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姝 Academy of Management Review

2015, Vol. 40, No. 2, 263–290.


Durham University

University of Akron

Prevailing perspectives on time and change often emphasize the forward movement
of time and the relative stability of attributes, an emphasis that fosters theories of
organizational evolution as a linear progression of a past that moves to the present
that moves to the future. While useful in many respects, this perspective obscures the
uncertainty of emerging organizational phenomena, and it offers little insight into the
rare and unpredictable events that change the course of history. To address these
concerns, we draw on quantum mechanics and quantum probability theories to
present a quantum approach to time and change as a framework for understanding
organizational complexity and the common decision-making errors that lead to orga-
nizational failures within uncertain environments. This perspective also explains how
organizations (or societies) can experience unforeseen potentialities that radically
change their development by conceptualizing the future as existing in a state of
potentiality that collapses to form the present based on the dynamics of system
constraints. Our theory has broad implications for organizational theory and research,
as well as management practice.

You can never plan the future by the past Time can be measured objectively, but it is the
(Edmund Burke). subjective and intuitive aspects of time that may
Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for be most critical in understanding how time relates
the future, and live in the only moment of time to organizational processes. Subjective time is
over which you have any control: now (Denis
central to individual sensemaking (Hernes & Mait-
lis, 2010) and cultural sensemaking (Zerubavel,
In the last two decades organizational schol- 2003), which use both cognitive and emotional
ars have recognized the importance of time in schema to connect (or separate) even the distant
understanding organizational processes (An- past to (from) the present and create anticipated
cona, Goodman, Lawrence, & Tushman, 2001). In trajectories leading to the future. Intuitive pro-
fact, the ability to control various aspects of cesses provide a basis for understanding the flow
time, such as the structure of time, the subjective of time as a feed-forward process, where the past
experience of time, how one thinks about time, flows into the present and then into the future.
and the entrainment of events through time This conceptualization of time is a generalization
(Bluedorn & Jaussi, 2008; Sonnentag, 2012), is
from how one physically moves through one’s
thought to underlie effective leadership, group,
physical environments, such as moving forward
and organizational dynamics. However, per-
from one’s present location to another location. It
haps the most important issue for individuals
also reflects the structure of human memory sys-
and organizations is to devise ways to control
tems, which use remembered experiences (i.e., ep-
their future, and this is related to how we con-
isodic memory) as a basis for projecting into the
ceptualize and use time.
future (Kaplan & Orlikowski, 2013; Suddendorf &
Corballis, 2007).
Because we understand change and adapta-
We thank Jerome Busemeyer, Mark Hall, Paul Hanges,
Gerald Hodgkinson, Julian Marewski, Aron Polos, and three
tion in terms of a subjective flow from the past to
anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on previous the present, we naturally conceptualize the fu-
drafts of this manuscript. ture as an extension of ongoing longitudinal
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264 Academy of Management Review April

trajectories, guided by an evolution from the that this mental reversal of a basic assumption
past to the present and extending to the future. guiding organizational science and intuitive
This view supports individual and collective reasoning can help us overcome limitations
sensemaking (Ibarra & Barbulescu, 2010; Weick, from commonsense beliefs about development
1995), and when the future departs substantially and causality (Sherover, 2003) and narratives
from this trajectory, organizational scholars, as that connect the past to the present (Taleb, 2010).
well as managers, are motivated to explain it The future offers many potentialities, which we
and build relevant theory. However, organiza- define as alternative states and possible out-
tional scholars have increasingly recognized comes that could occur but have not yet occurred
that discontinuous change cannot be antici- because, to be actualized, they require the en-
pated easily from a narrow focus on the events actment of individual, social, and environmen-
that occurred in the present or the past (MacKay tal events that are often serendipitous.2 As such,
& Chia, 2013; Plowman, Baker, Kulkarni, Solan- many sets of unrealized potentialities (also re-
sky, & Travis, 2007). In fact, the world often ferred to as a superpotentiality state in quantum
changes in ways that are unforeseeable and not theory; Greene, 2004) cannot be easily envi-
easily anticipated (Taleb, 2010), since it involves sioned or pursued from a perspective that be-
the emergence of new states (e.g., movement gins by considering the present or past. Rather,
from despair to optimism, from munificence to they can be better appreciated by starting with
scarcity, from failure to success), new capacities an unconstrained future with many possible
(e.g., skills, creativity, adaptability), and new outcomes and realizing that its flow into the
resources (e.g., social capital) that previously present can be influenced by many individual,
did not exist or had no comparable analogue. collective, and environmental factors that guide
Such unanticipated change tends to be ex- unfolding, organizing processes.
plained in terms of the functioning of complex We maintain that this perspective has a nat-
systems (Uhl-Bien & Marion, 2009) or, alterna- ural affinity to quantum probability theories de-
tively, as a consequence of turbulent environ- rived from quantum mechanics (Greene, 2004,
ments characterized by “relentless chance, en- 2011), which also begin with an undefined state,
vironmental circumstance, and unintended and it offers an innovative approach for under-
consequences” (MacKay & Chia, 2013: 221). standing the unfolding of complex organiza-
In this article we develop a different perspec- tional phenomena. Although this approach to
tive on time and the nature of individual and understanding process can be seen as a far cry
organizational processes, which, we argue, has from those advocated in the social sciences, we
great relevance to the issue of how futures un- note that the application of quantum theories to
fold and can be influenced. We propose that the social phenomena is not entirely foreign, having
challenges of understanding organizational fu- been applied to early philosophical teachings
tures and the dynamism of unfolding events on general existence and the state of being (see
over time can be addressed, in part, by undoing Bakken & Hernes, 2006, and Epperson, 2004, for a
the dominant tendency to view a forward flow of summary of Alfred North Whitehead’s process
time based on a past that leads to the future (i.e., philosophy). However, because the focus and
past ¡ future). Instead, we advocate efforts to contribution of our article is not to elaborate on
mentally reverse the arrow of time to emphasize these existential or philosophical consider-
a future that flows into the present (i.e., future ¡ ations, we direct readers interested in these is-
present), which is a view that has not received sues to other sources (see Bakken & Hernes,
sufficient attention (e.g., Kaplan & Orlikowski, 2006; Epperson, 2004; Whitehead, 1978).
2013). Perceptually, this shift is analogous to be-
ing in a train looking out the window and seeing
the distant horizon flow toward one’s present
location, even though one knows it is the train 2
We note that potentialities are similar to affordances,
that is moving toward the horizon.1 We maintain which Gibson (1986) defined as possibilities that exist in
one’s environment and that become available upon action.
However, potentialities refer to a more general state contain-
ing a set of undefined alternative outcomes that exist simul-
We thank an anonymous reviewer for suggesting this taneously and that become defined only upon enactment in
perceptual analogue of our reasoning. a specific context.
2015 Lord, Dinh, and Hoffman 265

In developing our perspective, we extend the- tices, and (3) phenomena of interest (e.g., person-
ories that were developed over the course of a ality, attitudes, values, cultures, strategies) exist
century in the physical sciences but have not yet independent of our attempts to measure them.
been considered sufficiently by organizational We did not set out to challenge such assump-
science. We maintain that by integrating quan- tions but, rather, gradually realized that ques-
tum theory with a view of the future as flowing tioning such taken-for-granted assumptions
into the present, we can revolutionize our con- helped us understand organizational and psy-
ception of the processes linking time to the de- chological processes in new and useful ways.
velopment of events, offering the potential for Our hope is that explicitly acknowledging this
greater understanding and perhaps greater con- issue at the outset will help readers in a similar
trol of the future, as well as an enhanced under- manner.
standing of change processes. In the following sections we begin by explain-
This combined approach, which we label a ing our natural understanding of time and com-
quantum approach to time and change (QATC), pare this with a very different understanding of
has at least three principal advantages. First, a the unfolding of actual experiences and events
QATC provides a novel perspective for theory brought forth by quantum theories. Finally, we
building in organizational science by emphasiz- address the theoretical, methodological, and
ing that the future is often qualitatively different practical implications of a QATC for organiza-
from the present or past. As such, it provides an tional science.
understanding of dynamic organizational phe-
nomena, considering how organizational life,
and life in general, can change by developing in TIME, ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS,
many different ways as individuals and collec- AND UNCERTAINTY
tives interact with their environment. Quantum
Commonsense Approaches for Understanding
theory can represent multiple interacting paths
the Flow of Time
through time and, thus, can represent the com-
plexity of change in ways that more conven- Unique to humans is the striking ability to
tional models cannot (e.g., Markov models; see travel through time, psychologically departing
Busemeyer & Bruza, 2012). from the present to consider events in the future
Second, a QATC is grounded in quantum (Buckner & Carroll, 2007; Kaplan & Orlikowski,
physics, which offers a diverse set of research 2013; Sherover, 2003; Suddendorf & Corballis,
tools and concepts that could supplement exist- 2007). Individuals frequently traverse the tempo-
ing tools for studying dynamic change in orga- ral boundaries of the present to consider the
nizations. It has the potential to build on in- glimmering hopes and dangers hidden in the
sights provided by qualitative, process-oriented future (Dane & George, 2014). The advantage of
descriptions of organizational change that em- these mental activities is that they allow one to
phasize the role of context in guiding organizing forecast what the future may be based on one’s
processes (see Langley, Smallman, Tsoukas, & prior experiences and intrinsic desires (Dane &
Van de Ven, 2013), while simultaneously devel- George, 2014; Seligman, Railton, Baumeister, &
oping a precise conceptual and mathematical Sripada, 2013). It can also assist in forming so-
representation for incorporating context into cial inferences, anticipating the intentions and
predictions of outcomes. beliefs of others (Buckner & Carroll, 2007), and
Third, many of the ideas that we address chal- formulating one’s own expectations and goal-
lenge fundamental assumptions regarding the directed behavior (Seligman et al., 2013). The abil-
nature of change that have guided organiza- ity to accurately forecast the future is so critical
tional science. Such assumptions operate at the that humans have developed extensive neural
level that Alvesson and Sandberg (2011) have networks dedicated to the storage, access, and
characterized as field assumptions because integration of existing memory in order to simu-
they undergird entire fields of study. These in- late the possibilities that may arise tomorrow (Gil-
clude the assumptions that (1) time should be bert & Wilson, 2007). Indeed, it may be humans’
conceptualized as flowing from the past to the natural ability to forecast that has created a
future, (2) future states can be reached from strong cognitive tendency to formulate decisions
paths grounded in the past and in existing prac- and behaviors based on a forward-moving per-
266 Academy of Management Review April

spective of the future. This tendency also has been that create a sense of consistency (Hernes &
reinforced by social-cultural development and Maitlis, 2010; Zerubavel, 2003). For example, in-
learning (i.e., the future as moving forward; dividual cognitive, emotional, and physical
Boroditsky & Ramscar, 2002), and it is a trend that states all have inherent rhythms and dynamics
is central to many of today’s organizational theo- that vary across time and context (e.g., hunger,
ries and research paradigms. fatigue, boredom, lust, circadian rhythms), and
However, there are many cognitive fallacies these interacting systems create different con-
that accompany prospective assessments of the texts that allow different thoughts and individ-
future (Dane & George, 2014; Seligman et al., 2013). ual behaviors to emerge (Dionysiou & Tsoukas,
They occur as humans form erroneous assump- 2013; Read et al., 2010). Similarly, complexity
tions based on what has occurred while neglect- theories have been used to describe the behav-
ing what may have occurred. In such instances iors of groups and organizations (Uhl-Bien &
prospective errors can manifest as forecasting bi- Marion, 2009), which are understood to fluctuate
ases that unduly influence decision making and rapidly and often unpredictably (e.g., Crawford
behavior in ways that fail to account for the un- & LePine, 2013; Klarner & Raisch, 2013; Langley
certainty and nonlinearity of realistic organiza- et al., 2013) as contexts change and as organiza-
tional events (Arrfelt, Wiseman, & Hult, 2013; Mac- tional processes take on different features or
Kay & Chia, 2013). Several examples demonstrate forms. Yet variations across time within individ-
this. For example, the bankruptcy of several Amer- ual and organizational systems are typically ig-
ican automobile companies (e.g., General Motors, nored because of theoretical or methodological
Chrysler) in 2009 illustrates the culmination of oversights (Kozlowski, Chao, Grand, Braun, &
global market conditions and the failure of orga- Kuljanin, 2013; Vancouver & Weinhardt, 2012),
nizational decision makers to forecast changing obscuring the richness of organizational phe-
consumer preferences for more fuel-efficient vehi- nomena. Variations are also ignored because
cles. Forecasting biases also manifest in everyday they are seen as errors, rather than resulting
decision-making errors, such as in the tendency to from phenomena that should be explained
make optimistic self-predictions with respect to scientifically.
saving money or future performance (Helzer & However, qualitative research has demon-
Dunning, 2012; Koehler, White, & John, 2012), and strated the complexity inherent in organiza-
in hindsight biases where accurate projections tional systems and the need for more adequate
are inhibited because of limitations in one’s abil- explanatory systems. For example, Plowman et
ity to objectively remember prior information. al.’s notable study (2007) described how a culmi-
In brief, a wide body of research suggests that nation of seemingly small events and existing
although there is a biosocially grounded ten- preconditions at a dying institution, Mission
dency for humans to infer the future by extend- Church, helped radically shift the organization’s
ing the past, prospective cognitions are suscep- structure and image. Specifically, they de-
tible to processing failures because they are scribed how a small event (i.e., a meeting of five
often based on salient nonrepresentative mem- to six relatively inactive churchgoers to orga-
ories and experiences and are made in abstrac- nize a charity event) initiated a chain of events
tion without reference to context (Dane & that disrupted existing patterns of behavior
George, 2014; Gilbert & Wilson, 2007). As de- within the organization and the community,
scribed in the following section, there are many thereby encouraging innovation and the rein-
advantages in considering an alternative view vention of the church. Importantly, high uncer-
of the flow of time. tainty, defined as the inability to accurately
predict outcomes resulting from the lack of
information (Milliken, 1987), accurately char-
An Alternative Conceptualization of Time and
acterizes Mission Church’s change, as well as
Organizational Uncertainty
the change trajectories of many of today’s or-
Organizational events and events occurring ganizations (see MacKay & Chia, 2013). In fact,
within individuals manifest very differently at for many organizations the strategic allocation
different points in time (Hoffman & Lord, 2013), of resources to nurture high-potential business
even though there is a tendency for humans and subsidiaries is challenging simply because or-
societies to subjectively represent time in ways ganizational decision makers cannot foresee the
2015 Lord, Dinh, and Hoffman 267

market conditions, economic trends, and soci- seem to have both particle and wave properties
etal factors that may aggregate to impact the (e.g., light and magnetism; Feynman, Leighton,
survival of one subsidiary over another (Arrfelt & Sands, 2010/1965; Rae, 2005). For example, elec-
et al., 2013). Such observations reinforce our ar- trons appear to travel across time and space not
guments that events unfold probabilistically in as specific particles with precise trajectories but
the future in ways that forward-based prospec- as waves that occupy multiple locations. This is
tion cannot explain. because the precise location of an electron is
Meanwhile, for almost a century the field of generally unknown, and it can appear in an
quantum physics and quantum mechanics has infinite number of places in space upon mea-
been able to model the complexity and uncer- surement (Greene, 2004). As such, the movement
tainty in the movement of various entities, in- of an electron through space is better repre-
cluding subatomic particles and the universe, sented by a “smeared” trajectory, rather than a
by using an intensively scrutinized mathemati- single line that would indicate a predictable
cal formalism (Greene, 2004, 2011). We believe trajectory as used in classical probability theory
that this way of thinking and representing pro- (see Figure 1).
cesses can be extended to understanding how More precisely, the variable movement of an
human systems construct the future. In the fol- electron through space can be depicted mathe-
lowing sections we describe our QATC perspec- matically by abstract, algebraically derived
tive, which implies that real-life organizational probability wave functions (i.e., mathematical
processes follow a different logic in the flow of representations of likely possible outcomes),
time, a different set of probability laws, and a shown graphically as waves that indicate
mathematical formalism based on quantum me- where the electron should be at a particular
chanics that can better account for complexities point in time. Such a probability wave is shown
endemic to human and organizational systems. in Figure 2. In this figure the probability of find-
ing an electron at a particular position in-
A QATC creases with the height of a particular hill com-
pared to the surrounding plane. Central to this
Quantum Physics and Probability
figure is that probability waves are character-
Wave Functions
ized by a high degree of uncertainty in knowing
Quantum physicists describe a fundamental where an electron will be when it moves
property of matter and energy, which is that they through space. However, when a physicist mea-

Comparison Between (a) Classical Probability Theory and (b) Quantum Probability Theory for
Representing the Predicted Outcomes of Physical and Psychological Phenomena As They Travel
Across Time
268 Academy of Management Review April

FIGURE 2 arguments of quantum theories and develop

Probability Wave Function of an Electron their theoretical application to organizational
Traveling Through Space science. We also describe the mathematical for-
malism of quantum theories in the Appendix.

Probability Waves and Social Systems

Using probability waves as a metaphor for
organizational processes, we propose that the
amount of certainty in knowing where a partic-
ular particle is located at a point in time can be
generalized to understanding how social sys-
Note: The probability of an electron being at any position tems create a specific, experienced reality at a
is proportional to the height of the wave at that point.
particular point in time when they, too, are
guided by processes that are functionally repre-
sures an electron’s position, constraints im- sented by probability waves. This reasoning
posed by the measurement process cause its suggests that there are many possible outcomes
probability wave to collapse, allowing the phys- that can be represented and enacted since the
icist to depict the electron at a specific, single future exists in a state with many potentialities.
location. This phenomenon may also be ob- Quantum physics defines such a state as a su-
served when organizational scholars measure perpotentiality (or superposition) state, in which
constructs at one or multiple discrete points in many possibilities are in an indefinite state but
time, where measurements are subject to con- have the potential to occur when influenced by a
straints inherent in the measurement tools they specific context. However, when conjoined with
use (Feldman & Lynch, 1988; Harrison & a particular context, this superpotentiality state
McLaughlin, 1996). This explanation accounts will collapse because of experienced con-
for why there is higher certainty in knowing straints to create a specific experienced reality,
exactly where an electron is, or what organiza- much like an electron appearing in a defined
tional constructs are, upon measurement than position in space upon measurement.
prior to measurement (Feldman & Lynch, 1988; This perspective also suggests that the pres-
Greene, 2004; Harrison & McLaughlin, 1996). ent (and our soon to be experienced past) was
The principles of quantum theory have broad selected by the confluence of multiple events
applications beyond the domain of subatomic and processes that occurred across many levels
particles. Recently, they have been applied to in relevant individual, group, and organization
understanding the influence of context on deci- systems. For instance, the interaction of a spe-
sion making and the creation of cognitive con- cific social unit (e.g., individuals), a particular
cepts (Busemeyer & Bruza, 2012; Busemeyer, context (i.e., setting), and a particular technol-
Pothos, Franco, & Trueblood, 2011; Gabora, ogy (i.e., form of interaction) could be understood
Rosch, & Aerts, 2008), to understanding the cre- as working simultaneously together to guide the
ation of consciousness and how individual cog- way people construct the present through their
nitive processes change over time (Hameroff & actions. In this way alternative pasts could have
Penrose, 2014), and to theorizing regarding the easily happened had any of these elements
existence of alternate realities that parallel our been different.
own in the universe (see Greene, 2004, 2011). To account for these observations, our QATC
These applications not only demonstrate the ro- perspective proposes that the future flows to-
bustness of quantum mathematics for modeling ward the present and eventual past as a wave of
diverse phenomena (Greene, 2004; Pothos & interacting potentialities—most of which are not
Busemeyer, 2013) but also suggest that future directly experienced and are only realized
psychological and physical phenomena do not through careful retrospection, such as counter-
emerge from a single past. Rather, they are se- factual thinking. Counterfactual thinking in-
lected from an infinite set of potential realities volves reconsidering the past and examining
that are best represented by probability waves. how situational factors or one’s behavior could
In the following sections we describe the key have been different, leading to different out-
2015 Lord, Dinh, and Hoffman 269

comes. For example, missing an airplane by five over the globe. Although this chain of develop-
minutes might lead one to mentally examine the ments seems like a logical progression when
many possible ways one could have arrived at viewed retrospectively, most people would not
the gate five minutes earlier and, ideally, to have foreseen these changes in the 1970s, and
build some of these ways into one’s routine to they reveal only some of the many potentialities
avoid missing a future flight. Thus, a crucial that were available in the coming future. From a
issue for individuals, groups, organizations, and QATC perspective, the challenge for both orga-
societies is to use processes like counterfactual nizational leaders and organizational science is
thinking to understand how a present is se- to recognize that these potentialities exist and to
lected from many different potential alterna- understand how alternative potentialities can
tives that once existed in the future, rather than be created.
how the past leads to one future state. Like driv- A crucial issue in understanding change is
ing through a city with many streets, there are how and why some potentialities develop as the
infinitely many routes and destinations, but we future approaches the present, whereas others
only experience the route taken. Alternative po- fail to emerge. As explained in the following
tentialities could be illustrated by a good road section, we maintain that the selection of one
map, which would enable the driver to retro- possible alternative occurs as constraints in hi-
spectively consider the other routes that could erarchically organized systems attenuate some
have been taken. However, there is no map for potentialities while enhancing others. These
navigating organizational futures since the met- constraints interact with each other and with
aphorical roads that carry organizational pro- inputs from organizational processes to create
cesses forward have not yet been constructed by attractors (i.e., points of stability created by re-
human actions. A QATC addresses this issue by inforcing systems that channel processes in def-
adopting a process-oriented perspective that at- inite and consistent ways) for interpretation and
tempts to understand how different presents are behavior. However, we believe that these
actively created. This perspective can, therefore, spaces are hard to find because (1) they tend to
help unleash creativity and optimism for under- emerge between multiple layers of hierarchi-
standing how potentialities are realized by cally nested systems as superpotentiality states
highlighting the role of proactive change and collapse to create new realities; (2) they are cre-
emphasizing that many potentialities are al- ated by factors that organize processes and,
ways available, which is less evident when we thus, are one step removed from events and be-
adopt an entity-guided view of the past. haviors; and (3) looking backward leads to a
description of behaviors and events in entity
terms, a tendency that is exaggerated by lan-
Creating the Present from Multiple Futures
guage that better suits entity than process ex-
The creation of novel futures from a QATC can planations (Hernes & Maitlis, 2010).
be illustrated by a historical example. The de- Returning to the previous Intel example can
velopment of microprocessors at Intel in the illustrate these three points. First, the collapse
early 1970s occurred as a response to serendip- of spaces to create new realities such as micro-
itous events, not as a planned product develop- processors reflected a process involving sets of
ment. Microprocessors emerged from a creative available resources (e.g., knowledge, financial
and elegant engineering solution to a custom- resources, and human capital) found at the con-
er’s request at Intel in 1969 to produce a different junction of specific customers and engineering
type of memory chip. This new design created groups at Intel, and, later on, it involved the
an emergent bottom-up strategy that interacted entire organization and the market systems sur-
with other events so that in less than a decade rounding Intel. Thus, the creation process in-
Intel changed from a memory chip producer to a volved actions at boundaries of multiple sys-
microprocessor powerhouse, and it led Intel to tems. Over time, these resources interacted in
exit the memory chip market in 1985 (Hazy, 2008). unforeseeable ways to produce new products
Microprocessors, in turn, allowed the develop- and resources that eventually created a new
ment of PCs, laptops, smartphones, the internet, identity for Intel. Further, although the historical
and social media so that people, markets, and progression of Intel’s development could be de-
social institutions could be closely connected all scribed easily as a sequence of events, it is more
270 Academy of Management Review April

difficult to describe the underlying processes of dynamic homeostasis in open systems theory
that were involved in creating these dynamic (Katz & Kahn, 1978). In the following section we
changes. This is because a description of pro- provide a more detailed examination of how
cesses required the development of new explan- organizational system dynamics and stability
atory principles and the use of an abstract sys- are both created and maintained within a QATC
tem to model their flow and interaction (Hazy, framework by paying attention to the nature of
2008). Hence, consistent with our second point, constraints using a multilevel theory perspec-
process descriptions were one step removed tive. We also address how processes can com-
from events and behaviors. Third, language nat- bine serendipitously and interactively to realize
urally focuses on the description of stable enti- some of the alternative potentialities that the
ties (nouns), rather than describing the pro- future can offer.
cesses (verbs) used to create these entities
(Hernes & Maitlis, 2010; Purser & Petranker,
2005). This is problematic because processes
evolve continuously and may be understand-
able only once they have become defined and A general limitation of many organizational
are available for retrospection. In other words, theories is that they examine processes at one
the underlying processes and outcomes of orga- level independently from the next level and at
nizational change may remain unclear at any only one time period, rather than explaining
point existing prior to the present as the future how multilevel organizational phenomena dy-
moves forward to continually shape the present. namically unfold over time. However, social sys-
There is also an important sociological factor tems exist as a conglomerate of many smaller
associated with looking backward that makes subsystems that function semi-autonomously
future potentialities harder to see. As Eaton, Vis- within a grander scale (Contractor, Wasserman,
ser, Krosnick, and Anad (2009) document, control & Faust, 2006; Simon, 1981; Sytch & Tatarynow-
over others and institutions tends to peak in icz, 2014; Weick, 1976). A QATC can be applied at
one’s mid-forties, but futures are often created any of these levels, which will change the cali-
by younger individuals. Thus, looking backward bration of time from milliseconds at lower levels
emphasizes the skills and preferences of a gen- to months or years at higher levels. But it is
eration that will have less influence in the fu- between and at the junctures of these different
ture. For example, Schmidt (2014) notes that systems that the processes fostering or retard-
leadership in virtual teams is different than it is ing the development of new potentialities are
in face-to-face teams, but he also emphasizes most critical. This is because it is at these con-
that younger individuals, who are more familiar nections and junctures that the emerging out-
with virtual relations via experiences with puts of processes at one level are transformed
Facebook, Google Hangouts, or Twitter, are into an input that is meaningful at another level.
more adept at virtual teams. He predicts that as To demonstrate, it is well known that com-
these individuals become more numerous in the plexity in systems depends on their hierarchical
workforce, how work is done will change, new nature (Aime, Humphrey, DeRue, & Paul, 2014;
potentialities will be created, and the nature of Kozlowski & Klein, 2000; Simon, 1981), where the
virtual leadership processes will change. linkages between system levels are often repre-
Because it emphasizes potentialities in the sented as constraints (Dinh, Lord, & Hoffman,
future, a QATC perspective implies that radical 2014; Freeman & Ambady, 2011; Read et al., 2010).
nonlinear change should be a common, un- Some constraints are momentary, such as emo-
avoidable occurrence, as illustrated by our pre- tions, goals, or cognitions. They are imple-
vious descriptions of sociological (Schmidt, 2014) mented by fast processes, and they may dissi-
and technology-related (Hazy, 2008) change. pate rapidly from an environment after being
However, we maintain that organizational and created. Other more enduring constraints, such
institutional systems also resist change, which as knowledge, relational ties, and even the mor-
helps explain why many potentialities are never phology of one’s body, can influence the emer-
pursued. In effect, organizational systems may gence of events over longer periods of time. Con-
ebb and flow stochastically around changing sequently, the evolution of psychological and
set points (attractors), as described by the notion organizational phenomena can occur over dif-
2015 Lord, Dinh, and Hoffman 271

ferent levels and time periods, involving pro- FIGURE 3

cesses that require milliseconds, minutes, days, Internal and External Transitory and Enduring
weeks, and/or years to be completed. Constraints Operating at Individual, Dyad,
Whether these phenomena are best conceptu- Group, and Organizational Levels of Analysis
alized as ongoing processes or consequences of
stable entities also depends on the durability of
key constraints and the level at which theory is
focused. Because higher-level systems gener-
ally change more slowly than lower-level sys-
tems, higher-level constraints generally chan-
nel emergent lower-level processes in one
direction or another, thereby allowing some po-
tentialities to develop while others never mate-
rialize. However, lower-level systems must ag-
gregate their outputs over multiple cycles to
align with the slower cycling rhythm of higher-
level systems, and this aggregation can some-
times move the entire system to new states. For
example, individual selective attention pro-
cesses can be constrained by higher-level men-
tal schemata, such as goals or social perception
categories, but higher-level mental schemata
can also be changed by the interaction of bot-
tom-up processing systems like motivations and
emotions. Such dynamics affect one’s assess-
ment of potentialiaties because, as Johnson-
Laird (1983) maintained, we know reality from
the mental models we construct.
Figure 3 provides an illustration of the types
of hard and soft constraints that organizational
researchers postulate operate at individual, dy-
adic, group, and organizational levels. Addi-
tional levels of analysis (e.g., societal, environ-
mental) could also be considered, but here we
focus on these four to provide a simpler basis for
theorizing. The influence of top-down multilevel
processes is demonstrated in research that
shows how such internal constraints as the eth-
ical culture created at the company level for U.S.
soldiers in Iraq cascaded downward to create
an external constraint that affected the ethical
culture at the platoon and then the squad level
(Schaubroeck et al., 2012). Similarly, internal
constraints created by dynamic processing sys-
tems related to cognition, embodiment, and
emotions can collectively mold the interpreta- 2005). In a general sense, some constraints may
tion of encountered stimuli, creating meaning be subject to explicit description, such as iden-
that is aggregated across time or people to pro- tity or social norms (Schultz & Hernes, 2013),
duce higher-level outcomes, such as interper- while others operate automatically, such as how
sonal cognitions, feelings of trust, or group re- an active mental schema affects access to re-
sources (Dinh et al., 2014; Lord, Hannah, & lated information (Bargh, Chen, & Burrows,
Jennings, 2011; Smith-Jentsch, Kraiger, Cannon- 1996). Also, as one moves downward in this fig-
Bowers, & Salas, 2009; Sy, Côté, & Saavedra, ure, processes operate on faster time scales.
272 Academy of Management Review April

It is important to note the role of the connec- fect the translation of future potentialities into
tions in Figure 3, which provides a medium for an experienced reality.
cross-level integrative processes. These connec- When interpreted using a QATC, this figure
tions can be manifested as the physical technol- suggests that the actualization of constraints
ogies (e.g., internet, social media), materials reflects the entanglement (i.e., interdependen-
(e.g., infrastructure, transportation), and network cies among entities and context) of a state and
characteristics (e.g., network structure, density) context such that emergent events that have no
that affect how organizational systems and or- analogue in the past can form—a principle re-
ganizational members interact. They also refer ferred to as the principle of noncompositionality
to less tangible connections that exist intraper- (described further in the Appendix). This princi-
sonally and interpersonally, such as an individ- ple suggests that novel outcomes can emerge
ual’s mental structure and his or her interper- when future potentialities collapse to create a
sonal relational networks. These connections singular event at a particular level. However,
not only permit the transmission and diffusion radical change isn’t expected to be continually
of information but also provide a mechanism created because attractors channel processes in
allowing recursive feedback loops to modify the a consistent way since past information is
structural characteristics and the functioning of loosely maintained within attractors. Thus, at-
participating units and individuals within the tractors can gradually evolve over time as new
network (Dourish & Mazmanian, 2013). Although phenomena are experienced, and they can also
we have drawn these connections as being hi- serve to organize actions or guide the recon-
erarchical and seemingly stable to maintain struction of past memories (Hernes, 2014; Mc-
Clelland, McNaughton, & O’Reilly, 1995).
parsimony in Figure 3, it is important to note
The influence of attractors is shown in several
that each connection may have multiple end
notable examples. For instance, goal orienta-
points that can change over time as new and old
tions, which function as emergent attractors
connections are created or dissolved.
formed from a “massively interconnected” set of
Our application of quantum theory maintains
higher- and lower-level goal constructs (DeShon
that it is the operation of external constraints
& Gillespie, 2005), channel thoughts and actions
from higher-level systems and internal (horizon-
in terms of goal relevance (Johnson, Chang, &
tal) constraints from systems at the same level,
Lord, 2006). Similarly, enduring organizational
along with the connections among these levels,
processes have been described by Lok and De
that constrain encountered potentialities to cre- Rond (2013), who show how highly institutional-
ate attractors and, if these constraints are suffi- ized processes were maintained over long peri-
cient, to cause potentialities to collapse as the ods of time because deviations were contained
future moves toward the present. For example, through maintenance work by organizational
an encounter with coworkers around the coffee members. It is important to note, however, that
machine may have no potential to activate men- the recursive dynamics among multilevel pro-
tal schema with respect to leadership, so lead- cesses can cause the potentialities of local and
ership may be in an inactive state. However, in global states to collapse in unforeseen ways,
a different context, such as an organizational which shifts the positioning of attractors. In this
meeting to address an impending crisis, there is way the contoured surface of probability waves
the potential for leadership to emerge as access as seen in Figure 2 continually changes over
to an individual’s leadership (or followership) time, thereby affecting the potentialities avail-
self-views influences the granting or claiming of able to an organization.
leadership for oneself or others (DeRue & Ash- In short, Figure 3 illustrates how events at any
ford, 2010). In this latter situation the aggregated chosen level are a function of the internal con-
effects of contextual constraints, individual con- straints within that level and the external con-
straints, and horizontal constraints from other straints from higher- or lower-level contexts.
actors can affect whether the interpretation of Further, each juncture of systems is a nexus for
an individual’s actions will coalesce around a understanding how the future flows into the
common social meaning, such as being per- present. When these multilevel considerations
ceived as a leader. This is just one of many ways are combined with a QATC perspective, the re-
that constraints identified in Figure 3 could af- sulting framework provides insight for under-
2015 Lord, Dinh, and Hoffman 273

standing how internal and external constraints was on change at an organizational level, but it
acting at multiple levels set limits on the way could reflect only a few seconds if our focus was
processes emerge at a particular level. In gen- on the emergence of individual-level mental
eral, weak constraints foster gradual, incremen- constructs or emotions.
tal change, whereas strong constraints promote Considered in the context of Figure 4, a QATC
stability and periodic discontinuous change. highlights several critical issues for social sci-
This framework also addresses how lower-level ence. From an ontological perspective, under-
outputs cumulate to affect higher-levels systems standing how the present came about may re-
in a way that is sensitive to quantum theory’s quire insight into how it may have materialized
understanding of the flow of time. from many different alternative possibilities, a
process that is difficult to achieve, as we previ-
ously described. In addition, Figure 4 represents
this uncertainty in a way that is not as clear
without the tools of quantum theory, which sug-
It is easiest to grasp the nature of time-related gest a transition from a superpotentiality state
change by looking at snapshots of different to a definite state and a reconceptualization of
probability waves organized across time rather the flow of time as a future that moves into the
than a continually changing probability wave. present (F ¡ P). Also, the representation in Fig-
Such a representation is provided in Figure 4, ure 4 is tied to the notion that phenomena in
which shows probabilities at each time in terms dynamic systems emerge subject to internal and
of attractor regions (hills) that are defined by external constraints, and this conceptualization
sets of internal and external constraints. This helps us understand how actions and events in
figure shows five time slices from a local or the present can project at least some distance
global system, where time is also a dimension. into the future (P ¡ F) through their effects on
It suggests that as time moves forward from the process constraints.
distant future toward the present, some con- In other words, stability comes not from endur-
straints become solidified as different contexts ing attributes but from the way that those attri-
are experienced, which causes the surface of the butes act upon constraints, thereby channeling
probability wave to evolve continuously, becom- emerging processes. Habit, for example, is not
ing more definite based on the presence of spe- an entity but, rather, a pattern of behavior that
cific contexts and the constraints in these con- reoccurs in a certain context because the pro-
texts. Thus, one could think of Figure 4 as cesses generating behavior operate similarly in
reflecting hypothetical time slices showing that context (Barsalou, Niedenthal, Barbey, &
what the probability wave would look like if it Ruppert, 2003; MacDonald, 2008). Change, then,
were measured at a particular time. 3 This depends on altering those channeling pro-
change is reflected in terms of fewer but higher cesses. For example, chronic eating habits can
hills as one moves from the left to the right of be disrupted by factors as simple as eating with
this figure and as potentialities become re- a nondominant hand, because they shift the un-
stricted to more likely states. What Figure 4 rep- derlying process generating behavior from an
resents, then, is a guide for theorizing about the automatic to a more conscious process (Neal,
future and how it can become the present as Wood, Wu, & Kurlander, 2011).
constraints change. In terms of clock time, Fig-
ure 4 could involve months or years if our focus
One advantage of a quantum theory perspective is that
On a general level, a QATC framework and
probability waves can evolve over time while still in an feed-forward models (FFMs) both share an ap-
indefinite state (Busemeyer & Bruza, 2012), whereas models preciation for understanding process, which is
of evolution based on classical probability theory (e.g., evident in qualitative-based research (e.g., Mac-
Markov models) explain evolution in terms of moving from
Kay & Chia, 2013; Plowman et al., 2007). How-
one definite state to another. Thus, quantum theory better
enables the continuous interactions among various con- ever, as a conceptual framework, a QATC
straints as the future approaches the present to change framework provides a counterpoint to the typi-
potentialities that have never been realized. cal FFMs of organizational change and individ-
274 Academy of Management Review April

Changes in Probability Waves Through Time Beginning in an Indeterminate Superpotentiality
State to a Definite State As the Probability Wave Is Acted Upon by Internal and External

ual development because it emphasizes the in- able or consistent. Instead, beginning with an
fluence of unrealized potentialities, which may undefined future recognizes the significance of
be useful in guiding theory generation. Exhibit 1 uncertainty and the existence of future alterna-
provides a comparison of these two models, tive potentialities. This difference can be seen
highlighting the many differences between the easily by comparing the first and last panels of
two perspectives. In the following sections we Figure 4. Here the flow of time from a future to a
use Exhibit 1 as a structure for understanding present acknowledges that constraints them-
the theoretical and methodological implications selves may be dynamic, shaping concepts such
of a QATC framework compared to tradi- as meaning and mental categories “on-the-fly”
tional FFMs. (Barsalou, 1983). Thus, quantum theory’s empha-
sis on context and evolving processes can be
particularly helpful, especially when a process
Theoretical Implications of a QATC Framework
like sensemaking is understood as an enacted,
Direction of time and the nature of concepts. A ongoing endeavor where the meaning attached
QATC framework offers several new grounding to the environment is discovered by and depen-
assumptions for organizational research. First, dent on a person’s iterative interactions with his
it is useful to conceptualize the future as flowing or her environments (Gabora et al., 2008; Gibson,
into the present, which can be represented by 1986; Hernes & Maitlis, 2010; Weick, 1995).
the evolution of probability wave functions as Further, a transition from an undefined future
various types of constraints are encountered to an experienced present naturally emphasizes
and interact. As does Hernes (2014), a QATC the process of creation by individuals and col-
perspective emphasizes the temporality of pro- lectives, whereas a past and present to future
cesses. By reversing the arrow of time, it implies perspective starts with unit attributes (e.g., or-
that the present is continually created by the ganizational climate or culture) and examines
conjoining of various constructs where the na- their effects on processes. Process views and
ture of concepts—including attitudes, emotions, their emphasis on patterns and dynamics are,
beliefs, and group and organizational struc- therefore, more fitting as a theoretical frame-
tures—all reflect the translation of a superpo- work for understanding change than is a focus
tentiality state into a defined state at a particu- on enduring attributes of individuals or systems
lar time and context. (Hernes, 2014; Langley et al., 2013). This is not to
One advantage of beginning with an unde- say that focusing on the enduring attributes of
fined future for understanding how systems individual and organizational entities should be
change is that we do not start with the assump- abandoned, particularly when they exhibit very
tion that organizational processes are predict- little variation as ascertained from longitudinal
2015 Lord, Dinh, and Hoffman 275

Theoretical, Methodological, and Practical Implications of a QATC and FFM

Theoretical Implications
1. Direction of time and the nature of concepts
A QATC conceptualizes the future as flowing into the present into the past (i.e., F ¡ P ¡ P), whereas an FFM
perspective conceptualizes the past as leading to the present to the future (i.e., P ¡ P ¡ F).
2. Representation of event probabilities
A QATC is process focused and recognizes the potentialities available to interacting organizational units, whereas
an FFM perspective emphasizes stable entities and thereby limits potentialities that are considered.
3. Relation among micro and macro multilevel systems
A QATC suggests that the interconnections among multilevel systems are critical to the dynamics of organizational
phenomena. These interconnections also challenge efforts to achieve organizational ambidexterity. An FFM
perspective more often attends to local processes occurring independently in one or another level.
Methodological Implications
1. Alternative possibilities
A QATC implies that methodological approaches based on FFM perspectives that include meta-analyses and those
dependent on a single sampling distribution are limited in predicting future behaviors or adding insight on
dynamic individual, group, and organizational processes.
2. Quantum probability theories
A QATC recognizes that new probability axioms and mathematical formalisms may be needed to better represent the
creative combination of constructs through noncompositional processes involving the entanglement of states and
3. Dynamics of organizational processes
A QATC stresses the continual involvement of multilevel interactive processes originating from individual, group,
and organizational levels of analysis in influencing organizational phenomena. Quantitative methodologies
including quantum probability theories and computational modeling are available, consistent with QATC.
4. Emergence of concepts
A QATC emphasizes that organizational and cognitive concepts may exist in a superpotentiality state that is
influenced by measurement procedures. An FFM perspective suggests that organizational and cognitive concepts
exist in a predefined state not likely to change with measurement procedures.
Practical Implications
1. Decision making and forecasting biases
A QATC suggests that techniques such as prospection and counterfactual thinking, when they enable rather than
limit the consideration of alternative potentialities, can offset or prevent decision-making biases created by feed-
forward tendencies when the past is generalized to predict the future.
2. Creation of new futures
A QATC offers insights on the creation of new futures as multiple potentialities are explored and the innovations
they uncover diffuse through social systems. In contrast, an FFM would represent futures as branching from the
present, thereby suggesting fewer potentialities.
3. Conflict between intuitive beliefs and abstract representations
Competition between a QATC and FFM perspective may result in conflicting strategies for organizational problems.
Since each influences the efficiency of decision making, individual differences in the dependency of intuitive
versus abstract thinking should be considered.

studies (Dinh et al., 2014). However, the recogni- is a critical strategic issue for organizational
tion that unforeseeable processes can create leadership. In contrast, an FFM emphasizes en-
new entities, as well as remain stable over time, tities that describe the past and are expected to
is an advantage of a QATC framework. Thus, a endure into the future.
QATC framework can direct attention to emer- Although beyond the scope of this article, one
gent phenomena like creativity, social capital, technique, provided by Scharmer and Kaufer
and the factors that can catalyze these phenom- (2013), facilitates understanding and influencing
ena, such as leadership (Uhl-Bien & Marion, processes. Consistent with our perspective,
2009), variability in emotional experience (Ble- these scholars argue that one needs to focus on
dow, Rosing, & Frese, 2013), and heterogeneity leading from an emerging future to successfully
among unit members (Page, 2007). Understand- address many contemporary problems. Their
ing and managing these processes, to the extent framework also emphasizes developing one’s
that managing emergent processes is possible, listening capacities to foster a more encompass-
276 Academy of Management Review April

ing self; increasing collaborative, idea-broaden- of higher- and lower-level systems across many
ing efforts; and employing radically different different temporal cycles. Thus, multilevel model-
economic and social logics instead of just per- ing approaches are critical for understanding how
petuating the ways of thinking that generated entities and processes are continually created, but
pressing problems. the nature of relevant constructs and the span of
Representation of event probabilities. Second, time in which things happen change with the
a focus on the past naturally emphasizes the level of analysis. This perspective differs from
continuity of entities that are, in turn, used to those offered by FFM that promote the modeling of
describe and explain past and future events. For isolated, independent systems.
example, one might explain an individual’s past Within organizational settings, a QATC can
behavior in terms of underlying personality be applied to improving organizational innova-
traits, which are then used to predict future be- tion and ambidexterity. As this research shows,
havior. The five-factor model of personality and firms have difficulty managing both exploration
the use of personality measurement scales to and exploitation (March, 1991; O’Reilly & Tush-
predict behavior would characterize such an ap- man, 2013) since different organizational units
proach. This entity view of personality leads to a have different needs and goals at different
point estimate for behavior consistent with the times, making intersystem synchronization dif-
individual’s pattern of personality traits and a ficult (Davison, Hollenbeck, Barnes, Sleesman, &
probability distribution around that estimate. A Ilgen, 2012; Zaccaro, Marks, & DeChurch, 2012).
QATC, in contrast, recognizes the many potenti- Our framework adds two insights to this issue.
alities that may occur in the future, leading an First, because many future potentialities may
individual to behave quite differently. Thus, exist in an indefinite state until they are con-
there are multiple points and multiple probabil- joined with a context, they cannot be known
ity distributions around those points, as can be until they are tried out. Thus, exploration is a
seen in a probability wave distribution. fundamental part of creating entirely new and
Because events or behaviors emerge from the different futures. Second, creating some futures
interaction of context and an entity (or, as we may require the enactment of sets of constraints
have proposed, higher-level contextual con- different from those being used in the present. A
straints operating on processes that emerge at a challenge in initiating change, therefore, is to
lower hierarchical level), how this combination recognize that using techniques that solidify ex-
affects the probability of a specific outcome is a tant constraints at one or another level to exploit
critical concern. Here quantum theories can rep- present strategies may make it more difficult for
resent probabilities in ways that traditional organizations to explore alternatives and inno-
probability theories cannot, thereby offering vate. For example, vertical integration that al-
better insight for understanding how processes lows increased control of an organization’s re-
operate and unfold. For example, a QATC per- sources may also reduce its capacity to explore
spective can represent how the interaction alternative strategies through actions such as
among entities can create entirely new entities outsourcing or adopting new technologies (Aime
or events, which is not easily addressed by FFM et al., 2014).
perspectives. Leaders can encourage exploration when they
Relation among micro and macro systems. Al- encourage others to do things differently, to ex-
though we recognize that scenario-based fore- periment, to think independently, and to deviate
casting (MacKay & McKiernan, 2004) and am- from normal routines (Rosing et al., 2011). Such
bidextrous leadership (O’Reilly & Tushman, actions reduce current constraints, which facili-
2013; Rosing, Frese, & Bausch, 2011) have some tates the discovery of new potentialities. In con-
of the elements that are described by a QATC, trast, Rosing et al. note that exploitation in-
our perspective goes beyond these ap- volves closing actions by leaders that reduce
proaches by suggesting that individuals are variability and solidify constraints by activities
nested within much larger systems, which con- such as developing guidelines and monitoring
strain processes, eliminate potentialities, and activities. In brief, a QATC framework suggests
cause select outcomes to emerge. We have argued that interventions that aim to increase (versus
that it is at the nexus of these nested systems that restrict) organizational innovation should con-
the present is created from the dynamic interplay sider how configurations (versus independent
2015 Lord, Dinh, and Hoffman 277

variables) of microlevel to macrolevel processes often explained in terms of sampling error cre-
and entities can interact over time to catalyze or ating shrinkage for multiple regression-based
obstruct the attainment of desired organiza- predictions. Our interpretation, though, is that it
tional outcomes. is not sampling error so much as the fact that
phenomena change, making models built on the
past somewhat outdated when applied in the
Methodological Implications of a
QATC Perspective
A related issue involves the inability to in-
Alternative possibilities. First, changing the clude emergent phenomena and constructs in
direction of time and using probability waves to models because they did not exist in the past.
represent time-related processes highlight the This problem may necessitate the use of com-
fact that the present represents just one poten- putational modeling methodologies, rather
tial state. Thus, the present or the past is more than static retrospective questionnaires (Koz-
predictable than the future, and expectations lowski et al., 2013). These methodological tech-
based on the past may not generalize to a future niques have become increasingly available to
that can be quite different. This idea has pro- scholars and include agent-based modeling
found methodological implications since most (e.g., Dionne & Dionne, 2008), nonlinear sto-
methodology in organizational science is retro- chastic modeling (e.g., Guastello, 2001), ge-
spectively oriented. For example, meta-analysis netic algorithms (e.g., Fernandez, Cotta, & Ce-
focuses on integrating past research based on ballos, 2008), and neural computational
the notion of point estimates and a single sam- modeling (e.g., Eliasmith, 2013; for an overview
pling distribution. Although meta-analytical of the uses and applications of computational
techniques can provide a general overview of modeling, see Kozlowski et al., 2013, and Van-
the past relationship among constructs, the sta- couver & Weinhardt, 2012).
tistical technique’s approach toward aggregat- Traditional quantitative approaches, which
ing across many different contexts interferes focus on quantifying individual and organiza-
with its ability to consider the effects of context tional constructs, are also valuable, particularly
and time on the evolution of organizational when complemented with qualitative naturalis-
phenomena. tic methods (e.g., observation, interviews, expe-
Because of these limitations, we believe that rience sampling) that offer scholars an under-
meta-analytical approaches and those based on standing of how and why certain constructs vary
a single sampling distribution would have lim- in different contexts or circumstances. In this
ited value in predicting future behaviors or in way the capacity to provide a descriptive and
explaining the moment-to-moment variability detailed catalogue of organizational phenom-
observed in individual-level (Dinh & Lord, 2012; ena can complement quantitative approaches
Fleeson, 2001; Read et al., 2010), group-level by triangulating findings and providing a
(Crawford & LePine, 2013; Smith-Jentsch et al., broader description of these phenomena (Pope &
2009), and organizational-level (Feldman & Pent- Mays, 1995). Although such methods can excel at
land, 2003; MacKay & Chia, 2013) phenomena, describing complexity in organizations and the
unless there were sufficient constraints to create contextual factors that created the experienced
stability in organizational and individual pro- reality, focusing on what has happened and
cesses. In addition, models that are overly fit to how events occurred may overemphasize the
the certain past may not accurately generalize certainty in the past, and it may underempha-
to the future, which has many potentialities and size the alternative realities that may have been
may be characterized by entities that are in dif- likely in the past, as well as the new potential-
ferent states. When the future changes dramat- ities that are offered by the future.
ically from the past, less restrictive models may Quantum probability theories. Second, quan-
have better predictive validities. For example, tum theorists would argue that under uncer-
the decision-making and forecasting literature tainty the evolution of physical and psycholog-
shows that unit-weighted combinations of in- ical phenomena more closely obeys the
puts equal or outperform multiple regression- mathematical formalisms of quantum theories
based combinations in cross-validation studies (i.e., von Neumann axioms, which are defined in
(Bobko, Roth, & Buster, 2007). Such results are terms of events projected onto spatial represen-
278 Academy of Management Review April

tations, as shown in the Appendix), rather than perpotentiality state. Like a computer monitor
classical probability theories (i.e., Kolmogorov that is turned off, features are not activated
axioms, which are defined on sets) that are foun- when a concept, attitude, emotion, trait, group
dational to the statistical models used in psy- climate, or organizational process is divorced
chological research (Busemeyer et al., 2011; from context. Not only are features or properties
Wang, Busemeyer, Atmanspacher, & Pothos, revealed solely through specific measurement
2013). Because the mathematical axioms that procedures, which can create contextual effects
guide quantum probability theories can account of their own (Busemeyer & Bruza, 2012; Hughes,
for the interactive influence of simultaneously 1989), but these individual or organizational
occurring contexts and states (Busemeyer & properties may not exist outside of a physical
Bruza, 2012; Hughes, 1989; Wang et al., 2013), context or the mental framework used by per-
applications of quantum probability theories to ceivers to create meaning (Hernes & Maitlis,
the organizational sciences may not only allow 2010; Langley & Tsoukas, 2010; Weick, 2010).
scholars to better model the organizational con- They may also change as contexts change,
text but also help overcome the limitations as- reflecting state-like, rather than trait-like,
sociated with employing artificial paradigms properties.
that subtract uncertainty from realistic phenom- This perspective seems most appropriate for
ena in psychological research (Pothos & Buse- phenomena like emotions, which align with al-
meyer, 2013). ternative states of an individual (Barsalou et al.,
Dynamics of organizational processes. Third, 2003), but it has broader application than one
we proposed that the multilevel dynamics inher- might realize, applying to traits and constructs
ent in the evolution of organizational phenom- such as leadership and trust, which may mani-
ena require a process view that examines how fest only in certain situations. Indeed, some con-
individual and group behaviors are affected by structs may be better assessed from a process
both external constraints from higher-level sys- perspective since they are continually evolving
tems like groups and organizations and lower- (DeShon & Gillespie, 2005; Gabora et al., 2008;
level internal constraints from cognitions, em- Hernes, 2014; Hernes & Maitlis, 2010), rather than
bodiment, and affect. By focusing on how from a perspective that views constructs as sta-
processes unfold over time at the nexus of sys- ble entities that can be assessed with retrospec-
tems, a QATC framework provides both quanti- tive measures. This is particularly true when the
tative and qualitative analytical approaches conjoining of a context and construct creates
that can be applied at multiple levels and new features. Here the quantum representation
across multiple time frames. Although beyond of concepts allows the states of concepts to
the scope of this article, quantum probability change continually as new contexts are encoun-
theories and quantum mechanics have been tered (Gabora & Aerts, 2002).
used to understand how alternative possibili- These possibilities are rarely considered, in
ties can be created or destroyed by different part because we assume that most constructs in
interacting contexts, actors, and events over social and organizational science are stable en-
varying expanses of time. These possibilities tities (Feldman & Lynch, 1988). This view may
may be revealed best through the use of newer reflect the exaggerated stability created by an
information processing architectures that rely orientation toward the past, whereas a view of
on vector-based representations (see Buse- the future collapsing to create the present em-
meyer & Bruza, 2012, and Eliasmith, 2013). Sim- phasizes many potentialities and directs atten-
ilar to neural network modeling and symbolic tion to the processes that allow some of these
architectures, such systems can learn rules as potentialities to emerge while others remain un-
they create solutions, mimicking the type of realized. It also raises such questions as how
creative processes that, we argue, occur in alternative futures could be imagined, created,
natural systems. or redirected in ways that change emerging ex-
Emergence of concepts. Fourth, a profound im- periences. As eloquently stated by Weick, man-
plication of a QATC approach is that, for much agerial work may be akin to a poetic process—
of the time, many aspects of organizational phe- “the imaginative process of creating forms out of
nomena may exist in a form that is unknown to ‘airy nothing’” (2010: 102). The challenge for or-
observers because these constructs are in a su- ganizational science is to capture this creative
2015 Lord, Dinh, and Hoffman 279

process, which we maintain could be facilitated cognitive perspective can also occur with the
using the formalisms provided by quantum cycling of negative and positive affect over time
theory. (Bledow et al., 2013; George & Zhou, 2007), or
when members are engaged in cohesive collabor-
ative teams, since these interpersonal work con-
Implications for Practice
figurations enable members to flexibly entertain
Decision-making and forecasting biases. A multiple perspectives and work strategies. The le-
QATC perspective maintains that there are al- veraging of interpersonal relationships to acquire
ways multiple paths to the future, and some are new perspectives and potentialities can be espe-
associated with pasts that did not occur but may cially advantageous because there are many
better characterize future situations than the types of precarious situations that confront orga-
past that did occur. This suggests that failing to nizational decision makers— each requiring its
consider alternative possibilities may lead to own unique solution (Milliken, 1987; Wiltbank,
severe decision-making fallacies. For example, Dew, Read, & Sarasvathy, 2006). Group complex-
research has shown that hindsight (Arkes, ity, which is dynamically constructed (Hannah,
Faust, Gulimette, & Hart, 1988) and foresight bi- Lord, & Pearce, 2011; Page, 2007), may help reveal
ases (MacKay & McKiernan, 2004), which involve these potentialities. The effectiveness of prospec-
using past experiences to predict the future, are tion can be limited, however, when mental simu-
the cause of many organizational failures and lations of the future omit essential features, such
executive decision-making errors because they as when they rely on general heuristics, are based
interfere with the ability to successfully antici- on nonrepresentative past information like relying
pate or plan for alternative future events (e.g., on a single salient memory, or are decontextual-
Arrfelt et al., 2013; Brown & Eisenhardt, 1999; ized by not accounting for environments (Gilbert &
Dane & George, 2014). This sense of certainty Wilson, 2007).
promotes efforts that exploit only one future pos- Creating new futures. A QATC perspective
sibility, when there are many equally probable can help one see that the future is more mal-
possibilities. These types of biases are evident leable than one typically realizes. Taleb (2010)
when corporate decision makers make seem- describes “black swans” as unexpected, im-
ingly well-placed investments to “ensure” the pactful events that change the course of his-
future survival of their organization. As Arrfelt tory, and he explains that they are only under-
et al. (2013) demonstrate, however, these plans standable retrospectively, when new mental
may interfere with the firm’s ability to grow and schemata become widely accepted because of
innovate, especially when investments fail to black swan events. Our QATC perspective of-
produce intended benefits while also consum- fers a different view, a view that helps explain
ing valuable resources. When reinforced over how black swan events can occur when one
time, prior interpretations may become “locked doesn’t accept the past as given but, instead,
in” to create a rigid action pattern, labeled path considers alternative potentialities and their
dependence, that constrains the ability to craft implications for the future. As this process
adaptive solutions and strategies (Sydow, generalizes across individuals, which it does
Schreyögg, & Koch, 2009). when individuals are part of socially con-
However, decision-making biases can be nected networks, reality can eventually shift
avoided when organizational decision makers in dramatic ways, producing discontinuous
are able to recognize that alternative outcomes rather than incremental change.
are possible when planning for future events. Conflict between intuitive beliefs and ab-
This may involve the use of forecasting or stract representations. Although there is evi-
prospection to simulate possible events that can dence to suggest that forecasting the future
happen in the future. As Seligman et al. (2013) based on the past can yield effective strategiz-
argue, there is a natural proclivity for humans to ing when the recent past is generalized to an
mentally travel into the future, and this is en- anticipated proximal future (Arrfelt et al., 2013;
abled as individuals combine (and recombine) Gavetti & Levinthal, 2000), organizational deci-
memories of their past experiences to simulate sion makers are often pressed to formulate dis-
the likely occurrence of both familiar and novel tal or long-term interventions and strategies to
experiences. Prospection and the broadening of satisfy requirements that are different from
280 Academy of Management Review April

those experienced in the present. In these in- or the same perceiver in different contexts, can
stances a QATC perspective may be especially define leadership differently.
valuable since it is an abstract, unrestricted To see how this process can create problems
method for thinking about how the future will for scholars attempting to model such a dy-
become the present. namic phenomenon, it is useful to compare per-
However, conflicts may arise when the use of ceptions of males and females. The potential
one perspective is favored over another, partic- leader being evaluated can be a powerful con-
ularly when intuitive, experience-based per- straint on the leadership schemas perceivers
spectives are contrasted with more analytic ap- use to integrate behavioral input over time
proaches, as is often the case with views on (Brown, Marchioro, Tan, & Lord, 1998; Rosette,
climate change. In order to use a QATC perspec- Leonardelli, & Phillips, 2008; Sy et al., 2010). A
tive to guide decision making, therefore, one critical question, then, is whether the probabil-
must be able to manage the greater complexity ity of leadership emergence differs for males
and uncertainty associated with this abstract and females when they demonstrate the same
framework. Although an area for future re- pattern of behavior. To address this issue, we
search, this approach may be more acceptable need a representational system that can include
to individuals with a future rather than a past types of behavior (i.e., agentic, communal, pas-
time orientation (Shipp, Edwards, & Lambert, sive) and different perceptual schemas for
2009), individuals with greater intrapersonal males and females, and that also permits oper-
complexity (Lord et al., 2011), or individuals who ations that will estimate the relevant probabili-
can tolerate greater risk and anxiety (Hirsh, ties for emergent leaders.
Marr, & Peterson, 2012), such as those who are The issue of jointly representing different cat-
embedded within diverse, richly connected so- egorical systems is “new and unique to quan-
cial-relational networks (Lee, Bachrach, & tum theory, and it is [sic] never been raised
Lewis, 2014). within classic theory” (Busemeyer & Bruza, 2012:
32). This issue can also be thought of as an issue
of compatibility of the male- and female-
oriented leadership schema, where the term
An Application to Leadership Emergence
compatibility has a special meaning. When
Heretofore our discussion of a QATC frame- events and constructs share a common represen-
work has been abstract and general. In this sec- tational structure (or basis in quantum theory;
tion we emphasize a specific content domain— Busemeyer & Bruza, 2012), they are deemed com-
leadership—to illustrate how principles patible, whereas incompatible events and con-
developed in quantum physics can be insight- structs require a different representational struc-
fully applied to organizational and societal ture (or basis) to be evaluated. Bias in social
issues. perceptions such as leadership may then be as-
A QATC approach to the problem of modeling sociated with perceivers having different repre-
leadership emergence. An individual is per- sentational systems.
ceived to be a leader when his or her attributes The uncertainty principle developed by
and behaviors activate a leadership-defining Heisenberger in the field of quantum physics
cognitive structure or schema in perceivers. This also can be applied to incompatible representa-
cognitive structure has been shown to be re- tion systems (Busemeyer & Bruza, 2012). Apply-
created each time it is used, subject to a variety ing this principle suggests that when a male-
of constraints both external (e.g., leader attri- oriented representational structure is used,
butes, context) and internal (e.g., momentary male leaders can be evaluated with certainty,
emotions, use of leadership versus follower but the perceiver will be uncertain with respect
schemas) to the perceiver (Hanges, Lord, & to the probability that agentic, communal, or
Dixon, 2000; Lord, Brown, Harvey, & Hall, 2001). passive females will emerge as leaders; simi-
Thus, the schema influencing leadership per- larly, when a female-oriented representational
ception is itself dynamic and can be viewed as system is used, the perceiver can evaluate fe-
an attractor that organizes and amplifies stim- male targets with certainty, but the probability
ulus interpretations (Hanges, Lord, Godfrey, & that agentic, communal, or passive males will
Raver, 2002). Consequently, different perceivers, emerge as leaders will be uncertain. This
2015 Lord, Dinh, and Hoffman 281

schema incompatibility problem and its relation emerge.4 Quantitatively speaking, the coordi-
to uncertainty may help account for the well- nates of these vectors can be obtained from ob-
documented difficulty females have in obtain- served data using various questionnaire and
ing leadership roles in many of today’s organi- experimental research methodologies (e.g.,
zations. Specifically, the “glass ceiling” Wang, et al., 2013).
experienced by females may, in part, reflect the We have described the effects of one external
uncertainty that perceivers experience when constraint, the gender of a target person, on the
evaluating a female’s leadership potential us- perceptual structure (which is analogous to sets
ing their dominant male-oriented leadership of basis vectors) used to understand leadership
schema. emergence. This same approach can be ex-
Using the principles and formalisms of quan- tended to reflect how other types of external
tum theory, we briefly show in Table 1 how the constraints could change the way leaders
emerge. For example, Lord, Foti, and De Vader
processing of leadership emergence can be rep-
(1984) showed that context (i.e., military, busi-
resented, and in the following section we pro-
ness, education, etc.) changed the nature of
vide a detailed description of how these formal-
leadership prototypes used to define catego-
isms can be implemented. Readers not
ries. More recently, Sy et al. (2010) demon-
interested in this quantum formalism should fo- strated that the ethnicity of a target has the
cus on the concepts emphasized in the left and same effect, and Rosette et al. (2008) showed
center columns of Table 1, whereas readers in- that the race of a leader changes leadership
terested in a more precise representation may prototypes. These different perceptual bases
also want to reexamine Table 1 after reading the could all be represented in an abstract N-di-
Appendix. mensional vector space in a manner analo-
Detailed application of quantum theory to gous to the representation of gender. Internal
leadership emergence. In developing a repre- constraints may also be included in this geo-
sentational model of leadership emergence, we metric space, such as the effects of a perceiv-
begin by using an N-dimensional vector space er’s current emotions or goal states. In short,
(also known as a Hilbert space) that represents a what this application of a QATC shows is how
superpotentiality state. The vectors encompass- a wide variety of multilevel constraints can be
ing this state, labeled basis vectors, correspond represented in a geometric space. Operations
to specific events, such as a male (or female) in this space can then model the way a poten-
exhibiting a specific type of behavior emerging tial leader’s behaviors are interpreted in a
as a leader. For example, the emergence of a group context to create an emerging reality.
male leader exhibiting agentic, passive, or com- Finally, we should stress that although this
munal behavioral patterns can be represented application emphasizes the social-cognitive lit-
as the orthogonal vectors AX, AU, and AV, erature on leadership perceptions, our frame-
whereas the emergence of a female leader ex- work is more general and could be applied to
hibiting similar behavioral patterns can be rep-
resented by a different set of orthogonal vectors, 4
In this example the male and female spaces are incom-
BX, BU, and BV. In addition, a normalized state patible because no common subspace can represent analo-
vector, S, which represents a general state of gous events for male and female targets. Further, it can be
shown (see Busemeyer & Bruza, 2012: 40–41) that the points
leadership, is also contained within the larger corresponding to the emergence of an agentic, communal, or
N-dimensional space, and this state vector can passive male leader, which involve a single vector in the
be projected onto each basis vector to indirectly male space, require a combination of all three vectors in the
determine the probability that a male (or a fe- female space. Thus, when there is certainty with respect to
the male behavioral vector space, since each vector repre-
male) leader exhibiting a specific behavioral sents a different collapse of the superpotentiality state, there
pattern will emerge as a leader. This projection, is uncertainty in using the behavioral space to evaluate
then, represents the collapse of a superpotenti- females because all three basic vectors are involved. Simi-
ality state as it is conjoined with a specific con- larly, using the female behavioral space, the point corre-
sponding to the probability that an agentic, communal, or
text. For example, when S is projected onto AU, passive male will emerge involves a combination of all
this collapse yields an amplitude that reflects three vectors in the male behavioral space. Hence, when
the probability an agentic male leader will certainty exists for a female, uncertainty exists for the male.
Quantum Formalism of Leadership Emergence for Men and Women Exhibiting Agentic, Passive,
and Communal Leadership Type Behaviors
Organizational Entity Quantum Terminology Quantum Formulization

Representation of organizational entities and

A state in which an individual has not yet General state of leadership or a superpotentiality state Represented as a state vector S that is contained within N-dimensional
been designated as a leader space; this initial general state is assumed to have a unit
length equal to 1
A male or a female target exhibiting an Basis vector A one-dimensional basis vector AX, AU, or AV representing the
agentic, passive, or communal behavioral emergence of a male exhibiting a specific behavioral pattern, or BX,
pattern BU, or BV representing the emergence of a female exhibiting an
analogous behavioral pattern
Representation of the processing of leadership
Accessing a male-oriented leadership Incompatibility of male and female leader schemas The basis vectors representing male and female involve different
schemas interferes with the ability to coordinate systems within the N-dimensional space
access a female-oriented leadership
A male and a female experience a context Collapse of a superpotentiality state, creating The general state vector S is projected onto each vector corresponding
providing an opportunity for leadership probabilities for a specific type of individual to to male or female behavioral patterns, AX, AU, AV or BX, BU, BV
where a specific individual emerges as a emerge as a leader
Representation of leadership outcome
Perceiver’s leadership schemas for males and Alternative schemas are incompatible The amplitude of projections onto analogous basis vectors is not equal
females are highly dissimilar for males and females
Perceiver’s leadership schemas for males and Alternative schemas are compatible The amplitude of projections onto analogous basis vectors is equal for
females are highly similar males and females
2015 Lord, Dinh, and Hoffman 283

many issues or hierarchical levels. Broadly, ex- and its relevance to human existentialism. How-
tending these ideas to a QATC framework sug- ever, the application of quantum theory to the
gests that new perspectives cannot be evaluated development and resolution of our subjective
with certainty using perceptual schema knowledge of time may yield interesting find-
grounded in the past; they can only be evaluated ings and may be pursued in future endeavors.
with certainty after one has shifted to a new Last, we also acknowledge that for most indi-
perceptual system. This principle may help ex- viduals there is a substantial learning curve in
plain why people and organizations have so understanding vector-based mathematics in
much difficulty assessing new potentialities quantum theory. The upside, though, is that we
that exist in the future. have come a long way in terms of developing a
mathematical or energy-based understanding
of changes, which can serve as helpful guide-
lines for organizational science.
No theory is without limitations, and despite
the numerous theoretical and methodological
benefits that a QATC perspective affords, there
are several limitations and areas that merit fu- We proposed a quantum approach to concep-
ture consideration. First, research on quantum tualizing travel through time as a metastructure
mechanics and quantum probability theory for addressing process-related issues associ-
have only recently been applied to understand- ated with both stability and change. By revers-
ing social and psychological phenomena, such ing the arrow of time and thinking of the future
as decision making (Busemeyer & Bruza, 2012; as flowing into the present, we can conceptual-
Wang et al., 2013), consciousness (Hameroff & ize the present as being created from a super-
Penrose, 2014), and cognitive constructivism potentiality state as it is conjoined with a par-
(Gabora et al., 2008). In addition, only a handful ticular context to create an entangled present.
of scholars have begun to apply quantum for- This approach also illustrates that the future
malism and its mathematical representations to holds multiple potentialities that may each de-
understanding individual and organizational fine the present. We believe that this QATC ap-
phenomena (e.g., Eliasmith, 2013). Although it proach provides a useful framework that can
may be many years until a meaningful integra- help advance organizational theory and re-
tion of quantum theory with organizational re- search by offering a novel perspective challeng-
search is realized, we maintain that a QATC ing many long-standing assumptions on cer-
perspective can advance and enrich organiza- tainty, time, and processes of realizing change
tional research in many ways, and we encour- for individuals, groups, and organizations. Fur-
age its entanglement with the organizational ther, it suggests that there is greater flexibility
sciences. in how the future will unfold than many people
Second, we applied our QATC perspective to realize, in part because they have difficulty
understand organizational phenomena, rather evaluating future potentialities using perspec-
than psychological phenomena as they relate to tives grounded in the past. Finally, as our lead-
time travel. As our reviewers pointed out, nu- ership example showed, QATC also offers new
merous scholars and philosophers over the last avenues for theoretical development, and it
century have debated how human beings have raises profound quantitative and methodologi-
understood the concept of time (Mead, 1932; cal questions.
Sherover, 2003; Suddaby, Foster, & Trank, 2010;
Weick, 1995), which may also vary across di-
verse cultural perspectives. Although our per-
spective borrows the concept of mentally revers-
ing the arrow of time to consider a future that Vectors and Hilbert spaces. In quantum theory
collapses into the present to understand the a physical or psychological entity is represented
present and the past (Sherover, 2003), our appli- as a system within a multidimensional, mathe-
cation addressed the probabilistic nature of un- matical structure known as a Hilbert space. In
certainty in real-life phenomena, rather than the this space vectors (lines created by a point con-
philosophical question of the meaning of time nected to an origin with a pointed arrow) form
284 Academy of Management Review April

subspaces (a plane spanned by vectors), which Figure 5a. In this figure there are two general
define the collection of elementary outcomes types of vectors, which are represented by the
that can be generated by a system. Vector combined symbols |X⬎, called a “ket.” Mathe-
spaces allow for rich representations of phe- matically, basis vectors (e.g., |p1⬎, |p2⬎, |p3⬎, . . .
nomena within a high dimensional space, and |pn⬎) represent the alternate elemental events
they can represent the compositional qualities and outcomes that can be obtained by a system
of natural language, as well as the meaning of representing a physical entity or a psychologi-
more complex compositions that conjoin con- cal state. Also, a state vector (|P⬎) is a general
structs with unique contexts (Eliasmith, 2013: state of a system (e.g., one’s mental or emotional
297–299). state), which is normalized to have a length of 1.
A graphic representation of a Hilbert space When projected onto basis vectors, it yields an
that contains a few sample vectors is shown in amplitude that, when squared, is the probability

Hilbert Space and Probability Wave Representations of a Superpotentiality State and a
Collapsed State

Note: (a) A Hilbert space containing a sample set of orthogonal basis vectors (|p1›, |p2›, . . . |p5›) and a state vector (|P›) in a
superpotentiality state. The linear aggregation of sets of basis vectors, which represent the alternative possibilities of a
holistic state of a physical or psychological phenomenon that may be at an individual, dyadic, group, and organizational
level, forms the Hilbert space. (b) A cross-sectional view of the Hilbert space when a state vector, |P›, is projected onto its basis
vectors as it becomes entangled with a specific context. The probability of |p1› occurring is higher than |p2› since the squared
amplitude of |p1› is greater than the squared amplitude of |p2›. (c) A probability wave representation of a state vector, |P›, in
a superpotentiality state. (d) A collapsed Hilbert space when state vector, |P›, becomes entangled with a specific context.
2015 Lord, Dinh, and Hoffman 285

of occurrence for the specific event represented cretely, complex interactive processes could be
by the basis vector. To illustrate, a set of basis represented when our example is extended to
vectors can refer to the possible range of spe- include multiple interacting Hilbert spaces that
cific, observable outcomes (e.g., specific felt each represent different individual, group, and
emotions like happy and sad) that can be de- organizational states and entities. When multi-
rived from a more descriptive, nondetermined ple, interacting Hilbert spaces are considered
state (e.g., emotionality). Using these mathemat- together, systems of constraints can convolve
ical notations, as shown in Figure 5b, the prob- simultaneously to affect the global state of a
ability that a particular elemental event or out- system (as an individual, group, organization)
come will occur is determined by the projection as it travels through time. The mathematics be-
amplitude (perpendicular distance) of the state hind computing tensor products for interacting
vector (|P⬎) onto each elemental event con- subspaces is beyond the scope of this article
tained within the subspace (|p1⬎, |p2⬎,. . . |pn⬎). (see Hughes, 1989).
These probabilities are often based on empiri- Noncompositionality and the nexus of hierar-
cal data, or they may result from mathematical chical levels. In terms of semantic spaces, non-
operations in Hilbert spaces. When a specific compositionality occurs when the combination
outcome does occur, it reflects a change in the of two concepts produces a qualitatively differ-
state of the system, where the indefinite state ent concept. To say that an automobile is a
(i.e., emotionality, |P⬎), collapses onto a definite lemon implies attributes not possessed by most
state (e.g., happy, |p1⬎), which, in turn, acquires cars or most lemons, and it also drops some
specific features and qualities that can be mea- features of each (Hampton, 2013), in that we are
sured and observed. not implying that the car is yellow or reliable.
When a collapse occurs, probabilities become Compositional combination, in contrast, simply
more certain. This process is shown in Figure 5b includes all the attributes of both concepts, as in
using a vector representation, and in Figure 5d “black cat.” The issue of how to conceptualize
as a probability wave, in which a contoured and represent noncompositional concepts and
surface is drawn over the projection amplitudes their underlying semantic space is complex and
extending from a state vector onto the many has a rich history (see Busemeyer & Bruza, 2012:
basis vectors composing a subspace. These fig- Chapters 5–7). It is of importance to a QATC
ures show that compared to a system in a super- because we argue that the future collapses into
potentiality state (Figures 5a and c), collapsing the present at the nexus of hierarchical levels,
systems have more definite outcomes as cer- and this process involves the construction of
tain events have higher projection amplitudes, meaning, either mentally or through organizing
which are represented as peaks in the proba- actions, by combining external and internal
bility wave in Figure 5d. In contrast, Figure 5c constraints.
shows that the probability a state vector will How meaning is created at the nexus of sys-
collapse onto a particular event is equally tems is a particularly challenging area for un-
likely across all events (i.e., the amplitudes derstanding combinations, because a common
are equal in the flat surface), and, therefore, meaning system is often absent as one crosses
retains high potentiality. hierarchical levels and time frames. For exam-
In this illustration we provided a rudimentary ple, one’s self-identity creates a rich internal
example of how a single state (i.e., emotionality) framework for reacting emotionally, interpreting
has the potential to be actualized in many dif- events, and translating this interpretation into
ferent ways as it becomes conjoined with a spe- actions. However, when we cross the boundary
cific context. However, multiple states (emo- to a social system such as a dyadic relation,
tions, values, attitudes, mental schemas) and/or even though each member has a self-system, the
physical entities (e.g., people) can be simultane- collective social system does not have the same
ously experienced by larger systems, such as semantic space as each individual. Understand-
groups and organizations. Notably, these ele- ing the relational meaning of the combined
ments of organizational systems could also be identity, then, is a compositionality issue, which
represented in a Hilbert space, given quantum can explain dyadic (or group) identities. It is
theory’s ability to represent interacting sub- important to understanding issues such as the
spaces (referred to as tensor products). Con- creation of complexity in organizations because
286 Academy of Management Review April

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Robert G. Lord ( is a professor of leadership at Durham

Business School, Durham University. He earned his Ph.D in organizational-social
psychology at Carnegie Mellon University. His research focuses on leadership and
social perceptions, organizational complexity, motivation, emotions, and information
290 Academy of Management Review April

Jessica E. Dinh ( is a postdoctoral researcher at Durham

Business School, Durham University. She earned her Ph.D. in industrial-organiza-
tional psychology from the University of Akron. Her research focuses on leadership,
organizational complexity, and the sociocognitive processes that influence dynamic
organizational behavior.

Ernest L. Hoffman ( is a doctoral candidate studying industrial-

organizational psychology at the University of Akron. He currently works as a man-
agement consultant for Personnel Research and Development Corporation (PRADCO).
His research interests include leader identity, event-level performance management,
and organizational emergence.
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