, idiotas, lunáticos
Grande, século IV A.C.) e mulheres não podem, e
não têm capacidade para
realizar negócios” (Henry
VIII (século XVI)

No início da civilização as mulheres eram reconhecidas como seres inferiores

Registro das Primeiras cientistas

Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia (1646 - 1684) Italiana de descendência

nobre, foi a primeira mulher a receber um diploma acadêmico de uma
universidade. Em 1678 se tornou a primeira mulher no mundo a receber o grau
de Ph.D. em filosofia;

Laura Maria Caterina Bassi (1711 - 1778) Física italiana, doutorou-se pela
Universidade de Bolonha em 1732;
Foi a segunda mulher a ter um grau de Dr. por uma universidade. É reconhecida
como a primeira mulher no mundo a ganhar uma cadeira universitária por seus
estudos científicos;
Contribuiu imensamente para o campo da ciência e colaborou a espalhar a
teoria newtoniana pela Itália;
 Women in science: a difficult history

Ada Lovelace Caricature of women attending a 19th century

meeting of the British Association for the
Advancement of Science. Source: Rebekah Higgitt

♦ Augusta Ada Byron, Countess of Lovelace — better known as "Ada Lovelace” — was born in London on
December 10, 1815, and was daughter of famous poet Lord Byron;
♦ From early on, Lovelace showed a talent for numbers and language. She received instruction from
William Frend, a social reformer; William King, the family's doctor; and Mary Somerville, a Scottish
astronomer and mathematician;
♦ Ada Lovelace is considered to have written instructions for the first computer program in the mid-1800s
Somerville was one of the first women to be admitted into the Royal Astronomical Society;
Women Scientists Whose Discoveries Were Credited to Men

✓ Was born in London on 25th July 1920;

✓ Studied chemistry and physics at Newnham College, Cambridge;

✓ In 1942 - British Coal Utilization Research Association, worked on carbon fiber


✓ In 1947 - Central Government Laboratory for Chemistry in Paris where she worked on X-ray
diffraction until 1951 when she moved to King's College, London.

✓ Produced X-ray diffraction pictures of DNA which were published in Nature in April 1953. This
played an important role in establishing the structure of DNA.

✓ Came into conflict with Maurice Wilkins, who was also working on DNA at King's College, and
therefore decided to join John Bernal at Birkbeck College to carry out research into the tobacco
mosaic virus.

✓ In 1957 began to work on the polo virus.

✓ Died of ovarian cancer on 16th April 1958.; Nature, Volume 171: 740-41(1953)


Pesquisa colaborativa

Pesquisa individual Consórcio ®Bolzani

Nobel Prize Awarded Women
Marie Sklodowska Curie
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1903 (shared with Henri Becquerel and Pierre Curie) in recognition of the
extraordinary scientific work they have rendered by their joint researches on the radiation phenomena;

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1911 in recognition of her work to the advancement of chemistry by the
discovery of the elements radium and polonium;

First woman to be awarded a Nobel prize and the only one person to be awarded 2 Nobel prizes;

Irène Joliot-Curie

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1935 (shared

with Frédéric Joliot); in recognition of their
synthesis of new radioactive elements
Curies' First Scientific Breakthrough Discovery of Polonium
and Radium
♦Working on her thesis on Becquerel´s rays, a few weeks after the birth of her
daughter Irène, she gave great progress on the minerals investigation, and
contributed to the discovering of Polonium and radium, sharing the Nobel Prize in
Physics, with Henri Becquerel, in 1903;

♦She is one the most important women in human history – Among the 300 Women
who changed the World, she is rightly included;
♦Curie died in 1934, aged 66, at a sanatorium in Sancellemoz (Haute-Savoie),
France, due to aplastic anemia due to the exposure to radiation during her

Fantastic development in the

geosciences, material, biology,
medicine and agriculture sciences; for
industry and also for quality of human
modern life
Langevin-Joliot & Soraya Boudia, Chemistry International, v 33, no1. 2011

Youyou Tu - Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2015 (shared

with William C. Campbell, Satoshi Ōmura) for her discoveries
concerning a novel therapy against Malaria;

In the 1970s, after studies of traditional herbal medicines,

Youyou Tu managed to extract a substance, artemisinin, which
inhibits the malaria parasite. Drugs based on artemisinin have
led to the survival and improved health of millions of people;
Participantes da 50a. Conferência de Solvay em 1927
W. Heisenberg
E. Schrödinge

Peter Debye L. de Broglie

Marx Plank N. Bohr


Marie Curie – Foi um marco para a criação e elaboração dos fundamentos de

uma nova disciplina – a radioquímica (hoje um campo de pesquisa importante);
Suas conquistas são notáveis até hoje no campo da ciência, convém destacar
que na época que viveu era uma atividade intelectual tradicionalmente proibida
para as mulheres;
Conferência de Solvay em 2017
Clara Immerwahr – 1ª. Doutoranda em química da Alemanha: uma triste história
• Clara Immerwahr, jovem alemã, brilhante, não teve o mesmo sucesso de Marie

• Primeira mulher alemã a doutorar-se em química, pela Universidade de


• Em 1901 casou com o químico Fritz Haber e trabalhou intensamente ao lado do

marido, contribuindo para o avanço das pesquisas de marido, mas nunca teve
sua participação reconhecida e a sua investigação científica foi prejudicada;

• Haber trabalhou intensamente para o governo Nazista alemão e desempenhou

um papel importante no desenvolvimento da armas químicas, especialmente Clara Immerwahr
gases venenosos;

• Immerwahr de posse de uma pistola militar de Haber, cometeu suicídio com um tiro no peito;

• O suicídio de Clara nunca foi divulgado por jornais, Sua morte não foi documentada e levou a controvérsias
quanto aos prováveis motivos do suicídio;
From 1901 to 2017, there have been 825 male winners of the Nobel
Prize, but just 47 female winners

The Women Nobel Prize in

2009 - Ada E. Yonath
1964 - Dorothy C. Hodgkin
1935- Irène Joliot-Curie
1911- Marie Curie (was
awarded twice)

All Nobel Prizes. Nobel Media AB 2018. Tue. 11 Sep 2018. <
15 Women have awarded Nobel Peace Prize

2011- Ellen Johnson Sinleaf; Leymah Gbowee; Tawakkol Karman

2004 - Wangari Maathai 1979 - Mother Teresa

Ellen J. Sirleaf
2003 - Shirin Ebadi 1976 - Betty Williams

1997 - Jody Williams 1976 - Mairead Corrigan

1992 - Rigoberta Menchú Tum 1946 - Emily Greene Balch

1991 - Aung San Suu Kyi 1931 - Jane Addams

1982 - Alva Myrdal 1905- Bertha von Suttner

Leymah Gbowee

2011 Nobel Peace Prize "for

their non-violent struggle
for the safety of women
and for women’s rights to
full participation in peace-
Tawakkol Karman building work".
Estados Unidos – Mulheres cientistas e oportunidades de emprego

Ofertas de emprego de cientistas norte-americanos doutores empregados

na academia

30 % mulheres
At The Top of the Academic Career - Women Are
Absolute Minority in European Community


A - position for
recent doctorates

B - Position for
intermediate level

C - Position for
senior researchers

2016 Statistic data Women and Science Statistics and Indicators

Source: SHE Figures 2017

UNESCO: Worldwide recent data on Women in Science!lang=en
Jobs, Collaborations, and Women Leaders in the
Global Chemistry Enterprise
Chapter 23, pp 265–281
Chapter DOI: 10.1021/bk-2015-1195.ch023
ACS Symposium Series, Vol. 1195
ISBN13: 9780841230675eISBN: 9780841230682
Publication Date (Web): September 2, 2015
Copyright © 2015 American Chemical Society
Brazilian Women in Science and in the Chemistry Area

•Doutores em geral atuando em Pesquisa e Ensino: 134.420 (63.853 mulheres =47,5%);

•Doutores em Ciências Exatas e da Terra: 19.600 (6.309 mulheres = 32,2%)

•Mestres atuando em Pesquisa e Ensino: 8.3321 (4.4337 mulheres = 53,2%)

•Mestres em Ciências Exatas e da Terra: 9.881 (3.388mulheres = 34,3%)

Número de Bolsistas PQ atualmente vigentes no CNPq

Total de 707 bolsas ( 209 mulheres= 29,6%)

•FQ: 175 (44 mulheres = 25,1%)

•QA: 159 ( 47 mulheres = 29,6%)
•QO: 246 ( mulheres = 30,1%)
•QI: 127 ( 44 mulheres= 34,6%)

•PQ-1A: 63 (7 mulheres = 11,1%)

•PQ-1B: 58 (13 mulheres =22,4%)
•PQ-1C: 61 (19 mulheres =31,1%)
•PQ-1D: 101 (28 mulheres = 27,7%)
•PQ-2: 415 (141 mulheres = 34,0%)
•PQ-SR: 8 (1 mulher = 12,5%)
Distribu- on&

40%$ F$
Researchers'Distribu: on' 60%$ M$



50" 33%# Polymers#and#Colloids#

0" 2%#
Organic" Analy7cal" Physical" Inorganic" 2%# Chemistry#
Chemistry" Chemistry" Chemistry" Chemistry" Organic#Photochemistry#

Subareas'of'CNPq`s''Basic'Program'of'Chemistry'' Structure#Conforma>on#
27%# and#stereochemistry#

INCT – Long Term National Institutes of Science and Technology

Strong interaction with the Industry and Society


Federal Grant R$ 700 million

State Grant R$ 214,7 million

12,9 10,4 36,0 8,0 1,5 RJ
Petrobras 35,8 RN
21,0 2,1
7,5 19
16,0 SP

112,8 9
Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência – SBPC (63 anos
de existência)
Três mulheres chegaram a presidência
Glaci Theresinha Zancan - Professora do Departamento de
Bioquímica da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), ocupou a
vice-presidência da Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da
Ciência (SBPC), de 1995 a 1999, e a presidência, de 1999 a 2003.

Helena Nader - Professora titular

da Universidade Federal de São
Paulo, Vice-Presidente, e Eleita
presidente da SBPC mandato de

Carolina Martuscelli Bori, Professora Titular da FFCL-

USP, foi Presidente da SBPC de 1987 a 1989.
Presidente de honra da Sociedade
Fernando Cosme Rizzo Assunção
Jailson Bittencourt de Andrade
Luiz Bevilacqua
•Presidente Renato Machado Cotta
Luiz Davidovich *Susana Inés Cordoba de Torresi
•Vice-presidente COMITÊ EXECUTIVO
João Fernando Gomes de Oliveira *Débora Foguel
•Vice-Presidentes Regionais Fernando Garcia de Mello
•Região Norte: Roberto Dall'Agnol Jacob Palis Junior
Lindolpho de Carvalho Dias
Região Nordeste: Cid Bartolomeu de
Região Sul: João Batista Calixto Elibio Leopoldo Rech Filho
Minas e Centro-Oeste: Mauro Martins Francisco Rafael Martins Laurindo
Teixeira Hilário Alencar da Silva
Rio de Janeiro: *Lucia Mendonça Previato José Murilo de Carvalho
São Paulo: Oswaldo Luiz Alves * Marcia Cristina Bernardes Barbosa

Women in the Brzilian Academy

of Science 12,80%
Brazilian Chemical Society

♦ Founded in July 1977, is one of the largest scientific bodies in Brazil counting ±5,000 members; is a non-
profit organization, dedicated to education and research in Chemistry and all scientific fields involving Chemistry.
♦ The activities cover education, conferences, science policy and the promotion of chemistry to
the public;
♦Development of the Brazilian chemical professional, aimed at finding solutions to challenges faced by our
society, such as, alternative sources of energy, protecting the environment, biodiversity, and shortages of water
and food, to promote the development of our country
♦ 18 Presidents has been elected along of 37 years;
♦ 2008-2010 – Vanderlan da S. Bolzani - 1st Woman President of the SBQ; after several years of work as
Secretary General (2004-206) and Vice-President (2006-2008)
♦ Current member of the SBQ advisory board
Some Remarkable Brazilian Women Laureate with
♦ Mayana Zatz (Biologist, 2001) - Her researcher has focued on genetics of hereditary neuromuscular diseases
and has been recognized all of world.

♦ Lucia Mendonça-Previato ( Biochemistry, 2004) - Her career has been principally devoted to the study of the
glycobiology of Typanosoma cruzi, the protozoan parasite responsible for Chagas disease.

♦ Belita Koiller (Physic, 2005) She is a renowned theorist, whose innovative work has helped improve the
understanding of complex condensed matter systems, and to investigate the structure and non-equilibrium
dynamics of disordered systems.

♦ Beatriz Barbuy (2009) – She is an expert in both observational astronomy and the interpretation of
spectroscopic data. Being a renowned theorist, whose innovative work has helped improve the understanding of
complex condensed matter systems, opening up many research opportunities for other scientists.

♦ Marcia Barbosa Nascimento (2013) - Full Professor and Director of Institute of Physics, Barbosa's work has
helped explain why many characteristics of water – the motion of its molecules, its reaction to changes in
temperature and pressure – make it different from other liquids in vast and important ways, and how biomolecules
such as DNA, proteins and fats interact with water within the human body. UFRG
Joanna Döbereiner
• The UNESCO Science Prize - biennial scientific prize awarded by the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) - Awarded to persons for an
outstanding contribution to the technological development of a developing state or region
through the application of scientific and technological research (particularly in the fields of
education, engineering and industrial development);
• Pioneer agronomist in soil biology in Brazil. The agronomist Johanna Döbereiner is the
seventh Brazilian scientist most cited by the scientific community;
• 1989 - Joanna Döbereiner – An outstanding agronomist engineer was awarded "for her
work in exploiting biological nitrogen fixation as the major source of nitrogen in tropical

The estimated Brazilian production of soybean crop in 2016 is 312,362

million tones; making Brasil the World’s second largest grain
productor, according statistic data from Institute of Geography and
Statistics (IBGE);
Economical benefits originated from innovative research carried Joanna
out by this great scientist; Döbereiner
Yvonne P. Mascarenhas – IFUSP, São Carlos
⌘ Em 1956, Inicia as atividades em Física do Estado Sólido
(caracterização de amostras principalmente para identificação
de materiais e orientação de monocristais;

⌘ Grande Cientista brasileira: Marca o início das pesquisas em

cristalografia no Brasil 1956);
✧Determinação de estrutura de pequenas moléculas usando difração de
raio X por monocristais;
✧ Análise estrutural de macromoléculas em solução por espalhamento de
raio X;
✧ Determinação de estrutura molecular de proteínas;
✧ Caracterização estrutural de materiais policristalinos de interesse

⌘ Membro da ABC;

⌘ Prêmios: "Francisco Salles Vicente de Azevedo" - Associação Brasileira de Cerâmica - 1991

Grã-Cruz da Ordem Nacional do Mérito Científico - Presidência da República do Brasil - out/1998; Medalha
Simão Mathias - Sociedade Brasileira de Química – 1998; Distinguished Women in Science and Chemical
Engineering, IUPAC, 2017;
Conclusion Remarks
 Family support is essential for professional success of women;

 Dare with sense and sensitivity;

 Hard work and passion;

 Scientific career is an excellent profession for women;

Chemistry is a fascinating field for research, potential source for finding new innovation;

Chemistry - essential to understanding life, and therefore essential to knowing how

biological systems work

Raw material for Medicinal/combinatorial chemistry/parallel synthesis using natural product

or n. p.-like scaffolds

 Contribution for the human resources formation ( Masters, PhD. Students and Post doctors)
Gender in the
Global Research Landscape Executive
The proportion of women among researchers and inventors is
increasing in all twelve comparator countries and regions over
In nine of the twelve comparator countries and regions analyzed,
women comprise more than 40% of researchers (2011 – 2015):
the United States, European Union, United Kingdom, Canada,
Australia, France, Brazil, Denmark,
and Portugal. This is an improvement from 1996 – 2000, at which
time only Portugal has more than 40% of women among
researchers. The results vary substantially by field
of research, with women better represented in the Life and Health
Sciences. In the Physical Sciences, women are still generally and
markedly underrepresented, with women comprising less than
25% of researchers in these fields in the majority of comparators.
The global share of women among inventors listed in patent
applications increases between 1996 – 2000 (10%) and 2011 –
2015 (14%), yet women remain strongly underrepresented across
all comparators.
This report was prepared by Elsevier. Elsevier’s Research Intelligence portfolio of products and services serves research institutions,
government agencies, funders, and companies. For more information, visit - 2017

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