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Application of Cup and Sup Model on the Simultaneous Acquisition

of Arabic and English by the Learners at Dar ul Uloom

Mohammadia Ghausia: A Case Study


Linguistic acquisition starts from that very moment when a child tries to express, what he wants or
what does he feel. Even the sound of cry, produced by the infant in the quest of getting milk, could be
regarded as a step towards linguistic acquisition process. Child acquires its first language, the first tool for
communication, in almost 6-7years of initial age. Yet man is a social animal. For social interaction, the
initial acquisition of language undergoes some changes, these changes could be regarded as change for
social survival. With development of linguistic process, man develops metalinguistic ability.

There is a difference between the acquisition of L1 and L2 acquisition, mainly due to difference in
maturity, the adult mind has already mastered one specific linguistic pattern. In the process of second
language, the learner or the individual relies on the linguistic pattern that he has already mastered before
the age of puberty.

Modern world is the world of globalization, one has to acquire a language other than the mother
language, to communicate with the people of different ethnic groups or countries. For this purpose one has
to standardize a language as lingua franca that could be served as a bridge. At international level, English
is being regarded as lingua Franca. In Pakistani setting, English has the status of official language also.
Yet, it is still being regarded as Foreign Language.

Along with the lingua franca, there is an inclination towards getting competence in the religiously
prestigious language. It is an observed phenomenon that most of the holistic work presented in the
religiously prestigious language. Arabic is among those languages, which are regarded as religiously
associated languages. In the Pakistani settings, like other Muslim countries Arabic enjoys the status of
religiously associated language. Yet the present study would be dealing it as Foreign Language (the target
language as second language).

The status of a language in a particular setting also has an influential effect on the learning of a
language. As Brosh (1993) says “The status of a language influences the learners’ attitude in the process
acquiring/learning a language. This accounts for why in some settings languages are acquired successfully
and effectively.”

Both languages, the religiously associated language and lingua franca, are most of the times termed
as foreign languages, the second language L2. Although, in most of the settings they have the same status,
yet there is a huge difference in their acquisition, which varies from society to society and from culture to
culture. There are lots of factors influencing the linguistic acquisition. As Kuo & Lai (2006) states
“language is a social institution it cannot be constructed independently. The attitude of the people towards
second language learning is determined by their culture”.

The purpose of the present, is to analyze the variation in the simultaneous acquisition of two L2s
as Target Language, in Madrissah educational system in Pakistan. The researcher is intended to formulate
the study as a case study, to observe how a specific setting varies or corresponds to generalize results. For
this purpose, the study will apply CUP and SUP model presented by Jims Cummins in 1981. Although all
the languages are different with respect to the respective lexicon and syntax. Yet, all these differences are
just at surface level, at the deep level there exist some sort common proficiency (Cummins, 1983).

The study will analyze the variation in the acquisition of the Arabic and English on the basis of CUP and
SUP proficiencies. For this purpose, a qualitative case study would be conducted. For the analysis, the
written sample in form of paragraphs, in both languages on same topic, would be collected. Samples would
be evaluated individually, on the basis of CUP and SUP proficiencies of the learners in the acquisition of
both languages.

Objectives of the study

The root objective of the study is to determine the causes of variation in common underlying proficiency
and separate underlying proficiencies of two L2 being taught simultaneously in the same settings.


 To determine that to what extent the influence of L1 is functional in the acquisition of L2.
 To determine to what extent the influence of L1 hinders the acquisition of L2.
 To determine to what extent external factors are responsible for the variation in the simultaneous
acquisition of two target languages.
 To determine what the internal factors are responsible for variation among the acquisition of
languages having the same status, in a particular setting.

Research Question
 To what extent the influence of L1 is functional in the acquisition of L2?
 To what extent the influence of L1 hinders the acquisition of L2?
 To what extent external factors are responsible for the variation in the simultaneous acquisition of
two target languages?
 What the internal factors are responsible for variation among the acquisition of languages having
the same status, in a particular setting?


The greater the common underlying proficiency the lesser would be the separate underlying
proficiency. The greater the syntactical and lexical similarity with L1 the greater would be fluency in CALP.

Research Design

The study would be held qualitatively, on instructed acquisition of learners. It will be consisting
of two sections. In the first session the data of the instructors (qualification, experience, and expertise)
would be collected. In the second phase the data of the learners (age, class, background, previous education
system, and their previous exposure to any of the target language).

The study would be analyzing the proficiencies, applying different parameters like consumption of time
during writing paragraphs in both languages individually, and the writing mechanics i.e. handwriting,
punctuation, and grammar etc.


1. Brosh, H. (1993). The influence of language status on language acquisition: Arabic in the Israeli
setting. Foreign Language Annals, 26(3), 347-358.

2. Cummins, J. (1983). Language proficiency and academic achievement. Issues in language testing
research, 108-129.

3. Kuo, M. M., & Lai, C. C. (2006). Linguistics across Cultures: The Impact of Culture on Second Language
Learning. Online Submission, 1(1).

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