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Colegio santo domingo bilingual school

“Religión in steam education”

Nathalie Julieth Sierra Perez


Carolina rocha


The abbreviations STEM were used for the first time in the year 2001, and then
they became STEAM. The insertion of the "A" represents the Arts. Today, the "R"
has been included, changing STEAM to STREAM. The "R" can represent
Robotics or Reading (Reading). For many Catholic schools and for the National
Association of Catholic Education, the "R" represents another link: Religion.

This inclusion is intended to integrate Religion in the STEAM content areas of

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics, which requires
planning, support, communication and development at the school level. STREAM
curriculum models incorporate and focus content on faith and God.

Some authors agree that STEAM learning must be done interrelating the
subjects, knowledge and exploring its application to real situations; that is why
the application of this methodology to the study on the development of religion
becomes important. STREAM demonstrates how faith, individual academic
disciplines and life itself work together to increase collaboration, communication,
critical thinking and creativity.
In the application of our curriculum, disciplines should be linked where both
students and families establish important connections; demonstrating that
Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics work together
as part of God's plan.

Depending on the educational level and according to the objectives of our

classes, this methodology can be incorporated combining learning through
projects, gamifications, educational games and collaborative learning in order to
obtain knowledge from different perspectives that can lead to innovations.
What activities can we do?
1. Investigate and analyze the historical descent of scientists who were also
faithful Catholics, as well as their main contributions, both to Science and to the
2. Write a reflection on the STREAM discipline of greatest interest or for which
you have more talent, or on the ways in which you could use it to benefit the
Church and the world. 3. To expose why innovations and scientific discoveries
are so important for us as Catholics to know more about the world and, therefore,
more about God.
4. Develop a multimedia presentation to teach classmates about one of the topics
seen in the religious education program.
5. Invite students interested in engineering and architecture to plan or build a
model parish or a Catholic school that supports the diverse functions and
aesthetics of the community.
6. Work as a group in the composition of a song or write lyrics that can be used
for worship or liturgy.
The idea is to develop projects to work as a team and that we as students explore
and achieve the solution of a problem through critical thinking, effective
communication and efficient time management.


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