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Doc 1 :

1. In Emperor Matthias opening letter, he states that there will always be religious freedom for
Protestant religion in Bohemia, so there is no reason for war.

2. The purpose of the letter to the Protestants by Emperor Matthias is to ensure to Protestants that
they still have religious freedom, so no wars break out.

Doc 2 :

1. In the Constitution of the Bohemian Federation the author explains how all people should
follow the Calvinist teachings, and if the king is against those Calvinist ways his people should
be freed from his rule.

2. The purpose of this section of the Constitution of the Bohemian Federation was the
Bohemians desire to protect the religious freedom of Calvinism against Catholicism.

Doc 3 :

1. Bernhard Baumann states that the Jesuits attempted to convert protestant states Catholic, but
failed. They wanted to stay protestant, the religion of their ancestors.

2. The point of view of Bernhard Baumann’s report to Elector Maximilian of Bavaria was
Catholic, as the Jesuit attempted to convert protestant states Catholic.

Doc 4 :

1. Gustavus Adolphus states how the Holy Roman Empire attempts to completely remove
Protestantism from Brandenburg.

2. The purpose of the letter written by Gustavus Adolphus was to persuade or threated the king
of Sweden to turn Protestant.

Doc 5 :

1. The Swedish High chancellor and Brandenburg discuss about intentions to secure the Baltic
sea and free Germany.

2. The purpose of the meeting between Axel Oxenstierna, Swedish high chancellor, and
Sweden’s ally Brandenburg was to reveal political power.

Doc 6 :

1. The political cartoon shows Cardinal Richelieu of France removing Protestant Hughenots
from France it also shows them taking control of other Catholic nations.
2. The historical context about the painting by Jean Gagniere was France is getting involved on
behalf of the Protestants, with the ultimate goal of weakening or defeating Habsburg.

Doc 7 :

1. The Pope Innocent X attacks the Peace of Westphalia and states that it is not real.

2. The Pope Innocent’s point of view about this was that the Pope saw the Peace of Westphalia
as a loss for the Catholic side. The pope states that he believes the Catholics should have one,
even though it ended in a treaty, the Pope thinks that this was a loss.

The 30 years' war (1618-1648) regularly called the "last of religious wars" mainly
occurred in the Germanic grounds of the HRE, but did not take long for it to include all of
Europe. This was spilt up into four phases. The four phases of this war were the Bohemian
phase, the Danish phase, the Swedish phase, and the Franco-Swedish phase. The first phase
involved Bohemia wanting to practice Calvinism. However, Ferdinand wanted to convert them
to Catholics. During the Danish phase, the Danes helped out Protestant Bohemians. During the
Swedish phase, Sweden joins on the Protestant side. This ended up giving Protestants the power
in the war. During the Franco-Swedish phase, the Swedes started economically helping the
French The war was a result of religions, the German Catholics and the Lutherans. Despite the
fact that the Peace of Augsburg (1555) brought temporary peace, fights still emerged because
Calvinists were not gaining any religious freedom. Even though the rights of Calvinism weren't
acknowledged in the Treaty of Augsburg, many German states accepted Calvinism as the state
church. As the fix to this, the Duke of Maximilian created a Protestant army to battle the German
Calvinists, but this soon turned into an all-out war throughout Europe. The Thirty Years War was
a battle based on mainly religion. However, there were serval political reasons, such as Cardinal
protecting France from Huguenot Protestants and rival Catholic powers. The main reason was a
dispute between the Catholics and the Protestants with Protestants being the minority group
wanting freedom of religion.
In 1618 The Thirty years war began with a religious conflict happening in Bohemia. This
was because the Holy Roman Emperor Matthias, was trying to convince the population that he
did not want to start a religious war, and that Protestants would have complete religious freedom.
However this is contradicting as the Matthias was Catholic himself and wanted his people to
become Catholic. This was demonstrated in the Holy Roman Emperor Matthias open letter to his
Protestant subjects in Bohemia. (Doc 1) Because of this the war started to break out like crazy.
Protestants were worried of possibly losing religious freedom. In 1619, the constitution of the
Bohemian Federation (Document Two) The Constitution of Bohemian Federation was made
because of the Bohemians desire to protect the desire to protect religious freedom of Calvinism
against Catholicism. At this time the war was only in Bohemia and was getting near the first
The purpose of this section of the Constitution of the Bohemian Federation was the Bohemians
desire to protect the religious freedom of Calvinism against Catholicism. In 1618 the
defenestration of Prague was making a return. This was when Catholics were thrown out of the
window by Calvinists. At the beginning of the third phase Bernhard Baumann wrote a report to
Elector Maximilian of Bavaria (Doc 3), near 1628. As Bernhard was Jesuit, he attempted to
convert protestant states Catholic. In this part of the war people belived the war wasn’t very
motivated by religion. However, the war was in fact religiously motivated. Document 4 reveals
in a letter from Gustavus Adolphus to the elector of Brandenburg, to persuade or threaten the
king of Sweden to turn Protestant. In document 5 The Swedish High chancellor and Brandenburg
discuss about intentions to secure the Baltic sea and free Germany. This was because Calvinists
ended up gaining political power and was holding Germany hostage. The purpose of the meeting
between Axel Oxenstierna, Swedish high chancellor, and Sweden’s ally Brandenburg was to
reveal political power. At this time the war was entering the 3rd phase of the religious war. This
was also known as the Swedish phase. This was because Sweden joined the war of the side of
Protestants. The political cartoon in document 6 shows Cardinal Richelieu of France removing
Protestant Huguenots from France it also shows them taking control of other Catholic nations.
Huguenots being Catholic, was an issue for Protestants. They’re able to take control of other
Catholic nations because of the power Protestants acquired from Sweden joining. The historical
context about the painting by Jean Gagniere was France is getting involved on behalf of the
Protestants, with the ultimate goal of weakening or defeating Catholics in Habsburg. Near the
end of the Fourth phase the Treaty of Westphalia was created. During document 7, a speech from
the Pope Innocent 10th reveals how he felt about the treaty. This treaty was thought to have
ended the war. However, the Pope Innocent 10th was not happy about this treaty. The Pope
Innocent’s point of view about this was that the Pope saw the Peace of Westphalia as a loss for
the Catholic side. The pope states that he believes the Catholics should have one, even though it
ended in a treaty, the Pope thinks that this was a loss. The pope was also upset about the fact that
he was not able to partake in the Westphalia treaty which signaled a big disconnection.

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